Best Plugins For Your Minecraft Survival Server! (1.19+)

Video Information

Alright so a while back i made a video on every single plugin that i used on my minecraft smp server starcraft smp now that video has gotten quite popular and since then people have been asking me to make tutorials on the more complicated plugins now i’ve been doing

That for a while now but also the starcraft s p server has continued to live on we are now actually in season 2 of the map which we weren’t in the previous video i made and also a lot of plugins have actually changed so in today’s video

Once again i’m going over every single plugin that i use on my minecraft smp server there are quite many so sit back relax take notes because all the plugins that i use for my minecraft smp server could also be really really handy for your minecraft server anyways before we start it would really

Mean a ton if you could leave a like on this video and also check if you are subscribed to the channel my analytics show me that most people watch my videos are actually not subscribed even though it would only take a second you would really help me out and you can always

Unsubscribe in the future if you change your mind and then without any further ado let’s dive right into it alright so here we are on starcraft smp season 2. and i’m gonna show you every single plugin that i use on this server so for the people who

Only need a list of the plugins that i use here on the server and don’t really want an explanation here you go these are all the plugins that i use on my minecraft smp server now let’s go a little bit more in depth so the first plugin in the list is

Advanced region market and advanced region market allows you to sell plots to players for money not real money in-game money so we actually have a player shop system here at the spawn of the server so basically people are allowed to buy plots here at spawn they can build anywhere at spawn

But they can build a plot at spawn as soon as they’ve bought a plot they are allowed to build inside of that plot so as soon as they’ve bought a plot they can actually create their own building on there their own shop so this is a plot that somebody

Bought like you can see salt shop 9 so the selling of the plots where people can build on that is what advanced region market does you can basically create a world card region and then with advanced region market you can sell that world card region so shop

9 is actually a region that i’ve created with world guard and with advanced routine markets i put it for sale somebody bought it they created a building on there and they made a shop inside of it with chest shop so chess shop is another plugin on the list chest shop basically

Allows you to create a shop out of any chest as long as you use this format so you can basically just place the chest down you can put something in there like okay let’s see which one isn’t empty this one isn’t empty gunpowder so just place a chest put gunpowder in there and

Then place a sign on there with on the top row your own username on the second row the amount of items you want to sell beneath that’s the amount you want to sell it for and then the item you actually want to sell in this case gunpowder it’s a pretty easy plugin it’s

Very accessible for players you just have to make sure that they understand the format and what it exactly does but as soon as they do people can create shops everywhere and it is great so there are advanced region market and chess chop like i already said we also

Use world guard here the world guard is a plugin that allows you to create regions so for example this whole place you see right now is the spawn region people are not able to break any blocks here i am because i’m an ob on the server but

Normal players are not able to break or place any blocks here except for the plots they actually bought from the server like these shot plots over here now for world guard to work you will also need world edit now i think most people know how well the earth works and what it does

But basically world edit allows you to edit huge areas at once so you can basically select two corners and then put the command in like set stone and it will set a giant cube of stone it’s as simple as that you can replace tons of blocks you

Can set blocks you can create spheres you can do so much with world edit and if you add world card to it you can do even more like creating regions like we did here at spawn now it might all sound a little bit complicated that’s why i’ve made a

Tutorial on how to exactly create these player shops you can watch the video by clicking in the top right corner right now but basically in this video i show you how to create these player shops over here using advanced region market chess shop world edit world card and essentials

If you want to create player shops like you see here make sure to check out that video now continuing on to the next plugin we actually have clear lag so clear lag also a very well known plugin it basically clears the lag of your server and that

Helps you manage it so you can put in the command slash lag clear i am not going to do that that’s a very bad idea especially if you have many people on the server it will basically delete every single entity in the world don’t do that bad idea what i do use it

For though is lack check so by typing lag check you will actually get the lag status of your server so over here you can see exactly how many items are there on the ground how many mobs are alive how many friendly mobs are alive the players that are online you can also

See the hoppers active mob spawners but most importantly the current tps of the server it’s a way more detailed list that you would get with other plugins that’s why we are using it and it’s a good way to check where the lag is actually coming from so if you’re

Having lots of lag here aside the server and you do lack check you can actually see like okay where could the leg be coming from and if there are like 4 000 friendly mobs alive then probably the problem lies somewhere in the friendly mob area and the next plugin we use is core

Protect and core protect is basically the best anti-grief plugin in the world so grieving you can do anything about grieving people will grieve they will grieve there’s nothing you can do about it but with core protect you can actually trace who did what so when i do

Co-inspect there we go i can actually click on every single block here and i can exactly see who placed it who broke it and basically i can see who edited the block from the moment this plugin has been installed so i can go to this chest over here

And there we go i can exactly see what items have been removed from this chest if i right click on it i can also see who plays the chest there has been a grass block over here so before on the place where this chest is right now

There has been a grass block and sgv2 has actually removed it 11 days ago that’s how detailed it is it is great so go inspect the best anti-grief plugin in the world it literally is if you’re having a lot of grievers on your server and you don’t

Know where it’s coming from or who is actually doing it make sure to install core protect you can just look it up now the next plugin is actually three plugins in one we got essentials essentials chat and essential spawn so essentials is the most essential plugin basically in the world you will need

Essentials on your minecraft server period essentials allows you to do so much stuff so if i join a server you will actually get a message you have no new mill if i do slash fly i will actually okay i will disable fly because i’m already in creative mode but

If i wouldn’t be able to fly if i would be in survival and i did slash fly i would actually enable fly for myself i can also do slash home and i’ll actually go to my home i can do spawn and i will go to the spawn

All of that is essentials also if you want a currency on your server you will need essentials so we are actually using the currency off essentials so over here a spawn you can actually transfer diamonds to dollars so you can sell diamonds to the server and you will get dollars from it

Dollars are actually something from essentials this sell sign over here is also something from essentials essentials is just the most essential plugin in the world i literally don’t know any minecraft server that is not running essentials you need to install it it is very essential and if you want to know

How essential it actually is i’ve made a video about it link in the top right corner make sure to check it out now what essentials chat does essentials chat basically does the chat formatting so for example you can see that i have owner in front of my name

My name is also purple all that stuff that is what essentials chat does it’s just a chat formatting plugin it works with essentials and it works great now the next plugin i want to talk about is farm protect and it basically does exactly what the name suggests

It protects your farms so normally if you would jump on a farm your crop would come out now it doesn’t anymore because of farm protect that’s it that that’s all that’s the only thing the farm protect does it is like the best plugin we have on the server it literally is so the

Next plugin is grief prevention and grief prevention allows people to claim their own area so they are the only ones who can edit blocks in there so for example here we have a shop we have a shop that’s outside of spawn so in theory people should be able to break blocks

Here i am not because this area is actually claimed by ancient ocelots that’s why people can break or place any blocks here it is claimed it prevents players from grieving on the server by giving everybody the tools to claim their own area like their own home or property so that

Only the player who claimed the area and their friends if they want to can edit that region it’s a very handy plugin for every single minecraft survival or smp server i would highly recommend it it is so freaking handy and the next plugin on starcraft is last

Lock now i’m actually not going to show you any logs because of privacy reasons but basically you can see who last joined the server you can also see who has enjoyed for multiple months which is great for a server with a white list like starcraft so in my case when

People haven’t joined for multiple months i will just remove them from the whitelist i will do this to keep the whitelist clean and also make it so that no unwanted players actually join the server great plugin i would highly recommend it for every single server that actually has a

White list now the plugin after that is look perms look perms is a permissions plugin where i recently made a video on if you want to see it click in the top right corner but look perms is a permissions plugin basically it allows you to create groups and after that you can give

Every specific group their own permissions so one group like an admin group will be able to do everything a normal member group will be able to do the most basic things in the server and if you have like something like a vip group for example you can give that

Specific group vip perks also the names you see in front of our name so we have help on the server i’m the owner we also have some normal grey players over there the normal grey players in my case are the default group so if you join the server for the first time you

Automatically have a grey name the upper group is actually another group here on server and it basically allows you to kick people ban people also use co-inspect so the helpers can actually see like who manipulated what blocks and who broke blocks and who grieved and then i’m in owner group i’m of course

Allowed to do anything here on the server but yeah look worms very very handy highly recommended as far as i know it is the best permission plugin out there so if you want to have groups or ranks on your server you should have look berms like i said

Tutorial is online on the channel the next one is multiverse core a multiverse core allows you to create multiple worlds so right now there are only three worlds inside of star aircraft we have the normal world the nether and the end now with multiverse core you are

Able to create more worlds beside those so let’s say you want to make kind of a hub server but you actually don’t want to buy multiple servers and link them together you just want everything on one server but you want a specific world for only the spawn you want another world

For mini games and then you want like a survival world that is totally possible so if i do mvlist you will actually see all the worlds that are currently inside of the server i can easily do mv create and i can just start creating another world very very

Handy right now we’re not actually using it but i’m still keeping the plugin on because it could always be handy but in the last server in starcraft season 1 we actually had a creative world so we had a world where people would automatically go in creative modes and they will be

Able to build whatever they wanted there that is for example something that multiverse core could be useful for now we also have multiverse inventories and multiverse inventories is also a plugin of multiverse just like how essentials chat and essential spawn are add-ons on essentials multiverse inventories is actually an

Add-on on multiverse core what multiverse inventories does it basically separates inventories for different worlds so let’s say if i would create a creative world but besides that it would also have a survival world then of course people can take all the stuff despawning in creative to the survival world and of

Course you don’t want that so you can make sure that the creative world and the survival worlds have different inventories so people won’t be able to take any stuff from creative to survival we also have a plugin called no mob grief and what no mob grief does it basically turns

Off mob grieving in the world so for example if the creeper explodes it won’t leave a giant crater on the ground it will explode but besides that it won’t do anything now i know there’s also a game rule for that mob grieving but if you turn that one

Off then snow golems also won’t leave any more snow on the ground and villagers won’t be able to actually farm because for a villager to be able to spawn they actually need to break a block which is a crop in that case so with no mob grief you actually

Turn off all the mob griefing that you don’t want so for example endermen and creepers but you keep them up griefing that you do want so for example snow golems and villagers i highly recommend it like basically every plugin here on the server like there is a reason i’m using these

Plugins it’s not just a random again that i thought like ah yeah let’s put this on the list no these are actually good plugins and i use every single one of them for a reason and i will tell you i’m pretty picky on plugins like i don’t

Install again very easily on the server so i’ll have to make sure it’s a good one we also have play time very easy type slash play and there we go my playtime on the server and the amount of times i’ve joined that’s it as an odor i can see

The play time with other players and other players can just see their own play time that’s it that’s just fun it’s funny to see how many you’ve actually played on the server and we also have simple ammo td and what simple m1td does is this it’s a

Very easy way to customize your motd now the nice thing about simplemotd is that you don’t have to restart your server to actually change the mmotd so normally if you would change the mot in the minecraft server properties file you would have to restart your server

With this plugin you don’t have to you just edit it you save it and immediately it works it’s literally that easy and that’s the whole reason why i use it just so i don’t hit the restart server now the next plugin is tab and this is what tab does so like you

Can see my tab list doesn’t look like a normal tab list you have shortcraft season 2 up there and also i’m on the top of the list even though normally they will be kind of random i don’t know if it is actually random i have no idea but in this case with tab

I’m always on top of the list because i’m the owner if the admin would join right now he would be just below me then below the admin there will be all the helpers of the server and below the helpers there will be the normal players now if there would be something like a

Vip rank or a moderator rank you can also sort them exactly how you want in the tab list and also the small animation you see there is also of course tab it’s an amazing plugin very lightweight as well and it just makes your server have a little bit of a

Nicer aesthetic just makes it look great just looks nice the next plugin is vault and what vault does is it basically collects data and shares it between multiple plugins so for example i have essentials chat on this server i have look perms on the server and i have

Tab on this server look berms is actually the plugin that creates the prefix of my name so without lookworms owner wouldn’t be in front of my name and my name wouldn’t be purple now to make it so that the prefix and my name in purple actually also show up in the

Chat you will need essentials chat but you would also need fault because vault will actually link look perms and essentials chat together also for the tab list you will need vault again because it will link look perms and tab together so you will actually also have the prefix

In the tab list and vault is very easy plugin literally the only thing you have to do is drag it into your plugins folder restart your server and that’s it also by the way every single plugin that i cover here inside of this video there will be a link in the description

So you can check it out for yourself the next plugin is vain miner and fae miner does very simple very easy just crouch and mind the block away and there you go you got another call that’s attached to it 26 goals we’ve mined it all in one

Second now the tools you use will still lose their ability so for my pick as it would still be like i actually removed 26 coal i didn’t i only removed one but the durability goes down just as much so basically it is just a time saver which

Is really welcome now worlds added into world guard i’ve actually already covered those but the last plugin that i actually haven’t covered is world guard extra flags so what world card extra flags does is very simple and very easy it allows you to set more flags than normally so in every single

World together region you can set your own flags so for example you can put pvp on or off inside of a region you can put sleeping on and off inside of a region you can put mob spawning on and off inside of a region and the flake are

Actually wanted for the pvp arena is keep inventory so keep the inventory in the whole world is actually off so if you die you will lose your stuff because yeah it’s still a survival server but inside the pvp arena i actually wanted to keep inventory to

Be on so people can fight each other with their best gear but if they died it wouldn’t matter because they would just keep it and that’s where i use world guard extra flags for it gives me the flag keep inventory and keep xp so like that if you die inside

The arena you won’t lose any of them and then that is it every single plugin that i use on starcraft smp season 2 which are also the best plugins to use on your minecraft server anyways i really really hope you enjoyed watching if you did make sure to leave a

Like and if you are new to the channel not subscribed yet and you are enjoying the content make sure to smash that subscribe button and click on the notification bell which really really really help me out by doing that to you actually woot if you have any more questions make sure

To leave them in the comments of this video and also i’ve made a few tutorials on plugins that are on this list so make sure to check them out there’s a playlist on the channel called minecraft tutorials every single tutorial i’ve made is in there and then again thank you so much for

Watching and i will see you in the next one bye bye You

This video, titled ‘Best Plugins For Your Minecraft Survival Server! (1.19+)’, was uploaded by KasaiSora on 2021-08-10 08:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    TIPPER SMPWelcome to VIPPER SMP, a premier survival Minecraft server based in the United States! Join our vibrant community of players as you embark on epic adventures, build incredible creations, and forge lasting friendships. With our verified server status, you can trust in a secure and enjoyable gaming experience. Dive into the ultimate survival challenge and explore boundless possibilities in VIPPER SMP today Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade’s Birthday Bonanza!

    It seems like King’s reign in the meme world will never be forgotten, with a score of 400 to prove it! Long live the King (of memes)! Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore

    Survived 100 Days: Wasteland Convoy Minecraft Hardcore In a wasteland convoy, we dared to roam, Through a city of ruin, far from home. Bandits lurked, seeking to steal our loot, But we pressed on, resolute and astute. With water dried up, and no loot in sight, We journeyed west, into the fading light. Building a base, exploring the unknown, Unraveling the mystery, seeds of truth sown. Inspired by legends, we braved the test, Surviving 100 days, we gave it our best. In a hardcore world, where danger looms, We faced the challenge, defying all dooms. So join us on this epic quest, As we strive to… Read More

  • Spidey Spidey, Burning Bright!

    Spidey Spidey, Burning Bright! Why did Spider-Man start playing Minecraft? Because he heard there were some great webs to swing from! #spiderman #minecraft #webbedwonder Read More

  • Crafting a King: Act 3

    Crafting a King: Act 3 Act 3: “Birth of a King” Prepare to witness the epic tale of the birth of a king in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we delve into the exciting events and features of this thrilling adventure. The Rise of a Monarch As the story unfolds, players will witness the transformation of a humble character into a powerful ruler. The journey to kingship is fraught with challenges and triumphs, making for a captivating narrative. Embrace the Power Experience the thrill of commanding your kingdom and making crucial decisions that will shape the fate of your realm. With great… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

  • 49 Min of Minecraft: Story Mode on Scratched Xbox Disk

    49 Min of Minecraft: Story Mode on Scratched Xbox Disk The Epic Journey of Minecraft: Story Mode Introduction Embark on a thrilling adventure through the world of Minecraft with “Minecraft: Story Mode.” Join Jesse and his friends as they set out on a quest to save their world from destruction. Episodes Overview Episode 1: The Order of the Stone Witness the beginning of Jesse’s journey as they team up with a group of legendary heroes known as The Order of the Stone to defeat the Wither Storm. Episode 2: Assembly Required Face new challenges as Jesse and the gang must gather resources to build a new weapon to defeat… Read More

  • Unbelievable! 13 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)

    Unbelievable! 13 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)Video Information This video, titled ’13 Awesome New/Updated Minecraft Mods (1.20.1)’, was uploaded by Leonxkingx on 2024-06-02 23:56:23. It has garnered 1824 views and 102 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:28 or 568 seconds. #minecraft #mods 13 New/updated Minecraft Mods for 1.20.1, mainly for Forge. I’m trying to show the latest/updated best Minecraft Forge (sometimes the mods also have a fabric version) Mods for 1.20 of the week, if you want me to showcase a mod or maybe even your mod, let me know. Mods in this video: 0:00 Illusion Onslaught 1:48 Flower Pots Plus 2:17… Read More

  • ShrooMoo’s Wild GTNH Stargate Run Stream!

    ShrooMoo's Wild GTNH Stargate Run Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vtuber Solos GTNH – The Stargate Run Stream 7 – (LV-MV) – Unedited VOD #GTNH #Vtuber #minecraft’, was uploaded by ShrooMoo on 2024-03-30 21:32:08. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 08:34:08 or 30848 seconds. This stream is best experienced on TWITCH: We hit MV :3 Read More

  • Minecraft Trending Song Revealed! 🤯🎮 #viralvideo

    Minecraft Trending Song Revealed! 🤯🎮 #viralvideoVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft trending song is cbse upse #shortfeed #viral #minecraft #viralvideo #subscribe’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-02 05:22:05. It has garnered 763 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft… Read More

  • Transporting with Zypher: Minecraft Uncut & Lofi Key Sounds

    Transporting with Zypher: Minecraft Uncut & Lofi Key SoundsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Still trying to transport #39 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2023-12-18 19:30:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:42 or 1062 seconds. Welcome to my Channel 🌍✨, where you’ll find a unique blend of uncut Minecraft gameplay and soothing keyboard sounds. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Minecraft 🏰🌳 while experiencing the tranquil ambiance of keyboard taps ⌨️🎵, creating a captivating atmosphere for relaxation and gaming. In this channel, we offer an unfiltered look at our Minecraft adventures…. Read More

  • Unlimited Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 – Join Now!

    Unlimited Free Minecraft Server Hosting 2024 - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Server Hosting for Minecraft High specifications 2024 [24/7 online]’, was uploaded by Crafting Fever on 2024-01-04 12:39:53. It has garnered 1447 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Free hosting provided by Equaticnodes: Join in to create a server for free Better than all current hosts and have cheap plans Great community support If Equaticnodes is down try these alternatives: Artixcloud: slicehosting: Join our server to play with us: My discord server: server address: server port: 8002 Server will be… Read More

  • “1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!” #clickbait

    "1M Subs! Playing Minecraft with Only 1/2 Heart!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I Have Only Half Heart #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-04-04 12:41:07. It has garnered 506 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #minecrafthousetutorial #minecraftbuilds minecraft,minecraft mods,best minecraft mods,minecraft mod,top 10 minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,2024 minecraft mods,minecraft shorts,minecraft update,mods,minecraft manhunt,best minecraft mods for survival,minecraft facts,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft 1.19,minecraft funny,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft mods 1.20.1,1.20.4 minecraft mods,1.20.1 minecraft mods,best new minecraft modsminecraft house,minecraft house tutorial,how to build a house in minecraft,minecraft,how to build,how to build a suburban house tutorial,how to build a… Read More

  • Gaming madness in Wintergea – EPIC Minecraft adventure!

    Gaming madness in Wintergea - EPIC Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Wintergea Ch. ゲア 【Yorukaze】 on 2024-05-10 02:12:26. It has garnered 272 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:27 or 5487 seconds. #Wintergea #GaBuT #GeaButuhTemen #GoodGEAming #VtuberIndonesia #vtuber #GEArlfriend ❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️️❄️ Yorukaze Production Affiliated Vtuber Gen 1 : Yorukusa Discord Community ❄️️ Gea’s Garden in the Sky ❄️️Yorukaze Production What is STUPID COUNTER? Sometimes I mute myself by accident and forget to unmute. So please tell me if I did stupid things like that cuz I sometimes just never realize it ;;w;;) ❄️️❄️️❄️️ RULES ❄️️❄️️❄️️ 1…. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to Kodex

    Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge: Welcome to KodexVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Brand New Dimension of the IMPOSSIBLE Challenge (Minecraft Custom Hardcore Modpack)’, was uploaded by Kodex on 2024-04-03 05:43:12. It has garnered 86 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:48 or 10548 seconds. Welcome to the Kodex! In this stream, we try to beat Minecraft with an IMPOSSIBLE custom modpack. This should be an interesting challenge, so make sure to stick around so you don’t miss a moment of the action! HEY YOU! YES YOU! If you are reading this description then and enjoyed the stream/VOD, why not consider subscribing? It’s… Read More

  • Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros Exposed

    Bullying Kids in Minecraft!? Benki Argyros ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘cyberbullying kids (in minecraft)【Hive/Zeqa】’, was uploaded by Benki Argyros on 2024-05-11 21:20:09. It has garnered 37 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:52 or 10672 seconds. Welcome to a degens channel huohuo model : sound effects : come bully me : music : ———— Friends ———— : Tags : #vtuber #stream #streamer #vtuberen #vtuberstream #variaty #benki This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Anarchy MC Project

    Anarchy MC ProjectHello. We recommend that you try this project. It is, in fact, considered new. The server was created on August 12, 2022. We have a very exciting game: an unusual world and game mechanics, complete destruction and anarchy! Come in and scare everyone! I hope you like us. The server supports entry through Minecraft Bedrock Edition. You can safely log in from your phone or tablet and play with us! The server also supports pirated clients, you can play with us without a license. And yes, I almost forgot, most Russian people play here! As of June 24, 2023, the… Read More

  • Life in the Village 3: Modded

    Welcome to our Community! If you’re looking for a town-building pack with a focus on NPC interactions and a friendly community, or if you just want a safe space to escape reality and hyperfocus, we would love to have you join us! Server Info Available commands: /rtp, /tpa, /back, /home and more Lag-free experience with 20 TPS when server is full (12 slots) Claims (Minecolonies and OPAC), Teams, Quests, Economics Forceload enabled for all colony chunks IP: (Not a pre-added server!) Pack Features 🏘️ Manage (Colonies, backpacks, storage organization, new villager professions) 🧱 Building (decorative blocks, furniture, roofs, windows,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Omg chad, this is real spicy

    Minecraft Memes - Omg chad, this is real spicyWow, Chad must be a meme master with that kind of score! He’s living in the meme world and we’re just visiting. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! 😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues!

    Running an Escape Room in Minecraft: Chaos Ensues! Minecraft Escape Room Adventure with @batscove Introduction In a recent Minecraft escapade, our protagonist was tasked with running an escape room challenge by the enigmatic @batscove. What followed was a series of mind-bending puzzles, parkour challenges, and a race against time to unravel the mysteries of the Matrix. The Lingering Potion Puzzle The adventure kicks off with a potion-making conundrum – the elusive Thick Lingering Potion. As our hero navigates the intricacies of brewing, they find themselves entangled in a web of ingredients and enchantments, all while bantering with @batscove about the Matrix. The Enchanting Table Dilemma Next up,… Read More

Best Plugins For Your Minecraft Survival Server! (1.19+)