Better Minecraft (Forge) Modpack Overview

Video Information

Hello and welcome to another modpack overview this  time we’re looking at better minecraft for forge   so the first category is small things so you’re  gonna find in this category every mod that is   very tiny but very helpful so for example  the first one is called just another rotten  

Flesh to let them out quite a long name but very  helpful so basically you can put the rotten flesh   into the furnace and use it with coal together and  it’s going to produce that there so very helpful   for actually using your flesh which you’re  probably going to have stacks for so yeah  

This is gone basically everything the whole  mod does so next up we have cleese clear slabs   basically what this mod does it only breaks  into half slabs so basically if i want to   remove only the top half slab it’s just going to  do that or the bottom it’s going to remove that  

And so forth so very simple very helpful though  by when it comes to building so then we come   into uh looking into herd mentality parrot  mentality basically there’s like if i hit this one   every other sheep is interacting as well  with it that’s normally how it should be  

So if i kill one of the sheeps the other ones  are gonna interact with each other um but i   think it is dependent on to my my game mode so if  i for example survival yeah now you see it they  

Run it all from me or they’re all gonna interact  with each other so it’s basically hurt mentality   then we have ill just wear armor um i couldn’t  spawn it’ll just here with armor it’s just really   weird but basically it’ll just have now armor  which is very helpful or well it’s more um what’s  

More helpful for the people who like to have a  challenge um so this mod is very beautiful for   that um drops certain loots like um the loots for  for illegals have now like armors and swords and   stuff logan protection very small mod but helps  in the multiplayer section basically what it does  

Is if you spawn into a world you have a small on  time of protection where you can’t be heard or hit   very helpful if you have people on survey who  are annoying well you’re protected for some   seconds and that’s very helpful mooshroom tweaks  mushroom tweaks is basically you have brown and  

Red mooshrooms and you can configure them actually  so very customizable when it comes to these mods   uh mobs so if you want to have like a farm for  these ones you can use this one tiny little   mod um to tweak and to configure the mushrooms  next up we have more zombie vultures basically  

Well how the titles itself says there is a higher  chance that zombie villagers actually spawn so next we have one place sleeping one place  sleeping is very helpful for multiplayer servers   uh well in general multiplayer because like yeah  you you can sleep even though the other ones  

Are not bad and then very helpful for actually  um yeah turning the day cycle to day so seals   seals is basically it combines  achievements and the player   description or the information about the player  so if you have someone running around and he has  

Certain achievements it will say under his name a  certain title so we’re gonna come to achievements   later on in this in the mod pack um but  basically you have titles under player names sit   so sit is basically you can  sit on half slabs as well as on  

As on on stairs i can show you this way  so very nice to use actually stairs for   furniture then we have stay true texture pack so  basically the texture pack that you see here is   that one that comes with the mod pack um i  really like it just especially for like the floor  

And for like the trees then like the author or the  creator of the mod pack of the texture pack i mean   is basically looking after style which is not too  much away from the real minecraft which is i think  

Very nice and very fitting the whole mod pack as  well is basically trying to not go so far away   from the original minecraft but implementing  new features which help to the vanilla feel   so torch slap mod yeah well simple you can place  now torches on slabs village spawn point village  

Spawn point basically if you start in a new world  you’re gonna spawn in a village and that is the   original spawn point um so you always have  a little bit of startup gear i think in the  

Village um very helpful for actually exploring and  while you you can easily like get bats and stuff   villager names so you see the villagers have now  names um they are random but you also can change  

Them in the config so if you want to have  certain names you can put them in there as well   but that is everything in small things so let’s go  to the next category which is crafting and cooking so next up is crafting and cooking this mod  doesn’t have really much in this category  

But as i find out actually it doesn’t need much  more than that i think the the model is very   nicely balanced and um it’s one of a type that has  enough food for you if you need or like real like  

Recipes tons of recipes you’re to have in this one  so starting with abnormal delight abnormal light   is basically just an integration between abnormal  mods and pharmacy light so you have some blocks   from different types of woods that you can use as  pantry for example here or other kitchen utilities  

Basically it’s integration mod for kitchen  things crop topia so croptopia offers you   new crops and you can use these ones to have  new um well basically food or new uh recipes for   example like these pizzas sandwiches tortillas or  like enchiladas burritos very beautiful or cakes

Anyway going up to the next one edibles  edibles is i would i’m not quite sure if i   would actually put it into this category but i  think if it’s white like it fits into this one  

So basically you have normally like all these loot  things from mobs thank you you can use them now   to eat them and you’re gonna have a  buff on the side so everything or what  

All of these that are in the chest have a certain  buff to it only for a small time but very helpful   if you actually are in a fight situation or  if you have tons of those things um i think  

They quite come in handy and they have now  well another thing that you can use it with   so and the last two ones in this category are  by to light prime mr light is very big well  

When you look from a food perspective we have new  cooking recipes we have different ways of cooking   and so you can see all the things that come with  bar mr light i can type in here farmer’s delight  

These are all the items that come with thermos  delight so a lot of crafting recipes a lot of   um cooking recipes i would say more and it’s also  a different way of cooking as you see um you have  

Now pot here crock pot i think it’s called  you have crates that you can store things in   so you can create a real kitchen which is really  really cool i think and you have a safety net   i don’t know why but very helpful as well and  then we have farmer’s light cookbook basically  

It’s the book that helps you get started with  pharmaceutical you can look into the basics here   what do you need cutting boards and stuff so  you don’t have to look up on the wiki the gear  

So wikipedia or something do you have it all in  the game itself so let’s go to the next category next up we have furniture decorations and building  blocks so everything you need actually for   building these beautiful buildings or other things  you’re going to find in here so we’re going to  

Start with additional banners additional banners  gives you these new recipes and you can use the   loom for it to have the basically the pattern and  craft new banners basically that’s everything you   can do with this one then you have additional bars  so you have new type of bars instead of just iron  

Bars you have golden ones acacia ones birch and  you have also these nice ones on the floor so very   nice if you build a stronghold or something like  that very beautiful bars for the ground as well   so then we have additional blocks the stone  edition and so it’s a variety basically so  

Normally you have tons of different  materials and this one basically is only a   variation of these ones so like stairs we have  new stairs from volcanic ones or diorite stairs   with bloodstone slabs granite slabs  and everything else you’re gonna find  

Basically if you use these ones you can see in  here there are other blocks here very beautiful   so basically new varieties of the original   vanilla blocks then we have bamboo everything  so basically now bamboo has a building block  

Um or well you can use them for building blocks  if you want for like jungle type houses basically   um yep there’s nothing more to it than these stuff  that you see here then we have dark paintings   dark paintings gives you tons of new  paintings i can show you for example here

Normally you can use now the paintings here you  have a variety of paintings in this mod pack   depending on where you put the the picture  basically you have new possibilities or   bigger paintings so i can only use this one for  example but dark paintings adds new paintings

So next up we have horizontal paints  basically glass panes on the floor   very helpful instead of using glass  blocks you can now use these ones   which are way thinner and very more well i think  way more beautiful than actually the blocks  

So next up we have mccars paintings  mccars paintings well still more paintings   so well these ones are are some are may cause  some are from the dark paintings and later on   we can implement actually more paintings so  the one who created this mod peg really likes  

Paintings obviously so um yep another painting mod  more crafting tables so normally you have this one   crafting table which i think is the oak one now  you have it with different type of wood so these  

Are not all but a lot of different ones um so for  every new wood type we have now crafting table so next up we have paintings plus plus so  what is the difference between these ones   the other ones in this one it’s basically you can  implement with paintings plus plus new paintings  

If you want so if you have basically drawn your  own paintings you can implement them in here   and there are also some which you can  already download just look onto the   mod page from paintings plus plus and there is  already one pack actually to download for free  

Which you can implement into this mod then we  have supplementaries i’m gonna throw this away   supplementaries is basically adding tons of new  small stuff so basically for example like these   jars which are quite beautiful with fireflies in  it wow then we have a wind with vein i think i’m  

Yeah look what you’ve been pronouncing  rightly a candle holder an hourglass and   so forth so a lot of new small things for  actually making your house a little bit   more beautiful that’s with supplementaries so  look into that if you enjoy decorating your house

Then we have the last one or the last  two in this mod pack basically it’s   orion 16x and all the all the biomes you go  um well the rhine6 has this add-on or there   another version of that with all the biomes as  well um i’m later gonna go to that mod as well  

So basically um as it says it’s in the title  it has more varieties of vanilla blocks um for   example you have now the pool slabs and end stone  slabs so basically using all the other blocks and   making them into stairs slabs and complete  blocks and as well you have different ores  

Um it adds like to that so you have diorite ores  with with like gold or with coal in it um yeah   and some new flowers actually that is as well but  yep very nice mod so let’s go to the next category which is beautifiers and ambient

So next up is world gen and ambient stuff so  basically everything that is with the environment   and how the world is generated you’re gonna  find in here so let’s start with it’s no real   magic it’s not real magic it’s just basically  well it adds to the flavor basically um you can  

Have now like snow on top of things and they’re  covered or they’re covering the fences and stuff   so very beautiful and as well um you  can use actually snow wait a minute here you can use snow basically to well it drops  on the floor that’s the first thing and if the  

Snow drops into water it’s going to turn into ice  that’s basically it too it’s no real magic then   we have the abyss beginning and as well the  main mod which is like the biz chapter 2.   so we’re gonna quickly go into this dimension it’s  a very dark but very beautiful dimension i think  

A lot of lights very nice to discover and  enjoy so the rest i’m gonna leave to you   it has a lot of new building blocks a lot of new  mobs but i think the word generation speaks for   itself how beautiful this mod actually is look  into the video it’s actually quite stunning what  

They did so if you look into the video they  made about this mod um i think you’re gonna   be like with this shader it looks way better  as well so let’s go back and look into the next   mod you’re gonna destroy this so it’s not annoying  so then we have atmospheric atmospheric basically  

Is adding two biomes uh two main ones which are  the rainforest and the dunes so i’m gonna shortly   pop over to one which is basically  one of the rainforest type   so normally you have like jungle biomes are very  well dense and compact so this one as you see is  

Way more spread apart it has also way more higher  hills or like mountains but very beautiful a lot   of new trees as you see here as well which i think  is very beautiful so yeah the biomod basically  

Which i think is very beautiful a lot of new  beautiful um yeah biomes so next we have beijiu   blues i hope i pronounced that well um subju or  bayou is basically doing the same as atmospheric   we have a new biome which are the bayou  bio it’s more on the swampy side i think  

But as well as you see it is still very different  as you see like in these mountains here um very   beautiful mountains well made um but yeah more  swampy type of of biome um you have two varieties  

Of that as well very beautifully made check it out  if you want to but let’s go back to the other mods   so so now we go to better badlands so you know  the badlands biome probably and this one changes  

The bedlams badlands biome and adds some new  blocks it makes them way more beautiful but   i’m not gonna go to it um just to save a little  bit more time but basically improves onto that um   check it out look for yourself um very beautiful  

Better weather better weather is basically adding  seasons as well some new events for weather   so basically thunderstorms are a little  bit different the weather is different   seasons are very beautiful i think so as you  know probably from other mods who have seasons  

Um takes some time to get your new next  season um but i think the feel of it it   just makes it so much more alive especially  this mob pack is concentrating a lot on to   yeah making the like the world feel nice and  well explorable and um and there’s tons of  

Stuff in this mod pack to actually explore so you  should actually wander around i think it’s very   well rewarding to go around and search new biomes  on your mobs and new structures better default   biomes so better default biomes basically we  have more new mobs but this is not the main thing  

Basically upgrades the default biomes it makes  them more flush more nice more beautiful i think   more new trees we have new plants and as well  like as you see like for example the sand   or the desert has like camels now or we  have actually the pigs which is another  

One normally from another version of minecraft  i think it is the earth one um but yeah very   beautiful new mobs and new biomes and upgrades  to the old ones so next up we have better ends  

And we gonna go to the end itself it basically  improves the end makes them way more nice and as   you see wow i really enjoy this actually um this  is so beautiful i think this is like as the animal  

It speaks for itself it looks way more beautiful  than the original and just so oh wow i really like   it as you seem to know or yeah it’s very beautiful  beautifully made looks like handcrafted almost   so yeah basically makes the end way better  and way more beautiful then we have desolation  

Desolation it’s two new biomes though mainly it  adds this one here everything looks almost like   black and white um as well the mobs everything is  different we get two debuffs if you come into this  

Biome it’s a mind fatigue and weakness which you  can turn off if you i think eat a certain fruit   so if you go into this area  take some stuff with you not always easy to go through it but as  well very beautiful so basically new biomes  

Then we gonna go back to dungeon plus dungeon  plus basically adds vanilla style dungeons um   to the overworld as well to others we have new  dungeon types way more hard to beat actually   but very rewarding so if you are into dungeons  and rpg then look into this one so then we have  

Dynamic surroundings everything you hear  in the background turn a little bit louder   it’s basically dynamic surroundings like  the birds were chirping where i was called   um was singing their songs uh waves when you  go to the ocean biome so makes it more nice  

Actually to wander around minecraft you hear  the wind when you’re high and the altitudes   they’re beautiful then we have enhanced celestial  blood moons and harvest moon so basically this one   plays a little bit with the lunar events like the  blood moon and the harvest moon which are things  

From other games as well you probably know already  some are very helpful some are not one of the two   you’re gonna guess it um but yeah new  events for like the celestial things then   we have come to the next mod is environmental so  basically the vanilla biomes get another upgrade  

And some new ones are added some new  biomes so plays along with the other ones very helpful for actually exploring well as you  see in the world here which is not created with   with these ones you see the varieties of the  trees in here which come with this one as well  

So yeah it’s another one which buffs up your game  so extended mushrooms extended mushrooms basically   now you have building blocks and all kinds  of other things coming from mushrooms and the   mushrooms itself get an upgrade and changes the  mushroom biome sorry i’m forgetting that actually  

The mushroom biome has actually changed and  it’s way better now i think so give it a look   look into the mushroom biome then we have frozen  up frozen up buffs up or changes the colder biomes   so they are way more beautiful to go through  and as i said what you’re gonna probably see  

Through this whole modpack the majority of  the mods are aiming to give you a sense of   a nicer feel of minecraft uh feeling of like well  i really enjoyed this going through the woods   and just enjoying the music or the environment and  looking at different areas that’s very i think the  

The focus of this mod pack then we have all the  biomes you go i said already like to i think it’s   variety six and x has um another one for this  one so all the biomes you go i’m just only gonna  

Show you one because well there are over  80 actually 80 biomes that are added to   the overworld never end and so we have tons  of new ones we have new tree types we have   more than 200 blocks and items so it’s quite a  big one um but as i said you’re probably gonna  

Enjoy going through the world generation and  actually finding a nice place to place your hut   or your house and enjoy it so let’s go back to the  other ones and speak about or stone by ryan’s so   it’s similar to the orion 16x i said so  basically the ore is added to different  

Types of stone um it’s a little bit like i’m not  quite sure probably it’s about like i probably   did something wrong with the resource packs  combining them um but normally it shouldn’t like   like flicker like this um so basically all the  ores are now in different varieties of stone  

Then we go into rare eyes so sometimes it occurs  that you’ve got to find loot on the ice and this   is actually the mod called rare eyes where under  the ice is sometimes loot which you can get if you  

Destroy the ice and then you can pick it up which  is quite cool i think for rpg and like exploring   it’s very rewarding to find those things repurpose  structures so repurpose structures basically use   the existing vanilla structures and gives them  new varieties so instead of like having the same  

Jungle fortress basically or temple i mean  you have a new variety of it there are new   pathways there are new walls very beautifully  made all over the world are new structures which i   think is very cool actually to give you this feel  of like exploring is rewarding instead of just  

Running around and not finding anything so terra  incognito um incognita sorry the unknown land   basically improves as well on the world gen you  have new trees new plants new wildlife um you have   these things which spread as well like vines but  horizontally actually the different types of that  

You have new flowers as i said you have your chest  i think this is a beautiful chest actually if i   look into it i very beautifully made this mod but  change the world generation and makes him way more  

Have more varieties of it terraforge wow  this mod i really love this mod because you   can change when you start to create a world  you can change how it is created you can   say like how how high should the hills be  or the mountains um how deep should the

Well the dunes be or whatever so you can  redo much with this one take some time   look up your tutorial for this one but if  you actually master this one i think you can   make stunning new worlds which you can  enjoy them then the last two on the inside  

We have these ones it’s the energetic dimension  and after that i’m going to the other end   both of them give us new biomes for  the end though so we gonna look into it so you’re gonna see here how the end now is it’s  way different as you see like these star-shaped  

Things are now created we have a different  type of forest coming with new creatures   and i don’t see them at the moment over there i  think these ones yeah they are new flower types   very beautiful they’re actually waving around um  so very beautifully made normally you have like  

Yeah kind of like almost like flies going  around so this is one thing that’s basically   the energetic dimension and now we’re  gonna go to a biome that’s created   by the outer end which are these ones  it’s a different type of forest um   very beautiful and there are still  like other things like mushrooms  

Which light up in the darkness so i think the  end is now way more vast and way more beautifully   way more beautiful than actually yeah  in the beginning like the vanilla one   so i think these ones really change big time the  end look into the end actually after you’ve done  

This mod pack i think you’re gonna enjoy it house  of the wild towers of the wild basically adds new   towers which you can climb you need some well  parkour actually to to learn it jumping skills i  

Think um i felt sometimes but i’m probably a noob  so um but basically it adds the towers of zelda   and puts them into the game and on top of  the tower you have a waste point and a chest   which offers you some reward traverse reforged  traversary forge has new biomes like vanilla  

Biomes more instead of like having them like  how the energetic dimension is which are i think   way different than the normal vanilla ones or  standard vanilla ones this one is just focusing   on straight on the vanilla biomes and add some new  ones tumbleweed well well it’s it’s a tumbleweed  

So tumbleweed flies around you can’t stop them  actually you can you can walk into them but   oh there it goes um well you can’t stop them by  glass or something they’re gonna go through it   if you punch one they’re gonna drop some stuff  sometimes seeds sometimes bone meal but sometimes  

Way more better stuff so if you see some you can  also punch them and they drop a lot of new things   very helpful things actually as well what  the drip sound so i’m gonna stay here and listen oh i need to turn it on ah

Well very very really silently here but  basically that’s only the droplet effect   or like the sound of it um it’s nice  for like going into caves and stuff   so actually when we speak about it um there is  young’s better caves and the young’s better mine  

Shaft basically it changes the caves makes them  way more nicer to explore but actually we have   the caves and cliffs update in here and so it’s  not 1.17 but um someone created the mod that is  

Basically 1.17 and the mod creator put it in here  as well so the mine the shafts the mine shafts   and the caves are way more beautiful with these  two and then we have last in this category when   dungeons arise it’s basically adding new dungeons  and structures in the world to go through fight  

Through and have a lot of new loot stuff which  are quite nice so very beautiful mod actually to   put in here so as i said a lot of mods that  give you new biomes new trees new plants  

Just to feel yeah that that minecraft is  feeling alive and i think this is a very   beautiful mod pack compilation when it comes  to this category so let’s go to the next one so the next category is equipment armor and tools  so everything that is quite helpful to your game  

And basically gives you new stuff to use so  we’re going to start with advancement book   an advancement plus vanilla it’s kind  of hiding behind there so basically we   have now an advancement book which is in here  and you can pop that open and you have a nice new  

Bar which is combined with another achievement  thing but here you see these titles that i set   um with seal you have that now under your  name if you actually completed the whole thing   then you have it under your name and yeah you can  show off your stuff that you did actually in the  

Game there’s a table for this as well so instead  of just having the book you have a table for this   then we have akashic tome akashic’s tome basically  adds only this book so and with this one you can  

Store your different type of books put it all  into this one so you don’t have to well basically   throw them all around you can store them all  in this book only very helpful for actually   having it all yeah in one place basically then  we have antique atlas and antique atlas waystones  

So we have this beautiful book i really like this  one because oh it reminds me of the old rpg games   you can basically look around on your map that  you already explored to exploit this section here  

You can actually put on like you can zoom in and  out and then right click uh sorry with at marker   here you can as well add like things where you  died for example or where you have a way stone  

Or you’re dead uh well yeah whatever whatever you  want to use or a new mine or your house whatever   so very cool i think this is so beautiful i  really like this small pack as you can tell um  

So yeah i’m gonna put this back here and we’re  gonna go to next one which is archer’s paradox   i just paradox gives you these new arrows very  helpful way cooler than the regular ones and   they have yeah new things that you can do with  them it creates explosions and stuff so these new  

Aero types then we have better shields  actually we don’t have to have only the   regular one we have now some with netheri with  gold diamond and iron which gives you as you see   way more damage reduction so 90 and you can  actually put enchantment books onto them  

So to enchant the shields is way more  better they’re way more beautiful actually   to use these ones or way better actually to use  them in the combat corpse instead of just having   a grave you have a corpse which normally decays  into a skeleton if you click onto it you see the  

Items that you have in there or head in there with  transfer items you just gonna get it all and well   there’s another mod actually coming  up which basically lets you revive   uh someone who’s lying on the ground if he’s dead  uh in a certain period you can revive them then  

Comforts adds new sleeping bags or sleeping  bags in general and hammocks the sleeping bags   and the hammocks they don’t reset your spawn point  the hammocks are used for skipping the day cycle   or the day and the sleeping bags  are there for skipping the night  

Easier ml tools and more well now you  can use emerald ruby and obsidian or ruby   and to craft actually new tools and armors with  it so there are more actually things you can use   with this one and you can upgrade them as well  so i think very cool um to actually use these  

Materials now and that you are able to do that and  adjust it we can now put ender chest on horses and   i think this is very cool because well you can run  around and look for stuff and put in an nhs and  

You always have them on so i think it’s  very cool actually to use this one if you   more into exploring with which i think is  the smart pick really aiming for is exploring   great eye of ender i wish this would actually  be a thing that would almost be implemented into  

Well vanilla itself because you have  now three different types of under eyes   but for different dimensions so this one is  for the overworld so this one is for the end   and this one is for the nether you can crouch  and right click to change what you’re looking for  

And these are only stretches so if you’re looking  for shipwrecks for fortress you basically can   click through here um to look for all these things  and as well for the end so very very cool i think   to to use them and to find these structures  instead of just having to wander around  

The whole time nature’s compass simple thing but i  think very mighty very strong so basically all the   bombs you see all the bombs that are installed in  this modpack you can click on them and basically  

Start search and the cam compass is gonna point  to that bio or you see the coordinates on the top   left where you basically can run to but yeah very  helpful to find biomes that you really want to see   works in other dimensions as well patchouli  patchouli is well it’s only actually um and  

An add-on that is used quite a lot in this one  um it basically creates these books or you can   customize books that have all the same little  overlay i would say this one is for croptopia  

And then you have one for the abyss one this  one and the outvoted which i come back later   you can basically customize this is more for  developers actually or for people who want   to develop and it needs to be in here because all  the three mods that uh yeah well are needing this  

Um need to have this mod installed so don’t  worry about it if you’re not a developer   structure gel as well this is mostly just  for developers for creating bigger things and   creating stuff so if you’re not into that you’re  probably gonna not use this actually then we  

Have travelers index so travels index uh  you have now a new button it’s up here   which you can use and you have  different mods in here as you see   so when you click on them you basically can see  how many blocks did it actually have from there  

I have all these spots collected so basically  that’s what the mod does it doesn’t do really   much more um just actually telling you how  much you did then we have tree harvester tree   harvester simple mod actually could have put into  small things but basically if you cut down a tree  

It’s completely gone disappear and that’s  basically it that’s tree harvester um   it’s nice for not actually having to well cut  everything down then we have upgraded netherite   we have now netherite plus something which  is basically we have these materials here  

Which are golderite laserite and the right  and stuff so basically the netherride you   can upgrade that as well so combining it with  gold or with blaze rods or with spider eyes you   can create new armor types and your swords and  tools um i think they look very cool very cool  

That they put it in here and it’s more like  an endgame type of armor and gear i think   then we have useful backpacks we have different  types of backpacks the small one the large one  

And the medium one here you can upgrade them with  filters as well so if you want to pick up certain   things and other things you don’t want to pick  up you can actually put that in here as well well  

There are different varieties of it so you have  different colors what i want to say uh you have   tons more colors if you want to have um different  colored backpacks then we have void to them so if  

You ever thought like well what if i die in  the end i lose everything basically right   well not with this one you basically get  teleported if you fall into the void and   the void totem teleports you back up so you still  have time to like well rescue yourself onto um the  

Mainland or you can end the pearl back up but yeah  it basically still pulls you back up so you can   yeah you are saved and then we have waste zones  waste zones very cool mod you can part or teleport  

To next waste zone which are placed in the world  and which you actually can craft yourself so if   you have locations which are very far apart you  can use way stones to teleport in between them  

And you need these warp zones for them for  it so a lot of ender pearls you’re gonna need   for this stone actually so the last one is xp  tone you can now store your xp into this book  

Which you can then unleash at a certain  time if you need it and then put it back   so very helpful book for actually storing uxp so  this would be everything in equipment and tools next up is mobs dungeons and animals so basically  that is like everything is moving or has to do  

With the underground with cave with dungeons  it’s gonna be in here so let’s have a look   we have tons of new mobs actually here so most  of them i didn’t add so don’t be surprised that   you’re not going to see every mob because it  would be just so much lx mods mobs basically  

X43 new mobs mostly are real animals but some  are fictional and some you probably never seen   um though the world has it or the real world has  it um but yeah they’re drop bears australians be   aware the scary drop there uh to my australian  friends so basically yeah very beautiful mod  

I really enjoy it i think it’s very  beautiful to actually go around   but as you see some of them are quite hard  to beat and their tiny ones as this fly   then aquaculture too aquaculture 2 basically well  adds a lot of new fish to the ocean and to the sea  

To the lakes we have a lot of new ones which  is i think very beautiful they are lacking um   then if we don’t have this mod actually i  think the oceans are very empty but this mod  

Well it makes it so much nicer so thank you for  making it then we have caves and cliffs mod so   1.17 is already here that’s what it feels like  basically and the mod pick or the mod creator  

Is basically aiming at that to recreate the  new update update and to make it possible to   already play it so you’re gonna find the new  stuff that is included into the newest version   are already in here so enjoy it explore it  and yep very beautiful combustion fishing is  

Basically well adding a rod which is this one the  blaze blazing fishing rod i’m sorry i’m speaking a   little bit weird um so you can now fish basically  in lava lakes so if you want to go to another  

You can find new stuff now there to fish in the  lava lakes and find new loot very cool actually   then we have corrupted with a skeleton  boss mod i couldn’t put him in here but   basically we have now a new boss which is  very very hard you can summon it and then well  

Have a try to beat him it’s not easy i’m gonna  tell you creatures and beast so it’s actually not   adding these that many mobs and he’s looking with  his butt to us but anyway um so yeah some new mobs  

Which are added to the game some small ones some  are close uh so they are not quite nice to us   so if you want to look into them um yep very cool  mod actually these spawning axe hatch as you see  

They’re already populating so what this mod  does if the chickens lay an egg and it’s almost   de-spawning or if it despawns then it actually  spawns a chicken so very cool actually to have you   almost automatic chicken factory if you just put  a chicken there with like with this floor down  

Here with hay bales they’re just gonna spawn  new ones and i think very cool actually to   to help to not have to breed all time new  new eggs a new chicken dragon mounds legged  

Legacy so we have new dragons as you see here you  can basically get them out and then tame them and   they can be your new pets which you can fly which  is very cool i think very cool to ride dragons  

And we have varieties of drinks instead of just  one it’s a very cool mod actually so dungeon mobs   if you know minecraft dungeons you’re probably  gonna know all of the mods mobs that are included   in here they are almost all sorry all the mobs  from dungeon mobs are in here sorry so you’re  

Going to find all these ones in in this mod pack  now very cool actually to to put them in here   i think they have as well new animations which  i come into later but very cool actually have  

These mobs as well earth mobs so what you would  probably think well these are from minecraft earth   they are now implemented in here and a beautifully  made i think as well as you see here the violet  

[ __ ] which very cool that they made it like this  so i think very cool actually that we have now   so many new mobs in this game and chant with mob  so this i think comes from minecraft dungeons  

And basically lets you enchant with this mob  instead using the enchanter or having to to   use something else goblin traders so goblin  traders basically adds these new goblins which   you can use to trade so they have things that you  probably don’t get another way so you have for  

Example like ancient debris which you can change  for another ride script which is i think very cool   so you don’t have well you have one here more  so they have a lot of cool stuff to trade  

But they are not always easy to find if you  ignore them they’re going to punch you so be aware   so sorry exotic birds so exotic birds adds  a lot of new type of birds um well cool   very nice for the the atmospheric feel he  actually so a lot of new birds hardcore  

Revival and that is a mod that i talked  about when i um talked about the corpse   mod basically your friend can revive you if he  finds your cop in a certain corpse in a certain   amount of time he can press done  onto your corpse and can revive you  

Instead of losing losing all your stuff or having  to run back he can basically bring you back up   guard villagers god villages basically adds new  type of villages which will defend the village   and there are new abilities for other villages  so well very often the villagers die out because  

The zombies kill them and the golem doesn’t really  do does its job so this one really helps with it   to defend the village and to save them  so yeah very cool odd water mobs so   most of these are water mobs which are added  normally they live on deep sea in reality but  

We have them now here in minecraft which is i  think very cool let’s see angler fish i think   um we have this huge crab here and spider crab so  very cool actually making the water way different  

Revamped wolf so revamped we went both upgrades  the wolves you have now packs you have a leader   to the pack the wolf pack you um you can now  feed meat straight from the ground so you can  

Throw meat on the ground they’re gonna eat  it then you have a better iai for the wolf   you can put on wolf armor and so much more so very  cool mod actually to make the wolf a nice thing to  

To walk with you outvoted so if someone went to  the minecon you’re probably gonna see or have   seen these mobs just differently so someone added  them actually to the game and the mata creator  

Here put this this mod as well in here so we have  the craig kraken or kraken as we say in german   uh we have the hunger here small ones which are  is found in the desert and we have the wildfire  

Which is way more harder to beat they gonna die in  the overworld though if you don’t have lavery so   be careful then we have straw golem reborn so if  someone knows the old version basically these ones   are helping you harvest stuff weed whatever  is on your fields and bring it to the next  

Chest or the nearby chest very helpful for for  farming the conjurer the conjurer is basically   a mob that is added with a new structure which  i think is a theater so he’s on the stage and   it’s gonna be a little bit harder to fight him  actually so be careful if you encounter him  

It’s not quite easy to to beat him then  we have the king of the villagers so   actually what this mod does is it it’s this  throne here which you can craft and then you can   have like a village king which is this one so the  first villager which basically touches the throne  

Is gonna be the king of the village uh which  busts up the the village and yep very cool   upgrade aquatic the same as aquaculture we have  new mobs well this one is going to drown if it’s  

Going to be in there but we have new mobs for the  water and as well some flying ones is this one   and this one which i don’t understand as well  it’s a sponge type of mop but well upgrades  

The sea and the lakes and the last one in this  category is a wandering trapper the wandering   trapper normally has a wolf which is probably  died down there but um very cool thing um to have  

Him he is going to trade with you he’s going to  trade for pelts which you can use for new things   uh he’s hard to beat so if he has a musket or i  think let’s call him this listen in english uh  

He’s gonna kill you so be careful if you want to  kill him he has a dog that’s gonna chase you but   normally he’s very friendly so keep him friendly  please anyway let’s go to the next category so next up we have game changer miscellaneous  i think it’s called like that um so basically  

Everything that doesn’t fit into the other  categories you’re gonna find in here so small   things which well expand over the other categories  so let’s start jade so jade is basically adding   progression bars status of items it adds painting  names armors or instead of status of armor  

Potion effects so basically tool tip kind of mod  to help you show you actually what you’re looking   at or what you need for a certain thing also  planning first i didn’t actually show you this   but normally the saplings plant themselves if they  didn’t spawn so if they would be despawning and  

If there’s grass or dirt under them they’re  gonna replant as a tree basically very cool   then we have back tools back tools basically  puts the last tool you use onto your bag   so people can see it if the last one is a nice  weapon or a bad weapon so then we have bad  

Benefits better advancements and better burning as  i talked about the advancement or achievement book   this one helps with that it changes the hud and  how everything looks on the achievement book   the fire works way better now so not the furnace  fire but i put it in here for just decoration  

Um so basically if for example a skeleton  is on fire it shoots an arrow it shoots a   fire arrow which is i think cool if a  mob is on fire it has a small chance to   set the target on fire it is actually  attacking so that is cool as well  

Yeah there’s a lot more to better burning but  there are some things bad benefits basically   if you sleep you get certain buffs and you heal up  your hp so it’s very cool actually instead of just   skipping the day it actually does something then  we have better spawn controller spawner control  

And better third person better spawner control  basically for example the blaze they spawn um   even if you put five torches around with this  one they don’t actually when there are five   torches nearby the spawner the things won’t spawn  very cool i think very helpful to actually well  

Control the spawner and the better  third person i can show you this way   normally the whole person would turn around if i  go like this but with this one you actually can   look fully around the character which  is i think very cool instead of just  

Having to swap to this one uh and then going to  the other one so very cool i think well made like   mod then let’s go to the next one which is  bountiful bountiful basically adds small quests or  

A bounty board you have this one and then  you can see like oh wow i get a rare bounty   if i do the next 48 minutes 84 minutes um  these things and then you can come here   and basically get your reward so very cool  actually to have some type of quest in here  

Brazier basically as this mod the crazed and helps  to not well normally like for example in villages   it’s very hard and you don’t want always to lit  up or light up every single section in the village  

With this one you can make a brazil which lets  certain mobs not spawn which is i think very cool   to to use this one instead of just having to light  up every single part buzzia bees wow how often did  

I talk about buzzy beasts and so basically um  basically adds new type of type of blocks but as   well new entities or new mobs like the bumblebee  it adds to the bumble zone if you know that one  

So it makes the bees way more useful way more  better we have candles actually coming with it   so very cool mod actually too to help with the  bees the lighter chaos api and customizable   elytra basically they all play with a lighter  they are all like helping either you can put the  

Lighter on your chest instead of um having to  review chest plate you can so you can put it on   your chest plate so you don’t have to remove your  chest plate so let’s reform that sentence so you  

Don’t actually you actually understand that so you  can use the lighter on the normal chest plate so   you don’t have to remove your normal diamond shots  plate or whatever um so it’s just in a new slot  

Which is i think very cool there’s a nicer way to  fly the lighter so very cool i think um to yeah   to customize it as well so you can have for  example different colors with the lighter  

Which is i think also as well very cool then  you have campfire spawn and tweaks and campfire   campfire spawn basically it’s changing um  the spawn point if you put a campfire down   you can adjust then your spawn point so it’s cool  for exploring and um to be revived in the last  

At the last campfire um so very cool and you have  different types of campfires now with campfire   so new wood types or different wood types and  as well different fire so fire is coming with  

It carry on so if you want to transfer your  chest it’s very often uh a painful job and i   think carry on is oh that’s a beautiful amount i  really love this mod because i really don’t want  

To resort all the chests and now with carry on  you can take the whole chest and walk away with   it and place it down and all the items are still  in there so very cool then we have cat jammies

So yeah the cats jam basically to the music which  i think is very cool but i need to take it out   guys sorry anyway cavalry cavalry i think that’s  oh wow that i i butchered this word um anyway  

It changes the way how you can fight on horses so  it’s way easier and very nice to fight on horses   now instead of having to yeah somehow actually  hit the people you it’s way nicer mate now  

So yeah check this out then we have charm reforged  i think this one actually goes into the decoration   and building blocks more um it’s just a sheer  variety of certain blocks like for example the   wood cutter is different now with birch type  of things like everything is in a different  

Way we have actually an ender pearl block which  i don’t know why we use need to use it but   well it’s nice actually to store you in the  polls we have obsidian stairs and slabs and  

We have i think this is a cool thing you can  store your books in here and they actually change   the appearance of the bookshelf so as  you saw the bookshelf changed if i put if i put a new book in here it normally changes  the look of the bookshelf itself then we have  

Craftable deeds so if you’re in a multiplayer  world and you are struggling with actually your   friends because they’re annoying and they  can’t keep their hands off your buildings   well you can use this one it’s a deed basically  you can assign a certain area where it’s only  

Well to a certain owner so this one is  for me for example um so you actually   can assign a certain plot to a certain person  and only that person actually can cr well build   blocks on there and actually it is protected  against blast attacks or creepers and so forth  

Then we have discord integration simple disco  rich and simple voice chat so these things well   these ones are connection between discord  and minecraft so all the things that you’re   doing on discord you can do now with minecraft  together um and all the chats that you have in  

This card you can implement them in here so very  cool and then simple voice chat it’s actually   a very very cool cool thing because well it’s um  how’s it called oh yeah it is called proximity   chat or proximity voice chat so you have that  now in game so if you’re nearby a certain  

Minecraft player you can speak with them over  voice chat in-game which is i think very cool   to use actually so now i have to show you this  one which is extended bone meal extended bone   meal basically you can use bone meal now  and sugar cane cactus or cacti and vines so  

You don’t have to wait until they actually grow  you can use now bone meal on them which is i   think very cool instead of having to wait craft  tweaker so craft tweaker is basically changing   you can change recipes you can add new commands  and scripting for the game so as the other ones  

Uh like the cro the gel basically that  i talked about in the equipment section   um this one is more for developers actually  to make new crafting recipes or new comments   then we have fresh animations and gekkolip  so geckolip helps with implementing bedrock  

Animations normally you can’t have that in the  java edition so this one actually implements   this to java which is ah it’s fantastic that’s  absolutely fantastic you have animations and   java edition that’s so cool and then you  have fresh animations which is basically  

Well given new animations to the mobs and it looks  way better with this one so fresh animations for   the mobs which is i think very cool so upcoming  is golden hoppers we have new type of hoppers  

Which help to um well they’re actually like normal  ones but you have different filters now with them   and transportation it’s a very cool thing actually  to use yep give it a try then inventory hud a plus   gi enchantment gi enchantment info gi integration  gi professions gi tweaker and gi and ger wow

So this is gi um very helpful thing for actually  pointing out crafting recipes or if you’re in   well in the cheat mode or in the game mode  creative you can use this actually for building   wave fast things things fast you find blocks  very easily you find basically what vulture  

Does what with gi professions you can find  all the recipes you have mob drops you have   basically the infos about the info informations  about the mob basically how much damage how much   help you have the information about or generation  or structures that’s very cool so a lot of stuff  

That’s very helpful um as well for enchantments  as well as you see here and then you have a hud   plus or inventory hdd plus so basically  the overall how things look the hud you   can customize that which i think is very cool so  we’re coming to last my last mods in this section  

And these are the open box elevator which  are basically elevators which you can craft   in different colors very cool actually for moving  around in your house or wherever you want to have   them then we have personality which are basically  emotes um well now i can’t show you this way yeah  

So you can actually show different  poses like you have here so very cool you have as well new animations and actions  so very cool thing to make it more feel like   when it comes to interacting with other players  polymorph so sometimes there are crafting recipes  

Which have more than one option actually so this  one actually helps i don’t have it here at the   moment but sometimes there are more crafting  recipes to a certain item this one lets you   actually choose now between the different ones so  if there are crafting recipes that are colliding  

Or having the same result this one helps with this  we have quark so quite as well i i see this mod in   every modpack autos um basically compilation  of small things um it upgrades the caves the  

Redstone you have new types of redstone all the  way how resistant works uh you have tons of new   building blocks you have stalactites stalagmites  and a lot of new mobs so a lot of small stuff you   have a boomerang which can mine wow isn’t  that cool you can mine in the distant so  

Yeah very cool mod i think rooney runelick  basically adds a runic pond uh to the game so   you can use it actually to well write differently  stuff very cool to actually use for signs should have used it hey um so yeah and then last  is the twitch chat integration so basically you  

Can integrate the twitch set into your game  which i think very cool um yep very cool mods   are included into this section so enjoy it and  let’s go to the last category so the last category   is magic which well very tiny actually there’s  not really magic included into this mod other  

Than these two which is basically illuminant which  adds new enchantment books with enchantment like   these ones vengeance shockwave and so forth  so some new enchantment books and easy magic   which is i think very cool you get now actually  what it says on there uh what you get with it  

And the the enchantment table has an inventory so  everything you put in here it’s floating around   you actually can change how it does that you can  put it let it be on the enchantment table itself  

As well it changes that you don’t have to have  an air block in between the bookshelves and the   enchantment table which you normally have now  you can actually put straight them next to the   enchantment table and it’s not doing anything  you can put them straight in the water actually  

You can still use all the book  shelves which is quite cool   you have more tooltips now with enchantment  table and you can automate or make an automation   to enchanting which is cool i think so you can  have certain things that are always enchanted  

Yep that’s basically it and magic and that  would be everything actually to this mod pack   i really hope you enjoyed it um very beautiful  i think this modpack has a lot to offer  

And as i see it it’s it’s a mop pack that is  on the rise it’s very cool going back to the   micro feel instead of having tons of new modern  stuff so it’s going back to the basic feeling  

Of minecraft and enjoying minecraft so it’s  very very cool i think um to use this mod pack   so enjoy it leave a like or subscribe and have  a nice day actually so we’re gonna see you   soon when i look into another  modpack or another mod see ya

This video, titled ‘Better Minecraft (Forge) Modpack Overview’, was uploaded by Le1ter on 2021-10-24 19:28:17. It has garnered 79319 views and 1721 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:29 or 4409 seconds.

Hello, this is Better Minecraft for Forge. Some call it Minecraft 2.0 because is so different compared to other modpacks. Some mods might change over time, so they might not be visible in this you might have to check the relations tab on the modpack page.

A Modpack full of exploration, dungeons and lots of more. Feel free to comment or to subscribe if you like Modpacks and Mods. If you want to click through the specific categories here are the timestamps:

0:00 Intro 0:17 Small things 6:14 Crafting and Cooking 9:31 Furniture, Decorations & Building Blocks 15:27 World Gen and Ambient Stuff 34:48 Equipment, Armor & Tools 45:14 Mobs, Dungeons and Animals 56:14 Game Changer and Miscellaneous 1:11:18 Magic 1:12:41 Outro

Link to the modpack:

Music: Almost in F – Tranquility by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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    Crafting All 9 Wolf Variants: Minecraft's Howl-tastic Quest In Minecraft, wolves come in all shapes and sizes, From snowy white to fiery red, each one surprises. To get them all, you must explore far and wide, In forests, taigas, and even by the seaside. The first wolf you’ll find is a classic gray, Tame it with bones, and it’ll be your loyal playmate. Next up is the black wolf, sleek and sly, In the dark forests, it’ll catch your eye. Then there’s the brown wolf, blending in with the trees, Tame it with care, and it’ll aim to please. The red wolf is fiery, with a fierce… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hot Ore Portals #lit #meme

    Minecraft's Hot Ore Portals #lit #meme When you finally find the ore portals in Minecraft and realize you’ve been wasting your time digging straight down for hours. #rookieerror #minecraftfail Read More

  • Join Minewind: Celebrate Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary!

    Join Minewind: Celebrate Minecraft's 15th Anniversary! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! As we celebrate the 15th anniversary of Minecraft, it’s a perfect time to immerse yourself in the world of blocky adventures and endless creativity. The journey through the updates and memories of Minecraft has been truly remarkable, and what better way to continue this journey than by joining a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server like Minewind? Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges, exciting events, and a welcoming community of fellow players. Minewind offers a thrilling multiplayer experience where you can forge new friendships, embark on epic quests, and unleash your creativity in ways… Read More

  • Sister vs. Brother: Bedwars Showdown!

    Sister vs. Brother: Bedwars Showdown! Playing Bedwars with My Sister in Minecraft Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often team up with friends and family to conquer challenges and have fun. One such popular game mode is Bedwars, where players must protect their bed while trying to destroy their opponents’ beds. Join our adventure as we follow a sibling duo taking on the Bedwars challenge together. Game 1 The first game kicks off with our dynamic duo strategizing their defense and gathering resources to upgrade their gear. Working together, they manage to eliminate several opponents and secure their bed, giving them a competitive… Read More

  • Shocking: I Pretended to be a Girl to Beat the King in Minecraft SMP!

    Shocking: I Pretended to be a Girl to Beat the King in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Disguised as a Girl to Defeat the Corrupt King in This Minecraft SMP!’, was uploaded by ThunDeath Gamerz on 2024-02-24 19:15:58. It has garnered 283 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:58 or 718 seconds. In This Video I Pretended To Be A Girl In A Public Minecraft SMP To Kill A Corrupt King! Information : Email = [email protected] LinkPays = Discord = Tags: Embark on a thrilling #MinecraftAdventure with me as I don the mantle of an undercover queen on a daring mission to defeat the… Read More

  • Ultimate Recoil Mojo: Cry More!

    Ultimate Recoil Mojo: Cry More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Heavy: “Waaaaahhhhh! Uwaaaaaaah! Ahahahahaha! Cry some more!”‘, was uploaded by Recoil Mojo on 2024-03-24 14:01:24. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Step into the infernal depths and beyond in our latest episode. Enjoy a thrilling chapter of our Cursed Walking Minecraft Mod Pack v1.20.1 series that takes us on a journey from the fiery Nether to the peaceful pursuits of farming and exploration in the Minecraft world. 🔥 Nether Annihilation: The episode kicks off with a bang as we step through the Nether… Read More

  • BACK IN ACTION! Insane Minecraft Survival Adventure!

    BACK IN ACTION! Insane Minecraft Survival Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’M BACK IN THE HOLE!! Minecraft SOS SMP’, was uploaded by Solidarity VODS on 2024-03-19 16:00:23. It has garnered 6316 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:54 or 7014 seconds. 🖥 JOIN MY DISCORD!! – 🎥 Solidarity MAIN CHANNEL – 🎥 Solidarity Shorts – 🎥 Solidarity ROBLOX – 📲 SOCIAL MEDIA 🐦Twitter – 📸Instagram – 📱TikTok – Read More

  • 🔥EPIC HACK: Best Minecraft Mini Build Trick!

    🔥EPIC HACK: Best Minecraft Mini Build Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-22 01:51:05. It has garnered 5861 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • 🔥 JAY’S LIVE SMP – Join NOW for EPIC Lifesteal Action!

    🔥 JAY'S LIVE SMP - Join NOW for EPIC Lifesteal Action!Video Information भाई यह सर्वर क्या होता है यार रुको एक मिनट चट य तो रनिंग बता रहा है यार लो जी भाई मैं स्टार्ट कर रहा रुक जाओ ठीक है वेट फस्ट ज बहुत बढ़िया भाई बहुत बढ़िया तुम पहले आ गए हो बहुत बढ़िया भाई अच्छी बात है भाई अच्छी बात है भाई तुम पहले आ गए हो एक मिनट रुक जाओ एक मिनट रुक जाओ भाई सर्वर बार-बार बंद क्यों हो रहा है ब्रदर रम खरीदना पड़ेगा ब्रो हेलो भाई डेडली शैडो कॉम्बैट में सर्वर लीव कर रहा है ब्रदर एक बात बताओ मुझे इस सर्वर के… Read More

  • Gamer Salem’s CRAZY Redo Mission – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Gamer Salem's CRAZY Redo Mission - You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information blow your his brains up gear comp okay I spawn in on one HP already at least it’s not like uh like hard where l we diea I’m clipping that no shot I just got a head shot and it was a point and it was a what’s it called a hit marker withg that okay remember me give a [ __ ] how down and I’m Shifty don’t I’mma go out shooting me when I die when I go out the club stupid for 6 minutes chck 6 Shady IR me an angry blonde song Le on… Read More

  • Going Insane on Day 4 of Minecraft Stream-O-Thon!

    Going Insane on Day 4 of Minecraft Stream-O-Thon!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] hey cuties good morning good evening good afternoon good day how are you thanks for coming in you guys how are you all doing it’s a pleasure to see you on… Read More

  • 100 Days vs Minecraft’s Deadliest – I Survived!

    100 Days vs Minecraft's Deadliest - I Survived!Video Information all right I might actually be in trouble this time guys if you know me for a long time you know I’m a pretty humble guy dude you guys are playing checkers me instead are playing Pac-Man we’re on a different playing field than you what’s wrong with should have should have done one of your talents to give you like strength or something but healing dropsy that way I don’t die like you pushed off the edge man I died from Chorus fruit oh interesting interesting okay oh that’s game oh you yeah that’s game let me… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Memes! You won’t believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSee

    Insane Minecraft Memes! You won't believe what Maira did! 😂 #MustSeeVideo Information गोल्डन एरा भी नहीं इसको डायमंड एरा उससे भी बढ़कर था वो टाइम ठीक है तो ऐसे हमको बहुत ज्यादा याद आ रही है उन टाइम की हम बताते हैं ना [संगीत] असली मजा है यार पर तो क्यों लोग वापस टाइम में पैक जाए जो कि इंपॉसिबल है अभी पता है तुम लोग को भी पता है हम रो ब्रांड एसएमपी की ऐसे याद है यानी ये सब चीजें हुई थी वहां पे अभी तक वो [संगीत] ठीक है एंड लेट्स गो बहुत ज्यादा बातें हो गई हम लोग चलते हैं अपने टाइम में [प्रशंसा] वापस ना… Read More

  • ChromsySMP


  • Epoxy SMP 1.20.4 Java Advanced Survival Lands

    Server IP: Welcome to Epoxy! Epoxy is an advanced Survival server with quests, skills, banks, lands, and more. Join us since the season started on 10/05/2024. While we’re still small, we have a dedicated staff to assist you. Come play and experience the challenge of high-level mobs lurking everywhere. Server IP: Version: 1.20.4 (java only) We’ll see you soon! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who wants to mine with me?

    Minecraft Memes - Who wants to mine with me?Sure, but just be careful not to dig straight down and fall into a pit of lava! Safety first in the mines, right? Read More

  • Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2

    Demon Love: Minecraft Animation Boys Part 2 In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With demons and love, the story molds. A boy named Noan, with a sister in need, Seeks a potion to heal, his heart does bleed. But wait, who’s this stranger, Dylan by name, With a plea for help, his eyes aflame. Noan must decide, to trust or to doubt, As danger lurks, shadows about. Subscribe to the channel, for updates galore, As the plot thickens, and emotions soar. Minecraft animation, a love story told, In rhymes and in pixels, hearts unfold. Read More

  • Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby

    Hot Villager Sigma: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Baby Why did the sigma baby villager in Minecraft become a trending meme? Because he’s always calculating the most efficient way to steal your diamonds while you’re not looking! #sneakysigma #minecraftmischief Read More

  • Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding in Minecraft 1.20.6 Update to Minecraft 1.20.6 – Part 2: Fabric Modding In this video, the focus is on handling errors in the mod development process due to changes in the base Minecraft code. The narrator delves into the intricacies of Fabric item settings and the impact of alterations within Minecraft. Identifying Errors The narrator guides viewers through the process of identifying errors by examining external libraries and code snippets. Emphasizing the importance of meticulous debugging, they highlight the need to scrutinize each line of code to pinpoint and rectify errors. Debugging Process Viewers are taken through the debugging process step by… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecraft Ama Ülkeler Arası Yapı Savaşı #minecraft #shorts.” Although the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the creativity and fun that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine taking part in epic battles, building magnificent structures, and embarking on adventures with players from all around the world. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PVP Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft PVP Showdown Minecraft PVP UHC – DEADLIEST TOURNAMENT! In a thrilling Minecraft PVP tournament, 656 and friends face off in a battle to determine the ultimate Minecraft PVP champion. With dangerous mobs lurking and only an hour on the clock, the stakes are high as players gear up and strategize to survive until the final death match. Who will emerge victorious in this intense Minecraft Ultra Hardcore Tournament? Let’s dive into the action and find out! The Setup As the clock starts ticking, the players scatter, each with their own strategy in mind. Some rush underground, while others focus on gathering… Read More

  • Building Hogwarts in Minecraft: INSANE blueprints revealed!

    Building Hogwarts in Minecraft: INSANE blueprints revealed!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome to let’s build Hogwarts the foundations so here we have a very basic layout of Hogwarts essentially and a little bit of the surrounding areas mainly the wall and a bit of the bridge there the Boatyard uh boat house I should say so um for those that are just starting it might be an idea to watch this one first because it gives you an idea so that you can plan the build out I do get asked quite a lot how big the build is and for those that are building on… Read More

  • Minecraft Pixel Art Showcase

    Minecraft Pixel Art ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art #alanbecker #pigpong @Creepercraft_77 @artcreeper #shorts’, was uploaded by Realistic Graphic on 2024-04-02 03:30:17. It has garnered 429 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art #alanbecker #pigpong ‎@Creepercraft_77  ‎@artcreeper #shorts 9.00 Minecraft focuses on allowing the player to explore, interact with and modify a dynamically-generated map made of one-cubic-meter-sized blocks. In addition to blocks, the environment features plants, mobs and items. Some activities in the game include building, mining for ore, fighting hostile mobs and crafting new blocks and tools by… Read More

  • RAFEDO YT – NOOB Owned Me in Minecraft 😲 || Part 3 || #shorts

    RAFEDO YT - NOOB Owned Me in Minecraft 😲 || Part 3 || #shortsVideo Information नूब मेरे पास फुल नेदर राइड का आर्मरर तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास फुल नेदर राइड का आर्मरर मेरे पास यह है अब तुम्हारा आर्मरर नब मेरे पास आयरन फार्म है जो मुझे दिन का 500 से ज्यादा आयरन देता है तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास तुम्हारे ही फार्म के नीचे तुम्हारे ही फार्म से सारा आयरन आता है हां आख बंद नाक बंद खोटा खोटा बात बंद बना है तो बाप बंद नूब मेरे पास मेरा पैट डोगी है जो मुझे हर मोब से बचाता है तेरे पास क्या है भैया मेरे पास… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Identify the REAL Iron Golem! #Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Identify the REAL Iron Golem! #MinecraftVideo Information [음악] diar 최고 치치 차차 루비루비 라바라바 비 두비 This video, titled ‘Which Irongolem Is Spawn?? #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT on 2024-04-10 05:51:35. It has garnered 27740 views and 752 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

Better Minecraft (Forge) Modpack Overview