Biblically Accurate Angels in Minecraft

Video Information

Angels we’re all familiar with the concept some dudes with wings right yeah put them together and get Angels sure but what if I told you that these are also biblically accurate Angels I’m going to make them in Minecraft alright so we’re starting off with the most interesting one in my opinion the opening

Often described as being a cool off swords for other beings but we want them to be a singular being one no passengers in this one maybe two I will be basing it off of this popular illustration and Scatter I in the middle the openim is said to be composed of

Four golden rings with eyes surrounding its ring I will be starting off with a blaze as it sometimes referred to being on fire as if he couldn’t get any more metal also I really wanted to shoot Fireballs I don’t think that’s accurate but it would be cool so let’s begin with

Making a single segment of those Rings we can make a severe out of cubes by doing a little axis trick duplicating and rotating the cubes until it forms a sphere like this and then we can extrude the cubes where the eyelids will go just like that and the same for where the

Pupil will stand now just so we can see what we’re doing let’s do some quick texturing and if we name the pupil head the pupil should follow the player making it stare at us wherever we go uh sort of works oh I also made it blink which is terrifying for some reason all

Right so now that we got our segment let’s duplicate it and rotate the copies until we have formed a ring boom baby we got nightmares and round and round it goes and now we need to make every single eye blink okay fun it’s already so cursed that we only got one of the

Four rings oh okay so the eyes don’t follow the player anymore and I think that’s because the name of the pupils needs to be head and not head one and certainly not head 24. that’s fine it’s fine we’ll fix later alright so now we can duplicate the ring oh my computer

Does not like that alright so let’s maybe stop at three rings I don’t want to fry my PC you know we can make every ring rotate okay we’re almost done let’s see how that looks in game and if you were planning to sleep for the next week

Were you good oh oh okay I forgot about the Fireballs all right so let’s again make all of the new eyes blink this this is just so much fun and finally we need one more eye for the center of the opening so let’s make another sphere

Copy this circular part of it make it black and name that segment head so at least that I will follow the player be not afraid that’s not a fair request now as you can see the eye in the middle will always look at the player which is really

Creepy and to make fighting it a little bit more interesting the hitbox only covers the middle eye so you really gotta get in there if you want to kill it although I’m pretty sure killing an angel is like a big No-No it’s right up there respect your neighbor don’t kill

Angels it’s it’s it’s it’s in there somewhere okay so the model is finished now let’s try to make it look a little bit better with some better textures and we could make the Rings a bit thinner I also want to add eyelids to the middle

Eye to make it look a little bit more Divine and finally since the eyes on the Rings won’t follow the player we can manually animate those to look around giving this being an omnipresent feel it sees all so you better watch out you better not shout he’s gonna find out

Who’s naughty and nice wait Santa and we are done now we will be looking at all of the finished Angels later but I got kids to feed so you sit tight while we get working on the second angel seraphim all right so for this one I figured we

Would use the behavior of the Phantom now the Seraph is described as being a fiery red angel with six wings two they cover its head to that cover its feet and two that they use for flying so let’s start with making a human so ahead

A torso and a waste and now we can just smoothen It Up by adding some extra cubes that we can then rotate to get the shapes that we want okay so this is looking more like the Easter Island statues but the head will be covered by Wings anyway so let’s just raise onwards

All right the arms are tough as I want to get some type of a muscle definition we’re using blocks here people okay that’s good enough it’s good enough now we can just reuse this part for the legs and adjust the length a little bit all right now for the part that I’ve

Been dreading the wings something like this I mean the shape is terrible but let’s see if we can fix it by rotating some of these segments here I think we’re on to something here all right now let’s get to painting all right let’s just pretend this whole thing is a green

Screen that we can remove later much like this one now feathers of wings are usually divided into segments we get the long feathers at the end and then two or three more segments of shorter feathers As you move inwards so that’s what I try to replicate don’t worry the colors are

Temporary that’s just for me to see what’s what now let’s just do some shading to differentiate between every feather okay this is very hard now I don’t like doing this okay so I actually took a break from the wings and did some shading on the body instead why procrastination the wings made me

Nervous man listen I can’t draw a force I might like being creative but that doesn’t mean I’m good at it but hey some procrastination can be good I did the shading for the angel and I was pretty pleased with it so I felt ready to tackle the wings again I started with

Making all the segments orange as I wanted them to almost look like they were on fire I then painted highlights coming from the core of the wing making it look like it was glowing okay I I may have been right to be nervous wings are hard man it’s like hands with a hundred

Fingers okay that we’ll have to do now we can just duplicate that and make six of them alright now the top and bottom ones can be smaller as they will only need to wrap around the angel something like that okay I guess that’s fine now I’ve been putting this step off but it’s

Time to actually see it in game okay I know I said it should look like it was on fire but this is a bit much isn’t it okay you know what seeing it in game I don’t hate it and actually I just got an idea you see the Phantom has a

Mechanic that lights up his eyes so what if we use that mechanic to light up his wings the game actually reads the opacity of the texture to give luminance the lower you take it the more it lights up so in theory if we make the wings more transparent oh that actually looks

So cool when the wings light up like that now if we can get the animations looking good I think this is going to turn into something real cool oh oh my God okay okay that is terrifying stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop

It’s crazy that’s crazy terrifying holy [ __ ] okay so let’s get the animations on there oh does that look it could definitely use work oh I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry you don’t have to come over here okay these guys are legitimately terrifying all right after

Some work I managed to get the wings animated exactly like I wanted them we will be taking a look at the final outcome later but for now let’s move on to the third and final Angel for today chair Ruben okay so we’re running out of flying mobs

To use but B yes sir sure B sounds great B sounds good now the cherubim is described as being an angel with four wings and four heads one of an eagle one of a human one of a bull and one of a lion that’s a lot that’s a lot man it

Sounds like a lot okay so let’s just copy the angel that we just made over here and then all we need to do is make the animal heads alright so first a lion foreign I may have given it a little bit too much detail though as when we compare it to the human face yeah those those don’t match at all alright now for the ball we should just be able to use the lion head and adjust it to our needs let’s just

Remove the main make it wider the white boy lower the ears and then we just need some horns he’s a horny boy no no no no okay I actually really like that that’s probably my favorite thing I’ve done in blockband so far all right now

For the eagle and again we will just be using the lion head all right so let’s just remove the main and it’s jaw make it thinner and add a little Peak sure looks like Freedom baby now let’s just assemble this bad boy alright so the model clearly works in game but I just

Realized this mob has quite the strange Behavior thank you no no how do they even fit in there yeah if you don’t remember they’re based on bees bees like bees nest all right so I just read that the Cherub also has hooves for feet so let’s just do something like

This all right so the model should be finished now for the paint job and we can just use the Paint Bucket to get the appropriate colors on there to begin with now the angel looks a little bit naked so we do need to add some clothing something like that I don’t know it’s

Just to cover up his [ __ ] now with the colors on there we can do the shading and details all right that looks that looks fine now for the wings I want to try a different approach if we just get the basic shape we want something like

That and then we can open up Photoshop open up the texture and assemble the pieces that make up the ring then we can take this picture of a feather and just start to construct a semi-realistic wing out of it and with a few layer Styles we

Should be able able to Spruce it up to our legging okay that’s way better I also made it blue as I just read that the cherubim are actually described as being blue and while I’m at it I actually want the body to be blue too

And now we can just go into block pens again and touch up the wings so that they don’t look so noisy not bad especially once we have the animations on there that actually looks really sick now we could animate the fingers too um that’s too much okay so we should be

Done I then went back and made final adjustments to some of the Angels like adding a final ring to the oven and making the cherubim give blindness when it attacks instead of the poison that the bee gives that had actually made it really terrifying and now we can finally take a look at

All the angels that we made today should tell you that we are about to fight the creatures that we just made but you see me fighting these creatures would make absolutely no sense since I was the one that created them so say hello to our guest for today

Hello for those unfamiliar with Kevin he is a professional blockbens artist and has agreed to come on to judge my creatures but what he doesn’t know is my creatures are actually there to judge him if you come over here and look into this chest oh you have the mob there um oh wow

Stuff probably the first time that I’ve heard about wearing armor to look at models but sure so I am actually gone ahead and created biblically accurate angels I don’t know if you’ve heard but angels look a little bit different than what most people are used to hearing are

They I mean Angels they’re just like these pretty things right that it comes down and they they hug you they tell you lovely stuff they will come and whisper sweet things to your ear yes indeed well looking forward to that I got three biblically accurate angels in my hot bar

Right now oh should I should I be somewhere specific for this it seems like you might want to back back up a little bit because you are about to meet the first Angel for today which is the orphanum it is your job to defeat these creatures by the way the opinum is

Described as being four rings surrounded with eyes usually being used as a vehicle of sorts where other angels and Celestial beings but for today it is a single creature able to do some damage to a sinner which is you yes you’re a little sinner you are a little Sinner and it is your

If I come to deserve this you didn’t give all my creatures a 10 in the last video it’s a sin that’s a sin that’s blasphemy okay can I make it up to you somehow sure defeat these three creatures and you shall be forgiven uh okay yeah I’m

Ready all right well meet your first opponent the opening yeah Jesus ABS what the actual freaking if no what’s this it is also described to being on fire so I faced it on the place so look it’s just a little bit too hostile for that isn’t it where are you

Gonna be in the dark I’m touching the lava we can get him a baker potatoes you don’t even dare shoot me with the stuff oh are you helping me I’m trying to get him out of the lava so so this would be a little yeah let’s get him together

Yeah that’s that no okay you know what I’m gonna stop helping you well luckily you did get some projectiles of your own sure I have literally three hearts two half and a half yeah well this one yeah it died well that’s nice I don’t know what I’m complaining about

Well that was that was anticlimatic well you survived the first test you survived the first test but there are two remaining say hello yes there are two more to go say hello to the Seraph a winged angel okay we’re getting to the winged ones oh uh okay I mean this one

Is described as being a red angel of fire with six wings two that cover his face and two that cover his feet say hello to the Seraph oh what the actual freaking no no but what in the actual those are beautiful wings that’s so magnificent though oh thank you sir you’re not gonna

You’re not gonna think it’s so magnificent in a second that is so pretty wait okay you know what that’s not no yes you’re not giving you arrows so you’re getting one more of them oh yeah how many arrows do you have left 13 13 with all of this speech about angels

Coming to whatever right it seems like I’m actually their friend are you in you’re in survival all right well this is odd clearly the Angels appreciate my presidency okay I mean he is pretty not gonna lie he does not seem to care all that much about me oh trust me he cares

You sure no it does not we’ll see if it comes down at some point but until then let’s take a look at the third and finals like yeah I mean what we’re gonna look at this thing I’m gonna need this other thing that’s gonna kill you in the

Background it might it might it could come down we don’t know we’ll see anyway let’s move on to the final Angel for today which is the cheer up you might have seen let’s say an interpretation of it have you seen the babies with the wings syrup the babies with the wings the

Little baby angels that is actually an interpretation of the Cherub which I don’t understand because the Cherub is actually described as having four heads one head of a bull one head of a lion one head of an eagle and one head of a human it is also disturbing it is also

Described as blue and having four Wing say hello to the Cherub look at this guy oh oh and the other the other Angels just said it’s come down wait a second what is going on here this one is on fire I have simply no one what exactly am I supposed to this

These angels are there Hey sir listen I I spent time on the oh oh hey it got you it didn’t get you oh I’m a Potato oh listen buddy now we have lost all your items and just in time for the final test which is fighting them all at once

Oh no this this was not popular this is a part of it this is a part of it ouch hey hello no no no no you didn’t like that nope oh nope can’t see them well yeah hello I’m out to see it hello no I

Can’t see it now I can see it hello I can’t see it now I can’t see it all right I forget nope can’t see it hello what the actual yeah it does give you blindness I mean it’s pretty though I mean they’ll say I think they’re really pretty I like

How you did with the heads and the overall body static I’m not gonna talk about the belt but the rest can you give me a brief brief random on how your experience with Googling loincloth went it was not good it was there was I did not enjoy getting

Reference images for loincloths if you were to give them some kind of of what I should say oh okay I’ll be back I’m back yeah that’s nice they ignored me and just punished their master and I love that absolutely fantastic they don’t like the purpose they were created for

Okay but just you know to give some sincerity to the thought I’m looking at this I can say that I mean looking at the models themselves I think that the overall border structure special of this one is I mean just like the legs it’s a bit basic and weird the shape but the

Wings though the texture of the Wings and the work on the wings is it’s fantastic I think it’s phenomenal I think like how you’ve managed to kind of pull this together because I mean making bendy Wings proper in Minecraft isn’t all the easiest you know it’s a bit like

When they made uh Will Smith play Aladdin’s Genie but you know you know what we need a second trial we need a second trial this is not how your tone for your sins Kevin it’s pretty though I’m saying it’s pretty I mean this guy for example you

Know look at that that’s that’s pretty he has a lot of eyes you know I see you too yeah sir yeah whatever but this one is from from all of the ones you have here I I think I am mesmerized by this eye creature you know what you always

Like my first creature you liked Peter and now you like this this is It’s the Iceman oh oh you’re gone now seems like he didn’t appreciate my input if you want to learn how to use blockbands make sure to check out Kevin’s channel it’s how I learned I got

A huge project in the works for the next video so make sure you subscribe to see it I hope you guys enjoyed this one and I’m excited to show you what comes next have a good one guys

This video, titled ‘Biblically Accurate Angels in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TerasHD on 2022-12-14 11:29:47. It has garnered 1312118 views and 35080 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:18 or 1158 seconds.

Today we make Biblically Accurate Angels into custom mobs in Minecraft! The Ophanim, The Seraphim and the Cherubim!

If you want to learn how to make custom minecraft mobs like we did today, check out the @ArtsByKev Youtube channel!

We used Blockbench to make the Minecraft mobs

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Jonas Pfeiffer’s Biblically Accurate Angel series: @CelestialBeingsOfficial

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  • Thali Gamer Breaks World Record in Tower Building 🚀 #shorts

    Thali Gamer Breaks World Record in Tower Building 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Made a World Record by building a 🗼Tower #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thali Gamer on 2024-05-25 11:30:23. It has garnered 1029 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Made a World Record by building a 🗼Tower #minecraft #shorts minecraft tower tutorial,minecraft tower,how to build a tower in minecraft,minecraft build,how to build a medieval tower in minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft tutorial,how to build,minecraft mage tower,stable minecraft,minecraft ship,minecraft wizard tower,how to build a wizard tower in minecraft,how to build a fantasy tower in minecraft,minecraft ship tutorial,how to build a small medieval… Read More

  • Unleashing “The Curse”: Minecraft Adventure Map Part 4

    Unleashing "The Curse": Minecraft Adventure Map Part 4Video Information a loyal buler go back to serving team hey Mr werewolf hey Uncle Uncle Wolfie where’d he go well he’s gone over there now just keep bading him places we just keep sending him off the edge oh sorry I didn’t mean to hit you is it finally over am I free it’s a his powers were supposed to be sueme I many all right I’m going in since I have like no Health we died at the exact same [Music] time welcome back mother time for you to die I’m using the emergency axe now since I… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraft

    🔥EPIC MCPE 1.17 SEED REVEALED!🔥 #mcpehindi #minecraftVideo Information वेलकम बैक टू द राज एपिक गेमिंग और आज हम लोग अपना माफ्ट का फर्स्ट पार्ट स्टार्ट करने वाले तो गाइस आज हम लोग अपने माफ्ट के प्यारे से वर्ल्ड में एक प्यारा सा घर बनाएंगे और एक प्यारा सा एनिमल फार्म और आयरन की माइनिंग करेंगे यही सब जो नॉर्मल बंदे करते हैं मा में ही करेंगे बेसिक नीड कंप्लीट करेंगे उसके बा फिर हम लोग लास्ट मतलब लास्ट एपिसोड में एंडर ड्रैगन को मारेंगे विदाउट एनी [संगीत] चीट ंग [संगीत] रिसोर्सेस जनरेटिंग वा बन जा यार और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिएगा यह ग्राफ दीजिए देखिए… Read More

  • Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    Duck Transforms City in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City Seaside city is one of the largest urban Minecraft cities that have ever constructed however I built it in 2019 and 2020 and as you can see it’s looking a bit old and outdated so in this video we’re going to be transforming Seaside City and giving it a major [Music] overhaul [Music] all right so the first thing we need to do is build the roads in the city so as you can see here I’m going to try and do that but what I realized is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Beat the Game with Half a Heart!Video Information J Leute was geht hier ist der zweite Part von meiner halben Herzen Challenge etwas verspätet aber er ist hier es ist leider etwas Aufnahme verloren gegangen weshalb ich jetzt ziemlich am Ende der Challenge bin und den netherp auch schon geskippt habe aber es ist alles live passiert alles legit und ja viel Spaß mit dem Finale ALR wir haben glaube ich alles oder kürbischnitzen w vielleicht nicht schlecht fürs end okay nachdenken wir haben mehr als dre ST pile sollte hoffentlich reichen für den Ender Dragon F wenn nicht dann kotze ich mache ich auch nach… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT HORROR WORLD - MUST WATCH!Video Information before the video starts I just want to say thank you everyone for 1,000 subscribers I know it’s not something too crazy but it’s a little crazy for me because like two months ago I just hit 200 subscribers and like now I have 1,000 so that’s like like I’m a little speechless right now I don’t really know what to say other than just thank you I do want to say I don’t plan on having an upload schedule because I want to take my time in editing these videos trying to come up with other video… Read More

  • Unbelievable: 3 Mobs with 1 heart left in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: 3 Mobs with 1 heart left in Minecraft!Video Information ini adalah mob dengan hotb paling sedikit di Minecraft yang pertama ada ayam ayam hanya memiliki dua hotb dan kalian bisa mengkilnya dengan one Heit menggunakan swar Stone yang kedua ada ikan ikan di Minecraft hanya memiliki 1,eng hotb darah dan kalian bisa one hit menggunakan sword biasa yang ketiga ada slime versi kecil slime versi kecil hanya memiliki 0,5 hotb darah dan kalian bisa mengkillnya dengan menggunakan tangan kosong so jadi itu dia This video, titled ‘3 Mob dengan Hotbar darah paling sedikit di Minecraft’, was uploaded by NoorXD on 2024-05-18 07:51:12. It has garnered 162 views… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Save The Noob! 🔥 (Subscribe now!) #Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Save The Noob! 🔥 (Subscribe now!) #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Save The Noob subscribe please #shorts #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by PIXEL PARADOX on 2024-03-04 05:38:22. It has garnered 8503 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Welcome to PIXEL PARADOX, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities as we embark on thrilling adventures, build magnificent structures, and conquer challenging quests in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the blocky universe, there’s something here for everyone. Join us as we explore the depths… Read More

  • Shocking Transformation: Going Bald in Minecraft House!

    Shocking Transformation: Going Bald in Minecraft House!Video Information This video, titled ‘”We gotta go bald” ahhh house #minecraft’, was uploaded by abdulbz on 2024-05-17 15:00:49. It has garnered 445251 views and 26549 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. bdzminecraft content includes Shorts, TikToks, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Custom, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Stories, Minecraft INSANE Moments, plus other topics. Not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, or any other but video like that. This is a Short / Minecraft Animation / Meme #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Aerial Network

    Aerial NetworkBest Public Cracked Minecraft Network ,Infuse SMP, Pvp Practice, Ip: Join now! Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    🍄 Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide a true vanilla experience. Our community has been growing for the past 4 years, with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. The server recently reset 2 months ago, with no plans for another reset in the near future. Our priority is to maintain a stable environment for our players to enjoy their builds and projects without worrying about a reset. Links: Discord Invite Instagram Account (Screenshot gallery) Key Features: Vanilla experience: We stick to semi-vanilla gameplay with minimal quality-of-life datapacks…. Read More

  • StarHaven | AuraSkills | PvP | PvE | SMP | ABILITIES | PROGRESSION

    StarHaven | AuraSkills | PvP | PvE | SMP | ABILITIES | PROGRESSIONStarHaven is a new and still in development SMP server.We have RPG elements in our server with skills, progression and rewards such as passive abilities making the survival experience more enjoyable and engaging.StarHaven is still in its early stages which we consider its first phase. We hope that you can be a part of its growth and expansion!We are offering a full Diamond set with Protection IV enchants and Sharpness V sword as a welcome to the first three players that join. A great boost for your journey with us.We are also looking for Moderators to help us, please let… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “What creeper say you about that Minecraft grind?”

    Well, I guess you could say this meme is a true Minecraft diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Crafty Clash: Minecraft vs Free Fire (Brit Meme Edition)

    Crafty Clash: Minecraft vs Free Fire (Brit Meme Edition) In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Creativity thrives, like a never-ending dream. With updates and patches, the game evolves, As players build, explore, and solve. But don’t forget Free Fire, with its fast-paced action, Where battles are fierce, and there’s no time for distraction. Choose your weapons wisely, and aim with precision, In this battle royale, there’s no room for indecision. So whether you’re mining in Minecraft or fighting in Free Fire, Both games offer excitement and fun to inspire. So pick up your controller, and dive right in, Let the games begin, let the battles… Read More

  • “Hot Pick: Ore-gasmic Wins in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Pick: Ore-gasmic Wins in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme I’ll pick the “ore-some” one, of course! #punsfordays 😂🎮 Read More

  • 1000 Days in Better Minecraft: The Butcher’s Kitchen

    1000 Days in Better Minecraft: The Butcher's Kitchen Welcome to Day 19 – The Butcher’s Kitchen! As our Minecraft adventurer continues their journey through the Better Minecraft mod with Fabric, they find themselves in need of a butcher for their animal farm. Let’s take a closer look at the materials used and the creative process behind the creation of The Butcher’s Kitchen. Materials Used: Ochre Froglight: A unique light source that adds ambiance to the butcher’s kitchen. Pointless Acacia Trapdoor: Adds a rustic touch to the design. Bonemeal: Used for crafting and decorating purposes. Golden Acacia Leaves, Orange Acacia Leaves, Red Acacia Leaves: Adding colorful foliage to… Read More

  • Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map

    Sticker Hunt: 15th Minecraft Anniversary Map The Exciting Quest for Stickers in Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Map #2 Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s 15th-anniversary map #2 as players dive into the quest for stickers. This exciting journey promises hours of fun and challenges as gamers explore the vast virtual world of Minecraft. Unveiling the Map’s Secrets As players navigate through the map, they will encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and hidden treasures. The quest for stickers will test their problem-solving skills and creativity, making it a truly engaging experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Interactive Gameplay The interactive gameplay of the 15th-anniversary map #2 adds a… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Party 64 – MUST WATCH!!

    INSANE Minecraft Party 64 - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘[FR] Soirée Minecraft de fou furieux ! (Serveurs, build créa…)’, was uploaded by Dring_64 on 2024-06-01 06:31:56. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:05 or 7265 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Saving an SMP: Secrets Revealed

    Saving an SMP: Secrets RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I saved an SMP from Corruption’, was uploaded by Katmin on 2024-06-01 03:37:25. It has garnered 366 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:14 or 5894 seconds. look mom I’m a hero My Discord: My Business Email:[email protected] #minecraft #smp #lifesteals6 Read More

Biblically Accurate Angels in Minecraft