100 Days Hardcore Minecraft: Game Updates Every 5 Days

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Minecraft has been out for almost 13 years now and it has undergone so many different changes a lot of those changes have probably been there since you started playing the 1.21 update is about to happen so I thought it was a good idea to ReDiscover Minecraft’s Evolution

Every 5 days I will update Minecraft to its next version and complete everything in that update that way we can see Minecraft in all its glory and hey if you’re new here please consider subscribing it’s free and you can always unsubscribe later and without further Ado let’s start this Nostalgia fi

Journey on day number one so here we are day number one and as you can see we spawn on an old classic random Island so from day 1 to day five we’ll be in the official 1.0 release of Minecraft and this is just the base game

It has the end it has the nether but it’s pretty Bare Bones so our goal for the first 5 days is finding a place to build our oldfashioned house so let’s do the normal Minecraft thing and Shop up a tree and then craft our crafting table

And some sticks and of course the trusty first Pickaxe mine some Stone build some more tools just all the normal Essentials of Minecraft one thing that I find really cool is all the old textures like the saplings on the ground those look amazing enchanting will be really

Important later on so we got to get our sugar cane up really quick and I think the last thing we need to do is build a boat cuz I mean where else do we have to go and then we set sail for more land cuz that’s what old Minecraft is About all right all right enough of the sea shanties now we’re finally found some land let’s go you know the thing that I thought was cool about this it’s going to get really annoying is when I crash into the side my boat breaks I can’t just pick up my boat anyways

Enough of my complaining but I come up here and I realize how many mobs spawn in Old Minecraft it’s actually crazy look at all these cows I mean I don’t kill them cuz obviously this is a vegan playthrough right anyways it’s getting pretty dark so I make my bed which is

Actually a red bed they don’t have any other colored beds yet so I just go to sleep all right so on the start started day number two I address my food situation I craft a furnace and make some charcoal really quick and in the meantime I start chopping some trees but

I almost like this I almost died on day number two you would have killed me bloody fell in the water so we’re good then I finally get my food situation under control and the next goal is to get so much wood I can build my house

With so I make another Axe and get to chopping some trees oh hey I wonder how that skelet oh oh no oh no okay we’re good I’m a gamer we’re we’re gaming after all the chippity choity we got two back of logs well now we basically have

All the materials we need to build our house so we need to clear out this plane I it’s not very even we need some more dirt and we need to chop a bunch of dirt down so boom all right I mean I’m not going to lie it is day four now but we

Got it done that’s all that matters and so what I did here with this house is I went for the classic Minecraft house that you made when you were maybe 9 years old there’s no room to jump you’re just hitting your head on the ceiling

The floor is not wood it’s just dirt and you can’t forget about the classic fence gate and then the door having pressure plates cuz that was a big thing when I was younger and of course I had to do the single line of glass panes all around the house and after I moved

Everything in I took a nap to head over to day number five the first thing I did the next day was build the final thing that you always have in your house a little cave entrance since I really had nothing to do for the rest of the day I

Thought I might just go ahead and mine try to get some diamonds really quick and after a couple minutes our little strip mine entrance was done but before actually strip mining I thought I might scour the land and see if there’s actually any Le I can go in turns out

There was a mini Ravine by my house so I just dropped in the water and started looking around I mined Some Coal a couple pieces of iron some more coal one more piece of iron well that was garbage after looking around a little more I found some more iron and then I just

Went back home cuz there was literally nothing else to do there I did come back with 16 pieces of iron ore though so that was pretty good I gently tickled some cows for their leather in the mean time and when I got back I made myself an iron chest plate helmet and pickaxe

And of course I didn’t want to waste waste my night so I went down in the mines and started mining of course I don’t what else would I do as I was mining down to wide level 11 to get diamonds I ended up mining into this big

Old Ravine that goes down to Y level 11 and this thing was pretty nice and just around the corner there was a monster spawner which is just so insane I forget how easy it is to find these in the older versions when I went inside I realized it was the skeleton spawner so

I had to be really careful to not get shot off on the edge but I was able to just kill him through this one by one hole so it wasn’t that bad and when I looted the chest there were some pretty good starter stuff like a bucket and

Some iron ingots I immediately made some iron boots cuz the more armor the better right now went ahead and explored more of the cave cuz I’m pretty sure I had a little bit more time left and I got a whole bunch of resources while I was down here including some nice diamonds

So I went ahead and made my diamond pick and mind all the obsidian I’ll need cuz I don’t want to do that later honestly and once that was done I did a little more caving and then I headed back up when I got back up I had a little bit of

A sleeping situation but I got rid of that really quickly and before I decided to head to bed I expanded my chest made another furnace and started smelting all the ores that I got and of course I had to finish my set of iron armor with the

Pants which made me feel just so much better and I sat and waited for everything to smelt for day number six wait um so apparently I made a mistake and this is now day number five part two I just accidentally did one more day than I was supposed to and I didn’t

Realize it so you’re just getting another day I mean think about it that way and we got a little friend outside of our house at the start off the day I make an iron sword and go finish all the mobs outside of the house just so no random creepers explode my house

Obviously no one likes that huh and then the goal of the start of the day is to build a farm I mean the wheat Farm’s not going to be as useful but the sugar cane we’re definitely going to need a lot of and another thing people did a lot back

In the day was make roller coasters now I know this isn’t a roller coaster but it is sort of like that it still counts it’s still cool and once I was done with it it went all the way to my crop farming back so that was pretty cool it

Works and we’re game and look at us woo doesn’t that bring out the old memories in you and after that nostalgic ride I went back to my house went to sleep and went on to day number six and boom I know it doesn’t look too different but

We are officially on 1.1 so the main features of this update are spawn eggs and then beaches and super flat worlds so that really doesn’t pertain to us whatsoever so I guess we will continue to discover what was in 1.0 I guess we can start with the nether we can go and

Make a flint and steel and since I don’t want to mine obsidian ever again I will go ahead and just place this over in this area boom Oh boom let’s light this thing up let’s see what our nether seed looks like it looks like the nether okay there’s already a fortress over there

That’s pretty nice this is so nostalgic what the heck and there’s another Fortress over there too look at this look at look at this Netherrack it’s the old texture it’s so cool and there’s nothing that really hurts me in here I mean besides gas and blade bles but I

Don’t think wither skeletons were made at that point and Zombie Pigmen don’t hurt you unless you hit them so in reality this is one of the least dangerous places to be so I guess I’ll come back whenever I um have the means to explore those areas but for now I’m

Going to head to my house boom so we are going to explore the ne in the next couple of days but what I really want to do is try to find a village cuz villagers and Villages were in the first iteration of the game and I think it’s

Only fitting to go and find those maybe find a blacksmith I would look for a building with a little Stone slabs on the top of it and then boom I knew I’m going to get something good I think we should definitely go and do that next yeah we’ll just continue to explore

Probably make some boats if we need to all right so we might be on an island so I made a boat and we’re going to go ahead and explore this ocean see what it’s got for me okay we got some very interesting land up here but I don’t

Think I’ll get off over here it doesn’t look like there’s much right there now this looks like some new land I’m pretty sure swamps forest and hills are the only biomes right now I mean they’re probably deserts but other than that I think that’s that’s quite literally it

And boom Oh I guess there is Spruce biomes or tiger biomes or whatever they’re called but I’m pretty sure villagers can only be in PLS maybe the desert but that might be a stretch well to the left is a snow biome to the right is a swamp I don’t see anything that

Catches my eye over here and I guess in this update they actually added a biome blend to some extent there’s particles in the settings and language you can change your language that’s pretty cool I had been running for a while and kind of getting nowhere I was in the spruce

Biome for a while yeah the more I go the more I realized this is probably just an ice biome ooh I see pumpkins I didn’t know pumpkins existed yet let me go grab some of those they’re just Jackal Landers what hey howow leave me alone I’m just

Trying to get some pumpkins yeah I guess um we should probably build another boat blocking I don’t know if blocking was in the last version but blocking is here with our sword you haven’t seen that in a while I know that for sure let’s get on with our boat what the

Let’s go across over here do I need to be f fighting Enderman already cuz I’m I’m pretty sure that it’s very hard to get ender pearls right now to answer my question yes yes I should have been farming them you’ll find that out around day 50 I believe so yeah but yeah

There’s literally nothing in sight am I wasting my time I might be I think we’ll give it another day before we actually head back oh and we got more land had to give it a couple seconds and there is a desert okay guess we’ll anchor down over

Here and start running see what this desert’s got for us all right uh um I got lied to maybe there’s more stuff over here I see a bigger desert I’ll grab me some Cactus just cuz oh that that hurt quite a bit uh-oh yeah it doesn’t seem like there’s

Anything in this desert we’re not done yet there’s still a lot of land to explore let’s just keep on going well I guess we’re getting somewhere this looks like a place that a village could actually spawn in well thing number seven is upon us and we’re still traveling the world I’ll keep looking

For the rest of the day and then once hit night time I think I’ll head back a brown sheep wow that’s so cool another Brown sheep what oh and there’s some more water you know what time it is onward wherever the Lord takes me um there we Go okay enough of that let’s just continue to go let’s just keep swimming yeah check out this ladies and gentlemen we found it h this gives me an idea though you want me to do 100 days in a deserted island that’d be pretty fun just comment

Down below and I’ll do it for you okay and I thought the generation we had nowadays was bad this is a little rough finally some more land but I can guess what that is and what do you know it is just as I predicted okay yeah maybe I

Just wait till further updates to explore some more but in the meantime I’m going to head back back and boom and we’re on the ground let’s go another vast ocean we must cross I’m so excited mate I’m so excited I love Crossing oceans with Boats there we go all right and now we just run home this way for like 700 blocks so fun so exciting ow ow hey all right calm down there pill and guess what guess what we see our house it only took us all day and all night

Ooh woo time to go to sleep well today is day number eight and I think all the exploration is out of the question I mean we could go to the Nether and look at that stuff but we could also go down and start strip mining a lot to get some

More stuff for all the other stuff if that makes sense and I think I will go down and try to mine some diamonds Diamond get as much as I can get that enchantment table going too speaking of that let’s go and check on our crops it

Doesn’t look like they have done much um we also haven’t been here so I mean that would make sense we do have one piece of sugar canane that is grown let me go ahead and plant that right there there’s seven steak and then there’s seven steak

Right there what we’ll do is we have enough iron to just take and make two pickaxes boom then we still have that diamond pickaxe we can use all right let’s go ahead and go down here but yes I will go ahead and dig out this way I

Might do y level 12 cuz 11 is when lava starts and I’d rather not dig into lava ever you know I think that makes a lot of sense but yes I will continue to strip mine with those sweet sweet diamonds get the enchantment table going get it all fixed up hopefully before the

Next 5 days so we can update it to 1.2 and do all the things that that brings H foret there’s so many caves that we’re going to dig into too it’s pretty pretty cool oh and we got some iron as well we need all of

That oh and that actually that oh o ooh I scared the ever living bebies out of me brother that was um that was pure Nostalgia o some more lava I don’t like that there is a new cave I guess we’ll explore it for a second yeah we’re all good not a big

Deal let’s go back to strip mining brothers and just like that we have some more and just like that we just had to go a little further that’s it that’s all it took how many is it o is it five I think it might be five 2 3 4 5 6 what

And now we’re just six diamonds richer let’s go now we can make all of our tools and our enchantment table let’s go let’s go that’s pretty cool ooo they just look so much better back in the day I don’t know why look at that look at

How look at how rich I am boom boom boom enough of that let’s continue remember one of my Fondest Memories me and my friend will would always play Minecraft and strip mine for about like 6 hours at a time just getting so filthy rich we’d have a competition to see you can get

More diamonds just cuz it was fun like that and it was always just so Random there were times where I would absolutely destroy him and there were times where he would absolutely destroy me it would just depend it’ be the funnest thing ever and then whenever we

Died with all those diamonds we would never play on the world again another cave are there any diamonds in this cave let’s find out oh and another Ravine wow let me place this right here and that right there so something unusual to mark it off and there’s M shafts for some

Reason the update logs it said M CHS weren’t added till 1.3 but I saw them earlier and i’ I’m I’m seeing one right now so I don’t know how true that is it’d be pretty cool if there was chest in these things let me go and explore

That cuz I mean why not oh good thing I came this way when you see that Blue Rock in the cave when you’re just about crying what’s that I found a diamond yeah found three Diamonds oh Four Diamonds let’s go five diamonds let’s go that’s just so huge 11 diamonds

Already what can I say I’m a gamer what can I say let’s continually go down this big old thing and see what’s up bye-bye I’m a gamer though what did you expect that of me surprised you’re attacking me right now I’m just the biggest gamer you know and I was talking

About the chest and there’s literally one right here and there’s one right there so this might be a fantastic find let’s go ahead and boom okay kind of garbage melon seeds though I think that’s the only way you can get them right now see what’s in here even more

Garbage but I’ll take what I can get another chest thank you okay now I’m kind of getting deep into this thing and is that smart um no it’s not all right I don’t feel comfortable dealing with that right now so I won’t boom but I’m glad

We continue to go down in this cave cuz I wouldn’t have been able to find these diamonds 15 diamonds so far and we’ve only been down here for about 12 minutes too half a day uh I think I’m done with the m shaft I’m just going to

Continuously do this yeah I think I’m I think I’m out of here honestly got pretty lucky with what I have but how do I get out of here oh no oh no not the cave spider get me out that’s how I get out there we gooo we’re all good oh my

Goodness oh my goodness good thing I came back cuz there’s some more diamonds now we have 19 Now where’s the entrance to my strip mine is the real question here I really don’t know oh there we go found it let’s go and then now we just block this off and continue our digging

I think once I get enough diamonds to get full armor and tools I’m going to head back up W oh my goodness I know you saw how visibly scared I got from that that oh we’re mining our dirt with diamonds come on like you know we’re that rich I think

Once this pickaxe breaks we’re going to go ahead and head up and assess our situation oh oh oh what is that oh my goodness is that five more diamonds okay so now we have enough for a full set of armor and our enchantment table we need

One for a shovel three for an Axe and two for a sword so that makes six we can make make a diamond hoe but do we really need to no so we at least need six more all right I’ll just check it out just one just for a second there’s these

Green guys that don’t want me to live ah there we go yeah I might just um not explore anything just because these guys are just everywhere so yeah we’re just going to we’re going to box up box like a fish and we’re going to keep keep mining we’re just we’re just going we’re

Gaming well I do still have a diamond pickaxe and 14 minutes left till the day ends so let’s go for a little oh all yeah no all right yeah that was yep that was a sign that we should head home all right now just go up the stairs and then

Go up the other stairs just slowly and slowly and as we get up I think it’s raining is that what that noise is yep and it’s like slowly on the day or I think it’s on the end of day number eight so I’ll go ahead and plop all of

My belongings in these furnaces and I think I’m going to go ahead and craft all of my armor all right and let’s see how we look boom there we go we’re a bunch of Gamers look at us look at us and then we can go ahead and make our

Enchantment table I just need a little bit of sugar cane let’s take our Minecart Track all the way down there let’s go and farm all this up I see you creeper you’re not hiding I would fight you but I’m not ballsy enough yet all

Right now I think it is time to go to sleep to stop all the monsters so now on day number 10 we’ll start off by building oh never mind forgot about the rest of the enchantment table oh make some paper and then hit him with the

Book um excuse me so uh we can’t make books what’s what’s going on here um okay wait what wait hold up why why what what that makes no sense um that okay sure whatever but then I guess we’ll hit him with the boom boom boom boom home enchantment table and we got the

Enchanter achievements I guess what we can do is we just make a bunch of paper boom that’s how we just make our Books Okay and then we do our wood then we should be able to make just the bookshelves the same way correct yes okay good okay maybe I shouldn’t have

Used all that sugarcane but now we already have three bookshelves all right I’m going to go and place this down back here as well as our bookshelves Boom the start of something great and it just takes experience and we do not know what it is which is going to be so fun and

Exciting I’m so excited said fun and exciting twice anyways guess I’ll go around the surrounding Island and collect as much sugar can as I can cuz I’m not sure what update it takes books or what I’m not sure what update it makes books require a piece of leather

And I would rather not it have to if you know what I’m saying if you know what I’m saying picking up what I’m putting down actually all these animals are looking pretty scrumptious right now let me go get my foot and steel um where did it go whatever I’ll just make another

One let’s see if this still works boom it does that’s let’s go oh and then I burned the food all right ow ow I feel like I’m balling out in the meat right now pause wait what boom 58 it’s crazy 58 steak now I won’t have to farm food

For a while which is pretty nice go plant this other sugar cane all the way over here it’s not much but it will multiply do I hit the hay do I hit the hay ski real quick move on to 1.2 I think I do ready for a new

Challenge me me me me me me me me me me on day number 11 we’re on the one .2 update in this update the main focus of it was the jungle biome as well as the ocelots and iron golems and also Redstone lamps but that’s not as

Important as the other ones with that being said I think I’m going to set aside these next 5 days to go find a jungle and create an iron golem we might have enough iron to do that I think we might as well all right we have our four

Iron blocks and we did get pumpkins so we will go ahead and plop this bad boy down outside and boom there we go there he is look at him actually dislike Iron Golems for very specific reasons reasons that no one understands all the hours of hard work gone in an instant because of

Him but this guy won’t hurt me he’s my friend he’s pretty cool with that being said we do need to go find a jungle I think the best option is go this way for a head out I’m going to make some iron tools and craft myself a boat

Premeditatedly if that’s even a word I just know that I’m going to need it but I swe I will take all my wood with me so it’s not going to be a big deal and we’re going to go ahead and head out it’ll be interesting to see what kind of

Generation we get now I plan on the update where elytras get added I’m going to go and kill the ender dragon and all that kind of stuff in those 5 days I just feel like it’d be less of a hassle to do that that way instead of do it now

And then have to go back if you if you know what I’m saying cuz further in this video elyas are going to be very very useful with just the expolation part finding new chunks while I’m boating around in the ocean I just want to say thank you guys for your support on the

Last video is exceeding my expectations and it means so much and if you’re new here click that subscribe button and means a lot and you can always unsubscribe later but with that being said let’s head out and find this jungle there also a couple things that I’m a

Little interested about I don’t know if that’s right but for starters you know how I made a red bed out of white wool since it’s red now but it’s just called bed whenever I get the beds or the bed update or I think it’s the world color

Update actually does that bed turn into a white bed or will that bed stay a red bed and will be named red bed I don’t know I’m just asking I’m curious and secondly whenever I go down into older chunks and there is that build limit like right now the build go the build

Limit goes down to zero or zero is the bottom Bedrock but whenever the new update comes I think it’s the it might be the cas close update there might have been an update beforeand that he increases the length below that and go to the negatives can I break that

Bedrock through means like of like a piston Contraption and build underneath there or is that Bedrock going to be gone and it’s going to generate new parts down there or what like I have I have no idea I would assume that it would just have the Bedrock there and

You just can’t go lower than that but I’m very interested in seeing what happens my world might be broken there I’ve I’ve literally been driving the bullet for 5 minutes nothing nothing whatsoever L ho land ho and off to the swamp we Go should I stop there and start running or should I continue I mean I know we’re in new chunks and a jungle can definitely spawn but I don’t know I mean jungles commonly spawn on the edges of oceans so the odds of me finding one by just floating in

The ocean or is a lot better than getting out running right I’m going to assume so let me just keep keep on trucking along I mean I’m finding these little island sections like the archipelagos or whatever you want to call it nothing’s cool just all garbage just garbage utter garbage mate all

Right boys we found it we found the jungle biome here it is oh this is actually depressing is that another swamp I’m just I I don’t know I don’t know what to do I’ve literally gone over 2,000 blocks over 3,000 blocks actually I haven’t found anything no that’s not fair wait wait is

That it is that it that’s either it or a very interesting tree screw it I’m just swimming over there oh my goodness we found it we started at 600 on the x-axis and now it’s 2,889 well at least I know the jungle is just directly this way that’s pretty

Cool I guess we have finally made it hooray now time to explore what the jungle has to offer ow when they said jungle did they add jungle temples too I I would assume so but uh there’s pumpkins that’s not normally in a jungle I haven’t seen a

Cat at all or an ocelot you know we might have came on this way for literally nothing the jungle wood is atrocious I honestly had no idea it was added so early though couple things that are different from the jungle that I’m in right now and the ones that are in

The actual game today are there’s no cocoa beans on the trees oh that tree is pretty cool what the heck there are no cocoa beans on the trees there are no there’s no bamboo cuz bamboo is pretty recently added in there are no parrots cows actually spawn over here I mean

Melons exist but they decided to put pumpkins inside of the Jungle instead of melons and a big thing that I’m not seeing are the ocelots which was just was a big part of this ooh meow meow why are you running hey Kitty oh I don’t

Have any fish do I need to go fishing I need some string though o do ocelots drop string H there’s nothing we can do about it right now so I guess we kind of just could I we could do two things we could wait till spider starts spawning

And we can kill those and then fish up some stuff and then tame an ocelot and take it all the way back or we just come back at a later date oh I found one again come here um these cows are a little stuck

Down here sorry guys can I put him in a boat can I even place a boat down though I can oh and the boat’s gone all right whatever nope they cannot get in the boats well does he drop string give me your string give me your string a I

Killed him for no reason now I feel bad okay well I guess I’ll just head home and then I’ll come back at a later date now let’s see if I can get out of here all right and we reached the ocean there we go now we just make a long trick back

Then come back when we have some fish boom all right now we got to sit in a boat for about 5 minutes let’s go so fun and we have reached the shore of our homeland after 5 minutes just like I had said so exciting and so fun boom all

Right and we’re off we should just run this way a little bit and there it is perfect oh and there’s a barrage of monsters bling for me in my house goodbye I guess that means it’s daytime okay and you’re coming out of nowhere monsters are actually crazy in this

Version or any version below like 1.12 just makes no sense they’re a bunch of monsters I mean we have nothing to our name from that trip but we made the trip and that’s all that matters yeah I think I’ll continue to go and get some sugar

Cane just until it turns night and then I’ll go and make a fishing rod and I’ll do all that stuff I mean the point of the next 5 days is to do as much as you can within the update maybe I get a head start on the nether since I have all my

Diamond armor there’s some more sugar cane right here see it’s going to be pretty easy to get all the sugarcane grown not really in any rush I guess we can get all of our wheat as well all the wheat’s more for Just Animals cuz I’m not really worried about any food boom a

Whole lot of sugar cane we’re going to we’re going to let that culminate over there and then once we’re ready we’ll mine it right up we’ll mine it right up and make it into some books all right all right let me get a bunch of cobblestone and head right into the

Nether I think that’s the perfect decision we’ll hopefully be just fine over there um yeah I think that’s basically all we need we’re going to go to those Nether fortresses where were those fortresses at I think um I’m pretty sure there was one over there and

One over there but I guess the render distance was decreased from the last couple updates yeah we’ll we’ll go start from right here and we have to be really careful of the guest that’s that’s literally the only thing that can hurt us in here CU before any zins hoglins or

Anything and so as long as we watch out for those we should be golden oh and we’re gaming but there is the nether fortress so we were right to go this way all right so we’ve made it but it’s all in the fact of how do I get down there

There we go get rid of all this fire don’t want to die you know dying is kind of like not good and then I can I can build a little staircase up and down now we just go and head over to the Fortress I will probably just go to this one

Right here I’ll connect the Fortress to the ground right clearly there’s nothing that way but there is a hallway right here and so we’re just going to go and check out this Fortress already hear a bra bra bro what I already hear a blaze let’s just go for it go for it ow

Okay they give me a rod but that hurts quite a bit why did that hurt so much all right now we’re all good with that where to next this way has nothing to block that off what’s going on up here oh is this the other one yeah it is okay

That’s fine nothing to worry about oh and that’s that’s a couple of blazes okay hello Magma Cube goodbye Magma Cube well now we kind of know we haven’t found a blaze spawner yet but I’m sure there is one somewhere over here I’d rather not explore it yet just because I

Don’t have any potions or anything but now I can make potions cuz I got The Blaze Rod so you know I will go and grab one of these glow stones cuz the redstone lamp is one of the new blocks that we could get and it’s a main

Feature of this update so might as well if we can find our way out of here we’ll be gaming all we do is just hop across our big old bridge here we go NE here we go and we hop in the portal I think it’s going to be night time

Too yep very dark and very nighty well let’s get inside and craft some new things I think we do a brewing stand just like so there we go and this was before you actually needed blaze powder I can literally just make make anything I might have to go back or I will have

To go back and get nether wart but other than that we’re all good I can make glowstone like this and if I get my Redstone I can surround it by red stone and boom we get our redstone lamp me replace this with that it could look pretty cool and speaking of mobs there’s

Spiders outside we can finally get our string we get a string we already have 18 so I don’t know what I was I was worried about I’m actually going to take a nap ski really quick move over to day number 14 get all that that out the way

Boom okay yes we need to go and get some Nether wart so we can actually make potions and Magma Cream would be really nice so we have some fire resistance oh you just scared the crap out of me I’m not I I don’t want to fight you I’m

Sorry make our fishing rod boom and let’s make a bow too that’ll come in handy we already have 18 arrows okay I guess first we’ll actually go ahead and get the ocelots so we can fish a little bit and then grab them we can go over

Here and cast the rod out for a little bit wonder how different fishing was back in the day I don’t remember if they have the bubbles going up to it and you hit it or if it’s just just goes down you just hit it I don’t know oh did that

Shoot over my head what well I mean I got a fish but that’s cool I forgot it’s the raw fish there’s no raw Cod or raw salmon it’s just the fish that’s so cool I think what we’re going to do we’re going to at least get 10 before we head

Over there we can obviously get more while we’re there if we need to but I’d rather be able to feed all of it to one certain ocelot instead of 10 to one and then it’s oh hey I need more and then have to find them again or just get more

Whatever I think 10 will be plenty dang you saw how fly that fish flew what all right one more fish to go I’ve pretty much spent all of the daylight fishing which is not not very good but it must be done before day number 15 10 fish all right think we can

Just go ahead and build a boat and then head that way all right now let’s head off into the sunset looks so pretty so cute then we just head in this direction for about 3,000 blocks and then and then we’re there let’s go hooray you know for

Some reason this is oddly peaceful and I do not mind it honestly I mean the moon the stars the water the old boat just everything just very simplistic even though it is annoying that a biome or any land for that matter is 3,000 blocks away but that’s okay and boom there is

The jungle we’re here for one thing and one thing only it is our little furry friend all right let’s get our fish out and start finding these little kitties you know it took me quite a second to find the OTS last time so I’m feeling

I’m going to have the same thing here oh my goodness there he is there is one of our very little friends come here little kitty how many fish is it going to take I want to know oh wait what are you saying I cannot tame you do I have to not be

Hungry he’s a black cat look at him he’s so cute we shall call him meow meow man right meow meow man come with me we’re going home I’m pretty sure he should just be able to come with us right just start teleporting in the water least he

Should all right and we found our boat and let’s see if this guy wants to follow us he’s stuck in the leaves hopefully he doesn’t stay there he’s just going to teleport um I saw him and then he disappeared and then he’s not here can he not swim you know what maybe

If I reach the other land he will teleport on the land because he can’t teleport while he’s in the W on the water what I don’t know we’re just going to go back and see if he’s there he’s there if he’s not whatever he’s still

Going to be over here Mr meow meow man is secure and safe uh but yeah I don’t see him behind me so hopefully he just teleports to me I don’t know and maybe we have to go back and make him sit and then get him back whenever we go back I

Said back like 20 times just now I guess what I’m trying to say is if he doesn’t follow me whenever I can bring him back in a boat I come back for him cuz he’s always just going to be there he’s still my cat after all all right let’s test it

Over here right let me get out Mr meam Yow man going to teleport no that’s fair enough I’ll go back and sit him over there and then I’ll get him whenever I need to Boom all right I will see you little guy in like I don’t know 30 days bye-bye but

It is almost the start of day number 16 so that means a new update we’re moving on to one .3 and we our home we are home so in Minecraft’s 1.3 release on August 1st 2012 the main features of update were villagers trading desert temples jungle temples emeralds and endner

Chests so the next 5 days we’ll focus on finding a desert and a desert temple and hopefully a desert village you want to at least trade with one villager and at least get one Emerald so yeah we might have to travel a lot but it’ll be worth

It and let’s go find out where our thing is um I’m not not quite sure where I’ve been and what I haven’t been I’m pretty sure I’ve not been that way though so let’s just continuously go that way there is a desert over in that direction but mean we’ve already discovered it so

I mean we can’t do anything about it I’m pretty sure this is the time where I started playing Minecraft I mean the Xbox 360 Edition released around 2012 and that’s what I grew up on and it was pretty fun honestly I remember all the times I play with my friends with my

Family it was just a good Pastime and just it’s it was part of my childhood and it was very nice speaking of the Xbox 360 I made a video about me playing 100 of Minecraft on the Xbox 360 edition so if you want to go check that out it’s

On my channel but you should watch it after this video and there’s another jungle so we might be able to find a jungle temple honestly okay we can scour the jungle real quick just ride on the outside see if we can see any temples even nowadays they’re pretty rare so I’m

Still not sure oh and my boat Just Smokes these lily pads and either this is just some World corruption or this is some pretty cool generation I’m not sure well the jungle seems pretty big so let’s get out right about here and let’s go explore what this jungle has to offer

Finding one of the two temples would be pretty great but I have a feeling the jungle temple might be a little harder to find and if so there is a desert right over there so we’re in a very good spot maybe we can find both and I do

Notice in this version chickens now spawned in the jungle instead of the cows that were in the last version which that’s how it is today I’m pretty sure it’s chickens and then parrots and obviously ocelots I feel like the jungle is definitely a heavily overlooked biome

Nowadays when it was out it was cool and you were a kid you’d build a big old treehouse in the jungle but now it’s like you’re like ooh the wood’s not as good and all this kind of stuff so yeah I’m not I’m not really seeing anything

They do now have cocoa beans on the trees I just noticed that in 1.2 we went to the jungle for the first time there were no cocoa beans but sadly there is no jungle temple in here so we will move on to the desert hopefully we’ll have

Some more luck over there like I said the Rarity of desert temples are not as rare what am I saying as I was saying desert temples aren’t as rare especially nowadays since the in the newer versions of Minecraft jungles are extremely rare and deserts not so much this thing seems

To be pretty big so let’s go ahead and explore and this is something You’ never seen nowadays I think that was just part of old Minecraft where they would always have the like spawn Lake true something in the code and so there would always be Lakes everywhere no matter what biome it

Is but I’m pretty sure that cannot happen now pretty sure water lakes cannot happen in the desert anymore it’s mostly just lava and speak of the lava just over there so it doesn’t look like there’s anything this way so let’s continuously go to the other side which

Also seems to be empty promise as well and yeah no luck from the desert or the jungle but we can still go find a village and try to start trading some things this is back when there was no profession tables and every profession just has to be spawned like the

Buildings have to be in the village for them to spawn so I’m not entirely sure how that all worked but oh that could have been bad ooh I’m a gamer though that was right in the face well we’ve kind of been running all night and we have not found a single

Thing so we might get in a boat and head across this ocean there there we go flop that down and let’s set sail or not hi ho hi ho it’s off to work we go we already found land but that’s not the land we’re looking for all right it’s

Also pretty interesting to look at the bottom of the ocean there’s no big caves or anything like that um I wonder what that is over there I don’t know why there’s light in the water but might be an underground Lava Lake why the boat just break for why all

Right I guess I’ll have to go craft another one ah o you died pretty fast in the water oh my goodness all right we’re all good we’re a bunch of Gamers let’s head back in the boat and go north south this way I don’t know what the whatever

Onward that is that land it’s another jungle wow and whatever that is well I guess we’re going to get a second chance at the jungle temple I’m not complaining I guess when it’s one of the seven biomes in the game they’re pretty easy to find we’re going to dock right about

Here the Sun is setting for day number 17 but we’re going to thank you we are heading onward hopefully we can find this jungle temple surely it can’t be that rare right well I guess they might be that hard to find cuz this jungle was not very big one and

Two it didn’t have a temple but that’s okay we press onward oh but there’s another jungle up here all right third times the charm right and this one seems a little bit bigger than the last one oh I found the cows again but I did not find the jungle temple again you know

When the lra comes out I’m getting it immediately going to make this video so much easier luckily there is a desert right next to it so we can go and explore that hopefully it’s not too small that’s what she said oh oh oh my goodness we found one we found a desert

Temple it’s kind of just in the middle of a mountain side we can go and loot it nonetheless all right we got to be ready to fight I guess there’s literally nothing in here I guess it’s all Above Me O this was back when this was wool

Now this is all concrete this wool right now I forgot about that that’s crazy well we can go down here and grab the good loot we don’t want to just jump down cuz of the pressure plate destroy that right there and then just for safe measure destroy all the TNT and then we

Can see what we got I know in chanted golden apples are finally in this version as well as emeralds are and we can get diamonds in here too so let’s see what’s up okay interesting stuff chest number two some more interesting stuff number three that was garbage

Number four that is also just garbage all right well sorry to let you guys down but what you what did you expect honestly 13 gold three iron 9 TNT a pressure plate and a bunch of Bones so yeah all right time to go back up ooh

They’re all up there ooh good thing I didn’t die all right let’s get out of here now was one one of the many things we need to do in this update so we have the temple crossed off our list now what we want to do is obtain emeralds and

Find a village now before I render now before I now before I look at the rest of this desert I’m going to go through this plains biome hopefully there is a village in here cuz I know they can spawn in Plains maybe deserts and maybe tiger biomes but I don’t think there’s

Not a snowy tiger or snowy Tundra what I’m saying is wherever there’s spruce trees there’s snow there’s never spruce trees in no snow that might be a little bit of a challenge but we got a couple more days is but yet again another fail let’s go all the way back to that desert

All right we found the desert again and let’s continue to we found the desert again let’s continue to explore oh there’s another jungle I mean we could go and look for a jungle temple but I don’t know I really just want to find a village and then I call it a day

But it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen let’s run through this swamp a little bit oh well what do you know we found another jungle surely this one has a temple in it right nope this is the smallest jungle I’ve ever seen all right we’re out of

Here we’re going to explore the ocean boom and let’s set sail we’ve already found some more land but I’m looking for a Plains or something I guess a forest isn’t a bad place to start we’ll get there and we’ll just start chopping I mean not trees but like running you know

It’s the lingo with the kids these days right like no cap or busing or Riz you know you got W RZ is that what them kids are saying these days I don’t know wait oh my goodness give me dog have dog all right let’s go now no

Don’t did he just kill my dog why why would why would he do that oh he’s replaceable so come on doggy love me thank you you’re my new friend now I have a companion let’s go and I see another jungle I’m tired of those things I don’t want to see another jungle I

Don’t want to see another jungle guess we can just slowly pass it by um I think the dog had the same problem as our cat cuz it is not with us all right P the homie I will not be coming back for you but is that another desert um no it’s

Not I mean it kind of is there’s Plains though oh okay Mojang’s cooking right now let him cook more land okay I guess we just get out here see what this island has to offer on day number 18 I continued looking for a village while I

Did some more boating around I ended up finding a desert village and a desert temple right next to each other the desert temple didn’t have too much and the village had not too much either ended up finding a farmer and I got enough wheat to trade him for an emerald

So I got my one Emerald that I needed other than getting the books from the librarian that’s all I had to do in the village and I didn’t really want it to be nighttime on the road so I made a bed and went to sleep at the start of day 19

I went ahead and went into the jungle and see if I can find a jungle temple and um yeah I don’t know what that is but it’s there and after exploring half the jungle I found nothing so I went back and discovered the other other other have all right and of

Course we found nothing on the other side as well I mean we ran into a snow biome I wasn’t really sure what to do so I kept just running in the desert hoping I found something ultimately I decided I probably should head back to my base it’s around 10,000 blocks away but I

Better start now so I can be there for the next update picking up what I’m putting down and we set sail one last time not it’s not the last time we do this so many times but one last time in this update whatever boom a whole half a

Day later we are back sleepy time sleepy time on to day number 20 let’s go and on day number 20 I started off by assessing the situation I made my bookshelves that I needed and I started to prepare for the next update for some reason I planted this jungle sapling even though

I don’t like jungle wood and on this last day of this update we go down to the mines to find more diamonds for the Nether and all that kind of stuff and we did end up finding diamonds oh my goodness even though it only two I’ll

Take what I can get that’s more than zero obviously and with those diamonds there were more diamonds cuz there was just a big old cave that we went through and on this I ended up finding six whole diamonds which was just enough to do everything that I needed to do and so

There was nothing else in the cave so we just went back with seven eight eight eight diamonds to our name let’s go when we got back to the base I assessed my situation by making the rest of my diamond tools and then went over to the

Next day and now on the start of day number 21 we’re in the 1.4 update now the 1.4 release is called the pretty scary update the main features of this update are wither skeletons anvils beacons and bats the smaller features that it brings are potatoes carrots pumpkin pie flower pots and item frames

Now with that all being said that means the Wither is an actual mob in the game now cuz we we can get wither skeletons now and a beacon is a thing but I will take a vote and say that we will not fight the weather we’ll just get a

Weather skeleton skull and call it good cuz I don’t want to die but what I will do is craft an anvil even though it’s going to take all of my iron and boom and the next thing we will do is go to our nether fortress and farm some wither

Skeletons to get that big old wither skeleton skull I got to the Fortress and I set up a little bit and got to grinding and while we were farming wither skeletons we ended up finding our Nether wart to make our potions we ended up not finding any Wither Skeleton

Skulls so we just headed back and assess the potion situation now started by making fire resistance potions so I could not die in the lava in the Nether and so blazes didn’t do as much damage and then I hit the Hy to go over over to

Day number 22 and let’s go it’s off to the Nether and the hunt for a wither skeleton continues and I never really realized how dark the game is until I was in the nether so I turned my brightness up and it looks so much better and after searching for literally

The whole day I finally got one you couldn’t really see it cuz I was on fire but I did get it and after a long day in the nether I decided to head back and then when I got back I found out that my fence gate was glitched it’s not a big

Deal but I thought it was pretty funny and of course I had to CH off the new wither skeleton skull why wouldn’t I and then I hit the snoozer again to go on to day number 23 and boom day number 23 to start the day off I use 30 of my levels

To enchant my pickaxe and I get pretty good odds that would I mean I’m happy with this pickaxe it’s pretty good rather have Fortune than silk touch but I’ll take what I can get and I forgot about the really sucky part is that I have no levels now that update where it

Doesn’t take 30 levels it takes only three has not came out yet so we’ll have to get 30 more levels and what better thing to do than go test it out down in the mines see how fast I can mine some obsidian I’m getting more obsidian so I can build another nether portal

Somewhere so I can go find a village hopefully cuz I need carrots and potatoes you’re picking up what I’m putting down I went up and grabbed some well- needed materials before I headed out into the nether I dug in a straight line and settled the portal right here

And jumped right through it and we ended up spawning in a musroom biome that was in the middle of nowhere and of course we had to see Hello to the cows yeah the location wasn’t the best but it was a better directions so I built a boat and

I started traveling and after a little while we ended up finding some land which didn’t look very promising but we continued to tread on anyways on my way though I did discover that there are zombie villagers they kind of look funny honestly cuz it’s just a zombie body

With a head that’s green what am I saying you know what I’m saying right it’s just the Villager head but he’s just green and he doesn’t have a suit on or anything it’s just the normal whatever I thought it was very interesting and on the start of day 24

We found some new land but it turns out it’s not that good good and apparently I was going in the wrong direction cuz I ended up finding my base that was definitely a little upsetting but it’s I can learn from it now so I decided to

Clear out my inventory and then head out again and go in the right direction this time I did decide to go in a different direction so I could get a better spawn in the portal and I don’t know if I screwed myself cuz this spawn is not

Good whatsoever so I decided to not do that and then dig further cuz I’m not trying to go out in the ocean like that and let’s find out where this portal takes me oh o this is a problem I guess nether portaling into a dungeon is pretty cool

But I really had no use for it I dug up into an ocean though which is I I don’t I didn’t want that that’s not cool can you guess what I did next well of course I made a boat and I traveled so many blocks in One Direction and day number

25 starts off with boating let’s go and on this day it made me feel like I had an ocean only world because I did a lot of boating again and as you can see the Sun is setting and I’m still in the boat Mojang thank you for fixing your game

Later on because this was a problem and we’re starting off day number 26 on a little deserted island this is like the 50th I’ve seen while I’m trying to find a village now the 1.5 update is called the Redstone update which came out on March 13th 2013 and the main features of

This update are Hoppers redstone blocks trap chest Redstone comparators quartz blocks and daylight sensors now with that being said we’re not really going to worry about any of that because we have all that stuff at our base so we’re going to still look for that Village and

To add to the Boating frustration you can apparently break your boat by hitting a squid who would have known and guess what it’s already night time because we’ve been voting all day and we cannot find anything no land at all I just want land it doesn’t have to be a

Villager oh I need to calm down I need to calm down and do you see that that’s the sun rising oh my goodness and now we’re officially on day number 27 I’ve seen maybe 50 little Islands but no actual land it’s just it’s crazy to me I

Don’t understand and believe it or not after 2 days of boating we finally found some land never mind I lied there’s there’s nothing over here at least we had a little bit of Hope there for a second I mean I skipped a couple steps here but we’re finally back at our house

I was just so tired of traveling so I came back immediately went and took a nap with arusi cuz I wanted to go on to the next day now that we’re back at our base on day number 28 we’re going to go ahead and craft all the things for the

Redstone update now that we have all the things for the Redstone update firstly we built a redstone block and then I realized we need quartz for pretty much everything that we need to build so let’s go inside the nether but we did build a trip wire hook and a trap chest

Before we went because that was pretty easy and now we head into the nether I loaded some new chunks and found some nether quartz and then I got the heck out of there mate cuz I’m not trying to stay and die to a gust and I might have

Done something forbidden I smelted the nether course ore instead of just using a pickaxe I don’t know if that’s frowned upon I don’t care it was yeah whatever and then I found out the disturbing truth that to repair your Enchanted tools is a lot more expensive in levels

Than if it wasn’t Enchanted so that was not fun anyways I went back in my house and crafted the daylight sensor followed by the Redstone comparator and we can’t forget the quartz block and we’re going to go ahead and catch some z’s for day number 29 and for some reason to start

Off day number 29 I made a weighted pressure plate I guess that was part of the update but it didn’t even work so it was kind of useless and we need a couple more pieces of iron to finish our update items I mean what we’re going for is the

Hopper and after collecting the iron I went back up to make the hopper there’s not really too much to say about that it’s just a hopper and then I might have been taking a dump or something I don’t know I’m just sitting here for the rest of the day we didn’t really have

Anything left to do in this update so I decided to sleep and then try to build a house tomorrow and this is day number 29 part two um yeah there’s no day counter so I still kind of messed up a little bit but it’s fine the goal of today and

Tomorrow though is still to build that new house so we’re going to start off by chopping some trees down and after chopping so many trees down fling out an area and getting prepared to build our house it’s night time so we we can’t really do much we went with the basic

Style obviously you know cuz I’m not creative whatsoever but I was just glad we had a base done and then the rest of it will be for tomorrow and since it was pretty dark and a lot of mobs were out I decided to go to bed and head over to

Day number 30 and on the start of day number 30 we started back on our house started off with the Second Story pillars and then I made the walls for the second story and then I realized I messed up so I had to tear some of it

Down and I mean that looks a little better but it doesn’t look quite correct I think I just leave it though I made it look a little better by adding some more texture but after I did all that I ended up meeting more Cobblestone so I just

Went ahead and went to bed for the next update and now on day 31 we’re officially in the 1.6 update also known as the horse update and could you guess what the main feature of this update is it’s horses of course what else would it be but it also does bring leads coal

Blocks and carpets so with that being said what do we do we set out to find our horse and you would think you could be able to find a horse in a plan’s biome but I guess since it is part of a newer update the old chunks can’t

Generate a new mob which is kind of I mean it doesn’t make really much sense to me I understand why but why couldn’t they just make it spawn everywhere when I was playing this I didn’t really realize that so I thought maybe the mob cap was already taken I decided to kill

All these cows and I basically wasted my first day of the update which really isn’t a big deal because the only thing in this update that we need to do is find a horse so we have 5 days to do so and so a stack of steak later I kind of

Realized my fault and I went home and slept it off before I headed out to find that horse and on the start of day number 32 I looked again because I didn’t really fully understand that they will not spawn here and after wasting a couple minutes on that I came home and

Made a lead cuz that is part of the update and it’ll help me get a horse and after realization hit I figured our only option was to go through the Nether and load new chunks decided it was best to keep going straight on one of the paths

That I made and build more out and then place a new portal and what do you know it spits me out over another ocean well I know boats have been the bane of my existence this whole time I will have to resort to using another one and then I

Will boat off into the ninth and on day number 33 our journey continues and after realizing I was going the wrong direction I turned around and went the right direction the refreshing thing though was not too far in the right direction was some islands so I docked

Up and I headed off to find the horse finally it got a little dark so I had decided to hit the hay and start again on day number 34 after seeing snow for about 5 minutes I finally found a plan’s biome and there were no horses so I kept

On going found a desert temple before I found a horse and it had some pretty good lot in it so I snagged that up and for the rest of the day I had no blood Cas still so I went to bed again so I didn’t die to any mobs and continue the

Search on day 35 and boom it’s Day 36 not day 35 cuz somehow my days got messed up again let’s go and just a four warning that does not really matter in anything because at the end of the day it will say day 100 on day 100 so that

Is all that matters anyways let me introduced the 1.7 update titled the update that changed the world now you’re saying schizzle what about the horses this update does not change anything about the horses because this update adds 11 different biomes that we can explore and that is basically it it’s

Just a world to generation overhaul and a biome overhaul I did get my skin back though but just my face not my arms this is one of the first updates that they started doing Sprite changes and sound changes which was pretty cool not too far from where we started the update we

Already see World corruption and we immediately found one of the new biomes the ACAA biome which is pretty cool I mean I don’t personally like it but it is new and then continues our search for the horse and yet again while doing that we found another desert temple which had

Some pretty good loot as well and then the search for a horse continues and our search for horses concludes I tamed one and he wasn’t very fast and he couldn’t jump that high but I decided to keep him for now and on the way out I found a

Village so one thing I didn’t get from previous updates were carrots and potatoes and guess what this place had potatoes and carrots and that was basically it so me and my horse headed on to our new spot it was getting dark though so I went ahead and slept to head

On to the next day on the dawn of day number 37 I decided we need to settle somewhere else cuz our original base is way too far away from New chunks so we need something new and on the way to find that new land we found more horses

And I decided to tame one and take both of them home because the horse I’m on now is pretty slow and then me and my two horses were all for the races after a while we came across the forest we were in earlier and I decided to build

My base right in the middle of it cuz there’s so many directions that I can go from here that are new chunks I built a little pen to trap my horses in and then I started to clear out an area for my new base when it got dark I set up a

Little station and then I went to bed on the start of day number 38 I admired me and my horses since this update was devoted towards new islands and new terrain generation I decided to build my base for the next couple of days and fully establish myself because I’m going

To explore in the future so this update will kind of be explored throughout the whole entire 100 days and with that being said I just continued to mine out grass and then I did the tree chopping while I was chopping the trees I found this little piggy and decided to give

Him a home and I started a little farm cuz you never know when we need some crops what would my little base be without some cows and the cows made me realize how bad pigs actually are so yeah I realized I’m going to need some

More diamonds for a lot of things so I need to go mining what do you know right below our new base is a mine shaft how crazy is that we ended up finding a mine cart with a chest and it had pretty much nothing in it but it was still cool and

Then we found another one and this one was so much better having two diamonds in it and after mining copious amounts of iron we ended up rolling over to day number 39 we spent the majority of day number 39 in the cave as well trying to

Get as much resources for our new base as possible and then we dug straight up and we dug up not too far from our base and went home and assessed our situation had quite the plethora of ores so I got home and started smelting it and then this is where I contemplated going

14,000 blocks back to my base and getting all the loot there and bringing it back here I mean I don’t see why not also saw my diamond pick was a little low so I needed to make an anvil to repair it and then I found it literally

Says too expensive on it so I can’t even repair it I decided to spend my three diamonds on another pickaxe before I decided to go and get all my stuff I decided to go ahead and build a base here bam there we go just like all the

Other houses I buil but it’s still a house and I realized what I did wrong so I fixed it and we continue with the build on day number 40 the last day of the update and one day later our house is ever so slightly closer to being

Finished and I decided to sleep in my new uncomplete house and head over to day number 41 so on day number 41 we officially on the 1.8 release of Minecraft also known as The Bountiful update main features of this update are Ocean Monuments slime blocks granite and

Aight and diorite as well as rabbits and endermites some of the other features of this update consist of sheet muden finally armor stands Co dirt iron trap doors banners and enchanting finally requires lapis lazuli so the first thing we’re going to do is go over to the

Ocean that we did not discover and try to find that ocean Monument so let’s grab our boat and head out and here we go again I just love the ocean it’s so great we are not just looking for an ocean Monument though we’re going to look out for the three new stone times

As well as rabbits and this ocean got cut pretty short and so I guess it’s onto the Dryland and Boom the old rabbits I you have not seen this type of rabbit in Forever they don’t spawn here anymore it’s just kind of crazy for me

To find I mean obviously I’ll find it in 1.8 but nowadays you don’t see this anymore after that little pit stop we hopped back in the boat cuz we found an actual ocean this time within literal seconds you can already see more land spawning so you can tell that the update

That changed the world is actually working and quite literally within the same day we already found it now I’ll get close enough to get mining fatigue but I’m not going in there I’m not I’m not going to die do you want me to die

I’m on I’m on day 41 I’m not dying yet but that does count you can’t say that doesn’t count we saw it we experienced it that counts and then we spent the rest of the day heading back on the start of day number 42 I built the armor

Stand and of course I had to deck it out with some armor and we went ahead and made the coar dirt as well and the last part of this update was go and find the granite the diorite and the andesite came across our best friend and then used our other best

Friend to go across our best friend you’re picking up what I’m putting down and within the hour we found all three right in one little cave and then I headed back home I mean cuz I mean that’s all I needed to do and on the way

Back we farmed some slimes to get those balls so we can finally make a slime block which is the last thing that we need in this update I even ended up getting my first ender pearl which I realized we’re going to need a lot of

When we got home we made the slimiest of blocks and of course we end off the eventful day within a little nap days 43 and 45 will be geared towards building up our base the only thing left in the update is finding an endermite and I cannot afford to waste ender pearls

Right now so we will have to skip out on that further the base production we start chopping some more trees down cuz we need some more wood for the roof I decided that the outside will be Cobblestone and the inside will be wood but yes that means we have to mine some

More Cobblestone and after a lot of preparing we finally had all of our resources so we got to building just got to add these last couple blocks and we’re done and there’s the finished product all we have to do is do the roof walls and then we’re done after the long

Day we ended it with some rest and as we wake up on day number 45 okay I I skipped another day I don’t know how or why but I did it’s not a big deal once again but anyways on day number 45 I knew I only had one more thing to do and

That was finished my house I decided to see what the house would look like with wood on the middle part you know looking at it it’s not that bad I kind of like it I’m I I’m I’m too lazy to destroy it again so it’ll be like that forever and

Boom half a day later my base is fully complete I just got to move some of the stuff inside the house and after setting up my downstairs area and setting up our storage system I took a nap and headed over to day number 46 and welcome to one

Of the biggest updates Minecraft has ever had the 1.9 update also known as the combat update so obviously the combat is different now in Minecraft but the bigger things are there’s that bar when you swing like it’s kind of like a hit cool down almost there’s an offhand

Slot to where you can put Shields Shields are new this is also the update that they added the N cities and the elytras shulker boxes basically everything that came with the new end overhaul and my good friend the boat has finally changed and of course we had to

Get a shield already so over the next 5 days we will focus on getting to the Ender dragon fight beating him and getting our elytra and discovering some end cities one of the biggest preparations we’re going to need is enchanting our armor and tools to start that off I combine my efficiency 4

Unbreaking three silk touch pickaxe with my regular pickaxe to make it full durability and since my enchantment table and all my stuff is still back on my other base I think this is the correct time to go back and do that the thing I struggled with was do I find the

End Pole from my old base or do it for my new base cuz I don’t want to render too many new chunks but at the same time wanted to be relatively close to my new base so I ultimately decided to go back to the old base get all the stuff and

Then come back to the new base set up and then figure out stuff then the day 46 and 47 consist of a lot of traveling and with that being said we did find a badlands biome on the way back to our portal it took all day but we eventually

Found our portal and headed back home but obviously there’s a little problem right here right the portal wasn’t lit for some whatever reason and so I have to go all the way back and get my Flint steel might have taken all night but we ended up getting it

And now we can finally go into The Nether and it decided to spawn us in a different portal which is fan freaking tastic it took a while but we ended up finding the road that we built across through all the nether portals so then it was just as easy as going straight

And going back to our home portal and the funny thing is is I loaded up and then I went straight back and this is what most of our day 47 looks like and just when you thought you made it you have a whole ocean to cross and don’t

Forget all the snowy land and after two whole days we finally arrived back at our house we quickly got everything sorted out and then the fun part begins not really I that was just a joke it’s not fun at all I preemptively made rockets for my elytra whenever I get it

And I decided to set my enchantment table up in my backyard which I mean I don’t really have a backyard but in the back of my house now our first objective is to get more ender pearls so if I do remember correctly Enderman spawn a lot

More in deserts than any other biome or they just might be easier to spot in deserts I don’t know but that’s how we’ll be farming them and I must have remembered correctly cuz there were two Endermen just chilling right here the upsetting part though is I didn’t get an

Ender pearl from either one of them this guy was nice enough to drop one of his balls though and just when I thought things couldn’t get any better we found a village which so happened to have a cleric in it and if you don’t know cleric sell ender pearls for emeralds on

Top of that not even halfway into the night we already have four Ender pears I continued to slay the Enderman throughout the night and still only had four Ender Pearls by morning I knew we had to find another way to get more ender pearls and I went and found the

Cleric in the village and so I’m going to start trading I decided to lock him in and then see what other trades everyone else had this butcher had a trade for pork chops for an emerald so I decided to kill so many pigs so I can get so many emeralds honestly I pretty

Much devoted my whole entire day to killing pigs so I can get so many emeralds it was going to be five emeralds for an in Pearl so we’re going to need quite a Bit and for about 7 minutes of work we got 10 emeralds which isn’t n too bad considering that we have no direct way of getting them which that means it turns into two ender pearls which is pretty good in my opinion now it is night time so that means we can Farm

More ender pearls from the source and about halfway through the night we finally got another one this was day 49 so I was trying to speed some stuff a little bit so I decided to go ahead and go with eight see if that was enough I

Went ahead and made Our Eyes of Ender and then got some more trading stuff so I can potentially get some more ender pearls before we head out on top of all that we had 30 levels to enchant one piece of our armor and we got a pretty

Nice chest plate and then on the start of day number 50 the official halfway point of these 100 days I went back to the village and tried to trade for some more ender pearls and in the process I found this amazing mending villager and keep in mind this was before you can

Reroll any of the trades got him just out of the blue I ended up being able to get two more ender pearls to make a grand total of 10 eyes ofender which I had a feeling wasn’t going to be enough but I thought I’d try it anyways with

That being said I went back assess my situation and then finally headed out to find that end portal and half a day later we approached the island that the end portal is underneath and after clearing out all the mobs I decided to dig down and see what was waiting for me

Bam and we’re in the end portal wait that doesn’t make that doesn’t make sense and since we finally found the stronghold all we have to do is oh never mind it’s right here good news is is we already found it bad news is is we need

Two more Eyes of Ender to complete the portal in the meantime I set up a chest and then decided to assess our situation from there I decided we should explore our stronghold first because there are chests that could have ender pearls in them and I did end up finding one of the

Two that we needed so that was was pretty relieving but that was the only chest out of the whole stronghold that actually had one but I knew we were going to have to find an Enderman to kill and hopefully get lucky with an ender pearl and while we were down here

The game changed over to day number 51 now we were in the 1.10 update also known as the frostburn update this update brought polar bears magma blocks Strays and husks and it also brought bone blocks netherwart blocks and red Nether Bricks although it’s small it’s pretty good because that means we don’t

Have to do that update now we can finish our end update we will end up getting it to it later whenever we can and with that being said one ender pearl is standing in the way of us reaching the Ender Dragon beating it and getting our

Elytra so let’s get on to that and I’ll be completely transparent day 51 was wasted I went in all the caves around the stronghold found a bunch of Enderman never got a single end Pearl and when I went up it was raining so I couldn’t

Even fight them at night so here we sit on day number 52 and guess what even throughout all day 52 we couldn’t find one single one we did find a hus though so I guess that is part of the update that we’re in so I I mean we win there

But at the end of the day it doesn’t really feel good wasting days especially since our time is actually limited and day 53 wasn’t much different except for the fact that we did get an ender pearl you can kind of tell how fed up I was I

Just I I saw it got it collected it and then skedaddled I was done and then we got back to the end portal for one last Triumph what am I saying and then we got back to the end portal for one last time before we put the last I ofender in I

Placed the last eye in looked at the portal and jumped in when I was ready and on day number 44 we start the ender dragon fight you know this is nothing you haven’t seen before we hit a couple Towers we hit him in the Tail easy peasy

Lemon squeezy and then we land the final hit and then he’s dead and of course we have to get our Trophy and then the thing that we were looking forward to the most is the end Gateway I built up to it and then threw our ender pearl in

So we can go and find our elytra and if you remember back when the entities first came out they were extremely hard to find so I was prepared to be looking around for a while and closer to the end of day number 55 we found this puny

Little nend City but I see it has a treasure room so let’s go and loot it anyways and here’s one of the new Mobs that we found the Shuler Shuler boxes aren’t actually in this version yet so it kind of threw me off a little bit and

Bam this loot kind of sucks now the other treasure room was a different story this place was stacked but we still needed to find another one because we want that sweet sweet elytra so on day number 55 we did just that the place had some pretty good loot but the main

Thing we were here for was the elytra and there it is in all of its Glory that’s going to help us a lot with the new updates and I definitely missed this thing oh my goodness I did realize though that in this version you can’t use Rockets to fly which kind of ruined

It a little bit on our way out of there we ended up finding another n city and I had another elytra the loot in here was all right but the end ship had single-handedly the best chest I have ever seen in Minecraft and then we claimed our second elytra and what would

A trip to the end be without getting our ender dragon head and we’ve been in the end for so long that it’s officially day number 56 which that means a new update which means we updated Minecraft to the 1.11 update which is the exploration update the main features of this update

Are totems of undying shro boxes llamas and Woodland mansions and it also brings cartographer and nitw villagers I’m pretty sure the Cartographer villagers just so you can find the Woodland Mansion easier and finding out Rockets actually work was very relieving I found another n city killed some shulkers to

Get my Shuler box and then I headed back home when I got back I admired all my good loot and then I went to bed to head over to day number 57 all right it’s day number 57 and we got quite a bit of stuff that we can do first things first

We can enchant some stuff I say we go ahead and enchant the sword fir spe sharpness four and then we can combine these two looting three sharpness 5 fire aspect two we just need Unbreaking now U both these pickaxes will be our pickaxes we just need forun for that one and then

Mending for this one um what’s the next enchantment now Unbreaking okay need that on a shovel honestly so let’s go ahead and okay I mean now we don’t need any of these shovels that’s literally the perfect shovel silk touch would probably be a little better but that’s

Okay boom great shovel that shovel will just be extra I guess ooh another part of this update is the Shuler boxes so we can go ahead and craft one of those right there these things are pretty sick then what’s next silk touch H you can’t enchant the elytras right yep we don’t

Need pants we don’t really need a chest plate need a helmet let me let me make another Helmet or do we do boots ooh no we need we need a helmet we need a helmet test our luck with the helmet I even take fire aspect 3 honestly aqua

Affinity boom there we go can just put mending on that right there that’ll cost less right here basically a perfect helmet um we just need on breaking on the boots feather falling four is fantastic the only thing we can kind of fix is our axe we’ll go ahead and make

Another axe just so we have that in the chest over there once we get enough we’ll enchant that bad boy we also want to get our books so we can put Unbreaking on that elytra and mending once we get mending yeah we’re kind of stacked right now what we want to do

Today is find a we want to find a woodland mansion and llamas too we know Woodland Mansions are quite white literally one of the hardest things to find in the game so if we don’t find it that’s unfortunate ooh and food I need food all right golden carrots yes we can

We’ll have a couple of those oh that’s where all my other stuff is will make all of these potatoes grow up what grow up what am I never mind put the dragon head right there oh and thank you guys for 10,000 subscribers I just hit that

The other day and it means so much honestly I didn’t think we’d hit it that fast in 2024 but we did in like 2 weeks so that’s pretty huge anyways let’s go I think we’re going to go that way a while we’ll get all the sugar cane we can find

And kill all the creepers we can find too just because we need them and there’s a husk part of the update there we go you know the pretty cool thing about The Mending that we need is that we already have a villager for it yeah the fact that this guy over here has

Mending is kind of crazy this guy right here that’s actually crazy now we head off find a woodland Mansion oh boy this is so great actually I just said oh boy unironically all right all right o I’m surprised you haven’t clicked out the video yet don’t please but oh and we

Found another biome the Mesa biome a spruce biome and a spruce Village okay I don’t know those existed yet but there’s a blacksmith H garbage all right yep bye-bye oh boom there’s llamas there’s one of the things done let’s go no dark oak forest yet all right I’m not finding

One I don’t like this oh get him get him get him boys get him that’s crazy why why are the Wolves not oh that’s a creeper oh man all right I’m out well day number 58 is starting and we have not found a wooden mansion yet so guess

We head out a little more just cuz we got some more rockets and we have 92 on that and then a full elytra so and we can make more Rockets if we need to and we can walk like we still have legs so and there’s polar bears I don’t know if

We saw those yet let’s go across this ocean see if there’s anything over here oh another Village um let’s see if there’s a cartographer here cuz I know they can sell Maps like oh the Cartographer nice he takes paper though okay I don’t really like that just see

If there’s enough sugar can over here there we go just enough Boom Boom Pow all right what do you got next for me pal compass for an emerald I need iron and Redstone that’s not cool what do I do about that let’s dig down oh 1 2 3 4

Boom already found our iron perfect we need to go down for Redstone I hear lava and I just found diamonds uh um well let me get my silk touch pickaxe why don’t you 1 2 3 4 5 and I’ll be taking those home that’s a pleasant surprise now I guess we just

Dig straight we get some Redstone oh there we go get a couple more so just we can make some more even though I only have six iron ore but that’s okay we’re gaming all right now we just got to craft this SL that down right there we wait for that to smelt

And then we game know I probably could have prepared a lot better for this but I never claimed to be a smart man boom what’s the next thing nine for an empty map that’s that’s something right there really that much I think the best option is go and mine iron honestly we just

Find a cave and just start munching on that iron should have brought an ender chest or we can get an Ender Chest but that’ll take a lot more than mining a bunch of iron so yeah oh reer oh man ow hey no iron in here any iron down in

This cave no that’s all right cool boom oh you’re not knocking me down there nuh-uh this definitely got something down there right I I just got Bamboozled this is this is quite literally nothing all right so we get to slowly go up yay hooray hooray all right all right all

Right any more iron down here we already have seven more and so that means two more compasses cuz we got two iron in the furnace very hard to see down here oh more iron one piece all right can we get much higher didn’t help that I have

A glare on my screen oh D I know Iron when I see it come on on that’s four more compasses all right oh and there’s more down here six more perfect now we can get six compasses right now we just need one more we need four more iron but

You know this is probably all in vain just because cuz I know the actual map The Mansion it’s going to be a lot more emeralds and even if it’s not a lot more emeralds it’s still more emeralds so we still have to get more emeralds and so

That’s not cool let’s kill some more skeletons because there are farmers over here there are other ways of getting emeralds CU if we have so many bones and we can bone meal crops we’re gaming ooh and I get cooked food now very nice now it’s day number 59 but we’re ever so

Slightly closer to getting our desired thing so how we’ll go about this we’ll drop down in here throw that all in there but we don’t need any of that anymore we can we can go and grab all these crops and whatnot if this is a farm oh fisherman where’s the farmers at

Oh farmer needs wheat or potatoes or carrots or yeah wheat potatoes carrots okay we can literally take anything get all the bone meal right here our biggest bet is going to be potatoes OH 43 potatoes I think think that’ll get us two trades boom there we go now we can

Just make a couple compasses boom there’s six already let this iron smelt be cool if I could level this guy up without buying the other map but I don’t think that’s possible let me go and collect as many crops as we can though cuz I know there’s another plot of

Farmland ooh this guy’s only 15 boom now we have got 12 all right let’s go over to our main man we’re going to need as many emeralds as we can get so let’s might as well make a couple more compasses did not so we have to buy one

Of these what does he have now Ocean Explorer Map Woodland explore map okay let’s say we don’t need the ocean one we need the Woodland so we need another Compass oh no oh I didn’t have to do that that’s so unfortunate I need to go get some more iron for another compass

And 16 more emeralds which I don’t think that’ll take that long it actually might but boom we got a nice map how else can we make some money I know there’s some clerics and some fishermen over here so we can kill a bunch of everything this

Is about to turn night so we can just go ahead and do that are you guys y fisherman coal we do have looting on our swords so that’ll help a lot larcs for rotten flesh I think it’s settled then I think we just wait till night and just

Start killing everything but we do need to get oh we need to get more iron just four more pieces of iron then we’re good then we get the rest of our emeralds from all this stuff now the only thing is going to find some sugar cane cuz in

Case you didn’t know I still only have 11 rockets and these Woodland Mansions tend to be pretty far out so we just get as much sugar cane as possible we can make a bunch more Rockets and the rockets you get three of them now instead of just one I’m pretty sure so

That’s not as big of a deal o coal I can get coal oh my goodness Fortune pick would be pretty cool right now I’ll grab this sugar canane then I’ll head back to the base not to the base what to the Village guys I don’t know if you know

This but my brain is kind of fried right now our first victims oh that didn’t oh I’m so glad I’m a gamer all right all right all right now we Feast on the blood of our enemies oh all right 54 bones enough string for a trade two coal and we’re

Now on day number 60 I know that day was very uneventful but it needed to be done we need mending on our chest plate fast so what we’ll do is we’re going to go ahead and trade everything that we can already boom one string trade boom two

Coal trades a bunch of sugar cane though can turn some of that into paper for another Emerald right here I don’t mind doing that I don’t mind using 17 more coal for another Emerald go to a cleric trade some of the rotten flesh away boom okay and the rest we can get from

Potatoes all right could you stop planting stuff please I did not mean to punch you I’m so sorry actually I don’t care do that just one more time all right there’s the farmer I think we can get enough by just giving it to him 16 nice now we need three more pieces of

Iron I forgot about that part all right I guess we go back down here and figure that out I’m not sure how to go about finding iron down here but we’ll give it a good old honest try oh that’s how you find iron you dig into a cave with iron

Right here there’s only two pieces I need one more how crazy is that this should not be too hard though there we go boom all right now let’s go back down and then go back up and then yeah you know just a couple slight detours all right teammates go back to our trusty

Library let me go Ahad ahead and make some more Rockets too I’m pretty sure it’s the new update where you can just boom and there’s three of them nice almost three stacks of rockets that’s that’s great wonderful amazing then we can make our compass and then get our

Woodland Explorer map thank you all right let’s take this and then boom I don’t know if y’all know how to read a woodland Explorer map but we are in the bottom right and it is very very small so we need to O I mean I don’t know how

To read it but do I do I know we need to see if this thing gets bigger or smaller if this gets Bigg bigger or smaller then we’re going in the right direction oh there we go okay now we just go this way now we just go to the right we’re online

With it so we just got have to go this way however many blocks I hope this is the right direction boom Another Village okay let’s go let’s go check it out I mean there’s a blacksmith so boom and there’s another part of the update a Knit Wit garbage get out of here another

Village no blacksmith though not worth it okay I think the Dot’s getting bigger yes it is okay we’re close 3 2 1 boom there it is in all its Glory with the sheep on top wow these places are very dangerous I’ll go Ahad and go in I don’t

Know if totems of undying exist yet but we will go ahead and find out let’s get to gaming oh look at the cats oh oh that’s not cool all right there’s the vindicators oh there’s an invoker all right that kind of hurts okay they drop emeralds still that’s pretty cool so I

Also do have a bow so why not just take this nice and slow um okay he died perfect does he have the totem he does totems do exist nice there any more of those guys cuz I mean more totems is always great same with books and flower

Pots I’ll take the flower pots as well these things aren’t as dangerous nowadays because things don’t spawn in a light level of anything the light level has to be zero um there is a zombie in a zombie villager with a shovel in full armor that’s crazy I’m pretty sure there

Are chests up here see what they got oh music disc okay that’s new and another golden apple and some melon seeds I don’t know if we have those yet but I will totally take those what else does this place got for me oh another chest room let’s go what does this one got

Boom a diamond ho I don’t have that yet so that’s actually don’t mind that at all and a name tag that’s huge I can name my horse okay that’s that actually was not a bad chest whatsoever that was pretty nice a chicken look at the chicken do these things have something

Inside of them or am I just violating this chicken for no reason yeah I’m sorry about you I didn’t mean it I take it back well that’s all the stuff on the second floor I know there’s another floor though the bottom floor there are some cool flowers here though I’ll take

The Zur blet and then there’s an anvil in here can I do I have any leather on me I think I have le in here that is how you oh my goodness that’s huge wow all right nice I’ll also be taking that with me just in case I need it there we go

There we go there’s a lot of interesting rooms in this one there doesn’t seem to be any more vindicators or anything like that so we got our one total of them dying I mean that’s cool and just as the Sun starts to rise on day number 61 some

Very very good stuff and there we go that didn’t take long either so that’s pretty nice um okay and we’re getting a whole bunch of advancements cuz they’re called advancements now I’m dying don’t don’t look as funny um yeah so we’re in the 1.12 update now the World of Color

Update this update came out June 7th 2017 and the main features of this update are colored concrete color concrete powder glazed terracotta and parrots but it also brings improved wool colors diable beds replace achievements with advancements so now if I click Start I have advancements and boom kind

Of means I need to go back and do all that but we’ll figure that out so I guess what we’re going to do in this update is get all the colors because why not we can start down here all right right there we go there we go all right

Let’s get this guy as well I think that’s just gray yep light gray yeah there are some more flowers over here or any color that we don’t have I mean orange but we can make orange we might as well just grab one of those know we need lavender and then purple and pink

And all that stuff but that’s not hard to do well speaking of lavender I don’t know get a couple of those we got quite a bit of the colors the penie is pink dye the aluminium is magenta we have a bunch of stuff cuz we’re going to need

At least three colors for every single thing now now let’s go ahead and go back to our base so we were at, 1400 -3 something so we just go this way for a while we got so many Rockets these newer Rockets are just so much better too and

If we see any more colors on the way we can snag those oh there’s a new flower right there what is the Lilac do magenta so it’s the same as the Alum Al Al alium oh my goodness dogs there’s dogs there we go you’re my friend now all right

Hopefully you don’t die ooh I’m also going to have to get concrete and terracotta do I just go to a Mesa biome and get terra cotta that way I’ll just get back and then I’ll figure it out not going to worry about it yet o sunflowers I know we already have yellow

Can do yellow right yep so we’ll throw away the dandelions cuz sunflowers are ultimately cooler maybe this update I can do some stuff with my armor just cuz we’ll have more time hopefully this should not take forever found myself a village and there’s a blacksmith there something cool ooh a diamond uh-oh let’s

Go and free dinner oh and there there’s the Mesa biome boom now I don’t have to figure it out I just come here click that right there and we’re gaming I need you all come back to you that was very close uh-oh and I’ll take that right

There give me your sacks all right oh seven sacks that should be enough wait hold up I have to find this Village it’s right there there it is let’s go all right that means home is just over here and our house is cut in half uh-oh there

We go and we’re home all right so that stays a red bed I mean I figured but we can go and smelt that right there blue what kind of blue is that light blue yeah no there’s a green dye right there we have any other dyes up here we have

Our bones but we have bones down in the chest there’s our new diamond boom look how pretty let me get the um the bone meal so I can turn that into white dye never mind does that just work as white dye we’re going to need this guy over

Here thank you yeah it does okay black dye doesn’t exist either it just sacks all right all right all right we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 we need light green we need dark gray we need light

Gray and we need brown um Let me let me give me a sec okay so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 we’re missing Brown obviously well now it’s day number 62 we’re going to Boom repair our elytra

Before I go let me make some shears so I could dial the wool I think first and foremost we head to the is it negative it’s the POS it’s this way to our portal in the sky see if I can land here safely and not not die boom nice we need to go

Deeper boom there we go now we’re gaming now why am I going back um ooh I know where I’m going back I’m going to grab cocoa beans and hopefully parrots spawn in the older jungles weave weave oh that did not work okay don’t mind me just walked right

Through a Zombie Pigman subp Space Bubble that is very loud um but hey um here for the the cocoa bean I got a cocoa bean right there I’ll take seeds just in case I do find a parrot at the jungle boom now we just go here for like

3,000 blocks and then we find the jungle oh I forgot about our dog whatever he’s at boom there we go and is our cat still here where’s our gate there he is hello I it looks like parrots cannot spawn this trip was worth nothing wow okay I

Guess I’ll head back hopefully my cat doesn’t die all right I think we should go ahead and go sleep good night all right now it’s day number 63 all right so what we got to do is we’re going to go ahead and collect a whole bunch of

Wool honestly I mean that’s that’s the goal right now cuz we could just make the bed and then dye the bed with one piece of wool we don’t have to dye a sheep if we’re going to have 16 beds we’re going to need um 16 * 3 is 48

We’ll need 48 pieces of wool boom 48 pieces Perfect all right let’s go back I’m going to need 48 pieces of wood as well right now let’s just go back got how far this portal is but it should be right here guess it’s time to go back let’s go back to

14,000 wo wo whoo whoo whoo look at that there we go there it is so what we got to do is we got to make all these beds boom nice all of the beds St black gray light gray white round will go on the end cuz why not red orange yellow green

Thank you you didn’t have to do that appreciate it though boom there’s all the beds now we just need the Terra Cotta and the glazed terra cotta c m needs a c now we’re on day number 64 so we have 2 days to get this done I mean

That’s not going to be hard at all go ahead and boom boom boom boom there we go all right terracotta concrete we need glazed terracotta and concrete that’s what we need all right so for concrete we’re going to need we’re going need four gravel and four sand for each type

Yeah I don’t think the sand will be that big of a deal obviously we just need some gravel gravel should not be hard to find at all there’s a cave just right here with some gravel in it o I have fored on my shovel I’m go grab the other

One guess we’re going old school boys there’s got to be some gravel down here somewhere right Bingo all right 4 * 16 is 64 so boom we’re all good now all we got to do is take all of our dyes and all of our sand and our gravel what you

Do here is you do I don’t think it matters what order boom boom boom bo boom Oh that’s that’s a sneeze excuse me boom that’s all of our concrete powder let’s just match it up with everything back here boom um do I feel confident in my

Bucket skills I think I do boom now we just need glaze terra cotta how do I make glaze terra cotta you ask I don’t know we’re going to go find out all right the Quest for terracotta begins all right terracotta I can either get clay and smelt the blocks into terra

Cotta or or I can go to the Mesa biome and graft it I mean I already got all of my dyes in the chest all right so let’s go ahead and go over there and our Mesa biome is not too far away this way it has a bunch of uncolored terra cotta so

We’ll just grab a bunch of that I’m guessing we need eight for each die so I’m going to get a lot actually that mean two stacks and then to get glazed terracotta we just smelt one of those and then boom we’re all good and there

We go I would like to say this is the uncolored terracotta but it’s white terra cotta I think the brownish one right here might be I think this is just Terra Cotta yep we need a whole bunch of that all right so let’s get to mining

There we go we got two stacks just in case and that’s about it and we’re gaming all right let’s head back boom The Village Boom the temple our house actually looks really good from afar I think so at least now let’s get to crafting so let’s get one of each of

These Dy all right boom and then one in between and while we’re at it let’s go and start smelting some of these bad boys and we just get the glaze version now I’ve actually never seen all the colors of terracotta so this will be pretty interesting guess we’ll go to

Sleep never never mind can I go to sleep now yes I can and on day number 65 we get a hey boom dropped his pants waa hey I didn’t mean it like that I’m sorry all right boom there we go that is the World of Color update guys all the new beds

The concrete powder the concrete the Terracotta the glazed terracotta look how good it looks nice and now that’ll stay there in our world forever well I mean the only other thing we can get is parrots and I really do not think we’re going to be able to find a jungle that

We haven’t found yet we can do that some other time but for now I think we get mending and all this kind of stuff on our elytras we pull up the cords to our base not our base we pull up the cords to our ender portal snag those really

Quickly um sorry guys I just needed some more food oh that was an epic gamer move all right let me pull up the cords real quick all right we go to 13,580 4,260 13586 so we have to go this way and – 4,000 so it’s just straight up that way

It’s not that far away honestly and there’s the island let’s go let’s go with feather falling we survive that surely yep I spy a lot of zombies all right I did not mean to screenshot well we don’t need to go back into the end we might do it just for the achievement

While we’re here but we got all these great fantastic books but we are going to um we’re going to store all those okay we’re actually good we don’t even need that at all the end dragon’s not here I hope so we’ll go in and we’ll just go back out just because oh that’s

Loud sorry just because it’ll spawn us back at our house we have to run all the way back how do I get out um oh there we go boom nice so we’re back here what we can do is breaking on our elytra efficiency five on a pickaxe just cuz

I’m I’m the goat I’m him put all those bad boys in there and with The Mending we need to get a couple of Trades I think we can take that in there maybe that um I know there’s a lot of books that we got so we can take those those

Will be worth trade um what else can we trade I don’t remember let’s go see where we’re at and what we can do cuz that mending villager is kind of crazy all right he takes boom paper for one of those mending 10 o he only took two two written books for that

How do you write a book I need to go back I have more emeralds in the chest so wait what am I here for boom 12 emeralds perfect do I have any more stuff I can trade up here bring and rotten flesh do I have any more rotten

Flesh in here no I got some more string though I think I can trade leather and iron with somebody and gold I know I can trade gold all right I think we should be good now I also need more than just one mending book I want mending on my

Chest plate and my boots and my sword at some point but not too important we don’t use a sword that much boom boom mending leather right here for another emeralds where’s our cleric I need the cleric now tell me the cleric’s not dead surely not where could he be mean we got

Our mending book for our elytra but I got one for our chest plate there he is Boom two of those everything else he needs emeralds for okay that’s cool I guess I guess what we should have done is we should have gone ahead and got all

Of the books in that place um cuz there was two libraries but nothing we can’t go back and do after the next update all right boom boom boom nine levels how crazy is that okay okay who’s going to die who’s my next victim there we go all right boom boom

Boom now we have a perfect elytra all right sleepy time never mind now it’s sleepy time all right let’s head over to 1.13 all right o o every update just feels different we’re officially in the update aquatic which is also known as the 1.13 update which

Came out July 18th 2018 and the main features of this update are kelp and seagrass fish mobs Dolphins Turtles the drowned Trident toal reefs Phantoms conduits but it also brings submerged Cav swimming shipwrecks treasure maps Iceberg bubble colums and enhanced water physics so now we can can swim we can

Use bubble columns with Soul Sand right here there’re could to be underwater caves now it’s just the revamp of the ocean I think this time we go that way so we obviously want to see all the new Mobs we want to we want to find a coral

Reef conduit I would try but I can almost guarantee that that will not happen for us to get a conduit we need eight Nautilus shells and a heart of the sea heart of the sea is not that hard to find but the Nautilus shells are a pain

To find so yeah let’s go this way and find an ocean and once we find a new ocean we will be able to tell we will be able to tell it won’t be that won’t be that hard to see and we already found some new ocean go on here boom just like

That we already have some kelp there’s already a drowned with the Trident that scared the crap out of me uh we don’t like that he did not drop his Trident which is unfortunate but I did get gold we already found kelp and seagrass I don’t think I need to collect seagrass

For you but there’s the new icebergs okay now this probably a cold ocean so there’s no fish oh and look what we found here are the turtles we found the turtles already let’s go hi hi buddy proof that I have seen one and the new fish proof that we found the new fish

I’m going to catch him in the bucket tactical fishing there we go I mean just like that we’ve we’ve already done half the update we still need Dolphins we already found the drown we technically found a trident we could possibly actually get it though instead so that’ll count more Phantoms we just

Can’t sleep for three nights and don’t find those conduits coral reef is the biggest thing though let’s keep flying around hopefully we find one of those cuz those things are actually pretty cool dolphin oh did you see that there he is we got dolphin’s Grace look how

Scary the water is now but I can swim I think you can yep you can see me swimming that’s pretty cool honestly a revolutionary update all right so let’s keep exploring for that coral reef and I’m really not sure how common shipwrecks are you can oh ocean Monument

Actually let’s fly over that and take a screenshot of that just in case we need it for a future update or something ooh I think this might be new too the fact that different colored Villages can spawn I mean there’s really nothing different about them yet they’re still

The same old same old thing right let’s try to find a cool we do have a silk touch pickaxe so we can get some of the blocks oh does that mean I can get hold on that mean I can get seagrass no okay this is a different

Biome okay it’s a lukewarm ocean we found one of the ruins I don’t think anything’s really down here there’s the drown but Frost Walker book that’s actually just what’s up with that that’s EXT that’s extremely rare what the heck and a bubble column okay there’s another

Thing off the list and there’s our first shipwreck let’s go and scour that looking for the map that’s not it oh it is it just stuff that just didn’t load okay right Buri treasure now let’s fly over to where this thing’s at might be a little scuffed but that’s okay just get

Right there and then it should be just right down here oh there it is part of the sea TNT fish here we go boom all right now we just got to find a coal Reef baby we just need one more thing I don’t see that being too hard to find

Either oh there’s got to be a coal Reef over here another Village underwater cave that looks pretty sick don’t want to go in there though mushroom biome for now I don’t think this is New Generation yep we’ve hit the wall I think we went backwards yeah we were going backwards

Not that’s not good oh there’s a shipwreck that’s not even a wreck it’s just a ship ooh that’s a big old cave another shipwreck I don’t really need that sorry look at the sun the sun’s literally in the ocean I guess these coral reefs are actually pretty hard to

Find I’m not a fan of things that are hard to find we’re going across the frozen tundra mate I’ve been flying for a while still have not found one oh okay quick turn around there’s got to be one around here somewhere not another shipwreck I don’t need you a Mesa biome

Boom Another shipwreck another bad lands biome another shipwreck another shipwreck another shipwreck another shipwreck another shipwreck um coral reefs do do you exist are you real shipwreck shipwreck another Village another shipwreck like how how hard are these Coral Leaf how I lose my brain it’s melting my brain’s melting I can’t

Think oh an ocean Monument that’s too far out here shipwreck shipwreck ooh an ice biome thank you for something new I guess oh is that okay new structure alert let’s go and Igloo wow where’s it at what the does this not have a basement no it doesn’t cuz there’s okay

Wow exciting stuff well there’s an igloo for you and as we continue to search for the coral reef I have a problem this is the screen that is on for the next hour of footage so you miss me getting the coral reef getting Phantoms and then building my little aquarium quite

Literally the next 3 days we’re literally just trying to find the coral reef so I’m sorry that this has happened but I can’t do anything about it and this is just how it is so I’m sorry so we’re on day number 71 now all right now we’re on the village and pillage update

Also known as update 1.14 which came out on April 23rd 2019 almost 5 years ago the main features of this update are the village overhaul every house has a different profession in it the pillagers are a thing now raids can happen a lot of the textures are updated in the game

As you can kind of see you can see in the inventory as well the golden apple the carrots pretty much just everything is we go here a noticeable one is all the crops they’re all different everything’s just a little more vibrant same with the horses they added foxes

Pandas and bamboo forests and then the other part is the new crafting station such as the blast furnace and all like the smoker and whatnot most of the profession tables so with that being said I think what we do is we have a village right next to us we can go check

That out and the total of them dying looks different as well just a whole bunch of stuff so I guess what we’ll do is we’ll go ahead and fly over to our village and see what’s up so yeah these guys should have different professions now oh that’s that’s the thing now but

He’s obviously the librarian with The Mending and the new trading UI I think it just looks so much better that way and this guy is obviously the cleric that we traded with earlier we didn’t trade with this guy so he has no profession which is kind of what we’re

Looking for same with this guy no profession this guy is the butcher though these guys don’t know any better this guy in here doesn’t know anything this guy back here doesn’t these guys right here don’t so there are a lot of villagers that don’t don’t know know how

To do anything so what we’re going to have to do is we’re going to go make a bunch of profession tables we we want at least one of every single profession we already have a butcher we already have a librarian we already have a cleric so

There are a couple more things that we need so let’s go back to the base and sort all that out now I don’t think I’m missing any other things 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 we have the grindstone the smithing table cartography just look up let me

Just look up all professions Blast Furnace we’re missing a blast furnace boom Blast Furnace there we go perfect and let’s go to sleep why not all right now it’s day number 72 and we’re ready to go off into the distance now you my friend boom lock you in right there I

Don’t need the bricks so let me just throw those out glass furnace right here there we go five emeralds sure the smoker I mean you’re already right there so that’s fine fling table who wants it oh this guy apparently boom got that guy down fisherman you right here boom three

For a bucket of cod that’s not bad I don’t think um poster you right there um let go get more carrots I guess boom there we go thank you guess the hard part will be finding all these guys there’s a new guy in here you want to be

The Cartographer boom seven for a map sure I guess that’s fine there’s two guys in here boom aloom nice 18 that’s o That’s quite a bit whatever smithing table for you one nice all right now we’ve got the cauldron and the grindstone and that’s it but sad thing

Is I think that’s all of the villagers that’s okay yeah cuz you’re the oh we do have a leather worker okay so we just need one more guy I’ll go and put your work station down over here the smoker guy over here but I do think there’s one

More that needs to be we throw those out and see if they’ll start breeding oh they can’t cuz there’s no beds huh H interesting all right actually I think I’m going to go get all that wool I need 18 there you are thank you 19 let’s get enough for a

Bed actually come on eat the GR ass it’s so nutritious there we go thank you all right all right all right where is that lomer guy isn’t he over here somewhere come on where’s he at that’s not him that’s not him oh you you’re broke you

Don’t have a job here you go boom nice I have an odd suspicion that was the guy he just didn’t have the um oh never mind boom we have everybody Perfect all right well that knocks off new crafting stations and just new villagers in general we have every single profession

Here now it’s time for us to go home this creepers a man boom epic gamer all right it is nap time once again all right let me go up here and clear out some of this stuff cuz we don’t need a lot of this we’re not here for too long

So we’re not going to organize anything cuz what would the point really be boom there we go there we go and we’ll figure that out later so now part of this update is the pillagers I know we’re strong enough for a raid but I kind of

Want some mending stuff first I need two mending books one for my boots one for my chest plate another for my sword and my axe I need four so that’s 88 emeralds how do I make 88 emeralds you ask I don’t know how do I make 88 emeralds I

Got to find that out myself I’m pretty sure I do have four books up here somewhere I have 4D books let me just take all those let me take all the stuff I can use for trades I know I can use iron now now 10 is going to get me over

There hopefully ow that did not feel good now let’s just go on a trading spree why don’t we we can just settle for one for now boom all right I think one will do for now I just know when these next couple updates we got a lot

Of exploring to do so what’s more important H think about this we have efficiency Unbreaking three on that protection and sharpness Frost Walker I think I’m breaking for my boots for sure and mending for my chest plates boom and breaking for the boots nice so now I

Just need mending all my boots and then I’m fine I mean my sword as well axe not so important but maybe I just keep collecting all that stuff maybe tonight that’s what I do is I just start farming rotten flesh and then leather and whatnot I think that’s actually a great

Idea let me go ahead and just just prepare for that actually we go ahead and do that with cows for now I mean I don’t need any more food but the leather yes let’s Farm creepers zombies and spy does tonight think the next thing I’ll put mending on is probably my boots just

Because it’s another piece of armor that I need to not break especially with all the caving I’m going to do in the next couple updates or not just caving but neing this nice epic monster mowing session is getting my elytra all fueled up and ready to go so regardless of how

Well this does me for emeralds I mean I needed to do this anyways almost three stacks of rotten flesh that’ll get me literally like five emeralds that’s fantastic all right let’s see how we did it’s day number 74 but we’re going to see we’re going to see the damage we can

Do all the stuff we got ooh ooh ooh we do have a fortune 3 shovel so watch this Guys all right that’s not a cool sound I don’t like that but I do like the fortune 3 I never knew that below the gravel was Cobblestone I honestly think it looks a little bit better it’s glitched I can’t get through don’t kill me please how does this look what the

Heck I got an arrow right in the top of my head that’s pretty funny how much ooh almost four Stacks all right where’d you go pal ooh there we go we just got two more mending books how crazy we’re gaming uh-oh we’re a bunch of Gamers ooh

Ooh our lias is all the way back now what we need to do is we need to go back get more books we just snag two of these bad boys right here mending one and mending two hooray perfect and we’re back and we’re gaming right on the boots

Three for the boots huge and then I think the sword is the best bet yep most definitely the sword fantastic sword and we’re pretty much done with that where was that bucket of cod where’d that thing go right here I’m putting I’m putting that cod in our little thing

Boom there’s our little fishy little fishy boy okay so I think what we can do is we can go and go that way that’s a place we have not gone yet getting sugar cane and all that kind of stuff on the way I think that’s a safe bet we head

There until we find a Pillager Outpost or Pillager spawn or we find a bamboo forest in a Jung Le but finding a jungle might be a little hard so if we just go that way for a while yeah I think that’s what we’ll do not really worry about anything what there’s another Village

Right here I mean I mean that’s cool but I think we can literally just keep going this way I think this is relatively new I haven’t seen a podle biome yet or the mega tiger that’s pretty cool oh we also could find one of the newer Villages I

Think I mean that’d be pretty sick and that’s part of the update too so check that off the list okay a jungle biome is this new it is new cuz there’s bamboo okay that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be and now the

Only thing ow now the only thing left is pandas let’s find the pandas where the pandas at uh-oh we found one like 10 updates later okay I guess we’re gaming ow hey Fortune 2 Smite 3 that’s a w and then I know there’s this little thing back here how does that even work

I know it’s a puzzle but all the time I would just quite literally just break through it so let’s see if I can figure it out I I mean I figured it out oh why did I figured it out so that’s cool give me the piston and the sticky pistons

Okay huge thank you all right give me out that was fun but I’m out we only need oh another one there’s no way they don’t exist and then all of a sudden they do cuz I have an elytra that’s why um I didn’t see any pandas but I did

Find everything else let me go and look for a fox real quick foxes do spawn like come on how hard is this thing supposed to be to find I mean I know the foxes can just spawn in any tundra or any Tiger Biome but with the pandas do they

Have to spawn in a bamboo forest and I think that would make a little bit of sense but it’s still kind of dumb I think it’s always when you’re trying to find something they never show up while we’re on the last day of the village and

Pillage update got a few more things to find oh sweet berries are new that’s not on the list but I mean it’s new so there we go we need to find a fox a panda and pillagers and start a raid is kind of the bonus thing so last 100 days video I

Talked about people with lactose intolerant problems or people who are lactose intolerant we had a couple people say they stand with the lactose intolerant people and I do too I started that the last video but this time we’re talking about the gluten and dairy free

People I feel bad for you no ice cream no peanut butter no bread you you just live a sad life and that’s okay same as vegans but we don’t talk about vegans so if you’re allergic to gluten or allergic to Dairy I stand with you as well um

Guys I don’t think this thing exists literally where are the foxes mate where are the foxes bro all right well let me get out of here I’ll Scout the area one last time but I feel like we have a better chance of finding a panda now let’s go find the pandas more important

A bamboo forest cuz I think that’s where the pandas actually spawn all right no um no luck with that I still need to find that Pillager Outpost no luck over there oh uh-oh uh-oh I think you see what I see let me just land up here snag this Unbreaking I think I quite

Literally needed that now get the chop in bro weave guys are kind of weak I guess I just need to wait till they spawn with the flag over the heads oh there he is there’s the guy now does that last for how long does that last for that last

Until like I die or I don’t know the only reason why I ask is because it’d be very nice to just go and grab bees first well how about this how about screenshot this just in case what if I went ahead and just updated it so I could go so I’m

Not wasting this time right now oh actually you know what I could just do this speed it up a little bit all right go to sleep let’s go to day 76 all right we are now in the 1.5 update also known as the Buzzy be be update this update

Came out December 10th 2019 so like 7 months after the 1.14 and the main features of this update are bees I mean that is primarily what is in this update with bees comes beehives be Nest honey bottles honey blocks honeycomb blocks and there’s a lot of bug fixes as well

And the rendering code was Rewritten so we won’t get terrible rendering anymore which is a huge huge difference and every update you kind of can just tell that it’s a new update so what we’re going to do we’re going to go this way now with the rendering code being

Updated I think we might be able to get bees in unloaded chunks what I mean by that is we’ve already loaded a certain amount of chunks but I think we can still get bees in chunks we’ve already loaded I think that’s what that means but just to make it safe come out here

And see what we can get now bees can spawn on trees in any biome that trees spawn in I’m pretty sure this one’s just a forest right here but a flower forest or right there quite literally boom well hello here’s our furry little friends well I have to wait till it’s night to

Get the bees back in the Beehive so in the meantime I really don’t know what to do I haven’t seen these flowers yet they’re corn flowers okay I think these are new oh he just went back in Get Him Now boom there we go yeah the bees are

In there I went to go deposit their honey so I guess I didn’t have to wait till night this time um while we’re over here there is that igab biome we could potentially find a fox and there’s another beehive all right you guys go back in the hive go back in the hive

Hurry up bee hurry up be let’s go boom there we go now we got two beehives with bees in them sweet all right well let’s continue with our thing going to find these things in the thing let’s try to find another little fox let’s find a

Little fox in the Tiger Biome H funny you’re not the guy that I want I think it might just be a last caruse I’m not entirely sure mate my thing is I I always find these things no problem I’m not looking for them whatsoever and they’re just there I guess this time

It’s just different well I guess what we can do is we can just fly back now yep nothing there but we can go back to 14 ,000 yeah so it’s going to be that way okay I’ve missed a fox let me know I think what I want to do is I’ll go home

First and I’ll drop everything off and then I’ll go to the other Village I know it’s not it doesn’t even matter whichever o Village right there that’s a new Village actually I’m not going to go near that but that is a newer one with the actual personalized buildings which

Is pretty cool boom there’s the underground Temple yeah and then our base is just this way yeah there we go there’s the house and you see how easy that was when we have just the best elytra the best things it’s just so great I guess we’ll go and throw our

Stuff up here let me take a nap and then reset the day and then go fight this raid start on day number 77 so what we’re going to do I’ll go ahead and make some more golden apples if I have more apples I don’t think I do okay never

Mind but I’ll keep these golden apples in hand let me put this stuff on my stuff all right if I put Unbreaking on my sword and Fortune 2 on my pickaxe that’s only five so we’re all golden now we have a good bow let me go ahead and

Repair this bad Bo for only two there we go and yeah turn those hit boxes back on just cuz let’s go this way to that other Sand Village all right ladies and gentlemen get ready and prepare the village and the raid has started or has it why is it not started

Why is the raid not started how does the raid start all right maybe it’s cuz it’s an older Village let me go to the other Village that TI going all the way out here it’s right here all right now I think it’s time to raid there we go has

To be a newer one get ready let me put on my chest plate have our bow in hand I think I think we should just be fine they’re not really anything special oh no they’re over there they’re getting getting smoked all right let’s go mess

Them up thank you sir I didn’t have to do anything thank you all right yeah ring that bell boy where they come from this time oh this way I think nope those are sheep all right oh they’re still over there okay dang all right oh off I guess I

Don’t want to kill him anyways these last guys up here they got to be right ow there he is uhoh not the ravager not the big guy come and help me get him oh no I I didn’t mean to do that well he can’t get me up here so that’s going to

Just cheese him there we go and he got us a saddle hooray but now we don’t have a little our little buddy to help us out I mean I know we’ll be fine but why are you running away from me pal guess this witch didn’t want to come

Down goodbye where’s this l oh right here what are you drinking Pal doesn’t matter bye-bye all right this should be the final wave I think I’m not entirely sure where are they coming from this time oh over here all right this guy’s fast okay he needs to die immediately

There we go oh that’s a ravager you’re not allowed over here ow he’s fast get me out out how much health does this guy have oh he’s dead all right the big threat is down now it’s a snooze Fest uh-oh one more evoker oh that’s not an

Evoker why are you waving your arms like that it says raid defeat did we lose we lost I guess they killed all the villagers I don’t know they could actually do that I mean good thing that wasn’t part of the thing was winning a raid that’s okay all right well that

Crosses off 1.14 off the list all right well that was fun let me uh turn off those hit boxes and go home tomorrow’s the day of the bees I am not going in the right direction okay yeah we’re close over here and there’s the house there’s the house and we asleep and we

Going to bed good night me all right so we got another total of dying that’s pretty sick not that we’re going to need it cuz we’re just gamers all righty mate let’s get our beehives boom boom and I think we’ll just put one on this tree right here our lovely bees should come

Out I heard him let me go get some more flowers cuz I know they can go to any flowers but all the flowers could just be a little better nice way to liveen up the place um I’m not entirely sure why it won’t come out but take some of these

Leaves off to make this look a little better go get some more bones all the bone meal brother oh there they are they finally came out nice nice just got to make this look a little more lively again there we go nice little cozy place they’re doing the bee stuff in there and

We should make another tree somewhere over here not over here where am I going I’m going to get the bone meal that I dropped boom right there um it looks like it didn’t care what I wanted it to do did it anyways all right not too bad

All right beehive number two right there nice now I guess we just wait till they do this all the time I’m not entirely sure I know we need to make campfires which you just use we need coal some sticks how do I make a campfire let me

Find out o I need I need logs that makes more sense we go and boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom there’s one to get both of the coals boom boom boom and Bam we got two be or two campfires beeh no uh all we do is put that right

Underneath it and then we can snag whatever we need out of there nice ooh now there’s honey we can do one of two things we can use bottles do we have bottles no we don’t wait do I have sand I do have sand boom but for now where’s

My shears do I have shears yes I do oh my goodness I have shears in my inventory oh my goodness my brain’s going to explode while we’re waiting for the other thing to start doing that we’ll go ahead and snip that off boom we got three Honeycombs there’s a new item

And if I’m not mistaken we get four of these we can make a honeycomb block which is kind of pointless um yeah it doesn’t really do anything but it’s okay nine bottles we need some more flowers over here though I’m actually get rid of this Farm too it’s kind of gross right

Now I guess we quite literally just sit and wait we could make a bee nest I think that is a good idea how do I make a bee nest not beehive be Nest oh wait the Beehive is the craftable one the bee nest is the okay okay well I guess it’s

Good that I didn’t use the Honeycombs yet cuz we do need them for a beehive boom an artificial one we can place this one right here because and when it oh what was that when it turns day we can breed the bees and get a little baby bee

But we need to wait for day because they don’t come out at night so while we’re waiting for that let me go ahead and make another um another what what do I need to make another of oh I know I’m making another rain can you work please I’m making another campfire or the

Beehive or the bee nest whatever you want to call it boom there we go all right now it’s time to take a nap let’s go to bed and go to day number 78 just kidding that was day 78 today is day 79 we got 2 days to deal with the bees now

Let me boom now make a little bee babies there we all the little bee is so cute can I make you grow up faster oh I think I can hold on I don’t know if that helps but I did it I mean I just fed it so many flowers and hopefully it doesn’t

Die over pollenization or if that’s even a thing I don’t know let me show you what I can do with this though boom a bottle of honey and I can drink it but I don’t want to do that cuz I want to make a honey block so I guess I’ll be a

Beekeeper for the next couple of days oh there’s the other bee he was was buzzing off somewhere else I guess um so now I guess um well this might be the next boring couple of days I literally just sit here and wait I can’t speed this up

And the beehives are too far away so I guess this is what we’ll see for the next 2 days we just need three more honey bottles and four Honeycombs and that’s it well by the way I have a lot of people ask me what shaders do I use

Um right now obviously nothing but normally it’s the complimentary reimagine shaders you’ll end up seeing that later on when I go to 1.20 but hey look at all the bees the bees are a buzzing all right y’all keep getting make into honey or whatever ooh more

Honey get one more honey bottle I just need one more I have a Lego version of you that’s pretty cool oh another baby where’d you come from I’m not going to ask any questions look at them hard at work this is like a wallpaper something you find on a wallpaper engine just bees

Floating around I mean not right now there’s no Bees but you know what I mean but I think they’re done for the day so I am too let us go to sleep and go to our last day of the 1.5 update all right now they’re back at work now let me

Breed y’all of course I can’t breed you of course you’ve already eaten food you fatty where are your friendss at where they at though oh there they are but I can’t feed y’all either I can feed you oh they’re making a baby boom what up

Ganga all right I’ll let y’all go do y’s jobs ooh our honey block is here check this out boom sweet get it cuz it’s honey all right I’ll walk myself out is that not a there we go scky situation nice that’ll go I’ll put that in the

Ground right here just cuz you can’t really see it but that’s okay now now we just need our shears Shear that right there and cheer that right there we have six honey block or honeycomb block boom nice I’ll put that right here here we go well that’s all for the 1.15 update yay

All the bees I know I know it’s not like Wy I didn’t build a big old bee farm but I didn’t have time for that okay you guys can calm down well I guess I can set up for the next update which is you guessed it the nether update which is

Kind of concerning just a little bit but we can fortun these diamonds finally we got 12 out of five that’s pretty cool um yeah but we do have do have our obsidian somewhere boom and there should be 26 in here nice but what we can do is we can

Make a little place over here put our portal down all right so let’s light this bad boy up and that’s where we’ll be spending our time for the next 5 days’ be pretty cool if we don’t have to spend all 5 days there but I’m completely prepared to I will keep my

Obsidian I will have my Rockets my golden apple just everything that I might need yes I do my fire resistance potions that could save me other than that I think we should be good so yeah we can just watch the bees for the rest of the day how about That all right I think it is night time so we can officially sleep and then update our game why is everything’s nothing’s Enchanted anymore I mean it it gained dur what is going on it gained durability butth this is why you make backups of your worlds ladies and

Gentlemen why you make backups of your worlds well we can say hi to our bees and to our fishes but at least we have everything but that’s kind of annoying I prepared for the nether all right so let’s go back in the house and run you through what’s what’s going on so the

Nether update is the official 1.16 update of Minecraft which came out on June 23rd 2020 and the main features of this update are you guessed at the nether rework this includes warped Forest Crimson Forest Soul Sand valleys piglins hoglands Striders many new nether blocks netherite and netherite

Tools and armor which is pretty sick and also zombie pigman are now zombified piglins I don’t think Pigman exist anymore but that’s not really a big deal oh oh we have Enchanted stuff in here oh my goodness oh that’s okay that’s kind of sick I guess we’ll be taking some of

Those be replacing those with those breaking on the pants oh and we don’t have any levels okay that’s cool too at least we have two silk touch shovels everything over here still good we still have that axe well it doesn’t matter anymore have aish protection sharpness well I guess we’ll grab this other

Elytra cuz we might need it now ooh I do remember I think yes a fortune 4 efficiency that makes no sense a fortune 3 efficiency for shovel I guess I’ll take that I do have more diamonds too I mean that doesn’t help me need more levels whatever that’s fine all right

Well we could go into The Nether first or should we enchant some of our armor we still have 22 emeralds which is enough for one thing of mending we already have a mending pair of pants and we have protection four and sharpness four on something and something else I

Don’t remember which one it was yes The Mending blast protection and our other elytra as well that really just flipped the whole script around ooh Why did why did it do that I really want to know why it did that well with our new dilemma I

Think we just go and discover the nether see what’s up okay we’re already in the Crimson Forest ooh can I grab let me get one of each of these Boom Boom o Roots mushrooms o a warped mushroom all right and a shroom light that is everything

For here right yeah there we go let’s take a screenshot of the portal and then let’s not fight those guys and let’s just go this way looking for a Soul Sand Valley or oh a Soul Sand Valley boom let me take a bone block from here P of Soul

Sand um piece of the Soul soil right there and boom that’s that’s it for um the Soul Sand oh not cool all right that’s literally two biomes down I’m actually going to go and go this way just because I don’t want to stray too far boom Striders there’s another

Thing hoglin oh a ruined portal wonder when those were added cuz I have not seen one in my world yet maybe they were added this update obsidian efficiency I’ll take some obsidian and a fire charge all right onward um I think it was a good idea to go in the same

Direction because we could run into the generation we’ve already generated before so yeah I think I should go back oh a Bastion okay um so we are in New Generation I will not be going in there simply because we don’t have any enchantments on our armor but we found

One of those there you go and here we are a warped Forest ooh I guess I went over Basalt Delta biome huh I got 19 levels from that that’s crazy um I guess I flew over basal Delta at some point I guess I didn’t really see it but sure I didn’t

Know those things existed yet let’s grab one of everything over here as well boom boom boom I already have one of those I’ll put it back nice um okay Hey ow that did not feel good that didn’t feel good I I’m out get me out of

Here holy well I would like to find the basalt Delta I went to I don’t know how I went to one but oh oh there’s the oh I found the other portal that’s the ocean portal right there what the heck that’s pretty sick there Basalt Delta over

There um I don’t see one I guess we’ll keep exploring for that but I I still haven’t found it but it said I did I don’t know I have no idea wait so does did that count right there I saw one of these things I don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 boom

Assault nice now we have every single block that is new for the nether we didn’t even need to find a assault I’m still just so I’m I’m confused what the heck happened is there anything else we needed to explore in here well the only thing to do now is get netherite I think

That’s what we’ll do for the next 5 days for I think we’ve been in here for 2 days we’ll do that for the next 3 days and we’ll just be digging until we get that so yeah I guess let’s go back to the portal and here we we are boom all

Right that is it we’ll be back all right it is the Dandy old night time so we will be taking a quick little nap our lightra durability is a little low that’s not very fun let’s go set up our nether platform where do I do that at

Just do it right here me all this boom it’s literally not much but it’s there that’s a sign of our nether adventure and I’m sorry if that was a little underwhelming but you realize that I am in Hardcore Minecraft I’ve spent 82 days up to the point I go into that Bastion I

Am getting absolutely destroyed and I don’t even have any good enchantments on my armor I have no enchanted sword I don’t have anything I am going in there getting absolutely smacked so that’s all you get sorry about you okay well now since I don’t have that’s great since I

Don’t have the um efficiency or Unbreaking I do have efficiency 4 right there and I do have Unbreaking on this so I might as well try to level up and get that so I canot stress out over mining yeah yeah you see why this is a big problem I have all these emeralds

Let me get all the iron that I have just all the trades that I can do and that’s not very many trades but that’s that’s okay well let’s let’s go let’s just go see what we can do and if we can’t get level 30 then that’s unfortunate that’s

The next goal though they blame Minecraft for that or me for that for not for not backing up my world but it’s a hardcore World why would I back it up I mean it it does tell me to kind of back it up so this doesn’t happen whatever I tried to respect the

Challenge but kind of a waste of time um how do you level up fast Minecraft guys we got to get creative here I guess I’ll just go kill animals guess mending is not sucking up all my experience now o I have coal I can give them coal I give

Them leather too sucks I don’t have looting on my sword anymore do have fortune on my shovel that can be pretty big I don’t know I’m just scraping for pennies right now it’s not fun boom that was I didn’t get any experience from that but that’s okay it was a testing

Experience there’s some gravel over here boom how much gravel I mean what how much Flint do you think I’m getting right here now it’s monster time monster time mate good is we can still twoot some of these mobs also I can get these trades out of the way just kidding I

Can’t who had the Flint trade where did you go pal who’s the Flint guy he’s the Flint guy boom that I didn’t even get to Max it out thank you I guess I that was all right could have been better I think I need to go into the desert just Farm

Mobs uh-oh uh-oh who’s going to win who’s going to win oh he’s going to win I I have money on him there we go potato ah that was loud sorry if this is boring and blame Minecraft okay day number 888 and we are gaming we didn’t reach level

30 but we didn’t really get anything else we’ll be good we’ve just got a whole bunch of gravel in these these places any more emeralds or any experience we can get is needed and I will jump at the opportunity to grab that pick that up and we go and sell it

All we also have 35 emeralds to trade cuz at this point it doesn’t really matter what we get it’s just we just need level 30 that’s all that’s quite literally all come here let me take all your emeralds oh I can’t trade them anymore wow all brick all that stuff is

Gone we’re ever so slightly closer so many arrows we don’t need all of those let’s just throw those out I have six more emeralds I can trade just get some cooked food for that now we’re level 28 we’re so close now I just wonder what

Else we can do right now level up a little faster cuz we’re right there we’re so close think that’s all we can do for now over here so let’s head out we just need to start killing animals now just getting that XP from them and when they don’t drop any it’s not very

Fun we’re now one level away I am killing pigs so I can trade their stuff we the pigs at brother all right so let’s go back to the village and see what we got now we’ve killed quite a bit of pigs and we should have enough to

Trade till level 30 but if not I’ll be a little surprised honestly we’ll get like five trades from this and then we can trade the rest of it with emeralds boom there we go all right and let’s go back to the house now let’s get our lapis lazuli out of here boom

Unbreaking three and Fortune 2 I mean I won’t use the fortune 2 but sure that’s pretty cool now we can combine those and we have a really nice pickaxe sharpness three on the sword efficiency four on the Axe Whatever um let me go and enchant my boots projectile protection

Never mind let me enchant these boom now feather falling three and protection two all right I’m completely fine with that my helmets my pants everything they all kind of mid let me combine my pants and my other pants first boom nice we got decent armor not not really we’ve got

Armor is what I should say we’ll put our ltras in here everything else can just go in there we don’t need any of it with the food all right let me take all this out of there I need that fire resistance potion because that’d be probably really

Nice all right and we don’t need to sleep right now we don’t have that much time to get the netherite so I think we just go ahead and head into it hold on one thing I’ve wanted to do this whole time and I haven’t is this give me a

Second boom he’s munching look at him all right that’s enough like can I get it to where his mouth is closed I can I get to where it’s open all the way too that’s pretty cool nice all right so what we do is we go to the nether we go

Down to yde level 12 yeah lava is a pretty big problem down here just cuz it moves as fast as water does and I know you know this if you play Minecraft you know this all right we’ve reached y level 12 and now we just dig for

Forever oh and just like that boom we found one one piece that’s it well just like that got one ancient debris that was not hard I know we need more than one obviously that’s fourth of one Ingot so we got our work cut out for us we

Just need to watch out for that lava and there’s another one is it more than one this time it’s going to be two at least two yeah two wow and I don’t see anything wrong with that and there’s the lava I was talking about oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh there we go we officially have our first block what am I saying we officially have our first Ingot is fantastic oh there’s more lava no thank you let me go this way now oh there’s some more oh that’s more lava what about this way for oh that’s more lava okay

What about this way for a little bit oh more lava all right now let’s pivot oh pivot to the right place let’s go we’re almost at two whole netherite ingots and that’s our second one oh we got a lucky three vein this time okay we’re already

Halfway to our fourth one third one what my brain I’m lost oh brother I’m just I’m just mowing down right now epic gamer mowing session any more ancient debris for me oh oh that’s not cool let’s go this way let’s not go that way let’s go this way oh there we go it’s

Just one but one never mind it’s two let’s go we now have three ingots oh my brain oh my brain I don’t think I can stop right now I’m so locked in oh there we go wait okay we’re good had to make sure there was no oh we’re halfway to our

Fourth one we almost have full armor oh that’s more lava let’s go this way never mind oh boom can it be two pieces please yes it can there we go but we do have officially four ingots now that’s is huge oh there’s more already and it’s more than one we’re just getting so

Lucky already have 18 pickaxe is running a little low though think it might need a chug Splash sorry W oh oh oh you’re still going oh that’s not cool that’s not cool whatsoever you didn’t have to do that boom there’s one and there’s only one

All right well thank you I guess now I just need one more I just need one more come on boom right there there we go and that was a singular one I think we head back now now where back is I have no idea we’re just got to run for quite a

While we went kind of far so we might be a second oo hav been running for a Solid 5 minutes there we go there we go this staircase let’s go and there’s the beautiful portal let’s just hop right in and go home ooh it’s a bright morning or

Midday or something not entirely sure we got our bees look at everything we’re just back to normal boom polished Blackstone Black Stone boom there we go now what we can do let’s go ahead and smelt oh we have no coal I sold all of it I have many different smeltable

Things in here boom and we need gold we have plenty we have exactly the amount of gold and a smithing table we need two iron ingots what we have those just conveniently in the desk more Oak planks up here boom boom put that in the corner

Over there there we go there we go all right we go to the crafting table I I’ll wait I’ll wait to craft all of them all right let’s grab the rest of the scrap and go ahead and craft all of the ingots boom that didn’t work boom there we go

Five of them now boom netherite boots netherite pants netherite chest plate netherite helmet and we got the oh hold on hold on that was a very loud sound we got the cover me in the Breeze achievements boom we’re all sick and all iced out as you can see doesn’t repair

It it does it a little bit so I think I’m going to go use some of my diamonds to repair that actually or just oh I have another pickaxe never mind boom boom it’s only three perfect couldn’t even couldn’t be any better than that couldn’t be any better boom boom the

Almost perfect pickaxe there we go now we’re gaming look at us we’re just so op and the nether has technically been conquered um I didn’t go into the Bastion but screw the Bastion so I’ll be going to bed good night see you tomorrow and now on day number 86 we go into the

Caves and cliffs update this update spans across 1.7 to one die 18 and I just combined them both into one so we’re on one die 18 right now the main features of this update are various cave plants also known as the new moss variants of Sting axelos glow squids

Goats copper amethyst gelds raw ore candles and more stone blocks but it also brings improved various textures light block which is in creative and powdered snow but the same second part of caves and cliffs update added completely overhauled World Generation and some examples of that are the added

Huge and complex cave systems the much more varied and extreme terrain generation and the increased Overworld height limit by 64 blocks downwards and apparently it radically changed or distribution and one of my favorite features about this update is mobs spawn only in complete darkness the light

Level has to be zero and we did not get reset on any of our enchantments or anything like that which is fantastic but we’re not going to get any of the caves and cliffs updates around here all of that will be a lot of blocks that way

So what do we do to prepare for this because the 1.9 update will take place far out as well I guess we really don’t we have these elytras over here we don’t have anything that’ll give us anything great we can put knock back and sharpness on our sword though which will

Be great as well as fire aspect I’m pretty sure yep boom so we pretty much have the same sword but doesn’t have looting three which is kind of a bummer but that’s okay the biggest thing though is the elytra repairs so worth it boom then that only cost one now we’ll do

That and we’ll take our Anvil with us just for that reason cuz as much as I love our base we might not see it again for the next 15 days just because we have to go so many blocks that way it’ll be that way for the next three updates

So we can we can go in the nether let me get all the things to go in the nether yeah we can just go in the um X Direction and we should be good let’s go and do that all right let’s go this way for quite a quite a while oh and there

There’s a Bastion yep I don’t want a part of I don’t want any part of that actually boom and I think right here is perfect we’re pretty far out so just go ahead and make this portal boom all right let’s hop in see what we got oh

Hey hey sheep how’s it going and I guess I mean we could dig down right now but I think we should just find a natural cave right just see if it actually worked this what we’re looking for not quite ooh there is copper though me grab some

Of that let people liking I think that’s what we’re looking for right here o there we go the Lush cave and that’s it’s a whole bunch of things whole bunch of problems but yes the Lush cave everything the Deep slate all this Moss boom Perfect all right now we just need

Some axelos I know axelos always spawn on Clay but there has to be water on the clay and there’s diamonds what if what if we did just boom did that and then ran away a bit but I don’t see any Axel I think I just need a new cave with something

Better something like over here where are the little guys I mean the the spawn conditions are great right here where they at all right let’s see if that’ll work I mean I I feel like that might be a bit much but oh what is that over

There what is that little guy over there I think I that is that what I think it is oh a tropical fish what are you doing in the in the cave what are you doing down here buddy I mean that kind of makes no sense but oh there’s the glow

Squid that was an axel no that’s fish why are there so many tropical fish come on can you spawn or what all right that’s not funny get me out I don’t want to be here anymore let me find somewhere else I want to go down and then boom

They’re just there there that’ be pretty cool so we found various gave plants low squids we need to find goats found raw ore we need to find an amethyst we already found copper boom we found a village too hey why is that house just so lonely what the heck we need to get

Candles too we have bees we can get candles with our bees there we go oh there’s a big old cave can we find find it down here is very dangerous and scary but I’m a professional diamonds we’re a huge big epic set of Gamers just want to find a big old cave

O is this a big old cave this this is a big old water cave I don’t really like them water caves brother but it’s nothing all right what about that is that something wo that is something but that’s not the something we’re looking for I mean I’m not wrong that is

Something give me out not the um crazy cave I’m looking for but a crazy cave nonetheless waa there we go good thing I’m a gamer ooh big old jungle let’s see if we can find some pandas this time yeah this is the crazy terrain generation they was talking about this

Stuff is sweet boom ruin nether portal katow all right how’s this cave looking not looking promising uh-oh like get me out get me out boom new cave found uh-oh this cave is humongous um nothing I’m looking for though get me out look at how big these stag ties are what the

Heck all right I’m out sorry you you’re good to look at for a second oh my goodness the elytra definitely does these cave Justice too you can just go in and see them and they’re actually crazy uh-oh another big cave alert question mark these are never actually

Promising oh never mind there’s a big old hole um it’s actually nothing okay and we out and we’re out and we’re gaming another Village wow this Village is pretty swaggy uh what about this big old mountain right here I think there’s some pretty sick stuff nope there’s not

Even a cave in there at all well we’ve been at it for a day still haven’t found Axel goats and Amethyst geod uh-oh nope that’s a water cave I’m not going down there it’s a big old water cave right here ooh big old cave right here what

You got for him me a a lot question mark can’t spawn right here can it no cave leads to nothing all right he’s gaming he’s gaming uh-oh big old sag Tite cave again we all right get me out I’m done another nice cave just getting another Cave of

Nothing I’m running out of elytra running out of rockets too not cool not one bit another cave part of that big old cave yeah give me out I’m sorry I’m not not the biggest fan not the biggest fan of those caves mate I think we land

And get some the sugar Canan for some more Rockets I’m a little stuck right now I’m still a little lost I don’t know where I am I don’t have any more Rockets my elri is almost broken I have some more Phantom membranes but still not

Looking too good for me I guess we’ll go seek Refuge at this Village see what we can do here forgot there’s a bunch of new chest and stuff in this Village the new Village is actually so great the old ones were cool but sometimes new is

Better I know a lot of people don’t like hearing that but I’ll be honest I enjoy new Minecraft so much better than older Minecraft and it’s raining uh I’ll be taking your bed sorry pal I need to go to sleep all right day number 88 and let’s go what

Should we do um we’re kind of like lost right now um we need Rockets can also repair our elytra can we combine these two still 144 yeah we can okay I’ll go ahead and do that why not and then boom throw some of the stuff in that chest

Got all the sugar can we need we just need some more we just need some more uh what’s it called some Gunpowder I’m still looking for goats for an amethyst geode and for Axel and candles but we can get back and do candles um I guess our best bet is do the oldfashioned

Thing and just go down in a cave and hopefully it’s good when I’m in the cave I can fight some creepers so I can get some more gunpowder so I can get some more Rockets boom all right any caves around here there’s one right here but I

Don’t think this is anything nope okay we have found our next cave see what’s going on down here see I’m sorry that it’s not as bright down here oh and there’s a zombie spawner and a curs Vanishing book and some music disc all right apparently that was nothing so I

Get to go back up and find another cave okay you know what I saw in my inventory I have a baked potato I didn’t know that could happen if you kill a zombie that has a potato with fire aspect you get a baked potato that’s actually pretty cool

The attention to detail right there is pretty pretty sweet our search for a big old cave continues another one check out this ruin nether portal first garbage all right check what’s in this hole ow thanks for the gunpowder sir okay thanks for the other cave that just

Doesn’t have anything in it okay now it’s dark outside we can Farm some Gunpowder that why did it take all right whatever what was that a donkey I’m I’m matrixing up in here I don’t even know if that’s a word but I’m gaming oh I see a bamboo forest uh-oh

That thing is huge that’s crazy kind of want to go see a panda and what do you know a jungle temple I just want to find a Panda panda don’t exist either do they well if I whipped out the crafting table real quick Lop that bad boy down boom

Boom why are they different rockets that makes no sense keep changing the Rockets every update I don’t have my elyon get me out of here get me out of here not another stag Tite cave okay day number 89 and we got a big old cave on our

Hands let’s see let’s see if this leads to any anything this is literally nothing this might be something though ooh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh not the drip Leaf no is there is there an axel somewhere is where he should spawn we’re in the Lush cave biome and we’re on Clay why is there no

Axel why is there no axelos they’re supposed to be spawning here is there any more Lush caves down here that is not Lush that is lava ah ow he blew up right behind me but I take a no damage cuz I’m a gamer all right Axel or no Axel that’s that

Scared me I thought it was an ex why don’t they spawn they didn’t spawn in the last one going on on the other end of this big old cave system spider jockey no all right I think we go check the uh the Lush Little Pond one last

Time then we make our decision what up gamer oh there they are thank you which one do I want there’s a yellow one there’s two pink ones I like the pink one better thank you you’re my friend now nice all right now we just need to find a geode which I’m surprised we

Haven’t found yet but I say let’s let’s bounce out of here let’s get out of here oh are there any goats around I can go find the goats oh hopefully make it across the ocean before our Electro brakes oh no that’s 80 durability okay why is this ocean so big there we go

There we go there we go is there a village yes there is go settle down over there oh yeah get him get him I got you let me help let me help oh you didn’t need my help all right what shall we do we got one more Phantom

Membrane boom so I have a dilemma the next update is in caves as well so I’m thinking I sit here for another day or so and I try to figure some stuff out with my um my elytra problem and then what I do is after I figure out my

Elytra problem then we head out on the new updates why is there only smoker people here what the heck but do you know what I’m saying I think I go to sleep and then head over to day number 90 and go and figure this out that’s not

A bed there’s no bed in here either where’s the house that has a bed this one over here boom all right so the plan is to get a librarian to sell me mending for pretty cheap and get a bunch of profits from that I’m pretty sure there’re only two villagers here not

Anymore um oh you’re not supposed to die I mean he’s stuck in there now but then I’m screwed so that’s cool um and the other okay all right where are we off to next uh-oh there’s a big big old cave right here now is it as big as he says

It is no it’s not but there’s bees what’s up with all the jungles I’m not trying to be in a jungle this ain’t even a jungle it’s like a it’s a very sad jungle well I think I have to um kind of have to call it quits we are

Not finding anything and we going to make a bed and so when it turns night we can go immediately into the 1.19 update the Wild update which involves going into more caves so that’s why it’s not that big of a deal we just don’t want to

Load all the chunks over here finding a goat would be pretty cool but apparently they don’t exist either so yeah look at our little bee friend oh I’m sorry I’m sorry oh now he’s mad at me now he has to die look at this great Flower Valley I think it’s

Also called a meadow um not a flower Valley but you know what I mean hopefully oh there’s ice there’s ice and there’s more bees I think we can find goats over here actually we can find the goats in the icy mountains mate o bro oh

Is that a goat that is a sheep and maybe we can find powdered snow up here some powdered snow boy mate I’ll find some powdered snow and a goat hello buddy how are you doing we found part of the update let’s go you don’t want to sit

Just look at me oh my goodness it’s his little friends hello well we found the goats finally we just need the amethyst geodes which I have a feeling we’ll find when we look for the 1.9 update stuff if you know what that is you know what that

Is and as the sun sets The Moon Rises I mean just like real life we’ll be taking a nap on a snowy Mountaintop all right and we will sleep on the snowy mountain top finally all right and on day number 91 we’re officially in the wild update also

Known as the 1.9 update for Minecraft this update came out on June 7th 2022 and this was supposed to be a part of the caves and cliffs update but mojen just couldn’t finish in time Co and all that kind of stuff and the main features of this update are the deep dark biome

The ancient cities the warden skull blocks the new mangroo Swamp biome frogs LA and it also brings recovery compasses and boats with chests those are kind of two things that are obsolete in certain ways but they’re new so yeah what we will be looking for is the ancient city

Obviously that’s the big one like boom we need that the mango swamp is kind of a bonus all right I mean we already in a good biome to be looking for ancient cities in but kind of did load a lot of chunks around here oh there’s pattered

Snow right there boom gotcha so I’m not entirely sure how far I need to go out to spawn one back in I think right here would be a perfect place to dig down but I think we might have already loaded these chunks so I don’t know if it could

Be in there right I believe if we just continuously go this way we will find one totally not because I use chunk base and I know that there’s mountains over here anyways o and there’s a village wow I guess let’s just loot this place up a

Little bit you know I could be a little greedy sometimes oh and my elytra is broken uh-oh big mountains up here uh-oh now we’re talking this looks phenomenal I already know that we’re going to find an ancient city but I got to act like I’m not cuz that’s how Minecraft works

That’s how YouTube works I’m not faking it this is not fake I just needed I needed to be able to find one through other means it’s not cheating just so I can actually do it instead of not do it would you rather me not do it just look

For it for 5 days that’s what I thought all right T are you’re probably asleep right now anyways so what do you care that was kind of rude I’m sorry I didn’t mean that I take it back I hope you’re not asleep but some people do say I have

A calming voice so they just naturally fall asleep or maybe my video just sucks that bad there’s a village over here that’s such a random place for there to be a village interesting all I want to check is what’s in the blacksmith wo it looks so familiar I’ve seen this place

Somewhere before but it’s garbage all right ooh that cave is the cave that we’re looking for just kidding all right right ladies and gentlemen we are finally here these zombies can leave me alone I’m going to go ahead and block that off so then comes and Swanton bombs

Me we’re just going to dig down so far I would love to make torches right now but we don’t have any sticks so we might just have to deal with the dark for a second the deep dark oh hey we’ve got like a 100 more blocks to dig I know

This is not very fun but we’re gaming oh there’s the Deep slate and I can’t really see the glare for my second monitor is astonishing oh well I mean I I said I knew I was going into there so I guess I can’t be surprised now let me just find

An end to this so I can find a good spot to drop down or I just do it in the middle right in the center is that the portal it is all right ladies and gentlemen where boys become men I’m honestly kind of freaked out but it’s

Not near as bad as I was in my hardcore world I wonder why that keeps going off we’re officially on day number 92 and that will be the day where we scour this ancient city I think it’s safe to go I mean it’s not safe whatsoever but the

Safe as it can be does dropping stuff do something it does that’s that’s actually kind of crazy oh that’s a little scary um don’t do that you don’t have to do that you can’t see anything right now I can’t see anything right now so what’s

The Strat here why are we here do we want want to loot a chest and then boom that means we we made it or cuz honestly I’m not as freaked out by this as I am a Bastion the Bastion is genuinely scary this is just kind of like this isn’t too

Much of a threat in all honesty go watch my hardcore series you’ll see what I’m talking about it’s really not that bad I think I’ll get on top of the portal first that’s not cool long as you don’t activate a shrier then we’re fine get

Out get out thank you okay um this place is kind of huge those are bad those are not good things that is an oddly shaped half circle okay I think that’s a little more scary than all this out here what I do like about this though it doesn’t

Seem like it’s its own deep it just seems like what am I trying to say what I like about this ancient city though is it seems like it’s its own deep dark biome there’s nothing around it like there’s no deep dark up here but then boom it’s deep dark down here in my

Hardcore world I had to go up into little caves up in here destroy skull and get find the shers because they would keep spawning and I was pissing my pants so um like let’s let’s be real here let’s be real so I could go and do

This like I I am very unprepared for this I have look look at my inventory I have a broken elytra I have a fire resistance potion I have one Golden Apple but what’s that going to do my armor is kind of garbage I’m I can’t kill this thing obviously I don’t have

Any wool let’s let’s be real here guys will youall be upset if I don’t do anything with this because this place is it’s pretty rough I don’t have a certain place that I can run to that I know for sure of that if he shows up that’s a

Little scary and I think this is two ancient cities actually this might be connected so um yeah well if we look at this objectively well we have found skull blocks we have found an ancient city we found deep slate bricks we we found the place we’ve seen candles boom

Last update we’ve seen the deep dark this is the deep dark biome o there’s you know I just ate my own words it says the deep dark ancient cities the warden we have not seen the warden yet do I want to see him not entirely no but

Do we have to I think we might actually have to I think we can cheese it though watch this boom now everything goes dark everything’s just so scary turn on f3b so if he does show up I can see his hit box so I don’t have to actually see him

And then boom one last one and it should spawn now it should be the last one nope I think it’s one more one more cuz it gives you three chances and then it says screw you you’re going to die all right one last try where’s he

At he’s not up here is he I don’t think he is I hope not there he is there’s the warden um why is he looking at me he doesn’t know I’m up here he’s blind he can’t see and I don’t smell that bad I took a shower yesterday well there he is

There’s the warden he’s trying to sniff me just go back in your hole you can’t smell me from up there it’s funny how he actually he knows I’m up here he keeps looking up here I don’t know if that’s a thing or if that’s just like I don’t I’m

I don’t know look at him he’s not that big not that big and tough he’s not that scary look at him look at him down there what’s he going to do like that one nature documentary guy the guy who goes and scouts out all the wild animals that

Could potentially kill him okay how long does it take for him to leave or maybe I just disappear or maybe he can smell my feet he’s been there forever he knows I’m up here I that that’s definitely what it is I got to leave a little bit

Don’t I have to go away from him for a while or something okay and if I look down he’s right below me he knows I’m here he knows I’m here what do I do I don’t want to make any noise though okay I’m I’m leaving now bye-bye have fun see

You later all right it was fun boom hello all right get me in the bed now uh-oh uh-oh oh no oh no oh no just kidding call an ambulance call an ambulance but not for me all right day number 93 we are still looking for um the stuff well the only

Things left to find in this update are the mango swamp so I guess I’ll just be running North for forever till I find one cuzz I don’t have an elytra anymore but at least we got our little friend in the bucket he can accompany me I guess

I’ll go back to the the OG I’ll make a boat boom there’s the boat and I guess I can make it make a chest cuz if I make a chest I can put the boat in the chest the chest in the boat just like that boom we’ll be taking that we’ll be

Jumping into there we’ll be placing that boat down oh we can oh okay I guess we’ll be going in the boat chest chest boat M I think I’m going to go this way actually I wanted to take the water but I don’t think it’s the smartest thing to

Do oh if I’m in the boat with the chest I put something in there and I get out is it yeah I mean that makes sense but that’d be pretty sick if it didn’t it was like another Shuler box type thing but I understand why it’s not yeah whatever

Whatever that’s a big old cave right there well we need to find the mangroo swamp right now and then in the next update we need to find the cherry blossom biome it’s also a good thing we have copper cuz we’re going to need that

For a brush we have to find a new desert and a new cherry blossom biome and one of the plans is hopefully find find some armor trims but we’ll talk about that later oh wouldn’t you know there’s a village up ahead you know even though I still literally have netherite armor I

Still want to Rob these people for some reason I they already live in the snow so they’re probably pretty poor but o I actually want that bed instead of the white one thank you but it’s okay when they have nothing what can you really steal I guess they’re coal they’re only

Source of power they’ll be fine they don’t even eat food they’re not even real this Minecraft’s not even real this is just a game uh-oh not the ice spikes we’re going in the wrong direction there’s another V up there wao that’s a Pillager Outpost a what we find those

That’s a very odd place for a Pillager Outpost I don’t know they could do that that’s pretty cool actually and I think goat horns exist too we could find one of those in the chest where are those blue little floaty things there’s none right there where did you what’ you do

With them what’ you do with them why are they not in the cage did you kill them did you murder the AL aren’t they your slaves isn’t that technically what they are let’s see what this place got for me boom goat horn there we go it’s sing what is this this actually

Do that’s lame I thought that was going to be cool that’s whatever there’s no allays here though what are the odds what are the odds I run into something of the update and the update’s not even there apparently pretty high but now we head onwards we just run across the ice

With our horn in hand think there might be an igloo right here there’s something right here oh yeah it is an igloo Bo okay does this one actually have the underground base or was that all just a figment of my imag so is this like the um what effect

What effect is it called not the Rube Goldberg but the oh you think it happened but it actually didn’t happen thing I have no idea I don’t remember but it’s like that cuz all the igloo that I found haven’t had anything in them oh there’s the Strays finally haven’t seen

Those ever that was part of an update a long time ago now I’m a little slow there’s another Igloo Let’s test the theory a game theory sorry that’s actually so sad he he’s retiring there’s another Village he deserves better okay I must have just been lied to it doesn’t

EX exist and that’s okay I just wish I would have fully known that well this Village is kind of lame h a zombie villager I might actually want this if I want to do um armor trms he you now we just gaming now we gaming let’s just keep running and then running and

Boom boom I have pretty strong feeling that there is a mro swamp in my direction about 2,000 blocks away just a hunch I mean not that I would have external websites to tell me where things are just riding on a boat riding on a boat with a chest riding on a

Boat riding on a boat with a chest riding on a boat riding on a boat with a Chest well that was fun not more ice spikes no those aren’t very big spikes though those are some big spikes though kachow that’s a pretty big spike oh that’s a mountain never mind uh-oh day number 94 just 2 days left to find this swamp don’t worry ladies and gentlemen we got

Him I’m still a little upset about the Els though that was honestly pretty dumb well that kind of sums up my luck this whole entire 100 Days with the biggest problem being all my enchantments leaving but that’s okay there’s a normal swamp I think we’re getting somewhere

Boys and girls I know some girls watch me like 47% of y’all last time well the main percentage of my view is mate it’s kind of shocked uh-oh another swamp I can almost taste it we’re getting closer well looks like we got a big old ocean

To cross a Hoy mes we have found it to the what Hoy mes we have found our sunken ship that jungle wood that’s pretty cool all right bye we’re just gaming we’re zooming now we’re just living life I don’t know exactly where we’re going but I’m going somewhere and

That’s all that matters Hot Pockets uh-oh not so hot anymore are they what’s your favorite flavor of Hot Pocket the pizza one and the Philly cheese steak one are fantastic nothing beats a good old croissant meat and cheese there’s some interesting ones out there that

I’ve seen you’ve made it this far in the video congratulations you should go in the comments and type gamer and if you’re an epic gamer go and type in epic gamer just a suggestion a jungle a parrot I want you hold on hold on you’re pretty cool come here buddy you’re

Coming with me boom all right hop on my shoulder let’s go hey hey get away from my friend oh my goodness how did I hit him and I need some of this stuff get on my shoulder come on also need that feather and the stick come on pal let’s go let’s

Go all right all right me and my parrots no not the water I’m sorry come back come here buddy there we go all right we’re gaming oh why why did you jump off come come back can I go in the water no I can’t look at me I’m gaming in third

Person come on there we go okay yeah whatever screw it bye-bye sorry I can almost smell it we’re so close there it is there we go there we go boom all right it’s actually raining so I think it’s a good time to go to sleep I’m going to take myself a little

Nap mate all right time time to find some frogs not the skeleton ow not going to be fun boom bye-bye oh our little buddy he wants to come with me there’s bees bees can spawn in the swamp biome sure whatever I just need the frogs

There we are what up little guy he’s so cute look at him look at him go look at him jump hop skip and jump to Grandmother’s house um that’s pretty much it yeah okay I guess we just keep running we’re Nomads now we got one more day of this update but we’ve done

Everything that this update has to offer what are your opinions on the mangrove swamp biome I’m not the biggest fan honestly the trees are just messy the Moss carpet literally has no purpose oh hey it’s a witch what up gamer what are you drinking fire resistance I don’t

Think so oh hey he’s back he’s been following me there a black cat isn’t that really rare it’s only rare if I don’t kill it come here kitty and we got another witch hut too that’s pretty cool you know I think these last 10 days have

Been kind of fitting honestly cuz what I see people complain about a lot is oh my goodness Minecraft so easy oh my goodness you have a you have an you get to fly around all the all the time explanation is not even the same well guess what it’s the same for me so

People are always going to have a problem with it though I’m going to say that some people are going to be like oh my goodness yes you’re so right some people are going to say that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard it’s in the game why not just use it I agree

With that what I don’t agree with is the fact that I don’t find any jungle temples until a certain update and then boom they’re just everywhere look at the peret I was hoping since we saw another jungle we’d find some pandas but I genuinely don’t know where they’re at

I’ve searched so many jungles I’ve searched a bamboo forest I not found any sign of my big white and black fluffy friend ooh my butt hurts from sitting down so long all right and I think I’m going to go to sleep and enter day 96 for our final update um if the skeleton

Will allow me to you stay away from my parrot friend boom day Number 96 here we come all right and now we’re on day 96 the trails and tals update this update is the official 1.20 update of Minecraft which came out on on June 7th 2023 so

It’s pretty recent the main features of this update are Arch archaeolog archaeolog ar ar archaeology but why couldn’t I say that archaeology features brushes and suspicious sand ancient seeds and plants Pottery camels sniffers cherry trees armor trims and it also brings more bamboo blocks and items and hanging signs so first things first

Let’s whip out the trusty Shuler box we got boom I think it’s like this a bamboo block and this turns into the bamboo planks and so there’s just whole bunch of stuff you can do with this you can make a crafting table you can make a

Boat or it’s actually a raft it’s pretty sick I’m actually going to use that now and then you have hanging signs which I think you need chains to make those with but you also need to grab a couple more pieces of cobblestone just really quickly all right so we make one of

These boom put that in there boom and boom also I don’t know if you can notice but we have shaders now makes it look pretty cool and I am not myself anymore for some reason we don’t talk about that but we get that boom the brush nice make

A couple of those just in case all right we don’t need that anymore boom bam okay so a couple things we need to find obviously are archaeological features just the little ruins that we can sand down hopefully we get a sniffer egg pretty quickly I’ve heard takes a while

It really just depends hopefully we can get an ancient seed or an ancient plant I think we have to get a sniffer first to get that also we’re going to have to find a desert for all the new desert stuff like the camels and the pottery as

Well as a cherry blossom biome so we got some exploring to do without our elytra but we got our little parrot friend and we’re going to go and get to gaming all right these last 5 days all right and let’s just go ahead and head off this

Way we get a new chance to use our raft I like how they went ahead and did a raft instead of just a boat think it adds a nice little touch oh there’s a village right here okay wait what’s that over there we already found the cherry

Blossoms let’s go I don’t know they were going to be that easy to find let’s go ahead and check out what they got up here look at the pink petals we got the pink petals let’s go I guess this this biome is not very big um it doesn’t

Doesn’t seem very big just the mountain top just kind of fitting there’s another Village that way but we need a Sand Village not just a regular Village we get a couple of these blocks if you haven’t watched my other 100 days video where I survived 100 days in expanding

Border you’ll be very familiar with these blocks I used quite a bit of them and they were pretty cool oh I guess there’s another biome over there too that’s pretty nice but this definitely opens up my day or my next 5 days so I found this pretty quickly why is this

House so far away from the other ones what did this villager do well another Village that we don’t need to worry about all right well I guess we’ll just continue running I mean we don’t really have a direction we just got to go and find the stuff in the new update and I

Think that’s what we’ll be doing a lot of in the next 5 days just running around see I thoroughly enjoy the shaders that I have because they’re called the complimentary reimagine shaders it’s just complimenting normal Minecraft like this doesn’t look any different these don’t look any different

Than normal which is so nice cuz it’s not anything drastic you now I’m not entirely sure what the ruins actually look like I’m sure if I see one boom I’m going to know exactly what it is is but I’m kind of just going in blindly here and just hopefully that I somehow

Stumble across one oh my goodness it’s a fox it’s a fox come here here little guy all right he’s getting killed you’re getting killed too sorry I looked for you for 10 updates and now you’re here what’s up with that what’s up with that

Huh what’s up with that oh no oh not so sorry now huh buddy enough of that let’s keep going oh and there is another Village I think the spruce or the whatever you want the tiger villagers are the absolute best they just look so clean they have that little cozy Vibe

Too very nice another Fox no no get back here get back here never mind all right you can live this time you’re lucky all right let’s head out on our raft into a nothingness look at that Shader Sunrise looks so good looks phenomenal let’s just head off into the sunset for the

Sunrise I guess but now we’re on day number 97 got four more days left we still got plenty we can do this is so fun that’s SED very sarcastic I’m actually enjoying myself but it could be a little bit better if I wasn’t just floating around if I could

Fly but I guess I kind of did this to myself we’re just trying to find a desert all I’m finding is these big old beautiful mountains um I think that might be a trail ruin hold on is that doing something oh I can literally brush any block off um that’s not dented

That’s not either that right there is what do you got for me it’s blue oh it’s blue dye I didn’t need that is there any other suspicious that was suspicious oh my goodness that’s not that’s not that’s not that’s not that is right there brush this bad boy off what

Is that oh is it white dye interesting wow well I didn’t know the ruins looked like this you suspicious trying to find all the sus gravel oh oh it’s a pottery Shard let’s go that’s pretty cool I need what four of those to make a pot is that

Suspicious too I think that is no it’s not the one below it is though what is that is that a banana oh it’s orange die banana what am I thinking ooh another piece of gravel that’s a seed I’m not I’m not I don’t want that sorry there’s

Some terracotta too this place is huge oh it’s another Pottery Shard let’s go there any more stuff in here there’s another thing right here with a hoe I don’t want that sorry another one this there’s so much stuff right here more orange dye I’ll take it I guess um I

Don’t think any more oh there’s more right there I keep eating my words golden nuggets I don’t want that all right here’s another one what is that that’s an armor trim that’s huge how rare is that a shaper armor trim nice this Trail Ru is actually huge I don’t

Know what these things actually look like I didn’t know you could just run up into them what is this wheat no no thank you all right there’s so much more stuff down here we can explore now that we kind of watered it out there’s still

Some over here but I I I just need to slow down keep doing that see okay yeah that is suspicious right here there’s some blue dye we don’t need that oh there’s another section over here right here oh another Shard boom we just need one more Shard and then we can make a

Whole entire pot still no sniffer egg which is kind of crazy glass no thank you I’m okay know this upd’s actually kind of good I should actually kind of like this I thought this was going to be pretty dumb but like a kid again what is

That oh it’s light blue dye nope no thank you another one more dye no thanks boom clay Block No thank you there’s more what’s this boom our finally Pottery Shard another heart piece boom okay well we have our own crafting table we can place down we do it like this

Heartbreak sheath sheath heart Bo how does this look wow that’s pretty cool for some decoration oh okay you break it and it breaks into all four of them oh that’s kind of smart so you can decorate them however you want to that’s cool let’s go and do this now we have our

Smithing table we can take our let’s do our chest plate and boom boom we have a diamond in here let’s go and do it with diamond cuz we’re we’re a little bougie like that boom just like that how does that look I that’s not too flashy but it

It looks pretty cool all right let’s keep going got quite a bit of suspicious sand we can still mine sand there’s no no sand here what am I saying a paint of glass no thank you another paint of glass no thank you ooh another one another paint of glass no thank you oh

Another oh what the heck an emerald that’s that’s better than the last one another clay Block No thank you and that’s all that you’ve got back here what is this another armor trim nice a razor armor trim the last one was the shaper one try that one out in a second

Ooh what’s that ooh a sign the heck hanging sign that’s pretty cool another armor trim it’s the host armor trim well we can keep putting armor Trims on our armor we have more diamonds wa boom boom we’ll do the host what does the other one look like the razor I like the host

One better on the pants let’s do those next one will be our helmets that looks pretty sick we’ll do that nice still no sniffer egg which is kind of crazy ooh another Clay Pot thing dang it I saw that one I was like why did I do that

Good think there’s three right here another armor trim okay some dye don’t need that and another armor trim thought the armor trims are supposed to be pretty rare what’s in here is that it’s a that’s a candle that’s pretty funny there’s a grindstone in here we got

Another Clay Pot Shard and we’ve been down here for pretty much a day we will continue to search for this egg on day 98 yes it’s day 98 already you know I thought this thing wouldn’t be too hard to find but it’s actually pretty rough I

Don’t know why I think we’re almost done though we’re getting pretty close okay I think that’s it that is oh oh no my shovel no I could have repaired that oh my goodness I guess it’s not going to matter in 3 days it’ll be fine boom new

Shovel alert let’s go do I finish out my armor or do I redo it yeah I do hold on Boom with the boots which one do I do though the razor uh or the that one’s so much cooler boom fully trimmed armor that looks pretty sick some exciting

Stuff right there well let’s see what else we can get from this maybe I won’t break the suspicious ones now I have a little more time oh there is more right here okay a seed yeah no thank you another pot Shard nice I’ll be taking that all right we’re almost done I think

Now okay I think that might have actually been it unless there’s another section that I just completely neglected in here some more right here here there is another section place is huge I’m actually surprised it’s taking so long I guess it’s cuz I got to be a little

Careful that’s a piece of wheat it’s more suspicious and another pot of clay or a clay of piece of piece of clay pot a piece of something another one it’s a it’s a music disc excuse me Relic wow exciting there’s another one right here is that another music disc what are the

Odds of that no it’s another brick okay never mind that’s another music disc um say no to that I’m okay that’s another armor trim sure I would gladly take another armor trim um I think that was it I’m going to I say that but I’m going

To go back and there’s going to be a whole another section huh but yeah I think that was all that’s pretty neat though took me quite a while to get through and quite a bit of shovels to get through I think we’ll be heading back up now let’s get some dirt oh he’s

Taking over our boat well that was pretty neat that was actually a lot bigger than I expected it to be what were we looking for oh a sand oh yeah that’s what we’re looking for we’re looking for a sand village with camels oh there’s a village right there we

Might have already found that one before but let’s go to it anyways oh there’s a blacksmith let’s see what it has and that’s the only thing I’m going to loot cuz I don’t want to be here we don’t have that much time boom I mean for starting that’d be pretty good but for

Me garbage I took garbage mate but look at that Sunrise that looks so cool even for Minecraft I’m like what the heck I know it shaders but oh my goodness God has given us this life he’s gotten us all these beautiful sunsets in real life and he’s allowed us to see a beautiful

Sunset like this even in a video game it’s crazy now look at this funny looking thing looks like a floating hand or something I don’t know look at this big old mountain too the day is starting on day number 99 and we still need to go find that desert village all right let’s

Continue onward on day 99 we’ve only got two more days and it doesn’t even seem like that because I’m not in a rush to do anything but I guess that makes sense because we’re not actually in a rush to do anything we’ve kind of been in a rush

To do things this whole entire video so that would make a little bit of sense guess we’re heading off into the Seven Seas let’s go all right Land Ho boom boom boom boom boom boom let’s just run this way we’re bound to find something and we’re off setting these Seven Seas

Again I think in Minecraft there’s more than seven seas but we’ll we’ll stick with the bit um that’s not a desert you know what Minecraft should do they should have jungle Villages that’ be sick like imagine a big old just Village just in the trees how great would that

Be but yet again it’s Minecraft so I don’t know you can’t really expect much from them but that’d be pretty sick just another not another Village update but just an update on Villages like new generations or just the I guess after this next update just the building update quote unquote the building update

Would be so cool I know it probably wouldn’t be called that but um instead of completely remodeling the old temples and whatnot you leave them but make even better ones like I don’t I haven’t seen any of the new snapshot but apparently it’s some dungeon type thing why don’t

They do that but with every biome or most biomes like the jungle dungeon instead of a jungle temple the desert dungeon just things like that and not that you have to add so many new items just new structures that’d be pretty sick I guess it’d be be called the

Structures update then but or even Pillager towns not even Pillager outposts like you can keep the other stuff in but implement the new things as well cuz the main complaint people are complaining about is the fact that the exploration has lost its touch cuz there’s nothing to really explore you

Find something then boom it’s whatever but if there was more things to find then you would be able to explore more I don’t know I think that’d be pretty sick I wouldn’t mind that update at all or even just Villages and every single biome it’s different buildings based on

The biome obviously and then every and then every Villager has their own type of suit like how they do right now AAA villagers have different clothes same with Plains villagers same with desert villagers all that kind of stuff oh does that count as a desert I don’t know I

Don’t know if they can have Villages but I guess we’ll go and look or even like if there’s a village in the Badlands boom you have a badlands Village instead of just a regular Village I think I don’t know if that exists actually wao this place is kind of sick I don’t know

I feel like an update like that is what people want or even an update to customize your world there’s an option to do one single biome why don’t you have an option to do four different biomes or only have these things spawn I mean from a Content standpoint that’d be

Great oh boom Sand Village let’s go just what we’re looking for anyways from a Content standpoint that’d be pretty sick because you could make it so hard or so easy there’s so many things you could do with it I mean they’re not thinking of people who are making videos they’re

Thinking of people who play the game but from that standpoint people will be creative with it oh there is a camel look at the big old thing look at him he’s kind of funny he doesn’t look like he’s supposed to be in Minecraft why is

This neck build like that oh I can Rite him is he my friend already or what oh I need a saddle does this place have a saddle for me wo hey why is he sitting like that I can jump on him and I could ride him while

He’s sitting that’s pretty neat I mean how useful is this guy really going to be for anything I’m not sure but it’s definitely cool oh oh he’s definitely burning his butt right now that does that there’s no way that feels good oh desert temple boom we’re going over

There all right let’s check this bad boy out oh is there a saddle in here silk touch book that’s pretty cool but no saddle all right all I really wanted was a saddle so I could ride the camel well the only thing we have left to do is

Find a sniffer egg but where do we do that at I know we can find desert Wells or we can find them in the ground or in the water or anything like that but how am I even supposed to go about finding that without my elytra there’s no Wells

Over here or anything I guess we can keep exploring the desert there’s got to be a desert well somewhere right and even the odds of a desert well actually having the egg is probably pretty rare oh boom desert well all right I guess it was that easy I guess it was that easy

Brother where’s the suspicious sand at boom I’m right here Emerald first one that’s pretty cool boom some more suspicious stand Emerald second one I mean that’s that’s cool oh is that literally it or is there more down here okay well it seems like desert Wells probably have good stuff in them because

There’s not as much suspicious sand I can’t even say suspicious but that’s the problem there’s not as many chances of finding a sniffer egg so yeah okay we’ll just we’ll just keep going we’ll just be gaming there’s got to be more out there Phantoms oh my goodness hooray that’s actually so

Great nope that’s why you need looting why is that one so far away come back come hit me please all my hopes and dreams lost Gone With the Wind just so sad now that would have been great for figuring some last second out stuff what

What did I just say I just had a seizure there’s another Village over here though let’s see if there’s anything here for me boom nothing I don’t know why I’m looting here I don’t need anything from them come on I almost killed him I’m sorry you I don’t mind killing though

Bye-bye and there it is there it is the sunrise of day 100 in all its Glory I would give my 100 Day speech but it is not over yet we still have one more day just one more day to make things right by make things right I don’t mean go

Home cuz that’s completely out of the picture I will do that after and then finish the intro outro whatever but there’s still a few things we can do we’re still gaming we need to find some suspicious sand or gravel or whatever we can and find that egg pop the egg get

Some torch seeds or a torch flower wait wait wait can’t tell if that’s a I think that might be I know I see the desert temple over there but I think this might be a well inside of the mountain or just very strategically placed no that’s that’s definitely a well is this the

Saving Grace oh yeah that’s definitely well let’s go let’s go I mean we can’t celebrate yet but The Shard we don’t need that but I guess we’ll take it how many more just one more I think they only have two what’s that some stew what does it do gives me some night vision

That’s useless all right all right that’s cool great game by the way that’s fantastic all my hopes and dreams gone lost well what else is there I see a village over here that’s not really my best interest honestly got a really big building though what the heck I think

I’m just wasting my time here yep there’s the jungle this way we can’t lose hope there’s no shot there’s red suspicious sand right o this is a very anticlimactic last day I’m sorry guys truly am wish I had more to bring to the table but we’re just not getting lucky

The luck was completely not on our side I guess throughout the last 20 days we did get pretty lucky with some of the stuff but oh look coral reef wow that really tops off the day doesn’t it I guess we’ll finish off with looting this desert temple cuz we totally need ooh we

Totally need more Loot on the last day right Bo oh okay I mean this is technically part of the update that’s that’s okay I’m not I’m not upset about that Golden Apple okay we have all four and we have three diamonds too okay wow I can’t even I can’t even be upset at

That that’s not even bad another pot there we go there’s some of the Dune templates can you redo your armor yes you can go and get the full set of Dune armor why not do I do that I think Diamond just looks cooler Boom the full set of Dune armor that actually looks

Pretty sick wow okay I guess that did kind of pertain to the update that’s pretty nice well I guess I’ll say goodbye to that actually I’ll just sleep in here Boom the end of The 100 days there we go oh and after a couple of long days I’m finally back in my house

You made it this far I just want to thank you guys for sticking around till the end the journey through Minecraft itself has been amazing going back to see the first initial release of Minecraft up until the newest update just seeing the history of Minecraft lay

Itself out is pretty cool and being able to appreciate the old Minecraft and appreciate the new so yes anyways thank you guys for watching and as always have a blessed day

This video, titled ‘100 Days But Every Five Days The Game Updates In Minecraft Hardcore [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Schmizzle on 2024-03-03 02:37:12. It has garnered 10551 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:41 or 10901 seconds.

In this video, I play every single one of Minecrafts 20 updates! Every 5 days, I update the game to the next version and explore what each update has to offer! This video took a long time so I would appreciate it if you leave a like! Thank you so much for watching this video! If you want to see more of me, check out my channel! I post lots of Hardcore Minecraft videos! While you’re over there, you should definitely hit that subscribe button! (if you’re reading this, I love you)

YouTube : @schmizzle Twitter : https://twitter.com/SirSchmizzle Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sirschmizzle

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  • Ultimate Crafting Adventure – Epic Building in Pixel Perfect World!

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  • EpicGaming SMP Semi-Vanilla Minigames

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Shader: Love it or Hate it?”

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  • Crafting Love: Minecraft Girlfriend Tutorial

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  • Villagers Beware: Prann is on the Prowl! 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme

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  • Cheating my way to the moon in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience History in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Shenanigans

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  • Insane! Johnny’s Ultimate Elemental Base in Minecraft!

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  • Locked on One Anime Fighter: Lucky Block Godmode!

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  • “EPIC Love Story in Minecraft – MUST WATCH!” #viral #minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Crafting a Granite Chair in Minecraft! 😲 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE: Crafting a Granite Chair in Minecraft! 😲 #shortsVideo Information [Music] n This video, titled ‘GRANITE CHAIR IN MINECRAFT 😀 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Festfan Getgame on 2024-01-11 08:30:12. It has garnered 2547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Mojang recommend Minecraft for kids age 8 and up. one of the best video games for learning. Minecraft Education prepares students for the future, Minecraft can be a great way for children to develop an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). combination of the words mine, for mining ore in shafts, and craft, as in building or creating something…. Read More

  • The Ultimate Server Takeover Reactions! #shorts

    The Ultimate Server Takeover Reactions! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: The Different Types of People when Someone takes over the Server #shorts’, was uploaded by SchelvyPlays on 2024-01-17 18:48:21. It has garnered 1866 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Bum bum bum bum #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #minecraftsmp #gaming #smp —————————————————————————————- 🔴YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SchelvyPlays 🟣Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/schelvyplays 🔵TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@schelvyplays? 🟢Second Channel: https://youtube.com/@schelvythesecond?si=vSJcmi8mzZg9EQXF 🟡Zen’s Discord: https://discord.gg/B7nHAuKYVW 🟠Collab Crew: https://youtube.com/@CollabCrew2?si=PY-pKGozDCUN-Hjt Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Java Gameplay with Vt Bhai!

    Insane Minecraft Java Gameplay with Vt Bhai!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft java gameplay’, was uploaded by Vt bhai gaming on 2024-03-17 22:21:04. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:42 or 3162 seconds. Disclaimer: This is a Gameplay Video made for entertainment purpose Only For Gamers Audience ( Garena Free Fire ) . No Any Harmful Contents in this video. Its Just For Fun And Entertainment Only. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Herobrine vs Barbie vs Notch vs Mario!

    Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Herobrine vs Barbie vs Notch vs Mario!Video Information [Music] [Music] woohoo w This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Throw Knife VS Barbie VS Notch VS Mario #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #barbie #mario’, was uploaded by Minecraft Shorts on 2023-12-26 00:30:12. It has garnered 115 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. HELP Herobrine Throw Knife VS Barbie VS Notch VS Mario #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #barbie #mario #gamexpanda7m #gaming #shorts #short #india #op Better Beacon in Minecraft! #minecraft #viral #games #minecraftbuilding #short How to make a Better Beacon in Minecraft! #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts minecraft mein ghar kaise banaen minecraft mein… Read More

  • INSANE NETHER SPEED HACKS! Minecraft Hardcore Series

    INSANE NETHER SPEED HACKS! Minecraft Hardcore SeriesVideo Information all right hell oh there we are all right let’s make sure caught up as much as I can be there we go check make sure everything sounds good all right feed looks good oh yeah I forgot about that yeah oh there we go music kicking in wrong button all right let’s get to ready and let’s go hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of another Minecraft hardcore series I’m beanan and today I already have the plan for what we’re going to do so let’s not mess around with my usual uh Antics and… Read More