100 Days of Lucky Block Pixelmon Rivals

Video Information

We have 100 days to open as many Lucky Blocks as possible but there’s a catch we must complete a quest in order to capture the Pokémon every Pokémon will have a different Quest ranging from fighting Gems or catching legendaries all the way to destroying the Ender Dragon some quests will require teamwork

While others will pit us against each other in a versus challenge then at day 100 we’ll have a final battle to see who wins the 100 days so without further do let’s get out of these blocks brother I am ready to open up my first Lucky Block

To see what what starter I get it’d be kind of cool if I got an actual starter Pokemon would it be it would be but dude I don’t think you’re ready yet what if that thing can sing us I got to get some

Armor on I hope it could W wo wo wo I hope it could wo well this is a rivalry right out the gate ain’t it it is and the Pokemon I’m getting is mudsdale well no what that’s so good to obtain mudsdale Nick must be the mudale for a

Pomo and Gallop 1,000 steps to evolve Pomo all right well Jordan I have a level 99 Pomo I’m pretty sure I’m going to have to release it once the challenge is over but what’s cool about this Jordan is all I have to do is run around

To evolve it so I’m going to start that in a moment you you can’t catch it Jordan once again I uh it is mine but you could go ahead and open up your lucky block to see what your challenge is Jordan Togekiss Togekiss come back no to get Togekiss Jordan must Embrace friendship itself and Evol a rolu all righty then dude check this big boy out he is massive but Jordan are we both pretty much just you know sending a Pokemon out and then running let’s run the night Jordan let’s

Run the night why does that sound cooler than it should be cuz I’m not giving enough info Jordan you know if I gave more info it’s instantly lame ooh extra Lucky Block Jordan I’m going to open that up and get uh no meow meow no it’s

A bunch of meows Jordan it’s just a bunch of cats that came out I think that’s acceptable Nick that’s a lito and you’ve you’ve ditched it in an Arctic environment yeah Jordan I saved it from the confines of a box cats love boxes oh wait was that its home Nick you just

Broke a cat’s box well Jordan it’s okay I have another box to get back to it so I I I’ll go do that real quick okay that that atones for your transgressions I can’t find L Leo Jordan oh there it is oh there he is it’s in a box now now

Cats love boxes yo check this out Nick does this count as more steps I mean it counts as more speed that’s for sure and I have a need for that speed do you so that I can evolve Palo and you know get a mud sale Jord I’m supposed to be

Galloping you know are you yeah then Gallop my boy Gallop like you’ve never galloped before I don’t like it I don’t want to open this Jord because I don’t want more cats to you know not have a home so I’ll let you open it the blood will be on your hands Oh

Goodie it’s a stick no it’s not a it’s not a knock back stick you hit me without the stick you just punched me no no no I hit you with a stick it’s just not a knockback stick give me the stick I can’t see it what do you okay there’s

A stick it’s a stick yeah it’s just a stick yeah yeah I can’t see it either wait why can’t I see it it’s an invisible stick what the rarest of all Sticks no one’s ever found it Jordan you got an invisible stick I’m going to get something cool here oo that was cool

Actually o who’s very pretty oh look up oh no Jordan oh no how many steps does that count as probably none hey Jordan come here real quick I I want test something out you know me and Pama are starting to be Bros so uh yo yeah ow ow

Ow ow hey who I made him use lightning bolt because I was trying to make him use it on you but he said he used it on himself chill chill dude it also used it on me by the way but be careful I got to keep rolu happy man and if rolu gets

Electricuted that’s probably not a good happy thing ah stop it I don’t know it kind of made me happy you’re a terrible person do you like by the way that we’re both accidentally starting with fighting Pokémon to get our starters is Pomo fighting yeah yeah did you not know that I knew

That uh Jordan yes sir uh there’s a mudsdale over here that naturally spawn with a bunch of other you know little mud braids and this one’s even higher level but uh that’s not my challenge so I shall keep running which I think I’ve probably ran enough at this point but I

I’m not sure and I’m scared to test it reasonable cuz you only get one shot hey Jordan Remember when our goal was to open up as many Lucky Blocks as possible and it still is right yeah we’re not doing very well my knees are in trouble maybe open up better Pokemon next time

Jordan or Worse Pokemon it might be quicker if it’s worse Pokemon yo dog as soon as no listen it’s perfect as soon as we get our starters you can ride yours and I can fly on mine wow we never have to run again lucky block open was

That a person yeah I need to stop stop ruining people’s homes rolu needs one more happy rolu needs one more happy is that what you just said to me rolu needs one more happy okay what what what do you call do you call it a happiness unit

What do you call it I need a teaspoon of happy this is the worst ruined portal I’ve ever seen in my life what it’s just an L it’s it’s an L yeah yeah next one to no one oh yeah say those words to my face I refuse come back

D to my face come on please Lightning Bolt’s not working I was trying to trying to light B all right let me see if I’m at at the happiness that I need I’m at the happiness dude so I’m ready to get a Lucario all right moment of

Truth dude do you think Pomo is going to actually evolve I don’t know but we do know for sure that Ru will wait I’m the Victor Jordan why is yours not evolving m mine has 223 happiness I it just said 220 give me give me hang tight give me a

Sec it only oh what it only evolves during the day well I’ll see you tomorrow morning and um uh so Jordan overnight did you find a way to make your iolo level 99 again yes why is he so much shorter Jordan because that’s when you lose a level what did

You do to him it was all an illusion before a ruse some would say haboom please evolve thank goodness this is a very interesting how he’s evolving it’s it’s I I like I like how it looks a lot that’s that’s my that’s my Lucario and now oh man I’m going get a Togekiss

Level 53 I believe and if not that’s what we’re going with and I’m releasing my Pomo goodbye Pomo trash can time oh I found a cool thing what why can’t I see my sword all right dude with some starters in toe are you ready to open up

A Lucky Block yes the Pokemon is a goerk level 48 this is the first versus challenge Nick and Jordan must fight with their starter Pokemon the winner gets goer are we leaving in that last part Jordan that’s the challenge and I I’ll be honest I’m not feeling very confident

About it maybe if I had you know like a good move like Stone Edge which uh I’m not saying I don’t have it but I’m not saying I do have it please tell me you have no good moves please tell me you have no good moves I have one good move

But I don’t know if it’ll be are we allowing Dynamax right off the B Jordan uh what do you think let’s not do it for this starter Battle and then every other battle after this okay yeah as I as I dynamx immediately I really I really thought you were gonna Jordan what say

You that we do allow no no no no you made the rule dude I need to crit if you do crit you would win or if I miss there we go boom it’s a mismatch it’s a mismatch you get a go lerk that’s okay cuz I already have

Mudsdale it’s time to open the next lucky block and we’ll see what the challenge is based on the Pokemon now so it could be a versus challenge it might not be where are you I’m above you I don’t know how to get down you have two flying Pokemon that’s that’s pretty fun

Okay time to ruin the fountain with this Pokémon and it is oh no what it’s iron lead wo what to obtain iron leaves Nick and Jordan must burn down a forest and replace a tree with iron blocks wait why why is that what we have to do Jord that sounds

Absolutely insane no it sounds insane I actually knew about this one you knew about this one I was looking forward to this one Jordan we need to mine like a lot of iron I mean it makes sense that this is a difficult challenge but since this isn’t a versus challenge can can I

Have it what if you have it on even days and I have it on odd days okay you can have it on weekends okay why AR aren’t you helping mining you not have a pickaxe no I made a mine cart and I was trying to put it

Down what you have a sapphire pickaxe yeah yeah it comes with the uniform it looks like you’re just punching the wall it looks like that for me too that’s so strange look at this sh iron right here let’s mine it all boom we also need

Gravel we need a lot of flint and Steels Jordan what is this generation this is so weird I found a dungeon wow dude I’m getting Flint out the Razo right now how much do you have uh let me swim up and check six okay let’s start cooking the

Iron and then we can start cooking a forest do you want four or three four oh man I won four time to go find a forest well Jordan let’s do what we do best burning down a forest yes in Minecraft in Minecraft this time at least do you

Want to start with the apricorn trees oh I’m starting with everything Jordan I’m just getting it going do you really have to plan this out much Jordan no but there’s something fun about it because like when you burn a blue apricorn tree and you you smell the delicious roasted

Apricorn smell you know what I mean there’s something precious about the moment all I see is fire exactly that’s that’s a precious moment you know it’s always good to just remember your roots yeah that’s a good one oh yeah tree related Nick if we accidentally burn

Down every tree all we have to do is plant a tree true true true some would even call us Heroes I don’t think anyone would call me a hero if they witness any of what I am doing Jordan that that took a lot longer than

I expected but now we have to try to find a tree that surviv wait this tree is not too bad it’s not too good wait this one actually is like completely full Jordan oh wow Jordan I am going to replace the tree now I know what you’re

Saying it’s called iron leaves not iron tree bark or whatever so why aren’t you replacing all the leaves and you could ask that wait has there been a Lucky Block here the entire time a well that seems about right well now it seems right I get iron

Leaves now Jordan Jordan look at it look at it I can’t ride it does it have good moves or anything no this that’s pretty horrible anyways let’s go ahead and open up the next Lucky Block Jordan let’s see what Pokemon it is it is a oricorio

Level 24 what what do we do with that it’s the ghost one let’s find out to obtain ororo nicar Jordan must win a battle capture whoever captures a ghost type Pokémon first wins the oricorio Jordan but it’s it’s the middle of the day I don’t I don’t think we’re going to

Find a ghost Pokemon here on top of also do you even want the oric Coro cuz like I I could I could go without it not really but we have to or we we don’t get to open the next block feel like Ghost Pokemon like trees and there aren’t too

Many of those anymore so you know do you even have pokeballs you can’t use master balls for this challenge Jordan of course I do wait really you stole some as well tons dude you know if the search goes much longer I’m just going to catch Pokemon and make it a ghost Pokemon oh

Oh wow is stunky a ghost Pokemon no but it smells terrible I didn’t expect this to be so difficult never mind I found one but the issue is no tping to me is um it is flying and I do not have a flying type Pokemon M oh this is

Miserable I got in B with it I actually got it let’s go wait but I haven’t caught it yet Jordan you still have an opportunity I’m working on it what are you going to fight with I won’t tell you okay it’s a drifloon and Jordan with the

First quick ball I got it so I get the oror on one Pokemon up on you although my team does not beat yours it it it doesn’t quite fortunately it’s a low-level small bird I’m less afraid than I could be all righty good morning Nick good morning I’ll give you the

Honors of opening up this Lucky Block Jordan check this out ooh leave me I like this Pokémon whoever crafts a hay bale first wins Ley oh Jordan it’s another versus challenge are you ready to go I guess three two I’m just going

Go go go you like Ley a lot I do man no this is one of my favorites from that generation yeah I got to remember how to make a hay bale I’ll be honest uh you got to craft it you can’t just grab one Jordan wait oh no I found bread Nicholas

I found bread you found bread this this this a step too far I have to turn it back into wheat yeah wait wait I just need to make a crafting table and then I think I win no no way dude you already found it oh I see all the weed yeah I

Mean you can break a hay bale and then just remake one you know yeah that’s cheating though Jordan I made Seven no no no you made Seven bro you you could make a little house out of it and then I like I like how for one challenge I ruined the

Dude’s Fountain up here you know the The Village’s Fountain One Challenge I just destroyed their crop Fields you know and another challenge I burnt the neighboring Forest not going to lie we’re sort of scourges on society yep but I get Ley level 35 woohoo all right

Jordan oh is that where we’re opening it right there of course it’s a bro I know what’s about to happen oh no to get Muk one must become Muk first player to get poisoned wins we have to get poisoned Nick we have to get poisoned yeah which um I guess is

Something we just got to figure out now wait maybe I can just can you just poison me poison me poison me do it come on wait a minute I I have an idea I also have an idea what is your idea you can tell me I’m going to swim at the

Tentacle and hope it just stings me that actually is not a horrible idea if there are puffer fish wait wait if they’re puffer fish I was going to catch this Mock and then try to see if it could poison me yo yo yo even better man I bet

That one of these fish will drop a puffer fish feel me now listen oh that’s very possible and then you could just eat it wait I’m going to eat this tropical fish maybe it’ll poison me oh it didn’t work dude no no you can eat the traffical fish Jord it’s too easy

Muk can’t do it I’m going to go and release the SM yeah get out of here the fish is a good idea I have a backup plan but the backup plan can’t happen yet why I won’t tell you what did it give you oh I didn’t I didn’t take it down I didn’t

Think about taking it down that would have been smart well now you can’t do it either ha wait but we’re also trying to go quick H now we both lose wait does being lit on fire count as being poison no it never happens Jordan I got two ink

Sacks I can’t do anything with two ink sacks wait I see a tox aex sck no you don’t hey do you have any blaze powder on a completely unrelated note to the brewing stand are you trying to brew a potion of poison you realize you need a

Spider eye for that right yeah but I feel like I could find one of those there’s spiders that are everywhere in the forest there’s something that I don’t want to tell you so I won’t tell you mhm but you’re going to look very silly well I often

Do okay I found the first thing that might be of use to Me I don’t know if I can beat it in a fight though bro this is legit what are you doing what’s so legit nothing man I’ll tell you later it’s so legit you can’t just say it’s legit and they not tell me it’s so legit I found a spin do

You know what that means what do that mean come on give me a spider eye give me a spider give me a spider web hey what what is your Strat you got to tell me I won’t do it I swear you promise I promise pinky promise promise yeah all

Right a poisonous potato you’re a genius I I’m going to go do that now oh but dude the strategy goes deeper because in order to get a poisonous potato right I got to grow a bunch of potatoes but I can’t do that quickly but if I have bone

Meal I can and what are we right next to Bones technically yeah broadly I mean technically yeah but the desert and so there’s a bunch of stuff like cubones cubones but most of the stuff there can give me bones to make bone meal to accelerate this growth I have bones yeah

All right well you know how you’re trying to brew a potion of poison Jordan yep you do realize you can just eat a spider eye which you would need to also use to brew a potion wait wait and it poisons you yeah you can just eat a

Spider you do you have one no okay I found a splash potion of weakness isn’t that painful o this is a very poison esque Pokemon that I found Jordan what are it it’s a Crobat does not poison it use cross poison come on come on it’s

Got to give me something right ah two spider eyes it actually gave me two spider eyes no wait Jordan I’m not hungry yet I need to wait until I’m hungry I’m poisoned Jordan I’m poisoned here Jordan you can eat one two and be poison too all right

Let me at least eat and be Mary we’re going for a Muk I kind of forgot what Pokemon we were even going for for a while there yeah the challenge was perfect oh blue dble blue dble well Jordan let’s see if we get a blue Pokémon we did to get sore Jordan must

Find buried treasure so Jordan it seems like you’re getting this Pokemon cuz I have five and you have two yes and I pity you I’m aware I used to being pied we all pity you I didn’t mean to say that part out loud look at that King crussell King

Crussell but I’m going to try to take down this dwel before we go and do that lucky block challenge and maybe I’ll get something that helps me in the future if I bury dwel does it count as treasure no you had to think about it for a

Second though right I did also I don’t think I can take this down Jordan I actually know where there’s buried treasure what well I don’t know where the buried treasure is but I do know where the map is where well we have to go back to the forest we burnt down I’m

Not allowed back there anymore H who’s going to stop us all righty Jordan it’s over here on the coast there’s like a weird Stone thing there’s also a ship I think yeah there is a ship oh no there’s a stone thing too I bet we can find a

Buried map there it’s an empty map okay I found a pearl can I just bury it nope once again that’s not how that works dude this ship you found is kind of insane it’s completely sideways I don’t know if I’ve seen that before oh there

Is a chest over here might have a buried treasure map Jordan big nugget and calcium and Relic Crown that’s all it’s oh there’s another one though very treasure map Jordan we’ve got it yes dude I’ll read this cuz you always struggle to aoy shipmate oh no so it

Looks like the buried treasure is under the water I believe and it’s near land sort of is it that Clamperl there’s just a Clamperl sitting there you see that yeah what are you going to do about it I mean does it count as Buri treasure no

You take the wind out of my sails oh treasure is like right here dude uh I’ll tell you when to drop off and dig Okay Okay Okay jump off and start digging Jordan wo yeah I bet it’s right where you’re digging just straight down actually just

Dig out this entire area I have no idea where it is Jordan but it’s around here you would have been a failure as a pirate Pirates are the ones who bury the treasure Jordan they don’t dig it up much you put it in your will when I die

Bury all my stuff somewhere including me oh I found it Nick wait did you really not see it you you uncovered it it’s right here I think I just uncovered it is what it was hey there’s tons of very treasure in there yay wait don’t take my

Diamond that that was my diamond what do you mean I didn’t see any diamonds ooh I got something else very interesting I won’t tell you okay I can sell this Relic Crown I got for $50,000 that wasn’t in the berry treasure that was in the place where we found the map to it

How are you doing Jordan I’m pretty good in a tiny mushroom did you want to see my Simi por not really but I would want to open up the next Lucky Block so I guess you can force me to see it okay Co out I’m going to open it up under this

Guy’s house okay Jordan and boom we have to get a whimsicott to get whimsicott Nick and Jordan must beat up a soul rock with a shovel specifically wait what Jordan look I I know we’re the ones who came up with all these ideas but um what is this

One why is this one I I’m kind of convinced that we didn’t come up with them it doesn’t really sound like us I get the idea that you evolve cotney into whimsicott using a Sunstone but this a Sunstone yeah all messed up do we this

Is going to be I mean I know the answer to this but do we have writers do do we have a team that writes these no Jord it’s just us and we don’t have rights we can’t refuse to do this we’ve we’ve got to do it Jordan we’ve got to do it where

Do SX SP the sun IU it wasn’t from a lucky block though so who cares you’re telling me I have to go beat a Soro with a shovel as opposed to climb the floating pillar of Raichu yeah life is strange sometimes ain’t it yeah I mean to be fair you’ve c a Raichu

Before I’m sure have you ever hadit a s RO with a shovel you’re right I’m expanding my horizons before we keep looking for S Rock Nick did you make a shovel didn’t you give me a shovel No I gave you a pickaxe oh you’re the one

Getting whims caught I’ll let you hit it oh okay cool although it would be funny not funny it would be nice if we both had one good idea funny if we both wait let me make sure it spawns during the day it’s got to it’s it’s still Rock not

Even yeah I’m not even looking and now I have my very own shovel Jordan I wish it was a better tier though I have an idea diamond shovel you’re so dumb we’ll dispatch of this Pokemon quickly Nick yeah can we take a pause to to to catch

Shiny rock and rolla but dude I’m practicing my swing is getting really really wait shiny rock and rolla yeah Shiny Rock and Roll man dude what is with those particles around it why do they look like that wait why can’t I throw my pokeballs at it does it look

Weird to you as well yeah yeah it’s got that like I don’t know what it is wait why can’t I catch it like it’s just black boxes why won’t it let me throw okay there yeah yeah yeah dude it’s like this this weird pixel effect wait but

Jordan this isn’t part of the quest but yeah it’s no no it wasn’t part of the quest oh you didn’t you’re you’re getting distracted we need to be looking around for Sor roox yeah but that was oh you’re a bad man what have I done now

You’re going to take down shiny man yes sir yeah you will never catch one I’m the villain here Jordan that was so vile the only way that you’re going to get a shiny is if you open it up via Lucky Block you know what’s going to be worse

What what if the S rock is shiny oh you said you found a fenin yeah yeah I think that’s a more rare spawn than Soul Rock even oh yeah yeah okay nice that’s that’s what I was coming over to do I was hyping it up just so I could take it

Away yeah I I super figured I’m like I’m not letting ni have this whoa five rhyhorns just spawned in front of me all at the same time that’s a hoorde battle or whatever they got a ride on with them though no they don’t I was kind of

Hoping that they would but they didn’t oh s Rock You just came out from from the little Ravine area Jordan y well oh you ready look at it look at how bendy it is I know Jordan it’s about to be a little bit more bendy let me get at least one HD

In wait what did I just wait what did I just take that down for for wh I think was way stronger than whimsicott that’s not how this works though Jordan go and give yourself a whimsicott level 209 oh that’s all right yeah we’re good woohoo that was my

Favorite Quest so far as like burn end Force I’m not sure this video is going to paint us in a good light oh there’s a synic Quil I love syndic Quil only gives one blaze powder though kind of weird you already did let’s go aad and open up

A new lucky block with a shovel Jordan Sy who dusk okay okay what if okay okay turn on Okay okay wow to get Dusk we must find a spooky haunted Tower then whoever defeats the entire Tower first wins dusk this is a different looking haunted Tower than I’m used to Jordan Jordan no

Not here not here what no just a couple now you’re ruining the spooky Vibes Jordan you’re making it too bright out you don’t understand I I have to Nick otherwise I’ll get too spooked is there a boss in this one or do we have to find a different haunted spook spooky Tower

It it didn’t specify in the challenge it did well it said you have to defeat it so there should be a boss at the top is there no one here there there’s not a there’s not a boss Jord there’s no one here you’re telling me we spend all this

Time finding a haunted Tower and this is what we get maybe this is even more spooky though let’s find a new tower Jordan Jordan This Tower is much taller so I feel like there’s a greater chance that it’s what we’re looking for please tell me there’s trainers in here how do

We defeat the tower Jordan if there’s no train to defeat wait what what there’s there’s an entire town over here Jordan wait in towns there are normally people to battle and we can just assume that they also built this here I’m on my way hey Nick here’s a guy that’s level 37

And I’m going to beat him he’ll fight us I’m going to beat him I’m going to beat him right now this is going to be the easiest fight of my life does this count uh have you beaten anybody here wait a minute what what’s your problem

Man does this mean I mean I do already have a ghost type also so I guess this is okay but you’re getting a dnor level 64 and I’ve got an oricorio I mean maybe it does count I don’t know was how about this yeah I get like 5 minutes to try to

Find a stronger trainer and if I beat him then I get dusn okay deal and then you have 5 minutes to find a No No 2 minutes okay old man Tom I found a diany technically a legendary but also technically not real I found a level 9

Trainer it turns out dude I’m hitting everyone’s stronger with a shovel well at least I have a pink poker bag now that I can put all my PO accessories in I took it off the wall I’m getting sidetracked I think I win all right Jordan go ahead and give yourself that

Dusk I just realized the longer I wait too the less Lucky Blocks we’re opening which is kind of a mistake well Jordan let’s go to the top of the gym or no we’ll just open this in the center of the gym right here Jordan

Okay do wo in at home here don’t tell it about the fenin so Jordan I think we have to burn down a forest here for it I’m just kidding I’m just kidding what is the challenge to get Del Fox we must go to the nether first to capture a fire

Pokemon there wins the Del Fox Jordan did you really not see this at any point so like we could do the water bucket trick or because we’re Boomers at this point I mean relative to other Minecraft youtubers I guess we’re going to go go get some diamonds

Can’t we can we please no I’m starting to drown now diamonds Diamond we probably need one more we need oh cuz yeah you made a shovel oh there’s two of them wooo did you get them both yeah I got them both I can make more shovels now

Nick TP wa no no we’re not allowed to take diamonds from here that’s not allowed Jordan are you kidding it’s not allowed how could you how could you suggest such a thing I should have suggested it an hour ago I’m hitting you with a shovel please stop it it didn’t

Take us that long it’s night time all right I’m hoping I don’t mess this up but uh this should be pretty dude I’m throwing I’m throwing the obsidian and the pickaxe in the lava if you hit me again I want you to know that that’s for killing my shiny rock

And rolla I’ll do it again wait did you just do it wrong it just got more style will that work yeah why not doesn’t it have to be a different proportion what do you mean you can do that now is this the normal one it’s completely normal man can you

Please stop letting me on fire my brain is already leaking what what do we even have to do catch fire Pokemon okay what Pokémon are we catching again you got to catch a water Pokémon I’ve already caught the fire Pokemon if that’s oh man I was catching a Hound hour I want just

Kidding did you take it down no did you run no one second I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it you got it okay yeah I got it there’s also a cool Village down here do we want to go like

Raid it real quick we can go open a block down there the Pokémon that we are opening up is oh okay oh since we opened a paradox Sprite we get a chance capture Paradox Pokemon of our choice first to capture iron Thorns keeps it all right

We got two little Fells here are you ready to J again yeah yeah yeah just hop in are you ready are you in you just okay I I asked you if you’re ready you just went you have a full team I don’t and you’re playing dirty no I’m waiting

I didn’t want it to run into lava are you in the battle so that we can start going oh yeah I’m in the battle I’m already catching it okay well that’s you’re annoying what happens if we take it down uh you you lose don’t try too hard okay Jordan

What do you I’m I mean I’m just throwing pokeballs at it dude you’re throwing Pokéballs I’m hitting it no I mean I got it down to 20% HP a am good I haven’t even got it that low yet three rolls no I IR the Thon Jordan you look funny he

Look funny yeah dude he kind of reminds me of like a feraligator but I guess tyrannitar kind of does already okay Jordan well open this Jordan click on it very hard oh whoever can die in lava first three wait who’s going to die

First I see your i di I died I died no mine’s first mine’s first I in chat yeah in chat you did you did are you kid I’ve been practicing that skill for years that’s true Jordan I’m going to be open up this Lucky Block right here uh

First die by fire campire no no dead dumb now that we each have full teams of six we’re going to have a full fight to see who captures heat Moore all right Jan I’m ready to battle although I’m pretty sure my team is like maybe not as

Good as yours necessarily wait let me look do I have an extra I do let me see if there’s anything I want to swap out real quick cuz I can all right I’m ready to rock what What happiness do your Pokemon have it’s like zero on all of

Them what what have we done what have we done Jordan you are allowed to Dynamax by the way in this fight okay okay you did I I feel like I missed something wait do you have something that’s crazy powerful that I forgot about no no I do

Not I actually trolled just just a little bit believe it or not my Pokemon are so garbage Jordan by the way I want you to know that they’re really really really bad no wao wo ow moves normally change only a little bit when you Dynamax right like I won’t be able to

Have a damaging move if I just happen to you know do you not have a damaging move I don’t have a damaging move double kick won’t work an earthquake won’t work either I don’t believe it might you could try it it all depends on whether or not you have levitate oh cool you

Don’t where did your Pokémon go I don’t know man I I win these did you say I win these I don’t win those Jordan okay so what you got a heat More Level 41 what what do I care no I replace most of my team well Jordan I’m

Going after meow stick Jordan I’m I’m looking at what we have written down and I I cannot believe it whoever can spin 100 times first gets me out stick Jordan we’re we’re spinning 100 times this doesn’t even make sense like if it was Spinda it would make sense but do you

Even want it to be a versus how do we count all that do you want to make it a teamwork thing you spin 50 I spin wait no Jordan I’ve got the play he’s going sicko mode oh man can you see sound and hear color

Yeah I knew it can you give me the meow stick all right wow all right I don’t even know if I got it you didn’t even give it to me okay this meow some it has scratch as its only damaging move can this next one be mine Jordan yeah okay this one um

Okay next one I’m just kidding to obtain the SWAT we have to build a bat cave you wanted this one right Nick nope this one’s for you I’m sure of it oh we’re we’re competing for it then this one wasn’t a competing one this is just

You’re the one who wanted swoat so you get swoat so let’s build that cave we can also just build like a like a bat box you know they live in boxes a lot of the time okay let’s just make let’s carve the cave out of the wall think

About that wait why is there Cobblestone here did you do that did have we no are you sure oh it’s another dungeon we can use this all right Jordan I think this is the first challenge we’ve actually kind of speed ran because we have we have what do we have here you explain

Your bits I’ll explain my bits oh dude this is a chug jug okay cool now I’ll explain my bits this is a diagram of a bat that’s the letter b for bat come on this is as cool as a cave can get for swoat this is pretty true if we get a

Pokemon that’s worth building for I’ll build for it okay this can be yours Nick it will be mine unless it’s a first Challenge and oh yeah this is mine though if Nick can defeat a ground gy you will earn the armaldo well Jordan we’ve made it this Rudin toting shooting

Scooting scooting town oh brother man I think we got to be careful around these part now why is that is it not big enough for you because it’s plenty big for me I don’t think it’s big enough for the twos of us okay well I only need a

Small corner so you you just need to adjust what you need level 38 that seems reasonable if only burnt leaves had any moves at all spin spinner is this a trainer at the gym or is this just a guy passing by I think this might just be a guy passing

By I am getting absolutely positively bonked the issue here is that it’s an equal gym and my highest level Pokemon does nothing this guy moved but I I have the new Strat where mudsdale being my strongest Pokemon is my highest level Pokemon in my team it used explosion

Okay wa that’s not ideal why is this in oh it’s level 49 cuz if I level up during battle it somehow does too Jordan well that’s not how that works though that sounds like Tom Foolery it it does sound like Tom Foolery but what’s good

Is I have a hyper potion I just got to keep using earthquake and that’s the first battle one this is a gar chomp and you know what they’re known for using dragon tail and swapping me out I guess yes a lot oh it did it again these guys

Have very suspicious Styles Jordan I feel like they went to the school of I don’t know they didn’t go to school that’s the issue Jordan it used momento and took it down right what is happening here if it chooses to just hit me it can

Win yeah do they realize that I’m not I I won I Jordan you know what’s sad is I had to use all my healing though I’m going to have to go buy more potions and it’s already night time wow don’t Revival herbs like heal a lot when you

Use them though no yeah no it fully restores it’s a Max revive it just makes the Pokemon unhappy but my Pokemon already hate me so like yeah so it’s good I’m a genius an exuro that’s actually pretty scary be weary that’s one of the strongest Pokemon to ever

Live I took it down very quickly and Jordan why do you just lie about things I don’t what are you talking yeah exad is strong but like wait did I win what what you won you didn’t mess up parkour did you no actually for the F please

Don’t please you are so bad I’m almost done with the gym I have two more traders to fight how do I beat this poon wait I just have to beat the ground gy can’t I skip everyone but the gym leader technically yeah I mean why not right

I’m battling the gym leader right now and it’s that that’s a strong Hipp outon I’m not going to lie and it has healing that’s because it’s a Hipp outon they’re known for healing wait why does this look like it’s only healing okay I am swapping out use worldwind and mudsdale

Came back out he’s one of the greatest trainers I’ve ever seen be careful Nick maybe I can burn it that’s one of the strongest Pokemon to ever live this is so dumb meow STI finally I can use uh oh No Sa shock what if it’s not the ground

Gym and this is the grounded gym like everybody got sent here cuz they were grounded for battling so poorly they’re just bad people yeah this is so painful man they use Stealth Rock also so my Pokemon are just dying to Stealth Rock oh no is this guy a genius or is he evil

Yes I mean yes for sure but he’s is he an evil genius I guess is what we were asking then oh Jordan this is pain does he not know we want to open up as many Lucky Blocks as humanly possible I think he does know this and is

Bullying us man wait Jordan hion is starting to get is almost under half HP he’s almost under come on Burn him it’sing burn him he’s not used healing moves and he’s burnt now this is wait I’m going to take this time to heal up all my Pokemon because I think there’s a

Chance that he can’t do anything more here Jordan this might take him to down I took it down he doesn’t have anymore seism metode what do I do in seismo it used scal hit me once wait leavey Leaf blade should do a huge amount of damage

If I can actually get it off yes yes I’m going to use earthquake and hope that I can take it down it got it low what I’m going to do is use Revival herb on leany just in case and then I hope I live again it got taken down I don’t even

Know how still has a guard chomp though I’m going to use aeval again on meask because meask actually seems to be able to hit did I win what happened what happened my Pokemon are still alive I didn’t forfeit maybe he forfeit what did he he got tired of it

Dude all I know is I get that armaldo level 47 Nick that was one of the worst experiences in Pokemon I’ve ever had I I I Nick that was horrible I’m not a cowboy anymore I’m a sad boy take your souvenirs and let’s get out of here all

Right dude with that gym behind us ready to open up this block yeah here I’ll help too open it Jordan boom it’s a Rapidash rapid Dash gallops with speed so we must do likewise win the race to win the horse yep J we are going to be

Racing from point A to point B whoever makes it under the are you racing on terado it might be my only riding Pokemon can you make that gate a little bit taller no Jord the gate is what the gate is um what do you mean all right

I’ll yeah no it looks like uh we might have to get rid of the top on both sides give me one second here Jordan do you need the rolls I think you probably do need the rules there’s a chest on the other side there all you have to do is

Go through these Cobblestone pillars the next Cobblestone pillars and grab the oven out of the chest oh let me move stuff out of my inventory okay I’m ready to go are you ready 3 two one go I’m faster than a horse I got stuck oh baby

Wait I can’t open it ah no I got it I got the OV no no so I get a rapid Dash I have I have two horses now actually three if you count armaldo and I have one if you count turnator Lu block wait oh this is awkward wait is this the the

Fable double block I think we’ve got to open them at the same time Jordan 3 2 1 go no way I just did that to get toads cruel we must find a mushroom Island and make mushroom soup I mean mushroom soup all right Nick uh do Westward you need

To go to 14 33 uh and then 2 how do you know the coordinates also what is this what is this big old Temple right here so what’s in here if the Guardians aren’t in here Jordan nothing but death get out of here Jordan I can’t breathe

Where’s our boat there is the Mushroom Island right there hop in it feels wrong with you staring hey hey you come back here so we just need to make some soup right Oho hello Jordan I’ve set up our camp to cook I’m going to look around

Dude cuz doesn’t it doesn’t seem like a toad toad school would just spawn here it doesn’t really matter wait who’s getting toad school is it me wait who opened up the lucky block it was you right who got toad school yeah so I get it and you opened up your horse thing I

I’ve already gotten that though so I’m not burning down another Forest yet uh Jordan not again what why did you put that down cuz I I’m pretty sure I put it down first no that doesn’t make yeah you probably did actually now don’t think what if we go for just our own oh

And then we teamwork to get them sure bada bing bada boom I got a Zoro Ark that’s a cool one tonight oh and I got a corvite to get Zoro AR Jordan must disguise himself with a mask to get corvite Nick must make armor exclusively from defeating Pokemon this seems really

Difficult because I need to find steel Pokémon which are kind of rare and you know what you got to do Jordan cuz I I don’t even really know what you have to do yet don’t drink the ocean water but it’s delicious hey Nick yes can you put

A a beehive on your head I’ll let you try how about that I I will oh I broke it no you couldn’t regardless Jordan I’m helping you out so there’s no reason for me to withhold information from you right no reason at all ever find a

Pumpkin why to put it on your head I know I know why I was just you know oh that was a good joke Jordan there’s a jangmo that’s perfect that gives iron dude all I need is to make one piece of armor and it doesn’t even have to be

Iron I don’t think but I do have one iron from Pokemon now I probably could just take down mil tanks as well and get some leather Nicholas TP nichas what Nicholas Nichol what I opened a block look what it is you opened up a lucky block and you got pumpkins are you

Serious wait they’re Jacko lanterns yes that’s what you need Jordan how do I put it on my head now you just need a carved pumpkin is what it is just yeah man look I just go B oh where’d it go what did it break what did you just

Do man I don’t know I somehow I broke him immed okay get more pumpkins if you need them what wait frostless pops out of the pumpkin what what wait I’ll try one more wait Nick look look look look at this look at this it’s a Mr rhyme

What you can spawn Pokémon Jordan it’s because it’s on snow it’s because it’s on snow you making snowmen you making snowmen right now oh I was so confused that is actually kind of amazing though okay okay come over here okay yeah this should this should work okay I made it I

Made a pumpkin hat and now you can put that on your head get on my head get on my head Bing wait why can’t you see it is it on your head it’s on my head look it won’t show up I why is that a glitch that is

So weird dude but you did get the mask so it counts now where did the Dr Oho that was here there here it is I need my iron Jordan you don’t understand I’m iron deficient I’m creating creatures out of thin air I mean that is pretty cool all I’m saying is remember that

Kind of thing for like uh for manhunts oh I have enough iron now Jordan by the way to go ahead and did you did you take my crafting table I asked you to uh you know I did oh you did wow can you can

You set it down for me Oh I thought you meant did I take it and leave it somewhere and that’s what I did that’s okay and now I have iron boots Jordan which I’m going to just throw out but now I got myself a Corbin knite all

Right man well dude here’s what I think we do take your pumpkins man slap them all down I’ll make a bunch of Pokémon then we’ll open a Lucky Block okay uh really the last part’s the only necessary I’m any super unique Pokemon here nope not really okay Lucky Block time Jord the

Den to get to den we must find and defeat a den well I I think I’ve seen one den thus far it was in one of the towns so we just need to go back to one of the towns was it the fairy one I hope

Not I think it was oh bother Jordan no matter how much we’re looking I don’t think we’re finding a den around here wait is this this is totally a different Fairy Town are you sure yeah this is not how it was set up at all we just looked

Around the entire perimeter of this and we’re confused why we couldn’t find a den but now it’s starting to make sense Jordan permission to burn the town down that’s not mine to give but yeah do it do it do it do it do it but don’t do it

That’ be messed up oh yeah of course but do it Jordan I found a super boss Magikarp that only knows Splash oh Jordan I see a tower I see a tower that has the den in it’s the forest Den all right also everyone might be like what

Are you guys working so hard for for you know a den it’s just a level 13 to den and you might be right but the point of it is that we can only use Pokemon opened by Lucky Blocks and we’re trying to open as many as we possibly can so we

We we got to work hard wait why isn’t it active it’s not active so we got to wait for it to be active hey bro we got an easy win I’ve been training because you know I’ve been wanting to actually be able to defeat this but it is only a

Three star we could lose I just learned uh rock slide Jordan and I’m going to use Max rockfall and it’s going to be so cool oh man these P are huge dude yeah this is funny looking it’s funny to see Arin being like excessively large compared to everyone else though too

Which Pokemon did we even lose during that Jordan woba Fett wait no wait wait no which one is yours your I don’t see your Pokemon wait where’s mine did mine die I think it was yours that fainted Jordan wait woba Fett survived and Toad scroll died it sounds like a skill issue

To me we could lose this j i I would like to not lose it okay cool we didn’t and did we get anything cool what whoa what is this um that that was an interesting screen Jord that I saw as well uh I mean it was the Netherrack with the quartz that I

Saw but um well cool Jordan I’m going to let you have to den a level 13 okay cuz you sat around at that Den for so long oh are you sure you could part with it h it hurts my soul but I’ll allow it all right Jordan I’m opening up the lucky

Block on this tree if I can make the jump if I don’t make the jump well I just be sad okay right here well first try to make the jump I want to see you make the jump I want to see you fall is

What I want to do I’m not going to hit you I swear okay go around try it again you didn’t jump and you didn’t even jump from the railing which is interesting I’m opening up the lucky block it is a superior which looks absolutely fantastic here I thought the

Railing was cheating third times charm woo you have no charm the capture Superior Jordan must defeat a grass gym you’re Jordan that’s true Jordan I get that climbing vines is fun but what what is that also they just popped up with quests you want to bet that their Quest

Is help us down from the vines I would guarantee it I saved them I’m a hero you deserve a billion dollars oh dude I had Flint steel I could have used that instead a I do to too I we still could dude move relearner I’ve been needing

This for so long um there are no moves for my Pokemon to relearn but I’m pretty sure that that is not how it’s supposed to be I just can’t see them dude they’re there when I hover oh they they’re there they totally are there you’re just going

To have to like guess what they are because we know Pokemon we’re pretty good you know I I wouldn’t say we’re that good well dude I’m looking at this move I’m like all right power 50 it’s a fire move it’s got to be fire spin then

I look and it’s like wait no it’s flame wheel yeah you’re right we’re doomed this target is licked with a tongue causing damage what move is it that sounds like Razor Leaf all right EV gal let’s kick it so you’re going to win these right yes I’m going to win

Nicholas even if I have to cheese my way to Victory I mean that’s the only way I expected you to win to be honest she forfeited did she she forfeited I win I will do what needs to be done Jordan oh there you go yeah yeah if you forfeit

You get buried all right all right I’m going to battle the next one dude who sent out a mowing Ron that hasn’t been to work in a little while by the looks of it yeah it got a cricle hit on you by the way and then also Sucker Punch does

A lot of damage that’s two deciu eyes in a row that’s fine dude because I have I have two Toads oh wait I’m getting confused no I have two Toads cruel it’s Zar no no no Jord you have two eyes and they’re both looking at toads cruel yeah

Jordan if you lose I’m blowing up the TNT here do you mind not doing that m i I’d like to though it’d be really nice for me get on to there heat more it’s an antier dude and deui is known for looking like an ant that’s true I win

Yeah well I mean not the gym though there’s still more battles you battle this lady yet you just skipped right by her which lady where this one right here I’ll put the TNT over and if you lose the battle you know what’s happening she sent out a Trevenant dude and

I that’s no toad scr Zora keeps getting killed one Z kind of stinks dude all right boom got the Trevenant dude oh wait is it Mega Evol did they forfeit I going to say you won that t they’re getting buried do you know why they forfeited why some

Hooligan was putting TNT above their head I don’t think that’s true there was not a hooligan here there’s only a gentleman with explosives on let’s kick it speaking of kicking it another tessina known for kicking it tessina just kicked the bucket yep and now Apple

Ton’s going to get cooked like a pie you sent out a dragon type against a dragon type are you are you daed it’s super effective used poison powder and it didn’t work but it should have let me heal my Pokemon dude but I’m up to the gym leader do you think that I

Can possibly defeat this fool I hope you can but I am blowing up his TNT regardless after the battle oh man that’s a that’s a very large fell right there that’s a gigantamax Jord that looks so cool actually you know what I’m just happy that you’re struggling

Roughly as much as I am this is a terrible gym or was as much as I was why would you start with Del Fox what are you talking about you’re trolling dude I’m not dude if you Dynamax you’re trolling even more it’s going to take you down every time yeah exactly and so

What I do is I send it out because now he thinks he’s going to win yes I I think that too okay Jordan you’re struggling a little bit my weakest Pokemon is the fire Pokemon but uh I’m I’m going to make this happen Okay no I’m not struggling it’s glitching yeah

This real booom is ridiculously strong though that is true he keeps popping out a full drum kit and that just doesn’t even seem fair it doesn’t seem fair does it TR he’s drowning the vocals and the guitar I am going to use max ooze ooze to the Max Jordan this might seem stupid

I’m going to hit with a mud slap I cannot believe it worked what do you mean it didn’t work I lost oh really yeah but I can win really go boom how dare you how dare you say the words that you have said so Jordan I have a good

Play where I use minimize a bunch of times no way you’re not going to do that as in three times you’re going to do that and then I use some Revival herbs now and I can kind of guarantee the victory I feel like I’m going to poison

Gas him actually I missed too that uh well I guess I deserve that energy route to full heal doesn’t seem fair even though it is oh it totally is Jord this is how we do it this is a Steel type Pokemon I can’t damage him that’s awkward he’s cheating so I’m going to

Hit him with the flame wheel I don’t care man he’s got a superior that’s funny come on that’s funny that I mean that’s just comedy cuz that’s what we’re going for right here exactly but a big I’ve taken down that was his last so um

I got a grass badge but uh I’ll I’ll hand it over to you cuz I don’t really want the superior D I got a grass bad you earned it Jordan oh the TNT I didn’t even blow up the TNT yet JY looks better not going to lie

Well you’re ready to open up the next block my boy and just like that ooh Bramble gas to capture Bramble gas Nick must create a circle of dead bushes in the desert how weird Jordan you still have shears right from the pumpkins this is going to be easy what should your

Radius of bushes be you see that’s what I’m trying to figure out I’m going to make like a poker Arena kind of style Circle and I will look for Groudon that sounds like a good use of time I’m making the circle by the way so I’m I’m almost there I’m almost there don’t

Worry about it oh it’s looking pretty good so far did you doubt my circle making ability I’m done look at that it’s a circle Jordan you’ve ruined it no now it looks like a Pokeball that’s pretty cool I I I enjoyed that challenge well Jordan let’s see what Pokémon we’re

Opening right here it’s an Ari which kind of fits this feels like Sumo R Sumo ring sumor let’s just Sumo for it dude right now yeah yeah there’s no cinematic or anything we’re we’re dancing here I’ll do the I’ll do the voiceover real quick whoever knocks the other out of

The ring is crowned King no I’m not going to wait for that Jordan get out of my room wo this is my house man that Team Aqua armor is so soft and delicate I can’t even punch you it’s very very pleasant I broke my I broke my yes yes no I’m not

Out I’m I’m breaking my ring I need to start hitting with the shear why is this so difficult it’s going to be whoever’s finger tires out first I think Jord whoever contracts arthritis first loses I’ve had arthritis the entire time then wait so so I win no no no no no

It’s whoever get to other ring I want you to keep try Harding I’m comboing you so hard though oh wait did I just oh oh oh who’s comboing who who’s combo Who full oh you’re comboing me am I out no did I get out no you didn’t get out you

Didn’t get out oh oh you’re cheating you’re cheating I mean no we can use anything then I’m cheating oh oh you’re almost out on the edge I’m on the edge no no the reversal the reversal I’m out I actually got out I started trying to use too many

Different things well uh Jordan you get this arama you can throw a master ball at it if you want it’s uh it’s level 20 the H wait it’s level 20 we fought that hard for yeah you get arama level so give me one second I’m like head it it was level

20 Level 20 yeah would be like 50 no okay well I mean still worth I’d do it again but oh man I’m kind of sleepy well Jordan maybe you can open up like a mushara but I opened up and a it’s a dug Trio in order to get the next Lucky

Block cuz let’s be honest no one wants a Doug Trio we have to catch three digletts I like Doug Trio that was kind of a mean voice over who wrote that one our script writers dude got to get better yeah it’s messed up so Jordan we have to catch three digletts which

Really won’t be difficult but what would you rather use in to fight a dug Trio or three digletts I’m trying to think what’s going to be stronger and I feel like it’s identical whoever catches the majority of digletts gets the Doug Trio I’d say what level is the Doug Trio is he level

100 33 can we make it I caught a second one yay I get it well now I guess the only reason I catch one is to speed it up I found my first Diglett do I waste a quick ball on it ever it’s not a waste dude if you

Love it I love the quick ball much more than than the Diglett well Jordan you can go and give yourself a du Trio level 33 cuz I I cut the last Diglett open up this Lucky Block give us a dragon that is the opposite of a dragon type whoever slaps a dragon Pokemon

First gets the Wigglytuff the only Pokemon you can’t slap is VI Brava what what’s with the vi Brava rule I was about to slap a VI Brava Jordan that’s why oh because it’s right here we got to go elsewhere I’m going to find Groudon Dragon Groudon S quaza no that’s green Groudon true

Nick no dragon spawns in the Mesa if you’re here wait terator does actually are you allowed to slap your own terator probably but doesn’t it seem cheating much more than the by Bravo even Jordan I think that the little bat fella noi bat you know can spawn over here wait oh

I thought it just did never mind but I think it could spawn over here the only issue is I can’t fly so how would I slap it yo a strap man if you find a Lucky Block just in the world you can try to pop out all the bats right cuz noat

Would be in that group that’s true that’s true good thought gu now stop thinking and let me win this jokes on you Nick I never even started thinking what did I find here is this a gorilla it’s a poké stop oh so not a gorilla I mean cire the ultimate dragon type no

That’s the new version coming out cire would be a really good Dragon type Pokemon spawn better when we are together yeah cuz we’re working against and with each other you live no I wait do you count as a dragon type I don’t no ah bummer man I

Don’t think I count as a normal type either though I don’t know what you count as we got to think of like the the more fake dragons like the ones that aren’t really dragons but they are you know what I mean yeah like Goodra like

By Bravo who added that dumb rule it was the writers who’s you you remember the writer strike May ITP sure whatever oh o I’m scared Jordan wait but but but it’s night time now so no back can actually spawn in the jungle wait did it actually swap to nighttime now that it’s night

Time noack can spawn here dude and it’s pretty common but how do we hit it I can’t fly I can’t it sounds like a you problem grubbin you stinky Pokemon wow D don’t take out your frustrations and regrets on grubbin well was purple like Noy about cuz it was a boss you could

Eat it wait I found a green Rattata what is this is it a boss no I think it’s diseased what you found a diseased Rattata cuz it’s not shiny that doesn’t necessarily look diseased but uh we can’t catch it anyways so uh tradition we might need to Target hunt a dragon

Pokémon because we are failing I can’t believe we’re failing this hard yeah I kind of just assumed there would be some Dragon up here dude I’m looking at the spawns there’s no dragons that spawn anywhere near here Believe It or Not dragons are weak to ice yeah but

Wouldn’t they want to like prove themselves Jordan as a human I’m weak to Lava I don’t need to prove myself you know that’s a good point okay there’s got to be a dragon in the ocean right like a like a KRA yeah yeah hey is

Horsey part dragon or is it just water I don’t know Kingler can spawn here but it’s it will never spawn it’s not a dragon oh I was thinking of King Dragon all right so after doing some research this is going to be how we find a dragon

To punch it Gibble I can punch a Gibble yep looking for Gibble kind of feel bad about that but Jord feels bad yeah I’ve done it wait we I I did it do I get a metal you you get the wiggly tff woohoo it’s actually a strong one it’s like a

Little fored all right but more importantly dude now that we finally completed this Quest we get to open up the next lucky BL do it bow oo okay not too bad to obtain electivire all we have to do is make a lightning rod and have it be struck by lightning

Wait wait wait wait is that easy is that safe is that possible so so you see Jordan is that all we have to do is get some copper which is easy it’s not especially safe but then we would have to wait for a storm but given that it’s

You know night 55 and we haven’t had a single storm I actually have a brilliant idea Jordan what’s your idea didn’t I have an electric Pokemon that could use lightning oh it was Pomo who I got rid of so we might need to catch another electric Pokémon Jordan I already got

The copper already already Jordan so I’ll come over to you and I’ll see if I can electrocute you what that wasn’t the deal all right Jordan I actually just crafted two lightning rods I’m going to I’m going to put the one right up there just in case I’ll I’ll put the other one

Can I put it in your chair is that possible wait you said down I see absolutely not when does electric learn Thunderbolt do you mind looking that up for me real quick actually I might be able to look it up once I catch it I’ll

Look it up but does it actually have to know the move to do it or is it just innate premere ball time there’s no way I don’t catch it yeah there we go do it works I don’t know yet no Jord I’ve been spending forever trading my Electrike

Just to find one level 25 which is two levels under it now that’s pain if we had a Pokemon that knows rain dance would that work look for like ludic colos yeah ludic Colo Kyogre were we allowed to catch the electrifier no what if nobody was looking not how that

Works Jordan Jordan I’m starting to catch combo on elect trikes wait why does it say it’s raining heavily when it what I wish it was okay I’m evolving the one Electrike and I caught the volt orb so I’m hoping one of them will work let’s see nope it doesn’t work but maybe

Just maybe I can grab myself the Voltorb and that would work come on it actually does it actually does it actually does it has spark and it works dude it might be based on the Pokémon and boom Jordan I’m gonna count that that works for me you Nicholas get Electra fire yeah I

Know cuz I did everything I I was around all the important work I did I had all of the ideas I’m the boss Okie do Jordan oh it’s a charge one too so this is going to be the greatest one yet but boom we must catch the first ground

Pokemon that we see the biggest ground Pokemon caught wins all right well I guess we we go ahead and get going I wonder if it’s like a strat if we just look straight down and wait until until we’re at like a cave or something you know the cloud sire that I’m seeing

Doesn’t count right correct okay cool you mean I cannot at this moment Acquire The Sire well you no but but I require The Sire is it dire My Love For The Sire will not expire oh no I found my first ground Pok mod what did you find I don’t

Want to talk about it okay all right do you want to TP to me and see where I am did you already find one no what what do you what what ground Pokemon would be down here even I don’t know it’s it’s very exciting Jan there’s no ground yet

Jordan it’s been a full day can wa can you at least make a boat is the boat faster yeah in my head I’d find like a whiscash or something you know what I mean in the ocean you’re going to find a catfish in the ocean yeah it’s Pokemon

Dude it’s not like reality where like you’d only find those in like the Arctic or whatever can we at least find you know ground it’s under us yeah we’re on land I’m in a bamboo land yes I’m aware and there’s a desert over to your right i’ recommend going there are these

Ground wait I see all these is that rock rockruff isn’t rockruff ground or is it just rock no it’s rock find a ground Pokemon here I’m over here there’s like a beach man oh Wiglet that’s that’s water I thought you were a trainer Nick I thought you were a Team Magma trainer

With the golden pants yeah yeah yeah I thought you were really fly you would have this one dude if it was fastest to find a ground Pokemon oh yeah I’m aware of that there’s got to be a oh is it geod dude I saw this first is Geodude

Ground is Geodude ground now I thought it was just rock let me look it up oh yeah it is ground yeah I was pretty sure I think you you beat me right we’re going to have to go off like mass and height and determine you know are we

Going off off of mass are you referring to that as as weight uh that’s not yeah that’s not exactly it Jan send out Pokemon boom oh wow hey wait wait wait what if we do the Pokemon size like mine has a specific size and yours is going

To have one mine’s enormous mine’s huge so you win right yeah especially cuz I feel like SW up is bigger like Jud definitely has more mass he’s going to be heavier yeah I got that cloud sire technically in like a few seconds and you just yeah anyways I’m opening up the

Next lucky block it is a slacking Jordan it’s whoever goes to sleep first how does that work I like that we’re just watching the sun yeah Jordan we’re almost there so wait wait can we go to sleep as soon as it hits the Horizon get

Out of my bed wa get it’s just as soon as possible oh you’re going to try to jump in my bed I’m going to jump in your bed oh oh oh no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t did you get it

No you actually got it okay W all right now I’m taking this away with me you come back here I’ll trade I’ll trade my bed for your bed deal okay send it back in three 2 1 go it’s on the ground pick it up where’s mine where where’s I sent you yours

Where’s mine you didn’t throw you didn’t throw it okay let’s go to the trade machine to do it all right all right just put it down here three two one you had a boat this entire time and you did not use it I will find you and I will

Hurt you I I I want to win only so that you lose ah oh oh I’m theed I’m the bed I’m the bed too busy hitting you I was too busy hitting you okay trade bed’s back now there’s a boss Cent you should give yourself slacking and then fight it I

Want to see that hey wait I’m going to win hey wait I think I’m going to win I mean yes it’s asent I won wait no I’ve never won a boss battle this is great ni look that is very interesting oh but we should open up the next lucky block and it’s a

Volcarona the first player to craft a firestone chest plate wins the Volcarona well well I guess we got to get ourselves to a desert so uh I think the strategy is well known to both you and I we’re kind of just taking down magmars I’ve only taken down one Magmar before

And it did give me a full Firestone which is possible but it’s it’s unlikely to get a full one at least Magmar is not rare in the slightest Jordan I’m still not convinced that what I’m seeing right there is a Pokemon what stone Jer yeah it’s not doesn’t seem like a Pokemon to

Me no no no it’s not Jordan I want to check in and see how you’re doing because I’m all of a sudden struggling to find any magmars and I don’t know why you found more than me so far I’m at two stones and a few pieces oh okay that’s

Not as bad as I thought it was going to be not going to lie Jordan I’m up to just slightly over six overall oh firestones yeah well yeah but I’m including the shards in that yeah yeah yeah of course I also have uh found a couple diamonds wait from what you

Finding all these magmars more like a nightmar that was miserable I tried my hardest do you mind if I T un Nick I um I fell under a ravine yes that is okay but I get this Magmar here I am excessively close by the way how close

How many are you got I need two more shards that’s all I need yo no way do you want mine this is a contest you could still win if you only get Stones listen I’m very Sunburn and my feet feel horrible I’m walking around in the desert man here come here hello ah

Byebye I was trying to fish you why into the abyss I’m disappointed I haven’t found Groudon or like a Magmortar I’m disappointed that I’m only finding firestones dude on the Magmar and not on like the sil cobras because wouldn’t they have like killed a magma or two and

Then I’d take it from them and then they they just keep them yeah yeah yeah yeah right that makes enough sense to me I’m disappointed that no one’s selling fire armor I mean come on oh I didn’t I did not consider that I’ve never seen it so

I didn’t look but you know I see fire in the distance it might be a village it is a village wait oh really this isn’t the village we’ve been to before is it that kind of looks like it doesn’t it it totally is it’s got to be yes cuz I see

Where we raced the world looks so cool Jordan honestly you should just teleport and look at this it’s worth you’re just going to pop me in lava you’re so mean no look at this what woohoo all right well that’s I mean you live magmars are

You down here too dude this is so sick looking dude where are the Magmar they’re not down underground if you were wondering did we defeat every Magmar is that the issue Jordan wait did we just cause a species to go extinct yeah I mean oh no wa it could have been a worse

One wait how many do you have right now I I only need two more shards but I’m not I can’t take your handouts that’s not how this works you could though it’s not how the challenge works man we want to open up as many blocks as possible

And if we cheat it defeats the purpose that’s a good point Nick thank you for keeping me on the straight narrow did you put all the gravel here or did I I think you were chasing me at one point or I don’t remember I genuinely don’t remember wait I genuinely don’t either

It’s been so long I I used to have gravel and I dug out of here with the gravel but then I don’t remember placing it but I probably did do you know what the bigger question is rather than where did the gravel come from where did the

Magmars go I haven’t found one dude in a hot dude exactly and the sad thing is they’re kind of horrible training no they’re terrible training I found a Larvesta I’m going to see if this found Larvesta you oh I found Magmar Larvesta might be able to give you a fire stone

Maybe I got one Firestone Shard I need one more fire Firestone Shard J I need one more I got string and blaze powder both make sense from the Pokemon but they’re not what I’m looking for this is painful this is painful we became YouTubers so that we do this so that you

Don’t have to hey wait Nicholas can you TP to me by the way unless you see Magmar in the area why just TP to me okay if you look over across the way dude there’s a turtonator just chilling and then here’s a VI Brava right yes there are dragons everywhere I they

They’re everywhere it gibles are I mean I’m just I’m flabbergasted it’s insane I don’t think terator will give me a fire stone but like come on I got to try right it’s probably going to give you fire rods or whatever they’re called blaze rods yeah honestly we should be

Keeping the blaze rods and Blaze by the way for what purpose just in case you never know I don’t like the sounds of that I’m hoping this is the last one there’s always the chance that this is not the last one Jordan despite the intent to keep competitive Integrity it

Gave me it it gave me it Jordan it gave me it it gave me it I didn’t miscount right that would be crazy if I did hey if you miscounted I’m throwing you mind I need the chest plate okay all right imagine this is the crafting recipe I’ve got a Jordan

W do you feel cool yeah I got like full gradient going on on right now in my armor what what did we get again well Corona level 60 oh w i mean we were competing for something sick dude that was worth it was worth it yes that’s

Also why it was difficult yeah I know exactly 62 man D gum not 62 well 60 as well man that’s actually going into my team it is my highest level Pokemon cuz I’m training against magmars all right are you ready man my joke we must take

Off all of our armor until to the death winner gets maoke we’re allowed to use weapons I believe 3 2 one that doesn’t do anything anymore you full oh you got that hit you fool I’m the greatest at PVP wait since when are we not in peaceful since I

Changed everything we were supposed to be in peaceful Jordan we’re supposed to be in wait you’re you’re garbage at this game I let myself on fire you nearly let yourself on fire get out of here Jordan by the way I was one heart you could have just hit me

That did not take nearly as long as getting vona time to open the new lucky block Jord and get on over here stop being dead and the Pokemon is honchkrow since honchkrow loves shiny things we must find an alternate form Pokémon so that means all kinds of alternate forms

Right yes this is correct it doesn’t have to be specifically a shiny thank goodness it can be like one of the pink Pokémon cuz I found multiple pink digletts when we’re going for Magmar which now I’m finding Magmar and not pink diglet I found a pink Mankey and

You at one point found a Shiny Rock and roller that I don’t know what happened to pretty sure it rolled into a hole and then just kept rolling oh that would make sense hey pink tigler where where where over here follow the sound of my voice oh there

You are it was right here wait so you found it so you’re getting the hunc I presume all right at least I’m cool with that I’ve always wanted honchkrow I captured it wow that was very that was great all right good stuff dude what level was honchkrow do you even know yeah

Okay that sounded convincing so Nick this is a perfect place to open up a Lucky Block but I got to tell you whatever we get has to get us away from this wretched desert we’ve been here way too long way too long o we must make Shields and compete in a bow battle

Winner gets chestn I’m ready to begin whenever with my lucky bow this furu is blocking wait it shot TNT there Jordan we might need to take this a little bit away from the never mind yeah I’m kind of okay with it yeah me too actually um does that count did you

Die did I I don’t know that sounds crazy Jordan I’m going to take you down even though I’m pretty sure you took yourself down okay that was easy I’ve died like eight times I am aware you cannot hide from me Jordan why did I do you you

Can’t hide from me wait why do I keep spawning in a broken roof this is too fun though Jordan you just got struck by lightning catch loser you shall never take me down oh no Jordan we opened up a chest knot and I didn’t use a shield

Once I forgot about the shield like that was kind of the entire point and we didn’t we didn’t use it once Jordan I mean this this town was bound to get destroyed right yeah I it lasted until what is it Day 70 71 that’s pretty good

Dude J we must we must throw our bows into the ocean now oh I know wait did I shoot my last Arrow I actually had shot my last arrow and I but I never knew I ran out that’s amazing goodbye well Jordan let’s open up the next Lucky Block ooh Gengar

Jordan do you know what we have to do for that one we have to tell a spooky Campfire Story believe it or not that’s literally it look at how perfect this is can you look at this real quick yeah I see okay Nicholas once a man didn’t have

Anything for dinner uh but he had some pancake batter the man decided to to whip up the the pancake batter which was basically just that in the water right okay I’m follow you but he didn’t use nearly enough water and he he put no uh like oily thing in the pan eventually

The pancake stuck when he tried to flip it he could not he couldn’t flip it he couldn’t F the Pake NE why would you die there we go yeah then he died you heard that one before I can’t believe we’re stuck on this one right now Jordan wait Jordan

I’ve got it you just stay there don’t do anything okay don’t look don’t look don’t look okay my eyes are literally closed okay Jordan the spooky story is about to happen you can open your eyes now no don’t look over here okay read the sign read what sign

Oh okay cool um I get Gengar how did it take you that long to write boo my eyes were closed for a good minute I had to make a sign yeah that’s the only thing I know how to make in there’s a treven in the PO Mart Pok Center that’s kind of creepy

Right oh that’s a scary one day there was a Trevenant in the pokem all right heck yeah can you do the honors of opening the next block oh oh oh what what is that what is that what is that what is that that’s insane so Jordan what’s crazy about this one is uh

Back in my day that c suon to obtain walking wake we must defeat the Ender Dragon all right okay well do we do we keep the blaze rods like I asked you to when we were in the desert are you serious about that thought good I thought you were joking we need ender

Pearls as well how do we get ender pearls because Enderman won’t spawn so you can get them from things like Abra okay so we have to go against abas Kadabra and magmars and such you’re going back to the desert I can’t I can’t you can’t make me dude this is sick man

So to be clear by the way whoever last hits the Ender Dragon Gets walking wake so it’s teamwork right up until the end Jordan you’ve got the blaze powder and you still have pumpkins right cuz I I came up with the gen’s idea after not finding abers and cabers for two full

Days that’s insane give me the pumpkins Jordan this is how it’s going to work work okay to get ender pearls this is actual genius idea Mr Ryme that is exactly what I actually wanted to spawn dur this should drop ender pearls now that’s the thing Jordan not just one or

Two I got four from one of them you’re whoa no no no no way yes dude that makes me really happy this is actually I think the quickest way to get ender pearls in not only Pixelmon but Minecraft in general oh three Mr Rhymes in a row

That’s exactly what we needed we have enough Jordan okay can you go ahead and send over some of those Blaze powders yes sir I got PL dude that was so much easier to get by the way than uh fire Stones oh I’m aware Jord 16 Eyes of

Ender and it’s this way you found it yes sir hey we found it like same time that’s pretty good hey and look dude while we have an abundance of eyes there’s two I also didn’t lose a single one so we have six left over so uh later boys see

You you were not ready for that were you woohoo oh I have hidden jump oh don’t forget we could fly even though the flying in Pixelmon has been pretty bad for a while okay now we just wait for the Ender Dragon hurry Nick drink this potion it’s the only way to get the

Ender Dragon to come down it’s an evil potion yeah to get it down from the evil a why would you no I can read but I thought you couldn’t we’ve determined that the End Dragon doesn’t seem to want to land because of all the Pokémon that

Keep being everywhere I guess so uh we we got got real lucky with our lucky blocks and we have a lucky bow Jordan show him pain oh dude some of these ARS are so cool I want to get the rapid fire one that would be really nice oh I got

The rapid fire there too I hit a lot of them some of them I hit like four of them why are we bad at this I don’t know about you I’m incredible at it this is absurd looking yeah the issue is I I filled the pit with lava accidentally

With my arrows yeah you kind of made it where he’s really difficult to slap now was that intentional no a Torchic just one flying wait I can hit him like this though wait wait dude that TNT I did was so much damage that was Bonker wait oh

No no no no you’re going to get last hit dude it’s anybody’s game right now Nick oh oh I got the leading shots one oh oh dude he’s going to land too no dude he’s going to Land wait if lava K he’s Landing up there where can we shoot him

Still uh maybe in his tail kind of uh I think if I get the TNT oh I got did you get it or did I get it I believe it was me who gets the achievement right no way dude did you get the achievement or no I didn’t did

It did it die to Lava no it died to my TNT I’m I’m like 99% sure so it didn’t count as a normal hit I’ll give it to you man cuz I definitely didn’t get it that’s absurd man hey what do you think you’re up to stop

It let’s go hey Jordan I’m trying to get back home uh but not that way not that way woohoo all right well congrats man good work buddy dude I hate that I might get rid of armaldo for it cuz I I really like armaldo but I already have a bug

And a rock Pokemon in my team what if you like traded the armaldo to me I’m down uh I don’t think it’s working oh I think wait whoa but Jordan this this was a very good trade I have a den level 13 now yes and I have an armal level 53

Which is supposed to be a boy yes but what’s cool is good I have this Pokemon here Jordan which seems very very cool the two tals are terrifying how do we just automatically open up a new lucky block after that I guess we just do right you ready oh Jordan Arch Ops do

You know what the plan is for this one to get this fossilized pheasant we engage in a build battle all right everyone I’ve gone through and build something Fantastical this is Arch Ops Nick are you ready to see this unveiled for the first moment yeah I’m just

Supposed to turn around right oh there’s still sand here you made it seem like I didn’t have to do that but no no come out this way what is going hone the clock for the eye is beautiful you have to build up probably to get the full

Spectacle the couches y the arody dnamic the red stone you know pretty good right I actually really like the choice of blocks you did this is like pretty decent right yeah its face and stuff is a little bit messed up but I really like it I tried making it where it’s mouth

Looked open I’m like it just looks even worse there are a lot of parts I like I I like the wool that you used on it I think it looks really good thank you you can turn around whenever you feel like it wao that looks way more like Archos

It might look more like archeops but but is it as unique looking as yours maybe is that plumage even close to the right shade of blue no uh it’s kind of similar I’m color blind I’m not color blind no I’m color blind wait you are a little

Bit so how would you know barely I did use rocks for teeth that was the only like special block I used though otherwise it was like almost all terracotta bro if you if if you took your head and we put it on my my body this would be the perfect specimen I

Yeah no I do like your tail and stuff more I will agree with that you know what I think I think we both get Arch Ops there’s no way to win this contest just the one same Archos we should probably subtract its level so its level

Was supposed to be 39 so we should both get a so we split it in half I’m not comfortable you know making the choice of who won there cuz I I genuinely I don’t know you can type in in the comments who you think won but like I

Really like yours I I like mine too a lot time to open up ni look at what we did in this town what do you mean this is normal all right I’m opening the block are you ready yes I can’t look at that thing I I can’t look at it the

Challenge for Magmortar is killing mag it wasn’t going to be the challenge but Jordan I’ll let you do it I’ll let you do it I think it’s acceptable given context throw it out another block buddy oh wow like that I got fire stones from it all right I know it didn’t take any

Time but that’s just how we had to to do that one it’s true we had to haxus W to get haxus we must use an axe to chop down everything we can in our town Jordan what’s with these violent challenges one sec I’m trying to

Remember how to dab do you even have an axe Jordan of course Sapphire axe oh that’s cool cuz I have a ruby axe well let’s begin rock and roll man if it’s everything wait does this part count as a town maybe it doesn’t maybe we should

Just chop the town we are monsters this is one of the most peaceful things I’ve ever done in a violent way somehow Jordan I just now realized by the way I I know we don’t have lapis but I had this the entire time I can’t be mad cuz

I never would have thought of that I mean I mean would I have thought of that no did we get all the wood there’s a torch there that kind of counts does the torch count oh no okay do we not get the Torches I didn’t get the well I got a

Lot of the Torches but not all of them I didn’t think it there was a basement in the liouse I had to clear out by the way was there actually the windmill it’s not even a lighthouse I forgot what it was cuz there’s no windmill there anymore

The lighthouse I even took care of the tree behind it dude yeah but uh this this was a challenge it is a woodless town we’re getting we’re getting Hackus wait who gets it I you want to split levels again no you can have it you can

Have it Jord I don’t even want it anymore wood I found an actual piece of wood disgusting I don’t believe it I don’t believe it I don’t believe it disgusting Jordan this is a great town love it recommend living here they really let you do what you want you know

Live and Let Live is what the village mot is maybe live and maybe let live my motto Live and Let Live my other motto live and die okay ready wait wo Heracross that’s surprising wow the first person to capture a Pinsir gets the Heracross Jordan what I love about

This challenge is the fact that if we opened up Pinsir we would have to catch Heracross yeah exactly exactly it’s quite funny okay off to a jungle we go Jordan it’s a little awkward that we reach the jungle during the night because cuz I don’t think it spawns here

This is also a stinky jungle no it’s perfect cuz it spawns during dawn dusk and night oh oh oh oh yeah I didn’t know either I was looking I’m like oh come on this timing cuz I thought it was a daytime thing but then I realized dude

When would you least want to see pins at any point maybe during a like at a dentist’s office if I was a dentist because that would be a lot of work man no that would be the best time because you’d be like ow my tooth and he’ be

Like L me oh they would have to pay pincer would have to pay a lot of money that’s true oh no he only has two teeth yeah but they’re messing up man this is the worst jungle I’ve ever found I know why did you find this

One hey Jordan you know how we found pin kirchin before yeah they dropped puffer fish which uh we could have used to get poisoned you know but um really yeah but maybe we didn’t find him then I don’t know that was so long ago at this point that was days years months decades

Seconds miles that I was I was disappointed with Toad’s voice in the movie it should have been me yeah this is a wild Spa Squirtle we found a squirtle before we found a p sir wait wait where on the beach or in the just right up here there are two Squirtles

Here um I know you’re close to me I’m don’t worry I I I already took care of one Jordan I’m taking care of the other one too you found Su where this is the jungle it’s right next to Lava this makes less sense than it should I don’t

Know what to do oh and it’s almost mourning we’re about to have to wait until dawn why is there a golden slowpoke what do you mean wait until Dawn Dawn is no I mean wait until like the next Dawn I mean dusk whatever it is I’ve taken down the Slowpoke maybe it

Will give me a pincer no there’s a Tortuga why is there a Tortuga here man o can also spawn in bamboo jungles what would you like at a higher rate or what man no it just also there you can use headbutt in jungles and potentially find

It Jordan what yes do do we have headb I bet Doug Trio has it why would Doug Trio have it it has three heads I never considered that I have a scary move from walking wake so maybe I use that oh that was a Repel I just used a Repel I just

It’s okay it’s daytime it can’t spawn anyways I don’t think oh it can spawn at any time with headbutt though my repel lasts 15 minutes I I I might need milk I need milk who uses a Repel in Pixelmon it wasn’t me it was you I know but what

Like why man oh dude P Piner P it wait it wasn’t supposed to P this it this it where where where hi where where hey are you screwing with me oh I’m so upet with you so upset with you you anger me you don’t understand you were supposed to go in the

Lava lava but I was hoping that you would teleport into the lava I can light stuff on fire with yeah I can I can light stuff on fire too dude Jordan I found a shiny Snivy what I found a shiny Snivy before I found a pincer I’m so sad

At what I have to do I know but that’s that’s what the series is you can watch your other series if you don’t want us to beat shinies with shovels that was an axe oh Jordan I’ve completely subscribed to the same thought process you have by

The way with Pokemon where it’s like us beating them up isn’t any worse than other Pokemon beating them up you know was that My Philosophy yeah that’s pretty good I totally forgot it wait a minute Nick Nick I found it you want me a TP some people that like watching us are

Probably like what what are they like when they’re when they’re cutting out content and I’m just you know I’m sing from undertale why did I find a poo is it shiny pun I can’t make it through a 100 days without losing some of my sity I’ll be completely honest I

Wonder how many we can make before our bodies just what if they just stop so this one can’t do it but maybe you can learn headbutt when does it learn headbutt oh here it is I’ve got it’s got headbutt now I bet this doesn’t work though headbutt something wait it

Actually does it actually it actually does we can keep looking during the day this is the hope we needed Jordan This is the hope I’m going to throw him at a tree and I’m going to use headbutt how do I oh I headbutted the tree and got in

A battle with an Aon to clarify it’s still like rare I think why would it be rare oh excuse me not rare it’s not rare oh good it’s very rare well he’s inside a tree right now oh it worked we Pete and it started off the battle asleep

That’s very interesting so I I must have woken it up hand Sage look level 70 what I had bed a tree and got a pants AG level 70 Jordan I wait is this a boss oh it’s a boss I was going to say I thought I was learning like a huge

Amount of strats or something for the uh for the Manhunt but no this is just strange oh okay I figured out you just you just pointed a tree that doesn’t have vines on it the issue was the vines Piner right here Jord guaranteed no way the headbutt didn’t even work it didn’t

Even do anything it went on cool down but it didn’t do anything this is all for a Heracross no Jordan look at what I found it’s a boss pincer what was exactly said joining the challengeing was it defeat let me let me see what the

Was it get or was it catch because first to get is what we had written down in the notes but maybe kill is just as good maybe kill is better maybe kill is better well I don’t even think you could take this thing down so I’m about to all

Right hey dude here’s it if you take that down yeah that counts I lived with the focus stash this is actually a really tough fight Jordan I might not be able to win it is level 90 this thing is a little bit too strong it is taking

Down all of my Pokemon you can make it happen meanwhile I’ll keep trying to do it the normal way now that we have headb butt technology now that we have it takes me down in one hit man I use my Dynamax already what’s sad is I I don’t

Think we have a chance of taking this down even well we still have to continue to find pincer on day 91 Jordan I found a graphi what yeah I love that so much it’s one of my favorite Pokemon now I I can’t really catch it if I run is it

Just going to be here that’s what I want to know I think it disappears that’s so sad that feels like that would be more rare than Pinsir yes no maybe I don’t know wait a minute I have a Gengar though oh yo if it only has normal and

Fighting moves I’ll be it very unlikely and if it has one bug move you’re going to get eaten it has Acccess funny dude all I’m asking for is a Pinsir no one’s ever asked for that before well yeah it’s probably true I got a melon this is better not bring us to 100 by the way dude I’ll be mad dude what if we don’t complete it what if

This is the one we get stuck on it’s just not the one that I would oh pants age never mind sorry I saw a p how dare you I saw a p and I went it’s got to be I just found slacko I haven’t even done that yet I don’t

Think sorry it’s okay no it’s acceptable I think it was called for you’re right but I’m better than this all right ni so now we uncool down will headbutt meanwhile we can see pincers roaming this area really you can see them I can’t no I can’t but I want to and it’s

Possible it’s possible Jordan new strategy cuz Pinsir can spawn at the top of the trees I’m going to the top of the tree um do you want to know where I am are you what wa since when since when can you see me I just climbed the top of the

Tree where are you I don’t see you I’m in I’m by the lava okay I I actually know where that Landmark is because we’ve been here long enough but I still don’t see you I know many landmarks I said lava there are two lavas though oh

Hey Jordan I see you up dude hey man I said lava dude because I knew that the people watching would know where that is cuz I think at least one or two scenes of that I said I could have said any landmark and you would have known where

I was yeah you’re at the Twisted tree yeah this is just like shiny hunting except when we finally find the Pinsir it’s just a Pinsir and then we don’t even get it we get uh AOSS I’ve head but one of like each tree in this entire jungle at this point you’re not allowed

To eat dude I’m starving huh I’m not eating don’t let me hear food I don’t care if youat just don’t let me hear food I’m not eating I don’t know why you would think that I’m Poss EA dude please I just don’t want to know that you’re eating eating it’s coffee beans and

Crackers dude that’s food are they like chocolate covered of course dude that sounds great now they’re delicious I hate you I got more ult trinko leaves just why I wanted we were in a jungle we just start questioning every little bit of this reality maybe there

Never was a pincer Got Run flesh from the tree I got an apple from a tree apples don’t even grow in the jungle trees how is that impossible do you want to poke a warp everything that’s here to us and see if there is a psor hiding po

Warp was a command maybe but that’s not the command but at night can we do it and see if maybe we just can’t find it cuz it’s hiding under the surface it feels like I should say no but I don’t think I will dude I found a primeape in

The tree can we go to the beach Nick and then warp everything in like a 30 Block radius to you this might break the game Jordan be aware of it but it’s it’s day 92 I’m for that Jordan a H oh oh people wait wait it’s really

Everything is there any pincers I don’t see any pincers whose armaldo is that is that yours no it’s not mine where’s the pin there’s no Pinsir there’s actually no Pinsir there’s no there’s no Pinsir p p p there no Shenanigans done here P we found it completely on our own

And it’s beautiful don’t let it go into the lava I I oh no oh no oh no where where is it where is where is it did I hit it with an Ultra Ball it’s right there it’s right here no don’t go to the

Lava can I get B it I’m going B with it I’m don’t hit it use a quick ball okay one second if you don’t catch it Jordan it’s going to burn in the lava oh you got it you got it easyest scam okay cool I get

Heracross where am I what are we doing what are we recording today Nick oh no he’s converted to his Primal state where he only speaks in Sand Dude I don’t want to ever go back to the Jungle or desert anymore ever again please come back home Nick and look at

This beauty he beautiful to be home we’ve enriched our community if we open up a pincer I I would be so angry if we open up a pincer what we do is we never come back here and the video ends oh oh oh oh W who whoa wo wo buzzle

Wait Jordan do you know how we’re doing to the Spy way it is time for the legendary battle catch another buzwell will be spawned and whoever catches one first wins buzwell I’m going to go for the taller one but Jordan are you ready

To begin 3 2 1 go imagine I get on the first quick ball joint imagine I get it on the first out of battle Ultra Ball out of battle Ultra Ball you do stuff out of battle and I don’t think it’s any good almost ever yeah but like imagine

If it like worked what happens if we take it down what do you mean we lose okay I caught it I caught it I caught it I caught it I caught it I caught it I caught it I caught it iau what Pall what Pokeball can you prove it wasn’t a

Master ball yeah I can give me a second let me send it out how many Pokéballs did you throw like four can can I have three more tries then cuz I have only thrown one uh sure I you win the challenge matter what but I just I just

Want to know Jordan also what are you writing on buzwell drops five strings when it faints which is pretty cool Jordan I was really confident about this final battle up until now cuz now I’m terrified I can’t believe Nicholas I just spend like I don’t even know how

Many days trying to find a stupid pincer and then it takes me 6 seconds I am I’m I mean I don’t know if I’m upset or can we open up another yeah Raichu Raichu that is cool to obtain Raichu we must first open up a tcg booster pack that contains Raichu so

Jordan I got all the the booster packs right in this chest here I don’t know which one actually has Raichu so I would say just start but give me a moment cuz I need to clear out out your inventory dude and then we’ll use our beds as a

Timer we’ll go to bed and then on day break rush for it your bed’s Clos I’m going to move my bed I’m I’m aware that my bed is closer that is the only reason I suggested this please don’t break my bed it’s so comfy and the light okay I’m

Ready I’m a little bit closer now Jordan and boom let’s go let’s go it’s this chest here by the way oh I didn’t clear out my inventory at all oh I’m a f mine’s not very clear I opened it oh but you got you got to do it like one at a

Time Jordan I don’t know how rare Raichu is this is a mess dude I got Lieutenant surge but I didn’t get his Pikachu which is possible so the gym Heroes I think is a really good one to open this is crazy how is working D this pack opening Speed

Run okay I’m I’m going to open up the first base pack unless I’ve already done one I got Professor I got Pikachu but no Raichu dude I got a mold Trace even wait does lightning energy count no I dord I even got a Pikachu and that didn’t count

Come on Raichu Raichu Raichu Raichu Raichu Raichu no have you ever opened up cards in such an intense wager I’ve never no well probably actually yeah yeah you have yeah I mean everybody has wait oh is this how you open them what do you mean you haven’t opened one yet

No I opened another one and now you flip them all over like that that’s not how it worked for me the first time what do you mean flip them all over I mean it it just had me flip them over like they appeared on my screen and I flip and it

Look cool how how I I don’t have the answers for you little man do you just need enough in inventory space and it just works I I think so yeah cuz I kind of threw out everything here let’s see if it works oh it does this is so much

Better yeah this is way way better cuz you know if you got it or if you can just ditch your entire inventory I got an Electabuzz do you count Electabuzz as a Raichu I certainly don’t how rare is dark Raichu how how rare is any Raichu

Dude I’m shut up sorry I’m in a rush straight I got a Pikachu oh Pikachu yep I’ve already got Pikachu as well sorry I I had a moment it really seemed like it was like what I needed but it was just what I wanted come on Lieutenant surge I

Got two electric energies this is the one I got two bulbasaurus this is stupid I hate it I got Dark Charizard you got Dark Charizard dude that’s so cool I got a Max revive and the texture is bugged do I win no hey wait what if we get a pincer

That would be so funny Jordan Jordan okay I need you to take a break where I spawn in more packs okay okay deal I paused okay we can begin again Jordan I got a dragon knight what if they forgot to put Raichu in there because Pikachu

Is more popular I saw that the card exists oh I got I got Lieutenant Ser right here I got it I got it I got it I got it I actually got it I got it yeah so that was a gym challenge one right

Let me yeah let me find it and then I’ll show it to you you’re sure it wasn’t Pikachu Lieutenant Serge is Raichu I will show it to you let me run over dude not even kidding I think this is the most competitive I’ve been during this I

Went kind of wacky and wild with that dude I went wacky and wild all right here here I’m going to throw it are you ready to like see it yeah yeah yeah that’s it just check it it’s mine no it’s not yours it’s mine Jordan now you have to

Do the trivia part of it okay what what is it Retreat cast nothing right or is it one no it’s it’s two Jord Jordan these are the like early generation cards they’re not very like you know strong never Retreat Never Surrender it’s Lieutenant Serge he would never do

That wow that was crazy we open up so many Pokemon bro I just realized that that was like Lucky Blocks but with cards oh who wait Nichols do this walk at it and then lean look up and down oh he goes up and down too that’s f funny dude do with f52

Wa okay so Jordan This is not one that we would specifically catch here what is its name by the way Iron Valiant yes Escalade man dude it’s an iron Valiant level 60 instead of capturing the iron Valiant we’re going to a Pokemon that’s in the game the iron moth whoever

Defeats 10 poison or fire Pokemon first wins this Pokemon all right brother you ready to go I just kind of thinking about like what poison or fire Pokémon are cuz I don’t really want to go back to the desert so that means I’m going for poison so I’m going to go to swamp

Is pincer Park poison you could go for Pinsir maybe and that could be the last thing I do before I die I have my play that I think is genius because I know where fire and poison Pokemon are you’re not going to the nether are you no wait

Is that is that allowed are we allowed to go to the nether joint well it appears that you’re going so I’m going to go to no I shouldn’t have said anything I would have won I actually want to win this bro I would have wandered hours to get to a swamp oh dude

I had this in the bag I troll I fumbled man I fumbled wait fire gy nice wait fire gy is a really good idea oh but are they Jordan cuz it’s equal levels but it’s good training which I need for the final though that’s my third Pokemon

That I’ve taken down no I’m only at UNO I took down okay fourth Pokemon down is it sad that my brain is damaged enough to the point where I’m I’m holding the amount of Pokemon I’ve defeated like fire Pokemon and and all with my fingers

You’re not I am I’m delighted it is what it is you know Aqua Jet five Pokémon Jordan so I’m at seven now that Bonkers feel free to TP whenever you want why would why would I TP Jordan I thought you wanted to why would I TP to you why

What do you mean what do you mean why I’m in the gym battling fire Pokemon yeah and there might there might be a better that’s number eight you’d finish way quicker if you’re where I am Number Nine I need to defeat one more fire type

Pokemon it use you turn to a blaze skin I’m using Max Quake that’s 10 I did it Jordan okay well that case feel free to TP you’re just trying to put me in lava I just realized I I should have gone after tentacles just to follow the

Poison this is where I was why cuz I thought there was going to be a desert this way well you’re lost bro you can have iron moth and vcon in your team I know and since you have a buzwell I might oh obster to obtain obson all you have to

Do is find a Pokemon from sword and shield yo so wait to be clear that means from the generation of sword and shield not a Pokemon with a sword or a shield correct but I’m also cool with that weren’t there wulu here like all the

Time like that one like that one that I spotted that doesn’t that doesn’t count that’s too easy it’s too easy that doesn’t even have a sword or a shield what kind of biome are you in same I was next to bergmite oh really oh yeah I’m

In kind of a big cold area you know I aren’t there more cold sword Pokemon like darmanitan like Mr Ryme oh do you have pumpkins I threw away my pumpkins no I think I threw during that Pokemon card thing I basically cleared my inventory and just hoped it was all good

Yeah frab backs no that’s from the new games are you kidding me the newest yeah are you kidding me but you found one of those yeah I found a FR bask CU I don’t know what word I just said but yeah I found where I died before with an anvil

I remember that that was quirky during his day 99 we’ve been struggling too hard to find a sword and shield Pokemon Wu is not too too easy to find that’s why fine yep let’s whoever finds the Wu first is it just whoever like finds it

Or like catch it C catches it catches it nah not catches it HS it hits it hit punches it punches it I like it I like I Burns it burns it burns it burns it burns or hits Burns hits both Burns poor wulu wait a minute we saw one and I said

It was too hard now is it gone if this pincers me again we only have another day left dude we’re battling tomorrow not like this not like this Jordan I don’t need to get in my own head it’s wulu yes we need to get into each other’s heads you’ll never find it your

Dome Nicholas why are you talking to yourself hey that work worked he got in my head there Wu behind you wait it’s first to hit it I forgot there’s a Lulu behind you no Nicholas look at what I was going after there was a Lulu behind you that’s

Why it was like right behind you though that’s so stupid all right man well I don’t think there’s time to do another lucky block challenge is there well let’s open one and see what it would be M yeah cuz we can at least see what we’d

Want to do it’s meow scado Jordan waa I don’t think there was time for this one at all you don’t think don’t even want to know what this one was you don’t even want to comment down below what you think it is and then if we do this again

Maybe maybe we’ll say if you got it change ours with what you were thinking cuz ours wasn’t even good ours was crazy though it was insane it was going out and buying Real mascara and then putting it on cuz there’s not fake cuz there’s it’s normally fake no there’s no fake

Mascara not where I come from we’re doing a best of one battle by the way I hope you know that hey do you still have any of my Revival hers cuz I I need them all back oh I have four of them can I

Have can I keep two them no I get all of them back can I keep all of them instead you have more than I do Jord can I keep all of them though you get none of them can I keep one of them get none of them

I’m going to give you back one okay Jordan yes sir I didn’t do any any real training I’ll be honest but uh wait no we’ll fight in the morning okay Jordan it’s a best of one battle okay best of one wait let’s go on top of the arch Ops

Okay wait what if we went to the tail the Tail’s kind of cool actually it’s like ARA now I stand up on the step and now it looks like here’s the Challenger just fix nothing okay send out your team your first Pokemon 3 2 1 go go where’d

You go did it crash it’s working okay it’s working we’re in okay is audio still going audio going okay everyone can hear us everybody can hear us day day 100 day 100 it is day 100 is the battle okay I’m going to swap out cuz

This is not great for me this is great for me actually are you are you a foolish Goose I lied to you Jordan yeah I know fire is resistant to Fair yeah also poison super effects we can fair you’re welcome but uh I assume you didn’t know that it doesn’t matter right

Now it does matter Ian it matters so much how did you swap out the puzzle what are you talking about what I’ve been terrified the buzzle and you swapped out the buzzle for me to hit you with fire what what I didn’t know this is not Jordan did you think this wasn’t

Volcarona you thought this was fiery F you thought this was iron moth no Nick I thought it was the iron moth yeah heyan don’t remember that you have revives oh I remember that I have reviv oh Jordan why is my my my Dynamax vona a tiny

Little fella I do not know I’m very confused you see that though he’s a tiny little fella he’s like a normal siiz vona now he he’s not bigger than my Pokemon all right get out there an armaldo hey that’s my armaldo man you’re an armaldo yeah you killed it it’s not

My fault you have a goer of course I have I it was like my first Pokemon don’t you worry buddy boy I know what I’m doing you got to put a stop to me first first and I’m not going to let that happen you don’t even understand

Man I put all my my biscuits on on Volcarona that’s not even a phrase I put all my biscuits wait am I dead or are you dead I got one shot never even used what burnt leaves walking wake what iron moth I did not realize I had so many

Parx Pokémon dude you got all the Paradox poke I don’t have one wow dude that’s actually kind of crazy wow but uh the one who won the game for me is uh Volcarona and then dude the first Pokemon we ever opened up mudsdale I never took him out of my party yeah you

Got him pretty strong yeah I never took the toek kiss out of my party either well congratulations nick uh I had a lot of fun opening blocks and you wait wait a minute my V Corona was not this small it actually wasn’t comment down below what you think happened very weird

This video, titled ‘We Spent 100 Days Opening Lucky Blocks as Pixelmon Rivals’, was uploaded by L8Games on 2023-12-01 16:00:17. It has garnered 34002 views and 1172 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:46 or 6466 seconds.

We Spent 100 Days Opening Lucky Blocks as Pixelmon Rivals Can we SMASH 3,000 LIKES for 100 Days in Minecraft? 👍

We Spent 100 Days in Minecraft Pixelmon Lucky Block as Pixelmon Rivals! What will happen? Who will win? Find out now!

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Music: Pixelmon OST by Chris Geddes! All other music licensed through Epidemic Sound!

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  • Minecraft Memes – No disappointment, Just Iron

    Looks like this Minecraft meme is definitely not a diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥

    Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥 Looks like MrBeast finally found someone with the power to stop time…in Minecraft of all places! Maybe he can use that power to win even more challenges and give away even more money. #TimeStopper #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Town Center Construction Chaos

    Town Center Construction Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: Town Center Construction Begins Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames) on YouTube. In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon embarks on a journey to build, explore, and collect all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. The twist? Natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. A Relaxing Escape Unlike many high-energy gaming channels, Solomon’s approach is refreshingly calm and laid-back. Each episode offers a chance for viewers to unwind, chat, and enjoy some relaxing gameplay. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024 Discovering New Worlds Legend Manush has uncovered some of the top seeds for Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition in 2024. One of the standout seeds is 39227070353904933, offering a unique and exciting world for players to explore. With new landscapes, resources, and challenges, this seed promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Exciting Features Players can expect the best seeds for Minecraft, including rare biomes, hidden treasures, and challenging terrains. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds offer endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From lush forests to… Read More

  • Unlock Zultan’s MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Unlock Zultan's MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEW WORLD | Minecraft Vanilla Hardcore’, was uploaded by Zultan on 2024-05-21 21:28:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How long will this world last I wonder? Read More

  • Flight of Fear: Minecraft Creepypasta

    Flight of Fear: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Flight of Fear #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 19:00:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!

    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dumbtacpac Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/nerdtacpac Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft ip-play.cubecraft.net port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More