1000 Days Survival: Modded Island Adventure

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I’m stranded on an island with a bunch of other people in a scary modded world and how did that happen well there was this huge thunderstorm and we went overboard and we’re like oh no what about all our stuff think happened to all our stuff I mean good that we’re

Still alive but my Nintendo 3DS it was brand new our ship is wrecked like a proper shipwreck it looked bad in the storm but honestly it kind of looks worse without the rain I’m not going to lie I guess we are Castaways now since no one was coming for help we started

Exploring the islands around us and people started asking questions I mean who was driving the ship I don’t know yeah where’s our captain definitely was not me driving the ship definitely wasn’t me I never saw the captain Sev did you cause them yes Sev me Sev no

Uh-oh they’re on to me I mean nothing I don’t know Sev that was kind of sus yeah and SE is wearing sunglasses at night I have glasses would I li sunglasses at night so weird I need a distraction drift do you have a Justin Bieber haircut all drift what about itri it

It’s not sus Justin Bieber’s a legend drift kind of sus we’ve been here a couple days and discovered that there are a bunch of little islands all grouped together oh yeah and there’s no way out like literally we cannot craft any boats the others have built up a little campsite

To keep us safe I have sunglasses so I was too cool for school and didn’t help just kidding I don’t know when other people are going to be here to rescue us so what do we do oh I know what we’re going to do we’re going to eat this

Juicy Kebab stop we got to save that for like a couple days this hungry like a couple days what this is our only food like ever wait you want to live here I’m going to swim frog there’s Dolphins oh my God ew I’m never going swimming

Again so I guess we’re not going to swim away but I kind of don’t want to give up on leaving this island just yet so first I need to gather some of the basic supplies so I can find a way to get off this island and let’s get some Stone and

Now we just got to find some coal wo I almost fell down there oh and there’s some coal it’s all going to be mine This Island here looks good for what I’ve planned oh no it got darker there skeletons sunglasses for the win go away sunglasses for the win again I’m I’m

Going to make a giant campfire right here and hopefully someone is going to see it I guess now we just got to wait for help to arrive a few moments later I got bored of waiting let’s go try something else oh what about a giant flag to go with the campfire but for

That we’re got to go find some iron so we can Shear the Sheep underwater cave it is look at all this iron and I can just stay on this Magma Cube so I don’t drown I survived and got 15 iron but I’m literally starving to death right now

And I really don’t want to taste this rotten flesh it stinks wait can I eat those flowers ooh crops of the wild wild crops that is so cool M cabbage you know I was hoping for a burger or something I guess we can’t be pigy if we’re survivors that didn’t even restore any

Health yes so I just ate the rotten flesh don’t judge me S what the heck is this what okay first I found sunglasses and then I also got like a Cod head and you can put them on top of each other they they call me cool fish you know

Sunglasses are kind of my thing just just saying but it’s okay we can share yeah but like we can share it right like they’re different you it looks like I’ve got like Ray bands and you have like I don’t even know but we look pretty cool

Together can I have the cool swag yeah you have the fish glasses I don’t look cool is what you’re saying I mean it’s hard to find the right words with all that fishy stench I guess now we just got to search for sheep and while we’re

At it let’s try to greet off some food from some people wait is that who I think it is the wondering scammer come here drama llama give me your leads oh yeah now we dip losers wait I got llama heads that’s creepy and then I found a bunch of scared girls hiding from

Creepers so we decided to look for sheep together so we can also make a bed to sleep the night away it went really well oh I killed a skeleton got a rare head grab bag what is that wait you did what did you get what did you get

What did you get I got floating hearts wait no way oh my gosh oh my go my go oh hey drift oh hi hi what is that wa what the that is so cool man I left my sunglasses at home what are you looking for sheep we’ve been sleep deprived I

Have a confession Please Don’t Judge Me drift I may have accidentally killed on my Island but I thought there would be more I thought there would be more if drift killed the only sheep on this island I’m going to murder her drift you owe me sheep come on we’re

Still friends right I don’t know can you find us she find us so we decided we should push drift into a giant cave as revenge for killing all our sheep bye and after a lot of searching and a lot of screaming we finally found a sheep and not long after we found sheep

Number two I have a bed well that was fun and I totally forgot to greet their food I mean we have those guys to eat now I’m just going to fence them in on this little dirt patch on my Island I guess this kind of is my Island now now we just got

To breed the Sheep so let’s make a crop field let’s let’s plant some wheat seeds for the sheep and then also some beetroot and cabbage for myself yuck and now just got to breed and cheer tons of sheep I love how I didn’t notice this creeper at all but of course it noticed

Me and I was hungry for some sheep and to distract myself from that horrible experience I went to do a little trade with frog I traded her wool for a bit and she gave me some melons to eat in return where are you heading um

To base like where are you where are you living can I see it oh yeah you can come with me it’s over there wait I’m lost where is it I lost my Island you live over by the Shipwreck sort of next to it I can see it every day and cry and then

We committed a murder together thank you very much for that very non-suspicious wool that you gathered ethically yeah ethically I’ll be going now all right thank you for the Melons I’m going to eat them don’t drown I I want to at this point same but now it’s FL

Time this is looking really nice I also have one more trick up my sleeve and that is throw a message in a bottle in the ocean and hope someone will find it and rescue us but during my silly fails to leave this island I’ve actually got myself some decent resources together so

Maybe living here won’t be that bad and everyone else here is so nice so if they’re not leaving I’m not leaving either let’s make this official and craft our first armor and with that I mean only the pant because I’m out of iron I also found all these random

Shells in the sand when you break them it actually gives you the shell and we can right click to open them oh it gives you lapis wait it also gave me other stuff gold nuggets emeralds and raw muscle meat let’s cook it on the campfire I also got another rare hat bag

So let’s see what we get this time oh no way we get a Pokémon what the heck best thing ever but I can’t mess around with Hats forever so I want to work towards getting a lot of resources and I’m building my cute little starter house by

The sea I want to get better tools and armor before our resource grind so I went looking for a cave there are so many nice resources down here but also so many mobs but of course I was Brave so I went in the Ravine and got lots of

Coal and iron and other nice resources ah Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper yay I got another hat thing I got a big brain this is so cringe and thanks to that caving trip I was able to craft a full set of iron armor and some iron tools I

Have a knife I also found some weird underwater temple and looted it a beach towel we can place it down too and I can sit on it oh my gosh it was at this moment that I decided I wanted to build up the perfect beautiful beach party

Base I’m going to build my starter house right here by the shore so let’s flatten the land a bit and now I just got to find some Spruce Wood I’ve not seen any normal spruce trees around but maybe maybe those moded trees could have Spruce yeah this is Spruce fruit right

And instead of normal saplings it drops this one orange Spruce sapling this could have been the only Spruce Tree on all the island so these saplings are very precious and I’m also going to f these palm trees even though I’m not sure how the wood is going to look yet

It looks really nice look at this wood I’m so going to use this oh my gosh I got coconuts oh my gosh I can place them down I can place them together like this I love this so much no I broke them all why must you be so cruel Minecraft but

Soon I realized having the only spru wood is a great business opportunity business oh drift s what’s up I might have something you like what is it is it Crocs your mom okay okay okay that was rude got him what what do you got what

Do you got this one here look at this what is that it’s like a Dusty tree excuse me it’s the rarest wood type ever no let me see it let me see it look at it s you have Spruce I do but I can give

You more for a priz I may have some that you’ll like oh yeah you just have to trust me how would you like that demon horns yeah let me put those on I am a demon sent here to destroy you okay that was bad yeah you’re going to get so many

Spruce saplings for that thanks s bye drift she smiled and then Brooke wanted to trade a modded wood type for my spruce saplings I have my own wood type that I’m pretty sure no one else has it is this oh my gosh it’s so pretty I want

And shortly after after red also did a spruce trade with me thank you I appreciate it I think Spruce Wood just made me popular why I just died and in between all that wood trading I also got myself a lot of resources myself and a lot of handbags which I’m going to open

Once my build is done let’s start off by making a nice dock out of palm logs on which the build is going to sit and on top of this I want to put Spruce Wood but since this is a modded World there are special kinds of spruce wood and to

Get that special wood I need a Carpenter’s table and I need those resources to get it oh my gosh it looks so cool and now I put some strips sprws in it I can get all these cool versions oh my gosh they look so cool look at

Those and then we can already put the corner locks of the house on top using the Palm blocks and then we can make use of the workbench again and transform those planks into something nice and then we can put those in between as the house walls look at those they look really nice

And I also want to decorate the wall so I’m going to use palmwood stairs and fences as detailing blocks yeah those are some really cool looking Palm blocks but we also need Windows I want to use special kind of glass though so we need to use a glass blowers workbench and now

I’ve made the glass blower look at this it’s so cool and now I can turn the glass in all of this but I want Dy glass so we need to find yellow and orange dye is that muo planting flowers that’s so cool I’m going to take them I’m just

Sneakily going to steal those flowers from Red while she’s not looking successful stealing accomplished and now we can transform those glass panes into something really cool looking okay check out these really cool looking windows they’re so pretty and colorful and I can spy my stinky neighbors through the glass and these ones here

Look really nice too I also want to put a little canopy out of wool here and I want to use cyan wool but there’s no canyan dye anywhere on these islands except one place there’s this tendon our starter Village which has Canan wool and I’m going to steal it and replace it

With blue wool surely nobody is going to notice right this is still looking really nice and now all the s wo is mine and of course I have to craft this giant Loom table to make the wall look even prettier these are so cool it looks so

Nice and this one as well oh my gosh and now I can combine those two and make a lovely sign canopy I love this so much ow before I decorate the walls even more I need to worry about the roof there’s a mod that when you place a hay Bell down

It dries and then you can craft stairs and slabs out of it so that’s going to be what I use for the roof I’m going to steal so much wheed from my neighbors I mean nothing and while I gathered wheed I was viciously attacked by modded monsters there’s a really scary Enderman

With red particles I kind of want to fight it to see if I get cool items let’s look at it get him oh no no it’s throwing stuff wait did I not have a shield I have a shield woo I’m so going to die to this I’m dead ah

I died to a corrupted Enderman you can’t get me in the water it’s flying no no no is it gone it’s gone yay I defeated it but not really 12 seconds later what is this cursed pigs with particles ah what is that oh no no no

Uh-uh please no please no please no I I’m just trying to play Minecraft no wait something just died they died I did it I’m a pro Minecrafter there was a mysterious flying book and it just saved my life I’m sure of it ooh no it’s a bad

Person thing oh there’s one more over there oh look they’re dying in the water got him please die ow ow no no no no chicken nuggets chicken nuggets chicken nuggets chicken nuggets chicken nuggets other people would say oh no I died I said chicken nuggets I don’t know

What that that was but we got an illusion ahead and totem of Illusion I guess it was all an illusion but I finally have enough wheat so let’s put the roof on this House and now the exterior of the build is finally done it’s the perfect beach house but a beach house also needs more Beach decorations and thanks to the beach party mod there are lots of cool options we can use wool and those Palm blocks to create Beach furniture look at

This it’s a Ticky chair and I’m sitting on the chair oh my gosh we have tiny little baby chairs and then we also have this hammock look at this and a big beef chair that I can use for fishing and the best one is this giant Beach there where

I literally don’t fit in look at this my hair is sticking out the top and I can also make a tikki bar and put it right here okay and these tall Palm torches have to be the coolest thing ever Beach Vibes accomplished and we can also make this bous workbench which also looks

Really cool and overgrown by the way then we can put regular vines in it and get some cool unique Vines which is going to look really nice on my house and I think now my starter house is done and now that I completed the house I can

Finally open those hat bags I was literally so excited to see what’s inside let’s open the common ones first okay we got another weird brain a weird hat another weird hat and the coolest thing ever a froggy hat and now the common ones we got a weird ribbon and a

Little chicken and a creepy mask this is giving me beach tropical Vibes I’m scared and now the rare ones it’s a bunny on my head and a big baby Snowman and I get snow particles and now the Epic ones a very weird RGB hat and a little green bird ooh the eyes are

Flashing it’s so creepy you know what with so many hats I could get rich and it turns out frog had the same idea she showed me her zombie spawner that she found deep onr and we formulated a plan I guess it’s time for business now that

I have this cozy starter base I can actually imagine living here and it’s definitely not because I’ve been obsessed with Gathering all these custom hats that I get from Mob drops and frog crafting and I have some some fun plans with us hats later but first I think it

Is time to finally start going mining and gearing up I’ve been so obsessed with random stuff like sitting here and fishing instead of actually mining for resources which is why I still have stone tools I don’t only want to go mining but I also want to make a mining

Entrance in a cute little build right here where this mu Bloom lives so let’s go ahead and let’s just start digging a staircase down so my staircase just hit the ocean a this is going to be so complicated I kind of boxed the water all in and now I

Just got to get rid of it using sand why did we have to get stranded on an island surrounded by water can it be surrounded by chocolate or something wait I just hit another water cave straight away why three extremely frustrating water caves later ew I hit a ravine I guess before

We cover this up I’m definitely going to get some resources creeper and spider nope die creeper get him a no hat bag after I took care of all the monsters I helped myself to the iron and coal scattered around the place and was even brave enough to explore further into the

Caves where I found more resources then I went back in the Ravine to make sure it was completely lit up but then I came across something magical it’s Axel I have one bucket oh my gosh I need to rescue one of them oh you guys are so

Cute but I can only take one you’re the one yay we have an axel lot okay now that I got some iron off this scary Ravine I want to try to continue this staircase downwards towards Diamond level and I just hit another cave and it’s scary and creepy wait wait there

Diamonds oh my gosh how do I get down from here maybe bucket glutch with the Axel ah don’t die Axel I got you the first thing I did was run around the cave really fast while placing torches everywhere without giving the monsters a chance to attack me okay this is a giant

Cave System I better not stay here for long but I’m definitely going to get all those diamonds lying around wait that’s glow lien but this is a diamond yay Skelly no no no no no no no but of course my fear of mob’s quickly went away when I realized their full

Potential wait if I kill all those mobs I’m going to get so many hats yay okay hi there dear zombies give me hat give me hat oh no creeper no ah what was that that was so funny and since hat farming didn’t really work out I focused my attention on the ORS lying

Around yay I have a diamond oh my gosh something hit me oh no that’s scared me so bad stupid skellingtons yeah kill each other losers I have diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds and also these diamonds yay there’s more oh my gosh that’s so much I have so

Much cool stuff let’s try to scaff back up here oh my gosh it feels so good to be out of that tunnel and now why don’t we make our first diamond pickaxe yay Pro Minecraft I also saw that drift and Brook set up this cute little enchanting

Table but when I went to enchant my tools I I realized I don’t have enough XP probably because I died so much last episode so we’re going to save the pickaxe enchanting for later and focus on building the mining entrance house also I don’t know who did this but this

Is a crime yeah it was me I did it I’m a criminal for legal reasons this is a joke let’s melt down all this Cobblestone into stone and while that is smelting let’s also gather some wood also who laid eggs on my Island oh my

Gosh we got duck eggs and now we have to make another one of these weird workbenches and this time it’s going to be this weird Mason table and there’s no space for it so good that I never decorated this top floor and now I can use this workbench to change the texture

Of the stone and then we get some really cool patterns and now I can use those modded stone blocks to create a nice house [Laughter] foundation and I’ve only just now noticed that this is the Blackstone and the Deep SL block version but Stone Edition and the MU Bloom is feeling

Right at home and moov in moved in and now let’s put the floor in which is going to be this really cool looking checkerboard pattern and now we got to Spruce this place up but of course not just any kind of spruce wood this one here and while I was crafting out my

Spruce wood red actually wanted to do a spruce trade so I chopped down a couple stacks for her wait you have a new hat it’s a frog oh yeah I’m a Frog I forgot I had that on it’s me frog crafting just kidding oh it’s frog crafting an

Impostor and you’re an angel yes I have a Halo yeah I killed a I killed someone and got a Halo kind of ironic but it happened you committed murder and became an angel and then I traded Spruce Wood for an exciting new modded wood type that I’ve never heard of before how do

You pronounce that is it jakaranda wood yeah I I think so I literally have no idea but what’s kind of cute is you can get these like bushes with it yeah it’s like a little purple guy it’s purple and pink I love there’s also these like flowering types ooh purple I love them

All right and Spruce it’s easier bye angel I will see frog crafting sysy fake one sysy fake one sus like I don’t know what I’m saying sussy fake one it’s kind of sus not going to lie and now we have a really cool new wood type to add to our collection

Hopefully we can use that in future builds and now we can start bringing up the balls using spr wood on the sides and oak wood in the middle but of course they have this really nice brick wall texture look at this it’s really colorful too and now we can put on the

Roof using the palm tree stairs and then I’m going to use this blue skyus wood that retr me a while back to fill in the rest of the roof and it looks so cool when it’s stripped the wood just looks so pretty and so does this house let’s add even more color to

It ow and now it’s time to decorate this place like adding a cozy brick chimney up here on this roof and I found these cool Spruce support beams that we can put up here and of course I had to make colorful glass panes again we’re going

To have these here in the front and then these cool ones here on the sides oh my gosh I love them now this just needs leaves and flowers all around it and I need sleep because it’s scary night time I do have the leaves to place all around

The house but I also want tall flowers maybe there’s something to steal from Red’s Island oops there she is ooh there are these pretty big tall flowers B me B me B me I did some stealing and I didn’t get caught and then there are also these

Huge tall flowers that look really cool give give give give give give and then of course we still have the regular vanilla flowers that we can also steal and now I can’t decide which one looks the best so I’m just going to use all of

Them oh come on you had to ruin my Cottage cor moment okay actually I might buy this red wood and now we have some Rand new wood oh no the Traer just despawn where could he have gone and now we have two new llama friends and

They’re weird and going crazy and I can also also put cute Carpets on my new llama pets oh my gosh he’s pink and now this one is going to be blue I’m going to name them cotton and Candy because the carpets are the cotton candy color

Stop hitting me okay I’m just going to run away and keep building the house oh man they hate me ow I’m leaving he’s at my door ah this is their Island now oh no he’s following no let’s quickly remove the evidence hello Mr llama it’s me the wandering Trader

Wait he’s leaving it worked how did that literally just work let’s move on from whatever that Weir experience was and add a little garden chair and table right here in front of the house I think it needs one last decoration before the exterior is done I want lanterns but of

Course I don’t want the normal ones and to get one of these cool lanterns we need to make a tinkering table this definitely does not look safe and it looks like somebody butchered the wanding Traer under there and now we can turn these regular lanterns into the

Wooden cage Lantern okay look at this they look so cool magical and now we can do the interior and also put those lanterns everywhere like one up here in the ceiling which are also decorated with leaves and I want to put some cute Furniture in here and I heard there’s

Another mod that can make tables there’s this oak table and you need Oak boards to make it would you obtain by throwing Planks on a stone cutter okay let’s try yay okay that was easy and now we can craft so much cool stuff and now we can

Place the table down and make a little oak wood interior and then we can also make wooden cups and bowls and wait I think he can put the fish on the plate I’m so hyped I need to show someone so I invited red to a dinner party now that

It’s getting dark and scary may I invite you inside for a little dinner party oh my gosh this is so cute oh my goodness oh wow all of this the cups and the little pots I need to I need to get a special item before we eat okay please

Take a seat cute and now the special item oh you’ve got the Horn’s hat nice and you’re the angel fish so it’s a demon and an angel dining wait can you actually can you actually eat the food wait I can’t get it off the plate no

No look at it wait I I I have fish oh I’m I’m not hungry right now I’m not hungry either n n n n n n and after that lovely dinner party I went back into the mines to stock up on more resources and then came across the zombie spawner and

This happened now let’s check the chest golden apple and saddle a creeper no no not the spawner oops we blew up the spawner but at least we found some diamonds two diamonds going mining was well relaxing not really but it gave us all these nice resources but now it’s time to get down

To business I don’t know why I’m saying that in front of the kitchen knife I mentioned earlier that frog crafting and I have plans together and it involves the zombie spawner she found not the one I blew up the one at her base so I went over to meet her and disaster struck

Straight away don’t touch the pig no no no I hate this I hate this game I’m leaving ah ignoring whatever just happened we went into Frog’s house to look at some hats since the last time we met up I killed some more zombies and I found some more hats this one’s yours to

Keep what is that RGB Easter Island guy he has nose holes then we got some cute building blocks from a geode before going down the long bulky staircase to the zombie spawner we started digging out the room to make the farm but we removed the Torches so the zombies can

Spawn so we could Farm hats from them priorities I got an epic hat grab B okay open open open oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s a Magikarp oh my gosh this is like oh my gosh this is like a dream come true I’m never taking this off then we

Finished off the farm with a water stream to push the zombies into the Kill Chamber and then we procrastinated and killed tons of zombies to see what hats we would get oh my God it’s a little plant oh it’s a sapling oh my no way you got a

Dragon well that’s kind of sus epic headback it’s a crab oh my gosh it’s so cute and tiny this is so perfect for like beach outfit ah RGB sunglasses I’m back in business like look at all those hats we have we’re going to get rid from those after all the screaming overheads

We had to go caving and luckily there was a huge Cave System right next to the Zombie Farm we needed Redstone gold and iron so we could craft rails to easily get up and down to the zombie spawner it was late at night so the whole trip got

Very unhinged and chaotic wo no way no way frog frog no way look what I just found what is that it’s a glare I I love this glare okay who cares but but the glare usess he didn’t win oh wait there’s more Redstone up here come up

But the glare we need the Redstone put the glare diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds Diamond Diamond diamonds diamonds that was falling gravel you deserve that but there was a glare we’re going to get lost because all you care about is the glare but the glare is cute

I like the glare no it’s not it’s ugly what but it’s it’s a cute grumpy Bush and it has eyes and it’s cute I’m putting it in the lava no not the glare no oh my God the glare no don’t kill I swear to God no you killed the glare no he dropped

Blueberries ooh I was hungry nice put the glare after we got enough resources frog started decorating the spawner room while I worked on the Minecart Track while still crying about the glare and it didn’t get any less unhinged what is that is that like greasy beard it looks

Like pz you look like pz excuse me going back we are literally unhinged right now we are we made a minecart Rail and it’s really slow and weird I was also in charge of getting frogs some building materials for the spawner room so of course I had to mess with her brought

Some charcoal from my house and now it’s gone and I feel like you were responsible for that it wasn’t me I also didn’t steal your jungle planks why would you take those those I brought those from my house those were my personal items did you pick up my spruce

Wood I brought that from my house what oh I hate that do you have any amethyst no there’s there’s uh two stacks in my chest that I brought from home and after a few hours we had a nicely decorated spawner room and labeled our chest with our personal

Items that we brought from home does she dare look at my chest of my personal items that I brought from home don’t look look at it don’t look at anything you smell so bad you smell so bad how dare you I do not you be nice to me you

Be nice to me you killed my glare it was my glare I I’ve I’ve killed three actually what now that we at the coziest spawner room we wanted to build a hat shop on top for that we need skyus wood which means I get to do another little

Trade with red I am building something really cool with frog and we need skywards wood how much do you need I don’t know like two stacks or something what do you have to trade in exchange for all this skyus wood uh my gratitude just kidding now we just made a zombie

XP farm if you want to like enchant your tools and stuff I showed red the XP farm and we got a bit carried away trying on some hats oh we’re angels cute so cute but I think red will now definitely be a loyal customer of the hat shop and while

Frog was sleeping peacefully I stayed up all night trying to rescue a glare before she killed them all look what I see over there it’s a glare but it’s right above the lava and I need to somehow get to it and save it I brought a lead come on glare yeah through here

And up the stairs good glare look at this silly grumpy Bush so cute W I almost fell in the cave okay I’m going to bring the glare in my mining house and I’m just going to put it on the ceiling it’s going to be fine right you’re you’re my new floating cabbage

Lamb and I’m going to name him Oscar Oscar SE Clarington the sea stands for cabbage and then it was time to meet back up with frog yo hey Sev hey frog dog how’ you sleep well I think I had some nightmares about somebody killing my glares but I think it was just a

Dream so now it was time to start building the hatop on top of the Zombie Farm right in the middle of the scary dark oak forest so the first thing we did was chop down some trees so we ended up with a nice open clearing to building

We did not plan the build at all so we tried to figure out a layout of the house by placing down cobblestone as a temporary planning block and then we ended up with this cool looking shape of course things didn’t get any less unhinged what the heck is this horse

Horse crafted oh you threw the horse head on the ground I’m a horse that’s so ridiculous it suits you are you saying I’m a horse face before we went back to building we had to hit the mines and gather the dire out of all things which

Was an essential material for a hat shop build then we finally got to work on the walls of the house using strip dark oak logs in the corners and a variety of modded diorite wall and calide blocks as the walls in between the texture was looking really nice the build was

Starting to get bigger and we were working really hard to try and make it as beautiful as possible I was just minding my own business peacefully raising up the walls of the house to make a second floor when I took a step back to admire our work so far and Mr

Creeper wanted to express his feelings about us building a giant house in his Forest what the heck what the heck I just died no I had 40 levels now I have seven we’ll be able to get him back we have a spawner we we it’ll be fine after

That experience we got to work on the roof starting it off with a nice Bruce TM wall that will add some lighter warm wood colors to this building then I got ambushed by a sneaky Pillager and stabbed him with a knife before returning to build the roof filling it

In with a nice blue skywards wood that red kindly traded us for access to our XP farm and I really love how it looked together with the rest of the colors of this build I took a short little break from building to trade my Spruce Road

For some kide with spark leg and she was really nice business then I went back to decorating the house walls using pretty blue windows and cozy Spruce decorations around it and after a few more grindy days we were ready to open the shop so shall we go and and do the final reveal

Yes let’s tore our new hat shop wow it looks so pretty it does so you can walk directly through the shop and into a pathway that’s going to eventually lead to what like my base here is the shop and wow you did such a beautiful job decorating this place oh

My goodness thank you yeah did lots of flush blocks in the seal and then we did this lovely head shelf together and had all the heads on display is that cool so this is our current stock that we’re going to be trading with the other gals and we do

Have some special heads over here these ones are a little bit more pricey did you see I um I named our cashier Taco I miss tacos from back home so much me too actually and then in here you have the XP farm entrance and there’s just some more miscellaneous funny hat stuff in

Here but we haven’t even looked at the best part yet our private office employees only this is my desk I have a beach chair and it’s cozy and I have cute decoration like pants yeah well this is my luxurious secret Labs chair I had flown in from Amazon Prime I brought

A drone why didn’t you bring like anything else like help or food Amazon Prime only deliver is what you order like you could also order it but you could have ordered like tacos I do miss tacos this is our secret save it’s actually called a barrel and it has hats

Don’t tell people what it is they have to crack the combination but the combination is just right click on it no don’t hit me I’m leaving out your open window well s I’ve got to say that this has been such a great experience to work together I really had a lot of fun

Me too and we’ve built up this really cool shop and hopefully we’re going to get really rich from it I think we will actually so you know um I got you a gift oh because you like animals so much and um you’re a little bit sweaty sweaty it’s

Flies are you saying that I stink um no I mean you just really love animals and you have like a sticky sweaty moisture to you that I feel like they’d be really attracted to um okay well actually I also have a gift for you because you’re such an entitled little princess who

Thinks everybody smells so the this is for you wow you know it’s actually funny my dad calls me Princess so this really works yeah it suits you really well yeah you’re the Flies you know also suit you just cuz you love animals so much you would never hurt an animal yeah exactly

I would never hurt an animal I I know that you’re not giving me this Crown because you think that I’m some like better than you acting person like it’s just because I’m actual royalty that’s all yeah exactly exactly okay well I think that we should meet up in a couple

Days to check on our profits if you want to come back we can have a meeting in our office oh yeah and then we can talk business business okay well wow I did so much today I made a cozy mining entrance house and then frog and I built a zombie

XP farm and a giant hat shop on top I also grinded to 30 levels so hopefully we can get enchanted gears soon but Island life with the gals has been really fun so far and I hope you’re enjoying it too oh my God step what you

Got to see this hat that I just got are you ready you’re you’re not ready for this I’m ready turn around turn around okay okay turn back what is that un block down builds in it you look going to build a castle castle a castle in

It with me ball of water and me cup of tea ball of water and I finally have enough XP level so I can enchant my diamond tools but first I have to make those tools I only have this broken diamond pickaxe and that won’t do so

Let’s use our 10 diamonds to make some nice stuff like a new pickaxe and also an Axe and let’s also make a diamond sword and we can make one more thing let’s maybe do a shovel one Diamond left now let’s take the lapis and go to the enchanting area oh this place has

Changed since I’ve last been here Brook and drift added a little gazebo on top of the enchanting table it’s looking so cozy and here we also have some lapis but I did bring my own and a donation bin I guess we have to pay if we use

This enchanting table I have a nice idea for the payment but first let’s enchant our tools first the diamond pickaxe ooh efficiency 4 and Fortune 2 that is so good we have 31 levels so it’s enough for one more tool enchant before I have to go hit the Zombie Farm efficiency 4

Oh my goodness this is really good this is really really good now I just got to farm some XP from those zombies really quick and there’s a chicken in there no poor chicken 35 levels should be enough right and before we go back up I need to

Look at all those hat bags that I got from killing the zombies oh my God I got weird big eyes I see you twice yeah mostly some weird hats let’s open the Epic ones another Magikarp and a weird cat face thing I don’t even know

What this is and a bee hat it looks like I’m a TV Bee wait I just found out you can turn the bee into a rainbow bee it’s so cute also I got a shiny Magikarp hat but enough screaming about hats let’s go back up and enchant the rest of our

Diamond tools let’s see what we get on on the shovel Unbreaking oh efficiency but Fortune kind of bad and the diamond sword sharpness just sharpness it’s fine I’m not crying and to thank Brook and rft for setting this up they’re getting a star but I didn’t just have plans to

Enchant all my diamond tools but also to make a sheep farm because I’m the only one who has all this wool on the server so we need to produce lots of it to share with the girls so we can get rich also look at that lighthouse in the

Background it’s so pretty to make an automatic sheep from I’m going to need observers and for that I need quartz which can only be found in the nether which is a horrible Dreadful place that I really don’t want to go to but we do have this ruined portal on our islands

And it’s not finished so we could find some obsidian to finish it up and maybe some of the other girls also need resources from the nether so we could all go together so let’s go in our lovely mining house and go down to the creepy mines and hopefully find a lava

Pool to get obsidian and hopefully use my for pig to M more diamonds because my armor isn’t looking so good and that skeleton isn’t looking so good either let’s run away it’s mining time and it feels so good to use a fast diamond pickaxe diamonds let’s see how many we

Get with our Fortune pick I mean six is good for only two ores well it sounds like I just found some lava oh it’s in a cave Diamonds oh there are going to be so many creepers before I get this obsidian I I need to mine that diamond up there

Diamonds come here diamond oh it’s just one and now it’s obsidian time okay 10 should be enough right and I’ll just do a little bit more mining to get some more diamonds oh my gosh I just hit a cave full of glares hi oh my gosh

They’re so cute oh the glares don’t run away from me oh they so cute there’s another one frog crafting can find this place I found 38 eight diamonds this is going to be enough to make armor now let’s make some boots the leggings and the helmet and of course the chest plate

And we still have 14 diamonds left so 15 in total and now once again it is enchanting time ooh respiration protection for an Unbreaking this is good and a really good chest plate oh no feather falling but this is fine this is fine this is a really good set of armor

And now we’re fully Enchanted but you can’t see it because I use an invisible armor texture pack but I do have a lot of obsidian and this portal is call and I’m very scared so I’m going to take the girls and while I was waiting for

The girls to go to the nether with me I started decorating my Island I already made a flowery Leaf path and this lovely Cobblestone and stone and Anders side path but since I can’t plant flowers on this beach I need some other decorations there’s this sand bucket you can make

And it does something really cool okay let’s try it out you take some sand okay it actually takes the sand and then we can place it down and it makes a sand castle so if we take more sand we can add add to the sand castle so now it has

Little towers oh my gosh it’s so cute and tiny I love it I definitely need to get some sand from the ocean though and not from up here from my beautiful beach and you can even place the bucket down look at this it’s a tiny sand castle I’m

So happy about this I made this little path and a staircase going all the way up to the Sheep pen and added some yellow and orange leaves around but now it is time to go to the Nether and I got myself a summerhead so it’s going to

Protect me from all the lava but I don’t I think that’s how it works so I met up with some of the girls o look at everyone’s hat cute little apple apple so cute I love this is everybody here cuz now it’s getting real think so I’ve

Called you all here because I need to go to the Nether and I’m sure some of you need two for resources and other cool stuff so we could go over there and fix that portal did anybody have flint and steel because I forgot oh I do y i do I

Oh good Brook nice should we go over to the guys I’m scared yeah I have a shield I also uh put some helmets some gold helmets in the chest over there preemptively just cuz I wasn’t sure when we were going to do the nether thing but

I did just like ahead of time so we can grab one of those to be safer perfect thank you you’re the best friend you’re an angel oh because I literally am yes I bet these birds are going to end up and then neither and then they’ll

Die oh no that’s wait are they oh no they’re dying no oh my God ow that’s evil you saw nothing so I built up the portal and then we decided who should go in first so we don’t know what’s beyond there what if a couple of

Us stay behind and a couple people go and scope it out what if I volunteer yeah me too no not to stay behind just just just to make sure like nothing nothing bad happens you know you two can go first I you did volunteer first no I volunte you

Guys you definitely volunteered to go first I don’t can go first cuz we’re all the way over here in the water we did eventually figure it out you have a spy glass get in there all right guys we’ll see you later see you on oh my God

They’re going to die are they D okay you can come you can come through we can do this we can do this this what if you just don’t go do you just like want to like back to the hat shop or something yeah I need some what is

That yeah we don’t have we don’t have to go you come get in here okay F guys is this we arrived in a weird slimy yellow biome but it didn’t take long for the first accident to happen it’s kind of slippery did someone fall I’m okay I’m

Okay oh my God are you okay I’m okay is VI that is gor I was sliding down that weird honey thing oh it is actually disgusting oh it’s so gross disgusting dri there’s a Magma Cube behind you dri there lava very close to you God God oh my gosh it’s coming that was

My guys I can’t see my cats in front of my monitor help me I’m scared got what is this there’s a lily pad oh God no what am I oh God I think it will be drift no me no no I refuse oh my God I got pork I got a pork

Chop everything is fine because drift got Park ooh quartz I’m here for the quartz I’m scared swag SE have you gotten everything you need yet cuz I’d like to go home I don’t I need quartz and then we also need like some yeah do you see these cool new biomes we don’t

Have this on our islands like this is all really cool stuff and we’re finally just not stuck on our Islands quite what if we can make another portal somewhere to get out of here to get off the islands okay now I have 10 obsidian so we could travel

Somewhere really far on the Nether and then try to get off the islands free let’s do it yeah yeah let’s do it let’s do it let’s go let’s go but it didn’t take long for us to stumble right into d oh teress my go is indeed a fortress creepy mothered

Fortress we oh there’s a blaz spawner right there actually no no no no no no no so we went into the scary Fortress and got attacked straight away by monsters we know all too well from vanilla Minecraft the blazes die Blaze oh there’s so many blazes

Nope way uh guys I found the the wither skeletons no tell me your J the wither skeletons then we realized this wasn’t a normal Fortress but a modded one so we had to check out those unusual structures then I got a scary advancement and realized there has to be

A boss somewhere in there inside was a lovely room with a couch but it wasn’t as cozy as I thought it would be there’s so many blazes in here oh go with a skeleton dude there so many oh my God there’s so many I’m now can we just can we break this

Spawner oh my go you guys I’m going to die how many spawners are there I feel like if we broke one we’d be fine and after that lovely experience I stole the Wither Rose from the table by the couch and then I really wanted to explore the

Structure even more I found a trapo leading down somewhere do we want to go down the trap door go ooh go red go first it’s another wart room the first room was a creepily decorated chamber with a chest in the middle that had a

Lot of junk in it but it did steal the gold block from the ceiling the Next Room was the office of the king’s secretary so I went in took him out and then stole his gold yeah that sounds evil then we went upwards from the room with the couch which was another ugly

Place full of blazes and of course I helped myself to the pretty blue lanterns and then the next room had a weird thing in it it’s a thing in armor there’s a skeleton wearing netherite armor or something now going do not go in there oh god there it is help me but

With all the girls working together we got to take it out and it wasn’t that scary after all but then we went up the final ladder and actually got to see the boss who was the Blaze King I feel like if we release him something bad is going

To happen it’s going to like explode or something let’s release him yeah let’s uh maybe not let’s do it SE is ready for chaos oh you weren’t kidding I’m scared I’m scared SE don’t do it I’m out of here I’m out of here oh no you what the

Heck I take it all back and after I released the Blaze King like an absolute idiot we ran away because it was scary but then I actually went back up and got really scared so I hid in a corner blocked myself in and watched the pigs Kill The Blaze King no dead pig

Sparkles and while we all worried about getting Sparkle egg stuff The Blaze King did a nice light show for me but then out of nowhere all the girls came together to push the Blaze King off his throne oh my God we’re doing it we’re actually doing it team workor team

Workor get it did anyone get I’m going to die oh we did it we did it it’s D and after we defeated the Blaze King we went to look for Sparkle like stuff that she lost when she died and luckily we did find all of her stuff and some of it was

On a piglin for some reason but then we could leave the ugly Fortress behind and continue our adventure to go really far away to make a portal of the islands all right I reckon we’re pretty far away now guys yeah all right so you want to do

The honors you got the obsidian okay I’m scared this could be it guys get out and there’s no place like home there’s no place like home I’ll go through first for sure oh my God I’m going I’m I’m going first no oh no uh what oh no oh

What how is this possible that should have worked that makes no sense so after all the screaming and dying and traveling really far in the nether the portal brought us right back to our Islands I guess Island life it is okay well Eric and we need to get all of this

Junk in our inventory sorted and now that we have blaze rods we should be able to do something with villagers yeah we’ve got heaps of stuff so at least at least we have the nether that’s that’s true yeah that’s true we can go in there and the bright I hate the nether yeah

Yeah I don’t like it there I’m I’m going home same but the nether trip wasn’t all bad because we got so much nether quartz and all this other random withd of like blue Netherrack and the head of a creepy Magma Cube and it’s staring at me but

Now it is time to give those sheep a home in a tiny one block farm so let’s craft up some observers with the nether quarts we got and what else do you need for a sheep farm definitely some Redstone and definitely a bunch of Hoppers and we also need a ton of

Dispensers so I’m just going to craft up all these old bows I have lying around in my chest so let’s make the sheep farm I was thinking of putting it into little structures on the water in between mine and Red’s Island so let’s build up some pillars using Palm blocks and with those

Pillars I’m going to make a nice round circle and then on top of these circles I want to put a platform and then on the platform the sheep farm now I just need to figure out a way to get up on those pillars ha that was a fail okay I can do

It I can do it no oh I know scaffolding haha ow and now we’re just going to make a nice spruce wood platform with those lovely different Spruce Wood textures this is the center of the platform so we’re going to start off the farm right here by placing a lot of Hoppers into

This Barrel then I’m quickly going to run back to my base because I forgot one of the most important resources for this sheep farm which is of course glass to box in the sheep and of course we’re going to use the chipped workbench to change the Glass to this beautiful one

Here I already built up the basic structure of the farm now we just need to place down some rails and then put the hopper mine carts on top and then I somehow need to get rid of the Rails yes I got it and I got it and I’m just going

To push a grass block into the mine cart the mine cart is in here and it’s going to pick everything up and put it into the chest we can fit three sheep in there so we just need to put them in there I’m just going to try to get some

Of different colors to come with me oh no not all of you no bad sheep no stay in here no no it’s so many go away no no no now literally all of them are escaping no all right Chief come on jump you can do it jump jump jump jump yes

Good sheep now there’s no Escape off this platform in you go yay we got the first sheep in and I think I can already go ahead and put some shears in the dispenser so the farm can actually get some wool for us and I’ve going to ahead

And build the same module right on top of the first one and most of the sheep in there are orange sheep because I need orange wool for this build that I’m going to put around this Farm but it’s going to take a long time for this Farm

To produce a lot of those wool blocks so I’m just going to start to copy over this Farm onto this platform and now both of the farm modules are done but I don’t want to put an orange build around this one because this one is going to be

Green lime green and I don’t have any green or lime dye but I heard Brooke does so we’re going to do a little trade oh Brooke hello hello oh you’re there I didn’t even see you I’m actually here because I heard you have green dye and I

Need it for my sheep I do have green dye so while Brooke was getting the green dye I got to look at her house oh my gosh a little bit oh it’s so cute oh my gosh don’t mind me just touring your house a okay um okay so green dye a

Wondering Trader came by so I’m pretty sure this is the only green dye on these whole islands how many do you have I actually have more than one there’s three oh my gosh you have three wait so that means I can make lime dye and I can

Make cyan dye and green dye and then we can have it on the wall yay and in exchange for that green dye I didn’t only give her some wool but I’m also going to give her unlimited access to my sheep farm sheep farm sheep farm sheep farm oh yeah ow stupid lag it’s

Like an ed sheep farm open today I just drowned why are we so unhinged then I shall broke my ugly unfinished cheap farm that will hopefully have a lovely build soon thanks to her green dye have you seen my shop here by the way wait you made a

Shop yeah I made a food shop do you want to have a look so we went to check out her grocery store which was only accessible through the Water swimming time sheep farm sheep farm no grocery store oh yeah grocery store oh yeah we’re like Disney princesses that break

Into song randomly this is the the check out area this is n wait wait I made him was it you I made this guy drift was streaming and I made this guy and put him in her base I saw him outside her base and I asked him if

He had like a job and he said yes so now he’s here then Brooke showed me a stock of different kinds of crops and vegetables and of course it had to get unhinged again can I take a rod tomato yes I don’t even know what

They’re for but you can take it let me know if you figure out what to do with it wait I just threw it wait it’s gone it’s gone no my tomato my it at me I guess that’s what you do with it well thanks for showing me your

Shop and giving me the green dye I just turn around and you’re like hurting yourself you’re like thank you go and now I can craft one green dye into two lime dye and then the other one into C die so I started breeding some sheep with those lovely new colors I got and

Now all the Sheep are in place and all the colors that bro gave me are safe and sound in the farm and I also gathered enough orange wool so we can get started on the first build but of course we’re going to change the texture Off the Wall

Using the loom so now we have these two really nice looking blocks I also need some Moss blocks for what I’ve planned so I’m quickly going to go down into the scary mines and try to find some and of course it has to be in the scary cave so

I’m quickly just going to steal some from the ceiling oh my gosh there’s slimes here slime balls free stuff oh creeper no I just got headphones in a hat bag from creepers nice now I can listen to music while I build my sheep farm and the music went like this sheep sheep

Sheep shop the sheep farm today 20% off for your first purchase sheep farm oh yeah oh stupid lag you’re thinking what did I just watch and I’m thinking what did I just make so I may have potentially built SpongeBob’s house unintentionally but actually intentionally and I also got a

Bit carried away and I already made a huge path on the water leading to both of the builds which I still haven’t built and I think it’s looking really nice and I can even do some fishing here and then when we go up into the house we

Have all the sheep farms here the first floor with all the wall and then when we go up the ladder we have the second floor with more sheep and then we just go up the ladder in the middle and it brings us to this beautiful cozy area on

The roof and up there the leaves of the pineapple are actually moss in a sponge texture because SpongeBob but I’m still waiting to get enough lime wall so I can build this house here but in the meantime I think I’m going to go over this beautiful path and decorate it more

I’ve already added this really nice Stony Rocky path leading all the way to my house over this Leaf bridge I think what’s missing around here is definitely the lighting so I brought my tall Palm torches and they look really nice and they continue all the beach Vibes all

Around the islands they could even go here it’s looking good and of course it had to start raining I also brought my spruce board so we can make some lovely chairs and tables and then maybe put one by the dock so I can sit here and fish

And then maybe over here an oak table and some chairs so they could sit here and maybe play chess by the ocean and I’ve also been looking at the mods we have and there are actual plushies and now we can craft a sheep plushy let’s

Put it here by the farm oh it’s a tiny little sheep it’s so cute and there’s a dolphin plushy and I have plans for those later I’ve also made this really cute kitty cat plushy and it’s like a little real cat sitting at the dogs waiting for someone and then there’s

This tiny little Enderman that appeared out of nowhere but while I was decorating these dogs I actually got enough wool so I already crafted up all of the other resources too so we can go ahead and build the second wool farm house this time without cheep farm music

I promise unless sheep farm just kidding I’m not going to do it again sheep farm and now we don’t only have SpongeBob’s house but also a lime green SpongeBob house and it is built the exact same way as this one just in lime green but now that I’ve done a sheep

Farm maybe I should make a little market stall to offer the wool to people and I’m definitely going to make this on the main starter Island because we already have the enchanting setup there let’s first make the frame of the market stall using a variety of spruce materials and

Of course I had to mix in the modded ones as well like the Palisades and the tables then I’ll do the market stall overhang thing whatever you may call it using pink wool with a lovely modded texture that makes it look even cuter and of course I still to detail it with

Banners and it is looking really cute so far then the next step is to get some storage down for the wall we’re going to sell which I also totally forgot at home and for that I’m going to use Spruce cabinets and the classic chests I’ve also put down the lovely path but now

It’s time to let people know that this is a sheep shop well a wool shop we’re not going to sell these sheep why am I holding a big sheep in my hand the plushies is looking so weird so let’s put them here so they’re looking at each

Other then I’m also going to stack some books here because why not and a hat stack with a sheep head I swear there was no animal cruelty involved and of course now it is raining but I left some signs the finest wall for all your decoration needs and this chest here is

For the donation so they can give us some lovely stuff in exchange for my wall and sheep motorers pay extra that means you infinite drift I know what you did and now we have all the rainbow colors and the white wool because it didn’t fit in this chest and I hope the

Girls will have some uses for this wall I definitely do that sounded evil because it is evil while I was building the wool Farm I came up with the perfect plan to get back at frog for killing my glares in between all the decorating I’ve been crafting up a lot of dolphin

Plushies and with that I mean a lot of dolphin plushies because there’s one thing that frog crafting hates more than glares the evil people of the sea Dolphins so I went over to her house to leave her the gift of many dolphin plushies I’m definitely going to put

Some over her bed ooh so creepy she’s also going to love the hiding everywhere around her base and I’m just going to leave them in really random places where she’s never going to find them you know I really got to share my love for animals with her since I love them so

Much my work here is done I’ve done a very bad thing today but I’ve also did something good today because I built these lovely sheep farms that look like SpongeBob’s house but it means now we have so much W that all the girls and myself can use for lovely decorations especially those adorable

Little plushies last episode I built the sheep farm hidden in the pineapples hoping to help the girls get some wool and so far I’ve been really successful with that like when Amber came by you know this thing that you need to do it’s called sleeping every now and then I

Never do it well me neither but not because I don’t want to it’s cuz I don’t have a bed and I heard that you you you know can help me out do you want W yes please so we traded a whole stack of white wool for some food because I

Was kind of hungry red there’s an Ender behind you it’s just a plushy and then red came over and wanted to trade some Spruce I’ve come to trade oh I’ll happy now you get it then I traded my spruce for her jackar rander wood which I’m going to

Use later today but red also had another plan with these uh little like sheep shop farms uh do you need someone to like man the docks here you know keep an eye on these uh sheep because I think I have someone a little friend that I

Think really would fit the the vibe of these uh pineapples cuz they remind me of SpongeBob a little bit not going to lie oh yeah it does look like SpongeBob yeah we need like a guard I only have plushies but they’re like plushies I have the perfect person for you is it

Drift because she stinks I I don’t want her their name is yeah those socks and those socks and flip-flops man you know they’re uh but no the person I have in mind is actually named Gary meary he’s scared and after a bit of screaming and obsessing over Gary the snail we moved

Him up to the pineapple where he can live peacefully without getting trampled and because Gary is a very shy snail he only comes out when we’re far away so we watched him from our scaffolding tower look at at the back of the chair so cute oh

No I shifted when I I shouldn’t have shifted so cute so cute I feel like he’ll stay that was a good spot okay it’s always so much fun to trade with the other girls and with all the different resources we can make Island life a lot easier for ourselves but one

Major thing we are still missing is The Mending trade and villager trading in general these islands sadly didn’t come with a village so we have to use zombified villagers that we can find underground and I’ve had one growling in this hole since probably day one on this

Island I trapped him in a hole and since we cannot Craft boats I had to use my precious iron to put him in a mine cart so he’s just in here waiting to get cured and trade us useful stuff oh don’t look at me like that creepy and drift

Also has a zombified villager in her creepy caves that we trapped together on his stream I think red brought the blaze rods from the nether so we can cure them with a potion and together we can hopefully get a mending tra out of these stinky villagers let’s meet up with the

Gals so we met up at our first campsite and got really excited excited about getting mending books soon yay my tools won’t start breaking anymore i’ like to let’s do it yeah not only will people be eternally grateful but also we can probably get mad cash for this oh my gosh business times

Business oh the chicken likes the idea or probably not no he’s he’s mad he left so the first step was to rescue drift zombified villager from the caves you know I’m down for it I’ve got my iron tools I’ve got not much I really need really bad I have bread same I have

Green apples I have spider eyes I have a stick I have a crab on my head yeah we weren’t really prepared but we went down to the caves anyways I was going to jump in like an idiot but I almost did that I survived ow oh no oh oh that was

Really scary oh I just failed ml SE just fell oh and after random Creeper explosion and fighting off zombies and skellies we made our way through the giant cave to find the Villager sucks and sandals Rule and drift is good at fortnite that’s his name honestly what a

Name what do we do do we just break the mine cart yeah break the mine cart and then he’s going to chase you okay all right drip it’s let me know if I’m going too fast or too slow okay we’ll just try to get him uh safely or just keep going socks

And sandles R drift is good at fortnite drift be careful sock and sandal R drift is good at fortnite is coming after you socks and sandals rule come on this way drift is good at fortnite I think he really just wants your socks and sandals I think that’s what it really is does

Look at his little shoes they’re just like he’s like no these don’t compare you know I want some sandies creeper no why why dang it oh no what was that timing what the heck so sandal Rule and drift is good at fortnite no no sand Ru D is good at fortnite

No that’s actually a tragedy guys cuz we can’t even get more villagers now you were so good man you know what you loved this mine cart oh yeah he loved it he was our friend he hated us but he was our friend you know what they say you

Win some you lose some and we lost socks and sandals Rule and drift is good at fortnite o I found gold so we only had one zombified villager left which was the one hidden in my base but we decided to cure him first before we moved him around in case

Any more accidents happen like the sunb burning it so we started making a potion of weakness does anyone have gunpowder on them oh I have some my Bas I have in my inventory perfect nice yay from that creeper that you know oh well we’re using his remains on a potion now so

Full cires there he is in all his glory so we threw a potion at the zombie villager and gave him a golden apple to eat is he shirtless what the heck is this guy even wait no that’s just a top that he’s wearing oh how wrong they were

Yeah you’re right he’s topless he’s to wait he’s wearing swim Tru yeah why is he wearing Bor why is he naked wait some we tried to move him around using the composter as a lure he just doesn’t care why does why does he not want for the

Beach dude SAR my sand castle I’m going to kill him I hate villagers he doesn’t want to be a farmer move V dude come on he wants Beach that’s it he he does his job is Beach that’s his job is Beach oh my gosh he’s he’s so close to the S

Castle I swear I swear to God oh my God no you do not you do not touch my S you don’t even look at it don’t look at it I feel like he wants the Barrel in your house oh wait no y no he tra my you’re

Going to die good sir you’re going to die just wants to like live with you he’s like this place is awesome he’s gross he’s naked and he’s ugly and after I stopped being angry at the Villager for destroying my precious sand castle we made a Minecart Track leading all the

Way to Red’s Island where he will be imprisoned for life for sand castle destruction we got him in oh my gosh and then let’s just put that there for good measure we did it got a villager we did it yay now we just have to find another

One going to be great yay yay y yay yay but because we’ve already seen enough villagers for today we decided to meet back up in a couple days and then continue our great plans for the Villager but there was no time to mourn the loss of my sand castle because I had

To tackle another big project which is my storage when I made the started house I didn’t know that with all the modded blocks and all the modded hats there wouldn’t be enough space in here to have a proper storage so it’s just been mess after mess and lots of random blocks

Scattered around so I thought I should fix that and build a giant storage house house and I want the storage house to be near I starter house so maybe if we just go up the stairs we can make one right here at the end of the path we just need

To get rid of some of those palm trees that are just randomly growing here and I think my tiny little baby crop Farm has to go as well and I’ll just expand this platform using more sand so we have a nice flat surface to build on and now

We just need to build a giant storage house right here using a lot of different modded blocks and with that I’m mean Spruce Wood and birge wood but I’m going to change the textures because this is birge but but modded birge so I’m just going to go over to Red’s

Island and break all her bird trees I’m so evil so I went there to steal her trees but of course I replanted them and red was actually there and not so AFK and I got attacked by monsters I think that’s Karma also I got these adorable kitty cat headphones and now just going

To turn the normal Birch planks into the modded textures I want and in between the resource grinding every time it got nighttime I went out looking for a zombified villager maybe we’re going to get lucky and find one somewhere on these Islands I sadly didn’t find a

Zombie villager but I got a lot of wood materials together so let’s take some strip Spruce locks and start building the frames of the house and with frame of the house I mean going up with the spruce locks in every single corner and then connecting them all together so we

Have a nice wall frame so we can put all the nice decoration behind it like maybe the rest of the walls because these are just the pillars around the walls and with those Spruce supports they look even more supportive get it it gives those pillows a nice round curve up at

The top and down here here now I just got to do something like this on every single side so we have a nice house wall and then maybe the bottom block should be this reinforced Spruce Wood to give it a bit more strength at the bottom I’m

Just going to connect those small bits here using more of those support things and trap doors ah Phantoms are here leave me alone I just want to build go away leave and don’t come back aha hat bag ow let’s see what’s in the Hat bag a

Camera beard what even is this it’s a camera and a beard I do not like no more Phantoms oh come on Phantom head but after I was done messing with the Phantoms I actually found a zombified villager right on Red’s Island while she was AFK right next to it so I started

Screaming until she came back and we trapped it together and we finally had a second villager then we also cured that villager and hopefully he can be our second librarian since red already turned the first one into a mending guy who’s still very disgustingly naked under his Library clothes he’s just a

Normal ugly guy hi there peasant Ken we have Beach Ken with his naked dress code and we have peasant K and the usual peasant Rags we wanted to get an Unbreaking trade out of this guy so I started rolling the trades I think peasant Ken didn’t like me though

Backstabbing three curious what that even means if we get hit from behind yeah maybe he just wants to backstab Me Maybe it’s not an enchant for our stuff yeah it’s just back backstabbing now he’s just selling me books he’s sending you a message power one oh you’ll regret

That peasant Ken Infinity yeah I’m infinitely annoyed at you you little little peasant chrisop Vanishing I’mma make you vanish he just doesn’t want to do it I tried threatening him I tried being nice well actually I haven’t tried being nice oh peasant Ken can I just

Call you Ken hi yeah have I told you that your brown poop stained peasant Rags are looking quite lovely today could you please please be so kind and give me Unbreaking three please mending okay I mean we’re going in the right direction but we already have mending

Mending again mending again I swear to God oh my gosh that’s crazy literally after we get mending then we get more mending I realized that villager is never going to give me Unbreaking so I left red to figure out the peasant can situation and we’re back to building my

Storage house let’s take out all of those beautifully textured birge blocks and then I’ll just do a mix of them as the walls that’s going to go all around this Build this is already looking like a really nice start of a build and we have so much space in here we can definitely fit two floors in here and a whole bunch of storage and I was thinking to make the floor out of these really cool blocks they call shifted Spruce planks

And they look really nice I usually just do ladders going up to another floor but this time I want to do a lovely big staircase it’s going to give this house a really nice Vibe what is that outside my window wo oh no they saw me no

Creeper no well as long as they don’t follow me up here and this second floor is going to be made out of oak wood this way we’re going to mix some brighter col in here because it’s already looking pretty dark down there but not that dark because I placed down torches no

Creepers in in my house and so the creepers don’t come in Uninvited I made some lovely Windows let’s see how it looks oh it’s so pretty and I’m also going to make a nice circular frame around this window here and after adding a couple more decorations like leaves

And lates the exterior of the build was done minus the roof of course because this is going to be a big project on top of it but so far I’m already so happy with this round window and all the leaves and colors and the vines and we

Added a mod that when you shear The Vines they won’t grow anywhere so now Vines are actually useful for building I’m so happy but before I get started on the big main roof I want to attach a smaller building to the side of this house for the walls I’m going to use

Different kinds of Oak materials so it’s not the same as the entire Birch wall over there and a spruce slap roof on top of the whole thing but I want to fill this in with a modded wood type I traded all this Jacker wood with red I think

Now it can come in handy this color is nice right and I think there’s another pinkish kind of wood type that Brook traded me called mahogany and I can’t find it that is it oh my gosh I found it let’s see if we can grow one that was

All my bone meal 10 years later I was farming a lot of wheat but the tree finally grew and it just started raining wow that’s a really strange looking tree it’s like a wavy texture but it’s pink underneath I think we can turn that into a nice laab let’s see how those look

Together on the Roof oh it’s magical like witch and fairy combined it’s perfect I love those colors it’s a rainbow and frog crafting joint at the same time but now it’s time to build the Roof it is so pretty our new and improved storage house which doesn’t have the storage yet or any lighting but I think while I was sleeping red has already been working on the villagers so maybe we can trade some lanterns already oh yeah look at that Ken is a dad

Lanterns and then we can turn them into those beautiful wooden cage lanterns again let there be light and no more creepers I’ve already added some lanterns on the wall so now we can add some chests but first I need more Spruce Wood to make those chests and I’m going

To bring all my workstations over from my base because we no longer need them in the starter house we need them next to my storage stuff I didn’t know had so many workstations so the way I want to do this is to have two rows of chests

Right here going all the way to the ceiling and then I’ll leave a two block Gap and do another row of chests wo thunderstorm let’s just ignore that we’re safe here right and in between those rows of chest I want to place the workstation so we have stupid thunder so

We have the carpenter here and the Mason here so we can have wood and stone materials in these chest and then the Bist and the loom up here and the tinkering table down here and maybe we can get some barrels and put them under the stairs now that’s an organized

Storage and in this small build to the side I want to have like a smelting area so we can put the the glass blow here to transform all the glass I left this hole for a little semi-automatic smelter I’ll just need to sacrifice my precious iron and make some Hoppers and now those

Hoppers are going into the barrels and furnace on top Amo barrels on top and then we have a sort of automatic smelter so when we put stuff in here it automatically smelts and puts it in the chest so we can put lots of stuff in

Here to smelt fast as long as we have enough furnace fuel I don’t want to go coal mining and to finish off this little corner let’s add some light and a little beach table to continue the beach Vibes and some andom books and to sort of separate this area from the rest of

The storage let’s hang those weird string things down what are they called rope I don’t know this kind of gives me beach Vibes let’s also add a really cute orange carpet using those modded carpet textures look at them they’re so nice I also want to decorate the first floor a

Bit more so I started looking into more cute blocks like an oak counter and I really want to learn the handcrafted mod which has cushions and cozy beds and other cool stuff so let’s first place those counters and and then some cozy decorations on top like this Panda

Plushy it’s so cute and I found another cute lantern that I really like and a headstand where I could display one of my favorite hats and I really want to try those cushions so let’s make a table we can place them I’m so excited we can place them down they’re so comfortable I

Love this and I just made this spooky and cursed but I need to hang something nice on the wall so I was looking into wall decoration and I found out that you can’t only make the normal paintings but transform them into special fancy paintings let’s put one up here ooh wait

This is the Birch update let’s try another oh I like that I think maybe that could go over there ooh Beach vibes okay I love that it’s a deer I love this and then this one over there something is missing up there though a bear there’s this bear trophy you can make

With just those planks and a rock cod come here fish got him ooh iron ooh I’m getting distracted yay we we have so much iron ah dolphin ew gross go away I’m sorry that was mean sorry I was scared and now let’s put the bear Trophy up here perfect no animal cruelty

Involved because we didn’t kill any bear oh wait we killed a fish never mind I’m getting distracted but I also saw you can make a teddy bear out of bear fur so right now I’m just thinking about that bear we have on our islands and I want

To Shear it and see if it works I see it are you angry oh hi there oh he’s friendly ah oh no that scared me so bad oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry I shared you I’m sorry bear I’m really sorry I’m I’m sorry I’m

Sorry I’m sorry he’s so scary oh no I just wanted a teddy bear he’s chill again wait wait turn around bear turn around I just saw something I didn’t want to see no no no I know you’re ashamed but I need to see this his butt is sheared no wonder he’s

Mad I sheared his butt well at least that horrible experience made me realize that I forgot to put a chimney on my house because I saw some really cool Brick Designs and they’re called bricks bricks double brick action with those bricks bricks let’s quickly at the chimney and pretend it was always there

Look at those nice bricks bricks and MLG bucket Down the Roof oh yeah look at them they’re perfect but now we still got to decorate the room upstairs and since I already have lots of storage downstairs let’s dedicate this place to some clothes ws and a cozy bedroom let’s

First make a little walk in wardrobe so we’re just going to raise up these walls so we can have a place to put all our hats and then we can have some storage barrels in the ceiling for the extra hats and then here’s some display places

And then I’ll just bring all my hats over from my base oh I have so many I had no idea this took me so long but I tried to pick out the cutest Cottage cor hats to go on here let’s add some lighting in here and of course some sort

Of door separating this room from the rested using those windowed birge trap doors and also brought these armor stands so we can display some clothes on here the beach mod has a lot of funny options for clothes that are made from dryed kelp like some swim wings and then

There’s this really funny Beach hat it’s covering my eye I can’t see anything we have a bikini and a summer hat and some shorts and the swim wings and the shades and then I have some more questionable hats over here why is there a spinning

Rat in the TV but I don’t only want this place to be a weird closet I also want to put a cozy bedroom over here I already placed down some of the oak furniture I already had but in here I want to put a little bed and I’m going

To make this fancy Oak bed oh my gosh we have a bed it is fancy and I think how it works is you just place them down and then you place a sheet and it changes color now we have a light blue bed and I’m going to add some more basic

Decorations like bookshelves and lots of stacks of books lying around I also changed the texture of the barrels so they look like nether barrels and they look really playful I love it and tons of those fancy paintings and I also made a couple plushies like an aelott plushy

And a parrot and they’re looking so cute and now we ended up with this really cozy bedroom I’m so obsessed with all these little modded blocks that are actually just normal blocks but a different texture so now that this floor is also done we can go ahead and sort

The storage down here yay yay yay yay but I was thinking now that I’m emptying my start house out of all the storage we could use this place for something else so while I’m moving my storage around I’m going to think about how to turn this starter house into a cozy beach

Home without any more chest monsters and 2 hours later my storage is completely sorted sort of it’s still a bit messy but I’ve also gone ahead and decorated this place and now we have a lovely dining area and I found out you can put books and stuff into these cupboards and

They look so good then back here we have a little food storage and up here my TV room with more cozy cupboards and those really cool lanterns this is going to be my cozy chilling area because we need that kind of time on our Islands we are

On vacation after all stranded and forc to be on vacation but still but now that I redecorated my starter house and made my new storage house it is time to go back to the villagers because they also need a home so we started Gathering some resources like the blue Sky’s wood and

Figured out what block pette we wanted to use which turned out to be a lot of different wood types I brought some building blocks from my base and came back to red and drift being AFK so I boxed them in glass boxes so zombies wouldn’t get them drift made the layout

Of the build which looked really nice so we started working on the foundation Blocks made of retextured granite which was surprisingly really nice looking then the rest of the house will be made out of blue skyus wood pillars and I suggested using the same textured birge

Planks I used for my storage house and they also looked really good on this one I just found really cool Vines pretty and then red and drift already worked on the second floor while I was standing around AFK because my actual basement was underwater which was kind

Of not fun but when I came back I went straight into prank mode mod red red are you thinking what I’m thinking please don’t oh yep I’m evil let’s keep building but then we put the roof on this build which drifted really well while red was already starting on

The interior and I was detailing the walls which is one of my favorite things to do when I build I was just finishing off a path by placing some flowers and suddenly we were done with the build it looks so cozy I love it so cozy I

Loveful it’s like overgrown and the best part there’s mending and Unbreaking books in there oh my gosh I want to see the inside yeah let’s take a look let’s take a look yeah some nice decoration and our shop the flooring is made of dirt you’d never know you can kind of

Smell it but you know what the texture is so worth it and we’ve got all of our little villagers up here they’ve got their little plushies yeah I gave them a panda plushy so they got entertainment this is this is Humane right yeah this is I mean they’re not humans so like it

Doesn’t matter if it’s Humane because they’re not humans we’re the humans they’re the villagers you know so these are our K yeah our naked K yeah and the normal normal Ken who’s like dressed y there’s one last thing we need then I’m I’m so curious all the oh my gosh anticipation the Cliffhanger

What is going to be made oh my God and now the episode is over just kidding guys come on all right let’s let’s go back up let’s go back up come on there’s good decorations but they’re missing one key important thing you know oh I am K enough you know what this

Means this house has to be called our Mojo Dojo Casa house oh yeah yes welcome to the Mojo Dojo Casa house is it Dojo or Dojo Dojo I think it’s Dojo yes it I think so I love it it’s perfect I love it it’s a good blend of all of us now

I’m going to get some mending book yay yeah guys you know I think we get the true reward now we get The Mending and the Unbreaking books put it on our stuff after building I don’t know about you but my tools have uh seen better

Days I I got you all something for like completing this you have to wear it right now wait a villager knows put it on put it on wait oh my gosh oh I am K we are k yeah let see what the Ken think oh yeah yeah let’s see let’s see see yeah

Hi Ken hi hi hello oh that’s scared look he’s judging he’s judging The Librarian Is judging yeah he’s staring me down yeah what the heck man I thought we were buddies I thought we were cool look at him coming up to us like oh

Oh yeah he hates it he hates it I feel completely judged I’m Le me too well I think after this I’m I’m going to you know take a nap you know it’s a lot of building and uh it was was a good time yep I’m going to go to my base and hide

Sayy bye homies bye later bye you smell no you smell no you smell you smell the most you smell the who are you talking to you smell the mostest you smell the mostest you smell the most testest and now we can put mending and Unbreaking on all our tools and hopefully get even

More enchants and lanterns and glass from all the villagers I feel really organized with my storage house and now we even sorted out our tool situation with all the mending books and it was so fun to hang out with the girl today and build this beautiful villager house and

Now that I have my organized storage I finally feel like this Ison life could work out for me wait what is that in my storage my house is full of creepy eye guys I am watching you because you love animals frog crafting I swear this is

Revenge for the Dolphins I put in her house this is going to take ages to get rid of oh my God they’re even in the ceiling I also just noticed someone stole my campfire how dare they frog crafting and someone has made me a mailbox where the sand castle was that

The zombie villager trampled I’m still sad about that museum now open what the heck is going on I think I was sleeping too long and missed a lot of stuff going on on these islands Museum now open at Sparkles Island donations welcome so we got to bring one item that represents

Our Island what represents my Island weird unhinged creepy stuff or some cozy cottage core okay the RGB Easter Island head is kind of funny cuz there’s a lot of party and colors going on on my Island especially those pineapples and those birds are having a party up there

Too I don’t even know what they want from me I’m really scared of them I’m going to run away fast is this the Museum oh my gosh let’s check it out this looks so cool wait it has a glass roof I love this let’s see if this is

The museum and people already donated we have the Sky Tree from red and a cute little pumpkin from Brook what is that is that like food in a pumpkin Frog’s bamboo and I knew it I knew it was frog that is proof that frog put the hips in

My Bas then I’ll put this one in here oh my gosh it looks so weird with the nose holes and it’s done I just brought party to a museum but that little pumpkin filled with food on Brook’s Museum spot kind of reminded me I never got to try

Out the food mod there’s a mod to make all sorts of different kinds of meals and cute stuff and there’s a creepy Enderman and I just found a solution for the guardian heads water time bye Guardians no my carpet okay I got rid of all the Guardians now let’s cook I think

The food mode is called Farm delight and we need a stove I can make that I guess I’ll have to steal one of my own campfires now and now we can make the stove let’s just put it down here for now I really want to do a build for this

Later but I’m not really sure what to do yet so first let’s try out the cooking ow it burns me wait what do you do with this I can’t click on it or anything great now I’m B cooking in real life and Minecraft oh you need a pen and a pot

Yeah we can make those I’ll just have to get some more iron for that and now we can craft the skillet and a cooking pot and now we can put the pot on the stove dinner ser served not yet though oh and when we click on it we

Can put stuff in it I have all the meals listed here so we can cook something nice oh my gosh let’s do some pasta with meatballs we just need all these materials that I don’t know how to make this is going to be easy okay you get

The raw pasta by doing this yay we have it and then we need to throw some tomatoes in the pot and it doesn’t do anything oh yeah it does and we get tomato sauce perfect wait hello I can’t get it out give me my tomato sauce give

Me oh you need a bowl cooking is so complicated I got it and now the best part we get to use a knife I have a knife let’s put the meat on here and use the knife yay and we cut it up to minced

Beef and now we throw all of this in a pot let’s put the Bowl here give me food give me food give me food we got pasta with meatballs let’s see if my cooking is any good but I’m not hungry haha that should get me hungry right we

Do need a good place to eat though not just in the middle of the street E I still have this Spruce bench lying around so we can place it right over here and now we eat the spaghetti M food now that I’ve cooked one meal and it didn’t taste bad I think

I’m a Master Chef so I need to build something representing that where I can serve my food but I have no idea what to do so I’ll just go in a little swim and see what I can come up with and not drown on the

Way wo wo drift wo I didn’t see there what is yeah is look what we got seev look what we got go check this out reverse beep beep forward look look at me Zoom go oh my gosh can I sit in it of course you want

Me to take you for a little ride yes oh my gosh we’re in the boat we’re about look at this isn’t this so much better than swimming and walking you know like I was getting kind of tired of swimming everywhere oh so am I this is perfect this is like Smooth Sailing everywhere

We don’t have to get our feet wet we only have one though seev there’s only one none of us can still craft it because somebody um who was meant to find I don’t know what she was going on about though she was saying something about how she was looking for a Treasure

Island or something but she left us with this boat so we can all use it we only have one so we have to take good care of it I can’t wait to take this boat for a ride wait so but I like I can like take

This boat and run away from the islands and leave you all behind right no you have to come back you have to come back eventually you can’t you can’t just leave take the boat and leave us here I’m not going to steal the boat like

Right now I’m not you better not I’m not there’s always eyes watching you somewhere Yep this chicken is on to me I’m scared I can’t believe that we actually have a way off the islands and before it is my turn to go out there into the wild unknown I’m probably going

To die there we need to celebrate that we found a way off the islands and what better way to celebrate then with a nice home-cooked meal so now I have the perfect plan for my cooking build a party boat restaurant I think we can just put it over here in the water next

To our shipwreck I want to use a lot of bright colors so maybe I need to look for some calide unless I have some in my chest yay I do but I do have to gather some diorite in the deep dark scary caves and this is Skelly with a weird

Head what is going on die Skelly ooh headback Minecraft telling me once again that I’m a horse face now let’s change the texture of all the calide and diorite using the Mason workbench and now we have all these different kinds of nice calide textures that will look

Really good on the build speaking of the build this is going to be really hard I’ve never made a really big boat before and I want this to be a special kind of party boat great and now it started raining now let’s go and scaffold out using dirt in the pouring rain because

Minecraft is mean until we reach the point where we want to put the ship okay maybe like this and then the boat starts over there but because it rains I’m going to gather some Spruce Wood for the nice floor of the boat I do love some

Nice Spruce Wood and what in the world happened to my palm trees they grew really we weirdly into each other and don’t have anything at the top they have to go sorry palm trees and now that the rain is gone we can finally start building so first I started laying out

The floor of the boat with the spruce wood on one side and on the smaller inside where the kitchen is going to be some nice checkable tiles then I started building the walls of the boat using the different kind of celide textures that I crafted up earlier and then it started

Getting difficult because I wanted this boat to be an organic Swan boat so I went upwards creating a nice Swan head and a little tail take a look at that big beautiful swan some people might say it looks like a goose so now we just got to decorate

This Goose Swan boat we don’t have any windows in place yet and we only have this first floor down here but up here is supposed to be the party floor I’m literally so excited about this this is going to be the ultimate party boat I

Can feel it and of course a cozy kitchen and restaurant I need to get some beach Vibes in so let’s use tons of those Palm lcks they look really pretty and I also want to use those dried weed slabs again they looked really Tropical Party Vibes

On my starter house so what what do we bring them over to over here let’s just go ahead and farm some more and oh my god there are birds here too what do you guys want there’s so many on my roof and there are so many over here and then

I’ll just spread out the weed to dry on this beach and while all that weed dries in the rain I can go ahead and start decorating the swan boat or gooseb so first let’s go around this thing with a couple upside down stairs and trap doors

And also add an extra border of those Palm blocks and now we can get the nice Spruce flooring it’s going to be a nice ceiling for this floor over here and a beautiful floor for the party room upstairs and right above where the kitchen is supposed to

Go I want to put another kind of kitchen you’ll see what it is soon so I’m going to do another lovely checkerboard floor yes this is beautiful oh no no there’s spiders in my room and there are creepers wait somebody is online oh it’s frog crafting I mean now that she’s here

This calls for Revenge why did I zoom so much into on my face hi there she she left all of those creepy Guardian heads in my base so now I’m just going to be annoying and stalk her while wearing a guardian head with cute kitty cat

Headphones we love frog but we also love to prank frog I just got to sneak around her house until I see her oh she’s right in there but I quickly got bored sneaking so I decided to confront her and be really weird and irritating you look weird it’s me a fish you are

Watching me yes I have one eye and I see you with my eye you get the Razer Kitty girl headphones they’re like the latest Trend and I got it like straight away limited edition of course don’t look at the back of my house I didn’t ah so this

Is the back ah interesting no don’t look at the back I have this mushroom that I stole from the Hat Shop oh that was you I wonder who stole doesn’t it look good I mean it really it kind of fits the vibe yeah it looks very much like like

Mushroom feet and fungus that was me trying to compliment you you you think it’s a compliment to say that I am like feet yes and then I decided to confront her look at this oneeyed fish creature look familiar it was all over my house all

Over it uhhuh you know what you did to me with one of my worst fears by the way look I know that this was you because you love animals so much a that’s a cute floating dolphin they are horrible you and dophins probably have a lot in I’m

Not horrible you know I I came here to offer you free subscription to glare magazine plus and dolphin coaching and then I got even more annoying and things escalated and frog had a sword out so I ran away and tried to hide in the guardian farm with my brothers the

Guardians which was a terrible idea I don’t want to die I’m going to die this is the end why do I have this ugly hat I think I kind of pranked myself more than I I got revenge at frog but at least while I was burning myself in Frog’s Farm all of

This wheat has dried so now we can turn it into slabs and then make a beautiful roof on this Swan Bo and now that the main structure is done the decorating can begin first up we definitely need a lot of colors I’m going to need a lot of wool and there are these really cool moded lanterns that look really colorful one problem some of them are soul lanterns so I need

Soul Sand from the Nether and the other ones require a lot of iron which I don’t have I can chicken out of going to the nether but I might not have to go iron mining because I know red had a plan to make an iron farm and this build has

Popped up with a suspicious looking Iron Golem head so what if we go inside and see if the shop is open ooh there’s some iron here and there are anvils I’m going to need anvils oh there are heads oh and there are chains I love this so much

Okay I think I’m going to take half a stack of iron and leave some Spruce we have iron and now we just need to go to the nether oh I don’t want to go to the nether I guess I better get ready for the nether with a nice homecooked meal

What do we have in our chests oh some nice Rotten Tomatoes I’m kidding let’s make something nice do we want to make a hamburger let’s do it I love using the knife on The Cutting Board and now we cook the meat and now we just put all

The ingredients together and we get four hamburgers oh look at those nice burgers I’m so hungry I’m still going to order McDonald’s once I’m back from the nether red doesn’t just give us iron she also gives us a cute potion shop with creepy blazes on the wall let’s put the whole

Stack of wool in here and let’s see oh potion of strength and water breathing fire resistance okay you know what I’m going to put another Burger in here as well I’m going to survive on two burgers right let’s go to the the nether ah I’m very scared I’m very scared I hate the

Nether I don’t want to be here okay I literally see Soul Sand but a weird Green version from up here from the portal lava I mean if I swim in the lava I could easily get there right I guess we kind of do have to swim in the lava

Let’s drink the potion and now we go in lava bath oh yeah I’m in lava I’m not dead wait I can’t see anything hello there is it soulan please let it be Soul ah let me out of the lava War Soul Sand I don’t think you can use it to turn it into

Soul lanterns uh-oh there’s a field full of Soul Sand and you can use any of it so we have to look elsewhere I guess so I went on a journey to look for a normal Soul Sand Valley which involved more jumping into the lava okay if I die I’m

Going to scream really loud ah lava lava lava lava oh my God I survived all right here we have another beautiful disgusting Green soulsand Valley but look what I see in the distance it’s the normal stuff it’s everywhere I need it I want it and it’s mine it’s all going to

Be mine oh no no not the skellies we don’t like the skellies now we just go in and we Farm the stuff it’s the normal one right it’s Soul Sand it’s just the normal Soul Sand I’m so happy I need to farm so much so I can bring some back

For the girls all right I hollowed out this entire place and I got my whole inventory full of soulsand now we just need to get back home without dying in lava or to skellies got him so now what was the way back home H I hate the Nether and I’m

Going to give a stack of Soul soil to Red is payment for the nice potions literally couldn’t have done it without them and now we can craft those beautiful soul torches and then using the iron we can turn those into Soul lanterns and I’m going to have so much

Fun on the tinkering table and turn them all into these cute paper lanterns okay now check this out when you hang them they look like this it’s so pretty and we’re going to have all the different colors all along this line here okay look at how pretty this is all of the

Lanterns all the way around and now we’re just going to put the banners right in front of the lanterns like on here on this fence post it’s looking really colorful from the inside and even more colorful on the outside look at these bright colors this is so good this

Screams party boat I’m also going to go ahead and make a nice staircase leading up there so we no longer have to use the scaffolding and we can have a little wall here separated the staircase from the windows otherwise there would be an ugly gap and then we might as well

Continue this wall and make a wall through the kitchen so we don’t see the kitchen while we’re dining here it’s a Sacred Space where magic is going to happen and where Creepers Are Going to spawn if I don’t light this up soon and I put up the other lanterns and now we

Have the dining room let’s make a million chairs and tables I love doing this and now we make chairs and tables and now we can have two chairs here and then a lovely big table and I’m going to do this on every single side I just got to from some a leaves

For the final touches of the dining room and now we can have some nice bushes here and some over there for the stage I made yes I made a stage this is going to be the mic and it’s going to have this fancy painting on the wall and now

People can do some weird presentations and singing here and another painting on the wall and now the dining room is done now on to the kitchen so first up we need a big cooking Island wait is it called Island like we live on an island and we cook on an island I’m confused

This is weird I also put a shelf down with all the plates and cups so we can prepare the food here also cutting board so we can cut the food here and this is like guacamole or something in a jar it’s not gross I swear and then we have

All these storage spaces back here and over there and I’m thinking I might pay a visit to Brook’s grocery store and stock up on some vegetables and now we can take this boat and row it over to the grocery shop I love this boat this

Is so smooth oh I sail it to the one block shopping time hello there naan he’s creepy mine mine mine mine mine I also want some onions and some carrots and now we can craft all these nice crates and then we can put all the crates here in the storage spaces and

Now some rice in this corner and now the storage area is done and I want to craft another cool thing a mini fridge let’s put it here because every kitchen needs a fridge right ooh we can open it and put stuff in there what can we make in

This okay there are tons of recipes for ice cream I love that but we need ice and snow but we don’t have ice and snow now I know where we’re going to go in our first boat adventure and now this beautiful kitchen is done and I also

Added a weird area in this dining hall with a fish you know to get people hungry I mean if my guests were cats this would be perfect and now before we decorate this party deck over here I want to do some cooking because now I have the perfect kitchen now we can try

Out all the cool recipes oh my gosh we can make sushi I’m going to make sushi I’m so excited I’m going to make sushi now let’s do the big kelp roll and now we can cut it and we have tiny sushi rolls now all the sushi rolls together

Can do a rice roll medly it’s a big thing we can place it we can place it down I’m so excited I’m so excited I’m going to put it on a table Sushi table 3 hours of cooking and screaming later I’ve have made a pie but that’s enough

Cooking for today I think let’s go upstairs and build this party area I want this to be full of beach Vibes so I craft up all the chairs and tables from the beach party mod and I even saw you can make a radio but it needs this weird

Disc so first I was really sad that I couldn’t make it but then I realized I actually have the disc right here from when I went to a zombie spawner and a creeper exploded the zombie spawner so we can actually go ahead and make the radio I think the radio can also play

Music but it’s probably copyrighted so I’m not going to play it I’m sorry music enjoyers it did indeed play copyrighted music but you can be sure I had a good time vibing to this under this roof I want to have the co coziest beach bar I

Mean it’s not really on the beach it’s on the boat so it’s a boat bar and kind of also Tiki Bar because I’m making it out of Tikki bar blocks those are really Tiki Bar blocks and in here we’re going to have a coffee machine and some mugs

Then of course the mini fridge again and the radio okay now the beach boat Tiki Bar is done and the dining area right next to it and now we have this half left for the music I want to have like a big DJ setup right here so let’s put

Down some weirdly play blocks they kind of look DJ I o went to kill some of drift’s cows for item frames but then I noticed there’s some new stuff on this island there’s an ice cream shop I was supposed to build the DJ stage but now

I’m just sitting here with my ice cream it’s such a beautiful day isn’t it okay distraction is over let’s build up the big music boxes I’m doing it all wrong already one over here and then a smaller one here and the same on the other side

Then item frames all over them and then some glass inside of the item frames trust me it’s going to look really fun and colorful and then we can have all like the technical music sound setup stuff here so I’m going to use Redstone because I don’t understand music stuff

Or Redstone stuff so it’s perfect and then the DJ can sit here and play the music and turn the lights on and off isn’t that fun and also spin the disc and interact with all of these this party is going to be so swag and I also added the funkiest decorations like

These weird Axel of rubber rings over here and then the funkiest dancing area with little seats so we can sit on these cushions and enjoy the music and up there I want to put some party related so let’s go to the Zombie Farm and kill

Some zombies a who put this at my door and somebody baked me a cake cute die zombies and headback time I am a painting thing I’m scared okay now check these weird party Tiki heads out I mean I just had to use them since I donated

One to the museum so it represents my Island now I think the boat needs some final finishing touches using some lates and leaves and I definitely need to make an entrance I keep using this dirt road and going up the scaffolder instead of going in here and taking the stairs so

Let’s first put some pretty leaves on the walls now this is looking beautiful right I was thinking to have a nice wooden dog here and then we can go and jump on the lily pads to reach the party boat this turned from a tiny dog into a

Really big area with a walkway and everything and now I’m making a big path connecting to my house and my other path this was going to be a small project but now next to the usual path that goes up to my storage house we also have one

Going to the right which I’ve decorated with these lovely Autumn Leaves and and then we take a turn and we can already see the party boat and here’s the dog with a random block that I just dropped and this dog path kind of thing wraps all the way around this island and I

Even made a little chair and table if you want to rest on your journey and then following this path it leads to another path which doesn’t lead anywhere but then over here is the entrance to the party boat so we can hop from lily

Pad to Lily Pad if I can make it and then we can reach the boat and upstairs is where the party is going to happen and for that I’ve hadir a very special DJ wait how did it write itself already already I didn’t even write that that

Thing just showed up I was going to write that but it just showed up is it going to go away again it’s there again I’m scared yes so anyways DJ swagy drift is going to play here tonight so I’m going to invite some of the girls to listen to the DJ and

Party with me so I’m just going to prepare some meals so we can all eat together and then it is party time oh hi guys there’s the host now hello are you ready to party so ready is this able to leave these islands or is this just for

Fun it’s it’s stranded just like we are I mean not really because we now have a boat which is why we’re celebrating that we have a boat on the boat give us your give us your best karaoke and I was like baby baby baby oh don’t mine at night no I’m

Kidding later we could eat some food but now let’s go upstairs because I have a special surprise we have a very special guest here today look at this yeah look at this beautiful stage yeah DJ swaggy drift coming your hands up to party DJ drift oh my gosh you

Ready to party Make Some [Applause] Noise see those frog in the air let’s go do you all love Justin Bieber that’s right that’s right one time baby baby baby yeah yeah let’s go this crowd be wild tonight all right everybody I want to see you we’re going to go for a drop I

Want to see you all Crouch yeah yeah yeah put your hands in the air ready 3 2 1 put them up them thank you so much everybody I will be here another night maybe because this is really fun fun and really Soothe My Soul good night everybody good

Night hey guys hi drift um you guys broke my leggings by the way just now I definitely heard something break somebody may have pooped their pants then I served the girls some drinks that I made at the tiki bar but of course those drinks came with a Twist

Oh yeah I forgot here’s some Run tomatoes no what the what the heck what on Earth and then we went downstairs to eat my lovely home-cooked food and do some more cringe karaoke sushi ooh Sushi I made food but then drift’s cat tried to ruin this beautiful dinner

Time who broke my carpet my carpet who broke my what does me my cat what my cat’s on the keyboard help me my drift is again just destroying everything drift what did you do I’m going to grab some kelp roll oh I got a plate of shepherd’s pie oh you can take a

Plate it gave me nourishment for 5 minutes okay who’s singing next on the karaoke I’ll pull some of my favorite quotes uh from Twilight I decided as long as I’m going to hell I might as well do it thoroughly about three things I was absolutely positive first Edward was a vampire

Second there was a part of him and I didn’t know how potent that part might be that thirsted for my blood and third I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him that’s the best for blood that was the back of the Twilight book did you just it’s in the book it

Was the back okay maybe I only read the back of the book so far okay I’ve been busy doing other stuff you’re on the phone with your girlfriend she’s upset going up about something that you said okay there we go she doesn’t that was amazing frog smell that was so good hey

Drift want to sing a duet of the Gilma girls intro song yep no yep yes if you’re out on the roading lonely and so C cold you have to is call my name and I’ll be there you keep singing on the next train what’s the gore girls oh my God you’ve never

Watched The Gilmore Girls oh frog do you live on an island or something yeah like literally have you just inhabited this island all along and on that cringy note the party was over but you can be sure that literally every single one of the guests stuff their pockets with my food

To take it home to eat later but this was the most fun I’ve ever had on these Island and then we partied until late into the night and now we can really say that Island life isn’t so bad after all now that we’re done partying I think

It is time for the next chapter in our Island life here which will also involve leaving the islands for the first time ever since we stranded here going on a boat Adventure off the islands would mean I get to bring back so many new resources and plans and blocks that I

Can build with and decorate my home with and because the boat has two seats I invited one of the other girls to come with me on that Adventure Venture but there’s still some time until we meet up so in the meantime I like to make a start on decorating the island there’s

This huge chunk of land here behind my storage house and I’ve always used this to gather resources like chopping down spruce trees and those palm trees but I think I should turn this into a giant Island Park which means I need to get rid of those creeper holes that I left

Everywhere chop down all those palm trees and get rid of whatever this is attached to my house nobody look at the back of my building it’s messy oh I forgot this thing was here the snake very scary snake nsfd not suitable for drift drift is scared of snakes and so

Am I it’s so creepy but at the same time it’s kind of cute but also creepy how it slides up those blocks maybe we shouldn’t abandon this poor snake in the wild maybe we should give it a name and build it a lovely enclosure in our Park

After we made the park which I’m avoiding by running away with the snake all right you’ll be safe here now let’s grab some sand and dirt and then let’s tear from this messy area the first thing I had to do was of course chop down all the palm trees that was sced

Around the area then I tried to change up the landscape a bit so it would be easier for me to plan out the park later I covered up some holes and removed some bigger chunks of land and tried to make sense of the messy mix of dirt and sand

Patches on the island then I already got into the planning phase and worked on the pth that will go all over this area and ended up with something looking like this and lastly I worked on this little Hill which was a huge mess it wasn’t only half sand have grass but it also

Had a giant Cape with Falling Sand underneath which had to be covered up but once all of that was done the island looked very different than before I think this guy’s really angry that I tore out all the trees and flatten that beach I’m sorry I want to build a cute

Park you can walk there I mean now you can’t because you’re kind of dead wa drowned I swear I had a permit I think this guy is really upset too don’t look at me like that but now that this area is nice and flat and free of trees we

Got to work on a path and I want that road to be made of the same blocks that I used here for the street but since those stone blocks in my inventory are the only ones I have left in my storage I need to go down here to the secret

Hidden mine and then I’m going to destroy all the walls and get all the stone I need for this road wait I need Cobble Stone and this is a silk touch pickaxe no but I did get four stacks of Anders head so we could just convert that into different textures and I think

We can use all those textures to make the path look really nice so we won’t need Cobblestone after all that creepy snake is watching me lovely I’m not scared at all this par knew I was going to build here and it just had to sit down the

Exact same place I wanted to build for now it still looks ugly and gray but I finished the entire path going all the way to the beach here and over there where I maybe want to put a little Bridge later but to connect this to the

Beach a bit more I have an idea maybe we’ll take out a couple of these blocks and then replace it with the rocky dirt so it’s like a bit of dirt and gravel mixed in here and then we definitely have to also get some coarse dirt into

The mix we can also line up the p with those Spruce Palisades here and there and then maybe some of the Rope this looks really nice I got that idea from red and I’ve put it all over my Islands ever since I saw it it looks really cool

It’s like the perfect Beach Vibes let’s get some different color leaves like the orange ones and the golden ones it’s always summer here but I really love the Vibes of those leaves of course this place also needs lighting up so I’m going to place some lanterns here and

There for now now this is a beautiful path this is going to be a perfect little beach park but now before I get more into decorating this beautiful place we need to prepare for the the boat ride and I noticed my armor is about to break and my sword is about to

Break and it has really bad enchants so let’s go enchant some stuff ow and we can buy The Mending books here now do I have to pay for mending books that are in a shop that I help build together with red and drift yeah I’m definitely going to pay

Something I did bring some nice wool oh that’s the safe that’s not the donation bin that’s a donation bin okay let’s put some lovely wool in there and because I only have 16 EXP levels cuz I probably died somewhere again I’m going to go back into a lovely hatb down to the

Scary XP farm and murder some zombies and I’m going to try to already put mending on my sword so it doesn’t break it’s slaying time a the zombies have pumpkin heads cute die now my sword is repaired and so is some of my armor so let’s get going I

Think it’s time for a boat adventure and yes there is a knife stuck in my head don’t judge me I’ve been murdered anyways let’s meet up with Amber uh I invited you to go on a boat adventure with me off the islands yay yes yes yay that sounds

Really fun we’re doing it and dangerous there’s no danger involved at all okay def I’m in for a little trip so okay yep get in let’s go okay how far are we going I have no idea we’re just going to go in One Direction wait there’s a brid

Dire there’s no way who built these Bridges they’re pretty though they are very pretty oh my gosh we’re leaving the islands for like the first time Ever and after sailing for a while we saw the first land inside there’s land okay I want to touch the the first land we saw after the islands wait up there what there’s a lighthouse flowers Tak flow pretty I love taking them there’s a snake oh that’s snake I have that on my

Island too it’s like harmless unless you touch it if you tou oh that one that you fenced in yep e this one is thick like it ate something mine doesn’t have that thick part well this one probably ate a chicken no E A this is so gross I’m

Leaving wait the lights somebody is like showing us light signals what the lighthouse but we quickly realized the structure had nothing to offer other than a scary skeleton uh I think they’re on top of it do we break that’s dangerous uh let’s leave oh there’re

There why did I break this run for your life I killed one scell got good job then we decided this land was boring and wanted to leave and it definitely wasn’t because we were chased by a gang of pillagers from a nearby out Outpost hi losers look at those cool oh my Gosh let’s keep going into the scary unknown do you see it oh wa just going to like good job got bye losers you all smell really bad oh look at the skell is peeking up from the railing look at them that’s so cute they’re just looking they’re just having

Little you know yeah they’re just chilling what is loading in here oh no it’s another ship pill what and they have weird bows and weird banners E I don’t think we should go there I’m just going to oh no they’re so ew no they’re all

Looking at us NP oh they’re seeing us oh oh do they have red eyes I don’t want to know e and since the pillagers couldn’t get off their ship we raided the nearby Mesa Village for them ooh Cactus I need Cactus do you guys have good stuff for

Us maybe wait is that what is that flowering Barrel Cactus I can’t open it though that’s weird I’m taking it oh this a um there’s a tiny Cactus and it kills me I’m taking them I can make a cactus garden on my Island there’s literally a villager that died next to

Me cuz of a cactus he just died wo the Golem is dying on the cactus too wo there are potions in item frames on the wall uncraftable potion that’s stupid oh that’s they give you nausea I don’t want them bye Village bye creepy pirate ship

We’re not coming back else wo oh I need L pads oh Temple o right this is easy it’s like a normal structure just don’t make it blow up just go down easy peasy easy very easy yeah there are more Saddles this was lame there’s a different kind of

Snake it’s like a sand snake is it evil is it like did you punch it oh my God I didn’t you punched it I did I swear I didn’t touch it then it just attacked kill the snake kill the snake I’m sorry snake there’s another one where okay don’t punch it

And go up to it see what it does I will stay here so you know it’s not me oh you punched it I didn’t punch it I saw you punch I swear I didn’t punch anything saw you punch I swear I swear I swear there’s another snake I I will die

How was it s it’s just half a heart it’s fine it’s not it’s not scary that’s many hearts you need you need to kill it for me well now that it’s settled that snakes a Super Evil and want to kill us we can keep on traveling Oh there’s like

A cobblestone thing wait I’m taking the boat we can just run across the desert maybe we can find something interesting that’s fine oh what is it oh no spiders cave spiders run for your life oh gross oh gross gross gross e e ew cob webon tanglement are

You kidding me gross gross gross gross gross I hate it here I’m not going back there I hate this I hate this and after that spider experience we kept on going until we found something really scary um oh my God oh my my God that’s like some

Half rendered in thing what is that oh do you see that if you look up to the left set your spot over here this probably evil oh wow it gets bigger and bigger there’s cobwebs oh no how where did this come from what the

Heck I don’t know do we want to go into the structure what is it it’s a village of you can go a little bit closer and look but okay and then we don’t have to go in yeah but we kind of should go in though I hate it here oh what happened I

Just came from I just came from Vegas oh pillagers where uh what happens unless Vegas stays in Vegas I guess W oh my God they shoot you with fireworks I mean they’re in it’s Vegas so like we’re in Vegas oh the fireworks they went off with a bang oh there’s a spawner in

There okay that’s where they come from this is too dangerous why are we doing this I can’t see anything almost dead behind you I I need to eat bro I can’t even do this with this armor wait this is like wo there are the spawners I I

Removed the spawner wao oh wait that’s not you that’s a monster run for your life they’re so strong run run run and after we slept the night away and screamed a lot and murdered some monsters we decided to get back into the scary structure but this

Time from a higher point so we have The High Ground over those creepy mobs loot chest let’s see if this loot here is any good come here there’s there tons of iron yeah there’s nothing to wear it’s so dark why did we not bring torches wait there’s there’s a torch here ooh

There’s some bread and ender pearls and gold wa I’m taking the gold welcome to the casino time for some gambling with our lives where are they coming from I hate skeletons I hate skeletons I hate SK they dropped from above there there are more up there do we go up there okay

Do we run up and be like we’re not scared okay let’s go I’m not scared I’m not scared I’m not scared I’m not scared you have a oh there’s so many SK scar I’m scared come back come back come back come back back I wish I had a bow I wish I had

Confidence I’m going to go up there and break the spawner and if I die get all my stuff if I die no I broke the spawner I broke the spawner oh there’s a chest out here okay I think the higher we go the better the loot right I’m assuming

And the stronger the monsters I hate this game I hate this game oh yes I hate this game I broke this Spa dead already I’m almost dead already run for go down and eat go down and eat oh I’m almost dead I need to yep I’m

Going down and eat oh no wait you died my first death oh No Rest In Pieces and little small tiny pieces a little small tiny Viller off the edge oh how I is he dead or is he on the floor no I him I Eed him oh did you die again did you

Just die again what the heck I I got nothing on me so we ran up the stairs from floor to floor trying to break as many Monster spawners as we could before those evil creatures spawned us and murdered us there’s like little chair why is there no l there are four more

Diamonds oh my hear pillagers well I guess we know what the next floor is going to be there’s a Pillager spawner no where are you Pillager I don’t see you with the fireworks I hate you I hate you I hate you Pillager oh this is scary No Loot

There’s loot there let’s go ah who run run for your life run run for your life there have two swords ah no no close the door close the door no one came out I’m so SC what the actual hell what the heck was that do we

Like that wait there’s one of them there we can kill that one guy right we can try hi there it’s a skeleton I think oh it died it’s not undoable I think okay I think it’s kind of doable I killed it please give us your diamond

Armor look at this look at this guy he has a face he’s a person oh I know who they are they they were like the the ones in Las Vegas who were stuck during the lockdown with their masks where are the rest of those suckers it’s totally

Them it’s them but my heart is like in my chest right now I’m so scared and then we tried to run to the very top of the tower while being chased by this creepy mask sword guys we’re up we’re at the top okay now run in the circle and I

Kill them just block block up block no I blocked myself up okay woo I’m going to die again there’s like a skeleton here no oh my gosh there’s diamond armor up here really yeah there is oh my gosh oh my gosh and then we can just scaffold

From rooftop to Rooftop and just take all that yes we’re so smart oh my God and then we did exactly that we got our course dirt and started scaffolding from rooftop to Rooftop so we could get all the nice double chests that were full of good loot like diamonds and some diamond

Armor for Amber because we still had iron armor okay so we looted all the rooftops so I guess we got to get out of here okay um yeah we can make this jump right we’re not going to die from this is that are you sure that’s water and

That’s not there’s definitely water it’s water it’s water okay are we jumping oh my God I’m actually going to get tickles I’m so scared ready okay ready let’s go oh God ah oh my gosh it lagged that was so scary we did it and then of course before we went back home

We had to stop by a pretty flower field and destroy it and take all the flowers with us snake snake snake snake snake it looked at me it took its tongue out and may like the tongue thing at me bye scary outdoors and stuff I’m sure we

Will never have to see this scary place again what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas except all the diamonds and gold we stole oh my gosh hello we’re here the islands are here hi Island we’re home we survived we made it it only took us a

Billion days have a good day you too with your stuff with my stuff I’m so rich now and now we have all these beautiful flowers so we can decorate this park I didn’t expect to find all these cacti so I have a plan to make a cactus garden right here I just found

Out you can bone meal the aloe vera wo and then it explodes and it grows back that was very creepy now let’s also maybe get some real Cactus ow ow ow in there ow ow I’m stuck that is a really prickly field I just made and we can’t

Forget about the cute tiny little baby cacti they’re so adorable then let’s also get those weird Barrel cacti into the mix I still don’t know what they do they hurt but they don’t open even though they CRA Barrel maybe they’re just a cactus called barrel and I’ll

Just get rid of the grass behind the cactus Fields so I have a lovely sand background and then we’ll just fill it in with nice sand and now we have a beautiful cactus garden it’s just good for looking at it though I would never step into it it

Almost broke my pants and while the cacti looking nice and pretty I’m going to focus on the next thing in the garden which is a flower bed right here but of course flowers cannot grow on sand so we need to make some flower beds okay maybe

We can have plots for the flowers like this and then we can have the different kinds each on one of those weird dirt patches now let’s make some nice looking trap doors and then we’ll surround the flower beds with them and it may be a nice pathway going through here I think

This Granite could look really good if we mix in some dirt too so it looks a bit worn down wait I just realized you can also change the texture of dirt okay this texture is looking really nice and now when we walk in ow Bad Cactus and

Now when we walk in from the main path we are greeted by all these beautiful flowers and this lovely path and I named all the flowers I put as sign here with lovely flowery decor ations so it’s basically like a cozy little flower Museum and then over here is a table and

I want to put some flowers up here too the ones that can be put in little pots going to have a mix of some moded and some normal flowers like that creepy wither Rose from the nether I think now this is perfect we got a beautiful flowery garden and a creepy Cactus field

Now we have another place to decorate the beach area and for that area I’m going to craft a lot of beach furniture and I’m just going to spread them out here by by the beach then let’s also add some beach towels and then we can actually relax on the beach I’m also

Going to build a little sand castle here oh look how cute this is the tiny sand castle and I think that means the beach area is sort of done we have the chill relaxing area over here we have a little Tikki bar you can swim up to it and then

Sit down and order drinks and then we also have a tiny little relaxation area here and I planted a ton of palm trees everywhere I lied I forgot to continue the path and make a dog and there we go it is done now and I even added some

Silly things on the dog like this Pelican floaty and a little jumping board uh there’s a drowned and now that this entire part is decorated we got to decorate this giant Hill and I want to make a cozy little gazebo on there and for that I’m going to use the prismarine

Blocks that frog gave me I started by laying out different kinds of prismarine blocks like making a round Mosaic floor which looked very magical then I made the support pillows off the gazebo using stone walls on top of barrels and then on top of that the spruce Palisades

Which are a bit sturdier than the spruce fences and lastly I worked on the roof which I wanted to be round so I started with a spruce trim and then of course I had to use prismarine again and make a round Globe shape the different prismarine textures from the chip mod

Made me really appreciate this blog more it can look really nice and maybe I should use it more in vanilla Minecraft I think this Bild could definitely use more lighting so I brought my lanterns and then of course we need a place to relax so I made the Bene out of iron and

It looks really nice look at those details and we can sit on it too and I seem too small for this Bene I’m a little baby I don’t fit on this bench and I wanted this gazebo to be more than just a chilling place I also wanted it

To be a little display area for some beach stuff so I’m going to put an empty sand bucket here for the beach Vibes and a message in a bottle for the mysterious Beach Vibes those are just some funny modded items that describe my Island really well a look at it it’s so pretty

Now it just just need some flowers so I removed some sand around the Gazebo and I’m going to replace it with dirt so we can plant stuff on it let’s add some beautiful leaves everywhere and then of course those cute pink tall aliums and the small ones and

I worked on a staircase which goes up here then goes around this turn and then here is the Gazebo I think it’s perfect and I think this gazebo is looking really cool to like a lovely ocean Paradise on land and now that we have have a cozy gazebo and a lovely flower

Garden Cactus creepy place and beautiful flower beds and of course the Cozy Beach we have one last thing to do that I said I would definitely do it has to do with this guy over there oh he’s so creepy I need to build a home for this scary

Snake and after I’ve seen so many scary snakes on my boat adventure with Amber I really hate them a lot but even though the snake is really scary I made a promise so I’m going to give it a lovely home so gross I already filled this island with builds so maybe I should

Build the snake house over here on this island we have the little mining house here so we can build a house of the same size and it’s going to fit really nice this place is really messy with I don’t know what this is but I’m going to take

It out but this place is already really nice and flat so maybe we can just build it here let’s do it and now the house is done so we just need to move the scary snake over and I made a staircase leading up to the house

And also a path with lovely torches to light the way and this is the finished house let’s take a look at the lovely snake interior we have a creepy scale flooring made of sandstone and we have lovely decoration like this scary Blaze thing which I think is scary this Panda

Plushy which I also think is kind of scary but also very cute and this super cute rainbow cat thing then we have some books if the snake wants to read and a c cozy bed and a bowl for some food and maybe if it can crawl up here it can eat

From this table and snakes need a warm house so I made a big cozy fireplace with a lovely rug to sleep on and now I never want to see the snake again it took its tongue out gross gross gross gross gross gross gross it’s gross I hate snakes I’ve been hard at work

Decorating my Island but I realized it is very empty I have tons of builds and flowers and decoration but there’s no life except me who tramples everything so what I’ve been doing is I’ve been sne picking up on parrots and for fed them seeds until they love me and then I

Picked them up and brought them over to the beach area and there I made them sit on all the beach Furniture like on this beach towel I also put one in this giant beach chair which is really cute then one here and one at the Tiki Bar serving

Drinks so I’m slowly but surely turning this area into a beach resort that everyone can enjoy even the pesky birds and they’ve been really annoying harassing my poor house for weeks why am I nice to them again but that got me thinking what if other people ever get

Stranded here here they don’t have a nice place to chill like those birds at the beach cuz everything will be full of bird poo by then so why don’t we make a beach hotel right there and I’m thinking me and the girls could also have a nice

Slumber party there ow ow ow ow ow but for my grand hotel plan to work I need a lot of different things first up I have to go ahead and put some mending enchantments on my tools because this Trel is so going to break I’m also going to put it on my Axe

And then I’m going to go hit the exp Farm die zombies all right it’s all repaired now but being here in a head shop that me and frog made reminded me I never looked into the donation box I would take a little peek but frog is

Going to murder me if I steal something so I’m going to run away and hopefully me and frog can meet up later and fight over whatever is in there dips on the diamonds dips on the diamonds I said it first they mine but now we got to work

On terraforming this land to be flat enough to fit a giant hotel on top of it which means it’s bye-bye to this wheat field I’m sorry oh no the water is spilling everywhere and now that it’s flat I think I got to expand this land a bit or

At least make sure this Cliff here doesn’t look as ugly as it does now but I ran into a little problem because I have to get rid of this entire wheat field and I wanted to turn all of those crops into those blocks and stairs and

Slabs that you can put on your house as a roof I did that on my first building and it’s looking really nice so I want to do that for the hotel as well for the ultimate Beach Vibes so I’m kind of thinking of relocating that field but

Don’t think it would fit on my Park Island either but then I saw this abandoned Island here that I never really noticed even though it was there this whole time this place is so pretty too lots of lovely flowers and those beautiful apple trees now let’s just

Pick those lovely flowers maybe we can use them later then let’s put some water here and start making the fields and plant tons of seeds so I went to work and created a giant crop field of course I ran out of seeds halfway through so I continued making the field until some of

The crops had grown so I could Harvest them and use the extra seeds to create more and now we have a beautiful field underneath the apple trees and now that our hay bale Supply is sorted out we can start working on the hotel which means this guy here has to leave the area

Please come with me you can chill here for now with your friend and there are these weird Missy trees with really ugly brown leaves there and I think they’re in the way so I’m going to get rid of them I am kind of curious what saplings those trees dropped oh yeah they’re

Modded brown oak sapling ooh so it is actually Brown and Brown Birch sapling oh the temptation to make a poop joke right now I’m not going to do it but chopping those trees was really good because I need a ton of oak wood and of course some Birch and Spruce for the

Hotel and probably the Palm blocks as well but of course I don’t have enough of any of the wood types so I need to farm more which is why I need tons of bone meal which I don’t have but I guess it is about time I go back back to

Sparkle’s Island because she made a skeleton Farm a long time ago and I never went and bought any bone meal why do I always go to her Island when it’s night I’m scared I think the bone meal is over there I think she made a tiki

Bar which is really cool oh it’s like a little on the water walkway cute there’s the bar and the Skelly shop is that way and then we F down the creepy dark drop shaft okay ah I’m alive ooh oh it’s a glare hello cabbage what a lovely name cabbage

I love the glare okay we’re here for bones let’s take a stack bye cabbage you’re not at all creepy also I just went on the island where I planted the crops and there are sand slabs why did nobody tell me this you can literally easily craft them too I could have used

Them this whole time but it’s never too late to use them so I will put some here to make my beach look even cooler or warmer because it’s the beach and yes the slabs are everywhere now but I just realized I got very distracted so we’re going to continue the sand slabbing

Later for now I need to get all this bone meal and plant all these trees and then Harvest tons of wood that’s a big ugly tree who knew it was so hard to spot the oak logs among the brown trees and after some more time of struggling

With the maed trees I finally got all the wood together of course I already crafted up all the blocks into those lovely textures ignore that I completely forgot to get Spruce Wood I’m going to do it right now and you saw nothing somehow red found the normal big spruce

Trees and I really prefer them over the orange modded ones so I hope she doesn’t mind that I’m going to secretly chop and replant them I just realized I made my inventory look like a gradient but now that we have all the wooden blocks we can start building the beach hotel I’m

So excited I want this hotel to sit on a giant porch so let’s start by making that out of those beautiful Spruce planks I’m just going to make a big Square on which I’m going to place the Hotel itself but I’m not going to fill out the middle of the square because I’m

Not sure yet what floors I want to have in the hotel itself and now we can start building the hotel walls which I’m starting off with these whatever they’re called railed Oak planks which will be the nice and sturdy Foundation of this build and then on top of that I’m going

To be placing the Stacked Oak planks which are one of my favorite modded Oak textures and I definitely didn’t almost die and forgot to eat while I was building this house but this is only going to be the first first floor of the hotel so before I make the second floor

I need to connect up the porch to this with a little roof and of course I want to use the dried hay Bell slabs again so I’ve already been drying loads of them on my Island I just realized breaking them with a hoe is a billion times

Faster and hey all the crops have grown so let’s Harvest all of them the entire field is harvested but I have visitors go away oh no this never happened ignore the Pillager head it never happened but before we built the roof over the porch we got to decorate the porch and make

Sure it can connect to the roof so we’re going to start with a barrel here then three blocks of stairs then another barrel and it continues just like that all the way around but here I’m going to put a staircase like that so we can walk

Up to the hotel where the grand entrance will be then I’m going to put Spruce Palisades on top of all of the barrels and I’m connecting them with a fence gate and they making this lovely curve every time they connect it’s going to be a beautiful porch and then I’m going to

Place three fences on top of every Palisade so it can connect to the roof later now let’s craft all of these into slabs and hopefully they’re going to be enough for this first roof layer let’s start here and keep placing the slabs all the way around I’m already out of slabs and I

Didn’t even complete this first ring many hours of farming and replanting crops later I’ve made a giant Tower of hay and AFK on it and now it’s all dried up so we just got to take take it all and now I can finally continue the

Roof and it kind of looks like I’m 3D printing something that’s already looking like half a hotel like a cozy little Beach HUD but before we build the second floor we got to work on the layout of the first one I think first up we’ll just going to bring this across

And we’re going to have an entrance right here and a reception desk I don’t know why so many animals decided to live here what a little stalker that guy is now he’s peeking through the window over on this side we have space for two rooms I think so let’s bring the walls across

And then we just fill in the flooring yeah that’s perfect two cozy little rooms that we can decorate and now that the walls are in they do seem a little bit tiny but when you’re on vacation you just need a lovely bed and a cozy room

And it’s perfect how did you get in here again out the window with you bad sheep no you’re not stalking my hotel guests you are not stalking them you stop stalking me too all the animals have gone crazy first I thought I could fit two more rooms in here but I realized

There wouldn’t be a way upwards and a hotel can’t just have a creepy ladder going up so the stairs are going to go over here and this is going to be the third room of this first floor oh there’s a chicken in my floor so let’s make a spiral staircase going upwards

And I’m using some really funny logs you’ll see soon the logs Have Faces it’s so creepy every time I’m on vacation I find these creepy things in hotels like creepy statues and stuff so I thought that would be a nice touch to have some really creepy gross decoration that only

Some creepy person would put here why did I make my own hotel cursed and now we can walk up the creepy staircase it does get wider at the top and then here’s going to be the second floor but first we got to place down the ceiling

Of the rooms down below because I don’t want them to be the same as the floor above and now that it’s dark and gloomy down here I’m just going to plop down some torches why is my floor missing Enderman and then for the floor on top

I’m using the wicked Spruce planks and I first thought that were called wicked Spruce planks which would have gone better with the whole cursed theme of the hotel and up here I don’t only want to fit three more rooms even though it’s smaller than the floor down below but I

Also want to try to get a tiki bar and a lovely sitting area in here but first up I’m just going to go ahead and build up the walls this time I’m not going to use oak wood but Birchwood and hopefully it’s going to give it a lovely nice

Color palette yay I already have the first guest even though the hotel isn’t even done yet and apparently our guests are very arrogant he doesn’t even want to look at me I don’t think he wants to stay in my hotel maybe he was the one who stole my blocks anyways let’s keep

On building the walls and now this floor is all done as well so here we have the three rooms the doors are over here on this side oh he came up here how creepy the way he was sliding across the floor and now he’s doing something weird

To my stairs anyways over here’s going to be like a lounge area and it’s going to be really cozy but before I’m going to build any of that like the roof on top me and red want to meet up for something fun I would really love to

Connect up a bridge to her Island so I can go over there without having to get my feet wet and she has so many beautiful paths and bridges on her Island that lead to the mainland so I’d be all connected up to all the other

People I hi see you hello Hi how are you sleepy I want to sleep all day take a snooze hang on just got to make my okay yep got to there’s a copper golum oh well hello I drawn a copper golum this just took ages to get you from over

There to over here I was actually just building a bridge between the like Bookshop and the campsite and I feel like we could almost just like build a bridge between us at some point I was thinking that too we have to connect up our Islands I’m just alone on my Island

And there’s no bridge to anyone I say we build a bridge um yes we just have to figure out where we want to put the bridge do you have any ideas I think I remember there was like a path over by the Bookshop on the other side oh my

Gosh I was meant to build a bridge there and I never did oh really I forgot I guess this was the bridge you were meant to put there in between our Islands so this works perfect yeah so we can get the bridge through here and then I can

Make a staircase up here leading to this path of this yeah don’t don’t go in there what is in the window you don’t want to know is that a snake yes it’s a snake oh my it’s so gross it’s it’s so gross yes and after that gross snake encounter we started

Brainstorming on what to build our bridge out of maybe something magical like some cute magical blocks some amethyst o o and calite yes it’s like geod themed but we didn’t have any calside and Amethyst so we went over to Sparkle to do a trade hello hello oh

Hello oh Sev you have come with red to join her yes we’re going to build a bridge between our Islands so that’s why we uh need some of the cite oh super cool that sounds like a lot of fun well luckily I have literally so much calite

And also Amethyst in return for your Sky wood I’m so excited to build with it again so we did a little trade and ended up with so many amethyst and calside blocks you want to each build on our sides and meet in the middle kind of a

Thing oh yeah let’s do that let’s build a bridge so we started working on the bridge and didn’t only use the amethyst and calide blocks but also the modded green Willow Wood which looked really nice and some modded birge leaves which had little flowers on them we did it it’s cute

Bridge we got it made we won’t have to drowned as we try to make it in between each other’s places now no more drowning and swimming I’m drowning I don’t know where you are I’m under the ocean hi oh hi and then once the blocks were laid out we started scattering some amethyst

Crystals all over the bridge and it looked really magical and then we had the idea to add some floating Crystal lanterns all around the bridge to give it a lovely magical touch oh my gosh the bridge and the sunset oo that’s so pretty and then all the sparkly sounds

When you run across it magic bridge now I can oh I was going to say I can walk over to my base without getting wet I fell and now that we have this beautiful Bridge we can keep on working on the hotel The Next Step would probably be

Putting a roof on this thing and I still have some of the slabs stashed away but since that won’t be enough I asked Brooke for help since she’s the farmer and she put me something in my mailbox it’s almost a whole stack I think now I

Finally have enough so let’s put a roof on this thing I used to dry it stairs slabs and the full blocks to create a really unique roof that looks really cozy and Beach Vibes so now that the basic shape of the hotel is done we can start decorating which means tons of

Pretty windows and Spruce Wood stuff and flowers and leaves but first let’s start by adding a little pillow right here so it connects and I didn’t make it connect then let’s add some fence gates here so people don’t fall out of this place now we have a beautiful outdoor chilling

Area inside the hotel now I just need to craft some pretty Looking Glass I’m also going to grab some nice leaves and LLY craft some lanterns I think we’re got to go for these cool paper lanterns again like we did for the party I think we should start with the windows

Down here I have lots of big open windows so all the hotel guests have a lovely view of all the scary birds on my house aw now I can no longer jump through the window to get upstairs now I have to take the entrance boring but of

Course the windows got to be decorated as well so I’m going to make a little canopy overhang whatever kind of thing right here so people can dine here and of course the tiki Furniture is right here to help us out make this look really cozy with an open flame because

What is Beach Vibes without having an open fire Source next to lots of wood but since some color was missing I started adding those cute colorful lanterns I love them so much and I just had to go ahead and place them all around the hotel so wherever you go

There will be beautiful lanterns I did the same thing upstairs with the other types of lanterns and added the windows but something is still missing more Spruce Wood but since the regular fences and stairs wouldn’t really fit on here since the lanterns are the place where

The stairs would go I’m going to try these blocks here and I found out you can flip them around when you sneak right click in the air so like this they turn the other way oh my gosh it works but now they’re just hanging in the air

Like that so let’s just connect them to the wall like this this is the coolest window I’ve ever seen it is looking perfect and I even added a lovely Leaf thing at the back because I didn’t have a window spot there the hotel is looking really nice but something is still

Missing like a chimney maybe something going there where I left a hole for a chimney yeah I totally planned this that’s why I totally smelled a tons of bricks already too got to love making some nice bricks bricks I mean those Pillow bricks bricks have something nice

About them too why is everything called bricks bricks so let’s take all those different kinds of bricks bricks and keep building upward making a nice big chimney then we add the Burnie Burnie hot hot flames and the pipe thingies on top and then we jump off the building ow

This is like the coolest hotel I’ve ever seen but before I can start working on the cool interior of the house frog has called me over to the hat shop I think it is time for me to get fired I don’t know what she wants I still want those

Diamonds from the donation chest so you got my message about meeting up yes I did what is this about um there’s a parrot in here it’s cute no the bird no the bird why you always kill animals a um it was spying on us obviously it was

Probably a spy from like Amazon sent to like check if our hats were good oh my gosh let’s see how much money we made money diamonds they’re my diamonds diamonds diamonds diamonds I’m taking the diamonds iron I want scaffolding no you should take the snail shell that

That that’s definitely for you I’m going to take the chicken dead animal shell I have the Diamonds though mhm mhm I actually took one of them what but I think that you owe me a diamond because of what you did to me what I did to you

You killed my glare you killed it that wasn’t your glare it wasn’t even tamed it was a random glare that what no the bird there was another spy I think that there’s quite a few spies around here what is going on here hey maybe we can go up here maybe there’ll

Be no spies yeah let’s hide here in a secret closet I truly believe that I deserve one of your diamonds because you dolphin my house and you know that dolphins are my worst fear you killed my glare and then I put dolphins in your houses revenge and then you put

Guardians in my house and you made me go in the farm and die with the Guardians that’s not true um wanted to get revenge because of the Flies oh yeah that was also very rude yeah you gave me flies and told me I smell you you were very

Punching that day we had just built exactly you didn’t take a shower either I didn’t say anything yeah but I didn’t stink like that excuse me I always shower even when I stink I smell good mhm you smell like onions and garlic but like in a bad way I like garlic okay you

Know what you can have the diamond it’s fine thank you cuz I like garlic you bullied me I like garlic too but you have that like garlicky breath hey we should eat some garlic sometime yeah if we ever see each other again once we get

Off this island yeah true we can go out eat garlic kill some glares wait you want to kill a glare with me no not the glare no no I take you said kill some glares maybe we’re not that different after all SE maybe maybe you just like

The glare because you didn’t want to be friends with me I don’t know maybe you were intimidated by my friendship yeah maybe I was just a little bit scared why I’m scared of everything even the glares and the birds look at this bird he just tossed the he just tossed a

Bird head out the window it went fly wait can you go put that back up there please okay well you have the scaffolding you could just like climb up oh who gave us scaffolding by the way I live in a bamboo jungle it was drift and

After we bonded over the fear of the bird infestation we decided to give them a new home let’s go get all your parrots then we can just take them somewhere we can take them to the guardian Farm drift gave us scaffolding as a gift so oh yeah we hate

Drift We Hate drift now even though I like is the new glare drift is the new glare but I like the glare no you hate the glare and you hate drift okay let’s put parrots in our house she gave us scaffolding everyone has scaffolding there’s bamboo we live in a bamboo

Jungle so we rounded up all the birds that were all over my house that lagged out my poor base so we could finally get rid of them and relocate them to drift space because why not you’re going to get a lovely new home because drift really loves animals drift doesn’t have

Any birds true that’s so suspicious there’s no birds over here oh my gosh maybe she is the bird person who put them everywhere you you are the bird person I’m not the bird person I kind of am the bird person and now drift’s house

Is full of birds oh they want to cook on the stove that’s so creepy and suspicious and then we kind of blamed it un broke and ran away well that was fun I got some nice resources from the hatch up and we pranked Rift because why not at

Least now the birds are gone from my house oh come on they’re back already but now we’re back to decorating the hotel and I have a really cool idea to make themed rooms down here at least for the downstairs rooms because the upstairs ones are really tiny we’re

Going to start with the ocean room which is going to be blue themed so we have a lovely bed with blue sheets then we can have a table here and some lovely blue cushions to sit on and to add some more ocean Vibes I’m going to put some really

Cute plushies on these nightstands yes even the creepy dolphin I hope frog stays here one day and she gets this room I also added the only two Ocean Sea kind of paintings but this one is definitely the best I also made these trophies that I made from the dead

Bodies of fish and they’re so cute look at those cute little puffer fish creatures look how adorable this room is now and of course I made a themed sign for the ocean room which is going to be room number one then the next room over

On this side is going to be a tropical jungle theme with Christmas themed beds because that was the only green they had this time the Plushies are going to be a panda and a parrot and then we’re going to have this open fire in a room full of

Wood because we already established that that is Beach Vibes I also hung up a jungly painting which this rope kind of goost through which is kind of weird and to make this even weirder I’m going to add Lush and poisonous Vines all over this area so it can grow everywhere and

Of course this room is going to get a themed overgrown jungly door and this is going to be a room number three The Jungle Room I skipped the room let’s move on to this one we’ll have a lovely bed with magenta sheets a creepy Enderman and kitty cat plushy a shelf up

Here which I’m going to fill with creepy potions and then I’m going to put some Jacko lanterns up here a they look so creepy then we have some books and the scariest Che is paintings yeah this is kind of cute actually and the door is a secret door behind the bookshelf and

This is the magic room and when you come in you get an Enderman jump scare all inclusive I already started working on the reception area we already have some storage up there and then maybe the reception desk can go right here with the little door for the receptionist to

Come in and out but these drawers are looking kind of not reception like so I got this hammer and I found out when you click it it transforms I think these big ones could look good then I’m also going to leave the radio for the receptionist to listen to music every

Time they’re here and we can’t forget the big red carpet because this is an expensive hotel and then of course I brought some Cactus to put in these flower parts because why not have some prickly stuff in here oh look at the tiny one it’s so cute and I’ll let you

In on a little secret when you walk back here towards the staircase behind it is the save where all the hotel income is going to go we’re just going to wait for people to get stranded on this island so we can make them pay to sleep here wait

That sounds mean and then for the rooms up here I’m also going to lay out a big nice orange carpet and I already kind of went ahead and decorated them even though there wasn’t much to decorate since it’s so small but we have the bed the bedside table little lamps some

Shelves to store stuff and a chair and I basically did the same in every single room and this one has the weird Christmas pattern again now there’s just one last thing to add up here which is the one I’m most excited about the te Tiki Bar so let’s put up two tables and

The chairs around it now let’s put the Tikki bar right here the cabinets up there and then let’s get a trapo and connect these two together so it’s like a little bar and we can just stand here and serve drinks but speaking of drinks I’ve been talking about serving ice

Cream and drinks and other random stuff for like since I stranded here but one thing always stopped me I need ice and this is a tropical island so I guess it is time for another boat Adventure but I’m scared to go alone so I’m going to

Ask one of the girls so I met up with red on our brand new bridge I need ice because I want to serve some drinks and ice cream and stuff oh cute okay you mean like going on like a boating Adventure yes I’m kind of scared

To go alone so do you want to come yeah sure I I’ll come that sounds kind of fun second boat Adventure we’re off are not scared oh yeah oh no definitely not oh this happens every single oh I broke the lily pads Oh no you’re breaking it 5

Minutes of sailing and singing later I see the eyes but I also see a thing a pirate ship uh that looks very scary they’re guarding the eyes wait there’s spawners in the water be careful oh no there’s a scell on land yeah I see them oh

Gross I’m burning one just because o you know what we can do wait let’s let’s get out of boat and then oh we can ice it ice boat wee we oh no what the heck we slammed into something we slammed into a and after we were done having fun on

The ice we started mining tons of it for my ice cream Ice Ice Baby Ice Ice Baby I have so much ice all of the ice variants now look at the boat no the boat how the boat oh gosh it’s so funny how we’re like Barefoot on I oh my gosh

True in a t-shirt ice boat let’s go home well that actually wasn’t so scary after all and check this out we got tons of eyes and now we can make all of these drinks like a melon cocktail which you make in the tiki bar I’m so excited I’m

Going to make so much stuff now let’s put some ice in the Tiki Bar let’s put some coconuts in here it’s making a drink oh it’s filling up that’s so cute coconut cocktail and it can be PL oh my gosh it’s so cute I love it I love

It I love it also I just now realized ice cream isn’t made in the Tiki Bar you need the mini fridge so let’s quickly just make one and I heard this Cactus ice cream like look at this imagine eating a cactus and after a long time having fun making drinks and ice cream

We have a ton of them ew the cupboards are creaking I guess now the hotel is really done so at some point we got to invite all the girls over for a fun sleepover over but until we can actually invite guests over here we got to clean

Up this mess like there’s just this weed field lying around it looks so ugly and then we got to make a bridge connecting to this because how will you walk here the grind is on so the first thing I did was of course clean up the messy area

Right in front of the hotel the crop field was of course the worst thing but there were also some grass patches in between the sand so I got rid of that and evened out the land so we got some nice block layers to work with and then

Of course we got to make a bridge connecting these two islands together but instead of those cute Leaf Bridges I want to make a big wooden one because it’s going to be the main entrance to the hotel so it’s got to be fancy and I’m going to make it out of spruce so

Let’s strip lots of wood and then we’re going to start right here with the spruce pillars and then we’re going to have a three block Gap and then there’ll be even more Spruce pillars and then we’ll just create a nice curved path shape all over this bridge using

Different slabs and those cute blocks and then in between as railing so people don’t fall off we’re going to have the support things and the trapo and the fence gates on top I mean technically this bridge could already be done it’s looking really nice and safe and sturdy

But we’re not done yet because I want this bridge to have a roof right on top but now it’s looking kind of creepy like you’re walking under some creepy Gates M shaft kind of thing not that I’m scared of M shaft so I had the idea to place

Lots of lush flowery leaves all in between this so becomes a beautiful nature bridge and so we get some different colors in here I brought my beautiful favorite paper lanterns and now this is truly a grand Bridge leading to the hotel the lamps made such a big

Difference and all the Lush plants are so beautiful okay yeah this is perfect I’m loving this we do have to do some changes to the path here though and connect it all up to the bridge so it’s on the same level luckily that was an easy fix and with a couple of leaves

Here and there we have the perfect pathway over to the hotel and I’m just going to do the same thing on this side here and make a lovely path up to the hotel definitely not like that bad slabs very bad and for this road I’m going to

Do another big mix of different kind of gray Stony textures I started adding these fence pose and lamps and lots of leaves everywhere where’s the bird I hear a bird ah it’s on my shoulder I still don’t know if birds are spies or if they’re nice and I made a big

Sunflower field right next to it with tons of beach plants as well I think now this is so decorated that we can actually invite guests over to the hotel so why don’t we try to invite as many of the girls as we can over to a sleepover

We can have snacks and drink lots of stuff and eat ice cream it’s going to be fun and the timing is right too because Brooke has just called us all over to meet her for something interesting so we can just invite them over to party later okay so guys I’ve called this meeting

Because I went offshore and I found something that I think we’ll get us off the islands oh oh W what is that yeah this is a was Stone and um I think we can use it to teleport I can give it a go and show you guys if you

Like w oh my gosh she’s gone where’d she go she oh my gosh I’m back she’s back back oh my gosh all of you should be able to use it as well yeah I’m fine it’s great it just takes a LEL I want to try interesting should I try should I

Try oh my gosh oh my God oh my God here we go I want to try wo oh we’re in a stinky village where are we oh my God magic W let’s go back oh yeah I want to that was creepy that was very creepy

Oh yeah so I actually have like heaps of these there’s enough for everybody um so if you want to set one up somewhere you can have your own is this a way that we can maybe get back home you think yeah I think from the village that this

Teleports us to we should all be able to like kind of go on out own directions and find home oh my gosh we can go home my gosh after all this time not going to lie I’m going to miss this place a little bit I don’t know how to I’m not

Going to miss it let’s go let’s go right now okay wow wow froggy where are you come back guys if we’re really going to oh my God oh my God there were so many people screaming there and everything was on fire holy I think to hell yeah kind of I

Think we’re all going to miss it here so maybe we could come back on holiday one day I actually want to just say one thing if we’re going to come back here now I’ve been thinking this for a while some of us need to learn about soap

While we’re off the islands okay and I’m not saying anyone don’t look at me to look at so but like drift drift has been wearing Crocs like the same ones and the same socks and it stinks so bad don’t look at me you don’t even have socks on

You don’t even have socks on and fusy they’re not you have foot fungus it’s disgusting I have diamond boots on before like if we all decide to go our own separate ways don’t you think we should just have like a proper goodbye this place has been home to us

For a while yeah we should party what would we do so we all decided to go over to drift so she could cook us a nice dinner at a new restaurant but of course we got distracted oh red you left this these PA like these boots I forgot to

Wear them they’ just been yeah they’ve been mulling in this chest for like two or 3 weeks now and he is that you never aired them out no I didn’t I completely forgot oh what the heck what the heck what what is that someone should wear them and go

In the cow pen it’s super fun it’s like a cow trampoline I’m not even kidding you trampoline on the cows cow you need more no oh my gosh you are going then we finally went over to the restaurant which was really lovely and cozy could I

Get anybody anything I want a burger and I’m going to pay this what why fine I’ll take it I’m desperate honestly I’m desperate okay one Burger coming right up the very first Burger there you go bur lucky for you all I prepped in advance and I have

Burgers to go around Madison no I want to Fresh one I don’t want one in we had a really good time violating and insulting drift rest run and eating the burgers that she threw on the floor for us this food made me kind of sleepy I’m

Not going to lie well so I just made a hotel ow stop hitting me so now that we’re all tired we can go over to my hotel I got some drinks I got ice cream and then we can have a slumber party sounds like so much fun party

Let’s go it’s dark don’t let the creepers spy you did you guys know that there’s a snake in that house come look in the hor house my latest attraction go in there get scared it’s the window there on the window the window oh gosh and then we all went to the hotel

And drift was throwing steak at me to give her a room and then something really weird happened this one I want to see the jungle basically our Island so cute is what is happening we can we can all go upstairs first us and get some drinks and then we can go to

Sleep oh I’m I’m sorry I’m too poor to afford a drink okay so so in here can I have something yeah up here in the cabinet there’s tons of ice cream and drinks and after we ate all the ice cream and drank all the drinks we kind of just sat on

The hotel roof for a while looking at some creepers and spiders crawling around just thinking about what it would be like if we all went home again to our own places so far away from each other and wouldn’t live on the same island anymore and I don’t know why but it made

Me kind of sad but it was such a great time to be stranded on these islands with all the girls and we we became such great friends I mean who knew being Shipwrecked would’ be so fun I kind of slept in and the girls have left already

Maybe they’ve already gone home and they left a chicken and a bird in my hotel and a bird head how rude I think now it’s my turn to go home as well we just got to use this way Stone and then we’re out of here I’m going to put it in a

Special place though so I was thinking this beautiful gazebo up here is the perfect spot right here in the middle but before we leave maybe forever ow I want to take a last look at my beautiful Island we made a park we made a beach we

Made a giant Beach Hotel I built so many things on these islands and I really made a home for myself here red mapped out our entire Island and you can see how much we built we connected everything with Bridges and built so many houses look at my beautiful little

Island I’m so proud of it but it’s getting dark and I’m getting kind of sad so I think I’m just going to get out of here this has been the best vacation ever and I hope we can all come back here one day and hang out with the girls okay bye Island

Also it was me who crashed the ship in the first place haha okay bye now

This video, titled ‘We Survived 1000 Days on a Modded Island 🌴 (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by Sevaris on 2023-12-16 13:15:03. It has garnered 4168 views and 223 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:53 or 10433 seconds.

We survived 1000+ days stranded on a deserted island in a scary modded minecraft world where we have to work together to survive and hopefully escape the island.

Castaways is a modded minecraft smp where 9 girls are stranded on an island building cozy island builds.

List of mods: https://castawayssmp.carrd.co/

Castaways members: @Brookella @DaLilRed1 @frogcrafting @InfiniteDrift @MadisonElizabethGaming @NashCrafter @Sevaris @SparkleEgg @TheAmbear_

🌻Shaders: Complementary

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0pLfKSdPxb2PUIur5OJJVA/join

My links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/sevaris_ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sevaris Tip Jar: https://ko-fi.com/sevaris

#sevaris #minecraft

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More