Lost my Minecraft files ๐Ÿ’€ – Shizo clickbait ๐ŸŒŸ

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Oh Oh Hello everyone welcome welcome welcome I your host fuku star The Fortune Star and today we’re going to be playing whoa Minecraft how long has it has it been it’s been so long uh we’re going to be playing regular Minecraft though no more uh Minecraft BR we’re going to be trying

Regular Minecraft since uh we might be streaming longer playing Minecraft hello Guitar Pro hello rangi welcome you guys ready to play some Minecraft those who want to join will see how how we’ll figure it out but we’re going to be playing multiplayer Minecraft so um we have the real again our real server And uh I haven’t really logged in into it yet actually so I need to I need to do that right now to see what’s what’s going to happen I see there’s some people already in there which is like previous previous Gamers I don’t know who these people are other than one

Person so I’m going to remove them I’m going to remove them cuz I don’t trust it wait so oh oh gosh actually can only people that are invited play oh my gosh that’s going to be awful if if that’s the case anyways let me try to log

In and then we’ll figure it out together how about that how you guys doing today you guys doing okay doing okay or doing well unnown people get the sent BK you get sentenced to Bonk your sentence to Bunk yes on You okay uh let’s see scanning no wait Microsoft Microsoft Realms oh there it is okay so let’s see let’s see what happens I haven’t logged in into this thing I’m doing good as well thank you for asking how about you’re doing good though that makes me happy let’s go over

Here it looks good to me what are you talking about unless you got filter for saying a bad word b okay so Minecraft Minecraft have some very omnus beautiful music going on okay boom we’re back here but welcome Katie welcome how you doing today okay so I have I have all the beds

For All The Starlights prepare of course welcoming my guest and we should be starting to play let’s see I haven’t played Minecraft since I was eight whoa you’re like 10 right now isn’t it I’m just kidding I don’t know I don’t know okay for anyone who wants to to play I think

The best way to do this is um you can give me your Minecraft username and then I I will add you I will add you to the to the real to which then you’ll see it on your screen I’m not there I’m just kidding I’m just

Kidding you can give it to me either on this car or through here wherever you feel comfortable oh the omnus the omus music begins wait maybe I need to change a little bit um where is music okay here we go master volume we’ll put it to 50 so it doesn’t

Go up with my my beautiful voice is that okay I almost clicked disconnect by accident good Boy okay uh I’m just going to Ping everyone I guess everyone who wants to play to play Minecraft today please please give me your username M me what do you mean what do you mean why are you giving me two why are you giving me two of

Them we have limited space and you want me to use two of them for trying to find out who you are okay fine we’ll see we’ll see what I can do okay uh okay so rangi has been added oh it’s neither oh back we don’t even have to play together but like

Um uh I figure since we have we we paid for the real uh we should probably use it as much as we can well we decided if we want to keep it or not I don’t think we we have enough players anyways can’t play today okay it’s okay but But Uh um me see Cats okay Missy just going to call you missy from now on Missy okay you’ve been added to the server uh I don’t think there’s anyone else it’s a very very yeah I don’t think there’s one there was anyone else who was going to play okay so anyone who wants to join can just let me know and let’s we’ll see

How trustworthy they are with other otherwise we’ll just start playing I don’t even know oh yeah RI is already here as expected Prett far person I think it’s night right now probably not the best time probably not the best time for him to uh load up

If you want to load out and then I can just go to sleep I guess I can’t I haven’t played Minecraft desktop in so long okay now you can go back in probably struggling there for a moment oh my gosh what is your Minecraft skin fuku uh is there any way to

Show is there any way to show you oh yeah it’s my outfit see it has my bow and my little stars and my little buttons it just doesn’t have the coat it’s just the outfit without the without the coat and my little monacle oh no D don’t start back seting please

I’m not asking for advice you don’t need to start telling me what to my gosh just see me struggle and enjoy it okay welcome welcome how do you guys span so quickly in here interesting the span Point must have changed or something okay well welcome in come

Through here don’t step on my plants please wait where did where do you go this is good boy good boy and then this these are your beds at The Cauldron or however you spelling what what’s going on find a tree and punch it to collect

Wood what why is it give me the basic instructions anyways um let’s see I don’t know well you guys are free to do whatever you want I guess first of all probably organize all this cuz like all this is mainly from from when I used

To play uh on VR so nothing of this is organized because playing inbr is an night I guess I’ll put all the food here um creeper oh No creeper oh man so we back in the mines swinging wa where is it oh over there interesting interesting interesting perish the bunnies are getting out ah yes perhaps not the best time for me to I’m not at the very knowledgeable point for me to be raling this

But at least it won’t get out for now okay uh says someone doing 24 uh so high up what yeah be careful don’t fall also don’t dig down cuz you might be in the middle of a of a freaking Pitfall I don’t have any more dirt

Huh Dig Down okay sure go for it gosh it was in the middle of my organization I actually honestly legitimately I didn’t think you guys were going to get be here so fast rji if you if you appeared here why did you log out you could have just gone in what the

Heck you said you you spot at The Cauldron what cauldron this one then what why did you look out told me to look out no but cuz I thought you were at the at the spawn point like where everyone was spawning last time last time I was was everyone

Was spawning like really really far away anyways let’s rebuild that fence I suppose I have no clue where normal spawn is well yeah I’m just saying it was really far away I was I didn’t just spawn here in this amazing spawn just started building here um fish what quartz what are

Quartz what is broke cookie Now gosh we really need to punch up this ho huh I should have treated treated treated it a little bit more serious huh just a that bit more serious all right um coordinates Oh I don’t know what is this what is this Minecraft Lingo Um wait do we have any any Uh Wood yes Minecraft lingo can even why do we have so many gold axes okay well we need to we need to get some trees or whatever actually do I have any any axes I just want to unload my stuff here

Actually I have wait too much stuffs oh um let me see so I have four of these and four of these and no wood I have one wood and I have a little helmet put the helmet on Minecraft character it’s going to be cussy hello Grand welcome M yeah we should started

Playing multiplayer Minecraft so I’m going to CIT one of these trees man everything is grown already don’t even have a freaking ax uh what happened to this game wait are my tools here I think I used to be organized somewhat no we already have everything okay why why you need to hit

Me for that where we have everything where we have the fence as well here you go thanks sorry say that to say that to the judges when you get Shadow band to the wait what achievement oh yeah by the way you guys don’t have to stay here if you guys want

To like grow somewhere else I just made those beds in case like anyone wanted to stay here you can do your little I know people like making their own little houses and stuff make themselves cozy at home thank you although obviously I made I made way too many freaking

Uh um how I mean bed it’s because obviously initially we thought about doing a regular Minecraft a regular Minecraft server but that didn’t work out did my stuff just leave through there lovely my life is Potato rain makes corn corn makes whiskey W you guys keep getting so many achievements is there any way to mute that I don’t even know why he’s telling me my achievements like I already punched a tree hello B welcome not sure not clue you guys don’t it’s a

Rhetorical question you guys do have to answer but okay Oh no you’re into Minecraft what you don’t like Minecraft what tell when Wii he smell from me yeah he smells he’s been working the fields he smells like sweat thank you you’re welcome why you don’t like Minecraft uh bant what’s wrong with Minecraft I thought I thought everyone liked

Minecraft did you know that when you say uh the like button will start grow glowing I don’t know what then I don’t know about that but I have this cool animation now you want to see it it’s very very cool animation I mean it’s too boring you

Literally just m and craft maybe not some people what you m and craft yeah it’s called Minecraft yeah is would it be more boring than than power watch simulator though in power wash simulator you you can’t mine on Craft right you just wash you chose wash um I have some nice boots

Though fire was s top tier more than Minecraft oh you guys are already sleeping why are the bests like this though what if we put them together fine I’ll sleep over here I guess same with the subscription button it like glows and shines what what are you guys talking

About I’ve never heard that before but uh sounds pretty pretty cool I suppose oink oink oink oink Monster Hunter I think there I think I do have some commands though U let See manage oh real settings oh where is it look me 3,000 times into Microsoft oh gosh Microsoft has my location what why is it taking me here interesting never mind Microsoft is hacking me now it CHS little tiny glowing stars confetti I don’t know where you guys are

Talking about like when you guys say say that or when I say that the like button whenever someone says smash the like button it starts glowing well I can’t see the Subscribe button because I can’t subscribe to myself so I guess I guess I’ll believe you I’ll believe you for Now time to learn hacks oh no I confusion about what they’re saying don’t worry about it poisonous potato never seen that Before so I’m guessing this is where I was saving all the food then until we got F food full food oh yes I was I’m joking it’s okay guys what joking about what about the subscription button are you making are you making things up on the internet are you making

Things up I can’t believe it I I won’t trust you anymore forever and ever no I’m just kidding I don’t know what you guys are talking about to be I don’t know if to believe or no believe to believe or not believe that is the question man I need another

Chest give me can probably break this one cracked open like a like an egg it doesn’t doesn’t trust us why you can put cards anywhere what is this this game sucks the heck what you can’t crack them in half anymore oh no I forgot I forgot all the logic in Minecraft I am Doomed I am Doomed we’ll get there I Suppose oh yeah I have a Map um why are you throwing the coal in there can you put it into the chest or something excuse me what what just happened did I just witness someone Vomit I just made cornbread nice boogies uh oh my gosh it’s all so Unorganized like I’m trying to put the food in here I don’t know Why sheesh all right which your manners want some yeah I love cornbread got some iron nice nice nice oh man my mind’s still like running right now I don’t know what I’m doing um we’ll probably just start by organizing everything I guess cuz it feels kind of messy feels kind of jucky doesn’t

It how can we organize stuff though I don’t want to be going up and down all the time maybe we need like a ched or something right piggy do you agree why do you what bro is looking for gold in there okay all right well great timing that’s always

Minecraft Minecraft piggies maybe we need like a ched or something uh we can we construct something like That there’s like some empty space in here which perhaps we can use for them oh yeah I never clear this pan bunny I’m going to hit you by accident fortnite amongus impostor wow that is the most the smartest the smartest set of things someone has ever what how do you get out

What the heck no wait are you okay dude man that one is not going to it’s not going to make it I put all the freaking carrots on uh on the bottom part bunny no don’t jump wait where is it oh oh Bunny Bunny come here yes good boy come here Bunny come

Here there’s not for you piggy not for you not this time oh no I got St bro get in here all right then no are you serious dude come here okay cool well that was stressful I only had I had a bunch of bunnies but then I guess we’re going to

Have to like start reproducing them again cuz uh Ender U creeper exploded who’s shaving my my chep what the heck baby bunny yeah it just magically appeared just magically with magic this is where my tools are I guess I don’t know this feels so so weird to

Me it’s because in v it looks like way more different I guess magic yeah for sure but now that we’re here it’s like we’re going to have to like REM start like remodel remodel everything I feel however I need to grab something real quick so I’ll be right back oh oh oh oh

No oh for for Oh No How Oh All right sorry what then I’m back what happened what the question Mark sorry yeah it took a while took longer than Expected thank you thank you welcome an Sky how you doing today uh where is that zombie coming from yeah my name is uh my name is a spam word in in Minecraft by the way oh hi little one what he has a high ground can you play

Piano well yes but right now we’re playing Minecraft though well welcome kesu doing great nice nice I’m GL you’re doing good that makes me happy uh let’s see maybe I want to make this bigger I don’t know this is not this is not what I what I invisioned when I first started making

This it looks really really ugly the waterfall thingy doesn’t look as good as I thought it was going to look although it’s a good protection though it’s a good way to protect everything but I don’t like it so it’s going away right now yes I I meant to do

That just got to Skid outle through here dangerously I must say you gave me a shield nice thank you I appreciate that hey Piggy okay uh well I I kind of figured that it wasn’t going to be as easy because the way I built this is um it’s pretty [Laughter]

Complicated I had to like drop a ton of of water so let’s see so man this is going to be an night for moving Actually and a pillage nice nice nice I think I already like I I probably already went through some of these Villages I really don’t know where I was going with this thing honestly so cul oh man I don’t even have materials building materials let’s use this I’ll start removing all the of the

Water and then I’m going to make it taller so the glass actually you know display correctly all the world I feel like three dogs wasn’t enough I don’t know I guess I was going for like a castle type of deal with this water here it’s going to take a while to remove blocks

High what are the blocks doing drugs now yeah this is like an ner to manage but yes I mean the amount of blocks oh I see yes we’re going to use all the blocks wait does it end here wait what ah okay I didn’t realize it ended right

There then perhaps we don’t have to remove everything okay well this is not even the part fire broken nether portal near you home nice nice very cool hello lme welcome how you doing today no I think I’m looking at the wrong place I think my home is a little

Bit lower actually yeah right here I’m a dummy gosh I’m so clumsy I can’t carry all these cobblestones step bro you help me ow okay okay never mind lime is liing nice nice nice what am I not allowed to H get help from step bro carry all this Cobblestone

Gosh kind of fa like get some help I will be back when you finish what oh my gosh I’m not even say anything lud what are you guys talking about you guys make such a big deal your brain Rod is what’s making it difficult to Understand making such a big Deal it says more about you than me that’s for sure that’s how I that’s how I know that’s how I detect the people who are like then this disc you failed the qu you failed the qu dude this is going to be a nightmare fixing we have po Quest not not

Anymore you missed it you get zero I don’t imagine you guys are going to I don’t imagine you guys are going to come to bed anytime soon oh gosh you guys are the type of people huh you just leave and rejoin the game yeah I know you D some Korea Fried Chicken

Nice I hope it tast good at the three one two three crap has taken a sip of this water what is going on and ate it nice nice thank you for the status Report true so true true man this is this is legitimately a nightmare maybe what I should do I know what I should do I know what I’m going to do actually so uh we’re probably going to go downwards anyway so I’m going to do this I oh gosh this is even more

Difficult dude there’s literally like 16 Beds what are you talking about No okay so uh no not really thank you though see like I’m just going to contain the water in here that’s going to be way easier than freaking removing everything we’re going to get some nice Chade as well ch’s good in hot days yeah for sure for sure for

Sure which means that now we have to rebuild all of that that what we just undid we have to redo it un un undid it un undo it got to go and rest my left okay no worries slime take your Time un UND it we have to un it I don’t know well this is not this is not the expected outcome that I was hoping for I think it’s because we only have done on on this side huh oh no no no no did it did it yeah Exactly well that is not expected outcome at all potato my life is Potato okay go back in there I already I touched all the potatoes now I put it back oh wait I need one more I’ll just grab a few guys you K the r bro was looking at like he was talking me kind of spooky spooky [Laughter]

Do do you like my profile picture I can barely see it is that a Lego oh a minion but AI changed it just having leg work out having to climb back up the mountain okay interesting interesting you better watch out there uh with the with the AI not everyone can uh not

Everyone appreciates AI ah yes that’s exactly where I wanted it Mr Minecraft I don’t I really don’t know always hiding in my Walls I don’t know what I was where I was going with this I found it on YouTube video then use it you’re you’re literally using it what are you talking about you’re literally using it it’s okay fuku I don’t I don’t use AI I just used the the picture that was generated with AI can’t it B man I really want the ever since we got in that new uh uh emote in the Discord I keep thinking of the Mario Super Mario RPG uh Bonk sound effect I really really need that that in my in my sound effect list but I didn’t make

It gun manufacturers when they make guns and then people kill with guns hey I didn’t kill them no wait no I you know I didn’t make it no wait they didn’t make it they did make it reminds me of the two TF2 Scout BK oh it started raining rain makes corn corn makes

Whiskey can we make whiskey in Minecraft no wait we can’t it’s not a it’s not adult rated I guess I don’t even like riskey so therefore four your your majesty I didn’t use AI I only use their byproduct sentence to punk anyways why am I so hungry I just ate bro stop being

Hungry bro doesn’t know the limits he already I already shoveled like five potato potatoes on my throat I need more Cobblestone you guys have any more Cobblestone why am I hungry again yo what the heck are you okay Minecraft dude this is not normal I’m not even Running is this payback from from all those all those months that I didn’t play Minecraft oh yeah can I have it Reni haai thanks Ry oh R where did you get your name from gringy chicken chicken okay let’s not die here again wow R you from Bleach Hawkeye from Full Metal Alchemist Wow I have no clue what any of that meant but cool awesome sauce this this is looking so gross don’t worry about it this is looking so gross I don’t like it I don’t like what we become how did the toucher stay on while it’s raining well you

See the less questions you ask the less issues you’ll have in life real yeah bro he’s trying to kill me oh man this is so bad this is so bad like I’m I’m pretty close to like I don’t know can we even go into creative mode just to fix this the water is

Fighting back yeah they when their money back remember fuku when you were drowning One Day by a a piece of ice and you said I will do anything for to Stop drowning well we’re back for payback it’s the water Mafia oh hi little one remember when we we we build this freaking

Thing just to collect uh rabbits just to collect rabbits cuz the freaking rabbits wouldn’t wouldn’t jump whole blocks they will glitch out for some reason God stuffs oh my gosh these achievements are are silly oh yeah by the way yesterday short just yesterday’s short did really good apparently for for whatever

Reason I didn’t make a CH today so uh I’m going to pin it again I suppose I might make one later so open it here for anyone who was see it one more time YouTube in typical YouTube fashion is not letting me pin it there we go in typical utan fashion I must

Say I think is Katie okay oh okay just suddenly starts sleeping adventuring fine fine yippy True yippe I’ll probably get some more Cobblestone I don’t know I really want to fix that but at the same time G so much work so much it’s going to be so much wasted time just for that so much effort yeah it’s okay it’s my home I I I rap what i s want me to help out um I

Mean I don’t know how you could help Honestly I guess we should probably just try to eliminate the entire water but like you know like just put blocks on the entirety of the water and then just remove them basically could you help with that I guess but we’re going to need a lot of like Cobblestone I guess to do that

And okay just as long as we don’t deform too much of the original World yes I’m a naturalist even even in Minecraft I’m a vanilla player I like to keep the world as this no I’m just kidding shut up back seaters get every chance they

Get to try and spoil the fun for games true it’s not like they’re trying though it’s just their way of like trying to help I guess I don’t know I don’t know some people are too invested into some some games it’s like their only way you know how

Some people can only communicate with memes like they never talk all they do is just send memes because that’s the only way they they know how to communicate it’s the same thing with back seiters I think that’s the only way they can communicate they’re trying to be friendly but like they don’t

Know they don’t know how to like socialize I guess so it’s like that’s the that’s the only way they can because that’s that’s how they’ve done maybe like play video games I don’t know it’s pretty pretty bizarre but that’s the sounds like me is that so I don’t know what

Then it only took 3,000 times telling you not to tell me what to do so you will stop but yeah otherwise uh totally the same person definitely I don’t think I will stop wow is that a tread or is that a warning more like my habit H that’s okay

I I know like see that there’s a difference between like newcomers who are just here to like for like just like they’re just trying to be annoying you know and I know you don’t mean it in in ill intention that’s the main difference Though some people are just trying to like Flex their knowledge or or being annoying I don’t know my does that make any change I make any change so I can tell like the nature of people Almost Pretty instantly when people are nice or not or not so nice

I think they just try to flex their knowledge by telling you yeah I mean yeah some are like I said like some are but like some other ones are just like clueless they have like a very childlike mentality I guess you okay there RI which just making a the trim the brim no what is this called The Binding The Binding of my skyh high Forge from Skyrim oh gosh well watch your Step ouches yeah that sounded like like it hurt TBH uh I wish I had more Cobblestone maybe we can complete this there we go yeah just wash your Forehead did I hear a chicken drop an egop I know this makes no sense true so trophy so true we’re like I’m going to restructure everything here to be honest all this is going to change it’s going to take a while but yeah you can probably just continue

Doing whatever you want honestly yeah thank you cuz like it’s it’s going to take a while it’s going to take a while so I don’t expect anyone to to stick around I gu that will be too boring gosh fuk just invited us to to make us do chores for him such an evil

Vtuber Hello onion noodle welcome the worst YouTuber in existence cancel him at once uh can I make my Graphics to be honest I’m not sure where to build yet so I’m free to do more errands oh okay can we like render more I don’t know beefy computer so I won’t chat as much

But you’re chatting already what what is this why is everyone lying today on the internet everyone is lying what did they do to serve so many liars it’s like fuku can I ask you a question question you already did can I ask you another question you already did

Can I ask you another question you already did International get Bonet yeah we need well that’s going to be every day with you guys it’s going to be every day gosh F unbelievable fair that is not a lie this is just a statement can I ask you a question you

Already did can I ask you another question you already dead can I ask you another question you’re already dead back finally the music the music started playing Silly we got too silly boys we got too silly are you in a public server uh we are in my own server so technically it’s a private Really stretching that $3 budget I mean bro really just went actually actually it’s a real well I mean it’s still hosted somewhere okay it’s still hosted in some server no oh my gosh It’s got to be coasted somewhere in a potato some in some City Sim City bro I thought you said you were going you were not going to chat what are you going what are you doing you’re chatting right now you violated the rules pay pay your bills or get sent

To mute mute Punk what am I Saying Breaking the rule no I didn’t mean that actually breaking the I don’t know I mean your own your own words your words have no meaning if you say one thing and then you change it around that’s being called a hypocrite do you know that you can’t just be you

Lose you lose value as a person when you don’t you know when you don’t mean what you say breaking the words yeah exactly there you go oh we can make a little Bridge here actually the Cobblestone Empire it’s so bizarre seeing other people I’m never I actually don’t I’ve

Never really played multi player on PC so it’s so bizarre seeing other people like walking around on Minecraft like I’ve always always always just played like single player that’s just the way that I enjoyed it the most oh hi there no no you’re going to stay over there

Gosh we need to put more freaking torches around here it’s getting pretty dark should probably cover this entire area yeah that’s probably what I’ll do and then we’ll just open up the gating here I had a rough day today I’m going leave for a bit okay goodbye I hope you’re day improves though

It didn’t man having good days and bad days is all about positivity I really don’t have Cobblestone where did it go where did it all go Miss’s personal chest that’s not going to stop me from grabbing stuffs I’m just kidding should probably remove some beds H I’ll go mine more

Cobblestone that’s probably a good idea I don’t know where it is though like I’m pretty sure I have like a a bunch of it somewhere that mine looks scary I haven’t been there in like months I don’t even remember the patterns anymore uhoh uh you should probably close the

Gate I’m probably going to put a plate button in there hello kitup welcome how you doing today tickle tickle oh sorry I think I threw it at you sorry oopsies that was not my intention did not hit me okay think fast freaking catch a creeper on your

Face fuku gets bked no I’m not I cannot get bked what are you guys talking about you guys have no vtuber etiquette I swear you can’t can’t bunk the the streamer I may think fast for now but doesn’t mean I will the second time I’ll try to be more careful next

Time I’ll try try B the keyword oh yeah by the way uh let me try sending some uh some gifted memberships YouTube allows us to give uh five memberships now for free so let’s give it that a try shall we um gifting okay gift five now let’s see let’s see who gets Them no info GG Wonder M and 404 oh noar Pro you never get it for some reason it’s fine if you don’t try free stuff yeah uh they gave me 10 I could technically try again but let’s try it again I guess I don’t really have a reason why not

To uh I get them every month for free and I mean I used to already give them out anyway so it didn’t really change anything oh K you got one TR Oru NBR MBR doesn’t even show up to the streams anymore what the heck well this KY had one I wish I could

Just choose who gets them though so unlucky are you bro are you sure you didn’t turn off the gifting membership thing you are always here you should have gotten it like that’s what I understand Katie hasn’t been here for like the past has three streams just

Kidding I have gifts are you sure are you absolutely sure are you absolutely sure like you checked already like right now swearing your mama no I’m just kidding just YouTube and YouTube through renji your account is too old to get memberships I don’t know if you’re knew

That you need to make a new account bro you’re like your account is like from the80s did the stream pass for anyone else no stream is good yeah I see it on over here is green green as it can be wait do gift automatically turn on or do

You have to manually do it you have to manually do it let me give you the link so you can go in there uh YouTube gives us a special link for then so where is it memberships invite viewers to no wait oh man YouTube YouTube put in the

Freaking they put it in the freaking um email they put it in the email not in the freaking uh dashboard for whatever reason YouTube is so unorganized so uh no that’s that’s not what I was looking for YouTube creators SE in the Mail okay create CH youtube.com okay here we go learn how to access your gifts uh so they give us a special link to show you guys how to allow gifts so if you go to this link I think it’s going to take you there exactly oh it didn’t work what

Tarnation okay yes so if you click in here if you click on that it’s going to take you exactly to where the allow gifting stuff is watch Guitar Pro is going to be like oh it wasn’t actually enabled gosh I swear all right thanks no worries ketchup it should if I’m not

Mistaken the gifting should be enabled to the right if I’m not mistaken it should be enabled to the right like the little blue ball should be enabled to the right I hav an okay okay just checking just checking I really wish we could just pick and choose like who gets them cuz

Then like some random people like random people that I don’t like will get them sometimes and I don’t that doesn’t really feel very comfy to me that’s just random strangers you get them I don’t like that got it nice nice nice yeah so from now

On every every month I’m going to get uh 10 memberships so watch out for those you have to be very active on the channel though it’s like supposedly is um uh based on activity but like I don’t believe that I don’t believe that YouTube because some of these like some of the

People right now are like some of the most active and they still don’t get them anyway so I don’t understand what is this gift thingy oh no I’m not active enough wait what what do you mean what do you mean you’re never gotten a membership uh say is not a yeah that’s

What I’m saying renji that’s what I told you your account is too old you need to make a new one uh really old accounts can’t have memberships so that’s probably why you’ve never gotten one I’m surprised you’ve never even noticed because for you any Hol life member like

You probably never seen the join button either right do you even know that exist like I wonder I’m might yeah I know I know you are but it’s YouTube doesn’t doesn’t think so or thinks other people are more active like it doesn’t make any sense cuz some of these people have haven’t

Even shown up to uh to any of the streams or they don’t comment on any of the CHS or anything like that so it doesn’t make any sense to me I’m not acting enough so I won’t get oh my gosh I got it I got it I understood that

Part you don’t need to say it again But my point is that YouTube is the one who decides that even if you’re active even if you’re active like YouTube I don’t know what YouTube decides what it says on the website on the documents is that YouTube designes based on activity but that is not that

Is obviously not true that’s what we’re talking about almost died don’t know it’s not right random because the documents say that it’s supposed to be based on activity so I don’t know at this point is it is random I suppose even to the documents say otherwise why do you think they would

Just lie on the internet like that like the twitch Doss it’s like yeah we’re going to burn all the all the loot content and then everyone streams loot content and okay we’re all Bing all the loot content okay GP and then all the loot content creators get

Banned anyways ha just kidding we we’re Banning content Again I have never joined a channel on YouTube at all well I mean because you can’t you need to make a new account you’ll never be able to join a membership on my channel if you if you don’t have a more recent account I can’t believe someone will

Purposely spread lights on the Internet true I suppose gosh you your your humans are funny your humans are funny funny Looking my account is only like a year old I know I know not talking about your Account AFK what do you mean go to Sleep this is really cumbersome the fact that you have to wait for everyone to go to sleep in the server no wonder it’s only limited to 10 people I can’t imagine more people be a Ner I already keep track of two old accounts well delete one old account and keep track of a new account what are you talking about I have been using this account since 2016 but it kind of works for me well as long as you can see the button to join

You should it should work for You only one person is to sleep I’ll have to look into then hello Claire welcome uh oh how can you reach me what the heck it does but oh my gosh you guys are so out of context like like you guys keep bringing things out of context you guys are like the typical

Freaking YouTube commenter it’s like you explain some you explain one thing and then you guys bring up something completely unrelated it’s like yeah I hope you can get a membership it’s like yes but I don’t have the money because my family is poor it’s like what the heck I didn’t

I didn’t talk about that at all old zombie yeah was that actually took me of C hello Pogo welcome welcome welcome how you how you guys doing yes Pogo is multiple people how are you doing almost fell there this is very dangerous uh architecture I’ve been oning World quest for like an hour mostly them talking H yes it’s one of the main reasons why I don’t really like King because of that they just talk so much it’s like I understand it’s like it’s engaging or whatever but I don’t know does anyone read the genin stuff

Does anyone actually watch it oh thank you Reni I appreciate that me really I mean I used to to be honest I used to but for streams I kind of stopped doing that oh gosh it’s so dark in here I’m going to remove these I only read the main story I I

See I see I see I have angered the genin crowd I barely pay attention to the dialogue see ketchup is is one of mine ketchup understands me no reading gang let’s Go do you have any more Cobblestone we need to close this Gates thank you dialogue is just a freis sky Buton for me true oh my gosh and she needs to invent a button called skip in their game it’s Coy what’s coy oh the dialogue I mean I get it but there’s just so many things to do

In in life bro it’s like that one teacher who who gives you homework like he’s the only teacher in the world like he gives you like 10 assignments it’s like teacher you know we have another like eight teachers right that’s that’s how genin feels like you know you know I’m playing like other

10 games right like I can’t I can’t just spend my entire reading comprehension with you I have like manga to read and other things to do you know my poor space bar I think I just use the mouse Actually I don’t even know we haven’t

Played in so long too it’s it feels kind of weird revisiting games that we haven’t played like Minecraft it feels like a little weird but it’s cool though it’s cool I like it we’re bringing it back we’re bringing it back boys bringing back the classics may maybe one day we’ll play genin

Again I feel that think I used to CH five other games besides genin true well you always have like you always have like like a main game and then there’s like two side games that maybe you play with your friends and like a one one trending game that’s currently like going off or

Something like that and I don’t know like some other things to do like maybe you have a job bro when I get break once in a while in like hours in the hospital I will be tired enough to sleep while standing oh my gosh noing dialogue true there you go

People who actually have jobs don’t read the dialog again I like 60% of the event story are filler yeah no okay we have we have mixed opinions right now oh no I’m I’m just angering my own community at this point there’s a there’s a stone wall on

One side and then there’s a knife on the other side I’m about to get puncture popped like a balloon a balloon balloon monkey banana monkey how is a collection of cobblestone so far two stacks I don’t think we’re going to need too much can you hand can you get give me those

Actually I think we should be good with those actually parrot thank you I think we should be good with this ones actually all I’m trying to do is just close the the gates Mony yeah Mony can you lure lure the Pirro into into my home is there any way to lure

Them over here do you need seeds there’s a ton of seeds in there in my in my home Ah how am I going to get down I’m still going to die I’m going to die guys I better finish this job I guess before I die I have no clue how to get parrots I think you need seeds actually oh no I can’t reach anymore there we Go there we go look at That what was that did you hear that it was like which oh no uh well I was probing on putting some uh doors in here but we’re going to need like three of them look I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t uh anything this fire right balloons monkeys Breen little company

Actually wait a minute I just realized am I am I okay I just realized that why couldn’t we just make a hole in here that goes all the way over there I see RI through there already oh Panda there’s pandas in this in Minecraft what the heck oh there’s no more no more

Pickaxes sh man this G me stuff iron nugget we don’t have iron oh thank You you hand me a peasant Cobblestone pickaxe gosh what did I do to deserve this I can hear the witch oh don’t tell me it’s perfect nope no it’s not it’s not perfect but I guess it’ll work so I don’t have iron on me I’m just

Kidding I like these doors though by the way very um very what is it called uh Countryside no wait S no Continental that’s what I meant Continental doors I wonder where is the witch though maybe we should have uh do we need this can you make another set of

Doors for this part well I decide if we we going to keep these stairs somewhere down below sorry I’m like asking you so many for so much help just want to make sure that this this side is protected before we get we get attacked by the freaking witch well we remove all these

Cobblestone I guess no wait what is this this is not Cobblestone orange Terra Cota see it goes well with the with our current biome although this one is not really one of my favorite biomes we just choose this place because it was cool looking but that’s about it oh my gosh are

You are you legitimately serious right now Minecraft you’re turning to me I ask a lot of questions what that sounds awful don’t ever say that don’t ever talk to me or my children again I forgot to tell you I’m looking for Cherry Blom biome Gotcha I haven’t seen I don’t think I think actually this world was actually created before that biome existed so I don’t know if it’s going to update on its own to be honest uh I don’t know if I need to do anything special it does okay then yeah you should probably find

It we can probably go look for it at some point why is it getting so loud are you okay Minecraft it guys so loud of was there an achievement or something you took the freaking crafting table Minecraft transcending to Heaven apparently so yeah we’re we’re transcending Transcending yes yes yes we are whoa we’re going a we’re going in a journey apparently I don’t even have sticks I don’t even have wood Now I don’t even have space Gosh oh no I don’t have a space I don’t have his space Man don’t ask why I’m keeping all the freaking rotten meat I’m a digital hoarder okay wait where where are my sticks now oh I already had one wait did renji give me one what the heck did you give me one right now okay let’s clean this Up bro I feel like we’re going in in a journey or something we’re going in an adventure over here yes you were panicking so I wanted to help panicking it’s called content okay renji Gosh I just have so much crap on my on my pockets like this space this this space that I’m like cleaning right now is going to be like full of chest It’s going to be the uh The Archives of uh of items I guess I don’t know we’ll have one chest for like every single item like one chest for pickaxes one chest for corn I don’t know just kidding no the music is gone the government took it Away I bring different trees we do got to find some uh some cherry trees though I want to see them at least you would be pretty Puggies I’ll look for them okay well I mean we can go after I don’t know we can go together or you can go by yourself I’m pretty sure they’re pretty far from here though cuz I’ve explored all these like the surrounding area pretty well this room looks really cozy you

Think so and it’s it definitely needs more lighting unlik tree Cape looks Away true you’re so valid for saying that Missy you’re so you’re so you know you’re so valued like that was so true and uned I know I am that’s good that’s good I’m not even being sarcastic or ironic and being legitimate there was an oy moment ow this C

Me are you guys trying to sleep baby zombie scary true we’re so fast it might maybe tiny but they bite just as big I suppose I think we’re missing rangi okay lime no worries the books are calling you okay uh take care I know I know you’re tired of

Studying I’m sorry but it’s almost over though it’s almost over just hang in there okay I’m sure you can do it I believe in you I’ll see you in the next one though take care pink sheep can you make pink bed it’s going to be the warehouse

That’s what I meant from the beginning a warehouse I’m all right fellas oh my fellas where is all my fellas where is cyar anyways capara just comes and goes as he pleases we never saw him again except in the comment section I guess being cheap never seen one of those in Minecraft

Before but it’s a recent up update I think it came along with the uh Pink the cherry blossoms right I left a couple of more Cobblestone pickaxes okay no worries thank you no oh the pink sheep was there already from long time ago I thought the pink update was for

Everything pink but I guess Not you know me we might actually have to look pink sheep somewhat rare to find really Interesting interesting interesting I might actually lower the I’m going to lower the ground one level so it’s like leveled with the with everything else I’m going to start right now can I drop all this this stinkiness so I’m like dropping everything in everywhere going soon enough I’m going

To start dropping my stuff in in a 8s chest no what happened there’s a witch outside or what got to be careful was trying to kill the witch under your stairs really where is it in here oh gosh I hear her oh your stuff isn’t there you want to remove the rck

Oh I see it what the heck she’s so strong ow it’s for cover it’s for cover she got Me oh my gosh she’s going to kill me the wi you killed Reni oh that was hilarious though I’m so sorry I didn’t have anything on me though other than my experience I suppose who cares about then will you stop being stinky what is wrong with

You she throws a bottle reses your Mele damage why doesn’t she die though whoa wait did I kill her and she heals uh she heals with potions interesting I think she died though she’s still really she’s just chasing us with freaking bottles she’s still alive she’s just chasing

Us how is she so wrong what the heck did she keeps drinking potions for regeneration yeah that’s what they were saying she’s never going to expect this though watch watch this oh gosh she’s moving she’s moving I was going to put her in A in a little house oh man there’s there’s no way to win this she too strong she’s going to put all your stuff over here oh she’s finally dead nice I think I grabbed some of your stuffs over here almost killed me a third time oh my gosh how is she so powerful

Though I think that’s the first time that I ever encounter a uh witch but good job good job it only took uh four lives but it’s a it was a worthy investment meanwhile Katy Katie is all having fun with the pandas and the parrots wouldn’t it be nice to leave

Together well as long as she’s going under your doorstep yeah we need to fill up all those gaps as well I mean it doesn’t really matter if she’s there as long as she’s not in the main you know building like I know there’s a lot of zombies underneath it doesn’t really

Matter so don’t worry don’t worry too much about it out of sight out of mind right plus chigle chig kind of cute so you know I kind of miss those Giggles now I don’t know was it really worth it in the [Laughter] end was it really worth it in the end okay animus SK no worries have a good night I’ll see you in the next one take care sleep well enjoy your weakened thank you will do oh the the music comes back see this is a banger this one is a banger for sure

Certified Hood certified classic Banger for real yeah I grew up with this music Certified Hood classic there you Go jungle temple my gosh where are you br went into an expedition never came back Um oh no that that makes me nervous what happened are you missing something ringy S I found suspicious grabble no brush wait what what is a grael grabble grael there was there was joink everything I say yink I don’t know if you guys ever play uh they add it so

You can use a brush to find artifacts ah You guys are so knowledgeable you guys are hacking you guys are like in the year 3000 and I’m like just breaking blocks gosh I think the brush uses copper h I never even seen the brush I think the brush is a new upate isn’t it Minecraft music just candy for your ears

True true True hello Wonder welcome Minecraft woohoo yes yes so if you want to join you can join us uh you got a membership for free yeah just today actually uh YouTube is giving away 10 memberships for free and I used them up today and you happen to be one of them so

Congratulations why is it still last and also that’s two months oh you get a grace period you get a grace period of one month if you renew between that month of great period you keep you keep your badge yeah yep yep yep Yep so yeah you have a nice shiny uh that’s the third month actually well that’s is the two month but it’s like the third batch it’s kind of weird how YouTube puts it I guess but that is the the third badge no that’s the that’s the second

Batch sorry ah I was looking at anime Skies sorry no yeah that’s a second that’s the second badge actually chump chump chump chump chump jump chump chump chump chump chump chump chump chump chump chump yeah the blue one is the second one the yellow one is the first one and

The purple one is the third one purple why why don’t I get a batch do I get a batch do I have a batch when I speak I don’t get a batch that sucks yes this is a real you can join uh if you give me your your username on

Minecraft I’ll invite you to the real and then you’ll be able to play with us whenever you want we’ll probably keep it alive for maybe a year or so I don’t know we’ll see we’ll see how how active we are in Minecraft people usually get bured out of the M Mining and

Crafting soon cuz I’m having a good no worries no worries you can take your time I was just saying that you’re welcome to join us thank you here we go nice and easy does it looks doesn’t it look so much better Now so much clean so clean much better thank you now we need to clean the uh remove this wall I remember may not be lost oh know if you don’t mind me asking what are you eating what bro bro is The Question Master he just wants to know everything

Cordinates tonu I think it’s tonkotsu with the with an O after the K I think I think I’m not sure though oh no am I in the right uhoh I might not be in the right area ah did I just make another hole that I shouldn’t oh no oh no oh No put the hole in the wrong place did there we go I patched it up sorry sorry nature what are you building nothing really we’re just we’re just going of just cleaning up this uh this world was from the from my Minecraft BR days when we used to play in in virtual

Reality so we’re kind of just cleaning up the home now that we’re playing multiplayer and stuff I don’t know everyone is kind of doing their own thing R’s helping me and then Katie’s uh being Katie that’s about right chaos I suppose renovation yeah Exactly we got a house party we don’t need nobody my my adventure comes to a close what happened I found Cherry hello tck welcome how you doing today Cherry yeah they found cherry okay bring bring back all the Cherry please all the cherry trees and seeds and everything so we can grow it

Over here that will be very nice kind I want to fill up the rest I don’t Know hon hon hon melon welcome how you doing today I hear you but I don’t see you renji where are you why are you hiding in Behind the Walls what the he wrench I see you patching it up okay don’t patch don’t patch it up with yourself in

It lazy day didn’t get up until 11: nice nice it’s okay to have lazy days nice and cozy I want okay good good what where are you you’re swimming on the freaking how are you swimming on the on the grass Kitty what is this magic boat can you use a boat in the

Grass yes really like actually like like row and and everything uh so okay you’re already ping it up all right I was thinking of doing that because there’s too much there’s too much empty space so let’s do this what is this sorcery that’s what I’m saying yeah

I don’t want more witches to grow in this area we can if we need to like remove it later we can but it’s probably best to PCH it up first although we are not using the the color accurate colors unfortunately sorry Little World destroying your part W I hate

It Wonder right now it’s probably like what the heck what are you guys doing I’m not going to join if it’s going to be doing chores for a fuku what the heck going to wait until that all that happens found the rarest flower too what which

One I’m starting to see a pattern in you Katie it’s like you see everything in terms of Rarity is this is this the the B prod of playing gasa games you should see everything as a an S rank or an a rank it’s like oh I found the rarest

Echo bios biome or I found the rarest flower yes oh no the gash of hell can’t escape the gash of H Uh Ultra Ultra super rare flower acquire but okay ow uh you didn’t see that what it nothing happened here whoops whoa it got really dark all of a sudden never side so didn’t happen exactly see you guys are getting it you guys are starting to learn the way of the

Fuku the way of the fuku it takes a bit of time but you know you start to understanding the torch just got squeezed out that’s pretty funny the funniest thing that happened in my entire life chump chump chump chump I think I think we can stop at

This uh well actually that wall probably you can finish that wall but uh this one we can probably just remove so we can make it even I guess how does that sound oh gosh keep removing all the freaking torches no did I hear something did I hear someone

Falling just just heard like a sack of potatoes uh crus falling memes start playing then don’t worry about it I remember years ago when I used to play Minecraft for hours and hours I built myself a huge underwater base oh yeah I heard about that I’ve never built an

Underwater base actually but I’ve seen people doing it and I’m kind of curious about oh gosh well hello there Uninvited Guest how do you even get in here it’s hard to drain the water without the sponges oh my gosh you guys are hilarious like I legitimately have no clue what you’re talking

About it just sounds like like a schizophrenic ramble you fuku you need 100 sponges to squeeze down the water from the underground to create your Underground waterhous okay okay thank you Katie it just sounds like a skiz of frenic like rambling to me cuz I don’t know what you guys are talking

About it’s like a crazy wizard trying to explain to me magic he just wants to be part of the group oh the zombie I don’t think so I don’t think so I don’t think they’re welcome go away stinky good boy good boy good boy okay I guess now we have our own

Little place here it’s going to come handy pretty handy had to upgrade the crib there wasn’t enough okay guar Pro how a good night I’ll see you in the next one hello Christian welcome how you doing today welcome welcome uh I wonder I wonder I wonder if

We should expand this part I don’t know that’s too much work it seems like too much work now perhaps another time perhaps another time one leaves one appears yeah it’s the law the the W the law of the West I suppose something like that um I’m just going to move this

Chest over here really or actually might as well just move all the way over here actually actually I’m going to move my chest over here you don’t understand we need sponges for underwater hat house potato oh you’re doing good nice nice nice sound like you’re doing good that makes me happy to

Hear I totally missed that message but I see it now I see it now I saw it I saw it okay uh cauldron smoker whatever this is and grindstone yes so you go here you go here you go here there we go I don’t know how to use any of

These but uh I suppose they exist so we can use them if we wanted to I suppose I suppose what do you think renji looking cozy or is it a complete failure we need more sand we need more sand to make more more glass wait do we

Have glass I can uh I think I make quite a bit of glass not enough though probably not enough not enough to make another row crib looking better by the minute yeah exactly that’s the attitude that’s the right attitude I like it I like it it’s getting dark Though this is just it’s just like in my anime little company how do I join depends how long have you been subscribed Mr Christian the interrogation begins now I don’t know then well yeah then that will be the answer for your question how do I join I don’t know that will be the

Answer oh there’s a zombie there catch hello Anya welcome back how you doing hope you’re doing a little better at least okay uh let’s start making gosh I really want to clean up all these water mess Wars oh my gosh is that True oh the little company stuff uh let’s try to should we go should we try to clean up the water stuff like let’s try to remove everything if if we if you if you could help me Reni I would appreciate it Funny LOL okay we need Cobblestone though Where Have You Been storing it my test grade came out I got out 65 gosh oh no well that’s a I’m going to worry about that later I gave you all my cobblestone no you didn’t I I saw you collecting more Earlier I need more no I’m just kidding that’s fine we’ll figure it out why didn’t you study more any huh I only accept people with a only ace and above gosh can’t believe it what happened no you’re using the wrong blocks it looks ugly Unacceptable should be grass yes there you go fix it perfectly thank you you can leave it like that if you want I need the water stuff fix instead Where do I put my username uh you can either put it on Discord or in the channel if in the in the in the YouTube if you want I can’t jump oh my gosh bro what the heck heck no what the heck how could I how was I not able to

Jump yeah we have a channel for uh Minecraft in the Discord you can drop it in there or you can drop it in the YouTube either way it works Fine I’m only going to be inviting people I trust right now though so people like I mean of course I trust you but yeah just for now and then we’ll well not really for now I guess forever we’re just going to be adding people uh with trust as we

Go and then hopefully we’ll have like a bunch of nice people was about to rain you don’t trust me no I do I do unless unless you start creating hook then we’ll just kick you out but I recommend you don’t uh it say here that you don’t exist wait play you’re not

Found are you sure uh this is the Java version this is the Java version it says player not f i don’t exist anymore what the heck a bedro loser no that’s okay yeah I don’t even know why we’re playing the Java version actually the day they lost

Her we’re only playing the oh my gosh that kind of scary we only played the Java version because that’s the one that allows mods and uh I was playing the the BR the BR mod that’s the reason why we’re playing it I forgot man this is this whole thing is so painful fuk

Pain fuk pain I feel the Theos syphilis or no wait what is it called the sosos cus of rock over my shoulders right now just trying to fix this funny Greek man the Cy fufo I don’t even know how how it how to pronounce it I’m pretty confident it’s not the way

I’m saying it I’m going to speedrun getting Java okay I already ran out of Bedrock I mean not bedrock the rock rock block thingy what is it called Cobblestone I require more Cobblestone Bedrock no way you can’t get bedrock I guess you can if you do no wait can you

I don’t think you can right even if you blow it up with with dynamite with with tinina time I was going to say tin what the heck CE f is it really no is it really Fus was I pronouncing it right ain’t no way bro silly I’m getting killed oh

No they got me they got me they got me good okay wait what did you what you say only in Creator mode you can get a gotcha um actually actually only in Creator mode fuku you are making things up I’m just going to patch that up so we

Don’t have to deal with that zombie anymore CE is how you pronounce cus cus is balling oh my gosh balling I I always uh I always confuse balling and balling like does it mean the same thing to be balling balling is like you know like playing basketball right but like

Balling is also like like crying right so how do you know when people say which one um actually some devices can break and mine bedrock ner the Emoji yes context context is the only way to know bro how do I know if like chaquil Neil is crying do people just always assume that

He’s going to be balling like there’s no way to know right balling basketball balling cry oh okay so there there’s a w then hello Dan welcome how you doing today you’re here you’re here if check Christ oh my god when is he when is this ripping up

That what what are you talking about my gosh you guys are so silly I love you guys you guys brighten my thing quite a bit and okay we still need to get rid of this water this job this job ain’t done until the what is it called the the f the fat lady

Sings uh oh my gosh this job ain’t done until the fat lady sings is that even the same I think I’ve heard that before wasn’t it like did he encourage the dog say that not sure okay maybe I’m making things up I’m making my own quotes now the quilt

Master Source question mark I made it up I made I made it up oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh well that’s a the rot that I’m never going to see again the quot master in the bro my freaking name keeps getting filter is there any way to like unfilter

Words is there like a command uh clear damage Data help incomplete command well excuse me Minecraft not sure Minecraft CH do that I can Ty fuku oh the server has hidden your message for some players Bro Minecraft is racist oh gosh yes Minecraft bully I have that problem with all the games I might actually Rand from fuku Star I don’t know it’s pretty sad everything wants fuku sensor yeah it’s going to be a huge problem later on I feel there was one time where um some Asian

Streamer got banned on Twitch because his uh his name was like three words together but like two of the words in between uh combined made the word pimp and twitch banned him but when he became an affiliate and he was so confused about it because he didn’t know why until he

Realized what happened and it’s like his game is his his channel was about like video games he wasn’t going to be pimping anyone anytime soon but I guess twitch twitch just decided to like ban him so I feel like that’s going to happen to us eventually if we’re not careful it’s my

Older brother’s username oh no but was your older brother’s username we left the door open gosh going to get killed someday I saw you I saw you are I saw you looking at my cheats huh huhuh you tried to sleep in my bent pimp pimp pug oh no but that see

See at least that was an obvious one it’s an obvious word right this guy had like a combination of two words like the last two words from the first word I mean the last two letters from the first word oh welcome back Katie it appears you have some arrows on your

Face the F the last two letters of the first word and the first two letters of the second word is what made the word pimp comes with the J fair enough where’s the Cherry give Cherry give Cherry give Cherry let’s go not to him what the heck I’m just kidding just

Kidding very nice very nice I’ll make sure to grow these beautiful trees thank you thank you I have gifts yo what is This yo Diamond horse armor amazing thank You um feeding time feeding time indeed should probably I should probably get more food huh should probably cut those scops you have a place to store plants uh over here but I think it’s full right now I’ll remove the fish and the melons uh you should be able to put seeds in

Here I’ll remove the a as well there you go got to plant the cherry trees uh in two rows along the side of a pan no way they have a cherry blossom trees where oh we here no uh go up go up go up yeah all the way up and then this

One okay I’m going to cut all the crops are you okay going to get all the potatoes whoa just buing with little company bro can’t get enough of lethal company bro has an addiction on lethal company plays lethal company all day then post memes on the on the spare time

On the little company Channel can’t believe in foret one more gift each oh a flower alium I hear this very rare from the Rarity Rarity expert can I eat it no useless no I’m just kidding potatoes B them mush them stick them in a stew so true so true well let’s plant

These trees actually let’s plant them I’m going to get an ax bro has the same amount of addiction of little company I am to balloons oh I was going to say yeah like next step for him is going to be like buying a uh like Leal company

Merge you know like those Bloons uh plushies basically that is there even any any I don’t think there’s any lethal company plushies yet it’s not that big yet huh I don’t think I personally don’t think it’s going to grow that big it’s a good game but it has a very like small

Ended it’s not like I had the same addiction when I got pretty sunbo for the first time so it’s not the first time huh so what what you’re saying is you get addicted quickly to things I see I see I see naturally the next addiction is fuku Addiction and that’s where we are right now that’s where we are right now you got me there hu addiction the duckies are taking over the world duckies ducky stream when on my way to ducky stream man that was such a that was such a time that such a nice time in the fuku

Lore the ducky Stream oh Chucks hello M welcome how you doing today good morning oh gosh everything is breaking I’m just going to wait for all this to dissolve I guess I’m not going to I’m not going to meddle with removing it myself and in the meantime I should probably plant everything else all the potatoes

Potatoes uh let’s see wheat where already have plenty of wheat though I guess maybe I’ll plant some mors I guess I don’t Know oh another potato What is better bread or potatoes just wake up nice nice I’m glad I’m glad you’re I’m glad you’re going good that you’re awake and alive makes me happy makes me very happy uh we missed a spot here there we go it’s not wet it’s not wet yet we need to salivate this

Spot oh it’s because we had a sugar cane in here that’s why that’s why they’re missing okay it’s good enough hello MBR welcome how you doing today plop plop plop plop PL plop oh gosh I just see a pink-haired person Swimming by going to need SC there for a moment

Chipp she said she really said jeepy unbelievable okay well uh where’s my torches let see I literally lost member on the third and one you gift member again I get it what are the odds true so true Fe so true I don’t know I don’t know how YouTube

Works it’s based on on activity I think so it must be it must mean that you’re very active right so I don’t know I don’t know there we go I’m expecting I’m expecting very very beautiful cherry blossums to grow in here have really really high expectations should we should we use some bone

Meal bone meal use bone meal I think I have some it wouldn’t hurt what if it does hurt huh what if it does hurt actually I I been meaning to add this uh uh the sound effect no not that one sorry what is this doing here I’m going to delete this

One delete yes delete there’s one sound effect that I’ve been meaning to put in here um soundboard play sound uh let’s see if I can even find it where is this sound it’s like it was the one the drama one the drama sound effect there’s been so many bets that I

Want to do with that lately uh camera Celebration MSG I I need to open my old sound soundboard because the old one has all of them and this one doesn’t see some certain files oh I closed it by accident gosh hold on give me a minute while I do this I’ll probably go inside before I get

Killed I’m going to go to sleep but you guys don’t have to go to sleep yet you don’t want to I’m just trying to find this sound effect uh traditional Italian oh my gosh maybe need to add it again let’s see um effect the cor left what is this doing here Um oh I don’t even have it here interesting it’s not even here actually ah where could it be then GP light camera action Taco Bell b boom oh man I don’t think I have it actually that Mega sucks where could it be this is going to

Take a while finding it but it was so good oh forget it whatever I don’t want I didn’t need it I didn’t want it whatever I don’t want it I don’t want it anymore it’s not like I wanted or anything I’ll just put some other sound effect in in the

Meantime what if I put like a really cheap uh laugh soundtrack so like whenever I say a joke like you know those like those old old old uh TV shows like whenever I say a joke there’s just going to be like a laughing track friends laugh

Track let me look that up uh friends laugh track sound effect yo that actually is a thing let me see I stick in a while sticking a while the sitcom left yeah there is the good boy yeah quite literally good boy to the fishy business what is he doing what is bro

Doing what is blood cooking it it won’t let me download it uh can’t sleep I’m sorry to hear that gr don’t worry I will worry about it I will worry about it sing me a BL H what’s a good lulie Moon R wider than a mile um close se you in St

Someday is that is that good oh Dream Maker you heart breaker wherever you’re going I’m going your way twinky twinky Little Star get out of here go to sleep with a bnk Gosh twinkle little stor I actually don’t know the rest to the you have to you have have to paste the lyrics you’ll have to paste the lyrics for me to sing it I just got jump scared by this freaking laughing track it’s so it sounds so evil what the heck it sounds like

Devilish we’ll try when I say the next joke I suppose here let me try starus kill the next joke too much work oh my gosh go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep Grant perfect di is also still awake everyone is awake what is going on what is going on what happened these are late late hours for for my friends in the wrong side of the time Zone okay solar flare really is there I can’t tell if you’re joking or not where the tee foil okay Pink petals oh did you put some bone bone meal on that one that one is freaking Huge keeps the voices away what the heck when did this happen I I see you like my artificial uh Pond wait what are you building over there are you building your own house your own little uh platform interesting interesting nice nice this is why I like building stuff

Like really up high and kind of just building like my own ecosystem it makes things more interesting I don’t know kind of like the Sky Block I guess is that what it’s called on Minecraft that’s a beautiful tree yeah it’s kind of like it was chaping

Like a a swasti there for a moment but I’m I’m glad it stopped yes okay yes it’s it is called Sky um my lawyer my micro Minecraft lawyer is telling me that it is called a Sky Block thank you thank I know yeah that’s going to get really old very

Quick especially cuz I can’t find it quick enough it’s like there’s like a 3se second delay between between my joke and the laugh all Goodman oh gosh you keep jump scaring me you’re just like flying by everywhere just keep zooming [Laughter] by I’m not I’m not I’m not used to seeing uh other people just zooming by oh yeah there’s plenty food here by the way Ding I don’t think the rest of the trees are going to grow though I don’t think they have enough space I don’t know we’ll have to wait and see I see you in the second monitor I shower yesterday yesterday e the shower every day hello Falon welcome welcome Welcome yeah that’s a that’s a that’s one that’s one big big CH I don’t think I’ve seen a tree grow this big like so quickly which reminds me I was looking for the bone meal do we even have bone B yes it’s because these are for the good boys

Though okay I’m going to just use a little bit not going to use all of it I’m going to give the good boy a little bone if you hit the Bell will it make a Taco Bell sound we’ll find out here in a b wait I want to give you bone you can

Only give them bone when when they’re wild Interesting here let me try apparently so yeah whoa another one who’s doing this Bon taming afterwards they become picky I think oh yeah they they want meat right right right we have meat we we we can give but only when you want to tame them yeah we have meat I have meat

Yo this one is probably it probably can grow or something is it because there’s too many around or something maybe I’ll grow tomorrow is it too close to the fence it’s the same amount as this one so it shouldn’t be which shouldn’t be to what is my Minecraft lawyer saying

Now I swear my mama oh yeah we need a plate in there huh how do you create plates cookie got distracted by the cookie heavy weighted plate two iron I need a lot of stone man you guys are going to delete my freaking amount of Stone here gosh can have nice

Things Stone n c oh okay understand that we’ll have a nice day uh do we have I’m pretty sure I used to have some iron unless someone stole it yeah it’s gone it’s gone it doesn’t exist anymore in this in this reality it’s been stolen I’m drying iron I’m pretty sure I had

Some maybe I lost it when I we fought the witch raw iron maybe maybe huh maybe got I feed the what the heck are you okay buddy you okay buddy I don’t think he likes you Who Angy I don’t know the the good boy is Angy I stole it gosh can have nice things um there’s more food in here man everything is all over the place these iron nuggets though can we do something with them I think like you can you can melt them or something

Right like this One can you put them in here sorry if you have KN you can make an Ingot yeah we have nine but will it work though I don’t think it works this way huh I don’t know I’m not very Minecraft burst crafting table Ah we don’t have a crafting table here is there any extra ones oh yes yes we do yes we do here we go here we go wait so how do you you just spread it like that like butter Gotcha Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter wait I forgot what we were trying to make with this what were we what were we trying to do with the with the iron I forgot something something to do with so cool that you all found a Mesa Hol out

For the base an iron ingot I know you absolute we were trying to do something with the iron ingot I can’t remember what though ah man I forgot oh the oh oh yeah yeah the the plate but we need two of them I thought plates used to be uh done with

The which just wood right yeah you can make them with wood what do we need we didn’t need this check the BL furnace no I already did there we go check again uh I don’t need it anymore but thank you it’s been the problem has been resolved

S all these animals like I remember all these animals is what took the most to bring them over here we need a parrot Le bunnies I I swear this is crap girls doing this kind of be crap girls doing little bunnies oh gosh the reded Lingo crab Girl it’s like you know you know how uh from Fairy all parents the guy that always screams like fairy out parents that’s me but with the with crab girl who put this s in here the heck what are we slicing xum Ingot do you want to be

Sliced yes let me put the I’m going to put this back oh yeah to answer uh Falcon yes this is this has been like this for as long as I was playing VR actually so shim on you for forgetting that I’m just kidding but uh yeah back in when we were playing

BR this is where I built everything in here not like this not like this qu time only real ogs will remember I came in here for a sword but then I already had a sword and Kat already killed it gosh she probably go to sleep her did I hear another

One there’s like one in here there’s like one in stuck in here like somewhere in here oh it was you who killed it tomato tomato I mean it’s right here there’s there’s a space in here yo there’s an interesting space in there interesting like right here okay right here right

Here what the heck I Hear It Maybe not maybe it’s underneath just destroying the ecosystem at this point oh it was outside never mind now it’s burning die you demon you don’t belong in this world we didn’t even sleep we needs sleep am I right fellas not us apparently so just

Kidding no regie was just a joke hiii Tangi I have buffer fish out I don’t I don’t want to know how you call your stuff put it back in yummy foot I still don’t know what the purpose of this saw is TBH but awesome we have so many rails too what the

Heck I wonder where the I drop it back in your in your Lake no I wish you could actually see the fish swimming around but I don’t think you can in here it’s like not deep enough or something I don’t know I don’t know how it works I don’t know how ecosystems work if only I think like wasn’t there a way

To see them back in the day like you could see some of them yeah only in natural Rivers there you go yeah I knew it I knew knew it what are you building here getting a little worried not going to lie my home it looks a little flat just just a t bit

Flat that’s the Land oh you’re making a path here interesting interesting we abandoned rangji on planet earlier he didn’t enjoy that True I’m going to pretend what to know what you’re talking about I still don’t know what we’re going to do with this poisonous potato like is there is there any purpose to having this poisonous potato at all no okay I think you can get fish spawn eggs somehow and spawn them wherever unless

I’m wrong and you can oh really ah hello fol master welcome how you doing today that’s a good interesting Mission we could probably try that could probably try to bring in a a fish spawner at some point that’d be a good nice interesting Mission so we can have real fish real fish swimming

Around I’m glad you’re doing good nice that makes me happy that makes me very happy oh I swear o I swear this freaking rotten meat everywhere who keeps storing the rotten meat I’m just going to put it here I see you already have a nice little stack in there more poisonous Potato uh I’m going to remove everything that is not food oh gosh just trying to fit it whatever whatever fits in here got a food pantry in your home fuku yeah it’s about time Though it’s about time donate to the needy the only needy I care about are my Starlights sorry sorry I think the poisonous potato can be used to make poison potions probably yeah that makes sense like a really really angry potion huh no my li My Minecraft liar is telling me no sorry

Grant that means that you’re wrong basically in 34 different layers I mean languages no it’s not okay my Minecraft liar and adviser is telling me that no that you’re wrong apparently wait that’s a spider ice only puffer fish can do that all the Minecraft experts fighting each

Other it’s just the game bro it’s just a game it’s just a game it’s just a game bro it ain’t that Serious the Minecraft music came to save me to save me from this uh from this fight we music right here comfy music okay Do we have any signs I don’t think we do huh H oh right here um foot for everyone here you go nicely done nicely done nicely done leg ball got to hit the Taco Bell some was done Too what is going on here are you making a pet this is going to be like a making it easier to walk okay it’s going to be like a little Avenue of houses we can probably make a a little village in here actually leave it to me

I know but I want to help want to do something can we bring villagers in here like can we make a little village and then bring villagers I happen to be an expert in then well you are my Minecraft you’re are officially my Minecraft lawyer now you can’t escape the title

Anymore wait you didn’t answer yes or no though this is cool Minecraft liar during the day uh ging impact advisor during the night leave some natural things behind what do you mean after you destroyed half my freaking world I was leaving all this naturally you guys destroyed it now you’re telling me

Wow interesting interesting how the circle of life how it happens angrily typing right now I just want to make it look like our pet in big rock ah okay I see oopsies well you’re going to have to bake those rocks again none nothing of this is natural basically I built all

That but it would be cool to have a little village over here in the mountains and then bring them bring them to us wouldn’t it wouldn’t it be nice to leave together uh I build a house for the pigs out of the straw and I will bring wolf with me to visit

Them I need wood I got a bunch of wood actually it’s in a in a chest wait where is it and before someone stole not much but it’s Something it ain’t much but it’s good it’s hard work oh this some planks in here yeah there’s a bunch of spruce locks in here in this chest if you ever need some good boy it looks so scary I kind of want to just like Drop with a freaking uh a cart

A mining cart just to see where it goes but it looks a little scary I don’t know if I want to do then I think I’ll do CH that which just do just [Applause] what [Applause] she’s doing it again she’s destroying my world can’t believe it nuh my Minecraft blocks right now

Screaming in Pain uh wait I didn’t even get it I didn’t even get any freaking wheat compared to all the amount of seeds that I got i w beat root seeds let’s plant some beetroots Che sugarcane pink petals uh let me try that well no wonder I didn’t get any

Like half of them are still floating in the water what the heck what if I just fill up the entire thing here not enough gosh are you hydrated uh I suppose the the rain is whoa the rain stops in here interesting are you talking about myself desert I suppose I can

Hydrate no rain in desert desert desert this desert are you struggling picking up all these all these uh cobblestones [Applause] interesting wouldn’t it be a shame if your boat suddenly went for a ride on its own oh hi there long leave the store you won’t go just go already wow that was so

[Applause] anti-climatic that was so anti-climatic I hated it this place is freaking Ian massive though I love it I feel so safe in here from all the witches and stuffs you know still better than the Lion King remake oh gosh uh seor Enderman would you mind not stealing my stuffs

Um rji you want to come see this can they steal glass they can right well what a nice fella I’m sure they can steal any block including my heart Last Christmas I gave you my heart on the very first day you gave it a way the Enderman trying to give you

Peace offering apparently not if you don’t let them all right I’ll take your board for it then the Enderman and fukar uh Christmas song collab how about that well he I hope he goes peacefully away away from Here how come you guys have chills and stuffs I have like a freaking a pig skin uh helmet and some some gloves that I found I stole from a homeless Person oh yeah I was finishing I was finishing this I forgot I was I forgot that I was doing This oh hi oh my go look at look what you made me do just kidding oh No I hear angry noises is he farting is he a British that’s why he was farting because he ate too many beans on toast man I didn’t know he was British I Killa the Ender oh did you really is that why he made those angry noises they’re like vampires they can

Only enter your house if you let invite them bro everyone keeps saying that that is such a BS rule when I was a vampire on Halloween everyone like no no no no no you can’t you can’t come Inland if I didn’t invite bro I’m a freaking vampire I’m the king of

Darkness of course I can go wherever I please like that’s that’s such a BS rule that there is like something someone made up just to like protect themselves bro he’s the freaking king of of Darkness he can control vampires and and zombies and whatever like of course he can go into

Your freaking house Uninvited like that is such a BS rule honestly like try try it in real in real life like if there’s ever ever a Lord of Darkness in in real life and he’s like in your in your doorstep try it I dare you to try it like tell him you can’t

Come in if I don’t invite you tell him I dare you I dare you to do that he’ll be like Steps in it’s just it’s just manners oh my gosh what is he going to raise his pinky as he walks in as well uh well your Royal your majesty

I was only I was only kidding I did not mean to kill this man I was just jesting your majesty please I did not know he could die by killing him my gosh you guys are rediculous it’s only you man oh No there’s a lot of Darkness OC osor bro he’s too old he’s already like 600 years old he’s about to become dust let my man rest he deserves the the the retirement he’s not the same after he pit that that uh that Bad why is there a bed in here oh my gosh who who’s going to what the spawn a band I’m worried is that my band did someone take my B okay I don’t know whose bed is this but I suppose I’ll put it there oh someone gave me a chill too

Interesting interesting interesting okay how is this going I’m pretty sure Missy K was trying to give you that Shield I already have two Shields though what am I supposed to do with two Shields I’m going to be the tank I don’t know what are you doing this is the you hav’t even started

Your home like why are you building the path shouldn’t you start your home first so you can go to sleep to your to your bed no I’m going to build your home then you’re going to have to remove it manually here I’m going to put your I’m going to make your a

House so you can sleep in there it’s a temporary home made yet by Yours Truly you better not delete it by the way this is going to be worth millions when I become F famous which might be never actually so you know it’s going to be an investment

That you’re going to have to it’s like kind of like Bitcoin you know you buy it and then you regret it but then you you can’t sell it because maybe might make you a millionaire maybe so you got to keep it forever Now oh gosh there you go you’re welcome beautiful Cali fantastic I just see you peeking through the a you like your new home it’s perfect right you’re welcome nah what do you mean nah yes good okay good that’s what I thought I heard what a beautiful house I know

Right I should be like building homes from the homeless quite literally what I did cuz ktie is a homeless person I just I just let them crash in my in my home temporarily but you know you know what they say uh what did they say about people

Who live in in people’s houses for too long uh dead bodies start to stink or something like that I don’t know I don’t know how it actually goes oh it starts to stink like dead body I don’t know is that is that even insane I don’t

Know I I just making things up at this Point oh yeah I came for doors actually I came for doors I forgot I saw some doors nearby got to give Katie some beautiful uh orange doors that renji made there you go I was dead body once what does that even mean were you living with someone oh the witches

Understandable there you go it looks more like a gel actually but it’s kind of getting to my for my lawyer cuz it’s kind of crazy the bodies help with the Aesthetics oh no what is this freaking uh I don’t even know the catacombs oh we do need a

Catacombs we should make a catacombs and then just put a bunch of bones in there here aesthetic bones oh finally the other cherry tree finally grew up nice nice nice nice I like it I like it I like it average Paris bu most sane French Person oh yeah I don’t know if you guys have ever gone to the lower level but you can exit it’s a Quick Escape through here oh gosh there’s another tunnel in there you can go through here and then you basically go I haven’t been to yeah fairies oh it’s a moon

Eclipse all the water is finally gone nice nice nice nice nice I can continue building my my glass uh my glass building hello asan welcome asan sounds like Quo welcome how you doing today I hope you’re doing well why did I just type w w random W the W’s in ch basically quite literally so true it’s so true awesome awesome sauce okay we really need to finish this freaking window thing the we cannot go

We can we cannot go on without finishing so it better be done before the end of the stream but right I will be I will some heads are going to roll some heads are going to roll if it’s not finished all right Nan Nan this guy sorry I should say sacrificed

Instead oh a lot of villagers will have to die to build a catacombs oh gosh I didn’t even read that message until now sorry um I’m down no no no no no I want I want villagers to come live with us I want villagers to come live with us

I don’t even know how to bring them how do you you didn’t explain to me how to bring them by the way how do you usually bring how do you lure villagers I can start making the little Village for us boat oh you actually oh okay I’ll start making the

Village then I’ll start making the the wood village and everything and make uh giving giving them homes to each of them you kidna them I didn’t know that but that makes sense I suppose it’s going to take a while because we live in a in a really really high

Place so I’m going to leave that to Katie actually I’m sure ktie knows how how to boat them up here it was really painful when I try to oh gosh man this game is like it’s like with that one episode from Malcolm in the Middle where like

The dad is like trying to fix something and then something else breaks so he goes and fixes something and then something else breaks and then he goes and fixes that so he can fix the other thing but then that breaks as well that is basically Minecraft certified Boulder

Why does that sound like a freaking Elden ring um Marine Mariner the guy in the boat um let’s See okay I need sticks and a iron where’s the iron pretty sure I saw the iron over here I guess not oh wait is in the Oven no apparently not Okie doie then how do you split I don’t know how I did that but okay look in the middle I don’t nowhere It’s a I mean it’s a popular clip on the internet though not that I saw I never seen the entire series you’re not the boss of me now you’re not the boss of me now you’re not the bus of me now you’re the bu of me now

Yeah that’s all the lyrics you know and you’re not so something you’re not the bu of me Prett good song Prett good song pretty good song can we drop here no okay awesome my gosh this is a ner this a building ner who build this the Devil Himself And you’re not so big life is unfair there you go nice I don’t remember the lyrics but I remember like how they go I remember pretty well like how they go just don’t remember the lyrics at All my brain my brain stores data in in like very specific weird ways I guess just reminded of Malcolm in the Middle TV show what that’s what we’re talking about are you that’s what we’re talking about P done nice nice Reni was a little bit behind on the news

There which yes we’re talking about sorry busy mining no worries we were talking about uh you know what never mind never mind certified Miner what why do you just what do you just made me say can’t believe it dream is now watching this this live stream no go

Don’t worry about it don’t worry about it if if you pretend that it’s gone it may be gone don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry about It what is this music this music does not feel like Minecraft this feels like I’m playing like freaking Bal Hala like serving drinks in a they like some ow there some person it’s actually making me feel jocky this doesn’t feel right this doesn’t feel right it’s making me feel so

Yucky oh hi there don’t mind me I’m just cleaning the Windows I want the drink I’m pretty sure you’ve had enough you’ve had enough oh gosh it’s going to be an night to fix isn’t it Better be make Co water True I’m still awake well go to sleep go to sleep be gone sleep spell sleep spell oh gosh how do we fix oh my gosh how do we fix that part um yes well I didn’t fix anything that did not fix anything Mr Minecraft ow uh okay that’s sort of working sort

Of okay think I the goodness that freaking song ended cuz it was not making me feel okay it was making me feel a type of way I don’t know it’s veryy weird it’s hard to describe I think this is fine right like we can just leave it

There at least at least the corner Maybe you have cherry locks uh not yet I haven’t I haven’t cut the trees yet so not yet let’s see right here that’s good enough that’s good enough for me no the freaking water is like it’s like stuck in this floating [Applause]

State when is it going to stop bro this just like literally Cube oh my gosh I guess it’s going to help Katie bring up the the villagers this way I suppose ow I Suppose back okay let’s go inside sign oh yeah we need another plate in here staris create another plate right away oh no wood no wood no wood what yes I grab the entire thing just to great with judge me okay it’s going to be super useful

Because nice nice nice nice I like it I like it I like it I hear stepping who’s stepping the Shadows um what’s next no my trees what is wrong with you why do you cut my trees where are you putting the lcks I hope you’re saving the the seeds at least sorry

Gosh need for my bus what are you building couldn’t you grow your own trees though gosh you really do be your own backstabbed [Applause] again there we go oh man I didn’t need to put that one in there oh well she’s I don’t even know what’s going on here she terrifying

Me it’s legitimately terrifying I think I think Katie might be actually a serial killer not going to I’m not going to find out but you know I have my Doubts I have my doubts at this point yo the creeper has a a house Welcome to My Crib MTV um I think the crepper just exploded some of your stuff just kidding R is very quiet now I wonder what he’s Doing I see you I see you I see you I see you what you get here huh more puffer fish what are you trying to build huh huh trying to race against the the Star Nation huh I see you ah tried to jump on you fine

Fine I kind of want to make a village around here though but that I mean I could go build that no don’t worry you can build wherever you want you can build wherever you want just got Minecraft after 10 years nice nice what is your username sir DSA Arc what me for

Me the happy face has me worried Yeah well I was I was I was always worried about Katy to be honest it’s updating launcher bootstrap okie dokie I’m going to try to make a a village here wait we need to collect all these the Cherry plus some seeds you just letting them drop like 10 bro I can’t believe

It bro just let the freaking the most rare tree the most rare tree ever just got to waste can’t believe it it really do be your own it really do be your Own I have you know I found them true but doesn’t mean you can waste them just because you found them what the heck surprisingly they do plant themselves oh is that why all those are planted but like I think the rest were just like floating around though we’ll see we’ll see I’m

Questioning if I should make a copper house or a missile Sil oh my gosh is there any Starlight that is normal like legitimately is there any normal person in chat is there any normal human being that would like to playing Minecraft play Minecraft I’m going to have like I’m going to have

The like an esiso of build over here and then I’m going to have a rock castle and then mine I can be normal they going to have like rocket Silo apparently my gosh all I wanted was just all I wanted was just the I think the Villager the villagers are probably the

Most the closest persons to the the what I was looking for I guess I’m just going to build a village just going to pretend you guys don’t exist and then just build my Village Wonder just wants to be Rocket Man apparently so Yeah it looks cool like you’re like are you asking if I like it I mean it’s basically built on death Cherry blums you know this doesn’t please this doesn’t please Mother Nature TVH but I mean it’s it looks pretty dangerous though I I don’t think I I’ll visit your

House very often to be honest I’ll probably just slip and die I’ll do something normal now you can do whatever you want you can do whatever you want very prec curious housing you guys can do whatever you Want this channel isn’t even mine anymore I don’t own it anymore yes honey yes honey I will do whatever you want we can we can do the silo rocket or the skizo house whatever you want honey my Gosh it’s like I’m the only one worried about actually surviving in this world apparently like I’m I’m the one collecting animals and and eggs and stuff gosh you left you decided you decided to die let that be a lesson to everyone um I’m wor about surviving on Rockets oh my

Gosh that will be a more fitting team for Aston or something so if I leave I die too yes you’re forced to to live Within These Walls it’s like Sao if you take off the headset you die quite literally how did I get so many freaking tools what the

Heck I’m not a good survival mode so I will need to join someone who is but yeah because no one ever wants to just survive could be worse being by the witch poison yeah survival is where the fun is you got to learn to survive you can’t

Just build that’s just you can’t just have the fun stuffs you got to work for it what the heck what do you think this is what do you think this is Minecraft is for fun po po I spit on you trying to have fun in Minecraft just

Kidding you can join me in my missile silo oh my gosh what what is your username when are you going to when are you going to when are you going to give me your username bro keeps talking about a missile silo but hasn’t hasn’t provided the necessary paperwork after Minecraft decides to

Load if there’s any building that help you survive it’s a missile silo oh my gosh in about 13 years okay I’ll be waiting real I’m back after buying brunch 3 uh well what do you miss let’s see you miss the Katie removing my freaking glum cherries that is one mayor uh account of

Murder can I have some food uh sure sure maybe I should make a nuclear bunker thinking about this missile silo oh Gosh uh I HTE the Phantoms visiting if you don’t sleep though worst Edition in a while wait what there’s Phantoms if you don’t Sleep you can’t escape the rocket oh gosh well uh I guess I guess this is this is all new to me guys I’ve never played on a server before so it’s all it’s all it’s all new to me I guess it’s difficult for me to accept the weird stuff that’s going to

Happen but I guess I’ll get used to it I guess I’ll get used to It I sleep with a pickaxe on my hand apparently I won’t blow up people oh Gosh I don’t think we’re going to be playing PVP in this world man we really need some diamond pickaxes these are too slow We Janks are weird Bunch what the heck let’s not start generalizing like That Does British Li for Americans which is going to be honest I am weird oh my gosh okay let’s let’s drop the self-deprecating stuff all right gosh just bringing me down at this point it’s like this is a positive like environment okay try to leave your negative stuff like at home

Okay don’t bring it here in my stream was me house do to go mining okay what the heck where that come From did you hit that I just heard getting slapped and then just fell random Creeper it’s like I don’t understand I don’t understand why you guys keep saying that oh I’m weird I’m weird I’m weird it’s like guys stop saying that stop saying that you’re weird I’m so weird and quirky oh my gosh I’m I’m I’m nothing like everyone else I’m so weird and

Quick like stop saying weird weird like no one I don’t need to know more than one time you already said one time okay don’t say it again I don’t need to know that I don’t like when people self-deprecate I don’t I don’t like it on my stream I don’t like it here I

Don’t want to hear anymore all right are we understood she I’m so amazing exactly there we go that’s much better it’s like it’s so easy it’s like it’s so easy for chat to like go south so quickly it’s like one person says one thing like anything related to the internet like

One loot tiny thing everyone just immediately goes drills down on that loot thing if like if if someone says they’re weird like everyone immediately goes like through so true I’m so weird as well same it’s like everyone immediately just takes that like a I don’t know it’s like it’s so

Weird that’s why I’m like I try to avoid those topics so much because everyone just immediately just figgy rides on those things it’s like so common it’s so weird it’s like this is not the space for them you can go say it in in in some other other people’s stream I guess you

Can go say some some anywhere else not here I don’t like that gosh got so serious even the even the Minecraft music Stopped I’m not drilling down on you T wrong I’m just like saying in General so serious true I’m just saying in general like we can we can be silly and ston but it’s like gosh it’s like such a it’s such an internet thing to like self-deprecate and always be so negative it’s like I don’t like it it’s just man I’m so over that I’m so over

That I’m so over like haha LOL I’m I’m depressed ha lol it’s like I’m so over that stuff it’s not funny I don’t know maybe it’s just me I’ve been here too long understand that we have a great day exactly there we Go man this is going to take a while uh creepers do die bomb now and they know how to time their blast holy moly that’s what I’m getting from my from my general lawyer from the general lawyer to the Minecraft lawyer so you’re saying they’re shut up shut up with the oh my

Gosh I because they’re more like ballistic missiles I guess is the is a rocket the same as a Missile I know what we are going to do today bro what you need to do today is like speed up your internet speed or something you need to crack that Cable so you can play with us today what why are you pouting now what the heck what happened pout we need a pout OTE too Starlight pout Starlight pound at this point you know we can actually just grab all the the blobcat emotes and just add a monocle and that’s that’s basically

Starlight we could chose do then free emotes you’re welcome almost done okay I’ll go check I’ll go inspect the the the safety of this the safety hazard of this bridge with the Iceland wait I’m going to go insect right now BL cat Starlight sounds like a

Good idea the P was for being called liyer what where you established this last time ktie is my lawyer for Minecraft and Falcon is my lawyer for general purposes wow you deleted my my house how could you what happens if you dig down or you die pretty very unsafe um you might want

To I don’t think HOA will approve this I’m m in stone under that okay it just happens that I got the the one break that didn’t have it huh so so convenient for the inspector to find out how’s the H in the neighbor is speaking of wish yeah we don’t charge anything

But come down here what does that sound like a threat are you going to kill the inspector I am armed I’m armed with a pickaxe what are you doing Jesus why is this like it’s like a satanic symbol under your house is that an amongus dude look at my

Screen well I guess you can just stand there yeah whoops ah you pushed me down yeah if you look at it like This all right then carry on carry on with your with your sussy sussy businesses the HOA huh what does HOA even do they just they just drive around and then complain huh that’s basically what they do and they charge you they charge you a fee like $400 J oh

No they just drive around and complain if they see like oil on the floor they complain if they see some couch on the street they complain unbelievable why would why would anyone want to live in a place like that dictates what you can do with your property pray much well I

Understand I’m just joking around though but I understand that they’re made for like you know cuz there’s people out there who don’t take care of their houses and I understand that very well that it makes it makes the neighborhood look very really banned so I understand why it exists

What I don’t understand is why they charge so much like $400 a month per house in a neighborhood of like maybe I don’t know a 100 houses can you imagine how much money they’re making like $40,000 a month just to complain like I don’t I don’t think they really need that

Much I don’t know it’s it’s pretty wild they’re annoying yeah I mean it’s un necessary evil I suppose cuz some people really don’t some people really really don’t don’t take care of their houses they just start like doing pretty bad stuffs starts looking from like a like a

House from freaking fast and furious with like 300 cars sparked in the in the same house over the lawn and over the the Brick and over everything and then like four of them don’t work and three of them have like the the hood open I mean I understand perfectly why

Why HOAs exist but they are pretty annoying though they’re pretty expensive my neighbor my neighbor oh my gosh I think we all have that neighbor unfortunately we all have that neighbor the floor being one layer thick Petals on the floor uh are so pretty yeah Katie actually went out and got a

Lot of uh Pink petals pretty cute pretty cute uh oh yeah are we sleeping are we eaing I don’t know if we were I saw someone come in and I I followed I followed Them gosh speaking of positivity I am planning on joining the uh uh hatsun Miku Expo illustration contest and the theme is universal positivity so we might see some drawing streams at this at some point it’s somewhat close to being completely downloaded barely oh my gosh how big is Minecraft I don’t

Remember taking so long for me took me 30 minutes um I can’t recall how I think I downloaded while I was sleeping so maybe that’s why maybe that’s why I didn’t see oh why why do I hear bones excuse me so your skeleton see the cool thing about having

A a glass window is you can see the outside yes that’s pretty obvious I know I know real Revelations here in the fuku universe I I realize windows can allow you to see outside yes Incredible wouldn’t have been able to put it any better um who’s missing Missy are you are you missing Missy do you need a bed you can take one of these PS by the way we Okie doie she’s waiting for Missy you can take one of these beds to your house by the

Way you might want want to put a fence though around finally got Java okay let me know your username then uh you didn’t pick it up I just see I just wake up and you immediately destroy your freaking bed just tear it apart oh gosh did I commit seu Sudoku

Ow I guess I was about to find out oh man hello rain welcome how you you doing today good morning good morning we’re playing Minecraft wait you can join us if you want we’re playing the Java version though if you ever want to join us all I need is your

Username and you will have access to the real uh for as long as I pay money Microsoft for as long as I pay money to Microsoft basically oh gosh I need to go drop stuffs maybe I should put a a chest in here no I don’t have enough Chucks my neighbors are

Chill I can join one day nice yeah yeah you have to give me your username to give you an invite though so whenever you want whenever you want oh gosh I accidentally I did not mean to do that but okay now we have one trillion freaking freaking wood I

Suppose let’s not do the same with the chest I don’t want to have one trillion chest actually at least I want to have two of them right just two just the two of us we can make it if we try just the two of us going to put a little chest in here

It download I’m asking for your username tell me your username I need your username give me your Username you should give me your username right now okay now we can collect this uh you can put the username either in the Discord or on the on the YouTube Chanel wherever it’s fine we still have some open spots I think you can only 10 people can

Play but I don’t know if I can invite more than 10 people and then only 10 people can join so like maybe we can have more than 10 people and then imagine someone naming themselves downloaded oh my gosh I am going to destroy whoever does that annihilate them completely cease to exist

Pulverized forgotten from the minds of everyone forgot I am I’m already sensing that I’m going to need another freaking pickaxe already ooh I got a pretty good idea actually interesting huh What if I start forming houses made out of the stone I can probably just build around carve

Around and then it’ll be like a little stone village ah interesting interesting let’s just carve around like this one this one is going to be a 5x five five by five one two three four we need one more you know what I’m getting you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying

You know what I’m saying chat okay RI no worries make sure to stay some okay never mind then leave the game if you want I was going to say make sure to stay in someone somewhere safe but okay I guess that’s also an option there we

Go I’m safe don’t worry yeah okay no worries C the music C the music yo this one a banger for real for Real see and then we have a little building like this c41 18 legendary artist true so true so True then we’ll make like an Entrance and we’ll start oh my gosh weapons tools do hope you get inspiral from Miko submission uh the team is actually a repeat of the first expose oh nice oh that’s a good Insight actually I’ll go look into the illustrations of 2014 actually what I’m thinking of

Doing I’m thinking of like maybe sort of get an idea like I’m going to get in VR and take some pictures like I’m going to get inspired from V just how I do everything else and then I’ll sort of like draw uh the position like I’ll do like a

Like a position with some Avatar but it’s got to be like something like like super cool I don’t know I’ll try to like get inspired and then I’ll draw it that’s that’s what my my train of thought currently is I guess but I don’t know what can what can be

Positive though what can be universally POS positive I was thinking like something like um music well you can’t really draw music can you now I guess Miku is music it is universally positive that is very True man it’s so tough It’s so tough but I’ll think about something you guys are welcome to suggest like give me ideas to draw something to draw I guess that is true music is could be One is there favorite name oh my gosh dude i’ been telling we we need your username we need your username I’ve been asking for your username your username your username your username I need your username this is not really going to P out though it’s like 5x five only leaves

Three by three inside which is not very big my nickname surprisingly render leaf in Minecraft oh really I’m going to add you right now then we have limited spots so make sure to add you there are you are you entirely sure though because if you’re not I don’t want to be adding a

Stranger is it m inra Java though well it says here you you exist So yes okay I I added you to the real then whenever you log in into Minecraft uh just click on the Realms and you’ll be able to see our server in there oh gosh why is it so dark all of a sudden I can’t see the exit The Alchemist okay

Uh let’s see if you exist Uh did it work The Alchemist invited okay I guess it did work yeah so when you log in to Minecraft uh just go into the Realms and you should be able to see it in there fukus stars is it fukus stars fukus star room I’ll put I’ll

Change the name actually I’m going to call it uh starbill starbill Realm that makes more sense little Starlights so well that’s going to be one one tiny home 1 two 3 4 Five one two 3 4 five okay one more why am I breaking stone with a hoe that is not normal behavior okay we got one home you can collect one villager now miss Katy silly activities true silly activities at night sorry are you guys waiting for me I hope

Not I think R is gone So R’s gone reduced to atoms he was such a good person and then the government took it away I’m going to have to go for now but I may be back stream is finish okay no worries T roog see you later or in the next one take care probably be streaming

For a little longer I’m sure maybe it’s actually kind of getting late but yeah it’s okay I’ll see you then I’ll see you later we’ll try to make this one bigger like maybe 6×6 whoever lives in this one he’s going to be like royalty Mama Mia good night although with all this coal though it doesn’t make sense gosh the ending villager wait there’s different villagers can you also make a can you make a Golem come over here can you put them in the boat different traits I see 1 2 3 4 5

6 so six is going to give us four four is fine 2 three four five six okay six and then here we take a turn 1 2 3 4 5 six yes that’s correct and then one one two three yeah they have different professions now and each villager also

Trace for different things The Mending enchantment is one of the most Val T Trace since it allows you to tool to fix itself with experience interesting interesting interesting going to have to make a new short but instead of on my way to Bloons back seating it’s going to be Minecraft back seating [Laughter]

Already typing angrily I can I can already I’m just kidding I’m just kidding already angry typing as soon as he said that what doesn’t count us back seting anymore I don’t even know anymore I forgot the meaning of back seating so many back seeders that I forar oh

Gosh one two 3 4 five six so technically it should be here yeah nice perfect and then this one we can make it like this it’s kind of cool that he has I forgot the zero at the end of the name bro we just invited some stranger are you serious my gosh

Okay I invited you again sheesh you guys are a menace our world could have been destroyed by that that mistake stranger will be happy to have a new friends yeah and this destroy everything we built no I went too far gosh look what you made me

Do that is such a that is such a weird phrase it’s like such a oh my gosh the the look what you made me do is always so ironic it’s so dumb but it works so many the 10 moments went too far that’s what she said I’m just Kidd

Oh my gosh wait wait wait wait wait yep I said it number one oh no you have a whole list but uh are you are you cutting my trees again why no get out of here I’m going to put a lock on my on my gate now okay yeah walk away keep keep

Going why you give me a bone gosh try my beautiful trees my garden when the back seating becomes front seating it’s a good thing that um I found this um Stone just randomly in my in my oven pretty cool trick Huh oh no oh no who look who decided to join us oh no I’m scared I’m legitimately afraid I’m just kidding I’m just Kidding ch uh I thought I messed up something and a strange stranger joined well yes yes I invited a stranger they didn’t join because they don’t get notified but they have access to the server I’ll remember that for later what do you mean r scary yes very scary

There we go Le this actually looking pretty decent I’m going to make them look like little castles like I’m going to put a I’m going to put like the crown on top and stuff since you guys didn’t want to be part of my building I’ll just bring villagers myself gosh I’ll do

It no it’s too late it’s too late wait bring villagers are you going to bring villagers it’ll take a long time I know yeah yeah especially cuz we are so high up it’s okay it’s okay it’s going to be a multistream um multistream task for sure but I’m I’m

All in for it though I’m already paying for it so we’re paying what it’s like $7.99 a month might even start like a go on me or something these reals are expensive wait where the where the rain even spawn cherry what is this kame you’re Lake

Oh oh I was looking at you backwards okay now yeah it is cute okay what the heck I thought this was your eyes it looked like a freaking a troll on the back okay this is cute I can live with this cute Cute it’s an elf well yeah but the back part looks like a like a like the bug look like a troll yeah the bug look like a troll I was looking at your helmet wait you’re done with your house I’ll go inspect the HOA inspector is going to go wait who it

Then my house is almost done oh okay okay I see I see I see I thought that was renji who said that The Alchemist join oh gosh I’m scared I’m afraid of the of of these rocket silos this community is growing exponentially I keep getting distracted oh okay no worries it’s all good it’s all good it’s going to be a this this server is going to be online even after I log off so you

Guys can continue playing if you want I’m just going to be playing while on stream I really can move on PC you got nothing to be afraid oh no okay this you you deserve a bunk why what did I do what do you mean look at the back of your Helmet I swear oh gosh oh goodness he’s just zooming by all righty look at the back of your helmet look at my screen okay I need to go inside look look at the back of your helmet it even has eyes it has eyes it has those are the

Eyebrows like Leaf eyebrows and then the eyes but now I when I when I saw your face now it makes sense that’s all I’m saying it is pretty cute though I like it that’s all insane gosh it was just a misunderstanding it’s called a haircut okay okay buddy all right

Jeee the fashion police is here apparently there’s beds in the this is cool wait what what is cool this there’s beds inside the in the bunker over here wait what is cool what are you looking at where are You oh there’s a chumbi not like blue and white person she’s talking about me boys oh no [Applause] yo okay as a Bedrock person this looks cool oh okay okay I see can you guys go inside can we sleep can we go Mimis most peeps usually don’t want to live too close to villagers because of the incessant fumu fumu well I’m not most peeps I suppose there’s Raiders oh no sleepy sleepy time yeah sweet dreams you guys you guys got the achievements you guys are free to take a

Bed if you want and you can take it like somewhere else I guess or I don’t know I’m your I’m not your mom could do whatever you want my yob here is to build things and keep you guys fat and keep mey from stealing my freaking cherry blossoms I’ll bring my

Kos somewhere else okay okay mommy all right all right buddy I think I prefer mommy than being called Daddy I suppose be soup yes you know it are you nodding oh my gosh race eyebrow Emoji yeah I know I had to say to to put a statement

Down to put my foot down thinking face oh my gosh why are you guys so funny what are you guys what do you guys eat do you guys eat clown or something you guys are so funny you need this like every time you say something it’s like we have the the

Track in just like constantly clown you no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t think I don’t think you meant what you said oh yeah Viper we’re playing Welcome we’re playing Minecraft yeah if you’d like to join us you just

Have to to give me your Java uh your Java uh username I see you I see you excuse me Bro I can’t believe it you can join me when I actually start making my missile silo okay I trust you is there any way to put like a cod to keep uh Miss Katie from stealing my trees you know you can grow your own right Gosh Minecraft we’re playing Minecraft M Mining and crafting you can’t say Minecraft anymore YouTube it’s not allowed you can’t say Minecraft anymore now it’s uh crafting and friends or Mining and buddies I don’t know which one you craft craft mine yeah there is an Enderman and he carrying me

Well you know that’s what you that’s what you get when you try to create missile silos I suppose that is the that is the one caveat about that yeah I forgot to say everything has their consequences I suppose I’m going to Nuke the Enderman oh gosh are you actually an alchemist

Though do you actually know Alchemist in the game I need to know I need to know for personal reasons personal research in the game yes question mark what why so many question marks uh so what have you done so far well we’re playing Survival so we’re surviving in crafting

Basically it’s not the first time that we play Minecraft uh this is the same world that we used to play in virtual reality so a lot of the same things are still there 1 2 3 4 five six I’ll do a seven one now just for the sake of it

I hear a bony Mr Bones I hear Mr Bones out there let me out where’s the exit oh uh creativity has sparked and this very bad why do we leave in the desert my can’t oh no well we can plant trees we can I I actually don’t know why we live here

Actually this was this was the best that we could uh find back then I guess we don’t have to stay here forever forever thiser looks cool it look really cool in VR to be honest like the different colors of the Terra Cota it’s actually really nice there’s a jungle near

Me uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 okay here we go my my L Soul cand oh my gosh you’re so why are you so see that deserve this one [Applause] why are you so funny desert it simply means more places

To turn into a forest exactly see Falcon has the right idea be the change you want to see in the World Falcon is a genius welome simply how you doing today but true true he he do be he do be I don’t want to dogs his certificates but he do be kind of smart he do be kind of shush what the heck rain went to to

Bonk Falcon over there what is going on this will need more M bro what is going on what is going on with the missiles what is going on I I have lost control of this stream I have completely lost control I’m doing good thank you for asking I’m glad you’re doing good that

Makes me happy I’m glad you gave me the tools and I’m using it what what tools what are you talking about I didn’t do anything I didn’t not do anything I didn’t say or do anything I didn’t even I didn’t even I didn’t even this cribe the missile silos that you were

Talking about this was all you don’t don’t pin it on me don’t be in this uh radiation Warfare that you’re plotting handing out tools I don’t know it sounds more like you’re stealing my tools to be honest is that what’s going on good to hear I’m getting kind of scared with all the

Missile going on that’s just that’s just wonder that’s just my brain yeah that’s wonder wonder is Alchemist in the game I don’t know why they changed their name but you know I suppose it makes it more mysterious next time next time I log in I’m going to forget I’m going to be like

Who’s Alchemist remove from remove from server like oh it’s Wonder whoopsies and then add from server again oopsies oh gosh hello there Hello nuh find the three pun we’re still yeah I’m still uh see the game told me that I don’t belong to Desert yeah got to collect wood I had that one for a while in my well that went fantastic that went Fantastic see if we have ah perfect one two three one two three nice perfect remove from server it’s because I keep telling you guys I keep telling you like try to keep your names across socials the same name so I can remember you because if I if I suspect that

You’re not a person of trust I’ll I’ll remove you or something and I’ll forget that you’re like a a uh a regular on the streams so if you use different names if you use different names all forget wonder who he could be talking about yeah I’m just talking in general

I’m just saying in general it’s not the first time that it’s happened but I’m just saying in general like it’s hard to know you know um actually fuku this is not General this is actually of YouTube stream this is not General from Discord gosh wait one two oh I can put two

Actually shush Reverb what silence Reverb you’re not allowed in this stream apparent good thing I decided not to join why what is your username in here so I can add you forcibly did you take the bed with you oh no everyone is just spraying apart apparently we’re just going to play

Together but in different places cool is that a common thing on on Minecraft just play together for different Places yes okay yes okay okay uh okay then I guess I guess eventually I’m going to leave alone again I suppose I don’t think PS4 counts as Java True you’re enjoying the Dogo good boy he’s a good boy eat him Chicken there you go maybe what do you mean maybe shut up what do you mean maybe OU okay we have about maybe 40 more minutes of uh playtime because I’m trying to make streams uh six hours or less so that I can edit them on YouTube if there’s ever issues because I noticed

That streams that go beyond six hours uh I can’t edit them anymore so if there’s any any copyright issue with like the musics I can’t fix the streams anymore so I’m trying to keep streams under six hours a creeper just blew up by me well well well well well if it isn’t the

Consequences or your own actions I’m sorry no I’m just kidding whenever you say I’m sorry you make me feel bad I’m sorry I don’t I didn’t actually mean it it’s just a joke it’s just joke it’s just joke guys I’m comedian is the fukus Show creeper oh man so we back in the mines who’s missing good to sleep looks what all my messages are hidden is it because of my Username so how was your day good who’s missing who’s missing uh we’re trying to go to sleep whoever is missing EP yeah okay we’re sleeping now maybe we should change it maybe I should change it in the settings or something I’m surprised no one wants to put their bed next to mine

Gosh I was just kidding guys you can’t put your bed next to mine I w’t complain I got blown up twice you already said that oh gosh well hello there I got a villager of uh of creepers oh man he wants to hug me he doesn’t even have arms there we

Go he went hook but I don’t want hook he went hook but I don’t want hook he can hook himself he had for lck I don’t want Hook from creepers don’t kill him I wanted to ask him from his Snapchat bro still rest by the by by the left the left

Creeper man that was such a good concert I still think about it all day all the time all night every day the creeper R I still watch the bonds I mean I don’t know if you guys realize but I make content for myself I just go before I go

To bed like I’ll just watch it I’ll just watch my my own karaoke the best thing ever making content for your I’m I’m such a YouTube baby that’s like making content for myself is like the best thing ever I can just watch my own content all the time Hello Hero welcome

Welcome how you doing today welcome welcome uh one two one two one two hello Ren fancy seeing you here I need I need to know the exact location of the Rocks 1 2 3 4 5 okay 1 2 3 four five ah yes broken what is it supposed to be it’s

Going to be uh it’s going to be a rock villagers Rock villagers are going to live here uh here’s a question creeper explodes and makes a hole how do you feel it with the with whatever I have in my pocket I suppose yo who put their bed next to mine hey Yo are we going to be holding Hands uh there we go do I have sticks oh yeah sticks okay I should have been specific yeah I guess I guess you should have been yeah I have a feeling I know where you’re going with this wait what are you saying if you wish hey Yo guys I’m like an insomniac an insomniac cuddler there though like I I’ll just I’ll just grab whatever is next to me and just hug it are you are you going to be okay with that whoever put that bed next to mine I don’t know I don’t

Know say you wanted the bed next to yours SS well yeah fine it’s just going to make him more lonely now sleeping in a double empty bent gosh thanks May with nails a what with a nail feeling the hob Nails is Crazy we’re we’re getting all the all the memes mixed up this world needs more Nails this my oh your house is done nice thought I not the bit I slip one is that way it smells kind of funny smells like you know that gif the GIF from uh from

Earlier me me airing my bed sheets out my fart is that why it smells so funny a creeper blows up makes a hole do you completely fill it up cover it to the top yeah I usually cover it up all the way cuz I don’t want to be leaving

Gaps should I your should inspect my house okay okay I’m going I’m going I’m going I was finishing I was finishing wow all this Cherry stuff all these all these killed trees for the vanity of humanity I am disappointed I am disappointed in you killing all those trees I hate it I’m

Out of here angr steps away wait I I’m hungry actually very nice more B next to yours oh no what have you done now okay what is this going to be a cuddle p a cuddle pile now what the heck or am I just going to be the only one sleeping there gosh

It’s going to be warm in the winter I suppose watch out if I ever air my my bed cheats I guess watch out for those snipers uh I just died in your arms in your fors tonight it must been something you ate I just died okay okay okay buddy this deserves

A a laughing that laughing that that sounds so evil honestly I don’t like that laughing track it sounds like I don’t know like a bunch of evil people just laughing okay guys uh we’re going to be trying something new actually uh when we finish stream we’re going to be raiding someone okay Cobble

Will be nice what can someone give me some Stones yeah I have a lot of stones Actually you need stones I have them right here here you Go enjoy raiding raiding like raiding like uh like we’re going to be going to another person’s Channel and we’re going to be uh using a little um uh I’m going to put a message got to on my game what raiding yeah raiding raiding I’m going to put up a message

On uh on the stream that you guys can copy and then we’re going to we’re going to go all rate them and then we’re going to paste it we’re going to paste it a bunch of times pillage no not pillaging uh it’s going to be something

Like fuku raid and then some stars or something like that fukus star ra something like that are you guys done with that we got like 10 people in here so it be it’d be worth it worthy rate I feel it would be and I see uh Koto Kon

No uh Eve k Why Kon Eve Koto is like their pen Eve is their uh Evena is the the vtuber that we’re going to be raing I see her streaming right now so are you guys done with that maybe in a few minutes though maybe in like 10

Minutes but I want to try becoming better at writing it was it was a little bit embarrassing last time when when I was the only one who ched up so we’ll try to do it again together I’ll paste I’ll paste right before we leave I’ll paste the the

Message and we all go write them rate them together raid Shadow Legends oh no I still got the sponsor for that you guys want me to SP to get sponsored by by ra Shadow Legends I had I got a sponsor by them but I don’t know if I want to do

It I guess I should probably do it for I should do it for the memes on but I don’t know I don’t know if I should do it I don’t even know what can dear God please no see I know I know some people who despise it do it for the funny exactly

See Viper you got to you got to loosen up it’s going to it’s going to be funny right it’s going to be for the memes wouldn’t you like your favorite YouTuber saying that this video has been sponsored by Shadow raid Legends no wait did I say that wrong ra

Shadow Legends oh no I already I got fire already that alone fired Me besides I’m always talking smack about video games they will probably not want to sponsor me ever again don’t join the Dark sign they don’t even offer that many that much money anyways it’s just funny it’s just for the funny lol’s it’s just for the funnies I like this song

Though you were the chosen one I haven’t done anything I haven’t done anything I haven’t done Anything you can’t blame me for something I haven’t done yet just because I’m considering it consider gosh oh hi nuh-uh I guess everyone wants to sleep sleepy time You’re a nice worker thanks who’s going to cuddle pile with me I guess when when I start I didn’t I didn’t think more than one bed was possible to put around but I guess I guess it is Possible oh gosh everyone is just joining the cuddle Pile this is going to be so much fun wait what’s going on hey yo warm and cozy at least no one dying from from any forts at least not yet oh no what happened Katie what happened don’t talk about it okay I guess I guess I guess we’ll just ignore it then for Now she’s going to ignore it P CH oh no that’s unfortunate but see that’s this is why the Sha requires you to have two layers of brick below your house it is a OSHA certificate oh my gosh that is hilarious that is so funny I’m sorry I’m sorry that was just

Funny that’s where I build my house oh yeah I haven’t seen rang’s house holy moly what are you what are you what is blood building I only have the land where does it begin over here on top bro is building the Dragon Ball Z platform are you going to fight

Cell what is going on I can’t even jump into it how are you supposed to get there oh through here welcome everyone to the Dragon Ball Z Tournament I’m going to be your host fuku star I like it I like it yeah we can have we can have tournaments here cool dragon ball in the next episode of Dragon Balls XD man oh gosh I almost thought I wasn’t going to make that jump oh no not

Again it’s got to be a joke at this point it’s got to come on come on bro had the brook has the the whole crew laughing now okay okay bro got a whole crew laughing gosh we don’t talk about it all right well this is going to be Castle instead

Of cave no actually it was an accident okay I guess renji reni’s Castle is going to oversee the entire uh stone village huh is renji the new king find out in then in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z or maybe maybe perhaps maybe R is

Building a castle for for me the king of starville is that what’s going on I appreciate it dearly I will take this opportunity to the highest degree of royalty thank you renji for offering such a kind gift especially so close to Christmas I haven’t built anything yet well that

Makes it even better the sky is the limit Right this is but the first step of my conus of the conquer world what the heck what is blood jaing about he’s been talking about making things but he hasn’t made anything can’t even where’s the proof where is the proof where’s my Christmas present

Uh I think of wait what what do you mean you already got your Christmas Present shush your Elf mouth before I send you back to the to the Desert going to make you pick a mine freaking Cobblestone for me B food bro don’t don’t El love being uh uh be food meanwhile I’m just living in the desert as an elf oh that’s true I forgot R uh R is also an elf why do we have so many Elves in this community what’s going on what’s going on with the elf with the Elfa culture here horses I haven’t seen hores since 1985 in Minecraft I don’t really know understandable have a nice day where’s the horse hores where’s the hores where’s the hores at oh I see them

Yo I’m going to die here there we go hello oh my God Horsey wait no what do I need bring some uh bring some uh what is it called bring some thing some what is it called the freaking wheat hey yes go bring It renchie it’s in the chest before they desan we can get horses wait are the are the elf gods uh okay with us taking these horses as our pets you don’t need hate T horses oh sorry my lawyer is telling me otherwise oh this horse is going to kill

Me he’s trying to jump off with with me are you sure about this are you sure about this Falcon getting a little nervous here I better I better listen to my to my Minecraft lawyer Instead El are cool true thank you thank you thank you you just need to ride enough for them to get there in but you’ll need saddles or a leash gosh wait we don’t have Saddles oh it worked cool uh I can’t control it though I need a saddle what he

Said you have one in your home yeah I know but is anyone going to go for it while I wait is the real question I’ll just wait in my horsey I suppose in my high horse does anyone have a approach by oh oh my gosh just put the hour

What just put the hour what what was that I saw that where is it uh it’s in the chest inside to the right and there star life yeah I never had a horse in Minecraft I think I’m pretty sure I stopped fling before horses before the horse update I’m pretty sure I stopped

Playing before then yes I understand that was a long time ago we don’t talk about it really OG shut up yes [Applause] anyways just put the horse in a hole oh my gosh that sounds awful oh no don’t die don’t die bringing it to me wait how do I get

Off oh oh how do I get off excuse me no I don’t know how to get LIF shift okay there we go wait how do I how do I move around Though Saddle wait what oh this is not a [Applause] saddle is this not a saddle ah I see okay well I come back for you later horsey are you going to follow do they follow if you if you put way in front of them no hey no okay I’m getting no I’m

Getting no I’m getting two NOS um you guys forgot to make a path for me to come back safe and sound no wait there he is there is that was that was fun that was fun where did we get the saddle though we just got to fish it out

Huh which is got to fish it out there’s no way around quite proud of proud of killing my cherry blossums gosh Fisher finding chest okay I remember finding one saddle though I I don’t remember where I put it please reant well I’m not going to do

What you tell me first of all welcome but if you’re a weirdo I don’t read what you say second of all if you keep saying weird things you’re going to get banned so don’t put don’t put weird codes in my chat I would appreciate that life is Minecraft true welcome back lime

For five minutes don’t worry I think we’re actually going to go write someone so why don’t we go over here and then I’ll explain the rules for writing for rating who could do a flip shat Up there’s your flip Okay so here’s the here’s the uh writing no raiding raiding we’re going to raid someone else so so we’re going to we’re going to do this fuku fuku star rate something like This I don’t know I’ve never done this before but I want to get better at then for sure Like will the will this be good enough can you guys copy that let’s copy let’s all copy then yeah we’re going to be rating let’s all copy then okay you guys ready and then we’re going to be going to uh ‘s uh ‘s uh stream and we’re we’re

Going to go all paste it okay we’re going to do it all at Once okay you guys Ready I really appreciate you for helping me doing this so let’s go Rite them let’s go have a little fun they’re playing little company so I think they’re playing for the first time too so it’s going to be Interesting uh yes here it is so let’s go rate them okay uh the the rate the the link should probably uh change for you automatically so we’re going to go there okay so copy the copy the message and then we’ll I’ll see you there I’m actually going to paste her Channel

Too just in cases just in cases which means I’m going to lose my ra my R Message uh the Enderman watching fuku wait what what’s going on oh gosh oh gosh okay um we’re going to go together don’t do it yet the channel is going to when when the channel stream ends it’s going to take you there by itself but here’s the

Link here’s the link and then we’ll go there in five three 2 one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 I lost my files 💀 【Starlite Squad】’, was uploaded by fukustar Ch. 🌟 フォーチュンスター on 2023-12-16 06:58:15. It has garnered 122 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:42 or 20502 seconds.


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Who am I?

I am fukustar! The fortune star. I harness the power of the stars, and luck! I often bring good fortune to those who watch me, so please feel free to subscribe!

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Starlites is how I call my chat and followers. You will often see starlites in my shorts, or on my stream in the shape of original characters made by me. You are represented in this way and it’s fun way to interact!

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Please remember that I’m a male VTuber. You can address me as he/him, or call me fuku or fukustar.

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  • Foggy Willows – Vanilla Survival Java 100% Vanilla Guaranteed

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  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

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  • Minecraft meme: When you accidentally punch a villager #oops

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 608 Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and exploration is endless. Join the millions of players worldwide in crafting, building, and surviving in this captivating sandbox game. Exploring New Horizons With each episode, Lแป ฤแป Vแป takes viewers on a journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From towering mountains to lush forests, the possibilities are limitless. Discover hidden caves, mysterious dungeons, and valuable resources as you traverse the diverse biomes of this virtual realm. Building Dreams Unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Becoming President of Paradise Island – Minecraft

    Becoming President of Paradise Island - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Adventures Embark on thrilling escapades, heart-pounding challenges, and mysterious quests in the enchanting realm of Minecraft. Join EmirhanCTN and his friends as they navigate through a world filled with excitement, suspense, and camaraderie. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Explore the boundless possibilities of Minecraft as you immerse yourself in a world where your imagination knows no limits. Build awe-inspiring structures, craft intricate tools, and embark on epic adventures in a universe that is yours to shape and mold. Join the Adventure Experience the thrill of the unknown as you delve into the depths of… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER – Louie and Pip Build Challenge

    Unleashing Chaos: NOOB vs HACKER - Louie and Pip Build ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER’, was uploaded by Louie and Pip on 2024-03-26 15:00:30. It has garnered 100170 views and 1578 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:32 or 3932 seconds. JJ & Mikey Build Challenge: NOOB vs HACKER Subscribe to become an OG FAN. Louie and Pip are playing Minecraft. Follow My Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDMytuc0y4TF5V3rUZVT6GA?sub_confirmation=1 We make similar content to Milo and Chip, Cash and Nico, Paper, Mazien, JJ and Mikey. Leave a like and don’t forget to subscribe! #Minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Origins: The Complete Story

    Minecraft Origins: The Complete StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Origens do comeรงo ao fim (e pq acabou)’, was uploaded by Ablau on 2024-03-25 14:00:06. It has garnered 104 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:26 or 1526 seconds. [CCโœ”๏ธโ€“ ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น ๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต] Let’s remember the entire history of the Minecraft Origins kingdom and try to find out why the series never came back. CHECK OUT AND SARAIVA LIKE! ๐Ÿ”—Links mentioned_______ ๐Ÿฆ๐ŸงถJazzghost thread ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ‘‰https://x.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111562646786049?s=20 ๐ŸŽฅโœ‚๏ธFull excerpt from Jazzghost about the disappearance of Minecraft Origins ๐Ÿ”—๐Ÿ‘‰https://youtu.be/OgE8I-rU9-w?si=5mDpm0QR59DAtlEL&t=29 ๐Ÿ“œ๐Ÿฆ๐ŸงถWayback Machine da Thread pt.1/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321174538/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111562646786049?s=20 pt.2/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321175320/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296111894328217602?s=20 pt.3/4: https://web.archive.org/web/20240321175357/https://twitter.com/Jazzghost1/status/1296112514908987392?s=20 pt.4/4:… Read More


    INSANE ARROW DODGE CHALLENGE! Herobrine vs ZombieVideo Information This video, titled ‘DON’T GET AN ARROW CHALLENGE! #2 Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – funny minecraft animation #cartoon’, was uploaded by toonz CRAFT on 2024-01-15 23:12:28. It has garnered 30643864 views and 2654050 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Herobrine vs. Mutant Zombie – Bow Challenge! #minecraft #animation #challenge #cartoon Read More

  • Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!

    Diving Into Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world’, was uploaded by Souza Gamerz on 2024-04-12 21:30:03. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Exploring Techno Gamerz Epic Minecraft Universe :Full Review ! || Techno Gamerz minecraft world #technogamerz #minecraft #gaming Instagram : souza_Gamerz8 -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Follow Us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/souza_gamerz8/ Shorts Channel : https://youtube.com/c/ThundromeGamerzShorts About This Channel This Channel Is Full Of Indian Gaming , commentary,gaming related tips and tricks and gaming techs etc etc etc. You Can enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!

    EPIC Court Drama with SideArms4Reason! Who wins?!Video Information This video, titled ‘COURT EVENT DAY | Cobblemon SMP (ep6)’, was uploaded by SideArms4Reason on 2024-05-30 05:03:33. It has garnered 4301 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:15 or 16275 seconds. The best Minecraft Pokemon Mod is here – Cobblemon SMP I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get cool emotes and a chat badge, become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2LzOtzFiggxpLY80IUXhFw/join Tip here – https://twitch.streamlabs.com/sidearms4reason Download the Cobblemon modpack here & play on the public server https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 I am partnered and sponsored by the Mythical Network Get FocusFuel here – https://thefocusfuel.com/side Use code… Read More


    I BECAME CHAINSAW MAN in Minecraft?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became CHAINSAW MAN In Minecraft (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KanesAce on 2024-04-11 17:25:18. It has garnered 196259 views and 3338 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:06 or 2406 seconds. I added chainsaw man into Minecraft.. ANIMATIONS BY – @reflectedwastaken 8 BIT CHAINSAW MAN OPENING KICK BACK COVER – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmfkIAXHjg&pp=ygUVOCBCSVQgS0lDSyBCQUNLIENPVkVS KICKBACK ELEVATOR MUSIC – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK7_v2wd44A&pp=ygUYS0lDSyBCQUNLIENPVkVSIE1BUklPIDY0 MAIN MAP USED – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/sayama-city–japanese-modern-city-world-/ ZOMBIE DEVIL MAP AND ENEMIES – https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/chainsaw-craft-chainsaw-man-in-minecraft-vanilla/ (other builds were handmade so not available) MODS USED – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chainsaw-man-csm https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/craft-devils-mod #chainsawman #mod #Minecraft Read More

  • VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye Level

    VR Gaming Magic: Eye-Testing Art at Eye LevelVideo Information This video, titled ‘#eyetesting #magic #eyelevel #art #eyegame #duet #mindboggling #smallbusiness #eyesgame’, was uploaded by vr gaming 143k on 2024-04-22 01:24:04. It has garnered 301 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #shorts #tages #minecrafthelp #helpshorts #emozgaming #emozgamingshorts #trendingshorts #trend #emozshorts #minecraftgamingshorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftalwayshelp #alwayshelp #helpingshorts #helpingdog #minecrafttrend #minecraftshorts #minecrafttiktok #minecrafttrendingshorts #ytshorts #minecraftsad #minecraftsadshorts #storyshorts #minecraftstory#Minecraft gaming ki link #minecraft kese khele #minecraft download #minecraft video #minecraft long video# #gaming ketigty me sascirab kese badaye #long videos viral karne ki tirk #1000 sascirabar kese pura kake #1ksascirbar kese… Read More

  • Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With Viewers

    Join LIVE Server Gaming Event NOW! Play Custom Games With ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS (Customs With YOU)’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2024-04-20 02:44:46. It has garnered 555 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:34 or 9574 seconds. Hive Minecraft With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!! 2k Texture Pack!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8OznbGQm4&t=154s thumbnail made by @ItsBluesYT โ€ข memberships – https://www.youtube.com/@ServerGaming/join โ€ข join the discord – https://discord.gg/5kyzAMYVWB โ€ข follow my kick – https://kick.com/servergaming โ€ข follow my twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itzserver โ€ข my second channel – @ServerExtras Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and… Read More