Adults Only Minecraft – Minecraft HILLSIDE HAVEN | Ch. 82 | Recruiting Students

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Hey everybody Welcome to adults only Minecraft Hillside Haven as you can see I’m in the sewers and that’s uh partially because that’s what tonight’s episode is it’s also because Kai’s not here with me and uh so uh yeah I I I’m really like down in the sewers

About them and that just doesn’t work that joke just is not working at all uh but anyhow Kai is not here tonight they may be joining us later they have that whole work thing to do uh so you might be just stuck with me this evening um

But what I’m going to be doing is something oh before I forget my apologies for not being here the last few weeks um between heading uh to our wedding venue and getting things squared away for our December 30th wedding uh and children working and me working and

Me being sick um it’s like yeah it hasn’t been a good last few weeks for playing Minecraft and uh you know as we’ve talked multiple times before it is always life first Minecraft second because this game does have a way of getting those priorities messed up if

You’re not careful so we always make it a rule but um even without Kai tonight I just really felt like I needed to come and say hi and I also needed to play and it gave me an excuse to come play because I’ve really been missing playing

So um hi Christopher uh Hey Saxon good to see you guys again uh hopefully we’ll have a good uh turnout tonight but I I actually wouldn’t be overly surprised if we didn’t simply because it seems like if I have an absence for a few weeks uh things get uh things get quiet

So then they pick back up again when people know that I will be here instead of ditching them this way so anyhow I am just scoping out the desert right now um because we are going to be getting some zombies to cure uh how however I realized I do need some uh

Hey Bronx boys welcome um yes 21 plus Minecraft actually but you know for the stream anybody who wants to be here um yeah I agree Christopher change it to Minecraft first family second but or life second but yeah that whole life thing really does get in the way of the gaming sometimes

So I am I have got a system set up here based in my sewers where I am going to be coring zombies from the nearby desert over to here and they will come in down in the sewers and then I have I have curing stations here where I will put apples

And uh potions gold apples and then what this will allow me to do is cure the villagers near where I want them to be villagers otherwise tend to want to if if there’s not a designated Village they always tend to kind of stay where you put them in the first

Place so I want to make sure that I have them spread out I’m hoping that will help keep them from all coming together but I’m not sure on that I haven’t been able to find find a a definitive answer I need a splash potion of weakness hey I don’t remember how to

Make a splash po of weakness I think I can take a I think I can convert no I think I have to do it with a strength potion have to look up that recipe caling game play yes indeedy all right so um let’s get the apples first where are you

Apples you know what I should do is change this all over to my own organizational System since Kai didn’t show tonight because then they they’ll have no ex no no reason to complain I need to look up a potion uh thingy Brewing okay we got Nether wart um need a potion of

Weakness if I could spell weakness that would be uh that would be even easier all right recipe me fermented spider eye and a water bottle well the water bottles a given to make some more water bottles fermented spider eye I can’t remember how to make

Those too God I haven’t done this for a while that’s kind of sad so I need spider eyes spider eyes spider eyes does whatever a spider eye can it’s all I got um spider eyes spider eyes we aren’t going to need that Many um okay don’t mind me I am just trying to figure this out I just realized it’s been so long since I brewed in um in Minecraft um sugar oh brown mushrooms that’s what it is sugar and brown mushrooms oh that could be tough I might have to go hunting for some

Mushrooms relatively sure we have the sugar or not I have to go we have red mushrooms and sugar okay I guess we’re going on a little Adventure here people cuz I totally don’t have everything I need so let’s go on a little Adventure yep night time great time to

Get some zombies and I don’t have the stuff I need brilliant brilliant I tell you so I’m going to run to my room sleep you know it seemed like a great idea to have our room up on like the third floor until it comes time to sleep in the like it’s

Like all right let’s see what you guys got to say uh some wholesome humor though Kai is a bit of a slacker letting we’re getting I know right yep need the brown mushrooms forgot those had a purpose sorry I hope there’s no brown mushrooms watching they’ll be sad

Knowing they have no reason to exist all right let’s go find some you know like a lot of times mushrooms are freaking everywhere and then when you actually need them then you can’t find them so I bet you that’s exactly what’s going to happen but I’m going to pick up my handy dandy

Um um well that thing my axxe that’s special my special axe um like Paul bunion I think is its name um in uh in the server but in this world I don’t think we ever named it’s just a netherite netherite axe but it will really help with those

Mushrooms that I’m hoping I can find wish me luck people I’m gonna do the best I can and hopefully not get too far home can always cheat though have to walk back home let’s see what we can find mushrooms must find mushrooms this isn’t looking promising we did some generation

Regeneration of this world and now we’re on an island so it’s like I can’t go to the places I was accustomed to going to before what is that oh we did that I thought maybe that was a dungeon no thought luck so while I am searching

Here let me just do a quick reminder uh to make sure that you check out our friends at nodecraft uh use use the code poptart time to get a minimum of 30% off of your game hosting needs uh you guys have heard me say it a million times but

These guys rock if you are considering hosting a server um this is definitely the place to go so that’s all I got to say about that all right so no mushrooms this way of course and a Hanging Tree over here let’s see if we can get rid of

Him if you’ve never played on a server um or or you know you’re thinking about it one thing that is a total no no you want to really take off your server Mates is to leave hanging trees now I don’t think anybody left that one I think that was from the world

Generation uh when we did some uh some regenerating here I think that created that tree but uh just made me think of that it’s like one of those big no no that’s like leaving big old creeper holes however on This Server we’ve got creeper damage turned off because it

Just annoys the snot out of people and then also if you’re responsible for triggering a creeper but you buy somebody else’s stuff that kind of blows because it’s your fault that their stuff got broken and then you don’t know how to fix it and it’s just bad definitely bad it’s definitely definitely

Bad I really hope there’s some shrooms over there I don’t feel like spending the whole night hunting mushrooms thank you Christopher Christopher said good luck we’re all counting on one of my favorite movies just wanted to say good luck we’re all counting on you I use that gif Often by the

Way yep I don’t think there are any mushrooms on this island so we’re gonna hop in our boat and go sailing for mushrooms and we’ll have to grab some sugar too because I don’t know what Kai did with that if we got it or not all right where’s my boat Where’s My

Boat well I’m a hungry boy here whoops I forget how uh how short baked potatoes last how little saturation they have all right let’s see if we can find us some shrooms it is a great movie yes my favorite movie of all times is Princess Bride however airplane is like

Right up there in the in the top five number two is probably gotta beani python in the Holy Grail this gives you some idea of my uh my sense of humor I do have a kind of sophomoric sense of humor if you and figured that out yet this morning since I didn’t need

Brown mushrooms I walked through a spruce Forest full of them then wandering the nether even more of them of course it’s when you don’t wow um these look at these two Ocean Monuments holy crap stains I don’t think I’ve ever seen two like that before that would be cool to

Build to I’m not going to but that is a unique placement Dumbo and Princess Bride now that’s an interesting combination I I’m not a big fan of dumble I mean I don’t dislike it it’s good but uh you know would I be able to watch it more than

Once that’s a lot of times my defining thing for movies is can I watch them more than once and uh yeah I don’t know if Dumbo if I’d really want to watch it more than once all right I can’t just drive by this I need to check it out oh good thing I

Did goodies I don’t know why I’m grabbing these but oh well we’ll grab them any grab a little nougats I should grab some air here just in case just be safe so pipe in folks if you’ve got a favorite movie I’d love to hear about it especially if it’s

Good my stepdaughter is totally into I always these are always fun is totally into like horror movies and I do not get horror movies at all so would movies about when women with loose morals be horror movies I’m just asking asking for a friend actually all right let’s continue

Here as a child I love Dumbo I’ve watched more than once Princess Bride at least a few hundred times plus I read the book three or four times yeah I I have totally lost track of how many times I’ve watched princess prde I mean to me that is is like as close to

Perfect as you can get with a movie there’s just it’s got everything man and I got the opportunity to see the I uh 25th Anniversary Edition in theaters um which was very very cool and uh they had segments in there where they interviewed like Rob Riner and some of the other um

Some of the other actor or some of the actors and um just a lot of the behind the scenes stuff and stories about Andre the Giant which was awesome I guess that guy could drink um but also Uber nice guy and bit on the crazy side not surprising I suppose I should

Sleep let’s get these sugar can because I’m going to need this too Kai would string me up if she knew I was running around with our netherite axe here oh well they’re not here silly guy the things I get to do when you’re not here

Oh they didn’t do the 25 year thing huh yeah they they ran it like just once at the at the local theater uh and it was it was packed I was glad I got tickets early because I would have been much saddened if I wouldn’t have been able to see

It huh I don’t know what direction I was going initially H oh well I don’t want to like be going in circles that’s kind of cool let’s go this way see we can find some shrooms man oh look it’s a sunflower field oh there’s a village here I think we need

To check this Village out and we can help them solve their zombie problems here stay indoors stay indoors people I need a bed and of course I go in the one place there isn’t a bed hey you got company behind you there bud if I went to gotten them he would have kitty

Cats nice kitty cats I need to find a ped soon oh already taken hello bed another one without a bed hello I need a bed yes I know I have a bed with me but I want to sleep in one of theirs oh that could be that Kai doesn’t want

Um treasure planet’s good by the way I saw that coming too uh yeah Kai maybe doesn’t want it to end all together possible but no they started working so it’s Sunday nights are one of the nights they’re able to work and it works out well for them so

Um yeah so I think that is the big thing that’s happening here all right let’s check out these what can we pillage here I’m going to steal their candles I like candles thank you oh thank you I can bake these up I don’t have to dig them

Up that’s how lazy I am I think I have plenty of apples though we’ll leave the door open here so that I remember where I’ve been it’s the easy way to get potatoes people it’s going to be so dark for The Villages oh I know what I can do come here

Fishies come here fishies we’re gonna get us a cat cats are fun this is how the the uh Native Americans used to fish they go underwater with a sword and a hack away at the fish you know what I don’t understand in Minecraft or at least maybe it’s just

This texture pack why the squids look so evil and they’re like not like like don’t do anything to you yeah this a lot easier than a fishing rod I’m not going to lie all right let’s see if we can get a kitty cat now I don’t want heads I just want kitty

Cats kitty cats where’s a kit cat I want K cat got more salmon plenty of salmon here if I need moreat where’s K Kat where are you little kitty cats I see one I think I saw one there he is kitty cat he loves me you you do cat getat L

Me okay let’s go little kid cat maybe we can get another one all right let’s see what else we can pillage there’s another kitty cat come here P puss come here puss I could become like one of those crazy cat ladies oh I got another cat loving

Me oh the love of the kitties it’s Everywhere okay back to the pillaging no raping though only pillaging I don’t know where I was it was raping and pillaging without the raping all right where was I I don’t want to like I guess I can leave doors more kitties come here kitties oh he’s the tough one oh no

Luck where my ke Keys otherwise I don’t know where they went all right I can’t find where I started there we go so yes I started there oh can always use leads we’ll take a lead that one I checked already okay I need a door Space Balls oh my God yeah that’s

Why I did uh when I did um Space Nuts um that was uh or was that Beyond Uranus I think it was beyond Uranus um we we had on the back of the spaceship was uh we don’t we don’t uh break for anything and uh yep that was in

Homage so many great scenes yes I have yet to see the greatest show showman um I love the music but I have yet to see the movie itself hello puss puss everybody tells me I need to I just had haven’t yet Kling there’s another movie cing name that

Movie I got a feeling Christopher will know this one more potatoes cut them up mash them up put them in a stew is there nothing potatoes can’t do for you there’s nothing in these crates why do they just put things in chests some silly all right I think that we have done all

That we can to that one nothing worth stealing in this one hey score oh potatoes making babies Oh you guys want to watch watch them watch them they’re making babies making babies oh they’re brokenhearted no babies oh there that’s pretty useless all Right I don’t know how much use those will be have to start dumping stuff soon still haven’t found any brown mushrooms of course I did come here instead so and then get some kitties I don’t need a brewing stand but I will steal the churches I will steal the church’s uh

Candles how come I can’t pick oh those a different color screw it I don’t think there’s anything in here to steal I don’t need a bell hello puss puss oh gold I just feel wrong stealing from a church not that wrong but a little bit just a little bit

Wrong that’s all our buildings here yes there are kitties Everywhere n oh potatoes get back off to cook them all up you guys better not be closing doors on me you’re sleeping it’s daylight or is it not oh it’s getting to be that time I find a bed here that’s not occupied is this one of the other ones that I

Went B I’m putting a bad screw it screw it yeah Zack Efron and zah yeah Hugh Jackman you didn’t quite hear which line which one did I say yep I’m missing out on some conversations here feel free to Talk Amongst yourselves I don’t have to be included

That’s fine I’d rather you did because that means more people are hanging out with us and that’s a good thing hello cat um is this cat sideways this cat sideways um hello are you supposed to be laying um all righty then that’s kind of strange but you do you cat you do you

Okay let’s find uh let’s find other doors I need to open yet nothing to steal I should just kill this guy just kidding I’d be dead all right let’s see what else we can find here we did these already I don’t think I’ve been through all the buildings already have I no

Maybe I got a feeling these guys are closing doors on me little jerks yeah CU I think I’ve been in here yep okay this is where I came in so let’s go around this way just to make sure I got everything here I wish I could keep myself oriented

That’s one of the things I struggle with in Minecraft which is really weird because I have a good sense of Direction in the real world but in Minecraft I just get so turned around sometimes and it’s just like my innate sense of direction doesn’t quite cut it in this

World that’s kind of kind of kind kind of cool yeah that’s easy for me to say all right I think the mushroom hunt needs to continue I’m glad we’re not hunting for mics cuz then I you know it wouldn’t be the mushroom hunt it’d be the mic you know the rest of that

Joke let’s see what we can find as I run around with my bed here get rid of some inventory quick don’t need that don’t need that hold on to that for the time being probably not going to need those candles and I have a manhole cover with

Me mushrooms where are you little brown mushrooms I’m looking for you where are you all right mushrooms you can’t hide from me forever I’m going to find you die I’m going to kill you brown mushrooms you cannot defeat me I’m am going to find your brown

Mushrooms if it is the last thing I do I’ve said it before I’m going to say it again I really like the improvements to World Generation man just the more I run around like this and look at things of course I appreciate more um like um brown mushrooms but otherwise generation’s pretty

Good my cats keep freaking me out you’re freaking me out man name that movie I’m freaking out Man that’s right man you’re freaking out who knows that movie yeah I need to find a Bruce a Bruce biome hi my name’s Bruce and I’m a biome Spruce biome or dark forest biome yes I have not seen either of those as well you can name the movie I’m freaking out comes

From um you will also know another one of my favorite movies yeah the this is true oh am I going back to where I was well poopies not sure no um yeah the I have noticed the world generation does have things that just fall off in the back

Yeah yeah yeah you got to be careful that way I have no idea if this is the one I was just at or not suppose I should pick a direction and keep going that that way so I don’t uh do this again I think it might be this looks kind of

Familiar we’ll know soon enough H this looks like different loot yeah maybe this isn’t the same place huh then again maybe it is yeah all these doors are open I bet you the same place is this your home kitty kitty I think it is I’m not sure yet I don’t

Remember remember it being multi level like this but I don’t yeah all these doors are open this has to be yes this is the one okay well son of a gun what direction are we going here we’re going to go this direction but let’s see which one which direction is it

East I’m going to go west I always like you know Go West Young Man haven’t you been told okay Cali full Whiskey Women and gold hey Chase’s channel is here Chase oh you know if you weren’t out of cash I have the alarm fixed so now when uh

Somebody makes a super chat or super sticker uh or a Superman or Super Trooper that’s a hint of about my question before guys um is uh that that is that is the the huge hint I’m going to give you about where that quote came from um so yeah uh

If anybody feels like throwing a Super Chat my way you get to hear the alarm well actually you get to test it because I haven’t test it since but I I’m almost certain it’s fixed so I remember when I first did that when I first installed the Super Chat alarm

When it would go off it scare the snot out of me it’s been a while since I’ve kind had it hooked up and so I’m wondering if it would scare me again so it might be enjoyable to do it not saying that just for the cash by the

Way just trying to help you with a little entertainment value suppose they should eat too m yes Super Troopers haha you couldn’t stand my bed that was pretty amazing timing though I have yet to see Super Troopers too and I’m I’m kind of not wanting to because I’m really afraid that it’s just

Going to suck and make me sad but the first Super Troopers is a thing of Genius in my opinion if just so many quotable lines it’s like Mean Girls too I mean Mean Girls is all about if I was going west I need to keep going west uh Mean Girls is

Like talk about quotable movies I mean that movie is so fetch like totally fetch I always like thought I wouldn’t like Mean Girls so I didn’t watch it for years and years and years and then my fiance told me that like uh you gotta watch you got to watch Mean Girls it’s a

Great movie like okay fine I let you chick flick and it really is pretty damn good watch for shrooms kids oh I would have landed in water at least but who that was close look at those amazing catlike reflexes saved myself from a fate worse than death falling in

Minecraft yep yep yep shrooms see be seem to be the thing uh that uh I can’t find if you were a shroom where would you hide hey it works yay Saxon thank you very much hey it won’t shut off I think I forgot to reprogram that shut off part good thing

I can do that on my phone all right tools okay it’s it’s still ringing it’s still ringing I got it okay I’ll have to fix that thank you for the uh yeah thank you thank you worth watching I know direction am I going here

Beast all right so I need to go this way um yeah that was uh that was interesting I yeah I had to um I had to program it to shut back off again and I totally forgot to do that when I got it hooked back up but thanks

For testing it for me and thanks for the couple of bucks there I appreciate it it uh it definitely works again I’m scared the freaking crap out of me even though you said it didn’t scare me it did I I totally kind of was shocked by that what

Is y puppy or is that a fox puppy dog how will puppy dog I have no bones to give you okay this this mushroom truck is getting old here I just want freaking mushrooms okay just mushrooms that’s all I want mushrooms am I asking that much Universe no I just want

Shrooms yeah don’t think I’m going to find any in a desert just saying but you never know what else you what is that oh just some Sandstone I think yep just my texture pack making things look weird I’m sorry my resource pack texture packs are so old school

You tried to send one too Christopher well thank you um yeah I don’t it’s not even showing up in the in the thing so am I going here okay well well let’s go Elsewhere need a beverage pardon me I’m back let’s go check out that boat what’s it all boat Healy these partial boats are always kind of a crapshoot you never know if you’re going to find anything in them or not I got a lump of coal don’t think the other chest is

Going to be there nope must take liquid much better my camera is crooked why for you cooked camera there we go it’s raining again screen froze and then nothing could just be that I suck at techno stuff it’s been long since that time yeah you know I just just get super

Chats all the time and not so much anymore and if you guys know me well enough you know that for me it’s the whole streaming thing really isn’t about the money it’s it’s just kind of what I do it’s nice to have that to pay the bills but you know what especially now

That I have a sponsor it’s not as big a deal um so I appreciate it I I I more appreciate like the super chats and that just from the standby standpoint of like you know it’s an ad boy it’s uh you’re doing a good job we love

You as opposed to the the money side of things this is an interesting collection of loot huh nothing I need but that’s an interesting mix I don’t know what direction West is still facing no I’m facing no no that’s W okay uh oh I think I left my boat behind

Yep I think I’m pointing West but I’m not sure oh great a jungle I don’t think I find brown mushrooms in jungles either oh I do see some sugar cane though I think or bamboo you bamboo or sugar canane you’re sugar cane all right well let’s sleep here

Quick well thank you Christopher I do appreciate that Christopher said that the fact that he shows up to this many streams says that it’s good stuff well I very much appreciate that I still really enjoy this silly game and uh so gives me a reason to play

It otherwise I don’t know if I’d have excuses to play it you know it’s a lot easier to say yeah got to stream tonight so I uh you know can’t do blah blah blah it’s a little more difficult to go yeah I just have a driving need to game

Yeah that doesn’t work quite as well make sure I’m actually picking those up all right well think um I don’t think I’m going any further here so I guess I’m going this way oh man right on the other side there too see The Outpost guys die bunny scum

Die all right we’ll let the bunny on I don’t think I think that Outpost is on the other side of the border so it’s like a Canadian Outpost you know must be like just yeah of course all right seeking out the elusive brown mushrooms okay Run Bunny Run getting plenty of sugar sweet all right we’re getting there that’s an interesting like Chasm oh hello yeah not going to squirrel on that one I’m looking for my freaking brown mushrooms here I think we’re getting nearly enough sugar we’ll just keep going this way hello

Lava yep thinking there’s going to be no brown mushrooms here yeah let’s get two stacks of the sugar and call it good enough they still call these sugar can yeah they do okay I think at one point they were called reads but I don’t remember for

Sure if we did that just cuz we were dumb it’s all together possible I’ve done a lot of things cuz I’m dumb all right should have a two full Stacks awesome here bunny have some sugar cane eat it up bunny eat it up it will bring you Joy

Oh yeah I could do a trip to the nether couldn’t I yeah yep that’s not a bad idea either stand a much better chance of dying in the nether to be honest out here hey nit is here thought you weren’t going to show tonight nitty welcome to the mark solo

Show Kai’s working putting in the long hours tonight so how’s your mother doing nitty nidy was visiting her mom I know these things CU I’m psychic I hope your mom as well so we are looking for brown mushrooms right now and not having a whole heck of a lot of

Luck we’re not going to have much more luck going into a desert and a Mesa or bad lands as they are now called they’re going to be bad for brown mushrooms I can tell you that H get it bad lands bad for brown mushrooms moms are always happy to have time

Together my son was home from college for the first time this last weekend that was nice too College hasn’t made him any smarter though it’s still in an idiot but just kidding love the kid he actually helped me with some work need to do some work up on my

Roof which was fun did a lot more crawling around than I wanted to do so I’m kind of a hurting pup stuff to look At hopefully this was the one of those totally op Villages looks like it looks like it’s done differently so I should go check it out see what we can steal I mean find hello hello have you heard about our Lord and savior Notch hello these are kind of cool nothing I really want

Here going to be hard to keep track of which ones I’ve been in and which ones I haven’t been in wonder if it’s because we’re in a desert that the the loots kind of lame yeah pretty lame loot just a book yes much lame loot his

Head pork chops oh you know what I should do cook up the pork chops quick I have no coal wellow poop great hello C hello Pig check that one already boom nothing I need what about in here oh should I Rob the church again I’m want to go to hell

I keep doing this man keep robing churches well best to find a bed oh emeralds Come On Son set hello oops went that way already didn’t I okay are there multiple churches in this town I guess so we didn’t loot this one yet whoops all right let’s try this again

Let’s actually get out of here and I can grab these some pretty uh pretty re Rich uh clergy folk here right stealing from the coffers you stealing from oh you’re a farmer hello when did they add camels I I I didn’t know they had camels hello camel um when did they add camels

Um hi that was cool I want him I want the camel I don’t know how to do that though I know what I got where’ he go oh I got the C I need a post I can ride them yeah cool hey don’t have a settle all right we let just settle dude

I need a post um that’ll work there you go now you’re not free anymore oh there is like squat in these things yeah all right the camel’s cool did The Butchers did both churches nothing in there you got any potatoes I’m collecting potatoes where am I up to

49 Want Steal more of your potatoes thank you there we got a full stack and I can even plant some back for you because I’m a nice guy that way all right I not going to get rich in this Village obviously all right now if I could only remember where I came in

Here I don’t know oh that’s a typo map collector don’t need no Compass don’t need no empty map hi did I loot this church I did all right so I went West then I went all the way uh let’s see wa no I need to see I ran into the wall

And I headed north and I ran into the wall again so now I’m going to head I need to keep heading east I believe if I remember correctly where you going son can’t tell which way it’s going did the sun freeze in the sky or am I

Just not am I just not getting in here okay there you go that’s East the chickens were hostile until tamed once tamed would lay the resources they were named after oh you’re talking about Mo Chickens yeah I know that was cool less no more yeah I should get that Camel Back to here

But I could write it down and find it another day camel where are you camel you are 3562 6305 all right got the camo written down always go back and get them thank you for the reminder what is there special about these things I don’t remember oh they’ve got the special stuff in

Them that I have to do that with I don’t know what I’m going to do with that now though s it I don’t feel like dinking with that am I going the wrong way I wonder if I am no that’s West I couldn’t stay going

West I went no last then I went North I should be heading east huh just see that bad lands it’s making me thinking I’m heading back mine mine mine mine mine cart guess I’ll take one of those I don’t really feel like exploring that today try am I going

Okay I’m not above just if I find something here just like taking it but I don’t feel like going exploring tunnels today I’m just St the mood you had you chicken said emitted light that’s cool all right need more beverage I never thought finding brown mushrooms would be this

Difficult but it is it is hello brown mushrooms where are you if I make a full circuit here don’t find any I’m going to the nether cuz this is ridiculous well at least not ocean see what’s over here H going be hitting the Border pretty soon I

Bet that was a savannah this is Desert hey buddy see you oh what that am I near my house I bet you I’m near the house cuz that’s like totally looks like the ark I think I’m by the house haha haha oh you don’t want to die

Huh thought I saw a creeper out here too oh hey buddy you want to die too come here come here we’ll make you die maybe later I got to see if this is the arc if it’s the ark are the sanctuary is over there somewhere suppose I should sleep you need to

Die that doesn’t work yeah I think this might have been might be the arc because this looks like it’s been pillaged let’s find out really should sleep Whoops sucks to you dude all right let’s sleep oh that was close too close now the um thinku should be over here if I am correct about where we are where’ you go where did you go we vanished where did he go there he is rare underwater skeleton maybe I’ll accidentally find

Brown mushrooms by going this way that was a creeper I just walked by yep yep am exactly where I thought I was all right so here we are home again and no freaking brown mushrooms man well let’s go get rid of some of this crap get it cooking and we’re going to the

Nether and then we’re making waffles and there movie let’s see Here oops come back here going to need you probably going to need that sugar cane too oh well probably shouldn’t just leave this all in my inventory yeah Kyle hate me if I lose that all right close enough let’s go throw these to get cooked and then we’re going back to the

Ne oops I already cooked those potatoes Mark you don’t need to cook them again just saying will that get me through my ordeal in the nether I certainly hope to there’s other food somewhere animal products oh yeah we got raw chicken and cooked chicken and pocket chops

Let’s just take some of this along we can cook up some of that crap all right so nether that’s where we’re going nether I got remember how to get there it’s my freaking place and I can’t remember how to get there all right we’re here oh wish me

Luck I don’t even know where to start okay help me out guys where am I going to find brown mushrooms here I don’t remember are they in are they in another Fortress did not recall I think we’re in the vicinity of a nether fortress I remember correctly

That would be a big owl right there you can find M TR down giant mushrooms in the dark oak forest if there was one nearby yeah we couldn’t find a dark oak forest I could not find brown mushrooms to save my life which is why I’m down here somebody suggested

That we come down here and do it but I’m trying to remember how oh that sucked to be you man I’m trying to remember where in the nether are they in nether fortress or place else I think it’s the only place I know of them all this lava makes me

Nervous and me without my soul speed boots stop shooting me hauh yeah not looking promising for finding brown mushrooms here either H well oh tempting to just jump and see what happens check this out he’s a throwback that is that is a uh what is oh ah there’s where is

He so busy looking at that zombie uh horse I didn’t realize I was getting shot at I look promising kids not promising at all feel like I might have better luck going back up to surface and looking for them I wonder where this goes oh I remember this we were looking for

Stuff for ancient debris oh hey there’s a thingy I am using those technical Minecraft terms again let’s see where is it it should be pretty easy to get to I think I go that way go down here see him on the Zombie horse there oh I shot the Zombie horse by

Accident didn’t want to do that oh I killed the Zombie horse sorry he’s not supposed to be here anyhow where is these Rider are he dead I don’t know if he’s dead he’s dead all right let’s get up here oh that’s a big right there that’s a big snowing

Here snowing the snow of death yeah I have no idea what that means all right let’s see what we can find let’s just go to the top be easier hey buddy what you doing besides uh luring me into the Trap of ah think I got the crit who who’s shooting at

Me that guy is right there Got to break these little guys up whoa who’s on me again this snow is creepy in this who is shooting at me again stop shooting at me well there he is hey buddy where’d he go where’d he go did I get is he dead he’s not dead though all right let’s see if

Oh there’d be a spawner right there okay red mushrooms those aren’t going to do me a lot of good well somebody knows a secret way to make them into brown mushrooms whoa hi bud yeah you kind of dropped in out of nowhere didn’t you now it’s beating up on me oh never

Mind I’ve got the I this is a dangerous place not going to lie whoops that looks cool looks like a a big castle but it’s not well hey I’m out of arrows that’s not good that’s not good at all I think I’m just going to drop in all right let’s see what we can find here and we’ll take them what I’m grab that for my camel you know obviously I would go to hell and back again to find brown mushrooms who’s beating up on me yeah well you and

I got to go Toe to Toe here buddy because I don’t have any arrows and I’m almost out of food it’s just not a good trip mark this so I don’t keep revisiting it oh God eat red mushrooms eventually they will come out Brown

Oh I’m going to have to go Toe to Toe with him shoot he got me somebody would get me a let me heal shoot he got me must eat must not die dying is bad you know I think I have oh I left those golden apples behind I thought I

Might still have those on me that would be the ticket whoa o o that left a mark it’s right around the corner it’s right here where’d he go where’ he go come here here you little I mean little snot come on and now he fir and now he gets to

Die I don’t think I’m going to find any mushrooms here I really do not look it’s a Death Pit yeah I I I pretty much plan to Christopher have Scotty beam me back to Haven just because like takes so long to find your way out otherwise and get back

That’s just kind of boring you know hi buddy seen any brown mushrooms yeah this is this is not looking promising just feel like I’m barking up the wrong um thingy here to find brown mushrooms the wrong Nether Fortress Is this a dead end no yes maybe I don’t know yes it was okay

So I got a C saddle for my camel yes it is definitely a win there’s another way I can go here though oh look at this I got Nether wart which I really don’t need but I’m going to take it anyhow cuz I’m too lazy to grow

It I’m going to be be doing potion Bing anyhow who’s who’s shooting me oh you are trying to kill me whoa a hey you need to give me my stuff back there bud not cool not cool at all he’s going to be hard to kill now

Ah this is going to be nuts all right oh I killed him figy had to be somewhat near death oh there was another one got to make sure I get re outfitted here before try to take on him I think I better quit while I’m ahead

Here all right we’re home home safe and sound yes I know it’s kind of cheating but I had to do something there time got a little time see if we can find some brown mushrooms this is really disappointing though oh I forgot I grabbed these chickens and stuff D on

It I have plenty of red mushrooms now yay oh one Arrow again yay all right we’re going to take a quick run see if we can find some mushrooms again just going to get my inventory straightened out here and I’m probably should get a little more food

Maybe we’re just throwing this all in here screw it all right Spruce Forest Nearby gra some more fotage here oh this is cooked don’t G it Kai oh I cooked my potatoes that’s right never did get those out there now I got some food okay so we we are going to go the opposite direction this time see what kind of kind of stuff we can

Find just go over the roof here now if you remember we started out going this way but then I turned around and went back the other way suppose I should see what direction we’re with okay whoa that was almost a big owie too uh I don’t think I’m going that way

Christopher I did write down the coordinat of the camel so I will get him at some point I’m I’m just on a mission for freaking brown mushrooms but I did tie up the camel so he doesn’t like wander off and I have to go hunting for

Him I honestly did not know there were camels in the game now tells you how much I’m not staying up to speed on some of this stuff really got to get myself re-educated in the Minecraft ways here used to know this Minecraft stuff like the back of my hand not So Much

Anymore it keeps changing though too I mean a lot faster than I used to it seems like it took forever for updates in the past and now it’s like every other day you’re getting an update which makes it a little harder to keep track of what’s all changed all

Right let’s see what we can find we got 10 minutes to find brown mushrooms so we can make some fermented spider eyes which will allow us to make potions of weakness seems like a lot of effort doesn’t it but it’s fun fun effort H well son yeah they

Do there’s just always new stuff being added that’s a big Ocean yeah that’s not going to help me at all nor is that we slip by this here it’s a lot of water and not a lot of dark oak forests okay I could wave a oneand and Magic cement no no that is not how I’m going to play this

Game I cheat enough the way it is already all right we’re g to find these damn mushrooms somewhere sometime there will be mushrooms maybe not until next week but we shall see next week’s episode The Hunt for mushrooms oh oo that’s we’re checking out right right am I right

People we’ll go check that out got remember where I left my thingy my bber oh we already did this one because spawner is gone never mind it was worth a shot yeah and we’re out of world all right guess we’re heading this way wish I had a

Camel I definitely do need to get that Camel though at some point gu’s going to be like where did that come from I don’t know it’s not cheating to spawn stuff in but I don’t know even like you know teleporting back to Haven some things I do for the sake

Of the stream to you know keep things moving along but the I don’t know just spawn in in brown mushrooms just so I can make the potions just seems counterintuitive besides look at look at the adventures we’re having right now find a new and unusual thing like that Village up there which maybe

We explored maybe we didn’t is that a village no that’s a that is a a a desert temple that is beyond our reach I believe oh no maybe not I think we may have explored this one cuz I remember it being a pain in the in the dupa to get up

Here yeah kind of screwed oh well hello fishes and Squids I think I left oh I did grab my boat good realized I left my boat behind somewhere yep Savannah’s not going to help us we just keep journeying and the journey continues hey Pig seen some brown mushrooms anywhere

Nearby K nitty magic a dark dark oak forest in I’m sure she could but I would prefer she didn’t cheater we will find some brown mushrooms rooms maybe hello cow very strange looking Savannah Savannah is like big empty bet you that Village is on the other side of the world border that’s

Okay they probably don’t have brown mushrooms the savan charge and yeah that’s the end of it huh whoa well this is not looking promising people look like a wall up there those look like crosses that’s disturbing I think there was a I think there was a ship buried there but it’s

Kind of a disturbing thing to look at look at this Savannah what is it with savanas I don’t want savanas all right onward all right what do we got up here can’t be savannas forever or can it seeing Aot let’s go this way I’m seeing Savannah as far as the eye can see in that direction and Savannah in this Direction and a very interesting looking Village over there okay I know I’m looking for mushrooms but I have got to explore this because that looks really interesting what way was I going here North all right okay guys hang around cuz this this this is unique it’s got like a a

Thing it’s got a thing see a thing like a bat or a moose or a bird a pterodactyl name that movie well this is fun I know brown mushrooms but it is fun love it hi guys what you doing got some stuff I can steal any brown mushrooms oh it’s a totem

Pole yeah you’re probably right hi it’s kind of cool I don’t have anything good to steal though what fun is that where does the ladder lead to the secret treasure we went this way already didn’t we okay over to the roof oh a diamond that’s a good thing The Travelers

In it is a very a very cool Village it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before okay how do you get up on the second floor of this thing oh right here hey don’t know how to get in there though there should be a ladder someplace here how do I get

In oh through this I already did that don’t mind me I’m just dumb going to sleep right away I not beds having fun now I don’t know which ones I’ve looked at oh well h are you stuck little push push there you go what if I still have mine little kitty

Cats he’s a cat he’s a kitty cat what are all these probably nothing in them but oh I don’t need no stinking obsidian don’t need anything there I already came this way didn’t I I may have may not have no I came from that direction so going to continue

Going this should be North right no now I’m heading east now I’m heading north whoa hello oh oh no those are aasia trees probably no mushrooms there either well guys can you say Screwed it’s Acacia as far as the eye can See find a dark oak Force nitty says it’ll be easy nitty says oh I’m seeing a different kind of tree at least and and a world border okay on that note we are going to wrap it up because this has just gotten ridiculous I think the Sheep might be

Stealing the brown mushrooms I think that’s what’s happen put in here really really all right I don’t want to give up I’m on a mission from God here all it would take be one giant brown mushroom and I’d be done it’s all I need is that jungle let’s jungle oh my God yep

Huh looks like there’s a strip of some type of forest along the side here well I’ll be get it be h it’s not looking promising yeah we’re right on the edge of that jungle there hello sheep ain’t any brown mushrooms hello Pig seen any brown mushrooms now we’re getting more into jungle here

Bamboo Bamboo is not going to do a lot for me hello parrot I have no seeds yeah we are in the midst left Mark that’s kind of cool the W World border underwater Shrek Shrek’s here you didn’t know adults play Minecraft oh please tell me you’re kidding there are hundreds of thousands

If not millions of adult Minecrafters it’s the only place we can find where we you know can hide from the kids it’s in plain sight no there are a lot of us okay this is it guys I’m giving up man I am not finding what I need perhaps another time this is

Ridiculous all right home it is and we’re back to Haven come on there you go I’m just going to go throw this crap away and accept the fact that I found no brown mushrooms and I need to put the manhole cover back on here let’s do that let’s eat the chickies first

Here so I never did get into the sewers tonight I never did cure any zombies um and uh I did give nodecraft some love earlier but we’ll give him some no some love again uh don’t forget to check out nodecraft they are the ones that take care of our server for us

Provide server hosting and it’s been phenomenal for years for us uh go to nodecraft decom use the code poptart time to get a minimum of 30% off of your order you will always get the best deal that they have to offer uh couple other things going on I mean as always don’t

Forget to subscribe and click on the Bell to get notified um and we are always game for some support as you saw the uh alarm for super chats is working again I got to figure out how to turn it off again um but it is working um and so thank you uh

Thank you for helping me test that out tonight guys um and then um yeah emotional sports always good too uh and then of course we are starting a new Minecraft series after this one it was decided officially we’re going to wait till we wrap up this one because we’re

So close to the end probably still be doing it on Sunday nights perhaps Tuesdays I’m not sure yet um but uh yeah 100 days in Minecraft as every DND D player class so um yeah and if you are interested in joining the black party server all of this information is in the

Description of the video so that’s all I got guys um we like uh totally like had no luck finding freaking brown mushrooms um but uh um Shrek thank you for the sub by the way I’m glad you like this uh this channel um but uh yeah maybe uh we’ll find some brown

Mushrooms next week it’s so ridiculous we just didn’t find freaking brown mushrooms hey Brian schz is here hey PC Golf Nut um that is all I got for tonight folks uh maybe Kyle join me again next week I don’t know if they’re going to be here or not um but hopefully

I will be so keep an eye on the um on the listing the live listing in the channel to make sure that we are streaming um but I’m going to I’m going to hopefully be able to every Sunday for a while now again uh if life doesn’t get

In the way so thank you for watching everybody and remember if you like tonight’s stream please leave a like leave a comment subscribe or best of all share and if you didn’t like tonight stream please keep it to yourself good night Everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft HILLSIDE HAVEN | Ch. 82 | Recruiting Students’, was uploaded by Adults Only Minecraft on 2023-10-09 03:38:25. It has garnered 101 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:39 or 7899 seconds.

Construction on Hillside Haven is nearing completion, so it’s time for Racth to turn his efforts to recruitment. With the help of the nearby desert and the recent completion of the sewer-based curing system, it should be an easy task. “Should …”

Meet the unlikely duo of Kai and Racth as they start from nothing to make their dream of a safe haven in the hills a reality. Who (or what!) is the haven for? And what are those mysterious spires looming in the distance? Things may not be as straightforward as they seem…

〰️〰️ ABOUT HILLSIDE HAVEN 〰️〰️ Hillside Haven is a collaborative Minecraft ‘let’s play’ series between AjninKai and Adults Only Minecraft. Together, this real-world father/child pair is building a secret sanctuary inspired by one of Kai’s many world-building projects. Together, they hope to help others build bridges in Minecraft and beyond.

🐷 Watch AjninKai on Twitch: 🎨 AjninKai’s RedBubble shop:

💬 Please take a second and say ‘Hi’ in the comments and let us know what you thought of the stream.

➖➖ SPONSORS ➖➖ 🎮 NodeCraft – https// – Looking for an awesome company to host your gaming server? Check out the official hosting company of Adults Only Minecraft! Use this link, or the code “POPTARTTIME” to get 30% (or more!) off your hosting:

🚰 The Coldest Water – – Use Promo Code “AOM10” to get 10% OFF your entire order.

➖➖ CREDITS ➖➖ 🏆 Resource Packs, Etc: 🔸 “Monsterley HD Universal” by MC_Monalisa 🔸 Various other packs: 🔸 “Sleep Party” Plugin by Saxon564 –

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💖 Cheers to our Channel Members! 💖 🔹 Stone: Nick Lavigne 🔹 Stone: DinoAnkylosaurus 🔹 Stone: DragonSlayerGal 🔹 Wood: Alfie 🔹 Wood: David Luz 🔹 Wood: Caleb Vanderhoek 🔹 Wood: D Motor Parts 🔹 Wood: Butch Sims 🔹 Wood: Big Scary Games 🔹 Wood: Frani Farmer 🔹 Wood: JoseCubed 🔹 Wood: Desert 🔹 Wood: Mike Perigo 🔹 Wood: Kimberly LaQuire

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➖➖ ABOUT US ➖➖ Adults Only Minecraft is for everyone, not just adults! It provides a unique grown-up and inclusive perspective that’s still family and kid friendly. While we’re exclusively BY adults, we’re FOR Minecrafters of all ages.

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  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 – Balance of Power Ep. 27

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    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 - Balance of Power Ep. 27Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Balance of Power (Season two) episode 27 – The return of Ultra Steve’, was uploaded by DarkLight on 2024-02-15 03:29:39. It has garnered 250 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:17 or 2657 seconds. join the wolf pack Discord link Instagram link TikTok Credit @ChaosProductionsYt @SpringStudios1 @kams3679 #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftRP #MinecraftStory #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftSeries #GamingRoleplay #RoleplayCommunity #MinecraftCharacters #minecraftstorytelling #minecraftroleplayseries #favremysabre #favremysabreart Read More

  • Imagine Pvp

    Imagine PvpThis is a 1.8-1.19.4 Minecraft server that will be releasing this summer. There are a BUNCH of cool and exciting features and an amazing PVP system. Read More

  • 🐚Hermit servers: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Hermitcraft-inspired, community, Whitelist, Season 9

    👑 Hermit servers season 9 – New season! 👑 Best time to join – NEW SEASON Bedrock and java (including Playstation, Xbox and Switch) Hermit servers is back for a 9th season and is looking for members. We are a Hermitcraft themed server that follows many of the things they do. Hermitcraft inspired gameplay Shopping district, business district and more Mob/player heads Visual/fun add ons Major player events all the time Elected positions including mayor and king Tribal towns where players work together Player made mega bases Weekly builds Whitelisted server Active community that help each other For more information,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The true blocky heroes

    The true heroes in Minecraft are the ones who can perfectly execute a creeper explosion and still come out unscathed with all their diamonds intact. Read More

  • Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle!

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    Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle! In Roblox, I crafted the Infinity Gauntlet so fine, With all the powers, like in Marvel’s design. Each jewel recreated, shining bright, In Build a Boat, a true gaming delight. From Discord to Instagram, I share my creation, With each update, sparking imagination. Join the empire, be part of the fun, As we craft and build, until the day is done. So come along, on this gaming quest, Where creativity and fun never rest. In Roblox world, where dreams take flight, With the Infinity Gauntlet, shining so bright. Read More

  • Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness

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    Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you blame it on your cat walking across the keyboard. #RelocoCat #MinecraftProblems Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT A GAMING ROOM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by @Shreyu_is_live from Epitome Gaming. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought – the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a dedicated community… Read More

  • Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6

    Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Update Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 5 best seeds for Minecraft 1.20.6 – The Trails & Tales Update! These seeds are specifically tailored for Minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, ensuring an exciting gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the Minecraft universe, these seeds offer a diverse range of landscapes and structures to explore. Seed 5: Mountain Circle Seed ID: 19401855602 Discover the awe-inspiring Mountain Circle seed, where you’ll encounter a unique ring of mountains that will leave you breathless. Traverse through the rugged terrain and… Read More

  • INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥

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    INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE NETHER ADVENTURE | Prince plays MINECRAFT (Part 34)’, was uploaded by CasualPrince8 on 2024-03-22 23:25:12. It has garnered 84 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:57 or 11217 seconds. Join the Casual Discord: Donate here: Part 34 of my adventure into the ever-changing, ever-brilliant world of Minecraft! Read More

  • Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)

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    Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)Video Information This video, titled ‘I added The Goatman to my Hardcore World…(#2)’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-24 16:29:33. It has garnered 87880 views and 4362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:52 or 1732 seconds. THE GOATMAN IS HERE! Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted, empty and desolate wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller and now the new goatman update is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn… Read More

  • Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraft

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    Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rompiendo MITOS de MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Fersse77 on 2024-03-19 13:22:20. It has garnered 7699 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Today we are going to play minecraft #shorts #minecraft #minecraft #shorts ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ SOCIAL NETWORKS: Instagram🧡: @fersse77 Twitter💙: @fersse77 Tik Tok 🤍 : @fersse77 ———————————————– —————————– ——————— ————————————————– —– Contact information: [email protected] ———————————— —————————————- ———- ————————————————– —————- #minecraft #minecraftstories #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts Youtubers that I don’t copy (I inspire) are: Awita, Jardred, Bobicraft, danomc, minecraft 1.20, xturbo, minecraft animation, bobycraft, mcjardred, minecraft challenges, minecraft myths, minecraft… Read More

  • “INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft” 🪑🔥

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    "INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft" 🪑🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘is your Sofa Looking Like This? ||#shorts #minecraft || Voice Credit: Space antiquity’, was uploaded by Ultimate Edits07 on 2024-01-06 11:40:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Voice Credit: Space antiquity Design Credit: Space antiquity. Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Item OP AF – Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #Dreamsmp

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    Unbelievable: This Item OP AF - Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #DreamsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘This ITEM is stronger than CREATIVE MODE #minecraft #dream #dreamsmp #gaming #funny #tricks’, was uploaded by panso on 2024-05-24 04:47:42. It has garnered 2321 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. The stronger item in minecraft ——————————– Twitter: Discord: Server: no sever Resource Pack: vanilla Will I add you as a friend?: hell no Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!

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    UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Revenge’, was uploaded by Rama8413 on 2023-12-31 10:40:23. It has garnered 2620 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft Villager Chase Minecraft Villager Meme #minecraft #shorts #feedshorts #funny Read More

  • Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbait

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    Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘This combo was SO clean! ( 17 hits) !!#minecraft #pvp #montage #shorts’, was uploaded by Flashisgreat on 2024-05-21 21:34:09. It has garnered 630 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Editing Software : Clipchamp, FlowFrames, Tekno’s Blur, Davinci Resolve 19 Recording Software : Geforce Texture Pack :, Fruitful, Custom ———————————————————————————————————————– Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥

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    Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘La mejor forma de matar a los mobs en Minecraft! 🤔’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-05-31 02:00:16. It has garnered 97268 views and 12721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: → Twitch: → Instagram: → Discord: #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viral

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    EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral’, was uploaded by TOKYO766 on 2024-02-14 03:40:07. It has garnered 200 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:08 or 428 seconds. I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral Testing CLICKBAIT Minecraft Traps That Are True 12:22 NOW PLAYING Spending 10,000 Rs. In Minecraft 💵 208K views 1 day ago MrGamerJay Background Music By Epidemic Sounds [This Video Is Editing By AG Media-] New No Download , Click To Play Here has many girl games,… Read More

  • Meowlands

    MeowlandsNEVER PAY TO WIN!!!! The only way to get stronger is to PLAY! Train Abilities, Increase POWER LEVEL, use insane KI ATTACKS! Learn Ki Flight and throw your elytra in the trash! Youtube: Patreon: Discord: Read More

  • Verdania roleplay

    Welcome to Verdania – Your Next Minecraft Roleplay Adventure Begins Here! Verdania is a newly created Minecraft roleplay server! We are looking for players who want to join our friendly community and create their own stories, nations, and even religions in a customized world. Join us today and start your adventure in Verdania! Read More

  • Bananarine | Server of Dreams

    Bananarine | Server of DreamsCompatible with 1.8 – Lastest & Bedrock editionWelcome to Bananarine! The Server of Dreams.Home to the best server you’ve ever seen (probably not) with many unique minigames and gamemodes!Bananarine finally brought back from the dead! We are hoping to bring some of the old community back together as well as foster a growing creative community of new players. This server has many unique minigames and gamemodes to offer.For those competitive types, we have our Factions server named “Wild Adventures” featuring custom enchants, mild forms of anarchy, and a keep inventory program and for the more vanilla experience, our SMP server… Read More