Captain Rumbeard – A Magical Modded Adventure! Arthalos Eternal Realm (Minecraft Part 1)

Video Information

A rosemont silver graft oh i guess it’s time to mourn them oh it’s still on hanging that oh my god i’m the big dumb you guys just completely missed this person dying um someone just walked over and died and only i saw it wow that moment’s gone completely i don’t

Just i’m just gonna hang my head in shame is that is this a sign that i should quit stroking guys what do you guys think is it is it time i made a funny pun someone died it was such like it was a great time and no one saw it

I just like punched this i feel bad i’m gonna put it back so there’s definitely a villager mod i can i can tell that much uh i don’t i don’t know what that menu is i’m not looking at it ever again right i’ll just have a quick look around

I think some of these buildings usually have supplies oh look guys footstep mods in here you got a lot of footsteps wait what’s there it’s only a memory now i’m it’s basically my own nft right there i’m the only person who knows what it looks like you know

I’m i’m the only person who has that sequence of events in my head it’s my own nft uh it’s an nft actually it’s a neural non-fungible transaction because it’s all in my brain and no one else will ever see it you know what books books are nice i have some of those

All right so i guess first things first we should go find somewhere to live we’re in like a a savannah sort of why i’m at the moment oh is that what’s this oh what what is this pile of gold oh there’s gold around people it’s three piles of gold

From the ice in the fire mod i’m rich three bones a favor that’s a dragon snip sorry this is what now can you can you just repeat yourself cat i’m not sure if i i heard you right i think you just said this is a dragon’s nest and i need confirmation on that

Ice and fire plus dragon oh okay well i’m just going to swiftly walk away i like those they got little little extra bits this is is this someone’s base no okay i just somehow and one skeleton head into two what a weed would crafting thing what is this oh wheat patch don’t have

It’s kind of trippy fashion it was clearly this town’s you know strong point i mean just check this out they’ve got plenty of skulls you know i’m gonna grab a couple extra i’m sure these are probably useful for something all right thank you cat i i don’t know

What happened but i appreciate that oh i missed it was it was it anything good ah cat you wrote my phone i’m joking no okay fine i i won’t ask cat has speed well i’ll follow him 5k i actually i had one of those um shoot

Me a dm the other day where they were like oh there’s another plot of something over here i mean pheasant tastes good i’m gonna throw a throwing axe at it oh oh and i get the axe back okay anyone here ever had pheasant um it’s

Good if you haven’t had it before i i urge you to try at some point it’s quite nice and i’ll stretch ostrich as well very good me um but anyway i had someone slide into my dm so like oh hey you’re trying to get to like this many followers well if

You um follow us we’ll follow you back and then once we’ve got like this many people to follow you you can donate to us so i just sat there like um i’m just gonna block this yeah apparently uh the bots have been a bit of a nightmare lately on twitch

Which is also part of the reason why i haven’t streamed in such a long time because i just don’t want to i don’t have to deal with it right let’s see um let’s choose a direction we’re going to go east northeast in fact we’re going to travel northeast until we

Find somewhere to live what is that the waystone you’ve discovered waystone in korea but what is waste on educator you may never know oh they walk with i don’t walk like that do i okay i walk normal sir why do you walk in such a weird fashion can i give you beetroot

I don’t think he wants beecher okay we got the ocean which make for a fun fun adventure uh yes i need a bow don’t i thank you sir for lending me your house actually oh my ex is broken i got this iron one because i’m totally just going to nab that

And there is a boat people unless this is a new version of minecraft in which case i need to make a i saw it there for a second what i say oh my wood live long and prosper um yes i know there’s been like tons of bots out there what is that

I’m just going to stay away from that um and yeah it’s like a little bit of a put off when you you want to stream because i don’t i don’t understand follow bots because surely they can go into a thousand a thousand streams and they’ll never you know

It’s just like the edge of the world and i’m not meant to go out here or something i break blocks over here and the world seems to function over this way so i’m going to keep traveling i don’t know what that barrier is about maybe that’s someone’s like place where

They live like this live deep underground or something um lucifer also has sea serpents and sand ones okay sand ones thanks for telling me not to live in a desert cat oh i will remember that oh i have some bastards over here to kill is that zombie dual wielding that zombie

Is dual wielding right fight me husk huh one yeah yeah yeah you go you guys see how expertly i killed that monster right there this looks like a kind of cool biome i need to find one that looks nice to live in though a decaying zombie

I’m just going to sit in the water for a second okay this zombie has a big stick that kind of threatens me now please don’t hurt me this is an epic fight people he’s nearly dead he’s got a ton of health in fact did he drop his big stick i want that

Zombie’s big stick it’s up to something that looks kind of cool all right let me eat some cheese toasties because i’ve got plenty of these apparently don’t really mean run flash because i got my lovely cheese toasties what’s this though a zombie heart oh wait

I just came to look at this sounds like what what is this weird stone structure i see i hear like a rattling noise what is this a floating crystal first of all it says no hello hello are you important i guess we’ll leave it to it yeah i feel like there’s some definitely

Some things we gotta learn with this uh this mod pack it’s pike oh is that the zombie stick is what you’re saying i’ve lost my boat my face over here okay we’re going to just keep heading northeast i see some sort of uh structure over here on the map is that player built

I’m gonna say probably not a little bit of lag that’s fine though a little dolphin or a whale or something all right i’m gonna i’m just gonna do a set home because you know you never know what’s gonna be in here aisles of blocks that’s fine let’s switch hello as a golden

I don’t know if that’s good or bad oh that’s like a meduse don’t look at me don’t look at me are these stones people flash home we just we’re just gonna i think you know leave it alone or should we should we kill it maybe i can throw an axe at it

Yeah you want to go guess what i’ve got an axe that is oh my god there’s a dead me it turned me into stone i’m sorry seat earthquake was turned into gorgonzola by a gorgon it turned me into cheese people maybe wait we’re throwing axes down there obituary grief so definitely

You just give these to me every time i die i’m disturbing people wait do i use this unlike my gravestone see my ex i’ve gotta go for it i got my eggs i can make an escape don’t look maybe i just need to not look at it wait

A minute have i just cracked the code people do i just not look at it and it doesn’t kill me i feel like we have some stuff to learn on this one let’s walk down backwards okay right there it is okay we’re getting there i bested the creature by just peeking at it

Let the head go go ahead is banned oh oh who died here wait can i read that anyway oh someone else died there well he also turned to stone you could see i’m not the only one there anything like hidden in here it doesn’t look like it that’s a shame

Actually maybe there’s something under the centerpiece okay well that was a waste of time see we’re doing good for time so far you know you don’t talk about that death okay never happened we were never here all right time to continue on our quest i suppose uh tempo was sewn with the

Head oh okay that probably makes sense as to why it’s banned then i feel like anything that lets you turn people to stone is an understandably vandalism there’s little whales i want somewhere green to live you know like this desert’s nice and all but i want trees those coconut crabs

They’re just pretty colored crabs and that’s kind of a nice looking biome but it’s still a desert biome all right i said i was going north east didn’t i there’s an entire island in the way right let’s let’s have a look i’m framed for a backpack i noticed that was there

I see some lever i can start making a backpack okay okay you don’t have enough ram that’s sad you can change it in the settings menu um like the amount of ram you’re allowing it to use like on the launcher but obviously you can only use so much uh around yourself

All right i probably don’t need that many gold nuggets or maybe i should be smart i could adjust you know the gold nuggets into ingots okay i don’t know what’s going on with the crafting here i make anything out of two nuggets i can make a pile of gold

Um i don’t know how you add up i know i can’t quite remember off the top of my head sorry don’t go do you i’ve missed playing minecraft though it’s quite a relaxing game i mean it’s very relaxing game i used to fall asleep playing minecraft honestly

Like i i love this game but like trying to play it later in the night is just oh it makes you sleep what’s this oh god oh god it’s quicksand oh god i’m actually so i’ve gotta get out what is this oh god no not like this okay we’re free okay

Not going that way do i see a little tent over there there’s a 10 that players 10. oh it’s just oh someone’s just made some slopes bits of wool to make it look like it’s no no it definitely is a tent a tent there’s even an apple in it oh it’s mine now

I should eat the apple i forgot how to eat an apple straight up right there i just completely forgot how apples work in minecraft we have a moment of silence for me being done you need four gigs of ram uh well i’m sorry to hear that cat what is

Well at some point there has to be a grassy volume i suppose we could just go for another rtp see if we get somewhat better or tense over here um all right plus a check you got it sir all right what was that please well if they’re coming out there i’m

Going in there because that means they’re not down here uh i’m high oh god there’s a dead player over there stay back stay back stay back it’s safe we’re just going to go rtp give me some like grassy there we go okay i need to get rid of those lawsuits

Don’t mind the deaths um where am i oh some craft crystals i love torm craft it’s entry awesome right i’m grabbing some of these i i now have a heading on what i’m doing in this this server today i’m gonna get to work with some tom craft people

I can’t get i can’t get lost looking for crystals um i guess i should just dig up right my exit oh my why valley rather it’s 39 so i’m a little ways down i’m definitely in a cave i’m sorry if uh it’s a little hard to see at the moment people

Hopefully it gets better in a second i’m wondering if i’m below the ocean oh that broke quick oh um i was gonna ask by the way for the chat because i know some people in the community collect certain types of trading cards um i went out and bought

Some yukio cards today and it made me think should i put like a uh what if i added to the discord a like uh just a trading card sort of area would people like go and post pictures and stuff because i know doggo collects a couple like i could imagine you being someone

Who might have a couple trading cards of some sort you’re in i mentioned you’re on about the server but not about my my trading card thing because i’m in a discord server that harry is in and they have one just for pokemon cards but i was like well you know there’s tons more

Like trading cards than just pokemon you got yuko you got dragon ball did you want trading cards on the rise again oh it’s gr it’s beautiful it’s perfect there’s massive mushrooms and pixies and blue barrier of death it’s like someone’s clean awesome i might have to ask what these blue barriers are

Type today don’t know me what are these blueberries bugs plenty of bugs you know what i’m gonna click the accept button see what this guy has to say or kill he could just kill me huh let it go that was that was weird thank you for the way your secrets oh it’s doggo

Doggo hello that you you deleted the barrier doggo i’m thinking should we settle down right here we can build like a nice wood house what do you think don’t give away your secrets i’m not saying you definitely do i’m just saying that you come across as someone who might do

Something like that but would would anyone be interested in that the discord i’ve seen lights on the map over this way and i want to go go see what that’s about if no one’s built around here for a little bit i think we should definitely live somewhere near here doggo

Oh there’s a village where’s this marker oh yes a village totem top yes of course vampirism i’m just going to leave that okay well i’m going to benching north a little doggo um if you do some adventuring of your own find yourself some resources i will teleport you to me

Once i find a suitable building location but i like the feel of this woodlands to be honest with you quite a nice amount of density with the fog the the weird blue world border that magically appears every now and then does it say anything about it bugs no idea

But i think there’s a vampire mod so try not to become a vampire doggo or become a vampire you know it’s you’re cool you have nothing about against vampires around here i suppose i am one of my uh my favorite playthroughs on both elder scrolls online and skyrim whereas vampires so

I do collect pokemon cards ooh remember when you broke something on the mythic severance the whole 70 look okay it is what it is cat i do miss the mythic server but i feel like if i went back on there i’d want like a complete fresh start you know

Oh it’s like a little fountain over here that’s kind of pretty looking at the pillar astral sorcery that sounds fun star mage i’ll become a star mage i’m gonna live over here i think this feels like a nice spot oh well there’s a house perfect we’re gonna live in here

It needs a little bit of sprucing up but i think i’ve i can do this all right let’s get to work wait why did i just place my i didn’t just place a crafting table next to a crafting table i was a big brain player right there he’s witnessed

The biggest of brain plays i can’t place that because that’s not a slap that makes sense all right sorry about this guys i need to put down a few blocks let’s place my bed slash that’s home it’s probably going to tell me i’ve already got a house yes right dash dell own

Home delete home flash home delete home there we go splash set home we now have a hug and it’s got a really fixed other place so if you want to teleport over i can right oh wait i need to claim stuff don’t i all right we’re gonna have to get rid of

Some of the nearby trees i feel spruce wood might be a bit hard to come by oh it’s got the forestry mod i love this one it lets you basically once you finish cutting down a tree or at least that’s what i think it is it just

Automatically eats away the rest of the branches or the butches bushes things leaves those are the ones around fail but i can’t put it into technique um how so do you mean cat like have you gone into so when you’re in the tech launch there’s like a settings code up in the

Top right have you got into that it’s connected to the house that’s what’s going on but yeah i i might do it then if a couple of us at least you know collect pokemon cards and who knows maybe it would spur on some other people to go and buy their

Own that’s kind of what happened to me today i was i was just going about doing my daily things then i saw in the discord that i’m in with harry he’s got like a pokemon card thing in there i was like i’ll go buy some but then they were

All out pokemon cards so i ended up buying some yugo cards instead went to my local card shop had a hot shot it was lovely it was actually really nice i had a good day today nothing fancy just a you know a simple day but sometimes that’s what you need all right

Let’s see whole bunch of planks i didn’t plan to make 32 but did meaning that i can make four double chests or two double chests forever uh let’s see i’m gonna get rid of these i don’t want all these random bits of stone in the house they’re they’re all

Going to have to go in favor of nice cobblestone at some point so we’re just going to get rid of all the slabs and all the stairs for now including the ones in the floor all right and we’ll have a double chest so we have one on here i accidentally claimed some land

About night or someone already claimed this land i mean not enough funds oh someone wait are you telling me that it let me place it allows me to build in someone else’s claim ah i’m confused whose claim is this basics wait claimless sea turtle e kid i own this wait i’m so confused

Fine i’ll put this stuff back i suppose don’t go i’m confused am i being done i know it’s not like slash bail i have 546 shekels also my survival crate keys is that like a slash shop or is this going to eat me to a web page yeah shop wiki uh

No idea what any of that’s all about put all these in here well i’ll do that later then the discord i i really need to work on rehauling some of my socials like i’m trying to do with my twitter at the moment but i struggle for some reason

With like growing twitter um i need to just revive my instagram all together and then on top of that i need to i think revamp the discord and start posting more stuff to youtube that’s kind of my plans for the year in terms of the streams i might get

You know i might try upgrade my pc next year i think i’ll save up for it for a while i won’t rush into that anytime soon right so i don’t have any spruce planks to fix the gaps in the floor you know fully but i don’t need to

Because if i’m crafty i can use stairs like so collapse like so in fact what i’ll do is if i take three of these i believe it’s free i can make three uh spruce you know planks do six slabs which technically will let me

Uh cover up the rest of the holes in the floor because you know A little little hack there for minecraft all right have i got any cobblestone no so i have to go you know get that myself where’s dogo out it’ll be funny if dog has been trying to teleport to me oh wait found some stuff okay well whenever you want to

Teleport on over doggo feel free oh never never mind speaking the devil i suppose right uh careful building in here doggo actually if you can can you do a um a favor for me can you try open my chest all right good nice i want that block to this block confirm

Okay slash uh unclaim slash claim let’s let’s try to figure this one out claim um i create farewell i’m farewell claim cell maybe maybe claim cell um no that’s oh you found a rapier nice all right claim dot rent store clean list and the slash clan is a thing

I can get a clan doggo ah okay right um okay all right clan sorry guys figure out some stuff hey man an ally invitable oh look at you and your fancy sword where did you go doggo uh what version of java am i using i’m using 64-bit java i believe

It’s version you should use for this oh yeah no that’s a thing cat um i don’t know what might be happening to you it might not be letting you use the filament of um ram because you’re still on 32-bit java i use 64-bit also here’s just a thing

Why does the java website for downloading different versions of java or java look like the most sketchiest website ever it looks like you’re about to download like malware i don’t know why it just looks really sketch right am i am i gaining money i found a random building oh nice 811 shackles

Okay cool so just from existing i’ve earned enough money hopefully now to go poop and boop boom you claim failed to be created due to economy not enough funds and i cost a thousand to click bullied it’s covered from the inside no one’s gonna ask okay

Let me fix some of these gaps that you can see on the outside okay it’s just it’s just a little bit of texture for the building doggo can you uh possibly go mind me some cobblestone if you want to be a massive help thank you dog i appreciate it

Uh pc is somehow able to not run normally while playing this yep uh third person is f5 uh see that twig is my name if you need to teleport on over but i’m sure you can guess that there’s not too many of us i i’m guessing you might be surf scout sir

We d your head table is clay oh i’m sorry do you want a second one that you can just run off into the woods and play somewhere for now i mean i can give you this one there you go go go place that in the woods right

Slash bow can i can i have i got enough money to clean my house 811 shekels do i just need to break box so i need to play away zone thank you though i don’t know what to do with that um i was gonna start digging i suppose

Guys i think i see the ghost of michael jackson um hello can i help you now let’s just straight up vampire okay we’re going to kill you i don’t want to get bitten oh god please somewhere i didn’t just turn into a vampire vampire okay strange hunter research tape i can

Become a vampire hunter let’s see i might i might make that i need end stone okay maybe maybe we’ll have to wait a minute on that turns out it was not the ghost of michael jackson it was in fact a vampire easy mistake there to be had don’t sleep

I i mean it could have been the ghost michael jackson still sorry i know she’d get me some um stone but i have gone and got it myself this should just be enough to patch up the the easy to fix holes in my house of which to be honest there’s only two three

Right the roof is going to be the most annoying bit to fix i might just take the roof off all together and redo it completely definitely want this come out a little bit further out the front there we go present robust am i going to hurt me okay cool

I’m good at food okay cool all right how many how many do i have now in the bowel uh 811 shekels yes we’ll just wait a little longer exactly you can figure out i’m sure you can count like i said i i think all you have to do

Is download 64-bit java like it automatically uninstalls 32-bit when it’s installing 64. so didn’t even be that much of a problem okay did you claim the spot right here uh that might be a problem doggo because i was planning on maybe eventually dogo why did you leave a massive hole in the

Ground okay you sent a tp request did you you’re right where where are we um okay welcome to the hole sir oh you’re lucky it’s expired i can’t dig out of here because this is something you own okay all right i thought i’m digging my way out here what’s up

I’m trying to dig out of here okay we’re stuck in doggo’s cave i didn’t expect you to put a claim down doggo that was that was quite quite close to where i live i’ll go my shovel just broke well golden axe do your thing okay you can’t oh we’re gonna

We’re just gonna dig out of here with that in x and if any of you want to fight me on it um you can okay oh great i’ve dug out under a tree right so your job is to take down that tree since it’s now floating and it must be exterminated

Right let’s try this again i will claim this block which is on the very corner to this block which is on the very corner 770 i can afford that oh my god you know overall that’s an existing plane where is my claim i’m being bullied oh click to inspect right click the claim

Yeah i know it’s been claimed by me slash unclaimed slash abandon claim sometime slash abandon all claims depends on all your claims i’ve been refunded right now get slightly bigger claim just for now i think maybe maybe not that big i’ll make a bullied that’s the whole house there and the

Whole house there right perfect we own a house it’s not still not working so have you gone into the settings on the launcher and tried to change the amount of ram it allows camera oh no that’s an axe that’s gotta be an axe duggar oh thank you sir

I’m just trying to eat an apple oh guys ground items clear in one minute don’t drop anything um dumb question are you applying the options after doing that why are you actually applying the change but it’s still not working i’m sure you’ve already tried that made sure that’s what you’re doing but

I’ll show you what else to suggest right nxp table give your bruises to solarius receive his blessing or hail the sun god or something i suppose oh cat i’m so sorry that’s fine i’m sure we’ll play other mod packs i don’t think this will be the only one we have to play

So what are you trying to do drinking wine i like how sir’s trying to hide the fact that he’s like drinking wine behind this massive shield oh so it’s got like a nice golden shield so we gotta figure some things out what are we going to do first i mean the

Vampirism guy sounds kind of fun i kind of want to go down hunter pass then again astral tone what is this other okay i’ll go over one of the clusters and zoom in using the scroll wheel but be asleep okay okay okay should we do a really nice scroll

With my uh my scrolling scroll there we go well this is one of the things my mouse can do it’s got like a free scrolling scroll wheel so it can like zoom in and out real fast and it’s like not janky whereas normal scroll wheel you get like

That kind of clunkiness to it don’t like flick it in and out um installation paper oh god back marble ancient shrines yeah it’s like like the okay so i guess we’ll go keep an eye out for some aquamarine some parchment okay aquamarine is the main thing we’re

Looking for if any of you see that i expect you to hand it over straight away you get a working tinker’s construct to begin with fast quieters no you know what to begin with i’m going to finish my bloody roof because i mean currently mine’s not looking too good wait slash lottery

I’m not going to do that it’s probably something i have to pay real money for all right doggo i’m sending you into the depths with sir as my underground miners at some point just a heads up you guys are going to go look for materials i’m just going to completely delete the

Roof and build a completely new one i’ll go let’s pick all that stuff up in a minute um uh there is stormcraft stuff in here cat i’m very excited about that you know how i do with with tom craft i i love that mod pack well you guys like favorite minecraft

Months of all time because i mean i’m guessing even if you haven’t played with most of them you have mods in your head that you can think back to i remember um oh what was the one that used to be stupidly popular added in like call them it might just be called

Like mo mobs or something and then like a stupid amount of mobs and like there were there was like mob zilla and stuff in there yes i expect i expect horn craft soon cat i will i will be working on that’s going to get deleted and so these are

All right i’m guessing you held onto those extra bits of wood for me thank you thank you dog i appreciate that all right there we go so we got that sorted do i want to try and mimic that i mean i don’t have the wood for it oh thank you doggo very kind

I’ll most definitely be using that soon okay right let’s get to it then lucky blocks the lucky box is a classic mod there was the one that you said in like this like the mutated um what you call it mobs that was pretty cool one like the the mutated creeper and everything i

Liked that one that was pretty cool look at me i’m doing some recycling i found this nice old abandoned house what did i do i’m renovated i’d love to do something like that in real life like it’s the only i think plus side of the zombie apocalypse is real estate

Becomes real cheap you know it’s the main plus of the zombie apocalypse like you find somewhere and you want builds there you just go for it you know that’s that shields to build in now at least that’s high vision zombie apocalypse probably still not the case but you know it’s an interesting thought

A couple glitches i’m not saying but i think that’s just because this seems to be a pretty heavy modded server which i’m fine with the more mods the merrier right you know lucky blocks were good um of course there’s all of the old herobriner mods oh my god there’s too many herobrine mods

Ah problem so plenty would never mind It’s going to scale the side of the house so don’t mind me oop oop i’ll tell you i’ll just run this down the middle does this just like work out as an actually nice house does that be a nice change you know making a roof that just looks nice from

The get-go usually whenever i make a roof i end up having to tear it down 50 times because something about it doesn’t work but this time i don’t want to say this too soon but i think i’ve made a nice looking house having said it oh no i haven’t run out of stairs

That’s a that’s a fine roof i just need to do the uh the edges to bring it down a little bit further but i can do that from the ground at least i should be able to i might have to climb up one last time i definitely need to make some more stairs

Let’s have a little look here oh we got sir building over there then i’ll take it which i think that’s sir because that is doggo there that makes sense for that one to be sir otherwise someone else has just decided to come move in uncomfortably close okay right there’s a question i bet

Everyone in chat does it do you guys say ow in a video game if you do something that should hurt in real life like right there i just took it i just took a small fall didn’t hurt me in game but i still said ow like it did

Anyone else do that i feel like that’s like a lot of people do video games i do love making a minecraft house always satisfying no you don’t do that i do sir does okay so so far that is a an overwhelming majority of one

To the side of um yeah you do just say ow even though it shouldn’t hurt you that’s just about telling me so i was like what have i done there we go nice all the way around right now i just need some sand to make some more glass

A couple more more stairs how many um oh perfect what we can get the door in place um yeah just need the door some extra glass and the house is spinning so i’ll probably use some more dirt to you know put around the edges to make me not have

To jump in i suppose we got one extra stair block why not just go problem solved all right let’s make some doors perfect uh doggo also first one of you to say me gets a free oak door uh twitch chat only make it slightly harder you how could you do

S by process of elimination congratulations sir you are now the proud owner of an oak door there you go i feel like when you put down a chest it might automatically place a claim around it trapdoor i see that makes sense i wonder why i wonder why

All right well thank you for the iron doggo i do appreciate that i’m gonna you know what wait the tent is a vampirism later yeah i’m not gonna place that down just that practices i don’t want to become a vampire all right i’ll make a bookshelf

Actually i wonder what items i can make out of books i’ll get into why i have the bookshelf later have a look uh books we can make all the base stuff obviously um hero books because stormcraft a redstone book interesting election what is that and on my neck

Magician’s work table that sounds kind of fun it’s bruce bookshelf looks cool there’s some different types of bookshelves what is that a object submission station better question home of our history the astral tome of course i want to make sango and scientific and the vampirism guy blood magic oh god

What uh what magics are you guys going to delve into because i’ll probably do tom craft and the astral stuff if you guys want to verify up go or verify versify i don’t know if you guys want to change it up and go for something else that isn’t torncraft or the astral stuff

Feel free all right there we go we got a house i should well i need to stop i need to stop doing things for the house people don’t let me don’t let me continue editing this building anymore please i need to stop i hate leaving a house like that that upsets me

Oh no don’t place the wrong way please my sanity i feel like i need to go get some coal make some more torches because it’s not very well lit in here i am aware of that enough no all right there we go that’s the house done i’m not touching it anymore the

House is complete and oh other than the windows that still need to be put in let’s get to one of the good old mods a very classic one which of course tinker’s construct all right how do i remember to make these i think one of them looks like

That there’s one table one of the tables is a crafting table with one of these on top um i think there’s a tall chest which is a chest with a thingy on top of it we’ve got a chest passenger looks cool let’s place these down over maybe over here

Just in here for now wait i thought oh there it is manchester station stencil table right that’s cool i’ll leave those for now i have to i think the other one you have to use the the clay bricks sadness i’m sad for you cat this is the big sad well you’re still

Here to hang out that’s the main thing you can make decisions cat this isn’t chief cat oh frankie put oh another video yes i’ll frankie fiddle my flatmates messed you one sec i can’t explain why i’m laughing my flatmates had a funny circumstance up here

But i i do have to just withhold the information on you there i’m going to go to spawn quickly i did i think slash home is here okay cool all right i’m gonna go to spawn quickly and i’m gonna see if i can find out what you do with these keys survival crates

Ah the government gave me 15 shekels thanks government why is there a whale here it’s like a cs go crate i think it’s just a slow thing on what we get oh my god it’s so a slightly box the whale is like the face part of the wall is slowly dying cage

Oh free stuff thank you whale got some blubber and some well it is what it is i felt like a hat’s a pretty good thing to get all this i i mean it landed in between all these diamond things but i’d rather have a hat oh oh give me something cool give me

Something cool a trolls axe a legendary weapon oh oh it’s it’s a big axe yeah that’ll do that’ll do nicely i can’t use a shield with it interestingly my shield’s nearly broken somehow anyway so make sure you’ve done your ones of these if you haven’t already i don’t want a diamond item please

I don’t really know what to say about that one between lines i mean what could it be oh i like that animation where am i oh god what is this oh wait on uh we just won’t let me have that what is happening this place is weird well even like the animations have

Changed here i think why the animations this is like rotten planks oh i can they look kind of cool you got a jellyfish ooh yeah i think there’s um like fishing mods and stuff in here so there’s like a ton of different animals that you can catch from fishing

Blind cat mushroom you know what let’s get some let’s get some mushrooms oh god i’m in mud jump jump okay we’re good hollow logs right back wait what’s that are you using more to compost what did i just hear oh a nice tree oh it’s one of the only nice trees here

Let’s upset the lorax yo i’m saying myself it turns out that’s that’s going to take too long to harvest weed wood bush there’s so many new things here what’s this a double swamp tall grass that’s mine nimble twig log it’s a twig log i’ve got my name in it oh it’s a castle

Let me go touch it what’s this a volleypad a snail i killed the snail people it had to be done but ew i just sneezed and i felt it in my eye like my eye was twitching hey oh harry what’s up um this is a bunch of mods i

Don’t know what mods are on here this is just like a random uh mod pack server i’ve joined and i’m just gonna wander into this like i own the place let’s have a look i’m guessing something was here once guessing people have already been through here well this place is big is that

A route no there’s stuff down i made just a single button and put that on the floor oh i feel like climbing out of here um you know what i’m going back home this place is weird does it does my ex work normally now it does wait there’s just like different

Animations in there strange all right well black cat mushrooms probably not probably not a great idea how are you doing harry i was talking about you a little while ago i was saying i might steal your your pokemon cards channel and just make it trading card channel in general on my discord because

I know quite a few people have discord at least to collect some form of trading cards not straightaway pokemon but i know a couple of us do so i think that’d be fun i got a great yu-gi-oh card today it’s called let me let me whip it out

It’s called gun cannon sous ship and it’s basically a cargo ship that makes sushi and i’m not kidding when i say this but the card’s description is literally like a yelp review it’s the fun it’s the smallest font i’ve ever seen on a yugioh card and it’s just like you know finally got

To visit the the spectacular you know gunkin ships it’s hilarious yeah exactly let me let me post this in the discord quickly for anyone to have a little look and laugh at because it’s quite funny it’s literally just like a review on a card uh let’s do it in general chat because

There’s nowhere else for it yet um anyone who wants to have a look in general chat check that out for a card it’s literally like the fonts really small it’s literally just a a review that ends up with like giving it four stars and then the car has four stars

Leads it’s funny it’s just a funny card it’s in the general chat for anyone to look at hello what’d you want to go what you got for me is it the doggo hole is it what i think it is why are you looking for wait ah you can slide down walls

That’s what you’re trying to show me that’s crazy so you mean that whole time i was falling into your house all i had to do was oh god it’s slide and i wouldn’t have got caught i don’t want it i don’t want to get stuck don’t trap me in your house doggo please

That’s kind of crazy though being able to like slide down balls like that crazy hi dre i don’t have any liquids nearby i don’t know if i do cat i’ve run out yeah cat you know what you’ve just right don’t touch the vid shrooms doggo

Those i know what that does i know what tom craft thinks you’re not fine you’ve tempted me that’s not working oh it’s working oh dog oh it’s working oh that’s the good stuff right there we’ll leave that there right anyway kate you know what you’ve just done thanks for four kings oh god

This is so sad all right cat since you’ve uh done what you call it a uh little um hydrate i’m gonna have to go get some watercat and that means i’m gonna have to walk away meaning you have subjected everyone to an ad break cat how could you

I’ll be back in a few seconds people oh this is uh this is whoops lovely lovely water right there i just walked away went to pick up my glass and realized it was already full of water who knows how long that was has been there for but lovely

Hydrate twice now thank you cat i’m sorry dog that’s because you’re a sub though thank you by the way for being a sub i must mention if anybody else has a uh you know prime sub you should use it on me because i’m clearly the best twitch streamer around said no one ever

Um right i suppose i said it just now but nimble would vlog i make this into anything bullets nimble twig planks i do like the look of this um where was it i guess i didn’t grab any more of the logs but the wrong planks look pretty cool

I got this this trolls x um 16 attack damage is pretty good as i can oh wait green gem i can change bits about it okay it gives it different charles hill when attacking so i can give it like um enchantments effectively interesting i’ll take that around i’ll see what it

Does i’ve got no idea what i do with this sun icon i don’t know what that’s about you know we’ll figure that out one day eating jalapeno cheetos with a two liter of mountain dew and now i’m sad oh i’m sorry cat i i i should have chosen a different

Server really i i’d only have myself to blame i’ve ruined cat’s day people at least you have mountain dew question mark maybe that’s good there there the other rotten bar i know i grabbed more than just one i use this for anything in particular anything special oh it smells items i guess

We love smelting items i need i need like gravel and stuff so i’m just going to use this iron dog i’ve already got a shovel nevermind i’m going to go find some gravel gravel and sand is what i i need but on an adventure we go

Okay it looks like we’re not gonna have to adventure far to find gravel and sand oh sorry clay not gravel all right i remember to breathe and then back down there’s 36 clay that’s pretty good start wait is it gravel and sound oh sorry clay and sand or clay and gravel i’m

Pretty sure it’s clean i didn’t need to get some sand anyway so so i got a few glass panes to fix uh i’ll just grab six for now then i can fix all the planes why are there bubbles coming out there why is this stone leaking air

It takes a lot of energy to swim up in this game you’re still leaking air fine i shall continue to fight you granite you know well themselves i’m going to find out what’s down here why are there bubbles coming out of the ground i need to know this

Marble okay marvel probably looks cool that’s cinnabar bearing stones great i believe well amber which i think you turn into cinnabar until on crafts so maya and i will grab that whilst we’re here like said sorry if you guys can’t see too well at the moment i don’t like having

My gamer super bright but it’s my sworn enemy possibly oh you mean the gravel yeah i gravel but in this case i might actually need it uh let’s have a look is it clay plus yeah it’s cleaned oh sand or gravel whichever i prefer okay

Well for now i just need to smelt this down meaning i need something i don’t own currently a furnace i was just looking around like that’s no one comment about how the fat body just fought a crafting table was a or a bookshelf was a crafting table that

Didn’t happen okay like if i delete the evidence there was no proof that i thought that that was a crafting table okay i won’t talk about that not answer anything okay can i use bark to smell because that’s all i’m going to do with it what is bark used for

I mean it’s paper herb law book fabricated scrolls connected things i just make paper interesting well i’m just gonna eat some of these planks no one say a word not wasting planks god i need to get better storage soon we need to we need to have a look at this

Quickly can i make using standard chests oh god how long is it going to take to find chests um i’m probably just going to scroll right past them boomerangs and stuff are in here let’s go i get those chests right using chests for crafting we can make the basic stuff

Make a backpack that’s pretty cool um belt storage i wonder how easy that is okay iron chest and stuff are a thing on this server awesome thank you doggo okay apparently rotten logs aren’t for a whole lot okay fine that’s that’s my fuel from now on i suppose

All right and we can officially finish the house which has mushrooms growing in it apparently alright house is done awesome that’s an easy simple house does the job um nimble twig planks i can probably use there we go right so chest surround that with iron to make a iron

Chest and i believe i can surround that with gold to make a gold chest which this will have much more space in it than my current chest what’s the clip do i want to know look at this lovely crafting or crafting storage chest there we go

Hello wise how are you doing my friend oh is it is it the clip of me following falling down the hole rather i i love seeing you guys talk to each other i i’m tempted to make a voice channel on the discord as well if anyone

Wants to chat in that like i really want to try this year get the discords more interactive and also you know bump up my my socials a bit more like my instagram and stuff i want to make them something that i use more but also something that you know i kind of

Benefit from because at the moment my instagram and my well the instagram i barely benefit from at all i don’t know if i benefit from the youtube i know i benefit from twitter a little and the discord is just kind of for you guys at the moment no

One else it’s not something that is that you so i wanna i wanna you know make everything a bit more remnants i suppose is the word oh i picked up someone else’s stone throwing xl or i guess i wasn’t the first person to throw a stone axe out that um

That medusa i’m just gonna refer to it as oh there’s a dog guy outside my window what do you want you got something for me why do i keep shutting myself in my door i trust you’re not gonna lock me in here oh nice we’re using some marble well

Haven’t you been no don’t go too long being here please no thank you flash top what does slash stop do i know i’m stuck in a cave and i don’t know where i’ll what’s it just teleport you up i don’t like slash top hit would it put me on top of my house

That’s funny why do i keep doing this uh all right well we’re definitely gonna get to making some tinkerers tools soon but i need to go find a bunch of sand so with the power of luck we’re gonna go appear in a desert watch this boom desert

Oh this is definitely not a desert wait these fir trees they are do they use or spruce logs burtwood okay my alt click or is it like a rave is bane of mine probably not okay well this is terrifying i’m very high up right now it’s okay cat i appreciate it

I see swarm craft crystals oh we can look for sand later can’t we ellie oh god give me those give me those juicy tall craft crystals is this magical looking water prosperity or definitely having me some of that prosperity shards interesting we got some other stuff down here though why am i floating

Inferior well i’d love that but there we go right yeah okay right this is rather annoying let’s could i like use it to ow out oh god no no i want to be in the water please let me back in [Laughter] i don’t want to die like this

Oh god okay all right i’m gonna start messing around with substances that i do not understand i feel bad for you cat okay i’m looking at the map i’m on a beach now so there’s got to be some sand up here oh wait no i can use gravel as well

Didn’t we find out so there’s plenty of that hey gravel you guys know how much i hate gravel it’s about all that i go on about it is on here okay that that’s a game changer that is all right does slash backward yes all right lovely

Slash back is a lovely command it just takes you to the last place you teleported to or teleported from because this i just found out has vaynermind meaning i can do this it just makes instant amounts of stuff being mine is a lovely mod oh so beautiful it’s so beautiful whoops

Actually if there’s some clay around i’ll grab some more of that because that’s a pretty good amount of gravel i’m not gonna need any more of that any time so maybe i should be careful with jumping into the ocean there are eels i don’t understand deals you don’t mess with anything you understand

You want to live a long life all right let’s get back home there’s i know there’s some clay over here that i can go in mine you would charge 50 shekels to run that come up oh my god splashback is a very expensive command stop using it

I just realized that doggo oh god all my shekels how broke am i now i’ve spent so many shekels oh i’m broke people i spent all my shekels recklessly teleporting about i like the idea of teleports costing an in-game currency though that’s like a nice little concept right so is it that much

He’ll make crowds oh it’s gravel and sand i mean both i just have a ton of gravel for now for no reason well we’ll make another one of these at least number two maybe let’s make another two shovels because they don’t last long when you’re mining everything let’s see yeah

Oh yeah you want to teleport to me sir do you there you go i’ll say look there’s another thing over here uh you have no idea about mods i have no idea what is going on um well what is your pc don’t you you have minecraft on your pc or gobo

A lot of free emeralds don’t mind if i do look at all this free gold that’s flying around so get over here let’s get this this is our gold nail sir this is our gold finders keepers rules apply to gold i believe we vayne mine gold what’s this stuff ash

We do anything with ash is ash used for anything let’s have a look um turn into coal actually so okay you can’t vein mine and that’s maybe convey mine it with a shovel essentially like it’s no one else’s business all right good job sir i’m gonna go venture out to looking for more

Or what you call it more sand if anyone finds like a large amount of sand let me know and i’ll just teleport over to you wait am i being dumb again oh wait does this build of minecraft have stand at the bottom of the rivers a lot of it

I’ll find a desert eventually and until then i’ll eat my grilled cheese uh yeah we will be making a clam for sure yeah based on how the the village is doing i i feel like a dragon this being there was probably a bad bad thing cat i’m sure they did not approve

What trees is this an olive tree paper bark i wood know but it’s going to be mine now i want this fix oh it’s a fig tree close maybe i’ll leave it leave it alone i want olives i just like find the olives on a random tree

Do i need a certain biome olives are any of them ready give olive okay maybe they need to be ready got some lime got something that’s already on this street harvest for sure a pire i’d join a papaya for one of my art projects i’m in school oh wait i see

On the map okay these are things that you break for free food that’s what tens are okay have you seen if you see tents around and you’re hungry screw you ever lived there before you may have food life hack uh the ice and fire dragons have five

Stages sage falls five eggs and stage five dragons are only found underground that’s fun i haven’t seen a single one though they can’t be that impressive right people we have sand how much sand a lot of sound wait to send that vain line i think i can vein mine sand unfortunately

Whether you convey my sand but not gravel oh sorry i’ve way around gravel but not sand oh wait i see something very important for tom craft just in front of me these cinder pearls are very important in form crafts just in case you know you have anything disastrous happen aloe vera

Oh some aloe vera why not watch out for sand worms and i’ll be fine it can’t be that bad i have an iron sword i don’t think you understand we love mining sand don’t we uh second and a half that no i should get full stack at least

Let’s mine our way over to the village i’m not really beat it’s aloe vera around villagers still walk in a weird way i don’t quite like it and it’s more desert anyway any like actual trailers oh there are oh you’ll just give me a cabin in a school interesting

I will give me a bard or a mine i i don’t understand this waystone i’ve discovered illa roblo i i heard that this town existed what are you a vampire hunter well i killed the vampire so it’s only fair that i kill the hunter as well well i didn’t really drop anything

If you have a killer man because he’s a vampire hunter because you killed a vampire and you want to make it even you know i don’t upset either either type of people please vegan life there is a vegan mod pack on here people i find that interesting

I mean i guess it makes sense minecraft in a way is all about not picking us it’s all about um i guess you know inclusiveness i think i’ll ask you a question about that in the past cat about like um if you if you’re a vegan not a vegans or

A vegetarian in in minecraft sure williamson uh that don’t have a quest but yeah i feel that sometimes it can be a little bit tricky to figure out what you’re meant to be doing under research table a witch hat iron chain links and diamond torso and i suppose i’ll contain the apples

Right so this is an untouched village that’s gonna be a rare thing to find on any multiplayer server first earth from the vampirism mod empire orchid well i will happily own a vampire orchid my guy you need to find look derek okay you need to find yourself a new house

Because yours is currently being overgrown by vampire stuff apparently apparently this whole biome is a vampire biome so i would i would suggest leaving your house kind of immediately that free squid okay i feel like a man might have died here this place is cursed there’s so many blocks around

What happened to them i’m just getting out of here okay it’s extremely dark this all right i’m gonna use some some of my money to come back here i’ll be back because i desperately desperately want as much of this tree as i can take because i want saplings for this

Oh why let me vane mine it again i like run out of feign mine or something weird all right well i’ll get up in here i’m gonna have to mine this one the old-fashioned way no no cheaping out of this one this is a silverwood which is incredibly important in torncraft

Okay we’ve got at least one silverwood sapling but we do need more than just one oh gee the rest of the leaves seem to be stuck to this oak tree so i’m gonna have to take that down as well plus the wood’s pretty useful maybe join like the modpacks discord cat

See if they can help you out at all okay that’s that that’s five silver words that’s more than enough awesome i believe they’re the remnants of me from being here and into the the vampire wilderness we go otherwise things are signing up ahead some happy birthdays a man an

Try ow okay it’s definitely a vampire oh oh god he’s actually gonna kill me got ya penguin vamp oh god oh no guys i think i became a vampire are you gonna kill me ah it’s gonna kill me okay it’s definitely gonna kill me anyway it was just staring at me

How does not vampire sleep on my bed brainstorming i wrote down some dreams i had in a book that seems fair the strangest dream last night in the dream i took three of those strange crystals i’ve been finding ground them with a handful of redstone in a bowl

Using it using a piece of flint the crystals had to be of different types but if i did it properly then the result was a strange glowing dust the dream i took the dust and sprinkled it on a bookcase but the dream ended before i saw what happened i wonder

Did i do what the dream showed impression the dust was going to reveal something wondrous hmm interesting i guess we’ll have to look into that at some point what can i what can i use a gold’s chest full i remember so iron chest gold chest diamonds oh god

Two diamonds and six pieces of glass i turned diamond horse r into hippogriff Scary hello what would you like doggo don’t make me club you doggo i have a big club okay you think you’re you think you’re you’re big with your big item huh look mine’s bigger okay and it’s slower to swing i’ve got a cage on my head you don’t

Have cage in your head do you huh no i’m sorry how’s everyone’s uh week been so far i mean it’s the first day so i’m hoping everyone’s had a good week so far if you’ve had a bad week already it can only get better surely oops

I can just turn it into compost i’ll tell you what let’s be smart i got this onto research table put witch hats into stuff i also used to craft the time of alcohol so you can wear it if you want to look like a leprechaun all right i i’ve literally helped

Sacrifice i don’t know what i’m sacrificing but i sacrificed him okay i don’t seem to have vampire disease anymore so that’s good oh i’m trying to do some work in here oh you’re speedy i think i see what you’re trying to say all right back sand gravel stack of clay

That’s not stack sand route you can smelt down and it makes um what is it see the ingots i think it is from memory oh i can’t i’m sorry to hear that let’s see was i correct are they seared ingots see it break well

Here’s what it is um so i can smell that because i’m lazy we’re going to just quickly make a hopper you know do a good amount of work sometimes hoppers are you know not functioning on servers like this but we’ll find out shortly that’s the grout just got i just had a

Bunch of largest puppets do function on this circle cool let’s just get my seed break so then what you do is these seed bricks you can make into a beard brick i know that’s hard to follow you turn c to brick into seed bricks but it is what it is and then

If i was building it here i need to clear out some more space actually there we go i’m going to build it over here i think i need some dirt though so bear with me oh we have a strong zombie over here right a withering zombie now i see why it’s called that

Save me doggo go kill we got this dog easy go ain’t too good rp that’s strange all right back to what i was going to do i was going to come over here and just get a bunch of dirt quickly oh this sugar you have like an abundance

Of dirt you want to give me no dog we’re not getting married i’m sorry i’ll tell you what dog i will marry you in this server when we hit 200 followers okay i’m sure your dnd character got a good death at least i’m sure it wasn’t a waste of a death

I’m going to make a little divot like this and then within this i’m going to start placing my seared bricks yeah i’ll do it from well maybe i’ll do it one over actually so right about here i’m going to start placing my seed bricks so i’m going to need to expand my house

Clean at some point to leave it looking too strange i’m just going to fill that in with all these bricks i’m smelting then i can make myself a big forge which is always fun um of course doggo and uh sir you guys will be able to use this for a while

Until i’ve you know actually protected my my house a bit more with some more claim space i feel free in the meantime um i need to at least get one level out of it but i’m gonna obviously go for more than just one um can we make another stack

Nearly enough a full stack of grout oh i need more fuel however let’s place it in any order grant grants awesome there’s going to be a lot to learn in this modpack what can we do if i oh okay we can make chainmail that makes sense or we can make line chain

Cannot be broken okay most mobs interesting let’s make a chain um shorts her ex fiancee deface her dead husband’s grave bold move to play with a woman who served the god of death it does sound interesting cat they’ll sound interesting i’m not gonna lie i’m gonna do this blood

I drink it oh blood pedestal we’re not gonna do that i’m a nice humble person at the moment uh right have we got any coal can i just use ash logo you got any coal going spare as i could do with some if you do it’s right now it turns out um

Being able to burn stuff is a luxury that i didn’t realize i wasn’t you know having access to all right let me get rid of these old death markers actually at this point can i um have a look at the map and see how where i’ve been really i can’t zoom out any

More than that it was the underground bit wasn’t it so there we go oh god okay no i need to see that i guess i could put a marker on for home just see how far away i am i’m at times so this will be of course cap’s home

Uh never off uh what what color of course it’s gonna be in the purples okay is that like a wait for me to turn that off now that i’ve made it okay let’s just turn it off for now so if i ever need to know my way home for whatever reason i might

I can figure that out so i got a dragon egg so do i want to know how i got another little wonder i think well some of that oh actually i’ll tell you what the game knows what i need i was about to say if i find any um

Nicole i’ll be sure to grab some see some just up here 37 pieces of coal right there this quartz oil gives you never caught it’s interesting i definitely want this oh lovely this crystals that’s going to become clutch later when i get into tom craft properly

More coal or don’t mind if i do and my pickaxe well that’s what it is okay because i’d love to get some more of this actually based on what i see there what is that enzonite yeah what how much how much balance have we got okay we’re not actually making that much

So i will just buy the bullet go home so i got what i went out for which is of course some lovely coal because i need a lot more of it um so of course where is our tinkerer’s book here it is yeah so this basically goes on how to

Make this so we’re going to try and make something that looks a bit like this so we’re making the seared frame and we need to have a tank controller we need some uh spouts and some tables to cast into this will basically let us start casting you know

Liquid into all which we can then add into tools and stuff which will be fun what do you want doggo i really need to stop locking myself in my door bronze interesting i’ve lost doggo oh it’s still going where else would he be i am not saying anything about that

Though you can keep you and your strange dolls to yourself don’t go down there sir don’t do it not worth it all right i’m wait i got a bunch of oak didn’t i yeah okay cool so i’m gonna make myself a couple more chests i’m gonna start organizing them

I want another iron chest don’t have enough iron for it though i’ll smell some up later um until then i can put it down now this is going to be my my tom craft bed so all my tom craft items are going in there um so why can’t i see

Oh there any in here that might just not be i like this crystals of course that’s tom craft a couple of those and that’s everything from that chest uh amber is tom craft i would have brought those silver things back cinder bells are they are the silver birch the quicksilver logs

Oh i’ve got another 10 survival crate keys i don’t know where i got those from yeah that’s i think all the torn craft stuff for now we will get much more though some graphs is a very fun mod i i look forward to getting into that in fact

What do i need to make a home craft want from memory i believe it’s just use well i need nuggets i think make a wand cake incorrect how does one get the torm omni okay well look at the hell when we get there i suppose

Yep slash set home uh set home one word as cat suggested all right i’m going back to spawn let’s see what else we can grab we’ve got some more keys to open people takes a minute there’s some interesting looking stuff oh yeah a bunch of fingers that’d be

Nice oh awesome we gotta see a tank that’s actually uh not a bad grab flavors having to make it for the um this this forge that we’re currently building that’s actually quite useful in fact i’d rather not get diamond tools but obviously use them if i do

Hey diamond x i’m fine with that where did i get all these keys from i didn’t notice picking them up a human heart interesting i just saw a donut go by i might be able to grab some donuts people we’ve got a hey we got another hat that’s cool

See what that is in a minute if find getting hats i wouldn’t mind getting all those funky looking music discs let’s take that out quickly give me the items oh god a diamond boomerang you know fine i will see how that thing works so probably with my luck throw it into a

Cliff and never see it come back i’ll vote milestone i see you so everyone gets crates interesting oh we nearly got one of the cool music discs got done vampire things dead anvil would be nice i mean any of these ingots would be pretty cool come on give me a music disc

Oh dj white’s hot new mixtape what is that what what do i use this in i don’t know rave in a cave i mean amber rhombus cathedral gaza cage some glass that’s kind of cool i suppose don’t go past diamond tools please please lads we did it we got diamond toe

Last key let’s get let’s get something good because i mean we got some crap like the diamonds hoe the diamond boomerang with diamond eggs vampire fangs that’s pretty awful i feel the human heart’s probably not very good okay it looks like another diamond okay a diamond diamond hammer i suppose

That’s kind of cool all right can i turn diamond tools into diamonds is there any way to do that i can do some alchemy arrays to create a bound x or something dog if you have a spare diamonds please uh chucking my way did i do one kind of badly

See what the mixtape comes to but i guess we got a hat who wants a cage on their head you know what sir this is yours here you go i have a free cage for your head oh it’s oh you got oh my god you started jellyfish what ow

Your jellyfish stung me is that a pet you got stall we have styleback we really need diamonds like badly we need diamonds okay right nice amount of seared bricks awesome and we do get our tank which is a big win i imagine the tank going there anyway that feels dumb

I don’t have a pickaxe i know that’s not claims currently by the way i will eventually get around to claiming it i don’t see any sticks i’m going to assume that i have none i really want to stop shutting myself in that door you do not realize how annoying that’s going so get

Don’t go get out here get out of that dog all right i’m gonna go that that and that those theater tank’s going to go on the side here the control unit will go here and then we’ll have a second floor of stuff that’s passing bin i don’t think so

But no one’s got a diamond right they’ll go sir i have a challenge for you first one to go and find the diamond and bring it back to me wins you have to mine it from the ground um you will get an item i know exactly

What i’m gonna give you sir or doggo when you win go now run so get to it run you’ve only you’ve only got so much time to find a diamond sir you don’t want to miss out on the prize today is a good day why is today a good day okay

I’m happy today is a good day for you it’s like streaming minecraft again it’s been a while it’s also refreshing having mods you know it changes the game up enough to the point where it’s not absolutely boring right i think control module looks like this battery controller i really really hate this

There we go well thank you for the sword where’d you on that back well you’ve definitely got a lot of crystals here sir but i don’t think any of them are um any of them diamonds i don’t know how to do a clap let’s figure that out wash create

Reports no idea what crap all means create no happy i don’t want that so i take this back here all right control is going to go there so that will let me control my smeltery which should be uh technically an effective smeltery now but so let’s create some extra bits for it

Now god damn door right is it is it with this block what is going on yes i would love to see you in here be nice to have a couple of us you know oh my gonna i don’t know what brew zoofs are are you gonna you know i’m gonna display my shield

Why my shield you might ask i actually have no idea please don’t do something this is going to be a i don’t know what’s going on with it but will it let us anytime free just keep that there i suppose god damn okay i see i see a doggo out the front you

Have been noticed doggo magical music disc thank you we need this music disc player jukebox that’s the one urgently we got music to play we have music from the between land and then whatever dj white’s hot new mixtape is brave in a cave rave in a cave sounds

Like a good one the only promise i don’t know if anything’s gonna be copyrighted or not i’d hope not but you can never be too sure right can i not make one caps strange but more said bricks so the other things i need to make are i think

These these are seared faucets i will make two of those then i need i think they look like this these are seed cauldrons i need at least one of those i want one seared table and is it these i think they look like this have a look um all that

It’s drain ah okay i was close pretty sure it’s a train yep okay i was very close to what i needed to make they instead of looking they look like that those are two seed drains like one seeding get short there we go right three one two three one two three one

Two three there we go all right let’s see if we can put together the majority of what’s left so see it grains i’ll put here into here you attach your faucets directly onto those like so there’s only one goes your table my entire inventory just disappeared

I don’t know how i did that and so the other goes that and then i need one two three four five six more blocks which means six times four is gonna be 24 more seed bricks so i’ll wait for those to finish cooking up i’ve already got three so i’ve already got eight

I need 16 more blocks but wait for those two bit but all in all we’re doing all right um claim some more box for the slash claim oh god um so one or two three four five six six eight five six this isn’t your i claim six

Oh wait don’t tell me it just did what i think it did so i didn’t choose a direction i think it just literally expanded outward six no which way did it go in expanded it that way oh expands it the way that i’m looking how much do i need

Where’s what we pay back loans will be paid back with an interest rate of 1.2 would you like to take out a loan for 162 yes okay awesome well that’s in my house okay okay i’m getting this i’m getting there slightly okay i’ll expand it a few more blocks that way

Watch claim i need to get out of this clean mode expand the female blocks that way um oh wait no because sir is built so close to me slap how do i make a clan how do i make a is it slash fraction of my bin gun

Figure that one out all right let’s go see if these here bricks have finished smiling have awesome you know okay you’re right i only did six times four for some reason but i ended up getting the exact amount of blocks anyway somehow so if i get like

You know maybe it was meant to be right now when i activate this it should now be a functioning forge right next up is just chucking my oar in there oh and i need a bucket of alarm lava so i need a bucket i need iron ore picked up some surely

Do i not own a single piece of iron ore i’m the worst minecraft player ever oh slash rtb time to go find random iron that’s just not nice i’m in the snow people leaves catch you want some maple trees and bring your people back maybe okay i’m bringing you some maple

Trees don’t you worry i will succeed on my mission to bring cat at least one maple sapling there we go you’re welcome cat see i have diamonds i don’t have an iron pick okay let me teleport to you there you go doggo oh but i’m not in a glue towel

Have you there’s iron rod behind you one second let’s let’s be smart about this because there’s something i need here right so make a crafting table with your couple another character table a furnace for those oh dog i won the diamond race right uh so then i think one bit of iron

I just need that one ironing good for pack at home i died i’m sorry how urgent you were there don’t go and i missed it all thank you your prize where is it um congratulations doggo you’ve earned rhombus cathedral glass you can use it for great things such as pains

Come on back home dog here you go here is your prize do with it as you please because in reality we all get a prize from this that is a beautiful jukebox watch the music be like banter novel the nova actually plays okay i think i need something else for the

Mixtape but till then wandering wisps that sounds like a nice piece of music actually wait no if we’re gonna play any bit of music really quiet but it’s there make a turk cult cathedral oh no not again well the extra diamonds i suppose i should be kind where’s sir

Oops stop giving me a you like play somewhere sir all right sir i know these are yours because i can see your death so what are the other ones mysterious disc i bet this one sounds nice this one only played minecraft once okay so we can’t actually play any of the

Others so we stuck with stall for a bit but that’s fine uh there are there were four extras yes that is true so there were five in total because we made the jukebox with one so cat you’ve got this to work i understand oh yeah well let me go back to spawn

Actually because i didn’t really pay attention join your jobs slash jobs lumberjack digger miner or a hunter um i will probably be a bigger or i suppose miner you are now a miner so now i can go and claim you know money by which you call it

Mining which is what we’re going to get to now all right let’s go find a big hole to jump into catalyzing gland i beg your pardon okay i don’t even know what i’ve just found can i just like one club a creature with this uh a creeper rather that’d be quite

Funny if i could what’s up creeper okay this this skeleton is no joke apparently he’s healing okay there we go apparently these mobs are crazy banana tab in my inventory uh so cat that is for actions and it just said you have no standing with a faction that was maybe a bad idea

Oh an ender pearl lovely at some point i will need to grab some end stone and stuff okay i know what you are you’re not dead michael jackson spiders get to live for now okay oh it’s got to be done hasn’t it you ready for some satisfaction oh

It’s so much more satisfying than i thought it was going to be luck that’s that’s some good stuff right there yeah that’s the good good um it’s slow to load up yep fair enough uh when the skeleton has the partial effects every hit oh i see thank you cat oh this thing’s back

It’s still here i’m going to go have a nose around this person’s house i’m nosy like that and make sure that they’ve claimed everything why do i have a feeling that this might have been like an attempt to catch the server with sand or something or is it just the world’s best diving

Board that’s what i’m thinking why does this exit just a big square i guess we’ll never know what it was for yeet and for the splash alpha good stuff i use these for fire fuel no i’m gonna need you to stop throwing victories at me if you die sir i know

Not all of these are gonna be yours but i must ask please my sanity please oh that’s my cheese sandwich no i need that i will happily jump into a furnace if it’s uh you know save a cheese sandwich that is a quote that i will live by

All right now i remember what i was doing i was going to look for lava wasn’t i because i need to actually start up my forge meaning i need a lava bucket that was easy all right since we’re here oh oh but rubio from biomes are plenty see some claws up here

Prosperity all gives us all these prosperity shards we’ve got this inferior we’ll just quickly grab some more as well down here because we’re going to need to chuck all these in the smell to soon anyway so i know okay that’s just telling us there’s lava down there there’s something oh yeah these

I’ll grab what i can whatever it wants to go in the lava can go in the lava though i guess okay i think i got most of it more iron all got some low mushrooms i’ll leave those alone oh what’s that silver ore i mean if i do we’ve got some more

Prosperity all oh can i actually like climb right there is some coal here so i’m going to do everyone a favor of the game will let me like the game won’t let me you’re now level one and oh look at me i’ve become a great miner guys in the hole

Really wants to plug up all that water the other part of me really just can’t be asked what’s this mine is delight sure why not i find a way i think die one okay i want you in here um let me know and we’ll get you over to the group i’m

Gonna ask gang someone ever replied um how do i because i put a faction in there is it gonna think it’s a look at what’s that oh it’s like this little silly still probably used to have as is redstone we got some uh order crystals here that’s good

I’m gonna try getting to the tom stuff today doubles that’s not bad uh okay slash plan oh wait no this is doggo saying it i don’t think it is doggo oh it’s doggo you’re completely correct all right the words two to six okay clean tag you’re gonna be uh ea i suppose

And then we’re going to be uh the armada of course otherwise i still never you know i think it looks right okay awesome i you could have provided that information sooner have you just been holding back on that that’s information you’ve known you know how to make a client this whole time

All right i never tried that thing cat so what crouch you jump so wait uh it doesn’t work you might need some item for that if that’s like you know has worked in the past cap some entropy shards that’s gonna be useful oh we got a bunch more crystals over here

I can’t help but notice this thing that i didn’t see before it’s that big skeleton easy an ancient fade um simply was a phase i think it gave me extra help like it was a legend of zelda game kind of cool a little look up here see if there’s anything interesting at

I’m scared i’m very scared of that in particular um okay i’m going to just call it slash home and slash back based on the fact there’s stuff in there i’m gonna guess someone hasn’t found that one i’m just gonna make chess messy for now i swear oh but that’s not enough i can’t

Make that chest missy just what i want again thank you oh god that’s good all right there there we go right dude oh don’t go i need you to pay me 50 shekels do slash pay my name and then 50. i bet it works i need to be able to get back there

Thank you let me wait point this before i lose it um well this is going to be the important waypoint scary get this on you got some some lovely flying swords this one has smite i’m breaking not bad this one has a losing free some manuscripts some gold

How could it be in here this is terrifying i’m not the first person to find it either you mind the emerald oh we’re rich people if you think i’m letting you teleport to me doggo i don’t think so this is this is mine to to loot we see what unfortunate souls have been

Here before all those all those obituaries who came here before we have a um a jasper fulmer oh so much iron and a lovely tome of cursive binding oh there’s so much stuff this is great there’s so much um so many emeralds so so all right once i’ve looted all these

Chests i will be kind to let you guys come over what can i do with those manuscripts inform me if you will with your divine knowledge eternal compass a strange name for a german 100 century and a cage helmet right i’ve only just seen that i will see what i

Can do about your interest how about all of the gold in this chamber doggo you can make a house out of it like all of this gold still go will be yours before too long oh golden apple don’t mind if i do wonder how many other bits of you know

How many other chests are hidden behind the cave entrance right if chess can spawn on the outside most people wouldn’t know about that meaning i should be going around it to look at the gaps where chess can spawn so those chests are possibly going to have the better light

I’m in chess play i’ll tell you what doggo i’m pretty happy that you come here now i’ve had a little bit of fun living with stuff uh if you go ahead and teleport to me i’ll let you in however duggar i accept to see or expect

Forever sorry i saw the word accept i expect to see all of this gold harvested dogger all of it no exceptions i’ll leave those for doggos to clean up uh you need free manuscripts to make a b series and you need a certain like then okay well i’ve got six

I’m gonna assume i’m good on that oh that’s a bunch more perfect right i’ve got plenty of manuscripts now oh there’s a veggies here yeah i just got health and then by the looks things all right don’t go expect this place okay there’s ten minutes before server

Restart but i expect this place picked clean uh we need as many emeralds as possible do you want to come over here as well sir since you’re here i expect every single gold pile to be cleaned we might not be the first ones in this

But we’re going to be the ones that you know truly benefit from it or jasper wasn’t having a good time was he gasping really wasn’t having a good time wonder if he ever killed the dragon i mean some potions of night vision up in here this is this is dark i’ve seen a

Chest that definitely hasn’t been lured though look out cobblestone you know what’s that i think it was in here there it is i think there’s a block above it i got a break golden apple i mean it’s better than a bit of cobblestone isn’t it any others up here

A bit hard to see to be honest i imagine this doesn’t look great on the stream and i can only apologize so much for that and like i said i can wake the camera up but you lose some of the gameplay if you do that uh so you got a request to teleport

Again i missed it sorry yes but definitely probably made out with the uh the dragon egg you’re right about that cap so much gold so many emeralds as well i i think the emeralds are quite valuable in this in the sense that you can trade them with those villagers

This is a big ominous chamber is this another jasper alright piece him oh no this is dog oh oh what were you doing up there that caused you to fall to your death there’s more chests up there oh i didn’t see all of those there we go that answers your question cat

It’s most definitely an enchantment that i now own okay i’m pretty happy to go home flash home i’d say that’s an alright take of loot there i would take the time to look at all of these on stream but i feel like that’s going to take a lot of time but

This is a purple one so it’s like really good chess piece um there it is protection free and i’m breaking free soul bound free and mending that’s incredible um leggings got on breaking free fire protection free that’s not bad so what feather falling free is not bad for a pair of iron boots

And the only helmet we got blast protection that’s fine wait what why can’t i wear the diamond armor uh well let’s find that one out another time i feel like though it’s not as simple as i was wanting to wear that armor stop appearing in movement right where’s

That um lava bucket let’s not get too lost we were doing things bucket of lava and all the ore uh cinnabar oh i think it’s a little bit different i don’t want to melt that down let’s go turn this furnace on so what this lovely furnace for anyone who’s not

Familiar with it does you choke your lava in here like so you put it into this tank i was trying to remember what you do there um and then into here you chuck your ore as much as you you know you can store so for example that’s what the iron i

Can store and then that starts smelting up in there and it fills up with um different ore over time so if i go in here you know you’ll start seeing what’s actually in it so for example in a second the gold’s gonna melt and then in here you’ll see

That we got four ingots worth of gold just like that that’s how quick it is oh i was about to say i didn’t do a face reel that’s weird i i i think recently i thought i did a face reveal for some reason strange maybe one day cat maybe one day maybe that’s

That’s not i’m not gonna say 250. 500 followers i’ll say that because at the rate we gain followers it’s never going to happen we’ve we’ve lost a follower of this stream once again i don’t i don’t know why a card game follows on twitch i’m just i’m cursed it’s fine

We are 169 followers and now we lost one i wonder if that that was the person you banned i wonder if they were followed from before and they just came in and it doesn’t matter here’s what it is all right so um basically the reason you

Can do these by the way i shouldn’t just gloss over them um this lets you pour out let’s say if i wanted to just say right nine i just part an entire block and it’s a lot quicker but if i get all the tinker stuff i can put like um

Castings down i can make like blades and different parts of a uh sword which is pretty nice it’s like we’ll turn into a lovely block of iron oh you did your job cap no no of course no you’re completely in the right cat i am not bothered in the slayers it’s a

Follow account i don’t actually care about it it’d be nice if it was going up but it’s not and that’s kind of the end of that you know right uh i did get lazy for a second i’ve got a bunch of torn craft stuff in here that i don’t want in here

I think that’s all of it yeah right so i’ll just chuck all that in here quickly so what can i do with these be steering right let’s make one of those quickly service gonna restart a second yeah we’ll save that for after the server restart

Oh no we got two minutes we have a quick read introduction oh god that’s a lot of text the noah with mystical silver ore can be found at the same layer gold it can be smelted into ingots which have a variety of silver weaponry does extra damage to the

Undead due to its mental properties we make gold piles we knew that already second magical oil associated with supernatural creatures is the file snowy biomes sapphire all that’s important like turn two of two pieces of wood and a book can we speed build a lectern right two bits of wood got look achieved

Crafting table wood wood boom light turn can we place it down we can look at us with speed okay i’m not going to put that in there yet every site in a minute okay that’s fine i’m gonna i might need to make like a basement or something for this house i

Mean it’s kind of jam-packed with stuff at the moment i definitely need to get you know more room okay yeah i see you there so so why can’t you wear armor that skeleton’s got a massive sword god good job sir i’m going to preemptively leave the server because yeah well nevermind

To do service restarting you guys get to go to the lovely fireplace for a minute transition over there that’s for those of you who see look this is what i do i care about you guys those of you who’ve subscribed you get a lovely lovely fireplace you know what the rest of you

Get an ad for a minute i’m gonna go grab something three i’ll be right back uh when the server comes back up online we will continue playing time guess what i’m gonna do people watch out you can see what’s going on how crazy is that i remember to let you guys actually

Let you have a look all right so let’s get back into the bcr uh wait i just turned my phone off i can’t see you guys if i do that right uh someone say something in chat that’s not a number just so i know we’re all caught up

And that everything’s working as it’s meant to be so blah blah weaponry blah blah books blah blah oh cool right sapphire yep cool lectern the only way to obtain more information about the magical world is to research other writers works this can be done by crafting a lecter

Uh blah blah once electron has been placed it can be interacted with by right clicking on it the inside will have three slots the leftmost for an input bestiary the bottom for manuscripts the rightmost for the output be scary but every manuscript a new index will appear in the b theory these

New pages can be information about mythical breaches or invokes people’s information crafting guides and even basic alchemy okay cool so where did i put them i put my manuscript somewhere here they are so i believe i come over to this in a bcr manuscript

And i can i can learn about okay i need free manuscripts and mermix that’s fine about these oh fire dragon eggs i feel like it’s probably worth buying snow villagers they sound kind of cool right so now i should have some new pages in my bestiary oh okay awesome so a mermix

Oh this is that weird and creature then that i fell into okay right they’re still counting i see are you guys having fun there guys guys can’t whoa you guys getting fast i saw that i saw the numbers get faster and it was getting intense and can’t jump the head of it

All right long ago before the trolls dwelled in the caves and before the gorgons entered their temples there was a woman who stole from the gods plough claimed it for her own invention for this crime she was metamorpho metamorphised metal metamorphist into a terrifying insect the first

Mermax queen although she was the first of her kind she was not alone for long as her insect weed word resulted in massive mermax colonies all across the desert and jungle the mermax visage is a hider one larger what what i don’t like these things what can we

Got from mermax oh my extra assortment of unique items that are important crafting materials mermax chitting can be used to craft extremely strong weapons and armour all mermaids shifting weapons are weak against arthropods but do extra damage to non-arthropods deathworm interesting we make some trades apparently

Uh well max eggs only hatch went on the ground the queen were in there okay so we can i guess claim our own mermaids if we want crazy right uh fire dragon eggs i suppose you might want this do you need to know how to do this sir i

Can i can help you catch a fire egg apparently i think this book tells me how oh while moving has no sorry while moving the eggs to a safer location near my home i noticed that these eggs were much warmer than those of a chicken or other bird this

Gave me an idea on how to unlock the secrets of the fire dragons i stacked up some wood and never act into a large pile and place the largest of the eggs onto it let the pile of fire in the woods and never act around the egg burst after waiting for

Around a short time i cannot see any difference before removing the egg and looking for another method of hatching egg but i remembered that dragons are large beings that require a large amount of energy but they sit on the perpetual fire for three days my decision was very

Successful with dragons like hash and i’m now in possession of a young dragon that seems like a problem i don’t think people should be allowed you know dragons as pets okay so they just they’re they’re fishing people okay cool right awesome we’ve done research look at me being a okay guys stop counting

Wait can you guys even hear me am i just like baffling on to myself you guys are giving me anxiety now i’m just gonna keep playing and hope that you guys can hear me i need an answer doggo cat anyone you guys did not count all the way up to

Oh my god guys calm down on the messaging no more no more numbers numbers are banned in the chat for the next five minutes um okay no more numbers jeez i’m gonna do with rubies oh a terrestrial heart i think crown ruby seats i think i need to like spec into classes

Or something like this let’s just guess uh all this sponge forged what is what is splash shell okay don’t care about that all right i need to sort out my inventory but let’s let’s get my my storage looking a little bit more clear as to what is what this is going

To be my tools here so tools are going to count as books and items i can use things so any sort of tools books and weapons tools a boat is a tool i’ve decided frying eggs sure that’s a tool you drink it that cancers at all those

Are more books loads of books loads of books right this is gonna be for no i don’t know how to organize all this this is too much stuff oh i’ve got too much stuff i’ve given up on trying to organize people i’ve been i’ve been fought oh i guess i can

Organize more tools kindly chanted books are going to go in there for now because why not the mushroom is not at all i can make quote if anyone wants mushroom is not at all you know what i i think we need more shark packs in the server it’s been a

While since i saw any good old shark facts i think we gotta revive the shark facts people my tone craft crystals that i missed earlier apparently i see someone jump out the window i will address you in a second don’t you worry so that one saw that one

All right what’d you want sir well more manuscripts why thank you thank you very very thankful sir i shall put that towards more knowledge as knowledge is a very important thing reserve curiosity i’ve never seen one of those before that is a torn craft item that i have no knowledge of

You’ve gained some knowledge i see they have knowledge people oh goodbye doggo it was nice playing hey have a good sleep dude and yeah good luck i hope it goes well for you i’m sure it will all right let’s learn some more knowledge people oh and read it all but um

Worms cat seems to mention those dragon materials and team strength let’s have a little look at death worms oh i see oh i see oh they make things okay well that’s terrifying thanks for that cat i’m scared i don’t want to go outside anymore what have you done cat what have you done

I’m gonna take my diamond boomerang and throw out something i still don’t know what this sun icon is got no idea what that does i feel like i need better armor i wear any of this iron armor even why can’t i wear it yeah but maybe we should go back to mine and

Mining was going well we’ve got plenty of ingots now like that’s it fingers yeah i’m gonna make a bunch of um a bunch of pickaxes there we go i’ve made too many pickaxes possibly that would be fun i’m gonna go harvest a ton of all in

This random cave that i’m gonna get put into oh it was i tried to jinx it there is a little village over there i can see on the map and actually if this is spruce happily have some on that why is it stacking a bit of wood i don’t

Need to collect any spruce anytime soon hello i can see that i’m not the first person to be here someone else one time white’s come through here someone lives here well now i’m stuck in someone’s face like one i don’t know what that is i’m going to teleport away

All right time to go find a hole to jump into yeah we’ve got another death mark that we have to get rid of people gary is over that way that’s the uh dragon den there are got a cave here we’ll start venturing into it we’ll see how far it allows us to go

It looks things uh possibly not very it’s opening up a little bit got some thorncraft crystals that’s not too bad all right well it’s bothering me i’m going to quickly go into my key buttons all right where is vein miner vane vein vaynerbain vane where is him a miner i’m gonna set that

To left alt it’s like it being there it just makes a little bit easier to use just like yeah much nicer hey we’re a level three minor each of you increase the money you want okay why don’t you tell me how much extra money i’m going to be getting paid how’s my balance

Doing though what is that what i can i can dodge that okay right we have found the ends of the cave going this way uh i warned you what mod what sorry what what you mean can i i’ve forgotten myself i’ll go back to the surface i don’t want to be down here

All right splash up right no it’s slash top ha ha i’ve claimed it the mountain has been conquered i feel like that’s a little bit of an op command does he is money no this is a nice grassy hill you can see on the map like the actual

Layers to it it’s very shapely hill what mud is the sun icon i don’t know i have no idea um i won’t know until i’m back at my base i’m not carrying it with me i got more knowledge oh i’m learning tom craft stuff when i

Do that i didn’t actually notice it was learning specific things i i kind of feel like i might do another skyrim play for on stream i feel like that would be fun i i haven’t played skyrim in a long time i i kind of miss it

Fire dragon scorch liam put the fox well he just puts in jagger scorched by a fire and well you can see that they are still on the server it’s like a thing that actually exists because i mean i’ll be honest like when you join a server especially a survival server it’s so common

That the server has been like completely you know ransacked right like there’s nothing around to be you know bouncing to have fun with really kind of boomerang at this guy you know hi i like troy with evening the boomerang’s not right you saw this there’s a maybe a player house over this way

Yeah already i mean i’m assuming yours said that before well this looks interesting i really hope this isn’t a player house definitely a playhouse i asked i all right okay all right i accidentally made a portal connect to your and found this here here’s my discord tag of you i go i’m

Not gonna let people see that person’s discord is someone else’s interesting accidentally i love that i love seeing some bad spelling on a minecraft sign it gives me a certain amount of joy you know it’s just good stuff i’m guessing this area’s been fairly well explored maybe it’s time for another rtp people

We love a random teleport i do love like modded minecraft it’s so fun like i’ve it’s been something that i’ve always had access to like i’ve always had a laptop or something that can kind of manage to play are you like you atomic me you’re a necromancer right well

Simply but i need you to be dead i want whatever you have what emerald’s not bad that person’s just weird let’s open the neck romance my gimmies ain’t cool all right battery charge is down to five percent i have to turn off vibrations on my phone

With my if my phone dies i’m gonna just simply need to wrap up the stream because i’m gonna have no way to talk to you guys but if you guys have enjoyed this i’ll definitely play some more of it tomorrow um because i mean i’ve enjoyed playing it i

Think i’ve got pretty much a day off tomorrow i need to get some work done but i know i i’ve been enjoying streaming for like a couple hours a day it’s been fun i just i mean what this is my longest stream this week is uh three hours which

You know back when mixer was like big i i could easily stream on it’s like like daisy for like i think there’s some 16 hour streams i’ve done in the past i never did a full 24 hours because you know didn’t really hit any milestones where i felt right to do one but

I definitely want to do some on twitch i feel like i might do like a really long stream at 250 subscribers or follow us rather i think i might do that i do like a 12 hour stream at 250. it’s like the idea of 24-hour streams

Fun and all don’t get me wrong but the majority of people can’t genuinely participate in it whereas a 12-hour stream you know people can stay for the duration of i want to kill this girl i’m sorry i don’t know why i wanted to kill that squirrel i just wanted to zombie huh

Wait a minute is this a silver oh this is a good forest to find this is great wood oh it is it’s the torm forest awesome there’s this tree which is beauty oh god all right i need some saplings from this my problem is that’s easier said than done because i can’t

Vein mine this sadly liam is still getting murdered by that fire dragon or dude there’s so much wood in here i might just have to grab some wood and call that quits i i mainly just need the wood anyway this shrinks but you can’t see it these um logs actually have like um

Magic in them like this central log in particular not this one this one this one this one however or maybe that one will have magic in it um i need to fully unlock torn craft to be able to mess around with that stuff oh goodbye sir have a good one dude

All right mr you goodbye message yeah i i mean cat i don’t the i don’t think the stream’s got another hour in it to be fair i should probably wrap it up sometime soon my phone’s down to three percent charge i’m sorry this takes so long for you to load

I think i’ll find two minecraft servers i’ll find one that’s site like this and i’ll find one that’s a bit easier to run than maybe like um a tekkit sort of base server so something still with some of the magic stuff in here but also something

That you know is a bit different because i don’t think it would make too much sense playing two what is that what is that what is that two very similar servers aware cat i am terrified of just the idea that i even dropped iron nuggets and meat

Nothing hauled ass for me i was just beelining it straight at me oh there’s glowy bug things and someone’s house here actually oh that’s not in their their claim zone that is they’re smart they’ve got they’ve got a tall smelter to be fair i’m just like the game is telling me no

This is a nice nice house like oh well that’s a slight reef that’s quite nice they got great with logs i think the silverware yeah i’m gonna go in in case i get trapped for whatever reason that’s quite nice house they clearly have a friend who’s living

Over here who’s building their own place let’s go underground do some more digging but i’ll tell you what let’s see if we can’t find that hellscape that i fell into what is that oh no oh these are on here are they i need to eat more oh and if you stream tomorrow you’ll

Have to oh i see what you’re saying cat right okay okay i’ll give you a heads up at what time i plan on streaming this has definitely been looted dry right there’s no way they’re still doing these actually that makes sad not entirely possible that this has just never been found

Still kind of on this chest and that also makes me feel like someone has been free but how successful have they been in here is the question i’m gonna speed run down to the bottom of this place and find out yeah if i went down this way first i

Would have very clearly told me someone’s been through here extra iron pick actually man we can’t complain can i just mine this the game will not just let me play mine i think the game’s got like some sort of smart thing where it won’t let me find my near certain structures and stuff

We found the next part of them okay right this room i don’t know if they have but behind these you find chests spawners a baked potato there’s a zombie pie mason pickaxe want to get rid of nh spawn that’s right but we did have at least one other chest

With some torches something that was i’ve been meaning to make for a while gothic silence of death defense deafness what am i all about i can’t read lately you know reading just hasn’t been working for me cat it’s what it is and that was easy also i can’t found brian

So that’s an in joke i guess a lot of people won’t get i’ve been mine spiderweb now i’m going to try to leave that chest i don’t know if these will have been loaded or not those one spiders please thank you i’m gonna mainly come in here and i

Think look for like um you know the rare elutes like um i’ll take anything that stands out it’s not base game minecraftly but i think anything that is just base minecraft i will leave get down there but this is the layer where most people tend to give up

Our man not included he is still down here at this point i will take that gold apple munch on that hopefully some amount of protection that place still going strong that is just a weird ghost that came out soul sand not sure i like that nothing in this way

Down here at the right there looks to be a big chamber god your phone i do need to count i’m on five it’s it’s gone up a little maybe i misread it when it said free okay that’s what we’ve been in looks like this is all base game loop drops

Okay that was something crystal pick that’s nice the diamond sword with soul bound free i will happily take that over a single piece of marble um red sands don’t really need i’m breaking free reading a book that has an enchantment of reading that sounds funny

Uh i don’t need that much spirits word i can lose a couple bits string don’t need that much i’ll take what was that i want to know what that was insight free yo why not i’m just picking up stuff i don’t understand at this point

You know what i’m kind of all for it i’ve done would it be just you know went through that barry i agree well there’s not a lot down here if you ever want to stream that uh pretty sure if you’ve been so careful of your things oh okay

Because like i said i i definitely do want to play that sometime and i mean that’s a that’s a nice one for you to be able to play with oh god i think defends that lava yeah there’s not really much down here i’ll take the extra torches because i need some at home

That’s got vampire slayer on it i’ll have that just for enchantment’s sake i think we gotta figure out whether we want to hunt vampires or become one of them that has to be just yet to be decided oh dude on charge and now we’re down to three percent right that sign

Let’s call it here slash home that is the end of the trip i’ll quickly wrap up in terms of throwing some items out of the room all right tom craft we found amber eva’s zombie brains we’ve got some great wood and some silverwood of this shroom uh we got some more auto crystals

And that’s going to be it for torn craft stuff uh we did get some more enchanted books the one with reading and insight interests me so i don’t know what those two i’ll put the iron in my um smelter in a second and we’ll just dump this stuff in here i suppose

Keep the extra food on me zombie heart no idea what i’d do with that let’s have a quick look uh exorcism shots i i’m guessing that’s for a gun of some sort and a cross of mercy i can also just chat and i’m into gold nuggets apparently i’m not sure how that

One works but you know it is what it it is no idea what that stuff i’ll check the was swords in here and probably i don’t know what soulbound doesn’t development well no i’m gonna say that’s not an awful start we got ourselves a little house that we salvaged from you know

Well the forest we’ve peeled back the forest bit doggo’s got his i didn’t read his sign doggo cave i don’t even know what number anymore me neither don’t go me neither fun fact still loading oh dear cat hopefully at least once you’re in it runs i mean says house has a little bit

Of a ways to go but you know we can’t judge him for it but we got our house and we got a little you know forge started meaning next time we play we can maybe start making guns we’ve also got 300 milliliters of blood in here

There we go we got some coagulated blood now that’s fine i’m sure someone else will fall into that when we can finish that oh god we’ve also learned that the door is evil it just wants to snap my neck and throw me into the floor constantly i know next time it should be

Interesting i think we’ll get dug into one of the mods the actual stuff sounds interesting i do love me some torn craft however so we’ll have to see what happens there people

This video, titled ‘A Magical Modded Adventure! Arthalos Eternal Realm (Minecraft Part 1)’, was uploaded by Captain Rumbeard on 2022-01-12 02:22:24. It has garnered 332 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:16 or 12196 seconds.

Join me in the mystical and magical Arthalos Eternal Realm Modpack for Minecraf: Java Edition as I adventure through dense forests filled with fantasy creatures, delve into caves abundant with rich ores and battle my way through countless dungeons crawling with foes!

This is the full VOD from my Twitch channel if you want to join in and take part be sure to swing by the stream some time! Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at


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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More