Insane Hardcore Minecraft with Kylie – Chunks UNLOCKED!

Video Information

Okay looks like we are up Woo is now recording as well okay so um you want to re explain the challenge the old video was deleted it had quite a few problems with it oh yeah um especially audio wise the first video deleted the one oh no no

That’s the I didn’t delete the boulders gate one because I figur that one might be more important contextualized if we continue but the first first video of this series was deleted because of audio problems ah did you uh I would say blur out my name if you can before it’s

Posted for what’s post to the balers oh the live stream is already up there that’s what a live stream is I guess I can remove that one if you would like but might cause some contextual problems I’m going to pause the stream real quick so we can have this

Conversation I think we should move on and this will be a conversation for another date yeah okay um okay would you like to explain the challenge yeah so um uh the empress over here is our main streamer I am just tagging along for the ride you can call me Von

Bear it is after my stuffed animal Ferdinand Von bear um so that that’s my namesake for the sake of this stream um yeah so we are attempting attempting kind of like highlighted italicize bolded bigger f on um to survive 100 days in this mod pack to where we only

Have one chunk to start and we have to do some interesting things to get access to other chunks um so it’s going to take me a second to hop on to the world once it’s created this is technically our third try but we never got out of the first

Chunk in the other tries yes we had some issues it’s been a little while since we played Minecraft where you don’t really do that good on Hardcore normally but oh yeah what’s the point of a stream without a bit of a challenge I’m sure you read the title if

Anyone ever sees this um we are to very very burnt out I’m not sure I actually Chang the title from what it was last time oh I might have forgot to well I don’t know okay do I I get wood from that what what even was that Mangrove

Roots M gr Roots um how how am I gonna yeah it doesn’t look like I get wood from that yeah you got to open it up open to land um so it’ll be 5538 Z at the end this 5538 Z at the end 38 Z

Yep um at least it gave me some saplings I don’t know why I got Oak saplings from The Mangrove roots that makes about NE five cense but sure we also got like a beach so you know that’s fun oh no this at least I can go down the sides see if there’s

Anything interesting uh this actually might be an advantage just by virtue of it’s going to be easier to find chest maybe uh in order to get access to other chunks on the first chunk that we get we are tasked with finding a chest that’s hidden inside the chunk somewhere

Between 40 and 40 is where it should be between 40 and 40 yep 40 and 40 okay I was like girl that’s the same number okay this is not actually a cave uh but maybe there’s something farther down I’m not even seeing much ore on this side uh

Uh I’m going to let you do that while I’m waiting for the trees to grow I’m GNA I’m going to terraform the land a little bit so it’ll be flat therefore more useful oh we can fall off the world well there’s some diamonds at this cave at the very bottom

Cool um so yeah there’s that there’s that and some iron how we die the first time around um the second time I died to a creeper uh I don’t remember how oh yeah the first time um it was being weird with the water not being destroyed

Where it should have been um and I died to that H Yep so yeah attempting attempting to survive for 100 days didn’t seem like it would be too hard but um there’s a skeleton but I think I found the chest y this is the only one where we found the world Forge oh don’t don’t my heart just leaped out of my

Chest I know I got so silent because I was just like in panic mode oh man honestly I thought this was a terrible first uh starting point but honestly maybe it came in clutch I don’t know if I’m using that terminology correctly I am pretty sure that’s the proper usage

Of that word that’s how I’ve heard people use the word I I understand that we are gen Z college students and we’re streaming and whatnot that doesn’t mean we understand slang yeah how dare you assume I understand SL um if we were to ever become popular as

Streamers we’d probably be known as the grandmas of streaming not because we are actually grandmas but just because oh man do we not know what’s happening oh this is a cold biome yeah you couldn’t tell by the ice there wasn’t ice when I first got here oh well there there do be ice

So what do we do um I kind of this get placed here we put in locks I don’t think it’ll ass set the mangrove but and we got to keep some of the dirt but I believe it’ll accept gravel if we don’t have a use for the

Gravel I can definitely find more well I kind of wanted to like level it out to something nice it does take gravel I don’t think it’ll take the Pebbles because that’s from a different mod and I don’t think we can use the pebbles for anything how much do we want to level this

Out we can craft Pebbles into Cobblestone which it does accept and um Rocky dirt which we might be able to turn into regular dirt I don’t know how the world war works put in um materials that you mine um it doesn’t accept all of them and then it’ll start making stuff and

You got to keep putting stuff in there until it makes you a um core see right now there’s a world fragment but we need a core oh one of the trees is finally grown up oh really hold on I was facing the wrong direction we got to remember to speak up

Yeah that’s right got to talk loud have people be able to hear us yada yada yada yada yada yada indeed nice you know what um maybe we should do um maybe we should have um you we should use our phones to artificially increase my viewer

Count oh so that I actually you know um get views because the more views I get the more likely youtubeers to show this to people yeah um you wantan to you can go ahead and set that up I don’t want to um it’s highly the emperor let search that up on

Google uh I I don’t know why I keep making so many axes I don’t I don’t need that many axes um is this twitch it is a YouTube oh it’s on YouTube yep okay so um it is up on my phone I’m gonna like it too okay I am starting to

Mine and now we’re not going to want to extend into the ocean because we don’t want ocean we kind of need land so we’ll see what we can get this might just be an island though and if that’s the case then this is going to be a

Fun wait what are you doing I’m mining I see I planted the saplings I got though so you should have plenty of saplings please do not die I’ll die if I want to Bro yes um for anyone watching we are Partners this is the light of my life um and they just

Fully accepted me calling them bro MH so feeling interesting today why why did you put the sapling all the way up there I didn’t that’s the one you terraformed around I see well I don’t want to mess with any ones we’ve had for a little

Bit cuz we kind of finally a little bit of or so I’m going to uh actually do you have any wood at all I have one log okay can you can I have some uh sticks thank you do you have a twig no okay because that would also be able to give me

Sticks getting an upgrade uhhuh and we just throw things in here yep gravel I believe it takes gravel I don’t know what all it takes I know some of the things that it takes once it take Flint no it does not I thought you said it turns Pebbles

Into Cobblestone uh yeah you can turn Pebbles into Cobblestone with a 2 by two in the crafting oh very cool and then we do need copper to be able to build the stuff to generate new chunks I believe also it is getting dark down

Here I hope we get I run into some coal or we get some uh what’s it called some more wood so we can get some charcoal soon yeah because like like this is fun I’m not sure anybody can actually see anything they’re watching the stream right

Now oh yeah it’s so dark on your screen uhhuh it’s light enough for me to be able to tell that I’m not if whether or not there’s ores visible also I like how echoey it is it is very echoey that’s a very nice sound effect

Oh that’s the edge we got to leave that open for a bit of light actually oh yeah and by the way for anyone watching um I am I am playing this death I cannot I don’t have any sound on I am I am just here I ain’t even got any wood

Well um try to replace some of the you don’t have a pickaxe either do you no well I don’t know did manage to get any seeds no oh we are having a fun time folks is that cold oh no it was copper darn if if you hear hear a large banging

Sound I have a Terri’s chocolate orange I am smacking it you art failed to let me try to do it oh well I don’t think it’s working so you can do it against the wall or something oh that sounded solid I felt some shift oh yeah no that that did the

Trick I should be on more high alert I don’t think the creatures will spawn too close to us I think that the only reason why I was able to find creers last time was because I went so far down and they had spawned while we were up

Above so I think you’re fine if you just stay up there oh I got a world TR you can just leave that in there um and it will keep combining hopefully that turns out can do World it did that was so funny that that’s terrifying that was terrifying to

The audience I know you couldn’t see that I took the world Shard out of the world Forge and um it consumed it and it just turned into another world Shard but not immediately it turned into a bunch of world I don’t know what they’re called freckles what fragments fragments I

Believe freckles fragments we start with you know same letters so we can call that me being right 18 17 she completely ignored me folks I am counting why um because 16 is one of the layers to where there is a pretty decent chance of finding searching

Ores and really ores are what we need now we already have the um thing okay I fell into water please don’t drown maybe I’ll be able to find some coal in the water Please Don’t Drown I won’t okay probably okay well I could not see any but also

Maybe I just can’t see because it’s so dark I have no wood I have no weapons I only have some dirt man get in the comments if you only have some dirt has none of the trees have grown yet no man theyve taken their sweet time oh

Yeah is there a day counter uh if you hit F3 there is somewhere uh yeah um local difficulty there is a day counter I I was pretty sure that there was a de counter somewhere else but I guess not and I’m terrified I’m going to like find a creeper or something right behind

Me and then just die that would be fun so very fun uhhuh oh man that Echoes so much uhhuh this might just become turn into us just waiting for the um trees to grow yeah honestly there’s only so much we can do without trees uhuh currently I’m just

Trying to expand our area a little bit oh it’s becoming day oh that was you breaking the the what’s it called ice yeah didn’t think I’d have to remind you what ice was today oh you no do you have any wood I could have I have two planks

Bro I don’t remember how many steps there are before it becomes a thing okay now it’s a world Crystal which is still not what we need what are what do we need a core oh the core I want to get the achievements for taking them out now that we know that you can

Just take one out and put it back in want me to just feed it the rest of the dirt I have um yeah if you have extra dirt go ahead and do you have any rocks left two okay take these and craft them into Cobblestone and then you can throw that

Piece of cobblestone in there okay and then I’m going to work on terraforming this down actually keep a bit of dirt left you were too late okay well oh well we can get more dirt whoa tree y let’s go boys I’m sure that’s the thing people say I am sure some people say

It and then you can turn the quigs into sticks by crafting them just by themselves beautiful amazing easy crazy Cover Girl uhhuh I have made essential tools also we have completely terraformed this chunk flat so it is not going to look like it matches whatever um CH spawn next mhm okay um can

I actually I can make some more Stone pickaxes can you um make some charcoal uh how do you have to cook logs planks won’t do no then no great I guess I’m going to go um mine in the dark some more um then in the next Tree Grows cook the logs into charcoal

Okay oh man that deals a fa bit of damage I need to be careful oh that did do a very bit of damage we got oh that’s so loud so now I have some food um I guess for this is another level that’s good for mining some horse but I’m getting into

The deep slate now so it’s a bit trickier to see stuff because blocks are darker yeah also deep slate is a lot slower to m oh man it’s so hard for remember to keep talking it is we’ll get better at it uhhuh We’ll get better at surviving on Hardcore too ah another tree yay time for some charcoal and I have an axe to cut it down with oh I have an apple yay Apple Time Apple time no we won’t starve oh another tree yay the trees are finally growing

It is tree time my dude we’re going to need a lot of charcoal I still haven’t found any coal ah that is not great no it is not oh and just so much nothing like I feel like it’s it’s one thing when you’re like in a regular

World and it takes you a while to find iron or anything I think when you’re in one chunk and you’re like uh I can’t find anything am I going to be okay yeah and I didn’t even see that copper until I ran into the um into the edge of the chunk and got

Light again which I think really shows that I am going to need torches which another tree is grown good good making some charcoal yep yep well I got some more copper I have almost a stack of copper at War a little bit charcoal going I’m going to dump lot of my stuff into

Here I’m going to place this piece of dirt down some wood this tree must have a fair bit of wood on it taking a while they drop down yeah okay maybe not on the very edges yeah maybe that wasn’t the best idea I’m going to start um cooking um some copper

Yeah it’s dark down there uhhuh we’re close is that it yeah let’s go oh the furnace is super glowing uhhuh um okay now let’s see how do we make we don’t want the unstable one or the specific ones because they’re not going to quite work right okay

Um so we just need um four blocks of copper need to surround it with four blocks of copper feel like we’re frankensteining a world into existence yeah yeah ah we have a chest uhhuh I made a chest I am patient I guess I’ll go off the um hedge and I’m

Going to try to go down to that cave I found earlier that had the iron whoa multip there um if you have blocks pillar oh God or jump off into the water God F this is the wrong way to go oh God oh God no oh I couldn’t pillar fast enough it’s

Okay baby we all Panic sometimes that sucks it does suck but hey we’re starting to make progress got two iron wow okay it’ll be good we’re only on aemp number four we still haven’t made a new Jump well we got a lot farther that time

Mhm and that’s a win it is we need to make progress that’s the only way we’re going to get better is by keep trying until we make progress oo I’d like us to steal some ice when you’re done also going to steal a Nutty Buddy I don’t know why you’re saying

Steal we bought and paid for these together I yes I know that it is my money that paid for them but that does not change the fact that I am stealing them you know I always I’m sitting here like you know I don’t

Know why you say steal y y y but I do the exact same thing yes you do no way a pig and wood multiple this is a great start um Let Me In oh yeah um let me in I’m going to start setting it to a number

Um so how many numbers is the end five no that’s too high of a number um I’m it will be um five fives and I’m going to just H this I’m going to set it to that number every time now okay what this is just Mangrove

Again this tree better not also be mang GRS okay it’s not this is a spru tree okay so immediately immediate goals terraform down to something more manageable yeah form it down and farm um weed you can’t Farm wheat farm pigs and light up the area we’re not going to be

Able to get pigs without carrot but if you can capture trap the pigs that would be great okay also I’m making a big tree so and once you get um once you get wood um the first things to do are get yourself a couple tools and then um just and then go straight

For um getting um charcoal okay there okay I one made a weird sound I don’t think the sound physics likes that also can you open this for me I just realized it’s going to be hard to open with my wound ah yes our Empress here is wounded messed up her thumb had

To get stitches I even left some of it partially WRA so that your fingers wouldn’t get sticky thank you you’re so kind a this is you’re sweeter you’re sweeter you’re sweeter than this nutty py a we’re mosty around here people that’s what we do okay okay Pig hello

Yes right right right in my face trees yet Y where is he at so what are the mangrove Roots good for it doesn’t seem like anything you can’t turn them into anything um can you turn them into saplings if you have mud you can turn them into muddy Mangrove

Roots um you can cook them yeah that’s about it great oh I found some copper hey yo and it would be great once I go back up to get a um stone pickaxe which I will be doing as soon as this pickaxe breaks oh there’s some more copper

Oh okay making our way up oh I got wheat seeds yay I’m excited for when this grows the big tree I just tried to plant them with absolutely nothing to plant them oh it grew it Grew that’ll be giving us a lot of you got any wood for an axe uh yeah come here take that that’s going to take some time to chop down uhhuh you you can leave that to me I expect you’ll be able to make at least a little bit of charcoal from

That honestly I think I’m going to need two axes you can use as much of that wood as you want great great setup so far I think this might be the best setup we’ve had uhhuh yeah we’re doing great mhm we got wood we got seeds got pigs we got uh

Copper uh-huh more copper than last time whoa like I already have 60 copper we’re also not just overrun with flooded caves while I’m mining which is super helpful we don’t have the forge yet but you know we’ll find that eventually oh I cut it down how much wood did you get still Gathering

It okay oh and another tree group cool that is if you have enough saplings grow another big one I do I have almost two full Stacks maybe save the other saplings for more big ones if you have any extra all right it’s way more than four trees worth also

How many stacks was that almost two yeah that’s pretty good and I bet some fell off the edge probably okay Pig I don’t want to hurt you oh um no no sapling from that tree that okay yeah I did that on purpose I just didn’t think it was fight enough to De damage

Turns out it was barely enough to deal damage oh glad I Sav that because that was definitely enough of a fault to deal damage I didn’t even break an axe cutting down that tree so I still have an axe for you when you come back up

Well I think that I’ll be able to make one of my own cuz how much wood we’re going to have yeah I figured we might as well still be conservative with it though yeah I’m not seen anything of use through the water we don’t have food I know baby we don’t have food

Yet you’ll be working on that soon enough see this pigs and did it really trick me like that only one piece of iron got to find that chest the caves are going to be great for finding it is they’re going to expose so much PL the seeds

There’s some bones down here so um I guess we’ll have some bone meal okay definitely not a bad thing no um there’s some diamonds down here too and a big old giant mushroom oh going to mine it not seeing a chest though whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

What try to punch it off the edge if you can I got distracted do I eat the monster meat yeah eat the rotten flesh it just don’t if you just sit still the effect won’t do anything it makes you run out of food faster if you

Sit still um it won’t matter as much okay I need be safe and up some Stone hly just be safe I’m like making my way back up if I see anything really useful like that iron I just found and I’m going to get it but for the most part I’m

Focusing on heading back up now I have gone into defensive Maneuvers there was a zombie in that waterfall which is not really something I thought I prepar for man I better not die coming back up I almost killed that pig I have gone into defensive n there is that now they can’t get

Out so we should be good okay I I trust so go ahead and start working on um making some charcoal put a chest over here put a chest where um by the Crafter how far down do I even want to terraform this honestly I’m thinking this M for

The last ler and we just terraform everything else up okay ter this layer more iron really yep very cool it was just one thing but still and then don’t forget to plant saplings Tre oh oo tree time here’s some seeds I next to the currently growing plants okay

Honestly I kind of want to create a lip around so that we don’t accidentally fall off you can do that if you want all right we are saf box in single piece of wheat very nice there our area is very well contained you get at least two pigs in there we

Can kill the others for food how oh it’s because they’re right up against the thing oh that’s my bad sorry I mean uh there’s pretty easy fix to that just come back up I still can’t get me baby okay I made an iron ax so I can fight good

Hey whoever comes into this section gets to live any takers well two of them got closer two of them almost want to live yeah not quite though we just almost want to live if anyone like to live any takers the massive tree grew and hurt one of the pigs

That um you should get some water for the farm if you get enough iron to do so um we are one IR I also made an axe for defense I see because axes deal slightly more damage than sword does still no tiers for life in fact the pig just walked right

In front of me as I was swinging MH P some more iron very good it took me a second cuz I was mad at the pigs it’s okay very nice very nice oo this tree is okay it is raining okay heck yeah boys we out at that cave that had diamonds oh can you get those yes I can yo incredible

Think man I was sure that I was close enough to the ground apparently you can just never be sure yep that that’s what we’ve learned okay they’re all so close diamonds yeah there was only two so not super useful but you perfect yep is something honestly the only thing left I

Can do to improve our setup she got these pigs in the pen uhhuh but which seems to be a little bit of trouble oh my gosh I feel dumb you can push animals yeah for how much wood do we have a good bit you should make a

Composter I have a little PR going on we can’t make them jump up no if you can get it in there we can start narrowing it off keep limiting its movements until it doesn’t have any choice anywhere it can go oh you want to join your friends no we

Need food kill it a do what you will and we only got three pork chops from that I mean it’s something also as you can see our area is well lit up uhhuh so I believe that uh mobs need a light level of um zero to spawn

Now I’m going to make the composter God this tastes more like apple juice than Apple Juice oh does it yes give it to me kind of get what you’re saying but this is definitely more cranberry raspberry than no it’s not apple juice no it’s not well AG cre to disagree then no

Now we have some bone meal was that not fully grown no it looked fully grown I just watched you in horror well maybe I’m just crazy I’m going to get rid of this tree because uh this tree is worth so much more but why would you put it

There Tre got revenge on you honey why not put it there and then frankly I don’t think we need these extra saplings no I want these extra saplings for apples not that one more mom planted saplings because we can put them in the composter do

It are you okay with that do you have a problem with it no no no no I I meant like as encouragement Communication I also think that um shears can gather the leaves which might be compostable so I’m going to make some shears and next time next time we get a tree try that and I’m going to go get some water Al we don’t need this to be too

High anymore because we’re not going to jump off yeah please put the Torches back though but we still haven’t found the world anle we have not and it is the world Forge World Anvil is a um like note taking thing for World building okay I’m back up to Full Hearts so we

Don’t got to worry about that nearly as much anymore good and then I believe that there’s a cooked pork chop in the chest that you can eat then hopefully that’ll bring you back up to full yeah I guess I should instead of risking it I don’t know why you would risk

It it’s you know the Pokemon logic of but what if I need it later I’ve never heard that as Pokemon logic but I do kind of get it but also like we literally are already making infinite food it’s just a bit slow to start but now the water is hydrated so it’ll

Become a lot faster soon oh I see I see what you’ve done yep I hit it and that should get to all of the wheat that you have so far and actually should be able to go that far in all directions and still dehydrated this guy is so

Pretty uh-huh aren’t the shaders nice so nice I think you picked out a nice one so I guess you didn’t completely take it out of I’ll picked it out of like three options that you gave me after looking at all of the options I skimm through the options skimming means looking it just

Means not I mean like I guess technically that is correct that’s all we look for H h oh I found more diamonds now we have four diamonds which me I could make a diamond pig that could it would make mining faster I need to remember to place down torches so I don’t

Die please don’t die honestly yeah if you want to make the P then make it okay want to make things go a little bit faster than they are this is a little bit slow for you I’m just Tad yeah this is pretty slow is there just a random thing to SP this

Up in here didn’t think the chunks of that just spawn but guess they do oh that is bedrock oh no did you put in the mod where we have to get a bunch of different kinds of ender eyes oh yeah I think I did oh man looking at the J

We could get buff tea yep it’s an end food oh you got the furniture mod that I like yep I don’t believe that’s the only furniture mod too I think there’s a different one unless it was one of the ones causing problems wow very nice necro

Lord I didn’t look at all of the stuff that the mods added wanted it to be some a bit of surprise to it you know yeah my switch just flashed on for a second don’t know what that was about it’s plugged into the computer so why is only half of your name

Visible I think it was because of the tree I don’t know why the tree affected it through the ground BR who knows that is interesting also the leaves are red in this biome it’s so weird it’s pretty oh uh-huh which means that this is a different biome than that is what it means

Interesting let’s see what biomes they are over here is a Plains so that’s a pretty reliable biome over here is a crimson Tundra oh so if we get to pick which direction we build in Planes is pretty reliable and I know there’s villages in ples yeah

Ples see how much wood this gives me I already have 28 oh we got backpacks oh don’t think we’ll have to stuff for that for a little while yeah huh um so I got over two stacks of logs from that and eight saplings and there’s some logs on top of the

Trees oh man oh wait remember I want to see I believe shears that you Pi up the leaves does and now am I right and can you use the leaves in the composer you can so you need to Shear the leaves first or not all the leaves because you want

To still be able to get some saplings I guess we don’t really need apples now do we what because we have um a lot of wheat or we will have a lot of wheat well actually can we just Shear leaves over and over again to get apples

No you don’t get apples when you mine the leaves like that uh look behind you okay another one of those is grown oh and another not quite as tall and I got an extra seed yeah I guess we can just give up on the I look my

Stuff feel free to use anything in the chest I’m taking the app I see make me believe my apples are worthless so that you can steal them no I’m just saying they’re not going to be we don’t need to he farming for apples was all I’m saying I was joking

Okay okay so now I need to back up to 40 okay so this is where I want to start strip mining when we get our next chunk I want to build a house but I don’t know no we should build a house but it doesn’t have to be our next trunk okay

I also hope that we can get some bamboo because then we I we can make infinite wood just like a wood Farm that’s automatic which would be very nice my phone di only have one viewer oh the tragedy oh is it night time now yep I can tell because it’s just nothing

Outside oh and there’s snow y honestly reminds me of real life I’m I’m starting to he up I have a blanket though you should probably take the blanket off of the couch was it seriously a vein of two iron I know the ones exposed to air are

Smaller but this one wasn’t exposed to air I don’t know that just sucks uhhuh I fell down the hole don’t do that it was just a small hole you should not be in the habit of falling down holes why not because what if I want to fall down holes

Hold a so why not twitch um I don’t remember the last time I had tried um streaming uh I had switched over to YouTube for a reason and I just kept it being switched over at this time okay for I found two more diamonds still no world for nope we don’t need that

Right it’s not like our progression is locked behind that and still just finding a whole lot of nothing man just strict mining through the world is it could replace any block yeah know yeah I block within that um 40 to 40 range which is where mining started at40 and I’m going

Up and eventually we’re going to find it for I have joined you on the search I’m going up high though so I don’t mess with your system down there I got to find you think what oh we definitely going to have enough blocks for it when we do find it uhuh

Considering that we had enough blocks for it last time and I’ve definitely done a little bit more mining than last Time just a tad just a little yep just a little bit well apparently there was a dark spot down there somewhere oh they’re coming out of the waterfall so it’s not in that cave that the dark spot is well that being said I’m going to put a

Block on the stairs so they have a bit trouble finding me just in case good yep here’s a zombie did manage to find its way up to my stairs and now it is no more good eventually one of these days we’ll find the thing H there’s a silverfish I don’t think

We’re I don’t think that zfish would normally spawn here makes me wonder if we’re near a um thing a stronghold crazy pry much if we found the stronghold before the forge uh-huh there are some crazy seeds where the spawn chunk it does have a stronghold in it people have found seeds where there’s

A stronghold with a um fully completed uh Ender Portal in that I mean a SW where with a fully completed Ender Portal in the swan Chun people have written algorithms to find um seeds that have specific quantities I mean qualities I can speak words yes you can maybe well I found some

Iron a whole um four pieces so now we’re at six I’m going to break my diamond pickaxe trying to find this I mean actually we have enough diamonds for you to make another one okay day it even is it it’s day three day three of out of 100

Uhhuh it’s a bit hard to keep track of the days when you’re just in the mine all the time but also like um but it’s such a heavy cap to our progression you know I have to find that Chest The music is peaceful so much nicer than the actual Minecraft music tries to freak you out well I don’t think I added the Medieval music bot P or I might have I don’t know I had to remake the mod pack once like entirely hard to remember what’s in it when you do

That the zombies are coming from the waterfall there’s something up above that Ms are spawning in don’t like it I’ll find it eventually but I need to come up and get some more uh coal for torches first I have coal well I’m just coming up there is more

Charcoal being made so keep yours baby I’ll go get more from the furnace keep yours I’ll go get more from the furnace we have plenty being made we have a snowy tree how have we not found this thing yet it’s got be somewhere you would think I would think that’s the whole

Gck the chest just doesn’t spawn bro we have to restart because of that oh crap if I die before we find this chest I’m using spectator to see where it was cool yes at this point I want to know you know mhm how often do you find uh diamonds before

You get access to your second Chunk in Minecraft cannot say this happens often what this isn’t an everyday experience to you no we’ll find it one of these days maybe maybe come so much mining God so much mining falling is kind of falling talking has kind of falling to

The Wayside it’s just so much mining it’s just Mining and more Mining and more mining uhhuh who do you think we’ll end up finding it first I don’t know you would hope that it would be you but uh I don’t know I want to see how many blocks I’ve mined so far

Um I have mined over a thousand blocks box like a fair bit over and I’m not really finding any ore either uhhuh I found some coal but that is as much as I found I haven’t found any coal ore yet Co coal ore spawns more at the higher

Altitudes so it’s e e to find in mountains I see brought another single iron ore bro still cold but the blanket helps that’s good I’m almost out of the negatives which means I’ve almost checked half of the um blocks that it could be in we’re just mining out this whole chunk yeah

Actually found some more uh Co maybe we won’t have to make as much charcoal anymore uh well there’s a cave I haven’t been in so maybe it’s in that and that seems to be where the monsters are coming from well be careful I know because I got

Shot when I went into the water to kind of look at the edge of the world you want to go check and see how our wheat is doing yeah I can do that a minute I could use some bread do that now no growth what no growth that’s

Strange you shouldn’t have gone too far from it I don’t know I need some sort of food before I go into that cave but that cave needs to be cleared Out Making myself a shield we have four wheat now great I’m going to make some Bread For was it any mobs in here when I went up there don’t see the chest either though Sly I was hoping they would be exposed in this cave well oh well we do have some of both types of mushrooms now and there is some melium down there

If we can if we ever get silk touch then we can um Farm mushrooms though I believe that um there’s a special way to farm mushrooms because we have um Farmers Delight that might be easier SS I am officially out of the negatives Mining and Mining I got some copper

Yeah feel free to smelt it I didn’t think this would be so boring yeah but what’s the start to a m world if it’s without the endless mining yeah I mean we’re used to pmo and that’s pretty grindy so that’s true i’ say we can probably handle a little bit of ground more

Copper fun fun fun taking a break to grab a drink I got to like keep my body hydrated or whatever after my injury something like that supposedly my body needs some fluids in it or something to run properly I don’t know I found some more iron

It’s crazy to me how long this is taking honestly I’ve done virally everything I can down yeah we’re going to have plenty to feed the world Forge uhhuh that some for found some lapis that’s good so it seems like we’re getting close to and all your tunnels go all the way to

The end uhhuh well fine this is working out splendidly uhhuh you is that get Underground I found it you did I found it look yes finally oh I was so worried we were never going to find it oh my gosh okay let’s see how many achievements I made before there it

Is it was on level it’s the y coordinate yeah 24 uhhuh man oh wait Phantoms we can’t go up to the surface yeah do you need food do I need food yeah no take this eat it it’s like a reward oh it’s comforting would you like to hold the world Forge sure

Y all right actually do we want to leave this episode here I’d like to keep playing it is getting late though yeah I fig that this might be a nice clean place to stop maybe we wait for day and place it so that we’re not just waiting for day sure afterwards

I’m going to make some chests so I I collected a bunch of coal 14 copper and 11 iron wow oh now we just wait for day thumb hurts oh it is like an hour and a half past when I was supposed to take my medicine I will go grab that for you

Uhuh grab me my other medicine as well it should also be over there God you have to take so many medicines uh-huh and I’m getting two more yes you’re not even like chronically ill I by definition am chronically ill kind of hard to argue with that it is literally called a chronic

Disease that is what I was diagnosed with with mental health yeah I was diagnosed with chronic depression oh I mean like same but it was never really worded that way that is how it was worded with me I don’t want to put that on right now okay I will put

This I’m going to put these in the nightstand you have drawers for a reason um they have not died yet it is raining don’t risk everything for why for why for being being able to play I’m not going to wait until it is no longer raining I like how then the rain just

Stops rain is okay so now what I’m going to do is actually not there because the farm can extend out I’m going to place it and then I should be able to just take this put this in here and it works y we’re going to have to craft them into the bigger things

Ourselves um but it works all right there we go okay um great setup yep okay see you guys to tomorrow maybe uh you got plans tomorrow yeah it might not work out tomorrow but see you guys sometime soon for episode three where we finally get a new chunk because

We have everything we need to get a new chunk absolutely bye-bye

This video, titled ‘100 Days Hardcore Minecraft, but we have to unlock new chunks pt 2’, was uploaded by Kylie the Empress on 2023-10-28 06:35:17. It has garnered 1 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:53 or 8633 seconds.

Playing Hardcore modded minecraft with my girlfriend, but we only start with one chunk. Support the stream:

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

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  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

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  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

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  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

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  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

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  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

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  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

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  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More