Insane Hardcore Minecraft World – EPIC Start!

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Let me turn my right off oh shoot I got to go on Discord I on on Discord and advertise hold up that’s probably important that I do that I go on a let me also uh display capture off game capture is what we want game capture is going to be set

To sorry guys it’s been a while since since I’ve streamed not used to it once again this keeps happening while I just am dumb um ignore the black ball at the bottom I can’t go full screen mode because my mouse disappears when I go full screen mode for some reason I don’t know

Why oh desktop audio hold on right I don’t use like game audio and stuff stuff for the stream okay we’ll set to desktop Audio Oh wait music audio plays like that too so that would be echoing so I need to turn off the music audio all

Here or I could just mute no we’ll just turn it off hold on I bet a baby zombie will spawn maybe dude I was watching somebody else stream c not too long ago this uh oh God I feel bad I don’t remember the vs Slice on Kick of all of all

Places and they just got destroyed by an endeman on the first within the first few Minecraft days why is YouTube like glitched it appeared the stream had 300 or 138k likes but I’m the only one here oh yeah they all left they all left yeah um anyways all

Right why am I on the multiplayer menu everything’s working I hope uh that’s working my music’s on we’re going to go to single player we’re going create new world oh wait right I got to advertise I typed out the messages and stuff I forgot to uh actually press enter on

Them should have also made sure they were all working before even you know advertising at all but it’s fine looks like Cake’s walking looks like twitch is walking seems like the audio is working let me just double check this oh Des desktop audio isn’t working you guys can’t hear the music at all

Whoops my bad uh here now you should be able to hear the music right if you could hear it before then I messed something else up as well uh so let me know if you could hear it before cuz you weren’t supposed to be able to hear it before viot laughing Lucas hello

You already know what I’m about to say what are you about to say oh God I I actually don’t know is there something you usually say cuz I for four big guy that’s what we’re nameing the world four big guys what should the seed be what should the seed be um

Going drink some water real quick everybody make sure you have water make sure you’re hydrating well don’t I don’t control you die G if you want I guess should the SE just also be full big guys I’m just going to stick with that unless if something else happens uh hardcore mode all

Right chat it is time I’m ready I’m ready let’s go okay I haven’t I haven’t really done a lot of survival stuff so I don’t know how this is going to go I’ve also tabed out so that immediately pauses let me join VC th that’s a terrible

Idea that’s a terrible idea where are you what is this what the where are you where are you where are you I will let you in the VC for a moment oh somebody accidentally called this VC hello hello how’s it going it’s going good let me turn you

Down a little bit you were L for me for some reason again that’s unfortunate um maybe I just need to be louder cuz I’m barely going into the orange that’s not good I once created a Minecraft world and I spawned in a black cave pure Darkness was the first thing I saw

Dang W moment absolutely all right we’re in the world we’re next to a mountain oh let me make it so you can see what’s going on uh virtual camera uh and boom there we are let’s wait what are you doing it’s f goore oh as as as you can probably see by

Every single message and the name of the stream I was like am I supposed to be surprised Violet just start yelling everything you say okay this is how I’m going to do my streams now stop you’re hurting my ears what it’s not that loud surely it can’t be that chat am

I that’s what you get that’s what you get hey BL Lucas he’s the one who told me to do it it’s karma it’s karma for listening to Lucas let’s fail let’s fail all right we’re mining a full tree let’s go okay there’s a cave here too so that’s perfect hopefully there’s iron there

And creepers oh my there’s not going to be even if there are creepers I’ll be fine uhhuh I don’t die dying is for people go bad at L on hi Conor Conor stalins is that the Conor that’s the Connor that’s the link 57 he’s my favorite Conor also Gloom

While on the twitch chat I know who you are that’s my that’s my uh that’s my legal person also known as he’s actually a lot of things crap I didn’t know you were an A Amigo star he’s he’s my legal team and oh your legal team wait what did what did you your

Omigle or you’re legal my my my legal my legal team I told you there’d be a creeper bro yeah though did you know migle died what do you mean died like got got shut down probably due to how many um parts of humans there were on that site

Yeah it didn’t it didn’t get suit on like it the Creator the site to shut it down themselves honestly probably for the best probably legal team he the heal to do some sketchy legal stuff makes sense okay I am oh my God LC dude Mak sense has been part of my

Vocabulary for like half a year to maybe a year by this point and it’s all because I need to find food you just found food bro yeah but I need to find more food also need to cook no you just need to cook your food did you know that humans brains

Expanded by like it was either 10 or 20% once we discovered how to cook food with fire huh I’m the S Goodman of Violet’s Channel that’s true that’s pretty much yeah that’s pretty much what he is how do you see all the chats from like three places

H how you like because you have the chat for twitch you have the chat for whatever your other weird third party system is and then you have the good YouTube chat you know yeah I have a my mod has all the chats this is the modor for my second

Computer damn your second computer not your second monitor oh yeah yeah this so that’s my first monitor that’s my second monitor these are both connected to the same computer then I have this is connect crazy set up I have two mouses I have this mouse and the bad Mouse is for the

Bad computer I have a second keyboard here as well I also have my laptop here so you have like 10 screens up at once that’s crazy yeah what’s your electricity bill you don’t pay the other the thing that stuff like it’s not even that uh what’s it called

Monitors and stuff aren’t even that expensive or like computers and stuff like they don’t that’s true you can get like a cheap computer like a cheap one will do pretty good we even hi can on as much like you’d think they do a lot more than they

Do then they are use your grammar Violet SMH yeah but like Grandma’s bullying and I don’t want to that there Iron here right on the surface oh my God that’s crazy I thought you were talking about grar for a second I was like wait was makes sense oh sh

Yeah what’s the laggiest game you know there’s this game where you like are playing on like your school laptop um wait what is it called I can probably find it but it’s like it’s on this website called Huda math huh I don’t do any of my school

Workor I just do Huda math all day every day I see as you should and it’s probably one of the games on there like some of them just don’t run on the school laptop all right we oh I’ve never exploded a PC unfortunately but maybe maybe I can do it with a school

Laptop like last state of senior year immediately make a shield Violet should I come back to streaming I think it’s a good idea will I should I go on a different Channel though so no one knows it’s Me make a bucket I mean because like my school friends know about the channel you know yeah that’s fair you going to try it if my PC can’t install Minecraft it surely won’t handle a lag game oh I mean like Cuda math is probably less than Minecraft but like I

Think his school laptop would explode trying to play Minecraft is it a Chrome book no it’s HP oh Jesus they have to be old then uh not necessarily like every school that I know of just Rob yeah but HP is like based off of Microsoft and I’m in like a

Microsoft dominated area I see yeah I’m going back into the cave can you like hold a torch so we can see otherwise I put on some brightness cuz otherwise it’s like not that’s fair it’s not conducive to good content you know yeah I need to put my

Shield in my seven slot though so I can quickly switch over no put your shield in your other hand and then you hold your torches and when you find stuff you want to mine then you place down the torch I need to have my weapon on me at all times

Liar what happened to you like eliminate the eliminate the Gaye The Gaze have been the I need to make a gay lemon I’m still here yeah apparently you did do a very good job yeah I’m also still here I don’t know how this happened I’m not very good at my job

Facts wait that’s what it came from waited in your face uhoh Ah that’s my bad I will not be paying for it oh awesome actually I think if your computer exploded in your face then my instructions were very clear how to make your computer laggy so I’ll take it

As a success you know that’s a fail point I hope Cosmic comes [Laughter] here I know he struggles with it yeah there’s more cage down here I need to stop sprinting CU I once again don’t any food is this all this Gap has to offer what song is this

Bro oh it’s this yeah it’s just Ro free Oro fo actually have a not your song Not Your Song my song I didn’t know how am I supposed to know you have a song that’s true I feel like so BL makes sense I think you need to start like

Banging your head like who’s Dobby from Harry Potter every time you say makes sense just like it’s just a response that works in every situation though oh my God Diamonds oh my God diamonds you missed them bro they were right there no way okay wait I have to like get

Food you you killed sheep didn’t you yeah oh I ate it though no I mean for a bed bro oh yeah yeah I I need the you need one more sheep so go find another sheep I don’t think I’m going to be able to find knowing my luck there’s not

Going to be another sheep run around in one run in One Direction and then you’ll either find a village or to BU underground I’m the most big brained idea cuz if I’m not mistaken you can now dye things back to White I’m actually not sure if that’s a

Thing but I’m pretty sure it is so o o sorry it just it slipped out of my pantaloons please look just please please please yes that is big brain strategies right there oh shoot I need more wood it’s fine now Yeah here we go easy I’m going to go grab some water okay I will be back all right okay did I get all of it I hope I I think I I don’t want to leave floating trees but sometimes it’s hard to tell if there’s any wood left Viet hello Mr stranger welcome

Back all right we need to build a house at some point but first we need food means we need to kill more oh there sheep right over here I did not leave floating trees good you shouldn’t if you did I would be very disappointed in you

Okay we’re going to get a piece of iron and then we’re going to burn these alive so that we get cooked food immediately nice but you are anyways no it’s not floating no I didn’t leave it floating Don the leaves are decaying right now there’s no wood in it so the leaves are

Going to Decay where the Shadows wheel I have Shadel on to make it look more realistic welcome back I’m going to slurp an apple you’re going to it’s you you’re going to slurp an apple wow he actually is slurping an apple okay that’s cool why are they move are they

Are moving the leaves or the yeah the leaves in the grass have like moving it’s part of the Shadle pack I have a flint and steel so I can easily kill uh food Now that’s interesting I love this song oh my God fall down there I’m not getting yes you are bro don’t do it don’t do it sorry I delayed time so I know you like I have my camera on I have the virtual camera on you do yeah oh my God bro I

Told you I was Turing that on yeah but I need to see tra at the same time that’s true wait here I I’ll I’ll figure it out I got this bro yeah okay I have the perfect ratio of chat to nice I have OG Minecraft on my old iPad

For some for some reason I can’t update it it’s stuck like that now interesting your Discord is broken again what do you mean my Discord is broken oh I I just didn’t respond to you I mean I didn’t see I didn’t see the response to be fair and it’s not like I

Intentionally didn’t respond to you I just didn’t respond to you yeah good at responding yeah I’m not very oh Violet you’re stuck in the in the oddly shape why is it I wonder I wonder what that point would be that you’re that you’re stuck inside of I would have no

Idea as as a member of of the the um chromosome chromosomes that I happen to be I think this this is like a nuclear frog clip I don’t know how to clip something though so Sal good uh skill isue wait I are you have a

Clip on my YouTube I’m not sure if you can clip on you should be able to en oh clip oh nice not a title I’m going to title that More Cows get bored idiot oh I didn’t even mean to hit that one there we go oh my Lord there we

Are is that the PO no this is not the Pocket Edition this is uh this is Java Edition killer FL killer frog learns female and AD me share CLI hey guys is it share from my page I’m not sure how does this work does this like

Share on your page I genuinely have no idea wait let me make sure I just I just didn’t post this on my channel that’d be really funny my IRL follow this sh I can’t have this be happening VI your Channel why are the buttons on the screen uh oh

That’s just uh those are just key keystrokes mods that just lets people know what buttons I’m pressing it also has the clicks per second so I can like watch this chat I’m going to get it to 10 oh my God I’m awesome am I not subscribed to you for some reason wow fake

F you might be sub it might be from when I told everyone to unsubscribe from this channel And subscribe to what was my new channel at the time oh probably and then I went back to I thought there would be water there taking out the torch you found you

Found roie Wale The Landmark political American oh no I forgot they do why is my shield not there yeah it still does not say I’m subscribed to you on my YouTube Oh IET underscore son Violet Master prefer or okay I should stop I can’t speak that language oh what what was that

Notification oh was that you subscribing yeah oh I forgot I had those on wait where does the clip go I have no idea hold on if you go to uh I don’t know if you go to the left side you can find your Clips I don’t think it really goes anywhere

Public I’m not sure though let me go to my channel there’s no clip section here if I go to one of my Clips what would happen if I donated um it would appear on screen I have that on why question mark why do I have the uh keystrokes on because

Uh I don’t know some people like to see I don’t know I feel like some people might just want to see I love this song how about you keep saying oh you love the song and not allab rating what song it is that you’re listening to puppy grin by Peach Pit he

See you don’t see actually because I I know you haven’t listened to it for a fact what a bucket clutch do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it okay okay let me look down there real

Quick oh okay well there’s a block there yeah I don’t think you know the I don’t think you get the idea of what have you done you’re dumbass you’re a dumbass this is all your fault bro run run run run you have to box

Yourself In Like A Fish N no n they just got to attack each other okay okay okay okay that one just fell from the sky that was awesome mysterious stranger I like you you are are you are like number one number one Violet uncore Watcher for

Saying Mama cuz you’re so real for that one bro let me uh I’m going to duplicate stream I’m going to say stream bright wait wait no no no here’s what I’m going to do actually I’m not going to turn on for I wanted to look I don’t know I don’t want to H

Correction did you know that Violet was dropped on her head as a kid it’s a cause for memory loss and why she doesn’t remember French anymore what that’s true that’s so true she used to speak fluent French she was a genius and now she’s still a genius mhm

Definitely okay you guys should be able to see ble now is that anything pull me down here why did I come down here why did you tell me to come down why did you tell me to do this why did I if you if only you saw

The memes I would put in chat from the last stream L Mao that’s so real I want to see them all you should keep on posting them especially if they’re inappropriate and they break the rules of violet underscores because um aren’t you a mod on my channel I don’t think you should

Be condoning people breaking the rules rules oh I mean no breaking rules guys unless it’s mysterious stranger that’s fair okay Violet watching you play Minecraft is like watching a baby giraffe Walk For the First Time what the what do you mean dude I could beat the entire game

In like I don’t know two hours which isn’t like super fast but like I’m not like a noob hold the torch in your other hand bro what this is how you were telling me to do it before yeah cuz then your viewers can see the game

See last time I did this I almost died no switch it so your shield and then you you’re holding your shield in your left hand and then a torch in your right hand that’s how I was doing it you just told me to swap them no I’m

Watching stream I have stream delay bro oh I’m not watching the Discord stream I’m not some Discord nerd like you hold your Shield when you fight a creeper though I need it watch this easy I don’t see easy and you’re going to die I’m not going to oh what

The you needed your Shield huh I didn’t die I was right you were wrong guys I think we should Riot against Violet underscore I don’t think you should that’s that sounds like a bad idea but something you shouldn’t do I think Violet undor opinion is incorrect

What’s all the shiny stuff this is a glow Len just stuff that appeals in the cave to make it I don’t know it very tasteful yeah it’s very tasty I read a book one time you read a book once no way wait you read a book where they were eating Len oh

Awesome I know I’m reading a book is pretty crazy eat it you can’t in Minecraft though a that’s disappointing all right that makes your phone vibrate wait what do you have that app on your phone that makes up like your phone vibrates I don’t why there a lot of those

Apps a lot of them they it’s a pretty high demand thing it’s pretty important you know yeah they the apps usually just aren’t that great speaking from experience or that’s just usually aren’t that great so exactly vibrating freaks me out I’m pretty scared of of of those

Sounds I’m scared of the frequency that goes up and down slightly from a very low frequency to a slightly higher or slightly lower frequency scares me bro gives me the Shivers shiver me timbers it’s like negative asml I think I have enough iron now for what what are you going to do

With your iron uh I’m going to make that’s what I thought nothing I’m going to make full arml and then yeah exactly nothing an iron pick nothing useful you know what you should do with the iron what you should give it to people that need it there’s people out there

That struggle with iron deficiency I’m literally the only person in this world I’m the one singular person in this world no you’re not you’re a liar is what you are there’s you know 100% of people in your world are liars that’s not true look at a lie right

There what have you ever told a lie in your life viol that’s a lie no it’s not cat would I ever lie to you yes she lies on a DA basis in the mines when I saw it play Minecraft uh I don’t know why but it was

Way easier than going 50 ft to your Lo M that’s fair I mean t what I usually do is I just dig a big hole and then like make a water elevator sorry I have to sing occasion let me grab why you know your lips are like are luscious

What Lick Lick ridiculous that’s what they are cool wouldn’t you agree chat ridiculous wouldn’t that still mean Violet’s the only one yeah yeah 100 if if me being a liar makes 100% of the people in my world a liar that means I’m still the only person in the world

So that’s what you think you guys are just small-minded and you guys don’t open up to others opinions hey if 100% of this will not get you far in life if 100% of the people in the world are liars then the other 50% of the people in the voice chat are liars

Fu I’m running oh I was kind of confused while you started screaming and then like a second later you walked up on a bunch of mobs you should probably try and sleep yeah I will on are you a subscriber of violet uncore no subscribe today and get many perks

Like pictures of violet sleeping in Minecraft pictures of violet eating food in Minecraft pictures of Violet’s IRL face in Minecraft subscribe today hold your torch so we can see oh yeah yeah yeah okay never mind you’re not going through the cave okay thank you now I can see in the broad

Daylight yeah you especially I don’t know how how I’d be able to stream without the PCH if I had I I don’t think I’d be able to be able to see oh oh guys guys I dropped I dropped guys I dropped my torch I don’t

Know where am I where am I where am I where I would ever happen where am I guys I’m lost wait what’s attacking me what I’m being attacked by something guys I think we should listen to hello from the other side the song not not hello why can’t I from the other

Side guys do my hung go all the way down yet I can’t this ghosty guy bad joke your face is stupid whoa what if ghost is really pretty he’s not how would you feel about I’m sure he’s pretty on the inside he’s not I’m sure he’s pretty metaphorically in some okay let’s

See that was awesome between us a million miles from the other side Dam It sorry I’m I’m a great singer i b it why is why is my serious stranger like this the water is weird the water is watery the water is flowy water’s yeah that’s I can’t think of other wols the water is wet or the the water

Is water wet or is water is a singular bit of water wet I don’t think a singular like atom of water is wet however if water is surrounded by more water then it’s wet like if it’s like a bunch of water like a glass of water is wet but a singular atom of

Water is not wet like it doesn’t have water I’m to I’m going to have uh a discourse with you about this now uh I don’t think that I think that wet is a social construct that you know what because no because here here here here here I’ll

Tell you I’ll tell you why because wet only describe does it necessarily describe um water cuz water if it’s arranged like ice is not wet that’s true and steam is not wet there might be condensation and whatnot but it’s not wet you know yeah so thus I think here I’ll change my

Argument I’ll say that water is not necessarily wet however if it is in liquid form liquid touching multiple or touching at least one other atom of water then it is wet the way I see it liquid anything is wet well I don’t think it necessarily

Has to be water to be wet touch touch liquid oxygen and then we’ll see how you feel bro should got more than iron she just hasn’t smelted it cuz she’s a lazy person yeah I have 48 iron think will reminding me though I didn’t even think about it but I definitely should

Uh start cooking it V should I get hair that’s longer than yours um sure wait I cut my hair oh wait send not hold on let me I I can hold on my uh you guys don’t get to see obviously uh where is it it’s like it’s like like middle of neck length

Now oh my God hello I accidentally flash it bad guess you did with my face yeah yeah inv me to VC so I can say things 100% not bad all right uh ghosty ghosty ghosty where the ever loving f is ghosty G there I’m on top of the

World there we go hello I want to say this is a really L stream your face is really L have you ever considered that well you’ve never seen what I look like guys want to see what I look like what you look like wait let me find

A picture looks like that it looks like that like potato from like Toy Story let me in I am crazy wow that’s really convincing C should we should we let Conor in L so 507 not right now once I go you can let Connor in okay Conor you’ll be let in

Soon yeah honestly cuz I’m going to have to go soon oh my god look like this oh wait why is why is it one blocked message do I have you blocked wait why what why would you have you two even met before I don’t think so apparently because I haven’t

Blocked that’s pretty fun do play Maybe Lucas just like told you at one point to do that D Lucas doesn’t interact with killer fog either oh kill fog’s just kind of kilog interacts with me and cosmics pause sometimes usually me oh I love cosmics I love cosmics sometimes cosmics

Occasionally dpy and that’s about Derpy more yeah I guess to to I don’t know the only times I know you interacting with people is when I’m also in the call which I guess I don’t think I’ve ever like been in a VC F without you

Being in this VC as well yeah we’re just always in VC together are you guys dating no FR yeah yeah yeah we are we are we not no I wanted to I wanted to tell to stream this for a long time but it hasn’t got come up fin un X killer frog

Is not a thing I will make it thing I’m going to paint on it right now no no no please I’m Tired um I need to I’m going to make a another portal you die in the nether that’d be incredibly funny wait how am I you not know how to do a portal I had to remind myself for a second I know how it’s just my brain like pulling off for

A second let’s watch let’s watch let’s see let’s see be a Pro Gamer okay record time so far I’m not good at fast I didn’t say I was going to be fast at it I don’t know she goes slow slow and steady wins the race you know yeah

That’s what she tells me wait what what Violet you can’t put lava in there you have to light it no I was putting lava at in the place that doesn’t have obsidian down there you spawn in the B TR we’ll see we’ll see I I’m not going to like Speed Run

Straight to the ne I want to set up first keep in mind this isn’t a speedrun world this is a hold Co series I’m cold I don’t remember like the last time I’ve like played a world and haven’t immediately rushed the dragon that’s just what I do

It pretty for you I love Mining and crafting are there any miners here guys any Minal in the chat yeah I’m actually I’m actually a miner oh awesome that’s pretty in terms of I mine Diamonds oh I not interested in you I don’t mind no you to say that

Specifically yeah it would actually be weird if you were into not minals because then that would be bad for the p version time sh it’ be like killer frog and violet uncore of course in approximately approximately six six and 2/3 months what it will be us by

It wait is that your is that when you’re 18 y it’s not happening anyways yes it is I’m going to go to where you live or visit I don’t even know where I’m going to be you honestly probably at your grandma’s okay I have a question for you

You know you don’t need to put things in chest because you know you’re going to die and then you don’t respawn so oh yeah I just what if I want to pick up more stuff though also bring your flint and steel to another I have a pro question for you the bring

Your why do you have Compass mod and then make uh the coordinates mod a new weapon see which direction you’re facing coordinate mod already does that what the [ __ ] is the why does the CATE unsubscribing right now yeah but like with with the compass mod you not only can you see I’m facing

West but like how am I supposed to remember that to the right of me me is North well now I can cuz North is on the right now it doesn’t the [ __ ] it makes perfect sense right chat back me up here Chad I want everyone to unsub right now for this unlawful mod

Usage I can use whatever mods I want also why do you have the keystrokes on uh I don’t know what is the point of that what people want to see you I don’t know want to see I want to make sure that she’s not Auto clicking nobody wants to see your

Strokes oh I do me chill you’re ghosty great what I am a Connell that’s I’m good for you good for you conell I’m so proud of you I’m sure your whole family accepts you for who you are water yeah the water dissolved it why do I keep getting invalid

Operation also can I just like ask why how do how does water melt in the nether but your [ __ ] blood doesn’t boil I that doesn’t make any sense you need to have like like if water immediately how the [ __ ] are you alive in there that doesn’t make any sense Matt

Pack get on the [ __ ] wait what why is my notifications hold on let me look at let me show you guys my YouTube notifs Al I’m going oh yeah I unsubscribed and then resubscribed and it counts as a new notification why does that count as a new notification I’m doing that right now

Unsubbed unsubbed again do it a third time okay I need to go fortunately so I don’t have to be here anymore unfortunately viore eye reveal that’s crazy wait guys viore face reveal look at this I’m showing you my entire face right now wow wow there that

P the face and those that P and that is chat I know exactly what Violet looks like violet has shown me exactly what she looks like I can any moment I I’m not a [ __ ] I’m going to add conell now defitely I don’t think you’ve even met I don’t think you’ve met him

Before probably haven’t link Soul 57 wait which one is it it’s this one okay so guys Connell is strange hi con is strange loud the stream Echo is crazy pause pause the stream Conor what oh PA the oh my God hi Connell hi so guys Connell is uh Conor is an interesting character

He’s one of the humans he’s one of the humans he uh human what humans I’m not a human he’s not a one of the FES he’s one my bad isn’t mean a misgender you I mean species you miss spe okay hi Connell welcome to the stream

You get to watch me live but like without a delay you die yeah if you die within like the next 15 minutes I get your channel you don’t get to get my Channel That’s not how that works yeah I do I’ll give you I’ll give you my stream key and

I won’t change it for like I don’t want to get your channel is too much work get infected I don’t want to do that let get a no fog thing man so easy I have Shadel man turn off sh why are you using shaders because I like

Them one of the world a look cooler just use like data packs to change World gy easy but it’s that’s not vanilla why all the who gives a [ __ ] right that sounded weird shaders aren’t vanilla so [ __ ] you okay but like it’s just a visual thing and World gen things are also

Basically just a visual thing it’s just looks man are some of the trees red and some of them are green uh green it’s more well I guess it’s kind of greenish but it’s more te it’s actually teal calculations like actually according to my [ __ ] what was that what did that sound like

On stream I wonder guys I did one of the most unforgivable s ever I miss gilded my friend’s dog why the [ __ ] what dog hold on hold on oh yeah did you hear that the dog is dead oh yeah Tel has a dog that died so that’s unfortunate dud

Same well was how is that unfortunate Connor’s whole thing is that he Conor connell’s Connell is like how do I explain it he thinks he’s a cat and he hates dogs I knew it and he uh but he also claims like he’s like a cat inside of like like controlling a robot human

Body or something 2023 is crazy 2023 is crazy crazy I’m crazy crazy anyways like I said I’m going to turn on display capture we’re going to go on4 new update to come out and 2024 patch notes we moving life that’s like we’ll ping you Jing wonder how many humans will even survive 2024

That would be funny I know weird isn’t it okay we’re GNA get rid of the filter because filter there’s no filter it was a filter to make the game Bridal filter to make the game I don’t think that works either does it probably not have you ever tested it I could just make

The the darkness brighter I guess but and I I just I kind of want to just play the game with just Shadel I don’t me hey Violet how long do you plan on streaming this for I don’t know to be honest probably until you die yeah you’ll probably die in the Stream

Probably both in game and real life you’re going to die in the game get so mad smack your head against the table and you pass out and die no you’ll just face pal to death when I say something what’ll happen that’s actually you’re just going to okay I was about to say something

Really bad glad I didn’t are you building a house a wooden house next to a LV you’re a psychopath everyone unsub I am a what WR is that kind of crazy crazy being crazy is a natural Advantage wait you know we need to we need to find a cherry a

Cherry biome true optimism you need to find a village actually for villagers actually you need to you need to progress your game and like you know this isn’t how you get this isn’t how you beat the Endo taging do that my what the can I join and kill Violet and end the

World not going to be able to kill me buddy than me I think after the four stream um I think after this full stream I’m going to use essential so that people can actually join my whole world dude I’m going to [ __ ] murder psych I would never I’m just

Going to steal one thing from one of your chests and you’ll never know it could be the most one one me right now what I’m adding I’m adding you to the call I’m adding you to the call right now Lucas there is no car not call call like

With an L I have a speech impediment I thought it was I always thought it was an accent of some kind yeah oh he’s reconsidering he’s saying wait wait wait he’s scared he’s scared what can the stream hear me the stream can hear you yes thinking the back of my mind start

Screaming oh my God uh I will I just kidding I’m [ __ ] at Minecraft iron versus Diamond you iron versus oh so you’re giving yourself a disability yes or a disadvantage PVP legac do you even have PP Legacy [Laughter] I’m going to break my legs and then we’ll see who

Wins V has to be in the wheelchair first before we I have no armor break three of my four Limbs and also be closing my eyes the Sol PVP legacy. net be a sick PVP battle I’m G stream snip one stream sniping right now it has colors flashing on why

Are there colors flashing on that image wait what wait what server are you on I’m on a p PVP legacy. net I I’ve never played that server in my life dude I swear to God like nobody ever plays the server I don’t know why I’m surprised more people don’t know

About this server well to be with Lucas it makes Lucas isn’t really a Minecraft player I’m not I was only talking to someone earlier today and they play Minecraft exclusively and they’ve never heard of the server what are these back to my friend all right uh what’s the thingy thing burn

Reason all over that image quick pause from from Hardcore a violet what what’s the address it’s PVP legacy. net PVP like yeah that image why does it have colors flashing all across it what image are you talking about I nam I named the I put the name as [ __ ] you violet oh

Nice yeah the one one of the one of the always watching call it has the picture on it has has color flashing all over are you talking about me my camer screen shell thing no it’s in one of the other squares oh wait what oh that’s just the moving that’s Lucas’s profile picture

Just I don’t know you can have like uh you can have moving images when you’re talking if you have a if you pay money to I’ve never even figured out how to change mine yeah you still have the still has the hold on let me show

This on the screen um this the default profile picture yeah con still has the default profile picture amazing go okay um what VES are you in if you like at the right side no idea I don’t know how to play This Server look at the right side it’ll say Soo and then it’ll

Say which one you versus 16 oh wow why you all the way over there wait why are there so many people in 16 dude this L’s packed right now where are you laughing yeah why is there so many people in here laughing luus SL holdy laughing lucus wait SL body

Invite laughing with this there we are okay how do I accept uh can not just click it click to join there you can’t stream snipe when if I win you have to give me the password your YouTube channel okay I’m not going to give you the I’m going to give you

A I’ll give you a screen if I win you can have my password how about that or wait no if you [ __ ] I messed it up I’m Happ a stroke now wait organize your inventory there’s nothing wrong with that I need to do that for are you going to put your diamond

On uh I have diamond armor oh okay yeah like I said this is a diamond V to Social Security number right right cuz you’re giving yourself uh you’re paralyzing yourself right okay yeah you get up to my age having a stroke is a click is not the way to go in this

Version of the game just so you know bro my Shield’s not working what the [ __ ] yeah axes break Shields it’s a video game that’s how when since one nck have you I don’t play9 play One n bro since since 11 vers ago I quit playing Minecraft like [ __ ] three years

Ago 1.9 is the version five years ago actually 1.9 is a version that changed combat you it ruined the game it made it impossible to survive when there’s any mobs yeah you’re like doing nothing it’s a really intense battle by what the [ __ ] okay you’re not meant to spam Click by the

Way you wait for like a little bar next to the Cross here to you know up it does you do more damage again axes will take down my shield and they do more damage but have why that’s so dumb though that’s so dumb dial again get the password

Ready hey do you want to do a Hypixel duel instead jokes on you I forgot it after this again when you hit there’s like a little thing under your thing and the that the thing under the thing 10 out if he hits he’ll know what I’m talking

About I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about if he hits he’ll know what I’m talking about I don’t if if you hit if you left click which is a button to hit there’s a little thing on your Crosshair I see it and when that’s

Higher it will do more damage what V just doesn’t use a shield I could try I could do that that I don’t even know that would still be a fairy no axe is evil so I’m not no armor either no armor no armor either yeah no armor okay now you’re put

Yourself in a wheelchair crippled oh it’s popping off okay okay okay was getting dogged you can’t run away what the [ __ ] imagine not being able to win this really fair fight maybe the sound quality is better now is it better or is it worse combo why am I actually doing good at

Getting these Sol combos okay I don’t know how low you are I’m actually pretty scared can’t be that oh my god dude I was like a one hit at one point okay let’s go to Hypixel I guess cuz you’re not 1.9 is not something you’ve seem to have ever done combat in nope

Okay continue dsy laughing Lucas I I for I to actually join wait does Hypixel have PVP modes yeah those duels and this is all 1.8 PVP where you spam clicking is allowed even though we’re on it it’s based on what the silver native version is oh okay um which one should we

Do I think op DS is a good one right this is a sharpness five Soul Power full bow we’ll try this one real quick I don’t know if this is right there I have a I will get this game working eventually one of these days it will happen are you opening up

Minecraft trying to failing miserably right which one was it um okay nah there’s no way you’re hitting me from that far away when I can’t hit you what the [ __ ] is called W tapping yeah it’s a tricky T see if this works install what are you talking about

This thing is already there it should be at least I just I was literally looking at chat just valer for a second so confused well the potions didn’t [ __ ] work at all thought I heard something oh Jesus get com she player com actually getting comboed what

Is this I haven’t seen either of you yourish see I know how I feel yeah I don’t know how to use fishing bod Tex I don’t know how dude I don’t play 1.8 LEL 57 joined oh my God wait I’m going to switch to 1.8 and we could like switch

The stream to just being doing Hypixel stuff uh hard what the [ __ ] is this that’d be great allow access you piece of junk computer security system F trying to do uh bedwars again is going to be so funny I got Minecraft to work finally he sounds like one of those like

AI generated like narrators I he sounds like I don’t know the name of who’s that Family Guy again who says hey hey uh fuing Joe I I think it is Joe actually I’m gonna search it I know the actor I just don’t know the Family Guy character name

That’s another look at that I’m still a Steve yeah it is true okay let me switch the stream stuff I’m holding my own head that’s weird switching to 1.8.9 while while I wait for that I’m going to switch title of all the streams wait why um because I’m I’m just singel

Yeah uh wait so you’re not going back to the hardcore world uh no wait why I don’t feel like it does it look weird that I’m holding my own head also sucks excuse me playing that for 40 minutes man 40 minutes and for what I’m not trying

To dog on you or anything but I’m incredibly trying to dog on you I’ll go back to it on another stream it’s fine stay tuned coming soon in 2026 I actually kind of want to stream tomorrow so tune in next week same time same channel High pixel High

Pixel I’ll be right back wait does that guy have a windmill that was weird it was like a windmill that was on fire what what the hell are you talking about I thought I saw a guy with a windmill that was on fire it was it

Looked weird it was like one of those old medieval windmills oh okay where’s your screen oh they should be on the screen now my screen is on the computer uh anyone wondering he’s not even saying that that you got to understand something about Conor he doesn’t understand

Things I how old are you what your name’s Conor right wait did I say your name right it’s CLE it’s he’s how old are you he’s 19 he’s uh he’s like you know how I have a autism you’re 19 dude you sound older than my six-year-old Grandma he

Sound I’m big know what’s wrong with sounding old he just nothing I think it’s I think it’s cool you know how you know how I have autism tunnels like me but like but like uh hold up I need switch to M version purple glass why is the glass purple I I

Literally I literally met Con in a like second grade like like special education thingy look at this there’s another Steve holding a Steve head I’m a Steve holding a Steve head and there’s another one okay oh shoot wait the thumbnail the thumbnail hold on there’s a cat there’s a

Mcraft there’s another one that one small it hates me I thought I had my old stream thumbnail somewhere on my desktop here now that wait do OTS even [ __ ] exist in Minecraft anymore now that actual cats oh yeah Al exist I think think I’ve ever seen they only spawn in Jung ever

Yeah they only spawn in jungles very rarely for some reason they count as a hostile M wait what what hostile they do yeah hostile cats are always hostile can’t even attack you and yet for some reason they’re considered a hostile mod part of what makes cats so great

Why is there a that song has L that guy’s flying why is thaty f okay where is oh my God I’m going to find it guys can you believe it guys e photos what is that is that a trampoline it’s just appeared in the middle of the of whatever this thing is

What is this place anyway oh what is going on with your YouTube chat oh wait what’s going on with my YouTube chat I can’t even see if I know are you using Ram oh crap I died no I have a uh I have a thing that

Um it’s a it’s a OBS plugin that lets you stream the M with multiple stream Keys directly from OB and uh you don’t need to pay for it no you don’t need to pay for it okay I use Ram all Ram if you want to do more than two at a time you

Have to pay for yeah which I don’t really need I just do YouTube and twitch that’s fair so I’m not doing that great at parkour it turns out I can’t find my thumbnail I’m actually getting I didn’t know I didn’t know the button it gives

You was to reset so I kept just going all the way around and finding stairs back up I missed again am I the am I the only one here or is there someone else here I’m going to sech Hypixel 1920 by 1080 and just use the one of the first images I

Find oh I failed again uh save as what the oh I failed again wonder what else there is to do so V how long do you think it’ll take uh before you turn into a pile Oh it’s aade from a YouTuber hasn’t asked your question wait

Swiv MC raid W also what did you ask I was p uh nothing don’t wor it wait I said uh I said said uh when your channel blows up and you become a big Minecraft Youtuber how long do you think it’ll take before you become a pedophile oh Jesus Christ let’s go SWIC

Anymore thank you so much it died what do you mean he’s not paying attention I’m saying hello wait what’s the delay what’s the delay what oh god that might be a delay raed on what platform YouTube it’s not like an official raid ra on YouTube I don’t think it’s an official raid it’s

Just people bringing people over thank you so much they should be able to hear me right I hope they can I can hear they said they said I wasn’t paying attention and now I’m vo they think I’m just ignoring them oh no I can hear you on the stream yeah

Okay prob they probably already left and they’re just thinking wow they still no okay you’re right yeah you know what yeah fa Point why do Minecraft servers just love making medieval town so I saved the thumbnail why is there raid because I am on the Move have no idea where I’m

Going I’m just going yep there’s a card of something what’s that noise what I’m saying what is that a mine cart where’s the Mine Cart mine cart here is that Violet doing that what the [ __ ] am I hearing right now all I’m hearing is just straight fact honestly bro VI’s turning into a

[ __ ] chipmunk it’s like that star am I the only one here that seen star now uh yes okay I don’t know what that was did you mean to do that no that just you didn’t mean to do that that that’s happened that’s happened multiple times I don’t know why my mic just

Breaks I don’t know why it does that it’s happened before with you guys PR sure it’s happened at least least once with both of you I’m not I click on something it teleports me to the parkour thing why does it do that okay that’s weird okayy SK skele Manore now uh SL

Party Lu slpy linkel 57 and con you’re going to want to press the you’re going to want to press T and then you’re going to want to bring your mouse over to where it says click here or some or whatever it says Mouse what mouse your corer your CER cursor oh you

Have to use very specific words with con the one are you by chance what supp or something he’s not he’s very uh technically uh how do you say uh yes challeng challeng challenge damn technologically he’s he’s not he’s not very Tech saabi he’s like the opposite of tech saabi yeah

Amish I invited you too Lucas huh invited you too notice the Shadel look weird for some reason did that work godamn it I have to play without Shad why are these horses being hanged what what did he say why are these horses being conor3 you’ll beot and they’re spinning in

Circles this is weird what is what looking at I’m worried I hope we can’t do that never mind I’m very concerned that the what he see their legs moving as they strangle to death on the end of their rope we’ll going to bed wolves we’re going to bed

Wolves somewhere what’s this this is bed wolves somewhere else yes you’re beds yes welcome to bedwars Wars seconds okay so come over here to the item generator okay item generator that’s the thing that’s where all the iron is going and gold and you collect materials

Here and then you can go to the item shop and buy stuff buy stuffing defense yes if you right click the item shop sound like a you sound like it’s from my perspective it looks like violet is TE teaching a toddler how to play a video game for the

First time yeah that’s that’s usually what it feels like playing with Conor how do you meet him is there some kind of special wrench I need to buy I I what you want to honestly I don’t know what you should honestly just give me your items and I’m going to buy

Stuff for you honestly I don’t trust you to buy on your own we kinding of get R like two teams please don’t drop it one time thank you thank you you know how to drop multiple items at once oh crap now they’re all everywhere thank you there’s another one there’s

Another one how do they all get scattered every drop them all at once please he did it with the I do it with the do it with the gold like the stack exploded with the gold it was weird oh look there’s more of it okay actually any any items you

Collect you can just put in this chest you can just put it in the chest yes there’s a chest here you put any items in that chest sounds easier okay you guys even left I’m leaving base right now wonderful can we go for ready they barely have a bad

Defense literally one block of wool but they are building oh wait it was shift wasn’t it now i k my SC I’m a God yeah I just hit him off bro he’s like fighting for his life terrified okay I didn’t know you were there some more it’s fine it’s fine

It’s fine we’ll get out of the game bro your mouse is getting violated your mouse is just suffering can we just take this moment to probably think violent un skull thank you violent un skull for dying wow thank you so much for [ __ ] T mind if I Rob

All all right you didn’t answer me but I’m okay wait Violet were you were you there when I won uh bedw Wars by just surviving till the end like during the death match I’m not sure this is exactly what I did during not death match but

During the like sudden death I this is exactly what PE looks like when I was in it I just collect all the balls and then put them somewhere for everyone to pick up I love balls every single ball so baller and then I would be got two emeralds I’m so

Cool I’m barely alive right now by the way oh oh my God G me so much anxiety well I got red bed that’s cool uh V where are you he hello I’m going go get M here wait here one of you go see your about I don’t care hello I’m right

Now oh nice I’m heading over to do blue has lit the greaty of G don’t want use yet yeah pretty much who got the Great Pyramid of Giza as a bed defense so that’s fun someone fell into the we should probably get to the diamonds right yeah I got I built to

One I’m rushing blue while you guys stuff bro this guy’s annoying I know I’m not you I’ve always been annoying not I wasn’t talking about you you sure oh my Lord what this guy rubber band and he want that gold I want you to click this and

Click the uh iron click the iron uh boots on boots yeah now you have what oh wait well I never answer my question how did you guys me cheaters oh uh it was like some like in in second grade I believe they could have been third grade

Uh we were in some yeah that was that was a while ago do we need diamonds i’ known car you don’t um it was like it was like some special thing which you could probably yo green is rushing us probably isn’t a surprise going to make a joke but probably isn’t a

Surprise I’m not you know what I’m going to be the nice person for a change I’m not Blue’s on the way and Green’s also on the way yeah I got blue no I got hand delivered some diamonds [ __ ] off D we need diamonds so badly I had

Eight diamonds and then I got [ __ ] knocked back off the got in Island What What In inv oh he’s invisible he’s invisible yeah what the [ __ ] okay okay this know that was thing what con con left click the guy left click the blue guy left click the blue

Guy left click the blue guy please with your sword what oh don’t worry guys I got it how to play we already tried to teach someone how to play and it’s not going well um we’re doing great I think thank you I know though this is some kind oh there’s a what’s

This you didn’t give me like 7 billion iron CH that’s nice there’s a okay I need did they have glass on their bed by any chance what the hell is cross teaming uh it’s teaming with other people on the other teams that’s weird they do they are

Getting glass oh no it’s like an alliance then yeah okay so that type of stuff is not so I’m on an island with some kind of why is it so bricked I thought it blew up anyways though cuz TNT blows it up why wouldn’t Fireballs be able to wait the BET exposed

Dude I don’t care close close one I thought Fireballs BL up endstone cuz TNT does apparently not I don’t know that hey we’re doing another okay I’m somewhere else oh this is the place I was in earlier y I didn’t know inone was actually why Lobby because your team left youry left list

Left somebody left who left the bed don’t like f the Lucas’s internet just went out Lucas I think Lucas just has I think his internet just got out or something oh yeah Lucas internet cut out uh oh is that anymore they didn’t say anything um maybe his entire house l

Oh there’s there’s another nether portal I’m going to kick him until he comes back and uh trios I’m confused oh look I’m in this place again hey look this again there are four MVP Plus pluses oh Jesus look at this every skin is the exact same now dude I hate I

Hate that like 90% of Skins are just this now all lost over welome back wa you gonna join back for a second do you like my skin I’m a Steve I don’t know a better skin than most skins wait are you able to do trios we are able to

Do trios yeah I mean you could just buy without me okay I wasn’t sure how long you were G what’s going on I keep teleporting everywhere why do I keep teleporting well I’m I’ve done it again you’re a magician you’re a wizard Harry all right have fun I’ll be in the

I’ll be in the YouTube chat YouTube chat yipp CH be in YouTube CH why you you the word chat has been said way more things wait what well there’s some islands over there yeah it’s really wonderful we’re all going to murder each other on those murder each other why would we do that

That doesn’t sound like a nice thing to do a fictional world where you can commit most crimes yeah oh we’re all criminals of course that’s what the Violet uncore stream is all about you have a very simple job you’re going to you’re going to stand about right on this block right

Okay so that you split materials so that whenever somebody’s picking up materials you also get them um okay if you see stand still if you not like a mime your other job if you see someone who isn’t green who isn’t wearing green armor like me or like Skelly then uh

Kill them by left clicking on them with I just learned I just learned I can spam click with my pickaxe and break it and then it becomes a ghost item and then I can click and it comes back oh wait what really amazing I like a pickaxe or something

Then spam click one of those and it just breaks itself um I go ahead and get myself this yo yellow’s already like oh nice yellow’s already like gone to like another planet okay yeah we lost what was that it’s over no we’re fine we’re fine we got

This no we have to kill yellow within the next two seconds or we lose I think we can do it all right we lost no can’t just say we do that works all right you can get Obby then maybe a chance I’m super rich now we’re going to kill them

Immediately have iron gold and more iron what is that wa move move con move tunnel move tunnel move tunnel move literally walk in yeah okay so k for AFK if when that happens you that’s that’s the game telling you you have to move or you’ll be kicked for afking yo yellow in

The I repeat yellow okay it’s it’s over it’s over put some stuff in the chest fine we’re fine we’re fine n you dude okay I need going do It trust me okay can I Havey yeah dude so [ __ ] this guy these this is like a sweat team these guys probably play this game 247 and hasn’t taken a break since like 1993 Ching invis wait to between I wanted to say wait for me for distraction I don’t know how distractive

I can Beed is also there so I mean what is spray uses going in baby oh wait the bed oh wait the bed’s gone oh and I just walked off the map that’s crazy I thought that bed that got destroyed was red cuz red is not yellow there we go

F oh red Isel yes I repeat I repeat okay you guys are what uh take this gold by the iron armor again and then give me the by the iron armor yeah Conor the iron boots and then take these and the stone sword you’re assuming that he’s oh there’s a stone sword

Listen you fall no we can have one more L is like just left right do you want this the iron uh put it in the chest I’m going to buy some milk okay Violet I need you to be a there’s a red guy here by the way I forgot to

Mention oh Jesus Christ can you click him [ __ ] place the wood back I did place the wood back oh you did okay never mind you’re the best player in all of players all right I’m going to go and rush I like one of you guys to follow I

Have lots of potions you definitely don’t want conell to follow literally just constantly just say someone’s here okay if you see someone who isn’t us just yell it just constantly say hey someone’s heal someone’s heal someone’s heal okay but there’s no one here okay I said when someone else appeals cuz they’re going

To try to attack us oh oh there’s someone coming it looks like they’re red guys got it okay okay I’m going to void I’m voiding I’m voiding I got it what what’s this oh [ __ ] bro I’m GNA die I have no health and there’s two of them here left click

Him left click him with your sword take your sword out take your sword out what where is it where is it I died again how do I keep ending up alive I keep ending up alive the one V3 easy where’s the sh like guy red guy behind you behind you

Behind you behind you my God I don’t see anything you only you said that a couple minutes sooner oh it’s night I gave you a full like solid two or three seconds of warning no you didn’t as right as you said red guy I was getting stabbed bro that is not

What what is it disc delay that is absolutely I’m clipping this I’m right now waiting for more players oh wait wait wait wait uh cosm want to join let’s go love cosmics here I’ve been here before what the what what was that got pushed so I’m adding cosmics what what the

Why did Lucas leave I don’t know I think he just got bed which is honestly fail he’s not Minecraft play that makes sense he a mini gold block okay he’s not on I wonder what that nether portal goes to that giant nether portal oh I’m about to find out

What oh days this is another it’s a whole new I’ve been here before can do um I can fix things in my inv to the hardore world obviously oh that nether portal is broken hello party games we’ll see we’ll see doesn’t work what one G somewh

Else this is are we going to wait for cosmics Cosmic is not didn’t didn’t uh this is a floating island I don’t know if he’s actually joining maybe he died maybe that’s usually a good possibility obviously oh there’s an underground place what oh I’m good at this hey con the

Goal of this game is to jump into the water and avoid the other blocks what water is there any water yes water down there I don’t see any water you see where everyone else fall must be way down there yeah you have your v s at like two don’t you

I keep Just Landing like the exact same spot like one block over oh [ __ ] no I missed I keep trying to like do like really small holes for something that’s I won trying I think I won the game maybe you have to do it multiple

Times man if I didn’t mess up that one time I would be in first consistently oh I died again I died I keep going for the small again I made it to the water on I died that’s B good area oh my God how do I keep doing

This no how did I miss I was pleas oh wa you beat me dude if I didn’t miss oh my God oh my God what’s this oh this uh this one there like things you have to run into so you jump you’re on a giant trampoline we on a giant

Trampoline giant trampoline yes does that mean I’m going to break my neck again again wait what do you mean again did I miss some in I think at some point I broke my neck at on a trampoline it was kind of weird mean you think see my head sna way

Back and then here this is a very loud cracking noise now what else could that have been am I supposed to be doing something other than jumping yeah there like you’re supposed to run into the walls the floating wall blocks in the sky Jesus Christ you won oh my God am I going

To I’m going to lose on like do good at these I kept getting robbed everything I went for is just getting stolen from eggs ister canvas just for your in just for info spam clicking is not faster than holding it’s literally a limited speed so bro Violet’s [ __ ] cheating it turns everything

Yellow oh my God I’m getting everyone’s just like BL body blocking me man oh my God I kept getting body blocked all my third place yeah oh I didn’t lose you didn’t lose why am I in a house there’s a I immediately jumped off bro I jumped

Off again this is a parkour yeah L if you fail the parkour once you just lose instantly pretty much so Anno I teleport I teleport every time I fail no way someone beat me a how did I get third I feel twice like the very start ice hello ice is SOS oh this

Sucks okay you have to stand on slabs when there the slab uh stand under it what is this oh I can’t see anything what okay you’re supposed to go in F5 mode press the F5 button and then you can like dude he’s in Creative what okay just stay still just stay

Still just stay still there you go there you go stand under this one now gone now there you go there you go nice so good doesn’t matter if you can’t I don’t understand this guy he’s so good at this game watch’s just too good okay you maybe try to okay just

Stay still just stay still stay still stay still okay okay now go to this one go to this one now stay still stay still all okay over here just run run run run my hand falling oh he finally died last so much longer than thought a ghost I’m dead yes I got

G I’m a ghost I am haunting this world yes you’re how you’re so good I’m the best I’m actually the best no I’m not a ghost anymore okay now you got to shoot now you got to shoot the zombies and skeletons with your bow what zombies and skeletons the ones that

Perhaps how do how the hell do you work these again oh it’s that other button work these things ah I hit one or maybe someone else did it if you heal ones [ __ ] dude I keep getting robbed I hit I keep getting robbed how is that not hitting what

What going through them no I’m lagging hey no way I was ahead of you but then I lagged I was ahead of you by one I would have hit all those oh I hit a I hit a skeleton like last second wait I’m in full Place overall I’m fine with this

Actually I love the strats you this one what there’s a pig why is there a pig here why am I sitting on top of a pig and there’s there’s a there’s swords and Stu hey why you going to me I was going away I wasn’t going to hit youon

What what now I’m going over here this is weird what’s going on what the freaking lag on these pigs I’m trying to go for him I’m trying to go for him I’m a ghost I want his both to get to to yes no we murder each other

I’m faster than you because I’m a ghost dude the lag on these Pig one match just to decide it all this decides it all this decides it all oh wait this decides it all yeah both tied into the last game what oh my God my texture pack makes

Pigs look like technoblade oh my God that’s awesome I just literally downloaded a texture pack it was called like technoblade something and I was like okay sure dude this one [ __ ] I don’t care anymore going for different ones dude I hate that pig pigs actually

Hate being next to or try hate going in holes i s they just completely try their hardest to go the complete opposite direction man why go in the [ __ ] oh my God this is the game mode of all times I’m not getting any hits dude I can’t

What the [ __ ] they’re all just sitting on the rim it’s so annoying just go in oh I right every time I Rod them they get onto the rim and then they just walk out it’s so annoying dude right I still haven’t caught anything [ __ ] this is so annoying dude GG like 10

Pigs on the [ __ ] rim dude 10 pigs on the rim see what you got to do you got like you got like add you right click you run away so they go farther yeah that’s what I was doing oh well every time I did landed on the rim and then

Just walked away it was so annoying I won ghosty got second place uh con you uh anyone deck you had some points I think I did I think you had one point oh I don’t usually have any points I usually just fail yeah good job what no what are you that would never

Happen unless it’s a car in which case sometimes they actually run only 9:30 what the [ __ ] right there’s I’m on a wood got a three username you list what is this place just don’t get NED something exploded just don’t get oh yeah yeah you you want

To avoid okay so those stuff coming from that ship there and you got to avoid the those like cannonballs you got to avoid them I think that I think that shift is the closest equivalent to Duck and Cover so I guess we’ll do that okay well that didn’t work went straight

For I was like close one what I both of these fres though pull pull going straight to my ball I’m dead hit boxes on is actually kind of with that oh oh oh smart but I’m I’m not smart uh this is a fun one okay Conor uh the Wall’s going to change

Color uh change color the red wall is about to disappear the yellow Wall’s going to turn into he’s already dead I think I fell into some lava I’m a ghost again what how did I fall into lava as a ghost why would you do that to me dick this

Thing oh four block jumping crazy I’m so fast oh I’m so dumb why did I try to do that no I jumped at like the worst time possible I’m still a ghost what oh I hate this so much dud this one you have to shoot the block shooting uh pink ones

Give you extra speed though you want to shoot your color this guy started with speed what whatever color is in your hot ball that’s the color you want to shoot also pink pink is also one you want to shoot I what are you doing welcome to my

Domain and I’m losing missed again sh dude it’s so hard to aim with this how did the why am I doing so bad man I hate this I one stall well halfway through we like I don’t think I H any well kind of like halfway through and I oh is this the one

With the eggs yeah this is the one you got thir place in before Oh I’m yellow again it’s everything I hit turns yellow it looks like unless someone else is hitting you and it it’s always you’re always going to be yellow on your side

How am I losing I do good at this one I do good at this one how are you ahead of me someone someone stood in front of me how the [ __ ] you just second that one hey Conor this is the one you want to dive into the water again oh

Oops you got second place on that last one which is I didn’t die oh I died I didn’t die I died again I managed to not die nice look oh died almost got [ __ ] griefed block like spawned under the Black Blocks just appear every time I land and don’t die

Mhm you also get a point every time you do That died again I died no what I’m playing this with one hand right now I died how once I missed once I didn’t miss a single time I didn’t miss a single time when I got third well you’re my St thank you what is a

What thank you why am I sitting on top of a cheat bro the threel guy started at like 80 what what what the you know some you don’t I’ll take a second place though dude I’m so bad I’m so Bad oh it’s so slippery this what the oh I pressed the wrong button again back to game there what just Happ what huh no what oh wait okay never mind never mind I’m confused I don’t know what oh this one oh this one each animal is going to have a

Different point value why am I holding a sword every animal is going to have a different point value killing all the ones that don’t get points that’s great does that mean I can just kill everything uh well no cuz some of them are minus 50% so you don’t want to kill

Those ones I killed them kill everything where’s the TNT where’s the flint and steel I need to burn them alive Jesus oh no I’m an idiot I keep killing I look only as meat grinders in Minecraft and I could throw them in there while they’re still alive and watch them

Die I do I just killed two of the 50% I’m kidding especially if they’re looking at any of them bro die die die I killed another dude I’ve killed more minus 50% than non 50% second place I’m fine with that I guess I got third overall is

Another what this I like the guy on the top is just AFK cuz he knows he’s going to win no matter what h so there’s a field of some sort no no no no no no no no no no no no am I supposed to hit these

Things oh wait the S direction oh look it’s orange no I’m such a small oh my God I’m not even there’s not even a point there’s not even a point what Okay pink one I don’t know who the hell pink is the pink one uh why am I doing so

Bad Okay pink just stopped finished good job I got a pretty big area wait am I going to get sold it’s not big enough I’m going to get th this shouldn’t be th but it’s going to be th it’s just a hip kakes know already one br

Nice got third overall I’ll take it I just realized I didn’t have twitch chat open Facebook gaming yes so true Facebook gaming when the win is win when I’m win when Facebook is gaming when racism I’m not put around of this [ __ ] bro we’ll play a game of SkyWars then wa

What what Conor still in the game I have to protect Conor protect the president I play I’m in your party I can’t [ __ ] can I do no they killed conell I have returned Connell they killed you oh oops no they killed me sorry you just leave I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m

Leaving I’m a ghost uh what now what now now now can’t take myidentity up you know what I think I’m going to go back to the whole mess up Bridge so messed up with you H your face where’s the face gam what hold on hold on hold on uh’s this continuing wait hold

On contining my new Holding two weeks to actually kill the dragon what this raid’s going to take you like two weeks to kill the dragon yeah maze there’s a maze it’s not about mention killing the dragon as fast as possible it’s about enjoying life what there’s a spider that what oh am I supposed to share this

With my grandfather fail point I even think about that uh edit I’ve changed the title on all of these 1.20.1 launch fabric wait also let me go to YouTube violent underscore why is your stream dark My Stream shouldn’t be dark well wait are you British Violet no I would

Never you I would never do that that’s disgusting a h accusation can’t Friendly Fire come on though I’m not British you don’t sound American no it’s it’s it’s uh for real though for real though I don’t what country you from aren’t you from that like uhan there’s like the rainbow flag

Where’s that flag from where’s that on that on the map you’re from that country oh yeah I have a speech of which is sign it’s unfortunate but significantly better than being British so I think I got the good end of you have AAL I got the good end of the door

Though no you don’t my face is I’m I oh my God guys I’m gonna drink a bottle of w I love drinking a good old just drink a throwing it hardcore world is cool all what about mcci am I right it’s one of the so what’s going on

Here I’m going back to my hore world guys let me know if the titles have changed the titles should have changed my newal world yeah YouTube one is different the YouTube one isn’t uh did you refresh yeah wait I clicked save yeah I know it was actually like

That I’m just trolling you oh you piece of [Laughter] [ __ ] you know that got go is Canadian e e I’d rather be Canadian than American honestly dude you say that but then you you failed to recognize that that one guy was also Canadian what one guy you know the one

Guy we know the guy what the all a the guy that guy with who the full Sy are racist the guy whose name started with an O listen to The Leaf I don’t even know what you’re saying listen to this leaf cope L returned why did that why did automod

Do that doing that I’m talking about anic onic was Canadian oh and yeah you should just speak you know yeah but then I don’t use your words I don’t want to mention he saying I can’t believe I had to say the name my computer is it multiplayer no

It’s yeah onx Canadian he sounds so American he does sound so American he’s also he also said some very Americans no cuz don’t you remember during that last fight he’s literally said this is why Americans are so [ __ ] stupid or something like that he literally said something along

Those lines he literally raises how do you know that Canadia is actually part of America I think you could stream my probably maybe like tomorrow just invite me to your SMP your world uh I don’t have Essentials on right now dumb [ __ ] I thought the SMP

Failed yeah the uh there were a lot of snps and none of them lasted a long time I think we tried to start one but it failed because I usually outside during the summer yeah yeah me and uh right me and conell and uh Jordan me and you and Jord

We’re going to stop one people sayp yes I think that was intended at some point I think it kind of failed yeah it just didn’t end up happening anything that involves me tends to fail pretty quickly just have no self-esteem yeah that’s that’s Conor I know I’m

Me win the win me win me win me win win me win me win me win the win is win when win I’m me me me me I’m no longer in Minecraft because it crashed along with Discord I’m no longer CU my life support my life support crashed I haven’t been

Playing a lot of survival lately though have you tried playing Survival then oh this guy’s still here I should make gold armor hold on I’m going to kill this guy I’m going to make I’m going kill this guy and then get up here you m jump down on him bro Rush at

Me oh there’s two of them idiot see that’s why in the nether what is the purpose of being in the we’re good at this game uh the purpose of going to I don’t even know how to I don’t know which one that is another is a very hostile Place gas and they kill

You one like the big box hey I don’t appreciate that I don’t appreciate that my dude why I screw up this time oh get [ __ ] getting combo well he’s dead I think some people hate on a shield as as crazy what some people hate the shield

And I don’t I don’t never understand it BR like the fact that it was added to the game or what I don’t know they just hate it some people just don’t like it I don’t know why like the best thing in the game yeah like tot Shield do you mean like the 1.9

Shield that ruined the whole game what do you mean that’s what I’m saying like people just ha it why do you hate it Conor it ruined the game it made it impossible to not die when there’s mobs around what I think it just means the update in general anytime there’s mon anytime

There’s mobs nearby in 1.9 you just die almost instantly or at least that’s what happens when I play the game you’re just not good at the game though um no I’m making a helmet wait when you’re screen showing you see like the like plug at the top of your screen

Thought that was just like a screen overlay or stream overlay I’m using OBS virtual camera watch okay do you not see like The Links at the top and [ __ ] or is that just like like a stream overlay thing that’s a stream overlay an actual ghost I can I guess I’m

Done yeah this is an actual ghost by the way I’m so ghosty he’s so real and so ghost and so what killed you he was a skeleton at one point oh yeah skeleton yeah know he’s a skeleton ghost I’m a ghost so funny man that’s awesome I’m I’m a G

G trying to say like gelatin but a really weird gon gelatin I love making jelly with skelleton or what is it [ __ ] I don’t know isn’t it jelly there another word for it did I kill you by accident is that how that happened um perhaps maybe I don’t even remember why I

Di I think I became friends with violin and I just died oh probably honestly that’s the most realistic yeah Anar so it wasn’t just all the chemical spells that I caused all the gasoline and the oil and the carburetor cleaner I think if I were to start a

Hardcore world I feel like like part C mode is like it’s not hard it’s just annoying because if one slip up and your entire world’s gone decimated but I feel like it’s really easy to survive so I mean all you got to do is just like build a raid farm and

Then you can’t lose yeah the raid Farm gives you infinite totems infinite Rockets infinite food like just can’t die after I kind of want to do my WS my hold CS without building that cuz then it just kind of makes death impossible the whole you can still just do braids normally what is

The rain Farm oh you say a rain Farm I just died of cringe no a rain f a rain water Farm liquid is it like in Star Wars where they’re just farming moisture I just I just had so much anxiety as you walk past that Magma Cube

They could have just hit you and you would have fallen to your death I don’t know what the hell the plan was there it wasn’t going to hit me surely your name anxiety there’s a gas you’re going to die I’m not what’s the seed of world full big

Guys yeah actually yeah told to see of laughing that’s why the nether sucks so bad because there’s always five gas that are always blowing you up in the face Alissa welcome to the Stream oh I just had me out for no reason D well how’s that my fault tell me

Man um sorry about that I just choked to death oh okay a little bit just a test did a little bit of choking off camer is this the most annoying part of Minecraft is just trying to find a uh Fortress or Bastion just look for structure just use structure map

Man I be considered cheating but could be considered cheating but like come on man I consider it cheating I thought you were supposed to throw ender pearls and that’s how you find it or maybe what was it it was that different version of the was yes talking about finding the stronghold

With the uh uh ender eyes yes which is a completely different thing completely different thing what are you talking about they came from the same thing I mean you’re you’re talking about a completely different structure I’m talking about finding the nether fortress not the stronghold oh the Nether Fortress Yeah nether fortress or

The new bastions new what Bastion B in 1.6 yeah conell knows nothing about the ne though if I’ve heard of it then I probably forgot oh look you’re in the you’re in the nether again yeah I’m in oh I’ve been in the nether is that what I think it

Is it looked like you went out of the is that it it’s just this it is it is it is there’s nothing else that be like that we found it congratulations this is scary I’m scared okay why would you be scared playing a video game I don’t get it

Doesn’t make any sense you yeah I said hi to Alysa that was a while ago who is Alysa I don’t know somebody in my chat cheting on me Yeah how dare you okay breaking why are you doing parkour over lava uh cuz I’m good at the game that hates life you’re going to die and lose all your stuff no I’m not sure I need more block it all Burns in the lava well I’m in hard Co so it doesn’t matter

If I die I lose anyways I lose everything oh what are you doing in hardcore then um challenging or pretty much because she likes massm pretty much yeah got Mist Alyssa are you reading chat hardcore honestly Alyssa you’re such a bad streamer I can’t believe you’re not reading the chat right

Now yeah whoever wouldn’t Reach Out sucks I can’t you’re such a bad streamer for not reading somebody else’s chat it’s crazy I’m not a streer well not are you aissa who’s that’s a rapper right did I fail at something again no of course I don’t need a golden

S what do you mean most useful weapon seconds today I just did some ugliest welds in history we just minding their business just yeah sorry sorry you had to see that this is a PG-13 Stream I thought that welds were I thought that welding was PG-13 it’s just very dangerous I’m talking about welding what the fu is wed not a ra when you join two pieces of iron with molten iron we got my full diamond chat let’s go make auk Bo I will that’s

That’s always the first thing I make with diamonds in fact I’m going to do that right now diamonds what do you need diamonds for making a juke box actually just HT myself told you to do it but like I hate myself you can do that dude I always do that anyways it’s one

Diamond this isn’t Manhunt it’s not like I’m need I’m gonna need these diamonds to make an iron axe to fight or to make a diamond you’re so smart you know that you’re are the smartest of all the tra lick the diamond a said that too late dude it’s like it’s like rock candy

So tasty so scrum I’m you kill something those new H for w I didn’t know that always been a I don’t think so I don’t think there will hold for with yeah they always oh mother I don’t have blocks in that you die I’m fine where are my blocks where are my

Blocks no uh wood you don’t need wood that badly no it’s fine oh Jesus it’s fine go through why are you even here uh cuz I feel like it I don’t know maybe I shouldn’t be here we haven’t gotten one blaz R since we’ve been here

You’ve been here for like 3 minutes or five minutes or something going to build a house prob you seem to be alive or at least or possibly an AI version of you Napoleon shut up fail Point honestly bkbx I didn’t even think about it that way you’ve opened my

Mind well that you could be an an AI Recreation of your original Self uh that too inter fire what you say inter fire I said into you got [ __ ] spe yeah at least I’m not British no I saw your birth certificate saw you were born in United United States of

London un un take reference message retracted Makes sense I believe he probably meant under Tale But just mistyped it as under take and it retracted the message under under that’s a rapper yeah what it’s undertale too oh mother there’s an undertale too yep actually is it’s there’s a Delta room I thought that was only one of them

No there was another one yeah I think it’s like it’s one of those cheap two-dimensional games it was it new and it’s not from the 80s undertale reference there we go you said it correctly we are never ever ever ever ever updating these blocks if you place two blocks are completely

Safe oh my God l L that’s the hottest L I’ve ever seen what is L get it cuz lava yeah yeah that that’s why I laugh it’s because I got it why are you putting wood on lava Point sa point my necket is faster on fire dude my [ __ ] Minecraft brain just every time I see something somebody do something that isn’t optimal I have point

Out I’m playing way too much survival recently do you too much of a speedrun what people didn’t even have fun Delta run reference Delta Run chapital 2 reference I don’t know how to dude if you learn to like speedrun Minecraft within like if you can like beat Minecraft in like 20 minutes you’ll

Never be able to play the game like normally ever again it’s not once you know how to speedrun you’re never not going to speed Runed Jesus chist it just keeps going wouldn’t it be easier to just go slowly very very slowly yeah just shift the entire time it’s another guy here black guy spotted get down on the craping Hello look you just got stabbed and flipped it with like poison you got a

Single steak just undo it is it just my imagination or did McDonald’s change their french fries at some point to have less salt McDonald’s make it so their fries are like soggy as [ __ ] like they were all drenched in Like Water for like two weeks before they were serving yeah that

Guy what’s on it iald fries used to be salty and now they’re not I don’t get it be salty now they’re sweet big is this [ __ ] for you haven’t seen a single spawner I have not seen a single Spa dude what the heck they’re just Bland and flavorless true

Yeah what place has the best priz I think you’re on fire why are you fighting with an axe uh because it does more damage more damage to what wood it does more damage in in combat it does more damage for hit that’s weird they lay down in front of you so

You can chop their head off what they haveing what happened SP did the spawner get overridden wait did it there’s no way they please tell me it did that would be actually really funny okay no I think it just spawned one that would be very funny crazy

Though I’m crazy on bro what is your Valu why did oh watch you play minec I’ve never seen this before so funny that’s crazy watching only on four big guys will you see this dude I just know all these things just hurts me cuz I know you’re draining your durability you’re not being

Optimal glow St I feel like glow stone should mine faster with a pickaxe or with something cuz it’s slow it doesn’t because I’m not can’t bother with that guy he can hang out there also mine up the platform okay speed running piece of you you’ll the definition of a backseat

Cable dude I just have to I have to I have to oh we still only have three I really want to see what you build your basee out of unpopular opinion the Big Mac is the best McDonald’s B I think it’s the only birg I’ve ever had at

McDonald’s I don’t really have can’t really can’t really uh comment on this McDonald’s sucks respectfully yeah that’s bad Lally the only reason people take or eat it is because it’s cheap as [ __ ] but it’s not cheap it’s food food is expensive oh Jesus but McDonald’s is sheep all food is price SE actually

Uh what he’s dead what are you running from demons I don’t know yeah that’s what I was wor about there’s no demons in Minecraft another X the same tring to help you point point oh my God he crafted it from the left he craft from the middle to the right actual

Efficiency do you have to access like that or like that no to the left how do you do it to the left because it’s the way the axes in the in the inventory man yeah I’m pretty sure if you do it in in the uh I’m pretty sure the official way to

Oh wait never mind wa what even Minecraft think that that’s the right way I’m pretty sure it used to be the other way and then they changed it because they were like also can I just say why is there an or on top like was I shielding or was I

Shielding neither I’m pretty sure like a fireball hits you like any kind of up angle it’ll just fck you you know I’m why why do you like when you go to craft an axe right you need three you need three ores and two sticks put two

Sticks in the middle and then three one on top and then two on the side why is there one on top cuz if you look at the ax there’s a whole bunch of them you’re going to die blazes doesn’t make sense you yeah but is it really a way to make

A reasonable 3×3 crafting recipe for that yeah do three sticks all in the middle row and then two on the side and then two diamonds on the side I guess it’s also cheaper McDonald’s has a way of getting fresh fries to you and you will die when you heal this

Oh guys I’m alive again oh welcome back just do things wrong to piss ghost off that’s honestly that’s fair what happen if this ghost sees me playing Minecraft oh hold on I can’t take that half a heart of fall damage if you took that would even take Damage there’s mobs kill them before they kill you okay I forgot why I even can’t do the CRA the first the F use a pesticide called monitor which makes it that the fal can’t venture out into the fields for weeks how many do I have I have seven

You become like Stampy Long Long Nose it’s a long head I need to C something I can’t believe Stampy long no ended the series isn’t that weird the series only lasted 50 years before Stampy ended live next to the spawner f one next thing you know you’re just going to start spam

Clicking spam clicking is the correct way you died imagine Im so every time you go to crafting you make a new crafting table what was that even going to do make a crafting table oh God dang it we still only have seven I want to get 10 the [ __ ] are you

Making well I want to get two strs I usually listen I usually get eight for uh like eight eight is just the normal number I usually go for but then I want I want to get cuz potions I want to get potions what are you going to make potions and not getting

Attack keep the shield keep the shield keep the shield Jesus um good defense good defense unbeatable really I’m good I’m good how is there lava in the ceiling and it’s not falling down how is that even possible even more okay and we’re out we’re gone okay well have you ever noticed that blazes

Just seem mechanical in nature okay I got them we got 10 crafting table I think I need to I need to take my crafting tables with me okay next thing you know you’re going to make like a you’re going to make the eyes ofender in a crafting Table it’s something you would do just despite me I have 27 levels W you know how many levels we’d have if you be in the drag levels of what levels of mother of nether oh [ __ ] that would have been a huge play honestly that would have been Absol oh

Hey that was a there’s a thing here I don’t need to kill these guys why not have oh you’re dead no you’re dead you’re going to die to wither no what you died you died no oh my God no that’s very Funny all right starting from the beginning’s am I going to make another one right now sure pilot uncore was slain by a zombie we’re making another one you should make the you should make the seed for this one for juicy men for juicy men yes absolutely poor juicy men what about

Oily men that’s actually better do oily instead full boily yesy oily boiling not boiling oily is in full of oil that oh my God that sentence coming out of your mouth is so weird no you should put C in the middle of that I work around oil all the

Time cars are full of it okay do four seen full full seen okay hug hug please don’t no we not yeah yeah you just say just say sailor please I don’t you of all people saying that please what’s wrong with Sailors we need them no Sailors is fine

Course they’re all from the Philippines from one as far as I can tell at least most of them are we’re loading into full Fe men W it’s a swamp SW wait this is actually good cuz I kind of oh my God it’s so laggy I can easily get uh sliming blocks and

Stuff and then make what it’s it’s practic practically the whole screen is Blurred on the Discord stream you can still see oh my God it looks like a big jellyfish the way it’s moving around that’s what I’m talking about bro the for C that’s what I’m talking about you need to build a ship if you need Sailors y That’s what I’m talking about

Mhm exactly what I was thinking I have eight pieces of wood go into this biome where is it wait this Mangrove there’s a mangrove mang I kind of just want to I never really got to like take in the atmosphere of the mangrove every time we’re Mangrove it’s we’re killing each

Other yeah it’s a really bad biome isn’t it your face is a really bad biome the [ __ ] what your face is a really bad biome what’s all that gray stuff this is mud that’s mud there’s mud in Minecraft there’s mud in Minecraft now no that [ __ ] P was that’s weird I

Thought it was just dirt M phy why do you keep saying Facebook gaming in my twitch chat Facebook gaming what is Facebook gaming I thought Facebook was out of business ounds it’s called meta now but it’s still called Facebook gaming I think meta it’s called meta yeah you

Didn’t know that the no I haven’t heard the word Facebook or meta in the last 12 years my life yeah Facebook rebranded to meta I bet it’ll be useless it’s useless that’s go efficiency isn’t meta supposed to refer to the new Matrix sure absolutely not completable U meta was because they will

Really pushing on the medos which is really stupid can I join prettyy please with the ter on top sure yes that’s the Matrix I just had to restart my uh cuz I died yeah cuz you suck at this game um you died again no not should been a little more careful you should

Have made a couple more crafting tables I think that would have helped you know I was thinking about that I should have made more crafting tables I just forgot exactly okay it would distract them they would have to craft something I’m going to be a lot more careful from now

On I really like the I I really like how this looks this is so like how what this this whole Minecraft world looks weird all fair points honestly did someone just die yeah oh yeah sorry that was me oh well I’m I just came back from a wedding

And I’m like exhausted what was that oh my God you’re married huh I’m I’m I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna reveal this I’m married guys doy got married you guys had to fin find out like this everyone congratulate doy in chat or you will die I will kill you you’ll go you should kill

Yourself where is I’m right here that’s me no I just changed my username oh yeah could I oh wait yeah yeah you have it like publicly on your Discord so it should be fine you’re married I will ever be during my lifetime like you’re hiding that anymore I’m

Not I’m G to play hardcore at the exact same time I went to a wedding where I actually know who everyone who was there and it was so fun oh oh man I’m H during a wedding it’s a miserable place it’s well okay it’s usually miserable but I

Knew everyone there so it was way more fun I usually know everyone there too that doesn’t make it fun well that’s uh I uh uh cuz you’re white obviously it’s it’s kind of it’s pretty based I feel like I feel like that a very what you yeah dressed up in all these overly

Fancy clothing that you’ll never use for anything else well I’ve been to multiple weddings in my life so I I just reused times I’ve been to multiple weddings this is my that was my wedding your wedding was my wedding did you marry Jam the thir uh awesome I’m going

To I’m going to look up a random random name generator and name disappeared hold on I have a I have a container of bubbles I have one of those bubble containers and I’m like so happy is that what youed like a [ __ ] lava lamp is that what you’re talking about random name

Generator look at this little guy what the hell is that thing it’s a fog uh should I make it oh there’s so many options uh should I make it with any country ever should I make it ancient should I make it biblical can should I make it mythology should I make it mythology

Should I make it Whimsical whim I’m should I make the name whimsicle why is rapper under whimsicle why is rapper under whs what is rapper what is that what is Sim this is under fantasy section I’m saying it’s x a l L A XX I how are you supposed to how you supposed

To say that Sal Sala there’s two x’s sal sal anyways why is rapper under Whimsical wait there’s a lot of names that have two letters I’m going to make it Transformer name what number absolute w a witch name what is a witch name gertude what generate life story what what I

Don’t want I don’t want a randomly generated life story I know that I also back at a swamp this is the smallest aasa known to man oh my God I’m G to send this into the I’m going to send this into the group chat this is the I’m not naming my

I am not naming my my CH uh my what what I’m naming my uh hold on hold on hold on hold on let me what into the nether in 3 minutes 30 seconds my phone is frozen okay good job a normal biome my phone is what the hell is going on with that

Water what do you mean it it’s it’s all it it’s not Minecraft water it’s it looks M realistic that look at this oh no I’m not naming him that Binga Killa booty daddy why does he have six names dude why do he have like six names oh

What that’s incred that’s the best name of all that’s one of the names of all time that is the name of all that isn’t one of the name that is the name of that is the name of all time no not of all time of the time the of the time that

The name of the time oh dude I got a gift basket like I’m five from this from this uh wedding dude they gave me a tiny fidget spinner and I’m like I was like entertained for half the wedding from that theing I’m surprised you got through that wedding you need like

Subway Surfers on the side I was in the wedding so I was like actually doing things the whole hey wait there’s got be sheep or something you guys do things in weddings you can’t do things in weddings you just sit there no I was one of the

Guys that walks down the aisle and like escorts somebody so I I escorted my great grandma to the front row you escorted your great grand you mean you have one that’s still alive and hasn’t been killed off dude she’s only like n 90 only 90 I know people who have great

Grandmothers who are like 120 all right I’m naming this world Gus G after the last name of my beautiful husband W [ __ ] name honestly and or wife and no Daddy’s in the name so why does he have five names though that’s not necessary hey are you judging him

Maybe unless unless it’s like that includes the the middle the middle name cuz people can have two first names a middle name and then two last names how are there two first names and two last names uh first two first names two first names is uh is common in like

Asian countries like what’s that what is that East East Asian countries so like Japan and like the koreas and stuff like that that’s weird like uh I don’t actually is that allowed is am I am I 10 seconds am I allowed to say this guy’s name in the in uh what

Name um probably I mean you’re mentioning I don’t think mentioning him is going to get me in trouble so okay so is name his uh Kim Jong-un okay Kim Jong is his whole first name so it’s Kim and Jong Oh I thought that was the first in middle

Name imagine being named John mid imagine imagine your middle name being Jong that’s crazy normal imagine it’s probably normal over there but Kim Jong-un right that’s two first names Kim and John uh it’s also it’s it’s also like uh uh it’s it’s it’s more like Kim Dash Jong like

This but I guess it’s still two two words um oh Sho but anyways and then the middle name there’s one middle name in places dude do you know who what Drake’s name is Drake who’s Drake the rapper not the guy that came up with the alien thing Aubrey Drake Graham Aubrey Graham that’s

Crazy crazy are those even real Nam they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats rats make me crazy crazy I was crazy onac racist what West’s name is just Kanye West um magic named West John at my cheese Travis SC Travis Scott’s name is jock Burman Webster

II Webster Spiderman you’re talking to what jock Burman Webster II guys CAD said in my chat Tim John a my sandwich Kim John Kim John okay so 21 Savage’s name I can’t even pronounce sh Abraham Joseph it’s probably just Abraham Abraham J Abraham is in Abraham imagine being named Abraham

Joseph as your last name that’s great how can you have two names that are how can you have two last names well because uh that’s actually that’s um that’s very common in like in South like South either South both South America and in like Mexico where my uh where my mother

Is from like that’s where her family’s from so her her last name her last name is a combination of her both of her parents last names so they couldn’t pick so they couldn’t decide between one uh I get uh well okay so I think wait they couldn’t decide between one I think it’s

Just tradition tradition yeah in Mexico and like South America so if two people who have like two last names get together and have a child right they have it’s their fathers oh God they should they should make it so that you have full last name if that happens that’s be terrible you get

Bulled and then 32 you I wonder how far you can take it legally I wonder how far you can take that legally cuz it’s it’s still technically Mexico OMG what OMG OMG Mexico Mexico is a nice country is a country I think it’s the I

There didn’t I did you OMG what okay so who Hold On pronunciator in It ignoring the uh little crimes ignoring the uh little crimes the pal nothing wrong new mexic or not New Mexico Mexico City that’s that’s actually the crime C capital of the world I’m pretty sure

Crime capital of the world yeah Mexico City highest murder wait hold on you put the Mexico filter on I put the Mexico filter on guys hold on it’s not Enough guys go to Mexico now cartel gangs killing a struggling mother for three basos that’s a hold on give me a second cartel gang what are cartel different than normal gangs yeah cartel is like a large organization that’s that has some participation in the government like uh

This is exactly Italian mafia kind of oh so it’s like bureaucracies it’s showing up it’s showing up on your thing what I didn’t real okay hold on uh image image uh downloads okay why is it so fast you have no idea what I just I’m saying right now leddon L what is

Leddon oh my God it’s a horror game from or horror move horror movie from 2015 why is it so quick hor movie why is it so quick most of them looks like it’s going through a hurricane right now jesz what is it with horror movies why

Is it that almost all of them are terrible if you look if you look right and and you’re not uh not good at looking at Movies looking for movies then you’ll find really really good ones your your next is a really good one don’t don’t watch a

Lot of older horror movies because all of those suck most of the time like the original Friday the 13th sucks I need to find the perfect place I want to live in a cherry biome dude I was about to say FNAF 2 uh FNAF 2 uh my favorite home Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th um the part two I mean but what is there a is that a watermark horr movies stream quality just depleting is that you have to stand by on the volume knob at all times otherwise you’ll wake up the neighbors how you know just keep it up and kill

Everyone with the sound waves how did you know we in a horane what how well cuz I’m there you can tell by the you can tell by the orange filter that’s on the screen that I’m in Mexico obviously why am I hearing echoing mego oh yeah no it’s it’s my microphone I’m

Sorry SK wow [ __ ] you I hate you Violet when people say stuff when people when people like I get when I get fake mad at people I try my best to make it look as genuine as possible I need to find the perfect place to live none of these places look good

Enough why do you ghost an echo ghost Colorado I don’t I’m hearing Echoes for myself too oh I’m not I’m not hearing Echoes I’m not oh actually I am I’m hearing Echoes other Mexico as you can tell by the orange TT on the Screen yeah what yeah you’re in Mexican toes mexan all right I’m done I’m leaving oo look at this pit wait wait I like this place I like this place oh it’s a donut it’s a donut it’s a donut it’s a donut stay middle build a house

In the middle yeah build a house in the middle I’m going find this this is like where Matt gaming built its house who is Matt gaming is that a rapper no M at gaming is that a rapper are you talking about M gaming yes that one yeah did you say Matt

Gaming I thought I thought he said Matt gaming well did you say in I’m not I didn’t hear MF gaming Angry Video Game Nerd MF gaming gamer is somebody that uh me and uh me and Connell watched in like elementary school it’s a it’s a long Dead YouTube

Channel oh yeah is it like Machinima like what no it’s it’s a small it’s just one guy oh okay surv MAA isn’t one guy or it didn’t used to be one guy I don’t think so I don’t know mashima Machinima it’s not Pon it’s a it’s a it’s like a company I’m pretty

Sure now it’s a company it’s like a company that uh that like gets you get you submit like um Clips to it it’s like um sniping wolf but they give credit what is a Sniper Wolf okay I’m done explaining does it kill wol has a bag Ro

Has a that’s not where the space bar goes that’s not where the space bar goes nobody’s GNA no space bar is right where it belongs that’s not right on my computer BL BL theel will chase you until your doom and American stole 5K pezos Rie mistake and

They chased him into the US CL I stole $1 million from the government that’s funny nice that’s funny that’s funny Minecraft funny moments that’s in this video I’m going to be robbing from the government CS Go funny fails funny moments funny fail moments this is situation dude I used to not have the

Attention spam to like build stuff this carel um are they one of the organizations that will survive the apocalypse uh I stole onek guys will the they chase me to the US game will theel double never mind what is all this echoing about I was trying to say WTF

But I said Double T three times in a row so why am I hearing so much Echoes to double TF double TF double double TF double touf double TF double F double touble F double double you don’t pronounce that so it’s double double double double why am I hearing Echoes double what the

[ __ ] okay well I muted myself every time I or violent says anything I just hear Echoes double WTF Wait okay okay wait talk hello [ __ ] your mom that even more Echoes oh I turned it I turned it I turned it down so you shouldn’t be able to hear Echoes those Emerald oh it stopped echoing I think yeah that’s because that’s because I fixed it oh yeah how did you do that

Uh I had I had to turn the what’s it called uh the domain the input sensitivity up input sens or down what is input sensitivity it’s uh the domain where like it captures your voice like uh if you’re speaking too quiet it won’t pick up your

Voice that’s uh it’s a it’s an option in Discord I or you just turn your Vol I made in my friend’s realm on Bedrock what the house I made in Bedrock there’s a house even the clouds are weird I have footage of it somewhere hold

On you have Freddy what no I have no I have flood Minecraft even the clouds are weird the water’s weird the clouds are hold on I’m going to I’m going to run a I’m going to play a game and I’m going to you put you put

Uh put my game on your screen and stream and I’m going to make it it’s going to be the most convoluted stream you’ve ever made what game is what should I what should I play footage of I think no this isn’t footage of me building it TF2 I’m

Going to make I’m going to I’m going to play TF2 uh oh no that wasn’t that that was that other thing I was trying to do at one time yeah we can delete those then hopefully my my computer doesn’t shut off buing that house wait is that a different skin oh yeah

What why do you have a different skin bro why why is your hand in front of your body oh cuz when you have high fov it does that it’s pretty bad Bedrock sucks what is high oh that’s in Bedrock okay that makes sense what is high fod

So this feel the view like the amount of uh degrees you can see it’s measured in degrees Jesus Oh my God it’s so loud that’s weird what oh my God I played TF2 and it like blasted needles into my ears it was so loud tf2 Team Fortress holy [ __ ] never heard of

It you are so true I don’t know I feel like this wouldn’t look as good with the with thex I fail this looks so hasn’t heard of anything that’s come out in like the last 20 years I hope the VM still exists guys maybe later on the stream I’ll show

You guys the house uh if if the v’s still up um doesn’t care um your face show the show my show my show mine on your screen show mine show my gameplay on your screen watching that okay hold on casual what’s going on here yeah

Okay is it is it does it work is it working hold on I’m goingon to hold on I can see something setting it up yeah hold on join now little March I’m going to turn off the Mexico stuff I’m leaving no make it no no make it New Mexico love Mexico I’ve left

Mexico you did you just say Mexico shut up I hate you I played the most as Scout I hate myself he window hate you cannot possibly turn off Mexico Mex and anyone lives in it can do no wrong they literally disappeared right now I don’t know what disappeared

What happened to Mexico did someone nuke it oh yeah no actually just it evaporated evapor well that’s so I guess I’m playing uh wait I kind of want to play what should I play what what class oh never mind there’s a cat there wait what’s going on

Oh there was I I saw it when I was in Mexico there was a cat there there was at least one cat in Mexico going to be Scout yeah yeah hi princess hi welcome to the stream hello princess why is there a hand with a sword there’s a gun and there what’s

With the cage what’s the cage for why is there a cage Theage I can’t shoot him yet why are you shoo second wait never mind I thought I recognized that profile picture I thought that was somebody who I thought it wasn’t who I thought starting in 30 seconds I thought I honestly thought that was over here from a distance that’s my best my

Bad eyes thought that was sash’s profile picture if you know who so loud face reveal at um well I did a face R the narrowest G real I’ll do hold on I’ll do the face Ral again oh I have a cheater on my team let me face hold

On why are you H the baseball bat okay so that’s that part of my face right and then there my eye and he was like my full head and he was like goes the rest of that and then he like am I on Blue te and my face

One I think we I think we went over my whole face right a I want to vote Yes I think that was my entire face pretty sure wait how do I vote William Freeman who is William Freeman bro is that my teammate I think I was shooting my teammate oh this sucks uh

Um that it’s dark but I’m it’s fine so there there that part and then there’s that and then there we go I cannot hear it’s too quiet else is so loud I can’t hear it I just T just T off the sound of the of the of the TF2 heavy pyro with

Air poof I’m air poofing right now go away I turned off one of the sounds okay can you oh I’m is it walking now I’m killing people this sucks I think so but you’re still a lot quieter than the than the other guy dir if you right click on

Me then there will be a uh there’ll be a little bar and it says user volume yeah user uh how the hell do I um I don’t see any bar do you want my only fans or what absolutely o I’m flaming them I’m flaming them dude I just flamed them

Bro you you clicked off of my stream so you’re just seeing the Discord call oh go now maybe it’ll work I think I did something crap I’m I can’t hear it at all now that means I probably I’m doing something this will be the emerald of something I don’t know what should be

The N word of what should the nword be what no what what as well to be fair what should what should this is going to be the emerald of something what should it be the emerald of oh I don’t know I thought you were saying the n

Word I definitely was not saying the Nal as in like what Emerald there’s no I’ll just use ability well bro bro I’m about I’m about let me think what I’m about to say let me think about what I’m Sayo bro bro what is that sound oh okay there’s a guy right here

What did I just blow something up y I just blew someone up oops I just blew someone I thought I saw Outpost I was like what I keep I keep getting killed by these sentry guns dude sucks and my hair is itchy it sucks okay is there no medic on my team

Bro there are no Medics on my team right now hold I have’t hold on oh my my God I’m getting bu [ __ ] oh my they had a swear World in this free song no no swearing oh there oh my God how this oh oh my God oh my

God is there does he only have oh Christ what’s going on oh my God all right I’m very confused that was nice me and this Emerald are now in a relationship me and the EMD the emerald not every time bro that’s actually what I’m hearing though that’s actually what

I’m actually what it sounds like you’re saying like I’m not even are you talking about that block of emerald or yeah me N word can you stop saying the n word please I’m not saying the n word I swear don’t swear PG why are you swearing bro [ __ ] I can’t swear

[ __ ] [ __ ] am I dying [ __ ] oh oh he’s he cloaked as hold on I’m going to why would you have a relationship with an emerald why why don’t just have a relationship with a machine like a car or a clock or something like a guitar or a clock you said

A an automobile I was gonna say especially an old those ones have never mind I wasn’t going to say anything I forgot wait did doors not work underwater anymore um what do you mean usually I got an achievement for taking 1,000 points of damage in one life usually

Underwater when you place a door underwater in Minecraft it forms a air pocket yeah it did it did yeah why can I not see it I you can’t see my screen for some reason it’s just dark completely dark like are you able to see my screen like in general or what your

Why would I want to look at your screen you’re just shooting things no I’m cuz because it’s on stream right now it’s just a dark Square on the screen oh there we go y it’s cuz Discord wasn’t tabbed in okay I I think I might have gotten hit by AE

Loud oh my God why is it so loud what is what is that noise it’s horrible don’t worry about it what what it’s overly loud oh hi cos up what the [ __ ] he [ __ ] I’m playing manhon right now against some pig I need to make a oh wait I have a

Shield what is this guy doing just left a mid round what am I going to do I go into that cave caves are evil don’t go into the Cave the Cave is bad wait the hell is that noise what’s up William Freeman what’s up Gordon Freeman what’s up

Gordon the flesh or rather the hazard suit I took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons as for the suit I think you’ve earned it what weapons who needs weapons I’m sorry I want to listen to this one specifically listen to what this I can’t hear stream can though oopsies oopsies

I cannot hear anything overall of the shouting it’s ridiculous Skillet you I’m shouting right now why shy and creaming right now what what who is moris I’m laging we have one piece of I am let’s go one piece the one piece I my my neurons activated yeah have any

Neurons it’s not a good thing here not all that’s not usually a good thing if if I’m being fully honest uh when you don’t have neurons what would I need neurons for I have gears it’s for your brain yes that’s how my brain works it’s a bunch of Gears your your brain is

Neurons it’s fully made of neurons fully made of neurons yeah and like skin particles maybe like skin stuff don’t think it’s skin particles there’s a there there’s something I forgot what it’s called but it’s on the outside of the brain it’s like a like a like a no it’s

Um it’s like the SK it’s like skin around your brain I dissected a brain in um in like seventh grade like a sheep brain and it’s it’s over the the human brain too but it’s a little thinner um what kind of lunatic are you what kind of what what kind of

Lunatic are you dissecting brains and stuff uh uh one that went to school I’m going to say that why would you do such a thing why would I go to school what’s wrong with oh there’s a hole all the way down to Diamond level here red wins oh I’m going to I’m viers

Didn’t go to school I went to school I just didn’t stay there for very long you went to school too oh my God what does that sound both I’m yelling you yell too much I’ll be honest constructive criticism you would be a batt pson if you didn’t yell as much what what the

[ __ ] was that emoji that was not not me I’m going to say that right now that wasn’t me that was the Taco Bell uh logo sound the [ __ ] that was a school face emoji Taco Bell logo sound this is so illegal why is it not updating I mean

I’m is that racist no you’re white have to calculate if that was racist or not never mind never mind wait second not because it’s not what is that noise it’s horrible why is it so bad guys dopy is now not saying what she was going to say

Because it’s not why is it so loud oh yeah I completely forgot I’m hearing at rist I forget there’s lava down there neat spraying over ni I’m not spraying dude I I don’t heal the sound B itself and only heal the echo from other people who have it

On yes I I thought I turned down my soundboard what is a soundboard it’s a you press a button in the sound I was about to call you cosmics um Conor hasn’t heard of anything in the last 20 years I’m convinced yeah literally anything in

General is it like a horn is it like a car horn a sound board not sound horn a sound board yes what is a sound board a soundboard is what the [ __ ] was that emotional damage sbl too often oh my God it’s SP oh my God it’s

Skill oh my God is it Cosmic here um I’ll be right back there memb what that Means you know exactly what that means obviously I’ll just knock a wrench loose that sounds a awful lot like when I knock a wrench loose a lawful lot what a lawful lot yeah a lawful lot as in not an unlawful lot an un unlawful amount I’m hearing more noises the

Voices why is there so many noises where’s my I think someone knock on the door y they recreated the scene you know the scene in GT oh Christ do you know the scene in GTA where uh where Michael meet meets up with Franklin or Franklin Goes to Michael’s house or whatever don’t you

Mean GTO those are so no GTA is I’m going to play a different game oh my God I can’t hear anything because there’s so many noises what the hell is someone falling into a microphone oh I was inhaling actually sorry inhaling I’m I’m about to St inhaling stop breathing okay stop Brea stop

Breathing wow can I play what do you mean can you play it’s not multiplayer sorry I stopped breathing for a you get any subscribers today h i don’t know I’m a subscriber I subscribed you’re a subscriber I did I sub where I at now oh I gained somebody who wasn’t

You why does it sound like somebody has a t can we stop with the SS little wait somebody play somebody play a soundboard no no please don’t just one she Deon in here he’s the master of boards the stream doesn’t even does anyone else want to played hit this stupid wall with what Is all right I was GNA I was going to make chests so that my inventory is not as full Derpy do you want to play bedwars oh yeah are you good or you bad I’m pretty good I I haven’t played in a long time but the last time I played was like a

Week ago and I was pretty good what is all of that noise bro you pretty good are you like sh turn your uh turn the turn the turn the soundboard volume down excuse me why are you so loud why are you all so loud you just just the click yeah you

Can right click on them and then volume and then use your volume and slide it down to like 50% if they’re way too loud or like whatever volume you you want I’m loading up Minecraft right now uh killer oh my God there’s six of them yep including how did this happen

There’s six what what is that what’s that what’s that never heard of that before there’s no ey in sex hold on I’m gonna I’m gon to pick a randomly can’t spell six fat Hammer Young G okay you should do a daily stream every day that’s crazy you should

Do a daily what’s a good wrestler name a dead week of just playing hard Ultra woman power Tripper I might do that oh the I I died on I I died on full big guys so now we have now I’m in a what was it what are we in now full SE

Men yeah full men you drag double threat where’s time I forgot that I’m not a speed run hold second I’m a speed Runner I do speeduns sometimes what I’m still I’m still loading in I I need to go into actual Hypixel okay uh rapper what’s a good rapper name

Um mob P gangster D gang why are you making all these noises pu I think it’s Cosmic it’s causing all the noise s x Super Fly x m got toe them I wish I could M them for you Connell but I I gen I don’t tell you how to not

You we’ll go to that another time actually there’s a village I have something else I was doing I got to find out where I can go there you can Slaughter the entire population and blow up the place turning it into a big smoking crater that’s what I normally do I’m not

Going to commit Mass moral why not they deserve it why do they deserve what did they do to you I haven’t play played this in a long time I can make that it’s such a funny remember oh my God I just jumped off someone left I think it was cosmics Cosmic

Left I agree with you kind of suck I do cuz I haven’t played bridge in like over a year oh man I forgot I just forgot I was playing the game sorry uh okay wait I am pickax oh no way did you land bro I landed dude I I clutched that

Was crazy crazy C I was crazy once you know they locked me in a room [ __ ] it okay being crazy is a good thing it is never a bad thing it is always good this guy sounds like a communist oh see the ISS that was a crazy extension bro it

Looks like you’re a little that’s actually pretty cool oh no way this is pretty cool the one where you extended out a drag click oh I didn’t drag click I butterfly click all the way no way I’m going to race this I used to Butterfly click I

Just hope you don’t like I just shot the wall hold on okay I I lose I I I lose instantly well now you lose cuz you drop down in front of like a bit you can’t go I can make this jump right surely I’m scared I was not going to make

That I I did it easy I’m going to stop doing dumb stuff this is how I die in the full stream this is how it happens you stop streaming already how did you get that’s crazy I suck I appr what the [ __ ] a lot of things a lot of

Stupid that’s not one of them fighting those guys is not one of them what guys the uh spidal you you can fight you know I will lose start raging right now I’ll fight you easy against anyone are you on roids what you’re on roids bro you can make that [ __ ] oh my

God I don’t care much my God I hate this I hate this game dude just kidding just kidding I love it I love this game so much and you just juked me out of my mind dude you should say your screen again my PC is gonna fry itself dude K

You should share the screen okay I will has this happen Okay does this like okay wait actually let’s try let’s Cho let’s both kill each other both kill each other seems like as soon as Cosmic left the stream got a lot more quiet either that or I just figured out how to

Adjust the volume Strang that emal block is my is I’m in a relationship with that em block as we established so you’re pretty much saying you want to be my husband and SL wife and SL other oh I do I do Violet I love

You no you say no I don’t no you don’t oh man it’s I cannot myself I’m pretty sure that you’re the reason I failed and finally dud I cannot be anyone’s wife husband or other unless of course that is just happens to be some kind of I [ __ ] pretty sure that has its

Occasional use what I said I [ __ ] up but then this like dude kept on talking so I couldn’t say it I can only be useful when I have a purpose and when I don’t have a purpose there’s no need to keep me around there yeah you don’t have a

Purpose you should kill yourself now oh my God how did I do that how did I do that that how did I do that you serve a zero purpose my purpose right now is to fix my mother’s car which is currently in pieces you crashed the car what you

Crashed the car I knew it oh no I didn’t crash that one I crashed some other car no way you okay this is inconvenient in timing people was suck that was s what what did I do that was inconvenient are you azy you’re crazy no but I do explosions than one I

Have an endle pole guys I keep pre-firing and I just don’t think it’s a good idea do you mean that sucks what are they us for uh I mean you need them to get to the end not gonna hit that and why is your stream so laggy and dark um oh I

You what are you doing oh you just fell oh look your stream it has it has the Discord just off to the side hi Norman it’s just the Discord boxes Norman what is Norman Norman is one of my channels dude is it a nor you uh yes the only normal

Chan okay I’m like I’m sweating so hard right now I can tell sounds like it God damn it ah okay GG like all I hear coming from your [ __ ] leg is just [ __ ] I’m like I’m like I’m like fully hyperventilating right now okay you want to go straight to bed okay all

Right we’re going to get no I don’t want to get that reference what is irrelevant now we don’t need to talk about it oned this is crazy okay you’re doing dude I didn’t even notice there was water there I’ll I’ll do the video there’s a whole bunch ofs you’re about to die I’m

Not oh youv you have a pickaxe use that I’m turtling hold on you have 700 pickaxes for some reason wait I would have died long ago in that game yeah all those mobs well you’re not on Violet’s level are you that’s what I thought I would

Have died long ago again and again and again and again and again to get H’s on anybody’s level heed a new level they kill you it’s it is yeah but I got the bed so it’s okay he’s probably worse at the game than someone who’s never played I am Conor

Level are you okay I got one down to I got one down to three and one down to one oh my God why is it so blurry why is it so blurry you’re I can barely see anything oh wait I have to click the thing hold on what

Thing pink might be coming over here right now no never mind never mind okay we’re chilling yeah we’re chilling wait you have kill frog pink hasn’t bridged to their diamonds yet so should we go there or what no not yet it’s actually so funny you have killer frog

Stream enough it’s like it’s like Minecraft Parkour on the side yeah it’s like sub it’s literally Subway Sur you should split the stream so like it’s like half bedwar half half Subway Surfers actually W uh I’m to play some dead by Daylights cuz I hate myself you have like two gold

I want to get iron armor no I just spent why did I check my inventory when you said that slow Turbo fast is that it is did you get did you get so dark I can’t see anything ridiculous need can’t see anything it’s fine I can see you guys have a skill

Issue well aren’t you trying to entertain your viewers streer is that the whole point of why you’re streaming have enjoy supp still clear and you failed complely can’t see anything on stream all I can see is that lava and the GL sk’s diamond diamond I found diamonds diamonds in a pitch black but

You did I’m going to invest my diamonds hold on I’m going to I’m gonna get protection and a trap I’m gonna get protection and a minor fatigue listen when chat can’t when chat can’t see they’ll just look at the side of the screen anyways and see somebody else’s game play it’s fine

Exactly pink still hasn’t gone to their Diamond generator you sure you’re sure you don’t want to go to there need to get green out first maybe I start game so I can bore everyone why are you so excited about slimes slimes are because they’re rare it’s

Like specific biomes that you can get it from you can take their balls okay yeah what do you need slime balls for what are they even for what’s their purpose uh you can make sticky pistons on them and uh leads I almost said leads and I would have start crying I found

More of the diamonds keep pistons and Lead there’s no lead in Minecraft there’s leads though there’s no lead in Minecraft dude it’s like there’s still no lead in Minecraft they should make the they should make the nuclear bomb mod where you can where you can encase radioactive

Material in lead and create a nuclear reactor you update yeah that’ll work add bombs to anything and it’ll be a good I good thing surely I’m I’m in I’m still in the bridge mindset I’m I’m I’m insane hold I was about to Suicide right now

For all that okay is that no it’s a zombie worth one person oh this guy’s got a sword okay no way really does he does he have a sword I’m sorry I’m really agressive mother I forgot that you know difficulty sure he has a they do a lot of damage on roids right

Now the I pleed the fifth they’re about to die again no wonder your voice and no wonder your anger and no wonder you talking about underscore was slain by a zombie I can see it now oh Christ I they had a trap yeah bro traps always get

You especially when they’re from all you can see is the glowing i’t gotten by few traps before they normally say ha haa after it’s not very nice I cry a little I’m very nice I’m super nice dude Batman I’m super nice Batman pame Batman I’m so nice Batman Batman I just came

Batman about to go on a whole Spiel in the in the Joker voice you said that I immediately just lost it can come to Green my father one day he came up to me and he said he would you rather have unlimited B but no more video games or what you rather have

Games get this unlimited games wait what wait unlimited but no games oh oh jeez oh golly oh gosh huh golly you said golly goou what that sounds like a that sounds like a dish in it I said Italian it’s open it’s open get it what’s wrong with Italia Italia is

Fine it’s full of Italians Italians what’s wrong with Italia what’s wrong with Italia it’s fine there’s nothing wrong with it there’s nothing wrong with it it’s full of ancient ruins and Italians and more ruins they’ve got some boats there I [Laughter] think I don’t know why I’m being so giggly today

Why did I laugh like that because bro these pink guys are so laggy I’m gonna start the pink eye is so laggy what yeah pink eye is so laggy oh wait is there our face sorry what um I said I love you in French too it is I just wasn’t paying

Attention I was like genuinely asking what you said you just have a second screen share for that’s not what my blocks all I almost I almost just said I got FNAF to uh I can’t see anything you don’t have any blocks because there’s nothing there you’re just in the void oh a mother

Teammate disconnected that’s my block still you di again oh shot by skeletons being more careful you say more careful you say oh wait are they are they rushing are they rushing just make your whole stream killer you should call the next one disappointment where’s uh where’s Green disappointment is already at the

Seting hold on I need to I need to go across the map oh are they rushing our base okay it’s big I like that too I’m dis what world I hated that song you know that I every time I saw it on my 4 You page I burned my phone okay you like

Void void again you said are you here oh yeah I I’m here I I just needed to buy some dude I’m in like so many different minets at once I almost said Matt because I just got off of fortnite I didn’t know you played fortnite that’s kind of an l i i they

They returned the revolver so I had to teach them a lesson the revolver’s back the revolver’s back and I’m a revolver demon dude you have no you don’t understand I got like 12 kills my first game back cuz I had I got a revolver is fortnite a gun manufacturer no for no

Fortnite is fortnite a crack manufacturer no he a gun do do people manufacture crack is that a thing that people do exist they are like oh my God I break things all the time I killed one I killed one I killed one we got to we have to we have to be

Like sweating right now stream brought to you by fortnite crack yep bro bro bro Dery fortnite fortnite is a game where it has crack on he was on three no do the CRA when you play the game is that what it is yeah sure okay it sounds like a pretty shitty game but we’re not whoever just kidding should I go play VC random

Actually I’m going to go play VC random all right you ate me what whatman nobody ate pilot left oh wait you want to play bedwars this’s lying what I’m running at 223 frames per second right now well just in case you should probably you’re playing dead by daylight

Bro of course I gotta get my dubs because yes they are prob trying to e by daylight yeah of course you’re dead by daylight that’s what they do they’re cannibal perfect water here of course the good thing about cannibals is they’re really stupid so it shouldn’t be that hard to

Hide from them I just came up with the best idea Ever every time there’s a cannibal they’re just like am I ready if you can hear it breathing it’s probably too late to escape that’s the perfect bubble question hire me so silly Viet housewife

AF what do you mean by that do you what do you mean by Violet is house wifewife AF what does this imply you absolutely are am I I don’t think that would work oh my God I do not think you would make a very good 1950s housewife oh my God why not

Why not why 1950s why 1950s that was the peak of the housewife you have no idea I just I almost just died the 19 like I’m gonna screen regularly in they would apparently just stay at home order out of their minds and occasionally run the washer machine and that’s pretty

Much it far as I can tell and need to find a dishwasher occasionally as well what was that that might have been possible I hold something I don’t know if it was in the music oh I I would fail completely at that very hard that

100% I just had the best idea ever just housewife you know what I don’t know what it means my screen on the I don’t know what you are implying by saying I’m a house AF I’m probably okay with put my screen on the stream put my screen on the stream

Too fail being a housewife it sounds like too much work put it on the left like put uh put My Stream as one thing and put your and put remember there we go we just got this hold on I’ve never actually remembered to do the launder on my own not even to

Date soone I I only ever do it when someone yells at this is the disc laund and someone yells at me it put it on the bottom of the on the top of the or on the side of always that why is it Norman X Violet is not going to

Happen crop crop our scre why are you an advocate for Norman X Violet Norman X Violet does that mean that Violet became Norman no little pg3 brain yes violet Violet crop it and and enlarge it and cover the no no cuz then people can know who’s talking well because there’s

A lot of people in the VC what that doesn’t oh my god when I was or C make two things one is that and one is the people in the call hold on wait control V yeah why there two of them make that that and that that uh

Recrop it a little so like less sucks it just sucks less or make it as janky as possible that’s five nights of Freddy’s Five Nights of Freddy’s is objectively boring game everyone knows that five night at FR two night five is is like insane 2 is like the only one of like

The to enjoy that this is this is five nights something that’s actually little blue waffle I don’t know if I should guys does anyone know this do not Google blue waffles you do not want to Google blue I okay thank you who paints waffles blue do not

Yep that’s what I’m saying Connor I want you to Google blue no no do not do not cuz if it’s something bad do not we’re not advocating Connell to do this con’s the last going to describe exactly what it is Conor is going to describe exactly what’s going on on the

Screen fn’s the last person I want to search something like that it’s a waffle with blueberries on it guys what do you think what do you think about this very very good stream hold on I get rid of the text like a more what kind of idiot dies a waffles

Blue apparently someone did it someone died waffles blue why would anyone do that that’s what I it’s those Toaster waffles too it is not literally blue waffles okay that’s what I got on the images why you blue waffle disease blue waffle disease is it where someone eats waffles

That have been dyed blue and then dies of poisoning don’t sech it don’t sech it Connor what okay I’m going to sech it up so that Connell doesn’t cuz if con’s going to sech it up I got to know what it is okay yeah don’t search it up don’t

Search it up why would you search it up because I wanted to make sure I wanted to see if Connell can search it up and he can’t Connell don’t search it up dude oh I’m form of food poisoning blue waffle disease is that’s what it sounds like going on

Here I just realized that’s messing with the thing oh my God oh God at this game why is there Marshmallow with Roblox P oh my god dude I just saw it on the stream oh my God okay that’s incredible that’s beautiful what marshmallows with Roblox faces me

To what okay what what what’s everything that appeals when I do this why why say I like boys but plays boys with men I like men oh my God I can’t believe you got why would you say that why is that my P what is that oh did I put my mask on

In time I won my soul oh I won I win the game why would you like men everyone knows that men are Obsolete and destined for the scrapyards men are better than women that’s just the fact how is that they’re obsolete I think both equally awesome

And I mean they’re Nots and outm of attractiveness that is a w gift that is a very W where did you even wait is that what the W make this I I I lose I lose the game I’m about to get jump scared well second I thought it was a

Emo no that would have make sense I’m still alive somehow what is a w gift no a w I’m getting I’m I’m doing it too late D you should get like a am I still alive right now you should get a what is counter on screen for every time cos

[ __ ] Conor said that what is yeah what is how am I at 2 I don’t want to T out I’m hyper focused right now be careful there’s a magn heal oh my God this cannot be a vehicle thing where every time they save the world heal it it becomes

Healed speak this cannot be a vehicle think level surely not Japanese need where you where our sounds exactly the same L that’s how it works it wasn’t showing that foxy was in the hallway there three things in the hallway it’s not Weir it’s not Weir it’s Weir it’s a different I’m

Weird even when me try to say weird it sounds like weird how is it possible it just sounds like I’m only my off this isn’t even my fault this just the engl the English language is it’s broken this isn’t even my fault if you say a word too many times

In a row it doesn’t sound like a real word the American language is far superior to the English language everyone knows this wait what the American language is of course far superior to the English oh yeah yeah yeah that’s true that’s true stupid what did you say right

Now which one of you is talking Spanish or whatever other language it is a stupid me that’s me I’m also speaking of sometimes but it’s mostly FY that’s I’m saying you don’t even know what that says it’s a keep getting advertisements in Spanish on YouTube why there’s no excuse for it

Guys I found something I did not select Spanish as a w as a language I have never watched any Spanish videos why are you giving me Spanish ads actually that’s a that’s not a speak that’s not I want to why do you put torches on every surface of that block uh

Because wait ghosty you know a lot about the game uh do you know if uh spawns if you need to put all torches on anymore no okay why don’t I just break it wait no you don’t have to or no you don’t know I don’t

Know I I don’t remember the last time I used one of those things why don’t you just break it every time I see one cuz monster spawners are so unbelievably slow to XP what is the point I don’t know I need to find oh Jesus mother of

God hold on I got to see if somebody’s home Oh I’m going to go ahead and make make a how in the love of [ __ ] god did I hit that person and I didn’t mean to do that I’m already not doing too good cheese that’s honest Norman I didn’t even think about it that what did you just send one you said

That which one of these is called Norman uh no nobody it’s it’s someone in my YouTube chat in the YouTube chat yeah I go there sometimes but not when I’m here all right cool uh Google Translate Google trans Google trans huge I like I do too 881 day streak let’s

Go Yi and I won my game let’s go yippe okay I’ve got to around I got to find sheep I found sheep your entire stream is pixelated have you seen us the entire Minecraft screen it’s just pixels oh no way really is it is the Minecraft Minecraft has

Pixels the screen has pixels on it I don’t believe [Laughter] that okay it’s fixed is there’s a lot going on then the Discord stream’s going to struggle there’s a jungle over there we going go into the jungle a jungle what’s a j I don’t see any jungle

That that’s just an oak tree that’s not an oak tree it looks like one no that’s a jungle tree isn’t it you can see the shape it looks like an oak tree oh what about birch trees oh yeah it’s jungle birch trees bir about that’s also jungle yeah these are jungle trees

Why are they shaped like oak trees uh why are they big towering jungle trees what happened to the big towering jungle trees where are they um they exist this is just not a big jungle biome this is a small I want to live here I want to live here I don’t know

Why I want live here jungle biomes are crap dude leaves so L the rainbow in FNAF world the voice of the rainbow in in FNAF world is a very nice old lady that’s so cool the rainbow in Five Nights at Freddy’s world that’s really mean mean to you throughout the game is

Like literally just a nice old lady why would there be a rainbow in Five Nights of Freddy’s see those a big jungle Cheese look hold on this is racist why is my PO smaller than dery I’m not seeing any rainbows I’m hearing voices I’m not dud she so sweet in real life

Oh my God it like warms my heart it warms my heart guys I’m going to live here heart made warm by an external Source that’s not how that work you you know what uh you know what uh what also warms my heart swallowing lava that that might work that would work might I

Mean I should start doing that once it drops below 40° cuz as soon as it does that my hands are completely useless well he well if you swallow it it won’t get to your hands oh maybe I can just dip my hands in it then where are you going to get

Lava dude I knower what I know just know just note just maybe substitute some molten metal with the with the arc welder it has like the the the the the uh sunlight beam I like that sunlight I just want to keep looking at that gone

Now okay oh there’s a cow how much iron did I get that many you know what would be really funny what no hold on I’m like speech in Spiderman a speech in SPID focused right now you have a speech and SP I a speech in Spiderman say I’m not doing that one I’m

Not doing I’m not doing that one the [ __ ] kind of game is that why why are you digging holes in concrete wor about it it’s my hole I’m D I love eating concrete am I dumb as [ __ ] I’m actually lost SK I’m so oh no he is here what the

[ __ ] it’s about to get like extremely chaotic and I hate My Life um I love doing that what’s about to get chaotic you know what’s about to get chaotic uh no I’m not going to say that because that’s mean f this a very PG-13 you can’t do

That no more S I was about to say I was I think I was about to say uh you know what else would go crazy a 9mm bullet in your skull 9 mm why a 9 mm isn’t it us like the most easily accessible one than like a 22 but

A 22 is I don’t know oh my God I’m like skilled I’m literally skilled at this game isn’t it usually the 10 mm sockets that always disappear and get lost you’re not talking about we’re talking about bullets Conor we’re talking about bullets and guns I don’t know [ __ ] about bullets and

Guns guns are stupid everyone knows that why gun stupid I’m about to start freaking out right now they have no you I’m tweaking what they have I’m tweaking I closed the game have plent of uses I never people I’m never in a junkyard going I wish I

Had a gun right now you know I have you know what I’ve heard a a 9 mm bullet I’m going to keep saying that but shut up this song has lyrics what song has lyrics you said shut up I was saying shut up to the song like [ __ ] Skyler white

Yo shut up my name is Skyler white yo my hus is racist yo yo my husband is white yo uhhuh he told me everything speech in Spider-Man yeah I have a speech in Spider-Man I thought you were literally I thought you were literally saying speech in Spider-Man like in the game

Spiderman is stupid too bro this guy has no relevant opinions Violet guess what stupid what all it ever does is breaks everything that’s literally every superhero ever that you just descri what are you talking about let make a guess superheroes in general are pretty Spider-Man is even worse I’m TR youman I

Guet the road the road why did why did Norman Forest the road the road why uh to uh [ __ ] it why look behind you face oh hey Norman guys it’s Norman looking through my window where hi Norman Reus what a dedicated view who’s Norman racist I love dedicated viewers like

That I love my dedicated viewers look I love my dead viewers I have a I don’t know why I’m grabbing it like that I have a I have a um what’s it called stop moving hold on yes burn it alive burn it alive watch it watch it burn watch it boil you

Insane I know you’re mentally unstable what’s wrong with that that is a natural Advantage don’t you know is it yes I believe you hold on it is a strength to be insane yeah that’s if I was not insane I would be depressed y that’s how that’s how it

Works you’re either insane or C that’s why I’m why am I both Freddy this is not Freddy Fazbear hold on if you’re both then then there’s probably something wrong with you I’m cosplaying as Freddy Fazbear right now no man claims not to be racist show me on everyone’s racist me

On screen everyone is racist I don’t think everyone is racist con not as racist as me but everyone is still racist hating a an animal species isn’t racist how is that because that’s not a race that’s a species you’re species show my camera playing as Freddy Faz you need to stop saying your

Races show my but what if you watch races show my C show my camera show my camera I’m I’m cosplaying as Freddy Fazbear oh my God they closed banir can you believe that who’s it’s Freddy fazbar oh that’s my wait let me look at it on

Stream pretty bad guys hold on some kind of weird mask or something hold on let’s get it that FL masks wait which oh it’s already almost day two oh this the wrong one hold on do I have a day count to on here hold on stop looking hold

On what what are you doing I know little C has a put a new one in uh I’m cosplaying as Freddy fast right now guys guys well the day show well the days sto sucks that’s not Freddy Faz that’s Micha oh my God stop typing Freddy Fazbear is that Freddy

Faz wait why did you guys’ stream swap positions damn it you oh no they didn’t what they will SWA for oh when your camera was on they will swap the povs will swapped um and you can’t say grum grum where the ever loving God is the day

Counter in you have to I don’t have a calendar anymore go uh go into your uh settings or whatever or why I don’t know what day it is to go into your pause menu on the pause menu it’s on the pause menu what I know it’s some way heel

Too garage menu what’s all that numbers and stuff where did they put it did they remove it is this a 1.20 thing statistics whose clock is ticking oh my God I don’t know I can’t hear I have music so it’s fine why is there knocking

On a door one of my clocks you referring to why did violent why did violent are you referring to the the mechanical clock from the 1930s oh my God you’re [ __ ] kidding me the 1970s clock turn it off unplug two wheel clocks please brand new mechanical alarm

Clock you don’t need to look out no he can’t your clock dude well someone asked about the clocks I asked what why is there somebody’s clock ticking in the background that’s CU has a lot one clock there’s at least four or five of them I can hear one okay I can hear

It okay to hear it yep that’ll be the 1970s clock well the the court clock with the fake pendulum okay so where’s don’t beore what where is it on my pause menu uh it’s in the statistics where you just were uh why did they remove it from the F3 menu it’s so

Dumb no they don’t have D talk to Village don’t talk to villagers them kill them kill them all destroy them I know why would you talk to villagers I’m looking it up you’re not supposed to talk to villagers you’re supposed to kill them all and blow up their Village

Level it leave no Trace you’re supposed to enslave them oh that would be cruel just kill them all bur them alive blow them up with TNT I don’t know level the entire Village leave nothing but a big smoking hole no more Villagers 5 98609 43.0 you realize an IP a section

Of an IP can’t have full numbers right can only go up I think it was a typo though I think it was a typo and also if do you mean 59.86 that that’s reasonable but then there wouldn’t be a fifth thought would there okay it’s on the left hand side in

The local difficulty column wait it’s on local difficulty column wait in the F3 menu a local difficulty day two day two you’re on day two I’m on day two everybody are you going to do 100 days are you going to do 100 days I’m going to Sur way more than

That we’ve been in this all billion days no no no no no two ingame days oh how long did these last playing real two a real two days this did you just di no I’m going to my old worlds this world lasted full days okay um which one did uh full big guys

The first one that the classic and then this one lasted you failed you died again can you believe that how many times have you died so far in hardcore don’t you know that hardcore sucks I only died twice I agree no way they they have it so that Spectators can’t load

Chunks okay this one the one also lasted four days okay this is a I think there’s a bit of a trend uhoh uhoh is that a Hacked Client is that a hacked C feather for Feathering for I don’t know what that is actually Feathering are you I’m Feathering the ban button right now

That’s what I’m Banning you I’m Banning you I have two days to live real footage of Norman being silent I’m I’m gonna ban you Violet from something do it do it you won’t I just banned you from every single Kroger ever no what what the [ __ ] a

Kroger you don’t know what a Kroger is you mean like king supers I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna yeah is that is that like a super market I’m gonna kick you out of every Kuman ever forgot about that okay I’m kicking you out of every Kum it’s pronounced

Kuman actually it’s what the [ __ ] what is actually it’s obviously you wouldn’t know okay is it something stupid is it one of those VHS rental companies like Blockbuster no not the one Institute education Co LTD is an educational network based in Japan and created by poan make this the most most unwatchable

You want to go to a school in Japan those places are horrible I’ve heard you’ll face is the most unwatchable stream ever make it make it the most unwatchable stream ever and make it so you can hear my you want to know how to roast like violet face they exist come

On I’m not going to sabotage the quality of my stream full funny I can only do that when I actually have people funny is good yeah it’s an S through thing bro come on the quality is already dropping the quality is already dropping mean the quality the quality is already gone

Toilet it’s already quality dropping on on my on my uh on my uh screen on Discord yeah like wait I’m just going to see if I can play Roblox and figure out how to stream it without crashing the computer you it might not work I’m just going to say that

Why make a squeaking noise you K me idiot click watch stream click click watch stream really quick I just stab why do I keep getting invalid operations I don’t understand why that happens what is invalid operations I don’t Know I got 1282 invalid operation I’ve G that why so fall I got oh um yeah that’ be a bad place to fall guys sorry I don’t have any torches so you guys are just going to oh wait I have torches you’re going to be like that one

Hardcore Guy what’s his name I don’t know it’s that guy who keeps [ __ ] dying over and over again like smashing his Des because of it I don’t know I seen a bunch of [ __ ] CPS about me they’re all W’s I’m going to last so long at a w and

Then just die St yeah exactly that’s why you don’t play hardcore well I don’t fail too much I take lost Well yeah that’s cuz you’re just used to it what do you mean I’m used to it used to losing I’m die I’m used to it used to being a loser cuz that’s all you are is a wait watch right watch my I know a game you should play later on stream it’s

Called what’s it called it’s called I feel like the like it’s not going to be an actual game by the way he’s phasing this yeah I was going to suggest that we playar lock out B booy simulator yes what simulator B booy simulator what’s that hey what the you probably you probably shouldn’t

Have my stream open in uh what is a feba anyway I you say a feba oh my god I’ve concealed again what is a FEI I’m going to see if that’s a real game and I’m going to put it on whatever you know what whatever what don’t worry about it it’s

Not it’s not of your concern did I fail again no no I’m going to look this up I’m looking it up ah there’s no matches to my search no oh wait actually no there are hold on did you die again no wait hold on let me refresh it Let me

Refresh it oh okay guys we died we have to create a new world [ __ ] it oops L what did you die for you should stop doing that yeah you you may it’s annoying a come on there’s no there’s no such thing as voice wait

No no it’s not even real I looked it up no send it send it send it send it to me directly DM it to me DM what I’m tell the proof that there’s no that there’s no there’s no such thing I want I want uh Norman to send me fboy simulator it’s

Not real I’m I’m really sorry to deliver this you’re telling me Norman would lie to me I just got I just got I I you need to trust me cuz I just got married to to bling kill a booty oh yeah for for those of you who

Haven’t been in the Stream for a long time uh doy is now married to bling killer booty Daddy yeah my favorite part he’s the uh he’s the name if in case you’ll dislike s but in the [Laughter] RSE yeah that’s uh put that somewhere on

The stream we need this to be the most like convoluted thing in the world check Discord uh do not put it up on stream actually don’t put it on stream give me a second all right let’s start with buck marks what’s my buck marks uh Fu I could see I’m like I’m watching

This unfold on your like your YouTube stream hopefully it’s not showing any explicit content anyways okay was that in the was that in the Discord in um be nice the rest of the week yeah this is that was in my did you actually do it yeah watch this

Oh wait what else is in my bookmarks before I do that um okay I’m going to assume that’s uh that’s a terrible game okay it’s like a crime against humanity to play that game probably what crime to play bookmark that we’ll delete that anyways yeah this a YouTube video a Moodle video

Also I bookmark new tab okay I have it in my bookmarks it’s there when Predators realize they’ve been caught okay what is cax what is KX is that a game what is that like a new game some furniture building game with like game bu game be

Physics I see CA I just see a bunch of Ikea CA shelf units y SS one all right okay the game is finally unbroken I need to make sure that game’s safe for is dery’s POV your POV wait what wait what happened oh don’t be stopped streaming I didn’t stop streaming I can

Start streaming can I start streaming no no it says share your screen right there we go okay go for it Mark I you can only see my the computer crash as soon as I see it oh my Lord okay hold on let me reorganize these why is Conor streaming there appears to

Be a bit of a list going on what is he playing why okay where’s ghost over here I think right the swimming pool this is ghosty’s POV okay over there see there’s a swimming pool you have all the PO oh no I’m able and then this oh I fell in again this is

Beautiful what a disaster no I’m not going back in that swimming pool again and then uh y That’s a dead end the worst thing this is the best on the bottom right put it on the bottom right yeah you should just get a VC with like 10 other people stream and just have

10s all that would be a w Str get many more views that way oh yeah wasn’t it right now let’s take it we go mail room oh no what this is where the mail is although there doesn’t seem to be very much traffic today video yeah oh incredible this

Is this is a ball CT but it’s not a Maya ball CT it’s something else oh my God this is actually beautiful I didn’t that did I feels like you’re playing like a mobile game a bunch of different you got put you have to put some extra text like the bottom right

Something saying you have extra text at the bottom right saying like 599 to moove looks like the game already just crashed oh my God that last about 30 seconds wonder how long take okay hold on stretch it to all right if I disappear from Ro donate 5.99

More oh where it go it just disappeared not yet it’s there we go it’s the bottom you put it bottom yeah I put it on the bottom right like you said what more leave it there leave it there we need I oh do I got the thing hold on

No I have I have I have I have Subway Surfers on wait is it this is too D what else get I on like crop it and widen it guys we need a mouse Cam hold on I think I think we need a a hand cam yeah

Um like really low resolution like your stream is running at like two FPS right now on Discord okay here we go chat here we go chat we’re play Old go survival side state boring as hell okay okay but he’s losing his attention span oh my God you know best thing ever you know

Out oh my God wait we need chat on screen that’s what we need hold on oh my God I add a couple more things I don’t you always does this why does it always crash even without Discord it crashes the game just hold the camera just hold

The camera there go with your face trolling me with your face uh like hold it hold the camera in your mouth and then and like as you’re looking around we can see what your your POV we can see your PO see the chat wait wait hold on hold on Valore PV hold

On make it your webcam make it your webcam microphone and so it sounds terrible and stupid idea it’s an amazing idea Conor I’ll try a different game maybe if I can get this one to to close out Violet I have an amazing are you get to

Tik Tok live I can’t do Tik Tok live a oh [ __ ] it’s me V underscore you’re doing a face cam guys I’m doing a face cam finally an unexpected error face of go a face there don’t have a mask the mask is part of your face that’s not

A oh there’s it just a DOT on just a DOT let try again guys wait hold on let me do a let me do a hold on guys this cats up good uh oh what happened what the poor cat wait hold on did somebody join oh

No my face are you [ __ ] kidding me God damn It God damn dude iding the cat in the bathroom you saw your face for a frame we saw your face is this going to be like the dream face reveal where you drop it and it’s going to be like like a I exactly predicted it I’m

Bore you ugly as this is my real face also known as online bro you sound like did you say violet uncore online yeah that’s what I’m known as online viore I’m known as racist online all right guys you can’t I all right let’s see if there’s any games that don’t lag as Much okay guys we’re going to play you have to fix the stream you have to fix the stream fix the stre now wait we’re playing some hard cool now fix the stream wait I’m playing some hard fix the stream wait I’m playing hardol Minecraft though Hardcore Minecraft why would you

Do that fix the stream fix the For Real let’s see if this is not as laggy not nearly as laggy as the other one hold on guys I think I need to uh make it for my entire PC is lagging out from looking at your stream middle bring this there we go oh crap

I’ve tapped too many TVs I’m G to go m yes this is going to be fine you know this why did you why did you put hardcore like that there go live it does you can’t see it I guess I have to turn it yeah there you

Go you no one will ever figure out what it is that I’m doing the hell there must be a leak in this boat somewhere look at this this is ridiculous okay okay this this we’ve gone full enough we’ve done enough what have you given up yeah I’m I’m done with the

Bit take it I’m fixing such a w bit why did you have to do that man I’m fixing the stream guys why broken stream is far don’t fix it boom nuk attention thingy ADHD B stream this is the this is the ideal uh dopy stream this the ideal stream

For um I think I did a stream where I had donate $5.99 or M something I had a stream where I had um of the game play like Subway Surfers gameplay on the corner it’s getting kind of steep in here isn’t it keeping this donate 599 you keep if someone

Wants to donate 599 I’m going to get rid of all your screen shs guys no keep the subway Sur gameplay there at least [ __ ] you can’t even my share it’s too too bad I guess um are you playing in VR or is your camera just that bad

VR this isn’t VR it’s Titanic game are you playing a Titanic this isn’t the Titanic it’s the Lucitania it’s completely different ship he’s such a is it not is it sinking I’m going to donate with my Hospital money like maybe well it might sink eventually but it doesn’t

Look like it’s sinking at this moment it should be fine it is definitely like halfway submerged into the water I sound like I literally just got the ner Emoji accent right now I just got the did it just Auto jump on me oh no I just jump good boat there’s no need to

Panic oh there’s just a little bit more head trim than put bonic Ramen on the screen right now don’t put bonic I’m gonna put up the bonic Ramic bramen I don’t wantam who’s a bonic Brahman don’t worry about it you don’t even want no is that one of those Hindu

Priests I’m pretty sure yeah probably probably have you seen have you seen this video before video ghost you ghosty What the fu I can’t I’m not currently a ghost my special bonic Ramen by Tamer is there a way to tell definitely whether or not you’re dead oh

I’m dead I don’t think so man I’m dead man I’m racist man I’m dead slash kill I’m dead little boat is going down but this but this boat the one I’m on is fine you can tell it’s it’s definitely fine there’s nothing wrong eating a sandwich that’s so cool

I’m so glad I’m so I’m so happy for you you’re eating a sandwich now that you’re watching the bonic Ramen video You’re Gonna not anymore okay that was so funny [ __ ] myself oh CRA ghosty have you seen the Bon Gram Video nope stop glitching stop breaking no I wouldn’t like

To so the ingredients in bonic Ramen are beef Ramen blue raspberry soda a banana and the souls end of discussion um that also includes the flavoring powder and you use the blue raspberry soda as a base everything is fine inste of you know what what what

Norman if you don’t play the F booy game okay hold on he’s still typing must be Luc I’m gonna steal your pants again you already did that you already did that least I’m just going to keep putting on new pants nothing you can do about it I don’t know what

Happen it was there one minute and then gone the next I put on new shorts I swear yeah you got to steal all of them see there it is the Lucitania you can tell it’s not the Titanic because it’s the Lucitania induction stove okay I guess I’m on the bow this go right

Norman Norman you have to watch this video Norman you have to watch this this bonic Ramen video awes does this look like the Titanic to you seriously you really think get a cosmic it doesn’t God we cannot handle another person streaming we cannot the stream cannot

Put it on the bottom left put it on the bottom left the stream is fine who the hell is watching Markiplier nobody’s watching Markiplier he was watching Moy p i was before did I just pronounce it Mo did you just say oh yeah another ingredient is is butter I can actually

Visit the bridge in this game look at this I’m ready all done okay butter beef Ramen what the [ __ ] why is it listing so much beef Ramen Jesus Christ how you it listing oh Jesus I the water was disappearing you’re it’s going upward you’re writing this down ghosty

Okay banana blue raspberry soda Dam it stupid control is broken beef Ramen uh butter and I think [ __ ] ding wings what was that the [ __ ] is that noise the sound BS again wild sound bolds so loud on Discord it’s insane what is like by default it’s insane cowards what are you running away

For you know you will die in that boat no one survives in that boat those little look at this it’s like colorless what do you mean that is clearly MOG BR I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be blue I’m I’m what the [ __ ] what am I

Hearing what is that that we’ve got to stop with the sound it’s so loud for Conor Conor probably is everyone mute cos doesn’t know how oh no con doesn’t know how to too that’s the problem like he physically can’t I’m going to start killing people even the prom starting

Tomorrow starting tomorrow okay good so you can just walk around a little bit dark though there’s another prominade someone’s watching YouTube and someone’s playing Roblox okay I want wait hold on hey Violet this is a message to dopy I Love The V video it’s so cool it helped

Me a lot thank you bye bye Viet it was Norman bye bye Norman by that feels like it’s got that feels like the name of like a country Normandy no Normandy that’s a region of FR that’s a real country wait that is Normandy Normandy yeah it’s just one

Letter off oh my God nor is not a country it’s a region is country dude Alexa she’s unplugged actually [ __ ] was that I actually trust conell which is a ra thing nor no one administrative region geographical and cultural region in Northwestern Europe located yeah it’s Aion he was actually right I

Think how is all that noise as I’m he nor is a thing in France yeah she’s part of France what the [ __ ] oh my God what why can’t it’s so loud even I can hear it and I have my thing at 1% and it’s through uh it’s through con Connor’s microphone you can

Hear you can hear it so loudly through con’s microphone I swear to God just [ __ ] ban ban cosmics he doesn’t deserve life we’ll we’ll freeze frame on that t here’s what you GNA do there might be a leak here on on the boat deck you think

So you think there might be a leak somewhere on the boat it looks like there’s a small leak I think there might be a small leak on you go to Discord just for a second okay and I want you to right click on cosmics and click mute

Sound um like right click on cosmics profile in the call and and then then what uh mute soundboard mute soundboard the check box that says mute soundboard oh it’s a checky it’s a checky thing it’s the yeah it’s a checky thing yes it’s a checky you can

Check is it checked is there a check in it I think so okay yes someone should call a plumber I think there isic is cutting out so much I can’t even hear what he’s saying oh that makes sense I can absolutely tell but Cosmic it sounds like you’re hanging your head

Out of the window I’m going to be fully honest with you oh wait am I allowed to sh stream are you [ __ ] kidding me well you showed your face full it should have matter okay now I have to make a new POV I have to make a

New all right here we go my face is too yeah never mind never mind anyone that sees my face will be scarred for life mentally Disturbed I’ve seen your face before I’m pretty sure I’m I was already mentally Disturbed so was I’m good oh were you traumatized by this by the side

Of my hideous face I said Violet and Derpy’s face I think we’ve all seen Violet and Derpy’s face no I just referred to myself in the third person I just referred to myself on the third person um viol one thing but my face is Connor face and that will leave you Disturbed

Hold on hold to new face cam new face cam what me face cam turn on camera oh my God perect all of the screens are that okay okay I don’t think the camera’s Point show your face show your face show your face my face looks like this this is Con

It’s not it’s not that bad tal you do look like a full grown adult though but you look like you’re in your 30s honestly this man guys this man is oh wait this man’s 20 now who left this man was 19 my [ __ ] god dude I I came back just to balls

Let’s go let’s go Norman said balls anyways yeah okay this this one has flashing lights for some reason I didn’t realize this music would have would have flashing lights the music has flashing lights yeah the music has flashing lights are you kidding an expansion joint I don’t know what I was thinking

Look at that the music has flashy lights am with why Would because I is no longer face is in do now what C’s face is doy po now why why why be you’re car now I’m right now and now Conor’s POV and Connor on are on both of uh mine and ghosty’s POV and ghosty’s POV is on Connor po it’s fine it’s

Fine hold on oh my God what’s going on Here I don’t think going close never mind I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know anymore this is the exact frame say I don’t know what it was but something is put a flashing lights warning put a flashing lights warning on the screen like big big red text saying

Flashing lights warning look at this if you pay very close attention this boat is not sinking see the water is not moving there’s nothing to worry about list I’m not going to do anything stuff that doesn’t need to be done everything that’s on the screen is 100% necessary of course it is the

[ __ ] a cargo crank I don’t know what I was guys after the bathroom be back oh that sucks why would you do such a thing at least it’s not as bad as when I use the bathroom that Happens why nobody wants nobody wants it hold on I’m expion then you see a mushroom cloud and then there’s no more B I’ll the bathroom sto tripping I’m actually tripping I’m not I’m perfectly stable the boat is not sinking oh I want to tell the I want to

Tell the stream about the Challenger disaster and how it could have had big bird in the rocket um so the whole thing is about the the Challenger explosion is that um there originally there was there well there were five people on the rocket right or seven people actually

One of them being a school teach school teacher and the other five or other six uh being volunteers okay this is the been that at that time it had been like the third flight that it had been on or third space travel it had been on so it

When it went out um since it had already been uh into space before and one of the parts hadn’t been replaced so it could fly again um the CH the the rocket exploded after 73 seconds after liftoff so uh all seven people disintegrated in inside um so originally right the uh big

Bird was supposed to be be on that rocket because uh Big Bird would uh it there had been no more volunteers um but a school teacher like a third grade teacher volunteered eventually so I feel like that’s really cool Lucitania is so weird this is actually how Lucitania sank it just it

Kept tilting and then it stopped and went down straight the way it was this is what happen and this is what happened after I got hit with a torpedo from a German submarine yeah may it was a Volkswagen was was it a warship Lucitania was not a warship it was an ocean

Liner and after that happen there was pretty much no more ocean liner service for all of World War I yes yeah you’re in lava right you’re burning but you feel all the pain of Bing alive you’re stuck there for a full hour right you’re stuck there in the

Lava for an hour okay but there’s a button in front of you that you can press and would allow you to die you think you could stop yourself from pressing that button no how I would do it willingly if even if I was didn’t love it yes oo that’s that goes hard that

Goes hard honestly thank you okay how long do you think I was just talking about what how long do you think you could last in the lava before passing 5 Seconds seconds Solid 5 seconds if you knew you only had to be there for a minute could you last a

Minute if you knew if I the the whole thing the whole the whole thing is is uh it’ll take it’ll take me 5 Seconds because I’m in lava and my my motion is impeded uh if my motion wasn’t impeded instantly instantly um anyways I was just talking

About how big bird could have been in the Challenger explosion yeah I my headphones on could you would you clone yourself if you could no yes you said what no I wouldn’t actually the Clone will kill of yourd kill the Clone I’d kill the Clone instantly okay if you wor a clone

A federal crime I’m pretty sure to clone yourself if you were a clone of yourself you should clone yourself now if you were a clone of yourself would you kill your original son so if you were to clone yourself do you think your subc conscious would split or do you think your Consciousness

Will would copy um it’s an exact clone of your brain and stuff so like it would discontinue do you think you would be would do you think you’d see both povs no no it wouldn’t be linked like that there’s no like magic sto linking going

On if we were to split a a split apart and I’d send SE send myself myself to France and in 10 years I went to visit them would they have a completely different personality um would they be a different person probably over time yeah I guess if you experiences create a pulsion so

If you have different experiences that long of a time yeah I guess you end up as different people who would have the memory of cloning if they ate different things then they would be made of different things the colog has all of the original memories of the original up to the point

They got cloned they like up to the exact point they were created yeah pretty much okay there can only be one so one of them will definitely end up destroying the other dude I I would get along with my clone I’d instantly kill myself there can only be one kill my the

Other no I’m not going to they would either both kill each other or both run away from each other chat do you have any fun hypotheticals also do any of you have any fun hypotheticals oh um hypothetically oh I had one hold on I I think I WR hypothetically are you racist hypothetic

Stupid Conor I wasn’t even asking Conor oh but I mean good to know I remember that dogs suck he doesn’t like dogs hypothetically cosmics you suck Cosmic oh wait is Cosmic said the call no I don’t know have no idea he left I’m pretty sure you know who else left who my father

Awesome am I disapp funny moments actually just got that on my YouTube recommend best of Family Guy references funniest moment sleeping foggy that’s exactly what it looks like on the bottom of the Mediterranean look at that good Job it’s day four VI screen in a while according to the prophecy this is the day I die what is day four why is my PO Conor oh well why is Conor po my PO oh wait this wait everyone’s po wait why did you

Guys get swapped oh I have a hypo I have a hypothetical for you huh if I if I chopped you up in a meat gr uhhuh and all that was left of you when you came out was your eyeball would you be dead on yes yeah I’m pretty sure hypothetically could you

Survive a spring lock no I would I would not give me 10 seconds just don’t search up like spring lock failure and just don’t bring lock failure yeah I don’t believe I have heard of it if you really want to know what it is search in five knife for knif

FNAF Freddy fif FNAF five night at Freddy L yeah William Aton gets trapped in bunny suit and gets crushed inside of said bunny suit how can someone get crushed inside of a bunny suit it’s just cotton it’s just it’s not just there it’s a it it looks

As both a costume that and skeleton can wear but also that uh live performer AKA person can wear yeah so how do you get it if it’s a like a week ago I watched like an hour long video of just FNAF Lord of catch up

On it CU I had no idea anything about it now I’m all cut up violet Violet do you agree with me that uh that aliens came from The Zeta iuli star system and we found one of their ships on our planet spoilers have nothing going on I don’t know what you’re talking

About wait V what world are you on I’m on the thir one there should be coal in these boilers the [ __ ] you last time I looked at your screen you had the same progress what has happened man dude I haven’t I’m pretty much off no I’ve have

Not have you been have you not been yorking off I’ve not been yorking off the engines look it’s the engines they’re actually turning you can see the cranks turning there’s the connecting rods like SCS there bust like the turbine should be somewhere over there somewhere down there where’s the turbine

I have to remember that people are actually really deadly now gives a [ __ ] I almost found that so that one is running but that one isn’t Norman we don’t don’t do that here what oh hell was that so the starboard engine is running but the don’t do it Norman what what happened what

Broke Norman typed five very very concerning letters in my chat five concerning letters no one uses letters anymore we don’t we don’t no one sends letters in mail look at this what am I looking at n Okay [ __ ] don’t do it again y don’t do it again that’s the top of the engines there’s my torch I need I need you be able to see me top of violet if there was a video of your actual real death would you watch it no what the

[ __ ] they actually want to watch that recreated the engines on the Brittanic but not the Titanic I’m I’m like digging through my files to find these like these like random notes that I left uh that’s a good one actually um you guys [ __ ] psychopath no cuz think about it

You can know how you die it’s so like yeah but you have to watch yourself [ __ ] it’s a it’s a it’s a uh live leak video but it’s in the future and it’s you yeah that does sound like something I want to watch I don’t care if I know how I die

But I have to watch a video about it hold on you can like skip through it it’s kind of like you’re experiencing it a second time you can literally just look at you can look at like the setting of the video and know when where you

Die and it’s like a it’s like a 5 minute video and the 2 minute 30 seconds uh two minute 30 second Mark is when you die and the rest two of the 2 minutes and 30 seconds is after you’ve died it’s like a message don’t screw up

The spring compressor cuz then it’ll go through your skull or actually no how about 3 minutes and 30 seconds that’s when that’s the point when you got Live Leak video implies that it’s violent yeah it doesn’t have to be what is live video anyway do not look that up Conor D

Do not that’s like I’m like actually serious don’t look that up yeah I’m do not look up Lively please like he’s not going to look it up we don’t have to emphasize that much he won’t look it up if if you say no is it a plumbing video

It’s not a pluming video no it’s uh okay need to know Live Leak video live Le is a website where pretty much you can post pretty much anything I think really yeah actually yeah and literally like no moderation and most people just film live deaths yeah they people actual

Like deaths on there like yeah people D just like actual people dying so they just film people dying like so it’s not even conspiracy theories or what’s going on in Area 51 literally just people what’s the point footage of people I don’t know nobody knows what the point

Of live leak is why not just share conspiracy theories and stuff you could just do that on Twitter that’s like that’s like that’s like every social media thing like platform you can except for like YouTube kids I guess but it’s like oh diamond oh mother knowy theories on YouTube

Okay hold on give me a second the prophecy is coming true actually going to die again no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I really need to stop being more careful the on YouTube you pretty much get banned that’s just what happens Violet what if you were turned

Into a series of oblong rocks what oblong rock rocks that are oblong what does oblong mean what oval the shape that you don’t want your bearings in your mechanical clock to be wait con doy Conor doy what I saw I wasn’t paying attention Norman uh and uh I’m going to die

Setting on a couch interesting what you saying no what were you saying T dopy to there’s some water what I’m I we’re thinking of still we’re still thinking of hypotheticals right or am I tweaking what if you were turned into a series of oblong rocks and

You all of them were sentient and you were all of them this is ghosty screen this is uh doy screen mhm it is let me make that it’s this why you’re not supposed to hit mines is because there there seems to be a bit of a leak in

This that’s the that’s a Connell screen what does Connell look like Jeb hold on my God oh my God that’s who I was that’s why that’s who I was thinking of I was like dude you look like and then I cut myself off because I forgot who I was talking

About what are you dude hold on what if you were turned into a series of oblong rocks you say oblong one more time I’m going to shove my oblong cocky wait I don’t think that’s what the sh that shape is I mean that is let me prove it do not

Please you guys can’t see also that question was not intended for you Violet what if you were turned into a series of oblong rocks series what what would I do what could I do you all of the rocks are conscious and you are all of the rocks at once yeah

Anyways he even has the glasses wa he even has the glasses he the same it’s the exact same glasses what wait what is wrong with my glasses okay the to be fair he doesn’t really I don’t know he has the same like face shape but the facial ha is kind of different

And his tail itself isn’t that long I don’t know if you could have the Violet if you could have the whites of your eyes turned bronze would you do it depends on the time of doesn’t it oh my you could turn the whites of your eyes into the into bronze into bronze

Like the material bronze like the metal yeah good idea then your eyes don’t get taken out every time something touches them huh I don’t think have no idea how often that happens to me don’t think eyeballs are detachable dude don’t play the feo game okay uh I’m assuming you’ve learned that it’s not

Suitable for YouTube yeah sounds or it is suitable for YouTube and that’s not what he wanted what’s not suitable for YouTube oh it’s probably like loli or something like something crazy oh God oh God if it’s something like that that’s awful what is a low is it like you don’t want

To know that one don’t look that up don’t look that up a crime that is a crime to look that up no that’s if there like an actual federal crime to look there anything you shouldn’t look up it’s that it’s that thing right there it has the don’t look at like seriously

Don’t look it up it’s like actually illegal to look those up are you Afra is actually Al what really bad is hard candy actually illegal not that’s not what that’s not what that is they means a completely different thing it means a it’s a very don’t worry about it

Don’t worry just don’t just don’t worry about it just do not worry about it just yeah is it is it a p is it is a p game there does appear to be a leak in this boat okay a is a game B maybe it’s could

Have been caused when when it hit a mine may or may not be a leak in this boat is it is it is it uh is it a p game of not not aged up kults what is a palm game don’t worry about it don’t just

Don’t I also don’t know what that is play it myself if they’re adults I’m going to keep it in my bookmark if they’re not adults going to bur my computer for even for even for even that the the the title of that game touching my screen what is it though what is the

Game uh it’s what was it called it was something I know what it is I know what it’s called but like what is it is it bad he had he he he hasn’t said it’s like he said it’s just an adult game it’s not a

Uh it’s not like a bad game it’s not like a that type of it’s not from what I can tell that’s what I was about to ask is a game about is a game about Palm Tre please tell me that didn’t show up on what I’m I don’t think it did but there’s

Like a small section of your your screen that’s still that’s on stream right now it’s pixelated enough so you can’t tell what’s going on on the stream but I think we safe I think you’re safe let me just look back in stream just to yeah just be

What could Poss I have it on my phone already hold on okay okay okay the small image was visible the small image okay and it’s pixelated enough so you can’t see it very well so we’re about palm trees don’t be ridiculous I’m turn off the display capture real quick um and

Then I’m going to click I’m going to let me just double check make sure I think the Big Image we dodged it from but there was a small little there was a small yep too small for you to really tell the details we’ll see we’ll see we’re safe what even

Happened notion the game showed up on stream I I pull up the for the game again looked at the second image for the game and it was not suitable for YouTube but it wasn’t on the screen it wasn’t on stream and we’ll sa what do you have against palm

Trees no that’s not even your fault nor it’s not even entirely your fault that’s I I clicked the image like a more on oh my god oh that panicked me okay the Minecraft Everybody hey guys we’re playing Minecraft hold call guys guys guys guyses Minecraft have pal trees in it guys let’s play Minecraft respectfully got nah there’s nothing wrong with PA Tre tell that to Lucas tell that to Lucas Palm Tree what does Lucas have against palm tree oh you haven’t seen you haven’t seen the GTA video have you beautiful I have seen this I just forgot about it

If your video isn’t related to Minecraft I’m not going to watch it yeah Lucas has a vendetta against uh yeah sorry there’s a plane my house right now it’s you missed inant L very loud oh there’s more diamonds good thing I checked what could you possibly have against palm trees there’s nothing wrong

With palm trees his mother is a palm tree look at my look at my camera look at my camera uh hold on is a palm tree the [ __ ] happened to your hair oh yeah I braided it down I have a heart shape right here a heart because that’s the that’s

The it’s it’s CU I had it on a at a wedding remember they did get married if I knew it okay wow I get I bet you guys are so entertained right now yeah yep entertained by the palm trees or by the why did my why did my camera turn off

What the heck what the flip oh wait no that’s me hold on oops no I turned my camera off yeah you turned it off you I think wait yeah you D it a bubble landed on my mouse on like the the the trackpad and it it clicked

It bro oh no the funnel is falling over why did that happen this has gone insane Vinnie canonically had sex with a palm tree and she left me Vine sace Vinnie go see playing 8 right now what a them what’s it just a I don’t know a the

P look at how attractive this [ __ ] is that’s what is the vennie I don’t know long yeah it took me a second toize long from from uh from Resident Evil 2 yep did I just say Resident Evil 2 Sub Resident Evil resent Evil 2 dude I’m about to become a resident [ __ ] M

Diamond wait Diamond Resident Evil too guys diamond is bad the only reason I’m playing cuz she is incredibly hot I keep forgetting I have to be careful just move what the [ __ ] SP $10 on on the skin just cuz it’s wait is it day five yet have I beaten the

Prophecy hold on let me check it is day no it’s still day four shoot oh no I oh you’re dead bye Violet bye V bye Violet I’m going through my my FES right now don’t it’s a [ __ ] nurse I’m going to kill myself a nerd nerd I know it’s a hospital ship

Yes I am a nerd bwarm I’m studious from my cerebral CeX to my GL yes back in kindergarten I AC my college ENT exam uh I’m not now I’m not a rocket scientist oh wait I am didn’t I fail kindergarten what how do you fail kindergarten you forgot

Okay it’s to fa it’s it’s the alphabet it’s hard conell is conell also isn’t good with left and right oh okay do swim I’m not the captain what no no do you know how to swim how to swim no why I know how to sink and I know how to row

A boat I snuck up on BR that was unfair the prophecy is really trying to complete itself what is happening why are there three people running around sh right now did you die again so Conor if I were to throw you on the into the deep end of of a pool you

Would would you die in here now if you were to go if you were to go into the deep end of a pool would you die probably hello hello probably unless there was some tube that I could use to breathe through okay a tube and the in a float that’s how diving

Works do you know how to dive oh Jesus Christ I keep having to rearrange stuff r you should have died at Birth what the [ __ ] was that sound B bro Lucas hopped in there and left I just heard a noise a loud noise dude okay I’m ready Lucas joins

Again he’ll be on the stream AB wish him a wonderful day of whimsical okay the ABS what is our team doing what team Wonder talking about in my game my epic dead by daylight gaming I don’t need teams teams are bad what about uh nun Massacre know this was

Supposed to be the best of the three Olympic class and and two of them sank the four no the Titanic was the second the Brittanic supposed to be the third but it was launched during World War I and it hit up mine oh the branic the Brittanic see there it is you

Can see it thinkinking oh that’s it yes it hit a mine it was I I had a m must have been a very bad driver that was driving that was fully a lie I was I don’t think they call them drivers why not I think they’re I think

They’re Pilots no I don’t think they’re Pilots either a pilot is going to get into the harbor I believe the technical term is Helmsman well that sounds like Nord sh so I’m going to say Drive who joined there’s because there’s obviously no women on on V hey guys I have a

Request nobody else share their screen I don’t want to add more stuff to my screen why not I’ve already done it please please water water water water all right there you go as now you got to add it to the this upside down you idiots you ruined the entire layout hey hold

On here we go oh wait no I don’t want to leak my DM wait [ __ ] hold on team okay here’s Conor what no I’m just saying here you are where and then this is your screen it moved again what okay can I screw something up again bro

Why do you have everyone’s [ __ ] on your screen like just remove everything and just make it to where it’s the Discord like voice overlay hold and not like everyone’s [ __ ] screen what if you were turned into a series of oblong rocks then I have become immortal you have to watch everything

Unfold around Lucas what if you were turned into a series of oblong rocks I don’t know what that is I’m dumb like the the rocks that people stack like as a meditation technique oh well I would be forever at peace then I would prefer you are you

Are the oblong rocks how did that hit me so conf okay well then I have a purpose I’m being used for meditation right yeah oh my God BR and you just have to watch everything unfold around you you’re still fully conscious I don’t see the is here now I can be

Lazy also you can like yes Conor what if you were turned into a series of oblong rocks and I can be lazy and I don’t have to die exactly Violet what if you were turned into a series of oblong rocks um and probably also far more durable far more

Useful and you can’t move you can’t move and you’re it doesn’t matter if you’re durable you you can’t move I’m find a I’m finding a great game things that don’t move are usually more durable than things that do I guess that’s true oh we should have gotten some obsid old

Roman ruin ruins but you can’t see 300,000 year old cars break I think I’m lost you’re lost I’m lost I’m lost I’m lost lost ghosty what if you were turned into a Seri oh my God that’s so loud what is what happened I got jump squared by the Nun I’m fine you got jump squared it’s still day four the prophecy could still happen at any time VI is going to die in the M shaft embarrass embarrass embarr my God why is the nun so loud V I don’t I I I thought you play full what

The [ __ ] you playing with dark mode uh Shadel I’m saying shaders and shaders at the same time I probably could but like really let me turn on my full bright Shad off here we go too bright what the [ __ ] oh it’s full bright full bright got flashbang holy [ __ ] my

Eyes Jesus fortnite it’s fortnite what’s fortnite fortnite fortnite battle please fortnite desktop is now what B has come okay I’m gonna go but I want to say dery’s PO is your POV go my POV is Conor’s face cam Conor’s POV is Conor’s thing how did this somebody sto screen

Sharing again or what happened oh no stop screen sharing no ghosty stopped yeah okay go bye oh bye ghosty you suck ghosty you suck [ __ ] ghosty now that ghost’s G you want to do the best thing ever I don’t know what that would be that’s oh my God on stream

No I heard the sound someone else’s mic please okay we have to I was saying this before we have to stop using sound BS with Conor because it’s so loud for him it’s literally like literally like speakers wait wait wait everyone quiet everyone quiet everyone quiet is your idiot brain stupid

What why don’t you wear headphones he doesn’t have he usually breaks his okay everything a big head or everything’s as it should be this I hate this I hate this game I hate this game I hate this game there it is my God oh my God I literally thought this was PWD

Snow at first oh my God H is not playing that game what my head hurts my head hurts cocaine in hurts my head hurts oh that scared me so bad okay never mind oh oh my God why did you head hold what my I have I got really scared by nun

Massacre oh cuz the nun is really scared by a puppet combo game dude it’s so loud that’s it that’s like the only reason I got scared by is because it was super loud it’s worse than Roblox war games I I there’s no way oh maybe like sudden jump scare I would understand

Voice I don’t understand but like a lot of things scale to be fair why is Connor’s face in my PO what who started streaming again no Cosmic it’s just I just saw BR on the whole stream for a second why would there be a boiler explosion I

Need to go inside to check on the boiler explosion no don’t why are you giving br’s own category okay uh I want to why [Laughter] is block SP entire screen why does puppet combo have to make their game so loud perfect this is the perfect stream and your stream crashed

What it crashed for a second on uh on Discord but it’s back okay oh there there appears to be a leak why why is this a pixelated what the [ __ ] probably cuz there’s 15 things on the screen sorry guys you guys probably can’t see hold on yeah there you go yeah oh my

Goodness why why did you just do why did you moan right now that was I need to go outside I need to find out where the outside land is the outside land is yeah I don’t have any food you said outside land like it was a place like yeah outsid like outsid land

Like Finland but outsid I hate this game so much oh my God what’s wrong with this game it’s fun no this game this uh this what kind of crappy game are you playing it’s really scary it’s not bad it’s a good game but it’s really scary and it’s really

Loud how can a game be scary SC cuz it’s loud and it jump scares here oh my God the outside Vol am not ready guys I’m going outside oh my God Violet’s going to touch grass for the first time ever this is actually an accurate representation of what my eyes would see going

Outside for if Violet actually were ever to go outside in the real world I forgot to say l stream VI what it’s not L stream this is a w this is the most W I’ve ever streamed stream goodbye yeah I killed this guy right hammers right here what am I

Saying why does grass exist grass sucks grass is a problem wait this guy with hammers right here please wait one of these loyalty free songs contains this contains tubo song what tubo song never mind that’s somebody else who’s doing that I he that was through Cosmic stream

I was really confused why I hold [ __ ] T’s song what is tas’s song no this how dare you Cosmic you suck I forgot to say that today all right I’m outside guys I feel like I like I just like had a an editing cut in real

Life I feel like there was an editing cut in like IRL all right I said cosmics you suck and I felt like there was a cut between me saying I forgot to say that uh today and you saying all right guys I’m outside now I don’t know my brain just either

Either there was a gap of time between I when I said that and you said that or or I’m stupid I don’t understand I’m not that stupid no I’m not talking about you Connor I was literally talking about myself oh no it went into

The wait do I even have a house I have a bed set up somewhere Titanic SOS okay I’m I’m Turing I’m on the again yes save our souls no there are no souls that’s what that that’s what that stands for bro no it doesn’t it doesn’t stand for anything yeah SOS stands

For it’s just three short three short dots three long three long dots that’s for morse code why do you think they chose those letters that’s what SOS is it’s just it’s just Morse code why do you think they chose those letters though it’s Morse code gibberish it’s it’s an abbreviation

Souls it’s a distress signal it’s simple and easy to understand yeah because they were using cqd no one could figure it out no one can figure out cqd in Morse code unless you’re a radio operator oh yeah it’s dot dot dot DH d d dot dot dot which is Morse code for SOS

Which is an abbreviation for save our souls it’s not an abbreviation for anything it’s just more code gibberish it’s not it’s not Google it go to Google and look it up Google lies there are multiple sources what the heck C why do you know everything many think SOS stands for

Save all souls or save all [ __ ] but it actually doesn’t stand for anything SOS is a m code distress signal M code is a system that use do Dash space yeah we know that it doesn’t actually stand for that what my ears are hurting from me fing screaming I am

Actually have the right to ever say you’re stupid you don’t have the right to ever say you’re stupid EV again but I’m senile that’s really funny and that’s my old age I cannot believe he’s actually right about that he’s he’s like obsessed with like boats and I T I should have

Believed you I should have believed you I should I should have believed you too uh I want to formally apologize have you never seen X Files you should know not to trust anyone okay I should trust you on specifically stuff to is a trustable source you know what isn’t a trustable

Source X Files I’m going to be fully honest with you right now trust no trust no one including X Files or the internet or anything else because it’s all lying no matter what you’re listening to it’s definitely lying that’s fair everything lies everything is lying without exception it’s a fictional

TV show about conspiracy theories yes I’m confused and guys guys about to trust the source I didn’t mention it I just noticed guys the prophecy has been avoided I got I have beat the prophecy I didn’t to the prophecy beat the prophecy I’m beating the prophecy Violet Violet question what

Would happen to the to um what would happen to the prop if I just shut off your router and C your fing computer well it’s it’s day five it’s day five I don’t die on day four huh you should know better than to trust a strange prophecy the prophecy is

Already done in past prop I die on cuz on the first and second hold cobal I died on day four prophecies are all liars too you’re a liar cosmics yeah actually not that’s that’s not true I didn’t even [ __ ] shut up hold On those similar syllables I get it I’ve done it too I’ve made the same mistake bro who’s watching a movie on the stream get watching mov yeah I’m just he’s watching Infinity War Jesus Christ you can’t do that not allow actually cannot show that on stream like genuinely this is not a

Movie it’s a Roblox game gosh now what now what do I do not you now what do I do the only one streaming now bro oh now what do I do I’m not smart enough okay it’s fine conell you don’t have to stream anymore why not uh because I don’t want

To add you to the screen again I’ve done that enough times what are you afraid of not you they’ll see the she’s afraid of too much effort they don’t have blood in it yeah I don’t think you understand how much effort I’ve been putting into just moving you guys around how much effort

He only five Minecraft days and it’s been like three hours I’ve been spending the majority of this this game in my pause screen I like how it says and it’s Conor’s face cam what is happening why does it keep changing stop changing it this A if it’s on keep it

On make this a blue comment please why did Connor do that it’s a OBS scam oh my [Laughter] Lord what’s an OBS cam okay we don’t oh no it’s a it’s like a virtual webcam yeah no this is an actual webcam you can you can see I’m tapping on it

Yeah that’s sure we’re not talking about yours we’re talking about somebody else’s oh who else is I have a you can just put the Discord on a single one and just put POV on it and just just leave it there oh yeah even if I disabled the video he can still do that

I literally don’t have a account this just put the whole Discord on the screen and put POV on it you know what I’m gonna do did you see the thing the thing I sent you yeah I’m paying I’m paying $5.99 to remove ads no why you need paid just call it

Po I’m just say it would be really funny if someone actually paid though that would be really funny keep my gameplay up on there cuz it’s cuz it’s kind of entertaining it’s an entertain wait I got to donate 599 real quick hold okay removing ads is not worth paying money

Money is hard to find copy text I have to install it bro it’s like it’s we not in a silo what do you mean it can’t connect to the Disco oh yeah it always does this it says it can’t except the fact that you will always be frustrated and miserable throughout your

Life and then you’ll be happy that is like the best thing I’ve ever heard that reminds me of a a [ __ ] boj Horseman quote a what Horseman a Bo Horseman you’ve never seen it definitely on Netflix no no no no not no no no it’s no no I tried running a horse once

And it snapped my spine I don’t think you be alive or standing no ate my pants why I’m not standing well you can stand you’re not Spanish what I was how is Derpy like audibly dyslexic is that a thing dude I don’t how putting this group of people in a

Call is the most just no like it’s like the most autism I’ve ever seen in one call putting me dopy ghosty Connell Cosmic and and killer frog and you all in a call is just just Peak content honestly to be honest I I would just say I was playing

Soundboys the entire time yeah this is the this is it was so funny called like what this is absolutely one of the Discord groups of all time true yes I would have suggested adding someone else but then I remembered that um most of most of everyone that I know doesn’t actually

Exist in real life that’s fail what do you huh what do you mean do you me you know what a Hallucination is yeah who who do you think you hallucinated um Lots I do it with my sister a lot all the time I’ll see my

Sister out the cor of my eye and then turn around and go what are you doing you idiot and then there’s no one there you just just gets you okay bro like you guys or something am I missing something here well yes my sister does owe me a lot of

Money but that has nothing to do with it what why we even said okay it’s fine we didn’t say money so unbelievably confused yeah me too Conor so because of the Saturn I pay all the money to get the parts and then I never get any use out

Of it because my sister’s always driving the damn thing I barely get to see it except for when it breaks I I just had a panic attack in like 5 Seconds say you’re still was a bad driver panic attack I don’t get a panic attack in 5

Seconds wait is a panic attack when you just when you just stre for no reason think my heart’s stopping uh oh well that’s like what do you mean oh well oh oh you don’t need a heart just use a hand pump you actually okay I mean honestly Derpy oh is a valid response

Coming from a person that has a lot of [ __ ] panic attacks oh my God I’m I my chest hurts so bad I got jump scared so hard what is a panic attack anyway are you actually okay like I’m like all right I think I hope I’m good but

Dude I mean I just is it when you get attacked and then you panic so you die no what you don’t that did happen right now but I’m not sure that’s the definition who one go uh it’s when you get like anxiety and you like can’t do anything about it

We you it’s like and there’s like abnormalities in like the way your body is functioning because of your anxiety like how can your body functioning dis differently from anxiety there uh like your hyperv you’re hyperventilating your heart is racing your adrenaline’s pumping for no reason only time I get my only time my

Heart racing is when I oh so it’s like when you go in a really high place but bad bad high you can have panic attacks from being at a high place yeah bro I bro I’ll be so nervous you go in a really high place or when you go

More than three steps up on a ladder and you go oh [ __ ] I’m going to die God damn it how the hell you why did I do this this was a stupid idea three steps okay wait yeah I listen col I was with you until you said three steps why yeah I

Get I get like six steps three maybe it’s more maybe it’s I might be able to go get like the second or second to last the second to last step on a on on like a ladder I I have a lot B ladder I have

To go on a ladder every single day like a full like like a full height ladder probably like maybe a little more than halfway up oh I’ve been I’ve I’ve been up I’ve been up if it’s an extension ladder I can usually go about a quarter

Of the way up before I go oh [ __ ] this was a terrible idea I’m going to die it’s okay you can survive that I know somebody who died from that I know someone Who story roof and survived I been up 18 ft so well that’s probably someone that was built a lot better than I am dude there was a guy who tried to escape the police uh by jumping the roof of theory building how did this person how did

This thing turn from a police I think that was in Men In Black and the guy did not survive f are you doing to those animals and it was an alien I’m getting food why do you have to set them on fire in real life was like a real they deserve monster

They dropped cooked food you are a monster so I don’t have to put them in the fullness you’re just lazy you don’t want to cook them you rather for the animal it’s time effici oh yeah you don’t you don’t you don’t use coal yeah the animals deserve it they’re video game

Animals have you not watch Lucas have you not watched dream he does burn them with Fire anid Dream watch I don’t like dream I don’t like dream either thank you Violet I I I like his content I think he has a person is just yeah dreams are kind of like we’re not

Talking about actual dreams we talking about a weirdness that is we’re not talking about dreams we’re talking about a dream a YouTuber There’s an actual person called dream yes yeah that’s yeah oh is it someone that hallucinates a lot what no imagine G have a gun I’m actually

Entirely lost so stupid imagine ghost even [Laughter] better okay to be honest ghosty and dream not that far apart like guns are stupid everyone that has a gun is stupid I don’t get it is basically the same what’s the point I people severely overhyped dream skill level like he’s not that good

I also he’s made the worst music I’ve ever [ __ ] heard in my life oh yeah I don’t know why he decided that’s from a person whose favorite band is AJR which is is considered the worst music in existence dream [ __ ] a bandr do you you not listen to

Music does not often listen who left he left someone just sto streaming where’s my I’m so lost I’m lost I’m gonna play OG fortnite does anybody have fortnite here I fortnite has it I have it but I don’t have it installed oh yeah that was that they brought the revolver back they brought

The revolver back and I’m a revolver demon so where the heck am I I don’t like fortnite at all to be honest I I I play a lot unless you move to the to the hillbilly country or whatever I dude I used to be revolver demon dude he used to be like

Insane with the revolver but they removed it so I stopped playing but I’m G to start playing again right now come on is it oh my God I’m being strangled by the railing that’s so weird H clip that clip it clip it clip it it I’m genuinely lost my I’ve lost my

Home my home is gone you also got to clip uh those horses are being [Laughter] hanged I forgot about that that was one of the moments oh by the way guys did you guys hear that um beast over over over over hide seek wait oh the lady that was like mad

Ros Parks no Parks my friends said Ros Parks ear but no it’s it’s like Ros is something yeah there was this um there was this guy who uh or a group of like four or five people who plan to rob an apartment complex right M and

So they all they started from the bottom floor and worked their way like halfway at the apartment before the police arrived so two of them I thought heard story already two of them were caught immediately once the once the police had had arrived and the other two one was found yeah one yeah

Yeah yes on how am I actually this jumped yeah uh-huh yeah did you die again I’m lagging really bad he he jumped in an in an uh in an attempt to escape like he thought he would survive the six story building drop mhm I think I think that’s pretty funny

Guys tell I actually this much of a moon why would anyone Rob an apartment complex everyone knows those are full of poor people spent like the past 10 minutes looking for my bed and my crafting table and my fullness you know you don’t know that be there be

Sometimes rich people in in apartments someone just speaking very quietly or am I hearing guys I spent actually the last 10 minutes actually the last 10 minutes looking for my where I set up base right my bed my crafting table my fullness make a new one I look back and stream I

Picked them up the bed is literally in my hot ball how am I how how do I have this much brain damage why because probably because play games too much you broke it I don’t know what to phone oh yeah what huh you act like a 5-year-old what the

[ __ ] I am a 5-year-old whatever you’re talking about it’s true I’m five secretly I have the mental capacity of a three-year-old there’s nothing to worry about oh come on maybe a two who knows anyone want to join me in golf oh look that’s the Iowa it doesn’t make any

Sense stupid idiot that created this map the Iowa isn’t in San Francisco it’s in Los Angeles what I I like how I put the I put the entire lyrics to a whole ass song and VI’s [ __ ] chat and she didn’t notice oh yeah I’m just ignoring

It wow okay yeah yeah get ignored get ignored on chat you know chat that’s true I hate my view didn’t that earlier when when AB said hi I did I literally said hi to Abigail was it wasn’t abig it was Alysa see I remember Chad’s names too

I’m I’m a good stream on guys I don’t you how do you remember people’s names I can’t I usually they get mad at me they’re like you don’t remember me I was in your stream literally two days ago I’m like I’m sorry I have [ __ ] dementia leave me alone I don’t think

I’ve ever had someone actually get mad at me for forgetting their name I don’t know I’ve had a cou possibly get mad at someone for forgetting a name It’s Perfectly Normal does this person who’s in my stream mysterious stranger for some reason part of me always was like

Is this a person like I knew in real life at some point and probably I was very I I was very worried to ever mention it because I was like maybe maybe I’m just a bad person for forgetting who this is maybe I actually know hey by are going are going to re

Face reveal uh maybe I plan on face reveal like as if Viet didn’t do 20 VR streams with face on YouTube there we go weird she used to do uh face cam streams or uh videos for for a while she did them like a week AG go no what the [ __ ] was

That all that stupid but uh she has not done face cam streams in a long time literally one month ago when she played VR FNAF Help Wanted yeah that’s with that’s with the that half that was half a phrase also I think I had the mask on

Too did I yeah you had you had so for us it was just youing a black black face I’ve I’ve with throughout the past like couple weeks I’ve been throughout the past like couple of weeks I’ve been uh showing parts of my face yeah there the I posted a photo on

Uh where is it on my Discord last time I saw your face was when you were at your old house behind a curtain or you in like a laundry room or something what that last time I saw your that sounds so weird out of context Cosmic what are you talking

About well wait is it on stream V vet’s first like the first time I saw Violet was when you like behind find a kitchen or whatnot yeah oh oh I don’t think I’m going to make it he he had a curtain in where wasn’t a door was a curon right

Oops it’s Violet un the real violet un yeah you had a cter right not not a door yeah I had there was like a yeah I had like a blanket over the doorway so that people didn’t end up on Stream So my sibling don’t want to be on

Stream but yeah this is this I don’t care I I saw I saw I saw your dad keep walking by you like most the streams this is the closest thing right now that exists to my face publicly your face what’s wrong with your face it’s not that ugly face reveal

Yet oh yes it is a lot less weathered than mine is my face is very WEA uses weathered to to describe their face look like someone trying to well you could also use Rusty the lapidated Jesus okay you saying random words that that that don’t make any sense I mean

It’s got more craters than the moon technically so it’s not exactly a a face that could be considered good I’m going to who the hell is hell is having like a horn a dark horn in the background all what that’s what I heard from someone’s background I wasn’t even trying to do

That guys where the ever loving God did I end up uh why am I my Portal’s all the way over there my port’s all the way over there what happened I guess he doesn’t like your portal I guess that’s his new house okay I guess I guess this is my portal

Now uh I think I’m going to end stream oh why I have food that I want to eat and also I don’t I genuinely don’t know what to do on the whole world right now who needs to eat we can switch back to Hypixel and play Hypixel people Conor

People like real people need to eat food sometimes I don’t need to eat food okay I that’s it’s a full-blown lie I have to go back and get my stuff and then I’ll end stream I cannot remember the last time I was actually hungry do not do not

Eat therefore I do not I don’t think I don’t think Connor is a real person just like by the way con Conor’s is AI okay yeah basically wait did anyone actually think I was a real person I don’t anyone did yeah lot a lot of people would just

Yeah H I don’t know the fact that you ask questions every since some say something stupid than you someone is someone just really quiet or am I just hearing voices in my head bro who’s quiet very loud yeah that makes more sense am I not loud

Enough no you are you are loud loud enough am I loud enough A lot quieter than you am I loud no not you either ah probably probably Derpy it’s not me I’m not talking at all is like the loudest person you hear that’s true yeah to be

Honest if Trav is here he’ be the person yeah True by the way violet yeah should I be concerned should you be concerned about what you and Travis should I be worried is there something going on nothing’s act no h whatever it is nothing I don’t believe that I do not believe wait you actually I’m starting to think

So why you think Travis had a crush of violet I didn’t say anything what do you think happened to Violet dad what no no not that no don’t B going crazy stop stop con okay let me mute everything uh full second okay anyways anyways well fine anyways

Now that default name I I associate with anyone that I forget the name up now that now that we know not to do my family um I could have sworn it was someone else’s dad too um maybe one of mar my dad why I talk my dad’s now what the [ __ ] I I

Would hope you don’t know my family’s name it’s Troy for Violet to avoid my question anyway no I was gonna get to that me and Travis are not involved I’m not involved involved in what no me in anyone else okay we should invol in we should prob have this

Conversation in private after she’s start streaming well I I’m saying I haven’t done it so it’s fine haven’t done what haven’t done wait what I’m confused how many banks have you R you haven’t done what I’m confused you just said you haven’t done it no I

Mean like I haven’t I haven’t what was I saying I mean like I haven’t I haven’t done relationship I don’t know w a hold English is hold well it’s kind of hard to tell if you’ve done anything malicious isn’t it I that’s not what I that’s not even the

Ws that I said car oh that’s not even the Ws my hearing isn’t that great in case you haven’t noticed I probably be great if you have headphones I just heard it again why did the clouds just teleport did you guys see that what the clouds just teleported

That was weird they’re not even normal Minecraft clouds they not M CLS where guys thank you guys for watching um I don’t know uh you guys want to say say bye uh thank you to oh yeah Bye all I have to say is big oh my God what the hell is that I’m sorry got I’m sorry I’m sorry who did that it was me I’m sorry I’m gonna replay the disc I’m I’m giving us credits hold muted bro Lucas said he did and you’re like who still did

It oh Christ oh my God uh it it takes Conor like it takes Conor two minutes to process what happened the internet doesn’t the internet already know everything about everyone anyway what when talk about internet what I don’t think anybody knows about like my actual identity in on the internet like why

Why wait unrelated but Derpy what the [ __ ] is your Google I don’t think anybody knows me that doesn’t answer my question wait do you live in some cabin in the middle of nowhere or something oh yeah I’m a conspiracy theorist I’m actually 55 oh I believe it that just makes you more interesting

Doesn’t it true Yeah who would you rather who who’s more interesting really work the supermarket and does everything everyone else does or the or the 55 5-year-old conspiracy theorist that lives in the middle of nowhere really one of them is more interesting it’s credits crazy is always more credits credits

Credits let’s say it a movie Violet yes it is credits what are these credits for is it a fil of Currency uh what else what else can I credit Um what the [ __ ] is that wait who is that what am I hearing okay stop stop getting too high I know you’re doing that stop getting too high is that what’s getting too high are you talking about that hearing test noise that’s what it sounded like literally what it sounded

Like oh God okay chat no stop it like TS out constantly what the bye guys okay dude people keep playing that in like my my my Spanish class specifically it is the worst thing ever literally bad it’s like really bad I I can’t do this goodbye bye by CH bye

Bye chat I lovebody ever

This video, titled ‘Starting my NEW Hardcore Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Violet_ on 2023-11-11 08:01:28. It has garnered 96 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 06:11:25 or 22285 seconds.

Day 1 – Starting a NEW Minecraft Hardcore World!

6:00 – Start of World 1: “4 big guys” 1:00:18 – LaughingLukas Joins VC to 1v1 me in PvP Legacy 1:09:05 – The Hypixel Part of the Stream 2:07:00 – Hardcore Continues! 2:36:48 – Losing it all 2:38:53 – Start of World 2: “4 sea men” 3:44:00 – Losing it all part 2 3:45:23 – Start of World 3: “dissapointment”

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    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

    Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 - Ticket Tightrope Welcome, welcome, to the Bean Mart show, Where we mix business with Minecraft, let’s go! On TikTok Live, I shared the behind-the-scenes, Of ordering, stocking, and all the in-betweens. The viewers were hooked, on the edge of their seats, As I navigated the game with swift and neat beats. Join me on YouTube, if you missed the live stream, For a night of fun, like a gaming dream. Subscribe to my channel, for more content galore, On Instagram, Amazon, and so much more. Follow me on Spotify, for tunes that inspire, And on Facebook and Pinterest, for content that’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

    Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill Building a Windmill in Minecraft with Create Mod In this Minecraft video, Ubu demonstrates how to build a windmill using the Create mod as part of a 30-day build challenge. The windmill is designed to produce bread and is powered by a series of intricate mechanical components. Setting Up the Foundation To begin the construction, Ubu replaces Moss blocks with grass blocks and lays out the initial framework using gearboxes, mechanical bearings, water wheels, water, stone, oak planks, and plows. The plows are used to mark out a circular area for the windmill’s operation. Constructing the Windmill After setting… Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

    Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20 Exploring the Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.20 Recently, a group of gamers embarked on an exciting adventure in Minecraft 1.20, where they discovered a Nether Fortress. This fortress, shrouded in mystery and danger, offered them new challenges and rewards as they delved deeper into its depths. Unveiling the Secrets of the Nether Fortress As the gamers ventured into the Nether Fortress, they encountered a myriad of hostile mobs and treacherous terrain. However, they also discovered valuable resources and hidden treasures that made their journey worthwhile. Conquering the Nether Fortress Despite the challenges they faced, the gamers persevered and navigated… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream Go follow my kick – Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord Donation Link :$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

    Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChaosJul on 2024-02-22 13:46:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mooinn guys!! What’s up?? In this video I played Fortnite in Minecraft. I would really appreciate a like and a subscription… Read More

  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Y'all better accept it!Looks like this meme has a better score than my GPA in high school! Read More

  • Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore!

    Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft Bedwars, Where players battle with swords and stars. Fiizy and Wallibear, they’re in the mix, Crafting strategies with a few neat tricks. Hypixel Bedwars, the ultimate test, With teams of four, who will be the best? Roblox Bedwars, a different scene, But just as fun, with a twist so keen. Fiizy’s texture pack, a sight to behold, Making the game feel fresh and bold. Wallibear’s lucky block Bedwars, a thrill, With surprises at every turn, a true skill. So grab your gear, and join the fray, In Minecraft Bedwars, where legends play. Subscribe… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #hotshorts

    Minecraft meme #hotshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Blaze Portal Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? Join UzeMing as he delves into the creation of the Boboiboy Blaze Portal, a unique addition to the Minecraft universe. Follow along as we explore the evolution of Boboiboy Api and witness the power of Boboiboy Blaze in action. Materials Needed To create the Boboiboy Blaze Portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, Flint, steel, and magma blocks. These materials will form the foundation of the portal, showcasing the strength and fiery essence of Boboiboy Blaze. Building the Portal With a 4×5 layout, UzeMing constructs the… Read More

  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

    Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained Exploring the World of Minecraft Anarchy Servers What is Minecraft Anarchy? Minecraft Anarchy is a unique form of gameplay within the Minecraft universe where there are no rules. Players have the freedom to build, destroy, and engage in conflicts with one another without any restrictions. It offers a truly chaotic and unpredictable gaming experience. Server Spotlight: Strad One of the servers that embodies the essence of Minecraft Anarchy is Strad. Here, players delve into a world where creativity knows no bounds, and the only limit is their imagination. It’s a place where alliances are formed and broken, where epic… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble’s INSANE Survival Stream!

    UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble's INSANE Survival Stream!Video Information on Twitch for 27 minutes without realizing that I was streaming on Twitch I’m back 6 months we’re here playing Minecraft we already got a little far we have add-ons [ __ ] I had to stop streaming because I realized yep uh I’m not streaming on YouTube we only have a little uh a little bling I need to see if we’re live one second on YouTube because I couldn’t figure out what I was streaming on I was okay [ __ ] wait oh my God I was streaming on Twitch well at least I did… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted Island

    Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted IslandVideo Information ओम माम माम बि बिंग बूम ओ भाई ये क्या हो रहा है ओ भाई साब ये क्या आ चुका है भाई ये क्या आ गए क्या य क्या हो रहा है ओ भाई क्या हो रहा हैया कब से चल कब पहुंचेंगे अरे यार पहुच जाएंगे बस कुछ देर बस और ज्यादा नहीं जाना है बस पहुच गए अरे यार मैं तोय तक भूल गया हम कहां जा रहे थे वैसे क्या नाम था उसका हां मोरोको जा रहे थे यार भैया आपको मैं कह ही रहा था कि क्यों ना वो फ्लाइट कर लेते आपको ज्यादा… Read More

  • Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! 🏠🔥

    Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! 🏠🔥Video Information हेलो गाइस कैसे हैं आप सब लोग उम्मीद करता हूं आई होप सबब बढ़िया ही होंगे तो मैं फिर से आ चुका हूं स् ब्लॉक सीजन टू में पले वीडियो में बोला था कि मैं एक है ना बहुत बड़ा घर बनाऊंगा तो आज हम बनाएंगे अपना प्यारा सा एक घर तो यार वीडियो में नए हो ना तो प्लीज यार वीडियो को लाइक करना और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना तो चलो यार वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं मैंने ऑलरेडी ऑफलाइन बहुत सारे पेड़ काट लिए हैं आप देख ही सकते हो तो मेरे पास यहां पे चेस्ट… Read More

  • “Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

    "Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!" #minecraft #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Catch Em All!! #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:03. It has garnered 2506 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the… Read More

  • DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥

    DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥Video Information तो गाइस कैसे हो वेलकम बैक टू अने वाला ह डॉक्टर [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] अ च [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] भा [संगीत] हाट एमपी ऑन करो भाई ठीक है आप आप जाके खेलो मैं हा ऑन कर रहा व न है यार शायद तक मैं अभी देखा हूं छोटू भाई खेल रहे थेम में शायद ओके ऑन नहीं है चलो भाई मैंने ऑन कर दिया है ओके ओ [संगीत] यार भाई बहुत अच्छा है [संगीत] आप लिया कैसे क्या [हंसी] ओ माय गॉड क्या खतरनाक ड भी बहुत करते है 80 नहीं दो भगाए ये ट्रक भी ना स्पीड… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

    EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!Video Information Minecraft Manhunt but I get to play as overpowered superheroes I put together a special movie just for you guys to Showcase my best superheroes that I’ve ever morphed into so grab yourself a cookie and find a comfy spot because you are about to watch the most epic superhero Manhunt in Minecraft history it’s hunting time siren let’s get him atam we’re the Scarlet Witch my friends are hunting me down right now as two women where is he we got to get a wood and we got to get out of here quick click take all… Read More

  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

    INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO - MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘how girl build house and……….#minecraft #demonslayer #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH SADDIN on 2024-02-17 12:23:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More