INSANE Warden Takedown in Minecraft

Video Information

Hello up Jerome here along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream today we’re going to be doing a little bit of cops and robbers into a very long winded segment which is Pixelmon auction Pixelmon auction of the past has ended disastrously some of them

Have taken a long time most of the time Steve hates me by the end of it but we’re going to have fun right guys are load ston still op or like did any sort of change happen with the EMC values or I don’t think so it wasn’t load Stones

Was it wasn’t it um are they with the is that what the bricks are called they called yeah it was load yeah the load stes are big okay when I think of load Stone I think of teleporting but uh yeah but yeah yeah so we’re going to be doing

That but this is the start it’s uh pretty classic game mode you got to break out of the prison the only difference is Luke modded it a bunch and so now apparently there’s like uh explosives and guns and stuff like that Ratatat T Cappy wants that Gat let’s go

Also we got 100 people watching so thank you everybody for being here and uh and ready to have some fun with us all right well uh I guess that’s kind of it who wants to be it not it I mean I’ll be it I don’t care hey

Kappy I like it cap you I don’t think you’ve been a warden for a minute oh yeah it always goes perfectly as planned right hey and I don’t know why but congratulations you’re a dollar richer with a 2B stream tip said monkey give cap $1 we’re not doing this

Again down by the warden before we even start the yatsi H I am your Warden C keep this accent is strangely familiar woohoo big summer breakout let’s go let’s go friends let’s go big summer Breakout someone leave me to my friend Jerry I need to know this way this way this way

Way Z Crocker with the $30 strip some Floppy Fish bomb dropsy not that guy this guy dropsy the Floppy Fish bom nobody’s home dingleberry drop off come here jard get out the toilet I’m not in the toilet I’m not in here jar jar don’t make me

Shoot you don’t make me shoot you get out get out I will kill you oh sorry the door is locked get out cold can of Coca-Cola leave okay not coca just like my home country and where is that stuff rots your teeth dude one won’t kill me huh no Mountain

Dew okay buff man I want you to come out here and pose with me pose with me Jah ah yes I yes PA look at hold we we have a science question from Kronos the $30 stream dip he said what if you get fish bomble in the toilet science oh God too much

Fish my home country Mr I I don’t have any money but here’s does that answer that Cronos does that answer your question away for my college tuition here I am multi I am doing good I seek higher education like 90 degree jar please get down get down he

Has to he has to respond we have to wait for jurar everybody form a circle I shall I’ll sing you custom song from my we can’t do that this is Minecraft sir get in get in pentagonal formation Pentagon that’s a funcle you’re not in pentagonal

Monk fast if you do not do it so you will be a pentagonal monk get down here jodar or I shall come up there and show you what I do with an enchanted wooden Ste I’m not up here get down here I swear to God no I shoot

An arrow I shoot an arrow then you shall die and I will not cry what is even happening how many accents what is that he’s nrow at you car as I ined because I am a doctor are you Dr Captain I shall sing you from my home go for it this

Will from the homeland of I shall sing and then we shall go clockwise formation and you shall pick up song after me it shall be great steadfast please I’m just going to add this one said you can rap if you wish you can rap if you wish get back in

Circle I do not want get you a that’s right that’s a new feature Kronos thank you he gifted five uh drf memberships I forgot that’s a new feature formation just now got that steadfast fast I wanted to do activities you are ruin activities I can’t say

I don’t care if you sing just say word improv uh blade clearly doesn’t know how to click a refresh button because I fix I shall just simply I shall just simply cheat no no there we go Blade no blade blade can go he is not subject to all this

Torture what torture is normal word in my place hold on are we being tortured going to keep this book I think we’re being towards going to start the song I’m going to start okay so I’m going to start and then I’m going to look to monkey and then it’ll be his turn and

The monkey will look to Jerry and it’ll be great where’ the accent go what yeah you mind your own business here cap I’ll take care of this for you yourth wall and I’m sad now get them hexagon this is poor shy workmanship why is your shape so so

Bad it’s a very skinny hexagon it is more rupy honestly say that rupy okay bonus fish for drop car for recognizing Ry okay I shall sing and then monkey s sing and then sing sing sing and then ding sing sing so we go to b sing

Say it’s a long long play is what I say my homand smells of fish monkey the fish smell like the toes of Steve Jerry what it didn’t even run it doesn’t have to ride don’t worry we can now end this thing now monkey you touch them you must Believe that fish of improv Zia are Supreme capar capar like people don’t realize this is kind of how our improv classes work okayy ended the song with her I pray I don’t survive I’m going to lose my mind today Sac beef and no one is alive wack wack this is my favorite part Everybody Run rhymes with a Ario

It’s i’ played ding I’m coming for the Jer and I’m Cappy that’s me lotion guys it’s weird today no so what are you in for I don’t know actually ohob freeze or do you die freeze or die freeze or die okay okay if you can tell

Me what my favorite flavor of fish is I shall let you free until next time a is it salmon wrong oh flavored it’s the fish of capar dead I didn’t know they had a specific fish that’s what we’ve been seeing about the whole time yeah I thought it was

Just I thought he was just talking about an island and hey thank you so much midnight Reaper for becoming an ultimate supporter we have big things planned for ultimate supporters we changed up our membership system entirely so midnight Reaper thank you so much dude enjoy it

And uh big things are coming I think that one I could be wrong even comes with credit in the uh in the videos I could be wrong about that I think it does yeah blade sending them over my way now hi I’m back welcome back

Back okay so I guess I should go back and try and meet up with you guys I killed almost everybody I think that’s a you problem in the vents I’m about to make it problem is just learning why would it be a me problem oh it’s got to be a you

Problem I haven’t done anything what I’m behaving libr which is surpris I’m in the library it’s it’s crazy but midnight Reaper thank you again for being our first ever ultimate supporter thank you dude so that must be Steve because no it wasn’t me no I’m looking at Steve

Yeah here the cafeteria hey guys oh hey J I’m alive again dropy blaming us Jerry would you like some butter dropsy doesn’t blame us for anything ever why would you that Steve you kidding me did you take all the food hey Jerry those convicts I haven’t seen them anywhere

Like I haven’t found those convicts I’ve been really trying to like escape from this prison guard he has like a weird voice what’s wrong could you give Jerry what what does it sound like I wasn’t able to do it come here oh yes Cappy he sounded like a this oh he sounded like

Yes guys something happening oh no drop we need your medical degree we need your medical degree Drop is it’s not get down we either need your medical degree or your legal degree we need help uh does anyone have C and butter hold on I’ll I’ll I’ll making my way back so you did take all the food I didn’t take any food we can play

Another game and how much to teleport everybody to me again 1732 50 you six numbers off of greatness vent alarm triggered V I know what I’ll give you three guesses who that is and they all start with steel well then we can play a game on our own

Without dropy Steve we got right I don’t know what we’re doing everybody line up oh there she is she appear from the vent just like my home country everybody L butter from cap garia we shall be of commiserating with the game now please line up what game in

Favor of who in order of who is the most popular figure it out among yourselves I’ll go all the way down here I think we got it actually there you go there you go Dead’s not far enough oh yeah I’m not far enough either let me go all the way down is King

Ker you get back we’re doing pretty good okay I would now like to field the crowd for subject topics for the alpab can ibe you what can I bribe you bribe me for what well can I bribe you with Ste where’d you get that steak from don’t

Worry about it all right I have my poemon was a pitch I’m hearing out the crowd though do I hear any other suggestions that aren’t favoring monkey and in the min’s way uh yes yes movies that predate the year 2000 oh be double cheing every single one with the innovation of this thing

Called the internets I shall be giving you wedia CHS about Minecraft items movies at predate 2000 okay Dylan thank you for the eight-month membership dude up the inter I should give you a good amount of time for these I’m not sure I have one for a but

Not wait give me one second really quick I want to thank you guys so much for watching thank you to all the big supporters that we’ve had so far um and also we uh we have in the description if you’re interested a goal to do a bonus

Saturday live live stream if you want that to happen let’s make it happen also I have news I have a new hot sauce on the way that should be hotter than any other hot sauce I’ve ever gotten if we get through all the hot sauces today we will add it to the list

When it comes in in the next day or two I undened are we ready wow you you missed quite the Jeopardy over here oh no okay starting with the letter Hey what oh what I had one okay you go I went for B too if you want to go first yeah yeah yeah uh uh Air Bud the last air bender before 2000 1997 is the first airbud H ding durgen prize fish prize fish you will get the prize fish now the

Computing the original one the original 1985 was a good year yeah soup saying about it Ste stear Ste Ste stear movie prize fish prize F cat dog cat dog cat dog cat dog cat dog movie came out in 2001 no oh D I’m sorry did I get it’s okay no no here’s

How it’s going to work it’s going to be elimination style you can’t eat but you get one lash one lash yes yes yes monk gar monk gar what do you yeah midnight Reaper I’ll look into help one of two I don’t know what that is but I’ll look into it I mean it’s

Fair you are the first ultimate supporter caty Shack Katy Shack Katy sh wait monk got I missed that yeah that what I do know failed with cat dog that’s why he got SE 1980 that is for you I for f but I don’t have one for E le you

Buddy uh I have one for E what are you talking about Die Hard Die Hard Die Hard Die Hard Die Hard 19 1988 that’s a good one that’s a good one you get the priz F Christmas movie yes and the bones that came with them by you see they’re

They’re showing Die Hard in theaters for Christmas starting with December 8th yes pretty dope It’s pretty dope prize fish for no cool priz fish priz fish Jerry it is e oh easy pleaseing ding ding ding ding ding ding ding disppointed just add one more letter yeah that’s fair no way I change it

E finally home ah just like my home country here you go you could have said Evil Dead you could have said e so many Forest scump for is go good good good prize fish for you now stead you’ve had one lash don’t make it two or it shall be the end for

You GI Joe GI Joe okay let’s see wait they made multiple well it’ll be it would be first one it’s not coming up like normally releas you survive this time steadfast ooh prize fish for you prize fish for you can I eat the prize fish Juan Ceno

Wants to know how many tamales we can eat at least a dozen I’m being so serious at least dozen I love dep stand tamali standard unit the only proper size is big big big size big well the thing is I’m I’m going to I’m going to share screen real quick with the

Audience as well uh see like there’s no real like standard for for this stuff right so like take a look so like I mean come on like is we you know this guy right here made an absolute unit of a tamali but like yeah so how big are we

Talking you know what I’m saying how big of a tamale are we talking about what’s the circumference I mean this thing’s thick this thing’s like burrito thick that’s not okay no they they overdid it that is not a that might as well be a beef wellington bro like yeah

That’s not the same that is no longer the thanks for the gifted one membership and Draco with $150 stream and a gift for you jar use it wisely oh thank you what is what these give I think we’ll find out I’ll tell you what cap you mess

Around you’ll find out I mess around I always mess around almost as if you don’t have it yet I don’t get quick no what could happen if I were to be some sort of bully it’s not me on the server it’s get back in line you you have the

Power here you have the power here get back in line for your humanist you take one lash that is all your punishment you need where you go oh my Lord oh my Lord you kill jard get stick you don’t want to try and kill me I’m over here

Dry wrong away you really want to do this you don’t want to do this anybody else anybody else want to figure out am I out of the game no you’re not out of game okay all right now we’re all done figuring out hey potato to thanks for

Becoming a member we got eight members today crazy uh M Mr Warden man I have question about rules of movies that start with the word the what ruling on that the is not a valid St I have I have a movie it’s one of the ones that starts with uh

The but then it has it’s the only one I can think of right now well you need H yeah I know it’s well say the word like you’re very The Hunt for Red October The Hunt for Red October what do you mean what is that that it’s a movie thank you so much

1990 1990 good movie good movie Steve yes you must now dark dragon thanks for becoming a supporter of the channel and to be sorry I meant to say thank you for gifting a Membership I I um Igloo say igloo no no no In Cold Blood In Cold Blood I shall check in Cold Blood 1967 in black and white extra fish for you jurar oh jurar you for I Steve johned for some reason I couldn’t get over Interstellar stuck there that’s not it jamus

Bond oh James Bond okay yeah that one is definitely true I don’t even need to look that one up yeah James Bond and the eye of saon that’s the one get him out of here I am now addressing the artist formerly known as the drip Meister drop J could

You please choose one that would be of pertaining to the game now Karate [Laughter] Kid oh yeah Karate Kid yeah he okay so happy I always Karate Kid yeah yeah Karate Kid yeah Karate Kid yeah you get all the fish yay bam bam bam oh

My God cist I lost my fish earlier so this is good thank you again Draco for being our captain of the live stream with $150 Hammer 2500 we’re going for the gold today if we do that we have a bonus Saturday live stream let’s make it happen that very convincing

Argument fish comrade yes okay Karate Kid top that like my God so all right guys Kronos the $25 stream tip I’m guessing a steak buom on Jerry said from now on all food questions shall be answered in poundage how many pounds of tamales can you eat oh pounds 10 10 no

Dude oh I was going to say closer to [Laughter] five two on a good day serious if I didn’t eat anything that day I could lady in the TR I think I think the most I can fit in my go dense food you have to remember wow

Tamali are dense food so 5 PBS obviously it’s still a lot of food but lady the was made in 1955 guys I’ll say two and a half pounds at most 55 oh Hing durgen CPP old my the one I thought of for L was Lion King it was also

Disney that was me faded ghost gave away five memberships wo that’s 14 now we’ve gotten today 14 new memberships that’s a me balls also a nice or DV in my own home country dude I like the gifted now look at all the members in the chat this is

So sick I like this this is cool what it really works with the mustache do it not do it no no no the mustache look at me jordar I want you to get to like real up close with my face for like right now yes yes look at me I’m from the home

Country Of where was that again luia oh right got got oh behold just gave away 10 memberships that’s how many is that 24 members today or something a lot of MERS Jesus behold lot of MERS 10 memberships C oh my gosh d by the end of this everyone’s

Going to be a member mask of Zoro the mask of Zoro I’m so proud of you guys wow 1998 199 I love old movies okay if Steve gets this one we’re lowering it to before 1990 oh no oh no um okay oh yeah in I’m gonna be

Honest I’m not sure so I’m gonna say the movie Nar no way to cry no way to cry no way to cry I well congratulations Steve that’s not a movie I know I just made something up and hope for the best hey that was two not a movie does gets you two [Laughter]

Lashes so Jerome’s on in yes um okay but it’s still 2,000 because Steve in fact did not get it was d d d ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding what is that movie like not another something movie oh what about Nightmare Before Christmas Nightmare Before

Christmas not another team movie yeah not another team oh good thing I say1 drop speaking of oo dropsy what’s up uh oh this is I think this movie is old 101 dations that old fairly certain the original or 19 origin the OG 101 dations oh my God midnight Reaper gifted 50

Memberships oh my God there’s not going to be anyone in the chat who isn’t a member by the end of what have we done what got Smiles upon this activity all the memberships This Land is Our Land and not Jerry’s land donate so that we can steal both his [Laughter]

Hands those Pines and we shall be happy I’m gonna take from Jerry uh Oh I’m going to let it go because it’s technically 100 but yeah 101 Dom yes but the F the text says 101 Dalmations like the 101 titled 101 Don titled like that oh well one left real quick I midnight Reaper thank you so much for being our

Captain of the live stream our first ultimate supporter dropping 50 gifted memberships you guys are amazing I’m going to have blade come in here after this segment to explain what exactly we’re changing about memberships and how awesome it’s going to be on the channel going forward thank you though for real

Midnight Reaper thank you for making this day so special 74 members guys we have can I just say this has been the longest running mini game we’ve ever done wait c i have good news we’ll make it shorter Draco with an $80 stream dip said I crave violence and I choose monkman he

Said but he doesn’t want it with SL kill he wants it with l oh get him get him oh you can break the glass there we go yeah I have some steak monk loses it Monk’s out of the running it’s down to ohry po sound J dropsy instead now uh and one

Wrong move and I’m yeah yeah I’m on PE I know that I think I’m happy that I I thought you I thought you were gonna say I’m gonna pee I was like don’t I’m going to pee I’m so nervous trap Parent Trap trap that was that was a pretty

Good one 199 eight wow okay okay Q um ding ding ding ding D ding ding ding ding ding ding ding I’m just gonna hope that there’s a movie based off of this that inspired the show Queen’s Gambit oo I’m just going to hope that there was like an older movie or something Movie nope one lash for jurar no adri the meow with $25 stream tip steak bomb for capar and yeah we’ll we’ll count it towards the big goal for the bonus weekend live stream so we’ll guys I can only talk to you like this while I’m vomiting stick I’m I’m trapped inside

The body of a Norwegian man with a mustache help the steak it empowers me it’s the only chance I have left to escape this flesh binding h dur how are you all it’s very unfortunate it the Queen’s Gambit was based on a book from 1983 so

You were you were so close but not there dang zner thank you for becoming a supporter on the channel and we are going to count to answer your question Adrien the meow we are counting members towards that goal for the bonus Saturday live stream and thank you Daniel Wilson

Thorn for becoming a member that’s 76 we’re going to get over 100 members today we’re get 100 members 100 100 100 it’s not just the pirate’s favorite letter I mentioned Indiana Jones earlier so I’m going to hope Raiders of the Lost Art counts o Raiders of the Lost dark

Face melty melt melt yes that would count what this is my favorite Ward ding ding D this is the best time if I shoot up will it fall or hit ceiling it hit ceiling maybe later we go outside and play dodge the arrow like in grownups yes like in grownups prize prize stick

For you if you listen closely you can hear the famished screams of a man trapped in his own [Laughter] psyche this is getting dark Dr I don’t know I’m trusting you potato Togepi okay I’m trusting you oh Jes Jes oh now he’s back real quick no I’m not out cap gave me a

Lashing yeah yeah I you get one lash so stead stead turn St turn Sabrina the Teenage Witch he was was it had a movie but it was a movie before it was 1995 oo 1994 woo no 1954 maybe not the witch type that’s probably not the witch one if I’m

Honest ding dinga ding let’s go jar time the table the table the table the table was probably one of the best for Supporting Cast the table film uh if you do mean the 2016 one you’re going to die is there an older one no there’s a Korean one in 2017 but

No toap I’m timing out Willie you’re wait my on te yes you are on te why would you lie to me Titanic Titanic so many options to said I know but Togepi stream said the table trust me and I trusted her and look what happened Willie’s timed out now this is your

Fault t t t usad UFO I found oh that’s got to be one oh that’s got to be one yeah the table is one wait the table short film so it’s table is a 1972 short film written by Adrien Lynn Google said no so he get lashed sorry Jam oo it says

2018 cat I don’t know how to do a backflip he probably rip his pants again yeah right that be good oo Movie Dark Universe I all I see is a bunch of alien invasions is there some sort of tagline that goes with UFO instead I’m really giing over here it’s U like I think it’s just u.f do uf. o yeah movie 1993 who that was the year I was

Born wow do I getus for that my homeland okay so next UV V I mean well Jerome is not out yet I guess I mean he can be he lived right yeah he well he lived but also I wouldn’t want to kill him because he has minigun and I must respect his cultural

Like rights in the situation uh it’s okay I I’ll count myself out I deserve to be out yes you deserve to keep the Min gun people donate are are there are there Veggie Tales movies Veggie Tales abolutely no way 1993 up I’m looking wait I’m looking V

Tales 1993 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 Jos s Cy what is a steak bomb I don’t know what that means I’m so concerned what could possibly happen whenever you say steak bomb Mr me I don’t know Kaboom well I mean it’s obviously not going to happen because someone is

Trifling I guess capar is Invincible ding ding dur okay so Veggie Tales counts to UV W Willy WKA the Chocolate Factory give he so such big oh my God he’s so handsome so cool eat this cake before I die oh my God the darkness it’s coming

For me I can’t see anything beyond the steak I’m surrounded by [Applause] beef Hing that quite awkward I’m sorry he just keeps coming out anyway W Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory I must check my head is getting very light wi okay um what are we on well well I’m

Double checking Willy Wonka oh okay 19 71 wild come back out yeah then we can escape I don’t think it works like that try me fool him he said it why sorry my finger why you like this my finger slipped I’m sorry X again it’s

The third time you just I’m going to go with the letter X cuz that’s the only thing I can think of and I’m going to hold there’s one that’s older than 2000 there’s one not the title letter X just it’s just called X 2022 the movie please please let there be one

Before 2000 please please can I change my answer I know exactly what you’re about to choose you’re about to say X Files the movie aren’t you no Xenon oh since you thought of it before I could correct you one latch Xenon let me see is winner movie boy

Is I I I told Xenon girl of the 21st century was 1999 you could haveen like I literally do not remember I know it’s a Disney Channel like straight to TV movie but I did not know when it came out and then they had Xenon the sequel yeah

Yeah is happy I forgot who the mean girl was R Simone was in it too Raven Simone oh she is from my homeland Vernon’s trying to cheat he said there’s an anime movie from 1996 called X we don’t count anir someone tell me about enemy what is enemy I don’t know

Oh oh it’s basically maybe you should PUK Ste and find out oh man know who no no I don’t need to puke steti something’s better left Insight locked up tight and repressed um why is his head on backwards who’s hey here trippy that was some exist I

Honestly feel like we is having good time oh bazooka I got problem solved ding ding ding ding I’m going to sing sing okay I don’t want to die again okay guys now let’s go outside and we will play Dodge the arrow y do we have to sit still well

That’s part of the game yes it’s it’s a it’s a giant game of chicken instead okay now if now intern intern big man in Sky muscles so big so handsome glasses on face could you give me a crossbow with multi-shot oo yes it’s spicy it’s spicy

Why do I feel like this can only go bad unless maybe you want do do bazooka bullets have gravity I think they just explode in the air they might just explode yes but give me give me m ouch that was rude why are you mean to Big Man sky musle so big glasses

On that’s his full name by the way that’s his full name the bathroom real quick you killed Big Sky mus so biges on face so handsome Ste Ste just want to go take a dump in the middle of our activities activators you will respect my activators okay does it fall does it

Fall um does it fall doesn’t look like it’s coming down looks like it’s just wait a minute I still see a DOT I don’t is he going to fall I think it just go goes forever I see no dots okay I see nothing okay then the multi-shot cross

I’m waiting for it to come down as someone’s outside the prison running for the arrows as well please because I uh yeah because this is going to use them up okay here’s how Dodge the arrow Works guys it’s very cultural of my homeland want the can I me arrows those

Are crucial to Dodge I wanted steak Yeah you can have steak you can have put him in the ground happy me meets deserved really yes thank okay this is nice open area right here over here yes this is perfect this is this is a starting place okay hold on steak i

Games okay I am going to shoot my bow my crossbow up into the air and you all have to stay as close to the arrow as possible whoever chickens out is a big old chicken dum dum is your G muted no I’m right here I’m just scared okay get over here get

Over here big chicken dum dum okay dum dum give me drum drum okay ready go oh they went backwards no there’s still one up here I caught it he jurar wins oh my God it’s in his nose they all B SI ow Ow small Jerry oh smelly Jerry that say smelly smelly smelly Jer okay guys so now it shall be an allout Sprint to see who shall Escape first ready set free for all all right bye I am go too I do so good I shall not kill you unless I reach there

First Luke what if I don’t know where I’m going that is good for me and bad for you I don’t know why you guys are following me I got to set some stuff up I just want to just want to participate I’m scared friend Luke Friend Luke Friend you give Jerry

Minun M gun or it’s not here oh we’re we’re speed running the well de’s getting’s in last yeah ste’s got a five yard penalty on the play five yard penalty a minute hold up hold up hold up I left somewhere hold up I can get

Out how do I get ouch ouch um I’m stuck in a wall I’m stuck in a wall yeah yeah don’t worry about it that’s normal we’ll come get you just stay there for like three to four business years I always get confused where to go from here maybe you shouldn’t have killed me

And you would have found out oh somebody St exploded the door what this supp be an iron door blocking and it’s just gone oh it’s just gone someone just shattered it with Hulk like strength [Laughter] apparently now who would do that very very Hulk much well okay I’m almost there I’m almost

There guys oh God no no hello D guys you did so good you did so good just because of the recent things that I have caused you I don’t even know what you’ve done recently uh oh yeah I don’t either I do not remember okay good I shall save

You oh no I didn’t save him who did this I thanks the $25 stram you want a shell shock Lucky Block uh I don’t think we’re doing shell shock Lucky Blocks anytime soon but your not probably yeah probably not that not very wardens are not allowed to escape

It teleported me back oh I was wondering why you died there I was like what the heck no I didn’t die like CU you shot did did I escape I win you did it wait monkey let me through g g everyone wait that not to be there let you through all right guys

That’ll do it for that segment there we broke out of Kappy’s the same prison cap thank you for being the warden buddy yeah I had fun yeah I think everyone had fun I think I hope you guys had fun too yeah that was good time the intern tpd me with a bazooka

Blew me up goes you’ve been retained g g everybody so thank you everyone so much for being here hope you guys are ready for a fun ending of the live stream it’s a long segment don’t worry we’re not ending early but it’s just it tends to be that Pixelmon

Auction lasts nearly two hours so forever I was I was surprised with how long we got that uh Movie game to last yeah the ABC game that was fun yeah I’m think so glad that I didn’t lose due to lack of knowledge I think the one lash for

Getting it wrong is more viable though oh man um gotta get the new instance oh there’s a new instance oh no right because it’s in a different Minecraft version it’s 120 Luke broke the first one so no wait no it wasn’t me but yeah everyone we are

Killing it right now cuz we’re counting gifted memberships and memberships towards the goal of doing a bonus Saturday live stream so because of that let me do some quick math here um Uh so it’s about we’re at a yeah we’re about 40% of the way there already now let’s go bonus Saturday live Stream hello Hi how are you hi Dad hi Dad hi Dad what did I miss why did Monkey post it was me Barry it was me Barry saying the line it was me Jerry was me Jerry if I had a gift that said it was me Jerry I would absolutely

Post it but I’m the one who blew up your toilet it was me I knew it I knew I’m the reverse clogger no wait is that means you unclog it is doesn’t that I’m the doesn’t it just make a plumber I’m the reverse plunger I don’t know if that’s something you want to

Claim I’m no coward dude that’ be that’s a true super if you had to be a now everyone talks about like if you had a super power like for a superhero what would you be now if you were a super villain what would your power be I think the ability to clog any

Drain would be pretty optimal that’d be ruining to anyone yeah I I think that’d be my favorite super villain power think of it this way drum you could hold an entire city hostage by clogging everyone’s drains Yeah by clogging the entire Pipeline and sewer system true true and just bribe the

Mayor or whoever is in charge just bribe him or whatever it is you like a social vampire but like every time it’s every time you’re passive aggressive to someone so like you’re just hyper pass aggressive and it trains you get deducted 10 minutes Jerry oh Batman come quick they’ve clogged all

The toilets of the police station no Robin it was me I used my Wayne Tech funds to Dre trying to think if I was a super villain what abilities I would want phasing through walls as a super villain would be pretty pretty op well can you carry

Mind what was that said mind reading my reading is a super villain’s good and you carry things with you if you can face things like walls yeah yeah cuz you phase but like you could also not phase like you know I mean you can like okay it’s not a phase mom so

I had to I was I got up to use the bathroom right as stead was saying imagine having the power to plug or to clog drains as a as a as a super villain you could hold the whole city hostage right and to me that just sounded like a

Doof and Schurz plot in a fin and furb episode oh doin merch would never do real harm oh the ultimate villain with the ability to read gluten to gluten-free products okay that would be actually bad you you are a heathen you’re monster Jerome oh oh Jerome the you’ve become your parents

Man he has the power to make you become instantly exactly like your parents oh no oh no no it can be reversed but like imagine hey that’s my favorite Pokemon donkey mon thank you for becoming a Sporter in the channel nice all right well guys for those that don’t

Know how we play pixon auction it’s super simple we have 40 minutes to go and collect uh the most amount of resources possible everyone gets an iron pickaxe usually to start and a transmutation table uh we then or tablet sorry transion tablet yeah and steak of

Course uh and then from there uh that’s pretty much it we then auction off Pokemon um and yeah you guys can help out or hinder us along the way you can help out directly by like literally giving a Pokemon but you can also help us out by giving like steak bombs which

Give us EMC and help us out a lot as well tons of different ways I have a suggestion yes Dad um they have Pokemon cards in this what if if you got a Pokemon card you got the Pokemon that’s actually on the card the problem is I don’t know like do

You I feel I feel like it’s a little late in the game to be adding something but maybe next time I would say we could do something like that ra yeah I want to do more research don’t work the way you think they do yeah I was going to say I

Want to do more research on it cuz like what if they give you like legendaries nonstop or something this is just all it says is Pokeball and it’s like I think I gave you the wrong thing okay we’ll do it another artist is mes beans um beans all right right cool perfect and

Then uh I think otherwise we’re pretty much all ready but thank you again to those that have stream tipped so far supported the channel in a big way you guys are awesome uh thank you from the bottom of my heart and we are about 40ish of the way and now because of Alan

Guo we are well beyond 40% of the way towards uh towards our big goal of doing a bonus Saturday live stream guys before we even started Allan gu with a $300 Hammer two times legendaries for Jerome haven’t showed up here for a moment as I’ve been preparing to close

My hey Allan congratulations dude that’s so awesome me see happy for you man oh Allan that’s super sick um yeah all I got to say is congratulations that is not an easy feat nowadays it’s a very difficult thing to do so you should be proud of yourself don’t even worry about

It we’re just happy you’re here now and hanging out with us I’m actually very happy for for you you don’t hear a lot of like stuff like that nowadays it’s very difficult I feel like to buy property so congrats man um all right heard of

All now let me see real quick it’s 150 okay so it’s two random legendaries so Luke do you want to I get to spin the wheel spin the wheel Bud wheel let’s go wheel of legendary dude that means two of my Pokemon are already picked out for me

Life’s good here uh also they’re keep in mind they’re all level 50 Luke to set them cuz some them come at 70 but yeah we we make them all 50 for the sake of I I learned the Poke commands anyway your first one is this guy I didn’t play dur

That gen so I don’t know much about him but it’s cabalan I know he’s good it’s a fighting steel getting a new uh new form soon soon right with uh the with this one’s actually a good no with Raichu oh my you’re lying I did not get

Mess that’s such a good me oh my that thing can learn explosion why’ you Telly name it arus please I’m keeping I mean M’s still probably better than most Pokemon that you’d get so I think it’s yeah no it’s good it’s basically just a Mew all right

Start the timer start the timer let’s get to it what the heck oh I just realized that’s op I want to watch did we start yeah we’re going let’s go all right yeah that is very op for Drome I know cuz now I get to travel

Quickly I have travel on start for him I’m riding on the back of the cabalion I got an emerald that’s just that’s just a good ah no I messed up the healing machine so sir I’ve been waiting to use a healing machine why are you robbing this

Place just I wanted to heal my my level five rowlet has been battling Magikarp all day sir please he’s been battling Magikarp all day he’s still level five do we get any sort of said he was winning you get the EMC ta oh right yeah but I meant for like the

Extra items uh Bon oh I did the whole diamond iron and gold if we don’t see any I’m I cleared my EMC if that’s what you’re talking Steve no the now my question earlier I some want to know I didn’t hear uh dropsy if you were a super villain what would be your

Power uh definitely some form of Mind Control control Fair might even take that as my hero power too to be honest depends on mind control the villains to go into the to go to prison no mind controll was like you are no longer the ultimate villain I just

Control them to do the stuff and I’m like I’m here to save the day but it was me that oh my God drop God no mine would be the ability to wipe anyone’s video game progress in any game Monster a Monster yeah people were like like dare I’ve been

Playing League of Legends for 10 years since it came out’s rape account’s RuneScape account that’s 20 years old wiped you’re messed up jro the RuneScape account that’s like playing five games just because of how long it takes I finally caught every Pokemon in Pokemon go wiped my God gone you are the worst

You know we’re all Gamers when collectively that was the worst you’re messed up that is where we draw the line that one there’s literally no like benefiting yourself that’s just straight up meem it’s just a meanhe hearted super villain like it’s pure evil no Wormhole YouTube no no it’s only games it’s only

Games I like the way thinks so cuz that’s totally something you would accidentally do that could be my my side has the ability to wipe all your socials I’m okay with that that could help out could you could you I found every a was in it Facebook does this very unfortunate thing where

It tells you anniversaries of your posts even if they don’t matter and and I just look back and I get like all my updates for like this is what you said 14 or 15 years ago in freshman year of high school but doesn’t say that oh God no I’m

Like cuz I literally like it was right when social media was like just becoming a thing I mean Myspace of course existed but like you know like the Modern Age of social media well because it it went mobile which was so different than when you go on your computer and it was back

When it used to say on Facebook it was a prompt said dretti is dot dot dot and then I would just like post into the void and it would just be like Jerome is said he is studying for his History exam like no one cared Jerome from 14 you I

Post that dude literally no one cares that was sad drunk freshman pooping no everybody cares about that listen I’m going to come in with the hot take I I like to know that my uh friends are having good poops that’s fair what is rain what is rain doing

Here Michael viic with a $31 stream tip said I’m feeling that dropsy is going to win so 10 rare candies to dropsy and’s how everyone’s doing I’m doing great ha tell me more about your poopies though Jerry dude peanut made the longest like in duration stinky of his

Life during lunch it was amaz it was like a threein I was like dude I’m so proud jeez yeah it was everywhere it was all he he was traveling it was everywhere he would like poop a little bit and then he would travel a little

Bit it was all it’s all over the lawn oh he was he was dusting it up yeah he was he was uh crop dusting I mean it was everywhere why do dogs do that that it was great I left it there so that Tori could see I’ll pick it up later oh get

She’s I need to share it with people what C am I the weird one no you’re not weird at all I’m proud no they’re good poops okay when you put it like that you’re the weird one how’s that weird no you’re Weir weird you just don’t understand because

You have a cat the inferior of All Pets you know I don’t have to pick up my cat’s poop it goes in the box and the Box cleans itself no Drome gets all his walls eaten [Laughter] rain trying to think would be the wor worst game to reset someone’s data

On Old RuneScape account probably Eddie MMO Jerome only cost me thousands of dollars if you reset the account see with League of Legends you’re taking money but like with run well end time I guess but RuneScape is like dedicated time you’re probably doing them a doing

Them a favor of all my friends I think not agree I think out of all my friends in all the games I think wiping st’s RuneScape would probably be the most diabolical thing I could do I think that would worst thing either that or I don’t know

Does OSU keep track of stuff dropsy CU that could be pretty devastating it does but it’s also like it’s just scores in the past so like I could get them again it would it be annoying oh absolutely but like I could get high scores again I would be very annoyed

Though actually I no I’d be more devastated than I’m letting on because it took me a long time to get my accuracy as high as it is I would be very upset if I had to redo all of that again oh that’s where you get like an

ALT that’s that’s a game I’ve been playing since like 2016 or something trying to think for me it’s a tough one I don’t know if I’m like really attached to any of my things go I would say Minecraft except for the fact that the way Minecraft’s built that you join different servers

Like you could really only do so much damage like you know yeah yeah what if it erased all servers across the board like just if you chose Minecraft they got all your server stuff still like I don’t know I mean it’d be a hassle but I

I already lost my like Xbox 360 worlds and that was devastating enough I can’t be hurt anymore in Minecraft I changed my answer drops it yours in Sebastian’s private Minecraft world done locking it in man oh you’re sick you’re sick all of you reset all of Jerome’s Halo

Achievements uh no if you did that back in 2008 or 9 or 10 yikes that would be the end all that dude I would have cried if it was too because I spent I spent so much I probably spent um when I quit oh my goodness reset your

Melvor that’s cool what what is that what is it’s basically idle RuneScape yeah okay I genuinely think Jerome would be sad um probably jome wouldn’t know what to do I would be Halo though so when I quit playing Halo back in the day Halo 3 specifically I had 2,000 social games

Which is basically like not it’s like unranked play pretty much I had 1,000 ranked games and 2,000 custom games which is with friends so I had 5,000 total games and even if you assume on average 10 minutes um I mean that’s 50,000 minutes which is yeah no no matter how you slice it

That’s a lot of Halo 833 hours at least which for some people that’s nothing I mean I know some people have like thousands of hours on DOTA and I’m like oh my gosh but to me that was a lot okay and we know stad who needs no introduction the

Problem is well stead probably has tens of thousands of hours on RuneScape but it’s different cuz RuneScape is like I’m not going to use the word an idle game but largely what people play it as is Idle right like it’s like it’s like something you can have in the background

Even though you’re not supposed to you know like when you’re doing homework or working instead you know I don’t know what you’re talking something like that you don’t have to let him talking like that there was an ERA where all he would do during oh I know he would would I remember

That Miss a clicker hero days AFK magic I haven’t touched it since 2017 but I have like near 200 hours in it okay yeah I have so much time am I just like bad I haven’t found a single structure in 10 minutes no I haven’t either okay no you’re just bad I found

So many looks like we’re going to be I haven’t found much either no Lo Stone like Mega like Jack I found one Village but someone had already pillaged it yeah I think that was the one me and Steve were had cuz I had that experience too yeah just been running idly gosh pixelon

Auction but we’re all broke and Jerome has two legendaries I mean if we’re all broke then it would balance out but if one of us has 12 billion then it then it doesn’t work by the way guys I want to remind you we are counting uh memberships and gifted memberships

Towards the goal for the bonus Saturday live stream and so doing the math on it um it would be plus plus let’s see how close we are we are actually at exactly halfway to our goal of a bonus Saturday live stream let’s make it happen no you didn’t build

This does it look like no this is co that could build a base here yes right next to spawn starting a let’s play Oh I might actually know what you’re talking about I think you’re ran past it I might build a house oh have F dr’s

Just GNA burn it down rain do me a favor use lots of EMC heavy items that it’s Ste proof they nothing proof but is it pickle prooof oh is the server pickle prooof no jome has crashed the server many times with pickleman the STA that’s not a mod on um

I found a Buri treasure L nice I did say that it’s 1165 so I added it oh you did add it not he could it’s okay he’s not paying attention he doesn’t know no sorry I I was I was sidetracked for a second there drone pickles are in the what where

What rain’s done why did gone he’s not having it so the bad part about cabalion he’s got no hops you think he has all the Hops from those legs right yeah you would think but no he’s just a horizontal he weak you can’t wow that was you’re all going in different direction

So uh Colin has kind fly a Mesprit I didn’t try I just kind of doubt it I don’t think that would be so funny he’s too tiny be funny you can you shouldn’t that’s a Pokeball well what if Mesprit just uses like on you or something and levitates

You I I’m not gonna say that it hasn’t happened in Pokemon but that doesn’t make just that doesn’t make it any better chat the false promises for my what Alan gu with $150 stream C Ro gets another legendary you could make that two steaks I mean hot sauces like

That’s true to be fair I told them all I bought a a new hot sauce that’s hotter than anything I’ve ever bought before from the pepper Palace people I didn’t buy the end nice but I bought their like their next hottest one um I told him if

They get through all the hot sauces today I’ll add it to the list of uh ones for the future like oh y I got a mager you heard it here regie ice you just giving me I mean kion’s good but Mesprit and Reggie ice you’re just giving me poop they’re good Reggie ice

Is decent no no it’s pure ice type there’s literally no worst typing in the entire game the is that true ice type is the worst typing oh yeah objectively it is the worst it has four weaknesses only resists itself and most ice types don’t have enough redeeming qualities to make them

Useful well that’s just kind of first yeah mon don’t get me wrong maybe you should stop worrying about ice type and try being a nice type yeah yeah what about bug I’d rather have ice type than bug bug used to be one of the first and

Then they got uh their moves buffed like leech life used to be like 20 base power struggle bug’s a good move yeah but then now leech life is like 80 base power they have stronger mons like Heracross and stuff like that so now bug types are good he’s Brothers character of Harry

Potter can’t live Rain r back were you scared of the pickles boy who Liv yeah the pickles scared my internet off pickles pickles all right I have not found anything yeah no structur all right Luke I have found very little what uh what are you guys at EMC

Wise uh 73,000 hold let me sell one piece of coal uh 128 EMC I actually have 100 oh 128 sorry I have a thousand times more than you what happened J Dude I found no structures I have 25,000 a say I’m at 200k what are you selling dead how do

You have that many I have not found any structures I’m just I’m just holding shift and like spamming things and trying to put them in my thing about to just start going I will say I did take a light workplace which is a computer way this game waso fridge

Uming no not yours no not yours not yours uh a washing machine I found like iron in R he said I’m up to half a million EMC oh my God Steve yeah Steve got to head some of those big uh I got a couple of load Stones that’ be terrible if

There was a tip that cleared someone’s em no I don’t think there is no no that’s a a j what we call it millionaire oh my God I got to a new town and I saw NPCs walking around and I was going to lose it if it was Steve for the smallest Steve reminds you of an NPC no I’m saying every time I show up somewhere in one of these Steve is there and even when I even when he’s not there he just shows up some you’re saying he acts like an NPC jeez monk no I’m saying

He acts like a butt oh yeah so what exactly does a blank Garian team M do you can imprint a move on it so would it be valuable that on uh Luke’s interpretation I got out of Steve that’s me oh not valuable not valuable yeah I kind of figured as much

After the last one I understood that you hate me he’s learning wow it’s not like I what he7 God how could you beat so mean I think I found the edge of the world no you didn’t you find the Minecraft Badlands the original ones I think so uh the Farland you guys

Remember when that guy actually completed his walk oh yeah how long did it take him oh God I I think it was like literally month’s worth of time but like it was over the span of like a few years yikes yeah he walked he did it and he could

Walk I am like not finding miles oh my God I going with the fet walk s walking man dang it now I have that stuck in my head monkey I am so broke chat could I get a steak bomb yeah Chad could you donate meat directly

Into my pockets not EMC steak and did you run out of Ste give yourself steak I got snow food well I gave myself steak but not enough apparently I didn’t do St keep me full I’m done hey chat I’m not playing and I’m currently faced towards

A lava pit can I have a steak bomb just to my God you monster that’s messed up man what a monster what yeah I don’t know I’m just not finding very many civilizations scared me for a second uh Luke this is not look I can’t see sorry I’ll look up Luke sitting in

The back of my boat with a dragon head on oh a ship where we going where’s the ship can you most the stuff I found has been in the ocean so far that’s been like the the biggest I’ll keep the boat yeah Luke is there a way to up the spawn

Rate in the future I’m like strugg um I can it let’s be a bit forgiving I guess but no no found a sand castle I’m out so far it was not the best oh there we go the lag and the drop he go o I found something she found something

Good all my fingers lagged them off I lost my fingers to the lag and now I’m P I don’t actually know what kind of structure I just found uh it’s the structure kind of structure Pillager Outpost all [Applause] Awakening wow there’s like is this a prank it could be there’s a lot that’s

Going to happen once Jerry is is good and ready all right sorry I was typing out a message to Blade oh my God alen guo with a $300 stream to said surely Jerry can’t be unlucky with trash legendaries times two oh my goodness that’s insane rain hated that and then lagy i’

Leave one of our awesome mods behold with $150 stream tip for everybody to get a stank bom a good good I got a my inventory so that this is see behold this is why you’re my favorite mod above Willie okay let’s go you got to change

It to a oh underwater Oh I guess I could just give myself a stick bomb instead of making one for everyone oh do that day let’s go thank you behold and thank you seriously though Allan you are our captain of the live stream dude I genuinely I I can’t express enough how

Appreciative I am and how happy I am for you as well uh congratulations on getting a house and closing your first house dude it’s amazing you should be very proud of that dude very proud of that oh sorry I just unmuted I got xerus wow that’s not good Oblivion Wing

Heals you my dude so geomy geom is a two turn move but it’s very good yeah what was the other one you got you got one of my favorite legendaries I don’t know anything about zenta is he good how long is going go I don’t know hopefully forever I’m I’m

Loving this I’ll leave it for another 5 Seconds cuz I was spinning the wheel no no no take your time L don’t worry about it yeah take your time L A wow that boosted me like double what I had I I have like like nope thank you beh thank you

Behold are you going to give him the Shi specific I’m just kidding fighting oh I don’t know fair I think that isn’t there like given an item dude all legendary team coming your way I haven’t found a lot of like structures in a while but I have found a

Lot of like Pokeball loots yeah oh I’ve come AC it seems like that’s been increased nope I haven’t seen I found an underwater arus Shrine cool oh that’s wait aren’t there load Stones there yeah I’m getting one right now probably yeah there’s more there’s like a bunch there

I could only ever find one and it’s in the center no please don’t the crazy thing is of course dome’s the one to get it he also just got 10 rare candies oh my goodness oh tactical dummies with a $30 stream tip for 10 rare candies who’s going to stream tip him to

Get an item and make it an Azure flute what does that do summon archus if you find A Spacetime alter is there anything to get an item because yeah if there is I’m just saying someone stream tips for one of those and you get your it’s not in there but to be fair

They’d also have to get me a master ball because how am I going to catch it sure will dumb allow it and determination no oh dude are awesome I remember when sword and shield came out all of my friends got sword and I got Shield be my

Argument for it was uh the legendary could be used as a sled and the other one couldn’t because if you put him face down you could ride on the shield as you know what really threw me off whenever I was like just playing Pokemon like whenever I was a kid is does

Anybody remember Ruby and Sapphire having the legendary switched what did you talking like a Mandela effect thing oh oh like no where you would get uh Kyogre in Ruby oh um I know what Groudon I think so because in Ruby it was Team Aqua that was like the

Issue and then in Sapphire it was Team Magma you got their respective legendaries I don’t are you saying the opposite cuz I don’t remember being the opposite I think he’s no I think kep’s right and then an emerald you could get Umar yeah I think that’s how they used

To do it that wait so you’re saying in Pokemon Ruby you would get Kyogre I don’t think isn’t that normal that’s that’s the truth that’s the way it was back in the day on the GBA Advance Pokemon Ruby yeah and then Diamond was the like when yeah they switched up

Because Diamond you got the no no no I’m not buying this this is like some real life Mandela stuff right now this is 100% and Sapphire this is Kyogre who summons yeah guys it’s the way it should be is it why you remember I I remember it differently I do I remember getting

It are you making your own Mandela effect right now cuz I’m here for it I think we are I mean I don’t remember any of what you’re talking about let’s see why don’t you put it to a poll in chat like cuz other people remembered it okay start a poll did

Pokemon Ruby give you Kyogre yes no I I 100% do not I don’t remember that I don’t remember that at all I remember that from black and white where I got reram from black Z Yeah from black because it’s the opposite on the cover I don’t know when they started

That gold and silver and gold I substitute that Google reality and supplement my own are you sure you’re not are you sure you’re not like I’m talking classic GBA Ruby sappire say groud Groudon can only be caught in Ruby you cannot find it in Sapphire Kyogre is only found in Sapphire that’s probably

The most recent result from Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire dude can you imagine how angry some kids would be if they bought like Ruby 100 I was angry I remember I remember this cuz I was angry cap definitely got a bootleg copy of Po bro I wasn’t gift from my parents and

I was a poor kid he got a parking lot copy of Ruby the final battles against meww like I found a Pokemon structure that I have never seen before nice is it an underwater a flying ship I found found the RC shine before I haven’t found this

Ship before in Omega in the Omega variants you get both of them you can catch each legendary interesting maybe I’m tripping how did now what I don’t remember is Pokemon Emerald I know it did give you both but I don’t remember like the context like oh you just you

Were just dealing with both of them yeah both teams were the issue instead of just one but like did you get them at the same time Kyogre and Groudon or in the same time I think you would get one like I think you might choose the orb in

That in Emerald I’m not sure it’s been so long since I played Emerald I don’t remember it’s been so long I know you get Rayquaza from Emerald oh yeah you got to get the mock bike and go as fast or like do some maze with it cap 43% of people agreed with

You by the way so I don’t know that’s wild that’s wild I’m got one in the emerald post game so maybe then you had to choose that could be it was it like a one of those like you and may split up to to save the day and you choose or you and

Brendan oh if you’re May is that is that is that the guy Brendon yeah Brendan is the guy oh okay it says Ash is usually the guy like in the anime it’s only the girls who get the spotlight but I’m just saying Brendan was awesome Diamond and Pearl is still

Probably my favorite Pokemon game no I agree with that diamond Pearl’s pretty awesome the remakes were pretty good I didn’t play the remes I like being able to play it on the TV now did you know number Soul Silver and Heart Gold what about fire red fire red I that honestly

I’m stuck between I I I hate to be the guy that says it but they just do it good Pokemon remakes are always better in my opinion they just do it right REM they get a whole bunch of feedback and then they actually figured out oh hey the people want this let’s

Actually give them what they want the the diamond and remakes B to differ they were terrible I didn’t play them really I signed in got a Gerra in 5 seconds and said this is garbage and then I just never played oh yeah I forgot about that

They were awful it’s cuz they wanted to keep like the the smaller charact yeah the cartoony smaller characters but yeah I didn’t like that that was the bad call whereas they just did arsus like what three months prior and oh yeah that too they literally hired an outside team

To make Legends AR was so fun arus was cool but then they tried to replicate it in Scarlet Violet and it kind of went like I think the most upsetting thing is that Nintendo won’t put their old games up on their store yeah have to because like I like I would love to

Play fire red leaf green right now the I’d lose it if I could Replay that and they’re going to have to put them on at some point there’s so much money to buy all of them so sick cuz they had all the the sevy Isles at the end remember oh

Yeah and then you could do the mystery gift to get hoo and lug secret Islands now I’ll I’ll tell you one thing I think would you want them to do it chronologically or would you want them to skip and go to like heart gold soul silver so that you get both the

Regions I would want them to just do it all the time dude I would love both the regions is nice yeah I think I think skip it and do I think I think if they did a golden silver but with the seveny Isles like a mega pack I’ve been saying

It forever Pokemon made a massive scale game like that like I’m sorry I’ll speak on behalf of everyone who doesn’t want me to say it cuz they’re going to be like what are you talking about dude if they made one that was Theo Kanto and the seevi Isles all of

That I’d pay a hundred bucks for that yeah I’d pay a 100 bucks for like ano like that uh and also you’ve got to figure that is the absolute endgame of Pokemon right it’s got to be oh just a game with all of the regions it dud if

It was every single region ever EX that I would I would pay significantly more for it I would be point where they say that they can’t even put all the Pokemon in the game you want to them to put all the regions in the game be the

Reason why they don’t I was going to say the reason why they don’t is because of the limitations of the switch not because they don’t want to I know but they’re just never gonna come on to the the switch Nintendo would have to go back to home consoles like PS5 level console Nintendo

Online like modern GameCube no I got another one for you Pokemon Coliseum 3 oh what was the uh what was the alternate to it was like Shadow XD Gale of Darkness that girl I played like yeah I want Pokemon Stadium I want Stadium back Pokemon Stadium was

Lit never was good at the Pokemon Stadium had great mini gamess is what it was I don’t think Pokemon Stadium I think it’s one of those games you remember nostalgically but I guarantee you it was probably hard played Pokemon Stadium last night d i bro yeah I played

It recently as well Dr Stadium the one where it’s like they have the mini games and there’s like one where it’s about eating sushi as a lick aong yes I just found one of those flying ships dropy oh yeah it’s a Team Plasma ship I’ve now learned midnight Reaper said that infinite

Fusion I want a real remake yeah but like so weird to not play Mainline Pokemon game right hold up did you just blade did you just say the photo one not the Remake yeah the Remake that they did the photo one you don’t even know what it’s called Snap I’m talking to

Everybody calm down Steve it’s you don’t even know what it’s called Steve’s right get [Laughter] mad the Remake that they did for it was absolutely garbage for which one blade why don’t you tell us the name snap okay oh snap you got the Pokemon

Get him okay so this is a game that not many people have probably played here at all but there was a game called Hey You Pikachu oh I remember that I’ve never even heard of that I what that is I remember it I didn’t play it he you

Pikachu was great and so was uh Pokemon TV or whatever it was like Pikachu TV yeah so uh heu Pikachu was a Suburban like living simulator where you got to speak at Pikachu and it would follow your directions oh that’s cute dude yeah there’s no way ain’t no way this is the

Hops of xerus xerus ain’t got no hops you guys got I’m I’m sharing my screen you need xerus does not be balling no no xerus is buns look at this you ready you see me you see this that that xerus keer you see that that ready here we go be the

Poorest one we’ve ever done yeah I think so oh [Laughter] my ah well yeah also like what happened can we get like more spawns in the future Luke like I feel like we’re playing like Pixelmon recession Edition like this is ridiculous Edition on Detroit pix exactly can’t have anything and Pixelmon

I I’ve gone to criminal ways guys just make money yeah you like giabani over here I’m looting your daycare oh my God no dead oh my God hold on guys there’s a village right next door to it too oh my God stop making it work Jesus dead but

Yeah I’m looting a daycare in the future we’ll get more uh structures Jesus oh man that structure so far away mon man’s so far away and there’s proba do to survive exactly you understand now P nasty said hold up I live in Detroit I’m so sorry I’m sorry for your loss yeah

I’m sorry for you not for the joke like gra I know you said there wasn’t much up here but I mean I actually did get a decent amount of items that was me lying in hopes you wouldn’t look ah nice it didn’t work that’s what we love I’m assuming this means that

Jackson wisened up he said I worked in Detroit for a week Vis Detroit once this oh the mystical block not one of I guess my oldest friend I’ve I’ve ever had lives in uh Detroit friends with him for 20 uh 25 26 years well well it’s great just to

See friendship overcome such adversity drum yeah 25 years but he lives in uh Ann Arbor um so I’ve been but we’ve gone into Detroit before and um it’s a place it’s there I’ve been friends with him older than monkey wow that’s impressive hey hey hey it’s older than dropsy

Too my friendship with him my friendship with him was a toddler by the time you were born monkey think about that how long was it no 20 was like 25 nearly 26 years I was old me yeah so it’s not just me good times infinite said dang Jerome you’re

Old that’s not the point oh I like that takeway I’m glad you took that okay there’s only two minutes left of course right when I find a literal cruise ship oh you’re luck I didn’t even know that was in the game and then mer with a $25 St steak bomb Jerry why is

All this stuff happening like at the worst of time in the middle of the ocean I’m like oh my God last possible minutes literally while I’m in the ocean not on land so I can’t even collect this stuff oh my God okay now I’m on now I’m on

Land thank you thank you Merl appreciate you buddy you’re right I lost like 10 to 15 seconds of the steak bomb but it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to have like literally 1 minute to loot this thing thank you Merl there and a reminder guys in terms of the

Bonus weekend live stream we are counting memberships as well as the stream tips to get to that point and because of that we are and because of Alan guo our Mega captain of the live stream believe it or not we are literally like 700 away we’re we’re

We’re going to it’s going to happen today I’m pretty certain and a reminder that if you guys get all the hot sauces we haven’t done any yet but we get through all 13 I have a secret one that I’ll be adding to the description in future live streams if if you’re

Interested all right guys so the cruise ship is a fishing vessel actually but it’s still really neat oh neat nice I’ve never SE it doesn’t really change the question jome you’ve got one minute on a cruise ship to do whatever you want what and take whatever you want what are you

Doing um the steering wheel yeah Jerome right answer he’s taking it off he’s not driving it you guys made it seem like you were going to steer the ship drone’s just taking the wheel so no else can you just asked what I’m going to

Take and I said the hel I never said do and I’m taking the steering wheel good luck to the people on board the brake pedal I don’t think they have pedal it’s not a pedal he’s gonna take all their ores get out here yabaa his feet are pedaling but don’t

All right now that time is up if you guys want to TP to me in creative mode and check it out I’ve never seen this uh before I don’t know if it’s like new or a rare thing in Pixelmon but yeah it’s pretty neat whoa oh that’s cool actually oh

Yeah this is R rarer it’s not it’s not new but it is on the rare side ignore the steak in the water kind of neat Alan gu with $180 stream tip our captain said don’t think drumes winning any bids might as well get all legendary team and

Some rare candies god dude I’m not even able to bid on these Pokemon that’s hilarious Alan that has never happened before this is literally I cannot believe that I’m out of the bidding I’m literally that’s impressive I’m minutes working at it and then it’s a pretty good outcome honestly

All righty the game told me just found a village there’s no way GG do you mean the one that was at spawn yeah all right a lot of his legendaries are bad he’s got I brought a guy for you by the way still better than me hey Cy I

Got Volcan he can explode you now yeah he can explode It’s pretty dope did did you get it no already got it Jerome what you give that you give him that graler back it’s gone he’s in creative no it’s in his inventory oh

This crab oh here we go c yeah I gave it to him as a hat cuz he explodes all right good luck oh Luke I’m I supposed to get 10 rare can I have 10 rare canes can I have 10 can I 10 can I have 10

Yeah can we give you items what are we bedding in I think diamonds right I’m going to give you a shoulder rub I’m going to give you a shoulder rub what look at the gra oh oh you moved your shoulders grabby hands behind Ste I’m like is he in

Danger Mega wolf in the chat cap said Capia forever yay uh do you guys want to bid in diamonds or do gold I’m this I’m fine with diamonds yeah I’ve got like not a lot but I’ll do it yeah is there any reason to ever use extra sentury instead of psychic not

Really your time to lie to him and to make him use a weaker move I don’t lie to people in Pixelmon I get called out enough for pixelon Stanley gets called Out ready yeah it it’s rough out there R oh yeah we could do the we could do the rare said just m whispered me the amount of save it save it save it I’m not telling him how much but man yeah no it’s he we fallen on he’s really falling

On hard times I have I’m Luke I don’t think you understand di before converting all my stuff and I’m like allow you cleerly don’t understand how broke like dude is recession pixel drum I want you to pull out legendary team over there drum I

Want to I want you to pull out all the diamonds that you have out of your EMC table and see how many you got how many diamonds all right let’s see yeah anyone I want to see more than two stacks of diamonds yeah I have more than two

Stacks I don’t I have 380k how much is a stack of diamonds can you give that to stack of diamonds is 500,000 can’t get a stack we’re all in the same boat okay so we all cannot get a stack all right Co I didn’t say that but like we’re all broke

Dropsy is so we’re not I’m not starting the bit at a stack if that’s what you guys are thinking I’m going to start with actual numbers all right who’s going first on the rare candy stuff I want to go first all right I figured

Dibs I have a lot of cool stuff yeah I have a lot of stuff I have to decide what I want to give to Luke and what I don’t I would just give them all of it called a die I could do that but at the

Same point I could use some of it like like a Marie photo yeah you got to keep that that’s important yeah uh hold on that’s that’s not that’s not all all this stuff um a lot of stuff here look biggy big boss said putting charm on

Mesprit could be all right you’d have to go up against a special or a physical attacker but n I’m happy with my choices here Luke you might need a bigger chest bro what’s wrong with my chest I bench every day Salvador you didn’t see anything not that kind of we got 800

People watching by way 800 800 800 SW buding I definitely don’t oh I do stairs every day to me I’m real happy with it I’m not miserable at all about these stairs at all I don’t know all right Luke that’s it that’s all my stuff oh so I didn’t eat any oh wait

Jeez um okay let’s see I guess we’re doing rare candies now yeah so let me know when it’s my turn okay what um what does curse do if not for a ghost Pokemon uh it’ll lower speed and something else and raise your attack and defense I

Believe can correct me if I’m wrong it’s actually pretty good if you run something like a Snorlax and you said the upper chest is yours too yeah jeez you have why did you give me Pokemon photos because I stole them and I didn’t want to keep them oh admitted to robbery

You only get 40 whoa you you really silly Tech if someone is running a curse Pokemon that’s not a ghost site all right fine 48 you use trick-or treat on them that’s mean cuz curse can knock you out it is one of the few health sacrificing moves that can knock you out

Yeah or treat they’ll just knock themselves out all right Luke I have a very speci recorder said what would you do if you ran into a Snorlax special oneoff item just walk away sleeping yeah he’s sleeping I just walk Snorlax is like one of the most chill Pokemon in

The world as long as you don’t mess with its food s after oh use its belly as a trampoline after that I will uh just let you open up the bags I feel like if you use his belly as a trampoline you’re going to get hit I feel like that’s the

Easiest way to Goen all bags you can have those too got some Relic gold Lions could take uh I think it could just eat Lion’s hole so that’s a good question like I’m looking nice yeah but that’s a Pichu yeah that’s a literally that’s not yeah like one of

The smallest Pokemon known to man all right who’s next KS is the vlo the dropsy Vlog done yet I don’t know okay I don’t know r heyy life is pain I forgot about those got like a bunch of stuff like got lucky egg and I’ve got a absorbable Volcan water and

Fire yeah and I got a magmarizer and then I also have that energ you can see in there that’s only applicable to a legendary Pokemon one and then I’ve got balls of many varieties what was that okay uh nice uh let’s see water PS yeah okay these are all good 28 rare candies

Tight oh wait that’s an ability patch uh that’s going to go up a little bit patches is very good yes yes all right in bottom chest for you um and we’re only allowing a five level difference between any poke right uh 10 it was 10 go ahead said I’m scared you can offer

Me what do you have everything in there everything also in the backpack as well I got some stuff yeah that that’s uh you don’t need I’ll give you uh oh wait you have a lot of Relic stuff dang it yeah I had a lot of Relic stuff you didn’t care no but I

Also had a lot of Relic gold he has like the actual Relic items like the band the vase those are rarer than and the other ones all I’m hearing is a lot of yapping remember this I’ll give you 27 oh sweet I know come over here come over here l

Dead bottom chest yeah come all I’m hearing is you’re a pretty cool guy hey dead here you go my it’s fine it’s fine it’s F no no no you want you want it’s crime related crime it’s crime related you’re using the wrongest it doesn’t matter speed ran it I want to

Know is there stuff in the backpack nope okay he got like nothing all right Steve I got six legendaries no that is good counter point you got you there St give you a solid nine rare candies for nine yeah in this economy I don’t know if you know

This or not but most of us like quite literally filled up a double chest and more yeah really oh jez okay go ahead all of my Poke Balls fine it’s already gone I have a command block Auto killing all Pokemon spawns hold on I’m going to organize some stuff here my God there’s

So many pairs of bants how’d you get an arus challeng these are yours yes is guys I’m sorry dr’s getting a lot of rare candies hold on I have more hold on cap you want to see look I set up all the Buddies beds this is Steve so we has to smell my

Feet okay but who is the other person that’s touching feet with Steve oh that’s dead for sure no Okay do I get over here so I can hold yeah I think that seems F dropsy one’s nothing to do with us so that’s her yeah dry definitely gets over there I think mon should go here honestly and then me cap fair fair you

Know monk you want to go you want to go Toe to Toe with Steve yeah I feel like I could take him let’s go yeah you can yeah you can I I could beat him a noctis thanking for a $30 stream be said here Jerry Jerry gets 10 rare canes

Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry in the top cherry Jerry yeah hey Luke you want this armor Jer go slightly worn where’s the pants I pooped in those so I left them behind e nice we didn’t know that yeah oh he asked Luke B you gave me nine

Which an odd number if someone stream tips $3 can I get a rare candy absolutely thank you not I would like oh several going to be like Monopoly dropy don’t worry we moved your bed over here cuz we know you wouldn’t actually I got to set up the wall to

Separate us cuz I know you wouldn’t want to the wall which one you is at the feet that’s Steve so monkey sitting here Toe to Toe with Steve and then Steve smells my feet over here and I’m right there this my okay we might need an entirely separate ventilation system so she

Doesn’t have to breathe the same air she’s not breathing the same air look at how much air she’s got my fault stop breathing my air it’s like all the air on this side of the fence is our air all right well go to sleep everyone your hats make this picture so much more

Goofy look at this wow that’s it you got your candy congratulations thank you Luke thank you thank you Dylan Lins there you go next time don’t give me garbage maybe you’ll get 10 bro next in the world okay let’s do it let’s do it let’s start the auction portion all right

Welcome to the 171st annual Pixelmon auction I will be your host diglet uh diglet that’s our host the first auction is Diglett first option is Diglett two diamonds two diamonds five diamonds for Di six diamonds from Cappy going once going twice oh seven Cappies from diam twice so to monkey it’s it’s quite

Literally a digl yes huge let’s go monkey wins it’s over bro I got digl it’s over game over man game over Arena trap let’s go watch Dr got to miss out all right this next Pokemon in my opinion would definitely win like any Pokemon what is it called like a

Fashion I forget what contest yeah Pokemon my picture like I’ll give you five diamonds is it 10 10 diamonds uh this Pokemon in my opinion would definitely win a Pokemon Pokemon contest we know it’s under a uh I’ll give you 25 diamonds 25 on 30 going once going twice

35 Jesus going once going twice sold to Steve yeah it’s syon oh Sy Steve you said it would win a tournament so it’s got to be good contest a Pokemon contest that is different entirely cuz he’s so pretty anyway this next Pokemon I you shouldn’t give it a

Hug but I would definitely give it a hug beware beware it’s probably well it could also looking around so disappointed could be curn no it’s probably beware beware loves hugs but it has a tendency to break its trainer’s spine a yeah Pokemon got dark is yours I’ll give you one

Diamond and thank you by the way again everyone the love and support this live stream has been insane we’ve had 77 new members we had one midnight Reaper as our ultimate supporter we have our very first ultimate supporter on the channel um and then apart from that everyone we

Are with those combin we’re at $400 away from our goal of doing a bonus Saturday live stream bonus bonus bonus sorry I can’t control myself definitely has layers oh it’s Shrek 10 diamonds from drops 12 from Cappy 13 from 15 going once 20 I’ll give me an extra Diglett 25

25 35 a no way that but Diglett 40 hey no way it’s not diget use this wi 42 going one you want this one po going twice it’s a d a digl it’s a Diglett dropsy it’s a Diglett it’s a celab oh celab but that can’t explode make it so though make it

So Diglett a Diglett all right can’t put it on every Pokemon for you say thanks dropsy you’re the smartest of The Bu so I made a picture riddle why don’t you come here you it’s a picture riddle there you go key it’s going to take a lot of brain power

Nice wait where are they Trio dear God she’s good what what is that one what is that one though what’s what one what is it now oh no it’s me set to wble it’s it’s all stringling all right this next Pokemon can learn explosion I’ll uh bid 32 32 diamonds

From cap going once going twice soul to cap I’m I really hope I’m not wrong but I’m pretty sure how could you okay good good good yeah I gave him a graler earlier and said it’s cuz he can explode here here because of because of your

Like efforts I’m going to give you a shoulder up oh thanks thanks can I also have 32 diamonds yeah what do you mean I gave them to you oh you did yeah scammed [Laughter] BR or someone literally picked up the diamonds I don’t know who would though

That would I should have just gone for it I should have just totally lied yeah you should have just kept going because you had them I had them man I should Have distract him with the back rub all this next Pokemon is wait yeah monk really likes this next Pokemon five diamonds five diamonds from monk six Diamond six diamonds 10 diamonds 11 Diamond 11 Diamond 12 diamonds drop 20 diamonds this guy shows and ask to square up what you

Doing 20 diamonds from Monkey huh 20 diamonds from monk going once going twice monkey let’s go Luc this better not be what I think it’s going to be luke a that’s even worse than I thought it would be can I go into battle with five Pokemon that’ll be diamonds I 20

Diamonds mon I don’t need the what a good pull my dud I’m giving it to you for free I already gave you the Diamonds oh you did okay okay cool oh too bad giv it to you for not free right giving it to you no I would have given it to him for

Free all right um hate this thing I don’t know why I hate it has a really has a very triangular head it’s kind of funny looking he’s got a weird a weird spiky afro diglet weird going once how much sucks are you misrepresenting the is a tox that’s not an afro

16 16 going once going twice adamant what I’m not going anywhere the worst kind of person Adam sold for 16 diamonds it’s manri oh okay yeah look look at his head that is not an AF when you said triang AF it’s like a triangular afro you know that’s totally what’s it called the

F pador is that what it’s called yeah I would have said a mohawk I think it’s anything but both the conone heads yeah I’m not going to lie the afro kind of threw me for a loop but that’s okay all right um this next Pokemon I I feel like Ste if Pokemon was

Real Ste would have this just randomly in his house as a pet why do I feel like it’s something stupidly strong d for sure said would be like I don’t know where I got it he just kind of walked in diamonds 10 diamonds going once going

Twice soul to Ste I mean it’s just camera up I feel like he would just have a camera up just hanging around he’d be chill he’s so chill which one’s the real camera oh yeah then you have to pick out the real one this one looks pretty convincing

Right here and it comes I know though he’s got some weird legs going on this one though all right 10 diamonds that’s not very Diglett of you yeah that’s not very grunder of you you gotta pay up buddy stadla grunder there go this is grunder behavior um

Okay this next Pokemon really likes to copy oh man D I’ll give you five diamonds five diamonds or whatever it is six diamonds 10 10 diamonds give you more than Mr mime oh 11 diamonds going once wait did he actually say no I said I won’t give you

More than that Oh I thought you said I’ll give you one more than that okay 10 diamonds g once going twice sold to Steve it’s a mimikyu yeah my boy wow that’s actually really good do you actually like I do mimik is a good Pokemon yeah is okay but if a ditto

Copies a mimikyu where does the face go yeah away dear God um this next Pokemon has a lot of Fire coming off of its body six diamonds seven six diamonds seven diamonds 10 diamonds 11 Diamond 12 diamonds cap stop being a butt 13 diamonds 15 diamonds 16

Diamonds 20 diamonds again we do again 21 diamonds 2 what 25 diamonds 26 diamonds I don’t even know if cap wants it I think he’s just I think he just being 26 right was the last one 26 yeah that was M6 it was me soul to Cappy it is

Magm look at him look at all the fire emojis So Dope he’s going crazy I actually had a magma Riser so this is a fitting oh oh wow can you teach him explosion please okay but you can’t tell anyone thanks oh I just sat back down what did I

Miss uhoh and this thing ju was that disgusting look at this thing horrible I hope you win because of it that’d be hilarious um Juan Cena I don’t understand what you mean by that oh yeah that’s I’m pretty sure that’s Spanish Dr I know it is I translated it I still don’t know

Translated it makes it makes even less sense um this next Pokemon if it was a boxer it would be a really good Striker a sub Striker yeah yeah I just wanted to Luke drum I think he means kill the intern huh you think so let me see I can see that what’s the

Message well translated directly it says the nerd and theend will murder uh it’s it’s definitely a contextual error yeah that’s that literally means assassinate the nerd and suspenders that’s what that say I don’t know if it’s that’s what he said I’m sorry Luke the nerd the suspend pretty oh bye Luke that’s a

Rough that’s a rough one that’s a rough one next meme yeah it’s a zri does anyone want it shout out toap yeah we’re talking about don’t worry Roger nice okay does anyone want the Ze Striker no I just really wanted to make a willly does all right Willie you get the Ze

Striker I’m GNA put it in the the trash bin all right um this next Pokemon is a really good Surfer I’ll give you 10 diamonds wait is it a lan Raichu 15 going one 15 diamonds going twice 16 diamonds 16 diamonds going once going twice diamonds going all right going

Once going twice soul to dropy this is my favorite alolan I think it’s really love R Al I like to think that in my head if Pikachu did evolve it would be an alolan Raichu it was H yeah in the in the show it was adorable they used him as [Laughter] a

Jerome you want to change his name in Discord no no do you actually get rare candies off that is that funny no no I just I was just being a butt gotcha um this next Pokemon is spherical yep I mean you only six diamonds seven diamonds on 15 diamonds well 11 okay 15

15 diamonds 16 going once 17 20 diamonds 20 diamonds going once 21 twice 25 diamonds 25 diamonds 26 diamonds 26 diamonds 27 diamonds 28 diamonds 29 diamonds 30 diamonds 32 diamonds 33 diamonds it’s this feel I’m going to cry you can have it all right twice sold

It’s an electrode oh thank God it’s SPI I love Spiel hey you can make sure that one has explode right anyone else like desk almond been sitting on your desk well flavor but like yeah just one you know some D adds flavor some like randomly spawn on your

Desk all right there you go C sometimes there’ll be a spider web on there you this next Pokemon is Uber tanky let give you six diamonds six di oh 20 just registered my head jeez all right 20 diamonds 21 diamonds going once going twice 22 diamonds going once going twice sold

To stead is it what I think it is you got a BL CH can I get some rare candies please that is you have to if you but’ll try because because I promised you it’s a shiny chy your whole team is going to be shiny oh can you red others

Then oh wait did you win any others yes where camera all right said I’m going to be honest the past few auctions we’ve had you’ve literally like w being like I’m the only one without Pokemon what do I get all right um this next Pokemon is extremely

Stubborn is it monkey yes 10 diamonds 10 diamonds 15 it’s like diamonds cone on I’d argue it’s all of you 21 21 gone once 25 ooh 25 diamonds going once going twice oh suspenders guy can I have 30 can I have 10 rare candies please Alan gave me 10 rare candies thank you

Going going away anytime soon who was the last one dropsy dropy okay cool jome just runs up mid auction hey hey hey sard yeah all right charmal I lost out on like a I got rid of not riding it right yeah I am all right this next Pokemon would

Be an absolute champion in boxing nice champ got into survival in time champion champion not a pun that was not a pun off the name I’ll give you that a boxing I’ll give you Champion 10 10 diamonds going once Champion going twice I’ll give you one Diglett Champion yeah I’ll give it to

Monk I’m sorry stud I give no I’m serious mon monk monk wins it because it’s a it’s a CL I’m sorry all right Jesus Jesus jeez my god wow all right it’s brutal Champion oh wait I I gotta I’ll make it shiny just for you clobbopus

Yeah wait I thought about it wait why is there an Irish skin for it what I’m keeping that I’m going play the bag pipes how much I uh 10 diamonds wait there’s an iris Globus yeah Ste can show you what I give it to three think show it can you uh an

Irish name Conor McGregor oh that’s not it has to be McGregor you got it how does bew keep coming out all right there we go all right Jerry is there an Irish uh grapple Lo or is it Justus I have no idea I just really love kopus cuz he’s so cute I

Guess we’ll see if it evolves him all right uh this next Pokemon has legs that can turn into Rockets six diamonds six Diamond diamonds seven oh no going once not twice 10 diamonds for he have the goer going once 11 diamonds 11 diamonds once going twice sold it is in fact goer

Okay and’ll be actually good it’s also got usually good the goerk is one that I think should learn explosion I feel like you’re right honestly he he definitely could learn explosion he could explode um poke he also might have a move like or an ability like said didn’t think you

Would do it Juan you created something terrible for luk today all right this next Pokemon uh would be really good at clog dancing six diamonds I don’t even know what that is it’s like when you it’s the shoes that you you dance and you you tap

With tap dancing is it is it called clogs jome you would know you’re old what is it dancing with the wooden shoes clogs are wood shoes I got I got hit in the head with a pair of clogs once what what you’re G to have to explain that

Would explain nothing to explain I got an argument with a Swedish guy what and he took his quog off and hit you in the head with it you know what enough said all right um You can’t trust these sweds okay what do you want me to say

Dude all right monk is six diamonds going story gez going twice soul to monk man it’s clouds out yeah give monkey too see mined agrees he said you can’t true Drome yeah he understands all right Mr all right next Pokemon um it’s a it’s a Jerome

Favorite I’ll give you crazy he can’t 25 25 diamonds going once 30 25 30 going once 32 that’s it for me okay going once going twice sold to dropsy he’s your boy that guy can learn explosion can he nowy would you like me to teach your G how much EMC did you

Manage to get a hold of dropsy cuz you’ve out bid me yeah I got over a mill as well I mean it wasn’t it wasn’t much more than that I almost got you got almost out of diamonds this next Pokemon is like if if Cappy were to scream it’s the

Persona it’s it’s him as a Pokemon explod explod it’s explod guys it’s explod I’ll give you 10 diamonds guys diamonds going once going twice guys oh wait his mouth is open he’s not screaming right now all right everyone everybody gets one grab what oh monk got his oh can I regrab can I

Regrab Pokey chest facility hidden what why is it oh you put it thanks I’m going to get rid of the here I’m going to put it down for you there you go I got a luckyg nice wow now your Pok I got got some sick Shades dude oh

They’re not in your hand but I believe you oh yeah by the way guys just a reminder uh we are counting memberships towards the goal for the Saturday bonus weekend live stream um and with that we are now at I think just about 300 away only $300 away from doing a bonus

Saturday live stream let’s make it happen I’d love to love to come hang out with you guys Saturday night have fun let to get oh I did not the tablet’s worth two million I did not do that if you guys you guys want to know the

Secret it was prismarine I may have seen crime happen off to the side what I didn’t I didn’t say who it was I’ll kill you I got prismarine blocks that’s most of anyway uh I think jop’s the the I just raided a bunch of towns and Villages for all their valuables

Is that what I think it is oh I’ll show you right away it’s what you think it is yes I love primarina she’s cool I didn’t play during this uh this gen she’s a really cool final evolution I really like and she’s she’s strong are you on

My account spara is one of the most powerful water moves that exists especially as a z move I can see him doing it TR4 there you go what that is not what you know um this next Pokemon in my opinion is the coolest cat Pokemon the from Holes yeah

Beans beans chopsy oh my god get boom boom Pokemon and candies oh wow no I meant what’s up blue uh Jerome yeah ke just got gifted oh behold Le wizard with an $80 strap dip said cap gets boom boom Pokemon and candies to snack on cool that gross obviously drum why does

My poisonous pancake got have more hops than your xerus does that no uh explosion or I guess you could teach it through the move your learner that’s a poison pancake a PO oh and you get candies cap so you are a legend sir stead we’ll give you a hug Um know what that is no idea what that is that is that is that is Internet history right there oh I didn’t know that’s what that was I was so confused no that is Internet history no and even then he’s not from Holes it’s Even Stevens that’s why I Wasing I would love

That guy to be in the movie [Laughter] ho any this if I get the hiccups again I’m gonna be so mad all right this next Pokemon in my opinion is the coolest cat Pokemon in the game Diglett 10 diamonds 10 diamonds going once give you 11 well Ste 12 okay 12

13 15 gone once going twice give you 16 uh 16 going once going twice sold for 16 it’s luxray I love luxray okay I’m fine with that boy cool all right I need an electric type anyways sight guy three um sir can I can I get

Payment I already gave it to you oh you did wait where are you going oh I have a I have stuff in my inventory all right um this next poke would definitely be on the naughty list I’ll give you oh 20 oh 20 diamonds why Hold on said why do you want this

Pokemon I don’t know that’s a good question I want 20 diamonds going once going twice so to it’s Chestnut get it is he on the na list justn not was like a dark typ on thece give me your money [Laughter] anyway anyways I would pay good money

For someone to compile all of those laughy there you go just like back to back would be insane man I’ll accept 19 because I disappointed you thank you thank you said did you bid more than you had no I would never do that he got one Diamond left all right

How many uh how many Pokemon do does everyone need now I need one two huh so two two three and one you said you said all right yeah two get your flow you stay away from the grunder get your own I have come take your Gunder you you

Get out of here stay away um this next Pokemon is proba is arguably the best Pokemon to take a picture of and wear on your head really five diamonds five diamonds once six diamonds going once I can’t even I don’t know why I did that oh wait you

Can’t I thought five five diamonds 10 10 diamonds going once I hate you C out sold all right congratulations you got a whale lord wait the dig the the digletts yeah yeah he goes did you not get your honorary Diglett hat he did there go what do you do

With you know that sounds about right come on and I thought my attention spin was bad this next Pokemon is would definitely win in a wrestling match 40 diamonds it’s h all right 40 diamonds going once going twice Luke oh good yeah he deserves it Soul yes it is in fact Hawlucha honestly

Not bad pickup there you go was that your last one you needed yep will as I’m going to Joe’s thank you thank you is this diamonds oh no Crystal drum could you look up yeah oh dear God F why are you mining he actually took the time Trio

Um this this next Pokemon would be a really good rapper Diglett what sagon or whatever no it’s John Cena okay Joe Cena Mr Ryme cap C might be on to something that’s it I’m telling you I’m good at this I’ll give you one Diamond okay one Diamond going once going twice sold to

Star rapor wow I take it yeah that’s not bad I I honestly think that’s better than Mr Ryme yeah it is dark Gem all right um this next Pokemon was really into Vine when it was out but not so much into Tik Tok I’ll give you three diamonds I guess three diamonds so going twice Soul you get a carnivine great cool thanks was good look why are all these Pokemon so my Hey

Listen if you stayed quiet and no one uh bided for it I would have just skipped it it is crazy how fast Vine came and went yeah for real um and they failed for such a dumb reason I they just couldn’t get the funding for their server costs and I was like

Dude this next Pokemon is only capable of winning bronze medals bronzong papara oh cap got it a does anyone want bronzong cuz dropsy [Laughter] spoiled I’m all right all right good thanks hey everybody want for free I’ll give it away for free please no okay L

Doesn’t want to be stuck with it anymore I’ve been trying to get rid of it for years uh this next Pokemon is the evolution to the most powerful Pokemon on the plan Planet what what you had uh Christopher uh I don’t know what what what happened to them did something happen to

Them uh yeah I don’t know I I hope nothing happened you I just had five but okay okay so 15 going once going twice Soul it’s the barrel yeah yeah hey I’ll take it it’s a slightly bruised B barel cuz drum just beat it up all

Right I think I think you should give him be with eite do you want that Steve uh no I’m okay okay wow what a mistake get a this guy this this next Pokemon I named Al oh you five diamonds five diamonds going once better not be a knct towel going twice why

KN sold congratulations you got Al creepy oh my God wait who wait wait wait I see that thing again it’s a it’s a cousin Al Capone Al this is not a Pokemon monkey it’s a Pokemon Jerome oh this argument again yeah it is look it’s all creamy evolves from Mil stre it’s

All creamy guys hey do you want to tell him how you evolve it you eat it no it’s just a stupid I don’t you put a berry on it and then you spin yeah yep yep you have to mix it my Alchemy this is a law of alchemy Equivalent Exchange [Laughter]

Um of all the Pokemon this one looks looks the most sharp it’s in a suit does anybody need more Pokemon this Pokemon is not built for singles built for doubles by the way guys we are now $225 away from our goal of doing a bonus Saturday Night Live stream we can make

It happen let’s do this thing literally that’s like that’s way doable we got this we got this we got this I believe uh these these next two I’m going to very badly describe but they are at at least decent what would you say you’ve been doing the rest of

Describing them even worse dang he said he named it Al he’s got a all I monk talk to the suspense that was pretty pretty funny I’m not GNA lie talk to the suspenders buddy um this next Pokemon you looks like a a samai really buky armor Steve yeah this next Pokemon looks

Like a Samurai with really bulky armor oh Samurai Jack dude don’t joke I love that show that best Sam they finished it too really do either of you two want this Pokemon lad I was going to wait to hear the next one final form of it’s Sam one has really

Big uh sharp knives coming out of its face all right looks like we have our answers to who’s getting what okay F GI drop okay uh you got haxus big andic G isopod oh okay I thought it was King G remember in Sun and uh sun and moon like he was really popular

So he’s not bad is just pretty much yeah essentially Steve yes he he is a good pick yeah he’s really good I said the last two I think I’m pretty sure are good cuz haxus is a uhit not a oh my gosh Ryan a25 stream tips and enjoy some hot sauce

And the Saturday Night Live stream Saturday night bonus live stream nice let’s goed thank you Ryan appreciate it but hot sauce number one is jalapeno number two is habanero pepper and number three is habanero pepper powder why do you think the uh powder is hotter I guess cuz it doesn’t have

Vinegar in it to cut it right yeah maybe yeah think sure um hey by the way Luke hyron is not or haxus is not Gen 5 pseudo it’s hydreon what’s haxus isn’t he a drag he is a dragon Pokemon and he’s and he’s a good Pokemon most a lot of people do

Confuse him for pseudo but he is not the pseudo gotcha I never played um black and white or uh X and Y so I don’t know have you ever played uh Joe the shiny one’s real cool L you haven’t seen it cap the haers yes Edge Lord the green on it turns gray

Oo that is AES turn red bro AES are already number three but it’s more of a deeper red I feel like I appreciate you Monk but I can literally give myself the Pokemon oh well so uh thank you again Ryan appreciate you dude thank you for making this possible

I’m leveling right now I have 55 okay so I think I I probably get a a buy I’m guessing yeah that’s not even a question somehow Jerome turns out with the weakest team no Luke he can’t have the weakest team I have’s no way I mean

What do you have what do you have what do you have look at this thing I couldn’t think of a final to like offer to you guys and I was just like wait a minute monkey really hates illumis for no reason I don’t know $20 stream tip he wants me to

Get uh I guess that’s 6.66 rare candies just give me six rare candies Juan Cena with a $30 stream dip say can you let the suspender man choose who gets more rare candies who definitely not definitely not uh this guy that’s getting six rare candy that’s fine that’s fine um I’m

Giving them a stad thank you good choice thank you Juan Cena thank you Alan guo and thank you Alan guo for being our captain of the live stream dude without your uh your tremendous generosity and and and everything dude we couldn’t do what we do every day it’s

Literally like fans like you that keep this channel going so thank you Allan and congratulations again I know I’ve said it like two or three times but I’m I’m getting the house dude that’s sick it was only one level yeah 51 it was so funny the way he moves on land yeah yeah

He he looks pretty pretty Derpy y I’m ready I’m still leveling my highest is 65 so if someone surpasses that I guess I don’t get to buy 60 yeah I just went 60 actually I lied 61 I have a level 59 and a level 6 cies your rcus is being left unattended my R

Hey right here you you nicknamed it Mesprit for some reason y what’s up Steve I forgot to give this to you is this worth anything I didn’t order room service darn what a shame can I have my room service back oh I got rid of yeah all right so who’s battling who’s I

Got 56 across the board all of my Pokemon are 65 dang okay I dropy gets to buy yep dropsy and drum get by just I’ll fight cap okay let’s go I’ll fight monk monk I’m dragging you down bye monky get Dred down I need to tell you something very important

Mon oh my God that was the funniest thing from earlier today we were playing a bomb Corp where we’re trying to like we have to like pass around information or a bomb god dude and literally right after we cut it stead goes no wait it was it was

Horrifying were you guys okay just team previews dead did you live yeah yeah that’s the worst part we lived we have no idea why he even did it because it was 1998 on the bomb and I read it as 19 uh 88 it was so funny it

Was a 10year difference but it could have cost us it was a 10year difference that coincidentally didn’t cost us but could yeah and it was just like dude so funny no wait no if we if we had exploded then I I would have given up genuinely amazing okay here we go camera uped

O oh oh why did you use fissure that’s a one hit K.O my dude exactly you’re not supposed to kill my Pokemon yet man I I okay flying press okay okay okay let’s go Golem Stealth Rock oh right you’re part of fighting I forgot about that

Y uh let’s see I get thrown in the ring sorry finger SLI explosion oh okay okay here we go deadfest here we go I feel like half of his Pokemon are going to explode here electro ball oh you’re doing some damage my dude yeah unfortunately I’m locked in because of some Choice

Specs yeah that’s how hucha was last round okaya was locked in with flying press interesting okay yeah I’m immune to leech seed oh yeah you’re both grass yeah okay uh ancient power leech seed I also have leech seed so we can no longer Escape oo but I’m not trapped in here with you

Steadfast you’re trapped in here with me it was me stest there we go okay okay you’re forcing me to do this you’re forcing me me to do this I’m forcing you yeah you’re forcing me to explod I’m forcing you yeah yeah I just exploded the Cel liad that definitely

Seemed like something you caused I’m sorry buddy yeah yeah yeah explosion look what you did go mag mortar what did I oh okay okay this is what I cost yeah that’s what you cost okay Alan if I did keep talking and nobody explodes with dropy she would explode she would be the

One that explo Christopher thanks for becoming a supporter on the channel a member on the channel dude that’s nuts we’re at 78 members today um I guess just because of the launch of gifted members on the channel so cool dude like that’s genuinely so awesome you’ve got minimized bro bro you’re confused good

Ah but it is you who is confused cabby flamethrower flamethrower God I hate this Ray yes God God cap he’s not here there is no God Hey cap Hey cap yeah confus Ray nice Fire Punch yes okay interesting I didn’t think that could one hit neither did I heal g

G okay who am I fighting dropsy or uh Jerome you want buddy one of them I stall me out I’ll fight dropsy did the clutch up did Monkey win yeah then I’ll fight Jerome and drops he can deal with monkeys all right all right no that’s a

Fair deal show me your moves yeah yeah bring it over here jard the worst thing is I’m still spectating your battle he won oh I was spam clicking but not fast enough okay okay yeah I really wish that that would be fixed by now let’s get a little privacy buddy let’s let’s

Get sorry just losers are gone just couldn’t stand the nerd with suspenders just oh here’s your diamonds back oh thanks Dad ju Cena with a $15 stream what will we be streaming on Saturday uh probably a little bit of stone block maybe a little bit of lethal company in

There maybe a little bit of uh dads who knows yeah who’s your dad uh stepen Libby okay okay I’m ready I let me just make S just in case SL poke heal all right let’s go cap good luck buddy do it battle rules for preview uh Team

Preview okay okay all right okay I’m leading off with my strongest man just kidding he’s my worst oneberry oh stealth rocks no you actually got a stealth rocks off yep oh do not like okay go Metagross oh spam click no I don’t even know what I clicked neither

Do I me Geo flower the $5 stream tip stop asking you can’t have my grunder dude meteor Mash you need to get your own grunder yeah what you think grunder just grows grund underneath trees what you think there’s some sort of grunder bush out there no no no no a

Magical grunder Bush yeah come on uh is fairy type good to no Steel’s super effective to fery Christ thank you for gifting five memberships that brings us to 83 new members today oh my gosh dud are we going to hit it we might hit it we

Might dude if we hit a 100 new members in one day I think that means that Steve has to send everyone $ five I could be wrong oh you had scald no it might mean that I don’t know for sure okay electro ball what do you think captain does it

Mean that or no I might mean that I think stepen will have to do whatever you just said and I was totally listening I’m just kidding guys he’s not going to do that I’m sorry I lied to you I think you’re going to win this one

Jerry I think so too I’m sorry buddy although you’re Metagross he’s nice yeah a dang dude electrol did nothing that was bullet punch I did oh on my screen it said electrode use dude the chat it means not I I hate why have they not fixed that yeah the confus ray okay okay

Umum fire punch bam oh my yeah I’ve got a fire gem on that’s why all right cap how about little xerus leap seed [Laughter] BR Moon oh God GG buddy let’s go let’s get up there all right guys the championship battle is almost ready I’ll you be facing dropsy

Or Stan Ley who do you you guys think I’m going to face dropsy or stanleyan Stanley I think stanleyan Stanley all Luke you uh preparing for takeoff what your fan is very loud oh wait you can hear that yeah for a second yeah huh Luke’s uh preparing for take off over

Oh will win who will win 84 members in one day guys you guys are amazing thank you so much for uh making our first stream with gifted memberships be such a special one it’s awesome so that was weird oh we can pull we can pull him up here I guess but

Like if I know anything about monk he’s currently stalling out dropsy oh you messed up you messed up oh no oh he’s already done the ball is in my co dropsy Al creamy versus haxus this has been like one of most intens battles yet if we wanted to be like alabone we

Should change it to taxus why would you do that Bank on it yes why would you I thought it was IDE by yes oh no they’re just having their own Vibe oh my God dropy this is it this is the is this your last mon uh yeah it is oh my God

Come on girl thank God it’s a girl thank God no wa I didn’t read that I’m so dead oh GG unless I crit wow all all right good fight honestly good battle I I really wish you guys had been in the call earlier I threw out my ilies and dropsy hit it

With a Gengar and then when it lived I went ug why did you live was like oh that’s messed up it was literally just supposed to be a clean switch R versus dropsy now all right good fight a good fight I’m ready for this uh give me one second please okay yes

Hi best of luck drum drop’s got a really solid team I know you got legendaries your team is just solid all legendaries and everybody knows that legendaries are better than every other Pokemon that’s how it works oh God Ryan with Ryan gifted 20 memberships to push us over 100 members on the

Day thank you Ryan I’m I’m speechless Ryan that’s insane thank you buddy are you okay tried for real thank you Ryan from the bottom of my heart you’re awesome dude might not honestly be wrong I think there’s more members chatting right now than not cool um all right drops jig jig good luck

Thanks all right let’s start with this guy and see what happens I guessed correctly uh what is alolan Raichu again fairy electric fairy electric I don’t like I thought it was psychic psychic it might be psychic it’s it’s a pink one I I think psychic really it’s psychic I thought it

Was fair I think it’s psychic yeah no it’s psychic don’t really have a great like counter that psychic electric um I know Volcanion ain’t the counter I just don’t know what is I’ll throw out my most powerful one okay Reggie ice now get ready to be frozen in ow I’m

Paralyzed come on Reggie ice why can’t you be better oh jeez I’m about to get completely just that is some impressive speci special defense all right I set up a light screen I meant on re ice oh yeah that too dude I I expected him to die but apparently

Not got some beef okay there we go all right zerus I just got to keep going with stab and hope for the best oh it got burned no way oh that’s big then it puts him on a timer it’d be all right we’ll see he’s dead he’s dead in one more

Turn yeah that would be horrible except Jerome has a burn heel oh lost by zerus I was really hoping he was going to do a lot more damage um that was kind of huge actually let’s see what happens with this my boy mous was interesting not in a good way for me a

Raichu was on top of the Diglett that was sent out for I MEP is meit no sorry Miss sprit all right pachu right you actually Bowling you know it’s not very effective but it’s oh no he avoided it no a little RNG a little RNG yeah goes a long way set up

Swords is very luck based to believe fighting is bad to fer right yeah but steel is good yeah but fighting bad yeah so she’ll be neutral against you unless she has a flamethrower on it that would be hilarious but no thank no metal burst failed why okay um there you go

Zamazenta uh is this a for of any kind default okay yeah uh also drum uh actually never mind well I thought metal burst was just a uh just a physical move but it is not I don’t know what to do that one just win have you tried killing the other

Person how did you get shell wait how many shell Bells do you have I found like seven oh my God I I was in the ocean the whole time and that’s the only item that spawns there oh gg gg those shell bells are crazy yeah they they helped a lot with monk

Too g g everyone that’s going to do it that is the end of the day we will see you all again tomorrow for an awesome live stream everybody thank you so much for being here and being awesome um that’s it good night byebye that’s it

This video, titled ‘Stopping The INSANE Warden In Minecraft Cops And Robbers’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-11-29 23:19:44. It has garnered 24010 views and 1009 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:15 or 10335 seconds.

Stopping The INSANE Warden In Minecraft Cops And Robbers

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

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    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More