LEAKED: YetiYes Legacy Remastered LIVE Preview

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Okay we are live again and we’re going to see what this looks like now oh I almost forgot to mess with the music I’m going to mess with that real quick let me click on this have that hold up the music’s audio has been half let’s see what the half audio sounds like

Because my live chat is not popping up give me one moment why is it not popping up we’re having a very fun very fun getting first live stream set up today oh man yeah and now it says I’m live so let’s See so the stream looks a little weird if you were to ask me um I think that could just be because I scaled the resolution output wrong so let’s see what I can do about this maybe if I change the actual uh video resale output I need to change

That again I messed up on my resale output obviously um oh man I closed that didn’t I oh man I’m going to have to reset that I mean it’s like it fills the screen but something about this don’t look right I am so sorry chat okay we’re going to roll with how

This is because it’s at least letting a stream so we’re going to roll with this for now and I will respond to whatever you all are saying and we can really just sit here and chat with fans that’s something we could do oh yeah and I got this from an

Enderman the last little thre minute stream there so I’m going to go ahead I’m going to throw this yeah third in there and then boom we’ll go ahead and let that start growing oh man the the stream’s like being a real janky again oh no that’s okay I’m going to keep

Streaming we’re just going to push through let this stream go and then we’ll try fixing that next time I stream because for some reason it is not working so I’m going to set a 30 minute timer for this stream so we’re going to let a 30 minute timer dictate what we

Do so I know I want to go ahead and I want to get some more wood that’s something I want to go ahead and do I need to get some more wood cuz I do want to set up a farm but I probably need to

Go ahead and go back in here and reset my spawn point and let that just go through real quick let’s check the chat no one’s here but that’s all right so let me go through yeah let’s go out here let’s see what I can get done today

So for some reason it’s like resolution scaled to my iPad but it I don’t know let me know what it looks like on your side cuz to me it looks like an iPad screen it doesn’t look like my um Xbox so if you didn’t see the last video

This is zinc’s little house and then down there is cornelius’s and that’s coastal’s so I’m going to go ahead and so ahead uh I’m going to go ahead and start getting wood I’m so good at commentary until I go live and and all of a sudden I don’t know maybe it’s

Where the stream’s being like a little delayed and messed up it’s a little bit like weird trying to do this and I think this is this stream is public like it should be um that’s what I have it set to at least I’m going to go ahead and

Start getting all this mine though because we are going to go ahead and need all of this wood today since we are going to be making ourself a little farm so I’m going to be answering anything that does come through on the chat but

There is a little bit of a delay so your answer won’t be answered well your answer isn’t like what you’re ask you’re asking a question but um whatever comes through it’ll be a little bit delayed I’m going to go ahead M that I’m going to look

Back down my my sensitivity is a little messed up because I did uh modify something on my Xbox so it messed up with all my settings on Minecraft I’m trying to get them all right and put back into the game correctly and hopefully the music isn’t too loud now I

Think it probably needs upped a little bit from what I can see but yeah we’re going to be getting ourselves all this wood here and we’re going to be starting ourselves a little bit of a farm today on here we’re going to be like going through with all our dirt and stuff and

Leveling some of this out so we can put a little farm up here for everyone to use because currently we’re just like hunting what we need when we need it and I want us to be able to just have a little farm system set up for us to go

Back and forth and just get what we need because that would be really cool if we could just go ahead and have it like like that but you never know it honestly honestly it could just end up being a very small farm that only I end up using someone probably actually has a

Farm somewhere on here I don’t even know where everyone lives I just know we live in this little cluster here I have no clue where Crystal currently is on the world or anything everyone just kind of dispersed it I don’t know where everyone went but that’s okay so I’m going to go

Ahead and get this tree then too and see what this is like and I’m going to try to fix the scaled resolution and I don’t know why it’s like glitching like that I’m I’m sorry I’m looking like up and down at the thing cuz for me it

Looks fine but for you all it’s glitching I want to know what that is and why it’s doing it and the colors look a little off for some reason it may just very well be the capture card or it could very well just be my laptop cuz I

Definitely need to start looking to upgrade it sometime soon um and I need to start looking to really just upgrade to a full-blow PC so a big reason with like the router being a little bit messed up is the router I bought for some reason was like

A little janky and it’s not setting up right hello js1 I’m trying to get my stream set up to start working but it doesn’t seem to be working very well oh no no no it I I’ve literally been streaming for like maybe a few minutes man yeah like maybe five or six

Minutes I’m just going around getting the stuff to start a farm I’m going to try to set up a little bit of a farm and I’m going to get all this wood back down in here and there is a little bit of a delay it’s probably like a 15sec delay

I’m going to be honest with you I need to lower it down but it does help me be able to stream a little bit better so I’m going to go ahead and make this right there let me see here I need to make an iron axe that would probably

Be a very efficient thing to make out of all the things I could make and I’m just going to disperse all this back in here I like having it all organized it’s very eye pleasing to have it organized in there okay where is the iron ax in this

Menu okay I don’t think anyone else is on let me find it list players yeah no no one else is on cuz this is just a copy of the realm we play on because I didn’t want to try to stream on the oh I’m still waking up man I’m still waking up oh

Man I’m still waking up this morning even though it’s like 2: p.m. okay I’m still waking up now okay so I think I’m going to try to do a spruce looking uh build up here it’s just going to be like a little fence for now but I’m going to

Go ahead and make my way back up up here we’re going to go ahead and get more of these spruce trees cut down cuz I think the farm is going to go a little bit further back than over here probably going to go around here so I’m going to

Have to get some of these trees over here gone and then I’m going to have to expand towards this way so J well how’s your day going man sitting in the chat there how’s your day going um Finn and KP and them they were here too in the

Last stream but like I had to end it and stuff the notification probably isn’t getting pushed out where I have been going back and forth on the stream be honest with you I want to go ahead and buy this though oh my gosh I keep yawning still waking up

Man this is not good so I’m going to go ahead and run down here a little bit further I need to honestly probably upgrade my Wi-Fi plan to be honest with you it’s it’s uh the upload speed’s not very good download speed’s good upload speed’s not good um let me see here what

All can I throw back into there do that and then okay I need to get some of the dirt and we have dirt in both of them right no no we do not okay I need to dump all of this in here and I need to

Grab all of this out we’re going to need all of it this is more stuff we’re going to have to get we ran out of so much dirt in the last video and be honest with you because was we had all of it set up like

Out here all of this we had to fill in why am I yawning so much man we had to fill all of this in and that’s currently spreading um from the Enderman I killed to get the grass block but yeah this is all just going to fill in and

It’s going to be very great once it’s all done because it’s been annoyingly painstakingly slow so I’m going to head back up here and let’s see what what’s going on up here I need to fill all of this in over here yeah so I’m going to have to fill all

The way back with that and then forward over forward down over yeah and then fill all that in and honestly I feel like the stream’s being a little delayed but that’s that’s okay man it’s okay see what’s going on here go ahead fill all that in fill all this in I need

To desperately fill my Wi-Fi uh upload speed I feel like it would be very much easier to stream if it would yeah I’m so sorry jel for the current stream quality man oh man yeah cuz J I’m be honest with you you’re the only one oh there’s more

People watching now but like my upload speed on speedtest.com is like 2 megabytes for some reason but my download speed is 55.6 I’m pretty sure is what it was so I mean like there’s honestly like there’s a ton of download speed but like no upload speed and I honestly need to try

To fix it but there’s not much I can do about it because of where I live there’s not much uh Wi-Fi provider SL option so I may just have to stick to recording it looks like because this definitely is not currently working the stream at least I could probably stream Minecraft does

Anyone want to watch me play Minecraft I could do Minecraft live that’s something I could easily do as Minecraft you know I could easily play Minecraft Al live that would be very fun to play Minecraft alive just like if you want to see me play Minecraft alive just type Minecraft

We we can play Live Minecraft try to guess what we’re going to be putting in cuz I feel like live Minecraft won’t take much well it shouldn’t take much but it probably will but who knows honestly hello KP welcome back the stream is being very delayed and looks kind of weird but

We’re just going to roll with it until I can get it fixed I we’re we’re almost thinking about playing Minecraft alive um because for for some reason everything else is being all messed up for some reason whatsoever I need to fill all of this in though let’s see

Here yeah I desperately need to get my Wi-Fi to be working because I I don’t want the stream like quality to be very low I want to improve on that but there’s not much you can do about it where I live it’s not fun how is everyone’s day going though like out of

10 you know obviously because we don’t want to have to type full words around here out of 10 like how’s everyone stay we could we could honestly probably like I don’t know I think maybe it’s just game footage where maybe if it is my capture card it’ll just be like game footage

That’s messed up but I mean I don’t think it’s that at least I don’t think it is let me see here I’m going to run down here real quick and I’m going to see if I can get my M I’m going to pull up the Minecraft scene and see if it

Lets me do Minecraft I’m going to have to copy and paste a little yet into Minecraft do scene though so let me get that up real quick so let me set this here I have to get everything like moved around I’m going to have to move the

Microphone this way for now move it with me so we’re moving the mic this way the mic is now f facing my computer instead of me so let’s get down here open up Chrome because that’s where you go to Minecraft to if you haven’t played it yet you go through

Chrome and open up Yeti and then Minecraft to and it’s loading Minecraft to is loading through yeah Minecraft is loading through let me go into my settings then and get this on yep okay so this is connecting my okay yep did that connect yep okay we’re going to play Minecraft alive

Guys let me just where’s little yet at uh copy and paste okay we should be on Yeti talk now well that’s what the Minecraft one’s called it’s on Yeti talk and there’s little yet so let me go in here and let me full screen so we can play some Minecraft okay going down

Here was good okay we’re on Minecraft we’re going to play Minecraft live I feel like this is our only only saving grace chance here is to try to play Minecraft alive so we’re going to go ahead we’re going to start out with the uh piston meta here if I can remember

How to make a piston I’m going to be honest with you while sometimes I have to look up how to make certain certain Redstone mechanics because I’m so used to the Bedrock crafting okay so there’s three on top there we’re going to go ahead we’re going to just try wooden

Slabs 3 two one oh never mind okay maybe it is a okay what is this trapo no oh wa wait a minute minute it’s a chest okay 3 two 1 we got it no wait no we didn’t get it wait what is it oh I think I know

What it is I think I know it is okay this either a note block or a juke box oh it’s a it’s a jukebox not jukebox note block three two one we got it t look at that Minecraft alive okay now I’m going to hit random

Again you all let me know what do you want me to start out with that is what we’re going to do let me know what you want me to start out with on here put in this headphone here so I can hear replay audio feedback so yeah just let me know what

You want me to do so we’re just gonna wait I don’t see anything so I’m going to go ahead and start with the gold Block do an iron block maybe since that didn’t work okay so there’s two iron in the top here I know what this is this is oh it’s not oh Flint you said Flint I didn’t even see that no we don’t have Flint okay it was an iron ho random

Again so there’s no Flint on here um we have Oak Cobblestone Stone glass quartz sticks cold diamond gold iron Redstone quartz slabs uh whole wood iron ingots red stone string and a leather let me know what you want to do hello Finn we’re playing Minecraft though instead Legacy was being buggy I don’t

Have the music on this part so let’s see okay since you said Cole we’re going to start with a coal block you thought it was Flint but we’re going to start with coal um no it’s not a coal block okay I’m going to do what I like

To do I like to do the little painting here because it lets you know like is it a bed is there sticks and there’s no sticks we’re going to do the Piston then the piston usually works pretty often let’s see okay cuz I haven’t used iron yet so if I use Redstone maybe

There’s iron in the middle that’s a start guys I think it’s a bucket no it’s not a bucket is it chest plate 3 two one we got it okay next one where our design uh my skins skin seed on um apple or the Play Store you get on your mobile device

I use apple um for my stuff but um it’s on skin seed um I really can’t spell that on here so let’s see here the next one here we’re going to do observers so Finn this game this is Minecraft and it’s just Minecraft look up Minecraft on your search engine and

It it’ll pop up Minecraft though see KP usually I play like a bunch of other games for some reason like I don’t play Minecraft a ton ton but I play Minecraft pretty often um let’s see maybe I’m going to go ahead and do this instead maybe let’s see I

Need to turn down this audio because it’s it’s picking it up into it so diamond block yeah I’ll do diamond block in one second um okay we’ll do a diamond block now we’re going to see what this is I don’t think I know what this is

There’s no diamonds in it let’s see um what is this it it can’t be is it gold no um is it iron no what what is this okay okay does anyone know what this is there’s two sticks there is two sticks it’s not Diamond it’s not gold and it’s not

Iron um it can’t be coal is it wood is it a wooden shovel oh no it’s not a wooden shovel oh okay okay okay I think I know it is are you all ready for this I think it’s like a wooden ax in 3 two 1

We got it tada I was going to I wouldn’t ho but I didn’t have enough try so I just kind of held married that one to see what happened with that we got about 10 more minutes on the stream I’m just going to see what all we can get done on

The stream but honestly I don’t think we’re going to be able to stream all too often until um I can get it all set up properly because it’s not set up properly for some reason um hello uh Finn’s mom who’s watching the stream too I guess that that that’s the first I’ve

Heard of this one that’s never happened to me before I’ve never had someone’s mom say hi to me on a stream that’s very unique never seen it never heard of it before until now so um okay what do you all want me to start out with I’m going to wait to see

What you all want me to start out with here we’ll see what I can go ahead and get done and shown for you all and okay I don’t see anything so I’m going to wait a few more seconds just because my stream delay seems to be pretty high we’re going to

See what’s going on here uh see what you all want to do which I’m going to oh there now there’s five people watching the issue is with five people watching we’re not doing Legacy remastered live anymore we’re doing Minecraft live because we couldn’t get anything to work

Properly the stream just did not want to work and the quality on the stream just kept dropping for some reason doesn’t matter about the settings it’s probably to do with my graphics card needs some sort of driver installation thing so we’re going to have to set up that later

But I’m going to go ahead and keep streaming for now at least so Redstone okay gold well Captain Target I’m going to go ahead I’m going to try to get red something with redstone um let’s do a redstone block let’s say there’s Redstone in it none okay that’s that’s

Nice usually you know it kind of lets you know but I guess not this time let’s do a wooden door okay okay guys guys guys guys there’s okay there’s wood on top that’s for sure let’s see oh okay guys I got I got it right I didn’t I didn’t know what

That was um I just poped my finger that hurt and I did it again so okay so excited for another episode of world another episode came out today Finn another episode came out today I don’t know if you’ve seen it today but another one came out today it’s Thanksgiving

Themed and then okay I’m going to do a diamond block diamond block here we go here we go it’s it’s not a diamond block I don’t know why it’s never a diamond block I can never get a diamond block run so let me see here can I we’re going

To do a piston now just because I want to see if it’s a piston usually the Piston gets the most stuff um I can’t remember the dude’s name but he okay so there’s Red Stone in this one let me just do this real quick so the redstone’s in what the redstone’s in the

Top Corner guys are all consumable items oh let me see here I’m going to see is this could be very much a redstone torch and it was okay we got got that one the issue is when I’m not recording if I do get on the first

Try it’s going to be like so like what let me know what you want me to do though now let’s see what we can make it now as long as you all are watching I’ll just keep streaming guys I’m going to cancel my alarm for when to stop I’m

Going to keep streaming guys as long as you all want to keep seeing me do Minecraft we’ll keep going man so see what you want me to make you can see what I have down here in crafting ingredients just let me know what you want to make like literally say anything

And if I can make it I I’ll make it and I’ll do it in whatever order you all want so just keep it going repeater okay okay okay I think yeah I think I know how to make a repeater so I need that and I need Redstone

Torches I need like that wait wait a minute no no no don’t look like a Minecraft Noob don’t look like a Minecraft Noob right now stop don’t look like a noob guys how do I make a repeater how do I make a repeater wait a minute guys

This is not looking good this is not looking good right now guys for me toble try to get the um repeater here okay I’m pulling up the recipe are all crafting ingredients unlimited yes I have Unlimited crafting ingred ingredients on the bottom but I’m I have unlimited amounts I have limited stuff

Welcome to the stream flame yeah we’re going to see if I can get it first try and we’re going to see what we can get done here the stream delay and like uh the Wi-Fi upload speed wasn’t strong enough the stream Legacy remastered so we’re doing this I’m going to see how to

Make the repeater okay yeah that makes sense obviously there’s Redstone and a repeater that’s I was forgetting and okay it’s not repeater guys a fishing rod okay Finn I got you we’re going to go ahead let’s see here if I can get so

I need oh why is it oh no oh no why is my okay what what just happened what just happened wait what okay something’s the the website has messed up the website has messed up what is happening can I okay it’s letting me what what what wait a minute what’s going on here

What what’s what’s going on here okay here’s a new idea if I can get okay like that maybe okay let’s see can I get the string into here now the website is broken on me guys what why why is it just infinitely it’s just making infinite

Iron no what’s happening maybe if I take that one out no infinite sticks okay guys okay the Matrix has caught us we’re we’re stuck now guys we are absolutely Bamboozled stuck here I’m going to press random we’ll do a random one I always do random in the videos I

Never do like the daily one because if I get the daily one I can always just do it again and get it right first try and I don’t want to do that so we’re going to go ahead we’re going to do the random one again I’m going to start with that

Fishing rod fin okay now the website’s fixed yeah the Matrix got us on that last one guys I really wish this was downloadable so that way you could play it whenever like you have it downloaded onto your computer this would be a really good mobile app too like even it

Obviously they’d have to change the name of it probably to avoid anything but like if anyone’s good at making mobile apps this is a good one to try to make and get on the Play Store um this is something I don’t see why Mojang just

Doesn’t make and put on the Play Store I mean it’s very simple just have crafting recipes and try to guess it and they could even do levels on it be a very simple game for them yeah it’s all going wrong guys let’s see I’m going to go ahead I’m

Going to try to do the bed if you all just want to suggest what you want me to make next I’m going to go ahead I’m going to put the bed in here and see if I can make a bed with this and of course I messed up on the crafting recipe and

It’s not a bed so it’s going to be has to be something with red stone right usually if it’s not a bed it’s something with red stone it isn’t okay I’m going to try this usually it’s never a composter but I’m going to try the composter it’s not a composter either

Yeah no that’s what I just tried v a I’m so sorry about the delay I can probably move the delay now like later I’m probably going to May stream this tomorrow if you want to do Minecraft live tomorrow too be very fun so let’s see

Here what can I get done here it looks like I’m go I’m going to try like a glass pane okay it’s not a glass pan guys it’s not a glass pan what are we supposed to do if you think you know what this one is

Type it in chat I don’t know what this could be sometimes whenever I’m trying to record one of the shorts it’s not it’s not on here like at all for some reason and I never know why I wish I knew why but I just don’t know they also

Need a better background yeah they do need a better background it’s kind of boring back here I wish I could like change it around here you know I wish this really was a game you could just launch on other stuff a boat a boat can

I make a boat wait a second is what I got to see what recipes does this go off of a boat it’s not a boat guys it’s not a boat let me see here um a furnace maybe and it’s on a furnace okay I’m just going to start or guessing

This is what you doing oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh is this a shovel no it’s not a shovel wait no no no what what is this what what what there’s one IR there’s one iron on the top guys oh wait wait wait wait maybe it is

An iron no it’s own Iron nugget wait a second what what is this is it this it what was it wait what what what so whenever you don’t know what to do just like or guess so what you do is you just take all the ores and

You just kind of guess in a block form we’ll do another random one how what a stone cutter oh my gosh I wasn’t expecting the stone cutter I’m be honest with you that was like a surprise that was like getting a left hook like what what that is so funny man I was

Just trying to see it and it’s just oh my gosh man that that’s funny you know that was okay I’m going to start off that iron chest plate F I’m going start off with the iron chest plate let’s see here put that in there and show an iron chest plate so it’s not

Iron guys let’s see here maybe gold I’ll do a gold block we’ll do chest plates this time and no no chest plate okay I’m going to try this one the diamond one maybe maybe it’s a diamond chest plate let’s see and okay no it’s not oh

No what about a Lether okay we’ve went through all the chest plates so yeah I know like who’s like one iron on top the stone cutter no no one thinks that way I really wish I wish this like had an updated version if I could code I would

Yeah the massive stream delays oh my gosh it’s bad man um I’m going to try to fix it I’m going to try to fix it next stream um we’ve been going for 33 3 minutes right now though if we let’s say like at an hour I’m going to cut the stream and I’m

Going to bring it back up and we’ll stream later and just see if we can stream a little bit better I’m going to see if I can fix all my stream settings once we hit the hour mark I’m going to end the stream go try to fix it all and

Then come back and see what it’s like for you all so it’s not a leather chest plate so I’m going to go ahead I’m going to do a piston guys that’s what I’m going to do this is my guess I want to guess the piston and iron and

Redstone okay there’s wood in it there is wood in it it’s in the wrong spot though is it a crafting table okay there’s two right there is it a slab it’s on a slab what is this what what wait a minute what what oh my gosh every time is not a door

It’s not a crafting table it’s not a slab they’re supposed to be here okay they’re supposed to be here so like what could we do it’s it supposed to be here I don’t know I’m going to see wood recipes Minecraft I want to see what can I make

With out of this like what what is this supposed to be this is like a little weird you know just seeing right here let’s see I don’t know what this is supposed to be this is so weird okay maybe it’s something to do with it do you does anyone know what

This is so there’s two right there for some reason there’s two right there and there on a crafting table and oh is it a loom wait wait wait wait wait wait is it Al Loom 3 2 1 oh we got it we got it we got it Al Loom that

One was unpredictable too what is this we got the stone cutter now we got the loom what these are some crazy backto back Minecrafts I’ve never seen it like that I’ve never seen a loom in a stone cutter back to back let alone seen the

Loom I’ve never gotten a loom in any of my playthroughs on Minecraft though this is a little weird I’m going to sit here I’m going to plug my chat in here so that way I can uh keep chat up the whole stream that’d be a little weird if chat died

So oh dang five people on right now okay out of the five people on here I’m so sorry we’re not playing Legacy remastered we’re playing Minecraft all the stream kept messing up and we’re playing Minecraft all live let me know let me know what you want me to make in

The chat and I will make it I’m I’m going to start off with what I’m going to start off with so I’m going to start off with the fertis let me know let me know what you want to do let me know what you want to

Do so we have the furnace here actually we’ll go today da just let me know what you want me to make and we’ll go with it you know let me see here so what do you all want me to do so I See Fire does fire count as a campfire

If I make a campfire will anyone oppose probably not I think this how you make a campfire oh yeah let’s see the daily one’s not a campfire I’ll let you know that one so far so just let me know let me know what you want me to do out of all the people

Out there I don’t know what the daily one could be whatever the daily one is it happens twice so we kind of go off of it and see what we want to do so Shield okay let me see here let me make a shield real quick I think is this

How you make a shield guys no wait a minute is this the shield give me a second give me a second guys I promise you I’m a professional Minecrafter I promise you I’m a professional Minecrafter do not worry about this don’t don’t worry what’s going on here I know how to make a

Shield guys I know how to make a shield okay okay okay I’m I’m getting I know how to make a shield okay oh I’m I just have to jog my memory now I know how to make a shield I promise okay okay I know how to make a

Shield very much okay there’s iron in it there’s iron in it there’s iron in it KP there’s iron in it yes it does Captain Target it makes you think so much about what it is so there’s iron in it there is iron in it so there’s iron at the top at least let

Me see I’m going to try an iron shovel for you all here oh it’s not an iron shovel there’s no sticks it’s iron though it’s something to do with iron on the top is it a helmet no it’s not no it’s not wait what is this what to weighted pressure plate weighted

Pressure plate who sits there and is like I think this Iron’s a weighted pressure plate what what come on now come on now oh my gosh let me let me do this daily one again so let me check here watch this guys it’s the same one every time we’ll do

Random so the daily one if you go to minecraft.com guys well it’s not minecraft.com it’s like Minecraft something something.com but if you go to Minecraft on you do the weighted pressure plate that’s your daily challenge right there done so I mean you always can just do

That so I’m going to sit here you wanted me to do a bed you wanted me to do a bed originally but I’ll do your second one first and then we’ll do the bed so we’re going to do a quartz block here and own a quartz block so now we’re going to do

The bed for Finn and it looks like Finn want us to do the bed okay so there there’s three planks there’s three Planks on the bottom is it a slab no wait a minute what what is it a chest I’m want to see if it’s ch what is

Up Moyes welcome to the stream we’re playing Minecraft it was a chest we got it right round of applause let’s go ahead next one so what do you want me to make next we did the quz block we did the bed we can do iron leggings we can do that I got you

F i got Finn don’t worry we can do the iron leggings Finn Finn what do you know that I don’t know what do you know that I don’t know you and KP are always getting the item like the item type right I cannot do that what are you all

Doing this has to be a pickaxe right we got the pickaxe that was fast thank you all for that one all right let’s do another one let me know what you want me to do just let me know type type Whatever item I can make out of the

Current ingredients I have this is the current ingredients down here so a trap door yeah I got you I can do a trapo this how you make a trapo they on a trapo KP all right let’s try another one okay let’s do a crafting table no the infamous crafting table made out

Of cobblestone it looks like a furnace but I promise you guys it’s it’s a crafting table they’re one and the same honestly they’re not the same but okay let’s see what you want to do now so we did the trapo I’m just good what

Can I say oh Finn man oh man okay let me see here let me see here let me see here I’m going to do the bed I’m going to do the bed again the bed was a really good one to try last time is not a bed maybe

It’s something with redstone I’m going to use one of my guesses here let me see is it red stone there’s no Redstone in it guys there’s no Redstone it has to be an ore so we’re going going to use the ores again and see what happens so it’s not iron it’s not

Iron and it is not gold is it there’s no gold let me try the diamonds maybe guys there’s diamonds it’s a diamond axe it is a diamond axe okay okay let’s see let’s see the diamond axe let’s get it diamond axe let’s go all right thank you Finn peace out Finn

I will see you whenever you return or whenever um whenever you get to the next stream which may be tonight if I can get the Wi-Fi to work properly all right let’s see here so we have a diamond axe close that let’s do another random okay okay we got five watching currently

If you don’t know what this is this is Minecraft it’s a website game you can play it too along the daily one today is an iron uh weighted pressure plate yeah iron weighted pressure plate like that um and now I’m going to do another random daily one so just let me know

What you all want me to make and I’ll start off with it or use it whenever I do see it come through in the chat cuz there’s a little bit of a stream delay warn you of that one so I’m going to go ahead I’m going to start with a chest

For my guest and it doesn’t seem like there’s a chest at all so I’m going to see like maybe right here like stone wall there’s no cobblestone in it so there is that off chance that stone stairs are needed and there’s none it looks like so we’re really just

Saying is it an ore or is it some sort of redstone well really can’t be a redstone Contraption cuz Redstone involves all of those sometimes you get the weird chance at the wool block and it’s weird so shears okay yeah I got you KP I’ll do some

Shears and there’s iron in it there’s iron in it and that pattern wait a second is it a bucket is it a bucket and it’s not a bucket what what is this so there’s something there but it’s not iron is it an iron door we got it iron

Door iron door that’s what that one is we got an iron door okay let’s plus random so okay let’s see what we can get here so maybe just maybe I’m going to do the diamond block because that’s a big one everyone suggests like all the time diamond block diamond block diamond

Block do a diamond block it’s never been a diamond block it’s never been a diamond block never has been one so let me see here maybe just maybe um we’ll see what you want me to make next then I’ll go ahead and make whatever you want me to do so while I

Sit here because I’m actually play I’m playing two different games at once right now I’m playing a legacy REM I’m actually playing Legacy remastered like off screen like just getting little stuff done while I’m waiting for chat to catch up oh my gosh animals are spawning what you all can’t see it but

Animals are spawning down here now the grass is spreading and animals are spawning yes so okay okay let’s see what you will have tyed up in here so from what I can see pressure plate again okay I can try pressure plate but um what type of pressure plate like a wooden one it

Wasn’t a wooden pressure plate I can tell you that let’s see here I’m going to let it run through real quick and see what all it says so I’m going to let I’m going to let chat catch up to the delay and I’m going to have to change the

Delay next Stream So that way the stream isn’t very delayed for you all I do apologize for the high stream delay for you all honestly like that that would not be very fun to uh watch through I wouldn’t want to watch through that I’m so sorry about that one for you all um

It’d be fun to have in the background but honestly I don’t know about like having it just right up front and center though like that that’s a different story um hopefully we can fix that delay for you all that sucks guys feel bad for you all for that

One okay let’s see here um let’s see what all is going on here so let’s see okay so I’m going because today is the Thanksgiving if you’re American like me I’m very American you can’t tell I’m very American you I don’t know everyone should be able to tell it’s not very

Secret I’m American but let’s see oh my gosh all my like my roof on Legacy remastered is finally oxidizing and it looks so bad activator rail why are you giving me the ones I don’t know how to make why I don’t know how to make activator rails is it like

This I think this is an activator rail oh come on now guys oh no oh no I don’t know how to make an activator ra no No okay let me see here let me see here so I think I know how to make it now I totally did not look up the recipe guys okay I know how to make one of these did not look it up don’t fact check me for this one and activator rails super simple

Guys super simple I know how to make activator rails it wasn’t one of them though let me see here maybe just maybe it is a no no the Matrix they caught us again The Matrix caught us again no The Matrix caught us again oh man I got to reset it

Oh man The Matrix caught up to us again the the connection is being super bad right now man so let’s see so okay okay okay we’re going to do the activator rail again the thing I’m famously known for known for making I know exactly how to make an activator

Rail don’t worry about it guys I am the man with the plan who knows how I did not I know way no way no way I just did it again I literally just looked at the recipe on how to make an activator Rail and now I I didn’t make it right again

What is this how I make it what no way I literally just looked about and think an activator ra and I’m literally messing it up again oh come on now oh no okay I think it’s iron I think I had the recipe right I think I just said the

Wrong ore I think it’s iron oh wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second what what what what what no way no way no way Jose did we get this right did we get this right is it a rail three two one it

Wasn’t it it wasn’t the activator rail it was a normal rail you were so close to first try KP you were so close to first try on that one you were so close what you almost had it first try that was what that was surprising oh my

Goodness he thought it was I didn’t think we were going to get it what if I didn’t make an activator ra we would have had it first try who what there’s no way there’s no way what okay what do you want me to start off with what does everyone want me to

Start off with we’ll do another one I need to find another thing to start off with oh man let’s see what everyone’s making yeah you shocked too like what like what what’s going on here like like what what do you all hi I’m new to the channel my friend

Fin watch summary of the channel what we playing here hello Legend beans welcome to the stream this is Minecraft though we were playing Legacy remastered but the stream was messing up so now we’re playing Minecraft Minecraft is a fun game it’s like Scrabble if you know what

Scrabble is you get it’s a little guessing game so I’m going to do the gold block meta here so basically whenever you see look at that boom click nothing there so basically there’s no items it shows orange if it’s in the right place or if it’s in the recipe but

That yes we can make an anvil I’ll show them an anvil no we can’t make an anvil wait a second no we can’t make an anvil we can make an iron block though why can’t we make an anvil that would be such a good one to

Add what no way oh wait that’s the trapo recipe oh man I feel dumb right now oh man it’s like a little oh yeah it’s a little like Wordle but it’s like Minecraft craing crafting recipes welcome back Finn your friend Legend beans is here thank you for recommending my

Channel to someone thank you so much oh my gosh eight people watching this is like the first like legitimate stream oh man so whenever I play wle I’m going to make little yet a little bit bigger for you all I can actually make him a little bit bigger for you all right now

Actually so yeah look I’ll I’ll put like L yet right there for you all now he’s a little bit bigger for you all um how do I full screen give me one second I have to full screen this back I don’t know how to do it from here Kodak get out of my

Chat okay yeah see look guys codc here say hi codc loser um I’m just kidding codc we’re playing Minecraft alive um oh you can’t see the ingredients because I was scrolled too far up my bad my bad my bad there it is there it is there’s the ingredients I

Need to alter little yet a little bit it looks like after this I think I messed up on him a little bit no don’t tell kodic to get gone we have we have a real legitimate YouTuber here guys we’re going to see what is what do you

All want me to make also why is the white screen bar over there I don’t know it can it can stay it can stay I shouldn’t have messed with little yet I shouldn’t have messed with little yet just let me know so let me see do you all want to see an

Update right now I’ll show you all like a little update of what’s going on on Legacy remastered while we’re letting the grass grow grow um I’ve been standing here I’ve been standing here letting the grass grow so let me go to my here it is look

At that I’ve been letting the grass grow oh there’s an Enderman hey give me my dirt block back get back here is he in my house get out of my house guys guys we got an ender pearl we have an ender pearl we have an ender pearl look

At that we have another grass block I’m going to go plant this like on the opposite side so I’m able to go faster so not a legitimate YouTuber yes you are codc kodak’s like a real legitimate YouTuber oh no I placed it too far down

You know it has to stay there now okay I’m going to go back over here I want to watch the grass grow some more we’re going to go back to Minecraft while we wait for that to go back to normal let me go back to Minecraft so where is it

The yeti talk screen yeah I have to go to the yeti talk screen to get to it so let me go full screen again I need to full screen it again 11 go back over here Tada all right block of redstone that was the last suggestion I believe to make let’s

See block of redstone it was not a block of redstone let me tell you so I’m going to try bed that’s what I’m going to try I’m going to try a bed it’s usually never a bed I don’t think I’ve ever actually had it be a bed

So um some comments may be held by YouTube yes some comments could be held by YouTube because sometimes I’ll have comments that look literally um I had YouTube like withhold a comment that was nice for some reason it was like I really enjoy your videos but I

Think you need to change this part of it and for some reason they withheld that for some reason like that wasn’t an issue you know for some reason okay Legend I got you leather top so leather tunic or leather helmet we’ll try the tuning just cuz it covers more bases there’s no

Leather let me see here okay yeah no it’s not that so maybe maybe just maybe it’s diamond we got it was a diamond block let’s go it was a diamond block we got it we got it we’re just that good be honest with you we’re just we’re just that good we

Got the diamond block that’s all it was nothing they can say against it uh let me see here all right let’s see what we can start out with we’re about to hit the hour mark so like we have a few more Minecrafts we can do um we have a few more Minecraft TOS

We can get done so YouTu oh man you still got your Stampy OS I didn’t order a Stampy OS believe it or not and the reason I didn’t order a Stampy you’s was because I didn’t want to risk it not coming in and I didn’t want to risk it

Um like I don’t know I don’t I’m not a big YouTube collectible person like um like you know oh no bad gateway okay well bad gateway means I’m closing that we’ll go back to Legacy remastered for now we’ll just go back to this for now so I’ll set my my mouse

Over here so okay let’s see okay we’re back on Legacy remastered now let’s see what we can get done so I need to put this ender pearl back up um let me see here I’ll put it in mob drop so now we have two ender pearls we’re getting really close to going to

The end oh I need to show you all something I need to show you all something this is very cool so let me throw uh this wood in here so I can take off my armor so I need to throw all this up well no I need that in there too

So and then put that there time what what why is it say between December you would think you would have it by now like okay so yeah here it is look look my Skin’s different this is like I If my skin was made in legy y Edition it

Would probably look a little like this um here look look at my skins guys I made a whole skin pack I made a whole skin pack guys of just my skin look there’s one of me made out of copper it’s so cool yes # Justice for

Codec and then I have like a yellow one which is he’s supposed to be like golden but I mean well why isn’t my skin changing wait a second there it goes okay look at that it’s just so cool it’s so cool I like this it was so fun I like

Making Minecraft skins it’s so fun and then I have the gingerbread skin it’s gingerbread Yeti he’s so cool he’s he’s a little creepy looking to be honest with you um oh and then here’s here’s uh Yeti this is just a legit Yeti how much for the skin pack the skin

Pack’s not on Marketplace it it’s just like if I see send you the file you can click on the file and you can uh download it for free I can send it to you after codec I can make one of your skin too codc like this it only works on

Bedrock though um let me open this uh oh I have this one uh Yeti Noir so it’s just black and white I thought it was this one was a pretty cool one to do like different colors of them yeah this one’s just like my skin and black

Or white so it’s a little bit weird around all the color but like my skin in black and white it’s really cool and then so look yeah some menus do and some don’t um inbox TV yeah no no no yeah yeah yeah I realized that I changed the resolution output scale for the

Video and it’s messed up for some reason I don’t know what’s going on with it um which one do I need to to select I need to put it back on Legacy Yeti let me throw my armor back on oh man okay I’m going to put this

Back in my inventory I’ll save my other pickaxe I need to honestly repair this one a little bit so let me get some iron out of this chest here and I’ll repair my pick a little bit yeah it’s only 6 XP levels so go and throw that back on

There I don’t think I can change my stream resolutions well like actually live so like let’s see what this Villager has it looks like I don’t I don’t want yeah no bye sir everyone look away hey no no get back here hey hey hey I can spit too no I can spit too

Buddy let me see here um let me put this back in here maybe yeah this where we keep the leather I’m not used to the storage still okay I may or may not put the storage here and don’t understand my own storage system okay you can’t judge me off that

Please after the stream can you send me the files for yeah sure I can send the files um very fun I could I can go to the Village right yeah know it’s bright enough I’m going to go to the Village let’s go to the Village let’s go visit

Uh Gollum so gollum’s yeah Gollum passed yeah well no gollum’s other dog no Golem’s other dog Little Rex died that’s that’s the dog that passed away and not the last one but the third episode of Legacy remaster so let’s head over there um so let me

See let me go all the way back over here um I’m going to have to fix my stream settings that’s for sure and I’ll be live later hopefully with zinc Crystal um Coastal Cornelius and a few others on here and you’ll be able to hear them too that’d

Be preferred but you know you know how it is they probably won’t be on it’s Thanksgiving man it’s Thanksgiving half of them are British they won’t be on cuz they’re British and then the other half are American turn the notion on because Don uh ter like he did for

Charles stream I can’t turn on donations I’m not monetized yet Finn um I don’t get monetized until I hit a certain amount of watch time um so what happens is I need I forgot how many hours of watch time I’m like a fifth of the way

There I’m missing the sub part but I’m a fifth of the way there on watch time so my watch time is slowly getting getting there like I’m slowly getting the watch time for it and we don’t have any carrots do we I’m going to grab the

Carrots let me know what you all think about this so I’ve thought about you won’t let me do under $10 for some reason oh man YouTube won’t let you do under 10 YouTube literally will let me send a 99 cent donation I don’t know why they won’t let

You um let me see here where is another okay so here’s where Little Rex died um I want to add a another add-on pack for this which will change how everything kind of functions so it’ll change like if you steal from The Villages the Golem

Will get mad at come after you is the Golem even spawned in at this Village right now or is he like over here somewhere he probably is up here somewhere cuz that’s where he was whenever I took the thumbnail see it’s 3,000 hours okay yeah no then I’m like a

No no better a fifth of the way there I’m at what’s it like I’m been like 450 500 watch time right now see look guys here’s here’s an iron golem watch this watch this watch this question uh from Brit does the date of Thanksgiving change every year like Easter yes Thanksgiving changes every

Year for some reason um same with my cousin what did wait I’m so confused what wait what are we talking about cousins wait why are we talking about cousins I’m going to get this Golem guys don’t worry I’m too far away for him to understand let me okay boom we got him

We got him we got him I think it could very well be my graphics card or above not but yeah look we got five iron from that guy what should I do with the five iron I have an I have an idea I have an

Idea here we go this is for all the marbles for all the marbles here guys I’m going to have to figure out what my stream setting issue is because it could just be my encoder I’m going to grab a second bucket of water okay here we go

We’re going back to the house you know what I’m doing if you watched the last video you know what’s about to go on here you know what about to happen we’re going to go back and we’re going to do the water clutch uh see what if see if I

Can actually hit the water clutch on this one I think I was confused no it’s all good all good man let’s see here we’re going to get this to work properly hopefully uh let’s see here maybe just maybe if we I think okay I don’t know the way back to the house

I’m be honest honest with you all we’re just going to wander through the woods till we get there but I believe it’s right yeah cuz there’s Gaff tree right there okay guys let me just walk down here okay are you all ready we’re going to do the water clutch the UK government

L that put in energy thing in place to not have mass power Cuts because of all the football half time it puts the um kettle on at the same time so go cut oh man so everyone was doing everything on the like electricity at the same time should change it ready

Guys here we go three two one go go go go go go I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I did it I I survived I survived I survived I survived you see that I’m just I’m just professional

Gamer that’s what’s going on here I am a professional gamer that’s all that happened there look at that oh man oh man oh man how did I survive that one so I’m getting I’m getting a list here okay I’m getting a list here for you all so I need to change stream

Delay stream delay stream size and then stream um so stream delay stream size and what what what I need stream delay stream size and stream buffer sltv jump all right I think we get the list so I mean I we go to such a multicultural chat going on we got a

Brit a Hispanic we got a Canadian and an American here we got like a whole thing going on my mic is muted what no my mic’s on my mic’s on can you know my mic’s on is it is it not working for you all let me okay yeah then it’s on it’s on

Let me see here guys this stream was supposed to be us going okay it’s on it’s on this stream was supposed to be us going to the nether but um Coastal and them didn’t get on I don’t I think they’re all pretty busy right now or we were going

To go to the nether codc you know if you want an invite to this I can invite you to this codec um it’s on Bedrock though but I can invite you to it um if you wanted to get on here so really if anyone wants an invite they

Can pretty much join let me feed Charlie hello Charlie put that back in my inventory all right let’s do a clutch again do you think I can kill a sheep and clutch I don’t think I Can okay three two I get Lo what three two one I I did it technically technically I did I don’t I don’t know how well how well that went but I think I did it I I think that counts that counts I I’m going controller there’s no

Way I’m spinning in the air and shooting him Lo invite to randoms but I never accept cuz I have a job so I’m not reliable for a schedule all all is good codc this is really just if you ever want to hop on you hop on it’s just like a it’s like a

Minecraft world where everyone just plays on it um and I’m just going to stream the world and take stream highlights for episodes cuz like this is Coastal that’s Cornelius zinc is up there none of them are on sadly but look they’re online they’re online we’re going to have to fight them

Over that one I’m going to get this sheep guys it’s a codec sheet I mean codc didn’t like that one oh man oh see look there’s zinc speaking of zinc zinc’s a okay though zinc’s sick right now so I’ll go to the Nether on my

Own I don’t I don’t need them I don’t need them to go to the nether I’m perfectly capable on my own guys I’m going to go di in the nether let’s see here oh well I need to go through the portal to go to the nether that would

Make sense you know let’s see going through going through whoa Okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no well guys it looks it looks like we’re dead I’m just kind of sink to the Bottom now no no No no no the gas shot the portal and knocked me off what the gas got both in one go wait what should happened to my character what what was that stream ending early it seems yeah that’s what it seems like stream’s going to end early well the stream was

Supposed to like end like 20 30 minutes ago I just walked straight into the you I maybe maybe I don’t belong in the nether maybe I just don’t belong in the nether guys what was that okay I’m going to go back and I’m going to get this gas I’m

Going to fight the gas I just need to not move oh Zino yeah I need to invite you this is on the world not on the realm okay that makes sense um nope I need to get off that let me get away from this gas okay helping options list

Players maybe I just have to invite open options options Game World you know what I’ll just invite you through Xbox sync invite oh you joined okay zin’s here all right well it looks like I’m in the nether uh without anything on so here’s my plan uhuh you see what I did to your

Friend hey hey hey there hey hey stay away stay away from me stay away from me no he didn’t fall down to his death no he’s back he’s he back for Revenge he’s back for Revenge no no this thing suffocated in a wall Zin you suffocated in a

Wall how probably from suffocating in a Wall what okay no I’m coming back I’m coming up to you zinc you should be up here right you set your spawn point no your spawn point reset because I put it on the world it’s not on the realm oh my bad look I got my legacy skin on yeah it’s nighttime

Zinc yeah don’t worry zinc you’re dead so let me go back down here okay zinc I’m so sorry zinc well if you’re just now tuning in I just died in the nether three times and I just killed zinc and a zombie’s chasing zinc let me

Go back in here okay looks like we have to create all new gear so I’m not bringing anything special I’m just bringing the basics I need iron iron iron iron yeah you’re lagging because it’s I’m hosting it while streaming I’m so sorry Zin I have to fix it I have to fix

It it’s because I’m not I’m not I’m not plugged in with ethernet right now that’s a big thing about it I need I couldn’t get the ethernet to work properly it kept resetting everything once I get the ethernet set up properly it’ll be a lot better I’m so

Sorry for like anyone watching and anyone playing is really bad right now okay I’m ready to go let’s go back zinc wait where’ zinc go zinc was literally just okay well zinc ran away I’m going back to the nether I don’t know about you zinc but I’m going back

To the nether oh zinc zinc your stuff’s down here zinc your stuff’s over here from um the what’s it called from where you died your stuff’s on the other side of the portal I think so we can just go back zinc you know what may

Help I don’t know if he knows but I I don’t know if he can hear me I’m be honest with you but I know I can hear myself so some of your iron don’t worry okay that’s oh good hey don’t do that that was scary leave me alone leave me alone leave me

Alone leave me alone zinc zinc get out of the okay h h no no no no no no everything’s going wrong everything’s going wrong okay I’m going back I’m going back I’m going back I’m going back in here okay let’s dig a hole okay okay nothing’s going right nothing’s going right everything’s going

Wrong we’re losing so bad to literally anything that exists in the nether what you start streaming in the Nether and all my skill goes away all my hours behind in the Minecraft it just disappears why okay I’m digging a little nether base out back here zinc for us to all

Just come back here and okay what is this what is going on okay okay we got I think it’s four in each Direction one two three yeah it’s four in each Direction half HP not even half HP I’m on half a heart yeah we’re trying to survive the Nether on half a heart

Here this is intense gameplay right here this is what you this what you signed up for right intense gameplay okay let me just mine all the way back there all the way back here keep going over keep going down and let’s see we’re really just going to be sitting here mining this out

And being honest with you so oh hello zinc zinc do you have food do you have food zinc if you have food that’d be very appreciative we need an actual door so more intense than it looks well oh man you got a smithing uh table

Okay we can store stuff in here so I’m going to store all of this in there I don’t have any food I didn’t bring any oh my no no I’m on have a heart I’m on half a heart zinc I am on half a

Heart I am on half a heart what are you punching at I’m on half a heart you can type in the chat I can see the chat I’m on half a heart okay I’m going to place that there so now we have a door on this

Okay okay okay we have a three door system okay don’t don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me leave me alone leave me alone I’m on one heart there’s nothing here I have a shield I have a shield I have a shield don’t worry zinc

I just need food I need food that’s what I need okay here’s the plan I got to get past this guy I have to get past this guy without dying don’t worry guys don’t worry wa this is an intense gameplay here yeah zinc no zinc no I thought you were

Distracting him okay well dead again oh can you put the eat spaghetti no Yeti spaghetti I can’t eat spaghetti can you put the resource pack in the description of the next video so the resource Pack’s not currently done yet like it’s not fully put together but I’m

Trying to get it fully put together for you all zinc I’m bringing food I’m bringing food zinc I’m bringing furnaces too don’t worry I’m coming back we’re going to be we’re going to be prepared this time no we’re not we’re going to die again brutally this this isn’t going

To go well be honest with you I can f it in my bone Okay I’m coming back I’m coming back I’m coming back okay so like we’re not doing very well here let’s go back in here we got to we got to survive this why we can’t lose like this we can’t let it where am I what where am I what what happened where am I

Guys what happened wait where’s Cornelius um Cornelius is not currently online he is celebrating his American Thanksgiving like I should be but I don’t have any family so no Thanksgiving for me today maybe tomorrow what what is going on here what is going on here what where am

I yeah the portal had to get destroyed zinc what did you do zinc what did you do to the portal zinc Zin what did you do to the portal this background music is something I found online let me I’m going I’m guys don’t worry I’m

Going to do the smart thing and go to Charles Discord server this is going to be the smart should I just go in Charles Discord server and also be doing this let me just you’re going to see every Discord server I’m in so have fun um let me go in

Here I’m going to go to Charles compound guys in vc1 I am connecting I’m going to be laggy in here be warned yep I’m in here now maybe zinc will join in here I don’t know man let me see oh Man let me see here okay I need to get back in there let me throw the food in here Ellis server on top I don’t know I could go to Ellis’s server but I don’t know how well that will go I mean I can go to Ellis’s server see look zinc’s in

Here yeah zinc’s in here zinc you’re deafened zinc zinc you’re deafened can you invit Char’s server um I’ll join Ellis’s server I think everyone has Ellis’s server more than they do any of the other ones 10 people watching one no guys no 10 people shouldn’t be watching this everyone Charles server Charles

Server we’re in Charles server um welcome Finn let me go through here okay I need a pickaxe I need to I need to stop running that way so zinc I haven’t came out of the nether base zinc check the portal is the portal blown up it’s not letting let me come back

Through the portal or is there a second portal um I need to make a pickaxe oh it’s not okay okay well no Mak sense to make a pickaxe with sticks I don’t have sticks but okay let me see here oh no okay okay I got to get back I got to

Get back to the nether we’re going back to the nether we’re going to go back up e piglin got your stuff back okay thank you zinc I’m coming through into The Nether we’re going back you Cactus I can’t I can’t end cuz I’m playing um I think it made two yeah I’m

I think it made two portals too I don’t know what’s going on here I’m going to dig till I get to the surface and kind of see where I’m at maybe and hopefully go off of that if zinc has anyone added or anything like Kodak anyone Okay we’re going back up I would in but where I’m currently in the game I can’t really in I’m streaming Discord everything at the same time so I would if I could so sorry I canot right now who all is in the VC there’s more people

In here than I think oh yeah Finn’s in here hello Finn oh no okay okay that’s just magma I think I think I’m under a lava lake yeah I’m under a lava lake chat I am under a lava lake oh no I’m going to get some Blackstone then

Okay yeah I’m under a lava lake guys I’m going to have to keep going until I get out of here I should def be stream mod I can’t mod right now where I’m on here I don’t think I can mod people right now where I’m currently just like you

Know um put your might hold user this user on this channel um yeah know I can’t I can’t um further uh yeah see I don’t know what what’s going on here just living under the Lava Lake guys don’t worry why why am I under a lava lake why did it do this to

Me hello all right let’s go over here okay we’re going to keep going forward guys gamertag gamertag uh give me a second okay uh gamertag gamertag gamertag uh where’s my my gamertag Yeti yes you’d never believe it looks near the pickaxe so you can grab it quicker if there’s lava okay yes

I will do that gold um let’s see here let’s see here guys um so yeah codc gamertag’s on screen now so it’s Yeti yes I think yours is just codc YT code CC YT that’s how you spell codc I think here’s just codc YT right is this you I don’t think that’s

You I’ll just wait for Xbox to notify me I think that’s you add friend submit friend added I’m going to definitely have to get this wi-fi situation fixed out invite to my game welcome codc to the fight the fight of living under the lava lake that

Is oh man don’t worry you know codic you actually can change your Gamertag um you can actually change your Gamertag if you want uh for free once for free once so like if you want to change it you can actually change it is this a way out no it’s not a way

Out it’s not a way out it’s not a way out it’s not a way out it’s not a way out I’m going to put this here instead be warned codc you’re going to lag let me see let me keep going forward oh no oh yeah don’t worry I will let me get situated

Here spaces in between oh yeah I understand I understand cic I want to throw this crafting table in here somewhere let me just mine this with my fist and then uh I need to pick here so let me make as many pickaxes as I can with this Cobblestone um help in options maybe

This could work um notifications or of scene number 72 invite invite to my game add friend submit okay items do despawn in 5 minutes it’s okay though it’s okay though my items should be fine because zinc zinc picked up my items it should be fine so am I under lava

Still no no no that’s not even under lava that’s in I’m going I’m going to the newr yeti okay I’m coming back I’m coming back open options list play guys look at that what okay guys guys guys I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an

Idea guys we’re going to name this young gentleman we’re going to we’re going to make a friend today so guys when in doubt and you need a No One Clip this okay no one clip this when in doubt and you need friends remember always kidnap your friend in a

Boat and throw him in there um don’t clip that please that one’s not funny um let me get another pickaxe I need another pickaxe okay no one clipped that right I fixed the you fixed the portal okay let me get a pickaxe and let me put our friend in a hole over here

Okay for goodness [Laughter] Sake such good advice when in doubt and you need a friend throw him in a boat and kidnap him no one no one clip that one okay don’t clip that don’t make it as short that one that one’s a little too out of pocket okay I think he should be good

Our friend friend here he’s a he’s a friend guys look at him he’s so friendly hey hello zinc I have a friend zinc okay let me just keep going forward here hello zinc let me get my buddy in here zinc gray Yeti no it’s Yeti Noir like from the spiderverse movie

Zinc zinc zinc Inc zinc zinc zinc why did you do that zinc zinc why did you do it zinc no no zinc lit my friend on fire codex here codex here we got to we got to put this guy back in here kodak’s here kodak’s here codc is here codc is here

We got to get codc we got to go get codc let’s go get codc he doesn’t know how to get here he’s up here though uh run run run run run run run run run I like how I spent like over like 40 something levels on all my gear went to

The nether died within the first few minutes ah professional PVP gamepl right here oh let’s go get zinc kill zinc don’t get me kill Zinc look codc on the tree there he is it’s codec with fake armor on ah get away from me I got to go down here I got to run I got to run run run run run hey yellow cat do not quote me on that one do not quote me on kidnapping

The kidnap quote goes hard to here I’ll be yellow Yeti no one can miss me now I’m going in here I’m getting in bed you best bet I’m resetting my spawn point oh my gosh guys guys guys codex in my house what do you mean yeah it’s going to take so long to

Download it’s like 70 80 megabytes it’s a big resource pack yeah the lag is real codec it’s because I’m on like 500 ping and hosting the world I could have put it on the realm but like I would have been lagging I’m going to sacrifice your all’s lag for me not to

Lag Cornelius is so cool do you want me to go to cornelius’s house what’s taking zinc so I’m so confused so what just happened Here what where’s where is zinc where did zinc go let me let me go to cornelius’s house I want to go to cornelius’s house everyone else is lame does Cornelius don’t have a bed he’s Pro strting I’m be honest with you he’s such a professional oh yeah get juked get juked get juked

Do you have moderator did I give you moderator yes I did let me find the options list players yeah you have moderator oh no I can’t change it on here you’re lucky stop stop messing with the stuff zinc um in chat there will be a very small

Stream delay go to Charles D youc one yeah there is a thing there’s a little bit of a delay as normal is it normal to be on creative mode uh are you on creative mode no it shouldn’t be normal zinc can you fix that I think it’s where I downloaded the

World help in options options Game World options there we go I fixed it I fixed it I fixed it everyone leave me alone I’m low I am so low okay guys it’s time for us to go to the Nether and nether Adventure let me see here zinc where’s where’s my

Tools where’s my tools zinc so one thing you didn’t bring are they like they’re not in my inventory is kodc in Creative still no he’s not what what what I think I have an idea slash in slash clear don’t worry guys I fixed it guys I fixed it don’t worry guys guys

Don’t worry it’s Stumpy it’s Stampy guys we got Stampy okay guys look at this we got Stampy guys look look at this look at the okay I’m going in here he’s the stream zinc you didn’t fix the portal zinc zinc go through the portal it is not fixed

Oh my goodness the portal is not fixed time to try to get my stuff let me see here all right the lava the lava the lava’s back guys guys this is not good this is not good I don’t know where all of them are but I know I’m doing much better than

They are they don’t know where I’m at so I’m good so let me see here just keep going forward I don’t know what happened to the portal I’m be honest with you all that was that was so weird like why did the portal just up into

Side hey guys no more going back to where it’s supposed to bring you everything’s delayed yeah everything is delayed if you join the Discord call though if you join the Discord call it’s not delayed I will go to Ellis’s server I think more people who are watching the

Stream are in Ellis’s server I’ll go to Ellis’s server disconnect I’ll go to Ellis’s server everyone I think everyone’s in Ellis’s you’re just placed a bit further yeah yeah all right I’m going to vc2 and endless server here we go this is what’s real this is real chat connecting to Ellis’s

Server okay yeah we’re in Ellis’s server now so okay guys uh three two one three zinc hit the ground too hard helps with MC let me oh oh okay I’m going to try to get out of here this is the worst nether I’ve ever been in this is the worst nether spawn known

To any Minecrafter to ever play Minecraft I will take the magma damage chat I did it I did it we’re back yeah you can take some food you can take you can take food and stuff I’m out I’m out of the Cal I’m out of it all we need some mods in this Hood um this whole thing is modded into the game the actual game is modded into the game but I I know what you mean I know what you mean I’ve thought about it but we’re not we’re not far enough yet for it all okay okay I’m

Thinking get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me no leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone piglins I just got out of the hole a Bastion there’s a Bastion guys there’s a Bastion guys there’s a

Bastion okay okay I’m I’m there’s a Bastion I’m at the Bastion okay I have food I’ve got some gold nugs that may protect me a little the gold nugs may I have an idea though if we’re smart about this and I get where is some gold looks like I’m looking for gold

Ingots oh man my my crafting table’s in there too isn’t it oh man okay here’s my idea guys so I saw this speed Runner do this once I’m no speedrunner but I think I can do it too so I’m going to need a crafting table and I’m going to need to make

Gold how many gold do I have three I need one more need one more Gold just know just know my professional Strat to do this it’s patent pending patent pending okay this the get away from me get away from me I just want want in Gold get away from me aren’t they scared of this biome can I hide in this biome from

Them okay I think they’re scared of these wait a minute is this how Mojang wanted us to play this update like this let see can icap him with a mushroom who run the mushroom he’s scared of a mushroom chat he’s scared of mushrooms chat are they no no there’s the

Portal I want to back up this way I want to back up this way I’m going to don’t shoot at me ghast ghast do not shoot I don’t need all the gold I just need enough okay no I’m on fire I did that one to myself okay run run run heal up

Please okay okay chat watch this look at that we got gold boots we we got gold boots okay guys I think we can take this we can take this Bastion on now okay here’s my plan then if that’s just up there I can maneuver my way around and I can get up

There I just need to get up there high enough Mouse I’m playing slow oh my gosh CC’s playing without a mouse oh man okay guys I’m making my way up here to you all zinc was killed by a spider oh man oh man everyone’s just dying left and right

First it was me now everyone else is having to die left and right right it’s I I spread this around me like that man oh man don’t tell me I dug into so far okay we’re going to have to break this with our fist we got to get up

There we got to have enough to keep going I knew I should have got the rest of that gold nugs I could have made a pickaxe oh man well looks like we’re going to keep going forward till we get there I could go back to that Crimson

Biome I can make I can make a uh wooden stuff from that or I can just keep going like this I’m going to make wood I’m going to make wood and stuff in the Crimson biome we should have brought Cornelius if Cornelius is here none of this would

Have ever happened everything would be going perfectly fine but now that Cornelius is not here oh no I got to go over here though I got to go over here and I got to get the wood and then I can use that wood to make the um I use that

Wood to get up out of here guys I went to Ellis’s server and no one joined everyone was like go to Ellis’s server now no one’s joining Ellis’s server that’s silly okay but now that I’m over here I have this should be enough wood I just need enough to get a wooden

Pick all I need shout out to CC a shout out from me is not going to do much for for you codc why did I even go get that wood I had I had enough okay I have enough for a stone pick Oh Black Stone I’m dumb I’m

Dumb uh oh yeah shout out to Stampy long noos I’m going to be honest with you that’s that’s what Stampy’s been missing his entire career is a shout out from me If Stampy had a shout out to me he would have he would have hit like 20 million for

Real yeah yeah Cornelius would have used the cake muscle he has to fix all of this but you know who’s not here Cornelius cuz he’s lame in having Thanksgiving you know I’m not having Thanksgiving I’m a normal American don’t worry guys I’m going through here we’re going to get out here

And we’re going to get the Netherrack don’t worry are we here are we on top guys guys guys guys we’re here guys we’re here we made it we made it back we made it back baby zinc’s here zinc’s here hello zinc zinc leave me alone zinc don’t hit

Me I’m not I’m not I’m not mentally ready this stream in your next episode put Fe codc for that clown oh you’re right hello zinc zinc there’s a Bastion and we’re going to take it on zinc there’s a Bastion we got to take the Bastion out I just need these gold

Ingots are you all ready guys we’re going back we’re going back we got to go back to the Overworld real quick get the Bastion and go on from there zinc you know where the other portal is right wait what there’s three portals there’s three portals Thanksgiving doesn’t exist for

Anyone else what do you mean yellow cat Thanksgiving has never ex what what’s wrong with the portals zinc what’s wrong with the portals yeah know the house is that way zinc what what what are you pointing at going back to the house we’re going back to the house guys shout out to

Anyone from Scotland you’re so cool yeah the house is this way the homes are this way I know how to get there yeah here it is I know how to find it I’m just that good okay why is there an armor stand just sitting here where did everyone go where did feat codc

Go wait a second wait a minute who did it who was it who killed my friend what happened in my house what happened in my house my house what happened what happened what happened what happened to the house my crafting table’s gone what everyone just took everything why

Is there whole armor sets up why is my armor up here what happened what guys what everyone’s just freaking out I’m going to be honest with you none of us know what we’re doing all everything’s gone everything’s broken and messed up we’re suffering here we’re all suffering everyone follow me everyone

Follow me to the nether that’s what we’re going to have to do everyone’s just going to have to follow me to the nether guys trust me [Laughter] oh no everyone’s dying left and right everything’s going wrong if it could go wrong it’s happening this stream who put lava behind the

Portal who put lava behind the new portal who was it zinc’s drowning codc gone um yellow cat yellow catting it who put lava behind the portal who was it someone put lava behind the portal and it’s killing everyone so it looks like we’re going to to go all the way

Around you know we only have a stack of this left we can’t keep going like this guys like what I need this and this and now I need Armor you know guys I think this is all we need why did I even make that I needed gold boots you know I’m going to the nether I don’t know if they’re going I don’t know if I want to bring them with me to the nether everyone’s just dying left and

Right all my stuff’s missing everything’s gone everything I hold dear is taken away did codc where did Kodak go the yellow C oh where did codc go does anyone know where codec went where’s codc zinc zinc where is codec H who let the zombies

In zinc you need to put on a normal skin your hit box is normal so I keep hitting you I can’t see you but I can hit you sink you need to you need to change your skin yellow cat’s having fun where is codc where is codc oh well that’s

Nice stop stop it everyone leave me alone everyone I’m going to the nether you all can go do whatever you want I’m going to the nether I’m going to the nether I don’t bet you all I’m going to the nether oh there’s codc kodak’s having fun

Fighting them I’m going to the nether I don’t know about them I’m going to the nether because me personally um I’m not dealing with that no more I’m going to the Village to the nether I’m not going the way I used to go I’m going Village nether portal

Because it looks like there’s two Nether Portals now and it looks like the one at the Village goes to where I want to go the saddest part about dying is that I lost the one thing I liked my bow okay I need to like expand this thing

Here so that way we don’t have to deal with dying just by spawning running in okay now I need to go back down here to get to the Bastion I’m going to the Bastion I don’t know about you all I’m going to the Bastion in the Bastion it going to

Be fun why did someone dig a straight hole okay I don’t know what’s going on with them I’m going back to the Bastion and it’s gonna be fun so here I am walking through the nether again I don’t want to be here anymore I don’t want to be in the nether

Anymore I’m be honest with you all if I could be anywhere in this world it would not be in the nether because uh you see what’s happening here why is there so many Enderman here okay we’re at the Bastion we’re going to scale the wall here and we’re going to go

Up this way yeah we’re just going to scale up this wall very professional like this is a professional Minecraft let’s play okay okay guys hey hey I got gold for you I got gold for you it’s for you I didn’t take your gold that was my gold I gave to You what’s going on what I just keep showing back up to my house and everything’s disappearing everyone’s stealing from my house and oh my gosh what is going on what is happening what is happening that’s it that’s it I’m going on a rampage I’m done I am done I have lost everything I

Help dear in this world I’m going on a rampage okay we’re going this way let’s find everyone who was stealing and killing and blowing up my house where is everyone you know what coastal’s not on so I told Coastal to turn on the light because you were in my way

Zinc you know that’ll work I’ll just carry this around okay where did they go where are they zinc where are they where are they zinc oh no they were just working they broke we’ll keep the lights on hey oh oh the lights are broken on okay I’m done with everyone I’m going

On a rampage where is Kodak where is Codc we’re going to get codc now we’re going to get codc where’s codc at where is he I I am done I am done where is codec at where’s Kodak at Where’s Kodak okay GOC okay GOC where is he going he’s running past everything you know what I want to Vibe with codc that’s what I’m going to do today we know mining with codc yes I may have teleported to codc but that’s okay this this is a copy of

The world I can reset the world everything’s gone wrong Anyways okay now I’m going to go through here and you know what this Z teleported to me okay guys and you know what everything’s going wrong nothing’s going right you know what that means this is that stream outro we’re outro the stream we’re leaving the stream we’re going we’re

Going out of the stream baby I will see you all in later today in the next stream I’m not done streaming but I’ll see you in the next stream I’m going to go play I’m going to go play some uh definitely not going to go play another

Video game uh I’m going I’m actually probably going to go get lunch and then I’m going to come back fix my OBS stuff and then stream again Goodbye everyone I’m going to have to fix all of this before we stream again so I’m currently jumbled up in wires give me a second I’m got to go press and stream give me one moment I’m going to hit the wrong thing don’t worry guys I’m

Going to hit the wrong thing I’ll be you back later and I’ll see you in a little bit that

This video, titled ‘Legacy Remastered – LIVE’, was uploaded by YetiYes on 2023-11-24 09:22:39. It has garnered 54 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:03 or 7803 seconds.

Talking to viewers while playing Legacy Remastered Live. Minecraft Series

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  • Ultimate Dragon Mod Showcase!

    Ultimate Dragon Mod Showcase!Video Information This video, titled ‘ICE and FIRE Dragon Mod 1.20 Showcase Dragons and Minecraft Creatures 1.20.1 Minecraft Animals Ep257’, was uploaded by Smithy MC on 2024-05-07 18:57:31. It has garnered 1712 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:22 or 2902 seconds. ICE and FIRE Dragon Mod 1.20 Showcase Dragons and Minecraft Creatures 1.20.1 Minecraft Animals Ep257 | Ice and Fire mod | Ice and Fire Mod 1.20 | Ice and Fire mod Find the Dragons | Ice and Fire mod Find the Ice Dragon | minecraft animals | Ice and Fire mod Find the Fire… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Tips and Tricks Revealed! #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft Tips and Tricks Revealed! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TRUCOS Y CONSEJOS DE MINECRAFT #1 #shorts #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shadic PLayer on 2024-03-31 02:35:03. It has garnered 3098 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. ΒΏCOMO NO AHOGARSE EN EL AGUA? TRUCOS CON LA CAMA SHADICTRUCOS #shorts #short #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftshort #shadictrucos #series #games #gaming #gameplay #minecraftcortos #videogames #videoshort #new #minecraftfunny #minecraftshaders #series #shortvideo #random #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreative #minecraftpero #bed #ad #tutorial #minecraftideas #obsidian #minecrafttrucos #trucos #consejos Read More

  • BigB – Unbelievable Minecraft SECRET LIFE!

    BigB - Unbelievable Minecraft SECRET LIFE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SECRET LIFE: The Movie’, was uploaded by BigB – Minecraft on 2024-02-23 17:00:29. It has garnered 9360 views and 522 likes. The duration of the video is 08:23:24 or 30204 seconds. πŸ’šSubscribe – https://goo.gl/BYWLg9 πŸ’›Twitter – https://twitter.com/bigbst4tz2 ❀️Instagram – http://instagram.com/bigbst4tz πŸ‘•Bigg Merch – https://bigb.clothing/ Download My Free YouTube Action Content Plan – https://mynamesanthony.gumroad.com/l/YouTubeContentPlan Sun: https://www.youtube.com/@grian Smallishbeans: https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans Smajor1995: https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Etho: https://www.youtube.com/@EthosLab BdoubleO100: https://www.youtube.com/@bdoubleo PearlescentMoon: https://youtube.com/@PearlescentMoon InTheLittleWood: https://www.youtube.com/@martyn GoodTimeWithScar: https://www.youtube.com/@GoodTimesWithScar impulseSV: https://www.youtube.com/@impulseSV Tango: https://www.youtube.com/@TangoTekLP ZombieCleo: https://www.youtube.com/@ZombieCleo SolidarityGaming: https://www.youtube.com/@SolidarityGaming Skizzleman: https://www.youtube.com/@MCSkizzleman Geminitay: https://www.youtube.com/@GeminiTayMC Mumbo Jumbo: https://www.youtube.com/thatmumbojumbo LDShadowLady: https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady In today’s video we are back with a… Read More

  • Insane Diamond and Neth Pot PvP Combo in Minecraft!

    Insane Diamond and Neth Pot PvP Combo in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Diamond Pot mixed with Neth Pot | Minecraft PvP Pot edition.’, was uploaded by iDominateGames on 2024-05-20 18:56:44. It has garnered 63 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:22 or 202 seconds. hope you enjoyed as this video took a long time so please leave a like! video inspired by @ClownPierce @moreclownpierce4508 @sharpnessyt @ParrotX2 @minutetechmc @Spokeishere @ShadowMech @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2 A LOT OF TAGS DONT READ! #minecraft #pvp #montage #trending #cpvpmontage #minecraftgameplay #subscribe #like #likeandsubscribe #minecraftgaming #minecraftshorts #minecraftpvpmontage gedit / dns / op / regedit op / dns op / sharkye… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Goes Berserk in Minecraft! #viral

    Insane Gamer Goes Berserk in Minecraft! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by DeMon Gamer on 2024-01-07 01:23:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft FTF Stream with Jxcob

    Insane Minecraft FTF Stream with JxcobVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FTF STREAM WELCOME YALL’, was uploaded by Jxcob on 2024-05-21 05:42:11. It has garnered 378 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:41 or 11141 seconds. Tipping is now available https://streamelements.com/jxcob7000/tip #wendigos #minecrafthorror #thegoatman #wendigos #horrorcraft #thegoatman #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #JxcobMC #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days Read More

  • Unbelievable Challenge: Slaying Droingo!

    Unbelievable Challenge: Slaying Droingo!Video Information This video, titled ‘They asked us to Slay this thing?!’, was uploaded by Droingo on 2024-06-06 14:00:12. It has garnered 168 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:42 or 1182 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/R63dPUvGP7 The Alternative Minecraft Series is a regular (heavily-modded) playthrough of Minecraft recorded with a unique twist. Using narrations and a rough storyline I am aiming to re-create the original excitement and wonder that this game provoked in everyone when we were younger. To do this I am stepping back and I aim to experience things for the first time… Read More

  • Arhan boy 85 STUNS viewers with EPIC save! 😱 #shorts

    Arhan boy 85 STUNS viewers with EPIC save! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#14 – Steve save his FRIENDS !!!🀞(Part -1/2) | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Arhan boy 85 on 2024-05-15 16:53:52. It has garnered 13172 views and 787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. 🌟 Keep Watching, Stay Smiley😊 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Support us – Click on β™₯️SUBSCRIBE INSTAGRAM – /@INHASHcomedy @arhan712 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Thanks For Watching… #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation #mcpe #mcpc #minecraftpc #minecraftpe #cartoon #animation #memes #meme #steve #alex #funny #music #song #instagram #viotoons #raid #pillager #vindicator #pets Read More

  • VitalScrims

    VitalScrimsJoin our friendly community on our Vanilla Minecraft Factions Server! Our server offers a pure, survival multiplayer experience with the added excitement of factions gameplay. In our server, you can start your own faction or join an existing one, claim land, engage in diplomacy or warfare with other factions, and build your empire in a vanilla Minecraft environment. We’ve kept the gameplay as close as possible to classic Minecraft, meaning you won’t find any game-altering plugins or mods here. It’s all about survival and strategy! Our server is perfect for players who enjoy the simplicity and challenge of vanilla Minecraft,… Read More

  • ValhallaMC modded 1.7.10-1.20.1, Many Packs, All The Mods 9, Fantasy Skies

    ValhallaMC: Your Ultimate Minecraft Experience Join our vibrant community of dedicated gamers and explore a network of meticulously crafted servers designed for endless adventure. Discord: Join us here! Minecraft 1.7.10 GTNH | GT: New Horizons gtnh.valhallamc.io (v.2.6.1) Minecraft 1.12.2 Nomifactory (GTCEu Port) nfu.valhallamc.io (v.1.6.1b) Technological Journey tj.valhallamc.io (v.1.3) Enigmatica 2: Expert e2e.valhallamc.io (v.1.90h) Minecraft 1.18.2 StoneBlock 3 sb3.valhallamc.io (v.1.9.0) DawnCraft dwc.valhallamc.io (v.2.0.8) FTB Arcanum Institute ari.valhallamc.io (v.1.4.0) Minecraft 1.19.2 SteamPunk [LPS] stp.valhallamc.io (v.23.5) FTB Skies Expert ske.valhallamc.io (v.1.8.1) Minecraft 1.20.1 All the Mods 9 atm9.valhallamc.io (v.0.2.60) Craft to Exile 2 cte2.valhallamc.io (v.0.5.2b) Fantasy Skies fsk.valhallamc.io (v.1.5.0) ValhallaMC offers a world… Read More

  • Minecraft server mc.charlieroleplay.it

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.charlieroleplay.it (GL HF) Read More

  • [MODDED] Shots Fired SMP [FACTIONS]

    [MODDED] Shots Fired SMP [FACTIONS]Welcome to Shots Fired SMP!This is a modded pvp smp/factions server! However, there are like guns?! Guns are crafted at a specific station and are fully functional! The server is run on Forge 1.20.1, The server is whitelist only, and whitelist applications are in the discord linked below!More Information in the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – emerald thief strikes in minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - emerald thief strikes in minecraftLooks like you ended up with a diamond in the rough instead! Read More

  • Minecraft IQ: Are You a Blockhead?

    Minecraft IQ: Are You a Blockhead? “If you can successfully navigate a creeper explosion without losing all your diamonds, congratulations, you have achieved galaxy brain status in Minecraft IQ.” Read More

  • Mastering the Art of Base Building – Minecraft Server Prep

    Mastering the Art of Base Building - Minecraft Server Prep Minecraft Adventure: Building the Biggest Base! Rediscovering the Legendary Game Sensei, a dedicated Minecraft enthusiast since his elementary school days, has reignited his passion for this legendary game. Now, he embarks on a new adventure in the pixelated world of Minecraft. Live Series: Crafting the Ultimate Base Join Sensei and his clan members in an epic quest to build the Biggest Base! The excitement is palpable as they strategize and work together to create a masterpiece that will stand the test of time. Stay tuned for the thrilling episodes to come. Preparation is Key Before diving into the construction… Read More

  • Trading Villagers & Spider Spawner in Minecraft

    Trading Villagers & Spider Spawner in Minecraft Exploring Villager Trading and Cave Spider Spawner in Minecraft Introduction to Legion MC Server The Legion MC server is a vibrant community where Minecraft enthusiasts come together to explore, create, and engage in exciting gameplay. With a dedicated Discord server and active Instagram and YouTube channels, Legion MC offers a platform for players to connect and share their adventures. Discovering Villager Trading One of the fascinating aspects of Minecraft is the ability to interact with villagers and engage in trading. Villagers offer a variety of items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources and unique items. By… Read More

  • 24-Hour Minecraft SERVER Challenge: INSANE Difficulty (MUST WATCH!)

    24-Hour Minecraft SERVER Challenge: INSANE Difficulty (MUST WATCH!)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Had 24 Hours To Stay In This HARDCORE Minecraft Server.. (MOVIE)’, was uploaded by Solidarity on 2024-06-05 17:46:15. It has garnered 29224 views and 1649 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:15 or 12855 seconds. All of my Minecraft SOS SMP videos plopped together into a lovely movie. πŸ–₯ JOIN MY DISCORD!! – https://discord.gg/NX9pGjX πŸŽ₯ Solidarity VODS – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUr59THLl2ZGE98J1QW6dag πŸŽ₯ Solidarity SHORTS – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCClclQIBe05V6pV2pj0ckcQ πŸŽ₯ Solidarity ROBLOX – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRN9HdYcwBFXlCAr0nnS3w πŸ“² SOCIAL MEDIA 🐦Twitter – http://bit.ly/SolidarityCoUk πŸ“ΈInstagram – http://bit.ly/InstaSolidarity πŸ“±TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@solidaritygaming πŸ’š MEMBER | You can also sponsor the channel by heading over… Read More

  • Sinister Siren Head in Minecraft

    Sinister Siren Head in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘HORROR MINECRAFT ME SIREN HEAD 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-04-30 15:09:57. It has garnered 1117 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:11 or 371 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More

  • Villager Scam Alert in Minecraft 🚨 #shorts

    Villager Scam Alert in Minecraft 🚨 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft VILLAGER Tried to scam me πŸ™„ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Livee Crafts on 2024-04-07 10:30:07. It has garnered 16504 views and 539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Minecraft VILLAGER Tried to scam me πŸ™„ #minecraft #shorts minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft song, minecraft videos, minecraft hardcore, minecraft live, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft animation, minecraft avatar, minecraft asmr, minecraft arg, minecraft armadillo, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft addons bedrock, a minecraft movie,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build: Enormous Chicken in Minecraft 1.20 ep 2

    Unbelievable Build: Enormous Chicken in Minecraft 1.20 ep 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft 1.20 :: ep 2 – Buildin’ a Big Ol’ Chicken’, was uploaded by buildsbyoggie on 2024-05-30 19:30:00. It has garnered 278 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:33 or 1893 seconds. Howdy all! In today’s episode of Let’s Play Minecraft I designed and constructed a dual skeleton/zombie farm, enchanted some gear, and constructed a *slightly* unsettling house above the farm, complete with chicken legs and a voluminous feathered tail. I also included some timelapses, so hopefully y’all enjoy those πŸ™‚ intro 00:00 howdy! 00:56 spawner timelapse 05:12 first… Read More

  • I Found The Rarest Item on Day 1! | Minecraft Java Edition |

    I Found The Rarest Item on Day 1! | Minecraft Java Edition |Video Information This video, titled ‘I Got Extremely Lucky On The First Day | Minecraft Java Edition |’, was uploaded by Zer0nine Playz on 2024-03-15 12:59:28. It has garnered 26 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:36 or 1656 seconds. Today I Got Extremely Lucky BY Getting Diamonds and Finding An Ancient City.Like And Subscribe To This channel For More Videos Like This Tags Ignore minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Prince Hacks Revealed: 3 Epic Mini Builds!

    Minecraft Prince Hacks Revealed: 3 Epic Mini Builds!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Prince Hack: 3 Mini Builds Unveiled’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-10 15:26:28. It has garnered 2439 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Epic Minecraft Prince Hack: 3 Mini Builds Unveiled link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral #viralvideo #video #toilet #short #Java #ZS’KAYR #build #building #build hake #3 mini build #new dimension portal #new video minecraft build hacks, minecraft, minecraft build, build hacks minecraft 3 mini build hacks in minecraft, minecraft builds, build hacks minecraft in hindi, minecraft hacks, minecraft build tutorial, 3… Read More

  • BH Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cain Farm!

    BH Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cain Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fake sugar Cain farm.#minecraft’, was uploaded by B AND H GAMER on 2024-05-30 14:28:39. It has garnered 479 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #GameOn #GamerLife #VideoGames #GamingNews #GamersUnite #GameTime #GamingSetup #GameChanger #Esports #PlayHard #GamingPC #onlinegaming channle link:https://youtube.com/@bandhgamer123?si=XwiScVimgKx8sHJA1 Embark on an exhilarating journey into the heart of Free Fire, the pulse-pounding battleground that tests your skills and strategy. Join me as we delve deep into the immersive world of gaming, exploring the intricacies of Free Fire, from its dynamic gameplay to the community that… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Map Collab with Robin – Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Map Collab with Robin - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing minecraft and play a new map and collab with Robin come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-03-10 22:32:33. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:21 or 8181 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Insane Remix of KanaMusic – SLOWED REVERB

    Insane Remix of KanaMusic - SLOWED REVERBVideo Information This video, titled ‘cleared remix (SLOWED REVERB)’, was uploaded by KanaMusic on 2024-03-16 14:11:21. It has garnered 259 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:31 or 151 seconds. song πŸ‘‰ lilithzplug cleared remix thanks πŸ˜€ #nocopyrightmusic #anime #edit #minecraft #phonk #academia #alightmotionedit #cartoon #gtr #ff Copyright I have no rights on the background music! I have no rights on the anime images! All of the images and music are under the use of fair use Tags: ignorem #anime #edit #animeedits #animeedit #funk #funkanime #funkedit #funkanimeedit #funkeditanime #amy #alightmotion #animememes #animemme #otaku #animegirl #animeamy #animearts… Read More