LegionVee – I Survived 100 Days IN A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in Minecraft!

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Greetings citizens recently many of you have requested that I try playing a zombie apocalypse map now I’m not sure if this is because you’re confident in my abilities to conquer it or because you enjoy watching a legionary run for his life in any event I’m giving it a

Shot good timing too is spooky season is just beginning this challenge is way outside of my comfort zone this time there’s no comfortable Roman province to which I can Retreat there’s no Army of villager plebs to arm me and equip me in order to survive I’ll need to rely on my

Inescapable loot Goblin nature stay on the move and never get surrounded by the zombie horde if you go on to enjoy the video be sure to subscribe to join the V Legion the mightiest Legion in all of Rome there will be plenty of new videos coming out in the future and you don’t

Want to miss it with that the time has arrived let’s get into it manager Schmidt Fredrickson oh good old Schmitty he was four days from retirement this doesn’t seem like a great idea and here we go oh I never had a doubt in my mind whoa thanks

Uh uh oh baby zombies can get through okay that’s a problem what do you think buddy can you help me out here whoa you have got to be kidding me Well hey there citizens in the next of the long line of how did I find myself here I’m in a small room with a lot of signs that say things that are very cheery like this I’m also seeing some chests so we may as well have a look I

Mean if you’re gonna just put them out here for me I won’t say no don’t think I want all of this but a couple of these things I can see being useful not my usual look but it is going to give us some protection ooh secret couple other

Things I’m interested in here kind of cool these bandages it looks like armor but it’s not I’m pretty sure these actually heal you and as far as upstairs goes wouldn’t mind a bed roll and some flares as they’re called I like how this is called salt and then

Beneath it it says Minecraft sugar I get him confused sometimes too not exactly sure what I’m going to end up needing but I’m just grabbing what seems like it would be helpful and anything down here not really yeah so anywho I actually wouldn’t mind I mean obviously I could

Just go oh what’s this get travel ticket from PD leave from Eastgate okay have to keep that in mind does this say where I am right now I’m sure we’ll figure it out anyway though not gonna leave through the door because I actually want

To grab some of this and that way we can get a crafting table grab ourselves a wooden pickaxe and let’s get one more so we can get an ax as well I haven’t even left the starting point yet and I’m just making sure I’ve got all the uh the

Necessities okay feeling a little bit better now we can head out no I’m not scared to leave should I be no I’m sure we’re gonna be fine oh welcome to the apocalypse so I take it this isn’t a very cheery world and I’m already seeing Police Department and did say we should

Go there but I think it would be worth taking a little look around before we head over in that direction hello anybody in here ooh and we’ll take some of that also can I take this or is that just gonna oh yeah it worked I think a

Smoker could come in handy I am hearing noises that I’m not a huge fan of oh hello ooh secret underground area uh Escape into the sewers I guess okay just a silverfish were you the little guy making all the big noise hey no no no no

No no no no no no no never mind never mind not interested okay we’re gonna leave him to do their own thing down there and we’re off to a great start I will take another bandage ring bell in case of attack attack of what surely there are no zombies in the apocalypse

All right how did I get up here was it oh over here weird alright anyway uh what else do we have around here oh I guess I didn’t need to make a crafting table but no matter what else do we have around here oh yes please I will take a

Bucket definitely finding a lot of the essentials and I’m a big fan of that oh a little storage room why am I hearing a zombie yeah not liking the noises down here plus there’s not really anything I’m interested in so maybe we get out of

Here oh I guess it is turning to night time was it bad around here aha kinda not ready for night uh yet so why don’t we leap through this one after I look through the chests okay that should do it alright so hopefully sleeping through

The night is going to keep us safe just a little bit longer because like I said not quite ready wow look at all this right here there’s got to be some good stuff over there right getting distracted though what did it tell us to do about the police station supposed to

Find a ticket or something Jason left with Grant meet at ipd Liza all right good to know best of luck to you seeing as we’re here thank you very quickly going through these MREs as well what is going on here oh okay can we just be a

Little uh yeah let’s just do that in preparation I think you’re so sneaky huh hiding these all over the place not sneaky enough yeah that’s right ooh swim trunks how do I pick you up there we go gotta get my swim trunks on need those

For sure okay now as far as the police station goes you’re really not doing a great job at hiding these I say that now I’m sure I’m just gonna get completely overwhelmed anyway Compass okay I’ll take that already nearly out of room though pretty soon I’m gonna have to

Decide what I’m not really interested in keeping actually though wouldn’t mind grabbing some of the Cobblestone and just right away getting rid of these wooden tools other side of the wall has some good stuff didn’t even look here oh wait I think I still need a I do there

We go look at that completely ready for the apocalypse right I’m sure that’s good anyway there was a purpose behind all of that I would like some stone tools and actually not gonna go nuts let’s just do a sword and a pickaxe okay what do we have here the locker rooms

Not necessarily interested but I think it’s worth doing some due diligence I also see our first fan waiting outside of the door there okay so you can open doors smarter than the average fan eh ooh look at that we got a little counter on the right side not seeing the uh the

Traffic ticket I think that’s what it said ow do they keep those on the roof yeah not seeing much and the staff office we made I’ll have a look in here manager Schmidt Fredrickson oh good old Schmitty he was four days from retirement all right I think I just did

A big circle and I did not find anything whoa what kind of police office has an aquarium in the ceiling with live sea turtles I’m gonna find out where this is and move here this seems pretty cool anyway though I don’t think we’ve really uh seen anything that’s uh like a ticket

Or whatever it was we were supposed to be looking for so it might be just about time to move on oh you popped out of nowhere don’t sneak up on me in the locker room oh wait a minute why does this say key when it’s a tripwire

Um I wouldn’t know how to use that anyway so I don’t think it matters and these guys just keep spawning in so I think it might be time to leave alrighty no idea if this is the East Gate kind of doubt it where’s the sun wait a minute I

Have a compass so would this be East then don’t laugh at me I don’t know how to use a compass but assuming yeah it’s changing as I move around that’s okay I don’t know what I’m doing we’re just going out this way now it probably makes

Sense to go into one of these buildings to get a higher vantage point at least in my head that makes sense could be a really bad idea but imperious City Hall I like that sounds like me Imperial not you you are anything but okay that’s just gonna keep happening and that’s a

Whole lot of fun ooh lots of doors I don’t like that and why do I hear multiple now don’t want to back myself into a corner I also think I hear a little baby goober zombie oh I do I do leave me alone leave me alone no no no

No no no no oh come on why you have so much health okay that was scary now I just tried and I can’t sleep I must have waited too long and I hear zombies everywhere oh boy yeah okay this is bad news I waited

Too long oh okay yeah see what I mean uh this isn’t great trying to dig into the floor above and it’s full of water okay this is not a good position to be in okay I think I can get out of here oh okay oh no please don’t kill me okay

This is just awful I had to Tower up to escape a baby zombie can you just yeah stand close enough so we can get rid of you carrying a sword too are you old enough for that I don’t think so oh okay oh this could be going better how do I

Make it safe enough to sleep because that next room is all full of zombies and that makes me very afraid to even get down for my spot leave me alone can’t a guy get some sleep around here I can’t hit there we go oh yeah this is

Bad they’re they’re coming into the room faster than I can take them out and I don’t know if you two are aware but Stone swords are not great and they don’t last that long so I can’t keep this up forever now I could keep mining my my way up but I’m actually really

Afraid that as soon as I open something there’s going to be three or four up there and they’re gonna fall just right on top of my Noggin and one thing to note you’ll notice that I’m not playing in hardcore for this video and that was

Because I knew a lot of things like this would happen definitely out of my element a bit in this one so I wanted the opportunity to well essentially screw up and not lose the world just keep trying to see if we can get to 100 days so that’s the reason for that I

Also Imagine they probably don’t just go away so we are gonna need to figure this out fortunately none of them have uh Bose because I could see that being being bad okay trying to be smart about this harder than it sounds ooh okay uh opening to The Roof oh okay you can get

Up higher okay sorry didn’t know that yeah I see I knew you were gonna do that come on up let’s get it over with now is it worth going up there because I mean yeah we’ve gotta try Okay uh am I safe can I go to bed that is the question oh

Boy okay we made it but I don’t like how close that was that was like day two and I already got myself cornered okay I do see a chest though and yeah some okay stuff and after that little incident I kind of forgot what I was trying to do I

Think we were trying to check out these larger buildings so let’s get some more bridging blocks and no thank you don’t want rails all right you look like a good start so let’s yeah let’s make our way over to you please no zombies sneak up on me yeah see that’s better broad

Daylight walk right into the sun appreciate that now as for this what Secrets do you old all right so it’s either stairs or classified do not enter without authorization like the sound of that put on a hazmat suit when entering uh uh is that an end portal so there’s

No hazmat suit I notice is this like would I get damaged if I go in there let’s get a quick exit in case we need it do I need a hazmat suit in here hello what is mate data okay so somebody oh they’re learning about you know trying

To revive those that have been declared deceased okay so something tells me this probably didn’t go the way they expected yeah okay so we’re just gonna put that right back in there and fortunately I don’t appear to need a uh a hazmat suit I am intrigued by this structure though

Oh oh what somebody’s saying what are you doing here ooh and a bunch of things just appeared right up there Sapphire soldiers I guess I got close enough to trigger trigger something oh oh cool I turned this on and it spit out of an eye a vendor and is there one of those

That’s missing one because that would make me think I’m supposed to fill them in there’s a couple down there actually so I’m gonna do it again if I okay now I think that might have been the only one yeah I think so all the four Center ones

Have one in the end portal already just noticed a couple down there that don’t have them and yeah I’m thoroughly confused but I also don’t think I need to carry this so why don’t we just put this right there and yeah NADA all right well that was fun also since we’re here

And I ran out of food this is kind of why I grabbed the smoker how much can I do with one piece of coal I actually should be able to get most of it if not all oh yeah easy in fact I probably could have done that with the planks

That’s kind of a waste of a piece of coal but no matter okay what else we got here oh uh is there a tripwire or something I don’t like that oh this is just the stairs we would have come this way anyway fortunately none of those

Soldiers that we saw have come for us yet and I’ll take all of you but yeah I haven’t seen those soldiers kind of uh kind of happy about that what is this accelerate developmental cycle of life now is that worth drinking thing that kind of Spooks me actually all right

Maybe because I’ve got two now of these I I might well it’s a splash potion though so I guess I can’t drink it maybe we’ll just Chuck it at the next zombies we see but onward and upward oh I see one of those soldiers hey you’re not a

Soldier I know you however there are quite a lot of you because there’s one there but look at all these name tags probably around 10 if I had to guess and they have crossbows and I have no Shield so I don’t think we’re gonna be messing

With them just yet I am finding some good stuff it’s just I’m wondering if there’s like an actual really good thing up at the top because it’s helpful but you know the fast way down well that’s cheerful and nope not vertigo inducing at all but another reason I came up here

Was to take a look around and I do see a pretty good sized Bridge maybe that’s the way we want to go because I think this is where we spawned in that sort of Walled Village then couple larger buildings around here may be worth looking through and then we can go

Across the bridge because I think that’s kind of the indication of where we would like to go also oh okay hey there bud I did not see you standing there like a statue oh you moved fast you’re so Speedy I was going for that chest but I

Do see that there’s you know yourself and a couple your buddies hanging around oh boy um yeah I think I’m gonna probably come back when I have a shield because of that so for now you’re getting off easy so with those guys there I’m thinking

Maybe the top of this one I see another chest on that I don’t know I just got it in my head that if you’re gonna get something good it’s probably going to be on a chest that’s on top of something I see it I think I see the corner of one

Right there too so why don’t we start with that one all right that well it might not be enough actually how far will this get me whoa okay uh either one of them lost their footing or was pushed was it you did you push your buddy off ooh that

One’s different too they’re soldiers but that’s a sapphire matriarch don’t know what that means but I’m still quite intimidated okay I think we got what we need to finish this oh man they just keep doing that oh he caught the vine right at the last second you see that

That I mean that would kind of be just a cheap way to try to get through that Tower and I’ll just go through some fall damage I get to claim that I did battle with them and it was very brave and adventurous and then I get that Treasure

Chest speaking of chests has a Kia’s dagger it’s a brass dagger forged in time so of course I’m gonna take it but isn’t every weapon forged in time like at some point it was forged I don’t know maybe I’m overthinking it but that’s what I’m talking about treasure chest on

Top of a building first special item that I’ve seen aside from the potions anyway so moral of the story I was right next up there’s one right over there but but do I trust myself to build out and then try to water bucket right on top of

That building the answer is no not really but I think I’m gonna try it anyway so let’s build ourselves out a bit yeah not quite there this doesn’t seem like a great idea if I’m being perfectly honest with you because I have no idea if I can make that I want to

Just run jump and try to water bucket right there yeah it’s worth a shot all right cross your fingers and don’t laugh if I miss and here we go oh I never had a doubt in my mind I knew we could do it don’t act like you’re not impressed not

That anybody could do it I mean I know a lot of people could do it but you should be impressed that I did it oh happy birthday how did you know oh that’s a little bit different okay that’s kind of ominous um but it does mention a vault room does

That mean that there’s a vault somewhere in this uh building whoever that was for they never got their uh birthday cake now hello is there a vault room somewhere also is this supposed to be like a meteor to a meteor just crushed the top of this building and land right

Here because that’s kind of what it looks like Anyway if I was a vault room I’d probably be behind a bookshelf but not this Vault room it looks like I’m gonna about over here no it doesn’t look like it okay so no Vault room is what

You’re telling me guess I’ll try to take a bit of this off the top not only because the Vault might be under here but also I actually do need Cobblestone okay there we go it’s gonna say I kind of thought this would lead into something else but is it something

Spooky that’s the important question also broke my pickaxe so that’s a lot of fun good news is I’m not hearing anything down here so for at least the moment it seems like we’re safe but I’m also not really seeing anything down here double doors though does that mean

This is like The Fat Cat’s office the big wig uh no not really anything interesting here either thought just occurred to me I don’t really know what my plan is because I typically have one and right now not so much ooh CEOs office us and okay I was gonna say you

Gotta have something but yeah anyway you know I assume at some point I’m gonna have to try to find a base or something a little bit more permanent and maybe find a way to you know do some farming or get better tools I I honestly don’t know for now I’m just exploring seeing

What kind of start we can get from that then maybe after we get deeper into the city we’ll find an area that’s like yeah we we want to set up here gotta set up shop am I back down to floor level uh yeah looks like I am oh we got a full

Full set of cool stuff here clubbing shirt oh yeah yeah I need to get the club in gear I already look good like this but wait till you see my blacktop hat my jeans my dress shoes and my club and shirt oh yeah we’re ready to party

For sure now I probably should have paid attention to what direction the bridge was in because I kind of have no idea now oh boy uh public parking no thank you whoa definitely just heard a zombie but yeah once again yikes know they thank you oh there you are buddy you a

Little stuck you need some help just hanging out with your cat I get it just one of those days now I am gonna just kind of watch this from afar maybe just do one or two of those there were quite a bit of you down there huh and they’re

Still coming awesome really not helping me want to go down there maybe just a quick peek oh great the water slows me down too that’s not terrifying at all ooh I will take a bow that could come in handy so I guess this is a flooded flooded parking garage lots of people

Leaving stuff in their trunks but honestly that works out well for me take all these arrows that is very nice all the zombie noises however not so nice especially because I have no idea where they’re coming from tire iron Well mine’s low anyway may as well looks like

A tire iron oh I bet all the noises are coming from up here oh come on this is painful there we go okay uh that’s helpful that was definitely worth the trip oh okay yeah there’s the noise yeah come here I left this open for both of

You what’s wrong you can’t get through oh no how unfortunate oh this doesn’t look cheery I also don’t like that you’re wearing armor and they’re still spawning why is this place so full of zombies I mean I know that’s kind of the whole world but this one in particular

Seems to be really busy ooh one iron that could come in handy still here and some but I do want to see what else is in here really don’t like the look of the place though oh a spoon I thank you I’d love a spoon I don’t like this

Though when I can’t take two of the same thing because it’s renamed to a fork it’s fine it’s fine yeah I see you down there why are they all spawning right down there well we’ll keep going up and hope that they’re not up here then oh no

Why do you keep sneaking up on me no baby zombies oh boy did not look ahead of time to see how tall this building is already too tall for my liking oh hey there uh yeah I did back myself into a corner but no matter before Rome never

Loses okay Meredith’s bat not ice Meredith’s note what have you got to say Meredith Meredith sounds like my kind of gal if anyone tries to take my food they get a baseball bat to the face I feel you Meredith anyway what’s the bat like knock back two could come in handy yeah

I’ll hang on to it till I see something I want more yeah you want to taste a Meredith’s bat that’s right don’t mess with Meredith don’t mess with Meredith’s food anyway though that’s the top of this building wait can we see the bridge from here uh don’t see it on this side

Oh there you are there’s the bridge and there’s a tank is that supposed to be a tank yep I meant to do that I wanted to go down to check out the tank and the secret area below oh hey bud wow look at that knock back geez actually kind of

Effective because you could just knock them back and let them burn that’s not a bad tactic whoa whoa two different kinds of woes ow though thank you trying to see what’s inside the tank and yeah so there’s apparently flamethrower ammunition but I don’t have a flamethrower unless this whole thing is

Supposed to be a flamethrower Cannon breach so for example if I were to put one of you in the cannon breach and do that whoa why me okay uh that didn’t go great I kind of thought the idea of this Canon is that it would shoot that way

Down the barrel not at me but what can I say I’m not familiar with how these things work I also don’t want to try again so we’re just gonna leave you right there and we are going to head to the bridge all right so it does look

Like we’ve got a couple fresh milk something tells me it’s not fresh anymore um okay I don’t think I want that yeah yeah no thank you another bow that could be nice if we just combine those really quick here we go full durability and

We’re all set oh a gas mask I can see that coming in handy not to mention I think it just kind of fits very outside my typical Realm coming by but wait for it when in Rome right oh boy yeah sorry for that one yeah not sure why I need a

Gas mask oh radiation ahead do not enter without mask that answers my question but it’s getting close tonight so before we head on guess we’ll need to bridge it in the morning too but first nappy time all right so yeah surely this side is going to be much safer than the side we

Spawned on right well probably best to just figure it out ooh okay uh maybe I shouldn’t take bits out of the bridge all right um does look like there’s a ship down there kinda don’t care that much I I’d really rather just move on and see

What’s in the city we can always come back if we need to another reminder there so I’m guessing it’s going to be important and we are prepared I think I’m starting to hear the Eerie noises of radiation oh yeah uh that doesn’t look great so I guess they weren’t Josh and

Us I also don’t really want to find out what happens if I take the mask off so why don’t we just leave it on for the time being ooh the ruined City you don’t think they’re talking about this city do you it’s not ruined it looks beautiful

That being said where to start also are we seeing any places that might be nice as a base because right off the bat I noticed that it’s going to be very easy to get to the top of this building and it does look to be one of the taller

Ones right by the bridge why don’t we take a look at the top see if this looks decent because I really kind of just want a place that I can use to drop off all the stuff all the goods we’re picking up and then keep grabbing more

So if there was one place I knew to come back to I think that would be helpful and that’s the top gotta break you okay there we go oh and it’s got some grenades in the chest so I mean yeah there’s already some chests up here it

Looks relatively safe yeah so for now we might have found a base even if it’s just a temporary one I think I like this yeah even next door look at that we got a bunch of is that anvils too yeah anvils furnaces blast furnaces I think there’s smokers down there okay what’s

Going on here because this even looks like it’s you know already a base yeah I think that’s gonna replace the old uh Meredith’s bat yeah look at this geez yeah I think this will do nicely as a at least a temporary place to set up

Okay so if we need it we got plenty of uh furnaces and anvils and stuff like that over there and since over here was where it was easy to get up on the vines yeah there’s our entrance right there yeah so we’ll set up right here for now

Was bugging me though that those chests were backwards so let’s just turn those around really quick and start dropping off some of this stuff there we go that is much better and we’re there uh crafting tables over here because I wouldn’t mind having one of those just

To set down on yeah a couple in fact because I have one on me but do not have any wood could just Harvest some of this but want to be able to leave a crafting table over here that I don’t keep having to pick back up there we go so for now

Let’s replace the ax maybe light the place up just a little bit more wait a minute can I do like right there will that turn you on no I have to be on it does it need to be a lever why will these not turn on Okay not sure but I

Did notice another chest up here and nothing really okay wonderful if we are planning on staying here a bit we should just light it up at least a little bit and hope that it does something uh what did I do with my bed oh no did I put

That down somewhere and not pick it back up I’m not crazy right you see a bed here anywhere oh great need a bed need a bed need a bed anything over here no oh I wish I noticed that oh hello yes yes yeah you’d think I would notice that

Before I got this dark but no no no I didn’t hopefully we’re fine just keep moving very surprised I’m not hearing anything yet but look at that made it to morning I don’t know how but it all worked out anyway though we need to think of a next stop because we came

From that direction I do see some more obvious things to explore over on this side ooh uh also apparently found the Elevator Shaft you need to be careful with that honestly might make sense to just work our way down through this building I’m seeing a lot of chests on

The way down then when we get to the ground level I want to head off in that direction since that’s away from the area we came from so hopefully I remember the way we came from and we’ll be able to get back eventually I am a bit worried this whole building is going

To just be a whole lot of nothing because we did already see the top there wasn’t anything great up there hello he’s not supposed to be stairs uh how do do I keep descending because I don’t think I want to go this way I mean

I guess we could just do it this way that’s easy enough a couple little hops down and we’re good lots of interesting sounding potions and grenades maybe I just leave one of those in the hot bar see what happens really don’t trust myself using it but nobody can say

What’ll happen if I panic yeah I’m noticing a trend in these chests of things that aren’t particularly useful which isn’t great this seemed to be a bit of a different floor up till now I’ve been noticing they were pretty similar this one had a couple differences but still not really any

Great loot I also can’t remember how I got to this floor and how to get down I feel like this is odd like why would these doors be here and they’re on every floor by the way yeah it just leads into another room that I’ve already been in

Yeah may as well make our own Stairway to get down to the next floor I mean at least there’s a ton of carrots and potatoes around might not be a bad idea to start a little farm up on on top maybe when we get down to ground level

We do some dirt collecting just in case we need it also I’m really dumb I had that one iron and I completely forgot about making a shield before we set out and now I’m kind of wishing that I had some or had one yeah we’re not making very quick uh progress through this

Building I’m wondering if this might make a little bit more sense actually I’m looking at this water and I’m thinking with that bucket maybe we grab well I’ve already got the one I want to make an Infinite Source up at the uh the top where we were planning on settling

Down for a little bit and if I remember correctly while we’re here we may as well get some dirt so dirt then we’ll go back up place the water come back grab a second bucket and then get an Infinite Source up there just in case we do want

To start Farms which I think I do I’m pretty sure this is everybody’s first priority during the zombie apocalypse like you know what I should get a ton of dirt that’s gonna get me through this okay I think that’s good for now and I believe we were right over here when we

Started climbing yeah I think this looks right probably should Mark it out down at the bottom too whoa okay that I don’t need that Vines are not always a safe way to travel look at that I found it okay so if I was gonna set up a garden

Maybe up here at the top somewhere because I don’t necessarily want it overhanging on this direction just making more areas dark down there not too worried about it if we go in this direction and since I think it’ll probably be covering this up I don’t care which blocks I use for the most

Part and I’m gonna need a lot more blocks just gonna start clearing things out over here also forgot about clearing out my inventory and I had that iron that’s right there we go now I can actually pick up the blocks all right did some collecting let’s see how far

That gets us will I ever end up using a farm if I make one up here no I deal whatsoever but we’re still gonna make one oh yeah I love the hodgepodge look of this uh farm base gonna be the Envy of everyone in the city and that might

Well after this yeah that’s gonna be it need to do a bit more collecting moving over to the stone on this side I think this should do the trick I really don’t like how eerily quiet it is up on this rooftop I’d almost prefer hearing like far off zombie noises because I know

Where they are that they’re there right now I just have a constant feeling like they’re right behind me not making any noise which is not a great feeling also forgot about the unlimited source of water and I just found a bunch of signs I wonder if we can make this kind of

Fancy because the sun should work just as well as actual blocks for the water right don’t see why not like if we just did that can I put one of you there and it just stays yeah look at that it does we’re so fancy we’re also getting low on

Food again and onto the baked potatoes or wait no got that quick pork chop and chicken if I need it okay so now we should be able to fill this in and I believe that would be the center right there don’t know why I use those kinds

Clearly it should be dirt and this will go right to the edge maybe I need yeah I should have enough I want to wrap it around one more time just so we’ve got a bit of a buffer not to mention we’re gonna want torches out here okay so this

Should be ready we just need to fill in the dirt and get the water yeah so this way if we need to we could step over here and I could have swore I put a torch there and we also have the layer beneath just in case I ever need to

Break any of this and of course so it will hold the water although now that I’m saying that you know what might be kind of cool what if this was another way to get up here like what if I just remove that block put the water here and

It kind of creates a bit of a water elevator all the way down you know something to think about while we’re thinking about it let’s go grab that second bucket of water and no we can’t MLG down because I do not have water nearly tried and then remembered that

Fact okay so yeah like right there we could have water just spilling down in this direction might be kind of cool I don’t know also I wonder if I should replant anything I take down here is this going to be our tree farm do I need

A tree farm do I need any of these farms in a zombie apocalypse World kind of feels like I should just stay on the move and don’t get me wrong we’re still going to do tons of exploring but I like the idea of having a place where we have

Some of these Essentials available so why not let’s replant things and the reason we’re here was to grab some of the water so thank you and then back up to the top so we can wrap up the farm okay so I should be able to put you

There and now we have an Infinite Source yes we do love it and for the time being we’ll just put that water there we’re not going to make a water elevator just yet since we don’t need it and and I think I need my crafting table get some

Farming implements oh yeah I keep forgetting too we’ve got that iron before I forget I did want to use it for a shield and who knows I might have found a shield but for now I’d rather just know that I have one glad we remembered that before I set out again

All right then we just prep all of this and almost forgot we want to light it up and then we should be good to plant I think everything that I’ve already found I’m not gonna do like a single crop or one of these areas I am just doing

Everything so let’s say carrots over here and beetroot over on the other side and we’ll do wheat next to the beetroot and potatoes next to the carrots there we go were there more signs down here I kind of want to be bougie and label the the produce thought I did see more sides

Am I going crazy there you are I think I see you yeah you thought you could hide not today there we go so now we can label every everything got our beetroot our whole wheat got our carrots and we’ve got our potatoes boiling Mash I’m

Sticking in a stew and since we had two more we’ll just say legion’s Farm yep I’m pretty proud of that actually looking at it this is probably exactly what a garden like a post-apocalyptic a post-apocalyptic Garden would look like I’m up here on the top of a destroyed

Building where my gas mask with what appears to be just a bunch of Ash falling on it but I like it nonetheless probably the best thing I’m gonna do this entire video so maybe we just call it right here nah we got a lot to do still all right Expressway down okay I

Think we’re just about ready to head back out and cook up some of this stuff really quick and then I think tomorrow back to exploring alrighty I think we are all set now what did we say initially uh I think we want to be heading in that direction yeah because

We said away from the bridge so let’s go down uh this way and then we can keep moving off in that direction one of these times I’m just going to go for it and somehow none of these Vines will be here but I guess that’s why I should

Keep a water bucket there hello any interesting items or chest or birds all right you uh just you know keep doing what you’re doing I would tame one or both of them but you know I’d just be trying to swipe it some zombies and accidentally hit one and then it you

Know that would be on my conscience so no no I think we’ll pass it is not that easy to walk around here welcome to Deluxe I don’t see anything that I want in Deluxe whoa okay you did not make any noise you’re supposed to like be spooky

And just make a bunch of noise when you’re walking at me and thanks for the one durability boots but you know no thank you see at least you made a noise I appreciate that I also just saw where you’re all coming from yeah I see you down there sneaky sneaky there we go

Okay anyway wanted to see what this was and yeah this place looks pretty cheery too um looks like we got something here but nothing oh it’s another clubbing shirt good get it back up but I don’t think I’ll need it I’ve been running into those armor uh things quite a lot is it

Worth going up to the top yeah worth a quick look it doesn’t look like there’s much up here though oh but there is a really nice looking neighborhood so that’s a potential thing to check out yeah why don’t we do that these houses look worth looting or no not looting

This is remember this is my Province just like every other video and I need to collect taxes all right let’s see if we can do the expressway down yes we can and head towards the nice suburbs to see if they’ve got anything nice left in their houses ah yeah beautiful

Tree-lined yards this is how you could tell you made it or you know that’s how you could tell you made it jeez so will be checking that out momentarily but first let’s see what we can find around here is that a TV or is it a fish tank I

Think it’s supposed to be a TV a quite large one uh I mean I’ve already got two and I haven’t used either one yet so far for a really nice house this is disappointing well I guess since we’re here you mind giving me a minute citizens oh okay

That’s better but yeah I think there’s just one more level up here and yeah not a whole lot all right we’ll try one or two more houses but if I’m seeing similar loot in all of them maybe it’s worth just checking out that Mansion let’s see maybe that one looks kind of

Impressive let’s let’s give that a look but where is the front door uh this looks a lot more oh hello there we go yeah did not notice a front entrance holy cow okay I am glad that we looked in this house oh yeah a couple rib eyes

Some beef stew uh can’t stack those uh I’ll take them might drop them for something else though gold rings okay see I told you I knew this house looked good okay I also just completely missed the front door was right here but it doesn’t matter a loot Goblin always

Figures It Out ooh a protection four book I will take that running into this again though how do I get to the second level what’s that I should just make my own staircase okay ooh a little secret one still got a good feeling I think we

Can get some more out of this one either that or I’m gonna get jumped by a thousand zombies it’ll be one or the other uh is this like to the attic because that’s kind of creepy oh yeah okay uh nothing too crazy you’d think this is where they’d be the tape or keep

The good stuff though uh okay I mean that’s not bad I don’t really want to put it on leather gear if I don’t have to okay so some pretty good stuff in this one actually but I think I cleared them out so let’s head back outside

Thinking we look at maybe one more then we can see what that Mansion is all about although once again inventory space is becoming a problem although there is some stuff I can ditch let’s have a look in this one hello your doordash is here only a one dollar tip

I’m glad I ate half your fries Protection One in one of these I think I’ll start getting rid of some of these beef stews looks like they were preparing for like a dinner party or something man the TVs in these houses are nuts wow really nice backyard too oh

I will certainly take more caramel apples I will take those all day long and then yes of course the botanical gardens yes what’s that oh yes Jeeves will show you to the lavatory or the lava tree looks like they’re art Buffs too shiny pants fancy tuxedo pants more

Expensive than your car well they’re not so expensive that they actually do anything that being said I do want to be fancy so there you go I’ll give you those and then I’m gonna take your fancy shoes and there we go yeah definitely feeling much fancier yeah do you have

Glowing pants didn’t think so oh it’s uh nighttime it is a bit odd that I’m not uh running into zombies though I spoke too soon trying out my fancy tuxedo and then I start hearing zombies honestly this wouldn’t have been a bad place to stay either this uh entire house is

Pretty awesome oh extra oh yeah cups no not water buckets cups okay so I just noticed that I probably passed it a couple times already but when you see something that says Vault you kind of have to check it out right and then we can head back over to the mansion I

Think it’s over in that direction so what is in the vault okay so it might just be a shelter I’m not sure yeah fallout shelter uh how do you get in hello kind of worried about doing this but ooh cool carrier stash chest is locked uh so I can close the door and

Lock it from here but not unlock the chest call elevator wow is it coming oh I hear something oh man somebody knows how to use Redstone and it’s not this guy not feeling particularly confident about this decision but whoa we’re gonna try it anyway okay subfloor five

Lingerie and snuff boxes why does this feel like a bad idea oh okay no big deal this is just where they keep the tropical fish and for the most part does just seem to be kind of shelter-esque stuff this place is pretty big though I

Am kind of surprised is that it seems to have remained zombie free ooh wow look at you they knew what they were doing down here so why is there nobody around then okay yeah this is just a little bit better than my farm I think mine has

Character though no where do they keep the uh aren’t we underground is that I think that’s a fake sky that is very cool I yeah I’m very impressed by this might just be that I’m easily impressed but don’t think it matters this is pretty cool I am wondering though where

Do they keep their goodies okay this must be where they just watch everyone that’s not unsettling and the generators definitely a very cool place it’s just there doesn’t seem to be much loot oh man talk about a dream job director of water you kidding me maybe one day

Legion ooh Wither Skeleton skulls if we ever wanted to uh make a terrible choice and summon the wither oh hello you got up here papers how helpful thank you oh yeah every fallout shelter needs a boxing ring that’s right how silly of me not to expect that and the radio office

And more stuff yeah so lots of really interesting rooms lots of cool designs it’s just I do not think there’s any loot in here which was exactly where my mind went when I saw Vault yeah there’s some bows I already have bows and let’s take the arrows that’s something at

Least oh okay that’s the first time I heard zombie since I got in here where’s that coming from I hear a ton I’m just not seeing any oh I must be close to outside because I just slept and now I hear them burning okay so that was happening outside well while we’re here

I want to see what this is like can I uh what happens if I maybe write about there oh nice oh Betsy yeah see that’s me perfect shot anyway though yeah it does sound like we’re near the surface at this point with nothing really to

Show for it now the question is how do I get out of here because I found the elevator but how do we call it or I guess I could just climb out uh maybe not was that say down I want to go up one would think there’d be a button

Around here somewhere I guess we could just go back down to the bottom and there’s the button so I guess yeah take the elevator out well I have to say that was a lot of fun did think we’d find something to unlock that honestly I probably passed it right up and didn’t

Realize I was supposed to get it oh hey there hey I just did some crossbow practice you want to help me practice again all right about there and that’s going a little too slow let’s try this there we go yeah lots of fun I think that’s a very cool addition to the map

That said we are ready to move on and I was thinking I’m not finding as much as I thought I was going to find uh in the way of Enchanted gear or just something that’s a bit better so I’m wondering if we keep looking maybe the Mansion will have something but I’m basically

Wondering how how much of my typical play style should I use here should I start a mine should I look for diamonds or do I just keep looting I think we might get there but for now we’re gonna go the Looting route don’t remember how

Far we’ve traveled but I kind of wish I did because I have a very full inventory and if we do find good stuff in here I have a feeling we might just have to run back anyway and drop it all off the Forgotten Mansion ominous is that

Ominous you know be nice if we could find a shulker somewhere that would come in handy hello trust fund whoa no way they have game boys all right we’re getting rid of this so that I can drop the bowl and I don’t know if I want a

Rubik’s Cube a Game Boy if we let’s go with a Game Boy might come back for a Rubik’s Cube at some point I’m sure this is intended to be like the kids play area Yeah clean up when you’re done but this is probably where I’d be hanging

Out playing Game Boy while I Ask Jeeves to bring me some duck all around holy guacamole I think if we ever need gold we’ll probably be in good shape on that same goes for are these blaze rods oh pool noodles yeah yeah those are blaze rods okay I think I can get more

Books I’d rather have some blaze rods ooh another prop 4 book uh let’s get rid of the prop one nice a few more rib eyes yeah this is just like the pool area and they have some pretty insane stuff I also haven’t gotten any anvils yet so I

Think it makes sense to grab a couple of these oh hello was that just like in a museum of expensive things history of wedding gifts for the Amora family okay Eddie likes diamonds Jamie’s more of a gold person oh I see Hubert as Amanda of a distinguished taste yes yes all right

We will be coming back here when I have a bit more inventory space for sure yeah I think I was right I think it makes sense to go back drop off the inventory and then come back over here because there is a lot I would like to keep

Muscle left in a hurry too because they’ve still got food cooking on these campfires unless that’s just uh you know for the Ambiance these people love their caramel apples too yeah so let’s head back and then uh drop off the inventory then we’re gonna come back and check out

The rest of the place okay maybe not the smartest idea to did that bounce back at me oh as I was saying not the smartest idea to head back at night I’m sure it’ll be fine ooh note to self little secret entrance right there but not right now now who remembers where the

Base is I thought you were keeping track because I definitely was not oh look okay uh yeah both sides keep moving keep moving and remember we were by the bridge I don’t see a bridge uh none of this looks familiar okay I think I’m going in the wrong direction because

I just found a massive hole in the ground and I don’t remember that every time my GPS doesn’t work this happens unfamiliar territory no idea where to go might make sense to try again in the morning because I actually have no idea where we are and where I need to go keep

Sneaking up on me okay so there’s quite a bit of you over here and I can’t say I’m an enormous fan of that because in order to stop that I’m gonna need to sleep which means I’m gonna need all of you to go away and there we go all right

Let’s see if we can sleep okay that is a bit better I think I actually want to be heading in this direction what can I say the post-apocalyptic streets look very similar to me and I keep doing that falling into little crevasses I think that might be our building right up

There yeah there’s the bridge so actually not the one on the left I think it’s the one on the right is this it is this home let’s hope so and home sweet home finally can drop off some of this stuff probably also makes sense to restock and get rid of the old stuff

Okay feeling a bit better about that let’s take a quick look up at the farm just out of curiosity probably wasn’t growing a whole lot yeah so until we decide to hang around here for a bit and I don’t know if we’re gonna build this

Up more or make more of a permanent base I don’t know but I don’t think this is going to be doing much growing while we’re out and about that being said let’s go out and about okay now who remembers how to get back to the mansion

I think I just went down this Central way and then when I saw that uh suburbs area we made a turn I remember you oh is that it right there uh I don’t think that’s the right one uh uh oh that might be it over there yep there you are I

Have to say this is quite a flex on what was it the Amora family because they decide you know they’re deciding to build there’s this neighborhood down here with pretty nice houses they’re like yeah you know we’re gonna build our own house it’s gonna be up at the top of

The hill so we could look down on all of them and it’s also going to be about 10 times bigger than any of the other houses I like your style Amora Family First up can I ransack all the wedding gifts it’s not as bad as it sounds they

Don’t need them anymore because you’re like inside a piece of glass so if I break that how do I can I get that because I mean uh I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get this oh you taunt me okay so all this stuff is just decorations let me

Know in the comments if I’m mix uh messing something up here I I’m assuming I can’t take that but let me know maybe we’ll have better luck on the second level and I do like your grand staircase face by the way okay bit of a design shift up here not entirely sure where

They keep the valuables do we think there’s any uh hidden Pathways behind the the paintings now it seems like the kind of house that would do that all right I’ll be honest citizens I’m getting a little lost okay this looks a little bit more interesting uh uh okay I

Mean some stuff ooh a med kit I don’t know that I can use that but I’m taking it because that’s kind of cool ooh super soldier serum say that five times fast I haven’t really been trying any of these potions maybe if we find ourselves in a

Pickle we’ll give that a shot I was really sure of myself that there would be something behind a painting but I am not finding anything another chest room not a whole lot there unfortunately and we’re taking the expressway up to the next level ooh okay Amora family ID that

Could actually come in handy because if we find something that’s locked I have a feeling we can maybe use that to unlock it that’s my working Theory soon to be proven wrong what do we have here more fancy tuxedos that’s what I’ve already got though I don’t need more fancy

Tuxedos I think we’re hitting just about nearly the top oh uh okay so I just opened that up and finally finally a secret entrance Vindication citizens all right what do we have a gold block and what appears to be a flower uh uh can I take you

Whoa flor de amor which gave me a second row of hearts that is incredible it does look like it’s only when I’m holding it yeah so when I go away what happens if I eat then hold it okay so I healed up that much what happens if I move off of

It now so you keep the hearts that you’ve healed up to I guess I mean I haven’t really been using the shield I could just put that in my off hand plus it’s kind of romantic you know I did not make an iron pickaxe yet okay I guess

We’re not taking you yet but yeah kind of romantic just carry around this flower it’s like I’m offering it to the zombies they say something like peace was never an option and then I have to fight them anyway oh man I am so glad I did that I’m happy we found a secret

It’s an awesome item proud of myself I’m calling this a success not to mention some of these other chests are not half bad I’m a bit down that none of the paintings had Secrets behind them but I think the uh the floor furthermore makes

Up for that and yes I know my my French pronunciation is awful so you don’t need to comment on it fully aware citizens how do I get out of here I am 100 lost maybe if I just run around to the back there’ll be stairs leading down I think

Yeah as yes and straight back through the main lobby and we’re out okay very worthwhile trip I think it might make sense to head back to quote unquote base for a little bit maybe try to do a bit of work there oh yeah I want to check

This out too it’s down here hmm okay a very uh not ominous sewer which honestly is a lot easier to run down than the broken streets so we’re we’re just taking this route I am wondering where this is going to come out because I didn’t really think about that when I

Started running uh and there’s different Pathways this is fun it’s always been a dream of mine to get lost in the sewers okay I do see a way out hopefully near our base ooh okay something tells me this isn’t near our base also there’s a diamond right in the middle there that’s

Pretty cool no I I don’t think anything unnatural happened here I think this was just this looks like a natural formation to you doesn’t it yeah I think so probably pretty innocuous anyway not sure I’m ready to take that on yet so why don’t we see if we can head out in

This direction and yes we can okay now where am I think I just need to head in this direction if I’m not mistaken hey I was right there’s the bridge good timing too the uh the sun’s going down so I think we should be safe and once we get

Up here we can drop off all the goods that we found feel good about ourselves for getting that flower and start to think about next steps you know what if we’re gonna keep coming back to this area and I think we will I’ve already been dropping off everything here then it probably

Makes sense to make it look a little bit nicer and I know I know it’s post-apocalyptic this is kind of the whole vibe we’re going for but I’m kind of exposed this is all open a lot of this doesn’t make any sense so I think I’m gonna go around and borrow some

Materials from other parts around here and then we’ll we’ll see what we can do to make this look a little bit more like an official base We’re not gonna go nuts and yes that does include the front door as we’re calling it okay so I just

Opened it up a little bit I think we could actually I’ll get rid of this stuff too and then we’ll probably run down one level and just clear them out just get a ton of materials so I can fill it all in here and I would feel bad

Just taking down somebody’s hard work build this place but one Nobody’s around to complain and two it’s kinda broken already so I don’t feel like I’m doing anything that bad I guess if nothing else it’s allowing me to use building materials that I very rarely use so I

Think most of this is concrete and terracotta and yeah I haven’t found much use out of those okay we collected a bit and I’ve got a couple other things as well um let’s just call this The Edge right here and I really just want to cover this I’d like to officially be indoors

Getting real fancy with the the different colored line down the middle yeah I think that’s fancy you think anybody would just have such wonderful design sense that’s right I don’t think so okay so now it’s pretty even I might need to go head down and get some more

Trees however so I want to do accents like that yeah I definitely feel a bit silly like doing some design work while we’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse but but I can’t help myself next up we need to cover up this area and some of this will be mismatched but

Honestly I think it’s fitting just look at the world around US citizen I think the mismatch is going to be perfect oh that was nearly exactly the right amount all right so now we got the stairs down enclosed area I am feeling better about that what would be really nice is if we

Could get our hands in some Soul Sand that way we can make a proper water elevator to get up here how are we looking over here ready for a replant on a couple of these and I was thinking about it with all the food I’ve been finding just lying around everywhere I

Kinda don’t think we’re gonna need this Farm but I feel a lot better having it so because of that we’re gonna make sure it’s full and the carrots are already full because I’m just doing kind of two rows of each rest of the stuff not so much got these trap doors left over

Probably just kind of place them around as accents there we go oh and I’m also curious I don’t know if I’ve stayed awake long enough while I’ve been here to see if zombies spawn in so maybe we check that tonight probably not over here because of all the Torches but I

Don’t think I put any torches over in that direction so potentially and then after we test that I do think it’ll be time to head back out I just I can’t remember if I had plans if there was something in particular I wanted to check out I mean shipping crates maybe

But I almost want to go to one of the kind of the borders or the the edge of the map because I did notice some forests and who knows there might be something kind of cool in some of the forests and this makes me nervous every time because it’s literally just a

Bridge across these two gaps it also might be a kind of cool idea if we were going to continue to build up here to connect some of the neighboring buildings via a sky bridge that way we get some more mobility and it’s a lot easier to not have to go across all of

That and instead just walk straight to the building then maybe go down on the other side of it just kind of a quicker means of Transport speaking of let’s check on the trees that I replanted down there because it might be a good idea to keep harvesting those and then use the

Planks potentially to bridge between the different buildings oh yeah looking good over here you should get some nice new wood logs to use oh oh it’s gonna say I should have brought a second one I did I thought I had trust me me a source of

Apples too if I need it actually not something I’ve tried at least for a while but with oak trees can I just make like a monster collection right here well they still grow or no I’m curious we’re gonna try it I think it’s time to wrap this up because it is starting to

Get dark well it’s a few more of these and I’m already hearing zombies hey buddy no I don’t need Landscaping no I don’t need you to look at my roof yes I’m fine with my internet service provider and I don’t think I want to hang on to the saplings so there you go

And now that we’re back up here the question that we wanted answered was do zombies spawn up here and as you can see it’s plenty dark so that shouldn’t be an issue but I am not hearing or seeing anything oh man this should be my bedroom look at that beautiful

That was so dumb oh okay this uh this flower just saved my life I I don’t know what okay Uh I feel like I have to explain myself I don’t really know what happened I just know I was putting a grenade into my hot bar because I thought hey maybe I can use this then I think I went to close something or look in a chest by right

Clicking and I was on the grenade and I just chucked it right at my own face but like I said the old Fleur De Amor definitely saved my life because I got below one of those rows of Hearts so thank you flua also I am not allowed to

Use grenades anymore you really should have stopped me I need to be watched very carefully I need a minder but yeah with that out of the way I kind of think zombies don’t spawn up here with us which is odd one would think they would or maybe they can only come from the

Ground floor I guess like logically that makes sense it’s just in the game I kind of figured they could swarm you anywhere yeah well I mean I guess I feel pretty fully safe up here then oh yeah I almost forgot too found this super soldier serum which if we’re going to be heading

Out we may as well try it because it’s very non-descript no idea what that does but I kind of want to be a super soldier it will transform me into the one and only Agrippa and everybody wants to be a grippa strength three with am I reading that

Right no time limit I just always have strength three because that is awesome I’m having a hard time believing that though I have a feeling it’s gonna wear off but I don’t know only one way to find out we may as well capitalize it on

It while we have it and see if we could find a horde of zombies that thinks there’s something because I’d be happy to prove them wrong don’t know that we’ve head off in that direction yet so I think that might be the first play and this does oh hello parrots does look

Like it might be the the factory district or something I’m not sure and what say we take the direct route in hello anybody home oh I hear lava I see lava and I did not bring any of my spare buckets wow oh that’s a lot of Hoppers

If I ever need to build anything like any farms I think we’re going to be solid on Hoppers we know they’re here also know where some Emerald is some lava this place is pretty nice not that I need anything immediately it’s just uh it’s nice to know that it’s here oh I

Was just thinking wondering if there was an administrator’s office because that’s probably where they keep the goods and I do believe it’s right there I also hear zombies so that’s wonderful what do you got for me ooh Refinery overseers glasses watch out for broken glass

Lawrence too I mean I’ll take it that is definitely well wait a minute can I wear that we haven’t tested it yet what happens if I take off my gas mask and I’m still where there’s apparently radiation once again there is one way to find out uh I don’t appear to be getting

Hurt and not poisoned my health my my hearts my Hunger isn’t affected okay uh no consequences is what I’m hearing I’m a big fan of no consequences oh there you are I see you over there I think I hear more than one oh yeah there you are so

You can spawn in here you just can’t spawn on my building hey fellas can you get past that you can yeah you’re not that dumb okay I am liking that strength enhancement uh oh that is not bad either I mean it’s probably gonna break pretty soon but I’m putting it on looks like

That’s everything for this place though it wasn’t a whole lot I mean I’ll take the Armor All I’ve found up to this point is a couple pairs of Fancy Pants and it does look like these guys want to play so who am I to say no oh watch out

Yep yep that’ll hurt when that happens two hits with a stone sword that is nuts oh that’s an unfortunate situation you got yourself into there yeah you are right stuck all right we’ll we’ll free you there you go I don’t see any spawners why are there so many around

Here I don’t know but I am willing to free you from your miserable existence what is that noise what am I hearing I don’t like that noise sounds like something is hitting the lava like water except nothing is oh no it’s freaking me out getting out of here and mental note

If we need Hoppers or if we need lava we come back here we thought I opened this up on the way in must have been a different spot okay I did say I wanted to check out the outskirts oh we’re back by the Mansion actually an easier way

The way we took just now also what do we have here because I think I’ve found a grand total of one iron this entire map so far so if I was a map Creator and I was going to be storing ore somewhere I do think it would be in the mines plus I

Think we’re you know legally obligated to spend some time in the mines the game is called Minecraft so we’ll be good citizens and head down there in just one second I do see some more Coal also I’m really dumb I just realized that this whole time it’s been way too easy uh

Taking out these zombies so I looked to check and yeah I was set to normal mode this whole time normally I’m on Hardcore so it just defaults to hard this time time I had to do it manually don’t know how much of a difference that’ll make

But I did just change from normal to hard honestly not too much different on the damage but who knows could make a difference also starting to see more that spawn in with uh armor on so maybe that’s part of it oh yeah can’t rest there are monsters nearby there we go

Got enough time to rest you guys are cooked and we are good to go what do I hear man they like to spawn around here all right finally time to head into the mine right away I see gold I need iron you hear that mine not gold I like iron

Please oh that’s uranium not green dye interesting not sure I buy it whoa uh uh-oh Undead Miner who has awoken me this did say there might be many bosses in the game but that one just literally spawned and then burned to death so I don’t know if that was intended to

Be a mini boss or if I just got lucky I am not sure what happened there it did really scare me though because I was just walking down the mine and then lightning struck and he didn’t even drop me anything oh boy okay very glad the

Fire didn’t hit over there I also see a pressure plate I mean we gotta do it right it’s set up there for us no way I’m not pressing that first I’m grabbing you uh Place ignition lever here I don’t have an ignition lever are we just talking like actual real lever because I

Can make one of those and where would I be safe after I set this thing off ooh also I just removed some of these logs that I saw right here and I can see what is being hidden by that TNT and I don’t want it to all get

Blown up so let’s have a quick Gander before we do this nice and over here very very nice let’s see what we’ve got in the minor Journal looks like somebody got trapped in this little area oh and I just realized the app those aren’t emeralds that’s actually uranium so

That’s uranium or uh my mistake I thought you were emeralds that being said though I don’t think I want anything else in here so we are going to step around this way and I think we’re safe just running back there so I’m gonna put this right here and I don’t

See why this wouldn’t work so let’s just do one of those yep I heard something oh it didn’t make the noise turn around barely see it then it doesn’t make a noise I thought that was gonna do much more a whole lot of nothing now there was another mine shaft I believe so

Let’s go take a look at that maybe there’ll be another ghost Miner that actually sticks around for a minute and I’m just very popular aren’t I every time I’m up here you all spawn in asking for autographs enough is enough all right what do we got down here more

Uranium no thank you and what do we got here a lot of hard hats down here and I also so here lava we don’t really need that the other way which yeah I think it’s down here this actually splits off in a few different directions I am glad

We’re finally getting a bit of iron though and I believe this is the last little area what do you got for me oh how surprising uranium in a hard hat well oh okay I can’t hold the uranium I’m sorry that’s actually like poisonous uranium and I just oh no did you see

That I cannot believe that did you catch what happened first time since getting down here I thought I’d pick some of that up apparently you can’t actually pick it up unless you put on a hard hat I’m guessing I had that Fleur de more in

My off hand I was getting damaged so I tried to eat some of the steak that was in my hand while I was looking at this dirt with that flower in my off hand when I picked it up look what it became red tulip no second level of Hearts oh

No oh I I am I am so bummed out by that oh man okay we I’m I’m getting out of here I cannot believe that oh yeah that was totally it was intentional yeah it made things too easy I didn’t want a second row of Hearts it’s like you know

What just yeah two all the zombies coming at me it just it’s been way too easy I I wanted to get rid of that on purpose except I didn’t I’m so sad oh boy yep I feel pretty dumb now we have to go find some other magical item

That’s even better than that but what’s gonna be better than the thing the secret hidden magical thing that we found in the Attic of the biggest house on the map no idea oh I just did it again I can’t even step on that stuff okay maybe it’s because I took the gas

Mask off or something I just put it back on because that got me dangerously close to death from stepping on the emeralds oh note to self don’t touch anything green except for these because they will kill me I am having a very unfortunate run and by run I mean like the last two

Days since I left my base let’s see if we can get back I’m running a little bit low on food anyway and my pride has been absolutely shattered so I just need a quick break at the base no no you’re not invited none of you are invited also

There were never this many before definitely changed the uh mechanics changing it too hard whoa yeah yeah definitely different look at that okay I’ve been playing this game wrong the whole time you can tell what a difference it made now oh boy okay this definitely changes thing this is when I

Would need that flower and no longer have it oh oh man yep yep yep yep so that also must have been related to normal versus hard because now when I take off the gas mask I am getting damaged so just note note to any of you out there that does download this map

And happens to play it when you load it in it is survival mode and it is is on normal at least for me it was I’m quickly getting the impression that if you want it on you know true apocalypse experience you’re going to have to change difficulty to Hard Mode this

Might have been just 100 evident to everybody except for me I’m willing to accept that but thought I’d throw it out there anyway okay that said I need yeah let’s get this uh dagger on backup might as well just put the red tulip in there because now look I’m gonna need that and

Start smelting up the iron probably also makes sense to start carrying a few of those with us why am I thinking I needed iron for something maybe iron pickaxe yeah I think that was it okay so let’s do that get one of these and have you on standby for when the stone pickaxe

Breaks and now that we’re actually gonna get actual hordes of zombies I’m a bit more hesitant to go out there we can just pretend like the uh uranium affected them and that’s just the natural aggression they’re just becoming more aggressive but since I had the idea

To do kind of a sky Bridge thinking it might be a good idea to do something here and then across to that one maybe and this looks easy enough I might start by going over there and then building it up from that side so it actually hits

The the area War hanging out in instead of down a few floors okay so now we’re over here actually I’ll build a second one that way we do have access to either layer and it looks about right to me okay there we go so that is one bit of

Access to another roof if we need it and this one should be able to connect right over there definitely running out of wood so I will just you know get us started and we can come back and there we go pretty close actually I don’t know

If we’ve explored that one I kind of don’t think so so once we finish this we can explore around that see if there’s anything else really wouldn’t mind more I don’t know Enchanted armor enchanted weapons I think that would be nice so maybe we’ll find something over there

Yep this isn’t going to bug me at all I love walking over uh platforms that are incredibly thin and I could just plummet over at any moment or anybody that might have been yelling it at their screen I did finally move on to slabs so that we

Can get a bit more out of these platforms that I’m building and we now have our opening to the new area so we’ve got that surprisingly I’m not going to explore this whole building that we just uh recently breached but believe me there’s a good reason for it

And that’s because I’ve had an idea I know it worries me too the idea came to me because I was thinking about the fact that we were considering a water elevator up by the uh the Farms that we had up there and it made me think what

If we made the elevator but did something a little extra on top of that because let’s be honest with everything that’s been going on morale has been a little bit low in the legion and I think we need a win in order to increase morale too many imparators have fallen

Nope that’s not what I wanted yeah there we go two two oh why can’t I do this maybe that there we go as I was saying too many imperators have fallen due to low morale and the V Legion will not succumb to that so now that we

Discovered that the horde is uh kicked into overdrive I guess you could say we need to issue a challenge but ensure our Victory if that makes sense and I do have a plan for this we now officially have a water elevator up to the base and

We also know that there will be a proper horde down here come Nightfall so we are going to build a slaying platform to rack up our counter that you see on the right side of the screen and show the zombies who truly rules the problem is the design because I want to make

Something that I can stay in that keeps zombies away but also allows me to escape if I need to which is why it’s in the middle of the water elevator but also if I’m gonna cover it up on the top I need to make sure it’s something that

Zombies can’t spawn on top of So You see I’ve got a lot of considerations in place here and actually I made fences and I brought them I’m not sure that I’m going to need them we will light it up on the top because that’s what worried

Me is that they could spawn on top and somehow find their way down through the water to get in here with me but that might not be an issue I don’t know I mean this looks pretty good to me although I guess we can make an entrance

From down here in case we need it and then we’ll try to build the floor up a little bit because I don’t want them to be too low so we can’t hit them so looking at this I mean do you see any weaknesses anywhere the zombies can get

Past our defenses because that’ll be kind of important to know now rather than when we test it out I’m sure something’s going to pop up but I think that looks good to me what is is that a b why is there a b here what are you

Doing here little guy I don’t know that there’s anything I can do about that I did not see beehives I’m like 90 sure unless that I plant a tree over here next to a flower that could have done it I mean I did but did something spawn in

Okay that might be something to investigate at some point I’m intrigued by that but I don’t want to get distracted from what we’re trying to do here the whole point of this is see what the zombie spawns look like and be ready for a quick Escape if I need one it is

Turning tonight but I guess just to be safe we can I made the fences anyway we may as well just put them up here okay there we go feel a little bit better now all that’s left is to show these zombies who really rules in this province and no

I’m I’m not worried I think we’re going to be perfectly fine okay it is absolutely starting and that happened very quickly didn’t think about the baby zombies but luckily it seems like they’re stuck outside too whoa where am I getting hit from okay so they can reach through apparently man this is

Madness oh baby zombies can get through okay that’s a problem oh look at all of them yep we need to find a way to stop the baby zombies from getting in yeah this is bad I haven’t even seen one yet like how they’re getting in okay how are

You getting in baby zombies where are you coming from oh I don’t like this I don’t like this this is insane look at how many there are and they keep getting through that is driving me crazy okay tomorrow we need to figure out the baby zombie fish uh situation oh there’s one

On a chicken great we are definitely racking up the counter so that part is a success I don’t think there’s ever going to be an end to this though like I could just do this all night and they’re just gonna keep coming because this is insane

And that is the end of my sword didn’t try his ziki is dagger let’s give that a shot I don’t want to break it though no that’s that’s going way too fast oh hey chicken you can hang out the rest of you uh can’t service you tonight I’m afraid

We’re gonna have to try this again at a later date especially when I figure out the whole baby goober thing so it’s been fun but I’m gonna just let you all do your thing down there I’m going to bed I would say that was mildly successful

Definitely kept us safe from all of that which yes it’s a plus oh hello B here to say goodnight I appreciate it wish there was a way to I don’t know do something with this but I haven’t seen any hives or any reason why this bee would be here

Overall I’d say that could have been better could have been worse because we did survive we took out a ton of them but the baby zombies were able to breach artifices so that’s something I need to look at and I do have an idea I have an

Idea for that first up I did notice that this is doing quite well and I can’t really stop myself what can I say I’m a I’m a farmer at heart oh there we go finish the potatoes and I think it’s probably the beetroot that’s going the slowest but we’re nearly there anyway

Though yeah my idea if we were to head down there oh that still worries me okay well I guess first collect all of this geez not overly interested in over a stack of rotten flesh but it’s here anyway though I’m going to need some wood I’m also seeing that our experiment

Did quite well that whole thing grew nice look at that all right that is worth duplicating and can we do it again because I think that’s the way I’d prefer rather than do going Tree by tree there we go okay there we go cleared all

This out I think we should be good to do a few more of those there we go Okay so we’ve got some of the mega monster oak trees all prepped and if we get back into safety what I’d like to do is make some trap doors and see if that solves

The problem because even though I was looking for it I didn’t see any of those baby zombies I didn’t see where they were getting in but well I guess I also don’t know exactly how tall they are but I’m wondering if we were just to put

Trap doors all the way around here if that would stop them from reaching the barricade it’s a very Les Miserables Vibe I also wonder if this is a problem but I don’t know if that’s one I can do anything about I put a trapdoor on top

Of it maybe no I well I could do that while I’m fighting I could just leave that down that probably actually eh no I think that’s better I think we’ll be in a better spot doing it that way just to double check yeah this is covered they

Can’t come in underneath try to sneak up through this way so that’s not it it must uh the only way is coming in through one of these slots so they have a bit less room now I think that should solve the problem at least I hope so so

Let’s drop off the inventory and then I want to give it one more shot tonight oh I also now that we’re here I meant to test this because we found these in the mines where there was all that uranium and it says your hands feel tingly when

You touch it I don’t know if that means it’s gonna be kind of the same as wearing a gas mask or the opposite that it’s actually going to be worse but I do want to try it out so nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope does

Not help oh boy yeah okay so that’s of no use to me all right let’s head down for round two And So It Begins and we’ll know this worked if no baby zombies are able to get in and so far so good the spawn rate on these dudes is just

Incredible and I didn’t see a ton of spawners around here so I’d be interested to know what the map creators did to allow this I’d guess something like disallowing any other spawns and increasing the tick speed in between any spawns maybe increasing the spawn cap I

Don’t know oh okay can’t stand too close I say that and then I stand too close again yep I’m feeling a bit better about this now I think Rome is earning back its Pride oh what’s that the Barbarian horde surrender yes I’d be happy to bring you back to Rome for my Triumph

Just looking around it does seem I hear baby zombies I’ve heard them and they’re not getting yeah there you are not getting in this time so I’m calling that a success and there goes one sword no no no it’s not cheating using your brain to take on your enemies is entirely valid I

Do think it’s just about time to stop though yeah uh I don’t know if they the spawn rate increases the longer you stay outside or something but it does seem like it’s getting a bit faster and they are able to hit me through the walls and

Do a ton of damage so another good Skirmish I enjoyed it I’ll leave you boys till tomorrow oh cake thank you let’s be honest I’m eating this whole thing in one sitting maybe it is a good thing that we started those Farms because I’m almost out of food aside

From the caramel apples actually I might entirely be out yeah so I think it might be baked potato time or I guess technically we could do bread as well oh man this bee loves me I mean you you continue to hang out because this makes me feel like I’m not the only alive

Thing left in the world so I’d love it if you just hung around yeah that’s right I made the garden just for you what a good guy I would like the potatoes to grow a bit faster though because I’d like to go back out keep doing more exploring I just don’t

Necessarily want want to go out without any food because I think at this point we’ve gone in that direction and also in that direction we haven’t explored this building and we haven’t gone over that way so still more to check out yeah I just I need some more food before we can

And I guess technically so now we’ve got eight baked potatoes I can maybe do six caramel apples we got 52 carrots and I can manage five bread that’s actually pretty decent we might be okay and actually if we take the uh the little bridges that we made we can explore this

Other Tower or whatever you want to call it over here that way we’re still staying close but checking out something we haven’t seen yet so I think that would be a good idea I have a bad feeling though that this is just gonna be kind of like another one of the ones

We saw across the way yeah like an abandoned Elevator Shaft and potentially chests that have kind of just a bunch of nothing in them but you never know we’ll check it out do our due diligence then move on also is it a bit strange that apparently most of these they don’t have

Um they don’t have stairs down or up to different levels there’s only that abandoned Elevator Shaft and one would think that’s against some kind of code like you’ve got to have stairs yeah we’re just I think we’re gonna probably find ourselves making our own staircases

Anytime we need it oh a rabbit’s foot is that anything can I do anything with that are they stackable they’re stackable I will take it if it’s stackable kind of thinking two floors will be my limit because I don’t want to go through like seven again just to find

Out that all of them have pretty much the same thing in them ooh I just realized we’re not doing great on this chest plate we might want to keep an eye out for something new and I’m kind of thinking there’s not going to be much of

That in this building because I I really have sentencing anything armor adjacent so maybe it’s a decent idea to pick up the pace and get to the bottom floor so we can look around a little bit I don’t know wider birth a little bit outside of

This area yeah let’s see is there Vines yeah I think it might be time to move on in which direction no idea I think we said it was often this way that we haven’t been yet and I see lights so that seems like something we should

Check out hello oh yep found you oh that’s uh oh there’s more of you never mind I was trying to look at the newscasters yeah there’s another one not quick enough definitely more spawners in here that I’m not seeing and if you want to drop your uh chest plate that’d be

Awesome yeah not seeing much there might be something up at the second level but not overly interested I want to go to the bright and shiny place over here and I’m not a huge fan of using doors so we’re just gonna go in right like that nice and easy

Kind of swanky too I like this hotel room stairs so this is a hotel I mean maybe some of the guests left some things behind for us who knows I’m liking this I’m not liking that however okay let’s try some other rooms nope nothing nothing and nothing didn’t look

At how tall the building is but I’d have to imagine that probably the upper floors is where we’re going to want to be plus I hate these buttons this is really annoying to get in and out of rooms and hit the button and Rush yep

See like that come on go in oh all right another whole lot of nothing let’s go to the top floor up around around don’t get dizzy is that it or does it ah it goes up one more anything better on this floor everything is so shiny how could

There not be good stuff in these chests had such high expectations hey we can see home from here and what a beautiful home it is eh but this was a whole lot of nothing unfortunately but while we’re up here where are we okay so we can see

That massive Crater from here my might be a good idea to check that out I think if we head that direction and see because I remember there were tunnels coming out of it uh near the the center so if we were to go into there it might

There might be some good loot I really I just I need some better armor and I wouldn’t turn down something better than a gold sword that might be decent however I don’t want to go down to the ground and keep moving with the sun going down so fortunately for us this is

A hotel there’s a open-air bed and a beautiful room for us right here so we’ll sleep through the night and then we’ll head out tomorrow all right I’m not seeing vines on this building so maybe we try should just be able to wait for that to get to the ground which it

Has and can we pick you up and then just ride it down we sure can we oh man oh hello Pig how did you get here and why are you here yeah I know I’m holding a carrot I shouldn’t be doing that you just keep doing what you’re

Doing I’m gonna go this way yeah I think it would be too much trouble to try to get that pig anywhere near our base okay so stuff like that is what I’m talking about looks like it might almost be like a train station or something that looks

A little bit different and I also see a chest there and there so let’s start with that um okay there’s the chest and there actually is water here already which we can try to take down there we are what do we got here oh decent amount of chest

Actually nice we asked for some armor and we got it and yeah I don’t want this to break in the middle of something so on with the lab coat kind of a creepy vibe in here bunch of lab coats and black market yeah I like this one somebody’s stealing from the storage

Room apparently they’re selling something for 130k but I like the last sentence you’re writing in your diary and you go I’m so smart yeah good for you that’s what everybody does it’s just comments on how smart they are ooh security access key card we will take that and the kitchen is authorized staff

Only does that mean I can use a key card on it no does it mean I can break this glass and just go in anyway yes uh not really interested in what they have on offer for lunch so let’s keep moving and these have nothing either just some

Books ooh another elevator but it’s offline and lab access not sure how this key card is supposed to work but I tried oh here we go scan card below so if I do this uh that why is this not like the right level of uh security I’m not

Getting this what am I doing wrong once again I tried and I’m confused by most of this it said something about a living oh locked chest and did that work did my key card work no something weird is going on here engage object one eight

Two eight one I am a bit worried about this but I’m doing it anyway uh uh nothing oh that key card did work on the uh on the thing and also there’s a level two access card and this is a okay it’s the same number hold on I’m guessing

That’s what this is too do I do I have to put something here or no I’m I’m not getting it all right very interesting but now we do have a level two access card does that mean this works now no still nothing oh level four staff that

Might be why piece of iron I will take that I’m worried about all this like sciency stuff is it gonna hurt me if I pick something up so that’s just some random potion do you have some books explaining it though okay that is incredibly helpful don’t ask questions

Got it this drink will kill if ingested and has Trace Amounts of radiation okay perfect so I don’t really want it then yep thanks no thanks level five staff level one staff okay does that mean this will work oh come on I thought it was if

I had a higher number is level two two literally only good for level two and no other ones that’s frustrating I was hoping to be able to think I was cool using a key card nothing in this one however what do we have here it’s all just potions with numbers which isn’t

Super helpful explosive Hazard uh is this gonna explode if I open it up I really hope not helium three okay we’re not touching it I don’t need to blow up see what this stuff does though this is another one I think I don’t want to try increases strength and resistance

To viruses however you may suffer from such side effects as temporary blindness Insanity death and hunger yeah no thank you starting to think this isn’t a very nice place oh boy uh uh can I call an elevator don’t think so um maybe we make a few ladders and see

If we can just fill in the spot that was missing down there okay so can well first just in case gonna have the water bucket see if we can work our way down and fill in the spots that are missing just so we’re sure we’re not getting

Stuck down there oh there’s level two staff as well I wonder if we can get that one to work quick side project level two access card hey it actually works so you need a card that is actually specific to the number that you see on the door yes it makes sense still

Kind of frustrating oh I see something that interests me in there interesting stuff in here too it’s just I don’t know why I’d need instant Health arrows shoot myself in the foot however ooh level six access card and whatever that is plasma gun multi-shot Quick Charge two that I

Think is much better actually love that I mean I already had one I kind of prefer a better sword but I will take it oh another one but that one isn’t Enchanted I don’t think and regular bows a lot of these plasma rifles okay ooh I don’t like the look of the

Decontamination room nope we’re gonna bypass override airlock that opened the door no I don’t know how half this stuff works is this like a cave-in or would there be anything interesting behind there ooh maybe oh okay we’re back towards the uh the big old hole classified storage um honestly nothing that great actually

I kind of forgot we uh we had that uh elevator down I don’t really want to go too far from whoa okay something activated when I did that and I don’t like it you see that it’s doing something and I don’t see anything else in the immediate area that freaks me out

We’re not messing with it oh poop what’s that noise hmm another laser gun that I’m not seeing anywhere oh is that what this is supposed to be the laser gun okay well I don’t think we’re gonna be able to take that one with us what’s going on here it

Says level four plus this is a level six access card unbelievable whoa I’m getting strong mini boss vibes from this because it says don’t turn power on in control room do not use pod or else and I’m guessing if we were to do that yeah power’s off and even if I

Were to turn it on ooh weird honestly do not think I’d be able to figure this out anyway which is probably a good thing because I’m sure something would spawn in that would just destroy me oh oh oh okay so maybe I can figure it out pod is

Activated and ready for use but how am I supposed to use it oh like step on it that seems like an absolutely terrible idea doesn’t it I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know didn’t even think I turned a power on anywhere so maybe I

Did I mean I was in a control room because my guess is I’m gonna be teleported somewhere because I think it said that somewhere teleporter yeah teleportation pod and if I’m teleported somewhere gonna be an or else maybe we’re overthinking it let’s uh got the golden apples yeah let’s okay wish me

Luck we’re gonna do it don’t hurt me oh oh no oh no oh no the oh uh okay where are we it didn’t spawn me into a room with a like mini boss which is what I was worried about I’m also worried about this electrical wall off on

Whoa cool we are gonna leave that off though that is very cool and we need to try to find out where we are now a bunch of little Close Quarters rooms you know there’s just like rooms behind these banners for whatever reason but so far no goodies let’s head upstairs and see

What else is up here it’s kind of just mainly like living areas oh no way is that a beehive awesome if we go back we can uh yeah try to get that bee how fortunate did find the storage Supply it’s just a lot of nothing in all of this ooh what oh

Thought that was uh an enemy or something are these the uh I don’t think I actually need these access cards yeah hazmat suits seems like it couldn’t hurt there we go now we’re looking properly post-apocalyptic oh oh no the doctor doesn’t want to leave I’m gonna need you to stay back doctor

Whoa he set me on fire oh boy that okay wasn’t expecting that now does he drop me anything good black shoes lab coat no the answer is no I’m also seeing this guys don’t flick the lever but there’s a chest beneath it so I think we should flick the lever ooh

Yeah uh don’t think I really am interested in that all these side effects ones that’s that’s the uh the kicker oh okay this is where I saw the doctor and now I’m just freaking out okay so this seems like it was indeed a cheery Place alrighty it’s also making

Me think it’s gonna be a bit difficult to get out of here oh wait a minute at some point wasn’t I talking about Soul Sand or Soul soil well look what I found there we go so now we got some Soul Sand along with a Wither Rose not sure if

We’ll need that oh that looks uh cheery ooh look what I see down there now is something gonna spawn in and attack me if I try to take these diamonds that’s the important question only one way to find out so far so good and there we go

Not too shabby five diamonds I am thinking if I take that pickaxe that’s probably when we’re gonna get attacked once again only one way to find out s creeping like scraping scrap everything without damaging anything so silk touch is that what they’re saying I don’t know what I am thinking

Is that we might actually need to uh use that teleporter again to get out of here turn on pod this is I’m just afraid turning on anything is going to get me attacked at this point okay it’s activated does that mean this is my way out because I think I explored

Everything at this point what does it matter okay where am I where am I yeah I’m back look at that don’t like that effect but cool teleport it in teleport it out but where were we and how do we get out whoa what was that that freaked

Me out I just heard like a ding huh what keeps happening hearing eerie music and something is happening when I go over there I’m not crazy I keep hearing something you hear that something every time I’m over here I I can’t figure out what that is is it just

Uh supposed to freak me out so that I don’t go over here because I’m not seeing anything necessarily so maybe I don’t need to go over there okay just a quick look behind here oh I hate that noise okay okay I’m sorry that is enough

To get me to leave and I do think I’ve had enough of the labs for one day or like three four days I don’t even know how long we’ve been down here whoa yep yep we’re getting out oh boy it is good to see fresh air well not really fresh

Air but I do want to take a quick trip back home oh so we can drop off the inventory a bit and hopefully this is the same way that we got in but I do not remember okay where am I I think queer over in this direction maybe yeah that

That looks familiar I think we want to go this way yep look at that there’s home well aren’t you a beautiful sight ooh not those though why are you even here we’re gonna cover you right up like that there we go spawning in a bunch of goobers down there apparently that’s the

Only thing that fits but I am glad to be back if nothing else is an opportunity to clear out the inventory which I do think we’re gonna need to expand the space a little bit new problem okay feeling a bit better about that yeah I think it’s time for a quick breather

Just figuring out next steps because I almost want to see if we can get somewhere outside of the city it’s been doing plenty of exploring within kind of want to see what’s outside of the the city limits I think it’s about time we got out of the big city for a while I

Think everybody can benefit from that a little trip to the countryside and looking at it I didn’t think about this till I got down here I can still hear those goobers down here anyway though didn’t think about it I don’t really want to keep running over all of that

Because it makes it really difficult so what I was thinking first can we get rid of you yeah got a couple of them whatever yeah what I was thinking didn’t want to run over all of that it’s just kind of a pain so what if we took the uh

Oh there you are man I just keep getting distracted I remember we saw that b they must have come from here we did accidentally grow uh one next to a flower at least I thought we did where’s the flower maybe that counts I don’t know but awesome yeah that’s where our

Bees were coming from okay that does make sense now anyway yeah I’m thinking it would be easier if we were to make a boat and try traveling on the water instead of over the land don’t know if that’s safe or if it’s more dangerous no

Idea I just think it’s going to be a lot faster so let’s see what we can find going by water oh okay I have not seen that yet and is there a beacon up there or what’s that about well like in this we’re gonna have to check out this area

Whoa no way there’s a volcano okay this is awesome we we definitely need to do some exploring over here hey they’ve even got other boats over here for uh I’m guessing the Lighthouse Keeper ooh creepy music coming out of there not a huge fan of that whoa oh of course

They’re all gonna have cobwebs book and quill take the charcoal but all these chests here and get me excited and then there’s just a whole lot of nothing in them I think we’re up by the top and here’s a chest with a key we’ll bring this one I’m wondering if that will come

In handy because they haven’t so far are you a locked chest no you’re not you’re a bunch of redstone and I don’t know why kind of cramped up here oh is that a chest I see hiding behind cobwebs certainly is and it’s just books wonderful oh that’s sad somebody inherited this Lighthouse apparently

Hopefully that worked out well for him I think I see another chest back there and another key okay lots of keys in this place but does it do anything okay now we’re up at the top what are you um seagull egg okay interesting just what I’ve always wanted and what do you

Do nothing apparently whoa now if I had to guess I’d say this Beacon is powered by Emerald Power question is is it worth taking all of that because I could take all of this grab the beacon move that over by my base just don’t know if

That’s worth it ooh there’s a there’s a house at the top of the volcano gotta check that out I mean I know where this is if I want to I can come back and we can move that if we need to right now doesn’t seem super worth it more

Interested in why I haven’t needed either one of those keys wait have we seen this one yet yeah that’s the one with the Redstone does it help putting the Redstone okay lighten that up that’s something and then what if I do that now anything no do I need to put a bunch of

Redstone own around the lever no okay no idea I feel like there’s a puzzle here that I’m just not getting but it is what it is whoa okay that was uh very graceful it’s gonna take more than a fall to get rid of this legionary and unfortunately I I don’t think we’re

Gonna be using those keys so I think we just put them down here in the chest on the bottom floor and they’ll be there if we need them oh wow those things in the corner were blocks of coal I will take that and I don’t think we went

Outhouse oh wonderful does that lead down to something this is kind of gross but I think we have to go down there hold your breath yeah there’s a chest down here oh man oh they got me oh gross oh hey Katara I don’t have any bones oh you just got

Your little water in here I want you to be safe I want to make sure you know we’re not dragging you out there with a bunch of zombies so I’m leaving you here for now maybe we’ll come back but I yeah I even if I had bones I don’t know that

I’d want to tame you and bring you with because the zombie hordes don’t care if it’s a legionary or a dog within the darkness is your greatest hope there’s definitely a puzzle here that I’m not getting might be like turn off the lighthouse or turn off all the lights in

There there’s something I I’ll come back for it I don’t feel like trying to figure figure it out right now it’s mainly because I’m distracted by that volcano I want to I want to see what that’s all about and we may as well stop here on the way I’m not seeing much here

Yeah this might be where the Lighthouse Keeper family stays I having a hard time telling but no loot same thing in this other house just kind of random rooms random chests nothing too exciting now where did I park my boat there you are all right finally time to head over

There come to think of it I should have brought another bucket again I keep forgetting to have one to grab lava just if I need it for something and we’ll try to remember that’s where we left the boat not the end of the world if not could always make another one so this

Appears to be the highway car with a chest with nothing in it beautiful and I want to know what that is that is very interesting to me ooh don’t fall and I think we could probably scale right here right yeah should be doable and up we go

We’re getting there oh boy okay didn’t work out well for that house and it might not work out well for us if we are not careful so we’re not gonna disturb the lava or anything we’re just gonna build our way around it and keep moving I think we’re there yep we’re there wow

This is a very cheery place with nice little lava pit Falls all over the place it’s not that I don’t want to be here at night but I don’t want to be here at night much better okay so I think yeah this was the one oh very nice Diamond Helmet now the only

Problem with that is that for the most part I need to wear this gas mask so I would have preferred no way just when I talk about bringing a bucket to get some lava uh wow so we got a psycho up here that knows the city’s on a volcano and wants

To set it off that’s wonderful and I can kind of see how they did it I’ll take a lead why not oh boy so this was intentional talk about bad luck you got somebody trying to set off an active volcano you got secret Labs that are

Trying to bring people back to life that ends up making zombie hordes this city has had some bad luck that being said are there any other goods for us ooh I just noticed gold up there hello I don’t know that we’ve actually grabbed any of these yet because we didn’t see them

When we had the iron pick on us maybe we did I don’t know but we should be all right on gold for now ooh I see you thank you and what are you oh turtle egg nice ooh and an Unbreaking three book we’ll take that I don’t know if I’m ever

Gonna get around to enchanting anything maybe we’ll see how many diamonds we have at this point and I could always make a diamond sword or maybe a piece of armor that we can enchant wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world tree oven and thin it oh tree of infinite

Probability may you protect I don’t know that it did a great job protecting I mean it protected itself so maybe that’s what it’s here for also don’t know if it does anything well I kind of thought there would be more up here but it was

Just some psycho who wanted to set off a volcano outskirts have we been to the outskirts yet one way to find out hmm a saddle I don’t know if we would have a reason I can’t yeah I can’t think of a reason we’d need a saddle this seems to

Go on for a while which I’m surprised by didn’t expect too many forests warning volcanic activity you don’t say thanks for the heads up I appreciate it all right we’re starting to run back into some structures I think this was actually the way we were supposed to go

Up to the volcano because I keep passing signs facing the other direction warning me that it’s a volcano so we kind of just took the express route up alrighty so we are coming back to civilization over over here oh interesting tank operators dagger swings fast low damage

Attack three and stone swords are five so yeah that is pretty low damage yeah I kind of want to try it though we’ll keep those two on back up just in case oh city of the Gods so have I not been over here yet then I thought we kind of just

Circled back around but apparently not completely different city that’s interesting oh oh hey kitty cats and your one parrot friend oh kittens for sale look I don’t think I can take you with me but you also don’t need to stay cooped up in there so be free whoa okay

Yeah go for it geez lots of buckets just laying around here and I don’t know why also don’t really need them let’s see what do we got here Communications Tower and I’m guessing Olympus Police Department solar powered they’re just kind of broadcasting that to the public

Out in the front here don’t go to the amusement park okay I mean I probably still will at some point I’m starting to hear a lot of zombies though I think I saw health bars under here they must be in the basement at least I hope they’re just in the basement Armory sounds

Important uh nope not really not helpful also it kind of seems like we’re out of uh if we’re out of that one city which I didn’t even think to look at the name of then the radiation seems to be a bit better so I’m almost thinking we can

Take off the gas mask if we need to I don’t trust these Keys anymore I keep seeing those I don’t think they do anything or if they do I just can’t figure it out and what do we have here A whole lot of nothing let’s see I

Remember it said somewhere don’t go to the amusement park do you see an amusement park anywhere because I do oh wait a minute I think I see the edge of a ferris wheel off in that direction so I know where we’re going oh yikes this looks like a teenager’s room that’s

Going through one of those phases you know fire protection shirts yeah no thanks yep don’t want to know don’t want to know what this building is about I should have paid attention before I got down here I think I was looking at this direction when I saw the amusement park

Uh no I was wrong okay now I’m not seeing it anywhere oh but I just passed this and it looks like a laboratory that’s private stay away blah blah blah to me that says there might be some good stuff in there hope you don’t mind promise I have a visitor’s uh permit not

To mention I’m guessing we’ll be able to see the uh amusement park from up there they’ve got it closed off pretty good though so I think we have to mine our way in whoops and we mined right into the aquarium ooh what is going on here

Um I could take the vine up there but I don’t like my chances oh okay finally got an ax at least it’s not a stone ax that’s something also I’m not seeing another way up so or wait a minute oh okay stairs that is ideal oh okay never

Mind above floors elevator access only so we may have to do something about this and I have an idea and now it’s not not just to bounce around on the Slime though I will admit it’s fun I see that this one looks like it goes just about

Up to the top I also see there’s a bunch of ladders I probably could have made more and just completed that but what if instead we made our own water elevator that seems pretty fun to me uh can I reach I can reach there well let’s do

This water elevator here and take you put it there and there you go we just leave that right there I’m so smart and that’s where we cut to me doing something really dumb no no I’m sure we can figure this out just don’t fall down there because that would be done

Especially since I don’t have my water uh president and Lead project specialist I have a feeling this is where the good stuff would be hello good stuff the life tree or in here okay except they are actually golden apples they’re not caramel apples so they’re not gonna

Stack so can we climb up here without damaging the so-called life tree maybe not there we go why why is this a life tree and what are you another key that’s driving me nuts okay I mean we know it’s there if we find something that’s locked

They can come back for it but hmm don’t mind me who boy okay now there are three what is basically obsidian here and I’d need four to complete this portal but could make a diamond pickaxe I wonder if that would do anything prototype 22527 stand here I don’t know that I

Want to but I’m also not really seeing anything else I mean it’s probably not going to do anything right if we just stand here there’s a button oh oh boy I mean we survived it last time right and I have a feeling it’s more complex than

That so we’ll press it I don’t think it’s gonna do anything don’t hurt me okay uh uh uh where are we I have literally no idea if that just Zapped us back to the original City if we’re still near the area we were just in this all looks new

To me and that looks incredibly ominous I don’t know I’m just going with it I have no idea what just happened there we didn’t get to loot anything in that building but I am not sure where we we ended up ooh uh speaking of ominous the

Big old slime in a box over there yeah this is the building we we teleported to the top of uh of this building and I don’t know if there was a point to that or what is this what is that oh uh let us in don’t know about that yep

Don’t know about you don’t know about any of this kind of not seeing anything that I’m interested in so we might head back up and see what that Tower was all about this says stay away from ancient machine and I hear something out here uh danger button do not press That’s

Creeping me out oh we found another one of those uh the one that gave us strength three may as well take it with us I don’t know if I doubt it would double the effect this must be the machine I don’t know what’s going on but I’ve just basically been pressing any

Random buttons I come across so I think we’ve got to do it again whoa oh no oh no oh no oh boy I don’t like that I don’t like that at all uh uh yep this is why I didn’t want to play on Hardcore killed by a button now this uh

This is a problem don’t know where I am and I lost all of that loot that we just grabbed don’t have my gas mask and I don’t know where that base was compared to where we are anyway okay let’s see if we can figure out where we are and then

Figure out how to uh get back to where we died to see if we can pick any of that stuff up I think we’re back in that starter basically the spawn area where we spawned into the world which fortunately is not crazy far from the uh

The base area so luckily we found a bad beef or uh Knight fully fell and I’m basically just gonna make a run for it I’m gonna see if we can get back to uh the base before uh the next night yeah there’s the bridge if I remember

Correctly we actually left a few gas masks uh where we found them which was good forethought hey friend I will take all of those please well apparently I can’t take those but I got some gear now where were the gas gas masks I could have swore that somewhere there was gas masks Yep there was but it’s too far oh there we go okay I found it but for whatever reason it was so far out that I had to uh had to start taking damage just to grab it and we are very close to death but we are also very close to quote

Unquote home so let’s head in here gear up and then see if we can get out there and figure out where we were retrieve all that stuff we lost oh I just realized too we lost the uh the effects of that serum but we had also just found

Another one so that’s kind of Lucky unlucky okay uh what do we got so extra ranged weapon extra pickaxe I brought the majority of the food with me and now that I’m thinking about it uh didn’t make a lot of sense to make our base where there is radiation really should

Have made it somewhere else but I didn’t know so I say we heal up and then on the way I’m probably just gonna make more stone tools and we’ll see if we can find where all that stuff dropped actually I’ll take any carrots that are fully

Grown every bit helps see we did end up using the farm okay so I guess why did I come back down here we’re gonna head out and Yeah do our best to see if we can find out where we were okay it’s been a bit we’re back at uh Futura uter Futura

Laboratories and as I was approaching I noticed something do you see that building that was behind the tower and in the tower we got basically teleported somewhere I think we were literally just teleported onto the building behind the tower which means if we were up there

All I did was enter the building and went out the back or something so if I go around here I think this is the area that we were in so all we need to do is find that accursed button and hope that our stuff is still there oh yep I hear

The noise so note to self do not press buttons but I see stuff yes look at that beautiful stuff oh boy okay so just gotta make sure we got everything we want and I think that was the majority of it actually we can get rid of this stuff now and that noise is

Driving me crazy but I guess one more time if you’re watching and you play this map and you find yourself here this is actually a real one do not press that button oh boy okay I want to get far away actually I was gonna say far away

From here but I remember we saw that Tower there it is yeah so I actually want to check that out we kinda have literally zero inventory space but it was a long way to get here yeah I think it’s worth checking it out alrighty so I’m thinking we take the express route

Through here and I don’t know that I did I try this yet I’m not sure I don’t see any of the radiation falling around here I want to see if I can take this off and survive it does look like I can so some areas the map fine if there’s no uh

Let’s call it the snow falling it appears like we’re fine but anywhere that there is we’re gonna need to wear that and for now we’ll just keep it on because I don’t want to accidentally walk into an area and get caught off guard does look like we’re heading in

The right direction all right now do I need to be freaked out is it safe here nobody knows but we’ll find out shortly I am hearing zombies already however so that’s one question answered and it looks like it’s two there’s a house there’s a little Tower let’s check this

Out first uh an empty house oh okay no this uh yeah that goes on um okay let’s actually check this then I don’t like the idea of going right underground so let’s start here and see where those zombie noises are coming from Hello zombies okay so under the floorboards yeah definitely some

Activity down there but what is this oh nothing wonderful now I could probably just stand here all day doing this and while that has you know that’s kind of fun on its own I don’t think it’s uh oh am I I think I’ve got is this uh no I

Think was that this is the one with Multi Shot hold on I felt like it was doing multi-shot let’s try this one I mean it’s doing some damage both of them were really really not bad when you are doing a fish in a barrel type thing it’s

When they’re all around you and you’re trying to push them back that’s when this isn’t super helpful but I’m wondering if there’s anything down there that we need because up here nothing really I’m also not really seeing the spawner from here and I don’t know that anything like this would even help there

We go got at least one torch down there let’s see if that slows it down and can you hold on to this for me please thank you guessing they don’t know how to use Ladders because I have a feeling they probably would have used this by now well hey there haven’t figured out

Ladders yet you’ll get there don’t worry okay I think that might have done the trick although I’m still hearing a bunch ooh something happening over there yeah I think those were outside I just slept and now I’m here bringing quite a bit of burning don’t do that to me okay yeah so

They were outside yeah there you are you just gonna stand there and burn huh and that’s your right okay but now it’s lit up down here still not a whole lot going on I don’t think there’s much here I’m guessing we are gonna have to go to that

Other place down the the spooky stairs oh hey there all right so I guess yeah spooky stairs it is although I notice I don’t have any torches so maybe that’s not a bad idea just do one of those there we go oh that’s uh that’s not ominous at all already don’t like

This actually you know what I also forgot we had that second compound 1454 I really liked having that strength boost this is the last one though once I use this no more so definitely no more pressing random buttons that are gonna shred us from reality or whatever

Happened but I think it is worth taking this and keeping us safe hopefully for the rest of the video so we got the strength three back this time gotta keep it oh boy I really I I probably shouldn’t have uh had that right before I’m just checking this out because

Man moving very slowly and it ends something tells me that’s a door what do you think buddy can you help me out here oh that’s uh whoa the evil forgotten by time I didn’t even do anything oh ruins buff custom crafting what this is like a okay this

Is like I’m stammering let’s let’s read the book I don’t know what’s going on I’m stepping back used up the last of my resources to craft this book in chess turn back the runes will engulf you and the people of the castle have turned into Savage monsters I mean I don’t love

The sound of that crown of Envy is what was sitting right next to this guy ooh that’s kind of cool but I mean we might be able to one hit a lot of people with this Crown but maximum health decreased I don’t know about that you know it

Would have been great is using this crown with that flower that we completely botched and can’t use anymore so unfortunately I think we’re gonna just hang on to that for now and I mean it looks like I could just run away if this turns out to be a bad idea I’m not

Gonna step on any of the pressure plates uh I guess we can replace that easy mode normal mode hard mode keep in inventory while in Ruins start ruin so this is like a an actual dungeon I’m very confused I wonder if we can set a respawn point over here and then try to

Figure this out and then hopefully if things go wrong I’ll just respawn right where I was this one also confuses me keep inventory while in Ruins so does that mean I can leave it here somehow okay I open this back up it does make a little bit more sense and it’s also kind

Of strange apparently to start the ruins you need 300 zombie kills which is I have just over that I just got over 300. that’s what’ll open the ruined door and it’s just it’s almost like a maze apparently that changes every time but you can get some awesome treasure

Apparently I guess I’ve got the diamond helmet I can put that on I don’t know though are we ready for this is Rome ready for this we found it I kind of feel like I have to check it out and here’s the the buy ruin key for 300

Zombie kills kind of a bummer I’m guessing that’s going to bring our counter back down or we’re gonna be down to two I guess we could go back to the base we’re where we had that kind of grinder area yeah let’s give it a try if you’re having problems with the key try

Dropping it and trying again okay so we have a key let’s check one more time to make sure I’ve got the respawn Point here maybe I’ll sleep I think it’s almost night then we’ll we’ll give this a shot actually it’s probably a good idea to drop off some of this stuff if

There is loot in there I’d like to be able to bring it with me alrighty so I think that’s good let’s see what this is all about actually should I have checked out the uh ruin crafting recipes uh oh there it is ooh zombie sword so you can get specific zombie swords chest

Plates boots interesting and you can upgrade the crown of Envy wait did I have gold ingots on me oh wait I did does that mean we can do this now or do I have to be in the ruins because I think that would be cool if this turned

Into something that was a little bit more usable uh yeah it doesn’t work so I’m guessing we have to be actually in the ruins well let’s uh let’s bring it with we could try it when we get in there all right let’s just let’s go for

It watch me get all psyched up for it and then this doesn’t even do anything sure I’m guessing you just click the key to here uh no that did nothing and now it’s a tripwire look hold on oh I’m an absolute this says start ruin I’m guessing I was

Supposed to click it over here but now it’s not a key it’s a tripwire hook how many times am I going to do something like that uh okay um new plan citizen this is gonna be how we end the video we’re gonna head back to base I’m gonna upgrade that uh zombie

Grinder that we made and then we’re gonna get back up to 300 maybe 600 kills then before the end of the video we’ll come back here and we’ll give the ruins a try you gotta bear with me here I’m a bit of a slow learner apparently so we

Gotta take back all our stuff head back to base and then we’ll get this figured out now the ever important question how do we get home and before I forget we are gonna put that back on at least the tower makes this pretty easy to find and we know it’s behind that science

Building that we were in before so it’s back down the mountain and I think if we can find the water that’ll be the easiest way back I’m also thinking the Tarzan method might be a bit easier than walking on the ground yeah it’s a real thing the Tarzan method doesn’t need to

Be Vines I’m sure at some point there was some kind of just hopping across the top of the trees alrighty so we’re back here I can hear the Slime buddy we found in there and if I’m not mistaken I think all we need to do is head up to the

Front of the building and hang a left and then we should run back into the river and that’ll lead us back where we want to go yep so back into what was this Olympus City I have a feeling there’s probably a ton more to explore

Uh over in this direction as well I just don’t know that we’re gonna get to it because I do want to get back and yeah I could just hang around here wait for night attack all the zombies here build up that counter again but I had an idea

That I wanted to try and it’ll be easier back at the base we’ve already built would be nice if you can get some kind of vehicle in this world because it’s a it’s a really big map actually and it does take time to get around but there’s

The lighthouse so you know it’s not too bad and I actually need to stop at the Lighthouse because there’s something I want to grab I think I saw it there and it should come in handy for my plan and it does just seem easier to do this and

Swim our way over rather than trying to find a different way and I think what I was looking for is up near the top yep there you are I want to bring all of this stuff with us sure it had a purpose for the lighthouse I just don’t know

What it was but I do think that Redstone will come in handy for our plans okay and we’re back out so now uh think we just go off in this direction or no wait uh we came along the uh container ship right yeah that seems

Right to me beautiful day for a bit of a row anyway yeah I was right this is our spot right here and yeah we’re re-entering where we actually need the uh the gas mask luckily I remembered to put it on so we don’t take continuous damage trying to get rid of the last

Goober that’s still under there I can see it way in the corner there but oh I hit it no way all right I mean yeah I knew I knew I could hit it I’m just good like that anyway we’ll head up top drop off a bunch of this stuff and then

Couple improvements down here and then I think we should be good to go okay so Random eggs we’re probably never going to use and need to hang on to this crown of Envy I think that’s going to be important when we go back to the ruins

So don’t let me forget that citizens I’m also noticing I think I must have lost my water bucket ooh and my my lava bucket I think I lost it couple things when I hit that dangerous button so we might need to grab a couple more of

Those and if I’m not mistaken there was lava in there so I think we should be able to get a refill why don’t we start with that actually I’m going to run over there and grab some lava heading over to the factory to grab some lava and do you

Have any despair if I remember correctly you do ooh uh I did not mean to pick up uranium I’m not really interested oh okay you were very quiet please don’t sneak up on me like that just trying to get at the lava wouldn’t mind a couple Hoppers I guess

And I guess I can carry the uranium uh when I’m wearing the mask I’m just I don’t know that worries me anyway the reason we’re here let’s grab a couple of these and yeah I got some Hoppers don’t think I’ll need them but just in case

And that is all I needed so let’s get out of here and then when we get back I think the the first step is going to be clearing out some of the area around the little hut that I made because I need to make some modifications so let’s start

By just taking off some of this and I’m thinking I think we want to go two blocks down oh okay there’s a spawner right there I’m actually I don’t want to destroy any of these spawners because that’s kind of the point I guess I want

A bunch of them to be spawning in so I guess we’ll have to leave those they’re actually there are more than I thought there were although I’m guessing if you were to do this all around probably all the streets are just completely covered with spawners and that’s part of the

Reason the The Horde can keep refilling as you attack them geez yeah they’re everywhere oh I don’t think I ever noticed this either there’s a sewer entrance right there oh icky icky silverfish get back up back okay now let’s start thinking about what this will look like because I’d like an area

Surrounding it where the zombies can approach and I can attack them obviously and then directly underneath I do think I want some coverage so we can’t get too close to any of this wood okay so that’s looking pretty good now this is the part I’m worried about because I don’t know

How it’s going to work and I’m also worried because I’m using wooden trap doors and I imagined that lava would come into this in some place ooh exactly the right amount now if we get a bunch of slabs and keep filling it in from there we should have the rest of the

Area that we need and I don’t think zombies will be able to spawn under here because it’s not enough head space or you know what we are gonna have to light it up because of baby zombies baby zombies ruining things for us all the time but I’m hoping that doesn’t affect

The spawns up here because we’re going to be covering it all definitely gonna need a lot more slabs though and I do have a ton of logs I could use some wood to fill that in but like I said gonna be some lava that makes me really nervous

It’s already going to be close enough to my wooden platform not too worried about myself because I’ve got the water elevator to get out of there if I need to it’s more just having the entire thing that I’m putting some work into burn down when we don’t need it to okay

Out of that what can we make into slabs I think these we can those I know we can these don’t know yep we can okay that might do what we need it to do strange phrasing that might be enough is what I mean but getting a little bit dark out

Here I’m gonna go to sleep then we’ll finish it tomorrow by the way this might be a good time to mention that there’s going to be a redstone element to this in my mind and I never really use Redstone unless I’m following a tutorial

Of some kind all that is to say I have no idea if this will work hoping it will because I think it’ll be kind of neat but only time will tell actually what was I thinking I don’t need torches down there that’s going to be where the lava is I guess

I’ll keep most of them there for now just in case while we’re working on it but yeah long term not gonna need them nearly there don’t have any slabs left but I think we could finish this up there we go okay so as you can see we do

Have a decent area for the zombies to kind of gather on approach make it nice and easy for them to present their faces to us to smack with a sword or an ax and then my thought was what if we could rig this all to Redstone to like a button or

A lever in here so that it opens up and if we’re this is if we’re getting overwhelmed or if we need to clear them out quickly they can all drop down into some lava so before we actually go to the trouble of putting the lava down

There I’d like to see if we can get the trapdoors to work the way I imagine that they should but once again no idea because let’s see yeah definitely don’t know what I’m doing why don’t we just put all this down because I I think that’s what we want so it’s all

Connected or I think it is then as a test if I put you here that’s connected if we do that nothing oh wait okay it’s opening my fence gate that’s something I’m discovering it’s a bit more difficult than I imagined oh there we go okay so we’re making progress there I

Think it has something to do with the slabs yeah yep yep yep okay I think we just need to replace everything that’s on that area the slabs we need to replace with full blocks luckily that’s a pretty easy fix so just kidding if we go and grab some

Full blocks and then on the interior if we place those all the way around there we go and fill back in with the Redstone and hopefully that fixes everything and I can just do something like this put that down as a test and look at that the

Whole thing is open or wait a minute something happened here not enough power to go all the way around what if we moved it to a more Central Point like right there uh no same thing I think it only has so much power that can get around and I’m

Sure there’s something fancy we can do with like a repeater or you know some other Redstone Contraption no idea but it seems a whole lot easier to me to just put a second one down over here if that will work it certainly does all right so two levers that’ll open up all

The trap doors if I close them both yep everything should be closed so we’ve got our sort of can call it a zombie surprise now we just need to fill in the bottom with lava and find a way I think I could probably do this that’s probably

Going to protect me because it’s not really letting me Place anything else here and that worries me a little bit what if I put that there that there and that there okay I mean that works too I feel a little bit safer with that actually it kind of looks better too I

Wonder if instead of this if I put that there oh okay I mean it still works on the other side of that block I think that’s probably better which does mean I can put my fence back okay now oh wait that’s a problem uh what if I put it here okay yeah that

One doesn’t open my main door and it still works so that’s I think a better solution so I think with that it is lava time and I’m most likely uh gonna need to get more because I don’t think two buckets is gonna cover all of this I’m also very worried about these trapdoors

Setting fires so that’s why we’re gonna test it first I put one down let’s say right there is that gonna reach all the way over here no it’s not I’m gonna need a lot of lava that’s all right we could take a couple trips back and forth let’s

Put one down right there yeah so it’s starting to get us some coverage so we just fill in the rest with lava after a couple trips and hope that the trapdoors don’t catch on fire and then I think we are good to test this bad boy out what

Do you think citizen is going to keep us safe is it going to cream some zombies no idea but we’ll find out soon on to get some more lava I was actually watching a YouTube video recently where they pronounced it lava and let me know in the comments is that like a regional

Dialect is that uh I don’t know where that comes from instead of saying lava saying lava and it just threw me off I never heard it said that way before I’m curious about that one let me know if you know where that’s from where did we

Do it before I know I took out some some Hoppers already oh hey friend not interested okay I don’t know what happened to the place we already did so we’re just gonna do a new one and I need one of you and one of you I’m sure this

Is nothing new by the way like before the apocalypse when there was workers in this Factory I’m sure everybody after their shift would just take their cut of the lava hide it in their pants just kind of saunter out past security no no no nothing nothing different sell that

Lava on the the black market is a good price now I don’t know if that’s gonna be our last trip or if we’re gonna have to take one more after this I have a sneaking suspicion we’re probably gonna have to take one more trip I also

Don’t know if this lava is gonna burn through that and uh go into the sewers but honestly not really my problem oh I am so dumb I I don’t know when I’m gonna learn my lesson on that I don’t know if you caught it but what happened

There I uh still had this open I was trying to eat a carrot but I was actually on the Torches So I placed a torch where the lava was and got rid of a source that I desperately needed which means I can’t place two I placed one and

That means we might have three trips instead of just two or whatever that turns out to be I wasn’t joking earlier I need a minder I need somebody that can take care of me babysit me stop me from making all these mistakes let me know if you qualify you can apply online yeah

Well we’re back we’re just gonna drain this entire thing before we’re done all right so this time we’re going to be intentionally careful and I don’t know if I can place it here maybe that’ll reach all the way over and no no it won’t what about there nope nope nope

Nope which means I’m gonna have to put it somewhere like that I’d guess yep covers there and where’s there covers here okay and if we put that there oh uh all but one spot I think um yeah I think that’s the last spot we need one more I guess that works out

Then we have a backup lava just in case we need it oh no we do need two Mark okay so last trip then we should be done and we’ll take from right over there and here and that should do the trick and after we drop these off we should

Finally be ready to prepare for the final fight of this video at least in this area and then rack up our counter to hopefully about 600 uh zombie kills because there’s still a possibility I’ll mess it up back at the ruins and I’m gonna need to uh buy two keys instead of

One all right one over here that’s all cover third and one right there now I believe we have full coverage and hopefully before night falls we can run over hello covering my way out bruh and grab some water there we go now we can prep for a battle and I think tomorrow

Night is when we’re actually gonna give this a shot because I have something else in mind that I’d like to do and that is a bit of preparation I want to see how many diamonds I have how much iron and how many enchanted books and honestly fewer diamonds than I thought I

Could have swore we had more than that but no I guess not which means we can’t make pants or a chest plate we can make boots which did we lose some diamonds when that button killed us earlier I don’t know might just be losing my mind because here’s what I’m thinking let me

Let me tell you what I’m thinking here I’ve only got the Hazmat suit right now I do have a diamond helmet so I’m thinking we use the diamonds and the iron to make a little bit better armor maybe actually a diamond sword instead of boots and then the books to enchant

What we can create that way the fight down there to kind of rack up the kills we need should be a little bit easier and when we go to the ruins or back to the ruins should make that a bit better yeah I’m definitely losing my mind

Though because I’m pretty sure I had a sharpness book as well and I I must have lost that oh well let’s let’s see what we can do I do think that I want a diamond sword and it’s not that it’s even that much better like seven attack

Damage versus five or you know whatever it would be with iron it’s just I didn’t find any melee weapons this whole video that were better than the stone this one was the only one and it’s even got slow or uh low damage so maybe not the best

Idea but I want a diamond sword so we’re doing that and then since we only have the Hazmat suit that’s three two and one on the armor it’s probably gonna you know bring it up by one each so where the Hazmat is one armor the iron boost

Is gonna be two so let’s see how much of the iron armor we can make and it does look like we can get everything but the helmet but we’ve already got the diamond Elm helmet so I think we are good not to mention we’ve got the crown of Envy we

May end up using that I well not now but later on and then I think we had an anvil around here or no maybe it’s in the chest yep there you are so if we put you there and we’ve got prop four two of them on breaking looting and feather

Falling okay so let’s get prop 4 on our chest plate and we’ll also put it on the pants of course feather falling is going to go on the boots and I think it actually probably makes sense to put the Unbreaking on the sword because we’ll be using that a lot

Yeah I think we’ll do that I do have looting I just don’t I can’t think of any reason why I would need that so we’re gonna leave that for now all right so with that we are going to replace the Hazmat suit and I’m going to hang on to

The uh the two Stone swords and this tank operators dagger I want to see how this does but I may end up just burning through these anyway and then we’ll also hang on to the uh the Diamond Helmet because once we get to the ruins I am

Going to equip that but there you have it we got some use out of the stuff we were able to pick up over the past uh 80 days or so and it should hopefully give us a better shot at not only surviving this night but the remaining nights in

This video as well as when we go back to the ruins all right I think yeah night’s getting kind of close let’s head down anyway and just double check that everything’s working it also looks better now with all that lava beneath it or lava so just to reiterate we’re gonna

Try to rack up kills the normal way just let them approach and take them on if I start to feel a little threatened and we need to use uh the old Uno reverse car then we’ve got these levers here where we can turn it on it’s going to open up

All those trap doors and hopefully start dropping a ton of them into the abyss below and I’m liking how it’s looking it is opening up all the different trap doors and I think between the two yeah it ends right there so if I turn them both on then it should get them all

Looks like it does even if we don’t get overwhelmed I’m giving this a shot because I’m excited to see if it works I have a feeling some of them will probably be able to get over areas like this where they could walk right over but I’m hoping some fall in and it just

Thins the herd a little bit ooh I’m excited it’s almost time all right here we go here they come now is the diamond sword gonna be enough no I can’t One-Shot them but at least with Unbreaking it should last us a bit longer whoa never really know how I get hit

They have Long Reach sometimes also the spawns seem to have calmed down a little bit is that because of the butt button because I died is that why they’re I don’t know maybe they did naturally speed up a bit I don’t know citizens I couldn’t tell you they just keep picking

Up this leather armor every time one drops it somebody else puts it on yeah something is different something’s up the the spawns have definitely slowed down oh maybe it’s because of the uh spawners that were beneath the lava maybe those aren’t working because it’s lit up so much that could be I don’t

Know I mean it’s still working either way I want to see if this works let’s turn this on are you gonna fall in there uh there’s one yeah it works maybe like 50 of them get through 50 drop in there you go yeah I’m proud of myself we made

A redstone thing that actually works look at that but I actually need those kills so let’s close it up babies are still very annoying because they’re hard to hit and they reach through when I get too close there we go all right let’s let you build up for a minute because

Right now not super intimidating all right I guess that’s a bit better let’s see what we can do about this and at least the kill counter is going up a decent amount we may however need to be at this for a couple separate nights oh

I think I can actually yeah I can one shot them with the ax if I crit them that’s pretty nice bit difficult with this the ceiling right there but as long as I time it right I can get them with the one hit there we go it’s using way

More durability though oh I think I could actually do it with a sword too as long as I get the crit yep okay that’s a bit more efficient it’s not the most exciting job in the world but somebody has to guard the Roman borders it looks like it’s already turning to daytime I

Don’t feel like I’ve been out here that long but I guess that means we’re netting around 150 ish zombie kills per night which means this is gonna take a bit they’ve also stopped spawning and you are not approaching and I need this kill all right so I think we’re gonna

Spend a decent amount of days out here and if we run out on the iron armor we’re getting a decent amount on the gold don’t really want to use use that though so I’m gonna be at this for a while I might just kind of putz around a

Little bit I don’t know how much I’m gonna record because just it’s kind of going to be night after night we’re working on this and we have to wait for a night each time because unfortunately you can’t sleep through the day so we’ll see if anything interesting happens but

I honestly might just wait around a little bit because I don’t want to go off exploring if we’re just gonna need to get back here to keep racking up the zombie kills guess I could run over and get one last uh lava bucket since we

Used all of them but aside from that not a whole lot that I’m interested in doing Also to clarify I don’t think there’s anything I need lava for it’s just I like having a bucket on me you know just for emergencies and actually I probably could just spend the daytime inside one

Of these buildings where I’ve been seeing zombie spawns that way at least I’m getting a few kills during the day as well actually speaking of that could I just put a big like cover over here and they would just spawn in throughout the day as well I don’t know if that’s a

Great idea what if we go go in here though yeah so I mean they spawn in here maybe it’s worth out just taking them out throughout the day oh there were beetroot seeds down here right at the bottom of the building I was growing the farm at remember when I needed those and

I didn’t I couldn’t find them anywhere they were right down here I don’t know where that zombie came from but no more respawning in maybe I have to be further away um maybe not because I just ran away and wait a minute I see you over there hey

Just who I was looking for alrighty nice we found a little spawning area right here so I guess whoa don’t sneak up on me like that during the day we hang out here keep our back to the light that seems like the smart thing to do let

Them walk out and take them out why did the spawn suddenly stop come on we were doing well there we go so what I need to be like right on top of the spawners I wish you could just turn off baby zombies that is so annoying yep

Come on over here my friends there’s room for everybody I do like how this sword is holding up been using it quite a bit and it’s barely losing any of its durability I think it’s just about time to head into the little Hut that we made but I think

We can get a few more out here uh oh chicken Rider yes you are quite intimidating I’ll give you that hey chicken there we go finally can get a crit on a baby that sounds bad out of context okay I think that’s it over here let’s hunker down for the night actually

Let’s drop off the inventory then let’s hunker down for the night drop off all the goodies and then yep I think we’re good here we go night number two at least we’re getting close to 300 but I still think we’re gonna be at this for a

Bit and let’s see 75 more to go I don’t know if we’re gonna do 600 we might just get to uh to 300 let’s see what kind of mood we’re in after this night ooh got a little chicken Napoleon over here hello okay they can get in if they’re on

Chickens that’s good to know but not if they’re not on chickens which is also good to know pretty sure that chicken just got in the way yeah I just saw one of them holding the chicken uh raw chicken so collateral damage it’s funny watching them walk up and every single

One of them is just taking whatever bit of armor has fallen and putting it on right before they’re slaughtered yeah there you go glad you uh got a chance to try it on my friend they’re also playing hot potato with the chicken but you know whatever floats your goat oh we just

Crossed 300 okay so I mean not terrible I might just keep at this for a while I do imagine this is getting a little bit old though so maybe I’ll just keep at it for a while and I’ll let you know when we get to 600. of course if I start

Getting overwhelmed or nearly die you’ll probably see that part okay but before that take a look at this not only is my inventory full of stuff that was dropped hey that’s actually not that bad anyway though yeah completely full but look at this didn’t even pick it all up that’s

Just you know two stacks of rotten flesh all the armor they’ve been dropping oh there’s more over here too that I didn’t even get so gonna be a decent amount of that as well just kind of running up to drop things off and then come back down

For another night I’ll let you know when we wrap up also I just cleared out the phone arm and I’m looking yeah for future you know dietary needs I think with the carrot it’s one and a half of each baked potatoes it’s two and a half

Each so I think we’re gonna make a switch yep farm and zombies ain’t easy but at least it’s honest work just like my daddy and his daddy before him looks like another morning is coming on but the good news is we’re at 487 so I think probably just looking at one more night

Before we can head over to uh to the ruins to give that a shot oh uh that’s not great some of the lava got out I think can that burn down my base up there I really hope not we are going to ignore that and hope it goes away or

Actually should I look yeah it’s still on its way up not what I needed when I’m trying to rack up zombie kills don’t even know if that’s gonna help but I think it was around there oh wait oh no uh no that shouldn’t be able to get to

The lava and right I don’t think that’ll get to the lava but hopefully that helped because that’s all I’m prepared to do uh I don’t think it’s gonna hit it there we go that was one of them I think I got them all it’s really hard to see

But there’s actually water falling down there I think I got them all surprised that just happened now that’s uh been fine this whole time but yeah looks like we did take care of the problem anyway back to it oh it did Miss mess with my Redstone though I just saw something

Pick up Redstone yeah it took out all the stuff that was over there yeah I can fix it in the morning we’re so close come here you little goober I think you’re the last one of the night all right we’re gonna to go out there yep

Come on all right and you over there too I’m gonna be like yeah eight short come on I also don’t know what happened to the rest of my Redstone I’m missing a couple I guess could it have burned I guess maybe yeah I’m missing some over

Here too all right so we’ll fix that I need eight more kills actually I’m after I fix that we probably could head over to the ruins I’m sure we can get eight on the way over and by the way if anybody needs rotten flesh I’ve got it

Basically to give away so you just let me know yeah I think let’s fix this and then let’s start our uh Trek over to where the ruins are because I’m not too worried about getting eight more uh zombie kills I think that’s entirely doable there we go just checked it’s all

Fixed we’re good to go here I also think we have everything that we’re gonna need and we may not be back here so I’m glad we put together the Hut it served us well but it’s off to the ruins and hopefully a triumphant end to this video

Because I have literally no idea what’s in store for us and by the way that’s if we can even figure it out I still I like you saw before I screwed it up with the key before I’m hoping we can get this to work I also need to remember how to get

Back there which I think I do right there there’s a turn in the highway and that should bring us right to where we need to go yep Olympus City that’s where we’re headed and I’m pretty sure if we just head all the way down that might be

That science building but yeah I think it’s just straight down then we can run into that Tower which is where the ruins were yep right behind you it’s not quite as bad when you get a general sense of the map like where each city is because

Then you can start to use landmarks to get back to places where you need to go nearly there and there we go I believe that we want to go inside here down the steps and yeah this is where we want to be and hold on a second I completely

Forgot we need to get eight more zombie kills uh actually we might not need to let’s just see if it works if it doesn’t it’s going to be easy to uh to get eight more so we can buy a second key oh I forgot to bring your crown oh yeah I

Mean I brought the Diamond Helmet but that’s that’s what I forgot we’re not gonna be using the uh I completely forgot the name crown of something crown of Destiny I don’t know but I think we’ll still be all right I mean I have nothing to uh back that up but we’re

Gonna find out speaking of I think we can yeah at this point we can put that on there we go you haven’t seen my face a lot in this one because of the gas mask there there you go I know it’s probably been painful having to look at

That know that this beautiful mug is underneath there but that’s the plan we’re gonna sleep the night away and then we’re gonna head into the ruins alrighty we are ready and use your brain this time legion let’s actually read these things and the way I’m seeing this

We should be able to buy a key and then you use the key on this button to start a ruin or I just make okay I was gonna say start run slash start ruin yeah start ruin but start to run through the ruin you get it still terrified this

Isn’t gonna work okay so we know this works if we go to buy ruin key right here so we’ve got that there’s the ruined door key I’ve got it I’m not even gonna put it in my hand yet I’m gonna see what happens if we just try to press

This button while it’s in the inventory all right it’s time let’s do this and press oh okay so it worked generating ruins I’m assuming this is going to open but let’s wait until it actually generates and we can get in there really cool by the way it’s apparently just

Generating a whole portion of map behind there that did not exist a moment ago oh I’m saying ruin zombie I’m starting to see some uh okay so that did work and I assume the idea is just go through and slay all the zombies in here which I’m

Gonna take the quick W and just let them kind of gather because why not why not just have well now I can’t reach you there we go what did I say earlier about using your brain this is valid okay but with that we’re leaving safety behind

And jumping in to see what this is all about oh that’s interesting they’re not actual TNT that being said the whole point is of this was that they’re supposed to be Loot and I’d like to see what sort of loot is around here whoa okay don’t jump scare me hey boys whoa

Wow you do a lot of damage okay note to self ruin zombies do a lot of damage and I think it’s because they all have enchanted swords I am not a fan of that by the way I’m also noticing there’s some more doors over there which maybe

We need to keep a lookout for keys or hold on do these just open or do I need a key in order to do this uh yeah nothing okay so we might need to find Keys what about you same thing yep same thing okay well let’s keep looking around

I don’t like this there are too many rooms and I have no idea where I’m going also just random button and I don’t know if this is a decoration or if I should be pressing these oh no way is this a puzzle it is but uh uh I don’t know I’m

Not prepared to spend time trying to figure this out I don’t know what it wants let’s have a look around another puzzle I think although these whoa okay it’s doing something I am so confused by all of this oh hey see you I know what

To do if you want to stand right there we can maybe oh sword is too strong I can’t eat you over the edge that looks dangerous oh okay what do we got this place is huge I’ve been in so many rooms already and I have I mean I guess I’m

Looking for keys I don’t know how to get out do you know that you’re bad news though so let’s just run around and get rid of all of you and hope that somebody has a key maybe the janitor is there a janitor zombie oh Barrel is locked everything’s locked I haven’t seen one

Ounce of loot since we got in here wait a minute okay you two you’re standing between me and a chest so let’s just go ahead and take care of this I also see one of their swords I’m curious to see what they’ve been packing this whole

Time or those uh slabs can I not place blocks oh no way I can’t place blocks while I’m in here I can’t mine anything how am I supposed to get out of here I jumped in here with the expectations that I could place a block oh that is

Not good am I stuck am I stuck down here for good I really should have tested this beforehand I cannot mine any of the blocks and I can’t place any blocks that is crazy I’m a little bit worried about trying to place water because I feel

Like they will have thought of that but can I put you okay yeah it didn’t matter let’s take the shield off is that no I’m right clicking I can’t place water okay think Legion it can’t end like this do I have to parkour my way up is that what it is

I don’t know if I can make that jump hold on I think I might have made it one more this I think this is why these are here oh come on every time I get to that third one I just don’t think there’s enough distance to get me there oh okay

I think I made it ooh I’m out oh my gosh I barely started in a hole in the ground nearly defeated me yes yes I am ashamed citizens I don’t need to hear about it I mean that that brings a whole new element here I can’t mine anything and I

Can’t place blocks down so understanding that I think I understand the gravity of the situation just a little bit better oh I I don’t like this either what do we have going on here lovers that gonna do anything yeah I see you over there buddy

I’ll be with you in a minute can’t you see I’m busy with something uh okay that looks like something however I don’t like that it looks like a boss fight room I also don’t know anywhere else to go so we’re gonna okay yeah here about to enter the boss room I was

Right flick the lever again to continue I haven’t seen anything else I don’t know how to get into those other doors wait that one looks different hold on we know where it is we’re gonna come back but first all the other ones had buttons this one has a tripwire hook on it so

Let’s see if I were to can I take that no I can’t take that I’m starting to think these doors don’t actually lead anywhere maybe we’re just supposed to go to the boss fight room and get our loot there hey there let’s check out this one

Final area then we’ll head back oh it’s a maze yeah it’s a maze I’m not an enormous fan of that I mean I’ll do it but I’m not gonna be able to find my way out of here you overestimate me citizens it’s almost like they watched me this

Entire video and they’re like this guy he’s just passing up every little thing we try to make challenging by mining through a wall or just making it too easy we’re gonna take that ability away we’re gonna make it so he can’t mine through anything and you know what let’s

Really mess with them let’s make sure that he can’t press or he can’t place any blocks either oh yeah good idea good idea I told you I’d get lost you didn’t believe me all right I’m out I found it I knew I could do it but I’m 90 sure

That we’ve checked every room out and I can’t get into any of those so that kinda just means the only thing left is this boss room and important things to remember before we go in there I have a shield I have golden apples I don’t need

To only attack and use the potatoes hold me to that because I feel like I’m gonna forget all right deep breaths deep breaths let us do this you have got to be kidding me well well well look what we have here you travel a great distance

Just to kill me but your efforts will fall short because I’m immune to arrows and there’s no way that you can get me up here minions attack again they read me I was about to use my crossbow uh there does appear to be no way to get

Them up there activate all three lovers to lower havoc’s platform okay no way they can’t leave the boss room oh that I’m gonna exploit that come on okay so there’s three levers we need to find in order to lower the platform and a fantastic there are skeletons here I

Thought there would only be zombies are you noticing that these zombies are much faster than your normal zombies as well because I sure am by the way the ruined zombie swords uh yeah they are basically exactly the same as diamond swords hey get out of here so yeah that’s fun oh

And by the way they are giving us a way to get out of this not gonna take it but it’s nice of them we just got to do this we gotta look for some levers okay that was dumb I just ran right into the middle of everything use the shield this

Is bad this is bad all right we need the golden apple and they are spawning very quickly by the way I’m backed into a corner yeah fight each other yeah oh boy okay this is not great nope nope nope nope nope nope keep on moving have you

Seen any levers yet because I have not I’m guessing I need to go up on these platforms they’re still fighting each other I’m a big fan of that oh there had better be a lever up here no oh and I can’t place water so this is

Fun uh yeah okay this does lead to a lever so we have to do that I don’t know that we’ve ever discussed this on the channel but I am absolutely awful at these whole parkour courses so this is going to be an absolute nightmare oh do

I hate this yeah yeah I do you however are willing to go into the lava to try to get at me I’m cool with that holy moly do you see my shield I’m pretty sure I was very near full uh durability when we got in here and look at it now

They are not burning in the lava that’s doing nothing to them yeah you see that just sitting in the lava it’s not doing a thing there we go okay can I just get some peace to try to work this out I just said how bad I am at this and I’d

Really like just a minute yep yep yep yep yep terrible terrible terrible all right maybe that’s the last one because that’s the only one I see do you see any other levers anywhere is that okay I see one over there is that easier it looks easier maybe we start with that and work

Our way yeah I’m guessing yeah there’s the last one over there okay we know where they are I’m doing a pretty good job hiding it but you might get the impression that I have no idea what I’m doing oh that is annoying okay I I mean we need to at least get

One of these before we finish and what’s the secret here maybe I think I’m jumping too soon yeah I I wasn’t joking I am awful at the parkour stuff to the point where it may as well be impossible oh made it and then I jumped twice come

On okay here we are again let’s let’s see if we okay we’re there can we we can get one oh okay I’m not completely useless maybe slightly above mediocre and you know what I’m okay with that let’s head to the other side we also can’t forget once I hit all these levers

And uh lower that big guy we still have that fight and I I hope I have enough food left over for that I think yeah I think this was the next one over here all right hopefully we’re getting the hang of it because now this is all over

Lava and I don’t want to swim through all of that nope nope nope nope bad news bad news bad news come on come on you gotta move faster buddy yep so every failure there is basically gonna mean a golden apple I don’t I don’t know the secret I don’t know how

People do this if you could leave me some comments on this one because I I don’t necessarily this isn’t why I play Minecraft for the the parkour type stuff but if you can see what’s happening here and just know I’m missing something big on how to make these jumps then please

Do let me know I’d love to hear it okay so corner to corner let’s optimize this okay okay one more time again there we go can I reach you from here please please no I can’t okay uh yes love is what okay yeah the lava is rising and I

I don’t know what to do about that this is shaving years off my life I I just need to stick to you know builds and doing Farms villager trading I’m losing my mind over here citizens I also can’t remember where the third lever was that we were supposed to activate oh there

You are see you over there yep right there okay well at least they left us a path to this so we can fail again and fall into the lava not sure if we’re gonna make it out and another test yeah still can’t place blocks you knew

If I had a chance to make the this easier I would maybe some target practice before we head on over there nah you can’t do anything Skeletron though you might you you might mess this up for us so maybe we see if we can reach you over there yes we can okay I

Don’t know how many shots it’s going to take though there we go okay now what I’ve learned so far is that we want to try to go from corner to corner because that gives us the best chance I still don’t like my odds here it looks like

It’s so much higher all right nothing for it let’s hold a caramel apple and just go for it nope same as before I cannot figure this out in case you’re wondering yes I am sprinting before I take this jump so I’m covering distance it’s just it looks like it’s really high

And I can’t get there I I don’t know I’ve never practiced this before I don’t know what I’m missing I’m gonna try this again I mean I’d really hate to leave the ruins at this point we’ve gotten so far nope I didn’t even make the jump I

Was trying to wait it out this is probably excruciating to watch if you’re really good at these but just just remember I doubt you were really good at it the first time you tried it and it’s not the first time but it’s you know it’s up there

Oh oh no I made the jump and then I went too far save me golden apples oh we now know that that jump is possible I just need to not hold down space bar because that means I’m gonna jump twice there’s some novel information for you these

Aren’t quite as bad I that doesn’t you know seem nearly as intimidating yeah that if it’s all just flat that’s nothing it’s these raised platforms that are really getting me and off we go again nope let’s say I stopped showing all the failures because I while I’m

Sure this is enthralling I have a feeling you’re probably getting a little bit bored watching me fail every single time so I’m basically going to keep practicing until I’m out of food and how about we take it from there oh okay I made it I made it there are

Still so many more jumps that was like jump number three and I don’t like my chances if I missed this one okay oh I really do think it has to do with these Corners like hitting it right from that corner to that corner oh okay I mean

Lining it up just like that does seem to be helping I just hate it when it’s a level up no no no no no oh okay come on we are so close oh come on yes yes yes yes yes please please please please oh yes we did it

Yeah that’s right why is your platform lowering and hey guess what citizens it didn’t lower all the way to the ground it lowered enough to do one more little platform jump hooray now one has to imagine this is a bit easier going backwards than it is going forwards but

I still do not trust it come on oh yeah yeah much easier going the other way around and it looks like we have to take this way up and I’m hoping honestly buddy I’m hoping you’re a one-hit kill because I’ve kind of had it at this

Point I feel like I’ve done enough this one at least does seem to be much easier than the other ones we’ve done well not that right there that seems like it could be a problem all right come now come on now be good to me okay not even doing commentary anymore

I’m just making weird noises come on last one last one let’s do this oh okay maybe I am getting better but we are here I do not want to get knocked off let’s just let’s just go for it all right right what do you got what do you

Got Shield is that gonna do anything for me he’s throwing potions at me I’m not even hurting him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay the health wasn’t going down I just hit it a couple times giant down ruins Buffs and custom crafting has been unlocked finish Rune run but first oh I

Cannot believe we did it and all of that was for some enchanted books not terrible a ton of XP some gold one iron uh a whole bunch of nothing so thanks I appreciate it my takeaway is that it’s basically for enchanted books and the bottles are enchanting but it did say

It’ll be back so I’m assuming we can go through this run multiple times and most likely the loot is going to get better each time unfortunately given the amount of time it took me to get through this one and the amount of time that I think

It would take to get through more I I do not think we have time for another one that being said I think we are safe to do the Finish ruin run and see what happens when we click that button well that’s ominous where where am I whoa

Okay I was just in another room and then it teleported me here but I survived I’m proud of myself even though that was an absolute travesty and I fell off that platform so many times if you can take it easy on me in the comments I know

That wasn’t great but I did survive oh wait a minute I didn’t think there was a chest here before yeah there’s new things okay so future note just in case we did ever want to do this again there’s something new here insert ruins buff one at a time so I’m wondering if

Maybe these enchanted books if we throw these in here it would kind of added as a buff for your next run and then over here there’s a ruins crafting table so that things we pick up from that other one maybe things like the cobweb and the

Iron and the gold maybe that’s where we would have to go in here and create things that can be used for the next run that’s the impression I’m getting anyway so that is good to know for now though let’s just put everything in the chest

That we had over here also but that is nuts I could have collected more of these swords they’re wooden swords if you look at them but they have exactly the same stats as diamond sword seven attack 1.6 speed 7 damage 1.6 speed so same as the Diamond Sword and the wooden

Sword except it’s a ruined sword so apparently that means something that’s that’s very interesting however we are just about wrapped up with this video in the zombie apocalypse and I’m always curious to learn who makes it to the very end of these videos they are very

Long so I don’t expect anyone to make it to the very end but if you do I like an indicator of that if you’ve watched my other videos you probably know that uh on I believe it was my 300 Day video the the indicator at the end was to say

Lunchbox the panda because that’s when I got lunchbox so let’s come up with something new for this one and here’s one I’m thinking we’ve got this guy just kind of chilling here over in the corner and he’s been helping us out he gave us that Crown he’s been hanging out I don’t

Know if he gave us a name oh maybe because he was the one that wrote this book this leave this place by Oddity progeny but doesn’t matter because I think we should name this guy in the corner so if you made it all the way to

The end of this video leave me a comment with very little context because that’s great because it’ll confuse people that didn’t make it to the end of the video and just say his name should be blank you know whatever whatever you think his name should be don’t give any contacts

Like the skeleton in the corner just say his name should be and then say what you think his name should be my submission I’m thinking I’m gonna call you Charlemagne so that’s what I’m saying this is Charlemagne in the corner but looking forward to hearing from all of

You what do you think the skeleton in the corner should be named but with that I do think we’re gonna wrap up and this was absolutely an interesting one this brought me way outside of my comfort zone I am so much more used to just you know doing builds doing villager

Capitalism 100 days of being on the move and trying to scavenge and you know doing modded sort of Ruin runs and things like that absolutely not something I have done before so for that I enjoyed it because it was something new got me outside of my comfort zone I

Got to try some new things but I’d be lying if I said I was not looking forward to getting back to the next one where I a little bit probably back in my comfort zone that being said be sure to comment let me know if you see any other

Ones where you’re like hey this is a really cool modded world you should try it out I think you’d have another opportunity to you know get a little bit outside of the comfort zone I’m always looking to try new things and just give it a shot so leave me comments with

Those as always thanks for watching and we’ll see you in the next one citizens Thank you

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days IN A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2023-10-06 19:00:20. It has garnered 108968 views and 1372 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:39 or 10659 seconds.

#minecraft #100days #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #oneblock #minecraftasmr

I Survived 100 Days IN A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in Minecraft! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!

If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Legion_Vee

Complementary Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

Mods: Apple Skin: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin Falling Tree: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-tree Mob Health Bar: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ydms-mobhealthbar-mod

Map: Zombie Apocalypse Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/open-world-zombie-apocalypse-survival/

Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 01:17 Day 1 23:01 Day 11 41:18 Day 21 55:40 Day 31 1:14:08 Day 41 1:26:30 Day 51 1:41:51 Day 61 2:00:48 Day 71 2:18:51 Day 81 2:37:04 Day 91 2:55:08 Day 100

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    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mincraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #youtube #shortvideo’, was uploaded by shorts game on 2024-01-14 14:23:46. It has garnered 2496 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Watch this video and easily watch the video. how to make house in minecraft. how to buil house in minecraft. how to play game minecraft. ling video… Read More

  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : LifeBoat_Survival.aternos.me port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : LifeBoat_Survival.aternos.me:60458 Telegram : https://t.me/+RjeTyYSyMJc5Zjk1 Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): https://discord.gg/5CwGCMZ45n WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: https://www.tiktok.com/@emersonkingyt CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to https://www.dubby.gg and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 https://tipme.in.th/lapineplg Buy member products here 👉 https://www.vforgeshop.com/ #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : https://www.facebook.com/LapinePolygon TW : https://twitter.com/LapinePLG TikTok :https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdgqGYXq/ 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : https://www.facebook.com/ZonaPolygon TW : https://twitter.com/ZonaPLG… Read More