Mind-Blowing Minecraft Creation – Prepare to be Amazed!

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Foreign Foreign Foreign Hello everybody hello hello everyone oh hello it’s back I’m back she’s here yeah on my end I told you all my settings are like yeah oh yeah okay I could hear myself too so her her whole Discord setup is like all my sound settings have [ __ ] [ __ ] up up

Everything I don’t know what the hell is going on I have to redo my whole OBS now because everything is like no wait how the [ __ ] do you did your first stream today well it was muted when I first started and all my all of my like background

Like bgm and everything is all was all gone too why so weird yeah no idea that like are you sure I am I am you’re on the right like here you know your yeah use your profile and [ __ ] yeah it’s weird that’s so weird also guys how is Pokemon as volume because

Like I’ve missed around my science sound settings in terms of Discord uh but how is it guys especially on poem was side because they’re a [ __ ] sound settings there I have no idea what’s going on everything’s good everything’s good nice all right so um in true Selen and pomu fashion we

Sort of decided what to build like five minutes ago wait did did Luca respond to you 10 minutes ago no oh uh but I think Luca would would say yes though like dude yeah I think he would you know he can just build a rival rival you know

Like a rival company yeah yeah yeah yeah private owned station it’s not it’s not yeah it’s like it’s lagging so what we decided is that we are gonna for the spawn for those who don’t know uh today’s the last day where en can build anything on the server before we are

Officially merging with JPI xid and XKR servers so that meant means uh after this stream I will be handing in the data well to be fair if doesn’t don’t finish it we’ll just finish it and then I’ll hand in data because I’m in charge of it

I’m in charge of it so whenever when I finish the build we’ll hand it over to staff side um to officially have a server portal installed in our uh in our in our Lobby in our in our server so that means you know like the four Gates over in the

Yeah portals where you can go to en no not inside World server idkr and JP well en is gonna be there now too so we want to build a little place for our senpai’s and kohas to spawn in yeah something cute because everyone else has something

Cute in there so so we decided something cute what did we decide you you could have the honors oh here let me are we doing where maybe we should do it in survival yeah we should okay how do I put myself in survival again F3 and then F4 all right

How would I do in the command because like I’m too lazy oh slash I don’t know slash survival no slash game mode game mode survival oh yeah there we go there you go I’m too lazy to I’m too lazy oh [ __ ] I gave myself the eggs all right the eggs oh the eggs

Don’t don’t keep them they’re valuable they go into the church oh true true you guys I finished the church oh yeah she finished the church guys look at that like go inside where’s the pandas doing here in there before you just kept a panda why do you have two pandas were

You breeding them no they were in here when I was building oh the church is dedicated to the EM reset that has happened uh 9 to 6 2022 buildings items pets are gone but not forgotten what the [ __ ] that was also written and I felt like it

Would be homophobic for me to erase it so I left I don’t know who wrote it but that’s a good call that’s it but there’s also these oh yeah dedicated to the original brothel and all the sexy workers yep they get dedicated to pixel dedicated to Tech town and palm

Universal oh dedicated to the original Ninja UK home and sunny Zoo and then over here over here dedicate the chicken Suns oh my God ‘s back why did you open the wounds this is the Memorial as if it never happened as if they never existed now you have to open the wounds

Back up of the chicken Sons three streams [Laughter] to tell them what we’re planning on building as the spawn point what we’re planning on building yeah we’re planning on building a train station yeah has better ideas we are very old yeah we’re opened up let’s chat you guys have better ideas

Than us because we sort of figured this out like 10 minutes ago and we were like yeah the train station they were like yeah let’s do it yeah oh look okay like we’re tired we’re look pomu just got back I just got out of a tournament and

You guys all know how that happened yeah I was telling poem about my great adventures venturing into um very serious Gamers and it sounds like you had a time I had I had a time I wasn’t it kind of nice though to not have to talk to people yeah but then

Like my chat’s not used to that you know I’ve never had to okay the funniest part is that okay so like in in like like Pro Community they usually spend the stream talking to a chat versus like the people they’re collabing with which is weird for me because like us for because we

Always talk to like whoever we’re playing with you know instead of like sometimes we’ll make small comments to chat but we’re usually having conversations with each other so I wasn’t used to it but then as soon as like like 80 of the people in the tournament they mute their mics I was

Looking at all the voice channels and like every game eighty percent of the teams just had their mics muted like they weren’t even talking to each other and I was so confused I was just like I even went I I was like desperate for a conversation that was like how’s the weather oh

My God please talk to me please please talk to me oh my God I think it makes sense because they uh they want to win so they’re like the [ __ ] you try to do small talk I’m trying to win right now there’s no time for a small Tech but I’m like I’m not

Used to that where are you I’m in the garden the Dragoon Garden the Dragon Garden oh my God okay the beautiful Dragon guard so yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna find a spot though where should we have people spawn because we can adjust the spawn settings oh you can yeah yeah

I don’t even know where would we actually spawn where it where is the I have no idea all right so anyway okay we gotta break okay I’m gonna put myself away [Laughter] put my stuff away and then you can kill me and we’ll figure out where we’re spawning

Where’s my house oh there it is you don’t even know all right selling come here apparently Pro players don’t know what a bro job is it’s not crazy what yeah I had to educate them it was actually weird I had to educate them I thought they were Bros I thought

Gamers are bro what you actually told them what a bro job was yeah and then like the mainstream like went on to my like our discussion the moment I was explaining bro jobs and then even the main host was like what the [ __ ] is foreign [Laughter]

They’re just not true Bros and now I’m like known in the na and EU Apex Community as that YouTuber that talked about oh approach okay all right do you have a bed I need to sleep on it because I don’t know where my old bed is no no oh yeah okay

Wait I got bed here and there’s one in there yeah all right and then I now destroy it and then I’ll give you the courtesy of killing me I get one okay how do you want to go I wanna go looking at my dragoons over there I want the dragoons to watch

Oh like okay this guy yeah watch me die oh my God he looked at wait what the [ __ ] all right where’s your spot what the [ __ ] I [ __ ] I spawned on top of this nothing for the gardens next to the Garden the gardens yeah yeah yeah it’s

Next to the gardens I spawned literally on top of your build here what how huh yeah right here where are you I don’t know I don’t know where you I’m in the garden no you’re not I don’t see you in the gardens I’m the light I’m right here okay in

Front of the church in front of the church oh in front of the church yeah yeah I see you I see you get up like go to the gate the the little pathway and I’m on top of the pathway build what yeah I’m on top of it I have a bridge

Yeah this bridge what that’s where you spot yeah I yeah I think we’re definitely gonna have to change the spawn location yes what the hell wait since when has it ever been there I think it’s it this was I think because we built over it you spawn on top of it now

I know but like well I thought we always spawned where all the chests were remember no we we randomly selected that location oh because it was like convenient like it was just like out because it was like at that time it was like in the middle of the area

Um let me get my stuff back well do we want to be closer to like over here we should be closer to the main Town though right yeah yeah I think so too smart okay let me grab my stuff real fast let me grab my stuff yeah yeah I can’t

Believe the dragoons witnessed a murder today just today though just today yeah tomorrow it’ll be the same [Laughter] all right let’s see what else do I need I think I have everything oh wait where’s my arm oh my arm is over here I’ll make sure I don’t [ __ ] die no let me gun

Where did I put my armor I don’t even know if all my stuff is still working wait why do I have a oh I forgot I’ve Enchanted nice I have an enchanted like uh stone pickaxe I don’t even remember that why no a lot of these items I’ve like deleted from my mind

I’m gonna find my armor set where did it go oh I put in my secret chest oh where’s that I’m not gonna tell you it’s a secret why the [ __ ] would I tell you that I’ll put this just in case there you go I’m coming over all right let’s figure out a location

What the [ __ ] it’s over nice try nice try there you go what’s going on all right uh okay where do you think should we build it in front of this Tower I feel like this Tower would be a good spot because it kind of feels like it would

Go with the vibe yeah should we have it what about where you’re this place this is where you’re oh [ __ ] you’re right it might it was my clean land I never built upon it my real estate yeah this feels exactly why I revoked your last real estate

What do you mean I will eventually build on it uh-huh I would eventually build on it how about we do it next in my ugly house okay I think everyone everyone will be so pleased to spawn in and see your ugly house exactly oh we’re gonna

Be cool we have like train tracks that come from the sky too if it’s like the Ninja Express oh yeah that’d be cute yeah but and then that’ll be really cute all right what the [ __ ] why is your command block here I think this was a

Long time ago um when we were trying to like keep it Daylight oh here let’s just get rid of it yeah I don’t think we need it anyway what is that block it’s a what’s it called a a a a yeah yeah are you okay are you suffering from a heart attack

Who are you okay he didn’t finish your sentence there it’s a daylight sensor thank you chat why is my head here why is your head here I don’t know don’t build anything thank you oh that’s unichi UK Len okay yeah yeah so within this grass area we can oh yeah

By the way guys after this we’re not we won’t be able to access creative mode I believe right yeah because we’re actually yeah yeah after this this is like we will no en member will be allowed to use creative mode after that that’s why I have a stockpile I’ll show

You guys you have a stockpile no no of things that are useful for coffee yeah yeah I know I know what exactly it is look look I got everybody’s heads almost everybody it’s in the church even even Zion’s head oh yeah yeah we’re we’re asking everybody to give us their heads so we

Can have like cool funky builds with their heads yeah yeah so we can keep their heads We got 64 of each person yeah oh my God all right so well you don’t know we’re not gonna ever have creative mode ever again that is true unless you know unless staff would be like oh guys that’s working what this was this that’s my it’s the music it’s supposed to work

When you click on the thing that didn’t work no it doesn’t work you gotta fix that soon there’s a data pack that allows you to get player heads from killing the player yeah but I don’t think we’re allowed yeah yeah because like I said like this

Entire server is going to be given to staff so like we can’t we’re not managing that anymore like we’re finally give we don’t have to be given responsibility so if the server suddenly dies it’s staff’s fault for not backing the server up not our fault it’s not our fault yeah we’ve

Did the best we could you can’t blame us for that oh God turn it off yeah ID wait that’s ID and I don’t know I I this I know taka owns ID server but I don’t I don’t know if like he he handed it over the control

Um because I remember when we looked there was like a little document and then one of it was like taka is the head of ID server uh so he like this is his server and they were I was I was like huh you mean you didn’t have to hand it over

I don’t know I don’t even know if he actually like did his I keep I don’t know if he does no idea he did his like jump Tower in a fully survival because I think so yeah [ __ ] holy [ __ ] he’s insane I know if he did it all in survival um Okay so

How do we do this how are we doing this all right whoops I actually threw it threw an egg all right first off hey what egg I threw an egg I had an egg in my pocket oh what was it it was I don’t know some

Random egg I found in your church I don’t know why you had an egg it’s from my church what the [ __ ] you [ __ ] do you do it’s like it looked my hand a chicken went over to my hand and laid it in my hand what do

You want me to do about it no no no well I don’t know I just passed through it and then an egg appeared in my hand what egg did you throw it in here no it’s gone I already threw it away it’s dead there’s no chicken in it

Oh like a regular egg yeah a regular egg what the [ __ ] did you think I was talking about nothing what what the f wait wait what do you have what did you have in the church I have what you gave me the fur bit that drawer is the forbidden drawing it’s a draw

Uh-huh The Forbidden trunk okay oh did you know speaking of forbidden eggs apparently there’s a game right they were okay I don’t know if you know alter kill but like apparently they released a new update on this game called Ultra kill this FPS game were synced up to a butt plug what yeah

They had a trailer and everything what does it do it basically syncs up to your butt plug and then it’s like every movement you do yeah what if you clench your ass is that no it’s like the game any input in the game like you can even like code it or some

[ __ ] I saw I I don’t know why it was from the official Twitter it was from the their official Twitter is it April 1st no no they actually they were like this is not what you guys asked for but we did must have asked for it for them to get

The idea to do it wait let me see if I can I’ll send you the link to it yeah and to chat too to chat since you guys really wanted to know so much about the new Ultra kill update where is it [Laughter] it’s a mod it was a mod for it

Oh yeah it was a people said add sex so they did wow my mod gave it to me but here I’ll oh yeah Lucas said yeah oh okay okay so we can definitely build it okay here I’ll post it can build it without a guilty conscience yeah without

A guilty conscience we asked because Luca was like working on a what’s it called should we build in further away from where he’s building his then no it’s like a rival company you know breakfast are always close to each other it’s like when the McDonald’s is next to a McDonald’s

Why would a McDonald’s be next to a McDonald’s you’ve never had that like like a McDonald’s that’s just like the next street uh down it’s another McDonald’s oh oh but they’re still like making the same same thing yeah but they’re owned by different you know how McDonald’s is a franchise so technically

Like because it’s a franchise they’re not really by like the same people train station is the privatized train station for profit ours is like for the people like yeah like a public train train station his is for the bougie people like obviously ours is the public service one

So now we gotta figure out how to guys sorry we didn’t really come up much of a plan this is just a normal poem with a live stream uh yeah nothing our hands are bare we come to you empty-handed with no thoughts we were like okay nothing we were like yeah let’s plan

This out and then oh [ __ ] oh my God my shaders like suddenly accidentally pressed R uh I was gonna say like holy [ __ ] like I lagged a little bit because I accidentally pressed R but we had no plans going in our plan was hey why don’t we build a train station 10

Minutes before the stream started and then and then we’re like yeah sounds like a good idea and then we’re like this has chat do we even have a tutorial or anything I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure and then we’ll put our own spin to it too okay station Minecraft

Someone said to add Garfield but I already have Garfield we already have Garfield we we should put in a hidden Garfield just like you know how like Disney oh my God yeah why am I lagging so bad we should put like a hidden Michi Sanji logo

That sounds like a lot of work oh that’s in Garfield is like easy you’re right you’re right you’re right um easily convincible too okay look at this hidden Garfield wait what is it supposed to look like do you have a picture for me what hidden Garfield yeah yeah here come

To me come to me okay where are you I’m at The Witch’s Hut The Witches oh why are you so far because I was showing them a hidden guard reveal well you put a hidden Garfield in the witch’s Hood yeah hahaha here I’ll teleport you oh [ __ ] I’m flying I hope this doesn’t

[ __ ] me over there what the hell is that wait I won’t teleport what the [ __ ] is this wait where okay where’s the hidden Garfield I’m here is this a cat oh this is a bunny it’s a bunny what the [ __ ] oh goodbye bunny goodbye bunny but where’s it in the Garfield is

This lady I can’t believe you didn’t know anything I never saw never swim underneath that’s why he’s hidden he’s hitting Garfield and up here there’s a sign there’s a sign right here all right I’m coming over come read it read it out loud to the class he hates

Okay that was pretty good that was pretty good yeah so we can make a hidden Garfield yeah yeah let’s do that okay around their swords I have coaching Garfield Hidden Dragon oh my God all right so I I found several tutorials if you want to look at them

Okay yeah which one you can obviously like you know change it up a little you know copy their homework but change it up a little you know sorry guys we do not have like the most Pro Minecrafter we have here is pomu U and Uki and

We don’t have tacos here guys we don’t yeah we don’t have tacos here we have a big brand we don’t always have to do or Ibrahim Senpai oh God when will we have an Ibraham and Ian why when will we have an Ibrahim and Ian who will build an entire [ __ ] castle

Castle an end of John asked like you saw the town right that he built yes yes like without any tutorial that’s cool the guy is the guy’s brain is on another level of existence oh yeah you’re a Luca but like the thing is guys all of En uses tutorials we we

Are we have not figured out how to creatively build yet sometimes we add our own Flair to the to to the tutorials but like we don’t have an Ibrahim or a taka here all right oh Kyo did do his Tower without tutorials really I never seen this Tower before

Let’s go look at it I haven’t seen it in person okay let’s go sorry guys there’s like 20 million side quests going on right now will we ever build this who knows who knows [Laughter] where is it let’s we gotta keep going where’d you go where did you go I’m past

Them me too oh I’m at the Modern House what’s the modern house I’m at uki’s Tower Temple okay just keep going past that okay you’ll see Aluna in the sky eventually how far oh I see it you film all that with a tutorial apparently or at least

The the tower the big tower yeah this one wait which one there’s two towers the this one okay this this one this one the one I’m about to run it [Laughter] yeah [ __ ] maybe you should have built the spawn room Lobby Lounge Cafe Cafe all right let’s check that out

Maybe you know what maybe Kyo should have been the one building the spawn area yeah maybe why okay Keo is our I guess okay Lounge um I don’t think oh wait there this is the cafe oh he has a fridge and a sink here oh Cafe oh okay the cafe actually looks

Nice yeah why does he have a blue fish at the this Cafe trying to kill everybody this is the cafe work I don’t steal it I don’t think the cafe works it works if you think about it there you go damn it’s pretty easy rooftop I can’t

Believe it Luna gets their own little little area that’s actually crazy that he built all of this himself without any tutorials the gold blocks look so good I know okay wait a second oh he use creative mode on this [Laughter] it’s not survival of how tall this is

So there’s still no ibrahams we don’t know Ibraham guys look he broke the first rule and he and Ibrahim would never do it in Creative chat no and even we still don’t have an Ibraham oh my God the shake look at this look at this amateur mistake right here my head shake

My head can’t even aligned us properly Keo no come come on that is amateur you were in Creative yeah everything everything you couldn’t even just line it up you couldn’t double check your work once you’re done exactly where are we we’re like the what was it the Home Society Association [Laughter]

Okay the homeowners association uh your your blade of grass is not uh exactly five centimeters long we’re gonna need you to destroy your entire building and restart exactly um um via the HOA I feel like you’re not a fit here um you might be an endanger to the

Society to the neighborhood yeah so we’re gonna have to kindly ask you to leave what kind of an establishment is this what are they learning at this school what are they learning here not even able to properly align a pillar with this should I fix it for it no you

Know no no fix it and put a sign and being like from the HOA from the age of okay okay [Laughter] from the HOA we seek immediate action for this travesty I want somebody think about the property prices I know right you’re lowering the property value you were so lucky the ho

Here a was here to intervene so true so true so true you do you have another sign yeah yeah I do or how what did he do this time I’m just gonna add to it okay he needs to get the message if if we find another if we find more um more Um more more violations in fractions in fractions you will be death yes yes that’s good one that’s a good one yes I haven’t worked in the HOA for free because I was like niji care like being part of the HOA is a thankless job we are simply making sure

Our neighborhood is safe clean and perfect all right perfect perfect free of any imperfections exactly think of the children chat oh God no one thinks of the children but I I know right God it’s such a fabulous job these guys truly think about the children I know how dare they [Laughter]

How dare they that’s crazy though that he actually did not use it like that’s not use any tutorial it looks really good really good except for that one pillar uh yeah it was gonna be a 10 out of 10 but because he [ __ ] up that one pillar

Five out of ten like that was it was a really egregious yeah mistake you know yeah it just it really like made it so much worse yeah oh it just kind of ruined my day honestly it really did I was like I was gonna have a great day

Um not one part that one part God now I’m gonna go to bed upset angry and I’m gonna cry I hope you know [Applause] can you believe it he made celentatsuki cry right what kind of cool I would do that I like how we’re [ __ ] trying to rob him

It’s just yeah Karma yeah it’s just like after getting fined he I need to take like that is his spine right there yeah what the hell they’re gonna happen yeah yeah uniforms they are private school kids they are oh my God where the hell is this oh my God what is their tuition

How much did they pay yeah I can’t believe it whose rooms are these like they don’t have names so where are you where are you right now I think I think it’s their rooms no one’s claimed their rooms yet I’m pretty sure take one let’s take something this is our room

Now this is our room now why does he have only three rooms what shouldn’t there be like he only likes three people I guess oh [ __ ] it’s maybe it’s the boys this is the boys maybe like a dormitory yeah yeah but there’s yeah yeah two two two uh chests there

But there’s two beds there but then oh there’s like six of them I almost like forgot how many there are well that’s it two four six oh yeah two four six you’re right all right or we killed two of them and we take their room oh that’s true we’re part of

Illuna now all right I’m claiming this is our room that’s our room yeah and celine’s room okay there you go this one’s ours that’s ours okay wait from the HOA foreign the HOA strikes again yeah look look they gotta get fined okay look we have to be here it’s easier for us to

Be here because like we always have to it’s either that or we have to travel every day to such exactly like we might as well make a complaint yeah we have to be there on the go just like except make sure everything looks good and it’s orderly fashion yeah and Look Look KEO

Never got a permit from the HOA to build this okay look we are being very generous to even let him continue to build this uh and lower the potentially lowered the property prices uh in our neighborhood I mean we already avoided a catastrophe from that one block exactly exactly like what would he

Do if we weren’t here I know right what would he what could he have done like if the other other [ __ ] pair like HOA associations from other neighborhoods saw that it’s true there’s no way we would have ever recovered from that I know like our reputations are all right star rating by

The way are five stars like you guys sound way too good at this hahaha do you think this is a joke we take our jobs very soon it’s not a joke it is look we we don’t even get paid enough to be in the HOA but this is

Out of pure passion yes we we made this community this he was he was able to build illuna without us exactly exactly yeah we started the homeowners association we filled up the application for niji Santi to join the HOA and we are committed to this to our jobs

I like how you’re slowly just robbing well we should have told him to stock up on materials because you have finished this in survival well he did finish maturity of it yeah I think uh just this main building yeah no wonder he was like working on it

Yesterday too because he knows that uh Everyone by the way everyone knows that today’s the last day yeah to build stuff before we are stuck in uh before they remove creative forever so so everything else will be done in survival good luck you I believe in you

I think you can do it I think it’s just really the courts that he’s gonna be kind of [ __ ] up it’s a chords and the fact that he’s gonna fall to death too oh yeah because he’s gonna need a lot of scaffolding yeah he’s gonna need a lot of scaffolding

For that I’m sorry we have a bamboo farm so he’ll be fun all right we were supposed to be building our build fly back all right I almost [ __ ] up but it’s okay I’m alive [Laughter] so cool Spooky’s little like uh stained glass mascot yeah it’s really cute look okay you know

I’m just gonna say it say it has abused creative mode oh my God if there’s anyone that needs creative mode taken away from them it’s him cookie has gone mad with power I love that you’ve been holding that info okay I don’t think that is oh my God what about the Integrity the

Integrity of the servers [Laughter] did you see the planetarium yeah wait no I haven’t wait show me the planet oh my God okay it’s beautiful okay with it you wouldn’t have been able to make it without creative mode but like wait okay yeah follow me I’m going

Towards the library what about that fox what is that that’s that’s Mista he also used it the server the server is corrupt I think we need to start over here this is why the issue is four look at all of four what is going on here

This is like a whole other world over here oh my God okay okay Integrity what about the Integrity I think I’m the kids [Laughter] planetary planetarium it is really cool though wait how do you get things like over here you like named that stuff too yeah because he like I know the channel

He follows for like a lot of these yeah they they built some really wet like crazy crazy builds like that’s how we did the bars and stuff yeah they look really good obviously but like oh this can’t do it even like I know the that’s

A pattern right yeah yeah and so you go in here oh that is so beautiful it’s so cool I know it’s really cool it’s so pretty that’s really pretty though oh wait you can turn it on curator oh you can I don’t know how it works I didn’t touch it because I don’t

Know how it works well that’s cool that doesn’t work oh who the [ __ ] is that he’s a Creator it seems the stars have a line God this guy is cringe as [ __ ] [Laughter] how the [ __ ] does this work because apparently command blocks too yeah I don’t really these are just Cosmetics oh

They’re just cosmetics and they’re fake it’s really cool though I remember when he first said that he wanted to make it so I was just waiting it really is really pretty like the little stars and everything mm-hmm and that’s the first time I’ve seen the planetarium is there anything else up

Here wait there’s some stuff up here oh is there I’m on the staircase up here what’s this what is this what the [ __ ] is this oh is this just the view I guess it’s just to look out oh citizens it’s just fast okay there’s me

What oh yeah oh yeah he was like who the [ __ ] felt this oh [Laughter] I love how it is there next to the Planetarium it’s like it’s supposed to you’re supposed to come up here to look at it oh my God I’m tears in my ass at this

True beauty it’s so beautiful oh my God this is like a definition of beauty right there true what else is down here there’s like a portal thing over here oh you haven’t been in the server for a while so it lost a lot of new stuff

Where are you heading oh where are you I’m on the I’m on the portal the portable over here oh yeah I see it I see it yeah that portal there’s a portal below it is this ookie’s portal where does it go oh oops these stairs they are very inconvenient like yeah

You must parkour to be able to access the port okay we’ve done we’ve beat tacos Tower and I don’t think that he has oh oh look he has watched me lap them he’s watching what lapped him because I did the taco stuff I was just bored and

I was like doing it I wanted to see if I can like do it faster than the the guys who are doing it yeah and then uh I lapped him oh where does it go where does it go I’m kind of scared should we be going

Through here oh no oh it goes to nowhere I think that’s just Cosmetics then oh my God that’s just Cosmetics let’s get out of here yeah this is good out of here oh God all right wait whose sword is that though I have no idea what the [ __ ] they just

They don’t even the thing is guys we don’t know who’s built stuff because like no one really announces it it just shows up sometimes I think this is also ookies this is awesome this whole area is ookie I won’t be surprised because it looks really pretty it does yeah there’s

Purple tutorial I know this one I know this one I’ve seen this one before okay it’s the caliber tutorial yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s the one word it’s supposed to be uh what’s it called though like a another portal isn’t it yeah yeah that sword was supposed to be in there but I

Guess like it looked better as like to see I guess because there’s a portal over there like that what’s this over here there’s so many things I know it’s just what’s down here there’s nothing here it’s just wheat what is this it’s just a little Wheat

Farm oh no it’s like a it’s like a little Pavilion ookie’s taking over the server look ookie is doing as a good service and making things pretty yeah exactly he’s doing everything he’s like prettying up the place which the HOA appreciates very much we do we do and I

Don’t see it I don’t see any blocks out of place exactly he has put everything in correctly nothing’s out of place everything is aligned correctly and that makes us happy yeah that’s what I’m saying what what is this drop down oh what is this wait oh my God

It goes up what the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is this what is it supposed to be oh my God this is his new house is this his new house [ __ ] is there a secret passage here yeah but there’s nothing in it yeah I know look you guys sneaky HOA we wanted to

Make sure everything is uh everything is well aligned and under no under regulations you know exactly we need to be inspecting everything exactly exactly we need to make sure it’s all according to the regulations that we’ve given out to the end crazy that’s crazy that is easier now I know right

Where does it come out to oh it’s up here come here come with me I’m just exploring still there’s so much to explore really I felt like it was very small it’s up here yeah when you know it was up to code chat we should go back down how far away

Though yeah I mean sort of like a little like a hermit would really suck if a creeper came over yeah okay good night good night good morning are you telling him that the HOA approves everything is too code congratulations congratulations there we go so nice I don’t normally

Like the diorite or whatever doesn’t look good but it looks really yeah this is really pretty yeah I like how she put like the little like amethyst at for the lights and stuff too yeah it looks so nice are those the Frog lamps they are fruits Infestation if I do hear one you’re right uh-oh all right let me put that never mind let me take that back let me take it yeah take that back we need the we need that problem fixed before we get our approval zombie infestation please fix or you will be fined

And after two finds death you will be death HOA there you go I’m still hearing zombies this is awful oh my gosh oh my God you don’t live like this you should have got rid of your zombie infestation we all he would have higher standards and I know I can’t believe he

Would do such a thing ah really I can’t believe it I can’t believe it I can’t believe we had such high expectations of you we did even you let’s some zombies that come into your house that’s like the lowest level of like mature yeah they’re amateur amateur oh never mind

That’s the end exit okay never mind where are you did you go where are you entrance you’re at the entrance of what is it his house oh you’re back at his house where are you I went I went to like the village in front of us oh yeah yeah I’ve

I’ve already pillaged that uh I guess we should go back now unless there’s some new stuff that we haven’t seen is there anything else new on the server you guys is there anything else that we haven’t seen yet oh scared me oh yeah it’s like leaving your Christmas

Decorations uh past February oh my God Alvin’s maid Cafe oh we did see it that’s sort of something all that yeah like yeah I never went inside though have you ever went inside to his new mate cap like not me uh his mate Cafe oh there’s a house too house I mean okay

I’m heading straight down oh my oh my God I [ __ ] slammed into it where is it right in front of you right there this is new right no this is old oh this one yeah this is new yeah this is new audience dollhouse okay let’s see everything seems to be up there

Why is there a random flower pot there so why is it floating sounds like witchcraft I think it’s windows don’t have Windows oh my God wait but is this still an incomplete build though we can’t really judge dude because it could be incomplete but we should judge it

When it’s finished oh this is definitely incomplete exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah has scaffolding okay yeah so we will withhold our jobs when we withhold our judgments until Maria also it was her birthday so we went with all our judgments until Maria’s build is done for now the HOA approves this bill

She has a permit thank you for applying for an HOA for an HOA permit we will come back later yes back later we’ll come back later Maria what is this is this who is this this is I’m pretty sure this is awesome Maria’s oh she has like a little farm yeah she’s

A little farm to feed herself and her animals okay self-sufficient we approve yeah we approve we do like someone who’s self-efficient yeah obviously let’s say the cat cafe or made Cafe for those who are wondering what the HOA is it’s called the homeowners association which Pokemon are very very

Proud members of yes we’re the founders the proudest members we’re we’re everything we’ve we’ve built this community exactly so hard to build this community for everyone we are here to make sure our property Val prices stay at appropriate price you know and we think of the children

We always think of the children we always think all right all right Alvin let’s let the HOA judge you all right all right is this complete I don’t think it’s completely poem but there’s no there’s no desk there’s nothing in here there’s nothing in here maybe it’s a standing Cafe maybe

A dining Cafe it’s trending it’s true true oh oh all standing I guess I guess so I I guess I guess I mean I mean I mean I guess like props did like the little pop paw print design right here yeah yeah it’s very cute it is very cute but I don’t know

The little torch in the middle of the pop pop I’m seeing a lot of torches and a lot of wood and it seems like a bit of a fire hazard right it is sort of a huge fire hazard and like yeah we think of the maids think of the porn

What somebody think of the maze nobody thinks of the maze I can’t believe that no one thinks of the maze nobody thinks of the main where is the fire exit there’s only exactly what door and there’s no lightning rods at the top of the house oh my God Won’t Anyone think

Of the maids I think I think if a fight oh I found a very egregious block error oh wow it’s on the back it’s oh my God okay oh my God I’m literally shaking and crying I’m shooting my pants right now it is the worst thing I’ve ever seen in

My life look at look at that look at it oh is there a concrete there I’m gonna say I’m gonna how can I go oh the HOA will hear about the cfd main HOA we’ll hear about this oh yeah oh God how could he do all right all right you

Want to do the Otters promo I can’t even get close to it I think I’m going to I think it’s literally it’s literally like a repellent you know oh my God I have but it’s okay just put your side like fruit okay further away here I’ll put it right here oh my God

Alvin oh the HOA is this that’s all the contacts he needs that’s from the HOA [Laughter] Tracy oh yeah we should probably build this thing that we have only one day only today this Bob I should be the HOA oh my God oh my God look we should should we not

Wait what are we doing the food people in chat wants us to build an HOA building as a spot well we won’t do that you know what no we should we should not we have to think for the entire server look different servers have different poas we’ll build it into it after the

Spawn building we can still build things you know yeah yeah it’s just that we need to build something for the spawn area guys yeah yeah yeah we can build it right next to the church yeah exactly we can build the HOA building right next to the church yeah yeah our little headquarters what

If we made it like out of skulls would have we made it entirely out of schools thank you very we’re very welcome we’re very welcoming organization clearly yeah oh God I can’t even look at this why is this still going Society no definitely only one part of it’s

Working though yeah but that’s it’s okay it’s pushing it towards the other Rod it feels right he’s like turning around he’s just you know he’s looking at this like you can we spaced here look at us here the confidants the confidence right there this you comfy dance this you [Laughter]

Always sounds like an underground Mafia I mean you never heard talk have you never oh you guys if you’ve never had a chance to interact with the HOA just be lucky just feel lucky yeah honestly this is why some people don’t want to live in Suburbia where did you go

Oh I went back to the uh to our build area okay well we’re definitely gonna build something today yeah guys guys we will definitely build something guys obviously that this is a whole point of this collab where we build something how are you floating in the air I don’t know

What are you how are you doing that no I don’t know how I’m doing it oh what the hell how are you going so high in there oh I think it’s one of our plugins I think we have a jump plug-in I’m pretty sure like

The you know like the one where you can climb on people wait oh wait I forgot to use oh sorry sorry I was I forgot how to use it I was trying to remember how I use it how do we do it I remember I remember

I remember there oh oh okay oh yeah nothing in your hand and you have to right click oh my God we could have done we have just taken Pomo Airlines this entire time yeah so true here we go welcome to Bombay Airlines I’m gonna go all the way up to that block

Oh yeah we have that random block for some [ __ ] I put this up here uh what was this for welcome Traveler you’ve made it up here yeah it’s supposed to be like you did it oh don’t you can’t close your eyes I can eat while I’m up here nice drown [Applause]

Yes oh oh do you remember why there’s so many remember that time when you [ __ ] summoned 800 000. that’s not on me I can’t believe they traveled all the way here I can’t believe purple Airlines crashed our one and only formal Airline only one to be seen again

Only one plane remains it’s gonna be it’s gonna be turned into like a conspiracy theory YouTube channel like video oh it happened to pull my ass on on December 7th 2022 let me look back at the tutorial oh yeah pick one that you think looks good all right guys if you guys have

Suggestions oh maybe like I’d love like Japanese Minecrafter build so they’re so good okay just make sure you don’t find one that like use it like that uses what’s it called use what like command blocks and stuff like that that’s true that’s true okay yeah I’m gonna translate deep out train station

Uh you said why build a train station when you could build a wreckage of an airport look ID already has an airport yeah we don’t want to do ID xid has the airport yeah he has an airport so we don’t need to do another hair I mean it would make

Sense for us to have like you know a more scuffed version but I don’t hahaha I I think it would be um I don’t know they might be offensive offended all right maybe okay there’s some really good ones but it’s like how long are the tutorials oh that is

True wait wait there’s one oh there’s like okay this is really cute there’s like okay I need to make sure guys I need to stop my Pro Music real fast okay so there’s like one where um it’s like the you know like the entrance for a train station um um and

They have little oh it looks like a real train station wait I don’t know if there’s any command blocks on this one give me a sec I’m looking up I’m looking for it right now uh does this look like there’s command blocks actually you’re more used to you’re better at this time

Okay one second it just look like it has command blocks in there okay I’m also gonna have to turn off my music you guys yeah no yes there is oh my God it is all command blocks oh yes there you go I gave you the search for it I don’t know if it’s

Correct I honestly don’t know if this is correct when it comes to um what I copied and pasted from Deep ell but just realize you’re hold on you’re in my system sound for some reason so when I mute you mean oh yeah cause your whole your whole sound system is [ __ ] up

You’re right yeah I have to fix it ah so annoying there’s one that’s like an hour long but obviously we’re not gonna do that wait what did you send me another one no I sent you a search bar for all like the [Laughter] facts let me see if I can fix this um

It’s okay we can listen to music now this is why you Outsource to your collab partner oh my God okay well they won’t be able to hear you won’t be able to hear me yeah if I look up well I can do it with the sound off yeah

I mean if it’s like uh usually it’s just a step-by-step guide so it’s like I was like try the five minute craft Channel oh my God these are crazy I know I was like looking at it I was like holy [ __ ] Um how to build a subway station this one’s not so bad oh the subway station would be nice and they come out of the subway station yeah and it looks it looks doable all right all right send show me show me what there’s also like normal uh builds

Too and this definitely okay it’s an hour long though [Laughter] but it definitely doesn’t involve like commands and blocks yeah it’s all normal stuff there’s also like I think the subway station would be cute well you guys think here I’m sending it in chat too what do you guys think what

Do you guys think guys yay or nay unless you guys have other suggestions all right there’s also like here’s some other stuff some people were saying if we were to have a spawn like they spawn in like a broken like airplane like a crashed airplane it’d be kind of cool

Like I know we don’t want a en servers yeah yeah oh you know I mean we could be like welcome to Ian yeah yeah like we could have we could have like another rack on the ground and like fire and stuff yeah like the forest like the forest oh yeah

Yeah it would be kind of funny too though it’s like an hour long it’s not so bad yeah it’s so hard to decide it’s actually so hard to decide like uh either a oh my it would fit en it would fit Ian mm-hmm uh I guess we can

I don’t know honestly should we have a vote yes we can vote yeah we could vote all right I guess like since the airplane idea was your chat’s idea we should vote on your channel I guess right I think if we vote on both channels then the votes are good

Oh yeah yeah we have to edit it and we don’t want to [ __ ] have to deal with that engage with your audience start a poll all right guys should we build train station crashed plane crash tree that’s hard there though I feel like a crash train is much harder

Than Akiva station that would be really difficult to portray I feel like without command blocks to like make yeah detailed stuff I feel super engaged you should yeah we’re so engaging with our audiences I think what we could do is maybe we yeah the train station as I know I just

Literally put this as a poll but I feel like if we made the train station as like the spawn point we could always do a crashed plane somewhere else oh and uki’s house [Laughter] I’m just saying I think yeah we can do we can do yeah let’s just do the train

Station I feel like it’d be more appropriate yeah sorry oh well my chat voted mostly for the crash plane well as you see this is not this is awesome the HOA has decided that you guys are unfit to vote on this poll so we’re gonna executive decision from

The HOA because obviously uh in the end it’s all decided by the HOA uh that we are gonna veto your ideas and go for our own and Paul and Paul I feel engaged I’m sorry you know this is this is the way democracy works and the HOA you guys gotta learn

To learn your choice your choices don’t matter okay so we have to make it 89 blocks long 19 blocks height and then 15 blocks 15 I think deep are we gonna do that uh that one you sent me the do you like that one yeah that one’s

Cute there’s also I know there’s another Subway one and we wanted okay let’s compare the tutorials okay uh compare let’s compare there was another oh there’s like one with elevators too right here what you can add like we can add an elevator like our escalator part escalator yeah right here if we’re doing

It Underground whoa build a modern Metro Station step by step tutorial wow this is only 15 minutes yeah and also sorry we’re looking at Minecraft tutorials right now why don’t we do this before look we were we were both freaking pre-occupied so true I took a nap yeah and I had a

Tournament to go to yeah okay I mean I guess we could yeah we could do that there’s also oh my gosh there’s so many there’s a fully automatic subway station that’s a lot of automatic there’s one over oh there’s like Minecraft New York City’s Metro Station

I think yeah let’s just go with that one then the all right what do we need what materials do we need I’m looking at this wait for which one or the one you sent oh the one okay yeah yeah all right guys we are ready let’s look I’m gonna start

Digging 89 by wait right here wait where are you I’m behind the clock tower behind the clock tower are we doing it here I thought we’re doing it here over here okay yeah we can have it like next to food you know like a subway station next to the food oh okay I’m

Gonna start doing 89. I’ll help you right here one two no no we gotta do wide first oh we gotta do y first okay yeah and one two three four five six seven oh God then [ __ ] one two three four five okay hold on 89 89 okay 89 59 60 61 66

Okay I lost count I’m just gonna keep going and then we’ll [Laughter] yes we do oh it’s just 19. I already dug it out yeah I already dug it this is huge Muse F3 oh oh you’re right All right we are professionals oh did you already dug that one out too oh so then I just realized something what underneath here is water well we’ll just oh [ __ ] um um um oh [ __ ] you’re right wait ah how much water though I have no idea okay well if

I F sorry what do I do it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not we’re good we’re good oh we’re good everybody we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good it’s not it’s not it’s not okay so 60 no uh 190 what let me know when it’s 89.

Okay all right Z chord Plus 89. uh can we have someone in chat do the math for us we’re literally okay we start we start at negative 22 I think okay okay someone in math play I mean there’s two thousand plus of you guys there come on

Two thousand plus someone’s gotta I know someone I know someone who watches me is on Jeopardy right now where’s our mathematicians It’s almost at 67. it’s okay it’s almost a 69 and I know for sure that’s not 67. I have 67. yeah yeah yeah okay 67 everybody all right I am helping how do you jump so high I don’t know I double jump I double jump and have Crouch on oh

Oh oops I went over one too far all right how far holy [ __ ] we’re in the middle of the yeah but they’re not supposed to exist anymore anyway so it’s fine that’s true yeah there’s there’s some [ __ ] diamond stuff in here yeah whose is this hold on let’s play Let’s claim the

Leftover loot let’s put it in one chest somewhere all right okay that’s a good idea yeah just gonna make sure all of this oops all right okay I’m gonna get rid of the ones that have nothing in it I hear I’m gonna start putting it in my

In mine so that we have something so let’s put them all in yeah I’m gonna get rid of okay this one couldn’t put what the hell is going on well there’s so much in here are you looking at the oh who’s are you looking at this one right here this is this oh

My God there’s so much in here yeah who the [ __ ] is this Ren when did Red have all of these there’s no [ __ ] way red had all these I don’t think this I don’t think that’s his is this all right well then they even have a dragon head they have another right

Chess play is this Lucas maybe is this Lucas he has so many like digma yeah oceans yeah this is his oh my [ __ ] god some fact that we could tell immediately yeah I was like oh okay yeah digma uh [Laughter] oh Lily okay Millie also what the [ __ ]

What the [ __ ] what did Millie do it come look at her chest right here the one that’s open okay what the [ __ ] Billy [Laughter] I think this is also there’s head butt mop there’s no way I think this is also lupus I think I think because half of these are Lucas I’m

Pretty sure there’s no [ __ ] way there’s this yeah this Chama version for it so I’m pretty sure that’s also his yeah okay okay we’re just gonna put them in this chest I’m putting everything in like this random Channel I’m just I’m just getting rid of anything that’s

Empty yeah awesome I don’t have my picket or am I oh wait I saw someone had one um I threw I took it away I put it in this chest no no there was a wooden ax I got it I’ll just use this what the what’s this what am I doing

What are you doing I don’t know I something appeared on the screen what appeared what’s going on it’s a special ax oh it’s a cheat ax it’s a cheat ax what I have the world edit ax oh okay who the [ __ ] what did I just do what the

Second position set what does that mean what hmm oh it’s the world edit ax oh okay you guys don’t play around with that okay okay you might spot in something okay yeah what do I do with it just I guess just keep it somewhere safe so nothing no one does anything weird

I’m gonna throw it into the lava like Frodo with the ring okay I’m gonna go do that right now yeah that’s a good idea over here everybody all right she’s gonna be throwing it into the lava I’m still sorting everything out here for everyone I make my move you can overtake the king

Don’t be sure what is it she’s going to sacrifice herself it’s like I’m watching Lord of the Rings right now I got the front row seats guys foreign here we go oh gosh I can’t do it I have so much power with this ax I don’t want to get rid of it

It’s not my presence look I don’t have time to be Frodo right now for you you got to play all the characters for me you’re gonna spawn in some [ __ ] you try to cut it and will I what happens if I what happens if I cut down this tree you guys

One more I don’t know if we we can break another server I don’t know we have got to fix another server right now you’re right oh gosh okay what’s the theme song I should play while uh we throw this into the lava are you playing anything dramatic

No I’m gonna sing it oh Titanic Oh what are the other chests Wherever You Are I’m just casually throwing away what the [ __ ] is a gun I ate it she’s like Enchanted electros too here yeah we added to the communal I put it I’m just putting it all in the

Chest right now so we can like deal with that later okay serious dedication what is that use another oh it’s another right oh okay that’s what it was I hope I didn’t accidentally throw some stuff away the flags on the church yeah it’s Meiji Sanji you guys know ninji means rainbow

Really yeah oh my God remember now officially I think the Minecraft’s like [ __ ] broke breaking us right now I know I think so too we haven’t even done anything no no we dug our we dug our Trench Dogma okay there we go we fixed everything yeah whose is this goodbye

But anyway all right there we go well I don’t want to deal all right there we go okay now everything you have yeah you have an important job what’s my job when I destroy this grass you have to put down new torches so [ __ ] doesn’t spawn okay there we go I’m doing it

She’s doing it I’m doing it she’s doing it she’s doing it all right you gotta go faster than that homo okay I’m [ __ ] going okay it’s efficiency five Jesus wait efficiency five wait I should be the one doing it I don’t really have another right shovel hey oh okay [Laughter]

I’m four no longer oh I’ll still a little bit but I’m hoping she’s helping I’m digging I’m digma I’m digging torching I’m torching okay I’m I’m pushing um uh I got one I got one I got a lot because I’m digging really fast like look at that efficiency five right there yeah

ASMR Minecraft I’m placing I’m placing I’m doing it I’m digging I’m still digging I’m you know I think it’s fine if we just dig at the same time there’s no way they’ll spawn in the fast enough right okay I mean and if it does happen he’ll

Just be helping us you know they’re just all by exploding yeah exactly they’ll be helping us by exploding so it’s fine that’s true that’s true did I watch the next Mario Brothers oh the trailer if you watch the trailers yeah what do you think um

I saw a thing the other day I think yesterday that like I didn’t realize when I watched the trailer but now I think it’s really [ __ ] up or [ __ ] up but I’m just kind of sad they got rid of Peach’s juicy lips oh my God

That was too scared to talk about it I know that’s it’s like the greatest and I can’t believe they got rid of her lips yeah like holy [ __ ] they had such nice juicy juice and that pig too the lip gloss it’s a freaking crime is oh my God someone [ __ ] called the police

On the illumination it is a bit of a fashion faux pas perhaps I mean she had like the cutest little like I know button lips and like a little sad about it pink the pinkish lip gloss she used to yeah also Luigi just sounds exactly like Charlie day I don’t know

Yeah exactly I don’t think he changed the way he spoke not at all that sounds awesome yeah Jack Black was amazing it was just Charlie day it’s Luigi and then Chris Pratt yeah well everyone keeps forgetting about Keegan voice all the Toads it would have been

So funny if you voiced all the toes but there’s like one [ __ ] random kid that voices a toad and I’m like yeah I’m like ruined [Laughter] yeah okay for me so we need to go 19 down 19 down okay I’ll just dig 19 down right now yeah one two

11 12 13 14 15 16 17. I love games stupid coffee um I lost count so I need you to help dig now’s your turn to take up one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen okay so it’s like

Yeah yeah this is 19 right here right here this is why does this hole exist oh [ __ ] that’s a cave are we in trouble why it’s a cave do you think this is gonna ruin our operations no no we’ll just patch it up as if it never existed

We’ll do like modernization here what was it called you know when they like modernize the neighborhood gentrification or just gentrify this Jennifer vacation what Ian [Laughter] the whole neighborhood will be Jennifer me Jennifer whoa this goes like [ __ ] did you go there’s a creeper in the

Water there’s a creeper in the why why is there oh my go another is it what are you talking about it’s just seagrass no come here come here come here where the [ __ ] are you keep going this way wait we have a oh [ __ ] I need oxygen

Real fast okay give me a sec okay look at him go I’m gonna go back up and then I’m coming over we have like efficiency mining here I don’t know who said that why do we have efficiency mining no one is mining in this area well now we are

But you know there it is it’s like one of our [ __ ] things lead up here somehow all right okay so we dig this is basically this is basically it so I’m just gonna dig back up okay I’m gonna make sure I’m gonna put this dirt here one two three three four five okay I [ __ ] it up we’re in trouble I think we don’t know what we’re doing seven eight nine ten maybe we started a different spot no no I think 10 11 12. 13 14 15. I’m gonna start

Over here one 16 17 18 19. yeah that was that was 19. five six seven one nine ten eleven staircase right here for us 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. all right all right I’m gonna make a staircase for us right now okay I’m also making a

Staircase all right whoever it does it first okay why is it a race now I’m I’m at the bottom I’m making my staircase no no yeah but I am doing it from the top so technically okay my topic what you’re saying that it’s better that your top on yeah and what

Are you trying to say exactly what are you trying to say I’m I’m a muffinly digging and staircasing at this another cave right here what what where right here where I am at right now it’s okay it’s okay efficiency oh yeah we should get that creeper to

Blow up oh yeah you’re right okay that’s smart that’s smart I hope I’m heading towards you right now with my very efficient build yes I’m sure it’s so efficient it is very efficient I hope this is at 19 too I’m I’m digging my I’m digging wait am I

Below you I think I what did I go past 19 see you oh well I’m not at 19 anymore because I’m I’m building a staircase I think I I think I got the better staircase not gonna lie I think my staircase is theoretically a lot better than your staircase okay but

Theoretically if we compared our staircases together I think mine is a little bit better yeah see you’re already out of you’re you’re already like [ __ ] up your staircase there all right [ __ ] up my staircase I literally fixed it no no you [ __ ] it up a little okay this is 19

Right at the bottom yeah the bottom is 19. okay okay now all we have to do is dig around us do you think we’re gonna finish this today yeah yeah yeah I think so all right I’m gonna start digging now start digging everybody YouTube chat yeah you too come

Over here give us your digging power yeah look at us see look at this wait am I the most efficient way of digging I don’t know I think let’s just dig until we’ve made it I guess if we do it like all by ones and

Then just slowly go up and up you know okay but it has to be in the middle oh oh don’t look it has to be oh I just realized the tutorial has been going on since oh no not mine I’m gonna grab some TFT right now okay I’ll keep digging for now

All right don’t worry I got I grab some TNT for us and then we’ll plant some TNT like in the middle of all our digs surely surely that one [ __ ] is over no no no no we’re very inefficient in what we’re doing and we’re definitely not

Gonna go past 19. exactly like oh you good job guys with your pickaxes good job good job thank you thank you for helping the more pictures I see in chat the more helpful you’re being but like make sure I think you need to go to sleep [Laughter] can you what did I say

She said you said pick asses look I think like we should stop when we finish digging and then we will [ __ ] do all of this house okay I’m totally in survival [Laughter] Integrity of things like of course yes of course I’ve only found one that actually allows us to do it in survival

Exactly I’m gonna go grab some [ __ ] gunpowder real quick for us yeah yeah you do that yeah and keep I’m still digging don’t worry I’m going to the gunpowder farm right now this is what the Gas Works me too I hope your pick ass works too

Where’s the cave that you said you found um it’s on the other side oh I see a spider it’s like it’s a spider walking around okay I have 50 TNT that should be enough right oh [ __ ] yeah let’s complete the spider yes I think that’s like not what our original plan

Oh my God what the [ __ ] I like flew up and then like fell straight down all right I’m coming over and Kyle I’m pushing I’m digging all right all right I’m flying I’m flying okay I got one all right where are you I’m gonna put

TNT where you’re at okay do you have do you have a flint on you no all right well I’m gonna go back and get flint wait I can just uh I can just flip an arrow right yeah do you have a plate oh yeah you can yeah yeah yeah

Yeah okay okay here you go all right I’m ready where do we put it okay we should put it here right the spider the spider the spider where’s the spider he’s down there uh where he at oh [ __ ] there you go one should be enough um is

Um there you go there move move okay wait we should put that we should put it there I just realized because I know oh yeah yeah yeah you’re right yeah yeah all right you go down there and you deal with that we’ll test it out what oh it’s because it’s raining it’s

Because it’s raining um but it wasn’t raining in there how would you know okay well let’s let’s Okay okay maybe not what I know all right put it here put it here and then wait and it will cover it it doesn’t work no I think it’s because

It’s raining there’s no way oh the arrow traveled through the rain yeah okay okay I got an idea I got an idea I got an idea we go we go down here oh my God there’s zombies now Sir sir I need to back the [ __ ] out okay there we go all right okay here here now you can do an arrow right here There see it works sir sir okay serious there you go okay goodbye goodbye there we go oh really big hole I think that’s water there’s no water here no there’s no water yeah that’s a zombie that’s a zombie oops all right I’m gonna put some TNT’s here okay and then

And then we’ll blow it up later we’ll blow it up later when it stops raining um oops there we go um hold on can I call dhoi we are the ho ES all right all right we are ready whenever it stops raining we are ready do the rain stop dance Spotify number one

Move over blue sugar [Laughter] yeah yeah their original song If we actually released something do you think staff would ever let us do something like that if we release a song that sounds very similar to that and then we asked them to put it on Spotify do you think would

You guys go to karaoke yeah would you guys go to karaoke and sing that stop the rain yeah yeah we could tell them we wrote this yeah you would so Mom okay I would do that I would do this with you if you’re down okay and then I’m down with it

Like all our debut songs on karaoke bars why can’t they put that you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah stop the rain stop the rain flatten the TNTs yeah all right we will do it chat and see if managers our managers would let us yeah

I think it would be a hit and then you it’s your jobs guys to make it number one Spotify for anime songs yeah oh we can sleep now so oh yeah you’re right you’re right yes [Laughter] all right here we go there you go it’s still raining isn’t it oh there we go nice oh that is okay I can plant more then this time all right you you Arrow I plant I think you can do like more than once TNT too like you can

Do like you don’t have to wait for the rest oh yeah you’re right yeah do it all of them yeah I’m just gonna collect my arrows as I go oh no zombie that’s all right that’s all right just make sure we are open making sure we got everything we need [Laughter] don’t worry we will have production okay we can just Salvage it with production value our lyrics might not be like the most perfect lyrics but the instrumental it’s so true we can see in the oh my gosh I would totally if Magic if our managers say yes I will I I want

To make a good Envy for that too I want it to be like hand drawn I would hand animate that oh [ __ ] all right good promise yeah yeah I would animate that myself I know a guy his name’s the pumpkin yeah it’s pretty good all right all right this is taking a

Long time I feel like us digging is much faster I feel like if we just like put all the TNTs then it would be a lot faster I don’t know let’s try this is a lot of TNTs oh yeah it’s a lot faster with more TNTs ah dummy

Is that 19 I don’t know okay here you go try to use three oh I’m stuck stop the rain stuck in a hole oh Lord what’s our Duo name what’s our Duo name have you ever seen the South Park episode with Lord with who Lord we’re oh wait I think so [Laughter]

Like love oh Lord oh my God [Laughter] [Applause] wouldn’t the beacon be faster our Beacon is like kind of cool so far we don’t we don’t have like look where it’s the Integrity here and we’re trying to make sure that uh it’s like all the way over

There see you know I’m just gonna I have like four more TNT’s so I’m just gonna put all four right here in the middle New single is out now yeah we have to come up with a with a Duo name oh my God what is our Duo name guys what is our our Duo group guys listen to me the HOA yeah [Laughter] oh my God I think the HOA is gonna come after us oh yeah

Of course like we are primarily part of like a subsidiary branch of it but the main branch I don’t think they would let us yes I don’t think the main branch would be very happy that we took the hoa’s name and use it as a singing group we

Should probably be collecting this this yeah I have some let’s make a chest and like start putting it oh I have to have chest I’ll put mine here we can start [ __ ] oh my gosh we can start sharing our chest later yeah genius too guys yeah so you guys are all gonna

Be like stop the rain [Laughter] oh man this song should be played in that new Avatar movie James Cameron’s Avatar featuring stop the rain oh my God the Grammy award-winning track stopped the rain we’re gonna get a Grammy for this wait you get Grammys for music is that what yeah yeah of course

Yeah the music oh my gosh I can’t wait to see us on the MTV Awards oh yeah it’s totally relevant totally relevant I mean we’re practically music on TV Bop of the century joji who’s that it’s all about wow we are the next big threat thing yeah renzodo move over

Over move oh sugar high more like blue sugar bye where’s your where’s the rain in your song right yeah stop the rain arson at least does something what does your song do when I hear his song I say instead of stop the rain I say stop the music

Wow red has been awfully quiet since we dropped that trap yeah like right there where’s your where’s your comment where’s your comeback come on exactly red is in shambles you guys okay we have two very sleep deprived Library okay mining at this freaking thing and

Then like I don’t even know how deep we need to go I think I think we’ll eventually get to the hole we will eventually make it yeah well I’m gonna go get more TNT I’m gonna [ __ ] kill again okay I’ll be right back you go you go continue

Mining I’ll go get the TNT our sequel mine the rags the sequel to The successful Grammy Award winner everyone’s gonna say it sounds exactly the same as the original and they’re gonna think we’re a one-hit wonder we can’t but why why change what made the original so good I know people will feel

Safe with the original you guys come on we need one for every occasion you know every holiday every holiday it’s Christmas [Laughter] decorating the tree where is my son where does my stairs happen huh oh here I was looking to find where the stairs were that I made they get down to 19.

Oh oh I’m just on the other end I’m just gonna start digging from there all right I’m getting more TNT right now I think I’m gonna run into the I have six okay I’m gonna go mine some sand real fast we have ran out of sand

A sand yeah well my chest ran out of sand do you have any sand do you know where a place worth of sand the beach to be fair we are sort of surrounded by the beach yeah I’m just gonna take this side who’s wait whose restaurant oh is this aaliers restaurant over there

There’s like Among Us stuff there Among Us wait have you never seen the one next to our diamonds yeah that’s the lyrics thing yeah yeah this is hilarious okay I shouldn’t mind that then I’ll go for another Beach to get some sand and then there’s a Box’s Castle right there

We’re not one hit one day no no no no no we’re middle Oracle Geniuses and that’s why it works every time exactly like it just works for every occasion like that’s how good we are yeah with our lyrics don’t be a hater you guys I know right don’t be a [ __ ] hater guys

Some will say that we suck who said that I mean I’m just saying something I think someone in your chat said it wow guys guys come on are you trying to say that we are not lyrical geniuses after everything Can you sleep I’m so tired I have coffee here but I don’t think it’s working I probably sleep I don’t remember how to get back when the sun’s down oh I can’t sleep I’m underground oh okay [ __ ] okay I’m just gonna fly back yeah I have some

Sand on me but maybe I’m gonna steal does box have a bed here um I would hope so doesn’t he have like a Sex Dungeon in there okay I’m not gonna sleep in vox’s bed I don’t know what would go on I just made my just oh yeah a lot of things go

On ah I probably made a wisest choice not to sleep you’re right you’re right is there there’s no churches in the bed but what about like the people in need no churches in the bed you need more sleep than I do you know what I’m not even gonna okay

I’m not gonna correct myself you heard what I said am I way past where we’re supposed to go it’s time to count uh oh I think I was just digging for a long time you guys where was I supposed to stop we’re not supposed to die

But we’ll get back up here I have TNT okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming yeah I went on autopilot for real okay here I got four here I’m gonna dig down from the very end and see how far I went Putting some more TNT around us Big 19 from the corners you guys are so smart oh my God we should have been doing that in the first place [Laughter] I’m sorry we have a lot of TNT’s now oh I went pretty far not gonna lie where did you go um like how far did you go

So bad it’s pretty far what the [ __ ] what you’re not even down here what do you mean it’s pretty hard knocking at a cave where are you I’m still up top placing TNT what do you mean okay I’m making this efficient okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming oh zombie hurts Okay we can spawn underground right yeah we should be able to we’re adjusting the spawn area yeah right yeah you should right yeah I have adjusted spawn areas before so we should be able to there we go this should be a controlled environment yeah yeah nice yes I’ll fix up anything that

We need to fix oh look yeah very controlled very controlled very controlled environment nice right there nice nice nice nice placement nice nice A little just a little bit of oh you okay there’s a Skelly trying to kill me I’ll kill it back does he not know who you are

She doesn’t know oh my God I can’t believe he probably he doesn’t have a social media account oh you’re right you’re right I can’t believe it um I think it was my arrow okay how is this placement but we need to get the other side too hold on grab the Terracotta grab the

Terracotta oh yeah let me make sure and fly out he’s still hitting me All right he’s a hater yeah he is a hater I’m putting my terracotta away I’m gonna go grab the Nerf haterade I’m gonna grab more uh uh grab more TNT for us okay does anyone any other libraries have like more sand on them or is it just there’s gotta beans If not I’ll just get I’ll guess I’ll Farm I guess I’ll Farm on my own oh horse and then I know gotta do actual work it’s okay cannot Outsource it and give an IOU you you should have like is there like sand Auto Farms I feel like there should be yeah

What what happened you put the you put the tea into close to the wall okay that’s not my fault [Laughter] it has been an absolute displeasure working with you it’s all right at least we disbanded with a hit you know yeah true true you know we didn’t disband with like we you

Know [ __ ] it up and watching us slowly die and yeah no we went at our Peak and that yeah that’s what makes people like love us even more exactly I wish I wish Selena Palmer could have made more music forever I know like re like yeah they’re like man maybe they’ll

Reunite together for a reunite a concert or something yeah but we never will and then we never will but like we’ll just give our fans like false hope we blew up something there was a lot of stuff in there what did we blow up I don’t know there’s a

Lot of blocks of gold what I think we blew up some stuff over here should we blow up the chest yeah oh oh my God I don’t know what was 19 anymore is it I think it’s time to just count again like this is 19. so it’s gotta be this

One over here okay okay I got this all right so then your method is flawed no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I have to say I think it’s also due to the fact that your shooting

Was it’s just not as accurate as it once was I think you’re just getting old and you just couldn’t aim at the right area I’m kidding now you’re blaming age look you’re like a dragon who’s like a bajillion years old no no no no no no no

No no I am half dragon so in the end which means you’re older no what the heck what happened over here I don’t even know I don’t know what you’re talking about I do not have context here here anything I don’t have context here oh a TNT flew off and it destroyed

Another part of the land well then that is not my fault yeah yeah okay I [ __ ] flew the wrong way now see you’re look who’s all miss miss no I can’t even find her way home no that’s a real old memory loss no no no

No no no no that’s just a usual silly yeah usual saline is old wait why what did it where this part yes yeah yeah like some TNT flew over here I guess here when the [ __ ] did we had a chest here yeah they all blew up I think I

Blew up some diamonds but they were fake diamonds they were like not really they were they were they were like non-integrity diamonds yeah so it doesn’t claim those diamonds I’m telling those this was creative diamonds and Native diamonds not real diamonds okay all right here we go I just need

Some more gunpowder okay maybe there’s some Gunpowder here oh I have gunpowder we have okay I just need some gun powder and I can make more TNT or is it did you just give it to me oh give me back my rock oh um I have my Rockets back please

I know my shulker oh shulker box yeah your rocket shulker box yeah I wonder if I have TNT in my show choker box brackets oh I do there you go okay all right I might have well I don’t know if I have TNT I I can make some more

Just now I just found some more TNT in my own shulker box okay nice all right let’s maybe not do it close to the edge yeah you’re right so it won’t fly off okay that seems very smart wait how deep are we now you’re the one that’s been digging down

I’ve just been Gathering TNT they’ve got counted wrong I tell if this is 19. oh we definitely need more oh wait I have more good about her just said okay hold on one two three four five six seven eight what’s going on over there what’s going on now we’re

There 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. now if we go this way we should reach our destination did you reach it I’m I’m working on it good Lord did you oh my God no patience this is why we disbanded oh oh no we’re one too deep oh no

All right I have some TNT it’s time no [Applause] for one two D no all right it’s time to patch it up oh God it’s time to patch it up I hope our Senpai is and kohas appreciate what we’re doing they better we think we should just

Leave this as a hole in the ground I just spot into this hole Yeah all right there’s no way this would fly yeah okay I’m making sure it doesn’t fly nice nice nice foreign I kind of want I want this terracotta a terracotta is kind of precious you

Know it’s a precious reason oh yeah we don’t know when we’ll ever find another terracotta Place yeah actually no I’m pretty sure I found one I don’t know where it was it was on stream but I don’t know where the hell it was it’s all right we have we have stream for a

Reason you look back to the VOD and this is where it is you’re so right exactly that’s why we stream that’s why we stream and I did find a terracotta biome but um you know all right oh hey Paul I noticed like when I asked for a sent rent you also

Did you got inspired by me also yeah I meant to ask before and then I saw that you would ask and I was like oh [ __ ] and it reminded me so yeah yeah I thought it was so funny I was like also I realized we both played the

Wrong we’re both playing like the opposite of our set by Sandra and Niche because you know yours is the one we want like is an FPS game or a third person shooter yeah yeah yeah and then mine’s like mine’s is more up here have you ever played cenron no

I’ve never played Samurai before we have you yeah all this is not your first rodeo no I know sanran khagra how how many Samurai games have you played I’ve only played one oh the original it was a 3DS one oh the original the original one is it the original yeah yeah yeah that’s

The that’s the original one foreign was like we told you popo would know about is cultured about this [Laughter] so then this is too close to the edge well no it’s not I’ll be fine okay okay maybe you’re right let me oh sorry all right we’ll put it here

That should be enough we’ll just put one here then someone’s dying oh do we have to catch this back up later what do you mean because like you know it’s a subway station right so there’s no reason for it to be like you know I don’t know did we [ __ ] up

What do you mean it’s all the tutorial says to dig the hole okay okay I just want to make sure [Laughter] by a Skelly So then we need to fix what do we have to fix we have to fix the hole I made where’s your hole You made This way what did you do that’s this way okay we need to make it one up oh no and I also went too far get lots of dirt lots of dirt and Cobblestone all right let me okay which one is you where is it it needs to be one up

Where oh all of this yeah and then it also needs to only go to here oh here so it needs to be like this here like that okay there then that’s fine we’ll just patch that up right here hold on I’m not ready all right you you start here wait wait

Where is it from here oh you put the I’ll see you on the other side yeah yeah all right see you on the other side wait where are you going wait we don’t need to patch that as long as they don’t see it we’re fine I want to

Give my torches back oh my God we can make new torches I have memories with these please make new torches these are my memory torches oh my God you have a hoarding problem no I don’t know I just have I just use my resources I don’t like to waste you [ __ ]

Look as long as no one discovers this we’re fine no one will because I’m patching it up right now oh my God why are you tisking me oh why are you testing my God you’re just making more work for yourself oh God I’m scared Granite Granite Granite I’m making sure

I’m putting it I’m patching the hole right now fixing your mistake do not worry I’m such a good friend okay well this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t interested me with math [Laughter] who else me I’m winners where are you going do you say you want to patch this

Up because it’s one up choo choo all right you did it’s 15 deep not 19. what do you mean oh you [ __ ] up oh what the [ __ ] did you do laughs all right let’s go back out oh my God [Applause] all right let’s I’m gonna go count

So then I know this really cool thing called fill tool yeah yeah what did you tell me about this after the stream Zone okay okay why did you say something oh my God [Laughter] he’s so [ __ ] up I want three hours of sleep plus two naps oh

You think it’s a good time to call it um I don’t know how to say we were gonna go until we dig this I don’t put more I think it’s gonna take us a couple I can do it okay okay okay okay okay okay I’m gonna put two more TNT’s here

We are ready for TNT Time okay hold on I’m grabbing terracotta look we are being very productive with today okay guys yeah we’re being very productive duh we are professional Minecrafters professionals we inspect our craft we even had time to inspect other people’s uh work as the HOA yeah that

Was the most important work I know that was the most important part of the Stream okay where’s the other the other one is right here we’re going too deep you think we’re doing too deep or you think it’s okay I think I think I think

It’s okay we can always just fill it in exactly fill it in with our own cooler Rockets exactly we’re just gonna fill it in later guys you don’t have to worry so much guys yeah we know what we’re doing yeah this looks awesome so far yeah do

You guys know you guys don’t understand obviously of our process no no no they’re silly they’re so silly silly silly silly silly um yeah [Laughter] I fell into your hole are sure it’s my home yeah I’m pretty sure it’s your hole that you’ve made that you’ve asked no wait what the Yeah

That you made by going up how do you know um I see your torches oh how do you know pretty sure these are your torches right here that’s at 15. can you get them at 15 no it’s supposed to they’re at 19 it’s supposed to be at 15. oh oh

Yeah that’s the problem we have right now oh yeah it’s supposed to be at 15 in the at 19. I got the numbers mixed up because it’s 19 wide and I just thought oh both were nice exactly what tutorial we’re looking at and they decided to tell us I sent yeah

I sent it in the chat like when we first decided on it and they just decided to tell me right now oh what the [ __ ] chat foreign in the end it’s not our fault like at least we know at least we know I sent it to you guys as a safety precaution

Exactly your guys were our backups like what the [ __ ] guys what happened to our backup here guys come on this is for sempas and co-hives [Laughter] exactly now we’re gonna be a laughing stock of ninja I know oh that’s gonna be so sad they’re gonna spawn in this do

You is this what you want them to say just I honestly I think that’s what I I think Chad would say yes I think yeah I think so they’re like yes we want them to see how how much of a mess yeah they’re already saying yes I knew

It I can predict the chat look hey look look look we went did all this in survival just remember when we show you guys the finished product the finished Subway Subway just remember this was all 100 done in survival offstream costume we have only today oh my God I fell in there again

Where is it how would you fall um [Laughter] I had God Super Chat I mean just now and then he was like look if you want to cheat just a little I’ll look the other way no we will how dare you suggest such a thing from us yeah like we’re we’re we’re committed to this

We’re honest people exactly we are we’re not even people we’re we’re dragging that means we’re more honest and regular people that’s that’s how committed we are to this whole exactly like come on we never pulled out a creative for one second in the Stream the person

That sent the the stream Labs that had the message is named miji HOA number one they said that they were like the tutorial says it’s 15 deep not 19. foreign six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifty you gotta have another right pickaxe I

Think [ __ ] God I know okay I’m gonna dig now all right you go dig I will be right next to you okay man okay tell me when I’m dug too much okay Chad make sure you let her know what she does too much wait you’re saying you’re dead you’re with me

Wait you want me to map that I thought this was chats y’all you literally are obvious you can see okay all right one two three four [Laughter] look I can’t tell yo me using my eyes okay okay when you see my name stop there okay when you see me stop in a

Certain area you gotta stop there okay okay okay okay okay I’m still mining okay me too me too you’re not mining very far I’m just saying look there I have there’s like dirt and Cobblestone I have to [ __ ] interchange right now me too okay no no no I think you’re lying

To me there’s no way no I literally just cut dirt just now no no no no no no no no no no wait where are you I’m below I know but I don’t know your name what the [ __ ] you’re complaining if I’m faster I fell into my hole

I fell into my hole which hole there’s so many that you’ve made throughout this oh [ __ ] this is dark in here all right you gotta stop and die in there right here where I’m at I don’t see you yeah that’s how [ __ ] fast I am oh God I’m blocking up though

I’m stealing three at a time more than three I did I did like 10 at a time okay me too and no they hate me hate me damn you okay there I’m never okay laughs okay where was that okay let me get out of here I’ll just wait for you here

Because I did my job okay hold on I’m coming out all right all right I’m right here wait I hear you eat yeah I’m right here I have to go back into my hole oh okay this hole is made for you where are you right here I’m at the corner here why

Are you back oh I see I see you okay I’m going back to my hole go back to your hole and I’ll wait for you here I’ll just dig around here while you do yeah yeah yeah yeah see look at that that’s like 15 at once look at me though Is so empty there’s like you’re not gonna have to do anything to dig at all because I’m dug really oh my God yeah here I feel like I’m just stuck out an entire country I’m right here what you dog I saw I saw it it was not that much really you want to

Compare hole sizes yeah actually my daddy taught me not to be afraid of us laughs look it’s not about look it’s awesome not but the size but how you use it exactly this is all about the technique too don’t forget that your daddy gave you a good advice I’d be very happy dude

Did you go I don’t see your name anywhere because I’m digging so much you think so much that I don’t even see your name oh you think wait is that where you are no that’s just rock where the [ __ ] are you I’ll see you I don’t see your name tag

At all do you see my name oh I see you okay you are hey where are you I can I see am I almost there am I almost there okay you go straight and I’ll tell you if you are just keep going straight I am going straight don’t worry just keep going straight

Why are you laughing why are you laughing you’re going straight and you’ll know what oh are you here okay I’m coming to you I’m almost there I’m almost there you are yeah I see you oh [ __ ] we’re in the cave yeah yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we are in the cave all right

It’s time to piece some stuff back together no we have to uh no 15 you’re at 15 right yeah yeah yeah okay okay I’m gonna make sure I’m gonna take down here [ __ ] oops how many rank raccoons can fit into your Minecraft hole oh my God maybe like one I think

I don’t know this is a pretty big hole oh yeah but like it could be a pretty big raccoon are we talking about like a life-size raccoon or what kind of raccoon are we talking about okay but like what’s the Minecraft ratio to a raccoon like how

Big are oh my God we dug so deep I just realized how deep we’ve dug this is 15 right no yeah we’re at 15. okay and I’m just gonna patch this hole yeah I told you I accidentally went to 19. yeah yeah all right there we go there we go we fixed

It we fixed everything yeah okay I gotta make sure we have so far so good so far so good it’s like this whole never existed yeah patch this all up exactly [ __ ] this area stupid hold on hold on let me put a light in there so we don’t get any

Zombie noises down there yeah yeah like like we can pull a new key there exactly exactly so often they’re better than that exactly we are a professional here we’re professional Minecrafters right now yes yes exactly yes think about the kids think about the children I love the

Children think of the kids of the kids what would what would they say if they see something like this you know was that innuendo was who which one no my name is Paul moo I’m so then hey hey hey hey so [ __ ] sleep stop the rain

Sent me like an instrumental of stop the rain shut up I haven’t even listened to it yet let me already yeah how are they so fast what the [ __ ] I’m gonna send it to you oh my God you gotta play this on stream okay okay I can’t believe we’ve made

Such an amazing song together okay okay all right I’m so ready for this okay hold on let me pause my music okay I pause my music too okay here I go I’m playing stop the rain stop that wave salon Laughs Oh my God oh my God we’re so good and talented oh my God oh my God I have tears in my eyes I can’t believe we made that I can’t believe we made that that’s ours now we made that copyrights yeah Geniuses Geniuses oh my God we [ __ ] deserve a

[ __ ] Grammy and Emmy at that point I know at that point like we deserve it yeah what do you guys think what do you guys think about it but honestly I’m not gonna lie the beginning kind of sounded like the Metal Gear Solid 2 Boss music and I was really

Excited I mean of course it does it was all you does it again that was so [ __ ] talented God we’re Geniuses I know oh my God how does it feel to be a genius how does it feel to be I know the world Listen to stop the rain [Laughter]

Is this even a stream anymore is this even like worthy of being watched what do you what do you mean this is one of our best this is one of our best collab streams yeah you’re right you’re right is this like truly the best we’ve ever done together

And this is the most stream of all time the best the best we’ve done a lot of them but I am very common to say this one was clearly the best one it’s been an honor it is it has been I don’t know if we can ever have a better

Poems to learn collab after this yeah this is it this is the end of this career oh my God I feel like we’ve peaked as a Duo yeah we this is not like some YouTubers will quit YouTube because they’ve just done everything yeah I think this is it this is this is our

Peak here we’ve already we’re never gonna make a stream better than this this is a stream where we [ __ ] started stop the rain like how can we go up after that oh my God we start oh wait no what we started stop the rain I we we

Did not stop the rain we because the rains has always been going the rain never stops the rain we can’t stop the rain but when it hasn’t rained since the first time we said stop them if I realized like it hasn’t ringed since we sang that song but it’s

Actually been daytime throughout our playthrough oh you’re right because we’re so good we’re so good the song the song works oh my God let’s upload that on Spotify I think we need to send it to staff right now yeah we need to send them and

Be like we uh I said and promo Ring Pop would like [Laughter] we’re uploading this on the niji Sanji Spotify yeah put this on the official chat yes and we made all of it ourselves I will animate a music video to that song and I will upload it and take credit no

This is why we broke up so that over our creative differences no we have to break up at our Peak but we haven’t even had it on Spotify we break up as soon as it’s on Spotify okay okay okay there you go okay okay as soon as it’s on Spotify we’ll release an

Official statement uh on our Twitter account and be like you’re a creative differences wouldn’t it be funny if we actually if staff says yes and then we released on Spotify and then we take a screenshot of it being number one and being like be like through it it’ll be

Like the fastest career we’ve ever had yeah and then you’re like due to creative differences we have agreed to split effective as immediate right now and then we have like a stream like a huge announcement stream yeah like we’re in our suits we’re in front of the podium and we’re just like greetings

Fans of stop the rain today we bring you sad news you’re ceasing our activities as of now we have no further questions we will be taking no further questions and we also have no questions if we have no questions we have no questions if we take no questions

Are you digging what are you doing [ __ ] digging around okay okay what are you me I’m digging I just haven’t seen you in a while you know yeah I’m on the other side okay yeah I started the Divide has already started look she’s on one side of the of the

Whole I’m on the other we’re just totally different people now same has changed her me what about you yeah I’m starting I’m back at the at the roots at the very beginning oh you’re going through different holes you’re just experiencing life at a different place I think I think I work

Better as a solo artist foreign [Laughter] donated it was like they sang stop the rain but now it’s raining harder than ever in my eyes stop the rain forever song stop the rain forever it’s a good day for rain oh it’s a good day for rain the drama yeah oh my God

We’re gonna be put on those those those drama channels or whatever oh my God breaking up they’re disbanded live now yeah more at 12. before The rain were tears all along and people are gonna leave like flowers and stuff like outside like all right yeah like your tree house and my cave and then yeah like please get back together we got kids love you we got married to your son you can’t just

I can’t just do this because [Laughter] Yang is Promised Linda Hunt just haven’t conquered the same ever since they dispatched so talented we’re caught we’re musicians and conquerors and part of the HOA what can we not do honestly we’re busy we’re busy we’re so busy here

Guys look I think I speak for all of us when I say stop the parade we can’t do math oh you’re so right oh you’re sir I just thought one thing that we can’t do that’s that’s our divide though that’s what caused this that’s what caused this already literacy

And just calcula whatever if only we can [ __ ] do calculus maybe stop the rain noise stop the rain stop the numbers where did that come from oh I think I put that there where’s my chest there we go it’s putting everything away right now we’re doing a good job of digging I know

Right we’re doing such a good job we should have definitely done this like before this year this is exactly should just be done streamed the you know Ibrahim and his crew streamed and tired like everything all right we are showing all the okay we’re showing the beginning process and never ever

After that we’re gonna cue it off stream but at least you know we did it all in survival like that is that’s all you wanted Chad okay so then I need your help again all right where are you tell me when I get to I’m I’m in

The corner that you kept falling into okay tell me when I get to the other side all right I’m gonna race you okay where are you I’m already going to the other side that’s not the hole I keep falling into it was over here in the corner okay I’m

Racing you right now oh [ __ ] okay all right I’m already halfway there I don’t know where I am because I oh I think I’m there just kidding I’m lapping you right now no you’re not I already I already made it I just walked back okay just my process where the [ __ ] are you

This is why we broke up yeah but then we all know we’re gonna get back together I’m done with this I’m a solo artist no no so what I’m still interested I’m stealing it I’m still standing here stealing other people’s work and claiming it on there oh yeah yeah exactly [Laughter]

Obviously we [ __ ] wrote produced and sang and the instrumentals were stopped the rain ourselves we didn’t steal anything no this is we totally did that we just was fully created by Selena Pomo yes stop the rain [Laughter] save us somebody everybody please save us save I save us from who from ourselves [Laughter]

Oh there’s more water everywhere is water Salon no no we’re fine we should be fine I’m okay up here for some reason look look look come here where are you where’d you go I’m on your side where are you my side the side you were working on earlier where where

I’m on one of the I’m on the other corner I don’t even see your name come here come here come here to the side where you were racing me oh I won oh okay like to the ending or the starting just come over here which which is here

Okay I’m gonna go to the hole you’re left you’re left I’m gonna go to the hole oh I see you yeah yeah come here the middle of here come here stop the rain look at all this water what are we supposed to do where where the [ __ ] how did you get through

The water it was just I dug and it was here where is how did you get up here oh just I dug a there you go that should be the end of water oh okay see what would you do without me poem this is it no there’s more here where

Oh what would you do without me Pomo did you put the [ __ ] did you put the water there it’s you no why wouldn’t that it’s not like I’m trying to get us back together or anything by creating a false conflict that makes us grow stronger as a team

I would never do that that’s what our publicist is supposed to do that’s why we hired the publicist did you not get the package the media pack is where we’re supposed to pretend we’re having a fight so then you’re right we’re gonna have like huge media coverage because we were about to

Because obviously we’re almost has been so we needed some drama to spice it up and have the media attention back on us you’re not you’re not streaming right I already saw that I can’t believe it didn’t go to the debrief I’m sorry I’ve been busy with my solo career I’m thriving

You can’t stop this wait that was a poetry is not slowing down the media debrief right yeah yeah okay okay I just gotta make sure [Laughter] that like WWE offer where we’re supposed to like wrestle each other because of our of our beef that we have each other

Oh yeah yeah it’s gonna be sick I know right I can’t wait for that to be now I asked them if I could uh hit you with a chair oh yeah and I asked him if I could like you know grab a pomodachi in the audience and smack you with them oh

They don’t deserve this the media coverage though oh my true true drill to think of it they’re like Tomodachi fan smacked by pomerang puff yeah they’re gonna think that like my viewers have like turned on me they’re gonna be like they’re now attacking her they hate her

So much yeah yeah but like you know like any like any attention is good good attention you know that’s true that’s true yeah you know oh yeah the Twitter trends that will cost we’re on cancel on cancel oh I think you need you’re the one that needs

Yeah okay so then I’m going to the other side you’re going to the other side I’m going somewhere okay I’m gonna need you to tell me when I reach the actually oh my God it’s raining oh my God it rained the moment you focused on your solo career we can’t

Make things up we can’t yeah you guys broke up and stopped the rain then Pomo had to go and start it again just so you can stop it again oh we have to stop it at the Disney movies are together [Applause] the rain is what brings them together

Okay we kind of have a bit of an issue here oh no what what’s the what’s the new issue it’s a big big hole where is it um underneath the ground oh that’s an Enderman that’s an Enderman that’s not we’ll just Patch It Up okay I

Thought that was like um uh an aurora borealis but it’s not a warporealis at this time of day at this time of place localized entirely in our Minecraft server oh there you are hello okay where’s the hole I’m coming over there’s like this random [ __ ] thing here what day oh

We’ll figure that out later and it’s like oh it continues over here too where up here oh I don’t have food anymore [Laughter] I like how fast you’re running after that you [ __ ] knew why are you running so fast away from me I’m I’m putting stuff away in the chest

All right you need food let me see if I have food in here yeah I need food I have apples left apples let’s do it why you have apples I had I had I had like uh beef I was like what’s the op what’s the other thing that’s not pork

Here come here come here I give you steak nice yeah that thing all right well they’re just good okay here you go stop the rain Man I don’t think we’ll ever make a song better than that I don’t think so either yeah we’re not one hit wonders but like this is like this is literally our icky Breaky Heart yeah this is like our Bohemian Rhapsody [Laughter] [ __ ] right there like I mean they made

Like a lot of other amazing songs but nothing can beat Bohemian Rhapsody it’s true yeah this is it this was this was it yeah someone in town behind me I think it’s time to call it no we’re not done we gotta Texas Dooley oh yeah oh this is our final

Final no but we could do more options of course yeah yes of course we’re gonna I think okay okay let’s let’s take one hole together to end it all okay okay where are you I’m putting stuff away all right this is this is it we’ll do one hole together

Oh my God right here okay hold on what’s going on what’s going on nothing okay um is this story real life is this just fantasy No Escape from fantasy what oh okay clearly I misremembered yeah yeah open your eyes look up to the skies and see okay what are we doing together here

It’s just the rain somebody stop it because stop the race I can’t believe it our new hit single stop the rain Rhapsody our new hit single stop the ring Rhapsody wait how far are we digging down I don’t know hold on hold on okay we did it back up

And then we call it here the moment we could reach the service surface holy [ __ ] here we go we did it we did it yeah we did everything welcome everybody [Laughter] can’t we keep digging until the rain stops okay that’s true all right JK guys we’re back we’re back until the rain

Stops we’re thinking until the rain stops everybody yeah yeah as the true poetic ending to this tree all in survival up till the very end even offstream just remember that where’s that go to okay I’m gonna go down here and I’m gonna I’m just gonna

Stick to the side I’ll let you know when the rain stops okay what a team where are you digging I am digging oh there’s a service surface why do you keep saying this service hahaha oh God okay guys don’t you guys missed the salon phone I go here and you know what we’re

Talking about [Laughter] oh the rain stopped oh who did it we did it well with our second Hingle stop the rain Rhapsody stop the rain Rhapsody stop the rain Pomo it has been a pleasure with you today on stream thanks for inviting me to the work on this project

Thank you thanks for joining me on this project yeah we you know what we make a pretty good Duo I’d say so look at that we created we created masterpieces here together we formed the HOA years ago of course not today it’s always been there yeah we’ve always been

There yeah we’ve always had the HOA chat like it’s always been there it didn’t come out out of nowhere it’s the HOA has always been and forever will be part of the niji en server um and our new our two hit singles stopped the rain and stop the rain

Rhapsody uh please on Spotify yeah please feel free to make it number one on Spotify and I hope you see it in your local karaoke bars yes uh all by all produced lyrics by composition by music video by celentati and Paul Marine puff uh please check it out in the near

Future uh what else is there yeah someone said I remember you mentioning HOA in your debut we did yeah we did we did oh good we did memory good memories remember everything my very first tweet was giving the HOA a shout out where I uh shouted out uh the nikisanji en HOA yeah

I knew she was I knew she I knew Celine was debuting so like I was just kind of waiting for her I was just like you know she’s my fellow HOA yeah yeah yeah she was she was waiting for me to to just you know help her out with the

Workload you know I had to like behind the scenes with her on look forward to the stop the rain music video that will be on my channel um yes on our channels uh we’re gonna be creating a new it’s just like just like the Luxio Channel this we cannot really promise [Laughter]

Animated shorts um yes just to be on the lookout for more HOA uh examination oh no Shenanigans yeah exactly exactly uh thank you all for coming um I will be passing out now and what about you bro I’m gonna Read Super chats real quick all right all right I’ll see you later

I hope the rain will stop for you the rain has stopped it’s a beautiful day all right bye bye Wow don’t you guys miss star collab [Laughter] don’t you guess Mr collabs chat what a wild ride through all of it of course we will be doing the rest of this build on survival of course uh yeah you guys trust us right like come

On of course you guys trust us but uh by the time you see the server the subway station will be there what the [ __ ] [Laughter] the subway station will be there by the time by the time you guys see the server again which will all be done in survival of course

We’ll be all be done but in survival a [ __ ] course foreign I I’m gonna [ __ ] pass out now I hope you guys all enjoy the Stream as always everyone say hi traded posture check get up and move around to get that blood flowing and if you stayed up for

Me head to bed because you deserve it I’ll see you guys next time everybody bye guys bye foreign Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】last big build before server merge【NIJISANJI EN | Selen Tatsuki】’, was uploaded by Selen Tatsuki 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2022-12-08 04:26:19. It has garnered 54130 views and 4119 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:47 or 10547 seconds.

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    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More