Momombase Showdown

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Hey here we go again with a really strange problem huh what are these they’re so scary wait they’re just a bunch of dolls Mikey they’re not just any dolls huh they’re super evil super violent dolls scary but why aren’t they attacking huh see nothing they’re really dangerous but they’re only dangerous at night

Oh when it becomes nighttime these dolls will get super violent and attack us what nighttime will they attack the village too what should we do I know Mikey let’s build some security right that’s the best way to survive we have to build a security system before night time let’s do this

Once the sun goes down the dolls will start to move we have to start preparing huh right here let’s set up a couple of Arrow launchers let’s do it we’re going to be constructing security right at the Village entrance I’ll load the arrows this looks good yeah now then these

Launchers will be automatic cool now I’ll do this oops oops now I’ll put a lever here the launchers are ready you loaded them yes sir should we test it out sure bombs away w w this is awesome woohoo that’s something this can repel any Enemy No matter how strong they are

Yeah this will protect us a lot I think that’s good for now it would be nice if arrows were the only things we needed to defeat them but we should probably be prepared in case they make it inside the village oh what are we going to do then

I have an idea for something we can use against them huh it’s a cobweb I know what a cobweb is careful not to get caught in one exactly when you get caught up in a cobweb your movement practically comes to a standstill we should set these up throughout the

Village and make sure the dolls don’t get through too quickly H one other thing we should set up the cobwebs close to where the arrows are launched right there here yeah here just like this we should put down a lot we’ll put a bunch over there but we also want

To put some cobwebs down in the village we better go fast I want to be fully prepared by night time cuz that’s when the dolls arrive yep we’ll set them up all over the place this will slow them down make sure they’re spread out evenly okay that way we can protect the village

Yep this will totally stop them yeah there just like this this is incredible I’m going to set them up in places like this too yeah let’s do that H great this is so well protected there’s no way anybody will be able to get through here this is probably enough for now you

Think definitely here’s the plan they’ll come at us from the ground and get caught in the cobwebs along the way once they get close you and me can escape on the higher level without being slowed down oh oh I should make mine out of glass too that’s

Better like this Yep looks good awesome we can attack from up here too yeah what kind of weapons should we use I still have a bunch of arrows those might be useful H what about grenades what here you have grenades thanks we’ll fight with grenades sure we can attack them

Once they’re caught in the cobwebs like this W yeah exactly like that oh nice this is good we can take down the dolls like this wo that’s awesome H we’ll win this yeah nice is it done we should prepare more in case this doesn’t work what we need to think of another

Way to defeat them in case the grenades don’t work I have another plan huh let’s build the Last Resort secret base we have to make sure it’s extra safe we can hide there if the village gets destroyed let’s do it in that case I’m thinking I

Should build a perfect ramp part for the next section huh did you say a ramp part yeah it’s kind of like a wall we’ll build a wall okay sure it’ll lead up to our shelter I see it’s more like a really long path incredible I’ve never seen anything like

It is this good yeah I’ll add another layer the higher the better very nice okay oh I want to make sure that the dolls can’t come in from this side over here JJ I’ve got an idea H that’s great wonderful there’s no way they’ll get through this ramp part and

That lava I’ll add just a bit more lava great it looks tough the toughest what should we do now I don’t know if I have something in mind watch this what here oh h I’ll place a bit of red stone okay there this will let us jump on the side

Wo that’s great it’s a jumping board just stand on the Slime and hit the button W I see awesome we’ll climb up the wall with this okay let’s do it yep that way you and I can run up and down the top of the rampart and escape from the

Dolls now I’ll install some infrared security lasers cool we’ll put the first one right here oh I see what you’re doing we’ll cover the whole path this is good awesome if we have lots of lasers like this then we’ll definitely beat the dolls yeah we’ll set up enough lasers to

Send the message that nobody gets through here the electricity Bill’s going to be expensive I know they’re glistening so much wo well sure it’s expensive but you can’t put a price on Survival you’re right right Staying Alive is always the most important thing I think we’ll be okay no matter what

Happens it’s a good thing we’re not in survival mode right now that would be bad this is awesome this looks good are we done nope we haven’t even started building our last resort shelter oh right I want it to be high above the ground so I’m going to construct a

Flight of stairs good call H let’s see there we go stairs will this be enough I’m making stairs wow awesome those stairs are appearing on their own I’m still going higher there we go H this should be high enough for a shelter totally I better reinforce it I’ll

Help sweet yeah I decided to make a shelter really high up how however it’s not finished yet there’s more what’s next I’ll show you now that the stairs are done I’m going to make another long path that I can adjust later down the road right path path path let’s put a

Shelter here we can make it out of Bedrock bedrocks always really useful right Bedrock can’t be broken no matter what true Minecraft’s toughest block yeah Minecraft’s toughest block oo now we need to build a couple of facilities here that will help us survive for up to

3 days what do you think we should make it out of sand maybe yeah we could do sand huh is there a better option than sand why don’t we use iron let’s use iron for safety yeah let’s make it tough It’s a shelter after All this looks awesome something like this this rocks thanks I’ll make a little lever to operate the door cool now I’ll make a window sure good job thanks since we plan on being here for 3 days we definitely need some beds and maybe a crafting table and a furnace while we’re at it

Nice and finally I’ll throw in a cauldron great last but not least I’ll make a chest full of apples for our emergency food supply yum all done does that mean we’re ready to go oh wait not done yet Mikey I’m going to tear out this path huh in

Order to make a true Last Resort shelter I need one more mechanism what are you talking about I need TNT also sand and pressure plates this is important like this yeah just like that I’ll keep going let’s fill in the gaps now let’s cover it with sand sand I can do that There nice what’s next now we add the stone pressure plates on top M I’m going to practice it once if anybody steps on the pressure plate oh then they fall to the ground wo and so does the TNT cool the only way to get inside the

Shelter is to cross the bridge with the collapsing floor I don’t think the dolls will be able to make it over perfect let’s fill in the rest of these pressure plates be careful if I step on something it’ll fall through and we’ll have to rebuild it oh

No that was fast one more great there awesome the bridge is complete this means that the shelter is complete too we finished everything now we just need to wait for night time to come come wait one more thing hm did we forget something surveillance cameras yep I’ll Place more using a surveillance camera

Is a great idea thanks wao I’ll put one here definitely we can put them wherever we want I’ll put one more down where W they’re scary I can’t believe the lakus when it’s night time let’s wait look the Sun is already starting to set oh it’ll be night soon does that

Mean they’ll come for us I’m scared it’s going down are they going to attack us soon I don’t want to think about it I know we’ve prepared a lot of security but it’s still really frightening H I think we’re going to be okay considering all our security make sure we start

Shooting arrows right away okay the sky getting a lot redder hopefully they don’t attack us until after it’s dark oh yeah but even if they do attack our security will protect us the Sun is setting huh I’m starting to get kind of scared they’re coming I’ll turn on the

Arrows hurry hurry shoot shoot it’s hitting them I’m glad we prepared we can do this uhoh they’re really moving they’re getting past us Mikey what no way run run run run run Mikey wait I’m going to throw a grenade but they’re moving pretty fast it looks like the cobweb traps are actually

Working sort of now’s our chance grenades keep throwing them Mikey go oh no I fallen off the walkway I’m in trouble I’m in trouble too I’ve fallen JJ no way I’m climbing back onto the platform did you fall yeah I did uh-oh even the cobwebs they’re getting past

Them aren’t they I think they might be not good they’re running towards us this is a problem get on the walls what I’m coming huh the rabbit is almost through don’t come any closer to us run run run this isn’t good the lasers are up ahead they

Can defeat him Mikey I’ve fallen again huh JJ are you okay this is really bad what do you mean I mean terrible something terrible the infrared laser is hitting but it’s not doing any damage are you serious the chick is catching up I’m escaping it’s up here are they

Climbing don’t give up no way Mikey no it’s only you JJ does that mean I’m on my own yep I have to leave Mikey behind and keep running hul hurry hey are you all right is the chick still after me wa I made it safely are you

Okay I’ll go there Mikey hang on oh I see you there you are wait this is they see me hang on they’re headed toward me no don’t give up stop it stop it stop it what’s happening oh yeah I made it the dolls are falling what happened wa huh have they been

Defeated the chick is still alive but it seems we’ve defeated the others you know Mikey we survived they could never make it across the bridge to get a hold of us what there’s no way they could get over without all the blocks collapsing amazing let’s sleep in here for the rest

Of the night inside our shelter good idea in the morning they won’t be able to move sure there you have it we were able to successfully ES escape the threat of the three scary dolls don’t forget to leave a like on the video and subscribe please do see

You next time bye-bye well then let’s get started tonight a swarm of zombies will rise up and attack so we’re going to reinforce this house with anti-zombie security measures a swarm of zombies we need a security system hurry JJ today our plan is to protect this house by

Using 10 different security systems 10 security systems to kick things off we’re going to use lava lava is super useful it’s the simplest most effective security system there is we just have to dig a mode around the house like this then fill it up all right it’s digging time oh I see okay

Nice let’s split up to dig faster yeah sure just like this great wow protective lava is a really good idea idea yep simple and effective that’s lava for you it rocks amazing there that looks good oh there we go all right that does it

For the digging now all we need to do is pour in the lava okay go go go it’s pretty simple simple but powerful no one can get close right no one will be able to reach us we’re ready for anything wow impressive nice that should take care of

Most of the zombies they’ll be driven off yeah this is perfect okay okay awesome it’s good enough we’re all done our protective lava is complete next are the snow golem turrets Snow Golem turrets what are those you’ll see Mikey you’ll see first we need to build a few Towers to hold our snow

Golems in maybe we can build them with stone bricks like these now then we just need to add some trap doors trap doors course next we’ll add in some snow and finally a carve pumpkin now it’s time to put everything Together there’s a specific way to put on the trap doors like this nice then some more trap doors will go up here oh then you just carve out the middle of your Tower huh that looks strong now you can summon tons of Snow Golems that’s awesome see this interesting I want to

Try it too H it can hold quite a few Golems our snow golem turret now you try sure I think that’s right like this oh I get it and now yeah lay down the blocks like that oh okay it’s hard to place the blocks in

The air so try to crouch when you do it that’ll make it easier all right the impressive thing about snow golem turrets is that they throw snowballs when they see enemies awesome so with this many snow golems they’ll bombard the zombies with their snowballs unfortunately snowballs don’t do any

Damage they’re going to fight for us though yep they fight for you so it’s really powerful they can hold off anything I guess that means our snow golem turrets are finished now then Mikey number three a secret entrance secret entrance yep basically it’s just like a basement

Huh check it out wa H if we want to fight the zombies we’ll need to use this basement effectively I’d like to be able to go straight into the basement from the outside that’s why we’re installing a secret entrance it’s probably a good idea to build it outside of the moat

This area looks good let’s start building our secret entrance around here I think that maybe Al turn this section here into a staircase keep on digging oh I’ll help this should be deep enough nice I’ll keep going ahead all right now for the actual stairs awesome nice this passage here yeah

Let’s connect it to the basement hook it up mount it correctly it should line up perfectly oh check it out it worked amazing perfect now then we haven’t made this entrance a secret yet that’s true we haven’t hidden it yet let’s do that right now the most important things we

Need are sticky pistons then we need some redstone dust and repeaters I’ll just clear this Out that’s perfect now we can put these in here awesome there we go what’s next oh yeah now we need to attach some repeaters to the sticky pistons here’s the first one the second one goes on the second slot Oh H great next up interesting that’s how you set it up nice then you just connect it with the Redstone like this oh [Applause] Looking good there just like that good job now to use the Redstone Dust yeah and then then we can have the lever right here okay just pull It the last one didn’t activate I should reinforce the signal with more repeaters good idea okay it works oh now what it works now we just attach grass blocks to cover all these sticky pistons w W like this that was incredible watch this oh w we just cover

The rest yep wow impressive huh I think there’s something not quite right about these three okay perfect now everything is working correctly wonderful now then we just have to make the Redstone circuit undetectable all right like this just like that Nice nice just lay it down and hide everything from sight okay can’t forget this spot awesome it works yeah it’s amazing you can walk right in wow we still need to make a lever so we can open it from the inside too let’s do it makes sense how are you going to add

It to the inside of the tunnel I just have to lay down some redstone on the inside as well h a lever will probably do the trick amazing wao sweet it’s finished it closed perfectly that’s the best security mhm there our secret entrance is done all finished this was our third

Security system now we can get into the house using the secret entrance but my Mikey in the unlikely event that our secret entrance is exposed we should make an automatic equipment system to do it all at once what is that actually a thing it is let’s build it what kind of

Items will we need well for starters we’ll definitely need dispensers and some Redstone Dust oh yeah and a button first things first we need to set up two dispensers on each wall like this once those are finished we should build one into the floor too we need to have

Another dispenser that goes above your head then we need some Redstone Dust down here and we can put the button somewhere on the side there that’s it that’s it yep huh what’s that for let’s make one for you just for Mikey let’s See like that then we’ll add one on the ground there done now you just need to choose the six things you want from it in my case maybe I’ll go with the netherite netherite armor and netherite sword 1 2 3 4 5 I need one more item

I’ll go with a golden apple nice choice now I just have to fill it up Swords there we go I chose all mine all Right okay finished when the zombies attack we can just run in here all we have to do is press the button and we’ll be fully equipped in no time wow amazing let’s try it out later sounds good time for measure six next is number seven a self-destruct mechanism

Self-destruct why would we do that if there are too many zombies for us to handle or if they’re about to take over the house Our Last Resort will be to blow the entire place up huh come up here coming blowing up the house is crazy I was thinking we could build it

Up on the roof on the roof yep first we need to spread some dispensers around evenly along the ceiling just like this you got it yeah is this right H check it out the dispensers are going to go in above these holes okay it’s dangerous to load them

With TNT so for now let’s just load them with redstone dust we can always just switch it out later when the zombies come now to add the redstone dust that’s all of them yep next we’ll connect everything through a redstone comparator so the mechanism should look a little something like this all

Right hang On place these one at a time oh no I let the lava in now then yeah place blocks in every other spot like this sure now the next step is to place down a single redstone torch on every block that way the signal will travel to the top and then comes the

Lever maybe I’ll switch this block like this maybe not what’s going on just flip this switch whenever you want to turn it on or off okay sure this is probably turned off but we should keep it like that for now we’ll just make sure it stays closed Off just like that if you switch the lever on it’ll activate the self-destruct mechanism so I’d like to keep it nice and secure I think that should do the trick we’ll leave the lever behind a red stained glass pane if we need to access the lever we can just smash the

Glass and switch it on okay H there all right Mikey flip the levers so I can make sure that it’s working sure let’s see 3 2 1 now huh W check it out it’s raining Redstone Dust if it were real that would all be TNT it’s super

Dangerous you can say that again there’s no going back from that so we have to be extra careful I’ll be extra careful I’ll put the TNT in now they’re here uh-oh it looks like a lot of zombies spawned so many this isn’t good oh no let’s go back

I think they see me hurry who will the snow golems fight hang on there’s a swarm of baby zombies chasing me run bring it on Snow Golems stop the baby zombies for me cross the lava mod come on JJ right the lava nice are we safe why aren’t the snow golems

Fighting they’re definitely fighting they’re knocking the zombies in wow great security it’s time to run come on get inside oh this is really bad I’m opening it the secret entrance there nice let’s go hurry shut it uh-oh some of them got in they’re inside here they

Come let’s try this out this is bad fire charges it’s so strong that worked pretty well wow that’s super powerful yeah I can’t believe leave it so effective are there more breaking in I think you might be right the fire charges won’t last there are way more zombies getting inside more it’ll be

Fine what how we still have more security oh yeah okay let’s see here click yes me too it’s my turn now do it it’s my turn now I’m eating the golden apple oh nice transformation Mikey close one wao netherite armor is the best Mikey do you think it’s about

Time we tried out the zombie capture device oh I forgot about that one quick pull the lever will this even work okay 3 2 1 W so many that’s amazing great trap wo there’s too many let’s take them out JJ wow incredible look they’re all riled up well it is zombie horde day

Today yes finished awesome we did it good job our security rocks uh Mikey this is bad the zombie hord is getting in they are this is terrible How can there be this many of them oh well at least we’re still safe for the time being uh-oh uh this one’s out of fire

Charges no way hang on Mikey hurry uh come over here quick here they’re breaking in get in the hatch they’re coming for us that isn’t good uh-oh Mikey what now we have to run for it I’m pulling the lever get in no no no no no

Hurry hurry oh no hop on W I think I hear the explosions crazy what the we’re on the Escape mine cart so we should be safe safe you hear that the explosions well we’re in our Ultra secure underwater shelter now so we’ll just have to wait

It out until morning sounds good yep I’m glad we made it yeah me too that means our 10 security measures protected us from the zombie attack if you enjoyed today’s video please like And subscribe byebye bye for now

This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Security Base House vs MOMO in Minecraft Funny Challenge – Maizen Secure JJ Mikey’, was uploaded by Funny JJ & Mikey on 2023-10-18 21:00:18. It has garnered 2232 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:35 or 1835 seconds.

JJ and Mikey Security Base House vs MOMO in Minecraft Funny Challenge – Maizen Secure JJ Mikey Have a good day! subscribe to the channel and like the video Video Every Day! This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft

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    "🔥 Join VenomScar's 24/7 Minecraft SMP - FREE! 💎" #minecraftsmpVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join || Java (1.20.any) + Pe (1.20.71) || #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by VenomScar Live on 2024-08-17 06:35:27. It has garnered 550 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 12:32:44 or 45164 seconds. #minecraft #mcpe #pocketedition #pe #smp #minecraftpocketedition Creator Support – venomscar@ybl / venomscar@axl (Upi) Minecraft server – (fabric not allow only optifine) Port:- Java – IP: (Port Not Needed for java) PE & BedRock – IP: Port: 19132 Creator Support – akashconstruction68@oksbi (Upi) Channel Membership – Level Monthly price Smp member Vc… Read More

  • Minecraft EP 3: Kill Ender Dragon with Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft EP 3: Kill Ender Dragon with Blaze Rod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series EP 3 Kill ender dragon only using blaze rod’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-20 11:30:15. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, our… Read More

  • Termina – Towny Wartime SMP Raiding PVP Towny Wartime Crossplay

    🔥 Join the Ultimate PvP and Griefing Experience! 🔥 💣 IP: 🌎 Discord: 🎮 Bedrock: 19132 | Java: 25565 🎮 Hardcore PvP & Raiding: Dive into a world where survival is a challenge, and no one is safe! Protect your land with Towny, but beware – your loot is never truly safe. Declare war and raid enemy towns once every 24 hours, even if you’re solo! 🏰 Towny Warfare – Rule the Wilderness: Build your empire in the untamed wilderness. Defend it with Towny and engage in epic battles to survive. ⚔️ Termina Duels – Prove Your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players be like: just want to complain.

    Well, with a score of 1018, it looks like this meme is definitely not one to complain about! Keep on crafting those jokes, Minecraft fans. Read More

  • Fleetbhai & Jack: Gaming Duo, Minecraft’s True Crew

    Fleetbhai & Jack: Gaming Duo, Minecraft's True Crew In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Fleetbhai & Jack, shining bright in the light. Crafting stories and updates with a playful spin, Their rhymes and beats, a true gaming win. From FleetSMP to funny roasts, Their content always hits the most. With Jack’s scams and Fleet’s innocence, Their gaming world, a true essence. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For Fleetbhai & Jack, they’ve captured our heart. In every line and every rhyme they bring, The essence of gaming, let their truth take wing. Read More

  • My diamonds got me heated🔥

    My diamonds got me heated🔥 When you spend hours mining for diamonds in Minecraft, only to accidentally throw them into lava and watch them disappear forever 😡💎 #minecraftstruggles #firstworldproblems Read More

  • Craving Honey in Minecraft

    Craving Honey in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Fun and Creativity with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft realm, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that steers clear of any elements that could potentially impact their health and safety. With a focus on homemade Minecraft animations that are humorous and entertaining, 方块轩 spreads joy and laughter to his audience. Unique Content and Channels As the sole official channel of 方块轩, viewers can expect a daily dose of original and captivating videos. From funny Minecraft animations to educational series and even song adaptations, 方块轩’s channel offers a diverse range of content… Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “breaking bad in minecraft 🤯 | بریکینگ بد در ماینکرفت | Part 2”. While the video itself is not about Minewind server, it got us thinking – what if you could experience the thrill of survival with your favorite Breaking Bad characters in Minecraft? Imagine the adrenaline rush as you navigate through the virtual world, trying to survive alongside Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. The possibilities are endless, and the excitement is… Read More

  • STOP FOCUSING! Minecraft Herobrine Chamber

    STOP FOCUSING! Minecraft Herobrine Chamber Minecraft Herobrine Chamber: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey into the world of Minecraft with Emir in the Herobrine Chamber! Herobrine, the mysterious figure, guides our adventurers through a series of challenges and tasks, making the experience both thrilling and entertaining. Exploring the Herobrine Chamber As Herobrine issues commands, Emir and his companions eagerly follow, immersing themselves in the gameplay. The chamber is filled with surprises, puzzles, and obstacles that test their skills and teamwork. Craftrise Server For those looking to experience the Herobrine Chamber themselves, the Craftrise server offers the perfect setting. Dive into the world… Read More

  • EPIC Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream – Ultimate Saturday Runs

    EPIC Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream - Ultimate Saturday RunsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream – Rusty Saturday Runs’, was uploaded by scaicalist on 2024-09-22 11:39:35. It has garnered 559 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:57 or 12297 seconds. SUBSCRIBE #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #skyblock #minecraft #m7 #mage #hypixelskyblockdungeons #minecraft #catacombs #dungeons #mage #mastermode #dragons Read More

  • Insane Build: HMLNS Tromp Cruiser

    Insane Build: HMLNS Tromp CruiserVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT: Building HMLNS Tromp Light Cruiser!’, was uploaded by GARRETT2BY4 on 2024-09-28 21:51:14. It has garnered 414 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:31 or 9091 seconds. In this livestream we will be working on HMLNS Tromp Light Cruiser! I do not take requests in the chat. If you do want to suggest a future build, then please do so on my Discord server. Thank you! GAME INFORMATION: ► Resource Pack – Reflector’s General Military Pack 2.0: ►Shaders Pack – Continuum: SOCIALS: ►Twitter: ►Join the Discord… Read More

  • Betraying Minecraft’s Best Civilization?!

    Betraying Minecraft's Best Civilization?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Betrayed Minecraft’s Greatest Civilization’, was uploaded by OV33 on 2024-08-24 19:00:22. It has garnered 336 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:12 or 1092 seconds. #SMP #Minecraft #minecraftsmp #cosmicsmp (This video is scripted and should not be recognized as unscripted content) In this video I betray a Minecraft Civilization. This video was filmed on the Cosmic SMP, please do not send hate to any creators featured in this video, some of the video was overdramatized for the purpose of content creation. This is also a block game so there’s really… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Automatic Farms!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Automatic Farms!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Automatic Farms O’Plenty!’, was uploaded by Joe on 2024-07-31 19:58:15. It has garnered 140 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 07:37:51 or 27471 seconds. Minecraft Hardcore! A new beginning on our new Adventure. What wonders can this world bring us? Aaron RedMan and Sermo created a Server for anyone who wants to play along side them and watch the stream. Server Type: Fabric Server Version: 0.16.0 The server is modded and it has Terrelith – Biomes O´Plenty – FTB Essentials – Voichat – Moving Elevators. Server IP: Going… Read More

  • EndriuMINECRAFT: TRAPPED in MINECRAFT without touching BLACK #shorts

    EndriuMINECRAFT: TRAPPED in MINECRAFT without touching BLACK #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ale nie MOGĘ dotknąć KOLORU CZARNEGO #shorts’, was uploaded by EndriuMINECRAFT on 2024-04-20 13:11:28. It has garnered 245103 views and 15235 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #shorts LEAVE A LIKE, SUBSCRIBE AND WRITE A COMMENT! EXPAND THE DESCRIPTION AND YOU WILL GET A COOKIE! 🥳 SOCIALE 🥳 👉EndriuMinecraft: @EndriuMINECRAFT 👉EndriuValorant: @EndriuValorant 👉EndriuCSGO: @ENDRIUCS2 👉Discord: 👉Insta: 👉Steam: Business matters🤑 [email protected] Read More

  • Fancy – Minecraft HORROR: The end is near!

    Fancy - Minecraft HORROR: The end is near!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HORROR| Das Ende….’, was uploaded by Fancy on 2024-09-08 04:04:46. It has garnered 17188 views and 185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:32 or 992 seconds. This is the end of the short series Minecraft Horror hope you like it 🙏🏻 #funny #minecraft #minecrafthorror #theboiledone #demon #horrorgaming #horror Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Win with NEW Drag Mouse!!

    Insane Bedwars Win with NEW Drag Mouse!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Oynuyoruz (Yeni Drag Mousem!!) | Glarios Model 0 | Minecraft BedWars Türkçe’, was uploaded by xMaiya on 2024-02-18 06:53:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord: ⭐️İnstagram: ⭐️Twitch: ⭐️VK: … Read More

  • Capybara Network – Epic Minecraft Server Launch!

    Capybara Network - Epic Minecraft Server Launch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Apertura del server #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftbuilding #serverminecraft #diversion’, was uploaded by Capibara Network on 2024-09-27 00:43:46. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • INSANELY CUTE Sanrio Town Builds in Minecraft!

    INSANELY CUTE Sanrio Town Builds in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘❀ minecraft just for you. ♡ sanrio-inspired town builds!’, was uploaded by ChiChiCrafting on 2024-08-24 18:59:09. It has garnered 52 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:55 or 20455 seconds. Powered by Restream find my texture packs here: find me here: Read More

  • PixelVale

    PixelValeWelcome to PixelVale, a primarily vanilla Minecraft server with a twist! Enjoy the classic gameplay you love, enhanced with plugins like Jobs and Shops to add depth to your adventure. Explore the world, earn money through various jobs, and trade in shops to build your dream life in PixelVale. Don’t forget to vote daily to receive exclusive rewards and boost your progress. Join our friendly community and start your adventure today! Read More

  • RuinSpirit Semi-Vanilla PvE SMP Freebuild Citybuild Lands 1.21.1 Germany

    Welcome to RuinSpirit Minecraft Server If you are looking for an Oldschool Minecraft Server with 1.8 Vibes, you are in the right place! Our server follows the same settings as the good old days of Minecraft, without unnecessary game modes or clutter. We have different worlds available including Freebuild, Farmwelt, Citybuild, Lands/Nations + PvP, and a Creative World coming soon. Experience relaxed gameplay and a welcoming atmosphere. Visit our Java server at or Bedrock server at Join our Discord community at We invite you to explore our server and form your own opinion about us. Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Forget it, this Minecraft movie leak is lit🔥🔥

    I guess we’ll all be lining up at the blockbusters to see this one! Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs Drawn, Trauma Unfolds

    Minecraft Mobs Drawn, Trauma Unfolds In the world of Minecraft mobs, we dive, Drawing transformations that make us thrive. With each stroke of the pen, a new creation, Bringing joy and laughter to our animation. Join me on this journey, let’s create and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we’ll stay. Support me on Ko-fi, become a member today, And together, we’ll make art in our own special way. Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Discord too, Where we’ll share our creations, old and new. Let’s immerse ourselves in music and fun, In the world of Minecraft, where our journey’s just begun. So… Read More

  • No “A” allowed in Minecraft #3! 🔥😂

    No "A" allowed in Minecraft #3! 🔥😂 Looks like this player is going to have a “hard” time building anything with no “A” in Minecraft. Maybe they can just stick to building “B”locks instead! #meowgummy #minecraftchallenge Read More

  • Sneaking into Lilyville

    Sneaking into Lilyville Welcome to Lilyville: Exploring the New Member’s Arrival Join the excitement in Lilyville as a new member steps into the vibrant world of Minecraft. The community is buzzing with anticipation as they welcome a fresh face to their realm. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling event! Meet the New Member The arrival of a new member in Lilyville has sparked curiosity among the residents. Who is this newcomer, and what adventures will they bring to the community? Stay tuned as the story unfolds, and friendships are forged in the virtual landscape of Minecraft. Exploring Lilyville Lilyville is… Read More