New Roomba Friend VODs – EPIC Minecraft Vault Hunters Recovery

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Hello greetings and salutations everyone welcome back to another Minecraft stream uh where we struggle with getting uh Java to load because I it it literally just crashed as I started this as I hit the stream button come on man all right well fine well give game has crashed yes I’m aware it has

Crashed don’t worry we’ll get on it we’ll get on it real fast how is everyone doing welcome to the stream where we hopefully fix our tool as some of you may remember we made a very very expensive tool last time it was incredibly expensive uh it cost I think

It was 12 black catic ended up being something like 90 ingots of uh of the good stuff uh just normal chromatic steel and we made a hammer uh unbeknownst to me hammers can’t mine ores unless they are above 90 mining speed so we weit it it it it it turned out

Completely useless we can’t put mining speed on it we can’t Salvage it either it is completely garbage wasted so now we have a pick with 300 durability and that is all we that’s it that’s it that’s all that’s left so we’re we’re in a state we’re in

A state right now um where we need we’re about halfway to a new tool I’m pretty sure we’re about halfway but we do need it sooner rather than later so we cannot actually do any mining stuff uh until we get a new one and even then I don’t

Think we have the tools not the tools I don’t think we have the gems to craft the new cuz used all of our gems on the new one that of course doesn’t work we’re we’re kind of in a state right now we’re in a very awkward State

Uh I did try a couple things to see if maybe we could Salvage it just temporarily I even tried doing some Shenanigans in Creative I’m going to be honest I tried uh and none of it worked not a single bit of it worked I found a

I found we did have an orb that was able with the reset repair slots does not work on crafted equipment or at least specifically crafted tools works on normal equipment uh that was a noo I tried think if we could just repair it in creative mode also a nogo so we’re

Just going to have to deal with it and just never mine things again um in which we’re probably not going to use it too often to be fair we’re just going to ignore all or rooms unless we really really really really really have to in which case I guess I’ll just bring my

Normal vanilla one in huh as a backup that’s probably the the next best alternative we got once the game loads okay I guess we’re loaded I don’t know what I was waiting around for yeah we had this which I thought might work uh unfortunately can’t do that um and

It’s def it’s full on repair slots it is full of repair slots so it’s going to break very very very very very very very soon uh where is our vanilla one oh found it over here so that that that’s going to be our plan for the day

Hello there we go that is going to be our plan we have a we have this as a spare backup which isn’t great it isn’t great unfortunately um and it’ll only work for ores it does lose the copiously it does move smelting smelting smelting doesn’t really matter um but that is

O wait why do we have so much dust we have a lot of dust is this worth it I don’t think it’s worth it um so our goal is to get this up back up to 90 unless we just happen to have more black steel I don’t think we do I no that’s

Out we also don’t have enough black opal so we do need more black Opals as well which means we need this is going to be the end of us we have plenty of this as always we are out of all of uh no carbon uh we did restore our Diamond collection just a

Little bit just eaty wey little bit um yeah and we have 12 knowledge Stars I don’t think oh we have a gem in here oh that’s a good gem these I don’t care about too much I think the last oh there’s stuff in there I didn’t realize we had okay hold on a

Second uh that’s right cuz we ended up opening I think it was like three treasure vaults last stream something like that so we ended up getting a lot let’s hope uh let’s see if we get anything good dragon head sword blade green cupcake crying face all of them ones we’ve had before

Unfortunately um boop boop boop oo cupcake it’s not really a new one but it’s there and then dragon head uh cool any additional relics we’re going to get one at least I have never seen this one before aor wait is this the finalized Warrior one

Oh would you look at that we finally got a warrior Relic okay well that’s a good way to start off we got an extra 30 seconds Cent altimer huzzah uh I do have to craft something for that though right it is a relic stand Relic pedestal oh my bad my bad all

Right oh we don’t shift it Warrior Warrior oh there we go assmo there we go we now have five so say an extra 30 seconds on our vault timer uh I suppose it’s helpful at the very least it’s definitely not not helpful sorry guys my English is a

Little bit scattered today it has been a hectic week and I still haven’t recovered uh 10 mod boxes are we going to get anything good I don’t know what we want I think ideally if we get the option well it’s not an option if we can happen to get another one of these

That’d be amazing cuz we can have one generating Cobble one generating something else um cuz our system is definitely I’m not going to say it’s filling up but we have a lot of Cobble we have a lot of stone um I’d like a lot of other materials too it should be be

Given the option that is a trash can void upgrade we had something good that’s pretty good gold upgrade I’ll take that ooh that’s a good one that’s a really big another trash can let’s just do them all let’s do them all stupid fish okay so we got another Thermo

Generator as you can tell we have quite a few uh that one’s blazing so at least it’s big I guess another Aqua tangler if you know you bed more fish an energy cell for blazing um oh it’s just an energy cell I thought it was one of the

Things to transfer that’s not terrible and then a 16k storage disc which is pretty nice to be honest we don’t necessarily need a 16 TI but we can use it uh what do we want to we could just get rid of this 1K right put this in swap their spaces great our

Swords is even bigger than it was before what do we do with these I mean we can either put them in we can just leave them in here it’s not a big deal uh this will be our temporary storage cuz we do have places we can put

Them but do we have places we actually need them I don’t believe we do I’m pretty sure we don’t actually considering this thing is like yeah it only holds up to 1,000 gems but like 1,000 gems that’s a lot um and then this only holds up to a th000 as well

But do we really need a th of these things like I don’t think we’re even at a 100 does it give me a number it doesn’t matter I don’t think we’re even at 100 of those um so I think we’re actually pretty set in stone let’s see what we

Got on the quest cuz we can get a new one we did get this bounty zombie arms scavenger hunt I like scavenger hunt I don’t know if we want to do it considering the state of our tools that’s going to be tricky um chromatic iron for knowledge Essence we

Can do it do we want to I don’t think so we do not need any of these resources I’m going to roll it as much as I like it mining for a black romatic oh God this is actually really good for us but it’s mining hunt the guardian we might just do hunt the Guardians um for chromatic steel that’s that’s good that’s also good um but we can’t there is no hunt the Guardians item right so we just have

To random chance into it as far as I remember what are these called seals seal ordinator Creator Herald what the heck is a Harold paradoxal gem confectioner the hunter executioner oh we can we can make it oh with it’s with a sword though well that’s okay we

We got it we got one so we have to we just have to clear it and then we basically get one whole uh where is it oh we already had a mining one for black opal H but this is basically like one and a half of this black chromatic

That we need is that the Guardians huh oh we still need a gem whoopsies how bad is it going to be string is annoying not terrible pumpkins we have I don’t know if we have any Birch I feel like we went to go collect Birch at one point and I

Don’t remember if we ever got more doesn’t look like it uh so we might as well go get more that’s pretty good eh um wait what is this oh this is our generalized super tool right we made that we made that all right let us I’m pretty sure Birch is exactly

Where uh we were last time just to the east so that’s where we’re heading come on do something yeah this week has been a little bit rough I’m going to be honest uh it started off by being absolutely flooded um with chores and tasks I was

Expecting a certain amount and I end up getting about 900 to 1,000% more than I was expecting so that was fun um I did also end up getting a number of things lost in the mail uh some of them were packages from Friends some of them were

Packages from family and some of them uh was my weekly allowance of food which also mysteriously never arrived at me H so that was uh not ideal okay so this is dark oak oh there we go Birch the Boop boop boop boop is that magnet not turned on ah much better much better just so we don’t have to make a trip too often I’m going to go ahead and collect all of these I think uh I don’t know if we we have two saplings at home we do have two saplings

At home I really wish there was a way to automatically grow trees cuz I could definitely do it manually all the time it’s not that big of an issue it is a little obnoxious though it is a little obnoxious back in my day botney pot used

To be able to grow trees now look at them they can only grow everything else but trees or maybe that was just stabled specifically for this mod pack it might have been that would make sense cuz it’s a one block solution but it’s definitely like a very simple and easy solution and

I understand if it’s a little bit too simpler simple for the likes of most people oh we already got a bunch of saplings okay let’s go home and before I forget we have this warp Stone cuz I always forget this thing exists I made it thought it was a great

Idea and uh we never used it 1 2 3 4 nice all right put these in there and I don’t think we need to fly anywhere anymore right I don’t think so that’s all we should really need you can go back on this one cuz you are a

Tool there uh where’s our food Food right we have 12 knowledge Stars right wasn’t I going to use them on something was I going to craft something today I was thinking about the auto feeding I was thinking about Auto feeding that way I don’t have to eat carrots all the time in the vault it

Just does it on its own let me see how much it costs uh feeding maybe if I spelled it properly it’d be a little bit easier to find things uh yes this one feeds player with food from backpack’s inventory that’s what I was afraid of it’s honestly four chromatic steel I

Know we need a butt ton of it but is that fine to use we might hold off on that for now we might hold off we do have a bunch of carrots here should be need it but I guess we’re okay for now string have a little bit of string this

Is enough for this though right 41 yep oh 41 41 uh three stacks of pumpkins and 24 lapis I can do that three stacks of pumpkins and this much lapis boop boop boop wait yeah that’s Right boop boop boop boop thank you very much and Crystal put this back Crystal thank you Let’s Go Hunt some mobs and not get destroyed um oh I just realized something very very scary if I run out of carrots in this bag it’ll just start eating kiwis

Okay maybe maybe we’ll get a little bit more food maybe we’ll get a little bit more food uh I know we don’t have it yet but you know just as a in preparation in preparation yeah perfect cool that’ll go a long way I need to move these villagers a little

Bit closer to us I think they’re a little bit far away which is great and all cuz they don’t make noise over here but now that we already are having a noise problem because of you know Dingle and dangus uh we kind of need a better I don’t know I feel

Like we need a better solution we need a better Sol do we have wait we used all our key fragments do we use all our key fragments key I guess we did make all our key fragments oh oh that’s probably where we used all of our black opal

Too I see I see yeah so we only have enough black opal for I think nine ingots we need enough for three More uh y NOP this is as far as we go uh which one of these nope Noe we’re good okay we got food we got potion we have armor it is equipped magnet it seem better days but it’s okay for now it sells 20 durability It’s Still rocking

It we do we do don’t take fall damage we have tenos ability Al share I don’t is pendant CU Sal chance oh that’s probably why we have so much uh so many Souls do we want the burgers what is our level 66 I think we’re okay we’ll save it when something special really really comes along um did I make yeah oh I am very confused guys my own brain is confusing me we have that as a backup cool it’s a guardian Vault so we don’t need scavenger items technically we

Don’t need Treasures either is there anything in here that would be useful right away nope what about this bag nope nothing that’s useful technically for either of those we can have him here this is not really going to make a difference all right let us and I think this one

Assuming we don’t die we’re guaranteed to be um level 67 when we come out of it which will be nice probably I don’t know I don’t necessarily need level well leveling up does help us with our Mana cuz our Mana is a big issue uh four Model liths 5 8 6

And seven and actually before we do anything where do you get the most well we know where black opal comes from that’s only from one place where do you get the most um C Carbon these chests or Nate and wooden but wooden also give the diamonds which are very very helpful to us is it only diamonds that are useful to us in this Chest mod boxes are okay too Bal suits we have so much of so those are the two types of chest we’re

Prioritizing those are the two types of chest we’re prioritizing um I think we’re good to go we got the extra 30 seconds in our V timer very nice and let us go and hope for the best I guess no it’s Living hello I heard a creeper and I got scared know what that was a trap chest what could you we have an altar here that I don’t know if we care about it is actually important for us to finish this Al so I don’t know how much

Like distinct looting will do at least off the Bat the very least we’re definitely doing a little bit oh right you guys are enemies I forgot about that upair does this go to anything woo they really is a strong knock back why am I so fast it’s just been that long that I forgot how fast we were it might have

Be thank you very much and wood chest oh hi creeper hi zombies that’s another thing we’re kind of hoping for but we’re not necessarily looking for at the moment is we do need um a new axe we do in fact need a new axe I’m not going to do this cuz I know

It’s going to us for good cuz we have 10 minutes do whatever task it is and you really need to commit to it and I do not feel like committing to it at all right now to be honest this is the wrong way how did I get down here this way

This looks about right at least it goes up I didn’t see any anything down below I don’t think I see any beams of light from the top side but we could definitely double check that double check that woo goodbye okay little bit of wood little

Bit of wood up up little bit of wood little bit of wood at least we’re getting a little bit of carbon carbon is the thing well those are quite some shoulder pads you got there buddy I should be using main F Miner on these I really should be I always Forget o it’s hard to ever it’s hard to turn down gilded uh there nothing in here right yep okay that’s it for this oh hi bear uh we’re just going to go to the next room I suppose which will be this way opposite way we came in and in case we need to

Escape any pillars of light and beacons that is a lot of wood chest though all right let us do the ding oh that felt good I love A9 go that way oh whoopsies that was less good oh where are you guys all coming from stop

It yeah my health my health is already G holy cow yeah my health is already pretty gone well nice it’s probably it so many living chests in this room what is this about oh why are there uh-oh I was not expecting as many enemies as I see right now can you guys

Like stop spawning for a second okay thank you yeah let me up that there there’s a couple in here I’ve never seen this structure before thank you very much bunch of creepers but wood chests I do like wood chests but I don’t necessarily ow I I kind of need to really really

Look for these altars though the Alters are the most important thing since we have a quest for it that actually gives us the stuff we need it also gives us quite a bit of experience experience again is not as important for us right now as it should be

But it’s not a big deal either we definitely want the quest bare minimum we want the quest poison oh boy hello I missed okay okay our food is see better days there’s a third one go away you Especially okay we do need gems so I guess these are also good to loot uh we already killed the mobs here so we might as well right I think I hear something that’s just a trapo whoopsies I think we’re going to get much more out of this dungeon without spawning enemies yeah

Nope oh Okay I’m just going to go there’s not that’s not here we already no it’s not here uh there was where did they all come from ah where’d my game minimize can’t hit me I’m Speedy I need food which way are we going this way nope nope okay Okay it’s nice and open but I don’t see anything up above so we have to check down below pretty nice and open as well I still don’t see anything so I think we just go to the next room at least it was easy to spot you know car it just in

Case where oh where are the Bott at can I get up this way woohoo oh I can oh it’s an or room how how exciting I need ores but at the same time my axe oh it’s a sad day this doesn’t even have anything guaranteed

All right fine I’ll go for this one over Here stop spawning there’s no black opal there Ben atite which is cool I guess I hate babies oh my gosh okay okay might it be unique gems but where where’s the black opal oh hello good to see you in the corner over there another one of these challenge rooms normal difficulty this should be easy oo and it’s guilded always very nice any difficulties I feel obligated

To since we still need a lot of upgrade options cool not too bad we do need a bunch of chips chips Jewels why did I say oh chipped Jewels that’s what I was trying to say I get it I get it oh hi skeleton Le they easy to

Be anything here is this right back where I think this is right back where we wanted to go originally oh chest in the corner hello There I was wondering where you were I am backed into a corner but luckily they don’t hurt too bad okay I fought your minions where’s the boss thank you is that mining fatigue hello yeah not not not even a struggle all right thank you very much

Oh I goop that one a little bit Elevate trap chest oh we did get something uh man stop it I’m busy looting I got Mana regen uh that’s fine none of them I was particularly happy about but at least that’s something else to fill our

Uh give us more options it gives us more options poison Club was the other one I was considering but I think we’re doing a lucky hit one not poison cloud-based so it’s fine boy where’s the exit how do I get out of here this way okay okay we’ve used up half our

Time we haven’t found a single thing so I think we need to make a better effort to actually uh finish this we still need to do our Quest mind you better effort to find the for monoliths no more looting ores just run look dip run look dip run look

Dip actually leads somewhere it looks like it does would you look at that oh Okay where’s the last Guy all right well we got the ones we needed so we did finish it right yep five out of five next room oh dear [Laughter] Lord it has seen very many better days we uhoh fine be that way what is this oh I have no Mana okay less Mana we have the

More damage we have with our sword it’s not terrible though it’s not exactly great Either stop it what did I say about looting chests I said we’re not going to do it right so why are we here looting chests We this is a crystal not the right one I don’t know what it was regeneration maybe o that’s a door wrong type of door that’s a zenium door oh my gosh there’s so much wood here uh-oh okay let me out let me out let me out I want a

Bail okay we’ll check down below strength Crystal I guess that’s okay uh don’t see anything I see a little hidden room there but that’s not going to have anything woohoo and we dip wrong way got to go that way excuse me pardon me coming through thank you very much have a good day

Carrot carrot Run nothing let me up nothing too easy to see right now I wasn’t expecting a skeleton to shoot me I don’t see it okay next room we leave if we could leave if we there we go I couldn’t figure I couldn’t decide what direction we actually wanted to go out okay well whatever

Uh what is this yep what is that I’ve never seen some of the generation that I see right now so this is very interesting to Me he tenos I don’t really care about tenos of course it’s in the same place as the last one was okay let me drink this Potion can’t even see you buddy wait how are you over there how do I get There ha got him there are so many special uh-oh my health did I miss everything with that oopsies no there’s so many of these little special things in this dungeon what is that about we didn’t get a special Vault or anything as far as I can

Tell oh hi zombie I’m going to ignore You it’s not common to have all of these special things I will say so in a way we’re lucky but unfortunately because I’m not looting the chest it could be better I have no Mana got it oh no I’m on cool down time stop it uh This Way yep sounds

Good stop it stop it okay moving on what do we find we only need two more so it’s not ow it’s too bad is this another ore room it is nothing sounds at above what about below anything anything anything no I don’t see anything okay we

Leave easy as that we go in we go out two more monoliths 10 minutes left should be fine I think oh this is the last room on this side at least it’s the last Room uh I don’t see anything above I guess I could check below I do know there’s a lot of usually extra little Berry things in this room I know it usually I just ignore them and for good reason there was nothing here absolutely nothing okay okay we got to go out

Excuse me oo good Jump Around the ground although we get this scuff behind the wall you know what ignoring that was a good jump hello goodbye we will go we’ll go this side this looks nice I have a good feeling about this side well we always go left so I can I

Not Sprint there we go do I see anything not yet oh I see that yes item Rarity I don’t care about item Rarity like the thing I want least is item Rarity cuz we need yep yep yep yep yep monolith monolith hello oh oh dear where’s the last Dude somebody pops excuse me pardon me coming through don’t mind me my food is completely gone cuz I got hit little too many times at these stupid houses baby go away I need food okay NOP no no no no nothing up above okay we check below I see a

Healing thing that’ll be nice thank you that’s a lot of living though I thought I saw it for a split second but only a split second oh there’s so many mobs here okay either way either way either way it’s not here it’s not here so we’re leaving we’re tipping we’re

Bailing excuse me goat man uh not this way we want to go Yep this way towards the exit just in case one more monolith where are you nope okay fine I’ll walk I can walk it I got Legs that’s not where I wanted to go I didn’t even hear him charge up he just pooped he just exploded that’s not fair coins don’t care okay yeah there’s nothing up on this side that is a champion yeah down we go oh there’s so many nice rooms I want to

Loot I don’t have time excuse me excuse me that’s a Mana one Right okay we leave I’m going the wrong way this Way 6 minutes one monolith and possibly extra time depending on how much we Value Health can I not go up in this One oh no not like this I just going to assume it’s not up top I’m just going to assume it’s not up top so we’re going to go down Below holy zombies holy dungeons all right we uh let’s book it again excuse me pardon me Goodbye we got to find it right how hard could it be I I guess here not if I keep missing jumps pretty hard I’d say go faster please I’m so used to Bubble columns hello zombies excuse me pardon me coming little bit little bit little bit little bit little

Bit okay good enough for me creeper nothing here no B below how’s it looking not too good not too good I will say where’s your monolith uh this Way oh I thought I fell for a second I thought I fell back into the hole hey Connor welcome welcome I’m doing all right a little series of bad luck but that’s all right how are you doing hope you’re having a good day H where’s our last modeli no not you

Found it found it found it okay potion bam that’s actually a lot of zombies can the ones I care about please come oh yeah there they go excuse me pardon me uh there’s one left we can loot this one room we have the ability to loot this one room you’re having a good

Day I I can’t hit this one glowing dude cuz that ends my entire run I need to do everything I can to avoid him ah Reaper although if I die that’s also kind of anti-pr huh okay excuse me pardon me this way I mean kind of hey look wood chests

Oh that was just unfortunate the boss was a creeper who exploded well we did our best okay okay okay health is scary get me out get me out get me out I’m going to die I’m going to die get me out sooner wo stop it

Oh what more of you nope we’re done yay we got our Bounty and we leveled up a little bit yay I think I already know what I’m going to put that point into though uh over here so we started putting them into sorcery when when we’re at full health Extra Man

Regeneration wasn’t helping us as much as I thought oh we already finished this uh okay we’ll do it more B is definitely our biggest d isue right now all right well we did our Quest we didn’t end these zombie arms but that’s also cuz we didn’t do a scav that makes

Sense cool oh my God look at all this junk uh andesite we can keep sticks we can keep dirty sand we don’t need corer we can keep I guess we keep glass don’t need don’t need don’t need don’t need Sand’s probably fine Moss is probably fine all right

Everything else go with in there uh you two to thank you let us see what our spoilers of War are one of them we already know one of them we already know and that’s the Bounty crate nice simple easy and especially this stuff we need

So much of this oh school’s been a bit hard without a computer home but most my honors biology asss are on a computer well that’s nice at least yeah I feel wait oh without a computer at home ah I see I see I feel that a lot of them I always

Had a much easier time doing them with computers especially when it’s like digitalized assignments or All That Jazz it’s definitely tricky though it’s definitely pretty tricky uh we got a lot of gems which is nice Alig you’re still able to do it though is it just harder can you still do it it it’d be very unfortunate if you can’t complete it this is going to be this is going to

Be our achill heal our Achilles heal we need to mine stuff to get the resources we need but our pickaxe or mining is almost completely shot because we need more resources to craft the things we need to craft it’s a catch 22 all right what do we end up getting

We got a bunch of gems we got a couple useless inscriptions you guys can go in here thank you very much goodbye uh we did get actually quite a few iic booster packs I guess cuz we did find a lot of gilded right we got two I don’t think it’s

Anything new though uh this one Bonk Bonk yeah nothing new mod box please be something good only at school and was supposed to have done it over the weekend so yeah there’s six s oh my goodness what are they do hopefully they’re not do anytime soon cuz that’s kind of a lot of

Assignments although I can’t say too much whenever whenever I came to school I was the type of like you know how people would like procrastinate or like do them like at school or something like I was I was the type of person who I don’t know why but I would wake up at

5:00 a.m. and I would try doing all my homework assignments for the previous day just in the mornings at in like an hour and it worked for a while and then I stopped being a morning person and then it was hell I think it was just I

Woke up so early I was so tired that I actually could not uh I couldn’t complain too much cuz I was I was too tired to complain it’s one of those things goodness how long do you think it’ll take you to finish those assignments that’s kind of me not going

To lie but I do it the night before ah it’s definitely smarter than doing in the morning where you’re definitely limited on time we got quite a bit of bomb night we got a a couple pickles more Burger ingredients if we wanted to fast level up uh little bit of knowledge Essence

Nothing all that exciting in here all that exciting you guys go in there uh what do we have in our unidentified items we got a little bit of stuff I don’t expect anything out of it though actually wow we got a lot of transmogs what the heck uh our sword is better sorry

Goodbye uh this is one of the new helmets we got great stats uh for implicits the rest of it not good we don’t use Mana uh we don’t use ability power it’s junk it’s junk Oh I thought this was an Omega for a second I got really

Excited no Omega we did get this wait lucky what is lucky cry hold on a second trash this trash that I’ll hold this for now what is lucky cry hold on a second k h g what Buton is the skills there it is it’s one of these ice hour and Tropic

It’s not one of those at one point I was going to go into vampiric I was thinking about vampiric at sometime they were due Friday but I wasn’t at school for two days so I get three days to get them done oh I see oh that’s Unfortunate they do Friday hopefully you’re able to finish them trans Gathering luck battle CRS giving you lucky oh I understand how this works it is an ability wait wait what from the number of mobs around you get extra Stacks which give you extra lucky hit chance and then you could get eight

Stacks but it lasts for 8 seconds wait I think I understand how that works but I’m not 100% sure um I think what the play would technically be is to forget all of my things for Mana regen and just put them into those abilities although I don’t have that

Much manen either I’ll figure it out later it’s not important uh what do you have gem wise gems are not here gems are in a different bag some lets me come in in the mornings or during lunch on Wednesday we have a 1our study hall after fifth period oh

That’s nice of them I love teachers who are like do that kind of thing so I’m teachers allow it which is super helpful and then some teachers just like no you must you should have learned during my class sorry you’re out of luck find someone else go help others have the

Other students teach you it’s always nice to have a teacher who’s willing to put in a little bit of extra time especially if you like if you ask and they’re willing to that’s great at least the way I at least I the way I is anyone who helps reinforce the

Uh what it the want to actually grow yourself that’s not quite right either what are what are the words I are trying to speak not sure I am not sure anymore oh this isn’t too bad to be perfectly honest plus one to Lucky cry that we don’t

Have we’ll want lucky cry eventually I do know that I do know that right now we don’t care about it but we will at some point need to care about it uh and now we need to go on a mining Journey with a broken pickaxe cool next Myst I get the study

Hall AKA edge and a period of actual study hall that’s every day oh interesting I don’t think I remember ever actually having study hop periods myself I can’t recall like I think maybe there was one time where the teacher just never showed up and so someone else just came in okay

Everyone it’s study hall and that was it just one time every every time Alice is like oh study on your own library after school uh or just do it on your own that’s all I remember wait how much carbon did we get 27 carbon are we there yet no we’re not

There yet either way we need more of this stuff oh we’re so close but so far we definitely need black opal so we definitely need to go on a mining mission Mission definitely definitely need a mining Mission what is that wool sand wait oh that’s concrete powder oh no that’s concrete powder how

Do you make concrete powder uh okay let’s deal with everything else first 15 quartz 41 Cod 15 five potatoes uh that itself is not code cod Cod uh quartz there’s only 15 Right and then we needed po wow I don’t have very many potatoes at all I’m going to be honest I didn’t do too much with study help periods almost at all did it take my Cod it did take my Cod I feel like I was the type of person

Was like oh study hul n I’m okay I’ll go do something else and worry about it later and worry about it l later I did much to my detriment they’re they’re very nice if you make use of them cuz it’s it’s just a time that’s like normally you would do

Something else that you can do for study and getting homework done it’s convenient it is convenient Uh concrete conrete powder how do I make concrete powder this one white bone wait did I need a 60 72 two stacks okay concrete powder this one this oneop Boop oh well that’s fine that’s all I needed Boop there we go Crystal thank you well now’ll be a good time for a scavenger hunt Vault so we can start finishing the other Quest I don’t really care about this Quest as the thing like it’s legendary cool and all but like Arthur pot damage it’s not very good it’s a lot of

Experience it’s not very good though uh we do need ores we do need ores do we have any any catalysts that are possibly or related I may have used them already and I may have died with them you do live near a library and have my carpet the teacher post the computer

Assignments on Fridays the library Clos early Friday Saturday Clos at 5 get home at 3 have to oh okay and it’s closed on Sunday that makes sense that definitely that doesn’t make it easy oh that doesn’t make it easy at all plentiful where they go wait P that

Doesn’t make it easy at all so you just don’t have you just don’t have access to the library at all pretty much on the weekends okay we have a bunch of ores 60% extra ores do we make it a scav hunt or do we ignore it we might just ignore it these

Burgers are actually incredibly tempting I don’t know why they’re tempting you know what Burger me Burger me baby you want take a let’s make a bunch of burgers right now here now Burger actually let me search it a different way pickle then show me how what I could

Craft with pickle I can craft this with pickle and now we have a a stack of extra burgies I I can show you something you’ve never seen before you see this stack of burgers 64 Burgers I have once been called the food eating champion I could eat this thing

Instantly bam 64 Burger gone like that fastest in the west east what’s that the world am I on uh Northern Hemisphere understood uh did we level up we did uh what do we run out of oh we didn’t really run out anything we almost got

Another level up ooh what do we what do we want to make it what B Burger oh we only have one thing of lettuce okay maybe we just chill on it then I want to put more points into this but it does feel incredibly worthless I’m going to be

Honest um if we want Mana regen it’s probably better just to invest into the lucky strike thing this battlecry into Lucky Strike this is probably the best thing that we could use cuz whenever we hit with Lucky Strike we do gain Mana back you do that iroll and not gain any

Weight I’m so jealous I was the same way for a long time I was always hungry just because I did I used to do a lot of various activities uh that required a lot of moving around why do I make it sound so strange I did a lot of sports

And a lot of other miscellaneous things like did marching band I was on tennis soccer I think I was on a baseball team as well it was cool for a while you know what I’ll learn this we’ll specialize in this how many levels does this go up to

Four what does it go up to uh 8 seconds radius is still 7.5 oh is this better this is better 7.5 8 seconds 550 Stacks used per hit why does it go up oh bonus lucky hit chance gotcha lucky hit per okay so it’s normally five per stack times that 40%

Chance um now it goes up to an additional 60% chance ah okay okay okay I see how that works did we finish our Crystal by the way we did all right so we’re going to go ore mining this next run we ignore everything that’s not

An ore um cuz we need well a lot of we need a budge of black opal a lot of pay night I’m not going to look forward to that I’m not looking forward to that I was thinking about getting a burger today I was thinking about it

Because I haven’t had a burger in a very long time instead I settled for a very sad grilled cheese well I say Sad well that’s because it was sad it was incredibly sad I don’t know when I can’t have grilled cheese sounds very easy but I I almost refuse to eat grilled cheese

Unless I have tomato soup with it something about dipping grilled cheese in tomato soup just makes it so much better it’s makes it so much better you should try it sometime if you get the chance 7eventh eth at did concert band I want to again I didn’t get it this year

It was split up by semesters with March me first semester and concert second I want to do both like I said didn’t get aw that’s unfortunate oh it’s a scab bolt oh it does need us to get bone chars though so it could be worse uh I

Guess we could I guess we could do a scavenger hunt BT that’s fine yeah I did concert Bound for a while as well I was thinking about marching band mult for a second time but the fact they added a zero period just for marching band to do it at what what time

Was it I think it was like 7: a.m. when the grass outside was still covered in Frost that was not a fun experience percussion snare drum all the way ooh I was in the Baseline so I held up the big big uh bad snare drum not snare drum the

Bass drums and I think the most awkward part was that all of the uh bass drums uh were the shortest in the uh in the drum line they were all the shortest so it was actually really really awkward cuz none of us could hold up the drums

Properly not a single one of us oh I don’t need any gilded chests it was really funny ooh wait a second that is a excuse me excuse me pardon me challenging I can take it oh it’s gilded I don’t really care about gilded we’ll take these couple chests I think we just

Dip yeah that’s it everything else we’ll do combat actually could do this it’s not that hard we could ow skeleton I hate skeletons are the worst my friend my Bas home is about the same head as me a little taller ah it’s definitely it’s it’s hard at least for

Me it was very heavy it was heavy and I had back ISS or at least I had back you just because of it I don’t know I I’m a very small individual I was even I mean I wasn’t as small as I am now but I was smaller back

Then and it was it was not easy o go away stupid skeleton we’re getting a lot of goodies at least lot of goodies thank you very much oh my gosh we’re getting so much stuff okay no skeletons this time oh it only spawned once oh that’s

Why there’s not that many give more time to focus on looting I guess although it’s a shame we don’t actually need you guys coming or not it’s a say we don’t actually need guilded chest at this run yeah I only did March man for about

A year and then I just put my effort towards other sports at the end of it I wouldn’t call myself a jock cuz I was definitely not part of that crowd but I definitely spent a lot of my uh energy towards Sports I was that PR

Person who ran our PE final twice just because I could that was an odd one am I beating him sir you need to stop existing oh it’s a sword I don’t need sword I need an axe oh you know what it’s fine it’s fine we got earrings cool we don’t need

Those anything else anything else skeleton skulls barrel barrel all right we are leaving rtly ass I can get through doors get me out I don’t even am I on the base floor am I on the Upper Floor hold on a second where am I I need to get my bearings I

Got to go this way hold on I’ll check my grades for honors biology real quick b hey b is passing I don’t even know if schools fail people any where am I magnet leggings orange small backpack small backpack is tempting but I don’t need it why are you guys

Me stop it they scary oh why are you so F oh why am I so fast why are the skeletons so fast who’s zipping at me is that just a rapid mobs in water specifically okay this fire could go out yeah go away you too don’t need you what do we need three

Sacks and we got no sacks I’m pretty sure we got zero oh another challenge room Don’t Mind If I Do let me take a look oh I spawned it too soon I spawned that way too soon okay well that was fun we leave next room uh Over Yonder this way well those grades

Is C+ right now in AP Human Geography ooh how many uh advanced classes are you taking there Conor that’s already two that’s a lot wait where’s my carrots I need carrots I need my carrots wrong that’s not Carot all I that is a all I really remember is that I tried taking AP ooh aega helmet oh that’s nice I remember trying to take uh AP classes and I would I was advised not to I was told I was not ready for the advanced classes and I tried it once

With uh I think I tried a math advanced class and it it it did not it did not work out I was told everyone had already taken summer CL uh courses on those to actually get themselves up to up to stuff up to Snuff um so they could

Actually do the advanced class I did not go to I did not get the memo so I never did the uh summer class I was incredibly behind on the first day of school it was so awkward and embarrassing I hated it I hated all of it just says to I was

Advanced Ela last year what is Ela I don’t think I’ve heard of that before that is a a brand new term to me well them pretty much all we do is take notes nice leave this Way I do need orate excuse me par of me uh-oh okay apparently I’m not going up you know what they can come down to me that’s fine stop it stop it oh there is a lot of mobs more fire more fire more fire more fire die you too especially you oh hold

That for two chests and no sacks nice oh I do need living actually ow don’t set me on fire fire bad English language arts ah I see I see I feel like I tried taking AP English it was weird the way my school did it was weird it was

Like AP English was lit identical to normal English the only difference is you would take an extra test at the end of the year otherwise it was it was the same class do something Spawn I don’t know what just happened all right Next Room it was actually weird the English teacher who was in charge of AP English I learned more Japanese from him than I did English I will never unforget that he was also in charge of the exchange program to Japan that I did

When I was studying in Japan for a little while he was an interesting dude he also had terrible hair handwriting and arguably I like to say i’ inherited my handwriting from him specifically that’s all it’s all wood chests I don’t need wood don’t need wood but I need these hello Dude okay you guys chill out chill out chill out go away especially go away any sacks I got a jar we got one sack o we got a bunch of rare stuff but I don’t think any of it was a sack empty jar okay no good I do need see living living is

Helpful is that a cow it’s a cow and a donkey a little baby can you please stop terrible handwriting I don’t know what it is my dad I’ll when I was growing up my my dad wasn’t exactly the most supportive person I mean he was how do I

Explain it he was the type of person who was like oh you you have so much potential you could do anything you want and so he never actually gave me prize like okay it’s great that you’re doing well but you could do so much better

Give it your all give it your all and so I always uh I grew up kind of just like okay I’m going to do everything now I’m confused uh and I remember very clearly one of the stories is he would set me down for like hours and I I remember working like

Maybe 20 hours total with him just trying to figure out how to improve my handwriting and we we he gave up on that the one thing he gave up on me on was fixing my handwriting I will never forget that Moment oh study hall period I have next semester is going to be my fifth piod every Wednesday I have a so of H fifth and then Edge oh back to back same with your mom oh goodness back when signatures were a lot more important than they are nowadays cuz a

Lot of things everything important needed a signature everything important needed a signature and now it’s just like I don’t even care if your signature matches or not it’s just kind of there wait am I ding I think he’s killing me I think he’s killing me oh my goodness he’s killing

Me going to go away um which bag is my scavenger HP bag this one all right let me see do I actually have anything I need I have three zombie arms oh that’s cool not not enough though uh Mob Essence we have enough Sachs one drowned hide one

We are we’re not looking too hot this run I think the worst part about this run honestly is despite what I had said at the beginning we haven’t found a single thing of okay that’s not that’s not true we found a single thing of ores but only

One we haven’t actually found all them who’s hitting me stop it we haven’t found any of the ore areas we actually wanted to I got too absorbed in the scavenger hunt much did my just make damn he we found one more kiwi kiwi don’t care don’t care don’t care oh

Those I care about them okay you can just hit my face that’s fine I guess something burned and I don’t know what it was I hope was anything I needed still don’t have a signature I tried for 2 hours going do it my signature is just a bunch of scribbles it just scribbles

That may or may not look like my name if you squint hard [Laughter] enough I think the funniest part is it doesn’t matter if I write it with my left or my right hand they are it’s identical that’s how bad it is doesn’t matter which hand oh

Hello sir hello sir oh I saw something shiny what was it what was it what was it show me the shiny hey it’s over this way got all that stuff and woohoo what is this three speed aren’t we already like really fast we are kind of really fast

I’m just going to say I don’t think we’re completing this Vault oh are you guys hitting me oh I’m so sorry I didn’t realize don’t burp in my face that’s rude oh we have no Mana that’s why we do so much damage the less man I have the more damage we do okay

Fine no uh anything oh we’re so fast that’s always going to be wood chest on this I’m not going to bother uh what’s that wood chest don’t care let’s leave let’s leave let’s leave uh next room is this way this Way hello sir goodbye sir oh you’re alive stop it stop the whole living thing it’s not it’s not cool I’m not okay with it uh strength bonus cool for all those mobs I definitely wanted to kill okay you know what we’ll check upper later we’ll go down for now wood

Don’t care Wood still don’t care uh coin piles I don’t care that that that’s it that that’s this room it’s just wood and coins I don’t need eh oh I have to find I’ll Swim can I go further up kind of more coin piles oh is this a secret room oh no thank you I don’t I don’t want your secrets don’t worry I don’t I don’t want them you can keep them you don’t have to attack me for

Them and it’s a dead end so I guess we just leave no chest we needed what is our timer 12 minutes let’s see I got a book for my teacher in like August for me and personally read I didn’t read till Wednesday so I missed last week

School Thursday to read on a weekend and I’m halfway done with our already ooh what book is it are you at least enjoying it a little bit cuz I I definitely I Tried reading books in school and I think most of the time I just ignored them I didn’t ignore

Them I just took like Spark Notes from the Internet or something either way I was not the most uh my grades may have been okay my knowledge on the other hand was uh very Questionable hello ow uhoh I don’t know which way I was going not that way okay you know what I’m just going to leave we don’t need any of these chests anyways I got a little bit what was even the book I was supposed to read I’m trying to remember

The name I think it was the last book I remember no there was a couple books I remember having to read one of them was Of Mice and Men I know that was something in high school I know another one was wait I’ve already been here I went the wrong

Way uh and the other one some I think the other one I had to read was the Odyssey I think it was called and then I had to write like a 20page report on it and that was hell I love the second book at the fifth Way series and I read the

First one last year we’re getting the same for the teacher infinite c ooh seems interesting I haven’t heard of it before but I’ve also I also don’t read books so I guess it’s not all that surprising reading I I I do not read books are fine

But I definitely just well I can’t say reading’s not for me reading is dangerous when it gets in my hands that might be the better way to phrase it I think the last time I Tried reading a book was Hunger Games and then I sat

Down I started reading it and then I got up 8 hours later because I was done um I did not get up at all during the period other than when I was done so it was uh it was a very interesting I don’t know it the day felt like it

Went to so much waste cuz all I did was sit down and read in a chair oh my God I can’t get let me out okay I think it’s just fifth wave the first one huh oh I’m out of food carrot please more carrot please yeah there’s no way we finish

This Vault there is no way we still need BAS basically everything other than mob hello hello child okay well we’re down here now oh we still have the speed boost and it’s kind of draking me uh very very dizzy stop it all right we’ll just get a

Bunch of ornate chests and Save we did our job here I think the most awkward part is he spent all those Jewels getting um evolved that’s we has extra like gems and stuff in it and we couldn’t even find a gem room I think that’s the

Saddest part oh I didn’t check up did I I don’t think I did okay I checked it and uh let’s just say nothing was there let’s just say nothing was there I see wood ship CH what’s this room pink oh that’s the same door Bruh oh what’s this extreme difficulty oh hell yeah I could get a couple Things oh that hurt okay I think that’s no let me through let me through okay that’s all we’re getting from that Room oh I made it I made it and I jump back fine you know what whatever we’re this room is done I don’t care oh I get really into a book and when I don’t read there was another book I got last for my teacher was a medeval

Setting uh with Three Kingdoms I forgot what the series is called the only series I can think of with Three Kingdoms is called Three Kingdoms I don’t think it’s the right book cuz that one was more of like a um oh hello there that was definitely more of like a

Um I don’t know what you would call it a martial arts book I don’t yeah I really don’t know what you call oh hi I wouldn’t really call it martial arts but it was definitely more of like based around Asian Culture okay you know what I don’t need to fight these guys it’s fine I don’t care this this I care about please give me stuff give me lots of stuff give me give me give me anything else anything else okay okay understood uh what is our timer at 6 minutes oh everything’s

Shaking uh I think we just have to go back to the start I mean we already knew we were going to bail but I I was hoping we get a little bit more out of this to be honest okay good enough for me good enough for me let me out ow that’s

Fire what’s in this what chests uh I guess we could now that’s oh we’re going to have to take out all the mobs if if we want to go in there I don’t think it’s worth our time okay excuse me where is the entrance I have to go over one side I

Think it was the author’s last name was first or last name was Meg it Serv with the name of one of the king cuz I know they were planning to make a movie of it ooh oh excuse me mobs I don’t care about you right

Now wow our magnet has fallen we lost a lot more durability on our mag than I was expecting we would we’re down to not a lot all right well we failed this fault but we came up with at least a handful of goodies we never got the sacks we never

Got the drown hide we got a couple zombie arms for our legendary Quest I guess that means something I mean that means the legendary Quest is about halfway done which is pretty good not ideal we pretty good okay nope not reaching that stop shooting me it’s not okay it’s mean

And rude and I don’t appreciate your arrows in my face uh where is the last room by the way is it we’re we’re in the last room so we can loot this room at the very least we can loot this room and then call it there ow CU we still have time

We might as well loot it right here ow Yes the sound of horse is my favorite one coin hold on there’s no way there’s no way it’s up here right there we go that’s what I Wanted and we got a couple wood chests over here yeah there was a lot more you guys than I thought there were why is there so much fire I don’t remember leaving all that fire there how awkward the king search was called Pia which is between both the

Others that was really poor probably from constant Wars I’m assuming huh okay you know what I’m done with this Vault we’re leaving I kill these mobs we leave no no stop it uh this way this way we could loot a little bit more but I’m I

Just want to go into the next Vault this one is sad it makes me sad I read the first book it was really good gotcha it’s always nice to stumble upon good books I don’t know I feel like when it comes to book well it’s not really

That different than games I suppose you come across I things you want to continue it but there’s a lot of times you come across stuff that’s also not so great and it takes I feel like sometimes takes a long time to actually find the ones you really

Enjoy dirt I’ll take dirt cut Turf don’t care don’t care don’t care don’t need doors don’t need doors definitely not yellow concrete powder let go in there okay what are okay we got a couple inscriptions that’s at one point we need to figure out what the hell to do with these

Inscriptions at one point we need to um scavenger hun items obviously we did not finish it so we were just going to Boop all of you going there yeah okay what did we get actual item wise uh I mean we got 206 carbon I guess that’s okay I guess that’s

Something it’s not it’s not the most exciting actually we did get a lot of unidentified items this run we got two omegas two high level omegas I don’t remember if we needed a new helmet or not no we actually did it we could use a new helmet but we didn’t necessarily

Need it Shield I’m excited for shield I oh we got another skill point as well uh let’s go ahead and put that into battlecry sure what’s the next level of Lucky going to do for us 16 print does it not change other than the amount of stacks it consumes I guess

Not wait we got Omega one too oh oh shoot this is actually pretty good um oh wait it’s almost pretty good unfortunately a lad roll like the stats itself are pretty good the suffixes are pretty good but the attack damage on it is unfortunately not as good as we

Want I guess I could roll the suff on this until we get lucky hit you know I probably should just do that oh I don’t have anything for that never mind I don’t have any re rolls that’s why I didn’t do it oh man this is almost so good we might

Still do a couple rerolls on it cuz I do I really like that lucky hit chance it goes up to six it has five more armor which is great oh this would be so good if everything just rolled Higher sag all right now maybe we just grab it if we’re going to do roll it anyways we might as well just get rid of it and wait until we get a higher level uh so get rid of that I guess we get rid of this

Too I got to make sure that’s the right sword uh no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you o no thank you no thank you no thank you no thank you plus one power to vampire and lucky hit

Chance and ability power this is actually pretty good like to be honest it’s pretty good if we used ability power this would be great maybe we hold on to it maybe we hold on to it just for the future and we have this other one we’re holding on to right

Actually one is significantly better than the other right now for the English class the uh is reading a book about the Holocaust Survivors experience called Night by Ellie we weasel wisel something along those lines I see I See how are you uh how are you enjoying the book so far I don’t remember too much about the Holocaust to be perfectly honest I remember it existed and that’s about the limit of my actually hold on a second does this have a disenchant value okay hold on we have too many

Torches we have too many chains so I’m going to go ahead and move those into our other where’s our trash bag scavenger bag I guess our I guess this is our trash bag uh uh Torch I don’t see it we’ll do this okay you go in there Boop uh memory boop boop cuz those are those are just going into the void I’m pretty sure we don’t want it going to the void uh if they give us any Soul value we should keep them okay cool and

We will take that out of our Treasures bag now since we’re completely do not need them okay get rid of that oh hold on memory boop boop look at all this extra random space we have scattered around Vil I don’t know what that means is that French fil fil

Fil A little bit has this rotated yet it has not uh okay a actually let’s do a little bit of gambling here we have 4,000 shards we can buy three of these no two of these let’s see if they get anything useful if we win we get chromatic steel or black chromatic steel

If we lose anything else and the odds are definitely against us but our Luck’s been down so maybe just maybe we’ll get lucky today Bam [Laughter] that is exactly what we wanted I I I was not expecting that okay okay okay um that was unexpected oh that’s actually perfect that’s super Perfect we have 25 more we added um can we how much more can we make of this black chromatic cuz we need 10 this Ingot we need at least 10 of these bam oh oh we did it wait come back we made a little bit too much uh we can

Actually we can replace this tool while right before it finishes its last Limbs I was not expecting to be able to do this so fast at least okay we got that where is it on this list here it is any needs to be either a pick or a shovel one of the two uh Driftwood wpe wype Mass just take a bunch of Driftwood out

Driftwood is one of those resources you just get a bunch of and you don’t really need but you still kind of just have it anyways um and the other one was W to D Mass it’s this little ball Thicket thing right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I don’t

Remember how many we needed I didn’t read ah yes my my Nemesis words uh actually hold on hold on hold on um copiously what copiously do we have uh this is good so we will with that item Rarity mining speed copiously we’ll use that as well copiously item Rarity

Mining speed we’ll use that as well pulverizing copiously H maybe can’t be too bad all of them are item Rarity this is so awkward copiously item Quant cuz item quantity does not affect it at all okay so the ones I’m not sure about I’ll put down here uh that’s probably fine mining

Speed I think is it’s not necessarily important but it’s okay I’d rather save anything with mining speed for chests maybe I don’t these are these are weird ones um this is also a weird one but that’s okay it’s pretty good we finished reading about his experience on a death march

From oswit to somewhere in Germany he was like 15 when he went to oswit but his mother and younger sister died early on and also when he red in osz he saw the he saw baby six-year-olds being burned live by the truckload oh Wait you know that sounds familiar maybe I read this book as well and just forgot about it it’s very possible I have the memory of a cockroach so that does sound incredibly familiar uh these are so big these are all so big they’re good but they’re

Big okay let me get something 19 size 177 size 33 size 29 size 31 side they’re so big why are they all in the 20s item Rarity again uh durability this one’s good reach that one’s good let’s just take everything man I don’t know we’ll take every single

Copiously we have and we’ll deal with it um I do have to shrink them though right uh one two three cool One two oh it’s lower than 10 nice awesome I I wasn’t paying attention the more that are lower the closer to 10 the better it only went down by one each time and boop boop boop we can’t cut more than three I mean we could but as soon as it loses copiously

Then it’s a worthless gem well not really if it loses copiously we just use it for the item quantity which isn’t terrible that’s a kind of awkward cut did I already cut this one I did I’m cutting it in line but I can’t remember where I ended 21

Uh I think the most awkward part is none of these jewels that we got not a single one actually Um actually has like shoveling or anything on it no I meant I didn’t mean to click that oh man Whoops I hope it wasn’t a good gem I wasn’t paying attention that Closely some of these large gems are incredibly large 33 I don’t know if I like that some of these large ones we that one didn’t need to be that one already was cut that’s very unfortunate for us all right and the reason we’re focusing a copiously uh last name was found Vil I

Think okay so yes I am the one who can’t spell well that’s nothing new that’s nothing new do we have a good shoveling je uh Jewel in here shoveling specifically for we pretty we have a small what about picking picking I’m assuming is about the same pick no how about you spell it

Right please picking we don’t have to spend anything whatever we’ll just do we’ll do a pickaxe take that out put it back in you cannot color Lord them got it got it got it all right we’ll just do chromatic oh I selected the wrong tool oh thank goodness that was close uh

Black chromatic black chromatic do do these all cost the save they do okay so it doesn’t matter bam let’s let’s put stuff on it now whoop whoop whoop okay how are we minus One minus one that is really sad I’m going to be honest um so something we need to cut something we need to cut we cut everything we could um we just need to cut cut it once and pray we get lucky so it might be this one to

Try getting rid of item Rarity or mining speed one of the two would be okay uh some of these are still pretty large though or we could do the 27 we’re going to do mining speed is pretty useful well I don’t know how useful it

Is if we’re going to be honest all right well we’ll risk it cool that’s all we needed bam it went down by one exactly okay so now we have 35 mining speed 34% copiously a little bit extra D pulverizing which honestly isn’t that great um it basically just means when

You break stuff it breaks into a another variant of it uh can I search pulverize pulverizer yeah what do you what do you what do you do um so like if we M supposedly if you mine vanilla ores that these are the materials we get oh you can do it for tools as

Well if we happen to get any chromatic iron in the vault it’ll turn into chromatic iron Dust uh is there anything in this I’m particularly I care about the right inot Vault Stone into Vault Cobblestone okay so it’s just Vault cobblestone nothing else looks like it matters all that much so there is our new tool fine got it I forgot to put the shoveling gem on it God It’s uh H whatever it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine we got we got our tool we got our tool that’s not a stupid Hammer we got a tool that’s not a stupid Hammer that that is a win uh emeralds we need to enchant it a little bit right

Fortune All That Jazz ra you can’t enchant emeralds uh efficiency please Fortune please Unbreaking thank you and that is our new wonderful pickaxe that will be replacing our melded mat cuz it is kind of maxed out I’m also doing a Jrock which the kind of military thing

The teachers are a Cole and Ed it uh Cole sply Air Force so we learn about the how planes can fly and how they were invented everyday we were on Air Force oh that’s kind of neat oh that’s kind of neat I haven’t heard of something like that Before are you looking to join the Air Force or is it just an educational Thing yeah that’s quite a big Improvement I am content with that now eventually we’ll have to replace this as well but this isn’t as important I mean it’s important to replace at some point that’s probably the next we’re going to replace but it’s not an urgent which is

Nice uh that can go in here oh we don’t need this tool right I forgot cuz we have the vanilla immortality one that we did not actually use and this we’re retiring this one we’re retiring goodbye I guess technically we should take our hammer out this Hammer was

Great until we realized oh hammers don’t mine then it was a little bit less great our new one is still a little bit worse considering we went so much into copiously it’s still wor worse but it’s not terrible it’s just not good is there a difference you know what

I’m going to put this Mark of Shame on the wall over here this one you stay there and think about what you’ve done hard this hasn’t reset yet educational mostly but I think I want to go into military oo well good for you military is definitely an

Interesting place to be I I had a couple friends who went into the military I didn’t keep in touch with them enough but as far as I can tell it seems like they enjoyed it uh mushrooms Saddles flesh and whatever this block is called I know we have it I

Just don’t know what what it’s called oh wait there’s an easy way to tell what it’s called shift drip Stone thank you thank you uh D drip Stone yeah how much should we need oh 145 okay so we need a little bit more I wonder if we could Farm dripstone in any

Way cuz while we do live in a dripstone biome I don’t necessarily want to destroy our home completely that would not be what I want uh wow we have a lot of rotten flesh where did this all come from I guess we do have zombies killing stuff now so

Okay that’s fair saddle we will take oh one saddle two saddle that’s all we needed uh and then 46 Brown mushrooms I don’t think we have brown mushrooms at least not that many brown mushrooms yep okay we are going on a bone meal Journey bone meal that should be enough

Uh as in foot troops I’m way too scared of heights but there are jobs in the air force that don’t require to go into the air yeah like the uh the ones in those um what do you call it the air control Towers or like the um is missile control technically Air

Force I don’t actually I don’t know how military works I don’t know how it’s organized but there’s definitely a lot of jobs that don’t NE require you to be actually in the air I know that much that it’d be pretty cool for you uh guess Farms is closer all right let’s go

To a little dark corner to start growing some shrooms it’s actually so dark I can’t see where I’m going where’s my block there it is there’s my little special I forgot my I forgot my axe I’m in the way why aren’t you growing wait why aren’t you Growing huh what what I he didn’t want to grow he really didn’t want to grow they that stack of bone meal like nothing oh gosh okay let me since we’re coming back anyways we’ll go ahead and get our axe I guess uh let’s get more bone

Meal we have a ton of Bones it’s just a matter of which ones we want to use that’s fine that’s fine two stacks of bone meal that’s not enough then uh something is the issue and I don’t know what that would be cuz nothing else is really changed in

This area as far as I’m aware okay let’s let’s try it again but this time we didn’t remove those blocks just in case Brown mushroom is a little bit of a different growing box this mushroom’s broken getting a new one Huh huh do have to go to bed so good night all right may you see you tomorrow or in a few months what are the other have a good night Connor and best of luck to you and the rest of your assignments all right I this isn’t working out as

Expected I was expecting us to grow a mushroom and uh it’s not working so how do I how do you grow This botnus Table what is a bot this Table I have no idea what this is I’m actually curious obviously this isn’t working for whatever reason it worked on red shrooms just fine I wonder if brown mushrooms have a different growing requirement than red mushrooms does require more Darkness comparatively to Red mushrooms I I thought they were the same I honestly

Thought they were the same um but let’s see how this botanist table works I’m pretty sure it’s not going to give us what we need but Bist table here we go let’s make this of course you need a crafting bench uh here take one of my many crafting

Benches bop bop okay we have this bench what does this bench do I don’t know where do we want to put this let’s put it over here by the window we have a little bit extra space over here anyways right okay let’s put uh Mushroom in here my mushroom Oh I get it it’s just for cutting mushrooms oh man all right hold on I need to look up how to grow how do you grow oh this is embarrassing how to grow brown mushrooms uh in my craft uh it can be planted on ground and

Blocks have a full surf full top surface and light levels below 13 directly Not underneath the sky cannot be planted on top surfaces or roofs is that what I Did light levels 13 and below and not and not directly underneath the Sky Okay uh if planted in mycelium pule or nyum they can stay planted in any light level including be planted and remain under life from the sky above both Brown have grow at the same rate regard as the light level so nyum nyum will supposedly solve our issues

Eh or what I presume to be an issue that’s not nyum wait a second uh let’s do dirt no nyum Crimson nyum or warp nyum does it make a difference I don’t think it would we might need more bone meal we might need more Dome Meal I wonder I mean it’s in a very dark corner right 13 blocks it has plenty of space it has plenty of space oh we’re getting rid this all right we’re getting rid of that okay uh nyum go mushroom go bone Meal hello I hold on a second F3 uh what is the light Level it’s One you’re kidding me light level one and it’s still won’t grow what is Happening guys Let’s go somewhere else let me out let’s go somewhere else to grow these shrooms and get a little bit more bone meal since we ran out uh lower level no upper level we need we need more bone meal unfortunately uh bone Meal okay we got three more Stacks we’re going deep deep under ground this time and maybe just maybe we’ll be able to grow it oh it needs a lot of space above doesn’t it I think it does so we’re going to have to get a

Pick I guess it’s a good time as any to test our new pick huh uh pick is that good where’s the center of this right Here is it here doesn’t feel right right here this is the center that’s the Center this has to work now Right God damn uh let’s mine a little bit more then I guess wrong tool can’t get It okay there oh oh that’s right they’re Fat I forgot the brown mushrooms are fat oh you just needed more vertical space I got it okay I understand I’m sorry I wasn’t being kind I wasn’t giving you the space you needed I get it all right cool well we got mushrooms that should be enough for now and a

Little bit of extra stuff okay so this is going to I guess this is going to be our new mushroom farming spot since now we can grow anything we want here uh oh where am I going 46 how about 64 you punk uh put everything in here my guess

You don’t need it don’t need it don’t need it don’t need it don’t need it don’t need it dirt dirt Pearl nope no nope okay Crystal uh P CL here all right once again we are trying to specifically mine and I think this might end up

Being this might end up being our last oh it’s only been two hours no we can do more we can do much more we do need carrots Though we do need carrots again I don’t want to run out just for the eventual time when we do get the auto feeding thing at one point I do want to get the automated villager trading as well Pig would be cool as well not as important though villager traing would be pretty

Nice though I think okay we got car cool bag extra goes in there oh wait a second we got a we got so many of these Relic booster packs uh what relics have we not got yet we haven’t got a twitch set yet and I think we don’t have the elemental set

Yet I think those the only ones we’re missing yeah Dragon miners cupcake richy relics and Warrior we don’t have the Nazar set either maybe if we’re lucky I was expecting us to get at least four but oh I think that actually completes uh one of the sets yeah that’s our first uh

That’s another one that we’ve completed oh cool okay so we got that we got that we got that uh one of those one of these and that’s another Relic set wow we add another of altimer oh that’s awesome what is what’s it called Relic pedestal thank you very much where do we

Put this one how about just right here never assembled before never assembled wait what let mean never assembled before it says they’ve all of them have never been assembled before I mean cool there we go yay brand new one another 30 seconds about timer also I

Have a message give me a second Hello Message in a Bottle where are You okay I’ll deal with that later not a big Deal all right let’s do our next Vault run again we’re looking for ores whether we actually get ores or not seems to be susceptible to a complete chance that is the only thing we really need well we need carbon cuz we’re now we’re out of this again this is

Definitely what we want a lot of this um what was the thing we were going to make that I said no we’ll deal with it later oh the feeding upgrade with the uh with the extra know yes yes yes yes that’s right that is right that is right uh lower level I guess we could just move the carrots into a Brand New Bag huh that’s another opin that’s another option that is in fact another option uh do we want to make it a scavenger it’s too late we already put it down well we’ll deal with whatever we Got and it is monolith in a very pink themed Vault oh my goodness uh so we don’t care about these we don’t care about yeah we’re fine we’re in good hands uh I’m going to move this over though yep so what is this Vault theme though it’s very cakey it’s like a frosting

Themed what is this oh I didn’t think you could fall into that I thought it was a solid I didn’t realize it was water you know if I spent a second to look at it closer it does look like a liquid oh well well here we go here we

Go we’ll hit modelit up but we’re mostly looking for Ores oh yes it is definitely a candy theme Vault definitely definitely oh those squeaky sounds I don’t know if I like those squeaky sounds woo it’s a chocolate River oh oh they’re all going to chase me in here aren’t they cool and let’s see what we

Got uh a couple things couple bit of loot uh couple Jewels nothing all that exciting to be honest in this we didn’t get a lot of stuff but it could have been better it could have been a lot better uh we are going to have to punch this out ourselves Though like how treasure sand doesn’t adhere to gravity everything else does just treasure sand doesn’t oh missed one that gave us nothing all right and out we Go there the joys of carrying keys with you we still haven’t used a stupid pizza night key is the first key we made and is the last one we’ve used ever at some point we’ll find a pizza night door right it can’t just not exist right that’s it’s

Impossible I feel like I’ve seen every other key besides it though every single type of door other than pizza kn what ooh ooh ooh ores ores ores exactly what we wanted excuse me Mr jelly beans all right am I binding I am wasn’t sure for a Second Okay oh no copiously on it Though oh I have to build up man okay well good thing we got all this extra random concrete powder good enough and mine mine mine Mine why is the larar the one we got the bonus on next one’s right here so many of these little guys he just grow there’s actually nothing down here okay understood it’s like they start off large and they get smaller I don’t know what that’s about is that just the type

Of Vault it is where everything Rings no it’s Soul sour just extra huh okay well I’m fine with that I guess okay what else are you going to have for me one Crystal well that was a little disappointing now down to the bottom side oh you could you can bounce on them oh they’re little jellies the little jelly balls oh that’s cute I like that everything as small the babies are tiny they’re even smaller all right is it just

That I think it’s just that what a waste of a spot it’s just Nothingness oh these are the tanky ones got it goodbye tanky guy oop oop oop goodbye and I see a black opal May luck be on our side cuz we definitely need black Opals goodbye goodbye again uh pick pick Pick woo in another tiny tiny area I’m so fast I keep running into them it’s not ideal anyone else no one else Okay got everything and by everything I mean there was absolutely nothing here oh what a sad sad mining area Man I’m on cool down okay okay well at least we got a mining area and we got the test our new pick too which is nice it works out okay I have no issues with it it’d be nice if I could do shoveling as well but not

Terrible it’s least much better than we had before Oh another mining area oh you spoil me they knew the game knew Cool uh boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop okay woohoo Oh recipes Jump it’s okay and boop boop is this B mine it is I’m just not hitting stuff that’s B Minable more black opal and it doubled oh that’s even better I definitely did as much black opal as I can get this going to be such a or heavy run and I’m loving every second of it hello guys excuse me pardon me it’s so small look at that little guy was anyone

Supposed to hit him is that all of them no now it is a what are you doing in there I know this is a candy Bu you’re not supposed to be filled like a GB or of surprise that’s crazy I don’t like that that I don’t like Hello thank

You is this it for the uper area nope there’s still a little bit left in this up this upper side had so many more ORS in that last room is a hole kind of crazy kind of crazy that gave me a lot of stuff but nothing you useful I could

See how close are we on this pite 10 out of 45 45 is a lot though hello hello and boop boop boop okay this one’s this one’s nier than the other one we saw this one actually has a little bit of ores excuse you sir I’m busy here Ooh Echo Gem and we got two of them I remember we were running out I do remember that uh I don’t remember what we needed the echo gems for I just remember we ran out of them uh that should be it to the upper level yeah yeah we pillared out of that

Okay lower level let’s drink a little bit of a carrots wait a second ah stupid babies stop it there you all Are more F Mineo boooop I don’t think copiously actually affects the uh the quest so unfortunately it increases our reward not rewards the um well I guess yeah the amount of ores we actually get but it doesn’t oh was that it for this bottom level oh that’s that’s why they’re all

On the upper level I understand that’s I mean I guess that’s something okay next room uh which I think is this way the squeaky sound I can do without though that squeaky sound’s going to drive me crazy from this Vault is this what I think it is I think it’s the wrong type of door but I’m going to try it anyways for Sandy sake damn oh hey ores hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on you guys are in the way stop it you ruined my

Jam okay let’s try this uh boop boop boop boop booop boop boop Boop ah uh here we go this be a little bit better these do not get affected by gravity after all right Nice three black Opals pretty good not quite ideal would have been nicer if it doubled just saying a lot of things are spawning but I’m not actually seeing a lot of things oh that’s a lot of things that I really don’t care about okay oh we go

Especially you uh uh which way are we going I think it’s this way do we want to take this I’ll take it God Damn okay fine fine fine we’ll go for the stupid wooden chest cuz of all the ones this is probably the easiest one to do I guess technically we do need carbon so it’s not that bad bad it’s not that bad thank you very much little bit more a little bit More well we got that at least the on from this little area there should be more I know we saw this one uh all the mobs I think we triggered everything down on the bottom floor I’ll bit maybe unintentionally but uh I guess it played off to our benefit in some formal manner

Uh let’s check the upper side can I go straight up I can’t my jump is good enough oh door that’s the wrong type of door we already tried that Door oh rare stuff wait how much do we have 10 minutes that should be fine let’s go to the Next Room again wood chests are pretty common so I don’t think we’ll have that much issue actually getting I mean we’re already a fourth done right from one room come bad could it Be shks all right fight me oh these are the tanky ones hello goodbye oh did I not spawn you already whoopsies I saw a dude up here I was like oh we’re Good cool got those uh next side over here what’s here nothing over here living I like living boop boop all right we’re living living the last smack little tidbit of living that was in that chest someone chasing me yeah you boop four chests easy two chest anything else anything else one

Chest one more chest nice uh I think that’s all the wooden chest coin not coin I’ll take him anyways though should be one more shouldn’t there it’s not just two oh maybe it’s just two maybe it is just two all right woo got a little bounce

Oh right we’re doing a monolith Vault I forgot about where’d you come from I forgot we were doing a model liall uh oh we still can this going to be a little bit harder than I was initially Expecting okay and let us I guess I’ll trigger it now got him now was done yay I hate this side it’s l just a handful of coins oh what I follow into I guess coins are still experience much as I don’t want them more wooden these ones definitely haven’t spawned

Yet that was a good hit 6 minutes left I’m not sure we’re actually going to get that in time now Make even is there anything even back here what a waste of time okay next Oh nice can I hi is it’s not too bad it’s not too bad I do think if we’re going to do this dungeon we are going to give up on stuff though uh it’s probably worthwhile probably worthwhile look at all these goodies uhoh not the baby not the baby not the baby baby

Co Oho we got a lot of stuff in that one all right what’s up here one two two okay uh we do need hello take me down the ladder please okay mine also mine mine okay where is he what a Frosty Lad oh he weakness breaks us that’s exciting chy dude we’re not having too much issue though there we go we leveled up all that too woo oh I triggered the boss before everything else that’s a little bit awkward it’s a little bit awkward oh hello there Yeah so I guess if we ever need Mana regen we’ use that that’s the most Surefire way to actually regain Mana oh you know what let’s just See that’s everything here yeah yeah that’s everything all right we did it we completed oh hello Mr chest thank you very much I didn’t even see you there uh-oh we need 10 more wooden chests and like I forgot about the wooden chests I I’m going to be honest I

Forgot about the wooden chest uhoh Uhoh come on come on come on wooden chest wooden chest wooden chest how do I go up from here oh over Here one 2 3 four okay where’s the rest right there I I don’t think I made it just pill her up sorry little buddy uhoh let’s try this again let’s try this Again I almost fell off again holy cow all right 2 minutes to find five wood chest that shouldn’t be hard it shouldn’t be we’ll find out for sure though here’s another one well this one’s already uh this one has nothing on it three well okay

Okay where how do we go down from here right here in this corner something triggered and I don’t know what oh you guys there’s got to be wood sh chest down here right why is it ores ores ores uh-oh this might be an Issue I think we have to go to the next room I think we have to go to the next room to find chest I don’t like that we’ll have to come Back okay just for the wood chests Three Wood chests that’s one spawn point for what Chests There got it oh we got a favor too wait what did we actually Get did they resent damage I don’t think I care too much about that let’s go Down it’d be great if we were actually doing the monolith VA but it’s a little late for that now oh come on I thought a lot of burger graded so which is great oh hi little buddy three hit ow stop it uh chest so much chapped there is a monolith up there is

There a boss here oh Hi what I don’t know what they’re doing back here but uh you know what I’ll leave you to it uh yeah there’s no way 4 minutes let’s just go back the way we came and start loing that one room I don’t remember oh right the double ores

That’s why I wanted it cuz we needed so many ores goodbye I don’t remember how exactly I got down from here it’s so much chocolate River stop it y ow I can’t see you guys you blend into the room come Here cool I guess uh mine away now I see black opal oh you’re fast stop it I hate the babies go CE okay that’s it oh I missed one up here okay okay got it a little bit over here as well sorry little buddy goodbye cool uh was that it I think that might have been it for this bottom Area like I hear squishing sounds but I don’t know where they’re coming from so it might be a hidden room but 3 minutes left I might as well just leave oh they might have just been above me as well that’s always a possibility chicken well that answers one question

Where did the chicken go he crossed the road cross the candy covered Road all right well we didn’t get very far but we made it out with a little bit more than we came in with not the greatest of successes but I’ll take it it’s at least a little bit something We got most of our black opal so Bit still a little bit low uh pay9 is going to take a lot longer than I was expecting um I know I saw the number 45 I didn’t really process the number 45 uh now it has just occurred to me how large 45 actually is we still need the

Resources to give so I guess it’s fine uh but it’s going to be a long time just like the one how it took like 9 or 10 dungeons it was more than 9 or 10 to get the living Scrolls one it’s going to be something similar to that it’s

Definitely going to be something similar to that unfortunately although this was not nearly as rare it’s just a lot okay we’re out we survived claim we did get a treasure Vault though I almost forgot about that we didn’t get a one of the keys to actually process ooh a cake

I kind of know how K works I kind of don’t let’s do a mod box okay first of all everything else going in there uh trash and junk go in here we don’t need that L Court stairs don’t need don’t need don’t need don’t need don’t need don’t need don’t need uh

Don’t need oh it’s a pebble I don’t need Pebbles this is working right it’s working it’s just a little bit slow that’s okay I don’t need to be fast anyways uh ah allergies I don’t even have a nose all right Boop no Stacks to be deposited awesome

Uh we got a lot of gems surpris and we got a little bit more mod stuff let’s open the mod box stuff first this time shall We that’s a grit I think that’s for water and that is another furnace uh Fator aquous acolor yeah and a grid grids can be nice I don’t think I’ve crafted any grids minus our first one I really don’t think we have and this doesn’t give us anything yeah

That’s expected what do we with our eye of avaris it just means traps aren’t chaps uh traps aren’t Chapped oh we have an we have an Elixir rush just ready I didn’t know that I have average did I put any of them over here I did not oh so we just have it okay cool I’m surprised we didn’t use it at all um where do I put this mystical

Essence this is something has to be crafted right oh what goes in here I didn’t see what it was I just have this hooked up so it go straight into our system over here easy but I can’t really tell quite right away what’s actually there uh we’ll check the je oh we got

Double pogs I didn’t even see that hello fre pogs and last but not least uh not last but not least we haven’t even gone through our stuff uh these are the normal we apparently got diamonds and netherite somewhere we did get two Echo gems which is kind of helpful uh we got

Another one of these resilient focuses refor amount of repair SLS very good if you either get a low amount of SLS or well not necessarily or you just run out of slots use this great you can use that gear again until well you can’t anymore only five fundamental focuses I honestly

Thought we got more than that uh we did get a lot of chaotic focuses which honestly I like um waxing Focus are something we always need uh 206 lore holy B Jesus 26 black opal very very nice 336 carbon wait oh it capped so it went over here

Oh maybe I should look into another uh stack upgrade this caps I mean how often is it going to cap I think it’s fine it’s not like we’re running out of space lots of goodies lots of goodies anything else didn’t go in there carbon didn’t I can see why maybe it was

Actually left over from one of our runs it might have been there 93 carbon that is exactly what I need uh then we have this unidentified and that’s pretty much it right minus all of our randomized Jewels bonus living bonus ornate guilded or orate okay let me just shove that in this

System okay anything useful we probably got a lot right not as much as I thought we did get a trinket I did see that when we got it in the vault uh Boop reinforced plate mail we got a new one oh we got a new uh trinket thing uh

Makes items automatically teleport you when it when range the magnet so the magnet no longer pulls items they just actually just poof to me uh oh that’s interesting one that’s an interesting one uh don’t need that don’t need ooh that’s a lot of damage though it’s not

Good enough for me though I refuse unless it’s epic or Aega I think our is better hi good night what you’re taking off already oh goodness yes wonderful evening isn’t it I don’t think any of this is really that beneficial to us right actually actually no I changed my mind it’s not good for us we don’t use

Ability power we don’t have spirit totem Scrappy wow I didn’t even know you could get legendary armor oh I mean it makes sense I just never thought about it before Aran I don’t think I have Aran jaone armor ours is still better sorry Scrappy Scrappy Scrappy ability

Power hold on a second hold on a second hold on a second Max rolled attack damage and it got the legendary attack damage this is exactly what we were kind of looking for and then we can have a suffix for Lucky Strike I think this is perfect that might actually be

Perfect okay hold on I’m too excited I need to we also need to repair a magnet as well our magnet is at like 10% I don’t care about these uh no oh no all right what is our magnet at 7% yeah okay let’s let’s fix that up

Real fast first of all magnet uh where is inventory this inventory magnet hello there I’m in Brazil inste English I do not speak very well oh hello hello welcome to the stream then hope you are having a wonderful day or night whatever time of day it is welcome welcome all right magnet

Repaired uh we need to fill this up it is missing a singular attribute and I’m hoping I can put Lucky Strike on it I can oh it’s 12 gold it’s worth it it’s worth it 12 gold gold let’s take yeah that’s fine 12 gold

Sure uh I also need wait what else did I need 12 of the purple looking thingies all right 12 with the purple looking thingies got them and lucky hit chance we can get between six six or seven we got six good enough okay so this is going to be our new tool

You might be wondering why this when this has so many more stats and the simple reason is the attack damage this gives us a whole lot more attack damage it has maxed out 36 for the implicit which is basically the top one that you get it has very high prefix attack

Damage nether damage is the most common when you’re running vaults I think well other than Undead it’s still very good and lucky chance so this and all and then of course our little Javelin ability this thing right here scales off flat attack damage so this is actually stronger this is now our best

Weapon this very good I’m going to save it for later though we don’t need it for right now so at is a win I I wish it was something that wasn’t common so it had a little bit more stats I could put on it

But it’ll have to do uh and we have a couple things we can choose from tomorrow you have your English test of the year the final English test of the Year ooh I wish you luck I wish I could say I was good at English but despite it being the only

Language I speak uh my English is very poor any words that have more than I think three syllables I I struggle with English is a tricky language not the hardest one out there but it’s uh it’s pretty hard it’s pretty hard oh so I wish you luck with

That and I can understand you so I think you’re doing you’re going to do wonderfully oh we already had a random off hand uh one well not anymore goodbye for a second I thought I got rid of the wrong tool that would have been oh not again

Uh these are all red tools these are all blue blue I’ll put this with the rest of the blue and now we have a brand new axe smack smack cool uh wait did I finish going through all of this I did okay so that’s done uh I still have to go

Through all of our Jewels though oh my gosh there’s a lot of them all right let’s see uh I guess I just do what I usually do grab them all and I’ll deal with them when I actually need them you never know when you might need something oh wait I

Just put a key in there I don’t need that key I mean it doesn’t go in there there we go uh hello we got a couple good ones though copiously and vanilla Immortal well that’s not especially great I don’t think I wonder if copiously only applies

To ores that are in the vault or if it applies to vanilla ores as well I never actually thought about that h h well I guess it’s okay I like your life thank you very much thank you very much I do my best all right I think we have time for

One more Vault run uh before I lose my sanity uh 42 cocoa beans a little bit of deep slate kelp and copper ingots oh thank you for the follow sky thank you thank you all right let’s start with the copper and it was 157 why am I grabbing it individually grab Stacks

Please 21 more okay that’s fine there you go 21 with a little bit of exess we need 157 kelp KP kelpo Boop it should be about three stacks one two three and a little bit of extra nice 42 cocoa beans and then X number of slate that I’m not going to

Bother with for now or rather I’m not going to bother counting it 400 is a large number I want to I mean how much would that be that’s about seven Stacks I think of deep slate I think I’m pretty not you’re pretty nervous for your test tomorrow

English is a very tricky language but the nice thing about English is That is there anything nice about English I guess it’s a commonly used language at the end of the day all you can do is your best all you can do is your best and so as long as you put in your best effort you have nothing to worry

About nothing to complain about sure you may get a couple questions wrong you may not be Saied with the soap but at least you can take uh enjoyment and satisfaction that you did your best and I believe in you you may not believe in yourself but I believe in you at the

Very least I understand the words you’re typing in chat and that is a very good start you got this all right we have our Crystal do we want to try a cake hunt no let’s try something since the last Vault let’s try another k chaos there we go let’s try another one

Of these chaos uh nonsense faults it’s going to be hectic it’s going to be chaotic and if we’re lucky we will not run into poisonous liquid that’ll drain all of our timer again I think we lost the last time we did this the first room was a void room

And it had a bunch of black puddles and I walked into them so much that I ended up losing I think three no I was more like 8 minutes off our uh timer clock that wasn’t too great oh we get to try our new broom as well our new broom to

See how much Dam I mean I could have checked the damage 218 damage per second that’s a lot I don’t know how much actually actually just out of sheer curiosity I have to click the bottom one what is the difference okay let me see H yeah okay so 219 oh

Wait this supposedly does more oh more damage per second because it’s faster oh I don’t care about damage per second though I just care about flat damage is flat damage to the one that scales okay no worries we may have lost a little bit of damage per second but as

Long as we only hit single mobs we’ll be okay chaos with a very dirty looking portal all right let’s cha down a little bit let’s get a little bit of building blocks as well in case we need to pillar up anywhere we got forget potions we got

A little bit of money very little amount of money and let us go are you a DVD nope I am a Roomba I am a cleaning Appliance I suppose so those little uh those great discs that run around the floor and pick up things it’s like a a what do you call

It an automated vacuum I am a machine educated clean Roomba I don’t know if that makes sense I don’t even think I understand my own words to be honest but I’m basically I’m basically a small Vacuum ooh it’s another it’s another cake theme oh wait it’s a uh it’s a scavenger Vault uh-oh uh-oh no I can’t reach that high uh-oh I still can’t reach that high it’s a little bit just a little bit you know what I forgot to do oh I’m being overrun okay okay excuse

Me pardon me I forgot to check what our modifiers were it gave us 50 random ones and I check if they were good or bad what do we actually need to finish this Vault we need wood chests we need gilded chests we need ores and we need coin Piles o little little tiny Jellyman please step back ow my health what are you doing oh you’re stuck okay you could stay there I’m not going to bother you actually we can see what the modifiers are kind of in the bottom right corner oh you guys can’t see that

Okay hold on hold on hold on uh down it’s okay I’ll read it um chunky mobs extra Health extra ores extra mobs faster mobs trap chests little bit of extra living gilded extra mob damage wooden ornate 40% lucky item Rarity this feels like we got a short end of a stick they are

Mostly mob enhancing we did get a couple positive ones but only a Couple that was a trap chest uh no more extra mobs okay and wo W bottom level you know let’s just spawn every mob and we’ll just kill them at once that’s never gone bad for us right oh until they did like 50% extra damage I forgot I missed I forgot they did extra

Damage maybe we’ll still be okay oh I missed again I’m going to run out of Mana at this rate oh they’re gone we did it how old am I I’m not sure I forgot I’ve forgotten it’s been a very very long time and I do my best not to

Think about it at the very old least I am much older than I want to be then I think I older than I feel what’s the Word all I know is my all my friends call me ancient and I don’t like it I hear I hear sounds okay no sounds we go this way nope we go this way wrong exit well this seem is very chaotic it’s just swipping from one uh one color

Theme to another oh it’s still candy themed just in time for Christmas all right but where is all the uh gingerbread man it’s a very Christmas theme but I don’t know what these are that’s a wood chest I don’t know what these chests are they’re too Christmas themed for

Me I’m not going to do that I’m not going to trigger the altar that never goes well for me oh hi Mr no goodbye can I hello hello oh where’ that guy go there he is Hello I’m just assuming oh hey this gummies please leave me alone I prefer living that’s not a chest that also wasn’t a chest I can’t tell what’s a chest and what isn’t cuz the holiday theme oh Okay I can probably get these with a vein mine nope okay cool we got something we got something uh door is this it oh the first time we’ be able to use that stupid key okay we got a bunch of goodies again uh we did get a trinket we’ll open

That up after the Vault a couple mod boxes and then we have the fun joy of cleaning up the Sand oh we got a lost Bounty oh that’s super nice although I don’t know if we can use it we already have a lost Bounty going that’s okay we’ll find a use for it later we’ll find a use for that later uh okay we got everything there let’s check

The let’s check the lower level I think I got all the chest of this after floor right nope I lied we did not hello hello they’re so small I can’t hit them I think these are wooden chests I think so well that one’s a trap chest so

We’ll that can I eat this I can’t eat it oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who chill chill chill chill chill there is so many of you okay you’re a monster wa I’m no monster I’m a Roomba there’s a difference where are you from I am from

America I think well it depends on who you ask uh I was in Canada no I was in America then I was in Canada for very many years and now I’m in a chocolate River uh now I’m back in America so I am on West Coast America

So I guess it’s what what would be West Coast kind of like uh I guess you can say kind of like California I should check real soon to see what I actually need for our uh scavenger hunt Vault I see what I need at the very top I don’t know what I’ve already Collected ooh we got a spider SP and poison potion spider potion not helpful ow are they in the water are they too small like they’re in the water and I can’t see them oh this is actually a good opport oh coin piles hello coins we needed you okay

We got a couple things I don’t know if we got enough oh that was just an item it wasn’t actually something we needed okay okay let me see uh where is our scavenger hunt bag this one uh do we get spider Soul charms none so we still need a bunch of

Gilded uh we got no rib cages did we get any green bangal no green Bangals did we get any old books for uh uh so long story short we need a whole lot of stuff we might not actually complete this Vault we’re do our o oh

Poison we’ll do our best to complete the Vault but it ises not oh gosh it’s not looking promising woo can I get up ow uh we’ll go to the next room this room is hard I’m not a monster I’m not a monster I’m a Ruba there’s a difference just because I killed the

Snowman that was standing in my face I don’t know maybe would have like thrown teeth and eat in me you can never be too sure everything in this dungeon is a everything in this dungeon is vicious I should not be standing in Poison at least I can tell what these

Chests are now uh this way oh what chest over here hello hello uh is there one more hold on a second hold on boop boop Oh wrong tool there we Go oh those are creepers there we go oh there’s still creepers no no no no no no oh my chests it’s fine the r monster I’m no monster I’m friendly I promise just not to my enemies and they were looking very suspicious no no no no no oh my

Chest okay I need to I hate skeletons they bows are super scary I’m not okay with those all right well everything else got destroyed but we got a little bit of loot hello poison oh that is some rare stuff what is this ooh coin piles we need those where’s a creeper where’s a

Creeper I heard a creeper oh my health is not looking too good okay fine I’ll use a potion goodbye What do we need again green Bengals I hate Creepers I killed a gummy bear they were trying to kill me first I promise look at all they’re all coming after me it’s not my fault I mean it’s kind of my fault but it’s not my fault oh man okay you know what forget it I don’t eat the top stuff that that

Much and down we go what else is there no hidden room hello Mr lone person uh why why is this so empty where where is everything hello sir goodbye sir cool uh V I don’t think I could I don’t think they’re close enough to Vin mine another trap

Chest this whole bottom area is incredibly empty oh hello Mr Don donkey Man can I chest please thank you prove it okay I’ll prove it I will not hurt another gummy man I will not hurt another gummy man should another gummy gummy bear come up I will not touch it same with a snowman I will not touch a snowman or a gummy

Man assuming they even come up of course this vault is so random and it’s theming right now that they may never show up again you know what no that means I succeed cuz I would not be fighting them ooh Easter theme and what’s the next theme uh Cavern Undead

Miners always exciting ow stop it what’s this refills your Mana I mean sure hello goodbye I’m going over Here oh I don’t even know where that chicken what it was just having a bad day though that’s for sure hello skeleton okay I’m going to leave the chicken alone let me out oo living chest I want these hello no build up build up hello CH oh that’s a lot of chest

Too oh they were trapped No no no no no not the skeleton not the skeleton no range no bows range bad stop being Trapped There look I left the chicken alive he’s Fine chicken’s doing great poison all right what’s down here everything is trapped what am I supposed to do I need items from those they can’t always be trapped stop hitting me I’m not the bad one we’ll go this way oh what is that no everything’s shaking everything’s shaking let me out I’m

Okay that was interesting chest chest poison chest cool uh living do I need living I don’t really need living I don’t hear a cat ah oh you did a lot of damage uh-oh oh that hurt that hurt a lot yeah fat zombie when it burps it uh it does extra stuff

When it burps it heals itself that one sounded like a Cow I thought this is a hidden room but it’s not really much in here okay let me see what am I at right now for our scav hunt um spider charms still none uh rip cages none green Bengal still none old books we got the old books okay so we

Don’t need wooden chest anymore but that’s not going to stop me uh we don’t need wooden chests we need poison we do not need wooden chests we need the Gilded yellow ones and we need coin piles and we need ores hey we got one spider Soul charm that’s

Cool oh there look another Fat Zombie don’t belch no burping you’re very tired I bet what time in the uh what time is it for you it’d be pretty late early it’d be pretty late Brazil time I think is 3 hours ahead something along those lines ah don’t touch

Me got it wrong along tool the chest oh we don’t need wood chest hello we don’t need wood chest anymore okay excuse me we’re getting out and not that way which way is the good way to go out this way This Way NE theme 2:27 a.m. oh

That’s more than a few hours ahead that’s definitely more than a few hours ahead berry bush Stop goodness you should get some rest the best way to uh take an aam is with um a nice restful sleep so you could actually think properly hello I don’t know if I can fight this gu oh that’s not what I Wanted uh-oh oh no no no no no no my health health is bad health is bad health is bad health is bad you made a mistake oh you being up so late yeah that I that’s definitely a tiny tiny mistake it’ll be it’ll be a rough day for you that’s for

Sure wood chest I don’t need wood oh I have no Mana uh-oh come on oh that’s a lot of Okay hello stop it stop hitting me my health is so bad I have no Mana no heal me no no no no no no no no uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh no not like this not like this I can get out I can get Out Oh oh my gosh okay you know what I’m done with this room this room scares me I’m leaving I’m leaving this is the wrong way if I go this way I’m going to get lost I have to go the other way uh do I see any chest

Not particular okay we all just take our time to slowly heal back up o is that a is that a cactus Man uh-oh that’s a lot of guys inside that hello oh hello uhoh our health has seen much better days Brazil could have been colonized by pretend because we would speak English it could have been they did colonize a whole bunch of places uhoh can you guys like leave me alone I’m trying

To okay okay okay there’s there’s a better way to go about this oh no I missed oh that’s a lot of guys I don’t have I don’t have stuff I don’t have B I have no Mana I have no Mana creeper a okay can I make it can I go inside yet I

Can go inside nice uh oh let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out okay okay this isn’t good this isn’t Good man that was close there nothing exploded I guess that’s a plus uhoh uh more vein mine please whoops okay uh how much time do we have 5 minutes yeah we’re not finishing the scavenger hunt there is no way so instead we are just going to get

Everything we can here and then leave oh there’s so many chests here there’s so many chests here let me just there is a wood chest in here I forgot about this uhoh uh-oh uh-oh we’re in danger we’re in Danger Oh my health you’re going to go to sleep all right rest well may you have a restful sleep and good luck with your exam Tomorrow all right we have a little bit left that we can loot here before we book it Out I think that’s it or is there anything up here as well looks like that’s it all right let us explore the remnants of the rest of the town that we have supposedly so nicely eradicated yeah rest well uh-oh that’s a sound of impending

Death oh I I need to eat food I need to eat food I’m out of food they spawn more okay uh we need to leave this place ASAP we have four minutes to find the exit not hard we know exactly where the exit is ow don’t hit me it’s not very nice no

No stop it Cease oh spiders are the worst okay whatever Oi why are you here go back to your room oh my goodness all right let us depart back home where it is safe and snug and warm and okay I Can’t Go For That chest we have 3 minutes left I think we’ll be able to get home just

Fine I think we had a couple close calls we had a a lot of close calls we had a lot of close calls but we did make it in the end I think well we didn’t s well hold on just a second h a second did we succeed there’s a small

Chance we did uh we got the spider charms uh we did not get any Bengals and we got the book so we got about half of the way there 2 minutes is not enough to find an or room though even if we found an ore room uh we would still

Need all the coins and that’s that’s the hard one hard the hardest one is the coins or is it not the issue coins is the problem we even found a couple piles of coins they did not drop the item we needed tragic it happens but tragic all

Right and see look I didn’t kill a single another gummy Uh snowman person we are fine we are safe you hold on a second turn off the magnet uh anything I want to get rid of now you you you you don’t care about concrete powder don’t care don’t care and we get

Whole terra cotta we don’t need any of this actually maybe I should hold the yellow concrete powder considering last the last thing we Got was actually requiring concrete powder huh okay well we came out didn’t get necessarily anything we did actually get something special we did get something special we ended up getting unidentified treasure key um I’m going to put this in Here just so we never make that same mistake again uh what is it going to be escali key that’s something we haven’t opened before nice all right first comes first let us sort through our inventory to see if we actually got anything worthwhile uh more than likely

The answer is always yes but you never know all right so first things first let’s check our bag uh we actually got quite a few gems still and as you saw we did get the key which is very very nice we got this last Bounty that we can’t

Use quite yet but eventually uh we got a couple inscriptions don’t care about those let’s see a couple things but I think we already have all of these ones right duplicate duplicates yep okay what about bam I don’t even know what the last item

We need in this nazer set is I just know we don’t have it um bottom so we’re looking for the top right corner and this is the center I’m assuming okay mod box water collector furnace collector storage disc not helpful unfortunat I wonder if there’s a way to break these down cuz I

Really don’t need those uh these are all 1K swap it now we have an extra 1K disc that we do not need so many extra 1ks we can break them down that itself is not an issue oh we got an orange I don’t know when we got

The orange but we got the orange uh we will actually have to do this zombie arm one now so we can get the new bounty in not today though not today scavenger anything useful in here this is all junk that all goes in there uh okay next

Bag is our Treasures bag our actual items that we got I don’t know how much we got it didn’t feel like we got a lot we looted a lot a chest I don’t think we actually got that much though uh we got a lot of carbon which is great couple

Burger ingredients here and though we did get an echo gem at some point which is nice more netherite ingots we got a couple Moes which is helpful uh not a lot not as much as I was expecting at the very least oh we have these so these can now

Go in our a storage spot there cool uh and we got unidentified I don’t know how many we got we didn’t get too many we did get another trinket though let’s see what we get Bonk giant heart that’s a new one 25 Max Health not too shabby not too shabby

Wait what else did we get the double blade transmog I saw this when I was looking through it earlier and I thought wow that’s a really nice looking transmog and now we have it that’s not great we just got a better axe we just got better we just got better don’t

Care don’t care don’t care don’t care ooh that’s it’s honestly not terribly shabby it’s not terrible I am going to get rid of it but just know but that sword this one’s actually not too bad either this is an axe it’s better than our current it’s not better than our current one I

Lied okay so this will go with the other red ones if we ever need more health and what is the is the double blade it’s a sword transmog isn’t it it is a sword I don’t know how we get all these other ones some of these are really really cool

Looking like this green one the s look really cool this like spear looks really cool Odin’s Hammer looks pretty cool I don’t know how you unlock these give me back my weapon I need that uh anything else worthwhile uh we did get a couple infused catus as well cuz we did open up

The treasure room bonus living bonus gilded okay maybe we’ll use this at some point living more often we’ll use gilded I to be decided if we’ll ever use that um and then as per normal room of fashion we’ll take all of our Jabs and just shove them in here for future me to

Figure out easy easy easy easy oh Andy of a winning Focus I should probably put in our system is that our first one at least our first one since we set up this Cube okay nice and that should be about everything how many how much of this chromatic chromatic

Steel can I make I’ve forget how do I add things over here ah ah there we go now it’s up here for easy access bam wait we made a stack of it oh wait no go back we made a stack can we make another stack there’s no way right

12 so we started with 40 and we ended with 77 but we did make a new tool so all in all it was incredibly successful and we went from 77 diamonds to 126 very nice we also got uh more Echo gems so we have a little bit more I don’t remember

What we spent these all on if I’m going to be honest I I cannot recall uh can we make any more knowledge Stars actually knowledge is power oh I don’t need to do this so we can do five Okay one two three four five I think I made too Many five we have 17 knowledge do we want the auto feeding or do we want to pass on the auto feeding that is the question cuz we could do either or we might save up for something I don’t know specifically what but I might have to think on it a little bit

More CU as much as like refill I we don’t care about that uh big backpacks apparently we don’t care about it cuz it’s just it says it’s what more Source it’s just one more row and honestly I think there’s only been one situation where we ran out of space and we’ve

Already upgraded past that point so I think we’re okay Auto feeding we could definitely do but is it worth it for 12 upgrade points to be decided uh otherwise we could save for another big mod cuz we are only one away from like create or like any of these other

Things I don’t know what exactly we would do with These to player enhancing items all of which we have disabled so I don’t know exactly like this is kind of what I want to save up for is villagers easy villagers that might be the next thing cuz we’re only 26 17 we’re only nine knowledge Stars away we might as well

Right we might as well we might as well but that will do it for this stream uh we will be starting a new game next week I have to figure out exactly what day we’re starting the new game um but we will be starting um I also have to

Figure out if we’re going to be continuing code vain or not uh I know Noma was a little bit upset that we missed the true ending um so I’ll probably play it on my own on stream or off stream we’ll see I’ll have to decide

But I am planning on playing a brand new game as well on stream uh well it’s either code V or the new game you know what I’ll hold off on that hey rice mil thank you for the follow thank you thank you uh but that will be

Next stream will be Tuesday at 7: p.m. it’ll either be code Bane or it will be something else to be figured out uh but until then thank you all for coming and until the next one take care and byebye

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Vault Hunters: Recovering from what was once lost’, was uploaded by Roomba Friend VODs on 2023-12-11 06:32:37. It has garnered 72 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:32 or 11792 seconds.

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    Minecraft Memes - Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar DropWhy is Lena getting applause for a meme with a score of 5? She must’ve built a pretty mediocre creation in Minecraft for that kind of recognition! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 Hrs

    INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 HrsVideo Information what is good everyone World created what we are hoping for now I’m actually going to let the world load for a second okay uh we’re hoping for a village we’re going to need iron diamonds obsidian we got to go to the nether so hopefully we can do this uh this is Project e it’s a money game everything has money and we added an expansion pack so this should be fun hopefully we don’t throw you know that’s never fun I just C CED one of those we’re going to need a pickaxe I’m going to… Read More

  • Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in Minecraft

    Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in MinecraftVideo Information H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it huh uh uh um what Mikey what Mikey run it’s behind you what was [Music] that Chief we need to stop mushroom hunting there may be a man eating creature hiding in the forest we found a villager what was left huh without the mushroom hunt our economy will collapse but it’s dangerous someone else… Read More

  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

    Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft funVideo Information Вчера я просматривал карту своего политического сервера и заметил игрока в джунглях я подлетел к нему и оказалось что у него закончилась еда и он застрял в этих джунглях и я решил ему помочь я дал ему вертолёт и ресурсы Он был очень благодарен мне и он полетел строить страну в Китай на сервере карты реального мира для ПК и телефонов IP в профиль E This video, titled ‘#minecraft #server #political #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Vladis_min on 2024-01-17 05:53:22. It has garnered 10783 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: Discord:… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us, Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More