SHOCKING! Surviving 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft

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Imagine the world of Minecraft transformed into a mysterious realm of vast forests and sweeping mountains a world where cold hunger and thirst are always waiting to claim careless Travelers a world inhabited by dragons looking over every hill and around every corner but amidst the ruins and Wilderness one may still find Mighty

Castles protecting their citizens from what lies beyond their walls I myself a weary traveler find that I’m stranded thousands of blocks from my home Castle not only only must I make the perilous journey home but I must also defeat the dragon that has long besieged my castle

In this video I spend 100 days in the Middle Ages in Minecraft with the goal of liberating my castle and securing my very own dragon egg this mod pack will not be available on its own but eventually will be incorporated into my mod pack Epoch Runner if you enjoyed the

Video don’t forget to drop a like and hit that subscribe button and now I present the Middle Ages Minecraft oh well that was kind of a long night I seem to have misplaced everything and I certainly didn’t get very much sleep although that might be because there’s a

Dragon nearby but luckily it’s not here right now suppose it could always be worse worse than having nothing in the middle of the Wilderness thousands of blocks from my home I camped near this big jungle structur temple thingy that’s pretty cool there might be some stuff

Here that I can find although I kind of have to be careful cuz it’s a little bit hot in this biome so far I’m not seeing a lot although it’s a very Scenic looking place this is actually pretty cool this water here I’m a big fan of it

But there’s not much stuff all I have are some sticks I need to collect gravel so that I can get some Flint for some tools oh that’s a big bird thing although that doesn’t look like any bird I’ve ever seen I probably don’t want to

Go close to it just in case I’m going to assume that everything wants to kill me it’s probably a good idea well I found some more gravel and I looks like I’ve got some Flint finally although I’m also about to over heat so if I bangang this Flint on the

Rock I can get these little Flint shards and use it to make a flint knife oh look at this there’s like a cave here and there’s some corn I canot use that I’m going to need food food is not going to be easy to get so I can use the Flint

Knife to cut up these flowers and I get these little plant fiber things which I can use to make some plant string now I have the ability to make a flint hatchet with this Hatchet I can chop down trees which are of course I need to

Do I need to get some wood well I kind of ran away from the dragon area just in case it shows up and I can use my Hatchet to whack these logs and get planks although you get very few planks Unfortunately but now that I have a crafting table I can make a flint pickaxe and there happens to be this big Stone mounted over here near this little beach that has a bunch of coal and obviously I can get Stone from it if I need to it even has clay a little

Depress PR in the ground nearby which is great cuz I need some clay unfortunately it’s becoming nighttime also I am overheating which is bad and I don’t want to die of heat stroke although this is coinciding with nighttime so I probably won’t be too hot even at night in this tropical Biome anyways I got a piece of bone from a tumble weed cuz that’s how that works and I can use that to make this bone knife thingy and with it I can make these little whittling sticks and with that I can start a fire because you see torches don’t actually start lit they

Are unlit when you craft them and you have to have some way to light them on fire otherwise it’s going to be very dark and very scary once you have them lit you just have to make sure they stay lit cuz you can light more torches with them as long

As they as long as you have at least one lit torch now I’m going to use my Woodling sticks and start a fire on this log underneath a clay kiln that’s why I got the clay I can use this Kiln to make a low grade charcoal block and the nice

Thing about this is that it actually will stay on fire kind of like Netherrack which is super nice cuz I have a stone Grill and I can use that Grill to cook my corn it seemed safe enough to venture outside my house to get some wood and also to harass the

Local fish in the little Lake as long as I’m near this water I guess I won’t be really running out of food since there’s a lots of fish here there’s also zombies but that’s not as appetizing well Morning has arrived and I survived the first night mainly by

Hiding in this little like little hole in the ground but it worked there’s tons of birds nearby I don’t think I can eat the birds and I don’t really want to anyways cuz they’re pretty cool looking I thought I’d go and do a little bit of exploring around the area before

I tried to journey home and it uh didn’t take very long to find a gigantic pyramid zigurat thing which I probably won’t explore I mean I barely have anything I’m sure there’s stuff in there which will try to kill me there’s a whole lot of nothing in this treehouse

As well unfortunately I thought there might be something there I did manage to find some Garden which drop a bunch of food when broken so I got a little bit more food I also discovered that your torches get put out when you go underwater which is a little unfortunate

It’s realistic but a little bit too realistic maybe I went back to the big jungle temple and didn’t find anything in there I lived a little bit looking around and also I I don’t really have the capability to break through the whole thing trying to find something

Oh no the dragon found me I didn’t think it was that close but it’s still here I thought it might have gone away no no I need to run away this is very bad I’m already at half Health let me see if I can hide in the water I don’t know if

It’s still following me but I’m a little bit safer in the water because it is a fire dragon this is very bad once they see you it’s very hard for them to unsee you and they will track you from a long ways away it looks like I might be able to

Hide in this underwater area I don’t with the last durability of my pickaxe one air pocket here I might be able to hide down here until it goes away I don’t actually know if it’s still here let me see if I can tell without drowning oh yeah look there it is it’s

It’s very much still there and it’s coming closer I guess I should probably make stone tools that would be a good idea it’s now night time I’ve been down here all day long and unfortunately it’s still lurking outside I can see its eyes that’s so creepy I think my only chance of Escape

Might be to dig a t tunnel away from here underneath the big Temple if I go far enough away I might be able to evade it oh my god look it it’s right there it’s still trying to get me it’s a little bit stuck it’s I was there

Literally all night let me see if I can run away I might be able to get out on the boat now if I go quickly cuz I think it’s stuck on something yeah it’s not following me I might have made it I there’s no chance

Of me getting back to my little hole in the ground with my grill and stuff but I can make more of that it’s more important that I get out of there alive wow so that was a little bit crazy I wasn’t expecting to have to avoid a

Dragon literally on day one but sure I found this house and there’s a little bit of food and stuff in here that’s kind of cool and nearby I located a jungle desert temple it’s a desert temple structure built out of jungle temple materials and there seemed to be a lot of skeletons in

Here which is not good cuz I don’t have a shield and stone swords are kind of bad uh-oh I no no no no no no I am almost dead got to get out of here I’m about to start overheating as well well it’s night time and finnally enough it

Might actually be safer to stay in here now that I got rid of the mon monster spawners so this does have an underground portion but it doesn’t seem like there’s TNT down here for some reason there is a boat dispenser and there’s a bunch of water back here oh there’s a chest although

It’s not very exciting I found a few more chests these are better these have some iron and gold I can really use that iron I really need it for stuff like flint and steel so I don’t have to keep making whittling sticks I was going to

Go spend the night in this big castle that was right above the temple but by the time I tried to kill sheep and get wool it turned out to be morning so it was time to continue my Journey well this is very Scenic I must admit does a a bit of an ocean which is actually pretty easy to Traverse I see a Medusa Temple over there we’re not going to go over there that would be bad there also seem to be a suspicious amount of hammerhead sharks in the

Water there’s even a dragon over there this is a rather perilous Journey I’ve come much farther since you last Saw and now I am in the middle of this big Plains area and that is a fire dragon that is another one we’re going

To not go over there oh my God it saw me it’s trying to breathe fire on me I need to go underground okay well that’s not that’s not a dragon that’s a slime that’s not what I expected I guess I’ll take slime okay I guess I’ll take slimes

Over dragons well I’ve been journeying all day and I kind of still need a bed and I found this nice Pond but there’s a dragon right next to the pond of course of course there’s there’s always a dragon it looks like there might be a castle up here though maybe I can spend

The night in there I’m sure there’s a bed somewhere where where I can make a bed if there’s not the bed might be glitched boy is it nice to be able to stay in a house first time in a while whoa there’s just some floating Mountain above this

This is kind of a cool castle but it is uh it is not my home Castle best of luck guys with the dragon nearby see you oh look at this there’s a bunch of dogs here and I have a bunch of Bones from that loot stuff I can actually get

Some dogs that’s going to make my life easier assuming they don’t die which is a a big assume you know I really thought thought those was hot spring water but it turns out to be liquid slime instead which is not really what I wanted very bouncy though unfortunately I have to go

Through a forest now and you might think that’s a good thing but forests are kind of dangerous they’re often pretty dark and nasty things like poison ivy and worse can sometimes spawn in Forest apparently good things can spawn here as well though because I found this weird

Hobbit house kind of thing I don’t think it’s meant to be a hobbit house but that’s what it reminds me of there’s even a little bit more loot which is nice nice h a ruined Castle oh my God you guys all got stuck in the same cobweb that’s pretty

Special wa now this is a cool spot there’s this big lake in the middle of this Valley this is pretty Cool there seems to be another structure here and it is some kind of big Sandstone dungeon looking thing it’s almost it’s night time so I might actually be not too badly off if I just sit here for the night there might be some loot that I can find inside I set

Up a new little camp area with another K and another uh Grill to cook some fish and stuff like that cuz I am running out of food but once again uh I’m near a lake and I can get lots of fish if I need it oh great it’s one of these

Little maze dungeons but luckily I managed to find the loot room very quickly it’s actually really close to where I entered whoa look at that that’s like 30 iron ingots that’s not what I expected well it looks like I can make some iron tools now which will greatly

Help out I’m going to make an iron great sword which is two-handed meaning you can’t really have anything in your offhand while using it I wanted to make an iron chest plate for some iron armor but it actually requires leather armor first as a base and I don’t have any

Leather armor so I’m going to have to go with chain mail instead I don’t even have a pollution mod installed yet somehow we’re still making pollution in here that’s a little bit unfortunate you know I’ve been hearing spider noises and they all these cobwebs here so I suppose it makes sense

That there’s cave spiders that was really close okay yeah well that’s why I mean I made a great sword that it’s two-handed and I was holding a shield I don’t know what I expected that was kind of silly of me I probably shouldn’t have made a great

Sword for a small enclosed area either but at least I can use this axe until I can make something else oh my God well that was not very fun I didn’t find any more loot after those first chests all that happened was I almost died several times but now it’s time to keep going it seems like I have to go through this mountain range which is both very Scenic and rather

Dangerous eventually I made it to the other side of the mountains and on the other side was a big swamp which is a little bit different there’s also a big castle here on the edge of the cliff which is kind of cool but I have to go through the swamp now and sometimes

There are not very good things in swamps uh-oh that is a bird and I think I know what kind of that is not a friendly bird oh no it it’s one of the stupid like birds that shoots its feathers and the feathers are made of metal this is bad I hate these guys

Oh there I got it I got it nice it was a thilan salian bird oh no and there’s even more of them I just slept I just woke up got out my sleeping bag and there’s more birds there two of them this time oh my God this is bad I might die

Here quick quick eat the golden apple okay I got one I don’t know where the other one is stuck in the water for some reason get it dogs go on before it accidentally kills you wow well they got it the dogs did a lot of the work that was bad well I’ve

Gone a lot farther and there’s several castles around here that seems to be a green Soldier Castle I don’t really want to go there I don’t think those soldiers will like me there’s an even bigger Castle over here though and that is a oh and that’s a dragon over there we’re

Going to not go that way I guess I’m going to go back toward the big castle so this Castle is actually a dungeon Castle the entire thing is filled with mob spawners and also loot chests so I kind of thought that I might stop here

For a little while try to grab some loot given that I have chain mail armor and I’ve got some iron that I can use to make weapons it seemed like I might be able to loot the castle a little bit but boy is it dark in here and are there a

Lot of mobs this is pretty crazy no one of my dogs died I guess that was kind of inevitable I really need them to not go in there oh look at that I got a familiar Stone and it even brought my dog back okay that’s nice well if I can bring my

Dogs back then I don’t mind them fighting in there as much if I can revive them ooh check it out I found a melon and pumpkin room I guess I will be eating melons and pumpkins if I need to better yet I found a hay bale room and

My first loot chest which happened to be a food loot chest that’s that’s pretty nice I don’t have to eat that watermelon after all I did some research on the different weapons and I decided to make an iron Rapier instead of the great sword because well if I want to use a

Shield I can’t really use the great sword plus the Rapier has a much higher attack speed and it seems like it’s a lot better at least for my purposes it even gives you some damage reduction while you’re holding it at the expense of durability which is amazing so I

Actually had to add a backpack mod cuz I didn’t start out with one which is kind of stupid of me but now I have a backpack mod and I need some leather if I want to make a backpack and of course I want to make a backpack because inventory space is a huge

Problem oh that’s not good I am almost dead I’m on the second floor now although I’m about to be dead and not on the second floor unless I’m able to do that uh-oh there’s witches here oh no you got to be kidding me it got me and all my dogs I think I’m

Going to bypass some of those lower floors and go to the higher floors where I imagine there’s better loot cuz I haven’t found any loot that includes treasure it’s been food and MOB drops so far and I Ru would M some nice diamonds and stuff like that the problem is is

There are lots of witches and cave spider spawners up here that makes this rather challenging well it looks like I got my leather I got four pieces of leather so I can make a basic back backpack which is a whole lot better than no backpack it turns out I can make a

Saddle as well because somehow I haven’t managed to get one yet and it just needs more leather so I can dry out more of my cooked chicken on these drying racks and turn it into leather actually going to dry out a lot of it I made a silian bird

Dagger I’m still not sure I’m pronouncing that right but it’s it’s a dagger using one of the feathers from those nasty birds and it supposedly is good we’re going to find out oh cool it looks like I just found a treasure chest that’s what I was hoping

There might be up here cuz I really want some diamonds and some iron not good not good I don’t appreciate cave spiders ooh another Treasure Chest yes please I will take that oh no it did the creeper combo and I let the shield down I’m so stupid that’s a little bit unfortunate

Well I have ghost mode but the second I get that stuff back I don’t have it anymore and I got to run away all of my armor is broken or most of it is broken so that might explain part of the problem you did not just throw that at

Me and hit me in the face with a potion of poison oh what the heck there’s so many witches in there oh my dogs are in there they’re trying to get the witches go you guys can get them maybe I can’t really get in there they keep poisoning me

Oops where is the spawner it’s over there I need to get over there without going in the room I need to try to break it from back here nice I think that was the last witch spawner these guys are so annoying they’re also fighting each other they’ve been fighting each other

For about 5 minutes now and they literally can’t kill each other cuz they just keep chugging healing potions it’s kind of insane well I got a lot of leather and part of that I want to use to try to make iron armor but most importantly I need it for the saddle and

I found some iron horse armor meaning that once I go grab a horse which there happen to be some nearby I can protect it a little bit well it’s time to leave I’m ready to keep going back to the castle I got a lot of loot that was

Pretty good and now that I can have a horse my remainder of the journey should be a lot quicker which is good cuz it’s already day 18 and I got a ways to go still couple thousand blocks wa this is rather interesting well there’s another big castle there oh

And that’s a dragon uhoh and it saw me no no not my horse quick get in the water before the horse dies the horse is a much bigger Target than I am thankfully we made it out of there in one piece this biome I’m in is actually really cool minus the big

Poison puddles uh I’m a big fan of this oh that’s another Dragon right there there’s so many dragons in the way look it it’s over there on the other side of that Valley it’s still trying to get me but it’s well I I don’t fancy its chances getting over these Hills and

Down this Forest this is rather inhospitable terrain although it looks pretty cool I’m not going to lie it looks really nice well I’m on the other side of the mountain and there’s more swamp and some planes down there just got to get myself down safely I’m pretty close now I think

I should be getting closer I just have to get across this water which is going to be a bit annoying uh-oh that’s a dragon that is a big dragon on that Tower I will not be Crossing that water here no thanks I hope it didn’t see

Me well I guess I have to go around and it looks like going around means going toward that Giant mountain yeah that’s exactly what it meant and now I am in the middle of this Giant mountain is Forest snowy monstrosity which is in I don’t know it’s probably the coolest

Place I’ve been like look at this giant River Valley if it weren’t so difficult to Traverse it would be really cool oh look at that it’s a big magical forest thing those some huge trees oh it’s all a m shaft thing and my horse is getting lit on fire from torches that’s not

Good I will always uh welcome the opportunity to grab a little bit more loot I found a little campsite a Walden campsite with some villagers and it’s next to some Giant floating islands which is rather impressive but I’m not stopping I must continue on I’m

Quite close now to my home so I found this Castle here and it is a very nice located Castle however it’s not actually my home Castle I realized I was misreading the coordinates and I went a little bit past my home Castle you remember that dragon that I passed by

The one on the tower well it turns out that was actually the dragon guarding or besieging my home castle that is where I was supposed to go and well the dragon was in the way oh my God there’s more birds they’re not even in the swamp why

Are there stupid stim failing St failing Birds Here we are I am very close now there’s actually multiple castles around here there’s two big castles one of which is mine and then there is a campsite here with a bunch of soldiers nearby probably going to have to clear those out and then there’s the uh smaller castle where

The soldiers came from and somewhere around here is the dragon oh yeah literally right there that’s that’s the dragon somehow I got to get rid of that guy how I’m not not quite sure yet well this campsite actually seems like a pretty nice spot to hang out for now because it’s out of

Sight of the dragon and it’s already got some resources including a big fire pit which I can use for my grills and then there’s even some food here which is always welcome so there’s all these soldiers wandering around the area I’m going to get rid of them before I do

Anything else oh you have a big sword well not anymore I went over to the swamp to go check out the swamp but of course I got attacked by a bunch of birds shooting their feathers at me again it looks like once you kill one the other one leaves that guy’s just

Heading now I was looking in part for bog iron ore which is a fairly easy way to get low grade iron you can just find it sitting in mud patches and swamps and then after a couple steps you can get iron from it what is that noise oh my goodness it

Is a frog I should have known why didn’t I realize that it was there a frog making that insane noise I smelted some iron ingots and the steel ingots on my grill because that’s how that works and I use sad steel to make a steel Rapier

The next morning I went and checked out the little castle and discovered a gigantic dragon skeleton nearby maybe these guys already killed a dragon for me we’re going to assume that’s what happened regardless I’m still going to go and steal your guys’ stuff though you have a lot of very nice iron armor

Which I will take you even have a diamond chest plate wow that’s very nice of you a protection four enchanted book these archers really can’t do anything there’s even diamond boots so there’s half diamond armor boy I sure went from I don’t know mostly broken chain mail armor to Kit it out

Pretty fast so I need to make this grindstone this Millstone thing and it requires certain types of stone which I’m trying to find I found one type of stone that I need here which is nice mainly I need this because I can’t turn my wheat into bread very easily I need

To grind it up into flow and that Millstone is one of the ways to do that unfortunately I need sand for it and there’s not a lot of sand nearby and the sand that is here seems to be next to a dungeon full of weird blobs I probably

Don’t want to deal with that right now so this Millstone I guess I can put in my wheat and then if I break it I get the flour that seems a little bit strange then I can put the flour onto the grill and it will turn into bread

Next I made an iron caldron because I need to make a special type of wood like this fireproof wood called lacquer and you have to make it in a cauldron you have to brew some stuff you have to take some plant materials like these rushes

And you have to kind of grind it in the corn with some other stuff and you get this plant material and then it’s a whole process you put the plant material Into The Cauldron with some water and you get this uh special liquid or something after a little

While oh good it worked I wasn’t sure it was going to work apparently if I stick planks in here now it should turn them into fireproof lacquer planks and I’m trying to make lacquer sticks cuz you need those kind of sticks for a specific tool apparently I can’t actually turn my

Lacquer planks into lacquer sticks so I need to put sticks in there but the whole point of that was to make an iron Gallagher which is basically a big hammer Mallet thing which I used to make an iron plate which I used to make an iron work blade this work blade I used

To strip the bark off of some logs and then I turned that stripped log into a brick mold a mud brick mold which I will use later I also used my iron work blade to take these Pig pelts which I’ve been carrying around for a long time and I

Turned the pig pelts into raw height which after a couple steps you can turn into more leather so I can take the Raw Hide and I can use salt from a big salt pit nearby to make salted hide and then I can dry that out and that’s one or

That’s several steps toward making leather I can also take mud and put it in the brick mold and then I apparently get mud BRS from that eventually in the meantime I made a Handa an iron Handa which I used to make a spruce drying wreck which I can then stick my salted

Hide on and that will do its thing and eventually turn into some new height oh I don’t know why I was pretty stupid I thought this was going to take a long time but it’s literally just just a mold I could have taken These Bricks

Out a long time ago all I have to do is Grill the mud bricks and then I uh can make this weird little smeltery thing which is what you turn the bog iron into normal iron with the next morning I collected even more bog iron and I

Collected a bunch of wood cuz I was running low on vanilla wood types I made a couple more drying racks so that I could dry all of my height at once and then I stripped the logs that I’d just gotten and turned them into these wood stack beam log things these weird

LS with those log pieces I made these Oak log stacks and what you do with these is you bury them underground and you light them on fire and after a little while they’re supposed to turn into charcoal which is one of the things you need to use with the bog iron to get

The actual useful iron from it so apparently that’s going to sit underground and I’ll come back later oh look I got dried hide nice but that’s still not done I have to make tanned hide from the dried hide and the tan hide requires tannin which you make an a

Cauldron from ground resin which is from bark which I already have cuz you get that from stripping the stuff I planted the corn that I’d been collecting while I was traveling and made a corn patch ideally I’ll live off of corn eventually because you get a lot of it per corn

Plant oh good it hasn’t been very long and I’ve got these charcoal Stacks Now Fair grade charcoal Stacks I think that’s the worst out of all the grades unfortunately it depends on what wood type you use and it I guess Oak is not good so if I put Limestone bog iron and

Uh charcoal into this little furnace thing it should slowly cook into crude iron and iron nuggets I think I’m going to dig a mine now because I really need to go get some stuff from underground I I really need obsidian though primarily because I need to go to the nether you

See I discovered a certain armor set which is very Strunk and if I can make it I might have a chance of defeating that Dragon unfortunately it needs Blaze powder to make among other things so I have to get to the nether well I found this weird lava thing here I thought it

Might be a dungeon but it’s not it literally is just a lava pool surrounded by Cobblestone before I started mining obsidian I went to check one of the nearby castles to see if it might have an enchantment table I couldn’t remember if I built a full-sized one in them and

It turns out that yes there is actually a level 30 enchantment table already here meaning I don’t need 14 obsidian oh no I see that the citizens here are being bullied by Zombies CE okay I need to not blow up the pig pen diamond pickaxe that’s pretty cool good thing I already had diamonds not to mention there’s a a large number of gold and diamond blocks in the throne rooms of those castles so I’m not going to be short on those

Materials there is my 10 obsidian for another portal but that’s the easy part the hard part is actually surviv diving in the nether long enough to find another Fortress and get blaze powder that is my next stop my my next challenge I might as well see where I

Spawn though I’m not going to stick around but I’ll see where I spawn you got to be kidding me this is so sad oh how nice of the game to give me an enchanted grave key that couldn’t have worked out better see cuz that teleports me right to my Tombstone even

Across Dimensions apparently that’s pretty nice well I am still kind of stuck down here and my nether portal is up there although I did bring a stack of cobblestone with me and some wood so I have actually barely enough resources to make it back to my portal well that was

A rather dramatic way to discover where my portal is located it’s uh right on the edge of a cliff so before I go checking out the nether more I need a few things like this antique Atlas because antique atlases will show Nether fortresses on them even if you’re not

Close to them and it’s a nice way to find Nether fortresses easily I also need to bring water with me and luckily there are these barrels which you can actually pick up and carry the water in so all I need now is some glass bottles which is why I’m over here because I

Need sand and sand is for some reason in very short supply there are no deserts near me that I know of and other other than near little Lakes there’s no sand I likely will also need these coolers which require ice cubes which I don’t have so I’m going to try without them

First and see how far I can get before I start dying of hypothermia I was wondering if I might find this this right here is a structure that overwrote the Bedrock layer at the top of the nether how convenient so if I uh open up this antique Atlas you’ll see that there’s

Another Fortress displayed on it this is exactly what I was hoping to find well I made it back down through the nether roof through another structure that overrode it and I dug a staircase down closest to the Fortress but that’s when I got hypothermia and started dying in

Other words I am going to have to get those ice cubes after all which means I need to grab my Noble seed and go on a expedition to get ice cubes that’s not what I meant I didn’t mean I wanted to find an ice dragon I just need ice cubes

Neither did I want to find a cyclops luckily the Cyclops doesn’t seem to care about me which is pretty cool wa that’s a really big tree look at that that’s cool well there’s no ice cubes here and if you’re wondering ice cubes you get them by breaking ice blocks so I’m just

Looking for some kind of cold biome it didn’t actually take that much longer to find this though I only looked around a little bit more and then I found the big mountain which is covered in ice which will work just fine the only slight issue is that it forms water when you

Break the Ice I think I got what I need and I’m starting to freeze to death so I should probably get off of this mountain oh jeez all I wanted to do was go near the tree and there’s a fire dragon of course there’s a fire dragon there’s

Always a fire dragon and it my horse is mostly dead I actually need to put it out right now otherwise it is going to die that was close although I’m still on fire and I might still die well all I wanted to do was look at the big tree and maybe that castle

That’s right there but no there is fire dragon that’s a shame this biome would be such a nice spot it’s literally called an it’s an orchard biome it’s very nice and pleasant and would be peaceful if it weren’t for that so I got my coolers and

It’s time to go to the Fortress why is there a demon sheep that doesn’t seem very good it looks like I’m still a couple levels above the Fortress I have to dig down more what a break well here we are I found the Fortress and there are lots of blazes

Blaze spawner is pretty close by though so shouldn’t be too bad and luckily it’s one of those nice Blaze Spawners that is in a wall so the blazes can’t leave it looks like I can even just stick my coolers here and then I won’t be overheating while I’m fighting the

Blazes it works out really nice I also need St sand while I’m here because I need to grow Nether wart and I really don’t want to come back if I can help it before I go I’m going to obviously go get the Nether wart which is right at

The entrance here which is cool but I also want to go look around and find what I can in the loot chest maybe there’s some diamonds I always need more diamonds well there’s Diamond horse armor so I guess that’s something well I’ve got about 16 blaze rods so I think

That’s good I’m going to head back now home sweet home in my nice outdoor camp you can get a lot more blaze powder by grinding it in the millstone which is nice and the first thing I need to make are fire resistance potions for obvious reasons because everywhere I go there

Are fire dragons and there’s a fire dragon that is uh outside of my castle it looks like I’ve also gotten a bunch of iron from my little weird smeltery thing from the bug iron so that’s cool I can also add this resin which I got from my Millstone into my cauldron and that

Should give me Tannon which will create tan hide there’s a lot of big cows that have been sitting around outside of my little camp and so I figured I might as well build a little enclosure for them maybe I can start breeding them I’m not

Sure how easy that will be but if they can just stay here and be safe that would be a good first step well I don’t know if that’s going to work I guess we’ll find out so my taned leather has to be dried one more time and then it

Gets turned into leather or my taned hide it’s Day 36 and I’m going to start off the day by blowing up this big uh pyramid that’s near my Camp because these pyramids have mazes inside of them and I really don’t want to go through the maze so I’m going to use the TNT

That I got from that big castle a while ago and blow this place up worked out perfectly I exposed literally all the loot chests with only a few pieces of TNT a lot of gold and some leather armor which is kind of cool cuz usually you

Can cut up leather armor into leather if you Want well I think that’s literally all in here that I care about other than mob spawners so I am going to call it good after I Blew Up The Pyramid I went over to the other big castle and yed the diamond blocks from the throne room I

Now have uh let’s see 20 diamond blocks that’s pretty good there’s a specific reason I need them though because I’m going to be making Diamond crossbow bolts for a diamond crossbow I did some testing and I discovered that the crossbow from Spartan Weaponry does a massive amount of damage at least it can

With the right bolts the only issue is I don’t have any feathers to make crossbow bolts now there might be some chickens and in these castles but there also might not be I actually didn’t find any I found pigs and that’s not helpful there’s also no vanilla chickens that

Spawn naturally there are modded chickens which would also drop feathers but I didn’t find any of them I’m also simultaneously trying to get more experience cuz I need to do a lot of enchanting before I can go and fight the dragon I want to enchant my crossbow my

Armor and then my sword obviously I ended up resorting to getting nether quartz for experience in the nether which has its own problem obviously the nether is not a good place to spend large amounts of time In level 30 I can go home yay I made a diamond Tower Shield which is a very nice Shield you can do a shield bash with it it has a ton of durability that seems pretty cool I guess I might as well try to make that big boy armor as

Well which takes a lot of Steel and a lot of blaze powder maximilan boots I guess that’s what the armor is called it is called Maxim milliion armor maybe I’ll look up what the armor actually looks like in real life cuz I assume it’s based off of real armor so that is

A full set of Max a million armor and you’ll notice that it gives you more armor bars than diamond armor and it looks pretty cool not going to lie oh yeah we’re getting closer to fighting that Dragon I now have a really good armor really good Shield I need

Enchantments still and I need those crossbow bolts and then we’re going to be good to go I really don’t want to put fire aspect on my sword if I’m going to be fighting fire dragons that seems kind of counterintuitive doesn’t look like I can enchant my armor either so I guess

I’ll enchant my crossbow well I still need feathers and I still need more experience unfortunately I’m really not finding much of either I guess there’s some soldiers here so they might drop some Experience oh my God that is a ice dragon right next to me why is it so close to me and I how did it not kill me I don’t know what just happened that was bad oh I’m stuck in a pit in the ground

I got to leave I was going to go in this castle and try to farm some experience but not if there’s an ice dragon right outside the door that thing will walk right through the castle like it wasn’t there I found a big ore deposit Stone

Tower thing which enabled me to get a lot of iron and some lapis and stuff so that’s cool and I eventually I found this Castle here which is not next to an ice dragon or a fire dragon so it’s fairly suitable for me to farm experience the only issue is I’m

Freezing to death and I can’t sleep because of That it is so laggy here because there are there’s so many mobs that are above me well I got 36 levels so I have three level 30 en chants that I can do I have one feather I think it came from a chicken jockey that spawned somewhere

Other than that I have no more Featherstone which is bad given that winter has arrived which is why I’m suddenly freezing everywhere I need some heaters I made coolers and now I need heaters which means I need little lava magma block shards and I only get those

From magma blocks and what better place to find magma blocks than the ne these heating coils should do uh a decent job of stopping me from freezing to death it’s kind of worse than normal cuz I’m not really in a hot biome I’m in a neutral biome at best and and I’m also

Outside mostly even these birds there’s lots of birds everywhere those like there’s Blue Jays and whatnot but they don’t drop feathers I don’t know Why none of these birds drop anything and I still haven’t gotten a guaranteed sharpness for on my diamond Rapier yet I got a protection for enchanted book so that’s nice but still I need my sword to have sharpness for and I am not taking chances on some Unbreaking through three

And I’m not getting fire aspect you know I wonder if I can use these enchanted books on my armor since I can’t enchant it in the table I might be able to use the books still which would be awesome feathers I still need feathers do you drop feathers Mr Blue

J you do not drop feathers that is very sad oh but peacocks drop feathers and those are also acceptable I feel kind of bad killing peacocks for feathers in the swamp but I literally have no other way to get feathers look at that I found a Hydra that’s kind

Of spooky in the middle of the swamp there is a big snake and there are also these birds which are the bane of my existence oh I’ve been shooting this thing and look at that it just healed and it’s got like five more heads now I I don’t think I’m doing

Anything oh my God there’s another fire dragon over there there’s fire dragons everywhere I go that might even be a new one eventually I threw in the towel and started brewing potions of cold resistance but at least I was able to create a a bunch of crossbow bolts using peacock

Feathers oh no I tried just enchanting it and it gave me only Unbreaking three the only nice thing is I guess I can put the protection 4 books on my armor oh look at that a guaranteed sharp 4 I only have 19 levels and look how

Many books I’ve gone through to get that but finally a guaranteed sharp four now all I need is the experience level 30 I can get out of this horrible Castle now oh my God look at what it gave me that’s crazy it gave me looting Unbreaking and knockback all in one plus

The sharp four that was totally worth it I have no regrets and I even now have uh protection for on the bigger pieces of my armor well I’m actually ready to fight that dragon now or try to I kind of need to brew my strength potions but

Other than that I’m ready to go the only issue is now it’s snowing and it’s freezing outside and I really don’t want to fight the fire dragon in the snowstorm I don’t want to deal with that I guess I’ll keep making bread and I’m going to wait until it is nighttime so

That I can sleep and make the snow go away so my secret weapon for fighting the fire dragon and any dragon is a uh something called a scroll of Resistance 3 it’s this kind of it’s this mob drop that I got got a lot of from fighting

Those uh mobs in the dungeon castle and it literally does like what it sounds like it gives you resistance three oh my the dragon is already on me I didn’t think it would see me from that far away I haven’t even taken my potions yet or

My scroll that is not good it’s right here I got to go and get on her Ground y let’s go I got it I barely even took two hearts of damage that’s what was just this three does oh my God that was awesome I didn’t think I was going to do that well and check out I can get I got like these glass bottles I can get fire

Dragon blood looks like I got a few a little bit of dragons blood that was a stage three dragon and for comparison they go to stage five um meaning they can be a lot bigger and more dangerous than that one well I’ve liberated my castle that was one of two goals for the

Video however I still have the Resistance 3 effect because it’s 10 minutes long and remember that ice dragon that I found near the other Castle well I might as well take that one out if I can and while I still have resistance three it is slightly stuck which is

Nice oh it’s unstuck now here it is yep it’s on Me oh let’s go I got the ice dragon as well that’s two dragons in under 10 minutes you’ll love to see now both of the dragons that were close to my castles well one of them is my castle the other one’s not but both of the

Nearby dragons are gone and one of them was even an ice dragon that’s cool let’s see what’s in it aay up here it’s aay is actually right next to this other little mini Castle full of hostile dudes but it looks like there are big piles of silver

That’s kind of satisfying I’ll take that there a little bit of loot here there’s some bones o a silver chest plate not the most exciting loot I mean there’s some it’s like some iron it’s it’s fine dude I just killed two dragons I really don’t care you just get one shot by my

Crossbow that’s that’s nice goodbye well there’s a snowstorm again but it doesn’t matter I made it home I killed the dragons I liberated my castle all in the good day’s work so check out the silver armor it’s actually really nice looking they did not have to make it look so

Cool and it’s not even that decent armor in terms of stats it just looks so nice what is good armor though is dragon skill armor yep you can make dragon skill armor which I of course I’m going to make dragon skill armor I got about 30 blue dragon skills from the uh ice

Dragon it’s actually better than the Maximillian armor in terms of armor points the only way it’s worse is it’s not Enchanted not to mention there is some kind of glitch that makes the Max Million armor take no durability for some reason it is Invincible a little

Bit overpowered I’m going to go loot the fire dragon uh the fire dragon layer see what we’ve got here this is the one that was besieging my castle it literally is right next next to it just a bunch of gold instead of silver nothing too crazy

In the chests and then of course there’s this little Tower here which has some dudes in it but they’re no match for me I’ve killed dragons well it is day 50 and I am at last able to ride proudly and splendidly into my castle I have made it back home

I’ve got my nice ceremonial silver armor on and why are you guys not cheering you guys should be happy come on I think this will be my house this seems like a very nice spot there’s a little bit of a mold problem in the basement but other

Than that I think it’s pretty nice the only downside is I have to actually move my stuff here now well all my leather is done I have some more leather which is nice so that I can make more backpacks cuz I have to haul the contents of quite

A few chests I’ve actually accumulated a lot of stuff here while I’ve been arming myself for Dragon fights there’s also a lot of villagers in here why are there so many villagers in my house did you guys not get the memo this is actually my house now moving in is honestly a

Little bit more difficult than killing the dragon there’s some nice trees I can chop down literally right outside of my house which I normally wouldn’t do cuz I don’t like to destroy uh decorative stuff but I’m going to build something there anyways in the space that I’m

Clearing so I don’t feel too bad I’ve got most of my useful like blocks in here workstations kinds of things got my armor stands I’m going to display my armor right where I can see it I want to be able to look at it all the time cuz I

Can only wire one set at a time I also need to put a lot of torches around the outside of everything cuz mobs can still spawn and of course there’s still about four double chests of stuff three and a half double chests of stuff I have to

Move which is a lot even with backpacks but I think I’ve got everything now and I am ready to fully move in to my nice new house in my my castle what a nice place I’m going to take these Dragon skulls that I got from all the dragons

That I killed well actually I have collected some of them from Dragon skeletons just that were already there but you get the point I have three dragon skulls we’re going to put them out here they’re going to look pretty cool they’re going to be a reminder or a

Warning to any dragons that might show up this is what happens if you try to take over my castle well it is day 51 I think it’s time to start working on expanding the castle you see I’m going to start a Colony outside of my castle

Now that there’s no Dragons I’m going to use this big flat area out here and make a colony a mine colony to be specific that night I ran around and lit up a little bit more of the castle just to make absolutely sure that there are no zombies hopefully there should be no

Zombies and then I cleared out the mold INF festation in the bottom of my basement and I went over to the old like red Soldier Castle you see this cast Castle there’s nothing here now I already looted it I don’t really want this little castle right here so I

Decided to tear down uh some of the towers and collect the stone bricks to use in my own building I don’t need that many of them cuz all I’m going to be doing is adding a chimney slf fireplace area to my house cuz it already kind of

Has a chimney but it’s it’s like a fake chimney it’s not functional and I need a place to put a grill and The Cauldron so I need some fire in my house like that so assuming I don’t burn my house down we should be pretty good to be able to

Brew things and Grill whatever I want downstairs next day I went and I tried to collect enough Spruce saplings to make a giant spruce tree because I’m going to need a lot of spruce wood when it comes to building a new colony from scratch I was able to collect enough of

It despite my horse leaving me my horse is running away for some reason I get off of it and immediately it’s like time to leave at least it’s not finding Lava Pits it could be worse part of why I wanted Spruce as well is because Spruce log Stacks

Supposedly make better charcoal when you burn them underground which would be nice cuz then you’ll get even more iron anyways it is day 56 I’m going to make a Town Hall from mine colonies this town hall will allow me to found my colony in addition to that I have a builder’s Hut

And I will show you what this does momentarily and so when you try to place down something like a builder’s Hut you get this schematic and I don’t really want an acacia builder hut I want a medieval Spruce template builder hut obviously this is Medieval and Spruce

And then I realized that I was using the Builder set before I had to town hall so while I was doing everything right what I need first is this thing this is a town hall so you just position it the way you want it and then once you’re

Happy with it you just place down the block and suddenly you have a Colony founded and now what should happen are some colonists should start to show up and basically the colonists as you’ll see in a few minutes are better fancier villagers oh look at that I got a

Message it says the first settler arrived at your Colony you should place a builder hut well yes I will do that I have a builder hut already the block I mean oh okay well he’s a little bit stuck but great so this Builder’s Hut I’m going to place nearby and it looks

Like it automatically hired somebody to be a builder I already have another person uh she’s over there but it looks like we hired this guy and now he should start building the building I created a building task oh you need an axe do you okay well sure here here’s an iron axe

Bro um that should be good right you still need an axe okay so it turns out that he’s not actually skilled enough to use an iron axe he has to use a wood or a gold axe I he could also use a stone axe but I didn’t realize this for a little while

Unfortunately we’ll check it out now he’s using his axe and a shovel that I gave him to clear out some land in order to build this Hut you need Cobblestone do you you need 34 Cobblestone I guess you need materials you need Spruce fence now grief you need a lot of stuff

Well I need gravel the guy needs some gravel he needs coar dirt but it looks like he’s actually building something now oh you need more stuff oh my God okay well you can actually see everything that’s missing versus everything that you have well that’s kind of cool I guess that makes it

Easier we’re getting there so in order to not give my workers golden tools since I can’t make normal wooden tools I’m going to make some Tinker construct stuff in order to make wooden tools uh through tinker construct which is available so I’m making these stencils these are for creating different tool

Parts which I’m going to make all out of wood and it looks like he actually just finished the Builder’s Hut before I was even done with the Tinker construct stuff this is pretty pretty nice in here got a little uh opening for a basement to Nowhere right now but maybe when you

Upgrade it cuz you can upgrade these buildings that might turn into something he also needs food it looks like they all need food which I don’t have a lot of to spare anyways this is a tinker’s construct wooden show shovel so he should be able to use that which is a

Lot better than gold the next thing I want my colonist to do or my Builder to do specifically is make a farm for some reason he seems to be overriding the Builder set which is not good I need to move it I made a couple wooden hatchets

Which should be usable as uh wooden axes by the Builder just in time for my favorite thing a Blood Moon I completely forgot that we have blond moons we hadn’t actually had any before and this is no good cuz my guys are undefended let me hire some mercenaries and I

Probably the best thing I can do other than hire The Mercenaries to defend my colon this is just leave and try to unload it I don’t want to be anywhere near them when the mobs start spawning I’m actually going to go underground I’m going to go mining it’s one of the only

Good things you can do during the blood moon is just leave if there’s something you care about check it out diamonds and Redstone but mostly diamonds I remembered that I had a fortune 3 pickaxe partway through mining the diamonds I felt a little bit stupid wasting some potential diamonds

But I still got 13 oh look it’s a cave with a little Monster Box oh that’s so cute and any does the spawn dragons no okay well I don’t care a couple zombies I literally don’t care ooh even more diamonds oh I’ll take it that’s very ominous

Looking well I think the blood moon is over now so I think it’s safe to come out of here yeah it looks like it’s safe oh no a mercenary just stole stones from a building why would you do that wa that that’s not good hold on are you guys

Like vandalizing stuff and stealing stuff you were supposed to protect them from the blood moon but if they’re if you’re just going to like yoink everything then I have a solution to this uh [Applause] Problem they’re even stealing tomato seeds what are they going to do with that they don’t Farm anything why do they want tomato seeds there no more mercenaries to steal anything well he’s trying to build a farm now although it’s night time and when it’s night time they all race back

To the town hall if they don’t have houses and nobody has houses they’re all very challenged in the home Department oh good the Farm’s done so there’s a couple other people there’s a total of four settlers and that’s how many you get before you have houses so it looks

Like this person uh got randomly assigned to become a farmer now to actually have this person function as a farmer you have to make fields and these fields you can designate with a specific type of crop to be grown looks like the farmer needs fertilizer and a hoe which

Kind of makes sense the fertilizer is not great though because I don’t have an unlimited Supply oh no my Builder died got shot by a skeleton that’s not good why did that happen everybody will be mourning the loss of the Builder everyone’s going to be big sad well bro

Why did another one just die and it didn’t even say what of this is not good we are uh suffering a much too high mortality rate 50% I will say though they just respa after all of like 15 seconds well they don’t they specifically don’t respawn a new settler spawns after about 15

Seconds well now my Farmer is trying to farm so it seems like that might be working given that all of the unhoused all of the uh homeless uh settlers try to go back to the town hall at night I’m going to have the Builder build the town hall before building any houses because

All of them will go to the town hall but not all of them will live in one house right now which is unfortunate because all of them seem to be angry they keep telling me that they want to live in houses which is understandable but I kind of have priorities maybe they’re

Bad priorities oh my God another would just die well I just made a lot of seeds which hopefully the farmer can do stuff with and I also am trying to get carrots I’d like to farm carrots and wheat because then we got crops that can grow

In the spring summer and fall versus I think the wheat which does not grow in the spring and it is still spring I decided just to enchant my own diamond shovel and help out the Builder with digging cuz the Builder is so slow and will go through so many shovels it’s not

Helpful right now until the Builder learns how to use something better than a wooden or a stone shovel I went back to my original compound my little fort area and I collected a bunch of corn which had grown in the meantime and I will be using that to start a much

Bigger corn farm cuz I’m going to have to feed myself and my colonists I managed to teach my Builder how to make coarse dirt so hopefully if the dude just has some gravel and some dirt I won’t have to make the course dirt for him which would be nice

Also going to make my giant corn farm over here I’m going to start it I need a lot of this if I’m going to feed everyone through the winter go cuz it won’t grow in the winter basically nothing grows in the winter so I have to

Store up a lot on uh before the winter I went to collect a bunch of sand and gravel and Clay as much as I could find because I am going to need a lot of that uh for building and also so at some point I want to make grout which I can

Turn into seared bricks and make a tinker’s construct smeltery so I can start making some other types of tools and equipment as I’ve mentioned before though it’s not easy collecting sand there’s not very much of it around here same with gravel actually oh my God there’s another fire

Dragon across the water over there I guess I won’t be getting sand there darn it wao wait why is there one right there there’s one even closer there’s another fire dragon actually really close to my castle and I had no idea and it’s it’s just right there I will obviously have

To do something with those dragons at some point I guess it’s dang what is he what what do you have to do to get sand I mean I’m not trying to kill every single fire dragon that exists just to get some sand all I need all I want is some

Grout one grout turns into one seared brick and four of those make a seared brick block which is actually not like great that’s kind of expensive so I’m going to need a lot of grout I guess I’m going to have to go do something about those dragons soon though so I switched

Over to my dragon skill armor which I think helps if you’re fighting dragons or it helps protect against dragon breath attacks so whenever I actually get around to attacking them I’ll be a little bit better off I know you want a house but have you considered living in

The town hall once you’re done building it that sounds like a cool idea doesn’t it you should have everything that you need actually you don’t cuz your little chest is completely full of garbage never mind I still have two unemployed citizens they’re not doing anything other than sitting around at least our

Builder is um getting close-ish to finishing the town hall finally this right here is a lumberjack campsite thing that’s the next thing I’m going to have the Builder make so that I can get a lumberjack who can start collecting wood automatically that would be really great and finally the town hall is

Finished so everybody can sit here at night and be safe which is good until they have houses and actually I’m going to have them build a house next instead I’m going to wait on The Lumberjack and work on house maybe in retrospect that was a

Bad idea actually I would say that was a bad idea in retrospect but all of them were yelling at me about not having house so well it’s day 73 and I might as well try to go get rid of those fire dragons at least one of them for some

Reason the fire dragon is swimming in the lake that doesn’t seem like the best place for a fire dragon especially where I can just snipe it with my crossbow yeah I think this crossbow might be a little bit too strong that was about five or six shots they were

Head shot but that finished off the dragon and there’s the other one that I found the other day I guess I can try to get it I still have fire resistance and for some reason it also went into the water meaning I am uh free to snipe it with my

Crossbow this doesn’t doesn’t even feel fair oh no I thought it had more Health than that that’s just kind of depressing well I have more Dragon skulls now I moved all of my workstation stuff out of the big path which is going to be here in the town eventually I moved it over

Next to the town hall seemed like a better spot to be so this is everything that I still need for my uh citizen house which is the Builder trying to build now and unfortunately the level one state tier one house are whatever is only good for one person but at least

One of four people will stop freaking out about not having a house I mean look it’s not like they can’t live in the town hall until they have houses come on cool that should be everything it’s only 20% built but I shouldn’t have to do anything else what I can do though is

Harvest a ton of corn cuz it looks like all of my corn has grown up and it’s just waiting to be picked well I ended up getting over a stack and a half of corn or something so that’s really nice and I added a second Grill to my

Grilling area so that I can Grill everything faster these grills are actually in some ways much better than furnaces cuz they don’t take fuel they’re actually free as long as they’re over a fire well the Builder is almost done just about there hey we finished the first house

Let’s go I kind of want the Builder to have the house but I don’t know if I can control that it might Auto assign someone uh yes it did Auto assigned someone and I’m pretty sure that person that I yeah she’s one of the unemployed people I was hoping that the farmer or

The Builder would get the house oh oh my God that doesn’t look great well I need another house so I might as well start them building another one where there is actually room over here I originally was going to put the town hall here but there actually wasn’t enough room for

That so I think there’s room for a house instead which I will get them building off door oh no it’s raining now all my torches are going to get put out ah crisis averted nice bright early morning well at someone else I might as well have the farmer start farming the wheat

Field I’d had her farming the carrot field for a long time she can only Farm one at a time unfortunately I still need more gravel and the best place I’ve been finding it is underground which is not that good of a spot just saying it’s not I forgot I hadn’t actually gone and

Looted that Dragon layer across the water from the one I killed a few days ago so I decided that morning morning of day 78 to go see what kind of goods I could find maybe there’d be something more interesting here than the other fire dragon layers I’d been

To oh look at diamonds that’s cool three diamonds that’s unusual I’ll take that plus a little bit of gold I even went over to the pirate ship it’s in the middle of the lake but there’s not actually anything here other than some mob spawners and since I have no

Interest in making an XP farm right now you are not useful to me the only useful part is actually this sail here because I need wool for beds and other stuff and the wool and the sail is right for the the taking so I grabbed some

Shears and I cut down a lot of the sail still building okay just going as fast as he can build there’s the bed though you should have literally everything he needs well I’m going to take these seared bricks and try to go build a smeltery although we have a

Slight problem those wood Stacks that I put down here a while ago turned into Ash instead of charcoal for some reason I’m not sure what happened and why they didn’t turn into charcoal I think they won’t turn into charcoal if there’s air somewhere but I don’t know why there

Would be air there I don’t think there was although it could be wrong anyways I’m trying to make the Tinker construct smeltery which needs a lot of seared bricks so obviously I just need some plain old brick blocks but then I also need some special blocks like a smeltery

Tank or a smeltery fluid Outlet Inlet and then some kind of controller I did a bit of an oops where I couldn’t actually remember the correct controller for a little while so I built a seared furnace controller which is not actually the smeltery controller so that didn’t end

Up working eventually I realized that I had the wrong thing so I went and made the seared controller smelter controller the yeah it’s a smel three controller I made that and it still didn’t work so I checked the Tinker construct manual I checked it for the smeltery and I

Discovered that it has to be a minimum of 3×3 which mine was only 2x two so that would explain why it wasn’t working and unfortunately I don’t have any more seared bricks so I can’t fully complete it right now I have to go get more sand

Gravel and Clay fun fun well that’s what I’m going to go do it looks like our build finished building a second house so now we have only 50% homelessness or to phrase that definitely we have a 50% increase in the number of homes available I went over to The Lumberjack

Station and set the Builder to start building the logging area which will hopefully get done quickly and this is so that before I build anything else I can have a colonist constantly making logs available to me the great thing is the colonist will replant the trees so I

Don’t actually have to really do anything other than make sure they have an infinite supply of stone axes I went and grabbed a bunch of sand and gravel and Clay anything else I could find and I checked on everyone to make sure they were in their houses and unfortunately

The Builder was not in their house for some reason instead they were getting killed by an Enderman I don’t know why the Enderman was angry at the Builder I don’t know if the Builder looked at the Enderman I don’t know if that can even happen but for some reason our poor

Builder got merked by an Enderman well I guess somebody else is going to spawn now and also everyone is Big sad for it half of the day so much for building the Lumberjack quickly we don’t have a builder and even if we did they would be too busy being

Set uhoh I think we have four female colonists now well that might be problematic at some point in the future I have two and a half more stacks of grout so that’s good and everyone is still too sad to do anything come on like we get it it’s sad but but but but

Lumberjack come on okay finally there’s a new Builder building the stuff check it out it didn’t take very long because it’s a pretty small Building compared to some of the other stuff our Lumberjack is actually a little bit stuck that’s a little unfortunate but they’re off to go

Chop down trees allthough day is almost gone so I’ll be surprised if they even get through one log oh yep time to go to bed they did get one log though at least that’s some nice proof that it’s working oh that’s nasty there’s a big spider on

The door feel bad whoever lives there so the other thing that houses need a lot of is Cobblestone and Stone Products so I’m going to make a mine now I want the colonist to start mining so I’m going to put it over here in this big Stone area and hopefully it should start

Getting built it doesn’t seem like it needs a lot of materials although I think a lot of stuff has to be dug out because it’s a mine I’m not really sure how that’s going to end up working but they should already have about everything they need pretty close except for this dirt

Oh yeah another three stacks of corn well I don’t actually exactly know how much needs to be mined out so this could take a while but Builder has lots of tools so uh she should be good anyways I have a lot of sear bricks I have enough

To actually make a very small smeltery but it’s working now which is nice so I can make a casting Basin along with a casting table and I can start trying to make some cool Tinkers constructs stuff although I need lava if I want to power the smeltery luckily I actually have the

Ability to make lava from cobblestone in the cauldrons the iron cauldrons so I’m going to put a little cauldron burn pit fire pit over here I’m going to have four cauldrons so that I can make four buckets of lava at once and also I guess I’m going to burn

Down the trees here the only issue is it takes 16 Cobblestone to make one bucket of lava in those cauldrons which is kind of a lot why is my Builder not coming home why are they getting sniped by a skeleton they just died that’s very sad well I guess that’s what happens when

You don’t go back to the town hall and or your own house I don’t know if that Builder had a house or not but well I got some more Cobblestone so I can make some lava make enough lava there’s already one bucket here oops I just

Burned up that lava I threw it into the fire instead one bucket should be enough to start smelting stuff I’m going to start with this gold because in order to make casting uh gas or like templates you have to use gold or a couple other things and I only really can make it

With gold right now cuz I can’t really make the Alloys well we are back to four citizens but they’re still all female so the problem continues well maybe that’s about to change because for some reason an Enderman just killed another farmer right in front of

Me how’s the mine going oh my God why is there a sheep trying to kill me well it was a demon sheep in the Overworld in daytime what good grief well I made more copies of the Tinker construct work tables like the stencil stuff so I’m going to start by making a pickaxe

Stencil pickaxe head stencil I can make a stone pickaxe head what I do that is I go over and stick it on the casting table and and I uh fail at pouring out stuff because that’s a corner I didn’t realize that but anyways you pour out

The gold and it forms a pickaxe head cast around the stone and then it deletes it so now I can cast pickaxe heads I’m going to put some silver in here to melt I honestly have no idea what like kind of tool I’m making other

That I’m going to make one that has a mining level for Cobalt and ardite in the nether which I would like to grab some of so it needs to have an obsidian pickaxe head well so there’s a tool broadcast and here I just made a silver tool

Binding I don’t really know if that’s good or not I’m going to make a steel uh tool rod and then of course the obsidian pickaxe head this probably isn’t that good of a pickaxe other than that it has the correct mining level so I guess we’ll see later on I’ll have to actually

Try to make a good quote unquote good like pickaxe I’ll have to look up some stuff cuz I don’t know much about the Tinker construct stest well unsurprisingly I’m off to the nether to go collect some Cobalt and some ardite which you can use to make uh pretty powerful pretty strong tool equipment

Pieces ah there’s a demon chicken this the first normal chicken I’ve seen outside of chicken jockies actually well the first chicken I guess it’s not really normal but and no it didn’t drop feathers well I have about like a little over a dozen of each of the different or

Types so we’ll see what that can do so I actually looked up some stuff on Reddit about good tool combinations and I saw somebody had suggested a bone uh tool rod and then Cobalt binding and pickaxe head and unfortun Al I put both of the or types in the smeltery at once and

Accidentally created the alloy manin so I had to melt some more Cobalt in order to get enough for the tool binding and the pickaxe head so I guess I’ll find out how this works but supposedly it’s supposed to have good durability and it’s supposed to be pretty fast also it

Has a high mining level and Mining speed of 12 that seems pretty good and somebody just died again this is not ideal well I do have this book and it tells me all about the different modifiers I kind of want the pickaxe to be unbreakable and there’s a way I can

Do that at some point I can’t enchant it I went and checked so instead I Enchanted a normal diamond pickaxe and now I’m going to go grab some obsidian if I get 40 obsidian that should be enough for five reinforcement modifiers and if you manage to put all five of

Those on your pickaxe or some other tool it will become unbreakable which would be pretty cool that’s not a good noise and you know what that noise might be it might be a dragon and a dragon layer nearby and that means that it might have a dragon

Egg because well one of the goals in this video is get a dragon egg and get a baby pet dragon and the way that you do that is you have to find a stage four or five female dragon and those only find you only find them underground and what do you know there’s

Actually a dragon layer here look at all this charred Stone and there it is it’s a fire dragon I don’t have the equipment to fight it right now but I guess I’ll just shoot it with my crossbow one time and run away very quickly and come back

Later oh my God what is that lag uh that’s that lag might be from blocks breaking you know I think it’s actually following me it might not stay there maybe I shouldn’t have shot it oh no come on horse you we got to go oh my God the

Lag no yeah it followed me out it came all the way out from other ground no my horse oh my God I let it away from my castle and Village I started running toward there and then I realized that if I didn’t go toward the swamp I might lead it

Straight to my colony and it might obliterate it if I wasn’t careful I seem to have made it into the swamp though without being killed it’s still following me but it’s back there a little bit and I might have trouble getting through the the trees I think I’m far enough

Away yeah there it is well I’m already kind of far from my base and I don’t have very many crossbow bolts left and since I need to kill that dragon now plus another one if it’s not a female dragon I’m going to need more crossbow bolts so I went and collected more

Peacock feathers before circling around in the big loop to go back home what I need to do is make sure I don’t go anywhere near that Dragon I need to have it not SE me and I need to get back to my house and grab fire resistance

Potions and whatever else I need well I’m going in one of the side entrances to the castle but I think I’ve made it without the dragon noticing me I really don’t want it to trash my castle anyways there’s a bunch of crossbow bolts that should be plenty for this dragon and any

Others that I might need to kill well day 89 I going to go get rid of that it’s my own fault I shot it although at least now I’ll figure out if it is a male or female there it is let’s start shooting that is a much bigger dragon

Than the other ones I fought it’s a stage four I think I would kind of want to see how much damage just Dragon does if I don’t use my resistance I might die but I think it’s worth It [Applause] o that was a big oof although that was valuable learning experience I realized realiz I I needed to have my strength potion because my sword wasn’t doing a lot of damage cuz it had armor points and the sword has a debuff against armor and now it is gone and

Unfortunately I don’t think it’s a female dragon I would like to go check out its layer now that it’s dead there might be a lot of loot there they’re actually probably is I opened one chest and found mending diamond boots so I like my chances of additional stuff of course I

Still need to find another dragon and a fuma one specifically ooh not Chapel that’s pretty good even if there’s nothing else I’ll take that that’s great I just realized I had meant to go get rid of the Dragon corpse and get like the dragon blood from it but then I forgot

So here I am now I wasn’t sure if I might have despawned for some reason why is there a tiny dragon skeleton here it’s kind of weird oh look another Notch Apple that’s Two Notch apples oh that’s awesome okay yeah there’s a lot of loot chests here

You probably see lots of diamond armor it’s kind of like n city loot it’s actually a little bit better than n city loot cuz you get Notch apples well I can’t really carry all this stuff with me right now but I’ll take what I Can oh boy it feels good to sleep I even have another big dragon skull to stick on a part of my castle so like I said I need to find another Dragon underground and the last one I found well I found cuz I was digging

Around and I heard a noise I need to go find some kind of cave system that possibly will intersect with a big dragon layer and I think those Dragon layers are not super rare kind of like the above ground ones so it’s not that hard to find I guess plus while I’m

Looking around for it I get to find all kinds of other stuff like other ore that I need for some reason there’s salt here red salt mushrooms lots of iron more salt I even found a villager here I think it is an archaeologist villager who lives in a little Dugout area

Underground that’s kind of cool not a lot of stuff here but have fun bro careful there might be dragons nearby and looking what I found just what I was talking about there is indeed another dragon player nearby now hopefully it is a female dragon but we’re about to find out and this time

I’m using my resistance scroll which actually is resistance five this time and I’ve got myself a strength potion so I don’t plan on Dying let’s go I got it and I had resistance five so I didn’t take any damage that’s so overpowered I guess I deserve that cuz I died the last one I fought and it is in fact a female dragon which means I got a dragon egg look at that right

There there’s one dragon egg one fire dragon soon to be my baby pet dragon I also have a ton of fire dragon skill so I feel the need to go ahead and make some fire dragon armor which is a red version of the existing dragon skill armor but most importantly what

Everybody wants to see what I want to see we got to make this little area to hatch our dragon egg so I guess I stick it in the fire I don’t actually need more than one piece of fire and now the egg is sitting in there and we’ll hatch

After a couple minutes according to the wiki I don’t know how long that’s actually going to be but I guess I will sit here cuz I don’t want to miss it so I’m going to need a lot of dragon meals which are how you can speed up the

Growth of the Dragon because I need to get it to at least stage three quickly which is the first stage at which you can start riding the dragon hello Mr villager are you here to observe the dragon hatching no I guess not okay oh there it is look at that look at

That there’s a tiny dragon and then this is my own dragon now cuz when you hatch it an egg it spawns as basically your pet oh look at that you can even pick it up and put it on your shoulder that’s so cool it’s a very small

Boy so I got a lot of cooked meat when I was looting that big castle early in the video I’m glad I did cuz that’s basically what you use to make dragon meal is you use bones and some kind of meat and given that it takes 25 of these

To grow from like stage one to stage two and then stage two to stage three I need basically a minimum of 50 in order to get it quickly to stage three now it’s almost at stage two so I can still pick it up but it’s a little bit silly

Looking now it’s stage two so we’re getting there it seems to really want to sit in this corner for some Reason oh my God why is my house breaking oh wait what okay I realized it was actually a glitch the game thought I was still on my shoulder for some reason which is strange I’m not sure why but anyways the problem is solved other than my house is

Missing its front now it’s a little bit unfortunate but the dragon is happily flying around I don’t actually know where it’s going to land oh oh no not the not the church Tower come on bro oh it just ate like half the tower that’s kind of unfortunate this is why I need a

Dragon Command Staff thing to make it sit all right stay do not go anywhere you’re going to sit right there and it’s going to be great actually it’s stage three now so I can just ride it I can actually fly it off of here it doesn’t need to Sit day 93 we have ourselves a flyable pet dragon uhoh I pushed the wrong button well I kind of need to fix the front of my house but I also there’s lots of mobs outside that need uh annihilating let’s go see how the mine is coming along I feel like not very

Much has been done I he’s kind of mining weird stuff but I guess we’ll leave him be probably doesn’t want to work if I’m sitting right next to him with the dragon I might feel a little bit intimidated if I were Him wow you are really loud so there’s dragon armor like you know there’s horse armor well there’s dragon armor and it’s a lot cooler than horse armor but it takes diamond blocks or blocks I guess of whatever you’re trying to make the armor out of luckily I know

Where a lot of diamond blocks Are Oops I guess it can’t climb stairs that’s good to know and it ate the stairs for some reason it didn’t even drop them Dragon why did you eat the stairs that’s not very epic of You I went over to that little Castle next to the original Ice Dragon Nest and decided to burn as much of it down as possible obviously the dragon’s breath will burn blocks that light on fire but it also turns stone blocks and other blocks like it into Ash and I think that

If the dragon becomes big enough and if you use enough dragons breath they might even be able to break stone with its Breath anyways I decided to spend the night on top of this big like dreadstone Fortress thing which I can’t really get into without a key I can’t even break my way into it I can break most other blocks by flying or walking the dragon into them but I can’t break into this

Dreadstone Fortress which is a little sad cuz in there there’s actually a partially completed dragon forge dragon fire Forge although I think it’s probably an ice dragon forge which is not helpful because I have a fire dragon what I did find though was another one of those big dungeon castles

And since a lot of those castles or since there’s a lot of food in those castles I decided to use my dragon to annihilate the castle and collect all of the food from inside of it because I have uh no more meat and I need to grow my dragon [Applause] more [Applause] W [Applause] [Applause] Woo is my weakness I call straight to you no I can’t help my heart to you you take me So Take well look at that it’s day 100 there’s not much Castle left and I have enough stuff for Dragon meals I’ve been making them a little bit as I go but it actually only needs one more to become stage four and now look at that now it

Is a big dragon it’s as big as the dragon that I initially killed and was killed by I don’t think there’s much that can really threaten us anymore other than possibly another dragon and it might have to be a large Dragon to actually be of a threat I don’t really

Think a level or stage like two dragon is going to do a lot remember this place remember this Castle over here and remember what was near it we’ve been here before you see there was a fire dragon here that almost killed me early on in the video and now I’ve come to

Return the favor because I have my own dragon this Time well once again the dragon kind of got stuck in the water I’m not sure why they like going to the water and then the fire dragon sits there and it’s like well that might not be the greatest idea it also looks like I completely fried

All of the fish in this Lake which is kind of funny there’s tons of fish in Here in this short span of 100 days I went from cowering in fear at the first hint of a dragon all the way to obtaining my own stage four pet dragon not to mention all the skulls around my castle are a testament to my dragon slaying abilities

Should I continue on this world I plan to greatly expand my Colony into a thriving settlement and with the help of my dragon create a dragon forge so that I might craft the very best weapons if you like to see 200 days in the Middle Ages let me know down in the comments

Ments but that’s all for now thanks for watching hope you guys have a good rest of your day and I’ll see you in the next video or live stream bye I can’t imagine what I would even say this has become a passion that is changing me we speaking a language that I want

Understand the surface I know this will never end

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In The Middle Ages In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sbeev on 2024-02-12 15:00:49. It has garnered 38421 views and 1439 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:52 or 5572 seconds.

In this video I survive 100 days in Medieval Minecrat with the goal of freeing my castle from a dragon, founding a colony, and getting my own dragon egg! ___________________________________

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    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More