Sneakcraft Season 7: EPIC New Server Surprise! 🎅🎄

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Oh my goodness I actually started a stream on time that’s crazy that’s so crazy we started a stream on time I’m the one that makes the schedules anyways okay we’re here and I’m going to join this call it’s mine say mine’s is Discord but I’m going to join it uh um

Yeah we’re here welcome stream and Merry Christmas to y’all who celebrate it is time for some holiday cheer and oh my goodness is it snowing we got some snow going on today oh wonder if there’s like a vanilla tweaks resource pack that I’ll get rid of some of the

Snow there’s too much of it unobtrusive snow there we go oh my goodness give it a second and we’re going to actually have snow for this stream is it going I download there it is let’s throw that on oh wait how do I do that I can get out of there

Yes oh my goodness now we can actually see the stream and the snow oh my goodness heroic heroic vanilla tweaks coming in clutch all right hello everybody and welcome back to the sneak craft oh my God I’m so sorry sneak craft Christmas special all right we can hear

Minecraft it is time for some holiday cheer sorry we didn’t get any streams in the past like week I’ve been sick not regular sick I just haven’t been able to like think and walk and stuff like that and it’s been tragic tragic I say but we

Are back and better than ever well not better than ever I’m still kind of dizzy when I walk but we are back and we are live and we’re in a call so let’s say Merry Christmas to everybody all I see is gold oh wait Merry Christmas my ho ho hoes how

Are y’all doing this baby camo looks crazy may come look at this thank you for paying attention it’s attacking me it’s attacking me what is attacking you get my car try to leave get my car you trying to leave oh I’m streaming sorry same you saw I don’t know why I

Haven’t said that I’m sorry streaming live at sorry if I can’t look at your thing I’m streaming you are pixel s huh sugar he turn into pixels oh wait there we go sugar can’s ready yeah sugar can yes it is population by existing and a wanding Trader spawn so

We got I won’t be here for very long but I came to say Seth one of these days I will break you of your addiction to Birchwood what you no please he just got back into Birchwood yeah he he’s he’s been off the drug for a little while

He’s he he can have a little relapse yeah need a relapse when you talk about relapses they are bad things no you’re act like a relapse necessary you’re like oh he poor man he needs more crack cocaine syst yeah right he does though I think I you are just immoral you say my

Building’s un I’m not doing it you’re building in no I’m not it’s sugar farm of course I’m build an EV oh well okay that makes sense I thought you were building a castle I’m going to replace your castle with with Spruce and Sakura wood I’m going to replace your face with

Actually wait is it Cherry he’s been using cherry this entire time Nick we don’t need him to go let him have Birch bro why didn’t you save me huh you didn’t save me boiling alive in there I tried my [ __ ] with the snow I multiple times that’s a good point [ __ ] you I

Hate that you make a good point the only person who tried to save me only person who tried to save me was Karma and mines what is wrong with you hello wa who I didn’t say anything yes you did shut up I’m gonna why are you defending me I didn’t say

Anything when I get back when I get back to California we got to do another brawl stream not only that I’m thinking about doing a man hunt stream take to the entrance and I think we could do a Bedrock one because I Bedrock Nock I I want to do it with with

Jess though and Jess is only doesn’t have a PC can I also do it set up a geyser server yes that’s the point set up a geyser server so it’s Java Edition but Bedrock players can join oh thank Christ I will I will do a man hunt with you if you’re on Bedrock

But I’m on you’re going to set that up then you’re going to set that up cuz I’m not [ __ ] doing that I’m I’m I’m paying for one server and that’s all I need that and can’t afford to pay for bro and you want to buy a [ __ ]

You want to buy 10 PC parts in build okay listen that was before I figured out that I could use my microphone as another ax thing so Jesus I still want to upgrade but I don’t want to rebuild my computer now okay update there’s two more camels

Can baby camels if you want to grab with um my current situation and and I would not I don’t think you could I will give you two camels and two leads for the price of four string tomorrow right yeah uh the giant tree with the roots

We’re going to make that a sakura tree cuz a giant cherry tree over Fort R I’m gonna die is better than a bir tree trees that’s a music disc just drifting around I can’t hear you I hear everybody else talking I see D anyway I said if we do

The giant tree we are doing because I am what do make it out a I am not having Birch roots in my base so tree is the only really like good one for giant tree other than like dark oak that’s true yeah the you said you’re streaming

It be bad uh yeah I’m streaming tomorrow here uh it was going to be rain world but I’m playing Minecraft because of me sorry about that you get like one day a week I’m not Len you’re fine also mine what yeah one last thing before I sleep when are we doing another Warframe

Stream whatever you want oh my water froze well it won’t be until I get back to California cuz my laptop that okay so then when you get back to californ californ covered in fibers ni literally lives in California do I want them in California though I yes you do want them in

California I make California better by being in it thank you very much is his next so long Kip did you say true yeah next I said I make California better by being in it it’s always better with you around oh thank you mate speaking of since you are being so so cordial so

Kind generous that IOU that I had from you the past season you know it’d be amazing it would be a great Christmas gift if it translated into this season oh that would be so crazy ni do you know how many a use I have for from sneak I have like

Two what and they never going to get you I have like two IUS from you over the seasons that I never cashed in oh really I I thought I only gave one out to Zach is always officially ever again nope you gave me two IUS oh [ __ ] please don’t walk me outside

I have a present for this place this place yeah you you you okay well [ __ ] you for one for not using its name and what was it oh Fort Rose thank you anyway continue you want it that’s a what I’m I can’t say that never

Mind yes I want it of course I want it unless it’s a I want it place that would be a terrible present you ready sure Cactus oh that’s too much oh that is we too much C this oh wait that’s too much stop stop stop go back go back M

Yeah if you want the two camels and two leads I need four string take four I’m not going over to your you got to come over here so you can pick up the cam it’s not that far you literally to have them housed Arma if I don’t work on this now

I’m not going to work on take like oh there we go maybe four minutes total yes those four minutes turn into procrastination and those that procrastination turns into [ __ ] where are you Karma yeah what’s I’m going to send you what I look like that’s my

What oh were you the one that place the Cherry want to speak French Cherry looks surprisingly good with the snow you at 5 o’ you ain’t got work right not tomorrow [ __ ] your work anyways good night Merry crimes goodby I won’t commit arson to stay warm lot of Enderman what

Mm I just got a message you didn’t I just got a message Grand one day I’ll get a saddle for them you need a saddle is that what you expect I don’t have you need a saddle to ride them I have any I didn’t really have any

Expectations but I don’t think you I don’t know I don’t know what you were talking about when you said you looked you get on it but you can’t do anything I realized that I forgot to tell everyone else goodbye and Merry Christmas goodbye everyone else Merry Christmas Merry Crim merry

Kip boner anaro what did you say to me I’m okay I have boner in my name people call me Boner all the time right we we all we us us p and I have to stick together okay a camel spawn in the center of each desert village during

World Generation they do not respawn if they are killed huh what that’s why I thought they were G forever Merry Christmas Phoenix I’m sorry I’m sorry if that was bad my desert I see you I’m coming down your chimney oh you’re coming down the chimney okay I didn’t think about it in

That way mind’s Arts but of course you did of course you I made somebody spit out the W somebody was drinking from the water fountain and I said Santa’s coming down your chimney tonight and they they spit out their water who did you say that to one of my

Co-workers that’s awful oh no oh no he’s my friend as well though awful EXC he was hanging out with a boy tonight so oh no ha looks kind of similar to mine I know it does oh I’m sorry you’re showing that is me oh if you come over your mind I’ll throw in

Some jungle and cocoa bean jungle maybe it’s just the hair but you do what kind of does does everybody want like a special Christmas present yes okay oh boy do we and the eyes I guess I feel scared saying yes to that let’s let’s go down the left um that is me I

Know I see that is you you so like what do you mean by like like any item or like what listen L listen listen I just want to know like what exactly we’re asking for listen ke ke ke yeah what everyone everyone wants my attention it’s crazy sit on what’s

Going sit on sit on sit in sit on Mrs Claus’s lap come on come on sit on sit on the Mrs Claus’s lap what do you want for Christmas oh hi hi what do you want for Christmas you know what I want for Christmas a brain that’s what I want

What do you want for Christmas I want to not have to be killed over and over and over and over and over again I want World Peace that’s a little bit tricky any anything simpler I the man I want to not be harassed cool yeah any need like material

Things have can’t cure your depression I have netherite armor that’s crazy all right it’s crazy preds to kill you Kip Kip Kip stay here stay here stay here huh what you’re you’re too greedy too greedy that’s what I say too greedy you get coal yeah thank you there’s some deep

Slate coal or in there though so that might be nice I’m afraid for the thing that I want to ask for oh God I’ll be back for you what Mingo can I teleport to you will it reveal something secret I don’t I guess I don’t get to no

I’m going down the I’m going down the list oh oh the list yeah I see all right come sit on Mrs Claus’s laugh come on come on over here come on sit down sit down on my lap I’m good I’m good that sounds kind of

Perverted if you ask me what do you want for what do you want for Christmas not you got him that’s RZ that’s is there anything material that you want for Christmas horrifying uh that’s a good question ask for netherite armor that always works well you know what diamonds get the hes Diamond

Ho oh yes they gave me a saddle I get camel there’s a sadd one here too diamonds get the H yeah your hair hm now we’re camel camel buddies my hair your hair looks redder than brown my hair looks R diamonds get the hose maybe I am color blind so I

Don’t ask these questions is brown does that look Brown gracious that means you get you get coal you get come here right now come on sit on sit on Mrs Claus’s laugh what do you want for Christmas does my hair look Brown does my hair

Look Kip does CD’s hair look brown or am I just dumb probably I’m afraid to ask cuz Kip just got coal you know Kip was being a little bit selfish I was just netherite armor that’s like a lot you know I will tell you what I

Want well I gave Kip like several tries as well I I gave just several tries like that would get me killed elyra would be like the one thing I would like hold on let me let me here’s the thing there’s actually one elytra in the end the chance of getting that low

Considering that I’m not planning on doing red my hair does not look red it looks red is there anything else you want for Christmas damn St all right let me think can I can I can I I want to I’m present going down the list list list but I want a present

Now I’ve been PR patient nothing else I’ve been patient please I hope you say something there’s something that I’m desperately in need of wait but I don’t know what you I’ve never been good at [ __ ] reading your mind okay actually I wouldn’t even give this to anybody if they ask for it cuz

They’re because it doesn’t exist there’s there there’s no no more of these on the server no more there’s no more netherite upgrades on the server what do you mean they’re lost they’re lost to time I’m the only one with netherite armor now I didn’t get I didn’t get them I got

These this armor from killing someone else now we don’t know where they are and it’s sad fine can I ask for another upgrade will you give me that no but I’ll give you an elytra okay oh what okay I’m fine with this I’m with mine’s are you okay I’m back welcome

Back thanks what a lovely thing to come back to screwed the [ __ ] Min calm down calm down calm down come on exactly how I Feel come sit come sit down on on Mrs cla’s lap come on there you go what do you want for Christmas good oh my God I bet you’re off to find a better Island no my why do you think my hair looks go get sugar can

From mines I’m going to I’m going to take a screenshot of my of the hair my hair my hair color watch hey Coco how’s it going mes wants to be not yelled at MES wants freedom from the children mines what do you want for Christmas how does that look

Red I don’t know what I want for Christmas you don’t know you were so you you so wanted a Christmas do you want a surprise present do you want Santa to surprise you I don’t I mean that sounds very sexual we can this for another no it doesn’t it doesn’t sound sexual at

All how does it sound sexual do you want Santa to surprise you you’re the one making it seual hey um hey um um you know what I want foras what I want oh my God I don’t trust a this is tragic men men is that what you want for

Christmas no you don’t you can I have for Christmas those don’t exist yes they do I can see it in my thing wait what yeah oh they do child here you go oh you want a child for Christmas a trial key oh here we go yay what thank

You okay are you my twin I’m going to go join call that Zed can ban Z Christmas we have the same mother I don’t think we do what is your mother’s name W Coco I’m giving everybody Christmas presents Santa’s Santa’s coming to town hello oh hello hello Santa’s here

Santa’s here Santa’s giving presents come on come on over here zad come on over over here is that in a box oh come on over here where over here over here over here Coco if you get on the server when I’m on I’ll give you a Christmas

Santa will give you a Christmas present what do you want for Christmas you have any yeah come on sit on sit on Mrs Claus’s laugh come on there you go okay what do you want for Christmas sneak I want my snipper back I don’t remember what I don’t remember

What was on the snipper just put whatever it except anything op just yeah I just want my snipper back I just want to punch people and ye them off to existence y why is this place an Enderman Farm I love this place I’ve been here for so

Many times and I farmed so many Endermen I don’t know why it only SP end yeah oh it’s going for me you literally looked at them yeah come with me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I show you tall I’m fine oh actually I’m not wait I’m far away I’m

Fine why why did I stare at them I don’t know that’s definitely a good idea how far are you um I’m at I’m back at the house I’m at my tower waa it’s crazy Christmas magic oh wow the Christmas magic actually I have a gift for Minards but I couldn’t get to

Him earlier I didn’t get to give him I don’t know where is he I don’t know why I just this is this is probably close enough to what the original snippers are yippe wait wait can I have it back give it back oh yeah sure I need to

Rename it yeah I just feel bad that I lost it like immediately as soon as I wait where did the snippers go did you get I I can’t get Miner attention yeah I gave it to you I don’t have them where’ they go wait you don’t have it no I

It uh what who drop this Anvil did someone drop the envil I placed it you literally have the sniffers on you either did you drop it from a high place no whoa whoa whoa what oh it was never meant to be I guess what the freak

I guess I don’t know where is where it is a wait are you sure it’s not in your inventory it’s not I I got new ones oh okay okay oh minees are left already I why is it so hard chasing people do you want to I just want to give gift ow

Do you want to join the Discord call they’re all in another Discord call it’s m AR uh oh yeah sure if I’m allowed oh sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry no D stop F I’m fine I just want you ever heard of Christmas Magic Christmas magic there you go you

Got your snippers yeah oh thank you verion Tre do you want the Discord I just want to give the gift do you want the disc that if I’m allowed to yeah yeah yeah okay I just I just wanted to give him the freaking block of ah you move you tall us black

Man oh wait I think I know try joining that Discord that should work I am fine h I accidentally placed my head all right I’m going to go to the call that they’re in bye-bye okay you can join if you want yeah oh I’m back yeah and a lot of

It played out on my streams did you Banner yeah okay good who oh yeah there’s also Cass is still in the uh I already banned that a while ago no Cass the girl oh oh Tak the other Cass is still there too uh Benny

May huh said in the boxes in a call all by themselves I I sent them the Discord I told them they can join I put the Discord in chat too yeah uh there was also there was also I’m pretty sure red was going was like gonna try and date Benny

Uh oh wait don’t when I am oh Sho I am so sorry oh wait that’s not Z in the Box hello hello Z in the Box hello um yeah I’m I’ve actually been trying to get to you I just wanted to give something oh I thought Z I thought Zen

In The Box was Cara yeah you’d be good friends with Cara Z the Box really car you have a gift everyone is friends with Cara car is awesome true oh my God I love you so much thank you so much oh my [ __ ] god what is it it’s a

Diamond block or diamond ore oo add to my collection oh my God you are amazing that’s better than 64 Co I appreciate the coal by the way I appreciate it you got coal too what yeah where’d you get coal from appreciate ni keep gave it to me oh I get give you

Co I did give you yeah you did give me Co you you got like over a stack of Co blocks though huh I I gave him 64 coal yes I appreciate it it’s the spirit of Christmas yes of Christmas car’s amazing it’s been ages since I’ve talked to her actually oh my

God I get to open car’s gift that she got me today uh yes so you two three hours three hours exactly 10 3 hours exactly Riley shut up you already you already got the tons of cactus from the F am I allowed to get something for

Christmas in a box you should have been here earlier I was uh I was doing some stretches work I allow to get something for Christmas I don’t have somebody’s sit on wait wait wait May um um I guess you guys on my lab I don’t know I’m not mod

Though uh boner was having a blast watching Meen youon boner can I sit on your lap I was I was uh yeah until you started getting getting heated in there not heated in the sexual way just heated in then uh what thank yeah I appreciate that both from being honest what what

What what okay was who was saying my name what do you want boner can I sit on your lap me too both of us do I have to be Santa Claus to you yes I have to give you something for Christmas it’s Time Kip it’s your it’s it’s your time to

Shine as a ho ho ho okay it’s my time who wants presents May 1st hey can I wait no no no I’m the everybody else got their presents already Santa yes you did I saw Santa I saw Santa come on you come to you oh my God it’s crazy okay well that escalated

Quickly what is the thing that you hold in this world you want the most um baby it’s called outside I want for 10 emeralds by the way there’s a creep was your what there’s a lot of noise I’m just I don’t know what I want for

Christmas turn it down I don’t know what I want for Christmas pick something there’s nothing I need there’s one thing I need but I there is one thing you need but I one thing I need and I don’t care the only thing I care about netherite armor is just so it doesn’t

Burn in lava I just care about netherite tools to be honest oh that’s true no oh Zen In A Box joined Discord two days ago netherite tools you said no the I I really want a netherite smithing upgrade that’s the big thing a I think you should wish that everybody had full

Netherite arm oh my God Enchanted and everything there’s a zombie behind you I just want the ability to have NE give you a netherite smithing upgrade for the for the betterment of society you know I wouldn’t monopolize Society you I would not no I’m in the Christmas spirit you say it

Like huh what did you say Boer Aro I’m tired just take it oh my goodness Santa’s flying creeper Rudolph isn’t even needed ching ching ching ching the red no reindeer I’m the reeeer had a very shiny nose wait yeah go I need that mod that allows me to make horses fly Christmas mlee

Names join in any reindeer games then one foggy Christmas Sant came to say what your nose so bright he has herpes won’t you guide what the heck all of the other wait that’s not right yeah can I steal your gunpowder yeah you can have yeah thank you uh

Something in claps with Glee got him claps with wi win thank you know so much off the red nose red deer you history you come down and on top a spaghetti I’m glad I’m here oh wow phantom No all right next song People next song Somebody start singing

A song Christmas song Baby it’s cold outside I really can’t wait but baby you have to stay what the freak s seems a little consensual but maybe I could get you to drink more yeah she saying thatly happy soul for freak’s sake leave me alone you freaking doall

Man I’m like the one I’m like one of the two people that you know the voice of in this call what do you mean who said that why the freak oh my God one more person burps are getting put in timeout yeah wrong with stop burping I’m sorry so icky

Why leave me alone I need a diamond where’s a diamond please give you one I just need to find a diamond so I can duplicate my then come to my Island a who just left we I thought I was kicked not me I did too who is

Trying to kill me again get me out of Here AC the tower Tower yes s m Merry Christmas you know I think the snow is starting to grow on me m this is a this ISO miracle it’s a it’s a it’s a yearly Tradition at this point it is what’s a yearly tradition I see how many years has it been we

Got how many years I know of like it didn’t snow once this Christmas and I’m angry season 3 there’s no redacted border worlds this world and I feel like there’s got to be one between season 3 us there we go yeah wait was that Christmas though yes because you

Gave us gifts right right okay so five times this this is the fifth time fifth year oh my God that doesn’t sound doesn’t sound right has been five years has it no it doesn’t that math Ain math I know it happened World 2020 just I am fine it might be five Christmases

But it hasn’t been five years M’s AR you’re lucky I don’t know where you live I would send you a Christmas GI why are we on this map did season 3 start end of 2019 or end of 2020 oh God I know I think it was sorry for the

Whole yeah so that would be 2019 Yi 2019 2020 21 2022 2023 that’s five oh my God that’s crazy no no take me back I oh my I refuse to believe do you really want to go back to season 3 I don’t I I mean

I do like season 3 but for other reasons we’ve done full circle honestly what are the other recreate season 3 it was my first multipler creeper it was what creeper blows me up again multiplayer server I ever played on really yes that’s crazy yeah it’s like one of the truly like

First ones the only other one that I ever played on was one that I owned which doesn’t work that’s not helpful so I was God damn it I can’t escape can’t escape it no matter what I can’t even think now can’t think imagine it’s okay sometimes it’s great to just not think

That’s true sometimes you have to open your head true but also I do like thinking open your head open your head open your it’s time to open it let me just smash my head open on my desk and there it is my head my mind’s been opened I found the library in the

Stronghold and I got some books can you guide me to the stronghold yeah I just need you to come here so I can oh there’s a witch there is a witch I just need enough diamonds to duplicate this thing when I just need diamonds in rack I

Think four diamonds in another I can get you four seven diamonds total I can actually help with that if you need so how many diamonds do you actually need seven diamonds in NE okay fine I’ll give you seven diamonds I just don’t I can’t get the Netherrack I

[ __ ] what oh wow that was very passionate though what did you what did MinGa give you Eep slate diamond ore a that’s a that’s great thank you I don’t have soap touch so you you guys hear my I literally have nothing to give you in

Return mine mine is a taker not a giver sad oh food uh I’ll take I’ll take that there we go okay I have BR another cam so angry do you to give the man food oh my my collection has the more Cactus you give me the more I can breed them

Sneak I actually kind of hate the Cel oh no there will be a they keep walking over my fences red that’s a red flag that’s an ick that’s a yuck they keep climbing over my yeah they keep climbing over my fences so I’m a hater sorry there’s so many people

Talking at once I can’t hear anything that’s going on perfect there’s too many people in this VC cool even streams I think this is hang I know I’m just getting Netherrack oh it is this is hang I am just fighting zombies at this point there’s so many are we oh my

W fix it I was gonna make a I can’t leave oh my God I’m stuck thanks a l really maybe it’s cold out there what’s oh my God maybe it’s C maybe maybe we need one that everybody knows Mingo There’s a Zombie Mingo jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the

Way oh what fun it is ride hey jingle bells jingle bell this one no oh sorry you were too late there’s another one in there no there’s no don’t dig down there that’s that’s there’s one over there I got one no if you’re going to die in there

Bad my bad you know what let’s just drown him I apologize my friend here get up get up where’ the lead get okay ow okay I apologize I didn’t see that actually I got one over here so it’s okay if we killed that one there’s another one over here

There’s go AFK in a box oh ah I can I can help with that he gets scammed oh oh go oh soar you want know theold yes look I’m not sting in a box for nothing wait hold on hold on Benny told you chist to wait who told who was 22 apparently

Benny told may she was 22 oh yeah told me she was 18 yeah me too wait Benny that was the one that was like showing me pictures of cats you are in a Christmas that were like obviously Google image search wait a minute what they where is

It told they were that’s that’s the one that’s like lying about so much already right that I stopped talking to yeah yeah that was the one that yeah I was surprised they were still on the server they just lie about everything they came invented to me and Bron even though

Weely thank you do you know I don’t know where the thingy is uh I know it’s not I know where it’s not um hey Cindy yeah what’s up I just thought of something what if remember when I said that a certain someone sent a certain picture to a certain person

Yep oh no what if that wasn’t even it probably wasn’t what if what if yeah she probably lied I have so many snowballs so that means that I do I even want to know no don’t wor about it what oh I found another Library why you I

Am was looted one of them was half looted I looted the other I got about three R red head I’m trying find the room at least that’s that’s what the red head no we’re not I’m just trying to find the found it Port oh hey assistance get in the

Boat hi oh I found you never mind yeah we’re to raid oh yeah this is very fun that to be honest I go to your base to Fort Rose every time to farm Ender and all everything that’s underneath it yep I’m just going to don’t know

Why yeah I’ve light up like a half of that I think but there’s still a lot I love the Enderman Farm I know where I am w a free Enderman Farm oh it’s like right in okay cool yeah that’s that I mean the Enderman Farm’s fine it’s just

I can’t not I need dirt and I would like to mine under here just two Creepers behind I found the best disc up please try not to look at the end I found another side yeah oh I said Mello High yeah no I found other side

Hey I’m going to okay yeah sure what is it I’m I’m gonna I I almost got shot today I just need to light this up here so okay there’s so much over there careful oh creepers behind you it’s following you wait oh shoot what s what happened why did you

Dag he has a because I am inviting me to cuz that has come a to everyone of us at some point what happened was that a real was fake it was fake but e here is your what your stuff I don’t know which is your stuff probably Yours what after that I don’t know which inventory death nice what’s happening I died Is allowed right or not yeah yeah it is there a witch in a boat there is a witch in a boat you know what yeah um I don’t know where though why would you do that we need the witch anymore May the guy that I killed please it’s killing

Me it’s killing me so do I can can I do self defense now or no what is he the witch you can kill it wait no okay it’s procuring villagers well we already have okay two villagers maybe we want to keep it around until okay it’s really trying to

Kill me you box it in or something put it in a box well I guess I can’t do my revenge yet how did she do that Kip I have an idea I’m going to make I’m going to get a My Monopoly ding what are you doing hey hey hey hey what

Are you play my please idea was just really I do live here and I really wanted the Mushroom Island to actually not be deleted this time it’s really nice w not loading but shers this looks really pretty that’s that’s enough dirt for you may thank you it was really hard to find

A seed that was what I wanted what happened to the so instead I just use world edit that’s fair honestly but I actually couldn’t just use world edit I had to I mean it looks like vanilla train too which is the best part um but yeah not only have to use world edit

To get it to be like the right um right biomes and everything but I had to I’m getting very angry use world edit export the height map very angry at my and then like use that height map with a mod so that way the caves would generate weird I love this jingle

Bell jingle bell okay now I got to find a way to [ __ ] oh okay jingle bells jingle bells smells shingle gels shingle gels spinkle I’m going to go over to that one person’s base that I found because they may have an eest what base the one that’s near

And it’s deep oh yeah that’s the person that’s the person but I’m pretty sure they took it Turtle guy and someone e someone ate pizza Logan ate pizza oh Logan yeah Logan ate pizza so what exactly are the rules for Server so I know um

Uh thanks uh so remember so I forgot to you know rule I actually have them written down in the Discord see because I was told I can’t steal from anyone that’s online Sor true yeah just like no combat log don’t combat log comat okay bye Mingo bye night Merry

Christmas night good night America it’s a merry Merry Christmas yes good night follow Discord rules do not hack cheat or spoil fun brgy free cam is not allowed G need the witch sorry for the weakness potion but uh on paper it’s not okay cool on paper yeah just making sure cuz someone kills

My cat I swear to God I’m actually going to like hurt someone yeah yeah but also it’s kind of like if somebody’s messing with you you can kind of get away with breaking the rules of it oh yeah but that’s like but if you’re not messing yeah if you’re not going to

Provoke anybody then unless it’s a case of like space doesn’t exist on the server so nobody has any other place to build things then you should be fine well that’s what’s different I mean like if someone unprovoked like just starts killing my base i’ yeah cool good

Another uh mini maps are not allow or mini maps are allowed but they’re not allowed to show underground stuff uh underground yep or entities or players okay no combat logging no slurs don’t complain to me too much unless it’s like completely unreasonable if somebody broke the rules and like

Obviously yeah don’t steal from offline players and don’t like I feel like that complain rule is yeah so do you have any access to obsidian CH I mean 12 eyes present tree for my little sister no I I don’t need I just need I need one under

Eye oh do you have you said Ender eye oh I just have an ender pearl do you have a I just need an e chest which one yes oh oh for uh e chest okay whoever was okay wait here’s an end like to stick my my important things and things

Please yes yes K how many times have I heard things and things yes obsidian just like yes I don’t think you’ve ever heard thank you Z no problem if somebody just like joins and starts stealing stuff even if the players are online they’re just like super excessive then I’m just going to like

Yeah so what if I just join randomly steal everything from everyone can’t well you can’t and two that’s that’s to the extent where it like ruins the fun that would fall under a different rule rather than the after all no Spa killing us well right okay so so what I’m here not the

Rules but the thing is spawn killing can ruin the fun if it’s done like too much but also spawn is the entire world yeah cuz someone took some diamonds from me so tricky yeah someone stole some diamonds so M’s I have a literal

That bro oh yeah um if you want I have a thing does anybody have you have a chest any chest I will in a second okay does anyone have what Frost walker uh no I did see it roll on the Villager but I needed a mending yeah

That’s fair I mean if somebody um steals the chest Then I mean I’m fine with we can always make another end chest Ender Chest as long as they don’t have our actual [ __ ] you want to know something funny yep she Bennie lied about uh having a uh a raccoon named mini mines but she didn’t lie about uh naming that that

That stuffed bear after me Nam it oh Benny sent me two pictures of a cat two pictures of two different cats said that they were their cats I Google image searched for like Siamese cat and black cat those were like two of the first image

Results yeah she does that a lot yeah no you mind she’s proven she’s proven to just be like a consistent liar so if you want to put it and put then um put it in there or you want to hold on to it that’s up

To you I’ll hold on to it but Z’s getting obsidian I have the under ey but yeah she’s she’s quite the liar if she’s lied about that I don’t know pical Li yeah that’s the word she lies about that I don’t know what else she’d lie about cuz

It’s at that point it’s just for detention well you can ask me I by far one of the closest people in the server too or so well was yay yeah was egg I got oh yeah I got plenty of eggs Karma here I got egg she lied about her eggs having a job

Obviously she lied about her age having a job having pets uh having roommates she lied about basically everything there was also M there’s room in there mine’s it can’t go on the side oh my God it has to go to the top of it yeah okay and then I’ll fish for no and

Then I’ll fish for us okay yeah I just gota wait for the you can either come over to M’s house it’s literally isth and then to fine so from the gate you just go like a little bit left and forward and it’s M’s house um

But what makes me angry is how or you she was lying [ __ ] back that’s why I stopped talking to her yeah it was obvious that she was lying and I knew she was but I didn’t I found the I found the has my heads at it I assume it’s the place

That dude that has the dude that was I was I came here and I knew the person that was harassing me and I saw that there was like a template is there an Ender Chest around here there will be in a minute getting obsidian yep yep got I’m getting

It wait who has the netherite wait like someone else I have the under eye wait what’s happening they’re talking about the template I guess you should have taken it yeah me mindart literally kind of knew that she was not 18 he he told me to get proof but stupidly I

Didn’t I mean she just like acted like a child it was really obvious she was she was okay I got eight already you want know the most like the most obvious um obsidian um it why hello so thatou snowballs snowballs are a little tricky for me not good with balls no

Ball balls oh Scarlet you idiot no balls for me balls ants yeah I found it in the stronghold thank you how you say I need it cuz I’m not wearing armor look M oh my God now we both have this my goodness Christmas W I just have

To find pick stuff which probably ain’t GNA happen oh my goodness it’s sure Christmas I’m fine I’m just gonna I’m just okay okay I have the obsidian now he I was going to I was going to like smack you out of the way but you moved so I’m glad you did is

It no like what did you say m I said I was going to smack you out of the way cuz you were like weren’t moving but you sorry my mother was knocking on my door I’m going to have to wake up at 7 tomorrow I have a question the netherite

Fully Enchanted or is it like semi just nether ited like instantly me yes oh it’s it’s fully Enchanted okay I added some enchants to it but it was that’s expensive okay none of us are going to get any netherite that means I have to actually watch out for those people

That’s fine not anymore I think they not anymore yeah damn I hope I hope so too reminds me of the entire stay situation in season 3 is this just season 3 oh my God yeah we’ve already had things happen that are like you don’t want to know how the stain situation

Continued oh God it’s almost still going on see car again and kill the hell out of again wait there stuff happened after he left me I know about I wasn’t aware of anything that happened after he left and gave me all his [ __ ] so he keeps yeah he keeps exactly I don’t know

What’s going on like emotionally manipulating CeCe oh my god oh and like I’m about to [ __ ] man getting getting getting him to kind of date her but she’s been kind of getting better kind of getting away a little bit more but not perfect [ __ ] from what I

Heard right I did I met him twice he’s so bad you I met him twice and I did not like him he’s so bad yeah I met him in VC before mes um actually I pissed him off I pissed him off to the point that he left the

Call I’m hearing some serious foka gossips them oh yeah no it was like God it yeah it’s been about 5 years [ __ ] no so what what ended up happening here on this on this server um with Logan ate pizza Logan ate pizza got yep what was it like Connor at

Taco um Carter car Carter at tacos um on and love killing him yeah it’s killed a few times but but then gave gave armor and and sent both of them over they both came over to me and zed zed had like nothing I was decently equipped but I was still in

Like pretty much unenchanted like level one enchants of level one enchants of the enchantment table fine yeah I’m good so like nothing oh I was like why is there an axel I didn’t put mine down did I so they ended up coming over killed both of us a few times never really

Ended up leaving for some reason so that gave me the chance to eventually try to kill them over and over what happed we got to get tropical what M I have the obsidian I’m going to place some I’m going to place mine down and I’m going to need your

Bucket M Arts how am I this bad at a game I’ve been playing for five years give me your bucket I got to get tropical fish I’ll be right back I’m GNA go should I just make an aquarium yes I want something bad happened something bad happened that’s

Karma karma m is that a blue no Canan one it’s not the rare one but it’s the it’s one that I want that’s my favorite onean hello yes actually I brought 16 just in case oh why is this a river this is not a RI this is an ocean

No it’s a river I know it’s a river um I decided to make that like whole area River um where should I put this because I don’t want to have to move it again if I need to I got soaked I got Fortune oh I got silk okay all right um ender

Chest is down I got my touch back it’s not I lost it for three times now are ltras normal or are they still they should be is sick okay just making sure question is Enchanted uh yeah I gave it mending you know how much better I feel not having to carry everything on

Me anymore that’s nice I have a god Apple the [ __ ] netherite upgrade other side and an elytra mines I don’t I have like yeah I’ve got things that you shouldn’t have and that’s about it like two things how many G do you have I have

No I have a trial key which you can’t get packed ice with Riptide four luck of the C2 infinity and infinity 5 yes there are two Infinities I got my snipper everything is good with my snipper oh the again did you just throw me with a pair of

Shears okay so Z lost all our stuff one time to like a server glitch I’m going to start crying very very soon yeah and that and Zed got snippers and for like compensation snippers and then ended up dying with them huh what happened so now this is the

Third snipper now I ended up updating the carnivorous sponges mod and adding into the server oh god oh that means the [ __ ] Guardian Temple’s going to be going insane soon a little bit but yeah now I have a conf setting that’ll allow it to only kind of work the sponges will

Basically die when they get too far away from the for the prismarine in general so oh okay does that work even when like you place them down uh you make me want to do a gunpowder Farm you make me want to do make a rocket farm for that the whole if you do

That I would be forever in your debt I can see you swimming yeah I need to go to the war Mo you can yeah you can oh ow I’m oh there I just need to go to you you probably drive cuz what yes we like tra out no I

Mean only wondering the wrong way oh it’s okay all right oh car I can supply you paper yeah if anybody sees Frost Walker yeah that would be great so that way I could help freeze over this ocean so that way we could just ice boat across oh okay yes ice spot

Across this time you have my pinky promise that I will not end up turning all of the ice into icebergs okay thank you that will like keep the ocean this time I’m almost C oh I don’t want the ocean to be gone okay good I like it I like it cuz

It limits the land that’s why I made that’s why I made it so I somebody wants to they could just build an island okay it’s not a big deal I forgot I had a boat actually completely forgot thank you thank you for yeah no problem somebody joined the server the other day

Saw my cactus farm and was like you know you’re too far this this world is too far along it’s no fun to join a world that’s like so far it’s like it’s a cactus farm what do you mean you haven’t seen literally just an exp Farm literally just an exp not even there’s

Not even a way of getting XP from it oh we need to test out already I thought that’s why you had bamboo and Cactus into it oh bamboo actually I kind of I don’t I don’t want the giant bamboo to be F fueling it there we go

Because can I borrow your shovel again it involves a flying machine that could poti bre oh yeah that’s fair um skeleton horse I mean who owns M you want a shovel I borrow scar okay no but do you want a silk touch shovel or a fortune shovel I just need a fast

Shovel I thought someone was drowning damn how am I by the way stream I know that the stream is dark I need to hear you find some of my game i’ played for 5 years because game go Gober maybe the game is getting worse when you’re not

Maybe you need to give the game a break no and you’re getting same maybe we got to stop playing oh oh who’s who is this new person no I can’t stop playing Siege my life okay oh the new person spawned on the wall as well oh my goodness wait fortune or

Silk um you’re just like are you on the Snowballs so snowballs please what am I going to do with that you don’t want gravel I don’t think oh the poor guy is on the wall you don’t want Flint you don’t want Flint do you no I don’t want Flint I would like

Aouch or shovel please I need another bucket another bucket or else this thing’s going to freeze again and I’m will die yeah don’t be doing that don’t be dying oh my goodness so unfortunately we did not get theone get the baby I wanted no you can have mine if you want

I just want ax okay is this right it won should probably get away from this new person cuz I might not no I’m not adopting a new person no okay I want that one and then this one is this one I’ve already adopted po or no you can keep the baby yeah I

Just want my blue one that’s all I wanted I would not put them in here I would definitely find a different like Frozen part I’m not going to put them anywhere until the world is done dying why you an Unbreaking book at some point okay you can hear me on

Stream don’t bite oh you can hear you can hear zad on stream there we go hello I’m in extreme anguish Ang anguish you know what never mind I’m going to help this new I feel bad for some reason they don’t bite all right and then I’ll give

You faith has decided to spawn them near me so I’m so I’m going to unblock my stream a second and right now can hear once again where you at Karma you’re very Angus to go back currently hello new person um I want to je combine your fishing rod with my

Fishing rod so we can make the ultimate fishing oh um go to the one guy’s base he has an anvil mine wait do you have an efficiency 5 villager K can we touch bodies I only have I only made a one Minecraft of course pert huh okay to be fair what do you

Want keep to think I mean well yeah you rather me say you f in the ne oh Jesus what is that oh it’s a Ram oh D do you have a Anvil over there wait no my goodness apparently at I barely have enough iron to make a

Shovel it’s a ram M that’s one actually I have enough iron I’m will what I have this like try to destroy the island I forgot I have device destroyed perfect I’m so I’m so I’m on a quest to yeah I know I’m on a quest to figure out

Everywhere that I hid my items time to go back through all the screenshots good luck have that’s why I kept it all on me well I couldn’t I know wasn’t anyway myself what what I can hear mind Arts twice I don’t like that where where I don’t know it’s bz wait is it

Gone uh should yes oh my God okay there’s that one to see here hello I’m sorry I ran away from you earlier fishing R it’s not anymore it’s fixed 68 I’ll be right l beautiful my favorite animal is a bear bears are awesome I love this

Wood why the [ __ ] would you just try and do that what knew this was the one that was already up oh I swear I had like a ton of diamonds somewhere fishing buiness SI hates me Siege hates me I thought you were playing GTA stop playing Siege it’s no why would I stop

Playing Siege you’re doing better than you did last time where you uh what oh yeah yeah or I almost Broke My Controller yeah oh wait is cake right here are you talking about when when the last my last controller no but also yes now I I broke

My I broke my last controller because I was playing braw Halla he’s a ghost hamal pirate what in the chat I also I broke it because there was severe stick drift like to the point where I couldn’t even press down LT that’s how bad it was Captain that’s why we take care of

Our controllers I did yeah Cindy I’ve had the freaking I have a corded uh Xbox controller that I’ve had since I [ __ ] first bought the Xbox one I’m I’m also a lot stronger than you so my my way my my gentle is probably a lot a lot rougher than your

Gentle no you don’t have a gentle xox I do have a gentle actually no you don’t how do you know this really because you don’t my okay whatever you say mine’s are chat if you had a gentle you wouldn’t have broken a controller my gentle is probably a lot okay I have I

Conant you don’t believe me nope why you broken Xbox controller Mr broken Xbox controller yell voices why is this happening to me I’m such a good person chat we have secret hidden sugar cane and and baby we have baby baby is not dead you have baby baby is not dead right that’s great

News just so that way it didn’t die off completely oh okay well that’s not a problem anymore now that it’s in my hands hello by the way Kip didn’t get all sugar in the world I found more sugar Can wild I just W where was it I won the game it was

Kind of near min’s House near the world water there was like a little tiny bit of a river and there was right I I actually was uh I actually when I was making the map I I forgot about that I put that there specifically so that way if somebody didn’t get sugar can

Hopefully it would be there why do I always find like this is the second time cuz I did it with the [ __ ] pumpkins in season 3 yeah but there were plenty of pumpkins in this world yeah singlehandedly making sure things don’t go extinct apparently apparently this is the this is the

Reason I singing and why is it good there b to be to yeah no more secrets anymore all my secret chests can just be Consolidated to the end chest the secret myone all my secret chest can be I don’t know put are there secret secret I don’t have secrets every

Secret secr all my secret chests yeah I see yeah all the secret all the secrets you seem to be implying that you have a secret what is your secret it’s a secret My secret is that I have a secret so I already told my secret yeah I

Already told my secret anymore is it self referential my darts knows all my secrets unfortunately I don’t know all of your secrets no you really do you you do you actually do I’m being serious you really do I’ve basically told you everything mes how much xp do you have

None okay why not do you have an anvil no you have iron anvil I’m wearing half iron arm fine I do Merry Christmas I’ve got an anvil for you also baby the chest it’s my baby um Santa Claus is here enchantment table oh yes I don’t know maybe I know

There’s like the one on the island but like cuz I’m willing to like give the books for it Zed Emerald pirate is complimenting your singing too yes yes you’re very good at singing sorry someone I keep hearing the freaking song So yeah thank you though thank you may Merry Christmas holy

[ __ ] you are amazing thank I keep hearing Christmas music it’s in your head it’s in your head it’s in your head it’s in your head it’s in your head The Voice the voes yes M are singing Baby It’s Cold Outside wait I found baby wait wait wait wait it’s cold outside now oh

My goodness I hit baby on like day two of the server and now it’s cold outside oh my goodness baby baby baby baby look at this baby look at this baby look here wait imagine getting cold baby look it’s cold outside I’m scared I’m so confused what

Are you confused about were you holding a puffer fish everything puffer fish I have a child I had a child right and it was killed don’t say that it was killed how were you able to have a child and so I put it on a gravestone and people were stealing it from the

Grave how are children and I’m like my child’s dead and now you’re messing with it corpse I just wanted baby to lie in peace and eventually they stole it out that’s an pirate classic right there that’s and I ended up gaslighting them into thinking that they ate my puffer

Fish that is the basic way of saying it sure what is the what how are children made you heard the explanation you put it at I’m still confused what goes in what comes out suck okay there’s three things you can oh my God can we not I’m going on that one what what

Comes out what comes in what comes out stop asking stop asking questions we’ll tell you when you’re older yeah yeah you’ll understand when you’re older when I’m when I’m 19 a year and two months yeah that’s not how birthdays happen yeah yeah it is yeah it is Cindy turns 18 in two

Months oh in two months a year in two months no oh okay December yeah remember I’m not always dumb I was under the impression he was 18 and you were like saying like it was over a year for his birthday and I’m like that’s not how birthdays

Work for once I got math right all right it won’t happen all the time oh Jesus mes did you see my sheep farm no angry oh the rainbow sheep very big yes I like the Sheep so you turn on my sheep pink and then you make a Rainbo sheep

Farm somewhere else it is I don’t think you understand what kind of sheep farm this is It’s a gay sheep it is incredibly homosexual so were you oh my God are all gay what are you they are all homosexual no I’m just kidding some of them are just trans

What are you straight or gay what are you all of the are you I me I am me that’s great love that oh that’s an emerald pirate classic right there that’s an emerald pirate classic right there oh my goodness an emerald pirate class ohip Kip’s you can hear Kip’s

Brain cells just melting out of his head to be actually every day like that poing sound those are his brain cells popping like pop rocks I’m going to try to breed up some of your villagers I really want look at me why do I have a feeling that his

Brain is not melting it’s just that it’s already melted already melted it’s not even there you sayarm equivalent of turtle guy you better not be equivalent of so help me God no Emerald is you better not be Lo me into a false sense of security with those with those little twerking

Movements or crouching movements ohing awesome did the twerking movements make you feel secure I have a for you I have a gift for you so karma what did you say about breeding um if you breed them I can help you try to get the frost Walker so it’s

Twice as fast thank you up sendy I think you scared Emerald I’m so confus you scared Emerald what do you mean you’re going to breed me I’m showing so much hospitality huming Megalania who was going to it started playing so I okay I was okay that’s what I thought I just wanted

To make sure I heard it correctly a bottom oh what one I beg to disagree two what the [ __ ] oh wow wow disagre for sure you’re a bot of yeah cuz I’m pretty sure Cindy’s not good at telling oh cind bottom I promise you that no way Cindy

Am I a top or a bottom my head hurts top you’re top that is oh Dam I’m On Top okay you are I’m not going to ask I’m not going to ask I’m you are one to say who is bottom who’s top I mean yeah but we all know

You mean I’m not one to say no you are oh is super obvious I feel like I feel like even Cindy could get that right fine Cindy let’s let’s test your skills what am I you’re a [ __ ] top I just tell I’m a switch [ __ ] yeah close enough

D actually funny fact about that I’m actually more of a bottom than a top you [ __ ] close D oh yeah definitely CL oh you’re I have the I have the urge to ask now how about me you’re you’re you’re nether that’s what you are I I couldn’t I I couldn’t

Tell for you honestly I haven’t known you I know you long I shown any desires for any of that okay how how would you know what I am you’re a person you’re a human being I don’t know about the obvious on that honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Kip was ace at this

Point same Kip is a bottom for sure no way isn’t Ace like not showing any attraction yeah uh at least not sexual attraction yeah magnets I am not ace magnet moving on yeah moving on very quickly that’s good I ran out of soda I can’t do the thing it’s a stress thing

Of drinking drinks I have pizza mine’s AR Are you a oh by the is a top obviously we all know this oh yeah obviously yeah oh yeah I saw the GE while I was down there yeah M wait mine’s mine mes M mines before you make this uh are you

Sure do you think this is actually a good idea idea uh no what is he making it’s either I make it or all those chickens die you’re yeah that seems like the better of the options how has making a chicken farm ever gone well for you

Ever ever No but I frankly have gotten used to it and I really don’t care has it ever been a good idea good idea the way it sounds is you’re going to make have issue I I feel like you probably just should skip out on the Egg Farm

What happened with the chicken farm what what happened it’s always so many eggs everywhere not just Skelly everybody no it’s everybody that walks by it’s fine it’s it’s going to happen anyway I don’t give a [ __ ] I just I in pain do you have you have chickens P

Physical P I have eggs yes yes to when I eggs chck I’m trying to get enough iron to make a farm well the pigs and chickens are eating mixed cuz I not not we keep them segregated oh that’s my uh I need a carrot or a potato sure let’s use hear myself don’t

Worry I’ve been able to hear myself for like the past it’s probably zad it isad can hear ourselves it’s the gun I removed it right it’s gone yeah no okay no what the [ __ ] is it g now do you ever feel yes collection of fishing rods oh have

You have you ever felt like a plastic bag things start you do not want me to start this Emerald pirate said that listening to us has done something to their brain listening to us has done something to their brain it’s just constant buzzing to be honest yeah honestly that is yeah that’s

The experience I’m sorry the goal is to just drown out all of your thoughts with ours sorry for your loss it’s nonrefundable hey Rose how’s it going guess I even I don’t know who the [ __ ] Rose is what the [ __ ] just happened thanks I know what happened what happen happening

You’re I made one too many all right I have a whole nine pieces of iron look at that wait so Cindy your guess was I was a top interesting okay I [ __ ] oh my God we’re not going back to this conversation please do not what the hell brought up that conversation let’s let’s

Not go there I was just surprised yeah just like normal I brought it up I thought that’s I thought that’s what the consensus was was oh wait what’s happening what was the consens I think literally everyone that’s ever met you has has described you as a top oh yeah probably no sh

Oh God maybe it’s just different IRL then oh well yeah you do act different from like well everybody acts differently from no I act the exact same in real life it you’re going to act different well I bet you do everybody acts differently depending on like what

They’re doing and what what group of people they’re around you couldn’t join doc did you type in the IP in Java try Mingos is it like a box Emerald I rarely act with different people rarely very rarely you seem like an extrovert which is probably why who

You you oh yeah no I’m not an extrovert that says the wrestler feels like a [ __ ] lie says the wrestler feels like a straight up L you literally get up in close and personal people man yeah because I like it it’s fun oh wrestling is fun can we all agree

That conversations wait what what what good thing I’m not can we all agree that you’re full of [ __ ] Cy cuz that is like the most extroverted thing I’ve I just like get is I just like getting close to people getting all nice and warm and sweaty with them even when

I was doing track I couldn’t even like I couldn’t handle being near anybody I didn’t know when you were doing crack sorry track t r a k not crack sneak i11 oh my God am I busy am I ever are you busy I’m trying to breed these villagers I got a

Power canor I don’t think so I’m not busy what can you borrow what I I need someone to come into my island with a diamond pick because I okay yeah sure I need obsidian yeah the rras yes I’m curious M oh hello M how does wrestling mean I’m an extrovert you are

Literally up close and personal people and yes it does I’m only doing my dad and my brother like it’s in my family that’s the only reason I do wrestling you don’t do it because you enjoy it well no I enjoy it but glad to hear you’re doing well Bros that’s not the only

Reason that’s the two re hope you’re ready for a good Christmas or had a good Christmas or having a good you gotten used to it so you’re used to people yeah Emerald pirate agrees Emerald pirate agrees with me doesn’t mean you’re an extrovert but I mean if you like getting

Close to people then that probably means you are I don’t like getting wrestling in of itself you literally said that oh yeah wrestling in itself is like not no that’s not what I was sayell but if you like getting close and sweaty and lovely with them then yeah that’s kind of a

Little gos part that I like I like slamming people around that’s the part that I like where is the entrance to this I like throwing people around like the rag dolls that’s what I like where we have we have an intruder red pink purple what color is

That color is that hi hi hey hi remember I’ll first uh my first wrestling tournament I was around 160 and they put me up against oh someone who was3 not this kind of tunnels trust me it’s it’s fine I was I was like 130 they put me up against someone who’s

Like 160 wait no no no I I reversed it I was 160 but my opponent was 130 where’ you go and I absolutely Dem because I was so much heavier I was of you got demolished by somebody else where you go I was kind of scary when I did wrestling you said

It I was kind of scary when wrestl I thought we had this conversation before no I don’t remember this okay where is this [ __ ] it was my second match that I got demolished by someone that’s when that’s when I hurt my neck yeah I never got demolished aha I found

You wait hold on hold on hold hold on bumping my head I did wrestling when I was like a child I was amazing at it we should wrestle no why hey you’re both tall ah I’m interest we need talk about beating each other up yeah this I would win easily

But oh yeah obviously I’ve got weak girl arms now no no no no no no no what I probably wouldn’t win I’m not that you would win imagine beating up a girl yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] I don’t care oh my God I don’t care can’t believe you hold

The ground any faster look respect hot people come on Emerald Emerald come on come here come here come here Emerald I’m decent come here I’m not come here Emerald come here you need water oh says the one who has a [ __ ] scholarship okay oh hey Logan at pizza Welcome to chat just

Because I got a scholarship to join a university that means that if you weren’t good they wouldn’t have even given you the scholarship so I don’t want to hear that so many end why can’t I I’m not repeating myself yeah kill them no I seriously could not hear you cuz

I seriously could not hear you what please wow nice oh my God you are not all right why do you hate C Christ oh that came from somewhere deep down D okay I actually thought there was going to be a lava pool oh I found one why my arms shrinking is there like

Is that like a disability my arms are shrinking I think you have 24 sponges in your chest look at the EG I’ll be fine just I’m not getting weaker but my arms are I’m getting weaker and my arms are shrinking too you definitely beat me in

Wrestling I’ll be back down in a minute just make sure you don’t die please I don’t want to be I really don’t want to be responsible for no I think he beat me honestly I think you beat me no I’ll be fine I know these

Caves a little bit too well I think at this point I think I’ve had to go down them wi too many times Pizza I still haven’t renamed your axe God I have your sword it’s just called Logan at pizza’s axe I guess I’ll just I have pizza sword really I have it

As a trophy yes that’s great yes you getting ready to take off C what the hell was that it’s my favorite decoration immediately logs in are you going to grab your my uh it was my second match that hurt my neck at my first one I won oh that lava is

Unfortunate I probably did tell you it was my first one cuz I don’t know but it was my it was my second one that hurt my neck S I didn’t exactly expect to die here kind ah yes what are we dying from what do you mean you’re stuck back dude you

Killed me already and got your stuff your Christmas present your Christmas present can’t be taking from other people so it won’t work that doesn’t work cuz that would be an anti- Christmas present for me I ate world beast true H yes I forgot this soak touch works with every block

Including ice scary wait wait wait karma karma good thing that didn’t kill you and mines and everybody could we make a deal so that way it’s not a not a not a monopoly just like we restrict who gets the netherite upgrades and I mean like

We don’t give them to Logan a pizza yeah yeah deal deal deal okay perfect what do you mean I think there’s an a stuck in here oh that was when I was at Urgent Care they penetrated me can I my pickaxe oh my pickaxe might have burned wait let me check my inventory

Again I’m getting this I’m rescuing this pink cute I don’t know there you go quite the struggle uh yeah I don’t have your bit that was actually like a really good idea for a present God damn you like my new farm and that would mean Carter also gets a present as well if

They log on today or tomorrow cradle stand in cradle stand wait Emerald you get a Christmas present too Emerald Emerald Emerald what do you want for Christmas I just need you to mine a four obsidian okay got it what need the surrounded by lava what the heck is this

Yeah what why are you guys oh yeah it looks cute I think you should do multiple layers of it though if you guys die here I’m going to cry just Kidd you could even like pop out the logs as well and then you could like some death don’t destroy the entire lava

Pool I do have you ever have you ever heard of the banana split a banana split I wish my banana was split not the food oh my God not your penis or your so many other ways to remove it don’t have to no it doesn’t need to

Get removed it just needs to be just like pushed inside reloc what IOD I’m fine I the assign you want you want toan the middle make sure you’re God imagine dying I want it ined wow you want someone to pull it stretch it out and cut it down the

Middle you any melons it’s already the length of a banana no you’d have to go to the Jungle but yes have you ever heard of the move I didn’t see any while I was looking wrestling no I was a child when I did wrestling search up I don’t I don’t have an end

Chest no one has an got the same exct we got before same exact one that’s Terri every every wrestling move looks like gay sex every single one honestly maybe I should get back into wrestling I think you should we can wrestle we should wrestle this why you wanted to fight

Me I wonder what the reason oh oh no wait a minut I wait Emerald I just got a real good fishing R oh my good Emerald said had an end chest Logan already had an Eder chest yes I said that earlier yeah oh I was not paying attention sorry

Obviously oh my God my God sorry Che your DM oh M I’m going to buy you is going to go and grab Your [ __ ] God I can’t a unless I’m uh hey may can you uh I swear to God do you have some blocks way yeah what do you me uh any blocks yeah thank you did you just okay let’s see see what just did okay come on show the death show the kill

Cam Pizza yeah of course baby around trying to get to me it’s doing a really bad just going back and forth um zad can I do you are you are you nearby at all no um I’m underground at my base want that’s fine we’re going to

Just we’re going to um you don’t have so touch correct may I not on my pickaxe all right so the the uh [ __ ] that’s not going to hide that may you are out of high school correct oh he needs help with his thing you get

Four um how about hide it like put a PCH of dirt on it oh I put pumpkin oh pumpkins I don’t think that’ll work it’s fine I’ll put Pat pumpkin it’s pumpkin patches um ah yes pumpkin patches yeah only need four oh oh yeah I’ll put a pumpkin patch here well

Here’s eight anyways oh thank you there you go okay let’s get out of here the poor Axel please stop puddling around around the laeva please I’m taking you home with me pile of pumpkins I can’t Rescue all the Axel but I can at least rescue The Young

Ones M it’s almost time to open that package pretty close I really need to get to you soon Ms wait I’m going to get there preferably hurry yeah I am trying how do I know because I know just yeah I’m going to hurry wait what was that oh gosh

Wait okay I’m just going to follow you to find the exit cuz I don’t know where trip wire hook damn you you navigate here really well you don’t even need torches no I have shaders on as well ah I see damn that’s either that’s really dark or that’s still I have no interest

In this uh it actually is slightly lighter than normal which is weird but no I would be doing this anyway without torches name tank maybe I can if I have my Dynamic liting yeah I would do it without placing torches I do track and solely track and that’s all I’m happy

With oh I want I kind of lost my cat how could I possibly find it is there is there is there a method out there about the name oh actually I left the you know what you don’t Logan doesn’t need his sword right right you have oh my goodness it’s

Going to be night literally forever I have the sword so it’s like not even halfway through the night okay and I want it to be day so that way the villagers can breed have you heard of sleeping yeah and how are we going to do that there are three beds over here

Good amount of people on the server that can sleep there over here that AR going to but they could oh behind me I think what is the okay okay there we go what I can barely see okay the player sleeping percentage is 75% uh go that way okay got it thank you

Well more like change it y well then hi buddy okay what does get for Christmas arriving I don’t know what does want for Christmas wasat isn’t sure what wasat wants I’m on my way I’m on my way can you think of anything thatat might want for

Christmas you askat I did ask look was wasat said nothing really you decide what to give oh I say we get what was that a netherite axe netherite axe with um efficiency five bending uning three and and um and fire aspect no knock back knock back like

50 bro I don’t want to do that on a netherite axe I’ll do it on a totem of a nine okay no Kip I already said what I already got what I wanted so channeling seven obviously yeah obviously oh wait I know what to do looting six and then we’ll do sharpness five

Imagine looting worked on players both with infinity I’ll take that that’s awesome what did I get that yeah what look uh it’s in our it’s in our messages uhoh that’s not good oh that’s an ion do it totem of I’m not dying anymore you have the no you should not get that

Why because it’s $749 I need it though it’s needed no no no there it is a wrestling match yeah I I realized this I need it you might as well buy a trampoline I why would I want to buy a trampoline because they’re more fun I can’t wrestle on a trampoline I

Didn’t say anything about wrestling on a trampoline I just said you could trampoline I I don’t want a trampoline get a trampoline I am back you should jump I I don’t want a trampoline you should jump well get a jump on people okay what should I set the player sleep percentage to

I wanted to jump on people I’ll join the UFC 50 okay that if there’s two people then so sleep dang I’ll set it to 49 I thought it was $600 this video no it’s $749 for a wrestling mat I want it though that’s the thing on but also that’s $749 can you

E oh yeah I can E I can Eep I’ll stop building my skyscraper right now and go E I can’t s right now you’re eing in my bed oh my God the other bed oh my God you AP in that bed we’re sleeping through the night all yeah let me just

Ape in this bed oh my God I have the mod I have the mod on the server that makes the time go slower wonder where our base is wait why why um do you still need the tropical fish because it’s been super annoying having it be constantly

Day night day night day night so now the day night cyle lasts an hour should I I really want to make I want to make a big change to sleep your actually I’m going to set the player sleep the player eat percentage to 50 um hello hello hello hello um I’m here

Now with the pickaxe oh yeah it’s in that pile right there okay mine’s I don’t know where to put it though um um don’t replant those mate don’t replant the potatoes yeah uh those out and use them or whatever oh you replanted them anyway yeah yeah it’s fine I’d already replanted

Them I should open a wrestling they they made they consumed they they they popped out the baby they popped the baby the baby got popped actually that’s not a bad idea oh what okay what oh my God Kip what the [ __ ] is with all this fish I should uh I should work for

A damn like when I get to New York I should they’re not spawning Golems to be honest yeah I mean if a zombie right here I want to be clear that I have literally angered no one so if anyone comes to my base and [ __ ] things up I swear to God

347 merits and Logan if you come to here and just start messing with people then I’m just going to ban you cuz our conflict was literally like a week and a half ago 2 weeks ago maybe yeah that’s like so it’s so over the the conflict is

So very much over you might be able to hold this Grudge or something but if you want to bring this conflict back up then you’ve got to like do something cool and special other than just being annoying yeah be original you w there’s no such thing as originality originality

There’s really is that really true mines I don’t think it is look mines you’re quite original okay don’t say that I’m thinking of having a fishing hole yep um we can have sea grass in an area and then that’ll stop everything from wait where should I place this again yeah that’ be

Cool what I’m going make one I still have it yeah the Wheats can go on this side and then the other side thank you it’s going to be multi floor I’m going to have one floor for potato look good now this is amazing it’s goingon to be a skyscraper

Whoa really like a huge one yeah yeah and the sugar farm is also going to be sugar yep she my brain hit the that was a very aggressive you and then every going be potatoes and melons potatoes do you need help what okay oh no I thought you I

Just got a bunch of potatoes oh I think I didn’t no um Emerald wants potatoes car yes very soon half an hour and I’ll open your thing well less than half well more than half an hour less than oh never mind uh where can I place this um

You could keep those potatoes oh thank you yeah you’re welcome I’m going to have a lot more than I I’m ever going to need I’m going to be able to feed like everybody in the server 70,000 times over yippe what air wish a potato potato you know what I’m just going to

Name this potato all right when you get back home you should join sneak I Wasing the do you need help Logan Logan what was there wish to have Logan drowned what the [ __ ] hello maybe maybe the real wish we’ll never know oh potato no don’t say it do not [ __ ] say

It is the friends we made along the way oh my [ __ ] God you knew it was you knew I know and I tried my best to stop it and all of my it was it was in you think you can stop it you’re funny you’re you’re with good EVP or is

It for cracked Xmas what is cracked Xmas um cracked Christmas what the heck is that you want a crack Christmas what are you on crack what I’m I I you playing Minecraft on a cracked client I am oh oh my God W good pvper or is it

For yeah is it for cracked xmus I don’t know what that means but I hope they have a it should be a good fishing I have to wait until it also you might need some I want a hole it’s a fishing hole I want a hole you have one you have have

One I want a different kind ofle in order to make it like also not freeze you could put um blocks on top of this server not for crack clients definitely not and oh wait I can actually put some torches you’re a good player car we’re not going to question it yes

If you can join the server you can play it did anyone even ask if it’s like a good at game I don’t remember anyone asking what’s going on so confused War you will be bullied relentlessly apparently yeah I just really so don’t remember anyone asking that damn

Why are you destroying the pumpkins I’m so tired n because the reason why it’s being hidden is not there anymore put your put your Discord I’m concerned about oh yeah put your Discord in the okay I’m going to be playing a game wow I’m also playing a game

Called blade ball blable blade ball blable BL blade ball yes that got me way too good godam put my Discord oh what mines can I help you with something what do you mean I want to help you with something I feel useless I feel like I wait remember M just build a

House or something okay you’re build you’re good at building build something I have Birchwood and stuff if you don’t want to use Birchwood there’s Cherry I’m going to build a Christmas house what the [ __ ] what is a Christmas house mhm what are you going to do with

It when Christmas is over it’s going to be a Christmas house can get stockings burn it it’s going to be a Christmas house no I didn’t mean to jump on the crops I hate myself this is crazy I’m going to be the first one to make a house and it’s going to be

Like determining the style of this Village oh angry it’s going to be crazy it’s going to be crazy wait mines we need the walls don’t we I don’t have enough Cobblestone nor the patience to mine it fair enough I could build you want to do what did you say

Wait what about Cobblestone your brain thinks gingerbread house when he said when I said Christmas house I mean that’s kind of more mostly what I was thinking oh we could do a village of of bread send it to me boy hey Logan yes hello Logan I love when trees

Don’t [ __ ] grow we miss you Logan We wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas wish you a merry Christmas happy shut the [ __ ] up Tidings you bring you and your G um don’t ever say that again and tidings for Christmasy New Year don’t ever say that again I don’t

Plan to don’t worry please don’t I love that we don’t have a way into Rose but it’s other than over the wall way into the place why would you want that don’t be a dumb [ __ ] please die what just [Laughter] what okay sorry I take your time smile smile smile was

Important I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a merry Christmas I wish you a Merry Christmas send it to me my chickens are producing oh they’re produc oh my God I see someone the more eggs you give me the more chimp the quicker my chimp hello the moment your brain just

[ __ ] stop hello I think damn hitting me imagine starting hitting me hello I said hi getting murdered imagine hi yeah imagine burning violence hello here have some food I was really nice I said hi how dare you punch me dude it’s okay I’m mad get over yourself it’s Christmas nice

To yeah nice to Z before this axe getkey your should be tasting I’m in Christmas thank you oh my goodness touching people on christas what it depends where you slept though but yeah thank you yes as long as you’re not can you not steal may you like what uh you won’t win

This even if you Splash me with that can you put it back please thank you I really did Logan break the end no no no no no he did not no who did uh did a potion get taken cuz if a potion got taken no no no he he placed it back it’s

Okay don’t worry yeah that’s good that’s good to know wow congratulations you like a [ __ ] we already proved that I could beat you in a fight so it doesn’t really matter it’s okay it’s okay I’m sorry if everyone is being very hostile I wonder why though I wonder why I

Wonder why I wish I knew the answer Logan I really wish I knew who is Logan Logan de I’m sorry yeah but who won the war that’s shame isn’t it to be honest I feel like he killed you more you might have won five battles but may

Won the goddamn War yeah yeah you don’t know what dragon with significantly significantly worse armor who just Tex your mom no my mom hates me she never texed me um I remember seeing like six of your but yeah it doesn’t really matter anymore Logan it’s okay you’re so

Pie I like Emerald I’m I like Emerald is so nice I really feel bad for running away from him or her earlier oh to be fair I would probably do the same yeah I cuz I already adopted two new people in this server I don’t want more I don’t want anymore adopted

Adopted oh yeah I feel that Lord I jumped a second you hit hi kids do you like violence want want me to grab a spare be please don’t hit me I’m God I’m literally God it’s Christmas I love you m Christmas location of the base what um Christmas Christmas time oh you want

Your netherite armor I really don’t know how to get it back you know again wait do you know where the netherite template is here here yeah being greedy gets you I’m staring at you I am looking at you very friendly am talking to you break this Farmland mines

It’s going to break on its own yeah look I will help you get netherite armor if I could so it’s not my problem Oh My go I can’t so I also know what I’m getting for Christmas Christmas getting an Oculus an Oculus 2 to be exact I want an OC what do you

Want for Christmas what do you want for Christmas I kind of want a life for Christmas you should get an Oculus you know how expensive those things are no uh okay I guess doesn’t want anything uh he just wants to go to like where the people are so they she can or

He or she can like the baby chicken why is there a chicken outside of the get a kill just let me get a kill and I can use my ability I’m talking Direction there was a chicken outside of the pen it is no longer a chicken people really keep spawning on

That that’s really nice I use my really like this that’s crazy all the flashback that’s crazy that is so wait really really to spawn a mushroom I hate women oh don’t say that that’s crazy that name you like stuff that name is totally something I’d name about you too

I thought somebody summoned a bot I had to literally how about mining IED my ear but people blind fell from oh he probably spawned in the wall hear in Karma’s voice and it’s bad you blind I’m having flashbacks you will blame fell from my high place I swear I must have I must

Have summoned that I must have summoned that person as a bot at some point in my lifetime there’s no way I haven’t how did I how did I do that oh wait I did it wrong you should that one yeah yes that one don’t don’t don’t

Don’t uh you should have us I need a I can’t why is my brain like this the first that I thought was Among Us when I saw that you should you should have been here earlier I was I was working out in my Among Us costume it was awesome you

Said you were all right you dead ass were about to say stripping no I wasn’t I heard you say strip and then you said something else I I don’t think so actually started other word with an S I don’t I don’t know about on why do you okay okay L

Dude there goes out mine’s is everybody in is everybody in favor of of hne getting a sharpness 3 channeling loyalty 5 mending and breaking three Trident oh my gosh not they’re currently stealing my stuff well here’s the thing here’s the thing ready more thanks here’s the thing you

Ready they get the Trident somebody kills them somebody else happens to get the Trident that’s that that’s how it works oh my God saying human loot box I mean [ __ ] you right but like can I have go back to my [ __ ] now no don’t get off don’t get off we need to kill

You no no flip you and no you guys are awful penis ice right now oh my goodness there’s a lot of I will protect you oh yeah I’m sure penis I will protect you and then murder you the second you get the Trident hey what did you kill it what

Did you kill Logan cuz attacking me trying to kill the wit or the witch kill Logan Oh The Witch oh I think it’s oh the witch is after me wait wait you can you can kill you can kill the witch it’s you can get your revenge which isn’t really needed anymore so

Good they burn some of my stuff I think okay you’re no I’m back in that’s what Andy said that is such good I think so I have to check he left no Christmas magic is gone I oh no um Can someone make sure that Logan doesn’t get my stuff please um where

Please um I just rolled back everything they’ve ever done doesn’t matter okay um okay what what my stuff I died I died there so I think my there so yeah that didn’t roll back everything no can I have no can I get where is it how about the Christmas

Magic I really need the Christmas magic right now oh my little friend no can I have Christmas magic where they do they just you can’t get any you can’t get anymore okay the fourth row okay uh he took my buckets and I can’t all right uh Fort Rose is coming

To help good I’m sorry um so basically my stuff’s underneath where the witch was um I killed the witch and the witch killed me so in a cherry boat where coming where oh my god um where you were earlier where the witch was I’m there but I don’t know where

Specifically um near the where the witch is near the cave is is my stuff not there it’s not okay so got yeah I think so cuz just give me a second Logan did you take it did you take it Logan it’s so impossible that did you have a did you have an botle

Yes said Christmas Time Is Here I will annihilate your Lan I’m coming to help okay okay okay how much damage was fixed it okay Christmas here I’ll I’ll come back in a second yeah I’m on my way back oh oh my God uhoh I really hope hero would would

Log back in again I will definitely protect him or her oh my God okay it looks like they took Saddles I think Andy got most of the stuff back yeah and then the wall I’m trying to get the there we go I am that should be everything I

Think I am missing an axel lle though I want to see I’ll see the baby come back sad oh wait the the the the the this ow he shouldn’t have been able to come down here there he is come here you have a bucket cuz I don’t have a bucket yeah I

Do but I don’t have any wobber stay away from here I don’t want to I’m not going to kill you again I just need to protect this stuff thank you I’m almost there I’m swimming okay both of them are safe okay but now the wall uh sneak fixed it

Oh I feel like I’m but not really fire not don’t you dare kill me are you almost back oh you got to go now okay all right cool I didn’t that’s I wow no no no no please please please please please there’s a zombie with a TR

Then that’s trying to kill me ah oh my God and you just stole my how aren’t you on like the land no I’m not I was in I have to make a new boat I got mine was Grand Theft Auto are you almost back I don’t want it

To despawn to be fair wait what can you not pick it up I don’t really have this space I mean it is really fun so I don’t really blame Andy but oh please don’t despawn again I that was like my fourth batch are you close yes I am

Okay I’m just walking on climbing on this painfully tall mountain okay walking on sunshine they literally stole my iron and then like just started burning [ __ ] um it’s up here side over here no over here that Happ okay oh he got the Ender Chest ah he got the Ender

Chest should have died why was that witch annoyingly there Jesus Christ I love to watch I should have taken my revenge even when everyone said do not what why would you be allowed to watch a movie because copyright I I mean as long as I can’t [ __ ] hear it hear it yeah

Yeah okay yeah I guess it’s fine oh is a boat hey I get mending for one Emerald a what do we have bucks a bunch of bucks yay an Nomine could I have some books pretty quickly cuz I don’t want it to go away are you at mine I really feel wait

Actually you said you’d be able to come over here to help get a frost Walker mhm all right if you could bring a two LEC turns then or a few lurns cgim hello how are you doing today welcome to I’m not going to we’re not going to kill

You if you don’t do anything Logan the star buddy I like your username I’m not going to kill you if you don’t do anything yeah all good yeah uh to be honest the reason why I’m just following you around is just to literally check have no reason to kill you as long as

You don’t [ __ ] with me I’m not even going to kill you a llama head out of my chest I don’t really okay Spy Kids is older than me yeaha back what wait when did Spy Kids come out 2001 no way yeah wait that came up that’s older

Than me okay it’s older than me as well can I have my head back okay can I have my box back I mean my box I really need my box it says everything about my personality I need my box please return my Bo devoted your life to being

In a box got your Christmas birthday gift today I need my box please my box well I’m glad to hear it you had a really good day today my head my box no okay thank you but I need my box I need my head I need my box which is it is it

Your box or your head both it’s boat it’s snowing again yay it is is so dark in here do you not have a zenab box head Logan where is my head where’s my box is there a chance it get picked up after you died a I’m going to go down there

Again I love that place so much I’m going to open my hit box as well jeez thank you for following oh the new Meg movies on y yeah new pegging movies on Netflix what Meg Meg Meg that that’s a little mov yes okay I don’t know the movie but that sounds a lot

Wait Minds you’re a little bit what did you hear no I’m paying attention to something completely different you’re paying attention to the one of the other three conversations going on at this call yeah that’s valid I’m almost there climbing the mountain where is it yeah welcome this is a constant thing

This is always going to be a thing and this is how it is 365 I’m awesome oh my God 10 minutes if car doesn’t come back I’m opening it actually I’m not going to open it until she comes back so um I’m Cindy I’m awesome I think is Kip still in

Here no AFK nobody even not there’s been so much going on that I don’t think anybody noticed that’s crazy Kip is so such a Noti that’s saying nothing about K and everything she’s pretty cool uh I’m me really uh I don’t know I don’t know who the other person

Is the Zen In A Box yeah that’s yeah that’s Zen In A Box yes yeah all you need to know about me is that I am oh wait do you have the B all you need to know about me is that I’m in a box

That’s all I’m going to buy a bunch so that way I can get a glass TR he’s pretty odd but kind of cool can I have some oh yeah I don’t care about him here she leave uh who Karma I didn’t mean to say Cara my bad

Hi Karma hi that’s Karma she’s rude to me not even that rude to you I think that’s the best part no hey uh my levels [ __ ] my levels here oh that’s painful ropy with your name on it oh thank you I’m fine myarm he started taking mending books oh

My god oh stretch Logan literally stop causing problems or I’m going to ban you you know what oh [ __ ] you didn’t have to get banned you just got F your last chance you know what yeah liar as you explode loed into books hyd true I saw that actually oh my

God okay there’s a ton of mending books over here all right if anybody why is there a ton of I drink as water cuz I just I I had a mending for one Emerald trade so I just like bought all the mending books anybody will ever need

Yeah everybody’s welcome to join if they want to I know open server no I wasn’t talking stop stealing stuff bro literally just opening isan still stealing things to be honest I’ve been watching him he’s just opening chest and like grabbing and then putting it back I don’t know what he’s doing no he

Literally crafting something at the current moment you want to you’re free yeah that’s where I can’t confirm so um hit sorry if I’m repeating myself Logan go elsewhere does he going to happen wait does he still have the 14 blaze rods yeah he didn’t put it back or maybe he

Did I think he put it back yeah that roll I shouldn’t have that roll because yeah he put it back he took one Blaze Rod uh want the roll yes I want detective at this point am I a detective now Logan okay detective now Logan yeah I’m a detective now I’m a

Detective specifically for Logan what the [ __ ] I got some mending books oh my God you have more why why why is this necessary why is this much necessary my it’s my men Sher all over again accidentally got I accidentally just held down Z for a little too long how about Unbreaking how

About protection four how about sharpness five what happened to those why I guessing is never going to be a problem anymore yeah okay we have enough mending books finally okay well I guess I’m never getting that stack of books back oh my yeah I accidentally kind of forgot about

That um I’m going to take is it fine if I take like four mening books yeah oh I was going to say shove them in the E chest there is also M are speaking they’re my books yeah are you going to be streaming February 3rd on like 9:00

Whoa specific mending punch to oh the punch is expensive though that’s sad what is February 3 you know what February 3rd is I’ll try to get I’m trying to see what date is yeah it’s a Saturday oh my God who gave those to me

Uh no one I need the Ender Chest Now Zed oh my God thank you so [ __ ] much you’re just you’re feeling my thank you okay Gooding my ction all right I’m just going for frost Walker I’m make him Museum but um you good no no no there’s there’s an escape oh [ __ ]

Escapes uh he became a cler don’t trade with him please yeah yeah get him in the boat yeah yeah oh he got out he got out ohar here wait wait he he’ll he’ll go back on it uh the the server where okay oh join the server good good good good

Good good hold up we’re dealing with a villager run away yes yes okay there there we go this is awful no it’s great it’s great it’s great than positive think positive it’s wait Frost Walker too oh damn it’s 60 uh well careful the other villagers are going to try to escape including the

Babies do you have one more so sorry I promise I will fix I will remove this I know it’s ugly I had to remove the other Le turn so that way it wouldn’t H the baby’s no please no B stick my kingdom is falling apart H in the name of the some kind

Of having a bit of in the name of some kind of the floor oh the baby zombie is also there oh in the name of the laws that haven’t been written yet in the name of some kind of law please get in wait wait wait there’s a staircase there’s a staircase to right

Yeah I have a boat too but wait wait wait the Yeah I broke it okay thank you okay you have a boat okay wait put the boat next to next no okay are you ready I got there we go please please please please please please please get in get

In get in get in I just need the baby to get into one and the adult okay now the baby needs to get the other the baby here okay good news we got both in December let’s get them in and then block off everything guys doing great

Keep it going this is awful we are fine we are sane still are you sane I was never Saye I was never sane oh my God I was say the same thing I remember when a streamer banned me because I joined their Discord and they they got mad that I was taking

Pictures of my sister without consent she was 4 years old of done like I was taking pictures to show wait I forgot I was going to give Andy some food where’s Andy I’m fine wait I’m still saying wait where is Andy all right I got my Frost Walker finally Andy here

Andy yay Andy I guess I’ll put this other Le here I was taking pictures of her uh don’t place the Le down otherwise people are going to tra with the Villager cuz they always do for some reason I don’t understand where is the person that I’m watching over Logan go

Away this is your last chance you’re just kind of being annoying at this point away from the what doing hi look at what F the Ender Chest I think that’s oh yeah that is actually against the rules destroyed it to be honest I already have two of his head oh never mind those

Weren’t my kills those weren’t my kills wait actually I can I you can yeah search my top out of my chest top is get I just need something yeah okay that’s it I trust Andy because they literally protected my [ __ ] and gave all of it back his stolen stuff in the end chest

No yeah I’ll just rip it out of the Ender Chest if it’s there stuff did you Hello whoa this is fun are we just we’re back wow this makes me want to stream now earlier I couldn’t stream Logan please just stop spawning here wait please wait wait is he

Spawning at that beded yeah I did if you all right that’s my spawn point anyway yeah did you move it cuz it’ll if you don’t move it no it’s fine uh wait where’d he spawn he spawn somewhere else okay we’re fine yeah he spawned somewhere else yeah yeah where all

Good um I actually do not know and I do not care but yeah it’s not here so it’s we’re fine it’s fine it’s not as if it’s he’s a trailer or anything but yeah it’s fine can you place the E chest oh sorry here where should I place

It can we place this e chest somewhere safer um once I build a house make a yink something in it just place it right here for now it’ll be fine I just need to okay oh my God 360 357 almost just died hey put him in put him in a jail or

Something Bedrock jail box n that’ll be too funny I’m so down fair enough that’s too funny also I don’t have my box where I lost my head I think he has it in his ender chest or something I mean he won’t if May rips it out honest has the ability to rumage

Through people’s stuff to be honest um things oh okay okay um everything should be safe um what’s it called did he actually return the Elder guardan head I just want to see cuz I saw the stuff that he was taking and I just want to make sure

That he took he placed everything back [ __ ] where’s the Elder Guardian head I haven’t updated my Facebook since I was in middle of school update it I don’t Facebook that’s so based it’s so okay you’re right barely open that thing at this point I’ve given Logan so

Many chances it’s just they they just join in D yeah hey Emerald you want how how oh I can’t believe I lost my head oh it’s Christmas yeah didn’t open’s gift by the way merry Christmas oh really we wish you a Merry Christmas Merry Christmas wish you a

Merry Christmas don’t come in my chat Logan I’m not going to help you it’s Logan yeah went to mine oh my goodness hi Andy I mean [ __ ] you can try but I mean I’m literally just going to ban you from his chat oh not twitch Facebook Facebook Chat YouTube oh yeah I love

Faceb faceb I think I’m still a mod I feel like I’m a mod in your YouTube as well I don’t have it all I can get I I can I need my head I feel so lost without my box I mean my box not my head

My box I need my box this isn’t muted I’m going to have to mute it immediately and no this is not oh veg stick hello welcome I love what I do what about the everything that you’ve done no but I’m genuinely confused what I did this time oh

No Merry Christmas I love I your SK Christmas Logan I don’t think I don’t think people are very kind with you right now they’re not very happy with you okay where I me I was happy at him for at first but he started like going around and I don’t know I literally said

Several times that this this is the last chance you need to go away and you people are annoyed with you that’s actually not my fault that’s like your thing but yeah IED I don’t know yeah I don’t know so so is that in a box where are

You there you are you ready yep yes I just for a few guess who in each chest I can open up bam I’m just talking is it uh well no this isn’t the first or last time that’s why I needed a eich um hi Cara let me grab the box I’m coming with

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas did I just get an email why I get an email oh this is the third Christmas I’ve uh gone through in the server oh my good all right I got the bot the Box did someone say a box yes I got

A gift a box oh oh I see is car in your chat yeah car is in my chat wait car like sent something in the mail yep that’s crazy dedicated he’s lucky I don’t he’s lucky I don’t know where damn all right how much uh tape did you need to

Use to shut this up holy I would have sent you a imagine if it’s a box in a box in a box in a box in a box if you put a box inside of a box of a box I’m going to get very no I will be proud

That person it isn’t I will be proud I will be so happy I see something fluffy something what a quick question it’s a dog it’s a dog it’s a dog oh oh my [ __ ] I’m back it’s welcome back it’s a what what just happened it’s a squish

Mellow what kind what kind kind I got a Cara I got a Cara it’s a it’s a it’s a red dragon that’s amazing my God that’s so sick I got my own personal why do I do this why straber hand cream why am I so dumb I love that

Oh are you streaming I got can I get during Christmas yes I’m streaming during Christmas christas I’m going to have to do it early and then I got uh Reese’s C oh no I’m going to have to do early by the way can I have a screenshot with

Everyone ree’s miniature cups good luck with that but yeah ideally I don’t know how well I don’t know how well take a screenshot with everyone but yeah yeah okay you know what that seems impossible I’ll just screenshot no I’m pretty sure we could get like a lot of people over here that

Would be crazy if we could get everyone though oh yeah Christmas magic yeah no you did not just give 20 to your one Subs we wish oh my God what did K do I am so happy for M right now it’s crazy oh my God 21 Subs just now Des served 20

Subs that’s crazy holy sh unlucky Nick the other one uh I have to wait for this to stop now that’s crazy free drag oh no I would I would 20 Subs stalk well I hope you present now I need a present for everyone else God damn it I have to

Get no you don’t no you don’t no you don’t you don’t no you don’t you don’t need it no thank you K of course I if anyone here wants like a game or something on Steam I’ll I’ll get you something or like a gift card I

Don’t know she got me a bag of Doritos oh I’m going to kill the zombie villager oh okay is that okay okay yeah sure we don’t need any of course yeah I I’m actually the one who took it it’s nothing anything yeah it’s nothing anything but yeah oh oh my God 20 it’s

Reading out every single that’s crazy no you’re almost at the end oh am I okay yeah cuz silver is the last one yep and oh maybe not maybe it’s going in order inste of the order of the chat it’s crazy how it was just one quick to pay

$100 that is terrifying actually 2 one two 3 four five who I have a card I’m waiting to open it when um that’s over who is that I’ve never seen them who why why did M why do you have [ __ ] I just realized in my inventory out of everyone

Everyone I just realized what’s in my inventory God they gave almost every single person in okay wait did they not give you a nope nope holy [ __ ] remember the other day when I was gifted like seven try get I want to put that in your chest yeah there were some people who

There are some people in that list who I’ve never seen I just realized I had that I didn’t see that earlier ow how dare like a one to four ratio of people watching subscri oh sorry my hiatus oh I can name name [ __ ] what happened no that’s just a lot what

Happened I just came back I know that hold on hold on I’m so happy for your minart I don’t know why two I’m just happy I don’t know why four it’s Christmas hello is it Kip Subs out of the 20 people that that that gave Subs four of the people watch you

Out of the 20 actually that’s not true uh 2 three four five six okay seven I guess eight I’m going off people finally there’s a house here 10 I recognize 10 names there so all right well I’m talking about consistently consistently coming back at least chatting are you still there they could

Just be silent Watchers you still have the exist I pulled everything out of the box I will list everything off now I got a bag of Doritos I got a bag of Cheetos I got a thing of hand cream strawberry hand cream um caramel chocolates of course dark chocolates Reese’s miniature cups

With Reese’s puff inside of them Yo and a squish mellow that is exactly like Cara’s skin that’s amazing oh that’s crazy that’s amazing but not only did get that I got a card that is a flamingo on it a carda a I got a right now I’m furious

Um car the Amazon gift card ripped out of the car there’s rage you want me to read this out loud yes read it out loud I’m asking Cara see she’s saying yes I wasn’t talking to you I was asking car you want me to read

The car out loud in the call alone in sneak servers oh oh just had to no no no don’t worry I have the card but we got to get W oh you want me to okay so it say so it says um I’m going to roll for an Unbreaking

Three oh here’s another Le turn it might make it easier okay thank you I’m just I’m just uh uh when I first met you I didn’t think you’d become this important to me you helped me so much I’ll never know how to thank you for everything you did

For me thank you so much for your friendship and love I love you don’t cry M don’t cry specific viewer I can hang on give to a specific viewer this is so sweet what the fre me me I yes you I’m going to give it to you obviously well what if I want

To I want to say okay you can cry my next badge you can cry you know what we even don’t hold those don’t hold those I don’t deserve this what’s your username let me see my name is Jamal is that so iconic how did I almost forget and now I have a

Bunch of paper hearts that are all over my desk that is so cute I don’t know what to do I don’t know why I’m so happy message of you calling me a [ __ ] how many people need I I have a question four total Merry Christmas not that bad

But what’s your what what how do I mail stuff to you oh my God you put it in a box and you mail it I don’t I don’t have your so I can’t do that my brand I thought I gave you my address no you didn’t I’m enjoying Christmas thank you Jesus I

Keep hearing my brand I keep hearing the word box and that makes me happy I would like I would like to I would like to very yeah like what the TW the text thing said it said that Kip has gifted 40 Subs in this [ __ ] twitch Channel that’s

Crazy guys I kind of need help someone you’re amazing now I’m going to have to send you something I’m getting chased and also everybody should be zombies hi snake I’m getting chased I’m I there’s too much can you me okay yeah yeah let me just he also

Said the N word on my sign so okay yeah glad we banned out Christmas present me yeah um oh no don’t I’m worry perhaps doesn’t okay you what no I’m not going to give you my my address please do I’m no more no no more sending no I want to

Send you a Christmas present let me send you a Christmas present you got to let them send you a Christmas present if they want to let me send you a Christmas present they killed my cam why is every every zombie just freaking get the freak out of here I’m just rolling back everything

Logan did today hey man I just I start live streaming every day starting now I like when he’s just like why did you ban me it literally says the NW and starts killing all my stuff oh what happened while I was gone I thought Christmas Merry Christ Logan happened

Basically oh he broke my enchantment table and all the chests oh wait really there damn it wait really you’re welcome oh that’s freaking suck coffee wait is the enchantment table back yeah they broke my bookshelves there’s confetti all over my floor now it didn’t roll back totally worth

It I have a they also killed was it fire why is there so many Creepers look like confetti on my Flor let go I guess I want to eat I want I’m going to eat the the caramel I’m going to give you oh my God kill yourself present via Jesus Christ

Back while I’m getting while I’m getting the physical one ready oh oh my God it’s really good chocolate holy [ __ ] I know who it is I’m just a b else no Andy place the sign um I’m going to save all of this for the New Year’s 24-hour stream I

Don’t know it says they placed the oak sign all myff thank you for supplying me with food yay food we all love food of course also the hand cream I’m have to use the hand cream is’s no Endy saying slurs on the server wait Andy Andy’s nice isn’t daddy’s been calling you

What God damn Karma do I have permission to teleport yeah all my stuff’s despawning so oh oh the the freaking hand cream smells so nice too yo oh yeah this is Andy yeah can you pull it back yeah oh what happened how do I find your wish there it is wish

List my what bam thank you no problem you know what um Ms I’m just going to lock you in here there oh that’s fine mobs yeah the mob hand cream nice I’ve killed three creepers thank you cara Karma what’s a what’s a game that you’ve wanted for a while your karma if

You want anything or I guess anything else wow this sounds so christmy what the freak oh my God I’m going to save these hearts for like forever hell yeah I hope everything should be fine that’s this is this is this hold up I’ll be back are you still missing some of your stuff

Stuff no I’m trying to make sure I don’t know if everything rolled back cuz I think some of the stuff actually despawn my Christmas present it shouldn’t if it despawns then here wait wait get bonus bits until 12:20 I love you too Cindy yay yeah because I’m still missing stuff out of

Is it back now check uh yes Merry Christmas all perfect Merry Christmas thank you I’m going to go to my base now cuz I want to check my stuff as well Christmas magic I just realized that I left my house and everything in my place alone

So let me just check Miss Christ the Miss who’s Chris Chris and why are they massive Chris is mad uh I Boeing 747 in my chat says H I don’t see the airport here a classic oh my God time to get two more mushrooms in since all my mushrooms are

Now free hey at least the population’s back up on the [Applause] island I do have some mushrooms at my house if in case they all die no then I’ve got some mushro Merry Christmas car two people basically grief well actually only one person you’re amazing have a wonderful day get many good

Presents places no not everyone Emerald pirate is cool um wipe what I feel like there might have been some overflow and I don’t know if it completely than you but if you do it again I’m going to Strang important what Happ sending me 20 [ __ ] gifted Subs cuz I think

Your money for more useful things the thing I noticed the most cuz the chest did have stuff in it so it might have overflowed and not done that but all I can tell is just mending books which obviously isn’t a problem I say that every single time um

Did you say my M yes I said I was just yelling I was chewing you up for giving me gift itself oh Boeing 747 if you want to cut down a tree tree uh it might be a little bit tricky but you could probably find a tower

No no no we’re not we’re not going down this path what’s happening money that I I feel like things kind of would have no I want you to use your money for that is something goodart just got to go this stream shouldn’t come crashing down it’s called savings

Put it in savings it’s called giving Minds artarts money I’m going to anything mindes Arts so you know how much money I get per paycheck like what what one paycheck one Jesus what one paycheck gives me yeah it’s the same as what I get normally

Yeah yeah I’m going to give it all to you do no you’re the [ __ ] not yes I will do it mine would feel so bad if you did it would be funny I’m going to give you my entire first two pay holy moly I’m going to

Give how would you react if I did that I would kill you why murder yes bro how many how much how many Subs would that give $500 well considering that Subs are honestly if you’re if you’re going to if you’re going to pay mines that much money you’ve got to just like send

To him directly so that way twitch doesn’t get like half of it oh yeah you’re right yeah don’t [ __ ] do that no cuz you have an actual way to stop what I have an actual what no my money Y what what what were you saying I have

An actual nothing what what I wish you a merry Christmas I’m going to give you you a Merry Christmas Merry Christmas too much we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year there’s always something the [ __ ] up Cindy no I’m curious I’m curious how many because I’m

Scared of what you’ll buy if I don’t tell you what to give me just get me lethal company lethal company oh that’s a good one that’s a great one that’s a compy is that a good didn’t hear my question okay how much is I did hear your question unfortunately but I’m

Scared you’re going to buy something more expensive on my wish list so I kind of like Leal company’s good Al I’ve been for a while how much is it 10 bucks 10 bucks I will I will give you a quarter of the money you need right now

No why because K’s already getting it why don’t people just donate the chair cuz doesn’t need it what I mean you don’t feel I think the proper term of for that is like um there’s always somebody um there’s always somebody um donating to charity that’s probably the

Best term for that word for that uh yeah there’s there’s always someone donating to charity yeah thousands of dollar why does it let me subscribe to myself you’re giving yourself money infinite money because it would be giving twitch half of the money you give to yourself

Yeah but he’s he’s also G gaining more money so no no that’s not how that works I’m actually losing money it let me subscribe and then it immediately canceled my subscription really wow I like that you tried getal company for myself I was curious can you also get me

Lethal company I’m kidding don’t do that what’s your uh username on [ __ ] have you for a certain amount of um CD doesn’t have oh no I do why is there a stripped tree I it’s just I don’t have a computer to use it so look I’m being a bit of a charity

Right now it’s Christmas it’s Christmas for some of you stop it what do you mean stop yeah stop it no more Charities why is it look if yall have to put up with me I have to give you something in return that would that would be Pro qu harassment yes next card

I’m more obnoxious than I it’s being so nice that it’s considered harassment yeah not at times then I’m gonna is harassing us and he’s not going to stop harassing us with money no gifts no is harassing us with how nice he is stop giving me money no

Presents no [ __ ] Ron’s griefing is not allowed on the server also slender Merry Christmas I didn’t see that we wish you Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas yes we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I hope that you like crimes We Wish You a Merry Christmas van

Sand are you going to destroy Van’s desert again wait I don’t think that’s I don’t think that’s how that works oh wait that’s my desert now I mean technically I could if I wanted to but it wouldn’t benefit me on the server at all it benefit me

Mentally but it wouldn’t benefit me on the server oh so now everybody wants now everybody wants to destroy Van’s desert I was so ahead of the time I was literally there to help do it you have to realize the entire server was there yeah to watch the destruction of the

Base I don’t know what you’re are you still playing are you stilling oh I just saw yeah I’m still on Minecraft oh we need to get a screenshot of everybody oh my God Christmas 2023 this is literally Z suggestion why does it seem like I came up with it

Now because I don’t think anyone saw I just saw your thumbnail really great build yeah I I did a good job on that one I think wait a minute did it refund me what so uh it went through a whole like process we could get z0 that I

Subscribed to mines arts and then it cancelled my subscription and then it refunded my subscription back to me so you are getting infinite money it ripped it out of PayPal though okay wait can we make this a super cozy house inside and then we could do it inside the house

Okay I’m fine with that so we’re gonna go to M’s house very upset I need s why do you think loading um I don’t think you have any I’m just stealing your wood so I can make a boat to get over all right slender we’ll have to photoshop you Birchwood guys there’s a

Bunch of boats underneath the cherry blossom not going to lie there’s like a bunch when I said a bunch it’s everywhere I’m going to the other side there a wiping wiping the desert up was that your friend was that your ex L friend what did you say mine about my

Desert what are you going to do to the desert excuse me I need Sello yes I’m still streaming yes you can rejoin Mingo uh Mery Christmas Mingo rejoin you need to be in the screenshot yes you do need to be in the screenshot

I would yell at ni to join but n went to bed I don’t know who else is on where are we taking the screenshot yeah we’re going to we’re going to photoshop some people into the screenshot it’s fine where are we doing the screenshot uh it’s going to be at

Mines yeah we’re going to make the inside of the house super cozy that I’m building yeah okay oh do put a chimney in what are we doing what’s happening I I have a chimney but I don’t have smoke coming out of it cuz I don’t have enough

Glass well I think I have enough glass wait M what are you using to stand for mine’s this house uh walls go this way I need Sandstone I like our sentries is there a way to craft Sandstone without sand no are you able to get villagers to sell it hey uh I

Don’t think so oh my God think so I mean I can L that’s crazy come to steal your tonight half of yeah I’m just going to keep an eye on you by the guard Tower dead lus Tech you can grab I love tip can you give me tip lus Tech excuse

Me what on the bright side the ocean’s doing pretty good at freezing over right now um there’s a lot of sand over there in the chest do do you want a Christmas present smooth sandstone in here actually I’m here send a Christmas present I already

Got a Christmas present oh why is TE tip Hest Tech tips what are they look at their skin look at their face what is that it’s a tip look at their face what is that oh it’s something you can plug into I feel like you should address W

That in chat or stream either one I’m being I’m being thrown trid are ice oh what was that I don’t think that was Frost Walker that’s probably just yeah just the ice that’s just that’s holiday spirit on Bo no no why can’t worlds is a different server it’s still going on but it’s

Close the door having So Many Colors be my thing it’s just why can’t you run I don’t know it’s border worlds is the plot one this is the one that I don’t care about you run now yeah yeah where’s the boat let’s go I need help inside I need the help getting

The inside of this to be super cozy Mr Penis we need um lanterns Mr Penis joined my chat and retracted a message what everything that’s classic right there look at look at this oh my God I hate YouTube Studio I can hear everything are that’s good that means

You have ears your ears like the bad way if I can’t have my pink shotgun I’ll just have my pink car instead I can hear driving right now oh is someone driving again while in the call uh I am currently oh really no damn you’d know if I was driving cuz

You’d hear I chist that would be crazy if somebody was like just driving on yeah imagine that snake Merry Christmas that would be holding their phone waving it around while they’re driving down the street that would be crazy sounds stupid honestly why would somebody do that giving everyone anxiety

Yeah May is this your base or is this mine no I’m putting flowers around my M this mending punch oh my goodness I’m about to get killed no don’t die I will be sad did lus Tech tips give me any tip oh it’s still want youo I

Want thanks I’m going inside yep oh all I want for Christmas is a little bit of tip that’s what I’m saying another one another little hoe oh it’s a ho ho ho Merry Christmas ho ho ho damn right can you run I’m trying ho ho ho what I want for

Christmas is a new mouse wheelie all I for Christmas how much is it how much is it tell me it’s you oh that was it was a joke Mouse really exists for this version yeah it does I’ll ball in the middle you know one of them balls in the middle Mingo come to

My base we’re going to take a somebody said all right BR this is this does look like your type of thing yeah all right I’m make my way downtown I need I need help decorating the inside of this place making it super cozy oh I can make things cozy let me tell

Okay let it snow let it snow let it can people bring cozy in show signs of stop can I ship conf to do we have the chest around here why did you um yes I think it’s there why is there a creeper I didn’t

See I’m put oh man way back in the mind that’s not a [ __ ] game I played that had this had it was like a it was like a like a joj bizar adventure game it had it had this really rare like power called the the

Creeper it was really it was cool oh man disgusting oh my goodness actually really nice from they flooding to tonight I don’t know they just keep coming and they don’t stop coming usually yeah usually they come from stream yeah they usually come from my stream stop they’re definitely coming

From yours cuz I remove the IP from my thing oh why yeah I don’t put the IP on my thing as well scared you got scared why I don’t put the IP my channel as well in my description I just don’t use it for like anything I just because I would do that

Thanks Channel I figured out how to dox people a few days ago congratul it’s concerning after I literally just gave you my address no no I’m not going to get no I’m not GNA dox you with all people yay I’m so excited for this screenshot I do why this is

Gonna be we need like a good background for the screenshot I think we could all sit down like on here or something or we could it could be something so special and cool I’m sorry out of all people why would I dox you I don’t know I gave you

The address you just said you figured out how to do people just like the place y look at look at the Sandstone thank you yeah I’m working on um a skyscraper of just food uh similar to karmas and the eclipse the sugar canes I’m a f i need

That yes that totally exists still infinite gun infinite ammo would you rather have Guns Unlimited games oh my how many times have heard this before mining away yeah I think my playlist is ended I think oh yeah we’re not even listening to Christmas music anymore okay everything um hey we got Z Mingo

Karma oh my God press tab how are we going to get everybody over here CHR magic you guys are on my shoulder right now I got a helmet I’ll take that you know how um how are we going to get lonus emerald actually Emerald should get his you guys are on

My shoulder right now it better be do we want to just do like a TPA TP a at some point with everybody permission Christmas magic cuz that’ll be crazy to try to get everybody over oh boy hold on seeing God what type of gun do I have oh

They dead now this is not no AK-47 I just exploded a van with bullets send the send the Discord invite if you haven’t already uh I think I want to get rid of this I’ll be back yeah um okay I got some clay for like bricks where is the Freaking oh Cindy I’m just now seeing your message what’s your favorite wrestling move min’s the standing cradle actually know the Banana Split I can’t sit down on these damn oh I need to add that sit mod why are we going so low to the water um here trying to then um can you

Get me this I have a emerald I have a cat there’s so many people here damn it’s flooding I guess I need perfect I’m going to get some I’m going to get some bookshelves that might make this place Co do you need food it’s okay baby Minecraft couch it is finally almost

Over the night the night is finally almost over trap that is how long the night come here give what is the night field so long than the day because it is yeah damn day night cycle lasts an hour it’s Kip I trust you take these

Book the sun is rising the sun is rising that hurts who did this this is so beautiful why what oh my God I’m really proud of this arm this looks really who hurt me what do you mean like an hour long oh it’s just super it’s just super annoying having

The having it constantly be day night day night day night yeah so each is it’s actually day an hour oh what’s happened or is it like day is like 30 minutes so it’s 30 minutes per night is like no night is like 20 minutes and then it’s like Dawn and dusk for 5

Minutes oh I see but it means that you won’t have to be constantly sleeping if you’re actually trying to skip not my house being the equivalent of vanilla and like [ __ ] strawberry what is cheesecloth stop I need is like dark oak wood I can is that your house I thought that

Was your farm it is my farm I just like are you going to put your house on top of your farm that would be cute no actually no no space efficient maybe I know oh there’s anend oh the sugar farm is full this place is an Enderman

Farm I love this place yeah how are they all spawning I don’t know yeah I don’t know how they are spawning here any want to kill it for the Pearl yeah I’ve been killing them for the Pearl I have like a bunch of it now I’m going to get some like a crazy

Amount know I want this to be how many pears have you got um I think I have like is that pumpkin wait let me check way get out your way I think I got 16 somewhere then I di now it’s gone 16 17 thow me a cactus in left hello I

Know where you live put it in the pot put it in one of the for every 16 ender pearls that you get I want two what the mine are is this taxation tax yeah it’s just taxes is this taxes well I could have said more I assume we want to go to the

End correct government well I just want Ender Pearls too I yes okay fine but I still want I want taxes oh my God why this is the exact reason everyone leaves your kingdom mine are trying to establish roleplay on the nonr playay server I know for real yes I have

Definitely not been doing that yes I am definitely I’ll let you speaking of role play uh when oh sorry oh I love we are we our deadline to complete that map is in March of 2024 right oh I disced whoops year oh sorry no uh October October

October oh my God why did I do that so we’re going to we’re going to be finishing spooky time all right does anyone want like a cat as a pet like this a real life cat are you talking about I am not talking about cat sneak that’s not what’s happening what if we

What if we finish the city early are you talking about [ __ ] and we could start filming earlier does anyone want a cat before sneak goes and Merks it I’m not killing cats this world I have K look listen don’t tell me it’s my cat it’s

Not it’s a wild one I have killed two cats cat in this server and do you know how many I’ve seen dozens what the cats that I killed were instinctual and I have killed not killed so many I grabbed one underneath your farm so I found him and I wanted I am

Lost uh what are you currently doing no it’s a it’s a it’s a like one of the yellow ones um we’re about to take a screenshot together trying to set that there’s a bunch of uh flowers inside the chest right out here I will be out of the the screenshot the

Kitty yeah I don’t have a I don’t have book yeah we can’t I mean we can technically copy paste you in there but it’ be after am I where’s the Ender Chest now it’s in the corner the house here love it love it I love this place wait that’s amazing K

Actually wait I could put like glass blocks behind it so that way nothing will fall out like a baby why I’m glad we had the same [ __ ] idea oh my God I love that breaking with the shovel this is where we’ll be in the picture yep no you got to keep the

Middle one out this I come back to what is this h shenan again I love this I love this love this it’s perfect it’s gorgeous what building it’s gorgeous what buildings do we need to build in winterfall like what are the buildings oh God there’s a lot of different

Buildings we need to build walking in a winter wonderland like a whole list you know I’m not going to stand here I’m pretty sure we’re taking up a lot of space Karma no we’re not what’s in here somebody’s going to have to stand beside each of

Us and then you can and then the other people can shift I don’t see there’s more flower pots for you I don’t know if you need more uh I don’t really have any flowers so please we we need a uh we need to build a pub right in winterfall yeah like like

A like a like a like a like a bar yeah okay he move over a little bit epic this is perfect this going to be perfect I want the spider eye can’t believe no one took up my offer is everything is everything done is everything cozy hang on there’s a boat I

Don’t know if the boat’s supposed to be there it’s fine this isn’t like a family portrait that we’re trying to take super seriously are we going to do a silly picture and a normal one thank you that Sugar I’m just here I’m vibing oh Birch saplings here I come here I

Come oh and that’s fighting in the boat this going to be perfect who’s taking the screenshot I mean everybody can that is true I I have a visual of karma that’s it and mingo’s face why don’t you just F5 bro or whatever button you have oh quick bro holy [ __ ]

Kip you’re in my face I’m sorry oh I killed him I killed him very good screenshot spot what was that hiding behind you he’s dead I have mine are we waiting for anybody I don’t think so oh okay I’m going to close the door n I’m in the [ __ ] vents bro this is

Glorious Karma has been in the has been in VC ever since she woke up yeah you don’t have to call me out you woke up joined VC and just stayed I yeah that’s what I do every day anyway I’m done uh can I leave got 40 different I took like 45

Screenshots I took a few I assume some of you got some better ones oh I’m not used to quick bro holy [ __ ] how do you how do you how do you how do you see nor app oh this activates all wait what you playing Quake Pro yeah exactly

Ever yeah ever since you talk about like the fact that you can’t see like people that are like to the side of you I’ve been like well guess I’m getting used to Quake Pro this there’s a calico cat in the chicken pen yeah they’re everywhere yeah I started excuse me I started playing

Fortnite the other day and not Quake Pro not Quake Pro and I got it’s it’s it’s it’s taking a lot of getting used to do you use view bobbing no yeah hey Legend boys I hate view booing wait actually maybe that’s fair wait I think do when you run it like changes the

Thing yeah changes the height when you walk it change oh yeah I think I do but I’m used to it cuz so annoying to me with it it feels weird like I’m gliding it doesn’t feel like you’re running yeah when you when you like go faster

When your view changes it makes it look it feels more natural but then when you’re like it’s the same all the time you don’t feel like you’re running and hello Legend boys I don’t know if I said that I’m walking but walking faster I don’t like it I’m walking but faster yes

Give me that water mebe speed yes speed this is really cute oh are you going to have half pumpkin half melon uh yeah and then I’m going to do on every floor pumpkins and melons on each floor and then I’m going to change all this to be like wheat and I’ll do a

Layer of pump or potatoes and then I’ll do a layer of carrots do you need melons which I don’t have any of I need melons and I think I need carrots I can give you some of my melons all right want increased cardio how does one do

That I’m sorry I don’t think he’s into that damn how do you how does one increase your um you uh you run faster yeah M you just run you run that yes you run you so the more I run the more energy I’ll have to run more yeah or do just

Yes that’s how that works it’s like mcmmo if you’ve ever played a server with that I’ve never heard of that mcf I know yeah I know spe first time I’ve ever heard that word ever well word I mean kind of what isation yeah yeah what do it a word it’s

It’s I don’t [ __ ] know I think I need to uh I need to I think I need to uh do treadmills more do you remember Treads go biking biking is good I love biking when I go to the gym I don’t really use tread meals all that Bing is

Great biking is St great when I go to the gym I great I said great okay yeah great I thought so oh my God I’m leaving ice cubes throughout this ocean it’ll it’ll freeze up so much quicker now can I make it home like this all right wish me

Lu I don’t know where to shove a staircase but yes uh thank you for the Intel I need that trash absolute garbage yeah cycling so much fun or you could just do like a quick little cardio workout those I like cycling until the freaking it’s uphill

Oh I love uphill actually it hurts so bad I it I love it until when I get really up there it was fun at first and then when I get up I just start hyper for ventilating oh my lungs will just go like running up here is

Fun I like it when you get and you just don’t stop oh your body imagine if you have music I get that with biking I get that with biking and then I also get to see like amazing views and like such cool places and biker high when I go to the gym

I don’t do cardio I just go to the freeway I find that music the freeway music is good for when you’re struggling quick question yeah I just got prop four for 15 emeralds oh that’s good keep it cool I need paper uh sugarcan could I ask for what the freak

Why is they don’t tend to lose their profession super easily you should be fine wait how much sugar how much paper do you need yes all the sugar over suar sugar that’s oh my God this looks sick what the fre mask is sorry this is are

You in the F that wasn’t what I was quoting are you in the farm zad I was about I was about to quote what uh what yeah no don’t say that on stream please yeah what St me all right I got nine melons for you mines Yi thank you I want

To little sister oh oh once it’s not mine my God whose little sister is this because if it’s someone child no if it’s someone I know little sister I’m going to absolutely stop abely what stop talking I hate little children I hate them and they hate you don’t worry yeah I know they

Hate me that’s why I hate them that’s nice I just want to get Unbreaking 3 can I get that please hey um where should I put a staircase or something to get uper outside of the uh there’s a villager outside of the thing oh my goodness oh they’re so happy look at them

Careful what do you mean what’s wrong with it he’s they’re shouldn’t have been a way for him to get honestly it’s easier to breed more than to just get it back inside you could either just kill it or something yes I did what the [ __ ] is wrong with you make

Him a farmer I want to make him a farmer yeah he has a cleric profession but I want to make him a farmer and then put him in my f his job okay you don’t you don’t need you don’t you’ll have freedom until he dies and then he’ll die and

That’ll be it wrong with you no I mean he can be a farmer he’s a living breathing person look at him he’s doing he live and Bre my work oh my God you’re actually oh my God is there literally another Elder Guardian in this Temple I

Thought I got them all there’s three I know I I got two of them now but I literally checked the whole Temple and I haven’t seen it and then I trade with the man for one Emerald which keeps his profession I get six bread out of it and

Then I put him in the farm and then we live a wonderful life you’re making him a slave just because he looks different than you B that is not face not face not face not face not face a big nose long head [ __ ] his arms he’s got to have

Like no arms that’s just that’s just like a little thing little curve what are you talking about what are what are the words coming out of your [ __ ] mouth right now no curves no curves no games unlimited games but no games oh my god oh I have a

Gift for you would you rather have curves unlimited curves but no curas I hate this what what was that oh my God you’re like that one the one Pond the lady in the pond do you agree that I am Batman oh my gosh no car is Batman oh yeah car is Batman

Sorry no car’s Batman then I’m Batwoman you know what all right yeah you can have that I’m Bak what I just got frost Walker for 30 emeralds I mean I literally only need one Frost Walker B so that pains me I’m just going to roll I’m spread the

Christmas oh my go spread the Christmas beer cheer beer I didn’t know it could be oh beer the ice is there beer anywhere the ice from the dark oak is about to connect with the ice from the Mushroom Island yay yay no I don’t drink uhuh not yet not not

Yet knowing knowing me for long enough will get you to drink yeah honestly playing on these servers I’m surprised you don’t drink yet beer sneak you’ve given me trauma that I can never I can never help rep I’m sorry do you need a hug yeah okay okay yeah thank you

Yeah I got frost Walker 2 for 32 emeralds please I need someone finally accepted my hug I would always the last time you tried giving me a hug you did something I forgot what you did Lally the first the first time I ever saw you sneak I gave you a hug what

Do you mean yeah and then you got me addicted to hugs how do you feel sorry I told I give good hugs wait was that met IRL that would be after you got you met you met SN first I want to hug that is that why I didn’t

Get a hug or did I just not ask I feel like you did get a hug wait you you me IRL did you yes we have remember we met next you and I saw together you you two oh my goodness oh Karma no I haven’t met Karma I yet

No M haven’t met but I have I’ve literally met up with you twice and I think you’re the only person online that I’ve ever met really same yes say Okay Karma you need to come up to New York no I’m not coming back to NE

It was awful I got Co I got Co last time I went bro well I can’t go to Florida anymore may you went to you live in New York what do you mean what did you do I’m banned from there I’m trans uh you’ll be

Fine you’ll be fine if you come to my city wait oh yeah Jackson okay no that’s is it just for Trans or is it for are why would trans Flor can suck ass bro supposed to you’re not supposed to go to Florida if you’re trans and it’s

Probably not a good idea idea if you’re gay as well but yeah even though literally everyone I know is gay or TR but I mean like Jacksonville is one of the fastest growing cities yeah exactly I think like in the country I’m so I don’t even know where

They’re going to grow to I don’t even know where they’re going to grow to um well we’ve already taken out we’re already just do ball so I think I think I think um hopefully we take over Miami next oh please don’t take over over Miami the hell hello Miami is horrible

Miami needs helpi who came into my base and just ruined everything hello where’s my chest wait use The Ledger command I’ll I’ll ban the people and roll it back the fudge and they broke my bed too you trying to kill me can I teleport to you

Yeah my chest where is it it’s gone it was right here it’s gone I can’t believe lonus Tech tips would would be banable oh wait why does this always happen with the people fast I wonder if it’s like the same person coming back got to be maybe um I could IP ban

But it’s not also Merry Christmas I think it shows the IP when you ban them I think we literally figure that out well it shows the IP when they join the server I just need to log onto the server console hello friend who who left um has dragman sitting in that call all

By himself this entire okay okay Fang Fang’s okay Fang’s with him now okay good I saw him in there earlier and he was just there all alone and I was like well I you know wait M Zs H you live in the state right like the outskirts I live not in the

Outskirts of the state I live in the heart heart okay just not the city yes not New York City I know yeah I know someone I know someone in here lives in New York City I think right anybody in New York City I I’ll put that one oh uho want thank you

Thank you Santa you’re able to use that command in the future to check who broke things someone in here lived in New York City super easy to just roll the stuff backr jungle write down yeah then you can just tell me or tell I I I forgot I was a moderator

You’re a mod bro oh do you want mod I trust you okay thanks I can do my moderator job again yeah I’m back I can never leave send me the IP to the server at someone I’m oh yeah it’s my Discord description I did I did leave you know

My nose is bleeding uh oh I wasn’t planning on coming back and then you were like hey I made to season 7 I was like fine I didn’t mention it to you cuz I you said that so oh God to be fair I also told M I

Wasn’t going to join and then I was like I told you anyway you don’t have to be super active if you don’t want to of course yeah but you’re always welcome yes oh my goodness IP Banning lus Tech tips lus Tech tips would know how to get past the regular Minecraft band so

Extra shut the [ __ ] why are you being so mean to me why is the Ser hello okay that wasn’t just me okay cool is it is it still lagging yes water is not watering oh I can tell you the exact moment it comes back when my leg when my leg turn drops there’s

A grass oh No oh oh hot damn oh it’s cuz I clicked on the server console God damn it it’s back it’s back it’s back you good okay we only got I had to press the it’s still doing it okay oh Merry Christmas animations it’s back Z Merry Christmas try restarted game and launcher

[ __ ] Merry Christmas every time you touch that [ __ ] console it’s awful I forgot that was a problem everything’s coming back to me I know I don’t know why it’s crazy blow you up so you need I rolled mending like twice please give me Unbreaking three why do I only have

41,000 you still need the invite right yes ah yes that’s really dumb that’s stupid that’s stupid as [ __ ] but all right where are you um uh my pfp changed it’s now like blackish why is your pfp blackish oh there it I Chang it to anything okay now I need to find that in

My list of servers uh sneak servers where is it the sneak there it is oh I thought I need Oh I thought it was the other one oh no yeah it is one thank you let me just ah hi I’m back unfortunately wait time to go mining

Site do you create uh both of those I guess would you like to access the archives always acknowled p everybody everybody everybody is um getting the member of the archives role because it just sounds too cooles hello and it’s just like so return from my laptop crashing and everything

Freezing a Zen in a what is a Zen In A Box moment what is a Zen In A Box moment yeah every ever since I’ve gotten here I heard that who said Zen Zen Box moment who said Zen Box moment who bulling in the Box oh it’s Kip yeah never mind we can’t

Do anything me yes we can’t help you if Kips bullying you Kips allowed to bully everyone I’m not I’m not bullying anyone I was I said a classic moment that’s it’s a good thing for the for the record um different IPS from the people with cool names oh sorry wait different IP

For no Endy and lonus Tech tips let’s see if it’s a different IP for lonus Tech tips and hea wine I’m so sad I’m so sad they had to get banned I’m not wait who has to get banned I guess I get to deal with people grieving my base

This season I guess I get to be the one I think everybody has to be honest no because I live at z00 sneak there’s like 100% chance people are going to come to my base oh fair oh yeah why I build the world of the Border it doesn’t save me all the

Time but it saves me a little bit of the time I’m getting really sick and tired of rolling literally every single other enchantment other than Unbreaking three I haven’t even seen an Unbreaking three and then I have to like see whether or not goodal price wait I recognize he’s IP that’s

Actually very close to me that’s uh ah oh my all right ominous I’m running yeah me too like spooky run actually now I need to look at the location of their IP cuz that’s crazy coincidence that’s horrifying IP on stream I’m not I’m not that’s a I’m not accidentally shows

IP try not to show people’s IP on stream challenge impossible that’s crazy you click the stupid thing again oh sorry oh there we go thank you I swear to God well this is the Border I am not no no no sneak crab sneak CRA not border worlds a border World

Sneak I swear to God what woman Club on a fifth server what [ __ ] me yes what’s Why didn’t it get blocks no I just broke all of those the Ser my fine you know what yeah why did you say I was cheating on you earlier what you said that I was Chea I don’t remember this is how like pretty much all my streams have been except less of them grief usually I said something to you said so you’re cheating on both yeah usually less of them grief yeah don’t worry about that usually like n none of them have been griefing recently but

Until today so I guess inside yeah you’re not shoting at either of us you’re dating either of us well no it’s me they join they see my things they they can’t deal with a furry in the server F yeah for there’s like three in this chat at least you’re also

One three or four it’s m Mingo and me at the very Least Among Us Among Us am I just not allowed to say Among Us bummmm no parking when snow is above 2 in Towing Zone hey the Box the Box thanks I can use the game rule to make it wait I didn’t I don’t I can’t hear

You do you want to see my Among Us costume sounds resty very gentle that Among Us costume it’s going to be a travesty damn it’s going to be very hot in Among Us costume yes I know I’m about to give up with this Unbreaking I I’m kind of popping off

Um I think I have a I don’t know never mind I’m not one to give up on villagers but like this is really like testing my patients right now can I can I try help there’s a mod I think it’s called really there’s a mod called I think like

Librarian trade finder or something I I found it it was find Librarians I saw that when I was looking for mods I’ve used it before I I got trade cycling um I don’t have it on the trade cycling is great but it’s you needed on the server and I

Didn’t yeah put on there okay yeah I wasn’t sure whether or not you had on the server this time cuz I knew you have you had it on um thanks for bringing me safely you’re welcome K why is my Minecraft still not loading what is going on the moment my axe breaks which

By the way it was at like full when I started was like oh my God and it’s almost broken I how many times have I how many times have I broken a ledger Le statistic I don’t know yet shut the [ __ ] 227 times oh wow 228 please I just need Unbreaking just

Give me I’m breaking three please oh my goodness I walked all the way over to your base mines and I forgot oh I’m sorry I put wait a second Zed in a box what terrible news yeah Zed the man 27 joined the game Z the man oh is there another Z

There’s another Zed you’re not the only one you now need to comp are we going start calling everyone you’re now going to have to compete for the if I kill them is that illegal I mean they did ask if fighting for fun was okay oh I see you have to fight for your

Title No as long as there’s no box in his or her name and he doesn’t start talking about boxes and stuff like that they said they were the best Zed they said best zen actually yeah well wait that’s what is maybe they misheard us maybe they misheard us maybe that’s what it

Does they love foxes so much uhoh all right they’re looking for a war they’re looking for a ban oh wait excuse me war I’m so confused why ice forms around the world border the barrier blocks no barrier blocks around this world border there’s no oh yeah know there is barri blocks

They’re killing me they’re [ __ ] murdering me’s killing you that’s actually really good to know also hor I know you’re able to like x-ray by yeah it’d be cool if they didn’t fcking murder me that’s not what I what they want I just need to be careful around

World borders now oh yeah they are chasing me in a boat I appreciate some help here I don’t know what they want can someone help who has yeah somebody help oh my go sorry I’m taking my meds even though the doctor said I’m not supposed to oh sorry my meds are too important

The doctor might have said I’m not supposed to take them anymore but I’ll take them I have done oh my God my axe broke and I still didn’t get it oh my God what axe type all right it’s war time all right get the war pain Karma all right come

On understand that was fast war never mind War’s over won again I’m sorry K I’ve created to the scoreboard yeah okay my Minecraft is so not responding what the freak no my doctor says I shouldn’t take the medication because they think that it’s making me dizzy and confused and honestly their reasoning is

Valid but like I’m not going to stop taking my titty pills even if I am dizy should you like stop taking bro they respawn why is are they breaking stuff oh my god did they take anything I was doing so well earlier literally I don’t care if the

Doctor says I’m not supposed to take them I’m what even if even if it means that it’s like exposing some kind of heart condition I don’t care I’ll be over there in a second please load loer you the man lost yeah shout out get a shout out what somebody just said

Shout out in my chat please why do they want a shout out I’ve got like four viewers I don’t have any chest no actually there’s one right there never mind but welcome to the chat Jay got shouted out I kind of need to go make sure my [ __ ] isn’t

Broken your villager out outou I am so confused from us Cara I can’t tell Vader yay I’ll be back cuz I need a [ __ ] yep lonely what do you mean cuz you’re lonely how do you want a shout out what is this what what are the implications of this shout

Out yeah what this water is okay welcome to the chat J J JC you’re going to be JC now JC in the building yeah it’s j in the house are you coming back here well the wood’s not normal can we just have can we just have World Peace please

For for once in our lives Z the man do you have any idea how much I’ve been through Z any idea I am so confused now there’s two Z’s I’m not not doing anything but I’m hearing no no no there’s there’s Z the man and then there’s there’s who oh see the Box

Wow this is great are you going to come get your stuff cuz I haven’t picked it up and I’ll despawn I love you I would love for you or something that’ be cool yeah Karma can you give them some food so they don’t murder me again that would be

Cool you’re waiting for Christmas and your laptop is running so out so ye yeah uh if you’re waiting for christm you got wait no maybe it’s they’re in a different time zone what’s your time zone are you are you PST are you Pacific they’re killing me over there oh they’re

Why are they starting that why are they killing people why are they killing people because literally was looking for food for them thought be Z Duo oh my God that’s so sad oh you just SC the [ __ ] Z want to walk with me um hey I’m like the least protected

Person probably we should probably help karma too once once this is done on me please you can only solo I thought we’ll be friends that’s all go uh I’m going to help Karma I just thought we’ll be friends we were having such a good timer

We were so it is Christmas why is this going on I was literally trying to make sure that the rest of my stuff and my chest wasn’t taken as well because I think some of it got taken oh go why are people like this can’t they just freaking enjoy a fun time your

Name was a bit misleading Z man I’ll me honest how old are these people I don’t they’re probably freaking children they probably are AC way I’m just going to like make a rule that’s like you you got to wait a day before you start causing any kind of

Problems all right I mean still doesn’t huh I don’t think that Chang anything yeah that doesn’t change anything I was literally just yelling for them causing problems I’m I’m still by I’m by the lava cast I think I got your stuff can I stop lagging what the freak

Is going on I was yelling for help cuz I was suffocating no one helped me wow I mean I couldn’t log in maybe it’s kind of hard to hear you when you have a [ __ ] Among Us costume my my voice fair enough up being up okay I can’t even I can’t even fight

With this lag I mean my thing is my frames were are dropping really low right now K I blame you what do you mean why did I just get booted from my boat why do you for everything yeah I got my stuff I’m coming back it’s your fault

I’m probably going to get I literally almost di so it said that lonus had broken my chest and I am missing like a chest full of [ __ ] so I don’t know if it actually what the heck why is everyone just freaking fine I actually move my stuff somewhere I didn’t really want May

Advertising this is like an anarchy server is that I don’t think I am no oh she never does that actually there was once but it was literally once and it was like years ago different server it was like years ago uh where’s everyone actually Cara where are you fixing almost back at my

House I’m in my Minds oh God ring away so is he is z the man the man in the mushroom I don’t know I don’t know where is he is I don’t know if he took my stuff either no oh can you not take his stuff take her stuff please where are you

Karma that’s just so mean my entrance okay got your stuff a this is just getting sad now what the freak it’s Christmas dude what the freak are you doing see may this is where where the this is where the netherite armor would have come in handy yeah Fair we got the netherite upgrades

Though if there’s a netherite upgrade somewhere please summon in my freaking hands right now and I will not sleep grinding netherite please I just got a message oh my gosh nice a letter just got a letter blue is that blue oh my God I didn’t expect to hear Blues Clues

Today I swear to God if I drown I would that Emerald hey at least we got one good person yeah I’m missing like a chest worth of [ __ ] cuz both of them were full I was so nice to people why are they being [ __ ] I hate

This is it thundering outside oh this is a z The Man classic right here this is see the man Classic this is I you’re a thunderstorm oh my God better soon yeah that’s all I can say man what am I going to say I can’t do

Anything like I want to try at least grab Karma stuff but my FPS are dropping so low what’s that a nabber that I can I don’t think I can even PvP with this in this situation I can’t I know the moment that they come over here I’m yeah I

Definitely can’t I can’t even PvP with this how does getting in an ID how does that work which ID like a uh an ID what are you doing walking around what kind of ID National one it is so hard to hear you a state ID a driver’s license sort of a national a

Student what which one like an ID that shows you who you are shows who you are like when cops ask for ID that’s I should get I should get like a bot for the server that’s like I need food and it’ll automatically respond with to get

Food you can simply build a wheat farm this is one of the easiest ways to get food is that you sneak yeah yeah I’m just trying to get some um I think they’re disappearing at some point cuz I don’t know it’s supposed to disappear cuz then if it

Disappears then it can form Natural Ice which won’t ever disappear ever you know what I can like if you’re going to log out if you’re going to log out by the way can can you leave your Frost Walker boots and I’ll try he anything you just said cuz having the having the frost

Walker will put like a few ice cubes in the ocean that’ll allow ice to be built off of so that’s why and yeah uh honestly I think it’s the what were you going to say oh it’s fine wait why is now I can give you right now is karma

Fine now they are chilling they are vibing Karma are you good now I think they’re scheming more likely where theying at I’m still worried that I lost an entire chest worth of [ __ ] I can’t tell what [ __ ] what [ __ ] didn’t you have an enchanted golden apple did you put

That in like an ender chest or something yeah I put it in my e chest I have like everything important in my e chest but like I am missing an entire chest worth of [ __ ] where is it this chest the it’ll be one of these three it should be this

One that should have had a lot of stuff damn we took a oh thank God thank you for killing that um oh they’re they’re killing me they are PVP where are you guys are you guys in the Mushroom Island Z look I’m going to try but lagging yeah Z wait

24 hours if you’re going to cause if you’re going to start killing people cuz otherwise it’s just I’m not new here are you talking about the different z z Oh okay which one which Z wait which one which one not new one who started it okay then you won I think

You you know what I don’t like people like this the first thing they do is just start killing they just came here to snake they’re not even like here to like meet new people and like have fun they’re just like look go to a PVP server you goddamn idiot play

Survival AAC play a PVP server there’s a server called Hypixel there’s survival games there’s Hunger Games there’s a lot of PVP stuff if you’re not good then get good get dude don’t bully people from a survival freaking server boo Merry [ __ ] Christmas [ __ ] Merry Christmas iron iron Ora uh uh uh I love

People oh yeah there’s so many farms hey Emerald that didn’t work at all the only good person that I’ve met today that is new oh no yes I want deep or iron oh my God hi wait I’m lagging why is my FPS dropping I am so sad good okay

Yes yes please let’s get some chests friends reunited I’m losing my city again I was so calm and collected and so happy earlier now I’m just losing my [ __ ] again great you want gold as well I need I need silk touch I can’t grab this with

Just this diamond uh pickaxe I need Sil touch what are you trying to grab uh uh gold and iron deep slate or [ __ ] what is happening why is it why is my FPS so low was trying to get me oh you are trapped in that that’s oh

God I guess I’m kill him with my pickax what I’m getting stick drift it’s happening you have any idea what it’s happening any idea what could have been lost hey why do I have a feeling that this person is just here to grief it was an entire chest full of random [ __ ]

I there’s not a chance I can know I can oh sorry didn’t if you no anything’s missing that should be there just like the only thing important I think of is like a little bit of iron yeah no in a Minecraft chat all right you just turned into a drowned nice had this

Controller for on two months yo sunflower wispy is here no M who is it Kip huh who is it the man it is 13 yeah I think something’s wrong with my car he’s not even turning the wheel oh God hold on got to cover this thing up

Before I see God hold up whoa okay if one thing that I learned from that is that he’s definitely not the better Z here that was an easy win I’m so upset what the [ __ ] happened here oh you know what I’m going to make myself happy can

I yeah I had two can ones so yeah I’m pretty sure that’s the only thing you know what I’m going to make everyone happy you know what I’m just going to cope through the pain and just slash happy I don’t haveck oh come on now I’m so

Happy [ __ ] this [ __ ] thank you all right wait is this my yellow one do I my yellow I don’t care if you see anything I didn’t do anything if you see anything something happened it’s crazy yeah I don’t yeah no nothing happened I don’t know what you’re talking about

Okay so nothing exactly hey karma karma I have for you does anyone have a silk pickaxe I can borrow for a quick shovel I have a silk pickaxe where are you I’m in a mine hold on I gotta get out and you know what I’m gonna relog just a

Sec okay oh my gosh everything is armor off as a sign of Tak advantage of it kills me out of nowhere pretty silly you take your armor off oh I just leaked my next video no I look a lot more stylish great I just laked my next video

Let’s go oh my goodness it’s okay I’m fine I’m fine you know the server is really starting to feel like uh what did you say karma it’s Christmas today where’s the Christmas you say something somebody say something I don’t know Christmas yeah I think we lost the

Bows you lost the what I think we lost the bows on like I know there’s still the stuff in your fishing chest but see there’s two basically everything that was in that main chest just got [ __ ] and I don’t I don’t know you know this server really feels like a sneak Craft

Server right now it really does in all the best ways I’m sure yep mhm yeah uhhuh okay have I’m just going to take my cop I’m just gonna wait okay I’m Sur I was really hoping to have a hey guys I’m going to come back to my house and if my

House is gri I will be fine you’re hoping to have a what I will build another one I was trying to have like a house on top since I always build underground but I guess that ain’t going to happen yeah honestly you just need to defend it whenever I’m live cuz it’s always

Whenever I’m live that’s when everybody starts joining no that’s when everyone starts to like Farm attention through freaking being annoying as heck oh yeah is that why they do that’s how they Farm yeah attention look at me I’m become popular I don’t know as well but there’s this

One time where Logan was online when he saw that oh snake isn’t here or something like that just freaking left he didn’t even start going for me even though we had a beef like minutes ago yeah so yeah they were obviously yeah they weren’t I thought I was an

Attention then I met these people that join what is this box hug it makes my head so huge all I’m going go e okay bye m Sant Claus Merry Christmas everything but call this night yeah I hope you get try and get you that deep slate or was

Great this year lucky I was hey um hi Karma can you help me uh Hey guys fix this situation I’d say I’d love to but I really anyway oh also I’m missing two leads Snak cuz the camels got grounded literally thank you hello guys okay you’re op I trust you to just

Give yourself you know what that’s true I forget I’m oped I I’ve been playing for like hours without being oped so I don’t oh I’m going to who’s crying in the background I want to cry I hear crying in the background who was that are you okay do you need a hug

I need to give somebody a hug hello who was crying please do No Cry do No Cry No like actually who’s crying it sounds like someone on a TV can you can I can I ask you to make a fence for me is that in the box is somebody crying behind

You um it’s the television oh oh my God that’s so embarrassing I thought someone was actually crying holy [ __ ] that’s so embarrassing whoops what is it sorry spiders right okay okay crafting right there by the chest much rocket phobia that’s too much Rock phobia for some reason I’ve decided to

Lag good one game nice timing lagger really get is it fine here or should I move it no it’s fine it’s fine and I got him [ __ ] mushrooms again where are they go oh my goodness friends come back do you have for it uh no I don’t really need them I have

Wheat it’s like the third time I’ve gotten them in this [ __ ] hole bro imagine being younger than 17 imagine imagine imagine imagine not being illegal my God imagine wait aren’t you yes okay there SK oh God you’re right oh no May you’re going to like do some wacky

[ __ ] with the new new command I just already know it I already know it and it’s going to be awful and it’s going to make your servers a million times I want to see a giant spider please I want to see a big one with legs you’re going to kill me cuz it

Will be really cool and it will be like a horror movie or something like that F it’s going to look like Maze Runner I am going to see God if you add that it’ll be fun no I’m going to start moving some stuff underground that’s I guess I was in the

Right mindset when I did this down here yeah I again I wanted to like actually have a house this time instead of going underground but like I did too that’s why I made a fence around this place but you know what Karma you’re really you’re really you guys are just in the center

Of everything I know and I so and I never get z00 and I wanted 00 for like what if what if I I put like what if we built like a corner and I put the world spawn in the corner and then I also summoned a bunch of

Withers yeah you always have some caveat that makes no so that way it’s just is like a little bit tricky yeah it’s a little bit wacky that’s what it is a little bit wacky a little bit quirky I’m kidding yeah why is it free first

Why is it free is M why is it free the curse of binding nothing is free curse of binding nothing is free why is it free oh why is there a camel on the fence like that why is this camel separated from all de other camels I mean there’s a lot

Of there’s a lot of camels everywhere come with me I don’t mean to keep hitting the bed no way I am so sorry to my stream everything is lagging I don’t know why why today why now it’s Christmas why are you stressing me out like this oh yeah

Three dabs why is four dabs why are you stressing me Out why is everything stressing me out like this this is fun all right I’m hit off here the other again for real this here’s the other camel bye byebye all right bye I’m just going to I mean you could always have like a house and then just hide your stuff Granda that’s probably

What I’d recommend yeah to be honest I made a house I have now a tower to be honest the tower still has roof it’s just a tower still the problem with that is Sneak is that I hoard almost as bad as you yeah I I feel like do I clear okay I

Had this idea what if what if you built just like an incredibly repetitive like many people got together and built just an incredibly repetitive thing and it was just big really really big and you just walked through it and you’re like I don’t know where I am in this

Place oh I would actually be able to remember that why did you break but since since we’d be the ones that built it we’d know how to get around it but any new player would just be like unable to stream snipe and just like impossible to find I

Didn’t mean to especially if it was like underground and not burnable down underwear copper stuff where all my chick go R down to your underwear why do people keep I mean if they’re killing the chickens that’s Justified I’m trying to get eggs for cake eggs no well technically

It’s more like I want to get chicken it’s more like I want to get chicken and Feathers I’m so tired of people killing my [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] SI of it please just leave me alone I’m glad I can sympathize this is sad is please I’ve literally

Nothing is I have only given people stuff please I just this is so sad so what happened to no endd earlier baned car when I look at you right now in the situation that you’re in what you’re crying about I feel like the I feel like

The guy from the meme the guy from the meme yeah I get what you mean first time I I I I feel like I have the right to the right to to spew on about how how bad of a time and I can’t even like the problem

Is is that like my stuff is so like [ __ ] at this point that I like I don’t have a chance of like I just had to get myself lapis because all my lapis got deleted I am so incredibly happy these are my favorite blocks in the game look

At this oh my God that’s so cool still open the chest you can still open the chest it’s great we can just keep this here how long has M zarts been gone like oh my God I love the noise it makes I thought he was going sleepy yeah

He’s been gone for 10 minutes going oh can I what if we just like created an alliance against all the new people yes we should do that that’s like a type of thing to do okay oh my God and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing it’s

Just like it’s like an actual thing that people do on 22 people did new people join what are we going to do again sorry uh they’re going to uh Ally against you no the I lie against all the new people segregate no not not you pirate because

You haven’t done any issues oh my freaking God I me I’ll be going now guys sunflower whisper up in the server once again I thought you left I thought you were done but no no whis’s Bing back for like pure black I I I think your face was

Different last time now you’re just some shadowy Demon creature I don’t wait what what are you now were you just like a smiley face now you’re just monoton was a smile Stone faced unfortunately it’s curs of Vanishing but I mean diamond leggings are diamond leggings for right now

So oh you put in you put in the hours you put in the work God damn you got that grind set you got that fit on you holy [ __ ] you are sty I’m so glad we made up and that you’re not harassing me anymore please for the love of

God look sunflower wispy there’s been too much tonight please don’t there’s been I’ve been through a lot tonight okay you know this stream started so wholesome it was like so incredibly wholesome and it was beautiful I’m so stressed right now you see you changing for the better has caused you to look

Better too you’ve got You’ got that stylish fit yes you’re very stylish even though I can’t see you see not really wow I’m talking to chat people I know they’re watching stream sunflower whisper mhm is mine still streaming no but I am that’s where all the people come

From I’m the problem I’m the mother of these things D I don’t think you can claim responsibility for them though yes you can or she can my bad copper great chiseled copper you scare me yeah scares all of us when did he turn into like a clown and scaring me

Welcome I’m so glad there’s not voice mod yes this is what harassment can do to man I just start crying yeah you’ve been crying I mean legitimate crying I’m making a portal to the Copper Dimension oh I’m sling my arm side to side I am so close to just oh [ __ ] like

Can I do that can I make a portal EMD Emerald pirate you’re my favorite person now you’re my favorite new person okay new person I was about to say oh my God who is stealing my beacon who’s stealing my beacon I can come over here and somebody’s stealing my beacon hello hello

Hello really happy I’m sorry I’m sorry I mean it all right who still get my woman I didn’t mean it didn’t it must have been me Quon Quenton put it back what Quenton Spaceman still bit in my beacon wait what’s their name Quinton Spaceman Quinton Spaceman I

What’s Quinton Spaceman Quinton SP oh my that’s my name that freaked me out for a second oh that freaked me out you just said Quinton stop it that’s my name freaked me out oh my God where did Quenton even put my iron oh my God they just took it this

Odd this is very odd stop I’m Quinton if I was Quinton I’d be Quinton I’m not Quinton that’s how the song goes I’m I’m blue I’m not blue I’m Quinton that’s I’m Blue you’re the type of person that just lie about this and make us think that your

Name is Quinton it’s you can literally ask mes Arts my name is Quinton I bet your full name is Quinton Cindy mindes Arts my name my full name is Quinton Paul mcginness I’m very Irish I’m very right anaro look at my look at my look at my name it’s banaro Bo

Boon Gojo if you don’t I’m about to touch you inappropriately if you do that again no excuse me nope no no not this I’m talking to Gojo 673 wait no goju 673 actually he keeps touching me stops Minds can tolerate that kind of talk but I don’t know if anyone else can no

You’re you’re gonna have to tolerate it Quenton oh no I’m giving you I’m gonna give you one minute to put it back or else you’re getting banned oh this is a classic Sunfire wish Bowman oh yeah let me mess you back I don’t like how how that guy’s name is

Clinton it freaks me out yeah 10 11 my keyboard so oh my God 13 13 are you Banning quinon 17 if they don’t put it back in in a minute I don’t think quinton’s going to be putting anything back in a minute 24 that’s a shame 25 26 Quinton doesn’t

Seem seems like a very stubborn person who the [ __ ] is gor no the server’s been up for a month and there have been zero griefing incidents and then today there have been like 10 there have been 10 griefing incidents I think it’s my fa I still still be like feeling the holiday everyone

[ __ ] immediately trying to find you here oh they oh here we go you tried giving like everyone a Christmas present and then this is just what is happened I fished this up with my bear oh Quenton didn’t get a Christmas present my bear my bear Rod this is so sad Quenton

Didn’t get a Christmas present this year quinton’s just like me I didn’t get any I didn’t get anything Bing Quenton didn’t get a Christmas present here I’ve got a Christmas present for qu for Quenton I think I’ll pick five so I can make a mine cart and be really really happy I

Anything that’s amazing stop stop or not oh God oh maybe it’s a trade maybe I need to give you five copper five iron hello you good oh joyous Day praise be there we go I can make what is happening I can make Quenton got banned that mineart please stop what please why

Do people why do people complain so much about Minecraft updates there’s enough we have enough oh oh no oh no I’m bad I didn’t know Quinton got the chance to build anything their inventory was like I’m sorry I’m sorry no I wasn’t me wasn’t me copper

Wasn’t me it was not me you know it’s so weird so many people just don’t seem to know how to not get banned I don’t feel like the rules are that crazy the rules are like incredibly lenient too yeah on goodness get getting less lenient by the hour mhm make them more lenient

Then yeah I think that’s actually the real issue oh yeah sure wait what what are the rules wait there’s [Applause] rules that’s not what I wanted literally just like they’re in the Discord just don’t do anything that would get you banned yeah that question answers a lot of things on

Far yeah just don’t do anything that’ll get you banned you’re good exactly finally somebody caught on when I said oh thank God literally just don’t do anything stupid you’re good yeah exactly that’s literally all you need to know and also don’t use free cam and don’t use mini maps that will show the

Underground yes you can you can also ban yourself if you wanted to there’s no unbans on This Server so I wouldn’t recommend that there’s no unbans what do you mean by that well was that there there’s so many rules I’m surprised we’re not at like 34 at this point

Why really really soup really that well that’s rule six you can’t just okay I’m I I don’t want to think about anything I can’t Dash all right I’m running wasn’t me wasn’t me NOP no soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup soup

Soup this is what it’s devolved to isn’t it soup soup soup please soup soup soup please by the way Karma you’re free to use like my cactus farm or my bamboo Farm if you wish soup soup I’m sorry soup how do I make a power copper I don’t expect people to not

Steal from my fuing I believe it’s yep it’s not Stone the IP is in the description uh Aon don’t do anything stupid don’t be annoying don’t steal don’t grief I’ve banned so many people because they don’t seem to know that just just feel the holiday spirit come inside you that’s all I’m saying

Please don’t all over my women dude go you stop it I’m about to be pumped up I’m about to be pumped up mhm oh the copper Dimension is finished it is open for business let’s go what are the dimensions of it sorry I’m sorry did not mean it

Damn didn’t mean it wasn’t me just like I like my bad my bad my bad coer Dimension moment baby my bad my bad I’m sorry okay you want an apology we exit the CER Dimension sou I’m sorry I’m sorry soup soup soup soup no no no no don’t do it soup don’t soup

Don’t do it don’t do it soup do you happen to know what mines wanted the walls of Fort Rose to look like he mentioned not having slightest he mentioned not having enough Cobble or something so I’ve been mining Cobble Stone oh I mean cuz like field just kind of had

[ __ ] like walls so maybe he’s actually going to do something good this time only he needs crazy copper and Birch come on soup all he needs don’t do it I told you soup no not copper just Cobblestone okay I’m my I’m my mind hold you soup my mind craft you drained maybe

That’s what these people want they just want to drain my mind they’re all like vampires of the digital age I’ve got to wake up in five hours that’s too bad you got to stay on that’s you have to go to work on Christmas day no oh I had to go to work today

Yeah why do you have to wake up in 5 hours family family but luckily luckily it’ll just be for like an hour maybe an hour and a half cuz I don’t need to go to my grandparents for Christmas this year I’m going to kill myself oh yeah what happened to them

They dis s me yeah oh they disowned you that’s no honestly it’s got its benefits oh yeah I mean yeah you’re righted you yeah they even got me a gift this year surprisingly oh [ __ ] they got you a gift that’s weird it was a Bible highlighted

Transphobic no I’m just kidding it was a it was I was like it was a Bible highlighting every transphobic verse surprisingly they didn’t find any I mean there really aren’t any to be honest what is wrong with you why are you so gay why why this is where this is

Why people this is why people hate gay people because of you soup what the [ __ ] also you can’t say that on stream you can’t say that on stream what if you say that phrase it’s literally the reason mine’s got stried twice it’s only it’s only a strike he’ll

Be fine what do you mean nothing nothing the k word no here let me let me the H word I’ll say it again specifically the phrase yeah I know the one you can’t say yeah yeah so that’s why it’s like I’m going to could we just get like a real

Life mute button for Cindy I’ll be back saying those words a real life mute button oh there’s a there’s a lot of whaton nope nope you’re a child well no technically no no technically not you’re a child you’re a child for in two months I won’t be I’ll make the

Joke I’ll make the joke in two months make the joke in two months barely God barely legal huh God damn God damn it sneak you couldn’t go like you couldn’t go like two minutes without that that’s why you don’t mess with a cow I am the cow I the cow this guy

Sucks this guy is trash Oh my God [Applause] oh okay that was actually kind of smart hi I missed Wow okay I think I need turn my game down let’s yeah let’s turn the game down oh my goodness is that in a Box’s uh cool friend Coco Coco is my friend now too is is teaching me toog I probably butchered that pronunciation um the Filipino language Oh and at least in some contexts n is how you say like the N is how you say his or hers there just a bunch of Filipino people exactly yes no yeah okay I kind of love it I kind of love the language it’s very very very different from

English s right so there’s just a bunch of so there’s just a bunch of big Burly pH Filipino guys going me huh me exactly Karma you have the spirit listen No One lets me do it so I got to do it when I can why don’t people

Let you do it because are they just haters yes you are free to na on all of my streams actually fills me with a lot of Joy I think that’s the problem no that’s not a problem happiness happiness happiness is never an issue how does one know someone’s a

Furry how do you just know if someone’s a do that you don’t know actually usually furries will tell you if they’re a furry they’re very very open about it me personally I wouldn’t sell anyone why cuz I don’t want to get [ __ ] murdered sure I mean they can try I mean they can

Try but I’m friends with a lot of most of my friends are guys so I mean if they want to fight them also my best friend will literally kill people for me so like I’m just saying there’s not a chance in hell I’m not threatened well I’m sure there are some

People what if Eddie announc that they’re FES if conversation is Eddie Hall himself wants to kill you what is your best friend gonna do to Eddie Hall I mean like a hobby people like to talk about their hob strongest man in the world like by far okay I mean he can

Try Eddie I’m still going to be faster than himun can be Eddie H whenever exactly listen you may be strong but my gun’s stronger actually he has a lot of fat he can probably survive he’s mostly fat I have really good aim a gun yeah

Actually I mean we are on you need to practice I’m in the South I know it’s kind of like required sorry you’re born and you could have got in your hands in the South don’t do it Bella I’m watching you Bella exactly I’m gonna I’m going to do so I

Missed you missed and and a fire and I miss really I shoot my shot and I miss and I fire and I miss where’d he go play a lot of Worlds that because this prac Border Lands border yeah yeah Sorry that way I’ve got really good at killing people with bows yeah in game you should play fortnite yipp I unfortunately I have vowed that I will never play fortnite a I need to find somebody to play with I’m too good for everybody oh really I mean you would kick my ass

Though it’s not really a One V one kind of thing I just need a teammate I still need to play fortnite with you yeah yeah Kip I literally downloaded it while I was in call with you and you didn’t want to play you’re going to fight me wasn’t

I going to bed weren you going to bed we were both going to bed but like I still feel betray so I had a final to do the next day okay skibby toilet TV man person okay what hey okay no more potty talk skibby toilet stop talking about

Potties may I just squared my circle block that’s not possible budy oh boy it is dumb you may not do that too bad it is I just ate it you may not I just did oh my God what jokes am I allowed to make nothing about n honestly from

Your none of the ones that you’d want to make well I’ll make the jokes when you’re not streaming okay you’re not streaming I’ll make the jokes all all I want okay okay let’s not make the ones that will just strike the strike the stream completely I’ll just get you

Banned immediately even if even if I even if you’re not streaming even if nobody’s streaming because that just shouldn’t be in your vocabulary my VOC you know what it shouldn’t be in your vocabulary your face your name a dock shouldn’t be in your vocabulary what shouldn’t dock gawk what is wrong with my

Gawk weirdly sh weirdly shaped is that so yes I know from experience it’s very normally shaped proof what you speaking no I had to I’m sorry I’m confused huh what happened Karma you know what the gawk is right I don’t a gawk is a girl [ __ ] yeah oh I have both

What how do you have both wouldn’t you like to know othera boy what did you just call me an emo boy I don’t I called you a weather boy a weather boy how did you mistake weather for emo are you one of them poly amoris

Is no also you are what not Amorous what you talking about you want of them uh them epidex or osexual or whatever it is osexual EpiPen yeah you have one of them penis and vaginas at the same time you got one of them what you got one of them I wish you

Do not wish you wanted that neither are functionable neither okay I’m fine with that so you’re fine with not having a gender Yes actually okay then go do that no I haven’t yeah know you’re one of the osexual I guarantee it one of them FR s mhm yep what are you trying to

Say people without genders are so cool I know especially the ones especially the ones that allow you to use any of the pronouns cuz then you could just use all of them and that’s I mean that’s kind of what I am I don’t I can literally be called anything I can

Use all of them on you yes call you a he sneak can I call you Daddy and Mommy okay yeah I guess it’s kind of [ __ ] weird but yeah I guess what the [ __ ] sne you called me you’ve called me the phrase carpet bomber what do you

What what I think that’s Skelly the bomber okay could have also been me yeah that would have been me couch Crasher mhm M my phone di no oh sunflower wispy if you can hear me on stream you get a Christmas present it can be whatever you want just don’t be too greedy

Can I get a Christmas present nope not on the server why the [ __ ] not you’re not on the server just like Karma said maybe I can give you a Christmas present this is why Karma’s opt I don’t have a computer you want to buy me a [Applause]

Computer sorry I saw an opportunity I needed to take it you should have asked Santa Claus for ask ask ask Mrs Claus and Santa how old is Santa Claus very like how old yes very I want I want a stack I bet it’s really wrinkly you want his

Sack yes did I hear that cor okay you want Santa Claus’s wrinkly sack yes I do please stop speaking okay I will you can ask for whatever you want you can ask for anything you wish for sunflower wispy and if it’s just too greedy I might have

To tell you that and if you’re still being greedy then you might be put on naughty list so just you think just think about all the things that you could possibly want and then pick something reasonable yeah just don’t ask for World Peace that’s too greedy it is way too greedy

You will get coal oh you even you didn’t even tell me it was greedy you just said oh let’s just try again here that’s what you get that’s what you get for you what do you mean I did it no that was Mrs Claus did a cop just s’s Santa’s

Busy right now flying around the world cop in my car there’s a cop open Santa Tracker oh my God where’s Santa there is a cop in my car I don’t have it on my phone I need to I need to get it isn’t it like the Norad one where’s s right now

Oh my God Santa Santa why are you in Alberta Canada why is he in why wait he’s in Canada right now y he’s pretty close to me where is Santa light oh this is a light Edition I need to know what the paid looks like sunflower wispy what do you want ask for

Something before I go to bed you’re going to bed soon yeah here go your BR Google Santa tracker let’s see where Santa is right now Canada he’s in Canada he’s approach cnit my house already wait did Santa visit my house Santa is in America right now what

Are you talking about Santa is not a cold blooded true American blood man he’s in he’s he’s he’s a foreigner from the North Pole he should not be let into this country he’s delivered seven billion gifts already 7even million thanks snake you’re welcome next stop Lawrence Kansas

USA immigration joke bro what when did I when when’s the last time there’s been an immigration joke other than this time [ __ ] you’re right I think I made what I think it was me I think I’m the problem I say it as a joke I say it purely as a

Joke I want to be clear I want to be clear I have no problem with people yeah the Southerner saying that immigration IM V part of the Confederacy I bet you voted for Ronda santis I’m sure that’s all the people get say in apologetic tone don’t they him so [ __ ] much bro

Cara you’re a part of the Confederacy that’s not what I said I get my PR the a no you’re a lot of things aren’t you I Amaro what what’s your husband what do you want for Christmas you’ve already given me something for Christmas no at sunflower

I’ve got the LGE of what a gaw is that’s that’s my present oh oh my goodness gracious I get karma are you in Spain without the ass so I’m in Spain without the a spin yes spin K what do you want for Christmas I’m I’m thinking here see you guys can’t

See me do the pose either it’s so sad you guys can’t see me do the [ __ ] cat POS sad I mean I could do a picture of it but like it won’t be the same can’t do it I give up it’s all about the motion hey is a structure void in like

An X for hang on structure void Minecraft Structure vo you are a structure void you’re vo X are you like a big user you are a void you hate everything and love nothing hate why would you why would you say that why would you call it

It’s Twitter it’s always Twitter oh formly known as Twitter yeah it’s no it’s just Twitter it’s just Twitter it’s just Twitter X formerly known as Twitter it’s Twitter X it’s X actually it’s not Twitter anymore no it’s still Twitter I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about Twitter I hard looking

For Twitter driving hor get me out of this car get me out of car yeah it it doesn’t make any sense but it’s PayPal your PayPal right now hey it’s snowy may give me your PayPal no it has my dead name on it oh that’s sad yeah change your name

Then I literally legally will change my name like after I decide for certain that I want to go with May so I’m probably going to I’m going to do it probably when I turn 21 may now that uh now that I’m I’m going to change my name when

I’ve turn 18 but I’m almost certain I want to have it as mave that’s fair yeah pretty is this it just works it just feels good what oh what nothing I found something oh yeah yeah I also did that yeah I don’t know how much is there cuz I haven’t checked

It in a while I can tell you DM oh yeah I I guess I I would change my name to something else I think I I have like something in mind for a cooler name but I have there’s no negative connotations okay well that’s good that’s including both though ah it

Works I was like oh what’s this what’s going on what’s this yeah oh well what’s this screams okay everything’s okay everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine everything I’m Spain without I’m in Spain without the yes what is happening anyway I forget what I was even going to

Say I so quiet for a second and I was just hearing the Minecraft music and I was like this is so pleasant this is so pleasant no I haven’t been in the ne bro it’s probably somewhere in the nether yeah oh yeah it’s in the nether yeah it’s in the nether yeah for

Sure listen it’s in the nether I have eight Shots Karma the path is like a bridge over The Lava 50 blocks away if if you if you’re serious about it why’ you why what did you mean by uh uh is it what I think it is I still think it’s what I think it is what is it here throw my

Soda what do you think it is think what is no he wouldn’t do that though cuz you’re too young what context am I missing uh don’t worry I’m also missing the context I’m just guessing oh a picture is that is it a picture from earlier no no no it was

Conversation did you ask for him to join Over relationship no CU I’m not dating anyone right now oh take a little bit of food what what are lagging or something but yeah see uh yeah that’s what we were talking about okay so I was right yeah I’m always see this is why see

Exactly he’s uh we at first I was like mildly joking but now I’m actually kind of serious and he seems not against it damn for God why can’t I be male for once in my life what seems not against what what’s going on it’s fine sneak can we can we switch why I

Know you want to date Min Arts you want to literally literally the only thing huh I mean mildly like the thing about being pan is that if you’re friends with someone for long enough you develop a crush on them and you can’t do anything about it yeah

That’s what happened to me and I’m going to be trying to do something about it cuz I don’t like that it’s actually awful it’s like the worst that it is a curse yeah but yeah welcome to the reason I gave him twoo mons to think about it is because uh I know

Relationships haven’t been treating him too well like recently so I’m I want him I want him to be very comfortable when I do ask I’m just saying Cindy if you do anything to [ __ ] hurt him I swear to God I’m gonna break your [ __ ] neck

Why would I do that I he’s my yours I know but like I’ve been betrayed by friends before multiple times not going to happen so promise I thought you were like half joking about that Cindy I’m not anymore not anymore fair enough yeah okay let me think I need this see

You were against it at first but now you’re kind of like you’re you’re not against it but you’re not with it at the same time I’m neutral it’s not my choice yeah it’s not my choice it is it never was from being honest it never was my choice Cindy yeah

It’s true but I will promise that if he does reject me I’m not going to not going to whine about it that’s not the type of person I am that’s just it’s not in the middle of nowhere so I know a lot of people uh in

Uh I know a lot of people who would like who just whine and whine about being rejected annoying as [ __ ] I’m not even excuse me [ __ ] I think I just lost all of my books Shut up uh I know I had a stack [ __ ] me if you get if you get rejected

You have to understand that the other person like doesn’t just doesn’t want to date you yeah and and like the fact that you into them was like just brought to their attention too so you’ve had like so much time to think about it it’s just like you gotta take their

Point of view that is another reason why I gave mines Art’s time of course hello hello hello hello hello hello met hello I’m glad I’m by not pay Christ PE it’s awful bro like I okay so I want to clarify it’s not everyone but God damn it’s the people I

Trust the most what happened same question on my suffering what’s going yeah like a s thing single block thick nether rack rdge super treacherous why I why do you have this open I have that open mhm I don’t know it’s just kind of been open I don’t know

Cuz I closed it so I would like closed it and then it was open again so I was like oh I have so much trash get back where’s the oh I need to yeah another reason I’m giving him two months is because my birthday in two months I see

Yeah I’m not gonna not going to ask him out weird put some thought into this should I do the should I do the federal investigation Bureau or Michael B or m b or M what urine I just hear the word urine just b or M just tell me which

One do you have any iron you could give me yep be or M I have four b b okay I have four inot bro I’m a bit bias since I am so poor tragic I need oh wait I actually might have iron never mind I forgot I turned a bunch of the

Nuggets N I think I just cut my tongue suon M’s chest there’s like 64 nuggets in one of the chests yeah and oh wait here I personally don’t think you should cut your tongue Cindy the soda tabs cut my tongue I like eating SS okay fun oh I knowy T

Soda I said I know a guy who eats thumb tacks I’m not eating a thumb tack oh it’s simar it’s in a simar vein eats them like swallows them I don’t know they’re very vague about it they’re very vague about everything they just Li all the

Time reminds me of someone why did he trade with someone who accepts beetro M I’m going to I’m going to injure him he tried a villager that sells beetroot bro you think you would why do you want to date M [ __ ] uh me yeah because I trust

Him wow welome to being pan I I I know I am pan welome being pan I’ve been pay for about a year it’s like f Country Now rookie numbers bit more than a year probably like two or three I’m panish rookie numbers [ __ ] panish you’re panish Spanish someone say

They’re Spanish I’m Irish Spanish it’s not I’m not Spanish it’s not true it’s the same where the oh it’s not the same y’all trying to fight me I’ll shoot you that’s I swear sneak if this becomes like a nervous tick I’m gonna hurt you I

Can’t I can’t have this an oo as my nervous stick from you I can’t I can’t I can’t deal with that wait do an oo oh my God holy [ __ ] why my ear hello W what’s good oh I’m fine but the thing is I’m freaking gay so this is just yeah this is

Fine it’s not meant to just like represent a face yeah is that in a box of course you’re gay you’re on the server thank you for being my background noise yes oh my oh my God my have fun I was I was I was on this server for so long that I

Eventually and I was just like claiming to be straight that I eventually just reached a breaking point where I just broke and became like trans and by all at once in a lesbian relationship hining the moment I realized I was uh pan uh was the moment that I gained a

Crush on one of my best friends rest in peace and I was like oh I’m not straight oh that’s a like it’s just like a switch gay don’t know why just happened that woke my virus somebody die I wish I believe that silly Billy would never lie Silly Billy would do not

I don’t have any Rockets I can’t they totally lie I want to trust people but actually wait I can wait actually it’s not worth it I was going to do for the joke but then I like three things got in my way and I don’t feel like dealing with

That my problem is I get crushes on anyone and everyone so easily now yeah I’m sorry for your loss so [ __ ] not I’m too I’m too jealous I’m too jealous and possessive for what I I missed like 15 seconds paie to be pully correction okay I wouldn’t I

Wouldn’t be against the idea problem is no so if you weren’t jealous and possessive you wouldn’t be against the idea ly kind of same for me I’m both of those but I’m still ply which is kind of dumb I would have okay the thing is is that I don’t know I

Would have to like the situation I would be in is that everyone had to be exclusive what do you mean like you couldn’t just like it would be very hard for me to have a poly relationship because like I’m very picky yeah so I need more levels and I literally ran to [ __ ]

Rockets I’ve liked like I’ve like I’ve liked 90% of the people in this server well Dam that sucks 0 the people that I’ve known damn that sucks for you I know it does I don’t like like most of them anymore but sucks for the 10% that you

Don’t that you hate oh look up FL one I’m not going to name who who the ones that I liked are though good yeah I know it’s not you Karma it’s not you oh that actually that does bring me Comfort good A lot of people had a crush on me very much

Everyone that has had a crush on me maybe not everyone they kites everyone but one person that’s at a crush on me I didn’t reciprocate everyone but yeah coughs violently it brings you comfort that I didn’t that I it brings you physical that I that I don’t like

You yes it’s nothing it’s nothing against you wow you hate me you hate me wow oh my goodness this is putting so many ice cubes in the ocean this is amazing Karma hates me I’m in genuine physical disarray right now no you aren’t stop playing physical disarray my body my body is falling

Apart literally nothing against you whatever it’s fine Karma this happens to the best of us my $50 I want a flashlight up my ass I successfully pinged that person in in Minecraft CH what happened oh yeah because it works now because of Discord new thingy yeah

Works I did not know how many G’s were in that person’s name answer is three oh my God they’re actually oh my God one G not enough two not enough three the best number of G’s T hairs Dream It’s all It looks like a name you would name Skelly on the server that does actually doll hairs no the that’s not what I meant Oh the silliest Billy no yeah I would not name this place is I would name him doll hairs though it’s kind of

Along the lines of um it kind of is I don’t like that bang bang boom boom what what yo end in a boat I can’t I can’t sing that I can’t sing that I can’t sing that I can’t sing I can’t I can’t I

Can’t sing it sing it sing it sing it no I have the [ __ ] I want you in my room you know I have that stuck in my head now air unit wooho what oh that’s tragic I like what happened so TR nothing happened they just left maybe they did they were concerned

That their stuff would get griefed which is honestly very fair these [ __ ] [ __ ] downam oh [ __ ] [ __ ] godamn [ __ ] um this is quite odd Karma it’s like just just like really really oh my God I feel like everyone is odd but in a good way Fallen thank you I don’t think

What like every person I’ve me recently is odd but not in a bad way which is good actually I appreciate a I promise you I thought I heard rcoa and I was like whato got really I got really confused really fast Rya you’ll get it one day I don’t think

I will don’t worry no one does I don’t think I will either I think I said it properly like once while you were out of VC how do people have trouble pronouncing rayoo you also say it wrong sneak do I no we all just say it it’s like a three

It’s like a 3 to one here okay how do you say it you’re just saying it wrong let me type it on chat yeah oh yeah I’m spelling it wrong yeah yeah Ro o it’s Rya obviously e ah Ria Ria Ria Rya R Rya Ria it’s like how you can say

GIF and GIF they’re both right no um no uh’s closer I think it doesn’t help that like it’s also the way some of you speak I speak in a very odd way oh God H I have a very dead Stream True very special way of saying of

Speaking it’s like 2 a.m. 3:00 a.m. sorry nobody sees the chat damn that’s tragic damn sux to suck doesn’t sorry little face there are two low hanging belts on his Ash cheek I wish somebody saw chat that would be tragic they didn’t it would be I mean if they did you know you

Don’t know something messed up I did on the last day of school yeah it’s 3:00 a.m. for me it’s 2:43 on Christmas on the last day of school on the last period I farted in the like at the end of class and I blamed it on the Spanish kid who doesn’t

Speak I’m sneak I’m M why would you do that and you may be leaving I may be leaving like in an hour I said I I said I’d like 2 hours ago okay yeah at this point like I I don’t know about that one it doesn’t really

Mean anything if I say I’m going to go it doesn’t you’re right it doesn’t why are you doing that with your boots okay the little guy that was not the word I thought you were going to say maybe I am the little guy I’m fine being

The little guy what did you think I was going to say something that you would never say HOA you’ll get it R why are you still trying yeah Rya Ria Ria I don’t care I don’t care you’re all right congrats yay how have you never told me that I’ve

Pronounced this wrong hello I have no you haven’t yes I have multiple times is this family is this a familyfriendly stream no this is probably the furthest thing family friendly stream it’s just because if I wasn’t here it’d be family friendly no no it wouldn’t it’d be

Close by the way um Karma Excuse me yes um were you the one was missing a bunch of books and an enchantment table uh it should be yeah but it all got or not anymore not anymore oh okay yeah I I think I found them no um I know one person has an

Enchantment table but like no um I made mine and then I um yeah do you still need the books no I see I should start yeah okay yeah I got you’re trying hard to act like a friendly guy No Cap okay I’d be a very good streamer you’re being too

Friendly you’re being float dude whatever boats my float yeah whatever boats your float that’s actually the name of my server whatever flus your flus uh yeah that so you talk about you talk about the in real life mute button I have nope n we’re not talking about that you’re

Theon yeah how huh PR you know I should have know I should have known the real friend the mute mute button is the friends friends we made along the way friends we made along the way yeah and I’m the friends we made along the way I love this saying no my M

Button I love this say hard to reach I mean it is hard to reach that’s why I don’t do it very often we from Alabama I from Alabama I’m talking about the in real life me button I found a zombie villager in full diamond armor damn

Yo is it someone’s actual AR it wasn’t even someone’s armor them that’s terrifying insane actually yeah I’ve seen a skeleton with full diamond armor but damn it wasn’t even someone’s armor cuz I like expected to kill it and then it explode into armor it didn’t happen it didn’t

Happen last rmus I had a a a sweat and tears and you just you just killed it oh by the way sneake vany may be trying to appear again they were in min’s chat the other day and I saw them hey look a zombie and full diamond armor I’ve had like one two

Messages from vany just like I’m not dealing with Van again I’m I’m letting you know that right now literally every single time I’ve gotten them baned because they could not they could not be nice to me so I don’t I don’t know if I can deal with that again honestly fair enough for

Like the third fourth time I don’t think Van’s coming back M told me if I play my cards right it might work I’m walking on water to get it all Frozen well if I play my cards right oh do that just now no like an hours ago like few

Hours ago yeah I remember that yeah play your cards right CH like doing yoga in in GTA what if you hack This Server a you going to hack the server by typing the letter a in chat yeah epic hacker skills hey they said what if I hack This

Server they said what if I hack This Server and then they just sent a message that says a a like I’m intimidated honestly I’m intim e a it’s not in the game it’s not in the game it’s it’s it’s the furthest from the game you it for you to Christmas it’s RM you

Probably have no Riz I’ll be honest Sam I have all the someone give this guy a Riz for Christmas q1 he really needs one q1 H4 UJ n ad 9’s a 6912 server is hacked now for real sorry getting a little sleepy D oh no no not the

No that can’t [ __ ] Sleeper Agent code no why do they want me to stroke oh no I am so devast about this news you know who am I I’m sneak I’m typing speaking are you having an identity crisis are you having an identity crisis I think so I think they’re having

An identity crisis they think that they’re me last time I had an identity crisis I came out of it a girl yeah oh I’m a woman cry now to server is hacked cry wow oh I’m sorry I’m going to cry wow sorry I’m crying wait let me just cry again I love crying

What I’m sneak somewhere in the universe are you trying to like everything everywhere all at once me you can’t do that that’s my favorite movie I still haven’t watched that movie I got watch it okay I actually haven’t watched that even though I watched I don’t know

Where to watch it okay I really meant to watch it I’m going to put everybody into a call and I’m going to tape your eyes open and make you watch it problem with that is I don’t like watch oh this is getting hard I know you’re a

Movie hater I’m not a movie hater I just I don’t like watching movies with certain people that’s the problem not you I should clarify not you that wasn’t that wasn’t downward this really felt like that wasn’t that’s why I had to immediately clarify peeky I’ll make you

Say no you lose then then I say that I’m gay if yeah if you lose you say you’re gay brother I’m literally a homosexual what is going Lally bro wow oh my gosh I’m so proud of everyone by I’ll say that I’m gay all I want I can feel vibrations in my hands

Vibrations that’s what I do I bet you do if we’re going gay by the umbrella sneak quns if we’re going gay by the gay term it’s mines yeah mines is the most I only like one gender person I’ve ever met and it’s terrifying I didn’t know those people existed so

Weird I didn’t know those people existed I thought they were a myth I thought everyone had a little bit of [ __ ] homosexual in them I thought everybody had like a little bit of homosexual and a little bit of straight in them yeah no M Earth only like yeah m is just

Like scary he’s a freak I know it’s horrifying this feels so rude there’s three doors one is red second is yellow third one is blue Karma I said this exact thing to his face Karma I’m quite nervous well you have nothing to be nervous about you literally

Got which one would I go to I wouldn’t go to any of the doors I just sit down and cry cry in the corner I like yeah he he seemed quite shocked yeah he seemed shocked yeah why I don’t know I don’t know what you look

Like I know I’m not a good judge of how people look based on their voice so I mean okay uh a horrible judge at though do you have slightly curly hair yeah actually no what is very damn 29 diamonds I think that should be good I also don’t tell me

That I don’t look 17 I know you have dark hair yeah I don’t know the trick there’s three doors which door would I go To that’s to Grand the gay One was that the same image y That’s horrify yeah I just got jump scared I just want to cry in the corner it’s not the it’s not my face it’s the Grinch it’s the Grinch smile that’s horrifying bro I’m sorry I just got jump scared not by you by like the pose that

This was taken in wait where’s the picture I need to see this you can’t girl I’m so funny ha okay you look pretty yay where the most monotone yay where’s the picture s you s me a DM what you want I’ll send it to you may chill out

Yes get ready to be scared though that’s the most scared yeah I’ve ever heard are you emo I’m not emo I just even I got Scared em n man pey I’ll sub you what the [ __ ] is that sun why do you talk like a 12-year-old who thinks they’re cool why are you emo that and yeah thanks guess oh my God I need to add back that thing that makes the noise every time somebody Subs I forgot

I don’t have that Anymore yeah for what the moon is still Rising it’s like I’m high oh my God I’m high no there’s no way oh my gosh imagine being high there’s no way the day night cycle is 1 hour it’s got to be more karma is karma dead no oh are you scared of my eye

Bags no it was just the way the picture was taken it’s like a [ __ ] found footage jump here I don’t know what you want me to say it’s the it’s the it’s the Grinch smile isn’t it it’s the everything I think it’s the motion blur I think that’s what really

What got me can somebody get an A Mo can we get another I’m underground I’m trying to get up it’s really hard you’re scared of the motion blur that the quality I don’t know it’s one of the two oh the quality Mo blur okay that sunflower guy is you your

Sunflower wispy X Sam sunflower my hair looks red sunflower is is so real someone went to my house and freaking oh no yeah do youarm think time what do you think my hair looks red uh give me a second I’m currently trying to Dr oh this is

Torture good luck I was I I was just anally probed they anally probed me I’m sorry they probed me that seems problem glitch no I mean maybe you have read highlights like I do but like someone removed the freaking thing the thing seriously though like [ __ ] M

Listen I I’m still scared that M can only like one I know it is weird it’s really scary that’s like are you scared of straight people too maybe maybe no because because no no no okay straight people still have a little bit of homo in them like 90 like

Almost all of them have like some but he is just straight only gay he’s only gay he doesn’t like women it’s scary what if what if we could find like a non-binary person and then just like open a little hole there I yeah I think that’s that’s yeah that’s the issue however the

Problem with that is is if they’re biologically male I feel like oh my internet me personally I absolutely hate boxers like boxers they’re very uncomfortable oh I like boxers boxers like like the you wor my my this is my ptmi but like within the past month my my underwear has been really

Uncomfortable that’s it just does not fit my body you need the new one yeah new one my butt is too big for my underwear I feel I relate to that honestly honestly feel on a personal level i f like boxers just aren’t comfortable left the chat all right [ __ ] you my family left

Me yoga is now available I’m gonna go doog wow [ __ ] I’ve heard of cold yoga I’ve never heard of hot yoga just got to get some warm yoga in you that makes me feel uncomforable I’m sorry What but uh yeah I like how you specifically targeted like I like how I like how like I like how Karma I like how you just told me that but it was like the first thing you said if you hurt him I’m gonna break your knees first thing you said what

The first thing you said when I told you he wasn’t fully against it said you said you do anything to hurt him I’ll break your knees I love how that’s that was the first thing you said I mean yeah obviously what you’re just gonna you’re just

Gonna what if we found like a super masculine trans man yes oh that’ll be sick it’s gay problem isn’t that it is gay it is I’m going to ask that whoever that is to to be honest I’ll be too scared to wrestle May what me all may has to say is

That yeah I’ll be too scared to wrestle you what do you mean all I have to say what do you oh all you have to say is oh and I’ll be like no don’t say that no don’t be sad and go like ah I can’t do it anymore

I’m out what I need Hogs not wrestles I need cuddles and like warm wrestling is B on the ground cries why you you crying M I can’t I can’t beat up sweet people I can’t I just can’t each other we’re wrestling wait me I’m telling you this

Right yes you we ever me we’re wrest no don’t wrestle me i l I’m so we I’m so we I need someone to protect me [ __ ] me I will you I don’t care my God sneak you’re still like the tallest person I know and that’s horrible I now have

A it’s either you or friend of you are call [ __ ] God it was so so [ __ ] scary it was so [ __ ] scary it was so scary you know what I’m going to make a boxing ring when I grow up like get older and money and that’s where you guys do the

Wrestling are you I see I see okay I when I when I got on estrogen everything yeah everything everything got like I like how everyone just wants to wrestle each other new business plan is a boxing ring and I’ll invite you guys there so you guys can box there

I know I’m 6 okay but like I started taking estrogen and then like it felt like I was shorter and everyone’s and and everyone around me like seemed taller everything the whole world seemed bigger around me and it was super scary but then the second time it

Happened cuz I increased my dose doubled it gave it to the next person uh and the next person was me and um double the titties give it to the next person me and so basically I was at work when it happened I opened up the trailer and I’m like why

Is the trailer so big why is the trailer so bigone no what what are you speaking okay ni lovely like titty like and then you like and and then you introduce [ __ ] heroin we’re talking about Tio talking about size of TI what we’re talking about the size of

Tits what no well no no mine are very small but I’m getting there I can wear a size like I think I can wear a uh I don’t what what normaliz talking about tits what the [ __ ] but but this is a normal conversation I love it I mean I love this I

Love I am live you are out thing yourself real good here I don’t know I don’t know man I don’t know man yeah so I was at work and there were like three there’s like three people there that are taller than me by like several inches so

I was seeing the people I was seeing the people that were like shorter than me as the same height as me by like I was seeing the like 5’4 people as being the same height as me it was crazy it was a crazy shift it

Was a crazy yeah I don’t know it’s just like my perception it didn’t look I didn’t look like lower to the ground it’s just my perception of things got bigger um meanwhile I’m 5’2 and feml this is awful I’m 5 that’s why I feel small maybe that’s why I’m Terri

Cuz you 511 2011 lb that is scary that is terrifying also thank you for the elytra snake that is like the best thing ever no problem last I told I told you that I told you that I don’t think I’m going to give you it and then I literally opened up the

Inventory and was holding it over 5 I knew I knew that’s so you if you’re 5 you are an Enderman the heaviest I’ve ever gotten was like 220 why did you ask me for my height because I want to know I want know how tall you yeah so then like three of the

People that were like a decent amount taller than me just were like standing right next to me and I was like having a mental breakdown because of it cuz it it was scary it’s get like an anxiety attack D but now we’re okay now we’re good know now the tall

People can stand next to me and I’ll just be like oh wow you’re tall I water boarding I’ll be like wow you’re an end play too much Minecraft I’ll see someone the same height as me and be like oh wow you’re an Ender yeah you’re an Enderman sorry I

Play too much Minecraft so yep you’re an Enderman damn this person in chat’s calling me a [ __ ] more like a lesson yeah more under what what I thought you were going to say lesbian like a a I like them all it’s weird that you went from very lesbian to yeah I’m

By cuz before it was just one yeah though to be honest it was always both yeah I just didn’t say it remember how I’d always be like not answering the question you know what well see you did answer me a couple times that’s the thing and you were just like very it’s

Because it would be like on and off cuz generally it’s like it’s usually one or the other yo daily dose of wine intake let’s go daily dose of trans it would usually be like I like only guys and then I like only girls I see but it would one would

Usually just just liking guys would usually last like a short amount of time then I’m like wait did I really I’m gonna shock this guy’s nipples to death oh what cool moving on what congrats oh this ocean is getting so Frozen so awesome let it go oh my God let it go I

Think you just need to let this one go no himself I’m sorry you don’t have to we really need to let go some yeah I can’t let it go though I just want a hug you have to you have to hello hot hello why is it it’s such a wonderful freaking day

Damn I was I was having such a good time I’m glad you having a wonderful day I I was having such a good time forone having a wonderful day for solid week I was like not no first all like 2 weeks I was not in the need of hugs and

Now it’s because of me godam [ __ ] you Karm arrived at your house yet he just came in mine whoa came in your house came down your chimney came down your I live in a trailer park I I don’t have a chimney oh are you knock knock [ __ ] y Santa find waych everyone

Has a CH I don’t have well well technically uh the the thing above my oven is technically a chimney like oh that wasn’t what I was referring to but yeah let’s go with that one are you referring to their mouth why is there so much Cactus here I want

Santa’s wrinkly sack in my mouth okay why oh that’s old news it is old news you want to know what else is old Santa Santa in his old very mature mm yep Rudolph the red nose reindeer that’s why his nose is why can’t I just watch your streaming be

Anyway no ponies have like never mind what never mind did you know that for every snake there’s a snake did you know for every how many how many penises do snakes have two what two I knew it I knew it for every snake there’s a snake penis and that’s weird

To think about because only half of snakes have penis so that means for every one snake there’s two penis oh it’s okay sometimes they share yeah how small is the snake penis I don’t know look it up well okay so the reason Okay the reason why they have two

Is because their vestigial legs turned into dicks yeah fun fact how long are penises are you I feel bad for your search history 32 in I don’t think that’s correct it’s definitely not correct two penises how long do they get no every one snake what are you on about sunflower has

32 how long are snake no for every one snake there’s a snake snake penis cuz all the male snakes have two peni did you call me sunflower no I was talking about the chat they were talking to sunflower in the chat my goodness I want to know how long

A penis is why why for what purpose because I’m just curious that’s yucky probably longer than yours so so are women but you still [ __ ] them so have you SE man I’m a c man yeah you are I like it too the length is 27 seconds he wants to suck

Them yeah honestly that kind of sound that kind of fits did one of your Twitch users just say they want to suck me no one of the Minecraft Chatters said that that’s not even what they no they said you want to suck the snake penises oh yeah yeah for sure why unless

Cindy I will mute you actually I feel like no stop you feel no no no is it you know I don’t penes or just the snakes themselves what I think it would be wait does sunflower means suck the snake penises or SN suck the snake suck the

Snake itself I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t want to know I mean the the snake itself that’s crazy why would you want to do that that’s gross okay oh yeah I forget you don’t like snakes I love you know I remember

Every single other day of my life and then today whatever I don’t care I don’t remember I remember you don’t like snakes like vividly and then I forgot for like this entire conversation it’s awful yeah I love snakes they’re cute no thank you snakes are oh that reminds me don’t look in my

Server okay did you get a pet snake no my mom posted a spaghetti of snakes e what is mind AR’s favorite animal Fox and rabbit you saw the snoops makes sense yes however not Everyone likes Snooks Mommy I do I want to see I know they’re cute I know you think

They’re cute however not everyone thinks snakes are cute can you tell Karma I said hi that is exactly what I was saying tell car Mom I said hi hello I’m back welcome back Cindy says hi does m have a fox Persona I knowb he has a character he has a character that’s a

Fox I’m sending the picture to you Cindy okay actually let me just invite you to my server oh my God you’re going to be able to see my face that’s weird I’m going to be able to see your face yeah it’s a chat I mean you can find it I crazy is

It I don’t know it’s somewhere it’s so my mom post it my mom post it iwh it’s so strange cuz I’ll see people from my high school like very rarely um at work and I’ll be like wow you look only very slightly different oh so that’s what you look like and then

I’ll just look back at a picture of me from like a month ago and I’ll be like damn I look so different you’re not even on my server anymore you can invite me to it just like make the invite last a long time and I’ll join it in like a week so that

Way I don’t see the snake I don’t know how to oh um it’s you have to go specifically into um so that’s what you look like pictures you’d have to go specifically into pictures I’ll just not go to pictures holy [ __ ] oh look would you look at the time it’s 12:17 Merry Christmas

Merry Merry Christmas Boer Merry Christmas Christmas for you Merry Christmas I guess it is finally it’s dashing through the snow time do you think I’ll see Santa Claus yeah am I going see Santa Claus Wonderland sneak what are you what what what are you referring to by everybody has

A what you don’t look anything like yeah welcome [ __ ] welcome to your reality whoa I have eight name tags what the freak when did that happen I don’t know my inventory has changed I don’t I’m confused does anyone have like three pieces of NE what you just

Say I have an extra someone say Nether netherite Nether I need three NE oh myip you never got your gift what gift oh yeah I never got oh the gift I will just take five bucks as my Christmas present that’s my Christmas present why am I walking I don’t want to

Be here okay sunflower wispy you’re getting the gift now what do you mean what’s what’s what what is what is what is sunflowers gift food I think go dock epic why that number get stripped from me you’re you’re oh my God sneak why would you do that Merry

Christmas oh no I was going to type the command in a few more times and I’m like and that might be a little too much he sent sunflower pix for go no gave 88k well I’m I I think if you’re going by gen logic right now may I think I’m glad

That I didn’t ask for anything 88 cakes is abysmal abominable evil they wanted they wanted food so I gave them food I gave them 170 cookies and 88 CES why are those specific numbers because 170 is like 17 and then added a zero at the end and then 88 is like a big

Number I didn’t want to do like 85 because 85 is a really gross number and I didn’t want to go up to 90 because that’s like too much and then 81 probably would have been the best Number 81 is a good number it is a really good number are we just going to stay up constantly like all night what is happening L key I know you can leave I could stay for four more hours and then eh no I couldn’t I can I shouldn’t

I’m probably just going to VCS at soonish maybe I don’t know s VCS like you just going to what do you mean switch VCS because I think drag still oh drag isn’t in datalist anymore oh Dag’s still online though so I could definitely invite them pickle Miss remember were you pickle

Miss damn penis been streaming I didn’t I’ve never seen a mom 5 hours and 50 minutes what did you say Cy I’ve never seen a a mom that is Discord I’m going to introduce myself to car Mom okay car mom’s cool we like carom here I’m gonna I’m gonna add

Carom okay she’ll probably respond immediately hello carom MIM I’m Cindy like writing a [ __ ] dissertation hello carom I am Cindy it’s been an honor and a pleasure to finally your daughter has called me a [ __ ] [ __ ] she won’t care she’ll be on my side I mean h I’m I’m editing that I’m editing

It that’s what you yeah I mean you can can I’m going to take this ice boat all the way from my desert mine and Zed’s desert all the way to ms’s Rose Place Fort Rose hello Cara I’m Cindy that’s not the right too but you can shot me sorry that that that came

Out of my mouth way too quickly for me to like shove it back in whoa pause what you know what you didn’t hear it good no there’s a camel in the Moon mushroom pen No I know that’s why I hate the guys they just keep getting into the other

Pens I just want them to be separate but equal I like my camels I like my camels too much though they’re great I’m sure but I also don’t want them in my pen okay I’ll have all the cam if anyone wants a camel free to have a camel oh border to

Border corner to corner on the ice there we go what is carom saying mother saying mommy someone messaged you on Discord and my server okay Dam I wish I planted these melons I wish I was the cutest she’s going to recognize the name Cindy yeah probably so I just said hello to her

Yeah I’ve also explained like your name situation to her so oh you have yeah I told her that you asked M for a name and then you were the one that gave gave the name suggestion of Sundy so actually it was mindart that gave the name suggestion to Cindy he was just La

Say Cinderella why are you calling somebody a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] and threat yeah I didn’t threaten to kill them I threatened to crack their skull open in the instance that they hurt mines it’s still the same thing no you can crack somebody’s skull open and then like give them

Stitches you w also always die I had reasons behind my reasoning they hear me yeah uh I don’t know yeah kind of kind of what are they mute see car mom’s on my side carom likes me wait this is the song I started stream

To that means I have to end it to as well you are not ending stream thank you to all my ho ho ho for watching I hope you enjoyed stop no you’re not I may I may be seeing you in the next stream thank you everybody for watching I hope

You enjoyed don’t forget to a like And subscribe the like and I may be hitting the Subscribe I’m sneak I’m sneaking out bye

This video, titled ‘New Public Server | MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! | Sneakcraft Season 7 Ep 6’, was uploaded by Sneak on 2023-12-25 08:40:47. It has garnered 194 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 05:53:15 or 21195 seconds.

Welcome to Sneak. Public server you can join my minecraft server please uwu this is a viewer smp and ill give you a hug if you join and maybe a smooch on the lips

server ip (1.20.4): `` —————————————– Don’t forget to like and subscribe! —————————————– Join my Discord Server: —————————————-

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  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

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  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

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  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More