Video Information

Hello Gamers I’m not late you’re late sorry I was setting up a Minecraft in the back oh hi hello B simpai and hello to the battallion H H are you all excited about the new outfit how are we feeling man that ey Shadow game was on point I am incredibly [Laughter] jealous oh

That’s a lot of honking you’re doing a lot of honking right Now junk did not survive what are you typing from from the grave what do you mean thank you for the honks thank you for the beautiful honks here we are give me just a second and I’ll stop running I am not normal about that well

You better be you better be go easy on the M that are not okay right now but you should be happy in fact you should feel better than usual you should feel stronger than ever you better get it together I’m almost set up back here R

Ru the eye shadow I know did you see the nails did you see the nails ooh that’s nice minus the Gang Green all over the fingers very cool something’s going on in Tempest HQ and I don’t know what it is or not HQ sorry uh head the headquarters no Vanguard that’s what I

Meant something’s going on in Vanguard something they touch I don’t I know if it was on their journey to zenuni or what but the Gang Green is spreading and it’s not great otherwise looking great looking Great okay hopefully everything’s back to normal I had a uh different setup for our little our little thing we were doing the other day but don’t worry too much about that I think I have fixed it I think everything’s back to normal we are about to find out and we’re going to

Do it live here we go please everything be normal please be normal please be normal please be normal please be normal please be normal Haka said I missed it Haka said what oh we have cooties h no thanks hey thank you for the gifted chips and welcome in raters thank you

For all of the gifted chips and the highs and the hells and the honks and the um uh not goodbyes I almost said goodbyes uh you know what thanks for the goodbyes to those of you who are left too I guess um thank you for the soup I

Can 100% say with confidence that I was not normal about his fit hardest outfit ever I it was not what I predicted I was thinking you know what I thought I even said it in the group chat so that I could uh put down the record but not

Spoil anything in case I was right and the group chat I said this going to be a bloodborne fit and I was half right right like I I was half right that’s sort of like a I was I was feeling it it’s kind of cool it’s vaguely like um

Dark Fantasy Victorian so it’s more like maybe I don’t know like lies of PE Vibes but it’s close it’s close thank you for the chips I like it either way I was expecting pirate at first but I started thinking about it a lot more and I was

Like no way no way he goes straight down the pirate path right yeah the hair toggle’s good for sure Agreed okay so let me set up one thing on the background here he did slip very Venetian masc oh Venetian that’s a good one you know the makeup slaps it does it does the yeah the Chun is pretty good I mean listen everybody loves a good chuni

Energy everybody loves a little a little bit of chuni energy right You’ be popping like my my darkness it’s too strong I liked the tuny hand pose I thought it was good personally I thought it was good make no promises listen I’ve got a long way to go let’s enjoy let’s enjoy what

I’ve got going on right now before we start planning my next outfit uh but today I’m going to be playing a little bit of Minecraft I’ve got a roof to finish I’ve been working on it for multiple streams I am working on the criminals cut it’s a Tavern The Tavern

I’m staying in now actually so you might recognize it try to imprint the background that’s behind me in your mind and you’ll see it when we get into Minecraft still trying to get rid the image of phantom sitting on his head uh sitting on top of his head this little

Outfit makes me want to cry hell yeah hell yeah you have obsidian I don’t think that’s the second outfit necessarily but I guess I mean if I’m out here just kind of like ah free balling or you know commissioning assets or whatever to make a second outfit does that count sort

Of singularities name which is toku toi uh toi T I don’t know if I read that right uh you better beat the shoting Rec on your new outfit later okay don’t worry I’ll I’ll beat it I’ll I’ll put on like a [ __ ] I’ll slap a little Naruto

Headband on and I’ll say this is this is my chuni Ark you’ll never be able to understand me you’ll see armis had it all wrong I was the true Darkness inside all Along oh thank you breakshot that ruined my tuny moment thank you for the delicious uh cream zupa don’t make me turn on my soup I will pop up the soup right now that’s some good soup right there delicious a little bit 12 hours of Minecraft yeah we’re going to do a

Little bit of 12 hours of Minecraft anyway I’ve yapped long enough let’s go ahead and get right into the game real quick I I uh I have a bad habit of kind of prefacing everything for too long and sometimes that’s great for a new game

But I don’t think I need to tell you guys about how Minecraft Works do I no I don’t an outfit for every R so oh wow uh wow that would be a rainbow cacophony of outfits and that would be a lot of work and a lot of time and a lot of uh

Resources that I do not have but one day you never know you never know don’t test me I am not actually promising 12 hours don’t quote me on that let us swap over to our presentation we will go over to our video game scene in just a

Moment do it hobit Azure ruse fit I don’t think anybody wants Azure Rus fit that means imagine a whole stream is AZ R do it no balls you know what as a litmus test I’ll go through my EB boy Arc uh I’ll tell you what next week I’ll put on the

Schedule yeah I’ll tell you what I’ll go through my um valerent EB boy Arc next week on my schedule I’ll put down valerant I’ll do a whole stream be hey welcome in oh that was their fault watch this watch this play watch this play wasn’t that cool no just kidding

All right hold on is the game oh wait I should get another server first huh hope everything’s working oh no it’s not capturing thank you for being a member for two whoa It’s Working yes ink swirl said and I missed it uh funds for the rainbow ruse are you there okay listen

Okay uh let me just W you real quick this is not this is in no way this is going to sound at first like a o here’s a little bait here’s a little ha he’s challenging us I’m not challenging you I’m telling you there is no funds that

Will make that uh a visual reality so don’t waste your money but thanks for the delicious soup I just vomited everywhere Mission achieved Mission passed respect earned oh my music stopped I got to have music in here because the game’s music never plays enough if you guys noticed that wait can

I just do like an can I just do like an m418 playlist is that allowed I think that’s allowed right so you’re challenging me yes two months of hate disgust Etc pabama R says he likes ey Shadow just say put it out there have a great day

Tell other the form W oh yeah you guys got a form already and by already I mean what was that like a year battle Senai dragging your little feet Fe there a little call out never hurt anybody it’s okay I’m dragging my feet too uh well I’m not I’m not I take that

Back listen I’m working on it okay I’m working on it uh but it’s going to happen I’m glad you guys have a form it’s very very it’s very um what’s the word I’m looking for aerodynamic I feel like I could pick up a battalion and

Throw it like a missile like I could use a battallion in like as a as a throwing knife in a panic and I love that all right so hey is the game loud enough yeah that’s good enough hey everyone Battalion are made to be thrown at high speed it’s true

Rules are made to be broken reminds me of the devil guy who um oh I know who you’re talking about I know who you’re talking about Sarah you were talking about uh hey 80s yeah yeah I cannot hear the game at all huh interesting uh maybe I

Will turn the music down or I will turn the game up oh you’re right it’s not coming through at all I have an idea why that might be one second I don’t know if this is going to fix it there’s no game sound oh no oh no oh no what what happened what

Happened why is there no game sound I hear game sound you guys don’t hear game sound real what’ you do oh I see what you did I see how you guys broke it now I’m picking it up okay so check it out okay that’s loud enough that’ll work

Perfect why’ you guys break the gameing H all right there we go so last time we were here we did a little roof I didn’t like the way it was turning out so I’m going to redo the ro oh we got dogs last time too I forgot about that I

Have dogs I’m sending this Super Chat to reward bad behavior well in that case allow me to be worse clinically worse if you want to reward bad behavior you’re in the right place dogs dog I do not accept being blamed for this well too bad ly Gilly you are

Blamed for this psycho Raven says cuz why not yeah seems loud enough to me cool so let’s go start by breaking down our roof shall we and I need to grab some resources cuz last time I was on here I think I was helping uh alter Senpai with

Some building so let’s go put away some more stuff how is it our fault says Alma well because I needed somebody to blame and I wanted to blame somebody worse says Mari yes worse how many nights just catch you up more than I ever will ever dare to admit

To any of you no matter what so in other words uh an infin an infinite amount I almost said infant tmal and that’s the opposite of what I meant hey these aren’t ready yet actually these fields aren’t ready yet uhoh never mind we’re going to leave

Those um have a good stream well thank you bibloc I don’t know if that’s where that goes but that’s where it’s going for now he dreams in blocks now yeah I woke up in a cold sweat like about honestly it’s probably been about 3 weeks ago now

And in my brain uh uh whatever dastardly vile God exists at the edges of our reality whispered words of a better roof to me and I said I can do that I could do a better roof wow that’s getting getting awfully loud out there uh hold on hold on terracotta got

To put away some of this junk real quick red terracotta white glaze terracotta no no no no no no where’s our light gray oh here we go beautiful extra two Greatful months I would uh I would say you’re welcome Haley but instead I’m going to say um you’re

Unwelcome yeah that was smooth very good hate very good hate very believable you sold that well ruse I’m proud of you all right so I’m going to redo this roof I don’t like the way the roof turned out so my new plan here it is

Check this out watch this uh so what I’m going to do what what I’m going to do is you know what let me just start cutting roof down and I’ll tell you about it uh so originally what I did was I had this singular Point here and I’m going to

Keep that point uh so this this stays the same for the little master bedroom area but I did not like that this one pointed on the left side and on the right side what I’m going to do instead super believable hate is that is that sarcasm because that is the lowest form

Of humor how dare you that’s the best humor I’ve ever heard that’s what we call a setup and a knockdown the joke there is that I said sarcasm is a low tier type of humor and then I was sarcastic in return insulting myself you’re welcome uh so instead of doing this like

Left right roof garbage I’m going to treat this as a zadon and just shoot the [ __ ] with you nerds for a while while I do a left right uh North South type of deal so we’re going to do east west north south I’m going to do all of the

Cardinal directions as points so we’re going to have a nice little four-pointed star roof and we’re going to be a little Hollow star it’s going to be beautiful it’s going to be perfect we’re going to figure it out as we go and I will uh

Decide what that looks like as I get it done but right now it looks like me redoing a few things can you help me channel some hate my campus’s arena is blasting music let give me a headache if it’s not okay I love hate your stream says elosa elosa

My solution to you is uh let me think of a good solution what you’re going to need to do is you’re going to need a sledgehammer a shovel um two body bags uh and at least three mannequins so the first thing you’re going to do is you’re going to Sledgehammer one of the

Mannequins so it’s all shattered as much as possible just absolutely broken apart limbs everywhere and then you’re going to shove it halfhazard Le into one of the body bags the second body bag you’re going to fill with the mannequin that you have not yet broken apart and the

Reason you’re doing this is cuz you really want to sell the imagery that you are just absolutely losing it and are making corpses and then you’re going to storm in there just frazzled as hell with a shovel in one hand and uh a bottle of um aloe vera in the other and

You’re going to say where’s the nearest graveyard right uh and then everybody’s going to stop the music cuz they’re going to be like obviously there’s some sort of like weirdo killer in here don’t actually do this you’ll go straight to jail Bru I am a forensic science instructor I

Oh uh well H uh what I meant was what I had meant to say was that’s a joke T in Minecraft in Minecraft do that in Minecraft oh man I want to sip in my stamina potion so bad but I got to get this roof chopped up first let’s let’s continue chopping get

To chopping once we’re done really cutting it up over here on this roof then we’ll uh I’ll take a little sip of my stamina potion I’ll get some energy I’m a little low energy right now I’m feeling a little a little out of it I’m a little out of it sorry I

Fell axe power exactly are you drinking an energy drink this close to midnight me I would never partake in an energy drink I am simply talking about having a bog standard absolutely regular stamina potion thank you ruse murder is okay and Am I Wrong Am I Wrong two months of seething

Loathing and shaking my fist your dastardly streams keep up the horribly awesome work thank you I will try my bet you guys got to stop I’m going to start going I’m going to wait in there and just start swinging my axe around if you don’t quit you’re very noisy kind of

Annoying me a little bit oh I got to repair my elytra elytra you know what it is okay here we go I’m so normal okay there we go raises my mug of coffee at 4:00 a.m. and solidarity now that’s what we like to hear thank you chibi

Um artless o says hi hi Crimson hello hello who is this Crimson you speak of certainly you mean ruse No you’re going to make yourself coffee at 11:00 p.m. says an yes good hello ruse are you winning I’m not losing uh and that’s as good as we can hope for if I’m being honest with you that’s the that’s the the low the highest bar I’m setting for myself at

The moment is do not die do not let your in get blown to Smither by a random creeper and that is the bar for winning for me currently that is how far I’ve fallen wait oh [ __ ] [ __ ] me fudge me I mean well fudge me what just happened I think I lagged a

Little there I did it twice I’m an idiot ah sorry okay cool there we go oh no no no no okay it fixed itself we’re good we’re good everything’s fine everything’s fine um whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa listen Sarah we have guests I can’t

Just run around throwing the [ __ ] f bomb at everybody I can’t just say whatever it is I want to say if I just sat here and spat poetic whatever insults came to my mind whatever deep dark profanities came to my heart at any given moment I would surely run away all

Of their uh pathetic tiny little baby ear hi I’m 13 and this is edgy hold on one second there we go there we go there we go should we bring out the China please well please do of course meow meow pow pow if you could bring out the

Fine China and treat Our Guest to a tea party I’ve never had a conversation with ble about cursing what what sending one month of hate to my least favorite Idol thank you myyu what’s that down there is that a creeper I can’t tell a it’s just a

Regular oh no it’s a baby zombie we don’t want to deal with baby zombies they’re fast they’re fast they’re fast and they’re a little scary I know all we’re doing is chopping down uh roof right now but don’t worry we’ll get to actual gameplay in a

Bit I’m going to leave like a little bit of roof so I have something to walk around on do we want to do an attic I haven’t decided yet if I I feel like doing an attic I also need to measure how long this house is from like

Uh you know end to end so I can decide how wide the uh triangle is going to be I don’t know what you’re talking about uh I’ve never heard of temper is in my life sorry an attic would be fun ooh an attic would be nice okay okay

Okay okay okay a dingy little crawl space possibly ah stamina potion tasty now my power is complete okay so chop chop chop chop chop man I’m going to be I’m going to be real sad depending on how much of this material I don’t pick up cuz I forget to grab it let be

Really bummed out because I burnt a lot of dark wood on this roof I should probably figure out something to do with the roof to really like spur it up a bit make it a little less monochromatic but uh um I don’t want to think about that

Right now that might be something we had to that might be a bridge we cross when we uh get to building the roof in Earnest if I’m not careful my little axe that shinry Senpai gave me is going to break we don’t want to do that we got to

Be we got to be at least a little cautious right hey wait Wolf Rain said he used azus azus who the [ __ ] is azus ah just I have a little bit of zoo put a little zoo zoo in that meal a little Azo first of all

Azaro is not a weapons grade asset azaro is uh some sort of like uh a front to humanity azerus is actually banned by the Geneva convention and is whatever the opposite of Riz is you little bastard baby boy please don’t come over here Mr creeper I don’t want you blowing up my

Stuff thank you bye-bye ah ah I’m terrified of server lag I’m terrified of server lag I do like that the sword is a good crowd control weapon that’s kind of fun huh typically I prefer the uh ax as raw damage in this game but the sword having

A little crowd control that’s kind of that’s kind of that’s kind of chef’s kiss okay so we’re good okay okay okay okay what am I missing I was reading none of what you said while I was doing that I was too busy I was too busy my material my material girl oh

Well ooh oh piece of candy all right let’s look around make sure we didn’t lose any of our stuff if we can help it and then we will get to building and we’ll figure out what this is going to look like from a distance we’ll take a

Little nap so we can get a little sleep so we can get ready to build tomorrow good night there we go all right cool cool cool let’s see roram says yeah obsidian as for is debate car kits uh well being a responsible adult and having an early night good luck everyone

Ooh I can’t believe you hate me can’t believe you’re leaving because you hate me oh W I fell oh I see what happened I see what had happened so this was going to be oh that’s right this is going to be be an attic area but if I make this an attic

Area then I have to lower the floor no I have to raise the H how am I going to make this an attic area what do you think if evil why hot says Jano because evil and hot can be synonymous in fact it often is okay so here’s the plan right I want

I want to measure let’s go measure let’s go do a bit of let’s go do a little bit of measure I’m going to chop this down too I guess I don’t need it ah oh never mind there we go okay so we cut these down I don’t feel like we need these

Anymore I was going to keep them as like a bridge across the top top but honestly with this little staircase here we are good to go we don’t even need this okay now it’s measuring time so what I’m going to do is I’m going to run along the side of this building I’m

Going to measure how long it is uh by uh staring at it intensely for a bit and Counting here we go so uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 that’s too far [ __ ] no okay wait uh uh uh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 so 22 so the halfway point is going to be 11 and 12

Okay so I need a point at 1112 got it broken count yeah it’s true one I can count to one and that’s as much of that song as I’m allowed to sing or I’m going to get VOD struck and I can’t do that this whole time I I I’ve deceived

You you thought I was learning Japanese but I was just teaching myself to count to 22 exactly give it a tower like a wizard tower I don’t want to give it a tower like a wizard tower cuz then it has to be super tall and then it’s not

Even going to look like a Tavern what are you talking about look at this do I look like a [ __ ] look at me look me in my eyes do I look like a wizard to you do I look like a wizard to you I’m

Not I did not learn how to count to 22 in Japanese you know what I did learn in Japanese was Ichi nian uh Yon something Roku Nana Hai uh U and Q no G and Q go one I can ich I can count ichy me I can count son I can count to

Son [Laughter] y I can only count to Y JV cover win tomorrow man I waited too long to do this now I’m trying to remember how I’m going to how I how how do play how do how do play Minecraft how do play Minecraft the trick I think is figuring

Out like where the intersection is going to be because obviously if I do a point a point a point and a point they’ve got to intersect in a way that well no they don’t actually no they don’t because I can always have webbing in between them that’s really low and kind of gradually

Comes up right so it creates this sort of like uh dip down like this really soft sort of um what’s the word I’m looking for concave like a concave curve in between the points Sarah says can we live in the crawl space no Grayson said yeah I think what I’m going to do

Is I’m going to start with the front point cuz that one’s going to be easiest cuz we already know where the middle section is but I do want it to be taller than the middle section that’s already here so wait that’s not going uhoh will this

Shape not work on a not Square house because if I do a point here right it goes up it comes down and then I do a point there it goes up it comes down and a point there and a point there in which case what do the corners look like at that point

I should have drawn this out or something Metropolitan says Ru raters are bugs we termites in the walls um first of all you will address me as ruse doodas Angeles king of 12 Angel no I’m just kidding um I stole that from homestock uh no you’re not ter mites I

Promise you’re not termites I can’t tell you what you look like yet it’s a secret it’s a secret I have seen it though I’ve Seen It tuny Ass N don’t start with me don’t start with me all right I’ll show you chuny no I’m just kidding am I late you’re not late the

Warrior in 495 in fact you what I would call right on time this is the first EST stream I’ve had in a minute I haven’t done a nighttime stream in a while how many uh EU streams did I have this week I’ll try and fix that next week I’ll

Balance it back and forth I know I ran that poll and I read all your comments on it and I’m going to get to uh I’m gonna I’m gonna figure some stuff out and balance things out the right way all of them missed them what wasn’t all of

Them sorry crazy Z but you can’t live in my walls my walls are paper thin I guess the only thing I can really do is start working on this and just see where it goes but to do that I would need to start at the furthest point

Which is probably this one right so if I start here it goes out one more which is a problem that’s a problem okay okay okay but what okay hold on hold on I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea bear

With me bear with me for a moment nope that wouldn’t work though because the back’s different shaped oo damn it okay hold on I need to think so this one tapers in really harsh right here I guess I could close this off in the back no I can’t cuz the kitchen uses that

Area yeah yeah we get like Fridays and stuff would be great for later stream says zindo that way the raters could stay up and not worry about to work the next day yeah that’s true that’s true I tend to avoid weekends cuz I feel like they’re overcrowded and I don’t want to overlap

Every everybody I feel like that’s not fair either to you know my fellow Hollow stars or to uh people who want to watch multiple streamers cuz I’m aware you guys aren’t just like nobody here is just a rater and I’d rather you not be just a rater because that would mean

That you have incredibly poor taste and also you’re probably a masochist in which case [ __ ] you uh and I want to give you know opportunities to watch all the other boys of course so I try to be conscientious of that and I feel like the weekends are often really busy so I

Tend to stay away from like Saturdays for example but um that might have to change at least a little bit for the next week or two we’ll see let’s see [ __ ] I wish I had an aerial view of this I guess I could just climb up and

Then stare down like i’ have to build all the way up though and then build all the way up and then drop all the way down what a hassle fine let’s see if we can get an aerial view here that might help me decide okay so look at at

This this tapers off a little earlier than this one this one starts at one two 3 and then it has one extra this one gives a one two three four five and then a ooh ooh so basically this would be the same if this cut off right here and didn’t have

This and this so if I start the roof here and go across to there then I can start the other point here and go across to there go across to there but then they won’t combine Haka said what do a flip no get on and do your own flip if you want to

Do a flip haka that’s right I’m so considerate I’ve even opened up the server for Haka Senpai you’re welcome Senpai I give you permission to come out of the basement you are allowed to play Minecraft but only for 2 hours and only if you eat your vegetables you think you could shake us

Raters off so easily huh yes I do I I’m incredibly good at shaking people off it’s one of my mini skills it’s going to hurt h why was he in your basement he’s not in my basement he’s in Tempest guil Guild Tempest basement dances on my tippy toes [Laughter]

Yippe should probably kill more things huh I need the XP on my weapon or my axe who’s zombieing where are you at hello are there any spooky zombies out Here that’s okay Stardust thank you for the delicious soup you don’t have to think of anything to say sometimes it’s more than enough to sit in comfortable Silence with each other and just stare at the stars or something like that you’re in here I thought i’ clean this up I

Thought I’d cleaned this up so nothing could spawn in here how’d you get in there you little freak you little freak get out of here There now we are safe they’re in the walls the junk the pokei thank you for two months and welcome back in all right cool anyway let us uh start our roof we’re just going to have to we’re going to have to wing it we’re going to have to

Go with what our heart tells us we need to do and my heart is telling me to just start working on it and we’ll see what it ends up looking like uh worst case scenario I had to restart it and we red decide what we’re going to

Do that way I think I want it to begin here right no wait yes yes so what I’ll do is I no wait ah I can’t decide this is killing me this is killing me this is killing me more roof existentialism okay so here’s the thing here’s the problem I just ran

Into right if I start it here I can’t have the overhang that I had previously that looked so nice that looked so Nice I don’t think Ms paint’s going to save me here he’s learning architecture right now let him Cook there we go okay cool cool cool cool so we walk up this then we do this and then we do this number and then I do like uh one of uh we do one of these and then I do one of these and one of these Pokey

Welcome to be Crusader Okay cool so after I do that I do one of these and then I need to do one of these and then the middle point is going to be one two three four wait I can’t gauge it by the middle of this cuz the middle of this is

Not the middle of the house middle of the house is different I need to go to the other side and start again let’s do this oh just as I thought just as I thought see it’s different okay so we’re leveled out we’re even there I think Um Minecraft hard why is this game harder than any any Rogue light I’ve played I guess this doesn’t have to come all the way out right like it doesn’t have to come all the way out or all the way down because I’m going to have a uh

Pillar here or a point up on this side too if I do a four star uh so let’s see this goes uh one two three four five wait one two three four five six 7 eight down this has to at least travel eight down one two three four five Six s eight okay if I wanted it to be even it would have to look like that right so let’s break these down real quick and we’ll go take a little look from a distance to see what that looks like if it looks right great we did our job

Right if not uh we [ __ ] Lo up I mean racel says good night thanks for the stream can’t wait to watch the VOD out to work tomorrow good night sleep well thank you very much for the delicious soup M good soup ah so this here maybe is the Crux of my problem

The thing is no matter what this roof from this side will never ever ever be even there’s nothing I could do to make the side of the roof even because this square right here is always going to be off center because the back of the building is longer than the front of the

Building so this will never look centered H which means either I can never do a point facing the West and East sides of the wall and I would have to do a north south point which would mean that this is redundant over here Or I’d have to make a circular roof but if I make a circular roof I’m just going to be like ooh it looks like a Pokemon Center cookie swaga says what if you just Burn It To The Ground sorry uh terra cotta doesn’t ignite very well thas says what do you have against

Pokemon centers they’re cringe if you need a Pokemon Center you’re not playing a Nuzlocke and you’re not playing right if your Pokemon don’t die permanently you’re not playing Pokemon the way I do I just like collecting them and raising them in a peaceful way okay says Cayenne all right you know what that’s fair that’s fair if you want to play Pokemon that way that’s your business I personally uh find that I cannot stand Pokemon in its base form is so uh unbearably simple and mind-numbingly

Uh mind-numbingly repetitive in the way that I approach combat if I’m not playing it as a Nuzlocke then I simply derive no joy from it but there’s nothing wrong with you deriving Joy from it what if I just want to collect bugs I do too I play bug only runs in my

Nuzlock what about it I love Pokemon it’s one of my favorite franchises but I love it as a Nuzlocke all right let’s try ah that was rude let’s try the rounded roof I would derive Joy if I didn’t SOB every time I lost a Pokemon that’s most

Of the fun you love it so much you love them so much more there’s so much more okay listen you remember the other day how we had that talk about okay for those of you who are in the minchi right for those of you who are in the minchi

Do you remember how we talked about time travel and how after a certain amount of time traveling between Dimensions or uh different timelines you would lose value for like family members and loved ones the same thing’s true of Pokemon see if you if if there’s no risk involved and

There’s no mortality and everything’s a perfect endless housian dream where nothing ever passes and everything is eternally yours and there’s nothing to gain and nothing to lose all things lose value and meaning I don’t care about Weedle number 562 but you know what I do care about that one Weedle who survived

A crit in gym to after he turned into a Kakuna and I used Harden to stall for a long time after setting down like a poison sing for poison stall strats you know that Weedle that Weedle I love that Weedle I remember and if he passes away in gym 3

That Weedle I will never ever forget as the trooper who handled it damn this is personal ain’t it I love my bug Pokemon leave me alone I’ve got a whole plushy net full of bug Pokemon hanging above me right now I I’ve hung them from like what I did was I bought

Little uh little white um strings and little black strings because I have like soundproofing on the walls here in the um in the tavern and they’re like black soundproofing so I put black strings attached to the bug so they look like they’re flying uh because the string

Blends into the background except for my arados which has one white string attached to its spinette so it’s hanging uh head facing down so it looks like it’s um it looks like it’s hanging down by a web it’s very cute my favorites are ghost types they have

No uh good plushies neither do bug Pokemon unless you go to the website Pokemon Center I believe is what it is cover does not endorse that they are not advertising that that’s just me saying where I got mine okay okay I love Pidgeot you know what good taste I don’t

Never see anybody say that really I mean nobody dislikes Pidgeot but I don’t know if Pidgeot is anybody’s favorite ah fair fair fair fair fair you know what that’s fair uh I understand that I understand that and thanks for being an axhole for two

Months I yearn for a jol tick plush I do yearn for a jol tick plush damn straight I’m a bug gym leader [ __ ] yeah bug’s the best type in the game if you don’t agree with me you’re objectively wrong and that’s okay it’s okay to be worse than me in every way

Possible in every way conceivable I mean listen if other people weren’t wrong it wouldn’t make me being objectively right about bug Pokemon being the best type uh as impressive now would it spams Ember okay parries brings out Volcarona brings out ccch ignores your Ember oo o when I get my hands on you

Skeleton ooh when I get my hands on you skeleton ooh Zubat I like Zubat Zubat is a good Pokemon I like Zubat a lot actually I feel like Zubat doesn’t get enough love my only real problem with Zubat is that I really genuinely do not like gobat I

Like Crobat okay but it’s not like my favorite design but I just do not like having to go through goldbat to get there oh come on Don’t all right that’s fine Zubat very cute yeah what was I doing oh yeah I was going to go uh Farm some mobs for a bit to get more um XP to heal my elytra and my axxe I should probably do this away from the house so there’s no chance of

Blowing up my stuff and ruining my whole aesthetic thing I’ve got going on but uh I’m lazy and I don’t want to run away from those I got my Internet besti to watch your streams says jmax why did you do that why have you cursed them in what world

Did that seem like a good idea reminds me of the oat meme says rokei does it but it has no mouth lurantis is really cute I also really really like that lurantis is a faker I like uh non buug type bug types as well but it always annoys me when uh

Game freak shorts me on a cool bug type and says nope it’s not a bug type just kidding bug’s not cool enough for this like Flygon should have been bug Dragon absolutely Flygon should have been bug Dragon uh uh what is it um uh I can’t remember it name anymore

Wow I’m trying to remember um scorpion drapion drapion should have been dark bug Flygon should have been bug Dragon lantis should have been grass bug but I kind of find it funny that lurantis is purposely pretending to be a bug and is just grass type so of Tricks

People into using the wrong um wrong typings occasionally like it’s not that handy since bug shares fire and flying weakness with grass but it can be interesting in in a competitive sense my first Pokemon game the first one I ever played was my older sister’s

Copy of red the first one I ever owned was my own copy of emerald ow ow oh hey there’s another one here huh that’s getting a little weird and I’m getting a little funky don’t I need your XP don’t don’t I hate you God damn you to Hell server lag

Oh Emerald is by far the best Pokemon game and I will accept no other answer Emerald’s like Emerald is the closest I’ve ever been in a Pokemon game I feel like and maybe this is just like Nostalgia goggles or whatever but Emerald’s the closest I felt to being

Like on a Pokemon Adventure in the sense that like the anime would want you to feel like Emerald had like secret bases and lots of cool inv ow lots of cool environments and like a lot of cool like um different um like weather effects and the two teams

Were interesting and the story was cool and the starters were great um I like it it had like sort of a swampy area I’m a sucker for swamps in my games maybe it started with Emerald I wonder if that’s where it started I don’t know my does not seem to be repairing

Much I think it’s favoring my elytra for now until I uh get that fully repaired Gen 5 goes crazy though you know what’s funny is Gen 5 is where I fell off I know everybody loves Gen 5 everybody loves black and white etc etc but I

Played uh Gen 5 and [ __ ] off God I just want my XP okay anyway I played Gen 5 and I got about halfway through it and I think that’s about the time I realized that the game was just boringly easy to me I was like I am just spamming uh

Attack moves I’m not even like actually thinking thinking about what I’m doing like I’m just over and over using whatever my strongest attack move is and it was around that time I realized that you really didn’t have to do anything like you did not have to catch Pokemon

You did not have to like carefully plan out your teams you could very easily in any of the mainline Pokemon games take your starter level only your starter and nothing else and run through the entire game you will have no trouble doing that you can run your starter nothing else

Power level it so it’s way overleveled for every gym and just beat the whole game and that’ll never be a problem and I’m like I don’t know man I feel like that kind of defeats the whole purpose of typing stuff like if I could Brute Force flamethrower in a rock type and

Just not care that’s a little weird to me uh Black and White 2 had a hard difficulty I never played the second one so oh yeah that’s right I was trying to tell tell you about what happened with uh my black and white experience so I

Got black and white I’m super excited I still thought I was a huge Pokémon fan uh and I played about halfway through it got super bored and stopped playing it um and then I kind of realized Pokemon just wasn’t a game for me anymore I was

Like this game is not made for me like this is not a game that is designed for my particular taste in video games so I gave up on Pokemon around that time I even bought sun and moon and played those thinking maybe this will fix it

Maybe it was just a dud game uh and I didn’t like that either I was like oh I just don’t like Pokemon and for a while I thought that was it that was the that was the end of it I was like I guess I just don’t like Pokemon maybe it’s just

Not a game that was made for me and then around uh I guess when sword and shield came out I picked up Emerald again and I played it as a Nuzlocke and I realized that Pokemon when played with like a permanent death scenario and taken seriously and uh you know forcing

Yourself to buy potions and value money and have like a limited use of like re sources becomes possibly the most complex jrpg on the market right like there is no jrpg where you have to memorize more characters more passive abilities more things about EVS IVs hidden stats uh tight matchups um

Different like abilities that ruin those type matchups double type matchups and things like that there’s no RPG that’s more complex on the market period when you play it as a nuzlock and I think that’s super fun so now it’s my favorite turn-based RPG by far uh and I do want to go back

And play black and white because I feel like I didn’t give it a fair Shake but I really really want to play it as a Nuzlocke black white 2 is even better ooh thoughts on scarlet and violet I for professional courtesy sake I’m not going to give you my thoughts on scarlet and

Violet I don’t know if cover would like my thoughts on scarlet and violet I like Pokemon um I didn’t finish them I’ll say that I I enjoyed the open world I thought it was fun I guess uh I liked certain decisions that they made I lik

Uh uh I thought shiny hunting was kind of fun and that it’s first time I’ve ever done shiny hunting um yeah yeah that those are my thoughts on that overall I’m not going to answer that [Laughter] question you [ __ ] suck [ __ ] off oh ow I hate you so much how are the

There’s six of those things around me Pokemon side games uh asks Rosie uh as far as Pokemon side games go the only one I’ve ever really enjoyed a ton was uh I played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon when I was a kid and I really like that uh I

Haven’t given many of the other ones a shap well I tried the new Pokemon Snap but I didn’t get very far I I kind of lost my attention oh you guys if can you guys keep a secret can we keep a secret between us I like Pixelmon a lot

Too oh sorry game freak came for me for a second there oh no lucious Merryweather In the Flesh uh what is up you Sly dog you caught me monologuing welcome in how’s it going lucious marry weather how was your stream what’d you get up to today I I I

Uh I have left you on read I apologize I did not have a chance to look at the thing you sent me on Discord because I’ve had a very busy last few days how’d your stream go what’d you get up to today Mary dog Army raid hey welcome

In it’s okay you can reply to me how dare you we haunted haunted we haunted anomalies haunted anomalies were you playing that game where you’re the cameraman and there’s the spooky stuff and then sometimes the stuff is all shifted around like some sort of weird

Like uh house gnome got in and moved to Furniture a few inches is that what you were playing is that is that what I’m am I getting it right neba neas it’s like the exit oh I’ve never played the exit but I’ve heard good things about

It it’s time for me to fix this approach a little bit and then we’ll get back to work on the roof but if I don’t work on the roof soon we’re never going to get it done this stream I can’t do a 12-hour Minecraft stream that’s unheard of enjoy

Your streamers bye Mary good luck thanks for the red oh my God he’s doing it he’s really doing it only 11 hours okay we’ll do 11 hours and 58 minutes that way I’m not technically doing a 12-h hour Minecraft stream and everybody’s happy and certainly the VOD Watchers will not cry

Salty salty tears as they stare their Doom in the eyes aware that what they have done now is voluntarily signed up for a sopian task in which they will roll the boulder of this VOD uphill for the rest of all of their lives it will be an endless Purgatory of my voice

Ringing Hollow in their ears at some point it will lose all meaning like one of my my drifting monologues simply noise just weird staticky background sounds that have ceased to mean anything it’s going to be beautiful there we go slightly easier to approach the house now nice want some of these yellow

Ones give me here we go long Street’s perfect for Intel travel says nuro international travel how many of you dorks are doing international travel what reason could you possibly have to be traveling internationally also how do you watch a street yeah all right listen I cannot

Under I could not in any World Imagine a world where someone sat down on a plane and said you know what I could do right now I’m going to watch ruse that sounds like a good thing to do on a plane that sounds like a fun use of my [Laughter]

Time oh anime cons that’s a good point that’s a good point that’s a good point lawn VOD to cope oh S I really wish they’d stop saying that but they’re never going to stop are they uh okay that’s everything cool let’s get back inside and let’s get back to work shall we I have repaired quite a bit of my elytra but I did not repair much of

My axe at all so we’ll have to do one more night of hunting when we’re done here but for now let’s get in here and get some work done so I guess sadly we are committing to the rounded roof which means what I will instead do is I’m going to place uh okay

How do we want to okay hold on let me think do we want Noe I know what we’re going to do I’m no longer asking I am simply doing ah what an inauspicious start ah piss there we go cool we’re doing a dome roof we’re going to do at least a

Vaguely rounded roof I don’t know if I’m going to count it as a dome roof but we’ll figure it out once we get to the top how’s that sound how does that sound to you I hate it here I hate it here uh being attracted to R is a daily stru huh

Adrianita don’t watch ruse at the club don’t watch ruse at the club also I’m sorry I’m sorry you you will get better soon I promise you’ll grow out of it oh no someone who’s got to get banned immediately that’s so sad that’s so sad hey champ I’m glad you had your 5

Seconds of attention um see you in hell or whatever therapy session you’re heading to once I remove you and your all all meaning from your life goes away Bye Bye b to the void dang why your mods sleeping says zind I am my mods I you know what I

Should probably mod some people now that I think about it that probably would have been wise this is what I get for thinking on the on the do-it-yourself uh brain space I keep meaning to mod some of the artists uh that I’ve worked with as well but I keep for guarding

We need that Bon emote so bad don’t you worry don’t you worry I’m going to get that I’m going to get that for you one day but it’s not today uh Stardust says if I play ruds in the club how much does it scare the crowd a lot a lot adri adrianita says

Nobody knows that I’m watching a vtuber at the club you don’t think they know but can you be sure can you be 100% certain about that and more importantly are you willing to take that gamble are you willing to risk that they might know I know I’m not willing to risk that they

Might know but if you are I mean that’s your business not mine I can’t tell you how to live your life we got to strip this back down to its Basics now that I’ve committed to doing it this way I need to take down some of this uh White terracotta

Unfortunately which is you know a bit of a bummer cuz I took the time to put it all up but whatever it is no longer conducive to the roofing plan that I have in mind this is going to make a much shallower roof and I don’t know how I feel about

That yet um what I might do is I might do a rounded roof in the back and then have it come up to a point in the front that could be kind of fun ah fair enough and thank you for the delicious soup give me the ox cord I’m

Putting oh no I’m putting vtubers on oh good lord why are you trying to to get rid of all of your friends that’s actually my strategy to get people out of my house you know when you invite people over and you have some fun you listen you watch a show or you

Play some board games or whatever it is you do when you hang out with your friends and then you’re like okay guys time to go and they’re like yeah yeah no problem and you’re like already in your PJs you’re like okay guys time to go they’re like yeah yeah no problem and

Then you’re like okay guys seriously though it’s time to go and you’re already snuggled up in your bed and they’re like staring at you expectantly waiting as if you’re going to pull out some [ __ ] new fun activity to entertain their PE brains or some [ __ ]

For me the way I’m going to get rid of them from now on is I’m just going to plug in vtubers I’m going to lay in my bed and I’m going to pull out a just a vtuber any vtuber anybody I don’t give a [ __ ] who it is I’m be like okay guys

Time to go and then they will run screeching for the hills what kind of friends do you have my guy clingy ones [Laughter] Unfortunately ah oh we are cooking now we are cooking now let’s go wait a minute wait a minute maybe I’m a maybe I’m a genius question mark maybe I’m the world’s smartest Bounty Hunter I mean if my competition’s Gerard it can’t be that hard right uh oh thanks for repelling unwanted guests

Uh and my aunts hey no problem I got you covered treky jokes on you my friend stay the night so you we can walk the sleepover were watching vtubers oh no oh no thanks for the soups thank you for the soups yum yum yum yum yum yum

Yummy wait a minute wait a minute something’s wrong tting H never mind I figured it out I’m a genius again okay cool everything is as planned everything is working exactly as intended because I am once again a Genius oh I see what I did wrong okay hold on check it out check it out check it out there we go there we go there we go there we go yes yes initial layer done we did it we figured it out out and then what I’m

Proably going to do is I’m going to have this go up and make its own bigger point above this one uh if I can do that like how tall would this get oh that’s not that much taller is it ooh it’s going to be a little double decker point will that Work okay what I could do H how much taller is that going to end up being not much right because like let’s see if I go up one here that’ll be one two taller on either spot so it’s not going to be that much I kind of want

One more I kind of want one more than that so what I’m going to do real quick is I am actually going to throw a decoy block right here I think and then I’ll continue the oh okay now it should be taller okay so it goes up

By one before it hits that yeah okay okay that’ll be better uh good night f M delicious ah stamina potion all right let’s go get some Monster hunting done we alternate we hunt we build we hunt we build did I bring a bow with me I did

Not a bow would make this a little simpler let’s go grab a bow real quick the flavor of my potion I’m so glad you asked and that I definitely have an answer lined up for that and I’m not currently turning my bottle to face me

It is uh this one was grabbed at random um it is white gummy bear I grabbed it out of a cart refueling station Baja Blast potion win I make those custom I make baja blast Potions all the time what I do is I take guacamole gamer farts and then I combine those with

Sprite and it makes a Baja Blast flavored stamina potion it is quite delicious would recommend jump that is what hey champ I’m going to give you I’m going to give you some advice you got to get out of that club the soup or here’s a trick just get hit on

By women than aren’t [Laughter] R please don’t hit me no ow get away you little freak uhoh he’s too short short kings are striking it’s just like being attacked by Haka it’s mild be terrifying but not really a threat just like Haka I’m joking I’m joking Haka is not that

Short when he’s wearing his platforms how are my cat Sons as beautiful as ever perfect angel babies that have never done any wrong unless they piss me off and then they’ve done wrong no another baby ah it’s a Haka zombie watch out ah ah okay we’re good never mind

We’re fine woo that was close thought I had a flash there for a second second of uh half of Tempest I wasn’t sure if that was all teraka or [Laughter] Fon come here you little bastard oh that one’s got an enchanted bow I want but why so many babies oh

[ __ ] all right hold on we got to stand on ground hold your ground sit you filthy babies ow get away get out of here get out of here you give me that bow kobby oh I’m nuts I’m nuts with it I’m insane I’m insane anyway uh ruse I’ve got a question says uh

Cream bread if you weren’t a bounty hunter would you be an architect instead I’m curious badly I would not be an architect instead no I don’t know anything about architecture I just know what I like when I look at buildings uh I I have a lot of different interests

And very few different uh trained skill sets I’m not a therapist I am not a writer I not a World Builder I am not a uh you know uh [ __ ] character analyst I am not a uh designer I am not an architecture master I am simply a guy

Who likes things I am an idiot on the internet I am not an idol I am a [ __ ] that is where I begin and I end and that sometimes is all you need to be I hate you so much you little prick get out of here why are there so many of

You today haha stupid see you chump well I am a pretty all right Barista actually that’s true that’s true but I never you know what I never learned how to do was funky little latte art I just know how to make a lot of fun little drinks I am a [ __ ] the inspirational

Speech of our times you’re welcome ow that’s a lot of enemies hold on one sec I gotta heal yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yummy hey jackass sit down I’m going to go get you I’m going to go get you I’m going to get

You yeah what’s up baby not you not you go away I ran out of airs woo okay we’re safe we’re good everything’s back to normal we did our Monster hunting we upgrade not upgraded we repaired a little bit of our Axe and now during the daylight hours we must go

Back to work because I am nothing if not efficient latte art hand cam stream would be super fun sometimes says ly Gilly well I got bad news for you Lily Gilly I uh I don’t know how to do latte arjo I just said I can’t do that I only

Know how to make fun little drinks who’s at me who dares enjoy your breakfast Rosie it’s time to learn then no I don’t want to okay back to work you reliving your time as a Herald of the celestial stag when if I can help it

Never uh you lied to those poor men but thank you for the soup sleep well good thing that you’re taking in Uber I’m glad that you’re being responsible uh you’re going to need to sleep this off and we’ll all pretend it never happened thanks good night bye be safe and all that

Now hold on do I want to do no I don’t think I want to do brown I should do uh White terra cotta there huh that would be the the wise move that would be the move of somebody who knows what the [ __ ] they’re doing which I am certainly not

Somebody like that but I could at least pretend right so up up up up up up up up up oh [ __ ] no I can’t do that well I can but I’d have to chop this down which is fine I guess question mark what is that going

To look like on the inside when I chop that down though uh-oh H mayhaps I have not thought this through enough we’ll find out in a Second yeah I think I’m going I’m going to like the way this looks right um but I need to figure out uh essin says I love vikavolt but not really interested in pincer what about you incredible bug is uh incidentally bug is uh Mushi in JP yeah cuz mushishi right uh I

Like pincer okay I’m a bigger I’m I’m in the Scyther Camp of the pincer Scyther debate uh but I really really like vikavolt I think vikavolt is an incredible design I think most gens have at minimum one really good bug design like one of the few really good bug

Designs that came out of sword and shield to me was that um Flying Saucer bug and then I also really liked uh the little um um orb spider in uh Scarlet Violet I thought that was really cute thoughts on l oh I love low kick low

Kick has a really cool design I’m also excited there’s finally a bug dark type cuz that is genuinely unironically a really really really strong type and I’ve been waiting for one to pop up for a while now I thought drapion was going to be it and I was disappointed when I

Found out draon stop being bug type so I was excited for uh low kicks in general I really really like low kicks also I like that it’s got that sort of super CTI Ranger thing going on that’s kind of fun I have never really participated in that kind of content content content

Holy [ __ ] words are hard I’ve never like watched Super Sentai stuff but I think it’s cool and I want to get into it at some point okay how’s this going to look when we’re done with it I think that’s going to look pretty cool maybe we could turn

This into like a window or something is that not tall enough to be a window it’s not and if I bring it in anymore it’s only going to be too wide h but then again if I bring it in more I can have it flatten okay so what if I do

This okay that would look pretty good and then I could turn this into a roof from the attic the attic could come out up here and then it’ll be like a second balcony above the balcony maybe that could be fun like a doorway right or I

Could turn this I could I could cut this up one more and make this roof slightly taller so it doesn’t perfectly mimic this roof’s uh flatness it seems a little more peaked at the top I think that’s the move we’re going to make this look a little more peaked at the top um

We’re going to do that let me go around Yeah okay cool I like it keep it okay okay so it’s going to be more of a uh tall Peak than the actual roof which is fine because it creates visual interest since it’s not as flattened as this roof’s Peak this is going to stand out a little more as something slightly

Different um and I think I’m going to like that uh the trick now that I have to do is make this not look so sharp I don’t like the way that looks so I need to figure out what I’m going to do with that I don’t know yet

I might add um like trap doors Right Here Right Here Right Here Right Here Right Here essentially to create something interesting or I might add ladders once in a while uh and then what I’m probably going to do here is I’m going to carve out like a window of some sort maybe

I’ll carve this block this block and I’ll leave these blocks flat I’ll put glass glass glass glass glass glass so to create sort of an almost rounded window shape right that’ll probably work goodbye sleep well good luck uh bye oh yeah that was a that’s quite a

Bit of typing right there you better you know what it’s time to put the phone down you got to put the phone down no more Super chats go you got to you got to get on that you got to get in that Uber you got to get to that bed you got

To get to sleep that uh if I were to read that out uh verbally you got to take that phone that says I took my drunk friends on man is best that think I’m Thank you for the delicious soup no more all right more stairs I’m going to need so many stairs I’m going need so many stairs can I combine these I can’t remember are they going to make me do it the hard way they’re going to make me do

It the hard way as punishment for daring to create them in the first place oh oh why does God punish me for my Folly oh it doesn’t even break right oh [ __ ] uhoh uh-oh man all right well okay here’s okay I it’s fine I have an idea okay so here we

Go so blah blah blah blah um BL wait a minute no that’s still right right right okay and then boun and then boun and then Oh I thought I ran out already I was like no shot that was so early uh uh [ __ ] sorry wrong One oh nice nice nice nice nice nice okay wait no yes yes no yes this has to go no yes this has to go and then these have to go because this has to become a part of oh this has to become a part of that

Nice Okay cool so then this is going to continue upward okay we’re definitely getting there don’t worry we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re getting there everything’s working out exactly as I intended this isn’t working out I intended the [ __ ] is going on here it’s Ain right hey what is

This ah there we go okay okay we’re cooking we’re cooking wait a minute and boom all right I think everything should be symmetrical there should be a one two and then a curve so let’s go check the other side real quick one two curve all right so we know

Our plan is in fact working our strategy is working good night good luck you got to stop you got to stop burning money go you got to go drink some water bye sleep well I’m not saying good night anymore no more good nights Bye okay I got to go kill some stuff ow oh I forgot to eat don’t look at me don’t look at me please please don’t look at me sir thank you you’re so kind you’re so kind for listening now you will die for your kindness hello piss ants who would like to die

First hey there a spider riding skeleton out there that’s spooky oh man my sword’s about to die a this sucks all right well let’s kill a few more things and then head back we don’t need to to fight with a dead sword Don’t Shoot Me psych what’s up

Baby ow I’m not afraid of you I wasn’t afraid for a second I was a little afraid back on Broadway again don’t blow up I need your XP thanks bud Okay so let’s see what we what happened on the side note it’s been a month of being an axhole now can I get

Uh oh I see what you yeah yeah I I mean I don’t see why not yeah cool uh so what was it you were looking for again uh thank you for being an axhole for a full month uh yeah here you go so um you’re welcome don’t ever say I

Didn’t do anything for you oh oh go away I’m trying not to die out of here aha idiot oh your PC lagged sorry about that I guess you missed it it was the best one you’ve ever heard too trust me trust oh it’s repairing it’s repairing now it wasn’t repairing because I was

Wearing my elytra for too long so I was focusing on repairing the elytra but now it’s repairing it was at like its last legs earlier it’s fine fine it’s going up you’re clutching your pearls mango Council says I’m clutching my pearls oh yeah oh my Lord oh I’ve got a case of the

Vapors oh wait no you know what this is fine actually this gives me a chance to use these great okay so boop boop boop boop beep boop beep boop beep boop beep boop beep boop and then I go with a pow uh pow and then we break this and then it’s Uh p yeah okay things are working out all right it’s all turning up Ru right now huh why is the you know what that’s fine this is fine I feel a little weird about this like this isn’t how this is supposed to look but I will trust the

Process and we will keep it moving because I simply do not want to wait um what okay okay I accept that uh I you know what henceforth I am just going to focus on Minecraft because otherwise I feel like I am somehow I feel somehow I am this is

My fault and I’m not going to I I will not take responsibility for this sin Ah that’s fine all right we got to put a roof on this bad boy I’m going to put a roof on this room this room’s going to be a little shorter because I

Has to be basically is what this boils down to I can’t really afford for this not to be a little shorter uh otherwise I won’t be able to do stairs later and I want stairs damn it okay so this would go in one more here there we go okay

Minecft okay and then this this has to be This yeah nice all right oh it’s getting hot in here [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no oh toasty it’s getting hot in here hold on I got to turn on my AC one sec okay here we go here we go I’m getting cooked okay there we go uh

So one problem I’m going to run into is that these support beams are theoretically supposed to run through this room that will no longer be the case which is a bit of a Problem I don’t love that I don’t love that what am I going to do about that what am I going to do burn down my house you killed my family shrug uh I am not sure I guess we’ll cross that we’ll figure that out when we

Get there we’ll figure that out when we get there for now let’s go ahead and just get the rest of this done uh uh uh uh uh uh H are we setting something on fire never unless I feel like it which is not right now not right now I’m out of

Stairs it’s okay we’ll go get more uh so this path up still leads up which is great that’ll work for one more more layer and then I’m going to have to figure something else out uh do I have any Darkwood left over I do I even have

Stairs left over that’s so lucky cool so we can just make a whole another set win-win really nice you remember a little bit ago when I was talking about this and I was like oh man I I can’t wait to like go make a uh a logging camp at some point wow

Those dreams seem so distant now the idea that I would have time to make a whole another building seems so far away which is really sad wow when I’m done here I’m going to go make a logging Camp I’ve got all these big aspirations and goals now I’m

Like oh man if I could just get this house done I could just get this tavern completed that would be great that would be exceptional honestly uh so from here on out it’s going to be pointed which is good once we hit like once we hit about

Here I want to say we’re just going to point it all the way we’re just going to so once we get to past this point I want to say we’re just going to keep going up right so like what I would do is I would

Lay a foundation here and then go up and then lay a foundation here here here here here and for from here on out it just becomes a point okay so theorically that won’t work though cuz this has got to go up one more oh no I

[ __ ] up okay don’t mind I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up it’ll sort itself out I don’t need to okay I’m overthinking this I’m overthinking this that’s what it is I don’t need to work on this side yet because I need to keep

Doing it in layers to see how it forms itself naturally if I keep trying to like overthink it and get ahead of it I’m just going to keep [ __ ] it up so let’s just keep it moving how’s that sound Yep this is a better plan this is

A better plan uh this has got to go which means I no longer have a path to the roof which is a bomber unless what I do is this I just ignore That okay here we go okay here we go good night sleep well uh so I break this and then I put a widow support thing there and then I do the okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay everything’s coming together everything’s coming together we’re doing

Great I’m doing great this is awesome let’s put this down and that down wow rou you’re so smart thank you I know good evening to those showing up and good night to those heading out wait that was wrong I [ __ ] that up [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up Too nice okay not overthinking things was definitely the strategy here so when I come up I’ll come up here and then I’ll just keep building on top of this as if it’s already connected which should be fine question mark yes yes I’m a genius I’m a genius I’m a

Genius I’m an architect I’m a mastermind I am the ultimate Builder nobody is stronger than I am the end do I want these uh middle rooms to have vaulted ceilings since I plugged up the ceilings in these side rooms or in that side room rather h Huh Oh [ __ ] wrong way oopsies uh ruse have you played Shin mam star ler says Hey ruse have you played Shin Mami tensei uh to demon collecting turn-based RPG that seems like a series you would enjoy I’ve never actually played it I’ve heard a lot of good things about it though uh I

Would definitely give it a shot at some point but I have not tried it yet wait why am I doing that I don’t have to do that what a waste of resources no one’s going to see in here sauga yeah what did I do wrong

Here okay R play shim G 3 knockturn one day says Alma I wouldn’t count on it what makes you think I’m going to sit down and I’m going to play that game huh why do you think that wait a minute wait a minute something’s wrong something’s wrong something’s wrong something’s wrong something’s very

Wrong something has gone terribly wrong uh uh half a block one block half a block one block uh block one block block it’s here it’s here what’s Wrong H good night Conair dinks minks welcome into being a rater Uh something’s wrong here look look look look look here’s what I’m talking about watch this watch this so you got your like little split right this little rectangle and then it goes a wing a wing

And then it goes a full block a wing full block no Wing no Wing here why is there no Wing here everything seems right this is a shorter it’s shorter on the side by one what the [ __ ] look it goes out one it doesn’t go out one here what did that do what

What [ __ ] one two one two what are there’s a block here look there’s a block here I missed there’s a block I missed we’re good we’re good everything’s fine everything’s fine we’re fine everything’s fine we’re fine oh oh you’re an architect name every building all right kamimi so you’ve got

Um cans you’ve got morgs you’ve got uh Charle houses you’ve got uh Apartments um Town Homes um tab um office building skyscrapers uh you’ve got um actual houses you’ve got um places you just stay for funsies you’ve got taverns you’ve got bars you’ve got grills you’ve

Got restaurants uh Nick says so it’s a wing a wing and then a wing away indeed it is it’s a wing a wing a wing away but if you Wing one way then you can’t Wing the other you know what I’m saying thank you for the soup you said Tavern twice

Okay and you never said anything twice in your life what the [ __ ] are you you what you use one word once and you’re [ __ ] you’re just screwed God damn I hope you really picked carefully how you were going to use the word I or they or

You [ __ ] if you use the word be you’re screwed damn that really sucks I’m so sorry you live a life of one use wers that’s insane you said I fired my vocabulary load and I’m done it’s over for me my clip is extended I cannot [Laughter] reload well ruse how come you’re allowed

To Tavern says shiny Jubilee cuz I want it that means I’ll disintegrate immediately bye oh yeah you’ll disintegrate this now what are you going to do now what are you going to do that’s right nobody expected non- ukian ruse H good oh stop stop stop oh no I

Can’t stop him he’s too strong stop him [ __ ] I’m I’m stuck like this I’m stuck like this forever I can’t stop sorry guys it’s over for me it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s over I’m trying to stop it and I can’t I can’t I can’t stop it help help [ __ ] Oh hey guys sorry about that I fixed it and I fixed me so everything’s fine now uh I had to step away for a second I’m back hi um what was I doing oh yeah bo bo bo bo stop doing that why are you doing that it’s freaking me out man okay there

We go man I sure am a genius how did I get so smart I wonderer sometimes to myself uh one two three four five and then I got to do a little and six okay everything’s looking really good wow my Roofing plan is actually working out kind of [ __ ] expertly and I’m not

Going to lie I’m living for it I’m living for it right now so normal very much saying Rost stream hell yeah it is I hope uh huh uh darling ascari says I hope GS makes energy drink called rage what flavor of your drink would you make um I

Would want to make a uh grape guava and pear flavored drink that’s [ __ ] up an evil shirou how dare you want to the TNT my roof you know I agree with that Lely says is there there is never normal in a ruse stream and I agree I think I’ve got

This weird reputation sometimes of people for being a relatively comfy streamer and I guess if you take comfort and me screaming at random intervals and then dumb [ __ ] happening to me yeah sure I’ll be your comfort streamer you’re still a little weirdo for that for thinking that’s comfy content

Uh quebe I like wait that that’s a [ __ ] fun name to say welcome into being a rator say that say that out loud everybody say that out loud Quee crey crey wow that’s goofy I like that I like it I like it I like it I like it a lord

What’s this oh [ __ ] did I [ __ ] up no I didn’t did I no I didn’t did I no I didn’t did I no I didn’t no I didn’t okay we’re good woo scared me can I still get up through here if I do that nope break okay we’ll have to handle that

Later uh but for now boink uh uh uh we just keep it going like nothing’s changed because nothing has changed in my heart in my mind I’m a machine man with a machine mind and a machine heart uh and then this has got to be yeah yes

Yes and then because these are half blocks this will still look like support beams we still did it yeah dandelion welcome to being an axhole uh this has nothing to do with you and I hate you as much as everybody else but do you guys

Want to hear a little bit of ruse lore you guys want to hear a secret you guys want to hear a secret dandelions are my favorite flowers ah you didn’t know that did you that’s right yeah I’ve got depth I’ve got personality I’m not always screaming and yelling at things sometimes I like

Flowers okay how about that how about that but most of the time I am screaming and yelling at things so you know what you are justified in that assumption okay so we do this we do this we drop one of these guys yes yes wait a minute oh my gosh everything

Lined up perfectly this was Destiny my roof was meant to look like this this is so perfect in so many different ways I love everything about what’s happening right now I’m losing my [ __ ] mind this is great this is great oh oh and then I can still have my attic

Too how am I going to get to my attic though what about theion tea I don’t think I’ve ever tried dandelion tea honestly not that surprised consider your peak flower aesthetic sometimes uh dandelion flower crown now dandelion in yellow are fluffy form both actually so the fluffy form isn’t actually

Flowering it’s the seed pods that get blasted out into the breeze so they can be carried off but I like the flowers as well flowers are for pollination right okay so now I can go around this way and continue my uh dastardly plot to be the worst person that ever lived and

So I shall and so I shall have you guys ever seen the um the Tik Tok that’s a bunch of audio from uh uh uh uh uh Adam Driver that shit’s oh that’s a funny Tik Tock oh that’s a funny tiktock I want that ship blown out of the

Sky oh I could duck under it nice lucky oh what’s this going to look like what’s this going to look like oh wow oh wow oh wow he said to himself like an idiot oh [Laughter] wow what’s going on here why is this orange oh I ran out of white that’s

Right cuz I was reparing it after it got blowed up or whatever nice everything’s coming along nicely I love it I love it I love it I love it I’m loving everything about it I’m living for it yeah this is like nice this is like sort of a comfy room kind

Of quieter I’m going to add more windows later don’t worry um but anyway I’m loving the way this is turning out I need you to stop being the way that you are please stop thank you cool um oh H beautiful wow tiny dandelion thank you for the delicious soup I will do I

Detect hold on do I detect a hint of dandelion and that’s soup that’s good why are there monsters nearby is it raining outside or something what’s going on oh it is raining isn’t it uh damn it’s giving fancy mountain cabin right thank you you’re right kamimi uh

Anagen say anagen rather says how is it to stay at criminal cut um I don’t stay here too too often I tend to wander a lot and just sleep wherever I lay my head uh but I do stop here when I’m resting you know once in a while I’ve

Rented a room or two it’s okay it’s not bad it’s nice I guess what is uh happening up there is there like a monster above me it sounds like I fell finally so I guess I can go to sleep now right come on let me sleep what is it

Inside did I leave the door open down there where are you at like why does it sound like you’re right on top of me thank you hag witch and have a good sleep guys are you serious could you [ __ ] off with this energy this is not

The Vibes we’re going for right now it is cozy building time sit down yeah what’s up baby you missed sucks to suck the cleanest Dodge I’ve ever Done take a shot you won’t take a shot W let’s go baby sit down bad spider okay anyway is there a way to decrease monster spawns no I don’t own the server I have no admin privileges I’m doing everything fully from scratch it’s going great night June good luck

Hey whoa Crimson ruse joined the game big fan big fan I know that guy honestly the most annoying part about mobs is that they won’t shut the [ __ ] up glad to have you here K bear and welcome back for a whole another month of Brading so at what stage do I want to

Admit that uh the roof itself needs to flatten out I wonder H when do I want to call that as it is lumeri says dandelion lore they were brought over from Europe to be used as food for settlers in North America like most forign FAA it turned out to be an

Invasive species and became the weed we know today I don’t think it’s a weed I think weeds are subjective I think it’s a beautiful Flower okay let’s do this thank you for the soup cat train the train uh Hey welcome in thanks for being a Bruiser spoken like a true Millennial uh can I get a latte please um hold the foam may I get an avocado toast with that please so that just

Happened sorry I didn’t mean that Millennials that wasn’t nice I mean I meant it a little [Laughter] bit Millennials shaking and crying right now uh still oh hold on minty Elicia says I still have the dried out dandelion my son picked for me when he

Was two I keep it on my desk he I think my mom has a couple dried out flowers I picked for her when I wait mom no joking that’s adorable I’m glad you have that that’s very cute that’s very supportive of you I’m glad to hear [ __ ]

Fudge can I give you some advice as a parent as as somebody who’s not a parent can I give you some advice since you’re a parent and uh I love I love it when someone says like as a mom or as a dad and then says something that has nothing

To do with parenting uh as somebody who’s not a parent my advice is this don’t ever let your kid be a vtuber by the way he likes you let him listen to me you let him listen to me have you heard the [ __ ] I say oh no that kid’s going to grow up

Describing some sort of weird messed up scenario about a bull in a china shop except a bull is like some sort of allegory for how [ __ ] up his friends are this isn’t going to be good this is bad this is bad news Did I did I close this off on the other side I did and I Clos it off at the same tier as the the supports didn’t follow all the way through [ __ ] that’s why I don’t have my markers to decide where to close it off at fudge oh my gosh

So they’re one block lower than the main block so I need to put it right here right boom uh and then we go two okay so it’ be right here boom okay cool and then I would have one right here which means at that spot where there’s nothing right here would be the

Spot I would put it in and I need to put it down there nice okay so now I know what height I need my Roofing to be at and the roofing is going to be at exactly the same height as this stuff but I don’t need to

Do it on it just in between it so I can do it this Way okay cool uh do you want to plug these up though because I don’t want them here uh and I don’t want mobs spawning in them so I just need to make sure I’ve got everything filled in as much as is possible even though you

Won’t see it it still needs to look like or it still needs to be filled in enough that mobs don’t spawn on it okay so let’s keep it moving I’ll fill those in with oak wood later but for now let’s keep our steps going I did something

Wrong you guys almost let me [ __ ] that up I did not let him watch the r okay good that’s fair okay fair enough you know what I accept that answer that’s good enough for me God damn it what am I doing wrong here what okay uh it’s working now I fixed it

Somehow I always worry about those half ass half ass rather fixes uh where I don’t really understand what I did to fix it cuz then I think to myself if I don’t understand how I fixed that did I actually fix it and is it about to be

[ __ ] up again in a way I do not know how to fix you know what I mean does that make sense okay so this is slowly closing off I think the next tier up should taper it off and then uh uh uh okay so over here is going to

Do the same thing we’ve already got our roof mostly closed up uh and then this room is going to have really not high ceilings it’s not supposed to have high ceilings anyway in fact I need to once again marker where everything’s going to be so grab this

Put it there put it there and then I need to put this at it is at the same slot as the torch so above the torch but one lower than the wall there so now I know that I could put this here okay cool everything’s working

Uh let’s catch back up let’s see a says yeah because you’re placing the blocks deliberately so doing it randomly kind of FS you uh Draco says in programming you just learn to accept things when it works no questions asked you know I’ve heard that about programming and that

Seems incredibly stressful to me I understand why you would do that especially cuz programs are such a time uh time consuming Enterprise but man trusting things to just be working when they work is not something I can do my little neurotic ass be like uh-uh uh-uh

I need to know why that works cuz invariably it is going to [ __ ] up and [ __ ] up royally in a way that seems seems irreparable I never trust things to just be working silence spider I have no time for your sass uh Shia sahed said sha Shia sahed said you

Know what ruse you’re my new favorite beating [Laughter] whoa well well well I guess that’s true what they say you can’t teach an old dinosaur New Tricks anyway thanks I’ll uh I’ll be sure to rub that in Gerard’s face I’ll be sure to take a screenshot of that and

Send it directly to Gerard’s [Laughter] DMS the hell is going wrong going on with these oh I think I understand okay so this needs to be cut off and then I need to find a way to make this into an attic which is going to be tough because this

Has to be cut down first of all so I can get up here and then this once it comes up here like the staircase is going to end right here essentially and then I need to find a way to not hit the roof but the roof is going to close off here

So how do I do this how do I turn this into an attic what I might have to do is actually go up this way since there’s so much free space essentially go up over no yeah yes H okay what H I’m solving problems before they’re

Really problems but on the other hand I hate having problems just sitting here so okay that’s good and then can I turn this into something is this going to look weird it does look weird but on the other hand it does work it does it does

Work though it looks weird but it does technically work oh no it doesn’t cuz I’d had to break it does technically work wait a second maybe deep down the real programming language I Learned was accepting things when they work all along maybe I too would become a

Programmer in my own right maybe I’m a little bit of a programmer if you would perfect programming stream win uh would you guys watch a programming stream because I would actually genuinely be interested in doing something like that I think that’d be a lot of fun uh I’m

Not kidding uh I would try something like that for sure maybe it’s minchy content though you know what I mean uh would that be weird right here because then this wouldn’t be white wall anymore you know what I’m okay with it I’m okay with it cuz I think it Blends in better

To this roundabout and up yeah that looks pretty cool actually I like that I like that wow so what does this lead out to then I want to turn this into a big like I like that it kind of turns into like a really oppressively dark wooden hallway in a

Lot of ways I kind of think that’s fun yeah and then this is like the only like light area could I cut this off and it wouldn’t look weird actually yeah and then that creates sort of a okay okay and then this is probably going to be closed off

This will be broken that eventually I’ll break this in fact I’ll do that now I’ll turn this into a regular block right so we cut that off we cut this off didn’t mean to do that but whatever cut that off and then we turn these into regular

Bricks and then this will eventually be a wall um and this comes up here cool and this will be like a little Alco where I can maybe put plants or like uh flowers Yeah okay so sorry I wasn’t paying attention uh would you be interested in learning Unity yes uh programming stream yes please I have no clue what a program stream would look like but I’d be down for sure uh C enjoyer checking in you enjoy wow Galaxy Turtle Galaxy Turtle says CP enjoyer

Incredible uh verdandi says I’d be interested in a programing stream if you could explain what you were doing I would try but I’m pretty new to it I’ve done a little bit of unity work in the past but it was mostly following along tutorials I made a line Runner game at

One point where you basically played as like a square and you were trying to dodge squares that would like just kill you in one hit it was just like murder you uh and you collected a few pickups and stuff and there was like an end so it’s like a little obstacle course Line

Runner kind of like subway surface type of deal right nothing impressive and was fully following along with the with the tutorial so it’s not like I did it by myself or anything hello to your cat Sarah stars and thank you there’s a game called human resource machine that makes a game

Of programming if you want to check it out I think I have that game is it a board game like a pen and paper game blight Wolfman I think I have that but I’m not sure pler says programming fact the official mascot for C++ is a fat

Disease rat named Keith whose hind leg is missing because it was blown off yeah that sounds program record to me an RPG Maker stream I don’t know about that but one thing I do have perms for that I just recently got perms for and you guys might like this you might

Be excited about this I believe I am allowed to use uh something called Wonder draft which is a mming program and I would like to show you guys a game that I just got perms for uh uh under permission from the the creator of the

Game his name is nucum I got perms to play mappa Imperium which is a World building dice game so if I could show you guys that I think you’d like it a lot it’s a lot of fun with friends uh I don’t know who I could convince to play

With me maybe shinry Senpai um but if not I’ll just play play and show you guys let’s go to bed map Imperium is super cool you’re right brodemus no brodemus brometheus king of the Broan no wait that’s brotheus bringer of the sick fires broiden there who that’s who I was thinking

Of night Sasha all right let’s go continue on our Roof then shall we now that we’ve taken a little nap a little sleepy a little Eep a little Eep a reach so you come to me now witch when I am this a Roose doesn’t like my sua he

Skipped it that’s not true skipping it looks like this thanks whoever sent that I’m not reading that no ah I’m too nice to you guys maybe I should be it maybe you know what maybe it’s time to get back into my bastard era maybe I’ve had enough of being nice

Maybe I’m tired of being nice oh yeah that’s looking good I love this I love what I’m doing here I love what I’m taking I like what I’m making here I’m picking up what I’m putting down what happens when I dig into that wall though I’m going to come out here

That’s not good maybe I should shorten the roof here so that there’s a walkway and then when I come out up here I will end up on so I’d have to go one more stair up but if I go one more stair up when I hit the outer SE I don’t I don’t

Hit the outer ceiling wait a minute uh uhoh no there’s going to be a stair here I don’t think this is going to work right let’s find Out [ __ ] ooh okay so if I wanted to go one more up I’d have to break this block and this block and that just doesn’t work cuz this had to be a stair so I can’t go one more up but if I dig out I will end up out in the hall

Which is bad we don’t want that it’s really tight Quarters here I got to really think I got to really cook here uh H youo Kiki says your voice reminds me of a pirate y but does my accent remind you of a [Laughter] pirate OSHA can kiss my Ass wait a minute wait a [ __ ] Second I have an idea H okay so what I do is since this is going to be this way you should be able to lay down a stair here and then come up into this and you’d have to duck but you could still make

It okay so I mean it’s an attic it makes sense you got to duck on the way in right yeah you duck your way into the attic boom and then from down here what’s going to be weird is that this is a block that shouldn’t be here which is a little

Annoying but what I could do is I could put a flag here and a flag here right and’ll be fine okay cool we got it figured out uh that’s our that’s the basic plan for our uh our staircase up into the attic so now we can actually have an attic which

Is great that means I can cut my way into this room over here if I really wanted to we would have to duck our way into a lot of Thetic oh okay wait a minute am I going lower than the I went lower in this hallway H is that okay is that okay to go lower in the hallway is that weird that’s a little weird isn’t it uhoh uhoh wait a minute that is a little weird well what

If I do it like this we purposely go lower here and then we go back up here right so creates visual depth so up low low up Up so flag flag or I could bring this up at here no I can’t because I need a stair oh man no you can’t do that okay okay it looks like that’s what I’ve got to do uh and then this is going to be the path in okay this will be the

Path into the attic got it unless this is too Low in which case I’d have to cut through here wait no that works cuz then I can open this this opens up and this is the path into the attic okay so this could be closed off this is fine this can be closed off completely uh sorry about

That I really had to cook there for a second not that sorry but you know I could pretend I can pretend I’m sorry for your benefit if you want cool and then this needs to be opened up some so I have a path into this side of the

Attic easy as that [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah and then this can have doorways wo I’m so smart so [ __ ] smart oh right okay cool uh this one is a little taller on this side than that side so we’ll have to go around and then I’ve got to start I’m

Going to start using these to plug it because I’ve got a lot of These no let’s use this scatter day exceptional whoa for an entire month forgot I had one of these LOL thanks for the chill Minecraft stream it’s good to finally catch my least favorite Idol live for once been busy at work quit your job your job’s Watching Me Now that’s my greatest

Advice I that’s my life ruining advice I’m going to give [Laughter] you one too many but ruse I got to pay for mchi somehow no you don’t you you must simply kill a man that’s how you’ll pay for your mchie that’ll be so [ __ ] up just kill someone no big deal oh I

[ __ ] up here by the way look at this look at this I [ __ ] up again uh-oh so this isn’t supposed to be here doesn’t need to be here which means my whole plan there was weird but it worked I guess because this would be here which means this would be here which means

This is actually this this is actually right right wrong [ __ ] [ __ ] oh thank you okay so now I chop down wait I don’t even have to chop that down I can just move on okay okay okay okay okay cool what’s this on bye nice now this room squared off perfect this

Is going great I’m loving this cool so I missed another one [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] everything up okay so if I [ __ ] that up then this needs to be broken which now means this needs to be broken because this becomes this right yeah so then this needs to be this hold on a

Second a [ __ ] ah [ __ ] oh it’s because of This huh you ah [ __ ] what okay what [ __ ] hold on thank you God [ __ ] me that was intense okay we fixed it we fixed everything everything’s back to normal we’re all so normal here and then this closes up there and then this has a closed off roof eventually this is eventually going

To be nothing this this is just to let me up out on the roof while I’m working this won’t be here don’t worry about that um so now I need to anticipate what would happen here is I would do um one of these one of these one of these wait a

Minute I got to close this off for a second I’m not going to remember how to do this right uh night ey says I forgot it too LOL around Valentine’s Day it’s always the busiest I’m so busy oh my God this whole myth month has been brutal next month’s

Going to be brutal I’ve got so many projects I got to work on But what okay so this closes off here right so this closes off here then this needs to be this which means this needs to go here hope that’s right [ __ ] me [ __ ] hold On he so assuming I didn’t miss anything here I know what you’re thinking ruse how are you going to get back in there and right now I’m not worried about that I just want to make sure the roof is built correctly worry about getting in and out

Later okay so then this becomes this oh finally okay what the hell happened here oh this wasn’t okay okay uh W all right that was quite an odyssey there but we got it figured out I have no way back on on the roof anymore which

Is a bit of a bummer but that’s okay I will figure that out when I get to it as a problem for now let’s keep building um thank you Comet King for the small contribution to the rrf the roof R ruse roof fund wow that’s hard to say out ofsight out of mind

Yep ah tasty like goof is that you oopsies thank you for the soup wa shadow Cross zero thank you very much for the delicious soups plural wait a minute that’s not right I did that wrong uh I want those stairs but I don’t want to go down there to get

It can I just kind of diagonal jump up this no is there not like a perfect frame yeah okay so going to say there’s got to be a perfect frame you can do here that’ll make that work uh and we did it so thank you for the delicious

Chips so I do this [ __ ] me I did it wrong again what if I did this this and then I put down right hold on bear with me for a second we did this this and then I went like so and like so bam okay this is We’re getting so close now we’re getting so close now G I heard Gerard in my brain for a second go you close you Close [ __ ] poop that terrified me for a second I thought that was all mobs I was like holy [ __ ] what is going on down there you say that’s a joke but is it really a joke is it really a joke or is it the [Laughter] Truth I’m kidding Gerard’s cool what the hell am I saying noid all right I’m really liking the way this turning out and we got one flat block here so if I really wanted to I could put like a fencing or something here I I I think not using this would be

A bummer so I think we got to do something with this at some point but I’m really liking the way this roof is turning out I really really just kind of crossing my fingers and hoping I like the way it looks from the outside

Cuz I uh I forgot to do my typical thing where I wander to the far reaches out there and look at it so we’re kind of committed now huh I guess we’re just going to have to treat it as if we were actual builders in the real world and

Our only choice was to accept whatever came out of this huh yeah I that’s the move today cool genuinely I think this is going to turn out looking pretty cool um but let’s go take a nap for the day shall we what is my fastest route downward uh I

Might have to actually fall off this time no wait here here we are lucky speaking of being in here just real quick plug that plug that plug huh that’s weird this should be able to go all the way across right yeah okay hey wait a minute what’s this no no the hell is

This night Nero okay wait a second this is wrong too h wait it might have to be like that oh no did I just [ __ ] up a staircase we’ll have to figure out when we get back out there uh let’s go make more stairs let’s go to sleep first let’s go

To sleep and then we’ll go make more stairs yeah yeah no please please please please please please is it almost daylight yeah I guess I don’t care never mind thank you K crusty emu Bru does it have to be perfect hex fan ask me see that’s the difference between me and

Every other chump ass piece of [ __ ] in this world yes it does have to be perfect can I be perfect every time no can I shoot for Perfection and land as close as I can get yes let’s go okay all right back up to the oh oh

That’s right I closed this off okay never mind um so I’m going to close this I’m going to close this I’m going to close this and this is going to be broken down and it’s going to turn into a little halfpipe nice and then this needs to be

Come yes I did it cool so this is a cute little segment now I love that you can even fit in there that’s cool unless what if I did this ooh ah ooh now you can’t fit in there but then I can’t put my little flowers in

There oh no cuz they’re half blocks the flowers would float that sucks no Chloe thank you for being an axhole and welcome back let’s see good night everybody that’s going to bed uh RFK says hey quick questioners was The Temper stream real or did I have a massive fever dream where everyone

Talked about toilets it was fake uh I wasn’t there that’s for sure uh whatever it is you’re talking about I don’t know what it is I was not there I take no credit for temper is thank you very much the Hell perfect okay where were we oh right over here okay I should have made more slabs I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I sure did I sure did [ __ ] up that’s all right everything’s looking good everything’s looking symmetrical perfect okay let’s work backwards for a

Little bit oh never mind I have enough slabs we’re good um I don’t know who this Crimson Riz is that you’re talking about Lena Lexus welcome into being a rater thanks goad and assume this is as tall as it’s going to get and close this part off shall We

Uhoh There we go we’ll close it off on both sides just to get it out of the way uh this is eventually going to be you know what we’ll close it like so maybe no let’s break that I love SL I want this to be open for a second but when it is

Closed off I’ll show you in a second what I’m going to do with it it’s going to be this cool anyway we’ll get there eventually but let’s not worry about that right now woo nice chips thank you for the delicious chips um everybody thank Aura for bringing chips to our nerd party D

And D would not be the same without delicious chips neither would Minecraft at whatever time at at 1:30 a.m. am I really playing Minecraft at 1:30 a.m. what has my life become sometimes I think about that and I’m like what am I doing what am I like actually doing like when you really

Think about it you know like when you really cook it down to its core components what the [ __ ] am I doing Uh life is great you know what you’re right life is great life might be hard there might be difficulties there might be things in your life right now that you’re not completely 100% satisfied with or things that you wish you could change that can’t currently be changed

But one day might be able to be changed but in this moment at one 39 a.m. EST we’re sitting down we’re shooting the [ __ ] we’re playing Minecraft we’re having our stamina potions and everything’s right with the world for you know a few Quiet Moments and maybe that’s okay maybe that’s enough

This doesn’t need to be here nice okay but this oh that’s right I wasn’t closing that off yet okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right okay all right okay all right so do I want to pull this out of another one H sah says all right leader I’m going to head out to work I know what you’re going to say so how am I’m going to S soup if I quit my job anyway AO keep the VOD safe I will always keep the VOD safe good luck and goodbye Imperial drop out

Exceptional for two whole months says monthly bastard support keep being awful sir I will I am the worst person that ever lived and that won’t stop being true uhoh I’m epie says sunny and do for for a long blink good night nerds Minecraft was fun no not Crimson RZ

Crimson ruse don’t start that how dare you Crimson RZ or like Crimson CR cringe yeah there we go got him got him okay this is looking pretty nice I kind of like how this is turning out out um obviously I can’t close this off just

Yet so I will put this here and I can’t put this here so I guess I’ll do this number and we’ll come back to it how’s that sound uh let’s see I thought I clicked on a Minecraft stream but it turns out I clicked on a roof building simulator

You’re damn straight for oo thank you for being a rator I have no idea who this Crimson Riz guy is that you keep people keep talking about but uh sure I’m glad you like him I guess wait I have more oh I’m an idiot thought I was

Out yeah oh wait no I know it’s going wrong it’s this one oh my God are you that Crimson ruse The Temper Champion nothing asks no no no no no no no no no no no I’m sorry You’ got the wrong guy you’re thinking of somebody else I’m Crimson ruse uh I

Am only champion of hatred uh nuro says speaking of work oh thank you for the delicious uh magenta the Krone Supa uh I watch minchi so I can work longer so I can earn more so I can watch more minchi so I can earn more so I can watch more

Minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can

Watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more Minch so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so

I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more minchie so I can earn more so I can watch more oh the internet’s dying South Lum internet you can’t limit me Sher says ruse just so you know I’m not going to read that cuz I

Don’t want to know what it says and if I read it out loud I’ll get I’m sure I’ll say something I don’t want to say thanks for being a Bruiser jump Sunny says okay okay Crimson ruse our least favorite Idol in winner of tempor okay good night get out of here

That’s enough no more typing how dare you I’m no fun why are you watching me uh wait a minute no that’s not s wait is that no that’s suuu G uh Sua Maybe suani [ __ ] oh well well I guess you can’t win them all or any of them in my case got him [ __ ] [ __ ] please well at least I can see what it’s going to look like on this side uh so that would close here and this

Would close here and then this would be a flat okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I get it I get it I get it I know what it’s going to look like uh that’s great this will be great when

I’m done with it uh so we’re going to have another little like boop boop shape up here and I kind of like that I think it looks organic it looks fun it’s a type of pickle oh yum because of the Tintin the tie becomes D I don’t know why I thought it

Became a g wait what becomes G if T becomes D What Becomes G with a ttin 10 yeah I stream on Twitch once in a while to answer your question you so KY oh K becomes God I see thank you s Esa well I can’t believe we’re actually

Going to finish our roof on this stream I was halfway bullshitting when I said that this is awesome this is great I love this I’m loving everything about this this is going spectacularly honestly I could not be Happ happier with the way this stream’s going right now um so thanks I guess

Nice nice [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah treky a rator for two months says I’m sorry I voted for you in the temporary show it’s only because I hate you as much as you hate me also because you were the least terrible option yeah I guess in a room full of people like

That it’s hard not to vote for me which isn’t a compliment to myself but an insult to the others I don’t blame you this time don’t ever do it again so if I do okay I see so if I do this so I need to break this down uh this has to go

Ah yes I did that wrong I did that right and I did this wrong okay got it boink done and then I do this and then I do this and no that’s wrong somehow hold on I think I’m supposed to do this and then do

This and we did it that is the roof complete you guys want to see what it looks like from a distance and then eventually we’ll build our way back up here and we’ll get to work on it man I kind of really like the way this looks

This is so organic this is so roof likee this is nice I got to put some torches up here though just in case uh let’s go ahead and temporarily just set down some uh placeholder torches it’s aren’t going to be where they stay but I just don’t want

[ __ ] spawning up here while I’m busy so I don’t think this is going to be enough to stomp them but it’s enough to try wait there’s two over here is there two over here uh-oh one on this side and somehow I still [ __ ] it up oh and this

Too where did I [ __ ] it up at one two on this side and then over here is one so I [ __ ] something up over here hold on is it here ah here we are this is where it is morning Helia welcome back I guess

That’s on me it is kind of on you that’s kind that’s kind of you’re doing you know I’m glad we figured it out quick that makes this a little easier for me to sort out does doesn’t it so I just break this and I break that no I break

Wait yes okay this is actually a really simple sort this isn’t as bad as it looks it doesn’t require like a whole fix or anything it’s mostly just setting stuff back up where it belongs which means breaking this one and then this is eventually going to be a flat

Top so this becomes this and this needs to rotate no wa this needs to rotate this way okay now our roof is 100% symmetrically perfect two two great we did it we did it everything’s ready to rock W close one jbo than of the delicious soup I’m casually lering while

I draw and your command of dition is just the coolest thing ever I want to study your Noggin under a hey don’t do that I need my Noggin there’s a reason I’ve never been caught by the scienti I mean there not that there’s any reason or opportunity there’s never been a

Moment where scientists have chased me but if they had they wouldn’t have caught me man this is going to be so cool I can’t wait to see this from far away ow please For the Love of All that’s [ __ ] holy look cool Do I have blur on when I’m jumping what the hell was that Pina being an axhole for two months what the hell happy building thank you oh ow dude I am [ __ ] drinking in the sights like a parched [ __ ] camel in the desert and you come over here like some

Sort of [ __ ] up camel spider grabbing me by my balls I’m I’m going to kill you die die die die die die anyway you’re dead [ __ ] you what do you want [ __ ] off nice I got to figure out what I’m going to do at the front of this a little bit

It’s good it’s good but it feels little it feels a little condensed I might want to drag the front of the roof around in a way and have it come up and be like shingles or something maybe I’ll figure it out it’s close it’s very close it’s very very close to being done

I think let’s head over this way what do you want ow out of here oh server lag please let’s go get a look at a different angle where I don’t have to see the ugly front of it cuz right now the front is definitely the weakest part

We’re going to have to work on that a bit but we will work on it rest assured I do want to see oh yeah that’s what we’re talking about that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good okay so really we just got to tie the

Front together and we’re done I love that so how do I want to tie the front together I don’t want it to come out forward much more because I don’t want it to uh supersede the work I did making that little uh master bedroom sticking Out it was a creeper I just Ste i s stepped it cuz it was uh there was no point trying to like run from it at that point I may as well just step out of the way uh so I still want my window and I want

It to be visible so I got to do something with the front here and I got to do something with the roof cuz the roof just ends flatly it feels it feels too abrupt right like it doesn’t feel like it should end like that so what do

I do with the roof I could tie it back around like I could swing it in a in a really sharp turn into this and have it like condense but that might look weird what do I do with the roof h maybe a balcony or a porch that’s not

Enough I got to do something with the walls right Two months yippee thanks Ari remind you of a turtle I’m cool with that I’m cool with that I like that sort of like um Cascade up it kind of REM it’s it’s reminiscent of the front in a way but it’s like like diagonal instead of being a flat front like the front and

I think that’s cool like makes like one triangle and then a bigger triangle I think that’s pretty interesting I think visually I like the shapes I like the shape language I guess if I was being a pretentious little uh [ __ ] and pretending I knew what that meant or

Pretending I had any concept of shape language I would say I like the shape language are you serious right now dude instead of just burning to death you’re well I mean that was funny that’s comedy right there sprinting at me full speed on fire dies right before he makes

It okay so I think my problems are twofold here right so problem one is that the roof stops abruptly it just ends here and that doesn’t look very 3D it’s very flat it’s very like oh this is this the texture painted on the side of a flat building which is boring um and

Problem two is that I don’t like that this goes up square up square up square up square up square up Square it’s boring it it looks wrong it looks too Jagged to jarring extend the roof’s Edge by one block okay I’ll tell you what I’m going

To do I’m going to go check out some trap doors real quick and then we’ll consider the the one block extension I’m not done yet but I am very I’m closer to done than I’ve ever been and I’ll take that uh so the first thing

I want to do is I want to check out some trap doors oh Spruce is kind of Nice I also like jungle let’s take a look at jungle I don’t think I have any Spruce so I can’t really work with that let’s take a quick look at some of our jungle wood and make some trap doors out of that yeah I think that’ll

Work it’s 12 and enough I don’t know night Gil uh I cannot hold off blinking anymore I’m not strong enough sleep well meow meow poel okay so step wait no I’m in the wrong spot I need to go higher I need to get higher than this uh let’s just do it this

Way okay step one we need to put these down I hate that that’s there I hate that that’s there and not plaster but if I put plaster there it’s going to look weird right it’s going to be like a out sticking of plaster which going to be

Ugly oh you know what I can do never mind I got it I got it hold on I’m dumb never mind just ignore me oh there you go ow let’s build an actual staircase up I don’t want to keep doing That oh [ __ ] oopsies Is that oh is that the perfect amount am I a genius am I a genius O oh I am a genius oh I’m so smart well well well well well well well well well truly my brain is the biggest saves me a lot of trouble building Okay no that’s not that’s not going to work wait maybe it will work what if I do this hold on ah [ __ ] damn it damn it damn it but it still won’t work a that’s a shame unless hold on ah [ __ ] ah [ __ ] which way would be the way that

Makes this look like it oh hold on it would be this way right why isn’t that working is it no oh I see that’s not going to work at all all right that’s fine good night Aura thank you Oracle on fire I’m doing my best here uh that I’m working with

What I got I’m working with what I got I’m cooking I’m cooking but I’m out of fire in the kitchen help no I’m just kidding uh okay so I could probably just open this up and make it kind of Airy now that I know that this area is going to look like

This which is great this becomes its own big room and then this could be like a little side storage room probably so what I’ll do is I’ll be able to walk through here let’s see so I come up the stairs I come through here I go through

The left door and that leads here but if I go through the right door what does this lead to this is going to be like a little storage room I think and then we’ll probably seal this room off maybe or we leave it open and it’s just a big extra

Room that could be cool yeah wait a minute this could be cool hold on I don’t need this I don’t need this and I don’t need this and I don’t need That so this leads into a main chamber where I will break this down and build that up okay wait a minute I think this is working I think we’re figuring it out uh uh uh uh uh uh uh okay okay wait a minute okay so this becomes a main

Room nice nice I just got to plug this up with Oak and then this cool can I break this would breaking this do damage not really nice okay so you walk in turn what is this this could be storage this could be closed storage walk through yeah okay and then this is going

To be its own little side room Bam Bam Bam Bam nice cool so I just need some oak logs to close this up and finish it in the meantime let’s finish what we starting up here Um you know what’s not going to work actually is I’m not going to be able to do what I thought I was going to be able to do those jungle trap doors so I’m going to have to go back up there which is a bit of a shame I was hoping I could

Do something funky with them but this is okay too this is going to look good I think so what we do is we Crouch here we go up let me just go up cuz I have to basically yeah I’m going to have to do this over and over

So I got to break these bummer oh well still pretty cool looking I still like it um okay okay sorry I know I’m not read eing much right now I’m just trying to finish up focusing on this cuz my brain is in full maximum uh craft mode I’m crafting

My brain out right now at this very moment I’m going wild crafting my heart out please where’s my flats I don’t have any more flats are you sh real real I don’t have any more Flats that’s a bummer oh well going to put some Flats here wait I

Don’t need to I can just break these and make a HS boom boom so okay hold on uh so I got to break that and I’ve got to get here we got to lay lay this down and I’ve got to lay this down and then that means I can lay

This down oopsies that was wrong that means I can lay this down rather and then put this down okay wait a minute wait a minute we might be done is oh wow wow wow wow wow wow take a quick ow quick look hey bud what’s

Up well I I have to admit it is better looking you’re right it is better looking pulling it out one more has done wonders for it uh so let’s break some of this down see what that looks like at a distance and then we can work from the

Inside since we have way up to the attic we can work from the inside to get the glass work going and finish up the oak uh support beams uh [ __ ] off creeper I like it how long has an odyssey been how long has this Odyssey

Been oh hold on a second I just got to do something did you just tell me what to do did you just did you just tell me what to do a man that’s rough all right well anyway see you in Hell that’s pretty good that’s pretty good all right so once we do something with the uh roof which I’ll I’ll have to build a ladder or some uh stuff up to eventually to get up there that’s all right shouldn’t be too hard we’ll build our way up to the roof we’ll do

Something funky with the roof we’ll make a little a little dance floor or some junk uh but for now let us go finish up the little bit that we have left of the inside and then obviously we’ll eventually have to furnish the actual like bedroom rooms we’ll have to set up

Beds we’ll have to set up uh carpets and dyes and stuff like that but that is a problem for the future for now I think I am mostly happy that we just got the structure done because I mean I’m excited about that look at this Beautyy what a beautiful morning here at the criminals cut [ __ ] off what are you doing here you’re R My Vibe that’s what you’re doing you’re ruining my vibe I need you to go die please don’t please don’t thank you w got him shinry shinry Senpai look look

Behold thank you for the raid welcome in COI panions check this out shry look look look look look look what I did look what I made look what I did look I finished my roof I redid the whole thing I cut it all down and I started over

From scratch it’s taken the entire stream it’s been 3 hours of roofing but behold wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it tada I’m going to fill that in with window don’t worry that’s going to be a window one day how stream go

Shinry ah yeah that’s going to be so good oh I can’t wait ooh I can’t wait ooh hey what’s up ooh I got to touch up that bridge too but later later not yet how the Stream ooy panions what did we get up to today nice house thanks wait till you

See the inside what a beautiful Tavern what a beautiful Tavern I got to put more hanging lamps and stuff I got a lot of stuff I got to do but that’s all right uh nice work on the roof it looks real cozy thank you uh this is the

Inside of the tavern I’m going to move this don’t worry about that notami notomi rather thank you for the gifted chips we tried to exercise some Demon what’s up with what do you mean what happened to the demon or are you playing thank you triple sauce for being a rater for 2

Months okay obviously I’ve got to furnish these uh Tavern rooms eventually and the attics a little cramped but I mean who what attic isn’t cramped right it’s fine just really got to get some torches up here before things start spawning so I think that’s uh Priority One we don’t want anything spawning in

The attic and then I’ll do something with the roof later Nice cool cool cool cool WIS the Riz off never I uh I AB I abstain I I abjure I uh I ABCA I leave I give it over to shinry shinry wins not interested thanks I don’t want to win that competition I don’t want to be a part of that compet

Ition thank you M for being an axhole and saying your least favorite bastard is back again for yet another month of watching you suffer where where’s my least favorite bastard I don’t see him there’s no mirrors nearby I forgot I got a beehive last time I got to put that up somewhere

There’s a bee in there and he’s going to die I just leave it oh I got to make torches that’s what it was have any coal oh am I a coal [ __ ] real serious serly ah [ __ ] got to have some somewhere oh there we go there we

Go refusing to Riz until the potion making game comes out shaking my head first of all I ain’t Riz in the potion game either don’t get do not don’t get that in your head all right that isn’t happening either it’s going to be like a little storage room eventually by the

Way in case anybody’s wondering what’s going on in this room it will eventually be a storage chamber don’t worry too much about it the real answer is you don’t need to know it’s on a need to no basis and you don’t need to know uh uh uh uh Cool don’t want anything spawning in these uh attic areas so I just got to light it up a little bit bam boom uh I think we’re good otherwise we just got to finish up this little thing here which is our support beam then I need to go downstairs and make

Sure it does the carry through and we are good to go upstairs woo God damn this is nice this is nice and then it’s all decorating from here which is the fun part so win-win really uh uh uh uh let’s see carries through nope sure

Doesn’t I have to break that to do uhoh is this going to work is breaking this going to [ __ ] everything up hold on please don’t [ __ ] everything up lucky uhoh I do believe that’s going to [ __ ] everything up if I break that let’s find out please don’t okay please

Don’t be normal be so normal okay okay okay and then what I’ll do here is I’ll drop a regular block oh that didn’t work maybe I can break this one safely maybe I can break this one safely no wrong answer damn it so close uh h man that’s a bit of a

Bummer now what am I going to do now what am I going to do I guess I’ll put this here that doesn’t really work what if I do this on purpose hold on what if I do that really just kind of stop selling the illusion oh oh now it looks like it

Kind of tucks into one I kind of like that that works that works okay okay okay okay I have an idea hold on let’s go downstairs Uhoh okay I like that Um why is this here actually is this important in some way is there a reason I left this here is there an opening down here nope so oh this block I mean the blocks are there anyway what what what is this why is this here I don’t want this

Nice is that in every room uh-oh wait what the hell is this then I’m going to need more Oak [ __ ] okay wait a minute this might still work cool let’s check our support beams in the other rooms hold on one second I know I’m not chatting a lot I’m still thinking I’m still

Cooking okay okay that’s good this is good and then we’re assuming that we had to cover these as if they like needed the coverage to function right wait [ __ ] [ __ ] this one doesn’t work damn it uh cleaning up and cooking some more hell yeah chatting I just here

To watch you build if you say so is that weird looking it’s kind of weird oh wait is that why it’s weird looking maybe it’s fine now yeah that’s okay it looks like it looks like I need to like almost like the support beams themselves need support right so I kind of like

That is that too much oh that that was too much okay hold on sorry yeah it’s not gonna Work that’s better what if I do it like that and then it looks like bum bum bum okay so break that okay so bump bump bump bump bump bump nice or better yet there we go and that makes it too obvious that this is exposed okay got it okay two

Months yay for the cat support thank you for being an axhole for two months Chloe combo on the Minecraft build silently judging don’t worry don’t worry I got it under control hold on I don’t like this okay that’s a little better it’s a little rugged but I like it

Wait wait wait wait wait what’s what huh what’s missing wait wait wait wait what why why is this missing why is this missing why is this missing from this room is this not one 2 3 wide one two 3 what what the [ __ ] where’s my support beam where’s my

Support beam ah piss I’m missing one damn it it truly never ends sleep well zind do your English is way better than my everything else you’re doing great you so KY good night sleep well I think I can break that safely yeah nice nice nice so let me do this

Number and then once again I’m going to have to coat this in B to close it and then Bo boom boom get a little funky with it I like having this be a little more even a little more yeah I think having that looks better so let’s go do the same

Thing over here and make sure that everything across is mostly the same the rooms themselves aren’t the same it’s part of the problem I see see I see I see I see I see also I don’t like that this doesn’t share where my pickaxe go I don’t like that this doesn’t share a Um this thing there better h that’s better I like that okay okay cool do I need this here is there a reason this is here am I going to be uh I’m going to regret this aren’t I yeah I’m going to regret this I think I’m

Going to regret this am I going to regret I did not regret it yay y woohoo cool nice okay inside’s looking good go back up the stairs real quick make sure my attics looking nice this is probably a bad place to have a torch actually I don’t like it that feels

Better this will be a storage room I don’t really love that this is open underneath so I’m going to close it I think yeah I’m not like in love with that okay cool um is this necessary probably probably we’ll leave it we’ll leave it and then we’ll open in here and

Then this becomes an attic and I will leave the half blocks underneath on this one because it does sell that it’s an attic or no I won’t I lied I want to close it off make it a regular room am I already out oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it is very rotic there now I have as many dark slab as I could possibly need please let this be enough and eventually we’re going to put like little potted plants here well I can’t actually but that’s all right we’ll figure something out Oh wrong Way cool cool yeah I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it a lot I like it a lot nice all right it’s well lit it’s well set up it’s not well furnished yet

But one day it will be maybe I’ll turn this into like a little altar or something I don’t know um a lot of will cross that bridge when we get there yeah but look we crossed the bridges we made it there we’re there everything turned out great everything looks great and uh

My life is perfect and beautiful um nothing has ever gone wrong for me probably except when it has to answer your questions SP no I have not used any Mangrove wood yet I would love to I haven’t found any mangroves I do love mangroves they’re one of my favorite uh

Biomes period in any game cool wow we actually did it Gamers we finished the upstairs area of our Tavern we finished the outside of the tavern I do want to add a few little quality of life touches like at some point uh maybe now even you know what we’ll do it

Now at some point he said to himself knowing full well he was just going to go do it does anybody remember where the support beams oh there it is but have to get okay so what needs to happen is this needs to break this needs to break this

Needs to break that needs to break then we go down And and okay nice happy wait no crappy two months winterly a terrible two months thank you very much uh for the membership and welcome back hope I did this right if I didn’t I’m going to be sad okay we got our support beams back up nice I really hope I did that right

Let’s find out uh support beam technically it protrudes from the wall so it should be out of the wall but we’re not going to do that we’re going to assume we bent it a little bit if we bent it a little bit it’s fine maybe

What I do is I add uh a little like Flavor stair here to imply the wood got bent inward some like that yeah I think that’s the move okay hold on Flavor stairs yay okay cool um awesome um uh I need to do one more

Thing on the roof I think which is going to be create uh you know more visual interest as is most things I do here it’s been two months of hating in here’s to more months of hating Mr Riz no not rizm Mr Hate I’m the master of hate I

Hate everything I hate everything and I’m great at it I’m great at hate think I’m just going to leave it like that I think I like that and then we’ll do one like oh no I can’t do that never mind okay cool I think I like the

The little stairs here I don’t know if I could put torches on top of it no all right we’ll move them a little further back or boom I mean there’s more I could do obviously like I could add some visual interest on the outside of the building by adding

Things I can maybe set up like let’s do this number we do this this close close we create that scene there and then I could if I really wanted to hide these I don’t think I want to hide those though I think I like them Oh uhoh ah close enough like that boom bam believe I heard mobs down here a minute ago so we should be a little careful but uh from a far away perspective Grace welome back for two months all right how do we feel about this I think honestly looks pretty good our support

Beams carry up which is great are they off center let fine find out nope just looks like it cuz this one comes out a little okay uh they don’t carry up here which does bother me a little Bit how much Oak do I have I’ve got enough [ __ ] it let’s do it this looks like the kind of roof that won’t keep you up at night at least hell yeah uh oops only just now noticed I had this button I could press yay for two months time flies by when you’re

Watching your least favorite Idol hell yeah it does because I make you hate every moment and the more you hate every moment the more you will cherish when it’s over I’m sure uh let’s do ahead and do this one real quick we got to get a little closer this time make this easier

On myself perfect okay so um and cool eventually I might want to go around the outside of this and do something with it but for now I am cool with how this is looking uh boom I see I see indeed indeed A wise choice hey that’s not

Good that’s not good so we’re only going to have one wall that’s like well okay I guess that’s fine have you thought of adding path blocks to the outside says Mast uh depends on what you mean by path blocks what are you saying what exactly are you implying right now

Like are you asking about have I thought about decorating the outskirts of my area like not the building itself but the area leading up to it cuz yes like dirt and then right click them with the shovel I will probably not do dirt specifically cuz I don’t feel like it’s

Going to fit in with everything else here but I will eventually add path blocks yeah don’t worry about that um nice okay cool I like that better it creates more visual interest I need to go create some windows in the bedrooms up there but from the outside I think we’re mostly

Done God damn loving it living for it you’re off a block no the [ __ ] I was not off a block what are you talking about shin no I wasn’t I’m right it’s just that the Upper Floor is bigger by one block ruse please go back one of the support

Be all right I’ll go take a look if you’re wrong though uh I’m Banning you I’m Banning you forever right right okay you were right I will not ban you forever thank you also there’s a support beam here I missed apparently which must mean there’s support beam here that I

Missed so if this is here 1 2 3 4 so there’s a support beam here One wait one two three so it’s here does one above yeah you skip in between the torch blocks so this needs to be a torch or a support okay also means I need to get up there I’m glad I don’t have to ban you forever that would be really [Laughter]

Sad so I guess this is a support beam too oh wait I forgot to plug that back all right maybe we can just jump it nice okay cool so perfect perfect okay nice nice nice thank you for warning me you’re a hero you put your life on

The line for that one and I respect it I might change that design eventually but not now not now let’s get up there and put in some windows and then we are ready uh to call this place done do I want a little tucked in window would

That be weird I think that’d be kind of cute like we do a tucked in window maybe do like a little table here we put like a little plant on it put a chair face in the table I think that’s it I think that’s the one so that’s a

Window nice which means I oh Noe there’s no room there so there’s no matching window okay so ew disgusting did that happen in here too Okay it’s not a good window but it is a window uh uh uh uh uh so window again not a great view but it is a window this one though might have a nice view oh oh yeah oh yeah eventually these two things are not going to be here by

The way I’m going to get rid of this Farm segment I’m going to go make an actual Farm I’ll probably do it across the bridge or up that way somewhere I have not decided yet but I don’t like a farm right next to a Tavern it does not make sense to

Me and I’m here for World building first the hell is the oh maybe do a single window on this side I hate having windows by Corners I hate I don’t want to break this cuz I hate having a window on a corner I don’t like it what about this G [ __ ]

[ __ ] well what I could do is I could turn this whole Corner in no window though what’s it look like out there NOP no we can’t do that all right no we’re not doing that uh damn oopsies Makes so much sense like restaurants with their own chickens I don’t like it I don’t think makes sense to me I think it would be weird it would smell bad it’ be terrible you’d be like oh this tavern smells like cow at all times I wouldn’t like I would

Not love it I might I might keep the horse pin and turn it into a stable like set a stable up here and like a little path leading up to it uh where people would park their horses for the night in the tavern but probably not I might keep

One cow like one named cow near The Stables you know what I mean uh so that they can like get fresh milk in the mornings I got to set up glass or or something for these or maybe we do more of these oh no we didn’t do jungle for

These windows did we we did I I don’t want to do jungles for the windows here because if I do it’s going to look like uh the decorations that I set on the sides and that’s going to look weird so instead think I want to do the what is

That Oak I think it’s Oak good night to those going to bed and good morning to those showing up just now uh so let’s go ahead and do oak shall we uh wait no no it was Oak right I’m not making that up I got to start putting some stuff away hold

On what is oh jungle oh oops No manure in the young Lord’s coffee is right all right listen the criminals cut is for high class criminals only uh we’re going to need a bunch of these you know what let’s just take it all take it all give me all of them always use more

Windows wait is that dark oak ah [ __ ] did I [ __ ] up oh no I think it’s dark oak isn’t it oh man it is what is it lighting no dark oak makes a solid Block it’s lighting this is lighting that’s a lighting effect it’s fine it’s fine we’re fine

This is right I’m right this is fine can’t believe it’s been 2 months already with my least favorite uh with my favorite least favorite already thanks for the great times you crazy bastard B Star bastar I’m a ba ba star B Star that’s me let’s go oh I did that wrong

Sorry ah wait I don’t want it to open inward do I do I I want it to open outward hold on maybe I need to put it on the roof you want your windows to swing out [ __ ] well that’s not bad I like that okay okay okay that’s

Fine that’s fine um so that means I need to put it here okay nice nice okay everybody’s got a window everybody’s getting a window uh we do one of these ah piss this is why we make extra hi shirro welcome in yes okay and then I think the rest of it’s

Going to come down to decorations on the inside I think the outside looks pretty good we’re going to have to set up beds in each of these rooms we’re going to have to set up like chests and tables or barrels or whatever the [ __ ] I want uh I

Want to make more use of the jars since I have play anyway and I kind of like the way this looks I don’t know what you could put in it but I’ll figure it out and I like the way this looks so I want more of this too but uh yeah there

We go I think the tavern from the outside I do believe the tavern is completely done hey what’s up yum yum you don’t want to do this dude told you you didn’t want to do it hey what’s up you got a bow on you yeah

Oh if you crouch a place you can set flower pots carpets or a pressure plate on top oh so I could double the flower pot if I really wanted to so it looks like it’s just got a lot of plant in it you could place a sakura tree in the

Vase oh I did not know that that’s pretty cool zinu Wu says nice bow stupid you’re right cringe you brought a bow to an axe fight hello drift lock so there we have it we’ve got a somewhat cascading side roof that comes down and nice little platforms and

Planks we’ve got our upper roof we’re going to set up our glass in there eventually don’t worry too much about that yet we’ve got our little windows for our actual Tavern rooms where people stay um I could add Windows downstairs so the tavern room itself isn’t completely flat yeah let’s add

Windows downstairs real quick I made a bunch of Oak anyway we may as well make use of it and I do want to put the finishing touches downstairs to say I’m done down there I really like the roof yeah I think it turned out great uh it’s

Not quite the vision that was sent to me in my dream but it turns out the vision in my dream wasn’t going to work either way so really I mean who was wrong nice oh uhoh uh uh do I want I don’t want Windows over there I don’t

Want Windows over there do I want a I don’t want a window by a support beam but I also don’t want a window by a corner but I also don’t want Windows above this door but I also wait maybe I do want Windows above this

Door what’s out here yes I do yes I do nice little more open looking really good enjoyed watching the chaos hell yeah Titus and thank you very much for being a member for a full month do we want a window over here H more corners more corners we hate it

When we run into Corners over and over again also this is a wall I know that’s a wall that it’s hugging so this would be the best place to put a window is uh here but there’s a there’s a chest in the way the window behind the chest or above

It but above it would look weird cuz it wouldn’t be even with everything else really not a lot of room Bo windows down here is there maybe here maybe here oh right here wrong window but close there we go every time you touch the table it opens that’s kind of of funny actually

Uh cool so Windows Windows no window and that’s fine yeah that opened up the room a little bit makes it feel a little less uh orange Lighty you can see some of that like whitish light coming from the outside plus ventilation which is great um

Cool I know this is all wall back here so we’ll ignore that I can’t really do anything with this wall I could put something here but again I think it’s wall so really the only option for ventilation in this kitchen area would be right here but then I’d have uh an

Open block here unless I closed this off I could close it on purpose with the white blocks make it less of an Al Cove yeah bummer just take a look at this man that’s not Bad I don’t hate that I don’t hate that I don’t love that it’s right by a support beam that does drive me a little insane let’s let’s take a look from the outside real quick a I lied I hate that I hate that I lied ooh it’s been two months Suns blaz thank

You for being here and bearing with this bastard no no no no no thank you for bearing with my [ __ ] for bearing with the with the um what is the word I was looking for oh endless cacophony of rambling garbage that spews forth from my mouth like an open sewage drain that

Slowly poisons the city isn’t it great cool so we close these real quick see what that looks like Bam Bam Bam Bam close the attic door and there we have it this is the criminals cut Tavern at least the outline in the outdoors all done oh dang two months that is sick nice

Mystery thanks for the happy two months hi Flame H you bring up a solid Point Sean you bring up a solid shun rather you bring up a solid point you only really need Windows to shut and the bottom floor of a Tavern so that they can shake ominously yeah when somebody evil comes in or is

Outside the tavern get be ready to make a dramatic urance okay well I kind of like what we did here I kind of like this I kind of like this what do you guys think how we feeling about this do we still want to do like a little stage over here maybe

For like Octavio performances I could break this one down and make it so this just isn’t a table and we have like a little uh like standing stage where you could like I don’t know do performances or uh shows whatever stage would be cool okay what color wood I think I think Acacia

Right or is that too close to the root no let’s do dark oak let’s do dark oak cuz I have a bunch of flat dark oak already and I think it’s going to stand out cuz none of the bottom floor makes use of dark oak yet yeah karaoke at the

Tavern so that would be like boop bop boop b boop beepop boop bop uh I’d have to break that which is annoying but not the end of the world do I have a space for it sure don’t um do you want to take My ah [ __ ] it I’ll just go put away some My Monster Parts uh two months let’s go jonno okay cool uhoh what oh that’s not good well never seeing that chest again okay so oh I do use dark oak down here [ __ ] eh that’s all right

Is that good enough I was going to do like two layers over here so you could walk up and really like beyond the stage but might be too hot that’s kind of nice it’s kind of a nice view actually I kind of like that uh but I need to open this

Up even more that way there we go okay and then maybe what I do is I set up like this deal no it’s too much of that let’s try jungle and see what that looks like I set that like no not like that H Could do the lighting with a redstone lamp under the carpet oh that could be kind of cool I don’t have any carpet though could I do carpet up here let’s see so I can’t do it on this but I could do carpet on the upper blocks up here

But the problem is that this block this block this block this block and this block have to stay not Redstone so I have to put the Redstone on these back blocks back here so that they don’t look funky from the front so what I could do

Is I could do uh break these and turn these blocks into Redstone right uh I just wanted to take the opportunity to say ran you were very amusing you know what how dare you call me r no I’m just kidding thank you very much youan okay so I turned these into Redstone

Lamps which I don’t remember how to make exactly but let’s take a little look here and see if we can remember lamp Oh that’s Oh yeah I don’t have any glowstone I haven’t been to the nether yet I forgot to put up a nether portal anywhere now that I think about it I don’t have a single nether portal uh so that’s going to be a little tough but I could make a juke box it’s

True oh it’s not hard yeah I’ll do that real quick we’ll do that for sure for sure for the karaoke um don’t know where I’m going to put it yet I guess I could put it in the back corner here that’s probably where it’ll go best uh I look forward to another

Month of our mutual hatred hell yeah blurry zun’s bless thank you for the chip y yum do I have Jacko lanterns I don’t I think I have pumpkins though I don’t remember I could probably make some Jacko lanterns that could work do I have pumpkins or did I not oh I did pick

Them up oh what the hell is this brush what’s a brush do Interesting how do I turn you into a jack a’ Lantern oh ni have shears how many do I need one two three four five okay okay let me just break these bad boys and I put torches in them right easy peasy uh so I would just take this and take this and Bam now I have five Jacko lanterns which I believe should

Produce light over here yes yes but will the carpet keep them from producing light H that didn’t stop it so probably not cool okay so now I need to make some carpet which means I need to get some Hool I only have a little bit of red

Wool so it’s probably going to have to be light gr light gray carpet that’s kind of boring wish I had some white wool oh I have glass so I can go put this upstairs actually cool um one one two months yippee welcome back honey and thank you

Very much it is all coming together in fact uh I got to figure out what I’m going to do about the um boring nature frankly of that being uh gray I don’t want gray really That’s cute though I do like it I wish this didn’t look like pumpkins on top I guess I’m going to do gray for now and I’ll come back later I really want to do red sit back down I want to do red I want to do red but

That’s fine we’ll do we’ll do light Gra oh so close to having enough too of the red I mean I used too much in the middle area here but that’s all right you know what red might be maybe stands out too much anyway cool a little stage area nice what do we think Gamers not bad right

Huh do I have any CDs or whatever they’re called uh discs albums whatever the [ __ ] they call those uh I thought I had one maybe not oh well okay pretty good pretty good I think the bottom I think we’re done here the bottom floor I think is complete

100% complete you come in nice red carpet there’s a little stage here where maybe like Octavio or somebody’s doing their little dance and their song uh maybe I’m practicing not being a shitty Idol for a second um it’s nice and lit right here which is great cuz it kind of

Casts a nice light out to the rest of the tavern there’s a big fireplace to keep you warm there’s all these tables out here this looks pretty good honestly table we’ve got alter’s hollow star sign up here um we got our fireplace with the chimney eventually I

Want to put candles on top of these but that’ll come later um we’ve got our banners we got our little side table I might put like something here there’s storage up here if I want I don’t really have anything I want to put in there but

I have it uh maybe I put like a little flower pot or something on one of these sides to keep it asymmetrical uh we got our bar seats we got all of our boo right here storage we got our Taps you know for if you want

[ __ ] hops you want some ale got a smoker I don’t really want this to stay here I left it here to work with but uh eventually I’m going to get rid of that probably um yeah I think we’re good I think we’re good going to need a flower for that pot oh

Oh that’s cute a little Cornflower asymmetry Nice didn’t you want to make a basement of some sort too I considered a basement uh to for like you know food storage or whatever but I don’t know where I would start it I guess I could literally like Dig Down down right here cuz this does

Go into the side wall right and if I start here I could dig down to a basement area by having this be like this is up and this is a down let me see what this looks like on the other side if this is a flat wall

Maybe maybe basement time it is in fact flat wall so I could go straight down from here H don’t work Cas your STS I do I shouldn’t need a ton uhoh do I hate this do I like this going well so far Kira Kira yeah it could be a good place to stick the stone cutter it also could just be a good way to kind of

Like Get rid of the idea of like uh having crafting just sitting in the main area like you know put take my crafting downstairs type of deal maybe not a bad idea it doesn’t have to be like super duper far down like this is probably far enough

Honestly if I really wanted it to Be two yeah one two one two three but what do I want in this little basement is it just going to be a little wine seller probably I don’t think I need to turn it into anything crazy like I don’t think I would want to put a um

An in Portal down here for example just cuz I don’t think that makes sense to have in the bottom of a Tavern seems a little silly to me I think I’m just going to turn it into a wine seller I’ll probably turn these walls into Cobblestone or andesite or whatever I

Find um and we’ll see where go from there oh uhoh Scott in the Stream how’s it going it is going so so far so good yab good night Shs do I want to leave this at okay here’s the next question do do I want to leave this as untouched terracotta or do I want to cook the Terracotta and make a cute terracotta seller that would be really colorful and weird like sort of a a special thing that only the owner

Knows about that’s kind of fun for them the low roof makes it feel like a Sellar good that’s what I want it to feel like abstract room cook it cook it okay what kind color do we want to do um I forget what color the Terra Cotta

Looks like honestly in a lot of cases but we’ll go take a peek hold on can you guys stop being like right there that’s where I need to sleep oh it’s not night time never mind okay well let’s go outside and go check our terracotta bucket then cuz I think

That’s where we keep most of our terra cotta stuff when we want to keep a eye on what it looks like hey bud can you come here w why are you running why are you running okay so terracotta barrels here we are white yellow orange orange is a

Little ostentatious light gray is kind of boring well light gray could be interesting for a basement actually Brown’s not bad I like the brown glaz terra cotta but I don’t have a lot of brown I don’t have a lot of white left either what about regular terra cotta what’s that look like anybody Remember good night to those going to bed and good morning to those waking up there I covered all my bases oh you got to get the [ __ ] out of here sir you got to go looks like rose H let’s take a peek let’s cook a regular terra cotta

Did I even bring a regular ter I did okay um let’s cook a regular terra cotta and see what it looks like oh does regular terra cotta just not cook it just doesn’t cook okay annoying guess we’ll just cook a bunch of white and see what that looks like yeah we’ll

Make the basement out of white terra cotta [ __ ] it that’ll be fun I got a ton so may as well I need to cook well it looks like crud to me so I think you’re wrong hey okay nice so break this down one more and then heyo CA welcome

In what I’ll do is I’ll do the floor out of a specific color and then I’ll do the walls out of a specific color and so on and so forth we’ll make it work we’ll make it work we’ll figure it out and then I’ll do the roof finally as a

Different color it’s going to be really tight pack and that’s by Design uh what’s being built basement we finished the entire outside of the criminals cut roof and all we finished all the walls on the inside we separated it into different rooms we got our attic

Ready got all the bedrooms ready we got the support beams ready we decorated the outside it’s looking great uh excited to see how it turns out at the very end okay let’s go check out our white glazed terot I think I might do that for like

The lower segment of the wall not the floor but the First wall segment like so wait that doesn’t seem right doesn’t it rotate or something or do I have to put something above it to rotate it I probably have to put something above it right uh uh let’s do wood above you should

Make no maybe we’ll see no promises maybe maybe what ah [ __ ] all right how does this work exactly then is it like this like no [ __ ] like this no [ __ ] need one under no [ __ ] maybe I need to be at the side more oh okay okay okay okay okay Why isn’t that working I don’t understand I genuinely do not get why that’s not working blaz terracotta is so hard to work with isn’t it though struggling right now I’m struggling um What if I I don’t get it why do you keep going the same way no matter what I do with

You theoretically do I have to be all the way over here maybe no no no do I have to be over there sassy Leslie thanks for being a Bruiser for two months okay so I probably need to be facing this way which is pretty [ __ ] stupid but anyway let’s go ahead and do

It that that way I guess uh so I need to dig out here here here here here and then I got to put this down and then I got to put this down that’s dumb as [ __ ] but all right we did it meaning I need to dig a whole backlog area through

Here yep we’re going to have to do it that way okay so which one was this one is that one no so is this one no so it was this one no this one nope it’s not facing that way it’s not facing that way is it facing this this way no I

See no that doesn’t seem right do I seriously have to go one more back that’s it I hate you I hate you glazed terra cotta I hate you a lot but okay got it done on it easy all right and then we can replace it with regular terracotta for the actual wall

Because I don’t need to worry about what this looks like behind who do you hate more us or glazed terra cotta you no that’s pretty good I like that that’s cute now do I want to do the top out of like uh Cobblestone maybe or do I want

To do the rest of the glazed terracotta image so it makes a sun or do I want to do a new type of glazed terracotta obviously the floor is going to be something completely different he hates us yes should probably do the floor first actually before I

Forget hey welcome back in Ellie hello hi hi maybe a full pattern okay okay I can respect it I can respect it we’re done with that see what our orange looks like again what does orange look like again I think orange is pretty nice the yellows

I do like the yellow a lot but the orange could be interesting oh the Orange is cute we’ll do orange got to wait till it’s done though which can you speed it up by sleeping I can’t remember let’s find out H all right well at least if we have

This manyi we could quickly just check what the pattern on the floor is going to look like and whether or not we want to do that so let us do that real quick right here um boom bam that’s wrong you know what let’s do it in a corner just in

Case oh that’s right right but it matters which way we’re facing okay so okay so okay how do we feel about that flooring I think it’s kind of Cute it’s a very fun room but hold on I got a question for myself which is what happens when this floor this is going to have to have a wall obviously so this will be a wall this will be a wall floor is going to be uh four four oh it works

Actually the problem is that I think I did this wrong cuz I think this is supposed to be pulled in one no this is right let’s do the floor before we panic and worry about whatever else is happening maybe it’s going to be a bigger room than we thought I guess I I

Don’t know I don’t know cute cute uhoh wrong ah right okay and then Boop and Boop so that is what it’s going to end up looking like on the ground which I think looks really nice that’s pretty cute uh but one two one two one two oh it does work wow so

It’s going to be a bigger basement than we thought I guess huh huh but then the stairs are off center aren’t they no because we closed this wall off which means this isn’t going to be a perfect room which means there has to be a center line that’s

Different should the ceiling be taller though nope I like it kind of crunch down I think it looks good I think it’s fun I think it looks like a that way so let’s see one two 3 one two 3 so that means this isn’t going to be here

Which means it’s going to be 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and then there’s going to be three in the middle which means I can’t do a true pattern and if I can’t do a true pattern what am I going to do what am I going to

Do Oh this is easier this isn’t bad okay so uh nope that’s not it cool so knowing that’s done I could do this in the middle but that’s not going to really look great uh no matter what I do it’s not going to look great in the middle unless I don’t use terra

Cotta for the middle Okay cool so we won’t use terra cotta for the middle walkway whatever the middle walkway is it’s not going to be terra cotta got it done easy uh we do need to do white for the bottom I kind of want to check out white on the top as well

That was really lucky it’s a pretty room I like it is the uh Anna Jin says is the basement going to be the new armis HQ yes this is actually where we’re uh relegating armis to for now on armis has to live here there is no this is not a choice uh

Wait which means I need to get behind this for some of these I think right hold on no that’s not right NOP that’s not right either is It no but that does work for this ooh ah o wait a minute okay wait a minute just a second I’m I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking I’m cooking slowly I’m slow roasting okay so then no what have I had to oh what have I

[ __ ] up what if I had to be facing this way for that uhoh let’s find out no no I don’t think that’s how this works no that is how this works [ __ ] okay hold on Okay okay nope damn it uh how did I do this last time it was something like uh this no okay that isn’t it no I did something here no how did I do that hello nuro this is the basement uh I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to do oh

No I don’t remember I did this anymore Wasn’t facing this way wait maybe it’s just facing the wall I’m an idiot okay cool done uh so we got that we got that we’re going to do a little Stone smooth walkway here maybe even andesite possibly maybe I do a little andesite I haven’t done that yet uh and I have a

Lot of it I think no I don’t have a lot of it o Cobblestone would be nice though do Cobblestone never do Cobblestone for anything or brick I mean brick brick brick brick brick oh I forgot the back wall that’s all right maybe we do a different color for the back Wall Yellow oh Brown’s really cool too let’s use Brown for the leadup pieces which I’m going to need you know let’s just take all of it [ __ ] it I’ll have to come back for it later anyway and then we’ll do light gray or yellow for the back

Wall maybe both do I have enough red terra cotta to do anything interesting I do I do I do I do let’s do red terra cotta uh red terra cotta and yellow terra cotta possibly for the back wall we’ll find Out good night brick wall sleep well oops forgot I left this in here oh well we should do yellow first since I already have two yellow we may as well grab two more just to see what the full pattern looks like huh Maybe cover Stone just up near the

Stairs and maybe the Terracotta can line up again oh it’s fine I’m fine with what I got going ah tasty let’s leave the rest we’ll let it cook for a minute CU I could always use more and uh let’s see what a wall of

This looks like also I need a roof so it was wise of me to pull as much as I did got to have at least one behind obviously I think that’s how that works right so now NOP this and then this has to be facing this way way probably nope I was

Wrong what the hell just happened oh what how it’s kind of [ __ ] cool actually I like that a lot like a lot good night sah Stars sleep well okay so right we did it this way we do it this way a [ __ ] nice I like that I like that this room’s getting real funky real quick I think that’s kind of fun I missed the stone part oh yeah I need this to be uh a wall so this is going to sit here and then this is going to come off the wall and

Then this is going to become this this this this bam and uh bam cuz this is going to be its own wall in a second I don’t know what I’m going to do it with you know what maybe we’ll just do it out of stone path again because it is going to

Be yeah then we’ll make this something and this something okay cool now it feels kind of like these are pillars I kind of like that I kind of like the idea that there’s these Stone pillars holding up the room a little yeah yeah okay almost like Stone support beams you

Know what I mean you know you get what I’m saying right I need more yellow that work good night psychotic Togepi sleep well okay cool uh get in there get in here man what a funky little room what a funky little room um oh one more

Deep with the clay it looks kind of meso American in here I think that was the vibe that they were going for with the um uh biome and the um cool designs for the clay or for the uh what is the word I’m looking for holy

[ __ ] I am blanking the cool designs for the Terracotta wind cooked holy [ __ ] that was tough for no reason what uhoh oh am I going to have to back up one more that’s not good come on yeah nice cool very cool very cool I

Like that a lot I like that a lot I like that a lot Squidward stepping jump scare uh nope h n [ __ ] I swear they designed these to be as frustrating as possible how how is that how how how how did I just do that there we go Okay so

Bo uh boom nope boom yeah cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I don’t know what I’m going to do with this yet um that’s probably going to be an Alco for something that is not terra cotta because terra cotta does not work very well in two all of my dogs barking in

Unison not quite close though Let’s do it a different way all right so what if I did this what if I went one and then I jumped and I turned two and then I turned three and then I turned four so it looks like it’s spiraling okay one turn two turn three turn four

Boom very fun very nice Uh uh let’s take ourselves some Stone and we’re going to turn it into something a little more interesting here bam let’s do chisel Stone that’s fun yeah chisel Stone yeah here we go okay nice H I need more stone brick hold on nice cool this gives a weird vibe as

You go down which is what we’re we’re aiming for weird Vibes and it’s giving weird Vibes so uh I’m down I like that uh we’re going to break this this this chisel Stone and we’re going to break this this this chiseled Stone I need one more chisel Stone okay and

Then H am I going to put a door here I don’t know if I can put a door here that wouldn’t wouldn’t work so what I need to do is I need to have a door down here which means this needs to close off even more which means I need two more chisel

Stone woo let’s go and that means that this needs to turn into even more funky Stone so I need two more chiseled stone three more chiseled Stone one two three four five five five more chisel Stone five five five five five five Five I have never been so invested in Minecraft I feel like I’m in some sort of Minecraft fug state do you know what I mean by that as if like as if I’ve been possessed by the crafting uh spirit like I can’t focus on anything other

Than Minecraft right now like my soul is being Tethered to the crafting Gods it’s real weird oh no that doesn’t work no okay this will just be one funky thing that’s fine uh two months okay uh sprinkling a Stardust Trail of loow for our least favorite top tier Idol Crimson M ruse

Thank you so much for being an amusing oh you didn’t use a z and amusing though how dare you Idol I ain’t the coolest artist yet but I’ll keep up uh co co no no y Koo Kawaii uh Yu huh uh it literally wouldn’t work here

There’s no space I can’t put the door I could put it maybe here theoretically I don’t think it would fit though I don’t think it would actually sit there would it um yats oh K yats I see I see only once have I felt the Minecrafting Fugue State honestly I love

Entering it feels good what a weird little room what a weird little room I like it I like it I don’t love that this is deeper on this side than on this side but it doesn’t bother me that much you know what I might do I might grab more of

This yeah let’s grab two more of that and we’ll put that on the back wall cool here amusing oh thank you Astra delicious okay so I can put this back cuz I don’t need this anymore I can turn these into these boom two months time really flies

Aku uh Aku Binky camo is it Binky or B how do you pronounce your C’s on that I have never actually spoken any Indonesian beny Beni oh Beni oh chi I see akui camo I’ll have to remember that one if I ever talked to any of my Indonesian senis Aku Aku Aku B Beni Aku binu Aku binci kamu got it this is looking really man I’ve never made such a colorful room wow wow wow

Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow it means I hate you yes good good I like that good all right let’s try to set up a door real quick to see if this will work to to go to the basement ooh we got to get a Darkwood door right like

Yeah make it spooky 1 2 3 4 5 six okay got to get funky down there it’s got to look intimidating but be chill n it doesn’t work [ __ ] damn that sucks that’s okay that’s why we uh dug this out one extra down here it’s fine so

That’s what it’s going to look like and then when you’re coming down you’ll be like o wow what a normal boring Stone basement and then you’ll be like whoa right right cool um did I just break something extra I I heard a double break I guess not uh ruse

Learning the sentence I hate you in different languages Arc oh I intend to don’t test me wait what the hell why isn’t this sitting how I wanted to isn’t right oh wait huh I guess cuz it’s missing something here lollipop welcome to be a Bruiser wait no that that should work I just

Don’t love that it has like an outer edge there do I have any extra trap doors maybe I can fix it with that hold on let me try let me try this that’s better will there be a cat room no maybe I don’t know if I get a cat yeah we’ll

Make a cat room we’ll figure it out uh anyway I’m going to change the roof now I think well do I like the roof I kind of like the way the light plays off that ter terracotta since it’s not glazed it has this really nice shine to it I’m

Kind of a sucker for that is there anything else I would want to do with the roof I could do copper possibly okay the extra torches are getting a little excessive that seems fine cool there’s our basement so we’ve got a basement we’ve got our main Tavern we’ve

Got our stage now I need to find a music disc so I can actually play a music disc uh we’ve got Windows got Windows everything’s looking great out here we got our jukebox for stage I recommend pin uh pin huh huh seratus no that’s wrong I’m I’m pronouncing that like it’s [ __ ] Latin

Seratus uh how how would you say that uh pinam pinam pinam pinam I don’t know I actually haven’t heard Indonesian spoken very frequently roll the r satatus like satatus say say say H I can’t do that very easily say say it say ah whatever I’ll get there cool now there’s a basement now

There’s an upstair oh still don’t love that this is open it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right I’m I’m I’m starting to get a little too picky about this stuff but everything’s looking great uh we got this going great great great great great great great great great

Great great and then there’s the Attic but you have to crouch to get into which I actually like storage room and maybe like I don’t know some sort of chamber maybe where the inkeeper sleeps or uh maybe like a little worship room or master bedroom no you wouldn’t

Have to crouch to get up to a master bedroom no one want to do that cat room this could be the cat room oh big brain big brain meeting room whoa you’re right I could put like a big table right here maybe like chairs around it maybe or cat room hard to

Say we’ll see one day meeting room but with cat both oh por oh good night blumer very cured well man we made a lot of progress today not bad at all not bad at all not bad at all I like it I like it I I like

It have I ever gone to a cat cafe I have not actually I’ve never been outside of where I was uh mostly raised in South elisium I’ve um I traveled to one other region one and it wasn’t even like a it wasn’t like flying to West elisium or

Anything like that like it was still on the same continent um technically in the same like area basically uh so I haven’t done a lot of traveling and I want to one day I hope to at some point but there are no cat cafes where I am I

Wish oh good it’s easy to step off the stage but hard to step on the stage that’s what we like to see there’s tons in Harajuku definitely try to stop by if you visit Japan yeah if when I going to get the money to go to

Japan well I guess maybe one day if cover like you know needs me over there for something there I guess there’s a possibility there’s a there’s a there’s a possibility It Could Happen a cat cafe is 1,000 out of 10 experience you must do it at least once in your life I will

Try to do it one day if I go to Japan for some reason if if the government needs me to go there I will do it um hopefully can experience them someday I assume there will be a day where I get to experience it you know what I’ve been

Doing lately is eating a lot of sushi I’ve been on a huge Sushi kick I can’t get off it it’s killing me it’s not killing me I’m enjoying it but man it is somewhat expensive which is a bit of a bummer we’ll make them take you hell

Yeah you know what if I don’t if they don’t I’ll take myself I don’t care I’ll figure it out I’ll walk up to the the first Cat Cafe I see I’ll be like uh um uh uh uh sumimasen um uh uh uh yeah Neco [Laughter] cu oh That’s what would you like to order uh NE Kai they’ll be like you want to eat a cat I’m like no no but oh NE o and they’ll be like what the [ __ ] what is wrong with this this [ __ ] Foreigner what is wrong with the southern elisia he’s trying to eat our

Cats oh man that’s going to be terrible that’s going to be terrible yeah no at least they get the context I don’t think they’re going to get the context I think they’re gonna be like what dude is this guy okay why is he coming in here looking like this talking like this

Oh uh what OA I’m sorry [Laughter] Pama uh what it’s a cat cafe like a not exactly you heard correctly no R eat the cat I will not be doing that I will not be doing that no thank you caught in 4k trying to consume poor defenseless cats all right Gamers uh

That was a lot of fun I think I’m done for the night on Minecraft we’ve been going for about what have we been going for um not 12 hours it’s been about 5 hours I need to cut this off I want the poor poor VOD Watchers to be able to

Finish this in any meaningful amount of time we did great we got our roof done we did a lot on the outside we finished uh making sure everything was sort of homogeneous on the inside we made our attic work which I didn’t think was going to happen but I’m glad it did we

Got our basement set up um we did a little bit of decorating I’ve still got to furnish all the rooms I might do that off stream I don’t know yet uh but hey I I would love it if somebody could tally up how long it took me to complete this

Tavern from start to finish like if somebody could figure out how long that took Al together like not how many hours I’ve played Minecraft total on stream but how many hours it took to complete the tavern itself uh that would be funny um anyway yeah I

Think that’s it for today I’m going to raate over to GMA Senpai I think G Senai is playing Street Fighter I want to say I want to say it’s Street Fighter but I’m not 100% certain I’m going to call it here today tomorrow I am off I’ve got

A lot of Voice work to do if I complete my voice work in time I might no promises I might do a gorilla stream I will be posting my new schedule tonight uh I think you’re going to get hyped for a couple things that are on there I even

Have one itty bitty stupid surprise for you I joked about it at the start of this stream um so we’ll see maybe that’ll be funny maybe not it’s more or less a punishment for you existing how dare you exist uh I don’t know what I’m going to gorilla

Stream tomorrow if I do gorilla stream so don’t take my word for that because it might not happen it depends on if I get my stuff done okay okay anyway I got some Japanese to practice tonight bye nerds see you later um uh not not konawa uh uh no um yeah

M no sayara feels too dramatic right mat M oh I see I see so so so so so John okay bye don’t forget to say hi to G Senpai feel free to pop in don’t bother him with the raid message uh I do not think our JP Senpai are I don’t think that’s

The same like I don’t think that’s uh like typical when raiding on the JP side so you know what hang out watch say hi if you want to say hi to GMA Senpai but don’t bother with the raid message I’ll catch you guys later I will put up a

Stream schedule for next week soon I have a couple collabs maybe some surprising stuff you might not expect and yeah that’s all for me tonight uh U armis Johnny bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 MY DREAM ROOF’, was uploaded by Crimzon Ruze Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-02-17 09:06:11. It has garnered 21636 views and 2152 likes. The duration of the video is 04:47:42 or 17262 seconds.

Starting again to get to the end.


This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (

▼X (formerly Twitter) ▼Twitch ————————————————————— Crimzon Rulez:

1: Don’t be a jerk, that’s my job. 2: If you backseat me, I’m going to defenestrate you. 3: When someone’s causin’ trouble in chat, let me handle it. 4: Keep the stream about the stream. I get that you’re excited about other stuff and so am I, but it’s bad practice to show up for entertainment, then talk about how much you wish you were elsewhere. 5: Don’t change the topic to other people. ON THAT NOTE: Don’t bring me up excessively in other peoples streams. I know you mean well, but their streams are for them! So unless they’re talkin’ about me, don’t do that! 6: Sometimes I’m gonna correct people, it’s in good faith- so don’t take it personally. I’m not tryin’ to bully you or get you to leave, I’m just establishing the space so everyone can have an equal chance at feeling comfortable here. If I wanted you gone, I’d remove you. 7: I have a lot of opinions on a lot of things. Occasionally I’ll be wrong, let me know and I’ll do my best to correct it, I’m definitely not infallible.

————————————————————— 🎙️Starting Voice🎙️ #holoARMIS Starting Voice packs have now released 🛒

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Check out the FULL version now! 🛒

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————————————————————— ▼ARMIS ▼ Jurard T Rexford ┗[Channel] ┗[Debut]

Goldbullet ┗[Channel] ┗[Debut]

Octavio ┗[Channel] ┗[Debut]

Crimzon Ruze ┗[Channel] ┗[Debut] ————————————————————— Credits:

Starting Soon Art: jordizzle Ending Art: JUEEAKI Stinger: moka_ani Starting BGM: SUPER COOL BABY Criminal’s Cut BGM: Go Along With Zephyr Ending BGM: DEAD HEAT MAX


Fan letters and Gifts Address Present for: Crimzon Ruze COVER Corporation Net Depot Shin-Itabashi 1-6-1 Kaga Itabashi-ku, Tokyo Japan Postal/Zip Code: 173-0003

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    MewingMCMewingMC is a brand new SMP filled with exciting and challenging features. Team up with your friends, explore a big world with different custom biomes, and build your base. Gather resources, upgrade your loadout with custom enchantments. and hop in to challenging dungeons to slay the bosses. Enjoy a player-controlled economy, where you the player are in charge of the prices. Complete daily quests from easy to hard ones, to level-up your Mastery Level to earn more rewards. Keep up your daily Mewing Streak to become the ultimate looksmaxer. Join MewingMC today! Read More

  • TFMC Roleplay Vanilla Whitelist 1.20.2

    Join the TFMC Realm! Join us on Discord: Check out the Season 3 trailer: Watch Here Forge Your Path TFMC offers the ultimate Minecraft Roleplay experience. Choose your profession as a master Smith, Forester, Miner, Fisher, Agriculturist, Engineer, or Alchemist. Unravel mysteries, craft legendary weapons, and explore custom dungeons. Embrace Mysticism As an Alchemist, wield alchemical wonders and shape history through roleplay. Solve mysteries, engage in wars, and craft your own story as a hero or villain. Discover the Realm Explore a dynamic world with exclusive events, custom resources, magic spells, legendary items, and a player-based economy. Join a… Read More

  • BONK (1.13.x – 1.21.x)

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with my homies is where the party’s at

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting with my homies is where the party's at“Looks like this meme is mining for some serious laughs with that high score!” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Creator’s Vanishing Act

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Creator's Vanishing Act In the world of Minecraft, a legend was born, Notch, the creator, from dusk until dawn. From humble beginnings, he crafted a game, That would rise to fame, bringing fortune and fame. But success has its price, as we soon shall see, For Notch faced challenges, as big as can be. With the sale to Microsoft, his life took a turn, Leaving fans to wonder, what did he learn? The story of Notch, a tale of highs and lows, A journey of creativity, that only he knows. So let’s dive deep into this fascinating lore, And explore the man… Read More

  • Hot Potato: Minecraft Edition

    Hot Potato: Minecraft Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • The Voidcrystal League: Minecraft Animation Pt. 2

    The Voidcrystal League: Minecraft Animation Pt. 2 The Voidcrystal League Rises in Season 1 Episode 2 In Season 1 Episode 2 of the Voidcrystal League, a Minecraft animation by Fantasy Bros. Animations, the League begins to gain momentum as new members join forces. As the heroes unite, villains lurk in the shadows, plotting to thwart their plans. League Members Unite The episode showcases the diverse cast of characters, each bringing their unique abilities to the League. From OLIVER to FELIX, the members start to understand the extent of their powers and the importance of working together. Powerful Sorcerers and Golems Among the League are powerful sorcerers… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest craze in the Minecraft community – Minewind server. If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new and exciting server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all levels. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine a world where you can explore vast landscapes, build epic structures, and battle fierce mobs alongside other players from around the globe. That’s exactly what… Read More

  • Purple Minecraft Guess the Build

    Purple Minecraft Guess the Build Minecraft Guess the Build: A Fun Twist with Everything Purple! Guess the Build is a popular Minecraft game where players take turns building something and then guessing each other’s creations. In this unique twist, everything is purple! The challenge adds an exciting element to the game, making it even more fun and engaging for both players and viewers. How It Works Players, including Jimmy, Joel, Skizz, Impulse, and Grian, each choose something to build using only purple blocks and materials. As they rotate around, they have to guess what their fellow players have created. The game is a bit… Read More

  • Last Samurai in Minecraft for 100 Days – Real Life Adventure!

    Last Samurai in Minecraft for 100 Days - Real Life Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘I survived 100 days as the LAST SAMURAI in Minecraft – The Movie’, was uploaded by Lokolow ENG on 2024-08-20 12:06:54. It has garnered 12114 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:50 or 3050 seconds. #100days #minecraft Today’s challenge is to become the LAST LIVING SAMURAI OF MINECRAFT! With this modpack where EVERYTHING became 3x stronger, our challenge became to face ALL THE BOSSES! With 3 different boss mods, will we face the final dragon boss, or will we succumb and have to hand over our sword in Minecraft? So what… Read More

  • S4 Finale: The END of Junkie SMP!

    S4 Finale: The END of Junkie SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | The END Of The Junkie SMP! [Part 5]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-08-28 23:19:59. It has garnered 1396 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:20 or 7460 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @AshyBoio @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @GmodSwift @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheVelcon @MysticFrostic @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @RedactedBonnie @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan @vlospace *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_*… Read More

  • FerFox goes CRAZY on Minecraft: Golem vs TNT! 😱 #shorts

    FerFox goes CRAZY on Minecraft: Golem vs TNT! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Golem vs TNT.. 🤯 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by FerFox on 2024-05-06 23:00:07. It has garnered 26519 views and 1122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Minecraft: Golem vs TNT.. 🤯 #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft #foryoupage #minecraftMods #trending #tiktoksong #shorts FerFox does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.20 challenges in 2024! Today… Read More

  • Day 1 Domination in Lifesteal SMP! 😎

    Day 1 Domination in Lifesteal SMP! 😎Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW I DOMINATED THIS LIFESTEAL SMP IN DAY 1😎’, was uploaded by Nopeo Gamerz on 2024-01-28 01:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching!!! ~BEST MODS FOR MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION~ Mod no.1 button hider … Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Texture Pack 64×64 For Minecraft Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by Mharavin (Mv) on 2024-08-27 23:47:58. It has garnered 248 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. Texture pack for Minecraft 1.21 latest!!! Download: Texture: Who wants to see my face clearly! Ig: #Minecraft #MinecraftTexturePack #MinecraftMods #MinecraftResourcePack #Minecraft1.21 #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftCreativity #MinecraftArt #TexturePack #ResourcePack #MCPE #MinecraftBedrock Read More

  • 🐹 CRAZY Shaders CRASH My PC in Minecraft?! 🤯

    🐹 CRAZY Shaders CRASH My PC in Minecraft?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tried These INSANE Shaders To See If My PC Would CRASH In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by HamRat on 2024-04-10 01:27:05. It has garnered 1136 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:31 or 451 seconds. I used some popular shaders in this video.. I wanted to see which one looked best and overall if my PC could handle it! Thank You For Watching 🙂 🔴Subscribe Here! – Music Used In This Video: 📨Direct Youtube Messaging – ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Read More

  • “Unbelievable Flying Cheat in GamerGroveYT! 😱✈️” #shorts #viral

    "Unbelievable Flying Cheat in GamerGroveYT! 😱✈️" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘new flying trick ✈️❤️ #stumbleguyshighlights #stumble #short #shorts #viral #shortfeed’, was uploaded by GAMERGROVEYT on 2024-06-22 11:19:19. It has garnered 11859 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. NoobvsProvsHacker treding with villager #ytshorts #shorts #viral #minecraft got noob House 🏠 But noob troll me #shorts #ytshorts #viral Types of noob getting Diamonds in Minecraft #shorts #ytshorys #viral saving noob Bhai was choice in Minecraft #shorts #ytshorts #viral If Saving Minecraft Noob Was A Choice | #shorts Basu Plays Thanks For 7 thousand subscribers Alternative titles (your queries): minecraft… Read More

  • Bizzy’s Insane Raid in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Bizzy's Insane Raid in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Raiding a Trial Chamber in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Bizzy on 2024-08-27 03:57:24. It has garnered 259 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:15 or 9255 seconds. I am collecting every item in the game, but 1.21 has released and with the new trial chamber also comes a few new blocks. Join this channel to get access to perks: Music from Epidemic Sounds Current Subscribers: 1,810 #minecraft #hardcore #challenge Read More