ULTIMATE Unobtanium Hack! – Hardcore All the Mods 9 Minecraft

Video Information

Hello guys my name is dark like and as you can see in this episode we get ourselves unobtanium unobtanium gear and get completely set up for Applied in logistics 2 I hope you guys are ready and welcome to episode 11 of our hardcore all the mods 9 let’s play

Series in the last episode we went ahead and got ourselves some very good and very powerful uh enchants using apotheosis which if you haven’t seen that already I highly recommend checking it out however in this episode what we’re going to go ahead and do I’m also

Going to go ahead and place these back but what we’re going to go ahead and do is we’re going to get on obum in this episode which is going to require us to do a little bit of searching through a couple of different things such as the

Other so yes we’re going to be heading into the other but before we do that we’re going to go ahead and get ourselves some unobtanium as it would be best if we started growing that stuff and as you can see there there is a very

Very easy way to get an obani and it it’s it’s so cheap and every and every other place I’ve seen has gone through like this extensive measures to get obum and it’s just there’s such an easier method and I’m going to go ahead and show you guys that right now now to go

Ahead and actually find unobtanium in the easiest way is actually to use something we’ve already been using basically this entire time and that’s the destru Gadget from the different building gadgets and why is this so uh so powerful well it clears out the entire area here and voids everything except

For unobtainium and what we’re going to just do is we’re going to set this all to Max we’re going to have this go like like this and then we’re just going to do a very large area like like so and since we’re in the end Highlands we can

Just rightclick to erase everything here and literally just like that not even two seconds after doing it we got ourselves some unobtanium that is why this is legitimately just the cheapest method to actually find this stuff and it is so easy to actually set up since the only

Way to craft this the only thing you need to actually use to uh to craft the destruction Gadget the the way you actually craft this is really simple it’s literally just two end pearls two four iron two Redstone and a piece of lapis that’s it’s it’s literally that

Simple to go ahead and just get yourself access to the strongest ore in the game and just like that with this amazing pickaxe we can go ahead and just mine all of this up like so we’re going to quickly get rid of this guy with the very powerful sword that we

Have and literally from that one four vein we got 15 unobtanium this is why this is easily the best method if you are struggling to find unobtanium and you’re kind of in the early game just craft the destruction Gadget it’s the best way to go ahead and actually look for

Unobtanium and if we just void this section over here and it just it just will go through and look for the unobtanium and it it literally just costs us a tiny bit of energy and that’s it and we can have multiple of these going at once we don’t

Have to just have this specific area doing it we could like come all the way over to here right click like this and most the time it’ll just find it on the surface it is easily the best way to actually go ahead and look for this

Unobtanium as it you can just go through entire chunks at a time and most of the time it’s just below the surface so you don’t need to actually go through with like a very Hefty uh thing like the chunk Destroyer to actually get this stuff you can kind of just set it up

Like this and just go through the different chunks and that’s how you get unobtanium easily and look behind us there’s some more unobtanium just like that like this is easily the best way to actually go ahead and get ourselves this unobtanium that we’re going to need so I

Highly recommend doing this method it is the best way and just like that we got ourselves 21 unobtanium so if you’re struggling to get it just get the destruction Gadget and it will make your life incredibly easy and if you’re struggling to actually go ahead and find this material

Make sure that you are in an end Highlands as unobtanium only spawns within the end Highlands biome so make sure if you don’t have one already get a Nature’s compass and just fly towards the area where it is an end Highlands once you do that you’ll find it a lot

You just need to break it out it’s always a little bit below the surface it’s never that far down it’s almost always just right towards the surface so using this method is just the best way to actually go ahead and find this on OB tanium just make sure that you are in an

End Highlands and after only like 5 minutes we got ourselves enough to make ourselves basically two stacks of unobtanium like this just is immed is just so amazing and there’s actually a way to passively get this stuff using uh um industrial for going however we’re

Not at the point but you can use the mining drill to actually get the unobtainium as well and it can generate an infinite amount of it however it is a very hard process to get set up until we get into it so for now we’re just going

To be using the seeds and eventually we can just grow all of our unobtanium and things like that using the seeds as it’ll be the fastest way that we’ll be able to actually go ahead and get this stuff but now since we have the unobtainium I think it is time for us to

Head into the other now the other is actually underground and it is quite dark in here so I am going to turn on our night vision but something to really quickly note in this Dimension is flying is disabled by default however there is a way to actually get around this and I

Know they turned it off for a reason to keep people from flying around in the other but the other really is a nightmare to travel in unless you have flight so I’m going to show you guys how to actually fly inside of the other it’s it’s not even a really difficult task

It’s relatively simple you just need to basically uh press the engine key at the right times and as you can see we can kind of fly we just have to time it right and it’s how I’m going to be ending up flying inside here because I

Definitely do not want to like as much as I like the fact that it’s like this well I actually don’t but I I don’t want to have to uh I don’t want to have to walk all the way because how these things spawn is insane like you you got

To go like thousands upon thousands of blocks just to get to the structure you need to go to so we’re going to just be doing the uh we’re just going to be glitching our flight like this and just like that we are out and we can go ahead and just fly like

This you just got to make sure that you’re doing it right by holding down the engine button and then you can basically just fly and it’s incredibly helpful but now what we’re going to need to go ahead and do and we’re going to go ahead and do this right now is uh we

Need to head down here and we’re going to quickly go under ground for a second cuz there are a lot of entities around here however what we’re going to need to do now is we’re going to need to look for an ancient dungeon there are two different buildings in this uh Dimension

When you look up Al the modium there’s the all the ancient pyramid and there is the AL the modium dungeon and this is the structure that we’re actually going to need to find and watch it’s going to be like 8,000 blocks away or something like that oh it’s only 1,000 blocks well that

Makes things a lot easier and before I actually go we’re going to go grab ourselves a wayist stone and I’ll see you guys over there and here we are this is the AL the modium dungeon I am not very excited for this area because this area is filled to the

Brim with Mobs and we’re going to need to be very careful of our health thankfully in here there are vindicators and that’s actually why I brought this uh model framework with us and if things get too dicey I’m going to just type in slash spawn and get the hell out of

There so we’re going to be very careful with how we do this but we’re going to do all the modium dungeon just like that now we have this set up but we’re going to go ahead and just break into here now doing this uh without flight is a massive

Pain so we’re going to go ahead and we’re just going to break into here so I’ll see you guys when we actually break into the dungeon and as you can see we are now in we’re going to go ahead and uh take out all these spawners

But as you can see there are so many things that spawn in here it’s why we got to just run through and there’s the vindicators we need to save these guys in a module like that and we need to kill them because these guys drop totems of

Undying and we are definitely going to need that so we’re going to go ahead and just that’s a lot of emeralds but that’s not what we’re here for we’re going to just put this guy in our uh slot and I guarantee you by the time we’re out of

Here that’s going to be completely full but yeah what we are looking for in this dungeon is called an ancient library and if we check the mini map we can kind of see where it is if we go down a cave layer it is this room this room is the

Uh area so we’re going to create a temporary way point and we’re going to just head straight there we’re not even going to bother with these bosses cuz there’s going to be too many so we’re going to just dig over there so I’ll see you guys when we’re over there and just

Like that we are here this is the library area and in one of these chests is going to be the unobtanium smithing template this is the easiest way to do this and I highly recommend doing it this way because every other way is just extremely dangerous so we’re going to quickly take

Care of these mobs and we’re going to just build a staircase up to here just in case get rid of these spawners because these spawners are going to just keep spawning if we let them so we need to get make sure that they aren’t doing that and

This should be a good stairway out so let’s go ahead eat up a little bit for uh some health and let’s go ahead and kill These Guys these guys shouldn’t be that difficult to actually go ahead and kill and as long as we stay on this level they can’t get to

Us so we’re also chilling in that regard but we need to kill out these uh we need to get rid of these spawners also I have uh upgraded our backpack so it’s quite a bit larger than normal but yeah we’re going to take out all of those let’s look in these

Chests so nothing’s in there also in here you can get all the modium uh nuggets which is really nice over here we got nothing useful over here we get nothing that useful we’re going to go ahead and break these uh we’re going to break these uh spawners and then we’re going to go

Ahead and open these chests from all the way over here there’s even vibranium nuggets in here that’s nice but we’re not here for the vibranium or anything like that we are here specifically for the smithing template and it’s a very hard thing to miss and

It is not in this Library area so that is a good thing that means we can go ahead and move on to the next Library cuz one is guaranteed to spawn within every dungeon so we just need to look for that library and to do that we just

Need to look around for where the library is and it looks like it’s going to be over here so let’s go ahead and head on over there and here is the other area for this library and there’s actually two libraries side by side from one another

So we’re going to go ahead and loot both of these however as you can see the mobs here are absolutely insane if if you are planning on entering this area make sure that you have good armor because you will die because this this area is actually just

Insane with me I’m playing this very safe and that’s the only reason I’m actually able to loot this area at least semi safely cuz even then I could still die at any point in time but I definitely have a higher chance of surviving there’s nothing in there doesn’t seem like there’s anything

Useful in there we’re getting hit with blindness so we need to really take out these uh spawn cuz this wither effect is definitely not very fun we need to kill this guy doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to hit him from there there we go

Nothing’s in there we need to make sure we’re taking out all the spawners here nothing’s in there all right let’s see what’s in these chests doesn’t seem like it’s in there let’s go ahead and look in this next one nothing in there so we can kind of just skip around all of

These and it’s not in this one so that means that there is only one place left to look and we’re going to head over there right now as it is right across from where this is if we go ahead and look at the uh map we are here the uh

Area is like right here like if I create a temporary w point it’s over there so yeah let’s just head straight over there shall we and just like that there it is the AL the modium smithing template this is all we came for we can now just literally leave here but we’re

Going to go ahead and just check these chests really quick and just grab the uh vibranium and the allodium since it doesn’t hurt to have but yeah now that we got this we’re going to just head back to base and I I am a porcupine as as stated if you do

Not have good gear here you will die so definitely get yourself some good gear before you actually head here let’s go ahead and head back to base also I realized I got The Vindicator module and not the vulker module so that’s fine it doesn’t matter that much it’s just a

Little bit annoying but that that’s not the reason we were really there we’re really there for the uh smithing template which we now have and making the smithing template upgrade for this is relatively simple to make the unobtanium uh smithing template which is is right here to make it’s just endstone

And vibranium that’s it so we’re going to go ahead and make these seeds first for the unobtanium and then we’re going to go ahead and make the seeds for the vibranium because we haven’t actually planted that yet so let’s go ahead and do exactly that and just like that we

Can now finally after all this time get the vibranium seeds as well as the unobtanium seeds and this is going to help us significantly as now we can just have this growing throughout the time that we play and we can just upgrade gear to unobtanium and get unobtainium

When needed as well as the fact is now in this episode one of my goals for this episode is to actually get something called Time in a Bottle this item is so overpowered it is it’s insane it basically stores uh it basically stores time in this

Little bottle and you can use it on anything to speed up anything’s process and it is not even that hard to get you just because we have unobtanium we can just make all the stuff and this isn’t even that hard to get we’re just going

To need to get some honey uh Combs and that’s going to be it and then we can get ourselves this time in a bottle now all we got to do is we got to just go place down this magical soil where it’s supposed to go and I set the seeds right

Next to each other so we can just go ahead and do it like that and if we head on up here we are now going to be officially growing ourselves not only alium but we now are getting unobtanium and vibranium and this means we also now get

To upgrade our gear from vibranium to unobtanium let’s go ahead and do that and just like that we got ourselves enough smithing templates to turn our entire armor set into vibranium and this is the best armor that you can get uh early on anyways we’re going to go ahead and slap this

Whole set on and this armor is insanely strong we’re going to quickly go ahead and showcase it it doesn’t look the best I mean yes it’s cool but it’s definitely not the best armor it looks very bulky and that’s probably because this these boots have 10 armor which is just insane like

Absolutely just just absolutely insane and it is really nice I really like that we finally got this armor we can worry now a lot less in terms of actually dying and that is going to give us a lot of comfort in that because we won’t have

To worry about dying as much from these bosses and we’re kind of at this point mostly unkillable unless something really tragic happens like in the last episode episode where that glitch happened but we’re also going to go ahead and get ourselves uh these tools up to that but also soon we’re going to

Be getting into a mod that gives us even better tools which is going to be ours Novo and this is going to be super beneficial to us since with that we can get all the modium alloy gear like this and as you can see from that damage yeah

Yes it is insanely good and we’re going to just want to get the paxel because this is going to be able to break everything that we want instantly and it’s really it’s it’s a little tricky to craft because you need to get awakened supremium paxel which is quite expensive you need

A supremium paxel and then you need to awaken it which is its whole entire process we already got two of this which is the water and fire essence but we’re going to need to go ahead and get ourselves Earth and air Essence as well as getting ourselves the supremium for

This and to get this it’s really simple we just need to make a supremium block which is used by turning supremium with this uh dust into awaken supremium and we’re going to need to get that somehow at some point in time however right now it should just be just fine and we’ve

Already we’ve gotten our whole set of this set up there’s only a couple of things left to do this episode and that is going to be maxing out our uh Essence farms and then we’re going to be getting that time in a bottle and that is going

To be very beneficial to us as in the next episode we are going to be doing applied energistics which is the most powerful storage mod in the game it does take a minute to set up but I am I am so excited to set that up and that is going

To be coming out most most likely tomorrow and I’m I’m really I’m just excited for that it’s it’s going to be insanely crazy but yeah let’s go ahead and let’s go ahead and max out our setup over there now it looks like we aren’t going to be able to get the honey seeds

This episode is that is going to require me to get into productive bees and start working with the bees which right now I don’t have any of the resources for that but that’s definitely something we are going to have to do in a future episode episod to get the time in the bottle

However I did claim a bunch of these quests and as you can see we only have two left and we’re going to go ahead and in this episode we’re just going to complete chapter one of our Quest book and that is going to be an entire quest

Line completely done and to do that it’s going to be really simple the first thing we’re going to need to do is for sophisticated storage and to do that all we’re going to we need to do is make this which is very simple all we have to

Go ahead and make is this put this in our inventory and just like that we complete the quest for sophisticated storage and we’re going to go ahead and claim both of these which gives us the Scythe which is really useful we’ll eventually need to use that and now all

We need to do is we get some buckets we’re going to get uh two water buckets and we’re just going to go make this uh Twilight uh Forest portal so with this we’re going to go ahead grab this water and then we’re going to get ourselves some flowers which I’m pretty

Sure we have roses or poppies yes we have plenty of poppies and then we’re going to get ourselves a diamond and this is going to be incredibly easy to make if you guys don’t know how to make the Twilight Forest portal it’s stupidly simple all we’re going to go ahead and

Do is is we’re going to just dig out a little area like this we’re going to fill it up with two buckets of water like so and then we’re going to just Place some flowers around it and then all you have to do to actually make this

Portal is throw a diamond into there and just like that we get the Twilight Forest now this isn’t going to complete the quest for us as we need to actually enter it so let’s go ahead and enter here and just like that that we are going to be transported into the

Twilight Forest this is one of my favorite mods as this is one that was one of my favorites back when I was younger this is something that I would play a lot of however now that we’ve done that we can go ahead now and uh

Game is deciding to lag a little bit on the way back which is completely fine but with that said and done we can now claim this and this should complete this entire segment if we go ahead and claim everything unless we’re missing something what would we be missing ah no

We need the productive bees achievement from right here which to do that we’re going to need honey so I guess we can go ahead and start it off I mean we have a productive be right behind us so I guess we can try to get these uh a little bit

Of Honey to get started with productive bees so let’s go ahead and try and just like that we got the last of our achievements that we actually needed for that look at that 100% On the beginning and now the next chapter for this is actually getting this all theod star and

That’s going to be insanely fun and since as you can see behind me we have this kind of set up we can eventually get into productive bees we’re not going to be getting into it uh right away simply because it is a mod that kind of needs its own time however we do

Eventually want to go ahead and get into it and since we’ve been having this run this entire time as you can see we’ve gotten a lot of resources from this and that is because we’ve maxed out our uh setup over there in the mining dimension for mystical Agriculture and what this

Now means and I’m really excited for this in the next episode we are going to be getting into one of my favorite mods which is applied energistics and as always massive shout out to our patreon supporters over on patreon well patreon supporter but you know you know what you should do you

Should change that go join my patreon it would help me a lot and grow it would help me become one step closer to taking this as my full-time job again massive shout out to furball rules for subbing on the patreon you get a bunch of really cool benefits and well guys that is

Going to be it for this episode thank you guys so much for sticking until the very end I know this is a little bit of a shorter episode however I really wanted to make a little bit of a shorter episode preparing for Applied energistics before we actually got into

It so that is kind of what this episode was meant for if you guys are new here go check out episode one of the let’s play series and if you guys missed last episode go check out episode 10 and well guys my name is dark leg and until next time peace out

This video, titled ‘The BEST Way to find Unobtanium for CHEAP! Ep.11 – Hardcore All the Mods 9 Minecraft’, was uploaded by Darkloyak on 2024-01-11 08:02:00. It has garnered 151 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:50 or 1730 seconds.

In this Episode We get The Unobtanium smithing template get setup for the next episode for Applied Energistics 2!

This is a Hardcore Series Dedicated to All the Mods 9. In this Series I Play Through ATM9 With the Goal to Get the ATM Star As Well as the Greg Star from GregTech. Will I be able to Survive? Stay Tuned to Find Out!

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    GAMING BABA steals rare armor from Granny's house! 😱🎮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft theif armor in granny house || Minecraft || Gamingbaba’, was uploaded by GAMING BABA on 2024-07-29 02:42:55. It has garnered 992 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:03 or 783 seconds. Minecraft thief armor in granny house || minecraft || Gamingbaba Information: Ram Ram My name is Krish and I am known on YOU TUBE as GAMINGBABA. Videos are only for your entertainment, so watch our full video. And if you like the video, then like the video. If you are new on Chennal then subscribe to Chennal, share our video… Read More

  • Insane Oak House Build in Minecraft – MUST SEE!

    Insane Oak House Build in Minecraft - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Oak House in minecraft || Easy Turtorial’, was uploaded by MyBros Play on 2024-02-18 13:00:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with us in our latest video! Join My Bros Play as we dive deep into the mysterious … Read More

  • CivSMP – smp, realms

    Fun and Active SMP Realm Looking for an SMP that incorporates classic Minecraft but with an element of Role-playing? Look no further than Civilisation SMP 🏰 This is the SMP where you join or create a Civilisation and simulate medieval times. Once in a Civilisation, you can build cool things in your land, ally yourself with other Civilisations, and trade. Under certain regulations, you can start a WAR! Your base was griefed? Those are grounds for war. ⚔️. Strategize carefully to ensure your Civilisation is at the top! Be ready for competitions and server events! Enjoy elements of classic Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft movie clip is lit! 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft movie clip is lit! 🔥If the meme’s score is 932, does that mean it’s rated E for everyone? Read More

  • Crafty Teaser: Minecraft’s Tease, My Problem Unleashed

    Crafty Teaser: Minecraft's Tease, My Problem Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, a teaser was dropped, But some fans were not impressed, their excitement flopped. The visuals were lacking, the story unclear, Leaving many players feeling quite drear. But fear not, dear viewers, for there’s still hope, Perhaps the final product will help us cope. Let’s wait and see what the movie will bring, And hope it’s a hit that will make our hearts sing. So stay tuned for updates, and keep your eyes peeled, For the Minecraft movie may yet be revealed. And in the meantime, let’s keep the hype alive, And hope that the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Lava Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftbreakups #boom #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Witchy Havellama in Minecraft

    Witchy Havellama in Minecraft Welcome to the Enchanting World of Minecraft Witch Cottage! Embark on a magical journey as we delve into the enchanting realm of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds. In this episode, we follow along as our intrepid player builds a cozy witch cottage nestled deep in the woods, a haven for all things mystical and magical. 🌿🔮 Gathering Resources and Setting the Scene Our adventure begins with the gathering of essential resources to bring this witchy abode to life. From collecting wood for the cottage’s structure to mining for precious ores to adorn it with, every step is crucial… Read More

  • Editor Challenges Me to Fail

    Editor Challenges Me to Fail Minecraft Speedpaint Challenge: 5 Day Challenge If you want to see YOUR character as the subject of the next Minecraft Speedpaint, make sure to SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT a link to your character! 💖 New Videos Every Friday*! Overview In this video, the content creator takes on the challenge of speedpainting while simultaneously completing a random Minecraft challenge within the game’s constraints of 5 in-game days. Subscribe to the channel to receive notifications for future posts and like the video if you enjoy this series! Support A special thank you is extended to all the patreon supporters, whose names are… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Herobrine VS Null | Babu Tech Movie

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Herobrine VS Null | Babu Tech MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alex and Steve [ Herobrine VS Null ] Full Movie Babu tech | Prisma 3D Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Babu Tech on 2024-05-24 09:44:21. It has garnered 3221 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:13 or 553 seconds. Alex and Steve [ Herobrine VS Null ] Full Movie Babu tech | Prisma 3D Minecraft Animation ———————————————————————- ✨😊hello guys😊✨ This is the Full Movie of [ ALEX & STEVE/HEROBRINE VS NULL ] In this movie you will see How Null defeats Alex. Steve Is going to save the world. But Steve… Read More

  • Zombie Apocalypse Ended in Minecraft: Cursed Walking

    Zombie Apocalypse Ended in Minecraft: Cursed WalkingVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Ended The Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft Cursed Walking [Mini Movie]’, was uploaded by Indigo on 2024-08-17 23:30:04. It has garnered 976 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:44 or 2204 seconds. Have you ever wondered how a zombie apocalypse in Minecraft would look? Then join me as I play through the Modern Zombie Apocalypse modpack called Cursedf Walking It has it’s very own custom map withs, new and improved zombies, modern weapons and gear, as well as its own storyline. Stay tuned to see if I am able to find a… Read More

  • DONUT SMP SHIZO FUN – Ratings, FFA Gameplay!

    DONUT SMP SHIZO FUN - Ratings, FFA Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Donut smp SPoNgebob Gameplay, FFA, RATINGS, FUN!’, was uploaded by SPoBodos on 2024-09-25 10:10:10. It has garnered 660 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:00 or 7200 seconds. My Discord: https://discord.gg/ssKHxCUVNd If you’re looking (or you know anybody who is) for a good and cheap minecraft server hosting I wanna suggest and recommend you this one: https://wisehosting.com/aff.php?aff=1086 #donutsmp #minecraft #smp #Marlow #texturepack #freshsmp #lifestealsmp #lifesteal #drdonut #2b2t #6b6t #lifestealsmp tags:freshsmp, minecraft, smp, lifestealsmp, lifesteal, minecraftsmp, cheating, cheats, griefer, griefing, grief, basegrief, base destruction, wurst, base hunting, base finding, anarchy, minecraft lifesteal,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft TikTok Hack! Subscribe for Epic Gaming Content

    Insane Minecraft TikTok Hack! Subscribe for Epic Gaming ContentVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft tik tok hack #mincraftlogic #subscribe #like #gaming’, was uploaded by LEGEND_MC on 2024-04-09 07:48:46. It has garnered 9745 views and 284 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • “Copper Madness! Insane Items Mod in Minecraft!” #shorts #forge #copper

    "Copper Madness! Insane Items Mod in Minecraft!" #shorts #forge #copperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Everything is Copper Mod (Items de Cobre) #shorts #minecraft #mod #forge #minecraftmods #cobre’, was uploaded by Miguel_MX on 2024-02-28 19:00:00. It has garnered 748 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Read More

  • PojavメBhai says goodbye to viewers! 👋

    PojavメBhai says goodbye to viewers! 👋Video Information This video, titled ‘BYE BYE GUYS !’, was uploaded by _PojavメBhai on 2024-04-08 14:05:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. BYE BYE GUYS ! Second Channel:-https://youtube.com/@animefan12063?si=2pxDy39P8b3cYLA4 TAGS IGNORE:- minecraft … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Stream with Debraj Choudhury! #01 🚀

    Insane Minecraft Live Stream with Debraj Choudhury! #01 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM || #01 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by DEBRAJ CHOUDHURY VLOG on 2024-03-25 02:24:02. It has garnered 45 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:37 or 2857 seconds. Top Donations ———————— AGAM= 14000rs Roblox Gaming Raptor=1800rs Alphadon arcimage = 7$ Yash gautam = 500rs cosii= 1000rs Orton = 1000rs Soni Gaming OP=420rs Cordless = 200rs Harshit= 140rs Ritish Jain= 100rs Manas Sharma = 200rs gaming with flash= 1500rs Beat Siege= 500rs Ujjwal= 100rs Velocity = 300rs Radiuz = 300rs Keshav(Spectors) = 80rs Genz Aman = 40rs Nxt Predator = 25rs… Read More

  • “🔥 Join VenomScar’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP – FREE! 💎” #minecraftsmp

    "🔥 Join VenomScar's 24/7 Minecraft SMP - FREE! 💎" #minecraftsmpVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Minecraft SMP | Free To Join || Java (1.20.any) + Pe (1.20.71) || #minecraft #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by VenomScar Live on 2024-08-17 06:35:27. It has garnered 550 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 12:32:44 or 45164 seconds. #minecraft #mcpe #pocketedition #pe #smp #minecraftpocketedition Creator Support – venomscar@ybl / venomscar@axl (Upi) Minecraft server – (fabric not allow only optifine) Port:- Java – IP: play.infinityhq.in (Port Not Needed for java) PE & BedRock – IP: play.infinityhq.in Port: 19132 Creator Support – akashconstruction68@oksbi (Upi) Channel Membership – Level Monthly price Smp member Vc… Read More

  • Minecraft EP 3: Kill Ender Dragon with Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft EP 3: Kill Ender Dragon with Blaze Rod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival series EP 3 Kill ender dragon only using blaze rod’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-20 11:30:15. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, our… Read More

  • Termina – Towny Wartime SMP Raiding PVP Towny Wartime Crossplay

    🔥 Join the Ultimate PvP and Griefing Experience! 🔥 TerminaMC.com 💣 IP: TerminaMC.com 🌎 Discord: discord.gg/Termina 🎮 Bedrock: 19132 | Java: 25565 🎮 Hardcore PvP & Raiding: Dive into a world where survival is a challenge, and no one is safe! Protect your land with Towny, but beware – your loot is never truly safe. Declare war and raid enemy towns once every 24 hours, even if you’re solo! 🏰 Towny Warfare – Rule the Wilderness: Build your empire in the untamed wilderness. Defend it with Towny and engage in epic battles to survive. ⚔️ Termina Duels – Prove Your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players be like: just want to complain.

    Well, with a score of 1018, it looks like this meme is definitely not one to complain about! Keep on crafting those jokes, Minecraft fans. Read More

  • Fleetbhai & Jack: Gaming Duo, Minecraft’s True Crew

    Fleetbhai & Jack: Gaming Duo, Minecraft's True Crew In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Fleetbhai & Jack, shining bright in the light. Crafting stories and updates with a playful spin, Their rhymes and beats, a true gaming win. From FleetSMP to funny roasts, Their content always hits the most. With Jack’s scams and Fleet’s innocence, Their gaming world, a true essence. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For Fleetbhai & Jack, they’ve captured our heart. In every line and every rhyme they bring, The essence of gaming, let their truth take wing. Read More

  • My diamonds got me heated🔥

    My diamonds got me heated🔥 When you spend hours mining for diamonds in Minecraft, only to accidentally throw them into lava and watch them disappear forever 😡💎 #minecraftstruggles #firstworldproblems Read More

  • Craving Honey in Minecraft

    Craving Honey in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Fun and Creativity with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft realm, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that steers clear of any elements that could potentially impact their health and safety. With a focus on homemade Minecraft animations that are humorous and entertaining, 方块轩 spreads joy and laughter to his audience. Unique Content and Channels As the sole official channel of 方块轩, viewers can expect a daily dose of original and captivating videos. From funny Minecraft animations to educational series and even song adaptations, 方块轩’s channel offers a diverse range of content… Read More

  • Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “breaking bad in minecraft 🤯 | بریکینگ بد در ماینکرفت | Part 2”. While the video itself is not about Minewind server, it got us thinking – what if you could experience the thrill of survival with your favorite Breaking Bad characters in Minecraft? Imagine the adrenaline rush as you navigate through the virtual world, trying to survive alongside Walter White and Jesse Pinkman. The possibilities are endless, and the excitement is… Read More

  • STOP FOCUSING! Minecraft Herobrine Chamber

    STOP FOCUSING! Minecraft Herobrine Chamber Minecraft Herobrine Chamber: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey into the world of Minecraft with Emir in the Herobrine Chamber! Herobrine, the mysterious figure, guides our adventurers through a series of challenges and tasks, making the experience both thrilling and entertaining. Exploring the Herobrine Chamber As Herobrine issues commands, Emir and his companions eagerly follow, immersing themselves in the gameplay. The chamber is filled with surprises, puzzles, and obstacles that test their skills and teamwork. Craftrise Server For those looking to experience the Herobrine Chamber themselves, the Craftrise server offers the perfect setting. Dive into the world… Read More

  • EPIC Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream – Ultimate Saturday Runs

    EPIC Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream - Ultimate Saturday RunsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock M7 Livestream – Rusty Saturday Runs’, was uploaded by scaicalist on 2024-09-22 11:39:35. It has garnered 559 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:57 or 12297 seconds. SUBSCRIBE #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #skyblock #minecraft #m7 #mage #hypixelskyblockdungeons #minecraft #catacombs #dungeons #mage #mastermode #dragons https://streamlabs.com/scaicalist8394 Read More

  • Insane Build: HMLNS Tromp Cruiser

    Insane Build: HMLNS Tromp CruiserVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT: Building HMLNS Tromp Light Cruiser!’, was uploaded by GARRETT2BY4 on 2024-09-28 21:51:14. It has garnered 414 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:31 or 9091 seconds. In this livestream we will be working on HMLNS Tromp Light Cruiser! I do not take requests in the chat. If you do want to suggest a future build, then please do so on my Discord server. Thank you! GAME INFORMATION: ► Resource Pack – Reflector’s General Military Pack 2.0: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/reflector-s-general-military-pack ►Shaders Pack – Continuum: https://continuum.graphics/continuum-shaders/ SOCIALS: ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/GARRETT2BY4 ►Join the Discord… Read More

  • Betraying Minecraft’s Best Civilization?!

    Betraying Minecraft's Best Civilization?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Betrayed Minecraft’s Greatest Civilization’, was uploaded by OV33 on 2024-08-24 19:00:22. It has garnered 336 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:12 or 1092 seconds. #SMP #Minecraft #minecraftsmp #cosmicsmp (This video is scripted and should not be recognized as unscripted content) In this video I betray a Minecraft Civilization. This video was filmed on the Cosmic SMP, please do not send hate to any creators featured in this video, some of the video was overdramatized for the purpose of content creation. This is also a block game so there’s really… Read More