BLOOD ALTAR, TRANQUILITY & RUNES! EP18 | Minecraft Enigmatica 8 [Modded 1.18.2 Questing Modpack]

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Miles welcome back to enigmatic A8 my friend in the last episode we built these cheeky guys right here the reactors we got ourselves a nice Spirited One you know the second to top tier and the hardened reactor over here you know it’s kind of the Loyalty of

That one yeah trash basically but yeah we kind of sort out our power problem and as you see we’ve got 85 in a 90 million Fe and still going upwards about to reach 100 million Fe inside of there and we also set up this Auto crafting for each of the crystals except the

Nitro one of course because we don’t have any uh nether Stars so hopefully we can get that sorted later on but this is kind of what we did in the last episode we started our we finished power we’ve got so much uh Power right now and uh

Our processing setup in here should be running pretty smoothly now if I do transfer myself uh it does seem maybe five times ours out of the wazoo yeah the oils are filling up inside of there as well which is nice to see uh I just

Need to it’d be nice if I could swallow that chest out but I can’t because there’s no like salt function I don’t think no it’s been a bit weird but that’s what I did Miles and uh it was quite a spicy EP if I do say it to

Myself oh and we also did a lot of trading with the uh Amazon people you know they sold out a bunch of garbage and they give us their precious emeralds you know uh win-win situation right there you know uh so we did oh I knew

This would be an issue oh what’s up the hydrogen oh it’s not the hydrogen’s full which means it’s not making oxygen which means this purification chamber’s not working there you go that is perfect you just jump jump excess and then that should work fine shouldn’t it it’s not

Like dumping all of it it’s just any excess amount is going to be dumped that would actually work perfectly fine now that issue they use so why are these uranium shards not going out oh because this has got copper shards right now yeah yeah this has been my shards yeah

So we need to speed and energy upgrade all of these but you know what we could do that at a later date miles but before we get started with today’s EP what can the people do with helps out bud to help us out they can smash that subscribe

Button yeah you can hit the like button make sure it changes color and if you go down into our description they can click on a link in there and join our cheeky discard yeah join our Discord keep updated what me and Miles doing and get

Notified when the new EPS go live and as in today’s episode what we’re going to do we’re going to be leaving power behind mechanism behind all that stuff and we’re going to be doing some blood magic which is we haven’t done in a while have we when was the last time we

Did so what magic I’m trying to think I can’t really think [Applause] why did we doing it oh yeah we became like a tranquil and stuff didn’t we well hopefully we can replicate that success sir first things first we need to get started with it and we need to make

Ourselves a nice blood altar which shouldn’t be too difficult if I do say so myself look boom I’ve made it oh well I’ve got I might okay I’ll stop making it um where do we want this this music man this music gets me I I purposely turned music off in games I

Don’t know why it’s after me oh man you gotta turn jukeboxes off jukeboxes why what’s that doing because it’s on these it’s it’s on the idiot’s backpack no no there’s no do you know that uh when we were like episode one it’s just like the dude I constantly get maybe it’s just after maybe I’m curious why else maybe that’s what it is um yeah maybe so where is this going around here somewhere uh I like it just that perfect miles right there is perfect French kiss right there for you but uh all right thank you

Let’s get started with the mod pack you get some nice XP for that uh we kind of want to just straight go for some um upgrades don’t we so I do have a happen to make the sacrifice stagger body boy we need that yeah of course oh how did you make

Wait oh no it’s just self-sacrifice stacker not the sacrifice dog to get the sacrifice dog you need a tier two blood alter which we do not have yeah can I have one of those bad boys as well by any chance well the sacrifice dagger yeah that would be that would be nice if

I could uh what’s if you can tell me his real name without looking uh the knife of sacrifice no sacrificial night okay I suck all right and then all we need to start doing boom miles go crazy look at all that wait easy stuff I’ve got so much

Food in my backpack yeah I know I’ve got food in my backpack so we should like um keep healing up pretty fast sure what we need to do I know we probably can kill mobs later on what we need to do first is start setting up this incense altar

So I will get started with that if you want to just keep grinding away at this and making of some nicer Lewis this is wasting our blood it’s dissipating miles get sweat in there quick so to make the blank slates you need just normal undersight apparently well first things first

Who saw this coming you know needing all this undersight I mean not us definitely we don’t have uh how much undersides over here 179 000 yeah we didn’t see this guy at all jokes we’re such big brain Smiles we can see what’s it called when you can not seen that so like um

I’m gonna say scene to the future but it’s not you’re not seeing into the future um it’s like a job a summer they they relate to look into the future no no no no no no no so it’s like do you know Iron Man it’s like what he is so like I

Don’t know if you’ve watched any like of the YouTube videos where it’s like no where it’s like he’s able to like predict the future I don’t know miles I don’t know it’s I don’t know can you predict the future that’s that’s basically it yeah oh what have you got there anything cool oh

But it’s a charm of regeneration so you can turn it on and off oh where’s that oh if you accept the questline watch it run off the it just applies generation it’s a it’s got a durability oh okay that’s pretty nice that I’ll just leave you in there

Um if I turn it on and off but you you didn’t answer my question I don’t know what it is um no I don’t know what it is maybe I’m just being stupid maybe that’s what it is uh can I borrow your weak blood orb

That you have but I need to do some crafting with it right now yeah I haven’t attuned to my thing with it oh okay yeah you want to tune it to yourself uh that is fine boom so incense alter achieved and then we need to go

Ahead and make a bunch of these wooden pots as well um do not tell me I need a higher tier than this one which I do how do you make The Apprentice one then you need a tier two with redstone in all right we have the tier two yet Miles by any chance

Don’t be silly all right so what do we need for this we need some tier two you need eight blank runes right blank runes boom and we need eight of those bad boys that you’ve got basically all right can we type in a ball this by the way oh no

Go for it uh yeah you just need to be able to start putting it in and out fast enough boom look at that take that out boom take that out boom that wasn’t wasn’t even finished by the way um wow what a guy yeah I was getting two

Cadet wait wait what’s happened here empty hand empty hand it I had an empty hand no you didn’t you had Stone in your hand all right I’m telling you all right I have ten of these now I should be able to make the uh eight runes that we are

Wanting so bang those in there and three excuse me while being trolled blank I’ve just been trolled with all my runes can I have the ones there you go I’ve yeah they’re in the system all right thank you very much uh six seven eight there we go are you

Sure you need eight for this because this just shows six don’t also a lot about any day um all right so am I fine to just dig down from here by the way is that okay with you good I’m glad you agree with that Lewis what’s up what’s up bud

I mean four five six uh Hey maximum displacement achieved all right is that Gonna Change by any chance or not um do we need one underneath as well is that something for it no I don’t think so but go for it it’s been a while since we’ve done blood magic I mean it’s

Back but it’s not a very good tier you know what do you know who tells you the the correct things all the time the manual so to make it a tier two you need three okay eight total ruins visualize I want to visualize it there guys put the book

Down it says complete that says it’s tier two um if I put like a sword in there is that gonna work quad let’s get an eye inside out and buy 99 it’s not doing anything I don’t think it is I don’t think it has yeah you think it is yeah

Get your blood out right let me time to ball this okay yeah so it is a tier two all right wonderful I didn’t actually mean to make that tiger I actually want to make um the other thing so I need to redstone block that’s what I need why is it not

Come up then uh with I don’t know before you ah no this is draining it so fast yeah it should be fine it’s because I’ve got time to ball on it boom and we’ve also called yep yeah maybe maybe that’s the reason why as well

Um yeah I don’t know what’s up with that why it’s only saying well it’s not even saying the Tia which is pretty sad but either way I can go and start making my wooden paths now so let’s make a whole bunch of those and let’s see how much I

Actually remember from Sky bees too maybe I need to go re-watch the series myself miles yeah for all of us you should do that I think you should do that whilst the viewers do that as well yeah but finish watching this episode first and then go watch Sky bees too

Um just because you can do that all right here we go I think we can just have it a three by three for now like sir I don’t know why I don’t know I’m doing stupid stuff don’t forget you can hold the ground as well and do all that jazz

Well just in general Minecraft I can hold the ground is that what you’re saying yeah yeah thank you uh all right if you if you hold the ground and have wheat growing and stuff that’s also counts as Attunement stuffs yeah too much stuff so I mean you see you

Remember a little bit from thing don’t you with all I don’t remember remember last episode I remember I’m I’m gigabyte oh yeah your gigabrina all mods you just uh you don’t want to reveal it until the time comes right so now I just need to actually make it properly and get them

All attuned correctly so I need like a I’m gonna put this back up actually for a second I’m gonna leave it as a three by three space for myself boom boom what’s that picked up Rune of augmented capacitor oh Louis check check your book real quick see

What that does uh all right angry thing so what’s it called boom what’s it what room is it Rune of augmented capacitor uh Rune of augmented capacity increases the capacity of the blood alter by uh emissive plus 7.5 per Rune okay oh so the augmented capacity Rune applies

After the regular capacity runes there you go miles that’s what it’s all about uh let me bind these up as well boom boom boom and place the dirt back down so I want it in the middle here this Prime cool thing so Boo and then that should be fine then going off here

We want some Hood do we not that yeah I think that gives them with fire yeah Netherrack with fire is one uh I think there’s just there’s multiple things you can have here I think I actually do need to set this on fires on maybe as well um

Do I need to plant some in there as well uh I’ve got some seeds I’ll plant some of those down just to keep it kind of hood uh what do we do here look it’s real quick get your book out yeah book is out is is a tier two one

Two three four is it just the next tier down like uh year three for the tier one two two tier three yeah yep tier three is two yeah one down and out and then it’s uh two four five five blocks yeah and then five blocks of space five blocks of

Space yeah on each of the corners it’s two stone bricks up and then a glowstone block on top yeah I know you should be all good all right all right okay let me look at this incense altar then uh who know what I need for this sir

What’s up now my knife is the wicked knife that one shots me oh what do you mean it’s the wiki I’m looking at it I’m holding it now oh so this is working then yeah you see how your knife looks different oh yeah oh let’s not play inside there if I just do

That oh yeah it’s straight like one shot shooting adds it all to the thing look at that boom easy and that’s from this ah okay so there is actually particle effects on this incense altar now I’m not seeing any of the uh things you know from Wood

Magic because usually this will say like incense so much oh yeah it says something doesn’t it yeah you’re going crazy with this you know you can set thing on by the way so it only mine’s one block at a time Precision mode yeah you don’t go crazy with the landscape

Um but yeah okay all right that’s fair enough as well I don’t know why that is a thing that we’re not seeing all of this do you know why um no maybe it’s just turned off on this pack maybe uh it’s quite annoying I’m not gonna lie I can’t see how tranquil I

Am I want to know my Tranquility levels but nevertheless um you see I’m just gonna let you know now yeah you really tranquil oh thank you thank you uh that’s very nice to hear and let me play some more of this path down if you accept your questline

Do you have any extra Runes of course can I have can I have the blank runes that you made earlier okay so blank runes I don’t have any of those I have a divination schedule and I also I don’t want the Runes of augment capacity you can have those ones it’s also some

Filters like input and output notes from blood magic now what’s going on with them that sounds insane yeah I know I I got some of them yeah what’s this definition is probably the first of many sigils uh that you would like to craft in blood magic in order to craft the

Sigil you need to create an Alchemy of rare yeah what’s it do that’s what I want to know um on a player personally right bone whilst Amy at the air uh with the bouncer job it will display the amount of LP stored in the soul Network ah when

Pressing right on the blood although it will tell the player the current tier oh okay so if I come over here and oh okay so ah so now these needed to be stones or stone bricks stone bricks buddy bite and it’s one up from that I do believe

Um if that makes sense yeah so it’s like that and then one up yep and then glowstone on top of those so yeah with the definition uh schedule that you’ve just got you can just right click on this and I’ll show you the tier does it work with

This yes it does current Tranquility zero current bonus 20 that’s also nice as well let’s see that’s good I know all right we’re kind of getting the hang of this I don’t know if they’ve changed it to that to kind of include more runes a

Bit more that to be used not 100 sure on that yeah just so it’s not all just like included yeah so you just stare it in there you don’t actually have to do anything all right delve into any of the extra stuff yeah maybe maybe this is how

It was meant and the other mods made it easier maybe eh who knows at that point right me so yeah of course you know miles yeah no wait look if you’ve had some blank runes you had loads you had enough to you had like eight yeah

I thought I had them as well I put them into the thing though and the jaw just disappeared there’s two in the system but I don’t know what happened to them all no that that quack ones I don’t want them I don’t no no there is like two numbers

No I don’t think they are I think what was happening is we were both right clicking too fast and then it was kind of like glitching out and showing them in my hand when you were actually picking them up baby yeah yeah I’m just playing with you all

Right let me have a look at my Tranquility thing uh what’s more best total Tranquility of the area you will receive a bonus to LP added to your blood alter hover over the incense altar with either division is to RSC residual uh we’ll display the total Tranquility

Of the setup top number and the percentage bonus received uh when sacrificing okay yeah we’ll take you to OnePlus 100 incense Hood default the top oh wait uh bit oh yeah so the top oh okay so it’s seven seven four all right that seems pretty good and then which ones do we do

We want more Farmland do you want water what do you want bud water you want water I think the water’s like the uh the worst all right finally okay um just looking that’s even worse what do you recommend this is no this don’t need to be like that is for now

Um right I think love is pretty good we’ll have some lava there all right so one of the options that you never give man do you want water are weak um Lava yeah yeah just you meant to choose lover and you should have known miles I thought you had like the expert

Knowledge in this oh do you need to mine any more of this top layer by the way yeah if I if we want a bigger thing yeah oh okay oh okay good enough just to go down in more Wonder if you know what I’m saying no no no no

Because we need like massive Mega massive pillars oh see make me make a massive okay I guess no no no you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine I think I think you’re fine because I think the pillar either goes there are there no I’ll I’ll leave I’ll give you space I’ll

Just have a good look oh shut up miles I’m doing it over here okay or your safety all right you know I don’t want to be the guy who’s blamed for pouring lava on a associate A co-worker I don’t want to be named as that guy okay just accept it move up exit

Um maybe I didn’t want to play wow he said I’m incompetent is that what’s going on now all right and you’re getting really up for that but that’s fair I’m gonna be straight after you no problem lava let me take a few more buckets of that where’s the orb of Life

The ARB of life this uh blood up there is one yeah enjoy thank you uh all right you don’t get my Apprentice one then Bud yeah dude you’re jealous of it you’re like oh look at that yeah plowing through these now boom and right so stuff put that oh we’re now on

Nine two eight look at that that’s pretty spicy that I’ve got to say it Lewis yeah Luis Luis Lewis use your magic thing and see what tier this is it is tier two at the moment what about now tier two uh tier three is now yeah look at that

You got a spicy tier three good job Miles uh next look how fast we made that uh get some capacity runes in here you know we just got these capacity rooms in here we want that wait no no you want this room as well right you want this one speed would be nice

Are those divination ones now are displacement ones no no speed is a thing oh speed is still a thing don’t worry don’t worry your little socks you can get reinforced ones they sound pretty spicy but I don’t know what else is stupid yeah okay but which ones I’m gonna make imbued slates which

Date reinforce which take blank reap if you got ruinous self sacrifice that’s what I’m making oh okay let’s go that’s a huge show right so I don’t know if I just want more water in here or if you have to have different ones not more water more lava um

Let me go lather and get one shot my buckets out how many mile let’s get I need a job it’s hard to make these self-sacrifice ones by the way bud um all right there you go oh by the way there you go there’s some black don’t talk to me

You had them all along look at stay here you ready because this these blank ruins and these blank Rune uh confused that’s not a blank Rune slit oh all right I didn’t ask once for a blank slate I said have you got any blank rooms

It is just don’t worry about it at the moment what’s this at I don’t have to upgrade these Lewis the ones on the floor I can pick up an upgrade no no no do you know when you’re doing your next excess trash no when you’re doing your next layer good that’s pretty fast

That’s a valid point yeah how many more wait what do we need for a tier four let me just double check you need to be jacked up 28 blank runes and four Bloodstone bricks okay that’s stupid all right what’s that now we’re at 1064 right now and sea lanterns of sacrifice

We don’t want Runes of sacrifice though awesome what the hell are sea lanterns for all right okay because miles were like crying so much earlier about not having water thing let me let me get him let me get him a bit of water so he didn’t cry about it can you believe that

I’m outraged right now you know it’s okay but it’s okay you know things happen no you just have to move on from it right here again oh there you go boom what’s Tranquility is this so we’re on 1364 which is uh pretty nice I do believe remember that time when I asked

How much Tranquility remember that time I didn’t care right so exactly that was my point uh so do you think I could fill this up with like 10K straight away boom yeah uh no it did 6 000 with like all of my health which is still not too bad

Trash all right let me see this up a little bit for you there you go enjoy do you think we could um you know use some laser idea on this but to kind of automate it this is the thing there’s an output routing nerd and an input routing nerd oh and a master

Routing nerd I’ve got them in my hand um what’s this what’s a real fast one all right it’s nothing made a real fast one yeah that’s if you leave it in there too long it turns into a ring and fast one which is pretty cheeky real quick

Let’s check your book uh yep what’s up um what do these displacement ones do because there are no I thought you said something for better stuff I thought I thought I knew what they did but they do I don’t have a clip okay right uh this placement Rune so the displacement room

Includes increases the floor uh rate of Life Essence into and out of the altar uh when pumping two and from external tanks ah so you see that’s true they’re absolutely garbage actually useless right I’m gonna do a test yeah this is Emptor this is empty with

Blood yep all right I’m full health yeah I’m gonna use all the way down to like half a half okay yeah and I want to see how much blood I get in there oh it’s just out right it don’t matter I start I’m gonna start so my point is I’ve got 11.2 buckets

Right yep I want to see if when I get a super sword yeah from the same amount of Health if I click it one time the same amount of blood okay that’s a that’s a good question miles that’s next I don’t know if the self-sacrifice works

With the supersod oh okay I see what you’re saying I see um why is this not working is it because I need different tile to be able to extend this out I think I don’t know I don’t know I’ve never I hate that thing that you’re doing what the Tranquil eating yeah I

Think I might need different tile to keep accidentally out so like I’ve got one and one for now and then I need the stern one for the next tiling out and then obsidian can I just ask you a question yeah carry on what’s up what’s up what’s up bud what what exactly is

Tranquil doing okay okay let’s consult the book miles sir if we look at some nice Tranquility where is it at entered Salter uh so it’s a multi-block structure that can be used to boost your self-sacrifice at the blood altar uh by standing near yourself the incense will

CL uh claim your soul based on the areas total Tranquility allowing you to sacrifice uh significantly increase your LP gains so do you know those gains you’re trying to get miles in the gym you’ve never answered that answer my question then that that’s right okay

Yeah so the the question is yeah I can carry on doing my thing yeah or you can carry on doing your thing okay yeah only one of them is useful mine for the lp games wow well no so so my point is when you get a

Super jacked up knife yep the amount of Tranquility that’s in essentially in the knife yeah goes on how much blood goes in here right yes whereas if you do have a super knife yeah these self-sacrifice runes increase how much blood goes per click so it doesn’t do it doesn’t do two for

One oh so I cut tranquil and self-sacrifice I don’t believe so no but like how much did you put in before 11.2 are you ready I’ve got a super sword so are you ready oh yeah yeah God 10.9 yeah because no no you might be able to get that high up

Passively and then we can get rid of the self-sacrifice runes and put something else there like speed runes all right right so what I’m gonna do what I’m gonna do what I’m gonna do miles I’m gonna do no I am I I am indeed because apparently my internet Soul sucks hard

Car right now it does it does it’s hard cause sucking right now I’m gonna move it it’s gonna go over here and what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna do their late game cell in quotation marks I can’t do the full late game because I don’t have all the

Materials but I want you to do the full light game what it shows is one two three blocks there then yeah building block do small like one two three and another one like this one two three oh man we’re gonna be so tranquil in a minute with

All this yeah yeah let’s trust me sounds pretty sweet it’s gonna it’s gonna be the best it’s gonna be the sweetest around um boom and then place it all the way around here likes yeah all right get ready for all this um how’s your thing going are you moving

On to the next here is that what you’re doing yep all right good stuff I need to actually mine some stuff out sir let’s turn it to false and just go crazy with the mining laser over here so good stuff some nice space going I got and oh

All right what’s what’s going on then are you just oh are you upgrading the first the tier three rule first and then moving down oh I’ll just give me more that’s fine oh Rune of capacity I see you don’t mess around here now look we

Can hold seven on the seven oh 13 it went from 17 to 39 buckets yeah because what is so it calculates your Rune of capacity first and then there’s a percentage on them yeah yeah so if you actually get this to 25 I can then do this block of gold Into The Apprentice

One and I can make this even better that can make my Stern path at that point that’d be pretty nice oh yeah are you ready then yeah we both need to get a gigasad uh okay yeah we’ve got rid of Tranquility no it’s fine oh yeah I did

Get rid of tranquila I could put trunk really down cause I’m actually not doing anything with it at the moment but boom that’s down and Tranquility should be yeah running yep yeah slap that in there boom 24 yep a little bit more okay that should be

Perfect find that in there and give it a cheeky beat up there we go and that should be enough for what we need uh let’s just get a bit more Tranquility going just in case Oop There we go that should be lovely look at that when this

Is almost done keep going oh you’re all good there we go magicians blood up and with that start making these Stern stairs as well uh up here I’m gonna take this Tranquility thing now with that and put it up here I just need a bunch of buckets I’ve got

So much garbage in my inventory thanks to these flowers one two three four or five I need five more runes Nice okay let’s pick up this lava here there we go and do I even want lava I don’t know if I even want lava because in the cell it shows them just having farmland I think that’s just because it’s a bit easier to manage oh lee look at this there’s potatoes all

Right okay yeah you don’t you poop around my stuff duh let’s get some dirt out and then what it kind of looks like why are you impressed with the tranquilaire that we’re about to have well man around here we’ll see yeah it’s gonna be good so it needs to go down oh

So that’s perfect here I can actually just throw out this crowd um and that should be all good so can I just do yeah like that uh so it’s yeah three Maybe three yeah oh no so there’s one out in front as well um I do that just come from did you just

Place down a block of deer on my tranquil Island you’re a rude guy oh that’s so big can’t do that to me right there we go and let’s just grow some seeds no give me all these seeds I wanna Boom the mine now let’s go then pull this down that should

Be good so is that any more tranquil no that’s fine another burn is 20 what’s next on this then you need to go up another layer and do the same thing I like that and then finally I think this goes up another layer like sir what the hell am I looking at you’re

Looking at true Tranquility over here miles that’s what you’re looking at number though why why is this just don’t why are you talking why why why why don’t talk to me maybe I didn’t want that one there maybe someone else would go in there did you think about that by

Any chance foot are you looking at the image by any chance yeah I’ll tell you if you’re doing it right no I am actually doing it right it’s because water goes there but all right if that makes you feel any better yeah okay but like the Tranquil man do is do

His business okay okay yeah and we’ll be all good business over there but yeah yeah yeah just don’t disturb me while I’m doing my business okay uh so let’s throw that over that and boom boom and boom boom lovely stuff so is this any more tranquil at the moment

Yes it is four eight nine all right lovely stuff so that is actually working over here this is just learn how to count I’m sure yeah right you got an issue with that they bought all these bookies alive right here but yeah it’s your bad all right we have so many

Buckets holy 46 buckets worth of blood in this altar now oh let’s go right sir according to this nice tranquil book of mine the water goes down Flows In A Circle round so I need to fill this back up with that just so it doesn’t start flowing everywhere it goes down here then

Round I don’t know if this will fully work yet because I don’t have the stern there to do this if it goes down round into the stern okay wait so go down there yes okay good stuff thank you thank you miles VR input there that’s very useful that’s my mind gun

Then to that one okay so if I place uh go from there down oh wait is it from there oh cheeky look no sir that needs to go up they’re here like sir with all these all right how’s it going on your end wonderfully hi so that’s what I liked

Here ruin of self-sacrifice boom where’s my magician’s OB livion system will they yeah I have a magician’s arm if you want that so they are I don’t want that leave me alone okay my bad sorry vivita your feelings or anything I’m too a Whalers I’m too away from

Winning the game waiting to get oh wait two away from upgrading a game is that way too away from no from fully upgrading it so it’s not useless ah what Tranquility am I on now oh six eight two now miles let’s go I’m popping up nothing yeah yeah

So it’s also it says uh it shows leaves in the image as well so can I go with my mining Gadget put it on silk touch go grab some leaves real quick um go on you get him you there you I need your oh no I don’t Rubble Rubble

Leads come out of here give me your leaves thank you very much eight leaves that should do thank you I think this just might make it look nice I think this is for decoration purposes uh does it look nice oh yeah well you tell me bud does this look nice uh what

Welcome you if you come over here and tell me about this one then about what oh if this look nice this looks over all the runes this looks Supernatural oh my look at the oh man spot on job right here Mars good job we knew you’re so

Good and look at this oh I I’ve just I impressed myself sometimes why what’s up look at the middle eight Runes of self-sacrifice yeah capacity sorry yeah it goes from yellow to Red each room goes yellow to Red yeah yellow to red and then on the outside it goes yellow

Red yellow red yellow red yellow red yellow red yeah yeah super super impressive good job so if you fly all the way up here it looks Wicked yeah I believe you with that one better than your stupid little island that you’re actually it’s pretty cool oh look at this yeah I know it’s

Getting there you know there’s a bit oh this trash that you set up before get these fires out of here [Laughter] they didn’t do anything How cool this is compared yeah no do you know why it’s so cool because uh I didn’t make it you

Know the book told me what to do but shush it’s my ID now miles I I’ve stolen it this is how you’re gonna set it up forever knowing it pretty much yeah if I remember well I’m gonna eat I’m gonna keep coming back to this uh this episode

Like the people should do as well every time they want to do blood magic come back to this episode boom and uh yeah because look how fast you can do it fully fully set up tier three hola yeah in about two minutes two minutes yeah yeah approximately two minutes if

Depending on editing speed I could quickly speed that up miles and boom you’ve done two minutes you know yes that episode look boom boom don’t start there we go oh man you’re so good miles only took you two minutes to make that oh dude you do it oh is this up the

Tranquility now hey 2436. that’s how truthful we are at the moment and I can go all the way around here as well boom boom boom boom so what did I say 2436 what’s the Tranquility yeah yep so if I place oh man the rain of course

It’s raining if I play some more seeds around here is this gonna increase it even more to submit nicer please come on 2536. come on really you’re gonna do me like that seriously um yeah it’s only day here most not gonna lie hey let’s just mine all this out and place

Some of the dirt back down but I think we’re actually a little bit okay oh the um mining plate do you know the cylinder it’s not too bad I think it’s like Justin when you say too bad is it just like a little bit bad

Yeah it’s just a little bit bad you know a few blocks may need to uh be Mission Impossible now all right all right so what’s that two yeah yeah um so it goes I guess I don’t need to get rid of all of them boom boom boom and

Yeah we’re missing one two three four blocks of Tranquility even I don’t know if it’s actually adding it up to it or if it’s just making it look a bit nicer ah seeds oh no I’ve got full stack of seeds there all right boom there we go anything nah

This trunk really still the same but 2436 isn’t too bad if I uh it’s pretty object yeah if I had to say so myself what’s the book say yeah the book doesn’t say anything else really if I wanted to extend this a bit more I would then have to go on to obsidian

Um yeah next and then of course go from there add some more stuff on and then that would make it even more tranquil than it currently is but it’s giving me 120. all right so how how much do you think this is going to fill up the in

Here oh we have like let me see oh yeah there’s one bucket right are you ready boom 19 there we go so we’ve got about 18 buckets from that from one yeah and before it was doing like 10 buckets so I would say that’s pretty good if I

Do say it so myself and it’s pretty sweet so all you’ve got to do is Sprint it over there get some Tranquility get you one shot knife boom yeah boom instant growth right there easy peasy uh how’s this going over here he’s been pretty good sir if we are

Wanting to do the questline yeah um we do need to do some fancy uh growing so we need the simple dungeons thing right in order to get that you need the saturated towel the simples dungeon yeah so the next step to get the tier 4 alter yeah

You need the key to get there in order to get the key you go down to the ritual diviner then the rituals with the wheat thing all right activation Crystal and then back up yeah well you know miles a lot I think that’s just like a perfect place to end it then

Um well this is you’re ready oh yeah what’s this alchemy table sir in it we’ve got our tier three alter now almost tier four with all runes uh ready to go and we are like fully tranquil as well um to top everything off Sir with the

Rain miles let’s fly up into this guy’s head and go sit inside of a nice jacuzzi Oop There we go I’m just chilling in here there you go it’s like we’ve got like a little shower in here as well doesn’t it it’s wonderful and with that

We are going to go ahead and end the episode there so if you have enjoyed the video please make sure to leave a like comment And subscribe and we’ll see you all next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘BLOOD ALTAR, TRANQUILITY & RUNES! EP18 | Minecraft Enigmatica 8 [Modded 1.18.2 Questing Modpack]’, was uploaded by CyberFuel Studios on 2022-10-03 19:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

BLOOD ALTAR, TRANQUILITY & RUNES! EP18 | Minecraft Enigmatica 8 [Modded 1.18.2 Questing Modpack] In this New …

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BLOOD ALTAR, TRANQUILITY & RUNES! EP18 | Minecraft Enigmatica 8 [Modded 1.18.2 Questing Modpack]