Breaking Out Of Minecraft School! Insane Teacher Movie!

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Hey guys an I’m here along with Mitch or benj Canada NoahCraft I didn’t tell them what order to say their name so they were just kind of left to improvise it on their own J what are we playing playing teacher be a teacher yeah you should explain that for

The viewers that have no idea what that what teacher ising basically I made the map so I can do a little bit of explanation here basically the goal is to kill the teacher of the students it’s very violent in high school by the way and uh

The teacher will have to like you have to obey the teacher similar to Cops and Robbers the teacher will be going around doing different classes like PE you know taking you to lunch all that good stuff Dr PE you said P never mind of that sign what is this while he’s doing the

Things the students will be looking for different parts to make the weapon to kill the teacher which is Diamond Sword Enchanted Noah what’s seok seok uh I think that’s a isn’t that like Call of Duty or something like that I don’t know probably and um yeah students win if

They kill the teacher teacher wins if they kill the student with a diamond sword obviously don’t just go kill on every student until you find the one and you must have reason to believe it’s him a tip for all the students you will need to craft the diamond sword and make sure

To read all the signs for Clues basically it we all know the rules but uh no killing teachers you have the diamond sword because that could just get annoying don’t forget about the main way of how to play you have to poop purple yes never forget anyhow I’m going to be

The teacher I’m going to discipline you all ready I got Ru Jesus what mind one of the rules was turns mob off but whatever that we’re past that don’t worry about that I have bad news I’m trapping Us in here oh my God I pick up theor in my inventory and I’m going

To it for evil yeah we’re in game too Dr okay can everyone please sit in their sign seating what’s my sign blown up by just now so I don’t really know where to sit you don’t remember your assigned seat sit the hole here that’s your seat

Now okay okay cool cool I I sit the crap out of the seat there you go that’s that’s nice you got a little table to the left yeah this ain’t your seat take attendance all right I’m Sor Drome sit on my lap sit on my lap all right here

We go come here t l t what T he’s away he’s away he’s away and uh here here here BR Aiden uh uh oh here yeah yeah Jerome why does he get his name Norm because his name’s already gangster yeah you guys have never seen that k key and pale you guys

Call yourself good stud what are you gonna be teaching us today because I feel like right now you’re not doing a very good job of being we learn sex ad I’m so mad I’m going to spit books on you youed in sex ad I was a former sex

Ad teacher trust me I’ll give you good a good detailed expit know by experience look right just blocking us out Dr block us out I didn’t do this I I don’t know how this happened learn sex ed I think it needs to be in the girl needs

Detention right now no okay okay I stop I stop I F yeah no no no he needs detention see in high in high school and stuff when you do something wrong you’re just not like oh I learned my lesson you get through all six of these novels good I get to read books

Yes stay there and read you can’t even open them books but that’s good yeah other students who are good and respectful follow me that’s me that would that would be me that would be we’re gonna have ourselves a little grub so let’s go in the cafe okay take a look

Around and BR aen I give you permission to uh roam the hallways on Hall Monitor Duty thank you very much nice and I really don’t where is this like the the stomach of the school let’s go closet this is the Janitor’s Closet this is nice come in here Noah and Noah forgive

Me and Noah why is there a bed um don’t worry about it what the heck who stole the magic wand from the Janitor’s Closet bend over I think we know who and scrub the floors and I was getting excited for something else I’m doing it nothing

Nothing else is going on here give you a little pat pat you can take a look in that chest if you’re hungry but teacher I finished these books wait wait fin t no I want a detailed seven page summary please uh okay so d uh I do

Pick see it was like that that’s what happened that’s nice yeah that’s good summary right teacher it’s raining outside can we go outside and play yes yes yes let’s have a field trip let’s do this who could for an outside we only have the inside I’m sorry

Kid really I think the basketball court will have to do then we’re gonna have to have some fun here on this court all right I give you the bball have a little bball on the court all right let’s do it let’s do a 2v2 come on oh oh okay that

Me behind the back I got to gind there golden boots I’m taking some golden booties from in there oh what you stole the golden booties out of there oh I got some out of here too so we’re okay I’m still gonna use a snowball here yeah look do you see that look it

Even like bounced wow that puff loses 12 points because no one really likes Hufflepuff hey I love me some Hufflepuff huffle Puff what is that what the kids are calling these days fing whoa whoa what was that magical blue orb you had in your hand no

No no it’s just chocolate milk I swear I’m going to detention why is chocolate milk blue I believe him he’s he’s BR aen he’s trustworthy pass the stuff yeah all right pass the stuff not going anywhere I’m not doing anything oh no no no no no no no it’s the basketball passing the

Basketball if if it was a drug deal I would I have going to burn you hey hey hey hey no no no no no you don’t need to do that I like to cow on fire oh my God my hairs my hairs I have all the cookies of

Them yeah my hairy body Dr you got the stuff where are the student can can we please like we need to do a meet up here I don’t know where everyone is I’m gonna lose my job over I’m up here teacher help I’m stuck in the

Ceiling you got to help jump down I will catch you I will catch you you’re going to catch me okay catch me thank you for catching me here’s a cookie thank you thank you no you didn’t catch me and no you didn’t catch him give the cookie to Tor can I eat it

Who’s Tor is that what you’re calling yeah you never heard of those gangster names ta T lore no I guess that’s my gangster name now dude I needs food badly too yo what’s up it’s t we going in the CW there you go let’s go get you

Some grub come on come with me have some food okay I’m coming yeah everyone group washroom trick no no one lock me in the please please teacher no one lock me in detention dub dub in the washroom dub dub dub dub tub Dr the face in the bathroom

Tub hey Noah I said washroom where are you going sorry sorry I’m coming I’m coming I was just I was joking it was a joke funny ha got you okay than why is there only urinals in here here well I guess I’m going to have to drop it in

Here I have a question I have a question who um who of us recently obtained the blue cotton candy because a right now blue cotton I got that stuff teacher I’m just trying to take a poop I’m just trying be taking a poop with you no I don’t trying to watch

Speaking of poop these cookies go right through you I can give little give me slap in the booty come right over here little I’m sorry I got to take the bathroom I got to go oh oh oh oh my God oh my God okay okay we’re good middle of the bathroom stalls all

Right you guys done taking uh doing your business yeah I just real quick I am so hungry right now yeah go get some grub go get some grub you can do this okay yeah I could really I could really use that food right now wait J

You have a cookie I want that cookie no I have 20 of them you’ll never I was hey BR and you call me by my right name or I’ll find you hey I had to discipline you with the ruler stick my booty I know I’m a fine

Specimen but don’t touch my teacher I got I got a deal for you are a fine specimen good teacher I got a deal for you here’s a cookie go go throw no one kitchen for a little while that okay I’m going into the kitchen so I can grab

Some grub out of this you seem like a trustworthy character I would like you to go do zop it stop I come back with the stuff you want the stuff you got it buddy give you $40 what is what am I witnessing here I’m might have to go to the principal

I’m going to the principal I heard about what you said I heard it your Mr teacher what are you coming in here for I won’t tell I won’t tell what have you done I won’t tell he’s breaking the rules kill him run all Mr teacher I got I got the stuff I got

You’re lucky this time because Jerome saved you because he’s bringing me my stuff Mr teacher I got the stuff you want that stanky diarrhea bottle right because I that’s what I named it there you go that’s exactly what I needed thank oh you’re welcome buddy yeah buddy

All right what what next teacher I have a question I have one random question here very quickly can I ask it’s it’s for the sake of knowledge has anybody checked out any books from the library recently I think Jerome has he’s been using them I was wondering who I think

It was Mitch because Mitch gave me a lot of enchanting bottles right Mitch did you take any books out you need to treat me with respect you call me m can I call you Mr teacher I I just I don’t like Mitch I don’t like okay Bren

I got some stanky diarrhea for I can really your books of knowledge right now can I can I learn the ways of what you have learned can we can we can you teach only if you eat this cookie called smelly poop I I would eat the cookie

Called smelly poop but I’m not hungry anymore look look look I’m tossing you bread and stuff and yeah okay I suppose I’m toour this learning because you’re a plus I’ll take you on teacher come on screw you teacher bman wait I could really use that experience that experience

Knowledge right now give me of course you’re a I give you assistance when you need it I didn’t get any of that experience knowledge here’s some stanky diarrhea take it right here thank you thank you oh yeah no how does it taste do you have any more do you have any

More I could use well I’m afraid I use the rest of it in the toilet all his all the experience knowledge on making Mitch’s special stuff and stanky dihe look look at him what is Jerome doing there he’s renaming a sword I’m just renaming things Stu I you didn’t even give me all

So you gave me oh God come on students get him no I’m he you I got you back I thought I could trust you pass it pass it In you did to ant we know what you did with him in the Noah I got a delivery for you please report principal’s office principal’s call it’s the principal’s office my God can you ever forgive me I’ll be a good studenter you have been demoted yeah and

Venom is the secret principal there’s a new teacher in charge new teacher in town you all take this take it take it win the H games no no hey you love me come on remember that time Dr what you for I totally do remember that time Beijing

Canadian I remember you you were a good student always and I love you oh my god Jo just stay in the tension room we’ll be safe oh I got the achievement Return to sender on that I hit the gas ball back that’s amazing yes is it’s okay kids I’m here to save you

All I I basketball supposed to look like Yay there you go you were allowed out of the detention hall now can’t save oh my God there’s a hole I’ll breaking out I’ll breaking out this is episode three Revenge of the teacher I’m going home I’m going home I won school school teacher strikes

Back I think I think that’s it for round one guys I think we’ll see you guys in round two that was awwesome what’s up guys it’s no here back Minecraft teacher Min game here with ant venom beij Canadian ASF drum or drum ASF and rer and uh I know drum doesn’t like

Me to call that but I’m going to call him that anyway and basically teachers mini game where there’s teachers and students let’s go ASF Jerome yeah and I’m gonna be the teacher and I will be the meanest teacher you have ever known I’ll be the meanest student you

Remind me of Miss Perry Oh The Creepers the books kids for being naughty so yeah why don’t you all just take your CT real quick because it’s time we’re going to start class today we uh we’re going to be learning about the history of Minecraft is everyone ready have you all

Taken your seats yet you need get back your seat you like that horrible Supply teacher that no one likes yeah I’m totally like that I had a bad career and they rejected me 10 years so I’m taking it out on the kids you see the student who acts the

Best gets a gold star and gets to not suffer my diamond sword at the end of the day look how much I love you though so camping rushia right now you’re doing a pretty bad job okay just let you know so today we’re going to learn about the

History of Minecraft um does anyone want to uh tell me what version of Minecraft Minecraft started in oh crap I don’t know it made it Al it’s Alpha it’s alpha alpha no who said that wrong Jerome no no okay would anyone else like to uh learn here’s if I answer and I’m wrong

Am I gonna die so because because you asked ahead of time I’m gonna say no I’ll just hit you real quick pizza pizza’s the answer Pizza I didn’t ask dang it I didn’t ask okay okay I know the answer what’s your answer Alpha One no you’re wrong God wrong Canadian would you like what stage did Minecraft detention doors have opened teacher teacher he’s using a cell phone he’s using a smart phone in class to Google that oh that’s that’s okay he’s being resourceful he’s going to do well in the real world oh well teacher I got

A question for you what stage was Alpha what phase of development was Alpha what that was the second stage of development you’re wrong it was the fourth GG oh now give me your diamond sword I get to kill you I consider inev and inev to be the

Same as classic so power of Google is now what is the first version that Minecraft started in huh oh my God Alpha it was classic kids you need to be taught a lesson come out with me come out can I come out of detention please I’ve already PE tce here you kids come

Come and visit me in in detention here you touching me in the wrong spot even though I was wrong I am allowed to be wrong because I’m the teacher and I am the supreme ruler here just because you got a biger Johnson doesn’t mean nothing okay what are you doing okay we’re going

To let these mean kids out of detention now um yeah okay I think I’m G to forgive you all here if we have a um a fist battle to death here hey hey what are you doing what are you doing I was giving you an offering look it’s an offering of light

And fire okay so right now hey Noah hey Noah buddy yeah hey hey what are you doing Jerome I drugs it’s just drugs I swear can I shower with Noah Mr Venom Noah what are you doing in the boy’s bathroom you’re supposed to be in the girls bathroom cuz

You’re a girl you sound like my dad it’s not my fault get in there son oh God sound just like my dad there okay now okay so everyone group back at the basketball court hey hey Jerome what are you doing I’m hungry please please what are you doing he’s just making

Drugs everyone we’re going back to the classroom okay so today we are going to learn about the science of potion making in Minecraft everyone back to the class or you’re GNA die in five You’ be a terrible teacher hey hey that was not me to hit you don’t you get why would

People be punching each other like that that’s not everyone can back to the classroom guys guys jome what are you doing nothing I just making drugs I’m just making drugs yeah okay now we need to come back to the classroom together can I have children’s tears please okay everyone

Hey hey Jerome okay we’re missing somebody here look what I found in J’s pocket look what I found in j pocket right there check it out Noah Noah what are you doing I’m just getting some food for you I got it for you teacher uhhuh

Uhhuh for you if you toss me the food you will be the teacher’s pet of the day I could actually use some nice amount I could use food in detention I’m just looking at you just admiring your beauty no no are none of you in the classroom

We’re all supposed to be in the classroom you know what okay right I know how to deal with naughty kids you’re such a bad teacher Jerome peed himself can I go to the Jan’s closet and clean it up a 75 75% of your kids are in detention

This in the class together I found these uh these here diamonds um so yeah we’re GNA have ourselves a little bit of a basketball competition here okay okay M Mr Venom why is there blood in the detention room because it’s Mr Venom’s here that’s why hey guys I’m here don’t

Worry let’s go oh so now okay see these diamonds that are in my hand here we’re going to have a little bit of a basketball competition here so um I’m just going to I’m gonna give these spitballs here as the basketball and uh first person to score wins so yeah okay

Um oh failed there look who failed okay that that that was not a score at all I win oh oh I knew that look at all look at all these victories ohy kids kids what are you doing I’m just trying to learn Janitor’s Closet so yeah Mr Venom I want to go

Home I’m scared of you you I won I get your diamonds right minute so you bam okay that chest there you go thank you do anything foolish I got to make duie all right now we’re gonna have another basketball competition you just say J no I got make do dook two books

They’re enchanted books one is sharpness three and fire aspect two so you get to learn how to be a blacksmith with these things gonna have a little bit of a uh competition to see who can shower the best in the I’m pretty good at showering are you going to watch though

Yeah I’m tell my mom after this that’s creepy don’t watch I know it’s okay it’s okay so camping rusher come on over BS of knowledge thank you very much why does no one care just like him more because he’s a cow okay and then we’re gonna take a friendly um now now that

I’m gonna be giving you these books Noah okay there he’s I just want to go to the bathroom that’s all okay and then there you go okay so now that we are here now that you oh my god rusher took him hey hey what are you doing in the washroom I

Didn’t tell you to go to the washroom get the washroom no I’m just Mak poop oh you’re taking okay I’m sorry okay so now you kids guess what we’re gonna do Mr ant rer took my stuff more science here here here that’s school kid that’s life people take things a lot from

You okay so now what we’re going to do is H it’s time for shop class so we are going to go to the shop class we are going to learn the ways of this very sword that you that I am holding in my hand here okay we’re going to learn how

To make this sword today you kids are going to have to work together in the workshop to learn how to craft a diamond sword surprise game skill how good I can’t believe you crafted it already the funny part is I’m where you died the best part is come here I got

Celebratory cookies for everyone no the best part look who’s in detention everyone hey hey hey hey you don’t talk to me that way Noah I’m still your teacher okay anymore Mr ven I’ll let you out I’ll let you out you through the door I think I think that I let you

Out oh oh oh a okay I’m bye bye go go it’s go go teacher what’s going on guys mro here with chimy with Jerome Deadlock husk mips and we’re playing a map called teacher made by NoahCraft Shadow Lum and Dr PlayStation Nation how to play it

There’s a teacher you all got to listen to me we going to be going to Hogwart Le we’re going to hogart to listen to the teacher the teacher meets me what class is this yes is potion and brewing and Drug making are you I have I have this special drug

It’s called spitball I made it just for you I’m going throw spitballs of people see I’ve never played this before but I like throwing spitballs at the teacher that’s not very nice teacher teach me something teach me okay I you see Mr Fuzzy Mr Baka I got some fuzzy handcuffs

For you here I want you to take them and I want you to strap them to Deadlocks and then I want Deadlocks to Wi godan Leviosa chimney pants what’s going on here you’re supposed to be listening to me it’s not my fault my mom’s Kathy bits

I hope gasoline don’t hurt me going take a road trip we’re going to go to the basketball court we’re going to shoot some hoops yeah let’s shoot some hoops homework and dirty all right can I get your answers on the test Please let’s get down and dirty I’m going to answer

All C that was the I’m oh the creep oh God don’t worry kid I got it thank you Mr Mitch I I somehow hello you’re supposed to score that slam dunkaroo not light it on fire detention I played Minecraft basketball one time it was I was pretty good you were pretty good I

Remember no we hello friend yay I’m stuck in the hoop no this isor a hoop to loop I want you this is a really bad teaching what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to learn all right we’re gonna go edge M I’m taking you all to the bathroom let’s

Go what are we going to learn there I’m gonna Edge M you on someing my hands when do we get recess oh you don’t get recess don’t worry little boy is this our special play time I think I’m starting am I am I watching this is where we are the art of

Sandis leave me some room get in there oh wait did you hey Jerome hey what’s what’s play with the string play with the oh it’s my string I’ll kill youa hey teacher I don’t want it have it have it have it it give me the Str how you get out of theacher teacher

Yes um I made you art I call this Picasso the oh God I call that spider on a on a picture I don’t see anything there supposed to be some art here like Mona stuff I lost on my spit you just don’t like my

Art I’m sorry I guess my eyes are not oh I saw it for a split second there it was beautiful I’ll give you an a I can’t see it so I’m going to give you an a for a there it is I found it

What this is my new art can you see it I can oh that’s beautiful I I can’t see the armor break it do I get recess early yes you do follow me yes yes thank you that oil painting paid off my fingers are all gross but who cares I’m trying

To find the recess room here this looks like recess get in there Y how much time do I get to spend in the water long as you need water yeah swim around for us Chim I feel like something’s going on here I should play with the door chimney all

Right keep swimming for no no T get back in the pan please please die no qu qu oh my God oh my God oh my God I feel like Rober Shenanigans going on what is this what me what I’m just in recess don’t worry about it I know you’re safe I

Believe you but these other animals I don’t know stuck you’re stuck I’m going to have to go without you please oh go we’re stuck here suck here where’s recess uh recess is outside for me got to go this way you got teacher I think we’re supposed to go this way it wasn’t

Me teacher I was just eating the pie as long as you eat pumpkin pie I’ll forgive you you got pumpkin pie I want some here you go Budd oh thanks buddy I’m a bit hungry teacher yes um I might want to inform you Quinton might be

Stuck I’ll take care of it maybe perhaps I don’t really know I’m like right beside the entrance the thing is don’t don’t be mad at us don’t be mad at us we tried to escape and we kind of did but you goofed but I I didn’t goof

I’m I’m gone I’m like somewhere in the jungle wait qu Quenton how are you in the sum so early for you Ty that’s not even right get over we’re going to Bo you wait Quinton you ready to jump Quint get ready to jump keep jumping keep jumping keep jump buddy keep jumping

Buddy keep jumping buddy you can do it jump jump get me up there I’m the worst teacher ever I I don’t even know how to get around my own oh wait wait I have an idea for you Quint I’m gonna die please qu Quinton I

Have an idea look PE we did it we won we beat the teacher oh that pencil case saved him yay let’s celebrate by beating this sheep to death what that’s a good really dark yeah oh god oh well there’s one student you’re celebrate with cake get teacher I think that’s I think

That’s the end of round one considering we all broke out but uh we’ll be back with round two I’m a bad teacher apparently I’m the teacher teacher Jerome all right I’m a be kids all everyone get in your seats or I’m start I’m gonna start shopping I’m gonna start

Shopping second okay I’m a strict teacher now sharing question goes to chimy yeah you want to share a seat move over a little all Chim I got to ask you a question Johnny has three apples you’re those kids who just share seat that seat no no okay so no so chin

Johnny has three apples he gives one away what is the circumference of the sun I Like Trains uh okay I’m going to kill Mitch for that book sorry sorry chimy should have done a better come here is my answer correct you didn’t say oh oh yeah you were right that’s why I

Got so mad oh thanks buddy appreciate it all right so everyone go out we’re going to go to the library for some reading yeah yes I hate reading library library library I’m will kill you say library I can’t read good no Library this is the

Library good job Mitch we made it to the library no no this is wood shops this way guys I’ll show you the library this hold on oh I must I must have misread please Jerome Teach me how to read all right library is over here see it says

Me how to dog it says is it this p o o p library right there oh you’re over there yeah all right this is it I think I got lost there’s one hway oh God there’s one H way good point oh you’re in the the art room okay

Whoa these item frames keep showing up as I get closer um so someone lit the basketball gym on fire anyone want to talk about this no I didn’t do it I didn’t do it run run oh my God going to guess the only person saying I didn’t do it is

Responsible and the teacher’s on fire no back here that’s not Flames I’m just really mad oh my God there’s a oh my are you get back here that you are the worst students fine you you’re going to drown under here hey look there’s an Olympic side swimming pool into the gymnasium oh

My God oh my God I’m burning to death this is what is going on I’m actually going to burn I’m just going to chop everybody Escape ever no no up the oh okay there we go there we go you K stay here I’mma go get food that fire that fire made the

Teacher give me the teacher give me your sword I’ll discipline the students uh okay I’ll give you a sword to the face and actually it’s called a ruler stick I’mma chop you I’mma chop you but oh my God don’t do this don’t do it y I

Did wow you of Fury I’m the new teacher the regular official teachers back in town you managed to win no more substitute what I don’t wait what happened to The Substitute oh God Mitch is a substitute Mitch is a substitute I’m not the substitute you were hold up

So where are we going I’m that really chill substitute teacher you get I gotter I won because you guys are all trapped in there yes what what aren’t you guys all trapped in there are we uh oh God okay oh no oh no help well I I think you guys won because

I I don’t have my sword anymore you don’t have your ruler n Mitch got my ruler I i’ I’ve never wanted to you know what I’m not too fond of you Ty you know why you didn’t get me no chicken nugget butter hey I got food yay can you open the

Door working on it help did you do it did I do it yeah did it second while they’re escaping I while they’re escaping I think that’s pretty much it so wait wait wait wait look I trapped him oh God class dismissed class dismissed everyone thank you guys for

Watching to the face be sure to check everyone out in the description and uh have a good night summertime in the city this pig is s stepping like a beast yeah oh God okay first on the job things should be fine let’s do this okay guys you guys want to

Oh my God this teacher I pooped my pants Oh great oh God going to be first day all right hello I am your new substitute teacher um snuffle butt um now uh you smell weird that’s a cool name thanks man thanks you I like you you’re the

You’re stud I like you you know what people think I’m a bad person CU I sit in the back of the class but no guy you’re just edgy don’t worry about it all right so um welcome welcome I know you guys first off don’t like summmer

School and I’m sure you guys don’t like substitute teachers this is summer school I thought this was Hogwarts sunglasses on teacher you’re indoors uh wizard I’m actually blind anyway so um you go to the bathroom okay okay hold on people relax relax just listen to your teacher everything will be having some straining

Over there you okay I just got really excited when you said relax okay I want to change my desk so next I say anyway so um I’m gonna go ahead and try and uh try and teach you guys here okay I’m going to I’m going to be

The one to address the elephant in the room there’s there’s two creatures in here one of them’s fluffy and you’re literally a fish I can explain that it’s uh well you see we used the they used to be the class pets but um the guy back

There the beian the beian you know I put a suit on this guy he he he brought in this chemical and he poured it on them and they just ended up like that oh my gosh I think I heard about this in the paper that was like that that I don’t

Know what you guys are talking about that’s not me I just rolled around in glue and then smacked a rug around my body actually I don’t know why we’re here the school is actually supposed to be closed down there is no funding after that ah well uh in that in that don’t

Don’t this student knows a lot follow follow follow me let’s go um um if I can open a door uh so uh I’m gonna go ahead and teach you as much as I can um first first things first uh you guys like wood shop no yeah wood shop I’m I’m a wood

Shop fan wood shop wood Shop’s pretty great um so I’m going to be real real with you guys so for the next six hours I’m going to be teaching you so if you guys try to escape it’ll um it’ll go on your permanent record so I just I don’t

Want you to go ahead and permanent record I already have two felonies what do I care say what now wait what just kidding I’m a good guy fellow stud knowledge is power guys so if we want to become more powerful my good friend Ty Lopez actually uh actually wrote that um

Now I don’t know if you guys know about Ty Lopez but he does actually in fact have a Lamborghini in his garage who teaches the way how did he teacher it’s it’s it’s pretty C even how he did it he paid attention in wood shop and he made

It himself exactly exactly that’s why you guys need to do wood shop wood shop go ahead and just hit things I guess wood shop I don’t I don’t exactly know what you do in in wood shop I’ve never actually my fist I’m GNA go ahead and

I’m going to go ahead and leave you guys here for a little bit uh feel free to chat amongst yourselves and uh get your stuff done um I’m gonna go we got get out of here he’s a lunatic what I’m worried is everything okay I don’t know what that was guys screaming

No you I got a splinter I got a splinter that’s all you can go back out it’s okay yeah we just got a splinter all right guys I’m going to be totally blunt with you all I’m gonna be I I I don’t think he’s the real substitute teacher yeah

He’s not a very good substitute they don’t find out I’m not a substitute teacher said what I think that was him I think we need to leave I really think we need to leave you know I know we have to leave because school has been shut down for about

Three months and we honestly just but nothing nothing nothing talking about wood shoping about escaping or something right we have a Maserati we’re still working with Lamborghini I am I am in fact teacher so um okay in case you guys got worried I am in fact teacher so all

Right we we we we will listen Daddy all right so uh I don’t know about you guys but my favorite thing in school was Gladiator fights so uh we can go ahead and head over here question you guys serious question is this where you lost your mouth because you don’t have a

Mouth I don’t know how you’re talking is that what happened in a gladiator fight way back when um that how you lost both your eyes how old are you why you guys why why are you interrogating me who are you oh I I I told you I am substitute I

Am teacher I get all that but what’s with the armor yeah he’s got diamond armor on yeah that I am mean you didn’t get that from a teacher’s salary I don’t TR guys guys guys I did not trust this guy I am teacher okay so go ahead and uh go ahead

And um get up on here uh we’ll go ahead and show which which one of you guys are the strongest uh I don’t know I don’t know exactly what this does for your grades but I do in fact like seeing uh people beat the crap out of each other

So um A+ A+ give me the A’s ow yeah yeah hey sure yeah I’ll give you D have some of D’s Nuts oh my God no no that no no that’s detention no that is detention let’s go DET you go you got follow me we’re going come here everybody else

I’ll take the d d for these NS D for detention D for whatever else let’s go get going know what you’re funny you’re funny you’re you’re the cool kid you can go back I don’t care what thanks I always wanted to be friends with the cool kid teacher I found a tunnel here

And it says jump teacher I I left something in the wood shop room I was wondering if you could if you could go get it I’m not going to do that hey uh where you going the uh I don’t know uh there’s a furry creature up in the

Corner of the room you trying to leave uh no I was I would never try that why you why you want to leave I’m not I I just thought I was I thought I am we know who you are I you can count on me

I’ll get them go beat them up Mr teacher it’s a little weird that none of the classroom have Windows and there’s no doors out and yeah and you know I’m going to be compl you guys are asking way too many questions honestly don’t I’m going to be completely honest with

You what this school has not been open for about three months we kind of just snuck in here yeah so I live in the bathroom I guess that I guess that makes two of us and I happen to sneak in to uh educate you guys are you so the a

Teacher or a homeless guy I’m not homeless I mean he lives here right is that is that am I right squatter let’s see some squats let’s see some squats to be to be fair I don’t want to alarm anybody but I I do I do sleep here yeah oh so you’re

The janitor no I’m not I’m not the I just I literally just I found this place nobody was in there and I was like you know what I’ve always wanted to be a teacher and then when you guys came in and I was like oh my God my dream came

True so I I figured that you guys were planted here for me to teach have a degree uh I mean I’ve I I have like Lucky Charms back at my house uh can can I talk can I talk real quick amongst my fellow classmates of course of course of

Course Only Hold Up Wait only if it’s about how awesome I am it is about how awesome actually actually guys I I think we should probably uh go talk in the library leave this guy here yeah yeah it’s not a bad idea let’s let’s head downstairs we’ll be back it’s okay we’re

Going to have uh good stuff for you I just want to I want to throw it out that you guys know too much so uh we we we want to thank you for being our teacher and everything yeah yeah yeah it’s Teacher Appreciation Day we’re making

You a gift perfect I’ve never gotten a gift before guys it’s really Feed the Homeless day everyone get some food ready okay guys I I mean I kind of feel bad for him but we also can’t stay let’s just play along and try and break out

Okay just I feel bad for got get out of here yeah but but we can’t break his heart this few seconds and kind of look around I over there they probably really like me yeah I’m I mean there’s a p i mean we could drown him but no we don’t

Have to kill him just just play along with his plans and Let’s Escape oh there any pipes down here is there nothing maybe we should ask him to go fishing with us well when when in doubt I think better when I’m full I’m going to get

Some from caeria why don’t we just try and trick the teacher into showing us the way out let us how how about we let him cook for us uh teacher we need food we’ve got some news for you hey down awesome great cool all right I’m on we made you a gift look

We made you a gift nice look nice he did it for you here you go so uh this is uh this is nice this is a basketball all right you could even look at my awesome dogs oh God you you missed almost he’s not good at baset next time all right no

No oh so um I did hear everything by the way what um oh the PA system guys we forgot to turn the PA system off I don’t want to alarm any I found some uh you see the teacher I was just Reborn the teacher psych horrible experience okay so I never want to

Experience that again I don’t want to I don’t now you know what I’ve been going through I keep I keep coming back here I don’t understand why anyway so um now that we’re all back here and uh everybody does in fact you know I got

You an apple teer uh I just I just want to diamond armor on I want to go ahead and uh just just let you guys know how much I appreciate your guys’s uh your guys’s company it’s been almost 23 years since I’ve seen another person I’ll be

Honest with you oh um that’s older than us I wanted yeah where you guys 23 years I didn’t really want to listen you guys can go ahead and do your thing and then come back but anyway so um I just want you guys to know that I really are you g

To teach us anything yeah sure watch I know plenty of things in the education department like for example uh teach us about the voices your imaginary friends just draw a face on that Apple call him Carl um no uh the only imaginary friends that I have is

Like this dinosaur and this narwhal guy but um yeah they talk no airplane uh one of and the other one’s name is like Barney it’s really funny anyway so um I just I want you guys to I want you guys to know that I I appreciate where’d you get the

Weapon um all nothing that’s dangerous did you did you go to my special like did you go to my weapon Department uh no no there’s no weapons how much do you know about me I I don’t I don’t know anything would you like it back yeah it

Is actually my own person if you come back to the wrestling Arena and climb up the wall there’s a way out okay let’s go let’s go someone say wait wait are we going back to the wrestling area yeah awesome fut great great I’m so I’m so

Happy that we could all just be like great friends forever yeah like we’re never best friends nobody’s ever going anywhere right day keeps the teach that’s what they say right yeah yeah that’s exactly what they say boy oh guys are leaving careful it’s dark out there is it uh

Yeah someone about to go pick some apples for you and my going to go get some more app so yeah we just need some some app careful I heard there’s also like a lot of cold weather going out there like my heart as well yeah cold weather the fish don’t leave don’t leave

Me please help give him the fish as sacrifice you’re not leaving no crazy guys he’s not a real substitute teacher I am a real substitute teacher I have a degree that I found in my cereal box come back uh run don’t leave me yeah get back here you can never have

These Lucky Charms I’m going to is he gone uh oh well I guess it’s just me and you forever right oh uh oh here take this oh no okay all right guys I feel bad we can’t just leave our fish friend I sir please don’t chase me anymore he

Was just like a spart scene he might since you since you asked nicely I’m going to get going you guys a great I was I was going to betray them no no it’s cool all right we’ll see you guys later I was going to betray them

For you have a great one see you bye yeah I really like summer school guys that was fun no he was kind of a nice guy yeah hey everybody what’s going on Drome here along with here I don’t know what’s going on anymore we’re here with Sky Dar Ryan and

Noah and today we’re playing teacher so Sky you’re up first cuz you’re at the front of the class I ask you no get the question right or i k get the question right or I beat you with a sword okay guy going to get beat with a sword okay

Ryan has two apples he gives one to DAR what is the circumference of the sun the circumference of the sun is the two apples because there’s like an alternate universe and I’m just running get back here let’s talk let’s talk let’s talk let’s this is an outrage and I’m getting

Spit no spit no spitting in class the spider there’s a giant spider don’t worry I’ll save you kids I’ll save you that was the school’s pet no I will chop you teacher you saved my life all right everyone everyone come to the basketball court We’re Playing Basketball stop stop spitting

Snowballs everyone come to the basketball court door basketball court this way Adam this way that way okay okay I’m going basketball I’ve never had the basketball once I just want I want to dunk I want to show my on oh that was a nice dunk attemp good Rim Batman get off of the

Basketball hoop Batman God Batman Batman do I’ll be good I’ll be good DK yeah oh that was that a nice oh I did it that was pretty good ready hey watch ready I’m a fade away right here oh my God I got feather falling four boots did

I make it oh look like I did that was sweet mhm teacher teacher teacher I have to go to the bathroom well that’s too bad kid I I burned your basketball no no now you can play this FID out there’s nothing we can do this isn’t one of those weird gy classes I’ll

Take it oh my God the entire place is burning down everyone run Everybody Run it’s time to reboot I’m going to escape this place this is an unsafe school hogart this more dangerous than Hogwart like layers of how is this not unsafe all right uh so animal AR teacher a freaking

Animal no one’s in detention everyone let’s go we’re going we’re going to the library we’re going to read books all right I love me some books dar dar where you at buddy guys the G still on fire don’t worry about the gym I have no idea

Where don’t worry about the gym the fire is not there I want to see up here no just don’t tell your parents that what the heck is no what is this want to see it help help what what the heck no look here what is

This what the sign says Sumo oh my kids we having a sumor battle Yeah kids climb up the ladder question why why are we doing oh my God go okay I’m thought you could get me off first match is Ryan vers Noah go oh well no no don’t you hit me that’s Karma

I’m the freaking Champion I’m freaking I’m Sumo man all right how the hell did you guys get you’re going to kill me I don’t care die I regret nothing I have give me a boost that ladder get out use the blocks get out oh okay a student is trying to Dish

Class yeah Dar totally not us right I’m slow I’m sorry I’m sorry come on come get up I was having a dip in the pool come on get up get up exercise what the heck I was at half a heart I don’t care killed him oh my God

Press the button press the button I need to escape I’m free I’m free what play hookie what press it again run press it again how how did you get out to escape what how did you hey how did you do that I’m sorry Noah I can’t risk him

Coming I can’t risk it no take one I got to get outside I don’t understand we’re going after him drum I have no idea where I’m supposed to go this was very poorly planned how’d you do that dartron going to be free no you’re not let me out

Dude come back come back come back come I may not have any Sprint but my eyes could kill from a th000 miles I’m still stuck in the school are you good at you’re good at negotia goor you can get out from there yeah okay oh really no get back you guys outside I’m

Outside but I have no idea where I’m supposed to go once I’m outside go to I’m just go this way we’ll go our separate ways and got it like emeralds would you like some emeralds wow that’s a lot of how’ you get this many emeralds

Oh I saw this what did I tell you about Robin Banks it’s rule number one in class detention for Robin a bank I didn’t do anything and you Batman Batman take that costume off I swear I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything Batman I’m going to kill you unless you unmask

Yourself mask yourself there you guys what if you like actually tried to pull that off in real life you have like a million diamonds I swear I found them in the wild they they were there they were just there didn’t steal did we technically wait wait wait teacher can

You come play basketball with me real quick I want to show you something really cool Dash TP uh little Sky that’s your name if you were kid yes look at this check what’s in here there you think I’m stup now you’re going in there think I’m stupid 10 points for

Gryffindor points for Gryffindor I have such a low opinion of you let me just tell you let me just tell you what’s actually in there since you don’t go in there is actually a bunch of uh delicious flesh in there delicious flesh yeah delicious flesh flesh you say yeah flesh like if

You if you is there actually flesh in there cuz I do love Mak look Dar go in there look show them the flesh there’s no flesh in there go in there look it’s in there right now see look it’s right there I feel like all right now everyone

Dance around D do the marar do the marar while no please stop killing me oh my God I’m the new teacher in class is that how it works how the heck yeah I don’t hand why God I think this times I’ve ever I don’t like the

Fooligans I’m I feel like I feel like this round is over I don’t think it is yet come here Batman oh God Batman goodbye goodbye anyway anyway um yeah I also I want to make it clear that we don’t condone finding a bunch of lava and pouring it on your teacher

That’s I not usually a wow that’s a lot of lava your friends will laugh anyway guys uh yeah we’ll see you in the next rounde peace all right guys we’re back for round number two I don’t care piece of crap you know there’s reasons get in there get teacher you’re all

Powerful listen to me I’m not a real teacher I’m a supply teacher if any of you try to break I’m talking to you no God teacher I I have my out well for you didn’t it God dang it all right okay Baka I’m not even taking it from you what did I

Do what did I do what did I what am I kind teacher I wrote I wrote the poem I’m ready to turn in my poem Ryan I have instructions Ryan I want that’s awkward Ryan I want you to spit on me take this spitball and spit on me wait what this

Teacher’s just we oh yes yes do it do it spit on me all right awward scary I I don’t like this is it weird that’s not the first time a teacher asked me to spit on them oh Zing we hit it this school you know this school we we couldn’t really

Get a real wrestling team because we’re all too fat so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna we have a Suma wrestling team always call me this is this you always call me fat I’m gonna I’m gonna hold the Suma wrestling team tryy outs so everyone report to the Su wrestling

Do this butt make my butt look big everyone get to the Su wrestling arena there guys guys guys I stole a cake I stole a cake guys die where is the sumo wrestling ring teacher what did I do you’re trying to cheat no I wasn’t School number one I

Was only trying to break out of the school see honestly the best policy number one that’s no break press I’m for this don’t don’t do it okay I’m not I’m just standing in this corner okay Ryan if you beat Adam I already beat him like four times I’m so fast oh my

God heck are you doing I’m not doing anything Noah why are you you’re not supposed to do that there go all right teacher I’m actually very hungry I’m so f okay here C all right you H did you just use the cake that you killed like you

Just stole cake off my dead body didn’t you well Adam was hungry Adam I am the one with the food leave me alone wait where I have pumpkin pie pumpkin P behind you I don’t understand how do you legitimately get that button to work over everyone there’s it’s in it’s in

The center of class drum someone presses it out the wall kind of freaking everyone get in the corner of the the sum TOA I need I need food I need food teacher I on the record that there is not technically I need F problem it’s not

Me is that the button I press yes that’s the button oh hurry go go Ryan go I almost had it guys go be free Adam be free what what what’s up you we can be friends you want some bread yeah I’ll take some bread here take it over there oh okay keep hitting

It all right Ryan only if you you be free okay Budd we’re friends all right we’re all good we’re friends we’re friends yeah tell me what it’s like on the outside no how do I stop the button he stopped at the worst time to don’t forget me friend all

Right if I if I beat you at Sumo Tori you have to don’t and you have to put your sword Away by the way if I beat you at Sumo Tori you have to give me a 10-second Head Start deal all right someone click that button all right

Let’s do this three two one go what if I win what if you win nothing because I won all right yay give me a 10c head start hurry hurry guys we can finish the job we can finish the job oh my God oh my God he’s got sword oh my

God he’s got a sword I was I made no deal with you keep C keep clicking the button all right ready three two one It Starts Now is there any distance I can leave and and mine stuff yeah no that is so cheep that isy find he’s a

Cheater ow you could have made the jump if you weren’t bad like such a sore loser you would have made jump if you weren’t fat remember you’re fat hey he’s very sensitive I’m very sensitive about my weight you you’re kind of a jerk I don’t even understand what you say all I [Laughter]

Hear someone clicked the button someone no 10 second you got to beat me in sentory again I’ll give you a 25 seconds okay 25 seconds all right I get to start in the middle all right go ahead go no no oh God no I’m running Adam die

Trust me what what did I do yes oh no I missed the jump no die and trust me turn around I die I died roome wa come oh my God Batman oh my God Batman I love you Batman help me no no just just die and Trust Batman good job

Job Batman you did good Batman you’re one of a kind buddy we I really love you guys here hey can we can we have a group hug Dr yeah come here buddy get over here I know how to take care of this guy we’re gonna die fluffy help me he’s right here I’m

R him oh dear God oh dear God what are we going to do with him so here’s what that now man you have to save us I have the power to do that all right let’s talk no I’m on you Adam wait a minute what would Warden Freeman do at a

Time like this no I want my 10 seconds back give me my 10 seconds Freeman would go to his friendome and he would stand here like this he would say kill the teacher oh my God Warden Freeman you are the man I’m sorry Warden Freeman told me I

Had to do this we must do battle Noah why is he running I don’t even know what’s I don’t even know what’s going on anymore gon Freeman gave me the sword of truth Adam give some good action music okay cutting them off ow no you cut me off oh sorry

This lava does not make your time has come Teacher wait hold on the Water don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t stop stop R I got a plan what do you mean you got a plan R’s got the best plan wait are you in creative mode Noah par We trust that was good action music right there hello everybody what’s going on jome here and I have for you guys an awesome mini game called teacher and we actually ended up modding it a little bit to use the better movement mod so it’s it’s really cool you can do

Different things like crawl dolphin dive climb walls it’s really awesome really interesting at the same time it’s an awesome mini game to play around with so pretty much it’s an overall fun time and it’s very hilarious so I do want to thank you all for watching hope you all

Enjoy and remember everybody click that like button if you do want to see more modded different types of mini games we do modded battle does all the time now and now doing modded teacher I want to know do you guys like it so be sure to click that like button and of course

Toss in the comment section down below with different mods you’d like to see incorporated into future mini games so be sure to suggest them thank you all for watching hope you all enjoy and of course stay tuned hey what’s up guys this Noah here welcome back for some

Minecraft modded teacher I’m I’m here with Ryan Palmer Mitch and jrome and we creeping on you yeah I’d be creeping we’re playing the new teacher map that was made recently and hey hey Noah kiss me let’s bathe in cakes honey SM if you couldn’t tell and Drome

Likes reading so he volunteered to read the book The Very that’s right kids how to play welcome to teacher 3.0 teacher is a mini game that is inspired by cops and robbers originally created by pod crash teacher created by NoahCraft for the win oh what a Shameless plug that

Was with help from palmerater wow you both Shameless pluged I don’t know I don’t know what’s funnier that I don’t know what’s more amazing the Shameless plug or the fact we’re playing with two of the very creators of this map at this given moment oh my God we’re blessed we’re

Blessed can you guys see my legs right now my legs help what get yourself into God I’ll help you oh no you broke his legs Ryan all right oh sorry I forgot about hay almond and drct Playstation God Rest their souls want to want to know how to play keep reading how to

Play there is one teacher and everyone else’s students the teacher is in charge of all the students and needs to stop them from ditching class the students must listen to the teacher but also try to get out of school at the same time simple a I like that Canadian a in there

How to escape in principal C’s office really wow your creativity is off the charts in principal cra’s office you must H in principal cra’s office you must hack his computer and activate the hidden exit the exit once activated will stay activated for 30 seconds the exit

Is hidden in one of the locker rooms my question is what if the principal passes out and there’s a fire and no one could Escape because they don’t know the password or how to hack well that actually happened to me in real life T Roman I’ll tell you what happened

Everyone died besid oh my god I didn’t even read this and all I see is the Shameless plug so hold on hold hold your breath everybody page four well that’s all you need to know hope you have a fun time playing if you record for YouTube please link the

Map and Creator Noah C for the win thank you and it’s in like really small fun please link the map and the Creator Noah Craft for the and fireworks fly out of the book and a creeper just starts dancing on screen and stripping it’s like no craft but yeah that’s it there’s

No map that was literally all like you so thank you all for watching hope you enjoyed for watching was great that was crawl B time with Dr not to be mistaken with stand no that was five all right we’re going okay my legs do you not have command blocks

Enabled oh tummy we be right back what no oh my God hey everybody we’re back here and and you are all my students now is the classroom the rules have changed hey this book says do not read I’m going to read it curiosity killed the cat oh

That’s no fun just let me see that book what am I kidding oh wait wait Ryan Ryan can I see the book real quick actually I forgot about this I forgot to read one thing it’s in the book see it oh oh oh wait hold on I think I see this

Part is it reading this is good this is is Lear yeah yeah let me see the book it said something about this one guy he’s famous who’s famous on yeah yeah that was it the guy I think so let’s see it’s says uh uh where is it oh it says by do

Not read by Noah for the win he wrote his name as the Au I can’t makes you sign the book all right so wait we got to get to uh principal crafts office no no princi craft offices offline you guys you guys are a little rambunctious right

Now though so I think we’re going to go play some football okay football in this school now stop spitting on me stop spitting thr spitballs on don’t a trophy I’ve never follow in a single single f file line boy girl order so figure that out on your

Own we could why don’t we do bat boy boy Bieber centipede centipede Bieber Centipede Human Centipede all right okay I’m on this hold on this is more like a caterpillar if you ask me on guys hold on here all right all right all right all right no follow follow okay there

You go perfect perfect it’s beautiful I love it it’s yeah you could just s you like VI file oh that’s not that’s the music room my bad my bad okay no you oh my God go play music how does this school afford this many instruments yeah right

We got a grant can I summon the mascot for this game sounds good here you go here we go Larry Larry is there nowar little Larry Larry the chicken the mascot click button to summon school mascot no chick protect protect Larry after football can we have a diving competition in the pool

Of course we can girls locker room oh my God enter the oh yes boys locker room no get out of here I’m gonna first yeah we need we need it we’re a little grimy all right teacher get the shower we need to clean up before we play

Is this a UR or a shower that’s nice oh me showering with freaking Bieber right now oh my God yeah contct boys don’t break it don’t break it is that a urinal or is this a shower stall these are lockers oh these are Locker oh God I’m sorry I I think I

Think I just peed in someone’s Locker so you need to pick teams here who who Who’s on which team um grab your football stick I’m with Baka all right let’s do it teacher can I eat I’m hungry yeah I’m hungry too te I’m pretty hungry take some apples you’ve been good boys

Today you’ve been listening to me Batman I got a good idea why don’t you stand close to this fence and jump real quick while I spank terrible hey help I’m helping you teacher come back I it to the giant chicken with no b r all right I got the football

I got the football go no one go bit is kind of on his own my students stop it stop it score I was trying to help you it’s not helpful no D it I’m lying down oh oh come on yes oh my God I so screwed right

Now well we can just leave what what happened I I knocked who’s hacking the computers don’t no one’s hacking the computers I hacked guys someone hacked the computers and doesn’t know how to get out I’m GNA let Mitch and Ryan try to figure out how to

Get back in how back in oh yeah you can climb back I’m I’m just oh my God guys uh uh teacher there’s there’s creepers in the school there’s creepers in the school yeah we we already filed to restrain work I am King Noah out of here ohow like hair

Andum but you can’t oh Palmer that’s why we don’t jump from high places God we that’s the fifth one this week is that what you said fifth one to kill himself in this game is that a rosari how do we play foosball or Ryan there’s a rosarian chicken over there

Roson yeah look at him that’s our school color let’s let’s play our football game play football for real guys I’ll summon the ball and you guys got to beat the Villager get the football stick the other side my teammate wait can I have some more food teacher you’re not feeding us enough

After this we’ll we’ll go out and we’ll and we’ll go to a for the cafeteria okay after your game Smart Moving people just climb over this fence like that sh full sized apples just down my throat this guys I’m checking out Obama’s office real quick no no no

How wait how do you teacher more yeah wait how do we play football can you explain it to us teacher we playing we need to get the other team we need to get your teammates out here what are you guys doing what the trying trying to

Climb the showers all right stay in that locker room boys and girls don’t uh enter the you got it but if there was a secret exit where would it be oh my God right I was dead serious about this he just shot me with a freaking bow and

Arrow oh my God I call it the discipl come on hey what’s going on go there’s a creeper sitting in the cafeteria kill it where’s the secret way out what’s what is this yeah I I already know so I’m going to let you guys figure that out on

Your own I got a wet noodle see it Le he doesn’t have the rusty Spork that that could be there you go it’s the wet noodle short you room here I’ll get you a rusty spk if you want it come get you want Ryan you want to

See a rusty Spork come with me to the bathroom I got show you some wet nootle no a rusty Spork yeah but who who Who’s Who created this map they spelled noodle wrong I know I can’t think of anyone the thing is that wasn’t me I

Don’t want that credit on me okay bu Noah Craft For the Win all right you guys need some food come look what I found in the toilet into the cafeteria all right the way out isn’t in Obama’s office if you read the directions it definitely told you where

It was it told you that’s why I said you got to read it it said it was it at the exit it’s a yeah okay no no no into the cafeteria everyone into the cafeteria right now there’s a cafeteria yeah get in there it’s in that direction NOP

Other way I’m sorry I’m hungry I’m hungry feed me feed me oh it’s all right all right we we had a few safety violations but uh we never never let the State win all right get in there okay all right only eat food from the no you

Cannot touch the teacher food no teacher food go oh sorry sorry only over there look at this that one right there only student food no what I’m not it’s not me yeah what food read the food CU to play a game of football you promis Squishy you want to play a game of

Football but you guys need to eat first I’m so confused why doesn’t the freaking dolphin dive work every time you just hey Ryan Ryan come in here look Ryan come come to the bathroom I’m eating [Laughter] poop hey [Laughter] guys how is it okay now wash your hands and your face

And guys don’t I’m drowning out guys don’t tell him all right hey don’t tell I am sh all hey guys anyone seen Ryan wait Ryan look how this looks you ready spank me when I’m like this with the stick just It Makes You Wobble leog cheeks leap frog frog Awesome that’s all right we’re gonna practice our diving today all right swim time let’s do this I think I’m dead how does one dive you got to uh hold up let let teacher practice here I know you have to jump and grab at the same

Time all right guys need to get the heck out of this school it’s nothing but trouble first I football game come on we need to do it all right I’m down let’s go one football game all right oh that was a really nice Dive by Noah right

There because no one else was gonna say Ryan don’t tell the teacher but I stole a door I used to do that all the time back in middle school can you imagine a kid just walk out the halls of the door it’s like they’ll never find come on

Mitch get out the water help me swim get out of the water Mitch come on to Sure sh shh Ryan let’s take Obama’s door oh wait guidance counselor’s office who needs a GU you guys a hint because because you guys don’t read directions but uh it’s did say something about the

Locker room being a way out but uh where is is it the girls or the boys locker room well you’re not allowed to enter the girls so it has to be the boys apparent it’s in the girl Lo room oh your room it’s not it can’t be come on

come on you going to go escape with your friends I’m trying but you’re a bully sorry can I have some help from my friends there’s a bully there’s a bully he’s going to kill me oh what the heck you’re going to play your football and you’re going to be

Happy I guess we’re out this wait is the exit actually in the girl’s locker room no what can’t be why is it where is it where is it no it closed wherever it was all right got he safe fo time football time I’m outside okay outside Ryan football

Stop hiding in the girl shower we caught you that’s the third time this week Ryan good to get charges I swear coming where is everyone you had half a heart I literally just hit you with the knockback stick I’m sorry yeah I did have half a heart wow is principal craft

A guy or girl cuz I find it weird that his escaper is in the girl’s locker room he seems It’s the the princi yeah he he’s a real sicko I’ll tell like Moaning Myrtle it’s like you know they they don’t really whoa whoa whoa whoa who made whoa crack this is not PG-13

OU I want I go to the bloger room sorry buddy where the heck is the thing the opening you how not find it oh someone did no back up don’t press the button don’t press the button oh I’m drowning over here now someone’s got to go press the

Button though swim away gosh this is just horrendous whoa where the hell did you all this who did all this who’s placing water every oh it’s what are you talking about oh he took the buckets he took the buckets you literally just made this is my place

Harder yeah you made your your Escape kind of harder uhoh uhoh I’m going to get suffocated if just standing here yes okay I’m on your team stop hitting me sorry I gota go first though I think we just need to kill the teacher no kill guys player football I made back

Come on come on I’m in I’m in I’m in no no no no no no let I’m going to boost you guys in I’m going to boost you guys in all right all right boost Us in okay stop hitting me though you’re going to get me stuck in here no let me

In let me in it’s just me and you I’m coming are we trapped outside of it as was I got in the wall someone broke the wall I got in I was half a heart I so close all right drone do this how did I wa how did I of

You wait wait he doesn’t see us he doesn’t why I say that out loud all right I I I I almost accept the feat here you know you you children are just unappreciative nowadays I can’t I can’t control you well you didn’t teach us one thing we’ve been here for a

Whopping 10 minutes we here for 10 minutes you didn’t teach us one thing we didn’t play football we didn’t even do a do I tried I tried and you guys shot down every attempt try harder jeez Larry the chaperon of this whole I want to go

I want to go I’m sorry Ryan I gotta do there no no no please no I hate so mean did he block you off Ry will never get to be able to be the winner oh oops God I hate you we kill no I can kill him there

Thank you I that whole time all right we we breaking out of thisam effort I think so let’s get out of this Popsicle stick yeah popsicle stick popsicle stick yes let’s get out of this Popsicle stick let’s do it everyone needs to click I oh there we go we win we

Phenomenal yeah we got out of this Popsicle stick Dr yeah we did it the pock in this red yellow black and yellow red what am I talking about black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow black and yellow did you guys just break the blocks to get in here no absolutely

Not we ended up in the girls locker room thank you that’s the best escape ever wow the girl lock I’m telling you man this principal craft he’s a real sicko he’s some sort of sicko all right yeah he’s got chicken giant chicken outside that he’s growing for God knows

Reason the the cops come in to question him about something like yeah no problem hits his switch and runs to the girl L like I’m out of here talk to Larry it was all Larry’s plan it was all do craft or principal crafts plan yeah no it was it was vice

Principal Obama’s plan that’s who it was oh okay all right GG we win Palmer loses yeah Palmer you’re a pretty bad teacher don’t quit your day job oh that is a nice Village oh that’s a hell Village it gonna make it well anyways I guess on that note I hope you all

Enjoyed watching this episode of modded teachers with myself Jerome Ryan Noah and Palmer we had a great time and we’ll see you next time I guess well I’m Justin Bieber not Noah oh forgive me Mr be s why do this to me zombie I’m just trying to crawl no you got to crawl

Before you can run oh oh all right I’ll see you guys in the next one peace my friend has lost his mind and taking over this Minecraft school that’s it Steve I’m throwing you out the window what are you what are you looking at I’m trying to break the

Window so I can throw you out of it will you calm yourself window that’s what I’m talking about brother welcome to fight class who who what what is that what even is that you tell us what that is you’re the one doing it yeah you’re theacher oh I’m scooting I’m

Scooting what is going on right now I don’t like welcome to fight class brother is that whole C okay now he looks like him yeah I’m going to teach you the fighting Basics I know the basic that guy gets it fight basic number two Dodge oh well he failed

Yeah he failed that one for sure I’m going give you an e for exceeds my expectations what okay guys welcome to class I’m your I’m your substitute teacher Captain glom you almost said host yeah I did almost say host welcome I will be leading you on a

Course of displays of combat parales I will need two volunteers for this class that man okay two volunteers I think you got your volunteers okay Steve you’re the volunteer you get to kill Jerome no I’ll come back in I’ll come back in I’ll come back in toate I’ll come back in I

Don’t think we can take him drum we can take him yes this is what Captain bless and love no no no no every wow you really can’t get back in bro get in I have short legs okay here here here here you know we could be like civilized people

And use the front door stop stop that wow my God destruction of school property is definitely enough to get you a bad seed oh my God you’re literally going to yes Dad how could you break those windows earlier yeah you know what I’m going to do with

These put them to good use oh I can’t place can I go to the bathroom yes everybody let’s take a bathroom break follow me Brothers but before we leave Everybody Must say a prayer to the Kung Fu painting uh uh let us have a moment of silence for our Kung Fu brethren in

Arms did you just that is enough to get you a bad seed sir that wasn’t me you disrespected the ancient art of kung fu but cap it’s Cony dong now Cony dong now in order to do a crit you have to jump and hit someone at the same time I got a

Poo I got a poo too can you crit on a poo I probably let me try I did it then then consider this a learning experience Jerry take Steve with you see if you can crit those poos all right sounds good come on Steve I got the whole piece all

Right let’s go close the door on your way out you Savages good good bathroom’s this way good crits good crits all right jome glad that we got out of class yeah yeah buddy this be does your stall have a toilet yeah but of course and by the way

It’s kind of rude to just open a door on someone pooping stop pooping we got bigger things to De with I’m not I’m not let me poop in peace it’s really awkward that you’re looking over the top of the toilet at me hey uh Steve can you check

Inside the toilet for me real quick ah no I don’t want to see that but Jam there’s no toilet in this one I think we can cut school this way who be careful I broke my ankle ow I broke my other ankles dude what is this place I don’t

Know where are we headed you should you should probably clean your butt a little bit more go stop staring at it you weirdo I mean we’re in a tunnel Dr how am I supposed like there’s nothing else to look at I’m right behind you as you

Can see this is an armor stand you can use this for miscellaneous activities and like can we use it to fix this window better this is not where I left my draw oh another armor stand has appeared no what were you doing in my poop tunnel uh your poop tunnel yeah that’s where

That’s where all the poops go oh we CW through that bathroom no don’t go through the poop that’s you’re oh I just let him live down there dearit dearit oh Not Another Bad Seed give one of those to him I don’t want a bad seed you’re a

Bad seed bad J I thought we were getting out of class I’m sorry everybody who stayed in class gets a good noodle reward what you’re a good noodle you’re a good noodle now everybody who got a good noodle reward hold them in your hands and shame the people who got a bad

Seed Shame Shame get shamed [Applause] shame you caus this Steve I’m sorry shame okay kids choose a chest you got four saplings in each one and some bone meal do your best whoever grows the tallest tree wins uh all right I think I’m going to win this one there we go oh

Look at that what why’ I get an oak tree oh you all failed miserably oh come on this is messed up my trees are so puny I don’t like this yeah you guys could have done a better job for sure tree what do you mean this game was perfectly legal

And there was no favoritism I got got a question does mine count it’s thicker it is pretty thick but if we were going on thickness then that like AO one would definitely be the thing right that definitely be the thing all right Steve we got some we got some good thickness

Oh my goodness beautiful now everybody gather around so I can reward the good noodle points yeah I’m the best noodle look at that yeah you did the best so you get a good noodle Steve you complain the most you get a bad seed wow I was

Going to give you a flower two Bad Seeds because it’s not the right color Ste wait watch this is how you gift this man come here ah thank you another you know what for those crits you get two good no just one good one good reward welcome to horse SK ball whoever can

Tame the horse fastest wins uh all right get off the horse he had enough time CL doesn’t love you yeah this is my horse mine no mine my horse I want the horse I’m going to stay back back stay back you barbarians love him might be

Me come on give me oh he might be doing it one love you oh wait you can’t tame it if the horse is dead that is true that is true can I even usually you see hearts if it tames and why would he love you Steve I

Don’t think this thing Can Be Tamed it’s a wild stallion yeah I got his I got his hide I got the Le okay okay so Steve you get a good noodle one for staying on so long what yeah and who got the final hit

On the horse me look I got the hide to prove it okay you get a good noodle seed as well star good noodle star he stole it bad SE no I F I fought for this one take your licks take your I fought for this one

Jerome okay you don’t get that no you get the wooden sword kill the man take the SE all right sounds good oh my God yes good noodle a war took demolished okay okay how many bad seeds did he have uh all five of these

Okay so now he now I need to give him six here here Wait no that’s not how many I had there there’s the six one two three four five six that’s a blatant lie he totally just totally just said the amount that he had plus seeds yeah yes I

Gave him all my bad seeds first up with their presentation about oh it’s smudged uh something so Jerome and Steve [Applause] hey yeah okay so take the podium I’ll stand right here uh okay Steve so you you worked on this right no no I got this we’ll wing it now before we get

Started I would like to apologize that our fellow candidate or uh cooworker did not show up today dropsy she uh she’s feeling a little sick today so she sted her toe terrible accident they had to amputate all of them so all of them all of them our presentation as you can see

From the board is face aerodynamics oh did this topic Dr did you pick this why would I pick this topic I didn’t pick all righty so skipping to page number two face aerodynamics our inspiration oh my so as you can tell you know uh with the with the Minecraft heads you have great

Aerodynamics cuz the air just slaps you in the face it goes right on past you yeah this is uh that’s a lovely picture all right next uh next slide yeah yeah definitely let’s flip that a beard oh of course now beards as you know are very not aerodynamic cuz the wind gets caught

In there and then so does uh fuzz you got that you got that backwards buddy I meance effect it gives you magical abilities in order to proceed on with your aerodynamics of course how could I have gotten this so backwards part of that uh that’s it as questions for the end

Monkey why don’t you settle down there huh who is this this isn’t time for you to speak up yeah and you know versus with no beard and then it doesn’t reflect light which is part of aerodynamics apparently yeah yeah I mean when you’re going as fast as a speed of

Light sometimes you you need to you need to be okay with that yeah yeah yeah totally yeah page number four yes nose aerodynamics the most important part you want to enlarge your nose like Pinocchio as much as possible uh it’s good for for aerodynamics you can breathe easier you

Know a lot of air in those Dynamics yes so as from the uh graph you can see if you take your Y which would be your um your your nose height and amplify it by D which is the trajectory uh you will see that you can go a lot further and a

Lot faster the bigger the nose is the angle definite says yo not why says yo what interrup no that’s not yo it’s y zero oh can we get this guy kicked out he’s interrupting the speech yeah give him a bad seed you’re at least supposed

To wait until the end oh man all right you can see that the angle of the nose impacts as well you want a a nice 60° uh angle on the nose to make sure that you get the right trajectory yeah yeah next slide and this is how you further improve your aerodynamics you

Need uh a plastic little TI vehicle of course that’s a good start you know that’ll really help you out um yeah bare feet that’s the most important part there you see how like the diving motion the bare feet helps very aerodynamic oh yeah you want those grippers on display

For sure how how does one achieve that level of form uh that’s years and years of training and not caring about what happens when you land that was very painful you throw personal safety at the window I I cut my knee very badly in that diving photo oh that yeah that

That’s an electric skateboard I don’t know those things are cool so go fast V better aerodynamic do you always ride the electric skateboard like that on your butt of course why would you not ride it on your butt that is years of form and dedication all right his butt

For easy attachment but that is it for the day’s uh you know stuff um any questions any further questions probably not cuz you already asked them all yeah yeah why couldn’t we ask you questions during the presentation yeah good presentation you two I give each of you a good noodle doesn’t really outweigh

The amount I put in Steve’s inventory while he wasn’t looking I lost two gold stars no you didn’t and I gained six add noodles talk you should just be a better noodle next up for their presentation Mr Monk in steadily fast what if he’s unsteadily fast hey hey that’s your

Partner there hey and he seems very unstable I mean I didn’t do any of this project so I don’t know why I’m up here I’m going sit next to you so unless you did something Monkey Steve I might have misplaced a few of my bad seeds have you seen you

Sure monkey here I can I can give you some no I don’t want yours no those are yours you earned those okay anyway let’s go what is the title of this slideshow dearly beloved we have gathered you here today to discuss how to capture a l monk

Oh we already caught one of those in more detail in more detail okay we got to go into the specific the specific okay how you may ask are we qualified to do this short answer monkey monkey it says why are we qualified not how are we qualified why are we qualified it’s fine

We’re not qualified either way we put we took uh cage you know and you know sometimes there are people in the cage why is the monkey’s eyes red not only that but why is his name misspelled wait that’s toy yeah who is you know how hard it was to capture

That wild toti that’s yeah that was very difficult we had to order a lot of pizzas a lot of pizza drum a lot we had to buy out a dominoes twice oh my go in one day yeah it was the same one they reopened again we’ve also caught the

Wild Mitch it took a lot of Saran Wrap you know it yeah he didn’t look too happy about it well yeah how did you prepare them did you cook them did you yeah it was it was medium rare okay okay that’s the only way to cookon decent

Decent that’s the best way to cook it by him we instead hide inside this giant Pop-Tart looking thing to start licking Jerome we don’t know why but we thought it’d be funny is that like a pizza he captured Capt honestly was incredibly uncomfortable I didn’t know that man

Yeah it was funny but you know it helped with our stealth you never knew it was Ste in there the whole time oh stead jeez man what so Bud Ste you can’t just go around licking people I mean I didn’t go around I kind of just did it now you

May Wonder what behaviors Must You observe when trying to capture an elusive L monk you must beware of angry screaming next to terrified men they are they tend to be very territorial you get in their way they will just scream at you until you leave and they look like

Zombies why are all these slides about me what because because have you ever tried to take a picture of Bigfoot and it just doesn’t work yeah it’s like that yeah we had use the we we have a budget to work work with yeah budget cuts and

Everything you know how it is drum they they tend to try to lift way out of their look the Monopoly man and then you know they they get some style going what does this have to do with lay monk it’s the lay mon tires himself trying to lift

Out of his weight class and then he gets all Posh cuz he how did you get that photo of my grandfather uh you don’t need to know that he’s been missing for 20 years I oh no um St capture strategy um let’s see uh well you first uh go into

Game mode creative right creative s yeah how’s creative s dead it doesn’t make sense dyslexic yeah yeah [Laughter] yeah that just Mak selective uh and then you use uh uh uh the tools right and you pull out an axe right okay because they like uh they like diamond no they like golden

Axes um that I don’t know throw are you okay no I’m not I’m really am not s d a DS Steve you clearly weren’t listening he went through all of them you clearly he did it perfectly man what you even talking about didn’t listen pay attention Steve you know what

Hold up I need to discipline Steve with another bad seat yeah he’s been talking out of turn so many times he complained about us yeah yeah raise your hand Steve Mr instructor guy would you come up to the stage please we need a we need a demonstration for the audience you know

What Steve just because you called me bias hey J your’s a good noodle star oh thanks buddy I needed that Mr instructor man can you come up to the stage we need to demonstrate okay I am here demonstrate all right so in this scenario a l monk has broken into your

Home Mr instructor man yes you will be acting as our L monk as stead demonstrates his proven strategy yes all right stead this is some great acting honestly the L the L got the axe oh he turned violent instead your plan failed us I never said it was a good

Plan I just said it was a plan as you can see the L Monk Is Now actively distracted trying to kill stead in vain we now use stead go outside we now use St as bait to lure the L monk outside into the Trap what is even happening

Anymore J you want to just break out of here very bad have you have you ever heard of the scientific method you’re watching an action also you’re watching me use St as bait was that a pun was the action a pun cuz he was holding an axe

In my face yeah I mean no but it can be now it is okay each of you gets a good noodle star well give that give that hold up they got a good noodle star for complet utter garbage you know what that’s a really negative outtake for

Some you know what I don’t care what you say anymore that’s fine I’m leaving it’s time to put him in detention boys it’s time to put him down okay guys it’s time for ball oh oh he’s cheating what a cheat I didn’t do anything no rules it’s on your side

Jerome kick it over here I don’t remember there being any rules to this no go Steve go boost slow boost boost wait how is he doing that how does he fly like that boost if you double jump you could fly boost get that out of here boost yeah

Oh it’s going over it’s not going overplay of athletic prowess I’ve ever seen Ste kicked it out of bounds it’s still in bounds just slam dunk Get Steve Yeah Boy garbage hey Steve want something funny yeah I’m going to throw a cake at Monkey I’m throw pie come on get

Pie help St oh my God about this this is not the proper way to use cafeteria food all right come on we should use it as a blood baby yeah you’re right he distracted don’t stop beating each other boys go my God we’re going to escape you

Guys later up W yeah we’re getting out here come on go go go yeah what you going to do B fish yeah oh yeah just ate the apples at me quick sand I hear right Steve I hear lava below this yeah that’s right that’s definely lava of school

That’s right boy take pie right that’s right boy Jerome all my food stuck in the cobwebs don’t worry Steve I have a way out I lied to you you guys ready to play Red Light Green Light yeah yeah of course okay okay so I’m going to do it in a totally original way

Nice I feel like I’ve seen this somewhere oh oh were we supposed to move yeah how you know that was the sound okay oh yeah I caught you moving a little bit monkey get back there yeah monkey okay oh steadfast was still moving no no yeah

Right hey bosy I think Steve moved yeah Steve definitely moved he’s moving right now where did Jerome even go I don’t I’m right here he’s right here oh buddy no it wasn’t me okay okay okay Steve imagine that arrow look like just just go just go St yeah go go go

They’ll never see us I’m win instead no you’re Not oh monkey wins you get all the noodles you get all the noodles yes J where’s the end of this place I don’t no just keep running I’ve acquired noodles where are them bad seeds where did they go good thing I’m fast we’re long gone you’re never finding he’s right there he’s right

There keep going keep going he’ll never catch up to us oh no this fence is just the limits of my Powers I left the distraction Jerome keep going did you poo on him again

This video, titled ‘Breaking Out Of School In Minecraft Teacher The Movie!’, was uploaded by JeromeASF Movies on 2024-01-08 20:00:30. It has garnered 1271 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:47 or 6227 seconds.

Breaking Out Of School In Minecraft Teacher The Movie!

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  • “Insane Minecraft TNT Explosion with NO lag!” #minecraft #tnt #gameplay

    "Insane Minecraft TNT Explosion with NO lag!" #minecraft #tnt #gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding 512 TNTs without lags! #minecraft #tnt #minecrafttnt #minecraftgameplay #lag #mod #memes’, was uploaded by DEffet on 2024-06-02 10:30:15. It has garnered 351 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #tnt #explosion #minecrafttnt #minecraftmemes #minecraftmods #boom #explosive #minecraftvideogame #minecraftfunny #fireworks #funnyminecraft #steveee #pc #funny #minecrafttntmod #minecrafttntexplosion #memes #hardest #weirdminecraft #tutorial #water #minecraftcursed #how #mryeester #22magnum #record #gameplay #pcbuilding #22mag #17hmr #pctips #22wmr #intro #tntexplosion #megamanny #videogame #spectatorminecraft #world #ram #stopmotion #mod #bombs #minecraftbut #computer #minecraftshorts #alexareal #watermelon #howtomaketntminecraft #nuevatntminecraft #minecraftdetonator #minecrafttnttutorial #detonatortntinmcpe #minecrafttntcannon #tntminecrafttrap #tntmodminecraft #minecrafttnttrap #howtousetntinminecraft… Read More

  • The Ultimate Iron Golem Battle

    The Ultimate Iron Golem BattleVideo Information เคคเฅ‹ เค†เคœ เค‡เคธ เคฎเฅ‰เคฌ เค•เฅ‡ เค…เค‚เคฆเคฐ เค”เคฐ เค†เคฏเคฐเคจ เค—เฅ‹เคฒเคฎ เค•เฅ‡ เค…เค‚เคฆเคฐ เคซเคพเค‡เคŸ เคนเฅ‹เค—เฅ€ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เฅ‹ เคฏเฅ‡ เคฎเฅ‰เคฌ เคคเฅ‹ เคงเฅ‚เคช เคธเฅ‡ เคœเคฒ เค•เฅ‡ เคœเคฒ เคœเคพเคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคฒเฅ‡เค•เคฟเคจ เค†เคฏเคฐเคจ เค—เฅ‹เคฒเคฎ เค•เฅ‹ เคœเคฌ เคคเค• เคฎเฅˆเค‚ เคธเฅเคชเฅ‰เคจ เค•เคฐเคคเคพ เคนเฅ‚เค‚ เค•เคฎเฅ‡เค‚เคŸ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคฌเคคเคพเคจเคพ เค†เคชเค•เฅ‡ เคนเคฟเคธเคพเคฌ เคธเฅ‡ เค•เฅŒเคจ เคœเฅ€เคคเฅ‡เค—เคพ เค”เคฐ เคตเฅ€เคกเคฟเคฏเฅ‹ เค•เฅ‹ เคฒเคพเค‡เค• เค”เคฐ เคšเฅˆเคจเคฒ เค•เฅ‹ เคธเคฌเฅเคธเค•เฅเคฐเคพเค‡เคฌ เคœเคฐเฅ‚เคฐ เค•เคฐ เคฆเฅ‡เคจเคพ เค”เคฐ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เฅ‹ เค†เคฏเคฐเคจ เค—เฅ‹เคฒเคจ เคธเฅเคชเฅ‰เคจ เคนเฅ‹ เคšเฅเค•เคพ เคนเฅˆ เค”เคฐ เค‡เคธ เคœเฅ‰เคฎเฅเคฌเฅ€ เค•เฅ‡ เคชเคพเคธ เคœเคพ เคšเฅเค•เคพ เคนเฅˆ เค”เคฐ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅ‹ เค†เคฏเคฐเคจ เค—เฅ‹เคฎ เคญเฅ€ เคคเฅ‹ เคเค• เคชเค‚ เคœเฅ‰เคฎเฅเคฌเฅ€ เค—เคพเคฏเคฌ เคนเฅ‹ เค— เคนเคฎเฅ‡เคถเคพ เค•เฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค This video, titled ‘Iron Golem vs Scary Mob ๐Ÿ˜จ #minecraft’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! ๐Ÿ˜ฎVideo Information al [Mรบsica] te tengo al lado y me siento solo el miedo me come y no entiendo como razones no faltan para querer irme pero si me voy quizรกs falte todo ella me llama y me llama y no sรฉ quรฉ hacer llama me llama y si Volverรฉ porque tรบ eres mi pasado y lo mejor que me habรญa pasado tambiรฉn y me llama me llama y no sรฉ quรฉ hacer llama y me llama y si Volverรฉ el no poder entendernos es lo que no logro entender cรณmo voy a darte mi mundo entero si no estoy… Read More

  • Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft – Epic Gamerz Gameplay

    Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft - Epic Gamerz GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Build a mega gold farm | Minecraft gameplay #5’, was uploaded by TAMIM HASSAN GAMERZ on 2023-12-25 04:39:05. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:49 or 1009 seconds. I build a mega gold farm in Minecraft gameplay #5 Read More

  • “Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!” #shorts #viral

    "Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-04-05 13:23:36. It has garnered 1621 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:33 or 11733 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp #publicsmp java – bedrock – port- 62208 IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS ๐Ÿ™‚ WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM THIS GAME . SO YOU… Read More

  • GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shorts

    GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Ghost Speler on 2024-03-08 19:17:36. It has garnered 731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #gaming Read More


    AMAZING 3D MINECRAFT PIXEL ART! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART ๐ŸŽจ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-04-30 15:12:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shorts

    Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts’, was uploaded by Banarasi GAMER2 on 2024-04-14 15:55:13. It has garnered 489 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts mob battle,minecraft mob battle,carty mob battle,i cheated in a mob battle,mob battle compilation,mob battles,minecraft battle,cheated mob battle,minecraft battles,cheated in mob battle,insane mob battle,mutant mob battle,ultimate mob battle,dinosaur mob battle,i cheated in a skibidi toilet mob battle,build battle,mob battle minecraft,minecraft mob battles,maizen build battle,op mob battle,mix mob battle,void mob battle,dark mob battle minecraft rp , minecraft rap , minecraft rpg , minecraft… Read More

  • Grotex: Insane Twist You Won’t Believe!

    Grotex: Insane Twist You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘WTF just happened!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-26 06:02:45. It has garnered 108 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight… Read More

  • Country Craft SMP 1.21.1+ Java Modded 13+

    Country Craft Server Welcome to Country Craft, a server where players can create or join countries of their own! We encourage players to develop their own cultures and stories while playing. While not strictly a roleplay server, we value roleplay over metagaming. We also use the Prominence II mod, so make sure to play through CurseForge. See you on the server! Join our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Portal, You said?

    “I guess you could say it was a real ‘block party’ without the obsidian!” Read More

  • Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy

    Surviving Reality: Not Your Minecraft Fantasy In this video, we dive into the fake Minecraft scene, Exploring knock-offs that are far from serene. From Kogama war4 to Mine clone 4, Each one a copy, but we want more. Minecraft builder and Build and crush, World craft 2 and Noobic boom crusher, hush. These imitations may not be the real deal, But they still bring a sense of thrill. So join me on this journey, filled with laughter and fun, As we explore these fake Minecrafts, one by one. Don’t forget to like and subscribe, spread the word, For more gaming content, stay tuned and heard. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme

    Hot Minecraft Ore Showdown! #minecraft #meme I would pick iron ore because it’s a real “ore-some” choice! #punny #minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: What's New? The Exciting Features of the 1.21 Minecraft Update As the 1.21 Minecraft Update draws near, players are buzzing with excitement over the new features and additions that are set to arrive. The first Pre-Release of the update has already been released, giving players a taste of what’s to come in the Tricky Trials Update. New Biomes and Environments One of the most anticipated aspects of the 1.21 update is the introduction of new biomes and environments. Players can look forward to exploring lush forests, mysterious caves, and even underwater realms filled with unique creatures and resources. The addition of… Read More

  • Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!

    Royal Cat Battles Zombies in Epic Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ‘‘ Princess VS Zombie ๐ŸงŸ Minecraft Song ๐Ÿ˜ธ|| Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes๐ŸŽต’, was uploaded by Purrfect Songs and Nursery Rhymes on 2024-03-03 13:00:27. It has garnered 77167 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:06 or 6606 seconds. ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ˜ป SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME ๐Ÿ˜ป๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ’– @PurrPurrKids Hey there, kids! ๐Ÿ˜ป Dance, sing and learn with Purrfect Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes! Don’t forget to turn on the notification bell ๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ””๐Ÿ”” 00:00 Minecraft Song 02:30 I’m a Mummy Song 05:06 Police Officer Song 08:11 When Dad’s Away Song 10:52… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!

    Ultimate Minecraft Anniversary Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 15th Anniversary: Purple Heart And Tiktok Cape Unveiling! Day 3’, was uploaded by deepboye on 2024-05-18 04:58:48. It has garnered 285 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:31 or 19891 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIAL MEDIA ๐ŸŸข Kick: ๐ŸŸฃ Twitch: ๐Ÿฆ Twitter: ๐ŸŽฌ TikTok: ๐Ÿ“บ Instagram: Facebook: How to get the Minecraft Twitch, Tiktok & 15th Anniversary Capes! #minecraft #minecraft15 #deepboye This stream is for solely fun purpose. RULES- BE NICE BE KIND ALWAYS BE HERE TO SUPPORT THE CONTENT AND STREAMS THAT WE DO… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don’t miss out!

    Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don't miss out!Video Information This video, titled ‘More Minecraft shenanigans with you guys’, was uploaded by CavemanFilms on 2024-05-23 06:24:12. It has garnered 2055 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:28 or 19888 seconds. Support me on kofi: if you’d like to help me by sending immediate donations that I’ll thank on stream! Want to play on the server? It’s 1.20.6 Java and the IP is over at Read More

  • “EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6” #minecraft

    "EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Server Surprises & Perfect Warden Mischief | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #minecraft #multiplayer #smp’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-01-06 14:00:13. It has garnered 152 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:07 or 1327 seconds. ๐ŸŽ Server Surprises & Warden Mischief! | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #PrankRevenge #FroglightFarm ๐Ÿš€โœจ#minecraft ๐ŸŽ‰โœจ Get ready for an action-packed rollercoaster in IgnitorSMP Season Three Episode Six! ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ”ฅ The episode kicks off with a trio of surprises from generous server members! Unwrap the mystery as I receive a fake diamond ore block, an unexpected gift of dazzling diamond… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecrafthumor #minecraftpe #mcpe #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Jakullaa gamerz on 2024-01-11 07:05:03. It has garnered 694 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. เคฎเคพเค‡เคจเค•เฅเคฐเคพเคซเฅเคŸ เคซเฅเคฐเฅ€ shorts minecraft funny minecraft funny mods minecraft funny videos minecraft funny facts minecraft funny moments minecraft funny memes minecraft funny animation minecraft funny games minecraft story mode funny animation funny minecraft villager memes minecraft funny story minecraft funny videos cartoon minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny videos animation minecraft funny videos animated minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny moments shorts… Read More


    SHOODEX17 DESTROYS 4 OPPONENTS SINGLEHANDEDLY ๐Ÿ’€ #freefirefeverVideo Information This video, titled ‘1VS4 WAIT FOR END โ˜ ๏ธ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights’, was uploaded by SHOODEX17 on 2024-05-06 07:45:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 1VS4 WAIT FOR END โ˜ ๏ธ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku clash of clans… Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!

    Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!Video Information This video, titled ‘shadow vs Steve & gigachad |#shorts | #whoisstrongest |#shadowfight2 |#minecraft |#memeverse |#edit’, was uploaded by Mark-[Classified] on 2024-04-20 15:10:34. It has garnered 1433 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. request@Scarledemon v#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#onepunchmanthestrongest#onepunchmanm1887gunskinreturn#opm#opmmanga#opmedit#anime#animeedit#animeshorts#shorts#short#edit#viral#viral_video#viralshorts#cosmicgarou#viralvideos#viralshort#garou#garouvssaitama#manga #one #saitama#cosmicgarouvsonepunchman#whoisstrongest #youtubeshorts#whoisstrongest#shorts#marvel#marvelcomics#nomarvelstudios#dc#dccomics#dceu#lucifer#beyonder#viralshorts#anime#edits#debate#marvelvsdc#preretconbeyonder#comics#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#opm#opmmanga #dc#dceu#dccomics#dceunews#dceuedits#dcuniverse#dcshorts#dcstudios#dcfandome#dccomic#dccomicsnews#viralshorts#viral#viralvideo#viralvideos#viral_video#viraledit#viraledit#viralstatus#viralpreset#saitama#saitamavsdc#saitamavslucifer#lucifer#comics #comiclucifer#lucifermorningstar#dclucifer#dedceu#dcstudios#dccinematicuniverse#dceuedits#dceushorts#dceuviral#viral_video#viral#viralshorts#viralvideo#viralpreset#viralstatus#viralvideos#viralreels#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#animeedits#shorts#short#shorts video#shortvideo #shortsfeed#shortsvidebate#anime#animeshorts#animedits#animeedit#animeamv#animes#whoisstrongest#marvel#marvelstudios#marvelcomics#marvelcinematicuniverse#marvellegends#marvellegends#marvelsavengers#marvelfuturefight#mcu#mcuedits#mcushorts#mcuvsdceu#mcuvsdc# marvelvsdc#marvelvsdceu#dc #dccomics#dcuniverse#os#video#videos#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#scp#scarletking#scpfoundation#scp001#scp3812#scp#scp682#scpedit#scpshorts#scpsecretlaboratory#whoisstrongest #shorts #short #saitama #saitamaedits #animeedits #animeedit #vs #debates #onepunchman #animeedits #vsbattle #whoisstronger #whoisstrongest #onepunchmanedit #animeshort #animeshorts #fyp #fypใ‚ท #foryourpage #youtubeshorts #opm #anime #vsdebates #edit #edits #shortvideo #scaling #powerscaling #powerscale #manga # animevideos #saitamaedits #youtube #recommended #mangaedit #animelover #saitamaedit #animevideos #animeshortedit #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortfeed #fiction #1v1 #1vs1 #collab… Read More

  • Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!

    Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation’, was uploaded by Foxy Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:22. It has garnered 5791 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation #minecraft #minecraftbattle #battleminecraft #minecraftmobbattle #minecraftbattlemobs #mobbattle #battlemobs ๐Ÿ”Š Music from video: All music taken from this playlist: Channel from which the music is taken: I am very grateful to this channel for providing copyright-free music. If you liked the video, then write about it in… Read More

  • Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ”ฅ #viral #minecraft

    Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers ๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ”ฅ #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers ๐Ÿฅบโ™ฅ๏ธ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by THE CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-03-24 07:15:01. It has garnered 432 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers ๐Ÿฅบโ™ฅ๏ธ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts can baby zombie took her revenge for family? #shorts #minecraft,probability comparison,monster school animation,the builder,what happened on hermitcraft,monster school,builder is back,clash of clans town hall,clash of clans animation,this week on hermitcraft,clash of clans commercial,hermitcraft season 9 full recap,builder,clan wars,clash of clans,minecraft survival,hermitcraft season 9,minecraft let’s… Read More

  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist 18+

    Welcome to Cubed Chaos! The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and continues to update regularly to create a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts. Our world file is a massive 50 GB, offering plenty to see and explore. Datapacks We have a variety of datapacks installed for gameplay and crafting enhancements, including anti-grief measures, new crafting recipes, and more. Rules Don’t be a prick No Griefing or Theft No Exploiting Glitches No Use of Cheating Mods Respect the Shop System Join Us! If you’re interested in joining, join our Public Discord for the application process. Good luck! Read More