Building Epic Minecraft City LIVE

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M oh jeez um okay do that okay that there all right here we are we oh my gosh yesterday was a grind yesterday was a grind I finished the subway finally pen is still on bro Pen’s been grinding all right so here’s what’s happening we have finished the subway

We have completely finished it um I’ve been getting ready for this project by getting a lot of stone um I still got a bit to go but oops what’s up snows welcome to stream how you doing today hope you’re having a good day hope you’re having a good week

Almost with the weekend which is amazing how that skeleton just miss that first guy B him he missed again that was the worst skeleton I’ve ever seen okay we are recharged the last couple hours of yesterday’s stream I was just out of it bro I was so tired I just wanted to

End bro like I streamed 2 hours longer yesterday than I thought I was going to like I didn’t think it would take too long but oh it took a while okay so this stream we fully well we’re not finished because we’re going to go up a little

Bit more but we have mainly finished um I don’t like chapter 5 so I quit same I’m taking a break from uh fortnite for a little while I’ll be back but just a little break so we finished so this is what we did so this is the new area it’s

A direct clone of the subway Lobby entrance and exit from the other from my uh uh My Town Base um so we got that took not too long actually I put this here basically to uh signal that’s the end of the tracks there’s nothing going

To be this way as of right now at least uh maybe eventually we’ll do that but we’ll have to see um but we finished everything glow st’s all down here did this um and yeah made this last night um up until I went to bed like I was just

Grinding like I I finished this and then I went to bed what’s that malarus Mal Mal morius Mal morius yeah he always pronounce it wrong um yeah we finished this pretty cool but now today is going to be crazy we’re not mining actually we might end up mining a

Little bit but um today’s going to be a little bit crazy uh we want it to be daytime actually so what we’re going to do right now is we’re going to go back to base we need to get a little more Cobblestone we need to get some torches

And we need to get to Bed wait that was like did you hear that transition into the song Holy Cow bro wait this is like actual DJ stuff right now what wait what did I just do like your underground Subway thank you bro thank you took me uh more than 15 hours in

Total to make it across I I made it across span of 5 days but we finished so finally I I mean it really feels good to finish this big of a project you know then eventually this will go somewhere but you know not right now I’m taking a break from making the railroad

Tracks we got coffee today we’re we’re fully fueled today when Starbucks it’s sugar cookie uh ice coffee sugar cookie pretty cool we are fueled all right so what we’re doing today is we’re going to be building with a lot of stone and stone braks that’s a big big big Subway yeah

It’s 1,000 blocks long it is very big um okay um so we need torches right which I need more man okay um let’s head to the raid Farm let me to show you guys the raid Farm I don’t think I’ve showed you guys how it works you know what track would fit and

Well after those two what would it be I’m going to show the raid farm and how it works I don’t know if I’ve done that yet I don’t think I have actually it’s pretty cool how it works Adventures MSU YouTube fre audio Library keep that in

Mind all right so we’re going to head over here the ra Farm’s over this way and what we need to do first is we need to head over to this Outpost and we need to get uh we you call an officer to get the battman effect this guy’s not an officer Wow some real DJ stuff they’re literally mixing the songs together let we get sound better more clean they’re just non-stop listening to music I guess this is Sig but the uh R form is right over here which is what we’ll be using but we got to get the battle effect first obviously um where did I just come from it’s this way I got confused for a second ow weird thing where if you play music from

The YouTube audio library the algorithm likes you really that’s interesting I did not know That just come from Above come on give me an officer I’m finding a lot of pillagers though it’s good they’re spawning a lot they’re spawning a lot holy like That jeez a lot just know um oops no offers weird stuff I’d really like to show this and then get started on uh the builds that’d be nice if they uh they just you know get me an offer like they keep spawning this one’s loaded come here come here where you at yeah

That’s oh so now that I say they’re spawning a lot they stop spawning oh there we go oh okay I didn’t kill him come on I got a tight schedule for today’s stream I got to hurry this up there we go okay so what we’re going to do is

We’re going to kill this guy get bad Omen oh hold up hold up hold up all right now what I’m going to do is I’m going to open my auto Clicker Auto clicker I’m going to set it to 2,250 milliseconds which that is equal to uh 2.25 seconds um okay that’s ready so now what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to head over the rain Farm get that ready to get mended okay raid started so now what we’re going to do is whoops we’re going to walk in here like this and aim right here and I’ll be right back down ow all right I’m

Back what’s up Mr Samer welcome stream on Bedrock Edition I have an Elder Guardian Farm where you let spawn in and they get sent through portal yeah yeah yeah we need an Elder Guardian or well yeah we need a um we need a guardian Farm here soon all

Right and then this it fills the chests with stuff which clearly uh not a lot but a lot of emeralds um gunpowder red stone all these other things that we don’t need uh and then it burns whatever’s uh like if when these are full they ‘ll just burn everything else it’s pretty

Cool but uh yeah said Elder Guardian I mean regular that’s what I thought you meant I was going I was like what but yeah I know what you Meant all right still W yeah still w all right all right so we got that mended which is good now what we need is more torches let me see if there’s any coal in here if there’s not I can easily mine it but anywhere right here this it was this

Right yeah this was my little house yeah Prime stuff this was my house before I made my base so like right when the the server came up for the first week this was my little Hut here and now my base is humongous but uh yeah this is my stuff

Oh I found I’m going to keep know what that’s uh that’s history right there that’ll go in the museum all right this Hut I’m going to remake this Hut in the museum with how it is like these are that for some reason this is gone this is gone these are like

That I’m going to make it like that that’ll go in the museum when I make it that’ be pretty cool okay doesn’t seem like we have coal which is fine I don’t know what some of the stuff is I don’t know why this Pottery oh I just broke the pottery um

Oops let me put that back up I’ve Haven been motiv motivated to play Minecraft or anything for the past two years jeez it’s crazy all right so we need a bed and we need uh a lot of torches stacks of torches uh which should be really easy to get I mean torches are

One of the easiest things to craft let me turn them down the music a little bit we don’t need the auto cooker anymore what’s up Dev welcome stream how you doing hope you’re having a good day this entire year went by so fast yeah I did you first typed on your a

Teddy account then you typed on your Dev account well all right um okay so we need to craft a bed which is easy I got a wool Farm we’ll just do that um but right now let’s go under the base here I have a little spot going for uh

Where I’ve been mining today I did a little mining off stream to get some stone with my silk touch pickaxe um you know what I need on it uh I need Unbreaking on it so let’s do that let’s get Unbreaking on it help me out it won’t go down as

Much so um yeah let’s go get some emeralds for my base I’ll just bring a whole stack cuz I don’t know how much it is I’m going to need to buy book anyways I have stacks of books I just forget where they are like I have stacks of books somewhere or

Maybe I used them to make all of these maybe I don’t know um okay so let’s just buy a book anyone selling bookcase there we go bookshelf perfect get that all right got three books now um and we are looking for Unbreaking believe it’s on this side

Right where’s Unbreaking did I miss it silk touch Unbreaking right here Unbreaking there we go we got Unbreaking now and now we can put this on and we’ll just have a ton more durability uh I always like closing doors I don’t know why we’re still going to do a ton more

To my town like look how much area there is and we can always extend to like I have plans to build stuff over here that’s what I’ve been doing recently I’ve been making a pathway over here to build some stuff I don’t know what yet you’re doing good that’s good here I’m

Doing pretty well myself I’m finally done mining I don’t have to worry about mining any anymore so that’s amazing all right um let’s head under head under here again yesterday was the biggest grind I’ve ever gone on in Minecraft in a very long time and it was worth it it

Honestly was it was completely worth it so we’re looking for coal mainly but we’re also getting stone at the same time so if I find coal I would be happy to to take it I’ll place down torches here cuz it’s only five like that doesn’t really matter to me too

Much you know what I need as well I need a silk touch shovel uh in case I ever need grass blocks which I do okay here we go just break all this area around here get all the coal beautiful look at this vein of coal this is a huge vein all

Right nice we got 29 coal from that one vein so we love to see and then we start mining again uhoh oh no uhoh um oops oh jeez no oh my gosh I’m I’m completely messing up right now why is there just a block of emeralds right there

Okay all right we’re not coming over here anymore that’s my storage room I should probably be careful all the way around here because it’s going to run into my man cave more um okay get all of this coal so I should probably back up from over here just to be safe okay

Cool pick up all this Stone there we go we need so much Stone today I mean honestly we need so much today my last torch we’ve gotten a ton of stone just from this though which is good huge I love beacons I didn’t mean to drop my bow

Man all right well we got like our entire inventory full of this stuff might as well just drop the books don’t really need them um5 all right we need a little more that’s Max right yep okay all right we’re good got a pretty good amount of coal now

Um we’re we’re chilling now we’re chilling now we just need a bed which um we need wood one two three and we can head down to the sheep farm really quickly why is there bone meal I don’t know who bone me then Okay oh let me go over here purple purple purple let’s go got to get a purple bed right wait are some of these out of shars I don’t know I’ll check I don’t really care I accidentally just used my last firework it’s all right I’ll get more um okay there look at

That don’t need my sponges just go put those up we done done with the sponges well it was quite the journey wasn’t it don’t need these armor stands um sure sure just put it in there right all right maybe that’s good maybe not dude I failed to close my door twice that’s horrible

Okay ow next there we go let’s go it’s crazy how long this thing is there we go okay it is time it is time it is time it’s time to build so here’s the plan really okay Um Time to time to put our thinking caps On Really there’s N More up there all right we’re good It’s fine I’ll have to mainly go this way then this one how many blocks is 250 I’m sorry I’m just thinking right now I’m just thinking I need to figure out this so so right here 250 plus that um 5077 877 oh shoot I’m looking at the wrong

Board I forgot is he my B I was going to say that was not moving okay that’s almost perfect so that’s 800 so without about just start it right to make it easier on me at 800 that makes it way easier on me okay so 800 so that’d be 1,500 1,500

1,50 all right over here okay so we’re doing 250 by 250 that’s the plan we just find out ter Patch Kids found out s kids have a what does that mean what does pH of 1.5 Mean two three four five 6 7 8 nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 40 41 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

50 one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3 3 that’s just my little way of measuring right now I cannot get this wrong I can but it

Won’t matter cuz it’s 250 by 250 if I mess up by one block it won’t look weird 200 more oh really okay I didn’t know that so 200 more from here so one okay so it’s going to be 800 6828 D these Dum animals if you s kids you’re destroying your n oh

Interesting you’re not destroying this bro you’re not raring this for me I need get verx on I need help badly let me see if he’s awake they make something like bleach with vinegar it might explode or something well I wasn’t planning on mixing anything with bleach so what if we want an explosion

Funny dude I don’t want to make this too high I’m going to be honest I want to be higher than that Though I’m going to need help badly today let’s just get this whole area kind of set and done with okay so this is is 800 82 8 3828 that’s way wait no okay oh never mind okay so we should be at 3 828 better remember me I do what’s up ay welcome to stream how you doing put baking soda in a bottle Parton vinegar and quickly put in put the bottle Cup on and throw it far really

Loud popping sound I think I knew about that one they’re done School you mix vinegar and baking soda Fizz it up yeah all right so we want to get to 1,50 at 3828 Perfect Right Here 38 28 dude I swear these dumb animals just get in my way for no reason

They’re asking to die you are not ever see I am his sister cion cat hi cion cion cat what’s up how are you doing today hope you’re having a good day welcome to the stream Poor Pig it’s his fault all right it’s the pig’s fault they shouldn’t have got my way just do

That so if you’re wondering what we’re building right now I’ll give you a pretty decent idea of what it’s going to look like I’ll give you a miniature version of what it’s going to look like that’s not even this is a miniature version but it’s 250X 250 stone walls on theide and

Stone in the inside that’s what it’s going to look like it’s going to be higher than two blocks that’s where my City’s gonna be so what I’m going for is where it’s able like the skyscrapers can’t be extremely humongous because they would just look weird so what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to build a platform for everything to be on uh and skyscrapers will go past the clouds and it’ll look very uh pleasing to the eye I feel like if you can see like skyscrapers go in like the clouds go inside skyscrapers that’ be pretty cool so that’s what I’m going

For rest in peace Pig I’m a cat person and I love Canan so it’s my new name Canan is a good color make sure I’m doing this right I’m doing this right right yeah let’s let’s hope I’m doing this right here let me go to

Sleep first so I don’t get blown up by a Creeper cats are cool I’m more of a dog person though old name was pink cat I find Canan and it’s updated nice I think canan’s better than pink oh my gosh get on my way oops what’s up pig King welcome to stream how you doing hope you’re having a good day

Today it’s Thursday it’s almost the weekend it’s almost New Year’s which is crazy too I’m getting hyped for New Year’s 2024 is going to be a big year for the channel think about crane birds cranes are really cool I think we need them in Minecraft right we just need a whole

Animal update let’s just get an animal update let’s add the crab let’s add cranes flamingos let’s add um alligators hippos giraffes lions tigers let’s just at it all why not right dude I swear these pigs just want to die they get in the way it’s not my fault okay I’m not

Killing the pigs on purpose they do it to themselves all right what is the main goal in Minecraft there’s really no main goal it’s just a build so we’re going to 1,5 uh 1,50 3578 3578 3578 got to remember that you know it’s his fault that he

Built his house right next to my city I’m not dealing with that if he wants to delete his house I don’t care he building it right next to my city which I don’t like there’s a there’s a thousand block rule in the realm and the person that lizer did not listen isn’t it

78 does anyone remember what was the x coordinate 3,500 ah dude I’ll I’ll just go back I completely forgot I thought it was 78 oh my gosh that it’s further 3578 I was right okay so 78 not 88 new it thank you for double checking helping me double check I’m gonna absolutely

Just I don’t know I don’t know why he built it next to my base this block right oh I accidentally tabed out oh gosh I meant to I meant to hit F3 shoot can’t play in the server please it’s a private server all right perfect now we can CFT

This so many people ban from servers for no reason dude these animals want to die I’m not even joking I did not want to kill any animals in in Minecraft in Minecraft I don’t want to get banned um during the stream they’re just asking for it I need to

Eat I I I’ve had a lot of people come in my chat saying they’ve been banned from servers for no reason it seems like a common thing I guess I don’t know I don’t like this um I’ll go down one and then I’m going to build over I’ll go back with dirt eventually

Like I don’t like this either it needs to look pleasing that wouldn’t I don’t really need anything in my hand right now I’m going to be honest play on the server it’s a private server bro can’t let you on I’m not the owner it’s a private server with friends

It’s there’s no viewers on it I need to make a command cuz how many people ask me each stream if they can join the server I need to make like a like a um an exclamation mark command that uh streams do so I don’t have to explain 10 times a

Stream that this server is uh private do you play Clash Royale I don’t I play Clash of Clans not Royale friend lied on me and tell me that she find my town I’m not stupid I was playing single player she can’t join me it’s privacy yeah single players you

Can’t join well on uh Java at least Bedrock I think you can though I don’t know what you’re playing on were we playing on Java or Bedrock I’m going to add like a canal here or something is that the right word I don’t know I’m going to add something

Here I’m going to add something here for this uh River probably like an underground what if I add an underground secret pirate ship here that would be sick I’m going to remember this spot this this is be like the perfect spot for like a a pirate ship wouldn’t it that would be super

Cool make it look real add some dirt around it a cave Stone stuff like that that’ be super cool all right there we go we’re almost done with the outline we just need to do one more side and then we can start building up I you wait until my uh birthday next

Year to have real Minecraft uh Make sure this is right yep U maybe later M morius I want to listen to this track I haven’t listened to this one yet I’ve listened to the songs but some of the songs not every single One I can’t believe I just got that idea of a pirate ship that would be amazing I don’t want to do that pirate ship would go crazy again I’m just going to I’ll fill it in with uh dirt this is fine I think maybe I’ll I’ll change my mind I think this should

Be fine no I don’t have 400 Oak trap doors I don’t know why anyone would have 400 Oak trap doors all right it’s a cartoon character from Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands uh I’ve never heard of that I don’t know why I called Netherlands Never Lands for a second I don’t know that either

Um all right don’t need that I’ll leave it like I think I’m just going to leave leave this mountain kind of like going into the wall here like I’ll leave it natural this side I won’t mess with um it’ll look fine if it doesn’t I’ll change it um we’ll

See Concrete in AA uh in AAA to make it I don’t really like making uh statues I’ve never made a statue I I don’t think I need one unless I want to make like my own character give him a statue I might eventually do that but that’ll take a

Bit I’m going to mess with this I’ll just get rid of this entire area right here it feels so good to build in the light instead of building in a cave and Mining all day I mean it just feels so good cuz that’s what we’ve been doing the past 5

Days work in a cave in like underground I mean not always caves it was so dark but now it’s just all light and it’s amazing I love it so much again I’m not doing this so now we’re going to start building up I don’t know how up though that’s what

We still need that’s like the only part of this project I don’t know yet is how high I’m going to build up I want it to be higher than the tallest mountain here though that’s for sure I don’t want any land to show above it all right I’ve honestly never heard of that

I’ve never heard of that person I don’t want to say the name though because it it sounds very similar to a uh cuss word and uh I’m a family friendly family friendly streamer so can’t be saying that let’s just get it all even that’s my next goal right now is just to get

This all even we’re going to be tapping for a while aren’t we can’t reach that I’d get a beacon over here I don’t really need one for anything do I I don’t I wouldn’t really need a beacon though so like not with this build haste but I

Mean speed but not hze speed but I wouldn’t really need to go faster technically did it mean something bad um I know that’s a name but it also is a swear word swear word it’s a bad word it’s not spelled like that though the the bad word

Spelled a little differently and uh I’m a familyfriendly content creator so there will be no bad words on this stream all right man my neck is already feeling a little bit painful it’s not painful but I don’t know do I see a uh what are they called chiropractors hope not

All right dude I’m running out of hunger so fast I feel like then no sorry no no you’re fine you’re fine that’s a name I know what you’re saying I’m just saying I’m not going to say it out loud because people might think I’m saying the word when I’m

Not so you’re fine you don’t have to worry about it Are you going to make some videos on Minecraft I’ve been contemplating cont contemplating contemplating it um you’re just going to have to wait to see you guys want to see videos would you guys watch videos if I were to make videos on this realm which that means I would do

That I don’t know I’d have to figure out if I’d do that would I do it like off stream builds or would I just do like make videos out of stream builds that I’m doing you would I’m just not that big into videos honestly I love streaming I’ll keep you guys

Updated I’ve never been opposed to it and I have been thinking that almost every single day since um I’ve been thinking that every single day that I’ve been streaming honestly what is pen doing Merry Christmas Christmas is over okay um what was that streaming look fun yeah but here’s the

Thing Happy Valentine’s Day it’s not even close to Valentine’s Day if I were to do videos it’s the one downside of it that would be my Minecraft for the day that means I would not stream that day most likely most of the times that’s the one

Downside I’ll do a poll on my channel later today or some other day CU if I were to make videos sometimes that would be the only thing I’d do that day like I do like maybe one day I’d stream one day I record I just I just love streaming we’ll

See Happ a New Year yes that’s better it’s almost New Year’s isn’t it like what I’m doing right now is boring no one wants to see this in a video the viewer retention time would be horrible no one wants to see me placing blocks in a video

So we’ll see when it comes to buildings we’ll see what we’ll do like when we do buildings and stuff yeah like I said we’ll See 2024 it is almost 2024 that’s crazy bro I would do it I’d make videos out of the streams if I had someone that would just record for me and then send me it through Google Drive I guess because that’s the only way to St in long videos but uh I don’t have anyone that

Would be willing to like any of my friends I haven’t asked but I mean that’s just a lot of work I feel like it have to have my streams open all the time and uh be recording it and then I’d edit it down and stuff so

Much 2024 hope going to be a crazy year for my channel we’re going to pop off we’re going to be grinding I I said it a couple days ago I want 2024 to be the year like I want to have way more streams than I did this year and I did a

Lot of streams this year but uh I want there to be more next year will we hungry or take damage that’s just that wouldn’t be fun I need a challenge I’m taking damage is kind of like necessary to have fun on Minecraft I feel like or there’d never be a threat

Okay this one goes taller that one goes taller too um okay I’ll eventually do a world tour video for a YouTube video probably nail feel like I’m a fast Tapper I don’t know it feels like it probably not that fast compared to some people but feel like I can ta pretty fast

Yeah keep going this one oh no I forgot to uh Place breaks got to sleep oh my gosh I keep going above I mean it doesn’t really matter does it but wish I tapped fast enough to like do it two by two with no issue like that all right let back

Hey all right it’s starting to come together a little bit faster than I thought it would actually how long have been streaming for only an hour pretty good pretty good my goal is to start on the stone today we’re doing some bricks right now

My goal is to start on the stone by the end of the stream I just don’t know how high up I’m going to go with uh the St uh stone bricks now oh my gosh want play dude play please wonder how many stone bricks I’m going to be placing in this project

Here definitely a lot should have gotten more when you were over there shouldn’t we have oh well we just got to go back I guess we still have a ton which is good like we just got to keep powering through I guess I don’t know if this is too big uh

I don’t think it will eventually we’ll have so many buildings here that’s going to be like okay this is perfect size I guess script done nice when are you posting I know you still got to record it but like you got a date in mind your first video first video back All right go up three up and then we got to three up again or is that four that’s four jeez all right introduction of me on New Year’s first vlog January 2nd very cool stuff very cool stuff my channel will always be gaming I’m guessing I don’t know maybe uh maybe

Um eventually my life will get exciting my life will get more exciting and stuff and then I’ll be like oh let me Vlog this let me Vlog that uh I’ve never will out vlog I never have I was thinking of doing it last spring break when I went to uh

Florida but instead I just did a house tour I might just do that again this year it’s just a house tour I don’t know we’ll have to see I don’t got a good camera it’s just a phone camera so it’s not like I’m going with a 4K Ultra HD $2,000

Camera which I mean phone cameras are still pretty good quality especially like the new iPhones but I think some uh Samsung phones are really good too but um well they’re not the worst but they could be better they don’t have like the microphone stuff that you can put on you

Yourself that you can put on your shirt don’t have that would be nice though I don’t know what I do though like that’s the thing like even in W Florida like what would I do to Vlog it’s just going like hey you know we’re going to go to the beach we’re

Going to stay at the pool we’re going to go to restaurants it’s like it’s nothing special it’s just pretty pretty predictable of what we’d be doing is this really anything to do I don’t know maybe one year I’ll go to like twitchcon or something something like that or fortnite event Vlog

It I’d always i’ always want to go to twitchcon I’m an affiliate so I’d get an affiliate badge so that’s pretty cool I don’t know if there’s perks I think there is I don’t know what the perks are though twitchcon if you’re an affiliate I know I’d get a badge though it says

Affiliate which that’s pretty cool in i’ be able to keep that forever my phone camera as well 4K yeah like I said I mean phone cameras aren’t the worst it’s just if I did want to do vlogging I’d probably want to get like a better camera I’d want to get

Like um one of those things that you can put on your shirt you know uh microphones make the quality better that would be cool um but yeah we’ll have to we’ll have to see you know I I’ve wanted to I’ve actually I almost vlogged before for Chann for my

Channel but then I decided not to I don’t know but again I’m never opposing doing it if the opportunity comes where it’s like this is a good opportunity toog then I will perfect yeah you got those things ready yeah I thought you had those I don’t think they’re too

Expensive which is good so it shouldn’t be too hard for me to get them uh maybe a really good quality one though is expensive I would be surprised I don’t know though we would have to see see but I don’t know if I think of anything to Vlog in Florida then sure

I’ll do it but um beside from that I’ll just do a house [Laughter] tour which people like the house store last year that one was a that was a good video got a pretty good amount of use people seem to like it so we’ll do it with a new Florida

Mansion which I haven’t even seen it I don’t know what it looks like I can I just don’t like I like being surprised so I I never looked in advance like there’s pictures of it I can look at everyone knows what it looks like except for me I’m like the only one that

Doesn’t look Advanced like right when we get to the house is when I find out what it looks like like inside and everything like I don’t look at any sneak peeks it’s kind of how I roll with everything I never look at sneak peeks for anything I mean trailers with movies some people

Don’t watch trailers for movies but I do like everything else it’s like I don’t want to be spoiled on what this is like you know the experience is what matters right So I’m trying to think of how that would work I could just I’d be fine with it if you built a couple more houses around so it’s like a little village right next to the city I’d be fine with that something like that I don’t know it’s

Just like bro you know like why did he build his house next to my base when there’s a thous in Black rule like I’ll be hated when I start to post them why listen the internet’s a cool place you’re going to get hait no matter what you

Do had a deal with it for 5 years I always get trolls in but I just ignore them cuz it’s like okay I’m used to it I don’t really care nothing people say really affects me unless it’s for the positive um I mean if anyone comes in and trolls or anything or says

Something negative I don’t care like it doesn’t affect me I’ve been streaming for 5 years I’m used to it like right now I can honestly not remember one negative thing someone’s ever said to me because I just don’t pay attention to it it’s like okay I don’t

Care like I know people have said negative things to me like uh comments to a video or like live chat but I just always just ignore it I don’t know so I don’t remember it but I remember all the positive uh positive things people say what you also got to think you know

If someone’s coming into your chat or a comment section that has never seen your channel before and is being negative they must have a miserable life you just got to think about it that way I want to do full English Vlogs but then my parents suggested that I should

Do it my culture language as well since they really have an interest in what kids students do in Canada it’ Be Cool If You Did in both I’m just going to give you a fair warning though the ones that are going to get views are the ones in

English it’s the most popular language for YouTube it would be hard to get views in a different language both would be cool though and then that’s like a whole another audience if you start doing another language I’d say if you do another language you should just start another channel for it

Because I mean your community if you do two different languages it’ll just be like it’ll be a mess because some people will be there for English some people will be there for the other language you know so uh it’ll get confusing I feel like for the

Viewers but I mean whatever you want to do I’m just kind of telling you how I see it I feel like it would be cool if you did another language though but I don’t know if it would work with your main Channel if you hit 50 Subs after Minecraft live

Stream dubies bro my Minecraft live streams have been re doing really good um better than uh my fortnite stuff was doing which I’ll eventually get back I’m just giving a fair warning to everyone I’m not a permanent Minecraft streamer I’m just going to be here for

Um for a bit then I’m going to get back to Minecraft streaming I mean fortnite streaming so if you like fortnite then that’s good but if you don’t I’m sorry um who knows I I’ll probably play Minecraft too for like I don’t see myself stopping Minecraft anytime soon

But I’m just giving you a fair warning soon I will go back to doing fortnite but I’ll still do Minecraft so it’ll just be like some days I’ll do Minecraft some days I’ll be do fortnite um but I mean my Minecraft streams have been doing amazing way better than my

Fortnite streams I’m mean like times three the amount of viewers um like my um I appreciate everyone I know viewer count isn’t really what matters just whoever’s watching is entertaining and I live by that I really I really believe in that it does not matter how many

Viewers I get as long as I’m entertaining the viewers that I have uh even if that’s just one sometimes even if that’s two as long as I’m entertaining the uh viewer or viewers that’s all that matters to me really um but I I I do need to say like I I can’t

Go without recognizing the support that I’ve gotone through Minecraft um normally on my fortnite streams I got about 50 views 50 different views in total uh from viewers in my Minecraft streams I’ve been pulling about 150 each um I’ve been pulling a ton more viewers um so I

Appreciate every single one of you again I just want to re reiterate the fact that the viewer count and subscriber count does not matter to me it’s just as long as I’m entertaining getting 5K views in a video but 50 Subs what could be the cause of that

Uh like wait so 50 Subs per video or just 50 Subs in total and you’re getting 5K views per video to be honest I never wanted to switch my content getting banned over and over again was annoying yeah I understand That I did YouTube when I was 13 I mean that was your years ago but I didn’t get banned I guess I didn’t have a face cam you did oh I’m going up too high uh that’s fine I’ll just go to right here total and Subs how many likes do the videos get

I’m trying to figure out how this is possible that you only have 50 Subs 5K views I think I have a pretty good idea of how it’s possible but I need to know more info like how many like how many likes you get per video average yeah I did it on

YouTube um oh maybe I was 14 uh it might have been 14 so I don’t know if I was 13 I think I started YouTube when I was 14 I did mixer and twitch before when I was I did mixer I wasn’t even of age to

Stream when I did mix I was 11 when I started streaming on mixer I think 11 maybe 12 11 I think I was 11 it was 2018 uh I’m trying to figure out I don’t care 30 likes 5,000 views 30 likes that’s a little low um I think it might just be have you checked your viewer retention it might just be that people don’t think I’m I’m not saying this in a

Bad way I’ve never seen your content but I’m just saying what I think is happening is viewers the viewer retention is low and people uh maybe aren’t too interested with a video after they watch it but because of how many likes it’s getting which is weird because retention has to do with

Algorithm too but because of how many views and uh views it’s getting um it’s getting in the algorithm more even though people aren’t interested in it as much so I think that’s the problem maybe the videos aren’t as interesting as they should be maybe you know there needs to be uh more

Action something like that get viewers to watch more and then when viewers watch more they see you know oh you’re pretty interesting YouTuber uh different you know it got to be different in some way um and they’ll subscribe but not every single viewer of course subscribes which reminds me if you’re

New to the stream it’d be generous of you to leave a like And subscribe it supports me um and yeah I appreciate everyone who has liked the stream and everyone who has subscribed I’ve been grining a lot of subscribers recently so I appreciate that again subscriber count does not

Matter to me it’s just that I’m entertaining and I I appreciate you guys showing um proving me that I am entertaining since people people want to watch more of me I guess um which I’ll always be grateful for oh I hate Hypixel I hate any multiplayer servers I hate them I’m just

Here to build I don’t want I don’t like PVP I don’t like hide-and-seek I don’t like any of that stuff I’m just on Minecraft to build you play with fortnite cheats that’s probably why people don’t subscribe to you I should have asked what your content was yeah now I see why people don’t

Subscribe to you and why your likes are low you might want to stem away from that especially because fortnite can file a lawsuit against you epic games can file a lawsuit against you oh actually technically technically they can and technically they can’t they can because you’re making videos on how to

Hack they can’t because you didn’t make the hack they could definitely argue a lawsuit but get a lot of views out of it well you can get a lot more views out of other things instead of cheating on a game and risking losing all of your

Money you did make the hack you can get sued from epic I’m just giving you an EP um I’m just giving you a heads up if you keep that up I probably should warn you you will get sued you will get an email from epic games if you make hacks and you post

Them online they do Sue those people I mean there’s no getting around it they will sue you eventually and they always win epic lawyers are so good I mean they’ve won against well they lost against Apple but they won in a different lawsuit against Apple I think recently epic lawyers are

So good they will dry they will like literally dry you out of money draw you clean out of money bro so I just want to give you a warning that uh a l suit will be coming your way by epic if you uh keep showing that

Don’t believe me you can search it up online they sue people that make hacks they just actually recently won a lawsuit which I mean they they win every single lawsuit against hackers but uh I know I read recently they won a huge lawsuit against a big hacking

Company not a company but people that made hacks M you can’t evade be getting a lawsuit that’s impossible creating a new Google count if you were to try to evade getting sued like if you’re trying and get out of it that’s when um they track you down you can’t avoid it it’s impossible

To avoid a lawsuit that’s when the feds get involved be right back all right VPN will not save you VPN will not at all save you it is literally impossible if you try avoiding it that makes it worse that could I don’t know if this is

True I I believe you can get jail time now don’t quote me on that I believe if you try to avoid a lawsuit you can I don’t know I believe so though don’t quote me on it I’ve read something about it might not be jail time but something

Bad I think they can sue you for more if you do that too but you will eventually get found even if you create a new new account cuz then the feds get involved and that’s just a whole another situation itself what’s your username was it recent please don’t tell me you’re the

Guy that click showed his bank account too gosh we’re about out if you’re the guy that click showed his bank account to you got absolutely owned no that was not you bro I need proof it’s you where’s the clip at you got a Twitter if it was you

You got absolutely owned I’m going to be honest I don’t think it was you though I think that’s nearly impossible what’s the one saying you’re digging your own grave yes that is kind of what you’re doing right now I don’t join Discord servers especially not ones that are for [Laughter]

Hacking you know you do whatever you want to do but again you will be get sued and you will get IP banned by epic eventually if they just keep Banning you normally they will realize that you keep doing it and they will IP ban you your entire Hardware will be banned and you

Will not be able to play fortnite from your address or from any of your electronics even if you move them somewhere else Hardware banned IP banned all of that you’ll have to buy a new pc and you’ll have to move somewhere else does your IP follow you might just

Never be able to play fortnite again bypassing a band is no bueno that’s when epic will really start to get mad at you back Dev might as well just go back and um can drive and scale you do you but you’ll be sued it Rhymes I don’t know if

That rhymes you do you but you’ll be sued more than 10 times well again fair warning epic will make sure you go bankrupt I want to I cannot emphasize that enough they will make sure you go bankrupt and if if you’re below 18 they will sue your parents they don’t care when it

Comes to hacking they do not care it Rhymes in your head well if it Rhymes in your head that’s all that matters right whatever makes you happy Prim resolution for New Year’s is to stream more than I did this year and I’ve been triming a lot this year all right let me go

Under it’s even worse if they have to sue your parents if you’re below 18 cuz then your parents will absolutely hate you I mean costing your parents tens of thousands of dollars then you’re going to have to hire a lawyer which that’s even more money it’s like again you do you but I

Just got to give you a warning that you will like I I know I said this multiple times I just got to really make it clear though you are digging your own grave your case will not like it it’ll be a no-brainer for the judge and you will not

Win now all this I built yeah everything I’m dle said Rhymes are hard that’s [Applause] fair I need more coal so I can uh smelt not some stuff I should have bought a Sher I should have brought a Sher bro man that’s not good I’ll just have to come back I guess it’s

Whatever I should have brought a couple shulkers with me so I could just done this filled up shers one have came back for another hour to or hour and a half something like that let man I can technically fill my rocket thing won’t [Applause] hurt my gosh I’m out of

Food yeah you got to be careful over here all right sword down over here then I’ll go somewhere else I don’t want to get out of range of the uh Beacon though [Applause] uh let me just bring my beacon somewhere else just break all this shoot big vein that’s what we love to

See it’s a lot of dirt that way probably go up one why not right let’s do this and then I’ll get back and pick it all up there now let’s pick it off see how much there is Holy [Applause] bro take more okay there we go now that’s full

So fast am mind this bro holy that’s a lot of stone we love to see though I do want to emphasize the fact though like I was saying earlier H I’ll eventually go back to fortnite I still think fortnite’s fun I just right now I’d rather play Minecraft take a little

Break from it it’s normal for me that I normally take a break I do think it’s fun still obviously uh I just disagree with some of the decisions I made with uh the new updates in chapter 5 so I’m just going to give it a little

Bit but I do still find fortnite fun it’s not like I’m fully quitting I just need a Reset OG viewers of mine though know that I’ve done this before what in the world I I I do this from time to time like all the crown grinding you know need a break from all right now we can head back to where we were at keep building This is my first time I’m actually streaming me taking a break though like I’ve never streamed me taking a break and playing another game but now I’ve decided to like last winter break I played a little bit on Minecraft I still streamed fortnite last last year last

Winter break I didn’t take a break from fortnite I don’t think uh last chapter 4 was so much fun um but over summer I took a little break from fortnite Little month break um I didn’t I barely streamed uh I barely did any content for that month of July Um but I’ve just I’ve just decided like I’m I’m going to stream now when I take breaks instead of just doing all fortnite content what are you building I’m building the outline to my city right now a platform where my city will be on top of it’ll be pretty cool

It will be crazy bro I’ll be right back really Quick e dude whatever this coffee is I got it’s amazing well I know what it is um sugar cookie iced coffee with mocha drizzle and sugar cookie foam it’s very good very good man it all has to be way higher I don’t mean to take that off I mean to there Sure no I was hoping Relic would get on soon oops I’m glad I’m so glad that uh stone is way more accessible than deep slate like it’s just so much easier to get they just go one by one probably be smart if I just do this though this would be way easier right

Uh hopefully this will only take like an hour more maybe I don’t know we’ll have to see though deep SL can be fun to build with though I my Underground Railroad or my underground Subway I mean um Made Me Mine a lot of deep site 25,000 so I think I’m good with

Deep SLA right now I had to mine 25,000 and then I had to place um or steep slate bricks St well I’m going to be um where’s it at I want to see how much I place here I placed for or is it that 177,000 it’s either almost 18,000 or almost

15,000 and then I placed a lot of these too almost 10,000 so I I’m good with deep slate for right now I do not want to mine more but you can understand why just from uh just from looking at that like it’s a good looking block yes it’s a good for builds

But I’m good for now oh it haunts me it’s going to be haunting my dreams for hour like I’m going to go to sleep thinking about me placing and Mining deep slate like for the next couple days that’s all I’m going to think about okay guess I got to drop the dirt fine

Got a while to go here I really just wish for Theon to help me or anyone honestly stone blocks stone blocks lots of stone blocks all we are doing is placing stone blocks so every single side is 250 I’m going three up right now so placing 750 blocks per side currently pretty

Cool so that is about 12 13 Stacks quick math I didn’t really calculate that just I know it’s more than 10 know it’s less than less it should be less than 15 I don’t know but that’s what I’m thinking so it’s a lot of stacks that’s for sure

But luckily it’s not that hard to get it okay we’re about out which is fine don’t need that one piece of copper don’t know why I had it oh it’s all right luy I stopped myself for anything crazy look I had my uh little touch

Pickaxe out too too I can put that back now yeah That guy has a sword in his hand just got an iron sword again I’m going to want to do something here some kind of ship underground um or uh hidden waterfall thing here something like that would be crazy good I might have tevs do it cuz he lives right there

Which is in my area I might be like okay I’ll be fine I’ll I’ll be fine with you living here uh if if you build a pip for me cuz I’m not the best at that I know he’s pretty good at it though so I might have him do

That I can tolerate him being close by as long as he builds it really you want you really want to do this I mean we’ll have to see though I’m sure he’d be willing to he he is working on his house though he’s recently been but he wasn’t on at all

Yesterday uh and I know that for sure because I was on literally all day okay I didn’t miss this spot that’s good can’t be missing spots let me ask him if he wants to play Minecraft I’ll talk to him about it if so be faster if I just tap manually this is

Faster okay last couple stacks here we go I feel like they got to add a feature where mobs like hostiles can take a hint like they they see my armor they see when I hit them once how low they are like they got to add like some kind of brain to mobs to

Hostiles I feel like right poor spider he asked for it the spider asked for it all right I didn’t mean to do that but let me take the a arrows head shot and let’s just do 30 in these that one’s got 32 whoops 32 32 32 32 let’s do 32

Dude these transitions into the next song in this playlist is actually crazy that’s actually DJ oh man uh I’m going to take that one mhm okay let me take these Two all right let’s go just want to make a friend he wanted to eat me that’s what he wanted to Do Pair of Slime all right you know that some spider pet frogs really are you serious feel like you’re messing with Me Got to be careful over here oh my gosh all the stone in the world oh my gosh it’s so satisfying my goodness You them to protect their eggs from insects I did not know that huh that’s cool can’t believe I didn’t know [Applause] that and specifically it’s cool I go down to now shouldn’t I right too here we all right [Applause] jeez we’re felling not fast get another one going okay [Applause]

We’re going to have to mend this thing in a second maybe not though might just be good like this I guess right might be [Applause] enough [Applause] there we go a lot over here too jeez bro there’s a lot I didn’t picked up I didn’t pick up holy cow wow that’s

Crazy sure I’ve missed a ton too like everywhere oh my gosh all right I mean I guess we’re good you yeah we’re definitely good now all right let’s put uh the remainder of this stuff in there look at that that’s a lot um let’s just leave all this stuff

Here we don’t really need this um actually I might want to keep I’ll put this back down I don’t need it right now but I’ll probably eventually want that coal so I’ll leave it there just because wow we got a lot of stuff hold up Co Stone eight more and 22 more

Jeez that’s crazy bro got T ton of that stuff how do we get up right here yeah probably need um yeah all right let’s just head this way let’s go the oldfashioned way to get there like a plane look at this pretty cool we’ve done all the way over here

Right oh yeah technically yeah okay get some out of here there we go okay so that’s pretty much gone ain’t that hard I’ll just place down the uh crafting table over here just in case we need it which we will we will need it for um we’ll need it for crafting stone

Slabs I want to be more organized um right here is fine okay let go get to pick up some of the dirt that was here then Man we got a lot to go through you bu oh this is good I already did this entire level that’s good that’s what I was confused about why do I have these here I don’t need that but that’s all the way made over there like a hell like a hell

That’s still four so I should be going and that’s three okay so that’s going to be three Now there’s a way to uh Sprint while crouching you just got to Sprint into the Crouch makes it go faster fun little fact cuz then like I let go it’s slower now so you got to get into it like that there we go oh man blocks blocks it’s all I’m

Placing just a lot of blocks already 340 335 that’s crazy we’ve been streaming for two hours absolutely crazy bro does your city have a name not yet I’m still thinking of a name all right we got a ton of stone in here so let’s get all that

Man uh let’s see how much we can craft oh my gosh we’re crafting a lot oh boy we just crafted a lot okay let’s get that out of here we don’t need the dirt we don’t need that right now Prime City maybe I don’t know well

Have to see your name I think of a good name for it I’ll probably do a community poll eventually when I think of like I’ll think of like three three names that I might name my city and I’ll let people vote on it see which one it gets like

Which what the name will be for it that’ll be fun I [Laughter] that my mic closer to me we’re getting there we are getting there m I’ll probably end up doing something for this water too especially because it leads out to the ocean we’ll have to see though yeah I don’t

Know not too much because I do want to have underground areas in the city so I don’t want to accidentally get that in the way in hi B okay there we go and that’s it for now again man it takes a lot of blocks really takes a lot doesn’t it I’m just call

Perfect now we go up three we do it Again how high up are the clouds it’s pretty high we’re going want to be higher than that oh my gosh we get out of Stack so fast now that I’m doing three at a time5 times faster 1.5 sorry I’m just call I tap a lot but that kind of like

Hurts my finger tapping this much oh cradles by Suburban let’s go dude my favorite NCS I live inside my own world of Make Believe kids M I love everything fire spreading All Around My Room was so bright it’s hard to breathe but that’s all right Oops I live inside my own world of makeup that’s it Right I love everything fire spreading all around my roof was so bright it’s hard to breathe that’s all Right how do you think it can take for you to finish uh that City I’m guessing you mean how long do you think I it’ll take me um to finish the outline because I mean the city will go on forever I’ll end up extending it even more whenever I

Make more like whenever I run out of space if I’ve run out of space I mean some of it’s literally out of render um I’ll um it’s crazy I think I yeah it’s just render distance of real um I don’t know for this it’ll take probably 3 days including

Today I’ll do some off off stream grinding so maybe two we’ll have to see though we’ll have see how much off stream grinding I do two or three is what I got to say and it depends how many people help me if people ever help me so we we’ll see whoops that all

Right let’s back I mean like the area is huge I want the biggest building be in the center of it go straight up it’s like a watchtower you can look over the entire city that’ll be cool and then I saw some that did like a mob farm type of skyscraper building

That really like I wanted to try that I don’t know how they did I’m going to have to watch that video I mean I guess you just put a a mob farm cuz you just make you just make like a mob farm I’m guessing and then you put like

Um then you put like blocks around it to make it look like a building be pretty cool um okay I need to go to the raid Farm I think I’ll name the city Prime City Prim City sounds cool so we’re going need to go to The Outpost first want to see the r

For looking good I don’t even know how it works I’m going to be honest I kind of do I I understand it all right come on I got to get lucky with a banner guy with an officer a lot just spawn no off officers though I don’t

Think unfortunately not this is the last officer I killed right there getting ganged up on right now bro don’t need this Okay here we go should I turn on bobbing it this feels weird that just feels better there we go shoot I need to get on my auto clicker 2250 oh right I need a oops I do need to use one first then switch to my off hand oh jeez oh jeez there’s no way I mess it up cuz I can’t get up wow that’s unfortunate got to go back now can’t believe that that’s extremely dumb I’m going to be honest

Ow wowowow man that was so dumb um just sleep somewhere here there’s no beds that was extremely dumb that’s lucky bro who about all the maners here ow [Applause] power power power power power ow all right I think we should be good we should be good okay Bet Um okay let me let’s go mining again I go on three that’ll be kind of crazy when that kind of doing this d there’s the uh storage right [Applause] there get a Sher box here put them both down probably okay [Applause] [Applause] h through okay there we go we’re getting close to

Fing one Sher box which is good dude the way I run out of food so much it’s crazy it’s absolutely crazy how fast I’ve been running out of food jeez Oh uhoh there we go okay we really got to be careful over here just okay Cool Ch all right oh yep forgot I forgot what held that up hold it up a lot jeez this thing’s already half durability and we just got it back back up all the way it’s crazy to think about how many blocks we’re actually mining you know I more okay good let’s steer away from

That [Applause] a this leads down to my place that’s funny okay so that we’re by this uh underground subway now we do not want to be oh I’m almost done getting blocks anyways so guess that’s good don’t want any of this [Applause] here okay oops I didn’t me break that there

We go uh try some more over here a little bit this is kind of where we came from this we want to be careful around here m get one more stack and we’re going to head back all right we’re get to head back now let’s drop that drop

That and these are both full correct yes good as they should be okay have a stack of emerald for some reason I guess got from the raid Farm I can put it in a chest really quickly skeleton has full armor seems like some Enchanted too all right W up an hour ago ashs

Schedule it’s crazy what Don’t Stop Me Now you say Don’t Stop Me Now That’s All by Queen yes it’s a good one okay time to keep placing actually I think uh I need to still keep doing this other part right over here yep uhoh missed one right here there we go

Oops okay so now we just got to go for a while I forgot to take the rug out my hand be careful here all right we got a ton of stone bricks now good is there City coming along it’s good um I’m actually making the outline

Faster than I thought I would I’m going to be honest but for me working by myself cuz really just playing fortnite so I’ve been working on this entire thing by myself I’ve been working on for about almost 3 hours now been on as much as me dud

True you figure out how to use the raid Farm yep I mean I knew I just wanted to make sure I was doing it right before so that’s why I asked stand inside of it I figured it out and also I figured out why he broke it he had fire aspect on I

Had him screen share and everything oh yeah you cannot fire aspect yeah I told him that so I I got him a sweeping Edge Diamond Sword sharpness what sweeping Edge on it no it still worked yeah it’s just a lot inefficient well still it worked and that’s all that really matters he wanted

It for XP anyways he didn’t want it uh I [Laughter] forget shoot I can’t be doing that can’t be doing that either the world is over there why is it floating dude again oh my gosh oh man okay there we go should not have been that

Hard all right got to get Sher box we go that bricks [Laughter] perfect okay time to play lothal company cuz I’m kind of the owner of that company you know are you yeah do I play solo or with random people I don’t know two L dude pick random one yourself all right without

I’m the king of this o I’ve been placing so many blocks nice I don’t know if that’s nice or not but very nice it’s a lot of work that’s for sure place blocks hey I did it okay there’s that row done I’m kind of the lethal company goat

I’m the little bit the benefactor are you yeah I’m an idiot yep come on idiot I just fell a jump me being an idiot unheard of mhm Prime gets it mhm oh yeah I made the jump this time you’re jealous super super duper jealous super duper duper super Hooper Cooper what get destroyed

Buddy jump I know you have the same stamina queso but jump hey yo sounds like you bro gu I was mad skinny that’s not true BR built like a one by one Lego piece yeah that it was like I saw Tik Tok of it actually him being a one by

One Lego piece yeah I know is that what you saw it had like 2 million likes or something it crazy I don’t know how many likes I have but it was on his stream it was like they posted in the Discord that’s funny he was like dude why yeah it’s

Funny it’s true though I mean like literally it looked like him I’m not even trolling You is dude no I’m not guess this bu like the ghost what’s up mad Hub welcome to stream how you doing dude I am so upset with Andrew he built his house where I’m building my

City he did not listen to the 1,000 block um rule where you can’t build your base within 1,000 blocks someone else’s build without permission so now I don’t know what’s going to happen but his house is here so that that’s cool not cool oh yeah that sound is not terrifying at all

I’m building a 250 by 250 by the way but then what 250 by 250 a wall and then um yeah a wall basically a platform so there will be a uh a flooring to it too at the top though since it’s a platform oh

Yeah put that down for now so it was in here oh it’s locked let’s carry the bottles out of here IM Pen’s going to build a creeper Farm by the way you could probably talk him into building whatever you’re going to build since you’re never on proba since you make everyone do

Everything for you you know hey I’m all truth bro I don’t speak cap you have a new subscriber yo thank you for support mad hub appreciate you bro existence this cow dude appreciate your support yeah I ain’t doing all that who said I was his dog

Fortify what if I said that by the way he can hear you he has my stream open what did I when did I say I was anyone’s dog huh I don’t know when did I mention the word dog to anyone I don’t know maybe he wasn’t even talking about

You I don’t know I wasn’t paying attention oh you dude 871 let’s try to hit the 900 soon I yeah 900 let’s try to hit that soon appreciate everyone’s support you probably miss you or something it’s about supposed to count th000 blocks see is in the Thousand

Block ratio well it’s not exact it’s just like an estimate it’s not you’re not supposed to exactly count it count it but also coordinates are a thing like you can look at the coordinates and then you can see if you’re th000 blocks away lethal company King if I did

Mention dog it’s probably the big black dog that’s in this game that dude will you up dude oh my bad want oh I’m friendly streamer bro actually just sold so bad you really sold would you still be wanting trator code Prime yeah I mean I’m not done with fortnite

Taking a break I take breaks all the time I just don’t stream when I’m taking break I took a break over summer for like a month and I played Minecraft but I didn’t stream it like this is bre gam he he’s going to quit a game and then comes back like a

Week yeah I can’t quit a game it’s almost impossible if I played a game for more than a year I can’t quit a good thing that I mean that’s why I put like Apex and uh Call of Duty cuz I played them for like weeks um but like

Minecraft I played for more than a decade valerant I’ve played for a couple years fortnite I’ve played since it came out I just can’t quote him Roblox I’ve played since 2015 you’re like 2 minutes behind well if you didn’t hear what I said I said yeah because I won’t be quitting I’m

Just taking a break I always take breaks I just never stream my breaks that I take like I played a ton of Minecraft during the summer I didn’t stream any of it I I streamed a little bit of it barely any though most was off stream nothing was

Stacked I have one day and I need to get like two $100 is message getting hiden um I don’t know I do appreciate everyone though we’ve gain a ton of Subs ever since we switched uh some Minecraft content the Minecraft content will stay as long

As you guys want but again I’m going to get fortnite back in the rotation uh soon I don’t have a direct I don’t have like an exact date I’ve had people ask me I don’t know um I have no clue when I’ll get back into it but within a month for

Sure but as long as you guys want Minecraft we’ll make Minecraft content too Man can’t wait to see how many stone bricks I placed like at the end of this it’s going to be crazy amount what hard level B I don’t know even talking about ver saying stuff I don’t know you don’t know what hazard is no a hazard level B oh

Well you could say Hazard instead of yeah but Hazard s better it doesn’t when you think about it you think about it you’re an idiot well dude it’s not very friendly yeah if I get jumped by a spider right here I’m not going to be very

Pleased that would be not good at the same time I wouldn’t care I know you wouldn’t care okay there’s nothing here actually nothing here where the loot at you think with this a massive sword room that’ be at least one thing to get right oh I found the big queso room cuz

This queso’s Built This Way huge yep it’s the biggest room in the game oh true Honestly be looking up a little more cuz I’m going to die if I keep looking down one 2 3 1 2 3 one two oh 2 3 1 two 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 three 1 two 3

So many one two 3es oh my gosh we’re almost there though and we’re not done we are going to have to go up a little more think at least we’ll see how it looks but I want the skyscrapers to be in the clouds so I got to get it high

Enough where it’ll be in the clouds much brick you got bro I m so much like I’ve used 50 Stacks in uh this one trip that I made after getting back cuz I had some of my inventory right away and then I had two shulker boxes with about

Actually more than 50 Stacks cuz I had two Shuler boxes with like 25 stacks of it each in and then oh my gosh and then um I had a a couple stacks like six seven Stacks in um let’s just round up I had about 60 stacks of it in this one

Trip let’s say that pen is having problems with typing messages unfortunate on another room built like queso it’s the second biggest room in the game Oh finished my coffee finally drinks coffee from Starbucks bro I got it for free oh didn’t I got like half off bro doesn’t know that I’m the king of En what you’re the king of what oh heck no uming of energy I said king of energy what does that even

Mean I’m the best fire you’re the best around ever bring you down dude I got 41,000 v-bucks and I don’t even play right now but that’s cool I spent like 10,000 yesterday I was like okay I’ll get on really quick look at the item shop buy some things I spent

10,000 I bought the uh what did I buy um didn’t even know what he bought I bought the that one marble skin blade I think his name is um I bought what did I buy oh I bought the uh the new skins whatever they’re from it’s like some anime I think

Um I bought Mecha Morty for no like I bought all these skins for like no reason but um I don’t know I think that might be it maybe a couple more things I don’t know I don’t know I just felt like spending uh v-bucks so I spent 10,000 of my 41

,500 oh I bought Mr bright side that that play that music for fortnite festival oh I have a little more Stone good thought I’d have to head back should be able to finish this thing little side here I already had some I don’t know what I’m doing oh already finished oh that’s why

Okay it um we are going to want to head up a little more though can’t No oh my gosh dude that was crazy Is that it I got little one more stack a little bit and this should work out perfectly 51 is a factor of three so unless I accidentally do that then maybe not there we go yep perfect look at that very nice very nice how’s that

Going to look like well we need to go up more than that that might be good once we go up that one more layer not going to lie that might be actually be good then we’ll end stream once we do that probably stream for 3

Hours I could keep streaming but I I got to do something actually let me just go back this way it’s way easier than going through the entire underground Subway watch I only have to use three I should probably M this thing up shouldn’t I let me just let me just villager Trade

It honestly I don’t want to go back to the raid Farm I feel like it would be way easier if I just I just do this honestly oops well that’s a good to waste my last Emerald I mean my last rocket it’s okay let get more Sher Sher then I place it back

Right emeralds yes craft the emeralds did not mean to do that but whatever I Guess these bread but get rid of all that cuz I don’t need it there we go pickax is fully meded now love to see it see it’s that easy it’s a huge waste of emeralds but EAS than going to the raid Farm I guess been there for 15

Minutes because first you got to get an officer and then you got to get over there you got to get Auto clicker set up so it’s just way easier I feel like I go down another layer go down another two layers actually we can run away from here From okay get the sugar boxes down F that up go get all this Now oops I didn’t mean to place that oopsies put some down there looks like yeah okay don’t accidentally make break a uh Shuler box m Close F that one up good takes a lot of uh Stone much gravel I hate That okay oh I ran out of the uh fact I guess I’m too far away way let me get it again there we go don’t like the range I they got to make a way to increase the range of a beacon by a little more 25 more blocks would even be

Amazing honestly I would love that just that little amount wait Prime what I’m talking back in like the old like the Discord servers old em you know that jingle ghost thing where it was like one off for 10 grand my family had the exact same C like the exact same thing happened it

Was one off 10 oh yeah wasn’t that funny yeah thanks for reminding me no problem I can give you pointers anytime you want oh shoot it’s turning on my auto clicker I think Tell hey there Go flipper man man I’ve accident broken oh shoot I just broke into my base again that’s not good got to be careful my underground base you got to be careful I’m get to that again not be good if I actually broken my base be [Applause] annoying okay okay can’t pick up anymore

That’s fine perfect get some of this stuff out of my inventory there we go this again imagine having all your pets in your friend owning them what imagine having several pet of 99 Huges owned by your friend that won’t give him back to oh I mean he literally like well here’s

Here’s what happened you want here it’s funny I offered him 18.5k um right and then I told him I gave him a fair warning in the morning it’s like you can you do it I need know if I need to redeem these or not and finally in the evening I was

Like all right I’m redeeming them in 2 minutes you got to let me know and didn’t didn’t say anything back and then I redeemed them and less than a minute later he was like I’ll do it I was like nope had your chance now I redeemed them already it’s like unfortunate that you

Did not respond to me cuz I did want them but I mean it took too long I guess so technically it’s not my fault anymore it’s his fault So I mean he missed out on 18.5k v-bucks LOL that I now have sitting in my account that I’m going to do absolutely nothing with for a while I’ll probably end up in the long run be glad that I uh didn’t give 18.5k v-bucks for it but it’s probably better for

Me it was such a good deal for him too I can’t believe it it’s clearly a sign though okay okay let’s get a little more and then we’ll be done mining away your this is all that I mined today that’s pretty crazy bro that is a lot of blocks Mined what farm do we need wither roses for I have like two and a half stacks or even more of Wither roses what were we going what were we going to do fortify it’s probobly AFK he not even here anymore I don’t know what the flip

Dude oh he’s here what were we going to do with weather wies we’re going to build weather farm with their skeleton Farm yeah we’re all going want to do it so well in case anyone the server ever wants to build one I guess we got them

Ready I’m not even sure we enough F us uh we have almost three stacks I think that’s enough finish the wall I’m almost done right after I do this layer these three layers I’m finished with the wall well with the yeah the Wall Part of it it’s going to be

Crazy just back from eating dinner nice nice nice I hope it was good hope you had some good food P fire are you jealous what one of my viewers just got back from eating I’m a tad bit Yeah knew it port’s jealous I haven’t eaten anything today so good

One I’m not lying I woke up like an hour ago yeah that’s something I’ll see what happened sorry I’m not fat like you buddy what say you I me skin the other time oh so s you’re allowed to he said when I stand up and turn sideways I

Disappear when he when he stood up and turned sideways someone in his chat said where’ he go and he said mod him that’s funny I think I’ve seen that cuz he he stood up at sideways and bro was a brick wall where do you go mod giving someone mod for that is crazy

It just lets you know how insecure you are it was like a joke you didn’t actually want it cuz I don’t think so I I always get confused I can’t I can’t tell or not when he says ban him if you actually get banned or not I can’t you know what I mean

Yeah do you think he actually bans them uh Maybe I wouldn’t be surprised wait chicken sandwich and some potato chips and drink pineapple soda fortifies jealous what they had um they ate chicken ate a chicken sandwich and some potato chips they said cheese potato chips and uh they drank pineapple soda cheese potato chips what is that what do you mean

Cheese potato chips bro I’ve never had that you’re so jealous I’ve also don’t like soda so oh yeah so believable come on bro we everything I love I don’t like soda this guy thinks he’s cool or something I’m confused I think she’s like white or something I’m confused you heard

Me cheese flavor yeah I know what you mean fori doesn’t cuz he’s not that intelligent like me you like cheddar like just yes cheddar chips cheddar cheese that’s why it’s called cheddar cheese you know why you’re a band ear band that was oh my bad well that was

Not funny yeah you’re not funny I just SW on your stream did you about it I did I didn’t hear it good that halfway done this layer these three layers I should say my brother bought me cheese flavor and for him some Pringles I love Pringles they’re so good I need to have

Some actually I think I have some I’ll eat them thanks for reminding me yeah of course you’ll eat them fatty hey so on Christmas I got this I had no clue it existed so you know cheex mix right fatty yep you talking about food buddy

No actually so uh like so there is this so I got it for Christmas you know what white elephant is right talking about food got it you know what white alant is no why does no one understand what that is so you’ll probably know if I

Remind you so there’s a ton of gifts it’s mystery gifts you put it in the middle get a whole group of people they pick the gifts and the next person can either steal the gift or pick a new gift yeah that’s not what they call it though

It’s called White Elephant yes it is search it up they call like steeling swap or whatever this multiple names search up white elephant yeah but anyways so I got I got uh cheex mix in the flavor I never heard of it it was called zesty Taco it’s called it’s called Yankee Swap that’s

What everyone calls it yeah there’s multiple different names no but no but you chose like the most irrelevant name ever well they call they call it white elephant on the office so so that’s why office like you dud actually it’s one of the most popular shows it’s the most popular sitcom yeah

Buddy is your friend helping you building the wall no yeah he hasn’t been on the server even though it’s his server this is why my viewers hate you I don’t care what viewers me it’s kind of funny it is yeah cuz they said they hate me and then they asked to join

No fortifi is not a help with anything in this Minecraft server we all have to do it ourselves exactly while we sleep while he sleeps we’re building in his Minecraft server yep we used to do in 1800s that’s kind of crazy but yeah did you hear me the T the

Cheex mix flavor was zesty taco it’s funny anyways rip Maxwell cat who’s Maxwell cat Let me do that please no did I get the block I did no I didn’t okay like I think I did no I Didn’t is black and white famous cat but he dead unfortunate that’s unfortunate rest in peace one two three and a hat yeah all right oh my gosh we’re so close look I don’t think I need to craft this much it’s all right it’s all right so the walls are going to be made

Out of stone bricks the floor is going to be made out of stone and this the roads are going to be made out of deep slate Cobble deep slate you’re so close there’s a let go all by myself I did not have any help today build a Canan cat house

Um I don’t know about that for you in the city a house would not be in the city I’m not building houses in the city that’ be in the town actually would that even be in the town I don’t know let to see I’m close [Laughter] [Laughter] you here we

Go let’s go and then I’ll just have to chop down all this area here but I think that is how high we want it up my gosh bro like that that is high that is a high wall death head is high up we don’t want it to be too high

So that is definitely good grow up I want to be a vet and a YouTuber also I wish for a fluffy white cat and a husky huskys are goed huskys are pretty cool I’m not a big cat person but huskys are good yeah I’m not a big cat person either all right

Have a little bit of St bricks left but that’s okay uh good progress so far so let’s see how many blocks we buil up like what’s the max that we did let’s see right next to here I don’t even know I can’t even count that high well I can

I can’t even go up that high with like how okay I’m not even going to try um how close are we to the 87 clouds are at 93 I’m the poooo head wow bro okay so maybe man okay that’s fine it seems like we won’t be able to have the skyscrapers

Go into the clouds I mean unless we want to have them go 100 blocks up we’ll see um but yeah I mean that is it for today’s stream 100% we did really good got the border around everywhere all by ourselves no help how many blocks have we placed in total of stone bricks

Items wish there’s a way for you to search it up I to scroll through everything just to find Stem Bricks there slabs I mean of course we hav play so last to have this but Um oops I don’t want to go that fast oh my gosh look how many much pieces of stone I broken it’s crazy that’s crazy bro where’s it at stone bricks there it is uh which one is it 20 think they 26,000 or almost 25,000 okay that’s crazy so almost

25,000 pieces of stone brick placed my younger sister’s husky dog friend died cuz the dog was sad and he died from being sad that’s unfortunate it’s not good at all my gosh look at how big this area is so this is going to be a pain to fill in I’m

Definitely going to need help from like three people hopefully uh I can try to get pen convince pen to help me out tomorrow uh and then hopefully verx will actually play tomorrow even though he said he’ play today but here we are right we built everything by ourselves today we

Are he verx expects to get a penthouse in my city if he doesn’t help he ain’t getting it that’s how it works he is not going to get his own penous in this place if he does not help yeah it is crazy how many blocks we placed

Um but yeah that’s going to be it for the stream today we have streamed for 3 hours 35 minutes crazy stream ton of people in the Stream today again thank you appreciate it all the new subscribers all the likes everyone uh who has showed up today I appreciate you

All uh I be live tomorrow and we will be filling this in with stone slabs I’ll probably do some off stream later today um and yeah it’s going to be crazy um we’re going to start the city here soon um it’s going to be huge I might have

Made it too big um oh hopefully eventually we’ll uh fill up all the space and then we’ll have to expand more um but yeah that’s what I’m going to start doing we’ll get going with that tomorrow and hopefully this there’s only like um only like three parts to this

Little plat form project here um so like tomorrow we’ll place down slabs and then hopefully we’ll finish up on so tomorrow’s Friday so hopefully we’ll finish up on Saturday um and then Saturday is the 30th I think today’s 20 it’s 29th yeah Saturday’s 30th then we got 31st then we

Got the New Year’s uh and yeah it’ll be crazy so hope you guys enjoyed the stream and I will be back tomorrow bye

This video, titled ‘*LIVE* Starting To Build My Minecraft City!!’, was uploaded by JxstPrime on 2023-12-28 22:16:27. It has garnered 136 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:10 or 12970 seconds.

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    Insane Kiddie Rod Catch! BIGGEST Fish EverVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIGGEST FISH EVER CAUGHT on KIDDIE ROD!(FISHING with NORM…’, was uploaded by Adrenaline Rush Adventures on 2024-04-16 21:00:08. It has garnered 37703 views and 2676 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:10 or 2050 seconds. Norm and YakPak are in town and we challenged them to a kiddie pole competition! Barbie rods, Spiderman, Minecraft, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, LOL, and Moana are all competing for the biggest river monster! Come see who pulls out the official/unofficial world record! Who do you think will get the WIN? Comment down below! Please LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT!… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems – Who Will Survive?

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems - Who Will Survive?Video Information This video, titled ‘Who will survive….. Warden or Golems’, was uploaded by Mr. HK on 2024-04-06 11:32:18. It has garnered 481 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. who will survive Warden or Golem…. #shorts minecraft friends 2, minecraft icrimax, minecraft house build, minecraft rp, minecraft paluten, minecraft song, minecraft lusa, minecraft parodileri, minecraft friends 2 benx, minecraft german, minecraft zozo, minecraft quarry, minecraft zombie sound, minecraft sugar cane farm, minecraft raid farm, minecraft train, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft zombie villager heal, minecraft quartz house, minecraft quest modpack, minecraft quartz farm,… Read More

  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 Survival Dynmap Build Competitions Events No-Reset Collaborative Wiki Brewery Discord Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server with minimal enhancements to the core game. Founded in January 2019, the server maintains the same world it started with, where everything is built in survival. With 30 player slots, it offers a tight-knit community feel without overcrowding. Community Projects are suggested and discussed on Discord, welcoming contributions from anyone. Server Details Address: Java edition: 1.20.6 Looking for 1.20 land? Go to /outpost. Community Features Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes Minimal enhancements to the core game, no pay-to-win 5 to 20 active players online most of the time Key… Read More

  • Phone Server

    A Minecraft Survival Server ran on a old phone the version is 1.12.2 it’s a vanilla server and the port changes when we have to completely restart the entire thing which shouldn’t happen much except when it seems to freeze. If you have any requests or suggestions for the server email me at [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Heh funni Creeper meme

    I guess you could say this meme is really mining for laughs with that score! Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: Follow me on Threads: Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More