Building My Own City in Minecraft – EPIC Progress Day 7!

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Okay I think I have everything situated for the most part yeah I say for the most part something’s definitely going to be a little off like my headphones leaking sound okay turn and just turn volume up I I feel like I’m echoing a lot right now

And I’m not sure why I need to lower that without knocking over a monitor okay I do have audio headphones sound quiet but I guess they’re fine okay welcome back even though usually in the beginning there’s nobody here give it like 20 30 minutes maybe and then that’ll change a little

Bit I’m going to take these out of here because they don’t need to be in here no they do not let’s see bow can go there even though I have no plans on keeping it it is a crappy bow Stone shovel and hot silk touch I could make some use out of

That I still have slime boots on so I will definitely be making use of those all right well before I do anything I’m just going to get right to it and just send myself flying well I’m so glad you don’t take take damage whenever you go flying into a wall at

That speed that would not end well I tell I’ll tell you that much it would not end well okay well I can tell my computer is not happy with me having OBS open on one monitor it never is it doesn’t seem to drop the noticeable frame rate in games even though it’s

Definitely noticeable to my eyes maybe it’s not a frame rate issue maybe it’s a frame time issue if that makes sense I’m not 100% sure but I the general gist is it feels like it runs slower basically when I have OBS on the other monitor displaying anything as long as I’m

Streaming uh hi mole I actually would like to keep don’t do this come on yeah that’s what I thought you know what I just realized can’t does Fortune work on no I need looting how do I put looting on a weapon with Tinkers I need looting I don’t need

Fortune wow that was a good shot uh except I didn’t really bounce there that last bounce it just stopped me dead in my tracks that’s kind of odd um well I’m just going to look this up real quick then Google Chrome we have tiners tool leveling modifiers looting uh

H if you’re using version above 12.2 oh no so I’m on the right one okay oh apparently I can add an addition modifier slot to tools by putting a block of diamond or gold no one Diamond adds one and then a gold adds another an enchanted golden apple adds a second or

A block of diamond adds a second and then level three another star level four a creative tool modifier so not not not possible adds four oh oh okay so I just need lapis not compatible with silk touch okay that’s interesting yeah obviously I know sharpness beheading oh yeah beheading is not really worth

It reinforced is how do I make a obsidian iian plate plate um well it’s not one of these plates it’s definitely what it just says obsidian plate okay well I’m just going to look up obsidian well there sharpening kits there’s that I mean that’s a large plate but that’s not what I’m looking

For re rein uh I don’t know what oh reinforcement I need a random cast and out of made out of or any cast and that and obsidian around it okay that’s interesting that’s doable I can go acquire more obsidian I’m not entirely sure off the

Top of my head at the moment where I last left the obsidian though uh I need the Cobalt pickaxe ah it’s mostly it it’ll be fine it has enough durability I have seven obsidian of course I need eight obsidian and I have perfectly only seven feel like I needed to bring something

Else do I have a bucket still or is it I don’t know where the bucket is it might be in the other chest uh by the mine it has has to be if it isn’t I don’t know where the hell it’s going to be oh whoa hey not okay not okay what my

Frame rate tanked I just dropped below 30 um okay well I’ll tell you one thing whatever this tab is uh I need to close it because I think it’s just cranking out ads and is actively lagging my computer haste is just redstone necrotic oh apparently I can had I can add life

Steal I just need to kill wither skeletons and they drop a necrotic bone did not know that Smite obvious knockback knockback is very powerful a flux all right well I would say that’s good enough on the information I thought the reinforced uh thing was a lot different well a tool Rod

Cast I’ll be honest that’s going to be the one I’m going to sacrifice I don’t think I need the rest yeah that’s going to be the poor soul to get sacrificed I don’t know why I would need a tool Rod cast if the best tool Rod I can basically make is wood or

Bone bone is better for more powerful stuff but wood just simply makes it so it heals itself very slowly over time which is a very nice thing to have do I remember what lava pool I’ve had water to in no no I do not oh right perfect that’s right

Here okay well we’ll see how quick this goes oh very quick like ridiculously quick okay that’s kind of cool then I mean it is uh it is a Cobalt pickaxe with a lot of redstone in it uh well I have five obsidian already so that’s nice feel like I should be carrying some

Of this water yeah oh I’m using the wrong pickaxe no wonder I couldn’t break it oh that one got it that did not work in my favor that’s very annoying okay water well it needs to basically go right there and then I’m just going to break these

Three cuz I know that yeah it’ll be fine as long as there’s water flowing glowing and connecting it it should all be fine and I guess I can just make a reinforcement plate not sure how much durability it will add but I’ll see it before I actually add it so I won’t

Waste it hopefully I won’t waste it at least besides that I don’t actually know what uses I have for obsidian now oh okay that that hm it’s kind of annoying 13 obsidian oh we’ll keep getting more there’s a lot more lava here than I thought there was going to

Be I am kind of surprised um apparently I accidentally made a flat wall of water good for me definitely did not mean to do that I’m surprised that that’s even a possibility did I even unmute myself on OBS oh I did okay I’m not crazy I did

Uh 19 obsidian is probably enough Kio Kyo hi how’s it going welcome back um kind of figured out I might be able to add a very powerful thing to some of my tools by making a reinforced plate reinforcement modifier but how much reinforcement are we talking um really

Really I thought this was going to add like an insane amount of durability not do almost nothing oh that’s very disappointing then actually that’s insanely disappointing in fact it’s only a 20% chance to not use durability can it be stacked though it probably can be stacked but

That’s kind of a disappointment I would rather have just straight up more durability than you know only have a 20% chance of not using durability you think it’ll help with the fra fractured effect I don’t even remember what the fractured effect does I’ll look when I get up

Here yeah I I mean I don’t use the Cobalt pickaxe really but it destroys obsidian pretty quickly at least for obsidian let’s see we’re going to add that a fractured tools damage is increased no it has no impact on fractured yeah I mean they’re Technically when you add 20% chance to

Not use durability theoretically it would add roughly 20% more durability or 20% more use so the higher durability natively the longer it should last I mean that still isn’t even adding 200 durability to this pickaxe and I would say it’s not really worth it I also just realized I have not put a

Diamond on this pickaxe yet oh God I don’t like what I hear I hear a mob that I don’t want to deal with or interact with and I think it’s underground I hope I don’t know if it’s the the same one that’s going to bug my

Game out or not well whatever it is despawned it disappeared so it’s fine and slime boots are great 196 more durability it’s not a lot no it’s it’s not a lot for taking up I mean I guess it’s not that hard to make it just takes

A little bit of time to add the um the obsidian but that’s yeah that’s genuinely disappointing I will not lie oh my God my dumbass put the table in there and then I didn’t bring it back love that I guess I can just use this one for

A bit I was going to add Diamond to this pickaxe at least yeah adds just straight up 500 more durability and slightly more mining speed not enough to make a noticeable difference but enough just to make it better overall for future use I’d be scared to take that pickaxe

To the nether because it would just melt everything it doesn’t it wouldn’t matter nether a already gets melted pretty quickly and that would just ruin it apparently I have a broken pinky nail because it keeps catching on my mouse pad it’s really annoying I don’t like it when you have

Fingernails that catch on clothing or cloth or anything it’s very very annoying more annoying than it probably should be can’t I well can’t I get momentum by just jumping off that actually yes yes I can I can make my run speed significantly higher just by jumping off two blocks initially not how things

Should work but I’m not going to complain about it well I don’t need the pickaxe even though I’m tempted to take it just to start leveling it up and using it it dependent on the amount of durability it’s still like 20% is 20% if you have 1,00 200 won’t be a lot 2,000

May be a lot but that’s only if you have 10,000 durability which by then it won’t be a lot and I don’t think you can get 10,000 durability on a tool even if you had it maxed level I would love to do it but I don’t think it’s a

Possibility I also need to add Redstone to my frying pan oh I need one more or waitting I’m stupid I don’t need to add Redstone no I need good thing I caught myself I need to add lapis to it more lapis than that uh that should be enough or

Actually it takes a on of lapis I think oh no it only takes 60 Okay it definitely makes it look a little weird that’s kind of weird place to put a lpus modifier uh I only want luck one looting one perfect and now we have no modifiers left

Okay got that reset that that’s fine at the bottom well Cobalt pickaxe I’m going it’s about to be night time we’ll let it become night time I’ll Harvest some crops real quick I accidentally Place string don’t know where it went I know I saw it a second ago right

There I really really hate that you can just randomly Place string anywhere it’s nice that it’s a feature in Minecraft it’s not nice that uh it just can do whatever it wants especially when you’re harvesting in it by hand from a tree and then you accidentally place it on the

Tree and then you can’t see it anymore all right oh we got wow four mushrooms that’s helpful get all the cocoa beans cuz I can go ahead and make cookies even though it’s probably a waste to make cookies probably probably because cookies have like the low amount of saturation possible for a

Vanilla uh item don’t know if that changes or not with Pam’s harvestcraft cocoa beans are a lot now not too much I mean they’re more than they were but I would not say by a lot they’re just a a full amount now is what they are my mouse is not being nice today

Once again don’t know what I expect I guess I need to restock on Donuts I’m running a little bit low in my hot bar I know I still have half a stack in the backpack but I also have I had a lot more than I thought I

Did I have still five full stacks of donuts well just take them all you want a cookie I could definitely go for some cookies right now too but I’m not going to bake any it costs money and time and I have like frozen cookie dough and it’s not

Much okay well I brought the Cobalt pickaxe over here mainly to start destroying some of that and then I also just realized I came over here and have no materials to do anything with besides break blocks so I guess I can do that for a bit just erase things

Erase this stuff get some dirt I keep forgetting I put a diamond mod on this Stone excavator so now it lasts a significantly longer time that was weird that gave me nine dirt instead don’t survive on just caffeine I have to eat I already ate it wasn’t a lot but I had what

Cornbread muffin and too many peanut butter pretzels yep I haven’t even really had the caffeine yet I have a cup of coffee next to me haven’t really drank much of it yet it’s been too hot but caffeine keeps you going caffeine is probably the only reason I’m

Still awake my game is lagging horribly right now why oh I broke it already figured that would last a little bit longer than it did I left a lot of dirt behind normally people don’t care about dirt but I need it for terraforming wonder how long that copper

Will take to break with the Cobalt pickaxe and it melts dirt like or melts Stone like it doesn’t exist so probably pretty quickly I got a mending and smelting Stone axe doesn’t that mean if I chop down a tree with it it’s just going to turn it immediately into charcoal

Because that would be real Annoying if it did did that huh hopefully it never un hots gets colder cools down my game is not happy today it is lagging tremendously at times a lot worse than it has any other stream wondering what I did to anger it then

Clearly I had to have done something or my computer is just finally dying I guess that’s a possibility cools down that’s the verb that’s is cools down a verb I guess I guess yeah it is a verb I don’t know it just doesn’t feel

Right and I need to go test out this axe cuz the world gave it to me and now I have to figure out if it actually gives me charcoal or not because smelting is supposed to be a pickaxe enchantment not an axe yep it gives me

Charcoal I love it the treasure I got is a axe that does not allow you to get wood well I just had an idea what happens if I break a plank with it though it just gives me a plank damn it it didn’t do what I kind of hoped it

Would it it needs to be lava you don’t know what down is it cools down it just means temperature drops lowers I don’t know technically cools down is not even proper English the axe isn’t doing its job well it is it’s chopping the wood it’s just doing additional part which is converting that

Wood immediately into charcoal which is kind of a waste I mean if you need a charcole that bad it would be more efficient technically than using a furnace this but not by much I don’t think oh charcoal I’m just going to talk H yeah I can turn it into four torches

While I toss it okay oh I do not need a stone sword stone sword does five attack damage yeah my uh my firing pan does 13 almost 14 damage I think it’s going to beat it just a tad bit I did not realize I also got a stone shovel

Get rid of that piece of crap um I’m just going to keep going for a bit why not fill my inventory with more dirt I’m going to need it no matter what got some iron there I saw got some sticks paintings more garbage garbage is definitely the right

Word God this is very very annoying with grass I might as well just keep going if I flattened out that much I don’t have that much left actually it’s all got to be flat one day poor stone sword wasn’t as lucky as the diamond ho and Scythe well I didn’t

Make the stone sword I made the scythe and the diamond hoe so that’s a little different also another Stone shovel goodbye all this random garbage I feel like this stuff could be lagging in the game but I didn’t lag the game yesterday whenever I was underground and probably left I don’t

Know several thousand blocks just on the ground cuz I wasn’t going to pick them up yeah if that didn’t lag the game then I don’t think this dirt is going to lag the game it’s just isn’t high enough quantity oh we’re full just throw dirt

In here that’s a ton of dirt I need to watch my curing here every single stream I’ve done now of this uh of this world is uh not I guess kind of age restricted due to I guess the language whatever YouTube Auto sensors has it’s uh it’s doing its job well enough I

Think I mean I have been dropping the f bomb not early on in streams but later on and I guess it still counts it even though it’s not supposed to count it later on unless it’s insanely excessive which it hasn’t been but it’s YouTube they’re strict on everything

So oh yep this is just it just melts it yep it does not care about Stone damn yep well I guess I’ll just do that and then we’ll do a sweeping motion left and right this what I used to do whenever had another Stone shovel or a

Certain kind of shovel and it just it melted dirt I just would do this to dirt and hills and everything I wouldn’t mind the stone I was just like leveling off part of it for some reason for whatever world I don’t know and yeah it just

Melted it I just hold down left click and it does that the Cobalt pickaxe is like5 faster because I added the diamond to it it really isn’t noticeably faster it still just melts everything it’s faster because I’m doing a swiping motion instead of just breaking two

Blocks right in front of me so it does look like it is faster but I think it’s actually as fast as it can get considering it’s completely skipping the animation I don’t think I can make it go any faster I also just realized all of this

Stone right here has to be turned into dirt yep huh also can do this I can just walk sideways and be lazy and just have it do everything for me well that’s a good chunk mind out it’s useful despite its ugly appearance I mean I feel like I have worst looking

Tools like this Hammer to me looks like garbage it looks bad it’s just random colors thrown together but it does the trick it could be faster with ores probably and I can I mean how many there’s there are I think two more levels of redstone I could put on that pickaxe I

Shouldn’t but it it’s definitely a possibility there’s definitely more room to upgrade well since I have this dirt I’m going to start filling in part of this right now going to break the grass cuz I know it’s going to give me trouble good Lord this grass I’m surprised my game keeps up

With me breaking it I have had worlds or I guess different computer in the past that would lag whenever I broke grass like this and I think it was still a respectably powerful computer but it just could not handle breaking five blocks of grass or so per second it just

It didn’t know what to do I don’t know I guess it could have been a CPU issue back then and I just didn’t know what that was I don’t know if this doing this sideways motion is quicker than how I’ve done in the past or

Not if I’m going to upgrade it one day yeah n no I assume we’re still talking about the pickaxe upgrading it yeah it’s not worth it it also is going to take uh a lot of block breaking to level it up which obviously won’t take long but it’ll take a lot of

Cobalt I guess if I need Netherrack I could use it or if I wanted to make a long tunnel really quickly I would use that oh stack of dirt having those torches out here really helps but doesn’t help too much when you’re far away and I don’t know is that a fire

One oh yeah well I don’t think you can set this place on fire no matter how much you try ow well three hits and I killed it just going to take the free dirt there’s a creeper that looked creepy at first go to sleep not yet not

Yet oh I got two gunpowder nice good to know looting does work I thought I heard something following me nice okay now we go back and go to sleep uh we saw a different colored version yeah it was blue in the cave uh in the nether I think they’re

All red I don’t know why I came in this one is it the next one I need no I’m stupid it’s the one with the dirt fence yep the one that looks like absolute garbage CU I tried to change it up and it somehow makes it look

Worse uh birch trees are almost ready to be harvested I have random copper ore I’m not even sure what I can do with Copper at this point do I even need copper for anything it doesn’t make great tools well established I wonder what that actually does let’s just see copper pickup eh I

Mean it’s if it was all I had it wouldn’t be bad and I could make crappy yeah I can make crappy copper armor can make copper sickle maybe I can make a copper fishing rod that’s what I could do yeah that’s not worth it the dirt fence the dirt fence will live in

Infamy oh there’s a creeper and a scorpion creeper dies first didn’t even notice me and now the Scorpion it spawned a whole bunch of little scorpions why did you drop string what the why do you have more Health than the damn adult scorpion that does not make

Sense I feel like I shouldn’t be killing these things but I don’t think it matters I still don’t know why it drops baby scorpions and then they drop string don’t know why that’s not how scorpions work usually I don’t think I don’t think they just randomly drop babies when they die

But maybe I’m wrong well I have Cobblestone and a decent bit not a lot I’ll make use of it then like the kid zombie and adult zombies yeah but when you kill an adult zombie it doesn’t spawn a baby zombie it doesn’t do that so I don’t

Know my comment got a heart from Uncle bogat what the hell is an uncle bogat I don’t know okay sure whatever that was a weird notification to have going to eat this Rotting Flesh because I can it’s either that throw it away or just keep it in my inventory

And I chose to eat it because I don’t think it’ll matter and now we have this road it’s a decently far path and I have to make significantly more of them did not mean to do that uh chat needs to come back open here shortly give me satellite view thank you

Ah my excavator is already about to break so I’ll just repair it real quick before I forget might as well repair that too and repair the axe it’s not like I’m going to run out of stone reopen chat because that keeps getting messed up now I need to make a

Path not too far this way but enough to fit a house of that size basically so I don’t know exactly I’m just going to get a foundation kind of started get some of this Cobblestone placed and just go from there as I get more garbage in my inventory every time

Time anything good though uh no just standard coal it’s not how you make torches I’ve made two torches too many damn well it’d be a shame if I could just place them on the corners here to add a little bit of light to the place at night that’s not bad not bad at

All now we’re just going to fill her with cobblestone kind of just want to make a hole and continue the road that way for a ways to use some of this Cobblestone and also use that Cobalt pickaxe some I mean I don’t think it breaks Stone quicker than the hammer but it

Might the hammer breaks nine at once but it takes a little bit to break all nine so I’m not really sure trees sadly have to come down Yep this is going to be destroyed I got a stone axe thanks didn’t need it there’s a bear where I heard it it growled at me

Oh right there coalt will break faster uh hopefully oh I figured you would have died from that well at least I got more leather hide leather thank you I keep forgetting to make more backpacks keep for for getting to do that and I just

Got a steam gift I can assume what it is but a little busy right now uh well I guess it doesn’t really matter how much of this I chop down it’s got to come down eventually just going to make a damn hole this look real weird on the map and

I’m kind of banking on it looking weird I don’t know why it just seem seems funny whenever I’m going to go look at it just a random gray path I mean technically this is how they’ve made paths in real life they’ve just kind of carved things into mountains yep oh

No it’s going to require a lot oh no do I have a full stack of anything I got leech three from a stone sword I didn’t even know leech was an a thing so what mod is leech coming from going to get rid of the Bulls I don’t need

Them well that’s a lot of a mess I got a random Stone axe get rid of that garbage I like how it just gives you stone tools when you do this but they’re not worth anything um can’t pick those up well that’s fine we’ll just get rid of

That I don’t think I need white dye considering you know wool is naturally usually white but we’ll see yeah how does that look on Journey map it looks weird and that’s what I was going for I think might as well make it a little bit wider why

Not just Gathering more dirt I’ll use it all and leveling up the excavator not sure if it needs to be leveled up and not sure oh my God it takes 9,000 to level this thing up yeah I won’t be leveling it up anytime soon I don’t know why I’m only doing this many

Blocks there we go and of course it now breaks drop that swap that there excavator okay put you right back in the hot bar perfect throw all this back in here my poor inventory it is atrocious it really is I feel like that broke that slower I don’t know hi there

Bo come on here oh you dropped raw pork chops however I did not want you to drop raw pork chops so I don’t have the inventory space for nor do I need the food I think I have more than enough food that was cute what was cute the

Boar I hope you’re not saying that that boar was cute cuz it wasn’t it’s it’s a boar and I’ve killed several it was a pig yeah it’s a yeah it’s a wild boar which is a pig it’s just not the standard pink pig that people think

Of uh well inventory is mostly full it’s about to be night time so I’m going to go dump all this garbage that didn’t bounce me that was weird huh yeah it did not bounce me throw this crap in Here and it’s filled uh take the bowls out take the coal out take the copper take the sticks oh clay can be combined into blocks Reset yeah okay clay clay and Clay too bad I can’t do much with the clay as of right now now but it’s fine wait death W I assume w ass but I’m not actually sure because whatever it is it censored it I only see the W God damn it I

Missed at least I still got the Run boost and the jump boost whatever it is apparently you can use that slime thing on a door just learn that one the hard way after I almost flung myself backwards oh okay how many times am I going to get

The same notification on my phone come on uh I have no run left I’m just going to start putting bowls inside of furnaces like this I’m just going to smelt down um you know what we can just use Stone that’ll make half a stack you’re were testing because of one of your

Messages you wrote there was a lot of s’s and so you wanted to see if it censored it uh yeah it’s censoring the ass as long as it is ass it censors it it doesn’t sensor the extra s’s or anything in front of it it only sensor censors ass it’s kind of

Stupid got more sticks got way too many sticks a lot of dirt don’t need this much dirt on me right now I don’t need the gravel on me either Birch will’ll condense down part of it yeah I don’t need that much dirt holy crap that’s a little too much I think reset

Okay Cobble yeah well I’ll sleep after I eat some donuts just have some you know nighttime snack donuts and then go to sleep coffee lovely just straight straight coffee nothing else uh I forgot to put the Birch away that’s what I was forgetting put that okay that’s weird that does that when I’m

Inside okay I’m trying to think do I continue that for a little bit oh no I know what I was going to do I have the Cobalt pickaxe I’m going to go see how quick I can fill up my inventory with stone and Mining in a straight line

Basically like I need to go that’s not a bad angle actually that kind of shot me exactly where I was trying to go I just hit some stuff in the way bunk not quite the angle I needed good enough land yay this dirt’s going to be a Problem I of course I break I break how many blocks of dirt and I get a stone Axe and coal you’ll never get bored of me of seeing me travel that way yeah it’s uh it’s very interesting and unique and insanely quick we’re just going to toss the coal don’t need it if

I need coal I can get coal if I really need coal I can convert all of those trees into charcoal if I needed that much coal uh H yeah we’ll just keep going we’ll just go straight we’ll clear out what we can okay stop bouncing yeah the problem problem with these

Boots they uh they go quick you go quick oh yep definitely slows down on the ores and I found in cave well I’m just going to cover that up let’s see uh how much dir okay we’re at 428 remember that number 428 that’s when the experience starts so

Every single block gives it one experience at least I’m 90% certain that’s how it works I’m definitely going to break this thing doing this I’m just it’s just going to run out of durability yep 428 uh yep we need to go two more this way why don’t I just do this oh yeah

That’s see this is what I used to do with stone I would just walk sideways and break as many deep as it would let me which I think at some points is four yep the only problem is uh it ores will horribly mess you up but yeah I just

Melted all that and then you harvest it 4 28 God damn this world is uh going to have an insane amount of high statistics lot of run distance lots of Play Time lots of uh Stone Broken this is also another thing I learned is that um

I don’t remember how many high you can reach I think it’s four if you do this underground you can break a lot of stone real quick how is oh I filled that that’s why the dirt obviously gets in the way gravel gets horribly in the way but if

You’re running I than you if you’re running if you it’s fast enough it doesn’t matter if you’re running or not it still just obliterates it oh we’ll just erase that why not oh how much durability do I have left 53 yep not going to level it up without uh repairing it God damn

It well re Expos that to the sunlight and then won’t even finish it yep it’s broke did it doesn’t even do the break uh noise anymore it’s kind of a shame it really is a shame all right well there’s a decent section cleared out I mean you can see

How many blocks tall that was that’s four seven eight blocks tall cleared out of that section not bad not bad and gone wow not not a bad aim getting better at it ah until I hit hit the water I was trying to go over it damn

It how much Cobalt do I have not bad not a bad amount how much does one actually repair it though oh wow one piece of cobalt repairs a th000 durability okay yeah damn okay well that I think that’ll be enough durability then to finish off that small

Section we will put this garbage back I say garbage but it’s not but it is this is done up that got three extra output that’s surprising do I have more bowls I do put them there Stone perfect 1,000 one Ingot did a thousand durability I mean that’s not it doesn’t

Seem like a lot to me for some reason CU I don’t think it really is that impressive I wow that was bad aim at least I’m on top of the tree and I can just go whoop land right in it perfect beautiful Landing stop stop this damn coal ruins

Everything now I need to make a shovel that breaks dirt this quickly that would actually probably be a smart thing to do and we leveled it up so now I can make it even faster if I wanted to not sure if I should I should probably put something on it to increase

Durability such as a uh an emerald but we’re fine for now I might just I’m tempted to continue mining stone but if I keep going at the rate I’m going it’s going to cause problems yeah it’s going to cause a lot of problems here soon cuz I need to break the dirt

First did that it is breaking it in Block that’s not supposed to happen it was breaking the windy Gardens in multiples it wasn’t just breaking a single one at a time if they were next to each other so what that’s interesting that makes me think that um the mod one of

The mods is thinking that windy Gardens is something you break with a shovel it’s like in Minecraft code it’s labeled as the same thing that like dirt sand gravel are labeled as using a shovel on it breaks it quicker interesting slightly disturbing and concerning to make me think what else is

That messed up but also very interesting uh yeah that entire Mountain’s going to have to be leveled one day yeah I’m also not even sure what kind of dirt that is so I’m going to go fly to it that’s actually farther than I thought it was cuz this dirt looks like

Tan oh there’s jungle wood right there I could have just came this far for jungle wood that’s a shame yeah what is this oh I found sheep really the one time I find sheep I’m just I’ll just buy sheep eggs and there’s a village right there that I have not yet

Discovered and the bird hello bird well I’m in whatever a step biome is that gives me Sandy dirt okay that’s not bad that’s actually a beautiful bird noise I can’t think of what bird that is in real life but you hear I hear him all the time in my area in the

Summer well let’s just go to the Village real quick why not damn that when you’re on a mountain that thing really flings you come on I’m holding shift it wasn’t doing it okay well this is a a village it’s about it is there even like a blacksmith or anything no no there

Isn’t that’s a shame why is there white what what hold up what is all that white there’s no way it’s the flowers is there why are there there’s different leaves over here what kind of leaf is that oh that’s screenshot button it’s a biomes of plenty flower ring Leaf oh it doesn’t drop

Anything yeah there’s a lot of specks of white over here I guess it’s the leaves that have huh there’s flower trees in the flower Forest this is also a beautiful Hill right here that just overlooks a forest with a raccoon and more flowers that wow too bad the sunset does not last longer

That sunset sunset just appears and disappears way too quickly there’s a dungeon right here and there’s another dungeon there what’s sad is that those probably overlap each other what happened I just saw my computer do something weird on my left screen and my game lagged I land went right into a damn

Tree well I’m trying to get back to the Village trying to that’s a ravine I just jumped over I mean it’s not like it’s going to kill me but yes I just jumped over a ravine we’re home okay landed under a tree that was perfect stopped me right where I was

Okay it’s so dark and then lava is just is lighting it up yeah that that’s how many Lava Pits are in the world they just you see them all over the place at night during the day you don’t even know their thing and since when do skeleton horses burn during the

Day that’s not a normal skeleton horse I was hoping it would drop bones it was already dying but I was hoping it would assist me a little bit and give me more bones so I can make bone blocks uh add level I’m going to increase that I’m not going to kill the Scorpion

Because apparently it’ll just drop more mobs which will lag not lag the game but just make things more annoying we won’t worry about it then more gunpowder windy Gardens Rotting Flesh and I guess I’ll go back to what I was doing w that launches you quick I think

That was quicker than usual CU I kind of went straight instead of up nice uh yeah this this shovel should actually melt dirt uh no no it doesn’t I thought it did I thought I upgraded enough so it did that’s a shame it still goes quick

But not as quick as I need it to just remove all of this real quick while I’m at it and then I’m going to go back remove more place more dirt and then I should probably actually just start building houses I have a lot of time today I have

Work tomorrow like nor like normal don’t want to go today at work was just every day at work is going to be stupid that’s just how it’s going to be I think forever now and I just deal with it cuz I have to cuz I have to make money somehow and

Obviously I can’t make money from YouTube that’s a little unrealistic even if I had a th000 viewers I don’t think I would be able able to live off of it that’s a free diamond with a ban of arthropods sword so weird just keep going probably kind of

Boring yeah this has to be kind of boring to watch there’s no way it isn’t it’s slightly boring to do but also not at the same time because I’m getting random crap all all over the place and left just a lot of dirt behind oh that’s not where that’s

Supposed to go and we’ll throw the diamond in there well oh throw that that that that away that away actually make space for the dirt that I need uh eh it doesn’t what the hell H why did that what happened how did that only break one block that was weird that was very

Weird it’s that only happens when it breaks huh okay uh let’s just get dirt I keep forgetting I’m going to bounce when I land when I jump off of any height that isn’t a single block yeah I bounce uh that dirt can stay damn stone shovel I picked up the

Same crap why don’t I just throw it down here don’t need it that’s merari I think I bought one thing from merari and I kept it installed and so I get notifications on The Daily about it I bought one thing that was a gift one thing and now I just

Constantly get notifications for it I mean at least they didn’t steal my credit card information at least not that I’m aware of okay I have God I’m kind of getting tired of some of the sticks and everything I’m getting from the dirt I know the Sol the solution to stop

Me from getting the treasure stuff well actually technically I do that and it deactivates it so I could have been doing that this entire time and then I could reactivate it but that’s no fun we just need to get random garbage fill up my inventory collect things over

Time and one day I will actually need them I mean the random slime balls came in handy real well random slime balls are the only reason I still have an emerald and got a single Emerald well I’m very tempted to make this one straight across have to

Wait for things to Decay a little bit just make a cobblestone base my stomach is not happy right now it never is it never is anymore when I drink coffee and I’m sitting down doing act actively doing nothing okay this trailer home is directly across the street from this one and what’s sad

Is that I don’t know what color the rest of these are going to be I know what color some over there are going to be but there’s not street view for the rest of this nope nope so to put it in perspective the Main Street kind of is

Here street view cars went there for Google Maps street view goes along here street view does not go on this road at all or this road or anywhere that’s going to be in this giant like neighborhood here this area seems kind of small when I look at the

Map but when I build it in real life or in Minecraft it’s um feels significantly larger what color for what you want AFK um color for any houses that are going to be south of these I will not know any colors I’ll know the houses that are go

Here I will not know any I won’t probably know the colors for like four houses south of this if not more than if not like six houses South yeah it’s not going to be great uh I’m going to plant a tree here since I have a random sapling that’s not

Actually where one is planted in real life but I don’t think it matters but this one actually is roughly there so good enough uh Cobblestone how many blocks away is this this is six exactly okay what’s it’s so weird that it lines up in real life almost

Perfectly why does that feel like a smaller Gap than there I don’t know maybe I’m crazy uh if I want to get spacing I feel like I started with 15 block wide houses and that kind of changed they also seem to get closer to the road as I came farther

Down eh it doesn’t matter that much I also can still go back and fix it if I want to I don’t think it’ll it’ll take that much longer okay got one two three four five six 7 8 nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 exactly okay not going to complain with that

Got 15 so two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 could just double check me one two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 perfect oh that just disappeared right in front of my eyes I got more saplings I will

Actually go plant them uh so that tree is kind of where it is in real life I need another tree roughly like here and we’ll make it one further back so it’s not blocking the road might just throw another one back here for looks sake even though there’s

Not a lot of trees period around here got birch trees so there’s the fence in area there’s going to be like a tree right about there I’ll push it back a little farther I need to cover up that hole yeah that’s I don’t know how I left

That uh one more house over and then we have like a tree once again back here or so and then one up here that is scarily close to this crappy porch which I think I need to improve that with slabs or something because that looks awful from here got one more

Sapling I can’t see where I need to plant another tree there’s the first house oh I already planted those we’ll plant another one kind of here cuz that’s there’s roughly like one in between these but due to angles in Minecraft those are a lot closer in real life than they are in

Minecraft kind of have to do what I have to do it’s about to be a nighttime might as well go to sleep I would shop down these birch trees but I don’t feel like picking up the all the saplings for a bit no give me four more seconds and then I could

Sleep I can go to sleep in game at exactly 10:27 does not work at 10:26 not sure why it’s ends up being kind of an odd number but it does uh yeah I did okay I did flatten that out that’s not natural yeah I did do that I flattened out so much stuff

That at this point I don’t even remember what I did and what I didn’t do okay there’s three four five six seven yep all this is going to be in the way on the bright side a whole bunch of houses that way I won’t have to worry about the

Grass cuz uh it won’t be there okay continue on that goes into the hill already that’s eh not too bad but figured I would have had a little bit more space than what ended up happening okay that gray looks a lot better than that Cobblestone the Cobblestone just looks like garbage on the

Inside that will not be Perman minute got Birch I will never not yawn it will always be a thing where’s the doorway to this place uh it’s probably about right there and we’ll push it back a little bit but then also have like a porch kind of style thing

Again just make it go there oh I need more okay go there probably should have made uh or should have removed that’s the first at time I’ve done that should have removed more of that dirt but it’s fine cuz now it’s now this house is

Going to be in the way whenever I go to do that just get the basic thing down I don’t know if it’s actually quicker for me to do it like this or not I don’t know uh yeah okay that is the right way to do

That I feel like I am using more wood than usual I don’t know why that’s fine how oh the doorway is there I thought it was farther back no wonder duh that’s a be a giant Archway door make that uh yeah that looks that looks really bad

From across the street I will not lie it might look better with color but as of right now that looks awful oh come on wow I cannot place blocks right now holy crap I messed up more on this one than I messed up in most of them combined

Damn uh just just saw a random zombie burning it is the middle of the day where did you come from I’m not even gonna get that stuff I don’t care I just want to know where the hell he came from oh put that there Bonnie’s reality hello how’s it

Going uh that looks fish it’s going to look bad no matter what it’s fine it’s fine now roof I need to go get slabs we have this thing go we Perfect Landing I have more stone slabs I don’t remember if 36 is enough or not I do not

Remember oh well I have more there got another stack place it throw that in there throw that man this backpack is just starting to fill up with garbage at this point I say garbage and there’s a diamond in there what was that broken sh Shadow what there’s not any what is

That what is that weird I don’t like that I don’t like broken Shadows on chests I don’t know where that cough came from it wasn’t doing anything and now I feel like I need to sneeze what the hell did I accidentally inhale something or am I suffocating in my room

Is there no oxygen left in here here technically that could be a possibility I don’t think it is but it’s it’s possible uh yeah I don’t know why I keep I keep so many things in my hot bar and then I end up never using half of them that’s way too far

Yep okay fix that it’s haunted yep it’s just a Shader glitch that’s all it is not sure exactly what it’s trying to what it is trying to make Shadow from but whatever it is clearly doesn’t exist there okay stone slabs I think 36 is the perfect amount but I’m usually

Wrong uh I think I’m wrong I’m definitely wrong good thing I brought Stone am I am I going to make a house for myself eventually I mean I have a church is building that’s I just keep all my crap in everything else Curr currently looks like crap until I finally get dyes and

Colors and make chisels and all my diamonds will probably end up going to Diamond chisels CU I don’t think I can make chisels out of just anything I want I could be wrong but I don’t think it’s going to end up being compatible with other mods yeah I can only make iron gold

Stone chisels I can’t even make a wood chisel I can make a diamond bit saw but I’ll be honest no clue what that does cut along any of the three axes no clue what that means bit bags are going to be pain in the ass cuz they’re going to fill up very

Quickly now there’s 36 that and that okay that’ll fill up that I don’t know what just happened in my inventory I saw something glitching out but I did not pay attention to what it actually was well we have more Cobble I don’t think I have to go far if

I just want to harvest more Cobble also uh of course why would it let me place a block there the same reason stairs don’t work don’t work the same in this version of Minecraft slabs do the same thing and I never use slabs so I never really thought about it until it just

Happened so I wonder if it works with slabs and newer versions like how stairs work maybe it does cuz I’m not actually I wasn’t actually standing in the way of the block it just thought I was I don’t know well there’s technically another one down give my uh get that back go throw

Torches up so mobs don’t spawn and say peekaboo all the time oh that’s not where that’s supposed to go I smell something like cooking food yet it’s not coming from me and nobody else lives here so what do I smell that smells like food am I just that hungry that I’m imagining

Things uh we’ll just we’ll make Birch doors it’s fine okay one done too bad now I have to mine a whole bunch of this away to do anything else for a bit I can build better than you I don’t think this is better this is like basic Square

Foundations I mean they are trailer homes but still they’re I don’t know they’re crappy they’re very crappy right now uh well I might as well keep the seed in my inventory I’ll get more anyways it’s a lot of dirt and it’s about to become a whole lot more so I’m

Just going to repair it before I even start I still swear I’m smelling some food cooking that’s slightly concerning so I’m going to be back real quick I just want to make sure that nothing’s burning somewhere from like a furnace or something because it’s slightly worrying

Yeah I don’t know I swear it just smells like something is cooking yet nothing is I’m smelling food or something similar enough to food maybe I’m just accidentally cooking myself and I don’t know it that’s yep that’s definitely the possibility and my legs are already cramping up from sitting crisscross and

It’s only been not even an hour it’s been over an hour it’s been an hour and 20 minutes okay now we go back to destruction can I have some Minecraft music no why does Minecraft just music barely exist anymore like it just it doesn’t like me

Ever what’s the point of having music in a video game if it plays like 1% of the time I could get a juke box but uh I don’t have any discs how big is the scale of the city um a lot bigger than I initially imagined let’s just leave it at uh this

This is nine houses or well it might not actually be nine I haven’t counted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N9 10 out of um easily over 5,000 yeah this is like a not even a block worth of town in here and uh I have an insane amount

Left like we’re not 1% of the way there I wouldn’t even say we’re 1% of the way there that one might be a slight stretch but it would help if I actually knew the population of my city and I don’t I want to say it’s 60,000 but I’m pretty sure it’s significantly higher

Than that well let’s look at it there’s also an old Air Force so that that’s going to be a giant area on the right side there’s no buildings there that’s a lie there’s Landing strips with no buildings there’s other buildings that are decommissioned that I don’t even know if are even used anymore

Um Population okay there is no way it’s only 12,000 people okay let’s say there’s three people per household that that still you know 34,000 houses and I’ve built 10 so yeah I’m not even 0.1% of the way there theoretically it’s gonna it’s going to be a while before anything is

Finished I’m also not even sure my city is technically a city or if it’s a town or if it matters at all cuz to me it doesn’t matter what you call it but there are official names for different ones not sure the reasons why though throw all that dirt okay got

That no mobs coming out tonight it’s strangely quiet so far far very strangely quiet they’re just leaving me alone it’s funny how when I’m actually outside at night nothing spawns but when you’re inside getting ready to go to sleep everything spawns like the road it’s empty it looks

Like a ghost town kind of with the fog well I’m just going to break that real quick and we’ll go to sleep over here oh hi mantor I’m not even scared of manacor anymore they’re barely even aggressive oh I fell down here not in the lava okay apparently a diamond armor does

Work yeah get back here hey it gave me a dark mantore egg not sure exactly how to use that but I think I can and now that I well I have to take the Torches out now that I’ve come down here I know that I can’t get

Out yeah there’s a problem with this Ravine um it’s slightly Too Tall ever so slightly too tall for me to get out so I’m just going to make this little bridge for me to catch myself on for future stuff and jump right at I missed oh let’s not hold Shift come

On we I hit it wow I’m not doing well now I was doing fine earlier there we go wow a skeleton missed impressive they rarely Miss let’s close that just in case CU see I have been kind of messing around and there’s a lot of red dots on that

Map I also just stared at a zombie and three spiders you going to come knock down the door no you’re not even smart enough to go to the door oh hi creeper ow bastard okay I can’t pick that up I would like the gunpowder don’t care about the Rotting

Flesh did you really shoot me just to die skeleton logic goes out the sunlight to shoot me dies immediately yep yep makes sense what is happen oh every time I hold shift this changes from white to Green that’s weird what’s the mini map in the top

Right corner chish hi uh that is a mod called Journey map it’s just a mini map and it is insanely useful for example this insanely useful you don’t need Minecraft maps no this thing’s going to die yep it was right it did get one hit KO oh apparently that also works where’s the

Third one I know there were three I stared at them ohuh there were more than three spiders are insanely slow in water quick un land slow in water that was a damn scorpion oh a ghost aren’t you dying did you drop gunpowder all right sure I mean I guess I’ll take the

Gunpowder I’m not going to complain with it but it’s a little odd don’t I do have an empty hole over here I remember oh level okay wow I did that scarily quick I probably should not keep doing things that quickly I’ll definitely mess more up okay I have too much dirt and not

Enough Stone too many sticks at least I have that stone but now I need more Cobble and instead of going and getting my massive quantity of cobblestone I can just go mine more I mean I have the Cobalt pickaxe so so it won’t take me long beautiful came to a nice stop

Instead of obliterating my health okay oh there’s single block of dirt ruins everything and more dirt okay yep we just delete Stone just it deletes it came over here to get cobblestone and I’m don’t think I’m actually getting much Cobblestone a lot of this is dio

Right in hand to sight and I feel like I’ve been saying those wrong for years and I’m probably am saying them wrong Granite obviously is granite the others I’m not so sure about well this needs to be turned into dirt yes it does okay well then why don’t I just do

This too bad it’s all the same garbage not all Stone thanks for explaining yep it’s simple Journey map is like I think one of the first mods I ever found first mod I think was Pam’s Harvest craft then it was probably OptiFine and then Journey map level up came shortly

After biomes of Plenty came later than it would have I think that’s not a normal Minecraft um yeah I have a I have like 30 plus mods in installed that’s why there’s a ghost that’s how I am melting Stone away like butter that’s why the tools all look

Weird and colorful that’s why I have random stone tools on my inventory that I did not make nor do I want um that’s how I was able to go flying and not take damage earlier I have slime boots and a slime sling that sends me flying that’s why

There’s a floating slime Island there there and there and I think there’s another one around here somewhere Pro oh yep right there yep mods are fun and I’m just gonna continue erasing Stone I just need it Aqua hi welcome back been a while probably hasn’t it it’s been I think a long

While and I’m still just I feel like last time you were in a stream I was also melting Stone like this but not to this degree and not for this the same reason I’m melting all this Stone and I’m about to replace it all with the dirt I actively have in my

Inventory not that I need to but it just saves me time in the future and yes there are there I do not want it that was a copper I do not need copper for anything I think I’m doing all right work is a but besides that the stream’s

Going well actually have people showing up unlike I think every time you were ever in a stream for the most part in the past where it was pretty much always dead yeah it’s still somewhat dead everyone once a while it’s usually dead in the beginning and then dead in the

Ending because I have been streaming for like 4 hours plus every time recently I also have uh I streamed I think when it was Tuesday I had a stream that was over four hours YouTube only reports it as being 3 hours long which is concerning because I

Went back and looked at the beginning of the end and the end and it includes both so I don’t know how if it has the beginning in the end on screen of the stream yet somewhere in the middle there is a full hour of time missing not sure where that hour went

It’s kind of concerning you’re going to work this July SL August nice got to get some money however I don’t think you have many many if any bills to pay I have to work because I have bills to pay and it would be nice if I

Didn’t you’ll be here from now for a little bit maybe every day every stream won’t be dead yeah if I have even one new person join every week and do that I can’t complain it’s like I don’t ask for much I don’t actually ask for anything I

Don’t think I don’t ask for people to subscribe I don’t ask for them to like in the past I usually do comment but that one I actually say comments in the past because a a comment can get significantly more interaction than a like or subscription potentially because when you uh comment

On a video I almost always reply so there is your initial interaction my second interaction and then the third interaction of you at least reading my reply so instead of one interaction there’s three not sure if it actually matters in the end but if it does it does that looks awful from

Here okay well I still need to clear out some of this don’t I but I’ve been filling up my backpack with dirt even though I’ve been trying to use some of it I’ve still been filling it up Yep this is uh disgustingly full at this point that’s how I would describe

It how old am I 22 yep that’s about it for that you’re planning to move out soon so if you’re planning to move out you might want to uh work for a while before you move out save up some money it is very helpful for things like for

Furniture just kind of things that you want that you could never buy for yourself when you were younger like for example I talked about it yesterday too before I moved out I hadn’t even had plans at the time to move out whenever I bought a $1,500

Laptop when you don’t have bills to pay and even working 10hour weeks $1,500 yeah it takes a a while to build up but it’s not like it hurts my bank too much considering I had no bills to pay nowadays there’s no way I could just drop $1,500 there’s no reason I would drop

$1,500 unless I had to put a down payment on my car because my car would crap out which is be possibly becoming a more uh higher chance of an actual actually happening getting to the point where I’ve thought about just going and buying a used

Car getting a loan for it for like three years or so and then just keeping my car now somewhere so in case somebody somewhere that I know needs an extra car I have one that’s just sitting around but I don’t live at a place where

I can store two cars I don’t even have an apartment I have a duplex that in a way might be worse than a and the past two apartments I have it’s not worse than the last one but the last one I had free water free electricity and free internet

And the one before that I paid half the price for rent but I only had a bedroom to myself here I have two bedrooms small living room small kitchen and a bathroom all to myself and eh it could be worse I just wish I made more money so I could save

Up more money if I could make significantly more money I would genuinely put a lot more money into my investment for like stocks because I have found some things where if I had 10 if somebody gave me $10,000 to invest I would immediately put most of that into

One stock I have four viewers now yep the more viewers the better I’m used to seeing one viewer or zero viewers so four is doesn’t sound like a lot but to me it’s actually a lot I need to stop cussing so much because YouTube is YouTube’s algorithms are figuring it out

No YouTube does not pay me anything I don’t have enough viewers to do that theoretically I can make say I make like a penny per stream but I mean you know you could do a penny per stream every single day for a year that’s $365 so

Yeah technically I do but you can’t I can’t do the payout because it’s not high enough and it’s it’s just a train wreck basically YouTube maybe will pay me one day if I could actually build up an audience a respectable sized audience I mean four is respectable

Technically but when I say that I mean like hitting constant at least triple digits on stream and at least four digits for every video I would upload cuz I mean there are people out there I think who get like a th000 views per video and they make

Like a dollar per video but as that increases over time I mean a dollar a day for a year is only 365 but if you’re already getting a th000 views per video throughout a year’s time those videos are going to be getting extra views as YouTube recommends them or people watch one they

Watch the second and you would get more theoretically and it would should theoretically exponentially increase maybe not by a lot but by some amount I do not actively play chess yes I do know how to play chess yes I do like chess and no I don’t have anybody

To play with and I’m not going to play online chess I’ve seen people play online chest I’m like it’s just it’s boring people already say chess is boring which I I mean I’m don’t disagree sometimes but I’m not a person who has a lot of friends in real life to play

Board games with so in the past I haven’t played chess in like 3 years now but in the past whenever I could play chess with people I did there’s there’s even an ice cream place um like 20 miles south of where I live overwise I’m not sure if there’s

Chains all across the us or it’s only kind of localish chain I think it’s a national chain but that place has like two three chest tables you could go there get like a Sunday or something just play chess just don’t have people to do that with

Anymore I might play with you as long as it’s free how about that I’ll say that if the chess is free maybe I go do a stream someday with chess playing chess with viewers or whatever I don’t know I mean I’m not opposed to it but I’m also an inter

And I’m not a fan of voice chatting with people I don’t know last time I did it I think it was four or five years ago voice chatting with somebody I didn’t know trying to I think do like a Minecraft video collab I wasn’t even I was still in high

School didn’t have anything didn’t have money couldn’t do anything and the talk with that person was very um inter resting we’ll just leave it at that especially because they kind of acted like I was a big YouTuber when in reality I was literally getting less than 10 views per

Video it’s a very weird interaction that I wish never even happened yeah no voice chat just playing game yeah potentially someday you’re definitely going to have to remind me because I’m insanely forgetful but remind me someday and I might do like a short stream or something on

Chess if it was twitch it would be a little different twitch you can switch back and forth between different games on the same stream YouTube does not do that not in the slightest YouTube doesn’t like streams that much however I get significantly more views on YouTube than I do on

Twitch like pretty sure I’ve had more people in my chat on YouTube in the first 30 minutes of this stream than I’ve had on Twitch in the past month even though it’s only been like six seven streams still twitch I don’t know twitch doesn’t recommend things like YouTube is start starting to

Do I think I started to grab YouTube at the right time recently because I didn’t really pay attention recently but for like the past month or so YouTube has been recommending me small channels videos with like 100 views or less Channels with less than a thousand subscribers just randomly

People I’ve never seen before not even on topics I’ve ever watched before seen random ASMR videos with like a 100 views it’s getting recommended in my feed getting recommended next to videos I’m watching of like popular YouTube creators that I’ve watched for years and I think YouTube is starting to

Recommend smaller channels a lot more than they have in the past and I hope they can they keep it up cuz it’s working well for me and I think it’s working well for most people probably but with that said uh what I was going somewhere with it I can’t remember where I was

Going with YouTube recommending people because in the past it just never recommends people’s content but okay now I remember YouTube hopefully figured out that if they recommend smaller channels once those channels become bigger more people watch YouTube because they have more people that they like to watch YouTube gets more

Money so I don’t know why they haven’t been doing this cuz the more people that they have watching the more money they will be getting so it’s a win-win basically their content creators get more money and they get more money as a whole as they have more popular content creators that bring in

More people to watch YouTube on a daily basis compared to usual also you’re also alone most of the time and you don’t have friends but it’s not that you don’t have friends they’re just busy most of the time I mean that’s good my situation at this point is

Basically I have no friends besides like two from work neither play video games and all the friends from high school either just don’t talk to him anymore or or they can’t even get back to me with a text for 2 three days but they can take multiple trips across you know states

With eight plus hour drives and they’re not even the driver but they can’t open a simple text so yep you’re tired of playing online chess and you need someone that you are aware of I I think I would get tired of playing chess online probably pretty quickly it would just seem d and

Repetitive it would probably need something to spice it up a little bit I mean there’s like what three player chests that’s a thing not really sure how well it works but that is a thing that exists I’ve seen it I what does woven cotton do oh I can turn it into leather armor

Apparently weird I can turn three woven cotton into three woven cotton okay Pam’s harvestcraft is a little buggy sometimes it’s fine and can I guess where you’re from I have I there’s no way I can even if you said United States even if you gave me an area I still wouldn’t know

I’m also not very I guess probably yeah not very educated on uh my geography I am I don’t even know all 50 states anymore not where I wanted to land I tried to stop myself and it did not work oh well I just dug up a single carrot I’ll worry about it

Later yeah I don’t even know all 50 states at this point I don’t think there are 8 billion people I’m pretty sure there’s like now over 11 billion people in the world and it’s find some good lads around it’s kind of frustrating it definitely is also you say you’re from India I was

Going to guess somewhere in the UK or in that region is of Europe is is India even in Europe or is India actually part of Asia I don’t even know the continent like lines I know where India is but I don’t know where Europe starts and where Asia starts and ends I

Don’t actually know you failed geography I think I had one geography class and it was in freshman year of high school and I didn’t learn I passed with like A+ but I didn’t learn anything I just did the work did whatever projects but I didn’t actually take home anything India

Is part of Asia see that’s what I thought but I’m like I’m not really sure cuz Indian Cuisine is a lot Clos to uh Asian Cuisine than other kinds of Cuisine but still you never know okay Aqua I don’t know why you sent a weird face but sure uh I need to

Continue breaking destroying this section of a hill I am slightly tired of having to do this part but uh I’m going to have to do a lot more of it over time time this entire Village is going to have to be removed this entire mountain and Hill is going to have to be

Leveled it’s going to be a long project and doing this with a full-time job and trying to sleep and still having to do other stuff in real life yeah finding a balance is going to be a little difficult I’m also trying to think you got to go you will surely come by later

All right you go do your stuff I think I need to chop down that birch tree wall get some birch trees get some more saplings even though I think I have more than enough wood still uh I guess I can take the diamond out of my inventory don’t think I currently need

That very tempted just add it onto this axxe as well I mean why not not it just adds 500 durability right there and that’s it as well it’s crazy how powerful a single diamond is in some mods Diamond stone tools are just unbeatable basically uh I’m going to make that

Normal okay if I can remember what I was going to do exactly feel like I need to just take glass panes with me and I’m going to do that I forgot that glass panes made six at a time out of six glass blocks kind of forgot I do not have any pets

Nope I’m not looking to get any pets right now either I don’t want to pay for them I don’t want to clean them I don’t want to deal with them okay um for some reason my I just stopped midair and just fell straight down like I stopped pretty sure like two

Blocks in the air and just fell straight didn’t hit anything so I don’t know what happened I really don’t also this place looks decent on the inside but it’s actually kind of garbage I’m going to add Glass to this one only that’s this original crappy style of Windows I

Guess and then go and go to one of the houses with the proper style and see if it looks any better I’ll break this one in out of glass paint actually no going to break this one and add a glass pane I hope you hope that I like that you came no you

Were not annoying not at all uh I think I’ve only ever had actually one annoying person in my chat no I’ve had more I’ve had one that I remember noticeably that was annoying but it’s it’s pretty hard to be annoying in chat by just asking questions you ask

Questions I read it I respond to it that’s not annoying that’s just being a streamer and interacting with viewers which most people don’t get to do because they either have too many viewers or they don’t even pay attention to their chat at all I mean people in the past that I’ve

Watched some like small streamers they’re playing a game they never never once look at their chat so I’m like okay what’s the point of streaming then I mean I get it once you get popular enough and streaming you’re eventually not going to be able to read chats but I’m also thinking about some

Smaller people that I’ve watched with streams and stuff or past videos where they still have like a thousand viewers but they have slow mode slow mode turned on and so they actually do end up reading Dam near every single comment that’s put through um I just got a text that I

Probably shouldn’t read here in a second but they have like slow mode turned on so they can actually read every chat that comes through or almost all of them even with a thousand active viewers even though they’re not really all active I do like books um I have I don’t

Write because I don’t have anything to write about nor am I creative and my handwriting sucks I like reading but I just never read because well if I work eight hours a day I have to drive back and forth theoretically for about two of those to work and back I take a

Detour kind if in the morning play Pokemon go that makes it take an hour or so but in the end there’s 10 hours of my day gone for work actually 11 because of lunch and then I stream for 3 to 5 hours um yeah that leaves me with with like 16

177 hours taken which leaves not even 8 hours to sleep and that doesn’t include shower time any bathroom time any extra time in the morning waking up yeah so I don’t really have time to read right now all the best to you too chish you got to go I will see you when

You show up in another stream I’m going to read this chest or chest text I don’t know how I said chest apparently there is a restaurant opening in the town I live in City whatever that is um owned by people of a restaurant

That I used to go to a lot as a kid that I would go to like every weekend if it was still open but uh yeah yeah they got shut down like twice once in a t a neighboring town and once in the town

Like 20 mi south of me that I grew up in technically but they used to have like a certain restaurant I would go there all the time with my grandparents ever once went there with my parents but that’s that restaurant is where I learned about the internet through my 3DS and iPod

Touch and I didn’t get internet at home or Wi-Fi at home until I finally got my first smartphone in I think it was e8th grade wasn’t a good smartphone but I mean it did the trick it was a touchscreen phone basically that had Google Play okay what is um

Huh uh I have an idea why I respond to this text I’m going to chop down all these damn birch trees and let all the saplings drop it’s not like it’s a long text but I would like to actually look at where this is going to be look located because

There’s a chance it’s going to be like almost walking distance not no h walking distance is probably a little exaggerative but I mean a mile a mile could be considered walking distance but I actually have a restaurant that’s literally like two blocks away from where I live the

Problem problem is I only have one day a week where I could actually go there because they’re only open for breakfast and lunch and they open at 6:00 a.m. I head I leave my town at 6:00 a.m. to go to work okay let’s see oh wait where where is

That oh that’s by like that haunted house place that hasn’t been open for years it’s like an it used to be an asylum kind of haunted house and apparently the person I work work with they used to work there once or twice I think I I saw

That place full I can’t I can’t speak out loud and text because I text slower than I speak I think I saw that place full of people a couple weeks ago yeah I think I did I also like how I’m almost texting in broken English because I’m like

Having two conversations in my head one with the text one with the stream kind of kind of messes you up a little bit uh Birch saplings I need more so drop more uh that glass I mean it helps helps it look a little bit better not by a lot I got

Hella distracted these are the ones where it’s going to matter more I think um well it doesn’t look great on the inside it definitely looks better on the outside from like these singles Windows it looks better still not great does look better yeah I guess I need to go here sometime

Too bad um everything costs money yeah that’s the only problem I like how I bring up bring up money and things costing so much way too often I really don’t need mean to be negative about money but I mean that’s just how I am I am negative that’s basically how my personality

Is and work being half the the time doesn’t help anything what’s the hardest part of being a streamer I don’t know I wouldn’t say any part of it’s hard no that’s a lie I would say the hardest part is probably trying to keep a conversation with yourself for 5 hours

Straight whether you have people actively talking in your chat or not because no matter what I’m responding to what you’re typing but this entire time I’m still talking to myself technically so I would say probably keeping the conversation going and yeah I am also I I won’t believe who told you

About the place who what do you mean I won’t believe because I don’t okay that’s weird this is also my aunt texting me about this who I go and have lunch with every Saturday with my grandma also and sometimes my brother I don’t know why she’s she said

I won’t believe who told her I don’t think we know many of the same people don’t think we do also damn these trees are just growing left and right one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 wow I genuinely thought this one would would have grow would have grown within that

Time I mean most of them grew with me standing there I planted 16 and there’s four left yeah okay we’re going to break these now before before they grow more Yep at least I got 11 saplings and a lot more on the way I also just realized I’m a complete

Idiot I could get um a lot more saplings if I spread out the trees if yeah if I spread them out there’s more space for leaves so apparent apparently my sister who is on a different side of family than my aunt texted her on Facebook about it which is

Weird because my sister kind of just stopped talking with everybody and just left I mean she’s liter at this point she’s for mid-40s with three children yeah she up and left him yeah just a that’s quite odd that’s all I’m going to text but yeah huh I haven’t seen her in

Years now at this point I haven’t seen her since like early High School I don’t think don’t know who where she is she’s somewhere around apparently clearly I thought she’d live we were thinking she was living like in a town like 40 miles away from here well keep in mind that

The people I’m talking about one of them is my aunt is almost 60 and my sister is like mid 40s So when you say people still use Facebook older people still use Facebook I have a Facebook account I have not used it in I don’t know four or five

Years yeah I don’t use Facebook I don’t like it I’m not I at this point I don’t really even like social media I use Tik talk because it’s a good time waster or spender especially while you know a little vulgar but on the toilet it’s great but Facebook I mean it’s just

Random crappy posts about people posting about their life I’m like I don’t care I just I don’t care about that stuff okay nice okay you have a younger sister she’s two years younger than you uh nice I am the youngest of four yeah sister is over 20 years older

Than I am oldest brother is I’ll be honest I don’t even know I want to say he’s 32 but I think he’s older than that I have another brother that I actually work with he is three years older than me so he’s 25 and he just finally moved out from our

Parents less than a year ago or less than a month ago sorry yeah and he still doesn’t have his driver’s license either that one is partially on my parents about it because I didn’t rely on my parents at all to get my driver’s license I couldn’t it was it was a stupid

Situation and we’ll leave it at that but at least I do have my driver’s license and I have a car that it goes but then I also have a motorcycle too bad it’s too cold to drive a motorcycle um 20 to 25 miles in the country even if it was 50° outside

That’s too cold yeah I think my limit for riding a motorcycle at 55 plus miles an hour is about 60° and that is in full like heavy proper leather jacket yeah the wind it takes the cold it takes the heat out of you real

Quick I mean I knew that but I mean I’ve ridden in subfreezing temperatures it’s not a fun experience it’s not something you do often if it was every day and I only had a mile or two to go I did it last year at the last place I lived in the

Mornings when the sun hadn’t even risen yet I would ride the the bike probably top 35 M hour the coldest part is just the fingers everything else you can kind fingers and um thighs considering you know your thighs are around a cold gas tank with liquid inside of it it just

Takes your body heat away instantly there’s you can’t avoid that but I made it with like a three mile drive through town there were definitely some mornings where it got so cold that I had to stop halfway in a parking lot out actually um the parking lot of an Olive Garden and a

Planet Fitness I would park in and warm my hands up and then I finally got a nice pair of gloves and then I stopped riding in the cold and now I moved where I just can’t ride in the cold it’s too far of a drive to ride to

Work and I often don’t drive if I’m not going to work if I’m going to go grocery shopping it’s going to be while I’m going going to or from work usually returning home cuz I’m not I grocery stores aren’t usually open at 6:00 in the morning Walmart isn’t even open at 600

In the morning I don’t think maybe it is but at one point it wasn’t Target doesn’t open until like uh I think 8 I learned that the hard way when I went to Target one morning before work when I used to go in at 8 a couple years back to actually buy

Something I needed groceries I think it was yeah was groceries before like a snowstorm they weren’t open I’m like you pieces of out of all the places to not be open early I did not think a Target would not open early yeah it’s was like targets usually

A much nicer kind of store than uh Walmart excuse me don’t know where that came from that was a good belch out of nowhere yeah Target I figured would have better hours they don’t I mean they’re open late as hell I think they close at like 11: maybe

12 but uh yeah they do not open early so if uh I could not work at Target unless they had like a unless some of their crew worked early in the morning in like the back or stocking even though I hate stocking and

I uh will not do it if I have a choice that’s not the job I have that’s not the job I once that’s not the job I will take unless I have to if my job at work goes away and I have to become a stalker I will

Legitimately just quit right then and there and figure things out yep I’m not having my job getting taken away for the third time it’s already happened twice it’s a crappy company that’s part of the reason that I’ve also been streaming more recently because you know maybe I could

Actually make it one day where I don’t have to work at this place I can just rely on YouTube for income then I could also save money on gas save money on food save money on shoes save money on vehicle repairs I could probably save money on

Insurance cuz uhh actually no I don’t think I would save money on insurance well actually no I could if I don’t get into to an accident my insurance would lower so yeah theoretically yes I would spend less money in general if I didn’t have to travel 40 actually

It’s over 50 miles combined every single day for work five days a week and then driving even farther every Saturday and getting basically a free lunch and that’s about it I’ve really just went on a rant for the past like 20 30 minutes na hi it’s been a while welcome back

I’ve really just went on a rant and I haven’t done anything besides breaking like I don’t know 200 blocks of dirt yeah man my I just went off and I didn’t not look back okay now that my brain is actually back in Minecraft and not just randomly wandering around not actually paying

Attention to what I’m doing I’m going to make another chest out here here right I can’t place that there uh we’ll throw food I’m going to throw food items and I guess edible items inside of here just to give myself more space is I don’t care too much about it but just

Try and make it a little bit nicer a little bit more sorted is like take those flowers out of here put them in here take those grass blocks throw them in here why not and I really wish I did not have work tomorrow if I didn’t have work tomorrow

I would probably stream until midnight if not later but my body does not run well on a few hours of sleep if I if I loaded myself up with enough caffeine probably but if I have to actually be cognant cognitive I can’t even think of the right word right

Now if I actually have to be fully aware for driving a forklift inside and outside in the cold maybe running on three four hours of sleep is not a good idea just just a thought well Sun’s about to set again how much Cobblestone do I have not

Enough well I guess I need to fix that don’t I at least that’s an easy fix I’ll just wait until the sun go goes down to go and do it even though by the time I get over there screw it we’re doing it okay just like that I’m

Here and just like that I have to clear out all this anyways oh this is the wrong pickaxe there we go now we’re getting somewhere I’m just going to try and make this kind of level is I like how I do have three double chests worth of cobblestone back home and I’m

Not digging into that I’m just mining here two birds one stone really I need Cobblestone and I need this hill gone so do both at once to an extent and that’s also the power of this pickaxe is that I just removed that entire section and instantly just walked I

Could have ran and it would have done it and away too far actually Perfect Landing God damn I landed perfectly with the Gap in between the trees right to the house that has the bed Perfect Landing couldn’t have planned that if I tried also the trees with this Gap look

Really nice maybe I should make a tream farm or something I don’t know this creeper about to die real quick yeah and I do it back I will but there was a creeper that I had to kill real quick and we go little too far I mean I did bounce

But I tried not to bounce it’s a annoying Gap actually I didn’t notice that until now it’s been night time half the time I’ve been over here that Gap will probably cost trouble probably and me breaking the stone like this is probably actually going to make

It harder for me to collect the dirt so I’m probably going to have to do like a half and half once I get three blocks deep of this Stone gone I’m probably going to have to remove the dirt because otherwise I’m going to be removing everything that I’m standing

On yeah I might as well get this while I’m here kind of wish I could do something with the copper I can make copper blocks that’s what I can do with copper what does a copper block look like it’s not bad actually not bad looking I don’t

Know how well it would look for a house but I mean it’s a potential option we can leave it at that potential option uh we’re just going to empty my inventory into here for now and I’m going to gather a lot of this dirt real quick my heater kicked

On oh it’s six 66° in my room that would probably explain it oh no wonder I I’m confused about the spacing here I have this little Gap here and I can tell I’m getting dehydrated because I need I need water I’ve been talking myself for two hours give or take

Yeah you can feel it in the back of your throat when you start to get past a certain point and I am just letting these fall I will go and pick them up because I do still need all all of this dirt the more dirt I have the better

Even though I did just feel like a double chest full of dirt but eh the more the Marrier leveling entire mountains just to uh make one project that’s probably a waste of time but what if it isn’t what if this actually takes me somewhere in life what if this is an important step in my life is to build this specific world and stream it recording twitch 2 hours 13 minutes

Yeah that’s so okay that’s like the exact time yeah I haven’t I didn’t look back at the exact time I just knew that I started streaming around 4:30 slightly after I guess uh can I even can I reach these blocks uh yeah I can I can’t reach that one but I can

Reach from up top there a lot of garbage down here like wooden bowls and stone tools ah efficient way to collect everything zigzag motion yep Stone axe with five durability stone sword don’t need uh I’ll keep the coal why not don’t really care about the coal at this point because I’m collecting so

Much of it since I have the dirt in my inventory why not fill this in I can fill in a line too here at least to Mark part of this which also makes me think then I can fill in that ground right there and it’ll make it easier for me to mine the

Stone here so I don’t have to fall down and everything and I don’t think I’m going to be concerned about uh harvesting whatever’s in this cave because I’m going to have more than enough uh ores of any kind whenever I want if I want diamonds I don’t think

It’s going to take me long to find diamonds I’m already at like 30 well I made full diamond armor and then I still had some left over and I’ve already used a decent bit for stuff so yeah I don’t I don’t think I’m worried about diamonds I can also turn

Like one block of diamond ore into three or four diamonds so I find one vein of five and there’s like potentially up to 20 right there and they last quite a while especially when I’m using stone tools that are insanely overpowered except this specific pickaxe

Is not a stone tool I don’t think I could get stone to break stone that quick I could try but I don’t think it would work too well yeah I would like to try that someday but not today that’s uh not the goal for today I’ve already failing at the goal

Today I’m actually give me a second I’m going to put a torch down here I’m going why did that pick up the knock up the mushrooms I knockup is not the right word by the way but yeah why did it disrupt the mushrooms that’s kind of

Weird I’m going to put torches down here so mobs don’t spawn under the town whenever this part is actually filled with stuff CU it will be I I do plan on it being like that that is a thing that will happen okay that’s filled uh I’ll put one there even though

This is going to end up being Cobblestone uh I thought I left the Torches in my off hand I did not put a torch there put one here put one here I don’t think I’m really worried about Tor running out of torches considering I’m going to have more than enough hi

Zombie I get free coal from breaking dirt so so I’m fine oh hold up hold up this is something this is something it might be a dungeon okay yeah I we’re just interrupting what I was doing oh you’re ow there’s so much crap over here what the hell getting

Shot shot by a skeleton I hit like an armored skeleton I have almost no run left there’s a lot of mobs I found a m shaft damn it I tried to hit it it was slightly too it broke everything that was there God damn it there was actually

Something in that mix there was like a special sword or something that that skeleton dropped could you not you guys stuck in yep you’re stuck in the spider okay okay see you dropped it this time a silver sword that’s what it is it’s not anything special that’s a shame and I

Got a lot of experience there and actually did a lot of damage to my armor okay I’m going to put torch there put one there there there here yep oh clearly I have not explored all this m shaft because there’s rails left the last M shaft I was in I took every

Rail I found and then used that even though now that I have slime boots I don’t really need mine carts anymore but yeah there’s a m shaft here uh I’m just GNA fill my inventory that’s fine I have a hammer and I’m going to make a staircase

Up however I need to see where I actually am oh if I mine that way I can make it like come out right like got it 100% going to do this and we’re going to do it nicely I say nicely and then I place dirt it’s fine I’m going to do this yeah

Nicely try to at least until I that up going to make staircase that works um now that I’m that way I am past the road so I’m going to make a decent staircase up however it it breaks three tall and I kind of need them to be four tall but

That will be a project for another day this God damn it of course I would randomly break into a giant hole of course I would yep okay well that’s fine we’ll just have to make it work and now that there’s no Minecraft music everything is so quiet and falling

Falling any kind of Gap is getting annoying with these boots the bright side I don’t take fall damage on the downside it’s annoying okay yep okay now I have to break that perfect now I can break it like this I can break it like that and we’re

Out okay that did not take it as far as I thought which is fine completely fine because I’m still going to have stuff over here in the end I’m not going to complain I just uh need to mark it with torches and stuff it’s not like I’m going to run out

Of torches anytime soon I just want to Mark things nicely and then light it up um I like how I just my brain just ignored that bit because I broke into the other part place that in there and we can go there put another one

There and we’ll put one here and get one more you’re still here by the way just watching that’s fine I feel like that’s what you normally do if you’re just kind of watching don’t comment much I’m I don’t complain it’s still one more viewer it also increases watch time of

The stream which might matter a lot more than I think people think uh YouTube I think usually recommends videos that have higher watch time compared to ones that have lower watch time because that means people are more interested in it and they like it more so YouTube of course would recommend that more

Compared to something that has much lower um view retention basically also yeah I had a skeleton as soon as I did that giant jump skeleton shot an arrow at me exact same time I hit the jump and I just heard that Arrow go past it was great it was weird it was

Great um I’m going to go run to the bathroom real quick now kind of need to go well kind of needed to go for like an hour or so but I haven’t went since I left work and I left work at 3:30 so I’ll be back momentarily don’t let me die in the

Meantime have returned yeah this isn’t like seven days to die no you can’t spawn enemies and kill me no I mean a creeper could show up out of nowhere and somehow blow me up through the wall or ghost could come through the walls or or one of those giant ogre

Things could spawn and could be aggressive and just destroy the walls all of those are definitely possibilities ghost yeah there’s ghosts in the game or in this mod mod pack mods it’s not even a mod pack because it’s just a collection of I’ve put together got to stop cussing because

YouTube is not happy with me every stream is uh limited due to the uh language even though it hasn’t been that bad but YouTube doesn’t give you many chances well I got a silver sword put it there uh have this crap yep not child friendly no I mean I never

Claim my streams are child friendly but YouTube can be pretty strict sometimes with some of that stuff there’s another scorpion over there that scorpions really like that specific area not sure why there’s also a monster somewhere over here probably oh it’s skeleton no there you go gosh you’re stupid

Okay good job skeleton you uh you did yourself proud I got you to shoot an arrow at may miss and then burn yourself good job put that there I really wish I could turn Rotting Flesh into leather that would just be great I know that I’ve had a mod in the

Past where that was a thing and I didn’t know about it but there’s definitely mods out there that make that a possibility just not this one what I still have slabs in my inventory I still have a door okay well I haven’t done a lot of building I’ve done a lot of mining

And some a little bit of road work even though not much of a road yet I need to go probably farm and get more wheat get more emeralds that farm is looking pretty Barren it’s not grown much probably because I haven’t been in close enough contact to it the entire day oh

Well good part about these trailer homes is that the places that are like across the street like this house is exactly lined up with the one across from it even though real life isn’t like on a 90° thing whatever I can’t think of the right word it still lines up like

Perfectly I just can’t do a slightly angled house like real life has can’t do that okay well I wanted to do that so I can mark this how many blocks back did I do did I do six or did I do five I did I did do six feel like six was too

Many oh well it’s like um that gravel is supposed to kind of be like their driveway is why am I breaking these individually I can do this I have the technology and the tools why don’t I do it oh wow stomach it’s growling it is not happy with

Me my stomach is not happy with me any days I’ve been streaming because I’ve been waiting significantly longer in between eating and I probably shouldn’t but oh well it’s not like I’m going to die anytime soon it’s not like I don’t have weight to lose curse of vanish Vanishing stone sword yeah that’s

Annoying don’t know why that’s even a thing that was a weird hiccup a very weird hiccup yep how to break those okay and now I just have to remove the stone which is as easy as that besides the copper being in the way yep done I’ll go and get gravel another time

Go I I need a bigger inventory I really do I fill it up in just instantly every time basically when I have to break dirt no matter what I do it’s instantly filled I mean yeah I have a lot of random blocks right now but still space doesn’t last

Long all right back back to the empty plot that could have went bad actually I was about to say that could have went bad no I it wouldn’t have done anything you have someone you know IRL stream on the side and they don’t realize who you are I don’t know if

That’s a good thing or not cuz the day that you tell them who you are it might not go the way you think depending on the person some people don’t take things like that well but that’s between you and them okay this house is going to end up being

One block back it’s going to line up with that one block farther back than that there’s that what the was that I think I’m crazy I think I’m just a little somehow paranoid I guess cuz it sounded like I just heard something in my headphones or

On my head headphones more like it like somebody just knocked on my headphones I live alone though so that’s not an option they told you their account a year ago okay nice so you’ve been basically secretly being there for for them I don’t know if that’s better or

Not because I have some friends in real life that if they were in my stream it would definitely be a I definitely would act different if they were here I probably would but I mean I guess they could be here and I just wouldn’t know but I don’t think that they would

Be I don’t think so could be wrong but I’m like 99% certain that if I did have friends that would be in my stream uh I don’t think they would hide themselves but it’s not like I have the friends here anyways okay I have no clue where the

Front door is on this house based on Google Maps satellite image there’s a tree that looks like it covers it so I’m going to put it right there and uh yeah just so you know I am actually basing everything I’m building off of real life like things sadly I

Cannot use street view for any houses that I’m building in this area but for that area I can see the colors so once I actually get do ice and wool or concrete whatever I choose I can actually make them look proper and you sent a smiling face emoji thing on

Twitch so I just realized the ones for twitch work in my chat for but the ones for YouTube don’t that’s kind of weird don’t know how I feel about it going to put a window there going to put one here or well put a a wall here

I’m very bad at um making windows make sense in these little mobile homes trailer park homes whatever the hell you want to call them yeah only twitch yeah I don’t know why I see twitch emotes and stuff or whatever they’re actually called but I don’t see YouTubes YouTubes just come up

As the uh as text with ellipses not sure why yeah I’m just going to make a crafting table and stay in here until it’s done I don’t feel like going back uh and going to sleep yet nope buk give me the Birch back yeah it’s going to be dark for a

Wait I about say it’s going to be dark for a little bit no I have the top done I can add torches nice and now we have light now you can actually see on stream I know that the stream is significantly darker than it shows in real in on my

Screen the stream is usually significantly darker how did I place that there how did I mess that up that bad uh wool why not the windows are just going to look random they’re never going to look good they just won’t I’m also trying to offset them so

They’re not not just you know copying each other that’s a decent double window there double window right into their front door yeah no you know for some reason from here this doesn’t look bad like this house with this color in the Birch doesn’t look bad it

Should but it it it doesn’t it just kind of it works I don’t know maybe they’re proper spacing above the the doors being two blocks instead of one compared to the earlier on ones it just looks better oh my stomach is not happy it really is not uh I’m going to

Make that a one make that leave that at two yeah that’s fine all right now we go scaffolding and we go up yeah that’s fine I can make the jump or I could just do that I’ll pick that up later I don’t think it’s going anywhere anytime

Soon yeah I don’t think that uh that single scaffolding is going anywhere I can also make an insane amount of scaffolding anyways so I’m not worried scaffolding is surprisingly cheap to make with the scaffolding mod that I randomly found installed and it just worked right out of the

Box I shouldn’t say it worked right out of the box but I mean that’s technically how it is I also just realized something I could be doing this this entire time I could make the actual roof out of stone slabs and not half a block what

Just glitched out I think I may have accidentally placed a block inside of myself or place a block that I was inside of may have done that not sure I thought I had more Stone than that in my backpack maybe I already used it I

Mean I’ve only Built that one today so I may have already used it I’m not sure all right I’m going to build across here slowly so I don’t accidentally double place because then that is slightly more annoying to fix still doesn’t take long to fix but it’s just

Something if it can be avoided I’ll avoid it somehow I didn’t mess any of that up I don’t think I have enough slabs you know this would have like that oh that at eight it okay oh I have barely enough I also have an odd number

Apparently how did I end up with an odd number oh wow that roof actually looks nice or ceiling that looks nice that looks like an actual like tiled ceiling damn what’s wrong with the leaves am I crazy the stream might be too pixelated to see that the Leafs

Ahead are actively shaking left and right odd very odd I don’t like it I don’t like that all right I’m going to eat my Donuts in peace real quick leavs be looking glitched yeah yeah even though those I guess aren’t really leaves they’re just plants buddy really I open up the door

And you instantly shoot yeah that’s what you deserve there’s a Manore yeah I’m not afraid of a creeper exploding back here I’m not stupid enough to make that mistake around here I know how to avoid a creeper from exploding if I really wanted it to

Explode I would let it get back here you are supposed to be like an aggressive monster it’s supposed to be a damn near like mini boss kind of thing and they just do not care yeah dark mantore egg I don’t even know if I can tame it or

Not and I swear that’s the same scorpion that’s been here for like three Minecraft days now it just doesn’t want to leave all right it’s it’s we can go to bed now in game it’s been a while we work through the night we finished that I closed one door not the other doesn’t

Make a difference my back is also very itchy right now I know I haven’t been bit my mosquito because uh it’s winter and it’s huh I don’t know maybe it’s just itchy because it’s itchy oh I got that one before it exploded different mantacore green mantacore don’t shoot

Me just make that jump real quick good I got that one too why do they keep going down into The Ravines mantor are constantly doing that in this world and it’s spinning yeah that’s also a common Minecraft thing that okay I’ve seen things in the past on like years upon years ago about

People playing with like mantor and mods and they’re aggressive as hell they show up out of nowhere they kill you real easily and then there’s this these mantor in this world that I can barely even get to come towards me like I don’t I don’t get it also apparently there’s

A mob around here underground there might be a spider in a cave down there then got it just running around like crazy G to go fill this chest with more random garbagio uh I have more Stone in here we have more Cobblestone we’re going to put it in there perfect and I

Can make more stone slabs probably wasn’t the most efficient way but it’s fine PS door it’s all stuff I can use here uh yep we’ll put that away gunpowder and that will take cuz I can put them away my heater really likes to randomly

Kick on I me I guess it’s cheap but it does the trick instead of me heating my entire place with one Central crappy furnace I can just heat my bedroom and keep the rest of the place warm enough I like how I only have two arrows in there it’s probably because every

Other Arrow I’ve gotten I’ve been throwing away because I don’t need them okay how much Birch I still have a lot of birch I need to clear out that next section make more that that roof I swear it looks better than anything else I’ve done obviously this one’s horrible

I hate it I’m not going to fix it anytime soon but I think what is it this one is the one where I looked online to get ideas for it’s not bad not bad kind of looks bad kind of looks decent kind of looks bad so far looks best I think that stone

Slab with like the um distinct grid lines works better than anything else um that bottom gray I don’t know if that looks good or not but I like it more than the Cobblestone I think but it would look better if I actually had colors in the

Houses I still need to get gravel and put it down here yeah that’s going to be a project for another time still could be today just not right now damn Clover yeah that spider’s still underground somewhere I hear it over there oh wow I was within one block

Nice and I broke it of course I broke it thought I had more durability than I actually did Will Repair put that back wherever the hell I found it and continue on like nothing happened yep nothing happened nothing happened at all nope NADA n a pretty sure n a is nobody could be

Wrong on that I kind of you know I don’t keep up with Spanish much anymore because it’s I don’t use it anymore pretty sure n is everybody or or sorry not everybody is no one the opposite of everybody is no one what else was I going to toss out oh

That sword and another smelting Stone axe I’m not chopping down trees just to turn them into charcoal that’s stupid I also can potentially get even more charcoal by manually chopping down the trees and then smelting it your your brain gets confused with the random drops besides dirt yeah mine

Kind of does too except at this point I basically memorize the loot table exactly besides the enchantments and uh yeah you can get sticks bowls clay iron gold diamonds paintings um string I don’t think you can get bones you can get stone swords Stone shovels Stone axes haven’t never I’ve gotten a

Stone hoe so I don’t think it’s in there um yeah you can get a lot of paintings uh you get you get coal I feel like I’m I missed one or two things there but we’ll we’ll find them they show up yeah the crappy wooden bowls oh

Slime balls that’s what I missed yep slime balls get a lot of those and that’s actually kind of useful to have out of all the things for it to drop the Slime balls are the best probably because I made slime boots that allow me to go insanely quickly and

Then slime shot which makes it possible so I can’t take fall damage unless I hold shift when I hit the ground or before I hit the ground ground I guess if I hit the ground I’ll bounce yeah I’m just immune to fall damage now and that slime shot does the trick real

Well uh I’m just going to keep filling it yep got single gold ingot not too useful way too many sticks way too many sticks I guess I should turn some of these sticks into torches probably I don’t feel like doing the math right now oh perfect one left over and I also got

A lot of experience for making those torches apparently oh we are almost to this plot that I already emptied perfect yep we’re getting somewhere might take a while but we’re getting there it’s going to be so sad when I have to cover up that Ravine cuz I really don’t want

To I kind of just want to leave it open but I can’t I have to cover part of it I’m going to keep open what I can I think but yeah a lot of it’s going to have to be um removed or covered not removed just covered this entire area is

Going to have to be filled dirt uh clay that’s fine Clay is actually insanely useful to be able to get from dirt and that should be a normal Minecraft thing where there’s like a random thing of clay here and there inside of dirt because when

I’ve had a dig and real life in the past I have always found clay very close like you find clay within 3et underground if not less and at least in the areas where I’ve had to dig up things or not dig up things but dig to

Either plant or replace things such as a wooden post you always find clay and a lot of it man I don’t want this has been a nice thing here actually having this like railing here having this random Ravine it’s been nice to have I don’t want to

Get rid of it but I have to get rid of part of it most of it most of it has to get covered up it’s a shame it’s a real shame I don’t know why I’m breaking that whoops that’s fine I’m going to break all of this grass because I have to cover

It Yep this entire City’s going to be the same level I don’t plan on making part of it taller than the rest I don’t need to do that and since I’m here I might as well clear out a whole bunch of this not sure if I needed to but it it’s easy to

Do also don’t know if breaking This Grass counts towards a statistic or not but I kind of want to see if it does because I’m curious how high that number is going to be oh I bounced good Lord okay blocks is grass one of them there’s leaves there’s dead bushes um yeah dead

Bushes shrubs grass 1,700 doesn’t sound like a lot oh but it is I’ve broken 45 poppies no way I have um I’ve made eight blocks of iron yep eight thought I only made four made a lot of stone slabs only 40 obsidian um you know lots of torches more torches

Than stairs impressive not a lot of chests yet only I’ve only mined 32 diamond ore only but I’ve got a lot more diamonds than 32 there’s all the rails Stone stairs yep apparently I made one pressure plate oh yeah I had to do that for a recipe uh Redstone decent bit

Yeah Netherrack I’ve only done two sessions of breaking Netherrack and I’ve broke 4,300 yep uh stone slab or wood slabs apparently oh I made a lot for the church that church actually took me several hours to build and it’s not a good church uh 35 blocks of coal

Apparently um oh yep all those broken textures I haven’t even found them I have broke redw would I have not broke 62 Redwood or sacred oak wood I haven’t broke any so I don’t know where that number’s come from haven’t gotten any sacred Oak planks don’t know where that

Came from never found an ocean for pink Coral haven’t found mangroves Short Grass oh that’s the number I’m looking for yeah I’ve broken almost 4,000 things of grass there we go uh scaffolding apparently is on here Copper’s on here apparently I broken 300 things of

Copper yeah I know no I haven’t I don’t have that much copper I don’t have five plus stacks of copper no way block of cool bolt I have made two yep I had two um that thing yep saplings planted I’m surpris those even counted windy Gardens shaded Gardens good bit

How much Stone have I broken haven’t paid attention 26,000 and uh only 10,000 dirt that’s a shame I should be ashamed of myself I’ve also placed though 3,000 things dirt uh I’ve crafted a lot of wood oak logs damn is it only oak logs or is it just logs in

General I think logs in general count because I’ve definitely not Min 2,000 blocks of Oak I haven’t done that I’ve done more Birch than oak at this point I think considering all these are also made out of birch Birch looks better well I’m going to start placing

More dirt while I think of things to do that aren’t building another rectangle house that’s easy but kind of dull to do at least placing dirt it changes things up a little bit get a different different scenery somewh what and then my failure to place blocks

Yep more dirt I have a potato I have wheat and I have peanuts in my inventory that’s actually perfect for me peanuts potatoes and bread yep that could keep me alive in real life not forever but for long enough probably trying trying to think of things to

Say because like I said earlier one of the harder parts of streaming is probably keeping the conversation going and talking to yourself for five plus hours straight yeah kind of difficult kind of definitely difficult on the throat too speaking of which going to drink some water real quick

Okay how did I leave that Gap well there’s a lot more dirt placed a lot more flat that all has to be removed eventually there’s oh every single one of those is where a creeper flashed every single one that’s really annoying we’ll fix it like that yep broken shaders is

Simplified version creeper lights up but it it creates like a temporary light source and so it it doesn’t behave properly with the uh shaders cuz it’s I mean it’s not there’s not even a center point to that one this one Center Point is probably right here but it doesn’t matter hi

Zombie oh I did not expect that to kill you what’s flying around was that a mantore cuz it kind of didn’t look like a mantore I don’t know it’s gone oh well how did I miss the spider come on anything else oh there’s skeleton just so I can get shot again all right

Yep oh I hit the grass in front of you I can’t see I’m out of run love that spider you’re having a good time jumping around to yourself too bad I interrupted it ha it’s still jumping around you know what I’m going to leave it he’s he’s having a

Good time oh yep no he now he’s yeah he decided to try to kill me spider that was probably the worst decision you could have made you decided to not attack me at first so I let you live there’s a monster nearby probably cuz it’s a damn witch

Oh there’s a werewolf yeah werewolves are very difficult to kill I learned that the hard way did you just give me glow stone you did too bad I don’t care about it right now there’s three glowstone dust it’s not worth the inventory space Oh No we’re going to take that draw this in

Here yeah I’d be pissed if I heard a creeper hiss behind me yeah that would not be a good time for me sleep okay nice beautiful day I have not a lot of cobblestone on me but I’m going to probably go and use most of it I’m come

Here oh what the hell man what you you scared if I run towards you what the heck what are you doing you know trees are like your worst enemy right besides me Jennifer hi welcome back Enderman a tree is probably the worst place you can

Go because I can use a tree to protect myself against you what was I doing creating a road here and marking where everything is going to start oh I have to make a circle I might say screw it and I might just not make a circle I won’t lie

It where did you come wait what where did wait actually where did you come from there there’s not a slime Island I how did you spawn I know that Slimes like have a specific way they can spawn but did it spawn on the stone there the

Empty Stone CU I don’t think it can spawn on Cobblestone all right well I might just leave him because I mean he’s fine he’s friendly clearly I find it weird that these tiny slimes can’t actually hurt you they just push you but they don’t get one hit koed even

Though I’m pretty sure in one version of Minecraft they do get one hit koed by anything you can hit them with spider just chilling well I kind of got interrupted by this little guy you’re quick godd damn I’m going to have to kill you because you’re going to be in the

Way this excavator does no damage yes it does it does six that thing should have died a lot quicker than it did but okay random Rotting Flesh yeah back on topic um there’s supposed to be like a giant Circle this direction like a circle not even a

Circle Drive just a circle around like an empty area I’m not going to make a circle that of this size hell no I don’t know the spacing for it and it’s not going to work well in my favor even if I tried to make it properly so I’m not

Going to try to make it properly I’m just going to make a square and call it there cuz it’s going to get the same purpose it’s going to leave a giant empty area in the center with one random building so it’s fine Minecraft is not meant to have circles for good reason Minecraft

Everything is on a 90° axis we don’t need to add circles in and confuse everything you just got home from Vol practice it was chaos there well welcome back to a chaotic chaotic stream of just constant add ADHD whichever it really is even though I’ve never been diagnosed

Obviously based on how these streams have been going oh yeah it’s bad okay I have a slight predicament I can’t make this how I need to yet because I have to build more houses to find more spacing I’ll just bring it out by like five more blocks that should be

Enough six more works too I’m just trying to get things started somewhat make it so I have less work for parts of it in the future for example filling that in and this lava is going to have to go yeah make sure there there’s nothing behind me no random tiny little slimes

To push me in here that would not be a fun time of course it fell right in random actually I’m just going to leave it random block of wood why not I know what it’s from it’s from a tree burning down but I want to leave

It I also need to go down here and place a whole bunch of torches so mobs can’t spawn inside of this anymore that’s what I did with with some of the ones over there uh not in my off hand perfect oh it just ends up right there

That’s annoying but sure I’ll stop them from spawning and maybe one day somebody will find out they have a cave under their house yep it came from somewhere okay that’s a weird a weird empty looking Road wonder why it looks empty it’s almost like I haven’t placed Cobblestone There

Yet the grass at least looks nice underneath here it does too bad it’s being covered up immediately that was a bad tickle in the back of my throat I’m talking too much I’m talking too much and not drinking enough water over time I think the past few streams I’ve

Been drinking coffee most of the time today I had one cup of coffee and I actually still haven’t finished it now I finished it a single thing of cobblestone of course oh I have another stack might as well use it since I’m here already doing it okay random hole that’s fine we’ll cover

It up anyways I really need to learn how to count there we go this actually looks nice for some reason it shouldn’t but having like hills on both sides with this road is with the grass actually looks really nice with shadows and everything this overhang I don’t know why it just it’s

It’s soothing to me it’s satisfying to look at don’t know why though I think I’m I think I’m annoyed by grass here and I like it when there’s just flat gr flat grass blocks with no grass sticking up none of that garbage okay I have two Stone shovels

Not sure where they came from well I do know where they came from at one had the most durability I’ve ever seen from one of those interesting and I left sand here I should harvest the sand I can actually make use of the sand now just replace it with dirt it’s

Not like I’m going to be running out of dirt anytime soon I know there’s another thing of sand there but it’s fine it’s trust me it’s fine guess I need to turn all this into uh yeah I need to turn all of this into dirt so I’ll do it right

Now I just got to do I got to work on bits and pieces over time and I don’t know why I just get tired of uh building the same boring house it’s not difficult it just I don’t know I just want to constantly change it up not sure why I just

Do why am I using the hammer I need to use the Cobalt pickaxe I need to level it up I am stupid I also like how it this thing had a th000 durability earlier yeah there’s it’s mostly gone already mostly uh I need to break that the rest of this is

Fine okay I don’t this thing is not going to have enough durability for what I need to do over here but I can get a decent chunk of it out of the way don’t know why I broke that I needed that I needed that dirt there what it started doing the animation on

Them that is very weird I mean I know it a pickaxe has momentum and that’s kind of why it’s speeding up real quick so interesting I can do a single click with this pickaxe and it will actually do the animation for once that’s yeah the first time I’ve

Seen the animation with this pickaxe since it hit you know what 25 yeah mining speed 25 26 and I can increase it even more if I wanted to probably shouldn’t but uh I definitely will might as well do that when I go back anyways I’ll repair it with a thing of

Cobalt add uh whole bunch of redstone to it why not it’s not like I’m going to be out of redstone and if I do run out of redstone anytime soon it’s not going to take me long to get a T more and I still need to watch the curing because

YouTube is now happy about it I like how YouTube has like Bots that can sense or that can understand when you’re cussing sometimes but not other times like do they just have random Bots going through every one of my long streams recently just to know it’s like

Oh he said this word one too many times nope it’s restricted like it’s just a little irritating that every single one I’ve done this week has been restricted but they weren’t all restricted at first one of them got restricted before the stream even ended two of them weren’t restricted until this

Morning and I bet you this one’s going to be restricted by the time I stop it probably I feel like YouTube’s just going to restrict them all at this point it’s just going to think I’m only cussing so it can think what it wants to think it’s

Fine I’ve been working on the dirt crap all of the day my ears have a headache and I’m not sure sure why yeah earss have a headache that makes sense my ears ache probably because I’ve had headphones on for a while and I’m talking to myself so the

Audio that I’m hearing through the headphones of me talking to myself is unusual and irritates them sounds stupid but it’s it’s a real thing it’s the uh difference in vibrations that I’m not used to yep it uh it irritates your ears well it’s been a while since I’ve been

Home now again rarely come home to do anything like I mean my inventory is full full on a whole bunch of crap yeah it said I broke like 300 things of copper I I have 24 Coop 22 copper yeah I don’t know where it’s getting Copper from I’m wondering if it’s just saying

Any ore at this point that isn’t um a standard Minecraft ore any ore that that’s thermal Foundation is probably being combined together I think that’s a safe bet to assume oh wow um I think it’s bedtime but it’s not even 8 p.m. yet my body thinks it’s bedtime probably

It’s almost like I haven’t gotten enough sleep for the past week or so it’ be a shame if I was streaming trying to be productive for once instead of sitting at home and doing things that are unhealthy such as drinking too much alcohol fun times but uh yeah can’t do that forever your

Body will not survive okay going to put Cobalt back yeah get a,2 durability not a solid 1,000 just 1,000 and2 never mind I’m stupid that’s XP no I get 1,071 durability not sure why it’s like that but it is my phone vibrated like I got a

Text uh no I got a gift in Pokemon go thanks that’s that’s the notification I needed nothing else is important just that I don’t even know how much Redstone I need to upgrade this thing and yeah I’m going to say screw it and add more Redstone why not so mining speed is

26.2 and then it’s going to be 26.2 to 296 and I don’t think I have any modifiers left nope but what’s funny is that I can add a modifier to it right nope I need an enchanted golden apple damn or really is wasn’t it block of gold for

The first one I know it wasn’t block of diamond for the first one I know it was not that one nope it’s not what the what was it then there there’s definitely one that you can add that adds a modifier adds a free modifier slot I

Thought it was a block of gold for the first one and a block of diamond for the second one if it wasn’t it should have been a block of diamond for the first Tinkers tool mod okay we’ll go back to the thing I had open at the beginning of the

Stream yeah additional modifiers level one one diamond or one block of gold or level two one block of diamond wait is it do I need both of them at once to make it work is that what I’m learning here I need one diamond and a block of gold not a block of

Diamonds oh game’s lagging because of um because I have this tab open because of the ads playing it is actually lagging my game and dropping my frame rate that is really stupid oh wait now it wait what no it doesn’t what Diamond can only be applied once that’s fine it’s not even registering

That I can add a block of gold nope okay so that’s fine let’s say I already did level one so I should be able to do level two which means block of diamond which I did do I just need an enchanted golden apple now I don’t know if I needed an enchanted golden

Apple well that one ain’t going to happen well actually actually I might be able to make it happen I don’t know why I came over here without the gold in my inventory I don’t so I don’t need well I’ll just throw this in here for now where’s all of my that’s all the

Gold I have I swear I had more than that that’s depressing that’s so little gold all right well I’m going to turn I’m going to turn 10 into 20 I guess oh it doesn’t instant break these good very good I can’t get the table there we go casting Basin and then casting

Table well I guess we’re just going to have to put the gold ore in here that’s going to smelt down quickly good thing I have lava close I thought I had a lava pool close by here I mean I have this one I thought I had one around

Here I guess I don’t there’s one right there I didn’t even know about yeah the closest one is there well I’ll go to it then away up oh man so close to being perfect this is actually starting to look like something when there’s things that are like filled

Yep okay I might have to leave this lava because I’m going to be using it I got to stop cussing YouTube doesn’t like it why did I stop jumping it just cut me off there randomly I need to make sure not to land in that because that will

Um it will not go well for me let’s just leave it at that pour that in there and go back for another thing of lava I see I see this road and it’s like it’s actually nice everything’s flat everything works I need food Bonk Bonk okay stop yeah once I get close to

The lava I need to play it a little bit more uh carefully not trying to send myself flying into lava there we go that was a good height too bad I messed that up and we can jump it God or I come on oh I lost it

Yeah I need to make sure I don’t land in there by the way because if I do it’s going to create problems we’re going to add more lava okay I can smelt down perfect amount too I might have just enough gold to make this work might not sure yet also going to

Fill it with as much lava as I can here soon I’ve never filled this with this much lava before I’ve never even put two buckets in at once I don’t think and I’m put three already well I had like half of one and then I put two more in so

Eh momentum man it messes you up come on get one more thing of lava real quick so I have those going oh that works not really the one I was meaning to grab but it’s fine that was a good one that one went nice and high allow me to do

This oh okay it didn’t allow me to do that I don’t know why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t but all right it’s a lot of gold uh it’s not going to be enough gold nope I’m only going to have six blocks wor her gold damn and I need

Eight it’d be a shame I can’t even go to the Nether and get like gold quickly bat hi welcome back can’t even go go to like the Nether and get gold because the uh one Pigman rarely spawn right now and when they do they just don’t drop any nuggets so I would have

To actually go and mine gold and I think I’ve broken enough stone blocks today Broken more than enough today yep I’m we running though wow that looks real weird in there I’ve never seen it that full I’ve never put that much lava in it Sun’s going down it’s getting a

Little dark I don’t know why it took me until now to realize why don’t I just Place torches around here it would look nice it would make it so less mobs spawn around here too randomly so I could probably actually go and uh use this sometimes at night

Yeah wow I’m not I’m not smart it kind of looks like dark P I don’t think it’s quite that that bad if your P looks this color you need to go see a doctor immediately if it is this like kind of shiny yeah and it’s all gone yep I only got six

Blocks like how I just heard the campfire from all the way over here that’s weird what just happened I think the map changed that’s what happened I’m going to put some torches out here cuz I haven’t been I like how I really just have not been placing torches around anything and

So everything’s just dark like this tree I mean I could place torch like right right there just make it better place torch right there it would help so much I had enough sense to put this but nothing else need to drink water uh yeah well even if it’s that color you that

Color that’s shiny you’d still need to go see a doctor okay got that how many blocks of gold yeah I have oh well actually I can make I can make it too bad if I make this and it doesn’t work I’m going to be stuck with an enchanted golden

Apple and no use for it I’m not kidding by the way I’m making an enchanted golden apple just to see if this works it should but I don’t think it is and this is the day where I learned that I’ve never made an enchanted golden apple before

You don’t use blocks of gold do you you use ingots no how do you make an enchanted golden apple then okay go back how do I just make an Golden Apple oh you can’t you you can’t there isn’t a recipe for it I swear you can make an enchanted golden

Apple so I wasted my entire time doing all of that I mean I guess I got lava and gold well I didn’t really get any more gold I already had it huh now I really feel like an idiot this entire time I’m I’ve always thought you could make an enchanted

Golden apple with just Gold Blocks instead of ingots that’s always been a thing I swear I swear that has always been a thing ever since they made it you have always been able to craft it I guess not okay we learn something new and stupid every day don’t we

Well now that that kind of messed up a whole bunch of things um I’m not even going to be able to do what I thought so it doesn’t matter uh this is not grown like I was hoping it would be probably because I haven’t been around

Here I need to make a boat just to travel here or just make a bridge that could work too well I guess if I stand here things will grow I’m just actively watching several of these just grow Bit by Bit by Bit yep three just grew at once

One oh okay oh well just stand here for a bit drink a little bit okay well yeah this is not grown like I thought it would this grass hasn’t even spread here for some reason this is normal dirt correct yeah this is just normal Minecraft dirt it’s

Not like the lomy dirt or whatever it’s not whatever the hell this is yeah it’s not lomy dirt it’s just normal dirt there and it still isn’t growing I should have been able to bridge that Gap but it didn’t work I’ve done that plenty of

Times like that I guess you can only do it while running have random crap in here yep oh and then it didn’t work there what the heck didn’t work I don’t get it does it have to be exactly straight nope didn’t work I don’t I don’t know why it worked earlier and now

It isn’t oh well it’s fine it’s whatever I was hoping that would grow a lot more in the time but you know what since that hasn’t grown I’m going to go make a field that will grow and is actually related to the real life City part just going to go make a

Giant cornfield exactly where a real cornfield is where’ I put the hoe Diamond hoe I need to make an enchanting table someday and actually enchant the diamond hoe but eh that feels like it’s a little unnecessary my body is not happy right now like I just drink water and it it

Feels like my body wants to reject the water if you know what I mean by that it doesn’t feel like it wants to stay in my stomach and it’s not a nice feeling by any means okay so that’s 80 oh that’s perfect that will make a perfect one one one tiny field

Yes okay and Away holy crap stop please thank you okay so how much space is there actually oh well H wow I’m just at this point I’ve made so much around here that I’ve lost myself that I’m not even remembering which part is which part of the roads

Anymore but uh this needs to be chopped down I’ll tell you that much I’m going to chop this one down too while I’m here my chat once again is not open that’s okay do I have dirt stored in here I do good I need

It love it that it did not fill the one spot of dirt that I had in my hot bar I didn’t want to do it like how I’m clearing all this out for 81 blocks of dirt that’s more than wide enough okay and just continue placing feel like dirt’s placing quicker than cobblestone

Was placing earlier maybe I’m crazy though it just feels like it’s placing quicker it might have something to do with the sound difference I guess uh we’ll might as well line it up in the center here so there’s one two three four five six I know I said six even though it

Should be five that’s because I wanted to leave a space right there uh I need one more and this will be a field of only corn and when I say only corn um I may just plant thousands upon thousands of blocks of corn and not Harvest them and

Beans I guess I need to do beans as well usually I don’t think corn and beans are planted side by side don’t eat the damn corn this corn is not for eating this corn is for planting stupid character in game trying to eat the damn corn look at how quick

This stuff is growing because I’m standing right here that is amazing how quick it’s going so I guess I can just get unlimited corn if I wanted to probably real quick do I remember you um I won’t lie no gaming Terror does not even sound familiar for some reason so at the

Moment no I do not unless you had a different username or different something username gaming her I do not remember watch you have like been in the Stream yesterday and I’m already that forgetful yeah it gets pretty bad sometimes with usernames like that yeah okay just going to chop down some

Of this real quick because I’m right here with it don’t know why I did it like that and I accidentally discovered sand got that done okay oh I have water over here I guess I randomly Place more if I wanted to throw that away that away that away

That I want to keep the Birch saplings root don’t need I don’t think I have any use for random root mushroom I might just eat raw well I can’t it’s a white mushroom it’s safe to eat yeah most of these are almost done growing already huh what happens if I just stand here

For a bit because we can see them all Grow I just realized this corn should grow to be two blocks tall not one Pam’s harvestcraft you did me wrong how dare you out of all the crops that you have you think you would have made some of them more life size but nope I just realized the corn

Is messed up I also just got the chill really badly like bad chills like I feel like I’m sick chills I’m wrapped in a blanket and I’m still freezing that’s not normal that’s not normal in the slightest I haven’t even had as much caffeine today as I did

Yesterday weird what can I do with apples a lot yeah I can make a golden apple thanks game well yeah I learn the hard way that it doesn’t work how I want it to uh you’re the one who watched my last stream from different corners of the or

From a different corner of the earth and come again and again at night time according to you I am not even sure what you mean exactly by that when you say nighttime also that kind of doesn’t really work because your night time and my night time are probably not the same night

Time cuz right now it is 8:12 p.m. for me I mean the sun’s been down for well since like 4:30 and I don’t know it’s night time that’s all I’m going to say I don’t know well I just got 43 corn wait what I got 40 I harvested like

What I’m getting three corn four corn oh my God 6 p.m. for you nice I didn’t realize I’m getting this much extra corn I thought I only got one crop for these it is 7:42 a.m. there yeah yeah you are 12 and 1/2 hours ahead or that’s not

Right 11 and 1 half hours ahead or behind depending on the day apparently I can just stand here and harvest corn indefinitely like God damn the best use I have for corn also is simply stocks stock or popcorn I guess I could plant lettuce and make spring salads I have onions I could

Fish I can make Garden soups I have a lot of those probably butter I can’t get because I don’t have cows I can make a lot of cornmeal what do I use cornmeal for tortillas hush why hush puppies do not use cornmeal what the hell are you talking about corn chips

Sure I could make corn chips with salt yeah actually cheese puffs I don’t have cheese it is very dark that’s a problem I don’t I have lost my sense of direction that’s how dark it is I know where I am now now that I saw the edge

Of uh where I built this yeah I know okay I know the orientation now I’m going to harvest the rest of this stuff real quick and then just go back um let’s get past the trees and away we go good shot real good shot landed real close to the

Door impressive yes mhm yes definitely Yes that’s one cornfield now I just have to continue that cornfield I like how I broke a few a little bit of dirt and my inventory is immediately full of crap all over the place and I got saplings that doesn’t help doesn’t hurt it definitely doesn’t help either okay well there’s four emeralds

Just like that you got to go all right and enjoy the rest of your evening or morning I don’t remember which it is for you considering you got home from volleyball practice I’m going to assume evening have a good evening really wish I did not have to

Hover over corn to sell these but it was right there four emeralds just like that what can I use emeralds for besides simple things what the hell is Silky cloth wait what hold up a minute that’s actually oh my God I can make silk touch like really

Easily that’s weird also I don’t know what a warp stone is but I can make it Tome of knowledge okay I guess you can just store experience Emerald nuggets apparently are a thing I can make an emerald dagger emerald sword actually that recipe Works silk touch yes I can craft silk

Touch I can make a modifier that can put silk touch on anything I want then I don’t know why do I why do I need silk touch though that’s what I’m thinking I mean I could use silk touch for leaves that’s fine I do like doing

That grass I can make grass out of less dirt than by just using silk touch on grass blocks doesn’t make sense but I can turn one dirt into nine grass blocks don’t ask why it just how they decided it for that mod huh okay well what can I do with Emerald nuggets nothing

Off right for some reason Emerald nuggets are a thing but there’s not a single recipe for them I mean I guess if you want to give your friends a taste of a emerald sure brag that you have emeralds just give them a nugget there’s a spider somewhere oh wow that was a jerking

Chill motion oh God why why does my body keep doing this right now you got to go all right have a good evening day whatever time it is I’m going to sit here and figure out what I’m doing next I should probably just go build another house so at least I made three

Today uh I know what I need to do I need gravel I need to fill in that hole I made I don’t think that’s enough gravel that might be enough gravel not sure let’s see if we can aim it properly aim true um good enough I mean here’s right

Here so not bad not bad at all I like how the peak of the stream was like 2 to three hours ago and now it’s just 8:00 p.m. and everybody’s leaving I think I mean it’s late yes but um I wasn’t wasn’t planning on quitting yet

So I’m going to keep going it might drop the average W watch time severely but I’m going to keep going I’m going to keep going until I drop not actually but how long have I been streaming I haven’t dropped a single frame today too three and a half hours it has genuinely

Felt like it’s been longer than that okay 3 hours doesn’t actually seem sound that bad it just when I say 8:00 p.m. like it’s 20 after 8 seems like it’s been a long time reality it hasn’t actually been that long but that broke weirdly that was

Like a it was like a pattern don’t know how to feel about that uh yeah I’m going to make some slabs here H yeah we’ll just make standard slabs it’s fine that works well enough as well as anything else has been working recently uh what is this oh this is the

One I can’t see so I’m just gonna just going to wing it and do whatever I want and we’ll put some more oh whoops how how did I mess that up that’s my brain is starting to go out the window now it’s just I mean yeah I just tried

To start three sentences and did not continue on a single one I think I’ve hit that point where I’m exhausted not I don’t really know it but I think my brain is it just is I have been talking to myself for for a quite a while today so it’s not impossible or

Impractical uh we’re going to resort that God that’s so much clay right there how when did I get all this clay I don’t remember having this much can do that do that do that perfect what wait what was that well yeah there’s grout but there was something else I could just

Do was it a clay block no what was it I literally I accidentally clicked on it and it popped up something weird I don’t know I can make soap apparently not sure what the use of soap is besides soapy water and super soapy water super soapy water is a

Thing I there’s probably use for it but I’m not sure what that use would be oh that’s useful I can Mass make grout even though I feel like that’s a loss of something is it though I don’t know it doesn’t matter the game is quiet I’m quiet I’m relaxed everything’s just quiet oddly

Quiet yeah there’s no Minecraft music there’s no ambient noise the heater just turned on so I guess there’s my noise break hey I remember which way to craft fences for once I’m just going to craft as many as I can with my inventory why not it’s not like I’m going to run out

Of wood or sticks that I and in the end I really didn’t make that many uh fences anyways 60 will take me a while yeah we’re just chilling here trying to figure things out but 60 fences seems like it was going to be a lot more than

That um I feel like this one needed fence I’m not sure why good enough they don’t all have to be identical it’s kind of annoying in fact if it’s identical it’s fine doesn’t matter then I have stone fence there I’m going to have wood fence here yeah makes

Sense I’m going to actually break this one okay and that has Stone Fence nice um well actually one of these had like a top thing to it it I don’t think it matters oh well uh did I need to make a path here I’m just going

To like I said it adds a little bit of color and stuff to the place when I I think I said it yesterday it just makes things look a little bit better and then I can come in sideways it’s fine yeah it adds a nice Brown in a way to the

Uh do everything except when that happens it’s awful I’m going to fix it but yeah that looks real bad I just need dirt fix it real quick yeah it still doesn’t look good so thanks for the follow on Twitch not sure where it came from but thanks yep I just realized something I

Can do at this intersection that I’ve seen people do in the past it’s simple but it’s it’s nice I don’t know why we put like fences here me see this at like Crossroads in real life too sometimes I’m going to put them actually on the outer edge of these so it goes slightly

Further it’s sometimes tiny details like this that can make a world actually feel cozy sometimes I actually like that more than trying to do like Street lamps I won’t lie I mean there aren’t any Street lamps I don’t think in this area but I mean what if I do like Oak fences

Here and then we just have natural we have the Torches placed outside that adds light to the road and everything I am not opposed to this I am liking it I really am oh I somehow misplaced that I’m liking it like I said adds a little bit of depth and detail stuff

Simple that does the trick also killing a skeleton simple in one hit does the trick all right well let’s just continue this on until I run out of fence and or torches how come on I’ll also continue it here because this is how did you spawn on top of

That that’s what I would like to know also there’s a lot of mobs spawning here several creepers in fact oh three of them I’m not afraid of the creepers I’m just yeah I’m there’s trees here so I can’t jump and actually properly evade them if I needed

To wow I forgot I was going to keep bouncing when I jumped down two blocks yep wow I I mean I got gunpowder from all of them but I only got one gunpowder from one of them that’s a shame recently I’ve been getting solid two gunpowder per every

Creeper not sure how but it’s just been working out like that all right well I’m basically out of fences I can add some here but uh yep that looks weird but I kind of like it fences between between trees I kind of like it kind of do wait why did I do

Gra I don’t remember doing gravel up to this I don’t there okay there are zombies over there I’m not crazy I don’t remember putting gravel there very odd doesn’t look bad um and the game just made me eat a donut without me actually doing it it’s not the first time it’s happened

But I haven’t had that happen in a long time there are a lot of mobs out here ow well I saw a werewolf or I thought I did it’s going to have to Die remember this thing’s going to take forever to kill but it will probably drop something really good I’m going to see if I can get creepers to explode on it or not wait why did that explode I was noticeably far away that did more damage I’m just going

To pick these up since it’s here that skeleton Soldier is just completely ignoring me this shouldn’t be happening what did you drop there’s no way you only Drop Bones nah no way you only dropped bones you are a werewolf oh no you dropped an iron hoe and an iron

Axe I mean that’s not bad but I don’t need them did you buddy I just hit you and you’re going to ignore me am I like all powerful and everything and mobs are just scared of me I can’t get mantor to attack me half the time

That werewolf never hit me I mean normal vanilla mobs are standard threat oh no yep I thought I heard a third one there yep I did I mean it’s not much of a problem if it blows up the road not much of a road right now

But I just don’t want to do the cleanup that’s all there’s a lot of Creepers out though a lot of them are out right now it’s real weird I probably should have kept those spider eyes but it’s fine I can get more and I have a random winter squash

Ow out of all the things to hit me of course it was the skeleton beautiful wonderful that is what is that just a hor that is a floating horse that horse is standing on nothing oh it’s a flying horse it dropped three hearts of Darkness okay those are actually good items I’m pretty

Sure man they mobs really like to spawn around here like this is a little excessive at this point mobs are spawning like nobody’s business oh there’s a ghost let’s see if I can get you to drop some Gunpowder that’s what you dropped last time oh you

Attack me but Noone no other like modded mob has been attacking me so far tonight weird very weird I don’t like it I thought there were two Creepers there I guess not yep I mistu The Tall Grass for a creeper oh another werewolf I will kill you oh now you’re

Attacking okay skeleton screw off are you you’re riding an actual wolf okay now is a problem come on there we go yep I’m down to almost half health and uh just too many mobs all at once no not you not you you’re going to bug out the

Game not you not you nope we got to get away from that thing go to sleep I literally saw it and I’m like oh gosh yep if that thing does what it’s supposed to it’s going to break something I’m not looking to fix that I can’t fix it

Actually hopefully it’ll go away by itself hopefully I don’t have to make it I this chest is atrocious hopefully that thing stays and doesn’t come my way going to throw those in there because I got them for free yep I need a back door I really

Do um well why don’t I just make a damn door then conveniently I don’t have a solid stack of wood I could use I had five and two of course why not oh okay it did make it go proper good uh I’ll throw it in the random chest here it’s quite random yeah

Okay and we go back somehow there was like no damage had I have one creeper blow up in the middle of the field over there that’s fine that might actually be beneficial to me but nothing else was a problem got some berries can’t even do anything

With them I don’t think nope you just eat them or you throw them away excuse me once again I don’t know how a belch is coming out of nowhere like that I’m about to just get an insane amount of corn yep I already have a full stack of

Corn okay we’re going to stand here and watch it grow for a second as long as there’s no mobs there’s not let’s see how long it takes some of this to grow something tells me it’s not going to take long corn lots of corn yep like five just crew it once

The only part about this that’s sad is that the corn doesn’t wave leaves and trees wave grass waves vanilla Mo vanilla crops at least the wheat waves in the wind but the modded ones don’t that’s a shame it’s a real shame but I mean you can only do so much with

Shaders which is still weird that you you can make leaves and grass Sway With Shader packs but I guess it already if it interacts with enough in the world yeah why not make it interact with that I also I have this cut on my arm that is right now very irritated not

Sure why it’s like stinging it feels like I just cut it and uh I think I cut it two days ago all right well I’m just gonna start harvesting this cuz there’s so much now and it’s just going to keep growing around me yep now I already have two full

Stacks there’s four more emeralds and okay we go it’s funny how I could probably sit there for 30 minutes and just Farm an insane amount of emeralds it’s ridiculous it really is that’s what I need nope not that that beautiful I could start buying some sheep where would I put them I could

Just put them in the field behind here I need a lot more fence well then I’m going to make some damn fence let’s make some damn fence then there we go I don’t know why I just made sticks I have a lot of sticks I don’t know why I’m doing it

Like this I could have just placed stacks of 64 that enough fence E I can go more why not just go more still not even a full stack of fences either or well no oh not even two full stacks and I still didn’t even use all the sticks probably shouldn’t have crafted anymore

Then and this book this backpack is a little atrocious but it’s fine it’s fine mostly would it be better to have actually why don’t I just like Place sheep in here there’s grass and they’re completely enclosed I just might need to like block off part of

This sounds stupid but I kind of just want to throw a door right there it wouldn’t be the first time and it wouldn’t be the last I do kind of find it funny that I just sometimes throw doors with fences and it works better than a gate it’s easier to open

To it’s not like the sheep can slip through here it’s not like anything’s going to get in here any anyways either I’m going to put a torch in the center there just in case mobs want to spawn or want to try to spawn even though I’ve only ever had one spawn in

Here I think we’ll be fine I have the wheat field over there so wheat is not going to be a problem I don’t think okay my body is struggling right now and I’m not sure why I may have I probably just haven’t consumed enough calories period today so

My body is using what it has left over and trying to store what it can because yeah I’m I’m at this point I think I’m mentally struggling I’m like having to take breaks here and there just to clear my head for a second so I’m like look up

Okay go back to what I was doing sounds like I have like a mental disability or something and I’m pretty sure it’s just because I haven’t eaten anything since noon and what I had for noon I had for lunch at noon was still not sufficient where are spawn eggs oh not

There not that direction yeah this is annoying okay so sheep oh man I can only buy three sheep I mean I guess that works I need I need I need a few more sheep though I just realized I’m going to make so many sheep I’m going to L the game that’s a

Problem ah Black Sheep not going to complain with that at all that is free black wool and immediately made a baby that’s an annoying gray sheep I don’t do I want that eh we’ll keep it how about that we’ll keep it uh I’m going to make a chest so I can get some

Shears make a chest so I can get some shears holy crap that’s where my brain is gone I’m going to make a chest make some shears for the wool got it good Lord I am struggling I also need white no I don’t want white Dy I’m fine if I have

Different colors because then I can choose between them yes okay uh we’ll put that there can I put looting on shears does that work well I can’t do that anyways but I can make copper shears that’s very weird that I can actually make shears that out of like any material I want any

Metals the hell is happening Shadows just broke real hard for a second there I mean why not make shears out of lead I’m not making arite shears that’s stupid I have 10 don’t I yeah I have 10 is that all the tin I have really

Really man out of all the things I have like no tin holy crap that’s a shame I don’t care but I’m like wow that’s sad amount oh why don’t I get rid of that entire thing and get rid of well yeah it’s fine yeah okay put that put that put and put that

Actually we’ll take half no we’ll keep it there don’t take half that’s stupid lead shears do I know the durability on them I will if the recipe thing would go away 88 um feel like that’s less than steel or less than iron uh yeah iron is 238 for

Shears yeah good to know lead shears are almost useless tin copper and silver okay there’s tin shears here are silver shears and here are copper shears copper shears God it’s going to have all the recipes for a second all right drink some water for a bit okay copper shears are respectable

163 a lot better than lead um tin and silver silver is awful at 63 and Tin is about copper okay so lead and Tin are awful or lead and silver are awful copper and Tin are acceptable we’ll leave it at acceptable M do you too shears shears and

Shears so many shears so many corn so many vibrations from my phone throughout the day and not a single one actually matters I’m just going to wait for these to finish cooking um going yeah did that so I could get the levels and then I’m going

To go harvest the wheat because it I should be close enough for it to start mostly growing it’s decently filled over there it looks like decently not great but somewhat got that got that got that Redstone transmission coil no clue what that is Gorn cat yep Gorn Cat Club thing yep

That’s a thing that’s kind of long gone sadly can make a silver hammer I just can’t upgrade it I can make a silver Shield oh it’s just a shield with silver can make silver horse armor that’s not bad copper I’m pretty sure is damn near the EXA no it’s not what it’s new

Things what do I there’s a drill head hand wait what does it do anything a hand drill I don’t think it does okay oh well doesn’t matter we’ll see if there’s any other yeah there’s like a drill head not sure what that’s for saw blade not sure what it’s

For there standard copper gear yep okay how about tin I can make Crescent Hammer what the hell is a crescent Hammer rotates and dismantles blocks actually a wrench but anything is a hammer if you need it to be one I don’t know what it means by dismantles

Blocks I know what it means by rotating them which doesn’t matter for most blocks in this case um I did not get any extra tin I did not get any extra copper and I got one extra silver okay not bad not great not bad oh I figured the zombie was in the corner

Guess not just going to go ahead and run right out here no sense in Waiting mobs are going to be dying anyways I’m not too worried about them damn I almost cleared the Gap almost cleared the entire thing well before all this English doesn’t matter I’m going to

Go run to the restroom real quick and when I come back more of this will be grown and then I’m going to harvest all of it shall be back momentarily e I’ve returned probably not for long though I’m probably going to harvest this wheat sell it use whatever emeralds I got

To get more sheep spawn eggs and then I’m probably going to head out because it is 10 till 9: I have to wake up at 5: in the morning and I still have other things I still need to do tonight so you do the math if it’s almost 9:00 and I have to

Get be up at 5: no matter what I will be getting less than eight hours of sleep and I do not function well on subpar sleep why did I do that oh well doesn’t matter there’s always going to be more am I getting double wheat from any of these I don’t think I

Am it might affect every other crop but I don’t think it’s affecting wheat cuz it seemed to affect corn like I got a lot of extra corn but wheat no I’m just getting singles oh well wheat is pretty Universal even though I’m pretty sure I can make a lot of cornmeal I just

Realized I can make flour out of potatoes in game so if I wanted to produce even more flour I would just make a giant potato farm I mean this area wasn’t really supposed to it was kind of supposed to be a farm but in the end I it kind of just

Got left out of the entire plans of the of the the world like it was going to be a farm and then I just left it as a vagina a this size wheat field and haven’t done anything but Harvest it I haven’t added to it haven’t done anything and I could

Add so much more but I don’t really need to and the seeds that I get I’m keeping because I can use them for several purposes but I mean I don’t need that many I can make cooking oil or I can make blocks or I can make seed gel which

Is a weird food item that I think is mostly useless it does less sat it it gives you less food than any other thing for the ingredients it’s made out of for Pam’s harvestcraft and I’m pretty sure I just slurred my speech real bad there for a

Couple seconds I caught myself and had to fix myself so yeah um I’m getting to the point where I’m pretty sure it feels like I’m drunk or it sounds like I’m becoming drunk or Tipsy with how slow my brain is starting to think now I mean I don’t think I feel any

Different but I actually I look over to the left I’m like my vision is not 100% in game it’s fine it’s normal but I’m used to it but when I go and look eh maybe I’m crazy but either way I’m just going to go get emeralds and get myself another sheep and then

I’ll probably actually Shear the Sheep because there should be some to Shear should be and grass is growing inside of here right uh yes it’s growing beautifully inside of here remember everything happens for a reason conveniently this place worked out well for storage place and a sheep farm for construction

Purposes so yep it’s fine if I remember the uh orientation that these go in I should be fine for vanilla and modded items yep just got eight emeralds just like that can I do anything with seeds to make them better no yeah seed energy gels I need

Juice and seeds game oh wow the game froze for a second while I was in the menu that’s not normal I wonder what happen I also can get two more em or four more emeralds while I’m here so now I can get two sheep beautiful uh well let’s just go get some

Sheep the silver shears that I think are the worst yep oh yeah 63 durability yeah they’re bad okay so are any of them going to instantly regrow their fur CU it would be useful it would be trust me no takers you know what’s funny this ceiling actually looks nice I’m not sure

Why I didn’t design it to look like this it just kind of happened and simple Windows and everything lets natural light in I like it it works it’s good enough the grass floor is insanely effective come on guys one of you has to eat you ate one and it you still haven’t

Come on come on give me that wolf it ain’t that hard let’s let’s go let’s go it’s time let’s go somebody give me their wool why don’t I go get wheat and uh make a few more grow I have okay I got enough wheat oh you regrew there we go

Sheep we finally have some sheep you and you you and you since you’re right there and they’re trying to breed four together there you go I don’t think there’s a point in me feeding you wheat yeah cuz you don’t instantly grow no there’s no point I accidentally just wasted at wheat I

Think anybody else want to regrow their fur before I walk out of here any anybody else there you go thank you good enough I need to get to the point where I can make at least one sheep of every single color die that exists so I need to work on

That well we can start easily by making a red dye and purple and yep we’re going to make rose red it’s okay the small sheep has a motions does it though well they won’t stay small for long so yeah we’ll see maybe they do but will not stay small for

Long got a chest here um I’m going to take lapis isn’t lapis still a Dye oh yeah it’s still considered a Dy it still works as a die yep okay so I’m going to make a purple then even though no we’re going to need technically more than that and I was

Going to get yellow I don’t have any dandelions that is news to me have I not seen a single dandelion said the same about the scyth and Diamond hoe and they did have emotions sure I mean they’re not dead yet so I guess they have to have something

Right okay well there’s orange die right here basically I also don’t remember these flowers being this prominent over here I genuinely don’t remember it being like this I mean there’s orange dye so I don’t need yellow now but I still need yellow I just don’t directly need it I

Don’t need it to I don’t need two yellow to make an orange okay I’m going to make you oh white dye that is yeah I figure it wouldn’t have been I didn’t think it would be white I thought it would be like gray you are just a norm normal red

Correct it’s fine we’ll get more if night time becomes a problem I’ll just fly back home or teleport well not teleport or fly just Tech technically fly that was a creeper already it’s been night time for how long and you already spawned and I accidentally killed

It I mean I guess I did mean to kill it just not in that way that one was a lot more purposeful is it really that hard to find a single D there we go that’s say there’s no way it’s that hard to find a single dandelion apparently it is cuz now I

Can’t get up to it well there we go come on there’s also a bear bears are friendly right bears are super friendly good job we’re just going to take all the dandelions don’t kill the bors no we’re killing the Boors they need to go they have to

Go there’s also a river down here are there any squids any squids down here I just need a single volunteer I know I already have black wool but I like I said I would like to have one at least of every single die possible it’s also hard to see it’s nighttime

Nope well that’s a shame and you got to go again you’ll be back tomorrow I will try and stream tomorrow again I’m not sure if I will uh how long I’ll stream considering uh today is already questionable at this point I think I should go stop streaming for my own health

Because something is starting to feel wrong in my chest a feeling I a specific feeling I have never felt before either it’s very unusual okay I’m just being double teamed by skeletons here oh there’s lot of dandelion I was looking for there are so many mobs

Out all right we’re just going to go flying beautiful and oh I left the door front door wide open lose that before something walks in here on fire get the shears back they mostly grew back I kind of expected the babies to be grown up but NOP not

Yet there you go I watched that one regrow yep that’s normal okay uh we can have the r the dy over here I probably should organize it that’s not how that should be organized that’s really bad red or red orange yellow um there should be a green what I can just make the

Green wait really Really oh are you telling me the only straight green Dy is cactus green are you serious you know how stupid that is that the only way to get cactus green is still Cactus I mean yes obviously it’s cactus green but it’s green okay I think that’s the right

Organization you have red orange yellow green to blue to purple with red and pink kind of then to White in between then to gray then it would be to black or a different grayer there’s different gray D yep okay can I make any different ones let’s see that one that one that

One I think that’s all the flowers I have that would be able to turn into Dy yep that just makes light gray that makes white and that also makes light gray okay I have 32 white wool all of it is from string believe it or

Not every bit of white wool I have is from string that’s an ash block that is not what I was looking for oh there’s more here might as well Harvest them it’s a lot of string it is a lot of string is right I’m let’s turn one of these sheep

Into a yellow sheep too because uh I’m going to need a lot of yellow and a lot of black and at least with black um they have a chance of naturally becoming black and then I they can become more black as uh I breed them H that of course the yellow one

Instantly grows back it’s yep okay got it and this one’s light gray which I kind of hate or is it dark gray it’s just gray then I think I have another I have another gray one okay well I’m going to head out it is 9:04 p.m. I’ve been streaming

For 4 hours and 23 minutes on the dot and I my body is not happy something is wrong and I should probably go eat and see what happens so hopefully you enjoy enjoyed I have a lot more hours left to go in this world so look forward

To more streams I will probably stream again tomorrow unless I die in my sleep anyways goodbye see you probably tomorrow thanks for existing

This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 7’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-01-05 03:19:22. It has garnered 42 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:23:26 or 15806 seconds.

My Etsy:

  • Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery

    Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery Welcome to Mystery Place – A Private Vanilla Minecraft Server Embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft with the opening of Mystery Place, a private vanilla server. Experience the thrill of exploration, creativity, and collaboration in this unique gaming environment. What Sets Mystery Place Apart? Unlike public servers, Mystery Place offers a more intimate and exclusive gaming experience. With a focus on vanilla gameplay, players can enjoy the pure essence of Minecraft without any modifications or plugins. This back-to-basics approach allows for a nostalgic journey through the game’s core features. Free Gameplay and Community Interaction One… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay

    Sneaky Survival: Ep. 12 Serbian Gameplay Minecraft Survival Adventure: Building Fortresses and Exploring the Unknown Building Challenge: Today’s episode: Our adventurers tackle the monumental task of constructing a massive fortress at the peak of the challenge! Through skilled building techniques and strategic planning, they strive to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Forest Expedition: In search of rare resources: Deep in the forest, our team delves into efficient techniques for gathering wood and other essential materials to enhance their survival skills. Peril in the Dark Caves: Discovering dangers and rewards: Venturing into the depths of dark caves, our team is prepared to face… Read More

  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

    Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “Minecraft Characters in Real Life! 🌍✨ | Minecraft vs. Reality #videogames #quiz” that got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to see these iconic Minecraft characters come to life in a different way? From the fearsome Enderman to the friendly Villager, and even the adorable Axolotl, the world of Minecraft is full of unique and fascinating creatures. Imagine exploring a server where you can interact with these characters in a whole new… Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video Minecraft Animation Boys Love: The Magic Five Part 5 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a journey to share his unique story through animation. “The Magic Five” unfolds as a love story for Minecraft boys, showcasing a tale that captivates the audience. The Story Unfolds As the story progresses, viewers are drawn into a world where love knows no limits. Through Marty’s animation, characters come to life, each with their own struggles and triumphs. The Magic Five explores themes of friendship, love, and acceptance, creating a narrative… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft

    Crafting a Grindstone in Minecraft Minecraft Grindstone: Repair and Enchant Your Items One of the essential tools in Minecraft for repairing items and removing enchantments is the grindstone. This handy block allows players to keep their gear in top shape and customize their equipment to suit their needs. Here’s how you can make a grindstone in Minecraft. Materials Needed To craft a grindstone, you will need the following materials: Stone Slabs: Crafted from three stone blocks arranged in a horizontal row in a crafting table. Wood Planks: Obtainable by placing logs in a crafting table. Crafting the Grindstone Once you have gathered the necessary… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Super Flat World Creating a Super Flat World in Minecraft with Aternos Are you looking to expand your Minecraft world with a flat landscape to build your dream creations? With Aternos, you can easily create a super flat world to unleash your creativity. Follow the steps below to get started! Step 1: Visit Aternos Official Website Begin by visiting the official Aternos website to access their server hosting services. Aternos provides a user-friendly platform for Minecraft players to set up and customize their servers. Step 2: Navigate to the World Section Once you are on the Aternos website, navigate to the World… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Glitch: JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED!

    EPIC Minecraft Glitch: JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED Toghether in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ World on 2024-04-30 17:00:17. It has garnered 12565 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:14 or 974 seconds. JJ and Mikey SUPERGLUED Toghether in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Friend Pranked with Scary Myths

    Friend Pranked with Scary MythsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fooling My Friend With Scary Myths Until He Notices…’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-05-16 12:00:39. It has garnered 870444 views and 14131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:50 or 1790 seconds. Get the Defunct Skin Pack now on the Minecraft Marketplace!! ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – 👕 FIRE MERCH – 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – ☛ Instagram – ☛ Twitter – 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial!… Read More

  • TentenCubify: Ultimate Toilet Titan Showdown!

    TentenCubify: Ultimate Toilet Titan Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Warden + VS Titan Skibidi Toilet Multiverse minecraft addon’, was uploaded by TentenCubify on 2024-06-01 11:00:22. It has garnered 59 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Minecraft, warden, Titan skibidi Toilet Multiverse, warden +, titan drillman, tri titan, tri titan upgrade, minecraft build,build battle,build battle minecraft,battle royale,minecraft battle royale,minecraft mob battle,mob battle,minecraft battle mod,minecraft video,minecraft song,minecraft animation,minecraft movie,minecraft music,bionic,bionic minecraft,animatic battle,tentencubify,battle,rap battle,animatic battle,animatic,minecraft animation,meme animation,anime,battle cats,death battle,battle through the heavens,one animation,bfdi,the battle cats,battle for dream island,animation vs,animation vs minecraft,minecraft animation movie,minecraft movie,steve minecraft,steve minecraft animation,minecraft song,minecraft animation… Read More

  • Unbelievable Redstone Puzzle by Oyo Jodha Gamerz! #shorts #minecraft

    Unbelievable Redstone Puzzle by Oyo Jodha Gamerz! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How i make redstone puzzle #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #music’, was uploaded by Oyo Jodha Gamerz on 2024-05-29 01:30:02. It has garnered 8160 views and 399 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20

    INSANE: JOIN NOW! Minecraft PE Official Server 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Zephyr Smp Npc Susano And On 24 Jm Senjata Legen’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-02-27 01:16:28. It has garnered 1868 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:04 or 844 seconds. 💫 ZephyrSMP – Server Indonesia 💫 ➦ MCBE/PE:————————————— | ➢ | ➢ 25581 | ➢ 1.20.60-62 | | LINK ALTERNATIF JOIN | ➢ ➥————————————————————— ✨️ WhastApp ➜ ✨️ Discord ➜ ✨️ Vote ➜ ————————————————————————————————————————— 💫 Server Rules – ZephyrSMP 💫 SERVER RULES 1. Avoid Using Cheats/Hacking 2…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trolling

    Insane Minecraft Logic EXPOSED! 😱 #shorts #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LOGIC (Troll Face memes) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-28 16:25:00. It has garnered 547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks shorts bhoot mami free fire minecraft shorts yes… Read More

  • JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!

    JJ HEROICALLY RESCUES Mikey from Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ SAVES Mikey from DEATH in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Pepper – Minecraft on 2024-01-08 20:30:05. It has garnered 66 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:26 or 1166 seconds. JJ SAVES Mikey from DEATH in Minecraft Maizen NOOB FROGGY present a funny minecraft Machinima Noob vs Pro challenge. #minecraft #NoobVsPro #noob #pro #hacker #animation #huggywuggy #poppyplaytime Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Series Live EP-1!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I started A Survival Series In Minecraft|| LIVE|| EP-1 #shorts#minecraftshorts#trending’, was uploaded by MrDamN on 2024-03-21 23:16:44. It has garnered 8 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:39 or 3159 seconds. I started A Survival Series In Minecraft|| LIVE|| EP-1 #shorts#minecraftshorts#trendingshorts 🎮 Welcome, fellow gamers! It’s time for an epic Minecraft adventure in our SMP Live session! Join me for a stream filled with laughter, excitement, and all-around good vibes. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just love a good chill stream, this is the place to be! Hop into… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯

    Minecraft Madness: Chipi Chipi Papa with Crazy Sounds! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA 🤣 With Minecraft Sounds🤯 #minecraft #shorts @DZking980’, was uploaded by DZ KING 980 on 2024-03-28 17:52:16. It has garnered 27198 views and 994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA CHAPA 🤣 With Minecraft Sounds😂 #minecraft #shorts #dzking980 @DZking980 #yt #youtubeshorts #youtubeshorts #youtubevideos #youtube #ytshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #ytshort #youtubechannel #gaming #gamer #gamingvideos #gameplay #games #game #gta #totalgaming #gaming #tranding #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #trend #trendingvideo #trendingvideo #shortsviral #shortvideo #share #shorts #short #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #status #song #viral #videos #viralvideo #video #vlog #vlog #viralshort #viralvideos #dzking980… Read More

  • Spork SMP – 1.20.4 – Semi-vanilla – Whitelist – Modded terrain

    Datapack Driven Custom Weapons & Modded Terrain Generations Our server features several server-side terrain generation mods including: Tectonic Yung’s Better Minecraft These mods are server-side only, allowing you to join with a vanilla launcher. The datapacks, in combination with the resource pack, introduce custom combat features and weapons of varying rarity and powers inspired by other games and media. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • NZNetwork Minecraft – Online for more than 13 years.

    NZNetwork Minecraft - Online for more than 13 years.NZnetwork MinecraftWe are now open GLOBALLY to all players around the world! – All you old players who have moved overseas can now join with no VPN!Come join one of the worlds longest running Minecraft servers (Since 2010!)Low Ping for NZ/AUS Players ✔–> Some screenshots on this server advertisement are built by the user Come watch Kim do some epic builds on it’s well worth it! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EntrepreneurUnusual6 predicted it: Epic meme material!

    Looks like this meme is really mining for laughs with that score of 66! Keep digging for more humor! Read More


    TENGE TENGE vs GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO: SPAWN SHOWDOWN! 🔥 #shorts #minecraft #meme When you can’t decide between fighting ALL TENGE TENGE or GEGAGEDIGEDAGEDAGO SPAWN, just remember: it’s all fun and games until someone gets a block to the face in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft #meme #scary #tengetenge Read More

  • EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft!

    EPIC Lucky Block Tower Race in Minecraft! Exciting Minecraft Adventure: Lucky Block Tower Race! Join Sand and KAYDNN in an exhilarating lucky block tower race in the world of Minecraft! The duo will be breaking random lucky blocks on their towers, with each block holding the potential for amazing treasures or unexpected challenges. The stakes are high as they compete to gather the best gear for an epic battle at the bottom of the tower. Who will emerge victorious – KAYDNN or Sand? The excitement is palpable as they dive into this thrilling Minecraft challenge! The Lucky Block Tower Race As the players take turns breaking… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths

    Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths The Intricacies of Minecraft PvP A Brief History Minecraft PvP has evolved significantly over the years, with various updates and changes shaping the way players engage in combat within the game. From the early days of simple sword fights to the more complex mechanics introduced in recent updates, the world of Minecraft PvP is as diverse as it is challenging. Reach and Schooling One key aspect of Minecraft PvP is the concept of “reach,” which determines the distance at which players can strike their opponents. Interestingly, schooling can actually make you better at PvP, as it hones your reflexes… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n’ Goat – DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!

    EPIC Minecraft FUN: Pizza n' Goat - DO NOT SAY STAL 3 TIMES!Video Information This video, titled ‘DON’T SAY STAL 3 TIMES IN A ROW! #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Pizza n’ Goat on 2024-06-02 00:18:23. It has garnered 470 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. A funny snip-it of @PizzaNGoat dying in Vex’s SpellBound Caves map. COINCIDENCE, I THINK NOT! You can watch the full video; as well as, our whole let’s play on our channel. Read More

  • I Played Minecraft with Jake Webber

    I Played Minecraft with Jake WebberVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played Minecraft with Jake Webber | VOD’, was uploaded by HansumFella VODS on 2024-02-14 20:00:02. It has garnered 219343 views and 4351 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:37 or 6397 seconds. This VOD is HansumFella playing minecraft with Jake Webber! Twitch: This is the full VOD, not cut up into funny moments however sure does include a lot of them, as seen on tiktok for funny moments and the full youtube video “I need your help (ft Jake Webber)” on the HansumFella channel! #HansumFella #Minecraft #Livestream Read More

  • “Nabi Gaming – Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!” #wow

    "Nabi Gaming - Mind-Blowing Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090!" #wowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Extremely Realistic Minecraft 2024 RTX 4090 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:07:20. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱

    INSANE Minecraft Redstone Door WOW 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by xperia_minecraft on 2024-04-09 16:00:43. It has garnered 1083622 views and 29192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON’T Believe!! #minecraftparody

    INSANE Minecraft Moments You WON'T Believe!! #minecraftparodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mine craft Funny Shorts #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftmeme #minecraftparody #meme #craft’, was uploaded by DRK FLAME on 2024-01-09 11:26:33. It has garnered 2444 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!

    Mind-Blowing AI Memes by Gav!Video Information This video, titled ‘You Won’t Believe These Hilarious Mind-Bending AI Meme Transformations #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Gav on 2024-02-17 17:50:08. It has garnered 479 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #memes #music #fortnite #funnyanimals #comedy #minecraft #animals #cats #landscape #nature cats, slow mo video, funny animals, manchester united, man city, shorts, roblox, slow motion, the last of us, fortnite, the last of us reaction, family guy full episodes, cats, elden ring, velma, minecraft, world cup, slow mo, funny videos, funny video, funny animal videos, besharam rang song, overwatch… Read More

  • BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀

    BECOME A SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘I became SIGMA MALE in Roblox 🗿’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-29 11:18:15. It has garnered 222057 views and 4150 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Roblox NEED MORE MEWING | SIGMA MALE in Roblox (FULL GAME) | ALL ENDING 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel: @AyushMoreReacts ➤ 🎥 WATCH FULL SERIES here:- MINECRAFT STORY Series ▶️ ➤… Read More


    🔴EPIC MINECRAFT GIVEAWAYS - LET'S CELEBRATE 15 YEARS ON STUNNING SERVERS!🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CUMPLE 15 AÑOS Y REGALA COSAS !! VAMOS A JUGAR EN SERVIDORES GUAPOS !!🔴’, was uploaded by HandroH HH on 2024-05-19 06:12:18. It has garnered 1406 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:04 or 6844 seconds. Hello, I’m Handro and I bring you a new video, I hope you like it!!! Comment and Share This Video if you liked it and comment on how I can improve and what game you would like me to play. ^^ ======================================== ►VALUE MY EFFORT BY LEAVING YOUR “LIKE” ” 💚​ ►SHARE IT WITH… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!

    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: Donate and request a video reaction: 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More