Building my Swamp House! – Minecraft With Friends

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I need this one to go out done okay cool let me join alright man the cheeto leaders I gotta figure out how I want to tackle this situation get get who at the wall I forgot he’s still in the wall I feel let me check for you I’ll let you know in

Like two seconds beef he says uh he’s still in the wall actually I wonder I got him out just okay cool he’s out i freed him from his cage you’re safe now he’s got a he’s got a bed he’s got a bed there’s a golem he

Ran right into a house that didn’t have a zombie in it if that makes you feel better I mean I’m gonna build a bridge to it from my house yes I am gonna protect them I’ll protect it with my ax well you gotta think they all dead already come on and it’s okay

I know man I and I understand that’s right I know I know I understand your reasoning like don’t want to keep telling people that I come in holy [ __ ] what game is this and now I’m curious yeah me too this is quite interesting what are you doing kids what are you

Doing you going on a journey yes yes effectively yes so if you gotta fix something I see I hate when this happens when my girlfriend changes it’s cuz we use the I use the desktop up here like my main desktop to switch my PlayStation 4 or my PC and when I do

That it doesn’t like that so I do OBS at the reconnected to the main thing makes sense makes sense I need sure I need to replace my monitor then if I want to play games on ps4 gets like my backup monitor doesn’t allow that no it doesn’t it doesn’t like it I

Know it doesn’t have garbage resolution it doesn’t work well hey Jess hey Jess I wish I didn’t put that thing in [ __ ] space come back down here here we go I mean my uh my second monitor is almost a square it’s almost like you want like

A retro trying to think it’s a good space for this are you tapping on it are you like beating apart bucks money yes that’s how you show it who’s boss you just punch it a couple of times less peripherals are generally just just murder weapons waiting to happen

I see well they’re pretty much just for like you know your chat right yeah you’re like every time I train in you’re on the train it’s fun it’s fun I also need to go west so I had to I had to take quickest option and this is the

Quickest option how you doing you doing I ain’t any waste so I’m doing I’m glad hmm should I make a land bridge to the town or where they cross that and come over to me I mean they’ll probably come over to you I don’t know if they’ll

Include your house as part of the town I think it’s far enough away that they won’t I don’t want to push it yeah what house maybe they won’t your house those villages I’m your outs it secretly the entire time they’ve just been eyeing my establishment not if you if you have so

When you wake up in the morning right yeah like after we sleep you can tell if any of the things in your house have like little hearts above it that means a villager is happy because it’s there and that means they have selected it as

Theirs oh so I should punch them in the face no there’s a golem the golem will kill you I know I’m Dee I’m teasing but yeah I see so if you don’t see those hearts in the morning it means that you’re far enough away from thinking far

Enough away I haven’t seen any specific hearts like that that’s why I wonder if it’s smarter to just this is the problem with this well I’m like I’m a king I’m doing better headaches suck I wished half-slabs didn’t work like the way they do me true cuz they’re [ __ ]

Stupid like cuz I had an idea yesterday when I was thinking about him but this is kind of not gonna work cuz a half slab system is a [ __ ] system mm-hmm Oh Ray Ban is joined okay good for him his house went down why does house almost burned him again

Because his house is made from wood I see I see the issue you’re talking about wait like this is the reason his house almost burned down because his house is made from wood and his whole explanation of his systems just that his head system doesn’t kick in until his house is burnt

Down uh-huh quote-unquote burns down I mean you know what it does need to actually hit the fire so if your what it doesn’t hit the fire the fire will just be fine only if the fire is in the same location as the water if the fire burns

The other bits of your house the fire is fine see that’s a lot of ifs it has to avoid this situation I don’t know if it’s a good building plan there I mean if the fire does avoid it or your house burns down yeah it’s a would I grow that

Stuff is that I grow that stuff I don’t worry about it actually this actually works way better never mind I found a solution okay Cara mine close your solution get rid of the half-slabs because they make a double block but if I put the log from underneath it it’ll just look like it’s

Growing out from the platform I’ve created instead of looking stupid like a block on top of it sorry engines I figured you were going to that’s why I give you a really drab and boring version well I mean I was figured you know odds are heads is probably in the

Middle of his journey out west and I wasn’t thinking about my weird tree building I’m making in the middle of nowhere my new tree building yeah I changed where I was doing from last time I was thinking it out this weekend while I was playing video games you mean you

Mean camp eh okay I’m doing I’m actually Yakuza zero I’ve been playing a [ __ ] ton I stopped playing MBA because I’m just burned out on orangey [ __ ] you’d be over so he’ll or I know what that sound is hello what’s that Sarah where are you would you

You found a slime yeah I hear it is it above me oh my god door come on door Swiss law him nope [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s a [ __ ] door Alaura paging dr. slime slime you there I can hear it I just don’t know where it is so I should make a water system

You’re saying well because you’re saying that Raymond’s house burned down cuz you know it’s all wood he he lives in the mountains and he gets um he gets snow instead of rain and I see if you get rain the rain will put out the fire but right man didn’t have rain because he’s

Placed his house in a really terrible location like just a little bit down the road there is rain you know if you just a little favor Wyatt they’ll be right out but I see you know his specific location is terrible like absolutely awful see is it great ribbon I’ve got free slimeballs

Good I’m glad you did alright I got to take down another tree I kind of like it okay if I make it blocks come out there baby I found that extend the platform do-do-do-do-do why the [ __ ] to this tree grow immediately but this one didn’t [ __ ] is

This [ __ ] okay well there’s this the fact that growing of things works on random chance is it is it in shade at all nope it was next to like random chance random chance is what determines growth of trees so they don’t all go evenly I see may what do I need to mock

Location area man how’s your horses doing nothing nothing at all didn’t do anything to your horses no I wouldn’t steer saddle I’m pretty sure I gave you that settle back right think so I don’t think I had I mean I’ll check my chest give me a second I

Thought I gave a key here this sounds exactly like someone who’s robbed you [Laughter] doing hey I gave you the sella back right buddy right buddy give you the saddle back right I totally did steal your I am concerned thank you very much no God I am NOT nor pretty I’m pretty

Sure I didn’t lose his [ __ ] okay where is it either on hammered in my chest that the lost option quit wait you lost it no I’m pretty sure I gave it to him I’m just [ __ ] with him okay unconvinced convinced of what sir anything you say ever anything I say

Ever is oh the world has been corrupted what the world’s been corrupted sores that mean which I smell good that’s that’s really not good oh I tried to open the world and I crashed yeah let me try again let me try again anything I think we’re done yeah if it’s

Dead then every bit of work we’ve put in I know which is why I’m really upset please oh well I mean it could still die again okay Oh the world has been corrupted ah yep yep that’s it looks like we’re done yeah I’m really sorry kids

That’s gonna be a moment yeah yeah well that blows a shit-ton it really uh blues are you looking up what you could do if it’s it says it’s correct yes I’m not an idiot I know that I’m not saying I’m not saying you’re any I’m like I guess I’m

Just assuming you need a backlog think of okay give me a one moment Thank You doki’s the skins and wonders terrified hey Paul how you doing John Paul hey Paul Paul glad you doing good stupid click the wrong thing great great that’s not what I needed I

Love that the first step in there fixing this thing doesn’t work Oh what was the first step search for a specific thing wow that’s good that’s great it’s probably for Java yeah I need to find where I put my save files I don’t remember what they kept um the world is

Corrupted and we can’t play the game anymore okay yeah pretty much yeah pretty much a field I am attempting to fix it it just it just popped up at the world is corrupted message and now the world doesn’t work and I have to try fixing the worlds it could be anything

Really may like it could be one random thing just like jitters the whole system plays it apparently it doesn’t happen very often with vanilla yeah cuz I know it happens in in mods because like a random element will appear and it’s not supposed to be there and it breaks the

System but with vanilla how the hell it happens I don’t know maybe it’ll suck if you can’t fix it oh yeah okay let me see oh right there I remember I remember where they keep it where is it it’s in the garbage area it’s in the garbage area I could read it

To you but that would take nine hours it’s okay I don’t need you to read me nine hours you see you see the Java one is kept in some way to make sense the pocket is Windows one it’s like Microsoft dot minecraft uwp underscore 8 w EK y b3 d 8

B BW e y that’s where it’s kept okay let’s say after local packages garbage name um local state games Mojang minecraft worlds and it should be a this one okay now I’m here this is annoying it’s okay I don’t figuring it out I didn’t need your permission for just

Saying it’s okay like you’re saying is like good sure I’m like it’s fine dude just so I need to rename this I’m putting in this saves photo if I were the safes for the way would I exist probably in another undisclosed super numeric trash folder probably not actually you know this game gotcha

I do love that none of this is useful for what I’m playing I kill shot a cat how a year hey killer shadow cat now looking at the market lay some [ __ ] here it’s [ __ ] ridiculous how much [ __ ] is this ah okay I get it I get it because I’m

Going here right okay okay I understand did you figure out I’m gonna make a copy of this because they don’t trust them yeah I would literally dog trust them so basically killer Shadowcat the world got corrupted and cats is going through the processes of fixing that hopefully a theory

Yeah theory I’m pretty much crossing my fingers at this point well if it doesn’t work everything we’ve done is well I I know and that’s what’s make you be depressed I don’t think I’m making you depressed well I can I just know how much you guys worked on it I’m sorry you

Lose your sex dungeon I don’t care what my sex dungeon I care more about how much progress everyone else is made like it’s like it would be so good [ __ ] I’m hard I’m sorry about the sex dungeon okay we’ll get you I can replace my sex dungeon it’s not that hard your aquarium

You can’t replace place like the effort the bar don’t admit to the sixth thing okay it’s fine I don’t live there anymore it’s your sex dungeon now still everything our issue I get it I gotta go get it and move out I’m just building my tree first and then I’ll go over there

Like file it said the world was corrupted but it’s three guys how the [ __ ] do I do that that’s always a good sign so it’s a good sign how the [ __ ] do I do that it’s a great sign closing Minecraft and I’m gonna reopen it and see if that fixes the problem I’m

Currently having with not giving me any clear indication on how to do the next step oh god I hope to god Oh Hot Diggity damn you’ve got no clear indication that’s always a good sign now you see why this is [ __ ] horrible okay yeah easier

Okay I think I understand I think I am just I don’t understand at all I think he got it I’m just gonna try this I’m gonna try this um can I have this um let me write this down I know killers a cat I know I agree everyone worked so hard

Above those bad okay okay so let’s try this let’s try this okay what do you want to try nothing with you okay I’m gonna see if this works Oh see a picker no thank you I’ll take this okay so if this works if this works then in theory which could be the exact

Starting place we had last time I see okay this is the exact starting place we had last time okay good good good good good okay now I don’t want to be this loser boy um okay so we save and quit do the close minecraft for a moment let’s ignore my

Black screen it’s fine ignore the black screen that is the new one those are two lined I’m doing an intermediate like we let world up and doing why wait to see this goes well or not sorry I don’t have just a blank screen for a bit

Oh poor ducky or chicken okay so I’m supposed to copy these I love wait my crime tap just don’t want my crime drop my firefox temperatures crashed that’s good it’s always good always good let’s see you’ve told me to copy for files and only towards them exist I talked about

This just talk about this oh that’s a good sign get out of here zombie villagers okay it’s fine I’m sure these two of them – I need sir copy spider don’t do it [ __ ] kill you haste okay did I accidentally I accidentally copied that dammit okay now if this works it’ll be a

Miracle but it’s not gonna work I believe it will I know the guide I have doesn’t actually work for a dead Rock as far as I can tell that’s okay stupid stream waters now known as blank even I change that that’s cool if you’d

Like to work game so I move a tiny bit and if it doesn’t say it’s corrupted then it’s fixed okay the world is being corrupted that doesn’t work yeah it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah working I cannot restore it I don’t know how no like the

Guide I have tells me how to fix it but it tells me how to because it for something else yeah yes let’s see ok let’s do this I need something that actually works for bedrock see the stuff they give you isn’t for bedrock it’s for Java yeah

Yeah for federal positions okay okay ah okay and and I tried that door that’s no good that’s no cuz at all I tried that it’s like oh hey that about stuff will work here yep yep thanks yeah this is why I copied this hey doing grens alright I just made a

Beer-battered shrimp for the first time and I put a chili lime powder on it can you send me this recipe yes I feel like doing salute customer [ __ ] it’s literally just straight forward up 1/2 cup beer cup of flour 1 beaten egg peanut oil cook what spice on one son

Being culture ok I don’t know I can’t answer that question wait a second I’m currently trying to fix it place that file out of this back into my play it’s still called blank cuz that’s great that totally ready shows me excuse me this is stupid string Walt I don’t know

Why it’s called blank that doesn’t even make sense that’s not that’s other day we the file that’s a gives the name I supposed to copy world maybe use the copy world button I’m it doesn’t say trip it I’ll try that any minute I’ll try that any minute okay interesting

This doesn’t work I’ll try to copy world button and see if that helps I didn’t even know there was a couple button yep that’s corrupted that’s definitely corrupted okay so I’ll do this step again hang on give me a second give me a second yo its corrupted well

Hey random lis corrupted apparently it happens word and I do like nothing happened word nothing happened we were playing right and then the game was corrupted it’s pretty much how it went according to the internet vanilla can randomly become corrupted just randomly so never decides to just like yeah I’m corrupt didn’t

There I love how easy it is to get to this [ __ ] like it makes it so easy to probably shoot stuff feel like it sits we face this will replace all the files then we’ll go back into the game hey Riley no games today no games today just just me going into

And out of Minecraft continually until I get a result that actually works so he’s a good start okay copy world just to see if it works make quitting minecraft rosalie in this chest long [ __ ] I feel bad for that chicken I’ve definitely locked him in here with me

Okay sponge it wasn’t intentional just live with the chicken sponge it’s okay chickens and he does on there go over there okay I could do things Now if I were to copy from this blanking the level down right pasted up there then at which you restock minecraft just restart minecraft that would fix it right this is totally gonna work this is totally gonna work I believe in you that’s a good sign maybe I want this one there probably

Want this one okay so gangers in I move for like 10 seconds and then the game says is corrupted the game is corrupted it’s gone it’s just gone there’s nothing I can do the thing they say fixes it doesn’t fix it the game is dead we no longer have a Minecraft world

Tameable pandas tell what pandas wanna [ __ ] yeah thank you me for training positive it just sucks it does it’s a survival game survival games you lose everything you are in every cell type you know everything you know and love can be destroyed now you can rebuild all the world true basic idea uninstalling

It won’t fix the fact that the world is corrupted till a Shadowcat it’s not my game it’s the world yeah it’s just hot fix the world it won’t it won’t work zombie can you stay the [ __ ] away from my property it’s a it’s a rather unpleasant issue

Yeah um let’s see I’ll try and get you tamable pandas wait you could get that I Can reuse the save but wouldn’t we want someone you different yeah adventurous take adventurers you’ve gone literally one square away from home you’re not an adventurer got that [ __ ] you’re not an adventurer you’ve got a single area away from home ever yeah that’s one area away from horn the

Map is like 20 million by 20 million blocks like the map of we have nothing you’re not an adventurer buddy that’s who you are you’re Suzy homebody okay thanks LuthorCorp and I’m great taken back by that okay Suzy agreeing we don’t want to be called what’s that yeah okay Suzy

Okay I am downloading terrible pandas oh I’m optimistic Lee no no I’m not downloading capable badges what happened I’d fly don’t tell me I don’t know table tennis now he hasn’t like adfly it doesn’t work you cannot download the add-on it just keeps doing ads and won’t let me actually access the file

What Noreen Renard there’s no room it’s ad flat adfly is uh it’s a link shortening service but it’s a really [ __ ] one mm-hm and like based on all reports on the ping no one can download it it’s just [ __ ] it’s just [ __ ] damn it yeah the only toy in life was

Tamable pandas and that has been taken from me okay why and why is a link shortening service um it’s not a website like it’s a link shortening service on the trimco sure is that the cheng oh no one no one has the world the world is on

My computer yeah the world who’s just corrupted and can’t be restored major minecraft file knowledge to even attempt to fix it yeah I don’t know what’s wrong with it tell me what’s wrong with it I think that’s the issues it’s not telling you [ __ ] that’s quite annoying it’s okay

We’ll just Adam your world yeah just a new world I’ll start a new vanilla world apparently because uh that one I cannot download unless you have another add-on you know of that you want to download may say mate because you were suggesting Adams oh [ __ ] I love the chicken oh no go back

Get back in there apparently Tory led the chicken Mountain he finally asked not has nothing to do with Minecraft so you know he’s just about the racism apparently not minecraft what what he’s been removed from minecraft completely in every way holy [ __ ] yeah did not know they don’t

Even like credit him anymore I did creeper [ __ ] off creeper I will create a new world oh dang they fixed it there used to be a thing where if you looked up through creative minecraft it would say Hatsune Miku okay hey let’s eat hard when you got you guys

Gonna be hot Mart sure that permadeath I love dying ten minutes in I’m glad you do it and the Tiffany again it tells you oh yeah everyone killed Raymond Microsoft didn’t care less Microsoft who don’t care less yeah it’s gone I need to pull the seed apparently I didn’t hit Enter I mean

You love that doesn’t let me just copy it cuz copy and paste isn’t a fing for mine crop oh you know I mean you can paste but you can’t copy does that make sense oh I’m just I’m just making the world and there we go

Now I I’m losing my buttons chest ha ha ha ha my bird is just mine I’m too stupid to leave my furniture just oh my all the sticks are mine I need your favor an afro the world is up I’m gonna need to keep my sadness away out of the sticks

Just give me a second to look around the chunks can load properly jump in that’s why I was a greater man I’ll wait that’s okay I’ve done it I’ve done it I have literally already done it well I’m in the water why am I in the water

Sorry I’m inside of you the same spot I was a puddle down here okay holy [ __ ] a brand new it’s the same I know now now you can build everything with the real system in mind makes your life a lot easier what’s up having to force you can go

Hunt down pandas yeah we haven’t actually found a single pad in this game it’s every panda that we had was created I see during our real pandas I can’t give us maps we don’t get maps I know how anyone else has maps but we don’t

Get maps so who’s got an option for maps like that the Sun chest it’s all mine you [ __ ] dick I literally said I literally said I was stealing started chest all right where are we compared to where we would have been I was actually the villages just by yeah we’re actually

Really close to where we started we didn’t build far there’s a village right there yeah we’re at too far back yes you willed it has to be in your welds out of the old vocal corrupted and can’t fix it nothing this just works works everyone blame Raymond no it was a romance fault

It’ll be fine I mean if I was to assume our direction from where we start to where they are I’m assuming it’s near that giant mountain then ray used to call home he’s right 32 64 negative thank you comfortably if you guys don’t actually know where home is Thor late

It’s up here to launch this coordinates well have you never seen the coordinates no to be fair you’re not long do the same they do hope you don’t be lost Thor I’m pretty lost too but I’ve also directionally inapt so it’s a whole different issue I’m directionally inept but this coordinates

I know but doesn’t mean I’m gonna follow them once you see a tree that I want to cut down well that’s not directionally inept they’re being easily distracted oh there’s that village Haley this mountain I think it’s over over teared I think we’ll see from rate it’s the [ __ ] dark Oaks brought me

Here so well this is definitely the village holy [ __ ] yeah I found it are you lost we started the same spot how are you lost Mei told you the exact coordinates okay come over here oh my god I’ll run back over where are you right now just tell me your coordinates

161 yeah I see it all here I’m gonna [ __ ] take those Oaks I can’t I can’t pass that up yeah be careful the lava that’s over there – there’s a big puddles of just love of chillin yeah I know I dunno I never knew that for a

Very long time like since we started the game we even used the lava it’s been mentioned used as a you know landmarks Yes exactly we did hey you don’t allow to use that mountain as your house yeah it’s been claimed by the prospector lost the rights to it if you build there your house will be burnt down daily oh my god tailee house burns down like if he chooses to build there again yeah

He’s not gonna be covered for insurance and his house will be been down every day Tran thing a wife do I’m gonna go get armed wood to go defense I’m trying to fill in the hole okay why did I [ __ ] my stupid why did you [ __ ]

Why did you [ __ ] you can join sponge you know world needs all that workers we can get this we should feel that job board may yeah what do you mean like a job board it’s so because people need jobs to dirt like everyone needs through their parts okay

The less we complain about it yeah I was like it’s like you know no I know like if people keep bitching about it I just want bother playing Minecraft for a while and I’ll just build it back up you know away from people uh no cool gamer you can’t join I’m

Sorry I mean activity doesn’t just man you go to a stream and then come back the next way can say hi joy words be irregular people are really stupid okay so I was like I said mine today got my Oaks that I wanted that’s good sponge

He had a good session okay so do you like the game more now or he says I think he likes it now but nah I want to know why he likes Thor because he had issues with her previously like yesterday I hate hearing spiders I [ __ ] terrify me in this game maybe

The heebie-jeebies but spiders with one of the weakest creatures in this game no but it’s not like they’ve like scared because there’s like I they’re terrified like it’s just the noises they make creeped me out I could care less the thing the week is anal I understand that but these crawling oh [ __ ]

Should we maybe focus on bins right now sorry no we have days until we need to worry about being in bed okay who’s in the darkness oh right man yeah over there in a second oh let me let me just do this real quick oh hell part me please I’m doing

Something you know I have to enable chase because I chants continue if you’re not gonna be a team player you can [ __ ] die right man where’s the drown bet by where my house used to be all right anything you want me to do wait over I

See that’s a no I got it it’s okay no I was joking I know I hear these [ __ ] animals around me that’s [ __ ] creep up creep please assist me Oh what you guys mature stew City if we just want me to do yeah I was okay I’m not tribal now so

It’s getting cold out for the city yes book torches down we don’t need Colvin dying right now what do you guys need a there’s plenty of places in town that you could mine there’s one hole I was not too far I was in the dark are you digging for dark oak

– no he’s not digging for dark he said : I in I can make one I did die that’s right do you guys need dye no hang on hang on sponge when playing a new game that you hadn’t played before instead of going for one of their pre-made options you

Just made your own character in a game you knew nothing about and then you didn’t have a good time sponge played streets of Roary but he made a new crater [ __ ] hell just like he he didn’t use a premade character which is what they would probably recommend he

Just made his own character and then it wasn’t fun for him you don’t say yes what’s up oh yeah sure I can make you a bunch can you keep that creeper away from me because I don’t trust if they didn’t recommend anything yes big games would generally in a roguelike do you

Need me to get any dirt free are you just gonna clear oh we’re gonna need a lot of dirt all right sort of terraforming everything got you cuz until you know how the game works you don’t really want to um don’t do your own stuff I wasn’t I was gonna do it at

Like a normal leisurely pace I wasn’t gonna freakin go crazy I’ll level it out how do you want to level it out and I’ll work with that like clean 64 everywhere else yeah okay well remember this tree is on 65 so it will you know no I know but just keep

That in mind that if I’m gonna clear everything to 64 that that’s above that Hey hey [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hi would you like to present just for the record I was afraid you that present [ __ ] I I knew he was there I knew he was there

Oh god I’m gonna go [ __ ] save on a [ __ ] villagers veg die it’s okay I’m gonna claim a bed so I don’t immediately die uh-huh eventually she sorry farmer I just need your bed to give me a spawn point cool you can go back to bed enjoy all right

Back to digging my hole I really don’t like you spiders can you [ __ ] off yes oh yeah yeah yeah we need you to start lighting up areas so they can cut they don’t spawn really close just shrine you start with some jobs in town and there’s a broom yeah that sounds terrible

Like a terrible situation cheap cheap oh he’s like I st. not always but they did recently they did switch over to mutton what do you mean the meat that sheep dropped his mutton yes I know but it wasn’t always like that I think yeah okay so sada I’m over

By your death what what I see death yeah it’s not a died I have this fear I got this you mother [ __ ] what’s your planks but that’s yours yeah yeah but like it wasn’t alright because I haven’t touched a mountain sound like an ollie right next

To me and then I don’t think you have anything else of yours alright I got those I got those planks so that the dark wood from trees I think it could help you may do you were to fill up holes that go underneath the 64 do you

Have a pen for shape that you’re doing it in are you just trying to keep keep alive randomly your the pen okay killer shudder cat has a sheep BAM oh there’s quite a few shape around mm-hmm oh and that’s the slow death that approaches I guess I should steal some of their

Crops but I also don’t think you already make a dirt Cheska may I have a chance tofu okay thank you yeah I just want an area to put it that’s fine may what do you need from me getting wood but I end up with mostly

Dark so I gave it to Zod Oh would you like more wood which chest take all of my random wood products which which chest does it matter this one this is the dirt gotcha so what do you need man what do you need Yeah sure sorry I just put that chest there cuz it was the staunchest and there was stuff no no that chest there is my crafting Jess does that just yeah not leaving a [ __ ] god damn it I had no health I cuz I don’t like to eat early

On night the [ __ ] deal with all the sherry where maybe you should evasion something I didn’t have any food and I was just slow I said the slow death approaches I knew who’s gonna die [ __ ] I was carrying so much dark oh no that’s why you don’t

Punch people that’s okay okay I just got my [ __ ] back tell me what to do [ __ ] I’m just trying to do my [ __ ] job sir [ __ ] do your job if you did can you know I really can there’s a reward of one stick to anyone who killed Harper you’re

Swinging at me a kid self-defend know like I spawned like 20 times I gave it I walked you feeding I got killed sure I start making the forest where it was before me no oh I have saplings I wanted a plant that’s I was just asking give me

Your SAP please give me you know saplings there you go you have to plant them over before one square like one block yes okay who the [ __ ] tickling aidid wood for shovels it’s fine I gotta go kill a tree that’s not the tree that you care about

I’m like I’m whoring the dark oak for other reasons but they you don’t need to be hoarding right now no I’m not building anything anything we’re sharing resources if you’re hoarding you’re just gonna be killed again like that’s the way it’s gonna go anyone that’s trying to hoard and do [ __ ]

Is going to know she wasn’t saying you she was just okay she said you weren’t allowed to build on your mountain and tofu is not a lot of hoard [ __ ] great all right Oaks in the large chest you can utilize I guess I need stone cuz you

Know no why do you need storage I don’t know cuz I have no stone left it’s also working for just Raymond what are you doing I was getting some coal and then a peepers came out of me I see better all right for shovels are the torches

Like the boundary line for the town or should I dig Jana the torch line is it just like so they don’t spawn right next to us or is it like a boundary that so then how far surely then not Anna Fraggle boundary line okay don’t worry about it every minute don’t worry about

It just just keep digging I just thought you know your thing was for an actual purpose but it’s not that’s okay I know I know I just I thought there was a bigger purpose to it This gesture I’m coming back with some food to wat donate to the food cause I’m also gonna steal some food [ __ ] hell they’re gone how here there goes the pig do not deserve to live Wow yeah decide what deserves to live yes like it’s good to harvest like to

Keep some shape alive you know I said we can have some shape but the rest of it okay I put some meat in the chest over here with the shovels I’m taking some shovels I’m going to dig dig dig dig will help good I’m feeling the pork chop store

They my pork chops now yum-yum-yum so where are we doing it we’re just digging with food effectively hey why are you just digging well it’s just the town border we’re doing this 64 for the base level [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean it needs to be done eventually

That is a deep hole yeah oh I just need I have a pickaxe on me if you’d like it yeah I’m right here no I’m not giving up on the other world I’ll still try and see if I can get it working but like I don’t have high orbs

Nothing I’ve tried has worked yeah and that’s just the way it is guys if you guys great flowers please don’t let him do the story cuz we’ll need the guy was did the dye not the guy the guy later we definitely need the guy the guy is gonna help us a lot

We need to dieter like my spongebob monument isn’t gonna build itself and it died heroin you need to rebuild your concrete machine sir yeah one day one day concrete machine yeah oh my god no trophies lack of knowledge of the football I mean to be fair I just

Kind of wait a minute I can build a concrete machine closer to home hello yes oh oh thank you deciders I’m trying to work out what your shadow kid just gave me I I have one porkchop on me I don’t think it was food unless it was a

Single porkchop was was it a single porkchop is there just given a single porkchop damn I feel bad now even suppose about the concrete machine and I don’t yes at least now all now there’s no concrete machine we need a lot of materials we have no immunity in concrete machine she

Gave you a potion of healing oh okay thanks oh god I wish the sticking was good but the person that’s just leaving dirt around town and not picking it up please stop I’m pretty sure I’ve been picking it later uh you if I can kick me get the

[ __ ] away from me hey I’ll get this country I know how to dodge and we’ve actually Mike my minecraft server definitely isn’t Christian so [ __ ] here falling off yourself I mean maybe you can get up one day he needs life alert it’s quite soothing my minecraft server

Is more spiritual than Christian oh we have belief but not in organized religion yeah so I can’t believe in the wild spaghetti monster here I see I mean if you want you can okay I’m not gonna tell you what to believe yes I know what it is I know it’s the

Flying Spaghetti Monster I said the wild screams you pick up your [ __ ] dog when I you are not picking up your dirt it is you know Cersei would not take me up dirt I see you not picking up dirt but a sheep the Sheep sees you not picking up dirt

I love saying it isn’t but I’m like it’s not like I’m not standing over it to pick it up it just doesn’t get picked up and I’ll walk away and I’ll just they’re not like I’ve intentionally not picking up dirt it’s you Topher you are the person who is not picking up dirt

Oh look all that joy just picked up the you one going to get I was Jesus I’ve keep putting dirt in there so I am so I left the tree where it is when you felt this dirt okay what would he do if I find him Lord I would just go build my

Own thing I know I can’t do anything yeah but we’re not far enough – I mean you could just make like a minecart slingshot I guess it is a Minecraft cannon in that Tampa anniversary pack it’s just water that place has a functional candidate well I say

Functional but it destroys itself if you keep using it I see I mean I guess you could make a circus in Minecraft but but you can’t have clowns yeah well I mean you could make your guy a clown I guess no you can’t have clowns oh yeah for good reasons you

Can’t but no Holly I said a Harlequin I didn’t hear you I ain’t not here Harlan old saying Hollywood no you say can we have a jester yeah I heard did you say gestured imply Harlequin no I said both I said no one agreed to hear it okay and

Then I said can we have a gesture we can’t have mimes because my mobile shut up oh my favorite part one is mr. lion that dude gets [ __ ] mom all the time you [ __ ] mom’s butch yeah it says like character by like you will he will mister mimes well nerve [ __ ] shovels

I don’t have any [ __ ] shovels if you want to tell me how to play you’re welcome to [ __ ] off instead apparently mr. mime is will includes what is gonna [ __ ] yourself pulling over yeah that’s cannon yeah finger demanding little [ __ ] in my chat doesn’t get you very

If there’s like a screenshot of it holding her arm while sitting in the back of the car with her unsubscribe [ __ ] off don’t come back if you don’t like it may I know it’s not I don’t know that’s canon we’re in probably making it off it’s

Actually legit thing he does I wish I really the Pokedex is pretty [ __ ] up half the time straight-up murder children yeah there’s murderers there’s rape there’s like kidnappers I get murdered right line to kiss mothers Jesus mamas you would need to find a place that’s already flattened in town like similar

To the area’s we had them in before killer echo wants to make a and animals yes what do you want I don’t want your [ __ ] shovels I just I just timed someone out and abused to be my chap for demanding I know she’ll I don’t get

[ __ ] use shovels no no I’m just gonna not use shovels to annoy him yeah this is what I do this is what I do well how much of this other are we flattening out potato tire town I mean I have no need to use shovels I’m just

Gonna use this piece of dirt to dig I’m gonna beat this dirt into dirt with my block of dirt I thought you’re gonna see you’re gonna beat this dirt to submission with this do piece of dirt I know no I just go aggressive aggressiveness I don’t need my aggression to massive

But if people want to tell me how to play you know hey come over here Rubik did you do this cuz there’s a reason why this wasn’t taken down oh there was I’m just gonna walk away she said it when the in the beginning that’s why I avoided it

Entirely everybody sins right now ruin if you do it again if you do it again you know what’s gonna happen to you on the way right I couldn’t wear with a he fight has lost all that call all that coal experience there’s no rhyme and f

Count we need to make one very simple for his death count no wise you cannot join today I’m sorry I mean at all yeah I feel like I get this question a lot more with the more we play minecraft I also feel like why’s grant keeps coming

To sermon asking just to ask actually interact like yeah I know I know that’s why I keep saying no like it’s already a functional bomb for the villages so you know flattening everything oh my god rinse please clean up the leaves next time I’m losing my sanity staring at these blushes in this

Guy it’s so much more efficient just to do it yourself that sounds like the most like Banda Singh sentence ever hello [Laughter] we’re rebuilding our town actually wise that’s that’s our game plan for today so it’s basically a consists of us digging what I mean there will be more

Off to the digging yeah oh sweet joyful won’t be here off to the digging door entire be digging to be fair it’s it’s okay I won’t be here for Shovel run another shovel I tell you what sponge tell you what if you make a death of Raymond f counter I will I will add it to my stream oh my [ __ ] god I was going back over there to start you know he dogs he leaves dirt you guys

Stop your your your physical abuse has almost gotten be killed again what physical abuse I got punched by man that’s why you deserved it I understand I deserve it but I’m incredibly close to death again I love how excited Wow like a true [ __ ] you just get a bunch

Of that carrot while they fight all right Bugs Bunny Jesus found the carrot you’re gonna pound the Karen yeah okay no one judging you pounding carrots there is heavy judgment is there the pound didn’t go too well no what I was saying I mean no but that’s why I’m

Rolling with it and saying you know you brought into this world so now to [ __ ] around make jokes on oh there’s a giant cavern here oh that’s good he has a joint Kevin yeah I’m a cavern of death destruction being dense okay make well then hmm

Shovels hmm not gonna pick those up so how far is this flattening going yes mm-hmm how far do you think the flat means going late cuz I just wanted to know how far I was gonna push this cuz I know how much daddy you leavin on the ground

Topher a lot just for you Joe be a pity if you died I mean wouldn’t be the first mm-hmm so yeah I know there’s a lot of deaths waiting for me so is it really a big deal no but I’m gonna put that dark oak in that chest before you know

Which area like just past this house here I’m going to the shore basically over here excuse me sir you’re gonna get bid no boom porkchop Wow cuz I know it offends people when I don’t use the right tools for any of these jobs you’ve triggered me internally you’re being things to the porkchop

Yep I know I’m diggin with a bulk show up again please don’t lie too much for my it’s too much for my soul I can’t handle I’m sorry you can get the [ __ ] over to lease so how you guys doing I’m not even serious man left [ __ ] this up for me man

I’m gonna die again I don’t want to die again he’s very like I just got all the coal spawning all these phone I’m sorry hey shouldn’t dates born in that amount of time maybe you shouldn’t find it is actually gonna where I respected I died I’m gonna be fair the quadrants guess

I’m walking paws gonna take like [ __ ] what are you doing I’m clearing you asked me to clear and if I remember correctly the house extends to about hi Irish if I remember the stream house is this border this area over here so I’m clearing out literally everything from the dirt to here

Okay hence why I asked how far should I go God got no response we told you remember no no I’m good I kind of like not it’s fine I kind of like not mix things spicy you know just don’t realize that my poke drop I hear an enemy

Yeah he’s free pop out [ __ ] I’ll beat you with this coal hole for Christmas excuse me you love some sand I’ll pick it up in two seconds when I’m done beating it to death I’m not I’m really not it’s really not okay one I guess somehow got the sand cheese

Remember why do you keep leaving yeah you’re pregnant Congrats who’s the lucky man yeah who is the lucky man or a man who’s very not be Julius Caesar was it Ray the father no no mmm you know I’m thinking of the other Ray I’m thinking of squid friends right bye

Hey Larkin um [ __ ] off you tiny little Kahn I was so fast I didn’t even see what he did we’ve a tiny dick microscopic I would say leave his micro dick oh look the ladies don’t like him already as it is come on oh yay gravel

Oh sweet this means I’m not too worried about the gravel wars for a while why would I mean you don’t have to worry about gravel wolves will be a gravel battle next week I know by next week this all be back to normal but I know

Know what kind of drugs you want mum yeah well then again kids might be able to fix the file never know hmm probably not like I tried what they said works and it didn’t work there’s not really an alternative I mean things will be no worries um hey tofu could you

Please Vic pick up the [ __ ] [ __ ] that you don’t pick up what this is yeah where did the sand come from Oh was it from Toy Fair Oh dirty yeah gosh you baby to death again no [ __ ] you now stop dropping [ __ ] then but seriously dude

I’m trying to figure out why it happen I guess the issues are nothing to anyone other than you and almost like you don’t try and you don’t even need to try that’s the thing that game picks up automatically so you’re somehow avoiding that somehow he’s not walking on it

That’s what’s happening he’s not actually walking on it Gotcha I’m excited I can at least revise those I’d been working on that’s good I’m just gonna see what he’s doing wrong I thought we figured that out no I’m just gonna watch him I’m just gonna watch him okay no one cares your reference I’m sorry

Joe nobody is going for intense stares I feel from five yet you don’t seem to be missing the dirt now interesting isn’t it interesting that’s I’m trying it’s almost like you weren’t trying before hmm yeah but if it’s an automatic feature have to try that’s just to walk on it

You just need to walk on it that’s what I’m trying to get it I feel like I’m doing that and it just doesn’t collect it sometimes it’s sometimes no it’s definitely collecting it on al hmm interesting yes I’m intentionally standing on it so I make sure I get it yes that’s the way

It works you stand on it so you could get it no there’s a pull zone I don’t have to be directly on it oh I’m sorry killer Shadowcat you okay Oh while we fill up the dirt chest quite a bit yeah anyone now okay well we

Probably need to fill stuff in more than are needing a new dirt yes right now giant crater I’m going to I’m going to put some chili Ken around good night That’s fine for now Wow for now nor did the did the did the traitor have anything okay okay burn oh so I shouldn’t cover up this cavern right not yet okay anywhere you want me to start covering up some stone that’s where the like on the lair there’s a lot of stone

We’re probably gonna put dirt you want me to cover up the stone spots yeah seething noises of just picking away at stone wonder what Raymond is doing Denis Lee Raymond’s doing trying to not fall down the staircase probably it was very suspicious what do you think he’s up to no good

Yep Oh what the [ __ ] is this oh [ __ ] there’s a cavern down there just be careful this whole town is built on a cavern basically just ignore this if it’s a small hole just cover it up okay well I’m clearing up the stone area and

That was gonna cover it in dirt so we can start making it all one uniform thing this one yes hello may as they look longingly at each other I said you’re looking longingly at each other don’t hit me with it’s just my commentary you know this is a carrot

This is not random stuff this is food yeah that’s exactly what I was doing this is not random stuff this is food figured we should start making everything one uniform thing this is an apple this is not random stuff this is food okay so quick question if we’re yes

Slowly making this all level 64 is that Penn gonna it I guess that Penn will just be eventually moved but it’s fine I do recall it was so can you not run over me [ __ ] weirdo property wounds chest yeah no I know that that’s why I start

Digging that way when runes is looking at me like I was crazy that’s like no say no it’s there you know this holes everywhere yeah sure run over here now give it to you that’s okay kilowatt a cow I was just always just sorting it a bit granite do

You anything else for me like the red sand I have died right here here’s the red sand here’s some sandstone if we need Santa have that too no problem oh wait a minute wait what is this building by the way man that you made no worries

I’m not gonna rest hurts that just I just like was curious yeah he said he had to go do stuff it’s okay he said he might be back is this stuff he needs to do horsies horsies get over he probably related to his fairy video or something he’s a free video

We’re sorry I was like why am I thinking about that why they asked that question that’s fine um you can make beds if you want to kill a Shadowcat we’ll use them yeah they definitely be helpful at least that way we can sleep in Fury without having to steal village

Events yeah I’m a killer Shadowcat if you want to be in charge of making beds I can I can come give you the wall I found from shape that I murdered found is such a strong word I know I was about to say you probably just say that you

Know you’ve and separated the meat from you know extracted them extracted the mutton would be better yes killed extracted the mutton um the Sheep I murdered um how many people do we have right now we have five so we need five beds in total he said he had to go do

Things that totally weren’t suspicious and you know he just needed to go totally not cult-related oh thanks okay all right a couple more Stone Cold Stream house yeah I wouldn’t but you know it’s up to you this build the house and like if someone wants yeah the person who said

Yeah is the person who won you stream house at all in any way I mean we do know actually terrific you are going to abandon us you were going to hoard stuff so you could abandon us I wasn’t gonna abandon I was gonna use it to build a

House actually here this time because last time I didn’t really have an option man sir you weren’t going to stay at the stream house or I could customize my room to make it look more what I wanted no no your lies are gonna get right man killed please don’t kill ray man for

That you could just shake me over and over again for that one no right man every man will know why he died and he’ll blame his wife I will continue levelling this ground with an egg it’s my I wanna know what sponge heard he heard [ __ ] egg

I thought I could fly my way back but yeah it’s an egg Jess it’s an egg oh you need help sponge oh yeah I kind of moved a bit I’ll try it on that moves I’ll just teleport sponge yeah thank you hi welcome help is here I to me that at all

I’d say I didn’t but then again I don’t pay attention it’s not you I think it’s just a general I lose attention it’s focused on the game what do you what color of actually sponged helping us clear dirt and moving making everything flat as 64 is probably the best thing

Right now okay their shovels in this chest this one this one no problem I’m just clearing this side now I just filling up a hole okay I’ll just get all the Terra Cotta it’s fine what color terracotta you needed just you know I keep bringing on shovels I’m just like not materials

There’s the tools I guess don’ts do we have a chest another chest for dirt or should I just yes the dirt chest left for your chest is full then your inventory may see or you could go out and get wood I’ll just make another making a chest

No worries I just figured I’d ask if someone made it okay say that’s why okay killer shark ethanol I’ll jump into that one thank you okay I’m almost the line okay how far away no just I’m just going through the sand oh you need Terra Cotta right me okay I have 24 irons

Terracotta but is that enough to make a job board or do I need more okay I have 75 brown hair of regular terracotta okay I’m just gonna dump it in the chest over here any random chest and I somewhere near where the old stream house used to be I guess

Oh the middle of town okay I need to get some stone together cobblestone so we can make more tools come here I put cobble in one of the second dirt chests cats you can grab it there why did you put it in the center chest like if the chest is labeled dirt

Why did you fill it with other stuff well because there’s no other chest that says other materials or random stuff Jesus that seems kind of random okay there’s random stuff in it just not very organized I’m gonna make a nice oh gosh that’s a creeper you want to keep your

Home the way you have it okay you can mine out your mountain okay if you want like not yeah no yeah we’re not we’re not on to building houses yet so there’s some cobblestone here I’ll use these to make tools and I’ll be good I’m just uh just waking getting the town

Or the first grade a shovel came I don’t need shovels not when you have your trusty egg I love when people walk in front of me while I’m doing something it just [ __ ] everything up the thing may needed what was something may needed terracotta this charcoal uh it’s it’s all set

Just getting rid of this bit oh thank you I should look for you I guess so I can grab it look around oh I see here okay thanks well if you don’t run over here please you killed if you hit the village out the Golem will kill you I

Know I just don’t want him walking into me I have said I have a bed why did I go over to this sector please don’t die thank you I appreciate it yeah as he cops again it’s not okay yeah he’s gotta trust me as I cough like yeah IIIi think

I got the role for a little tibi never the same don’t forget to like don’t forget don’t absolutely forget there’s no way they’ll remember okay thank you for the differentiation there the cobblestone versus the just Rando I can’t imagine anyone anyone making fun of you for that little Timmy

Things you could you could have convinced him that was scrooge mcduck in Christmas Carol as well yes there is original the original the original by the crates which but sorry one second sorry one second I need to spot I don’t know what she’s talking about you talk about streams Stream house

Location or what what are you why I’m just getting some wood that’s what I’m doing where are you may all right the ship is oh that I see what you mean okay yeah I can work on that is was clearing out to the west okay I will return to help you soon

Topher don’t worry I’m just getting some stuff no it’s so good I can understand okay so that’s to go all the way to 103 okay gotcha that’s a lot of dirt okay the job was not small I know I just don’t think about the size and

– like you know you’re looking at the sex right man that was definitely a man but I probably died while there’s mining it I mean to be afraid you you insta kill them by accident he was he was nowhere anything he just went off to get his

Stuff why do you have the cobblestone because it’s just because it’s because I’m trying I’m digging it up so I can cover it with dirt because I know not the cover at some point maybe you should pick it up then I you’re talking about two pieces that I can’t reach

Immediately as I was starting to dig in to know you’ve walked away you’ve walked away I was surveying the see where I was gonna start digging into it you were complaining you were singing about hating cobblestones yeah it’s what you were doing yeah but I was backing up checking where

Anything was missing you started digging into it that’s where you see a creeper nine signs yeah I need one color it’s easy to differentiate okay I will make you Muslims I understand now okay so here are the signs and that’s good start and I’ll make some more of H just before I

Actually I will apparently just makes more cons right now i drivin off [ __ ] come here vision the random stuff chest in the wood chest good no it’s all dark it’s a whole talk arc glad you’re my teammate now donkey I don’t know I need

Work I need um you need [ __ ] I need to get some [ __ ] oh is that perch that’s no purse that’s all I do out of New York I’m good you can have York back hijacker thanks hey you don’t are you are you trying to egg on the creeper could be some clearing

For you he’s like come on do it do it if the creeper explores right you might not do what you wanted to so why don’t you just dig instead I don’t know I feel working with the creeper is going to be more effort than what you’re actually needing

To do I think you need help Topher like picking up dirt to do it do it okay was it one singular piece of dirt no no it’s not I’m sorry you have to work with hope is working because tofu is unreliable I would but you know oh my god Topher

You just keep leaving [ __ ] around all right what yeah there was more than two where you Amaya digging and it’s annoying you need you need to learn to pick stuff up you can do it while you’re being watched but you can’t do it when you’re not being watched

That’s why I’m really trying to get I’m really just confused as to how it’s being left fair okay you’re leaving it there that’s how that’s just it don’t like I’m doing mechs I keep intentionally walking over to it to stand on it to Gravette some okay and

Then when it’s not on the ground that’s what it’s gone No okay Lauren Oh see she’s mean that you she’s allowed to do it she’s clearly trying to get an item off that um no well just trying to kill it in the water which is better than getting you to blow

Yourself up cuz they exploit in the water that don’t destroy stuff Bell another door they don’t do any damage within the water you’re so self-absorbed you do we what talking about you I say valued member of this community Sponge I mean you two may be my sponge said whatever you say boss and I said well I say care of valued member of this community you know your boss would say you know wouldn’t they actually like secretly you’re very disappointed it got real you have a lot of friends

Over there do you yes yes what do I do now yes yes are you are you yes yeah Oh a birch tree okay okay I will I will kill the birch tree okay thank you okay two shovels III do need some more birch wood yes in the long run to build

More science so yes I will take this purchase right now and just get it done now yeah our [ __ ] is off to the east but you want to go over there again right now please don’t die but I’ll just do this now that’ll get it done

Thank you good job cool you okay sponge yeah skipper we should all consider sleeping sleeping in his bed so is it just me microphone for everybody else let me look yeah his microphones not working right can he hear us oh he’s still here he’s he’s in the game I haven’t had any

Interactions with Zod in quite some time okay his bridge is basically done I think he responded let me look maybe he’s dead in real life that will be awkward Wow do you do you have this thing that makes you sound like in Australia when you’re really actually Russian you’re

Russian that’s what a Russian sea sure yes should we fill up this whole word which hole the holes of the moment leave the holes for the moment Hey huh killer Shadowcat did you get leads when you murdered the tradeoff can you please can you please leash this donkey to

Something okay I don’t know what you’re it all right actually there’s a post right there and I’ve seen things in front of everybody there’s a horse there too if she’s got an extra one okay I’m good I’ve got your science and we’re walking somewhere Oh yeah somewhere being executed right now don’t execute me please I mean I know what’s going on so I’m just standing here patiently also the sign you have doesn’t match the color of the signs up here okay you should have you’re not colorblind right because I’m colorblind

I can [ __ ] tell the difference dude If you changes so every time they’re too busy scolding me I could hear wow you gets you excuse me excuse me excuse me come back I don’t think I guess is a good nothing over here do my job no you know no you’re not doing your job you’re

Supposed to come here and quit you be on the board I’m so close [Laughter] I hope nothing despawned by the time I get there did you see there we go there we go see sponge is now short he’s clearing good see I’m not even sure if I’m sponge Mini keen are when you can Ted sometimes Gum [ __ ] time to see someone impersonate castes in theory but Cass can’t really play cuz you know windows tan I’m grabbing my [ __ ] what it’s no good enough that’s just no good enough for the positivity oh do you need say it’s killer Shadowcat cuz this Saints here I

Think I can take this it’s you thank you may I’m just you hope Topher doesn’t die again that’ll be awkward be such a shame you know we might have to build a perfect execution pen instead of a rhyme and execution pen at this right it’s tofu is the exit it’s executed whenever

Arraignments none of the old excuse me how do I finish the side and just put it up there okay cool there we go and it’s the it’s the you know the he has the succession rules for the president news in the succession executors execution what’s that flash

General dig up hasn’t tell us what you’re doing that’s where I’m doing really I consistently get killed either by my own creation or by just J by J decision I always like kind of liked it I liked being called a homeless soon I liked the idea of being the homeless step pocket

Well the homeless death puppet sounded interesting do you need to stop picking your dirt off Topher pick you dirt off I do okay pick up about 80% which I’m sorry but you got a die bro pick up a hundred percent can we put Sansa everyone else I wonder

If I’ll die I guess I mean probably yeah Briggs underground just in case I die okay I don’t know where this up we’re not sleeping I just was doing it to set my spawn point music died That’s see I’ll work on work I’ll work on making this look that’s a creeper oh [ __ ] away from me please thank you sponge [Laughter] I don’t want sugar what the [ __ ] you doing Topher that’s right away from that little baby zombie I was trying to help them but then your stuff still here so you can grab it when you get here which direction do I go uh we’re gonna need some out of anything

Other than dirt Oh what’s your coordinates negative 51 64 negative to 18 – 18 creeper creeper we talked about this I mean there was some wood I can get wood if you need that like if you need some fencing ok harvest some dark trees don’t want to grab your

Stuff just in case sponge yeah good okay bring entourage with me sword eyeball axes cactus the only thing I care about is that cactus why is the early thing you care about the cactus hi okay bye bye why must you [ __ ] never leave me alone monsters all right because you’re

Tasty to monsters not to normal people but to monsters is that normal people you want to be normal Topher do you want to be normal okay cuz boring you want to be boring to be boring I’m back oh okay here’s your cactus Yes you’re probably need that bad that’s important yep thanks thank you I should just get it straight a texture pack it would only apply to my game for a start it would be a texture pack for me how would you alright amiable pandas Wow if you if you use the table panda

Sting which that Tamil panting doesn’t work but one of the things for it was that um if you get an aggressive panda the aggressive panda will fight for you yeah and yeah there’s aggressive pandas aggressive hands will attack you if you attack in a panda they hate they hate

When they have kind of friends get killed I am I am getting wood I’m getting wood over here okay I think I’m good I love how we already found these it’s a good start mm-hmm um Topher died a bunch yeah that’s about it [ __ ] man czar to have been exploring a

Mine or something I know there was something important underground Fasano always so if I’m walking off chez change my job blank no no what we don’t care what you’re doing when you’re not here you probably just had the same job when you come back like change it when you log in

And you’ve got something to do so I was thinking like clocking clock outside like playing or you don’t have to blanket when you leave lasik is what you’re doing last time as well yeah someone can look at the job or see things that have been done recently that

They might be able to finish because they should have enough intelligence to be like oh Toph was not here I wonder if he’s finished what he was doing there is a brown shape over here by me It’s to the east of town it’s to the east of town brown cow I just gotta fill this in with dirt and then okay oh gosh okay there yeah I fell in the hole donkey tools there we go so don’t key tools that’s one thing the

Movers I could check with the other box the other chests are saying donkey cool Sweet baby Jesus who used to creeper signed up for the beta but I guess I didn’t get picked right here I can see it from where I am east of town just east of town did you That’s not that’s not where yes yellow are you sure you’re not colorblind trembling with color a lot I just I’m just not good that that would imply you’re colorblind yeah recognizing cowards I would know if I was how would you know because I will be able to see I

Can see colors yeah but just meet your colors yes yeah just cuz you’re color black doesn’t mean you don’t see colors you just see different colors for different colors I’ve got that I’ve got the shape over here I don’t have the ability to guide this shape but the

Shape is here because I don’t that one to use teleport a bunch she’s over here this is just east of town Well thank god that’s over it’s still more don’t worry no I know but just that was a lot of whole feeling I was doing okay we’ll be proud I know all right with that I think I’m done for the day though you sleep well yep Hades later everybody my time for me I

Couldn’t sleep thank you

This video, titled ‘Building my Swamp House! – Minecraft With Friends’, was uploaded by Tofuru on 2019-07-16 05:03:06. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:39 or 10539 seconds.

Gotta build like everything depends on it

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May Xiaowei show da wae

  • Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience the Thrills of Attack on Titan in Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community. Today, we want to talk about an incredible video that showcases the Attack on Titan mod in Minecraft. The video titled “ATTACK ON TITAN IN MINECRAFT 1.20.5 | Shingeki no Craft | Fanfo” is a true masterpiece that brings the popular anime to life in the Minecraft world. While watching this video, you can’t help but be amazed by the attention to detail and the creativity that went into creating this mod. From the villages walls to the custom names of the… Read More

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

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  • Experience the Evolution of Minecraft on Minewind Server!

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  • Join Minewind: Where AI Meets Minecraft

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  • Explore the Insane World of JuhEpicGaming!

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  • “Bimasakti’s Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥” #freefire #gaming

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  • SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)

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  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

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  • Darkness Realms (ATM9)

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  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

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  • Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP)

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

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  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

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  • SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOW

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  • Herobrine’s Mysterious Past Life Revealed!

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  • Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!

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    💎 DIAMOND PORTAL to PARADISE! 😱🌈 | MINECRAFT MODSVideo Information This video, titled ‘PORTAL TO PARADISE IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MODS’, was uploaded by DIAMOND on 2024-01-02 20:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you get 5 likes I will release a full video with the mod #minecraft #minecraftmods minecraft portal to paradise. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraft

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!” #minecraft #satisfying

    "Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!" #minecraft #satisfyingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfying emoji face falling pixel art#minecraft#satisfying#shorts’, was uploaded by Beadrobix on 2024-01-03 18:14:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Inspiration: technogamer mrbeast yes smarty pie anshu Bisht Wisp Unspeakable Skydoesminecraft XNestorio DenTDM Wilbur … Read More

  • You won’t believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱

    You won't believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱Video Information प्यार तो छोटा सा शब्द है मेरी तो जान बसती है तुझ में प This video, titled ‘mumma ki Jaan hai tu. #music #song #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Labhansh Jain on 2024-04-14 08:15:36. It has garnered 471 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Music videos Celebrity news Movie trailers GamingLet’s Plays “Minecraft,” “Fortnite” Gaming newsGame reviews Tutorials and How-To “How to cook DIY home decor “Makeup tutorial “Technology Smartphone reviews Gadget unboxings Software tutorials Lifestyle Fitness and health tips Travel vlogs Fashion and beauty Education Learn language History documentaries… Read More

  • CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!

    CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!Video Information these are my friends and I invited them to the ultimate Avatar build battle but what they don’t know is I have this secret Elemental bending device that will allow me to cheat and every round it’ll get new upgrades that I can use to mess with my friends what is happening what the heck the video ends when they find out round one boys you have to build Momo Momo Momo’s my favorite let’s go 5 minutes on the clock what’s a Momo in my hand you guys could see we have this Elemental bending device if… Read More

  • Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!

    Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Решили поехать на озеро с нашими друзьями-птицами летом 2027 года | Это мем из 2027 года’, was uploaded by Hoang Duy Ho on 2024-03-28 17:25:43. It has garnered 4359 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. #HoangDuyHoPIXEL #minecraft #minecraft »Main channel- I decided to go with a person next to a bird to the lake in the summer in 2027 Opium Bird in Minecraft minecraft,villager,ultimate minecraft recap,Minecraft,minecraft animation,villager ai cover,froppy craft,minecraft mods,funny minecraft,minecraft villager,minecraft memes,villager memes,spiral mc,grox,cas van de pol minecraft,minecraft parody,dom studio,zmde,reffmc,minecraft prop hunt,minecraft villagers,cheap pickle,aphmau,minecraft… Read More

  • Official Minecraft Server Official Minecraft ServerAbout us MadDubz started out on YouTube with a 24/7 Gaming radio, since then we kept doing more and more. We are glad to announce that we now have a Minecraft server. We do not accept donations, we do this for fun. Read More

  • CrystalVerse SMP PvP – Lifesteal

    Welcome to Crystal Verses Minecraft Server! In this unique Minecraft server, survival takes on a whole new level of intensity with the addition of lifesteal mechanics. Every blow dealt to an opponent not only inflicts damage but also replenishes the attacker’s health. Will you risk engaging in combat to regain health, or will you play it safe and try to outlast your opponents? Join Us: Java Edition: IP: Bedrock Edition: IP: PORT: 19132 New Members get a free rank if joined within the next hour! Don’t miss out, join now! Read More


    Minecraft Memes - ANTI-CIS ELON SLAMMED! MAGA FANS TRIGGERED.I guess even the Minecraft community has its own drama queens! Elon Musk better watch out for some unexpected competition. Read More

  • Insane TNT Slider Trick in Minecraft

    Insane TNT Slider Trick in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bro [Music] This video, titled ‘Genius Moment Minecraft TNT Slider #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-28 16:50:24. It has garnered 2 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Yeah I taken an L on this one lol Join for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and… Read More

  • Mikey’s Monument: Minecraft Land’s Masterpiece

    Mikey's Monument: Minecraft Land's Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, creativity shines bright, As Lo Do Vo builds with all his might. A statue of Mikey, a motorbike theme, Crafted with care, like a beautiful dream. From the head to the feet, each block in its place, Creating a masterpiece, with style and grace. The colors, the details, all come alive, In the world of Minecraft, where builders thrive. Though the video may jerk and lag a bit, Lo Do Vo’s passion never quits. With dedication and skill, he builds with glee, Sharing his creations for all to see. So let’s give a cheer… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥

    Minecraft's Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the letter A break up with the letter B in Minecraft? Because B kept mining diamonds without sharing them! #alphabetlore #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video featuring insane Minecraft rewards that can be unlocked by jumping in Hindi. The thrill and excitement of unlocking OP items just by jumping is truly exhilarating. The video showcases a unique Minecraft challenge that adds a fun twist to the game. Imagine the thrill of beating Minecraft with OP items, funny mods, and challenging gameplay. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless adventures awaiting, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like no other. So, why not jump into the… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider

    Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Welcome to MineQuesters: Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Texture Pack Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with MineQuesters, a channel dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest Minecraft videos. Dive into the world of Minecraft PVP and witness the power of the SenpaiSpider Texture Pack as players battle it out for supremacy. Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Minecraft PVP as players go head-to-head in intense battles. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can rise to the top and become a PVP pro. Learn how to dominate the competition… Read More

  • Cobey’s SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau’s Sister in Minecraft?!

    Cobey's SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau's Sister in Minecraft?!Video Information I can’t wait to go to the pajama party I hope it’s fun and not boring like last time I’m almost at the house it looks like it’s here let’s see if someone’s home hello anyone home hello I’m here oh it looks like they’re coming out great I’ll just wait for them here I hope today is fun hello Kobe glad you came I was beginning to think you wen’t coming it’s great to have you here yeah guys I’m here I came for the party is everything okay yes kop we’re very happy you came we’re… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall Survival

    Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall SurvivalVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet Jesus that’s loud I turn that down hello how are we all doing it’s a good game Sorry I mean experience how are we all doing tonight that music just feels loud why all right uh let me get the game loaded up curse Forge where you at load that come on you can do it there are 150 clone orders correct you doing good that’s good it is we’re at the part of the Year where the house is always hot… Read More

  • “EPIC House vs Fire Showdown – INSANE Minecraft Animation!” #gegagedigedagedago

    "EPIC House vs Fire Showdown - INSANE Minecraft Animation!" #gegagedigedagedagoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gegagedigedagedago HOUSE vs Fire In The Hole! #gegagedigedagedago #meme #minecraft #animation #memes’, was uploaded by Roblomem on 2024-04-22 11:00:47. It has garnered 156108 views and 4754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Write comments subscribe to the channel and like the video ! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #meme #gegagedigedagedago #memes #nikocadoavacado #roblomem #animation #minecraftanimation Read More

Building my Swamp House! – Minecraft With Friends