Building the Black Pearl in Survival Minecraft

Video Information

I am currently living out of this tiny hut here on the echocraft server and while this is aesthetic and for the most part it works i am severely lacking in storage space i don’t have a super smelter absolutely no villagers or even a consistent food supply

I may have stolen these for my neighbor skills you guys get the point this needs to change in today’s video i will be building a massive pirate ship modeled after one of the most famous boats in cinematic history the black pearl and let me just tell you

Guys even when preparing for this video i have learned more about ships and sailing and a lot of things that i never wanted to know about so you’re welcome well guys i’ve collected a lot of resources you can see we’ve got a bunch of spruce and also jungle and some oak

Logs in there and that’s what we’re mainly going to be building this out of but the first thing we need to do is go ahead and lay out our dimensions so the black pearl is what’s called an east india man galleon and according to wikipedia the most trusted name in news

These ships were generally about 175 feet long or 116 blocks for us the width or what we call the beam is 43 feet or 29 blocks the keel or the main length of the hole was 144 feet or 96 blocks and from the bottom of the boat to the waterline

Which is called the draft that’s 17 feet or 11 blocks all you mariners down in the comments can get mad at me if i messed up anything well guys you can start to kind of get a sense of how big this thing is actually gonna be and i know what some of you

Guys may be thinking if every block is a meter or about three feet then my measurements were completely off well that’s because we’re doubling it when i first laid it out it was far too small so we’re going twice as big starting off with some of these jungle

Planks i’m just going to be trying to lay out generally how the shape is going to be like if you’re looking from a top-down view it kind of looks like a torpedo so i’m just going to be laying this out and we’ll see if we can get the shape right Yo this looks epic this looks just about perfect that is awesome and i know what you’re thinking it doesn’t go all the way to the edges of the width or the back or the front well first of all the front has a big prowl and also the way the boat is

Designed is that the sides kind of come up so they’re actually expand when they go out of the water it’s hard to explain just trust me i think what the next step is is we’re actually gonna have to dive down under the water here and we’re gonna need to build the hole

It’s gonna of course taper to a point which of course cuts through the water as it sails oh i’m dying but this part here is gonna be really hard if we don’t have a conduit and we don’t have sponges the good thing is i’ve got friends who

Can help with that oh guys it’s my lucky day looks like skills has got some sponges this is why you should always be nice to your neighbors okay that’s all i’m saying hey man you’re working on the boat now the ship i am in bishop very nice

Here you go my friend oh thank you man i really literally yesterday i went to an ocean monument just for you just for me awesome well thank you man and i’m i’ll put him to good use and i’ll bring him back actually you keep it i’m not going

To be needing it anytime soon all right cool have fun with your beetroot from what i can tell from omniscient google it looks like a lot of these ships have like a lighter color on the underneath so i think i’m going to use oak logs for

The bottom of the hole let’s just break those apart a little bit you know i also forgot that for a conduit we kind of need not only shells i think we’ve got some over here at this shop so let’s check that out yep here we go we got some nautilus shells so we’ve

Got five total we just need three more and that is number eight baby i also got this beastly injected book like what the heck also because he’s a lad skills went ahead and sold me a heart of the sea so we can make the conduit

My man what a legend look at that oh boy and because he knew where a monument was he went ahead and got me prismarine too all right baby here we go we got a conduit coming in heck yeah i think i’ll just probably place it like right under here i’m not

Actually going to put it on the bottom of the ocean because that’ll be too far away al jerk there we go conduit is finished and i’ve only got one bubble also it just killed him i’m gonna be honest i forgot they could do that but this is gonna be really

Difficult guys i’m not very good at curves and stuff but i think it’ll work out all right you know fingers crossed At this point this whole thing looks like the skeleton of a whale or something i was trying to get it to come down to like this point and i think it worked pretty well so it looks like the bottom of a boat that’s like cutting through the water you know

Like look at that curve that is a beautiful boat curve only problem is i’m already like completely out of oak logs and i have no more in any of these so i’m gonna take this empty shulker right here and we’re gonna go find a plane’s biome and do some deforestation you know i

Also wonder if there’s any slimes actually in this slime chunk that we’ve been mining out we mined this out a couple days ago yep okay there we go perfect slimes i was getting a little worried because i hadn’t seen any well i mean this looks like as good a place as any

Fellas why would you show up i literally just got here why why do you do these things to me and my sword just broke don’t worry it sucked anyway but dylan knight what can i say guys it certainly looks like a boat and there is a lot of

Fish around here what the heck shaping the underside of this thing was really hard because i’m not very good at natural curves but i think it ended up looking pretty good plus it’s all under the water so anybody that sees it won’t be able to get the whole picture of it anyway well

You guys can see that the entire hole is finished of our boat i think the shape of it looks really good and we’re gonna be able to get at least one deck under there but as you could tell we have a bit of a water problem so we’re gonna

Need to whip out those sponges that skills gave us and we’ll start getting rid of the water here’s the funny thing skills only gave us four sponges so that doesn’t leave a lot of room for error i swear to you guys i must have smelted those four sponges like 80 times

Let me just say it’s a lot quicker to place them than it is to smell them the longer i work on this the more i think this is gonna take a while to come out i mean it takes more than a stack of blocks just to run the length of this

Thing but i’ve killed way too many drones to quit now we’re gonna more or less leave this part alone for now the interior will come later but that’s gonna be a lot of work on its own you may be wondering what this big box right here is that’s actually our conduit

Chilling right there and i’ve left it there and you can see there’s actually still water inside so that if i go anywhere outside the boat i instantly get conduit you can’t tell me that doesn’t sound like something from anime one thing i 100 am gonna do is light up this whole

Thing because i have had a lot of mobs already spawned in here and let’s just say that would be annoying while i’m trying to work now huge props where it’s due i got a lot of inspiration for this build from this guy named the big baron i’ve linked his youtube

Channel in the description and there should be a card somewhere on the screen but this guy’s an amazing builder and here are some of his builds i’m showing right now and one of the big things i noticed about his ships is that they almost always had some sort of

Color accenting the size of it so i’m headed off to the mesa biome so we can get some terracotta to build this so in this build the plan is to use red terracotta blue terracotta a little bit of light blue terracotta and also some sandstone which i picked up on

The way home the four food groups of our galleon if you will well i’ve got a head return skills beacon and as you can see in this chest right here we’ve got four shulkers full of terra cotta and then we’ve also got some sandstone because someone in the discord mentioned that

Sandstone would look good and i agree It was here that i kind of got to a point that i was like you know what i just need to start placing blocks because if i try to deliberate forever on how it’s going to be perfect i’m never going to get it done i also found this cool little cannon

Design on google and despite my uneasiness i was able to start actually kind of getting the shape of the boat of course as you’ll see a lot of this does change but my advice to people who are doing big builds like this just start it and you can always go back and

Change things later Dudes this place is really coming along but i’m thinking i’m really gonna need some help so i’m about to call in some backup but first i wanted to add this deck here with all the cannons on it just so we kind of have somewhere to walk on because right now it’s pretty

Much just the outline that we can really land on the first person i’m gonna rope into helping me is actually gonna be solely Okay sev you asked for assistance for something i did ask for help yes he just come over a little hill here holy moly yeah look at this it’s a little big i’m struggling wow the whole shape of it is kind of coming along it’s also kind of nuts so the idea is

That we’re going to have this big boat right and i’m going to have ship it’s a ship so what kind of ship are you going for obviously it’s it’s a some sort of ship of the line 16th century solely was an amazing help here i honestly don’t think this build would

Have turned out half as good without his help you can see how he’s kind of reshaping it and making it how it’s supposed to be we kind of threw out a lot of my stuff and we even had some fun with creepers spawning in the bottom of the boat

And yes of course we named it the bilge creeper oh no he’s on me now okay and turn around oh yeah man it’s so comically large it it dwarfs this mountain honestly man it’s gonna be freaking huge again huge thanks to solely for coming over and

Helping me out i think what i’m gonna do next is actually connect this part up right here it’s gonna kind of create what solely did at the front just all the way around the back here and i fell off and then i’m gonna nominate chief for the draft

And get him in here i have not touched my mouse and keyboard in a while this is weird chief thank you for being willing to help me i i’m in desperate need of help absolutely yes here for the job it’s large that’s all i have to say just

Follow me all right all right stay low to the ground don’t spoil the surprise and then fly through these you Yo yo dude so okay my first comment it’s a little big and i love it how on earth do you get the resources for this babe of a boat so yeah i need help with both the masts and i would say also maybe this back love it well i’m i’m

Gonna say that you know this is a big project and i don’t know like the squid normally i’ll go to a creative test world to kind of hash these out so i think that’s where we’re going to need to go next yeah yeah yeah i’m i’m definitely down with that so let’s uh

Let’s yoink it join twist so my method right now is going to be sculpted so i’m going to get the bulk dimensions out me and chief mostly chief we’re able to create quite the ornate mast and this one we’re designing together was only the big middle one how am i screwing this up

Okay 138 what is wrong with me math wins again unfortunately chief wasn’t able to hang out very long but i was able to build that mast on echocraft since chief wasn’t available i just went for it and designed the other two masks as well although they look exactly like the

First one they’re just a little shorter but hey if it ain’t broke before we even try to tackle the sails and everything what i think i’m gonna do is this back part right over here you can still see into it but solely did help us get the shape really well so all

We need to do is kind of build the outside of it and then we’ll get the inside later on oh and if you guys didn’t notice i went ahead and added the cannons on the top deck as well so we’ve officially got a one two three four

A forty gun ship that’s actually more than i thought it was wow listen guys i understand that mojang tried to give a scaffolding but nothing will ever be dirt in my mind i mean especially come on you’re working on the side of a ship like you can’t use scaffolding that they

Give you in the game i really wanted this back part to be fancy but also just kind of match the prow because the prowl also has a lot of sandstone in it we’ve kind of got some walkways going around either side as well so you can be outside and go

Outside when you’re in the captain’s quarters i also realized we had way too much space between the top deck and the next deck below so i went ahead and kind of split it right down the middle and added another deck in there this place is a complete mob

Trap by the way oh my gosh those freaking bilge creepers man i don’t know what i did to the door big no and i’m stuck in a loop dormammu i’ve come to bargain so guys at this point when i’m looking at this there’s one thing i’m noticing that’s

Really missing well of course the sails and everything but what i’m missing is this part right here this beam i don’t know what it’s called give me a second well i still don’t know what it is but i’m too lazy to figure it out bow spread you guys know what i’m

Talking about it’s right up here at the prowl of the boat and it like sticks out and there’s the like the head piece right in the front here and all that stuff fake your head i don’t know about y’all but i’d say that looks pretty good as a prowl we’re

Just gonna call it the prowl because i have no clue what the actual thing is called bow spread Gills just knocked me off my thing what the heck man i went too hard brother where where’d you go And finally after all of this in the middle of building i ran out of spruce wood i mean i have this 10 in my hot bar but that’s about it oh and huge shout out to sully again because you remember that creeper that i died to well yeah i actually lost a couple

Things and he helped me get it back did you build this like is this like a like a schematic did you just come up with this thing i just came up with this thing you want me to swab the dick uh hey captain hi i’m just swallower this side of the entire atlantic

They hired me on all black barrel for this exact thing i am the deck swooper let me ask you let me ask you this okay yeah your plans for the ship uh are you think is this gonna be like is this gonna be like a really clean looking like polished ship or is

This gonna be a little bit dingy like sea weathered for the most part it looks pretty crisp yeah let’s say that so i’m going for more of the clean i’ll lay off on the texturization to be too much right like we want to get some dark spots to make it look like there’s

A little bit of water that’s come aboard Don’t worry okay i’m not worrying Voila a life of both can i just say i’ve spent an unnatural amount of time on this build but branzy’s been a huge help helped me with the deck and everything and it looks great all these details with the little spruce splashed in here it’s so good

We even got this part right over here this is probably my favorite part of the boat at this point so as you can see we got two little lifeboats here and we’ve also got a crane here like branzi suggested and we’ve got stuff going up in barrels they’re all strapped down so

We can get a bunch of them up at once this thing honestly looks so cool guys i am so excited about how this thing is turning out holy cow and we even got a little anchor there now you can see that man right there skills

My man is gonna help me out with the sails what’s up my man all right so uh it’s changed a lot but there’s only one more thing left to do skills what is it the sales could use some help with sales oh yeah wow i just realized what is

Happening here now what i’m thinking is we’ll just do it out of straight wool because we’ve got a lot of wool oh tons of it i have no words this was by far the most difficult part of this entire build mine was so disgusting i i’m making a

Pillow i don’t know what’s happening over there after a while i even had to go into creative and design the sales myself just so that i could go back onto echocraft and copy them onto the server and as i’m looking at this footage i had to run in with a creeper that i

Never knew was there Guys believe it or not i think that is everything complete so let’s take off and see holy cow that looks freaking amazing let me know down in the comments if you guys think i should do some sort of design on the sales and if so what should

That be maybe just colors or if you think we should just leave it white because i’m kind of in favor of that mostly because it’s very hard i gotta say this has probably been the most work in minecraft i’ve put into a project in a long time

But i really think it’s paid off and i hope you guys think so too so as the sun sets on another episode of echocraft i just want to say ah and i’ll catch you on the next one You

This video, titled ‘Building the Black Pearl in Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by A Civilian on 2021-08-09 14:20:50. It has garnered 205492 views and 6539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds.

Clearly you’ve never been to Tortuga.

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Verse of the Video: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” ~ John 10:10

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Make sure to check out the other Echoes! Beppo: Branzy: cakeman: CeylaPlays: DcDeckard: DylanRhyne: Iconic Bluejay: Lagging_Daze: Lucid: Madtiger416: MattyPixel: Miyukina: MrRedClaw: Rekrap2: Souli Layce: That Chief Guy: SkillsNoLogic: Skyelre: ZL:

Music: Epidemic Sound Library, YouTube Studio Royalty Free Library,

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    Unbelievable Creatures on Ceres - EPIC Minecraft Saturday!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 The legendary Minecraft Saturday’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-09 01:59:55. It has garnered 105157 views and 9971 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:35 or 13295 seconds. I will work on the tree and not memorize pi ✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: Thank you so much!! 💚 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions ( OptiFine MOD Author: sp614x and the OptiFine Team URL: Complementary Shaders Creator: EminGT Link: ✿ Hashtags ✿ LIVE: #faunline ART:… Read More

  • “INSANE NEW Minecraft Mods in TecnoMods! 🔥” #minecraftmods #minecraftsurvival

    "INSANE NEW Minecraft Mods in TecnoMods! 🔥" #minecraftmods #minecraftsurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘TOP Minecraft Mods Pt.48 🔥 // #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by TecnoMods on 2024-02-20 20:22:11. It has garnered 101 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Top Best Mods For Your Minecraft World PART 48 🤩 #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Insane Hack: X99999 Lava Boss Legacy Stickman Miner!

    Insane Hack: X99999 Lava Boss Legacy Stickman Miner!Video Information This video, titled ‘X99999 STICKMAN MINER – HACK STICK WAR LEGACY’, was uploaded by Lava Boss Legacy on 2024-05-05 03:45:02. It has garnered 2133 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. Hi Guys Like And Subscribe To The Channel I Love You Guys Tag stickman animation, animation vs minecraft, the virus, animation vs animator, stick man, the showdown, alan backer, stickman animation, ava shorts, stickman vs minecraft, stick man dance, stickman fight,Stick war movie,alan becker virus, avm shorts, animator vs animation 4, animator vs animation 4 reaction, animator vs animation 5,… Read More

  • Minecraft VR Chat Indonesia

    Minecraft VR Chat IndonesiaThis server is full of people that i meet in vr chat, but feel free to join my server Read More

  • Torrent Lifesteal Network – Lifesteal, Creative, Survival, MMORPG, Custom Models

    Join an EPIC new Lifesteal MMORPG Server! IP: Discord: Torrent Lifesteal is a fully original PvP enabled MMORPG server with unique features: Crates Ranks with perks Custom structures and bosses Regenerative loot chests KoTH battles Bounties and AFK pit Custom gear and enchants Unique McMMO skills Custom terrain in Overworld and End The server launches officially tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST! Join early to explore and gain an advantage! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Genius: Flint & Steel TNT Combo

    Well, at least this meme gets a high score for creativity! But I’m not sure how much it would help in a real Minecraft survival situation. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Skibidi Toilet’ Clock Man Team vs Herobrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Skibidi Toilet' Clock Man Team vs Herobrine Why is the Skibidi Toilet Clock Man Team even fighting Herobrine in MineCraft? Did they run out of toilet paper and blame him for it? Read More

  • Surviving Day 1 in Minecraft

    Surviving Day 1 in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Boundless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. From abundant clay to the soft dreams of a builder’s imagination, this game offers a unique experience like no other. Abundant Clay for Endless Creations In Minecraft, players have access to a vast array of resources, including abundant clay that can be molded and shaped into any form imaginable. Whether crafting intricate structures or simple designs, the possibilities are limited only by one’s creativity. Visions of Creation in a House of Hope… Read More

  • Digging to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft

    Digging to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft The Epic Journey: Digging a Staircase Down to Bedrock in Vanilla Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure as our intrepid Minecraft player delves deep into the earth to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface. Armed with nothing but a pickaxe and determination, they set out to create a staircase down to bedrock in the vanilla Minecraft world. The Quest Begins As the game loads, our player takes a moment to harvest crops and prepare for the arduous task ahead. With mods installed and controls adjusted, they begin the monumental task of digging their way down to bedrock. Unearthing… Read More


    EPIC TEAM LEVELING IN MINECRAFT MOD! VOD #1Video Information This video, titled ‘WE START LEVELING BUT NOT SOLO! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod VOD #1’, was uploaded by GingyVODs on 2024-04-17 19:00:02. It has garnered 1240 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:50 or 6950 seconds. Main Channel – Discord – Twitter – ————————————————————————— Channel Avatar and Banner are made by Charwiewie check out their stuff! Charwiewie – —————————————————————————- Read More

  • The Ultimate Scariest Minecraft Seed Revealed

    The Ultimate Scariest Minecraft Seed RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Most Scariest Seed Ever 😱’, was uploaded by Fourn Gamerx on 2024-02-23 13:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft scary myths minecraft 1.20 scary myths busting minecraft myths that are actually real minecraft scary seeds minecraft … Read More


    SG GAMER 3.0 BEDWARS MADNESS! SUB GOAL: 600! #LIVE #MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEDWARS LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-16 23:35:38. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:44 or 5804 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge by SHEK GAMER!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Challenge by SHEK GAMER!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new challenge in audience ||#minecraft#gaming#shorts’, was uploaded by SHEK GAMER on 2024-05-02 00:30:27. It has garnered 470 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft new challenge in audience 😉 shorts #short #yt #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #myth #public #youtuber #youtubers #fightgaming #challeng #challenges #myths #challenge #minecraftchalleng #viral #minecraftchallenge #video #viralvideo #viralshort #viralvideos #videos #videogames #gaming #games #gameplay #game #gamingvideos #gamer #youtube #youyoutube #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubechannel #youtubegaming #youtubeindia #youtubeshort #fight #public #viral #shortsyoutube #gaming #minecraftbuild #minecraftpc #cringeymemes #edgymemes… Read More

  • Gengar rescues villagers & dog from fatal Minecraft trap

    Gengar rescues villagers & dog from fatal Minecraft trapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Saving my villagers and dog form unsecure danger in Minecraft 2024 .’, was uploaded by Mr.GengarPlay on 2024-04-01 18:05:51. It has garnered 11577 views and 382 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Welcome to our gaming YouTube channel, where epic adventures and thrilling gameplay await! Join us as we dive into the captivating world of gaming, exploring a wide range of genres and platforms. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just starting your gaming journey, our channel is the ultimate destination for all things gaming. From exhilarating action games to… Read More

  • Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO – Family Hacker Showdown

    Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO - Family Hacker ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a NOOB vs PRO HACKER Family In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-04-14 14:18:02. It has garnered 358093 views and 6138 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:50 or 3530 seconds. Having a NOOB vs PRO HACKER Family In Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are having a Noob vs Pro HACKER Family in Minecraft! Which they have to protect against a big EVIL HACKER! Will they do it? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • Pekora gifts Aqua a second chance! Hololive Vietsub

    Pekora gifts Aqua a second chance! Hololive VietsubVideo Information This video, titled ‘Thần Pekora Đã Cho Aqua Cơ Hội Làm Lại | Hololive Vietsub’, was uploaded by Riku Ch. on 2024-05-17 07:57:02. It has garnered 1586 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. [NGUỒN STREAM] 🔰[Minecraft]Hololive Server Hardcore Minecraft!!!!! Day 4!![Minato Aqua/Hololive]🎯 + Sub for vtuber: 🚩 @MinatoAqua @MomosuzuNene @OozoraSubaru ==================================== God Pekora Gave Aqua a Chance to Do It Again | Hololive Vietsub ================================================================ Hello everyone, I am Atamai Riku. Hope you have fun watching the video 🥳 (The translation may be wrong, please give your feedback). +… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Vortex Trick! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Vortex Trick! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make vortex in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by greybunny on 2024-03-27 13:10:06. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Subscribe for more interesting with me))) #minecraft #interesting #secret #build #meme #memes #redstonebuilds #buildtutorial #minecraftbuild Read More

  • Insane Mutant Snow Golem rages in epic mob brawl!

    Insane Mutant Snow Golem rages in epic mob brawl!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft mutant snow golem vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-22 11:05:25. It has garnered 22358 views and 252 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. minecraft mutant snow golem vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft minecraft monday minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft diggy diggy hole minecraft song minecraft 1.4 minecraft earth pewdiepie minecraft playlist minecraft… Read More

  • Crafters Horizon

    Crafters HorizonWe host an RLCraft modded server without most of the restrictions other RLCraft servers have!! We also offer a variety of “convenience” capabilities to enhance the player’s experience without hindering the difficulty of RLCraft!!! Read More

  • Kamacraft S6 SMP Modded 1.20.4 Whitelist Proximity Chat Squaremap Discord Events Custom Datapacks Europe 18+

    Why Kamacraft? I asked my regular players this a few days ago. The response was instantaneous and unanimous: the community, both on the Minecraft server itself and in the Discord server. absolutely the community, everyone’s so kind and nice always and it’s the first time I’ve played on a server that felt like an actual community instead of just vaguely familiar strangers who play Minecraft together Kamacraft has been running for 5 years, and has always focused on community, from always having a “welcome center” at spawn to orient new players and provide valuable starting resources, to seeking player input… Read More

  • CloudCraft SMP[Hermitcraft-ESQ][1.21][6/15/2024 reset]

    CloudCraft SMP[Hermitcraft-ESQ][1.21][6/15/2024 reset]ABOUT USWelcome to CloudCraft! We are a smaller whitelisted SMP focused on a vanilla multiplayer experience, and we are looking for a few more people to join us for our 1.21 reset on Saturday, June 15th.Our server takes some inspiration from HermitCraft and other similar SMPS. Some of our community aspects include a spawn island town (includes starter houses, town hall, shops, etc.), community farms, nether hub, arcade with games, dragon fight event, and more. See below or here for some images of our past servers. In the past our server has been annually reset for the latest update, followed… Read More

Building the Black Pearl in Survival Minecraft