ButterJaffa – Beginning of SUPER HERO SURVIVAL!!! | Minecraft [w/Buttery Boys – #01]

Video Information

Hey guys and welcome to finally what you guys have been asking for for ages I am joined by all the buttery boys Rytm chithrika and of course Beckers all of us are here today to play the thing you guys have been asking for for ages now 8 a hero survival modded series we have tons of mods installed and while we’re just going to be jumping in we obviously don’t have any superpowers yet because

We have to find the suits but we’re just gonna be playing seeing what happens and we kind of have proximity chat kinda it’s a bit hard to explain but you guys will get it as we play now with that said let’s jump in because we need to

Actually survive as quick as we can so we came in apple what do you mean teaming up of course we’re teaming up why would we team up Tyler have you got like somebody no I mean like what area are we staying in like I don’t know if we can figure

That out at the moment has anyone got any plans you’ve taken four players who’ve landed on this beautiful green grassy Earth First seconds of being here so like what we stay in here like where’s the plan will we do yeah what’s our plan I mean Nathan’s already started

Running off in the distance uh my trees aren’t falling no no stop running up all right guys try and stick to within like sight of each other I’m just getting some food for us because we need some damn food we just need to make sure the server can handle us being near each

Other and and see if that’s the reason it’s crashing we’re efficiently killing cows like farmers are jealous yeah uh so I still don’t know well like I could see Rhys but I don’t know what anyone else is and I said stay within eyesight so where is everybody

I lost a crafting table and I don’t know how the hell I did it no it’s that’s a funny story because I just gained a crafting table I don’t know we have to make we just like trying to are we trying to find stuff we’re going to go exploring what are we mining

For the boys all right bet all right I’m just going to get some materials then because I need Stone everyone’s together except oh no titles over there he’s in the mountains Dan there’s a cat like a real big cave down here oh skeleton down here are we exploring it together

We killed it I’m hoping that the items I’ve given you guys have a despawn items wait what sweater guys if you guys have left my cooking on the floor what cooking I’ll come grab some I’ll come grab some yes oh yeah baby all right I’m going I’m

Just gonna quickly check out the cave real quick I’ll be back ASAP I promise oh what the [ __ ] okay so there’s definitely zombies here but I just want to have a look down into this cave while I’m down here oh to explain to you guys

How the voice system kind of is going to work we have a Discord set up and whenever we go into different areas we can actually join those calls for example I’m in a caving area now no one else can hear me but myself and well if

I really wanted to I could do this hold on there we go so now I’m down down to the cave down here I see your name over there what I don’t know finding a lot of iron I’m just going to grab this because that seems very

Helpful there we go well I’ve got a bunch of torches uh I’m just gonna light up my area that way people know it’s at least been lit piss off skeleton you mother trucker here we go okay I wonder what race and Tyler are up to I have

Honestly no idea how this is gonna work but I’ve got a concept behind and uh look at me I’m funny stream me I’m funny which way did you go oh you’re down there no like that I’ve may or may not have shed all my mortally skin and uh

What shed your mortally skin yeah that was the wrong way to start a more conversation I’m just chill for Neil because obviously we have to work together for so long there’s a bunch of stuff that gets revealed later on in the series that I’m not gonna surprise but

At the moment you know like there’s things things that we kind of have to work together in case a bigger threat shows up especially if we do end up getting Powers I don’t know I I’ve got the mindset of working together at the moment at least uh but hey I mean I

Don’t know I feel like some people might not have that mindset I’m gonna go find my corpse I am the king of recovering dead bodies I solve every problem I get myself into which is a lot oh I’m about to die again oh oh look I’m alive I’m about to die again

I have that mindset just I don’t want sabotage like like if I’m clearly cooking my own food just like don’t oh yeah then leave your food yeah leave the food yeah that’s why I’m scared of leaving unintended there are I will say there are locks you can make

Um and you can actually craft the locks and put those on your chests and pretty much people can lock pick them but the better the lockers made the harder it is to lock pick and yeah if it fails it tells you someone’s attempted to lock pick all right boys back upstairs my

Mining was pretty successful yeah yeah oh nice it’s just dipped nice it’s going to back underground oh [ __ ] do you have any wood packing on your chest I’m literally just naked right now I’m just I’m after my [ __ ] and that’s it oh I forgot that swords can block in this

Version come to me what are you building over here I’m trying I’m trying what’s this what’s this over here this is uh the hidey hole Heidi hole I like it all right bet I’m hidey hole in the hole for a minute so how’s your time up and up here going for you

Jesus it keeps dying bro he’s died so many times why’d you die again stop get it stop dying my main superpower is just never given up I know nothing about Minecraft why am I here why do you keep me around oh yeah I should tell you as

Well because I’ve told Tyler you can make locks to put on chess and you can also make uh you can also make um lock picks and it’s a lock picking minigame to try and break into it and okay make a lot of different quality ones I don’t

Know how to corrupt any of it so we might have to try and figure that out still but hey that’s after fun yeah oh I mean hey this looks great yeah oh I don’t like that oh no what do you mean you’ve got an idea what an

Explosive decoration get a bit of Home Depot should I stand back I don’t want to get hit by this no no you do what you need to man I’m just gonna before you do something dumb oh do you think I should go and help them down down on the ground what are

They doing I don’t know I’m making a skeleton Farm why is oh God I’m alive greatest Minecraft to ever live have you seen anyone else come to life like seven times making it out have you seen yourself come to life seven times I’ve seen myself come

Um oh God all right all right fine all right stupid ass I don’t know I’m just great waiting for these two last bits of Vine to cook and then I can get uh full iron armor compete the tank until we get super powers whenever the [ __ ] that happens

Where’s the cave where’s the cave what you don’t know where the cave is no I have a very one track mind I see something and then I deal with that Nathan what are you doing bro just let me have that you die so many times I do you need help you guys found

The Enderman that’s just oh yeah hey nice oh my Lord I’m gonna follow Nathan what’s what’s Nathan’s plan here I think it looks cute it’s pretty it’s fun oh okay oh [ __ ] okay he’s going on down here what the [ __ ] what the heck bro what are

You doing don’t even question it look at my mob farm it’s been going so well oh yeah this is a great one part man this is cracked wow about a huge Ravine whoa this looks crazy I didn’t bro I just found raw vibranium oh my brain and we’re gonna build armor

We’re not even gonna find it we’re gonna build that we’re gonna build the armor heck yeah that would be sick I think we can build a suit a suit fabricator if we want to I just don’t know how to build that stuff because we don’t have the instructional that’s like the the hard

Aspect we don’t have anything that tells us how to do it we just have to figure it out yeah it pretty much just keep throwing stuff in there like in the uh crafting table and Arabic does something how do you do mining how do you just do

Mining I mean some people just don’t dial I don’t do this oh that was close what the [ __ ] I almost died don’t mind me hey I’m back with Nathan hey Nathan you can’t touch my gold okay it’s good to see what are you doing Daniel sorry that was awfully threatening

Holding the sword what are you doing uh I got a tomato do you want a tomato oh yeah I [ __ ] love a tomato I’ll tell you the food you got oh I found great Bears creepers and skeletons the easy way to get back upstairs because I have no idea all right bet

What’s what way no hey hey hey hey I actually found a skeleton spawn I’ve actually found that oh [ __ ] nice I want to kill them all I am with you guys this one this is the one that you found right here this one One chest for helping with this problem and I was here too oh yeah I’ll take one music this year sure don’t break the spawner I can turn this spawner into a mob grinder all right I’m gonna get your help with this because we may as well get some productivity stuff done uh so

What we want to do is we want to break four blocks away from the spawner so like see how it’s one two we want to be four bro blocks away this is going to make a I’ll be able to turn it into a mob spawner which will basically give us

Infinite bone meal infinite XP yeah we could basically get bows bones yeah put that there so that stops any mobs from spawning in case they do can I keep can I keep the moss stone on the ground can I mine oh yeah if you want it yeah if you want Batman

What race is up to [Laughter] I should have made a shovel all right I should have made a shovel I was thinking about it the whole time when I was upgrading everything and I was and I was making it all I should have made a shot

Probably planning out a way to kill us still all our stuff the roof can be three but it helps to have it as a four just in case you want those real tall skeletons yeah you get it is that actually a thing or not no it’s not a

Thing how does this lady I don’t know what my packs you have next minute we have like seven foot tall Scouts oh yeah yeah sure actually look we might see it later in the series and I’ll be like oh [ __ ] I guess they are real you do not

Know how grateful I am playing with Minecraft youtubers you just know everything that’s going on yes yes I agree not enough light in the corners yes sir I agree leave me alone we’re gonna cut down this tree and you’re gonna die horrible death you die in a horrible death first

Oh what the hell what the [ __ ] is that no he’s dead again what’s going on can someone get shot and like check on him like is he just gonna give die what’s going on don’t you don’t you start shooting you are you ain’t even the one to kill me all right no no

Stop it this shit’s a creole all right it’s a bug it’s a it’s a little bug it’s the it’s a small it’s a it’s a bug what is that sound my heartbeat no I hear like explosions in the distance well thumping is my heartbeat is an earthquake happening

No not that I’m aware of well there’s Stones falling from the roof up here so you talk okay I had food like I had I had bullets you know what I’m gonna send this to you and you’re gonna have to wrap a beater over it my body’s playing up against me oh my

Door is ineffective come back to the house come back to the house come back to the house come back to the house I have to mine so much just to make this [ __ ] spawner room oh can it be worth it it’s gonna be worth it I just have to

Remember that it’s nearly complete so that’s nice at least all right six so that should be all that done now so now I just need to make a little section that is the same amount of blocks down okay all right Max let’s go let’s do it

I I have three hearts I just one on I I don’t want to hear my heart and my ears all right uh I’ve won this house in trial by combat I will be changing the locks what are they doing I just heard race scream from the other

Room no so I’m assuming that uh I said I needed food so Reese decided to smack me in the mouth and oh that didn’t end well for you yeah for him I should say sorry yeah it did well for me I got a house

Out of it what do you mean you got it so you own his house now how does that work yeah I’m wearing trial by combo yeah is he aware about it no I changed the locks he can’t get out anymore oh you literally boarded up his house wow

Okay Bet could you hear that the demon yeah oh wait that could have I don’t know what that demon is but yeah he shows up every now and then to say hi he literally just at me and then yeah kept going yeah he’s kind of just a weeder

Yeah he’s kind of just the dozies thing you know we don’t really judge him too much can do that and that should work all right sick I think the thing’s ready should be done nice I’ll come visit in a moment yeah just be very careful here it’s a bit Yeah dangerous

Yes how bizarre thing what’s he what’s he up to Nathan you spoke to him he lost all his worldly belongings his house and his life very shortly ago damn okay all right wow that’s his lesson he’s learning’s lesson has he all right so I think this thing’s

Done I think it’s all constructed and working at the moment so uh that’s pretty cool that is pretty cool yeah congratulations how are we all going down here guys hey guys yes this works like a charm oh [ __ ] I need to grab a little bit of protection

Because they currently hurt me now the real test is to see these guys should be alive yes and all the ultimate One Tap perfect oh my machine is working just as intended right look at that ah it’s all working perfectly oh there’s a lot of

Fire what the [ __ ] was that oh that was a bit weird but there we go 17 arrows 13 bones just from that uh I’ve got all my stuff stored here I need to go get some food though your voice start oh it’s night time ah no I’m wondering how long

It’s going to take for us to actually get superhero stuff a while by the sounds of things honestly I’m yeah I don’t argue that you know what I’m changing my goal that’s I’ve decided to listen to my high school teachers and I’m going to hell

Okay cool there we go there we go oh okay okay it’s terrifying creeper oh man someone has to say that every single time you’re right you are great well then I don’t get an achievement for that hello hello you know what I’m just gonna claim this this way everyone knows who

Came here first let’s make some things very clear I am not dumb I am stupid at best three go that way yep oh thank God counted by he got that too bro’s been awfully quiet this whole video I want to be able to kind of just

Up and move see I don’t know what’s in this game is that pirate ships is is there is it Maps can I talk to the villagers will they give me stuff we’re chilling in the Mortal realm uh pretty chill at the moment I’ve just gotten back to spawn and I’ve got eight new

Bits of food that I can cook up who’s already been to the nether don’t even question it man that’s I’ve been to Hell I I’ve literally who stole my beds guess who it might be careful of the drop just here you just want to go to the left

Okay and then yeah this way so in here is the actual room so yeah you can see through there that’s the spawner room in there the skeletons will use uh but then if we go through this way go down 21 blocks uh we oh yeah I can see here this

Is where they all squeeze through if you wanna have a look where are my beds where are what my beds four beds I had like the whole Grandpa Joe bed I was ready to go well he won’t grow on your ass where’s my business listen

Shove a stick up your ass I think I’m just gonna answer that question where are you sure you want to learn some lessons I had I had nothing it was all taken away from me and you guys gave me nothing you let me sit there and build a shitty house with shitty glasses

Oh these contractors I swear to God they’re horrible at that job bacon bread they weren’t even anyone else’s all four beds with mine they’re just yours and then down all the way down at the bottom oh they got me yeah careful they can hit you there and then yeah down here is in

There and yeah I can quickly kill all these guys there’s a hopper in there so all the items that drop will automatically be picked up by the hopper and then go into this chest and that’s that that’s the little mob farm I’ve set up really cool oh [ __ ] sorry I thought

You were skeleton iron armor oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me I’m sorry I didn’t know you were coming down here in all honesty look this is already super fun like the fact that we’re all in the same server this is really cool I’m really liking this this is fun ads I’m

Going to be very excited for when we start getting super powers it’s gonna be over about as well uh honestly what I’m probably gonna do now is I’m probably gonna go uh I think looking for some new villager stuff we’ll just see what I can find foreign

This video, titled ‘Beginning of SUPER HERO SURVIVAL!!! | Minecraft [w/Buttery Boys – #01]’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2023-01-10 16:00:22. It has garnered 188071 views and 10530 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:51 or 1071 seconds.

Heyyyyy guys and welcome finally to SUPER HERO SURVIVAL with the Buttey Boys!!… Can we put aside our differences or will we end up destroying each other with super powers… But hey with all that said, sit back, relax and “hopefully” you enjoy the video!!!

Oh yeah, also be sure to join the reddit before the next video… https://www.reddit.com/r/ButterJaffa/

#superhero #minecraft #minecraftmods

Subscribe to the Boys… @ch3k174 @Beckerz21 @RhythmVids

Only the coolest Subscribers follow me on: Instagram: @ButterJaffa Twitter: @ButterJaffa TikTok: @NotButterJaffa “Discord: BEING WORKED ON!!” 2nd Channel: @ButteredUpChannel (incoming… incoming…)

Mod Download: MOD (NOT MOD-PACK) – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fiskheroes

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Do not steal this video. #ButterJaffa

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  • Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!

    Insane Twist on SMP! Day 24 Java + Bedrock Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-05-02 16:31:55. It has garnered 629 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:32:59 or 23579 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 24 | JAVA + BEDROCK + MCPE | #shorts #publicsmp #manishunfiltered #minecraft 😎JAVA : PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me:50937 😎BEDROCK/PE – PUBLICSMPS01.aternos.me 😎Port: 50937 #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockedition1 #publicsmplive #publicsmpminecraft #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #publicsmpserverminecraftbedrockeditio #publicsmpserver IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Manbear Escapes Deep Dweller in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Manbear: Escaping the Deep Dweller In Minecraft…’, was uploaded by idk someguy on 2024-03-12 15:39:35. It has garnered 164226 views and 10692 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:33 or 1113 seconds. Welcome to a new era of Minecraft! Introducing a new mod called the Manbear. I’ve been working hard with my developer to get this entity perfected. A side project that is less finished but already really cool-looking is the Deep Dweller. The Deep Dweller is an advanced, aggressive Minecraft mob. It always attacks you on sight and has the capability to… Read More

  • Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!

    Unlock Java Debug Screen Powers with Minecraft Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Computers Minecraft Addon Gives You Java Debug Screen Powers?’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2024-03-16 17:15:00. It has garnered 38966 views and 1097 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:54 or 1254 seconds. This addon brings light level, biome location and more to your survival worlds. This can be done with the NEW Computers addon. ✅Become Official Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkjxZqW8zRi4rexA3TMvmrA/join HELP ME REACH 2 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS: http://bit.ly/2qptXQy ► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EcKoxSoldier ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eckoxsoldier ► Discord: https://discord.gg/eckodiles ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eckoxsoldier ► Instagram: https://instagram.com/therealecko ► Book Me! https://www.cameo.com/eckosoldier Download: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=fd6e3c20-5a7e-4f95-ad16-cd2486d13ae5 Giveaway – https://twitter.com/eckoxsoldier/status/1768939195035193556 Discover… Read More

  • Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!

    Insane Collab: Peppa Pig & Minecraft Cartoons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-05-11 17:58:56. It has garnered 5169 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:06 or 6486 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft Compilation,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing COMPILATION. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygaming

    NEW 24/7 Minecraft server! Join NOW! #friskygamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE || 24/7 SERVER JAVA + PE || JOIN FAST #livegaming #friskyGaming’, was uploaded by Frisky Gaming on 2024-02-18 05:00:37. It has garnered 59 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:51 or 9291 seconds. Hi there Thank you for connectiong , hope you are enjoying our video/live, please subscribe and keep me motivated.. #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftlive #livegaming #friskyGaming for Ip and port join our discord TAGS USED : ——————————————————– minecraft live with subscribers, minecraft live with subscribers pe, minecraft live with subscribers bedwars, playing live with subscribers minecraft minecraft 24/7… Read More

  • INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won’t believe what happened!

    INSANE Glitch in Minecraft SMP! You won't believe what happened!Video Information This video, titled ‘「MINECRAFT: PALLID SMP」| ’Nothing Happened! Right?’ | Episode 11’, was uploaded by Glitch Entertainment on 2024-06-03 22:53:34. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:50 or 12230 seconds. The Pallid SMP is a Collaborative YouTube Project within a Minecraft Realm! #PallidSMP (Arc 4) | Access To Power | With The Factions established all of the various civilisations in Pallid continue to grow, competing to become the most powerful clan on the server! Looking for a shorter version ⬇️ Pallid SMP (FMC’s Cut): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqhqAwPyX5VcCbg-p4ScbgYgWhqDvhuLP&si=jwhODjCwH814RA2n Other Creators |🎞️🎥| FAiTZ 0VERK1LL:… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!

    Epic Minecraft Warrior Edit ft. Imagine Dragons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Story Mode Edit | Warriors – Imagine Dragons’, was uploaded by Moments Replayed on 2024-05-23 14:30:57. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:24 or 204 seconds. Welcome to my fan-made edit of “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons, featuring scenes from Minecraft Story Mode. I created this video to celebrate and share my love for this incredible song and the amazing story of Minecraft Story Mode. I hope you enjoy the visuals and the effort put into this edit. // Credits: Music: “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons Video Editing:… Read More

  • Wavey SMP

    Wavey SMPA new Minecraft SMP with plugins such as a shop and better world generation which includes new mobs and dungeons. There is a PvP and Parkour world coming soon! Our TikTok and Discord links are below TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJVrfo8J/ waveysmp.ddns.net Read More

  • Horizon SMP – Semi-vanilla SMP – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Horizon SMP! Hello! My name is Cookie and I want to welcome you to the Horizon SMP! We are a friendly, open community of players looking to have a good time playing minecraft together. Invite your friends! We are on JAVA 1.20.6, professionally hosted and have long time support for our worlds! (we are on our newest season, after nearly 4 years of operation. We have lots of history and are looking for new players! Join our discord via the code below. Discord Code: F6maNHMK Read More

  • Deep Survival

    Join our vibrant community and embark on an unforgettable adventure in our Minecraft Survival Server, now running on version 1.20.4! Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What real veterans fear…in Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - What real veterans fear...in MinecraftReal veterans fear creepers more than they fear enemy soldiers. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2

    Minecraft Meme Madness! 🔥🔥 | Part 2 When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. It’s like the universe’s way of saying, “You thought you were in control? Think again!” 🤯🤯 Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition

    Uncovering Minecraft Seeds: Java & Bedrock Edition Minecraft Seed Finder Tutorial Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to uncover the seed of your world to utilize it in a seed map? Look no further! This tutorial will guide you on how to find the seed in Minecraft for both the Java and Bedrock editions. Exploring Minecraft Seeds When delving into the vast world of Minecraft, the seed serves as a unique identifier for generating the terrain and structures within your world. By discovering the seed, players can share their world with others or revisit specific locations with ease. Java Edition Seed Finding In the Java Edition… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbait

    🔥 Epic Battle: Summoner vs Magician in Minecraft! 💥 #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fallen Summoner vs Magician #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 金くれちゃんねる@お金下さい🍈👑 on 2024-05-19 15:37:34. It has garnered 109 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Read More

  • Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Adventure

    Mining Madness: Hardcore Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 of Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaxVOD on 2024-03-08 22:02:53. It has garnered 818 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:11 or 6911 seconds. WaxFraud live stream on 03/07/23 https://twitch.tv/waxfraud we back Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!

    SECRET METHOD: Join my Minecraft SMP NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to join this public minecraft server? | minecraft public smp’, was uploaded by Shulky Playz on 2024-04-17 01:30:07. It has garnered 496 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Hi everyone , i am shulky and welcome to my channel i hope you enjoy this video😊 make sure to subscribe this channel for future updates my social media instagram- https://www.instagram.com/shulky_playz?igsh=MWQycGZsMDluZDRiZw== discord username – shulkyplayz discord server – https://discord.com/invite/wkruacCD also watch this – https://youtu.be/3iw-jC2F0yU?si=fqwH6DgNP6dpTIAI public server (shulky smp) ip address- ip – SHULKY_SMP.aternos.me port – 29986 _______!______!_____!_____!______!______!______!__ #… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD – Reaching the SKY! 🚀

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD - Reaching the SKY! 🚀Video Information I’m at the lowest point in Minecraft and I want to reach the sun to do that I’m going to have to climb this crazy Tower of structures and complete challenges along the way here we are at the bottom of the world G Dude Looks Like I’m in jail or something all right there’s no time to waste it’s time to jump into the sun why do I want to go to the sun I don’t know seems like a nice place for a summer home or something oh gosh bad guys I don’t like that I… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/Shaders

    Unbelievable: Transform Minecraft w/ShadersVideo Information I know you told your friend you’re not okay and tell me what’s WR why you never said you felt that way guess you’re trying to stay strong and fake smile until I look away but I’ve known you too long it hurts to watch your blue eyes Fade to gr as you fade away as you fade [Music] yeah I’m about to fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday something’s going wrong with all the chemicals up in my brain all a sudden I don’t look at anything the same way… Read More


    "INSANE TEIVRIM CRAFT BUILDING IN MINECRAFT!!" #minecraft #buildingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Импровизирую на лету – строю в майнкрафт #minecraft #майнкрафт #bildings’, was uploaded by TEIVRIM CRAFT on 2024-05-10 03:14:53. It has garnered 5 views and likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:39 or 5739 seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, mine, shorts, in minecraft, compote, video minecraft, survival, games, compot, minecraft shorts, trolling, compote in minecraft, fixie, noob, fixie minecraft, trolling trap, minecraft animation, novel compote, Edison, trolling in minecraft, edison, minecraft but, mcpc, in mine, mcpe, air, fixeye, minecraft video, noob, minecraft server, girl in minecraft, minecraft pe, meme, domer, minecraft hardcore, steve, edisonpts, memes,… Read More

ButterJaffa – Beginning of SUPER HERO SURVIVAL!!! | Minecraft [w/Buttery Boys – #01]