Can a Noob Dominate Minecraft PvP Live? Join now!

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All right okay it’s me uh sat date we’re going to be uh playing some PVP uh this live stream would to try to get good so hope you guys Enjoy uh okay so I’m pretty much Noob when it comes to MC okay so whoever joins I hope you enjoy the stream um pretty much Noob at this Game uh I don’t really PVP well mechanics of the game I’m trying to get a handle on uh okay let’s see this is custom let’s see let’s see let’s try this again all right so I hope you guys are having a good day anyone who joins the stream be much

Appreciated thanks ahead of time uh all right so yeah the whole entire point of this is for me to decide what my Niche will be and playing MC like I don’t even know what that is oh okay oh he’s burning himself okay okay okay that was quick that was

Quick yeah like I said I’m a Noob uh let me put that I’m a Noob trying to get good that’s a typo all right that’s a typo that’s fine okay all right hopefully they go easy on me is this scar Fox he wants a One V

One so if anyone joins uh tell me what you think uh what’s the best way to get good at this game I mean I’ve played Minecraft but I never played it like you know I never played PVP I’ve always known that they had PVP but I wasn’t an MC player like that I

Play mainly just to build but I still considered myself what a noob how do they oh it’s not letting me oh that’s weird says a k is see I don’t even know I don’t even know I don’t even know but let’s try this again okay who’s this jery oh yeah I

Do streaming right now uh what’s DC I don’t know what DC is Ah that’s what he okay guys okay I’m dumb I’m DB yeah yeah yeah I do YouTube YouTube YouTube all right I guess who who is this JY I guess it’ll help me uh unload all right that that works that

Works that works Unloads all right so I’ll give him a second so yeah any tips on getting better at this game I know my friend he tried helping me well he’s still trying to help me it’s I guess I can’t get down the what the timing CU he told me whenever you get

Hit you want to jump so you can like pretty much break your fall and prevent like what knock back and landing crits and combos uh it’s really weird it’s really weird I swear I’m not trash Guys I swear I’m not trash no I’m kidding I’m really trash at of this

Game oh add you on Discord all right uh guess I’ll add Discord hold on one Second I really dislike this Discord update so Weird all right okay I sent that all right I sent the requests oh shoot let me ask if he’s in Al are You okay cool and thanks all right Uh I prefer not to can’t right now trying to mean we can communicate here yeah for Now [Applause] Right yeah I don’t have to type in true true true all Right to make this stream uh eventful let’s just uh start the fight right now and we can get into like the [Applause] gimmicks I’m ready whenever you are Hello you know what I’m just going to hit You all right 3 2 one okay I guys I really don’t know what I’m doing right now now I’m just going to EAS this going to be going easy on me wow never mind never mind never mind this is so confusing use CR critical is that what you mean or is that something

Completely oh crystals how do we places oh Okay I gotcha and then what we hit it okay and I already know how to use an ender pearl I already know if that works oops [Applause] no how do we we put the totem on our off hand again Yeah with f okay I gotta thank you thank you thank you thank You just try to do what okay yeah okay I got that I got that down I got that down and what about the glow stone got to do that fast ah okay it’s going to take some um skill and I’m lacking in the skill Department okay and a glow stone

Okay put that down there and I’ll put that down right there oh right click oh okay okay yeah okay watch out for what is it going to explode too okay oh so do I like put the crystal oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay I think I understand it now I understand it now

All right thanks for that all right so that that place Place okay wo okay so that’s gone okay I’m Looking all right okay I got you yeah I get That which block I’m out of totems oh okay never mind never mind never mind plenty of Totems oh no I didn’t mean to do that okay I didn’t needan to do that I guess I’ll just fill that up yeah I’m Looking all right again oh okay I get it now I get it now yeah I got it yeah I got it thanks okay I’ll place that right there and then no my bad oh wow what am I doing let’s do that again there we go all right I’m trying it right now all

Right okay there’s levels to this thing I think I’m getting the hang of it I guess I have to work on my speed all right try it Again Placement that’s pretty cool that’s a CO gimmick all right yeah thank You all right I think I got the hang of it now so wonder what happens if I Get no too far too far yep all right all right I got you okay want me to mimic that only place a block okay a block SP I got you I got You what did I cycle so far okay Okay not at Crystals what do you mean oh let’s try crystals Okay So all right I’m here what you want me to do oh you want me to place the crystal down okay okay I got you did you take any damage from that but really fast Okay really fast I like how the music started to kick in don’t use sword okay uh what should I Use pickaxe ‘s your okay I got you can I I This oh my gosh what am I click oh okay got you Right click and then left click gotta got you got You okay I think I got it now okay all right try that Again okay let’s try that okay I got the okay all right do you want me to end you or okay okay okay okay okay okay thanks thanks Now now what all right okay okay okay my bad my bad I I’ll look I won’t do anything yeah I’m standing my distance don’t worry don’t worry What’s going to Happen they do more damage from they’re near the feet whoa whoa okay okay let me let me try that oh yeah okay I I okay that’s good something cool to Know that only took like half a heart okay yeah I’m I think I’m getting the hang of It yeah not good okay so at the the feet it does more damage and why not at the feed it does less Damage okay all right I’m paying attention I’m getting the hang of it now stand down here oh right down here Okay okay that definitely did some damage that definitely did some damage okay okay double tap okay this kind of reminds me of uh jiujitsu kaisen just let off black flashes okay want me to do it again oh my Bad okay okay I I I did that that was an accident all right let’s where did you go all right my bad thanks you want to go Again where okay which One all right let me cck all right here we Go all right after all that training I should be able to do something right yeah I appreciate your help okay uh oh my gosh I’m scared I’m so scared I’m so scared that was too soon now what what is it Now all right try to use it First all Right mhm I’m watching it’s like very interesting there’s like several methods to these things yeah all right standing back all right all Right so I pretty much got to be fast when I do this okay uh oh my gosh okay I get it is there is there a cheat code to like doing this faster or should I place my all right okay okay try it on you okay let me see F this is so

Different well it’s not different different but it’s different all right all right I I’m done I’m done Okay all right okay real life demonstration yeah I’m watching all right wa oh smoke yeah I get it now uh yeah it again Okay hey welcome it’s Jason thanks foring in how you doing day all right okay I’ll try it I’ll try it now I’ll try it now okay gotcha Uh that that that that oh okay is that that was pretty quick I could be faster go Down all Right whoa all right okay I think I you just woke up 5 minutes ago how are you feeling Bamboozled all right thanks appreciate your health dude I’m getting the hang of it now I have to work on my speed though uh this is uh you haven’t missed

Much I’m getting coached on PVP P you live in Germany I’m from the US hello from the US now try it faster okay let me see if memory serves well okay whoa okay now okay I went over a bit I went a bit overboard I took myself out Yeah so basically

Uh I’m getting coached on PVP all right where you at okay let’s try it again okay which one did you select was it this one yo who’s this oh no I selected the wrong okay let’s see if I can uh do something organize your inventory

Nah nah I’d win I’d win I’d win is bro just standing there is this going to be a free Dub it might just be I don’t even know what I have in my inventory what oh say less say less say less let me uh yeah put that in this is a free dub I know I feel kind of bad but not really yeah okay that that’s a free Win is this dude a crystal are you a crystal PVP player JY I’m not sure if you’re still on the yeah I accidentally clicked oh you don’t know ah okay so you just play PVP there’s nothing you don’t play anything too Specific all right is that all of the Training okay try like before but faster Gotcha okay that was definitely faster Yeah a Totem welcome F our should I say fire fire next thank you thank you for attending the stream thank you thank you and Crystal okay gotcha place that down do I keep going or faster okay okay okay okay okay okay gotcha gotcha gotcha Gotcha I’m so glad that my uh laptop can handle this you know this is pretty fun I understand I think I understand now that people like Minecraft I think huh again again all righty fast 7 six 5 one oh why did I put you in in the

Description oh I have no idea I have no idea why I guess you’re such a popular YouTuber yeah your name will bring in the views uh yeah let’s fight let’s fight now I think I’ve got it I think I’ve got it all right I appreciate that I appreciate that but don’t go you know what yeah just go easy just go easy I

Was going to say don’t go too easy but uh no okay I set myself up for that that was a set up I set myself up for that One okay okay okay that is scary all right I’m such a crappy eat apple yeah before that happens yeah let me watch my To all right I need to be quicker at this oh no I can’t lock in I can’t lock in right now I can’t lock in I’m so bamb all right Totem all right let’s you know what let’s just go with swords for now swords let’s just go with swords for now I I can’t do this explosives okay all right this is painful for you guys to watch and it’s also painful for Me okay I’m just murking myself right now did you take any damage from that oh sorry yeah you want me to spectate oh [ __ ] okay I’m about to kill myself oh all right take a all right appreciate that it’s uh Jason you know I’m going to just I’m just

Going to call you Jason appreciate that dude appreciate that how many uh followers do you have have you been playing Minecraft for some Time all right he’s thereo so I let you kill me and after that you go to me and I’ll fight against my friend all right sounds Good all Right these crystals are deadly All right I got you I got it I got it I got it what are you suicide oh wow oh you giving me all your totems you about to go Out okay wow okay that was dramatic all right where are you at yeah I’m right here Yeah where’s your friend at wait do I know you oh snap I do know you all right we’ll wait is this a music box y I’m Here okay ready spectating all right who’s this all right I’ll watch you play all right guys so I’m just spectating jery and his friend you know one of the ways that getting good is to watch this play okay I took I kind of take that back that

Happened really quick I don’t think that an all if anime was in Minecraft this would be D don’t make me get on and combo you I I bet bet bet the whole enti point of this stream is for me to get better hopefully I’ll look back and get

Embarrassed but that fight was something else that happened so quick GG’s okay yeah I’ll watch again I’ll watch again I was waffling about something in chat I’ll watch it again time to spectate again yeah PVP MC it something else like I could never play this competitively like you think dying on COD is bad imagine on MC repeatingly just because it’s a pure skill

Issue could be me like this is crazy you would have a cycle between crysts your sword your totem golden apples seem like they lick lck bar for bar yeah yeah I’m not that guy but I guess Pops to anyone who’s you know good at the game I always suck at certain games it

Takes me some time to get good especially at certain mechanics that was good that was PR good good YouTu all right all right what should we do next what the that oh a challeng oh 2v2 all right no all right I’ll select that is this it which one

You all right I guess I joined it 2v2 guys I don’t know how this is going to play out you already know how terrible I am oh a trident a trident is pretty good yeah I’m going to be Garbo I’m just going to do what bro

Does yeah I’m just going to do what bro does yeah I’ll Just oh I miss yep I am terrible at this I get a crit on bro I need water I’m so s this yeah I died that happen so quick you know what Jason do you want to get on you can you can join my stream you want to get On oh yeah I had put that thumbnail because the whole entire point is I’m pretty much a noob what not I thought it was a good idea to put that thumbnail but yeah you’re right PVP thumbnail would work out for the better search results all right all right yeah yeah I’m

Here yep Ready okay I guess I’ll join oh I’m fighting you Now change it right now you know what yeah yeah after this after this battle after this SP I I’ll do that all right all right okay whoa whoa whoa whoa Who yeah yeah that’s crazy that is crazy that is Crazy Yeah wow wow okay I’m about to die die I’m about to die for sure yeah I need to to no totem totem totem totem totem need a totem in hand just like levels to this [ __ ] wow wow okay wow okay that happened pretty quick I don’t know Crystal PVP just came

Out of the blue to be honest I have no idea all right all right time to Spectate wait a minute what the freak did I click on no okay I clicked on the wrong thing but this looks interesting yeah let me leave all right I’m back I’m back okay all right let’s try this again let’s try this again okay now I’m not going to get good within one

Stream I’ll try my best though uh let me plan this out dang it wasn’t too close wasn’t close enough whoa [ __ ] that was close I’d like to think I did some damage right there something significant I think I it come down oh yeah right more damage more Damage oh okay I got you whoa all right I got you put that Down that there okay it seems like I need space between this put that there this is painful this is Painful okay that did so cra for sure okay I guess more than one is better I guess I might take certain a amount of time skill levels Okayy all right I guess we’re going to go out for real all right I died okay okay let’s try that again I want fullon C [ __ ] how many viewers do we have in chat right now five views Ah that’s good that’s good where are you at what no pause what was that just

Now chat did y’all see that okay that was wild that was wild that was wild okay I don’t know where Jeffy jery a 10v 10 is crazy I can’t even manage a One V one let alone a 2v2 Jason’s eating a sandwich I’d be eating a sandwich too I

Wouldn’t hop on if I had a sandwich in fact I had a sub earlier and it cost like $18 I don’t know the first or second bite I regretted buying it cuz I felt Full let me see the sky guy 846 all right I’m going to beat Sky guy yeah I got scam homemade sandwiches hit better fast food is just a convenience uh you guys think I can beat Sky guy oh [ __ ] okay I have to close some I have to close a distance okay bro is a master

Archer okay bro is a master Archer I can’t close a distance with bro yeah this is tough this is tough okay I spoke way too soon I thought I was going to do something I’m not doing anything I am on to nothing oh I actually hit him okay dude is hard to

Reach oh okay call me Hawkeye but I’m not Trash N I’ll take that back I am Trash okay okay okay whoa whoa let me get some uh momentum can I combo him bro was going easy on me at whoa no he’s trash he’s trash bro is trash bro is trash bro is trash bro is trash no way bro is worse than me why is

He trying to hit me with lava he knows he’s oh shoot I smoke way too soon bro give me that water give me my water back wow he’s going to try to hit me are we critting no he’s critting me oh that’s Bad if I get hit one more time oh shoot I missed with the lava oh crap ah he used up his lava yes yes yes I think I’m getting it and he’s still not going down this is tough this is tough oh okay I’m done I’m on to nothing

I’m dead no no I almost had bro I almost had bro I’m fighting for my life I’m fighting for my life right now right Now oh no where is he going To okay I can’t H him oh this is tough guys I’m I’m Terrible wa he’s going to cre a I see what he’s trying to do okay I’m dead I’m on to nothing no no no no no no no no no why am I getting stuck in my own web no not cool not cool not cool not cool not

Cool oh my gosh I can’t even move I am stuck I am stuck bro almost had me what’s the sense of a gold carrot wow wow wow I still can’t manage to hit him I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m on to nothing I’m on to nothing

Guys I still can’t hit him oh I am hitting him oh my gosh 16.1 are you serious right Now oh my gosh this guys that was a close call no that wasn’t even close that wasn’t even close I want my Rematch wait hold on join my you YouTube live Stream is unloads let’s see if they join anyone here girls want to hunt down three go that is weird that is weird anyways let’s see if I get VI or something that creeper spy 27 guys this is tough this is tough let’s see if I have a better chance since I got

Practice oh my Gosh no no no no no wow that happened so soon yo watch me end myself let me step back a bit dude what wow my sensitivity oh I got to fix that how do I do that let me check right now wait am I in middle of a fight no I can’t do

That right now I can’t do that right now holy smokes let me jump out of here real quick I got to yeah wow wow wow why is that not my I’m getting I’m getting jumped I’m getting Bamboozled okay I’ll fix my sensitivity now I’ll I’ll fix it I’ll fix it that

Is wait let me see my mouse okay how does it look now guys better bit better better oh all right it’s time to all Right better for me okay I’ll yeah we can’t have that okay this seems better um where go no Wow wow I could have won that if I was smart about it I could have wanted that if I was smart about it where is he let’s try that again what the did he leave wow okay he left I need a aim better true whoa what is he I didn’t know they

Had emotes in this game oh there’s what the cake you it is in about does that even mean okay that makes no sense I’ll just wait for somebody to initiate B all right Jason you want to join I I can I can One V I can One V

One is it possible to like one V2 I think I can probably do that one V2 eating is Crazy no let me join oh yeah I’ll fight you bro I’ll fight you yeah okay this one oh so I’m going to be ampid exous with this there’s so many game modes like the intivity is Endless oh shoot I am actually getting markers Okay okay I’m getting Markers wow let me eat an apple real quick now bro on to gosh what did we use my carts for oh snap uh no yeah let me be careful yeah you did that to yourself bro you did that to yourself okay I get the gist of this no

No no no no no no no no no that is so cheap that is so cheap I swear that is what the webs don’t get destroyed are you serious wow I wow bro was that wow wow wow did you guys see that I thought I had bro in the first

Half I really did I slipped up oh bro was trying to get me with uh and he did again bro okay I I want to call sweaty so bad but I’m just trash so I can’t call sweaty I can’t call sweaty on this I can’t call sweaty oh I have six

Viewers anybody new say hi if you don’t mind appreciate it I’m trying to get good at this game oh he is critting me okay okay okay buddy oh oh okay oh wow wow wow I had bro I had bro see 8.4 health I got bro down to 8.4

Health so I did something at least right I did something at least I just got to be quick with it all right me and Herobrine again okay I think I got this i got this in the bag guys I got this in the Bag on Herobrine on Herobrine I got this okay never mind that’s so wow he got the drop on me first that is crazy oh oh damn it I was close I was so close I was so close I was just too slow to put the totem in the totem in my hand

Like uh damn all right this is starting to get interesting I think I’m improving I’m improving the bit I just got to tweak my settings for my sensitivity and put some practice in practice makes perfect right I think I’m getting the Ang of this I think all right

Guys let’s try this uh again last round okay oh shoot no no no okay okay okay okay that was close that was close that was close I was close I was close chill chill chill chill chill chill buddy chill buddy chill Chill okay guys I’m running for my life I need to Recuperate bro bro I won whoa I won I won yo I actually actually won no I got lucky I got lucky on that I got lucky on that I admit it I admit oh no he clicked it I’ll guess I’ll Spectate I got lucky I got lucky on that one I got lucky though I got lucky I got lucky I felt thanks appreciate it thanks spon thank you thank you thank you I thought the fight was over this is basically DBC but in Minecraft am I just noticing That GG’s that was good all right let’s try this and again all right I think I’m going to lock in now I think I can lock in now I can definitely lock in hold on guys let’s See if we can change that all right whoa y it’s a good thing I put that it’s no don’t that that out that off bro I admit bro got the drop on me I delayed let’s go back in the pit right here Yeah wow wow that was a close call What are you guys talking about guys enjoy the stream was it media didn’t media join your stream last Night ah boy zero Health all right you’re next you’re next wow Wow wow this isn’t going anywhere all right let me yeah J out of that wow what is this PO you know what that that my offense Set yeah I’m gone I’m I’m a G just up keep healing up wow all right let’s try this again can I actually have Bro no no no there we Go wow bro are you serious wow wow bro got out of that one real quick yeah I’m dead I was on to Nothing oh my gosh yeah yeah I was I was spamming towards the end I was spamming towards the end yeah I was spamming towards the end yeah I fumbled that I F that bad okay this is a okay this is I’m not familiar with This wow okay Hawkeye okay Hawkeye wow wow okay I wow that was Uneventful bro was Hawkeye In the Flesh see if I can can get this done again do better than I did last time all right what’s this gter G bugs weird name you know what I’m just going to be right here yeah try them apples bro try them apples yeah

Yeah I I like to say that was a smart play no it wasn’t a smart play it wasn’t no there’s actually water right here Wow wow W bro is missing every shot me running this yeah bro that did no damage to me at all Bro come on come on come on come on yo that is that is kind of funny that is wild who yeah they got to be careful with That wow that is crazy oh that was a draw okay that was a draw okay I guess that was good a sword okay I’ll do that you know let me stay down here bro is on To okay I just comicazi myself that was dumb yeah that was dumb that was dumb I thought I had something all right let’s try this wo not cool no I have Water this wow cycle ah can I drop It oh I’m stuck oh wow this is insane insanity this is a bad joke that was such a bad Joke You know I’m in water right well other okay that was bad can’t be missing like that thank you for doing that oh stream lag this is ter W okay I I don’t claim that one I don’t claim that at All what is bro Doing uh what is bro doing he’s going to try to do something special and I don’t know what it is I better not allow him To yeah I can’t allow bro to cook well that hit me boom uh yeah get stuck from me ah that was close let me get some apples and let’s try this Again you’re not getting was wow okay this is a okay that was pretty crazy that was pretty crazy a sword Lobby how do I do one versus I am a noob at this what is this Custom 1 V1 versus 20 I can’t this diamond Sword all right I got you Basics oh too late All right let’s see if I Uh yeah using Axe wow wow we both hit each other that is crazy oh my gosh oh I’m on to nothing I’m on to Nothing wow yeah A lot’s happening a lot is happening I don’t know how to do combos consecutively shoot I don’t know how to do combo for doesn’t matter at all like whenever I hit my okay I’m about to call quits on this oh my God oh my gosh can I get a in no not at all well bro did not just do a TST on me all right let me take this Back wow oh my gosh no use a sword no Axe wow is he using his fist whoa that’s disrespectful he’s using his fist okay okay let me I can’t allow that but it’s not like I’m going to do anything about it I can’t even hit him is he is bro teleport oh my gosh I can’t get an angle or

Anything wait I think oh wait no yeah bro is using his SP he has this boy I can’t wow wow and I still fail to hit him it’s back Wass turn wow okay no this is straight up no it’s not I am literally the crosshairs don’t I don’t know this is

Weird oh about time the crit oh my gosh this is so Embarassing oh no oh my gosh why is it so bad about time now he wants to use his sword he wants to finish it he’s going to finish it yeah he’s going to finish it hey welcome here Bron Simpson I’m aiming my mouse I don’t know uh I don’t know what to

Do this is Weird being Bad didn’t why is bro jumping and hitting oh my gosh and he’s managing to get a hit in me that’s crazy oh my gosh oh my gosh this is it’s terrible terrible terrible I don’t think it’s a sensitivity can’t be the sensity cuz I can change the sensitivity

Of my mouse have a button for that I just suck at timing I suck at timing I suck at Tim oh no no no no Me um oh I’m actually doing better I guess this like tiit for tag yeah I’m I’m done I’m diminished I’m diminished yeah I’m done I’m Done there’s a PVP Master there’s such things as a PVP master and how much does a PVP Master Make uh I’m sorry bro bro has to One V one not One V one one V2 he’s getting jumped yeah he’s getting jumped yeah he’s done here I’m sorry bro what’s his name yeah I’m sorry what’s his name gabber 12 yeah I’m sorry bro GG’s it’s it’s over for bro I’m sorry

All right let me leave yeah that’s way over for br all right let’s see let’s see if I can do Better okay already a bad start like can I get a hid in at least like that’s a thing I can’t get a hid in at all there’s no room for a hit there’s zero room for a hitting and I have no idea why I have no clue bro like can I get

Out okay so you me to tell me if I hit bro and bro doesn’t fly back but there’s no break in the attack at all it’s I have to get better at This a all right he’s you all right let’s try this I guess when it comes to Minecraft you got to hit first you just got to H first cuz look at this I can’t even touch him but I get thrown I get hit back and

I get flown back and then I get hit Again Oh my go don’t you aren’t you getting a sub you can’t rip your hair off I eating a sub you can’t do that you can’t do that all right that’s that’s enough Elis for now but let’s see this sensitivity scroll sensitivity house let’s raw an input I guess I’ll change this I don’t

Know 130 let’s see what happens let’s see I wonder if my field I change my field of view normal could my field The View nah can’t be can’t be can’t be can’t be it can’t be my feel of view that was called No It fiber okay I’m still getting decked it’s crazy it is crazy crazy I’m still getting dead I’m still getting dead or maybe not no no I’m getting dead I’m getting dead yeah I’m getting that I I got to get the first hit off I have to get the first hit Off what that makes no sense missing that point blank made no sense now bro wants to parade around me uh yeah we’re not we’re not making we’re not beating the allegations with this one we we suck yeah we suck big time yeah we suck big time there wasn’t a snowballs ch

I was going to get that all right let’s try this Again let’s see okay let me get this straight hit I get my Crosshairs okay why do I miss an attack when they’re obviously within Range I’m trying to okay that’s weird I Can’t oh my gosh what in the world oh I can’t even there no retort with this oh my gosh okay all right one more one more beating one more beating one more beting I think I’m going to switch to nah I won’t do that I won’t that Steve

Skin all right I’m going to fight Steve let’s see this okay what wow the cool down what yeah I’m not going to understand This wait no okay no Wow okay Okay bro bro is not bro isn’t Listening wait wait one second bro wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait wait wait wait thank you thank you all right controls where the keys is no key binds right here yeah it’s on Z hey what’s up multiplay welcome yeah it’s on Z dude I don’t know Was Do I don’t know why I keep walking I don’t I don’t know why it look it feels like I’m walking but I think it’s the yeah it’s weird uh oh okay I think I got it now I see now I see what happened I see what happened now uh hold On see okay chat Peak I didn’t change chat Peak so I just noticed okay it said chat Peak so chat Peak wasn’t changed from D so I have to change chat Peak to something else uh that that is Why that is why my toggle Sprint wasn’t working uh now Sprint is he knocking okay now let’s see what happens okay that’s walking nah it’s so no way is it working now yeah see all right so it was a key Bond so one of the key bonds they weren’t they weren’t

Fixed one of the key bonds so I changed chat Peak to yeah oh and now Sprint I okay now it works want to join my live yeah I’m streaming bro he bro say kill me he left bro say no bro said Nah yeah bro bro bro is a straight killer he’s a straight up people here all right now I all the Sprint [Applause] Works [Applause] [Applause] Yeah bro had 20 Health that is crazy that is Endy ah there’s 10 viewers uh anyone new to the chat thanks for uh joining uh I’m getting wrecked right Now I’m on the Journey of becoming good at pppp this consider this like day one or Something okay all right now let’s check this out what the all right all right let’s check this out Controls I don’t know how to PVP hobron you see it Herobine Herobine you would see would you see your friends getting like like what’s the word curb Stone right and you say they know how to fight yo who’s hitting me stop it right now all right anyways hold up who’s this Gojo looking

Dude lightskinn Gojo hold up let me see if they want to join yall should join my stream am I going to get kicked for ad wow One V One One V one right now One V one right now bro I bet you won’t now who said that in fact init I am

Dog yeah Bros bro is weird bro is weird bro is weird these guys weird no that’s a 2 to all right I got to mess with the sensitivity you know what let’s just bring it a 158 okay nah no no this ain’t going to work this

150 ain’t going to work I need to switch it back okay pause pause pause pause pause my Chrome controls are bad my good okay let’s let’s uh yeah let’s uh that back down to something more manageable I can’t let’s see nah that’s bad all right ready

Right I was going to sneak attack though but I would that wouldn’t be nice that wouldn’t be nice be a bad sport okay wow I keep missing yeah okay now this sensitivity is way too high for me let me bring that back down cuz I’m not going to get a

Hdden so there’s like levels to everything wow okay okay right off the brim wow this is painful this is painful wow okay this is painful I can’t hit to save my life yeah that’s crazy that is crazy 90 I think my oh shoot that wasn’t at 90 I think it

Was that 90 before and then I changed It Sak Auto Jump well let’s find another one you one time to be bro time to be Bro oh I missed that I missed the initial attack what in the world I can never understand this like how do I okay how do I miss I guess n making the cross just more bigger bro it’s like who would join your stream mate yeah I’m a Noob I’m a Noob

Yeah I am a noob wait teach me n no no wait teach me bro teach me teach me teach me teach me bro bro bro chill chill chill chill chill chill chill yo uh what should I say this is my first time playing yeah I

Am check you why would I be lying check YouTube yeah it’s my first time Bro bro says I’m trash he doesn’t want to check the Stream oh my gosh well first lesson yo wait for the cool down sub your weapons yeah yeah yeah don’t spam don’t SP yeah don’t SP yeah don’t if you swing there’s a bar below your cross here yeah Yeah to deal Max that’s like two full seconds that’s not even a second when it gets out to that Center to deal Max damage yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we know that yeah cool down slower than swords okay that’s why you want to use a sword mostly

Okay so if I’m getting hit and I don’t hit back and I keep missing what you can crit one two three so that’s out of range one what okay why you have have to be midair yeah CR yeah crits yeah okay dude ah yeah the basics you have to use your cool down

You done Char actually scra scrap one scrap one oh my gosh I can’t believe I’m getting classes on PVP you have to hit while falling okay so this one two three try pretty with a fist yeah that’s done yeah you already know this already know this we’re just trash do a

Streak few in a row of those okay wow I I don’t know how to do this be H I really don’t I’m not that do three crats in a row with your fist okay one two no [ __ ] excuse my langage one two oh my God no there’s a cool down fist one what

Try not to move forward when mid here if you do all right okay nothing think I got this now wow okay never mind what kind of okay that makes no sense cuz I I was falling down and then I hit him so do I have to

Wow this is baloney this is baloney too late okay okay okay okay I Landed thanks all Right ask the PVP coach he was eating a sandwich earlier so he’s full the PVP coach can’t get On all right so jump no that was too late I wish I was getting you wish you were getting paid for this yeah me too do three in a row okay one okay I missed that I missed that talking about you good teaching all right all right all

Right stream later yeah I’ll stream later this time however yeah okay without stop okay okay what the hell so one two three okay I think I got it I think I can I think I I think I got it okay yes okay I did it don’t stop jumping I I did stop

Jumping C just hold your space bar okay I okay guys I may be slow but oh snap okay I understand understand now that I guess that’s something that I’ve missed holding the space I I never thought about that until now yeah a PVP yeah yeah I’m I’m going to I’m going

To Holy Smokes holy smokes okay I think I got PVP down guys I think I got PP I think I do I I did oh okay without stop jumping boom boom boom boom did it did it and I didn’t stop jumping nope hit while falling midair try Again there we go yeah we did it just let off like three black flashes third hit fail what ah there we go I noticed a part okay let’s try this again guys that was three that was three that was three that was three okay that was three guys

That was three that’s I’m getting Better now I’ll stand here that means I okay do that again okay no wow okay you’re going to have to be for while yeah that’s true yeah this is going to be tough and now this is going to be tough oh Yes oh time time I’m bad at this yeah hopefully I get used to It oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I did it I did it Okay all right it’s getting yeah Thanks it’s called op op Okay I guess should I just kill him or no he’s going to kill me try again just jum without jumping okay okay 1 2 three no I missed that that was a miss that was a Miss yeah that was a fail that was a fail big time Big fail

Okay nope yeah I think I only let off two I only let off two that time okay let’s try it again guys let’s try it again okay that was Zero I have to control the jumping forward not to run into him while keep going Oh and I missed I missed I missed all right okay okay okay that should have been three almost I think I’m only good for two guys to be honest yeah I think I’m only good for two okay now I’m jumping over bro all right I think I know what I’m doing Wrong try releasing W when H here okay and R it down again on the ground gotcha see if I can do that okay that was Close yeah see that’s something I did not have done I did not have that done at all I did not have that done at all Yeah okay that should count that should count that should count that should count some somewhat somewhat count Yeah yeah no no crit no crit no crit that was Zero crit it’s close close yeah let’s try that again okay okay uh I can’t I think I’m only good for two guys not going to Lie if they want a VC h i could do that I could I could but Jason he he’s he’s my personal trainer I have a like special like schedu Jason aim at the head okay gotcha okay let me try this Again what in the World oh shoot I think I got it now wait wait wait I think I know okay I think I know what I did wrong jump okay one no come on almost come on you can do this no that ain’t cutting it that ain’t cutting it at all that is not cutting

It do it without hitting me okay wow tap cord Okay I think I got this it’s like shifting in midair for too long shoot for too long then how fast is an instant okay release it earlier went on the ground anyone new who joined the live appreciate joining thank you thank you thank you I just noticed we’re going on for

Like 2 hours almost two hours okay wait wait oh okay okay okay I think no yeah we we solved that issue earlier okay let me try it again let me try it again okay dang I got to time this all right W you new subscribe we stream at 100

Subscribers for here cut stream no one no one said that why don’t you cut your hair at 100 no why don’t you cut your hair out of 2,000 get the sub counter you you’ll hit 2,000 in a jiffy know what make the Milestone 10,000 you’ll get 10,000 easily Yep that should be yeah I should get it right oh I missed I missed you have to tap that on the ground tap W Okay Jump I see I think I see it now all right Yeah just kill me we can try to fight we can try to fight this is the end of the line guys I’m going to die am I going to fight back we’ll find out next time no I’m K let’s let’s let’s try to incorporate what we learned let’s try to incorporate what we

Learned let’s try okay I did get a hit on him right there not there okay I got like two hits In all right guys if you guys have any uh any donations uh Jason would like to make a charitable a charitable donation of $1,000 to my stream everyone con congratulate Jason he’s been such a big help on my upcoming yeah so Jason has a special speech he’s going to join

VC later on the second stream he has a big announcement to Make All right guys I think I’m I’m good for like one more and no no no no no no I don’t want to do a 2 I don’t want to do a 4v4 no yeah yeah let’s do this all right guys so time to incorporate what I’ve learned hopefully I’ve hopefully I can

Incorporate and not be such trash okay I I think one of the main things is my aiming so I’m not going to try to spam I’m going to hit when it’s valid to hit yeah so I got B to like 18 all right This okay I can’t hit him that’s another thing I have to time so I don’t run through yeah I’m done I’m done bucko I’m so done how convenient get me a bur is crazy whoa I think I I oh whoa whoa I was somewhat doing it for a

Second but that knock back is something else yeah there’s something wrong with my aim miss that was a Miss attempt yeah I’m dead yeah I’m dead I’m dead yeah there’s something up with my aim guys I have to work on my aim I have to work on [Applause] My Oh oh buddy I can’t get a hit on him no not that I can’t get a hit on him I can’t land the Hit there we go dang it I couldn’t do it consecutively bad timing bad timing and bad Aim I don’t know hold on bad timing and bad aim I can’t I can’t There we go there we go oh my gosh okay let me let me chill with the spam let me chill with the Spam ah no no no no no no no no okay I got to chill with the spam I got to really chill with the spam oh my gosh are you serious th in a box Haunted do In okay let’s see if I can uh okay what what just Happened Jason wants to do a talent show yeah you guys want to do a talent show Sure no in fact Jason can host a talent show in his server he he can do that he can host it in a server oh he has a Discord what would I say What Would I bring to the talent show my PVP skills I can bring my PVP Skills all right guys look at this so I get hit bro goes on that side and that side if bro goes on that side and I try to hit he goes on that side like Sorry I’m Streaming my first time Playing yo yeah I’m trying to get good I’m trying to get good bro I’m trying to get good yeah let let’s let’s let’s do this bro bro ask if I was good bro the only like there’s only like one good person in this server bro n i take that

Not camping first bro ask if I was good everyone else like no you suck it’s not far from the truth but no I bu this all right try not to spam oh my gosh bro yeah if I can help it if I’m getting hit multiple times and if I try to swing

Back so I can counteract the hits like obviously I’m going to end up spam clicking but so you see when you click there’s a little sword icon y y yep Yep oh we’re at 16 views welcome welcome everybody thank you for joining the stream make yourself known I see uh herbine and firon and Jason talking in the chat that is gone otherwise you do no damage could it be that been hitting all this time and I’m doing zero

Damage talk about self-sabotage if that’s the case if that’s the case if that’s the case if I’ve been doing zero damage all this time but I’ve been hitting that would be crazy that you know what if I can’t line up a hit then I’m not going to click if you can’t line it

Up don’t click it uh like right now okay okay okay okay okay okay that was a crit right There there’s three viewers really oh my gosh my bad guys I’m reading the whole time thing wrong I’m trying to time it well not trying to time it but I can’t line a good attack up okay that was a good One All right I did about three crits right there okay guys okay guys okay okay I’m going to incorporate everything I guess the only thing else that I have to like focus on or probably fix is my sensitivity and try to time up my jumping and my running so I can get a

Good attack in and try to align my attacks bro he’s using his [Applause] fist [Applause] Oh my God Nope oh my God okay that was great whoa okay okay okay I’m not getting any hits in doing zero damage doing zero damage okay I got like 13 Oh boy my God oh my God no can I [Applause] Run wow wow okay all right let’s try this again [Applause] Nope can’t can’t all [Applause] Right oh Oh my gosh I can’t do it or maybe yeah oh my gosh no accident C That yeah oh my gosh this is terrible I can’t yeah crap no no okay You know what no I’ve been playing for 3 Years yeah but you’re sure so whenever I try to go to the side that won’t work Okay gang sure I this sure I I can’t land a single clean hit without getting you know wow I can’t believe I let run off I should have never did that I should have I should have never did That oh boy oh my gosh I’m so Terrible so I can’t get consecutive P off at all I can’t get con second P off Nope I’d smoke comp piece and sword funny enough there’s meing meing PVP Legacy new buddy stop pressing s in jumping in place please I’m only 189 yeah g yes yeah yeah I didn’t see you say that my Bad Okay I think I should end it here guys cuz it’s 2 hours already and yeah I need to practice behind the scenes cuz this is terrible I’m not going to get good at PVP yeah I can’t aim yeah I can’t aim at all at all Rip all right guys I guess that’s it for today well for now I guess me Jason I’m not sure far will be joining us we’ll probably stream later I know I’ll be streaming later but yeah yeah that was that wasn’t yeah it was pretty terrible it was pretty

Terrible it was pretty terrible I can’t aim for [ __ ] it is pretty terrible so yeah yeah we’re not yeah we’re not doing That

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE PVP CAN A NOOB GET GOOD? JOIN PLS!’, was uploaded by Unloads on 2023-12-28 22:32:21. It has garnered 29 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:09 or 7629 seconds.

My name is Unloads or Loads and welcome to the stream hope you enjoy!

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    Minecraft: Beating Game in Tiny Space! The Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Beating the Game in a 3×3 Area! Imagine being confined to a tiny 3×3 box that extends all the way to bedrock in Minecraft. Sounds impossible, right? Well, not for the brave souls who take on this ultimate challenge. Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where players push the limits of survival in the most confined space imaginable. The Challenge Begins Stuck in a cramped 3×3 area, players must navigate the limited space while striving to beat the game. Every move counts, every resource is precious. From mining to crafting, every action requires… Read More

  • INSANE Mob Farming Tricks in Minecraft!

    INSANE Mob Farming Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Secrets to Efficient Mob Farming in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MuiIridiumMatrix on 2024-05-03 18:00:30. It has garnered 364 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Dive into the heart of Minecraft with us in an epic playthrough featuring the Ragnamod VII modpack! Join my brothers and me as we navigate through a world brimming with magic, technology, and boundless possibilities. Each episode is a new adventure, filled with challenges, teamwork, and the sheer joy of discovery. In this series, we’re not just playing Minecraft; we’re redefining it. From… Read More

  • 50 Days in Herobrine’s World | LarsLP

    50 Days in Herobrine's World | LarsLPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ich verbringe 50 Tage in der Welt von Herobrine | LarsLP’, was uploaded by LarsLP on 2024-03-27 13:00:37. It has garnered 160114 views and 2521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:30 or 3030 seconds. Welcome to 50 Days of Minecraft in the World of Herobrine Minecraft is a sandbox game from Mojang Official Site: ————————- ❗ Information: 💬 2nd channel: 📱 Insta: 🐦Twitter: 👕Merch: ————————- Youtube Hastag: #minecraft #larslp Read More

  • INSANE NETHER PORTAL in Minecraft Hardcore – CJ GamerX

    INSANE NETHER PORTAL in Minecraft Hardcore - CJ GamerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘making an awesome nether portal | Minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by Cj gamerx on 2024-01-17 12:24:12. It has garnered 1124 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:21 or 861 seconds. making an awesome nether portal | Minecraft hardcore HEY GUYS KAISE HO SABHI LOG WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER GAMEPLAY VIDEO Instagram :- discord:- I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS VIDEO IF YOU ENJOY THIS VIDEO PLEASE MAKE SURE TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE AND DON’T FORGET TO PRESS THE 🔔 ICON 😊 IF YOU HAVE SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT MY CONTENT PLEASE… Read More

  • Minecraft Universe: Infinity Elements with Transmutation Tablet! #5

    Minecraft Universe: Infinity Elements with Transmutation Tablet! #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft UniversIO | TRANSMUTATION TABLET FOR INFINITE ELEMENTS! #5 [Modded Questing SpaceBlock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2024-03-23 21:00:27. It has garnered 7054 views and 212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:41 or 3521 seconds. Minecraft UniversIO | TRANSMUTATION TABLET FOR INFINITE ELEMENTS! #5 [Modded Questing SpaceBlock] with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft Techopolis 2 | A NEW FACTORY AUTOMATION PACK! #1: ★Join the Nik & Isaac Discord: ★Watch Live On Twitch: Universe – Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound #Minecraft #UniversIO #Modded Read More

  • “Dream SMP TNT Mod Gone Crazy!” #minecraft #hilarious

    "Dream SMP TNT Mod Gone Crazy!" #minecraft #hilariousVideo Information This video, titled ‘TNT Mod IN THE DREAM SMP – MINECRAFT #funny #minecraft #cringe #minecraftshorts #shortvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by Zypherix_ on 2024-01-08 21:05:23. It has garnered 16964 views and 386 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Thanks for watching please like and subscribe my pc got fried from this! #funny #minecraft #cringe #minecraftshorts #shortvideo #gaming #mlg #parkour Read More

  • 500 YEARS LATER!! ButterJaffa’s Epic Demon Slayer Adventure

    500 YEARS LATER!! ButterJaffa's Epic Demon Slayer AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘500 YEARS LATER!?! | Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer [#10] – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-05-24 16:00:03. It has garnered 66651 views and 4245 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:50 or 1850 seconds. Heyyy Guyyyss & welcome to Demon Slayer: Bounty Killer, an evolving series… meaning EVERY EPISODE things change in a new or big way!! Though the series we evolve as a Demon and get bigger and bigger challenges as we play, all for the setup of my next BIG series… Demon Slayer: Island Akuma!!! 💛 – Subscribe for More: ⇒… Read More

  • ADORABLE Baby Cow in Minecraft?! 🐮🎮 #gamershorts

    ADORABLE Baby Cow in Minecraft?! 🐮🎮 #gamershortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cute Baby Cow in Minecraft | #gamershorts #twitchclip #minecraft #babycow #subscribe’, was uploaded by Bam’s Gaming on 2024-05-12 03:49:08. It has garnered 1075 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Please help the channel by subscribing ——————————————— — Watch me live stream on Twitch – — Join my discord – ——————————————— Check out my merch: — Teespring / — Streamlabs / — Spreadshop / New Store + New Merch! / ——————————————— If you would like to give a donation to help out the… Read More

  • Unimaginable Shri Ram Secret Revealed in #Minecraft

    Unimaginable Shri Ram Secret Revealed in #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft’, was uploaded by Shri Ram on 2024-01-10 06:03:08. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Minecraft Art Builds,” “Creative Minecraft Creations,” “Minecraft Artistry,” “Artistic Minecraft Builds,” “Minecraft Canvas,” “Crafting Art in Minecraft,” aur “Minecraft Art Showcase. #MinecraftArt#MinecraftCreative#ArtisticMinecraft#MinecraftBuilds#MinecraftShowcase#MinecraftArtistry Read More

  • The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft Expeditions

    The Untold Secrets of Day 2: Minecraft ExpeditionsVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Uncharted Expeditions | Day 2’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2024-04-08 23:37:34. It has garnered 184 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:11 or 15551 seconds. Archive of Twitch Stream that took place on April 8th 2024 — Watch live at Read More

  • Wizmo Gaming Survival: Semi-Vanilla PvE Economy Build

    Join Our New Survival Community! IP: MC.WIZMOGAMING.COM DISC: About Us We provide a nostalgic Minecraft experience on our lightly modded, semi-vanilla server. No pay-to-win features ensure a fair playing field for everyone. Unique Features • Shared spawn area for building • Plugins like treefeller for quality of life improvements • Player shop system for trading Protection Full block protection and rollbacks available. Ask a staff member or post on Discord for help with land protection. Shop Easily create shops to participate in our growing economy. Just click on a chest with the item you want to sell or buy…. Read More

  • || Mineland Network » 1.8-1.20.6 (PvP 1.8)➥ Become a real HERO ➜

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this a repost? Again??

    Minecraft Memes - Is this a repost? Again??Looks like this meme has mined its way to the top with a diamond score of 886! Read More