Cartoon Crab | Minecraft – Ancient Demon Ritual in Crazy Craft! (Minecraft)

Video Information

We have gathered here today under the blessing of the great white moon we are to become a true vampire using one of these baby chickens i don’t know why they’re not adults yet good evening ladies and gentlemen coming at you live from the darth crab tower it is another episode of crazy

Craft it is chip away cannibal crab and guys we have an exciting one today we got some things to test some things to show off and i just noticed i have a six pack yeah look at that i’ve been working out anyways let’s take a look in my inventory we have

Boom a observation of an immortal book now you guys may be wondering what is that what does that even mean it is how i become a vampire i’ve been a vampire i’ve been the flash i’ve been uh whatever the gem boots make me and i have been

Batman but i’ve not been an actual vampire i only have a vampire castle so i’m a fraud but today is the day i live up to my destiny and we figure out how to become a real vampire that could sit in the vampire throne uh and it all

Starts with this book but first we got a rocket launcher i don’t know why we got a rocket launcher but we got a rocket launcher so we gonna use it what should we shoot oh you can actually oh look at that you ain’t the little thing just like a panzer uh

What is it called a panzer shrek uh rocket launcher uh how about we go down here let’s find some mobs mobs i have the coffin the coffin doesn’t take damage though how about that oh yeah that car it’s totally happening all right let’s aim ready one of one rocket and fire

Haha you only thought i had one but i have another one there we go chest number two huh yeah oh it didn’t actually do any damage but that was exciting oh oh god uh what that that’s not how arms work all right well we got no more ammo so we

Don’t need this anymore hopefully a mob doesn’t pick that up and uses it against us that’ll be terrible all right let’s fly down here and let’s do a little bit of storytelling uh well storytelling is in uh reading the book so let’s go ahead and open this up boom oh

Seems i’ve already been reading it ah this episode’s a lie anyways observations of an immortal a doomed scholars account of discourse with the undead it is with some reluctance i commit these observations so basically it’s a guy telling what happened when he was talking to a vampire i guess the first

Vampire of the universe or something uh so basically guys we gotta kill a chicken i know that sounds pretty hard but we gotta do it over a skull with a bowling and holding a glass goblet that sounds terrible uh but let’s go ahead and look up a glass goblet and see how long

Or how hard that is to make a goblet that’s how you spell it there we go oh it’s okay it’s just pretty much five four glass i think something like that um all right and then we need a bow line let’s see how expensive this is

Gonna be oh it’s just an emerald of bone and an iron negative i think we have all these things let me gather the materials required and we’re gonna make a goblet and a bow line and then read the rest of the book i do believe that is everything let’s go

Ahead and pop into the crafting table right here let’s go ahead and make some little water bottles and put it in this shape and we have a glass goblet so that is going to be where my blood resides now the bone emerald and iron makes the bowline like sheers but

Harvest trapped plants and cobwebs huh all right so let’s get back to the book here and let’s dive deeper into the story butchering a chicken over a skull with a bowline and holding a glass of goblet to collect the blood and then oh it looks like we got some kind of uh

Okay we need a skull from a skeleton it looks like redstone in a circle and then a space in between that and then the is that string okay uh moo string red dust which is obviously redstone torches and a skull pouring the blood onto the skull mumbling about taking her to the lakes

Of the lava okay so i think we’re just gonna commit the ridge uh the ritual first so we’re gonna need some string uh where would i have string oh god uh animal materials may be oh well we got one that’s all that’s required because we can just pop that in there

It looks like we already had it anyway so we got a whole boop stack of string we got the redstone required now all we need is the torch torches that yes we do have let’s get uh you know it was only four so uh and do we have the skeleton school i don’t

Believe i put a skeleton school in here so we don’t have to look for one i’m pretty sure i have one somewhere so just give me a second oh oh we got a goblet oh there’s a skull too nice it was in the magic chest i don’t believe we need another glass

Goblet so we can kind of just chill on that we got a chalice filled with what it looks like some brown poodle water uh okay nothing else so it looks like we oh there’s a kyber crystal too it’s blue unfortunately we don’t really need a blue copper crystal but i

Think i saw a green one in here somewhere as well yeah there’s a green one we got two kyber crystals um so we’ll to keep an eye on that if we ever need another lightsaber although we have to corrupt it and make it red all right so i think we are

I think we’re ready let’s go down there it should be night time yes over the moon let us find the perfect ritual spot uh next to this tower what about at the top of the tower how epic would that be oh yeah oh yeah it’s totally happening up here all right

So it looks like we need to just fill in this bedrock with uh we’ll just go ahead and grab a dirt from down here yee there we go pop up through the hole again born into the world all right pop that right there skull in the middle oh you know what we need

We need a chicken how am i gonna get a chicken up here i think i have to make a lead but that’s fine so we got the skull right there redstone around it like this all the way around in a one space and then the string

Uh right here and then let’s mark the torches out it’ll should be a little easier to pop the string down there we go one right there and if i eyeball this correctly since i’m a pro builder we should just dab that right there and that’s one too far let’s put that in one

Now the rest of the string i actually think it let’s take a look at the book the string i think goes in so yeah it does go in okay so we got to go like this it’s really hard to see with my eyesight but we should have it

It probably would be easier to see if it wasn’t on bedrock i’m going to buying it a lot of you guys bedrock not the right choice um all right so let’s make a lead now how do you make a lead actually and we gotta find a chicken

So it’s just a slime ball and then four strings so let’s go back to base we should have a slime ball inside of the that’s actually let’s check the transition table but yes slime ball and then we have the string already so let’s go ahead and do the crafting table

Slime ball and then the string right there and then has the lead we gotta find the chicken now at least i can fly this is gonna make this pretty easy let’s fly a chick let’s find a chicken near the tower oh god oh god is the ritual started already it’s

Already lagging oh i forgot the tree the true the lagging tree oh god excellent we’ve escaped the lag now keep your eyes peeled everyone we have to find a little cheeky chick chicken this even spawned during the night i’m not too sure um i guess we’ll just have to wait although

I might have a chicken egg back at base we do get a lot of spawn eggs i guess we have to wait until the morning anyways let’s go back to zombie that’s a vampire wow my fellow kin how nice of it you’re frozen i just got a brain blast guys oh crap

The sun’s up but i i got an egg so if we put an egg in the transportation tablet boop we have infinite eggs therefore we have infinite chickens uh in theory back to the the tower unfortunately it is daytime so we will have to wait until the moon but let’s go

Ahead and get a chicken in here and and i hopefully i’ll just hey let’s go oh chicken oh luckily uh he survives okay well uh i don’t think they’re gonna i don’t think they’re gonna stay alive long enough to grow up if they’re just gonna jump off so i wonder if i should

Yeah let’s go ahead and get some building blocks and let’s build a little wall around this area uh let’s see glowstone could be cool yeah let’s do glowstone why not it’s gonna look ugly but it’s gonna it’s gonna do it wait if i can just do a fence

Actually i think little chickens can go through fences all right wall there we are yes yes the wall has been created oh we forgot a spot now chickens you will become my sacrifice eggs we got plenty now all right oh let’s let the eggs rain chickens i might want to give them seeds

To help them grow faster but at the end of the day one of them will be adult by the time the moon rises so i cannot wait is going to be a special night one of you will be sacrificed in order for me to fulfill my destiny

Do not be afraid for you are making the content yes little one content we have gathered here today under the blessing of the great white moon we are to become a true vampire using one of these baby chickens i don’t know why they’re not adults yet it’s been

An entire day but we will do it nonetheless we will have to see if it works retrieve the laid the light has been retrieved sir all right let’s go ahead and get a little chicken here i apologize baby chicken i know let’s get the bow line and it is time

To make the sacrifice come here a little closer there you go hey be nice now oh okay you dodged me you dodged me there chicken all right It does not filled my goblet with blood what is this book madness let’s see butchering a chicken over a skull with a bow line and holding a glass goblet collect the blood is perfect so maybe the babies don’t work um an adult has been summoned you come here

Come over here it’s time your babies may be trying to protect you but your fate is sealed chicken come here a little closer yeah it didn’t fill with blood it didn’t fit with blood sir uh this isn’t working no the redstone the leak has been broken

Um what am i doing wrong what am i doing wrong well guys i don’t think i’ve killed so many chickens and it’s just actually not filling up uh with blood it’s giving me a lot of random items though which is pretty fun i think it’s because of the like the data value of

The chicken is like weird in this mod pack and it’s possibly changing witchery to not let me get chicken blood so i have lilith’s blood what’s supposed to happen is i’m supposed to put the chicken blood onto the skull it summons l we’re supposed to go into the nether

As according to the book it summons lilith and then uh obviously did you do a long story short i kill lilith with one shot with a slice because that we all know that’s gonna happen and then she gives me uh vampirism um unfortunately that i don’t know how to

Get the actual l spawning without cheating i mean i i’ve been i even tried to cheat and it she didn’t still spawn uh so we will have to make a decision do we want to just go ahead since we are about to complete it anyways just go ahead and drink little’s blood

Which is a creative thing that turns me into a vampire or should we figure out the bug and if anyone can let me know in the comments um if i’m doing it wrong or something uh there was a string missing so i replaced the string

And uh yeah we’re all good on the string for now so that it should be working just fine but unfortunately yes some things do run into some bugs uh so just let me know in the comments if i should just go ahead and drink lulu’s blood become a vampire

The cheating way or if you guys know a way i can figure that out kind of sucks but it is what it is ladies and gentlemen so if you’re excited towards that we will have to do it in the next episode the thumbnail is probably going to be

Some kind of vampiric summoning ritual anyways i will see you in the next episode guys we look forward towards actually becoming a vampire and probably the strongest vampire in the crazy craft world i will see you guys there in the next one this has been cannibal crab this has been crazy crowd

Four you guys have a good one camera crab signing out

This video, titled ‘Ancient Demon Ritual in Crazy Craft! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Cartoon Crab | Minecraft on 2020-10-01 23:24:35. It has garnered 16584 views and 846 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:14 or 794 seconds.

Ancient Demon Ritual in Crazy Craft! (Minecraft) ● Get Crazy Craft SHIRTS and POSTERS: ● How to Play Crazy Craft 4.0:

Today Cody brings back Crazy Craft the most random mod pack of all time. We took the original Crazy Craft 3 mod pack and changed it around to randomize every aspect you know about minecraft. This SMP mod pack series on Crazy Craft 4 will be the best ever!!

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  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft house tutorials like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for building and exploring, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn new building tips or an experienced player seeking a fresh challenge, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be… Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮

    Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮Video Information like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy Ani don’t friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to Clear Vision… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client – 1.20.62 Update!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client - 1.20.62 Update!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.62 MOD CLIENT APK – Toggle Sprint, Full Bright, Unlocked, No Circle – BUGROCK CLIENT’, was uploaded by matixdev on 2024-03-04 22:37:09. It has garnered 851 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. CHECK Download Tutorial–ei_ Download Link 1.20.62 1.20.72 Educational Disclaimer: This video aims to provide educational insights into hacking techniques related to EDSA in a responsible and ethical manner. Everything demonstrated is solely for the purpose of showing vulnerabilities and security practices in digital environments…. Read More

  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

    Maggus - NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shortsVideo Information ihr kennt es alle ihr habt auf eurer Erkundungstour in eurer Minecraft survival Welt ein Pferd gefunden und wollt dieses jetzt nach Hause bringen aber auf dem Weg müsst ihr über einen Fluss nur bringt reiten nichts und rüber schubsen dauert auch zu lange dann nehmt euch eine goldene Karotte oder einen goldenen Apfel damit verfolgt euch das Pferd und so bekommt ihr es ganz einfach rüber This video, titled ‘Damit müsst ihr es NIE WIEDER zurücklassen…?! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #maggus’, was uploaded by Maggus on 2024-01-14 10:00:28. It has garnered 74097 views and 7670 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!

    Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!Video Information in this video we’re looking at seven amazing Forge mods for 120 these range from fully fledged New Dimensions to new awesome weapons and armor and even some small quality of life editions I really hope you enjoy if you found the archaeology update from vanilla to be a bit lacking maybe better archaeology can help this mod adds several new fossils artifacts and structures to be discovered and dug up for example you can visit the Temple of Light in which you might find the totem of growth this Nifty totem will will make crup scroll faster… Read More


    RECLAIMING MY PUBLIC ON SMP SERVER!! #minecraftVideo Information स्ट ही नहीं हो रहा व्हाट द हेक हेलो लकी वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम व्हाट्स गोइंग ऑन लकी सर कैसे हो मेरे भाई कैसे हो मेक श्यर लाइक कर देना स्ट्रीम को हेलो लकी वेलकम ट लकी यार 1015 बंदों को शेयर कर दे और देख जैसे मैं लाइक कर रहा हूं वैसे लाइक कर दियो और हां एंड तक जितने भी लाइक होंगे मैं जितने लाइक होंगे उतने घंटे में वीडियो आ जाएगी बस जैसे कि एक जैसे की 20 लाइक तो मतलब की ऐसे तो कल ही डालूंगा बट बाय द वे अगर 20 लाइक होते… Read More

Cartoon Crab | Minecraft – Ancient Demon Ritual in Crazy Craft! (Minecraft)