CephyGlitch – Stream Archive|| EN #Vtuber || Minecraft new layout am i pretty now?

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Okay so i failed the supposed tweet but we i am also jj i have oh two accounts okay little nunny okay well hello i mean yes i am pretty gay pepe here oh thank you okay i am having a good night to do what thero system okay

What do you dare me to jj are you being dared to do something ever where are you that’s if he just sits here looking all ominous as he’s setting things up i will i will not be building homes during this stream um i’m going to collect some supply

Who’s in my house me my fox what would you like does they them also work sorry my chat i should have somebody here kill fox no i don’t want to kill i am your spiritual father okay that works i don’t want to kill anyone no that’s not mine

I’m still saying the first thing chad does they just want us to fight i see i can’t fight because i don’t have any armor i think i don’t know no pharaohs i don’t have any questions i am okay okay you’re pushing it bud please don’t spam chad

I don’t have a whole bunch of uh questions about it because i actually i have a few friends who have did that’s one hell of a username you got there but i can’t kill fox right now because i don’t have anything to kill her with

I would die and i don’t know what to say we’ll fight when the time is right but not today they can fight in arena as soon as it’s done exactly we have a whole arena being made yeah to be honest being made yes i have not been on the server for

Far too long Yes it’s a lot has changed uh actually I need to change uh game mode real quick okay that should be good well that’s not nice are they also trying to convince you to attack me reaper you can’t take my soul because i’m protective okay i’m still i’m still struggling with my my current layout it’s not perfect

My mod my second monitor is too far away from my screen there you go you’re fine arrows then can i take your heart oh okay you’re perfectly fine how long how are you long time i’m doing good good good good good good i’ve been working on something a lot of things

A way to talk to chat at the same time i know what do you mean i’m reading my chat okay who who who who who is pee pee poo poo 101 dude oh he gave him the mind too came in said gay and left i have yet to see this person so

Uh hello to that person hey yo how is everyone doing i am doing great thank you for asking how are you doing wait i need to collect [ __ ] i’m stupid hang on what do you need to collect okay well i i i spawned in oh i saved the screenshot oh yeah he

Sounds like he’s under the water who sounds like he’s under the water oh thanks there was like i you should follow my friends i don’t really stream today’s the first day i’m really streaming very rude who was um the the dude um that joined uh pee pee poopoo 101 do this oh yeah

Rude yay i was like he came into mine said one thing is it left what happened for me he just came in and said gay to which my reaction was yes like for me he was being like be quiet uh i shall suck all the thing bb no cap and he’s like

Like being mean to jasmine i don’t like that i don’t like that at all no well hopefully i’m doing good things i hope i’m hoping he doesn’t well he happened to be both of your streams hopefully he doesn’t happen to mine he does and he starts [ __ ] don’t worry i got it

I would assume that he’s somebody who has to like know us because like i i don’t stream how did you find me do it i guess he just saw david was like oh let’s put that into twitch but like still i’m being seen how did he find you

And then go automatically into seven it makes no sense actually that doesn’t even make sense since stephie’s name isn’t sefi glitch one here so yeah it’s somebody that we know who knows us i guess what is this um okay i’m gonna refrain from saying anything then because

Your system thank you for the following i’m thinking something if you know what i’m thinking is then say yes yes i think i know what you’re talking about yes okay also i’m very sorry stream i’m not a hundred i’m not a hundred percent awake but i’m going to give it a shot

And my chat box is not doing well hang on real quick there you go so much better okay uh i can’t hear anyone but you everyone else is barely hearable you’re only here oh right that’s not good i think i think i know why i know hold on properties uh voice meter

I know you should be able to hear us [Applause] i think i have to turn use down though because these are like yellow oh okay before i forget i did i did go off and i did find the end portal oh okay all right we did yeah we’re already beating this out what

I don’t know we’re not beating it is it clear where we built the uh section in the nether the connection bridges and all that seriously yeah literally the path that i made to the portal that i made at the end entrance i did make a little i made it a bit

Easier to get into the end oh sefi thoros said no problem how are you no problem and who what where how am i how are you how are you today sefi how am i uh like i said very sleepy i apologize i’m listening in so i’m going to actually mute

My mic so you guys keep talking because they oh ok ok um chad what from the bar uh so so so there was a turkey that turkey had four legs the end keep going oh i have to keep on going [ __ ] uh that turkey had a strange thing happened to him he was

Very i can’t read i’m here way too sleepy for this you can tell by my voice but it’s okay i have a sword right now rick no not that way that way okay are you going to check [ __ ] out you want to i’m off to an adventure wait let me

Be with you you need to get back to the basement you want to come with me i want to come with you right there thank you i’m coming in spiderman spiderman oh i’m not fired i’m going to sleep no jasm no oh that sounds like a great idea that’s always what i do

Before every adventure i attack her face do either of you mind if i spectate one of you that’s fine go ahead reason i can say that just in case you get into trouble i can free of some service oh hello chickens i collect your eggs there aren’t too many just make sure you

Find some seeds and like Look if it’s late then go to sleep my voice is already cracking this is great I have to get a new mic that is what the new dono thing is for um i apologize because it’s stuffy there’s an echo oh like my mic is picking up an echo that’s why you were using the razer thing but the razer thing suppresses your mic

To you to get rid of that echo it’s it’s through voice meter you can’t really unfortunately are you still following me yes you are yes good because we’re going over here i have no torches let’s go i think i have torches hold on oh you have torches i don’t have torches

Well hang on because i need i need to collect stone so i’m going to create i’m going to create a crafting table so that way we can build this can you give me three stone because i’m i mean no i send it this way ah yeep i like your cut g [Laughter]

Okay hang on you know what you know what you know what i don’t even have food i mean i do i i have 28 steaks okay well my mistakes were made i’m going back i need to go get stuff wait i have potatoes that is a great point i didn’t think of that

Because i’m not smart i’m probably not going the right direction this doesn’t look like home everything is fine i got this everything you’re heading towards my house i am is our is the communal house over here then communal house climb that mountain yes okay i can’t see it this is going well

Good memory for uh locations oh you’re lucky i want that power where do i download that program um you don’t go like brr well okay but no i do not go like burr [Laughter] i will follow the torches obviously somebody made an orchard and then wait you’re looking up something on youtube

How dare you look up something on youtube maybe he’s the only one not streaming maybe we could totally afford that i know i don’t have three diamonds i feel bad okay all right fine be that way game i see what you did three diamonds

I i i had i had i had i had uh oh my god english please love me i should have emptied my uh Pockets in my house there’s nothing i can do i can do oh yeah could you take stuff back to my house you know what sure any invisible thing that’s like right here we there you go okay right in front of you oh okay uh i give you my iron

Okay give you my gun powder okay and ah food anything else i can toss enough in lava and be happy that it’s gone i mean you’ve got the lava over there All right i’m going to do something i might regret it i don’t care but i’m doing it regretting spaghetti first of all i need to fill up this area we’re going to fill it up with a rock because this is what he do iggy there you go okay and then

Okay i am back welcome back welcome back i got a donut from money man so far um i don’t i told them they didn’t have to but like i was explaining to them that you know people were saying how i’m not loud enough in my stream and

They can’t hear me and i says like oh seth i’m sorry i reckon you’re flying me monies man like i’m trying to make like better quality streams for them so they can enjoy it no oh no but because like i am worried about the fact that like i’m collecting unemployment

And you know i’m afraid that if i pull the money out from twitch i might lose that and i need that money for bills for me do a voice Hello how are you i apologize for the quality of my mic i downloaded i’m using currently voice meter to help uh make my voice a little bit louder um because i don’t have to yell now i can talk a little bit more normal that’s the thing you’ve been waiting for Oh my god i will interrupt you hello please don’t eat me that is causing an issue well it’s not just voice meters causing the issue it’s because my mic isn’t good enough what’s wrong something what’s wrong what’s wrong oh my god it’s a flying helmet oh well i turned i turned my

Oh my god don’t die i’m fighting things check this out i’m winning don’t [ __ ] die don’t [ __ ] burn oh don’t [ __ ] die um i was going to say i’m very happy that you’re not going to eat this game before brace meters no issues we’ll see that’s the thing um

Cracking comes with a program that sir pat suppresses um echoes and stuff like that but because of that you just couldn’t hear me um so basically because i don’t have um because i don’t have the kraken um echo suppression and sound suppression one [Laughter] um now i can actually adjust the volume so

I need a better mic because even stephie was having like even before the fact that um i did waste meter stephen’s like yo your mic is really bad great selfie i mean like it’s not really bad it’s just a question of what’s it called like you had uh audio spikes and whatnot

Which crea which made it kind of hard to what’s it called oh my god thank you so much i’m sorry i didn’t see the redeem i was doing i was doing something oh my god thank you so much guys oh my god go faster a lot better than i can again

Why am i super fast what the [ __ ] uh old headset or this headset this headset okay this headset it’s a it’s a razor kraken uh really good for sound you can hear all sorts of things it’s pretty it’s pretty it’s great it’s wonderful it’s your favorite only one bad thing the thing that

Makes you hear they have a super powerful thing that makes it so you can hear yourself and it’s not good and and and and that mike ends up transferring over to [ __ ] off over to the stream so then you end up hearing uh like our voices on their end i died again

All right i’m bringing you back i can’t even understand you women they can’t even understand me you’re frantic basically kind of what happened reaper is that there were some times where facts look out sophie he can hear him he can hear like my stream through his headset

And stuff like that not it’s because of the echo you’re just waiting until i go to work i will be your sugar daddy okay um well money is you you need to save up for like a pen and pad because like like in all honesty money’s man like

You could stream drawing and be an amazing art streamer because like a lot of people watch that like i wish i could do that like that’s one thing i would if i was like stephanie seffie knows this 100 percent i can’t get a moment to speak to you guys

Okay this is why i had to deafen okay all right oh her i love her she’s wonderful okay but i’m going to be completely honest with you If you’re going to talk to your chat devon [Laughter] don’t go attack her i’m just i need to rant my brain’s not working properly i need uh i need sugar i want sugar okay rant over okay there we go he just left if you should join my uh my server

It’s you you might like it if so i don’t have to do it okay no fighting no fighting now first of all hello houdini welcome welcome welcome welcome oh there was an enderman um uh so uh with me joining um uh smps uh i don’t think you want me to

Join for the simple reason that i need a babysitter like literally watch this see i got one babysitter and then i got another one with the turtle head somewhere i don’t know where he went where she went they went ah pronouns evil where are they well they were here i promised you that

They were here i swear okay i’m not losing my mind but again um i do have a twitter you can dm me there that’s totally fine um if you can explain a little bit better what you plan on doing on that server that would help a whole bunch

Because i’m i’m i’m small small brand small smooth brain so yeah uh so it’s a network it’s a network what do you mean what whoa whoa uh or a hall a hub one might call it oh are you trying are you trying to get a bunch of streamers together and and hang out

Basically i don’t like the positioning of my model hang on duke there we go that’s fixed right that should be fixed yeah that’s fixed okay um yeah pretty much okay um i mean that could be interesting i i’d like to i’d like to first get back into uh back

Into the rhythm of streaming i kind of had to take a break for a week because my computer decided to say hey [ __ ] you i don’t like being a motherboard um but yeah that sounds that that sounds like an interesting idea so yeah feel free to dm me um

And i’ll try to i’ll try to figure out a way to pop in i’m currently working on a really big project myself uh but it has more server bro same thing happiness i’m sorry that your server died or or that you’re um what’s it called your your motherboard decided to say [ __ ] you

Up I say no okay i didn’t kill them i’m sorry i failed all right back in the d hole okay uh i had sticks duke duke duke duke duke Are you okay thereby has failed uh mostly my brain is going compute um so money man’s put in the chat do they allow thousand dollar donors i believe so yeah no no that’s too much no no no wait i don’t know who you i like my computer um but i’m waiting

I’m waiting for ryzen 6 ryzen raisin no amd radeon sixth gen two released more that can get me games for the channel that can Maybe i don’t know hello dustin how are you hello for the whole week so probably come back when exams are done this day have a nice dream you are fine you you have a good one feel free to lurk if you can’t that’s totally fine too it’s

Why are you sad reaper what is wrong with you what’s wrong wrong reaper i am genuinely kind of like dumbfounded shockness kind of right now like uh what kind of mood like help i need somebody help no no nobody oh [ __ ] you’re supposed to be the one that gets

Confused and like my brain go burr my brain happy birthday ever i mean with that announcement hey yeah you might as well click yes money man cannot do that money man don’t have no job money man no yes like i said you just a lot of things are happening

I finally fixed my computer my computer is also saying activate windows which is fine it’s my favorite i love that part um currently adventuring i have my babysitter fox hi um and we’re off to an adventure trying to find some old loot in my doggo because my dog goes nice i remember my

Dog oh my dog was really kind and cool how are you doing it is a lot of money that that is a lot of [ __ ] money like like legit like that is so much money like if i needed money to pay for my [ __ ] other bills like i could dip

Into that a little bit to help myself working so well sorry what’s working so hold on the stream oh that’s right you’re streaming like you’re doing a stream i’m doing a stream okay i thank greasy for giving me the idea because i don’t think i would have thought to even try

And try oh the png yeah the png method so that’s what you’re doing yeah i decided i put on the png method i took pictures of my model that i made and just using those as food which direction are we going we’re going this direction pumpkin pumpkins is that pumpkin

Yes it’s a pumpkin all right it’s a pumpkin i have a pumpkin what am i going to do with the pumpkin i have no idea cow hello make a jack-o’-lantern that way you can stare into the eyes of an ender oh you need a shears oh oh oh wait hang on okay

Oh i love how i get a phone call and they start talking to me and they’re like did you no they didn’t even finish what they were saying they just hung up and i’m like i don’t know who you are okay this should look better okay oh chat box is so tiny

I don’t even first paycheck is a thousand oh my [ __ ] god i will no oh my god oh my god money man is saying first paycheck is a thousand donors yes i’m gonna have a heart attack that’s a lot like that’s a lot of [ __ ] money

Like i don’t even get that right now yeah you sabotaged me i didn’t sabotage nothing everything’s okay do you want me to start warning you of creepers no no no no no no i need you to know not good hold up let me let me do this let me let me open up

Several tabs that have everyone’s streams on them so i can see everyone’s streams i need to get a bot that will just post that in my chat that’s cool it’s mainly going to be everything i’m teaching you i don’t know how I know yes okay then i really do have to stay still oh i see you my apologies i am currently trying to open up several tabs and streams so i can see all the chats Where’d you go i i was okay absolutely okay okay okay i got this i’m going this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and then this way and

This way and then this way and then this way what can you come to me oh my [ __ ] god um what did you die she just got an 80 donation let’s go oh my god some changed some people oh mom said thank you happy birthday thank you happy birthday oh my god okay

Ever just need someone to be like help i don’t know what’s going on ever.exe has stopped working yeah i will give you my one oh my god deep breath i feel headed now i’m dizzy because i’m like thank you so much i don’t want to talk about it

I genuinely don’t want to talk about it it’s fine no i’m good i don’t want to talk about it you continue having an orgasm over your money i’m oh my god i’m having like oh my god i’m literally hot right now let me take this zombie meat too

It looks like you could use it that kind of reaction of your idiot oh i’m like no no they went this way behind you behind you i can’t breathe you are very i am very funny [Laughter] i’m like wait hi how are ya my brain is like uh can’t compute can’t compute

Ever ever ever ever can’t compute ever except hold up i need wood i need wood okay oh my god i’m just waiting for chat to come back alive and talk to me while it’s night time and i’m going no i don’t wanna you’re checking out me a few moments later oh

Hi reaper i’m sorry oh my god i’m at 102 already i am literally so close already i’m like oh holy [ __ ] you’re going to pardon me just a minute over i gotta actually go back to spawn because you’re finding me and the reason why i

Need one is because i i need to make pickaxes and torches and a bigger chest and i’m just like okay not my chest my chest is perfect [Laughter] No oh we’re going to call her puppy now that’s what i’m calling her oh okay oh my god oh my god oh okay i think you really like it oh okay julio i don’t know if i received a dm from them though me oh i can’t i can’t okay Should i call her puppy on her stream right now [Laughter] that’s what money said money wants to know should i call her puppy right now on stream i forgot that she is streaming right now for some reason i thought she had ended should i know barely started yes but she said she was gonna be ending early all right uh

You did i mean stuffy should should money call her puppy in her stream right now uh i mean i Um what’s wrong reaper but if it i will i will he says wrong reaper you feel bad that you broke me kind of i don’t know if he’s still there okay um because i’m still not used to reacting to donors because i think the only person that’s ever i may know now

No no we don’t say my real name that is my puppeteer’s name yeah maybe tap donator you do that i’m going to have to do something about that uh i will i have to i have to change it you bear the spoon give me spoons no no no everywhere yeah i’m regretting because

I’m like i don’t want them because i don’t want them to associate my real name that’s why i’m informing you i already knew that and i was like hoping you guys wouldn’t look because like i don’t know how to set up still ball okay okay uh food i’m not looking there’s no enemies

If i don’t look there’s no enemies okay see no there’s no enemies i got this because i still have this i still have as a um business i guess so you guys can’t see i need to check on other things and i i need to check on other things and it was there

Uh okay Oh i shouldn’t have opened the donors just yet it’s fine wait a second did i ever did i give you those logs no you didn’t i didn’t get any logs I don’t know how to do it and don’t judge me i might just literally go do that real quick and be like yeah cause like i have a chest down oh wait no never mind you did pass me up hold on okay we’re going to go do that real quick twitter

Teleport back to freaking spawn easier i’ve been like avoiding it’s gotta take a bit don’t do it don’t do it now okay Especially please please pretty please if you’re going to do long conversations with your chat pretty please creeper um please deafen i’m fine now thank you for the wedding i’m just i’m just letting you know it’s kind of hard to communicate with other players this way this way i’m going this way

This way seems nice the squeeze doesn’t seem nice this way not this way [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] please don’t look me up you guys all i ask uh no we’re not the drowned exist don’t see them i don’t see them they don’t exist look at yeah i’m not doing it now you’re

Gonna drown if you’re not careful i’m not careful i know [Laughter] well now i feel like an idiot that happened nothing is totally fine it’s not no it’s not all right did i not go through i should have gone through i’m gonna die too i feel like you know

Yeah i’m not an idiot you broke my game okay oh [ __ ] i said her real name is robert very funny okay my [ __ ] all right um it’s in the water right there i know no i know i’m talking i’m talking to the items oh okay uh i will attack you with an

Arrow boom boom boom do you two need help no i’m sorry i’m not crazy i wouldn’t want someone to do with me yeah oh yes jasmine what’s up i just worried at all i’m a worrywort sephi even knows that right i’m a big freaking worrywort you

Eat a lot of warts i mean worries i mean what [ __ ] you i’m over there with my sword [Laughter] please don’t [ __ ] also don’t you’re supposed to be dead it’s daytime okay i got this everything is good okay because like um i knew i needed i know i need to change it

So why can’t you say anything what do you mean if it’s on twitter it’s because i haven’t followed you um if it’s on discord you should be able to send me uh something no problem who jasmine ah yeah if someone followed me and they’re like oh this is me you need to like

Point it out be like oh this is you know my choice like if it’s not the pain that you’re if it’s not the same oh my god i can’t like my anxiety yeah if it’s not the same and your name on twitch i won’t know it’s you unless you point it out

Wait i didn’t pick those up you stole my shrooms i picked them up mushrooms pick up mushrooms okay here you have an egg oh egg i don’t know how that didn’t break to be honest um it did because i don’t have it Look yes this is the anti-creeper stick by the way you’ll find a creeper let me know oh i’ll let you know i’ll probably scream it out loud like i usually do i really hope somebody clipped the three creepers walking up on you i do too i mean if if you’ll get several donations

Asking for problematic situations i might be able to help a bit okay okay stuffy i need to go let the puppy out so you guys entertain my chat while i kind of stay right here make sure you box yourself in before you leave that’s what i’m doing right now okay okay entertaining chat

Uh so uh i don’t know how to be a streamer how is your day [Laughter] activate gesture mode just remote yeah look at me don’t you have that in your programming no i dance i have panic panic panic panic panic and reboot uh maybe we should be a funny funny

Person the [ __ ] you mean funny person i’m not funny you’re funny oh i should pull i should pull up everest [Laughter] you would think that oh my gosh i i i okay okay here’s the thing um whoa so he walked off on me while i was setting stuff up

Oh there you are my graphics card started to take a massive [ __ ] the size of a turtle hang on where are you oh that’s a that’s unfortunate where did you go i’m right here behind you i can’t see you i don’t know where you are where are you stop moving [Laughter]

We mean funny words i can’t oh and wait a minute hang on no why am i confused about funny words what the [ __ ] do you mean magic man ow i don’t i don’t know i’ll be back in a minute i don’t understand what do you mean by magic man you do the magics

Okay but what type of magic are we talking about are we talking about white snow powder or are we just talking like magical spells like uh pyro all the magic oh i wanna i wanna be a pirate pyro pyromancer no okay that would have been perfect i’m trying

To save firebender but my brain was going chiropractic [Laughter] i literally just came back a ton of spamming emotes in my chat yeah i see that i have no idea don’t worry about it no too much echo don’t entertain oh so they’re saying don’t don’t entertain cause there’s too much echo from

Something thank you cheesy bread cheesy bread you better not jump in my chat and not give me cheesy bread if you say cheesy bread that’s just not fair i like cheesy bread cheesy bread sounds great you can’t eat cheesy bread stuffy [Laughter] i mean yeah i’m saying no i don’t want

Them to come at me and go no you can’t eat that you’re not allowed i want to eat that i want to eat the cheesy bread cheesy bread delicious doesn’t matter if i can’t digest it and then it’ll make me fart like a [ __ ] skunk i don’t [ __ ] care

Okay um how about this i will send you virtual cheesy bread so you can eat your virtual cheesy bread how about that because you can’t have really hungry but you can’t have real cheesy bread you have to have virtual cheesy bread no technical virtual [ __ ] i survived off of

Bitcoin for the longest time i don’t wanna no more virtual hello no more virtual only real food yes real food actually tastes like something not that shitty ass cardboard except actually there’s one thing that in real life does taste like cardboard um and that would be cereal and no

Demon girl is not alive she is currently in hell working committing crimes wait what love you two monies man i don’t know where i’m going i’m just going love all of you that’s fine i’m just gonna follow you we’re going to go on adventures together look at this natural staircase let’s go

At least in the snow go that way [ __ ] um why are you farting did you eat the cheesy bread [Laughter] so i see you’re lagging very badly okay i’m lagging i guess i don’t know you who who who did you make the comment of you eat the cheesy bread

The dog or bake will cooney he farted oh so confused it’s in my chat you’re in facebook okay my game has officially stopped working apparently oh okay uh i know there we go let me do this we need one more mole we’ll live there we need a bang

[ __ ] one of these guys but white someone oh okay what are you trying to do make a bed i have a new follower on twitter that’s not oh my god you guys are having too much one iron break and 16 iron ore or 18 i can’t remember 14. okay

Okay but but we have enough cobblestone to make a uh furnace don’t we okay mr flan i feel that you’re failing [ __ ] it we find some water and then we can just water down oh you’re a genius hang on you know technically it’s not cheating you ask me to

Take you somewhere no no we we got to do this ourselves Oh i saw on twitch hell um this one guy was like raging over people um like y’all think i hear something our lightning um this guy was complaining y’all s vimps are going crazy over you know oni-chan or otta otter uh it’s where it’s at the guy was like

Saying i’m like oh my [ __ ] god apparently i have so many people that love me i believe it i believe it oh no why no for [ __ ] sake inventory long live the eyeball oh wait hang on long live the eyeball bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye okay don’t strike me i’m not wearing iron she is

[Laughter] i’m just cooking it mmm tasty i am going to do this real quick oh no um hey foxy am i moving forward a bit um thank you i’m testing a command okay um so uh spider what no no i was being comedy sorry i was testing a command i wanted

To see if i could actually summon my name and i can i’m just i’m just here as backup ambient noise okay and then boom okay no don’t do it there i don’t know if this actually damages things when you change Key solo called me hey did she eat you um no she hasn’t eaten all day and she was wondering if she should get pizza for dinner because all she’s eating was an egg sandwich i was like i’m gonna [ __ ] murder you eat [ __ ] food why is your mic so muffled my mic’s so

Muffled my mic’s slightly ever so slightly how about now does it sound better and then if i do this how about now does that sound muffled okay okay everything is good right that sounds good awesome that’s better okay see that’s the type of information that i need to know instead of what the

One the thing there was a guy in chat earlier he had one hell of a name but he was like be quiet shut up i’m like speaking of which i hear a witch speaking of which um i kind of if kisaela gets this setup that she wants

I kind of would hope she would join the v tuber community with us well again um oh my [ __ ] god brain work please please i need a working brain right now i’m playing minecraft okay stop okay sophie come on i’m tired i can do it okay no i can’t Steak this one’s for you i can’t eat it [ __ ] hang on i need to hurt myself that didn’t go according to plan all right all’s good mom get out of my room minecraft um i’m not mom i don’t like the mommy at all i have way too much stuff sure this show

Sticks in your mouth um um maybe maybe i found diamond i think i found diamond okay all right um that is diamond i confirmed laughing myself i get it are you guys talking about that minecraft meme doggo you’re not allowed to get hurt take that eat stick no okay cool [Laughter]

Why why take the arson gods oh my god run oh oh my god thank you so much for the follow oh oh wait that’s what i’m ready oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay

Okay now i can eat the steak there you go this one’s for [Laughter] oh you i got this one this one is cool we’re not sure about that i am most definitely not so sure about that go at me okay actually you know what please do at me i have a twitter

I barely use it because nobody asks me i’m at you what are you talking to every time i stream you in it i got you that [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] lie okay all right first off shout out to hot stakes over here [ __ ] adding me in my chat

Second of all yes you do at me but not like on a on a daily basis not enough for me to actually work on the program everything’s okay fight me everything is yeah we’re in a storm feed your dog he’s so sad okay now i [Laughter]

Hi mr creeper over there i see you standing in the corner i mean i still had steaks you could have asked for steaks it’s okay i have i have i have other things that i cook i can cook i can out for [ __ ] sake english

I back on vibe good i don’t want to die i come back to the vibe mr spider i’m sorry but like i don’t want to die from you always [Laughter] oh [Laughter] oh hi mr creeper you come here first i i will kill you first and then i will kill you that which is still following me though oh to your death so i’m just going to head into that oh my god for [ __ ] sake go away

Oh my god so slowly i don’t care yeah i don’t like it well i can fix that uh select stretch and sip sippy time why we did it okay okay i got this do you look at this okay i refuse i refuse no refuse to what no

No stop what i don’t want to die stop it oh oh oh okay okay i don’t know i don’t stop it stop it but why though why is that your kink why is that a thing playing won’t kill you unless you have you’re on hardcore or heart good to know

Oh i’m full healthy yay okay it was nothing you still drink and stretches oh i’m gonna stretch you’re gonna hear it dude yeah and we don’t want me to be happy whatever your dog thinks i i accidentally hit the dog by the way ever if you [ __ ] said sit

Sit i know there we go okay all right stretches i’m fine excuse me i’m not gonna [ __ ] sit i refuse [ __ ] you said stretch no all right another one i thought you two are i was wondering where you two went i felt like would you would you like me

To give you the thing again no oh no no holy crap okay look it’s okay he will have nice zombie meat it’s okay he he’ll be happy here you go bud no i don’t want to eat it i want to give it to him right okay you know what

You’re worried about your dog dying kind of low-key the dog’s gonna attack me i get what you’re saying reaper if only you could put armor on your dogs i mean you could eat the dogs i mean what okay where’s where’s the little [ __ ] at all for a second

Wow okay can you make me dog step for a second iron all right move back okay moving back okay regime stretch and sip there you go it should be good i haven’t had my heart rate like that in minecraft for a while you get okay look i’m not going pee

An hour and 30 minutes into my stream i refuse 30 minutes into my stream no i don’t want to you can’t make me uh quick everyone spam stretch and sip no hour and 30 minutes no it’s been an hour and five minutes exactly like an hour

Yeah an hour and 11 minutes for me i was like wait what it hasn’t been an hour and 30 minutes what are you talking about fool creeper [Laughter] no please no [Laughter] oh my god i love it i love it please oh yeah references oh yeah in the stream too

I don’t want to go hello that one kid how are you sophie you ready to keep going i can’t even sell it i won’t make money from it and everyone’s giving stuffy the rip reaper gave you the rip uh sound no reaper you can call me

Hello kid how are you oh my [ __ ] god look i had to consume water because you guys are making me sodaholics no coffee coffee bad nothing crazy uh it’s coffee sleep coffee no kyle i’m doing great please no no a skeleton a witch and i think two creepers no another creeper

And two creepers so i’m like oh and i got diamond all right wait is it i got eight diamond wow i didn’t realize that okay everything’s fine yeah stuffy everything’s great everything is fine sweetie i put the drink down you heard that thump i put it down no

I don’t want to be a water the water did it all right that being said for [ __ ] [ __ ] arthur i love you but no also had an error moment due to me don’t make me eat the bottle okay i don’t want to eat ready to continue on our adventure i [ __ ] hope so

Don’t know anything about chicken’s blood checks oh hang on here take this is dangerous to go along a hundred total donut yes yeah Water did i give you guys anxiety yet [Laughter] that is a deathbed if i’ve ever seen one i’m sorry i don’t need that okay i just don’t what are you using here analog i have the same texture pack remember sappy serious moment right now uh-huh what is it texture pack we’re using

Uh patrick’s um oh no patrick’s yeah yeah it’s patrick’s uh 1.16 32 x basic yeah i’ll type it in your chat ever yeah can you do that for me because uh a kid is asking just just yeah okay okay he’s okay i got this everything i don’t know what you’re talking about

Everything [ __ ] jump up thinking for some reason i think the prices will change dramatically you can’t hear them uh monies i don’t know i’m already burping oh my niece can’t hear us in your stream apparently he says he said he because he’s like can i join the discord call so

I can hear what they are saying i won’t talk i just want to hear you guys That’s weird thank you so much [Laughter] oh there’s too much echo oh i don’t want um he’s spending points what uh what should i spend like okay look um how about i add next stream something that is what we’re actually in we found it we found it [Laughter] okay we

Where is milk i need to find milk oh no your dog’s about to go through the portal it’s okay he has to stay in the portals nice we did it no actually animals teleport instantly oh so it’s yeah we did it on foot too okay

Follow me over here for just a second if you wouldn’t mind okay i turned them down hopefully you don’t hear it though because like i’m getting first i’ll do this i’m not gonna do anything else but i’ll do this it’s not open to anyone yet

Because i don’t want to i don’t want to be considered a cheater so i’m going to do it this way it was just he said i’m not leaving i’m fixing everything also also also also uh hold on guys i will be right back i’m gonna be fixing everything

For those who who have a [ __ ] ton of points i need to welcome to my home this is my home it’s a work in progress isn’t need it yes thank you i picked out the area i cleared all the snow out now you can’t now you can’t mind that because

Really not being able to you want to see not really not being able to mine here here let me do this let me do this for you so i’m going to try try hitting this block right here in front of this space in front of me you can’t it’s a barrier

Okay so if i do this and i do this and then i do this all right i did it don’t don’t tell her i did exactly where i’m at okay exactly where i’m at okay now don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t move i broke your stay right there right there right there

I’m running i can play this game no we’re not playing this game i’m good thank you very much wow that’s one hell oh i think i found mimi’s tower no you didn’t i don’t have a tower anymore i destroyed it the remnants then hang on we might want

To do this real quick don’t mind me that’s just natural it’s fun i can hear myself yes ever is working oh okay hey guys how you doing down there doing great wonderful i need more water more water wait no no no no no chat please i’m talking in game i’m talking

In-game i don’t need more water i’m good no no i see it i have the water see everything is okay i’m good all right okay good you poor poor innocent i i literally have a bottle okay i have one bottle all right okay it has the last stream

Okay this thing has to last stream okay i have no points to give anyone or anything halfway through it can we please i broke my knockback that would be lovely i broke my knockback stick apparently chad has decided more water yeah no i i understand this oh my god

No all right i refuse no my breaking stick i broke it time to make a new one how did you break it no it won’t knock things back anymore okay well that’s not helpful at all to anyone i turned everything off stinks hold on you were super low for me ever turn

This because i turned oh my gosh okay okay that’s fine oh it had a negative enchanted excitement on it better now saffy you might have to turn me up i’m sorry but everyone’s saying it was like echoey and they couldn’t understand that no i don’t wanna effort

No don’t make me effort not to do it no don’t wait don’t you love water no actually i don’t i don’t like the taste of water i’m gonna be completely honest with you i don’t think water is dependent on temperature oh well this water is very [ __ ] cold

You don’t like the taste of cold water you’re you’re a monster [ __ ] guy you want me to drink i’ll drink does that sound great does this sound better everyone no no i don’t even know i don’t even know oh no no okay look no no hang on now my vc

Face isn’t even tracking properly before i even [ __ ] continue i’m going to walk away and i’m no no no no no no no no no okay good you better be out of [ __ ] points because i’m going to walk away okay and i’m going to empty this [ __ ]

Bladder i don’t want to hear it i need to go because of you look what you’ve done okay just why why is this a thing i’m genuinely confused like oh yes uh streamer please hydrate yes this is good no no no no no no what i need right now

Is to get rid of the water the water that i have consumed okay i need to get rid of this because i’m about to piss myself okay and it’s only been an hour like please [Laughter] an hour why do you hate me why oh my [ __ ] god you know what

Fine i’m drinking this one but after this i’m leaving i need to go pee i nee i need to go pee oh for [ __ ] sake i’m not even for my camera anymore oh so there you go you can set a limit on redeem no you

I don’t wanna i’m gonna be a brat about it you’ve seen me in other people’s dreams i’m a brat i’m gonna be a brat about it i’m gonna make you do the effort now if you don’t mind i have to dig a hole and then go pee [Laughter]

So if i see another [ __ ] redeem i’m just walking away yes i did sit i did when you come back i don’t okay hang on let me let me just look okay can we can we can we focus on the game for like two seconds dig a hole right be little dwarves

Put a roof and then go pee can we can we do that awesome let’s do vamanos uh i don’t have a okay speed run hole uh uh uh dirk [ __ ] jump in thank you and then oh this is going poorly this is not a spirit what yes i’m going

I have to you yes chat you’ve won you’ve won this battle okay all right you’ve won i understand okay you’ve won but hear me hear me i hate you it’s not like i like you oh no five um Do all right so what the [ __ ] what okay by the way uh fails with tails thank you so much for the follow okay hang on i need to do something real quick because chat was evil with me oh for [ __ ] sake no no [Laughter] chad why and i’m dying too

Why are they trying to kill me No uh okay all right are we done can i put this away now can i play my game because they’re doing a dick-a-tree they’re being very mean to me they’re bullying me check this out watch this if i do this see wait what i’m confused

How did i lose health and put it away for now okay thank you oh my [ __ ] god my chat is evil right now whoa why do i feel like i’m super no you told me i could put it away you feed oh my [ __ ] god i’m so glad this is in vodka

We’ll do a drinking stream another night on that stream no no no this is how this is going happen they’re they’re buying me drinks chat’s buying me drinks i don’t care i’ll i’ll sit but they better be paying for my drinks for [ __ ] jasm donate to the to the alcohol funds

Yes i know okay i’m a [ __ ] call later i need okay i’m gonna have to make i’m going to do another thing for the thing now please can i put somebody on screen all right cool awesome nice let me do this real quick oh my [ __ ] god uh text

And it was it was it was who it was uh arthur i don’t remember i can’t really do it arthur oh king arthur no okay all right the s is capitalized after arthur okay one more s and t okay i don’t know properties control all copy add source

Can you guys okay like that’s not coming up either oh my god this is what i get this is what i get for [ __ ] and everything boom and then boom and then there you go get it back over intermittent screen okay okay scroll back down okay i feel bad i have cheesy bread

My finger slipped welp are we doing uh are we doing glitch fade let me in glitch wait no i’m just yeah i just started streaming i was like it’s only been an hour 30 minutes i know you guys have seen my streams i usually last maybe like ten

Like five to ten hours one hour oh my [ __ ] god i can’t chat why do you hate me oh for [ __ ] sake okay now i know now i need to reposition everything to okay is that good all right coolio are you ready to continue no They’re yelling at me they’re going gg also you’re in my way thank you okay [Laughter] down here till i’ll do a backflip how the [ __ ] do i out here how do i do a backflip how to hang on we have to go find a body of water then you can do backflip

I can do a backflip in water wait wait wait wait wait wait you just need to find deep enough water yo i’m gonna go find water oh uh go up to your right of that little holder troll ran there’s water no don’t don’t be smart around me i’m stupid okay

Also i see you with you’re out of ammo i’m sorry but not sorry i’m glad that you’re out of fame to be honest i’m not farting you’re the one that’s farting well not you in particular but am i deaf yes water water water water water give me 20

Minutes what are you gonna do how are you gonna get a [ __ ] ton of points in 20 minutes i mean every 10 minutes you get a bonus chest of 60 and then 60 plus 60 and then do you mean it’s not even a subscriber because i think you get more of your subscriber

Yes he is so yeah i don’t think this is deep enough you might be able to hold on hold on this might be big enough it’s coming back enough let me let me uh and i’m trying to relax oh no it’s not deep enough

No no we need to go we need to go to the ocean to the waters the great lands i mean the great landless i mean the landless land where did you get less slim and then come on Oh my [ __ ] god another literally heading towards the yellow lily heading towards the river you might find see here’s the thing if i get spammed sip i’m not stretching because of that demon isn’t here i wonder when i lost uh my stream it suddenly died okay is this

No it needs to be deeper oh i don’t know how to do a backflip though keep doing what you were doing and it eventually would put you into a circle if we’re in deep enough water okay okay okay i see i see i see what you’re putting down okay

All right so the ocean would be preferable so uh this way this way is an ocean how can i tell i can’t i just know that if i go in one direction far enough there will be emotions there is a command you could use i’m good okay that requires intelligence

I mean i can tell you the command don’t use my full name what are you why are you using my full name i can’t hear i can’t hear anything in the game and if something would just so a sellout is basically i uh um i i basically sell some like shameless uh uh

Self-promotion basically by the way the raid gives us 250 stuff no i’m not reading right now i don’t wanna i wanna stream and i gotta stream for a long time because i haven’t streamed a lot recently of as of late i’ve only done one stream since i’ve gotten back i

Need to do it daily and if i do two day two two two two oh my [ __ ] brain please function oh well you have to say what i want it says the character and then the the what i need to say oh my gosh oh sonic is live cool i’m not reading sonic

I don’t want to give you the points okay uh so do more information okay will can you yes right click on secret and choose can you tell me can you tell me the uh diddy Franklin I guess i don’t know i’m a hundred percent sure i’m sorry if i failed okay reading do a voice michael caine okay how does he talk how does michael keane talk hang Doing other on it’s got a british accent kind of no i can’t do a michael keane impression all right then so you you do you you do you do a british accent all right and then you bring it down to michael caine but he’s like he he

That one how i can’t do michael caine i can’t my brain’s not computing right now [ __ ] um michael caine michael he didn’t thank you for the follow i’m kind of struggling right now okay okay no don’t panic everything is fine all right i got this hang on Michael king is not only a man of the world who refers himself into a person i can’t i’m struggling this stakes forgive me i know okay the worst part is i can hear his voice in my head and i can’t do it you want to do it right now what you

Want to do right now i’m trying to do uh the the the uh um um the the what what’s the point i’m going all about i can’t even do that i’m trying to reference something okay so i was told to do um michael caine but i can’t do my cocaine by the way

Chicken hello chicken beef brain is all right what oh my god nice [ __ ] oh no oh see i can do that one i know that one i’m gonna jump back into the call Hello by the way chat wanted to tell you something what nice [ __ ] i’m sorry i’m just confused she’s having difficulties so how how peach orange do are they what who who they don’t hey don’t worry we are understanding we are not disappointed i’m glad you guys are good but

I’m disappointed in myself what are we talking about i’m confused also why did your channel no no no disappointment ah no no arrows either i hope they’re doing good i hope so too ah no no no enemies i have sword [ __ ] off i have sword nothing to see here these are not the

Enemies you are looking for i’m just upset and frustrated and disappointed because you helped me set up voice meter and after setting a voice meter everyone heard echoing uh-huh and that’s mostly it’s mostly it’s mostly because of your headset and how [Laughter] no no no not the babies not the babies

[ __ ] you baby [Laughter] [ __ ] you baby shrek i actually don’t oh okay so go to your settings real quick go to the magical settings of voice chat then go scroll down remember that one thing we activated for oh actually we didn’t activate that one but scroll down and look for uh the winner

Of the prior part prioritize um ah english stuff you may have any sheet i have adhd what are you talking about what okay yeah all right so what you’re gonna do it’s simple all right you’re gonna you’re gonna go way the [ __ ] into discord and then you’re gonna go down

And once you go down you’re gonna go into the setting go in the setting you go back up to maybe like right about the middle right there’s there’s voices and settings right you click on that one and you go all the way down and then there’s prioritize when i speak

And you just go [Laughter] get rid of that because then then when you talk it will it will it will make it will make it will make it will make it will make it will make it that sounds the same i’m turning into [ __ ] mode kind of because you’re stuttering

And i don’t see what you’re looking at prioritize speech i don’t see that i will take a screenshot happy hunting [Laughter] when i speak is turned off when other speak is turned on standard audio sub system standard and then there’s oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you debug okay uh uh uh uh I have pretty much everything off okay i could i could turn on this i could turn on this and now i sound a lot better in chris but i don’t like that or even auto gain control all that no i have that all turned off uh echo cancellation is turned on noise

Reduction no no i’m not i’m not i’m not being i.t guy in midstream i’m not doing that well you started oh my [ __ ] you guys you can’t be mad at me you you did be like oh yeah go to here go to here go to here

No you’re like no no no you no no no you started this you’re like sefie fix me here i didn’t say fix me because reaper said well i think it’s that you have two outfits detection and discord and you’re like oh yeah that might be a possibility

Go to voice chat go into settings optimize whatever boom I’m pausing stream for you i don’t want to hear it then you make sure that these two [ __ ] are voice meter another speak when i speak there you go boom okay how could this happen to me [Laughter] uh you started no finish now i did not start you started okay

No turn everything off because everyone was saying they heard echoes oh my god you’re even quieter now not big sides but Yeah because you didn’t ask for help necessarily you said you had a problem thank you mimi okay i’m no longer helping you redeemed a voice where well obviously you redeemed a voice when i wasn’t looking giving directions money no no oh no i can’t no no okay

All right i need i need okay i need to edit this i need to finish this entire time i’ve commuted this entire time uh i was wondering about that because you were very freaking quiet this is fine it’s not like there’s anybody here i don’t think there was to sleep in here anymore

I do have your stream it’s just not like i just drained properly for some reason why is everything 10 days old hello hello oh just a tiny bit it’s because i’m with sefi isn’t it probably two minutes ago reject i can’t do that one boom reject i couldn’t do that one boom

Okay back to discord i need proper mods we do now going back to that seeing that going back to stream this okay now i can see chat i don’t have enough screens to be a proper moderator i’m gonna eat the kool-aid man why are you eating the kool-aid man both your mother

What both your moderators are playing with you exactly i need my moderators subs like no no i’m joking i can’t see where people did do redemptions i’m trying to figure that out okay get everything hopefully oh my okay all right so you’re gonna oh my [ __ ]

God no i’m not helping i’m not helping nope it’s fine with it later i think it’s a leader i’m not helping you do you see are you still fine i am so tired of [ __ ] doing scuff streams i didn’t do a backflip i’m just saying no i tried telling you

Earlier they must have patched that out oh that’s a bummer but again um what’s it called what’s it called i’m really frustrated with the amount of freaking collab streams that i do and midway through it just ends up becoming an i.t stream all right i’m sorry i’m done

No oh my [ __ ] god no you took that the wrong way i meant i didn’t mean you i meant in general with me with with anybody it just midway just ends up becoming an i.t stream oh my god i’m going to bring something to make you want to my teeth

No look what it does it’s worse than monopoly it’s okay we’ll talk to her later it was yes the stream just didn’t go the way she was hoping that’s all it’s not fair because okay okay okay okay okay okay she can stream right she can keep interaction she can do it but it’s

So scuff every single time and it’s not a question about her no problem with her right it’s just so is this gov whether it’s on our end or on their end or on her end and so it’s like we’re always constantly every time we play minecraft it’s not

Pop in do your own thing no no [ __ ] applause no my no applause not for this one i’m genuinely upset this makes me sad okay i okay look here’s the thing right all right all right we’re gonna we’re gonna talk seriously that’s right yup we’re gonna talk seriously for a moment [Laughter] See here’s the thing right bad timing so here’s the thing i found a village um okay sir yes serious mode active um so basically here’s the thing right it’s it’s frustrating uh for her when she has to figure out things on the go um and and the thing is is that it’s always

A question of like oh i have to tweak this oh i have to tweak that now i have to tweak this and it’s never a question of all right how can what can i do to fix this it’s always it’s always how can i explain it it’s

It’s hard to stick and actually do something and focus on one thing for me in general and if i keep on hearing in the background like how do i do this how do i fix this my brain automatically goes to oh i have to help mode

Right and so whether she says it or not she’s basically telling me subconsciously [ __ ] fix this because she’s done it so many times that it’s in my brain that her talking that way means help me basically so that’s why i said you you told me to help basically um Um and the main issue is because like no there’s chills there’s nothing that we can really fix without getting her a new mic she needs a new mic um because basically her razor is echoing in uh and it’s it’s playing back the sound that she hears

Which is the issue and the razer program that she has to pay for uh because razer’s a dick bite like that um cancels out voice meter no matter what voice meter you take and um so what ends up happening is that she she has that echo or she has static

Or it’s really bad and she wants to make it pixel perfect there the issue i was trying to help her with yesterday is extremely being too quiet well that’s the thing like in order to beef up her she can’t she can’t make her volume any higher without using voice meter

Everything she has is that max volume so that’s why and it’s really frustrating when we have to stop what we’re doing sit down and figure out especially since it’s really hard to keep people’s attention right um and you can either take it in a playful panicky way or you can take it in

Full-on all right i’m gonna sit you down we’re gonna open discord all right we’re gonna open discord let’s check this out sorry chat give me a minute no i i that’s not what type of streamer i am i’m literally talking about the entire no that’s the thing everything’s at max

He sports that mask every everything and and whenever she whenever she made it higher or even if she could make it higher it ended up echoing and her mic would pick up what she hears that’s the issue so like right now we need to focus on

Like like if you can hear her on stream on most ends like if it’s on a tv yeah it’s gonna be quiet i don’t know what’s happening i’m trying to fix something that i [ __ ] up i said something it was taken the wrong way and now she’s upset she stops streaming

And i mean there’s no reason to there’s no reason to it’s just a question of like i said something because i got frustrated i said something along the lines of i hate how whenever we we stream a collab not necessarily pointing at her the stream’s always scuff

And i was saying that because i had to jump out of my chat open up uh the role manager thingy and then basically be my own mod that’s what was going on and that was that was the thing that tilted the vase and she took it as oh i’m being a problem

I guess i’ll leave which is not the case it’s like yes it’s frustrating it’s frustrating for both of us but at the same time it’s like we shouldn’t have to stop and have a serious talk and cut down the flow of the stream like i’m i’m i guess i guess this is me

Being i don’t know self-centered i don’t know i don’t know how to do so because we’re not fighting oh at least i’m not fighting i’m trying to explain my point of view my point of view sucks okay if it yeah if it if it’s loud it will echo

If it’s not loud it will be quiet exactly and that’s the issue we need it not to echo and to be loud enough where everybody can hear like if i put my volume to max volume and i put my headset next to the microphone this is basically what’s going on

Right it’s picking up what she hears and so she has to turn it down so that way you can’t hear it but then she has to also turn up her microphone because she has to talk quietly so there’s all things going against her so we need we need to focus less on the

The sound quality for now and and more on the fact that she consistently streams that’s it so like there’s nothing we can fix right now without getting her a standalone mic one that is not connected to her face i lived both sides of this and honestly i think you’re doing fine because

There’s only so much exactly exactly you’re fine ever yeah take a moment to like rest and relax and calm down i know it’s frustrating i’m just i’m sorry that you took it the wrong way it i’m i never try to target anyone i’m not trying to target you or anyone

In particular i was just saying i hate how whenever we stream a collab we never are able to get it in a way where we don’t have to stop midstream and figure out what the [ __ ] we’re doing and stop the flow of the show if that makes sense

No it’s fine i’m gonna jump back into the game now i’m gonna kidnap a mushroom or two because i lost memory moral of the story Don’t do drugs [Laughter] okay not the moral story oh there’s got to be a better one by the way hang on the story in my case is uh fox has a very comfy head i’ve just been staring at stuffy the entire time wait what where i’m also inside your head i see

Oh wait what what i’m in spectator mode you can spectate people through their own eyes okay my brain was going like how the [ __ ] did you fit in there where did when did you when did you get i mean mimi’s in a i mean we can just download herself

Into i guess even though i’m organic matter i don’t know how that works no fair point understood it’s one of my new abilities it’s nice it helps i mean okay when you said better i thought you meant in terms of like audio quality i didn’t i wasn’t thinking mic and the

Mic would have been decent it was and i told you it would be decent i never said it would be perfect and then whenever i did suggest something you were that you you would like no but i like this more or i want this specifically i want this

Color or i want this years or i want that and where so i just was like okay look this this brand is known popular good reviews has has its cons take this that’s basically me giving up at trying to figure out what would be perfect because i can’t

Find anything because you don’t take my recommendations No you picked it out and i gave you i i was like okay that will work Ooh gold i’ll take gold you can have my dirt you can have this you can have no i need that uh you can have this you can have this you know this i’ll take your gold i’ll take your bread okay everything’s good and on top of that the

The thing is is that uh you picked out everything i’ve gotten uh so don’t give me i don’t know what yeah you do yes money man it was razer oh my god i’m looking too much at chat my model thinks that that’s the direction i have to look oh

Hang on hang on i see yeah no mine i won’t make it there first but it’s mine no no no it’s mine it’s mine mine Okay where’s the box where’s the box there’s the box box i have a clock just go i have an axe and i have a hoe haha you can have everything else i don’t care okay and i’ll take everything else oh my gosh uh but yeah uh we guys need to chill

Fighting arguments i know you’re all uh i’m not fighting i just it’s uh just explaining i hope hang on holy [ __ ] hang on um uh i know but i hope it doesn’t uh get to the point where it starts an argument i might be ah i might be a stranger ah

For [ __ ] sake can i read my chat in peace no okay fine be that way you fiend okay i’m gonna hi uh you hide there i’m gonna hide in a building that’s a great oh why didn’t i think of see look this is what you

Oh my [ __ ] god oh my god with you all right dude we’re having a slumber party you’re not invited okay maybe you are all right give me a second okay all right all right all right so uh uh i might be a stranger but i do

Care about you all so chill all right okay i’m trying uh received oh my [ __ ] god why why are we are we giving me riddles tongue twisters into the words um the six sick cheeks six sleeps sick the six six six six i can’t okay look you are [ __ ] with my dyslexia

[ __ ] you i love you but [ __ ] you so what you’re gonna get is how i read this the sick of the exactly 66 sheeps of the sick the sixty sixty seventy she’s sick there ha ha that’s how i read it if you’re not happy with it

That’s just how i read it okay tell them about the word no i think it’s adorable no no no i’m not telling them about the word okay i’m not i am not telling them about the word but it’s so cute no it’s not cute i’m not telling them about the word

No i don’t want it freaking say you baka i’m not it’s cute you’re cute Okay all right i’m gonna say it but here’s the deal oh my [ __ ] god no i’m not reading that money man no no no i refuse okay here’s the word but chat look if you guess it if you guess it i am jumping into lava all right

So nobody [ __ ] spoil and if you already know do not say it i want the newbies that’s exactly where there’s lava all right a puppy calyx i cannot say that word properly the words of puppy calyx no hey everyone’s a hug i know i give her a hug i hug everyone give

Everyone give it a hug yes It is not puppy why wouldn’t he why would anyone ever say that about big alex thanks what is wrong with you a puppy callix that’s the one that’s the word you gotta figure it out but i figured it out i i hate that words with a burning passion there’s a lot of

Wrong with me but it sounded like that’s what you said about galaxy no a puppy calyx it’s one word [Laughter] oh my [ __ ] gut you hate me fox you hate me no i don’t want to hear you hate me i’m not even showing my gameplay anymore hang on i might

Whoa okay uh i i was falling everything again [Applause] no i’m not saying a youtuber give me another how did you give another hug ever okay here you go ever hug there’s a hole up here okay yes i can’t pick these up hang on i got a bone with you okay here

We put lights cameras and action will you figure it out find out here in the next episode of [ __ ] i’m out of torches oh hell oh hello hola i will take you no i’m here i have torches i know you have torches but i need torches you never know i couldn’t eat torches

I already have to pee again arthur no okay well goodbye [Laughter] well it was nice knowing you everything is awesome wait do you want to give me all your stuff so you don’t lose it no that’s not how that works not even the spoon you don’t even give me the spoon

Find him find him quickly find him quickly [Laughter] for this to work i know where he ran if he’s not running there he’s full i really have to pee already you [ __ ] i hate you but i love you i hate you but i love you but i hate you but i love you

But i hate you but i love you i cannot decide all right time to die i’m here no you don’t get to witness this i refuse no no through the ender portal this is nice that’s you you [ __ ] is it nice and warm and nice and warm here cook my steaks

Cook that too and that that and that and that and that just teleported him back to the house and then also like like oh that too yeah that’s like that’s like delicious what this or or what about this or you know like this fine [Laughter] i will give chat what they deserve okay

You’re just making me i was like they guessed the word yeah they did there we go bye-bye all right i need to be right back you guys are evil i already have to pee again would you like to spawn uh fox Depends on if he wants to come back on an adventure or not uh i think okay just in three gears so i guess just wait in the village yeah we’ll just relax and chill busy i guess yeah i have chat open on my phone

So i can look a chat and say hi to them even if they’re not here in my stream i’m i’m currently you know what i need to post that link for sepi’s stuff real quick before i forget yeah post it no wrong wrong button do do and then i post how’s everybody

Doing tonight there we go mimi’s here so i’m here i’m i’m just inside of i’m just inside of fox’s head spectating i’m i’m watching them currently currently yes because i had nothing better to do and i didn’t want to do the arena i really don’t want to do the arena

But i have to at some point it’s a lot of work yeah and the first time i literally messed up on like one block off i was one block off of everything and i spent an hour and a half trying to do that [ __ ] and another and

Trying to do it and lava is a pain in the ass oh and he’s back oh hello what are all these you want do you want to come back on the adventure now oh hang on i’m looking at all the faces all the familiar faces okay i got this

All right i’m back hang on kind of slowly i need to fix my position so that way i’m facing my camera i’m at this weird ass ankle angle angle angle again actually um fox could you could you get that burning stand while you’re there the what oh that is

The um are you star platinum who’s star platinum uh it’s a jojo’s reference oh thank you i need that back of the house yeah same i just have enough friends who have so i know stuff uh when did you discover that you could pronounce that word what do you mean that’s what word

I’m confused i’m gen and like i’m genuinely confused are you talking about oro [Laughter] are you staying back at the house or not i am walking until you can find a puppy calyx where did i discover okay you need to teleport you to her or

You teleport me to him no no no no opposite me too bgu okay so here’s the thing i know too many languages um and not enough of any language and so the thing the is is is that um how can i explain this uh let me let me do that real quick um

You have way too many godly powers but yeah so basically the thing the thing is is that um i have a severe case of dyslexia that not only where i have an issue reading the words but i also have an issue with reading it phonetically and i tend to combine both if not

Three different languages at the same time and it’s even worse when my brain goes if i haven’t seen the word enough so rango bur so for example there’s a puppy calyx there’s monologue there’s a bruised brush uh what’s another word that i can’t say oh invention lawnmower yes

Okay i just i cannot say it properly this is like default my brain goes mon lore watermelon shut up don’t make fun of me villager he literally said that he’s like hang on he’s literally like yeah watermelon is one or just melon okay so now i need to go on an adventure

And collect their [ __ ] give me your [ __ ] i’ll take your bread i needed the food wait wait wait wait no no baby stuffy i i have a mapping table i think if we could come back to this house no i’m camouflaging as a villager no no

Come here oh my god i have the sexy bread get the bread and then come here i’m pretty sure i don’t know i thought i thought it would be like the igloo that’s the bread you think oh god okay that’s better to say i already had one of those and a photographer would

Have been a helpful girl but okay well you could put one put that back if you want it’s fine don’t worry about it i could always spawn in a cartographer later don’t worry about it we’re also too far away from this village unless it is secretly close to the main

Base and i just we’re just dumb and didn’t know that it did shine circle i think i recognized this base this might this might be this is good yeah this one this one might be biscuits bruh why didn’t biscuit thoroughly uh rain no it’s like afraid no but i mean like raped

This server doesn’t sleep [Laughter] no the organization in those chests were like natural spawn chests i’d recommend getting the haystacks too oh yes that’s good the unknown weirdo one two three thank you no i need to wait where where was he stack hey stack hey stock hey stack hey stop

By fox fox is getting them you can use it to make bread quicker no i’m not doing it hello i’m not using it to make bread quicker i’m using it to survive a fall where’s my hay welcome i don’t see the hay hey now you’re a haysock

So um between you and me um where’s my hey [Laughter] have some more sexy bread i feel like we are i can i can vouch for that i need to make weapons i need at least one weapon uh okay okay okay okay so so this goes down deep down deep dark this teleportation

Thing is starting to get really old i better get the command right i need to i need to i need to i need to i need i need i need to i need that feeling english it’s telling me i need sleep foreign oh i can send you something what okay whatever so

You can send me on discord i won’t look at i don’t look at my social medias while i’m streaming even though i should but they don’t notify me anyways haha i have enough wood now onward finding a craft until hello you know you could have asked i have one well

I have a saw and i’m don’t come in this is private okay i was wiping my butt i’m sorry [Laughter] okay i pants that way that way i can’t get prediction i can’t that’s right this place has nothing ah hello hello good food i love food yeah food

Oh yes never play minecraft with stuffy he needs a babysitter yeah which is why i have the teleportation command already ready a book which looks like an ice cream sandwich i’ll take it hi i can go through it i babysit him for probably another 40 minutes

This is the place to have all the wood i’m taking this back oh tomorrow ah good point dudes i should probably teleport back to the home base like a smarter person would what’s smarts where can i buy it i’ve heard of smarties that was a bad joke right now you display him

Um i i owe him 20 bucks so 20 bucks never mind where’s our crafting table i could have sworn we had good [Laughter] wow my eyes are burning okay here we go all you have to do is ask no asking asking is for chickens no asking only doing yeah

I need to check okay boom all right yeet mouse please be stoned ah okay one two three what’s wrong with chickens why’d you get rid of it i still needed it fine i’ll make my own let’s see how it is come on no no no no it’s too late it’s too late

I’m in my own see what happened to my are you are you are you there we go oh i can just use this to teleport directly to players Okay awesome now i need to find one thing this is nothing there can’t be nothing we we need some no no we need some kind no no i refuse hello solo [ __ ] indeed this this is this is this is a predicament this is a predicament isn’t it yes i i need iron

I need to make this one i need to make a sword give me some oh hello um there was i wait what oh secrets secret tunnel well that was unbeatable there might be some iron behind this coal sometimes coal leads to iron well will we be able to find it find out

Through the mountains oh my gosh uh okay again i’m not going to check until a little while i plan on doing a thing where you guys can bug me on discord in stream today’s your birthday happy birthday you know what that means someone whose birthday it actually is

I don’t know what that means don’t scare me where’s luca where do you need him are we getting cake boogie boo i want cake wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on wait wait look at me look at me yes we can burn down the entire village

We need to find that very tempting okay okay someone said birthday cake right when it’s a birthday cake it’s birthday okay hold on are you gonna poop a birthday cake i’m gonna put this here there okay oh no no no no no no no no no no that’s copyright that’s copyrighted right

I still can’t believe it that’s a happy birthday song it’s technically a copyrighted song it is it’s it’s such [ __ ] okay all right how can we do this so it’s not copyrighted by singing uh sing sing off verse i mean oh i don’t know happy Here i need to put this on screen [Laughter] there we go that cake okay i can’t eat more of it no more cake you can’t have any it’s taken away from me oh if anyone gets cake it’s gonna be [ __ ] up foxy babysitting okay fine [Laughter] That is the french version i just put blood still there no i was singing in french yeah the french sound drunk all the time they’re french they’re like in [ __ ] uh [Laughter] i would why would i do that actually i should do a better voice than that french drunk what’s the difference ah

Yeah [ __ ] you spider no no she’s so better than english the [ __ ] me no take it from me um okay where did you two go again this thing has milk well it had milk and then i destroyed it but there’s two there are two iron golems now

Yes and they’re it’s called a farm to the tower me me no do not go to tower i go to tower a green yellow i don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re saying can i help you find iron dinger There’s iron right here oh there’s eye right here i’m almost dead um well fox was also right over here i’m about to yep looks like they won just teleported to me okay i would respond is yeah problem there you go i got a problem hello hello time to do what you should

Never do [Laughter] I don’t think so i may require some assistance i’ll i’ll make my way down to you give me a minute let me tell you i’m making my way down no no no leave him he did this to me my way down the tunnel oh making my way down the tunnel

He [ __ ] up again he did this to himself me drunk not at all i am just sleep-deprived you really are a child at heart aren’t you i am realizing that you almost killed me you’re fine you’re fine i i was i know better i picked up all your iron by the way

Would you like it yes please geronimo there you go something all about iron uh i maybe need assistance um i’m sure you do you hit me with a stick fridge grunting here oh no i don’t know why you guys watching him just teleport respawn get yourself away okay

Damn i still didn’t get a sword oh no there’s this way this is there’s there’s this way it’s safer this way lava lava goods great hello creeper let’s go hey creeper come with me all right no no i didn’t say explode i said come with me stuffy there’s more iron over here

Redeem give me a hug hang on i need to survive and give them a hug big hug hands check my hands hug oh my gosh oh hi dude oh [ __ ] though no my eyes ah i can’t see okay there was a creeper i give us one moment let’s build you up

Let’s build your furnace yeah and then i can put the sword in in the coal see like this and like this good good good now let me build another freaking uh i have yet to play snap it’s too scary it’s too scary too scary see when i’m watching somebody i’m

Totally fine and i call everybody a [ __ ] but when i play it i’m scared out of my [ __ ] pants [Laughter] oh [ __ ] god oh you finished oh i get it it’s 6 a.m where you’re at what’s my favorite animal oh that’s a good question uh chicken no actually it’s a stoke

Most people go what the [ __ ] the stop but then when they see it they go oh that little [ __ ] [ __ ] love stones swords are adorable i want like a little [Laughter] and then sword no okay sword there we go i am prepared for battle i have more iron for us okay Lava [Laughter] i mean neko is cat right that’s what it means yes neko’s cat okay here’s the one thing i love about the word cat is that okay so right in english it’s cat right in spanish no in french you know i know in in in french it’s

Sha but that’s written in chat so chat is technically my cat and then um and then you add and then you go and you think about it in french right oh no not in french in in in japanese japanese necco right then break your kneecaps and break your break your neck right

Okay cool but wait wait wait there’s more no there you’re thinking nico no there’s more there’s more there because kneecaps we’re going back to frank we’re going back to french okay we’re doing a french lesson here french word of the day i mean technically second third fourth fifth twentieth at this point

But anyway the point being okay is that uh in spanish okay it’s gato for cat but ghetto means cake in french so there you go the word cat has many meanings it’s all a lie get it okay i see i see sorry i am my own fever let’s go

Spiderman you’re my best friend what i don’t know hey i see you through the enderman’s eyes oh inverted colors i don’t know what you’re talking about why did you upset it i didn’t upset it you upset it yeah that was you [Laughter] oh it’s your hands because it’s very

Satisfying it’s very satisfying to do things with my hands really it’s really satisfying wait what sorry i i i was um hi he died i may have been doing something a little bit um [Laughter] i have no clue where the hell i am anymore everywhere everywhere nowhere well i was inside of somebody’s

I was inside of an enemy’s head so yeah probably everywhere yeah i love this game i get to screw with people and they somehow still help mainly mainly me at this point and apparently i’m a bat now you’re a bat oh no he’s near you all apparently oh neat

That’s sporadic as hell oh sefi i see more uh iron i’m going to get it it’s over here i just want to get it ow i’m getting the iron hey guys hey guys oh yeah for a second are you having a good time are you okay there

Hello hello oh no hello goodbye hello oh no why why i’m gonna lose all my viewers why um what did you do no i’m going to lose all my someone did it it’s not what i i did it’s what i’m about to do oh yeah i don’t have boobs here oh wait wait

Never mind i know what you’re talking about oh hey fox i see you there okay i’m just flying around i’m actually streaming [Laughter] attack with the arrow where is the maid outfit you want to see the maid outfit oh hey i’m a stuffy now hello stephanie

You want to see the maid outfit okay hang on i’m a bed look fudge muffins hang on i’m not done with it i still have to um but i want to be mean to you i love you so [ __ ] much where is i’m going to try to kill my cpu real

Quick can i can i no i can’t i want to lasso a bat oh you want to laugh is funny okay hang on i gotta do something real quick this is gonna be oh this is gonna be problematic i’m determined to show you guys hang on

He’s already on the fast track to that what no don’t make me pee i don’t i don’t i don’t need to pee again i’m good okay no we’re not clipping that no i refuse i refuse no [Laughter] oh my god why why why why why why why why why why why

Okay all right so that should be working now hang on all right boom uh clothing editor boom all right cool uh half sleeve no it’s short sleeve short sleeve boom texture oh my gosh will this even work no import dude delete the deleted so i have to add neon lights of course

All right body editor texture is the clip good solo oh no oh all right hang on oh no please respond [Laughter] knuckle visibility thank you oh good dog think you all right is everything off whoa okay default image let’s put that back on

Yeah no we need to we need to okay no no no no no undo undo undo undo undo undo and do it i’ve protected us okay boom all right hang on camera export i’m going to attempt something bear with me export wait polygon reduction why don’t you make it cold no i picked

Up one dory i picked up one at one point i bought a monster i’m heading home soonish i’m always tired little no don’t be tired I pressed f4 and it switched to closing editor how weird oh this is totally going to crash everything’s fine no that doesn’t work all right delete transparent meshes why are you switching back brb no problem you eat it’s not letting me export it’s not letting me export it it doesn’t want me

To export why won’t let me se okay okay okay export boom export that’s fine it’s fine we’ll we’ll call it this save boom okay so if he knows uh yes okay boom that’s been exported i should be able to close this quit that’s fine all right all right all

Right so if the bear with me if the model is scuff there’s a reason okay i haven’t fully done anything this is just me slapping the dress on i haven’t even customized the dress all right boom i can actually inventory add a new one quick access duke okay um

Um i’m not at a hunt i’m not at a thousand yet so i can’t really show it no no applying no no but but but i i um [Laughter] nope i have it i do i’m gonna am i gonna use it yet nope i’m not at a thousand i will win another thousand but i’m not there yet so i can’t use it [Laughter] but i have it all right i need to put myself in the proper

Position again i need it oh my [ __ ] guy this is so scarf all right boom just beautiful no no no no no hands track no no no [Laughter] no not allowed i refuse you’re not allowed also bless you for the yawn okay all right time to hide that there

We go and then we’re going back to this and then we go okay boom closing steam because we don’t need steam back to game hello i wanted to protect you joke’s on you i can still kill myself okay i mean i can make the process faster no it’s good okay

Okay so there you got to see a glimpse of it no no no no there will be something like that for the 1000 stream [Laughter] oh my gosh i’m not doing that nope i have stretches saved up i can do this one okay hi i’m not saying it i need somebody to

Refund it um okay what do just a little taste oh okay fine fine fine but don’t don’t you dare say i didn’t do anything for you okay i don’t want to hear it awfully fast no i will do it okay fine yeah i’ll do it for you oh

In front of 24 people we’re gonna do that [Laughter] that’s a glimpse okay all right all right void no more not until i reach a thousand okay everyone’s like i got you i got you i got you uh what about me do you got me what about me i’m

Just gonna assume that you did all the previous requests uh yes if not i’ve already refunded them [Laughter] i looked away can i can you no no no there will be a clip in mere seconds i can guarantee you that chat hates me on that regard oh oh i’ve

Actually gotta go um so free i’m gonna go ahead and send this in the discord this is the command to get you back to the like um where is it uh the spawn yeah i’m gonna give the actual spawn thing neither haha i’m not actually what teleport me because i’ve only got

15 minutes before i’m getting off all right does that mean we have to go back home from the adventure yeah i think our adventure’s done buddy gather up our things okay what things do i got i got squat it was looking great before i had to jump into lava

Don’t tell chad okay don’t tell them don’t tell them it’s not like i didn’t see you drop down no you don’t you don’t see me at all i’m just going back home with uh there’s no mind i just need to copy it see told you told you right there

Because there’s a little clip that you can watch over and over again because i knew you guys would do that so i don’t need to do it again i don’t know all right i don’t need to i refuse i’m not doing it controlling it will be dirt [ __ ]

Cheap when on my 1000 stream there we go okay let me gather up some of sephie stuff uh no don’t want that don’t want that that hurts that’s fine don’t just do things especially when you at your favorite wait who my cousins what i have cousins I think that’s all i want all right baby i’m ready to take it back first of all uh welcome to the stream second of all bad it’s a bad boy you’re not allowed to do that all right no you got all this stuff right yeah i got this stuff why do you want

All my stuff you don’t need me i was giving it back to you well i don’t need it obviously since i killed myself i teleported see easy teleportation i can have all my berries [Laughter] you look like the mother from the promised neverland in that outfit

Who what i okay hang on i need it again i need to boost my references i don’t have enough reference oh you need to watch that yes just it’s been recognized so many times in your friends group it’s so good i have bones it’s just a good wholesome anime i um

The way you said wholesome the way that you said wholesome okay is it is it like uh suresh has you covered sriracha will watch it with you oh oh she will oh oh oh no no i’m already in season two but i’ll gladly rewatch season one again

I have to watch so much stuff oh don’t worry okay ayan oh i have a feeling it’s not wholesome i don’t know i have a feeling it’s just not wholesome okay all right go go going going what google search neverland yeah um what links here here here i’ll send you a

Picture of isabel that way you don’t accidentally spoil yourself on anything okay oh for [ __ ] sake i’m tired i haven’t slept oh i’m thirsty but not for what you think [Laughter] is the mom not the kid i guess i i guess i can check my discord just for a second i’m thirsty

Well maybe we could talk later [Laughter] not that time of thursday kyle not that one [ __ ] you i love you and there she is you know it the new technique we’re cool and for the quiet kid i don’t have that ability i do not have the cool nightbar that bans everyone

I don’t like nightbot he bans everyone i prefer mimi was that aim to sephie or me did you make the mate outfit no i did not i did not make my the made outfit i i i i supported a fellow creator okay it’s late i’ve got missions in the morning

So i was about to do something i’m sorry oh do your thing do your thing first you were like and i was gonna be like i am blue We just got a letter we just got a letter and you know that they changed it in the new version it’s an email wow it feels like sesame street 2002 all over again oh my gosh although i really find it cool that steve is a detective that lost all his hair [Laughter]

I love that they did that because the the original actor said that’s what he wanted steve to be doing and they were yeah they were like yes good and we accept okay okay okay okay okay real talk guys all right are you ready real talk real [ __ ] talk all right

All right blue’s clue’s the war let’s go so we got steve that became a detective and then the other guy became a lawyer i think no not a lawyer uh no joe’s a bakery thing right right he me he make food i think so i don’t remember

Much and then okay all right and the new guy where does he come from like from what family i couldn’t remember he’s like a cousin or something no because like he’s a cousin but like i thought joe was a cousin so like oh no joe is his brother so maybe this

Guy’s a cousin i don’t remember because like okay here’s the thing right i’m very confused what are we doing we’re talking about blue’s clues the little dog you know the whoa oh oh it’s coming oh oh [ __ ] you guys okay all right all right i’m good everything’s fine [Laughter]

[ __ ] the steve doesn’t check discord but we’re okay dude we’re talking about those clues blue’s clue’s lore right now it’s super important like everybody stop what you’re doing take notes this is [ __ ] blues clues the dog that transformed so many times over 30 [ __ ] years okay remember

Yeah blue’s a girl and magenta is which really confused people because you know uh gender norms made people go blue is for boys and i didn’t purple purplish pink is for girls but you see it was chad who did this to me [Laughter] there you go there’s some asmr

Now for fox that didn’t appear as asmr but for everybody else it did hello mimi mimi attack discord it was very effective against chat okay so here we go here’s the plan right we’re going to talk about blue’s clues all right so stop whatever you’re doing

We got steve as a detective we got why are we swinging sad music blue’s cruise is not over it’s just dead to everybody [Laughter] no they came out with the sweetest alphabet song this year okay it’s so nice and i like that i can’t i can’t buy it

You can’t even see it too it’s blockbuster that’s the one i’m listening i’m gonna you know what just for that i’m gonna turn into drunk set here we go all right so point being you got a blue dog that makes a mess everywhere and the owner is crazy right

Owner thinks his mess is a clue right because he’s always trying to figure out conspiracy theories because he lives somewhere in a cartoon land where he’s high on cocaine and he’s walking down the street like this like not not even full and walking he’s like just doing like i’m walking here we go

Walking in place he’s walking in place yeah i mean but it gets places objection okay why do you guys not find this interesting okay it’s a dog that literally was a cartoon that got turned into a puppet then back to a cartoon but then to a pocket puppet and then to a cgi

Character like before it wasn’t cgi it was literally animated and then became cgi and then it wasn’t cgi but then it was a puppet like the full-on muppets okay i understand dr seuss puppets that was cool that was rad i know i was there i watched it as oh

I’m done with this conversation okay fine we’re going back to minecraft mom get out my room i’m playing minecraft okay all right fine oh go back to my minecraft exception i have a question yes mimi what was your question as i look over and see there’s

You were in my chat as i was staring at stephie’s chat i’m sorry no it’s not your fault i was staring at your chat cause like nobody’s been in my chat since uh theros left so i can make a spoon i’m good oh well no i

Shouldn’t make a spoon i should make a sword first oh i don’t want to make a sword don’t make me make a sword but i wanted a spoon squirt please look if you’re just sending me a meme oh fine you know what okay look i’m look

I’m opening up this score here we go we got john wick over here i do not look like that i do not i do not look like that no [Laughter] no i don’t want no no no no no what did you do to discord i don’t know what you did to discord mimi

Mimi at first forgot what she was gonna ask you and then she’s like oh yeah what did i do to discord i can’t make a spoon don’t make me make a spoon i can’t make a spoon i need to make a sword i need weapons i need protection all right i need to

Fight because everybody’s leaving and joining i like how i say everybody’s leaving people somebody joins okay did you tell me to do something or did mimi do something in discord that you asked them to do i don’t remember i’m confused um oh that’s my alarm um

I’m done for this oh she sent me a thing and discord uh okay hang on uh jesus’s best protection what i’m sorry but that man he knows nothing but penetration penetration in three different ways too well technically two but i mean oh okay that is where i am ending my stream okay

I mean like in the hands and then the feet and then well in the soul it makes sense he’s all about you know it makes sense in my brain i don’t know i still oh my gosh hey guys why okay hang on i need to fix my model because my model

Reset because i went to sprint which is great everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s okay 24 people are going to hell together yes we are all right good night good night oh wait i’m the only one streaming minecraft now why am i so far back whoa oh i’m tilting you guys i’m tilting Goodbye okay i may have [ __ ] this up i don’t know where my model is yeah i [ __ ] this up hang on oh so about that um oh you know what select avatar there we go it’s like there we go i’m back everything’s fine i’m good everything’s okay

I’m just a bit i’m just i’m just a bit big there you go put me there you know what i like this size this size works no this doesn’t work at all hang on okay and then boop there we go that should work right right okay okay he felt [Laughter]

That’s not exactly how that works but i’ll give it to you sure oh i’m not in frame anymore okay okay okay i understand now all right we’re gonna put you over here and then put you over here there we go well yeah bad things are going to happen

That’s usually what happens with karma exactly okay if you can read my language you’re a god all your language what’s your language little tutu got arrested back to hell bye-bye you try to have fun i know you probably won’t but you try okay [Laughter] okay all right so here’s the plan

I’m going to kidnap a [ __ ] mushroom i said to him see you at 2m if you’re stolen aye aye captain we’ll do so i will try to stay on we will try to stay on okay hang on back to game back to game back to game back to game

Back to game all right oh and i’m always looking angry why am i looking angry okay back to the game here we i was trying to build something you know i was trying to build a weapon and now it’s nighttime [ __ ] [ __ ] a big old box of beans

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no [Laughter] okay um all right all right all right all right all right all right i i i i i i feel trapped i feel trapped i feel trapped i feel trapped okay all right no reason to panic everything’s fine that building looks like a dick it’s totally okay all right

We’re good no no no no stakes not now okay no not now [ __ ] [Laughter] no ow i hit my finger i hit my finger it hurt you did this i see you five minutes without a punch [ __ ] you okay first of all all right okay i see

What you’re doing i’m just gonna die real quick don’t mind me up back to life apparently mouse is not moving back dead okay so you said i died really quickly well turns out that that’s what i do [Laughter] where did you die everywhere over by where biscuits house was um i started to

Fix my model no fart to you not to me okay all right hang on hang on hang on i’m gonna i need a scoff can we get scuff and chat i need a scuff and chat uh wrong buttons boop okay that looks a little bit better right okay all right

All right all right okay right i mean no i’m not no stop clicking that button we don’t need windows windows is unnecessary there we go that’s more the size that i was before right okay hang on boom all right we’re back into the game guys we got this everything’s

Fine i’d like to hope okay boom speed run huh get my [ __ ] blah wait you got rid of all my water oh wait no nevermind i’m an idiot okay speed run okay that didn’t work i meant to jump into the water as you can see did not work i really do

Need a bodyguard for this game okay i’m bad but i have a better game that i don’t die in as often but then that’s not as funny okay hang on um see mimi dies too okay maybe not as often but she dies it’s so far away no it’s not so far away

What the [ __ ] are you talking about it’s just over here it’s literally just right here hang on let’s go here here here here here here oh you’re not mimi i’m sorry i read that as me me i am so sorry oh oh oh ah i am okay this is going very poorly but

Very well at the same time i got this all right vodka oh right you’re jasm i’m sorry i’m so okay look i’m sorry sorry jasmine [Laughter] ah no i got bones pick with you here have a bone we’re not fine i’ll do commit arson here have all the bones

There you go you can have all the bone oh you have bones no don’t attack me i i again are you still no no no no no whoa okay okay okay i got this i’m not jealous uh why am i no stop it hang on let me

What there we go i take this elmo’s voicing oh my god you’re literally a dog water dollar tree headset get pooped on kit you want me to say that as elmo okay all right first let me let me no not that i didn’t want to do that that’s not what i wanted

To do what the [ __ ] okay all right first let me let me build this and i’ll do it uh no uh this this that’s not what i meant to do okay all right boom boom uh that’s also not what i meant to do [ __ ] okay whatever whatever whatever it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine i got this i got this Okay no no i didn’t pick up your stuff you’re good okay all right i need to hide real quick this is not gonna end well all right oh my god didn’t we oh hang on oh my god you’re literally dog water daughter tree hates it keep poof down kid hamilton’s yourself [Laughter] Hi and a hug forever i am struggling over here the [ __ ] yeah i can do elmo well not like but you okay um no i can do elmo’s voice ah okay okay okay okay okay i could go in creative and start building something or what i could do

Is is is keep on hunting you did elmo knew yeah you said in elmo’s voice you literally said in elmo’s voice not elmer i don’t know elmer hang on you did he said elmo’s voice saying oh my god literally a dog water dollar tree uh headset you get pooped on kid

Yeah i said it haha i can do it i know how i can do elmo i got you don’t worry everything’s fine all right uh okay all right all right all right all right i’m sorry but that tower is competition he did yeah your vocal range is incredible thank you [Laughter]

I wish it was better i mean at least in terms of reading no don’t be speechless i need you to talk that’s the whole point of chat okay hold on [Laughter] that one was funny to me no [ __ ] you [ __ ] off [ __ ] off you fiend

Off with your fin okay i got your meat wait what no um anyway i’m going to bed here’s one more like one more time oh goliath you have a good one sleep tight [ __ ] you okay okay okay eat eat eat quick quick quick quick quick quick quick quick eat eat eat eat eat eat oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] god eat okay okay okay i got this i got this everything’s fine i got this

No don’t don’t don’t come near me don’t come near me no no no no no no no no i have like no help let me live no it’s already bad enough that the mobs are trying to kill me i don’t need other players trying to kill me

I just help you with the f i don’t know okay you attacked me earlier if you attacked me earlier i assume you’re gonna attack me forever oh oh my god i’m gonna scared myself i thought i fell into a ravine again like that that’s like the worst idea to

Happen because i can’t get out that looks like a ravine hello darkness smile wait no this one going back outside no no no no no no going back outside that is why shrekly is definitely shrek is definitely you want me to do shrek oh my gosh shrek okay see

Okay austin powers aka i think it’s michael myers i think that’s his name right yeah michael myers i love that guy’s voice he can go from like full on american to surfer dude to full-on british to full-on scottish to full-on trek full-on ogre full-on donkey lover you know all the food language

But the bad damn english that’s that that’s necessary okay oh my gosh okay also i’m gonna let you guys on a little secret there’s a hole over here to where i don’t know but based on the signs um based on the signs i think it’s it’s breeze [Laughter] secret only

Whoa this is i find this hilarious to me i’m not gonna go in okay okay okay okay i still need to eat [ __ ] sake i can’t eat why can’t i eat like i mean like in terms of like stay food or what’s the word stay food stay food um uh

Like like not get hungry again basically oh yeah no good luck [Laughter] i’m already off to the races hey buddy hang on i got a gift for you buddy here you go here you go here you go i got a gift for you mr anime mister oh well he he left

Stretch to sit how the [ __ ] did my stomach hurt from that like i felt like i tore a muscle holy [ __ ] okay and that’s it i’m gonna die at some point from this you know you guys are gonna make me a drinkaholic my doctors are gonna be like whoa

Is that a kidney or a tumor you got there i’ll be like mr mr stream chat they’re being vampires whoa whoa he teleport okay okay all right i remember you you’re my little hut is there anything of value in this i cannot remember for the life of me come here come here ye

Okay also i’m not gonna lie i’ve been up for way too [ __ ] long um so if ever i start to sound droopy sloopy doopy uh so dumb question uh what is smp uh oh well that is a very dumb question uh smp is actually no it’s a very clever

Question because i can’t answer that survival no server no sir basically it’s this the 5000 thing allows you to join this which is um not completely finished survival multiplayer thank you i know it was something my nose holy crap my nose is all dried up uh that’s the manufacture yeah pretty

Much oh hello hello bud hi um you’re far from home i just want to say it you should play it twice what i’m confused oh you didn’t you said you said survival multiplayer player no i read it as multiplayer player i’m sorry no it’s a survival

Oh my [ __ ] god brain is not working help please send food food would be nice please send food sheep is what i want to eat sheep [ __ ] thank you i wish it was real i want cake cupcakes sound really good right now i want cupcakes i said multiplayer there is two

Oh there is multiplayer player oh don’t mind me i’m just an idiot sheep i’m stuck stuck sheep ha ha i has the sheep is this mine so if you exe has stopped working please reboot please reboot yeah no no it’s worse than rebooting at this point like

I need not only to reboot i need a full [ __ ] like cool down session where i can just relax and sleep you know what we got enough people where we could watch memes i want to watch memes i need to figure out if anybody knows how to uh okay

Because like hear me out i wanted to do a thing where um what’s it called where like you guys could send out videos that i could watch on stream but not make it cost money like because like i don’t see the point in in doing that i don’t have enough people

For it like to be necessary where you have to spend money so get memes i would love that to be able to like yeah use channel plates instead i would love to be able to do that because the one that’s integrated with um the one that’s integrated with

Twitch as an extension that one is like bits only or or dollars only which i find stupid whoa [ __ ] which i find stupid because like why if sophie want a meme to uh wants and wants a meme to see uh i can dm you well i don’t this is

I don’t necessarily want people to dm me because i’m going to be filting through all sorts of dm’s and then scroll down and whatnot and it’ll be a hassle um i don’t necessarily have a server where i could just throw you guys in and

Oh god if i don’t find you you you i will kill you oh don’t worry bud jasm i got you covered all right we got this together there we go see you don’t need to kill me i’m already dead [Laughter] are you sketching your nose i i can i

Can scratch i can scratch my head oh hang on tracking i can scratch my head i can i can oh tracking i can scratch i can describe my [ __ ] it i’m not scratching anything [ __ ] it i can’t do it i’m so tired i want food to have food Do you know any cute delivery drivers i will not get tired of that oh my gosh all right respawn that way we can play titanfall go food i’m eating food yeah exactly i want food wars oh wait is that wait wait is food wars that one anime where they get

Like sexual tension from cooking pancakes right that’s the one right yes okay okay just making sure I will make my way out i will force my way out thank ah you no it’s not tree it’s a log free take didn’t that nice play [Laughter] oh my gosh i am s i have potato why did you give me potato no i have your potatoes i don’t need potatoes

You can have your potatoes there you’re good you have your potatoes i’m gonna give you all the potatoes because i have my berries my berries are successful and useless in every single way just like me and i like my berries the potatoes are useful therefore i shouldn’t use them

Because i’ll be wasting them because i’ll be dying some and i’ll be hurting myself and i’ll be doing something and hello kid monster and then everything just just flat out like you just stop doesn’t even stop hello kid monster welcome to the stream oh my gosh all right hang on hang on

Hang on hang on i i had i had the barista i had the berry somewhere berries were somewhere [Laughter] i had the berries oh this is amazing even i can’t complain it’s dead [ __ ] simple but i can’t complete it because that that’s me i’m an idiot that’s fine

Everything’s totally cool you look cool i’ll kick you don’t say that [Laughter] um uh uh why are you wait wait why are you scraping the tree i’m genuinely confused no we don’t need to scrape the tree we’re good why are you making the tree naked like that why

Okay look i’m just gonna i’m just gonna go get my berries well i talked to the chat there we go um thank you for the follow stephie go get your stuff what stuff you mean like the diamond sword that i dropped somewhere where i cannot grab

Because i have no idea where it was and i jumped off a cliff somewhere yeah definitely i’m going to definitely do that that’s a great idea i mean in theory i could just going creative if i really wanted to do it oh thank you for the hose rib diamond sword

It’s okay i has a plan okay i can mine we can dig a tunnel wait no i can’t do that because that would make my computer fudge muffin man uh i need food need food so i go to the store lucky i want to go to store but store is closed

And i want to get a hot pocket hot pocket hot pocket sounds very good right now I want one just jump in the microwave oh the hungry’s ah i want one i want one so badly give me a hot pocket why is it so glitchy why is everything glitchy why is it on brand what the hell happened why am i ginormous what did you do you made me ginormous

Ah say i love taco i love tacos i don’t know why i mean i i can’t really eat tacos tacos hurt my teeth um i need hang on i need to fix i need i i need to fix my model give me a second boom boom boom boom

All right that should be better okay everything’s great we’re good on track on point no rips i refuse whoa hang on timeout right there give me a second i refuse i refuse i do not want him you can’t make me have the rips okay maybe he did

Oh all right hang on hang on i’m gonna try to sit more up front from my thing all right i guess it’s not really working i mean yeah no what the [ __ ] is wrong with all this [ __ ] why am i why am i so laid back like

Whoa laid back at all i see me okay hang on okay first of all we’re gonna do this there we go then we’re gonna do that and that way when i look to the side it’s better like that means on the sensor right so if i do this

Yeah whatever i i guess i’m in center i don’t know i’m not showing off my full character hang on group there we go that should that should work too in a certain extent right why am i why is it being weird today it wasn’t so weird earlier why are you being

Weird computer all right here we go shut up alexa oh my gosh i forgot that that was the the keyword all right hang on uh dick okay and then boop okay all right back to the game i got well [ __ ] [Laughter] well then all right all right here we go

That’s not exactly what i expected but okay careful running coming okay it worked i’m gonna yeah in like five seconds just you wait i am so tired but we got minecraft to keep us awake and sharp and it’s only 10 p.m 11 p.m do you know where your children are

I sound like a boomer don’t mind me [Laughter] why what why insects so small why are insects so small because they’d be [ __ ] terrifying if they were huge or if they were human anthropomorphic apparently they would be sexy have you seen half of youtubers i know a bee youtuber i know a moth

Youtuber i know a wasp youtuber i know a bee televitu and they’re all really cool looking don’t get me wrong but if you have insectophobia man don’t watch that moth girl the juniper do not wait i heard him hello hi you are so [ __ ] quiet holy mackinaw and cheeseburgers on a

Potato stick on a batman back you’re at 200 don’t make me regret it um still very quiet i’m not even really that quiet um it’s probably because of all the settings that i turned off in uh so i might i’m gonna turn everything back on that i had because

I’m gonna turn on auto gain only turn yeah only auto gain because that way that way uh it will boost you up and i need to go way the [ __ ] back to discord if that if you’re going to do that automatically uh automatically gain control there yes is that better yes okay

Uh so i have some good news uh actually a lot of good news um who’s speaking that would be ever ever respect stop attacking hi there everybody [ __ ] stop it let me be stop yes no um so thanks to reaper dredd he showed me what to do on steam yes oh

My god you’re saying that why are you saying l oh huge pressure change wow my ears holy [ __ ] oh that hurt are you okay okay so partially okay i’m over the ear i’m over the ear problem pressure changed basically my ear went re and um i’m not okay as a [ __ ] jasmine

Continue your story um so basically um reaper had me um disable the mixers that were automatically on the mixer so we took them out and we went to sources and then he had me add audio input capture and audio output capture and i put filters on um so for

My test mic we called it um the filters we have is noise suppression we have on and then we have a gain and i put gain at max so basically since it’s at smac setting i can automatically just control it through the little slider down at the bottom instead of having it

All the way maxed out now now it’s in the middle almost uh and i’m reaching red now okay i’m gonna be clear right up it’s very staticky and i have to stop what i’m like my thought process to understand you is that um I’m not 100 sure it’s like yeah it’s from the auto game oh okay oh then would what could okay can we can we can you can we can i can can i help you is it is there anything i can do for you jasmine like like what is it [Laughter]

Uh i keep mine off usually well cause like oh she’s like super quiet she’s not now i can hear myself um Which is weird in it’s not noise suppression how’s that oh a lot better keep on talking testing testing one two three yes there you go you fixed it i put all of the settings back on to discord okay good all right that you had me take off so echo cancellation i turned on

Noise reduction i can’t turn on i’m okay everything’s fine it’s all about the merchandise Nothing to see here so [Laughter] i didn’t kill him come on i did not kill him stop it this is not what it looks like he’s not dead [Applause] [Laughter] oh my gosh everything is okay look no what do you mean you bully he literally put me in a box like six

Times while reading chat okay i don’t want to hear it i have i have oh god i will kill you no you want you won’t find me congratulations you killed him no i roll back the clip i did not kill him i did not who did you kill now

You know this this is no everything is fine oh my gosh oh one more night i did not kill him i did not oh hi mark where is that it’s from the room i don’t know what that is uh it’s a movie that you need to watch

Because it’s horribly bad but but that’s what makes it good and he was almost a vampire really bad why the [ __ ] would i watch it because it’s so bad that it’s good that’s the whole point of that movie that’s depressing no it’s not i mean if you’re

Hopefully now the streams will be better yes i mean obviously mike is going to help no matter what yes that’s what that’s why like like i suggested uh the mic i’m using because compare oh my god i’m getting dizzy holy [ __ ] okay um the the com compared to like your

Yeti you’d be spending like 50 on the equivalent of like a 20 mic and then they’re just completely cut out okay so the the snowball right the one mic that uh The one mic that looks like a little ball on a tripod i don’t know i’ve never seen it but okay well the mic that uh the mic that that biscuit uses it’s a little it’s like it’s like a little like like a little ball on a tripod basically

Right yeah i’ve never paid attention to it but okay keep going all right that one’s like 50 bucks and it has the equivalent of something that’s worth like 20 bucks on the inside you’re paying for the brand and then you got their yeti which is the one

You know and then you get the one that is like the one that sonic uses which alone is like 120 and it’s not even like have you seen have you seen i’ve seen lion in april yes have you seen lion april no i haven’t it’s a sad anime

It was very good but very sad continue what you were saying about sonic’s mic right so sonic’s mic um sorry uh sonic’s mic is the blue yeti and even that microphone isn’t 100 perfect like it ha it has a [ __ ] ton of flaws um and it’s still a budget that is still a

Budget microphone a lot of people will go like oh yeah it’s one of the best that you can get blah blah but it doesn’t really deliver in a way that is worth the money especially since nowadays you got competition like jlab or uh or or or other other [ __ ] what’s it called the

Butcher it’s not angled at the right direction okay you’re cutting it out so that’s why ah i’ll turn up the gain too here we go oh i it was already it was already at max never mind all right well whatever um whatever it’s okay so basically long story short um

Skulls it’s a long story short um what’s it called um three laps i’m trying to think of a good example but basically like nowadays you can find like cheaper or like cheaper people are making stuff that are slightly better than than the expensive ones but they’re

Still going to be at a pricey price like like i said but they will do multiple models the only difference between the the 100 one and the 140 dollar one is that the 150 kilo kilo 70 no you don’t know where i am you don’t know where i am you can’t find

Me you can’t touch it um the only difference between uh the two of those is that instead of having uh six mics it only has uh i think it’s three and then the cheap one only has two but otherwise they’re pretty much the same and then the the difference

With the 50 and the 100 compared to the small one uh is that they have the really cool like on like on board thing i really want rgb that’s the thing like ninety percent of the youtube videos that you’re gonna watch are gonna be like

Oh what up gamers go get yourself a blue yeti let’s go and then meanwhile everybody that actually has owned a blue yeti or a blue snowball are like nah [ __ ] that [ __ ] you can get you can get the same quality for like a third of the prize so yeah

All i heard was you can get the same quality for a third of the price okay so you need to get rid of something in your what you hear because i am i am talking just fine do i change do i sound worried uh you sound quite compared to the applause

So hang on let me go back here let me go to settings i got you i don’t want it voicing video boom there we go if your voice is not being detected okay can you still hear me or am i yes i can i can still hear you

Okay because it only happens with you no no i i got rid of the auto control so i’m just gonna be constantly green i’m sure a music an instrument might uh wait what uh i have a sure instrument mic because i don’t actually know why i even got this

No i do not i do not have phasmaphobia i wish i did i play that game in vr i need to eat i have no idea where i am i’m talking in game also irl irl would be nice i would love to eat food i’m talking about irl game what

Oh speed music hello llama hello cow hello secondary cow all right i need to collect some wood okay i already read that i’m ghost reading mostly because i have to pee again you guys are evil my bladder does not want to compute today like at all Also the pants i’m wearing are not comfortable [ __ ] you i love you i really do i love you but [ __ ] you high stakes okay all right that’s just that’s just agony all right [ __ ] god oh no [ __ ] it i’m going in the bathroom nope nope nope nope ever ever

[ __ ] you bro what’s wrong [ __ ] you no no stop stop i want i i need to i need to go i need to go now like asap no i need to be I’m not pissing my pants nope no i’m not i’m not pissing no yeah exactly exactly my point no like seriously are you serious i’m [ __ ] god i’m going i’m i’m gone i’m going i don’t care i don’t care anymore i’m i’m i’m i’m gone all right i’m going then i’ll do those [ __ ]

Redeemed [Applause] yeah i was dying okay oh my gosh well i’m back in game kind of sort of i’m dead ta-da congratulations you killed me let’s go evil fakers did you know hydrating is the same as unpeeing i mean yeah but no i don’t want to do that

It’s eerie dewey it’s like really eevee dewey all right hang on all right all right hang on i need to i need to scroll up and see all right so there’s there’s two there’s two okay fuji it’s water on top of that it’s ew i don’t like water water is gross it

Tastes like rocks okay respawn woohoo yeah i gotta run away real quick okay hang on no no no why why is there three more why did you make it three more no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

No the fbi is broken you redeemed fbi how did you redeem fbi hang on you go where’s the puffer fish live ah everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine okay all right boom all right okay in order to be fine okay good have you saw my friends

He doesn’t drink enough i drink all the [ __ ] time oh my [ __ ] guy okay oh there boom nope i’m all [Laughter] why Four more times no no no no no no no no no i’m going to have a tantrum i want that to be clear yes please everyone can even hydrate let him have a tantrum no no no no no no no jasmine i’m not telling you roman i’m

Hiding that’s the whole point of hiding look i’m looking at him i’m looking at the ground you can’t figure out where i’m at from the ground haha by the way reaper i love how reapers like it’s payback for getting sleepy fine ever have my stream storm hi

Hey [ __ ] you found me no no [Laughter] oh okay all right hang on i’ll redeem something for myself something that i have yet to redeem or put on my channel from that matter because i never have this problem normally is posture check all right additional storage capacity oh my [ __ ] hello stretch

Wait i see what you’re doing you’re being kind to be mean you still need to do four more i know all right i know five no actually no four from me one from storm one from reaper that’s six i love you you’re my best friend uh stuffy

This is payback for the uh no cursing and being naughty [ __ ] you pulled on my stream i don’t want oh for [ __ ] sake i literally uh kyle just did a stretching shift uh jasmine to destruction zip [ __ ] all of you with the biggest passion in the world [ __ ] all of you [ __ ] you

[ __ ] you and yes [ __ ] you the person who has nothing to do with this [ __ ] you i love you [Laughter] no far from my stomach is full i can’t drink anymore i’m putting a down on this no okay i’m getting dizzy i feel like i’m getting drunk from the water

That’s mostly because i’m sleep deprived i would rather not [ __ ] you you are not my type [Laughter] i accept all the blame i played one when i came in i’m tired shadow of eternity he had this coming um during several uh during one stream he had points where he saved up so

I could not curse or be naughty for five minutes in my stream and that is the hardest thing i can do because he was like oh nope that can be a kink somewhere nope that could be a kink somewhere and i couldn’t say f word i love you something i told you the

Minute you got your computer back you would be in living hell wow [ __ ] all of you [ __ ] all of you with a big ol heart big ass my cancelled okay i’m done no more i’m burping water additional storage capacity [ __ ] i literally say no more and you add more no

[ __ ] you two is a big heart yes i’m glad you’re not taking it personally i’m just saying [ __ ] you because i’m upset with you guys all right you know what for every time you guys make me sip i’m taking a gummy [Laughter] i’m numb you’re the one killing yourself with gummies

Mark five right there they’re really good they taste like oranges and they don’t taste like water did you do a stretch and zip it good because someone just did it i know i did that one too okay um uh hang on i need to fix this this is

Way too [ __ ] big for this scene hola wait it’s not the same size oh interesting yeah it’s not the same size oh you bugger this entire time i thought i was just too big renewal it was just not the right size there we go okay boom all right we’re back

What happened to minecraft okay it’s back except he’s too big no i’m fine i’m fine everything everything’s fine the whole point of that is [Laughter] cute you were like oh that could be your thing ever nope i can’t even let it be my thing did you just [ __ ] feel it [Laughter]

The juice the jigs [ __ ] off [Laughter] it’s just the untitled goose game at this point [Laughter] nope no [ __ ] oh what can i get for 300 bits i don’t know actually that’s a good question what could you get for 300 bits um uh I mean earlier i know that that’s earlier that doesn’t count for now i don’t know i don’t have a thing where if you give me bits something happens the the um okay so here’s the thing right i have no equipment right so donations don’t really mean anything at the moment

Right because i could easily just go haha jump in lava woohoo funny i can’t even do it for some reason you did not see that it’s a okay i did not totally just you know try to go in and not working you know so so i could i could easily do something

Like that i could get the beans you know but the thing is that right now i have nothing that i can i can provide you for fun and entertainment the only thing is uh i honestly don’t know what you could get for three for three dollars

I’m confused on why you would want to give me three dollars in the first place but then i didn’t realize you just want the [ __ ] channel points um which is totally fine i get it i get it you just want me to die from you know water poisoning it’s

Totally good you know totally fine by the way i’m gonna do something and i’m gonna work right but it’s okay everything’s fine i got this you know just a little bit of danger it’s all right it’s okay everything’s fine dude never that’s right okay whoa

Okay hang on i need to need to fix the model make it look more downward like that like that there we go maybe i should work to 5000 oh so that way you could join and [ __ ] with me there is that the plan i mean fine if you want but [Laughter]

Oh my gosh i am okay i’m losing my mind are you maybe i could be your ally i mean if you want to be my ally i’m a i’m a nuisance in this game oh my nose is stuffed this entire time hang on hang on i need to do something

Just don’t mind me i’m i wanted to jump off but it didn’t work i don’t want to go through the never well i’ll go through there [ __ ] you your game’s gonna crash no it’s not oh [ __ ] why does your game not crash and mine crashes whenever i go through another okay

Off with you all right boom so you found my little area that i made in another apparently hang on um i wanted to blow my nose but then i got carried away by the dark side of the force well i just took the thing of toilet paper okay that works

Okay hang on uh meeting mike i’m really bad at lottery holy [ __ ] storage capacity hi [Laughter] oh oh wait no that doesn’t work actually it does no no that wouldn’t work also high stakes i’m really bad at lottery so a number between one and one You’ve hundred 300 bits 39. i’m also still thinking about i’m still thinking about the i’m just no i said 39. he said 69. i’m still trying to figure out the like what okay again i know what you’re doing you’re farming for points okay wait what dispensing gratitude gratitude what

Okay i read that wrong okay you gifted this up i know what you’re doing i’m very appreciative i will throw the water away i will not make it so you can make me drink this okay no drinking every time every time you have to drink water you get a gummy

[ __ ] well i mean i like the gummies the gummies help um my nose is i won’t stop my bitchin all right little boy let me come over here and pat your head and make you feel better and i’ll give you a big hug then shut the [ __ ] up no stop your [ __ ] yeah

Do i need to do i need to come over there and pick you up and rock you in my arms wait what what happened why am i what where am i what what happened what oh i can cheat too all right nobody sees it i know i’m still on big head i’m sorry

I was having to deal with suffocation but i made it out okay oh my stomach oh it’s growling oh no i drank too much okay so hey [ __ ] yes you did no no no he murdered me oh my nose hang on Ah that’s not fun oh uh what the [ __ ] what the hell is going on here so minus the uh the issue that i’m having uh they’re making a repeat it’s not working i mean well i mean his word water rate no no water words oh my allergies zephy sounds drunk i’m not drunk

Okay right now i’m dealing with my allergies they’re kicking in like something fierce and now my nose is bleeding so i’m gonna have to take a moment please wait please hold ever steal the show hi everyone i’m the worst person to steal the show oh my god dustin start

Spamming stretch and [ __ ] please just [ __ ] start bamming spammy no shadow starts spamming stretch and sip now it’s funny let’s make him have to pee yes i am literally at 238 points i am waiting i went from 5k to 500. i’ve been making a drink so it’s funny

Spam stretch and sip come on let’s go let’s do this let’s make him suffer because i know he’ll get me back in my next stream when it’s me and him doing a collab stream so i’m preparing myself yes thank you i love you thank you i love you thank you dustin thank you

I don’t get it oh my god i love you guys you guys are the best he’s gonna kill me he’s probably like staring at me like [ __ ] you after i’m not coming oh my god yes there we go i’m bruce come on back sephie you have

Oh how many is it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen thirteen let’s go he’s gonna hate me you are so going to pay for this oh how are you going to punch me i’m already dealing with a bloody nose

So this is how i’m going to punish you all right all right check this out full 360 audio game thingamabob madui and guess what i’m yielding myself out of my chair boom tiny workspace by the way might need to upgrade soon i’m tangled in wires and then i’m going to go like this

There we go put that mic over in this direction Everything’s all right check it out in my size hey computer play baby sharks a computer max volume oh he’s gonna get copyrighted for that Daddy Stop [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] all right if i’m gonna drown you better drown with me [Laughter] baby shark i’ll [ __ ] you right on out oh my [ __ ] god actually that’s 14 now because someone else added another one no he’s not drunk he’s drinking water i’ll [ __ ] you at this point no

So shadow said if you play that one more time he’s dumping his 5k construction zip Ah also someone redeemed a pet mimikyu american when i plug in my hands i’m sorry i love you too much there you go please i don’t want to drink anymore i’m good i’ve gained at least 45 pounds in liquid i’m not gonna pee in days Try me hey chat uh i think sefi has to say the most naughtiest lootiest thing he can ever say for us to stop making uh us do stretch and sip what do you think him say something really naughty and lewd and no more stretch and sit for the night everyone start spamming yes

If you want him [ __ ] up chasm you guys say oh yes sephie glitch hahaha that’s one yes i don’t think anybody can afford his hip shadow does shadow has 5k [Laughter] i know i’m [ __ ] up but no not this [ __ ] up i know he’ll get me back he will get me

Back for all of this so i’m gonna make the best of it i’m safe for the rest of the stream except for one detail i already have to pee oh my gosh but i’m safe at least i should be how many times you peed tonight [Laughter]

Uh no i’m safe i’m good i’m good nobody can afford stretching zip anymore how do you know what do you mean how do i know i mean shadow says that she has a shadow says that he or she or they has [Laughter] he 5k play at your game [Laughter] 5k

There you go wait for everybody else i cannot drink anymore i will kill myself if i do so so therefore i bumped up the price too close to a million [ __ ] you i can play at that game [Laughter] i put a bunch of zeros and had to delete

Some because it wouldn’t let me i wrote down a million ah and besides also i have issues with numbers oh it’s a good thing you can’t buy points actually you can you’re going to make me suffer this hard i better have enough money to pay for the bill

Because i don’t need to go to the doctor oh you need a kidney transplant you know you could just put a pause on it instead of raising it to 100k i can change it whenever i’m just for this stream super expensive and making me laugh so much just putting push on my

Letter i gotta go b i literally just went i literally just went i feel like a dog that is indecisive on where he wants to take a piss it’s not fair you don’t know how so do i just jam my knee and it hurts holy [ __ ] okay oh ow

You guys are evil i hope you know that i really do hang on no i really hope that you guys know that that you are pure evil at the moment no no how do you say seal in french stuffy i’m not giving you a [ __ ] [Applause] but i want to see him no

You’re not getting a seal from me i’m changing this to just chatting i don’t feel like gaming anymore i am in so much pain from my nose you’re setting them i know i know i’m looking for arm angle there we go well i’ll be right back i have to go to bathroom

Oh you have to go to the bathroom i don’t want to hear it i’ve been holding it for five hours did you try drinking four [ __ ] liters of water one one half a year of [ __ ] [ __ ] iced tea no uh-uh not gonna happen oh my gosh uh that’s that’s here i’ll play i’ll

Play something uh this is what i hear when you’re complaining uh here you go search the screen oh my god i’ll be right back i’ll say every day no you are you guys are so mean uh i’m gonna close this there we go and then

Where is vc face i need to do one more editing dick oh there we go so now we are just do i look like a mean guy yes you do to me to me making me go to the bathroom all the time like that no that’s mean okay

I could have serious issues later who knows maybe i gotta go see a doctor at some point and i’m gonna be like hey and they’re gonna be like what did you do i’d be like oh you see these lovely fellows over here who decided to make me pee all day

Which is not fair at all i’ve been drinking too much water dog i didn’t redeem anything okay fair point mike but still most of you i’m sorry i’m not trying to point individuals but still it’s like oh seriously it’s not it’s not fair [Laughter] i’m the mean guy oh my gosh now i’m

Making you guys are making me suffer in struggle okay no i saw you a storm of hey hey so you redeemed a stretch in step two you didn’t you didn’t spam it but you did oh cpov say it what i oh yeah oh my gosh and by the way

Does the model look more high def i haven’t been able to talk about the model um yes i did i didn’t enjoy on the [ __ ] it does awesome yay i’ll show you i’m not afraid to show you my feet i got these really cool shoes too check these out these are really [ __ ]

Cool shoes i [ __ ] love them i [ __ ] love these shoes they’re epic as if it looks like he’s stepping on people and they make you look taller i mean yeah i guess they could make me look taller oh my goodness so free like so thick thank you

But yeah i love i love this lighting i love all these freaking cool like effects the hd background the model that looks super high quality like i love it meanwhile i barely did anything [Laughter] six eyes save lives that leg looking kind of thick everyone’s calling me sick now damn boy he’s sick

Oh my gosh i can’t i can’t well i mean i tried they didn’t want me apparently i wasn’t real enough for them but then again fanboy hooters doesn’t seem real to me either so i was like what he’s a sick ass boy oh why are you saying that i’m a

Sick ass boy i’m not a thick ass boy i got actually a rather petite petite but steffi turn around you want me to turn around what do i what do i get if i turn around hmm [Laughter] i mean uh i would have to activate settings um but i’m currently i’m currently doing

Bend over no no hang on i need to do stream manager screen manager [Applause] I guess i am thick just chatting boom boom okay already two jumping jacks i can’t i can’t jump in this i’m not i’m not actually in vr or anything this is just this is just uh kinetic simulation so yeah i can’t i can’t jump i can bounce

And i can i can i can wave my hands forward but that’s pretty much it hang on uh seth do you play jack in the box no i don’t have it um but i i i i heard that you don’t necessarily need to own it to play it

Do a naruto i can’t do naruto i can’t put my hands behind my back I’m constantly moving i’m sorry i want to play they have some really cool art games and i want to be able to do that i wonder can i add oh i could add zoom in [ __ ] testing for five minutes well then go do your test don’t stick around here just go do it

I’m not stopping you the thickness is i’ll stick around here if i want [Laughter] i okay so i’m gonna be honest with you guys um all i did was i basically you have a ps4 controller yeah you can have a ps4 printer i already have a ps4 controller

I have a snes controller too this uh this one right here so yeah no i’m good i have like i have three controller no four four yeah i have four controllers five if you count this one the only thing i don’t like with this kinetic feature and whatnot is that

Like when i move i’m following my head and not oh are you just saying you want to handle steffy no don’t say that [Laughter] oh no ah but yeah um i won’t be able to do hd streams all the time like this i want to i really do but unfortunately

Um a lot of the issues with that is that my my graphics card is nowhere capable of playing intense games while having these type of graphics uh on display um i want to i really really do but like one of the main issues with with this is that it’s oh

It’s so demanding on my computer it’s unfair oh my wallpaper is killing you oh i’m sorry hang on hang on uh properties where’s properties There i put on 30 that way it’s slower it will look kind of odd but i could put oh actually i could put the darker one um Hang on and put that to 100 boom done there we go now i have this one oh i need to put my glasses back on that’s better all right good to know good to know because i actually like the design of the other one but i can understand it’s a bit too

Repetitive right rub rub tv english i can speak it sometimes no all the time so if he’s getting old no i’m glitching out and i’m tired i’m so tired i want to sleep Look i just i just want to sleep okay i haven’t slept in what is it now 21 hours maybe something around there 20 22 23 yeah somewhere around 23 hours why because i was doing lots of stuff i was working on um project 404 which i will talk about at one point i was working on uh uh three different models because uh so i was able to fix my computer and

Whatnot but by doing so i got put in the red uh by about 300. so right now i’m trying to do commissions to basically get out of the red and then by the 15th i should receive enough for my internet bill so i should be fine for that but yeah

Um i’m kind of uh i don’t want to really discuss it on the stream but yeah the the the motherboard frying was kind of a blow on my channel yes yes yes i should be somewhere around uh i should be somewhere around 90 dollars for my um

Oh here hang on i can hand and give you a big hug i can’t really give you a hug in vr chat i could um but not not not on this the camera’s way too far away um but yeah so um right now my monthly threshold i’m at

Somewhere like i was at 85 before the stream so yeah i have i have no sleep 5 p.m to 8 a.m well that’s not good you need sleep i’m saying that but meanwhile no one is not sleeping at all [Laughter] and home she did she did what stinks no

Why why my name is ever steak stick stick stick stick stick stick sticks now i need to cut now you need to commission me i need to do something for you in return dude no no no [ __ ] no wait what happened stephanie no what what do you mean what did you do

What what what do you mean what did you do what do you mean what do you mean hey no hang on hang on okay he’s playing right what do you mean what do you do you just donated a hundred [ __ ] dollars i’m not no that’s not a donation i will

[ __ ] do a commission for you i’ll try my best this stuff you panic i didn’t do anything i’m innocent it says steak has donated a hundred dollars where Here we go here right here it says it right here it says it right freaking here here’s the help well i mean he’s trying to help you out I have a feeling it’s not steaks though didn’t do anything you haven’t improved i do it’s right [ __ ] there it’s literally right there now i have to do something for you i ain’t just taking that for free no okay no uh uh no no no you can’t do this to me no no

Why no no no i have a question how did you move all your [ __ ] what do you mean how did i move all my [ __ ] my steam labs obs doesn’t look like that oh there’s a little hand uh this one right here boom allows you to edit it [Laughter]

Maybe it was me no no no don’t do that to me no no no no no no i don’t okay okay okay okay i really appreciate it i really do that [ __ ] helps a lot you have no [ __ ] clue but at the same time i hate

I’m you can ask ever she even wanted to give me more than i asked for my commissions and i said no and she still didn’t i was upset about it no [Laughter] ah no i mean i like okay all right i am grateful i really am i i have the

Urge to be like okay i need to give something back i can’t just take that i just can’t look look just use the 100 make sure you take care of yourself no but oh no that’s not how that works i was always okay all right story time okay when

When i was a kid i was rarely given money and when i had it no it’s not how it works okay all right no i had to work my ass off to get freaking like ten dollars and and whatnot what what did you wait

Yes you broke me i no i the moral of the story you can’t just get things for free so i my brain is going like no i have i owe you that now you have to fight me no no don’t do that no no no no panic no no no

No no no no i don’t wanna i don’t wanna no keep it keep it keep it no don’t don’t i will end stream don’t do it i don’t i don’t want it no no but that’s the thing okay look no no no i no no no i’m gonna go hide

Evie they want to help you out i 200 [ __ ] dollars i’m sorry he donated to 200 now no he like okay 100 once they’re saying don’t fight me or i’ll i’ll send another 100. okay then don’t fight him i’m not trying to say thank you and just

Do a drawling for him be like do you want a certain drawing you know i can draw something for you you know draw him artwork of you you know that’s no frustration breaking no glitching no you evil i love you [Laughter] And you i don’t yes i did mute myself you have bills that you need to pay for your stream so you can your wi-fi draw lunch no [Laughter] i’m sorry that no no for once it actually worked i hate this program it was like burning passion

Even in here look if you can’t cover your internet i can’t believe he’s drinking okay fair point but oh no you feel like you owe me something have a drink with me next month okay i’ll save the sake for that and some wine i’ll do that [Laughter]

It’s not worth a hundred dollars but i’ll do it [ __ ] you know i need i need to hide okay i have a question for you what are you gonna do what are you gonna do if a random streamer that loves you so much randomly donates 500 to like a thousand dollars to you

I give it back and what if they keep sending it to you i give it back you’re gonna end up screwing your paypal over and their paypal over pissing them off but i’m not taking that kind of money that’s not what i’m here for yes and i understand that

But you have some people that are generous like that and want to give back to the community but that’s not what i’m here for i’m here to have fun and play with friends that that’s it like yes it would be awesome if i could make this my job

Really but at the same time no it’s like that’s not my goal i know but still i’m gonna get fat with these gummies no don’t applaud him no no i mean i mean it is okay and now i’m oh i’m digging myself a hole even deeper hang on guys i’m coming okay

Okay like oh what happened whoa pc you’re better and that’s another thing you need [ __ ] for your pc no shut up and take my money keep taking the holding my seat [Laughter] i know [Laughter] i watched too much delightful ah i’m still hiding though that that no i okay if you actually saw me irl okay first of all i was or i was already having a fever to begin with because of the freaking effect that i was having issues

But now i’m [ __ ] red boiling hot because of this now you know how i feel from earlier me seeing the title no by the way hello i wish i was talking and showing myself up top right now i’m hiding because it’s scary i could break him right now no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don’t break me don’t break me don’t break me no don’t break me no no no no no no no why why why why no no keep it keep it get off the street okay good

Oh just wait and he’ll donate another hundred dollars to him why though look look sephie you do stream because you want to make fun pov start love and they like give something to you the next stream next stream i think i said about it about the water and light immediately after

New subscription received dispensing gratitude and you’re still gifting subs why okay king you missed it yeah no you did uh right here that there it scared me i wish my model was more powerful than this i want i want blushing emotes and crying emotes because the closest thing i have to

Crying is this how’d you just scream mike 2.0 thank you javi hello javi i’m sorry i’m a bit shy at the moment so feet light up let me light up on first of all i need to add i need to add i need to add

I need to add i need to i need to redeem your ah i can’t i can’t do that right now i’m i’m i yeah no i can’t even show my hands at the moment they’re not gonna track properly um okay hang on hang on hang on hang on redeemed add me on

On screen mike mike mike mike text text i already have to go again i feel like after i feel like after you [ __ ] your computer up and you had to kind of fix your cpu i feel like your model is now having trouble certain times After you shorted your motherboard is a completely new motherboard copy add source yeah you said you kind of screwed your cpu up a little bit but it was okay uh uh impacts boom done did my mic just die no no mike didn’t die i’m just i’m in full-on panic mode at the moment

It’s not fair because like okay at one side i need it the other i don’t want it and the other is like i i don’t want to accept it because for me my mentality is like okay you get you you give right so i’m like brain please just [ __ ] shut up then i’m

Going anxiety attack i have those believe it or not hey it’s me yeah it’s you kind of uh no okay yeah it is you okay good i want to make sure but keep it safe when i have uh my paypal all my business is easy for me what

Jasmine no not you too no no no no no no no no no no i’d much okay all right here’s the thing i’d much prefer if you gave me like maybe like 10 or 20 and then you kept that either for yourself or other content creators

Not giving it all to me i don’t need all of what i mean technically i do need it right this minute but in general i don’t need it that’s what i’m trying to say oh well i just okay i love you guys i really do but i’m

I don’t know what to do right now i had an idea i was going to do some funnies and talk and now i’m just like Start drawing let me start drawing i don’t i i i’m not a weak enough to draw right now i mean it would show my butt but that’s pretty much it so if you read chat like a one-year-old try you try to read it you know what just for that comment warning

Currency of unknown origin detected nope nope nope i’m good nope he got another hundred oh my god my stakes you’re killing him oh my god read the message that’s if he already hasn’t sent it back to you okay on you you’re mike zeppy they want you to read what they sent No he got 200 for the day want chat wants you to read what the person sent you said in to the next new hundred dollars that they sent you you said you needed it thank you i i honest i don’t know how to respond okay hey mooney now is that really the

Greatest time i’m kind of crying and i hurt my toe no don’t laugh it’s not funny i i know i do but no i was no not breaking things no no don’t don’t no no no no no sephie cry stream i even my hands aren’t tracking either no happy hear me out

Uh he gto 300. what uh i can make the 200 back in a day by selling out selling out what does he mean basically doing what pioneer does basically so if shut up heist he’s like he’s like pioneer really no he’s not like like me i’m he’s saying sellout as in like

Going like hey check me out that type of deal i just thank you i i i i sound sad but that’s because i don’t know how to react to this my brain i like i’ve been okay i’ve been programmed to be like okay if you get something you have to work your

Ass off for it that’s why i don’t like asking for help that’s why i prefer giving help instead of asking for it even though i can be a stubborn little brat when i give help because i’m i just get frustrated very quickly and i lose concentration that being said but that being said

I just thank you no don’t put that on i’m just gonna cry even more freaking meanie [Laughter] hey hey listen give us amazing time and content this is us paying back for it i may still be new here but you are amazing and you say you have i can’t read hang on hang on ow that that’s salty ow that burns holy [ __ ] ow

No don’t clap ow i just hurt my eyes hang on i can’t read [ __ ] this is where tts would be amazing right now actually you know first it’s because i might actually just turn that on uh you say you you have to give us because we paid you

No you’re too amazing and no amount of money we give you is enough that is just how amazing you are no no you if i have a job i i will have 600 and is in something i can give you 300. i’m employed as i i’m good everything’s fine i’m just gonna i’m

Cheers there you get your last tip my eyes are burning now ow rough stream today oh the light is bright but i need it to stream maybe if you don’t except it just if you don’t I don’t want to end the stream i want to talk i want to have fun but like ah don’t don’t break me like that because now i’m in in this like sleepy sloppy happy mood that’s all confused and it just wants to scream and shout and let it all out

I sip some water if you’re crying hydrate i did i did i did but my ah ah it doesn’t help my eyes i can’t keep my glasses on and the light is so bright hang on there that helps a little bit i’ll i might lose some tracking but that’s mostly because

I want to cry i don’t know why no don’t no see that’s the issue since i’m feeling overwhelmed and and and all over the place i’m gonna give that impression on you guys and i don’t want that i want you guys to smile and enjoy yourself and have fun that’s the whole

Point of this freaking channel i just happy birthday i’m not even your first sorry i had to i need to laugh i need to make jokes mission accomplished you know it really hurts to laugh right now i mean not laughing i’ll bring over it hurts to brain right now um

Not necessarily my eyes um i have i had to wear sunglasses that’s why streaming v tubing is kind of hard especially when you want to have proper eye tracking um because not only do i have to wear glasses but i also have to wear sunglasses because i’m sensitive to light

Which makes gaming really [ __ ] hard by the way [Laughter] um and me crying plus the light makes my eyes burn like as if i was in chlorine for two hours so yeah yes i don’t well not photosensitivity i’m more sensitive to lumens not necessarily like like flashy lights aren’t a problem for me

Like they don’t create nausea or whatnot it’s more the the brightness of the light i have to as i press the button on accident i have to wear sunglasses at night to give you an idea and it freaking sucks that song is on repeat i think the [ __ ] play a different song ah

There okay back to stream but thank you really how my eyes have you ever tried blue light glasses um no don’t play the rip music no Don’t play that that’s like the worst Idea oh my eyes okay have i tried blue lens eyes does pineapple belong on pizza yes i say so it’s my favorite pizza i love hawaiian pizza actually that’s my favorite american pizza i want to say um my my favorite pizza this is going to sound really controversial for you guys

My favorite pizza is so like a base of mix between sour cream and and and tomato sauce and then mozzarella mozzarella and then he yup figs with honey with goat cheese with slices of bacon you’re the funniest and nicest guy i’ve ever met when i feel sad you always make me happy

So do not stop and i know i’d be a dick to you sometimes this is so what is wrong with you frenchies thank you jasmine you believe me it’s really good i don’t like the raclette one that one smells and that one’s really bad oh my gosh

Why figgin honey okay because the vegan honey is sweet the and the fig is also bitter and then with with with the with the savory of the goat cheese and and the saltiness of the bacon it’s just so good and i have yet to find actual goat cheese here Stop it No okay no let’s let’s not play the sad music rip is for when i fail i’m not failing okay maybe i am i’m failing at keeping my composure [Laughter] oh rip it’s that pizza choice okay look i mean have you tried recline cheese or fondue cheese

That stuff does not belong in pizza and i don’t care who you are anchovies don’t belong on pizza that’s my verdict [Laughter] i i like anchovies but not on pizza ego what that’s something that the french eat and that’s also uh um anchovies on pizzas also

Was also a thing over here in maryland as well rip to that piece of choice by the way ever if you want you can pop up on screen too i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can i can a brain

I’ve had i’ve had my vc character open the whole time i’m sorry i’m going to move myself here and then add new uh first go to discord uh and then pop out and then uh zoom out a little bit so that way you’re like me i’ll have to go a little bit lower

Because you’re taller than me yes yes i’m currently in maryland yes that is much better uh add source yeah window window capture i don’t feel like putting my hands on so and i don’t have on it yet to keep it insecure at source not stream labs uh chillin thoughts on lobster

I cannot eat lobster at all i miss lobster i miss crab please bear with me as i struggle with this there’s gonna be a lot of green uh you’re gonna go to sleep okay you sleep so where’s that oh i can’t eat frustration i i can’t rip

You scared me the reaper don’t do that uh filters uh dick add filter chroma key done uh smoothness oh no similarities contrast uh okay that’s gonna have to do and then new and then sharpen That’s gonna be the best that i can do i can’t really make you i can’t really make you a hd because we’re over a phone call i know we need we need to find something better yes i do [Laughter] but there you go you’re on screen you’re

Really tall you know what [ __ ] it i’m gonna make you the same size as me there you go you’re also tilted forward okay good morning [Laughter] it’s our way of saying basically sleep well or be awake should i ever no no that doesn’t work that way it’s lolly ever bye-bye

I am i i am a wreck i am a wreck i’m a wreck whatever hang on i’m gonna try to do oh where there we go boom there we go we’re all rex no no we’re not allowed to all be rex that’s not how that works

Plus i have the ability to move you should activate you should activate your movie thingy the the the these these things and i wasn’t gonna activate it because i don’t have it i no not hands your legs so that way you can you can walk about see

Do do do do do do do do do do do you oh so general scroll all the way down avatar locomotion it’s already on it’s already on then you need to up boost your your movement range uh and my tummy hurts i drink too much water

I really need to put at least a 30 second to well no because uh okay yeah 30 sec no i i don’t want to but i have to i’m gonna have to put like a minute cool down and i’m gonna separate stretch with sep from sip

Because i haven’t been able to work on the aesthetics of my channel that much and we’re so tiny hang on i’m gonna do something i’m gonna do this boop i’m gonna do this boop yeah how is your night going no how’s your night going you’re the one that teased me

You obviously know how i’m going and i’ve mentioned it several times high stakes i thought you’ve seen my character already honestly i have too much movement i barely move to the side and i’m just walking all over the place oh no you you love the teasing no okay all right hostile forces

Hello barry hello hello barry today is an emotional wreck welcome to the stream hi y’all [Laughter] and people people joined earlier and i don’t know them and everything and it was like oh god what happened a lot of things happened so i was just streaming and then i explained what was going on

And and and explain because i have a thing at the bottom where it says you know that i that i’m trying to get help for uh paying for my internet and stuff and recently my cpu died we’re not missing my motherboard died so i had to buy a

New one and with everything that i had to pay for i ended up becoming about 300 in the red and so that being said uh wait what i said but you did not tell me you were 300 in red yeah 271 that’s 300 in the red courtesy fees they’re [ __ ] [ __ ] no

No why just recover I just recovered i’m going to cry and i can’t stop it no that’s not fair i don’t i’m shy about this type of result i’m gonna hide now why didn’t you tell her i would have helped you out no sephie like you’re my best friend like for [ __ ] sake

Why didn’t you tell me because i don’t i don’t i said it before i don’t like asking for help if i was back here you go i don’t know what to say you read the message if you want to do something for the monies i has an idea

And find it all again root root kick what okay ah we learned that rubbing my eyes hurts this is not fair no no why 300. she i’m no longer in the red there you go now you know yeah just wait until next month no i don’t know don’t

You should have told me i would i know i’m not working but i could have [ __ ] helped you you help me when i need it i swear to god if i see any [ __ ] clips of this i’m going to delete them i don’t care i’m sorry but i don’t like this thank you

I feel bad because no no no no no that’s super [ __ ] embarrassing i’m not here ow ow ow and i keep on hurting myself you don’t want to record me hurting myself that’s not funny thank you for following i can’t even read your name give me a second no

No one knows where money comes from uh i’m like a mother day tommy rizzo i wanted to do a joke based on the room but i’m going to do it you’re tearing me apart lisa and xyno531 thank you for the follow i don’t know why you’re following i’m hiding

I’m not being a good streamer at the moment but ah i can’t i can’t even scream properly right now my nose is so plugged no i’m not i can’t keep a [ __ ] schedule thank you for following thank you for the following i can’t read ah freaking

Get rid of liquid dry up become the sahara desert what i can’t even read that i’m joined ikemarus sephie is all brains no [ __ ] i’m tired i haven’t slept as you guys are killing me with kindness but how the [ __ ] am i supposed to respond call you mars that’s even more confusing

But okay mars Welcome No i’m sorry if you’re new well obviously you are i don’t know where you’re you’re coming from whether you found me in the browsing or if why are you doing hand signals well damn i got a new picture wait what um but yeah so today’s been a bit all over the place

I removed hands yes she she has the ability to do so right now we see a wild specimen of a mime trying to i can’t even make jokes happy you look for lonely streamers i’m here no i’m not i’m staying over here no didn’t i found you well thank you for dropping by

You’re not giving me a hug i don’t want one right now i would [ __ ] die no my eyes burn my cheeks are killing me i’m having that freaking you know when you’re about to cry throat feeling hey sophie don’t forget you also said you needed to talk to me after streaming

I like you know home it’s okay don’t judge me here no no listen to what i’m about ready to say for you [ __ ] get over here okay but only give me a head pat that’s what i want to do and you’re behind my hand where are you why why

Why is it so far behind what in the actual oh i’m an idiot give me a second i’m struggling where’s me no that’s not me that’s me there we go i need dom whenever i want to be there hey guys i need to be there you go come on you have to

Position it right there’s a few streams yes i know you we’re still waiting for a service to complete your model i’m moving that is embarrassing but there do i play vr i i can it’s hard to stream it though especially since the cameras don’t like me my hands don’t like me right now

Because i haven’t duct-taped them to device so it stays but to give you an idea oh sorry i can’t still i can still hold on grab it well i’m going to do something that i haven’t done in a while hand other hand other hand there you guys go but yeah um she wasn’t

She wants to grab that thing no no no no don’t hurt my hands are dark you can’t see them but well and listen and on top of that they keep on glitching out hey do you want to make you cry more no please don’t i’m good

No no i’m good i’m good i’m really good it’s okay don’t make me have a panic attack i have been up for two days man i can feel you i’ve been up for almost an entire 24 hours only running off of maybe like four hours of sleep um i hear you’re suffering

I know i keep on having to mute my mic because of a freaking phone that won’t shut the [ __ ] up and i know when it’s gonna die it did what um you need to get some rest tonight then deal i oh what’s i oh dlio d d d will bless you

That’s all i gotta say [ __ ] no d d leo d what get some rest or i’ll fight you with money that’s not no okay here’s the thing i need to stream bless plus vi4 yes i need to stream i want i need to keep on trying to

Like i’m trying to get my channel to get attention so that way it can grow again because i haven’t been up i haven’t been here for for for what’s it called uh i haven’t been here for a week and then even prior to that week i wasn’t doing proper streamer stuff

So i need to catch up no one’s who is a sucker who’s sucker what do you mean i’m confused and i miss my pan zoom i fell for that one gigi [Laughter] but then again i can’t think right now oh and of course now that you did that one my brain’s going

Man that was totally up dog of you thank you that made me laugh and i’m glitching out because i don’t have a lot of light obviously who am i streaming with that would be every night light 18 I can’t i can’t i can’t i can’t i can’t i need to wake up stretch i wish these hand trackers tracked better i wish there was like little thingies that i can follow you still have streamlabs open don’t you yes i do no i didn’t but you didn’t

Because i was gonna do this where am i from all over the [ __ ] place it isn’t the same as the last picture but i’m pretty sure you can make it work out where shall i send these pictures to she’s not farting you all right and you can send them on either my

Twitter or discord okay i’m changing my outfit because i wear this one way too much stuffy you get the pic kimono or og i prefer kimono or cyber to be honest but that’s because i don’t like my own artists okay then i’ll let everyone else pick which guys do you want to cover

My kimono or my original outfit that says true ended excuse me oh gee reaper they’re just farting you’re over there going like what costume and they’re like just farting uh oh you gotta zoom out i know don’t tell me you’re making us look what don’t i wanna see the original

I don’t think i uh see she’s right no she’s not farting you know what for shits and giggles i put on my original [Laughter] i don’t have the like i don’t i don’t wear the original outfit on this model so i’ll have to actually equip the original model here we go whoa

Okay never mind i forgot how bad it is oh no yes that’s your original model this is like the original outfit design you did yeah i know Who looks dumb jonah be nice please and my eyes aren’t tracking properly yay me this is perfect this is great i look like i’m constantly angry there we go look ah this stuff he’s smart what means to be smart i’m not smart i i try to be and people keep on

Thinking i’m smarter than i actually am but i’m not do you look like an angry i’m not i’ll hang on i’ll try to turn on the lights yeah that’s bright there we go that should look a little bit better i’m listening i can hear you you’re gonna wait 15 seconds and then

You’re going to play fart you know what hang on hang on i got this try to imitate me okay uh fair enough uh general settings avatar locomotion turn that off like so boom uh let’s see boom boom boom uh boom no that’s not what i meant to do

That’s not what i meant to do either thank you for following thank you for the fall i can’t see it at the moment i don’t know if i’m i broke my thing no it’s okay i didn’t who followed jenny thank you i still get excited because i can still

Do the thing there’s my character they’re way too [ __ ] nice to deserve that i feel bad for earlier no that’s my excitement like i’m like i can do like let’s see i’ll do it oh it does it this time okay cool so there’s that okay no i won’t do it come on

How do we do hands um so the way that we do hands is that we have a camera on our face that tracks our face and we have a microphone that tracks our mouths but then we also have a um we have we have a tracker that tracks our hands on our chests

Um and that’s how it tracks our hands but no it’s not perfect at all pretty decent job like like i get excited because i like like okay okay i like to keep the fingers not to use just i like doing it in general but i can do rock on with its hand

And i can do love this hand i can do rock on and low but i can’t get the finger oh wait nope nope nope nope can you can you try copying what i did but on the other side or like on your side so that way we can that way we can see

The the middle of the screen like tilt your character slightly and put yourself to the side oh too far there you go don’t worry i can i can i already moved it no but i can i can do it more if i have to boop there you go boom okay whoa okay

All right and then i can do this let’s you know what [ __ ] it we’re watching memes we need to laugh i mean i’ve already stayed up way past my talking you want to go to bed um i was supposed to be off at 11 remember it’s almost one okay then we’re not

Looking at memes i don’t know what to talk about they love you they come to watch you not me no no no no what do memes you want me to well i mean hang on no girls sing you don’t need me wait i’ll come to watch the i’ll come

I’ll come to watch that be your stream wait oh hang on i’m confused i’m bad brain no there’s a question mark he’s questioning it technically not calling you out high stakes or anything because it’s your personal business and it’s your personal preference high stakes follows you not me so

He comes to watch you Now he’s quiet sorry i was i was reading just to tell you i’m mars no no i i i saw i i didn’t get to really say it loud because she was doing she was doing something i come to bully him though the way i downloaded those clips eclipse ever no

Why also um if your shadow if you’re asking me to do a 3d model like that i wouldn’t be able to i i only use v-ray so i’m very limited to what i can do do i want it oh no i need to delete clips before anyone

Else gets a hold of them especially the moan why does she look so sad i don’t know our models tend to glitch out well okay here’s the thing when i make models which i made hers that that way i made hers i mean mine would you better already downloaded two clips

Oh thank you so much high stakes gaming you didn’t have too much much appreciated what happened uh high stakes following me oh no you should stakes i’m gonna bully you in your streams you should have followed her sooner i told you no yeah you’re so much better no you’re so

Much better than me stop it no you’re funny yes you’re funny you freak out a lot you spazz a lot we can bully you and it’s funny see no when when you bully me i can i can just purposely get like but that’s not nice i did tell you

Why are i did tell you stakes and i’m not being mean to you i’m oh my [ __ ] god no no no what i died when did you tell me i oh my [ __ ] god i literally told you that that literally the first time that she popped into your streams i was like

Hey this is a friend of mine we streamed together [Laughter] and then and then she said she yeah she’s in front of me and sticks you for good it’s all good yeah no i’m i’m only teasing you’re fine when was this i don’t know maybe like almost a month ago oh my god

Storm thank you so much okay i’m not even streaming and i’m already getting follows like oh my god it’s called networking i’m gonna get in so much trouble if my sister answered the no you’re the bestest cowboy [Laughter] you’d be a mother trucker you’re fine how is it i followed before them

How was it i followed before them i’m bad at networking stakes stakes it it’s okay it’s okay i i still love all of you equally i don’t hear something anymore okay you know what from now on i’m going to speak gibberish i honestly wish my face could track what

My face is doing right now it did that pretty well i hiccuped he you speak gibberish on the normal okay okay fair point all right [ __ ] fair point so what’s the difference there i like i’d like to kiss you but no okay but what voice and also

Bear in mind that right now i can’t really do voices i am so sorry for what i’m about ready to do i’m taking my hands off and i have to do something because you’re like this model doesn’t track like with oh no like oh she made me do that

We mean your money what happened no i told you i told you okay i’ll give it back but i told you to give me to like in the thing it says she’s going twice jiggle he was like he’s like the jiggle figs aren’t as strong on this character

Model for the outfit as the uh the uh yeah yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] for the cyber one so like it’s like oh my gosh do you know what do you know what i’m sorry i’m i’m really i’m really bad i’m sorry i i’m a bad girl i’m sorry

I don’t know i’m sorry there i’ll be a crybaby [Laughter] you’re not supposed to unveil that until you’ve reached a thousand followers okay but i’m showing it off there there i’m showing it off no upskirting please it’s very glitchy at the moment but yeah there

And also i don’t like the fact that i don’t have sleeves anymore i can’t sleep careful and stop i’m crying no [Laughter] like i’m wearing stuff that like i’m still wearing my other stuff i literally just put like i even have like i didn’t even cut it out properly i’m just showing

Like a a brief preview okay hang on boom there we go that way it’s a little bit better i had a friend uh like that once when she realized i was a male and was read as a tomato after she realized what she did uh oh

Nah see he’s like my best friend i don’t care i’m just like he’s got a dress on i want to look up it no yes no yes that’s lewd no i don’t want to be lose right now i’m just being nice because okay look i don’t know what to give back right now

Okay so what i’m doing is being like okay i’ll be i’ll be in the the maid dress right now because it’s not ready we [ __ ] your ginormous is she she need a pet i don’t want to be where’s the main outfit okay no all right here’s the thing i’d

I got this for essentially if i reached a thousand followers i would wear this for a week i’m wearing this for a very brief amount of time right now because i don’t know what the [ __ ] to do right now and i find it funny so i’m going to look

At it because i’m obviously trying to puppeteer right now so yeah i think it’s funny so i’m going to laugh at it and i’m super [ __ ] blurry i’m in my dress now hang on now we’re both wearing dresses [Laughter] um hang on there boom okay this is as high as i’m going sophie

Thinks he’s hot no i said i saw no i said i thought it was funny i never said i thought it was hot i just thought it was funny technically stuffy is a shelter so exactly he looks that’s why he looks like a little kid

She is hot though but she but he is hot wait what wait exactly i don’t know what they’re talking about he said she is hot though yeah but then she’s not sick but she is hot but he is not both storming like both oh no ah i can’t even track my hands properly

I’m trying to hide but it’s not it’s not doing it because i don’t have my sleeves oh my sleeves behind me no don’t see what is with the lewd face he he is the most hit no i’m not much agreed i know what to do so they continue to watch the suffering

Of something okay first of all how did you do that i want to know how you did oh wait no that’s a sub chat never mind i’m an idiot don’t mind me i’m stu i’m good i know twitch everything is fine everything is awesome and you’re a part of the team

Has no idea what he’s talking about don’t worry it’s fine it’s okay [Laughter] yes does stephanie not know how to color text no i don’t i don’t either i don’t i’ve okay look i’ve been on the platform uh quote-unquote religiously since november 2020. type me then actions

Fee no no don’t touch my head no you can’t touch it no no i turned my heads off i’ll fight you hello there how does that [Laughter] ah you’ll fight me and lose okay fair point okay yeah fair point i will lose but oh my gosh sits on sephi because

Chrisley i don’t cheat how do i okay okay i did cheat but then again i’ll just use a lesson no no no no no no that’s like no that’s a big no-no for me i don’t like that at all you oh cause you cheat oh okay i’ll tie up

Of course you would reaper of course what about what oh no no i’m not a toy Stretch and here is discord i had that 100 uh i said says otherwise reaper we’re going here oh she must be used now they’re bullying you and i get to laugh i’m just thanking the lord that uh i don’t know how to pronounce this person’s name i’m so sorry probably mars

Uh no oh my god i got the perfect score on my exam i feel like this is a surprise for me Oh my fingers are cold and it’s hard to rub my eyes and i’m getting tired you girl i’m easier to say i like mars i’m i wish i knew how to give people nicknames there’s a way i know no there is a way to give a person a nickname

Either ah i can’t remember my voice is cracking so much hang on I need to drink something and then try some my fingers are cold and you want someone to hold your freaking hand um so i’m glad mars have like my server access and mars isn’t in the not safer work uh art of me You just [ __ ] burp or fart no no no i’m i’m growling i’m trying to growl so that way i can go back because my higher pitch voice is hurting at the moment because i’m i’m in high pitch mode because i’m i’m i’m just over stimulated so yes please let me join

I sent the link to sephie’s server i i i guess i’ll be nice and i’ll send my server too oh he’s stimulated no like um i can’t think everything’s happening in my brain it’s like going a burr that’s what i mean okay not not in i don’t know what you’re thinking okay

Don’t make this lewd wait what you left click there you look like their name and then there is a pencil by their name you can edit it yeah um no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i’m good i’m good okay i’m not even

I’m not even calculating the fact that i’m in a maid dress at the moment so what nothing i’m not okay look here’s the thing here here’s the thing i i’m wearing my uniform so i’m wearing shorts you’re not gonna see anything i don’t know what’s what’s the issue here

Like you’re not going to see anything this if he’s more wholesome than i am sorry You live in a gutter steaks [Laughter] no no oh stretch i really honestly want zappy to do that weird take back video where it’s like zero two’s dance in the maid outfit because that’s like every guy i’ve seen is doing and i’m like oh yes please

Just dance for me like zero to be my be my little mates please like oh let me let me get that whip and whip you okay no i was going i was going to try to do the dance but then you said whip and then i just lost interest

Yes i don’t want you to do that stream with me exactly no i can’t do this oh i thought you went to vegas Don’t ask me i don’t know i’m just gonna have some gummy [Laughter] Oh my gosh okay all right the [ __ ] oh well that fell oops i’ll have to pick that up almost the fifth uh almost a fifth of the way of 5k to 5k are we going to trap.com i mean if you think i’m a trap i’m sorry noise slowly gaining them points

Oh no oh i showed a trap okay okay all right the thing is is that i mean i’m more of a representative for sure well yeah okay i i’m just like okay here’s the thing okay um i’m not a trap no i’m not okay i’m not a trap right now

I’m dressed i’m in a dress but that’s because it’s funny haha mean here we go cross dressing lol that’s it i can’t pull off the sexy trap i can’t do that and also i have i don’t know how to be seductive to both genders i have issues with that

So i don’t know i call [ __ ] no i struggle with that i try i genuinely try but i still struggle with it it sounds like how he looks six model on the other hand does not match the voice he sounds like how she looks wait what

He sounds how he looks stakes model on the other hand does not match the voice oh wait i sound like my character i’m confused except you sound like how how i look oh okay okay okay good then that means i’m working on and i’m doing good because like okay because this is close

To my natural voice right now it’s a little bit higher pitch because i’m again i’m in panic mode but but like just imagine okay all right you got you got this hang on i have to do this ever i have to i have to hang on i’ve done this joke so many times

I’ve seen so many youtubers because i’ve been i’ve been looking around and it kind of low-key frustrates me when i see youtubers that look like this right okay that look like this right cute little bunny and everything right super adorable all that jazz right but then like go all right

Hello everyone today we’re going to be playing some fall guys here we [ __ ] really enjoy so uh the new season pass came out and we’re having a great time so far and uh yeah and don’t forget to follow and uh if you want to subscribe you can

So yeah i see so many youtubers that are like that where it’s a cute little bunny or like a cute little kittenae and then or like or even like big titty versions someone came in once and said i was not expecting the base of your voice

No but your base is badass it rumbles mine growls it goes so yeah no [Laughter] i sound grunge you sound like blues or jazz if that makes sense uh dirk i’m going back to my normal suit i’m sorry okay hang on okay boop all right i could be the monstrosity if you wanted

But i don’t think you want me to be the monstrosity oh my [ __ ] someone quit eclipsing may not be right what what what did i miss copy image uh someone just sent something to me in my discord channel and memes here you go i am sent to you

I don’t look like that i don’t no no no okay okay i look you kind of do but no no no no how does it fit so well where is people’s oh right they’re in your discord i’m sorry but wait no i’m tempted to do the r just for shits and giggles

No that’s the same time assassination classroom that’s from assassination classroom yes it is i don’t know that character the guy i don’t oh remember [ __ ] god oh my god someone sent him the [ __ ] i’m sorry i remember watching it on youtube because i didn’t have crunchyroll because i was in europe

Oh my gosh ninja i mean no wait hold on oh nagisa i guess i don’t know i don’t remember i honestly don’t remember it’s been so long and i and i was probably quote unquote lurking the anime nice one they look so simple no no no

No don’t put me with no [ __ ] god okay okay all right all right no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i okay i can’t pull off the trap voice so i want to sleep but i can’t i know you’re feeling

I know how you feel i’ve done that it’s not fun why are you replying i’m confused why are you wait i okay twitch i love you i really do but i don’t understand you sometimes what are you sending more of okay never mind i remember that character that character i remember i

Know it’s the same character but no yeah the gun and the knife and then the school uniform i remember okay look bad memory okay i have bad memory damn it my noodle fell off the block what what what are you talking about what are you talking about no

Just no okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i’m good i’m bad i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good hello [Laughter] i’m sorry i had too much fun with that [Laughter] wait what uh okay your current voice

Say chew out a chew out at match 20 then praised with waving tentacles this unusual education made me pretty happy and because this unusual teacher actually looked looking at us hands-on okay chew out in match 20 then praised with waving tentacles this unusual education made me pretty happy all because the

Unusual teacher was actually looking at us head-on you moved it you all got caught sleeping in 4k what see no i can’t say that because it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it’s not it was not a redeemed i may or may not be struggling uh-huh

That was one of the and nagisa’s quotes gotcha i’m cold i’m gonna okay since i’m not playing a game i’m putting on gloves because i’m cold my fingers are cold and and i have my gloves next to my desk for drawing so haha i literally follow him

Um j04 thank you for the follow oh my gosh more trap pictures why are you making i want this on your character you could do a cosplay isn’t it no i could pull it off but no because i have the hair and then no i don’t want to i don’t want

I don’t want to entails i’m not i’m not red his fingers are cold yes this is my thing these are cool but they might not track as well as before yeah i’m still struggling okay i might throw hurt from all sorts of things between talking crying shouting drinking just drinking hearts

Stop crying then the [ __ ] you mean stop crying you’re the one that made me cry especially the four hundred dollars in donations where 300 400 in donations what do you mean what what what where i see the 300 but i don’t see the 400 don’t lie to me don’t trick me

Don’t do that don’t make me panic for no reason i don’t need to panic okay all right also mars i love you too i have just realized you don’t have your own personal server no i don’t you really should have one nope i would never be in it so there’s no point

Oh i thought uh they don’t know uh and uh and i no no it was a total of 200 and then plus your 100. Yeah wait so did you do the voice yes i did Completed i knew it was you okay i’m sorry i’ll make a private server server about you no you don’t need to you don’t need to you’re fine i don’t i don’t i don’t need a server because okay here’s the thing um okay so lore of my character right

Um no you did not miss you’re fine you’re good you’re good what kind of name and not sticks clearly it was steaks when is this the server uh give me the nuts no [Laughter] oh my gosh i didn’t i was about to explain the lore of my character and

Then everybody’s going on with oh send me nude pictures i’m like what no or superheroes or that oh [Laughter] [Laughter] it’s lewd i’m sorry i read that as no you Wait lose pictures from 70 yes please no no no no no no no no i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i’m good i have one drawing of me like that and that’s it

Oh you’ll have another one no i don’t want another one i’m good i have i have someone that is gonna hopefully do one for me oh fine i’ll post it where is it oh i mean i did post it already i wonder you’re like freaking as a cat well no that was

That was just me playing with the poses i’m going Copy image and then moonlight realm fan art boom It’s an Old one but hey there we go boom there i posted it now me go hide no i’m not okay maybe i am but i i look horny right now for real i gotta talk to you we’re in the uh in the moonlight realm fan art not playing less nice timing no

That is actually really good timing i didn’t plan that but yeah no i’m still hiding why are you looking at me oh god sophie no i’m not proposing i’m hiding i’m not doing a good job though there i’m not right it’s not really lewd i mean that’s the well that’s the

Closest i’ve done to lose stuff that’s my own art i’m not doing anything like that okay i don’t like that wait hold on hold on i’m trying not to talk too loud shut the [ __ ] up that is not the lootest pitcher you ever [ __ ] duncan give me that [ __ ] [ __ ]

No of me okay oh you yeah that’s what i said i’ve done looter drawings just look up simptakami on instagram [Laughter] uh uh uh i i would love ever to do that uh how long’s institute again like again it’s not it’s not very lewd but that’s the latest i’ve done of me

Of me and how long until this team and uh it looks like you’re ready to what no what i’m confused i don’t know regime uh give hug oakley though clay i guess i have to get out all right looks like you’re ready to be sick the toes i’m not going to suck toes

I’m not i refuse this evie dewey it’s gross it’s bad technically something that doesn’t even really show any of your lewd art i mean you’ve had worse [ __ ] okay i have me but i can’t share the ones that i’ve done that are commissions or were commissions or whatever

Commissions or debt commissions or dido Yes well then playing magnitude moments i know i’ll go to hell but i don’t mind wait a minute wait you believe in hell i didn’t know that because like okay here’s the thing like what is hell is it just a big place with fire or is

It just the grace place on earth where you get to sin you know so yes yes well actually that depends on what we’re on a highway um i mean suresh is in hell right yep yup it can’t be that bad can i go can i go sleepy yes you can go to sleepies

I will kidnap a mushroom [Laughter] no no no uh mars who ever because if so then damn right what about me nothing you’re my favorite stranger why am i the favorite streamer okay well here’s the thing um if you think about helheim for example which is another version of hell

It’s not it’s not hot it’s cold there so maybe my hell is helheim it’s night night oh hello welcome welcome welcome you missed a train wreck several actually maybe more than one don’t re-watch the vibe you’re probably going to rewatch the vod because this [ __ ] eclipse I’m actually genuinely scared i don’t watch the vod he can he can dance wait can he dance twice though this one am mr glitz are you having fun i am all over the place no don’t shout it out no if you shout out i’m gonna feel even worse because then i uh no

If i had okay how’s like uh no one can feel pain but people are in hell in fire hey plat if [Laughter] after my debut uh would you want one who can i tell can i tell you something sad body pillows oh i was wanting to do a body pillow

For my 500 goal because people have been asking it but i don’t understand why and i don’t understand why you’d buy one to be completely honest i’m i’m being genuinely serious but i said it for the meme and people were like oh hell yes i was like okay maybe oh i’m sorry I know That took a dark turn real [ __ ] quick i’m gonna send you a body pillow then wait you’re gonna send where when why okay first of all i i wanna say something so mars i want to say something um don’t don’t feel don’t feel sad about it

Think of it and don’t like well i mean do feel sad but like what i’m trying to say is like not music no um what i’m trying to say is like try to instead of um be sad over the memories treasure them and and when you feel sad think of your cat

And be happy i remember those times when he clawed your face out and he pooped on your car and he and he decided to pee on your your brand new console that’s what i do when i remember my cat good timing mate no perfect shitty people i’m so tired i want to sleep

But i can’t i need to stream for another two hours minimum i have to i gots too i need to do but i don’t know what to talk about oh girls hello please don’t rewatch this vlog i think of you there’s no how come you always pop up in the in in in

In the videos where i’m either super panicked or i don’t know what i’m doing or i’m mentally just not here okay maybe that’s just me 24 7 but [Laughter] blah i love you too girls [Laughter] oh two two hours three more why all right hang on wait what

Don’t be sad it’s over be happy it happened thank you yes dr soyuz for the win hostile forces detected arming raid defenses wait what what in the actual [ __ ] no no i’m not ready for this holy [ __ ] hello hello hello everyone oh my [ __ ] god no i’m not ready for this

Hello everyone um holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] hello everyone i guess i have to sit for two more hours oh my god hang on i need to change oh [ __ ] this is going so fast hello hello hello what do you mean you’re sick okay that’s what chat was saying before i switched

Oh my [ __ ] guy everybody’s following holy cow shut up me okay um all right this is good sound strange but i have to think of that close shout out so check out plat epic stream where he plays minecraft and all sorts of game he does really cool um he really he does

Really cool after effects stuff and he’s a graphics designer now i need to reach um breathe hello oh my god oh my gosh holy cow hello everyone fudge muffins okay hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on okay follow me

Thank you for the follow go go see vt thank you for the follow star nova kitty thank you for the follow andrew killer thank you for the follow really thank you for the follow zenko vt thank you for the follow sorry vr thank you thank you thank you oh i can’t pronounce it

Thank you gratitude thank you for this for the sub that’s nice waffles fluff thank you for the follow creole take a second holy [ __ ] everybody i i don’t know what to say it’s not my birthday plan don’t you [ __ ] start i love you but no hello everyone

I’m okay no no train wreck number four [Laughter] hello everyone i’m sorry i’m wearing these i need ha i’m wearing hi yes kind of it’s not my birthday thank you for following oh my gosh oh where is there she she needs to see this oh my god

I don’t know what i’m doing what are we doing what are we playing what are we doing hello everyone i can’t see how oh my [ __ ] god everybody call me no no don’t that’s a bad idea thank you i can’t breathe i need to breathe i need to breathe holy [ __ ] spaceballs [ __ ] okay uh uh all right no doubt here thank you nick nick thank you calamity comedy cure thank you lightning heart thank you demon rosetta thank you per perry is the paradox thank you i see much latte i see that english i struggle why is everybody saying happy birthday it’s not my birthday

Decapitator thank you for the follow ashley stella thank you you can’t mess with this oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you holy [ __ ] i was not ready for this oh my gosh hang on how many are we at the [ __ ] holy crap it’s not my birthday following

Holy mackerel and cheeseburgers on tater sauce it’s not my birthday though ah hang on hang on since now no no hang on i can be i can be in the middle uh this is so weird okay hello everyone hello holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is happening happy

Birthday to everybody i don’t care if it’s not your birthday happy birthday to everybody exactly thank you for following happy unbirthday yes yes yes i don’t agree okay look i don’t understand why though i’m just a panicking little glitch thank you so much gratitude oh my gosh hello hello hello hello hello

Oh today was the day that i bring my model even if it wasn’t much sorry if i’m crying i had a very emotional stream yes holy crap buzz kill thank you for the follow bob you’re amazing and you’re doing great and you’re going to do so follow your dreams it is a tough

But oh i can’t read but there’s never stops i’m trying not to stop gratitude gratitude [ __ ] we’re donating this we get 100 let’s go don’t cry i’m crying no no no no no i i had okay okay i said we can shut up no no

Bad i’m gonna put you in timeout if you do that again oh my gosh hello everyone okay please get some ice cream and chill down no i’m too cold for ice cream i want a hot chocolate hot chocolate sounds really nice right now with marshmallows [Laughter] oh thank you for following

I just grabbed a gummy i can see the effects thank you for the follow i don’t know why but hello hello hello hello oh my gosh okay all right let me explain who i am because you guys just came and attacked me and gave me all sorts of kindness

So i’m a glitch i can do voices i play video games i do art and i’m i’m a be tuber i’m supposed to be a showed up but nobody treats me like one [Laughter] but yeah welcome i play retro games i play new games i play co-op games

And i’m currently working on a project called project 404 it’s not 100 official but yeah hope to see you soon and again and again and again and again and oh girls i fixed my vr headset we need to play vr chat and trolls in minecraft okay i don’t troll in minecraft

I just play in minecraft i’m just bad at the game okay i’m not necessarily the best gamer in minecraft i’ve had it for years don’t get me wrong java is new to me and yeah i just get lost oh my gosh no [ __ ] we’re like dying minecraft okay look i

Understand i die a lot okay i get it that’s the thing i do but it’s fun because i get to see everybody else’s reaction to it oh so the cl uh so the classic nonsense the direction of direction yes yes i get lost

I like to see that no no no no no no no no no no no no how many followers are we at i’m i’m i’m genuinely freaking out right now ah do you reach my goal you almost reach my holy fudge muffins holy cow thank you guys

You’re alive just go up and uh and up every stream shut the [ __ ] up people love you now you can’t tell me otherwise boom i win okay fair point for a point you do win all right i’ll give you that one no problem kraptic thank you i’m sorry i don’t have nightbot

No no cry that’s my job actually no my job is to make you guys laugh and have fun i i’m not even playing a game i look ever i can’t win i can’t win i give up kipple oh thank you for following it’s that i can’t read

Oh my gosh zaver breath thank you for the follow uh you are the game i’m not the game when am i okay look just because you like to push my buttons and tease me doesn’t mean i’m the game oh my gosh but hello hello hello hello hello

Okay i okay uh warning i don’t know say yes yes i have stopped working i don’t know what to do i like turkey and does anybody else like to eat okay so you you sure about that think it think that wait what do you mean hang on uh

I mean okay yes are you uh you you’re the no no no no i don’t even have like the like my brain is not computing i can’t even go like full on go like because normally i would respond with that with an arara but no i can’t i’m just in full panic

I can’t but hello um i could i don’t know what to do i don’t know what to play i was not expecting this uh but i first impressions are hard but hello that’s the main trait of mine i’m panicky and i glitch out oh my gosh but thank you all for coming

And thank you all for following me so much much much much much and my nose hurts oh my gosh so how was the stream what were you guys doing you got nice here thank you uh go as cool uh what that’s that’s why you’re the best glitch wait no okay

At some point i wanna i want to get the best memes ask questions guys yes yes please i’ll do a q a i’ll happily do a q a i can do that i can i can answer questions uh yeah you better be hype as hell i am

I almost fear farted and i don’t like farting my stream i’ve never done it tell them about your choice of pizza i don’t think that i think i would lose everybody was my choice uh is off to bed because it okay you have you have a good one shadows of

Attorney thank you thank you thank you for dropping by and stay with me and and and and also i need to double check because i didn’t yes and also for the donation thank you thank you thank you thank you i i almost confused you with the other one

Um you you think you think fortnite suck i think it’s such bad boy okay i i played fortnite for the memes okay that would be funny to play just [ __ ] running around q a and like oh no i can’t sleep i mean i leave i get a message like yo

Stephanie got ready to 500 people okay fair point for a point holy cow holy muck banana oh i also sent you the picture of the my manager’s screen from have fun i don’t know i don’t know if you want me to do a 3d model or or just a 2d drawing if

It’s a 3d model i can’t do that i’m not i only use v-ray um do i play apex boy do i do i do it well definitely not [Laughter] i can’t i can’t run apex for very long because my my computer goes blurb but yes i play apex

And i tend to play a ugly scottish version of pathfinder please i’ll give money no no no if you ever want to group up uh uh i’m l m k l m k oh i don’t i don’t know what that means i’m okay see i don’t know certain terms the thing is i

Speak multiple languages so i don’t know like most like shortcuts what games do you have and what’s the best you can play i can play warframe as if it was my religion all right i’ll check discord um but i play uh i play i i play i play pokemon not very well

I play um i play a bunch of retro games i love all sorts of retro games um whether that be platformer strategy puzzles doesn’t matter i love them all and then uh for uh just your average games if i were to play one by myself it would probably be ones that are

Like really fast-paced and our movie movies like all over the place like they’re like they’re they don’t stay stagnant although a good game that did a good mix of that was was god of war for ps4 and spider-man spider-man did a good job at that too

Can you give me a link to your server uh uh or you know i got one i am a part of the black star server but i don’t i don’t have my own server well look it’s because i’m not always active if you click on my social like on like

In the description below there’s a there’s a social thing that says um that says uh like if you click on it it will lead you to my discord with an invite well not necessarily my discord but the black star where i’m at good timing yes it most definitely was good timing oh no

Also i do voices um i try to do the voices that people ask me to do sometimes i don’t know them so i have to look them up prior almost too good eh all right you sleep tight oh wait no you’re just sleepy i’m struggling i’m sorry

I have dyslexia so it’s hard to read and then my eyes are burning like hell oh my gosh but again how was your guy’s stream what were you guys doing i didn’t i did i didn’t i didn’t see her her notification i went to [ __ ] sleep but i can’t also we found out

Uh that in a maid outfit he looks like nagasa okay all right i’ll give you that one hang on i’ll show everybody i’ll be nice i’ll do it again but um but this is the only stream until i get to a thousand hang on duke duke all right mina made outfit

Um it’s not complete i still have to add neon lights but yeah you think my voice is very charming this is not my normal voice this is me when i’m panicky otherwise my voice is a little bit lower but hello oh i’m like [ __ ] it i’ll put you instead

Of the yawns because it sounds like a cat meowing when it sounds yes yes very much so but yeah so this is um also it’s hard for me to track my eyes at the moment i have to keep the lights slightly down but yeah so this is my main outfit i’m

Going to be working on adding neon lights like so that way if it fits my design hello what’s up man welcome welcome welcome hang on i need i need to switch i need to switch back dude i’m gonna go back to the glitch there we go boom

Jerk i have so many models it’s ridiculous there you go all right boom and then reset boom no i’m not sit for [ __ ] i don’t have one i don’t have one i’m not like that tend to have like even when i’m working on them i tend to have some kind of

Clothing unless if i’m working on the form of the body but then even then no i don’t need it i don’t need it i’m good thank you there i’ve managed to pull one up i’m having a gummy uh in the mom no i don’t look like the mom

I don’t look like the mom from from from from from from from promise neverland i don’t you did a free r yes i did you guys believe me with so many channel points and this is one crazy stream so i was like okay fine why not also my model is struggling at keeping

Up with me and that would be why there you go ah no data here that from luke oh my lord with suppression what oh i do that a lot because i i think faster than i can actually talk and so i i go i go back and forth

Well that’s right that’s what we were saying like before before the stream that’s what we were saying like apparently i have thick legs but i don’t understand the concept it makes a loop [Laughter] okay look that’s because thank you for following nerd detective thank you for the follow

Thank you thank you thank you i’m gay now oh no i’m sorry i didn’t mean to ah i can’t okay i am so excited i’m so hyped i’m i’m i’m so nervous i’m so scared i’m so upset you combine all this together and that’s me a lovable mess

I’m gonna go back to in-game sack and we’re i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna i’m gonna there we go no that’s the wrong one i’m a professional i swear [Laughter] oh my gosh okay so i’m back in the game a neurotic mess okay yes yes i am an erotic mess

What is happening you you i want to move i want to move sefi let me move sefi no sefi let me move me there we go haha i moved me oh my gosh it is this this dimension what is this game uh now i’ll play uh make him no

Oh this is not a game this is i’m not in vr i i i i can’t i can’t stream pc games and be in vr at the same time as a tech nerd with a myself i can definitely appreciate this whole bit that yeah you go i got going on this

Is not a bit i glitch out i glitch out in real life i have dyslexia the way that i read things the way that i speak my pattern glitches between multiple languages so one moment i could be speaking perfectly english and then out of nowhere is the rainbow bur

But yeah no i i genuinely glitch and that’s why i kept with that and also my character doesn’t try to track properly so glitch sometimes i begin talking in russian to my mom for no reason oh i had a i had a co-worker that had that had a that had a really sick

Russian accent and i really wanted just to imitate it the entire time but he was my manager so i couldn’t actually do that because i would lost my job it was hilarious uh the stream aesthetic and the brain glitches are perfect and fit for each other i love it thank

You wait i’m confused what do you mean by by you glitch um okay so like i’ll stutter like i’ll have like stutters i’ll have uh and i’ll have like dyslexia uh i read like a two-year-old um uh i i have to stop i have to pause and then sometimes

Like i’ll if you got a depression accent i talk arabic when i go mad when i want to be anti-social with people i speak french he drinks too much and has to go pee during stream look that’s you guys okay you guys make me drink so much i had to make it

So [ __ ] expensive okay all right i can’t like dude not me i wonder whose fault was that oh oh yeah okay i see how it is oh cross cross hello chris hi holy cow everybody’s joining today holy [ __ ] this is not okay oh my god drink more but i can’t

I literally okay look i would if it was just a normal day all right but here’s the thing i drink more oh you drink huh big boy okay look look look look look look look look here’s the thing um first of all nothing alcoholic because no secondly um i drink four

Bottles that were one liter of water i drink one and a half one and a half liters of bottles of iced tea and i’m on my my last bottle and it’s halfway halfway empty i drink so [ __ ] much this is not okay it’s just not so yeah no right now it’s super

Expensive because i i i didn’t have time to put no vodka look okay a good vodka and a good sake are very nice but not when i’m streaming i blame that nut steaks guy oh sure you do star wars gif more more yours more you will drink your must

To have the force you will what’s with the sad music dread why look oh look i don’t want i don’t want to have to leave leave stream i can go to the bathroom and then let’s see everybody disappear because i’m i’m inactive for two seconds

Oh my [ __ ] god that’s a lot of vodka cheers kid bulls cheers dears i i have had enough to drink i’m already doing the pee pee dance and no i’m not i’m not i don’t wanna i don’t wanna leave stream i need a magical power from outer space that allows me to convert

The water i drink into super powers i want that i want to be aquaman you’re my you might beat it for six seconds yes um i i tend to do that every once in a while i think i may be going to sleep bye everyone good night jazza

See you in about 20 minutes because knowing you you hold your turn that’s what you do oh my gosh okay so so so so so so so i play um i play games and i’m in a game i i was so [ __ ] proud of this i am in this [ __ ] game i’m gonna

I’m gonna play this hang on dick stream manager edit stream uh uh i’m gonna do this real quick i don’t have any mods that are awake ah there we go just chatting switch that to craftopia duke craft topia boom boom save boom okay boom haha everything’s a-okay i got this

Whoa i move the wrong thing there we go boom i like seeing your full body up here but i i want to play games i want to play games with you guys also my model is not in the proper uh no uh no why is it doing this

What did you do are you not mirror oh you’re not mirrored that’s why okay boom there we go what game well you’ll see it’s craftopia and it should be good morning good morning good morning good morning i’m mirrored that’s not good i thought i fixed that

Oh call it okay i guess i fixed it now hello hello hello where am i there i am no that’s not me that’s me there we go where’s my name oh hang on i have to import you from the other scene hang on ah this is so scuff image no not image text

Text Where is you where is you where is you mike add source boom there up and boop there you go okay everybody’s here all right and then where’s game where’s game worst game bear with me bear with me uh game capture game auto uh select specific window boom boom okay

Uh add my name for no reason no uh guys do do reset so wait what specific did i get another donut i’m scared hello lovelies my name for no reason wait really scroll down do stuff i don’t know wait no not yet or i did wait i’m confused what hang on ah okay

Uh oh uh oh stream please love me except for darling they’re trying to don’t know they are i’m confused help duke uh i think it was on this one right how did sarah say today wait i’m so confused chad you’re talking without me like i don’t mind but i’m trying to

Figure out what’s going on why is he because she likes teasing me that’s why and cra f2p is not responding uh oh okay i’m gonna grab my controller yes i play with the controller i’m sorry you can disown me but please don’t i love you all sophia x is not responding

Would you like to wait for the program for spline okay fair point fair point fair point teasing yousef yes she likes teasing me by calling me darling i’m i’m a fan of darling in the franxx so yeah okay so this does not seem like my save file for some

Reason take oh and the controller’s not working great okay cool i don’t know the controls oh wait i think we know why my controller wasn’t working i wasn’t clicked on the game [ __ ] no controller still doesn’t work great okay never mind we got this

Wait does it work oh it does work can we make up our mind game okay all right boom so where we left off on this game was a definitely lagging holy book um i managed i managed i managed i managed i mean i managed to build some [ __ ] and and and

I just wanted to take let me take thank you this is good uh i just got sick yes you did i don’t know why everybody i know a lot of people got gifted points i think it’s because you uh you either you followed with it with a raid or

You took part in something uh i call my uh uh uh i call ever my love and odd no one points point that one out that’s true you do you do why is it sticky okay um okay okay okay okay you just been uh you should spend all the money you

Don’t know to buy more monitor and space no that’s the thing all this donation that i got today is used to get me out of the red and then i then my next uh like on the 15th i’ll receive enough money to pay off my internet bill that’s what’s going on

Right i came back here because i needed to craft tools i needed to craft tools okay all right boom ah okay so silver ore iron ore okay i have an iron axe blah blah blah okay i need to remember the controls i think there we go use some money on girl no no

I have to be responsible ah oh hang on i need to remember the controls there we go i think okay because here’s the thing ow i have a feeling that everybody that is um i have no energy i prefer oh turn it to him anyway every penny helps love the glitz

No no that’s not how that works mike it was me in shadow as well you know what you know what hang on hang on hang on i’m gonna let you guys screw with me i have an idea that did not go as planned hang on i has an idea

I’m going to do this Like first date i’m not giving a money yet johanneco has joined the fray ever nightlight 18 oh no has joined the fray no she nice demon omg yup yup am a good demon search demon has joined the fray high stakes gaming has joined the fray kyle slash one has joined the fray yes

I think this might be a mistake yes it is [ __ ] yes [Laughter] what is even going on i don’t know actually you know what [ __ ] this game let’s just talk let’s just talk there you guys get to talk with me uh-oh you don’t get to talk with me the [ __ ] hang on

There we go what is happening has joined the fray no underscore data underscore here has joined the fray duxton there he has joined the fray evernight light 18 has joined the frame okay so bear with me has joined the fray what is happening exactly bro what u-u-r-r-u-u-r-r-u-r-r oh no has joined the fray

John madden what is happening here the hell [Laughter] this is happening nsfw model please no what is going on okay i activated tts for everybody do you like my sword sword no sword my diamond sword sword you cannot afford pour it forward ever no if you can hear this sub and donate

To sephie because the all z eeing voice has commandeth you [Laughter] oh thank you i had to one’s luck okay no but here here’s the thing here’s the thing i don’t want ever everybody’s fan i don’t want anything did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise

I thought not it’s not a story the jedi i like have or tiny iron sword bro lol how could this happen to me so what’s the best way to break the tds uh by you have a limit on still chill yup sephie is an adorable toe no i wouldn’t

Want to eat the sprinkler system goes t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s t s the fitness gram pacer test is a multi-stage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more wahahaha oh my gosh oh my gosh

You are you you you are you you you are you you you are you at eeee if you laugh you lose can it beat box though boots and cats and boots and cats we have broken him lmao perfect time to donate he’ll print out it now at we at www.we

He’s turning it off i think sound alerts has joined the frick [ __ ] god yes you guys act [Laughter] oh jpeg alexa play rick roll sephie darling yes what’s going on usr slash ben slash cephe has exited with an error why why why why why why why why because why not

Oh my gosh oh this is great i had to i had to take a small break i’m sorry i’m sorry sephie i guess you are my little pog champ no sepi glitch.exe has encountered a critical error sefi i guess you are my little pogchamp rolls on floor laughing my ass off [Laughter]

This is great oh no what have i done i’ve unleashed the demons i have no protocol against this i need to sleep no let the madness commence yes follow sepi error my chip is dead i’m dead by earth in the sky but i don’t wanna know you don’t wanna

Oh no sephie is my the sea little adorable toe champ i’m not all humans no we’re not doing that we love humans make my job easier madness chaos i need sleep but i don’t want to sleep if you do not sub to sefi can you really call yourself a sub cephe

Is a switch i think what oh oh what okay no not necessarily say sejia i’m no sub kill all humans arrow at w w w w hat selfie make a loot you search is a dom oh i get it no why do you want me to why do you want to make me

Why no demon rosetta has joined the fray has during the sephie likes to glitch on my glitch and slurp my glitch while i glitch glitch glitch glitch in bed nsfw model we demand is a robot what comes over and hug cephei all you naughty little lights

Should follow sepi if not i will punish all you punish us ever oh no on a robot wait i’m a robot oh my god i walk away for five minutes l-o-l okay underscore i underscore p underscore p underscore l underscore e has joined the fray demon rosetta

Has joined the fray don’t you threaten us with a good time ever k e k w o dot o i can’t breathing hey exactly for taking away the for [ __ ] sake i’m laughing so hard xxx xxx xxx at fp underscore p underscore is here aaa would you like to buy followers

Best break ever i don’t want to buy followers this is fantastic p underscore p underscore p underscore p underscore p underscore p underscore p underscore zero if everyone can hear this cephe will take a sippy sip has joined the fray has joined the fray duxton ever for the win oh my gosh

What am i gonna do with you guys oh no okay all right you know what you know what i’m going to add a thing whatever is amazing where it’s nothing for the winlock this is top tier bully text underscore to underscore speech new lol okay okay there should be a thing where

Basically for 10 000 points the rest of the stream should be tts active that’s what i should do from now on 10 000 points and teach us active sefi i guess you are my little pog champ kill human knowledge at one one one nine two very fun stream ever step on me

Oh my god alexa by bad dragon [Laughter] joke’s on you mine doesn’t respond to alexa [Laughter] this is great computer play baby shark i didn’t sleep and i got classes qwq on bit gosling238 has joined the phrase okay google bye bad dragon i wanna put a leash on sephie to mess

With everyone else lol hey google play baby shark rar let’s [ __ ] home yuka t e ku ro no ka n-i-zo n-i-k-o no d-i-o my friend has like 2 000 dollars [Laughter] you got big stick tiny balls i like to see no no no no no no no no no

L hey alexa what time is it let them eat bread eat bread why what’s what’s you with calling me out fails with tails has joined the fray then ever is queen of brats wnsfw please give us nsfw nsfw no I love bread i love bread too i can’t eat it but i love it [Laughter] oh my gosh i This is chaotic as all hell and i love it i said brad tamer but okay [Laughter] i love this i love this so much this is great this is fan [ __ ] dancing j speak from cozenwood and joe endo against jj i can’t breathe i’m having trouble [Laughter]

Sepi is dying yes cephei gots 300 plus in dono we need to give more no we’re trying to break tds not loot the ceph shoves bread in at their for dreadface now eat it you naughty boy ultra microscopic silico volcanic neosis baby shark do do do

Do do do make his brain go total b r r r r r r r r r r r r u I love this oh never gonna give you up no don’t regrow me never gonna give you up never gonna let you down never gonna let you down [Laughter] oh no this is great i love you guys never gonna turn around what are you doing step bro nothing nothing at all

And hurt you what are you doing ceph bro i’m dying we’re no strangers to love you know the rules and so do i ate full commitments what i’m thinking of [Laughter] i just want to tell you how i’m feeling gotta make you understand guys let’s shoot

Are he dead he is my honey i chan last christmas i gave you my heart it’s time to do do do do do oh my god autobots roll out i like that one autobots transformed and roll out once upon a time there was the cube

Uh strikes back tvh i had a rough day and this is such a turn around before bed thanks ebay own this is amazing cx blip feet pls senpai ill make you wet okay i sound like a boy or ga why now hello i am sefi aka sefi glitch

I am a newbie streamer and a failed youtuber oh i see what you’re doing i can luke i am your father i do love to consume water holy [ __ ] that optimus prime was perfect choke me like you hate me when you foot me it’s ready oh my gosh autobots transform and roll out

I have a merch store if you don’t like donating with anything in return but still want to help out i’m sorry dave i’m afraid i can’t do that my name is my dummy mommy whoa okay [Laughter] you are good at the voices thank you you don’t know the power of the dark

Side of the force now join me choke me and give me the white sephi so is sephie daddy what’s the difference between jelly and jam We know not where it comes from only that it holds the power i can jelly my dick in your ass daddy it’s too hard xd sir i was about to say i hope that’s not a dead baby joke it’s just a flesh wound if i have to see firm ass 66 [Laughter]

I’m the greatest good you’re ever gonna get let’s go steve has donated 100 doll hairs we’ll give you away the cs but it’s wet okay daddy sepi omg wait that didn’t do what i wanted lol i’m not i’m not daddy yes daddy sepi can i say i like yakutji to a former emo

Kid master cephei we will shoot rrr nowhere near daddy i don’t know where you are amino benzene sulfonic acid holy crack or our daddy sn best rearion i promise you’ll be calling me daddy soon darling some of y’all [ __ ] need jesus since now okay thresh yes

You look like my mom i’m not your mom my sprinkler goes like this and comes back like there’s a re okay i’m gonna be completely honest with you guys there’s a reason why there’s a tts in my stuff it was because originally i couldn’t read and i had i circled with

Reading so i put the tts and then that backfired like crazy and now i love it even more now i haven’t used it in over two months but you do look like my mum please kiss me mom wait sepi Tds to speak like sefi technically i mean like like like like like like mommy please how did i not find you before this is hilarious darlings i’ll be all of your daddy daddy sir please take a left turn then [ __ ] off [Laughter] mommy you need the oh

Oh boy i am legit in the middle of a math lecture lol and you’ll see hang on hang on hang on yeah i got you i got you guys and the square root of four is nine no the square root of [ __ ] i can’t do that

Mommy please give me your number i’m not your mind i underscore paid underscore for underscore fraps but he’s got no wings and his butt’s not hanging out i’m sorry don’t forget to do a double baby If you really want me to love you daddy is so big naked model no i’m good no thank you let’s avoid those things if you got it flaunt it um i could break sefi with finished tds oh oh please no i haven’t had this much

Fun since the last time i got stoned off my ass w that’s the coolest part here you don’t need drugs i’m the scatman ski by dibby dibby x3 nuzzles pounces on you who will you so warm oh couldn’t help but notice your bulge from across i’m from norway you’ll be waiting in the

Error 18 plus first two hey i got a little itch you think you can help me only seven inches long please um i gotta go but this is too much fun should i do it [Laughter] i will see you oh it doesn’t read it doesn’t read

Symbols mike 36t is still on the screen as i said some of y’all [ __ ] need jesus [Laughter] it doesn’t dang it kamachi what the [ __ ] did you just [ __ ] say about me you little [ __ ] i’ll have you know i graduated i haven’t smiled this much in a long

Time i’m glad omw a mouse india [Laughter] this is supposed to sound funny now i need a richard here plzzzzzzzz oh my gosh i can’t this is wonderful oh how am i supposed to stream with this like okay it’s cool for just chatting uh land fair pulled wine jill go george wardrobe lenti

Sleep good night good night good night well i’m and you know why jas m2610 has joined the fray welcome back i am poppy i am poppy i am i am poppy i am poppy i know that youtuber singer as much fun as i’m having with this i

Need to go so good night y’all and good night hip-hop anonymous well i’m back and you know why asterisk because it’s been 20 minutes oh no [Laughter] lol this is great i love you guys you’re awesome and [ __ ] sleep yo been there done that i should be sleeping oh my gosh sep

Are you simp mike underscore 36 t i has joined the fray i am for everybody to be on i’m gonna be completely honest i am for everybody no she went to bed you’re a shrimp we call them vimps here because virtual you know [Laughter] i love her how many shrimp do you have

To eat i [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dcik i read speeding storms spreading sunshine successively prank calls be like hello is anybody there yes who is this calling oh wait is angel there xd seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven

M equals 777-777-777-777-7777 p equals player oh good lord p s s s h t t t we are all vimps on this fine day auntie anista ananasta andesta on nasta anistain and asta usually my dick cost a late night for your dick got the hiv my dick plays on the double feature screen

Sssss is when i’m lonely i become hungry and when i become hungry i want to choke on that red no four random numbers i put on repeat little lethal lethal lethal Ssss one two three two one two three one two one three two one three two one three two one three two one three two three one three two one three two one three two one three two little little little little length s squares daisy daisy give me your answer

Dude i’m half crazy all for the love of you it won’t be a stylish f g h h j n g f h j f g j f h g h j g h k j pointy voice boy boy boy just keep spamming it’s a trap now pen island is cephas vacation island

Cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cafe cappy cafe s s [Applause] no you guys i can’t even skip these Cafe cafe you know what no jasm stop jasmine i will time you out don’t spam caffeine put me no okay o w a o w a o w a o w a okay can we just have a conversation 100 years later oh my gosh like okay like i totally understand this

Just copy pasting la van polka lyrica How long has it been since you started streaming Uh are you talking about like in general or just just for today you’re gonna have to turn it off cass vane sanoi cass van ja cass voy vain silla vein cass van boyce van oyn vein i don’t have any nightbots since the internet was conceived no since the tds was on

They make a black model of you please i i i don’t know how i try i try to be aware of duck model lumen login oh my gosh i’ve been i’ve been streaming since the 20th of the 28th of november 2020 so i’m still new snap snap snap snap nap snap snap snap

Nap snap snap snap knap snap snap snap [Laughter] snap snap snap snap snap oh my god oh i got an idea for tds oh chicadzukana kyotimo butchy nomi’s named n.a taylo palo say no to no palo contano palontalo ylty tyson harina is sephie is a shota where is his mommy

Nails can you please get me some lemonade [Laughter] oh good sefi give me big l for me snap snap snap snap be never die where we are going we won’t need roads she almost went to go get me lemonade excellent [Laughter] i can’t do that one why can i do that one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen sixty nine one hundred four hundred and twenty okay stop the snaps snap snap snap snap snap snap snap snack it’s noon snack snack snack snack snack snack

Snack snack snack no okay please stop with the spams everybody’s leaving thank you for the full failure nice name i like it somebody once told me why are you killing me i see need to go get more food snap snap snap snap in american drive left side road in

London we drive right side the road in russia we drive when i was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a marching band he said son when failure 101 has joined the fray this is not what i thought would happen if i left twitch on

And honestly don’t hate it btw me play is online psychoblight [Laughter] every snowflake pleads not guilty in an avalanche what every snowflake pleads not guilty oh well duh i can’t i am having way too much fun this is awesome hang on how does it go don’t worry about it hang on a little

Bit where are you going me that last but [ __ ] you [ __ ] i play by my own rules and i have one rule there are no rules but if there are they’re there you do you and i’ll do me and we won’t do each other probably from markiplier

To the town of agua fria wrote a stranger one fine day are you winning son are you winning chun no [Laughter] i can’t oh this is epic it’s just a oh my gosh oh my gosh okay and i resume aways kono mama feudery de chicken wow tomorrow immune no kizeri

Boku wo shiva di so cute venue seed no that is a big ass voice damn chicken screaming bohemian rhapsody song by queen overview listen lyrics other recordings share lyrics is this the real life or is this just fantasy caught in the landslide no escape from reality damn it yeah no they’re they’re they’re

Chunky chunky chunky chunky chunky i like them big i like them chunky chunky i like them big damn boi tiny ass seffie owns the biggest bad dress no original slash no it’s fine it’s just i didn’t select most of that can you show her back oh sure my back

I mean i guess i could my friend named justin he already taken and he cracked that fortnight my guy off sephie is proud of his bad dragon the size of my arm i don’t have one okay sephie is such a big boi the thickest the all i’m not a sick boy [Laughter]

Oh my god damn he to see fsdfsdfsdrrr Give me your thick leg i have a worse one whoa sorry don’t mind me everything’s fine okay why are you lying about that bad dragon we all know you have one i don’t have one i don’t even if i was curious i don’t have one

In a galaxy far far away sephie has the biggest schlong no i don’t wha what are you talking about pirouetto kokoro moetsu kairu hado atsuko can i slip in a hot dog yeah okay come here tiny boy sephie have bigger lie no i don’t i honestly don’t i’m tiny

Imagine receiving compliments and being so upset finally awake oh my [ __ ] god i’m not upset i open up is tiny and he has a massive bad dragon lousers [Laughter] oh my gosh i can’t i’m just dying over here everything is fine hey you you’re finally awake you were trying to cross the border

Walked right into that imperial tiny but big no rrg hey you finally awake i want to make holy water you just boil the [ __ ] out of it you boil the hell out is this what be tubers are guess i need more or less inktubers i’m not sure

Just gotta boil the hell out of me the rrr is killing me just take a sepi mike asterisk can i see your feet or fot i mean i’m wearing shoes i guess look i’m wearing cute little shoes they light up and everything we are ready for yousefi yes that is call

Holy water snap snap snap snap what’s a pirate’s favorite letter look at his thigh higher now by your favorite letters the literary are you ready kids aye aye captain i can’t hear you aye aye captain but i call holy cola water you would think it’s an r but it actually be this is

This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught captain jack sparrow this is an a did you know that in 2004 the fast food chain sonic broke rule 34 of the secure inflation act by

R r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r those thighs brb gotta um do some research i just capped the police why dark end with k but not c because you can cc can’t ask a risk oh my gosh

I can’t right now you guys are epic i should do this more often oh this 100 donation for sephie to make an ajo face hentai sephi wear the sauce i i don’t have hentai of me ever wants me to make some but i’m not i’m not comfortable drawing like that

Sefi need time to rest no slash b slash slash b slash b slash b slash [Laughter] i’m just laughing i’m some research looking at the meat oh at long g percent why why why why why why i made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment

And i don’t expect to be forgiven i’m simply how want h3n thai sauce give the salon okay w to hell basically what happened is that we were just chatting and then it got raided and then we decided to activate the tts and now everybody you want the sauce

Hey get in the back locked door you hear shooting 15 minutes later after the error oh my [ __ ] god this is wonderful karen carrot carrot [Laughter] carrot carrot carrot legal little little lethal lethal little lily 291 4486 266 hundred and seventy two three hundred and forty six thousand three hundred

And fifty one two hundred and ninety seven thousand nine hundred and seventy four legal letter letter letter letter give us that sephie alfredo sauce what kind of car does yoda drive according to all known laws of aviation a bee should not be able to fly correct a toyota dealer a-a-s-a-s-a-s-s-a-s-s-a-s-s [Laughter]

It’s called the sephi cream reaper lethal lethal lethal lethal lethal big fat ass kiryu chan good swatchy me eat your carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot why is the rum always gone tds hell hashtag ass hashtag ass hashtag oh my god

I don’t know what to do with you guys oh my gosh r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o r e r o r o r e r r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o

R e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o r e r o sefi can you smile without telling me or smiling sepi for number one shota

Dab dab dab dab dab for liking underage girls what no ya gotta start believing in ghost stories sefi you’re in one a mad underscore cat zero one wait what has joined the phrase when was either good what is happening r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r-e-r-o-r be respectful and kind to everyone don’t sepi dab dab

Dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab is that checking i don’t know man i thought we were quoting pirates of the caribbean there is no way a bee should be able to fly its wings are too small to get its fat little body off

I have been up the full night just [ __ ] looking at a cute boy likes horror games horror games my sister says that mommy killed her mommy says i don’t have a sister dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab dab if you like sepi’s i’m soda [Laughter]

I can’t this is how are you going to play phosmophobia with me sepi well okay look i’m going to be a pissed baby and i’ll and and i’ll i’ll i’ll figure out a way to get the game and i’ll join there is a picture of my sleeping on my phone

I live alone we don’t know why you should make a tutorial how to devolve your twitch chat into a bunch of silly people the beat of course no flies anyway because these don’t care what humans think is impossible yellow oh wait i wanna play fosmo with sefi

Put your finger in your tiny eating ting he doesn’t have the game yet r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

R r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r yes [Laughter] oh my gosh there’s a way boys white ass white ass white ass i don’t have that no i don’t have nightbot um uh

Okay so if you scroll down you scroll down you can have access to uh the little icons if you click on the icon that says social it should bring you to the invite that brings you to the dabs white ass stfp sepi white ass please yo you don’t have your

Steam on your discord yeah but i don’t i don’t wait a minute hang on i should checks you just got twitch connectives do you regret giving chat all this power no i love it it says you’re streaming on discord uh authorized apps groovy no it’s not those connections there we go uh steam

Do you regret giving chad all this power there we go it should work now you shall not pass hey when is the sephi hentai manga coming out when you draw it no one man should have all this power the clock’s ticking i just count the hours mr strimmer you took off streamer mode

You you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you do you regret life now huh he’s back again and about time too oh my gosh echo play dance

Oh my gosh i love you guys you’re awesome this way this is the long hauler goes and the rice burners go wow oh my god [Laughter] i can’t i’m okay oh this is great alexa right left right oh for real can you make a stream okay all right i’ll try not to go

Ah don’t worry it won’t last long sepia wife life is pain oh chocolate yes i’m sorry i don’t understand It is very unfortunate i have to bring the mic closer for this one hello you eat your ass no i do not sorry [Laughter] yes can six so something [Laughter] oh that works I can’t take this i eat your ass and [ __ ] no no i do not that’s eerie dewy is that oh my gosh you eat your snp no i’m going to time you out if you do that one more time sephie why am i a zubat hey oh you eat your soup on minecraft

Sefi said yes thanks tds [Laughter] someone be my emo made fanboy shift alt f4 asterisk pain peko any own selling like backslash crusty socks the missile knows where it is at all times oh my gosh it knows this because it knows where it isn’t bye like almost like a pop tart [Laughter]

Cut off and just went a completely different direction oh that was amazing Like almost like a pop tart swap everything Pogba Is the killing game revolves around 15 students who are trapped in hopes peak academy under the my voice like a pop-tart opened and toast crumbs scrimpled on the top can i get a oh yeah i do eat my comb no let me please don’t i go brr veteran cast vicariously as both victim

And villain by the at pluto martial perfect i’ll send my poe into chat i’m dying okay for fame my sexy little mink burger just for a while while you’re witchy time thanks for streaming today you’re very lucky or not to be thank you whether tis no blur in the mind to

Suffer the slings i do eat my calm [Laughter] underwater that is the question [Laughter] rr you have a good hey i’m gonna go bird [Laughter] so much Your head [Laughter] high stakes gaming was banned for making sepicom no i doesn’t read that sorry [Laughter] oh my jaws hurt you said you wouldn’t say anything oh i tried okay i really love how it says okay backslash [Laughter] i okay i’m laughing so much that it can’t track my eyes anymore

It just can’t it’s just like i calm every day is it good to do oh my god you gotta do this mon roflcopter esee retrobay swameem meme [Laughter] i should actually make one of those emotes oh no don’t make me please don’t oh my god oh

I can’t i i’m having a hard time i just can’t breathe oh you guys are so fun i love you all i really do oh my gosh why are you so white sephie is having a thank you hard time oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa let’s pull up on a homie and pop a cap on this borrower so we can burrow later [Laughter]

I don’t i don’t have any soda cans at the moment i need to go shopping first thing in the morning i want to be the best there ever was to beat all the rest yet that’s my cause he’ll get some calm for you no i’m good

You gotta drink my soda sepi i know i do that’s what i always say i know i tr but i don’t like water it’s eerie dude it tastes like rock literally dog water how do you guys drink water it it like okay all right serious point here

How do you drink water it tastes like how i’m talking to oyu if i’m dead i got some spare calm here take it no thank you drinking ice cold water no well i mean it’s cold yes but it tastes like rocks i don’t understand like okay i’m very sensitive to like flavors

So like i can even like with this fidgey water with some iced tea i can still taste the rocks yes it tastes like minerals which is not tasty that’s why i love soda because soda doesn’t taste like rocks it seems like you’re participating okay serious topic get some of the mio

Drink drops or like country time lemonade powder that’s what i’m doing dog water no dollar tree literally free weight cold water tastes like [ __ ] two rocks one wood chat what are you guys doing oh no i just can’t i really just can’t this is this is way too much for my little brain

My little smooth brain creeper a man so we back in the mind swinging from side to side side side to side what are you doing brother whoa what are you guys playing i’m supposed to be playing game of war but this one player keeps kicking because baby tonight the creepers trying

To steal all our stuff again cause baby tonight grab baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all our stuff again cause baby tonight cause okay baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all our stuff again gather your stuff yeah r r r r r r b b b b b buff pop top

Laptop soft top a off software same height can you make v i t two rocks and one wood and five white sticks i need to go get some sleep but i’m having too much fun [Laughter] oh my gosh i don’t know what to do with you guys

I’m going to be completely honest this is funny random crickets are fair and balanced duke duke and duke dude there we go oh wait hang on there we go moan to the chat i don’t want to moan we’re no strangers to love you know the rules and so do i make full commitments

What i’m thinking of top socks off top laptop rop cop eop Chat no i’m never gonna give you up no i’m never gonna let you down no i’ll never run around and hurt you now the rules moan please okay okay okay okay okay real quick all right can we have a conversation underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore

Underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore dash underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore percent underscore percent underscore percent percent underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore empty underscore underscore underscore under score underscore underscore underscore percent hashtag percent underscore percent dollar underscore percent underscore hashtag percent underscore dollar percent underscore dollar percent dollar percent

Percent carat dollar percent dollar i’m hungry too hi hungry i’m dad someone send the man’s own food underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore at underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore underscore let the man speak okay boom let’s have a conversation for

A little bit okay we can we can do spams here and there but please like stop stop doing this why wasn’t i timed [Laughter] just nothing but underscore underscore underscore i’m good i’d like to talk with you guys get to know all of you i i see familiar faces but i see new

Faces too i want just imagine we were at it so friend don’t hate me maybe if you get rid of that old yeah bud haircut Hi i’m stakes and i’m adorable hello steaks and yes you are you are adorable oh my god i just can’t why why okay okay look look i came here like an hour ago and i’m sure as hell coming back nice let’s go big heart is worse than hell

Australia is worse than hell are you tired sefi make sure you’re dressed yes i i i’m a bicycle because i’m too tired [Laughter] and i’m depression as [ __ ] no don’t be over here we’re not supposed to be hi my name is steele i like making beats and i like going hi i’m snakes

[Laughter] you guys are amazing i love [Laughter] us failure and i lose thank you three we love you more sepi Is this normal yeah yeah pretty much w [Laughter] oh if it’s not chat if and if it’s not tts it’s my other streamer friends that do this to me that’s true wait which pokemon am i oh you can select it’s hard imitating i think he’s david i’m not 100 sure

But it’s hard copying the tts all of them and her oh oh my gosh i think that’s spiro sphero i wouldn’t know i don’t know the names i can’t memorize their names all i go is like they’re cute i want them and especially if i’m playing muymon

If i’m playing muymon oh you bet your butt i’m catching them all i love my mind my mom’s [ __ ] he said i may take mom and go you’re gonna take mom who’s mom you can’t catch me joanna has fault wow that is late holy cow you’ve been here for almost an hour

Redeemed sellout well okay hello everyone i am stephanie glitch i have uh i have a little follow button which is completely free if you would like to follow do not worry i don’t dab i only glitch the real tragedy is that it won’t read emotes

I also have a sub if is something even bobby madure if you want to help support the channel if not donations are a lot better because i can receive them and use them immediately and it’s very very helpful no sad base and and i have a merch store that’s

Going to be growing and soon soon i will be adding to the sellout project 404 i think i need to know maybe my dad hate me so buy fourth last okay try to get some rest yay happy face add me on steam so i can gift you stuff yeah but whoa whoa no

I want to play with you so i have to add you that that’s a trick question why why do you got to be this way add more body pillows more body pillows i okay look i want to add more body pillows i want to add a body press the streamer under 500

Follows has a merch shop okay the only okay okay the merch stop is temporarily cheap because school in seven doors go to sleep don’t i only open the merch shop because i lost my job and so that that’s why and i i feel like it’s bet it’s better to give something in return

For for for money than just be there asking for help that’s just my logic so that’s why i much prefer helping than than to be helped i’m just like that don’t worry and it flusters me and it makes me panic and i squeal and then i cry no it’s not bad just

Think it’s cool no it’s not bad just oh okay i like helping to sepi just but no not me okay you helped me so much and you have no idea and then you throw these bombs you’ll buy it you’ll buy what you want so you get help when needed i read of suspect That no is i can’t all right hang on i need to open steam at the same time okay okay friends friends i am gonna be getting one made and i’m gonna send it to a few friends oh how much will they cost i’m curious i want to see what

It probably sucked either way me i actually liked her job i didn’t like the people there [Laughter] i’ve been practicing that one [Laughter] We haven’t played anything together in a while well it’s going all over the place roller coasters the asterisk i can’t english shut up omg a a a a a a oh my gosh i’ve been all over the place between my motherboard that fried aaron era want me to say era era

Anime what is from if not i’ll send you ara is a sexy seducive oh my oh my my my but in japanese so ara era [Laughter] check in there’s some form of dumpster fire going on oh my i’m sober oh [ __ ] i regret asking regret asking

Oh my gosh i’m giving away free rr’s today i’m now pleased you’re too cute i’m not i’m not cute okay okay maybe a little bit but i’m not i’m not cute i’m gonna go hide bye-bye dude i’m hiding he’s adorable i’m what era more like aura amirite insert jojo rev here seven cued

I’m not cute no you sup [ __ ] [Laughter] no no no don’t stop please i don’t know how to how to say a negative in japanese i just don’t i wish i did if i if i did i would say that i’m not because i know basically how to say that

I am face in the cam and make nsfw slash cute face no yj not i don’t know if that’s true or not [Laughter] i don’t hate it but what is this aesthetic um we mean It’s true kawaii is that nate nay erp iraq no no no i had to put two and two together no no [Laughter] i’m not stepping on anybody no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] i’m telling you no e-r-p

I don’t want it no no no no no no [Laughter] p0rnhub.com erp makes sense to be fair looks like he’s wearing gear with the straps and thigh highs no i’m ready for battle okay hang on all right all right all right all right okay so here’s the deal right

All right i got my i got my shirt it’s neon and everything i got my little pocket with the knives and it’s like super bright so i can Get me something good to eat if you don’t i don’t care i’m going smell your feet no thank you jacket take off my jacket uh jacket is pretty much signature to me i like my jackets i mean i have other jackets also i have other models that are not

Uh quite perfect perfected um uh where is it i have this old model that i use as a placeholder the jacket is part of his skin the jacket is a part of his skin i had i have do you have an iphone no i do not

I’m sorry why is there one called boob oh you want to see that one okay hang on i got you i got you i got you uh wtf is it okay so the reason why is because we made a meme where i have big boobies [Laughter] that is why wtfc ph

Oh i have worse oh oh oh small i have worse i have worse i’m crazy i got worse but you’re not ready for it i’m telling you you’re not ready for worse because i got it i have nightmare fuel boobs i have i have nightmare fuel and you’re not ready for it

I’m being dead serious i got nightmare fuel it’s right [ __ ] here has already been shown hang on do it i wanted a nightmare hello welcome today i will tell you a lot of things i am a gamer artist and everything you know just gotta dance i’m going back to this i’m sorry [Laughter]

Okay whoa hang on duke oh i moved something that wasn’t supposed to there we go no no i’m going now and never coming back hey that was terrifying with the flying pro and start no why have i been no please don’t go please boobs it’s not like

Why are we still here just to suffer every night i can feel my leg and my arm even my why are we still i will stay uh i don’t have fingers hello no hands i don’t know what you’re talking about i’m i’m your casual 3d youtuber that doesn’t have hands hello

Boobs get boobs yeah is here i’m sorry i’m sorry [Laughter] holy [ __ ] i’m sorry oh no boobs [Laughter] no boobs someone talking about you can confirm most v tubers i watch are pngs anyway boobs wait so someone’s talking about me if you made me an avatar you better not

Put boobs on it oh boobies no boobs somebody’s talking about me i’m scared what are they saying are you saying that i eat chicken because that’s true but are they saying that i eat uh um pancakes because that’s not i don’t eat pancakes i don’t know how

I don’t i don’t know how to scream they’re saying you’re cute who i’m scared uh oh if you see someone talking about you anime logic oh i get it for me just means i’m allergic to something oh my gosh [Laughter] oh okay okay okay okay okay everything is fine

It was a false alarm don’t scare me like that okay i’m allergic to life oh well that’s not good oh my gosh anime anime also i have something to tell you guys if you guys make clips of my contacts it’s me mars you remember well then you want a kiss

Also um if you guys clip stuff and i and i see it and i like it i post it on my tick tock i have to edit them but i do post on my tic toc and then sometimes i make compilations and then throw them on youtube just letting you know

Redeem add me on the screen jack tv let’s go long time no z okay oh finally a streamer who doesn’t hate me clipping them [Laughter] i like the chat underscore tv has joined the fray and sometimes he screams that he did something and it was clipped

No don’t worry about that over here we like our clips um the only time i don’t like something clip is when it’s really out of context and it doesn’t make sense and it’s not good it’s like it’s full on tus that happens sometimes here i knew ah

What did i do i did not mean to do that okay i dread the thought of someone clipping me my voice oh the pain how are we oh it’s a thrill of a roller coaster at the moment all over the place man autumn hates me hey

Hello so i should go back and clip your made-up skirt uh-oh no let’s not and say we did uh jack tv jack underscore tv what’s this bot reading out the messages this is yes it’s ttm guitars extension hdserver.streamavatars.com viewer.html channel underscore id equals six one three four one three three four nine

And platform equals okay let’s avoid something already i’m disappointed in chat i didn’t want to bully him so much kyle tds some kind of widget i already made him cry tonight uh the tv a man has fallen into the river in lego city start the new rescue helicopter

So the tts is built into stream labs has joined the fray at failure 101 you can literally clip me anytime dude two plus two equals fish oh at failure 101 i need to catch streams first oh my gosh hello tiny ryan welcome welcome welcome welcome sorry if you’re just stumbling upon this chaos

Failure 101 you’re not wrong my dude lmao euro euro dollar euro dollar dollar euro dollar we got over this dollar euros there are no strangers to love oh my [ __ ] plenty won these what not these honey sent me here worth it no it’s not worth it cats boots and cats

Boots and cats boots and cats sephie can i ask you a question okay can i get a kiss you on you got timed out earlier for spamming calm your tits nut nut nut nut oh oh i don’t know how to respond to any of this

Okay okay first of all sell out so hello if you like what you see click the follow button uh that’s how you see more of me also i have uh social links where you can check out my dead tweeter yep my dad my dead tweeter that’s the thing um

Also i have a youtube channel which is also dead i don’t know how to keep things alive please teach me how i need to water the plants yes i didn’t get the bird food bird feed the feeder bird food bud water plants that one that’s the one i got this everything’s totally fine

Also i have a ability to help out the streets i don’t have a job the only thing i need and you’re watching the disney channel oh i’m sevy and you’re watching the disney channel i can do village i am happy to be your 84th subscriber no no no oh my gosh

I can’t with you guys you guys i know too much i love you it’s okay it’s all right everything is fine everything is awesome and you’re a part of the team oh my gosh i ain’t drink i’ve been talking for someone now and then when he ends he’s gonna be like

I’m gonna be like i hate those guys no i am all of you get out my swamp [Laughter] lick my boss no [Laughter] no i’m good i’m good get some water and sippy sip sepi no no i’m sipping on um on the the iced tea the powder iced tea tasty

Stuff tastes like lemons i love lemon i love citrus that’s why i eat these gummies and i’m slowly consuming all of them and i’m running out i might need to get more don’t quote me on that oh my gosh another shell out here i got no i’m redeeming that one

Too many [ __ ] don’t too many freaking oh my god a serious question have you ever flavor tripped with miracle berry tablets eggs i did again licky on my stick uh stiffy on my jiffy uh ah wait what only on disney plus i love it sephie you know you are

Supposed to eat you pto two times only really really i’m only supposed to eat two of them a day oops i ate like 40 a day shout out or give me my money back i did didn’t i i thought i did i could have sworn i did they are not snacks

Disney plus be like mickey mouse morty you did not what well they die if they consume a lot ever gonna get mad at you for eating too much vita gummies in a day there we go ever gonna get mad well i mean okay thanks a fair point all right

But hear me out hear me out hear me out i can’t eat veggies i can’t eat fruits i can’t eat most uh dairy actually i can’t eat any dairy i can’t eat any gluten i can’t eat any starch i literally can only eat meat there’s not a lot of vitamins in meat

So therefore i have to have supplements so i take supplements for vitamin b vitamin v vitamin c vitamin k um what else do i take you can only eat meat yes i can only eat meat i can only digest it it’s a pain in my ass that means that

Means i can’t have sushi or pizza it [ __ ] kills me i love those things they’re like my favorite and i can’t i can’t eat tacos i can’t eat freaking salads i can’t eat fish i can eat some fish i can only eat red fish that are

That are that are that are that are smoked you can have steak and jerky yes he can only eat the ben and jerry’s thermal paste and rgb bits eat slash i’m so sad what why are you okay first of all why are you sad the second of all

No meat does not mean [ __ ] not in my book oh my gosh i guess i’m gonna tease you with a dm then uh oh oh i’m scared don’t holy cow have my jeans and all you want wait what have my jeans and all you what what what what

I’m so many hours have i been here it’s mars um i have no idea can i have some pretty please oh my god [Laughter] please please um i’m hungry xd when is your birthday um that depends on my streamer birthday or uh my every birthday every day apparently yeah

If you ask me voice for 10 minutes what means keep your voice for 10 10 minutes every day no it’s not my birthday every day my streaming birthday is the 28th of uh november 2020 and of etcetera blah blah blah and this weekend for another streamer’s real birthday which reminds me everyday

Happy birthday i want cheating we know i don’t like how you feel i prefer normal cheetos but then again i don’t like spicy because spicy is evil spicy is evil very evil i mean i like wasabi let’s be good i love wasabi wasabi i gotta make you boring jerky then

Xd i’m sorry yeah okay i love his carolina reaper and ghost pepper holy [ __ ] yes okay definitely try try along the lines i like to touch it oh oh uh i’m gonna comment on the jerky real quick my favorite type of jerky is is is is a a sweet and sour jerky

So like like kinda like like marinated with like honey and uh duck sauce and and and and and and what was the other thing that i like to like to do also you want food i did i’m talking right there no mine i can make a teriyaki one don’t worry okay [Laughter]

Love legs legs every day whoa my legs are you sure what about my w wait wait touch that the sea thighs oh oh oh oh but i don’t have but but but i don’t have i mean okay maybe but not really garlic teriyaki is the base of my carolina

Reaper and ghost pepper jerky no not really my name is michael j caboose babies lol i’m sorry have food era era sickness for the thickness do you like zero spice like no red chili pepper flakes okay 26 sec i don’t mind spice but i don’t i like i don’t particularly

Care for it i prefer sweet as sweet and savory ddd i wish i had a smoker because i would totally make you my favorite salmon jerky or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and well honey is used in me recipe so i

Think you’ll be fine and look at your model add what’s my model blush if if so d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d oh blush uh also v-roid is not that cool

I would have to open it in blender or unity and do it that way and i do not know how to use those programs i only know how to use money bag i what what okay look i’m already pretty much proud with the fact that i have

Expressions a while back i didn’t have any expressions i was like speez welcome to my stream it was nice having a failure you have a good one oh protect society go back become monkey you know the rules so do i hate full women that’s what i think of you

Wouldn’t get this from any other have a good evening failure 101 oh my gosh what am i going to do with you guys what am i going to do hey how mu is 30 kr in dollar monkey rdddddddddd i have no idea k r what is k r k r k

R k r k r k r care it stopped reading no i didn’t well yeah no yeah it stops it doesn’t read the entire text it stops midway monkey flip is from norway kr is from norway well hang on i’ll look it up real quick ha i

Can do that while you guys spam my my ears because that’s what you guys like to do apparently all right so thx 30 kr in usd do you know the song buster three dollars bustin deez nuts apple bottom jeans jeans boots with the fur with the fur the whole club was

Okay three dollars wow stretch big stretch as kitty is kitty where’s the kitty where’s the kitty i want a kitty it’s okay blue you’d see me cute hang on i need to i need i need usually this is during when i’m gaming and i’m not supposed to be this big

But yeah it’s it’s to put me me too hang on uh it’s inverted there you go mm-hmm [Laughter] i love bbq i need to i need to make you to all my my my my my my things oh god i [ __ ] up can you show us your fave music

My favorite says i am the queen of the castle norris says i’m queen okay so my favorite music oh that’s a good question i don’t poop ghost pepper seeds were in my mouth d okay um i want to say okay so why can’t i can’t share i don’t want to

I don’t want to get screwed over i already did the baby shark one i don’t want to do any more um but let’s see god um i would have to say fat rat from monadi no monadi from fat right oh my [ __ ] god ah it’s 1 55 a.m

For me it’s four does that’s the ghost pepper chow lang no i’m good i’m done i’m good nut chips pm everything’s it’s all totally fine not doing that i think you’re ours is okay all right i don’t need to go to pepper i’m i’m good i already have an issue when my

Uh when my taco bell i’ve done spicy things on stream and i hate why i’m good i’m good you guys already helped so much you you paid off everything you’re good i already did why haven’t you actually reaper has not a whole lot but he has we must be imp for the king

For the king how am i the king since when am i king i’m no i’m not fit to be a king like i’m just not more codes 123 456 high rhyme picks california reaper pepper eat that oh no thank you i’m good i’m good no no

No no no no no no no no no no no i’ve seen the mystical one king master or daddy i can’t rap the only wrap i can do is uh please give me 300 glitch coins i have been here so long i i don’t know if i can do that

I don’t know if i have that power i can’t do a chicken wrap a spicy chicken wrap ah i mean uh please spicy i don’t okay i don’t have the ability to do so i could do a prediction maybe but what would we predict you can gift you can’t give those points exactly

There you go he told you hey you a baked bean but also you look real clean oh thank you I try to shower it’s kind of hard in the digital world water doesn’t do well with electronics why you don’t have to leave you’re good you won’t like if you leave you won’t get any points but if you lurk you will see the jesus pickup line you get points for being here

Yo his palms are sweaty knees weak arms are heavy there’s vomit on his sweater already moms okay so here we go the cheesiest pick blind mom’s spaghetti sad face show me boobs or he’ll leave and unsub okay here’s the thing why you gotta touch my spaghetti

Oh my [ __ ] god jesus pick your flying all right here we go all right so you’re a gamer not even so if i oh hello okay so you’re again you guys won’t stop okay all right so you’re a gamer girl huh if i was a if i was a gameboy cartridge

Would you blow me get stick bugged that’s my jesus pickup line baby hag built like a puppy bag what sephi just wants to get blown no no no that’s the cheesiest pickup line i know i don’t know many the other ones is actually an anti-pickup line and then the other one after that

Is like kind of like dark now it’s a robbery no yeah no boobies i’m not a girl i don’t have boobies yeah the model that i made with tits is just a freaking like meme i only pull i only pull that character out every once in a while i don’t i don’t

I don’t know it’s not a daily driver okay yes i i do but i don’t bring it out often it’s not a main model just like i have shown well i need to leave now cya later daddy sefi i’m not daddy you should drink 4l of water

Show my friend she is a girl ha ha later storm you got boobs i want you i got daddy i’m not daddy it’s done are you homework cause i want to slam you on the table and do you all night boobs man i wish i was

A a a a math exercise book yes you are period this is your mommy i’m not daddy i’m not mommy either you must be a good student since i didn’t do my homework oh the [ __ ] guy was goody and boobies okay okay okay okay okay okay it is 4 a.m

I woke up the day before yesterday at 9 00 p.m so it’s been 24 now i get homework passes 26 or a calm new 30 hours let’s go i’ve been up for a very long time i’ve been working on lots of things i think it’s time for you to sleep sephie

That sounds like a great plan no i’m not doing that i’m good oh should we raid somebody who’s streaming right now uh raid we are going to raid oh she’s oh she’s playing a game too oh this is gonna be epic underscore underscore oh [Laughter] thank you thank you thank you thank you

This video, titled ‘Stream Archive|| EN #Vtuber || Minecraft new layout am i pretty now?’, was uploaded by CephyGlitch on 2021-03-01 22:23:37. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 08:26:08 or 30368 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/cephyglitch

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    Minecraft Madness with CavemanFilms! Don't miss out!Video Information This video, titled ‘More Minecraft shenanigans with you guys’, was uploaded by CavemanFilms on 2024-05-23 06:24:12. It has garnered 2055 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 05:31:28 or 19888 seconds. Support me on kofi: https://ko-fi.com/cavemanfilms if you’d like to help me by sending immediate donations that I’ll thank on stream! Want to play on the server? It’s 1.20.6 Java and the IP is over at discord.gg/cavemanfilms Read More

  • “EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6” #minecraft

    "EPIC Server Pranks & Warden Chaos | IgnitorSMP S3E6" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Server Surprises & Perfect Warden Mischief | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #minecraft #multiplayer #smp’, was uploaded by VidMC on 2024-01-06 14:00:13. It has garnered 152 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:07 or 1327 seconds. 🎁 Server Surprises & Warden Mischief! | IgnitorSMP S3E6: #PrankRevenge #FroglightFarm 🚀✨#minecraft 🎉✨ Get ready for an action-packed rollercoaster in IgnitorSMP Season Three Episode Six! 🚀🔥 The episode kicks off with a trio of surprises from generous server members! Unwrap the mystery as I receive a fake diamond ore block, an unexpected gift of dazzling diamond… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecrafthumor #minecraftpe #mcpe #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Jakullaa gamerz on 2024-01-11 07:05:03. It has garnered 694 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. माइनक्राफ्ट फ्री shorts minecraft funny minecraft funny mods minecraft funny videos minecraft funny facts minecraft funny moments minecraft funny memes minecraft funny animation minecraft funny games minecraft story mode funny animation funny minecraft villager memes minecraft funny story minecraft funny videos cartoon minecraft funny shorts minecraft funny videos animation minecraft funny videos animated minecraft funny shorts in hindi minecraft funny moments shorts… Read More


    SHOODEX17 DESTROYS 4 OPPONENTS SINGLEHANDEDLY 💀 #freefirefeverVideo Information This video, titled ‘1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights’, was uploaded by SHOODEX17 on 2024-05-06 07:45:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 1VS4 WAIT FOR END ☠️ #freefire #shortsfeed #foryou #freefirehighlights games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game rummy glee ps5 sudoku clash of clans… Read More

  • Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!

    Ultimate showdown: Shadow vs Steve vs Gigachad!Video Information This video, titled ‘shadow vs Steve & gigachad |#shorts | #whoisstrongest |#shadowfight2 |#minecraft |#memeverse |#edit’, was uploaded by Mark-[Classified] on 2024-04-20 15:10:34. It has garnered 1433 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. request@Scarledemon v#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#onepunchmanthestrongest#onepunchmanm1887gunskinreturn#opm#opmmanga#opmedit#anime#animeedit#animeshorts#shorts#short#edit#viral#viral_video#viralshorts#cosmicgarou#viralvideos#viralshort#garou#garouvssaitama#manga #one #saitama#cosmicgarouvsonepunchman#whoisstrongest #youtubeshorts#whoisstrongest#shorts#marvel#marvelcomics#nomarvelstudios#dc#dccomics#dceu#lucifer#beyonder#viralshorts#anime#edits#debate#marvelvsdc#preretconbeyonder#comics#onepunchman#onepunchmanmanga#opm#opmmanga #dc#dceu#dccomics#dceunews#dceuedits#dcuniverse#dcshorts#dcstudios#dcfandome#dccomic#dccomicsnews#viralshorts#viral#viralvideo#viralvideos#viral_video#viraledit#viraledit#viralstatus#viralpreset#saitama#saitamavsdc#saitamavslucifer#lucifer#comics #comiclucifer#lucifermorningstar#dclucifer#dedceu#dcstudios#dccinematicuniverse#dceuedits#dceushorts#dceuviral#viral_video#viral#viralshorts#viralvideo#viralpreset#viralstatus#viralvideos#viralreels#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#animeedits#shorts#short#shorts video#shortvideo #shortsfeed#shortsvidebate#anime#animeshorts#animedits#animeedit#animeamv#animes#whoisstrongest#marvel#marvelstudios#marvelcomics#marvelcinematicuniverse#marvellegends#marvellegends#marvelsavengers#marvelfuturefight#mcu#mcuedits#mcushorts#mcuvsdceu#mcuvsdc# marvelvsdc#marvelvsdceu#dc #dccomics#dcuniverse#os#video#videos#anime#animeshorts#animeedit#scp#scarletking#scpfoundation#scp001#scp3812#scp#scp682#scpedit#scpshorts#scpsecretlaboratory#whoisstrongest #shorts #short #saitama #saitamaedits #animeedits #animeedit #vs #debates #onepunchman #animeedits #vsbattle #whoisstronger #whoisstrongest #onepunchmanedit #animeshort #animeshorts #fyp #fypシ #foryourpage #youtubeshorts #opm #anime #vsdebates #edit #edits #shortvideo #scaling #powerscaling #powerscale #manga # animevideos #saitamaedits #youtube #recommended #mangaedit #animelover #saitamaedit #animevideos #animeshortedit #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortfeed #fiction #1v1 #1vs1 #collab… Read More

  • Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!

    Uncovering Hidden SECRETS of Mutant Bosses in Foxy Craft in Just 8 Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation’, was uploaded by Foxy Craft on 2024-04-23 11:00:22. It has garnered 5791 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. All of Your Mutants Bosses Questions in 8.00 Minutes – Compilation #minecraft #minecraftbattle #battleminecraft #minecraftmobbattle #minecraftbattlemobs #mobbattle #battlemobs 🔊 Music from video: All music taken from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCscTvpQ7po&list=PLfP6i5T0-DkIoOYMkO3N5eTKngUvhV56p&ab_channel=BreakingCopyright%E2%80%94RoyaltyFreeMusic Channel from which the music is taken: https://www.youtube.com/@BreakingCopyright I am very grateful to this channel for providing copyright-free music. If you liked the video, then write about it in… Read More

  • Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraft

    Insane Gamerz: Pillagers Spare Baby Villagers 🙀🔥 #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by THE CRAZY GAMERZ on 2024-03-24 07:15:01. It has garnered 432 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Pillager’s don’t hurt baby villagers 🥺♥️ || #thecrazygamerz #viral #minecraft #trending #shorts can baby zombie took her revenge for family? #shorts #minecraft,probability comparison,monster school animation,the builder,what happened on hermitcraft,monster school,builder is back,clash of clans town hall,clash of clans animation,this week on hermitcraft,clash of clans commercial,hermitcraft season 9 full recap,builder,clan wars,clash of clans,minecraft survival,hermitcraft season 9,minecraft let’s… Read More

  • Cubed Chaos SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist 18+

    Welcome to Cubed Chaos! The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and continues to update regularly to create a vibrant community of Minecraft enthusiasts. Our world file is a massive 50 GB, offering plenty to see and explore. Datapacks We have a variety of datapacks installed for gameplay and crafting enhancements, including anti-grief measures, new crafting recipes, and more. Rules Don’t be a prick No Griefing or Theft No Exploiting Glitches No Use of Cheating Mods Respect the Shop System Join Us! If you’re interested in joining, join our Public Discord for the application process. Good luck! Read More

  • Nottorium Network

    Nottorium NetworkWelcome to Nottorium Network – Open Beta_0.0.1!Get ready for the ultimate Minecraft experience in version 1.20.4, with support from version 1.13+! At Nottorium Network, we are creating a world where creativity and adventure meet. Here, you will find a unique combination of features and systems designed to make your game exciting and challenging.Server Features:🔧 SlimeFun: Explore a new world of technological and magical possibilities with SlimeFun. Create advanced machines, magical items and more!🌍 SkyBlock: Build and expand your island in the sky. Challenge yourself with unique missions and goals, and show off your building and survival skills.💰 Hardcore Economy: Immerse… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Average Minecraft Server: A Dumpster Fire

    Looks like the creeper wasn’t the only thing exploding in that house! Read More

  • Mine your time, don’t waste a dime! #motivation

    Mine your time, don't waste a dime! #motivation In the world of Minecraft, where time slips away, Harness its power, make the most of your day. Manage your time, avoid distractions in sight, Turn wishes to wins, in the dark, find your light. Constant growth, self-discovery, the key, Find your purpose, make a positive impact, you’ll see. Don’t let time hold you back, take control, make it right, Live your most fulfilling life, shine bright. Subscribe for more motivation, inspiration in store, In the world of Minecraft, let your dreams soar. Motivation, success, in every rhyme, In the realm of creativity, it’s your time to climb. Read More

  • Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme

    Ohio Nether portals: Hot mess in Minecraft! 🔥 #shorts #meme “Trying to navigate through Ohio’s Nether portals in Minecraft is like trying to find your way out of a corn maze after dark – good luck and godspeed!” 😂🌽🔥 #OhioProblems #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots

    Chicken Chaos in Minecraft Snapshots Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots: Flying with Chickens Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to new heights? Join the Minecraft Combat Test Snapshots (CTS) and get ready for some exciting new features! Developed by Jeb, these snapshots are a fork of 1.16 and offer a unique gameplay experience that you won’t want to miss. How to Join CTS If you’re ready to dive into the world of CTS, follow these simple steps: Check out this tutorial on how to download CTS: Download CTS Tutorial Learn how to join CTS from version 1.20.1: Join CTS Tutorial Join the Nexia… Read More

  • Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing

    Automating Farms with Industrial Foregoing Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Industrial Foregoing and More! Exploring the world of Minecraft with a selection of mods from version 1.20.1 can be an exciting and challenging experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, the possibilities are endless. Join in on the fun as our player delves into the realm of Industrial Foregoing and beyond! Mastering Industrial Foregoing Industrial Foregoing is a mod that introduces advanced machinery and automation to the game. While the learning curve may be steep, the rewards are well worth the effort. Our player may still be struggling at times, but each setback is… Read More


    BECOME THE ALPHA WOLF'S LUCKY BLOCK FANGIRL NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA WOLF FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-10 17:00:03. It has garnered 12131 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ALPHA FANGIRL ONLY Lucky Block in Minecraft!! Will Shad get away from his fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded Song

    Kick the Buddy Forever: Alex Grounded SongVideo Information This video, titled ‘(Music Video)Kick the buddy Forever Alex Gets Grounded Song 2024’, was uploaded by TEFMVVM465 SpongebobDO NOT HAVE (Spongeomar) on 2024-03-22 17:43:21. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. You Want To Watch Minecraft Lore, Click On The Link:     • Minecraft Lore #TeamTEFMVVM465SpongeBobDONOTHAVE Credit To Anyone Who Owns This Content I Own Nothing. Credit to anyone who own their content in this video. Like,Subscribe,Hit The Bell And Comment! ————————————————————————————————————- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 2011, allowance is made for “fair… Read More

  • VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.

    VENOM CONTROLS ME?! Spiderman vs Venom Minecraft Anim.Video Information This video, titled ‘TÔI ĐÃ BỊ VENOM KIỂM SOÁT Tập 8 #spiderman #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #venomvsspiderman’, was uploaded by Thích Xem Minecraft on 2024-05-26 04:45:01. It has garnered 6510 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. This video follows the journey of a Minecraft player in hardcore mode, where the player dies permanently. Players transform into Spiderman and must face many challenges to become an Avenger. Getting Started: The player starts the game as a normal person, but is quickly bitten by a spider and gains superpowers. Then he meets Iron Man,… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Mini Build Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-21 14:49:09. It has garnered 441 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java Edition

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Server LIVE 🔴 24/7 Cracked Java EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴PUBLIC SMP | Java | Cracked | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7’, was uploaded by 1st Gaming on 2024-01-12 20:20:49. It has garnered 131 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:08 or 6188 seconds. #minecraftlive #minecraftnepal #minecraftshorts Discord-https://discord.gg/pebNABVm3v SERVER IP – ​java ip – play.unityrealms.fun pe ip – play.unityrealms.fun port- 25841 minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft live,minecraft java edition,minecraft house,minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft video,minecraft techno gamerz,minecraft in hindi,minecraft hacks,chapati hindustani gamer minecraft,chapati and loggy minecraft,mythpat,live insaan,techno gamerz,beast boy shub,gaming,gameplay,livestream,gaming live stream,smp,live smp,minecraft hindi,gamerfleet,gokuldham,loggy,india,HEROBRINE,herobrine smp,SMP,UJJWAL,minecraft,minecraft stream ,minecraft smp live ,minecraft multiplayer ,smp for… Read More

  • MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon – Change Camera in One Click!

    MUST TRY!! Insane F5 Button Addon - Change Camera in One Click!Video Information This video, titled ‘F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click’, was uploaded by Not Ghost Playz on 2024-04-27 04:12:03. It has garnered 24 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:21 or 141 seconds. F5 Button Addon For Minecraft PE (1.20+) || Change Camera Angle In One Click So in this video I gave F5 BUTTON MODfor Minecraft PE ◆ Download Link – •https://linkpays.in/oxs6s –»Also in Comment Section ✓ credits goes to their respective owners I’m not trying to steal any credits and add-ons developed by you… Ignore… Read More

  • Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Beacon Defense Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Can I Protect My Beacon In This DEADLY Event? #shorts’, was uploaded by Slord on 2024-03-03 07:47:00. It has garnered 10870 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. you can ask me about anything – packs, servers, my setup – i will respond join my discord! https://discord.gg/RH4cuddCeh Minecraft, PvP, Funny, Memes, Combo, MMC, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh Jirz block hit I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or… Read More

CephyGlitch – Stream Archive|| EN #Vtuber || Minecraft new layout am i pretty now?