Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 Finishing Fauna’s Funny Fish Farm

Video Information

Hello hello hello hello so i just i just i just rolled over and started the stream because i didn’t i am so out of the loop i didn’t realize that the the id tournament is happening so we’re just gonna log on really fast and see if the farm is working and then

That’s it it’s just a short stream but i’ll stream more at some point but i hope it’s okay because they’re already in the server well i didn’t realize they’ll be on the same server i thought maybe it would be a different server but they’re already on the server

I haven’t logged in yet because i feel like as soon as i log in i’m gonna either see guardians or nazi guardians and i don’t want to not see guardians so i haven’t logged into the server yet but i hope it’s okay that i’m there while they’re

Setting up i hope well i’m just gonna be minding my own business but um i’ll hopefully it’s fine i’ll let them know that i’m streaming yes they did update the plugins they updated the plugins i listened to the top comment i saw the thread on reddit i saw

Okay i’m gonna log in the server and then oh i don’t know oh gosh okay i guess i’ll i want to show you guys but i feel like i need to let people know i’m streaming first so i’m gonna log in and then you maybe will see my reaction if i see the

Guardians or not but you might have to not see it because i need to type in the chat first just imagine the scene with your eyes oh i’m nervous i don’t know okay Okay wait i see guardians i see guardians i have to type my message though hello i’m streaming a little before the tournament hope that’s not a problem good luck setting up is that okay okay i hope it’s okay um i don’t know if the farm is working or not but i see guardians

I don’t hear the game at all i can’t hear anything um you can’t see anything hold on i will show you the game maybe um yes hello game wow it’s minecraft wait oh gosh they’re testing the surprise okay that’s here oh no i didn’t i didn’t think about it i didn’t realize

They were gonna be on this same server because for the for the jp one it was a different server oh no i threw my axe oh god i’m so frazzled i’m so sorry i hope i’m not causing problems i don’t want to be causing problems uh i did send a message hopefully they’ll

They’ll let me know um um i don’t know if the farm is working Um is it working i need a sword hold on i don’t have a sword i don’t know if it’s working they’re here though are the portals lit downstairs oh gosh i don’t know if it’s working there should be more right oh no i know they have they updated the server

They updated the server we have 10 seconds to pay right now i’m sorry this is so scuffed i did not know i just i just rolled into the server after after being away and i had no idea what is even happening and i still have no idea what’s even happening okay um

You know maybe we are never punished i’m good am i good i’m so frazzled um wait are those even lit down there i don’t think they’re even lit down there hold on hold on maybe the farm will work hold on do i even remember how to like fly hey oh geez hello

Are they gonna kill me i forgot how to play the game oh god i’m gonna i’m really bad hold on i’m way too frazzled for this can i get my items back um i hope so where are my items oh god please no ah ah not the zen loss immediately please

It’s they’re there they are there i see them i’m just gonna die again though this is like not all my items oh no this is like two of my items oh these are my items i’m dead again hold on it’s okay what’s the what’s the button again for the hit boxes this one

No oh no i’m really this is not good it’s kind of all over the place oh no oh no i’ve made a horrible mistake in my judgment i don’t have like any of my stuff i’m gonna zen lost i’m really scared this is this is not how i wanted this to

Go there’s no undo button this is in my life i see my elytra don’t drown put that on that’ll help eat this oh geez we we have the elijah and we have the armor uh we have my pickaxe there’s a little more we need than my axe

There’s so much stuff though that’s not my stuff so many hit boxes what else did i even have i need my flindon steel okay well this is the most important stuff oh my gosh i don’t know this would happen oh no is that my stuff no that’s just a squid

Thing is any of my stuff up here i don’t know where i died before um i’m still never punished it’s true what did i have though i’m missing a bucket and a flint and steel well i know i died with that stuff somewhere do you guys see it ouch is that it

What even is that prismarine stuff that’s not it oh my bow shoot you’re right my bow i didn’t have a sword though i don’t know if my bow is with me was it on the other side oh jeez well it’s really okay because if the farm works then it will be no problem

Replacing all of this stuff ouch I don’t see it is it gone i think it’s gone check inside i don’t want to check inside i’m gonna die Um i lost my flint and steel which ironically is like the easiest thing to replace wait is that it oh that’s just a squid uh it’s the easiest thing to replace but also the thing that i need the most right now I have more time should still be around i don’t want to die from my flint and steel though against the wall somewhere uh oh oh oh Um should i hide the chat i’m scared i did say i was streaming but what if they didn’t see it oh my um i’m not supposed to be here oh no where’s my stuff just say it again hold on how do you hide the chats you can hide it right no

I don’t want to die um um i’m gonna die i need to change the chat though i’m drowning i’m drowning they pushed me off hello where’s the button the settings i’m sorry i’m so frazzled right now i didn’t want to be a nuisance they’re setting up for the tournament

But i really wanted to stream because if i wait until after the tournament is really late like super late uh wait chat settings chat hidden okay i hid in the chat okay we’re good look i’m i am going to not be a nuisance i think my flint and steel might have died by

Now though i am determined to be as um what’s the right word a word for when you won’t even notice i’m here i’m invisible in between the portals i don’t want to die though i’m gonna die if i go in there but i have to go in there to light them up

But this is how i died last time is that my stuff that’s some cod ow ow oh geez they’re strong um i think i just need to get a newfound and steal but did i even bring stuff for that don’t stop ouch next to the bridge is it i feel like it

Would have despawned by now it’s been five minutes right spend five minutes doing the the chat settings wait it’s right there wait you’re right it’s right there okay you guys are life savers i am the life killer okay let’s stop let’s regroup Maybe why is lighting the portal so dangerous I don’t want to get an invisibility potion do you think i can just yolo it but they kill you fast if you don’t have armor is the thing we could put like all of my stuff in the chest and then just run out there and light all the portals really fast like

Boom boom boom just yolo it do i need should i wear the armor though i don’t know they might kill me but i guess doesn’t matter if and if they kill me i can just go back do it again boom boom boom after this farm i’m gonna make a raid

Farm i’ve decided i found a really simple design oh also i wanted to give a big thank you to the person who made the tutorial that i followed enx04 um because i think people were actually asking for help in his discord server and and that’s why i got a lot of help

So i very much appreciate it but also i wish to remind people as well remember always to be courteous and it is normally most courteous not to spam unrelated people about stuff especially when they’re like who the heck is this anime girl on the internet but for those who asked politely and

Kindly i thank you thank you i forgot we got this too yeah he has a really simple design too for the raid farm um which i also want to try making he has a like a stacking raid farm that i don’t want to try because it seems really hard

But he also has a like a regular raid farm that i do want to try do you think i can wear the armor probably probably i can just get it again right i mean i just uh bought it from the villagers anyway easy enough traffic especially after we

Build the raid farm then we have infinite emeralds okay yolo it is don’t kill me oh gosh they’re already here to kill me they’re already killing me they’re already killing me i’m not even gonna light one ouch i let myself on fire they’re gonna kill me swim to the dirt tower

Die gracefully near the bed Where’d my stuff go though wasn’t it like right here What oh there’s my stuff floating oh oh oh can i have my stuff back please how do you do this wait oh like that oh no it wasn’t enough oh shoot they’re strong these boys get out of here get out here oh they’re gonna kill me again i can’t we’re looping

I have to be faster look i’m learning the speedrun tactics though more more is this all i had yes okay get out of here run please no don’t you dare they hit hard don’t they even with full diamond armor stop stop okay they ignore armor do they i didn’t bring

The elijah the light was upstairs don’t scare me with that with that elytra question mark it’s upstairs it’s safe okay how much time do we have we have an hour right an hour to see if the farm is working oh i really hope it’s working the plugins got updated oh geez i don’t

Know though Oh wait wait are they here wait it working Oh i don’t know if it’s working i’m not sure i’m not sure oh it’s lagging oh we’re lagging wait i’m not lagging out the server am i oh god if i’m lagging out the server when they’re trying to do tests that would be so bad that would be the worst thing i could

Possibly ever do it’s not right is it is it my fault we’re not destroying the server right oh god oh god i’m going to die i shouldn’t die Oh i don’t want to be a nuisance i just want to finish my farm um do i need to turn it off is it lagging the whole server do you think or just right here what is happening wait i broke the i freed them oh no

The axe is not a good killing method oh no oh no i freed them i freed them oh my god oh it’s a disaster how do i put it back they’re in the way i can’t put it back they’re in the way i cannot see anything

Get out of here i need an on off switch for the farm i broke the farm i broke the farm They’re in the way please wait where did i put it oh no i put it in the wrong spot can i fix this oh no did i get the yes okay did i break it no um i break it i don’t know what’s happening okay i

Shouldn’t use the axe i really need a sword this is a disaster local kirin does not know how to play minecraft i don’t have a sword do i i don’t think i ever made one There’s no sword did i break it though i feel like they’re not coming in anymore Are they unless they’re all there oh oh oh oh here they come oh oh oh oh they’re definitely here okay okay i think it’s working i think the farm is working oh my gosh i’m so frazzled i can’t even be excited right now i have no idea what’s happening um um

I need a sword i only have smooth stone can you make a sword out of the salt it has to be black stone right can i make it an ancient resort you know those thumbnails are like fake minecraft crafting recipes and it’s like this and then you have your stick and

It’s like this is how you make another sword don’t worry i know that’s not how you make it a wood sword but that’s not going to be good enough because they’re full health because i didn’t get to build the drop shaft oh geez am i even hitting them how do i hit them Am i hitting them oh i think i’m hitting them whoa do you hear this i feel like my ears are popping i’m dying i’m dying um they’re very strong we definitely need a diamond sword so my idea is to make a fancy you seen this though are you seeing this xp though

Are you seeing this xp though are you seeing that we are now at level 26 though are you are you seeing what i am seeing oh that’s pretty good with the wooden sword that’s a pretty good can you feel it can you feel the experience zero to 27 and how fast was

That like less than a minute like five seconds one second point one millisecond um Um i think we did it i think we did it i think we just about did it are we getting drops oh you know we’re getting drops you know we’re getting drops my sword is broken um okay i shouldn’t just stand here hitting them with a wooden sword forever but oh it’s working

You hear this boom boom boom boom boom boom show me the xp oh we need a sharpness five sword i’m gonna die okay don’t die from the thorns um i can’t believe it it’s really working the farm is fixed we just had to update the plug-in

Oh you’re right my armor is breaking i should get mending armor um this is amazing okay okay should we leave how badly is it lagging the server i think it’s okay right i really should put an on off switch though i think careful with lag is it bad they despawn

Oh my gosh i don’t even know what to do anymore okay so we need to go get our so we need to like trade with phoenixton um and get stuff to make an enchanting area Yeah we gotta get a sword too oh repair my elytra is it broken i guess it’s a little broken Oh wait i should put in my offhand huh Oh look at that look at that it’s fixed okay very nice okay okay oh i got discord message okay it’s fine it’s not related to me destroying the server for the for the tournament i’m gonna log off before it starts don’t worry i’ll get out of the way

Please turn off your phone no they didn’t say that it’s not about that sound related okay okay uh let’s go sleep i guess okay i can’t believe it’s working you guys you know what that means do you know what that means Okay i didn’t mean to fall okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine oh it’s water um do you know what that means though it means that i actually made the farm correctly i didn’t even make a mistake it wasn’t my fault and now i can live knowing that i built the farm correctly

And it was an outdated plug-in that was oh gosh i wasn’t like all my stuff it was an outdated plug-in that was our fault bonnie did nothing wrong i built the farm and now we have a farm Also i’m wondering is this village dead are there villagers here because i kind of want to kidnap one i didn’t see anybody there though oh wait oh the lag it’s okay is my farm killing the server i mean they’re not gonna be spawning if i’m over here right Because i want to kidnap a villager for the raid farm i think i need one but i also need to find a pillager tower too actually so i don’t know okay um let’s go over here And we can trade iron i’ll turn my boxes off let’s get some stuff for enchantment i feel like i should afk near the iron farm because i’m always taking from it i don’t want to deplete it too much okay so we can go by stuff so how many bookshelves do we need Yeah we need sword and we need enchanting area um 15 bookshelves okay I can manage that it’s probably cheaper to make them rather than to trade for them all right who wants it you want it who wants it who won some you won some you get some who won some you want some yes sure okay that’s all i have 48 emeralds all right Okay hello it’s scholarly type there’s any of them so cheap bookshelves This is gonna be too expensive i feel like we have to make them but i don’t want to kill cows is the thing do you must understand Um Kill the cows Will you forgive me if i kill them is this like character assassination though if i kill them There’s already leather there is there can i just keep stealing leather and pretending i’m innocent even though i’m indirectly contributing by taking the leather that someone else has killed a cow for um sorry not to does anyone sell a sword that’s not that good i guess we’ll just make our own sword okay

Um you allow it all right okay let’s go which direction do we go again to get to the bonkeroni uh is it this way is it this way do i know Yes here we are easy Spin spin me spin me okay oh hello windows i thought i muted you i thought i immunity thank you windows defender did you know windows defender did not find any viruses and my computer was scanned two times thank you there’s there’s not there’s no weather here there’s

Don’t look i need a looting sword though i don’t even have can you use a looting pickaxe no is fortune not looting thank you windows but does windows defender ever pop up for you and it’s like we did not find any viruses your device was scanned 15 times and you’re like why

Did you need to scan it 15 times just a little bit Bunker storage is that allowed isn’t that stealing i don’t know i don’t know oh oh i planted a berry that one’s for you cronie in exchange for your your cows is for good use that’s true i suppose wow i wish you could turn this into leather oh here’s leather

And paper can i really use it how do you make a book again it’s not like this how do you make a book um wait three paper Oh like that oh but how many do i need for 15 book shelves like a lot is it really okay i’m stealing too much i’m sorry cronie i’ll repay you in all the experience you could ever desire i need 45 books i need more paper there is a paper farm um

But does crony have sugar cane that i could harvest and replant since i’m already here she does thank you thank you the the wait is this sugar cane it is right it’s not like a weird block then minecraft added That i don’t know about okay Um how much do we need i don’t know i don’t want to do minecraft math not after the last situation with the coordinates which ended up not even mattering in the end because it wasn’t actually the farm that was broken it was just the plug-in oh yeah if you don’t know

The details so the minecraft geniuses i knew and they would come through in the end they figured out that it’s actually um a problem with one of the plug-ins that was on the server it’s like a known problem with it and it just like breaks um okay that’s good

And i need the trees i can get my own trees Yeah it was like with a known problem with one of the plug-ins not the farm it’s amazing that people are able to figure it out though i really thank everyone i know some people they said that they like tried to reproduce my error by building the farm with the like the server

Seed and like thank you for taking the time out of your day to do that and also thank you for uh to the minecraft people um staff son for updating the server when i asked i know i’m just a and one person but i appreciate them being willing to update the server

And they did it so quickly too so by the time i was back wait the farm is fixed it says a group effort but i hope that nothing else was broken i mean i think it is good to update the server or the plugins in general if anyone else tries to make uh

Farms they utilize certain principles okay we’re gonna go back and we’re going to make 15 bookshelves and we’re going to make an enchantment table and we will make oh i need lapis though i don’t know if i have any if we want to do enchanting can’t make like a lapis farm right

Because no moms drop it i think well home sweet home yeah we could go mining we have looting three pickaxe okay we can buy it oh that’s a good idea because we’re gonna make the raid farm we’ll have infinite money um Oh i have like a tiny oh that’s really not a lot for enchanting um wait do you need obsidian for the why didn’t i bring my shoulder box with me i meant to bring them okay buy one do i have anyone um you wait no you wait i probably need more than this

Probably yeah i need obsidian um four obsidian Okay how do you make bookshelves is this how you make it okay good good we gotta speed run this um oops that’s the wrong okay i’ll keep it with me okay and then we’ll build a sword i probably shouldn’t take all my diamonds with me i don’t know uh

I have no sticks okay let’s make two swords for good measure because you never know and ah we can put this in here good oh you’re right we do need books i should have saved books oh why did i not save books you’re right we need dummy books no

Oh wait i can make more okay i still have stolen the leather dummy books nine only oh it’s fine it’s enough oh true we can break the bookshelves too that’s a good thinking um oh wait i have books i have so many books oh i already have this one this one’s

Gonna be my personal sword though um we don’t have anything good here wait this is really good wait i want this hold on this is gonna be for my personal sword but i can use this for the the communal sword it’s gonna be like the communal sword

Uh what do we want on it again want sharpness five sweeping edge three and breaking three and that’s probably is that good oh mending we need mending oh we should buy mending we should buy many we should do that looting i don’t think we need looting tbh because

I feel like we’re gonna get a million drops anyway um we could but i don’t think it’s solely necessary um i don’t know why i’m saying tbh i’m a new person have i said that i feel like i do say that but i feel like i only say it off

Stream because it sounds too valley girl to stay on stream i cannot reveal that about myself um we have obsidian at home what else do we need say it more tbh okay tbh um we can build the enchanting table at home and then diamonds oh wait you’re right we need one diamond

Why did i put all my diamonds away we need one diamond what else do you need for an enchanting table is this just diamond and obsidian oh you need two diamonds uh let’s bring four and a book okay we have books and then we have obsidian so we should go get mending Um and then that should be okay i think okay we have about 30 minutes 40 minutes 38 minutes okay i’m really happy that the farm is working i’m really happy thank you to everyone who helped me I’m gonna contribute to the server I really am fly over to phoenixton and i’m learning to navigate too Okay Where’s my librarian nerds in the most endearing way possible shawn mendes oh there you are Um thank you yes i’ll buy two please thank you Okay and then we’re good right then we go back to the oh i just said i was good at navigating but now i’m like do i know which way we’re going Yeah oh oh i don’t know what just happened okay the elijah takeoff is still a little bit scary oh which way am i going wait is this way isn’t it wait or is it this way uh is it this way there’s a lava pool there oh i’m lost aren’t i sit this way

Uh oh this way this looks like a never-ending forest Left um oh there is there’s the village okay oh sh navigating i can do it and my beautiful farm which will not lag the server it better not okay i really should build an on off switch for it though i’ll try to do that sometime i think you can do it with like

A flindon steel thingy setup okay can i do it like this yes and then let’s build oh wait should we build that like right here though so in the video he like stands here and then oh geez you guys are scaring me he stands right here so you can smack

Them and then you can just turn around and enchant um how does this setup work again do you need silk touch to pick this up too cramped is it but it’s efficient if you don’t even have to walk right if you can just turn around and enchant Okay how big does where do you put the bookshelves i should like look up an example um i know they go around it somehow more rooms better i don’t know i think it can be crammed i think cramped is good i think it can go here what do we need space for

At the at the guardian forum we don’t need space right how are we here then because you could still reach it right here right yeah smack smack turn around enchant it’s good it’s good look are we standing in a little bit it’s not that cramped it’s good don’t worry it’s great

Actually actually it’s perfect um wait so they go like this am i supposed to do put them on the corner though one two three four five six seven eight nine no corners it says silk touch right yes okay do i need one more wait corners are fine but you don’t want

Too many right oh don’t attack me so that’s why you don’t want it too spacious you know i got one guy don’t i need one more though one two three four eight wait is that enough one more where do i put it though in the corner one corner does that work uh

Is it oh front corner It’s good okay i think it’s good and then oh wait i should have bought stuff i forgot because you also won like shoot i should have brought stuff do i have stuff i gave away all my uh all my iron i forgot because you also want to bring

Like a smithing tail and an anvil um In a grindstone yeah you’re right oh in an ender chest you’re right i don’t have one of those okay maybe it’s a little bare bones to start that’s fine um so we just want sharpness five right and mending but we already have oh we we need an anvil in the smelling table to

Make this sword anyway oh my gosh How do you make these things oh wait you don’t need this wait not that rhinestone only i don’t know how to make that oh anvil and grinds how do you make grindstone oh smithing tables for netherrides okay um we should go home i think and get stuff yes i think hey

You saw my shorts but they’re all really cursed i warned you didn’t i told you When torches do i need torches do i have torches i guess on top of this don’t see it’s dangerous to stand up there i don’t want to encourage people to stand there oh you can’t reach it from here even that’s good that’s good efficiency did i throw my no i didn’t okay sorry

I’m sorry no need to scream i’m not frazzled no need to be frazzled we’re fine okay let’s go splash okay was short was supposed to be the normal one did i say there was a normal one i don’t recall making such a promise um Is this the wrong way where am i how do i get lost every time wait that’s a pretty flower field that’s definitely the wrong way where’s the lighthouse there is the lighthouse okay we go back for smithing table and anvil yes very good i know what i’m doing and i know where

I’m going at all times oh wait grindstone why do i keep calling it a smithing table I don’t even know what a smithing table is for some reason i keep thinking that’s what i want this way very good okay we need to go to the top of the tower too we were going to do that before but we didn’t have a chance to get everyone together yet

But we must go okay Spin to win back home Okay i have to refresh oh oh okay um what am i building uh brain i’m making a i don’t have any iron i thought i had some i must have used it all oh no we have to go wait should i just steal this i’m gonna steal this it’s mine so it’s

Not stealing it’s fine wait i just don’t need a stone cutter wait crap i need a I need this this is a thingy What do i need grindstone How do i make a grindstone um oh and ender chest but i don’t think i have any eye of ender i have an ender pearl but i don’t have any blaze rod Uh two plank two stick one stone slab Um wait do i need two stone slabs wait probably two right i think i know how to make it is it like this Oh no um oh not smooth stone just a regular stone um oh do i have it now yes oh it wasn’t even like that at all that was actually totally the wrong recipe anyway okay is this everything we need oh hope ender chest and a bed that’s true but i don’t have that

Oh wait i think i have a bed but i don’t have an under chest um wait did i give my bed away to someone um i thought i had a bed oh you’re right there is a bed there that was where my bed was oh my gosh i don’t remember anything

My brain doesn’t work okay there’s the bed there yes bed there also i will do super chat reading soon i also want to play rust i want to make my own house because the server got refreshed and everyone’s been playing i’m really out of the loop though so i

Don’t know what’s happening but i want to play too um we have a lot to catch up on there’s a lot i want to do um do you think we can borrow an islander from the pocaroni how do i repay crony for everything she has done for for me and to the server

She she is the backbone of the en server the server is on war that’s exciting i want to join the war give her flowers i can do that probably okay i’m not gonna kill andy for his eye though i don’t think i even took the eye with me

I think she has some though If her prisoner yeah i mean prismarine is good right people will like prismarine oh yeah she has quite a few she can spare it right okay now are we good is there anything else we need okay should be good i will need more lapis eventually but that is for future me

To worry about okay i want more rockets too that’s also okay future me has got that one uh is it this way there’s some more left oh no i need to make a big pathway It was right yours are good at directions i’m not oh there’s a village okay we’re doing it okay oh this is our i saw someone call it the funny fish farm ff and i think that’s pretty good It could also be fauna’s fish farm but i think funny fish farm is pretty good i think it describes it pretty perfectly the fff the funny fish farm cause what are these creatures if not funny fish so now we have fff added to the server i will ping people maybe i don’t know

Maybe i’ll just type it and not peek everything maybe i’ll ping people depending on how brave i feel i will or will not ping the people in the discord and let them know that the farm is built and tell them how to use it it should be easy to use though

Hello funny fish okay okay let’s put the bed down um it’s very safe it’s extremely safe and we have an anvil in the grindstone and we even get this have an ender chest we’ve got it all what else could you possibly need not cramped um okay how much time do we have

Like 15 minutes time to make a sword okay so what do we need okay we need just sharpness five really right so i’m mending i’m bringing three sweeping inch three we don’t even need on breaking three though to be honest tbh so just um so we’re looking for sharpness five right

I don’t think we even need i’m breaking because of all the xp although i guess i will save you some xp they would instead be drained i’m scared are they getting out they really are funny these funny fish sharpness 3 is not good enough right even efficiency 3 is not good enough right

Is this normal six shouldn’t it be three i don’t know okay um Don’t need sharpness i don’t think we need looting three do we not need sharpness i feel like we need sharpness because we don’t have the fall chamber yeah we do need a chest i forgot to get chests i don’t know if i have any wood even it’s fine

Oh we can get it later well we have chests i mean just throw it in there i guess sweeping damage is the majority well should we just try putting these enchantments on and see if it’s good enough do you think yeah maybe this is good enough try it And then this would have to be the the funny fish what’s the name for sword that starts with an f i seem like fencing but that’s called what’s that called it’s called the dessert e Flair funny fish flair that’s pretty good falcon is that a is that a sword that sounds like a fire emblem thing What is falcon mean oh foil that’s what it is a funny fish foil falcon sounds more dramatic though should i enchant it first though i mean let me sleep oh i can’t sleep there’s monsters nearby yes of course oh should i build a roof on this oh gosh Um oh i don’t have levels i mean we might as well get sharpness three right if it’s free basically I mean it only costs levels right It’s basically free this sword is not working that well it does go boom boom boom though i’m gonna die that’s why i’m dying i need mending on my armor to use this farm Bring me the levels you funny fish my shoes Oh that was a big one 36 okay sweeping we’ll fix it yeah okay i hope so um oh that’s interesting But i already made this um well we could make another one do we still oh we don’t have it though it’s at home my unbreaking is at home do we need unbreaking it’ll stack but it’s kind of a waste right just combine anyways but we’re wasting the sweeping edge three

Should we not use the unbreaking i don’t think we need unbreaking yeah i think just mending is fine tbh is cheap why cost two i think this is good we can save this sword or this this book for a different sword because it’s also really good for my

Personal sword maybe this is a communal sword um okay all right funny fish falchion how do you pronounce it is this good you think fashion falcion she wants senpai okay and this is the communal sword oh we do need a chest to put the communal sword in though Oh we can use these where are these oh wait despite what these are for oh my gosh the the person who made the farm already new we have these item frame you think and we can just put it in here for now can i make an item frame you need like a

Million sticks i don’t have any wood i don’t think okay should we kill the fish the funny fish i want my shoes to die well it doesn’t really matter i mean i don’t know let’s see hold on do i have cod i wish to eat the raw cod okay 10 minutes left oh

They’re gone oh that’s fast the funny the funny fish farm is fast wow we can leave some books here i’ll donate this lapis to the cause although i guess you really should put it in your own ender chest right i don’t know depends how how friendly we want to be

And look they’re here again they have arrived the funny fish have arrived it’d be more impressive if i had no levels but i have 39 levels but but that’s really fast because it normally takes forever to get to over 40. i mean you should just spend your your levels but

You know look and it’s never going to die oh it’s an item frame is it really important to use an item frame because i don’t have any sticks to make one i have nothing at all look i can’t how is it already dying we’re moving on up in the world though okay

The funny fish falcon i mean i’ll tell people this here am i supposed to hoard my own books i don’t know do i be selfish well actually i think it is a ball of crony technically maybe i hoard my own lapis though be selfish for my whole lapis

Oh don’t stand there though it’s dangerous it’s dangerous um is there a cod i guess wait what are these chests for i don’t know do they just catch extra stuff i guess i mean this is a lot of stuff already my fish farm is working anything good not really anything good

Looting three wooden sword um anything good hailing four i don’t know i don’t know what that does oops um i think it’s good paling is trident enchantment oh that’s fine i don’t have a child i think the farm works i think it’s it’s fixed

I can’t believe it you guys we did it we made the funny fish farm i saw some people they doubted me they said why did fondant decide to build such a complicated farm she could have made a simple farm i hope you understand now after seeing the power the power of the

Funny fish farm it is very efficient at xp and also it’s not that hard to make well maybe it’s a little hard to make but mostly it is because of the the server plug-in which is not anyone’s fault iron farm next we could put an iron farm

Over here so when you’re over here oh don’t stand there you just have to remember not to stand there it’s dangerous no parkouring allowed maybe we should build a roof or something should i put a roof on should i so the people know not to parkour it’s very dangerous

These funny fish will attack you don’t doubt them i can’t believe it it worked i mean it’s kind of a funny roof but it’ll do i suppose is it fine it doesn’t disrupt this right um seems fine anti-parkour sign i wish i could make one i don’t have any wood

Maybe we should go get some do we have time i don’t know if we have time actually we have not a lot of time but we we made the thingy we made the thingy oh do i need four doors or just torches five minutes oops oh no get out of there

I mean nothing’s gonna spawn because of the glass right wait that’s fine right oh oh that this one in the back oh you’re right that could spawn or something but it should be fine now oh they’re dying are they being entity crammed is it fine see how high i can get my xp

But my shoes are gonna die i need mending on my armor and that’s not the only thing about the funny fish farm oh that’s so fast though the funny fish farm is so fast though it’s really good number go up dopamine is released in the brain the funny fish farm it’s real

It’s success oh look and then more are delivered to us on this it’s working i can’t believe it i spent so many hours trying to make this and it works now oh ouch they kind of hurt a little bit ouchies are you supposed to stand further away ouch they have

And then you just eat the cod Well there’s more already see it may okay my numbers are not going up that fast because i’m already at 45 and like 45 is really high but okay i think we have to go because the id tournament is about to start i believe i’m so happy i’m so happy

Pulling the glass is there so cold did i bust one through i think it’s fine i think it’s working ah it’s working and also thank you guys for the warm welcome back yes i want to do lots of stuff this stream oh so i’m sorry i couldn’t rebroadcast the karaoke like i

Said i would i ended up not being around my computer very much um but i think i will broadcast it tomorrow and i’ll also try to stream something else tomorrow too maybe rust but i think it’ll be a later stream for us and then maybe re-broadcast the

Karaoke at my usual time is my plan um thank you guys for the warm welcome back i miss you guys it’ll be a good week try streamlabs i wouldn’t make the raid farm night i’m addicted to making farms minecraft this was so fulfilling we actually did it and it’s really good it

Missed my funny fish farm and it works it’s my funny fish farm yay yay it works i can’t believe it i made the funny fish form with the funny nether portals and then i work okay i have to go sorry the tournament’s starting i must go go watch the

Tournament thank you guys so much i will see you tomorrow bye thank you thank you for everything bye-bye see you soon bye i read the super chat soon i’m sorry i’m so backed upon them thank you for being patient with me forever thank you bye

Have a good day watch the id turn by You

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 Finishing Fauna’s Funny Fish Farm’, was uploaded by Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN on 2022-08-16 04:07:54. It has garnered 137715 views and 13349 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:07 or 4927 seconds.

server update is THE guy??

✿ Artist Credits ✿ Thumbnail: https://twitter.com/03Pun15/status/1557410286113501184 Thank you so much!! 💚

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【CREDITS】 Stream Layouts: Melonturtle (https://twitter.com/Melonturtle_) Logo: Gogon (https://twitter.com/gogon_illust) Custom BGM: Arkhand (https://twitter.com/the_arkhand) Emotes: Maerie (https://twitter.com/maeriette) Stinger Transition: UWU Media (https://twitter.com/uwumedia) Birthday Stream Background: reNPC (https://twitter.com/reNPCarts)

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  • Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide

    Ultimate Chicken Egg Farming Guide Revamp Your Egg Supply with this Easy Chicken Egg Farm in Minecraft (1.20) 🐔🥚 Are you tired of constantly running out of eggs in Minecraft? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore an easy and efficient chicken egg farm setup that has stood the test of time. Let’s dive in and revamp your egg supply! Why Choose This Egg Farm? Efficiency: This chicken egg farm is simple and efficient, making it perfect for small-scale bases where space is limited. Sustainability: Whether you’re a survivalist looking to ensure a steady food supply or simply a poultry enthusiast, this farm… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SpliceFur Reacts Live on Wcue!

    Insane Minecraft SpliceFur Reacts Live on Wcue!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live! || Vanilla Bedrock! || on Wcue Now!’, was uploaded by SpliceFur on 2024-03-08 13:30:33. It has garnered 1033 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:06 or 13926 seconds. Hello everybody! Stay and chat with me! This Server Is For Mod’s & Friend’s Only! (Sorry Can’t Trust Just Everyone) Had to remove the music, cause it “claimed” it was non-copyright, but they weren’t! [Tags] #minecraft #gaming #streaming #warriorcats Read More

  • Exploring Lush Cave on Ch64 SMP

    Exploring Lush Cave on Ch64 SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lush Cave Lovin’! It’s Ch64 Stream Day! | Channel 64 SMP | Minecraft 1.20 Let’s Play’, was uploaded by Aerington on 2024-02-24 17:10:31. It has garnered 75 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:49 or 7369 seconds. We’re off on an adventure! To stock up our shops! and who knows what else!? or who might show up!? Isn’t Life just a wonderful mystery 😛 Come hang out with the Cast and other Community Members on the Channel 64 Community Discord! https://discord.gg/cwkn4pZp88 Be sure to keep an eye on the Channel 64… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACK CLIENT: Horion!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.20.72 Hack Client: Horion’, was uploaded by Well Dan on 2024-03-27 20:26:27. It has garnered 1510 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:56 or 356 seconds. In this video, we will be looking at Horion, the minecraft hack client that offers many features, such as killaura and scaffold. This minecraft mod menu offers minecraft bedrock hacks that can be used on minecraft bedrock anarchy servers, such as 2b2tpe and 2b2e. I will also explain how to use this minecraft bedrock hacked client, which supports the latest minecraft version,… Read More

  • Lucia’s Insane Minecraft Drawing Contest Win!

    Lucia's Insane Minecraft Drawing Contest Win!Video Information This video, titled ‘Am CASTIGAT un Concurs de *DESENAT* in Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Lucia on 2024-03-25 10:30:15. It has garnered 3884 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:05 or 1385 seconds. I think that out of everyone in town, I drew the best. Voic is what you say?? Read More

  • Discover the Shocking Truth Behind Snucoedik

    Discover the Shocking Truth Behind SnucoedikVideo Information This video, titled ‘snucoedik | Unidxntified’, was uploaded by optimizer420 on 2024-02-28 18:13:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. dexland #mineblaze #combotage Minecraft, Combotage, DexLand, MineBlaze, KitPvP, SoupPvP, Rape Series, NoDebuff, … Read More

  • Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!

    Insane Mining Chat: Stephanie finds DIAMONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Ngobrol sambil nambang, otw bikin Beacon full diamond’, was uploaded by Stephany Partisha on 2024-02-01 06:26:50. It has garnered 359 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:21 or 11781 seconds. #StephanyPartisha #NontonSteph #vtuberindonesia ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Donation ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ Trakteer: https://trakteer.id/stephany_partisha/tip ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Social ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ https://twitter.com/stephanyprtsha ✧ https://www.tiktok.com/@stephanypartisha ✧ https://discord.com/invite/wQfMvsm6tM ✧ https://www.instagram.com/stephanypartisha/ ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Affiliate ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ Top Up Game diskon up to 20% Kode Promo: STEPH https://www.mbahgaming.com/ ▬▬▬▬⭒❤ Rules ❤⭒▬▬▬▬ ✧ It is prohibited to discuss politics, ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA). ✧ Avoid controversial topics. ✧ Please be polite and respectful to… Read More

  • UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block – ControllerZ

    UNLOCKED: Free OP items on Sky Block - ControllerZVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pe Sky Block W@controllerZ’, was uploaded by CONTROLLER Z on 2024-02-18 15:54:08. It has garnered 171 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:13 or 11413 seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel, where we bring you the best in mobile gaming and live streaming. Join us as we dive into the world of gaming, playing popular titles like Minecraft and BGMI (BattleGrounds Mobile India). With daily live streams and exciting gameplay, we aim to keep you entertained and hooked. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or simply enjoy watching epic gaming moments,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: Cave Spider VS Llama!Video Information This video, titled ‘[マイクラ100VS100]洞窟クモVSラマ#マイクラ #マインクラフト’, was uploaded by 竹松のゲーム実況 on 2024-01-10 10:00:07. It has garnered 2562 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #gameplay #gamestreaming #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!

    Insane Battle: RafaelG vs Crazy Fan in Minecraft Igloo Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘construirea iglului de pro in minecraft vs fana nebuna..’, was uploaded by RafaelG on 2024-01-11 17:30:14. It has garnered 688 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🔴 *ENTIRE VIDEO CLIP :* https://youtu.be/0vI_tzH2reE 🤑 ENEBA – *THE PERFECT PLACE FOR CHEAP GAMES:* https://www.eneba.com/?af_id=RafaelG5 🔥 Like, Subscribe! 🔔 | 🍿 Enjoy watching! 🥳 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@RafaelG 🍀 ►Secondary Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RafaelGRM 🍀 ►Contact: [email protected] 📧 – For Business inquiries 💰 ►Devino Membru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQYR942cicWdxBAidMOvWDg/join 🍀💰 ►You can donate here: https://www.tipeeestream.com/rafaelg/donation 💰 💳 (I appreciate every donation!) ►Discord Community: https://discord.gg/fPJxWpuF9p 🔊 ►TikTok:… Read More

  • Epyckej Minecraft Serfer

    Epyckej Minecraft SerferTired of the same old SMP experience? Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Do you want something new and exciting? Join EPYCKEJ Minecraft server! Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned pro, you’ll find a warm welcome here. So come on in and let’s start building some unforgettable memories together‼️ Java 1.20.1 + Bedrock Latest https://discord.gg/gdTsj836KG Read More

  • Kingdom Of Arcadia – Realms, Mature, 18+, Community, Bedrock, Discord

    The Kingdom Of Arcadia Realm Welcome to The Kingdom Of Arcadia! We are looking for more players to join our realm that features light role play and world-building elements. Our trade economy and lore date back to 2019, documented through in-game books and historical builds. We are currently looking to repopulate the world and welcome everyone to create their own cities. Earn a seat at the castle’s round table to vote on big decisions. We also play other games like Dead By Daylight, Fortnite, and Modern Warfare 3. We are looking for adults only and aim to foster an accepting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Constructive criticism: you suck at Minecraft.

    Wow, I didn’t realize memes had scores now. Does that mean we can trade them in for prizes? Read More

  • Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here

    Nightmare on Minecraft Street: Evil Lives Here In the depths of Minecraft, a horror map awaits, The Orphanage, where fear dominates. Shadows lurk, friends turn to foes, Every step taken, danger grows. A chilling narrative, a tale of dread, In the darkness, where fear is fed. Worse than Herobrine, Cave Dweller, or Siren Head, This horror map will fill you with dread. So brace yourself, for the scares that lie ahead, In Minecraft’s first horror map, where evil lives and spreads. Read More

Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN – 【MINECRAFT】 Finishing Fauna’s Funny Fish Farm