Cheated with //PASTE in 101 Build Battles – SHOCKING!!

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Today we are cheating once again with autobuild in Minecraft let’s just say lock raged harder than he’s ever raged before hey dude you see the Bedrock you probably know what’s going on here bro uh I I mean I mean are we going to are are we going to beat Minecraft no

We’re not we’re doing another build battle oh no not again dude build battle D what’s wrong with your skin don’t worry about it we’re playing 1.7 Minecraft so my Skin’s a little messed up but but all I can tell you is just go over to your side I’m going to go over

To my side and you know I’m just going to place this here and going to shut this up where you going byebye time to start building sir hi sir hi hi give me a little kiss through the window first well I mean if you say so Psy wait wait

Psy there we go all right all right let’s start building so what’s the theme what’s the theme that you want to do just anything anything at all let’s get started bro all right all right you know I can dig that I can dig that ladies and gentlemen what lock doesn’t know is if

You break this and then you break this ladies and gentlemen we have a secret entrance to underground and look what we got here we have a bunch of crazy designs I think we’re going to start off with this gnome you see this gnome right here should I do it first actually no

I’m going to do it last and I’m going to say it looks like locks just to make him rage but starting off we are going to do Spider-Man all I got to do is Place some glass out here here Place some out here as well and dude he’s about to reach so

Hard first position set now let’s make our way up second position set let’s hit copy I hope this works 3 2 1 paste well sir what’s your building looking like looking good looking horrible yeah we’re we’re building right now I’ve like ever ever ever seen in my life yeah something

Like it ladies and gentlemen I just built Spider-Man H his head is in the ground a little bit but we’re just going to say that’s the artistic value okay what I need to do to cover up my tracks I need to place this Bedrock right here

I need to make sure he does not see under and ladies and gentlemen we are all done oh my gosh can you hurry up it’s literally been a whole 2 minutes I am trying you cannot rush perfection Mr top five ladies and Gentlemen let’s walk on over to Lock’s side let’s see what

He’s got it looks to be some sort of zombie I don’t even think he knows I’m on my way to his side let’s just stay crouching what I’m going to do I’m going to scare him a little bit let’s get some TNT let’s get some Flint steel let’s

Stay crouching let’s Place one down all right and we are about finished what what is that what what bro bro no my B my zombie belt dude I was building a zombie head all right bro I’m going to be honest with you I’m going to be quite

Honest with you I was a little worried about your build being better than mine so I I just blew it up bro well what did you build huh ladies and gentlemen what what the what the what’s up dude listen Spider-Man he’s hanging upside down yeah he’s on his web dude I know

With his head he’s in the ground bro don’t even worry about it listen I know it’s not that good who do you think won the first round uh I’ll tell you right now who won who won the first round all right all you want you want to know who

Won the first round doing what is he oh my God sir stop it stop it stop it stop it you stupid Spider-Man okay I got so lucky right there because lock is making it back but as you can see I should probably cover up my tracks that would have been so bad

If I got caught in the prank literally right away I’m going to be honest dude your build wasn’t that good I want to see some more effort Aro all right you know what I’m going to build something I want to build something so amazing so good you’re going to Wish You Were Me

I’m going to wish I was you guys guys let’s walk on over to our next build I canot wait to use this gnome and say it’s locks this is our next build lox loves Pokemon so let’s just do first position set all right and now let’s do

SL slash copy let’s make our way back up I need to make sure lox does not see me because the video will literally be over if at any time he sees what’s under the map right here we got our secret entrance and let’s slash slash pcee 3 2

1 oh my gosh now all I got to do is just destroy this evidence and we’re going to be on our way here’s my only issue this wall is not as tall as this Pokemon so if at any time locks looks over while making his build he’s literally going to

See what I made and oh my gosh oh that’s not good we have another issue we got another issue okay we’re good hey lox I’m not going to spy on your build this time I’m not even going to come on over how is it looking don’t even tell me uh it it’s

It’s it’s getting there it’s it’s getting there I’m I’m trying all right I’m almost done what is he going to build I have no idea but I canot wait until he sees this so just you know give me a hint what are you making is it like

Is there a certain theme is it you being it’s it’s something for you something for me is it a kiss I hope it is I I mean it’s kind of kind of similar what it possibly could be all right and I think we are just about yep just about

Done all right 3 2 1 eggs egg a you made me a rose look yeah it’s pretty good too I I spent a lot of time on it it looks so good dude honestly I just wish you took me to dinner first uh I I I I mean doesn’t the Rose

Come I don’t I don’t know I don’t know what did you build you know I I bet you built like a is that a Tor Chi bro how how are you build it lox I know you love Pokémon so much so I did it for you this is for you

Baby this don’t ever call me that again number one what baby I love you baby how the how the heck did you build this sink’s huge yeah I got a little bit better obviously this time I’m not cheating I finally learned how to build I know yours might be a little better

Sir sir sir stop sir stop sir stop no no no no no My poor build why would you kill the bird he is just getting more and more mad so I guess it’s time to go inside of our private entrance what do we have next ladies and gentlemen it’s time for The Gnome let’s just pour some glass over here I don’t know how you pour

Glass I don’t even know what I just said but now per usual first position set second position set SL SL copy and now SL SL paste oh Bud let’s destroy the evidence before locks eliminates me all right dude uh I’m almost done with my build uh how’s your build going uh you

Know it’s done I’ve been done for like 6 minutes like like 6 minutes no you’re literally lying dude it’s like you’re you’re you’re lying you’re lying dude where is lo he’s still over there don’t come to me don’t come to me though I’m I’m going to go to you first okay uh no

You probably Shouldn’t please please please please please no no no it’s okay no you don’t have hi I love you sir sir sorry is this a throwing up gnome is this a throwing up bro why is the gnome throwing bro this thing’s hu this thing’s colorful well Lux let me explain

You a little something there’s a little bit of a background related to my build yeah what is it so you probably think this is an ordinary gnome right now it kind of looks like keemstar you think it looks like keemstar yeah it’s you it’s me what do

You mean it’s me there nothing like me I don’t know the nose you know what come over here over here why I just want to show you my build okay uhoh I’m a little nervous this time come here okay all right here okay all right as you can see there’s a c there’s

An H there’s an e there’s an a there’s a t uh you forgot the e and cheater I’m reading this as cheater not cheater it’s the same thing where are you copying and pasting the builds oh right here what’s up dude do you like it really

Yeah really yeah no no don’t do don’t do what you’re about to do don’t don’t do it don’t do it no what what are you doing where are you going with that wooden a you got a lot of power in your hands right now with world edit oh no oh

No Goodbye Mr top five subscribe to the channel for more pranks today I cheated in a Minecraft building competition by using security cameras as you can see I am over here on my side of the wall and all we’re doing is building one thing each time when

Lock goes to build something I’m going to look through the security camera which what I’m going to do is go over here and strategically place it on his side as you can see lock is over there but what we’re going to do is secretly put a camera right here against this

Block and now all I got to do is bound the camera here we go come on come on don’t notice me please don’t notice me please don’t notice me let’s go time to copy all of his builds and uh let me push my luck a little let me place a

Second one right here let me bound this one and let me run away please don’t notice those cameras so you ready for the building competition no hacks no cheats you’re ready to go all right but just to make sure I’m going to go on your side box there’s no invisible glass

Here yeah I’ll even give you a wooden axe you can’t use world edit h no world yeah there is no world edit all right all right so just a ploh good old fashion kiss I mean world I mean not Ian I build I mean that’s fine too get over

To your side okay ladies and gentlemen he has no idea about the cameras we’re going to copy every single one of his builds all right so what’s the theme Lux you know what I’m going to give this one to you the theme is whatever you want it

To be just go crazy dude just whatever I wanted to be dude I’m literally going to win dude you’re you’re so trash you’re literally trash dude anything I want all right all right let me go to my camera monitor as you can see there’s camera one and also camera 2 ladies and

Gentlemen we are now on camera one guys to zoom this in oh we are completely looking at whatever this man is doing what is he is he building SpongeBob for the second time in a row there is no way box what you building bro I can’t tell

You dude it is uh it something something that’s going to be so amazing so insane looking at it’s like four or five pieces of yellow wool going across all right what I need to do let me just boun to the second camera and let me look at

This from the other side uh it looks like wait what is he doing I thought he was like maybe writing a letter or something I have no idea what I’m looking at yet but well ladies and gentlemen I better get to work let me get some yellow B just like that and we

Have to completely copy his exact build all right ladies and gentlemen as you know it’s a bunch of wool all the way across just like this let me completely copy exactly what he’s doing and in a second I’m going to check in with this build and see if I’m missing anything

All right here we go let’s do one more and I think we’re just about ready to go let me check in on his build let’s go to camera one oh by he’s strong Pac-Man he’s strong Pac-Man I got to get to work guys right now we’re making the mouth we

Are making the look completely identical to loxis Pac-Man but at the same time also a little bit different but I’m yeah I’m literally I’m done I’m done I like my build it’s awesome you’re going to lose you’re trash bro Goodbye Mr ladies and gentlemen all we got to do for the

Finishing touches is just erase this and put some nice black wool to the bottom and ladies and gentlemen Pac-Man is done so are you done or you uh still taking your little sweet time uh let me just uh go take a look at yours yeah come take a

Peek look at this look at this nice you copied me again shut up dude listen shut up I I did not copy you dude shut shut up I don’t know what type of cheats you’re using this time dude no no no no no no no no no no

No no no how bro I obviously made sure to make it a little bit different because I forgot the white pellets at the end but I can’t make him be that all right all right all right listen I I need you to look at me dude I need you

To to look at me I need you to look at me no no no no no no no no I’m not doing this again I’m not doing this again all right what what what is this is this some activated two-way glass huh what is this it’s no this is two-way glass where is

It the button there’s no button just listen box look at me right now Hey sir hey you literally creeped on my side what do you want I am going to shut this door I am going to take the key quick actually you know what you come here

Come here come here come here come here yes what do you want what what is it no no no go back on your side Okay all right man I’m just going to get rid of my Pac-Man please promise me not to copy me this time listen buddy I’m going to build something so great so amazing you’ll never even think about it you’ll never think about it ever in your

Whole is going to fre out he sees I copy his second build to the te well ladies and gentlemen we already know what to do let’s go ahead and navigate to camera 2 and now we are fully spying on whatever locks does honestly lock dude I I bet

You’re drawing yourself guys I only said that cuz there’s literally a chickeny spawned in dude I don’t know what you’re talking about dude why would I literally build a statue of myself dude I I don’t I don’t have that big of an ego dude you knows exactly what I’m talking about

What what is he Dro is he’s making a chicken there’s no way there is no way just because of that one chicken I literally predicted it all right dude you’re never going to guess what I’m building you’re never going to guess are you sure I didn’t already guess it dude

Nah dude hold on it’s turning night time I got a time set zero all right I’m just looking at my inspiration really quick all right so ladies and gentlemen we’re copying whatever he does we are copying exactly what he does let me go to his build his chicken’s definitely coming on

Pretty well all right I am fully finish dude this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life dude this is log’s finished chicken and you’re ready now let’s completely copy it he might be making her chicken a little fatter than lox’s but that’s good he can’t have

Proof that we’re completely copying we are now completely done all right dude what do you make let me guess I’ll just walk over oh what a surprise you copied my build again I did not dude dude shut dude no I did not you’re joking you’re literally joking dude I literally built

A chicken it’s a chicken look at me in the eyes I wanted to draw you and then you just copied me what do you mean drop I’m not a lock chicken dude I just drew a Minecraft chicken dude don’t don’t no no no no no bro bro it’s basically the exact same

Thing dude why are you copying me dude you’re literally what are you using dude there’s no two-way glass you’re literally on your side obviously building you’re not peeking are you I don’t know you’re the one that always pranks me you’re the one who always cheats I I did not cheat I haven’t

Cheated once are you peeking over the wall how can I peek over the wall it’s so tall up you just walk over here and you look over Dude you have to swear to me you’re not looking over the wall Fox on our friendship I swear I am only on my side oh my

Gosh I need to figure out something to build that’s so CRA so insane I’m shutting the door ladies and gentlemen I’m sorry Mr Chicken but you are now gone stay on your side I’m going to build something that you’ll never guess I build you got to feel a little bad for

Him at this point come on just realize I’m pranking you what are you uh what are you building dude really quick what’s up where are you oh my gosh oh my gosh he’s on my side yo what’s up dude oh yo yo yo uh I just had to just I just

Had a look at you really quick yeah dude listen just had to look see what you’re doing making sure you’re not you’re not peeking or anything I’m not I’m just chilling on my side getting ready to build getting all my materials but what is he building it’s something red wait

Now it’s dirt is he drawing a dirt version of Kevin the cube wait wait there’s red again is he make he’s making me a cake wait a minute I know what that is I know ex guys what do you think this is oh oh my gosh he’s really giving

Obvious build ideas all right ladies and gentlemen let me just draw the feet all right you know what I’m done with my little build I think it is the probably the the best but ugliest thing I’ve ever built in my life we know exactly what to

Do here we go dude are you almost done man I’m literally I’m going to take a nap bro you’re so slow dude and Now ladies and Gentlemen let’s just literally copy exactly what he did let me just build this bad boy up ah dude are you done dude I literally just took

A 20-minute nap dude come on ladies and gentlemen can you uh figure out what this is I wonder what this is all right well you know what come check out my build wait wait wait hold dude before no no no don’t come over here don’t come

Over here okay what what is I want to see what you built first I want to see what you built first oh no oh no what do you think what the heck is that what the heck is that I made me bro you made you yeah dude let’s go and see

Your oh what a surprise you’re copying me you are literally y were you about to say you think I’m coping you you think I’m copy I know this is your Minecraft server but but we don’t tolerate hackers in the Minecraft server unban me right now all

Right I got you dude honestly man why would you hack in your own game I did not hack I was done before you were dude what what what are you doing what are you doing nothing here just take the camera monitor bye camera monitor yeah dude I installed security cameras for

The third time what the bro how did I not see that you’re so dumb goodbye today we are trolling in another Minecraft build battle with auto build but this time it’s a lot different we are using giant builds check this out and wait until later in the video when I

Build a custom fortnite character Lux is going to furry if we slowly navigate over to my side of the build we have a little bit of an issue obviously you could literally see how insanely big this is um oh my gosh I need to guys let

Me go to my I’m literally on Max render distance and you can barely see what’s going on what I’m going to start off by doing is only pasting the eye all right guys check this out all I’m going to do we’re going to drop down next to this

Eye let’s get my wooden pickaxe hey dude you ready to start ah yes the build battle with the Mr top five Nicholas Johnson the man himself do not reveal my last name uh-huh already did well you know what what are we going to be building today sir you are going to be

Building anything you want guys I am literally anything I want trying to do this I don’t even know if I’m going to be able all right um let me just paste right here it’s so hard to even like keep track second position sl/ copy I

Don’t even know if this is going to work but that eye alone was 2600 blocks so dude what do you think you’re going to build all I know is I’m already done uh you are I doubt that sir all right I’m going to be building something so

Amazing so awesome and it’s going to be just for you let’s go down and we’re going to try doing SL slash paste oh oh okay okay all right I mean it kind of worked it’s a little cut off let me go more to the right let’s do SL SL undo SL

SL paste again and you know what dude this build is literally just for you dude it’s you know it it’s it’s a symbol of us it’s a symbol of us sir that sounds a little sus and I am done he’s already done I have my own issue I don’t

Know why it pasted a bunch of these blocks on the top all right what I need to do let’s just get rid of all of these all right we are just about done and my second issue he could not see this oh over here so what I’m going to do all

Right dudee you know what I’m just coming through what did you build guys I made the perfect wall oh yeah it’s it’s an eyeball cuz I’m watching you eyb and I always watching you why’d you make it flat bro why’ you make an eyeball bro this is the most confusing build in the

World what did you do don’t worry about it what even is this he’s very this supposed to be like skin right here uh yeah obviously it’s terrible it’s just an ie but this is about to get so much worse he’s very confused that’s so weird

Dude I I come in here I mean I didn’t build you an eye but I buil build me an eye why I built you a I built you a heart a dude give me give me a smoochi give me a smoochi wait wait wait I’m not

Done yet what are you going to add bro no sir stop this is what your heart is going to look like after too much cholesterol oh I’m just going to go to my side is that a funny joke all right get out of here Lo I’m not going to lie

About it I lied I lied about my build come here yeah follow me what I got to show you something look at this what this is my actual build wait what I don’t know if it’s good I don’t know if it’s bad what the

Heck is this do you like it wait is this Luffy from One Piece yeah it’s decent right it’s okay I guess bro you did not build this dude this is huge this literally goes on forever my render distance is 32 but look at this entire

Thing he must be so confused is it good dude you couldn’t even do this in world edit if you wanted to this is humongous so do I wi it’s literally his whole his fist bro his six-pack bro what did I win I’m I’m I’m confused I’m confused

Sir these builds are only going to get crazier and crazier let’s do the next one anything like this in my life all righty Lux round two sorry about uh you know my genius build it’s whatever it’s fine yeah genius build more like I don’t know how you did that build but you know

What that’s that’s beside the fact man I’m going to build something stay cute stay over to your side ladies and gentlemen this was kind of weird dude yeah don’t worry about it this is Windows 10 ladies and gentlemen all we’re going to do we are going to copy

This paste it over to my side and then we’re going to delete it I wonder what version of Windows BLX uses all we need is our wooden axe let’s equip this right now this is going to be so bad first position set and now let’s make it all

The way to the end of the windows logo la la la la and ladies and gentlemen second position set SL SL copy and let’s head back over thankfully lux’s render distance is really bad because his computer isn’t that good so from over here he is not going to see this Windows

Logo and SL slash paste look at the stages then look at the windows logo this is so bad all righty man I’m all done he’s got to know I’m cheating at this point so all right are you done or you what you can you can come over to

Mine I just finished so H it is that that’s me that is me yeah this is this is you but you’re looking at the wrong side uh what what’s with the what is that what am I that’s the white Nike hat and you got the diamond sword IX I I I I

Just added some Pizzazz to it dude that is beautiful that is so good I love the white Nike hat but unfortunately unfortunately for you I forgot it’s actually a red hat what what are you doing what I messed up I I meant to do wet sponges because you always cry all the

Time guys imagine what he sees this Windows logo I all right what did you build uh definitely not anything as good as that just my favorite operating system the heck it’s Windows 10 dude Windows Windows 10 what do you think Windows 10 bad great you built the

Windows 10 logo uhuh do you like it you built the Windows 10 logo dude that’s me signing off my computer after trolling you you built the Windows 10 logo dude I don’t know what to say about that what what else is oh by the way uh come over here dude you’re

Forgetting something oh are you Ser you actually built the logo you actually built the logo I I think this is giant I I think I think I think this is literally humongous so is it two to zero I I don’t know how you’re doing this I literally can’t even comprehend

Cuz these things these builds are so humongous they H man get ready for round three I’m 2 and0 baby this next build is going to be 10 times better the third and final round sir come on you need at least one point dude yeah I don’t know what you’re

Doing but for some reason for example I I I can’t if I place the flower down for some reason your builds are a million times the size do you understand uh-huh Cuz um I’m better than you in every way shape and form you just spit on me on

Your side start building yes sir ladies and gentlemen again his render distance is not the greatest so there is no chance he is going to see Mr Crimson Scout all I got to do let’s take out my wooden axe ladies and gentlemen we have

A bunch of glass all the way on the top all I got to do is set the first position I need to hurry up though because I have a feeling he’s going to be a little sus first position set just says so on come on come on I got to

Hurry up and now second position set SL slash copy come on come on come on come on 3 2 1 slash slash pcee oh oh my oh my we need to destroy the evidence we need to hurry up how’s your building going I mean I’m I’m already done dude it’s

Going no you’re not shut up no you’re not dude you’re not done dude you’re not done dude I literally just have only placed down like 10 blocks bro my issue is that you can literally see over the wall which is not good literally if you’re on Lock’s side you can see the

Crimson Scout’s head you know staring at your builds what are we looking at some sort of like what are you making a Rubik Cube no I’m not okay the only issue is this one is very close to the other one so it’s kind of obvious that it’s there

I need to delete all of the evidence super quickly come on come on come on hurry up ladies and Gentlemen let’s copy this SL and SL slash set zero goodbye Crimson Scout my only issue is this one it’s completely backwards but you know what it’s fine all right sir my build is

About complete so head on over here in five four yeah I’m already here all right what do we got here and one am I looking at we have a Green Block it’s are you sure it’s not a ow yeah that hurt it’s a cactus so if I spawn in like

You know a nice little Cactus right here okay yeah I mean pretty good kind kind of there yeah yeah yeah well let’s see what you built let me guess good dude you built a big giant locks all right well that’s not that’s not locks but is that is that Crimson Scout from

Fortnite that’s the guy from fortnite so they added Crimson Scout from fortnite into Minecraft no I built it I know you built it that was sarcasm how bro you cheating somewhere dude you’re l Lally cheating somewhere this has to be somewhere else dude well it’s good because I literally removed it uh dude

You’re you’re literally dude this thing is huge bro how are you building these giant structures they’re under the map they’re under the map no not under the map the map where is it where is it bro I’m not going to tell him I’m not going to tell him we’re going to keep this

Going so done goodbye subscribe for more crazy builds today I cheated again with auto building in Minecraft we have four different Marvel characters we are doing a Marvel only building competition and lo has no idea what’s up my sleeve for the second time I hope he doesn’t catch

On dude today is a beautiful day to make a there hello hello hello hello I was just uh eating my chicken nugget how was it uh it’s not that good but I don’t know man I don’t know time to build so what do you mean build what oh great oh

Great look at this oh my gosh I didn’t even see where I was at you want to do a build battle it’s time again so remember last time you did not do super well yeah I’m not doing this tell you what if you win I’ll give you $10,000 please just come back guys

You said $10,000 super worried he kind of thinks something is going on you sparked my interest Mr top five so what are we going to be building today Marvel characters your favorite dude ah easy I’ll build you first the bald and strong Superman that’s enough out of you I’m

Going over here all right so you want to do a Marvel all right you know what you know what I got this i got this let’s do Marvel all right ladies and gentlemen you already know how this works but if anybody does not remember here is what

Basically happens okay so guys on the other side of this wall T we have four different Marvel characters he’s going to freak imagine being able to build this in a matter of minutes but first let’s start off with Hulk we need to start off by building one really really

Badly without world edit so he doesn’t get suspicious all right sir all right time to build you building building oh you’re going to build a hole look how cute I’m building my favorite superhero right now and he’s going to look awesome this is going to look absolutely horrendous I cannot wait for his

Reaction but I also can’t wait for you know the cheats all right dude I’m actually looking pretty good how are you looking uh you know really good guys this is awful I don’t even know how to build ALK okay okay so I’m going to put one thing right there and one thing

Right there oh my gosh this is the worst thing in the world um you know what you know what you know what I think I’m good I think I’m good I built my statue I like it it’s good I don’t I’m done too I’m done too I’m

Ready to go all right you know what I’m I’m going to just break my wall let’s see your build let’s see your build first that’s it that’s your build it’s good right this is this is Hulk yeah Hulk smash dude it looks like a booger guys now you know why I cheat every

Single video all right buddy come over here I’m going to show you look it’s Spider-Man oh my gosh heing oh my dude that is sick I’m a little nervous I’m going to be honest yeah yeah you should be a little nervous but that’s why I think of your build what sir did you

Just spit on me yeah I Spit on you end your build all right all right round two you know this is going pretty easy dude I feel bad for you man I feel bad ladies and gentlemen he just built Spider-Man I think now it’s time for me to copy him

I’m getting a little bit of inspiration from that Spider-Man can I do one too I I mean yeah yeah you can if you want I’m going to do I’m going to do Hulk then ladies and Gentlemen let’s just walk on over to the Mr Spider-Man himself yeah I

Just finished my Hulk I think you’re going to find him actually very pleasing oh my goodness gracious look at this so yeah your Hulk might be a little bit better than mine were you cheating yeah he’s a lot better I dude I did I literally did this by hand dude I’m not

Cheating oh look at me dude I’m not going to lie you might have got me beat again you might have beat me just I’m a little embarrassed I did Spider-Man this time I was inspired by you what what what is bro what what what’s up hello

Bro how what are you mean how no you couldn’t have done this in this little amount of time dude I mean clearly I did so dude what the hell did you do bro what he’s so shocked dude that doesn’t even make any sense dude he’s huge he’s

Actually really good no dude you how do you go from making this little turd to to Spider-Man dude that’s actually so detailed in everything I’m just really not good with Hulk but I’m a little bit better with Spiderman bro you know what whatever dude take your little stupid

Spider-Man dude let’s do round three I don’t really care dude whatever let’s do round three is one to one and little the locks no I can just undo it just like that I am an evil person I cannot wait for his reaction next round all right

Dude you know what next round I’m I’m over it it’s it’s whatever you know I’m going to make something 10 times better than than you ever will we should both do Captain America what do you think you know what you can do Captain America I’m

Going to do Venom okay here we go this is the Captain America who doesn’t have the shield but just wait until later in the video where I build this entire thing in just around a minute let’s copy this second position set oh my gosh he’s going to freak even harder guys as you

Can see this I am oh my gosh this is bad this is bad it’s been 1 minute and I just constructed this entire Masterpiece uh we should probably destroy the evidence and and the only other issue I see is this arm is completely open I’m just going to you know place a few

Blocks here act like nothing happened um I’m assuming lock is going to say he’s done soon let’s just keep on doing this keep on going all right put in the nice final touches and I am done um I’m a little nervous about mine can I see

Yours first uh yeah yeah you can come see mine first I made Venom his tongue is out his little you symbiote things like you coming off I’m not going to lie Lock’s actually half decent at making these he would do these way better than I would dude this is trash good what do

You mean it’s trash I literally I put details I put the tongue I put his teeth I put the little cmio things that are all around him just like the movie just like the ctoons it’s not trash let’s see yours then huh let’s see oh no oh no

What what what’s up I I know it’s not good it’s not good I know I know just don’t make fun of me dude please please don’t make fun of me please don’t make fun of me lox listen I only had a minute I couldn’t I couldn’t spend too much

Time on the shield how are you doing this how how how are you doing this what do you mean I’m just he’s really detailed he’s he’s huge um it’s raining well how are you doing this he has eyes in a mouth are you serious it it was

Literally we were only building for like a minute I don’t know just don’t make fun of me dude you’re you’re being sarcastic aren’t you yeah maybe a little bit so uh what’s the score sir 2 to one huh I want to work on my other Statue

Don’t bother me while I work on my statue no I’m just going to sit here just start working on your other Statue okay wait hold on how many more do we have left too all right before we do Captain America with the shield it’s time for Deadpool he looks a little

Similar to Spiderman let’s do first position set let’s do second position set let’s do SL copy it’s time to troll my friend even harder what are you building this time I bet I bet it’s going to be like what what is it going to be I Iron Man it might be Deadpool

But like I’m oh Deadpool wow I’m a bit nervous cuz I’ve never seen the movie dude never seen the Deadpool movie dude you serious you haven’t seen the Deadpool movie dude just stop I wanted to challenge myself I know oh my gosh dude you are trash bro you’re literally

Trash look like dog while lock is building let’s just fly over and spy on him a little bit what is that what am I looking at right now it’s something yellow what is is is he making Spongebob yo dude by the way what are you building I’m doing Wolverine okay to

Be fair that might actually be a pretty decent Wolverine but nothing compared to my Deadpool he’s going to cry when he sees it but first let’s just walk on over la la la la la oh shoot the door wasn’t locked hey locks what are you do

I’m I’m not done I’m not done dude this is just this is just the draft this is literally just the draft ow ow the claws hurt ow ow ow you know what going to heard a lot more what you get back to building wait don’t tell me you’re

Already done what do you mean get back to building I’m ready uhoh oh uhoh no no no no no no no no no no no this is this is literally impossible how are you doing am I doing what hold on slash kill Mr top five do you have

Spawners oh my gosh you don’t have any spawners you don’t have anything how are you doing this I’m just good that’s all that’s all there is to it no if and but or yet so I want to watch you build one oh no oh no that’s not good come on

Build one build one build one uh what do you want me to build what do you want me to build dude um I don’t know what can you build something build it look at me a magician never Reveals His building okay thank you so much um I’m

Going to build you okay I’m going to build you guys I don’t know what to do I do not know what to do all right hold done that’s a chicken yeah it’s you better start building or the next 5 seconds or I’m going to ban you can you

Close your eyes please okay we’re just going to go over he’s so about to find out it’s me I am done for right now uh your your eyes are still shut right we’re good yeah yeah they’re shut I’m waiting all right and locks open your eyes and

Oh taada what do you think what do you think what do you think oh no I just saw you P copy that I spied on you copying and pasting this oh Ben You Banned Me from my own server you know what I’m getting you back good boy subscribe for

More Minecraft build battle but today we are cheating with underground statues we have five different YouTuber models that we’re going to be using but for now we just have to kind of break out of here here cuz well ladies and gentlemen locks cannot find out about what I have under

The ground hey dude I think it’s time for another build battle yeah what are you going to do this time watch me through a camera locks I can promise you have double-sided glass I am not up to anything bad this time I can promise you

Dude on what mod do you have I have no mods I promise yeah yeah you know what you have those cameras double Side Glass next thing I know you’re going to be putting a camera in my bathroom all right lock let me ask you a question who

Is your favorite YouTuber name anyone uh Mr top five I get it that’s me yeah that’s what the that’s that’s what you told me to say right right I’m just kidding I’m just kidding all right all right all right um we are going to do a build

Competition with any I was going to say my favorite YouTuber you just you interrupted me who is it uh I I like I like dream me too let’s start building I’m going to to build dream okay go and build dream dude go to your side stop staring at me I want to build

You next oh what did you okay let’s just let’s just get to building boys all right ladies and gentlemen lock is on his way to start building and what he doesn’t know is this beautiful cheat map I have right here all I got to do is

Break this glow stone make my way in he said he’s building dream so now it’s my turn to build dream all we’re going to do we’re going to left click we’re going to go to the bottom we’re going to right click and now copy let’s break out of

Here and within 1 minute we’re going to build a perfect bottle of dream and now all we got to do is SL slash paste destroy the evidence of all the glow stone and look at this this is a sick version of dream honestly dude can you

Just hurry up I’m ready to go bro can we I just put my Finishing Touch I’m all done it’s it’s a mini version but you know I didn’t have much time it looks good it it looks looks good enough for me I mean I mean what what what what did

You did you build dream too actually if you want me to be honest with you I actually did build dream do you want to see it would you Beed see it I bet it looks horrible compared to this this beautiful mini statue come on run along

Run along I’ll let you uh go first what the uh dude what’s up dude what’s going on hello bro yo what do you think is it good is it bad I know you may have done you know a little bit better than me but it’s it’s fine how did you make it so

Big what do you mean dude I had a whole minute I know I had a whole minute too and I could only make something that was like this big all right sir I guess the score is 1 to zero I’m really sorry that I have a feeling he’s starting to get a little

Suspicious let’s just nicely make our way down what what should we do next should we do Mr Beast should we do Tommy in it should we do sky or should we do George not found I think we’re going to start off with Sky I know that sky is

One of his favorite YouTubers so that’s going to make this even better ladies and gentlemen without further Ado let’s slowly make our way back over let’s go to our spawn 3 2 1 peace oh here we go Mr Sky himself got to destroy all the evidence of the glow stone once again my

Little issue right now is Sky’s head is going a little bit over the border and that might be bad because I have a feeling locks might just notice but hopefully not all right all right can you just hurry up already I want to show you Sky

Bro I’m done come here all right let’s take a look is that Mr Incredible what am I looking at what what the heck is that we’re doing YouTubers yeah this is a YouTuber this is Mr top five without his hood oh you’re calling me bald aren’t you yeah shiny shiny shiny shiny

Bal I got this you I got to admit you’re you’re not lying it is pretty shiny dude all right well you know what I already won I’m going to give myself the point let’s go see build dude come on whatever it is hey dude um what’s up this is sky

This is Sky what do you think oh my this dude there’s there’s no time there’s no time to do this dude there how are you doing like like there’s there’s literally no time to do this at all just remember dude I’m not cheating his eyes and his t

Look anywhere on the map I don’t have statues anywhere I’m finally doing it legit I don’t see anything I just see the stage guys we have it completely patched up he has no idea I hope he doesn’t notice those holes down there but you know it’s fine it’s whatever you

Know what you know what what what’s up dude build your little stupid thing just this time I’m going to watch you come come on come on build what’s that dude what am I looking at I build all right you win thank you finally someone who acknowledges my creative aspect Crea

Abilities ladies and gentlemen the third build all we got to do let’s go down and let’s go over here which one should we get this time we have so many options I think we’re going to save Mr Beast to the LA I think we’re going to save Mr

Beast for the last because I know for a fact he loves George not found but I think he loves Mr Beast a little bit more all right just like that let’s copy George not found we’re literally making these YouTubers in a matter of 30 seconds and here we oh that’s bad that’s

An issue he’s literally hanging off I think locks would probably know something’s up so let’s do SL SL undo let’s paste it again and there we go destroy all of the evidence la la la la and all right dude I’m ready I’m I made this one even better than all the other

Ones yeah well I took a different approach on this build what does that even mean I wonder so uh come over here ladies and Gentlemen let’s walk on over let’s take a look hi this is my build what am I looking at right now dude dude

You got to admit he looks pretty cool yeah very very cool so um would you consider that the best build yet honestly how big his head is compared to his body in proportion that’s true that’s true looking super super good yeah this is this this is pure art I’m

Not going to lie dude you may have got me beat I I think you win this time come on dude let’s go all right so who did you build what Steve he thinks it’s Steve uh no I’d go the other side dude dude dude you forgot to put eyes on him

Bro look how dude this is such a stupid build look it’s he’s just two colors some skin and no eyes bro well follow me all right dud dud I’m so stupid I forgot everything wait what’s up dude George dude what’s up you made George yeah and what do you think

Dude he’s so confused he is absolutely he just does not know what to say right now you know what I’m going back I’m going back why where are you going dude what’s wrong just build just build just build so uh I’m not sure if you’re aware

But I’m pretty sure the score may be through to Zer you know math wonderful ladies and gentlemen the final build Mr Beast later on let’s just say locks got a little mad and he made a very interesting build at the end ah yes Mr Tommy in it how could I forget you

Let’s just build this out right here put this over here and ladies and gentlemen get ready for this all right locks are you ready to start building I am working on it buddy I have an absolutely perfect idea all right dude I’m going to start building now all right okay build do it

Do it do your build I’m building now too yeah I’m done I’ll finish can we start please you’re done you’re lying dude you’re literally lying you’re not done please dude can we just start you’re trolling me I’m building I just started oh all right I guess I’ll just you know

Walk over here take a look at your oh what is this no no no no dude I’m not done don’t look at what I’m building dude you’re cheating this is cheating I mean I’m done with mine so what’s the I’m literally I’m I’m just I’m I’m trying to build something just just let

Me build my build you’re not done you’re ly you’re just trying to steal my build you’re just trying to steal my build oh no here we go wait what what’s up dude what do you think is it good is it bad you like it do you hate it in it this

Tommy it’s Tommy in it you even gave him a tie I know dude don’t make fun of me it’s not that good I understand stay on your side don’t come over here whatever you do all right dude sounds good can we just do the next round I’m done I’m not

Even going to finish my build going to beblade but next round next round hurry up go go build love to save the best for the last Mr Beast is the most detailed out of them all keep in mind we are literally going to build this in like a minute he’s going to

Freak out he’s going to rage so hard when he sees this I know for a fact this is going to end bad all right first one and now the second one and now we are all set 3 2 1 go all right ladies and gentlemen Mr Beast has what what’s up

Hey look on top of the wall hey oh my gosh oh my gosh what what are you doing yeah I had a feeling you were copy and pasting somewhere so I checked if we had world edit uh hi dude what’s going on so so what you’re saying is you saw

Me I think you saw me uh-oh yeah I think I saw you nice build dude yeah oh my gosh it just won’t stop all right let’s take a look at your build yeah take a look go go you like it I think you’re the winner dude wait a minute exploring up the

Glowstone wall uh-oh uh they underneath it you are banned you are so banned we are not even going to end it there next time we’re going to find another way for me to cheat subscribe to see it today cheated in a Minecraft building competition using only My Little Ponies

This is going to be epic hey dude we’re back again how you doing today uh AR you blous you bless you bless you Sor I just had to sneeze I’m allergic to bad Builders okay I’m going over to my my side then looks like I’m going to sneeze

In a second cuz uh I’m allergic to uh simps simps what are you eting I don’t see any s sir well got some gushers you know what no more eating it’s time for building all right it’s time for building what am I going to build today

MRP build whatever you want buddy I will I’ll be right back I’m going to build ladies and gentlemen we know lock is being right back just to go eat but I have more important doings we are going to head over to the first my little Pony

Oh it sounds funny saying it ladies and gentlemen what we’re going to do let’s start right off first position set and now let’s head on over second position set SL SL copy let’s head on back over ladies and gentlemen there she is all you need to do now let’s do first

Position set once again guys trust me I need to do something extremely important SL slash set zero we need to destroy all this evidence and we need to hurry up because lox is extremely quiet right now I don’t know why all right and we are

Set there she is all right dude you know what dude I’m about done with my build so blown away dude yeah you might be sort of maybe Blown Away with mine just take your time man no you know what no you’re not going to take your time I’m

What what wow no I’m not done that is beautiful what are you make is that a pig is it I’m trying to make a pig’s head hold on dude Perfection takes time bro come on come on come on come on you are doing amazing dude that looks beautiful that

Is so beautiful man yeah you know what if you’re so you know you think you’re so cool you know what you know what there there you go there there there’s your little pig whatever it’s it’s not done but then what’s your build huh yeah I mean come over to my side I

Guess is it is it good is it bad bro what bro okay listen listen listen look at me look at me straight in the eyes yes I’m looking dude I know I don’t know what you’re doing you you you cheating the the past you’ve cheated multiple

Times I get that most things I can even stand okay well but this but this My Little Pony My Little Pony let me give you background when I was young I used to watch it and I don’t know I just know how to build it dude that’s the only one I

Know all right man whatever you say dog all right all right just just just do your thing I’m I’m I’m going to build all right man that’s the only one that I know how to do but that is not the truth because say hello to the next one what

Is this I think it’s I think it’s Rainbow Dash I don’t know for sure don’t quote me on that please all right first position set let’s head on over we do not have much time at all so I really really need to hurry SL SL copy let’s

Head on over that is a lot of blocks come on come on come on come on hey locks bro how’s your build coming along man yeah you think you can build Pony just wait till you see my pony you’re going to be like wow that’s a nice Pony

Locks okay man guys I need to hurry I need to hurry you’re going to be like wow I’ve never seen a pony like that in my life you’re so good at building locks guys it literally oh my gosh oh my gosh I hope he doesn’t notice that my pony is

In the wall but you know what it’s fine all right well you know what dude I’m done with my pony let’s take a look wow bro wow dude that looks like when I was in the first grade and my teacher told me to draw a horse and I drew that this

Is this is yeah this is cuz it’s a horse right you you you you were told to draw a horse so you drew a horse and the teacher gave me an a because she felt bad because it looked like a horse right yeah bro I mean my mine’s mine’s a whole

Lot worse but why are you building My Little Ponies cuz why are you building My Little Ponies cuz I’m a brony I don’t know you’re you’re a brony dude she’s even flying man she’s even flying you went to BronyCon I mean yeah maybe I I just I don’t even know if I

Want I don’t even know if I want won’t be your friend anymore guys Lux you need to just step it up a little bit all right dude you know what I will I will I will build something so beautiful and elegant I I’ll win I’ll win today is lock going to

Notice that my builds are completely gone I am not entirely sure but let’s move on to I know this one is named Apple Jack maybe I am a little bit of a brony first position set let’s head on back down SL SL copy all right here we go here we go

I have a feeling this round lock is going to probably break something SL SL paste and there she is lock what are you building this round dude I’m just trying something a little bit different you know a little something a little nice dude I just uh just just just don’t

Worry about it yeah yeah just take your time cuz I’m done I’m just going to chill have a nice glass of soda while I wait just going to chill what what what do you mean you done yeah it did I don’t know like I’m just making simple ones it

Doesn’t take more than in a few seconds you’re you’re done for real I don’t believe you I don’t believe you but you know what you know what I’m about done with mine too guys so how about you come on over and uh check out my brand new aquarium wait until the next round

Because I’m not going to lie I was saving this or later one of these ponies was a pony that Lo SED over when he was a young boy and he doesn’t want to admit it all right dude come on over all right here we are okay wait what’s in there

Tell me there’s an yeah a lot of them isn’t it beautiful it’s colorful it’s like a rainbow I love it oh oh oh my gosh dude dude oh I just sneeze no no they’re beautiful no get back in the aquarium bro I got you bro I

Got you here I can seal her up I can seal her up it’s okay let me gu I can’t seal it hey dude how you doing what is this one’s name Apple Jack Apple Jack yeah what do you think is it good apple Jackle Jack what is he doing I’ll tell you right now how good it is no chill look no no no no no no No well at least it’s foot’s gone no you mean her Huff I hate you all right buddy one more round one more round if it makes you feel any better am completely out of ideas so I don’t know what else to draw I think you’re going to win dude yeah

Yeah yeah well you know what I’m going to build something so amazing let’s go let’s go come on start start do your thing ladies and gentlemen this is the one Lo is going to see it and he’s going to know exactly what’s up all right SL

SL copy let’s head on back over we are rushing we do not have much time but I know this is going to end absolutely terribly My Little Pony Little Pony yeah yeah yeah My Little Pony Nick likes My Little Pony oh no oh no that’s in the wall again come

On we got to hurry up sl/ paste there we go we’re chilling so dude um out of one out of 10 how much of a brony are you uh you could say 11 but that’s an understatement cuz it’s 12 I’m kidding yeah I’m kidding dude yeah yeah dude you

Know I I bet dude guys this round you I think I’m about done with my build so uh I’m going to leave this there and make it extremely obvious what I was doing I don’t stand how he doesn’t even know so dude uh can you just break through the

Wall I got got something to show you yeah I got something to show you as well bro oh oh that’s me that is GL Shadow and I hear TNT and there goes my head there it goes well I mean there goes everything I got a surprise for if

There’s a My Little Pony over here hey what’s up dude hey does that remind you of anything SLB n Mr pop five why what are you trying to hide dude I don’t want to talk about it goodbye subscribe for more today I’m cheating in a building competition using

Auto build I have world edit and I have so many structures right here lock has no idea because it’s over the wall this is going to be sick hello Daddy Mr top five how are you doing today I’m doing great how are you so as you can see sir

Let me uh give you a little a little demonstration of what’s going on here so do you know why I got I don’t know you wanted to show me your big giant wall you built this is like Trump’s wall but um let me tell you right now it doesn’t exist anymore we

Are doing a building competition okay A a building competition that is right oh there’s another Arena so let me guess I’m going to be over here and you’re going to be over there and we’re going to build so all right yeah $10,000 is on the line I’m going to uh you know bye

I’m going to shut you in why cuz up no no get out of here get out hi hi hello welcome to McDonald’s get out of here so as you can see you have a huge Arena a huge place to build $110,000 on the line all right whoever does the better build

How many rounds how many rounds are we doing five rounds three five rounds two go all right I got this I’m going to build you all right so lock is building me he has no idea about any of this stuff that is over here oh my gosh all

Right what we’re going to do right now is start off H what should we use I think we’re going to do an Angry Bird first this it’s called the red bird but that’s totally an Angry Bird so what I’m going to do to completely ruin his day

I’m going to one piece of glass right there second one right there and then what I’m going to I’m going to go up here I’m going to left click and then I’m going to go down here and then I’m going to right click as I right click SL

Slash copy oh here we go here we go the best part about this is I’m literally finishing my build in like 1 minute and now I Lock’s completely muted but let’s go over here SL slash paste let’s destroy the evidence and look at what we have made I am an absolutely terrible

Person hello how do you finished your build I’m almost done how I actually just finished mine all right it’s been a while you know we gave you a lot of time let’s start off I I think let’s look at yours first let’s look at yours first

All right well you know what I built you dude bro you made me way too tall what do you think I think it’s pretty good I like it it looks just like your skin you made a little bit of a mistake sir where are my antlers you know I’m cloak shadow

In fortnite where are the antlers oh okay okay wait wait wait wait okay vo wow that’s pretty good that’s pretty good um what if I told you I made something that is red as well all right well let’s go let’s see what you built it’s probably not as good as mine wait

Wait wait wait wait wait don’t go in no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we’re going to close that up why how good or how bad do you think my build is you know I’m not good you you know I’m not that artistic probably

Pretty bad okay guys I just muted my microphone oh my gosh bro oh my gosh what the an Angry Bird what’s up dude um how you make an Angry Bird so fast yeah I don’t know I don’t think it’s that good but I don’t know what do you think

BR what the heck dude this is insane how did you do this yeah I don’t know it’s whatever it’s not that good dude dude this is actually really good are you Ser you actually made this wait wait so what you’re saying is it’s one Zer dude let’s

Go bro what the he you know you know what let’s just do another round whatever whatever dude all yep it up close up the doors all right guys now all I can do let’s just hit undo and just like that my Angry Bird is Gone let’s go back to the selection and see

What we’re going to do next H we have a diamond sword we have another Mario character oh my gosh let’s kind of amp it up a little bit look at this a golden H I don’t know wait let’s do a Flappy Bird bro let’s do a Flappy Bird all

Right let’s place down this glass and just like that the next one SL slash copy and here we go what I’m going to do is go back over to Locks and tell him dude come on hurry up I’m already done it’s been like a minute oh watermelon

Sugar uh all right dude I’m done I’m already done done yeah I’m already fin what you mean you’re done I don’t know dude I’m just I’m really artistic bro bro I’m not done dude I’m I’m I’m building something dude you have to wait 2 seconds dude no I’m going to go check

It out oh wait wait wait wait wa wait wait dude this is sick Bro what is this hold on just just just wait two seconds dude just just wait two seconds it’s it’s almost done it’s almost done I’m right here I I know just there it’s a

Pig wow dude hold on oh I know what I know what type of pig this is what it’s a locks Pig it kind of looks like you dude oh it does dude just relax dude I had to hurry up it doesn’t look that bad all right I mean the good news is that

Obviously you know we didn’t have too too much time you would to hurry I to hurry um yeah yours is I’m going to admit it yours is probably better than mine so um I’m just going to open up the door and you got the first uh first look go for it dude we

Go you made another dude this is Floppy Bird oh my God BR how did you make Flappy Birds so fast what do you mean dude it’s bro what is up with you and birds today you were just touching my heart it’s really not I don’t think it’s

That good dude I yeah it isn’t really that bad look at the mouth it’s too big oh come on bro dude my pig is better hey Lux hey come down here what come down here look at me in the ice okay look at me with his beautiful black

Eyes stop it admit to me right now my Angry Bird sorry my Flappy Bird you know what you know what you win this round whatever you win it you win it you know what other round next round all right whatever you say dude whatever you say

SL slash undo and now let’s get the next one this is going to be even better all right it’s time to make things a little more advanced we have a nice little unicorn here and this one I have a feeling is going to absolutely freak locks out so let’s just do everything we

Got to do let’s copy paste all right copy this over here I hear locks building in the background let’s hit copy we’ve literally only been going for 20 seconds at this point and now let’s let’s do SL SL past this wait yo why does this kind of

Look similar look at the horse and look at the Unicorn he’s looking up he’s like why are you imitating me let’s just destroy the evidence oh no oh no oh no hey dude how you doing I you know what I’m I’m doing pretty good I you know I

Think I’m going to win this build I think I’m going to win this build take a look we have oh my wait why is this lowkey sick that is dude that is so good chicken wait it’s a chicken see I can I can I I can do birds too wait a minute

Dude why would you draw yourself hey no no no no no I didn’t no no that’s not a lock chicken this is this is this is a cool chicken this is like Mr Evil Robot Chicken like like I don’t I don’t know dude he’s cool that’s you dude it even

Has your shirt color dude I got you I’ll even add your headphones bro bro no dude this is my build dude you’re ruining it bro look at you that doesn’t even that’s not even even oh my gosh I bet yours is trash dude all right well I mean I guess wait

Wait wait stay back hey stay back stay back stay back okay don’t come in no no no no no Peaks no Peaks okay tell me when I’m waiting 3 2 1 okay take a look oh no I’m nervous you built a unicorn bro it is my best SP yet bro how are you

Building this good dude this is sick honestly like I mean I don’t really I don’t really brag about myself a lot but like you just got trashed bro you you you forgot you forgot a piece thanks for thanks for finishing my build that it looks even better thank you dude I don’t

Understand dude I never seen you build this good before I don’t know it’s whatever I’m just really really good all right all right all right tell you dude it looks just like this horse that’s what I was saying oh my gosh dude you know what you know what last round last

Left Round me no no no no look at me no no no I’m going to build something so insane so humongous so great that you’re going to fall over all right well want to put 10K on the line oo ooh you know what you know what yeah

I do go to your side go to your side I’m going to build my masterpiece ladies and gentlemen we already know what we’re going to do here guys Lo is going to freak so hard look at this one right here SL SL copy this is link and this

Looks insane he is going to fall over and I think he’s going to know something’s up easy 10K boys easy 10 grand my gosh look at this wait I think he’s a little stuck in the ground so I’m going to help him out the Masterpiece is completed and this time I’m going to

Leave the glass because he might notice something’s up all right you know what dude I’m done with my build how about you know you you come over here come over here what is that is that dream bro no no no this is you and you know F fly up

Fly up and read the sign okay bald oh you make Baldi up no this is this is you there’s no difference he’s so mad I mean yeah kind of does look like me so um look at all my beautiful builds I have Mr top five fortnite I have you

In real life I have a pig and a chicken I mean I’m not going to lie you did pretty good like I think I think you won the 10K look at me real quick I’m going to say it I’m going to admit it I think

You won the 10K oh no what the oh my my gosh what the oh my gosh from Legend of Zelda dude you did not just build this it’s been literally like 20 seconds so dude I don’t know I’m just wait why is there why is there oh no dirt on the

Floor why is there class uh don’t don’t worry about it why is there glass up there I don’t understand dude you even put glass like dude what I don’t understand how are you so good at building today I don’t know it’s whatever tell you what let’s do another

One in the future I’ll give you some time to get better for now you know what challenge accepted I’m going to go train goodbye hey guys we’re going to do this again in another video subscribe to see it

This video, titled ‘I Cheated With //PASTE in 101 Build Battles!’, was uploaded by MrTopCraft on 2024-01-15 20:48:43. It has garnered 3810 views and 133 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:33 or 4173 seconds.

I Cheated With //PASTE in 101 Minecraft Build Battles!

Inspired by PrestonPlayz!

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you a fan of LEGO and all things creative? If so, you won’t want to miss out on the excitement happening at the LEGO Convention featured in the video “LEGO CONVENTION FULL TOUR – New Bricks on the Block – Bricking Bavaria & Brickhunter.” With 60 MOCs (My Own Creations) on display, including themes like LEGO Star Wars, Harry Potter, Ninjago, Minecraft, Technic, and more, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. But why stop at just admiring LEGO creations when you can bring your creativity to life in a whole new way on Minewind Minecraft Server? Imagine building… Read More

  • Block by Block, Crafting Fish Tank Fun | Minecraft One Block Madness | Devil369 Gaming

    Block by Block, Crafting Fish Tank Fun | Minecraft One Block Madness | Devil369 Gaming In Minecraft, a fish tank I did make, One block challenge, for goodness sake. Building houses, crafting with care, In this blocky world, nothing can compare. Gaming in Hindi, with Devil369, Every move, every twist, every turn. From the start to the end of the video, The S K R, with gameplay aglow. Like, share, and subscribe, don’t forget, On Instagram, Facebook, and Moj, we’re set. For business inquiries, email away, Devil369 Gaming, here to play. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, In Minecraft world, let your creativity shine. With every update, every new day, In… Read More

  • Squid Island’s Pet Parade: Minecraft’s Fate Score

    Squid Island's Pet Parade: Minecraft's Fate Score In the world of Minecraft, where pets roam free, Squid Island is where they all used to be. From wolves to cats, and even parrots too, Their fates are revealed, in this tale so true. Each pet had a story, a fate of its own, Some found new homes, while others were alone. But no matter what happened, they all had a place, In the hearts of the players, with smiles on their face. So join me now, as we dive into the past, And uncover the stories, that will forever last. In Minecraft Squid Island, where pets once… Read More

  • The Ultimate Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm

    The Ultimate Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm The Brazilian Minecraft Mob Farm: A Record-Breaking Creation In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a group of Brazilian gamers has achieved a remarkable feat – the creation of the largest Mob Farm in the game. This incredible structure has captured the attention of players worldwide, setting a new standard for innovation and ingenuity in Minecraft. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Building a Mob Farm in Minecraft requires a deep understanding of game mechanics and a creative approach to problem-solving. The Brazilian team behind this monumental project has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in designing and… Read More

  • Minecraft Ghost Story: Canterville by Oscar Wilde

    Minecraft Ghost Story: Canterville by Oscar Wilde The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde: A Minecraft Literary Long Play Exploring Reputable Builders and Planning Builds In the world of Minecraft, reputable builders are highly regarded for their creativity and attention to detail. Planning builds is a crucial step in creating impressive structures that stand out in the vast virtual landscape. By carefully considering the design, materials, and layout of their creations, builders can ensure that their projects are not only visually appealing but also functional and structurally sound. Progress on the Cathedral of History One of the ongoing projects in this Minecraft video is the Cathedral of… Read More

  • Minecraft Capes Ranked!

    Minecraft Capes Ranked! Minecraft’s Latest Capes: A Tier List Review As Minecraft continues to evolve, so do the cosmetic options available to players. In a recent update, three new capes were introduced: the Twitch Cape, the TikTok Cape, and the 15th Anniversary Cape. Let’s dive into a tier list review of these exciting additions! The Twitch Cape: C Tier The Twitch Cape, while not groundbreaking, offers a decent design that some players may appreciate. It’s a solid choice for those looking to add a subtle flair to their character. Overall, it lands in the C tier for its middle-of-the-road appeal. The TikTok… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP Loophole Exposed!

    Minecraft SMP Loophole Exposed! Buster Buckets Explores a Loophole in the Devise SMP Minecraft Server Join Buster Buckets on an exciting adventure as he navigates the Devise SMP, a non-PvP Minecraft server, and discovers a loophole that saves him from potential banishment. Known for his love of building, Buster Buckets showcases his skills by constructing a stunning building that outshines all others in the server. Inspiration from Hermitcraft With inspiration drawn from popular Minecraft content creators like Grian, ThatMumboJumbo, and SmallishBeans, Buster Buckets dives into the world of the Devise SMP with creativity and determination. His goal is to leave a lasting impression… Read More

  • IBAI’s Wild Minecraft Night

    IBAI's Wild Minecraft Night The Exciting World of Minecraft: Ibai’s Velada Event When it comes to the world of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a timeless classic that continues to capture the hearts of players worldwide. Recently, popular streamer Ibai took on the challenge of organizing a special event within the Minecraft universe, known as La Velada del Minecraft. A Night to Remember La Velada del Minecraft, or The Minecraft Evening, promised to be an unforgettable experience for both Ibai and his audience. With its open-world sandbox gameplay, Minecraft allows for endless possibilities and creativity, making it the perfect setting for a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure!

    Minecraft: Groundbreaking 15-Year Anniversary Adventure! The Evolution of Minecraft: A Look Back at 15 Years of Creativity and Innovation Delivering Updates and Managing Community Expectations In the world of Minecraft, the pressure of delivering updates is a constant challenge for Mojang Studios. With a dedicated community always hungry for new content, the developers must carefully balance innovation with maintaining the core essence of the game. The team’s ability to manage these expectations has been crucial in keeping players engaged and excited about the future of Minecraft. One key aspect of this delicate balance is the regular release of updates that not only fix bugs… Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 27 Exploring the World of Minecraft on Day 27 of the Wood Challenge Today, the Minecraft adventurer delved into a world with trees scattered far and wide. Despite the current ease of access to wood, the player anticipates challenges as the days progress. Will the scarcity of trees become a hindrance after day 100? Only time will tell. Shoutouts to the Community Our intrepid gamer took a moment to send greetings to fellow content creators on YouTube and TikTok. Among those mentioned were: TikTok: @elspleex, @algun_pana_insano, @gero_haxx, @eric_rodriguez15, @cactuki_18 YouTube: @Juadre77, @Pinguin_pro13, @lautaroarcepalma1165, @user-cb3dv9pw8l, @kitsunebi-di8gs, @Agua_gamer_creeper, @TizianoYsa Become a Channel… Read More

  • Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shorts

    Ultimate trap build in the desert! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to build a trap in desert in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-05-27 13:30:18. It has garnered 723 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal’s EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment” #clickbait #viral

    "INSANE Minecraft Emoji Hack 😱 Kunal's EMOTIONAL Gaming Moment" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Kunal gaming on 2024-01-17 09:08:55. It has garnered 9012 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Happy and Sad😱Emoji in Minecraft🥵viral tik tok hack #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending gaming #minecraft #minecraftlive #music #new #newsong #null #newvideo #nocopyrightmusic #best #viralvideo #vlog #videos #comment #xbox #like #livestream #live #life #herobrine #herobrinesmp #hindi #highlights #happy #gameplay #games #gaming #gamingvideos #gyangaming #daku #dakusong #dj #dog #subscribe #share #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #status #song #song #animationvideo #animation #attitude… Read More

  • LonelyMC

    LonelyMCLonelyMC is a towny server that offers a wide range of possible futures, you can join a town, create a town, even leave a town you joined and join a different town or delete the town you created and create a new town, the only limit is your imaginati- But seriously, as a towny survival server with some sort of an economy, Lonely is a somewhat standard, bogstandard minecraft server, we can promise that there will be staff that tries not to be annoying, a server that is stable (it hasn’t crashed yet in any of our testing, pretty wild)… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined PvE PvP 1.20.X Economy Cross-Play Competitive Friendly Community Jobs Apartments Community Goals Houses Businesses Daily Quests

    Billionaire City NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! All you need to do is add the Server with the following IP: IP: Discord: About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience, aiming at setting new Standards in the field of Minecraft Servers! There’s lots of features to find on Billionaire City, also ones like you’ve never seen before: Buyable Ships(Yachts etc.), Proficiency & Collection System for Progression, a unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: the intoxicated update

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: the intoxicated updateLooks like Minecraft is trying to cater to a new demographic – the intoxicated gamers! Cheers to a whole new level of building and mining with a little liquid courage. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Giant AXE Build in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Ronin builds a giant axe, a sight for sore eyes. With JAVA 1.20.1 for the best performance, And shaders that enhance, a true conformance. In the land of blocks and pixels, a house/storage takes shape, A creation so grand, it’s hard to escape. The music sets the tone, free to use with credit, As Ronin crafts his masterpiece, no need to edit. So watch till the end, leave a like, hit subscribe, For more Minecraft magic, where creativity thrives. With Ronin as your guide, the journey’s a delight, In the world… Read More

  • Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Wither gets stung by BEES!! 🐝🔥 #minecraftmemes Wither: I am the ultimate boss in Minecraft! BEES: Hold my honey. stings Wither to death Wither: defeated I guess I just couldn’t handle the buzz. 🐝 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce

    Late Night Kitchen Shenanigans with FranSauce Exploring the Mysterious World of Minecraft at 3 AM Zuli’s Midnight Adventure In the vast and pixelated world of Minecraft, anything can happen, especially at 3 AM. Zuli, a brave adventurer, decides to make a trip to the kitchen for some water in the dead of night. Little does she know, this seemingly innocent journey will lead to unexpected encounters and eerie experiences. The Witching Hour As Zuli navigates through the dark corridors of her virtual home, strange things begin to occur. The clock strikes 3 AM, a time known for its association with the supernatural and the unknown…. Read More

  • Diamond Hunt Shenanigans

    Diamond Hunt Shenanigans Minecraft Mining Expedition: Finding Diamonds on Stumpscraft SMP S4 Ep.13! Exploring New Horizons In this exciting episode of Stumpscraft 4, our intrepid Minecraft player, Stumps, sets out on a mining expedition in search of the coveted diamonds. But before delving into the depths of the earth, Stumps takes a moment to work on their fishing dock base, adding a touch of tranquility to the adventure. Unearthing Hidden Treasures Equipped with a trusty pickaxe and a sense of determination, Stumps ventures into a new, unexplored cave in the wilderness. The dark, winding tunnels hold the promise of valuable ores, including… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥

    Ultimate Minecraft Telugu gameplay LIVE with TheHanu0! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE : MINECRAFT IN TELUGU #TheHanu0’, was uploaded by The Hanu0 on 2024-03-05 16:45:06. It has garnered 132 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:25 or 8965 seconds. Discord :- MI N E C R A F T L I V E IN TELUGU ───────╼| Minecraft – Live ┣╾─────── ──────╼|Recommending┣╾────── ✪ ➥  • Setting Guide & How To Survive 1st Ni… If You ENJOY My Content, Do The Below ⧭ Things. That Makes Me HAPPY ツ ⫷ SUBSCRIBE ⫸ ⫷ LIKE ⫸ ⫷ COMMENT ⫸ ⫷ SHARE ⫸ Discord:… Read More

  • Maximize Minecraft Advancements

    Maximize Minecraft AdvancementsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Collected EVERY ADVANCEMENT | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #16’, was uploaded by FitShaw on 2024-05-05 16:35:39. It has garnered 4682 views and 425 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:08 or 1748 seconds. In this video I challenged myself to collect every advancement in survival hardcore Minecraft! Schematics, world downloads, texture pack & more can all be found on my Patreon! • Patreon: • Discord Server: • Instagram: • TikTok: • Pinterest: 00:00 – Intro 00:35 – The first advancements 09:51 – The quick & easy 22:30 – The… Read More

  • INSANE Realistic Minecraft Graphics!! 😱 #gaming

    INSANE Realistic Minecraft Graphics!! 😱 #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics #minecraft’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-18 18:08:22. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE… Read More

  • Unlock INSANE Minecraft Parkour Tricks – Rijan Archer Music Group

    Unlock INSANE Minecraft Parkour Tricks - Rijan Archer Music GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour | HD | 60 FPS | Crazy Gameplays!!’, was uploaded by Rijan Archer Music Group on 2024-01-14 06:13:07. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:46 or 886 seconds. SUBSCRIBE NOW!! NEW CRAZY GAMEPLAYS DAILY!! Minecraft Parkour | HD | 60 FPS | Crazy Gameplays!! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources, or hunt for tools to fend off danger in Survival mode. With seamless cross-platform play on Minecraft: Bedrock… Read More

  • Ultimate guide to creating Pearl SMP with Gem Stone Plugin in Java & Mcpe (Hindi)

    Ultimate guide to creating Pearl SMP with Gem Stone Plugin in Java & Mcpe (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Pearl Smp In Aternos Java + Mcpe || Gem Stone Plugin 24/7 Online In Hindi’, was uploaded by Youraj 777 on 2024-04-02 09:36:10. It has garnered 6763 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:01 or 361 seconds. How To Make Pearl Smp In Aternos Java + Mcpe || Gem Stone Plugin 24/7 Online In Hindi #minecraft #barriersmp #viral #lapatasmp #psd1 #romromsmpapplication #romromsmp #loyalsmp #phd1 #rosysmpapplication #bliss#blisssmp PEARL SMP KESE BNAYE PEARL SMP MAKING ATERNOS ME PEARL SMP KESE BNAYE dipu bhai channel link 🔗 discord link 💫… Read More

  • Unbelievable ChessHellfire Gameplay! Are You Feeling OLD Yet? #Minecraft #Shorts

    Unbelievable ChessHellfire Gameplay! Are You Feeling OLD Yet? #Minecraft #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Na, fühlst DU dich alt? #minecraft #shorts #chesshellfire’, was uploaded by ChessHellfire on 2024-02-18 15:04:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Just play a service worker in Bayville in Minecraft ^^ used world: … Read More

  • Numi’s Wild Minecraft Server Adventure!

    Numi's Wild Minecraft Server Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Numi Made Her Own Minecraft Server… Things got Crazy’, was uploaded by Numi on 2024-06-05 19:00:17. It has garnered 25736 views and 2424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:02 or 602 seconds. THE HUMBLE BEGINNINGS OF NOOMCRAFT! (we beat the ender dragon in 2 days) Follow Akuma Nihmune below: Twitch – Twitter – YouTube – Video edited by: Channel managed by: (Court) – Tags: #Vtuber #Envtuber #AkumaNihmune #Englishvtuber #VTuberEN Read More

  • “EPIC RetroRevival Build – Mind-Blowing 3×2 Door in Minecraft!” #redstonepowers

    "EPIC RetroRevival Build - Mind-Blowing 3x2 Door in Minecraft!" #redstonepowersVideo Information This video, titled ‘3×2 Door! #minecraft #redstonebuilds’, was uploaded by RetroRevival on 2024-03-12 21:26:53. It has garnered 2213 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Check out the original on my channel if you want more in depth! Subscribe please, this short is a minecraft redstone door build relatively easy! – Retro #MinecraftShorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1

    Insane Minecraft 1.8.9 Combo on Pika Network by Anfff1Video Information This video, titled ‘best combo, Minecraft 1.8.9 | pika network’, was uploaded by Anfff1 on 2024-02-14 22:22:10. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. minecraft, smp, gabar, blox fruits, pvp, drdonut, donutsmp, pvp arena, blogger fights, blox fruit, donut smp, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, minecraft shorts, #shorts, bedrock, #minecraft, arena, pvparena, crystal pvp, #memes, java, tiktok, tiktoker fights, minecraft pvp, lifesteal smp, shorts, boys, lapata smp, lunakom, Bella Kuznetsova, race v4, clownpierce, blox fruits race v4, hermitcraft season 9, minecraft smp, minecraft funny, bounty hunting , my game,… Read More

  • Dupe Anarchy

    Dupe AnarchyThis is a server with the /Dupe command as well as /Shop. We were initally a Minehut server and switched to a new hosting service. Give us a try and join today! Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About Us: At PrismaCraft, we focus on community building and provide a variety of content for players to enjoy. Whether you’re interested in creating a town, leveling up skills, or making money through jobs, there’s something for everyone! Main Features: Towny for land claiming and community building Skills and unique abilities Thirteen different jobs for earning money Player-driven economy with custom enchantments Craftable gear and resources Custom fishing system with 170 unique fish species Join us today to experience all these features and more at or Discord Pride… Read More

  • Toxic Factions

    Toxic FactionsWelcome to Toxic Factions, an emerging community of passionate Factions enthusiasts! Our server offers a great cannoning experience that you’re bound to enjoy. We’re equipped with various plugins including KOTH, Outposts, MCMMO, Harvester Hoes, and more, all designed to enhance your gameplay. Join us on the thrilling journey to the top. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mode Confusion: Is this the right gamemode?

    Minecraft Memes - Mode Confusion: Is this the right gamemode?When you can’t figure out the right gamemode in Minecraft, just remember that real life doesn’t come with a handy little menu to switch things up. Read More

  • Hot pig, warden, zombie, dragon love triangle

    Hot pig, warden, zombie, dragon love triangle Why did the pig, warden, zombie, and dragon start a military in Minecraft? Because they wanted to bacon some heads and roast some brains! #minecraftmilitary #baconandbrains #gamerhumor 🐷🧟🐉🎮 Read More

  • Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody

    Mine It All: Minecraft Shake It Off Parody Minecraft Parody: Mine It All Exploring the world of Minecraft can be an adventure filled with excitement, challenges, and creativity. The Minecraft parody of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” brings a fun twist to the game, highlighting the experiences players face while mining, building, and surviving in this virtual world. Surviving the Minecraft World In the parody lyrics, the player navigates through the dangers of the Minecraft world, facing off against zombies, creepers, and the elusive Ender Dragon. The constant threat of danger adds a thrilling element to the gameplay, keeping players on their toes as they explore and… Read More

  • EPIC Hive Party w/Viewers ft. KaneLion 😱🔥

    EPIC Hive Party w/Viewers ft. KaneLion 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Parties w/Viewers (Facecam) #hivemc #cubecraft’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-05-07 23:35:18. It has garnered 1101 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:15 or 7995 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock Minecraft live doing custom games with viewers on The Hive Minecraft Bedrock Server! =========================== Discord: =========================== Server IP: Hive Bedrock or Cubecraft Bedrock =========================== Texture Pack: Bare Bones 32x =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== Song: Beaty and Sylish Beat by Screamed Only You can ignore this – hivemc live minecraft hive hive customs live custom hive live hive… Read More

  • Sly Sumo Madness: Cursed Montage 6

    Sly Sumo Madness: Cursed Montage 6Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Sumo Montage 6 #hypixelduels #lunarclient #minecraft #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by SkySteveSparrowS on 2024-01-06 01:15:04. It has garnered 61 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #MinecraftPVP #HypixelDuels #LunarClient #duels #shorts Read More

  • Unlock Unlimited Creativity in Minecraft Survival!

    Unlock Unlimited Creativity in Minecraft Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building The Creative Inventory In Survival Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Kostina on 2024-04-30 22:00:06. It has garnered 1260 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:06 or 666 seconds. This build costed 1 MILLION blocks! APPLICATIONS ARE STILL OPEN IN THE DISCORD!!! JOIN THE COMMUNITY DISCORD: Here is our Unreal SMP collab channel: @RealUnrealSMP Kostina: Unity Team: Shea Studios: Shea and Kain: Rants & Rewrites: Twitch: Kostina Animates: Kostina VODS: Join my discord to help out with future videos. Discord: Tiktok:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft CritChain in Pojaylauncher!

    Insane Minecraft CritChain in Pojaylauncher!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Deadliest CritChain In pojaylauncher | #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by GameXcoom on 2024-04-18 06:00:05. It has garnered 498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft Deadliest CritChain In pojaylauncher | #shorts #viral minecraft minecraft pvp #pvp fire mc crystal pvp fire mc fire mc pvp fire mc pvp montage best critchain in minecraft fire mc crystal pvp montage minecraft fire mc #pvpmontage #mrspells #minecraft #montage minecraft pe minecraft pvp montage epic combos #bedrock #combo #conexion #sharpness #pvp montage montage pvp montage ultimate adventure victory digital mastery gaming… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMP

    Ultimate Guide to Dominating Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap)’, was uploaded by GamingGamer237 on 2024-05-16 10:25:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. india #lapatasmp #howto How to make best Minecraft smp (roadmap) Hey everyone!have u ever think how lapata smp members … Read More