CHIEFXD DAILY – How To Correctly Use Every Bedwars Item ft. Kysiek

Video Information

Today I have an absolute Banger of a video not only do we play with kaak but I also show you how to use every item in the bedw war shop and then use the skills that I learn in this video to then destroy cheaters we literally cure

A cheater but enough talking time to show you also consider subscribing I upload every day onward okay so bedwars has so many items and I’m going to show you how to both correctly use them and incorrectly use them so let’s start off with all of the blocks okay the first

One is wool and obviously everyone uses wool I use it for pretty much everything especially bridging and just like placing blocks in fights because it’s the cheapest block to use honestly the only block I really use okay clay I’m going to skip over clay because I just

Don’t use it don’t buy clay bro you just don’t need clay all right glass glass is pretty good because it can’t be blown up by TNT but never do this this this is a grave sin never never do this okay endstone is good End Stone is actually a

Good layer to put on the bed definitely way better than glass honestly just one layer of endstone is really good and then just cover with wool or glass whatever this is a really good block to use on your bed probably the most preferred one that I use however I still

Really only use wool okay ladders ladders are good because not only can you climb up things like so like look at this I can climb up but you can also clutch on things okay as I was saying you can also clutch on things and just

To show you how good I am at clutching I’ll go to the max height and land a ladder clutch all right we at Max height let’s okay next up is wood uh it’s not really one that I use there’s really no point in using wood unless you’re

Blocking in okay yeah so I wouldn’t use wood to cover your bed because literally it’s unnecessary a fibble just breaks it just the same as wool uh but yeah blocking in with wood is actually a very good and underrated tactic so let me show you okay so as you can see see wood

Blockings are very good because they are so hard to break next up is Obsidian really it’s just not necessary please never get obsidian in bedwars like you should win the game without having obsidian all right next weapons you probably know what all of these are used for honestly just different swords I

Would also recommend using a stone sword as early in the game as you can because they do a lot of damage on things like leather armor chain armor and it even does well on iron armor so I would definitely recommend then if you have seven spare gold iron sword is just an

Upgraded stone sword obviously but it’s definitely one that you’ll need when clutching diamond sword pretty unnecessary but can get it if you want it if you want to flex and then a KB stick is actually incredibly underrated because you can send people flying which I’ll show you like look how far this can

Send people it’s crazy look he’s he’s gone he’s gone never to be seen again kb6 definitely very good it can mean you can just one tap people off which is definitely better than having to hit someone 20 times with a stone sword okay next it item is armor honestly I never really

Get CH armor but you can guess what it does it’s better than leather but really only just the difference is not really that noticeable so I wouldn’t even bother with chain armor I’d go straight for iron armor so save up your gold iron armor is probably the most important

Thing to use your gold on then diamond armor is just kind of again a flex pretty unnecessary but if you get it you can’t lose a PVP encounter pretty much unless you’re just extremely bad at PVP which you can improve in this video next up is tools honestly all of these they

Do exactly what they’re meant to shears breaks wool fast all of these pretty crucial and try and get tier tws as quickly as you can I’ll show you what I mean by tier tws for those who don’t know real quick you click them and then you click them again look at that

Getting an iron pickaxe and a stone axe as early as possible in the game is very important as well so would recommend and also even getting a tier three tier 3es are extremely underrated like a gold pickaxe and an iron ax break things so fast like look at this it just melts

Through blocks so would definitely recommend next up is the bows don’t don’t buy these just none of them we fight with words or our hands not with literal guns this one is pretty funny though with friends but still next up potions okay so speed potion you don’t

Need it all right just stop buying speed potions extremely unnecessary and it’s just a poor man’s jump potion jump potion is really good let me show you okay so I just bought a jump pot and now if I drink it it lasts for 45 seconds look these things are so great because I

Can just avoid fights instantly like they’re so good he’s never going to catch me he’s never catching me I just okay he’s climbing up I can now go to this side it’s really just an instant Escape Route for like the best part of a minute which is really nice it also gets

Rid of a lot of fall damage like if I were to fall down from here I would take a lot of damage there but it really isn’t that much and again I can just go straight back up they’ll never get get to me we are just living happy then next

Up is one of my favorite items inis potions now these are really good 30 seconds but obviously means you can’t be seen these are great for when killing people if you need to cuz look he has no idea where I am he’s so low oh wait oh

Okay never mind but they are really good trust me one one downfall is that if you get hit once you do lose your invisibility these are the two main pots that you need okay next up is the good bit this is the fun bit utility items

All right so first up Golden Apple these are obviously just ways to heal which I funly enough need you can really never have too many of these especially when clutching because you’re always going to end up fighting and having like the only way of healing be just natural regeneration golden apples are really

What you need to survive it also means that you start fights on a lot more Health like you see how my opponent here has 20 health and I have 24 because you get the two Satur ation hearts and of course absorption too so you’re really just chilling with just two extra Hearts

Which can be the difference in a fight next up is the bed bug now I don’t really tend to use these but a good way to use them is so if I get rushed by someone and I Chuck down the whole gang and then just run past to get his bed

That’s just an easy distraction look they fighting off the literal gang and they can kill so these are pretty underrated but they’re also just kind of a bit silly just like two hits they’re kind of dead but if you get enough of them they’re honestly not that bad and a

Good way to distract okay next up is the dream Defender and now no this is not a dream stand this is an an iron golem you can just place down they attack enemies um they’re honestly pretty good like dude that just killed my enemy in two hits however you could just kill them

Like boom that really didn’t take that long and bro is literally in leather armor so they are killable but they do deal a lot of damage I would definitely not spend 120 iron on them when you can buy three fbls for that price now this

Is arguably one of the best items in the whole shop now Fireballs can be used for two things well actually three things it can be used to inflict damage and knock people off bridge break blocks but the way I like to use it so how I like to

Use it is basically fireable to escape but also to kill at the same time and that’s just a free bed looks pretty cool too so fbls are just great they’re honestly they can be used for so many reasons next up is TNT now there are two main uses for TNT the first obviously

Being a bed breaking mechanism is pretty good it does a lot more damage than a single Fireball for the most part but you can also hit insane Clips by TNT jumping over to places like wow are you not entertained and impressed next up is the ender pearl now these are the best

Item in the game for me especially when it comes to utility because it literally gives you just another life and let me show you how okay we’ve got the p and now let me show how you can be used so it can be used to just clutch if you get

Hit off but there’s even better way of using it so for example say you don’t have a bed and someone were to hit you off like so you can clutch back on and then kill them because you are that guy and that is just the ultimate Flex cuz

That’s really how you should use them next up is a water bucket now these are actually criminally underrated so a lot of people use water to like block up their bed for some reason or like on their bed defense which is stupid never do this never put water on your bed that

Is a seriously bad idea it’s a terrible terrible idea a good way to break the bed as well is building like a water platform and dropping water on a base but how I like to use them is by going to the max height and water clutching

Which I will do first try okay we at Max height and boom that’s basically just enough another life like it’s a great item to have when clutching and just honestly in general and it’s pretty cheap too so next Bridge egg now this is one of my favorite items Bridge eggs are

A great item honestly one of my favorites because it just builds a bridge for you but they’re also great because look you see this man here so if I would to potentially throw this egg at this man it also deals knockback damage so you can actually use them as you

Would in like games like SkyWars and get combos with them so very underrated item kind of expensive to do for a combo but it does work next up is Magic milk what milk does is basically so if an opponent has a trap I will trigger it however if

I were to have milk if they were to have another trap and I drink milk before entering their base no trap effect and of course I can then just break blocks freely you can also drink it during a trap which is a superb Strat that’s so true however I

Like to just drink milk just it’s good for the bones next up is sponges you shouldn’t really use them but if you happen to be like a massive SpongeBob fan or something um I guess you can use them you can deceive your enemy and come out of the clouds and smack them or

Instead you can potentially distract them by placing loads of sponges and then break their bed but really they’re just a stupid item you you don’t really need them like there’s way better then finally one of my favorite items the compact pop-up tower now the main ways to use the pop-up Towers is to

Like I mean there’s not really many ways to use them but a lot of people like to use them at their defense to like kind of get a bit of a high ground advantage point but how I like to use them is say I was rushing a base and the man starts

Running at me bang pop-up Tower is now on his way he has no way of getting to me and boom I get his bed it’s a really good way of getting an instant wall cuz like look it placees so many blocks like these things are thick you know so when

Used correctly they can be a great way to break a bed so actually an insanely underrated Strat would recommend and now we have all the strats down let’s play some games and see if we can use them in in game okay I found this guy who was

Begging to play with me so we’re just going to play a couple games and then I will show you all of the strats I’ve previously talked about okay hopefully we can win with this random guy I found and um let’s go okay so like I say I’m

Not going to actually buy wood because it’s just the same as having double layer wo um cuz fire walls exist so I’m just going to rush straight out with my random completely random teammate that no one’s ever heard of let’s break some beds blocks are also so good to stop

Sprints like I’m saying to clutch with and yeah people I guess I forgot to mention as well upgrades upgrades are really good just use all of them but the one you should value getting first if you have four diamonds is sharpness otherwise just prop okay apparently red

Is sweaty which is not a good sign when you get it from someone like KC okay I just got that bed all right okay I guess I’ll help this this guy this this random guy with oh oh oh oh oh he was invisible okay now we got to

Clutch up um all right well at least we know the items that are good when clutching up right okay I’ve bought a couple things let’s see if we can get that red bed because they are the only team of a bed left okay let’s see if I

Can get this red bird um to save my teammate okay I’m drinking a jump PW and when I get a little bit closer I guess I’ll drink the milk CU he need some milk but also it means I just don’t trigger a trap um not sure if this guy knows or not I

Think he does somehow okay wait no he doesn’t I’m just that guy he’s trying to cut off kaak but I got that bed which is good kak’s doing really good to stay alive and that’s the bed gone nice all right sweet now we’re looking kind of

Good now we’re looking kind of good okay everyone’s a final this is actually pretty scary stuff guys he just sitting in a box which I can respect that is a good Strat oh one just fell one just fell no way one just fell and I think we

Just got the other nice oh my God y oh kaak is getting pushed by both of them let me quickly pot up and I’ve got my stuff to clutch with as in well parts fbls to I’m actually going to use a FAL to quickly get to these guys here and

Then I can actually use my knockback stick which is insanely over look how far these people go oh wait I almost died I almost died again I almost died again but it doesn’t matter all right that was pretty good game um me and KC just we we will never lose okay

Let’s do one more game for the culture and just destroy this lobby with all of the strategies we have learned here today all right I’m quickly getting a stone sword because Stone swords are just so op like early game Stone swords trust they are the ones you you’re going

To be want they’re the ones you’re going to want to be buying um all right let’s make our way around real quick kaak absolutely destroying let’s see if we can get this guy wait did kak not kill that guy I don’t think he did hold up

Wait he’s on two no oh it seems like we’re getting pushed by these greens what the hell what’s this guy doing what are you doing here sir Y where is B going where is B going wait oh oh my God no no no no both greens coming to the

Base oh God wait this is bad this is actually bad oh apparently White’s cheating uh ah ah oh no it’s gone it’s G it’s actually gone it’s so a dude he fireball What am I meant to do this is so bad okay we got a clutch against a

Cheater okay I’m going straight iron sword because iron swords are extremely overpowered however this is really not great okay apparently this guy’s cheating apparently this guy’s cheating which is awesome oh God okay I should have okay nice they’re dead they are definitely cheating though oh my God my B just got destroyed nice

Nice nice That’s the cheaters that’s the cheaters okay I’m just collecting emeralds okay kaak got the last bed I don’t know where the white just went I feel like he was kind of close I bought diamond armor just because I needed it and speed as well just in case I

Actually end up fighting the guy I know I said it’s not good but wait wait wait that could hit that that seriously could hit oh my God oh my God I just got the cheater oh my God I just got the cheater oh my God I just got the cheater dude

I’m him I’m him I’m him all last guy is just over here and as you can see I am him because look I’m going to hit this wait wait oh okay I was going to say that could have hit no yay k one all right GG thanks for

Watching I upload every day I’ll see you guys in tomorrow’s video please subscribe

This video, titled ‘How To Correctly Use Every Bedwars Item ft. Kysiek’, was uploaded by CHIEFXD DAILY on 2023-10-05 16:51:17. It has garnered 4701 views and 417 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds.


This video I explain how to use every item in the hypixel bedwars item shop. I also play hypixel bedwars with popular youtuber kysiek. This is widely regarded as the best bedwars minecraft tip video and the best minecraft team known to man. I hope this video helps you all and we all get better together. ENJOY!

I am just trying to entertain you all:)


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    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

  • “New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia – Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭” #viral

    "New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia - Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝#viral’, was uploaded by Speedbossgamerz on 2024-04-01 01:30:07. It has garnered 12178 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝 PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE THANKS FOR WATCHING 💝💝💝 YOUTUBE:@Speedbossgamerz INSTAGRAM:SPEEDBOSSGAMERZ ABOUT MINECRAFT What is Minecraft? At its core, Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even… Read More

  • IndiaCraft

    IndiaCraftIndiaCraft is a captivating Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Step into a world filled with boundless creativity and endless possibilities as you embark on exciting adventures and build your own virtual empire. The server boasts a wide range of features and gameplay modes that cater to different play styles. Whether you’re an avid explorer, a master builder, or a fierce competitor, IndiaCraft has something for everyone. Discover sprawling landscapes teeming with diverse biomes, from lush forests to vast deserts, each waiting to be explored and conquered. Engage in… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players focused on high-quality projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is community-based with huge projects and events that everyone contributes to. Technut is a Whitelist-only server for a positive and creative environment. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have added 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on March 20, 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated players dedicated to long-term projects and community interaction. We value technical skills in Minecraft with building,… Read More

  • People of Crafting ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ Friendly

    People of Crafting   ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ FriendlyWelcome to People of Crafting [1.20.6]we have a supportive community for all types of communities out there.We provide gamemodes at the moment:- Towny- More coming soon!Connect to People of Crafting Java Edition using play.peopleofcrafting.comBedrock Connections are currently not supportedJoin The Adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!Wow, this meme is really racking up the points! It must be mining for gold with that score of 59! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a lava pit, but you still have the audacity to blame it on a glitch in the game. Classic Minecraft player move. #minecraftprobs 😂🔥 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge – 100 Days Survival!

    Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge - 100 Days Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 100 DIAS RPG MEDIEVAL DO CISCO’S NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Lokolow on 2024-06-04 21:00:39. It has garnered 237603 views and 22022 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:04 or 3724 seconds. #100days #minecraft 100 DAYS AT CISCO’S MEDIEVAL RPG – THE MOVIE! Can we survive for 100 days in this modpack, the most difficult RPG in Minecraft today! Check out how we accomplished infinite capitalism, broke the modpack with the strongest items and beat the level 130 dragon all in one video! So what are you waiting for, leave… Read More

  • Mischief Mania: Aggro’s Solo Gaming Adventures

    Mischief Mania: Aggro's Solo Gaming AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘While The Family Is Away, Aggro Will Play! | Minecraft/Phasmo/Whatever Stream’, was uploaded by Aggrosk8 on 2024-05-19 02:15:51. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:24 or 19464 seconds. We are going to start off with Minecraft, and probably stick with that until 6:30ct, where we will transition to phasmophobia to play with @WillDeez and the gang! Come hang out! Surviving Bedrock is a survival series put together by @RaythMinecraft Please check his channel and discord out! Rayth’s Discord: I would greatly appreciate you hitting those like… Read More


    LION ATTACKS KING TRAIL 3! JACK ALMOST DIES IN MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by OPEN LION on 2024-04-21 12:25:00. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME #GamerFleet #Minecraft #MinecraftHindi #tochan #swaraj #jattlife #tractor #mukaabla #jattwaad #jatt #tractors #punjabi #farmer #tractorloverzz #newholland #pendu #jattlifestyle #tractorpull #jattgarh #tractorpulls #farm #tractorshow #ford #wale # tractorlovers #swarajfarmtraclovers #tractorlife #crackmehkma #farming #khetibadi #pb #tractorlove #agriculture #punjab #newholand #sonalika #tractorsupply #shoot #stunt #jattjattian #tractortochan #swarajlove #tractorpulling #tractorride… Read More

  • Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of Relaxation

    Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of RelaxationVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Episode 4 (New World)’, was uploaded by CopelandRelaxation on 2024-01-16 13:56:25. It has garnered 578 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:47 or 2447 seconds. I try establishing myself on an Amplified world type. Hope you enjoy the video! World seed is Gargamel, 1.20.1 #minecraft #asmr #gaming #relaxation #sleepaid #sleep #lo-fi #chill #vibes #chillvibes #calming #relaxing #letsplay #playthrough #malevoice #whispering #whisper #chatting #chat #asmrtalking Read More

  • “Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts” #minecraft

    "Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-05-12 13:37:37. It has garnered 770 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #chapatihindustanigamer Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft #andreobee #imbixu #noobvsprovshacker #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #funny noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft diamond mining noob vs pro vs… Read More

  • Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School – Love and Anger Unleashed!

    Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School - Love and Anger Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Minecraft Anime School on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered 250 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:10 or 730 seconds. SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • “Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!” #clickbait

    "Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spin Dapat Hadiah Rank❗❓ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #dubbing #shortvideo #sakura #viral #funny’, was uploaded by CAPRIYO on 2024-01-07 00:33:18. It has garnered 13586 views and 820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in Minecraft

    Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-01-14 15:00:39. It has garnered 33983 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:15 or 975 seconds. JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler – AI Tally Hall Cover

    Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler - AI Tally Hall CoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager is the Ruler of Everything – ‘Ruler of Everyhting” by Tally Hall AI Cover’, was uploaded by NathanNWCW on 2024-01-17 22:17:26. It has garnered 1109 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:08 or 248 seconds. Read More


    Zetapixel.netExplore Our Extraordinary Server Features – Custom Terrain & Biomes: Discover breathtaking landscapes and explore custom-designed biomes, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to your Minecraft adventures. – Custom Enchants, Armor, Tools & Weapons: Unleash the power of exclusive custom enchants, armor sets, and weapons, elevating your gameplay to new heights. – MCMMO: Experience the thrill of MCMMO with unique skills and abilities, enhancing your gameplay and progression. – Immersive Decorations: Immerse yourself with our custom décor, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. – Dedicated Hardware: Experience unparalleled performance on our server. We spare no expense in providing the best gameplay… Read More

  • mateee’s small friendly SMP server – Semi-Vanilla 1.16.5 with Dynmap.

    Welcome to MateeMinecraft 1.16.5 SMP Server! Join our small and friendly community where you can have fun, meet new people, and build together. Our server offers vanilla gameplay with quality of life improvements like Dynmap, Horseoverhaul, Multiplayer sleep, Instant tree cutting, and more. Interested in joining? Visit and send a message to be added. Don’t forget to join our Discord through the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Gateway Drug for Kids

    I guess you could say that Minecraft is really ‘mining’ for trouble with the younger generation! Read More