Chris – Let’s Play Minecraft Beta! – 073 – Skybridge

Video Information

Hey guys what’s up my name’s Chris welcome to another minecraft beta let’s play video okay um this video I’ve been farming for quite a while in between I also also played a little bit of a big scapecraft which i guess i’ll be putting this video or of that video the first

Step video up after this oh no i’m not sure how I’m gonna do it but as of this recording right now I’ve played escapecraft and I thought was pretty cool and yeah I’m kind of excited to do to render those vids and send them to

You guys but in this video I’m going to try to gonna make the beginnings of a bridge connecting this place let’s see one two three four five so i can make it three wide I wanted to be a wooden bridge yeah like I’m saying I collected

A lot of materials I actually that cave the cave that I see forward all my all the way down to actually went down there and did some did some exploring did some binding and stuff like that and it’s kind of rich in materials like I got a

Lot of a lot of iron ore I got a lot of gold and it was it’s pretty cool but um if the [ __ ] awesome thing was I forget exactly where it was so eventually when I do give you guys my save for this just keep in mind that

It’s in that area i was talking about but i’m kind of in that area but I ran to a pack of like eight diamond which was awesome it was also connected to like eight iron which you know just added like a little extra to that awesomeness and it was it was great I

Was so damn happy because I was all worried about my diamond supply and all that good stuff alright but yeah it’s over there so whenever I do give up my save file which be probably in the near future I do plan on hooking you guys up

With that i’ve been i’ve been saying i was going to for a while now it’s about time i do it so i’m trying to figure out the best way to do that is probably just um i’m not sure if you guys are going to need all my mods though

Because if i give you get the save file you’re going to need at least the mods that are in here otherwise you won’t be able to access the game so hopefully that’s not an issue for you guys and um oh crap so yeah I plan on releasing the

Save file up to this point pretty soon so look for that in the near future alright this bridge needs to turn I should do it out of roadblocks but now we’ll just do out of wood it’s not going to be a perfectly straight bridge but that’s okay I can deal with it we’re

Going to make this we’re just going to make it turn all the way there wait a second how should this go yeah [ __ ] it we’re just gonna keep doing it this way I don’t even care I don’t think it’s gonna look stupid and if it does I’ll

Just pretend it doesn’t save face I was speaking of looking stupid I get a lot of a decent amount of negative feedback for this texture pack which I did not get at all because quite a few people recommended painterly texture pack to me and then it was like I get not that not

A lot but a decent amount of the whole like this texture pack sucks what the hell kind of messages or comments I was kind of like damn man but um maybe they just don’t like my my version of painterly but it’s whatever i guess um one more yeah but I was kind of

Surprised by that but um here we go alright this is the thing i said i was going to destroy it with T&T but i haven’t bothered killing creepers or anything like that recently so i’m just going to destroy it i’m going to do it on video right here i also in this video

I plan to start the outline of my castle and I farmed up the [ __ ] load of obsidian as well and i plan on topping I don’t know just probably like a 20 minute video but i plan on throwing some [ __ ] on to my obsidian towers well city a mage guild

Tower you can see i built a bridge over here and i started cutting this down to size i just kind of like yeah well as well I feel like recording a video so what’s that horse doing hope he jumps that’d be awesome we’re suicide oh that sounds horrible i’m sorry i’m thinking

About starting to let’s play magicka but I’m kind of like worried about them playing it alone people will find it entertaining the solo part of the game because I’ve heard pretty much all the all the entertainment comes in the multiplayer so I don’t want to start a

Solo play of something nobody’s going to want to watch but we’ll see I suppose I could like get my brother somebody to play with me but then you had to coordinate with people and it’s kind of like the reason I get away from games like like wow and stuff like that

Because you had to coordinate with one another just to be able to effectively do anything and I don’t like that I like to be able to i’m kind of a lone wolf kind of guy i like to be able to go do my own thing without impeding my

Progress in the game whatsoever it’s kind of ironic that I stuck with a while for so long I played it for a while damn Cinco so just the end of it yeah come on my own block here I’ll figure it out alright how to get out of this situation

To have any dirt yeah should I mean I just farming up all that dirt here’s what we’ll do then we’ll go this is so stupid and unproductive what a senseless way to go about doing this you know when you regret something immediately after you start doing it

It’s cool to be able to do this though and one more spirit in fact I just jump up here and do this all right that was [ __ ] try not to mimic those actions again although i think i’ll have to coming up here not not to the degree

That i just did but yeah I was surprised about the negative feedback that I got from panel a pack considering so many people recommended it well in that case if so many people don’t like pain early pack what the what the [ __ ] should I put on then that will make more of my

Audience happy I mean I like it I like painterly pack just fine i think it’s really cool to be able to customize maybe you don’t like the colors like I’m thinking the wood can can stand to be a shade darker think it looks a little too

Bright but aside from that I’ve got no issues with any of this there we go a fall from this height would be a pretty hilarious and that I would die horribly it would be great and we’re going to go that way and then we’ll have steps well

Have steps going up to that area and let’s build one straight away all the way to the threshold of that area and then we’ll do steps will turn around and do steps to get it down here to do a lot of farming recently I have the time

Get rid of the [ __ ] oh so I applied for a youtube partnership I wasn’t sure [ __ ] I wasn’t sure if I was gonna get it or not I don’t think I have enough subscribers interviewers yet for something like that and sure enough I didn’t get it I apply it on like march i

Think there’s a bed over there i can go inside the city and tower but yeah i applied in like march first or something like that and sure enough they told me is like a you don’t have enough viewers here’s a way to get more viewers and I

Was kind of like well i’m not gonna pay to get more viewers you know like youtube’s a hobby for me but um yeah so i applied for it i didn’t quite get it but i can reapply on Mei Mei whoops where’s the exit yeah I can reapply May

First or like some time into May so i will do that but um is it really that beneficial like monetarily i’m sure you people are gonna be like screaming at me yes if it is you know but uh because i don’t know i don’t i don’t know much

About it i know i just know that some commentators are partnered and they say they make money off of it but these are also the guys who get like 50 thousand plus views on all their videos and stuff like that and i consider it pretty cool

Whenever i get a video with like 1k views so I don’t know just let me know and I do i do plan on reapplying for it so because a couple people have been like hey what the [ __ ] i want to see you partner like tomorrow you know and I’m

Just kind of like hey you know I’ll do it but um i don’t know i don’t know if i’m eligible kind of thing so i don’t know how are these steps placed I don’t want to place any okay perfect and then I can do underneath

Am I gonna have enough steps I guess I could make some real quick if I really need to [ __ ] I’m not gonna get I’m not gonna be able to get an angle on this oh wait I could just do it reverse to connect this bridge right now but yeah

That’s what’s going on in my life right now I’m still still kind of like waiting for this um oh my god what the hell happened [ __ ] my life at least I know where all that stuff is but still can I don’t have anything to defend myself now

So I had to run away from lions I wonder if they run i run her if mobs run faster on the on the road whats with the cow orgy going on over by my stuff don’t take it it’s my stuff jeez oh this is ok

I was like I was like what the hell happened to my my stuff but that was just the stuff I’ve been farming off of it there we go there’s my stuff see what I mean about shift I did not let go as shift and it failed me horribly awful

Alright let’s do an inventory check good damage check oh it’s so infuriating when that [ __ ] happens for no apparent reason whatsoever all right let’s climb back up first you don’t succeed blame minecraft half the day almost over already these videos go too fast I need to do more

Work in between episodes I think otherwise people would be like the album board there we go what the fuck’d you see that dudes is like crash and burn over there the corner of my eye I think it was like a lion on ax somebody died that’s

Awesome okay I’m so afraid of the shift button now so I’m going to do it farther away there we go that’s what that’s what the steps need to be all right I don’t know what the [ __ ] that was all about but mini crisis averted so let’s connect

This and what I plan on doing with this bridge is putting cobblestone sides or a cobblestone along the sides of the wood and then i’m going to make fence along the sides of that just won high so i guess we can start that now maybe I

Think it’s going to be yeah I want I wanted to be called the stone so save it on the smooth stone that I can before my castle and I guess i’ll do i’ll do some obsidian tower thing later so like this it looks pretty cool well I

Think it looks okay I’ll know that cool I don’t know how it will look when I’m turning though I think that might look a little Shady we’ll see let’s try it wait a second what’s up with this well there’s got to be one wider hold on

Us again why does this look like this so this block should be gone yeah that looks better maybe this should just be one wider yeah should be a little wider yeah it looks better I think of this let’s see how this looks when it’s curved gonna have to do it like this

I don’t know how to look minecraft can’t do circles properly think there’s mods I can do it but I don’t want to want to mod my game up too much that looks kind of gay as [ __ ] doesn’t it I will stay in I don’t wanna maybe I could think of

Something cool to do instead of that later maybe it would have been better if it was like a straight and then right angle turn in the bridge see I’m nervous about the shift button and the [ __ ] it’s not to be trusted and here we go shift excuse me okay

These birds and mo creatures are [ __ ] and going sometimes they will just not shut up it’s time that I get on this day all right oops that’s good I don’t think I have enough cobblestone it’s not the end of the world this has to be called the stone has to

Be mostly just kicked in there a second excuse me sorry about that okay this bridge I’ll finish this bridge off camera but you get the general idea does anything cool you’d like me to put on the bridge good and you know recommend it and I’ll see what I can do I don’t

Know why I’m doing that there’s I don’t know why I just did that yeah but off okay that doesn’t look bad from this distance okay ah gotta go sleep again maybe I could complete the bridge before it gets dark just the this cobblestone part of it think i’ll have enough awesome

Oh fail fail fail you know I’m working with the time limit here dad doesn’t look good at all no I don’t have time to be doing this all right see if i could just back my way over there oh [ __ ] i don’t want to be be funny if a fire ogre

Like spawned up here okay oh crap no let me in oh it was worth it all right now just do the outline of my house for a quick or outlining the castle real quick and then i’ll call this video cool so that’s a bridge I think it looks pretty

Good and of course I’m going to do another one over there for the battle masters you know area or whatever Oh somebody asked me what I’m gonna do for like how go about deciding like names for people and I have no idea any recommendations you have is cool but you

Got me there I’m not sure okay when i figure i’m going to do with this castle is there’s going to be into the interior which is going to be the castle area and then the outside is going to be kind of like a wall a smaller wall but a wall

With them a garden area fountain it all so I want to do this we’ll say about got more space here I know it might be better if I planned it out but I feel like you get more more creativity when you’re just kind of going so we’ll

See how it goes but it’s going to be the original of it is going to be like one big one big rectangle so and now go from there and I’ll try to keep most of the building of the castle on camera I think because that’s going to be like so far

My biggest project in this world so kind of compared to my last castle which was really just a wall but um two three four five will get five away from the other side as well and yeah i’m going to do that a smooth stone even though it’s

Going to take forever continue to get enough building materials for the [ __ ] because you gotta cook it all up and we’ll do it there we’ll just do that far away how far does that go try to look at my mini map and judge it but it’s not trustworthy here we go that’s that’s

Where it ends alright that bores about to get a [ __ ] the lightsaber in the mouth it’s annoying me ok so for one layer it looks like a little over sixty four blocks seriously bro you’re [ __ ] bacon man I thought they only attack you from promote anything bores were naturally

Aggressive towards you guess I’m gonna have to go kill all of them all right so that’s one layer the castle and i think so i baited on whether or not i was going to make this or bring this level this area that I’m building on lower but

I decided that you know it’s not really necessary I basically what I did was I built I blocked jumps with dirt as high as it can go and kind of looked around I realized it’s pretty damn tall i can get at least two stores of this castle and

Of course you know there’s gonna be I’m gonna have to dig down and I’m gonna make a dungeon and all that stuff and I was thinking about throwing I mean people were kind of disappointed that I didn’t get any arena fights and the last you know the arena that I built so I

Mean I guess we’re gonna have to do the same thing in this video it might not be as flashy as last kareena like it was kind of like I think the last year mean I looked looked pretty awesome maybe I can replicate it and but I was thinking

It might be underground instead of like beside the dungeon maybe could be like the I don’t like people bet on bed on fights to the death and stuff like that between a you know the castle castle jail mates or whatever I don’t know good ideas popping around in my head but yeah

The bridge looks pretty cool I think it looks pretty good and this is what the castle is going to be and eventually in next video or actually i think i’m going to start building using my obsidian to build about half of this half of that

Mage tower right now and so yeah let me know what you guys thinking and i’ll see you in the next video thanks for watching

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Beta! – 073 – Skybridge’, was uploaded by Chris on 2011-03-21 17:23:32. It has garnered 4652 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:16 or 1516 seconds.

Hey everyone, and welcome to my Minecraft adventure:)

Okay, time to build the bridge connecting my future Mage Guild Tower to the main Castle area. I also establish the main outline of my Castle, which will be made (mostly) out of smooth stone. My furnaces and microwaves are about to see a lot of work…lol.

Hope you enjoy the video!

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  • mortal community

    mortal communityMORTAL COMMUNITY SURVIVAL [1.8 to 1.20.1] is a dynamic Minecraft server accessible via To join, launch Minecraft, click “Play,” then select “Multiplayer.” Add the server using IP After confirming the connection, click “Join Server” for MORTAL COMMUNITY SURVIVAL [1.8 to 1.20.1]. Supporting Minecraft versions 1.8 to 1.20.1, check Discord or the website for compatibility. Hosted in the US, it guarantees a stable connection. Experience Survival, SMP, PvP, Anarchy, Vanilla, Hardcore, Cracked, and soon, Skyblock, Prison, and Factions. Enhance interaction through Discord. Visit for forums, the store, and server news. Immerse in MORTAL COMMUNITY SURVIVAL [1.8 to 1.20.1]… Read More

  • RealmportalMC SMP RPG Skills Classes Magic Dungeons Bosses Custom Items Custom Terrain Towns Economy

    A mesmerizing RPGMMO Towny Survival experience Features: Choose from several classes with unique skills Battle diverse mobs and challenging bosses Explore intricate dungeons with exclusive loot Build your town with vibrant blocks and furniture Engage in player shops, auctions, and economies Protect your fortress with land claims and container locks Immersive experience with new textures, models, and sounds Join for a free-to-play immersive experience: Visit our Discord server Explore on Planet Minecraft View screenshots at Visit our website Join now at: Java 1.20.2 / 1.20.4 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Menacing Minecraft Stare

    Looks like you really “moo”-ved that cow to anger! Read More

  • Crafty Tricks: Minecraft Duplication Made Easy with UI Utils

    Crafty Tricks: Minecraft Duplication Made Easy with UI Utils In the world of Minecraft, a new trick is found, With UI Utils installed, duplication is bound. Set up Fabric quick, with mods in tow, Efficient gameplay, watch the items flow. Delay Packets and Soft Close, features to use, For a seamless experience, no time to lose. Join the Discord, for more tips and tricks, Stay ahead of the game, with each new fix. Subscribe to the channel, for updates galore, Hit the bell for notifications, never be bored. Minecraft news in rhymes, a fun delight, Stay tuned for more, every day and night. Read More

  • Strip Mining Be Like: Hotter Than the Nether! 🔥

    Strip Mining Be Like: Hotter Than the Nether! 🔥 Strip mining be like digging for diamonds and finding nothing but coal and disappointment. #minecraftstruggles 😂🔨💎 Read More

  • Escape the Secret Room! Minecraft Shenanigans

    Escape the Secret Room! Minecraft Shenanigans The Mystery of the Secret Room in Minecraft As the player finds themselves trapped in a secret room in Minecraft, a sense of urgency sets in. The need to crack the code to escape becomes paramount. But how can they do it? Cracking the Code The player must carefully examine their surroundings, searching for clues that might lead them to the solution. Perhaps there are hidden messages or patterns that can be deciphered to unlock the door. Every detail matters in this quest for freedom. Exploring Creativity in Minecraft Being trapped in the secret room is not just a… Read More

  • Experience the Thrill of Crystal PVP on Minewind Server!

    Experience the Thrill of Crystal PVP on Minewind Server! Are you a fan of intense PvP battles in Minecraft? Have you ever wanted to test your skills in the most challenging game mode out there? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community of players and a wide range of game modes to choose from, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your PvP skills. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of crystal PvP like never before. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of PvP, Minewind has something for everyone. Don’t miss out on the action – join… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 RC1 News

    Minecraft 1.21 RC1 News Minecraft 1.21 Release Candidate 1: What’s New? Exciting news for Minecraft fans! The Release Candidate 1 for Minecraft 1.21 is here, bringing with it a host of changes and updates to the game. Let’s dive into the details of what this latest release has to offer. Enchantments Reverted In this update, players will notice some enchantment changes that have been reverted. This adjustment aims to provide a more balanced gameplay experience, ensuring that enchantments are in line with the overall game mechanics. Gameplay Enhancements Aside from enchantment changes, Minecraft 1.21 Release Candidate 1 also includes various bug fixes and… Read More

  • Unleash the Demon King in Minecraft! New Update Ultimate Skill – Gingershadow vs. Solo Leveling Mod!

    Unleash the Demon King in Minecraft! New Update Ultimate Skill - Gingershadow vs. Solo Leveling Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘A NEW UPDATE ULTIMATE SKILL & A DEMON KING TO BATTLE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 31’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-05-11 20:00:13. It has garnered 2777 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:57 or 2157 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod – STREAM – DISCORD – BECOME A MEMBER HERE – GingyVODs Channel – A NEW UPDATE ULTIMATE SKILL & A DEMON KING TO BATTLE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 31 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Tricks

    Unbelievable Minecraft TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kolby Marshall on 2024-03-03 08:24:30. It has garnered 10 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:03 or 8823 seconds. Read More

  • AKIRA: The Ultimate Free Minecraft Cheat in 2024 ?

    AKIRA: The Ultimate Free Minecraft Cheat in 2024 ?Video Information This video, titled ‘IS AKIRA THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT 1.8.9 LEGIT / GHOST CHEAT IN 2024 ?’, was uploaded by Visioner on 2024-05-21 18:30:39. It has garnered 84 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. IS AKIRA THE BEST FREE MINECRAFT 1.8.9 LEGIT / GHOST CHEAT IN 2024 ? ❗DOWNLOAD LINK IN THE COMMENTS❗ injection ghost legit cheat client HostadamPvP Zefew Zylowh CameronAOB TheHidingSlayer Thrintios Zigy MeeZoid Laser Finup lolitsalex PainfulPvP DJTasty Forrestbono Protaclicker vape cheating custom bypass veltpvp abyss arcane velt exploit stimpypvp serenity massacre / vape mushway / vape… Read More

  • Insane Modern Minecraft House Build! 😮🏡

    Insane Modern Minecraft House Build! 😮🏡Video Information This video, titled ‘Small Modern House Tutorial In Minecraft! 🏡 [How to Build] 😍’, was uploaded by BusyBuilds on 2023-12-22 11:15:05. It has garnered 991 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:11 or 551 seconds. Learn how to build a small modern house in Minecraft with our easy-to-follow tutorial. Our step-by-step guide will show you how to construct a sleek and stylish home using gray concrete blocks and Nether quartz. Perfect for Minecraft players who want to create a modern and minimalist home in the game. ____________________________________________ If you interested in this video, do… Read More

  • 🩷Shocking Twist: Pink Girl and Crew Chaos Obby

    🩷Shocking Twist: Pink Girl and Crew Chaos ObbyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Obby Chaos With the Crew’, was uploaded by 🩷Pink Girl🩷 on 2024-03-08 04:00:33. It has garnered 390 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:16 or 556 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #trending #combo minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Charity Stream w/ Warden in a Cage! 😱🚨 #survival

    EPIC Minecraft Charity Stream w/ Warden in a Cage! 😱🚨 #survivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘SWORDPIXEL Legend -Minecraft [026] Warden im Käfig !? CHARITY STREAM #minecraft #survival’, was uploaded by Boubous Klötzchenbande on 2024-05-08 09:18:53. It has garnered 96 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:42 or 8022 seconds. Donation link for the ALL-IN-ONE Gamescom package for MIMIKRIDRAKE: Here it is again, the 3rd edition of Swordpixel – SWORD PIXEL Legends…. Welcome to the chaos. I have a very special role this time, if you want to know which one, then be sure to check it out. We are playing in 1.18.2 and it is… Read More

  • Alenka Inventra discovers strange anomalies in Minecraft SMP!

    Alenka Inventra discovers strange anomalies in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】MEMBUAT PROYEK MANGKRAK DI ANOMALI SMP!’, was uploaded by Alenka Inventra | DigiKagi on 2024-05-29 12:50:35. It has garnered 5397 views and 680 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:55 or 13015 seconds. 🛠️Now you can buy Alenka’s voice pack here! 🛠️ SUPPORT ALENKA You can support Alenka by using the platforms below: 🛠️Listen to me singing! 【COVER】GETCHA! – Giga & KIRA | by AstraxAlenka [COVER]IDOL – YOASOBI | by Alenka Inventra 【 ORIGINAL SONG MV 】 Penawan – Alenka Inventra 【 ORIGINAL SONG MV 】 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Server to Cure Boredom!” #clickbait

    "Ultimate Minecraft Server to Cure Boredom!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Le meilleur serveur Minecraft pour ne plus s’ennuyer ! #shorts’, was uploaded by EASYCRAFT on 2024-05-19 12:15:03. It has garnered 121210 views and 8615 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #short Read More

  • “Insane Dance Battle in Minecraft with Anton!” #shizoClickbait

    "Insane Dance Battle in Minecraft with Anton!" #shizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘on Anton #minecraftanimation #minecraft #edit #minecraftmemes #funny #meme #dance’, was uploaded by Nawang on 2024-01-09 10:55:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

Chris – Let’s Play Minecraft Beta! – 073 – Skybridge