Christmas Dweller & Reindeer in Minecraft Holiday!

Video Information

Oh my God no no no no his sound effects are just oh my God what the what’s going on guys and welcome back to another episode of our scary Christmas hardcore survival series I still don’t have a title for this series like I don’t I don’t know

What to call this series but I’m back and I actually unfortunately as you can probably tell I already have played a little bit this is my second attempt at recording episode 2 I was a little under the weather and I really didn’t want to upload it um I really didn’t like it I

Thought it was really boring I didn’t talk very much um and when I did I really wasn’t very excited and I’m going to go through everything that I did so that you guys are caught up and as you can see as well I also went ahead and

Added some shaders you know cuz shaders make everything look better and I also added a new Christmas scary mob as I’m sure you saw in the thumbnail we’ve got cracked out Rudolph um I have not played him yet I have no idea anything about him I haven’t watched um s’s video on

Him I have literally no prior knowledge but we’re I guess we’re just going to find out like I don’t know if he spawns on the surface or in caves or what but I guess we’re going to find out but as I was saying I want to show you guys what

I did I went ahead and upgraded the house quite a bit and I was able to make more decorations um you see I got some like Garland a reef and some more Christmas lights the I’m not done quite yet with the decorations I started making a tree and

I made a single present um and I even put some Garland I have a little second floor up here it’s a little crammed but it’s pretty cozy just for my bed pretty much but yeah I think one of the first things that we’re going to do is go

Mining I’m going to get ready here um get everything going and then we’re going to go in the mines maybe we’ll go in the cave a little bit maybe we’ll go in the cave oh oh I actually forgot I buried my mine under the stairs and I

Forgot to make a new entrance so we’re going to have to do that first I want to say that this is where my mine is now if I get this right that’d be pretty clutch but if I don’t get it right I can’t really get

Mad well I was a little bit off but I guess that’s fine I’m going to have to cover all this up I don’t need mobs spawning in here oh my god dude I almost just killed myself I cannot forget that this is on Hardcore I absolutely cannot forget

That I’m not going to lie for a second I forgot I was playing hardcore it’s it’s been a little while since I’ve been on here just going to break all of this because this is such a hazard there’s fish in here all right I’m not going to

Lie it’s a little bit easier to see in here with shaders on I actually like that a lot um oh my God look at that guy I like those colors I wish I could get one of those I don’t think I can I think you can put them in buckets right I kind

Of want to go in here though because there’s tons of ores like I’m not going to lie uh oh and by the way I did turn off the one who watches I know a couple of you guys did say that you didn’t like him

And I’ll be honest he was a bit he’s a bit intense and he can be very deadly and since I added the cursed Rudolph or whatever he’s called I think it makes sense um I don’t need three mobs harassing me in Caves no no no no no no no no not yet oh my God oh my God oh my God I can’t believe I just almost died what is wrong with me what is wrong with me oh my God I I maybe I shouldn’t go in here that was the closest I’ve got to dying all that skeleton had to do was have better aim and he would have killed

Me one more hit I was one hit away from dying H yeah maybe I’m not ready for cave if maybe I’m not ready to be in here I hope that skeleton doesn’t see me I’m not trying to get shot off at least I can say I tried I I tried

But I need diamond armor if I want to be in here hardcore is Hardcore holy crap dude horrible hor horrible oh Merry Christmas all right bro where s at I don’t see him anywhere maybe he didn’t spawn dude I wonder when that Rudolph guy is going to

Spawn I very excited to see him but I’m also very not excited because the only thing that I do know about him is that he’s very quick he’s very fast all right I am in the danger zone now well oh I forgot about this yeah I did

Some strip mining obviously um I made all of this I forgot that there was a reason why I took a sharp turn dude I swear to God I’m not using x-ray I swear to God I am not cheating that was just some fantastic luck right

There I need more of this this kind of luck that I just had here I need more of this I guess this makes up for almost dying a couple minutes ago all right well that was awesome six diamonds um I could probably make a piece of armor with that oh my God

What what is he doing he’s not going the right way okay you know what we’re not going to worry about that okay we found a cave these these things are very dangerous we don’t want to be in here for too long I don’t think there’s any diamonds

So let’s just keep going right let just keep going yo okay we’re doing good we are doing very good this I have literally only been mining I think I’ve literally only been mining like maybe 30 40 blocks and I found two veins of diamonds I swear to

God I’m not cheating I swear I’m not cheating I think we could probably take on those skeletons with a pair of diamond pants did you hear that I have no idea what I’m going to assume that that was related to the Rudolph guy um I have not heard that sound before

That’s a new sound all right I guess we found a cave you know what I think uh I think we’re going to make a right turn here all right we just found more diamonds I mined another maybe 40 40ish blocks in a different direction holy crap

10 did I just find a vein of 12 did I just find 12 diamonds I have 24 diamonds dude all right we’re getting out we’re getting out I am not joking this is the best luck I’ve ever had okay okay is it night time okay good it’s not let’s

Go all right we’re safe we are I need to move this carrot I mean cactus farm back a little bit we are good to go I cannot believe we found this I didn’t even find any other ores I only found diamonds you don’t have to believe me

But I promise you I was I’m not cheating I am not cheating whatsoever and I think I deserve a chest plate from this that is pretty awesome and we’re going to need an enchanting table do I have obsidian I need one more obsidian to make an enchanting

Table and I just realized my house is way too small to even build an enchanting table in it I was not really thinking when I made this I I wasn’t thinking well I’m going to make a diamond sword and I guess I’m going to go back down there and get some

Obsidian hopefully I can do it safely it doesn’t even matter if I like bring the diamonds with me cuz if I die I mean I can’t even come back anyway I really got to make stairc a staircase in here this is uh uh kind of ridiculous maybe I’ll do that as well Merry

Christmas his sound effects are just oh my God what the holy crap so he spawned up here on my my shelf oh my God that gave me such a jump scare yep there he is he’s he can’t get me though oh my goodness dude that was that was insane that that actually

Like made my heart skip a beat I swear he’s still down there well I don’t know I don’t I don’t know how long he’s going to stick around for you are on the naughty list okay he’s gone now that was that was insane that that really that actually

Like hurt my neck cuz I kind of jolted really aggressively um backwards I just realized I forgot to bring water with me right well guess we’re going to go back up and of course I made it almost all the way to the bottom are you kidding me he just spawned again he’s right

There why does he like spawning up here why is he like spawning up here oh yeah oh I think he fell again oh dude what are you doing bro what are you doing you are on the naughty list okay well we have to go back down

There again we have to go back down there again I need to get a bucket of water do I have like a water source up here anywhere hopefully we run into Rudolph at some point or uh I guess I might have to change the thumbnail if we

Don’t we heard him once so far we’ve been seeing Santa Claus a lot more often than usual for I did not like that one bit just need one piece of obsidian just one piece that’s all I need and then I can come back up is this the bottom

Okay okay I’m getting I’m getting careful I need to uh okay I just need just need one that’s all I need oh you’re kidding me I don’t like this all right I’m not testing my luck I’m going up I don’t care I’m not getting any more I just need one I don’t

Plan on going to the nether anytime soon I I honestly might never go to the nether in this series cuz I can it’s probably like as easy as 2 plus 2 equal 4 to die in there on Hardcore is it nighttime okay it’s not we’re safe right

We’re good to go part rate is going back down to normal safe levels we can now make an enchanting table never mind we don’t have books I have leather though and I have some sugarcane oh wait I have three paper I can I’m we’re good bro okay there we

Go I’m probably just going to put this here for now there’s really nowhere I can put this I’m going to probably I could you know no I’m just going to make a basement um maybe that’s what I’ll do over here in this corner I mean for now we’ll just

Put the enchanting table here I mean I don’t have any books to make knockback that’s not that good what about like my armor can I get something good on here Unbreaking not really I’d rather get some form of protection that’s actually not bad uh that could prevent me from dying you

Know what we’re going to do that feather falling too will definitely keep me safe so dude we got protection 2 and feather falling 2 that’s like the best level eight enchantment ever oh my god look there’s Northern Lights I don’t know why the clouds are like like like that but I mean the

Aurora Borealis looks pretty cool though look at that oh my God that’s so cool look at that all right I mean this is good start um it’s not pretty yet but but enough space in here for a full enchanting table um guess we could decorate it a little

Bit all right I just did this for now this is good enough y you know what we’re going to need to do we’re going to need to make a sugar cane Farm put these over top so that the water doesn’t freeze cuz that’s just going to keep

Happening oh that’s literally all I have on me right now now but we’ll make another row all right so we have some now um I dig this we got a little sugarcane farm this will do for now I’m going to need cows so that I can you know make

Bookshelves so I can get my enchanting table a little bit you know more upgraded oh wait okay there’s one cow near us all right we have one cow here bro let me help you out so I can get that backpack no backpack oh my God oh my God how am I

This close to dying how am I this close to dying wait I already have a backpack what why why do I need I I’m such an idiot I forgot I had a backpack so I need to find one more cow wait I did get his backpack

Holy I’m I didn’t even like notice this is actually really cool color too I think this is bigger than mine yeah look at this iron backpack I think this is yeah look at this look at at that nice all right now I got to go out and try and find a

Cow why do these guys oh oh God oh God uh-oh did he kill himself oh he’s still down there he just doesn’t care anymore wait no yes he does okay all right we got an end Pearl I feel like make I definitely have said this before I think doing this on

Hardcore was a terrible mistake on my end cuz I am not an experienced Hardcore Minecraft player and these guys that I added are very deadly like as as far as I’m aware um Rudolph if if I uh if I run into him and I get into a situation

Where he’s chasing me and hit attacking me I don’t think I’m going to survive thankfully all right we got a couple cows look at this this is pretty epic I’m a little bit far from my house though so this is going to suck oh wait

I can put it in like my other hand maybe yeah all right bet what what was even the point of that what why is this cow about to die what what did I miss he’s got one and a half hearts come on just go right in right in

Right in right in like how does it happen the one dude was ahead of the other guy like come on get in get in of course I just hit the guy that had no Health maybe not the best idea come back here I need you you have one

Heart get in here think I’m going to go back in the mine I mean I don’t know I feel like I just need to get more diamonds and I also need andesite and what where’s that zombie where did that zombie come from he was he was not there before oh ho marry

Christ I don’t see him I don’t see him anywhere you know what I’m going to make myself a diamond helmet I don’t care I I’m just terrified I I need a diamond helmet this will make me feel safer you know wait can I uh does probably like stuck in my bush

Or something wait what is that fly attacking the zombie oh my God it is what I I don’t I don’t know I think we should do our uh normal check in the cave why does he like spawn in there so much Merry Christmas that’s like the third time you

Spawn there gotcha no you don’t I don’t think you got me you’re stuck that is really weird he Lov spawning there I’m just going to go away do I hear a chicken you hear that right okay well there’s definitely a chicken down here somewhere I’m just going to cover all

This off I don’t care I I I build up the confidence to come down here and then when I get down here I just kind of lose all of it like I just want to go back to the surface now I do not want to be down here anymore all Right what what what what is that all right that was not that was not Santa Santa does not make that noise I have I have never heard that sound before that has to be Rudolph that’s just that’s just what I’m calling him that’s obviously not what he’s called but that’s what I’m calling

Him think I’m going to go back oh my God no no no no no no no no oh my God no no no I stuck again well I can’t leave now now I have to wait here until he goes away I mean I guess I can just strip

Mine a different way while I wait for uh him to go away what is that oh my God I can’t hear anything okay we’ve that’s him should I break that and look no I I should no no no no he can obviously climb over one [Applause] Blocks okay is he gone he’s gone oh my I I don’t know I want to leave I want to leave what I want to leave I haven’t even been down here for like 10 minutes maybe I’ll just mine back to my my stairwell I don’t want him to spawn

Behind me again dude I can’t I can’t the my anxiety is through the roof right now I might have burnt through all my luck with those diamonds earlier cuz I haven’t even found Redstone I found nothing so far not a thing well we found Redstone all right found something this

Would be so different if I wasn’t playing alone this is on a whole another level when you’re alone cuz at least if I’m with like two or three people like there’s a chance that I might not die when I run into them all right I’m like I made it I

Definitely made it my pick’s definitely going to make make this thank god oh thank god let’s get out out of here now what if he spawns in here again I I I kind of want to look okay I think we’re good I wish I do I do wish Rudolph would

Spawn in here so I could get a good look at him but maybe I don’t want that all right let’s get out of here why does he like spawning in here so much why does he like spawning there so much okay well I we’re not we’re going out okay it’s night

Time we may have only yielded 20 Redstone but we are alive still we still we we’re still standing I need to make a garden I I really really need to make a garden all right I’m going to make a garden I I might try to find some iron

But I might I don’t know about that yet all right this will do for now um maybe oh I lit have carrots in my inventory you know what no we’re going to plant some carrots which of course is like the food I’m using but if I want to have more

Yeah I guess this will do all right guys I think that’s going to do it for this episode of our hardcore Christmas horror series thing I love our little house that we have so far but I feel like we’ve made good progress but I don’t

Know I think I just need to take a break of of this series I’m just terrified like every time I go down there something happens every single time and if I die then that’s the end of the series and I am just so on edge I’m just honestly absolutely terrified of

Dying I don’t even know if this diamond armor will keep me alive like the these guy these I’ve died to almost died to a skeleton like two times at the time of making this video we just surpass 6,000 subscribers which is just incredible I could have never ever imagined myself

Getting that many subscribers it took me 8 months to hit 400 subscribers and then the last month of support has just been incredible so thank you all so much and that’s going to do it for this video of our hardcore Christmas hord thing um and I’ll catch you guys in the next video

This video, titled ‘The Christmas Dweller Brought His Reindeer.. Minecraft Holiday Survival Series’, was uploaded by FitCereal on 2024-01-03 20:50:44. It has garnered 5712 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:13 or 1753 seconds.

Main Mods I Used:

1. Additional Structures 2. Christmas Festivity 3. Christmas Dweller 4. Dynamic Lights 5. Eternal Winter 6. Natures Compass 7. Fast Leaf Decay 8. The One Who Watches 9. Tree Harvester 10. Xaeros Mini-Map 11. Xaeros World Map 12. Dramatic Skys 13. Skin and Bones skin-and-bones” rel=”noopener nofollow”> 14. Snow Under Trees 15 Backpacks 16. Visible Ores 17. Optifine 18. Crydolph (Evil Reindeer) 19. Shaders

All Music Used Is From:

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    SHOCKING: Elbareita53 EXPOSED as Fake HumbleVideo Information This video, titled ‘#falsohumilde’, was uploaded by elbareita53 on 2024-03-02 17:50:49. It has garnered 365 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:58 or 118 seconds. there is belce…. silend: “Did you know this about minecraft 1.8? HAHAHA thanks @Blrw379 for getting me the caps, you’re a boss ip: โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธPROCESSOR: Intel i5-8th gen ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธGRAPHIC: INTEL(R) IRIS(R) Plus Graphics 655 ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธRAM: 8GB โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ โ–ฌ… Read More

  • Maira Tragically Almost Dies in Minecraft Nether ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #maira

    Maira Tragically Almost Dies in Minecraft Nether ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #mairaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Almost Died in Minecraft Nether ๐Ÿ˜ญ #maira’, was uploaded by Maira on 2024-04-24 12:30:21. It has garnered 296 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:58 or 1258 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: Minecraft Girl Gamer In Hindi INSTAGRAM ๐Ÿ’— DISCORD ๐Ÿ’— Minecraft Girl Gamer In Hindi Minecraft Girl Hindi Indian Girl Playing Minecraft Indian Girl Gamer Minecraft Indian Girl Minecraft Youtubers Minecraft Girl gamer Live Minecraft 100 days Himlands new video Himlands New season Himlands funny meme Himlands Hogalala Himlands The boys memes The… Read More

  • Survival Technical SMP – Vanilla SMP whitelist

    Technical/End Game Survival SMP Server Looking for Players Are you a technical/end game player looking for a long-term SMP server to join? Look no further! I host my own server and whitelist each player individually to ensure a great community experience. The server runs on bloom hosting and uses paper. We have one player sleep enabled and are open to changing other gamerules as needed. If you’re interested, message me on Discord at Jux2 or DM me for more details. Let’s make new friends and enjoy playing together! Read More

  • Dawn Of Humanity AOT Roleplay

    Dawn Of Humanity AOT RoleplayWelcome to Dawn of Humanity, an Attack on Titan server where you can immerse yourself in the world of the popular manga and anime series.The server is 1.5 years old and we are currently doing a map rework!- Permadeath- Roleplay-Branches-Titan shifting-ModdedCome join us at Dawn Of Humanity! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who hurt my diamond boy’s feelings ๐Ÿ˜ค

    Who hurt my boy feelings? Probably a creeper, those guys are always trying to blow things up. Read More

  • Cow-less Minecraft: Blindfolded Quest

    Cow-less Minecraft: Blindfolded Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, I can’t see the cow, what a mystery! But fear not, for the adventure is near, With each twist and turn, let’s conquer our fear. Crafting and building, exploring the land, With each new discovery, we make our stand. No cow in sight, but we’ll find a way, To thrive and survive, in this game we play. So join me now, in this Minecraft quest, Where challenges await, put us to the test. But with skills and wit, we’ll come out on top, In this world of blocks, where… Read More

  • “Uncover these spicy secret ores in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #shorts #minecraft #memes

    "Uncover these spicy secret ores in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #shorts #minecraft #memes When you finally find these secret ores in Minecraft, it’s like discovering buried treasure…except instead of gold doubloons, it’s just a bunch of pixelated rocks. But hey, at least you can make a cool sword out of them! Read More

  • Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft 1.21

    Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft 1.21 Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update, also known as the Tricky Trials Update, has finally arrived. This update brings a plethora of exciting new features and challenges to the beloved game, promising hours of fun and adventure for players of all ages. What’s New in Minecraft 1.21? The Minecraft 1.21 update introduces a variety of new elements to the game, including the challenging Tricky Trials. Players can now test their skills and creativity in the new structure trial chambers, such as Armandilo, Breeze, and Mace. These trials offer unique… Read More

  • Riverwalk Expansion in Hardcore Minecraft

    Riverwalk Expansion in Hardcore Minecraft Expanding the Riverwalk in Hardcore Minecraft In this episode, the focus is on expanding the Riverwalk in Hardcore Minecraft. The player spends time adding a flower shop, a greenhouse, a metaphysical shop, and a handful of apartments to enhance the gameplay experience. Creating a Vibrant Riverwalk The Riverwalk is a key feature in the Minecraft world, offering a scenic and bustling area for players to explore. By adding new elements like a flower shop and a greenhouse, the player brings more life and color to the surroundings. These additions not only beautify the area but also provide resources and… Read More

  • Surviving a REALISTIC Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft?! ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ

    Surviving a REALISTIC Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft?! ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving a REALISTIC ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Vivilly on 2024-04-21 18:00:08. It has garnered 111374 views and 6158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:54 or 2274 seconds. Surviving a REALISTIC ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in Minecraft! Palpers: ( MINECRAFT SERVER: VIVILLY.NET 2ND CHANNEL: ( TWITTER | @ Vivillyyy ( SNAPCHAT | @ ItsVivilly ( INSTAGRAM | @ viv23v ( DISCORD: ( This is a Minecraft world that’s overrun with zombies that evolve overtime and transform. We have guns, traps, security cameras, and realistic effects. โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹#minecraft #mcyt #horror Read More

  • Chilling Cave Sounds in Minecraft

    Chilling Cave Sounds in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cave sound #minecraft #horror’, was uploaded by Pranav on 2024-01-04 01:08:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅINSANE IRON FARM IN MCPE! Aditya09’s Hardcore Survival!

    ๐Ÿ”ฅINSANE IRON FARM IN MCPE! Aditya09's Hardcore Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building an Efficient Iron Farm๐Ÿ”ฅ in Minecraft Pocket Edition ||minecraft hardcore minecraft survival’, was uploaded by _ADITYA09_ on 2024-04-04 16:32:15. It has garnered 62 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Surviving the Unforgiving: A Minecraft Hardcore Adventure || Minecraft Hardcore Series As of my last update, there isn’t a specific “Minecraft Hardcore Series Episode 1” universally recognized, as numerous content creators, YouTubers, and streamers have their own versions of “Minecraft Hardcore Series.” The essence of a Minecraft Hardcore series lies in the challenge it presents. In Minecraft’s Hardcore… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft PvP with Subscriber! Can I WIN?!” #ShizoClickbait

    "EPIC Minecraft PvP with Subscriber! Can I WIN?!" #ShizoClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP with my subscriber can I win #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Aryan69gamer on 2023-12-19 02:47:07. It has garnered 667 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. “๐Ÿ”ฅ Epic Minecraft Adventure! Join us in this mind-blowing journey through the pixelated realms of Minecraft! ๐ŸŒ Explore breathtaking landscapes, conquer treacherous dungeons, and craft incredible structures in this action-packed Minecraft adventure! ๐Ÿ’Ž Witness jaw-dropping builds, ingenious Redstone contraptions, and hilarious moments that will have you laughing out loud. From battling epic bosses to unexpected encounters with friendly mobs, this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PE Shaders 1.20+ – Aditya Slayer Reveals ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    EPIC Minecraft PE Shaders 1.20+ - Aditya Slayer Reveals ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/73+ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Shaders For Mcpe 1.20 !! Working’, was uploaded by Aditya Slayer on 2024-04-18 13:29:28. It has garnered 7587 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:19 or 139 seconds. Realistic Shaders Minecraft PE 1.20.70/73+ ๐Ÿ”ฅ Shaders For Mcpe 1.20 !! Working โœจ ๐™‡๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ : ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ”ด Please Open This Link In Chrome Only ๐Ÿ”ด Shader Link โžฝ Config Link โžฝ ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†โ˜๏ธ โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• ————————————–โค๏ธ————————————– โ— How to open my links ? Credit Gone To Respective creators, If you are a creator and if… Read More

  • POI vs Ara Ara vs Angel Team: Minecraft Animation

    POI vs Ara Ara vs Angel Team: Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHICH ONE YOU LIKE ?ARA ARA TEAM APHMAU ANGEL TEAM KIM DEMON CUTE -MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by poi short craft on 2024-05-19 04:01:59. It has garnered 227301 views and 13652 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Please (Like)๐Ÿ‘ & Subscribe โ–ถ๏ธ to my channel Don’t forget to Click the Bell ๐Ÿ”” Turn on notification for more awesome content like this #MinecraftAnimation ๐Ÿ˜Š Godbless You all ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ (Goal to 1,000 Subs) For a starter ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™ Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fusion: Minecraft x Free Fire Gloowall

    Mind-Blowing Fusion: Minecraft x Free Fire GloowallVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft on free fire gloowall’, was uploaded by lostbet gaming on 2024-03-05 03:19:21. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to [lostbet gaming] – Where Gaming Comes to Life!** Dive into the virtual world with thrilling gameplay, epic … Read More


    EPIC START to NEW SMP Server! DAY 1 MINECRAFT DAKER #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘WE STARTED NEW SMP IN MINECRAFT || FIRST DAY 1 IN SMP DAKER #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Daker Gaming on 2024-06-01 05:02:31. It has garnered 207 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:00 or 2340 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft smp minecraft survival minecraft server lifesteal smp public smp public minecraft smp smp minecraft but minecraft but challenge minecraft challenge minecraft mod minecraft 100 days lifesteal minecraft how to lifesteal smp ip gaming public smp server minecraft public smp server minecraft pe 1.19 minecraft speedrun public minecraft smp (free to join)… Read More

  • flakkowrld’s EPIC 1K STREAM REACTION!! ๐Ÿคฏ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    flakkowrld's EPIC 1K STREAM REACTION!! ๐Ÿคฏ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIRST STREAM SINCE 1K (Reacting & Minecraft)’, was uploaded by flakkowrld on 2024-06-04 22:22:38. It has garnered 574 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:27 or 14847 seconds. Check out my boy @BXCHUBZZ โ–ผJOIN THE DISCORDโ–ผ โ–ผ Donate To Support A Broke Boy โ–ผ โ–ผ MY SOCIALS โ–ผ Instagram: TikTok: Twitch: For business inquiries please contact: [email protected] Read More

  • Stanza dei Giochi

    Stanza dei GiochiEcco il nuovo server Minecraft della Stanza dei giochi Un server vanilla con ben piรน di sei clan disponibili tra qui Forza Creativa, Azione, Saggezza, Fiducia, Oscura e Brilla Come funzionano i clan? A differenza dei server fazioni i clan sono squadre illimitate la dove possono collaborare, scambiare merce, fare contratti o… Persino tradirli o fare guerra, ma dipende dal capo che strada prenderร . Read More

  • Team BaerCraft’s Community Modded SMP Servers

    Creators & Community A warm, diverse, and open Discord & Minecraft community that welcomes everyone and is the home of the Minecraft modpacks BaerCraft, Trash Panda Craft, and PokeASub plus their official multiplayer servers. We host additional Minecraft servers, such as a rotational server that rotates community-voted modpacks every 3 months. In total, we usually run about 4 servers with more to come in the future. Our community also discusses a variety of games and topics! Both developers are experienced and active in creating new content for players. Our staff is knowledgeable, fast, and informative, providing the best help and… Read More