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Will to Long helloy HOA and good evening it is I CJ’s goose and I’m back let me push all the buttons see if we can get them all pushed and oh I forgot to log in oh well never mind we we’re logging in now um anyway we’ve come back just for a

Little while I don’t know how long um I am quite exhausted we’ve been to the pantomim this evening uh or this afternoon rather and we are back and um oh it was lovely we um go to a lovely little panim in beckles and um it’s really it’s a really nice one there so

We uh we’ve been there this afternoon oh hold on a minute I’m pushing all the wrong buttons again oh it’s nearly night time and I’m outside let’s see if we can sleep in our bed let me push that one there we go okay I think I’ve got it SED

Now um oh okay kind of fell off everything that was a bit strange um right I’ve been having to think about this have I still got my boots on I do y I didn’t even look I went to look and then I looked at something completely different we don’t

Need to be holding bunnies that’s fine a little snow is his little puppy oh hello oh he’s so cute no don’t fall in the snow can you walk on the oh he can walk on the powdered snow no oh that’s really clever right I’ve been having a think about

This and apparently um I should have 28 blocks all the way around which means it should divide into four and if it divides into four then if we do them all by four then it should fit so I think we need to maybe tear it down and try again this one’s

Four hold on let’s find a block oh let’s put sand here because um we don’t have any sand so one two three and four uh one two three and so this one should be um snow four then it would be done that right just make sure I

Didn’t count these twice 1 2 three and four one two three four then it’s that one is actually that one so one two three four so that’s correct one two three and four take these so these should be snow three and four and then one two three and four these should be red

One two three four and then these ones one two three and four should be all oh he put a hole down here why have I left that all here look uh oh hi no why are you down here I can you get out oh I think you can get out is he

Just okay he’s just gone in the snow Oh no you’re not going to die are you where are you I can hear you little puppy where did you go I can hear it but I can’t see it where did he Go is he even in here I can hear him crying but I can’t see him puppy come back the puppy vanished can’t just keep clearing out random blocks to look for a lost puppy all right well that’s bizarre I don’t actually know how to get out of

Here let’s try and get out of here uh let’s go this way right I just left a giant hole everywhere that’s that’s fine who who needs to worry about a giant hole where were we we were counting in fours hi are you the puppy that I’ve just been looking

For hm looking for a lost puppy that’s here 1 2 3 4 there’s another one okay this is not weird uh one and Two three and four and then we should have two three and oh I still can’t count please tell me I can count one two three four oh it does divide into four but it divides in the wrong way that’s a problem let me just take

This sand out so what can I do about that then um that’s not helpful that was not what I was expecting it to do uh so what I oh hi Top Pot so what I have just done is ended up with a pattern that means that two of them end

Up at the same place let’s um let’s see if we can just find a random block we need to just figure this out on the ground I think somewhere where we’re not trying to let’s use these and the snow we can pick up the snow again and let’s just work it out

Down here so we need a total of 28 blocks yes 28 why did I take all of these that seems like a silly thing to do okay we just need to put some of these back because now I haven’t got the space to do what I need to do I hate

Being silly and useless at playing a game one day I’m going to be good I’ve told you that thousands of times and I’m still not any better so I don’t know when I’ll believe that it happens but one day it might really might okay so we have to figure this out

And we got to figure it out on the ground because it is not working so we have 28 okay oh we can do this oh that’s a problem okay um maybe let’s put this down why did I why did I choose sand at least we can walk like this this is

Helpful let’s try this again then right so this will be our 28 okay so the sand is the 28 so what we need to do is we need to be able to wrap this candy cane shape around so that the colors match now let’s just do a quick bit of maths we’re

Using the calculator because my brain isn’t going to work anything out so 28 will go into two obviously uh 28 ID by 3 I don’t think goes no 28 divid by 4 we know goes but doesn’t work 28 by 5 obviously won’t go what about six oh no

It’s 25 hold on 28 divid by 6 don’t think so no 28 divid 7 that would go wouldn’t it oh but that gives us four again gives us seven fours isn’t that what we wanted don’t we want it to be odd hold on a minute right one 2 three four one two three

Four one two three four maybe I’ve just done it wrong one two three and four hi Cows oh we went to watch Jack and the bean stalk and they had this brilliant cow in there it was really good oh no that doesn’t work does it so that gives us the same um at each end so that’s not helpful so what else can we divide 28 into I don’t think

There’s a lot actually three and a half that’s not helpful can’t have a half a block um no no this is one of those numbers that there’s not actually a lot we can divide it into so what do we do then we just go back to what three is 9.3 that’s a funny

Number uh 28 so 28 divided 4 would do this but if we can if we can even it up up so say we’ve got four here right it’s got to be white on the other end right let’s change it up right so we’ve got four there and four

Here I don’t know if any of you understand what I’m trying to figure out here uh right so where would the middle then be ow that was quite painful um let’s go with take 10 right one two Three four five can the snow blocks stay yeah 1 2 3 four five I kind of felt that the snow should fall then one two three four and five does that work one two three four and five aha why is it night time already didn’t I just sleep a second ago

I’m sure I have just slept what do you mean I can only sleep at night time it’s clearly night time that’s why I’m sleep look that’s a sunset so particular with the rules oh guess what Sky Block is back tomorrow at 4:00 apparently 4:00 in um

I don’t know if we’re still I think we’re still on what are we on now we I don’t know if we’re on GMT or BST I think we’re on GMT I can’t remember oh please bear with my brain one day it will work I don’t know when but one day

It will totally it will work why is half of my screen off that thank you right um it’s night time has now gone right this will work better so we need to put four fives in the middle and then two fours on the outside that’s what we’ve got to do so let’s

Um right let’s do that I’m just trying to think that would mean that we’ve got two fours together we could do two fives then a four two fives and a four that would be better because then it would be even right let’s try that so we’re got to rip

Out all of this bottom bit again let’s try it again two FES and a four two fives and a four right let’s knock out all of this yep so I believe I am going to be in a team which will be yay I’m really happy about that because

It means I’ve got to do so much extra work please feel sorry for me um apparently my children are assisting me um so uh Sky Block is going to be a little bit on the different side as in I probably won’t achieve anything much but you never know I might be

Pleasantly surprised and they might actually turn up and help me um all right what have I done here um oh no oh no that’s the wolf back uh the fox even I don’t know what I’m doing here this is getting very confusing we’re trying to rip out all of this

Stuff yeah I know it’s come back really fast um so all we got to do is I’m going to try if I can do a live stream tomorrow when it comes on so that we can be right at the very beginning of the season and not miss any time at all and

See if that helps us now I don’t think we’re going to be able to make a challenge for the top spots because we’re going to be a team and the team groups they are good um and if you’re in a team some of these teams they have like 10

People and we’ll be competing against those they don’t do like a a d for smaller groups it’s just either you’re in a team or you’re solo um hi this is not a tricky place for me to be in and I’m not totally lost have no idea how to get out up

Here let me out let me out let me out if you can hear my child I’m really sorry cuz he’s getting very carried away this afternoon in his room what is this oh this is the other candy cane thingy that we built originally let’s put some snow back in

Here just to cover up this hole and here yeah does anybody else like going to pantomimes at Christmas time I don’t think oh I don’t think you have to be for leaving Christmas to go to a pantomime I wouldn’t have thought I don’t know I’d be interested to know

I’ve never thought about it before it’s funny the things that you don’t ever think about it’s never even entered my head until just now just assume everybody did pantomimes cuz they’re not they’re not particularly um Christmasy uhoh goats back I accidentally oh he jumped I haven’t seen them do that before I

Actually have led a very sheltered life and I haven’t seen the goats do that how long have they been in the game just a little bit not too long okay right let’s start in a different place to where we had it before so we’re going to do this this

Way allows us to see where we’ve done it 1 2 3 four oh yeah so that’s the first thing that happens is I then join it up King hi you’re here Sky Blocks back tomorrow did you know that 4:00 tomorrow one two three four and five and I’ve got to be a

Team it’s going to be fun one two three four five now it’s a four one two three uh four I did count to four didn’t I three four that’s because I then counted two blocks in there and I was like two four right uh

No you went on there to ask oh you were told on the survival yeah on the Discord um there was a message so it’s back tomorrow 1 2 3 4 5 so yeah and 1 two 3 four five aha right now we got to rip all that lock

Down why don’t I just do it right in the first place bearing in mind it was about halfast 4ish this morning that I came on the stream and I hadn’t considered about doing this and I was tired okay so I’m really sorry I messed all of it up again

I’ll try to do better next time I probably won’t so I wouldn’t want to give you any false expectations let me just take these out we need to climb up the ladder and we need to rip this down cuz that’s no good and we need a door we really should leave ourselves a

Door okay right so the bottom layer is correct and everything else is wrong so let’s climb up here a lot of Pringles um other tub-shaped crisps are available P Pringles are really good do like Pringles what flavor sour cream and onion are definitely addictive yep definitely addictive they’re my

Favorite don’t have them too often actually the moo polished off a little tub of those earlier on too we went to the pantomime today King we went to beckles I went to watch Jack and the bean stalk and you know what it was really good because they had a really

Good cow in there and the moo loves Cows as we’re all probably aware that’s that’s why he is a mo cuz he loves cows two of the tall ones um so are you going to do a Sky Block season this time yeah his was a little one and you

Know how mean and horrible I am I don’t let meat too many the bad ones big ones I just ration them uh I need those blocks you are yeah he is a cow so he has to like cows do you go to the pantomime I’m not sure if you do or

Not I try um we managed to go last year we didn’t for a few years um and just after their dad died I did take them for about 3 years but at the time it was just all too much and they didn’t like it but they’re getting into it now

So that was really good really enjoyed it I like a pantomim you’re in the next season what the next pantomime no in the Sky Block yeah have you got any plans you know how to play You’re cuz you’ve played it before didn’t you U this was my first ever

Time no you don’t go sorry I didn’t really think about it when I asked the question it’s a bit tricky isn’t it um you don’t have to answer that I know the answer um Um uh I need to collect those no why did I go of that way where you know hurts my feet so uh for those of you that don’t know oh thank you for the like on the stream um for those of you that didn’t see this morning we and yesterday um you

See this very nice snowy biome area we’ve got surrounded by all these lovely mountains with snow on we are building the North Pole that’s what we’re doing here this there is a film that I have seen called the North Pole it’s very original um and oh in there I need that

Block come back here we can’t afford to lose you why am I heading back why was I heading back I don’t actually know the answer to that you likeed oh thank you that’s really nice of you um I don’t know why I was heading back that seems like a random thing that I

Was about to do I I don’t know anyway don’t worry um I’m asleep okay my head doesn’t work simple as that I tried to make my head work but it doesn’t anyway we are building the North Pole and there is a film called the North Pole uh which

Helped inspire me uh for how we’re going to do this so this is a this is a an idea I have had since at least last year but I wasn’t ready to do it then um and because I want to do this project only in December so that we’re not carrying it

Through and then we’ve always got a christmy themed thing to do at at December time which for me is quite important uh because I love Christmas and uh what we’re going to do that now it’s night time now I need to go and run and sleep um hi

Piggy now I thought you stole my bed I just going to drink some of my tea I keep forgetting to drink my tea and then it goes cold and then it’s disgusting oh there’s an end and they carry snow blocks don’t know I don’t want to look cuz then he’ll try to kill

Me um I will have a big Christmas tree at some point um I’m not doing that yet first of all we’re going to concentrate on just building the layout we Pro might not have much time to do a huge amount more um but in this film the North Pole

They pan in on their city um in the North Pole and they have this giant candy cane North Pole oh no um I don’t do coffee it makes me poorly I do lots of things make me poly so it doesn’t really help um it gives me really bad tummy

Ache um so I don’t drink it I’m just a strictly tea person so we need to keep this bottom layer that I’ve started to strip out that’s very helpful and um yeah I’m trying to think of what I’m trying to say which is not helpful I’ve got a feeling that should

Have been white here but we’ll leave it for a moment I think we need to climb back up there oh yeah we can climb back up because got ladder still I didn’t pull it all out um yeah and so they had this uh lovely candy cane in the top and then

They have the whole city in a giant Snowflake and so that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to try and build a giant snowflake that goes from the center here all the way out to The Ridges of mountains and then we’re going to turn it all into some kind of icy

Snowy City thingy not going to be inspired by the film any more than that I don’t believe um I’m not going to look at them for buildings or anything like that I don’t actually know what I want to do I feel like little little Elven Cottages should be

Appropriate um although they did have some really cool Bridges where you have little trampolines on either side and you use a trampoline to get across so maybe we should do something like that cuz that’s quite fun um I’m not sure um but yeah so that’s what we’re

Going to do we are building the North Pole in Minecraft cuz I think it’s important that we have the North Pole oh yeah um it’s very easy to play for five hours straight when you get carried away I have played I have done streams for 5 hours straight because I’ve got really carried

Away and I’ve really enjoyed what I’m doing and I have done those without the bathroom breaks and food um most of the time I do I’m a lot I am a bit better now because I’m while I’m so exhausted all the time so I don’t manage to do them too much so um

But yeah I love I love um playing but it’s a little bit different for me cuz I’m trying to sort of do this as a business really I just fell in a hole let me just oh hang on a minute how many things are you typing um

Yeah um it can you can uh watch streams and videos whilst you’re doing um whilst you’re working um it depends for me on how my brain is whether or not I do that I did before when I had the computer downstairs but since I’ve been upstairs I haven’t really done

That but to be honest I keep not being well enough so everything is is hard enough for me to focus on one thing let alone more than one and then we’ve we’ve done Sky Block and Sky Block kind of took over my life for a bit don’t you

Dare come over to me um I had a slight accident with one of the goats earlier on I forgot that they charge at you and um he charged at me and I may have accidentally hit him with my sword um and I didn’t mean to do that

Oh no you’re not called Harry are you I didn’t know that you were Harry is it your own little space little cubby space I’ve turned my bedroom into my own little cubby space there was no point in it being a bedroom cuz it was just too tiny you couldn’t even put a

Bed I mean you had a bed in it but it it didn’t do anything so we spent all that time doing this work this morning and I have ripped it out um so hopefully now it will work and we’ve got 1 2 3 4 5 here 1 2 3 four five

And then it should be 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 I know I didn’t catch a fish alive 1 2 3 4 yes okay so we’re going to try and put the candy cane back up um it

By candy cane it um it won’t have the loop on the top um in the film it has a star oh hold on let’s put all of these in and I think we might go with a star right so oh was that it oh I felt like there should have been

More okay so fingers crossed this is going to work and not mess up like I did it earlier atrociously and it should look better it it was really going to bug me so what we need to do is we need to shift it along one each

Time you found a visual glitch oh what was it I get loads of glitches in mine it’s great I love it it’s for me it’s part of the world to do with your Farms okay right let’s move over again this seems to be working a little bit easier doing it like this and

Then I don’t even know if I need to do like what I’m doing me on the next one I’ll try to um okay so we’ll just start there and then do that and then that fingers crossed oh thank you for the likes I you’re all very kind bit too kind really

Um so we’re trying to build this giant candy cane North poy thing in the middle of my um bit this is going to be a giant snowflake it’s a bit difficult to explain you’re sending the bugs you have to um you can send me I’m on Discord

King so you can always send me a picture some uh we have um people do that sometimes send me photographs ah what oh I can’t be out oh you did oh okay all right I’ll have to have a look can’t do it at the moment because I’m on the Stream

Right so we’ll just get some of this up and then we need to work on the snowflake coming out we’ll just try to get some more though no oh the first one I did wrong so it should um sort of loop all the way around did I yes I

Did right so what do we think about the idea of turning this into the North Pole then don’t forget once we reach 300 subscribers which is uh not too far away uh then we’ve got to build a new XP farm which as you know I don’t tell you

Anything until I’m about to do everything um it’s just that I have so many ideas and because I’m so slow um other people can if if somebody watched one of my videos um other people could literally do it in about 3 seconds in comparison to what I can do and then it

Won’t be my idea anymore um it would always be somebody else’s so I like to keep my ideas um a secret and if however we ever oh get to a point where I can have members I might do a um a thing where I produce some artwork

Behind what we’re doing I don’t know I haven’t decided yet um but then the artwork would be released to everybody after I’ve started that project because I don’t like the idea of just keeping it to myself but the same time I feel like um if people are able to be members then

They need to be rewarded for that so it’s a bit tricky but we’re a long way off from that yet we have to get to 500 I think before we can do that kind of Thing Fingers crossed I haven’t made a mistake cuz other I have to rip it all out doesn’t look like I have okay oh what’s your terraforming problem one of mine here is that I’m going to build this snowflake on a hill and then come out but I think I want it

To be on the hill so um that’s going to be an interesting one now what have I done is that right I feel like I’ve done something wrong no I have done it wrong hold on that should be snow how did I just go wrong now I don’t

Actually know how I went wrong there uh you’ve made it flat land and now you need the rest to be natural ah yeah that’s tricky uh I feel like I’ve done this wrong but I don’t think I have that one goes up there I I have got a complete brain block I

Think I’m doing it right but um at the same time I’m really confused by it no there’s something wrong that’s that’s not right this would end up being six what have I done let me just take this out something’s wrong and I don’t know what

It is oh okay the fact that I’ve just fallen off doesn’t help does it okay let’s just have a quick look so that looks right you can make the lower Land look flat hang on one second let me just check this then I’ll sleep and then I’ll look

Again why does that look like the trees on fire is that wrong there or is that just because it’s a corner no it’s just a corner is this the bottom layer I think this is the bottom layer I think I’ve done it right but I’ve just got this last piece wrong somehow hold

On what’s giving this a glow hi why did my um my screen just froze for a second right it you could make the lower Land look flat then have it so that your house and the stairs go down to a nice Wheat Farm oh that sounds like a nice idea

King I think I need some food yeah the shroom light there it is just just really confused me for a bit don’t know why oh oh by Strays nice to have seen you for like a millisecond uh didn’t give myself a door away did I no that would have been Useful okay okay okay right let’s just try this again I I just completely messed it up before and I don’t understand why okay what’s happening to the stream now got a bit of a loss of um stream again that’s better I did I was doing it all wrong I

Would I would have completely messed up I still messed up one 2 3 4 five six why is there six there should not be six there should be five something is seriously wrong here what is wrong that’s four that’s four one two three four five 1 2 three four three four

Five I’ve taken this one too far is that what I’ve done this should be a white and this should be red is that it yeah I think that’s it all right okay that was a bit difficult for my head to deal With okay I I I keep confusing myself I might have to stop doing this in a minute um I was finding it very easy and now suddenly it’s because I start with that one and then I should change color straight away I think that’s what I’m

Doing but I keep thinking I need to be working with that color that’s just very odd sorry for being a bit um silly so we put that one there then we change color that’s what we should do what no I’m out you did it oh brilliant is it what

You wanted that was really quick made the slope more downwards but does it look okay oh you can still you can go with what you’ve got can’t you let’s grab a little bit of snow uh there’s not a lot of these left let’s take this tree down then

It looks fine oh that’s good then glad you figured it Out going to make a Viller trading Hall are you oh that would be interesting I’m still having a few issues with mine I keep losing villagers and I don’t know how they they have no way of escaping uh but they keep disappearing and going getting caught in the um downstairs part and then

Dying so I’m not quite sure how that keeps happening I don’t think I’ll be able to do a long Stream So I am really exhausted um but I’ll give it a little go we’re still having issues with the uh stream Health apparently but shouldn’t be I don’t know why that’s what you get

For living in a tiny County that has rubbish signal on everything you know I’ve discovered that they’re hoping to by 2025 they’re moving everybody onto a digital signal and removing analog telephones I think is a very scary and um very irresponsible move for a time for the villagers out here in

Norfolk um half a lot of the times I don’t even get a mobile signal uh I can’t use my mobile phone most of the time because the signals are so so poor and they want to do it for everybody your kidnapped villagers or intrigued workers are all over the place

And have over Iron Golems yeah it’s a little bit of a problem in Java isn’t it with your Golems you just get them all the time oh hang on a minute here’s a little bit of bone trying to figure out where I put the bone meal dumped that somewhere come

On stream fix yourself again please oh probably in the treasure chests rather than these okay the candy cane pole is working Lo better much happier with that yeah whereas um you get golems that just spawn we get no Golems unless we get it absolutely 100% perfect so um I’m looking forward to

Beginning tomorrow’s Sky Block um I was kind of hoping to have a little bit more time but um apparently not and uh I don’t think I’m going to be able to challenge for a top spot I did manage to I don’t know if you heard me say I managed to finish

10th um which I think considering it was my first season ever on anything like this I’ve never even done anything before apart from a couple of rounds of bed War which is not the same um it was a completely unique challenge for me and um we missed four weeks of it as

Well uh due to the first three weeks not being on it and then the third week it was sorry the fourth week it was a disaster with the plugins and um so it will be great to start right from fresh and understand much better how the game

Works uh but like I said I have to team up with two children and I don’t think they’re going to play it very much uh 4:00 that’s 4:00 hour time I believe so I’m going to try and get um I want to try and get my Island to be

Better yeah you will be able to won’t you that will be good if you get home at 6 3 that’s a very precise number um but knowing how far um you have to go that wouldn’t surprise me if that’s that’s the distance like a Stones Throw we nearly looked for a house down

There well we did look at a house down there once um and then we discovered it was number 13 so we didn’t buy it I didn’t didn’t want to live in a number 13 house as we know I have this very annoying uh you talk a lot and walk

Slowly so yeah I mean realistically I should think it’s like 1 minute isn’t it 2 minutes past three yeah yeah I was thinking that when you said six but um yep so my challenge is going to be to try oh finally the stream sorted itself out again thank you stream don’t know

Why I keep having having these dips in the in the Internet it’s very annoying I do pay extra to have higher internet um but King will attest to how atrocious the internet is around here won’t you um and I P I pay the highest I can for what we can

Get this is not a lot and they want to put everybody on uh digital landlines it’s crazy 720p is back what does that mean oh is that the for the stream it should be 1080 I think not 78 not 720 I don’t know I can’t remember what I said it up as

There you go I did that for you yeah um it as far as I know I think I should have it set set up on 1080 I think I’m not sure yeah it um it’s all a bit confusing for my head at a minute I set it all up and then I forget

What I’ve done and then I hope it doesn’t go wrong because then I have to try to refresh my brain but there are no sort of help guides on how to use OBS um and if you follow all of the the wonderful so-called oh seriously you’ve left me with two gaps that’s

Annoying no come on open the wings thank you let’s put the rest of the ladder in oh fell off okay right let’s go and have a look at this we’re going to need more trees I don’t know how tall we need to build this by the way infinite emeralds well that’s just

Greedy oh that looks nice it’s the right bance yes you can see that middle layer is a little bit thinner yeah see I wouldn’t I wouldn’t do any duping I disagree with duping duping is cheating but that’s how I play the game not how you guys play the game that

Looks like it’s a leaning tower of pza that’s a visual effect hang on let me just fly back and see if we can see that if I get it just right look at the top it looks like it’s falling over do we think the Candy Cane’s going to look okay in the

Middle do we think it’s not going to be too big is it no not by the time we built the whole thing this snowflake bear in mind that’s what we’re going to just have a look at next this snowflake is going to go all the way to the to these

Mountains and then the village is going to be in it I’m a bit worried too thick it’ll be fine do you think it’s going to look nice it will do if I actually finish something that’s what will look nice when I finally finish stuff um I really

Didn’t want to start a new project yet and I didn’t so i’ I’ve got I’m kind of torn because oh why is everybody dying everyone’s on fire and there’s a spider um yeah you can go with your little Shiny Gold helmet on you didn’t have to you know make it so dramatic Though right so we’re going to use Slabs yeah oh I mean h we’ve got a block there we don’t want to waste that not these ones cuz they just take so long to get fall down there um yeah with I’m having to do I don’t have to do a new XP farm but I really want

To accidentally Al an f4 on YouTube what does that do some of these things shut everything down don’t they close the game right let’s um try to figure this out then so I’ve got a little map here of what I’m trying to do let me see if I can figure this out

Oh I need to move this sorry if I hit the microphone by the way my apologies oh it crashes it yeah oh yeah that’s not good um I’ll try not to do that right so that’s our our middle one 2 3 four five oh no that’s there so that’s

Fine right 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight so that one’s number eight okay so what I’ve got to try and do now is create a snow flake so this is fun you know that’s an easy thing to do you did an oopsie yeah oopsies are not too

Good I would I would just save them personally if that was me uh didn’t bring any other you got a Minecraft dolphin plushy that’s that sounds quite cool I don’t have one of those I saw yesterday when my friends they had a a giant bee in Lego that was

The cutest thing I have ever seen and I need one by eight one 2 3 4 five six seven eight so then this one should be here and this one should be here and we need to remove these can come back out oh yeah Lego a Lego B it’s like the best thing

Ever oh I know I wanted to buy B Plushies right let me just count how many I’ve done on here I think it might be five yeah I I forgot I wanted the bees oh well hopefully you’ll get one one two 3 four five 1 2 3 4 5 six 1 2 3 4 5 six seven can you guess what the

Next one’s going to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 78 and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n that’s what I thought I did but I couldn’t remember had to double check so um in case you’re wondering what I’m counting um and if I

Do end up getting to the 500 subscri iers I will show you I might do a picture and see if I can put it onto my Discord I hadn’t thought of that so when I’m working out things I use squared paper because squared paper is perfect

For Minecraft and um I then draw the idea of what I want and then I use the squares around those to decide how many of each I need and you can draw circles that way you can ovals all sorts of stuff it’s really really helpful and in

This case I’m I’ve scribbled out the idea of a snowflake and then um I’m now trying to work on that so this first one we want five blocks but we’ve already got one there so we’re just going to do these four so we’ve got one 2 3 four Five hi there was that one wasn’t there right so that’s that one all right so let’s do these and it’s really handy um when you’re not using uh when you’re not using creative is that you can count your blocks out in your hand if you need to have an exact

Amount and then you can place those down so it’ll be seven next there only a problem if you then break them and then try to put them back down again then you forget where you got to um and we need to go down the hill I’ve got to decide how to do it

Um do we go just straight down Yeah let’s try that wild pink sheep number 12 in Old World I’ve had about three I think maybe two I can’t remember one of them died I managed to keep them but then one of them died that was very sad had nothing to do with me right so they should all be

Even right so we’re using this prismarine block because it changes color now you got seven pink seven pink wall are you if you’ve got are you shearing these or did you annihilate it um I’m wondering if I should okay so this is one of the snowflake prongs okay to come out and

I’m wondering whether to fill it in or I’m thinking to put the village houses inside you’re sharing them okay yeah this one you’ve shared it yeah that’s you just just come out with it like that yeah you murdered it okay okay that doesn’t seem very nice

Does it I thought you were nice but apparently not um okay what else did I put on this picture because I I’ve gone off the edge and I can’t remember no this the wrong way what is that bit I think there to do with the church maybe I don’t

Know come on there’s a picture of a snow here somewhere there it is okay so then we wanted to come out into a triangle but we also need it to do this so we want to carry this pattern on this one we were kind of hoping would be the same as

That so I’m not sure so let’s do eight 1 2 3 four five 6 7even and eight it was eight wasn’t it I see now I’ve got to turn the page again yeah most boys seem to be I’m not I don’t like killing things but then I’m very boring so okay Um okay so now this bit’s going to be harder because the idea is to do that again but this one’s on a diagonal so now it’s whether or not I can do that I think I can so we have to count the same numbers again so we’ve got the first one is five

But we’ve got the first one in place so it’s just four no that’s five still four no that’s Rockets right one 2 three four and five and one two three four five cuz that was already over there and then it would be six okay right so then then what then where

Would it go would go there wouldn’t is what I’ve done be interesting to see if I can make this work I really don’t have any idea what I’m doing when I do these things and then I I have I have these these wonderful ideas of what I would like it

To be and then I have to try to see if I can make it work and quite a lot hi bunny hi hello oh I wasn’t going to do nothing to you I’m not I’m not King I wouldn’t hurt you I don’t I don’t kill the bunnies unless it’s in Sky Block cuz

Then they’re easy and it doesn’t look like you’re killing them it’s fine okay so this was six yeah so I just just make things up as I go along and hope that it works uh we got a piece of dirt here let’s shove that in

There so we just did six so we need seven are we only seven we are okay and then we’ve got the eight oh did we go to nine oh I think we went to nine I don’t actually know if I went that far on the other

One uh we should do that if we didn’t it’s going to be in interesting to see if this will work going down a Hill and then we need to do Nine I don’t think we went this far down the hill so we need to check That no go around the corner come along no up up up up up up we go uh we got to go there very easy to get disorientated that okay let’s see where we how far we went over with this other one cuz we were

Supposed to do it all the way to 9 and I’ve got feeling I didn’t that’s a deep hole that I think I should put some stuff over uh we need to count these right one two three four five six 7 eight no we didn’t do nine didn’t think we did there’s a

Nine and there’s another nine hi piggy so we want to come out of here and then over here oh no no no no sheepy you can’t die there oh no you’re all shivery no get out of the snow you s the Sheep is gone I tried to save him you saw that I

Tried to save it didn’t I um I think we need to remove this seems to be in the way there we go that would be really helpful having that in the middle of that uh right now where are we let’s just have a look upwards oh I think that might

Work well that goes really far compared to this one doesn’t it surprising because it’s on the angle I didn’t think it’ make that much of a difference though just wondering if I haven’t counted it properly actually I feel like this one hasn’t been counted properly let’s just check one two 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 three four five six 78 1 2 3 4 five 6 78 no yeah okay it is uh in that case we may need to shorten these ones in between because this one’s already down

There and that one ends really close I don’t know let’s see uh right so then this one I was trying to make this one a zigzaggy shape but maybe we just how can we make it a zigzaggy shape I don’t know uh no not like that so it would keep going this

Way would It so I’m trying to purposely go with a the way that the land is uh I don’t know if I’m going to regret that but I’m trying to improve my building skills and not go for the easy options I don’t I don’t really think I do particularly go for easy options but um It’s uh in case you’re wondering how I’m walking across the powdered snow I am wearing leather boots I upgraded some earlier on well I made some and then I upgraded them Okay right so let’s have a look at this now yeah that that didn’t actually let me see anything there yeah these come out really far but this one doesn’t so maybe we need to extend these lengths and maybe if we Ah that’s not helpful there’s no mud here is there

I’m wondering if we go back and get some mud and then turn it into a path I don’t think the snow can settle on a path I think that’s a lot okay bouncing goat it seemed like a lot uh let’s leave these behind then let’s

Go back and see if we can find ourselves a little bit of dirt put some of these in I think it would be nice uh to have something in here so that we can really see the shape of the Inside I don’t think I’ve got any dirt with me now I should have but I don’t believe I have uh we need some more Rockets so grab ourselves some more Rockets and let take ourselves a spare elytra just in case yeah we’re going to need a spare

Elytra we might stop off at the old um spider spawner and just fix our enra while we’re going we’re just got to get some dirt quickly so that we can give ourselves an idea of what it going to look like down there I do need it to look like a

Snowflake though so I’ve got to try and really work on that design there’s one of the Guardians that one I think is the end portal this one is this this ocean here is full of everything and I love it it’s this is a really important place to us

Um and we’ve got a lot of projects to do over here does that look like a mushroom are our wind turbines that we’re coming up on got a lot of wind turbines to still build we still got so much to build try and get back into building properly again and doing the streams

Better but oh it is looking nice now from this angle with the cliff I haven’t really flown in since we’ve been working on it and the church is coming on so much better so if you’ve not been here before this is my world we’re um I got a long way to go

Really really really long way to go um honestly I have years years worth of of plans um let’s go over here we should have dirt this side I think let see if we can get ourselves a couple of Sher boxes full I don’t want the grass there’s

One so if you’re wondering where all of this lot has come from tance lovely this was once land and now it’s not now it is a river because we carved it out of the we carved it out of the land and turned it into a river it’s not done

Completely but it will be and all of these lines and colors they’re all projects lots and lots and lots of projects so over here is our spider spawner XP farm uh which does not work very efficiently I have since learned on Sky Block how to make a more efficient

Spawner um farm so we will be upgrading it but this is not the upgrade that we’re going to do when we reach 300 Subs this will be something else I just want to fix my wings so we have three spawners in here uh for those that haven’t been before we have two over

There and uh one over here but they are cave spiders and they’re brutal and they’re mean and horrid and they don’t like me I don’t know why I don’t understand why they don’t like me they’re quite nice really the fact I bash them with my

Axe um I only gently tap them and then look see they poison me so I think they deserve to be bashed a little not my fault that they die um this is a very inefficient one I didn’t know how to make spawners properly um but it works it giv gives me some

XP so it will do for now um we will be doing this other XP farm and we will be coming back here for a much bigger project and this will be part of it so I’m not going to upgrade this because otherwise it would just seem like I’m always working on the same

Project which I don’t want to do so we will come back to this but when I’m ready uh I’ve got to try and figure out the order that a lot of these projects happening might as well just fix these tools up while we’re here unless it takes too long oh that one’s

Done it’s just that whole problem in Bedrock that we can’t fix our tools properly but I’m hoping to fix that problem in the next when we reach the 300 we stop whatever project we’re doing and we’re going to make a much better XP farm which I’m super excited

About and dreading at the same time I hope you’re going to like what I’ve come up with um so I might start what I might do I’m trying to think about how to do all of the projects and I think I’ve given them different color zones so what I might do

Is give the viewers an option on how to do stuff but we really need to have more people contributing to be able to do that um if we do polls and stuff like that so I’m not not sure yet how I want to do it but for for now we’ll I’ll just keep

Doing it as I am uh but we’ve got a long way to go yet so there’s a chance we could pick up a few more subscribers and contributors before fix these last bits just takes so long in here though ow you stop bashing me they’re so mean don’t like them at

All there we go TOS are all fixed right bye I’ll leave you to it uh can I sleep no oh I still haven’t done my map properly I meant to do that I forgot we could put it in the candy cane that would probably be a good

Idea we had to spend ages trying to find it last time cuz I didn’t do it properly right so we got a little arrow down here that little bit points me in the correct direction for when I forgotten my map it’s a bit easier now because I’ve got all of these grid lines

Everywhere um I’m still waiting for people to guess what this white line is um I know what it is obviously cuz it’s it’s mine it is its own little zone the white lines um but I don’t think it’s what you think it’s going to be that Cliff is coming on really nicely now

From a distance I really like it that tree is awful and I need to fix that and the church is obviously still atrocious but we’re getting there so we’re actually were right on the edge of this this one weren’t we so if we go this way a bit

I think I did fly mostly at an angle oh that’s boat I am starting to get very tired it’s only 9:00 I just want to see if we can just get a little bit more of this done before I give up and then tomorrow I’ll try and do a

Stream in the morning if I can get myself up and then I would like to try and do a stream in the evening if I can also at 4:00 when the Sky Block comes back on this is a bit of a random piece what’s that hold

On oh it’s a a little ruin okay we’ll just leave it there sorry just suddenly saw this little square blocky thing that’s a random bit of tree that’s just hanging there not doing anything we need to see some snow I haven’t um ah there’s some I haven’t given

Myself a proper map yet which I really should have done by now let’s fly over to where this piece of snow is kind of got this really lovely section there it is I see the candy cane it really does look like it’s got this massive chunk coming out of

It I am beginning to think it’s too big but hopefully it isn’t there’s another goat lovely just what I needed okay so where did we have it that’s a hole are we on the other side of it I think we Are here this bit isn’t it so what we want to do is to be able to see the bits that are supposed to be filled in oh no that’s good we don’t want them above the the um the edges want them below it’s not a problem having the collecting

One of the blocks as you know I collect everything so uh because then we need them that’s why we do it if we if we collect it then we’ve got it for when we need it uh okay no okay so now we turn all of this into path

Because um if I’m right the snow shouldn’t land on it because then it’s not a full block and then will be able to always see that this piece is this Center of this snowflake line okay so let’s just have a quick snooze so I haven’t planned any of this through yet

Um all I know is that once I’ve built the snowflake we going to have some kind of let’s just take those out probably some type of living quarters I want it to be a city um for the North Pole so we’ve got to try and make that look a bit

Believable I just don’t know how I’m going to do it yet so we can leave all these other bits on there that’s fine this isn’t in a snowy section uh no you need to be broken don’t need any of those that Those so then we will do the same with this one I need to decide if we shorten these or if we lengthen the others I’m not sure Yet right let’s put this in here soor I think I’m starting to struggle to um keep the conversation going at the same time uh this does happen to me quite a bit when I’m doing oh it’s my bit where I go out that’s why I’m getting Confused it has been a very long day so all we want to just cover this up where did you get the the layers of snow trying to remember I thought you could get the layers of snow I’m using a silk touch aren’t I um that’s a snow ball so no I can’t remember

H chicken chicken didn’t talk to me you know was very rude so don’t forget if um if you want to you can go on to the sky block server as well uh the penguin GG um I believe it’s open to everybody um and if you wanted to come and see my

World I’ll have it open to the public so that you can go on and have a look and um you can chat on there or whatever um I’m trying to do it so that you have a way of um seeing my world but obviously I can’t have you in this one

So bit more on here to do haven’t we so let’s do these I don’t know if I’ll do a third season of Sky Block because it does take a lot of time and effort but we’ll see um I might do depends on how much I enjoy doing it I have enjoyed the last

Season um I did start to get a bit frustrated towards the end I I was kind of glad that the season reset actually um but I’m hoping that I’ll enjoy this season more really depends on whether my children actually do play or if I’m left in a world that’s going to

Be almost impossible for me to achieve anything at all I would like to try and go for good wealth so you get the top five get prizes and are on their little um Bard thingies bards you know stands things I don’t know brain sleeping sorry can’t get the words out

Um podiums there that’s the word podiums um so it will depend I don’t think we’ll be able to if I was going for solo again I think I would get much higher than what I did this time I did manage oh yep that’s similar to making a path to rip everything out um

I managed to finish 10th and the top 11 are on the board uh on a on their own sort of separate board thingy so I was very chuffed with that considering I didn’t manage to do most of the Season uh I missed a good month really to begin with and then I was

Quite poorly with all these migraines and tiredness so I missed quite a lot where I could have done stuff and obviously I had to learn how to play the game too so that was a real problem as well I think I might fill this in with snow

Let’s just take these out and replace it with snow because this is bit distracting from the other areas that I had we do have a lot of snow okay so this is our sort of our first piece so let’s go and have a look now let’s turn that off and we can see

Better yeah that is so much difference in in length math wizard gamer hello how are you Sky Block is back tomorrow 4:00 so we’re going to be doing that we need I think we’re going to have to elongate this these are going to have to be longer much

Quicker or we just put in a new row I maybe we just put in a new row we just keep going down I don’t know I don’t know everybody how am I supposed to know what I’m doing so the idea is we need this to go out so this was the first

Bit and then we want it to then come back in but I don’t think it’s wide enough but actually if I don’t do it soon uh then it’s not actually going to do anything so maybe we should start bringing it in and and then taking it back out I don’t

Know let me sleep I could do with real sleep a thanks for the likes you L lovely Today oh we need to remove that cuz someone’s put a monstrosity wall in the way um right let me I need to draw a line down the middle how do I draw a line down the middle let’s use some more slabs wherever I put them maybe I didn’t get any more

Out get rid of those don’t want that get rid of that yeah that could have gone on there fill that up make some more slabs and then let’s find the center and then go all the way through the middle from here why you leave your bed in the way for

Goose that’s okay we don’t mind and what did I leave all of this not in the way for let’s take all this out cuz this is annoying it did help it fixed the problem uh we built a new um pillar in the middle because it was atrociously

Bad I mean it was so bad I have to call it two words that mean the same thing it wasn’t just bad but it was atrociously bad I don’t know how much I’m more I’m going to manage I am to struggle and I quite often just drop really quickly

Sometimes I can keep it going so I will just try I am enjoying myself I always enjoy myself when I’m doing my streams and when I’m playing um just that my head doesn’t like it sometimes most of the time all these I keep thinking there’s dead

Things near me that are burning up but they’re just flowers so not nothing to worry about Okay that’s better let’s leave those now was the center Here so we need to turn this into a snowflake somehow now I have drawn plans but I don’t know if it’s going to work or not thing is it needs to also be wide enough so that we can build in it but I mean that that should be big

Enough to build small houses shouldn’t it I mean it goes from here to there this one this is just a center we can remove that so I mean it could be quite a big house in each One but I’m really concerned about the length of this with these ones in the diagonal right let’s see if we can kind of walk around in what would be a kind of a circle go around like that across there and about here okay that could just be a complete hash up but I’m

Thinking that it should finish here and it only finishes here so let’s just carry on doing what we were doing and just expand it each time I suppose I don’t know no that should be here I don’t know let’s try this see if it works not L I can do

About it if it doesn’t it’s very difficult because we’re trying to do it down a hill down the hill and then we’ve got verticals as well okay right so these are the 11s maybe we just need to go up to 11 on this side that finished perfectly right on that

Line that I imagined was there so now let’s um let’s take this bit out we need that bit there for a minute because it will keep going so we don’t need to take it all out let’s have a quick look see what that looks like from up here now

Oh yeah we didn’t finish the um the path part in It I think this bit now goes just a fraction further but it’s not a major disaster is it maybe I don’t know might be it will be nice to have a reason to use this um prismarine I never really think about what to use this block

For um but it’s nice that it’s all magical and I think that’s what will be really good for it is that it’s a magical block that changes color so this is to help us to Define this area so while we’re looking at it in the sky we know exactly which

Sections that we’re looking at because once you’ve got all of these different lines coming out it becomes very syy and confusing hello okay yeah yeah yeah it’s fine I’ve been talking to him say hi he’s been on my stream see he comes on my stream not like my own child Cheeky

Monkey That’s My Boy the moer he’s so lovely when he’s in a lovely mood that is as I’m sure all children can be like when he was good he was very very good but when he was bad he was horrid that kind of thing yeah yeah this is really not helping I’m

Flying around too fast maybe if I fly up onto a tree over here maybe that would Help uh Okay right so looking at That I don’t think it comes out quick enough into a triangle Joel Hi how are you we are trying to build a giant snowflake this is going to be this whole area all of this that you can see right through to all of the mountains is going going to be the North

Pole this is going to be the candy cane well it’s not it’s not a candy cane so it’s not going to have the the arch bit over the top it’s going to have a star on the top or something or a giant light or a globe or or something I don’t know

I haven’t decided yet um and I’m trying to plan a giant snowflake I have a plan that looks good but that’s not what I’m managing to build at the moment so let’s just go and snooze because actually we haven’t got as much room as what my plan would allow me to

Have because there’s mountains in the way and someone thought it’d be nice to build it in the middle of a bunch of mountains instead of a giant flat area so not sure uh so I’m debating whether this should come out much quicker and um it should go more angular like that sort of

Here um I don’t know maybe I should have just done it with the fives one two three four five maybe I should have just done it with fives let’s give that a try one this should be six let’s take that one off let take that off for a

Minute maybe if I just put it in as no that’s going to come out there maybe if I just put it all in this FIV instead and come out straight away like that instead of doing it the other way oh that’s going to come out it will me up very

Quickly if I leave the other side as it is I can see where I coming hold on one two three four five it’s still not very not very outwards so of just keeping up with it at the minute let’s take all of this out we need to move our tree space this has

Been annoying me ever since I’ve been trying to do this should be making quite a big difference I would have thought but it isn’t 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 might do in a minute let’s give it a try um let’s

Uh I mean it is going out a bit further it takes us what four blocks wider what does that look like let’s just try and see octopus King hi everyone’s been coming on today how is everybody we’re trying to build this thingy and it’s going a bit

Wrong you know just for a check change because everything likes to go wrong for me it’s only cuz I’m rubbish at what I’m trying to do what I should do is spend more time planning what I do but I don’t like doing that so I muddle it through and we get there

Eventually I’ve already had to undo the candy cane and then put it back up let’s just take these out and then put the path in then we can see what we’re trying to Build how you getting on where did my bits go stole them all the um the new season starts again tomorrow for Sky Block already so looks like I’m in a team this time instead of solo which is going to be a disaster but we’re going to try it could

Be great but um I do know how my children work and they have these wonderful ideas and Ambitions and then after a few minutes it doesn’t work anymore so I’m expecting to be a team Island working solo so we’ll see what happens I could be pleasantly surprised

Though so we’ll we’re going to give it a try okay let’s try this again I can’t tell if everyone’s on here or not I know that you have been here for a second or two but then the stream says that you’re not here anymore so I’m not sure what happens

Um yeah I think that’s a better shape I think um it might help if it’s not broken though so let me unbreak the lines so that we can see it connect a bit better like that oh I’ve lost all of these come back Rockets you’re here oh that’s good

The quite often tells me that there’s nobody on the stream when there actually is so it’s a bit confusing yeah that is a little bit wider I think that is more of the angle that we need than this one so let’s pull these out and recreate what we’ve just

Done so let take these all out from here I needed it to be wider than what I had planned I couldn’t figure it out on the squar paper because um it’s not quite wide enough and then when you’re trying to figure it out in relation to what

You’ve got around you where we’ got all of these mountains I needed to know that it was going to be in perspective so it was a little bit of an issue I think this a bit will be good so uh we had extra blocks here didn’t we like

That to make it easier to see hopefully so that one goes there and then we can ignore that one and then we go into five so everything is just five coming out and we’ll put the others back in at the end so this is just a December project

And it will only be a December project unless I really feel like we have to keep working on it um it’s going to be a bit of a wrench coming off it I should have started it before but um I started doing Sky Block instead so was a little bit tricky oh can’t

Count uh so I wanted to get the Sky Block done and then the season suddenly ended which allowed me to then start working on this instead uh but then they opened up the season again tomorrow already so I kind of thought I had a week without um

The new SE without the season but it’s fine we’ll muddle on through like normal uh got to feeling we might need to go down a little bit more looking at that go out one more and then we need to add in the joiners there ah can’t do it no climb up climb

Up Trixie Hobbits what have the hobbits done I want to watch that again I do like Lord of the Rings that’s wrong oh no I just put all of those in the wrong place seriously every single one of those is wrong why did I do that there

Are definitely Hobbits at play here I would never have placed all of those blocks wrong has to have been Hobbits then that depends on are they Hobbits or are they green and Mumbo as Hobbits if anybody saw season seven of hermitcraft so maybe it was just

Them not that they would be in my game I don’t think they would even ever hear of someone like me I think we need to sleep no it’s raining how can it rain it’s not allowed to rain oh that means we get snow though a okay I don’t mind the

Snow okay let’s try this again I just did all of that and I did it all wrong everything I do I’ve done wrong so far does anybody think that the giant candy cane in the middle is going to be too fat I’m I’m debating if it’s too wide I’m not

Sure okay right now there’s two there’s two this this one is not counted and we start it here yeah that’s nice um are you interested in playing the Sky Block I can’t remember octopus I forget everything as know as we know uh this the server is back tomorrow at 4:00 uh my

Time bigger is better okay then I will um I think it’s okay I think once we’ve start to put in the houses and everything around I think it will probably um blend in a bit better it’s just that it’s just this great big monstrosity on its own at the

Moment no it’s tomorrow on the 18th at 4:00 it was earlier on are you um are you going to play again and are you doing solo or if you do or are you going to join a team or what are you going to do have you got any

Ideas still waiting to find out if race Pierce is going to join again he said he’s not but he’s got two he can’t can’t play all of those seasons and finish top and then not do it um I appear to be is the 18th today no it’s the 17th

Today hang on what country do you live in and what time is it it’s it is half past 9 in the evening here in the UK it gets very confusing I forget who where everybody is from um and it makes a difference that’s quite funny I don’t confuse my head like that

Cuz it gets very confused very easily but are you going to join again that’s the question and are you going to um do your own or you going to join a team or what you going to do I apparently am a team with my children it’s going to be a

Disaster I don’t know how I’m going to make the top 11 oh dear I’m so sorry that would just brugg me hang on 10:30 what a.m. p.m. I can’t remember which way around you are you should be sorry you’re in front of me aren’t you at 10:30 at

Night and you’re confusing me because you’re in you’ve got a different name that’s why I had to check which country you were from I thought you were the New Zealand guy but I can’t remember I couldn’t remember um that came out wrong sorry my head’s not working I’m very

Tired I come out with all the wrong things when I’m tired I’ve been to a pantomim today got to watch Jack and the bean stalk it was really good uh that’s a center one that can stay there it’s a.m. that’s why you see you’re on tomorrow but it then it yeah so hang

On what time will yours release yours must release at a different time so hold on so if it’s 10:30 you’re in the US yay let’s confuse me even more and you have like 60 time zones in the US you’ve got eastern time Central Time probably Northern

Time not that we have two two time zones for GMT or BST depending on what time of year it is you know we don’t do anything confusing like that either but that’s besides the point it’s only half of the year um this is really funny so come on what

Time do we know do you know what time everything is let’s try to think this through right so for me as far as I’m aware it is tomorrow at 400 p.m. and it is at 9:35 now let’s just say it’s half 9 I’m going to have to use pen and paper

And a calculator because I can’t do this say you can see by the dawn’s early light so proudly we held at the Twilight s gleaming us oh that’s nice um right so if it’s 9:30 p.m. 5 on the 19th 5 is that a.m. or p.m. I’m thinking that’s going to be an

A. for you hold on right so 9:30 p.m. for me now so we’ve got um 2 and 1 half more hours now till midnight then we’ve got 12 13 14 15 16 hours so we’re it’s in 18 and 1/2 hours for me so if it’s 10:30 a.m. for you

Now so then you’ve got half that make it 11 one would make it 12 plus the 12 hours yeah so yours would be at 500 a.m. yours is at 5 a.m. tomorrow and mine would be at 400 p.m. tomorrow and that would be the same amount of

Hours so 16 hours oh sorry 18 and a half hours approximately I think 16 hours what have I done something like that I think that’s about right that’s that’s it for my maths I used to be quite good at stuff but you know then I keep having this

Exhaustion thing hitting me and I do everything wrong instead um anyway who’s playing that’s that’s what I want to know who’s going to see me on the sky block server and my children if they come in and don’t abandon me I think I’m going to be paying people to do lots of jobs

Um that’s gone down there so we need to take this down a bit more uh what about octopus what time does it say for you does it say everyone’s abandoned me again haven’t you we just run away and left me right there’s that one have I joined

Them all this time oh I joined that one already and then I messed this one up let’s bring this back through the middle and then I want to join all of these like that I am very good at over complicating that is my job I over complicate

Absolutely everything that is all I have ever done and all I’m likely to ever do I do that’s but that’s me that’s what I’ve always done why do something simple when you can do it the long way round okay Right I don’t want to be just like everybody else what would the point of that be that’s a better shape okay right so now I can bring it back back in it wasn’t wide enough it was a really big problem for me you’re here but the keyboard is

Off why is the keyboard off that’s not helpful don’t do what the moo did and um Dro juice in his keyboard that’s that’s not recommended um right so now we need to get it back and I’ve got to Decide do I now I’ve left these as points on here these are only fives let’s just 2 3 4 why did there have to be a tree right here right where I wanted to put a block hey it’s just Jolly rude if you ask me five b off I mean doing with Shenanigans

Oh Shenanigans that’s never good where’s the middle do you think I’m actually going to be able to realistically make a giant snowflake going down a hill in the middle of mountains do you think I can do it I do have faith in myself honest you should see SE me driving

Today I’ve not driven for ages I hate driving I drive because I have to because we live in the middle of nowhere and if you don’t drive you don’t get anywhere um and I was taking the children to beckles which is about 40 mil away from us no go away I’m busy

Trying to snooze thank you and um yeah I had to drive the car and it was okay it was fine but oh I see yeah you you do your little dance in the snow I’m just going to leave you there you’re shivering poor little thingy with your scary Sword I would help you but uhoh no no no go away why did you not die I missed you that’s not good oh you’re oh okay I was going to put you out in misery but you know you died before I could do that oh well anyway that’s it they’re

Gone okay so I was bringing this back in we don’t actually want to bring it all the way back to the middle do we why did I say I was bringing it all the way back to the middle because I was doing it wrong again that is

Why oh not necessarily this is exactly probably where I wanted it maybe maybe not stop littering everywhere so this one needs to come up here across here a debris across here down there across absy Daisy and then there one two three four and five two three four five one two three four five

Okay so that should meet up with that one right how narrow is that so we’re trying to make these into little triangular points I think we’re going to have to take this snowflake a lot further it’s not very wide is it any chance I can land on that is way

I can land on that is no of course not oh you need to be narrower than that otherwise you’re not really going to see that I’ve even done it is that the middle did I land in the middle I landed in the middle that’s no

Help let’s bring it in another one one 2 three four five one 2 three four five okay these two should help it this is really not looking like my plan my plan does not look like this one two three four and five there and then we would go back out again

420 what what are you talking about 420 you’re just trying to confuse me with numbers or are you going 420 1 2 3 4 5 a thanks I’m awesome because I’m quite stupid very silly but what’s the point of being I have to be silly life has

Been a bit too difficult to not be silly 1 2 3 four five oh three four Five have I taken it over here I don’t know if I did or not uh that doesn’t look like that matches did that match or did I just deviate slightly I think I deviated oh no that matches that’s fine don’t have rotten things flying flying around definitely don’t have rotten

Things flying around it’s a baby cow walking down the middle of my stuff let’s see what that looks like oh no that doesn’t look like it should look I really need to get some slow falling I don’t know it does go out and then come in can you tell that that goes

Out and then comes back in supposed to be like sort of triangles oh yeah that does oh I think I can tolerate that okay ow can’t tolerate that that hurt that was a bit mean punch my face into the ground working with an undulating ground is very difficult do any normal people tackle

Giant snowflakes in the middle of an Hill so we’re working on this first one so that we can then figure out where to um once we’ve done one then we can redo the same um I’m thinking if we do the old Spade trick then we can find out where this line

Is by the spay trick I just simply mean by turning it into path I couldn’t think of the words as per normal all the way down here do any of you celebrate Christmas and if you do are you excited and if you don’t do you do something else

Instead I like being told I’m Awesome by the way that was nice yeah so they just got to go out one more no no no no I run out of blocks what do you chicken what are you Don’t pretend like nothing was going on you were spinning around in a circle looking silly oh so you didn’t even want to get up there then no chickens oh what’s down here me thinks that’s going to give me bad things happen oh dear my brain’s definitely not working that’s a sign

That my brain is not working when I come out with words that are completely backwards I don’t even know what I said that was very backwards I do know that we need some more blocks please more blocks um and we need to turn more of this

Into pathway so that we can see what we’re doing oh we don’t need that that all that all those flowers smell and they might make me sneeze so they’re no good what was that oh it’s another snow fox okay that one looked a bit scary and

Menacing I don’t want the grass get out grass I don’t really need that snow now either I don’t think okay let’s carry on trying to plot this section oh you’re not good get out out thank you and then we might be able to see what’s funny funny that is funny I like

It oh no I missed that CH trick didn’t I he really did look like he was crossing the road that was funny thank you for making me Giggle oh they really are they really are it’s a bit weird in our house though because um at the minute both of the children are home educated so actually we don’t um work with the normal time zones that everybody else does really um and every day is just another day

Weekends are the same weekday are the same holiday days are the same um but it has been really nice because this year we’ve been trying to do get more into the Christmas spirit the children are coping better especially my daughter who used to find everything a struggle to just leave the

House she really wants to try and enjoy things a bit more so today we went to a pantomime um a couple of weeks or last week we went to to chroma and um no Friday we went to chroma and then we went to Norwich the week before that and

We went um yeah we’re trying to do a lot of the holiday traditions we’ve not really been able to do things like that since their dad died because they couldn’t cope um and it was too difficult to do on my own so my daughter’s PA comes with us and it just

Makes it so much easier and so much more enjoyable for all of us really but hopefully in by September they might both be sorted and in better education um it’s just been a really long process trying to get through the system the system here is um very poor

Unfortunately as I think it is in most places to be fair there’s not a lot of uh not enough understanding of children with um special education needs but the world does seem to be trying to work on it so ah we were missing one one two 3 four

Oh no that chicken’s crossing my road again it’s not even a road but that was hilariously funny um I feel like I’m going to die out here hello bye thanks for popping along it’s really nice of you to meet me but I wasn’t ready for you to visit

Me now I’ve just got to figure out uh oh bye baby zombie villager come back here you thank you don’t leave all your mess everywhere it’s rude I don’t want creepers lying around go away creepy yes I used to be quite a good shot and then I

Um I um don’t seem to be able to do it very much now all the rest of the world had education than the US hang on one second let me just wead that always the rest of the world had education figured out better than the US

Do you think so um I don’t know I think um I think it’s a lacking of understanding everywhere around the world for um people with scnd difficulties uh whatever they may be um but also um I will have to say that there are many issues surrounding education in general

For a lot of people there are something like I think it’s something like 10 million girls that are not even allowed to be educated around the world and I don’t want to get into politics or what people’s views are and that kind of thing um because I don’t like to do that

On this channel but uh there’s a lot of things that need to be improved upon just in general around the world everywhere we going to take this it’s always about the dollars yeah I mean it is it’s it’s is here I mean it’s taken me uh my boy has been out of Education

Now for nearly 3 years because school let him down very badly unfortunately um they as with my daughter they didn’t want to believe that there was something else going on I will find out on Tuesday hopefully if we do have um a diagnosis of some description um but people would rather

Believe that there’s nothing going going on than even consider that there is something and um it let the system has let my children down very badly but it’s not just that it’s with mental health as well mental health is um seen as not important but it is really important you

Know my my children their their dad died when they were three and seven and for my daughter she also had to put up with the fact that her nanny had died as well just two years before that on top of the fact that she has autism with pathological demand avoidance which is

Really difficult to deal with um and there’s absolutely no support for her and there never has been you know because she has autism they think that she doesn’t need any mental health support and I was like how is that a thing how do you think that child doesn’t need any

Support because they have autism you they they’ve got this fake understanding that children or that people with Autism don’t have any feelings and that’s not true my daughter has um she doesn’t display them very often but she’s definitely got feelings right we’re trying to find this

Other point for these other um when we come back in so I’ll just take that down there sorry I’ll changed I um I’ll try to change the subject up again who’s who’s going to play Sky Block who wants me to play Sky Block again did anyone did we enjoy me doing

It it’s hard to know uh because we don’t have a huge amount of followers at the moment um it’s hard to know what’s the right thing and what isn’t but I try to do the right thing I think it was nice to mix it up for a while

I mean we’re going to do the season so one two three four five but I think we’ll start off as the way that we finished last time we will do one stream on a Wednesday uh except tomorrow because it’s the first one obviously that wouldn’t be very good so it comes in from

Here oh I hope this is going to look okay I can’t even count 1 2 3 4 5 that’s why I normally count them oh seriously did that all wrong how have I done that wrong what did I do there where did I start I don’t know what I

Did ah I went out one more before I came in that’s why it didn’t work okay maybe next time double check before you just do it okay right let’s try that again now we go in wait not there here okay right so now let’s um what I know I love Christmas are you

Excited about Christmas do you do Christmas are you um how does it work for you guys is it wrong from there already no do you you do Thanksgiving we don’t do Thanksgiving here I’m not sure what thanks what is Thanksgiving for um obviously you’re forgiving thanks but is it

Um is it because of a particular reason that you celebrate it I don’t actually know the answer I’ve never thought about it 1 two three four five I’ve obviously miscounted somewhere oh seriously I did the Spade the wrong way around again oopsie let’s try that the right way around shall we

That’s an ax bananas I do like bananas I um we have a bit of an issue with that here uh my daughter is terrified of it so we don’t ever watch it no data what we have no data something’s just happened oh seriously I’ve gone from no data to the stream is

Healthy I just something just happened to my internet and then this is this is this is a bit grumpy because they want to change our telephone so that we rely on the internet and I pay for extra internet here and I’ve just gone from having an excellent connection to no

Data back to an excellent connection how is that a thing one two three right so this is correct isn’t it that goes there and that’s a new one there yes no that’s wrong isn’t it was this one right come on this one eat at least one banana per day good

Tip I used to love bananas all right where did I do it wrong I’ve done it wrong somewhere let’s go back up here one of these must only have four why do I always make mess ups that’s all wrong where is it wrong can you see where I’ve done it wrong

Right so this is the end of here Okay this is the end of this one so this one is correct right 1 2 3 4 5 five 1 2 3 4 5 let’s go across these two okay so that’s the end of that one 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 five what’s the Y

For you this is me that we’re talking about that means yes yes or it means why five and if it means why what what are you asking me why and if it means yes um I think it’s cuz what we were talking about 1 2 3 4 five seriously something is wrong here

All okay so far one 2 3 four five I swear one day I’m never going to do any mistakes two it’s here one two three four here it is no that’s five it’s not here I’m running out of spaces for it to be

Wrong is it this side 1 2 3 4 it’s this side it’s right down here seriously sure right oh I don’t know one two three four and five seriously I only did it wrong there I’m sure I checked and it was wrong really far back oh well let’s pretend it’s there

I’m sure that’s right I like this song oh come on now you’re just doing this to be annoying aren’t you to confuse me you not like confusing me you know CU I get so confused so it I’ve stop diing holes I just want to put a ho path down these

Guys are picking on me and you guys just shovels picking on me look Mr creeper I’m not being bullied by you either hiding in the long grass pretending that you’re not there I was watching you oh okay hold on I’ll have to read that in a second because it’s getting dark

And I don’t want to die but thank you for answering my question oh no no and no definitely not Sho go away I just do again no no I said no go away don’t do bad guys bad guys are rude it’s a learning experience hold on I’m going to have a

Look at that in a Second I had a zombie behind me but I didn’t glad I didn’t but I thought I did all right I’ll just dig up the whole lot again then who else likes this song oh who likes the songs in general that I put on I think they’re all right I like

Them no one’s ever complain so I’m assuming you like them uh should we going snooze there’s a few too many bad guys coming around no go away I don’t want to play with zombies uh Thanksgiving turkey is supposed to be about giving between Colonial pilgrims and natives in peaceful meal together the LIE

Colonization genocide the truth yeah it’s all very sad isn’t it all of this um what we’ve done to the world again I try not to talk about all of the politicky side but it is very interesting and um too many people have been treated very

Badly uh food I was going to trying and eat something because apparently my health is poor again I don’t need those either right let’s try and make this all a path so the idea of making this a path is that we can see easier what we have

Done oh uh these are pieces that we added on aren’t they when I realized I’ve done it all wrong second is the year with Santa Claus the year with Santa Claus I have not seen that I love Tim Allen Santa Claus apparently there they’ve done a um

A a series which I haven’t seen yet I didn’t know they’d done a new series uh to go with the films get out of there why are these in here now oh this is where I was doing it all wrong I think where I changed it all why is there a lonely creeper

Walking over there I think we’re going to have to remove him I don’t like creepers uh wandering around I never hear them they always get me oh you love the music oh what my music or the music in the in the song in your

Film I don’t know um if I was on my own I would consider it I’ll have to see how it goes I’m going to say no for now because my children want to do this with me and they don’t often want to do anything so um I would love

To um maybe try to get um a system going where you could help however we have to work out what the payment is for things and make sure that we do those properly not to get into a cuddle like we did last time because I do get confused very easily

And then when I’ve got a massive migraine like I had that lasted me for like four or five days it it then causes me a lot of stress and I just need to know proper answers um I just get very I can get very confused um but certainly

Um working in a way that helps each other but so that we’re in with the rules would be useful so for example fting me blaze powder that I hate getting that would be great but I have to pay you in the right way um and then

We have to agree that that’s the payment plan that would work um but it depends on what you’re then oh I’ve just made those into parts and they shouldn’t be um I don’t really know it’s all very tricky because uh the children want to do this with me so I’ve

Said oh the Year Without Santa Claus 1974 I’m going to have to have a look at that oh The Year Without a Santa Claus okay oh did you know that Scotland were banned from Christmas for something like 250 years England were banned from Christmas for

About 25 years I think it was and but Scotland they kind of forgot to change the law so uh they only realized in about the 1960s that that Christmas wasn’t didn’t have to be banned anymore so they went until about the 1960s um for 250 years without uh with by by Christmas being

Banned is quite funny but not funny got to love British rules at times we have some funny things this better look good when it’s done not that I doubt myself and think that it’s going to be rubbish I have this love lovely idea in my head and then I’m

Like can I make this work I’ve only got a few weeks to actually achieve something here and then they’ve gone and opened up the Sky Block world again really quick so that’s not helpful um there supposed to be some really good stuff going on have you heard the thing about the end ships

There going to be something to do with end ships which you can access as well um yeah I’m sure we can come up with something Joel but it’s we just got to make sure that we do it properly so that it it’s it’s working for everybody and

And that we keep within the rules because the Sky Block rules are quite specific and I had what what I wanted to do was be solo and then have um another world with my children but I’m not allowed to even if I use a completely different account because I have got

Another another account and I was going to use a Java one and a Bedrock one to do it but I’m not allowed to so that’s annoying uh cuz I I know what’s going to happen or I suspect what’s going to happen and down here it looks awful but

I if I fly up it should show the pattern thanks for staying with me it’s really appreciated ah there we go look can you see did you see that cuz was I too fast so it should go in and out okay and then we want it to go back

Out again the only trouble is that um it’s in my design I actually had it going in and out a lot more than what it is but it in real realistically we need it to be a we need to be able to build on it so if I do it

Too narrow there won’t actually be anything to build on so that’s a problem right how many blocks do we need to be away from the center I think that’s going to be the easiest way so I actually had one two three I had four points I think I’ve already got got only

Got two already so we need to just come back up here for a minute uh this is our narrowest we’ve got one two three blocks with these on either side so let’s go and see if we can get to those we’re there 1 2 three we are there

Already okay didn’t realize that 1 2 3 4 5 so we can go back out again one two three four five one two three four five oh this be coal uh with a witch and a creeper in nice just what I needed oh I shot the witch oh and a spider let’s um

Uhoh oh you got me I was going to say you missed me but you didn’t oh I wanted to do the shovel actually but if I get XP I do try to help myself by fixing up some of my tools as I’m going along we just pop a few lights

Down here because otherwise that’s going to continually happen to us uh by the way that Village is going to be in the way do you think the villagers will min how far out do I need to go was that five 1 2 3 4 5 yeah no no one two three four and

Five let me grab some normal dirt just give myself a bit of a bridge so we need to find out where this one comes out Okay so we’ve got to go across here try and stay on the same Line you’re going go you’re annoying Oh hang on I can see that you’ve written something let me just dump that there for a minute one 2 3 four and five and then one 2 three four and five okay take that one back out oh going to sneeze you’re going to bounce off okie dokie um

Is that what the octopus octopi do they bounce I don’t know if they should bounce to be honest um no it’s been great thanks for popping along um I’ve really loved it 1 23 um so expect to stream tomorrow hopefully around about 4:00 UK time um

That’s UK time in the afternoon 1 2 3 4 five um hopefully but I can’t promise that’s the only thing cannot promise because um that’s the life that we live here um but I’m hoping that the children will be on board and we might be able to go

Straight into a live stream when it opens if there are no problems with crashes or anything like that um and as always I will try to do uh my gooseville in the morning uh but thanks for popping along it’s been great and I see you

Later I just need to go I really should have just flown here it would have been much quicker oh it’s snowing I need snow we need snow loads more junk let’s dump those we just fly down there I think it’s going to be much quicker right it’s um oh it’s a

Chicken I honestly thought that was going to be a creeper just a just a chicken everything’s fine fine it’s just a chicken hello M you okay yeah okay and he said that he would like to okay right so that’s what you’ve decided that’s fine he told me

That that he was what look better go back uhhuh can I do no why do you want to touch no you’re touching no no no no no he’s touching my game that yeah I might do that in a minute it’s cuz I yeah yeah thank you oh what you even undid

It now don’t you dear fly no no you land properly right now no no I just want to see m I just want to see what you no don’t you dare no no please don’t no he’s taking over no oh how did you not kill me [Laughter]

M I took you out today we got to watch a show with C he’s taking over my game people no no no did you land get out of my stuff no trying to get the controls back please don’t okay it’s mine I’m not going to let you play

Tomorrow no you’ve run out of rockets now okay no stop trying to kill me no no no no no no no move no shoot no leave me alone no wait that was it we were nearly gone it would have funny no it would not you would have sent me back to the

End or something just besides the point actually you can use a respawn anchor can’t you I think you can I’m hungry oh hi hungry you know you love it wait where’s my where’s my I don’t know okay bye all right so my child has just taken this is

Why I don’t like playing with him he’s just taken over my world tried to kill me on purpose you know he does have a point it might be nicer if I fill them all in all the way we’ll have a look in a minute

Where did we get to we were trying to do this did I get to where I needed to go so we were following this up here weren’t we and then that goes up here and then it was one two 3 4 five okay right I can’t believe he just did that he’s

Mean he hasn’t he’s um he’s getting a lot better at not doing things like that but every now and then he is just hilariously funny oh little bit of a cliff there okay all right this is the middle oh okay all right so this is me coming back out have we got

Five right can I get up there hey right so in that case I think that’s I don’t really think we can go much further than that because we’ve got all of these mountains and we’re going to have to take this snowflake all the way up the mountain on each

Side I would quite like to be able to land up there actually if I could okay so let’s um yeah let’s end it here then and so what we’re going to do one two three four five so this time there only four isn’t it one two three four yeah no

Find some torches for this Oh I thought this was a lush cave it’s not is it it’s just that there’s grass inside that’s quite nice bit boring but it’s all right um dirt the wings are doing that wingy thing again which is annoying 1 2 three four oh one two three

Four oh yeah I ran out of space didn’t I 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 two three four and five I think might need to go in one more there some more holes we’ll put some more torches down there because bad guys like to come out of these

Holes so I got to try and make some ideas for infrastructure and houses and try to figure stuff out and I have no idea what I want to do uh get out there’s too many of those although this one is just for being straight this is the center

Line make it sound like I’m on the London Underground on the center line I’ve got this awful feeling he’s coming back maybe not he might be safe and then one two three four and five okay right that’s that sorry running out of things to say again for some bizarre reason one two three

Four and five right in a minute we should have one one prong of the snowflake done oh thank goodness I didn’t think that was going to meet properly then I was going to be very upset so what I’ve got to decide is do I want the infrastructure to be on the snowflake

Itself or on the outsides of the snowflake design I hadn’t really thought about that until just that second I think it kind of entered my head briefly earlier I didn’t really think about it anymore I think in the film they put the infrastructure on it but I’m thinking of

Doing it the other way around um so I’m not sure the other thing that we could do is we could put the house is on the in on it but then cover it in a blanket of snow of some description so it shows up as white um so that you really get the

Snowflake effect it could actually be above all of the houses like it’s floating but I think that might be a bit much not sure just got to watch my my Spade we don’t want to break it can’t believe my boy just tried to purposefully kill me that was very

Scary he just came in and stole my controls he was going to do one one thing he said just one tiny thing and he did that one tiny thing and then decided no that’s it I’m going to try and kill mom him giggling away he’s funny he’s

Got a really infectious giggle when he’s happy right let’s just go and snooze this Off oh is this random green bit Here no no no is anyone excited for the new trial update I’m really looking forward to the new crafter that’s going to be very helpful to Me if I can figure out how to use it as um and it’s really handy because I haven’t done what I want to do yet and what I plan to do so it’s going to be really good um because it’s going to make what I

Want to do so much better if I can do it that is because you know I I I I do over complicate everything cuz that’s Me I’m quite excited about tomorrow we’re going to wait and see what happens hoping that it’s going to be good hope that I don’t run out of energy before this we can start the stream and hopefully the children will be up for it as well so it’s going to be a bit of a

Confusing one I have got kind of a plan um I’ve got to think about that a little bit more overnight and tomorrow so that I’m ready I did have a little bit of a design um I think we’re having another person on our Island um King who comes on here is

Actually my boy’s friend um and I think um he’s going to come onto our world as well so it’s going to be me with three children that’ll be fun um but hopefully we we’ll I mean if everyone does what they’re supposed to do we could actually make a really good

Team but it’s whether or not anybody does and whether anybody comes down and plays that’s the thing that’s what I don’t know right let’s do that I think I think I’ve done it all have I done it all no what’s all of this lot here

Look this is taking me a long time just to make one one prong of a snowflake but once we’ve got this one done then there’s another four is it four there’ll be another four identical cuz they’re the opposite the opposite and then the angles will be

Similar uh let me take this bit out here that’s what I did on the other one it just helps to Define that little bit there okay so hopefully that will come to like a little Point yes right so there’s the point and I think that’s I think that’s fairly

Snowflakey hold on maybe fly up high we need to when we’re doing these things we’re going to have to start making slow falling potions so we made it with three so in my original design I have four but look how far it goes so that’s a

Lot is there any way I can land on this yay look it’s perfect Landing of course I didn’t bring any stuff up here so I could have carried on uh but that’s fine so yeah so if we have a look here we’ve got this line coming through and then

This piece that I’ve got going out here is going to be the sort of similar to that but it’s on an angle so it makes it a lot harder to do so that one goes out that way and then that one will go there and then obviously there’ll be this again on this

Side because the snowflake would be symmetrical and then we’ve got another three of these so one there one horizontal one opposite and one over that way I think the infrastructure needs to be on the outsides and the question is do we want maybe this bit should just be light

H maybe it should be Light maybe the whole thing should be Light how do I get snow layers I’m going to have to check that let me just write that down because I’ll forget I’m sure you can get snow layers but I can’t seem to work out how to get what why is there a polar bear no polar bears because they kill me snow Layers that’s it I don’t know I thought you could do snow layers and I can’t I can’t seem to get them um I could use quartz I’m thinking of slabs I want it to be slabbed but I’m thinking that what we do is we Um maybe I’m thinking that we light up the Snowflake and then we have the infrastructure on all of the outside part of the Snowflake and then we’ve got the candy cane bit in the middle candy cane pole which is not going to be a candy cane um

Um and maybe we should try and do a giant tree on each end why do I give myself these problems hold on let me just I’m going to have to write that down because I’m not sure if that’s what I want to do um let me just draw that that could look quite

Pretty it Could um I’m just wondering whether we should try this out and see what it would look like we need a lot of supplies to do that so um I’m just thinking let’s just have a quick look and see I’m just going to just off the not off the stream I’m just

Going to go on to Google for a second and put Snow layer collection in Minecraft bedro known as top snow Bedrock is a ground cover Block B on the surface in snow biomes and can be replenished during snow floor obtaining breaking in jar Edition destroying snow with a nons

Shovel yields one snowball per layer no um when mind using a shovel enchanted with silk touch except for eight layers of snow which drops a snow block any other tool even if enchanted with so tuck destroy the snow and drops nothing all right so you can’t collect the snow

Layers I thought you could for some reason Um hang on one minute uh hang on one second there’s a there’s a crafting recipe here let me just try that oh what do those guys want that soon turned toight didn’t It we just let those guys go and I’m just going to get rid of that creeper I don’t really want to trigger a raid right here oh looks like they’ve got themselves stuck so they should be okay should have had leather boots like me I love the way they go ow ow really

Funny don’t you try to shoot me I see you right have I got any oh what happened ow you just put me on fire you horrible Little Critter it’s not very nice is it okay I don’t want the flowers at the moment thank you though they were very pretty I can make

Snow oh okay are these guys gone yet no they’re still there aren’t they let’s climb up here I didn’t realize that you can make snow like that so that’s really helpful did you if you saw what I just did let’s take this get no I want

That um I don’t think I want the line running through the middle I might do it with something else I’m not sure now so what we’re going to do is is uh the only problem with doing it like this in the snowy area is will it

Work or will it get covered in more snow okay now this light shouldn’t break the snow should be Cold Light I think I think I hope ah no let’s take that off I just want one layer no it’s melting it isn’t it is it melting it

I thought these were Co oh are these These are cold lights why is the snow disappearing uh I thought these were cold lights that’s not working hold on a minute um melting right snow blocks melt if there is a heat block or light block light level of 12 or more Oh um I might have to go in a how does a magma block not melt snow um h no so it looks like snow melts if there is a heat block or block light level of 12 or more so actually what I want to do is not going to work with snow at

All that’s a problem okay no look I’ve nearly lost all of the blocks okay so let’s just quickly run back for a minute to our little world let’s leave these here uh we could really do with sorting this map out actually I keep meaning to

Do it and then I forget let’s do our don’t let don’t get lost map thingy one of them one of these uh we only need one of them I think some of that and one of those those no that’s that’s not helpful want one of

Them then we want to use this and this is oh no the puppy Christmas biome oh why is this only a level three map should be a level four never finished it off let’s do that again okay now need to make it into a locator

Map first and then turn it into one of these and Then really do with a white door let’s put one of these up there okay so let me take that out of no actually I need that and do we have wings we have wings we have Rockets we should have enough let’s head back home and just go and see

If we’re going the wrong direction and let’s just see if we can um go and grab some quartz trying to think what other slabs there are that are white I can’t think of another slab that’s white okay I love these all of these flowers have they’ve done it now so

Pretty right so we’re just going to go and grab a few slabs I just want to see what this will look like had this kind of idea in my head one of the things that we can make is sea lanterns here’s that very weird bit oh that’s even weirder than

One of the other bits have a lot of this weirdness uh there’s going to be a great big hole in there we’re going to have to try and use some of that again but we have to be very careful because um one block update can ruin the whole thing

So the idea is going to be that a lot of this world is all going to be connected everything is going to relate to each other the Christmas biome obviously is sort of separated from that but um everything will be connected in a way so if you haven’t been here before

We’re just coming up to our world that we’ve been building this is the the section that we we call home oh hold on I can extend the screen again sorry I forgot to do that so it’s just over here this island we’ve been destroying that’s where we get all of

Our Moss blocks from so here we go coming into me just just take that off for a minute this is our world so far still got a long way way to go it’s starting to um to really come together now this Cliff is really I really like the cliff it’s really

Starting to make it look like it belongs there it’s just got a long way to go but we’re going to just come off it for a little while because we’re um moving over to this Christmas biome uh what did I need uh quartz if we

Can find some let me just put this back on uh our entrance is through the tower right let’s see if we’ve got anything in here I don’t know if we do we’ve been using quite a lot of quartz actually trying to think if there was ah this is very helpful thank you

Did want those oh we have um a birch door actually let’s take that that’s as close to white as we’re going to get oh this is lava that’s no good is it it’s all lava no I know there’s nothing in there I don’t know if we’ve got much quartz left

Think we’ve been using it on the I thought we did bring a load back though oh no my Cooper wants to um me to come out we were out today I’m going to come off in a minute I’m just looking for quartz hold on C I’ll be there in a

Minute so we oh hang on there was some I missed that not much though that was must have been what I got just recently need some okay my puppy’s um getting a little bit upset I’m going to have to go in a second I think no I don’t want to edit

The sign thank you not that one oh hang on oh that’s I forgot I put those there I think I’ve taken all of this yeah all right let’s go up here I don’t know if you can hear my puppy but he’s getting a bit upset so I’m just trying

To I just want to just do this one teeny tiny piece and see oh just crashed that’s good do not want to go into The Nether at the moment uh definitely don’t want to go in there just come over to the Lifeboat and see if we can find

Any well it would be to the turbines actually Um I suppose we could do white glass that would show the light wouldn’t it there’s some there oh hang on there’s a few more there ah there’s some slabs ah we got some here right do have some we got any slow falling left what was this one

Regen one hold on hold on koopy not long Dar really we want uh no do they they don’t land I’m trying to think if um the snow wouldn’t land on the glass either would it so I’m just wondering whether to try some glass as well uh let me leave some of this behind take one of them

And how much do I want to color it let’s just leave these ones I can’t remember what color glass I needed I think it was white actually so it’s not a major issue but um right let’s I thought someone else was in my world for a minute then because I got

This green thingy here but it’s it’s one of my markers just confused me really badly then right so if I do that now we should be able to find where we need to go so I’m just going to do this very quickly and then I’m going to come

Off I have a certain puppy demanding my attention just double check that everything is okay I’m actually really warm I’m just going to see if I can take my no jumper off while I’m flying going the wrong way now sorry I just hit it with the Headphones Right it’s um just got to try and get this last piece Done ah my daughter’s come to see my puppy that’s good there’s a little village over there look little Coastal Village so we don’t normally fly quite this way but that’s because I was having to um go the way that I knew but now we’ve got a map we can get there a bit easier I do like to keep checking my Wings Looks like it’s going to be on the other side of this mountain what is This is this where the warden is yeah I’m really good at landing on I this might be where the warden is oh that’s really interesting or this might be the Lush cave hold on let me just go down let have a quick have a quick peek just myself what it is because it’s

Really close to where we are and I do want all of my worlds connected to all of my world connected to each other possible is an amethyst geode in here I’m trying to remember it’s been such a long time since we’ve been here and I actually can’t remember where

My Warden is and because we can’t put the everything up might be the geode I can’t remember this is really bad I can’t remember this is the warden this is where the warden lives this is my portal that I created to try and escape and I dropped the warden on my head

Okay it’s bad that I can hear the things going off now I have not actually managed to get down there yet because all I did was die over and over and over again ah there it is the iron vein and the warden I’ve lost the map right so that is really really

Useful so we’re going to get out of here ah so that one is the warden so we’re just underneath where we are now look oh yay okay so in our Christmas Village we’ve got a warden woohoo that’s exciting let’s get out of here so I think we should change this

Entrance so that we can drop down rather than using the scaffold hi are you all right yes what’s the matter cuz I’m just trying to finish one more thing so I can come off the stream Doan no danan especially not here because the warden lives

Here yeah I’m going to be dead yeah you stay away you want to fly okay danan I’m going to sort you something out starving hungry like starving hungry after eating all that food earlier yeah okay I’ll sort you something out in a minut can you have a be thinking about what you

Might like then food thanks was very helpful who’s o octopus King mon hey hey how are you well mon is very kindly joined our stream um my boy is here with me for a moment so um have you are you just leaving I just leave okay um we are

Building a Christmas World a Christmas biome over here and we’ve just realized that’s going to be the the North Pole and we have just realized that the warden it’s in that mountain over there which I had lost so that’s great and we are just trying a bit of an

Experiment here can you please just let me finish off the stream Daran thanks Daran um and what we want to do is we’re going to build a giant snowflake byebye bye sweetie I’ll see you in a minute and um yeah we’re going to to build a giant snowflake basically and that’s where

We’re going to build a city um that’s the plan so we wanted to just see how we can make this Work so what we’ve just done is we’ve got a couple of options we can either use glass no don’t like that not not at all no no no or I did try to Use um snow layers but we can’t do that because they melt and they will M melt in the other biomes too so that’s no good so what we’re doing now is we’re going to use slabs of quartz instead I can’t think of another item that’s white that we can use as a

Slab so I’m not sure can’t think of another one um now originally I was going to use this magical block all the way around but I’m not 100% sure that’s what I want to do or not now so let me just have um how much yeah we’re

Okay so this is the snowflake that we have been placing down this is one prong uh so this is how big it’s going to be and then we’re building a city in it oh I think the size of the candy cane looks much better now

And oh that one work as a as a white I wasn’t sure it would but I think it will so and I’m trying to go with the gradient that’s it uhoh yeah I don’t think so bye Mr creeper no I said goodbye that means you go away oh you go away

Too okay where’s bed let we sleep off the night cuz they’re all scary oh thank you um have have you been here before I can’t remember mon um sorry I try to remember everybody but I can’t always I have a few cognition issues at the moment that I’m just

Trying to get help with and I can’t remember everything so it’s please don’t be offended if you have been here before and I can’t remember it’s just um how my my silly brain works at the moment um so the idea is that this part is going to be the

Snowflake prongs and we’re going to light it all up so it can be really well seen and then in between we’re going to build a city um that’s the idea hi goodbye um so let me grab these ones let’s take this one out I’m sort of making this up as I go

Along I had kind of an idea of what I was doing but my ideas develop and change the the whole time you are here you are new here I thought so did you were you here a few minutes ago did you see my actual world if not I’ll fly back

In a minute if you’re willing to stay on for a few minutes um this is just um the new bit that we’re working on hi hello where’s my stuff on right here it is it’s just going on a bit of a go slow there um this is our new biome that

We’re working on and it’s our Christmas biome and the idea is that we’re going to work on it every Christmas time and oh hold on I was debating how to do this um this is a bit tricky I’m just going to place these I haven’t actually figured out how

To do this just kind of making it up as we go along um but if you’re interested we have got a working Lighthouse and um I like to do I I do big builds and we’re building a giant cliff uh which we’ve done with a lava casting

Method yeah so just here then oh okay I will I’ll fly back in a minute because I need to come off the stream in a moment um tomorrow I’ll I try to come on early on the streams if I can because it’s quite often tricky cuz my my boy for a

Start will come in and keep chatting and earlier on he took over the over the controls and tried to kill me which was quite hilariously funny I’ve got my special boots on so stop trying to kill me um I’m not sure about these edges I need to I need to think about

These let me just have a little look so I’m trying to work with the gradient of the cliff um I’m think thinking that I might um even it up all the way along so when I come down across then I might bring it down at the same time I’m not sure now

On this I did have this originally cuz I thought it’s quite magical how it changes but now I’m not so sure so what I’m going to do is leave all of this stuff here and then I’m going to fly back and I’ll show you home I’ll take uh I’ve

Only got one slow falling potion left we might need these wings uh it’s not very far away but we just realized that the um I didn’t realize how close I was to the warden um I have got enough Rockets yeah um I’d actually lost my map um but it’s really really great that

He’s actually over here because I want to try and connect my world so actually the fact that the warden is just under this mountain is absolutely perfect I wonder if you can see him in here oh I was looking in here before and I didn’t realize this was the same

Place what if we can see any of the skull from here I was actually thinking of opening up this Cliff because I think this is really amazing no you can’t see the skull from here um but he’s under this lot so he’s right in this section

Here so that’s really great now if I fly I need to fly back this way uh that he’s just there because that’s going to connect all of this lot up more so let’s just quickly go back and I’ll show you what we’ve been doing so I like I do

These really big I’ve I’ve technically I’ve been working on this since uh I think it was July last last year the year before now yeah I I have but I haven’t I could have done a lot more but I keep being really poorly I have um really bad

Migraines and cognition problems plus I have to home educate My Two children who have autism um so it’s quite tricky um times to get on the streams and I I generally only work on them if I’ve got the if I’m on a stream and um then I

Broke the computer well there was a bit of an issue with the computer and I had to upgrade it so I’ve had I’ve had it about a year but I’ve only been working on it about six months um so we’ve got a lot of stuff to

Do in this part here I’ve got there’s going there’s a story behind my world so the goose which is me is coming in and is going to live peacefully and do lots of nice things build some nice places and wants to live in harmony with the

Locals um however there is going to be an evil wizard who’s going to come in and control her uh through magic and then make her build all of these other buildings and um try to uh take over the world um is what I want to try and do so

There’s going to be this big story behind it so I’ve got a massive build to do in the end a massive World U build to do in the Nether and um a whole bunch of others but here we go we’re coming up on to um

Our bit so if I just come this way a little this is what we’ve actually done we just fly this way so this is my home this is the this is the Goose’s home Okay so we’ve got some wind turbines on the left on the right hand side sorry and we’ve got our working Lighthouse which comes on at night time uh we’re building a Lifeboat actually a lot of these projects are all halfway through uh but we’re working on them all these

Big things on the on the front they have the conduits in and um we have created this big Cliff by lava casting and then we are working on it now oh what do you mean of of law what the story yeah it’s going to be um I

Want a really good story behind it because then it allows me to work on it a lot I’ve got about two years worth of at least two years worth of ideas typical it just decided to rain um so this is the cliff that we’re working on you can see we’ve got a lot

Of Cliff to still build but we’re we’re getting there and this is going to be the house um all of this we’ve just got the one Tower just to give you an idea of what it’s like uh it’s based on a real building where I live um in Norfolk and this is

Our Conservatory which is also based on a real building in Norfolk um it’s called the um oh iot what it’s called just give me my brain a minute to catch up um the Winter Gardens sorry I just could to think what it was for a moment um and

Then uh the wind turbines are based on the ones again uh where I live and we’re building all of this island underneath hold on let me just take that slow falling potion for a second because and switch those out um it will just help us to see it a bit easier around

Here um we’re building all of this this is sand bank and that’s going to go all the way long where all of these wind turbines are and then we’ve got the Lifeboat uh which still needs a lot of work if you look it um it’s designed to look as

Though it’s um just sat ready to go and the waves are crashing up against it and um displacing the water around it so it feels like it’s moving but it isn’t obviously because it’s Minecraft and then we’ve built all of this um we placed all of this on here

And then we’ve added all of this Cliff underneath here and it’s going to go all the way around we’ve got to attach all of this Land oh yeah cuz I’ve got slow falling on now and and all of this part here this was all land we’ve dug out this whole section so we I’ve wanted it to be a river um so we’ve dug out the whole lot we’ve still got a little bit of work to

Do on here and all of these other lines the white lines the yellows they’re all different areas that we’re working on we’ve got lots of jobs to do we’re still building the church we wanted this to be on an island which is why we’ve closed it all off and with

Got um down here we have our bridge and then this part here shuts down for the night and then it comes back up so it’s like it’s a tidal and then the lighthouse will come on and we’ got this where the cliff goes I’ve got slow falling on so I’m not

Managing to move very easily see if we can get into a position where the the we can watch the lighthouse come on you can see the life boat though you see how the water is displacing everywhere so we’ve got the the cliff is um has got this little Pond area and

This little decking area at the top H there we go Lighthouse is coming on now let me just see if I can Land so that all comes on automatically which I love and then it goes off in the daytime and then if I U so we got this little Pond area up up here and we get a squid in here well actually I’m really cross with myself because I probably could have

Done a lot more if I was able to work on it a bit better um but it’s just it’s just what it is um I just my brain just doesn’t want to play um all the time at the minute I’m having a lot of issues but

We’re trying to get it sorted with the doctors and trying to figure out what’s going on um it just everything seems to be down to stress so here’s my um this walkway here this um comes back up um so it’s like it’s tidal I’ll just see if I can get down so

You can see there we go there’s some of it took quite a lot of working out this bit I’m not I’m not brilliant At Redstone but I know what I want to achieve and then I have to try to figure it out there we go there’s another bit and

Then so the idea is there’s a there’s a place place in Cornwall a little castle uh which um has this tid or bridge and you can only access it when the um um when the tide is out and then the tide comes back in and it cuts off

Completely so as the sun changes position gradually this all comes up too so that that works all of that and then the whole thing comes up gradually and then we’ve been working on our church still got a long way to go we’ve got the goose um stained glass window which I

Really love and um we’re going to have we’ve got a lot more to decorate yet but we’ve got the church stalls and um we’re going to have the priest and we’ve got people having communion going to got some windows coming in up here and these ones obviously we’ve got to do some more

This is going to be an organ when we do it and this is our entrance so we actually can come in through the tower uh it’s going to be our enchantment room uh one of our entrances into The Nether and then we can come up and into the

Font and go down to our storage room so this is all of our storage in here this is all temporary it will all be being moved um once we’ve got more completed but I needed somewhere for now um and then we’ve got an iron

Farm as well an iron oh hang on let me just show you down here so I absolutely love this this I’ve spent quite a lot of time all of my um Ocean or my River bed uh seabed is going to look like this so we worked really hard on this

Just crash I really like it instead of just having the normal seabed if I can just get the image back so obviously it took quite a while but um but so you can see here with this is all been manmade none of this was

Here at all and you can see that if we go underneath so it’s all put on by lava and then this is what it’s like on the other side but we need to do that over the whole thing so we’ve just done that little bit so

Far and then we’ve got um this is going to be oh that’s under the bridge hold on we’ve got a fishing dock over here oh I haven’t shown you in the lighthouse either uh sorry this is under the cliff uh so this is at the back of the

Lighthouse and the this is um here sorry my brain’s not working uh so all of this will be decorated this is just here just for now but we’ve got these nice big posts that hold everything up uh for our fishing dock and then the um so this would be

The fishing deck and um as we catch everything everything will go automatically uh to be collected um so this is meant to be like our little fishing dock area and then this is inside the lighthouse and the lighthouse is actually our mob farm uh so it’s just a simple stack

System where they spawn and then they fall down it’s not red stone it’s just um just simple um they fall into the water and then they go and then they just all come down here and get collected so we get we get a decent amount of loop that one at the minute

But just to give you an idea these are all arrows that we’ve collected so um it’s it’s plenty for what we need I get all of my um so many supplies I I trade all of the um rotten flesh and bits and Bobs and then we can come out of here so

This is the deck area uh this is our natural seaweed farm so it’s supposed to look like one of the traditional Farms where they you can go in and you just cut it down at the bottom but the idea is that if it was in real life they they

Hoist it all up onto these uh lines and it’s made they quite often use it with bamboo or big sticks and different bits but we chop it down at the bottom and it collects in the middle which makes it easier uh and then if we go back through here

Oh he’s our Lighthouse Keeper he came in one day with a banner out of here um and this is our Lighthouse uh this is the the lightkeeper’s house sorry and the Lifeboat shed so I’ve suddenly realized no it’s just a it’s one of the I’ve seen the tutorials before it’s just

A simple one where it’s just on platforms and um you’ve got um um um channels of water and they walk across and then they think that they’re walking on a block but there’s a trap door and they fall on that and then the water pushes them through it’s it’s just

A really simple one it’s nothing complicated um so yeah I technically I would have seen tutorials on it but then I didn’t technically follow one cuz I also I needed to squeeze it in the lighthouse so I had to keep changing it uh this is our our main world and uh

That’s the bit that we’re working on at the moment and then we’ve got a Zone here I’ve been splitting it all into different zones so we’ve got massive projects everywhere really really big projects to do I’ve got at least two years worth of projects to do and then because this is the Lifeboat

Shed um you can come up here and you can walk along the gallery and when the lifeboats in you can look at it like they do at chroma and upstairs we actually have a a sleeping area quarters for the uh for our Lifeboat cre they all have all of their sers they’re all

Decorated in different things uh they’re all in Coast U cuz I thought that was appropriate this guy is like our uh these ones are the normal regular crew this guy is um third in command this guy and the uh this guy’s second in command this one’s a coxen

Over here and then we have a ghost bed this is actually a bed there is a real bed here as you can see if I Hopper over it it’s there but it’s only half of it you can’t do it you can’t interact with it I don’t know what happened but I put

A bed there and then one day this happened and it stayed there ever since and I love it so that’s staying there stopped myself um yeah so that’s sort of this bit and then uh one the project that we actually started with though was um our well our

Um iron farm I always wanted to have a proper iron farm and this is something that I made up myself so if we go in here first you can see it at the top and then you can see it Underneath so it’s actually an a multi-purpose iron um and guardian farm so um this is why we’ built out on top I know it’s great isn’t it it’s been like that for ages so I don’t think it would would work anymore I’m not sure um so the guardian spawn down in these

Columns and some will spawn on top of here it really does I’ve got some really funny things in this world um and um sometimes if if it will work there should be we get Golems spawn on the top of here I don’t know if we’ll

See any at the minute uh we get about 400 ingots 4 to 500 ingots an hour uh when it’s running properly we haven’t been here for a little while so the the villages will have to work again to make it go again we’ll go downstairs and I’ll show

You uh I’ve got an issue with my running I can’t run I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know if this is a Minecraft Glitch that’s happened or or what but something’s going on at the minute and I cannot make the the game let my character

Run uh so we have above us 140 villagers um oh there’s a Golem going down now look I had have waited we would have seen him sometimes they spawn in this little platform here but most of the time they spawn on the top ah uh while we’re here we would

There’s um so it’s a multi-purpose with the Golem spawning and the Guardians and I do quite often AFK okay just to let it run over I don’t have time to always work in the same area um and then I built a special area underneath so um it happened by chance

As I was building the um underneath uh to put the um uh the mob the chamber in uh there just happened to be a um amethyst geode that I went right through and so I then decided that in this area there used to be some kind of a building and this is a

Service pipe that goes all the way around in a loop and uh there’s also another geode right at the very end there we got some frogs down here and uh it goes all the way through so this is some kind of service pipe we don’t know what it was we don’t know who

These people were we don’t know why they’re here um actually I’ll just double check cuz we have a slime farm here just a really simple B standard one um and we used golems and frogs to help us so this was the old Ballroom uh

We don’t know why it was here but if you look it’s a chunk and so it’s a slime chunk and the Golems will kill them and then they just get collected and then I can’t get out of here I have abolutely love this place it’s still not finished but I found that

People were getting a bit bored when working on the same project all the time so I did stop it for a while but I do need to get back and finish it off so um as you can see that wall is not done but if I go over to

Here and then we turn around uh that’s the other entrance to the service pipe um let me just turn this off hold on uh this is what we’ve been building so we built a Lush cave and Geo none of this was here at all we’ve dug out nearly all

Of it as well and placed everything in here completely and then there’s a little nod if you look up there there’s um a copper block uh that’s because there is actually a copper vein here so every now and then there’s a little bit of a copper block going through

Um but uh and then we’ve got this rickety Old Bridge and that is in here is where the you can just see uh where that Golem is behind it there’s the chamber where the where the uh mobs go down and um that’s where the actual amethyst

Geode is the original one but we built in this little building we don’t know what it does we don’t know why it was here we don’t know who was here we don’t know what the story is all we know is there’s like a little kitchen area over

Here it’s all run down all falling apart um this rickety Old Bridge has got holes in it and um this geode at some point has blossomed and taken over and then this must have been some old floor you know big Ballroom or something um and then this is the

Chamber where they all come down hello goem I don’t like you I really don’t like the golems and then we’ve extended them so that these there are three of these geode so there’s one from that comes here and covers up the actual chamber and then there’s this one here that

Comes all the way up and spreads out and then there’s the third one here and that goes up as well and then we’ve got a river or a little late um but there is actually if you look here this is actually a real go2 so we incorporated the two and then

Over here we have our little Lake and it goes underneath we should use the bridge which I haven’t used hold on go around this is where we normally come up there uh so the idea is I need to try and trim some of these and I haven’t as you can see I

Haven’t finished all of this bit yet like I said people were getting a bit bored so I moved on and then we go down here oh hang on too far sorry don’t let me do that I was looking the wrong way um and if we look in here these are all

Full of blocks of iron I’ve Al I’ve already taken loads as well I use them all the time it’s just some of the loot that we get I haven’t afked here for a while so is that a frog up there there’s a little frog up there okay um yeah so

Then this is this is all the inside part where it all starts it’s all cramped in here um but um I love it to me it’s I don’t know I just really love this place and then this is where they all come in and uh they’re managing to swim again I

Need to try and change this up again um we I had a lot of issues when I was building it they seem to be fighting against the tide again which is annoying but we get loads of Loot and like I said we get between 4 and 500 ingots an hour

Uh with the Villagers upstairs so it’s really and yeah we get the odd bit of um red stone so we get all the different mobs including witches um yeah so that’s that’s about that’s about all of the world we do have a an XP farm sort of a triple spider

Spawner uh which we need to upgrade but we’re going to when we reach 300 Subs uh we’re going to change it up so that we’ve got a new going to build a new one her new XP farm but everything will be connected with

Each other uh when we do it all uh we do we do need to finish off in here as well we got to build a chandelier going all the way up to the top and there’s a few blocks that we were missing yeah so that that’s um that’s

What we’ve done but I’ve got lots to do and um a long way to go yet so with that I’m going to toddle off I hope you found that interesting the little world tour bit that we’ve done uh no I sleep this way um I’ll try

To be back on early in the morning and then Sky Block opens again so we’re on a sky block uh penguin GG server from sb737 and um we uh the season 5 just finished we’ve just leared how to do the game we weren’t doing it before so we

Just learned how to do the game and we’re going to a thank you to be honest um is I find having the story behind it is what allows you to keep going because um oh these are all the graves by the way there have been several deaths not just mine but other people’s

Um yeah like this one I fell into the lighthouse mob farm that was quite funny uh that was a recent one um oh yeah this one uh I fell off the cliff I forgot to deploy my wings three sheep were sadly cooked at work oh yeah these ones were struck by

Lightning so uh we’re going to have Graves everywhere but once we’ve built the church and we set it all up so I’ve been marking them all uh this is me in a death Loop um yeah yeah CJ’s Goose idiot died to the warden and again obliterated through

The door and again and again through a wall and 10 trillion more deaths to many things including Mr Warden yeah it it was an absolute nightmare I was stuck in a death Loop for about an hour with the warden um but yeah having a story line behind the game really really helps um

Because you can then keep developing it so at the minute we’re developing all of the the home world that the goose is going to live in and then once we’ve developed that part which is I think where most people then give in then we’ve got the story line to go on um and

So then you can develop it and keep expanding it uh then we’re doing this new Christmas biome so in December but we’ll be working on the Christmas biomes uh biome and it’s going to be massive and then um uh yeah like I said I’ve got this massive project to do in the nether

Massive project to do in the end I want to eventually have all of the different Farms that people do but I’m a really slow Builder I I feel like I’m a slow Builder everyone seems to think I’m a quick Builder but I think I’m really slow and

Um yeah so it’s it’s a lot that we’ve got to do yet but I think I’ve got at least two years worth more work if not more with the projects that I’ve got in my head already um a lot of them I’ve put onto paper to help me remember them

Um and then I gradually developed them over time and but the idea is we’re going to finish all of this section first and then we’re going to move on to new uh new sections but everything that I want I want everything to be finished and completed um but um yeah anyway so that

That is my world um thanks for popping along it’s really appreciated if you’re interested in the Sky Block world that’s really completely different to what I’ve ever done before I only learned it last the last season um and we didn’t um have we hadn’t done all of it so um

We’ve got a long way to go yet um but it starts tomorrow at 4:00 so we’re going to try and do that but I’ve got to do it with my children apparently so um but yeah so thanks every so much um it be lovely to see you again um and

Um that’s that’s about it really I really do need to come off cuz I was on this morning and I’m really tired now um so I will see you all hopefully tomorrow um take care everyone thank you so much there been loads of you on today it’s

Been great and I’ll see you later take care bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Prt 2 THE NORTH POLE – A CHRISTMAS BIOME – GOOSEVILLE MINECRAFT BEDROCK – CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2023-12-17 23:54:43. It has garnered 30 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:01 or 15121 seconds.

I didn’t have a lot of time this morning, so lets get back in….

So… it is that time of year when many people across the globe celebrate Christmas. I love this time of year myself and have decided we need a Christmas Biome, AKA ‘The North Pole’ This is a project to work on around the Christmas season, so probably only worked on over December

Let’s fly on into GOOSEVILLE

Take care & stay safe everyone, Carrie Brady ‘aka’ CJSGOOSE / CJSCRAFTS ——————————————————————————————————————————————– ]USEFUL INFORMATION [ DISCORD – CJSGOOSE

FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/CJSGOOSEAJMOOCDJSKYRA2020

INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/cjsgoose_ajmooc_djlion/

MERCH – CJSCRAFTS.redbubble.com ] CJSGOOSE & AJMOOC official merch[

And for all those that love Craft as well as Minecraft, you can follow my Craft business here; https://www.cjscrafts.co.uk/

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    Taking Over Dakorca Minecraft Server! Watch Me Dominate!Video Information [Music] play let’s play [Applause] n [Music] play [Music] n [Music] play let’s [Music] [Applause] play [Music] aome let’s [Music] play d [Music] [Music] play let’s [Music] play [Applause] [Music] e let’s play let [Music] play n [Music] I just realized I made that I did that wrong no I have to update my [ __ ] thing again give me like two seconds how’s everybody doing how are y’all chilling today how are we hanging hopefully we’re not hanging like sori give me a second while I fix this I did it backwards H hiccup memory challenge… Read More

  • Unveiling the Hidden Secret of Pithony Server 😱

    Unveiling the Hidden Secret of Pithony Server 😱Video Information this player abused a hidden feature that no one knows about you see on the Minecraft server life steal most players climb to the Top by killing each other in order to gain better Loot and more Health but there is a much faster way when you run the command SL D it duplicates the item that you’re holding so you don’t have to grind and that’s how This video, titled ‘Secret feature on this Minecraft server 👀’, was uploaded by Pithony on 2024-01-16 01:22:59. It has garnered 3793 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • EPIC Bridge Building in Minecraft! CRAZY Adventure & Hilarious Moments! #AD

    EPIC Bridge Building in Minecraft! CRAZY Adventure & Hilarious Moments! #ADVideo Information [Applause] [Applause] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft KÖPRÜ YAPIMI 4 #macera #komik’, was uploaded by Benvedat on 2024-01-14 17:14:43. It has garnered 512 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT is a creativity game that I particularly like. We will have fun together with it and other different games. Everyone is invited to my minecraft city, which I tried to make myself. Inside, excitement and adventures, houses made in different styles and everything are waiting for you. My priority is respect and love. MINECRAFT… Read More

  • 🔥🔥UNBELIEVABLE: Summon Diamond Ore NON-STOP! 😱💎💰 #Minecraft

    🔥🔥UNBELIEVABLE: Summon Diamond Ore NON-STOP! 😱💎💰 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and BBE that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit that haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that I plan to… Read More