CRAZY Boy vs Girl MODDED Minecraft HOUSE Battle!

Video Information

Boy versus girl welcome to the modded house building challenge here in Minecraft Pocket Edition ladies and gentlemen otherwise known as bedrock edition for now ladies and gentlemen we will have our buddy diglettz don’t help Breanna but dig libous actually my secret superpower in this video and also

I just realized I don’t even need a headset I’ve built this beautiful modern mansion now this is just the bones of the house but just check it out ladies and gentlemen it is one of the coolest houses in Minecraft by far just wanting to give you guys a little bit of a tour

Of what we got going on so far I’m still kind of deciding wherever you want to put everything like the entertainment area the kitchen the dining room you know all that fun stuff now once we are upstairs we have a lot of different options I’m thinking this might be a

Really good spot for the theater room back inside of here we have a little viewing area this might be a perfect library nook you know for a little bit of reading you can open your Bible reads a proverb something like that then we’ve got the beautiful balcony area up here

Which actually goes to this enormous balcony overlooking our insane pool and even our garden over there which we could touch up a little bit here in a bit so where shall we begin I’m feeling like we should do the living room which is gonna be right over here so let’s go

Ahead and do the magic of the switch area well look at that ladies and gentlemen we are now over here so we can actually use this thing called the pivot which I don’t know if I pronounced that right but it can clone items literally you’re just at the right click it and

Then boom how sick is that oh guys oh look at these bookshelves look at this table this desk is that a computer I think that’s just like a filing cabinet but that looks so good ooh trash can oh look guys there’s even a computer right here this is so cool dude

And look at the TVs on the wall I’m gonna be honest to you guys I don’t even know where to begin there’s so many different things that we can add I’m feeling like this could be really cool though for our entrance area let’s see I’m gonna grab a couch yeah we

Need a couch oh I don’t know what this is but I want one of these what the heck is this I don’t even know standing lamp yeah we definitely want some of these oh phone ah you know why not let’s go ahead and grab it oh I like this plant yep I

Want this plant as well Breanna is not even ready for how well I’m about to build and decorate this house I’m about to go up in it Hamtaro like poo this block is so cool I don’t even know what it is oh I want this fish

Aquarium oh I want the fish aquarium yes we got the aquarium whoo I want the TV here we get the TV I need the TV and then oh I want this chair this chair looks so good I want this table dude I pretty much just want everything inside

Of here ever these things look so cool ooh these bookshelves yep we’re gonna get some of these bookshelves they look way too good can we get this wallpaper – this thing looks amazing as well now check it out and just like that we are back in our house ladies and gentlemen

So we need to gotta go through all the different nonsense that I just picked up I grabbed way too many things but I also wanted them really bad so feel like a sofa who do I like the sofa right there check it out guys you can even use the

Wrench to rotate it oh it looks so good just like maybe do you want to change the color to the black on black looks so good but I’m really liking the white right now the coffee table yet no I’m not oh who the black oh the black the

Black is stick oh this looks so good I feel like one thing we need inside of here though is a piano like a piano right here would look beautiful let’s get a little bit of nature in here for now oh wait can we change the color of

This oh you can dude this is so cool I feel like another one needs to go down over here we need to make that one black as well actually let’s go and make it symmetrical yeah I think we should go symmetrical put this down right here we’re gonna get rid of this

Yeah I don’t want that over there I changed my mind guys oh you know what we could place here what do these walls shelves look like oh these are actually kind of cool these are actually kind of cool I just don’t know do they go right here

Ooh maybe right here might be perfect right here might be perfect let me wrench it oh yeah ooh oh that looks good oh boy we’re gonna leave this here for now it might not be its final spot but so far so good let’s place a lamp oh yeah these

Lamps these lamps but then again we can also place a so we could place a ceiling lamp how these look yo these ceiling lamps look very weird I don’t I don’t know if I like these ceiling lamps can we turn these on hold on can we turn

Them on the big question dang it I don’t think you can turn them on ooh this color looks so good oh but maybe we want the black to match oh this is hard the gray just looked so cool maybe we should have this white on white let’s

Have this white on white and let’s have these yeah I’m liking that gray look oh man our entryway is looking beautiful look at this guy’s boom we’ve got a clock okay the clock definitely needs to go a hole that looked so good wait can I

Change the color oh my gosh you can oh gotta say the who that great matches the lamps picture-perfect but I think for now our living room is looking but unifor let’s move on to the next and probably the best area which is gonna be the theater room any boy once at theater

Room to beat nope because it’s gonna have a TV video games basically all the fun stuff so for now I’m gonna put all these extra items that we’re not gonna use just inside we have a lot of extra items we kinda need iterative oh my goodness gracious

Yeah lots of different things oh I didn’t even notice how did I not notice this extra balcony over here this is so cool I really should have noticed that considering I made the house I don’t know how I didn’t see that just just breast and brain okay oh oh you guys

Didn’t see anything okay let’s just go let’s go back to the shopping mall so where is everything that would be in like a theater room that’s what we’re looking for here we’re looking for theater based items I feel like we gotta get one of these can we

Get one of these oh yeah we got the TV in the wall now we need some really cool chairs and oh yep I want this these bookshelves are really cool too I’m gonna grab one of them I feel like the book the bookshelf could be really cool

What is this is this carpet what is this red NIC carpet yes please oh but then again I’m really liking the night-sky wallpaper this might be even better you know what I’m even gonna grab these I know these are silly but trust me they’re gonna be cool when they’re in my

Place now in Texas it doesn’t get very hot so I’m not gonna put a heater I’m pretty sure this is a heater not an air conditioning unit so this is not gonna be going in our movie theater room guys unfortunately I do not want to boil my

Guests I’m not gonna mash them or put them in a stew so we’re not gonna do any of that nonsense I reap it in the shopping area for quite some time but now it’s time to get back to our house so what I want the gray area the I want

The gray arrows like right here I think these look really cool right here I wish I could repaint them guys but for now it’s looking really nice I did forget chairs but we will come back and grab that and in the meantime I feel like the

Night like the okay and we don’t need we don’t need windows in here guys it’s a movie theater room you cannot have windows in your movie theater room it just doesn’t work like that okay we don’t want a bunch of random light coming in making things all kinds of

Weird oh yeah and we got to do the ceiling the ceiling also has to be the same wallpaper come on ceiling and now we can mount the TV tub the only bad thing is this TV this TV is unfortunately really small and I have no idea why we need like a

Giant big screen TV so in the meantime we’re just gonna place a lot of them like this oh wait hold on the power of imagination ladies and gentlemen the power of imagination yes okay this is looking a little bit scuffed but at the same time use your

Imagination guys I mean we are playing Minecraft this is going to look so good what do you guys think I mean come on it’s a giant screen TV and then I feel like these paintings would look really cool right here Oh actually guys I made a mistake I know

I don’t like the paintings the paintings look bad now we have to kind of decide like oh this is not gonna go here yep now we need chairs and we should probably black this out a little bit more I feel like this needs to be yeah

More like this more like cozy of an entrance you know I’m saying it’s not the biggest theatre okay it it needs some work oh you know I’m gonna do guys I’m gonna make this a secret area so no girls know how to get inside of here check it out

The secret movie theater room all you have to do if you’re a boy come in here with the wrench rotate it sideways sneak in and now you’re in a beautiful giant movie theater oh you can even change the colors of the TVs oh my gosh this is

This is revolutionary now I think the next thing we need to work on is a bathroom because we’ve got a movie theater we got a living room but we don’t have a bathroom and really quick before I forget I’m probably going to get some chairs because our movie theater room oh

Wait wait wait wait oh I want all of this I want it all I want it I want everything okay so I felt kind of bad about the movie theater area we didn’t even have anything in there so I’m going to put down this super cool couch okay

Well technically it’s a sofa but oh my gosh it’s wide okay uh-oh it’s gonna fit it’s gonna fit just barely but it’s going to fit I feel like this is probably not the best place to put this sofa but I don’t know what let

Me look that is a I’ve moved it no no no go back go back good TV there you go now our place is looking good now it is time for the bathroom you guys are not gonna believe the items I found this is the coolest shower I’ve ever seen look

At this it’s so sick and on top of having a shower I feel like we got to have a bathtub I’m like in that spot although unfortunately there’s not gonna be a lot of privacy considering there’s a giant window in the front let’s just pretend like that’s

Not there okay and I’m really liking the black style it’s kind of matching our other theme with the house Plus check this out we got a toilet in a very private air oh that toilet it’s basically the wrong way there this toilet is really big the more I look at

This toy at this toy that’s actually really big plus we’re gonna need toilet paper there you go oh don’t babies the wrong way Oh yep there you go now I feel like we need a sink it’s gonna sink down right here turn this bad boy over here let’s get a mirror above it

Oh yeah baby now we talking now we talked in this bathroom is the best bathroom in Minecraft let me tell ya honestly ladies and gentlemen that’s all I got for you guys for this episode but there is no way brie is going to beat us

Not a chance if you guys want to see the next part of this video smash that like button down below and let’s see how well Brianna’s house building is going so you guys today is a super special challenge that I know I am going to win Preston has no chance because it’s basically

Like not a regular build off this is a decoration challenge essentially so you have no chance I’m sorry you cannot do this I have found my perfect dream home and I’m going to show you with the click of a button here we are look at my beautiful house with my little bicycles

Done and uh it’s beautiful I think this looks like my little perfect dream home we’re gonna have a ton of chuckles the chickens in just a happy little time I think I could be happy here for sure that could be a good sitting area it’s a very small little hmm my kitchen getting

A little cramped right there maybe I’ll put the kitchen right here the kitchen right here cuz it’s open living room over here Louise this room this is a Louise’s room then we’ll go upstairs I’m falling off the stairs and this’ll be my room and then just like a little sitting area

This is beautiful I totally know exactly what to do and I think I even have a beautiful backyard yeah it’s time to get to decorate in let’s start with the front yard I think I need some flowers peonies are my favorite peonies is where it’s at guys look how beautiful my flowers are

It’s casual it’s casual look when you walk up to my home it’s already looking more warm and inviting so I’m definitely gonna want a chair so we’re gonna pipe at it oh so now I have a dining chair um what about warm two-sided we’re gonna need this fancy

Bed and I’m too excited too excited I put on this plan and um um um this dresser just gonna have to come back again it’s fine I want to put this plant right in the entrance I look pretty in the entryway welcome to my home here’s the plan

I feel like people do that you know it looks so nice right there and then up stick we’re just gonna put plants everywhere because you know I paid money for them so you gotta have a couple here’s my double bed oops we’re gonna we’re gonna rotate this cuz

Now I have a tool for that oh I placed it a little incorrectly we’re gonna place it right here and then we’re gonna roast it off and then we’re gonna need a dresser Oh guys this is looking amazing we just started this and we’re basically done up I definitely could get some

Books where’s the poop cake whoa this is not too hard it’s a great go girls team so here’s a bedside table Oh on my bed that’s not what I was looking for bedside table and bedside tables huzzah guys we are master decorators I’m so impressed it’s gonna go downstairs

And make our kitchen let’s get started now we need obviously a fridge so I’m gonna place my fridge here I’m gonna rotate it so it’s perfect to put my oven I think like right in the city they even tell if it’s easy it’s that embarrassing oh there you go

Ah and then I’m just gonna put a counter all around it yay Preston is not gonna know what hit it what else are we missing you guys oh we need a dining room so dining there’s a dining table oh wait we need the lamp because there is a ceiling lamp which is

Super fancy for above the table and then we need um mmm yes dining chairs that is gonna come and eat the drum roll please dining table look how fancy oh they do how many chairs are we gonna need I don’t know how many oh that’s not where

That was supposed to go oh no let’s rotate it a little bit huzzah is this gonna fit 20,000 people this is a busy table we gotta get you feet you got we gotta get chipped bed you gotta come out dinner with me comment down below if you want to come have dinner

With me I like tonight you dinner alone look how beautiful the dining room is and I can put a chandelier it’s so at this fancy thing is is that a light bulb it’s a chandelier I think it is I don’t even need the fancy when I brought that

Looks nice there let’s make it fun oh can I change the color of these I can I’ve got everything else really light and fun told you the same with this whoo what else am I missing you guys throw Eloise’s room I had to give her something oh I’ll put the carpet down in

Eloise’s room she needs a little bit a flooring for her bed put it there and then I can give her oh right there’s a washing machine I probably should have one of those I’ll put it in Eloise’s room wall shelves oh I didn’t know I could have those I’m gonna add those

Around the house what else could I have a dirt board a TV mouse oh it’s so fun nice I’m so glad I scrolled through here I was forgetting things we’ll put the washing machine right here I can put a sofa right here and then rotate it yeah

Yeah like right there and then the TV can be under here oh my gosh everything is coming together trust ins on nothing on me you guys I’m making room for everything so sofa and then TV and then we’ll put one chair like right here rotate it oh my gosh

This looks so cool and then you saw plenty of room for the dining room right here’s the kitchen oh you know what shelf right here yeah I like I feel like you guys should be very impressed by this amazing girls house follow down below if you think the girls won I think

We did I’ll see you in the next boy versus girl challenge

This video, titled ‘CRAZY Boy vs Girl MODDED Minecraft HOUSE Battle!’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2019-07-20 13:55:36. It has garnered 4701071 views and 76254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds.

CRAZY Boy vs Girl MODDED Minecraft HOUSE Battle! with PrestonPlayz 👊

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    Inna Sumba's Insane Dance Challenge! 💃🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#tutorial #dance #challenge #anime #minecraft #trend #trending #music #magic’, was uploaded by Inna Sumba on 2024-04-26 01:20:50. It has garnered 27205 views and 435 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Story Mode: Epic Gameplay!

    Minecraft Story Mode: Epic Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Actually Properly Playing Minecraft Story Mode…’, was uploaded by Elomentoplayz on 2024-03-30 15:32:55. It has garnered 541 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:45 or 6105 seconds. THIS IS JUST MINECRAFT STORY MODE SEASON ONE LOL Subscribe: *My computer (currently): I might upgrade it later this year though: My gear: My Phone (Editing Machine): My Discord server: Scratch profile: Basic information about me: I usually make Friday Night Funkin’ content and stream it on Saturdays. I also like making Scratch ports of popular Friday Night… Read More

  • Unleash The ULTIMATE Keyboard & Mouse Settings for MCPE/MCBE

    Unleash The ULTIMATE Keyboard & Mouse Settings for MCPE/MCBEVideo Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Keyboard & Mouse Settings [MCPE/MCBE]’, was uploaded by FLQMZE on 2024-05-14 04:51:30. It has garnered 38 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. —————————————————– Sub Goal: 100 Subcribers Game Settings: FOV: Ask Sensitivity: 7 DPI: 1800 Mouse: Glorious Model I Texture Pack: Ask in comments Let’s Chat: Leave a comment below and let’s start a conversation! —————————————————– Tags: (Ignore) #MCPE #Hive #Minecraft #MCPE #Hive #Minecraft #hive #mcpe #1cps #controller #combo #clutch #montage #jump #hivemc #hiveskywars #hivearcade #giveaway #gift #gifts #giveaways #packfolder #hivepackfolder #mcpepackfolder hive, treasure wars,… Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Escape in 2 Seconds with Kolaplay

    Ultimate Portal Escape in 2 Seconds with KolaplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО ПРЯТКИ С ПОРТАЛ ГАНАМИ! КАК УБЕЖАТЬ ЗА 2 СЕКУНДЫ’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-02-11 12:00:46. It has garnered 56 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More

  • Legendary WALL E1165 RETURNS?! #Minecraft PVP

    Legendary WALL E1165 RETURNS?! #Minecraft PVPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Coming out of retirement #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by WALL E1165 on 2024-01-15 01:30:30. It has garnered 363 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Prank Pt3: Shock Your Friends!” #mcpe #minecraft #prank

    "Ultimate Minecraft Prank Pt3: Shock Your Friends!" #mcpe #minecraft #prankVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to prank your your friend in minecraftpt3. #mcpe #minecraft #prank #pranks #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Gaming_World on 2024-04-07 04:06:10. It has garnered 415 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. tags-#herobrine #yessmartypie #smp #himlands daku wala game baalveer oggy chota bheem tuntun mausi raju krish gadi wala game driving game 2 mb game games game power rangers how to become power rangers real doraemon shinchan cricket game talking tom beyblade lattu lattu how to roam on hand rope hero gta5 kanche ludo chess laal wali my goti… Read More

  • 🔥JOIN NOW to see us DOMINATE in Anomali SMP 🔥

    🔥JOIN NOW to see us DOMINATE in Anomali SMP 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft Stream 】Anomali SMP #2 | We already got full netherite set!’, was uploaded by Fay on 2024-05-28 16:57:11. It has garnered 837 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 04:10:13 or 15013 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 ⚙️『Facebook』 ⚙️『Instagram』 ⚙️ 『Treat』 ⚙️ 『Youtube』 #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber Read More

  • Shocking Fail: DarkenMC’s Wellness-Oase Roomtour! #gaming

    Shocking Fail: DarkenMC's Wellness-Oase Roomtour! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fails in der Roomtour – Die Wellness-Oase #gaming #minecraft #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by DarkenMC on 2024-04-18 13:00:24. It has garnered 1176 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. You can find the whole video here: Read More

  • 🚀 Join My EPIC Minecraft Server! 🌟 #StarliteSquad

    🚀 Join My EPIC Minecraft Server! 🌟 #StarliteSquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Wanna join my Minecraft server? 🤓 【Starlite Squad】 #vtuber’, was uploaded by fukustar Ch. 🌟 フォーチュンスター on 2024-05-10 23:46:22. It has garnered 67 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:20 or 13640 seconds. #fukustar ≫ ──── 🌟 ──── ≪ Link to become a Memberlite: Merch can be found here: TTS and Soundboard: ≫ ──── 🌟 ──── ≪ Who am I? I am fukustar! The fortune star. I harness the power of the stars, and luck! I often bring good fortune to those who watch me, so please… Read More

  • TaratorMC

    TaratorMCWe are one friendly commuinty with amazing staff! Our server is about Survival. We also have Minigames and other entertaining! Read More

  • CoronaCraft Survival SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 18+, Dynmap, Discord, 1.20.4, Whitelisted, Simple Voice Chat

    CoronaCraft Minecraft Server: CoronaCraft is a community-based SMP with over 140 members worldwide. Join us for our current season! We welcome content creators and technical players. Our server is almost 4 years old, with a new season starting 4 months ago. Server Features: Custom Advancements Expansive Shopping District Proximity Voice Chat In-game Server Events Custom Roles Perks for donors Friendly and helpful community Community Projects Giveaways 24/7 Server Uptime Anti-theft/grief plugins Player/Mob/Mini Block heads Interested in joining us? Visit our website or join our discord here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Tastes So Good!

    I guess diamonds really are a girl’s best friend! Read More

  • Mine the Deepest, Unearth the Theories | Minecraft Mysteries

    Mine the Deepest, Unearth the Theories | Minecraft Mysteries In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of purpose and meaning, in blocks so bold. From the depths of the void to the gifts we hold, Each player’s journey, a story untold. The history of Minecraft, a mystery to explore, In every block placed, in every ore. The void beckons, a darkness to face, But with purpose in hand, we find our place. Creativity and peace, in every build we make, In every adventure, in every mistake. For in Minecraft, we find our worth, A game that teaches, from birth to rebirth. So remember, dear players, in every… Read More

  • The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! 🔥

    The Hottest Minecraft Meme Ever! 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #therapyforcreepers Read More

CRAZY Boy vs Girl MODDED Minecraft HOUSE Battle!