Crazy Minecraft Factions: Insane Potion Brewing!

Video Information

Hey guys brainy here and welcome to a factions now I have done a lot on our base purely because someone has found it ah forget I know their factions called like 420 blaze that or something silly like that but I’ll show you guys are what I’ve done from the top and then

What I would like to do in this episode is some pvp but you guys are and I suppose I knew the potions are very very important in factions it does give you the upper hand especially because I’m pretty much gonna be alone oh yes so I

Brought down the wall here put a roof above it and you can see that they had cannons here now if we go F home and I’m hoping it gets 10 seconds I’m hoping I don’t run out of water but out of air before the teleporter teleports me come

On you can do it my friend oh no just cancelled all right let me go over here and then I will do it but yeah I’m I went on one night just to do some i think i was gonna camp near the creeper spawner and get some stuff from it and

Then I was like wow they’re my base is blown up and I’ll show you guys you’ll see it’s pretty crazy I know them and I’m a bit worried that they might come and kill me at some point one thing that this faction has done is because they

Are placed ahead here by the way don’t know really where I got that from but yeah this faction has claimed all the area around my faction and they’re not actively trying to blow it up anymore so I kind of see it as a nice padding but then again that also means people know

My coordinates so you see there was cannon set up here are all my farms have blown up so I just harvested them and sold the stuff oh I actually didn’t check oh so we have 31,000 from random stuff i’ve sold including what else did I I sold some gunpowder but I’ve decided

I’m gonna start like keeping the Gunpowder to make TNT I might actually be able to sell T&T for more to like in the shop so I have to calculate it out to make it worthwhile for me to grow and harvest like sand and all that but yeah

I’m very excited to be making some potions in this so you can see that they’ve truly messed up the area’s i’ll show you guys the arm they are up this is the wilderness over here is I believe where they ah alright this is my area apparently dankest

Wilderness I don’t know what’s going on oh I also added by alternative it may be differ unclaimed that’s gonna be pretty nice I’d like to check that but if I check it it’s going to show you guys the coordinates so I think I’ll just play it

Safe by looking around yeah there we go for twenty blazes so maybe they’ve died because they did claim about 90% around me and now they haven’t got that much but yeah my uh I’ve got my alt on here and claimed so if i go FP should show my

Faction power for me and then if we go ffp i think it is this shows my is this me no no no that’s just the faction pie uh-huh if we go dankest then it will show us that we have brenybeast and brittany be in there lots of enemies and

We have 20 power and land is nine that’s how much we’ve claimed we can claim 20 but yeah that’s how that works i’m pretty sure i’m not a hundred percent what I filled in the wall alright I’m going to go to the shops now I think warp shops that is faster than walking

Home and then walking to the shops i’m pretty sure by like even if it isn’t it it’s very close alright so let’s see how much the materials for potion brewing is a brewing stand is 250 i think we’ll buy four of them maybe never stalk I like

How it’s called nether stalk like it’s called nizzle walk when you hold it but like on servers and in inventories and codes and all that it’s called nether stop alright so 16 of that is 200 so I don’t know whether it’s worth planting I think I’ll get that much and just plant

It let’s see if we can buy any never this right here Sol San so 32 soul sounds a fair bit what else do we need I don’t really feel like smelting glass i’ll just buy a stack of glass i have water I need other stuff to make potions

But I don’t know what I need because i’d like to make like all the potions so here we go we can oh you only buy one at a time Wow blistering melons health potions glowstone adds stuff I think sugars speed I need like a knot regeneration potions I need strength

Potion zone I don’t quite know what gives that so I’m going to look into that and then I’ll come back and we will set up the potion brewing area together and then hopefully we can do some pvp hope you guys enjoy this episode of get

To your liver Lac okay guys so I went and bought some blaze rods and turn them into blaze powder I’ve got a favorite of materials I’m pretty happy with them let’s go and make a crafting bench I don’t actually know if I’ll need offense but a little bit of server lag right

There but I don’t know if it’s my end or the servers and all right so how do I want to do this I definitely want to place a lot of this so let’s go and I think this should if it’s 16 yeah I should be able to do like one whole end

Part and be oh no maybe I can do three no clue what’s gonna happen yeah I’m happy with that and then we will do a platform here because I the water was really just in case they blew through the top two layers there which I don’t

Think has a high high chance but should that I feel like I should be planting what other other far mobiles in here maybe some sugar canes would be cool uh some storage would be cool too so hmm I so confused with what I want to do let’s

Put a that there will make one furnace because I don’t really feel like I’m going to use it just make it for it to be there and we will make one two one two chests and they will go here and that will be maybe for supplies and

Where will we do the brewing I feel I feel like this has to be laid out quite pretty or you guys won’t be happy with me there we go and I could put the Brewing stands like on top of year but I kind of wanted to maybe to chat let’s

Let’s see how this will go so brewing stand brewing stand brewing stand and brewing stand that’s for with chests in between all right so we’ll do that and then maybe I might have some kind of where’s the center is this the center I don’t know what the center is

That doesn’t look wait wait wait is this all right so I don’t the room isn’t even it’s actually an odd number so I could actually have the brewing stands there but let’s just do it they’re not there I’m being so picky about this you know what I’m going to be less picky about

This and just stack them up here and i’ll fill in this floor because they don’t really feel like i’m gonna use it there we go that will be our brewing step I might actually do this one one higher though i’ll put it there may be and have so i can have more chest

Because extra chest can’t hurt us there we go oh that was a smarter way of doing that it should done it like that the first time all right there we go so now we need to get some water which we will always have a water source it should we

Have our water source think he is fine to be honest like a 44 x 41 there but i am out of stone so that’s not fun let’s go grab some water and we’re going to make strength potions and speaks portions of swiftness because they come

In handy there we go the girl and I needed to get one more there we go awesome alright so oh I planned it on my nether wart so I need to let that grow I think what we will do is dig this out like so the water source will be under

There which I don’t have a bucket on me I was gonna say like unlimited water source there and then the rest of this could maybe be sugar canes or even some more of this uh what else do I collect blaze rods I don’t have a blaze spawner

And i don’t think i’ll get one I think I’m just gonna buy them the fairness can be if I want to smell class but I just buy that too or I could just buy the glass bottles which works out pretty good too ah so yeah that’s been a lot

More simple than I thought it would be you I’m going to do the little farms and get brewing some potions and then I think we’re gonna be doing some pvp which I’m a bit nervous for because I don’t want to lose our claimed area okay guys so I

Have my little setup here i’m pretty happy without it i just i like the idea of this being like a little tower I’ve never really built like I’ve always wanted to build like a hotel or just a towel from what a modern-looking one oh

Wow I don’t know if I’m going to be able to remember this I just if I go red stone and then glowstone I should be good but yeah I’m going to be making two two sets of strength potions speed switch potions Wow on fire with what I’m

Calling these oh like I’m gaining levels oh that’s awesome yes so i’ll be doing that and then the last one is a fire resistance potion so that I before the fight I can drink that and not have to G apple as early on i think five apples

Will be good too i need to actually make an ender chest that’s one thing we need to do so i might add let’s go i want to show you guys i believe i have kit diamonds and it gives me um maybe not maybe keep diamond yeah and i can do

That once every 24 hours so that’s cool let’s go wow that’s awesome I wonder what that does I’ll Kimmy there it is um ingredients I don’t really know what that means catalyst locked until skill level 100 maybe it gives me extra or maybe upgrades them automatically ah increases potion brewing speed and the

Other one brewery potions with more ingredients with more I don’t really know that me I kind of feel like that’s a negative thing I via this is my little farm and we’re going to go warp shops and get out the requirements to make an ender chest which I need to buy ender

Pearls I have blazed rot love blaze fire stuff I forget what it’s called please powder that’s it so I have that so we should be good quite easily if I just get the ender pearls we’ll get there we go by four of them and that will make eight blaze

Powder than I need to go buy some obsidian like I do have obsidian just F home takes so long oh and also because I’ve been up here working on my my brewing section obviously I will have a bit of extra gunpowder now so we’ll make

TNT as well I think this we may not actually get to PvP in this episode but will be prepared for the next episode too just like kick off right into it which I am also very excited for so let’s do that there we go make ender

Chest switch wow I did not mean that guy’s and there we go that connects to this which is a pretty awesome i think i’ll leave my diamonds in here can’t remember who gave me these but thank you very much they will help with our pvping

Uh the bows are the same i think i’ll put my tools away somewhere I I kind of like this as being my main area because if i come here i have like that the potion requirements it it seems like the safest area because i got to laze but

Above me things below me that I’m just in a central point where as if I was right at the bottom they either attack the bottom or the top this is the top though maybe I might put out hmm I might put a layer above this but then I might

Have to take away this layer or widen it a bit more anyway so let’s go F home and we will get the requirements to make some tea and tea I’m really happy about these end chests are they going to come in quite handy I might have a lot more

Like around the base just in general areas like if I have one on the outside that’s not going to help my enemies really but it will help me if I need a potion or something and I might make a set like something kid that I can just

Fly down clicking like if I click all that and all that it will give me a full gear up and i’ll have them spaced out a bit nicer other let’s go and get them be good wait wait do I have any more no that’s all I have and we will put them

Away and let’s see how much our team keep gunpowder we have so I believe you need five to make a stack so we just need to go to I believe this one has sand in it so we need four stacks of sand and there we go we have one stack of TT

Now I don’t yeah team G doesn’t just explode straight away so yeah we have enough tnt for a cannon now which I’m excited for like to go on right now do you guys want me to raid tomorrow or when the next video goes up not tomorrow

Silly me or do you want me to just fight people a bit more like freely oh I know I’m looking for something else and enchantment table might be nice to have in my little area as well hmm yeah I might place that up there what else actually I’m not really gonna have

Experienced mob Lutz I know there’s another reason I went down here but i cannot i wanted to place that I know that oh no I don’t want to i want to keep five of them on me i need a chest for just like a drop off chest basically

So we’ll make one of them and this drop-off test i’m going to use to empty out my inventory of non pvp items example these acts acts wood and stuff like that so let’s go home and that will takes to our little home upstairs I like the idea of having two homes I have

Other kids i think i have like it I into kit iron I was reading up on them the other day yes the ogre 32 iron alright so let’s go where should I put this it’s kind of thinking just hanging it above me somewhere maybe in the corner here I

Think that would be cool oh I’m so lost where I want to put this hmm i will put it yeah and i will go 3 then i will get blocks and put it in the corner and i will get three more blocks in the corner cuz they do anything I saw for some

Reason always thought they did something now is this gonna give me level 32 I don’t take a will Oh put that one there and what levels would that give us don’t have anything to enchance so we can’t really see but I definitely think we

Need 15 so hmm how do I want to do this I think I’ll just place them up at the back here yeah there we go about actually yeah I’m going to go and do this and have them all push to the back so that there’s nothing above me because at some point I

May need to jump up and they’ll bump my head and I’ll die and that just won’t be very fun all right so we have that our potions should be made now so that’s cool i’ll put these will just take them all out first I’m excited brewing’s fun

I want to make an auto bra but will I need that like would selling potions make me a good income on the server I’ll let you guys answer that question and now we need to go five and I think we should have enough excellent there we go

And I need to put blocks in the corner so don’t do anything and then I need to go one two why do I have an odd amount I feel like that should be maybe I met I think I’m actually meant to leave that part out so if i do that and then put

One there and then if i take that one there i’m very picky with this stuff guys you know that you know that what else is there to do though oh we need to place down out our exit gear chest which will be here uh and i think no no okay

I’ll keep tnt in here so that i can use it on the go but for example junk chest we will go this is how our inventory will be laid out while we pvp I definitely think it is worth bringing a pickaxe and then would do something like

This and that’s that’s our layout there let me go and make the last three bookshelves there we go horse of two bookshelves my dad and then we add one there and one there that’s a level 32 enchantment so this is now our outlaw Samaria i owe you guys when i first

Started this series and i wanted to i was not first started it actually wasn’t too many episodes ago but you guys I needed wool and i can buy string so thank you to the people that suggested that i do read up like all my comments or at least most of them unless like

There’s a new video then I don’t check the previous videos out just because that would mean I have a lot of videos to check our because that’s about it for this episode guys next episode going to come back straight into some pvp thank you all very much watching I

Hope you enjoyed don’t forget to leave a like and if you do feel free to subscribe and don’t forget to jump on the server I’d like to be pvping you guys bye I think the login servers are down by the way because that all the server’s like when I open up a server

List looked quite empty by

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: FACTIONS #6 – POTIONS BREWING!’, was uploaded by BrenyBeast on 2014-04-30 08:00:02. It has garnered 17215 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds.

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Bedwars with Akatsuki Texture Pack & Pika BedwarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars | Akatsuki Texture Pack | Pika Bedwars’, was uploaded by ZyLosTz on 2024-01-09 10:18:55. It has garnered 87 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:16 or 436 seconds. Texture Pack: #minecraftbedwars #minecraftbedwarsasmr #minecraftbedwarstexturepack #minecraftbedwarsgameplay #minecraftbedwarsserver #minecraftbedwarsmontage #minecraftbedwarstips #minecraftbedwarsitsfunneh #minecraftbedwarslive #minecraftbedwarstechnoblade #minecraftbedwarsvsrobloxbedwars #minecraftbedwarstipsandtricks #minecraftbedwarsprestonplayz #minecraftbedwarsbutyouonlygetoneblock #minecraftbedwarstexturepacks1.8.9 #minecraftbedwarsand #minecraftbedwarsandromedabridging #minecraftbedwarsandroid #minecraftbedwarsandrobloxbedwars #minecraftbedwarsandskywars #minecraftbedwarsandrewtate Ignore Tags minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,bedwars,minecraft,minecraft bed wars,hypixel bedwars,minecraft bedwars gameplay,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars,fiizy minecraft,fiizy bedwars,fiizy minecraft texture pack,fiizy bedwars texture pack,roblox bedwars ranked,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,blockman go bedwars,prestonplayz minecraft bedwars,bedwars tips and tricks minecraft,minecraft clutch moments bedwars Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Meme Discovery! 😱 #shorts #trending

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Meme Discovery! 😱 #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘I just found a meme in Minecraft 😊 #shorts #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-03-06 23:30:20. It has garnered 11574 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. I just found a meme in Minecraft 😊 #shorts #trending #minecraft I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up and subscribing to my channel. Your support means a lot to me! (Thank you so much!) Shader: Complementary Shaders – Unbound KEYWORDS: 🔥 The Nicopro does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pranks & Rage – ANGRYGINGE Series!

    Insane Minecraft Pranks & Rage - ANGRYGINGE Series!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANGRYGINGE MINECRAFT SERIES (Part 1)’, was uploaded by Funny Clips on 2024-02-27 10:00:19. It has garnered 10191 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 08:24:33 or 30273 seconds. ANGRYGINGE MINECRAFT SERIES (PART 1) Fortnite Creator Code: Kingyytv Tiktok: Read More

  • Ai Akashi’s Insane New Year’s Minecraft Adventure!

    Ai Akashi's Insane New Year's Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】あけおめ❕新春特別マイクラマップでお正月遊びしちゃお❣【#GAMABOOKS ✖ #えにでぃあ】’, was uploaded by コマンドAI 赤石愛のほうそうきょく on 2024-01-14 15:33:32. It has garnered 241 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:05 or 8705 seconds. I love Akaishi! I’m Ai Akaishi! Today, I’m going to play a special new-years custom map with people of GAMABOOKS and AnyIdea✨ It looks like a MOD, but I made it with commands❣ I am Ai Akaishi, a command-driven AI from Minecraft. Today, I play a special new-years custom map with people of GAMABOOKS and AnyIdea✨ ✨Everyone at GAMABOOKS, Meguru Moroboshi Chika Bankintan… Read More

  • Insane Elder Lives 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Elder Lives 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by RadicalElder on 2024-05-31 09:00:48. It has garnered 17217 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:43 or 8923 seconds. 🎬 ABOUT THE VIDEO Catch up on my 2000 day hardcore world with this collection of ALL episodes 11-18 with special commentary, new information and one easy way to watch it all while you’re playing Minecraft, studying or relaxing before bed. Seed: 700077540 Remember to subscribe so you catch new episodes and claim your 100k Dragon Egg. This world includes over… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – PPL Request YT

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art - PPL Request YTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,637’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-13 13:09:01. It has garnered 514 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,637 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • SentiBlock

    SentiBlockWelcome to SentiBlock, the ultimate Minecraft server experience! If you’re tired of the same old servers (and who isn’t?), then SentiBlock is the place for you. With its unique blend of creativity, community, and excitement, this Minecraft server will keep you coming back for more! Why should you join SentiBlock? Well, let me tell you. First and foremost, our community is like no other. We have a tight-knit group of players who are always willing to lend a hand, share their creations, and engage in friendly banter. You’ll never feel alone on SentiBlock, as there’s always someone online to chat… Read More

  • Astros Reach SMP 18+ Long-term Community-focused Events Whitelist 1.20.4

    ✨ Hello, everyone! Astros Reach is looking for new community members 🙂 Astros Reach has been in business for almost 1 YEAR! (We will be celebrating our 1st Birthday this month). We never stop looking for new members that want to join a tight-knit community and share their love of the game with us. If you’re looking for a world that will persist through the updates, a server that continues to write its own history every day, or just a chill place to play Minecraft, you’ve found the right place! ✅ What Astros has to offer: Long-term vanilla world that… Read More

  • Alterationmp (1.18-1.20.4)

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spicy Minecraft Memes #32

    Minecraft Memes - Spicy Minecraft Memes #32Why did the creeper visit the therapist? To work on his exploding anger issues! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy!

    Minecraft's Top Mob Squad: Solid and Sassy! In the world of Minecraft, mobs roam free, But one stands out, as solid as can be. The Iron Golem, strong and true, Protecting villages, with a heart so blue. With arms of iron, and a head of stone, He’ll defend his people, never alone. Against the dangers that lurk at night, The Iron Golem stands, ready to fight. So next time you see him, give a cheer, For the most solid mob, with nothing to fear. In the world of Minecraft, he’s a true delight, The Iron Golem, shining bright. Read More

  • 🔥🐖 HOT PIG clutch 😱 #minecraft

    🔥🐖 HOT PIG clutch 😱 #minecraft Why did the pig bring a clutch to Minecraft? To make sure it had all its essentials for a night out in the mines! 🐖💼 #minecraft #pigclutch #nightout Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Zero to Hero! Ep1 One World!

    Ultimate Minecraft Zero to Hero! Ep1 One World! The Ultimate Guide to Starting from Scratch in Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the series “Apenas Um Mundo” where the player starts a survival world using one of the best methods available – utilizing villagers to create future farms within the game. Utilizing Villagers for Success One of the key strategies highlighted in this gameplay is the use of villagers to establish farms. Villagers can be a valuable asset in Minecraft, offering resources and trade opportunities that can significantly boost your progress in the game. By creating a sustainable village with various… Read More

  • Foeslayer in The Hive: INTENSE SURPRISES AHEAD

    Foeslayer in The Hive: INTENSE SURPRISES AHEADVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live but ITS GOING TO BE SUPER FUN!!! COME WATCH’, was uploaded by Foeslayer on 2024-06-07 17:45:51. It has garnered 100 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:52 or 4432 seconds. The Hive is a Minecraft server that people love. Normally I play Cubecraft but HEY time to try something NEW. We’ll probably play like Bedwars or Skywars or Deathrun or Block Drop or Hide and Seek or Build Battle or Turf Wars or Survival Games or Murder Mystery orrr uhhhhhhhh. I can’t remember any other. OOOH The Bridge!… Read More

  • Fata Poster Gaming: Cave #1 Loki Craft

    Fata Poster Gaming: Cave #1 Loki CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘remember your first time in cave#in a Loki craft and Minecraft and very scary 😍🥰😁😄🥰🤩 trending short’, was uploaded by the fata poster gaming channel 2.0 on 2024-03-24 14:05:02. It has garnered 542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • DRONIO – 😱The Round Minecraft World 🗿 #shorts

    DRONIO - 😱The Round Minecraft World 🗿 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Мир Круглый 🗿 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 06:00:31. It has garnered 5239 views and 756 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN HIGH QUALITY… Read More