Creating A Golden Factory In Minecraft Gold Rush

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Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome you’re alone with the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream coming at you we have gold rush today Pixelmon Tycoon and then we’re rounding It Off by hopping on our sponsor Pixelmon server to hang out with players like yourself

Uh and have a fun old time so we got a lot of cool different Minecraft based things for this live stream today it’s going to be absolutely great the teams of star are Cappy dropsy and myself versus monkey Steve and not stead because he hasn’t joined red team I

Guess he doesn’t love them that’s all I got oh also make sure to clear out your generators real quick there we go oh my God there’s a lot of stuff in there there we go and perfect slash clear uh you can also give yourself all the stake in the world

And make sure as well inside of your thing you just put an iron in there and a diamond and then pull them out that way you can make sure to have those in case you need um but yeah everyone I hope you guys are having a fantastic day hopefully

Everyone out there is super excited so excited that they just can’t hide it and then Steve’s about to lose control oh seems like you redeemed it pretty quickly all right everyone so I got two trips this is pretty much it oh yeah I forgot the one of the more important parts as well

Um for those that don’t know how the game is played let me explain it to you and also welcome to the channel pretty much you have these drills here that’ll automatically get oars for you you also have miners that are located on the left lane right lane and right down the

Middle they will drop either more Ores and money and things like that or modded weapons and armor which we can use to either kill the other team or well kill the other team really that’s pretty much it and you know you can steal from their generators you can have fun and the goal

Is to make as much as possible and that’s pretty much it right guys yes all right all right so we got everything we need here one thing I gotta check though real quick gotta check gotta check the description here we gotta see what we can do here Morty Morty Morty

Um we start with stone sword yeah coin sword and keep inventory is keeping notorious of course yep oh yes oh story is yes jail and actually it changes up jail team for that’s a big one okay and perfect uh oh I’ve changed one more thing in here

And then we’re good to go uh player game all right we’re good to go hear what it is so I guess separate calls and uh set your spawn point wherever you want your house because your house is technically a safe Zone someone’s gonna break the rules on that anyway so

That’s all I got it’s us we’re gonna break the rules says suspect number one I’m breaking everything by the way yes Stone sort him you want to start a stone sword okay let’s do it um alrighty then guys uh separate up get out of here no you leave get out of here

All your friends are already gone Steve all right here we go in turn count us in sir beans the cheating wait who’s small Jerry is he a bloody small Jerry what small Jerry what so my medium rare Jerry what if it is no small is not afraid of Cook are you sure

You never had a small like burger and disappointed small is definitely a great of cooking no bro what I I can’t say I have personally help I’m gonna try to save it iron sword oh hello oh I have weeked this so I wasn’t oh you guys dragged everything over here

Captain you have a crown I can’t hit this guy yeah if you have weakness you can’t hit them I know oh my God they updated Minecraft for that which I don’t know how that was like an upgrade but Hey cap this is hold on cap he dropped the diamond

Oh wait hold on because he actually dropped a diamond already we got some good movies oh my god dude I got him okay uh this is for you oh yeah oh uh drama pudding okay this just I’m putting meat no I just I wait 10 Max

Health that sounds fun we want to get as many laser drills early on as possible right that’s always the main yes got it got it all right let’s get back out there start swooping I have 16 000 EMC already I’m about to have quite a bit

Oh my God does anyone need a better weapon yeah I’d like one two iron sword or actually hold on all right cat might be able to Earnest at the old-fashioned way with a mallet to the Head well there’s also there’s a katana in here Jerome in the chest below the meats oh

Is there now dang monkey killed me he had that reach ah can you can you get that guy I got him off here I’m gonna come out there with it that didn’t matter yeah we got him he dropped some goodies there’s some ores you got it yeah

He actually dropped all right look at that he dropped the whole drill all right I’m gonna start out so we we want to do double layer on everything obviously right yeah yeah that’s the move yeah double layer on everything all right all right perfect perfect so normally the way it works guys for

People watching is that you want to try to get as many generators up as possible probably by the 15 minute left Mark after that point don’t bother you’re not gonna you’re probably not gonna make your money back if you get it before then yeah you should be fine you should

Be able to okay oh just definitely a two-person job so what do you think we should focus as far as killing things eat I want to try and get stuff off okay items let’s go to the items route I agree because if we got armor then we

Could go on raiding parties to their house and we can make fun of them poison is huge wow I hate having weakness there we go armor hey eagle and a chest plate oh thank you I didn’t pick up that bit whoa frostbite leggings and chest plate

That gives us if you guys want to focus on the other guys or the mines and I’ll I’ll do this because I got poison okay sure oh Sager wolf thanks for becoming a member I say uh oh cause whenever Sager wolves here usually there’s chaos

The good news is I feel like they have their app for blown up blade server so yeah here we go here we go get out of here monk you scream we gone Monk ooh emeralds watch out for the monk how does he have a full set already always weakness damage multiplier I hope

We get arranged all the armor doesn’t stop the uh weakness does it all right we can go home we have four Diamond oars three gold and a laser drill and two emeralds oh my gosh okay oh I’m gonna die oh you’re not I got your back yeah

I keep forgetting to replenish my steak after I die okay you know what could be huge as Shields though I know right oh you can buy that when did they update the quest to make it so that weakness means you don’t do damage if your sword is too weak

Because you used to be able to do nothing I think it’s just these like I don’t know oh two drills oh my gosh we got a lot of drills coming our way do I want to get rid of that actually guys we have

I do want to do want to buy drills but I also don’t want to lose our speed buff yeah oh I think I found the better armor I just got Ender right leggings that’s plus seven armor and four armor toughness oh nice um also I think keeping us above 100 000

EMC might be the move because that’s gonna be speed yeah bruh I feel like I’ve got a we gotta help you with this stuff and just like take aggro occasionally literally I don’t know I’m doing fine and then getting hit one of them’s throwing a snowball and

That’s very rude it’s the it’s the armor I think it has snowball one oh there we go there we go no what I got stuck on your mind I got him great please have the stone story back yeah Z table dude it’s only like six bucks to get back yeah

Dude they have like full sets even stead as a full set I don’t know why I said it like that I’m sorry instead so I was just straight disrespectful dude I just can’t swing at them I don’t even know the katana does any damage Hearts don’t fly out of them

Whenever it’s it’s ten percent max health oh that’s terrible that’s a 10 hit kill God we have literally pulled them all down all right we’re good we’re good two down bruh I I hate how fast they can swing at you while their reach is insane so I’m gonna use the dirt sword I’d

Literally rather use the dirt sword bruh oh my God that’s one down that’s two down my goodness Hammer good the hammer smash Hammer smash let me know if you guys get something better than this dirt sword I can give you a pair oh the weapons don’t

Have a better weapon yet but hold on oh three diamonds right so that pull out 64. there’s another drill yeah we haven’t got any of the luckiest with our drills drops mostly like Redstone coal things like that hey Diamond waiting for us bruh at least I barely take damage now must be nice

Though oh nice that guy dropped like all the armor oh nice that’s another stacking oh I should probably throw it why what I I hate this weakness why do they give weakness it’s it’s so infuriating my god dude wait what’s this magic shovel that does 16 attack damage

Oh that’s double migration 10 attack speed let’s go big new singer wolf thank you for starting us off being our captain of the 50 stream tip that’s 12 laser drills for the squad which means we get to go ahead and fill an entire ring around one of these okay that’s

Huge that’s huge thank you hello Internet man oh you’re looking very Regal today yeah you probably didn’t think I knew what the word Regal meant did you uh you gave me the wrong laser intern I want a refund bruh intern man I don’t know if the weakness stopped or if the great hammer

Specifically can spam hits can you break those please the weapon I got can and it’s sick all right oh my gosh thanks that’s huge uh so our first one by the way is completely roundabouted there’s there’s 24 so it’s two levels high and we got 12

Fixes sacred wolf for the second one so we’re moving we’re moving all right putting armor in this second chest uh if I had a better weapon I’d try to commit crimes on them oh my I mean I got a pretty good weapon what’d you get it’s a magic shovel that does uh

16 attack damage and it has 10 attack speed one down nice and a right chest plate dude that’s humongous okay uh Jerome I’m putting some laser drills in this bottom chest that’s on the end uh team thank you that’s big that’s big all right all right the earlier we get

These up the better yep just trying to get some armor for you guys right now I almost have full Ender right I’m just missing the boots I have Android for a lot of them yes thank you Isaac krausen monkey’s pushing Isaac with a 50 stream tip said more

Drills that’s 12 more drills let’s keep it up come on guys dude that’s gonna be big for us dang we’ve already double layered two of the sights now wait I’m coming thank you guys for real thank you oh ah all right let’s put that there to jump over

Then we could put it in there okay nearly had him that’s big how you guys doing on the combat combat front uh we just chased them off so killed Steve and the other two ran away uh Steve was in art I think he spawned there on accident

Oh okay okay yeah if you spawn there on accident because we did kill him I was like there’s no way you just came back okay also I’m accidentally gonna dig the map a ton because this is a shovel still how dare you what I’m confused about is how he had

Armor even though he died wait yeah that’s a good point did he take that from us [Laughter] he’s respawning our house take our armor and then leave [Laughter] didn’t die what I see the message how gaslighting dude what what this is what happened I died I ran throughout my gear

I put on my gear and ran into your house thinking it was my house I got a mistakes [Laughter] Steve died literally the for the first time ever a link of a gyaso in the middle of a Minecraft video live evidence caught on camera listen I was just confused because they

Said you didn’t die it’s like that’s not true uh I got an Ender right sword for anyone who wants it 12 attack damage two attacks yes this is Jerome’s it’s going in the bottom chest so he knows where it’s at okay do you place the drills from the inside or the outside outside

Got it got it um I got another magic magic shovel Jerome you want this I know it sounds lame but you want it okay I think the Dark Matter thing is being a little bro okay that was weird but yes what do I want look at this weapon

The magic shovel oh my God thank you oh my God that is that that did not happening for what happened I think Steve needs a Wither I agree yeah yeah I hope he’s home right now he does deserve this thank you sacred wolf our captain of the livestream big big

Chungus no I don’t know what’s mob griefing set to mod reviews uh I think oh mob grouping is set to ah good to know I’m reading their stuff oh they’re with us attacking me never mind I thought it was in their house it’s fine it’s not chasing me

Oh yeah I keep accidentally digging the wall there’s no way this magic shovel was vetted dude I I saw it and I was like no shot and you can’t you can just Spam it it because like the damage ramps up but you yeah so not to stress you guys out but

We’re doing a big poo poo diaper sorry for the bad words um right now and we don’t have nearly enough uh of the drills and there’s only like 10 minutes left till we hit that time where it’s like not worth it so what I’m saying is I’m I I’m surprised

You went for the double layer first I can start grinding other stuff I was just trying to get you guys good armor oh thank you uh yeah whatever works whatever works cycle class with 25 streamips and happy birthday Jerry and Willie bopped you missed diamonds wait cap captain could

You put down these drills for uh or you know I’ll take care of it I just want to get home because the steak bombing could add a lot of EMC oh to the gang oh it’s way it’s a broken EMC it’s the broken and the kids go you can’t fix it now Mr

Returns the chest has more uh stuff in it Michael Thomas with 150 straight dip said 36 drills to Jerry oh my God big Jerry big Jerry yeah wait did the extra Hearts work now just kidding if you went below ah dude 36 drills from The Intern you keep picking it

Jerry why are you giving him smoke a smoke it’s the wrong Jerry if you want to give me the drills I can place them for us all right I have good news too because that’s steak bombing I am now at 56 laser drills nice so I’m gonna I would I would do the

First layer and everything first to make sure we have all our bases covered okay I hear what you’re saying but I’m good are you still double layering opposite okay all right yeah see here’s the thing with 56 you could do eight on like you know seven of them

Or you can only double layer like three nah now yeah okay I was getting the others drop see don’t worry about it okay cool oh now we’re gonna get it just in time for real thank you Michael Thomas and cycle clouds too they said those steak bombings are worth so guys for the

First time ever I’m gonna be asking you please can we get some snake Bombs Up In Here you guys could technically still set a record if we keep it on till the end true oh there we go all right we still need still need some more I’m surprised I

Thought can you get a number uh uh 12. you asked him the math look what you did um eight is 22 and then we need 24 more so we need 46 more 46 more okay is that horrible no uh we ‘ve I’ve heard worse do we

I’m gonna get a some more EMC quickly here with all those steak bombs that were lying around all right I’m gonna get him some drills yay all right good good I’m depositing more cap you look like a superhero with that hammer and the uh the blue armor and the yellow underneath

Right yeah you look like a superhero dude I smell like a superhero too what is superhero smell they probably smell quite bad to be honest it depends on the superhero like Aquaman nah Superman though Superman probably smells great oh dropsy I’m gonna need you to take these drills for me because

Vengeance three with a stink bomb let’s go EMC let’s go I have 30 on me right now how many did you buy uh I have 13 total on me from picking them up from Jerry oh and then uh all right I guess you can put them too oh my

Gosh more Snake bombs guys let’s absolutely let’s break the record and smoke them and score I want that for the first time ever I want us to hit yes we hit 100 million I bet you we get it 100 million I bet you it’s not gonna be easy yeah

Let’s make it happen V Smith I hope you’re having an awesome day and he said you missed that Willy bopped and all the excitement no no I actually believe Willie for once I don’t think Willie did it I believe him who is this guy what have you done with Jerome

I’m a changed man now like I said I’m asking for steak bombs now you know what I’m saying I mean that that is fair there we go uh we should probably get more dirt going around so we can actually access these easily oh yeah okay I only need uh 15 more

15 more I think I probably have enough EMC for this yeah that’s three and then 12 yeah 15 more and then we’re double stacked on everything I can get uh never mind I can’t help you right now because steak Bobby yeah okay yeah I can get

Like another also I lied the health does not work don’t worry guys we’re gonna stay I’m gonna see if I can beat one of them up so to be clear guys I don’t think anyone’s even hit 10 million EMC before in this game mode we’re gonna Crush that

We’re going for a record we need your help we need to make sure that we Crush Steve that’s it that doesn’t have to do with anything else not about winning or losing about destroying Steve you know bro we’re getting real up into buddies these days

Okay we can do this we can do this all right depositing all those how many drills do you need from me huh uh I’m not over there anymore because I was going to take more stuff to get EMC for myself I just got six more uh so we’re gonna say go play some

With them so six uh we need nine more then okay and that’ll be the total can you triple layer them I I don’t know all right Cappy cabbie sorry I will post myself but Manchester 25 trading for another snake bobbin let her in yes they are so doomed thank you mad Jax

Yes the power of the meat Powers meat compels you the power of meat okay so we’re all double layered up this oh my gosh dude way to go cat and now we see dirt around it so we can actually access the points and then uh now we

Just play the uh the winning game we collect from the generators we get ourselves oh get a couple kills Nice kill Captain yeah yeah he was trying to get our generators oh let’s go dude Thank You Mad Jacks that snake bombing we’re at just about seven mil guys we’re

Going big we’re going for 10. 10 to start and we’re not stopping there Miss B wants Cappy to have a steak Bob cap get in there buddy here we go stream tip and die would puke one million steaks or that’s one itchy B if I had a guess

That’s crazy anyway here we go mm-hmm yes just on my own I have over a million and a half EMC just from that steak bomb Oh wait I might have enough on me for us to be over 10 mil Really yeah steak and Peppa Pig what do you have 10 mil thank you and then oh my God Kaden Bauer what do heck dude I thought we’d rather trying to get us all okay I gotta hide in the base here Caden Bower left 450 hammer for hot

Sauces one through six wow Caden you’re a beast dude Cadence out of his mind dude thank you Kaden and Steven order the 25 stream tips he’s gonna be on a noob I’m ready to fight you anytime pal steak Bobby get into your cap come on oh

Come on I’m so far away the trail of steak shall be talked about for Generations well you guys are working on on getting us all the EMC and holding on the Ford hot sauce number one we gotta start off here alrighty there we go and number one which is just jalapeno um

Okay clean up clean up beef is on the floor in there Jesus Michael Thomas with 150 why does it when it rains it pours with these 150 left and said what you want two more hot sauces okay I guess I can help you out bruh I’m about to slam through 130 at

Eight that’s one through eight you guys are not why can’t you guys ever just like be chill you know what I’m saying like have a space why would they be chill Jerome I know dude it’s Thursday it’s date night oh dude they remembered [Laughter] You guys are really the bathroom Oh my God sacred wolf with a 300 stream tip that hits number 12. guys swing it we didn’t have a moment here come why why are you doing this why are you doing this you gotta be so rude wait wait wait wait wait mine mine

All right guys I’m gonna be out for a little bit here number three is habanero so we had to go through to number 12 now oh my god dude all right Jerome would you ever do something where you just have the stream burrito and they can donate to add the

Hot sauce to it throughout the stream and then you have to eat it at the end oh my god dude what if we made it a mechanical machine that auto did it what like a robo burrito maker like a robo uh sauce Porter okay a robo sauce for that could work

A robo burrito maker jeez man you’re trying to throw every Chipotle employee out of business what do you what the heck happy I don’t know do you that that is a skill the the burritos I see them rap sometimes would you if you could have a perfectly robotically wrapped burrito pepper yes

Number four goes pepper here it is hey Jerome I’m gonna need you to shut up about your hot sauce we’re talking about robot burritos oh my god dude 4 is already hot because guys just so you know I have to go open them up these are all new fresh bottles they opened up

Yesterday and I think the other pack was hot but these seem hotter I think it’s because all of vinegar kind of settled to the bottom and I was towards the bottom on all of them I feel like I’m gonna explode grab all these now uh the pressure it’s

Building oh Jerome uh there is the last set of boots in here if you want the full set thank you I know I know you’re busy uh burning your mouth I’m gonna say I probably only have like one minute to use those while I’m not burning my

Insides um but thank you it was very kind number five here we go here they go number four is already hot all right oh my god dude yep nope nope nope I don’t know if Amelia really I might need to start unzipping a little bit here oh my gosh oh you’re like

Wearing a jacket I normally wear a hoodie but I’m like actually getting like I’m getting yeah dude you gotta put like you got to keep like a fan on your desk a little mini fan oh normally the I don’t know what’s going on and I feel like maybe CAC maybe I’m just

Oh maybe I’m losing my touch the fans are it has been a minute since they put you through a gauntlet like that oh my God that’s the halfway point but it doesn’t get easier that’s the easy half and that’s the part that really is the worst and Donovan Adams with a 75 dollar

Stream tip for the final straw which means I have to get one of the other special pack that’s number 13 and then we restart the entire series you are you’re nuts guys it has been 30 minutes into the Stream why do you do this stats that we made a million bruh we got

13 of those come on man all right number seven I’m getting bullied oh my gosh I’m trying to grab for the bigger chips now because they help out a little bit when you get to the really but the problem is there are also jalapeno chips which uh oh no

Yeah seven did it seven for those you don’t know a scorpion pepper powder and number eight that we’re about to do has Carolina Reaper pepper in it dude I don’t know if I’m just weak what is going on today dude you may just be hitting it right now

Over kylo it’s 25 streams at stake for the best dropsy let’s get to 50 mil yeah 50 million I’m ready I’m running I’m running I’m running uh Michael Thomas said let’s run through all the hot sauces again because comedy comes in through I swear to you on date

Night if you do this to me Michael Thomas I will ban Willie for an entire stream drove he will not be here tomorrow as a deeply Disturbed individual I must ask you want to know about my poops I want to know if it’s worse after just be honest with you

It usually as weird as it sounds it takes time this my stomach hurts but the the poops come the next day I can actually time how long I digest based on spicy Donovan Adams 75 stream tip said round two fight or we’re taking off this sweatshirt

I can’t right now all that’s going to do is encourage them Jerry that is nuts that means we’re on number one again of the next I I’m struggling to even open the number eight bottle what have you done to me I’m impressed you’re already at eight

I’m trying to run through them but it’s that’s probably your downfall dude you don’t give your body time to adjust are you sure but I feel like it’s no Michael with a 75 I said let’s root it no no that looks menacing too right dude Michael Michael you gotta chill my dude

Okay fall back oh my God I slipped up no that’s gonna be okay dude I’m sweating I’m literally do you see like actually sweat sorry cap and I are in a brawl right now God how many of you guys do mostly talking here because I am oh wait these

Guys died pick up other stuff I’m coming back Oh that one there’s one over here there’s one over here get him get him oh I swung in a mist I can’t believe we’re on hot sauce get his stuff and run oh I’m happy Wren oh wait there it is that’s number nine oh yeah yeah we’re giving yeah oh my God

Keep your own buddy I’m going through it right now yeah what ships are you using again do you see look look at my face it’s usually in jalapeno again can you actually see my face glisten on the side there wait wait hold on hold on what do you

Pull it off hold on okay I was gonna say you gotta give me one second I don’t I don’t like the I I don’t like hearing everything twice but I’ll give you a second I’m spinning up now oh God you’re sweating that’s what I’m saying I’m Legit like this is all right

Oh my god oh no buddy oh no [Laughter] bro huh what oh there’s no way that’s real Is that real Caden Bauer with a 450 stream for six more that’s number eight right now that’s number eight again I’m sorry oh that’s monkey I don’t want to kill him

Oh my God that’s actually crazy here’s number two guys we have ten times their amounts so you guys know this has capsaicin extract one times in it Carolina Reaper pepper scorpion pepper ghost pepper habanero and jalapeno eleven is times two and twelve is times three I’ll tell you these all in advance

Because once I start these I’m probably not gonna be able to talk oh would you I’m using jalapeno chips right drum would you ever feel you’re clinically insane right yes he is clinically insane have you considered like uh doing all of them yes uh here we go number 10. hmm

Well now that he can’t talk I’d like to talk to you guys about a cause that’s near and dear to my heart Jerry you can see every time it’s steadfast what do you say why am I why am I I’m killing them where are they at they hurt jeroman’s base now it’s our

Turn where are they at this is how my mouth feels dude I’m dying here Caden you’re sick all right here we go where are the rest of them I don’t know they’re like the fires right get the fire man we gotta save small Jerry’s burning up it’s spreading so fast

Meanwhile an interior view of Jerry’s mouth I’m about to die it’s a fire damage oh my God yeah the house is gone it’s there’s no hope oh that’s terrible Here Comes number 12. Caden you’re sick geralda said get some milk you can’t tell me what to do Geraldo ah

I can’t believe you guys let small Jerry die there’s worse things drops he says hi roll Champion with a 25 okay thank you I’m ready there she is she’s about together here comes I gotta destroy the fire so that I don’t accidentally destroy the stake small Jerry’s just waiting out by the

Curb in front of his like like burned down house blazing Brady with 50 dollars double snake bubble instead I need to get that milk you’re right I’m sorry I can’t I can’t do it I’m I did 12 I’m dying go get the milk dude go get the milk

Okay so if they did dig underneath us there the hole would be on their side of the map so like we’re so close to 20 mil hold up I think I found where they might have built up oh really yeah it’s over uh on the right hand tunnel if you want to check

Of course we don’t want to leave Jerry undefended dang does anyone want to check the gents I’m currently on an investigation to see if maybe they’ve dug behind her case Jerry is so tragically hurt right now I’m back I have milk blazing Brady once again happy birthday buddy oh my God

I have to do now number 13 and then one through eight again Kaden you’re sick well I found Monk nice where are they getting the constant EMC from I don’t know guys maybe they got a stake bomb you know well they got two this one is butt

Kicking ghost pepper hot sauce God it’s just me oh they definitely found something to mine and are breaking it oh maybe they’re just harvesting like iron or something like that there it is hold up there’s only 50 seconds left guys about 18 million they put wither roses around

Our house that’s what I’m saying they’re just they’re just cheating this is just descended into pure chaos at this point yeah it did the body is oh I mean does that like violate can we do baxies can we like just go in their house now what yeah

Yeah bring it the whole entirely to the Geneva Convention so okay so backseats let’s go I’m struggling to open this hot sauce they have guns guns what are you talking about they have guns what they have here’s the thing cap they’ve been lost anyways well they have

Is the most crushing defeat in the history of Gold Rush G I’m hot sauce now all right that’s not for you to decide buddy yeah oh my God so we’re gonna get ready for the next segment of the live stream first I gotta get through this one alive maybe not well but alive

So Pixelmon Tycoon next yeah right how’s it going terrible it’s going sure how’s your mouth no no no Steve don’t ask that I’m not wrong do not ask your boss how’s your mouth don’t do that oh my God all right we’re gonna load up the Pixma tycoon in the background while I’m

Trying to get this it’s all fixed up here I’m trying to open the hot sauce it’s like very stuck yeah is this the one with the generators yeah it’s a generator Tycoon you know it could be fun with the new Pokemon let’s Pixelmon crane games sometime just a bunch of pngs haha

That’d be an interesting one I’ll be happy to know that we found the budget to move locations out of the desert oh my God Jesus uh but unfortunately we had we only had room for five houses so stead’s on a mountain oh my God I’m okay with that okay yeah that’s

Funny that we always started in a desert guys 2017. this is hot sauce number 13. I think it’s number 13. [Laughter] 390 years see all right oh my god dude he’s taking so much hot sauce he actually gave in and got milk yeah oh good yeah it’s crazy dude I’m sweating

Oh my God all right everyone I have to go through one through eight again I am the first in the server though despite my suffering I did it I did it yeah my multi I’m adjusting my settings quick so that I hope they don’t like too much

Guys how’s everyone else at stream doing better than me probably better than me I would assume better than you really low bar to set right now yeah all righty hot sauce number one a welcome on a welcome break you know it’s not a welcome break because it’s still going to be hot you

Have the leftover I had to leave in the middle of that Steve I had literally had to run upstairs I couldn’t do it is that bad eh they got me one through 13 and then through eight I have to do through eight right now Steve oh my goodness that has no chill

Well you know Chad was looking out for it oh is tonight date night it’s Thursday man oh my God they dare because they said comedy comes and they dare make me do it three times I’m Banning Willie for a day he’s not in the Stream tomorrow

Oh awesome yeah let’s do that yep you said it’s supposed to be like yeah it was not very intimidating then clearly didn’t work too well they look up to Willie and they do dare so they’re they’re gonna have to make it oh my God you are kidding instead lives on a mountain

That’s hilarious yeah yeah I’m okay with that yeah this is great all right we’re on to number three now guys know where I belong are you still using spicy this isn’t yes he’s still using spicy chips do you think he would get lucky that’s a normal Pixelmon Tycoon instance or uh the

Instance that I sent you guys is just called Pixelmon he does it oh yeah it’s the same instance guys I hope so multiplayer all righty there we go number three now guys number four is where ghost pepper is this is where it starts to re get hot again by number eight I’m toast

He takes number eight and all you hear is just oh there is that yellow or is that orange I think that might be um yeah the the colors were a little weird right here that’s pink I see yellow star I didn’t get ready in time I put you next to stead ah cool

You can go visit him be like hey number five oh there we go we’re here it is guys number five you sound like you’re having fun today time that was a crazy Gold Rush that’s all I’m gonna say there we go number six oh are you gonna survive Jerome

No it’s a bit 50 50. oh my God Steve here I need to do my intro for me what’s going on everyone welcome back to Pixelmon why’d you do that with your voice I don’t like that I don’t sound like that boo steady what’s going on everyone I can’t do that dude

Are anymore yeah you changed them so often here oh hey guys what’s up it’s Jerry here we’re playing Pixelmon Tycoon we’re gonna have a great Old Timer it’s gonna be toxic you guys don’t get me oh and number eight I finally won there it is Donovan Adams Caden Bauer all the

Other forces of evil that have come again guys hit him again no do it again do it again as well you guys are all sick I didn’t get to see it so I wanna let’s let’s go again they’re all sick oh my God I ate I hate that eight is so hot oh

I don’t remember this being my team ever just so I could feel better Steve can you change the description so I could rip it apart to feel better thanks buddy I thought I already did oh you did oh thank you yeah I did go ahead rip it apart

Oh my god dude my mouth oh can I ask why my house is being sucked into the ultra space Dimension no no well see due to budget budget cuts um flash Clear Sight uh seriously I don’t remember I just can’t do that here for that hey oh he’s got eyebrow

I don’t remember this being my team ever I’m gonna be honest what’s your team um played all McCargo dodrio Bisharp exploudin sand slash wow we did this I don’t think that’s ever been my Donovan Adams with a 150 stream tip Steve asked for this so double sauce

Trump Steve what is wrong with you yeah Donovan that’s good Steve you’re sick chat just doesn’t pump the brakes they’re on they’re all on Steve’s side now get him good let’s ban Willie but imagine if Steve was forced to drink the hot sauce I have been I’ve done it yeah but like

Did you hit 12 yeah uh during the lucky block yeah it was during the lucky block one and then he he perished for a little bit yeah he had a bad time oh my God I mean if you make him go through the third time I’ll take the hot sauces with him

This is gonna be terrible foreign I got the hot sauce right here I’m ready dude but only if we get him through the third time I’ll do the third set with him oh my God monk look yes look I did a thing where are you I don’t know it doesn’t matter

Which one we started yeah they’re color-coded three Boogie boys like everything else there’s a yellow dude did you hear my offer yeah I think so all the hot sauce you were taking I wasn’t sure if you heard it I think the whole world you might have had hot sauce in your ears or

Something you’re ruining date night all of you and you’re all sick in the mind specially you Steve and Willie both of you to be honest I mean I’ll be ruining my night too but number 11. look I woke up today and I decided that I wanted to be the best

Like no one ever was like no one ever was oh uh okay oh my God every time look at me I woke up today and chose violence several days typical 40 minutes and uh then you could get your movement or stuff so you don’t have to do that in that 40 minutes 40

Minutes will just be to get your perfect team sound good guys yeah yeah sounds good I’m gonna start recording before I get hit again started recording immediately gets hit again yeah I was gonna say hit him guys hit him hit him now hit him with it hit him here we go action

What I I have a question real quick since we’re not at zero zero zero is that gonna affect the spawns of the Pokemon levels hopefully probably cool Jerry I mean there we go Jerome Bop season five Gabby Bop studs oh monkey pop sorry I was distracted what the heck

I was distracted I was showing Luke something funny what armor is that give that to me quickly oh yeah yeah here you go all righty here we go then being deleted without further Ado on the interns go let’s have some fun and play Pokemon all right

Let’s do it three two one go I bet I’m gonna cheat the fastest out of all you guys of the generators doubtful possible how much do you guys usually save I believe we’re starting to cheese it uh usually the iron barriers not so much but once I get 64 of iron then

That’s when I start to have fun I feel like I forget like how much does it increase one how much does the first five like the first five upgrader it either doubles I’m not sure if it doubles it I would just get the one next to you personally

You would know that if you cheated probably I was gonna say well well I was gonna say it tells you what the upgrade is but do you really trust it what why would it lie I might have ulterior motives does Jerome lie to us yeah for comedic effect

Yeah Alan guo with a 300 stream tip he wants to stall Arceus Adam U2 for Jeremy salami wow well uh yeah he doesn’t know how to build stall Arceus I can build stall Arceus again don’t you worry you need TMS When someone donated this specifically for that moveset I think we can allow it yeah I’m getting everything ready dude I’m getting star Arceus going hello there Tim Allen yeah what the heck was that there it is GG Allen quote the only problem is they’re only level 50. so I

Don’t know if that’s gonna actually hurt or help me but I’m gonna need to get these up level 50 Arceus level 50 God of everything in this I mean dude but everyone’s gonna have level 100. yeah I’m gonna need to spend almost all my diamonds on this how much

Are they like how much does it cost they’re super expensive diamonds career candy yeah yeah that’s how it always is there’s a joke no you just usually get gifted your rare candy yeah Jerome hey hey the 30 straight to perform candy cast the floor candy please in turn I

Need to prove their point thank you yeah I need it for stall Arceus we’re one step closer thank you thank you thank you Alan guo and acnotics thank you so much look at One Step Closer they’re all just afraid of what’s going to happen to you yes yes I am not particularly

All right throughout the Stars it’s won the battle last time yeah I know how to defeat the specific one yeah it’s like it’s it’s more the fact that it is an Arceus yeah it just has up stats but in terms of like how you’re gonna use it no

It it’s it’s definitely doable to defeat yeah she’s calling you in terms of Jerome using the ideas yes we’ll see about that um how many upgrades does the gold gens have before going into Diamond foreign thanks bud I think it’s got another one I did not

All right well I messed up my first was it 43 uh yeah it was 43. you made me mess up one of my gold gens destiny [Applause] didn’t even heard you want more hot sauce Destiny that’s number 12. oh Nursery my bad what nurse intern I have no phone right now

Destiny that’s hot sauce number 12. for the second time today oh you have a good day as well Luke I might be out of commitment one through twelve Jerome well they have to get number 13 which is a separate okay gotcha nurse Luke sorry sorry sorry sorry

Be careful guys he he he will act out if you don’t call him nurse yeah I mean if you worked that hard more floor candy for Jerry that’s good RC is level 70 now yes the plan is all coming together here Alan I’m running a little bit behind on my generators I

Mean Alan are ready drop me this floor candy pal uh I just I don’t know I just do I mean I haven’t started on my gold John stupid but that makes you feel what oh recover just the move I was looking for you know gargan Echo can learn recovery

It all means it just has recovery yes glad we talked okay now where what’s wrong intern you are wrong you are mistaken you guys are all just afraid also my God it really does come in waves these hot sauce is like around all the pain

I think it hurts less if you go through the nose to be honest because it’s not your areas the air is not then directly going down yeah true dude I’m killing it though for what it’s worth on the uh on the gold gens here yeah I’ve got three of them maxed out oh

Same never mind well yeah I’m maxing out my fourth I just thought I was here first you are special you’re Goretti assetti you mean it dead of course oh my God that hot sauce over 12 just lingers there we go all of mine are upgraded now

All right so I’m not doing the worst Matthew Daly with a 25 stream tip said he wants the kelp bomb on Stevie uh yeah you can also break mine all right dang I’m just there we go for this oh my god dude and Destiny Ben wants another hot sauce that sets the cycle

Back to the beginning before we get there oh you better join him Steve number yeah this is where I started joining you number 13 though is the butt Blaster hot sauce wow oh those are some words uh you can break mine it uses a bad word but it says keister

Oh oh dude keystrom Easter Blaster oh my God all right doing it the right way yeah why don’t we give me raw candies no no no no don’t do it guys hot sauce and give everyone else rare candies clear all the steak hmm there we go can you clear all the snake

Lightning strikes and worst part is all the steaks in my uh house oh my God that stuff is hot that is bad so I messed up the first diamond gin because like I just didn’t have the proper amount of gold but the next one I

Got right I messed up my first gold gen which kind of said I messed up my first gold but it didn’t set me back far so now I’m just being way more patient with the diamonds because it’ll pay off way more yeah something patient the god came with a 30 stream tip let’s

Go for more rare Cadence for Jerry that brings Arceus to level 80. yes Luke I might need some more iron I’m not sure yet I don’t have any in reserves because of the Escape bomb Oh my god get rid of your Gins and you weren’t done okay diamonds

It’s fine it’s fine I just don’t have any in in backup is there anything I would need iron for yes uh yeah just items um well we’ll see we’ll see if I need anything I have maxed out my first diamond gen okay you can get rid of my

Iron I have a reserve oh thank you he actually had a chest that he like picked up all my iron and put it into nice usually doesn’t yeah he yeah Okay so two stacks for a master ball wow I’m glad we’re back at hot sauce first tomato ball wait are you doing hot sauce number one no not yet I’m just glad it’s reset like I’m saying I’m glad I’m back yeah I’m good to go

I guess what I had for lunch Guys Pizza I uh put Pringles in a bowl and then I put like taco meat on top of it yeah you can get rid of it and then I microwaved it with cheese and that’s what I had for lunch oh nice

Yeah and it’s pretty good me it was pretty good pretty good hey that’s pretty good okay you can delete my uh my non-diamond Gins now if you want Luke you can delete my iron Gins as well say as far as my gold trends go hey is Steve

Saying this maybe like in five minutes Luke I mean nothing the problem was I got steak bombed and while I was steak bombed and my inventory was full of steak that’s when Luke came through and destroyed my Jen so I was like ah I didn’t have time to

Like get any backup reserved dude by the way I looked away for five seconds Dylan Weatherby with a 90 stream tip for 30 rare candies for Jerry every Arceus to level 100 and mew2 to level 60. and the god king with another 30 stream dip for 10 more rare candies that’ll

Mean our Mewtwo will be level 20. in security at dropsy level 20 but um whoa yeah we’re not scared in the sense of oh no he’s gonna win it’s oh he was given the candies you know YouTube Arceus was meant for me at level 100 it learns a move called judgment oh yeah

That that’s a move the type that’s uh type changes depending on what plate you have so right now it’ll be normal if you give it a Fairy Type plate yeah it’ll be a fairy type and judgment will be a Fairy Type move Gary’s gonna Steamroller yeah he is I think dude

Thank you thank you the streams love and support today has been out of this world listen I’m just saying that my plan of attack never changes so like it’s gonna happen no matter what on mind I have a pretty simple plane attack explosion yeah explosion there’s no problem in life that can’t be

Solved with a proper application of high explosives now explosives for master balls well you did say problems actually so never mind yeah boom boom cause more problems 128 time instead well uh Luke you can break my gold gens I should have enough you know what it is it should be about

Mariachi oh there we go what’s our time looking like by the way 30 minutes okay there’s something like that Luke said like 26. 206 notes here’s the question does uh Ultra space have high level pokes or is it Ultra I absolutely can in the last one

We did where Ultra space where was the thing they were like level 100s in there I’m not and I don’t want to that monk would know better than I would but I think the older versions of Pixelmon I could be wrong the ultra space was kind

Of poop like I feel like it was like not great unless you found an ultra beast but I don’t think I mean it kind of depends on the server I mean for what we’re doing uh it was you know it was pretty good then put levels went up the farther you

Got from Spawn some servers they were just low level oh yeah but they didn’t you uh you also I will say uh Jerome is right because you used to need uh safety goggles to be able to see clearly it used to be like this fog in Ultra space that’s this version

When I got TP there I could not see like five feet in front of the uh that’s you needing safety guys to be able to see in nurse Luke in Ultra space nurse Luke could you destroy these gold jeans Nursery oh he’s giving out safety goggles

Okay that’s me nice well just in case we get sent there you know you don’t have a choice so now it’s now it’s less poopy oh sick nasty and by the way I want to thank everyone out there for coming out and watching and all people who stream tip as well as

Most of you know uh especially in in the gaming industry in the gaming career space it gets difficult this time of year as some of our you know younger viewers go back to school or they go back to college um it gets a little difficult around

This time and so having the love and support of you guys out there watching um and people who stream tip as well amazing thank you you guys really help us continue to do what we do every day um and so all that that’s it there’s no catch I just wanted to genuinely say

Thank you um thank you hello all right guys I have my four master balls and I’m ready to set out real all right because you already have Pokemon yeah I’ve already got Arceus and Mewtwo and both of them fly yeah three pokeballs what’s he gonna fly off on wait Jerry yeah

Wait why do I need safety goggles actually if you get in case No One’s Gonna send me to ultra sun should we do that he heard none of the conversation never send me there like please don’t send them teach them a lesson I don’t want Jerome to have it all for me

He wants me to max out YouTube with 30 more rare candies let’s go God I can’t even complain it was nice playing games also you can destroy my iron and gold generators in turn if you want thank you very much uh but please keep the diamond because you know what I’m saying ah

Thank you for the rarest of the candies alaguo you’re awesome I was gonna say I don’t think they’re that rare I think it’s just kids yeah they’re not there yeah uh how many row candies yeah oh well yeah yeah so they helped me get all my legendaries level 100 so I’m I’m out

After this okay guys well remember to always check your Halloween candy for rare candies you don’t want your kids growing up too fast you don’t want to level up too much on Halloween you know what move I always liked my favorite move form you two what side

Strike oh he’s a big fan yeah yeah that was a good one and the animations in uh in the actual games look really cool Michael Thomas is let’s give Jerry some more floor candy yeah yeah oh my God that’s here where’s here in the forest Jerome we’re in the forest

Okay we’re in the plains and there’s a forest right near us so the as elf isn’t okay I mean I don’t know it would only spawn in like level 50 I think yeah I don’t think I have the uh no we’re in the planes there’s forests nearby so if someone’s

Close enough it could have been anyone it could have triggered it uh how do I go through this Wormhole uh INF and go right through the middle you’re on the ultimate Spacey stay in the stupid I’m trying to but it I just built my way up there though thank you

For those 10 rare candies Michael Thomas so now I have 10 extra dropsy so whenever I get like Pokemon they’re gonna be like in their 90s or whatever I’ll be able to Max them out oh I just jumped through the middle of it and it was like nah not happening

Ah that’s fine yeah that happens bad luck Luke can I have that piece of dirt back so I went in search of azelf and I’m not finding them I don’t know Luke tried to be a good sport and spawn a the hole on me all right and it teleported him yeah

Hazel just straight poopy or like it’s worse than Mewtwo it’s pure psychic you’re not gonna want it yeah like the I I don’t even it’s no also probably Spirits were that good ever they’re not great I mean they’re okay they’re not bad but they’re not good explosion bruh so like

You already had one psyche type one another that’s the thing you have a good psychic Legend he can double up on it it’s up to you Circle okay level 34. see I’m nervous about this uh first test center because I don’t have a mind to lock it in

You’re in Ultra space yeah I’m in Ultra space nice what’s it like in there bro um terrifying because I didn’t bring building blocks well you shouldn’t take like fall damage really in the ultra space you gotta still fall yeah yeah but once you fall into the void you’re out yeah

So if he doesn’t have the building oh wow you can’t oh I didn’t realize I could jump so high is that giant water spider thing good biter what uh araquinid uh uh Iraq oh he’s only level 36 I don’t need him interesting but I’ve seen some people use arach when they’d

I’m taking a huge gamble by being here but well you got to tell what the levels are like my dude uh they’re low right now I only saw a level one I don’t know if it updates the uh the levels in there like it does out here I

Mean they are getting one they are getting further uh higher levels so yeah so I know there was one that didn’t really have much higher levels but I also don’t think that’s what no it’s showing me Hindu that’s so cute bad levels I’m not gonna use it but it’s cute okay swellow

Yeah I’m hopeful here oh master ball loot come on give me a good item uh just a choice scarf oh that’s a wild pigeon can’t learn explosion though so I am is there a Dono to send people to biomes yes I mean I’d love to get to a badlands slash Mesa biome whichever one like you know has a bell oh do some Mesa in this game I believe I believe that I don’t believe this version has bad lens I mean it’s still mess up but uh

I’m gonna vote I think it’s fair if you do get sent to a biome Mr intern if you could do your best to try and make it like a level nine like the 90 plus air like you know far out from Spawn because it’s so lame if you get there like 20s

And you’re like oh okay oh he’s sad I’m sorry I’m sorry intern man I gotta lick a tongue it’s not like I like making your job more difficult I just love it it’s not you know there’s a difference I found a level 30 Ultra Beast oh that’s wrong okay so yeah I’m not

Catching it did you find uh the giant jellyfish ooh jealous whatever what am I illegal I said the the levels are ever going up the regular Pokemon the levels are going up okay so that’s good that’s good okay so I retract my statement about the biomes if it’s impossible to locate them

And such Come here you I’m just gonna catch uh steaks lickitungs that can learn explosion back here interesting to him there we go big come here Luke’s on a quest to find all the biomes what’s the time uh the time intern man is 16 minutes all right oh I found a Chimchar I only have

The legendary Pokemon I have nothing else going for me yeah just start radio uh staravian no star Raptor yes I’m probably abandoning my uh for the first time ever Jerome really yeah I just I found a level 100 Blaze again and I couldn’t say no yeah that’s understandable oh oh

Um thoughts Monk on Altaria I usually I I like him a lot personally but yeah bull terrier is pretty awesome you solid alterations on the squat is he dragon flying or just flying dragon flying oh man this version of Minecraft is wrong come on please have the right

Ability please have the right ability navigating Ultra space is not easy okay yeah I’m abandoning my explosion team for the first time ever it’s sad but why cap yeah I I’m surprised myself but being outside of the desert is actually a huge hindrance to boom boom months

Really I’m seeing a lot of geodudes bro I just went in the wrong direction then I got something solid yeah they’re in the planes bottom dude okay nice yeah they’re like right now it’s like there’s already a level 100 though no okay hmm they’re level 22 hard pass jabroni well

I mean what else you want I can’t do anything about it I appreciate it but like I don’t wanna I’m making a boat and sailing oh that’s what I did yeah I’m just kind of getting whatever okay to fly yes no nice calipers getting caught just

Thank God I’ve got like two extra master balls all right let’s see hello menchino I mean uh you could be kind of irritating to deal with uh you could be decent okay and what are your thoughts Monk on a trip all peloper team they’re worse ideas actually as long as

One of them has as long as it’s unironically I was gonna say people use peloper in competitive people do like peloper it’s it’s got drizzle I got the most LP psychic Pokemon on me not level level 98 Mr mime accepting offers now I’ll pay you a dollar to keep him

Fine I’ll give you money someone’s gonna stream tip to have you use Mr mime on your team bro so you mention someone stream tips give a poke and it’s oh oh it can’t happen all the time that’s a mushroom biome for those you could spawn in at level

100 for cap I think that’s fair because those aren’t legendaries you heard that here guys breaking deal on exploding monsters against James to wait Adam I’m gonna go on a Lego cap licky licky Metagross I already have the Lickitung dude have you ever thought of doing all electrode team

I’ve thought about doing all uh Golem just to guarantee the explosion was sturdy Donovan Adams is a 200 stream tip give Mewtwo to Monkey give the monk a chance all right bruh Donovan monkey is the most bestest of Pokemon players here that’s the real like that’s how that’s grammatic yeah

Yes he’s the most bestest one here oh we’re in the level 90 areas but thank you Donovan Adams you’re awesome oh I also found a Mr mime now we wait okay now if only I could find it I have a shelter on me cap oh what level

93. oh wait wait wait wait what is that even number two Alan guo with a 200 stream tip said cancel the trade does that count as the trade from Luke to him does that what so the 200 Stream It was supposed to be forced trade a Pokemon I think you

Have to force trade so you you could choose yeah yeah well and it’s a trade so you have to pick the two Pokemon yeah so you have to pick from someone else to give it to I don’t know instead I don’t think I can TP to you we’d have to figure out

Something you’d want from me in order for you to catch yeah yeah bro I don’t even know I just run high levels understanding okay I apologize I’m dumb stream let me help you out here we’re telling you how dumb I am so I miss red Donovan Adams stream tip I thought he

Was giving monkey a Mewtwo no he was giving him my Mewtwo which is the force trade which makes sense then Alan guo said nah fam not happening Jerry’s keeping his Mewtwo yeah yeah just like that that was a direct quote I’m pretty sure nice right is that Alan guo is that

Okay can I quote you on that just like that all right Jerome I got a better deal for you I still appreciate it is it huckle with a 175 strip dip to give eight stake bombs that’s four straight minutes of steak bomb bro that is actually gonna hinder me a lot in this

No I was gonna give you a 90 seconds thank you nah I don’t need a Mr Mom I’ve already got eight of them uh Luke I was asking before you hit enter oh good he’s broke right now I found a lava pit to do all my staking he’s just

In a mood ah well done steak um yeah the intern is rebooting intern.exe has experienced a fatal error and has now crashed wait that could be oh I might have to make another bout just in a birch forest and it’s might have to make another Turner I’m just

Saying furillo Allen guo you’re awesome and genuinely you are one of if not the biggest supporter of this Channel and so for real dude I I cannot thank you enough for helping us do what we do thank you dude you’re insanely awesome begin with explosion all righty let’s take a game let her

Know how many scored dances about less than 10. I’m fighting a boss in Ultra space a level 104 cack turn wow who’s that the basket that is that is an adorable basket one okay I’ve got two more slots uh hoping to get some good loot from this boss eight minutes 40 seconds I

Could get it back to buzz I like electrovire a lot but he’s not great I’m I’m looking at an Electabuzz right now Jerome yeah okay never mind then go on Steve I’m sorry no it’s okay I just thought that maybe we could you know make something happen

Like a little treaty trade or something but no I mean if you you’re better than me I get it this is a Banette so let’s get a Mega I was gonna say it’s good if you have the mega stone for it does it change types or no no no

What about an old rat attack all Endeavor and quick attack with focuses you can go for that if you want but uh one multi-hit move or a uh sertimon some actually no not a sturdy monster a ghost type uh you know Thai restaurant gaming said you should make a

Soup of sauce for 500 Thai restaurant gaming what did I do to you to deserve this a what a soup of just the sauces only one more minute of steak bombing on me I’m finally gonna be free hustles you clearance stop all right I got my first level 100. nice

For some reason my level started going down again maybe you’re getting closer to spawn yeah hello what are the odds of this two ghost Towers right next to each other no the problem is the ghost Towers I think I just call it an ultra Beast what

What’d you catch I’ll let you know in a second I don’t know what it is or is Absol any good uh celestila all right yep solid steel is pretty awesome dang can’t wear an explosion though really pretty much worthless yeah absolutely I would just add release them

Dude yeah just like stop yay Bob’s over interesting that trail of steak and that I’ve left in my wake it’s damage over time yeah it’s all right it’ll like lock them in it’s kind of like a glitch sheet but it doesn’t heal you get a Haunter I would love to and I know

You’re like well you’re passing a ghost Tower the ghost Towers have preset levels so there will be like 30 and 40 let’s say 20 30 40. um there’s not gonna be level 100s there no shot it’s an important I just found oh here it is um is faramosa good yeah it’s an ultra

Version properly but we’re gonna guess yeah pretty good it’s fast hey it’s hard all right somewhat of a glass Cannon but good moves fast hits like a truck you know well then I have my team I’m not oh wow you’re just in the wild down here not the the most uh

All right well I’m a little worried about my team but I have a team nonetheless God stop dodging the Pokeball trifling bruh okay well that didn’t work apparently just can’t go into the ultra spacing uh it was new I made it Your Spawn I made it into the ultra Space Monkey

Ah it sucks if I couldn’t uh loop are you not near spawn oh man I am there my diamond gin just stopped working so I didn’t really have anything when I got back so yeah I hope mine didn’t stop working Brandon keister that’s a great name dollars dreamtip said Willie said you

Need more hot sauce for your birthday Willie like I said well if we get through this one more round hold on hold on I think he wants to get banned now that’s what I’m thinking is happening here yeah I think you should keep him now for the next day so we’re doing

Number one Jerome number one Steve also anyone who’s banking on there being diamonds at their base when they get back they’re not gonna be home do they still have those stones nobody I need that yes I need the diamonds I know nobody was at base so no no diamonds actually

They just were not spawning so oh it’s fine wait I mean I would like to buy some rare candies yeah I was hoping I wasn’t wearing candy at least crazy plan here okay come on here we go in case you missed it earlier by the way

The Brandon they had me go through it all twice and I’ve just started to calm down a little bit and now oh the worst yeah a water stone oh my gosh I’m so mad there’s some Mega Alakazam in front of me and it teleport it used to teleport in the battle wow

It was like that if I kill this I know where I can find an Abra but it was not meant to be how do you upgrade dual blade age slash that’s Dustin Stone thank you two minutes gee wow cotton really yeah I I’ve got that No Forever on budge room let’s uh it’s not good actually you know what I’m wiping because we’re doing movie layers and stuff once time is done I’m still just gonna look these last two minutes see if there’s anything else oh sorry we’re actually changing the rules um Luke did you still send me uh Jerome’s one what no yeah no I just have them you too so I think I’ll just get rid of it yeah I think Luke thought it was a uh it was a stream tip to give me the Mewtwo instead of uh trading Jerome’s

So it was just one in my PC why is there even a potion Trader that’s so bro bro no what if I just spent it all on Max revives well I has that been a rule I mean that you can’t use the I don’t know

We have had no items for a long time oh Steve you were saying all your diamonds were gone all my diamonds are yours oh yeah not all of them you’re getting the ones that people have been here to generate I don’t think it’s here yet Man that is the rare candy situation is rough yeah no it’s not good because the we’re not spawning so all right bark bark better oh you have about the exact same attack in special attack that’s an interesting thing huh oh everybody is ready to delete their Diamond Jens yeah it’s already time

Sorry time get to a breaking Yep they’re broken hmm I have enough for one more rare candy oh let me see I just created my own move really what would have been right outside your house yeah I think next time instead of a potion Trader we should have a held item

Trailer that’d be pretty cool yeah I agree with that I just banned from using it or yeah all right all right why do you understand I feel good thanks Loop all right um currently boom all right all right I feel confident about this team I need to get

All the moves up to you know par but feeling good about it yeah are you that’s your ability yes yes that’s the writability yeah I didn’t get lucky on my uh shelter over here I got I got pretty lucky you know it’s it’s helpful all right Um oh yes I can afford three rare candies look what are you doing to them oh there we go the real American with a 30 stream tip said last ditch effort to help Steven Libby that’s 10 rare candies that’s enough that’s enough throwing me back in time with a 25

Stream dip with a steak bomb on Steve but he all said how much for an arcmon stream the original arkman that we liked doesn’t work anymore um so I don’t know probably never thank you I don’t know I’m not a big art guy who else okay you interesting thank you

I appreciate it okay that’s fine nice stuff here all right move relearner I can’t just be like all right all this is very All In okay you are better okay barely but basically physical and you’re basically the same for both and are you you are both those okay got it

Got it got it um oh that’s a pretty interesting move for you to have okay my lowest mon is 95. that’s not bad my lowest is also 95 actually I am all good for 100s thanks to the last minute donation uh that’s dreamed have helped you out there it’s just in time um

Okay ah you really can’t learn many good ones can you there oh you got never mind I’m just blind you good okay now you are an interesting one hey cap one of my Pokemon came with self-destruct and explosion nice which one which one Fortress Fortress Yeah that tracks the tracks

Yeah he’s a good boy I don’t get to run him very often though he doesn’t really fit in with my mesh dude he’s he’s a beefy boy oh yeah he’s great uh you should honestly be running set up with him I think like spikes and like yeah I’ve already got uh spikes

Toxic spikes um he doesn’t have stealth rocks though oh that’s weird might be a TM move I am ready I think I’m getting there I’m still evolving my mom’s was a I guess probably your best physical bug move question or actually no I could throw maybe infestation on him yeah

He can’t learn it that’s crazy I would figure this is a bug Fortress could learn infestation that’s so sad and really funny the means oh yeah for the memes actually there we go good Shadows and there we go what is a mental herb do that’s a good insult your mental herb

I’ll check for you in a second Steve all right so My RCS is just normal type right because it doesn’t have any of the plates uh yeah I have to imagine yes unless there’s a plate on it and it says so it’s like a held item all right so Stephen if it doesn’t

Happen then it’s normal and other Mental effects uh it’ll cure your Pokemon of infatuation taunt Encore torment disable and heel block I’m gonna use that on a date or two which one which one [Laughter] torment oh sorry Steve my finger slipped okay um all right greasy fingers wow

All right who wants to do with the very first Madeline um my few rare candies so my lowest is a 96. okay my lowest is also well my lowest is 95 so because he has two legendary Steve said he at all instead I have all 100s okay well then how about just

I’ll fight does anyone want to battle I’ll take it I’ll take a buy for the first one because I’ve never had a buy I haven’t had a bike you know it said you can have it yeah no Steve I think we should both take the buys because we both never had them

That’s not how that works it’s two of us get to buy it do you like the NSYNC yeah and Jerome is one of them or maybe Jerome should fight every fight okay I’ll fight Cappy the first round I don’t even care about yourself it doesn’t feel terrible

I’m excited to see an NPC clear if that’s possible uh yeah uh you’re gonna have to leave the server Monk got it all right you like that joke cat that’s pretty good pretty good good how’d you get them so hard dude and was your first step get

Them yeah and then the second step was the Gotham oh dude it’s crazy all right okay so this is a weird team for me I’m not used to it oh this is a weird team for me I’m also not used to it toxic spikes did you do toxic spikes too oh

Did you name your thing mesprint toxic spikes regular spot oh oh that’s right you could do double stages for so splice is one stage toxic spikes is two I think I think spikes might you might be able to layer spikes too this is going to be an interesting battle oh we

Both bro remember it wait so can you do two stages of spikes I don’t know I’m doing it right now all right then we’re both we’re both in the same hole more spikes oh okay okay uh uh icicle crash here we go square up This is Gonna Hurt isn’t it oh you

Avoided the attack bruh bro play the most dramatic music ever while we’re doing this battle oh I had to do you had to all right Um go mespret oh explosion oh dear God though I think you’re out speed though I think you’re out speed I recovered oh go Blaziken oh that’s probably not who I wanted to use but ah Brave Bird side strike oh dude God I clicked too fast haha I’m

Immune to your poison with my scissor oh no uh bullet punch psychic oh yeah all right I don’t have any fire type uh you’d be too excited Jerome I click too fast there we go uh let’s see night slash yikes let me go first yes Destiny Bond kill me

Oh dude okay okay okay okay go wish cash all right go mess for it uh explosion oh dear God oh dear God uh I think I’m just gonna have to accept this LR and I I’ll just recover whatever I can explosion oh I didn’t go much go Drift Loom sure flim okay okay

Phantom Force yeah you caught me in a bind here buddy uh oh that’s are they all messed why are there so many movie Learners over there uh it’s fairy type good to ghost I don’t know no okay well that was dumb of me ah let’s see I will dance the dance Cappy

Okay so payback oh Dragon Dance I have danced the dance buddy okay let’s see Shadow Ball oh geez you’re doing big damage now Dragon Dance please alteria be fast enough now Phantom oh no Phantom Force demolish me oh that’s bigly all right oh my god um let’s see explosion [Laughter]

Yes go licky licky is this your last one this is my last one this is my last one judgment uh you have been judged sir did I get you with supersonic are you confused I don’t no it didn’t pop up so I don’t know oh the extreme speed good fight dude hey

Dude I was scared I was genuinely scared there you had me on the last Mom I’m sad my Blaziken new explosion too oh buddy hey you want to go annoy them what if we kill Steve what if we kill Steve what if he dies oh God no what happened so I don’t Know spectating hey what’s up guys hey you guys broke my game all right dropsy what are you talking about I was spectating a battle and you killed me so it broke my game thanks I told you this team was not designed for like quick battles you yeah oh my God so stupid this is just gonna be unfortunate oh that’s not bad for you why oh my God because of dropsy of drops indeed to fight eudrum uh yeah she will

Because unable to do my next round let’s say uh who do I face stead or Stevie well Steve’s broke us instead come with me come with me oh yeah come on Me on the Pain Train buddy oh my God oh my God you’re up see

All right here we go 2D said the 20 stream tip thank you Tootie he said check your phone made you look he literally tell you check stream or something Duty you think this is a joke you think you’re funny it literally just all it said said was made you look uh

That was a good one all right here God dang it duty all right instead uh throw out your Pokemon unless oh my God who’s that creepy guy behind you getting all closer I have no clue dude there’s so many weird guys running Shooters but 2D you just

I mean I kind of agree with them that was pretty good all right let’s go instead let’s go do your worst I’m going I’m not going easy on you by the way yeah oh my God and you sent out a quad effective Jesus oh fine

Well I’m not gonna let you be quite effective to me instead what do you think fine you can burn your ulterior oh that was kind of rude dude it’s kind of very rude I don’t know what you want you switched yeah I mean I was just kind of hoping

You wouldn’t do that much damage yeah you were open for the wrong thing bud oh man I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to I might let’s see I think you’ll pull it off in that no way all right that’s fine go mespret did you name all of them this no why

Would I do that well because I saw your Arceus name as well well no it wasn’t you must have been seeing things maybe you saw my mespret Maybe that might be that’s probably it yeah you probably just saw my best Brit dude um hmm Absol ah more like absolutely nah switching out

Wow you’re gonna do dark type moves to me and yeah well I’m not gonna sit around and accept it fine Nitto King interesting change up I’m just gonna no moment yes all right fine Taurus Andrew okay interesting pick interesting pick too bad he’ll be judgmented and then judgmented again

The judgment is a strong move judgment is up here okay well now the Fun’s over for me um you’re switching I can tell I can tell you’re taking too long you’re taking too long yeah I see also this Pokemon’s name is misfred as well I just want to let you know I don’t

I’m not seeing it dude really I don’t know what your obsession is a mespirate but it’s getting kind of weird dude um all right let’s see if I outspeed you go mespret kind of weird so we both just we just avoided both attacks okay bro oh

My gosh dude stead’s letting out all the stops here oh yeah you haven’t seen my team yeah good luck I’m gonna say this drops has got the side of drops he’s got iron Jesus on her side they have all Shuckle team that would be hilarious but no me

Instead keep missing each other I don’t know what’s going on you’ve really named it missprit no she did why would I do that both of them we can see it Jerome that will drum you’re missing because he’s using side strike or not size strikeout Phantom Force which is a German attack

Like Digga well why does he keep missing then huh cause he’s bad because it’s psychic or fighting do a lot to Ferry no right fighting does not fighting as we do at psychic isn’t neutral okay there we go recover wow wow you put recover on your Mewtwo too

No there’s a lot to do a thing like that this is Mesprit so what metronome does you guys must have a visual glitch I’m using messburg right now instead metronome what lets you uh have the waggled its finger and then it can use any move in the game any at all well good

Just a crease I’m just I’m just doing it I mean I could slap the table exploded that happens more than you think with all the moves one thing I’ve really liked to do one day is like run and assist uh Pokemon in the exploding build

So we can use assist and what that does is any move in your team it can randomly use wait wait oh Ricky for a 40 dollar he wants the peanut cam JP said I look great today but you look great today JP you do your hair differently this time or what’s going on

Instead you’re just out here let me use growth I’m gonna keep doing it I can’t do it I can’t do anything about it I’m just gonna keep growing then go for it I’m trying that I’ve done drove three times now all right now it’s time oh GG

Good luck Jerome all right final battle is here are you guys ready yep yeah it’s you versus dropsy yeah yeah right all right good luck to you I want a fair fight yeah that means yeah he ran in front of me dude did you get a plate for your Arceus no

You did not uh yeah all the plates I meant to do team preview sorry I lied to you what well why would I let you see my first throw out uh you can pick something else yeah I made that mistake that’s what I’m saying yeah but we didn’t have Team preview so

It didn’t let me what it didn’t let me select how that works does everybody get the selection I don’t think oh I didn’t have a chance to pick up the selection screen it just kind of I’ll say you don’t have to do preview you can just select the order I don’t

Remember how to do it though um I was just a team preview for that reason okay why are they all named missprit what are you talking about see they are they’re not and he’s trying to Gaslight me and they’re dude it’s not gaslighting if you just it shouldn’t be gaslighting

At this point I’m not believing you guys I hope you’re not legendaries that you can recover with and you use toxic spikes yes it’s pretty rough it nearly beat them double layer toxic spikes wow all right we’re ready now we’re all ready to go here I feel like you’re ready before that guy

Monkey would spike like would stealth rocks and Spike build with Whirlwind or something like that be a valid Strat or um you’re just gonna paralyze everybody it definitely could be that’s not how she became paralyzed I’m very lucky at the end she got a lucky crit in one shot

My last mom you got lucky that you hit through all that I did but I have double layer toxic spikes so it’s a yeah and there it goes German she just absorbed your toxic spikes oh yeah they’re gone when a poison type lands on toxic spikes the toxic spikes

Are absorbed and they’re no longer on the field that’s Bad News Bears oh toxic that’s the best thing you can’t give it another status effect s all right all right yeah it’s only one said that on me too yeah I always forget that dude okay can’t wear an explosion

Just judgment everything oh my God that’s oh my God I don’t know how I’m gonna get through this thing there you go stall I just beaten by salt shackle uh but there’s only a new explosions this is install our RC There is close enough though uh 25 strip that said drop

Seat is a steak bomb in the middle of a bat oh God dropsy oh man we respect the rules around here you can’t be throwing a stake in the middle of a battle um oh I hit him with a quandary like this too wow goodness

Oh did you explode uh no my destiny Bond you did that uh you have a Mewtwo still and two other Pokemon that I’ve knew would you really get your Gengar just to be a sacrificial lamb partially yeah also people just send a Pokemon that are weak to darken ghost so

It’s just a good pick okay hmm that’s actually a rough switch in yeah for dropsy that’s not great for you you have Leaf blade on this mess Brit oh this mess for it I have Leafs oh my goodness oh my God all right uh yikes explosion insane crit look

Oh fake out I thought it was the first time a Pokemon comes out but it’s not no it’s true it has to be the first move for me yeah I misread it dang explosion There She Goes you did get a a hefty hit there yeah my specialist a

Special attacks all gone now that’s how leaf storm Works Steve gotcha your Fable is minimized by the way Jerome I know well that doesn’t matter too much I’m still hitting somehow but I think at Max it should be like what a one in like eight chance of hitting or

Something for me it’s a really low unless you have something like aerial Ace or or a sphere oh my God dumb luck yeah g g everyone and so that right there was our Pixelmon Tycoon segment of the live stream super duper fun we had a great time and now we

Are going to be heading on over everyone uh playing on it for the next hour and a half hanging out with you guys on um uh Anubis MC our sponsored server it’s gonna be a great time get on over there I am going to go to the bathroom quick me too

All right I’m gonna go to the bathroom quick though while we load this on up thank you guys so much uh all for being here and for real thank you to everyone for being so supportive you guys have been absolutely amazing uh today’s been a mind-blowing day uh beloved support

Through stream tips and viewership has been awesome I don’t know more to say besides thank you especially thank you to those fans who go above and beyond uh during the beginning of the school year because as you guys know it’s tough right all the people like oh not all the

People but a good chunk of our viewership goes uh away for this you know you know for the year and so it’s uh it’s sad so thank you for those who are here and I appreciate your love and support thank you all right I will be

Back in a second once I’m done going to lay bathroom also I have a link to my eBay at the top of the live chat there pinned if anyone’s interested go check it out I’m selling some items there and uh that’s about it if you want to go check

Them out maybe something interests you maybe it doesn’t I don’t know who am I I’m Jerry I think all right let’s see oh Anubis has 180 players online right now hold on a second here before I go to the bathroom let me go see how many are on I’ll read

Number one server we better be let’s see 250 29 1954 yo boy yeah boy number one server let’s go guys thank you all right which punks are going to be battling me today viewers or buddies or otherwise also we have the number one sir uh realm

On the server do you guys see I don’t know if you looked before we went in second place like 50. oh sorry secondly is like 25. we had 54 players online rushing it sword realm best realm big big chungus big chungus some big chungus okay

I kind of want to catch a new Pokemon and then I might battle you Jerome all right yeah I’m gonna do some I’m gonna do some more team building and then I’ll battle you well I think I can replace my shiftry or maybe my torgal with an alolan exeggutor

I think torkoal with drought is just good though um what was the what was the exact setup again so I’m considering replacing either my shiftry or my torque hole with a lowland executor which would be a grass dragon okay so obviously it can learn explosion but I don’t know much about uh alolan

Executor I know it is a glass dragon or glass grass Dragon but I don’t know like is he actually good like is he well so you know the move salt cure right yeah there’s a similar move it can learn called infestation and it does damage over time as well

So with the setup from glamoro with the toxic spikes and stealth rocks and then salt cure and infestation like I think that could be pretty fun okay Monk now you weigh in because I think it sounds like a good idea but you’re gonna tell me I’m wrong uh which is a good idea

For Captain stuff yeah the whole conversation we just had I was paying half attention because I didn’t know it involved me bro all right well I mean that is fair guys with a five dollar stream tip I did promise I’d face you Stephen where fraud though

I think it can be fine cap I believe you go hammed my dude let’s go Morris oh before we battle actually let me check this year um I just gotta remove a bunch of these uh open a and boom all right I changed up the stream tips

In there and the amounts and everything so yeah oh wow all right Stephen Stephen had he’s ready for this battle he actually set up at a mini arena for us all right bro what you want buddy let’s go raise the cap in case you don’t have no

Don’t do it don’t do it it’s a trap so jungle Edge or Tropic beat okay all right biome RTP so I gotta find a jungle electros versus Charizard I have the advantage here because he’s flying oh we switched out he switched out to a Lucario you didn’t want the smoke

Oh my gosh I’ll fight you again today germ if you got some time oh oh I’m down I’m very down my team’s still not level 100s but I’ll get there or dude this isn’t looking good for our mans here okay Switching out to a dragon Electric’s not good to Dragon right

Uh not really Fire’s not good to drag and grass is no the dragon I have to knock off let’s do knock off okay see oh he’s digging actually then why don’t I switch out to this is a good chance I’m gonna switch out to Dragonite because I’m flying and he won’t be able

To hit me and now I think I have to feed him so outrage and he’s dead look at your boy using brains monk didn’t think it was possible big brain time Jonathan thank you for that time or Jonathan Lindstrom they give her the five dollar stream tip

Hydra I’m a fan good luck with your day thank you Jonathan thanks for coming out dude all the way from Sweden as well that’s awesome he used to go back every summer actually he always said it was funny to me too because he’d go back every summer and so

To us he was always the Swedish kid but whenever he’d go back and visit because he was in America for nine months out of the year to them he was always the American kid uh Mega Tyranitar does he change type or is he still Rock dark are you still Rock dog

Other question Monk where do you keep all this knowledge in his Noggin yeah storm in the marbles I don’t know rock dark I don’t know what to do it with a fighting move uh uh I’ll repeat I don’t know what to do I don’t have one of those I I have gay

Bars can I hit it with a ghost or a sludge can I have a sludge wave no I mean it won’t be as effective as you like I hate it I forgot Electro said Giga drain for a second I’m gonna do that yeah and it has levitate too

You’ll be safe from The Rock unless he knocks it down but even though no he’s safe oh no that’s flying type right it’s not the ability flying flying types are immune to ground and levitate it makes them all swimming to ground but moves like Smackdown and gravity yeah that’s what I was saying

Yeah Smackdown so it is oh what is dragon fighting so we got fairy dragon fighting if not it got a flying dragon I’m just gonna yes because I’ll let electros die for the clean switch in respectable dragon fighting I have psychic that should work yeah that’ll do the

Trick it should work fine yeah Photon geyser yeah there we go that’ll get just about everything you know that’ll work against most things okay he has a Dragonite I might just continue using yeah I’ll just keep on using my necrozma the cross was great oh good choice overall he did only half

My damage to the Crossbow good stuff oh and now here comes charmele art again oh the photon geyser but he killed me in the end all right all right um I mean Easy Choice here Tyranitar drop one rock on this guy’s head and it’s over oh uh some Pebble at him

And there it is GG Mr Steven odd GG oh no no no no what happened what just happened I don’t know screamed in panicked from I think germ is broken he rko’d himself he walked off the cliff and died oh my goodness ripped guy with a ten dollar stream tip

Said this is for Cappy as a Texan I understand people biking on the roads can be weird if not following rules I have to ride a bike to work and back home as I have no car and there are no sidewalks oh yeah I went on a rant about how like

Listen man there’s places where bikes should not be no yeah just ask Professor Oak have you tried biking through the Pokemon absolutely Professor Oak knows what they’re talking about that’s all I’m saying like in any way someone also got me a legend key so we’re opening that one up for sure

Nice what do we get what do we get shut up cap you’re saying bike stunts along on the on the road I don’t they don’t bellay it they don’t belong on the road but they don’t belong on the sidewalk either they belong more on the sidewalk

Than on the road dude oh I don’t know about that one yeah I don’t know I get kind of annoyed in cities or something like very annoyed okay you think because it’s an inconvenience to you they should be on the road where two ton metal

Vehicles are going at 60 to 70 miles an hour sometimes well first of all what road has a sidewalk on a 60 mile an hour road okay first of all like stop dodging the question I’m just saying I’m dodging the question it’s kind of it’s kind of like

Avoiding the issue entirely there are two ton metal behemoths that can hit a bicycle on the road but there’s not two-ton metal behemoths on the sidewalk usually oh yeah you had to throw in the usually there well if you’re doing it on the sidewalk you’re doing it we’re doing

Something wrong but yeah there’s a few steps you missed along the way I’m just saying when I’m when I’m walking down the sidewalk and somebody comes blasting past me on a bike and almost hits me well fight them everywhere is it nowadays has a bike lane so it’s not

Really that’s the smart way to do it yeah well yeah I’d agree for the most part but there’s one road locally that used to be a two-lane road and they turned it into well Tulane is in like two on each side so I guess four technically and they turned it into a

One lane to add a bike lane and it really messed with the infrastructure and like it just gets so packed and traffic is a lot worse in that area now because they added a bike lane which I don’t know why they did it specifically on that road because there’s like neighborhoods all around

Like it’s a smaller town so it’s not like people had to bike on the main road you know okay okay hear me out if you have if you want to bike in the road you should have a bicycle license to be in the road you should be you should have one yeah like

I think people should have all the safety stuff like they should have the lights and everything because there’s some people that like bike where it’s like hard to see but I think well I think they should know the proper signals to do while you’re on a bike

Nine times out of ten I don’t know where a Biker’s going if they’re on the road and on another note masturbating again for the five dollars and send out the use of legendary mythical Pokemon bruh my whole team is designed the way that it is I’m not

Changing it up plus I beat you how many times Keys come on for five six years a year seven years ago you know the first time I beat you was August 2016 it was seven years ago Keith all right Matt The Daily I think it’s a five dollar stream care

Package delivered check your in-game currency dude thank you Matthew I assume that was you getting me the keys appreciate you buddy I will check the in-game currency rip guy with a five dollar shrimp where am I where I am doesn’t have a sidewalk or bike lane so

Kind of have to be in the road my arms as a turn signal but like there are a lot of people who don’t reminder guys to hop on our sponsor server play that you can battle people like me at spawn I’m literally just throwing my Pokemon and I

Pretty much just battle people um that’s it yeah I don’t know how about online also you can use uh Slash uh partner redeemed partner redeem partner redeem Jerome and the first time you use that we’ll get you some free stuff so yeah go ahead and use that

But yeah cap I don’t know I’m not coming with you I don’t think bike’s falling on the sidewalk all right bro well I mean what’s that’s selfish how their choice the person who’s choosing to do the activity that can put other people in danger how is that not the selfish one

It’s just like if there’s no Lane available then the sidewalk is imminently safer for us it’s probably safer for all people because again a bike on the sidewalk if you get run into by a bike going 30 miles an hour we’ll bring math into this too you’re going 30 miles an hour that’s

Crazy Rothenberg Law Firm bicyclists on sidewalks are on average 1.8 times more likely to suffer an injury and intersection than basilisks riding on the road so when it comes time to cross the road and they’re already on the sidewalk they’re 1.8 times more likely to be in an accident it’s more dangerous

Yeah that’s because they’re going they’re going from the sidewalk into the road where you’re more likely why not just have an accident but if there’s been less time on the road I think the key there is that they just don’t follow the loss well yeah but if everybody followed the

Laws that the argument would be moot I would maintain my argument that it is far safer for the bicyclists to be in the sidewalk but it’s far more dangerous for anyone else is the word I think pedestrian innocent bystanders I don’t know some of those people really

Be taking up a lot of space they don’t need people that walk in twos like on sidewalks but they’re literally like on opposite ends and there’s like a bicyclist trying to like warn them they got like the bell and everything and like they’re still not listening that’s

On them I don’t know there’s another study as well cycling on sidewalks increases accident risks by 180 percent dude it’s not something at times you said earlier right that’s the same number oh yeah there we go yeah it’s not safer okay but I would pause it Jerome that if

I asked you to dodge a bike and then Dodge a car times out of 10 you die and not Dodge the car [Laughter] the car but if I’m walking the sidewalk I shouldn’t have to dodge either I’m on the sidewalk maybe a dog bicyclists are inhuman yes yes

Never ride bikes as a kid like an animal finally something we can agree on during David I second that but I’ve made a few changes and any of the Buddies want to battle Stephen are you could TP to Morris R 901 he’s the guy I crushed at the beginning

I mean okay it’s square up then Morris also dropsy 30 miles an hour on a bike downhill is possible cap I didn’t say it was impossible I was just saying you’re going fast if you’re going 30 miles this this degenerate he’s one of yours Cappy for sure yeah he’s using gargan

Ackle with salt cure and recover yeah I don’t even go so far as a used recover I mean it’s a good strategy but it’s still annoying Stephen R with the five dollar streamer said I would like to battle Cappy Gabby he’s calling you out I’m already fighting him Captain under the game

Man glamora is actually kind of fast like I’m out speeding the Komodo I don’t know if that’s like good or like it’s pretty good I mean it’s not bad much masterbate gamer thanks for the five dollar stream tip and said two two times Jerome so I think we need to arrange a

Battle where we are on even ground just so I could add another tally your losses you have to me bruh I got my team you’re the one trying to get me to change it you’re like these pesky little bikers going on the sidewalk trying to get us to change the

Rules for them that’s you right now you’re a biker on a sidewalk Master Mega gamer wow got him I’m sorry that was that was not okay of me to say no don’t apologize dude this might be the dumbest battle I’ve ever had in my life but I have no

Idea how to beat this gargan Ackle and I don’t like never want to face this person again that was the dumbest battle I’ve ever experienced the garden Heckle just wipe your team yes entirely I just there’s nothing you can do to stop the gargant axle unbeatable it’s probably my new favorite

Like my favorite Newman oh there’s a word no it’s definitely my new favorite word garganicle I’ve paid Dana DeVito I want to pay Danny DeVito to pronounce Pokemon names there we go this tea guy flew up to the very top of the like way up on the map

Just to get away so that people wouldn’t try to battle me and that they’re just coming up and they’re throwing their minds at me and they’re trying to battle me you don’t get any Pelt to the pokeballs no GG I’m just trying to watch over

We got 73 players Alive by the way let’s go everyone that’s amazing let’s get up to 80. instead I’ll just spectate your battle good good wait electrons can learn flamethrower he knows Thunderbolt flamethrower Giga train and knockoff he’s just everything in one bruh what yeah he’s a ridiculous specimen

And then you come out with the crosma yeah Photon geyser so monkey damn what’s up so uh alolan exeggutor how do you get a low limb Pokemon and Pixelmon again do you just need to have one in your Empire party and evolve it you need to have

Another alolan Pokemon in your party and then you can evolve it okay yeah okay so that’ll work it’s good okay huge oh throughout salamance ah I can do Tyranitar why not oh they use fly so now he hit first that Stone Edge drop a rock on his head oh I

Missed apparently kerslas galerion all right I’m using um Golem or like a no I I can give you uh uh what is it do you have a do I need to have the uh I think it needs to be in a lowland form Pokemon yeah do I need the Pokemon in my

Team of six to trade it or not yeah you can just poke a gift right yeah but you also you still need it in your team to do that yeah okay let me get it out and I’ll give it to you nice trying to catch this Pokemon and it’s

Been really annoying right now stay in the stupid Pokeball matchup of a lifetime salamance and Tyranitar Mega Lucario versus falcorn what is the oh I can’t do this I’ll trade you that mega evolving of Pokemon does it do like like a 20 boom or is it just like whatever they choose Um uh here there you go somewhere around 20 25 to some of their stats it’s not all stats but it’s like the ones that the Pokemon most often uses I guess uh get a bigger boost do you want another uh glarion ponita uh sure Steven art with the five dollar

Strength all right I’m back open this time I want to try stead Captain oh yeah I clowned him oh my god I’ve lost the knees lost the cap stead Stephen aard wants you to battle him it’s uh Morris art is his username good luck buddy let’s go fine I feel so bad

For him and everyone’s just Clowning him just like Keith Master Mega gamer put my team back together hold on against people who don’t know my setup I do well against people who don’t know Pokemon what’s their uh in-game name um if you have to get your team together

Said I figured out I just had to swap out a Pokemon so if you’re if you’re all right go for a leaf stone I’ll go for it for now I’ll probably lose to be honest all TP to you in that game the first Pokemon is glamora named dropsy what type is that psychic

Uh no glamora is rock and poison I was so close um right there he almost had it all right why’d you try and double stack Stealth Rock oh he probably thought it was spikes I’ve done that mistake actually now we did spiky shield to protect himself hmm

We’ll see about that thanks Quentin Jack appreciate you buddy and thank you everyone was coming out and hanging out and watching the Stream I’ll be right back oh what is Glee score oh right as monkey leaves me oh no uh God I think that’s a poison type flying I can look it up

Flying ground really yeah I was gonna say it’s a weird one flying ground yeah well electric be neutral to it right let’s find out yeah neutral damage because of the double effective and then didn’t affect him dang oh I’m dumb okay flying ground what a weird type what is kamoho

I’m gonna hit him dragon fighting I messed up oh well Captain yeah uh I already have one thank you though you’re awesome I’m just asking because I have like three of them in front they’re really good oh my gosh what is facade and why did it do so much damage

Oh doesn’t facade like bring you down to the same HP or is that endeavor that’s another endeavor dude he’s crushing me with whatever facade is I lost oh I’m still working on my team so reminder guys as well top of the live chat there is a link to my eBay I’m selling some

Cool stuff go check it out if you’re interested yes icicle spear oh now Mega Gengar is getting the revenge for me God I love Cloister Cloister attack he named is Volcarona monk man 100 I think it’s no relation or I don’t know could be hey it’s Gardevoir he named uh uh

Maybe for stead dude I I tricked him I Destiny bonded I had like 10 HP left Gardevoir is dead and so are your dreams nice oh capillopoucus is his Lucario ah yes indeed indeed he is dead and I have won that was a great battle though I thought you had me

Beat there for a while with that facade monk you were gone what does facade do this guy was crushing me with the Glee score that had it like just washing me it does more damage if the opponent has a status effect like poison paralysis burn uh he poisoned by himself I think

With toxic orb no do it toxic gorbins it was a glyce score yeah it was probably a toxic heal a glasgore with facade which means it’ll heal like leftovers kind of dude that was that’s crazy I’ve never seen that before but that was good yes I don’t know that’s him in my chat

Biggie Biggie boss but he said I had a poison hill gliscore dude that was solid yeah that’s that’s him that’s the best Strat I’ve seen of the day there um besides I don’t want to admit it but that guy whose salt cured me while recovering that was yeah great great Strat but dude

All right um can I do this one can I just Engage The Battle I always feel bad like terminating a battle with someone and I’m like oh dude I’m willing to wave man like what have I got okay I’ll tell this guy you’re not being patient uh sorry

Cathy says bruh I’ma slap you Cappy says he’s gonna slap you just hahaha I thought Grim style was just a dark type very dark fairy oh I bet I could drop it if you didn’t hear that’s very dark Jerome all right electros I should be able to kill him here with Thunderbolt

Yeah he didn’t have a lot of Health left they didn’t have a lot of hail flipped what typing is electross uh just pure electric whoa interesting he threw a ninja is there like an actual viable strategy for using that uh yes well it depends on hold on hold on hold on if

It’s the ninja I think it is yes but it shouldn’t it should endure there’s only so much you’re ever gonna do with it yeah is that a different form Zoroark yeah that’s for Suey and Zoroark it’s uh it’s ghost and normal yeah well my ghost moves not do damage

Then because he’s normal they will not it’s got a really cool uh move as well called bitter malice goes normal yeah it’s normal dang he outsped me that that is a huge necro yeah I was gonna say the main the main use for should ninja is um uh it has the ability

Wonder guard which is just yeah really really good but it would be good on pretty much anything but Ninja yeah oh was zamazunta Shield guy ah fighting Steel got it oh I lost him rest in peace dead and I both lost yep I think it came close it gets more as hard

Yeah I think I came close too but like I said I’m still wait you lost to us training stead and I both lost to him yeah but I mean I don’t have a full team yet Jerome I don’t know I don’t have a perfect team like laid out either I was using Pokemon

If I could tell you that it wasn’t perfect I was the first to beat him yeah no no no that just rolled up with a random Pokemon in his PC I have one legendary and that was do you imagine instead of the Pokemon everyone’s like what we’re

Doing here like I was actually my current team is all Pokemon that I just had in my PC as well yeah Ed and I are on the same wavelength here yep same breath without a shiny uh uh vileplume is that who you put out yeah I was like that’s an interesting yeah

It’s just shiny vile plume uh Grump Pig dude I think I did the one raid that exists in hyperspace or Ultra space right now oh nice you’re still I actually well yeah I I’m just trying to find more raids because you can get a

Lot of stuff out of them and I just I can’t find it I really can you get a lot of stuff from them like if it’s at least a three star like you get a bunch of which thing does Dragonite drops you wait what wait where she feed me

Uh I think this guy is tentacles right here can I have it yeah go for it but I got it I got it I don’t know guys when I get there Dragonite yeah and then dropsy jointed well I think it’s pink it’s pink yeah this is just it

Has no different forms on base right no this is just I found the custom on and then he cracked his knuckles angrily I don’t have a team man I literally I’ve just been filling a pokedex no no I mean yeah uh Cara Costa what is he uh

Rock Water Well electric hit him or no uh yes but I would recommend uh grass but yeah the pink Pokemon can be found super effective Thunderbolt I made the right yeah I know I I said it would work I just recommended grass it’s really fun that you just float here yeah

Oh Metagross oh I have flamethrower actually on electrose oh I found a desert area up a head drops yeah this is kind of the area I’ve been around hoping to find a rage Santa Scorch is here oh Riolu gargnacle alrighty let’s see here salamance that’s a bad lineup for me

I’ll do knockout oh I can’t all right it’s dead you want to join wait uh yeah uh monkey I didn’t realize this is the toxic spin move act as a rapid spin I believe so what it’s at least three stars so we should get good stuff oh yeah

Oh that’s a big boy sure is Matthew Daly with a five dollar stream tip remember to check your in-game currency dab on Cappy he said hahaha is that a shiny carracosta yeah bro your moves are taking a minute it’s not shiny I think it’s the I don’t

Actually don’t know so I think it is shiny it’s the either it’s one of the two I don’t know I don’t think they get particles like that if it’s a like skin look you’d be proud of me I’m actually that might be okay nice dude all right I’m proud of you every day

That’s what I’m saying you get a lot of stuff dude you don’t have to we even got an hourglass for a ranch oh don’t worry experience candy I’ll always be exactly honest about how I feel about you about how disappointed you are in me yeah uh

Okay he’s got Victini what is Victini uh fire psychic fire psychic okay what does Genesect bug what steel and I’ll do knockoff remember to check your in-game currency dab on Cappy that’s right that’s right I have to check the in-game currency I’m sorry I keep forgetting thank you oh I

Can show you guys the cool Pokemon on TP Jerome all right ggs I have one are you far up oh you are far up are you in battle you are in battle why do you have monk said don’t ask him questions all right back to training you should know these

Answers I mean uh I beat Steven Arden hey caught her to first thank you for the five dollars have a great day thanks buddy will do z6o do this victini’s destroying my life God I’m in a battle that’s just taking really long for the moves to go through this is

Oh yeah that happens that happens when the like one of you guys is just lagging yeah that happened to me last Pixelmon I was in battle for like 20 minutes plus and afterwards the person was like hey I’m sorry I was lagging like it’s fine no worries it’s just like sometimes

You’re spamming The Click oh that’s a beast ball okay electrium Z what is Cali rice uh ghost I think oh I think Cali Rex part goes monkey or the monkey get up what is part ghost or something like that uh depends if it’s uh calorics by itself is grass and

Psychic if it’s riding the ghost horse then it’s uh psychic ghost and if it’s riding the ice one and then psychic eyes that’s an XP share I don’t know what type this is but it’s just that this is the psychic ghost that he was talking about they’re just dunking me into the sea

You you do have some specific type weaknesses oh my God it didn’t even matter no it out speeds you and every time it gets a kill you’re uh it gets stronger with a special attack buff oh my goodness what’s it it uh come over here a sec yeah I am

Just a little far forward oh that’s sick right he was just flying this was just natural wait you found that naturally whoa yeah it’s the Ender Dragon it really does look like it it’s more of a pink but yeah the eyes are kind of scary but it’s still cool

All right see what you mean oh yeah Capa I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready let’s go okay I’ll fight me on top of this Tower all right all right uh give me a second all right cap I’ll be I’ll be coming over decline decline hello My ballot says 1 300 do I have to do a slash Bell slash about 300 000 and a thousand tokens is massive thank you okay you ready Jerry well I’m ready Cappy okay raised a cap and then just like battle preview I guess sounds good to me buddy

If you think you’re tough enough oh I’m definitely tough enough all right what are we thinking let’s see what are we stinking here boom let’s see aha if this has recover cap I’m throwing my computer into the ocean no it doesn’t have recover but it has oh

Did I miss with earthquake does yep I’m levitating does it have levitating oh that’s a lame here you know I feel bad but let’s end battle restart I didn’t realize that had levitate for an eel yeah I want I want a legit starter so slash Pokey heal let’s do it let’s do it

Now you got the electrons why does it have levitate is that just legit that’s its ability for the two dollars I’m sorry for the legging what does that mean the lagging probably oh don’t even worry about it dude like lagging to worry about it but if you’re legging him I don’t know man

Here there we go different start let’s go oh yeah all right so we’re having a fair fight out here get Razzle dazzled noob rookie mistake Jerome rookie mistake flamethrower that’s pretty good explosion oh my God all right one one down for each of them there we go let’s throw this guy I

Expect worse from you what is glamora again poison and Rock he’s not a psychic type okay I got the stealth rocks out I don’t know if I went first I couldn’t see it in the uh in the chat I don’t know either yet I’m still mega evolving okay okay I went second

Okay anyway just roll up in the shed if you want to yeah but it wasn’t going through yet and we didn’t come here to read monkey yeah that much is apparent grass dark you are so Shadow Ball won’t hit you yes it will Shadow Ball head won’t hit well but it’ll hit

Sucker Punch oh what you gonna do now cat man uh let’s go Garden Echo oh dear God help us all guys I just got called a cheater were you cheating well I mean if you love everyone yes if we consider a what a part you got

Me yeah that’s a master ball yeah I know but it said it just appeared saying you’re cheating in the corner saying you’re a cheater for you like it tells you like as an achievement like dude explosion you just set up explosion you’re a menace okay okay let’s see Leaf blade

Ah you won GG Cappy a lot of your stuff just directly counters some of the stuff I do dude good team good team hey he said doo-doo um by the way guys on eBay as well I literally just listed my mismatchiest card that I pulled the other day pretty

Much remember I do the card openings I I’ll probably just list them all up there because I think it’s kind of fun and and yeah because I haven’t really been collecting Pokemon cards in a while but yeah M’s whenever you just run explosion all the time people figure out how to avoid that

Okay let’s say let’s see um stephenard’s like battle arena in plopped down one of the uh incense and now it’s just covered in Pokemon oh wow said I really don’t understand Cappy Strat uh the inner mechanations of his mind will always be in an enigma if you

Don’t get it you don’t get it I’m not gonna waste time trying to explain it to someone who doesn’t get it you got it yeah all right Xerneas what uh what do I do here monk because you know he’s gonna geomancy right you know it he is gonna

Dream Nancy and I have an electrose that was how we started the battle not in a great spot yeah cry have you tried I’m doing Thunderbolt geo-man seed and my soul’s about to just leave my body here One hit Electronics probably about to get ruled uh how does Ferry do to Gengar not great right no uh Gengar is a good against it you want to hit it with a sludge wave this might be my out then Mega Evolve sludge wave hope for the best cry when I don’t succeed

You know what they say cry if you don’t succeed if at first you don’t succeed cry cry again awesome people I survived hmm all right now do any of these Pokemon outspeed Xerneas the answer is probably no Dragonite would die immediately Tyranitar might take a hit Maybe um probably not

Well neither will vulceron or necrozma um yeah but that would take it better because they’re not weak to Ferry all right acrosma we’re counting on you how does cycling vary neutral all right we’re doing it we’re doing it big oh he did draining kiss and just got all that Health back bro

This thing’s ridiculous all right Volcarona try and burn them maybe nah it’s not working out there all right Tyranitar you know what to do die in one hit that’s exactly what we wanted you to do and Dragonite yep dead in one hit that’s so unfortunate literally as soon as

Before the first move was thrown I knew what was you know what I’m saying like I was like all right his name is geomancy and then I’m dead and I was like I know it’s gonna happen really gotta have something yeah I don’t really have a good counter that

Explosion is a great counter to legendaries [Laughter] um all right all right let’s accept Avatar oh the guard if I see if you salt cure recover I’m leaving the battle call it now mm-hmm all right Giga train I didn’t he stealth rocked I mean even if he didn’t you probably

Win with Giga drain you’d probably win that uh put straight Beyond ground poison stop battle no dark poison nailed it mm-hmm yeah I suppose if nailed it counts for 50 yeah yeah hey it’s fine C’s get degrees am I right guys uh yeah depends on the institution

Bro you’re saying you can pass and not get the degree depending on what you’re going for yeah you have to do better than a c bruh well I can get behind that for like doctors yeah I guess oh dude these get degrees when it comes to jobs no you

Have like got all the people to be accepted into med school you have you you have to like pass pre-med like well not barely getting by they won’t accept you um a Tyranitar oh okay my outrage ran out of steam Dragonite did some damage foreign I’ll put my Tyranitar against his tyranitary but mine goes first I hope time will tell all right the battle got ended for some reason What a coincidence I didn’t know we were dealing with a coward let’s go look at through Pokemon well is that the cap to three if you really want to battle him and then just like chew them up I want him to come up to my level get six Pokemon and then we’ll talk

Guys I just got a notification on the phone one of the cards I listed just got one penny bit on it okay we’re rolling it that’s the spirit but you have a pretty good track record so far Jerome I wouldn’t worry too much no 99 of those ones are all trolls

That’s part of this yeah it’s unfortunate but what are you gonna do cry for starters yeah seems like a good plan I’m fighting someone with a glamora called dropsy oh I faced that person yeah dude drops you spiky shield and toxic spikes okay this guy just did clangerous soul

And did a lot of damage to himself I’m assuming that sets him up really well though yeah yeah really well could have used definitely used ooh all right I think he’s using a commercial so what should I use against probably dual Wing beat I’m gonna do a wing beat him yep that’ll work

Dragon moves will also work he demolished me let me in one hit I had to do it dang that’s unfortunate quite unfortunate uh I’ll do sludge weight oh my God this one Pokemon is all it took and I’m just toast dude that’s gonna be near impossible to come back from uh-huh

That’s not ideal but I guess we’ll see what he got um okay electros use your Thunderbolt no this is gonna work out for me let’s see and we got him all right who’s next bug zapper what is monk I don’t know how to describe what I’m looking at what do you think um

Let’s see that’s a vicavolt that is a bug in electric bug electric it is in the name yeah oh I love a good skip tile I always love and I know we saw it earlier but I always love seeing chuckle he’s just adorable alrighty let’s see oh sweet Coon’s going down

Yep no yes okay you did extra I thought he’s gonna kill me but then he failed he couldn’t take the Heat remember to keep happening guys by the way oh he definitely did I made him leave the kitchen remember guys as well to keep hopping online uh it helps sport the uh the

Channel and on top of that too you have a chance to face me over at spawn you know what I’m surprised you’re not doing was that you raid battles I’ve oh stage you mean from yesterday yeah The Horde battles dropsy you weren’t there for that were you

I don’t think I’ve experienced them no we found out that against other players you could do five V fives wow yeah it is silly it’s chaotic I think you uh start doing something uh What’s it gonna say monk you started the zation hunt didn’t you stop it did you

Get this guy over here what I don’t see a guy over here oh I did not oh my God oh you’re not well now if a hint doesn’t make sense you can always check this one I didn’t know they were tiny have they all been tiny so far they’re

Probably all gonna be tiny for a Raid Battle oh what I guess he didn’t accept it I don’t know all right there’s a 1v1 then swapped out oh steam engine we saw him yesterday what is he he’s like car Cole is that him is that probably carpool yeah

To rock and fire rocking fire Stripling Warrior good to see you bud thanks to the five dollar stream tip he said Gigi’s room the rm17 was me who just battled keep up the great work oh thank you buddy I appreciate you someone just gave me three pink Pokemon and GG ‘s too buddy obviously

I have another one for you oh really yeah all right this guy’s going down I have a pink B drill you want it steam engine instead of chance I if I didn’t already have that specific one I write actually I got two pink Pokemon for you

Let’s go oh Grim stock always gets me this is an actual thing you could do Destructo the Beast with a five dollar stream tip said try building an all moth Pokemon team okay thank you you got Volcarona all right you got venomous venomous venomat iron Moss oh wait there you go wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait you said Iron moth yep oh yeah it’s iron have fun with that what are you talking about paradoxes Paradox form the Paradox form Pokemon why do they like name them such odd things like uh because there’s alternate variants of Pokemon that technically would have existed if the plan went through yeah or like do exist in other times now I mean whoops whoops I was paying attention to our

Conversation and I accidentally just hit a Torterra with discharge wow oh I got Dynamax candy from one of those red straps here from one of those raids I got Dynamics candy nice All righty uh kick a train let’s see what happens uh uh Dragonite um we’ll do Thunder Wave I guess all right that worked out well now outrage oh destroyed him UFO I don’t even know what that is thank Pokemon but he’s gone just say UFO it was probably an ore beetle yeah

It definitely looks like a beetle oh those new ones Mike the one those ones okay um alrighty dude I faced you like 800 times in the last two days oh whoopsies I gotta do slash Pokey heal always a good call and then the guy throws them out again at me

Dude wow actually you just called him out give someone else bro give someone else a chance oh my gosh he literally doesn’t give anyone else a chance oh a torkel’s switching it’s torkal like good at all it’s pure fire it’s a good percent weather it’s not bad

Pretty good overall I never set the weather in Pokemons is that yeah I know is that like yeah we know it’s fine they’re teams that rely on weather but not all do so you know if you don’t want to use it you don’t have to he doesn’t want me to set up my

Dragonite he keeps using uh clear smog to take out the Dragon Dance okay it’s left with no choice but the Dual Wing beat him what is back Excalibur anyway uh dragon and an ice oh that’s not a great combo for me yeah it’s a really cool Pokemon though

Looks like we totally don’t do this what are like ice dragons in like historic like mythological terms isn’t there a term for an ice dragon a frost no idea yeah I know wyverns are technically different GG dropsy yeah thanks libraries are technically different than dragons I know nice panda hat that’s right there is the cab for you oh no not him again Victini fire psychic right it looked yep fire psychic bug Buzz why why am I just getting kicked out of

Battle after battle and this guy this guy tried to battle me LED with Xerneas I had a magnazone out so he just swapped all right so he just ended battle they just left he was like now wow making him rage before they even fight I had no idea up until literally today I

Was today years old when I found out that Victini was actually good I thought Victini was terrible I honestly thought it was just a normal type drum I didn’t know it was a fire type yeah it’s fire and psychic yeah I thought it was a normal type no

No no no no no no I mean he was in what uh black and white no no maybe yeah I mean he wasn’t buying one I just yeah see that’s why earlier I you played through black and white and then stopped playing through black and white because black and white

Was just the roughest I like that setup oh especially at the chest now it said GG but you just powered just tired ran from the battle what B no not you they go to Xerneas I threw out a magnet Zone at the start and it’s just like oh yeah here you go let’s

Uh I was like um yeah I was battling someone and there’s Xerneas right throughout I had a magazine was my lead and then they just ended the battle another side okay well yes that’s over with all right the samurott’s oh you’re big dead now pal I guess this depends nope okay

That’s probably how this one’s gonna go probably against him wonder how like must be so insanely difficult or maybe just overthinking it and like maybe like they just don’t care and they just hope things work out but I’m assuming it’s not the case it must be so insanely difficult whoever’s job it is

To do like pokestat balancing whenever they add new Pokemon into the universe yeah that just kind of happens as time goes on they don’t really bounce it as much at the start it’s power creep is what’s known as so uh Pokemon tend to come in very very

Overpowered like uh zashim one of the box art legendaries from sword and shield is the most power it’s probably the most powerful Pokemon ever because yeah they gave um I thought gargan Ackle now Reggie Reggie gigas has a um as slow start right because in its attack is oh insanely High

And they had to give a slow start to Nerf it with zashi in its attack is I think it’s equal to Regigigas but they gave it an ability called the Intrepid sword that raises its Attack by One Stage when it goes into a battle so it gets stronger when it comes into

Battle rather than uh rather than being nerfed at all see I always thought that like it was like a fine like balancing act that they had to play but it sounds like then they just they just kind of like I think there’s a lot of them too they just kind

Of roll with whatever they get like what was the grave dog uh yeah that one got banned I know Johnstone got banned because of last respects what’s that uh it’s a move that does more damage based on what um based on how many Pokemon have died in

Your party so we get six dead Pokemon in your party last respects will do a lot more damage well five protection what’s the problem there is he just like such a fast Pokemon that it’s impossible well no it was just a broken move it was like yeah and it’s it was just absurd

You know people with choice scarf houndstone do whatever and they’d have like a 240 base power stab move with double stab bonus from Tara whatever you know it’s just wasn’t it did not work well like overpowered as well is only good in doubles yeah it only has its ability work in doubles so

It’s only so effective edgy slash all right all right that’s how you want this to go down edgy slash no the memicue again I’m gonna hit him with a rock in the head and see what happens see what happens oh it was the fake Zoroark and it actually killed him that’s perfect then

Oh no now it’s a real mimikyu I hate mimiky I’m gonna hit him in the rock with a head wait other way around it’s a it’s a ghost yeah you’re saying I can’t hit him in the head with a rock not really it will just go right through him

Yeah how are ghosts not almost impossible to kill all I want to get is gasly because like it’s basically it’s a floating fart and you light a fire around him and he’s kind of exploding but blow some wind at him yeah exactly ew I don’t like

You’re the one that said he was a fart joke you know what I’m saying though I feel like ghastly if you had an open flame around him he’s done you know even just a match worth I came back to this conversation at a weird time yeah

He did do you want to leave and come back and try again wait what that would better say what’s weird about it huh I’m saying how like how are ghost type Pokemon not just like completely Unstoppable except for ghastly which is just a fart ball that

You could just light on fire and just you know what I agree with you it’s a magic phone just like I agree that bikes should be on the road 100 I don’t know what he’s talking about I’m here to defend himself I get furious whenever I’m just having a nice stroll

And someone just blasts past me on the bike yeah it’s it’s one of those dumb elections genuinely not safe yeah is this what almost turning 30s like Steve yeah so that’s it and we’re getting old buddy dude this guy is letting me he keeps trying to set

Up a fracture but he’s about to get demolished by yeah my Volcarona he just let me set up three times a bug whatever quiver dance that’s what I’m thinking of quiver dance Every time I say I think of the River Dance no you get your garden Ackle out of here how did salt cure one hit Volcarona because it’s quite effective yeah I’m gonna cry Garber Knuckles salt cure is ridiculous soak here is a rock type attack but base sporty power I need to

Know since since when did gargan Ackle become such a commonly used Pokemon it has been I but it got introduced in this generation yeah it’s like this let me get this straight acts as like a poison which is kind of insane for rock types drunk’s just done

It’s just like why why more poison ah you know stud yeah I’m with you I remembered the good old days of the original 151 you know easy type matchups water versus grass you like you know fire versus grass water versus fire back when things were easier and there weren’t like plot

Effective things yeah yeah just a lot effective has been around for a while yeah but we didn’t have to worry about it yeah guys we’re blowing up those Magis car just jumped to 1.25 oh my God oh my God oh my God guys what warm hold up it’s quite effective has just been

Like whatever whatever one type it’s a dual type yeah yeah it’s just typing like Dragonite has always been Quad week to ice monkey yeah I’ll tell you better than this yeah I’m proving Steve wrong that’s what you taught me I I mean he’s got a point there you kind of did teach me

Trump the student is becoming the master it’s too strong for us um let’s do electrodes oh I flinched you’re kidding me it’s all right electros we’ll forgive you for not no doubt Dare You gargan Echo I thought I finished you off I thought you were gone

I never want to see a garden Echo again this shiny one looks cooler it looks like a gold bar to be fair because of Matthew Daly I have a bunch of tokens that I can use so what was that command again it was token Pokey Builder Pokey Builder thank you

I’m gonna turn on my Pokemon shiny oh my God I don’t know if you have the uh I don’t I don’t know if you have the tickets for that yeah oh sad face never mind oh no General Edie wants to start a petition for me to name electros electros

Surprised you didn’t do it already so I’m gonna name it I’m doing a horde battle type and I’m gonna do number Pokemon five and I want to see if that’ll stop it from crashing at the end of every battle it should oh no what did you do what did you do

The guy I’m facing as a garden Ackle named it was me Barry [Laughter] Oh no oh no no alrighty anyway earthquake and he’s out of there oh I want that scene redone but instead of reverse flesh it’s just golden echo of course I salt cured oh big hits to start there oh he did some big hits to me too dude

It’s a little bit of a back and forth out here how is Barry still alive I mean it is berry dude I I totally lost this one totally or like marginally lost well it’s 4v1 right now yeah dude it’s going terribly wrong wow dude I just got dumpstered it was me Barry

Got me dang it Barry all right they like toes is the goat changed my mind no generally even though I’m drawing the lines oh it’s the Gamora guy again she’s knock off see if he has any he did have leftovers nice not anymore those are my leftovers now

All right let’s see who’s next Every time I see that I think of the monkey and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Steve do you think my dragon maybe I don’t know oh there’s a chance possible I know you’re getting guard I’ll throw some sludge on them come on tank the hit oh I didn’t do anything

Oh I see what he did oh yeah I got him uh what’s this uh oh Gardevoir um yeah I’ll throw some more sludge on you why not oh my god dude Gengar with sludge wave is insane I can’t believe up until like maybe probably two years ago I didn’t really

Know that that was the thing that’s because all you ever did with your Gengar was Dream Eater hey there’s nothing wrong with that there’s nothing wrong with this no no you just not fans of a guitar there definitely is something that it’s a dream leader setup’s a lot better on other Pokemon

The game car is not the one it doesn’t matter it’s kind of the point that it does matter oh rest in peace you tell that to Drums how come you haven’t renamed your Gengar what is the relation between It Anyway instead I should probably name the Gengar electros well you’re saying like

That’s not what I was thinking yeah it doesn’t do it right you don’t want to do the OG name I got it I got it okay it’s like there’s no way you don’t purple booty I remember that Venusaur was the worst though let’s be real running boots that Venusaur

Keep getting confused drawing looking monkey and then I think it’s you for a sec or like the other way around the Tayo five bruh that was the case this is the last time I will face you today this is it I have faced this guy 8 000 times in the last two days

It’s a lot of times a lot of times because I know you I know how much you enjoy doing that all right never mind I’m not fighting him anymore what he just immediately has the uh Xerneas with Jesus yeah yeah that’s not happening she’s not even like it’s something new

Show me your moves learn something new moves Tyrannosaurus Cloister that’s not the position anyone wants to find themselves but I don’t really have any great matchups I can do so maybe I’ll just Stone Edge and accept this l he didn’t attack me first he used uh shell smash or whatever that’s called uh-oh

Significantly more dead now oh no and I missed my attack oh this is not going to be a good one drums like I’m in danger yes he missed the Stone Edge and he had the setup move oh this is all going downhill fast guys wow icicle crash wow he has icicles

Okay oh my God bro he’s just oh no oh no you’re like man I feel like instead is just trying to be supportive but he’s got no idea what you mean no Jerome gonna be real honest you gotta as much as you love the legendaries you gotta mix up the typing man you’re

Thinking introduced by one move I think you need to start making besides the multiple teams because that was a good idea to like rotate between so people don’t know exactly what it’s amazing but also basically just ruined every single one of his Pokemon they didn’t use a different move they shell smashed and

Then they icicle speared at every turn oh I need a new one how would I how would I counter that angiomancy those are the only two ends still you need not dragon or uh flying and you need you need something that actually matches well against it

I am personally a fan of Magnezone bruh cyber Crafter you can’t follow me into the team locker rooms I’m down here sulking trying to figure out a team but he flies into the tree just goes hey I was taking off the jersey and like trying to take a break and he’s just being

And for a crushing defeat reporter’s following the locker room all right so steel would help me with both those what about uh what about my friend with salt cure recover steel would also probably help with that to be honest wow all right so should I just give her to Dragonite then and

Focus on a steel Pokemon Maybe I mean yeah you can it’s is there anything I was going to say is there any like Dragon steel types you can do the relodon or Dialga maybe that would help I also think the yoga would have a dragon just don’t have

Just have her not dragon dragon Israel I know it’s strong but like you just saw one Cloister just ruined yeah the yoga does Canada and so just a rally it on with the Steel type so it’s neutral instead of super effective whereas with dragon I did Subaru what about ghost strike

Ghost dragon doesn’t really do anything for you there doesn’t really help any the problem is too is not all my Pokemon are super effective too or whatever super whatever it is but uh they still were just getting one hit because he shell smashed so it’s like how do I

Hmm I mean Focus sash Rarity you know well I mean multi-hint moves so the first one breaks the sash second one kills the rutata I mean what I’m thinking is if it’s a multi-use thing the best thing to counter that would be a cursed body because once it pops it gets disabled

Okay okay I’m feeling you it was not guaranteed but it yeah let’s go but it’s like kind of uh like you don’t have to have disable on a Pokemon your Pokemon’s ability can disable it for you Stripling warrior with a five dollar stream tip said you should do steel or

Poison like Lucario or salazzle it’s not the greatest Pokemon but it’s so cool it’s all right but it doesn’t do anything to help your uh I mean Gargano visit any fans plots I’m oh come visit yours I’m trying to remember you had a very I have a name right it was a strong

Steel type that you could use at some point Drew okay I’m sorry whose name are you looking for the rm17 that was it the rm17 I was trying to remember what his thing was there we go hello I am here to burn your house down

Oh it’s okay instead I’ll get it in the next stream uh oh it’s not letting me burn it down I’ll give him the Flint steel anyway oh dude he’s got an insane plot look they built a whole beach house dude is that a wild glamora whoa a level 50

Wild Gamora that’s pretty sick just spawning under his house all right guys well GG that’s where we’re gonna call it quits for the day thank you so much for watching we hope you all had fun remember to hop on our spot server play at we love

To play around here we have plenty more live streams coming your way including tomorrow we’re going to be hopping online as well so don’t go too far take care and have an awesome rest of your day everyone thank you so much bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Creating A Golden Factory In Minecraft Gold Rush’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-08-24 23:04:41. It has garnered 26493 views and 1050 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:50 or 13010 seconds.

Creating A Golden Factory In Minecraft Gold Rush

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  • KYRSP33DY Betrays Friend in Epic Minecraft Mod Battle!

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    EPIC FLOATING ENDERMAN EGG HACK!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by PRINCE JOSHI VINES on 2024-04-19 11:10:00. It has garnered 65 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build Hack In Minecraft Pocket Edition 🤯🔥 #minecraft #shorts #pocketedition #princejoshivines #spooky Ram Ram Bhai🙏 About the Video:- In This Video I Show Tips And Tricks Of Minecraft. Spooky Floating Enderman Egg Build hacks In Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 New Update. I Not Only Play Games But Also Used The Instagram… Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth About Minecraft’s Identity!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server Hack in 2024! Shocking 1.20+ Java Method

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  • Unbelievable Hack: Dominate with Breeze Mob in Minecraft

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  • EPIC Minecraft Dimension Explorations! Watch Now!

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  • Steve Dweller Haunts Calvin in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Hide and Seek Battle with DJ and Monkey in Minecraft

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  • Pixel Hut

    Pixel HutPixel Hut is a growing community focused on Prison and PvP, as a matter of fact, we combined these two gamemodes to create a unique experience. We build the server focused on players. We care about YOU Read More

  • TechCraftSMP – semi-vanilla whitelist

    TechCraftSMP TechCraftSMP is a vibrant, community-driven Survival SMP server inspired by the Hermitcraft series. Featuring a robust diamond economy, detailed world map, free build policy, and Discord integration, it offers players a true vanilla Minecraft experience. Key Features: Robust diamond economy Bustling shopping district Detailed world map Free build policy Discord integration Join TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 today! DISCORD: Join our Discord server Read More

Creating A Golden Factory In Minecraft Gold Rush