Creative Terrain Building with Axiom | Minecraft 1.20 LIVE

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Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Yo Yo yo yo how’s everybody doing welcome to the Stream uh hey there Jonah uh Landon Cody welcome welcome how you guys doing to this scene also do this there we go uh floppy hello I have been working a lot as you can see I’ve been working on this Terrain um

Switch to this there we go oh fast this is the clip that we’ve been working on for a while uh last night I spent actually not that long uh but I spent some time big forehead is it yeah it is a big forehead um yeah I spent a lot of time working on

This terrain just making it look more natural because if you don’t remember let’s get to the angle I think this is about the same angle as I don’t think I’m gonna leak anything here it’s been a while since I’ve Taken a screenshot of something I can’t show this is what it did look like actually I could show you uh even better example uh uh hey Josh hey Ash ayanda’s hello Pride High uh Moonlight High let me let me show you what it looked like before I started uh

Making it look more natural because it’s a big difference it was the Windows XP wallpaper before you actually kind of yeah your clouds are cool I saw them before anybody starts calling me out for copying or whatever I saw them on B-Dubs video a while back and and I uh started using them

This is what it looked like before speed five like way too smooth a good start but it was way too smooth very sharp edges and um this was just getting the base uh the bass structure in basically just getting the idea down the rocks are real messy

Yeah we got a road in here now um yeah this is what it was before I should have I should have grabbed a coordinate and took screenshots from the exact same position but this is kind of where we were standing before Let’s take a screenshot go back And here it is now I mean you can kind of see that’s where those big weird rocks were that’s where the line was uh ish that’s about where the line was up there it’s looking so much better and I’m really excited to get this in and we’re gonna cover

A lot of this with trees too also this was just in the past hang on let me turn the music down a little bit Uh in the past I’ve uh I’ve just used World painter for like terrain like this but this was all Axiom I’m starting to love Axiom more and more like this was this was super easy with Axiom what Mighty use for the clouds it looks familiar it’s better clouds

If you saw b-dub’s video like an hour ago that that’s probably where it looks familiar from Uh but yeah we got massive improvements here we’re going to cover a lot of it with trees uh so I might work on custom trees today we’re gonna have to turn the clouds off this is right at the level I’m working at Might need to just pay you to design mine hey I’d be down Um I messed up this when I was clearing some Terrain I think of you said in the past just forgot the name ah I have actually used that mod in the past but it used to look way worse than it does now what is axum Axiom it’s in the title I think yeah

Uh it’s a new building mod that’s kind of just like an alternative to world edit it’s got like most of the same features it just has like an actual UI for it pay you in some brisket hey I’ll take it um uh Hey jbus welcome ever consider using calcite and diorite

Instead of stone I do want to use it for some clips of the future some Terrain I don’t know what mod is breaking my world rendering but it’s getting annoying the main reason I wouldn’t use it here is because the buildings are all going

To be that but also that is going to be a lot of diorite and calcite to collect I think I’ll just stick the stone for this I can imagine if I pulled up with a smoker and just made some brisket that’d be sick I’d love that Um yeah I absolutely love how this Cliff looks right now I was I was originally planning on doing um this thing that I did on the other side like using the boulder brush to make like a bunch of uh like I guess uh what would you call it

I don’t know just to emulate that same effect like the real sharp rocks but I I really like how this looks so I don’t think I don’t think I am gonna do that Um yeah I’m not exactly sure what I want to work on today either trees what were you building this terrain so we’re gonna have some massive build up there I haven’t decided if it’s a castle or I’m kind of thinking like a um some sort of like school

Um so the the area I’m basing this off of is an area in Elden ring uh where this uh there’s this like magic school Um and it’s really cool looking it is very similar uh architecture style to this so I’m kind of thinking doing something like that here but I’m not I’m not decided yet yeah I know Pride I’m thinking I don’t want to cover this mountain I do want

Some along the top just to make just to add to the scale yeah kind of I guess kind of like Hogwarts but there’s eldenry has its own thing Um also I don’t think in my world it would be a school for magic it would just be a big some sort of school yeah I’m gonna build a parking lot down here uh no we’re gonna have trees lining the top we aren’t gonna have many trees in

Front of this Cliff but we’ll have trees probably a lot in this area we’re probably gonna have like some Village maybe even a ruined Village down here uh and then along this way I’m thinking we’ll have this area is going to have all the patron um supporter like names

So I think we’re gonna have one long road going through here with statues lining it and then maybe statues lined up behind those statues I haven’t entirely decided on that yet but definitely gonna have a long road with statues somewhere um yes this will be in my survival world uh you could see

The castle right here the white Falls Castle Look at that it’s gonna be a lot of work but it’s gonna take um massive Shadows I had a crash and it it saved the Shadows but it didn’t save the blocks that were there pretty annoying but we’ll uh work with it um it could be a Stonehenge type thing

That’s kind of the vibe I guess uh but it’s gonna be like straight line statues yeah there’s gonna be a lot of work but it’s gonna it’s gonna be a long-term project I think we’ll start with this side whenever we start doing videos we’ll start with this side build up the cliff

Um definitely gonna be a stream project for sure luckily we’ll have oh yeah I filled this up but luckily we’ll have um grass to take all down here uh you should build a little cottage in the woods for a coven of witches that’d be cool that’d be really cool oh we need actually

We really need to do a moss Farm I think we’re gonna do it in this area we’ll probably probably hide it underground here I think that’d probably be the best way to go about it um but the terrain we’re probably gonna end up using a lot of moss

So I don’t have to harvest as much grass uh thank you Lucas yeah I’m loving this I can’t I can’t stop just lying around and looking at it Once I especially once I added the stone to the cliffs because this was all just green wool before once I added the stone it made a huge difference And it’s crazy it looks so natural it looks like a it really looks like I made it with world edit or World painter I mean Uh so how I did it um I guess I could show you here I so we had those really smooth slopes that I showed you before so I just used the distort brush and brushed over a bunch of stuff and that roughened it up a lot and then I used the smooth

And went over it a couple of times and that gave it that gave it just enough of a natural look then let’s do this let’s paint all those blocks back to green And I mean I did it I smoothed it a couple of times to get perfect but that’s the basic uh basic thing I did for that Actually I’m gonna be adding a road tool I don’t know I should recommend that that would be super handy uh what I did was I ported the world back to my server so I could use archeon and I did a couple of things like filled up the terrain

I I made the road I made I use Loft to make this little section here of terrain um I should have made I should have made a bridge too probably but we can always just pour this back to the server and do that This line here because I smoothed right on the edge and you can kind of tell because it’s just like all smooth it doesn’t really follow these lines like there were before so I’m probably gonna have to uh I don’t know I’ll have to figure something out for that to rough that up again But I’m not sure what I’m gonna do for that yet also realized I don’t like how straight this line is up here I’m probably gonna dip it down a little bit over here maybe or maybe right there Or maybe even raise it up probably raise it up because we have this clip over here It was insane yeah it is I’m uh I’m very curious how long this is gonna take to build in the world Might need to get a stone generator because the amount of stone I’m gonna need for this is a lot I can’t even get a good count right now because there’s so many layers of wool the light gray wool I guess I could No that’ll take too long I don’t know we’ll figure it out at some point uh aren’t roads you think the most popular video on your Channel at least I mean yeah it is the most popular video on my channel I have been working on roads off camera this is all in the

Actual world now we got this road here which isn’t the nicest looking road I don’t love this one uh but this one I really refined the palette and design and this one’s really nice I think got the mossy cobblestone along the edges going into rooted dirt going into

Packed mud and then Brown mushroom blocks in the middle and this is connected all the way in the actual survival world it’s connected all the way over to here absolutely have to place each block are you talking about the light gray wool no I only need the outer layer which is why

I was saying I can’t get a good count right now because it’s so thick here um because I could do I wonder if Axiom has a count I don’t think it does account feature I could select this whole area with a world edit and then count how many light gray uh yeah light

Gray wool blocks there are but it would count like everyone going all the way in which is probably like five or six times as much I think it’s better if you build a college Stone gen and a super smelter super smelter so you can Farm the stone while building uh that’s true yeah

Actually yeah that’s a good call I’m definitely gonna look into that yeah an auto an auto cobblestone generator with a super smelter that’s a really good idea get you an impact has something nice terrain you can get some inspiration really might have to look at that Village overhaul once this is built up maybe I mean it is

Like right here right next to it I might have to very simple one to make 75k an hour you should uh you should send that in general in our discard if you’re in there because I might make that like tonight just so I can get it get it uh up and running

Get a head start with it let’s use command blocks for the ships would you ever consider command blocks for custom villagers with custom trades uh I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t have any command blocks in my world oh I guess I did at one point yeah well

I don’t I don’t really do that anymore I I removed those command blocks long time ago I might what I might do Pride I might just move the villagers to there because I don’t think I really want a village going throughout this entire area but I do want one right there

And it’d be kind of weird maybe I don’t know that’s a long ways down the road uh yeah I did use them in that in that period um yeah I just once I kind of uh whatever 118 came out I technically reset and then I rearranged my whole world

Um and I wish a map wasn’t so buggy sometimes I might switch to Journey map I much prefer the art style of this one but half the time it just doesn’t load Um what was I talking about oh yeah once I rearranged my world I uh I um yeah go ahead Alby once I remarriage my world I got rid of the command blocks foreign welcome to the Stream Yeah yeah that’s true zeros does zoom out way further the journey map yeah that’s honestly my favorite feature about it I think there’s another map mod my am I looking at that I don’t think that one’s as good either though I think I used it during the snapshots Okay what should we do let me look oh Hmm What about the Lego castle you started recreate I uh once I started doing this project I kind of kind of uh got less inspired on that castle I think we’ll do it at some point still I have it like halfway planned out it’s over in this area it doesn’t want to load

And it is in a really nice area of the world I do still want to do it we just I just uh have other stuff I want to do first uh this is a copy of the survival world yeah creative copy is the creeper farm and this is white Falls over here

Trying to decide what I want to work on first let’s let’s lay out some basic shapes for this this uh cool Academy whatever we’re calling it let’s do H still White uh nine oops nine one too small fourteen one too big let’s do 11. um maybe it should be bigger actually laughs

Okay I want one big tower with a roof like that I think I thought about just copying this exact Tower and put it in the middle it’s gonna be like in the middle of all this build let’s see how much let’s make a line to build Hyatt this is the center

Another ring the school that’s inspiring build has a key that protects the dragon or you can do something similar oh that’s protected by a dragon hmm wait why am I okay there we go Um I don’t know that would be difficult to pull off I don’t know how exactly I would do that Uh Hey Ara Welcome to My Stream okay how do I want to do this I want it to be tiered like that one let’s measure let’s measure this I don’t think I’ve used this tool yet curious how it works total length 130 okay 130 divided by three is 43. but actually we don’t want it to be 130 because the top of the roof is going to be there so let’s say how is this Um three six nine twelve wait great grab the ruler Uh 25. baby where is wait what what is this There’s some confusing numbers there three six nine twelve fifteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty okay yeah 20. oh thank you Bobby Uh Hey Braden welcome to the Stream so let’s say Let’s say we want Now what okay just do this Do 20 there we’ll set that as Red actually let’s do cyan since that’ll be the roof what I didn’t save the selection 20. still okay and clear so that’ll be the size of the room now now let’s measure this boom so that’s 90. okay 90 divided by 3 is 30. so actually let’s do this again let’s do um This new diorite I guess do 30. Boom take diorite let’s clear this let’s get rid of this 30. Set it to White wool boom clear nope clear and then White concrete powder bill okay all right so that’ll be the height of the Tower looks like a pretty good height I just feel like a dragon somewhere would add a lot of life and lore to the world that would be cool I could do like a cave under here

With a dragon sleeping in it that would be pretty cool Hmm I mean might as well we got so much unused space is going to be unused under here might as well do that something like that we’ll play with that sometime in the bar future probably okay let’s stand here let’s do big Cliffs white building’s a dragon sounds familiar sounds familiar to what The Elden range wait uh h cell White let’s do Nine negative 30. Oh Bond Bluffs right yeah I’m just copying bone Bluffs I think that’s writing it up double check that yep cool uh nine is too big though wait that’s way too big They have always copying you always copying you Pride you can turn the bridge that leads into the cliff into an underground pathway uh well then I’m just gonna delete I haven’t built that in the actual world yet I’ll probably do like some big Cave opening somewhere in the cliff uh let’s do

Six it seems too small maybe not still bigger than that one I think no it’s not yeah the same size yeah that’ll be fine maybe next time Pride maybe next time I do a massive project okay we do I think eight next if we want a walkway around the edge yeah

Because we’ll have another layer out here so that’ll be that’ll be plenty of room to walk around boom then here go 10. all right I don’t know what it is I get the same feeling from this but for some reason there’s some optical illusion that makes that top section

Look way taller than the other sections obviously this one’s cut off by the mountain but even that top one looks taller than the second one for some reason uh hey Jackie welcome to the Stream like same thing happens with this one for me like these two levels are exactly the same

But this one looks way taller I guess because it’s skinny I don’t know it’s weird okay uh now we can do boom line cyan this is all going to be very rough shapes we’ll uh we’ll clean this up over time laughs I do wish oh wait wait what Did I end up so much slower wait Well okay we gotta redo this that’s weird huh okay well let’s just delete all this and do it again uh Hey durami welcome to the Stream Place White Air replace cyan air okay let’s also really quick just smooth that out because that’s gonna drive me nuts and paint green sure that works oh

Oh wrong button there we go boom bill white sure okay well let’s measure this again okay this is gonna be even crazier than that boom boom did I get the bottom one yep 130. didn’t I start out with 130 wait Then I have 130 at one point I’m so confused what happened okay yeah because I have in my calculator 43 is foreign okay I don’t know what happened uh but let’s do this again oh wait 90. wait what I’m so confused I don’t know I don’t know how I got to 90.

Uh but let’s go down 20 for the roof cyan um hey Alexander quick maths true okay then this I need to measure to do it wait boom hang on Acted weird okay 110. That’d be about 36 each layer hmm we’ll go 36 and then we’ll have extra blacks on the bottom let’s go maybe six Diorite again just to separate each layer 36. White foam boom and on the bottom is let’s see how much how tall that is 38 okay that’s fine all right now let’s go up here HCL White I think what did I do what did I do was it six I think so six negative 36. yeah okay um I might want to go one block bigger that felt a little too skinny even at the height we were just at so let’s do let’s do seven whoa not 67.

Seven do that and then nine boom boom And then come on oh 11. okay let’s take a look at that and let’s get these lines in here too line cyan like cyan boom boom um 50 Watchers 51 now okay that looks better wow this can be crazy that is crazy tall I thought that was crazy as all look at that

Really making use of the new build height with this build Um have you watched game gamescon opening live I’m so excited about the event I haven’t I don’t really pay attention to uh these game events anymore Not usually anything I’m super interested in and if there is I’ll find out like a couple hours after it’s announced 51 viewers and only 36 likes yeah come on guys come on let’s fix that doesn’t even show me likes right now oh there they are I liked good good good good Okay So from here what do I want to do from here hold this to another tab oh I got rid of chat hang on add up we’ll put this over here You know what kind I kind of still think this is too too thin Like it works for this Tower but this is gonna be in the middle like surrounded by another a bunch of other buildings connecting to it I think it’s too skinny Oh let’s do it again oh let’s make it even wider Uh HCL let’s go maybe we do go nine for this level nine Eleven Come on 13. That looks better I’m also kind of thinking I might want it to just be two layers maybe not no I don’t think I do want to do that I think it’ll be three but it’ll probably end up looking like two because we’re gonna like I said we’re gonna have buildings connecting to it We’ll probably have to end up building out the terrain as well I’ll probably have to hop into uh archeon maybe to get some of these Jagged rocks hmm Let’s go let’s go straight out right here right from the center whoops okay I want a building coming out pretty far this way uh Hey Ultra welcome to the Stream Let’s do how do I want to do this Um I’m not sure actually AJ I used to have that too I don’t know what I did to fix that maybe make sure Do you have a simple fog control maybe that doesn’t I don’t know Yeah I remember when I would go up to 48 chunks it used to do that and that’s why I lowered it but I didn’t even realize it’s back to normal now maybe just make sure all your mods are all updated to the latest version like maybe sodium

Oh really huh I would check sodium actually they just had a big update that might have done it But if you update sodium it’s gonna there’s gonna be a lot of other mods that I have to update this last version broke a lot of stuff from other mods I’m willing to bet sodium is the the culprit though sodium does a lot of weird things Okay Foreign Just trying to think of how exactly I want to will this Skyline to look I want I do want a big building like trying to find a good example So this um this is kind of what I’m inspired by at least the general architecture I kind of want a building coming out like this It’s trying to decide where I want that do I want it coming out of this side or this side We go out this side we’re definitely gonna have to build up a lot of terrain I think I do want it to be this way I used to use rubidium but switched over to sodium in a triple my FPS and my one percent lows are like 2 FPS under average wow that’s crazy

I thought rubidium was only was just a forged version of sodium I think this would be the best spot to do it Let’s start laying out some shapes uh let’s do well we want the end to be rounded let’s do a cylinder we’ll do want it to be smaller than this build I think I think uh also we need to undo that one hmm actually let’s do a negative one so it’s block lower Boop

Tribal and diagonal I don’t think I want to do that it’s funny it seems kind of like there was like a huge phase of doing uh diagonal builds for a couple years and it kind of seems like that’s over I feel like I haven’t seen like a

Just a true diagonal build in a long time okay I can kind of see it let’s get rid of this Yeah it’s kind of inspired by eldering Ethan let’s get rid of this too uh we’ll leave it for the center You know Ultra I was just thinking like you know I think maybe I’ve seen Ultra diagonal builds recently right after I said that Mm-hmm uh yeah Axiom has been all the rage lately thanks to uh MOG It’s a little long a little long in the tooth what’s a move uh let’s also just throw a block down here so I can like the whole thing at once I select way back there uh Hey peopleb welcome to the Stream foreign this needs to be lowered and then have a smaller layer

Hmm it’s mod worth looking into I love this mod I’ve I didn’t really think I would like it just from like looking at it seen it on Twitter for a while but after I actually tried it it’s gonna be hard to go go back to anything else hmm foreign Just trying to think how I want to do this I do want some I think I want to get some flying buttresses off the side too there’s somebody in the comments that’s been recommending I do that every video that I work on the castle

So I got to get that them in here for that guy just trying to think Trying to decide on like the scale for this build or this uh this room I guess So much different than anything I’ve ever built You know what let’s do let’s leave that for now we got a basic shape in there so I’m good with that let’s maybe do a wall over here leading into another like very small Tower maybe we go Like there Something like that maybe like that so it’s not just a straight diagonal And then we’ll do um let’s do three to three Uh wait oh yeah I was just thinking okay I’m building a diagonal now but it’s different a diagonal castle wall is different Let’s smear it smear it again Uh let’s do a little bit taller it does count that’s true okay I wish this had there we go perfect all right see you later Becca I mean the ground level is gonna be right at these clouds which is I think gonna be sick Okay then I think we’ll have should we put another wall here we’re gonna have buttresses coming off of this so it might be weird having a wall coming out of the middle of them foreign To a castle now you can have walls and not be a castle foggy mystical old school but oh yeah I didn’t even think about it that’s gonna be so perfect And I’m thinking I want it I feel like this has kind of like an abandoned vibe to it So I think having that that Vibe here is gonna be really cool too with the fog True Ultra yeah good point okay this is going to be kind of a weird angle but I think we gotta do it oh dang it I went up I want to do that there we go maybe let’s put a small another small Tower right here

Ish then we can do a sharper angle in yeah two three slow down a little bit It could be an old uh castle that got repurposed as a school so you can add Best of Both Worlds architecturally uh yeah that’s a good idea Uh that’s a little too close to that cliff oh dang it I redo it no that’s annoying the mid Tower and the skinny part should be your big main one the Tower and the skinny one should be your big main one are you saying this should be here okay let’s move this

Over one maybe it looks I think that’ll look a little better yes uh maybe Maybe let’s take a look Hmm Um I don’t hmm I don’t know if the clouds are cool but they’re too much I think I wanna I think this most of this is going to be a big building uh this is just going to be like a Courtyard area maybe wrapping around the build

So I think I want it to be all connected maybe I mean might change but that’s what kind of phallic currently does it though it’s just a tower yeah I’ve gotten so used to doing that Oh get rid of that get rid of that why didn’t that go away Okay oh wait we need those still How many two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven One two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven yeah same build about it okay that time I got rid of it okay but I think we’ll have another probably another building connected here ish maybe we do like okay we’re just getting rough shapes in here right now

Once we start decorating it things will probably shift around a little bit but my idea is Um like a room coming off here-ish And then another building like here-ish probably smaller building we will whoops we will need to foreign We’ll need to make room for the wall and the entrance Maybe we go a little lower here whoops redo that okay I guess I can’t let’s go a little bit lower foreign let’s go a little bit more of a straight line to here let’s make a tower right here where would you put a non-diagonal entrance here I don’t think it will be diagonal

I think we’ll have the road come wrap around up this way and Lead straight into a gate like hereish Yeah Axiom does run super smooth I was actually having some crashes last night with it but I think it was mainly because I uh had it open all day working on just random stuff throughout the world in my uh RAM on my PC was maxing out which I’ve never had happen before

That was uh interesting Okay is that too much It does feel like too much doesn’t it I think so Yeah I’m thinking like put the tower like right there yeah you gotta trust the process it looks pretty rough right now but it’ll get there yeah we gotta we gotta split this in half so down with the mountain yeah we’ll we’ll have a smoother there too much okay Slow down the wall you just placed is far too forward of the middle Tower grant us into the other Towers relative’s position to the wall uh Oops While you just place as far too forward on the middle Tower oh I think I understand what you mean maybe not what are you talking about Are you talking about this wall here in relation to this Tower while you answer that I’m gonna build another Tower Yes so are you saying whoops are you saying I should move this wall where should I move it Here I don’t know foreign ER to the center of the castle interesting whoops are you saying so it’ll line up with this wall because I do see that right okay gotcha yeah cause the center should be on the center of this Tower like that should be where where it cuts over gotcha

Need to undo this anyways so we’ll we’ll fix that I’ve uh I’ve made that mistake I think on this Castle I think I’ve fixed it since I made that mistake actually but I had made that mistake several times here even this one doesn’t look right Uh yeah Tommy pretty much uh it is Reya luceria lucaria Academy just search Elden ring um let’s see Adam ring Academy and then the top result is uh or the top suggested searches what it is on Google um okay Okay let’s undo that undo that Okay so oh I can’t move uh let’s hmm let’s just break out this this wall so I can get this right okay let’s go to the center Yeah I’ve played all the ring I’ve played a lot of Elder Marine actually let’s cancel that let’s bring this all the way down Uh let’s bring it down to like there and get the center point I think this is right in the way We’ll fix it later oh nope not up no no no Down down okay good good good now let’s fix this boom boom yeah good call Aaron okay boom I don’t know where exactly I want that to go let’s go up a little bit uh maybe one block How many blocks did I do there one two whoops one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 11. I don’t know that that’s gonna stay that way but that’s how it is over there we’ll do it here okay

Then let’s get rid of this I’m probably gonna end up moving all this stuff around a lot I will have a wall coming um I keep hitting the wrong button The layout’s a little wild right now this wall here is a little weird It’s not about your supporters getting statues somewhere and the Lord they can be professors from the school being honored that’d be cool yeah I like that Um foreign yeah that would be good floppy I almost want you know what maybe we don’t need to leave this open here maybe we put a building through here we can have a walkway through the middle that can lead to this area we’ll have like a courtyard here a building along this side Maybe if I could draw on that

Oh you know what You’re a genius Ultra oh this is okay can I zoom in though Can’t I could do this all right whoops okay if I do this is it gonna make it appear bigger save aha does okay so I could do oh man I haven’t drawn with a mouse in so long it’s gonna be terrible you could do a building like here

With the walkway like just a little Archway going through underneath with doorways leading into Halls like there and there um and then I have like a courtyard here maybe And a small Yeah I need to I need to redo that I don’t like where it starts anyways where this wall starts I might throw a little building out on this side to start it from thing in a square building So if we did a courtyard here this could lead into another Build another building and then that could just be like that can act as the wall for this side Then maybe we do do a diagonal gate here have a uh hour there and there We’ll all go into there Have some sort of like staircase like big fancy staircase leading in that could be good If this if this doesn’t connect to the tower then we could put a wall somewhere around here just a small wall the layout’s a little funny hmm Foreign what would we need in like a school like this like a college or a university We would need I mean it’d be nice if we have an area for like living space I’m thinking we could have like classrooms all throughout this Tower yeah dorms this area could be like some sort of like office space Maybe these two astronomy tower that could be the top

Tower that’d be cool or the top of the tower I mean potions lab yeah that could be cool local 24 7 shop and six right yeah college or at school lecture Halls yeah thank you medical wing cafeteria Walmart with three level parking lots yeah Chick-fil-A somewhere in here Hmm calcium College of school uh I mean it’s more College Hogwarts it’s I guess similar concept but it’s not inspired by Hogwarts thank you I’m just wondering if this is these are enough buildings Think they’re not Okay be an idea get rid of this Went too far um You know what let’s not close off this like Courtyard area let’s put that building back up here I think I want to have let’s have like some sort of oval shape building here of a small wall here shh um maybe we do have sort of a wall here and then we can have a staircase down Maybe a smallish building here uh probably more like Magic based I wasn’t intending it to be that way but the more I think about it the cooler it sounds staircase here Uh we’re planning a big like College Academy type build uh gummy bear underground could be cool yeah um but we’ll focus on the above ground for now Cliff face instead of a wall you could if you have a viewing platform um or something connected to the small courtyard

Or something connected to this Courtyard uh yeah that’d be cool actually just do like a little rounded you on platform okay so I’m thinking each of these rooms could be like a class um Maybe one can be like a uh foreign That’d be cool we could do even another rounded section off the back here that looks a little questionable right now but it’s okay Yeah I guess we do need some sort of like eating haul Why do I think this will be started in the Survivor World probably a while we need to build the cliffs up first we have doorway leading in there I think this could be the dining hall these can be classrooms maybe one of these can be an office area and then maybe another classroom

Up in the tower can be like uh I don’t know some more specialized areas like where they’re actually like brewing potions and stuff Library we do need a library What if we made the Tower of the library that could be interesting would be tough though Ed teacher’s office teaching Lounge yeah Hey Pride figured out we can uh draw in Essentials so we’re laying it out the school this way probably needs a central meeting room for announcements that can fit all students I think the dining hall could act as that right I think so still recovering from staying up too late Monday

I guess I am too because I went to bed way earlier last night and I still woke up at almost noon um Stables oh Stables would be cool we could put that down in this area yeah okay it’s gonna be a tight fit though I guess

What we could do uh well these are gonna be the stairs so we could put another building here this can be the horse stables hopefully I remember those what this means yeah laughs yeah true Pride oh an underground area where they’re studying like creepers oh if I can get

Like a a charge creeper that’d be sick like an underground area where they’re studying like charged creepers or like the sniffer just some of the Weird Mobs in the game if I can get a ward in there yeah this is gonna be sick okay so let’s do another wall coming out this way

We perform under the cliffs well this is our creeper farm right above here necromancy lab that’d be cool okay I think we got I think we got the basic layout down I should write down a lot of these ideas let me open up Google Docs oops not there Um Drive Let’s just delete this script and replace it College build ideas are let’s do Academy build ideas let’s go um Stables um area to study vanilla mobs like sniffer charged creeper Etc um what else Greenhouse I think this one at the end oh you can’t even see my mouse can’t oh yeah again I

Think this one at the the end is going to be a greenhouse uh maybe you could put some wider skeletons oh wither skeletons right yeah that’d be cool Blaze that would be cool yeah let me list out some Withers skeleton blades maybe a pigland a uh what are they called oh that’ll

Just turn to a zombie pig one though yeah I don’t care about that how’s the layout coming along uh well here it is um almost we’re almost done I need to put a gate in still but coming up with ideas for stuff to put in the in the academy right now

What’s the difference between like a college and Academy foreign what is an academy I don’t actually know uh you should also put that winner oh yeah the yeah that’d be cool that what is it called the Stray or something like that yeah I think so oh a true Pride that’s a good idea

Um Academy equals fancy College equals depressed okay bear yeah um where the money comes from interesting maybe yeah did I miss anything I’m sure I did rice true necro well that kind of yeah I guess I’ll add it necromancy lab Uh tables slash bestiary area hey Carson welcome to the Stream dining hall uh Brewing we could do like some massive Brewing area in the tower I think that’d be cool for that oh yeah dormitories Okay I think we got I think we got some pretty good ideas here will there be a city somewhere on this map um You mean like in my world someday if that’s what you mean then yeah planning on doing a big city where is it come on plan on doing a big city down here someday started working on it a long time ago but I haven’t gotten bar we’ll come back and work on it someday

Yeah let’s not go here okay uh let me open this picture actually Uh file location it’s far yeah we got a massive world but uh we got stuff in between connecting places minor uh mini herb tree that would be cool I did think about that’s what this says I did think about doing a massive tree here but I don’t think I want to anymore

Think about doing it I like glass glowstone a bunch of crazy blocks stream I thought about I thought about raising the build height with a data pack in my world just to do one massive tree but it would it would be crazy A crazy amount of materials I would need

Okay after taking a little break and not looking at this coming back to it I’m liking it obviously we’ll have foliage around it like trees and stuff and people go to see me ripping off whip I don’t care I’m not that wouldn’t be ripping off for

It but it’ll be ripping off Eldon ring which I imagine is probably where you got the idea but maybe not I don’t know yeah okay let me let me open that up again let’s try to lay out some buildings here foreign Air replace okay oh almost exit out of that don’t want to do that okay so we’ll have some sort of small building coming out here right off the bat I’m thinking it’ll probably act as some sort of like uh storage build our storage room uh for the just for

Whoops wrong thing just decorative and not an actual storage for me okay we’ll do no we’ll go higher than that But there and then let’s figure out the center here uh this is Axiom the Axiom mod oops a-x-i-o-m let’s go to maybe like here yeah sure look at the map yeah that works and then let’s also let’s redo this wall boom boom okay Relax level I’m at 208 all right it should be good foreign it looks okay not that big of a deal it’s not exactly perfect once we start adding details it’s going to change the shape a bit a little bit anyways I really don’t like this song let me change it

Um there still isn’t any YouTuber that I’m aware of who has built a massive underground Dwarf Mine or something that can since the new case were introduced I did actually plan on doing that uh in the Nordic area that’s why I built this mine entrance I

Was gonna I might still do it maybe this might be a good time to start clearing this out um but I wanted to hollow out a huge area in here and just build like a big dwarf in underground area man this this is such a cool area

I wish the builds were a little bit better they kind of feel like they’re just pasted in um but like this this side I think like from this point over to this point it all feels pretty good but these areas just I don’t know just don’t feel right for some reason

Especially from this View after the academy I’m probably not going to come back here for a long time but I’m just thinking for the stone for the cliffs I might come over here and clear out space Oh yeah the road is almost almost all the way connected here too this is what it looks like in the survival world got all the way to here just need to do this section then we’ll have it connected Okay back to this I think they need some direct uh decoration between yeah so let’s go about here let’s bring a line over I think we’ll run into this Tower yeah and let’s go there do the same Okay more Tower is your equal more magic true I do think I’m gonna have a lot of towers on the corners of these uh squared off buildings like I had an example of where’d it go Uh you can kind of see here like this build has a lot of a lot of towers on the corners Towers here so we’ll uh we’ll definitely do a lot of towers here Can you do a square structure or a square Tower uh I’m doing one over here wait did you tell me that Pride wait did you actually uh Hey Mulberry welcome on the Stream did you actually tell me that Pride am I just stealing your idea um where did that go a reference image

Oh whoops sorry Pride Where did it okay there it is okay uh you are building a castle kinda it’s uh it’s a an academy okay so we want A wall coming about here it’s probably all I gotta be moved around a lot but in the basic shapes in here Let’s get it right to where I drew the line just sorry right there I think No there yeah okay Um reminds me of the Imperial City from the erode whoops oh let’s look at it aerial City Oh yeah I can see that it’s not going to end up looking anything like this but I can see it well the color scheme is actually going to be pretty similar okay we’ll have a big Square building here too Elder Scrolls Oblivion ah gotcha okay I think

Yeah the stairs will start like right here-ish I mean this doesn’t have to be exactly how I drew it but Do that an island would fit this world perfectly just saying out in the middle of nowhere tropical fantasy Resort I do want to do a oh not not smear that’s not what I want flown this wall actually wait let’s do it dance let’s just see what size it says that is 20 blocks

I actually don’t even know if that’s the size I wanted or not let’s go let’s go 15 blocks to see How big that is I didn’t even count one two three four five six seven eight nine and 11 12 13 14 15. I don’t know what this building is going to be I don’t think we said 17. look what that says one two wait just do this foreign Good size and it’ll be a taller building That’s true Pride yeah that’s fair I mean to be fair I did I I was planning on building something that’s going to look like this anyways I just didn’t know it would actually be a college or whatever School of magic to uh where do I want this to go What am I looking at okay I see it so I want this to go this wall to go here no I wanted to go here it was a weird way to play in this build yeah once this is fully detailed this is gonna be really sick let’s get these lined up Wait oh cancel bring this up two blocks I think Okay lined up that way wow perfect every time okay now let’s do let’s both upload a video called germs boy Fred series halves copy my build oh yeah yeah that’s a good idea let’s see this and then let’s measure this distance did I go to the right block yeah uh 22. um

Yeah I think I want this to be I probably want this to be an odd number because I wanted to be a pointed roof kind of we’ll just move it in one let’s not what I meant to do Um let’s move this just move it down I guess and then do this ah that sweet okay now let’s go I think this is the center maybe this is let’s go right here HCL White uh eight by the way the ruler measures distance not the number of blocks but all right gotcha So is this Let’s go here undo 10. okay so that wasn’t on or wait Yeah that wasn’t even number then you’re an odd number I mean Okay let’s undo that undo all right we need to do I think 12. yes okay let’s get rid of all this Foreign yeah that’s looking about how I threw it out we could figure out something to do here later uh let’s go ahead and make this flat let’s just need this Uh just go there might be too close to the other round of building Maybe Maybe Like I said we’re just getting rough shapes in now and we’ll uh We’ll figure it out later if we need to move some stuff around which probably will let’s find the center of this Center okay good there’s a center uh so that should be the center for this too I think this is the center exactly okay Uh chat in German what are some blocks that say lunar Twilight deity Uh Let’s do let’s do this right clear lunar Twilight deity I don’t know Okay The tape rotate To be there I think no one more I think I think that’s right Yeah I was thinking maybe skulk um like I got a moon or night sky yeah skulk then I would say what type of are there any other skull blocks yeah I think something skulk related would be cool okay oh then we can so still copied it is good oh not that

There we go I don’t know why it’s not showing the yellow do I have a mask for white I don’t know maybe I didn’t copy the yellow uh no we want to put it there PC specs I’ve got I’ve got what do I have uh RTX 3070 ryzen 7 with the 800x

Raise it up just so we can see it there we go I guess I didn’t copy the center I wonder if 29 29 because I did copyright weird keep hitting the wrong button okay okay I mean we can’t see it from here let’s do nope I have tried the rethinking voxels Shader

Not really that into shaders never find one that’s exactly what I want I think my favorite is nostalgia foreign walls will probably be a lot taller but uh wait let’s do that perfect I’m gonna copy some of the green but that’s okay just do this okay We need a little bit more what time is it oh dang I gotta go uh let’s expand this up a little bit higher and then I’m gonna end the stream off didn’t realize what time it was today’s stream flew by I’ve been going for two hours already

Are you gonna make the cliff stick out support the buildings I’ll just uh I’ll just retail from it a little bit let’s make it I guess same height for now and I wish everything would load correctly There we go there we go is the same mod for planing builds and terraforming um I do now uh but I used to I used to mainly use archeon for terraforming and then just like world edit for building but well I used archeon for most of this

But for the back side I used all Axiom for the most part I got the oh voice crack I got the bass shapes in with um loft with archeon but then I made it look way way nicer use an axiom this will probably be what I use for

Most of my terrain going forward you could say unless I need something big and crazy but this is already pretty big and crazy gotta build this all in survival yeah eventually it’ll take some time but I’ll eventually do it a lot of this terraforming is definitely going to be stream projects

Yeah I think I’m gonna have to I think we need some other bigger building in here I think I might make everything that’s gonna be here one big building oh we also have this that work oh wrong button that we’re gonna Uh have a pretty big pretty bit building I’m use a fabric so that’ll add a little more height to it but 125 hour 125 000 hours for one Tower nah this isn’t that big I did this and I mean this didn’t take long at all Is the cliff gonna end right there are you planning on expanding it uh for now are you talking about all this are you talking about under here I’m gonna expand it out to here just slightly uh just to go underneath the the castle or whatever but over here and over there it’s

Probably not going to expand too much it’s already pretty uh Blended in I think I mean we got plenty of space to work with here I don’t think I’m gonna need to expand it for a while if we ever do fill up this area I might Maybe I’ll make like another area over here if we feel the need to expand it would be pretty cool to have a road going through a little Valley here with just giant Cliffs on both sides For now it’s for now it’s done though We’re Not Gonna expand it anymore but all right that is going to do it for the stream today hopefully you all enjoy we’ll make some really good progress actually I did not expect to do nearly this much yeah thank you guys for watching thank

You guys for helping me with some ideas for this place I think it’s going to be really really cool once we get uh some big progress on it um yeah they’ll do it thanks for watching bye bye foreign

This video, titled ‘Creative Terrain Building with Axiom | Minecraft 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2023-08-23 22:38:08. It has garnered 2039 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:21 or 7281 seconds.

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    INSANE money hack on OP Minecraft server!Video Information today I joined the biggest Minecraft server and became the best player in 24 hours first when you join go to your private mine and then start mining as many blocks as possible and for every single block you mine you will earn orbs to upgrade your pickaxe then right click your pickaxe and upgrade the orb greed enchant and this enchant will multiply the amount of orbs you earn per block and make it easy to upgrade This video, titled ‘i found the easiest money making method on op minecraft prisons server is super op…’, was uploaded… Read More

  • 🌿Ultimate Minecraft productivity in Gamer Garden!🌿

    🌿Ultimate Minecraft productivity in Gamer Garden!🌿Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello oh I didn’t put the game on screen that’s what I forgot oop oops forgot to get the actual game on screen hold on oh [ __ ] anyway hi hi I guess give me a minute to figure out how the [ __ ] I’m going to get Minecraft on here why isn’t it working amazing start to the stream H hold on hold on also let me get chat pulled up on my phone I haven’t had to do that the last couple days cuz um I’ve been playing like… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Saph sings for every 5 likes!

    Insane Challenge: Saph sings for every 5 likes!Video Information yes what you good luck foreg some U uh it is I am I see how it is megie I see how it is you left me I see how it is I see she was in stream I see how it is megie I see I see you leaving me like that huh what the hell over yeah here I me Missy it’s fine you should probably recognize don’t say it out loud don’t say it out loud but on on your streaming still but do you see I was already checking but nice I mean I’ve… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon! 5 Hours of EPIC Videos!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon! 5 Hours of EPIC Videos!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 5 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-10 23:00:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More

  • Ultimate Mewing Technique in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Mewing Technique in Minecraft!Video Information byebye by bye byee [Music] This video, titled ‘Mewing #minecraft #short #animation #prisma3danimation #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Block Studios on 2024-04-22 00:13:15. It has garnered 3516 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. ⬛⬜Thank you for watching ⬜⬛ And I hope you are always healthy. Don’t forget to press the play button (subscribe) and the like button too, if you want to share this video, that’s very welcome and will help to make my latest video viral and I will make it for you entertaining 🖤🤍❤See you next video people❤🤍🖤 Template by… Read More

  • DaemoniaCraft

    DaemoniaCraftWelcome to DaemoniaCraft, Immerse yourself in a unique Minecraft experience that blends the charm of medieval history with the excitement of an SMP Towny server. Features: – Medieval Kingdoms – Thriving Economy – Dynamic World – Intriguing Ranks – Resource Kits – Community & Events Join us at DaemoniaCraft and become a part of our medieval world, forge friendships, establish kingdoms, and embark on epic adventures. Your destiny awaits, noble traveler! Read More

  • Falloutcraft: modded

    IP Address: Welcome to Falloutcraft! Are you craving more post-apocalyptic vibes in your Minecraft experience after watching the Fallout TV show? Look no further! Join Now! If you’d like to join the semi-exclusive Falloutcraft server, simply leave a comment with your Minecraft username. I’ll whitelist you and send you a DM with the server’s discord link! Read More

  • Survival Quest 1.21 – Free For All survival

    Welcome to Survival Quest 1.21 – your ultimate destination for a pure, unaltered Minecraft survival experience! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey, Vanilla Quest offers a simple, classic survival world where your creativity and skills can truly shine.What We Offer:Pure Survival Experience: Enjoy Minecraft as it was meant to be played. No mods, no gimmicks – just pure, unmodified survival gameplay.PVP Enabled: Test your skills against other players in our open-world PVP environment. Form alliances, battle foes, and claim your dominance!Server Rules:No Hacking/Xray: Fair play is our top priority. Any form of cheating, including hacking or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty or Trashy?

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty or Trashy?That meme must have some serious mining and crafting skills to have such a high score! Read More

  • Craft a Sneaky Portal: Minecraft’s Hidden Door Encore

    Craft a Sneaky Portal: Minecraft's Hidden Door Encore In Minecraft, a hidden door we shall create, With redstone and items, we’ll demonstrate. Place a comparator on each side with care, Add an item frame, the secret to share. To close the door, just add an item inside, Turn it a bit, the entrance will hide. Remove the item, the door will reveal, A hidden passageway, a secret appeal. Subscribe for more tutorials, tips, and tricks, In Minecraft, creativity clicks. Stay tuned for more #MinecraftShorts, Where gaming fun always transports. Read More

  • Which pickaxe is the hottest?

    Which pickaxe is the hottest? The one that’s been upgraded with turbo boosters and a built-in espresso machine! Read More

  • Becoming the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard | Scarlett Presents

    Becoming the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard | Scarlett Presents Exploring the Magical World of Minecraft Mods with Scarlett In a thrilling video, Scarlett takes us on a magical journey through the Minecraft universe, testing a series of incredible mods that turn him into the greatest wizard of all time. We follow every step of this mystical adventure as he experiences new mods that add magical abilities, powerful potions, and ancient enchantments to the game. Origins of Magic Scarlett begins his magical quest by selecting the Origins mod, specifically the Magic Origins, which introduces a variety of classes. He chooses the Druid class, turning himself green and gaining nature-related… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a mysterious Minecraft legend in a video by RSmoody. The video titled “GİZEMLİ MINECRAFT EFSANESİ SHADOW BENİ EVRENİNDE HAPSETTİ!” takes viewers on a thrilling adventure as they try to unravel the mysteries of the SHADOW legend. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. If you’re a fan of fun, mystery, and adventure in Minecraft, then you’ll definitely want to join… Read More

  • 15 Epic Minecraft Seeds for 1.21!

    15 Epic Minecraft Seeds for 1.21! 15 Perfect Survival Seeds for Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Introduction In the latest Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update, Seed Hunters Jereaux & Knight have discovered 15 perfect survival seeds that promise exciting adventures and diverse biomes. These seeds are compatible with all Minecraft Bedrock Edition platforms, including Xbox, Windows 10, Nintendo Switch, PS4 & PS5. Let’s delve into the world of these incredible seeds! Exploring the Seeds From Seed 15, which boasts every Overworld biome within reach of Spawn, to Seed 1, offering a blank canvas for your creative builds, each seed presents unique opportunities for exploration and… Read More

  • Unemployed man builds starship from dust! 😱🚀

    Unemployed man builds starship from dust! 😱🚀Video Information [Music] again [Music] [Music] nice [Music] you [Music] [Music] well well well if it isn’t the forbidden food hello hello chat it’s been too long I got a new shirt I got this shirt today how’s it looking who we got tell Rock gray magic remove CL hi Moss how are you Kathy long time no subathon how you been Mark Mark salute hello to the Boys wormus music a little too loud you’re so right thank you okay it’s the song’s changing it’s not gone I promise I promise audio balance audio balance my uh my face… Read More

  • Bedwars Live Fun

    Bedwars Live FunVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars Live- Having Fun Join In’, was uploaded by Veegu on 2024-06-16 01:11:57. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:41 or 2021 seconds. the secret tags shhhhhhhhhh…………. #minecraft #bedwarsminecraft #bedwars #minecraftbedwars #hypixel #hypixelbedwars #likeforlikes #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #likes #mcig #minecraftserver #georgenotfound #hypixelserver #gamerboy #memes #bedwarshypixel #like #minecraftpvp #minecraftpc #dreamminecraft #hypixelskyblock #mcpe #mcigisbeautiful #hypixelskywars #minecraftbuilds #likeforfollow #youtube #skeppy minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft hardcore, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft movie, minecraft horror, minecraft builds, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft… Read More

Creative Terrain Building with Axiom | Minecraft 1.20 LIVE