Video Information

Let’s see if i am live i just got to check on my phone real quick welcome up that’s not what i wanted to do subscription let’s see i believe i am live let’s go just wait i’m going to minimize this a bit so i can actually see if people are staying in chat

I’m just going to wait before people or four people to join hello welcome okay people are joining we’re good to go very nice very nice hello hello how are you guys doing what’s up can you guys see my game i hope so oh that was a great start

So uh yeah today or i guess yesterday i released a um a poll on my youtube asking if i should stream when i explore servers with cso complete server overview and uh here we are so if you enjoy leave a like subscribe i don’t know people are already joining hi caleb hi

We can see your game let’s go that’s what i love to hear you know what i’ve actually got a energy drink uh jelly baby energy drink i think i’m gonna open that oh people have already found me bro how i l okay fun fun story time i am

I was using meteor and two minutes before i started the stream i was told that uh bleach hack was better so i am now using bleach hack and um have not configured it at all so i don’t even have traces on which i should probably do

Just so i know if people are around me okay what are people saying yo cci is not cs i get so confused cso cco same thing not really come to zero zero nether i don’t know bro i’m gonna die like surely i just wanna explore explore spawn you know see what’s going

On there’s a lot of uh thanks for the amazing videos bro yo thank you for watching i wouldn’t make them if no one watching actually i probably would like to be honest i like making videos but i appreciate you guys watching them hello carlos how are you doing 27

Viewers damn bro we’re chilling why is it so foggy okay these traces are on another level um okay that should be better and i need to work out how i turn this forward hold up you guys can’t see my corn that’s right i hope not oh that was sick sick gameplay

This is water that is water okay i need to retract crystalline hello what’s up now you’re fine boys on too much game sound ah okay let me see if i can fix that to me i don’t even oh wait can i just do this uh that’s not what i meant to do

I love options music and so on if i just do this is that better or do i have to go like configure it in stream labs but i don’t know what i’m doing when it comes to streaming you guys should know this i don’t ever stream

I’m an editor bro i enjoy planning out my content and yes that’s better okay cool thank you and uh i’m gonna take a quick second each one of these and open my energy drink because that’s what i want please don’t spill everywhere okay just oh my head is very good

Jelly baby energy drink bro i don’t even know but uh it’s nice very very nice people are joining um bro why why hey carlo keep up the great videos and content can’t wait for the giveaway hey thanks man i really really appreciate that and uh yeah i’m excited for the giveaway as

Well it should be fun is there a way to turn off fog i have no idea in these new versions uh maybe in here it’s like no render fog or something Okay doesn’t um like it um options video settings quality Bro i have no idea in these new versions anyone know how i disable fog please tell me it’s a shaders option ah okay let me let me quickly have a look video setting shaders shader options uh i s huge world fog settings yes off okay apply thank you very much i

Appreciate that that’s gonna make life a lot easier it might not be as cinematic but uh i think it’ll be easier to see okay that’s a bit better yo what’s up miranda and glee track yeah yeah i have no end on uh it’ll be world totals uh We just turn that on i don’t see i don’t see fog as an option hello from firework development hello what client is good for 1.19 i have videos on that uh right now i’m using bleach hack i literally downloaded it two minutes before starting the video

Because i was told that it is a good client for the server yo this looks so sick bro what what’s it called again those like light reflections from water there’s a word for it but i don’t even i don’t even know what it’s called it looks really cool though um

But let’s see if we can find any interesting yeah anything interesting this is pretty interesting in itself giant watercube use hydra client okay you should review coffee client bro i don’t know if it’s you but someone keeps commenting that and there’s only one person or maybe two there might be two

But i get two people pretty much every video saying that i should review that um which way am i heading let’s head this way these shaders are being kind of weird i might even just turn them off um i mean they look nice but like this fog bro

Did i okay wait i just got to double check maybe i didn’t turn it off maybe i’m being silly it’s definitely better though um video settings shady packs shader options it was no uh world fog settings off i’ll turn the middle fog off uh apply let’s see if that makes a

Difference up i don’t know if you guys can hear my dog nice okay yeah that’s way better at least i can keep the shaders on now nice um it’s a pretty random okay oh i didn’t install optifine so i can’t zoom in rip you should review purity vanilla it’s uh

Going to be added to the list because quite a few people have asked for it um Media meteor competitor Which way am i heading bro i i find it so hard to stream like watching chat talking to the camera playing the game and actually being productive i found it very difficult but uh this is why i like editing it like perfecting videos but you know what it’s fun like i do enjoy

This but i’m sorry if i’m terrible at it um she keeps seeing these like little these flying machines why why oh i was laggy this is weird how do i activate it i don’t know i’m just gonna leave that there i guess what’s the next server

This is anal crystal dot me this will be the next video on my channel and um after that i’m gonna add a few more clients to the vote because i’m not clients i’m so used to saying clients i’m gonna add a few more servers to the vote because quite a few people have

Been asking for different servers to be added and some of them are great suggestions some of them are not so much great suggestions but i’ll go through them all and decide what gets out and what doesn’t and then you guys get to vote for which one’s actually with you uh

Okay i’m going the wrong way i want to go back to spawn um hey vivian thanks man i appreciate it appreciate a lot oh it’s a tnt duper i didn’t see any tuning t on it though like sure these ones are okay yeah yeah yeah this looks

More like a tnt duper but the other one i didn’t see any like tnt minecarts or anything just a little seat but that’s interesting there’s a lot of them here someone’s been going to town which is pretty cool i like exploring random anarchy service spawn okay yeah i see what you mean yeah

Free piece of tnt oh i have the sickest box i i can’t remember the player’s name that gave it to me i’m very sorry if you’re watching this but um they gave me the sickest box of i don’t know of loot that i’ve ever received just why

Why is this a thing why was this duplicated bro i i don’t understand but you know what i like it so i’ll take it thank you very much okay uh which way am i going yes this way 5b sucks yeah i mean bro i get so many

People every time i like add a client to the vote people are like that sucks you review this one that server sucks there’s actually a lot more drama with servers than i thought like before i started the series i didn’t realize how much drama there was going to be between

Server owners what not and i’m heading this way just let’s see if there’s anything interesting i was just here earlier but anyway flying in circles 35 viewers damn constantium is the best server better than two btt fair enough i mean i think quite a few people have asked for me to

Review that it is on the vote uh it has not won a vote yet but i do think different server owners are like posting the vote in their discord servers and getting all their members to vote so that’s why some servers are getting reviewed before others yo this is sick yo

This is cool i don’t know what this was but this is very very cool i want to go up here regulars on the server probably know where i am from this but anyway um this is really cool it’s a pity i don’t have optifine i can’t even zoom in

Ap drama is stupid yeah but a lot of the drama is stupid but like it’s just funny i didn’t realize how much drama there was going to be until like creating the series i guess well there’s more of this like water thing what are these sponges bro

Someone made a small dent in the big wall okay oh did they look at that that’s so cool i love the lighting of these shaders i have been following you oh bruh i’m pretty sure i have traces on those are some cool banners amber this place is pretty blown up

There’s not a lot of like lava casts like everything’s blowing up but there ain’t no lava costs where the lava costs that guys bro i keep heading out of spawn i’m trying to head back to spawn i keep like looking at chat and then flying in the wrong direction uh

Want to trade a rose for kit i’m good bro i actually have an e chest full of stuff um i met with like three or four players and they kindly gave me everything i’ll ever need on this service so i’m set up for now thanks um

Let me head back over here i’m sorry guys i’m kind of flying in circles there’s a lava car that’s not a very big lava castle like that compared to 2b hey i’m back here what’s your opinion on e crystal not me so far is it better compared to other servers

You’ve reviewed i mean up as a player is he geared I don’t know i’m not going to stay around and find out um whoa this is cool i like bro it’s it seems like a cool server so far um the economy is definitely less or sorry more broken than servers like old frog like old frog was

So difficult to find stuff and even when i found players that were willing to give me stuff they didn’t give me a lot of stuff because there’s no dupes and sometimes if there’s dupes like the items get removed afterwards so whoa okay i’ve got a frame rate like that um

But i i mean i’ve been enjoying it it’s it’s been cool to play 1.19 on anarchy like oh my frames whoa okay i might put my uh render just inside whoops not i mean i’ve been enjoying it i honestly haven’t even played 1.19 like vanilla never mind anarchy so it’s it’s been a

Cool experience um yeah which way am i going hello thanks for joining i appreciate it what gpu do you have i have a 2 uh 20 60 i think i don’t know i can’t actually remember i can go check a bit later it’s actually i have it

Listed in the short that i made about oh i think it was a video i don’t know about when my power supply got hit by lightning and uh bro how do i keep ending up back here this is ridiculous i mean away um but when my power supply got hit by

Lightning i listed all of my computer specs uh in one of those videos so you can go see exactly what computer parts i have there okay normally just in the ocean unpatched to do for christmas i don’t know if you can call it anarchy um i mean yeah that is it is

Definitely not like it’s a take on anarchy like everyone’s server is like a take on anarchy it’s not necessarily true anarchy in fact i don’t even think true energy exists like unless you’re playing a single player with hacks Bro how does your power supply get hit by lightning it’s a damn good question i i have a video on it you could go look for that and see what happened that was that wasn’t oh bro because i upgraded my computer then like a month later the

My power supply got hit by lightning and then that was big sad i thought i thought i fried my motherboard and everything which i just upgraded and i was quite upset i’m not gonna lie is that a what are these called again bro why can’t i remember these fish’s names

Bro chad’s gonna laugh at me what is that i’ve forgotten uh I forgot what they called axolotl thank you thank you very much thank you that’s embarrassing but anyway is what it is i told you bro i haven’t played new versions like this is my first time well on the servers my first time playing 1.19 which is funny

There’s some like cool build here it’s so different to 2v2t spawn like you walk around 2bt spawn and it’s just on a different scale that’s dark and scary in there zayn why are you everywhere bro zayn’s and all of my comments all of my live streams absolutely legend

In fact a lot of you are but like i i know zayn’s always always there actually i should probably turn on um what was i turning on bro how did i forget that quickly uh water okay i don’t know i wanted to turn something on but i forgot i literally

Haven’t configured this client like i downloaded it two minutes before i started streaming so don’t judge i was using meteor and i switched damn really sunrise on another level this is so cool oh of course let’s see what is this how many people online okay

A lot of more people online than when i started streaming what clients are using right now i’m using bleach hack um bleach i think yes i’m using bleach use hydra client um yes i will i will check it out bro i will do that wait can i eat

These oh yes this is the best food in minecraft honestly thanks whoever gave me the shulker with souped poisonous potatoes you’re you’re trilogy brother the terrain that’s so cool i don’t know what else we can find your face cam did it die oh bro it’s dying

Hard okay hold up i’m just gonna do this for now okay um that’s that’s a rub for now i’m just gonna do this and yes i know that is really weird okay um that is it’s just a hole where my face cam should be i think my gopro is

Overheating i don’t even know um what shaders am i using hold up i’ll i’ll go stop somewhere and then i’ll show you somewhere where there’s no withers i can’t remember actually i should uh video setting shaders i’m using complementary i really like project luma but they like bro they hurt my computer they

Because i put them on a high setting they just look they look nice um wow nice face i know bro this is actually better this is better um hold up actually let me see if i can fix this real quick um if i turn my gopro back on

Yes i use my gopro as my webcam bro because because why not um okay that’s still frozen well hello okay we’re kind of back it’s still really glitchy i don’t know why it’s like that’s really weird but hello whoops two rockets okay there’s nothing really archer

I’ll head this way oh there’s the house it’s so weird being like three thousand blocks from spawn and like seeing so many trees and stuff to b2t is just what i’m used to i guess but like different different scale i can actually hop onto 2b2t just now if you guys want me to

Um interesting um which way is okay i’m going lesser yes that’s a nice little bay it’s funny people have been like everywhere you know it’s not oh that’s pretty cool i’m so sure that’s been destroyed is my face cam frozen again oh it is bro okay i’m just gonna

Turn my gopro off for now actually you know what i can do as well oh wait no then you’re gonna see my okay uh okay yeah you’re just gonna have that in the corner where my face cam should be it’s just gonna be frozen and like weird that’s funny oh what is this

There’s a lot of withers around or someone’s dedicated to spawning with us and i don’t know who keeps building these like arbitrary little structures but it’s kind of strange face is at but don’t tell anyone my bad bro my bad most active the server’s been for a while that’s cool i mean i

I don’t think i’ll have much of a impact but you know with the rose interesting what are these why why it’s just random hoppers bro anarchy players are weird like why so many questions proceeds to eat poisonous potato i guess i’m not going to speak about

Are any of you like regular mc i mean crystal don’t mean crystal not me players those melons those are not in fact metals interesting I’m just going to stop for a second that’s all my gopro if i unplug it and yes you built the nether hub nice i actually was there just before the stream started it’s looking a lot better than it did yesterday caleb you should play on tbt later

On the stream i’m sure people would be happy i will do that i won’t i’m not gonna stream for too long tonight um i only plan to stream for about an hour and it’s already been i don’t even know 24 minutes i can see that’s pretty cool um

So i’m only going to stream for like maybe an hour more max but i’ll i’m not hoping to be to do my accounts like near spawn um just wondering when is the giveaway hey man uh and hey dude uh it the giveaway will be when i hit 15 000 subscribers i

Have got all the licenses and everything i just need to work on the website and a bunch of other stuff um and the actual giveaway itself so i said i’ll start it at 15k that gives me a bit of time to prep for it interesting um

I don’t know what’s in any of these boxes because i got given them oh there are actually some fire accent nice uh it’s good to know good to know um do i actually need anything i don’t have e chests um yeah i guess i’m good for now see okay there you go um

I hope you’re going to mind the history of the server for the cso uh yes i do plan on going into the history of servers uh so like with other episodes i have done quite a bit of history and this server has a lot of history but

It’s just not very well documented like i i have been struggling to find anything but i have got in contact with the old server owner and the new server owner and some people that are going to help explain everything to me and between all of them and my own research i should be

Able to figure out what’s going on but it is definitely tricky to work out what’s going on like all the other servers have wikis and stuff that make it about a bit easier um this is kind of cool sub to god i agree that’s funny wait ippon no longer owns nope i

Everyone told me that ippo owned it and uh turns out that’s not true he sold it a while back apparently um hi yeah i’m doing good how are you doing it has a wiki it’s just terrible yes exactly it’s not anywhere near as good as the other servers even 8p8t was

Slightly tricky to found out the history because there’s 8b80.me and 8b8t.xyz so it was kind of tricky finding out like which history was which server basically um but this has definitely been the hardest server to find out the history of anything so far i know i’m sorry bro i don’t have a

Google translate i can’t translate the russian whoa is this a logo or something Was it just the amount of time and effort that goes into like creeping spawn on anarchy servers this is kind of funny no cap damn um you see me has three wikis bro i don’t think i saw three but then again i haven’t been getting into too much of the history it’s been

Trying to work out who owns it for offer time Is it possible to plan 1.2.2 yes it is but the server itself is in 1.19 so it’s a bit it’s a little bit like buggy if you play on older versions more of a pvp server yeah if you join a 1.2.2 all the textures are like really weird and the

Piglens have like name tags and bows and they shoot you are they like zombie pigment whoa this is cool oh very cool interesting i kind of wish i installed optifine it’s so weird seeing netherride actually should get a new electronic um what’s in here hey look you’re elijah it’s like

I’ll take one or two of these just in case yeah i’ll take a bit more than that um and wait what am i why did i think i needed to get spammed however that breaks i guess um okay wait uh and let’s see what’s wrong here it’s kind of weird wait what’s weird

Oh yeah the textures are really weird and i think uh like deep slate or whatever i think it shows as like never something from the nether i can’t remember near the brick i think i don’t know so it’s kind of kind of weird whoops i used more

Of these rockets and i should have this is pretty cool i like the terrain like the bamboo and i don’t know just the way everything is cool such a good description just the way everything is bro replace the textures yes on 1.12 you can go below uh yeah

Oh wait that’s actually a good question i haven’t i don’t know bro i haven’t tested it i will test that though deep slate is black cobblestone i think no but like if you play on 1.12.2 it shows as like near this doesn’t it i don’t know maybe

I’m completely wrong i might be just completely not correct about that there’s actually a decent amount of animals around for how close we are to spawn a thousand blocks away they also all move a little bit when you get close to them which is cool i tried this yesterday but i don’t think

It’s gonna work my friend bro oh nice uh does this client have entity control oh entity speed works with this i wonder okay yeah see it’s it’s really buggy when you dismount it like tp’s you back but the horse doesn’t come back that’s kind of weird hello hi fanda

Remember this three character names video yes i do remember that i just sold five three in london yesterday and made 25 dollars well done that’s that’s insane wait i’m so confused does it not have a saddle oh i need a carrot and a stick don’t know but where did my horse go what

This is a scam does anyone know where the horse would die bro i look away i look at chad to let my horse disappear is it back here what it’s back here that’s weird i guess there’s no actual point in being on it because like i just get deep back does the wither

Attack me i guess not how far can i go and get tp back it’s uh interesting let’s see i wonder if i’m still going to get tp back because i’m going so far i might just get myself disconnected honestly at this point come on okay yeah this is really buggy yeah

Where’s the horse i hear it but i don’t see it up there we go that’s weird yeah entity speed like does not work whoa like you are decent yeah but um no spanish server reviewing why why not a lot of people have asked for 2b2t australia and i’m actually keen to try

That out i have not tried it out yet but i think it could be cool let’s give this a go again is that gonna work um please review 6b60 a lot of people have asked for that as well and hello no no gopro doesn’t want to work because webcam

Okay it’s kind of working now i guess look at my second monitor i don’t know that’s weird it’s a bit buggy but we’ll make good work ah you’re correct i have entity control on explaining the saddles i was confused where i was like what is this anyways let’s continue with the traveling boy

Anything else interesting there’s a lot of portals around oh i like the look of this this seems pretty cool pretty cool of course what block is that underneath there redstone nice just use a real camera i mean ah bro my gopro i think it’s actually the cable that i

Use to connect it to my computer i think the cable’s a bit not great um so i’ll get a new cable if that still doesn’t work then you know what i might as well actually just get like a dslr and use it as a web camera or i could just get an actual

Webcam and use a webcam hello epic stream hello how are you doing just getting xp how many of you actually joined like how many of you everyone everyone put f in chat oh i don’t even have chat enabled but like everyone put air for chat if you’re on the server let’s see [Laughter]

Okay let’s go wait that’s the wrong chapt meant to put f in game chat bro i wonder okay i’m gonna turn chad off again before before people go crazy um i’m sorry to anyone that’s trying to speak to me in chat i someone’s ruining it for everyone else but anyways

What kid are you using uh i don’t even know bro i i got given A bunch of stuff i actually wanted to check um oh of course wait can i do that console thing oh bro i love this it’s so cool i’m sorry guys i don’t play a lot of this version it’s still so cool to me um let’s make a little flat section yeah

And check the e chest okay where’s that e chest i got given like these um i got given a bunch of maps in here what it’s not working today and this is my shaders hold on um i just want to check if that is maybe what’s it uh

Wait how do i turn my shaders off wait what oh okay disable apply let’s see oh wait no the map is just not working today it was working yesterday that’s interesting caliber stop um roll the camera wait is it working whoa it’s like so pixelated bro it’s like

Two bit rate that’s so weird what is the camera it’s a gopro hero 10 for the win um i also got given these which yeah none of the maps i think it might be the resource pack or something i don’t know unless all maps are just broken now

They were working yesterday don’t put these in here for now wait what if i do this yeah that’s that’s very broken i don’t know if that’s me or what hover over the kits please i i don’t know what they call though they might be called bad things uh i don’t know

Those other servers i was given 240p entered the chat hey yo alex what’s up turn off no render oh you’re right you’re right it’s no render there we go absolute g thanks for reminding me i forgot i had that enabled um this is like a huge map um

They all go together i haven’t actually had a chance to put it all together but i’m keeping it until i do get a chance um check your discord i will check it just now 10 second fame please fix the that’s so funny okay i’ll i’ll make it better

I got you don’t worry about it that’s that’s just great okay i i can’t it’s actually freaking me out though i’ll put it like there that’s okay it’s not great but it’s not it’s better than it was uh i don’t need this crap give me some weight

Okay whoever finds this uh you can you can have it i’ll put this away and i’ll probably end this one lightning wait i took my maps right yeah okay interesting that was cool and off we go make it 100 times bigger when you’re gonna do 9b90 it’s the

Biggest alternative i will get there i will when it wins the vote to be honest bro these dupers made it pretty far out and they’re above water so it’s not very helpful up of course oh it’s these dupers i’ve actually seen how these work with the what’s that it’s like coral or something

I can’t remember that’s pretty cool interesting do 6b6t i will get to all of the servers eventually just like i kind of got to most of the popular clients with cso i’m in cco bro i keep getting the two names confused so bad is this interesting interesting ta-da okay

I’m just gonna litter that there oh of course i didn’t take off bruh that was laggy it’s just still working it is but it’s really low quality i think the cable i’m using is trashed honestly that must be what it is a decent camera but uh not a decent cable apparently

6b60 is bad i mean i have heard a lot of bad things about it one thing i don’t like about all these anarchy servers is that they get sold a lot like even this server has been sold and like to me i don’t know it’s like if you Grow a server people want to like trust you as an owner to look after it and then if you just sell it i can’t tell what’s going on there’s so many particles getting out of here um but like when you just sell a server you kind of

Like there’s no telling what the new owner is going to do with it so i don’t really like the idea of the service just getting sold for quick money yo i recognize that place damn bro coordinate exploited um this is a long wall of water That’s so funny what are the odds i’m kind of out in the middle of nowhere interesting fight him no thanks bro what am i going to find him with this tnt i’m just going to die today i thought that was something cool this has to be yeah that’s man-made for sure

That’s interesting opera really um which way is poland i want to head back this morning but okay we’ll head this way wait did i just come this way i don’t even know um yeah this is good direction we’ll go see what’s happening at spawn constantium’s whitelist was enabled a

Couple of days ago interesting um that’s interesting i didn’t know it was re-enabled very very interesting house master issue oh gee do you know who i am most ominous question ever just cloud anarchy wait what am i playing from uh i’m kind of just exploring spawn at this point like

Normally i do this off camera um and just to see if there’s anything interesting on the server so i thought i’d do it on stream like why not um i don’t know it’s not the most entertaining content ever but i enjoy streaming so you know it’s cool i guess

Uh should i do this for other servers like should i stream my experiences on other anarchy servers was this like a one and done don’t want to see it again let me know yes i need more fireworks me too bro hello zombie color please hover over your sword all right bro bruh

What sword bro [Laughter] what’s this um okay i guess i need a new sword um i actually don’t even need a sword i actually just wanted rockets but i feel bad oh wait i had okay oh whatever bruh why did i do that

Fame can i get a kit i mean if i bump into you sure they’re not my kids i was just kind of given a lot of stuff a lot a lot of stuff which way am i heading now yes i want to head this way down the highway i actually want to

This is probably a terrible idea but i want to see what’s happening in the nether a very nice energy drink i have to say um this is very spooky and dark these shaders really do make it dark um okay i hear a lot of explosions down there i don’t know i

It’s so foggy and like there’s just gonna be people at spawn so i feel like i might just carry on render distance that’s my shaders um oh gosh goodbye kind sir oh wait it’s the wrong way i actually wanted to go this way that’s all good um i didn’t see him in the

That’s funny my shaders go i mean my traces go off i don’t think they did you told me bruh that’s a lot of water whoa what is that the lava costs on the server like so backwards like since when do lava costs have a thin bottom and a large top like

Normally they start off wide and then get thinner and thinner but not an in-crystal not me tyler press f3 no thanks he’s behind you not anymore he ate f3 for free kits i want free kits where have you seen how many kits i was given i don’t need any more kids

With the rose okay i’m just gonna eat my poisonous potatoes i really like your client reviews thank you bro i appreciate that f3 dupe i know right look at this i f3 duped all of these this is my most prized box on the server yes beautiful absolutely beautiful oh

I’ll keep that in my chest because i don’t want to lose it i do not want to lose it maybe this one yes bro where did my box go there coke um okay that’s everything i needed are these bridges scaffolding why are they pulling out of those of all

Things so apparently the um i haven’t actually seen or like one person said it so i don’t even know if it’s true but apparently the donkey and portal dupe works on here but it’s not a very efficient dupe because like there’s only one end bottle or like you can’t really do

Efficiently without other people like getting in your way so that’s interesting so you can do but it’s like if you want a dupe at spawn you got to deal with other people being around and possibly wanting to do two and steal your stuff or kill your donkey and steal your stuff so

That’s interesting i i kind of like that like it’s interesting but it would be funny if that was like that on 2v2t where only that dupe worked and how many people would come to spawn i don’t even know if anyone would get any duping done because everyone would be there

Chunk dupe was patched yeah i heard that um there’s so many sponges bro a lot of duping machines where’s the coral oh that’s awkward look at carla griefing and crystal of me you clip it someone clip it russian to b2t review when uh when it

Wins the vote um a lot of people have asked about it or asked me to review it and i’m actually excited to check it out like it sounds cool um some one day why are you sending afrikaans bro why why why don’t you do this caleb let’s doop together

What are we gonna do everyone’s gonna be at spawn it’s impossible cannot do it oh a parrot how do you tame them bro i’m so bad at like vanilla minecraft no they changed it from seeds to cookies no it was the other way around it was cookies and then cookies are like

Poisonous so then they change it to seeds right am i completely wrong i don’t know give me seeds yes give me more seeds please how many do i need i assume more than one yes uh meet your client or wwe for finding stashes i don’t know i haven’t actually done base hunting in

The newer versions i i like when i play anarchy i play on 2v2t and i play with future russia hack and lambda so up i have been found why i just want a parrot bro let me have a parrot oh what is this oh i have one of these um

Okay well if i die i die i don’t i don’t care i just want a parrot where did the parrots go pro away the parrots come back here it is seeds right wait don’t fly away come back bro stop stealing my seeds be my friend how many seeds are they gonna take oh

Okay so now if i fly away do they like follow me i don’t know how parrots work that’s sad where’s my parrot bro top three cheat clients i know it depends on the server man like every server has a different anti-cheat and everyone gets different pings to

Different servers so it’s hard to say everyone asked me like what is best client but i don’t think there’s like a straight up answer um it’s kind of kind of hard to just give one answer that’s why in my videos i like review a lot of different parts of

Clients so that you get like a an idea of what the better parts are and what the worst parts are you know it’s all about variety uh snake mod best 1.12 future i mean future’s great like it’s it’s expensive but it’s good i guess it doesn’t update as much as

Other clients and like it does lack a few things like i think it could benefit from like a proper hud editor and stuff um like all other clients have that now but um it is a good client like it’s not a bad client um and when you combine it with like russia

Hack and lambda for two btt you’re chillin you have everything you’ll ever need for the server interesting okay i’m gonna okay um via forge firefo or via forge future i mean you can um it’ll be better i guess if they just release the motion yeah on bleedcheck you can stand scaffold

That’s pretty cool i have some seeds bro you’re welcome russia hack future phobos and lambda damn bro that is a combination what the combination ah he found me whoa someone made a mess here someone’s just scaffolding for days but like why like what motivated you to run

All around you and then all the way up here like why that’s so rad bro people oh this is cool i mean it’s not like crazy but it’s cooler than what we’ve seen so far we’ve got to follow the mass the the magical bridge or pathway i guess

Collab kill him no bruh why he’s chilling he’s chilling phobos i haven’t heard about in ages yeah what’s best beginner client i mean people gonna hate but i honestly think impact’s great to like start off with like it’s simple to use and it’s i don’t know it’s a decent climb i don’t

Know if i should be looking at these um okay bleach hack was here bro you just stole someone’s sign i don’t know what it said but okay i stole both of them i’m not gonna put a date okay while he’s writing a sign we run no we failed quickly run away

He’ll track us down eventually win russian to me to two review soon tm bro he found me already that’s so funny i’ll just log out you’ll never know what happened uh please one kid oh my gosh hi yo russian review soon tm whoa this is like an actual village that has

Just been completely destroyed bro this village i see this village is what is this bro that was rude are you gonna hit me tm yes someone please give me fireworks thanks i know right me too i’m burned through fireworks it’s so bad i don’t even use them like sparingly i

Just gotta like spam one here spam one there it’s bad i’m surprised the atm hasn’t caught up yet i thought he would have caught a quarter spinal i don’t um to go this way even though we just came this way i want to go this way

Why do you keep asking when the russian 2b2t review is bro to be there soon one day monday she’s here on coffee client one day soon tm this is my answer i don’t know a lot of people ask me about c sierra and like

Yes i did say it ended but what i meant by that more was that weekly uploads ended like i still want to upload cco but just not every week like that’s a lot of work um so and also it gets kind of old if i’m just like releasing

The same content literally week on week so it’s cool to spice things up with like c c uh cso and with some other videos so i’m happy i’m happy you guys will like the new series honestly like didn’t start it for a while because i don’t know how you guys would all take

It but you guys have seemed to enjoy cso so far 21 2 Okay we’ve been streaming for an hour so what i think i’m going to do is i’m going to call it a day on here i’m going to go into 2b2t quickly depending on what this is kind of cool okay well if anyone knows where this is this is where i’m logging out so

If i log back in and the area is completely destroyed and i’m trapped gg um let’s see what oh wait i’m gonna have to do this and okay the stream’s not actually offline obviously i just got to switch accounts i got to go to my alt because

My main is prior band thanks house i appreciate it um so please live stream on tv2t that’s what i’m doing stream is not ending by the way i’m just i’m going to 2b2t i just don’t have a screen cover that isn’t doesn’t say offline so i’m using that one but anyway

Um installations how do i switch account uh oh that’s not what i meant to do settings account switch account i know i should just use an account manager but anyway what do you think the best hack is for bedwars i don’t know i don’t hike on bedwars um switch account

Bro i can’t believe i got prior banned on my main it’s kind of sad so let’s play on this account minecraft i gotta go change my mods as well real quick mods we’ll put all of these over here and then what am i going to load with baritone optifine and russia yes

And future um general java edition to btt clients play okay i will show my screen shortly i don’t hack on bad walls i don’t promote it i don’t like really promote hacking on servers that don’t allow it for the most part like i don’t know i only myself hack on servers out loud

Carlab can you buy me prior please bro i’m broke i’m running a 2 000 giveaway and you want me to buy you prior everyone subscribe i also want prior never played on tv2t gb2t is cool but prior is expensive like too expensive but they can’t make it cheaper because then everyone would buy

It and then the key would just be long sorry bro i can’t read russian Make a 2k client giveaway and a 2k prior giveaway bro i’ll be bankrupt i’ll have no money um see if this works yes i’m on 2bt options chat settings and uh which one am i going yes i’m going this way up show your e-chest i don’t know bro my

E-chest is a mess on this account it’s not my main i wasn’t prepared i literally got given stuff from the ancients look at this it’s such a mess riches bro i have riches on my main and at my base but not on this account it’s kind of sad using rockets pretty unsparingly

Are you gonna see pvp no because i need to travel somewhere i need to go i’m actually on the wrong highway but that doesn’t matter bruh caleb go to spawn i’m not going to stream you along like i i’ve only planned to stream for an hour and i’ve

Been streaming for an hour and seven minutes so i thought i’d just log on here see who’s online and um do i know anyone online nope i don’t think i know anyone online right now unless i’m just not seeing their names do any of you have prior queue i have your ip address

Well done we can still see chat watch out yeah i i it’s okay um i’m i’m gonna end the stream fairly soon anyway i’ll i’ll it’s i’ve been streaming for an hour and eight minutes i’ll end the stream at an hour and ten minutes i have prior q very nice very

Nice we have a rich man in chat i’m surprised home is not online has been super active interesting what’s false advertising oh right that i’m i’m on a different server to what my title and thumbnail say my bad my bad that is uh that is interesting at least

Isn’t this the best travel content would anyone watch an editing live stream out of curiosity i don’t think i’ll ever do it but like would anyone watch that which server am i on 2bt.org world’s oldest anarchy server ah nice i love editing live streams you would really okay well

I may do an editing live stream one day but the thing is my workflow is super backwards and like weird like it’s not it’s not your normal editing most people like go get all the footage that they need and then they start editing and just put it all together i

Do all my research write a script record my script and then i put my script in my timeline i edit my script first so like my i edit my voiceover first and then i go and record all the footage i need and like often i’ll forget a clip

Out and then have to go re-record or like record stuff while i’m editing so my workflow is pretty backwards but i mean i think it works so it would be kind of hard to live stream because i’d have to go keep recording clips and like

I don’t know i could plan it out and better and probably do a live stream where i edit but i i really don’t think anyone would watch it logs onto in crystal dot me trying to find caleb i’m sorry bro i just came here because i’m gonna end the stream soon

My dream is to play to be tt but i need to wait 69 hours to play funny number i always edit while still getting footage okay so i’m not the only one then i’m glad bro some people have like everything planned out to a tee and like to be fair

Their videos are sick but like i just don’t know how you do it like i’ve always while i’m editing i think of new things and like new footage ideas so for me it just works better to do it that way even though it doesn’t sound like the most straightforward thing

Do an editing stream for the ecm event you maybe maybe we’ll see when i get to editing cut up show your chords i’m at spawn in the nether um if you know what highway i’m on i’m 4000 bucks from spawn xp check dms after stream i will do i will do

New phobos uh phobos new base has better e fly interesting it will be better Do any of you edit videos i’m coming but which how am i four thousand in which direction find out next time on card travels to btt spawn i love editing i am youtuber yes very nice no earth hack okay i do editing videos i do i mean bro

I see so wait what do you guys use to edit out of curiosity here any adobe users or you all use um like davinci resolve or something you edit for fun editing is fun i’m glad that it’s pretty much my job new base is earth hack yeah i know

I’m not judging bro i i’ve never seen what the interface looks like so i can’t judge but like i don’t know is it good you make good montages with it fair enough fair enough imovie fair enough premiere pro sony vegas okay fair fair fair a lot of different editing tools anyone used um Filmora that’s what i learned with that was the first video i ever edited was in fulmora sony vegas yo interesting i mean it does cut clips that’s all i need okay yeah fair enough i mean the same with filmora like femora isn’t isn’t powerful but like it cuts clips so it works

That’s where i used to put the watermark as massive or i don’t know i i think i had a painful version um camtasia i have no i’ve never heard that i don’t know what that is any software can sing clips and songs yeah fair enough i mean if you’re good

At editing like you can make a sick video in whatever whatever software to a point but like i like i like the workflow of premiere pro because you can connect clips through like after effects and stuff so you can just edit clips and after effects without even having to like

It’s just so much easier to literally right click open in after effects edit it and then save and you’ve got the edited clip already in the sequence where it was like it’s so it’s so nice to do that goodbye stream thanks for joining i appreciate it i’m gonna end this stream soon anyways

Adobe audition i don’t actually use that eh i use um i use what’s it called i use audacity for audio i don’t know why i just kind of got used to using audacity for audio bye do you any client no what what did he say right now i am using future and russia

Hack with baritone and opt-fine card check dms i will in a second i think i’m gonna end the stream first uh why is this not keybinded why do i always lose my keybind for this uh f5g bruh can i tp hi thanks to b2t yes have x it is i’m buttering

The stream though why am i not using rush hack electrifly uh because i’m about to end the stream i gotta go cook my supper dinner is dinner different in in england i don’t know i might be tripping how do you get baritone with future i mean you can just download baritone from

Uh github but i just installed it with russia hack cooking stream soon yes sir i actually really enjoy cooking it’s kind of random but anyway i’ll do a cooking stream on my vlog channel one day subscribe to that oh by the way for those of you who don’t know

About the vlogs channel go subscribe it’s kind of kind of vlogs stopping by good vc yes i’ll stop by there but later on uh i’m gonna go cook food first and then i might come say hello um say my name whenever people say that i

Get suss like is your name bad i don’t know i don’t know bro i’m sorry i don’t want to say your name i’ll i say people’s names but i’m always scared that they like actually mean something bad or i don’t know i feel like i’m getting baited bro

Hot tub stream nah brah ain’t happening that ain’t happening say my name bro i don’t know i don’t know all right well uh someone found your logout spot oh gosh oh my gosh it’s gonna be interesting to log back in there um all right well i think that’s enough for

Today i’m hungry i’m gonna go cook so yeah thanks everyone who joined i appreciate uh everyone stopping by and uh i yeah let me know in the comments i’m gonna leave this as like i’m gonna leave this video on youtube so let me know in the comments if i should

Keep streaming my adventures on random i don’t know random servers for c c s o complete server overview um fire shirt hey thank you i appreciate that appreciate that um so yeah peace everyone i’ll see you later forex i’ll join vc and i’ll take all the dms that

Everyone sent me just now keep streaming sorry bro i’m hungry i’m gonna go eat but uh i will i will stream again soon so yeah thanks for joining guys uh it’s been your boy carla peace in the middle

This video, titled ‘CSO LIVE! | EXPLORING SPAWN ENDCRYSTAL.ME | 2B2T ANARCHY SERVER ALTERNATIVES’, was uploaded by KiLAB Gaming on 2022-07-20 06:03:41. It has garnered 1202 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:40 or 4660 seconds.

Thanks for joining the stream. Today I am exploring endcrystal.me live! ———————————————————- 🢃 |=======| SOCIALS |=======| 🢃 Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/kilabgaming

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My Resource Pack: https://kilabgaming.com/stay-true-resource-pack

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua’s Hide and Seek

    Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mayhem: Cuihua's Hide and Seek In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cuihua’s adventures are like a dream. Riding motorcycles, stealing watermelons with glee, But six years later, speaking Mandarin with me. Love like a kill, no longer entwined, You hopped on his BMW, leaving me behind. Facing my questions, you couldn’t reply, Kneeling, kissing, tears in my eye. My darling, where have you flown? Leaving me in sorrow, feeling alone. But I won’t let this sadness linger, In the world of Minecraft, I’ll be the singer. As I narrate the tales of this pixelated land, Crafting rhymes with a steady hand…. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 #minecraft #funny #memes Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🧨 Read More

  • Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Authentic Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Are you tired of fake backgrounds and looking for a genuine and exciting Minecraft experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! Join a vibrant community of players who are passionate about creating and exploring in the world of Minecraft. With unique gameplay features and a dedicated player base, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling experience like no other. Connect now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today! Let’s craft, build, and survive together in this dynamic and ever-evolving world. See you in the game! Read More

  • Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial

    Minecraft Xray Hack Tutorial Unlocking X-Ray Vision in Minecraft Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? In this guide, we will show you how to obtain X-Ray vision in Minecraft Java Edition using a special X-Ray texture pack. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Downloading the X-Ray Texture Pack To begin, open your browser and search for the X-Ray resource pack. Be cautious of potential harmful websites and only download from trusted sources. Once you find a reliable website, navigate to the file section and download the pack that corresponds to your game version. Using the wrong version may… Read More

  • 7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from Harrydallama

    7 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Tips from HarrydallamaVideo Information picture this you start a brand new Minecraft world play for a few hours and then quit never to play again well it is time for you to enjoy Minecraft again and I’m going to go through some tips and tricks on how to enjoy Minecraft again so welcome back to the Survival series if you’re new around here this is the series where I don’t cut so if you want to just leave this video on in the background I would really appreciate it as it really does help out the channel we’re back here on my… Read More

  • Insane Dutch Gamerz Challenge

    Insane Dutch Gamerz ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘CAN YOU DO THIS 😈💀 #viral #shorts @SenpaiSpider @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by DUTCHER GAMERZ on 2024-04-14 10:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CAN YOU DO THIS #viral #shorts #minecraft #dutchergamer #viralshorts #dutcher @YesSmartyPie @DREAMBOYYT … Read More

  • 🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More – Join Now! 🔥

    🔥 MINECRAFT HIVE LIVE! Bedwars, Skywars & More - Join Now! 🔥Video Information [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Gamers so OBS crashed but how you guys doing fortnite won the vote fortnite did not win the vote door stream not tonight thank you most likely door stream tomorrow most likely tomorrow I very cool fortnite only won the vote because I applied two of my votes to it it did not actually win bro why do you want fortnite so bad do you actually want a fortnite stream Gamers none of you even like fortnite I legitimately couldn’t care… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptain

    Unbelievable Mansion Discovery! 😱 #minecraft #avncaptainVideo Information इसको मैं मार रहा होता हूं तभी मैं देखता हूं बाहर में कि रासियों के पीछे बहुत सारे यहां पे पीछे पड़े हुए थे तो गाइज इसका हेल्प करने में जाता हूं एंड पीछे से सारे को मैं मारने लगता हूं एंड रासियो भी यहां पे मार देता है सारे को बट सीरियसली गाइज बोलू तो इस वाले मेंशन में मुझे बहुत ज्यादा डर लग रहा था क्योंकि मैंने अपने हाथ में टॉर्च लेकर के नहीं आया था जिससे मैं कहीं भी टॉर्चस प्लेस नहीं कर पा रहा था और चारों तरफ अंधेरा ही अंधेरा था बट गाइज… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GET OP ITEMS FROM DIRT in Mine Craft!Video Information यो व्हाट्स अप गाइज कैसे हैं आप सभी लोग वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो तो आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं कार 4 सेल सिमुलेटर तो जैसा कि आप लोग को पता है कि हम लोग अपनी कार शोरूम techno-economic बेचनी है तो अब जो सस्ती गाड़ियां मिलती है ना मैं वो सब नहीं खरीदता हम लोग सिर्फ bmw’s सु गाड़ियां खरीद के लाते हैं तो आज आज की इस वाली वीडियो में मैं चैलेंज लेने वाला हूं 10 से भी ज्यादा लगजरी कार्स सेल करने का लेट्स गो ज्यादा टाइम वेस्ट नहीं करते फटाफट… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trolling

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Logic! 😱😱 #viral #trollingVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT logic short video 😱#minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-23 08:30:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT logic short video #minecraft #short #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trollface #short @Happy_Goldsmith @MrBeast … Read More

  • EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trending

    EPIC Dream Boat Clutch by Hamza Craft! 😱 #trendingVideo Information bye dream wait what oh my God what This video, titled ‘Dream boat clutch 😳#viral#shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:37:02. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥

    EPIC MINECRAFT BATTLE: Warden vs Ender Hand 😱🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sh This video, titled ‘Warden vs Ender Hand #minecraft #mobbattle #mobbattles #shorts’, was uploaded by MMB Battles on 2024-04-06 23:04:32. It has garnered 1790 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!

    Get Ready for the Most Epic Summer Movie Lineup!Video Information [Music] hello everyone welcome to season two of movies and Beyond I’m your host movie Blaze and my co-host is awesome dude hello everyone Y and our guest do Hawk official hello yes and we’re so happy to be back uh I know it’s been about a week um but we’re back now and with a brand new season uh recap on what’s happening during the season uh David’s gonna pop by every now and again so is Donovan and so is Oren I don’t know about will maybe maybe not really it all depends and and if… Read More

  • BLOODBASH – PVP/PVE server 1.20.1+ Eldritch Horror theme

    BLOODBASH Explore a mysterious world full of secrets and dangers Features: Killstreaks Events Different perks Ingame item shop An interactable map with secrets Several unique and interesting items Player trading Weapon enchanting (custom enchantments) PvE boss encounters DISCORD: Join our Discord community SERVER IP: bloodbash.se Read More