Daiter Crafts Iron Man Suits in Minecraft?! Insane Mods!

Video Information

You probably know that fif superheroes is the most popular modern Minecraft about superheroes right now but you know that like it’s not the only mode B superheroes in Minecraft so the second most popular mod is obviously Legends mod so I feel like yo I’m always recording videos about F superheroes but

Let me record about Legends mod cuz like before F superheroes came out with the new like Spider-Man update I was doing a lot of Legends mod videos so today I just wanted to remember Legends mod cuz I’m still waiting for the next update it will be

1.8.2 version of The Mod let me see like before the update let me see at least once uh this version one more time cuz this is really like like a lot different uh than F superhero’s mod two different completely different mods but yeah let’s start so look right now um my favorite

Map if you want to download it and play on it Link in description down below as always but let me open the mod so here we have a lot of a lot of a lot of pages different types of creatures and different like even sides of the mod so

The first one is horror block and uh next block is Star Wars and then we have already superheroes obviously I will show you like every single block right now but I will specifically show you everything about superheroes block CU this is like my channel thing so look we have horror characters from different

Movies like chalky Freddy Krueger uh Jill Man draa U from Castlevania leather face creeper and stuff also we have kaidu characters and we have good we can spawn it if you want to see it you can check it out in my 100 Days with Fish

Mod cuz I was using a little bit of Legends mod there too so if you didn’t check out this video yet 100% check it out uh this is the best video on my channel but look we have Star Wars we have Anakin Obi-Wan Darth Vader I did a

Review on the Star Wars characters in Legends mod long ago so you can check it out there but now let’s go with DC and Marvel characters so here we have like classic classic characters with Classics used we have black henary we have scarcrow black flash like different

Spers this is DC characters and we have Marvel characters Captain America Hulk like all the Avengers Spider-Man Wolverine different Spider-Man uh Venom dpool War mait even and dar devil but also we have arm and armors this is my like favorite thing about this mod we have 20 marks just like in Soul

Industries here back yes so look uh here we have Mark 1 234 and two Mark 21 and I’m still waiting on the update here because this is like the most interesting thing in this mod for me cuz I’m a big fan of the Iron Man uh then we

Have blocks for example okay let me let me like explain explain uh what the mod about so literally this mod is not for you to like I don’t know play with different Heroes we don’t have any hero packs this is like only mod here no hero

Packs for it so we don’t have so many difference use with the hero packs like with Superheroes Mod I think in my opinion with Legends mod it is a lot more interesting to play in survival for example like if you’re playing Just survival Minecraft in the regular world

It’s a lot more interesting to play with the legend Spa than F superheroes cuz like before F superheroes was just like suits and stuff in the last update like f he added database and it was so cool that he like did go to that side of the

Mod but yeah I’m still waiting on the update in the like next few super update I hope he will update some database stuff and creating of the suits and stuff but still in Lance mod it it’s done a lot more interesting but actually like I don’t let me say it like I ain’t

Got no Biff uh with anybody and maybe like this Superheroes Mod and legends mod there kind of like opponents but for me I don’t really care about that like f Superior mod I like it a lot more but legends mod it is just a lot more interesting if you’re playing survival

And stuff like that but I don’t really do that on this channel I’m just making videos about suits and different animations and like cool stuff in Minecraft with mods so that’s why I like f superheroes more but sometimes you got to like you know try it all so that’s

Why I’m making this video so you could try Legends mod cuz like a lot of viewers on my channel they don’t even know that Legends mod exists so yeah Link in description on Legends mod also on this beautiful map and shoulder suring mod as always so look let’s start

So first of all we have legacies and as you can see this is skill tree but it’s completely empty cuz I ain’t got no Legacy but I can just uh give me some Legacy with the command but obviously if you’re in survival you cannot do that as

You can see we have a bunch of Star Wars legacies but then we have fire wer uh Kryptonian Spitzer Tony Stark S symbiot wayen A so this is Wolverine basically and web crawler which is Spider-Man now let me go and get quickly get Iron Man

Legacy so how to do that you can simply go and grab his uh star workbench so every single thing here it is for legacies for example simia chamber with that you can get the simar Legacy and you will be simar it doesn’t mean you will be Venom you can get venom Su to

You will be Venom but you can be like like Venom but you will be like your own hero so that’s kind of cool uh for example with the flash you’re just piter then you’re getting yourself a suit and we even have Legacy suits here uh let me

Show you how looks okay Legacy and there you go web crawler V4 V3 V2 they’re all different and you will be like your own hero I remember I was doing 100 days in Minecraft as pizzer not as flash but as pizzer like myself I just got speitzer

Powers just like B but I was myself I was dater you know you feel me and I was using this suit sper appil green suit and that’s cool that you can be like yourself in this mod and play with superhero Powers by yourself by as yourself in survival that’s actually

Interesting by the way the video like 100 days say The Flash in L small it was like already 2 years ago check it out if you didn’t yet like probably one of the greatest video on my channel so uh today I want to go with the Stark workbench

Cuz this is like the star Legacy the easiest to get obviously you will need to craft alsoa the crafting system in this mod is spectacular so you will need to craft St workbench but as you crafted it alsoa can I see like how to craft it

Oh there you go titanium Ingot star TXS and crafting table that’s easy that’s easy Stark tax just like that high attack Electronics just like that and electronics just like that so basically you just need to mine just play damn Minecraft bro if you want

To see how I was doing that like say 100 days video as the flashh check it out one of the greatest video so look here boom you crafted it for example and here we have all 21 marks but also we have iron spider and Stark Under Armor that

Looks dope bro like as the fan of first Iron Man movie that looks sick boom now I have star Legacy achievement get origin story so I basically starting my own origin story you can do like the same thing yourself with the any other app I mean any other Legacy I chose

Arman cuz I love Arman and now look what I have I have a damn Stark arra in my chest and also I can change it by the way uh let me go here oh yeah skill tree is not really great here cuz here we have just uh like some mechanics uh uh

Two different Jarvis upgrades I mean that’s not interesting cuz like all interest is in the suit for Iron Man and craftting theit so first we got to craft star under armor and then we can craft uh suits more and more and more suits and upgrade to the mark 21 and also we

Can go with iron spider too let me show you how to change the okay customization and here we have Arc Reactor type boom armor key and now I can change that with you yo we have Infinity War One um then we have classic one and we have this one

This one from Arman 2 I think or Arman Arman 2 right yeah I’m going to go with the classic one that just looks sick okay let me let me upgrade all this stuff right here and then I will show you how to crafts use all right I just

Maximized my skill points uh so as you get skill points by just like playing Survival Minecraft like killing all the mobs and stuff and I just maximized it with the command and now I have 400 skill points now I can upgrade everything right here and I like how

Like it looks with the skill tree but obviously in for Superheroes Mod skill tree like in Su database is a lot better but it’s not so you feel me it’s not like I mean it’s a lot harder to play in Minecraft survival with this Super Heroes Mod that’s all I’m saying but

Look now I have all this stuff now I can craft this Su uh all this Su let me go first with st Under Armor let me see what we have here we have titanium okay titanium plate just like that now I can go Legacy put Legacy here cuz here

You’re just creating yourself as youit if you want to do this in the Legacy always put this button uh also we can check out the stats for this you everything like it’s so interesting it’s really damn interesting if you want me to start a series maybe with some Legacy

Or do another like 100 days video with that in Legends mod it’s a lot easier to do so put like I don’t know I need like thousand likes on this video cuz yeah that’s hard to do so thousand likes on this video I’m doing that but let me go

Now Legacy as you can see without Legacy it costs 100 tens but with Legacy like you are toony Stark you don’t got to pay anything you just need more materials and boom you can crop this and look how sick it looks bro this is star Under Armor we have repulser beam repulser

Blast and basically this is it also we can fly let me go fly there you go okay it’s as you can see flly is a little bit different than F superhero’s flly and 100% F superhero flly is better so if fist will add like more stuff like that

In his mod like so it would be a lot more interesting to play with like in the survival it would be just like the best of the best it’s still it’s already like the best Superheroes Mod but it will get so much better so much more interesting to play that’s why like a

Lot of people are still playing Legends mod all right um now let me go like I don’t know crap another suit I don’t I don’t want to mark one let me go with this stuff okay we need padium Arch Rector and also I need dark Under Armor

So without crafting this stuff I cannot craft this stuff and actually makes so much sense all right and now we craft it yo I forgot that we have the H here damn it okay that looks sick but not so sick as in p superheroes unfortunately but still looks sick the sound effect is

Crazy so we have the Hut and without helmet we have no Hut look at this okay and then helmet boom and we have yo looks so sick now we can fly easily like that but I’m I mean it looks just like from the first person it looks just like regular

Minecraft life particles are not the best I mean yeah Legends mod really does need an update but the HUD though we need the HUD for our to superheroes 100% bro look at this boy and I have already so many Powers it is just like the first like normal Mark rep blast un

Bam power dive hand Cannon whoa why we got black puller I don’t know thers so many abilities let me see the ground pound okay let me see if power D again damn there you go oh my God that was sick I thought I will show like a lot of

A lot of stuff about leg mod today but you know what I’m thinking I’mma I might do a little serious about legacies and legance mod so you would try this mod out uh let me start yeah just today we’ll start with star Legacy as you can see I won’t be crafting every single

Suit I already like did this and this I can craft like some more suits to show some stuff okay I’m going go with like two more shes just to show my favorite stuff and after that I will just tell you a little more about how it works here uh also let me

Check out like what we have here also okay we have back computers this for Batman uh Batman got no Legacy but you can just be Batman here mini particle accelerator for p Legacy the Phantom on projector for Kryptonian Legacy adamant Beth you know that’s weon a Walling and

Stuff chunk of Krypton okay star accelerator now let me do my favorite let me create my favorite Mark here it is Mark 7 okay we we need damn all right guys I got mark seven on me and let me explain why this is like my favorite Mark ever uh we have a lot

Of different abilities here uh also now we have weapon wheel we can select weapon and here we have like laser and by the way it’s not like in F superheroes it does affect blocks here I don’t even know like is it cool or not I think it’s interesting like it’s really

Interesting also we can go with rockets let me go with rockets get fire shoulder Rockets oh this is ammo let me go with this rocket damn okay this is fire but why this is my favorite Mark let me show you right now we have cter bracelets let me use

That and now with that look at this bracelets I mean you already know Avengers 2012 and stuff uh all right let me jump off this building this is why my favorite Mark is this one uh okay let me do this [Applause] again the animation is crazy it just

Flies to me by the way this is like the most popular video on my channel like 90 something K on that video where I was showing off this you and yeah it was the time that I was making a lot of Legend mod videos so check it out if you’re

Interesting by I mean doesn’t matter cuz I’m starting the series right now so sometimes yeah maybe once a week I will be doing some legance mode videos I hope you like this video guys uh I got a lot a lot of stuff to show you cuz legance

Mode is cool but I’m waiting on the update I think the update will come out not really soon but Superheroes Mod update will come out a lot more soon than the legend mod so until then I will be showing you a lot of Legend mod but

Obviously we have like a lot of hero packs a lot of hero packs updates coming out so I will be mixing up a little Legend spot with f superheroes this is it this is all want1 to show you today on Christ let’s go to like 15K Subs but

Actually just Jo is better than you even subscrib so yeah join my Discord server I’m starting the SMP really soon the next video will be or the subscribers video is already on the channel or maybe will be the next video I don’t know but it was the revie and X1 yeah just thanks

For all the support

This video, titled ‘I Crafted Iron Man Suits in Minecraft! (2023 Legends Mod)’, was uploaded by Daiter on 2023-10-31 13:44:34. It has garnered 1476 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:57 or 897 seconds.

I Crafted Iron Man Suits in Minecraft! (Insane Mod) Iron Man Suits in Minecraft Legends Mod! Today I will show you the Iron Man in minecraft! I hope you will like this insane minecraft video!

Legends Mod – https://daiter.co/v/qrN0H2AEQi0?bs=V7/the-legends-mod Map – https://daiter.co/v/qrN0H2AEQi0?bs=V7/citymap Forge (for the mod to work) – https://daiter.co/v/qrN0H2AEQi0?bs=V7/forge Better Third Person Mod – https://daiter.co/v/qrN0H2AEQi0?bs=V7/ss

Discord – https://discord.gg/GM5egGDfD5 ||||||||||||||| 49% …………… 499/1K

Support me on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/Daiter

For business requires – [email protected]

#minecraftmods #minecraft #ironman

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    Epic Endstone Golem Battle vs All Mobs! ๐ŸŽฎ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Minecraft Battle:endstone golem vs all mobs #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Fungal craft on 2024-05-10 12:58:04. It has garnered 1056 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. Amazing Minecraft Battle:endstone golem vs all mobs #minecraft #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob farm 1.20, minecraft… Read More

  • Get Ready for Insane Minecraft Beats with Matt!

    Get Ready for Insane Minecraft Beats with Matt!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play Minecraft (official song)’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-03-28 20:33:34. It has garnered 674 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:34 or 154 seconds. Join my server IP address with port: or if you need more help connecting check out my website FriendsWithMatt.com We have a tutorial for every device you can play on. PLAY MINECRAFT You need to do your homework I’d rather play Minecraft You need to eat your supper I’d rather play Minecraft You need to do your homework I’d rather play Minecraft You need to… Read More

  • CrimsonvaleSMP

    CrimsonvaleSMPWelcome to CrimsonvaleSMP, We are a economy server with grief prevention, custom items and pets, we strive to create a friendly and welcoming community and to keep gameplay interesting with frequent content updates! play.crimsonvalesmp.com Read More

  • Breb’s Bedrock Pvp Origins Realm!

    Welcome to Our PvP-Focused Minecraft Bedrock Server with the Origins Mod! Join Now Join our vibrant community on a PvP-focused Bedrock server enhanced with the Origins mod for an exhilarating Minecraft experience! Why Join Us? Dynamic PvP Environment: Test your skills against fellow players in intense battles while adhering to fair play rules. Unique Abilities: The Origins mod gives you special abilities tailored to your chosen origin for combat and exploration. Active Community: Engage in epic PvP skirmishes, form alliances, and compete in thrilling events. Protected Bases: Build and protect your fortress with traps and defenses; offline raiding is banned…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Piglins: The New Minecraft Geniuses

    Minecraft Memes - Piglins: The New Minecraft GeniusesWhy are Piglins so smart? Because they always bring home the bacon! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Must-Haves! In the new Minecraft update, what should we see? More mobs, more blocks, or maybe a new tree? Players are eager, they want something fresh, To keep them engaged, to put them to the test. Perhaps new biomes, with colors so bright, Or new tools and weapons to win every fight. Maybe new structures, hidden in the land, To explore and discover, with shovel in hand. But let’s not forget, the small details too, Bug fixes and tweaks, to make the game true. So many possibilities, so much to explore, In the new Minecraft update, what will we adore? Read More

  • “Building a base with noobs vs pros in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚” #shorts #memes

    "Building a base with noobs vs pros in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚" #shorts #memes “When you’re a beginner in Minecraft, your base looks like a sad little dirt hut. But when you’re a pro, you’ve got a mansion with a swimming pool and a pet llama named Larry.” #minecraftgoals #buildingupfromdirt Read More

  • Gear Up for Chaos! Minecraft Let’s Play

    Gear Up for Chaos! Minecraft Let's Play Gearing Up in Minecraft: Ep. 3 – Strugglebus Adventures Exploring the World of Minecraft In this episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our intrepid gamers embark on a quest for diamonds to craft some shiny blue gear. Armed with a pickaxe enchanted with Fortune, they delve deep into the world of Minecraft in search of these precious gems. World Info Version: 1.20.1 Seed: -1056946488598000456 Mods Our players enhance their Minecraft experience with a variety of mods, including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, Replay Mod, Simple Hud Utilities, Mod Menu, Iris Shaders, Continuity, Entity Texture Features, and Logical Zoom. These… Read More

  • Automate Magic with Applied and Mekanism

    Automate Magic with Applied and Mekanism Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Automation with Applied and Mekanism Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, especially when delving into the realm of mods. In the latest episode, the focus is on automation, with a selection of mods from the 1.20.1 version of Minecraft. From familiar favorites to brand new discoveries, there’s plenty to keep both players and viewers entertained. Episode Highlights As the episode unfolds, viewers are treated to a mix of gameplay and lively conversation. The host shares insights, tips, and of course, a healthy dose of frustration – not from themselves, but from the… Read More

  • Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!

    Insane new 3D experience LIVE now! #MustWatch!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE | Relaxing Long Let’s Play #Series5 #Episode #025 | #letsplay #resourcepack #1.20 #Livestream’, was uploaded by WASH3D on 2024-04-24 20:19:27. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:26 or 15986 seconds. Minecraft Hard Survival in 1.20 Haven’t played Minecraft in a while. Wanted to hop back on Resource Packs!! I made my own for 1.19 Check them all out here https://www.curseforge.com/members/wash3d/projects This is a Technoblade Totem resource pack. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/wash3ds-technoblade-totem This is a black & white Hardcore Hearts & XP bar with Diamond Armor. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/wash3ds-black-white-hardcore-hearts-white-xp-bar This is a… Read More

  • Exploring SECRET STATION in Zoey’s Minecraft World

    Exploring SECRET STATION in Zoey's Minecraft WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cash and Nico Found a SECRET STATION inside ZOEY – Funny Story in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Cash & Nico on 2024-02-25 19:32:49. It has garnered 23589 views and 741 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:09 or 609 seconds. Hi, welcome to the Maizen Fan channel! In this video: Cash and Nico Found a SECRET STATION inside ZOEY – Funny Story in Minecraft This is not an official Cash and Nico channel, we make fan videos with Cash and Nico. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Cash. We are not trying to… Read More

  • “ALi conquers 24/7 MINECRAFT server – LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP! ๐Ÿ‘€” #clickbait

    "ALi conquers 24/7 MINECRAFT server - LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP! ๐Ÿ‘€" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 24/7 SERVER | LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #live #phasmophobia #stream’, was uploaded by ALi plays Live on 2024-03-24 04:54:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT 24/7 SERVER | LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #live #phasmophobia #stream join my public … Read More

  • EPIC NEW SMP SURVIVAL SERVER – Join Shafu Bhai’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Now

    EPIC NEW SMP SURVIVAL SERVER - Join Shafu Bhai's 24/7 Minecraft SMP NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE SURVIVORS NEW SMP || Minecraft PUBLIC SMP || Join My Smp || 24/7 || Minecraft SHAFU BHAI SMP’, was uploaded by Shafu Is Live on 2024-01-18 13:09:43. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:23 or 7463 seconds. Assalam u Alikum, I am a gamer and I will give my best to entertain you . Plz support me ๐Ÿ™‚ Discord: https://discord.gg/hM47u23W MINECRAFT SERVER RULES 1) You cant get in someone’s house 2) You need to get full netherite armour in order to get elytra 3) You cant… Read More

  • Join ElStipy’s JAVA/BEDROCK Server NOW! #minecraftlive

    Join ElStipy's JAVA/BEDROCK Server NOW! #minecraftliveVideo Information This video, titled ‘ยฟTe unes? Server JAVA/BEDROCK #minecraft #online #gaming #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by ElStipy on 2024-05-28 04:31:48. It has garnered 1881 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:51:28 or 13888 seconds. These are direct (or videos, I don’t know when you see them xD) where the objective is to have a good time Store code: ELSTIPY ****Social Networks**** Discord: https://discord.gg/6TU5xuZC Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ElStipy Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elstipy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elstipy/ Read More