Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.07 – teaching kurtis conner how to play minecraft

Video Information

Stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon stream gonna start soon let’s go What’s good everybody how we all doing today hey all right we got everybody in here here one second one second all right um all right i guess we’re gonna do a hype train let’s go gang how’s everybody doing today everybody doing good yo someone got their license today congrats

I saw somebody in the chat say they got their license i hope you’re talking about your driver’s license and not like license to kill or something all right oh we got the hype train going all right everybody all aboard let’s chuck a chuggachu all the way to hype town to swagville baby um

I had a pretty good day uh as many of you probably know from my instagram story and perhaps from my sticker that i’m wearing right now i got my first dose of the vaccine today um It’s pretty tight honestly there are certain counties in illinois that have opened vaccinations up to everybody so you don’t have to be like a qualifying person or whatever to get it so uh all i had to do was register and i got to go and it kind of looked

A little bit apocalyptic because like the the national guard was there give like registering people so uh there were just like army people walking around this abandoned toys r us which is where i got i forgot to mention that the vaccine facility was a former toys r us now vaccine

Clinic so it’s just this like abandoned toys r us with full of uh national guard people um but i got the shot no no really negative side effects so far my arm doesn’t really even hurt i was driving earlier and it felt like it was gonna hurt but it actually doesn’t now

So i think i’m fine honestly uh hopefully i don’t develop symptoms in the middle of this stream that would be kind of awkward but all in all i’d say it was pretty much a twerk moment i was uh i was actually twerking while the uh the nurse pricked me and

She was twerking too we were both twerking and she vaccinated me it was awesome and i don’t say this a lot but it was epic yes it was hey bestie thank you jack for the hype looks like this hype train is almost complete and i’m getting a phone call i will decline that

Um and oh i’ve got something pretty pog actually i want to show off when we get to the end of the hype train um i’ll also probably do a fit check once we get to the hype train too because you know that’s what i like to do uh and oh

I guess i haven’t even said what we’re doing today but i figured most people probably know but we’re playing minecraft with kurt back in the baddie smp uh and we’re gonna have a fun time thank you shuttle for the gifted subs shuttle who are you dude you are always

In here gifting subs and and cheering and all that jazz that’s crazy i have a lacroix here so i will be burping tonight quite a bit actually um someone asked about laura laura is actually already fully vaccinated because uh she’s a social worker she has an internship that makes her an essential worker

So yeah she’s been affectionate she’s been fully vaccinated since like february i think so yeah she’s just been waiting for me and now we’re both gonna be safe i’m gonna get my second dose on april 28th so three weeks from today exactly uh okay wait oh we got the hype train all

Right let’s go okay we’re all hyped up and we’re ready to go it’s time for a fit check okay batty fit check alert uh i’m wearing my nashville shirt that i got at a thrift store i’m wearing jeans and they are cuffed and i got on socks and that’s the fit

I’m actually not wearing slippers today because uh because actually it’s pretty warm out today in fact honestly the jeans were kind of a bold move for how warm out it was it was like 77 degrees a high of 77. um and i also have something that i

Selfishly want to show off because i’m really excited about it and i need more people to be excited about it with me so one second and i’ll get it and i’ll show you as a reward for ending the hype train on a good note this is uh oh [ __ ]

I almost just broke it actually that’s awesome uh what i was about to show you i almost just destroyed okay all right so um i went to the guitar store yesterday and there’s this guitar that i’ve been like wanting to get because the guitar that i have right now the electric guitar is

Kind of just like a beginner guitar i was like i’ll just buy it when i don’t really know what i’m doing and then once i know what i’m doing i’ll get a nice guitar so there’s this guitar that i’ve been wanting for like months and i look i like look at it

Almost every day on like guitarcenter.com i went to this local music store yesterday and i was just gonna i just wanted to pick up a pic like a few pics for my acoustic guitar and thank you for the 10 subs infamous marty that’s rockin dude um and

They j i’ve i’ve never seen this guitar in person before that i wanted to get and it was there at this local guitar store that i’d never been to before and so i i bought it and here it is okay this is it it’s quite literally the most beautiful guitar

In the world i i would look at pictures of it every day on online and it’s so sick and pretty and i still kind of like am shocked that i’m holding it right now but it’s awesome and i just wanted to show it off so this is my new guitar

And there’s the reflection of my computer and thank you guys for being happy for me and there’s a g chord for you i would play more but my amp is all the way over there so i don’t want to go get it and plug it in

But yeah this is my new guitar and i’m really happy about it bye and uh the way that i almost destroyed it is i just like it it was plugged into the amp over there so it had a cable hanging out of it and i just like picked it up and started

Carrying it over here um without unplugging it so thank you guys for all the pogs it truly feels pretty pog uh it’s it’s called a fender mustang vintage edition in the blue color whatever it’s called thank you it is kind of a baddie guitar thanks um so i just got a text from

Curtis let me see what he’s saying he said be on in like 10 i’m having technical difficulties lol man if i can’t relate to that i have technical difficulties every day all right um okay well i don’t really know what i should do while i wait for curtis

Uh if he’s gonna when did he send that text he sent it one minute ago okay good so i have around nine minutes to kill that’s sick uh okay danny can you hear me oh wait hold on can you guys hear curtis wait coming in come in come in danny

Uh uh uh uh i can hear you can you hear me oh yeah there we go okay can people hear can you hear danny now uh stream can you hear curtis also yes okay so that’s okay i’m about to lose my freaking mind over here man what happened dog i my audio like

There’s like just no audio coming from my game like i don’t know why it’s not coming in um from minecraft yeah do you have your on your com on your pc what is do you have your audio device set to the elgato whatever hd60 thing yeah

Then i have no idea that’s my that was my only guess damn i thought you’re gonna come with this super quick fix to kind of solve all my problems real quick can you hear the game at all yeah but the stream can’t yeah it’s just not picking up on the capture card

Which is pretty perplexing that’s pretty cringe actually yeah that’s kind of what i was just gonna say i think i might have to make a video about this honestly it’s so cringe okay uh you don’t have to do that in fact i think i’ll start filming it right now

No no what’s up greg welcome back to another episode of curtis done [ __ ] up this time dude he doesn’t know how to stream how many episodes have you done uh of this show this will be the 14th installment i’ve curtis i’m [ __ ] up how dare you

Yeah you didn’t know i was filming these all when we were on tour i’d film one like every other day pretty much make sure audio and obs in windows is default or digital wait what you have your uh obs on your mac right yes and are you listening to the game

From like from the pc or do you have your headphones plugged into your mac or your pc my headphones are on my mac and usually the sound just sort of carries through here and i have it going in the same channel going to my headphones but now it’s just literally

Not picking up any audio from the game uh oh sheesh but you can hear the game somehow no i it’s coming from my like monitor but i can’t hear it oh going to the like where the audio is supposed to go to um and it’s really frustrating because i

Didn’t change a thing and it was working like perfectly on sunday yeah did you open loopback yeah loopback is open and see if and there’s nothing that says like missing or anything like that no it says it’s on it’s just literally no audio’s being picked up i’m wondering if that’s

Lame yeah that’s kind of lame gamer moment um well in the meantime i’m just gonna harvest all our wheat real quick no yeah without you dude i’m doing all the fun stuff without you uh okay um [ __ ] okay give me give me one sec okay Well guys this is kind of an epic fail don’t tell curtis i said this but this is like a huge epic fail i don’t say that a lot either people are saying my game audio is low let me see if i can fix that real quick um is that better at all

Folks let me uh break something maybe i don’t know i mean i i don’t know how essential the game audio really is oh it’s much better okay yeah i mean i i feel like oh god i don’t know give me like five minutes i’ll figure it out okay i’m just

Gonna wander around our place here and see if there’s any cool [ __ ] i can do i gotta go hoe one piece of dirt there we go well now i’m out of [ __ ] to do i hold the piece of dirt um you know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna

Go practice my sick bucket move where’s a bucket do i have a bucket here let’s go practice a bucket move dude let me put my lapis lazul in a safe spot are we out of iron totally oh no all right maybe i’ll just go mine uh

Dude and we’re out of okay we’re out of a lot of stuff i need to go i’m gonna go get some i’m gonna go chop down some trees i’m gonna go get some wood i don’t know what’s going on dude we’re having a great time right now honestly

You gotta get in here man things it’s getting crazy i just found the desktop audio on ios what well this this has literally worked before it should i just don’t understand why it’s not working now nothing has changed wait so you you’re hearing the game out of

Your like computer monitor yeah so that sounds like you okay you need to uh have you tried closing minecraft and opening it again as dumb as that sounds you know it’s funny enough i actually haven’t i think you should do that because it might not it sounds like

The game isn’t sending the audio to the capture card it’s sending it to your monitor instead okay and sometimes if you restart it it’ll figure out that the device you want to use is the capture card because i think it’ll only send it to one place and if it’s sending it to your

Monitor then that’s bad news okay if this works i’m gonna be real upset uh someone just told me that there’s like a keyboard shortcut actually to reset the audio thing within minecraft so i guess you didn’t have to restart but just try just try this and then you can try that

If that doesn’t work okay uh okay um f3t is what people are saying whoa i just did it and reloaded resource packs okay we got we got sound it worked didn’t he really your your big brain advice dude my my my super expensive degree from georgia tech

Finally paid off i fixed one technical issue for a fun minecraft stream dude this is the best yeah this is what this is why people go to georgia tech to learn how to play minecraft and it’s all thanks to me it’s all thanks well well i’ve

Like fixed what do you mean thanks to you because i fixed it yeah but i mean we wouldn’t without me we wouldn’t really have this problem you know oh yeah i guess so thanks dude you know without you i i wouldn’t have had a problem to fix

All right i’m joining the server oh you’re here i gotta set up my green screen hold on oh my god this dude it’s just one thing after another with this guy i’m gonna leave all these animals here because i wanna later on i’m gonna lure him back over to our house

And i’m gonna make a big farm with them yo big brain batty moment thank you guys sandy is a genius holy [ __ ] you guys said it not me but i mean i wasn’t disagreeing oh [ __ ] sheesh oh i forgot to replant all that you know what this is i’ve never had so

Many [ __ ] technical issues in my life but you know what yeah i have like a different a different unique like technical issue every time i stream it’s like i have to like diagnose a new thing every time i’m on stream oh someone said danny is the kurdistan hero

Yeah i bet your chat won’t be telling you to kill me today oh i mean we’ll see what i uh no i i mean i don’t want them to i just i honestly you just never know i don’t know dude it seems like it seems like they shouldn’t yo

Looking good whoa what the hell back i say all right what do we uh what are the vibes what are the vibes for today all right so there’s a couple things that i think we need to do we need to get we need to get like more iron because we

Want to get all iron tools and everything we don’t have like any iron right now so we kind of just need to dig around down there but then also we want to like expand our yo dude look what you just did yeah you didn’t cause i jumped on it

Yeah you unhoed my spot oh sorry about that it looks like you did it over here as well how are you supposed to get on there without jumping is the real question uh you can you can give one little hop but don’t don’t be jumping around oh i can’t get i can’t be

Greedy with the with the don’t get a little bit too wacky okay okay so i did i wasn’t listening we need iron yeah we’re definitely gonna need iron because if we want to go so really this the next step for like beating the game probably is we have to go

Into the nether at some point and so if we’re gonna go into the nether we’re gonna need like good armor so we need like iron stuff at least or maybe diamond stuff so we just need to get a bunch of iron and uh and then also

On top of that we’re gonna want i mean we need to like make it so we have food on deck at all times so that’s why i’m doing this wheat farm but we can also get a a cow farm and a sheep farm and to do that we have to lure them over

Here and trap them and then make them have babies we have to lure them all the way over to our well i guess they don’t have to be over here i was just thinking since this our house is here we we might want the cow farm nearby but i mean it could be

Over there i guess i mean that would be pretty fun to try and lure them all the way heat yeah we can make a little bridge a little cowbridge danny put your mic louder oops cowbridge engage okay wait is there a faster way to do this chat

Testing testing i just moved it closer is this better okay people are saying mike is fine how about you guys just turn up the volume on your phone if you if i’m quiet maybe turn it up turn it up oh shift ah wait so are you making a little land bridge now yeah

They said shift would sort of oh shift shift will let you sort of go over the edge of the of where you are now and then you can build off of it yeah also there’s a little zombie guy right don’t worry i killed him actually that’s fine

I figured i figured you hadn’t had it covered people in chat are saying we just want to hear your voice really loud turn up the mic finally dude this is how i wanted it this is music to my ears this is danny screaming to my ears all right nice job connor it’s okay

Great work connor christ what happened i thought i was a lot closer to the uh do you need more yeah i should i think i just put a bunch of stuff in there how do you run again uh control yeah i got a bunch of cobblestone that i put in here

All right i’m gonna go i’m gonna go down in the mine real quick and just look for some iron see if i can’t find any okay i’ll uh whoa the chat is saying that you have 41 iron in your inventory is that true uh yeah i have 41 iron ore

All right all right let me let me clue you in on a little minecraft secret okay okay don’t if you got if you’ve got valuable valuable iron in your inventory put you got to put in the chest because if you are walking around with it and you die somewhere

Then we’ll we’re gonna lose it forever okay so should i make ingots yeah go ahead and make some ingots go make some little ingies i i took your advice and i i put the text to speech things on i’m sorry i called you a version before

Yeah one of my mods was saying that dude what the hell you called me a virgin and then you turned them on yeah i turned them off did you really because of what i said or just cuz i turned them off seconds after you called me a virgin they haven’t been on since

I’m trying it out if it’s a little distracting then i’ll yeah i actually yeah i’m actually kind of glad i turned it off because it was distracting especially while we were playing together i i’m probably it’s probably better to have it on like when it’s just solo stream but true yeah

We’re gonna give it a try today and [ __ ] see what happens all right okay so with wheat we can make bread so i put some bread in the um thing if you need food oh yeah i’ll just i’ll take i’ll take all of that yeah so that’ll be kind of nice for you

And you’ll say thank you about it too thank you welcome i made ingots oh let’s go to sleep real quick because it’s it’s scary out there just about lots of bad guys there was a creeper out there though creeper all right i’m gonna how about i turn the text to speech down

All of a sudden everyone in my chat is saying uggo house hey people are saying house is in uggo mode hey this is my this is me and my friend kurt’s house me and my friend kurt live here where do you guys get off calling our house uggo mode i think it’s

I think it’s on gorgeous mode actually yeah i think i think it’s on [ __ ] mode it’s on sex mode i think all right we’re going to get this land bridge popping we’re going to lure these faster than i am at it oh you’re going backwards yeah you kind of go

Like uh reverse cowgirl on this then you can kind of just play something oh my gosh this is so much faster yeah i should have been going reverse cowgirl my whole life i know that’s that’s what i said when i first discovered this i was like so this is

What people are talking about when they say reverse cowgirl i could get used to this yes everyone’s saying now people in my chat are saying the house is hideous it’s like one person said it and then like they all they all just kind of hop on the bandwagon

It’s a bunch of bunch of fairweather fans we got oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no look out oh no did you die too yeah hold on i gotta get my stuff yeah we gotta go dude that creeper got a little bit too close i guess paper that was kind of annoying

Loki that creeper did look kind of good though i don’t know about you looks a little sexy to me all right did we do you think we thank you leah all right i don’t know what stuff was yours and what stuff was mine but i do feel like i have stuff i didn’t

Have before but if there’s anything valuable that you need you can let me know and i’ll give it to you i swear okay um i mean luckily dude i put my ingots in the chest right before i left yeah thank goodness see that’s why you put the indies in the chest

Okay thank god i got my boots and my leggings so let’s follow you got your do you have your helmet uh no huh okay i also don’t oh wait did i do you know if i was wearing a helmet before i don’t think you were i was going to say this

That’s kind of suspicious then yep i’ve got everything that i have before everything’s the same i’m wearing your skin also yeah everything is normal all right so what we need now in order to lure some batty cows over is we gotta get some wheat and once you’ve got wheat in your hand

They’ll basically follow you anywhere these these dumb ass cows okay so i’m gonna grab some wheat and then what you just have to have it in your hand and then they’ll follow you and same with sheep but i’m gonna actually i’m gonna go make a little area where the cows will go

I got watermelon whoa water malone yeah that was my favorite vine do you remember that vine it’s what oh the it’s watermelon inside that one yeah that’s my favorite okay or just turn this down write your head off oh that’s a good idea how do you do that what they do what’d

They tell you to do the uh sound description oh yeah that actually is helpful how do you uh if you sh go into game setting like the audio settings in the game press escape and then find like audio settings you should be able to turn on like uh closed captions or whatever

Oh like subtitles yeah subtitles okay all right someone said make a hot tub that is not what i’m making right now folks i’m making a cow hole nice for the cows so this is where our cows are gonna go okay and you might think it’s a little inhumane

To put cows in here especially when you see how many we’re gonna have after a while but i swear they like it okay oh okay even if it sounds like they’re kind of like writhing around in pain and also why don’t you stay down there too actually why don’t you

I don’t why don’t you just get back okay trust me you like it yeah you might think it’s inhumane for you to be in the hole but don’t worry you like it in there don’t worry you like it all right let’s go get these cows

All right i actually need i need to make a new picky You don’t need picky for cow time but you can get you can make one anyway i don’t care no no no no oh wait no i’m going to put it back because i don’t want to die and then lose the inges now how do you do a wield again

Uh press f f as in full of stuff in your hands okay i’ll remember that f stands for funny amount of things in my hands i’ve got so many things that’s funny two things i’m holding one thing in each hand and i can’t hardly contain myself

I’m losing my [ __ ] mind man oh dude i’m i’ve got cows and sheep i don’t know where are you oh sorry i’m i’m uh like if you were to come out of the house and look to the left i’m on a hill with many cows and sheep

Oh to the left yeah there’s like a lot of cows and sheep over here and they’re like following they’re they’re like honestly stalking me oh fan behavior honestly harassing me right now you’re like on that island to the left i’m on an island as i do a leap of reference

Yeah there’s a song that starts like that so yeah i’ll believe it when i hear it i’m on an island all right that was sold i can’t believe it you went to the sorry i forgot to tell you i’m streaming with dua lipa she’s like sitting right next to me

Hit it dua he’s on an island She sounds exactly like you i have to say people i’ve gotten that a lot actually me and me and yeah you’re like a ah guys i’m not gonna kill danny what the hell hey where are you right now i got a this cow i’m trying to lure this cow i got some wheat

And a sheep oh nice dude i’ve got right now you’re not gonna believe this i’ve got four sheep and one cow on my tail right now oh [ __ ] and you can’t don’t go too fast because they’ll get yeah they’ll get confused yeah i already had that happen to me i

Was i was sort of sprinting and they kind of just got bored why is everybody in my chat saying doula peep oh i think that’s a have you seen that video no uh it’s and then you just wouldn’t get it okay yeah actually don’t explain it to me i don’t want to know

Uh i think it’s like for a clip from like a wendy williams show she tries i think she tries to say do you alleviate she says doula pete do la peep am i right guys am i am i uh am i correct in that no i thought it was

Like a poot lovato thing have you ever seen that oh yeah oh okay i’m right yeah i remember when poot lovato came out that’s probably like i like couldn’t believe my mind i was laughing so hard at it yeah i couldn’t believe it dude i was

Going insane yeah it was almost as funny as having two things in my hand well those shifting removing items in your inventory it’s easier okay fine how come you got a whole shift to do everything in this game people in my chat are saying uh that you are right about

Doula peep okay nice it kind of sounds like a french name yeah it’s like two la peeps yeah two peeps two of the peeps please um where the [ __ ] is our oh [ __ ] sorry cow we went the wrong way come on [ __ ] before the sun goes down

Oh yeah oh yeah dude i’m making a sheep hole okay do you have a cow yeah okay let me i’m gonna see if i can get oh [ __ ] too late i had a sheep but the sheep kind of she kind of pissed off it kind of was like i’m over this

The sheep got pissed off well i can only assume because he kind of just like stopped following me okay uh i’m gonna make a separate hole for cows because i have one that has a lot of sheep in it and one cow but i kind of feel like we want to have them

Separate actually doesn’t really matter does it matter if my sheep hole is separate from my cow hole or can i just keep them in the same hole what do you guys think because like i’m just gonna go down there and kill them all like eventually so does it matter if they’re in

Different holes like i’ll just pick up other items anyway come on cow don’t be shy okay i’m getting exactly 50 50 mix responses how do i get matters how do i get cow in hole oh just go in the hole just go in in there nice yeah now we’re in the hole

I don’t know why i came in here i was like damn it looks fun in there yes okay lit all right bye guys all right now what you can do dude you got wheat left over yes give them the weeds give it to them it’ll make them horny wait what’d you do oh

No yeah right right right click it on them you might need to get closer to them you might need to go in there yeah see see how there’s hearts coming off of him whoa yeah see oh look look at baby sheep nice baby sheep they’re [ __ ] right in front of me dude

Yeah i know see the birds and the bees and the curt and the curt making it all happen nice horny goat weed yes that’s my favorite strain i got that horny goat weed there is a it’s made out of a real nate garner there’s a video i made about nate

Garner last year and they did a prank and the girlfriend used this thing called horny goat weed to like get him hard that’s disgusting yeah uh do you want to get in bed real quick uh sure just like platonically no no get away from me [Laughter] hey yeah you woke my ass up

Hey i’m asleep hey oh all right i guess we’re doing a bed switch you picked up my bed i picked up yours bed switch yeah it’s like it’s a new tlc show bed swap yeah i’m just gonna say that all right um put a ladder in the animal hole ooh not

A bad idea yeah um oh i have a i have two ladders on me okay would you would you per chance have a stick uh no but there’s lots of planks in there that you can use to make stick okay i forgot that i can just make one

Wait what the where’d the ladder go i placed it and it’s not in my inventory anymore is it no no ladder where’d the ladder go the gate the server like glitched and my ladder’s gone it just straight up deleted my item sheep eat latter someone said that’s not true

My sheep wouldn’t do that guys you you don’t know my sheep if you think they ate my ladder then you simply don’t know my sheep that’s just that’s just [ __ ] up that he they would even assume such a thing oh i made another animal uh oh dude we got we’re gonna

Have so many animals in this hole it’s gonna be straight up inhumane you just say you say you made another animal yeah dude i just fed myself some wheat down here and got down we made another animal whoa all right i need to get i need to get

More ladders since the game doesn’t want me to have the one that i already had use your tools on the correct blocks please love what do you mean oh are you using like a pickaxe on sand or something i don’t know i guess you gotta use a shovel for that dude

Oh a chevy the chat will berate you for it i don’t know maybe just wait i have a ladder again they all look the same sheep need grass people say oh okay so should i make the bottom of the sheephole dirt and then grass will grow there hopefully

Right is that correct is that correct amazing sunny don’t be stupid curtis use your brain okay guys those are just right now this is already chaos in here it’s kind of hard to maneuver around there’s baby sheep everywhere oh wait uh kurt hey kurt hey kurt i can’t see you kurt

Did you own the nose now it’s not the cow hole it’s the danny hole now it is my home i’m just kidding i’ll get you out of there i’ll save you from this this freak accident that sort of happened what where’d you go oh i had to go dude

Sorry yeah i’m kind of done uh i kind of done with the whole smp thing i think i where are you still are you still playing yes i logged off a few minutes ago dude oh i keep i keep falling down here [ __ ] off these little sheep dude don’t [ __ ] the sheep

I’m that’s how you win the game did you actually log off where did you go yeah i left off i had to go oh i see i see your name you sort of tunneled your way out no i logged off you don’t see my name anymore

Damn i thought i could keep up the ruse you had me going there for a second yeah well let that be a lesson don’t ever mess with me like that again it scared me i got scared and i got freaked out and scared you got scared freaked out and scared

Yeah all at different times too in in that order all right guys are are the sheep gonna be cool now that i’ve given giving them dirt or do i actually have to like plant grass somehow i don’t know how that works get hoodwinked not today dude you did get head winked

Not right today i just your hood has been winked oh oh i’ve been oh no [Laughter] sinking into the ocean they can die i lost all my will to live oh wait sorry i gotta get out my chevy here we go so we my chad seems to think

We want to make a separate hole for cows so i’m just gonna make a little hole right here for them okay i don’t know how we’re gonna get them in here though that’s gonna be tricky icky yeah that’s sort of the question of the century i need a watermelon a watermelon sorry

All right maybe oh no not you oh you’re sort of making a tunnel yeah i was gonna see if i could just get the cows to go through first hold on let’s see if i got okay i got wheat i can try to help okay yeah yeah yeah yeah hello no

Cow cow yeah yeah yeah just bring in the cows yeah i’ll hit the sheep so he doesn’t want to go anymore oh [ __ ] now he oh i got only the [ __ ] okay i’ll try to block the sheet no okay this sheep is sort of killing the vibe yeah should we just

Kill this [ __ ] yeah he deserved it all right okay cow now you know what’s up sheep bring get the cow in the hole oh people are saying it needs to be two two blocks oh it doesn’t need to be bigger oh oh no okay wrong idea okay

Oh sorry you got my way you got the way my chevy oh you hoodwinked me uh okay i got wheat no okay okay we got one okay um i wonder if we bring them all in here and then i hit all of them except the cows then

Okay so yeah okay i’ll get the other cara yeah yeah yeah then they’ll run away oh my god get the [ __ ] out of these sheep are ruining everything uh you know we got an adult cow and a baby cow in here the baby cow will grow up and then

It’ll be fine so put away the wheat now okay reit’s gone and now i’m gonna hit this sheep and okay you killed him but that’s okay oh did we do it oh oh yes dude there we go that’s a cow hole all right now i’m gonna feed some wheat

To this baby cow to make him grow big and strong and then do you have ladder so we can get out of this hellhole um no i think you do you picked up some of my ladders i got a torch oh i have three ladders you’re right i

Was straight up lying to you just now um how about we put it sheepy grass sheepy ass no i eat ass um how do i make the dirt into sheep i mean into grass how do i turn the dirt into sheep it’s a circle of life man wait you need

A grass block use your silk touch um they want me to use my silk touch i don’t think i have silk touch guys do i dude that cow just went up the ladder get back in there oh i do oh you got to delete the bottom ladder i think

You only need two okay don’t worry i i knocked him back in there yeah good that’ll teach him stay in your know your place kyle i thought that was like a glitch how the [ __ ] does a cow use a ladder going straight up guys don’t you think grass will just form there naturally

Because doesn’t that happen with dirt i’m gonna kill this cow he’s in like he’s in the wrong hole All right now we got a cow hole how could people say this house is i wish this was my real life house this is so nice yeah i think i might actually sell my house and then hire a contractor to make me one that looks just like this a one-to-one replica

With a cow hole and a sheep with the like random law like really tall log on top and also really tall like cobblestone pillar and a corner with uh some string oh if i put down some bone meal that’ll make grass all right all right to show the front of

Your house how do i yeah wait i’m gonna get mine we’re gonna get doxxed on minecraft guys i’ve made bonemeal and i’m trying to put it here it’s not working explain that fix the roof what’s wrong with the roof it’s a lie you guys lied to me i’m getting hazed

Oh man i’m sorry oh [ __ ] all right dude this is gonna be now that we’ve got this cowhole and the sheephole we’re gonna be miles ahead of the competition we’re gonna have unlimited beef unlimited mutton unlimited wool and unlimited leather yum we just gotta make sure those cows stay

You know freaky i’m going to oh don’t don’t worry about that i got a hoodwinked my childhood winked me i should make the island bigger you know what that’s not a bad idea yeah if we make the island bigger then we can have an even bigger uggo house

All right let’s expand uh are you using like dirt or like sand or what yeah i’ll just use dirt well actually maybe well dirt’s probably fine for now i was gonna say we we should probably make it out of whatever we want the house’s floor to be made out of that way

Yeah i do have a i do have a bunch of cobblestone yeah let’s do cobblestone that could be kind of hard like you know castle vibes yeah yes uh yes uh yeah let’s do yeah let’s do yep sorry what are you doing what’s going on over there kurt

You’re building up huh i saw you building up that was sort of a hood wink if you will you hoodwinked me yeah i don’t know if i really felt hoodwinked hey this is what i need i need that’s the sort of positivity i need in the chat it’s it’s sort of blind

Admiration and and love for whatever we do in this game even though even even if it is wrong what are they saying someone said they’re gonna well one of my my uh my mod said that they’re gonna ban everyone who hates the house oh yeah

You put like an auto ban on anyone who says echo house damn so harsh oh wait is my stream lagging refresh it refresh it sizzle and dodge a cat are coming out with a new song and do the peep yo get doula peep on that get wendy williams on that

Okay it’s good now the leg is gone see you just gotta be he’s gotta wait whoa this is all right i don’t say i don’t really say this a lot but this looks pretty good you do say that a lot don’t lie about that that’s [ __ ] up i always say this is

Pretty good yeah every time we do something together you’re like this is pretty good this is pretty good all right should we sort of uh break this wall down and sort of expand yeah so do you have let’s see how much let’s see how many wood planks we have

I got 60 on the go okay yeah i’ve got like a hundred so we can probably do some serious wall building here yeah i’m just gonna yeah i’m just gonna start like here and we can just kind of go around like this cancel danny just said build the wall

Build a wall oh no we’re gonna keep these we’re gonna keep these skeletons out here They’re ruining our our oh you’re going right to the edge okay yeah we don’t need no edge we’re sort of uh oh wait i need an axe we are edging our house oh someone said hot torque house mode that’s a lot bigger better than uggo house mode yeah yeah i’m whoa

I built the whole thing i let hey maybe in this little corner we could put uh like crafting stuff like just a spot to like oh yeah crafting stuff yeah like a craft like a crafting zone if you will yeah is there crafting stuff in this

Game i mean we’ve got string already in one spot that’s kind of crafting material yeah oh do you mean like like a crafting table oh for some reason when you said crafting like my mind immediately went to like arts and crafts like we can put like glue

And construction paper in here you know we get a little zigzaggy scissors in the uh no that’s not what i meant i mean like crafting how there’s yeah how the game is called minecraft because you craft in this game you literally just said is there crafting stuff in this game yes

Uh oh dumbo mode um okay yeah how about we light this sucker up okay you know what you know what we can do we could make the whole roof glass yeah right dude have i told you how to make glass in this game

No all you have to do is put sand in the furnace and that’s how you make glass that’s how you make glass in this game all you gotta do is put sand in the front i’m fixing it there is dirt [Laughter] mode oh this house is so dirty

Okay well i guess we can tear down this wall now yeah rip it’s been a good run wall but you didn’t quite live up to our expectations you weren’t quite up to snuff axe oh [ __ ] i had to get rid of one of our string things because i was getting

I’ll put it back in a in a cat’s minute in a gif in just a cat’s minute whoa this is floating that’s kind of cool what’s floating it’s just one block yeah oh yeah that goes kind of hard so we just have those all over our house just like

Floating blocks of wood i made another one oh [ __ ] yeah that’s hard it’s kind of like a dark piece it’s like yeah it kind of makes a statement yeah it’s i like it a lot he gets yeah let’s slap a torch on there yeah you know what let’s go ahead and slap

Six torches on here can you do one on the bottom and the top uh i guess you can’t do one on the bottom yo fire cube check it’s like we’re summoning [Laughter] yes yeah call me when you want call me when you need yo this is awesome glass floors yo

That’d be fire with the water underneath oh whoa oh we should have done that stupid cobblestone get it out of here damn it well we need we’re gonna need a lot of sand if we want that i don’t know how much okay we’re going to have it i don’t know

Who said that in the chat but that was epic that was an episode that’s kind of a fire idea um you know i can start on it i’ve got i just got some glass out of the furnace okay the furniture i don’t have that much sand so oh well there’s

Apparently a bunch under this cobblestone so you can come get some if you’ve got a shovel i would advise using it on the i got a chevy hey there’s not even water under this cobblestone so it won’t even oh oh there is now okay well just make that happen under all of

It what if i okay what if we had like a oh wait the water will keep flowing in here now we got ooh now we’ve got a little river oh river mode river rivers cuomo in here yeah dude weezer’s in our house weezer i i hardly know her

Where is the water there we go yeah you tell that to the did you tell it to my chat who’s absolutely keeling over right now they’re busting a gut over this yeah they’re losing their mind over it other chad unfortunately has lost their mind it’s like they got two items in their

Hands or something dude don’t even say that that’s too funny you’re going to make me lose my marbles make me lose my marbles okay i’m sort of i don’t know what i’m doing what are you popping off i wouldn’t say that i want to have this little river

I mean i think it’s kind of just water now oh i know it’s all right it’s kind of a river of sorts yeah i think another i mean if i feel like if you open the whole thing up it won’t really be a river anymore it’ll kind of just be a water style

But i don’t know how you feel about that yeah i was thinking oh [ __ ] i don’t know well how are we gonna okay so we’re just gonna get rid of all this stuff so we can put glass floors over it yeah i’m gonna make i’m gonna make at least this whole new

Room all glass floors okay all glass floors plus float floating demon torch block is gonna make this house so sick oh dude it’s gonna be a vibe yeah for real dude i spent like most of easter explaining to my parents what like vibing meant most of easter

Yeah which is weird because i feel like easter is supposed to be about something else or something but yeah i just wanted to talk about what vibing means and why people say yeah they just they sat you down and they’re like okay give it to me straight dan yeah don’t

Lie what is vibing like you always do what is a vibe how does actually i i i was watching degrassi which is like an old it was like an old season from like 2010. they were they were saying vibing in it no way yeah they were like i don’t think

You guys are really vibing which was crazy well i guess i mean like that was kind of like a hippie thing to say in like the 70s wasn’t it like your vibes yeah i guess so i guess so which is all the more weird why my parents like didn’t know what it means

Right yeah they weren’t you alive in the 70s must be a toronto thing oh maybe no it can’t be i don’t think vibing is yeah i think people usually only vibe in toronto i’ve only ever seen anyone i guess you’re right when we went there on tour that’s the

Only time i’ve been there but people were vibing yeah true it was you guys are acting completely normal beforehand and as soon as we got there you guys are all it was vibe central i mean yeah that’s when we started vibing i think fish floor fish floor yeah yeah

Do you think fishy um chet will fishies just swim in here willy-nilly fishy-wishy really nearly style make an aquarium yo are they gonna come in here willy-nilly style or really my favorite position [Laughter] yo we getting [ __ ] freaky tonight we’re going we’re killing willy nilly style really knows some style

Oh [ __ ] yo this is looking awesome yeah this is actually sick i’m gonna break down like all the side walls that way water really flows in someone said make uh sorry let me find it someone said make a hole in the middle so we could like fish in it oh

It’ll be like ice fishing yeah but in our house but in glass you like glass fishing it’ll be just like glass fishing epic idea chat you guys are crushing it yeah chad comes up with some epic ideas sometimes don’t they okay i have a

I have 64 sand so i feel like i could go yeah 35 glass yeah i’ve got 28 in my pocket dude i’ve got 28 glass in my pocket you got glass in here in it i’ve got glass in my pocket dear eliza delizer what’s that ram what’s that song

Is that a real thing it’s uh there’s a there’s like a hole in my bucket dear eliza it’s about liza kosher she has an old nursery rhyming better yeah oh [ __ ] it’s funny it’s from the 1700s they made a little nursery rhyme about liza koshy dear liza back in the day they predicted

There would be a liza koshy of sorts and they just made a song like about like telling her there was a hole in their bucket yeah and as soon as she started making youtube videos they were like the prophecy is correct the prophecy Ah freaking penis how do i break oh glasses man the it turns out uh glass is sort of wicked easy to break yeah it is that’s uh that might set us up for failure a little bit with this glass floor but hopefully not yeah make it colored glass

That’s i think that’s a little bit much i mean that sounds like cool in theory but i think i think this will be nice and uh understated you know this will be sleek this will be sleek yeah frictionless even is that your putting down glass sound yeah uh yeah

Actually uh let me just do a quick uh yeah whoa dude there’s like a whirlpool in here do you see these items floating around in the middle whoa what is going on this is kind of sick yeah it’s like it’s like it’s like cockfighting but with uh raw materials this is like cockfighting

You know i can’t say i’ve ever seen a [ __ ] fight like enough to know what that’s not like penis like chicken yeah i know i just still don’t i can’t really even picture that cocktail i thought that’s what you’re confused about no i you know how you stand in a circle and

You watch the chickens fight that’s kind of what we’re doing but it was like with little blocks yeah you know what man yeah what man shut the f [ __ ] up all right no more talking for the rest of stream all right i shut up dude i left

I left the game are you killing yourself wait am i still there yeah you just died you lost all your stuff wait what dude i wait did it say that i logged out oh now all my stuff’s swirling around like a cockfight wait dude why did it kill me i straight

Like when you said to shut up as a joke i logged out of the game but it was i guess it was while i was under water and it was like it was like actually how about you’re still in the game and you’re dying that was bogus yeah i heard you getting

Hurt and i was like i wonder if he’s aware of what’s happening right now it wasn’t i was straight up gone dude this looks [ __ ] sick yeah i think this is really gonna be epic and i really have to i got to say that i don’t say that a lot so

You have to believe me when i say it yeah well i mean i’ve heard you say it probably a thousand times but yeah maybe in your mind’s eye maybe in your wettest dreams yeah i’m coming my bed just thinking of you saying epic i know okay you don’t have to keep reminding me

At the mere thought of someone saying that word oh i don’t want to say anything like that what i’m making i’m just a big gamer like that yeah gamers love that word so much dude there’s only two things that’ll get me off someone’s saying epic and someone doing willy-nilly style oh willy-nilly style

Oh [ __ ] you know she’s a baddie if she go if she does it in willy-nilly style she belongs to the streets [Laughter] i mean you can’t make a wife out of a willy-nilly styler and that’s just that old proverb and that’s on sheesh it’s looking pretty placed a piece of cool

Where i didn’t want to place one i gotta go fix it sand in the furnace check what is that where is it even out the water people are saying what do you mean yeah i don’t really know how to do that i’ve been trying to just go around the

Edge and like make sure it’s all cl like everything is cleared out of the way of the edge because i think that is what is making the water like come in at weird angles and stuff i don’t really know bucket water bucket bestie i’m a water get a bucket and even it

Like just take some out wait what if i did the guys can i do the kelp life hack to make them all source blocks guys let me know if i can do the kelp life hack um that we learned about in my solo stream english please so basically i’m going to like be

Performing what most people would say is sort of like a kelp life hack of sorts no i heard that yes it’s just like you’re not yeah yeah i mean i i heard you but you’re just not you’re just not explaining you know what kelp is right sometimes i make chips out

Of it and stuff kind of like yes and i know what a life hack is but i’m still not still not gonna understand if you sort of just say kelp life hack and don’t thanks how about instead of expanding on it i just show you okay okay

Oh he’s helping life hacking over there no i’m not doing it yet whoa he’s not doing it yet how did he do that holy [ __ ] he’s he’s not doing it yet he’s not even doing it so good um okay and this is oh it’s already evening it all out this is that back

Oh this is epic oh no fishing oh fish in the floor there’s a fish in the floor no people are people are just saying people are just goofing around being absolute goofballs oh guys shut the hell up you know that vine that was like a teacher or something and she’s like

Shut the hell up shut up i think about that a lot she was really she seemed really strung out she seemed just about on the edge of her on the on the edge of her rope is that the saying i don’t know okay i don’t know and i don’t care

It’s like someone’s making this really like nice confession on the text-to-speech thing yeah i can’t concentrate on both things and i’m saying shut the hell up what’s that vine dude wanna talk about say it to me i know it but i want you to say it

I want you to recite it back to me perfectly all right guys i don’t know if i can get under the glass enough to do it make it deeper everyone’s saying make it deeper yeah i think we i mean we might have to make it deeper in order to get fish

In order to lure the fishies in here because they might not like how uh shallow it is oh we got a leg check in the chat we’re lagging really becoming kind of a project yeah well this is that’s you know that’s remodeling yeah every home every home needs that

Yeah i mean you think it’s gonna be a weekend project it turns into months and that’s just how it goes glass floor is finished let’s get some pot let’s get some let’s get some uh uh [ __ ] let’s get some interior design in the chat let’s get some uh phantom menace uh

Jubilee music in here you know the one i’m talking about you know the song from the end of phantom menace that goes Yeah you know the one i’m talking about yeah so it goes yeah let’s get some of that in the chat guys guys let’s get every star wars song at the same time in the chat all right i’m making it deeper thanks ah you need help i’m my own man

So i’ll never admit if i need help too bad i’m helping no i tricked you oh people actually are uh put in the phantom menace song in the chat that’s that’s great thank you guys i’m just saying music to my ears if you don’t know the

Song i’m talking about you gotta look it up i’ve actually used it in my videos before so it might sound familiar but it is the most triumphant sound song of all time do you not get copyright strike today um ever since youtube changed to be like uh

They changed it so that if you use less than five seconds of a song the person who claims it can’t they can they can claim it but they won’t be able to make money off the ads so they kind of have no incentive to so if you use like less than five

Seconds you’re usually good okay because in my new video i put um a nikki nikki ninja song and it wasn’t and i didn’t got copyright strike for it so i guess that that is why yeah i guess that’s kind of why that’s epic yo this looks sick yeah this actually does look sick

Um we gotta i i’m gonna try to dig it out a little bit more oh i have a chevy all right i might uh i might go roof mode and sort of give us yeah you couldn’t tell what that meant are you gonna do glass on the roof too

That’s i don’t have enough glass for that so i’m just gonna go uh uh let me see if i have any glass i have seven glass is that gonna be enough oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh i’m good did you almost die i almost died it’s like shut down

Shut down did you almost die shut the hell up and yes shut up tell me the vine again tell me the what fire is that what fine is that it’s like you can you can really only explain a vine by quoting it so after someone already quotes the vine saying

What vine is that hurricane tortilla hurricane katrina more like hurricane tortilla wait what vine is that which one is that again well what is that okay hold on danny shut up okay i was not talking shut up for a second just for a second okay okay someone said we can

We could we could get a fish in a bucket and then bring the fish to our uh to our house fish bucket and put them in there that’s kind of a good idea i yeah i was actually asking people last stream about like making an aquarium and

People kept saying fish bucket but i didn’t really know what they meant so that that’s good expanding upon that facebook fish yeah they were just chanting it it was actually like really scary just outside your window at night chad what are the vibes what are the

Give me a vibe check here on this roof what do you think should we do a different color for the ceiling go glass or go home [ __ ] what vine is that oh i’m getting bad vibes okay i just i just put a ton more sand in the furnace so i think we

I think we might have enough glass for the glass ceiling yeah we’re making our own glass ceiling here have you seen that video what vine is that i don’t know how it goes it’s something about a glass ceiling and it’s like finally it can um it’s like the most suppressed group of

All gamers have you seen that the guy floats through the building i feel like i have seen that but i don’t i only vaguely remember it so i don’t know what it actually was i don’t know how it what vine was it shut the hell up oh yeah i’ve seen that

One i love that one era caught a roof oh yeah terracotta is kind of cool sometimes but we would have to go out and find some have we found badlands in this server i don’t think we have no i think i would have remembered something like that

Something as cool as badlands yeah batty lands yeah that’s uh that’s kind of what that’s kind of what i like to call them lands daddy lands ever my favorite theme park daddy laughs walt daddy land well dad’s new world oh three months thanks yo i gotta be honest i haven’t been

Paying attention to my cheers or donations at all the stream i know i always feel so bad i’m really sorry it’s hard to pay attention to kurt and those at the same time and kurt always needs my help and i’m always like he’s always asking me what vine things are

So i can’t like okay concentrate ease up on that ease up on me hey ease up on me i’ll old chap i’m only did you just break glass i heard like a glass breaking sound a little mazel tov oh it’s like a celebratory thing yeah congratulations thank you you’ve won i’m celebrating my

The glass i just broke mazel tov i’ll break another and to celebrate and this goes on all night mazel tov that makes that makes another mazel top to me in fact in that mazel toppy in gus and eddie’s something i i couldn’t read that [ __ ] sorry let’s try to read it donation

Wait how do you read wait curtis can you tell can you let me in on a little streamer secret here yeah how do you read the donations do you just read them on your stream lab screen like where they come up where everyone else can read them kind of

Yeah that’s that’s sort of what i do but they’re so tiny on my screen sometimes they’re really hard to read unless i miss them then i’ll sort of like scroll through that little mini feed underneath well they’re in the minifeed yeah oh oh i didn’t know this

Let me see if i can locate it in the minifeed oh my god yeah you’ll find it i mean it usually gets a lot like pretty uh a lot of is like follows you gotta like filter it right okay everyone stop following me for a sec i gotta go find this dudes

Thing oh i hear a monster trying to get into our house gus and eddie subreddit i posted a photo of jakey’s dippleganger i assume you mean doppelganger i felt like you and curtis would like to see curtis can you go on gus and eddie’s subreddit real quick and check that out hey [ __ ]

I’ll check it out after the stream because i am on their subreddit i just haven’t seen it yet we left our [ __ ] door open and a zombie was trying to get into our way actually let’s go to sleep right now we better get our butts too bad

Yeah after we’re getting close like that we’re gonna get what grounded if we’re on a bed in time danny my parents are fighting oh [ __ ] you know what the only way to fix it is you got to start fighting with them too with them with your parents yeah and i’m not talking like

Arguing i mean square it up yeah put your [ __ ] dukes up right now beating them up no don’t do that off the ropes suplex kill them oh my god epic you know what should we get out of here this is gonna sound crazy so just bear with me

Okay should we get our own rooms in our house we could decorate our own little rooms however we want yeah and still have a common space where we can congregate and we could plan for our next adventure and we can have a little crafting space with glue and glitter and construction paper

We can make crafts finally ah sorry what wait what vine was that i think i don’t think that was fine i think that was just you climaxing on stream yeah what that’s a vine though right me climaxing on stream which one i’m trying to think which one that is yeah what

I know it it’s on the tip of my tongue it’s on the tip of my tongue yeah that’s the best way to sort of cover your tracks if you accidentally sort of jizz your pants you go whoa what vine was what vine was that [Laughter]

I was quoting a vine oh my god you don’t get it you guys are all pervs dude you don’t get it uncultured you didn’t watch oh you oh i guess you didn’t watch vine you haven’t seen that vine where i [ __ ] my pants on accident it’s in all the compilations and the compilations

Dude all the villagers are going to be so jealous of our path i know when they look across the lake and see our freaking uh lake house front glass floor mansion estate with the view they’re gonna they’re gonna go we’re they’re gonna they’re gonna hear us talking about it

And they’re going to say shut the hell up because all the villagers on the shore screaming at us we can like faintly hear them from our from our bedroom just but you know have you you know how villagers how they sound you know how the villagers sound

They just sound like oh yeah so it’s gonna be in that voice and we won’t oh is this wheat all done by the way sorry this one if it’s if it’s brown then it’s ready to clown yeah so yeah it’s pretty much all ready to go just make sure you replant uh the

Seeds once you harvest yo i just had 3k subs thank you guys whoa oh my god let’s get it up to 3005 and then i’ll sing that childish bambino song that’s crazy yeah well i’m at 7 15. so good luck you talk to me when you get there buddy

Yo that’s actually pog thank you guys that’s epic i don’t say that a lot either he’s right thank you guys oh my gosh everyone is being so supportive in the chat and and uh what vine what vine is that when i where i hit the

3k subs i just can’t seem to put my it’s gonna put my thingy on it oh here we go nice all right and uh when it when you’re ready and you’ve got it all replanted uh make sure you uh go go over to sheep and give some of them their uh

Horny goat weed or whatever and the cows right they’re boner pills if you will so they can get schwifty watch rick and morty curtis uh nah [ __ ] i guess you’re stupid my parents will let me damn really yeah i i sort of uh got every time yeah anytime i sort of

Turn it on i get it you know without fail within a couple seconds i’ll get a call from my mom she’s pretty upset a call from old mom oh my mom’s saying are you watching are you watching you’re watching rick and morty again and i’ll lie and say no she can see

Right there she can see right through your window into your tv she says i see you i see you you’re lying to me uh curtis can we get a fit check i maybe when i’m done this dream i’ll show you guys the fit but i’m very busy at the moment

I do uh i do a fit check every stream as a matter of fact do you do a fit check is that a thing that other streamers do yeah i’ve been getting people do be people do be asking for fit checks at the beginning yeah and are you wearing like the same

Pants every time because i only own like four pairs of pants yeah i’m always whenever i’m streaming i always end up wearing like my my pair of jeans i always wear and then i’ll be like i’m wearing a shirt and uh my jeans and those jeans again and those little jeans my tiny

Tiny jeans my blessed tiny wittle jeans sacred jeans sisterhood of the curtis’s jeans all right who wants their [ __ ] wheat or their [ __ ] wheat oh dude nice oh yeah hey yo cow’s [ __ ] on my stream check yo cow’s [ __ ] on the stream check um cow’s [ __ ] on stream that sounds

Like you’re about to go off on your beat yeah oh are we almost at 3005. i might really have to sing this childish bambino smash hit 3005 i’ve i’ve been to the year 3 2005 and i’m childish gambino yeah that’s my favorite jonas brothers song and that’s my favorite jonas brothers lyric

I’m john cena’s gambino yeah and childish gambino’s my favorite jonas brother too alexis thank you for the subscription and they said operation get get curtis more subs than danny alexa thank you for the for being amazon jeff bezos thank you yo let’s go jeff bezos thank you for thank you for inventing

The website i just why is there a dip over here i’m trying to fix this i don’t know why there’s a dip over here water wise that looks so funny what me in the dip yeah you’re just sort of swimming underneath our house it’s not that funny it’s hilarious actually you look so

Stupid easy go easy on my fragile soul we hit 3005. all right all right all right all right i’ll sing it okay no matter what you say or what you do when i’m alone i’d rather be with you [ __ ] say the whole lyric other guys i’ll be right by your side

Till 2005. hold up oh hold on i gotta re-hoe this area and then i’ll continue you hit those he hit those notes though no matter what you say what you do what vine is that shut the hell up all right that was a twerk moment thank you guys

I need curtis are you twerking oh yeah check me out oh wait hold on i can’t see i can’t see uh all right i can see you now yo when i’m alone i’d rather be with you it’s so funny this is so funny they’re like oscillating around you and you twerking

2005. hold up hold up all right that was awesome yeah i popped off for sure the best day of my life i’m laggy you’re leggy turn off sticky keys never in my life will i turn off stinky keys hey um how’s jenna’s plants going speaking of leggy because plants get leggy sometimes

When you grow them inside what do you mean lagging well it’s kind of like an industry term for like when like you’re don’t hate me like gardeners talk about it don’t hit me listen here buster all right hey easy easy uncalled for that was so condescending i feel so backhanded right now

It’s just a thing that gardener said stop immediately um it means so like if they’re not getting enough enough light which sometimes they don’t when they’re inside if they’re next to a window they will like grow kind of long and thin because they’re like trying to grow up to search for light so

Instead of like getting strong and thick like a nice thick stalk like a nice thick stalk basically uh they’ll uh they’ll just grow upwards and get back up flimsy and frail okay i get it now you’re making me really nervous before you start sort of creeping towards me

Was i yeah as you were explaining you’re slowly like slowly making your way to me and i and i didn’t like it i didn’t hardly notice you didn’t hardly notice i didn’t hardly even notice you didn’t stop i think you’re crouched enough absolutely enough i’m not even swinging at you

I just saw you do that what are you doing hey hey put the glass back messy boy put the glass back messy boy i need more glass i was hoping i’d hit the block you were standing on they need to sort of fall through oh that would be epic but oh

Nothing’s fine it’s fine something happened but it’s fine now it’s not as bad as i once thought every little thing is gonna be all right i didn’t just ruin our mine shaft it’s gonna be just fine you ruined our mindshaft i didn’t just ruin our mind chef

Sounds like he did just fine oh use a bucket to fill the dip chat coming in with a pog move except oh we do have iron all right yes we do we’ve got 41 inges of this stuff let me make a plank um What vine is that burp from a question that burp vine let’s fill the dip i need glass have you seen that vine what vine the one that’s like move that hat move that bus and the bus moves in the house fire i think so yeah

Whoa there’s like a cube of no water do you see that where there’s like a block of no water under under there hold on don’t move don’t a drowner guy can i breathe under there maybe not back get back away from our path is he in our house

No he’s sort of he’s sort of like yo let me in my boy’s in there and i’m like i’ll protect you curtis oh my i had him you needed my help yeah you’re right i don’t know what i would have done you’d be dead if it weren’t for me admit it

I watched one i was watching the speed uh the speed run that sounds really fun and yeah that’s that’s the whole story um all right i’m sort of stuck under water uh okay here we go um and he did like this weird thing he like put a door underwater or some [ __ ] and

He was just able to like just be underwater oh yeah yeah wait oh he was just able to be underwater like breathing like he was like yeah he was like in the water but it wasn’t like affecting him it was like an air bubble there’s of sort

I’m sort of stuck uh yeah i totally believe you i’ll send you the goddamn video so you’ll be eating your words you will oh people want us to change the dirt on the bottom to sand but that that’s gonna take so long i’m not gonna do that right now that’s gonna all the

Dirt on the bottom like underneath the yeah what as if we haven’t like toiled enough on this sick-ass glass floor for them okay people are saying this door thing works so i’m gonna [ __ ] try it i’ve been toiling It’s that beyonce song toiling in love i’m a little toilet toilet in love oh where is he i gotta see this okay ow okay hold on let’s give this another okay it might not be the best idea to do this at night but i’ll i’m willing to take a look

Oh it works get in whoa it’s like an air bubby so what i was saying about the leggy plants yeah that’s actually sick so you can just go underwater and be underwater as long as you have a door with you yeah it’s kind of like what saved what’s her face in the titanic

Exactly she went all the way to the bottom of the ocean and opened the door and just waited for the authorities to arrive damn bestie put a sea pickle on the floor they give off light when under water how am i supposed to find a sea pickle i

Don’t even know what that is i feel as though i’m pickle i feel like i must be getting hazed right now there’s no such thing as a sea pickle in this game you want to go to bed real quick i can’t see any pickle dude that’s actually kind of hilarious

Say that again what vine is that that’s uh i can’t even i can’t even see a pickle yeah dude do you mind if i use that in my stand up actually yes that’s my closer or when i start touring again so i’ve been i’ve been working on it for months and

Uh one last thing before i go folks uh i don’t even i actually don’t even see a pickle yeah there’s no uh you’ve been great guys you’ve been great i can’t see a pickle goodbye i still can’t see one you’ve been great i can’t see you can’t

See a damn thing you can’t see a damn pick on this [ __ ] peter see it um okay well i feel like this room is pretty much good do we want to a mine or b make our own rooms um how about i’m okay i’m gonna i’m gonna ask my chat and

See what they want and i’ll give that to your chat and see what they want and it has to be your name okay every single person exact same okay guys should we go mine for more stuff or oh [ __ ] nothing the string no no no no the string is fine let me

Put it back i like just gotta wait i think you might have actually picked it up uh okay uh actually mods can we get a is there can you guys make a um poll didn’t you guys do that before is there any way the mods could make a

Poll and call it um rooms versus mines oh i got a poll going what do mine for stuff or build your own rooms okay here we go guys the poll is in the chat cast your votes cast your stones cast your spells oh shoot okay yeah we gotta pull over here as well

What if mine is like 100 one and yours is 100 the other mine’s at about 70 30 in favor of rooms mine is pretty much the same okay wait mine is the same my like mine oh i i’m so sorry for the good fusion no no i didn’t

Look i’m going down the hole oh no you said mine and you sent me into the mine it’s that easy all right um one person voted pickles mine says everyone’s saying build your own rooms all right all right all right room time my room is going to be this way do not

So let’s my room’s going to be this way okay so keep that in mind oh okay my stream my stream crashed here we go nice classic oh brother do you think this is gonna be like a funny like video on youtube street for our stream highlights yeah i think it’s

It’s gonna be funny on both of ours okay because i’m gonna i don’t wanna i’m not gonna um do this if it’s not gonna be funny yeah i think it’s gonna be funny okay oh wait are you building an extension on to this and that’s gonna be

I’m gonna make my own i’m gonna yeah i’m gonna make my own room oh i thought our rooms are gonna be part of this or is this sort of the inner congregation you mean yeah okay yeah i’m gonna no this is this is gonna be that like

The congregating area kind of like the plaza if you will or something i don’t know we’ll have our own little rooms off to the side and no peeking okay i gotta go get more wood though actually yeah me too i haven’t been wearing my uh living room that’s the word i was

Looking for what did i say yeah the plaza yeah that makes no sense why would i call it a plaza one time we we uh we went to your house and uh when we were visiting chicago you’re like and this is the plaza yeah and we were and it was

In all fairness it was a room made out of a cocky planks uh with a glass floor and ceiling with an ocean underneath that’s true sorry at least yeah this music is kind of pog oh you got the music turned on still i got the minecraft music gone

What if minecraft music like the music in the game was just minecraft parody songs like that one uh what did we watch deuce world yeah i still see your armor in my room those diamonds oh diamonds in my i still see your diamonds in my room yeah that was that was like hard

Top tier pog all right i gotta go [ __ ] get some more wood from these trees i’m gonna go look and see if i can’t locate a badlands okay chat we’re going logging we’re going to get some [ __ ] wood oh wait that’s it yeah we have we’ve like not really explored too much

Which is kind of interesting no this is sort of this was a it’s like an interior design stream do we have a do you know if we have any saddles uh i have no idea i don’t know you can have those yeah you can sometimes you can get them

Like when we when and um uh when we found that like sand temple and we went in there sometimes in like treasures stuff like that you can get a saddle and then you can put it on a horse and ride it and it’s really fast cool go to the nether dude

I’m not gonna go to the nether right now are you crazy i am ill prepared for that oh let me just take a peek in this cave real quick though see if this oop that’s not what i’m gonna plug my [ __ ] in hold on you have to plug your [ __ ] in brb

Yeah i just took a [ __ ] and i gotta plug an extension cord into it you can’t even hear me that was an awesome joke and you can’t even hear me the damn fool can’t even hear me and i just made the probably the sickest joke of all time

Yeah i’m thinking maybe i could if i could find badlands i would like terra cotta in my room otherwise i don’t really know what to make it out of gold blocks i don’t know would that be kind of hard or or not or iron gnaw fixed it fixed fixed it oh you uh

You you uh you found an extension cord uh to plug your poop into i’m sorry you you found uh you got a little plug and you plugged your poopy into the wall yes i plugged my poop into the wall and now my poop is charging because you said

Happy you said i’ve got to go plug my yeah and you did yes yes i did nice what vine is that that’s the poop the poop vine oh the vine that just goes poop poop and yeah it’s a piece of poop uh in an outlet and it says poop

That’s like a pokemon that can only say its own name i’m loki uh really far away from home right now call me spiderman because i’m far from home okay uh you’re you’re spider-man because i’m far from home is that what you wanted yeah now say it like like kind of like moan it You you have to know i would never do that come on man just just moan homie style smelt clay and make terracotta do i even have clay where do you get clay american idol yeah yeah that was like a joke anybody get that that clay will be uh damaged

Because it’ll be hurt you know because he didn’t win no because it’ll be aching oh okay that’s that makes sense as well i guess both that’s funny yeah if i was invisible you remember that song no is that a club song yeah it was like his one song that he came out after

That came out after american idol and the lyrics are if i were invisible then i would just watch you in your room what really i’m i’m not yeah i’d be serious he could look it up after it’s really funny oh my god we gotta cancel the school for that

That’s crazy i will just watch you in your room yeah it’s pretty savage um it’s night time do you want to go to sleep in a second i’m very far from home i’m home okay i just i just by happenstance stumbled across a village so i’m gonna go in there and poke around

And go to sleep in one of their beds okay well i guess i’m sleeping alone chat whoa yum yum yum yum dude and you’ll never guess what i just found what the daddy lands hmm the badlands what are those i still you didn’t really explain what those are i found them

What are they uh i it’s it’s like a it’s like a biome have i explained like how there’s different i mean you’ve probably seen there’s like different biomes in minecraft there’s like desert areas and ocean areas and tree areas like different types of forests and stuff there’s the badlands are like uh

I’m in bed by the way okay you are too okay uh the badlands are like sort of like uh if you could picture like the western u.s you know kind of like um utah how there’s like those big formations and stuff yeah it looks kind of like that and you can get terracotta

From it which is like just like a nice looking smooth stone type material that is good for uh making house okay making us look nice that sounds pretty swag yeah so basically i’m just getting kind of swaggy here all right well i’m i’m making the floor to my

Room oh yeah grand canyon vibes that’s that’s a good way to describe it guys i stumbled up across the grand canyon except it’s the badlands so it’s actually the bad canyon oh yeah that is a halsey album no just this is the bad canyon no it’s just i think badlands is a halsey

Album oh jesus room jesus room check what’d you do i i’ve it i inadvertently sort of crafted a cross okay guys the chords are the badlands just so everyone knows our negative 960 negative 460. negative 960 negative 460 and we’re all gonna remember that just in case we have to come back

Yeah that sounds fun i mean you can come if you want and mind some of this terracotta for your room but you know it kind of was my idea so you got to give me credit if you make your own room out of it okay kind of was my idea yeah if you’re

Going to keep talking like that then absolutely i won’t and i will not be going there okay you don’t have to give me credit i was just joking around yeah i would i would never do such a thing i was kidding and he’s [ __ ] kidding you weren’t keen i was kidding yes kitty

Is there a naturally occurring black terra cotta or is this just this like dark brown stuff what is this what color is this i needed one more i think the black would look really cool i could go for kind of like an emo room vibe yeah this is brown

Guys i was quoting jake and amir when i was saying i was keen someone said in my chat set i think danny’s lost it uncultured king’s making his room so big for what yeah for all the freaking swag wait there’s pickles in the village is that real okay now that’s the

Craziest thing i ever heard oh yeah chuck that down mark that down as the officially the craziest thing i’ve ever heard out there you say something so what is is this pickle is this pickles that’s just water where’s the pickles where’s the pickles man i’m gonna make my room out of tea

Is this the pickles are you the pickles guys where’s the pickles um guys what should i make what should i make my people now people are just saying there might be pickles in the village okay is there pickles in the village or not pickles into pots pickles in the village check

Is this the pickles no this that looks like melon seed what can i make in the houses oh wait i thought okay hold on let me let me see let me see people were saying is this pickles that’s cactus is this pickle i gotta drop some stuff that’s cactus

Guys these are not pickles these are cactuses yo i got so much [ __ ] [ __ ] in my inventory man is this pickles is this pickles curtis you have pickles i see pickles i don’t have pickles you’re lying i’ve got sea pickles i found them they were in little pots

Where do you see the pickles pickles in the village everyone’s saying i have pickles but i absolutely don’t have pickle not my fault guys you guys pulling a [ __ ] fast one on me that’s a cactus you freaking goofballs yeah [ __ ] you guys he’s making again where’d he go

With this [ __ ] you guys think a pickle is a cactus good good luck that’s gonna hurt your mouth [ __ ] i heard your mouth probably might have a snitch situation on my hands and polish okay we’re just gonna pretend like that didn’t happen whale legs my room is bigger than the entire house

No that’s a cab for real that’s a cap cap alert what’d they say they’re saying my room’s bigger than the whole house and that’s just that’s just absurd that is uh i don’t know how to [ __ ] you that’s right [ __ ] you old hold up ding ding ding ding ding ding where’s

How do you make concrete no that’s not pickles what you know how do you make concrete oh you need like gravel and something i forget what else can you do you have the recipe in your crafting table if you go to crafting table and click on the little book and you search concrete

Uh huh how do you search there’s like a little magnificent search i’m a [ __ ] dumbass i’m a [ __ ] clown little me reference for you i got a little one i might as well just plug my own video just a little me reference have you have you seen that have you seen that vine

Yeah well i mean if you have you see the vine of your youtube video yeah yeah i must have missed that one it’s not the youtube video i think i missed the vine though yeah i posted a vine shortly after posting the youtube video just for for the ogs you know yeah

For the old grandmas for the odd guy the odd guy here and there okay green dye how do you make dye uh with flowers usually for green dye probably a freaking mess probably you want to go find flowers all right i’m going to go find flowers yeah i suggest you do that

Because i can’t find [ __ ] oh yeah i could call chat good call good call good call good call oh there was green dye in one of the chests over here jesus christ of course um but there’s only one like i uh you’re probably gonna need a lot right

Are you gonna make your whole room out of green concrete okay i’m just spitballing ideas okay you do it you do it you have a little uh green room it’ll be nice i think you’ll really like that Um what am i doing here oh yeah cactus and smelt what is oh i could put cactus in there actually i’m doing like this and this you can smelt a cactus yeah i smelled it was it maybe never smelled it dealt it what does it make when you smelt a cactus

I’ll tell you dan okay does it make a sea pickle oh holy [ __ ] yeah i guess so people are oh okay yeah everyone in my chat was saying cactus makes green dye i made one green dye and how much do you need that’s not important to you i think probably one green dye

Is good for like eight uh green concretes if i had to guess because i think you put like this stuff all around the green dye in the thing i think it’s okay i think it probably makes eight yeah okay so you just need to find a bunch of people thank you

Mitchy boom and make it boom metro boomin want some more i need chest chest oh no what happened i have too much stuff i got too much junk too much junk okay how do i make how do i make gravel how do i do that

Uh i think you kind of just have to find gravel there might be some there might be a bunch in our chest i don’t really know but uh you kind of just find it while digging around underground unless anybody knows of a different way to make gravel

I thought you just have to find it so let me know if you know of a different way to make gravel all right i’m stacking all my [ __ ] no guys i have not told curtis about newspaper we’re not talking about it near water okay saying it’s

Okay so you okay fine gravel in water okay yeah also makes it how do you make a cactus farm oh you probably just plant them and plop a man i need to find more cactus i do are you near home right now i am at home yeah you want to go to

Sleep sleep yeah i could [ __ ] with that because your boy’s out in the wild and i don’t want to get i want to go to sleep sleep don’t want to find a creep creep fine someone said it’s getting dark bestie thank you bestie uh i go to bed

Let me see if i’ve missed any like her to shift please i keep forgetting about shift click sorry i’m just a [ __ ] doofus i guess thank you mad smar for the donation thank you ali for the donation sorry my stupid brain almost read ali o-l-i as oil

I have gravel becca you’re home with things that remember there’s an enderman kill him man enderman kill him no kill him we need his pearls we need his pearls to beat the game how do i okay um i said i needed sand gravel and die okay do i not have sand sand

Gravel and oh i don’t have my die uh oh you want me to eat i know he’s a little frustrated this is interesting we’re seeing another side of him it’s just frustrating because i get so close to making something and the game’s like you need one more thing uh hey does

Anyone in chat know what my core what home coordinates are here for this world or maybe curtis can tell me hey curtis um what’d you say sorry i was celebrating my epic pog oh did you get green concrete i got green concrete powder way to go

Do you do you know what what are your coordinates right now how do i do that again press f3 um and where is it the xyz thing yeah negative 130.411 um and then negative 215.414 okay cool thank you now put it water no with the powder coordinates to the pirate baddies house

Whoa nightbot has a command and it calls it it calls our house the pirate baddie house that’s that’s the new tick tock creator house the pirate baddie house so if i just put this powder in the water water it’ll turn to this thing i need or

Are you trying are you guys trying to [ __ ] prank me it’ll be like that raccoon what are they trying to get you to do put this concrete powder in the water so it solidifies and turns into a concrete thing i don’t know if that’s true bestie is it

I mean i i’ve never made concrete before honestly i true i actually have no idea and then do i sort of just mine this do i do i hit it with my picky oh people are saying it works in my chat so is that did i do it

I would trust him green concrete check oh my god he’s done it the madman’s actually done it okay guys now i need to find a a a whole lot of ink sacks all right guys we did it so we need to find some squeeze maybe i need to look in um

All right i got eight ocean i don’t know eight concretes so how many do you want hey i’m i’m passing by a lot of cactuses do you want me to get some for you that i’d really appreciate that all right okay chat maybe my room is a little oh god give you that

Sort of getting greedy with my square footage is it is it too big or too small your room too big it can never be too big dude well i’m just thinking about how long it would take to get all the concrete that i need

Oh then it can in that case it can’t be too it can be too big you know yeah green four no not enough yet hog but fix the water please we’ve tried and hey if i get this [ __ ] thing one more time i’m gonna lose my mind

Okay do it i’ve lost me mine you’re gonna make me lose my marbles Um what’s happening to me right now oh [ __ ] dude there was a zombie on fire attacking me that’s awesome yo thank you hannah for the donation danny and curtis my mans i am hannah my best friend gianna or gianna gianna is obsessed with y’all can you say hello to her it’s j

A i j i a n a g g anna or gianna hello gianna am i supposed to say too is that what they said yeah they wanted you to say it too oh hello hey gianna thank you and thank you glizzy mcguire lizzie mcguire thank you

That’s a great name they said have some lemon chill lacroix bestie actually i’ve got i’ve just got a regular old lemon today sometimes you gotta have a regular lemon to make you appreciate the limoncello you know what’s the difference um lemoncello has like kind of like a vanilla e flavor

In it also oh it’s kind of like lemon with but it tastes like sweeter than normal lemon even though it’s not really sweet because it doesn’t have any sugar oh okay i believe you all right guys where am i going to get these ink sacks from gold izzy [Laughter]

All right guys where can i find ink sex glizzy guys we already went to that temple wow some of you guys are fake fans telling me to go in that temple we did that in the very first stream we went in the sand temple already

Shut the hell up shut the hell up we did that guys look at all this lava this magma magma okay but where do i find the squids that’s really what i’m asking i guess maybe i’ll just kind of learn around for some school boys don’t be donating money if you’re

The mod come on you’re already doing so much keep on hoping i’ll find squid in the ocean to me squiddy is there sea monsters in this game you know what there’s ugly ugly guys with tridents who throws tridents at you i don’t know that’s as close as i’ve come to a uh

A squid in the ocean or a sea monster okay so i don’t know i don’t really know i guess that’s what i’m trying to say what on earth was that noise what did you hear was that me killing a little monster what is one of these water zombies [ __ ] off a little monster

Did i say it like that yeah he said a little monster you sounded really happy oh i i meant to be i meant to convey fear oh happiness and fear are basically the same thing because whenever i’m happy i’m scared of when i’m gonna stop being

Happy you know i’m like oh no this is gonna end soon true yeah you’re screaming oh hooray oh no sadness is coming back soon when’s this gonna end there we go glizzy mcguire dude i’m killing so many squids right now oh we got a hype train going choo choo

All aboard matey hop up board the hype train Dude did you know okay have you seen dolphins underwater like in minecraft yeah let’s go no i have not so like if you see them and you’re swimming around they will like um come up to you and like push you so you swim faster it’s really tight

Oh that’s really cute i know they’re like really nice guys it turns out yeah that uh that sounds really cute yo i’m gonna i’m about to flip my i’m about to flip my freaking wig right now dude dude don’t flip your wig keep it how it is

Keep it oriented the same way it’s flipped too late thank you jay bledo for the bits thank you not the average alien for the for the bits give me the door back let’s see how much terra cotta i can make with this amount of squid particles also let me see if i can

Catch a fish gonna catch a fish can i catch a fish in my bucket get in the bucket whoa dude i have a fish in my bucket i said it you made the inve the advance i can see him sticking out of the little bucket in my hand

There’s a fish in my bucket you could put fish underneath the the glass now yeah finally oh did you add a little back door huh or is that where your room is gonna be oh that’s my room okay looking pretty lit huh looks so good i think i’ll just stay

Hell yeah yo frusty underscore nah thank you thanks but nah thanks you reject the donation thanks for the subscription but you can have it back oh the cows have multiplied really yeah there’s three of them now three big ones three big ones thank you jessalyn i know thank you

I’m gonna i’m gonna feed him some wheat because i’ve got some extra stuff on hand here julia thank you did you ever play farmville on facebook no did you oh dude yeah i was obsessed with it when it first came out in like 2009 nice i had to i had like the best

Firemen of all my friends so so this is kind of like that huh pretty much how do you is it hard is it hard to kill an enderman the question uh yeah i would say we if we’re going to do that we probably want to like be both doing it

All right i put the fish under our thing i don’t know if he’s going to stay there but there’s a fish under our on that place now let me let me take a look if i can see him oh yeah there he is oh he’s swimming right he’s leaving

Right away he’s right oh is this the fish is in here yeah he uh he’s kind of like under this wall oh i see it you see him yeah swimming away as fast as he can he’s not gonna let me out of okay how about i’m gonna put up

Ooh someone asked what are your guys fav jake and amir videos um a good question i like all the ones with mickey anyone with mickey yeah what’s the one almond is really funny that’s one of my favorite suit is that the one where jake is like they both say what at the

Same time i don’t know [ __ ] that one is so funny what would you say is the perfect amount of almonds he’s like i don’t know 12. well i’m the proud owner of onealmond.com what is it about one almond that’s just perfect nothing i like any of the ben schwartz ones are

Great too oh yeah but they’re so funny i just want to be them in fact i think i will uh okay someone said they got banned from your chat for saying an unfunny joke jesus yeah we don’t take that [ __ ] lightly over here oh actually i think the muscle t muscle

T1 is one of my favorites too oh yeah i yeah i love all the ones where jake is insecure yeah he’s like the insecure one a sleeveless shirt for this piece of dirt is that [ __ ] ghost squirt squirt squirt um type train level five dude

And like he always does the like or was justin timberlake at the 2002 vmas not styling styling and he just keeps increasing the number of dog tags that you need yeah okay well you need seven um scum thank you for the donation that’s very nice and also someone’s

Meant to say pop off my king but they said poop off no i think they want us to have a competition poop off poop off go I where’d the enderman go i wanted to they can kind of teleport around i wanted to try to kill you as they please good luck dude you you probably you gotta you gotta learn how to use a shield also you gotta get a shield and that’ll help you what the heck

Yeah i know sorry yo thanks for reading a thousand bits dude you got a thousand bits yeah oh the same hannah it’s you again hey bess are you done made my best friend’s day thank you oh sweet good good group up jack glad to hear it because we’re about to ruin it now

Gianna screw you all that [ __ ] we said before we were lying we were lying gianna newsflash uh what’s my skin i’m glad you asked magic mike i’m glad they asked too magic mike skin oh wow my gooch is like pitch black yo gooch check pitch black gooch jack

Um who are you playing with my dad all right son uh this is how you use this what is what you’re gonna do worst ever i haven’t done this about to get the damage sometimes like this this is what you get this is why you can do it okay

I’m your pops i’m your old man all right i’ll help you get through it get through what yo we got we’re do we’re going on the hype train we’re almost done with level five someone said to choose their tattoo for them um get a little snake get a

Get like a sexy one of a couple doing willy-nilly style oh yeah uh do you want to go to sleep real quick cause i’m scared how’d i do the green screen thing on here without a green screen i did i didn’t i have a i have a grease i don’t know

I don’t know how i did that because i didn’t do that uh are you gonna go to sleep or no um oh [ __ ] a thousand bits for willy nilly style i’ll [ __ ] with that hey i’ll go to bed all right there are monsters nearby we can’t go to sleep

What i said this is an outrage um all right well it’s daytime now anyway i’m friends with them Dad yeah what vine is that uh i think that’s uh that one yeah did you find you like did you harvest all this wheat over here i think i think so i think you forgot to replant the wheat seeds oh doof doof doof is right

Is this spider gonna try to kill me are you gonna try to hurt me no he’s good in the daytime spiders just turn into friendly guys nice yeah they just kind of act up at night uh hey can y’all say hi to my best friend abby you both got hi abby hi abby

Now you oh you said it at night get this pointer there we go i’m trying to think okay so this is oh can i plant these where do i what do i do with these i have to expand like here i do need one more one ah [ __ ] on my

[ __ ] how do i guys how do i plant a sea pickle oh wait oh people were saying they glow underwater okay let me try planting them under water danny did you get did you get me some uh some cactus wait why did that one do that

Oh yeah i did i did i did let me uh can i has can i ask cactus can i has a cactus yeah one second here i come uh here’s 22 cacti thank you guys what is the sea pickle doing good idea okay so i’m gonna plant chillin it’s

Just kind of like vibing down there i gotta make a cactus farm let’s put it yeah let’s put it over here i need dirt i need your dirt Just kidding someone said fart on oh someone said swag on the poop it made me laugh yeah that actually is low-key kind of funny dude the spider climbed up our crow’s nest uh he’s down now oh what the heck he was i don’t think you can make a spider your

Pet we can’t get dogs and cats though which would be kind of fun yeah that’d be cool probably for the next dream you can hang out in the plaza hang out in the plaza with my pooch oh i need a chevy god damn it

Yeah i do cut someone said i have a goth room i do that’s kind of what i’m going for i’m gonna be like the angsty teen of the household i’m gonna okay i need this i’m gonna make a um cactus farm nice oh i’m gonna make a cactus farm and then i’ll

Probably hop off the stream but okey-dokey people said i need sand i need sand for the cactus farm correct that’s where cactus uh yeah that makes sense did i pick up the ink sack where’s the ink set i never see the ink sack where it goes where’s that uh

Um um dude i’m surprised i’m like uh i’m looking kind of surprised that i’m feeling a-okay from this vaccine like i don’t even feel like a headache or like yeah it doesn’t even hurt you think it uh you think you got like a faulty batch maybe or just

It just doesn’t work i think i might have gotten a placebo okay uh i’m so jealous man canada is blowing it wait is that dude the dolphin is playing with my ink sack or something he’s like pushing it around yeah i uh so is your guys still like only 60 and up or

Whatever can get it right now yeah and like they just announced today that like uh like teachers and stuff are gonna be able to get it okay so that’s good i guess but yeah yeah that’ll be tight i i’m sure like you guys are probably getting more and more

Doses every day so it it’ll probably like speed up the longer you know the yeah i guess i’m just being selfish so what if i put the how does this work do i put the i’d put the space between they need drowned and his rotten flesh ew all right dolphin push me

Wait where’s my boat actually i’ll just get him just get back on my boat i feel like there’s a better way for me to do what i’m doing but hey that’s all good yo this dolphin is like vibing with me right now this dolphin is my bestie get me out of here curtis

Get me out of here what’s happening sorry i’m stuck in the cow hole oh no that’s that’s not where you want to be okay do i gotta feed the cows uh i mean if you want them to get jiggy with it do you yeah yeah i mean if you have some

Weed i would i would throw it their way they like that sort of thing oh no problem all right i’m gonna feed these cows and then probably hop off more like pop off dude feed those things and then pop off and then well that’s what i’m doing

Right now i’m gonna pop up and then hop on okay hmm okay got banned again as for like windows i’ll probably do like some skylight some like epic skylights so with the i forget oh lime dye what’s lime dye probably like a different color dye a different sort of green yeah let’s

Let’s do that oh what do i need for that how many different shades are guys sorry never mind i’m a [ __ ] idiot yeah um what what did what was that you sort of agreed really quick that was uh some that was some other guy he came in here and he was like

Yeah curtis is a total dumb [ __ ] i killed him so i don’t have to worry about him anymore okay thank you yeah yeah i always i can always count on you to never it’s always kill anyone that says anything bad about you bro i got you i gotta say this black

Terracotta is not like really black it’s not exactly the tone i was going for but it will have to do it will absolutely have to do it keeps going away all right then we’ll do that yeah this will be the door i’ll have a little doggy door into my house

How do you make green dye i forget already don’t you just put the cactuses in the furnace oh yeah the furnace do we have any more glass uh yeah i think i have a bunch in my chest and your chest you got your own chest now

Yes i’m gonna can i have some of your glass yeah i don’t need it well save me a bit but okay when you say a bit like what does that even mean just say me a bit wait what why is that like that can i make it the

Other way maybe i gotta go this way no wait what how do wait uh how do i make double doors how do i make whoa unofficial rambu raid if it’s not official that’s fine you don’t want it yeah go back thank you guys thank you for joining tell

Rambu i said what’s up i guess he’s not streaming anymore next time tom thank you all for joining uh me and curtis here sorry okay if you would let me finish carry on we’re just designing our houses or actually we’re living in the same house under the same roof

Um we are designing our own bedrooms to uh show off our in unique individual styles mine is going to be very dark and brooding because i’m in a bad mood i’m in a bad mood right now so i’m making a dark room hello my mood forever

Thank you guys for thinking of me when deciding who to unofficially raid okay here’s shadow legend unofficial rage shadow legends you know how you told me to leave you some glass yeah did you not i actually ran out of glass because i used so much of it

I’ll get you more next time you don’t even need it right now you took all of it i took it all and i used it all as a matter of fact good lord as a matter of hack you really got to stop hitting me and running away it’s like once a stream

That wasn’t me it’s the mod we installed it’s the mod dude it’s one of my mods oh my twitch mods why are they doing this jam they stopped they hacked you and ran for it i don’t even know how they got in here Oh [ __ ] or crud dude the fall damage is no joke in this game holy cow you guys whoa okay there’s a lot of people coming from the ramboo raid thank you guys welcome i’m danny if you don’t know and this is the baddie smp it consists of me and curtis

It’s one of the most expansive smps on twitch it’s very exclusive we both barely know how to play minecraft yeah the the vetting process for new members takes eight years yeah that’s why they’re so there’s we’ve got about a million people applications that we’re processing it’s just like

Yeah it takes a long time for us to vet out people you know you got to be a baddie to get in here so we’re just looking for people who are bad enough mm-hmm actually we should probably go to sleep yeah i’ll probably go to sleep and then

Then hop off there’s a skeleton that is eyeing me up and actually a creeper too but get it out of here unless it’s unless it’s uh sort of like nice yeah the creeper is actually kind of cute there’s an enderman should we try to kill it oh [ __ ] hold on i’m being

Assaulted for the lack of a better term where are you um how about i’m right here all right wait uh let’s see this will this will be a good finale to the stream we’re gonna go try to fight the endermen yeah all right let me put away all my valuables

Me too my precious precious items julia thank you you said we need a we need a shield yeah that would probably be helpful okay i’ll do that yeah you need iron and wood planks for that oh wood planks i just got rid of mine sorry that is not my problem dude

Do we not have any wood planks i mean like oh i turned them all into stairs guys can i turn stairs back into wood planks oh my god can i deconstruct the stairs well i can just like friggin chop this one down i guess yeah i guess our house is made

Out of wood planks let’s just destroy our house to make a shield if this enderman is gone by the time you get out there i’m gonna lose my marbles i don’t know how many would blink would plank what do you need for a shield iron and wood planks i think

I have iron i have one occasion why are people saying f there are people assuming that we’re gonna die yeah that’s hilarious guys i’m not gonna We’re gonna pone this noob this ender noob do you have that because of all the ingots on you over there yeah can i can a boy get some angies i still can’t make a shield you’ve got planks and iron yeah uh did you type shield into the search

Oh ingot do you have six woods do you have six planks oh right click wait do they they don’t have to be spruce just put the planks where they where it shows that they have to be it doesn’t matter what kind of planks they are oh oh wait how many do i need

Let me set myself two three four five six i have three i need six jesus christ yeah you need six for sure oh there’s some right here all right let me i got six let’s get our guy okay all right and you’re going to want to put your shield in your off hand

How do i do that again oh got it how do i remember uh wait can you give me the um ingots real quick oh yeah um to use it you i think uh right right click right hold right click maybe is that putting your shield up

Yeah yeah so you’re going to want to do that so that he doesn’t kill you and then we’ll we’ll use our little swords he’s right there we’ll bust this guy up all right you ready to go that creeper okay let’s uh then let’s let’s take the water route

Wish us luck guys i set my spawn point oh [ __ ] hold on there’s a there’s a drowned in here and he’s throwing tridents at me oh my god am i gonna hold on i’m about to die so fast why am i already about to die dude this guy’s tridents are strong

Oh no oh no oh god before i even got to the dang guy dude why is that guy so strong strong i am that guy’s guys tridents hey god there’s two of them okay two of these guys oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i’m screwed

Hold up stone sword what do i got a stone sword for all right let me re-put on my armor that was kind of bogus huh yeah that sucked hold on i gotta make iron sword all right guys we’re gonna go kill an enderman you know what [ __ ] it dude here

We go you know what let’s just take the boat over there that way we don’t even have to worry about the trident guy i’ll come pick you up and oh there it is okay we’re still throwing hey oh actually i gotta go around god skeleton skeleton

Get the trident oh can i pick that up this right here what do i do oh it disappeared did i pick it up nope it just disappeared oh man uh okay i don’t oh there’s another one right there ow ow dude this is terrifying these tridents are like

Do crazy damage yeah they do like three hearts and where’s the enderman he’s gone because it’s morning time now oh my god look out a creeper boy blew up our bridge well that was awesome all right well i guess we won’t be uh killing enderman today

We’ll try that was so annoying we’ll try next time there was like so many there were so many people around our [ __ ] house yeah that was weird why did that trident guy like where did he come from i’ve only ever seen one of those guys once before but it was like by uh

Like an underwater ruins area what the heck i don’t know oh my god he’s still over here throwing tridents at me he just nicked me guy hates you yo the house looks sick from the roof all right well i went to shore just to see if i could see the enderman and i

Don’t all right we’ll try it next time yeah next stream we’ll kill another man yeah that’s cool all right come back i’ll uh i’ll hop out of this game and be the discord all right good stream dude oh no ggs good stream i’m gonna die all right um disco thing all right all

Right see you dude all right see you man okay all right i made it safely sheesh that was kind of scary all right get out of here oh okay um all right thank you guys all for joining this was a really fun stream i can’t believe we’re i can’t believe we

Got to 3 000 subs that’s crazy all right thank you guys all for joining uh next time we’re for sure wait why oh people want me to raid okay that’s why people are saying raid okay next time we’re for sure going to get an enderman don’t worry

So stay tuned and tune in and stay tuned in let me see who i can raid um did you guys have fun everybody had a good time i thought that was pretty fun all right let’s see uh oh we got let’s see um we got gus johnson

Let’s go i’m going to write gus he’s live and he’s looks like he’s playing the piano um you guys know gus he’s uh he makes really funny youtube videos he plays on he streams a lot um he does lots of stuff looks like he’s playing piano right now

Um so go have fun he’s really cool and really funny and hopefully he’s good at piano [ __ ] i don’t know all right everyone have fun bye okay that’s gonna end the stream everybody thanks for watching i’ll see you next

This video, titled ‘Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.07 – teaching kurtis conner how to play minecraft’, was uploaded by L C on 2021-04-08 16:51:57. It has garnered 567415 views and 2507 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:08 or 9968 seconds.


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    Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft - Episode 590 Minecraft Episode 590: Building a Stone Castle Wall Welcome to episode 590 of Minecraft with Lờ Đờ Vờ! In this episode, our host embarks on a journey to build a magnificent stone castle wall. Despite facing some challenges along the way, our dedicated gamer is determined to create a masterpiece in the virtual world of Minecraft. Harvesting Resources Our adventure begins with the essential task of harvesting resources. From gathering wheat to exchanging it for diamonds with villagers, every step is crucial in preparing for the grand construction project ahead. Building the Castle With diamonds in hand, our gamer… Read More

  • Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day – Minecraft

    Becoming a Police Commissioner for a Day - Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Roleplay Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players often delve into the realm of roleplay to create captivating stories and adventures. One such thrilling scenario is becoming a police commissioner for a day! Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and imagination. From building magnificent structures to crafting intricate storylines, the possibilities are endless. Roleplaying as a Police Commissioner Imagine stepping into the shoes of a police commissioner in the virtual world of Minecraft. With your authority, you can enforce justice, maintain order, and… Read More

  • 🔥LIVE – CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!

    🔥LIVE - CaptainJangels: Insane MODDED Craft Adventure!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] I seem to have lost some pertinent files to live streaming and I’m trying to find them but they are uh Missing where or where could they be oh I’m in the wrong file of course they’re not in that one that’s arcane oh want Kraken there we go overlays animated [Music] um nope I don’t want that [Music] one uh I want screens [Music] animated I think it’s [Music] that h [Music] um well close but not quite well there I am I’m still missing things though I don’t… Read More

  • Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Seeds: Real or Fake?Video Information these are the scariest seeds that should never be used starting with c290 X2 the myth of the terrifying living Island and it looks pretty normal I spawned on a a a a sand area not very scary if I’m going to be honest with y’all oh man I love these rumors so much cuz apparently we have to put the render distance to five to make it to come alive I don’t know if that’s going to really do anything but we got to follow now it looks like we’re on an island but nothing happened to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!

    Unbelievable Secret about Frogo at Myguel Middle School!Video Information yep my game all right all right I’m live let’s go first live stream on the Miguel [Music] SMP so I don’t really know what I’m doing right now but I’m just adjusting some things cuz well this is literally my first stream everything good going to go check see if the stream is and I’ll get to some plan to some plan the game on the Miguel SMP no give a rundown of what the Miguel smpp is because some of you guys may not no actually like basically everybody won’t know who it is even though… Read More

  • Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!

    Insane Ultimate Guide: AUTOMATIC Cobblestone Farm!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Ultimate Guide: Building an Automatic Cobblestone Farm”‘, was uploaded by Game_ZONE on 2024-01-10 17:16:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #cobblestonefarm #tutorial #guide #building #automaticharvesting #farming #gaming #youtubegaming #youtubevideo … Read More

  • Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!

    Join Cyber SMP Minecraft with Alpha Gaming!Video Information तो आखिर साइबर एमपी की एसएमपी को जॉइन करने की रिक्वायरमेंट्स क्या-क्या है एंड क्या मैं उन रिक्वायरमेंट्स को मीट कर पाऊंगा यह सारे क्वेश्चंस का आंसर मैं इस एप्लीकेशन वीडियो के अंदर देने वाला हूं हेलो गाइ दिस माय नेम इज अल्फा एंड आज की वीडियो में मैं अपना एप्लीकेशन एप्लीकेशन की रिक्वायरमेंट हैको मैं परफेक्टली मीड करता हूं बिल्कुल परफेक्टली एंड दूसरा है कि मेरा टाइम क्या है तो व मैं मोस्ट ऑफ टाइम में एक्टिव रहता हूं एंड दूसरी बात है कि मैं कंटेंट क्रिएटर हूं या नहीं वो तो मैं कंटेंट कटर कंटेंट क्रिएटर… Read More

  • Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum – Episode 05

    Gaming Insanity! Unleash Blood Gods in Arcanum - Episode 05Video Information [Music] what’s up everybody this is super tilt and welcome back to my Arcanum Institute gameplay series uh I don’t even remember what we did last time but uh in between I did make some Source crystals uh I you know farming some amethysts off of that and we also uh I also figured out how to do uh lava with this old thing we got a couple things of lava here uh basically if you put any smooth Stone within a 3X3 under this thing eventually as you throw at it to fill up the you know… Read More

Danny Gonzalez Twitch stream 2021.04.07 – teaching kurtis conner how to play minecraft