Dark Corrupt A – 🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 6 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join 🙂

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Hmm our question becomes is everything walking is planned yep okay sick just double checking everything is working okay now I just gotta make sure I’ve got sharp and then all right well for some reason it’s put me in a box which very confused about I have no idea

What the hell didn’t even put me right like the rest any bits of it has been completely um huh very strange what I mean by every Biz like where I was mining is just being it’s just been assimilated into deep slate now for some reason all right bit weird but you know what

Makes sense hello there Stanley how you doing man it’s been a little bit all right uh okay there we go either when I saying out like I just started now huh put like on community posts let’s see Okay still throwing the things up before the stream starts to Street high I would love to because like money like with 1 500 would be very nice but uh no I I unless I have somehow 10K subscribers they just don’t do that from all I can see you have to reach out to

Them as well it’s kind of annoying okay where’s my shovel I don’t even have one oh Lord oh we’re not doing too well are we all right I like right now just finished some weekly swims weekly swims damn I thought they were annual swims for Ninja morning

Yep oh it was afternoon for me but yeah morning to you I just go on to the backgrounds in Geometry Dash damn the Geometry Dash has returned I’d uh yeah they’re bringing are they finally bringing out that update for the 10th anniversary of Geometry Dash this is so epic guys

Yes best creeper I agree uh Nick all right just getting everything ready hold on okay all right yeah everything’s working out sick now I just need to get somehow to the top because for some reason I’ve been boxed in no idea I still need to get a couple more veins worth of diamonds

Not the best thing in the world okay I’m gonna get shot there’s that’s realistic of what’s gonna happen and somehow I didn’t because I’m just that good at the game I’m just that good guys as you can clearly see I’m just that good at the game um pushing through there we’re supposed to

Do something else besides Minecraft and rubber my plan was to do random games probably on Thursday or Friday depending if I do run on crap Friday um that was kind of the plan uh wait what what day is it today actually Thursday and Friday’s gonna be

A bit oh no today’s Monday isn’t it I mean I could do Roblox tomorrow and then Wednesday probably something random games or something like that um Thursday and Friday are gonna be a bit more difficult mainly because I’ve got two major things on those days so that’s gonna be a bit more challenging

Speed runners I wasn’t gonna go show out of the air by bloody skeleton because that’s the usual okay we need a Manga Stream vac it’s literally been a few months main reason why I haven’t done Among Us is because as I’ve been even a new update like at

Least the new decently large update and Among Us recently I’ve not heard about any updates and Among Us um did goosku stop for a bit and I was just like uh CBA would be excuse I was just like um it was all right I’m just like um

We’ve got carrots so I’m gonna go and get this uh Iron Man wow wow that that was phenomenal that was truly phenomenal can I like at least eat this okay no bye bye then I asked a bit depressing it just disappeared okay now I just need to get

A bit of cobblestone so I can actually get to the surface you’re getting a lower amount of people was that oh I started way earlier than I usually do two it’s a weekday AKA Monday and people are already back at school now yes the 21st it’s either one week

Till everyone goes back to school so some people are preparing or they’re already at school uh yeah three I’d said I would start like an hour later than I did uh yes coffee fact is uh how to join hello there monkeys games g um George mate all

I need is your username and then you can add mine as well that’s in the uh pinned comment yes bedrock but either way not bad actually I’m not I’m not I’m not going to complain about seven I thought I thought we’d be at like two or three

Or four for like a good portion of the start and I’m surprised you’re up actually that I I didn’t think a single Moroccan would even be here I can’t lie that was kind of my thoughts not a single Moroccan Woods that are coming out next time this doesn’t seem about right I know how amazing uh all right let me add you money uh let me see the season there’s you man are monkeys man this you yeah actually no it’s not too bad actually bloody already nine likes bloody hell no it’s not even that bad there’s nowhere near that bad okay God damn even

Though like sound really that helpful they still help a little bit but it’s mainly the fact that all right that’s an indication all right send you a couple invites man I’m very confused about this whole uh sort of blank profile a little bit worried about that okay never mind it’s nothing to worry

About that’s good sorry for not being live stream what did you and the others do uh we just built like a small civilization we had like a fisting match for with like half the players for about half the stream uh yeah that happens uh reasons for why that happened was

Because uh since we’re at spawn people spawn in and then there’s like a whole brawl starts going out and yeah then I just joined in and then it just became some people were left alone who are building and stuff and then uh yeah then the rest of us

Were just punching each other to death and that literally lasted for an hour and thigh to about two hours yeah I’m not joking that’s how long it lasted we were literally were punching each other for that long Oh no there’s no water that’s a surprise all right where the hell am I it’s a very good question where am I I’m really praying it’s this way because otherwise because it’s like I came from a forest if I remember so it has to be

This way if it’s not okay I I’m seeing some promise some damaged stuff okay I okay I picked the right direction okay thank God I am going the right one back holy crap that could have been really bad okay not a question is should I get some done

In the gear up mainly just because I’m a bit a little bit skeptical of some people you know uh oh right there’s also creep a lot I’m really I’m really a big fan of he’s just going places all right he’s fighting he’s fighting his way this crossplay nice just Bedrock only we

Went for a bit of a Nostalgia route because my internet is still expired yes the people came over today to check out my internet but apparently now they don’t use copper cables anymore they use Fiber Optic Cables I know the same thing those sharks eat are under the water

Because for some reason they eat Fiber Optic Cables under the water I don’t know why it’s there’s just many videos of that crap and it’s really funny uh I mean they did Bloody get electrocuted but all right I don’t know I use like fiber optic cables for some reason

It’s a common occurrence uh I just gotta throw some things in there um yeah I think I think it’s about time I start switching to Diamond equipment uh Diamond chess play and then diamond leggings I’m not gonna spend anymore because I kind of need the rest of those

Diamonds for other things so I mean I could just keep could just keep the iron gear on for now actually because I mean I haven’t used it really but I also could put it away I’m Gonna Leave This in here because I really don’t need it that much um

Uh what else can I dump away um we have a lot of gold yeah I’m probably gonna continue yeah I’ve got food I might as well just continue I just need to get cool and that’s really about it all right I’m just gonna go somewhere random

Just really done the money you have come to your balls oh hell no get this man out of here bro get this guy away from me bro okay that’s good there’s an admin here all right let’s put it to 12 just because I don’t want to touch it for a

While all right now I’ve got to go to the other side I guess I might as well fish until the daytime because I’m gonna have to walk from one side of here to the other side because I’ve mine quite a bit of the diamonds on the ground no idea

So I also need to go get collection [Applause] going to get bought yeah get a get bar online because you never know when someone starts x-raying you never know man you never know or at least trying to why does best creeper not have mod when he’s an older that’s also quite active

Ah I guess just because the mods are full I mean eventually I hate to say it but eventually mango and cookie up I will have to eventually remove their moderators and then replace them I mean currently right now we’re kind of still all right but I mean not wrong that he’d

Definitely be one of the higher more likely candidates I can’t lie if I was gonna be honest um but yeah it really depends yeah we need more torches everywhere okay our teeth are straight and gray yeah I definitely need to get torches on the other side of the river I wanted to

Have some actual initials look you can even tell we’re gonna have actual issues okay okay that that spider’s bugging but we’re not gonna complain about that you serious right now I have actually got like I really need to get cold though I’m still trying to fish for something decent right now

Still attempting was that seriously not in trouble complaining so he drowned and got gave me all right okay that’s not terrible can’t complain free Iron Shuffle oh blood send one of his Brides to kill you because he didn’t give him mod I mean cookie or yeah the Canadian Brothers I

Still think cookie was Canadian I think he might be American but I still think he’s Canadian for some reason what do I even get what was that looked like a lily pad but I’m sure right now come on I mean I’ve just paid for this fishing

Rod but I mean I can just kill aspire to pay for it if I really wanted to okay all right yeah again I want to try my best not to blow like seven different holes into the ground uh all right yeah I know oh he’s Canadian he also speaks

French okay so he is Canadian I just okay I thought you like repetitively told me that he’s actually America or something I accidentally the third point is speaking French that is ties are fair that’s a fair point all right oh I mean I am I’m not complaining by how

Fast the fish go on This fishing rod like my God it takes like 10 years on Java it’s now it’s now turning into Java Again by how slow it is it’s still fast they’re just about that was nearly JavaScript don’t know exactly what Java speed is I’m just assuming okay there’s also two

Creepers climbing down this thing so I’m gonna have to get rid of them these guys are bloody twits I don’t wow I still got it oh one of them’s got a bloody Trident oh twit oh crap Also let’s call this let’s get that yup seems about right yeah wasn’t gonna

Be able to stop that either I’m not complaining because I’ve got called him see then just send a message I need to let read on a second a whole bunch of rule fish not exactly the most uh you know I’m gonna eat the raw chicken not raw chicken foreign

I’m back on a bus now I heard you said that you thought I’d go for yearly swims I thought you mistook me with Jim oh I mean I mean I hate to say Jim to Jim to Jim does not swim mainly because his parents don’t allow him to he’s so sad

Guys oh no the only one no he did say he went swimming last night a long time ago wow very early yep I know I’m not feeling clearly all right if I’m very early uh no that’s just gunpowder there’s actually coal in this case so I’m actually gonna like

If you know what I might as well like stop mobs from coming down this way it’s really bad um to put some stuff in chess the yearly floating in the kiddie pool oh yeah you know it the yearly floating foreign why is it warm hold on

All right okay well I’m just gonna leave this fish in here because like I’ve not really got much use for it so I’m gonna continue with my um bye I know I’ll be back when I’m home also it’s 40 degrees celsius right now send

Help uh well let it die let it die let it shrivel up and die die I could breathe ah through here for a sec but I’m thinking about like making like you know a hole real quick just so I can like breathe in that but I haven’t got any blocks to really

Do that could uh you know I’m literally only down here for bloody toll huh okay no no that has not worked um oh God oh God oh God worked out my friends oh my God that was actually kind of close holy crap that was close bloody hell

Yeah that was kinda close Jesus Christ just might be slightly worried there might have been kind of desperate for call anywhere right now so I’m just gonna well that’s the French Experience Andrew yeah I must remember I haven’t got teleport to get me out of any new sticky situations

I haven’t got I haven’t got any of that you know I haven’t got any of that yeah I’m gonna now head to the other side of the area to go and maybe diamond mining area I’ll actually wait before that I have got the call I need but now what I need

Is wood like just wood wood look chicken nuggets no way it’s an annual mango visitor they repair my house yeah I I I I I you know when I was making the thumbnail I had to like remove so many things and I can’t lie these are the

Stay of your house I nearly had to remove your house on my um on my uh edited um copy of the wild it’s a bra fix your house man it needs to be in the Samuel world be working okay yeah I think that’s enough wood that’s enough wood we’re good we’re good

All right the amount of diamonds you need is actually like unreal like I’m not joking it’s actually unreal I need bloody diamonds I’m gonna need to get I’m gonna be so annoyed when some neat bloody um breaks and enchantment tables I’ve gone um and the bookshelf so I might

Genuinely just keep the entire thing in my inventory do I need like silk touch to do that during the last episode I was losing yeah yeah you were losing it but I mean it seems like an average Romanian incident hello there demon how you doing man all right okay I’m gonna be

Traveling for a bit because I need to get to a fresh area where I can extract diamonds through strip mining because the caves are bloody worthless I got four diamonds after searching literally many caves AKA three but still that took longer than strip mining so we’re gonna go for a little bit just

To go and yeah so I was mining around about here I will like end it up here I’m good I’m doing good I’m just downloading learning clients fair enough if I remember that bad if I remember don’t know what it does exactly but I just know it’s a decent one because a

Lot of people when I see user okay he’s oh yeah he’s dead 23. damn so sorry smash like and we’ll do it one more time no it’s quite far just to get to an arrow where I think I won’t accidentally run back into where I was mining probably gonna mine around oh wow

There’s also still more wheat here actually I’m not gonna go collect that but if people are struggling for food for some reason even though I fish like 10 fish from pond ah it is uh there you go smash Ivory bangers and smash smash smash Apparently these types of Vibes have more diamonds but I don’t believe that it’s just an error I’ve not been to so there should still be diamonds in the strip mine in areas oh it’s also got coal here so let’s go and mine that real quick because when

I’m back at a base I’m gonna light up the whole area the goddamn selling and spawn is what we call an absolute mistake one more time oh yeah you know you’re about to hit it one more time one more time okay obviously when I hit 64 I’m like

I’m not gonna mind anymore like I need to get some coal because I’m gonna burn through all this coin like one minute that literally don’t need to make like a ladder or anything actually you know what maybe I should or should I should I though I mean then I went after

Mine all the way back up but it’s also kind of annoying because I’m only going to come out once you know I might not actually I’m only gonna be here once but dude from the six hour mark to the end I was actually losing Pro just do

Something else if you’re losing it man like bro it’s okay you don’t need to watch the entirety of my stream if you’re dying like it’s okay I’m tempted to mine at the desert I’m probably gonna I’m gonna dig down here foreign now obviously wait where’s my water

Bucket here it is I need to make sure this is in my inventory because literally I’m gonna need to like immediately switch to is this five yeah this is five I’m gonna need to immediately switch to a to save my skin a few things that could happen AKA falling into lava

Be digging straight down down down down down down down down down down down down down down don’t know why oh yeah oh that’s where I got it from on my days I remember seeing that um not even months like nearly a year ago that’s why that’s wrong

What’s that one I wonder if I was like why am I even saying this why was everyone asking me oh I don’t know like wait on steam or something because yeah I didn’t see anyone like adding you in chat right now I may I might be clinically blind and

That does happen a lot I did not see any of that oh what the one okay bye bye yeah I’m all right thanks I’m not I I don’t really want to be fighting these mobs thanks I’m good hi I’m heading down here okay now I just gotta pray I don’t

Accidentally fall into lava because that is the major problem so I need to put across the table down here real quick how did I even pick up my inventory So these can go here and then these can be turned into torches there we go um instantly inventory space has been secured all right all right oh okay so wasting a lot of inventory space for dumb reasons okay amazing nice job team what are you doing uh I’m digging

Straight down to Diamonds because I’ve gone too lazy now and like even though it’s very risky uh it can’t be asked anymore so I’m going down to strip mine because I’ve only because caves and stuff I’ve I’ve never really found many diamonds I know some

People do find a lot uh the only area I’ve really guaranteed found a lot of diamonds is um what’s it called again uh deep slate mine shafts those have like pissed tons of times but I’ve only seen one once and that’s why Mojang never nerfed them because they just don’t exist

All right I’m doing well but yes it’s not it’s not the correct it’s not the smartest idea but yeah just a moment keep it to yourself you should smash this then we don’t need oh yeah to be fat yeah manga does smash babies that is

True okay I need it okay and he had these things okay Gray gray okay maybe he is smashing children oh my god oh get this guy out of here occupating your life in jeopardy I know but like sometimes I win sometimes I die but you know who’s smashing what now

Um mango is showing his um his inner dog in him and he he does not care he does not care if if it breathes he’s going after it it’s it’s he’s an interesting he’s an interesting individual Posh Smurf grind are you actually that’s kind of true that’s kind of true I can’t

Lie oh camera mods by that guy oh no not again interesting way to put it I mean it is true okay so now I’ve got to get roughly about 10. Subscribe thank you Hobbs for subscribing mate appreciate it okay I’m gonna drop no no no I’ll drop this because I already have another iron sword all right let’s drop that we do not need that I’m mining Redstone for two reasons one somehow I actually get a decent amount

Of XP from it to uh we’re probably gonna need a quite a bit for some of the Farms we’re gonna make later on so you know win-win situation so now the pain of the slog is continuing but I have managed to craft two of the expensive armor so that’s about

Nine in terms of armor remaining Plus I can’t do math right math right I’m just gonna assume we’re gonna need like bow about 10 more about 10 more plus probably of diamond new friend steal the bunch of stuff you might mean I mean it kind of is um

What’s it called again does cause a little bit of lag I guess on the ground but not very much right now so that’s why I don’t care because it’ll be spawn I have Golfland steal my inventory well I just can’t be asked to use it because like unless it’s all in like one

Area just like being so for something else you know all right so now here comes the uh what’s going on over there now here comes the experience the the diamond mining pain experience because I am not going to find a deep slate mine shot I I can guarantee you

That I’m just not gonna find one the Steel part yeah of course you know and of course you’re not oh yeah I forgot that’s a trick you can use if you don’t have a shovel it’s quite actually good to be honest it’s a good technique it’s got a double check we’re actually

Mining everything correctly oh I am 16 years old uh Hobbs yeah 16. recent recently have time to 16. recently I mean it’s not fully legal in the UK but it’s like you you become a major Miner so you’ve got Miners and you’ve got a major minor and then you’ve got a major

That’s the best way to describe it doc I should totally be a disc or Charm moderate my reasoning is that when bad things happen the other mods are asleep and the EU mods don’t do anything well I mean when ninja wakes up he’ll do something because like he loves that

He loves that stuff he loves that all right Let’s get oh yes I’ve got gold in my inventory well specifically raw gold so we can keep getting more of this if I find some apples I’ll turn them into gaffles otherwise I guess we can use this for Powers as there’s no TP so if there’s like a base that’s far away

Or something it needs to be connected then uh Power else are the way to go or an iceberg but I don’t know how we’re gonna get an iceberg England is suspicious true true major I agree I agree missed incredible oh yeah that is true Andrew’s a major he’s 19 then so sad

Is this single player what oh no no this is multiplayer I’m just quite far away from the village well not that far but like walking about like 500 blocks away which is not far uh I’m just currently um yeah pretty much anyone can join they’re just all at the Village

Currently right now it’s surprisingly quite peaceful compared to last room where it’s just World War I’m in myself Diamond equipment because I literally do not trust anyone I do make it so I can absolutely destroy them if they try anything funny there’s no way Andrew you’re 19. I swear

You’re like 15 or 40. there is just no way or maybe 13 if you’re lucky it’s got a few of these oh yeah oh no no I still have my redstone blocks that’s actually a good thing I guess um yeah do I have my crafting table I’m Gonna

Leave My crafting table here real quick just because I’m gonna need to convert some things there we go a little bit of that cheeky conversion right there um I actually need another bloody pickaxe oh my God gray another pickaxe okay you know what you can get turned into uh dark read last

Um well ninja doesn’t do anything until like three hours later because he also is sleeping and not getting up at 7am I mean I I mean I was gonna say I’m soon getting up at like seven but like because I mean I actually woke up today

At like 8 50 and I’m not even too tired like I’m slightly tired but not even that much so like I’m I’m slowly improving my sleep schedule it does mean I won’t be able to see I’ll go into the Grundy family with mango and friends at like

Three in the morning because I ain’t gonna be awake I’m gonna be like fast asleep but oh my God it’s actually life so nice when you’ve got so much more time oh my God I don’t even feel bad about me being up because like I don’t have to be

Like I’m like I’m tired at like 11 or something hopefully hopefully I’ll be tired at 11 because usually I’m not it’s like 2 A.M Electric Boogaloo uh bro don’t you have school no not until like well six full until uh which is basically just College um

I’ll have I have that on like the fourth of fifth so I’m kind of having to set up my sleep soon so then I can uh because I anyway have like some um interview and I also need to pick up my GCC results at my school so that’s pretty cool I mean

You can get them online but like I guess you might as well know what they are three hours early figure out what absolute crap you did a couple hours earlier than you probably needed to just cause why not bro me look I mean to be fair usually my school’s like this

Um we end in uh mid-july and go back slightly early September like barely first week in September um or half week in September uh usually half week because they decided to tell and The Summer’s back Thursday and Friday not this one though uh surprisingly Pinot me I just upgraded

The time please do because Ada’s gonna get thrashed like every stream uh this time I went like we got off early at June because like we compared to GC so our like first curriculum so I no longer have compulsory education but like you really can’t really get a job unless you

Get uh oh oh and uh some glitch happens so I’m just gonna save and quit real quick because uh some glitch happened as soon as Villegas joins everyone dies great so some glitch just happened don’t worry since that’s just happened I’m just restarting Minecraft yeah it just kicked everyone that’s okay is it

Bedrock only yes because I knew it was good yeah it’s Bedrock only usually I do cross play but um I could do cross play but unfortunately it’s really laggy mainly because again I’m still running on my expired internet because unfortunately if I’m gonna be able to

Get my new internet I’m we’re gonna have to draw a hole in our bloody house to get Fiber Optic Cables because yes that’s internet nowadays copy cables on and up it’s now fiber optic cables so yeah yeah I want the funny crossover yeah sadly Wednesday was not going to get

Added today it probably won’t be added for a while we’re still going to be expired internet for considerable amount because depending on what my parents juicy they will either just say no we ain’t gonna get new internet because like bro so yeah they start so basically if

You’ve got copper care bills on your internet especially if you’re living in the UK uh yeah they’re now rolling out fiber optic stuff so uh good luck we haven’t done Bedrock for like seven months yeah life better extreme that we did not not like the last one yesterday

I mean like the last last one one was not too good so that’s why and we kind of just moved on to cross play and now we’re back did you want to actually say I’m 40. no I to be fair Andrew I think you’re like think you’re between um

12 to like 14. maybe 15 if we’re lucky I live in EU region it might I don’t know if a fiber optic cable is good for the environment because if they are or something they probably have them in the EU and I’ve done it and I yeah I don’t

Know we might have had that rule implemented into us before the whole Shenanigans happened but yeah Fiber Optic Cables no longer copper cables no more so new drill in the house now I live in southern Europe all right you’ll probably be fine with copper cables for a while

You’ll probably find but for us apparently not it’s time to upgrade people upgrades grades people upgrades not the Vulcans are like all we talking like um Diamonds oh um no not Balkans so like southern Europe I mean I mean Romanian Bulgaria aren’t part of the Balkans but they kind of are Balkan

Countries like I’m sorry they just are uh do you live in Moldova um Romania Bulgaria uh what other countries there are that are in southern Europe that aren’t part of Balkans uh there’s not really many else Heather doesn’t like I think that’s it really yeah those are like the only countries in

Southern Europe that aren’t part of the Balkans if I remember well Gary’s a Balkan country Macedonia isn’t yeah Macedonia is like um what’s it called again it’s it’s basically Bulgarian it’s all it always has been it always has been guys it always has been I don’t know I’ve not seen MILF

Macedonia for a while um I mean from what I can see the only drama really gets into is uh with grease or Bulgaria uh it doesn’t look as bad as one can imagine definitely noticed even though it’s poorer than Greece it’s not as much of a in debt as Greece so I

Guess it’s technically richer than Greece father somehow I mean yeah monkey don’t you yeah that’s what it is that’s what it’s monkey some diamonds there not bad a couple more diamonds to go Spain it’s in Portugal being wiped from his brain oh yeah those are considered southern Europe really I’d call them light

I don’t know I just considered them West Europe even though like yeah I guess they are southern but they’re Southwest I guess I was thinking of South oh yeah there’s Portugal and stuff yeah um Portugal yeah I don’t know why I don’t register uh Southwest as South

Because I I I just don’t for some reason uh for me the more south and east you go at least in Europe it just seems like it’s just getting poorer yeah that’s kind of why logic I mean I mean apart from like Catalonia and stuff yeah Spain isn’t like doing

The gross if you’ve been to southern Spain it’s literally communism you will have never seen so many comic blocks in a non-communist country um uh oh I mean I guess you could consider Italy Southern if you count South Italy because it kind of is North Italy is

North Italy’s like chill and all that it’s southern Italy is it is a uh shambles as I would say southern Italy is a national tragedy so basically the the good part of Italy uh Mr Incredible because uh yeah poor poor stuff actually they they’re not doing too well apart from like

Was it Nate is it Napoleon napoleoni on Naples and Rome kind of the only couple cities are doing somewhat well in South Italy other than that are you from Serbia uh no I’m not I am uh I’m like I’m like uh English Welsh Ukrainian Russian and then some mix of Balkan

Countries that I do not know because all I know is that my grandfather on my um on my uh Slavic side he his family’s had has quite the uh migration history that’s all I know quite the mic I just know that we’re not from Moldova or Romania though that seems very strange because

Of how close they are so uh we will have no idea until I do a DNA test literally I I need to do a DNA test just to confirm where the fudge he came from because I mean like he obviously you need to go into Russian and like the

Russian and all that but yeah but like before that bruh if you can’t join me in austrous Century Northern Italy’s uh is almost perfectly south I mean Northern Italy and I guess Switzerland is also Switzerland Lichtenstein is also Central Europe um Italy is I would still I would say

Central Europe until you go to the south of Italy that then it’s southern Europe because like Italy’s kind of just split into two different places at this point I can’t lie it is basically just two different countries at this point okay that’s my crafting table I’m gonna Chuck this this this and this

And this all right we need to just get one to two more veins when we’re done I don’t watch the British watch the Irish instead monkey Donia bra no get them Irish out of here bro Ireland iron click off he’s effing British I know well I mean not fully I’m

Not I’m not Scottish so I’m only like mostly Welsh a bit of English definitely uh thankfully uh hopefully I’m French Hungarian maybe no it’s definitely not Hungarian it’s um because like not like the Mongol thing no I haven’t got any of that it’s um it’s it’s somewhere there I have no idea

It’s probably like a mix of so many different ones I cannot lie and again you crap but they hit demon Dragoon you realize because of the troubles they don’t really want to unify as much I don’t understand the IRA because they literally made it so Northern Irish people have like actually

A separate identity it was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen in my life they literally encouraged Northern Irish identity by trying to like terrorize them that’s probably the dumbest thing they literally did what we did like uh a hundred years ago to the light to the

Irish like it was the most it was the most raw moment thing I’ve ever seen in my life like I wasn’t there but like if you like see how it went it was so dumb they literally they they just stooped to the level that they hate so much I’ve

Never seen like it’s jokes because they’re like pushing like oh yeah Irish Ireland United and they just start fudging killing people through the stupid uh thing wait is why is Transylvania so Hungarian um I mean it’s like a mix of both it’s because Hungary used to be massive hungry like

Yeah the Hungary got like reduced so much hungry is like kind of big but then they just decided nah bro we don’t want to be hungry no more and I mean like fair enough I guess so they just added Transylvania to uh Romania because Romania was considered a better

Uh better choice to give stuff either way well thankfully now I’m done with my diamond mining at least for now I’ll probably have to come back here later when some BS happens a lot of Irish and Catholic people know relying still one unification demographic yeah it has been

Growing yeah I mean and also because of the UK doing a lot of stupid decisions like yeah I was not old enough to vote I changed the brexit which is kind of sad uh so yeah kind of we’re screwed for life now uh thanks to that so cheers to those bloody twits

Um yeah we’re kind of just screwed for life now because of them um yeah the demographic has been growing because here’s what’s happening the reason why it’s changing so much is two reasons one more iron more Irish people are moving there like Catholic Irish to some poor assistant some this is the

Rara but some do just like go back to their old roots some this is not the major reason but the major reason is because most of those Northern Irish they move to the like England Scotland Wales mainly England and Wales though some to Scotland as well uh actually you

Know Scotland is quite high as well they just don’t stay in Northern Ireland they just move so like yeah is also not British but Ulster is like bro they’re like that they be chill they’re chilling they’re chilling with British but yeah uh our Ireland is uh

It is uh it is suffering its thing but yeah uh honestly I can’t believe it’s just the whole the time of troubles was probably the dumbest thing if if like if that actually reignited when we left the EU I would genuinely just laugh because it’d just be like bro

No obviously people would die from it but it’s like bro why it’s like this is just not spawn he’s just not smart you were born on 24th of June 2007 but 4th of June 2007. nice while you’re like 12. I swear uh I don’t know why but I don’t really

Enjoy the Bedrock the same anymore yeah fair enough I mean Um like obviously I still have like the Nostalgia thing that’s why I’m not complaining as much like the whole Nostalgia thing is like coming back plus I’m like challenging myself with no TPS but yeah Bedrock um once you start getting like a taste of like because Jarvis got the whole like um

Because of like how you have to you can’t just Spam your way to Victory and uh there’s also a couple other features I can’t put my finger on uh that make bedrock just feel a bit more um yeah it just feels I don’t know if it’s a downrail just different don’t call me

Australian and make me call you whoa yeah I I agree Austrian more like Australian I agree I agree with that why can English do these changes uh what do you mean like uh what what changes wait what changes uh either way I’m not complaining I have just achieved oh Lord okay great foreign Like that and I’ll win it’s great all right uh should I take more sugar came back uh we good but yeah I’d say it’s because you know you know uh best creepy you know how like you like take longer on Java to get the same amount of things I guess you

Feel like right this just feels easy animals just a bit like that a bit of a downgrade in difficulty but yeah fair enough uh but either way this is supposed to be a Nostalgia run and also just to create doing quite well but like try and make

Like a proper fantastic Bedrock SMB well don’t think this will be the last time but I’ll probably last time for a little bit for at least a little bit um see I’m gonna head back real quick now the question is what do I want to do I

Can start making a cow Farm but the problem is is I don’t trust people foreign government I mean I can’t play um with uh with Germany before wait isn’t the guy yeah he’s still in charge right now doesn’t he have like a 63 disapproval rate um rating I what was the reason why

Germany’s slowing down I know there’s like an economic oh yeah you’re export driven economy that’s the reason why yeah your Xbox driven economy is just not doing as well yeah that’s all I remember like I’m not as well at all are you clampus oh yeah 100 like I’m

Just like his cousin yeah yeah like demented cousin bedroom gives me good memories dark we gotta go all the oh yeah we gotta go all the way with this but I mean for the UK I don’t know if our government’s complete crap yeah they’re definitely like like screwing

Themselves over but they have been put in a really terrible position by themselves by previous leaders and previous things so I mean actually yeah they’re actually quite crap but like I’m unsure about newer leadership because like they are literally having to deal with PS yet uh uh so uh good luck to

That uh yeah in Germany’s issues that the government oh yeah it’s yeah it is made of a three-party isn’t it like social Democrats greens and some liberals that that just does not sound like a good mix like yeah they’re all left wing but they’re all different sides of the same

Of a different coin um well I mean there are also says at the same chord but they all have very different objectives oh we just got killed by a phantom all right no you don’t be stealing my friend I just kill them don’t worry don’t be stealing my friend when I’m

Literally right behind you it’s not a smart choice don’t try it don’t try it have you heard of the US government well I mean they’re not doing great but they’re not they’re not as much of a it’s maybe because the country is doing way better it’s just not as much of a

Shiz storm right now at least compared to us let me eat this chicken what do you want oh is this your new improved base or oh no here’s this German bridge to farmland I mean if we can somehow turn this into Farmland that would be ideal that would be ideal I can’t lie

Hello hello um Germany that is true German is a country the funny thing is the social Democrats are doing the least of the bad things but still get the blame for leaving the Coalition bruh get them Libby’s out of there bro get them lilies they’re just too realistic idealistic

Like even a perfect world like them but like they they’ll be weird you just said was wrong like how bad are they doing why do you live explosive like how bad because I know I know they’re messing up a lot of things but like I can’t tell because obviously I

Don’t live in the US and I haven’t like seen as many bad things I guess as what the hell’s going on here like here it’s like a complete meltdown What’s he doing oh man well done East Coast urban area do you live in like a like a city or something if you mean like New York or something like that yeah I’ve seen the homeless problem that’s very bad um the Florida is Australia yeah well they just died now

Ah levels are in charge of the finance ministry so probably the hate spending controls the finances I mean it’s good that they’re not spending on complete rubbish but it’s also not good that you’re not taking some risks I’ve done this is actually getting built up what the fudge wow the slums are

Actually getting built up impossible slums built impossible literally I I can’t believe what I’m witnessing all right well I’m gonna try my best to stop all of you guys from dying real quick before I go on my uh cow Adventure and I’m going to actually I don’t know

Where I’m going to put these cows because here’s the problem I know for a fact they’re not gonna live because some idiots killing them uh so that’s the main issue Dark World Government um I’ve got more armor now well it’s not even bad like enchantments on this your drama isn’t all bad

All right so I just need uh well it’s daytime now I can’t really tell when it’s daytime but oh well I can tell this area needs a lie Jesus Christ we need a pig farm that’s true we haven’t done a pig farm in a while I

Remember we found like a pig spawn on like a priestessm feed but not we’ve never really made a pig farm that is true I got a pig oh we do have carrots actually I also need to mass produce sugarcane thankfully someone has been working on that

Uh so okay I I’m gonna Mass produce sugarcane real quick okay I’m not gonna use this anything for paper I’m just grabbing it right now to grow even more of it but when I say even more of the stuff I mean I’m gonna grow this in every area because we need that much

We are literally that desperate bull scrub taken I have free Iron Oreo bucket uh sure you can have free on just to come to me real quick yeah Bros are cracked unfortunately no this is uh yeah this is bad drug Acer man this is bedrock proper bedroom okay

Hello all right uh here’s like three Rowan because yeah I come back to cook it so I I can get that way more easily all right uh sheep over here no I’ll be good for the nether that’s not gonna be my main priority for a while uh it’s a wolf yeah this place

Is like suffering severely ah North Korea building wasn’t a lot why isn’t she’s allowed to build some fudge base do you mean that oh yeah I was thinking I forgot to tell uh scream about that that is true uh yeah and she’s can you like get rid of that

Please because uh yeah that uh anything creative I know that’s supposed to be an arena but anything creative nearby needs otherwise I’ll have to get rid of it in a minute uh so I’m gonna have to add slash arrow that right great can you can you get like a

Structure block so if you want to like keep it you can move it somewhere else because otherwise I’m just gonna have to slash air in a minute So then you can keep a bit I get demoted but he doesn’t that’s because he actually is doing something to stop Harker’s via ghost on his old account that’s because he has got a uh actual uh anti-cheat on but you weren’t doing anything so that’s why you got demoted you were useless completely

That’s why terrible okay I’m bringing you somewhere this way No I’m not at just everyone fisting each other this one trust me Vegas it will return to some fisting in a minute I can’t lie it will it will 100 return to first thing it will 100 uh okay well either way I know some people need armor so I’m gonna drop some

Armor in the chest real quick uh why do I have that Redstone still there um I have a lot of access I don’t know if people need Oak right now but I’m gonna I’m gonna do a little bit of help right now because then after oh there’s cows this way um

The question is do I kill the cows or make a farm I’m gonna make a farm somewhere decently far but like please do not kill the class or at least give me the leather because slimy this stuff is gonna cost a ton just to get this enchantment table Max uh maximum

This Max and Charming table is going to cost me way too much oh yeah I’m also gonna need bones to go and make this online great okay I’m gonna use barge to make the thing because I know everyone actually needs Oaks so uh yeah Yeah will I be able to play today I haven’t checked let me go check if I can unblock you uh I don’t know who you just can’t be on blocked for some reason so I’m just gonna check one more time if I can unblock you if the answer if Microsoft

Said Xbox says no Then uh just assume you can’t be on block then yeah you just won’t be able to play yep you’re still blocked on my days unblock sauce blue God can I send a message okay I it’s not sending any messages so I’m assuming it’s just blocked oh maybe not No way is it working it’s still blocked hello what’s he doing Uh is it working Me oh Huh so after if I when I do save and quit the world I might actually be able to add you now funnily enough so I guess it was just glitched yesterday what oh yeah please get these cars oh wait wait I’ll make the um I’ll make the

Crafting table right now give me a second give me a second give me a sec I could put them in the hole but it’s easy if they’re in like a uh Farm hold on hold on hold on uh hold them hold them for just a minute hold them for just a

Bloody second uh just a second just a second I uh crap crap crap um one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven eleven twelve Thirty fourteen fifteen you can somehow fit them in there I’m gonna make I’m gonna make two gates I don’t care if this is an oak gate

Literally just so it bloody works okay all right let me get one more gate uh gate uh okay I’ll expand it later I’m just rushing to get it done um okay Gates uh okay gay has been done yeah you can kill the Sheep if you want

We’ll make a sheep one in future you can kill that if you want but all right now we need to get some wheat and stuff um I throw a few more Bud fences so I’m actually gonna expand this by a little bit uh AKA just here really um

So they have one more extra piece of grass uh by the way you can jump off of the wall if you need to I think I’ve just discovered an infinite uh Infinite Space glitch hold on it’s not internet but I know I can get a lot of space from this

Yeah yeah I can get I can get a bit of space from this so if I get a piece of dirt from somewhere it’s like here But the dark oh there it is okay so I’m gonna get this piece of Dart I mean now that I’ve unblocked now that I unblocked you wait so you had blocked me so that’s why I could never so the reason why you couldn’t join yesterday’s because you had me blocked brah

You fool you fool you eat I will be saving and quitting the world soon just to uh allow people to be allow you to be able to jump oh my God this actually bloody Works what the [ __ ] the fact that okay no no no okay no it doesn’t work

Anymore yeah that’s as much space as I could get with that that’s fine good enough all right um okay well I’m actually gonna just leave this in the chest because we need to grow more of these so I add me quick that’s not how it works if I add you on

Xbox then we’re gonna have the same problem I have to literally restart my um I have to restart the Minecraft world for you to be able to uh like restart Minecraft um so did I unblock hex stuff on Discord new the answer is new I think I remember you

Sent me a message I forgot to respond to that sorry but no the answer is new um oh okay I’ve got fish actually cooking now do I have any more slabs here of course I don’t okay I’m gonna use um uh other forms to do that so yeah after I

Cook all this sauce I will save and quit the wild so then you’ll be able to uh more easily join but you can’t just got to restart it Among Us yes sambra uh bro don’t give Villegas what he wants he is no he he was no he was being bad no I

Wasn’t being bad he’s just being useless new if you mean like oh no okay so I’ve got some more fish that’s good I’ll leave this Kentucky Fried Chicken in here then someone needs Kentucky Fried Chicken it’s in the bloody chest oh there we go all right uh okay guys I will just save

And quit the world so uh give me a sec I’m not gonna give any warning because I’m unique so sorry if you’ve died and lost all your stuff uh don’t worry this will take one second I just have to close reopen restart and then reopen the world and then bam

Uh since I’ve saved in quit so that’s fine hello there sand how you doing yeah I saw you joined uh your Rainbow right uh made in C plus plus cool cool I don’t care let’s get there let’s get it up let’s get it all right so it also means that if

Something goes wrong we’ve got it saved either ASD how you doing man all right it’s been a little bit okay let me set max players uh 15 and let me add you sauce blue God now and you’re still blocked um if if you just can’t join I give up I

Literally give up I can’t lie I give up if you can’t join the man I literally just give up I can’t be asked I give off if you won’t be able to join after these invites I I give up I give up if you can’t join then it’s done I can’t

Be honest I can’t be honest I’m just like brah clearly it just does not like you all right so I’m gonna go and get myself a ton of birch because I know um I need to go and reef the refuel pretty much everything and that is the uh fuel sources no one’s

Really gonna be building with this I heard you sick or then you should be able to join then uh uh if you’re finally able to add me now then uh if you guys are join then as this crossbow did you give up SMP no no

No no no so the RF SMP is still progressing uh the reason why I’m not doing that for smps because um my person is hosting the server he’s on holiday right now so he’s taking the summer with him this does mean when it comes back it’s going to be completely

Rendered everything’s gonna be fully like everything operational fantastic like amazing but it does mean it’s because yeah ah there you go uh so yeah no don’t worry it is not being given up with uh yeah it is still going to Flat oh last time we did a fly or

Something I’ve it’s either got destroyed by a griefer it was like the xdo son who completely annihilated it or we got bored of it I think it was because of XDS now remember can you TP me to town unfortunately uh yeah there are no TPS yeah sorry frosted

You Are by the way though you should be and oh no I’ve increased the spawn radius have an eye yeah because of people complaining that you could get someone killed oh yeah I joined looking shot okay well then we’re good phew okay well then there’s no issues then because

The side still said you were blocked I was just like okay I left this that’s the I play my hardcore into Life smba we’ll be back sometime early September I’ll actually have an extra view free show mate appreciate it all right yeah sorry I just have no TPS on this uh uh demon

I’m being like extra Mega Nick like no TVs so then everyone is forced to be slow could obviously are the Future No Way on TV hmm things are actually getting built surprise surprise all right I’m breaking a little touch for a couple reasons hi

We need that cow Farm to be going so I’m gonna start growing a bunch of um wheat and stuff to get that cow Farm going oh wow there’s actually a piston of wheat right here well let’s go get the other stuff going then all right let’s chuckle this in there

Also some barge if you need some also here’s like uh quite a bit of Oak if you need to build with it uh okay well I actually need a lot of wheat right now for a couple of reasons but good reasons three plants are obviously foreign people who don’t play the game

Um what do you mean who who’s not who’s not playing the game what do you mean what do you mean by that If you mean for lag reasons I mean they’re not moving very much so it’s kind of all right I mean that’s if we’re like really struggling for um like oh I need torches around sir Who are certain logical choices pass yeah that dude that does needed around the area Don’t kill the cows since they’re quite important right now oh by the way there’s a car right here if someone needs a car Ry food free food and Friends if you need free food and friends there you go what RF wants AFK tracks I mean I could

If it starts getting laggy let me know then I’ll do AFK jokes but like yeah for the memes obviously for like the the OG time so we’re struggling for uh uh struggling for um spaces but we could do this for lag I guess that’s what you mean I’m just going to continue uh

My thing uh oh what the fudge there’s a lot of free wood here whole 45 blog oh gloves like my God have so many you know here you go here you go man here are some oak logs just for you just because I had that many because someone

Just dropped literally a whole stack there for some reason I’m not complaining huh oh yeah No we need we need those cows new new we need those cows we need loads of them when we go in Crossville Java uh two weeks from now we’re five SMP uh DC can you add gone mods maybe to an s p I’m all right I’m all right all right okay

Bro you know these things cost way too much foreign execution time I I did find John it could be a little spectating crayopher just to watch you all please do we need someone watching people we need people stalking even though we’ve got and she’s already doing

That one as well just more people are stalking all right there’s lots of food like over there if you need food or anything like bruh I need these cows to bloody grow because I need the bloody um leather Oh join us like oh yeah that that is that is how you get mod Andrew oh someone’s torching off Sully’s base again oh sorry are you just are you just not gonna sort out the fire in your page okay he’s just like nah bro I’m done with this

Bro come back your base can still be fixed just need the bloody hell to put out the bloody fires in your face oh my God all right everyone I’m gonna go who even torched your base I need leather please and she’s what are you doing Uh I mean that’s quite normal uh yeah there goes your house are you trying to are you like still hitting people oh my God and there goes all the bloody carrots I mean you should probably move away but I’m very unsure about entries because did he even get that legitimately because if he’s doing that like I’m sorry I’m gonna have to replace him in a minute I’m gonna have to replace him in a second if he’s using creative to burn

People’s faces because that’s not okay Our Harrison Diego’s uh uh since she’s in Vegas they are not safe in the earth oh do you mean then oh unknown or do you mean uh survival so I’m unsure oh my god get this guy in here oh There’s been reduced to ashes oh God The norm the normal Earth SMP experience uh either way there are six carrots in here um I’m gonna leave some more batch in here plus some more logs uh let’s put this Redstone in there ah well yeah I won’t remind people that the last crossblade non-earth SMP what even worse than this

Oh my fudging God I’m going to exit whoever bloody killed the other cow I will genuine when I find out I’m executing them when I find out who it is I I will I will kill them I’ll make it a priority I have non-enchanted uh thing uh uh thank you thank you best creeper thank you all right uh okay animals because apparently people need more bloody food um so great I’m gonna need to Now find another bloody cow foreign ‘s actually built some trees out here very nice we need more sugar cane anyway

I very much doubt that VA guys I know I know you hate Bedrock but it’s not going to I got like Mega one I agree how to actually pronounce it oh no I will need sheep eventually but for now I’m just gonna kill them until I find more cows

Yes and I found another uh sorry I’m just gonna kill them because I need more chicken don’t need a wool right now yeah we need food that’s all we need I am bringing you back though oh and I’m really hoping he does not jump into the water with me please don’t

Well done dark shots oh oh no no okay no he knows how to swim somehow I never knew cows knew how to swim foreign can chill but no but me know every 10 seconds I’m being harassed but I mean you do hit people if that’s what you’re

Doing then I mean you’re kind of asking for it I mean I can’t lie I don’t know if it’s just me but like bro kind of asking for it yeah I I I would recommend I would recommend because otherwise efp people will take it into their own hands I can’t lie

That’s what people usually do I I swear to God do not bloody kill these cows I actually have like high grains trying to like sort these cows out they’re actually so annoying all right okay smash each other thank you cheers okay all right I’m gonna cook some food some

People stop bloody killing cows you kill one you die don’t try it Oh people are very desperate for food I will start making some what’s it called again uh slabs here’s a slab I’m cooking food right now so if you need food I’m cooking it don’t bloody kill the cows though because if you do I will make sure you keep down

Because obviously it’s legal to do so but I’ll make sure you keep dying uh because I cannot be asked of this all right there we go some more chicken is being cooked there you go food is being made my friends I did nothing literally nothing in SDI

Just defended me because cats kill me that’s all uh seems about right yeah I mean that’s what people do already that was fast no oh my God I hate these little kids oh well he just became he just he just grew man what the hell okay he just grew

All right okay man relax relax bro you just grew man what the hell I killed the cows no I just want a game of survival on the fittest on four guys it was a stomping grounds final round All right I’m gonna go get more I’m gonna get more animals uh for you guys so you bloody stop bloody don’t touch my house that’s all I’m asking I’ll get you guys more food just don’t kill the cows because oh my God or at least give me the leather when you kill them

I don’t actually kill them right now there are not enough it will take way too long to bloody regrow all of them because yeah I do need that much bloody uh leather also use the bloody crops that are also being made all right so I’m going to uh go and get our summer

[ __ ] some more food but yeah very nice Mythic man foreign I have some work to do when I get when the s p is back I gotta work on my mega base well just make sure you don’t piss off Earth Sully because trust me he he will

Come there he will come there I mean yeah he probably would try and walk with Posh to make sure the base is gone so I should probably probably don’t don’t don’t don’t try and piss off absolutely that’s my personal recognize I don’t know if he dislikes you or

Anything but if I remember his group had a little bit but it’s nice and people won yeah the RF SMP yeah proper war and all that all right I’m Gonna Leave This here like if it grows very cool if not that’s also all right all right okay let’s uh get some more

Coal going because somehow I do start running all this stuff so yeah I’m getting more food for you guys so okay there’s another cow that I’m gonna go get that cow in a sec and I’m bringing back more pork so I mean I can’t really be complaining if more porkies are coming back

Let’s bring that little car back another work I did for foster create a friendship you sure bro I mean you never know could be friends forever or bro or be fisted wait where the hell did this cow go let’s just count just despawn man what the hell oh so I’m gonna kill these

Horses because they’ve got leather in them so yes I got a bit of XP but that was rubbish ah more pork great more pork surely people shouldn’t be complaining about food when this much food is about to be brought back yeah I pissed ton of foods about her a comeback so

Obviously if the cows are killed I’ll stop doing this and you’ve got to thank yourself laughs all right I was basically I just keep all this for myself because look at all that I got a stack of potatoes nice um I’d say replant a couple of them

Um apart from the ones you’ve already replanted then we can like keep improving like the uh the amount of yield of food because yeah I’m I’m like getting a bunch of food from just killing a whole crap ton of animals like look at all that I mean obviously I can

Go fishing but that’s like nighttime thing I’m doing that because right now there’s not much else I can really do apart from grow my cows so that’s why I’m saying do not bloody kill them foreign food so it’s not worth it really I mean if the cows do die I’ve got a

Couple names on my list they might not be responsible but they will they will die that die is the facts so don’t bother because I am bringing food like you do not understand how much food I’m about to bring you just don’t understand so much food man oh my god let’s go

There’s a lot of cows now good very nice more more I I demand more grow he fat cow oh there we go all right come with me if you want food because I’m about to start cooking it so uh get ready for some food all right there’s some food more food over there

All right well here’s some food being cooked uh some people clearly are not tracking this uh look at this food’s being cooked if you’re looking for food there you go food is being bloody cooked uh so don’t bother with that all right there we go boy what you want

All right there we go there you are easy dumps foreign to be bloody packed full of these guys before I can yeah there you go hurry up man all right there we go all right either way all right carts here’s like full fish it’s like behind

You there you go man all right we’re going to start cook I’m gonna start getting some fish regularly because honest it’s nighttime’s a regular mobs aren’t going to be spawning as much although the best creeper all right uh hello there aura uh how’s it going I’m doing well man uh how

About you aura there’s no choice okay it’s directed to what I was gonna be in the uh smpf so then Russia supports and I can maybe get you abroads uh Theo guys is gonna get double pounded out there poor guy I won’t be asked to like do much since I think that’s gonna

Be a Slaughter I think Germany on its own could already probably beat just one guy but I mean if the image again goes and helps I think that’s Overkill so I don’t think I’ll need to I don’t think they’ll be needed for much assistance oh my God it’s dream no way I’m fine

Thanks is great too um what was that oh it’s just a salmon you keep it mate you you you you you keep it all right here’s what I’ve got so far you you enjoy that took a lot of stuff come on because at this point the only thing I

Really got to do is bloody get sugar cane going oh well uh whoever’s dog you name oh and there goes you know me mate yeah well done Lads well done me well done yeah it’s not the smartest move to do that trust me they will uh they’ll

Make sure you do not are not able to be uh able to play if you do that don’t don’t kill someone else’s dog when they’re literally watching you it’s not the smartest one I call a lot it’s it’s not smart it’s not smart all right

I am getting quite a good amount of fish because I’m getting the salmon which is really good like color’s all right but salmon it’s different Hollow that silver I think so this is pest creeper he’s just using silver skin what the [ __ ] a damn man uh more fish oh what’s that

Oh I just picked up another fish well then uh who needs a uh who needs he needs food man you still need more food you greedy toilet you want the rod all right here you go if you use it on me you will die so don’t do that but if you want

Infinite food there you go oh I need those oh guys hello hello all right also more armor is about to be added to the chest hold on all right one more armor armors be added to the chest uh who the [ __ ] just putting that on that all of that

If you need food there’s more on there all right there we go looking extra Jazzy right now oh no no no no no who opened the who opened the bloody cattle oh my God which one of you twits did this oh my God no oh I’m gonna kill someone I’m actually gonna genuinely

Kill someone if I see any of the cows are dead if I see genuinely any of the car if I’m not able to recover all the cows a few people are gonna die in a minute don’t you dare anymore Because oh my God I cannot be honest like what you see oh yeah I love naked troubles die bro oh look I will take Vengeance for our Sally and cheese if you if you want if you want me to I’ll take Vengeance for NG’s at five something

If you want me to I will do that I wouldn’t recommend it I wouldn’t risk it my friend I wouldn’t risk it I’ve got I can pull on diamond equipment if you really want me to [ __ ] it was me I broke the fans I’m clapping your cheeks No get out stop trying to abuse operator you’re out all right well now I’ve got another pass and he’s fired see me I guess don’t worry I remove people who are abusing operator get out we don’t have people who do that don’t worry don’t worry you see viegos

You don’t you don’t risk it you don’t risk it that’s like that’s because he had some use but the uses uh become a more than the cost so uh he actually got removed oh my God that’s the goofiest and then I’ve never seen B Tech ninja before I

I’m quite concerned I can’t believe I’m looking at it there are blocks of Glowstone and got stuck yeah that’s because like you’ve had no use but then he pushed the line over his use and then he got removed because he started using resistance and I was just like We love ninja games I’m going to cost just guts oh well there’s a cow that died but at least I got a lot of that all right we need to make more of these for just Unfortunately they are bloody blow fast enough slow twist We could expand this far a bit um [Applause] okay just found it a little bit this way not by much but just by a little bit this way just a little bit this way and then obviously by the sides and stuff did that like 20 times if we did nothing

That’s the first time I noticed it I’m blind you know but at least remember this anyone that gets removed from operator like that they never get operated again remember that ever again remember that so yeah I know that might not be much use it just means even when like a cross place

But I mean that’s kind of understandable so yeah nothing to uh over spectacular you said I was a loud you line bastard when given give me give me a clip give me a clip because I know I never said oh you were allowed to I literally told you to move

Your creative items and stuff no I never said that I said you’re allowed operator to watch for people and therefore being spectator to watch for people continue growing and what do you do you’ll be let in eventually by far so you’ve got to set up your time and then

Second AK until the next time I need to save and play and then uh obviously yeah dark if we would don’t obviously never assume never assume something unless I directly verify it because otherwise you’ll pay the price remember that huh I just love living in this slummish destroyed condition

Doc I’m not gonna admit I mean like if if you were let’s just say hypothetically if you were why would you admit it like you would go to prison I mean some people would just like the hell of it but why you’re gonna get fast for understandable reasons and you

Deserve it you get you would get beaten because live bro that’s like that’s like wrong like what you’re gay I get this man out of here I just laughed bro like why wouldn’t you I just don’t understand how come I’ve experienced some criminal activity last night oh no what happened what criminals Oh Diego space is not laughing you I say just if you really wanted to ggiers I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day um I started off my late uh my last shorts oh God Roll Another common War s [Applause] uh oh no that’s only for a swords um unlucky I guess we don’t talk about that bro you look you looked like you either looked really wasted or you looked Spanish I don’t know what to say sure all right thanks cats thanks guys okay I will come boy see you

Phoenix though I need to honestly be watching my uh GT PD by Phoenix Germany Town Police Department closed huh what do you got ah okay you get some equipment all right that’s good yeah golden helmet signifying police yeah you know well I actually kind of agree with that

Even though that’s very cheap it works because it’s very very cheap did I like not even go you look you looked really high you look like you were in the sky foreign Oh it’s on breaking too oh I mean I’ll keep it because I don’t have a bow but it’s it’s rubbish oh it’s rubbish I have arrows I piss ton of arrows but you know what I’ll take it uh or not do you remember when doc do you remember when you told just spawn

Every pass in a different location I mean I kind of have but like obviously they come here for obvious reasons I mean but if I do that then everyone will eventually converge back to me like Jesus that’s us that’s just how it’s gonna work unfortunately I believe I need to read um

Oh a 50 year old he was 22. wait was he the fat guy was he that fat guy yeah I saw his Johnson it’s it’s tiny like bro how does he even have the balls to show that bro that would be like something you’d take to a grave

Like I you know if I had it like that I’m sorry like I would I I would not be able to live with myself I I cannot lie I cannot believe the guy is genuinely like he didn’t only get like a three-day ban same as solid if I remember like bro

I’m sorry he looked like he looked like he just recently co-hosted on my 600 pound life like oh he was big and not in a good way I’m sorry he’d be eating up all them NHS puns if he was in the UK he’d be eating them all up

But in front of 15 year olds bro get this guy and get this guy in the literally the Israel thing bro get him out of there basically it’s his supported YouTubers that promote gambling and various websites to Children against people who know how fudge they are so like they’re supporting their

Favorite YouTuber because of blind loyalty ah cringe I used I actually never did that but I remember like one time only felt or something like that yeah sorry mass quantities have any more wheat yes oh my God read the rest I’ll read that I think I did oh no no I haven’t

And when confronting him in VC about it he admitted to dodgingly harassing someone in real life yeah he see he seems like that kind of guy yeah makes sense I actually feel odd talking about he belongs yeah he belongs behind bars I can’t believe he was allowed to

Roam he’s allowed to roam free bro he doesn’t deserve that three-day ban he deserves prison for life wow bro how how is he even allowed like owl I mean I don’t think he goes outside so that’s probably the reason why I never been arrested but still he said after crap

Too wait can you can you give me an example what he said like say no disc golf is really messed like a really bad nonce like when I say nonsense I mean like he’s probably an 80 to an S10 once like he he was announcing

All over like some kids like oh my God like he he was bad he was by like oh my God like I don’t ask to tell you he’s just bad for all like what is this how it’s supposed to look like yeah I fixed the bridge check so I’m

Gonna move this tree because like it is in a terrible space uh okay trust me we’re gonna need that in there anyway uh Johnson’s everybody everybody put away your Johnsons yeah the owner of rocks was defending him on uh hell no man get this man his real restraining order oh sorry you need

Them oh yeah just refund replan these bad boys wait let me replay these bad boys thank you thank you for your service we need to keep replanting them because trust me when I say once we start like the proper um enchantment table and book type thing trust me

Everyone’s gonna need that sugarcane so for now it’s better just to start growing large quantities also I need to feed more of these cows because oh my God they need more bloody Foo these fatties bro can’t they just get like two can they not do a two for one deal where

They like get two kids for one piece of wheat I was punished as soon as the issue has come to life all right look you can clearly tell he’s never had a social interaction outside like I’m sorry bro was scared because he knew he he’s done wrong

Can you see this yes typical yeah a lot of your messages were directed to portion I was very unsure if you were talking to me or Posh yeah um you should do it that the common war is so worth it I’ll just join it we’re talking about basically Poshmark Grundy

Family they went on a server called rocks they found a very weird person AKA nonso AKA a very he doesn’t he basically does very bad things again um and also just the regular people from Arkansas um and so yeah they found him uh they talked to him and he yeah that’s basically yeah

It’s not looking good dark DMS all right I have I have to ask you something oh yeah sure ask away steam steam unlock first DJ you can just unlock it oh yeah you can I wasn’t on you you I don’t know if I I’m gonna say do what

Mango is saying if you don’t want to spend money because multiplayer does work on it God’s plan by Drake oh my God yeah he does do I’ve seen the murder on my mind with that remember he’s saying about touching up someone that was sleeping Rob

I don’t think he I think he’s just like hallucinating uh manga because I don’t think he genuinely I I don’t think he’s been outside he said it’s okay to do it in game but not in real life okay yes okay yeah it makes sense so he

Wasn’t able to do it oh my God this guy clearly does not go outside bro he is literally living in a bubble bro what the hell what else did he say for us odd mate that is odds yeah he he definitely did not have a good he

Definitely doesn’t have a father I can’t lie or at least a loving father Jesus Christ he’s clearly not gonna love him I mean I’m gonna have to be Israel with you you guys live I learned to whip as Johnson yeah that’s cap yeah this guy’s like a child he’s he’s literally a man-child

Yeah I can’t lie he’s definitely a man child yeah no crap he would tell you to delete the evidence was really bad like really bad for him but nah don’t delete it bro fight back whip out your Johnson too but nah bro that guy needed to go in

Jail put it put him behind no bars bro get him in the bar it was Panda megal wait they actually banned people who do that impossible I’ve never seen that I see so many of those old men strugging their Johnsons onto me no I’m not whipping out my oh yeah I’ll

Whip out my Johnson there you go oh here we go oh my God it’s electric look at that Johnson everyone look at that that is Trulia Johnson I’m dog singing because it’s funny bro please do it no balls wait no no wait just a mango I know I know it’s a bit

Mess I know it’s a bit messed but like he’s also a messed up person so I don’t feel bad about it um mango try and get money out of him what I mean by that’s like literally like literally like give him his location in his DMS and literally tell

Him bro if you don’t pay me this to a very like a crypto or something like that he probably he probably has like crypto uh realistically he seems like that kind of guy um trying to try yeah try and get money out of him literally and then like leak his location anyway

I can’t yeah I mean I would get taken down in one minute I did an Omegle stream on this channel it got taken down in about I remember the exact second 51 seconds because literally the second guy I went on he he was stroking the chances

He has an MC gambling server I then is perfectly legal doc you’re not reading bro where is your messages am I on top yeah I’m on oh where is your message bro where are they I can’t find oh who would win in oh there it is we don’t know

About you or me bro I can’t freestyle to save my life so probably you actually yeah it depends it depends here’s the thing if I know a decent amount about the person I definitely could freestyle but promise I don’t know much about you so you’re definitely gonna easily clap

You probably know more about me than I know about myself so uh yeah yeah you’re probably gonna win realistically unless I knew more about you I wouldn’t like really bad things about you I would not be able to win that because then I’d be able to come up

With some like sauce Rhymes and stuff because it’s very difficult if you don’t know much about them because I’m always just like oh your forehead’s big that’s it that’s literally it and then that’s the end of it it’s like bro come on man I mean what I’ll be saying is that

You’re a child but then like if you know what you’re doing you could literally easily clap back with like a couple of things bro don’t work anymore I need dirt that’s how this rabbits do they distract even though some of them are absolutely trash then they’re like brah they don’t

Know how to ride that Ghost Rider MC gambling server yeah no he definitely no here’s the thing poshmuff he’s he’s scamming kids he’s doing things to kids my personal recommendation is this literally Ransom him Ransom him I do not care I’m sure like the law like bro I’m

Sorry if you’re like a police officer or someone from the law agency if you genuinely do not agree that like he loses all human rights like I’m sorry you’re out of your mind like bra I think I think legally mango you need the money he does not clearly just just

Get out of him he really lost I know because he’s a man child like a bro he’s clearly not developed past the age of five he’s literally a child literally he’s not being outside he’s literally a man child literally get this guy out of here

Get this man get this Giga out of here bro you know my b day wait I kind of forgot actually sorry don’t forget the whole rap battle that he did on Ninja’s title oh yeah to be fair I did freestyle that okay yeah okay now to be fair I did I

Just wrote down what I said I I had to like remember for a bit so some of the bits I actually instantly remembered yeah actually to be fair I did free stuff that that is true I did actually freestyle that well again I just thought okay that is true

I don’t know I I just I was just like okay all right if I just do this I’ll be done with Ninja’s video and I just did that and then yeah like I can do that but oh God I don’t know how I did that to be honest I honestly don’t

Um you can still lose a crap somewhere if if they get a semi-confident lawyer even if there were nons are so dumb bro like no but if they don’t know anything about manga manga’s got VPN it’s fine they won’t they’re done if they’re gonna be able to assume they don’t know where

The hell he is before they know he could be in Bolivia actually if mango moved to like Russia or something how the hell are they gonna get him like let’s be honest like he you look manga you can realistically extort him just obviously send it to like something that can’t be tracked

That’s all I’m gonna say and then yes you can extort him for a lot of money because he clearly is a very illegal person and does not deserve his money because he’s been scamming kids he’s also a very bad person to kids uh like really bad so I would I would personally

Say there should be no moral oh oh sorry wait you’re building here oh wait this is on purpose oh wait oh wait this is on purpose okay I’ll leave that there so rap battle at some point I don’t know how I’d be able to do that move to North

Korea I mean yeah actually yeah I mean look here’s the thing depending on how much money he’s able to extol then you know was it big no it was Bloody tiny he’s bloody it was it was literally tiny bro like I’m nah it’s just oh it was just honestly disappointing he had nothing

There was nothing to show like it was just gone it was just pixels man it was Bloody tiny like oh uh it wasn’t that small I’d say like three inches best like I I can’t lie it’s definitely like at most 3.5 at most yo yeah yeah

You do that do that do that all right okay I’m wearing diamond armor because of that yo yo wait give me a sec normally asking for your snap oh yeah you did ask for that bro I don’t give my snap to people I don’t know like that in

Real life man I don’t give my snap to people I don’t know only give it to people I know in real life look at my location on that I know I can turn it off uh I’m gonna invite you Jim and mango and Posh to compete I mean I don’t know

If yeah I don’t know if I don’t know if that happened I I can’t lie I mean Ninja’s been struggling to even get any of them to do much I need to do that uh I still need to do that Bloody debate which I keep not being able to do yeah nice

Personalized in good skills oh basically um yeah uh mango and Jim uh well I don’t know about Jim but mango and Posh and stuff they went on a circle rocks and they found a actual genuine non like a genuine like 100 he was also like a man child

It was like he’s a really bad person there are will will definitely will give me a snit will 100 give a snippet of my information just to see how it goes you will 100 do that so if you want and you can ask him but yeah because he’s a bloody Twitter but I

Mean I don’t know how you’re gonna do that he’s like he’s he stays clear all right hello there mango I you I just make sure you don’t do anything uh encrypt our facts really any people you can now enjoy us you can now enjoy life enjoy enjoy being God for a bit

All right uh okay so I need to go get a wheat now because I’m kind of running out on wheat so um okay do we seriously not have any wee or anything um seriously our eyes are being used for the cows right now I want to show that photo don’t worry

Bro anything in the DM stays in DMS unless you want me to share I’m not that kind of guy unless it’s like really important for something Who died what is this what’s that Spider Man uh who died huh just a genuine question who died died So it’s cats all right cats come to me I’ve got your stuff I will kill I’m gonna I’m gonna religiously kill this guy where is he I I’m killing this guy I’m just not gonna let him play he’s like well we don’t want those types of people

Oh yeah be careful about the creeper Tommy try and take out that creeper I’m killing this man all right there we go he’s gone phew there you go we get rid of those knees before they can do very much oh yeah relax dog is a dog yeah relax dog it’s a dog fight out there dog is for someone else oh okay yeah

Sorry because I I still haven’t done ninjas thing yet with Ethan I need to I need to make that time soon actually I could probably do it on Thursday or Friday because um because I’m anyway gonna be quite like busy in the morning and afternoon

I’m gonna be a little bit tighter so I could probably actually do those like my side quest I have an idea of your staff is because I’m searching your name up yes and I saw a bitmoji that looked like you send me a pic send me a pic I’m just genuinely

Curious you might have gone the Chromecast and then yeah sure you can hand me if you find me actually it should be not hard to find it really shouldn’t it really should not be hard to find I’m gonna be real with you it should not be hard to find oh he’s back Our friends back where is he where’s our friend I’m not gonna We’re not gonna let him we’re not We’re not gonna let We’re not gonna let this guy We’re not gonna let him be out we’re not gonna let him I’m not gonna let this guy I don’t I

Don’t trust this man at all sorry I don’t trust this man Thank you I don’t know two weeks ago my one Mojo got the ability to unkick people wow that’s gonna shoot all right I’ll stop killing zono now if he like stops being unique but if I catch him up now he’s stealing from someone now okay never mind okay never mind I’ll

Just keep telling him please put if you’re a criminal I try and get this guy in foreign I’ll let you know if it actually is oh no that’s not me I’m not called Daniel Evans 10. uh I mean he’s got a bloody beard I mean I don’t know how you so that’s not um I love that sauce uh yeah I don’t know you think that’s uh

That’s uh me but yeah other than that If you be chill if I catch you stealing I will I will keep doing this until you eventually leave I’ll spare you but if you if I catch you doing anything then I will Because obviously it is legal obviously I’m just uh I I I’m just using proper martial law to do it uh don’t forget to record yourself with Discord audio and face cam on and tell Ethan oh wait is this gonna if this is recorded on Discord then it’s fine

That’ll be easy then all right we need to um yeah let’s get some um wheat going yeah I need to I need to get more seeds going because this we we are not producing enough cows right now we need to get way more cows than this

We are we haven’t got enough cows right now excuse me in here bro Israel oh great well done well done well done I need to get a uh oh don’t I um yeah Java Conjuring sorry did you do cross play yesterday uh yeah we attempted it the reason why I didn’t do

Cross play is because um yeah my internet’s expired still and I won’t be probably getting new internet for ages mainly because uh I need to now get Fiber Optic Cables attached into my house because that’s how internet is going nowadays apparently they have stopped using copper cables so now

They’re doing uh well at least obviously like some companies are still obviously doing complicated they’re just not as good deals and stuff and so yeah oh good uh uh you can uh you can have this mate it’s nearly uh broken but it’s still trident yeah wait that’s I’m growing potatoes

But also let’s grow as much we as we can as well yeah let’s grow as much wheat yeah wait can you play some down real quick dark just kill anyone that punches you oh yeah yeah no but to be fair that’s a very small idea because otherwise you’re

Gonna get in trouble if you don’t do that you’re gonna die because that that’s what happened just a second ago when Zone uh when Zone will try to Trident if you don’t do that you’re not gonna you’re not gonna live I don’t think you understand you’ve got to fight back

There are no rules defending uh you if you are getting uh if you’re getting killed so you’ve got to fight back can I get that trial and you just dropped up well yeah I I mean oh sorry I’m giving you the nearly broken one uh next try

And I get I’ll give it to you yes because I just kind of want this one yeah sorry it’s because it’s because it’s not nearly broken but yeah next one I get I’ll give it to you there’s your effing diamonds God damn yes but you realize they can still do a

Piston of damage yeah it doesn’t matter still gonna do a pissed on a damage you know Yeah diamond is good yeah I know I know I know it’s because I still have this iron armor once it starts cracking I’ll instantly be going to uh Diamond gear because I’m still trying to get more bloody cows going and I need more sugarcane because I need to I need to

Max out an enchantment table and get a piss ton of bugs it is the thing I do not want to be constantly replacing bookshelves on the enchantment table so if I have to do that I’m going to be kind of like I can’t lie replacing workshops of Sonic a blind eye

Dog DC DC DC DC Lads okay I’ll give you a clue I’m not known I’m not called Daniel oh my God that guy looks like an emo the other guy ah I’m gonna give you a clue I’m not called Daniel Evans on uh on um on uh Snapchat

I’m not I’m not called Daniel Evans like I’m called something like resembling Danny Williams but I’m not called Danny weapons so boring you should play gags 3D instead what the hell is gex 3D bro what the hell is that bro what the hell is Galaxy I will eventually maybe add some people

And stuff the reason why I haven’t is because like yeah location and all that I mean Khloe I mean Dr peanut you’re closer you’re closer my friend you’re closer you’re closer that’s like significantly closer than uh What uh uh uh we are building up because yeah now I

Can’t really be going on like the diamond grass because I’ve got enough diamonds now adjustable I can’t really spare any right now but I need to get my uh gear going I’m gonna have I add a cracked on around and see if they have your b day

I mean you realize I found another person with my name that has the exact same D-Day you know I know someone in real life that has a similar video exactly but I know someone on Snap well I don’t know them on snap I like I saw that I’m not searching on Snapchat that

They’ve got same birthday same name same birthday not exactly the same name on Snap but like like with the same name I guess in real life I guess like yeah class and last name all right let’s continue the mass production of sugarcane no I’m not

No I’m not that one then ever no okay I’m not in Tan Evans on all my days man Now now your father and Dr Pino I don’t want to stop I haven’t done nah I flipped around a little bit more be a bit closer why the dozens of half top down trees uh that’s because uh people can’t bounce to cut the whole tree down yeah that’s

Literally the main reason hello there ted bear no way your bedroom I’m playing on Bedrock impossible impossible impossible oh yeah crap I’m also gonna need to get an XP generator that’s another thing we’re gonna need to get so yeah we’ve got the cows we’re getting the sugar cane we’re getting the cows

But one thing we do need is a walking XP generator and also nether travel which we haven’t mastered yet clearly um I’m gonna go to the other side and farm even more sugar cane I found your Instagram I think I did or just send it to me on DC

If I did I still haven’t bought the change the bloody name of it I need to but I still haven’t and how are you stalking I don’t know if yeah yeah I guess it’s quite the uh welcome to stealing your identity yeah they do that quite frequently

It’s quite concerning but uh most I’ve never really even come close really we need to build an iPhone an iron farm would be good for and bills I can’t lie but I’d say was it like there’s like a gold farm that also works as an XP farm if we get

That then it’s two in one I’d say it’s like a two-in-one thing because you get the XP like literally you don’t even have to hit the mobs you literally just they fall into mine cards and they die the obviously again you need a lot of iron um looks pretty good

So we need to get something like a good XP farm going that probably an iron farm and a golf one if we can get the XP in gold from like done as like one set one entire uh thing life would be so good life is good

Oh yeah I need to put that on top of Fred give me a minute um yeah I still need more torches all right trust me it’s xxxtent Evans oh you know I was tempted to name myself that but no I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t I

Didn’t just for the pure irony of it I I wanted to there’s tridents Minecarts they use trident’s Minecarts and don’t do anything what what do you mean what what what are you calm because it doesn’t allow entity cramming oh that’s a rip okay there you go you’ve known me for so long

Yeah you don’t know my uh my b-day that’s honestly sad I’m crying right now clearly I’m so sad I’m Gonna Leave This on top of here just because why not why not screw up time to restart server maybe soon uh let me find your snap real quick thank you

Huh no oh I thought I mean they have got whales but that’s not me their face clearly is not but I respect them being Welsh and name that okay that was Green oh that’s Andrew child escaping me all right don’t let the children go away but yeah trust me we yeah we’re gonna

Need a lot more than this because here’s the thing we’ve got to make them um we’ve got to make them produce a couple kids before we kill each of them just so we can uh just so we can keep the population large enough so we can actually get enough of

Bookshelves uh whilst I bloody killed him is actually my b day today happy birthday it’s closer to Dan because it’s really short but not exactly imagine if Minecraft was real life that would that would be very gamer as I’d say that’d be very gamer gamer the how oh I put a torch on That not too bad with this I can’t be asked to check if I snap I actually use it for my real friends stop doxing yourself no not that no oh God yeah yeah it’s not it’s not it’s not 100 you guys going to try easy dubs for you guys easy dumps You have a bitmoji yes of course I do I’ll give you a clue I’m wearing professional Welsh drip I don’t mean a flag Vegas what huh oh you can take the iron out of there oh what oh wait what I didn’t know that wait what so if your thing’s about to break you can put it in there and recycle your iron oh my God that’s actually really smart oh okay you can’t do it for trident

Okay you can’t do with diamonds you can only do it with iron well you should get in like for like 200 blocks that’s because we haven’t bothered to actually make like a um uh like a proper like area to put the sugar cane in we just we just added it

To the Sea because it’s easier yeah that’s pretty much the reason not nothing else really oh someone died too great uh try not to die though I’m gonna try and increase the all line everyone’s bloody dying in this area uh when we’re having toastful so I

Can just scoot right around and not take anything and I have two iron I really don’t have really much iron I can’t lie I’ve got like five pieces I don’t know if I can really spare any iron right now ah yeah actually some have more diamonds than I

Am but I’m not gonna get diamonds because there’s such a painter guy go to her why level 15 my friend all right Um sure putting a bunch of torches around because clearly there is a uh quite the crisis all right as bunny is no the bunny is on Fred now yeah someone made that I can’t be honest it’s gonna be Danny the foyer that’s 100 my name yeah that’s my name that’s my

Name [ __ ] you I just got a nugget you don’t get a full Winger Oh Oh that’s oh that’s never mind that’s terrible never mind I was thinking how does no one thought about this yeah but no okay that that that that that explains it considerably why no one has done that

Bro are you serious right now bro is really new oh there’s two spiders two big spiders on their way all right we need to get large quantities now like I mean so much weight I’m also killing these mods for XP because I’m struggling dark one can I come over

I will come back with my money I hope you are in your next will cow on the trash Farm you sucker well okay all right mate okay I don’t think he’s happy I don’t know why yes give me that stuff are you telling me with this many

Saplings ah it’s time guys oh also seeds dude Foreign mines because at this round probably not going to hear like an OP pickaxe before I have to go back to the eye mines oh don’t mind if I squat that leather Don’t Mind If I Do this is for the public enchantment table do not worry

All leather is welcome so I can build this bloody enchantment table because like all my days do you know what it’s going to record it’s not Dr peanut stuff what that is November of course not A despawned on Dr peanut is your stuff the stuff in the water because there’s a lot of decently expensive stuff in the water that seem like yours are over here yeah Dr peanut it’s uh don’t know where you are but it’s like this way answer my question I said no yeah guys

Uh yeah he’s gonna try and guess it like I mean there’s way more possibilities than that but yeah anyone’s selling a house out here oh okay wait why is Dr Pina getting slain by sascot whoa what Dr peanut get over here now quickly quickly quickly it’s all over here

Quickly there’s some stuff over here Dr peanut hardy hardy you’ve got one minute quickly there’s stuff over here where you going go please there’s also a shovel over there I’m gonna go get that shovel just for you because I think there’s an enchanted shovel yeah are you Dr peanut because I’m just gonna

Hand you back your shovel hold on where are you at here you go I’m gonna drop it over here here it is what whoa why are you Dr peanut just give him his stuff is anyone selling a house out here I’m trying to I’m trying to figure out there

Are any houses oh yeah there is uh peanut real estate I don’t know if he said oh no that’s his real estate business yeah I don’t know is this one for sale ee Town Court free house yeah here it is here it is it’s a free house

It’s free it’s a free house uh live here until uh until uh Dr Pina is able to get you a good house for sale by Bam Bam who the fudge is Bam Bam ah well I don’t own this but uh who who the hell is bamban I’ve never

Seen a guy called Bam Bam join I asked you what I was then and I stopped and I I well if we don’t know who it is then I will uh then Dr peanuts uh I will give four iron to Dr peanut though uh and

Then it’s yours yeah yeah I I will do the sale then ah for Dr peanut oh he’s here okay all right Dr peanut you do that then that’s also my house okay I was gonna say I was just gonna give you the four iron whatever you charged for it um Why the fudge is my inventory fool again oh it’s because that’s a lot of bad in my inventory gray gray sorry I killed Dr peanut I thought it was someone uh someone’s house bro Ted bats just put in prison but yeah explosive if you’re wondering

When I will be doing it it will be at the next hour I will be uh saving Oh whoa we have we already have the oak stairs here why don’t we use them all oh yeah here’s like a fishing rod for someone okay all right um okay either way if you’ve got wheat please hand it to me because I need to keep feeding the bloody cows and also please

Keep replanting all sugar cane I’ll be upstairs uh yeah yeah kill them kill them actually yeah first of all the leads are very good second they give leather you are you’re actually a genius Tommy you are a genius thank you for doing that all right we’ve now got two leads

So I can I can bring we can get more animals more easily such as you’re actually a fantastic apparently that’s breaking the rules now yeah no basically what it’s um it basically explosive is technically lying a bit uh basically what he was doing was he was giving himself benefits through

Giving himself resistance to compete in uh actual survival and stuff because he was salty that he was uh assaulty when he lost uh and so uh yeah he was basically uh cheating so that’s why so he’s been uh with other people uh yeah and if you do not believe it it is

Which I think you can believe but he’s like hello there deadly how you doing man yeah I’m doing well uh all right let me continue with this but yeah because like you gotta be doing that otherwise I would be doing that it wouldn’t be very it wouldn’t be very good would it

Isn’t that what I’m doing the whole time I’m getting resistance no but the difference between you silver and him is he’s actively using that resistance to fight people with so basically giving himself guaranteed wins because he lost yeah he is going out of his way to go gay men

People with that that that’s the major difference oh it’s it’s fine I was just die explosive as being demoted that that’s pretty much even if that was like happened like an hour ago yeah if anyone’s questioning why the sugarcane farm is like circling around

The entirety of the uh of the SMP do not question it it’s not worth it dude do you not question why there is so much random hours I could just well then I’d pan you permanently at least for at least a while yeah but you shouldn’t be using operator

To give yourself competitive advantages in PvP just because you’re lost yeah is this an island I think yeah oh yeah I still have to destroy this because it’s a little fake uh give me a minute after I refinal This I Gotta action some people might call me insane for

What I’m doing right now with all this sugarcane okay well I’ve got another choice but to break all this because there’s anywhere in Creative it’s too close to spawns I’m not gonna I’m not gonna test my luck by doing air with this I’m not gonna test my luck

Assignment status going to Simply break it all in Creative so I need to learn let’s just get rid of all this I couldn’t remove it because I don’t know what yeah I know I know I know I know that’s why that’s why I’m not doing slash air as well that’s why I’m

Breaking it manually like this you can’t really if you do slash air I think you know what happens well you know because you didn’t do it clearly it’s a good job on you I’ve got to be careful here not to accidentally break uh natural blocks it’s a bit difficult I can’t lie

Oh accidentally did just that crap okay no it’s fine I had nothing anywhere in this area it’s fine okay well I’m gonna need to anyway put this away because that’s obviously normal I thank God I have nothing in my fist a bit risky doing this because I accidentally like destroyed my

Survival event sorry with this all right it takes a while you know unless it takes longer to build it all I think but apart from that I accidentally broke that so oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

I want to get rid of this I picked up some stuff off I spawned and it was CAD stuff and I didn’t realize so you started hitting me when I hit back he said I still so I gave him the stuff I’ve been in prison actually then put in

The community service then imprisoned again yeah see it seems it seems about it seems like a DCA Community classic I can’t lie yeah it seems about right uh I might free you in a minute but I don’t know game in it where should we put the fisting Stadium

We need to like build it like legitimately so I don’t have to body do this uh definitely we can’t run this since the center is kind of uh I’d say on the either the other side of the Riverbank or like a bit more deeper into the islands that’s my two recommendations

Okay I broke the accident oh my God uh hey Dennis help me please build a boxing arena let’s try and like make I I wait let’s try and make it like super big like you know you know like those like proper stadiums looking thing like super big okay let me uh game my

Survival now okay since I was around this area anyway I’m moving there for 10 minutes oh my God you literally reminded someone’s three times I put him into make him work guys make him work make him work guys make him work okay no emeralds for all this

That’s quite tragic okay all right mate that that is terrible that is some terrible loot man all right all right so until some more um wheat is grown I’m probably going to continue fishing fishing ah screw this copper in here bro you can’t replace polished and this with uh

Uh Dot save me I’ve been there for 10 minutes the suffering must continue suffering we need guantamo Bay oh yeah yeah let’s do that come on we’ve got we’ve got we’ve got we’ve got space for that come on bring back one more molar oh my God

All this just for some wheat to feed some bloody fat cows yeah it is eventually going to become copy of copy of copy of copy it would be so cool it’s so epic guys oh my God what was that bro I literally just lied the thing had like a stroke

It started stroking thank you guys cows trust me we are going always there like a back door cheers This will actually make it slightly easier [Applause] That’s good my chicken noodles and my pizza I’m very happy Go cats Please hello I’m only gonna stop killing a couple once they’re all packed I’m gonna make them have kids before I start like the mass genocide would it be better if I had a mini Wheat Farm yes yes yes I’m still gonna grab the weed but yeah it’s because like this is

The next major task getting a Max Level enchantment table for enough books that everyone can be not in uh in trouble and then the next task is going to be uh then the next task is um getting an XP farm going fun does not work as a gold and that so

I guess oh no wait I remember no no I remember to make a gold Farm actually on a Bedrock I don’t know how to exactly do but as a kill was doing it like the whole obsidian and staff see you can still do that okay if someone needs some equipment uh

I don’t know who needs equipment right now but there’s a full set of Enchanted leather armor here if anyone needs equipment come here there’s like a full set here because of this and also it is full durability so if you’re looking for some full set equipment come over here

Full Star Equipment over that all right all right oh so here’s like some food and stuff what’s this already oh yeah no this is usually I do have a server but this is actually a world so basically um so it’s Minecraft that drop so all I need is your Microsoft username so mine’s

Transfer 596. and that is well off door even before it doesn’t really matter previous anime dog sorry for not being very active but I’m mapping bro what the hell man what do you mean by laughing I’ll get this guy out of here that is hurting my ears now oh my God

I’m gonna switch out everyone Check Discord uh simple XP farm tutorial but here’s the thing but it will be good that’s the problem this being good XP farm that like works Jeep affordable and fast housing I put you in charge of that Dr penis you are the only one who can only go somewhere like that really quickly

I probably could make Jeep houses but not very uh not very uh pardoned ted bear for funny I pardon I I pardoned Ted there do you know what he is now a free man AK modern Chinese architecture lovely that’s all we need in life that’s what we need not gonna invite wait could you give me your full name at all because I don’t I think I’ve got you at it but I can’t remember if I don’t have any anti x-ray it won’t

Work I don’t know if it was working bro I mean I need to see if it actually does even work in the dean foreign Imagine Right now how much worth the fight I don’t have that much high-end deadlier I don’t even I I literally don’t have any Iron Man I really don’t I don’t have any I’m poor I don’t have any iron you know I really don’t have any iron but like bro I don’t have I

It’s better if you get your own start so I can join maybe but right now it’s still not time yet I wonder why what you wonder why I betrayed you as a song yeah exactly that’s why I get rid of you Problematic that time there was no reason this time because I barely he didn’t even have really a reason to even justify me I um Uh yeah this is you I don’t even need to ask this is you so you [Applause] so you man so you yo ninja ninjas ninjas is two fish Now normally I would give a bucket but again I have literally no one I I again the problem comes back down to I literally don’t have any I am literally poor it just comes back down to the same problem I am so poor because I need to get this thing um

Nice job team oh what the [ __ ] you got me with that why did you not kill him I thought you needed him or something bro otherwise I was gonna kill him oh no okay no thankfully since I’ve got iron armor that does like literally no damage that literally no you don’t need a

Splash out potion I’m all right I’m all right I’m right that was actually easy to recover from also I’m struggling to even get a single fish here’s a fish by the way I keep moving rock roll that was an IQ move we forgot from a guy walking fishing oh yeah okay cards

It works like a charm laughs don’t kill them witches bro things be wrong right now hello but why does everyone have to hit me like bro take a med kit all right cheers all right here’s some poisson don’t want the plus oh that’s so sad crying Emoji right now I’m gonna Chuck

Some stuff away though all right bam you know what who wanted that trident from me I thought was that sauce blue God or something another try and if you want I’m jumping this in here uh there’s also some more fish for any hungry fudger

So I need to get XP and we haven’t got an XP farm um yeah we need to get those cars growing Christ and then I guess I could either keep producing more sugarcane or switch to um yeah I’ve got I’ve got a couple I’ve got a couple choices I’ve switched to um

Is this Coquina no it isn’t it’s just it’s just not uh that was literally a one shot all right there we go execution All right I think it’s anyway due time for a uh save so I’ll give you guys about one minute and then I’m Gonna Save so when it hits three past I’ll save That was so easy I didn’t even have to really use my eyes to rotate if I get off right I know I’m good we don’t need that I’m good all right either way uh how many minutes now seconds 10 seconds After I go over this whatever I’m fishing right out oh close don’t do anything too Goofy Give me my fish give me my fish give me my fish thank you I mean I’m gonna anyway be saving all right I’m gonna make a quick copy of the world real quick I’m gonna go and um I’m gonna go uh dip for a bit bro who the hell is that guy over here guys all right you’re like I’ll be back

In a minute I’m just gonna go to take a d uh was it a tactical uh to spend a tactical Penny right now a tactical panel changes oh did my game Crash huh anyway good guys back I’m back everybody I’m black uh give me a sec just getting Minecraft

Up okay actually I should probably restart Minecraft one more time because I made a mistake I also forgot my Captain um all right guys oh is this original capturing that when it’s lit okay notice it is okay good boy I’m gonna drink more water anyway Okay cool why no no everything’s fine uh we’ll just do that slash let me do something that’s game mode thank you Foreign you can do your job as a spectator without really need operator you just need spectator really thank you thank you talk your cameras in 360 mode oh okay I I think I think Mango’s losing it again I don’t know why all right Dr peanut what materials would you need

For housing because you’re right now I’m just cutting down trees because you know but uh what materials would you need for this cheap affordable house it knows the question okay all right let’s get a bunch of work with them cheap affordable mass quantities of Oak

There we go I think I’ve just cut down like half a forest just now that should do the trick all right um whilst I’ve got down half before enjoy uh you seem like you need some power before you jump off here is a gift uh also just because I want to get rid

Of some stuff and enjoy Ed I’m just like I’m not really meeting up but you’ll need that for something you’ll definitely need that for something that’s all I’ll tell you it’s more being turned up can I show you where to put the enchantment table yeah

Let me first the act of uh well I don’t actually have to deactivate Court uh it is up here yeah yeah sure I can’t actually TP to you but where are you oh here you are sure all right before I do that though um

Uh I can I just kill you just to check if you’ve got anything new inventory sorry I’m not I’m not trying to kill you for like just I just need to kill you just to conf oh you have resistance slash effect and uh everyone clear and she’s specifically clear foreign

For free in this economy yes all right okay how full are you now [Applause] sorry best creeper I’m not gonna be able to have you into this guy dies or I’ll just lost him nah it’s fine it’s fine oh okay that works too I’m just gonna shoot him once and that’s it

How the hell did you remember that unlucky for you man I have a good memory for some things my I might actually have a really good memory I’ve just been lying to you about me having bad memories uh okay so here here this is where you want it okay um oh what how

Did you manage that good place to put it you’re right I have no idea how you get done yeah oh I have oh I understand now I get it ah okay that makes sense ah this is a fantastic idea though the question is how do you get out

It’s a good quite it’s a good question on how to get out the top one oh like this oh okay Ah that’s sick yeah that that that that does that does work huh that’s sick all right well we just need to get pissed on the leather though I am

Uh I’m uh nearly halfway there with the amount of leather I have just without killing any of the cows yet though yeah getting more uh sugar cane going would be very much Although they’re Atomic banana have we already brutally murder people remember that I’m not a very nice man oh yeah that’s what I was gonna do so I didn’t think we were gonna hit 16 players but we did so great whoopsies all right shouldn’t go any higher than that though

Oh wow I don’t feel that much damage oh looks like I have no other choice but to anyway switched it down here in a second foreign ERS for two hours and uh yeah don’t worry man I I’m more than willing I’m more than willing I’m more than willing

For the entire Street just to be a fist fight because trust me that’s what I’ve had to do for the last couple I’m going kind of used to it so I mean we we can go if you want true Andrew true foreign to get back okay I might I might be fine

For the rest of the stream then if that if it takes that long for you to get back I only have to have to casually have to think um I need more bloody kids from one of you get me more kids More kids all right but they’re going past the game for five sakes they are Dude okay I’ll feed all these guys All right get me more of these guys How did you get through whoa huh oh they can get through that oh no that’s terrible up in the gate someone allowed to help me Help me Then all ready to be harvested yeah boy already yeah [Applause] trust me we’re gonna need way more before we can start harvesting some if you need food go get up there are so many other ways to get food left so much food in the chests if you need food no there’s always plenty of food in other

Areas do not go for the cows foreign I’m not joking there’s so much [Applause] ah do you want to be running again or something thank you via guys I I seem to have found your cousin you you are you are legally allowed to bully that man as

Much as you wish I I literally do know mine if you want to bully him you have like my full my food you don’t really need that but you’ve got my full um Harry scriber um full permission even though you don’t really need permission I spawned like 200 blocks away that’s

Because people ask me to turn off the spawn radius to Max so then we stop having spawn kills and that’s why and it’s very effective because it keeps you away I’m gonna reveal that guy’s depressed retro why in the bioluminescent plants not doing their light in the case bro the

Tumor to this world that is the slum is spreading we need to if it does not conquer the whole island that is a major L we’ll see one more kidneyons okay so I’ve not been focusing on chat for a while oh it’s because of the Andrew and other things yeah because they’re

Talking to each other they’re dogging dog dog face came up there oh yes because it also broke that’s also why it actually fixed itself my chat huh I’m gonna double check you know technoblade yeah you mean you mean the the Minecraft Youtuber the Minecraft Youtuber friend yes I I

Have indeed seen it I I have not in real life but I’ve indeed seen his videos yes I’ve seen this man actually to be fair I I will admit I was never really like a big fan of stuff mainly because I’ve never really watched many of his videos oh I can’t lie I

Think apart from his leg from like 80 or nine years ago I watched like yeah his death video um that’s all I’m gonna say I mean I mean from what from what I heard um in one of his older videos he had like a choice between like gaming

Or amputating one of his arms and he chose Minecraft so his arm was worth more than I guess the most of his life was one of his arms so sad yeah he’s gone now Doc I don’t have a life so I can’t do it for a whole year

What do what for a whole year what Universal we living in He needs to join in me join in man the whole program oh I don’t need Jim uh no no no get Jim out and get Jim out my inventory to eat more fish there’s more fish down there All right here guys may here’s some food food behind you oh well it’s now in the water now but yeah I mean there’s also some fish up here all right well VA ghost just so you don’t starve to death I will cook you some food over here oh all the fuel’s gone huh

Oh there’s the rest of the fuel I was wondering what happened to it another saddle for anyone that needs another saddle oh here’s a fish that’s undercooked like you don’t need the bloody stuff raw man it’s raw bro what is this intellectual bloody conversation I’m gonna have to go Diamond gear now Here is my uh here’s my old anger ah good luck I’m not having to switch to full diamond gear now great And also let’s get ourselves a diamond sword just because uh we are going to I mean the remnants of your house has been turned into a farm I just realized huh that’s how desperate we are all right I’m gonna leave that in there I’m going to also leave a tripwire a

Hook in the Ten of these and then just call it Ninja I’m gonna go and get myself a lost sugarcane real quick I don’t know if I only use this or I might continue a bit more back it’s just I’m curious how much um no reason for us while I literally joined like 15 minutes ago uh makes

Sense I mean usually I’d be like what but yeah and she’s just being like that for a bit now so it’s kind of normal now I’ve got a potato for some reason well oh and I just destroyed well done DC well done this here oh there’s a sword here ah

That’s a good bit around there whoopsies all right um doc can I have permission to take ted bear on the military costume yeah sure I give you permission to do that do whatever you wish for said that uh also Tomic as well you can do whatever

You want with him as well so if you need if you need if you need walkers for the good of our a bit of this uh country then uh yeah go and uh go and grab them they are more than willing all right over some goddamn cows

You know I got rid of your operator for many different reasons you’re abusing operator you realize that you were literally using resistance I don’t know if using resistance against us bro you could have been literally doing that as a way to uh if you’re salty as a way to win brah

No that’s why you don’t have operator advantage I don’t know what you want from me and now we have a police force nice remember you can beat as a plea obviously as you may know police brutality is legal here so uh you can do that as you wish

I swear I killed way more skeletons than this yeah the sugar cane production is uh getting real right now if I grief I’ll be banned no though everyone is going to make sure you cannot spawn in game again yeah trust me that’s what happened to zonal and other people earlier even via

Garcia’s especially at the beginning of it uh SMP was uh so I mean it just means do you want to be able to play because you can you’re not gonna get kicked or anything it’s legal but it’s just like everyone in their power and their mom is gonna make sure you can’t

Have a good time that’s it but you won’t get banned obviously because there’s no there’s no rules against that [Applause] another gold helmet these guys keep having gold helmets for some reason and then that let’s continue with the sugarcane holiday Peach um what uh doc does the s p f rules yes there are two in the description one is common sense the second one is um okay

Really want I mean you’ll die not right now not until I’m done with my sugar [Applause] s banished from the town uh he cannot come up for the rest of this the next room okay I mean uh to enforce that just uh get a little I guess

Don’t think engine is going to show up in court yeah I don’t think he will but I mean I mean I guess you could say like um the Court’s power I guess is that you become a Target the police can brutalize you and just get killed on site yeah I

Think that’s kind of its power okay yeah I’m putting I’m making sugarcane like a weed it’s literally everywhere now every Coastline has got large quantities of sugar I’m gonna make some in um not indoor but like regular sugarcane uh either way yep um okay some people are trying to go

Near the car sorry uh uh peach I’m gonna have to postpone it for a minute someone’s trying to kill the body cows why do we have a radar we have no villagers All right Peach if you want this 1v1 I mean people like the rage you realize I mean you might be able to cause Carnage never mind let’s kill the raid first oh this is good Lou oh I’m not complaining all right okay uh this this is great Lou never mind um yeah sorry um uh yeah

Thank you actually and cheese for this because this is bloody amazing Lou thank you so much thank you thank you because this is actually good oh oh far just kicked everyone out now all right that that’s basically a cue for uh Greek uh saving and quitting and then uh restart my MC

I’ve gotten so used to doing this now whenever whenever that happens I instantly do that now I literally I’m just like yeah there we go actually no I must leave it up there oh no no one’s really questioning that now our raid’s gonna be gone no it won’t

Don’t worry trust me it won’t trust me this is kind of light yeah it’s like 20 people in the bloody game and my internet’s like dead so no look trust see just uh make sure you’re uh completely ready because of the uh the raid obviously no The Raid isn’t gone

Um it’s still very much here oh there you are these guys are fat Emerald Stacks my God I’ll take your ax be ready though because the next round of the wave is about to commence now I might as well have this out might as well have this out uh

Do I have a regular stone song all right here comes round two everyone just hope it’s not Underground we need to fix the police station exploded Ogden and she’s blow it up oh zonal throws steaming from oh that’s good iron armor good okay I’m taking that uh by the way Lieutenant here’s uh

Here’s at least a chess play I can’t we’ve got a zonal all right these guys are strong basically everyone needs to fight together because bloody hell can you only really fight one at a time I’ll really be 1v1 yeah there we go They’re All Dead also these emeralds are

Really going to help us out find all the Flames he’s trying to burn the bridge but that’s easy to fix all right guys he’s dead now all right cheers for the inventory and cheese cheers uh don’t worry about that uh that’s all free inventory space now

Bro that was so poor he didn’t even break anything and he lost his entire event sorry that was pathetic that was Bloody pathetic it’s dark good at the end because I have to be for this one usually I don’t care but like this one I kind of have to

Okay there’s also more uh even uh also ninja here’s some more armor by the way oh never mind you’ve got armor yourself all right um I’ve got some leggings in there if you need some oh no you’ve got iron leggings oh yeah I forget they already give you on against the uh [Applause]

I don’t know what happened how is Dog the first or full diamond because I grinded yeah it was it wasn’t it was quite quick actually uh I also have all the diamonds I need to get in the enchantment table and everything else running so we’re about a blitz technology through that all right

All right hello and cheese oh I spotted that name and I was just like as much as I enjoy killing uh the raid I want to at least deal with you first all right kill and cheese by the way what the hell you’re doing um and she’s launched a raid on us but

I’m not too I’m not complaining that much but basically I keep killing and cheese kill on sight oh crap doing no damage to the guy oh my God Slaughter fast yeah we did it we did it my friends all right Here Comes rounds whatever now up here here they come they’re coming from

They’re coming from the sea they’re coming from the sea blast them all right I’m also terrible at aim oh my God what’s going on what’s happening it’s going all over his head what’s going on oh he’s dead I keep going keep going about three times and no one has said

Anything about it I consider it a win brah that’s not good so which above sorry ninja there we go yeah we’re out of the eyes oh crap okay well I’ve got diamond armor I’m enjoying these emeralds because once we got a mending villager this stuff is gonna help us a lot

Oh damn that’s some strong poisoning huh there’s some strong bloody poisoning Did you bloody just kill the bloody cows bloody element either way I need to go down oh crap no crops I need to drink this potion of instant Health right now oh that’s not even much health I’m Gonna Save this world Bowl I guess I’m gonna fill it with four and put it

In a chest because I think we we’ve got a potion stanza oh bloody hell yeah you’re right uh later uh later waves they become bloody brutal but let me save all the bloody crops I’ve just got bloody nuked by someone I’m gonna try ripping all the props

Bloody potatoes for some reason this is not the most funniest thing the video I’ve seen in a while not the most common not the most commonly person I’ve seen thank you definitely not a pro communist my God All right doing damage control right now well that’s better I know I know I was like all my days I’m barely healing I was like I’m actually struggling here but wake up bro who are you God man wake up hey wake up man you know you should probably wake up sometimes

I’m doing cleanup as well as um as fighting the bloody raid I’m doing clean up crying What’s atomic yeah you should start running man you should start running run running geez come come on start running come on and cheese you gotta run man you gotta start running come on come on and she’s not running fast enough I’m Gonna Get You run a bit faster man uh by the way if you see and she’s kill him on site okay thank you yeah if you see entries make sure to kill him since he’s been sent back a little bit quarter Villa archers oh of a new Village okay

Um yeah try and bring some of that stuff back because like yeah cool something’s burning oh is that tree oh no guys bloody pull out the fires put out the fudging fires right now Right now why do they got blizzard steal they’re trying to find the black trees down but they instead find the bloody oh my God what’s going on with the fire right now but you can’t even put myself out find about the trees but okay all right

So some of our buildings go a little bit torched not too much but a little bit um try and make sure it is not directly connected it’s nice bloody dumb right this will need to be fixed after the rain I guess unfortunately right comes first but also make sure you check where on

Cheese is if you see entries kill them on site if you see and she’s focus on him if it’s the last thing you do though even if it’s the last thing you do focus on focus on entries yeah wow more equipment more equipment So yeah if you see any cheese make sure to kill on side oh my God there’s so much stuff remember the leather is something I can’t complain about oh also have to make banana as well let me see him as well you might be only just going after me so maybe one idiot You know for a fact I’m using this holy crap half the village has been murdered run all right ninja don’t worry here’s a helmet lucky helmet lucky helmet hat go go I’m checking if some of the villagers be torched while uh while everyone is fighting on the front lines oh that’s just Twitch TV ah he’s a relevant I know as I say that he’s gonna come try and kill me for that insult So these are the free cheap houses Oh my God see this is a slaughterhouse nothing hopeless my God we’ll find like five people at once right now my Lord although we’re getting a lot of saddles though a lot of saddles which is this that’s good I also some and there’s also a lot of

Random iron helmets by the way tracker under bridges and stuff because some really I tier equipments under the bridge and stuff let’s go check out all that okay um yeah I’m gonna put the efficiency one thing and put the stone pickaxe in there I’m gonna take out that uh let’s take out that

Gotta replant some of our Goods because a lot of them got bloody destroyed oh we won huh I’ll complain that was a lot of fudging uh we’re significantly richer now because of that and we are now uh now let’s look at that uh positive what’s that I’m breaking two not bad no

Bad Ox all right all right well I might as well just start chopping down a bunch of trees then to get rid of these axes I guess just how powerful this afternoon so all right let’s start dropping some trees on all right I could probably fix this I don’t know

Oh yeah like you losing it that is true I mean if you did have operator you would um but no all right here’s another saddle for anyone I don’t think we’ve got any horses so it’s a bit about to use this but you know what all right we need to

Now start focusing on rebuilding foreign you got the purple stuff on it nice not bad how much we is in it yeah not bad three weeds added to that thing’s best creeper bro bro women chanting around yeah no he’s operator don’t worry just don’t just don’t piss him off that’s all that’s my

Recommendation that’s my recommendation but I don’t know how you’re gonna manage that when he’s a knob I mean creative eye okay so then okay so a couple buildings got Sound fire those might need to be fixed ah they’re over there not not too badly as we noticed it I noticed it thankfully

Instantly that could have been way worse if I did this like my cheers mate for fixing all this all right [Applause] another woman saw in the distance my God I think I know this belongs did yo whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s this about what ah so we’ll go burnt down because I’m gonna chop down a lot of trees down here oh it’s already been repaired okay good

To know all right well I’m gonna start getting a bunch of vocalogs anyway because I need to get rid of some of these axes yeah let’s go all right I’m breaking two and the right let’s get rid of the regular ax first if you want a 1v1 you’re gonna die you sure

Okay three I mean I think I know what you’re trying to do but that’s just oh yeah you’re a bit of a need for doing that trying oh well thank you for the leather though oh you want a fat ton of leather all right I’m keeping that for the enchantment table public enchantment

Table don’t worry Once we figure out who the hell’s doing all this we gotta your snuffle back there by the way Stop the fire what the fudge are you doing this okay okay be careful about ninja stuff don’t worry my inventory is full so I can’t pick up any of this thankfully okay I’m heading to the top to put out the rest of the fire it’s gonna be a bit

Difficult for the rest of the fight to start the ball oh God I’m barely holding it off bloody trying to spread okay I’ve stopped all the fire stopped all the fire stopped all the fire put myself out in a minute okay I put myself out uh okay oh there’s more

Bloody push it oh you twit oh no no I’m not staying in that that’s a Slaughter God I’m staying at uh bloody hell and we’ve got we’ve got these things hold on let’s grow these bad boys throw these bad boys there we go I don’t need this string right now oh my

God you need us all right make sure you carry by water just to uh knock them out it’s true killing your goddamn men I’m not the one killing them they’re killing each other you can go back on stream I never hit them once they’re hitting each other

We don’t smile what’s this sure right chest all right well I’m gonna I’m gonna drop off a bunch of stuff in this chest then I don’t know whose chastise but I enjoy oh there’s more equipment over there well there’s not really a shortage of equipment I remember that one I got that

From scratch okay well either way let me start fixing some of this start fixing all this crap there’s a law of roads that need to be fixed yeah it’s on the internet yeah thank you for killing Atomic banana Vega Let’s try now clean up shop son of a bad leader I mean I I give them autonomy now tell Villegas to get my stuff back uh in a second because obviously he’s still dealing with stuff um your vehicles after you’re sorted with some stuff can you uh can you and Tommy in it

Follow me so we can uh hand back some stuff because realistically it’d be better if we’re not fighting at least like some people I don’t care because obviously and she’s Atomic their main goals are disrupt uh his problems but after you saw us touch TV vehicles uh yeah

I need some help no I he tried killing me so I killed him why was he doing that was this during the fire or was this um or was this doing other things When during the firearm was blind on hitting each other but remember me three years ago we played at Corona at Corona Corona oh okay oh yeah Corona oh yeah oh yeah um wait that that long ago wait what was your name back then bloody hell I didn’t

Have many people back then my God here’s a girl wow those are some food donations mate those are some food donations all right yeah some of these houses are absolute shambles but you know what all right I need to go and start getting more wood because clearly we need to

Start repairing some stuff also I need to get other things what do you want if you’re asking for some stuff I literally have nothing yes what do you want have you heard oh no I don’t know where this is going if you can give some stuff back at least

A former truce with each other I’m not I’m not sponsored bro I would let you do that if I was sponsored by it with no VPN I’m not I can’t if I was I’d let you do that I’d literally give you a whole segment fire more fire bruh find out who the

Fudge is put that pepper off of me pull out the fire Oh that fire got put out easily if you see someone saying something alike execute them at once this is a new SMP yes hello there exod oy what do you want we need fire fires if I had more iron I’d give you a water buckets but it’s a bit

Difficult have you heard of ultra kill now trash oh wait you mean Ultra kill on Steam oh yeah someone in my computer science class couldn’t it was just only talking about that yeah I I I I do know a bit about it Anna tried to release the cows uh yeah

Atomic is bad kill him uh and she’s an atomic are top priorities and terms of kill them and if I could maybe maybe joins on my own maybe as well all right is XD in the ozone pad XD and sweaty are new uh yeah XD for this reasons and uh sweaty as well

Oh no no XD was banned for x-rang if you remember Dr peanut on that s p he was uh if I was gonna describe it he was down bad because he got killed uh by in the Netherlands so he gave up and then decided x-raying and then yeah the rest is history

Yeah uh even he knew and he was just like all right okay I’m done yeah actually wasn’t repeat to the fans but yeah he did x-ray again as long as XD banned quite a very I think he knows he’s going to be banned frog because he hasn’t shown up in a bit

Because he has been banned before for a much more serious thing uh where he literally nuked the whole fudging SMP uh yeah so he won’t be probably Unbound for a long time I don’t know exactly when he’ll be Unbound uh because yeah he has done it before and he served quite a

Long band of two months so since I did not push him off Visa yeah I’ve had guidelines for how long I could but here’s the thing everyone hacks differently and everyone does different things first time offenders it’s uh well it’s specifically that it’s a roughly about three months

Uh before I had that two months but now it’s uh three months uh yeah one year and we go to three three at that point after three years to come back because I’m assuming because basically I just assume the Channel’s dead or even a year even could be uh the channel dies

Thank you nice around the previous thought yeah that’s why it’s three months this is his first time oh sorry I nearly went in there thank God good I didn’t go in there so I guess I can start making the bookshelves I’ll need to get obsidian in a minute

Uh let’s put some of the beetroot seeds down yeah I’m gonna need to start getting uh what the [ __ ] is that that’s the orange dot okay okay I I’ve caught down some wood and I left some in the chest uh I don’t need these portable furnaces really

Um not giving that flint and steel I’m not starting another fudging arson crime all right you you lost your virginity to light your hairline yes that is true um I mean I can’t really force him uh really foursome him but Diego’s can you well I give up uh all right via goes if

You’re in the Stream uh can you give at least a some more of his stuff back please just a little bit x-ray in the previous song yeah yeah because he never got punished for an iPad do you realize I get so many of these people that I and

They just don’t care so I have to keep increasing the band day for first-time offenders because they don’t care two monsters are considered nothing it’s nothing so I’ve increased it to three months and some people have suffered from three months but yeah I’m not joking yes you never

Got punished if I don’t do that then people are going to get away with this stuff more often fire it sleeps I kill sleeps kill sleeps kill sleeps kill sleeps I if you see sleeps kill them on site kill them on site he’ll sleep’s on site oh knock out the

Fire knock out the fire okay we took out yeah we’re getting good at taking out the fire by the way but if you see sleeps execute them on site on site nothing like no joke kill him get him boys once we catch this slippery [ __ ] his innocent till probably get you your

Proof was the name is similar okay it is true that he is not fishy Norway and that’s why I gave that entire time because even though people are bsing that it was fishy Norway I somewhat believe that you said like there’s quite a few things but after him proving that

He’s not he’s not getting punished for that it’s because there I’ve been sent a screenshot when he literally admitted to uh x-raying I don’t know who sent it uh if someone instructors I think they’re in this chat right now if they can resend it to me or tell me that they

Were the one who sent it then I can send that because yeah uh yeah there’s also two sets of rules as well but yeah I don’t know all right I need to find Twitch TV though is this crossplay no no this this is just Bedrock because of nostalgia and all that

But yeah there’s also but yeah uh but yeah I’m gonna let Dr peanut educate all right uh where the hell is um but yeah only fish he was banned from Minecraft uh what the hell is Twitch TV I’ll find this man This is the same s p as yesterday yep I’m still I’m searching I I will find this man Twitch TV will not hide for me no oh you want one shot Jesus Christ oh you need food okay I’ll be getting food and all right I’ll start getting oh my God stop hitting

Yeah I guess mate don’t try it again mud don’t want to risk it if you want food uh yeah there’s food literally in here right check the furnaces before you ask me Laughs Oh fine this snake he’s not showing his face he knows that he’s gonna he’s gonna die if he shows his face Little Nick all right oh I’m actually starting to run low on food myself I once it’s daytime I’m gonna go get some food all right I’m gonna test how um

Not test but just see how close I am once it’s daytime I’ll go and harvest a ton of foods because fish will take a while I might as well this real quick we do go songs not bad it’s definitely very annoying to get zombies worth but um [Applause]

All right so we’ve got three people I’ve got a fine and kill on site obviously we gotta get them yes couldn’t really travel away fast enough all right foreign exploiting of glitches is breaking Bedrock illegal I mean that literally yes but I don’t know what you want from me yeah yeah

That’s not the definition of it but that is a part of it yeah is piling through the nether roof a glitch technically yes it’s not illegal but doesn’t fall under those glitches I mean no not really because breaking through bedroom can break into The Nether roof is considerably worse

Because like I mean here’s the thing with breaking through bedrock it depends what you mean by it are you breaking in the Overworld are you breaking it through whatever so we’re breaking it for the Overworld what is the one purpose of breaking uh another ride in the uh

In the Overworld you know they’re only like bloody pudding in the void obviously with nukes and stuff it’s not illegal but it depends how you’re breaking it if you’re breaking it through using a client and stuff yeah that’s just straight up illegal if you’re breaking it through a pearl that’s not legal

There’s more glitch to get to another roof yeah that’s fine that’s why I left it vague because some things are illegal and some things are that’s why it’s better but it doesn’t work on Bedrock anyway yeah thank you they’re not comes there they’re not they’re not fixing it that is a fair

Point but I mean it depends how you how you’re breaking it again oh yeah that’s my damage dealing ax okay so I need to turn this into rapid amounts of paper oh Twitch TV left huh okay that’s kind of one of our major uh targets just left

All right make sense it seems legit I’m gonna leave some paper in there uh yeah my bedroom my Minecraft bedroom load yeah can’t be honest I’m just gonna shoot him uh I still had him number one idea you bro you started burning the bloody base down we found

Out who’s our arsonist my friend it’s you all right we’re gonna repair all the co-ops now right all right I’ll do it for the Wii and stuff because I’m anyway uh yes can I get some gear um I haven’t really got any iron as you can tell in my inventory um

Yeah I don’t really have any spare gear I can’t lie I left all my spare gear in that chest thank you I guess yeah all my spare gears and most of it’s already been taken I don’t have really anything else I’ve not been mining iron I’ve not been

Doing any of that I’ve been mainly focusing on other things uh yeah LOL piss off go away please no no I’m all right thanks I’m all right I’m all right I’m all right I’m all right man I’m all right I’m all right I’m all right I I I personally don’t like dying

I don’t I don’t like dying I don’t like dying I don’t I’m I’m not I’m not a big fan what do you expect me to do not burn there you go no no no dog pissed me off because you were doing bad things what do you wanted me to do

Uh what do you want me to do just I’ll let you continue no well let me do but yeah because I don’t like I don’t like how bad literally easy stuff man literal easy stuff easy solution is the toxic don’t expose me please don’t reveal please no I’m crying now

Either way I need to feed some of these cows and then I need to uh yeah either start working on getting the book shot oh yeah I need to go back down to minus [Applause] Thank you foreign I do love my police force EDP very cool what are you doing uh yeah there goes your dog your dog’s dead now it’s been put down by uh peach I don’t know exactly what’s going on but like I also know I don’t like my

Doc can I join your games now it’s it’s no it’s not an IP it’s a bedroom world my friends we good we good all right foreign I’m quite close to getting uh enough um what’s it called again so what’s 45 divided by 315 yeah so I

Need one more leather and I go on Max and Troutman table I think ah you you kill my dog get set in shot he was gonna kill it look if I didn’t kill him he was gonna kill it in time he finished it off I was trying to hit him

Doc why’d you kill my dog why do you think he’s gonna kill it I was killing him he going the way of the dog because he knew I could he knew your dog was gonna be dead I would no I’m not paying you I’m never saving your dog again your

Dog is dead I’m not saving your dog again bro if I’m having to pay for trying to save it I’m not I’m not I’m not saving dogs again but you can you can you can keep that you can keep that bro I I pay you for that

I ain’t paying for that when I tried saving it hell no I can invite me won’t let me join just let me invite what’s using them because I think I still have you out of I could be wrong bruh yeah I’m sorry I ain’t gonna pay for that

All right okay I’m very close to being able to get a uh new uh public enchantment table iPad Lloyd yeah okay so that is your name wait do I oh no please don’t tell me have you block cause all my days is Microsoft being so special blocked okay no you’re not thank God

Last time I tried unblocking someone I wanted to kill myself so that took way too long I um it’s gonna be a bit difficult to invite you since I’ve since yeah can you go online please it’s a bit difficult to find me wait is he actually hacking is PJ

Actually hacking what’s he doing because that’s the second person he’s told me he’s hacking what’s he doing oh yeah he has kill or okay that’s the second person telling me he’s got killora Yeah that is the second person telling me he does have kill Laura I’ve not been so improved by them but I’ve been told by two people that’s two people are that’s two people who’ve told me now that he’s got that Peach has got killed all right What the hell I I mean Thank you remember when I stopped working so I threw on the floor and start walking again that that has worked for me with something before I think he offering my headphones yeah I don’t have any spare stuff I can’t lie um all right All right okay I could get more um pack some more yeah that’s that’s what we want clearly all right okay after I get my pick uh acts a bit more Enchanted then I can maybe go and help you guys get foreign skins and names depends if it can be abused it’s a good

Addition if you’re like a child and you’re genuinely getting taken advantage of it just depends on if it works you just needs to make sure that it can’t be abused um I’ve not really checked for why I I really don’t know because I’ve never had it used against more use of another

Person I’ve never really seen it work or not work I don’t know how effective it is I don’t think I’m gonna have to find one more cow so I’m probably gonna have to use our stock of cows to be able to um make this enchantment table now here

Comes the main issue if I put this enchantment table down what’s going to happen is this well is when I make the bookshelves and stuff what’s gonna happen is some idiot is going to uh bloody destroy and take the entire tip so my recommendation is always make sure you check so then you

Know who’s bloody trying to Nick it when I do make it because I’m about to not now because obviously I’ve got to still get the obsidian but I’m basically there I’ve got my I’ve got that book I can’t you’re not online bro it’s literally impossible I’m not

Like it’s not impossible it’s just like I can’t be asked to go searching through my friends list for you my friends list is too big to search through like brah look how slow it’s moving like man oh my God I’m gonna have to like spend six

Years trying to just get a single invite to you the police are corrupt by the way they still they do their job well I finally do their job well hi okay I just need to kill one cow please give me leather or I’m going to fudge it I mean I’ve been literally

Building so many of these guys No no yes that’s that’s exactly as much as I need there we go there we go thank you and also I’ve got three more beef now all right I could obviously keep fishing and I might but now I just need obsidian I’ll give you two tons bro there’s tons of easier to get

Because you were there was a great brand no I mean I could but what if you die you’re not geared up enough if you die someone’s gonna have the Wii Remote and then we’re gonna be all in trouble all right I need to now go to a random

What if I just go I’m not I’m not involved in this I’m not involved in this it’s literally China yeah the low trust Society really is great I’m loving this pure low trust Society no one kill peach on site kill peach on site kill peach on site no no no no do we

Have any Wheat oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no push them back push them back push them back oh my god do we have any wind please please bring please

Bring them all oh my God oh bloody twit oh I get back there all right oh dear I don’t have any wool crap um we need we need to get water I’m killing Peach on side I’m killing him outside don’t worry they’re getting in one of

The time that all the problem is this guy’s on the side let’s get in there get in there I I need I need just a small amount of um wool foreign [Applause] get blown up no no it’s like the liquids inside of our broken but that’s it that’s fine everyone’s still here oh it’s fine I’ll kill this one don’t worry it’s fine I don’t know what these were for but I’m Gonna Leave the signs up here then if

You see yes let’s kill him I can’t you’re not online I can’t I don’t I can’t search for 20 minutes for your name oh okay yeah do you do you have the wheat yeah do you have the wool there okay no that works that also works you know that

Works that works that works Add the numbers okay yeah sure in a sec hold on I just need to cook this because people keep complaining about food there’s food I just need to look stop hitting me please oh my God I swear if next person hurts me I’m killing them like no balls like don’t don’t care the

Reason I’m killing them just speak to me because my armor is getting broken because it is bull bro bro where give me give me my give me my ass give me my ass I warn you don’t try it this thing is gonna rip right through man don’t even try it

Just left the game all right disgrace the British people Everyone now give me a minute I’ve got like six different knobs after me give me a minute I’ve got all kinds of people hold on okay let’s leave this now Diego’s just killing people now oh it’s always the egg video guys

All right uh what are you doing I was asking for a Wii remote I’ve said no I mean Britain nowadays oh it is it’s a tragedy it’s a trudge it is a tragedy my God all right okay all right all right okay what do I need now

Um oh yeah the obsidian I’ve been distracted for a while [Applause] I need to go find obsidian wait does anyone have any oh wait no I have lava but that’s not enough that won’t create that won’t cry enough obsidian um so I’ve got to somehow find an area where there is Obsidian right

Fantastic how am I going to find a a lava pool or B some bloody lava ask him every second glad to help oh yeah my resolution laughs oh yeah I forgot to add your iPad oh crap I just remembered iPad Lloyd what’s your name uh iPad Lloyd two five eight five he’s online

No way thank you for being online my life is so much easier please up here thank you thank you thank you for turning up I’ll give you two invites oh punched off how am I going to find the lava I’m sorry I’m sorry creeper I’m doing

You in many different ways of this I’m so sorry all right you know what I’m gonna dig down again dashboard man I’m having to dig down one more time just to get you know if I find this in trauma table it’s nabbed and I find out who they are I’m killing

Your blind eyes pitch back are you killing all the cows I mean I’ve already like served the purpose I’ve done but I’d much rather have for some of the leather I I will repeat again and kill these people inside and cheese buy AK and cheese yeah sir

Um I don’t know about viegos right now I’m unsure what’s going on for him he is here and you can hear it yeah I know you can hear that now we can hear cows are all gone yeah well well done yeah he learned he literally was mocking

How everyone was blind well looks like the enchantment table is probably gonna be delayed by a bit because of him he did this no it’s not viegos it’s peachy Muppets he literally was killing all the cows earlier oh no there’s fire great if you’re thinking it’s viegos you are

Dumb it’s not viegos it’s literally Peach he literally was laughing about it all my days and no one’s paying attention are you destroying stuff he’s here in the village bro kill him and she started for well how are people thick bro I’ve literally told you guys kill them but no one’s doing anything

About them I’ve literally said they’re going to destroy the village if you let them in kill them all my days kill there’s two people you must eliminate and cheese and Peach at all costs especially and cheese but also Peach oh what the fudge damn I must be

X-raying at this point oh my God I already landed right on a nice hot spot of iron and diamonds done no I need some of the diamonds like diamonds are anyway I appreciated but it’s like all right there’s no make any sense bro you’re just slow man

I’m gonna find a cave that’s a good bloody question how am I going to find a cave finding Club this stuff you know down here I really thought I wasn’t gonna find nearly as much as I am I have 52 I’m just gonna mine straight

Forward until I find a bloody uh Cape oh my God how how I’m actually x-raying what the [ __ ] bro what what the [ __ ] six three diamonds 20 iron bro what is going on with my luck that has to be hacked I don’t know I just landed on a fudging gold mine there

All my days all right now now I’m still searching for my uh for a cave that I can like literally just scoop up just literally just turn some obsidian and um well stop ruining you’re ruining it uh Daniel come on I can’t ah come on I’m

Finding a lot of good stuff though I’m not complaining like this stuff is what I need but it’s like my main priority is obviously lava but like obsidian but still why do you still think it’s a good idea to stay with Doc I mean to be fair this

Is this is a slum s p everyone’s supposed to be together and it’s it’s basically hell but it is interesting it’s bloody hell because of a few people uh there goes another person so basically what’s happening currently right now because of how um because uh yeah people are a bit scared

They are forming a military uh a military literally just a kick off you individuals it’s great I’m loving this but yeah until I get this I’m not gonna be able to get that enchantment table but yeah all right it’s painful to watch I mean I don’t blame that

Oh my God please give me a cave I’m bacon I’m not here for strip mining I’m just trying to Blitz towards a cave because this is like the level for caves it’s a right time where I’m actually not wanting to find a um I just realized something I’m gonna speed up what I’m

Doing right now because like uh yeah this is gonna take ages so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna put a trapdoor actually do I need to do this I have water it’s a bit more risky but it still works yeah I’ve got water it’s not as like easy but

It’s not possible yeah there we go does the trick you know oh bloody hell either it doesn’t really matter it’s not like it’s gonna really matter anyway all right I’m gonna toss like a few bits this way uh let’s toss this as well bloody worthless foreign I’m not part of the police you’re

Killing my cows but you’ve just made me an enemy why they don’t care about those you bloody idiot you went off to the wrong people bruh the outcasts keep trying to enter back into the city that’s the problem like yeah they’ve been like excommunicated from the city but they keep trying to

Come back we have no food that’s because because they keep destroying all the crops kill them because they keep bloody I keep replanting everything but these bloody knobs keep breaking all the things that’s the problem please find a bloody take a little bit of redstone but can I

Please I’m begging now can I please find a cave I just want lava man I just want lava bro just one lava add-ons or plugins I mean that’s kind of what we’re gonna do in terms of not Jabba one but like a cross play vanilla we’re gonna do that but my internet’s

Too weak to be able to do that there’s runduck no I don’t really need to like we’re beating you back you’re just slowing us down that’s it that’s what’s happening I sent some insane photos all right sure I saw some notification for SNAP hold on

Oh crap I need to respond to some things correct lovely Very nice all my beings son foreign where are you there you are thank you great those are some W picks right there you go I’m gonna check yo guys as well you just sent me a pic of his forehead great no there we go that that’s that’s enough

That I don’t want to do anymore there you go done you’re welcome I I I really felt like I felt like a religious connection when I saw that image uh LOL I I cannot lie it kind of reminded me of the days when you uploaded fortnite videos like we need to bring back

Um look you see we gotta bring back law uh Lord law XXX come on bring it back come on we really missed your fortnite videos come on bring it back I said multiple bro what I only saw one bruh where are they oh there they are oh there’s another one oh there’s Shrek

Nice cheers mate oh here’s another one What is the what is the lower quality version of me what is this what is this what is that what thank you thank you oh God no I look cast with that my Lord bro what is that lower quality one oh my days what is that what is that what did

I I just covered up his name as well just just so I don’t go Diego sending a snap item request I eat a fork for a dollar all right mate you think you’re all right I think I I think you’re fine in the head man I think

I think somehow they found lava and I still haven’t you know I can’t wait to come back when I’ve got the enchantment table set up and the entire Village has just been completely railed to the ground not even raised just railed everybody how the village is doing from

What I can tell everything’s going to Pieces because I’ve left but which by silver should mean that everything should be fine but from what I can see everything is not fine when I love X did enough that okay great Dresden 1944 thank you okay great we’re doing well okay we’re doing well

Okay I love the fire bombings oh great oh okay we’re doing we’re doing fantastic that’s the best comprehension oh great that sounds fantastic great well they’ve dropped a bunch of fire bombs they’re so painful to watch see silver when I’m there it goes even more to pieces oh no

I left to do an 1800 on the villagers one day I’m trying to see where it’s like then going back to retirement great from what I can see it’s uh yeah it’s Peach and cheese and I thought you were joining in villagers who’s yeah it’s just maybe ted bear as well it’s

Literally two people being everyone I’m quite worried come on guys it’s just two people come online just have to beat two people man no no oh my God okay thankfully Elise got killed Jesus Christ you know I I think I think I got told a

Fit by best creeper he told me the best way to find um let’s try to find um what’s it called again um uh I oh you’re just mining oh what Oh I thought you were joining in um the best way to find caves is this uh

I’m still I’m starting oh well I found my previous um oh yes this is it this is it this is it I found it not a criminal Feud okay okay it’s just two people there Okay Phoenix being the hero they’re killing two for one okay why is off Sally also joining in the uh joining in and uh helping uh the uh the enemy War Yeah you know I mean I I can easily reinstate Law and Order once I return but like uh I’ll I’ll let you sort this out I don’t know how it’s doing that um oh that’s okay found it uses I landed right next to me good phenomenal stuff

All right well I might as well toss this in a all right let’s get the crafting table out and let’s get cooking everyone let’s go And also uh you know while I’m here I might as also cook the rest of my events there you go all right oh great nice we’re doing well so far so from I can tell I’m 100 having to uh do this let me give myself a bit more space by uh

Now a bit of this so I’ve got a bit of warning time before the lava starts Keeling in what the ideology do you stand by ah not not really any I mean it’s very practical than ideological I can’t though all right right now from what I

Can see it is the uh fascist versus the Communist right now great the Cobble stand in the water then Mine The Hobby it’s a fair point ah nah this works actually you know what I might as well you might be right I know you are right

It’s just easy if I can knock the wall here I’m gonna get oh yeah you’re right bloody huh that looks like a charm huh I’ve been playing I’ve had more hours probably on Minecraft than Lord but he knows more than me huh versus USSR but for more I can tell the

I can’t tell who are the fascists or the Communists because because um here’s the problem um ARF Sully is directly aiding the Communists so I’m very confused I I’m I’m very confused right now see I saved it yay infinite obsidian I need some anyway for the netherpool

So and maybe also for a uh XP of a gold Farm though this will be such a tiny amount of obsidian It’s Not Really Gonna matter the grand scheme of things I am gonna knock this off for now and I’m going to put it right here

And I’m gonna put some of this around me I’m in pain that must have seen I don’t show that oh my God you know I’m gonna use this from now on though the reason why it’s consider don’t get this far oh my God oh my God this is literally a

Literal savior because I literally have a heart attack half the time and it literally stops me from having a heart attack this is literally impressive stuff God damn it works like a fortune yeah folks lovely brilliantly I just got a piece of a piece of water

A piece of broken glass how are you doing well man oh in your eyelids oh great oh I I can relate to that trust I I 100 can relate I’m just gonna pray this is not lava underneath this one because I don’t think they’ll uh yeah the water the

Water is starting to run out for one office has been the whole nation crumbled and the whole SMP ended oh no no no no no no no no no no no the elf s p still the whole effort s p is still going it’s just because solid is away

It’s it’s it’s still going it’s just because solid is away so it needs to be put down yeah the USSR collapsed it’s now demon dragon is now in charge of the remnants of it we’ve set up in Gibraltar and we’re actually doing quite well for ourselves probably better than we’ve

Ever done in uh the USSR I I hate to say how bad we were but we were doing better now in Gibraltar than we were in the USSR we got kind of big because of the promise that some of the players yeah they um yeah some of the players when they are

Dipped they had um yesterday left the thing died yes sir is hacking dark Phantom what is he actually silver can you verify this I mean he seems to be killable all right so there’s three parties there because I’m not going to complain because I am going to get fat tons of

Obsidian right now absolute fat tons never thought I’d see the day where Dr Pina was helping out in the uh battle I mean not every not every hacker makes it that obvious I can’t lie okay I need to stand literally in it okay oh God it looks like a struggle is going on right now if I can join normal fight and kill me yeah stay away from the village that’s

My recommendation if you don’t want it if you want to like be off the community then that’s the best way but I mean you’re gonna have to fight a lot might need to stop building the houses out of uh copper and stone bricks a bit more obviously still have wood but maybe

Not as much Visibly mining all this real quick I am peacefully mining right now Thank you I’m starving from playing tbtt I will join one last time and put the link into my hat client and all the items that spawn for lucky new players you’re trash okay so that is where my uh thing is okay there’s that much obsidian oh my God so much

There’s just that much obsidian say hi to learning the school cafeteria rep well hello there then how much I’ve seen do I have 35 I think I think that’ll be enough I’ll come back here though at one point oh well while I’m here a little bit of lava won’t help but

Now here comes the question of how the hell I’m not gonna remove the Torches because I might actually accidentally find this place one more time and if I do that’d be fantastic I still have one more yikes Federal Java ah well I mean if you mean

This one it is bedrock yeah this one is not cross-play it is yeah just bedroom oh very much all right okay so I’ve got all the obsidian though I don’t think I’ll be coming back too much what’s left much left of the uh much left of the village

I think most of the village has probably been uh eradicated though I am more than willing to execute a few people just to get them back on their feet What is this one go this guy’s here nice great it’s a great water source yes there is hiking dark Phantom I haven’t received very much from Silver right now regarding it so I’m very unsure about that hello there bombing yeah funny things are happening right now in the village

I’m currently doing well though with my inventory okay well either way he’s not archers thank you for no Silver’s not AFK he’s here right now he just told me he’s not hacking see I’m heading back to the surface again right all right so let’s head back to the Village

Hello there camo did you hear that Mario VA is stepping down the voice act the Mario voice actor wait like wait like how long has he been doing it for like do you mean like because I’m assuming they’ve already had like a second one by now

He’s the first one it makes sense he’s blimey I’m really old now 20 years all right fair enough yeah that that is quite old he’s definitely not the oldest but yeah yeah oh fair enough he’s 60. fair enough yeah I think he should stay yeah yeah you know I don’t blame him I don’t blame him I mean he’s had a good run

Well I mean you know he’s getting all that he’s getting on Somehow it’s not doing this battle at all I think bro 600 let’s go 600 years Chris Pratt no it’s not Chris Brown oh my Lord thank you Ah something Ruby it’s something that’s what it is thank you for watching it because I like money Because yeah I know a trick Should be much left Foreign off again very nice yay I’m finally out of this crap hole Finally free oh my God hi ha it’s not as destroyed as I thought it would be um look like it’s in the best shape uh okay oh either way okay oh there’s lava though I see huh follow the talk I’m brighter and you try them

All right let’s get our uh let’s get our true axle so what’s happening ah hello hello hi uh yeah near destruction yeah destruction destruction ah so it has virtually become yeah a ruin what about yeah a lot of things have been burnt down not everything this house has been braided yeah but it

Hasn’t been destroy because it’s made of cobblestone yeah well I know the Strat for this okay well huh I’m not really on anyone’s side really I’m more just uh that’s gonna be a problem so everyone is broke thank you all right so I will instead be on the

Side of anyone that’s non-peach then all right sure all right I said I was going to be neutral and just fix it but uh all right let’s have another choice hello make your own team and take I mean that’s kind of what that’s kind of what

We are just one big fat F4 team yeah it’s kind of what we are so has everyone’s inventory has been destroyed or what we saying so yeah uh what’s going on here instant execution all right guys uh that was so easy that was honestly shocking all right well that was blood easy that

Was uh a massacre actually science tonight half Sally kill on site and she’s kill on site and also Peach kill on site kill every single one of these people on site that was so easy that was embarrassing my God that was fudging embarrassing killed every single one ah okay

You really want to bring this back I mean that’s what you tried you literally start attacking me and then you got killed yeah you’re the one bringing it back I’ll bring it back then okay all right well you’re worthless to agree with them boys cats why are you

Guys fighting each other you idiots there’s only three people you need to kill there is literally only three people Peach this guy right here Peach entries and most importantly are sorry I it just looks like a bloody ruin uh I mean it makes sense that this has to become

A demon Dragoon’s house what a nice house okay mate ha so I see what people mean by it that’s not kill Laura that would be closer to Auto clicking than killora but fudge is this never seen that block before well either way uh it’s just become like Stalingrad a he’s a group

Oh so oh sorry sorry okay I just had a little bit of trigger finger only a couple people go after me that’s an execution ah hello sleeves it’s been a while hello sleeves how have you been it’s been so long since I’ve seen you a low sleeves how have you been

How have you been sleeps you’ve seen you’ve seen like I need some assistance empty bookshelf doc oh what how do you empty your bookshelf what the [ __ ] I never knew how to do that thank you Mongrel yeah we’re chasing this man all the way to the next dimension

Yes your cousin will not turn off double click cool oh she’s still nice still running are you going sleeves come back I miss you come back come back sleeps we miss you so much on Twitch TV I know you wanna come back I know you do

I know you do man I know you I know you would love to come back okay maybe he doesn’t want to come back all right guys make sure to keep eliminating them and then uh slowly begin starting some repairs but yeah just keep eliminating them yeah you’re the you’re going in the next

Dimension you’re running at the newer level of generation failure yes true oh is this already been looted or something oh is this the village I really looted at the beginning of the game yes it is or at least someone’s died ah your sleeps ah yeah

I can’t believe I might have to rely on the wrong flesh to live oh hell no I’m on the ground I’m sure you want to fight me come on no balls coming up oh so that’s how they got the cherry trees there’s a cherry tree damn the area’s been fudging towards I

Don’t know what else to tell you it’s been bloody torched once a bloody spawn I was like God damn it’s our hair’s gone go to spawn ain’t nobody living no more they are all hella dead oh crap we’re back our Mega drone I swear have you added um

Onto my Minecraft app will go yeah they’re still firing over the Heap of room oh God still flying over him Ah that’s too cool for destinations I guess yeah I’ll kill a zombie I think what I want to cook with this there we go yeah what is uh what is the situation

Back at our home base currently I’m assuming it is still uh hell but you never know dark 1v1 well then where are you you run away our momento 1v1 if you run away I’ll definitely win really run away hmm just want to see how everything is uh doing so there’s a uh

Well we don’t need this redstone really don’t hmm another explosion there hmm So ah oh well done okay well done uh yeah okay that makes sense well not surprised that uh really not surprised by that um I think they picked up some of the stuff though yeah oh no cats was able to pick pretty much every last bit of it up

He failed at killing himself oh dear thighs tragic he failed at killing himself he’s still got most of the stuff back yeah yeah I think this is going to realistically burn because I still assume you’re on their side um hmm I don’t think as much as I would love to

Stay at spawn for the whole thing uh yeah I think oh well he’s coming back and he’s dead hello there is probably a person probably be a good idea to restart nah why would I why would you restart I just want to say pull back

It’s unco what’s up oh no I already have my chords blocked by my uh to my face cam seriously still after me I had a creep or something all right well looks like we’re gonna need to uh they want to restart yeah that’s they’re not gonna get that they’re not gonna get that should we keep fighting over it just because why not should we keep flying over it boy I’m not trusting any of you

Lies if you’re trying that no you keep the end apart I can’t fight yeah I’m continuing I don’t care they may ask for a restart for the next 10 years I’m gonna keep going all right by the way um here is some equipment we will not give them that we will not

Give them that satisfaction of a restart kill him all right they have more equipment over there so go grab it I guess all right arm myself up Don’t want to restart yeah so just to restart everyone’s inventory so that makes sense already back what okay I might need to actually stop and cook some food in a minute because there’s no more zombies isn’t that not complaining huh I need all of this

Yeah you got the meat at least uh okay all right I’m gonna take a cheeky pause at this Village uh in a second the reason I haven’t sorry it’s because um we are fighting for our bloody loss right now okay um we’ll eventually reclaim Stalingrad but that’ll take probably six years

All right uh okay go see yourselves up I’m gonna build my bloody uh yeah go kill a bunch of animals right now um crap why the hell ‘s money cook that and then keep cooking all right let me get rid of this sugarcane Empire I mean we’ve had to abandon that what a

Shame Germany took over you took over a heap of ruins there’s nothing left there’s nothing left there there is literally nothing left you might as well keep it for yourself at that point lad I need that food man all right cheers Burger let’s go down I know it’s only bro

Bro bro that’s BS that’s actual BS you’re right that’s actual BS yeah no no no no no no no no no you’re actually right bro what nah I don’t think we should actually allow that double clicking okay now I understand what it feels like when I’m facing it oh

My days bro I know he has no other choice but like I think we might have to force them because that’s not what these we finally got you through [ __ ] he click okay if he’s using two fingers he can click four times as fast as if I’m using one finger

You’re so right what no no because he’s quadruple clicking because if he’s using two fingers at least he’s doing four times that you’re actually right what the fudge no what no no no no because he’s not using but he’s not doing butterfly and clicking that that’s because he’s yeah because

He’s using technology there oh my days bro I couldn’t even fight him oh no where the hell are you guys how bro you’re dead best creeper shush all my days oh my God where are you guys come on on my days oh my God where are you

Oh no you guys all died you’re kidding [Applause] I mean I might have to accept the lesson my stuff but yeah you’re right that is uh pretty bad a lot of most servers and games yeah I I mean I might have to like kick him even

Though he’s got my stuff I don’t because like that is all right that is illegal that is that’s so bad that is literally just cheats bro what on I mean I don’t think this is my stuff this is just the diamonds you probably got back uh yeah uh yeah

He’s using a double click Mouse uh wait cats you have the rest of my diamonds so kick or not I I would say kick I’m sorry even though I understand your situation that is bull crap that is BS even though I I understand even though

Oh I was just about to get him as well uh well I I’ll accept the loss of my stuff then with that how the hell do you get the you’ve got some of the diamonds back huh but yeah nah all right well looks like we need to

Start someone again but yeah you you you’re right ah damn I didn’t because you know when he was hitting me early it wasn’t even that like bad but when he was doing that it was really bad because he was hitting way faster so that’s why I was like bruh

Yeah we’ll go for a new town uh somewhere but I’m gonna go quickly uh uh I’m gonna quickly go um go back to an old safe no I’m not gonna I’m not gonna I’m not I’m not like even though I really am annoyed because I spent so long getting

All that I’m not like going to like fish with that even though that was like that’s two hours ago yeah that would be beneficial for us because the city city would be still standing but uh yeah doing is weird you know because he has got that can I at least give the stuff

Back I mean I mean I really do want the staff but um I mean I guess you could say it is because like I would love my stuff back but I mean Because I really like that stuff I mean damn I didn’t know it was that he’s double clicking but like God damn uh I’m just gonna get uh obviously we’re gonna go find a new town but first things fast things fast down the base so I gotta get you

Finally oh my God we finally got him okay that’s at least one of it was an older thing but we need to get him at least because of previous because he tried by tried finding it down the first time close my PVP it’s kind of like the case

Of like yeah I would love my stuff all right obviously we’re gonna leave this area but like uh but actually we might not I’m just still thinking about it oh we no you just left okay now he’s still here I mean obviously we can we can retake it

I mean we could retake it uh I believe I was able to get that but either way all right well nah anyway I’ll probably just leave but yeah here’s the front views because like yeah it was like damn I I didn’t realize it was actually like that it’s a bit it’s a

Bit less noticeable because you know most people with water cookers they have a lot of times oh Jesus Christ I have rebuilt was I mean I could just stay here and keep on the uh keep the bow going but uh this bill on the other side of the eye

The problem is that they’re going to still come after us that’s the issue um uh okay I mean there has been two hours oh I’m gonna I’m anyway Gonna Save in Quinn just copy it because to be fair to be fair it has been two

Hours so I do need to uh I do need to um copy it anyway because it’s been two hours okay now uh yeah sure sure oh wait are you dark and broken gamer uh sure wait just need your username wait is dark Emperor still here because I keep forgetting his name

Because I was dealing with that though no matter where you are I mean from what I can tell that the more just want to like chill there now and continue do you want to do some better service no I’m all right I mean Peach if you want if

You really want to give back the stuff peacefully I can’t the compromise can be I will have to talk about PVP because yeah I understand it’s just Jesus Christ and back what happened did you die uh yeah not from a more natural means all right uh but I don’t know if Peach

Will join back to me though but I mean if he does uh cheers but yeah give me a Wii remote nah I’m all right thanks I also I need to increase maximize so they won’t stay in this Hall yeah I just increased it now sorry um yeah I just increased max players now

I just realized uh you know I’m gonna increase it to 20 just because I don’t want to deal with it uh but yeah all right it might take a little bit for it to uh realize yeah Mega drone all right give me a minute I’ll try and I do be a bit

Difficult though GT some people oh zero gold oh never mind I might not add this I can’t lie I’m very unsure about that I read last no balls I’m an sap where I’m an anarchist again rock roll It’s the I don’t know about that one yeah I’m sorry I know you for a bit but nah it was the wolf one uh but yeah was that the wolf one yeah it’s a wolf one yeah foreign Because I died because someone’s mouth was buggy and so it was way stronger than it should be a what oh yeah this is my stuff the fudge what the hell where oh no maybe this is not my stuff actually wait wait let me check the gold oh this is my staff

Whoa cats why are you keeping like half my star flat what the fudge mate why were you keeping like half my inventory what the hell why are you keeping half my inventory what the fudge I needed gear bra not very not very faithful Ally I’m sorry man

I’m sorry man I’m gonna have to kill you just just to reclaim all my inventory I’m sorry I I’m so sorry but yeah oh there’s a law flint and steel though uh yeah of course another spy just appears all right uh though yeah you can pretty much

Have the rest of this it’s just yeah oh no I know my dog how many flints and steals does this man have dark wears glasses now yep uh just go to an older safe it’s about two hours ago and I don’t I don’t know if I

Want to do you like you guys like that unless you guys really want us to go back to an older Save which was uh last one was like two hours ago before everything went to crap it’s your guys’s choice though I I really don’t mind you guys vote on

It you you all right so there’s one vote for yes what do you want to wear white glasses Bro you’ve not noticed damn oh I mean Twitch TV will get his uh stuff back I don’t know why you’re complaining uh oh yeah here’s your Prosper yeah sorry

Wait was my non-breaking was my Quick Charge I can’t also remember so one for no okay so majority are saying yes backup counts as cheating nice true Eyes true that is a true statement that is a true statement I I won’t back up then all right that is a true statement

All right I want to I want to I wonder I wonder I want I won’t okay I won’t I won’t I won’t I won’t all right we’ll just have to uh resettle all right fair enough fair enough okay I was just merely doing that for like just out of curiosity because yeah

I mean I saw quite for you at first saying yes so you’re not fair enough let’s continue then oh Christ dog this is hopeless anyway no no we can set up a new one oh I keep forgetting to increase max players because I’m focusing on all this crap

Really last times I’ll sure in self-defense sure I’m sure I mean I think you’ve spent most of the diamonds anyway but yeah here is uh here is some of the stuff oh wait where are you Tommy here’s your um here’s your bow I remember because I did

Not have on breaking whoa whoa whoa cats I’ll give you yours as well relax okay here’s this here is some armor um here is a trident here is a bed uh here’s a bow okay yeah pretty much starting from kind of the beginning but apart from that now

You can keep the stuff if you want peach but uh five sakes read I did it said um uh it should um self-defense this crap happens um no and she’s and uh and she’s uh and stuff are already trying to kill earlier hi hi uh I thought I thought you agreed to

Rebuilding but okay bye I thought I thought you were agreeing to rebuild but okay I mean we can always keep we can always keep trying to rebuild but n cheese is going to be a Troublesome individual 80 sure all right man all right I took I didn’t take the dominance I took the Omelette wait then how the hell did I have my way oh so someone so someone else will use the diamonds for more armor I see but I destroy I’m not gonna play because I don’t enjoy better too much anymore fair

Enough fair enough I don’t blame that um the question really is will they allow us to rebuild or are they gonna keep trying to hold that area I think they I think they might try and keep on Um I mean I’ve already got like new armor now because of that I’m just kind of deciding do we want to settle somewhere else or continue or attempt to rebuild everything uh that is a question I might I might genuinely try and rebuild everything we’re gonna die if we stay

I’m not here to fight oh never mind they are they’re running away now okay great and there’s skeletons everywhere all right guys we’re gonna try and rebuild this is going to be literally fudging impossible I’d say but let’s give it a shot you know let’s give it a shot

Some would call us mad for this but I’d say some bits of the village I think are probably gonna be left in ruins for a while hello hi hi so yeah are most of the village is going to be left in ruins for a bit so we’re

Gonna have to uh rebuild uh bit by bit I don’t know how we’re gonna manage this but you know what we can always give it a shot the question I need gear uh yeah I’ve got oh I’ve got a lot of rubbish I can give you coal to help you out of

Mining but other than that my uh my stocks of equipment are quite low this is it’s all a bunch of rubber okay she used to play because he’s one of the most common the griefing is no no no no no no no no griefing is is allowed um I

Now the question is how we we could pull some magic trick here and try and uh completely rebuild which is going to be challenging but you know what we’re up for a challenge all right first thing we’re gonna have to do is clean out this hole oh God is this stuffing

Okay I feel like this mining area is pretty I need to get torches here now all right we have no more potatoes we can always get more from accidentally no wait no there should be wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I remember seeing a potato somewhere hold on

Is it still there it’s still there oh my God all my days I can’t believe it’s still there the last potato oh yeah no I have 39 potatoes I can rebuild the Farms it’s gonna be very difficult so I’m gonna need all of you guys to kind of

Get your own food for a bit because I’m also kind of poor like I’m like I’m kind of like skeleton almost I’ve got diamond armor yeah but in the grand scheme of things I’m kind of gonna have to start reducing my I’m gonna have to go back to the iron mine

Just to rebuild everything so I I’m gonna go and Gus a bunch of wood to start cooking some food let’s rebuild I don’t know how we’re gonna rebuild them let’s try obviously we have to ignore a decent amount of parts of the city first because we can’t

Fix everything at once just focus on rebuilding The crucial elements fast do you have any more carrots though or anything else it’s all my day somehow the sugarcane didn’t all get destroyed that was just that much there was just that much sugar cane so I’m gonna get all this wood not only for

Just repairing because I feel like we should probably also make some of the bases Cobblestone try and add a bit more Cobblestone or stone into your design so it isn’t as burnable that’s my recommendation from now I’m gonna get some wood some for burning some for construction

All right and then I’m gonna have to go back into the iron mine and rebuild my entire iron roofs because I am bloody uh how do I describe it I am in a shambles rebuild posca hmm to make some matches things um somehow Fred was the only thing that didn’t get touched

Actually it looks better than he has been before before the start of the stream actually foreign somehow yeah kill that chicken if you want oh yeah that’s a fair point if you want if you want cooked food use flint and steel to kill the animals that’s actually genius from um uh from cats

All right I’m gonna rebuild the uh the pathway down from here all right yeah still more equipment um I’m finding some more ruined equipment uh on my uh thing I guess wait do you have those stairs I think those were stairs cats could I have some of

Them so I can rebuild this mine all right also I’ve got to completely rebuild this um my Lord all right can you send me the waterfall from two hours ago let remind me near the NS room when I’m basically leaving I don’t know how the hell we’re gonna

Rebuild but we can give it a Best Shot I mean um was a king gamer also known as um dark Emperor you know you could have just used this account to join you realize brah this stuff good you’re right now it’s quick I have to

Set I have to do a couple things so that’s about it’ll be a better night or the other after the players can make a new world no those people don’t really well some people want a new world but that’s a bad idea why build a new world why can’t

Am I getting you well when you can re build it way quicker I’ll let you know when I’ll do it I’ll do it in three minutes best creeper guaranteed some things are still broken best creeper so you might need to fix some things if you are really interested

All right oh I’ve got carrots actually oh my God we can grow the cars back wait who broke all the potatoes wait who took all the potatoes all the potatoes are gone what the fudge who nicked all the bloody potatoes again and I keep your stuff without being

Kicked that’s legal yes but it depends how you kill me mainly because the reason why I say that is because I got killed the only reason why I’ve been killed this SMP is because of um because of an unfair advantage that’s the only way I’ve been killed this stream uh yeah laughs

And half who took the potatoes off come on man you don’t need to do that foreign no thanks I don’t need another world war five video or just a short short um I need to leave some more stuff in there bruh just don’t get why I absolutely need to do that

All right I’m gonna rebuild the floor real quick this is gonna get trapped into the um into the the uh um the furnace put this bro goes to me like his girlfriends sorry bro I don’t ever go for me sorry doc you look like a nerd ever since

Disappeared I’m ghosted by the hello there ghosted oh sorry yeah no sorry I’ll just be focusing on this sorry I’m just focusing on the ruins real quick sorry man I didn’t mean to I’m not if I’m if I’m ghosting I’m not actually trying to ghost like I’m sorry I’m not

I’m not trying I’m not trying to so I was just a little bit a little bit this Ryan is this rain is a sign of failure bro then start building then start building bro come on man you’re a bit slow come on build always your trash I need to move all this

Uh okay let’s all right let’s hope oh God uh yeah I might do a few blocks actually of Christ all right guys thanks for the standing like uh send it to me make sure you don’t die okay all right uh just gonna save and quit to export our world to creeper nice

Occasionally I’ve not played this I’ve not played bedrock in a while I’ve been doing RF SMP which um it’s got It’s got quite a few unique things that makes it considerably more fun but this is for like Nostalgia I’ve done this in so long that it’s like the Nostalgia and overpowers and stuff

Especially since it’s not even doing too badly it’s like yeah you could see all the cities and ruins we had a good time in that PVP Jesus Christ all right now I’m I’m just currently now fixing the bloody uh stairs right now because my God thank you

It walks it walks okay so what I’m gonna do over here is I’m gonna put Oak planks down and if I’ve still got smoke slabs I might as well shopping sir so yeah I’m basically repairing the city because this turned into stalingrads during a uh quite a uh devious fight I cannot lie

Not joking it pretty much just became style and grad you can see by the amount of flint and Steels in my inventory this is just I’m basically repairing the main structures first but my internet’s trash same uh no hackers yet actually surprising I mean I’ve been having to kick so many

Like like make sure I don’t see any hackers is it as just as bad as if I would recommend and if you do that make sure you put them uh I’d recommend you let me know yeah you’re watching the stream I recommend you let me know uh that they’re hacking

But I mean if you’re in like a life or death situation oh Christ um what else I think that’s about it actually apart from all the Birchwood which is not mine yeah that’s yours that’s all yours uh let me know if I’m missing okay yeah here’s your paper okay cheers

Bro what’s the most wipe us hackers do well most hack the problem with the problem the good thing about this and hack uh but the bad thing about hackers is this so chiseled bookshelf oh that’s new I’ve never seen that before um you haven’t had any new use for that

Right now I’m basically just about repairing stuff right now so give me a minute uh but yeah usually we’ve been doing cross play smps uh yeah that’s why we haven’t had hackers in a while but yeah most of them just straight up man them I’ve because of how long I’ve been having to

Deal with this I’ve kind of understand what most hackers do plus yeah just they’re a bit annoying but yeah we deal with them especially since we’ve got somewhat of a person watching just in case and also yeah they’re all doing that I could don’t nuke as much as they once did I’m just

Glad I haven’t seen as many recent I don’t want to buy my bullet by like to grab my teeth just like just like oh is it called again um Jinx because AI could very easily be another hacker I remember the whole world got new to induction crashed using

Yeah that that happened a lot we’ve been doing cross player studies for a while because we could just shove on an anti-g in the plugins a bit more difficult because they’re just not yeah I call a few reasons why it’s a bit more difficult in Bedrock I’d recommend if

You’re building a base at this point well since the surface is kind of in Ruins I’d recommend you build it underground right now I cannot lie under this like area underground is not even that bad right now compared to most parts of the surface wait did I even I

Never exported the world to creeper I I did all that and I never exported it what the fudge make sure you don’t I literally forgot to export the world sorry guys I literally completely forgot what the fudge I was doing I meant to export the world sorry uh copy of copy

Of copy can you go on downloads because it’s way easier just for me to grab that okay sorry about that let me copy again and then I’ll join back so everyone I completely forgot what the [ __ ] I was doing so that was funny uh upload a file

Oh I can’t send it to you that best creeper can you send me your email so I can send it to you there I can’t send it to you um via Discord can you send it can you give me your email the one from two hours ago oh fudge I

Literally forgot again crap oh my God I keep making the same mistake sorry I don’t actually know which one was the one from two hours ago um I’m gonna assume it was it’s either one of these two so we copied and pasted it there okay it’s this one I’m I’m just

Gonna I’m just gonna say it’s this one I’m gonna copy it just in case because I don’t want to ruin it because this was very good I’m not giving you my email then you’re not gonna be able to get the world home moment to give it to you bruh

A moment oh and also the raid was going on yeah sorry yeah the raid was going on um I’m gonna check this one my copying faces on bro okay fine what do you want why do you want me to give it to you I can’t give it to you any

Other way whether you want me to give it to you bro how do I give it to you bruh uh either way all right maybe if I well CBA now Comcast dude we’ll do that we’ll do that and we’ll do that another time bro tell me these things fast I’m not

Gonna close the world again The World Is Gone oh no no no no no no all right uh yeah I didn’t ex I have exported one of them I don’t I don’t know actually no I didn’t export the correct one ah I’ll just do that in the future

I also forgot to send Max players all right all right we’ll do that at another time um supreme leader you’ll literally have no power Williams yeah yeah back from Diary sorry no that’s all right that’s all right bloody up melodia oh wait it’s not make it impossible just to use this

Thank you Peach for the info yeah I I’m gonna have I can’t even lie I think that the uh that that underground is right now A considerably better area in the may I have motivation to make a video oh you should tell me things fast

I’ll do it maybe in like 10 minutes or something I just can’t be able to keep saving and quitting the world right now tell me things faster man because I just like I give up bro you’re like man yeah I was already gone back in so I was like bruh all right

I know you want to do video but I go DC next to Creep by doing all back in I lost all my stuff bruh Ledger told you MediaFire yeah but I was already back in the Oahu it was a bit late I already had clicked and we’re going back in

A lack of patience that’s because I got people wanting stuff oh [ __ ] off kill yourself Thank you all right I’m making sure you don’t spawn again where is this man I okay Zona clearly has not remembered where we’re at now all right okay so give me a get give me a minute because I I will do it I will do it basically but

I just I’ve just joined bags it’s like bruh You’ve tried killing me so many times I’m killing you no not to die you already have to download it but I have not the correct one oh no you’ve been doing this all SMP no no friendly no no just don’t come near me A recommendation don’t come here which version them sees this uh 1.20.1 yeah I can send you the three main ones uh if you want uh that’s creeper all right uh which is the one the one destroyed the one uh one at the raise and then the one at uh uh

Okay I love that all right just the one that’s not destroyed okay sure yeah cause like um yeah okay because I downloaded the one that is destroyed if I recall yeah oh this area is part of this what the hell is this whole underground Network thing Meeks all right

Let’s go on the ground thing going on all right okay uh in about two minutes I’ll uh saving foot so then I can export it new oh uh someone’s dropping lava again but thanks for this rain no one is uh paying attention dropped could have dropped all that lava on our heads

The darkest thing okay oh and it started fire on the ground great fantastic it bloody somehow starts to fire that’s not that’s not connected to Fantastic somehow we manage that don’t know how don’t know why but it did oh wow that’s a perfect Hive all right well that’s a that’s a perfect time

Those tunnels predate the slums all right well I mean I’m gonna I’m gonna make them look better all right so um which one this one should not be destroyed let me check because this if this is the one I’m thinking of Creeper this is the best one uh game modes spectator

No this is not the best one this is the completely crippled one all right so this is the best one then all right okay got it so this is the best one my friends I will leave this in downloads then all right this is the best one so uh

MediaFire where is MediaFire media fire what do I actually have to make a new account for it oh that’s so annoying and I may have to make a new account bro what upload give me a sec downloads latest one begin upload okay all right I’ll let you know when

It’s ready it will be ready in like one minute or something because it’s going really fast right now okay there we go let’s run back oh wait I haven’t restarted Minecraft have I whoopsies give me a sec wait give me a sec I I I’m not I’m not gonna have it

Bugged give me a sec all right let me just do that yeah it’s nearly already done that’s creeper I’ll go videos on this SMP and you get the seed uh yeah all right uh yeah you can get the seed anywhere realistically um yeah okay I challenge you not to kill me yeah good

Luck good luck that’s all I’m gonna say good luck all right okay it says 98.96 done come on come on you can do it done verifying now all right done oh yeah you know what I I want to like shape up these tunnels but the problem

Is is like oh already I mean that’s fine because I need to do this anyway but what okay you should be able to join back now there we go okay that’s probably some weird thing anyway yeah okay it’s fixed now okay cool cool cool cool all right

Well either way I need to go down to the iron veins so Come on man kill me you failed the challenge bro but this might be quite challenging I don’t know why I feel like I’ll be I’ll be quite mentally challenged after this one all right oh and I found that nice all right I love the iron level okay so

I need to get a bunch of iron to store everyone out so we can speed up everything as well why isn’t she’s here and she is lad why are you here is the question jeez it’s not great to run away from people man yeah he’s trying to get away again Okay if I don’t cancel yeah that’s all right I mean it didn’t take long for me the reason why I was a little bit pissed and a little bit stubborn is because right I’m trying to repair right now that’s why okay creeper I don’t think you have a third time

Okay creep I I don’t I don’t think Silva’s gonna give you a uh um is going to allow you to have a third an ability to cancel a video a third time I don’t think he’s gonna give you that ability that privilege sorry dark answer me uh yo yeah could you

Repeat that I know something about ensuring my say at your safety but what it depends it really depends because I did not read that paragraph story in time our clients with like 20 videos of the phone this time it’s because creeper made like those and big boy animation

That silver really wants so he’s like bro so we don’t do crap that’s because like the last time I think you made one was far corrupted in the 5 000 Years War that was it and then uh yeah I was a while back actually I think that was before Silva did uh

Yeah so that’s before silver was really uh on the channel so yeah might be able to see a uh funny coincidence then cheeky in fact for a correlation all right so I need Mass iron apparently gray I’m loving my life so far so only 22 after all that oh my God

We’ve done it for a while trying to fetch any loss tiny scrap of iron yeah some people have been here before that means it’s useless head this way then all right send me a link oh yeah it’s done now probably completed what does that mean can I like download oh

Oh sorry I’m downloading the compressor I’m I’m a fudging dumb Twitter there we go I canceled it okay I should now have the link now to be able to give it copy link there we go or I can share how can I share okay no no not like that okay

All right I’m copying the link um this should show it to you yeah there we go that should be it now sick mediafire’s gone better you don’t need an account now he’s giving you a time limit best creeper you’re running out of time man you better start crashing on your bit

Oh oh yeah okay now that’s sonal that makes sense you know I I don’t even blame you if you’re wondering zono hasn’t gone the memo yet so uh yeah laughs Oh ah hello Angie’s how are you anyway my friends all right uh cheers though you got a bucket with you oh thanks that helps oh yeah you have a bit of my stuff actually huh these confiscated stuff that I had taken oh my God I’ll take that sword fresh one too

And she’s just so generous man appreciate it thank you didn’t know I didn’t know you were that type I didn’t know didn’t know you were that type of person to be that generous the more you know everyone and she’s might be uh might be a more generous person than you might expect

That is dark not dead I died one time because of a bra moment uh oh yeah uh tell me if it’s safe from the poop the the police Um if you don’t attack anyone then maybe I can’t guarantee it but if you don’t attack anyone your chances of you not dying increase exponentially I I might bring some copper back with me because why not actually I need to get out of here that’s my first priority because I’m running out pickaxe

Oh but yeah by the way I have a lot of Cobble um Cobblestone so if you knew that to rebuild some stuff the police are being already removed bro so sad everyone I’m bringing back some uh some assistance Oh hello hello oh oh crap are they one or something oh crap it’s not looking good chief what the [ __ ] are you doing oh you bloody twit viegos uh okay I’m gonna abandon that area I give up with that yeah I okay I don’t think we’re gonna be

Able to I don’t think we’re gonna be able to defend that Ira anymore all right yeah that makes sense all right so they formed a bit of a group all right oh thankfully as you can tell everything’s according to plan because I have my emergency boat now as you can tell everything’s according

To plan so everyone else dies and then they are able to kill me ah because they’re able to gain the equipment of other people I see I got you I got you all right I see so either way does mean I need to move now

Then you only die to hacks uh and maybe also five people on me that so much they’re giving up on it two plus hours ago oh look I wanted to stay far more if Dr penis determination but nah uh ain’t no way all right you guys keep stalling uh them

Or maybe come actually I don’t know how you’re gonna find me if you don’t know my coordinates it’s a good point um but from those they’re able to track me About there’s no balance what do you mean all right let’s pull this down Oh I thought it was raining outside in a minute okay gotcha I’ll come back if we change the police to right uh unfortunately nah you can stay with them you can stay with them I don’t know

How you’re gonna build something well no don’t blow it up no no no no no no no no no don’t give in to the fudging things no don’t give in to these bloody twits you’re trying to ruin the Bedrock SMP don’t give in to them get them out all right foreign

Watching this for four hours ow what and cheese this is poor effort from you oh twin don’t usually need a bed but spawn is now no longer my bed so I am having to run for my fudging life hahaha oh come on man come on man you gotta

Give me a break at some point bro come on give me a break oh fudge off there was a tiny zombie in my life because I’m losing it to the dog oh yeah I wouldn’t recommend staying at the uh at the main settlement bro what okay I I see I see that the

Revolution is now facing a counter Revolution huh from its own people hmm strange and then that though I am having to now run like a headless chicken across the uh what’s the map oh dear [Applause] thank you are you kidding how [Applause] oh we joined because I unjustly our CBA

Maybe in like six years I’m just I’m just watching Carnage unfold foreign running out of options I don’t want to log into Bedrock uh and then I recommend you just wait I guess I can’t tell I don’t know uh Sully because like I mean from what I can see

It’s just collapsing into itself collapsing into itself collapse I don’t know who even owns it everyone’s bloody fighting each other who are even on the same side earlier like bruh bruh nuke who nuked uh oh this is the peace thing I got kicked by accident Silva bro

I’ve ignore I did I responded to you saying I can’t be honest effing rejoin it’s bloody annoying to give me a second bro oh why is for someone in full never flying oh that’s just if it’s silver then it’s fine because he’s operator oh damn yeah you’re right someone did nuke and that

Was a fresh nuke as well so struggling to uh struggling to do that don’t worry if they see anyone else uh yeah then uh then it’s a cause for concern then it will turn into course for concern my friend I don’t think it’s rainbow mainly because I’ve seen I’ve known rainbow for

A while and they uh don’t do that um oh I think I know who it was wait I I could be wrong here but I it might have been dark as king it could have been is he drawing for like a moment I know I’ve known the guy like years ago used

To hack hmm oh God I want to sell here there’s a bloody creeper there also I forgot to increase Max price I can’t really do that right now it’s a bit difficult to increase max players right now give me a sec uh set max players uh

Thank you cats if you just died there oh Christ I’m trying yeah I’m not gonna do anything until I until it’s a day because I need to um was I supposed to do oh yeah block this guy mods ban this guy now where is he your name is darkest King

No no no no ah so I need to block two people right now because I remember these people very well him and his old block laughs but lock that’s two people I’m blocking two because these are the same molds of the same guy I I blocked them now okay all right uh

Ah Fred’s still standing all right in a second I’m gonna be moving to the new locations because I died because it’s nighttime right now if you’re at spawners gather some resources and we need to give you all right oh you know I need to go FK for a second

So I’m just gonna quickly do that right now foreign Foreign I think I remember seeing you out there in his best creeper um give me a sec I’ll check this out oh yeah you’re repairing some things let me know when you’re uh done repairing everything because yeah there’s quite a lot like in terms of like oh yeah all that smexy

Wait let me um let me uh show this to you guys what the s p looked like before the whole destruction so you guys have a little bit of an idea please show the stream please all my days sometimes I hate streamer mode on Discord sometimes I hate it

Sometimes I must say I do hey streamer mode now it should show the stream come on show the stream twit obviously a little bit lower quality because of Discord but look at that smash or pass look at that it’s a bit more of a ruin now but damn

Not bad not bad at all right okay so I’m gonna start moving to the new land known as fist landia AKA The Promised Land we are going to begin our migration the question oh crap okay well I’m just gonna slash kill myself because I went into spectator

Whoops I didn’t mean to do that that’s why I didn’t die okay slash kill just because of that um okay so all right I’m gonna head quite far it’s your choice if you want to follow me not too far but quite far so that we can form the new land uh but I

Just build a new house what I thought they were um I thought they had um complete control either way but one thing I’m gonna do is fast I’m gonna look through the city like this the Remain the remnants of the streets here and just see I don’t care

If you kill me I’ve got like nothing when I say I got like nothing I mean I got nothing the last mounds of the streets oh they look worse than they were before campfire now yeah it doesn’t even look like a ruin anymore it just looks like an ancient

Moon it’s been there for years So that’s the remnants of the cow area God damn uh you know what I’m gonna start leaving the Sarah though is there anything in this chassis they’ve been completed for everything yeah what are you doing oh cheers for the oh cheers thank you for all the resources I’m off I.E and with me

And now I’m off I’m off yeah that the the area it’s Fallen it’s under disrepair I don’t know if Dr Peanut’s gonna continue re-powering that I think he might have given up but I could be wrong just let me kill you for the video bro then come get me

All right fine I’ll let you kill number like hi okay I’m gonna drop you all my stuff because I’m gonna come this this direction anyway so let me give you everything because I’m anyway going to come this Direction all right come on kill me then stop failing then stop failing

All right I’m just gonna let let me die real quick all right kill me then no Mars I’m fine like extra slow right now bro you can’t be you can’t be losing right now I’m fighting like really bad right now come on surely you can win this

There we go thank you all right I mean I’m gonna I’m gonna at least do that okay all right I’m gonna I’m gonna head somewhere hold on so yeah we were going north This Way Northwest I’m not adding artificial stuff to the video by the way oh okay okay

So it’s gonna be pure pure version of it however when we must migrate now because we need to get to our location before it hits night I’m heading the same direction as you guys and I’ll just go Northwest go north west go north west go Northwest go Northwest for video

Um best group is making a video of the um the SMP before it went to crap start ISO they have killer or something because what yeah Vehicles no crap because bro do you want to know how I died the first time because he has that dumbbell Clinton thing I the three wine

Um he’s still here is because um his Peach is because bro he can’t actually unironically happen because it’s bloody there but uh yeah he’s only he’s only allowed to use it for self-defense purposes but yeah he will rail you he’ll Ray over you otherwise you’ll get railed

I’m still raging about that because I’ll be still fine if it wasn’t for them ranging star fisting I see I see I see you are uh I mean it kind of is just a little click huh did he actually kill you oh you’re so bad

So trash so trash I know I know he is but uh well then uh yeah I’ve got no other choice but to turn off his PVP then Palms At least against players I pretty much all right yeah follow me right by follow me oh yeah I might need

Some food here cheers all right all right we need we we must commit we must convince the promised land my friends we must keep going I would love to sell here but it’s just a little bit too close just a little bit too close I mean I think I’d recommend you repair

Stuff I can’t lie all right fishing rod would be very cool right now oh bloody hell it’s got nothing To go I know I understand but please because it is unfairy foreign obviously like if I magically happen to be given to me then yeah I would love it but like no I don’t want it don’t want it through that you see me for two minutes no

Show you this of course you think I don’t know he has this of course I do do you want to know how I died of course I do oh my God boom you’re a problem your trash imagine dying bro I I don’t I don’t think you understand what b-hop thing is and just

Jumping like in terms of like the hag for you if you’re trying to like say he’s like hacking with the b-hop hacking then I don’t think so bro I mean if you’ve seen what b-hole thing hacking looks like they literally are jumping up and down like like they’re like phasing

In and out of reality because of how fast it is not because they’re spinning around you and you’re getting dizzy tell you guys be helping bro if I if I look at the clip and I’m just like bro that’s not b-hopping I’m slapping you again you are being blocked yeah yes

Um if I mean because Peach doesn’t uh since I’ve turned off his PVP pumps he can’t really do that where I where are you um look at my coordinates at the top left hand corner of the screen otherwise go Northwest literally just keep going north west and you’ll find where we are

Yeah I’m nowhere near the base anymore I’m migrating basically um the question is how do I want to migrate do I want to migrate here um I don’t care that’s the thing I don’t care so I don’t want it I don’t Corner start I mean it’ll be a

Bit difficult to send it to some people um I don’t know about be all bro bro you ain’t gonna end that angry bro Hmm you got jumped by a child I’m not so sad man all right okay we’re gonna make use of this Ravine then return to spawn immediately why bro I I’ve been I’ve been literally kicked out of there a moment to come back when I’m being booted out of there

Every two minutes what the [ __ ] do you want me to do I’m getting bullied out there RP fishing was more oh I want them but like going back to spawn for them it’s a death sentence all right we’re rebuilding but this time we’re gonna build a little bit more of stone Looks like I mean here’s the thing it’s cause like I’ve known the guy for a while and I can understand that he probably is being real that he genuinely can’t help it what I mean by that is like is um his Mouse has been set to double click

Uh no this guy doesn’t usually him bull crap about like the stuff so he might genuinely just not know how to Tunnel but that’s why I’m turning off his PVP Parts as a way to stop it and if I order click as three would you believe me

Probably dark where where are your stuff bro ask ask viego and then cheese oh well there’s pizza’s right here Uh anyway all right okay I’ve got my call now and I just hope I don’t fold that okay all right let’s go into this cave then oh actually I haven’t got any um Okay yay I got a bit of my old gear back and the reason I’m not oh wait I’ve got something for you carts hold on God’s yo actually okay and I will give this to the other person oh thank you for the fishing rod that’s actually what I really want um okay

You’ve got some carrots and stuff okay I do not know where rainbow is but I’m going to give them something I’ve got something also for cards because I just received this okay so a little bit but I’m A Little Bit Stronger now well there you go I know

There you go Twitch TV there’s your answer just being kept warm for me apparently oh bloody hell I mean I was going for a different Iron vein but all right bro can you tell Jay uh can you tell YP oh no no it’s it’s not a server uh

Raghav it is a Bedrock world my friend yeah it’s a Bedrock world so now they get that skill issue leaves now I’m back not as strong as I used to be though so I mean I think you could very much beat me I cannot lie I don’t think I’m gonna be standing much

Of a chance in a 1v1 scenario but oh wait look let’s kill this guy hard to kill that guy why is it why is he here oh crap what fry you can’t do that one job I can tell you that much you can’t do that one Java

No show you Johnson again nah my Johnson’s uh not for sale all day oh that worked oh my God Morocco man Morocco all right okay should be plenty of iron in this cave cats you can’t be shooting right now bro cats can you fight them for me please I’m begging sorry

Cats can fight them all right cats because what are you doing what the fudge cats what are you doing oh my god oh now I’m dead now I I’m staying away from that until you could have charred in there you could have run in there and sacrificed your life

Oh it’s really late now oh Christ um and uh well looks like I’ll need to go find the new destination why can’t we go before the war because they will kill us come back look look what will happen when I come back watch watch watch watch watch watch

If someone attacks I can’t do anything yeah but I mean I mean I mean that’s the problem because you have that unfair Advantage I can’t I I hate to say it I can’t dark we left spawn why so you wanted to occupy it huh what

I mean it is a heap like it yeah I mean it does look like it’s bloody destroyed but oh it’s been completely reduced to where we literally had just fixed great nice okay all right hello hello hi oh ha ha doc I have a compromise I mean I haven’t

Really got much for you like if I mean look at the stay of my inventory I don’t think I don’t think I can give you much it doesn’t even have mending this thing gonna die on a minute but what is your compromise I don’t I don’t know what I’ve got to offer you

Sure you’re dancing again nah no Johnsons are there this time all right okay we we need to we need to build back up but I I’m gonna say we need to start off a bit smaller oh wait we need those fishing rods you you tweet

And and if I die like I know that’s I’m sorry I’ve got no other choice I’ve got no other choice man I know I completely understand I literally don’t have much choice okay Anna all right so a bit more stuff got blown up amazing bro don’t get the

Creepiest and blow on for the bloody important stuff okay can I actually oh my God oh my God let’s go w bro come on [Applause] yeah that’s my yeah let’s keep them far apart just so we don’t mix up no to be absolutely smashing all right

We’re gonna get our food we’re gonna be a bit pescetarian for a bit um that might be a bit problematic because that is not natural stuff um hello there bro beautiful nobody’s got double click on I want a fair fight okay I’ll do it but like oh what do I got oh yeah

Yes I got New York fishing rods thank god oh I’ve even got that one okay um all right cats you need a fishing rod mate I don’t know if I actually if you need one but oh my god I’ve got I’ve got a god fishing rod there’s two skeletons

What the fudge I’m retreating run away I’m gonna Ambush them why is Ashley trying to kill me again what the fudge bro I thought we were on truce bruh doesn’t mean I’m not coming back there again I’m not coming back though I’m sorry I’m not coming back there I’m

Not coming back there anymore I can’t be asked I’m not coming back though I’m not going back I can’t that’ll just kill me on site I can’t come back there I have to go to another area rainbow has the loot okay yeah I’m probably I’m gonna go to a different

Destination I’m gonna message the people that I want to become the coordinates uh yeah you can choose to stay at spawn bomb I’m moving I’m I’m moving I literally can’t stay there anymore I hate it I hate the fact I can’t but I really can’t

No no if I divide if I allow a vote for create new world then there’s a few bad reasons for why no creating you are because then it’s like oh I could just be created any point and then bam progress gone there’s no need it will actually decrease the motivation overall

Yeah if you can bring some of those fishing rods I very much appreciate thank you cats I think Villegas is hacking what are you doing right bro yeah goals Google it’s not yet not yet not yet not yet I’m gonna give I’ll give you guys Corners once I find the Promised Land

I’m only gonna give it to those that I want coming it’s just a delay uh the enemy because uh yeah yeah so you guys just get yourself stacked at home [Applause] runs suck all the potatoes my friends ransacked them all ransacked for potatoes oh that’s water potion stand I cross bed

20 watt a 20 blocks from half a second on the ground oh fire and iron golem I’m so alright right now Israel Oh I don’t have the bloody um let’s get that traffic no I believe Um uh You do more non-minecraft streams during the spirit without the fsmp there’ll be um if I am streaming tomorrow OB Roblox I do not know about the other days um because I will be doing um a random game sometimes um there’s obviously also servers but ah mango favorite Pho for six hours no I

Can’t do that I’ll get pounded oh someone has been here so they just never bothered to look The Village correctly okay things about right someone has been here they’re just spash okay makes sense all right okay oh great yeah most of the good stuff has already been nicked all right lovely

I guess I can sell around here um hmm hello oh you found me hold on what what do you want what’s that all right um do you think this is not a bad area to sell a setup shop you go somewhere else Oh I like this all right okay well I’ve got an idea where I’m gonna set up shop um I’m probably going to end the stream here probably going to continue with this world for anyone wondering I’m just going to create the new area around here yeah definitely around here

He’s making the video actually you never know she is like yep thank you guys swing by we will be continuing this um I don’t know when probably on a weekend uh I’ll probably be here because obviously spawn is a fudging hell obviously I might eventually come back to spawn for some

Funnies but yeah no no no no no no surprisingly Chris creeper I don’t think he doesn’t play Geometry Dash he plays Tifton thank you It’s peaceful you mean not not for me if I go there it’s not peaceful all right or is is everyone in peace there right now or or what’s going on Are they just only going after me bro this is such a scam seriously you choose your neighbor so yeah either way I could try and chill like spawn or something like that um but I might get pounded again because as you may know DCA pounding goes goes hand in hand you know

Um please be kind to be Romanians bruh no uh I’ll probably set up the uh the new the new fist Landy over here besides what we would call it the new fistline YouTube I might as well just kill myself I can’t be asked uh I’m you know what we’re gonna continue with this shizzle at spawn oh my God is this what spawn is now dark you your entire city got destroyed not complete the paths are still fine you haven’t destroyed all the dark roads

I mean the bridge is still wonderable this house is still half here um yeah I’ve also become just a simple fisherman yeah this is my uh fishing rod I shall become just just a simple plain fisherman he’s facing allowed ah well we returned here yes

I I don’t I don’t I I I’m very disappointed I guess I guess uh my uh I’m doomed to stay at spawn I see just killing someone’s dog bro I thought this had lure three there we go I was thinking what’s going on I thought this had a little free on it

We shall be are you old men are trying to kill you now this is my men thing bro we have just existed it’s just like communism like true communism is off I am trying to live in peace with the ruins of uh fislandia can you create Fred Ethan llama boy

If you mean like um if you mean like a Java they’ll probably be in um SMP communism destroyed the nation bro you came after us we were perfectly fine we were perfectly fine until you decided like to come after us bruh we were perfectly fine we were perfectly fine

Who created the Fred R Ethan llama boy it doesn’t matter how much you torture me I will keep doing this just because the spite of it on you is so much better it’s like so much better no one had food we’re gonna have food now because Dr peanut somehow discovered

The uh the the German Miracle of uh fishing rods if you’re struggling with food with these types of fish you know it’s you are a shambles you bloody twit have to eat raw fish man [Applause] hello oh how were you that low on my taste thank you I’m eating raw fresh fish no

Do you want more gems um Twitch TV I’ll give you a couple more gems every time I get a gym I’ll give it to you I now have a ball we got yeah okay and also eat salmon roll then I’m just gonna go somewhere else

We trust people to not stop it I mean that’s true I should just kill them but unfortunately I have no choice as a YouTuber like if I wasn’t I just kill anyone that I have like even slight distrust of like genuinely I I would laughs [Applause] [Applause]

The hammer and sickle my friends the hammer and sickle and turn off your chords yes but I’m a YouTuber again I’m a YouTuber I have no other choice I I have to suffer after supper so yeah either way thank you guys for stopping by I’ll probably end this um

Stream here uh this I just wanna you know I just want to go and spectate just for a minute just to take a look at this Gamo spectator I just want to see the shambles I mean funnily enough a little bit of editing and I could uh

I could uh actually make this not look as bad oh god oh it’s not actually as much of a rune as I would have thought like yeah the uh wooden um the wooden top buildings are all gone um this is just replace that a bunch of crafting tables everywhere that didn’t

Burn from different people’s houses but the front doesn’t look as bad as the back the back looks absolutely horrendous in terms of damage but if you look at it from here it looks like he has been griefed a bit wow it looks considerably better doesn’t mean yeah it’s surprisingly been more

Than six hours yeah huh well also Fred’s floating now uh apart from yeah Fred is literally floating now but apart from that uh either way thank you guys for stopping by um yeah I might do um I don’t know if I’ll do random games or Roblox tomorrow I’m still thinking about it um

But otherwise uh you can’t kill fredice ninja will come to my house uh well um um VI ghost what are your thoughts oh what’s going on rightly so drowned rightly so I’m not clipping at Diego so you do that send Ninja on him let that dog out all

Over Twitch TV send it to ninja nah I’ll just I’ll just let it happen if you Clipper and send it to ninja and all that and then you can let it then you can watch the uh watch out falling uh I’ll see you guys um yeah about tomorrow

I think I’ll be doing Roblox I don’t know who knows I might take a dip I don’t think I’ll take it out but who knows because yeah on Thursday and Friday I’ve got some things to do so I don’t know if I’ll do six hour streams on those days so yeah who knows

Yep see everybody

This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 6 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2023-08-21 20:07:12. It has garnered 374 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:22:29 or 22949 seconds.

Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta SMP Rules: (Failure to comply to these rules will result in a ban) 1. No Hacking Clients/Cheats (No Exploits or abusing Of Glitches) Members: Thank You For Supporting The Channel 🙂 (Your Support Actually Helps Keep The Channel Running Through Funding 🙂 ) Last Updated: 18th Of August 2023 2. Use Common Sense

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    Slime & Honey Make Weird Noises Minecraft Biome Parkour Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the Biome Parkour series! Join the excitement as players navigate through challenging parkour courses set in various biomes. From lush forests to icy tundras, each level offers a unique and exciting experience for players. Exploring the Biomes Players will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of biomes, each with its own set of obstacles and challenges. Whether jumping across tree branches in a jungle biome or dodging ice spikes in a snowy landscape, the Biome Parkour series promises non-stop action and excitement. Collaboration and Community Looking… Read More

  • Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming

    Crafty Carrot & Wool Farming Minecraft Adventures: Carrot and Wool Farming Setting Up the Carrot Farm In the bustling world of Minecraft 1.20, Emmysim embarks on a new project – a carrot farm. With a keen eye for design, she carefully plans out the layout of the field, leaving space for a charming coastal path. Planting the carrots with precision, she envisions the bountiful harvest that will aid in her villager trades. Automating the Sheep Farm While tending to the carrot farm, Emmysim also delves into automating her sheep farm. With a meticulous approach, she constructs segments for the sheep, ensuring a seamless process… Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Fakir’s Fate: Minecraft’s Presidential Twist

    Fakir's Fate: Minecraft's Presidential Twist In the city of Minecraft, chaos did brew, As criminals plotted, their evil plans grew. Mayor Fakir, a target, in danger he stood, Assassination attack, a plan for his blood. But fear not, for heroes rose to the call, To protect the city, they stood tall. With TNT in hand, they set a trap, For the assassins, a deadly wrap. The car approached, the moment was near, The explosion rang out, loud and clear. The deed was done, the mayor was no more, The city safe, from the threat they tore. So remember, in Minecraft’s tale of might, Heroes… Read More

  • Aquarium Upgrade: GW’s Minecraft Makeover!

    Aquarium Upgrade: GW's Minecraft Makeover! In Minecraft, the aquarium’s in need of a change, Let’s spruce it up, make it look less strange. Start with natural blocks, like grass or dirt, Add spruce stairs, give it some flirt. Barrels on the sides, upside down they go, A frame, a slab, a banner to show. Fill the gaps with spruce blocks tight, Glass for the water, clear and bright. Fences and walls to keep it secure, Cover with barrels, make it endure. For a simpler touch, add a shelf or two, In this Minecraft world, let your creativity brew. Read More

  • New Quests! Day 3 – PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft

    New Quests! Day 3 - PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge: New Quests Unveiled! Embark on an exciting journey through the Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge with TheGuill84! This thrilling competition features daily quests and two major alliances, the Nether Alliance and the Overworld Alliance. Players must complete quests to earn XP for their guilds, contributing to their alliance’s success. Quests Galore Each day, new quests unlock, providing players with a variety of challenges to tackle. From weekly quests to daily tasks, there’s always something to keep you engaged. Whether it’s hunting down a Warden or exploring new territories, the quests offer a mix of adventure and… Read More

  • KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness

    KosmiKrime Minecraft: Animated Intro Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, KosmiKrime is the name of the game, a true gamer’s dream. With an animated intro, two years in the making, This Hardcore adventure is sure to be breathtaking. Join us on June 1st, for the grand debut, Witness the epic journey, with a crew that’s true. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, As we dive into Minecraft, with skills that can’t be beat. Join our Discord community, where mischief is abound, We’re up to no good, causing chaos all around. Follow us on Twidder, for updates and more,… Read More

  • Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure

    Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure Welcome to Cubed Chaos SMP Server! Welcome to the exciting world of Cubed Chaos SMP server, where Minecraft adventures come to life! Join NastikCraft on a thrilling journey as they dive into a new Minecraft community network reminiscent of the popular Hermitcraft server. Cubed Chaos offers a vibrant and engaging community that promises endless fun and excitement for all players. Establishing a Strong Foundation As NastikCraft sets foot in the Cubed Chaos world, the first order of business is to establish a solid foundation for their adventures. Starting with the basics, they gather essential resources such as sugarcane for… Read More

  • Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review

    Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review Minecraft Java Edition on Mobile? | PojavLaucher Review Have you ever wondered if you could play Minecraft Java Edition on your phone? Well, with PojavLaucher, now you can! In this review, we will explore the features of PojavLaucher and how it brings the Java Edition experience to your Android or iOS device. What is PojavLaucher? PojavLaucher is a launcher that allows you to run Minecraft Java Edition on your mobile device. It provides a seamless way to enjoy all the features of the Java Edition, including mods, servers, and more, right from your phone. Features of PojavLaucher With PojavLaucher,… Read More

  • Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers

    Cheating on Minecraft Test Answers Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain creator in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on creating original and entertaining content, 方块轩’s channel stands out as the sole official channel associated with the creator. Any videos related to 方块轩 on other channels are unauthorized reproductions and lack the creator’s endorsement. Viewers can… Read More

  • INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #Minecraft

    INSANE TWIST: Venom Controls Me! Ep. 9 #MinecraftVideo Information 33 đến 35 ngày chim ngốc hăng hãy trở thành người của tôi tôi khiến anh trở nên mạnh hơn hắn cũng thành công trở thành người của tôi rồi lúc này tôi có 30 trái tim ta có thể triệu hồi Võ Hồn chân thân các cậu đang làm cái máy bay gì thế mâu giết hắn đi tôi không mơ đâu thật là thái quá toàn bộ phi thuyền bắt đầu chìm với kỹ năng dịch chuyển chúng ta không cần phải sợ hãi hắn cũng đã thành công trong việc thoát khỏi tàu bay vên… Read More

  • Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won’t Believe #Viral

    Minecraft Logic Explained! You Won't Believe #ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic video #minecraft #viral #memes #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WORLD on 2024-03-22 09:52:09. It has garnered 13474 views and 507 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like share and subscribe❤️ 🔴 Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR USE for purpose such a as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statues that might otherwise be infringing. Non- Profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of… Read More

  • Unlock the Power – Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️

    Unlock the Power - Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide! ⚔️Video Information cinq astuces pour survivre sur Minecraft astuce numéro 1 le premier item que tu dois crafte ce n’est pas une armure mais un bouclier il te permettra de parer n’importe quel dégâts venant de monstre astuce numéro 2 si tu n’as pas encore de bouclier tu peux poser un bloc entre toi et le creeper pour ne pas prendre de dégâts d’Explosion astuce numéro 3 poser des bateaux peut bloquer plein de monstres et dans certaines situations ça peut vraiment être pratique astuce numéro 4 si tu pars à FK pense à te cacher dans un composteur avec… Read More


    🔥SONDERGAMER CREATES EPIC GAMER WORLD 3🔥Video Information [Música] Hola a todos chicos chicas de YouTube estamos un nuevo video para el canal y Bueno chicos en el día de hoy estamos aquí en mundo Gamer número tres comenzando desde lo dejamos en el episodio anterior episodio en el cual si no recuerdo mal estuvimos creo que seguimos con la construcción de lo que venía a ser la muralla y también estuvimos aplanando un poco la zona que creo que lo hice en directo si no recuerdo mal pero bueno el caso me dirán vale Sander Y qué vamos a hacer durante el episodio del día… Read More


    🚨 SHOCKING REVEAL: AJHT TV RETURNS TO MINECRAFT AFTER 3 WEEKS! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘SOM SPÄŤ! Minecraft po troch týždňoch…’, was uploaded by AJHT tv on 2024-04-11 06:48:08. It has garnered 210 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:15 or 8115 seconds. mc.qplay.cz mc.survival-games.cz mc.hypixel.net eu.minemen.club Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ajhttv/ Discord: https://discord.gg/yt2TCrVhzf Donate: https://streamlabs.com/ajhttv/tip Read More

  • Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!

    Insane Mod Setup: Sky Guy Goes Crazy on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Forge and Mod Installation- Minecraft Java and Bedrock!’, was uploaded by Sky Guy 1 on 2024-03-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. Thanks for watching! Hope y’all enjoyed it 🙂 —Subscribe here for more content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzY61qUs-sRPc_89yLxKjFg —My Friends Channels! Consider Subscribing? —DannyGamerYT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1AfHnPiZYYlvM7UHj2MSkg —Cyrus Da Grape: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg90p-UivNc-6PEgsXXoNvQ —Intro song: Password-Infinity-123276 —Outro song: Abstract-Technology-112288 Read More

  • SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE’s EPIC Minecraft Garden Tutorial

    SHOCKING! GAMER FIVE's EPIC Minecraft Garden TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Simple garden in Minecraft | Minecraft Tutorial |’, was uploaded by GAMER FIVE on 2024-05-02 10:40:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to build a Simple Garden in #minecraft ° ° ° ° ° Minecraft Tutorial video Music Used : Carefree Kevin MacLeod … Read More

  • Grivyzom

    GrivyzomNetwork oficial de @Maincrapost pagina de memes chilena, en donde buscaremos crear una nueva comunidad y comenzaremos por este server, unete para ver todas las nuevas novedades que tiene para ofrecerte “Mundo Maincra”. maincra.playwn.co:25586 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! If you’re looking for a 1.20.1 Minecraft server with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find your place here. We welcome all playstyles and suggestions for improvement. Why Choose Stinky SMP? GREAT PERFORMANCE! Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal lag for players. With 16 gigs of RAM and a Ryzen 9 7950x CPU, our server runs smoothly. UNIQUE GAMEPLAY! Experience our Safezone-Borderlands system, where you can choose between a peaceful area with rules against griefing and killing, or a resource-rich but dangerous… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex’s cursed dilemma

    Minecraft Memes - Gem-Hen or Diam-Hen: Alex's cursed dilemmaLooks like Alex is stuck between a rock and a hard place, or should I say a gem and a diam-hen place! Read More

  • Minecraft: Warden gets roasted by golems! 🔥

    Minecraft: Warden gets roasted by golems! 🔥 When the golems saw the Warden coming, they were like “We didn’t sign up for this! We just wanted to protect villages, not fight a walking nightmare!” #GolemProblems #WardenWoes Read More

  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 31

    365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 31 The World Seed: -7696225561229201821 Today, the Minecraft player delves into the intricacies of world generation and experiments with shaders. The exploration of different worlds in Minecraft is a key aspect of the game, offering unique landscapes, resources, and challenges for players to navigate. Greetings to the Community Our player extends warm greetings to fellow gamers on TikTok and YouTube, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the gaming community. Interactions like these not only create connections but also showcase the diverse and inclusive nature of the gaming world. Join the Channel For those looking to support the creator and enjoy… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Live Stream with Rizzy and Mizzy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java and Bedrock! Playing With Viewers! LIVE ​’, was uploaded by Rizzy And Mizzy on 2024-05-30 09:35:06. It has garnered 110 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:00 or 5880 seconds. I’ll be doing Java for one hour and bedrock for the rest of the stream, please be patient 🙂 Come and play with us if you play Minecraft on console, PE or PC bedrock! Just tell us your username and we will add you and invite you to the game! Rules: -No asking for Operator -Don’t troll -Don’t steal… Read More

  • Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and Seth

    Survival Mode Shenanigans with Cody and SethVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL MODE!: WARDENS WORLD | Cody and Seth (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by Cody and Seth on 2024-02-04 17:00:46. It has garnered 65590 views and 481 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:23 or 4043 seconds. SURVIVAL: CAN WARDEN BE FRIENDLY?!: https://youtu.be/2bwFm23zD84?list=PLfUP8M2ypcKPitoif_Y9ljNVqblzCwDe_&playnext=1 | Turn on ALL notifications Amazing JNE HOUR journey with Cody and Seth exploring the world of Minecraft in their full Minecraft movie! LIKE and SUBSCRIBE #minecraft #animation #adventure Follow Cody And Seth: Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijo5PugAXFsML_CZLjsR1w?sub_confirmation=1 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cody_and_seth Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cody_and_seth/ Other Channels: Cody and Seth Ukrainian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4guVLEYQKGw_INXG0UGjbA?sub_confirmation=1 Cody and Seth English: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCijo5PugAXFsML_CZLjsR1w?sub_confirmation=1 Cody… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!

    EPIC Minecraft Sky Block Adventure Begins!Video Information This video, titled ‘Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1’, was uploaded by AjjuGamerz on 2024-05-30 07:30:01. It has garnered 1980 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. Welcome To My Minecraft Sky Block Day – #1 #build #tecnogamerz #ujjwal Finally aaj se me chalu karne wala hu minecraft sky block survival to let’s go iss viseo ke andar mene temporary two islands buils kei Small Animal House and simple xp farm Like Share Subscribe:) Minecraft Sky Block Survival Subscribe For 1 Diamond ❤️ Thanks For Watching Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!

    Unbelievable Minecraft hack for easy survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft easiest build hack for survival world’, was uploaded by Wolfra gamer on 2024-02-04 13:55:04. It has garnered 3603 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial – You Won’t Believe How Realistic This is!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: https://discord.gg/5RpJ27yxHc Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium Dice

    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

  • “New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia – Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭” #viral

    "New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia - Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝#viral’, was uploaded by Speedbossgamerz on 2024-04-01 01:30:07. It has garnered 12178 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝 PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE THANKS FOR WATCHING 💝💝💝 YOUTUBE:@Speedbossgamerz https://www.youtube.com/@UCa0xqOV6Gf1zKv1orAaEWWg INSTAGRAM:SPEEDBOSSGAMERZ https://www.instagram.com/speedbossgamerz/ ABOUT MINECRAFT What is Minecraft? At its core, Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even… Read More

  • IndiaCraft

    IndiaCraftIndiaCraft is a captivating Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Step into a world filled with boundless creativity and endless possibilities as you embark on exciting adventures and build your own virtual empire. The server boasts a wide range of features and gameplay modes that cater to different play styles. Whether you’re an avid explorer, a master builder, or a fierce competitor, IndiaCraft has something for everyone. Discover sprawling landscapes teeming with diverse biomes, from lush forests to vast deserts, each waiting to be explored and conquered. Engage in… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players focused on high-quality projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is community-based with huge projects and events that everyone contributes to. Technut is a Whitelist-only server for a positive and creative environment. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have added 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on March 20, 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated players dedicated to long-term projects and community interaction. We value technical skills in Minecraft with building,… Read More

  • People of Crafting ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ Friendly

    People of Crafting   ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ FriendlyWelcome to People of Crafting [1.20.6]we have a supportive community for all types of communities out there.We provide gamemodes at the moment:- Towny- More coming soon!Connect to People of Crafting Java Edition using play.peopleofcrafting.comBedrock Connections are currently not supportedJoin The Adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper, Aw Man! Awwww, Man!Wow, this meme is really racking up the points! It must be mining for gold with that score of 59! Read More

  • Wiki Wonders: Minecraft’s Lore Encore

    Wiki Wonders: Minecraft's Lore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, The Minecraft Wiki is where knowledge arrives. A community-driven site, filled with facts and lore, For players to explore, and learn even more. From English to Russian, and French to Thai, The Wiki is global, reaching the sky. With updates and tips, for players to see, The history of Minecraft, told in poetry. So leap into the verse, with a playful spin, And let the Minecraft Wiki, be your next win. Explore the depths of the game, with a curious eye, And let the Wiki guide you, as you reach for… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When You Realize Your House is Lava! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a lava pit, but you still have the audacity to blame it on a glitch in the game. Classic Minecraft player move. #minecraftprobs 😂🔥 Read More

  • Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record!

    Mapwreck 5 Speedrun: 9:22.540 Record! Minecraft Speedrun: Currents CTM Any% in 9:22.540 In a thrilling display of skill and strategy, a Minecraft player has achieved an impressive Any% speedrun time of 9:22.540 in the Mapwreck 5 custom map. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable feat. Game Version and Mods The speedrun was performed on Minecraft version 1.19.2, utilizing a selection of Fabric mods to enhance gameplay: Fabric API 0.76.0: Essential for the functioning of other mods. ReplayMod 2.6.15: Used for video production purposes. Sodium 0.4.4: Improves chunk loading speed for faster gameplay. SpeedrunIGT 13.5: Aiding in tracking in-game time accurately. Starlight 1.1.1:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge – 100 Days Survival!

    Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge - 100 Days Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 100 DIAS RPG MEDIEVAL DO CISCO’S NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Lokolow on 2024-06-04 21:00:39. It has garnered 237603 views and 22022 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:04 or 3724 seconds. #100days #minecraft 100 DAYS AT CISCO’S MEDIEVAL RPG – THE MOVIE! Can we survive for 100 days in this modpack, the most difficult RPG in Minecraft today! Check out how we accomplished infinite capitalism, broke the modpack with the strongest items and beat the level 130 dragon all in one video! So what are you waiting for, leave… Read More

  • Mischief Mania: Aggro’s Solo Gaming Adventures

    Mischief Mania: Aggro's Solo Gaming AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘While The Family Is Away, Aggro Will Play! | Minecraft/Phasmo/Whatever Stream’, was uploaded by Aggrosk8 on 2024-05-19 02:15:51. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:24 or 19464 seconds. We are going to start off with Minecraft, and probably stick with that until 6:30ct, where we will transition to phasmophobia to play with @WillDeez and the gang! Come hang out! Surviving Bedrock is a survival series put together by @RaythMinecraft Please check his channel and discord out! Rayth’s Discord: http://discord.raythnetwork.co.uk/ I would greatly appreciate you hitting those like… Read More

Dark Corrupt A – 🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 6 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)