Daxx’s World: Trapped on One Chunk with TVWOMAN!

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Wa wait a second where am I right now oh wait Zoe is that you uh D Dax I’m always with you wait Zoe you ped me off what’s wrong with you and wait a second I’m all the way back up here but wait everything looks super realistic what in the world

Happening oh my God who the heck is this it looks like the TV woman what are you talking about it’s me it’s Zoe wait Zoe is that really you of course it’s me what are you even talking about you literally look like the TV woman right now and everything looks so realistic

Around here really I feel like I look the exact same uh no look Zoe let me go ahead and punch you off the edge so you can see everything bye Zoe what the heck and look see Zoe does anything look different now yes I look just like the

TV woman what the heck is going on I have no idea this is so crazy you two fools wait who in the world was that and wait a second I see a bunch of Shadows like wo wo wao wait a second is that the Gman what the heck how did he get here

If you fools don’t get off this one Chunk in the next hour I’ll blow up the whole island wait he said he’s going to blow up the whole island Zoe did you hear that this is not good what are we going to do well he did say that we’re

Going to have to escape this one chunk if we want to survive in an hour otherwise he’s going to blow everything up so I mean I guess we have to get to the bottom or something okay but how are we going to do that I mean maybe I could

Just try to jump off and land all the way on the bottom let’s go I can do this oh God Zoe I’m falling in the void Dax it said that you fell from a high place and died are you okay uh no Zoe I was not okay I literally just fell from like

A million blocks but I guess we can’t jump to the bottom so maybe the only way we can go down is by digging or something okay okay but do we have any tools to dig uh no but we have our super awesome Fist and we can start punching

The trees to get wood that’s probably a good place to start let’s do it okay well let’s just go ahead and start breaking all these pieces of wood and probably the first thing we need to do is make a crafting table that way when we actually do get enough materials we

Can actually make tools that is super smart and man this tree is super super cool to look at it has so much detail it’s way cooler than the normal Minecraft tree yeah it is super pretty and perfect I already broke my tree down and man your tree is so much taller okay

I’ll go ahead and help you make this tree as well sweet thank you you Dax and uh wait a second Zoe do you see that weird blue bar at the bottom of our screen yeah what do you think that’s about it looks like some type of water

Droplets wait a second do you think we have like a water bar now since we’re in realism mode wait so now we have to worry about drinking water on top of everything else that’s going on oh my Go ZO this is literally the worst ever but

Hey look at this we got some saplings which mean we can plant even more trees that have unlimited wood sweet unlimited wood let me put a sapling there and I’ll put one here and then I’ll go ahead and break the rest of this tree and I guess

If we have to get water we’re probably going to need like a water bottle to drink of out of or maybe we can just swim in the pool let’s see and uh no I don’t think I can drink water like this Zoe can you drink any water no can’t

Drink any water okay so maybe we do need like some type of bottle and in order to make a bottle we need a little bit of glass do you see any sand anywhere oh look there’s sand underneath the water decks wait there’s sand right below the

Water and oh that’s perfect okay Zoe why don’t you go ahead and break like uh six pieces of sand so we can each have oursel a nice little water bottle okay sounds good I’m too short I can’t even reach this last piece of wood oh my gosh

Let me go ahead and break some dirt so I can get a bit higher and since I’m obviously way too short yeah you are pretty short what the heck zo I’m literally taller than you I we measured last time and I was like at least 5 in

Taller Dex come Stand By Me I’m the TV woman now so that means I’ve gained at least like 6 in let me see and oh my gosh you are so much taller than me okay I take it all back Zoe you are way way bigger than me yeah so stop your talking

Short stuff okay now that I have this wood let me go ahead and craft us this first crafting table and here we go and uh Zoe did you happen to get all that sand I asked for yep six blocks of it okay perfect so now we have the sand but

And to make the glass we’re going to need a little bit of cobblestone so we probably need to make some tools so we can mine these pieces of stone right here okay we get to it okay okay I’ll make myself one and then I’ll make yourself one actually I’ll just make my

One first so we can have a wooden pickaxe and I’ll make as well stone pickaxe once I actually get it sweet I can’t wait to have a stone pickaxe so I can start digging let’s just go ahead and grab these and I think we need like

A total of six pieces of cobblestone so we could both have tools and I just need one more piece and perfect now let me go ahead and head back to the crafting table and I can make us both those tools I was talking about sweet it’s so cool

That you know how to make all this stuff I mean Zoe it’s literally just a stone pickaxe I feel like even a noob could make that a noob so what are you calling me uh if a noob can make it and you can’t make it I’m calling you something

Worse than a noob but it’s okay Zoe I can teach you how to make them dang okay Zoe here’s the pickaxe for you and now I have my own pickaxe and like I said we need to make a cobblestone furnace so let me go ahead and get us some more

Stone down here in order to make a furnace we need eight pieces of cobblestone so let me grab that real quick here we go I got a few of these and uh wait a second so wait do you see these blocks right down here yeah what

Is that this looks like snow blocks why in the world is there snow blocks on a one chunk this is really weird I guess that’s just one of the layers okay yeah maybe so but why would it be snow I feel like that’s such a useless block okay

Now that I got the furnace let’s go ahead and place it down here and then we can put all the sand inside and oh wait a second we’re going to need something in order to light all this up what should we probably use Dax didn’t you

Get a bunch of wood why don’t you just light the wood on fire oh I mean I guess I can just put the wood in there and since though likes these Oak planks I’m just going to throw all them in there like that and perfect now we just need

To wait for it all to smell and then we should be able to get those bottles it DS some super awesome water yay we’re going to be hydrated but man this is so crazy just to look at way all the lighting is so realistic and the grass

Looks really nice and even the leaves up there look really nice and oh I just realized I couldn’t reach those wood planks over there can you go ahead and get them since you’re so much taller sure I can do that uh perfect thank you Zoe now let me go ahead and check the

Furnace and see it oh it looks like everything’s done in boom there is six pieces of glass and now I just need to figure out how to make a bottle which I’ve never made one before I’m sure you can figure it out let’s see I think a

Bottle looks like this so maybe we make it up like that and what the heck are these These are glass buds we definitely don’t want those let me go ahead and try a different format maybe like this and oh look at that zo I got myself three

Glasses of bottles sweet can I have one of them uh yeah you can have one but first let me fill it up with water so we can drink it okay all I think we need to do is walk over here and then boom just right click right click right click and

Now we can drink it here’s one for you and here’s one for me let’s go ahead and chug these and perfect look at that we actually drank the water wow that is so fun okay let’s just go ahead and fill up a few more glass bottles just so

Whenever we need them later we actually have them in our inv inventories yep we are going to be so prepared and now that we have that I think we can start going down a little bit further so let’s go ahead and dig past this snow and see

What’s down there and wo look there’s iron blocks down here Zoe wo we can definitely use the iron to make something cool let me just go ahead and dig through this right here and through this coal as well in perfect I’m going to get to the bottom and what the heck

Zoe there’s zombies down here what the heck zombies Dax be careful Zoe don’t come down here I’m getting jumped oh my gosh I can’t beat them all up Dax are you okay no I’m definitely going to lose Zoe do not come down here we need to get

Way more stuff and we’re going to beat all these guys oh no Dex you were slain by a zombie oh no Zoe since I got taken out by a zombie I lost all of my materials oh no good thing I still have a lot oh yeah okay well since I got

Completely jumped down there we’re probably going to need a lot more stuff so can I maybe have that pickaxe and start getting us some iron armor and stuff what the heck you’re going to take my pickaxe please don’t wa I’ll give you another pickaxe I promise fine but you

Have to promise to make me something cool later yeah I’ll make you something cool I’ll give you like really cool iron armor how does that sound we better make it diamond armor diamond armor Zoe I have literally dirt pour I have no money where do you expect me to get diamonds

From maybe one of the layers will be some diamonds yeah maybe I mean we still are at the pretty top and there’s a lot left to go so maybe we’ll have like a whole Diamond layer get super super rich uh Zoe wait a second why in the world

You have a bunch of green dots around you what’s going on I have no idea I just took a drink of my water and now my water droplets turned green wait a second zo the water might AC be poisonous are you serious Dex oh no I

Think we have to make purified water we didn’t do that at all we were just drinking this nasty Sandy water oh no this is not good and I think the only way we can actually make purified water is by getting charcoal and making a charcoal filter a charcoal filter how do

You do that I think you make charcoal by putting like a piece of wood in here is that how you do it and oh wait no that’s not how you do it let me see how in the world do you make charcoal um Dax I think you have to smelt it so use

Another wood so you can smelt it oh okay so I put a plank here and I smelt that it should get pretty good and wait a second so I have like a freezing thing on me oh my gosh it must be so cold out here what the heck I have a freezing

Thing too we need some coats yeah we do need some coats but I think the first thing we can actually do is probably grab some of this coal that I saw down here and we can make ourselves torches that way we can actually be all nice and

Warm ooh that’ll be nice okay I got ourself a couple pieces of coal and by a couple I mean literally just one so we’re only going to have a few torches wow really living big decks I’m trying my best let me just go ahead and grab

These sticks and I’ll put the coal on top and perfect now we can put these torches all the way around us and now we’re super super warm okay but focus on the coal we need clean water okay I just got charcoal now and let’s see I think

The other thing we need is a bunch of paper and the only way we can get paper is with books so maybe we have to go further down to find that paper but we have to hurry cuz we are really really starting to lose a lot of hunger in

Hearts and we have to fight those zombies so we need to be super duper careful oh yeah speaking of the zombies let me go ahead and get us a bunch of iron each and I think if I get like 40 pieces of iron we can smell that to have

Super cool armor sweet okay let me just go ahead and grab a few more of these and then I’ll grab a few pieces of coal and then we’re going to have a full set of armor and be super awesome and probably why I have 15 pieces of iron

Let me just run back to the top and I can start smelting these that way whenever I come back there prob be a good amount smelted and actually while a bunch of this iron is melting I probably need to make myself a better pickaxe that way I can actually mine more

Efficiently so let me go back to this crafting table here and get some sticks and then I’ll put some iron on top and perfect now I have a super cool iron pickaxe okay so I got a good amount of iron I think the first thing I’m actually going to make this is some

Shield and some swords that’s probably the best idea right yeah that’s super smart okay let me go ahead and make a shield and oh gosh I completely forgot how to make it I think it’s something like this maybe oh gosh so way this is way too difficult for me come on Dax we

Have to hurry let me just go ahead and flip that around and perfect there’s one shield now let me go ahead and make a second shield and perfect now we have two Shields here you go zo you can take that shield and I have my shield and

Just make sure to equip it so we can actually fight those zombies off okay I could do that and the next thing I said I was going to do is make us both little swords so let me get more stick something like that and then boom I can

Make us two iron sword so we can be two super strong people wow wow this is so awesome and then we just have to wait for all this iron to finish smelting I probably should make another furnace that way we can actually smelt stuff even faster okay now that we have the

Shields in swords the first thing I probably should make is a nice little helmet for the both of us so we could wear that and here we go perfect Zoe okay I have one iron helmet for you and I have one iron helmet for me sweet I

Can’t wait to put this on I’m going to look so cute and wait Zoe did you already put it on yeah uh okay I can’t see it maybe your TV head is just too big and I can’t even see the armor no this is not good but I bet it still

Either way and you do look pretty cool as a TV woman so I think it’s okay A thank you Dex and zo honestly I feel confident how we are right now you just want to go down there and fight all the stupid zombies yep let’s do it Zoe how

In the wood are we going to get down there and fight them there’s literally so many of them down there let’s just jump down and get them wait what the heck we’re going down oh my gosh start fighting them all off Zoe make sure to use your Shield I’m trying da oh my

Goodness I probably should have made us axes axes are way stronger yeah why did you do that I have no idea but wait it looks like all the zombies are focused on me so you can take them all out this is perfect this is awesome they’re going

Down super fast yeah I know but oh man I’ve taken a lot of damage good thing I had one little apple that I could actually eat how’s your hunger doing Zoe I’m doing okay I think I still have a lot left but I do have a carrot a carrot

Oh maybe that would be super tasty to eat it wao wait my water is running down super low Zoe we’re going to have to figure out this water situation pretty quick I have a glass of poisonous water if you want it yeah I don’t think I want

The poisonous water but hey look at that we defeated all the zombies I’m going to go ahead and move all the stuff from upstairs down here we are so cool and actually before I go back down there let me go ahead and make myself a couple

Buckets that way we can have an ultimate unlimited water source wherever we go just in case we need more water yeah that’s a really good idea we definitely need some water and wait a second so wait there’s literally a chest right here do you see this yeah but how do we

Open it let’s see if I just right click on it and oh gosh this is the passcode protected chest Zoe Dex why don’t you try 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 I doubt that’s anything let’s see it what the heck it actually opened what the heck they stole

My password it wait a second it says level five key card do you have any idea what we can use that for I have no clue but you should keep it in your inventory just in case yeah that’s probably a good idea and wait there’s also some doors

Over here let’s go ahead and open them up and see it whoa wait it looks like there’s some parkour and wait there’s a chest at the end Zoe do you want to do the parkour Dex I am not doing parkour you know you’re a lot better at it than

Me so you better do it oh my gosh okay let me go ahead and try this parkour and oh my gosh the way there’s literally void below me I’m so scared you got the STX it looks super easy let’s see okay I’m on the last jump let’s see what this

Of this chest and wo there’s a piece of paper really we could use the paper for the filter for the charcoal water we could but wait a second Zoe this thing says one 2 3 4 on it I think it was actually the passcode to that chest over

There but you were just so smart that you guessed it yeah I’m just super smart Okay it what the heck wait did you see this thing on the floor over here what is it it looks like a trap door oh my gosh it’s another keypad trapo well it’s

Not going to be 1 2 3 4 so maybe you should try 43 2 1 wait Zoe I do think 43 21’s actually going to work that’s ridiculous I tried it and what the heck no way that actually opened Zoe are you serious what can I say Dex I’m just

Super smart oh my gosh okay well let me go ahead and type that in again and boom now we’re on to this next layer and what the heck are these things right here it looks like a bunch of pieces of wood and yeah it’s a bunch of burst wood plakes

Oh my gosh we don’t need any more wood okay and now we have all this wood around us we probably should get ourself a little axe just for wood because this takes so long to mine with our fist yeah and we can’t be here all day the g man’s

Going to come come soon oh my God I completely forgot about the gement okay now I have myself a nice little iron axe let me go ahead and mine out a little bit of this wood and let’s see how far this wood even goes down and wao wait a

Second zo wait do you see what this next block is what is it what is it this looks like Redstone and uh I don’t really know what we can use it for but redstone’s really cool right yeah it’s super cool okay how about we go ahead

And break a bunch of this and wo look there’s even lapis below it lapis I love lapis and what the heck zo there’s even gold below this oh my gosh we might be hitting the jackpot for my gold armor yes we’re going to be super rich and wo

Wait a second the best block in the world a super awesome green emerald block is right here green that’s such an ugly color what the heck zo are you serious wait are you trying to break Emerald with a sword you know you can’t break emeralds with a sword right I

Ought to smack you with this sword uh okay you don’t have to hit me zo let me just go ahead and mine my emeralds and peas please and ew there’s a bunch of quartz below it that’s so ugly yeah that is kind of ugly but I did I say I would

Make you something really cool so what do you want do you want like a gold sword or something would that be nice yeah that would be so cool okay let me go ahead and make some of this gold right here wait a second we need to

Focus up we’re almost out of water and we’re going to like dehydrate to death I have poisonous water Zoe we cannot drink poisonous water that is not good for you well maybe we should go back up to finish our filter yeah but we don’t have any books remember we have to go lower

To try and find some books oh okay then keep looking and wait a second what in the world is this I can barely tell it looks like it’s an iron block or something and what the heck zo wait I think we’re going on to a block layer

Are you serious a block layer yeah look there’s iron blocks here and then there’s Gold Blocks right here and wo there’s even Emerald blocks and wo there’s even diamond blocks that is so cool Zoe quick get down here we have to mine all these diamond blocks and get

Super op tools this is going to be awesome and oh wait a second do you see what this next layer is ooh what is that it looks like it’s some type of like green wool that’s really weird and what the heck wait there’s purple wool next

To it ooh I love purple wool maybe I can make a little scarf uh I guess you can make a scarf if you want to I’m going to stick on the green side because everyone knows that green is just way better that is not true Dax okay well there are

Bunch of diamond blocks around us so let me go ahead and mine a bunch of these and then I can make us those tool I was talking about so let me go ahead and get our crafting table back again and I can put it in this corner right here and

I’ll just make us both a bunch of gear this is going to be so cool okay first I’ll go ahead and make ourselves some Diamond chest plates just like this and here you go Zoe there’s a diamond chest plate for you and then there’s one for

Me and then I can go ahead and make the rest of the armor WoW we are going to look so stylish and boob just like that we have full diamond armor but I should probably make us a bunch of diamond tools too and actually since we have

Diamond now let’s just get rid of all this iron it’s a complete junk and we don’t need it anymore yeah Iron’s what poor people use yeah and we’re not poor we’re like super super rich so let me just go ahead and toss all this and ew I

Even had Stone in my inventory imagine using Stone that’s for poor people exactly and that’s not us and the next thing I’m going to do is make us some Diamond axes so let me just go ahead and grab ourselves two of these and here’s one for you and make sure to use that

Zoe cuz they’re way stronger than that stupid sword okay I can do that and now I’m just going to take the crafting table and I guess we can just move on since we have everything we practically need all righty what blocks do you think we’re going to hit next I have no idea

And oh gosh wait a second I forgot to make myself a pickaxe we need to do that and we’re going to keep mining through so let me just make one of those real quick and perfect okay now we can go down as far as we need to and wao wait a

Second zo do you see what this next room is what is it it looks like a bunch of Lucky Blocks Lucky Blocks oh my gosh that means we’re going to get random stuff and maybe we could even get some books and wo look I laid it all the way

Down here and wo I only have two hearts left uh Zoe do you have any food on you I have a carrot oh my gosh I can’t eat a carrot carrot is not going to fill me up enough Zoe uh this really sucks it what the heck wait there’s a cow right here

Dax I know what you’re thinking and don’t do it uh I kind of need to kill them we need a lot of food if wait a his name is Mr Pickles yeah don’t kill Mr Pickles I swear to God Dax if you kill Mr Pickles I’m going be so mad at you

Sorry Mr Pickles no Mr Pickles okay let’s go ahead and grab this and see and what the heck it dropped 38 pieces of raw beef Zoe that is insane rest in peace Mr Pickles that was such a good thing to get man that was a really

Really chunky cow if he gave us that much meat hey he was just full figured I mean he was full figured and he gave us a full meal to eat so it worked out either way but hey look at this we have a bunch of lucky blocks down here do you

Want to start breaking them let’s do it okay first I’m going to break this one right here let’s see and wao look we got a bow and it says the lucky bow sweet hopefully it brings us luck hopefully it does okay let’s see what yours does and

What the heck is that that just a piece of emerald I have no clue but what are all these Sparkles I don’t really know I don’t think it did anything else but hey I’ll take the emerald Rock since it’s green now I can go ahead and eat this

Food and Mano we still really need water I am super super low on water yeah I only have a couple bars left okay let’s go ahead and get these lucky blocks out the way so we can keep going and what the heck is this it looks like a potion

Wao it’s called an evil potion an evil potion what do you think that does I don’t know but hey maybe whenever we see the GMA de we could use it on of that would be super cool that would be super cool wait what did you fools just say ah

The Gman wait a second where in the world is he did you just say you going to try and use an evil potion on me you know there’s no way that could work wait it’ll definitely work we got it from Lucky Blocks if I just throw it at you

Right now it’s actually going to destroy you um Dex there’s actually glass in front of us so if you throw it at the Gman right now it’s actually going to bounce back and kill us see you are such an idiot what the heck you best believe

Whatever we get out of this one Chuck you are totally going down H we’ll see about that see you at the bottom losers wait no what the heck get back here oh Zoe I can’t believe he heard is talking about the evil potion that’s so mean I

Know that dirty little ease dropper what whatever let’s just go ahead and break the rest of these lucky blocks and maybe we get something super super overpowered that we can use the take them out and wo what the heck is this I have no clue but

Dax you’re inside of it wait I am inside wait there’s even more Lucky Blocks wo it looks like it just spawned in a bunch more Lucky Blocks wo this is crazy fireworks what the heck I just got hit in the face with fireworks and wo there’s a bunch of diamonds down here

They’re all mine what the heck okay you can have some of you want there’s still a bunch down there zo we have a ton of materials it’s not like we need to fight over it yeah that’s true and we have a bunch of Lucky Blocks so maybe we’ll both get some cool things

Exactly let’s go ahead and break the rest of these out and wo we got another pyramid this is awesome and wait a second there’s another potion let’s see what is this one all about and man I have way too much stuff in my inventory and uh Zoe I think you just took the

Potion from me um actually the potion’s mine now oh fine okay you can have it if you want to I’m actually going to throw out a little bit of our junk because we have way too much stuff let me just go ahead and throw a bunch of stuff off the

Edge okay let’s just go ahead and finish breaking these lucky blocks and uh wait a second Zoe did you see that thing in the corner no what was it wait there’s literally a trap door here maybe that’s the way down to the next floor sweet okay maybe we can go ahead and break

This wood to get out and uh Zoe I think this is reinforced wood we can’t break through it but how do we get through the trap door wait a second we could literally just make like a button or something and that could open it how do

We make a button okay all we need to do is get oursel a crafting table oh my gosh I only have four pieces of wood left thank goodness I can still make a crafting table with that yeah you’re just making the cut okay now let me go

Ahead and make a bun can I even make a bun with gold or anything oh gosh wa I don’t have any of the bad blocks anymore here Dex I have some wood oh thank goodness you have wood okay let me go ahead and get this and then I can make

Oursel a little butt and perfect now we can use this and put it on the door over here come on it should be somewhere and perfect now we can open whatever we want let’s just finish breaking these Lucky Blocks first okay I want to break this

One okay you go ahead and break them let me know if you get anything good I’m getting a bunch of cool stuff and wo I got super enchanted golden apples wo that means we’ll never go hungry exactly and wo I also got a bunch of TNT maybe

We can use that against the Gman this is awesome I got some lucky potions and wo I’m getting a bunch of food man these lucky blocks are so cool these are super cool okay Zoe I think we got all the lucky blocks and man we are still super

Low on water so we should probably move on to the next layer to see what’s down there yep let’s go and wait what the heck is this Zoe this looks like some type of maze a maze what the heck how did they know that we’re so good at

Mazes I don’t know but make sure to stick super close we don’t want to get lost to get separated and then the G and might pick us off one by one okay um Dax where did you go Zoe I’m literally right behind you where in the world are you

Going I’m going through the Maze come on stick with me if we get lost it’s going to a big problem for the both of us okay okay you don’t have to yell at me okay there should be a way out somewhere around here come on come on and perfect

I think I found the way out let’s go down this trapo and see and waa where am I going now I have no clue but we just fell hey do you think this water is poisonous uh probably Zoe all this water is probably poison enough and wo look

There’s a bunch of books around here we could use this to make water sweet just what we were looking for let’s go ahead and break a couple of these out and then I can get my crafting table and then we can actually go ahead and make ourselves

A nice pure ified water sweet does that mean we have to go all the way back up or are we going to use this one right here no we can just use this one right here we should be okay okay now I have the charcoal filter and Zoe do you have

Any of those water bottles left yep sure do oh perfect okay let me go ahead and get one of those now all I have to do is go ahead and get this water bottle use a charcoal filter and boom now we have super purified water sweet we need to

Drink it fast I only have one bar left oh yeah okay how about you have this one Zoe and I can go ahead and make us that little pool of water so we can have infinite water sweet okay all I have to do is put some planks down like this and

Water in each one of these corners and now we can go ahead and get ourselves some more water buckets but first I got to throw a bunch of jck off the map okay I think I’m pretty much good to go on water now just make sure to fill them up

One more time and I’ll make all these purified Waters just so we have them for later that is such a good idea Dax oh wait a second zo this looks like a key card reader maybe we can actually use the key card from earlier sweet do you

Still have it on you let’s see it yes I do level five key card let me go ahead and put it inside of here and see if it works and wo look at that it actually works now we can go down here and see what’s in here and what the heck Zoe

There’s literally a sign inside of here what does it say it says check on top of the maze Zoe do you have any idea what that means no I have no clue uh let’s see check on top of the Maze and wao wait it looks like there’s a little

Thing to jump up here let’s go ahead and test this out and wo look up on top of the maze now seriously this is so cool wait there’s a lever let me press it wait so I no and oh my God so you spawn in a bunch of zombies I didn’t spawn

Them in the lever did don’t blame me oh my goodness quickly we have to take them out and wao wait there is way too many I kind of just jumped in there without a plan that wasn’t smart at all Dax you’re distracting them so I’ll get them good

Plan please don’t I help I’m getting jumped in the corner are you okay no I’m not but wait this diamond armor is super strong I’m kind of doing pretty good right now yeah and honestly they’re not very smart yeah they aren’t very smart man we are just too overpowered I can’t

Wait till we can take out the Gman okay it looks like there’s only a few of them left and perfect now we can go ahead and get back to the top of the maze like we were just talking about there’s one more oh gosh quick jump him jump him J and

Perfect now we’re all good to go Zoe perfect okay let’s go ahead and jump back up here and Zoe do not hit the lever again that would be really bad you want me to hit the lever no please I do not hit the lever I’m going to cry don’t

Get so mad Dax it’s just a joke let’s see what’s over here this corner looks a little bit weird it w zo I think I found the next level seriously we got to jump all the way over there yeah go ahead and jump over here and then we can land down

Here and whoo Zoe it’s a cake room I love cake okay go ahead and eat as much cake as you can before we go to the next level because we are really really low on food and wait a second now I have 35 pieces of steak I probably should give

You some of this yeah you probably should you’re hoarding it all for yourself look There He Go Zoe there’s 17 pieces of steak you don’t have to get mad at me sweet okay now I’m going to start digging down again and wo it’s just some more Stone okay these are

Pretty basic levels I wonder what’s going to be down here okay let’s just keep digging down here and I feel like I hear some lava Zoe do you hear that yeah I do kind of hear it oh gosh I wonder what’s going to be down here and wo it

Is a lava layer wao lava layer okay be super super careful I’m going to go ahead and break this piece of glass here and then we can fall down and man there is a ton of lava okay I’m being careful and wait a second how in the world are

We supposed to get down to the next layer from here oh wait there’s a bunch of sandstone and oh gosh wait there’s Bedrock below we can’t even break through oh no this is not good what are we supposed to do now I have no idea Zoe

This sucks Zoe what in the world are we going to do I have no dcks but you have to think of something zo it wait a second what I just landed in the lava but I’m not taking any damage let me try wee oh my gosh it’s just like swimming

Wait what the heck this must be fake lava Zoe these fakers who puts down fake lava I don’t know but this is fake lava there must be a way to get out quick look if you can see a trap door or something okay I’m just going to start

Stepping in all the lavas come on there has to be something down here please it oh wait a second zo I just found one wait where did it go what the heck what do you mean oh look I found it and I’m falling through the floor let’s go and

See where we’re going and wao I landed in the next area wo I’m falling through the lava too and Hey Zoe look you made it was so much fun can we do it again uh no we can’t do it again but wait what does this sign say it says uh place

Blocks to unlock portal wait there’s a portal and oh my gosh wait we can’t get into this portal unless we place all these blocks what type of blocks let’s see so we have a bucket we have an apple a clock and we also have a book and wait

There’s a snowball a snowball that was at the very top of the chunk okay well let’s see what we do have huh okay it looks like I do have a bucket so let’s put a bucket here and and uh yeah I think that’s about all I have Zoe do you

Have anything yes I have an apple and a book oh perfect okay that means we have three of the five things done now we all we need to do is make ourself a nice little clock and we have to get a snowball but in order to get that

Snowball we have to go back to the top no all the way back to the top are you serious yeah I know it’s pretty awful okay let me go ahead and get up there real quick and how about you stay down here and look for some of the stuff for

The clock sounds good and I think the only way I can get back up there is by using some of this TNT and man this is super super dangerous let’s go up here and and just break that that way it doesn’t light up and oh I have so far to

Go let me just break some of this Sandstone that way I can get all the way to the top and then I should be up by that snow in no time okay perfect and we’re back to this little dungeon area and I can see all the snow now all we

Have to do is grab that and I don’t even think I have a crafting table so good thing we’re back at the top we can get some wood let’s just hop up here just like that and then we can break a couple of these trees and make a crafting table

Where we can make oursel a nice little shovel let’s go ahead and make ourself a diamond pickaxe since obviously we’re super rich and we can only use diamonds let’s go ahead and hop down here and here is that snow that we need and perfect now we can head back to Zoe and

See if she has that clock and perfect made it back to the bottom Zoe did you have any luck finding that clock yep it’s already over there oh and look at that you have the clock now all I need to do is put this snowball and let’s see

If the portal opens let’s go ahead and see it oh my gosh all the glass would aways the way down we can go beat up the Gman let’s go okay go ahead and take one of these super golden apples and I’ll take one too cuz this is going to be a

Really really tough fight sweet these are going to be so tasty yep it let’s go ahead and hop in together let’s hop in in 3 2 1 and uh wait a second where in the world did Zoe go haha you fool wait a second was that the Gman and wo whoo

Whoo wait it’s The Gman what the heck are you doing here where’s Zoe I have captured her and the only way you can get her back is by defeating me wait no way you actually captured Zoe okay just wait I’m going to get over there and completely destroy you best of luck with

That there’s no shot come on guys quick let’s go ahead and bridge oursel over there I have to go save Zoe as fast as possible okay G man you are totally going down I’m getting Zoe back no way Dax you don’t have half the strength let

Me go ahead and take myself this golden apple and I’ll take out my nice little diamond pickaxe and get over here I’m going to destroy you come on I can do this come on come on I have to save Zoe oh my gosh this guy is super super

Strong but good thing I ate that Golden Apple I should be able to win this with no problem come on come on I can do this I can do this there is no way you can win I am all powerful come on just a few

More hits come on come on I have to save Zoe I know I don’t have that much time left come on just a few more hits and I should be able to win come on stop trying to fight me there’s no way you could win no way I know I can win this

Come on and let’s go I took out the Gad oh no wait a second where in the world is Zoe at hey Dax where did you go wait what the heck zo wait you look normal again really do I look beautiful yes you look awesome I took it the G and I guess

That broke the curse on you so now you look like Zoe again sweet I’m so happy to be back oh my gosh my head hurts and wait a second Zoe where in the world are we right now it looks like we’re stuck on a raft in the middle of the ocean

Wait we’re stuck on a raft in the middle of the ocean what in the world is this and oh my gosh wait Zoe do you see that huge pirate ship right there that thing is huge do you think there’s actual pirates on there I have no idea and wait

A second is that our dog Mr doggy up there Mr doggies up there oh no Zoe this isn’t good what are we going to do wao I don’t know what we’re going to do but look dad there’s a pirate up there wait what in the world there’s a pirate up

There you fools we’ve captured your dog and if you don’t bring us five stacks of gold in the next hour he’s going to have to walk the plank oh my God Zoe wait did you hear that if we don’t bring them five stacks of gold in the next hour

They’re going to make Mr doggy walk the plank where are we supposed to get all that gold and Mr doggy can’t even swim he won’t survive oh no Zoe this is horrible but you know we have to do in order to save our dog we have to go get

That gold how are we going to do that I don’t know but wait I see a plane over there and I also see a nether portal maybe we can go to the Nether and mine a bunch of gold that’s a good idea but how are we going to get to the nether well

First I think we need to make it over to that plane and it looks to be right here that we have a little Lucky Block so maybe we can break and we’ll get something good fingers crossed it kind of just varies depending on what’s in the block bod please be something good

And oh we got some milk some water and some lava I mean that’s not horrible but I don’t think it’s going to help us that much yeah I don’t think this is a very good one and our lucky block went away wait what our lucky block went away too

But wait why is this block look different than the other blocks right here I don’t know maybe you should break it okay well let’s just go ahead and break this Spruce Plank and see will we get it wait wait did you see that you just got another block from it I got

Another block but it just spawned in a whole another one this is a grass block now so cool I wonder what happens when you break the grass block wait Zoe this must be a one block which means every time we break this we’re going to get

Another block and oh my gosh look at that zo now we can have unlimited blocks that means we can get to the plane yeah I really wish we could swim over there but honestly I never learned to swim did you ever learn how to swim Zoe no okay

Well I guess we can just get more blocks and then we can eventually build over to that plane over there and then we can go ahead and fly to the nether okay so right now I have one Birch log which is obviously the worst one in the game zo

Look how ugly the Birch plank looks yeah that is pretty ugly but hey we can still use it to build all the way to the plane exactly so I’m going to start building out this direction and then I’m going to come back and we can break more of this

This is going to be perfect Zoe we’re going to be over by that plane in no time yeah we’re already almost halfway there okay I’ll just break out a few more logs and perfect logs are actually the thing we really want because with each log we get four pieces of wood

Which is going to make this go by even faster yeah this is going to be easy peasy we’re going to get that gold any minute now okay and I got some more Birch planks and I also have some Oak planks and man look at that I already

Got 16 more blocks this is going to be so easy and look how good of a bridg I am Zoe I’m like one of the fastest Builders ever you probably have made the best Bridge ever oh my gosh I am going so fast but Zoe I’m really scared of the

Water if I fall in I’m going to drown and I really don’t want to fall in I’ll save you if you fall back zo how are you supposed to save me you can’t swim either but if you fall in I’ll definitely try my best to save you uh

Zoe that’s not a good idea that means both of us are going to drown so I really don’t want that at least we’ll drown together okay well I guess that’s true and look we’re so close to the plane okay we need to run back and get a

Few more blocks and then we should be good to go hurry Dax we got to get the gold so we can save Mr doggy I know he looks so sad up there Zoe I’m going to cry no don’t cry Dax focus on the mission okay I’ve got some clay clay

Really going to help us anything we just got clay balls but look at this I got a couple more logs and a couple more grass blocks and honestly this might be good enough to get us to the plane woohoo we’re going to get to the plane then

We’re going to fly to the nether exactly this is going to be so easy okay let me go ahead and place four more of these and then I’ll place four of these Birch planks and then I have a couple pieces of dirt that we can use and maybe we can

Reach it by now we’re almost to the runway oh my God Zoe we are literally like two blocks away we need to go back and get a couple more unless you have any blocks on you no I don’t have any blocks but maybe you should try swimming

Zoe we just discuss that neither one of us can swim if I try to swim I’m going to drown do you want me to drown it’s only 5 ft away I don’t think you’ll drown Zoe I literally cannot swim and Nei can you we’re both going to drown

Don’t even try jumping in the water but I want to go swimming no Zoe you cannot go swimming just let me grab a few more blocks and then we should be good to go and hop on our nice little plane and waa look at this zo we got a pig a pig we

Can make bacon and look I picked up the pig we’re going to name him Porky Porky the Pig okay Mr Pig you know what Zoe we can’t lose the pig so I’m going to go ahead and put him in a corner I’m just going to block him in like this and oh

Gosh wait I need one more block watch out Zoe I hope he doesn’t fall in the water no he won’t go in the water he knows he can’t swim either but now we have Porky in the corn corner and he’s going to sit there forever until we

Decide to eat him and then whenever we get Mr doggy back we can make the bacon and feed it to Mr doggy oh that is such a good idea Zoe and wait a second I think we have enough Oak planks now let me just go ahead and place the last six

Blocks that I have and we should be able to make it over two more blocks left and perfect Zoe we made it over to the plane yay now we can fly to the nether perfect let’s just go ahead and hop in the plane and you can hop in the back seat and we

Can take off let’s do this and uh wait a second Zoe the plane isn’t moving why not uh I don’t really know let me go ahead and check around the plane and Zoe you know what I just realized we literally don’t even have an engine This Plane won’t fly without an engine Dax

What are we supposed to do how are we supposed to get to the nether this is not good okay well that is a little bit unfortunate but I do see some more lucky blocks at that weird creepy Island over there maybe we can go over there next

And see what’s over there okay let’s do it all we have to do is build over there and since you’re like the best builder around we’ll get there no time exactly let me go ahead and break more logs and once I have enough blocks we can go ahead and start building over there

There and wait a second Zoe the block turned into a chest and wo we have a bunch of sticks and more Oak loog and wait we even got food no way what food do we have well we have some bread and I also have some fish but I really don’t

Like fish so uh you can keep the fish for yourself tasty okay let me go ahead and break this chest and oh perfect another block came I was really nervous we were going to run out of blocks and then we weren’t going to be able to get

Anywhere and wait is that a sheep waa it’s a sheep Mr Piggy can have a friend well if Mr Piggy can have a friend how about we go ahead and build out a little platform that we can keep them on yeah DX I definitely think we need to make

Our raft bigger they need more space to walk around okay let me go ahead and place down a crafting table and now I can start expanding this with some Oak planks and then eventually we’re going to get some fences that way we could keep them trapped in here forever easy

And then we’ll have a whole family of farm animals exactly until we feed them all to Mr doggy of course oh no not you Mr sheep we would never feed you to Mr doggy just Mr Piggy okay I got to get some more wood so I can make some fences

And then we can go ahead and put it around and this will be the perfect little raft okay I think this raft is big enough and in order to craft a fence we’re going to get a lot of Oak planks and then we’re going to have to make a

Few different sticks and then we’ll put the oak planks in the Middle with sticks on the outside and perfect look at that we have fences and oh wait this is a fence gate not a normal gate that’s not a normal gate how do you even make one

Uh maybe we have to put the sticks in the middle something like this and then maybe we put the Planks on the outside and oh yeah perfect that’s how we make fences Zoe good job Dax you’re so smart okay now I’m going to go ahead and trap

Them in and they’re going to be our pets forever yay Mr Piggy and Mr sheep fences around this part and then I’ll go ahead and add a swinging gate right here that way we can get in but they can’t get out easy good luck escaping from us and

Perfect there goes the swinging gate now we can get rid of these ugly dirt blocks and perfect look at that we have a little farm aw they look so happy but Dex how are we going to get over there oh well we’re just going to go ahead and

Build around so we can get over there so I do have a stone axe that I can start using to mine all this wood so we can go a lot faster that’s awesome okay let me go ahead and start chopping up this wood chop chop chop chop chop and man we’re

Getting a bunch of logs though this is actually looking pretty good for us wow you’re super fast come on come on we have to save Mr doggy he looks so sad up there Zoe he does look so sad hey I got a few more logs and honestly this might

Be good enough for now let’s just go ahead and start bridging over there and see how far we can get get to moving D okay and I’m going to start bridging sideways since that’s probably the fastest way to get over there since it is at a weird angle and I don’t think we

Can get over there by going straight yeah that’s probably a good idea you’re definitely maximizing all your block you know what I don’t understand Zoe I’m putting down dirt right now but the dirt isn’t even falling into the water it’s just like sitting there hey don’t question it we’re getting to the island

Okay and we are pretty close now I’m going to grab a few more pieces of wood and then we should finally be able to get over there with no problem Zoe and wait a second Zoe I was bling more blocks and guess what I got what did you

Find I got a little cute chicken look at this a chicken for our farm family oh this is perfect okay I’m going to go ahead and throw up inside of there and look at this we really do have a little family we have a nice little chicken and

A nice little pig and we have a nice little sheep I don’t think we can eat any of them oh yeah we’re not going to eat any of them Mr Dogg is going to eat them Zoe no I don’t want to kill any of them you know what fine I guess I could

Stay a farm family forever and just hang out here yay see guys I just saved you you better love me forever okay Zoe I think I have enough planks for us to make it over to that Island all right jack I have some bad news uh what’s the

Bad news Zoe there’s zombies all on that island and some of them fell in the water what there’s zombies on the island oh my gosh that is not good and wait a second that must be a graveyard Zoe this is not good and you know what’s so sad

Uh what’s sad Zoe the zombies can swim and we can’t it doesn’t really look like they’re swimming and they’re more or less drowning right now so we might be okay but Zoe you have to stay behind me I have a super strong axe that I can use

To take out all the zombies a Dax you’re going to protect me I’m going to try my best if you’re going to go down I have to go down first a that’s so romantic okay let’s go ahead and bridge over and we’re almost there and oh Go ZO wait

Here come the zombies will back up a little bit they’re just going to fall straight in the water look at this yay fall into the water zombies I don’t want to have to fight you oh this is way too easy and since they’re stupid zombies they obviously can’t swim and now

They’re going to the bottom of the ocean where they’re going to drown it looks like there’s only one or two left this is perfect we can take one or two zombies yeah we definitely can so and wait I just thought about something what is it it said the zombies would drown

But if they’re drowning that means they’re going to turn into a drown and oh my gosh they are transforming down there no they’re adapting to the water oh gosh this isn’t good okay Zoe I’m going to go ahead and put the last two Oak planks and we’re going to have to be

Super fast in here and there’s a bunch of Lucky Blocks so let’s go ahead and start breaking them and see what we can get wao look we got a bunch of rainbow sheep rainbow sheep are you serious wait Zoe we have to take these guys back to

Our farm how about we go ahead and grab a couple whatever your favorite color is I want find a green one and look there’s a green one right there Dex we have to take all of them wait you want to take all of them and put them on our Island

Yes oh my gosh this is going to be one long adventure well I’m going to go ahead and put my guy back first and I guess we can come back but we’re going to have to make our little island a lot bigger we’re bringing all these sheeps

With us but we have to save all of them it’s only fair okay fine Zoe we’ll go ahead and put all the Sheep back here okay Zoe while you’re going and getting all those rainbow sheep I’m going to go ah a and start expanding the platform okay okay Dax hurry there’s a whole

Bunch of sheep I’m trying my bad Zoe okay I have a bunch of different Oak planks now and we need to make this a lot bigger so I’m going to go ahead and build out in this direction and that should be good enough let me go ahead

And add in more and then we’ll have a huge sheep Army okay and now that we have a bigger platform I can go ahead and start adding in more fences and once this fence is done I can go ahead and break this fence so it can be a huge

Huge farm D how are we going to get all those sheep in here I don’t know I guess we’re just going to have to run them back and forth Zoe you’re the one that wanted them I know but there’s so many of them well this is the price to pay

When you want a bunch of rainbow sheep okay Zoe and I’m bringing the last sheep he’s a little red sheep and we’ll just put him right inside here and perfect all the Sheep are safe now Dax I am so happy we saved all the Sheep yeah yeah

Whatever Zoe well we you to start hurrying up and breaking more of these Lucky Blocks cuz we have to save Mr doggy and we have to find a bunch of gold so we really need to get this going okay okay start breaking the blocks let’s see with this Lucky Block gives us

And wao it gave me a crossbow it’s called the hero’s crossbow a hero’s crossbow but how are we going to get gold from that honestly we’re probably not but maybe we can fight off a bunch of mobs in the nether with this since it’s probably super powerful we can

Fight out mobs or we can fight the Pirates oh we could fight the Pirates but Zoe right now we are way too weak to fight the Pirates maybe we can get some more stuff we can take over that pirate ship well we better start breaking some

Blocks then okay well let’s go ahead and break the next block and wa look at that we got sheep and we are not taking the Sheep Home these aren’t sheep these are alpacas wait they’re alpacas oh my gosh wait maybe they are a pacas or they llamas or something I don’t know they

Look pretty similar but Zoe we are not taking them back home ja am I on aaka right now uh no Zoe you’re just walking around and it looks like you’re about to walk into the water no I want the alpaca okay well while you’re looking at the

Alpacas I’m going to go ahead and break more lucky blocks and ooh look I got a little potion what’s the name of the potion well the potion says Heroes potion and oh my gosh Zoe this has so many op effects what does it have it has fire resistance instant Health jump

Boost fire resistance invisibility night vision and health Booth this is going to be so powerful uh Dax you said fire resistance twice oh yeah because it has like fire resistance too that’s what I meant ooh super powerful fire resistance exactly Zoe but I’m going to go ahead

And keep this in our inventory in a safe spot and let’s go ahead and Brak out a few more blocks and wo look we got a bunch of Lucky potions more lucky potions should we go ahead and use them yeah we probably should just start throwing them on the ground and see what

We got in what is that oh my gosh Zoe we got a golden pony golden pony I want to be on the golden pony wao uh it looks like a kicked you off I don’t think the golden pony likes you too much that’s not very nice and wait we got a little

Slime and oh this slime is making me dsy I think I’m going to throw up Zoe what’s happening I don’t know get the slime out of here I’m not feeling good at all Zoe Dex the Slime is attacking oh my gosh we have to take it out let me go ahead and

Get my Axe and oh it looks like you already took it out good job Zoe it turned into a slime ball well I guess we don’t really need anything for that right now but let’s go ahead and throw some more of these lucky potions and wo

They gave us a bunch of effects wao that’s super cool what effects did it give us it give us strength water breathing night vision and Fire Resistance but honestly none of that’s going to help us right now so let’s keep throwing them okay let’s go ahead and

Throw the next one and W Zoe look we got a bunch of iron armor I got iron boots okay and you can go ahead and take the iron helmet too and I’ll go ahead and keep the armor in here for safekeeping yay do I look super cool in my new armor

Honestly you do look really cool but also I want you to be able to defend yourself so go ahead and take that sword as wellah okay let’s go ahead and splash a few more of these lucky potions oh gosh it’s fire da I’m on fire but we have fire resistance so it doesn’t

Really hurt us right now we have double fire resistance okay well I’m just going to clear out all this fire that wasn’t a very lucky potion I think it lied to us I know these potions are fibers okay let’s go ahead and throw a few more it

Wait what where did all those iron sources go what the heck what happened no these potions suck it out it blew me up Zoe Dex there’s water are did you fall in no Zoe I got blown up that’s not good oh my gosh now I have to run all

The way back over there hopefully none of our stuff fell in there and no more Lucky Blocks fell in there but some of these potions are complete Liars yeah maybe we should stop using the potion well I only have one more I think we have to throw the last one Zoe okay go

Ahead and throw it let’s see and oh God I got a spider Zoe kill it good thing I have my sword and my armor on uh Zoe I think you already took it out Zoe you took it out it’s all good I was just making sure oh oh my gosh and now we

Have to Wi out this stupid poison it keeps hurting us like every 2 seconds I don’t have any poison yes you do Zoe I literally see you taking damage nope I’m super strong I don’t take damage from anything okay whatever okay and I think I did see one more Lucky Block back here

And W look there’s a couple back here Zoe seriously what’s in it let’s see and oh we got an enchantment table um I don’t know if that’s very useful right now yeah it’s probably not but there’s another one here and wao look at this we got a bunch of Lucky stuff like the

Lucky Sword wo a lucky sword that’s so much cooler than my normal sword wait there’s more lucky potions but some of them say minus 100 so we’re definitely going to be throwing these off the map and only use the good ones yeah what if those are the good ones and it was a

Lying yeah hopefully not though let’s go ahead and splash it down and see and wao look at that we got a bunch of effects let’s keep throwing them down and oh look a bunch of rabbits no we have to add those to our family uh Zoe I think

Most of them just ran away how about we just take one of them back and it can be like your special pet rabbit yay a special pet rabbit okay I’m going to go ahead and run this little guy back and I’ll meet you back in a second oh but I

Found one too okay you know what how about you bring both of them one for me and one for you okay Zoe now there’s two different rabbits in there let’s go back to the island and shoot these last few lucky potions Dex there’s a rabbit in

The ocean Zoe neither one of us can swim there is nothing we can do for him oh man okay we have two more lucky potions let’s see what this does it Zoe it gave us a bunch of cookies cookies I love cookies okay how about this you can take

Six of the cookies and I’ll keep the other six yay and there’s one more lucky potion let’s see what it gives us and W it gave us a bunch of food what type of food any cake it gave us no it gave us no cake Zoe but it gave us a bunch of

Cooked food and some raw food and some golden carrots that’s pretty cool maybe the alpacas would like the carrots yeah maybe so but the carrots are for us not for them a don’t hit him oh wait zo there is a cake here no oh my goodness

Okay you can eat the cake I’m going to go ahead and explore inside of you’re wait Zoe there’s a chest here are you serious what’s in the chest let’s go ahead and look in wait there’s a f Zoe there’s a furnace engine in here that’s awesome what are we supposed to do with

That Zoe you remember earlier we couldn’t use the plane because we didn’t have an engine yeah well now we can go ahead and use the plane because we have an engine no way and now we can get to the nether exactly come on quickly we

Have to go and oh wait a second so I also just realized another thing what is it we don’t have a lighter to light up the portal yeah I guess you’re right we don’t have a lighter but we can try it without one uh no we can’t try it

Without one we have to find one and there are some weird clouds up there maybe we should go take a look at those that sounds like a good idea all right well quickly we have to go ahead and run back to the plane okay Zoe so all we

Have to do is put this furnace inside of the plane and now we can just hop in inside the plane and I can go ahead and put some lava as a fuel and now we can fly the plane let’s go this is super cool okay but we do have to make it up

To those clouds so let’s go ahead and fly in that direction wow Dex you are such a good pilot I honestly don’t know how to fly this thing I feel like I’m going to crash it any second now well you can’t crash it cuz your most prized

Possession is in it well I’m trying my best not to Zoe this is super super difficult look it looks like there’s something in the clouds there’s something in the clouds I don’t see anything and oh wait so I do see the little chest maybe there’s something super cool in the chest come on

Hopefully and oh gosh zo I do not know how to park this thing STX you have to land on the clouds okay let’s see maybe I can go super slow like this and land at the top of this cloud and oh gosh Zoe jump out no oh God Zoe I think we lost

Our plane it just went flying in that direction Dex how are we supposed to get to the nether okay well we can still use a couple of the blocks we have in order to build over there and maybe we can get some good stuff out of there yeah maybe

We can make it over there okay let’s go ahead and start bridging and now we have to bridge with fences because I have no other block I have five blocks oh wait go ahead and give them to oh my God zo you have oak logs yep sure do been

Keeping them super safe oh this is perfect okay let’s go ahead and use these oak logs and now we should be able to bridge over to This Cloud over here and see what’s inside hopefully there’s something good in the chest that can help Mr doggy come on and Zoe this is

The perfect thing that we needed oh my gosh is that Flint yes it is a flint and steel and now we can get to that nether portal and go into The Nether wow this is working out just perfect for us okay but we are going to have to build over

There and I think I still have that water bucket from earlier yes okay okay this is perfect so what we’re going to do is jump down on this Cloud here and then we’re going to go ahead and put the water bucket down that way we can just

Swim down to the portal oh my gosh you are so smart Dax and here we go I put down the water now we can just jump inside and Float all the way down wow okay Zoe now that we’re here I can go ahead and light this portal with the

Flame steel and we can go into The Nether and maybe get some gold or something definitely find gold maybe even something better wow look how cool this portal looks and it’s purple and that’s the best color uh I think Green’s the best color but let’s go ahead and

Hop inside Zoe let’s go and oh my gosh Zoe we’re in the nether now this is super creepy yeah this place is super creepy but we have to be super careful and make sure to stay behind me so I can defend you with my sword is your screen

Looking all C okay Zoe and I do see a couple piglins down there so we’re going to have to take them out but we have to be super super smart about it good thing I have my armor and my sword yeah good thing you do have that stuff but let me

Go ahead and make us out a little bridge and then I can start swinging down on them like this get them de wa so back up before you push me off oh my gosh so mean to me if you push me off I’m going

To die do you want me to die of course I don’t but it was just an andx okay then stay over there while I do this let me go ahead and put one more down here and then I’ll get my pickaxe that way I can

Jump over there and then I can take out all these piglins let’s go ahead and start hitting them all this is going to be too easy and oh gosh wait I can’t reach them and oh there we go now I can reach them get them Dax get them okay

We’ll just take out a few more and perfect zo I took them all up now you can jump down here cuz you’re safe oh my gosh Dex look there’s more chickens oh my go Zoe don’t worry about the chickens right now cuz more are spawning in quick

We need to get inside of here and figure out what’s in this place oh gosh I only have one heart left hurry Dex I’m trying to find him but he’s super strong come on let me just touch up in the face like this and perfect come on Zoe quick we

Have to run okay I’m running I’m right behind you hopefully we can find something good in here I’ve never been inside the nether before so I don’t really know what I’m looking for Dex there’s a bunch of schools I know this place looks super super deadly Zoe but

We have to be careful I’m being super careful but we need to find gold for Mr doggy oh wait a second there’s a chest up here maybe there’s something good inside this chest oh Zoe there’s some enchanted golden apples zo way oh this is perfect okay I’ll go ahead and take

Three and you can take the other three and I guess we can keep adventuring inside of here but make sure to eat the Golden Apple so you don’t take any damage hey okay I’m doing it okay let’s just go ahead and keep exploring inside of here and man this place is super

Super creepy Zoe it is super creepy but I’m not seeing any gold yeah I’m not either oh my gosh Zoe there are a bunch of piglins still in here quick I have to eat my golden apple we have to take them all out Dex they’re running after you

Come on help me fight them Zoe we have to beat them back D stop running away I’m trying to kill them I have to run away I don’t have that much health they’re going to beat me up well I can help you if you wouldn’t stop running

Away oh my gosh Come on Zoe take them out take them out there’s only a few left we can do this come on come on and oh gosh I need to eat another Golden Apple please quick quick there we go okay let’s take these last few out only

Three more left come on Zoe we can do this I only have one heart oh gosh I got to run for my life oh wait a second is that the last guy sitting right there inside the cobwebs he looks so dumb yeah he’s probably scared cuz I’m so powerful

Well let’s just go ahead and take this last guy out and oh gosh TNT Zoe no not TNT right where the chickens are okay I think we’re all good now even though I’m on fire let’s go back to the little cave and see if we can find anything come on

Zo I think this might be the last one of all the piglins come on just take them out real quick and then we should be good to go and perfect there we go Zoe good job perfect those guys need to leave us alone and waa Zoe wait do you

See all of this this is super crazy wait is that diamond armor yes it’s diamond armor and we can put this on to be even more powerful than we already are super cool okay go ahead and grab all the armor you can and put it on so it’ll be

Super overpowered and wow look how cool I look with my new diamond armor Zoe you look super cool Dex do I look super cool oh my gosh you do look super cool Zoe okay let’s go ahead keep exploring a little bit cuz maybe we can find a

Little bit more gear and then get out of here and oh my goodness zo wait do you see all these blazes here yes this is not good okay well at least we have fire resistance so we can go ahead and smack all these guys and take them all out wow

There’s a whole bunch of them though and wow look at this we’re taking them all out because our gold apples made us super strong they can’t even hurt us Zoe you got the stacks I’m just going to hide over here wait why are you going to hide we’re super overpowered cuz we have

The golden apple I just want to be super careful that Mr doggy at least has one parent okay you know what since I’m super strong I can just go ahead and jump like this and it doesn’t even matter if I fall into lava since I have fire resistance are you serious Dax

You’re being super Reckless let’s just go ahead and take that guy out and then I’ll take this guy out right here and there’s only one Blaze left this is too easy Zoe you got the stacks he’s throwing Fireballs at you come on let’s go ahead and jump up here and then I can

Jump over to this one and I’m going to take up out just give me time you got this stacks one more to go oh wait there’s a little ladder here I can just use that and now I can go on the same height as him and watch this Boop I took

Him out good job Dax you’re amazing that was so easy and wow man this nether is really cool but I think we missed a room over here I did see like a little cave entrance really a cave do you think that there’s gold in there I don’t know

There’s probably really nothing good in here okay let’s go ahead and see what’s in this first chest and oh Zoe there’s absolutely nothing in this chest that was a waste of time are you serious it’s empty yeah it’s empty and oh wait I see one more chest over here but I bet

There’s going to be absolutely nothing in it like that first chest we have to be optimistic hopefully there’s something amazing in there yeah hopefully so and wait what the heck is this though you ever heard of a deep sea necklace before no I’ve never heard of

That at all well it looks to be like there’s a purple one and a green one well I guess I can just grab the green one do you want to go ahead and grab the purple one yes purple is my absolute favorite color just our luck deep sea

Necklace it’s not like we know what it does or anything but quick we have to get back and save Mr doggy but I think since we have our diamond armor now we’re probably strong to take out all those pirates I think so too I feel pretty positive that we are going to

Demolish them and then get Mr doggy back and then have them meet our farm family exactly Zoe that’s exactly what we’re going to do okay let’s go ahead and get back up to our portal real quick okay let’s go let’s go wow Zoe that nether trip was actually really really fun that

Was super fun but now we have these weird necklace of the sea and I have no idea what it does you have any idea I have no idea but we look super cute yeah we do look pretty good Dex now I want to do something super crazy uh okay well

What do you want to do Zoe I’m going to jump into the ocean so I can swim and rinse off all this Blaze juice Zoe no you can’t swim Zoe what the heck what’s wrong dad uh Zoe don’t freak out or anything okay what is it it looks like

You have a tail and wait what when you come above the water you don’t have a tail anymore that means only when I’m in the water I’m like a mermaid wait how in the world did that work and it looks like you can swim perfectly fine now

You’ never been able to swim before I’m more than perfectly fine I’m swimming amazing I’m super fast Dax you should come in and try it this necklace at the sea must have given us more people Powers uh Zoe I don’t think that’s a great idea I can’t swim at all and I

Really don’t like the water Dex hop in the water we have to save Mr doggy this might be his only chance fine okay whatever I guess I’ll hop in this better work Zoe I swear if I drown tax you look super good as a mermaid oh my gosh and

Look I can swim perfectly fine now and we can be underwater for a long period of time wait this is Perfect Since we have these mermaid powers that means we can sneak up on the Pirates and they’re not even going to know that we’re here

This is going to be awesome we are going to avenge Mr doggy okay come on zo we’re going to go ahead and swim under the the boat and we’re going to go to the back and then we’re going to build oursel up so we don’t know Dax how are we supposed

To get into the pirate ship without them noticing well what I think we can do Zoe is just dig right below the pirate ship and then we can break our way in but won’t that sink the boat uh no probably a little bit of water like this won’t do

Anything I think we’ll be okay that seems a little sketchy you have to remember Mr doggy is still in there don’t worry zo we’ll get them out in plenty of time if anything goes wrong hey I’m trusting you on this okay perfect Zoe all we need to do now is

Just go ahead and put one of these blocks down and then we can break out this last bit of the Oak and then we can jump right into the pirate ship wow they won’t even know what hit him exactly so go ahead and jump out here and look at

This Zoe now we have our normal legs again this is so awesome we’re on the ship okay Zoe now that we’re back inside the ship we should probably put back on our diamond armor I’m going to go ahead and take off this necklace for now and

Put on all of it so we’re super strong there’s no way these Pirates are going to beat us okay and I hear a bunch of them on the top shelf we’re going to have to get up there and beat them all up Zoe we’ve got this stack okay let’s

Go ahead and use these ladders here and we can break through the flooring here and are there any pirates in oh gosh wait there’s some Pirates coming at me no it’s okay we’re super strong we have our diamond armor what in the world there are so many cup on we have to take

Them out I’m taking them out I’m taking them out I’m using my lucky short and jeez oh my gosh they did so much damage but I think we’re doing a lot of damage to them as well Zoe yeah they don’t even know what himit come on come on just a

Few more come on come on take that guy out and perfect we’re almost done with this bottom row and perfect Zoe we took out a bunch of them we are so good at this where’s Mr doggy I have no idea but I think we need to get to the top of the

Ship quick Zoe there’s some ladders right here that we can use okay let’s go let’s go ahead and see it oh gosh there’s a bunch of pirates up here too oh no and they have TNT come on keep fighting them take them out take them

Out and oh jeez my health is so low but this Lucky Sword is super powerful that’s awesome because I don’t have any apples to give you if you die come on only a few more left I think and perfect let’s put the top of the ship oh gosh I

Only have four and 1 half hearts left but wait I don’t really see that many PES except these guys up here I’ll hit them DX I have more Hearts left come on come on I’ll help you out a little bit and just take out a few of them come on

Come on and perfect here’s this last guy and perfect Zoe we took them all out yay now where’s Mr doggy I have no idea and wait a second I think he’s still on the blank no at least he hasn’t walked it yet of course because we took out all

The Pirates Zoe yay Mr doggy come here we have to meet your new family okay quick I’m going to go ahead and grab him and make sure to take off your armor again and put on that necklace so we can jump straight into the water Zoe okay

Okay I’m moving here we go and I’ll go ahead and grab Mr doggy and then we can go ahead and jump off and get back to our people let’s go and here we go I have Mr doggy and now we can bring them back up to all our nice little farm

Family and we can be a happy family once again Zoe yay hurry up and get here I’m right here Zoe and look there’s Mr doggy Mr doggy I miss you so much oh my gosh my head hurts so much and wait a second where am I right now it looks like I’m

Stuck on one hacker Block in the middle of the Void XX where are we I have no idea Zoe I’m so scared it looks like we’re on to a hacker block and there’s a bunch of weird islands around us Z do you see that hacker behind you wait a

Second Zoe what in the world are you talking about and oh my gosh look it’s a hacker right there you two have infiltrated our base and now you only have 1 hour before I race your entire Minecraft world wait a second what we only have 1 hour to escape before you

Eras our world we have so much good stuff here well maybe next time you should mind your own business what in the world and wait what he’s going back to this giant hacker head oh my go Zoe we only have 1 hour to escape this one hacker block quick we have to do

Something what are we going to do Dack well if this is a one block I think the first thing we can do is actually break the block below us and hopefully we don’t fall into the void or anything if we break this block we won’t fall hopefully not let’s just go ahead and

Break it and see what comes from it and oh my gosh this is one super strong block this is going to take forever to break hurry Dex and perfect it looks like we almost have it and oh look at that zo another block spawn right below

Us perfect now we can collect a whole bunch of blocks to get over that that plane over there and then we can escape exactly let’s go ahead and break this grass block and oh my gosh this is so perfect now I can start bridging us out

A little bit and look we have a little bit more space now yay we’re almost there uh I don’t think we’re almost there yet we are still super far away look how far away that plane is Zoe I’m just being optimistic okay we’ll keep breaking this and the only thing this

Has given us so far is dirt this is kind of stupid hey if we collect enough dirt we can get to the plane yeah I guess so okay and oh look at that we got some clay blocks but I don’t know what Clay’s going to do and is that a chicken Zoe I

Thought it was a duck a duck no this is definitely a chicken Zoe a Mr duck well either way I think we should keep them as a pet so why don’t we build them like a little pen over here I love it I love this new pet we have okay so what I’m

Going to do is put him in the corner and I’m going to place a few blocks around him and perfect now Mr Chicken stuck there forever yay Mr Chicken and maybe eventually when we get hungry and we have to end up eating some food we can

Eat them Dex we can’t eat our pet well sometimes if you get hungry you just got to do what you got to do but okay you go ahead and start going in that direction I’ll give you some blocks and we can start getting closer to that plane okay

We’re going to get there in no time okay I have a few more blocks now let’s start bridging out in this direction and hopefully we should able to get there and we only have 1 hour which honestly might seem like a lot of time but whenever you’re goofing off which like

We probably are it’s not going to be that much time we’re not people to goof around dad zo we literally just trapped a pet chicken for absolutely no reason we are known as goofing around for everything that was an emergency we had to protect the pet chicken okay well

Fair enough but I’m getting a few more blocks and hopefully we get some more wood cuz if we get wood we can actually make tools and stuff which will help us survive ooh tools are you going to build me something super cool what is that that is a pig and oh my

Gosh we can start a little farm Zoe put him with Mr Chicken okay let’s see I’ll put them on Mr chickens one block and oh my gosh he almost fell off the edge okay we got to make this a little bit bigger for them cuz they are running out of

Space fast oh my gosh do you think we’re going to find more animals I mean hopefully so I want as many animals as we can get let me just go ahead and put one more block down right there and now they have a huge platform and oh gosh I

Got to do parkour to get around oh no Dex be careful oh wait I could also just break this dirt block and go up like that and perfect there we we go now they’re trapped in the little corner over there you’re such a silly goose okay let’s keep breaking this wood and I

Think after a few more breaks we should be able to get to that plane Zoe we’re almost there let’s just go ahead and put down these three dirt blocks and then I have 12 more Oak planks and we should be there in no time come on just a few more

Blocks left and look at that Zoe we made it over yay we did it now let’s get out of here exactly let’s go ahead and hop in the plane and we can just fly away and uh wait a second wait the plane isn’t moving at all what the heck is

Wrong with this thing ja did you find a bad plane oh my God zo you know what I just realized what we don’t have an engine and you can’t fly a plane without an engine Dax are you serious how did you know this plane didn’t have an

Engine oh my gosh you can just see it look there’s nothing in the back right here it’s just empty what the heck why is it even here then okay well maybe we have to find an engine at some point or maybe you can get some batteries that

Can start off the plane but I did see another Island over there and I can see some lucky blocks on it but it looks super scary ooh Lucky Blocks those are always so fun to break let’s get over there yeah sometimes Lu lucky blocks are fun to break and other times they kind

Of just ruin your whole day so hopefully we get the good kind of Lucky Blocks but I do think we need to expand our platform a little bit because look how tight this is we have like no space to walk around right now yeah Mr Piggy and Mr Chicken are getting claustrophobic

Okay so how about I try to find a few more pieces of wood and oh look at this we got a chest what’s in the chest let’s see there’s some Oak planks and there’s some tools and yeah perfect okay we got some more wood and we got a bit of tools

And now we can start explaining the platform a little bit but we have to use this ugly acacia wood yeah that wood is pretty ugly but it’s better than nothing yeah I guess so unfortunate cuz I really hate acacia wood but if we got to use it

We got to use it I’m going to go ahead and keep explaining this little platform here and maybe we eventually we can turn this to a little farm with fences on it a and then we can collect more farm animals exactly I really want a cow that

Would be really nice that would be so cool and a llama uh a llama I don’t think there’s llama Zoe are you serious Dex I don’t know okay Zoe so why don’t you do right now is I’m going to start bridging over to the island over there

And you start breaking a bunch of these blocks so when I come back we have even more blocks to go okay I can do that here we go I’ll place down these few dirt blocks and then I guess I can use this pumpkin as well and then I can

Start using these Oak planks to get even further okay and I’m coming back and how many blocks do you have right now Zoe I have three you have three well can I take all three blocks so I can get even further just kidding Dax I have a lot

More than three but you have a lot more than three how much is this and oh cool you got a bunch of logs and the best thing about logs is they can turn the planks which helps me get there even further so I’m going to keep building

Out Dax I found another Pig wait what you found another Pig it oh my gosh we have two pigs now now this is awesome but how do I get him with the other Mr Pig okay we definitely need a bigger Farm platform so let me go ahead and get

A bit of wood real quick and then I can to start building out a little fence area okay now that I have a bit more wood I’m going to go ahead and start building a little farm area and we’re also going to need fences if we want to

Keep them trapped inside of here not trapped protecting them so they don’t fall what in the world are we protecting them from Zoe we’re trying to eat them no we’re not going to eat them wait what we’re not going to eat them Zoe we need food no these are our pets they’re part

Of our family oh my gosh okay whatever zo I guess we can just keep them as pets okay but now I need to go ahead and make us a crafting table so I can start building out fences so let’s go ahead and get this and oh gosh I don’t even

Remember how to build these I think you need to put some sticks in the middle like that maybe and then put the oak Planks on the outside and oh perfect look at this we have dark oak fence wow Dax you are so smart I would have never

Known how to do that okay and now we only have to place a few more here and I’ll put one going in this direction and oh we’re a little bit short okay I’m going to need to make a few more of these and man I am running out of block

So fast that’s okay cuz we have the one block that’s a never ending oh that’s true the one block is here and it’s a never ending Supply okay let me go ahead and place a few more and oh gosh I completely placed these wrong and lastly

We just need a swinging gate like this and perfect a little farm area is complete so now we have to grab our Pig and we have to grab Mr Chicken over here and we can just place them inside our little farm oh my gosh they look so

Happy okay I’m going to go ahead and break this dirt because it does look kind of ugly and it’s just in the way of everything it really is in the way okay now we need to break some more blocks and I’m going to start building out

Again Zoe can you break some more blocks while I do this yes and this looks like some type of nether Island there’s lava on it and there’s a bunch of weird creepy things but hopefully those Lucky Blocks actually give us good stuff right hopefully so and I also do have a chest

So I guess we can place a double chest here just in case we want to throw any junk inside of it I have a chest too oh well I guess we only need the one big chest at the moment but keep it for later Zoe okay okay now I have a few

More pieces of wood and I also have a few more pieces of dirt and honestly we might be able to make it over there with this woohoo I’m so excited I want to see what’s on the island yeah we are so close here we go I got four blocks and

Now have to start building a staircase and oh man I think we’re going to be like a few blocks short Zoe do you have have any blocks on you I have a whole bunch oh please give me anything you have and jeez you have a bunch of vogs

Where in the world do you keep getting these from I was digging while you were building okay and I definitely think this dirt will get us over there let me just put a few more down like this and now I can reach the island and Here We

Go ZO we’re almost there this is so exciting and perfect we made it over to the nether Island but oh gosh make sure to be super careful way there’s lava everywhere ah lava okay well the first thing we should do is start breaking break out some of these lucky blocks and

I think I want to break this one right here let do it let’s see what’s inside and we got a bunch of Jacko lanterns which I don’t know how that’s going to help us but I guess they look cool ooh spooky yeah it is spooky I mean I guess

It fits the island that we’re on okay let’s go ahead and bring a few more I want to break this one here and wao look at this the way there’s Gold Blocks that’s insane we’re rich and it gave us four more Lucky Blocks so now we can

Break these to see what’s inside of them I’m going to go ahead and break this one and oh I just got another gold block okay and wao I got a sword it’s called the sword wow you’re super lucky I don’t really know what’s lucky about it it

Doesn’t say anything on it but I guess we can keep it around for later and oh gosh it’s a Horseman Zoe what the heck come on quick we have to beat him up get out of here you stupid Horsemen and oh gosh come on there’s a skeleton too use

Your Lucky Sword and perfect we took it out oh my gosh that guy did so much damage to me I only have five Hearts left W I stole his bow wait you stole his bow what does his bow say it says magical bow and it’s glowing oh my gosh

Okay zo you have to keep that on you in case we have to fight anyone else and wo look we got something called a hero’s villager this is so cool and oh my gosh this guy has OP armor but we have to get diamonds in order to give it to him what

This guy is so greedy all we have is gold okay well maybe we’ll get diamonds eventually there are still a bunch of Lucky Blocks left and look we got one of these Lucky Block things again so now I have to break them all apart and wow it

Gave me a stick okay that was really lucky thank you so much Island what is the next one to give us and oh look some water buckets and some milk buckets okay I mean that wasn’t really too lucky but I guess it works out a little bit I got

A lava okay well you go ahead and keep that lava bucket on you I’m going to keep breaking the rest of these blocks and oh gosh zo I’m stuck oh God no oh my gosh I can’t believe the island blew up okay quick we have to get back over there and

Break the rest of the lucky blocks I can’t believe there was TNT that is not a lucky block at all zo it lied to us really did okay but man this island is completely destroyed now well I guess we have to break a few more of these Lucky

Blocks let me go ahead and break this oh gosh it’s a wit quick beat her up wa where did she come from she’s in the lava and perfect okay she got burned we only have a few lucky blocks left and wait a second Zoe there was a chest down

There really do you think something cool is in it I have no idea but hopefully it’s better than that TNT Lucky Block wait so you fall in the lava but it’s not burning you wait what this is so scary why wouldn’t it hurt me you just

Threw your boow in the lava what the heck is wrong with you Dex I got scared stop yelling at me oh wait why didn’t the lava hurt you let me go ahead and see oh my gosh Zoe I think this is fake lava are you serious Dax we’ve been

Avoiding it this whole time and maybe that’s why the chest was underneath because we were supposed to swim inside of it but now that the TNT blew it up we can kind of just see it okay well let’s see what’s in it and it says a handheld dimensional teleportal what the heck is

That I have no clue I’ve never seen one of those before okay well I’m going to go ahead and keep it honest while we break the rest of these lucky blocks and oh gosh the Armory just went in there and maybe we have to break these last two we get something and actually

They’re kind of far away I don’t even want to break them Zoe they’re probably not worth our time yeah we better just play it safe okay let’s go back to the island and see what this dimensional teleportal thing’s all about let’s go okay let me just go ahead and click on

It and what in the world it has a bunch of different dimensions that we can teleport to ooh do want even look cool wait this’s one one wait this one says the hack Dimension should we go there yes that’s perfect okay let’s see what this hack dimension’s about wait a

Second wait where in the world did it take us I have no clue but it’s so green yeah it did say the hack Dimension and I guess hacking involves a lot of green stuff so I guess that makes sense this is super weird okay well maybe we should

Explore for a little bit maybe we’ll find something cool maybe we’ll find another farm animal okay well we really haven’t found anything good yet Zoe this is kind of weird and oh gosh wait I fell in a hole me too this is not good oh my

Gosh so wa my head hurts so much but wait where in the world are we now looks like we’re in some type of escape room wait we’re in some type of escape room and what who the heck is that it looks like a hacker you two have fooled around

The hacker Dimension and now you have to pay you have 15 minutes to escape this room or else I’ll delete your world wait what what in the world way they’re mad cuz we went to the hacker Dimension and now they’re going to delete our world if

We don’t escape in 15 minutes 15 minutes is not enough time dck okay let’s see what is this pressure plate right here and it says level one the barn and oh gosh we have to find our way out of the barn what the heck how do we even do

That I have no idea how in the world we’re supposed to get out of here zo quick we have to find some way out and the only thing I could see up there was like these weird boxes but I don’t know what’s up there yeah it doesn’t look

Like there’s a lot but it’s better than nothing it’s like our only lead okay let’s see is there anything on the walls come on and wait a second Zoe did you just see that Dax where are you wait I’m like floating in the block what the heck

Is this this is so weird wait that must be like a hidden ladder that went in wao a hidden ladder that’s crazy okay and now we’re next to these things over here and oh look at that there’s a pathway inside of there this is super crazy okay

So now we have to crouch to get in this and then we can start going through this weird random room and look it looks like there’s some pressure plates here okay let’s go ahead and step on them and see what else we get hopefully nothing bad

Okay and now it looks like we’re on to the next room and oh gosh zo this looks like a maze okay we have to stick together we cannot separate okay okay let’s see and oh did we just make it out was it just like one little Loop and

That wasn’t amaz at all and what the heck are we at now the rainbow oo woo what the heck is that rainbow o this is crazy oh my goodness this is so dumb and wait there’s lava down there oh no do you think it’s real lava or fake lava I

Have no idea but maybe we have to find the right lava to jump in oh gosh which one do you want to pick Zoe I’ll choose the one closest to me okay you go ahead test it out and I’ll test out this one on my side okay good luck Zoe come on

Let’s see it oh no I just burned me too so it’s definitely not those two let me go ahead and jump in and see oh my gosh I made it through but wait there’s another floor oh no okay so I think we have to go through this first one and

Then there’s probably another one we have to go through wow this is really crazy okay let me go ahead and try this and see what I can figure out I want to try this one in the corner and oh my gosh zo I made it through and then I

Fell into the lava and died okay I’m going to go ahead and try this again and we we got a decent portion of it done so maybe I can do it this time come on come on I have to get close and yes I made it

Through what is this and wo I made it on top of some blocks and wait there’s some stairs here Zoe are you coming I’m right behind you dck oh and perfect there you are okay and look there’s some stairs up here really I wonder where the stairs

Lead to okay let’s see and it says the dungeon but it says a bunch of prisoners I don’t see any prisoners you think the prisoners escaped or something that’s good cuz I’d hate to have to fight someone okay let’s see what this dungeon’s all about there’s some of

These random blocks here that blocking stuff and look at this I found a hidden button no way I want to push the button oh wait my arms are too short to reach how in the world are you supposed to get to it okay well none of that stuff is

Working man this really sucks and there’s this weird iron door here that I just want to get through and I wish there was like a bud somewhere around it well maybe if we just keep looking we’ll find one yeah maybe there’s like a random hidden button in the room let’s

Just go ahead and start clicking on everything and wait what in the world is this I’m clicking something but nothing’s happening seriously what a joke oh my gosh Zoe this sucks how in the world are we supposed to get out of here uh D look behind you wait what it

Opened up how in the world did it open up now I have no clue but let’s focus on the positive it’s open okay let’s see what’s inside of this room there’s a little button here and no there’s nothing inside of this this is really weird wait a second zo wait I think that

Lever just opened up the wall yeah it opened up a secret wall are you serious okay well maybe we have to make like some type of combination to get out of here let’s see what does any of this stuff do Zoe I opened up a door behind

Us Dax I got armor wait you got armor um okay well I guess you can put it on to be safe I can do that it looks like I’m going to have to fight some people let’s see what is this next room here and there’s some more pressure plates oh my

Gosh zo way there’s zombies in here quick you have to take them out you’re the one with a weapon stay back heathens come on hit them Zoe take them out take them out man that little guy’s really tough come on Zoe there’s only two of them left only the little one left take

Them out take them out I am I’m trying that little guy’s tough and perfect you took them out okay and oh look there’s another entrance over here now that was crazy fun and another entrance maybe I’ll have to fight some more people let’s see where in the world are we now

It says the forest and my armor went away oh my gosh okay well if your armor went away I guess we have to find some like hidden way out of here and what the heck I just found like 50 stacks of gray concrete what what are we going to use

That for I don’t know I don’t think we can do anything with it but maybe we have to find like a hidden button to get out of here maybe we have to use that to build something no Zoe we can’t build anything the game is stopping us from

Building stuff oh right and wait a second Zoe do you see that like this Wood’s different than all the other wood around wait yeah I do do you think that means something maybe there’s like another hidden button here or something and look at that a block came up that’s

Crazy what are we going to do with this okay so we got to hit the button and then jump on the tree and perfect okay Zoe now you have to follow me go ahead and hit the button so you can come up here I’m coming dck okay but now we’re

On top of all of these trees and maybe we’re supposed to find something up here but I honestly have no idea what we’re looking for this is so crazy but the view up here is so pretty oh and Zoe look at this I found a hidden command

Block here are you serious Dax how are you finding all of this I have no idea honestly let’s go ahead and hit it and see what it it does and it says nope sorry are you serious this guy is quite the jokester isn’t he oh my gosh and

Wait what there’s part of the wall that’s literally open Zoe are you serious Dax and you didn’t see that sooner uh no you didn’t see it either I wasn’t looking okay well let’s go ahead and go inside of here and see what this pressure plate takes us to and wait a

Second wa where in the water they take us now Dax look there’s a chest wait there’s a chest and wait there’s some armor here this is so cool and it says hacker right armor and helmet what the heck is this for I don’t know but we

Better just put it on and look there’s golden apples and weapons in the chest oh my gosh so let’s take all this stuff good I really needed some golden apples and there’s also a furnace engine oh my gosh so wait that means we can use the

Plane and get out of here Dax I have an even better idea why don’t we take on all those hackers oh my gosh with all this op gear we probably could take on all those hackers okay let’s go ahead and use the dimensional teleportal again and get back to our Overworld let’s do

It and oh my go so look we made it back and we’re back on our one block with our awesome pets yeah but Dad what’s floating around you wait what are you talking about Zoe and what the heck is this looks like some sort of hacker Aura

Wait hacker Aura what in the world can this do I’ve never seen anything like this before and wait a second Zoe I can fly are you serious what the heck I can literally fly and survival mode that’s amazing you are so lucky I wish I could

Do that oh my gosh well don’t worry Zoe we still have the plane so how about we both hop on the plane and we can fly on top of that hacker head together let’s go let me just go ahead and put the furnace in the back like this and now we

Have to do is hop in the plane and I can go ahead and put this fuel inside so that we can fly let’s go ahead and get to the top where the hacker head Zoe we’re going to beat them wow this is so pretty and we’re definitely going to

Defeat those hackers and perfect Zoe landed on the top with our plane now we can break inside and see what these hackers are up to yeah that was quite the crash landing but let’s get to business let’s just go ahead and look inside and oh my gosh Zoe there are so

Many hackers inside of there this is not good how are we going to defeat them all Zoe don’t worry we have all this hacker armor on and I have this really cool hacker ore around us so we can probably take them all out but we have to get

Down there safely and we don’t have any blocks what can we do ZX do you think you could fly back to the island and get us some more blocks I can just flow back to the island like this and get us some more blocks don’t worry Z I’ll be back

In no time man you’re so lucky let me just break up far a few of these things and perfect you still have those golden apples on you Zoe yep I still have them perfect whenever I build this down we’re going to eat our golden apples and take

Out all of those hackers they won’t even know what hit them okay I think I have enough blocks I’m going to come flying back and then I can make us a little staircase that we can use to get down so what I’m going to do is place them along

The edge like this and man this is so much easier now that I can fly since I’m a hacker yeah this is super cool and I don’t have to do anything and perfect now we’re basically on the same level as them so we can break through the wall

Eat our golden apples and beat them all up they won’t even know what hit them okay Zoe let’s go ahead and jump down there and beat them all up let’s do this D oh my gosh there are so many hackers around us this is not good but it seems

Like they’re taking a lot of damage come on Zoe we have to take them all out and oh gosh I don’t even know where I am wait a second I can just fly and hit them all in the air yeah DX get out of my way I’m afraid I’m going to hit you

Oh my gosh this is so easy if I need to get more health I can just FL up eat a golden apple like this and then I can start swinging on them again yeah you’ve got it real easy daak some of us don’t have the ability to fly yeah but it

Looks like they’re all after me so it’s not even that big of a deal Zoe yeah but I’m the one that’s killing them all come on just take a few more out we can do this we can do this we have to survive this they’re going to try and corrupt

Our world Zoe come on take them all out I’m taking them out I only have one and a half heart CL let me eat real quick and perfect I can come back down and take out the last few only like four more left come on come on let’s take

Them out in perfect Zoe we just beat all the hackers we did it we did it we’re amazing oh my gosh and that means we get to save our world let’s go oh man where are we in wait is that a skiy toilet and wait there’s skib toilet characters over

There Zoe Dax look behind you H okay and oh my gosh it’s the Gman this is not good how are we supposed to get off this one block you two have one hour to escape here otherwise we’ll blow up your entire world wait Zoe he just said he’s

Going to blow up our entire world if we don’t escape in 1 hour man who does that what a jerk okay well maybe I can ask him if there’s any advice and wait Zoe where in the world did he go Jax he flew behind that toilet head oh my gosh zo

This isn’t good but wait this looks like some type of skiy Lucky Block maybe we should break it to see what we can get okay go ahead and break it but I’m scared we’re going to fall okay let’s go ahead and break it and wao wait it gave

You a bunch of Enchantment books but I didn’t get anything sorry Dax you snooze you lose get out of here Zoe Dax why would you make me fall because I wanted those Enchantment books I would have given them to you okay well now we don’t have any of those Enchantment books and

We’re stock on one dirt block what am the world supposed to do now breaking it wait keep breaking this block okay let’s see and wao Zoe look now there’s wood maybe we could build all the way to one of those islands okay let’s see what island should we probably get to First

And wait Zoe there’s a plane over there maybe we can just the plane and get out of here okay let’s build over there okay quick we have to get a bunch of materials and Zoe you’re literally getting all the materials can you just start building a little platform to that

Plane over there sure I’ll start doing okay let me go ahead and do this and you can start building out that way and wait why didn’t you make Oak planks to get more blocks D stop micromanaging me oh gosh I fell into the void and there’s a

Cow wait there’s a cow and oh my gosh there is a cow now Dax what are we supposed to do with this I don’t know just like throw them into the void or something we don’t really need them right now no I’m not doing that okay

Well just set him down on the island we have to get over there so we can escape okay and you put him right in front of me and almost got me pushed off look I’m literally standing in the void I don’t know how I’m falling right now well Dax

Be careful but the cow needs space too okay let me just build him out a little area over here and Zoe are you serious you fell in the void too I didn’t mean to okay let me go ahead and break out some of these oak logs and then I can

Turn it into planks and then we can get over to that little island over there and Zoe you are literally taking all the blocks you have to move away a little bit oh my gosh stop yelling at me DX well do we have no time they’re going to

Destroy our whole world and you got even closer what are you doing DX stop yelling at me this is a very stressful time okay well just let me break all the blocks so we can get over to the plane let me just make these into Oak planks

Like this and look we’ll be over there in no time Zoe yeah CU I keep falling outform how in the world you keep falling off the platform so you got to be more careful than that let me just put a few of these dirt blocks down and

Man we are super close D we’re about to get out of here we are super close and then we can just fly away exactly let me finish breaking this Oak and I’ll get a few more blocks and then we should be good to get out of here I want to keep

Mr Cow as a pet wait you want to keep the cow as a pet zo why cow because cows are just like dogs uh I don’t think cows are anything like big dogs but I guess we can keep him cuz he’s not hurting anything yay Mr Cow all right I’m

Breaking out a few more oak logs and I feel like with this stuff I probably can get over to that plane over there let me just take these four dirt blocks and then I’ll go ahead and use all the Birch planks and then we should be able to

Make it over there and get out of here come on Zoe we got to go fast yipp but can Mr cow fit on the plane uh probably not Zoe we’re honestly going to have to leave him and that’s okay no we’ll come back for you Mr Cow okay come on quick

Hop in the pl so we can get out of here okay I’m coming let’s go and oh gosh wait Zoe I just realized something Jax why aren’t we moving this plane literally has no gas and no engine in it STX what’s the point of a plane that

Doesn’t fly okay well maybe we’re going to have to build what our f one I don’t know way but we can’t stay on this plain Island we have to figure something out okay well let’s go to another Island well I see a bunch of lucky blocks over

At that Island over there but I also see skibby toilets up there we can fight the skibby toilets let’s go ahead and take our chances okay yeah I guess we have no other choice because that Island over there has Buzz toilets and we’re definitely not strong enough to fight

Them yet I mean you never know maybe the lucky block give us something cool yeah hopefully so quick we have to get up to that new island over there and wo look we got a chest from the one block no way anything cool inside uh there’s some

Wood some apples and a few different stone tools so I mean I guess that helps us out that helps us out a lot okay well I’m going to break out a bunch of blocks so we can get over there as fast as possible cuz we are running out of time

Super super fast we’ve been messing around too much hurry well yeah I’m trying my best but this stupid cow keeps getting in the way don’t talk to Mr Cow like that fine whatever I don’t know why you like this cow so much he’s so cute

He looks like a big puppy he looks like a big puppy oh my gosh we got a sheep now yeah another big puppy oh my goodness you know what you’re in charge of the sheep Zoe I’m going to put him over there D you pushed me off oh well

Um that’s a little unfortunate and hey look Zoe you’re back yay where’s Mr sheep well Mr sheep’s over there on that side and yeah look he’s still over there you can go to him if you want to okay all right I’ll go this way and I’ll

Start building us out to that place up there and maybe we can get all the lucky block stuff and then we can get good stuff to get out of here this is awesome hello Mr sheep okay while you’re talking to a sheep I’m going to go do something

Productive and actually get us somewhere whatever dad and oh my goodness this island is so far away I thought it was super close but I feel like I’ve used a lot of blocks and I’ve barely gotten anywhere look now Mr Cow and Mr sheep are hanging out you put them together

Why because they’re family uh okay okay well I mean I guess we can probably use food eventually so we can make more of them and get food but those ones could stay alive but what do you mean food uh well eventually we can get food from

Them but not from those ones exactly we can get other ones how are they going to give us food cuz we’re going to get more to spawn in ja we’re not killing our family oh my goodness what if we get hungry Zoe all I have is six pieces of

Watermelon there’s no way I’m letting you eat Mr sheep forget about it oh my gosh whatever and Zoe look here’s another sheep for you this is the best fate ever I can’t believe you like these sheep so much oh my gosh I got a pig too

Take the pig no freaking way Mr Piggy oh my gosh look at them wait what there’s two of them I got another sheep are you serious and there’s a chicken too this is amazing okay you can a chicken yeah I got a chicken too this is the best day

Ever okay well you can deal with all those farm animals while I get us to this island there is way too many you’re probably going to make them like a bigger platform or something well it’s not exactly like I have any blocks well I mean only if you could break some

Blocks right Mr Pig get off this block yeah the pig’s going to fall into the void and then you’re going to be really really sad no Mr Piggy wouldn’t do that um they’re kind of dumb I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not no he’s getting very close to the edge he’s getting

Close to the edge Zoe you’re going to have to make them a bigger platform otherwise they’re going to fall off they have a huge platform but I’m going to build it bigger stop yelling at me Dax uh okay and look we’re right under the island over here and then I can go up

There and get all the lucky blocks uh Zoe I’m going to have to break some of these blocks you’re going to have to wait a little bit whatever dad let me no Mr Cow what the cow just pushed you into the void I saw it no his evil eyes he

Literally just pushed you to the void Zoe I don’t know what to tell you he didn’t mean to oh my gosh we’ll take him back to his little play plan over there I am I am okay and then I’ll get all the wood and then I’ll get to the island and

We’ll get the lucky blocks and I guess I have to take out those skiy toilets all by myself since you’re being a farmer I love being a farmer well you go do that I can go check out the island oh my gosh we got another cow are you serious yes

Another cow I can’t believe this how are we getting all these farm animals I don’t want any of them this is not good I think I had three sheeps now I only have two uh did you accidentally push one to the void Zoe no well then where’d

He go maybe he fell well unlucky if he’s in the void he’s definitely not coming back you can take that pig I’m going to go to the island wait did you push him off oh the other one fell oh my goodness you keep these sheep away from me I

Don’t want them anywhere near me they’re just annoying come on Mr Pig I know you like daxm but you’re going to have to stay with your family okay now I have the rest of the oak planks I should be able to get to the to the Island right

Now but if I get jump zoe it’s going to be all your fault no it won’t be I need to get more blocks so I can build my farm a bigger platform uh Zoe I just saw a pig flying to the void no I don’t think you’re doing a great job at taking

Care of them I’m not going to lie to you I turned my back for one second and they like to escape oh my God I got another sheep okay while you’re doing that I have to fight all these skiy toilets that are up here so let me go ahead and

Get my axe out and then I put down a few Oak planks and what Zoe the cow fell oh my goodness well I’m over here fighting for my life while you’re doing farmer things so I think I have the harder job ZX I’m not yelling at you I think you’re

Doing a great job but I also think that I’m doing a great job okay wait it looks like there’s two more skiy toilets here but they’re stuck inside the cobwebs and wait was that the last one and no wait there’s still one more left I got to

Take him out and get out of here you stupid toilet and perfect I took out all the skib toilets and what happens way did you fall the void again no oh my goodness well I’m about to start breaking a bunch of these Lucky Blocks I’ll tell you what we get fine okay here

Is the first giib lucky block and wao we got diamond armor Zoe that’s awesome okay I’m going to go ahead and throw that on I’m probably going to be super strong already since I have it and then I’ll go ahead and break the other one

And oh my gosh we got a hero’s sword I didn’t get anything well yeah because you’re all the way down there messing up the animals that’s because trying to help them okay well I got a hero sword and it has a bunch of different enchantments on it Zoe I think we can

Take out all those Buzz toilets uh why did you just gas Zoe what happened because the pig is attacking me I accidentally punched him wa you punched the Pig Zoe I didn’t mean to oh my gosh well I’m going to keep collecting all this good stuff and I’ll be back in a

Little bit and then we can expand the platform how about that okay and okay I got a bunch of water I don’t really need that and wo I got a bunch of gold armor you can wear the gold armor since you like gold a lot yay okay and I’m not

Getting too much other good stuff and wait I got some llamas oh gosh zo do we have to take the llamas back llamas I’m coming right now oh my gosh yeah there’s a ton of lavas up here and wait I got a Steve head I don’t even want that let me

Go ahead and break a few more of these and there’s horse armor okay nothing good and wao I just got a bunch of Ender Pearls and stuff ender pearls what are we going to use those for maybe we have to sneak into the head

Later on we can use that to just get in there really quick that’ll be easy peasy uh Zoe it looks like you just fell in the void no uh okay well there’s only a few more of these lucky blocks left and there’s a piece of Bedrock I can’t do

Anything about that and there’s one more and oh look at that I got an ender egg what the heck an ender egg what does that do uh it’s just a dragon egg so it’s kind of like we just beat the game but that’s not really what our goal is

Right right now let me go ahead and help you take all these llamas back since I already know you’re going to want to take them all back right Zoe how many llamas are there let’s see there’s one two and there’s three of them wao how

Are we going to get them all back well I can grab one llama on each trip and wait Zoe I don’t even think we can pick these ones up they’re too chunky no a man well I guess we can’t do anything with them sorry Zoe looks like they can just live

Up here maybe I should bring the other animals I have up here uh that’s going to take like a year and a half zo we probably only have like 30 minutes left before that gon destroys everything no they won’t kill my farm animals will they they probably will they said

They’re going to destroy our whole world so why don’t we just make them a bigger Farm down here and I think he knows that my farm animals are my whole world exactly so I’ll go ahead and help you make a bigger platform down here how does that sound it sounds perfect but

What is Mr Chicken doing over here I have no idea Zoe this is why they need a bigger pen they don’t have enough space right now I made them a bigger pen look let me show you how to make a bigger pen I’ll start building it out in this

Direction and here we go this is going to be super cool and Zoe why is the chicken floating in the void because did you kick off uh I don’t think I did though did you push him off no I would never do that oh my gosh okay whatever

Let me go ahead and finish out this big platform and then I’ll get more wood so we can keep doing this okay I’m going to grab a bunch of wood and then we should be good enough to have a big army for them we’re also going to need a fence

And I just saw a pig fall into the void what just happened Mr Piggy fell yeah it looks like he fell into the void and I don’t think he’s going to come back now this is not good it’s like only the Sheep like to stay with me yeah it’s a

Little weird but I’m going to go ahead and finish up the rest of this farm and then you should be good to have a nice little area and wait Zoe did you fall in the void too no Dex what in the world is happening why is everyone falling into

The vo this is why we need a fence Zoe well I actually went into the void looking for all of my farm animals uh all the farm animals in the void are no longer with us and no wait you got another sheep are you serious oh yeah

Okay whatever I’m going to go ahead and build out a crafting table so I can build you some fences and then your little farm will be all nice yay and oh gosh wait Zoe do you see that chicken falling into the void slowly oh my gosh she’s flying that is unfortunate I guess

There’s nothing we can do about that and zo you’re taking all the blocks can you go over to the farm yes I’ll go to the farm I’ll go play with my animals hopefully I can convince them to stay yeah you do that I’m going to get us a

Bunch of wood so we can have fences and stuff yay okay I think that’s enough wood I’ll go ahead and craft a crafting table and now I can make some fences all you got to do is put that in the middle in the oak logs around and perfect we

Have 27 fences now I can build out our whole rest of our farm woohoo I’m going to go dig for some more Farm uh okay you do that while I clean everything up you got another Pig are you serious yes isn’t it awesome oh my gosh okay well I

Have to make a moving fence so let me just go ahead and make that and oh gosh I need more wood hold up I’m going to get more wood Zoe can you back up real quick yes I got to save Mr oh my gosh this chest has a bunch of wood in it

This is perfect let me go ahead and grab all this stuff and I’ll also grab the food and get rid of some of that and now I think I can finish off the the mob farm all I need to do is make some sticks like that and then put the sticks

On the outside and we need a total of two of those Gates and then I can put the Planks on the inside oh gosh I need more planks I don’t have any are you serious Dax get it together I am trying my best let me just craft this real

Quick and then I’ll do two of those and perfect now we have all the stuff we need let me just put one piece of dirt here and then I can go ahead and build out the rest of the fence and oh gosh I’m going to be a few fence pieces short

I’m going to have to go make some more and perfect there we go Zoe now your whole Farm is basically built out yay no more falling yeah no more fing but we really need to hurry up we don’t have much time left we should probably go

Over to that nether portal and fight all those Buzz toilets and get in okay let’s do this thing so make sure to go out of this little gate here and make sure to close it behind you so none of our people escape and then I’m also going to

Give you all the gold armor so let me go ahead and throw the gold armor on the floor here and I also have a diamond sword that you can use and now I can get more planks and then I can build us over to the island and we can beat all the

Skippity toilets up let’s do it oh no wait did you just fall in the void Zoe how did you even fall in the void I need more fences for you not even the animal well maybe if you didn’t run so fast and so far away I wouldn’t have to rush Zoe

It’s like 25 blocks away what are you even talking about 25 blocks okay you know what just get over here so we can beat all these bus tws there’s a lot of them and I don’t know if I can take them out myself I know you need me it’s cuz

I’m so powerful uh okay whatever you say I only have a few blocks left so we’re going to have to make the jump over here and oh my gosh so wait all the bus TOS are getting to the end of the island this is not good and wait a bunch of

Them are falling off can I hit them this far no let me get a little bit closer come on I want to be able to hit these guys and oh yes I can swing on them now easy peasy and watch this Zoe I’m just going to jump over and then hit them all

Off come on I can take them out and wao there’s so many but this sword is so powerful and perfect I just took them all off and wait Zoe did you fall the void again no no I didn’t I didn’t oh my go Zoe just get back here I’m trying and

It looks like this is a big nether portal but Zoe we’re going to need Flint steel if we want to get into it so maybe we can find some around this island somewhere yeah maybe we just have to take a look around and Dax I found a

Chest oh my gosh what’s inside the chest Zoe you’ll never guess what what it is is there flint and steel flint and steel baby let’s go now you can go ahead and put it on the portal and we can just go inside the nether let’s go oh my gosh so

Wait we’re in the nether now where are you I’m right behind you on the other side of the portal and wait what is this giant build right here wait let me come up there and see Zoe this kind of looks like the Titan speaker Man head it does

Kind of look like that what do you think that means I don’t know but maybe we should go inside of it okay how do you think we get up there let me go ahead and mine some blocks and man I really wish we had different blocks I guess I

Can break all of these blocks since BT is pretty good and oh gosh I almost fell in the lava zo you have to be really careful too I’m being super careful let me just get like maybe like 20 pieces of assault and then we should be able to go

Over to the Titan speaker Man head I wonder what’s going to be in there I have no clue but maybe it’ll be something good yeah maybe so and I think this is enough assault let me just go ahead and build us out a little tunnel and man we are building so many little

Bridges um I don’t think I’ve built one brick okay yeah cuz they’ve been playing with their farm animals the whole day someone has to do it I guess so okay now I think we can just break inside this head and maybe we can find something and

Oh my gosh look Zoe we made it inside you see anything cool uh yeah I mean there’s a bunch of ladders here and it looks like there’s a little entrance up there oh gosh zo we have to do some Parkour ZX you know I’m bad at parkour

Yeah but you’re going to have to try your best let’s just go ahead and jump up these ladders and Zoe this is like the easiest Parkour ever you should be fine uh come on you can do this Zoe we are running out of time I’m going I’m

Going okay while you’re trying to break out of there let me break a bigger entrance here and wo there’s a bunch of buttons in this next room buttons what do you mean buttons yeah but there’s also an iron door here I don’t know what the rest of these buttons are for but I

Guess we can hit the iron door and see what’s in there I want to start pushing the buttons let’s see okay this looks to be like a little room in wait Zoe there’s a chest in here are you serious any treasure well it looks to be like

There’s a spawn egg in here and wait it says the Titan speaker man what the heck what would we use a Titan speaker man spawn egg for I don’t know but maybe he can help us fight the Gman or something since he’s like one of the most powerful

Skiy characters Maybe just hold on to it okay let’s go ahead and get out of here and get back to our portal and oh gosh we have to break through this door because there’s no button no way back up way I have a pickaxe I can do it oh okay

Let me just break the door and then we can go running back to our portal let’s go okay we’re back to our normal Mor maybe we should spot in the tide speaker B and see if it’ll help us fight all the skiy toilets I think that’s a great idea

Dex and oh my goodness zo wa look how big this guy is this guy’s huge hopefully he helps us uh Mr Titan speaker man we’re having a little bit of an issue here and we are hoping you could help us well what can I help you guys with you look like you’re in

Desperate need of some assistance uh well yeah we’re having a lot of issues that Gman that just came over there earlier said he’s going to destroy our whole world if we don’t get out of here within an hour so we kind of wanted to go to that skiy toilet and beat them all

Up can you help us well of course I can help you guys it is my job after all oh my God so we now we have a Titan speaker man on our side this is the best news ever now we’re surely going to defeat that yeah definitely but we need to get

Over to that skiy hood so we can beat the ball up so quick let’s get back to our little island over there let’s do this okay let’s go ahead and break out some more blocks so we can get to that City toilet in no time and then the

Titan speaker will help us beat them all up this is going to be so much fun okay I have a good amount of blocks let’s go ahead and build over to the skiy toilet head Zoe and we have to be super quick I think we only have like 10 minutes left

Before they’re supposed to destroy our world wow those guys are real jerks threatening us yeah I know but at least we have the tide speaker on our side now yeah that’s true and Here We Go ZO I was able to build all the way to the toilet

Wow that’s awesome dad so now are we going to start battling exactly but we have to be super careful let’s go ahead and break inside and see how many toilets there are and oh my gosh Zoe there are so many skiy toilets down there really are there a lot yeah

There’s a ton but we have to hop down there and take them out if we want any chance of getting out of here but how is the speaker man supposed to come down there with us I don’t know he’ll figure it out but here Zoe take this golden

Apple and eat it and then we’ll be strong enough to fight the ball okay all right let’s go ahead and hop down there and start fighting all the toilets oh my gosh there’s so many Jax wait for me me oh my goodness zo I’m getting completely jumped down here yeah they’re not even

Coming after me what the heck why do they want to fight me so bad I don’t know maybe they think you’re better than me but you’re not what the heck zo please take them out I’m taking so much damage over here I’m taking them out Dax

Come on come on keep swing on all of them oh gosh no my golden apple effects are going away Dax you have to be careful I’m trying my best you have to help me out where’s the Titan man I have no idea did he just like ditch us he

Must have that is a fake friend come on Zoe we have to keep fighting them my hero sword should be able to take a bunch of them out Dax I don’t even know where you’re at oh my gosh wait I’m taking so much damage quick I got to eat

My golden apple hurry Dax come on come on there’s only a few left so we can do this I’m killing them I’m killing him oh gosh I have two hearts left come on I got to eat my other Golden Apple I’m so low and oh my gosh I was barely able to

Eat that in time there’s only a few left there are only a few left we can do this come on come on and it looks like these are the last few come on Zoey help me quick take them out take them out I’m taking them out Dax oh gosh I’m so low

On health come on there’s only two of them and come on let’s go we took all the skiy toilets yay we did it so we have to find the Gman he was like the ultimate guy what we have to find another guy let’s go ahead and see if

He’s below cuz I’m pretty sure there’s a layer below us okay let’s go ahead and jump down there and see and where in the world could the Gman be oh go so look he’s right there no where’s our Titan speaker man I have no idea but Zoe we

Can take them out ourselves yeah come down here jerk threatening us like that come on Zoe we have to be able to take him out but jeez he looks so powerful he’s barely even taking damage you got this Dax come on come on and wait zo there’s a chest there go look what

Inside the chest while I’m fighting them okay come on what’s inside of there Zoe it says a furnace engine and some lava what would we need that for Zoe that’s the engine we need to get out of here oh let’s go go ahead and grab it and we’re

Just going to run we cannot beat this guy he’s too too strong run Dax Run come on zo we have to get out of here look wait the tight speaker man is there he didn’t even help us at all you are not our best friend quick we have to get out

Of here Zoe we have like a minute left till he destroys our world I’m going but what about our farm animals zo we have to leave them we have no other choice I’m right behind you Dax okay Zoe go ahead and give me the engine and the

Fuel and I can get us in there come on quick quick okay let me go ahead and put the engine inside and quick Zoe hop in I’m in take us out let me go ahead and put the furnace in and perfect now we get Fly Away get out of here goodbye

Farm animals I love you oh my gosh wait where in the world am I it looks like I’m on one lucky block in the middle of the Void right now hi Dax I missed you wait what in the world Zoe you’re here too yep I just woke up here and I’m so

Lucky that I’m with you uh okay and wait why is there a huge creeper head in the sky and wait there’s like a little house right here what the heck is all this stuff I don’t know this is really weird but Dax did you see that mutant creeper

Behind you you wait what are you talking about a mutant creeper and oh my gosh this guy is ginormous how the heck did he get here uh I don’t know but he’s super big and scary uh Mr Mutant Creeper what do you want from us you two have

Infiltrated my one block you are stuck on this one block for the next 30 minutes if you don’t escape in time I’ll explode the entire Island what in the world zo that guy said he’s going to explode the entire Island in 30 minutes and we don’t escape this is not good we

Better start hitting the one block okay Mr creeper what type of stuff can we get to actually help us on this one block and wait a second Mr creeper uh Zoe it looks like he just completely disappeared where in the world did he go you were staring right at him oh Dex you

Didn’t see it he flew over that big creeper head over there wait he flew over to that big creeper head what in the world how did I even see a but Zoe he said we have 30 minutes in order to escape otherwise he’s going to blow up

The entire Island this is not good we better move fast well it looks like there’s a little house over there and there’s also like some little nether area and then there’s that really big creeper head I think the first thing we should try and do is get over to the

House over there because it looks kind of cozy and nice that sounds like a good plan okay well we have to break some of these lucky blocks and it looks like we’re on a stack of them so that’s good at least yeah hopefully we can get some

Good stuff out of it okay let me go ahead and break this first one and oh wait Zoe what did you just get I Got A Hero’s Bow A Hero’s Bow wait can I see it real quick sure okay and H Zoe you just threw it off the edge what in the

World is wrong with you no I threw it to you and you failed to catch it what in the world okay how about no more throwing stuff out of the void and I’ll start catching them from now on how about that sounds good okay we’ll break another lucky block and please give be

Something good and what in the world we got all this stupid leather armor this stuff sucks but I mean I guess I can put it on and be like super armored up right leather armor is like the strongest armor what are you talking about you’re so lucky uh Zoe leather armor is quite

Literally the weakest armor in the game I don’t know what you’re talking about no Dax it’s the strongest you don’t know what you’re talking about uh okay whatever Zoe well I’m going to go ahead and break another lucky block and who look at this we got like a big slime

Castle wao this is super cool and we have some more room to walk yay it’s like a big trampoline look at this zo way I can go super super High hey this is kind of fun okay and maybe we can also break these slime blocks and yes

Perfect look we can break all these slime blocks and then maybe we can build over to that house over there wow you’re so smart Dax okay let’s start chopping away at some of these slime blocks chop chop chop chop we got to get up bunch of

The zoo cuz we need to make it over there in time and Dax we have to hurry cuz we only have 30 minutes oh my gosh we only have 30 minutes that’s like 5 more minutes than 20 minutes right um that’s not quite the math but you get

The gist B will just break a few of these slide blocks and wait I think we still have a few lucky blocks down there maybe we should go ahead and break those too oh yeah I forgot about those we should definitely break them okay Zoe

What we’re going to do is have you step back a few blocks because I don’t want you to fall into the void and then I’m going to go down there and break them be careful Dex let’s see and boom I broke another one and wait I just got a bunch

Of Hearts but I don’t think it did anything Zoe what the heck was that super cool hearts that means you love me uh I mean I didn’t was them here but yeah sure I guess if that makes you happy then I did it yep that was all me

Yay okay let me go ahead and break the next luckily block and oh my gosh Zoe we got so much food did you see all of that no give me give me some give me some okay let me break one more block and then I’ll come up here and give you this

Do you want the raw beef or do you want the cooked steak I want the cooked steak Dax why would I want raw beef I don’t know maybe you’re like a carnivore or something okay let me go ahead and break this final lucky blocket oh gosh Zoe it

Pushed me to the void DX did you die oh my gosh I’m about to die it yep I fell off the world Dex I’m in this random yellow room wait this random yellow room and Zoe this looks like a big Lucky Block this is so crazy is there a way

You can get inside I don’t know there’s a big lever here should I go ahead and press it press it let’s see and wait what the heck it just turned everything into glass oh God it turned into TNT Zoe watch out yeah I’m in the void now oh

I’m so sorry Zoe it looks like you fell to the void but hey look you’re right back here yay but we’re only on one block yeah now we’re only on one bedrock and we have to go all the way over there so I mean I can start bridging us that

Direction that helps do you have a whole bunch of the Slime cubes I have about 29 of them oh wait I also got some food for you since you said you wanted some cooked steak yay okay watch this I’m a super super fast Bridger watch this I

Can go Boop and oh gosh I fell the void again okay I’m not a good Bridger I lied I tried my best way I’m just not the best Bridger ever okay I’m going to start being a lot more careful let me go ahead and go over here and I can start

Bridging Us in this direction and we really have to get to that house do you have any idea how much time has gone by since the Mutant Creeper talked to us cuz I really don’t know um if I had to guess probably 27 minutes 27 there is no

Way it’s been 27 minutes it’s been like 30 seconds well why did you ask me unless you want to hear my opinion I don’t know do you really think it’s been 27 minutes no it’s probably been like 7 minutes wait so why did you say 27 I

Just wanted to make you feel nervous what in the world so if they blow up the eyland you’re going to blow up with them okay and perfect look we made it to this super super cool house and there’s more blocks there are more blocks and wait there’s also a door inside with a

Furnace and a crafting table do you think someone lives here maybe but the door has a passcode on it oh a passcode oh no I’m not really good at guessing passcode Zoe do you have any idea what a super secure press would make as a passcode da I think I’m going to choose

1 2 3 4 but Zoe there’s no way that’s actually going to wait there’s no way that actually work did you actually type in 1 2 3 4 it yes you did what in the world yay I’m inside I’m so smart well we are inside now but there’s a crafting

Table and there’s a little furnace maybe I could cook some meat and no we don’t have any wood I didn’t even think about that what the heck are we supposed to do in here I don’t know maybe we should start hitting some of those other blocks

Yeah I guess we could start hitting some more of these blocks let me go into the crafting table and wait Zoe did you just see that wao it was a secret compartment and there’s a ladder let’s go wait what the heck this Lucky Block was a secret

Trapo in your right there is a ladder down there and wait I see a chest as well wao a chest is there anything cool in it let me go ahead and look and ew there’s some bones in here Zoe I think someone might have uh not survived here

For too long that could be us we could be the next bones in this chest okay wait we have to be super fast and wait some of these say very lucky blocks with like a plus 80 I have no idea what that means but wait some of them also say

Negative 80 what the heck does that mean I’m going to guess maybe we shouldn’t use those ones or maybe we should use them to see what they do okay let’s go okay so I want to get out here to have a bit more space and let’s go ahead and

Type our super secure code and now we can start placing them right about here Zoe and this first one that I put down is the minus 80 one so you might want to take a few steps back cuz I don’t know what it’s going to do okay but be

Careful Dax let’s go ahead and break it and what in the world wait that was a negative 80 Zoe we got super good stuff out of that what wasn’t it we got some ender pearls and we got some I have Enders and we also got some blaze powder

And I mean it wasn’t that good but it wasn’t bad at all so I actually kind of liked it h so I wonder what’s in the lucky ones yeah but let’s go ahead and finish placing all the Unlucky blocks and see what this gets and oh my gosh

The wolf just follow the void Zoe Miss Mr doggy wait a second we have one wolf right here Zoe did you see him Mr doggy wait do you still have those bones from earlier Zoe no I have a steak wait we have to go inside and get the bones cuz

Now we’re going to tame the wolf and he’s going to be our forever pet we have to give him like a super super cool name like bones or something what do you think we should name him Mr doggy wait you want to name the dog Mr doggy he’s

Literally already a dog I know that’s why he’s Mr doggy it only makes sense Stacks okay well I guess we can name him Mr doggy let me go ahead and tame him and what the heck he’s running away from me there we go now he’s sitting down and

Perfect he’s our dog now look at this Zoe a he loves us he does love us but we have to keep him super safe Zoe because he falls off like those other dogs he’s probably not going to survive Mr doggy is super smart and he won’t fall off

Okay Mr doggy you’re going to sit right there and we’re going to go ahead and open some more of these Lucky Blocks go ahead and go back there Zoe so I can put some more down and I only have one more unlucky block left and uh Zoe did you

Just fall into the void no I fell into the void oh my gosh Zoe what in the world are you doing okay well I’m going to go ahead and put down this final unlucky block and wao look at this I got a Hero’s Bow hey that’s like the one I

Dropped oh yeah that’s the one you dropped into the void good job Zoe okay wait you had one lucky block I saw you holding it what type of Lucky Block did you get very lucky block okay so how about you go ahead and place down the

First very lucky block and then we can break it and see what we get let’s go ahead and open it up it uh we just got some Ender Chest I mean those aren’t bad but those aren’t very lucky what the heck that was kind of like a scam yeah

That wasn’t very lucky at all okay well I only have two very lucky blocks left maybe we can get something good out of these let’s go ahead and put them down and see what we get oh it fell into the void Dex you have to be more careful oh

My gosh okay wait do you have any more of those slime blocks so we can make like a bigger platform I have two you only have two and Zoe you just threw them into the void Dax you failed to catch something again oh my goodness Zoe

I can’t believe you threw them into the void you know what just back up real quick and I’m going to open the last one let me put it right here next to the house and who wait it’s a gas Zoe what is that that is a big gas quick we have

To fight it off and wait I think I actually beat it I don’t know how I just beat it with my fist but it looks like we took him out good job Dax I didn’t help at all okay but wait there’re also some lucky blocks down here and we need

To make ourselves go to the other Island over there so maybe we should start breaking everything on the island let’s do it I don’t know what the point of that super secure do whenever you can just break the wood like this whoever lived here is really dumb yeah I don’t

Know what that guy was thinking it’s super easy to get inside okay we have a couple pieces of wood I’m going to start breaking out a bunch of these lucky blocks and see what we get it oh my gosh way I got a bunch of TNT wo that’s going

To be super useful later okay let’s go ahead and break a few more and wo look we got a little chest wao what’s in the chest let’s see and there’s some apples and there’s some Redstone and I mean it’s really just not that good of stuff

Okay well let’s go ahead and break a few more and oh my go we got a super awesome cake yay I love cake Bunch Bunch Bunch Bunch and I already ate a bunch of it what the heck is this the hero villager oh my goodness Zoe he has like the

Craziest craziest trades I’ve ever seen in my life but his name is hero so maybe he’ll help us get to that Island I don’t think he’s going to help us the only way he’s going to help us is if we give him diamonds and we don’t have any diamonds

Do you have any diamonds no oh we’re so broke okay we have to break a bunch of Lucky Blocks and maybe we can get get some diamonds and the hero villager will give us some cool stuff okay let’s get to Breaking K and wait I just got a sign

What in the world does this say let me just break this out and I also break this Oak plank over here so I can actually read it and it says well there’s your problem and I don’t know what that means there’s absolutely nothing here that’s pretty weird I

Wonder who left that sign there yeah it is a little weird okay well wait Zoe I just got something called the hero’s potion and oh my gosh look at all these super cool effects wao what does it do we get fire resistant speed Hast strike there’s so much cool stuff in here okay

I got to keep this super super safe in case we have to fight anyone wao that potion’s probably super strong we could take on anyone yeah but let’s go ahead and break out a few more Lucky Blocks oh gosh we got Bob and up Zoe Bob just

Destroyed me Bob wa Zoe he’s coming up to you you have to fight him off wait he’s taking up the hero villager the hero villagers got him no no come on K on get Bob out of here and jeez he’s so strong okay comeo we have to run back

There and take him out and I think I have a stone sword I can do this let me jump on this come on come on this is so hard and wait where in the world did Bob even go did the hero villager take him out w I told you the hero villager was

Going to help us okay I guess he did by taking outb but now we got to break a few more of these blocks and oh gosh U I might have just hit the herir of villager into the void ja after he helped us okay well that was definitely

Not my fault the lucky block just destroyed like all the ground but it’s okay we still have a bunch of Lucky Blocks we can mess with and all we really need to get is diamonds and oh gosh a bunch of sheep just went to the

Void Zoe sheep I love sheep and look at this Zoe it looks like you got a little fishing well and wait there’s a pressure plate at the bottom hey I have a fishing rod let me go ahead and drop a block down there and see what this does and

Wait we just got a little Beacon oh gosh everything just blew up Dax there’s probably TNT in there oh my goodness Zoe this is not going very well for us how in the world are we supposed to survive with all of this destruction everywhere I don’t know Dax I don’t even know how

We’re going to get to that other Island oh this sucks and O look at this I think I got a bunch of XP bottles let me and oh gosh wait they’re unlucky potions we probably don’t really want those but I kind of want to test them out and see

What they do and wait we also got lucky potions I would rather use the lucky potions than the Unlucky okay well let’s go ahead and throw these lucky potions down and W look it’s a bunch of Enchantment books STX you’ll never guess who I brought back it’s the hero

Villager oh my gosh he’s back to help us again yes I love this guy okay well I’m going to start throwing a bunch of books off the map because we don’t need those and now I’m going to throw another lucky potion down and wait we just got a bunch

Of rabbits a rabbits but they’re going to fall into the void and honestly they’re kind of useless I’m just going to hit them off cuz we don’t need them Dex that’s so mean well we don’t really need rabbits and wait a second so wait that’s a diamond block and wait the hero

Villager turned evil I knew that guy was looking at me funny there we go don’t worry I took up off but oh my goodness we got a diamond block this is going to be perfect we could break that and maybe once the hero villager comes back we can

Actually get some good trade we’re rich we’re rich okay I have one more Lucky Block potion and what in the world was that that was just like Health boost but we really don’t need that right now okay well I want to go ahead and throw these unlucky potions let’s see what this

Gives us it wait a second Zoe I can’t see there’s a bunch of smoke everywhere that sounds pretty unlucky um okay it didn’t really do anything so I don’t know if that was that big of a deal let me go ahead and throw another one down

And oh Zoe I just blew you up deck that is so messed up I am so sorry Zoe I didn’t mean to do that how about you just stay over there while I throw these last few unlucky potions so you don’t get destroyed again hey I’ll stay over

Here let’s see what that does it go these are completely useless what in the world are all of these I have one more and oh gosh I just blew myself up de we need to stop blowing things up okay well honestly that Island one is pretty

Useless so how about we go over to this nether Island over here that sounds fun how do we get there well first we’re just going to bridge over there with some of the blocks we have and oh gosh I think I’m going to run out of blocks

Pretty quick Zoe do you have have any blocks on you that I can build over with no I don’t have any okay well I do have one ender pearl but that’s only one so we’re both not going to be able to get over there how about

We mine a few different blocks and maybe we can get some stuff to help us and I fell off again so you got my way that’s not my fault you need to watch where you’re going let’s just go ahead and start breaking out some of these blocks

And maybe we can get some cool stuff to help us bridge over there and no there was a bunch of blocks but I couldn’t reach them Zoe dang it just our Lu oh my goodness okay let’s go ahead and break these in who wait I got the hero’s

Shovel and I also got a fishing rod the hero’s fishing rod super cool I don’t really know what it does and well what the heck was that what is that I don’t know it looks like an iron block but there was just like lava it oh my gosh I

Almost got pushed into the void again Zoe Dex last time one of those things appeared and you put a block in it exploded so I’m going to suggest don’t do that again what if it doesn’t do it this time I kind of have to test it out

Don’t I yeah I guess you do go ahead okay let me put some TNT down and then I’ll grab one of those golden coins and let’s see what I’m going to get oh it’s just another beac with a bunch of potatoes potatoes we can make french

Fries I guess we can make french fries and oh gosh wait wait I’m drowning help me get get out of here Dex how’d you get in there come on come on I have to swim out and oh my gosh that lucky block just try to kill me wo I’m in the water too

How fun okay you know what we’re going to stop messing with this and we’re going to go over to that little island over there okay Zoe give me any of the blocks you have cuz I really need to get over to that Island somehow and I’m completely out of blocks okay I have

Some what the heck zo you had 32 on you they’re my only 32 so you better use them wisely okay I think this will be enough to get us over let’s go ahead and Bridge and see if we can make it over there come on we are so close come on

Zoe only a few more blocks left and oh gosh I only have 10 Oak planks left can we make it over in time this is not good but Dax you’re like the best builder I know this looks so good all Zoe we didn’t make it over we don’t have enough

Blocks but wait I also have some TNT blocks maybe we can use those to make it over there that seems a little sketchy come on we’re so close maybe I can reach it yes look at that Zoe okay we’re one block short so we’re going to have to

Jump over this be super careful oh no come on Zoe you can make the jump it is not that hard be nice to me DX I’m nervous come on come on and what the heck Zoe you literally have to jump I tried come on zo I’m giving you one more

Chance you can definitely do this I’m scared come on zo you can do this it’s literally a one block jump and perfect there you go yay I made it I made it I made it okay let me go ahead and break this Netherrack so we can get up here

And oh gosh wait there’s lava back up Zoe let me just go ahead and block it up with one of your heads and perfect look at that Zoe oh wait your head got burned oh perfect there you go you put an enchantment table down I’m super Innovative okay just back up real quick

So I can put this Anvil down and then we can jump up here and perfect we made it to the island there is a bunch of fire here be careful zo you do not want to fall in any the lava what can we do from here well there seems to be a little

Portal here but I’ve never seen a portal on the ground like that so I don’t really know how that’s going to work yeah there’s no way you can light a portal on the ground like that yeah that is super weird but there’s a bunch of

Lava here I don’t know this is kind of sketchy Zoe but be careful you don’t want to fall in any of the lava oh my gosh de I fell in the lava what in the world Zoe you’re not even getting hurt is that like fake lava or something ow

Ow my skin it’s so hot uh I don’t think you’re getting hurt at all Zoe it looks to be like fake lava let me see it oh my gosh this is fake lava oh my God gosh I’m in so much pain wait what did you

Say fake lava uh yeah it’s fake lava so it doesn’t hurt you wait maybe there’s something underneath here zo I keep going around the edges and maybe we can find something oh my gosh so there’s a hidden room underneath it ow I’m on fire

Now Dax you said it was fake well it was fake but now it’s burning us no no now I’m in real pain come on hopefully we can survive I still have like five Hearts left come on come on are you okay Dax I don’t know it oh yes I survived I

Have three and a half hearts left and wait a second look there’s a chest here Zoe yay I’m no longer on fire let’s see what’s in the the chest it who wait there’s a bunch of flint and seals but like I said earlier we can’t light that

Portal on the ground so I don’t know what the heck this is going to do for us we can still try it Dax I mean yeah I guess we can try it I’ve never seen that work before but let’s go ahead and go back to the surface and try it make sure

To stay in the lava for a little bit so you can get healed up before you go jumping yeah that’s a good idea let me regenerate my health okay perfect and my health is all back now I can jump up and are you good now Zoe I’m perfect okay

Well go ahead and come back up here okay and we do have these pled steals but I don’t really think this is going to work but I guess I can try it let’s see what this does and what in the world is happening Zoe portal Works what in the

World it looks like there’s a little nether block down there should we just jump inside of there Zoe yeah let’s jump in okay come on let’s go and oh my goodness it looks like we made it into The Nether and what in the world is

Going on all around us wao this is crazy I’ve never seen the nether like this before and wait there’s some red Lucky Blocks I think we have to break them and see what’s inside of them I only have one heart and wait what did that just

Give you Zoe I don’t know it gave me some type of wizard staff check it out let me see what does this say freeze your enemy for two seconds what the heck does this do oh my gosh Zoe I just shot you why would you do that I’m sorry Zoe

I didn’t know what it did okay I’m not going to use this anymore and use hey don’t hit me that wasn’t nice you killed me I didn’t know it was going to hurt you but let’s go ahead and break the rest of these red lucky blocks and whoa

What the heck is this what the heck is that I don’t know I’ve never seen anything like that and it looks kind of useless let’s just go ahead and break the other ones and oh look you got another staff yeah hey wait stop hitting me Zoe hey we’re even now what in the

World stop hitting me Zoe I’m super low on health do you want me to die of course I don’t want you to die okay rule from now on we’re not hitting each other okay I agree to your rule let’s go ahead and break these last few blocks and uh

Look we just got a bunch of garbage what the heck is this going to do for us what do these even do I have no idea but there is a bunch of lava around us this is kind of weird and wait a second Zoe do you see the edge of this place no

What is it it’s just a huge void how are the world we supposed to get out of here and what the heck there’s some ladders over here Zoe really I don’t like ladders especially this far up okay well maybe I should go ahead and jump on the

Ladders and see what’s down there you have to stay up here and protect the little island I don’t want to get jumped while I’m down there okay okay sounds like a plan to me okay here is the first ladder let me just jump down like this

And oh my gosh Zoe this is so scary be careful Dax this is very high up how in the world is this even make sense and wait there’s some going around this way let me go here and wao Zoe I found a little room quick come down here okay

I’m on my way okay perfect Zoe this is the little room I was just talking about and look there’s a little chest right here ooh what’s in the chest let’s see and wo look at this there’s some Enchanted netherite apples in netherite Shields wao look there’s also hoes in

There what the heck are we going to do at ho way hes are completely useless no you never know when you’re going to need a hoe okay well fair enough if we were farming we would definitely need one of those but there’s a bunch of Enchanted netherite apples maybe we should clear

Out our inventories and grab this stuff that sounds like such a good idea maybe this is the prize that we’ve been working for this whole time wait a second Zoe did you see this iron door right here what does it lead to I have no idea but there’s like no button we

Can get what the heck how are we supposed to get in here well if the door doesn’t open that means there has to be some sort of secret button wait a secret button oh my gosh okay zo go ahead and click on everything and see if we can

Find a secret button come on there has to be one somewhere and wait a second zo I found it you did it you did it okay let’s go ahead and click this block and come on in Zoe wao there’s armor in here wait there’s a bunch of super cool

Netherite armor and there’s chest with oh my gosh there super upgraded netherite swords netherite bows and arrows Zoe we’re going to be so powerful we are going to be the most powerful ever wait a second wa I actually just thought about something that maybe we

Could try and do what is it so that and Creeper said we only had 30 minutes in order to escape the island otherwise he would blow us up right yeah well did you see that big creeper head floating in the sky yes well maybe that’s where all

The creepers are staying at and maybe we can get our super OP armor and go defeat them let’s go fight some creepers okay let’s go ahead and clear our inventory first because there is a bunch of junk here I’m going to start throwing stuff off the edge that we don’t need let me

Go ahead and throw your head off and I’m going to throw these super weak axes and I’m just getting rid of all this junk because we don’t need any of this and perfect I think I cleared out all my inventory we should be good to go now

Zoe I think I found a new pet wait a new pet what in the world are you talking about and oh my go so that’s a blaze I know isn’t he cute his name is Mr Blaze wait why isn’t Mr Blaze fighting us what the heck is this cuz he’s friendly he’s

My new pet he’s going to love Mr doggy Okay well as long as a blaze doesn’t attack me I guess we’re all good then but I’m going to go ahead and grab this armor and put it on and then wa I’m going to look super super cool look how

Shiny this stuff look Zoe wow D you looks super cool there is no way we’re going to lose to all these creepers make sure to grab everything Zoe cuz we’re going to defeat all of them and actually I still have this Heroes though I think I’m going to go ahead and use that

Because it’s like super overpowered let me go ahead and exchange that and then we also had a chest out here with a bunch of apples and a shield and whoo we are going to be like the most powerful people ever Zoe this is going to be the

Most epic battle okay well I’m going to start using the ladders to get back up to the top and then I guess you can bring the blaze along with us as long as he’s going to help us Mr Blaze says he’s going to help us and he also told me

That he’s super strong oh this is perfect we’re going to destroy all those creepers okay Zoe now that we have all our gear we can go back through that portal and destroy all those super bad creepers let’s do this thing and then maybe we can go home come on we need

Some blocks and we have to get through this portal so go ahead and break a bunch of these blocks and then we’re going to build straight up okay come on Zoe we have to make it up to the top let’s just go ahead and build up there

And then we’re good to go okay let’s go ahead and go over to Mr doggy and then we going to destroy all those stupid creepers Zoe a I’ve missed Mr doggy yeah I missed Mr doggy too hopefully he didn’t fall off the edge or anything speaking of falling off the edge wait

Zoe did you literally just fall off the edge what is wrong with you Max be nice to me uh Zoe we might have a little problem is it I don’t see Mr doggy anywhere no those creepers held him captive oh my gosh they must have taken

Him while we were out in the nether okay we have to get up there that head is so high up but I think we can make it up there do you have any ender pearls on you yeah I have a couple okay perfect what we can do is build up a little bit

And then we can use the ender pearl to get high up there let’s do this I need to avenge Mr doggy let’s just go ahead and grab the wood and then we can start building up there zo come on we have to be super quick okay so we are almost up

There and then we can throw our ender pearls and then we’re going to be able to defeat all those stupid creepers sweet we’re so so close Okay I’m going to go ahead and throw my Ender pear I’ll meet you up there Zoe good luck Dax and

Oh my gosh Zoe we’ve actually made it up here and look how many creepers are inside definitely need to eat our golden apples before we go in and wait I see a little glass cage over there I wonder what in the world is over there and wait

I think I see Mr doggy Zoe no not Mr doggy let’s do this come on go go go we have to fight everyone there are so many creepers and wait wo there’s a bunch of VI creepers too floating there’s a big one attacking me Dex there is so many

Creepers quick do shoot do everything you have where’s Mr doggy come on Zoe we have to fight all of them off there is so many wo those golden apples really did a lot Zoe we’re barely taking any damage no I’m up in the air Zoe it just

Said Mr Wolf was blown up by a mut creeper no Mr doggy come on we have to take them all out and get revenge come on keep shooting everything you have Zoe Z I’m being attacked come on just pull out your netherrite Shield Zoe and you

Should be okay and oh gosh wait they just broke through my shield oh yeah sure bring out my shield right when yours breaks there is so many what the heck come on we have to keep taking them out come on we have to be able to take

Them out there’s so many come on come on Zoe wao I’m flying so high in the air this is kind of fun yeah but I’m taking a bunch of them I think we can take them out in no time only a few more left we’re really chopping them down we got

This Dex soon enough and oh my goodness way they’re breaking all of my armor this isn’t good Dex this isn’t good at all do you have more uh no but I don’t think I need it cuz our golden apple is so strong and oh gosh they broke everything but my chest plate who’s

Someone ‘s on fire oh my gosh so wait there’s only one more left and I think it’s that Mutant Creeper from earlier let’s get him for Mr doggy you fools really think you can defeat me yeah you’re going down come on Zoe let’s take him out keep jumping him oh gosh he’s

Blowing up and wait Zoe I think he just blew up yay we did it we did it for Mr doggy yes we took him out but man I’m so sad Mr doggy died I’m super sad that Mr doggy and Mr Blaze will never meet each

Other oh my God Zoe wait where are we right now I have no clue Dax but we’re really high up and we only have one block wait is this one lava block what in the world out wait so wait don’t stop on it it hurts you DX stop doing that

What the heck wait okay so if we get to the corner it looks like the lava block doesn’t hurt us but how are we even supposed to get everywhere I’m so confused there’s so much stuff when we can’t reach anything this is not good how are we supposed to get down I have

No idea maybe if we like break the lava block it place like more lava and we can walk on it let’s just go ahead and ah Zoe I fell into the void wait it got you a lot wait wait I’m coming from the sky zo look up in the

Air ah Dax don’t fall in the lava okay wait and I’m back and wait did you place this block here wait where in the world did this come from whenever you minded on the lava block this block came in my inventory wait no way so if I go ahead

And break the lava block again and what wait I got a bucket of salmon Zoe I hate salmon you can have it Y and it fell off the void Zoe DX are you serious I really wanted that oh my gosh you’re supposed to catch it out the lava keeps hurting

Us Zoe this hurts so bad Dex you have should be super careful okay well maybe we can get some better stuff let me just go ahead and break it again and we got a beess Zoe what are we going to do with a beess we’re literally in the middle of

Void and it fell off the map again Dax stop throwing our stuff off okay okay I’m sorry I’m not going to throw it off this time let me just see what we got and hey look we got a stone slab brick and that means I can like break off a

Little bit and we can have an even bigger platform so I can get away from you what you want to be away from me I like this setup because I was super close to you uh well now I’m further away from you and wait no now you’re on

Whatever it doesn’t even matter Zoe let me just break this lava block again and wait what in the the world is this it says it’s a lava inot but I have no idea what in the world is you want to hold on

To it Zoe yay I got it a DX you got me a gift you’re so sweet uh it wasn’t really a gift Zoe but yeah sure if you want to say it’s a gift I guess it’s a gift from me to you okay let’s go ahead and break

This please give us something else ow it hurts so bad I can’t see I keep stepping on it okay and it looks like we got a hopper Zoe I don’t even know what Hoppers do do you have any idea what it does no I have no clue okay well let’s

Just keep breaking this and oh cool we got light gray wool which means we can make our platform even bigger look at that yay that means you and I can just go from block to block together uh no you can like stay on the complete opposite sides way I don’t really want

You near me Dax why would you say something like that I’m your girlfriend okay okay it was just a joke I’m sorry but um I got some dead fire Coral fan what in the world are these blocks though I’ve never seen any of this stuff before I’m just going to break a bunch

Of this and maybe we’ll get something cool we keep wait waa wait Zoe I got a lava block Dex I got a cartography table what in the world is a cartography table I’ve never heard of anything like that before I don’t know but I’ll give it to

You okay okay well maybe just place it down or I can place it down let’s see cartography table and if I click on it and there’s just a big map but I don’t know what the big map does I guess that’s useful maybe we can mine from

That one too oh let’s see okay if I go ahead and break this and oh it gave me an arrow and it completely broke so I guess we don’t have it anymore are you serious de oh wait a second zo you know what else I got what’d you get if you

Back up I can place it here and now you can’t get to me U I guess you could just open the door but I thought it was a good idea at first why would separating me from you be a good idea Dax uh it was

Just a joke Zoe but come on we have keep breaking this and I got some chain Mill leggings and I also got a feather what in the world all this stuff is so Random let me go ahead and see if we can get another one of those lava in maybe we

Can make something cool with it all right let’s check the inventory right now I got stairs and I have banners and a lot of slabs and oh I got even more lava blocks you want to break these one Zoe there we go there’s two for you and

Go ahead and break them and please give us something super good and it looks like we got more wood okay well I guess it’s looking like we can build a house or something and you know zo I completely forgot about that structure over there maybe we should like build

Over there so we can get to it that’s a really smart idea Dex okay I have some oak woods and we can turn it into planks and I can start building out in this direction but we’re going to need to mine this lava block a lot more we’re

Going to make it over there cuz look how far away it is it is super far we better keep going all right and O look I got an iron helmet zo it looks so cool now wow you’re so handsome uh thanks Zoe but I also got you these chainb leggings if

You want to wear those maybe I’ll like protect you or something oh my gosh I look so good in these uh Zoe you haven’t even put them on yet what are you talking about oh and look there you go now you have chaino leggings you kind of

Look like a knight right now a knight not a princess uh I mean I’ve never really seen a princess wear anything like that but sure you can be a princess Knight how many ingots do you have Zoe um just a couple just a wait what you

Have more than one maybe Zoe give me the ingots I want to try and make something with it see I have one of these oh uh you only had one Zoe I thought you had more I just wanted to impress you well I need at least two so we can try and

Build something but I guess it’s okay and wa Zoe we got a command block wow that’s so cool I honestly wait I can’t even place it down what in the world is the point of this I don’t know you can’t even put it down on the wood no this

Thing sucked it was completely useless and wait a second I got something else that was lava it’s called The Magic lava what in the world is a magic lava do wait I got the magic lava too let’s go ahead and read it click to shoot lava

Wait ow Zoe what in the world oh no what did I do what did I do just lit our platform on fire what in the world is wrong with you I wanted to see what it would do okay you know what drop it Zoe you’re not using that again drop it to

Me don’t throw no zo don’t throw off the edge drop it to me and perfect there we go I’ll take both of these away I on fire stop it just get away and you’re stepping on fire no wonder you’re still on fire there you go I put up the fire

For you I’m still on fire okay all right good job Zoe but don’t throw those again please I don’t want to get lit on fire again yeah cuz I didn’t mean to it’s okay Zoe don’t worry about it but I still want to get to this other platform

And we’re not getting any type of good stuff all I wanted was this lava Ingot but I haven’t gotten anything I just have a bunch of these magic lava things I keep getting magic lavas too wait a second Zoe do you know what I got what I

Got a anotherr axe which is like the strongest axe in the game awesome I don’t really know how it’s going to help us right now but I mean we have it and I guess we can keep building out to that little platform over there it’ll let me

Go ahead and place down a few more blocks like this and I’ll put down a gold block and then I’ll use this sponge to get even further so cool are you going to fill in this Gap uh I don’t know probably not I wasn’t planning on

It can you not make the jump over it or something oh I just get scared come on Zoe just try you can make the jump I believe in you and you fell in the void I definitely didn’t punch you or anything STX are you serious hey don’t

Worry Zoe any second you should come down from the sky and look there you go Zoe and oh wait what you were alive yep I sure am uh hey hey W wo wo wo wo don’t punch me off don’t punch me off no no no

Say stop it stop it stop it we can be friends no Zoe what in the world is wrong with you I cannot believe you just punched me off but don’t worry I’m coming from the sky I’m coming right back to our little platform and boom I

Landed back with half a heart yay Dax I missed you what do you mean yay you punched me off because I wanted to get even but now we can be friends again uh okay well I’m going to keep breaking this lava block and we keep getting all

These random lava blocks but these don’t give us anything good look at that that was just a lantern yeah everything it’s giving us we can’t really use how are we supposed to get over there I have no idea and wait a second it gave us

Something really cool oh my gosh I got a lava Shield you see all these super cool particles around me yes I have one too I have one too how in the world did you get one wait it gave us two of them yes it sure did and now we’re matching oh my

Goodness and wait it’s giving me a bunch of lava Shields oh gosh this is not good Zoe I keep getting lava Shields what the heck is happening what keeps filling our inventories this is so weird okay you know what we definitely need like a chest of some sort do you have any type

Of wood on you or anything Zoe yeah I actually have a chest you have a chest Zoe can you just put it down so we can put our stuff in it awesome thank you so much Zoe now we can put all of our random junk in there let me throw all

These magic lavas and the blue ice and oh gosh we are running out of space really really fast because we have all these lava Shields now yeah I didn’t get to put any of my stuff in there oh well I mean I guess we can get another chest

Eventually oh gosh I keep getting lava Shields let me get rid of all of these things why in the world do I keep getting lava Shields I don’t want anymore maybe the lava block is trying to tell us something oh my gosh this is absolutely ridiculous I do not want any

Of these get out of my inventory and now I’m holding two two lava Shields zo I think these lava Shields are completely broken or something wow but DX she looks super cool with both of them I mean I do look cool but I don’t want to be holding

These the whole time okay perfect I think I got rid of all them Zoe we should be good now to keep breaking this lava lock and hopefully get something good we still need to get over to that pyramid thing over there I know and it’s

Taking a super long time Zoe do you know what I just got what’ you get what’ you get I got a Dolph oh gosh the dolphin just jumped off the cliff no I really wanted him he was going to keep us company well I don’t know why he just

Jumped off the cliff maybe he didn’t want to hang out with us or something or maybe cuz he’s not in water yeah I guess cuz he’s not in water and we’re like around a bunch of lava and stuff but hey I got some more blocks so I guess I can

Keep building us out and out the lava hurts be careful Zoe Dax you’re hurting me too oh yeah I forgot like the damage kind of goes to both of us wo look I got a golden apple too this is awesome ooh can I have a bite uh sure I guess you

Can have the golden apple ow Zoe wait that hurts look there you go there’s a golden apple and now you can grab it and you can eat it if you want okay let me go ahead and grab some more blocks and oh wait a second zo you know what I got

I got a zombie spawn egg oh no you going to spawn it in uh yep there you go Zoe have fun with that wait did you just punch it off right away oh my goodness okay well Zoe we’re getting closer to the little lava thing over there so come

On keep breaking the lava block and hopefully get some more block so we can get over there ow Zoe don’t step on it what in the world is wrong with you calm down DX I’m taking a bunch of damage Zoe I’m going to die do you want me to die

Of course I don’t I love you okay well then stop stepping on the lava let me go ahead and grab a few more of these bricks and oh man we are so close but we are so far at the same time so I have a couple blocks I have a lava Shield I

Have a witch spawn egg a creeper spawn egg some orange wool and some stairs well any block you can get you can just throw at the end over there so we can get further and further that thing oh gosh I fell off the edge Dex are you

Serious okay maybe I should have covered up the hole like you said and I’m pretty sure if I land this time I’m not going to survive so this is going to hurt a lot and up y see I didn’t make it okay maybe we should cover up this little

Hole do I have anything I can put there and yeah let me just put this block of ice there and perfect there we go all right kabad give us some good blocks that we could use to get over there and honestly we might have enough now with

My blocks and your blocks 50 blocks yeah 50 blocks wait how in the world did you even get that many blocks okay well I’m going to keep building this out there ow Zoe stop sipping on the lava calm down Dex I’m trying my hardest let’s go ahead

And break these and I’m getting a bunch of super cool blocks uh Zoe did you just fall off oh my gosh but hey you should be coming from the sky and oh look there you are here you are come on Zoe land on the platform and oh gosh you missed

Again okay you can do this Zoe I believe in you come on you can do this and oh it seems like you fell from a high place don’t worry you can just spawn right back here but you do have to be a little more careful cuz now we lost all the

Blocks you had no I still have them how in the world do you still okay you know what I’m not even going to question it just uh keep placing them over there but be more careful this time wait Zoe I also just realized something we have

This thing called a lava rod and it says it can be craft it into lava tools wait I didn’t know we could make lava tools a lava tool like a lava sword maybe okay we need to get a crafting table or something and oh wait there’s a piece of

Wood right here I could just break this out and then I can make ourselves a little crafting table this is going to be so good okay come on little piece of wood just come back to me hey wait no don’t break it don’t break it don’t

Break it do not break the lava block cuz I’m out of inventory space and the wood’s just going to drop into the void if you keep breaking it give me 1 second and oh it fell into the void anyways well I guess we’re going to have to

Break this until we get more wood come on give us something good and perfect there you go you got a piece of wood now we can turn that into a crafting table okay I’ll go ahead and craft that and perfect we have a little crafting table but I don’t really know how we’re

Supposed to make anything wait Zoe did you just fall off again okay I’m coming right now and hey good job you landed but if I put this lava Rod right here and then I stack these lava blocks we get this super cool lava sword and look

How cool this thing looks Zoe wow I look so cool wait you have one too what in the world I didn’t know it gave us both it okay well perfect now we really have to get over there and see what’s in that little Tower and take it over oh my gosh

Zoe we are so close we only have to place a few more blocks and then to ride at this new place oh gosh Zoe wait you made me fall I did not make you fall you fall all on yourself oh my goodness now I’m going to fall from the sky I land on

The blocket and I’m not going to survive look at this and boom see look I hit the wood are you serious Dex now I got to run all the way back over here look what you did Zoe okay whatever but we’re super close to this thing I think if we

Only place like one or two more things now we can jump onto the lava but make sure it CPS cuz it’s going to hurt us a lot let’s just go ahead and break out one of these guys right here and we can break ourselves in and wait a second Z

We kind of need like a pickaxe or something maybe we can make like a lava pickaxe you happen have any wood for a crafting table I do I left of it okay Zoe whenever you get the chance just drop me all of those oak planks so I can

Make us a little crafting table there we we go and perfect now I should have enough to make us our crafting table and then I can make ourselves a lava pickaxe I think we only need two of these lava rods and like that and boom look at that

We have a lava pickaxe I have one too what in the dude this thing like instantly destroys everything this is so cool that is so cool clear a path for me uh I don’t really know how I’m going to do that but oh perfect oh gosh I fell in

The lava wait did you fall in the lava Zoe yes oh my gosh no wonder I took damage are you serious Zoe stop running all the lava what are you doing I’m not not meaning to okay you have to be super super careful when you’re down there and

Up it looks like you got destroyed look I’m going to land on a block down here and I’m going to start placing down more blocks so that we can walk across everything whenever you come back we shouldn’t be hurt anymore and perfect just land right here so ow you landed on

The lava I’m fine I made it I’m survived okay well let’s see what’s inside of this chest and wo there’s a bunch of super super good stuff in here Zoe we have some lava golden apples and we have some lava buckets and some more lava blocks and some lava ingots so now we

Can just be super super strong this is going to be awesome look at all the hearts we have okay we’re definitely going to need all these lava Hearts when we fight the lava dragon so let’s go ahead and keep exploring what’s inside of here this is so fun let’s just break

All of these and oh wait a second since we have the lava apples I guess we’re like immune to Lava right now so we can just walk on anything okay let’s go deeper inside and H I don’t really see too much in here but I guess we can

Break a bunch of this Temple apart to get more stuff let’s see what we can find and oh gosh so you just fell the void Dex don’t dig too far uh yeah I’m not going to dig too farz I don’t want to fall in the void like you just did

Let me go ahead and break somebody these out and break somebody these out and perfect now we have like the perfect Pathway to this place always if we need more stuff but I guess there was like one other structure over there Zoe maybe we should go check it out it looks like

Some sort of Temple okay well I have some lava boots now let me put those on and wait a second Zoe wa do you have lava boots too yes I do this is so fun oh my gosh this gives us lava resistance so now we can walk on the lava with no

Trouble okay Zoe now that we both have our lavva boots we can really just step anywhere so I think we need to make it to that other temple in order to get to the dragon so I’m going to run over here and do I have a bunch of blocks and I do

Have a bunch of lava blocks so I guess I could just start using these now since we have lava resistance and we have so many of these this is really going to help us get across to this Temple over here wait what in the world wait how did

I get over here what the heck just happened maybe there’s a glitch in the system oh go Zoe and you pushed me off no no oh my gosh and you fell off too what in the world is happening Zoe I don’t know it’s very slippery okay well

Good thing we have this super super strong armor an it looks like he missed again are you serious though Dex it’s not funny I’m trying my best okay well while you’re trying your best I’m going to go ahead and do a few more it wao Zoe I just got something you’re going to

Love it’s a piece of cake I love cake well there you go you can have all that cake right there while I’m building us a little platform let’s just go ahead and mine a bunch of blocks and W I saw TNT I want the TNT oh my goodness I want the

TNT so bad ooh can I light the TNT uh how about you light the TNT on the dragon instead of lighting it on us I don’t want to blow us up I just think it would be super cool well I mean it would be so how about you just save it for the

Lava dragon okay okay fine whatever while you’re doing that I’m going to go ahead and get us some more blocks and honestly we kind of need another chest we are completely out of space let’s go ahead and throw some of this random jck in here and wait a second I didn’t even

Realize I got an elytra what the heck well look at this look at my back right now I have like a pair of wings so I can go like flying around and stuff what I want a pair of wings look watch this zo I bet I can even make it to the temple

Over here if I just fly like this and look at that I made it to the temple that’s not fair I didn’t get any wings uh well maybe we can get get you some eventually but I’m going to help you break a pathway so you can get over here

Too okay can I borrow your wingstime uh maybe I don’t know I really like them a lot they looks super cool let me break some of these copper blocks and I can start building over to you and then you can be at the super awesome pyramid too

We’ll just break up like this and then I can use some red terracotta and some sandstone and I have to get even more blocks man you are really far away I know I’m trying okay let’s grab a few more pieces like this and then we can

Take what in the world is this thing it’s called a load Stone Zoe have you ever heard of a load Stone before no never heard of it well I have no idea what it does but I guess we have one now so that’s kind of cool okay let me keep

Building up and wait a second so I just realized something since we have lava resistance I could place down like a lava pool and then you can swim over here um that still sounds kind of dangerous I mean it’s not dangerous since we have lava resistance right okay

Well let me build up a little bit further so you can actually make it over here let me get rid of this stupid armor because we don’t need that and then I’m breaking back up to uz Zoe okay I have the pieces of copper and now I’m going

To build up and now we’ll have a really really cool lava stream that you can swim through ooh I’m so excited go and oh we have to get a little bit closer it looks like you’re still a bit too far away I’m coming I have lots of blocks go

I’ll place that one and then I’ll also place this one and perfect there you are Zoe and boom there’s the lava now you can swim across or you could just probably jump down since you’re so close but now we have to go inside this whole Temple and explore cuz hopefully there’s

Some really really good stuff in here all Zoe there are a bunch of zombies in here get inside and help me please this is not good oh wait I have a lava sword I can just hit them all with this and ha look how much damage it’s doing oh no

Dax I’m being attacked wait okay look look it looks like you took it out so we’re all good don’t worry but this thing is super super strong we just took out all those zombies with no trouble at all woohoo we’re so powerful now let’s go ahead and dig deeper into this and wa

Look there’s some chests down there but zo make sure not to step on that golden pressure plate there’s probably TNT underneath it ooh I want to push the button ah oh my good zo are you serious right now I didn’t mean to oh gosh it

Got lit up Zoe no what in the world we just lost all the chest Zoe what and the world are we going to do now no I’m falling again oh my goodness well I guess we can go ahead and look around the rest of the pyramid cuz maybe we

Could find something else I don’t really know okay Zoe well we do have to get to the end Dimension so we can destroy the dragon but I think the first thing we need to do is like get a bunch of lava armor ooh lava armor how are we going to

Do that well first we need to get a lot of these lava blocks and we also need a crafting table so we need a bit of wood let’s see if we can find any type of wood around here come on there has to be some wood somewhere right Zoe and oh

Wait look I found some okay now I’m going to use this and it’s going to make us a little crafting table and then I can start making us a bunch of lava armor this is so much fun I’m having such a good day let’s go ahead and make

A chest plate and what we can’t make a chest plate are you serious right now it looks like we can’t make any type of lava armor what in the world Zoe this sucks how are we supposed to defeat the dragon I don’t know well maybe we could

Get more lava armor breaking more lava blocks down here or something or we could just hop in there try to fight the dragons ourselves okay well all we have to do is use one of these magic lava things that we have and we have to shift

And right click and oh gosh wait so I think we’re going right now this is not good I’m very underprepared wait I can even see the lava dragon over there kind of what in the world we have to fight that guy off yeah he looks really big

And scary okay quick we have to put a bunch of blocks so we can make it over there and I probably should have brought more blocks I didn’t really think about that me too I only have three blocks on me you only have three blocks Zoe are

You serious tax I didn’t know we’d be coming here so quickly okay well it’s all good I have like 24 lava blocks and I think this should be able to get us across and then since we have lava resistance I’m pretty sure we can just

Swim inside the lava to get up so let’s go ahead and place a few more of these lava blocks ow ow the dragon oh God zoee I fell off Dax be careful oh my goodness and wait a second oh I’m coming back Zoe don’t worry come back yay and perfect I

Made it back but jeez that lava dragon just shot a bunch of stuff at us so now we have to wait for it in order to build be super super careful so I don’t want you to fall off please do not fall off the edge I’m not I’m not I’m not okay

Just wait for this purple stuff to go away and then we can run through and then we can go beat them up okay come on let’s go ahead and place this over here and we have to be super fast before the lava dragon shoot some more of that

Weird purple stuff at us since we do have lava resistance we can just swap the lava super super easily this is awesome this is awesome um are you sure I have lava resistance uh yeah it looks like you have lava resistance you’re not getting hurt at all okay now we have to

Go attack this dragon and jeez this is a lot harder than I thought I don’t know how we’re supposed to beat him up maybe we just have to wait on the platform and wait for him to come back around and oh gosh so I completely forgot also we have

All these random Towers we have to take out in order for its Health not to regenerate oh no how are we going to do that do you still have the TNT on you uh yeah I have TNT but that’s not really going to help us take out the towers

We’re have to swim to the top of each one and break them so how about you start breaking them on this side and I’ll start on the other side okay I’ll start okay Zoe and this should be our last thing to break as soon as we break

This we can start actually jumping the dragon down there I’m so scared to battle with the dragon okay well I’m going to eat this lava apple and you should get the same effect so we can beat him up ooh I’m so powerful now okay

Now all we have to do is jump down and wait for him to purge let’s go ahead and get to the Bedrock area though and wait he’s coming down quick we have to fight him I’m going I’m going okay I’m going to stand in the middle and now we can

Just punch him to death come on get down here you stupid Dragon oh gosh wait he just smacked me across the world what in the world is wrong with this guy be careful I’m trying Zoe he’s super strong I honestly didn’t even realize he was this powerful B we just have to keep

Hitting him I’m going hit him in the face maybe that’ll do more damage you got this I’m just swinging on ow look how far he hit me Zoe that was crazy okay come on keep fighting him oh gosh he’s getting away okay we’re going to

Have to take a lot of different hits in order to take this guy out come here Mr Dragon I think maybe if I put this beacon on the top maybe it’ll do like some extra damage so let’s go ahead and grab up of this and ow he shot the

Purple stuff at him does Dax are you okay uh yeah I think I’m okay but the TNT is here now so if it lights up it’s going to be a big problem oh no I don’t know if it’s smart to put TNT next to Lava yeah probably not but it looks okay

Right now and wait zo he’s coming back down quick we have to fight him I’m fighting I’m fighting here he comes Zoe quick we have to punch him oh gosh he hit me so far back I got him Dax I’m hitting him come on Zoe take him out

Keep punching him keep punching him I’m punching him I’m punching him no he’s flying away come back oh my goodness but he is getting pretty low so I like think we need like a few more turns in order to take him out come back you coward oh

My God so okay quick he’s coming back we can take him out this time I’ve got it Dax I’ve got it okay keep hitting up keep hitting up come on we have to beat him this time Zoe I’ve got him I’ve got him come on swing on him swing on him

I’m swinging I’m swinging I’m swinging come on he is so low and oh my God Zoe he only has a bit of Health left we’re almost taking him out that was so close oh my God so he’s coming down for the last time we can take him out we’ve got

This a okay get down here we’re going to punch you in the face with our super strong lava swords wo he’s super close come on Zoe keep hitting up keep hitting up he’s super low oh my gosh he has like one HP left I’m going to get him oh my

Goodness this guy is such a coward Zoe he really is come out and fight us oh my gosh Zoe this is it come on we’re going to take him out we’ve got this hit him hit him hit him beat him up and oh there

You go zo you took him out yeah I did it oh my God zo we are the champions of the lava one block we did it Dax we’re amazing which means we can now jump in our final portal and beat the game

This video, titled ‘LOCKED on One Chunk with TVWOMAN!’, was uploaded by Daxx’s World on 2024-01-03 17:21:14. It has garnered 989 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:55 or 8875 seconds.

LOCKED on One Chunk with TVWOMAN! (Minecraft Movie)

More Daxx Videos!

I Hired UPGRADED CAMERAMAN To Defend My Minecraft House! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFQv8HpglFM

I Hired SPEAKERBABY In A SKIBIDI TOILET BUILD CHALLENGE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oj39j30dEY

I CHEATED IN A YOUTUBER SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxQ8MUfXeZI

I CHEATED IN A SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng7h2TrvA5A

I Hired UPGRADED TV MAN To Defend My Minecraft House! by Daxx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ74wFJwCSY

#minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx

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  • ZestySMP

    ZestySMPThe ZestySMP uses the 1.19.2 Forge Version of BetterMC that contains lots of interesting mods like Twilight Forest, Yungs Structures/Biomes and tons of QOL mods all to give a strong Vanilla+ Experience. We’ve added the Lifesteal Mod as a twist alongside Optional Proximity Voice to improve the Multiplayer Experience. I’d recommend getting to know people so you can start strong and take over Spawn. A poll to determine the Start Date of the SMP will be announced soon. Hope to see you there! Discord: https://discord.gg/2JWZpVczRR (Whitelist Required) Read More

  • Hustle SMP | Semi-Vanilla SMP, Whitelist, Dynmap, Factions | 1.20.4

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  • Minecraft Boss: The Ultimate Hot Mess #meme

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  • Thank You Minecraft Pocket Edition Part 3

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

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  • Mind-Blowing AI in Minecraft with Dronio

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  • Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating Challenge

    Ultimate Poppy Playtime Minecraft Cheating ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wudo on 2024-03-22 18:00:00. It has garnered 171916 views and 1600 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:38 or 2258 seconds. I Cheated with //DRAW in POPPY PLAYTIME Build Challenge in Minecraft Today in Minecraft, we’re having a building competition! But nobody knows that I’ll be using //DRAW to cheat in this POPPY PLAYTIME build battle! How long do you think it will take before my friends find out? Will CATNAP, DOGDAY, MISS DELIGHT, or the SMILING CRITTERS catch us?… Read More

  • Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! 🤫🖼️ #minecraftfest #shorts

    Uncover Insane New Minecraft Easter Egg! 🤫🖼️ #minecraftfest #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Das NEUE Easter Egg in Minecraft…🤫🖼️ #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfacts #minecraftdeutsch’, was uploaded by EinfachGustaf on 2024-04-21 11:03:54. It has garnered 200595 views and 15560 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Skibid Toilet Animation Part 1!" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft skibids toilet parts 1 #minecraft #skibiditoilet #part1’, was uploaded by 3camera animation on 2024-01-14 04:39:14. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos! https://www.capcut.com/t/Zs8jMX6Sq/ Read More

  • Master English with Dronio & Minecraft – FREE trial!

    Master English with Dronio & Minecraft - FREE trial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 22:15:00. It has garnered 5243 views and 907 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie – RIP! Minecraft Animation

    Godly Gamer Defeats Baby Zombie - RIP! Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry Baby Zombie, Rest In Peace | Monster School Minecraft Animations’, was uploaded by GOD BOYZ GAMAER on 2024-03-26 01:23:50. It has garnered 2962 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!

    NinjaGamerGirls REVEAL the laziest Minecraft tactics!Video Information This video, titled ‘que flojera ⚒️MINECRAFT BEDROCK⚒️#videojuegos #minecraft #minecraftberdock #streamer #shorts’, was uploaded by NinjaGamerGirls on 2024-04-05 18:00:04. It has garnered 665 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. ————————————————– ——————————— 💖🎮 GAMER GIRL 🎮💖 ———– ————————————————– ——————— ⚒️ Minecraft REALMS ⚒️ Technical Realm: https://realms.gg/27JoLmL_TfA Realm con Hacks: https://realms.gg/yTzEnsXKKrY Verify your Minecraft username on Discord to be able to play: 🤖 [Discord] 🤖 – https://discord.gg/jpwBkvATbU Minecraft Whatsapp Groups: https://chat.whatsapp.com/E1zR7o3mUc2CW2NwN3mPMr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/733539675110501/ ————————————————– ——————- Social networks: 💜 [twitch] 💜 – https://www.twitch.tv/ninjagamergirls/ 💝 [Instagram] 💝 -https://www.instagram.com/ninjagamergirls/ 💠 [Facebook]💠 – https://www.facebook.com/RdaNyDoranTeSs​ 🐥 [Twitter] 🐥-… Read More


    INSANE HUGGY WUGGY REMAKE PRECISION BUILDVideo Information This video, titled ‘REFAZENDO O HUGGY WUGGY DO MINECRAFT BEDROCK/WIN 10 NO MINECRAFT JAVA’, was uploaded by IsaacBeyCraftYT on 2024-04-05 15:00:41. It has garnered 766 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:36 or 576 seconds. Description/Credits Here: | V Channel of the original addon creator: https://www.youtube.com/@BendytheDemon18 Wiki do addon original: https://mcpedl.com/poppy-playtime-addon-the-tight-squeeze/ Mcreator (The Program I used to make the Mod): https://mcreator.net/ [Versão do Mcreator usado no Vídeo — 2023.3] Blockbench (The Program I used for the custom models): https://www.blockbench.net/ Plugin (Geckolib) that I used to run the customized models in Mcreator: https://mcreator.net/plugin/91484/nerdys-geckolib-plugin-forge-1182-1192 [Versão do… Read More


    EPIC DOOMER BUILDS UWU TOWN in MINECRAFT! 🔥#GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘| The Town of UWU | Minecraft BETA 1.7.3 #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by DoomerPlaysMinecraft on 2024-02-21 00:51:57. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. The town of UWU was founded by Ospence5 on August 9th 2023, and currently has 25 residents. If you want to see UWU for yourself you can find it at mc.retromc.org Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please considering subscribing and hitting that like button as it supports us in a major way! ~ Doomer… Read More

  • Coca MC

    Coca MCCoca MC is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with treecapitator and /home and /warp plugins to help with mobility and gathering resources. There is a small and friendly community with active players who can help you if needed. There are certain teams you can opt into joining, which each have their own lore, but it is entirely optional. This is mainly an English-speaking server, however, we have German members too. We are planning to add more plugins in future, mostly just QoL or fun plugins which don’t alter progression Read More

  • EpicGaming: Semi-Vanilla, Vanilla, Minigames

    1.20.6 EpicGaming Multi-Server (3 Servers) IP/Address: play.epicgaming.ch Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord: https://discord.com/invite/m2GWN6F We offer: Towny Survival (Semi-Vanilla) -Mobheads -Playershops -Death Chest -Teleports -Ingame Ranks -Ender Dragon respawn Minigames (over 20+): -Soccer -Horse Races -Build Battle -Bedwars -Ice Boat Races -Parkour -Boost -Sheep Wars -Pig Race -Chess and more 100% Vanilla: Opened 3 weeks ago, version 1.20.6 Server Tournaments: We regularly host events and tournaments. Next event is today (Sunday 8pm CET). Join us! Community Details: -Small, active community -Average age: 20 -Server uptime: 100% Interested? Let us know in the comments for server connection details and a past event video. Read More