Deadly Uchiha clan wreaks havoc – with friends! – Ep. 2

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[Music] [Music] for do we wait what the hell what is this position I am [Music] in yeah we can wait can wait right this gay place oh yeah this place is actually a good place bro it’s scary my God the coil has they but I see you outside I mean like when you’re outside it’s fine yeah but now we have no money we have 2,000 on the ship where do I use the mods code by the way how do you download the mod thingy can you tell Rusk cuz he doesn’t know boy he needs to uh he needs to go to the copy the code copy it and where where does he have to paste it oh wait let me check let me check where it was it was yeah let me check so you do create uh no you do import SL update then uh import new file and then from code then you can copy the code is he is he on the stream no he’s not on the stream you have to tell them on DMS or something like that okay I’ll tell [Music] them for [Music] well I’ve been waiting I’ve been waiting oh he says it’s [Music] importing is car coming he’s supposed to be here did you ping him uh let me let me message him on is uh I think call is offline why don’t know I message you to also [Music] okay [Music] uh put all the stuff uh you can’t store these ones outside weird can only store Little [Music] Things why can’t I pick this pick this stuff up H it’s glitched probably yeah it’s glitched it’s glitched you cannot store this one okay that’s you can store the little ones oh yeah that’s kind of weird did didn’t glitch out no it’s always like that but for some items just cannot hold until the ship Land There are you playing on better we’re not we’re not playing on the uh the new version 50 by the way if you want I can leave and then I can join again an error record that means wait there was there was one uh one mod that had to be updated for me my brain was not braining during the version 50 so I was like don’t worry we’re playing we’re playing a this map called sector zero so we can go we can go don’t worry [Music] you can go back to version let’s go back to the latest [Music] one no he’s in version 50 yeah you can just go back to 49 48 [Music] whatever the BET us with those birds those old birds right what do you mean old birds it’s the name of the those those robots with the lasers those big robots you know we didn’t see the preview there’s two monsters from what I heard that version 50 there there there’s one like big robot there’s only two monsters from what I heard there’s one outside I’m too lazy to change it I don’t know how to do but it’s still better right cuz he said he’s going to add more he’s going to add more monsters right yeah the Butler and the old birds but is there any new maps there’s three three new maps but those but those three new maps are they very different well if you want then I can change it after you join we play a match here and there and then I can just change it on I can do that after this now you’re joining 48 then later we can go back to [Music] uh but are they different from from the inside the the those new maps I think there still it’s still facility and Mansion it’s still facility and Mansion I think I’m not sure kind of annoying bro where was player two he disconnected player two disconnected yeah he disconnected [Music] bro you were yapping and then you SMP today uh no because I was kind of busy okay I I’m going to be busy for a bit okay shot I want to the version 50 if it’s actually really good that was not you then who was it who was player two yes he see to there bro who was player two then what well it’s actually pretty easy to go to Beta no to go first 50 how do you how do you very easy how what do you do I forgot I remember you go to uh you go to your library you right click on lethal company you go to properties and then uh you go beta and then you have to type Public public beta okay it will uh load it by the on beta you can’t play with mods yeah that’s true fine fine we we will play version 50 uh we will play version 50 after you join Rusk we’ll play a little bit and then we go 50 oh come on come on join everyone Ros what broo Ros Ros he’s he’s lazy he’s lazy like no no no like I just want to play right now B I’m getting what do you call a little bit depressed ahuh okay no he didn’t bro Rusk the sector is scary bro oh my God yeah sector zero is scary [Music] I have this juice I don’t know what it is but it’s a juice that’s all I know you like juice huh be quiet hello bro I was I was fast there was this glitch you know you can you we become negative then you can like speed F oh wait yeah now I’m fast look I’m I picked this up and I’m still normal uh what really how do you do that get up right as you teleport so exactly when you teleport you pick it up oh your W your W will become negative too late to do exact [Music] time nope nope there’s no [Music] negative I don’t see any [Music] negative and the way changes if you if you have the heavier that if you like do it with the c just you you will you will run and you will instantly go there instantly it will be [Music] Sonic why is the game game [Music] glitchy get get better if it’s if it’s if it’s skish then I’m going to go straight to B I’m holding the thing can you hear me yes I can hear you wait where am I wait wait you what where are you wait wait teleport teleport him this guy black screen you’re literally let me leave the game yeah [Music] oh my God Ro is so sad [Music] speed oh yeah for the host it doesn’t work I forgot if it doesn’t happen I’m going to go straight to uh uh the the other [Music] [Music] version [Music] [Music] bro uh Play Play version two it’s done he can join no if he doesn’t join then I will play version two yeah he told me he can join it’s glitching for him again yeah that was this before now we’ll see again if he’s if he’s this again he he also uh it didn’t work for him now too he told me don’t y [Music] [Music] [Music] Rusk [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] it it’s just from an error code he said it [Music] done you have to go version yeah I’ll go version 20 version 50 whatever that is version 50 50 uh Library detal company [Music] properties since when call have [Music] a for no I don’t have my welcome to your first day on the job this is your very own aut where you will eat and sleep for the duration of your contract make yourself at home because it’s fr50 it’s good computer terminal we to the oh yeah it’s because the rest is um secret secret um secret moov you can’t see her how you find them maybe Ros [Music] knows yeah okay R hop on now when he’s saying hop on he meant the other one I meant I meant both hop on this game and hop on it I’m drag I’m draging on lethal bro okay Dragon lethal crazy wait let let let me dragon oh my God this must like 40 years [Music] old [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah comound War can we get this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want to maybe AR or maybe called Saturday toi forgot what Saturday [Applause] is joinin very slow o Park he joined what are you on about no never mind I see him I don’t see him is he here yeah he is supposed to be here I don’t see him bro his this thing is too it’s for your it’s for you no it’s for him if you’re playing on B also uh let us join you Rus by the way or one of you guys yeah maybe it’s just your autistic okay yeah r m I live in Tokyo my friend hi Park no coin uh Sammy you make one invite us okay only Japan VC D demo damn guys how do you guys join by the way oh like this okay so why can’t I invite Ros I don’t see Ros here in my uh in my list wait uh yeah this video game is not free okay to uh bro finally finally bro see because of CH artistic okay now s now throw it back no you throw it back what do you mean this game is like uh how much is this game 1,200 Yen right yeah it’s 1,200 Yen you’re asking us bro we’re not Chanese really you’re Japanese bro no Japanese is literally just yapping to me you’re I don’t I don’t I don’t understand I don’t understand a single thing just nonsense wa uh let’s go guys okay let me check the the new moon yeah but how you how do you go do it it’s secret no just just type art there is a a new moon it cost uh 1,500 but it’s we don’t have money we have 650 money have 650 wait which save is this it’s mine oh why also why are you so broke because it was the first uh the first three days monk so you barely managed to get the qu for the first three days you come after one week just start yapping on Sammy what are you all about Bro Look I have 650 bro bro you’re broke as hell be quiet Sammy 6 is bro let’s go let’s go and I was alone okay I don’t have teammates oh where did we go kill isue I I don’t know by the way they changed D in the new update but they didn’t change where’s that secret Moon bro you mean the the artifact one the the one with the old bird I want to I went to claer I think all the new moons have the the old bird okay okay that’s matter we can we can do ad but it’s foggy run this Eclipse no oh wait do we have to pay for arance no then we should go the one the easiest one why all of these more I me you have such bad luck man it’s either being broke broke H bro how much do you get the first three days huh please don’t please don’t s mik bro by the way R this guy this guy like fought like three crackers killed them all hacking properly AO my life of course I’m no no you’re you’re too bad here to get why is it an in turn yeah because it’s re for me the whole time no you keep dying I I I think we should go experimentation for now just to be safe and and the next time you’ll go cuz it’s all foggy or E clipse your luck is really bad by the way uh what’s your what’s your face am I still boss I would have been boss you are Boss by the way I was boss but then uh I kept dying because I was playing that moded thing and I was testing something I became you can’t come the I never I wait wait experimentation is foggy huh yeah it’s all foggy or Clips an exper mission is easy you have to go straight that’s all okay okay pull it pull it down Sam what what did you say did you did you say did you say pull it down I meant so you can start suck that huh what yeah I know I know you’re on that bro I know miss not being the first one I’ll be happy and play the game how about just commit suicide damn Teri hey bro playing in like a non-m moded is just so like bro why my look so garbage fire at this every is always yapping I can see that you guys not talking it’s a serious dead giveaway after you guys are dead hello hello I an apparatus who put on apparatus and where are you here here oh I see you where’s leg right right here come here come here well there was a door with stuff there inside I have I have two keys oh I have to go back there maybe if you want to okay let’s go we s still alive he’s not responding he’s probably dead Samy he I’m blind I can’t tell why is there something red here I’m kind of lost because it’s so dark I exit this close [Music] this I am dead by the way guys I am dead [Music] he’s is H it’s nor it’s it’s it’s better normal beta bro seriously oh my God stop eating me bro stop eating me no [Music] nice to the club boo you can’t even see anything yeah it’s because the apparatus bro yes R pulled out that car his way back yes r f what the hell God damn where is the guy that killed the three knock rockers bro he died on experimentation okay okay okay okay okay oh my God bro it can’t be happing now no oh my God okay bro I understand we lost 260 by the [Music] way what yeah all of my money gone because of you because of you because you pul the thing because of me yeah because of this thing bro no bro you’re just too bad what are you on about you ran away H where where why why did why did you not run away cuz I was full such a want to leave my BR it’s fine just don’t don’t be what’s up you’re the that we who got the 200 what’s this place Adam careful this is a a thing yeah [Music] bro they’re alive yes yes idiot oh my God I fell down too you guys are such NS bro I’m eating I’m I’m eating tumers it’s a big problem for me yeah you’re eating you’re eating me out okay what okay that doesn’t why is it so dark here wait look I did of the the what what is this oh careful careful careful look look look look on the ceiling oh my God goes down is a creature by the way no no this is the this is the spike trap why there so much SN come here come here Sami I can go here there’s one more trap here yeah there’s a SNF here by the way there’s a snurfle sniper won’t do anything what do you mean it won’t a key there’s a there’s a trap there what get get what do what do I hear what is this huh what is the sound it’s a spike look this F he’s a ring bro pushing it oh look at this oh my God what look at this autoa Spike it’s two spikes at the apparatus room oh from the apparatus are you dumb I found the first yeah I’m asking if you found it spider spider where uh in front of me did you just D this and leave oh because we’re playing on bar that’s why you can’t join you have to join after the game ends why is it so dark though it’s aning key did we just take it oh my God last trap yeah we sh sure what take that take the apparatus that’s stupid oh I have to run back oh my God are you dead Rusk r okay now it okay hey be careful be careful up oh my God I forgot [Music] uh are you alive oh I see you yes do you know what the exit is yes Stu yeah there there’s an East egg there at the storage room oh I see it most of mhm I don’t see them though see what oh they they fix where I can like think oh there’s the baboon Hawk baboon hog won’t do much by the way yeah but this pH in the lar are PS they they fix they fix when I can like Crouch while like sprinting yeah yeah you cannot do that there goes the dogs the dog strategy what there ya To Us by the way yeah they can see my items the baboon HW I didn’t know that sh bro they’re gazing you he’s hitting me help no no here [Music] you’re such a monkey man we got destroyed by a pack of baboon bro why does he send fight him imagine if he dies bro fight him yeah cannot do cannot do much right yeah I can’t do much what’s happening to you Sami man all that glazing that I did is now all gone to waste bro I couldn’t find the shovel where was it we got destroyed got destroyed by baboon hws by baboons we still got the key we have we have one day left bro it’s fine no it’s not it is wait can you we can go March can you invite called Sami no we he we has the I don’t I don’t have him in the don’t have any my friends list also we have to leave the game and join back yeah for new people to join let me add the what is car uh oh no check ask him in should we go to should we go to AR no we are just an Aram you can go March all that glazing gun to oh we have no you have three keys you got the big one but is that but a small one what huh nothing I SC joining yeah I have to I have to add him did you add him bro you need this friend code stuff to add him K go to the Discord I send you the code wa wait wait here add you whoa Sammy get a room damn bro you’re playing with that keyword I’m jugging on you I’m checking on YouTube are you just letting it [Music] happen control your gain is wa wait I’m going invite oh yeah I need to leave but bro make go sit down bro can’t stop breathing heavily can we go because he’s getting a deep inside of him yeah go no let’s go March okay wait why I can’t see you CH see me he’s here see I see so so irrelevant yeah can we land you land you don’t see me that’s so weird it’s fine irrelevant anyway he’s not uh be quiet that special who who goes to the main entrance who goes to fire exit I’m going fire I’m going wing main then I’ll go to the other entrance [Applause] for give b b b b yes yes yes give this is autistic this autistic monkey bro bro be quiet I found two beehives so you stop yapping and get those beehives who’s Ying by the way I found two beehives outside this base [Music] okay wait where come here come here this fire exit okay there’s one over there and there’s one behind this [Applause] [Music] okay is ah that is that how you do it I don’t know I was just running bro sh is that way I’m looking my bad my bad behind you yeah you know I’ll go back and get the stuff I’m not going to fight this okay okay what SP [Music] thing did you search everything oh not CH give me this stuff I pick it off there’s only one stuff there oh bro yeah somebody came here [Music] useless hold up nothing is there okay nothing is here also oh you I found two stuff [Music] here but besides that I hav find anything here crazy oh one more stuff oh I found a big uh I’m kind of lost by the [Music] way oh I’m I’m actually kind of lost I don’t know where is this wait maybe I can go here I see you I see yeah but where’s the exit uh I don’t know no I have been there [Music] already I have like I have like three stuff take one stuff at least no no no no we need we need to get out from here uh here no you go up what no no then we came from here oh yeah no [Music] not go stra and and take the force right no no not yeah yeah that here here here here if I exit is right here bro come here and take the stuff oh my god there was something there by the way there was there’s there’s a outside there’s one like what do you call this one item there can’t pick it up yeah pick okay giant oh my God [Music] there a no wa of course you died Wait Wait Don’t Go nice jump bro I start a ship yeah start the ship by the way I can’t see it here saw his body after down oh you can’t you can’t see his body to I know you can see him and know and I only can he his voice in the ship wait I will uh rejoin [Music] okay report to the company building enough and other Goods you have days left to meet the profit qu no we don’t you can use the terminal to root the autopilot to the company building what are we doing R none you were dead with [Music] oh yeah I need to restart to invite him sure I got no problem with that okay a Ros dead weight like usual a boss rank intern rank intern rank survived because boss rank was AFK I was I was I was B rank too in the absence of the lion the dog thought he was the king of the jungle bro you’re not that guy go in that corner now yeah good what I said go go to that corner you know what did we play damn okay let’s play hey it’s flooded March okay play something else oh no we have to go company uh go company yeah I know that why can I start the thing oh W don’t do that man because the first landing has to be done by the owner of the server yes I’ll play Minecraft today Anto yeah because I am the main character just sell everything slow NS be quiet I I had a big fat thing I was holding what the the thing the fat thing you’re making it sound so suspicious oh bro I’m not F relax actually if you look at that it looks it looks it looks like that like that NS X on you like something on it huh what did you buy your but J’s girth [Music] [Music] can you see me now yes I’m the big character you can’t hit me okay I’m still the make so you can’t hit me he you got go up here yeah go up here go up there for Daddy go down I can still I can still go even if you start the ship so it doesn’t matter oh bro you dropped it you can’t do nothing bro I can’t kill you I just don’t want to you can kill me you can yeah because you’re a wimp why you guys closing Us in you can’t hit me now H none you can’t hit me yeah keep doing that Samy what $4 report for the C building immediately to sell your scrap metal and other Goods you have zero days left where do we go all moons are available uh money do we we going to go to March and AD to stormy don’t go autus then I’m not taking the shovel you’re taking my give me dub dub dub dub yes yes yes give me b b okay nothing is there for for for hello hello where are you I’m I’m don’t I’m lost I can’t see anything but I have three stuff with me I’m mean this big area you know there’s a big area where you can jump in go go go come where where are you yeah pick some stuff I have some stuff pick it that’s all yeah we didn’t find a beehive this time bro that place was so huge here did anyone die no no let’s check no they’re all alive did you guys find stuff yeah little scan I no we didn’t find anything we did what do you mean there’s seven objects I’ll go I’ll go with the dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog go don’t go don’t go don’t go guys guys there’s a dog huh dog at the main entrance oh I see him do we leave Rus went to the fire ex yeah which fire ex did he went to the one okay I’ll go I’ll go he you guys stay in ship huh and don’t y H dog dog in the main entrance what dog in the main entrance main entrance there I see a dog oh there’s five more objects by the way no it’s not much all of us are here do we leave yeah I want to try the other moons so do they have besides mansion and facility or is this still the same no it’s still the same I think I mean it’s still better so hey why everything is so crazy stormy eclipsed experimentation flooded rain is okay did they make it harder rain is okay yeah rain is fine this is the only one that that is rainy by the way I mean the only one that is like the most safest adamans right 1% at careful 1% at a time eh wait let him go get moving s hey gu be careful be careful be careful BR the whole main inance area look be careful the the whole entrance the whole entrance just be careful we can go to the fire exit oh my gosh have to go to the fire exit damn uh where’s the fire exit is that a fire exit I think it’s there up is it up there I see a box so yeah I think try to go up come on so oh my God I think you have to go up from here found the found it hello ROK how are you my Easter egg jar pickles I think he’s dead Rusk he Rus is dead what the hell was that o he yanked me vent open SL ohoh I’m going go go back go back go back go go back nothing is there you guys go there and check all this place I think there is nothing over there yeah we don’t get by the main entrance by the way cuz you can’t go there Ros is proberly dead yeah no way is is this all is it all of this is it all this wait I will I I’ll bring him up let’s bring him up here and then you can go inside and check is he following me he’s following me nice Glo Glo gloop gloop Gloop D come back come here for risk our life by that there’s something that’s a dog come back bro why you can’t see him in the second man he he’s dead oh this is there’s no mod for that did they both die yes they on I don’t know I don’t see them they are de they’re not moving so I have to check and they weren’t moving at all [Music] yeah there bro being most profitable doesn’t mean anything no it does it means you just brought the stuff to the ship and you brought nothing yeah because I because I found everything but I couldn’t take it back no I was getting destroyed bro this is also I have to get 600 man so we can go rent wasn’t there a beehive too here there yeah there was a beehive I couldn’t get it I wanted to get it but then uh the guy was yapping so much I just stopped who you what I didn’t even say anything no no no you’re going to die you’re going to die die die die I’m getting a beehive I get it now actually w found the I found the uh apparatus room but there’s a machine there there’s a turret there but you can bypass it let me get that stupid did oh dead what the hell you done hey guys guys be careful be careful be care careful stupid Sami he was yapping oh there is many turrets right there’s two over there here I’m just too good bro yeah you on yeah oh no I can’t drop these egg Easters now all actually very heavy oh my God sh [Laughter] what the hell was that God this also confused bro you got eat did you see that yeah I saw that what are you bro I was running in the stupid Corridor and I got that I got that smack from the stupid SP only beehive but at what cost are you alive oh he my body is right there BR what was dead in the middle of nothing bro he died at the very beginning in front of me he was yapping about his machine gun and then you got e it there’s like three machine guns by the way well imagine if K clutches that your body is here somewhere by the way somewhere down there the BR bro what is this if only I didn’t get heated well Samy got all the notes man zero days left oh bro we are dead as hell I can’t do it the uh no no we will leave or something oh you want to go to adamans no I’m selling his body no no CH no no no no don’t what happened since we are going lose I will show you guys something are you talking about this secret weapon hello he’s here oh I am just it can do this jump no not there not there this way wait I think you can no no jump here it’s not going to work no way what is this he didn’t mean to die what is this place look there is a circle here here there are two places like in the shape of the apparatus what what happens if you press it press one I mean we don’t have to we should get to a par whatever that is no no no you cannot get get it here what do mean this place has no meaning I think it’s for the the lord of the game oh too far away you you can do the jump I can do the jump I know let’s go bro I was I was just grabbing my popcorn all of a sudden I’m dead oh no monster no I was the monster we lost everything your fault we’re not we’re not going Adam ever again but was your fault Sam be died baboons what are you on about yeah the baboons bro what did I do I didn’t do anything as you [Applause] noty welcome to our disciplinary process no oh we got to getat it as [Music] usual welcome to your first day on the job this is your very own autopilot ship where you will eat and sleep for the duration of your contct I want to go to run man this map is not good make yourself then if you play good run process you will want to check the instruction this R this my map bro I’m only good on that map it’s like those people like hey hey like if I have this like a keyboard then I can I can play better bro you bro you can’t even drag don’t speak I can drag what do you want about be quiet no you can just drag go 10 CPS bro 26 28 is my highest I can drag can drag I can drag on I’m going to I’m going to drag on those monsters combo drag never mind what dead don’t go go go go go don’t [Music] go do not do not open this door that fing oh nothing’s there okay well they need to add more lights sometimes making the game hard how’s up you CR kid shut up what are you guys doing there nothing there nothing D why me just because I’m block he can hit you from there he can hit you from there hit you from [Music] there I’m too fat you here found there okay I’m going to die with you I can’t I’m going to die with you I’m going to die any way that’s so crazy do I beehives maybe it’s the engine they’re both dead where oh he that at the maze died oh there we have enough bro yeah go what are you munching [Music] that wait bro was so amazing he used the mind to to kill the thumper suicide bombing I’m not even joking yeah so sorry die with [Music] me I want to see the new Mo let’s not let’s not go wait where are you going which map go March March is the most tough in my opinion we got either go ad or experimentation no in between take a look experimentation I I hate adamans now I’m never going to play yeah what is this we we a fence wait wait wait oh hell we have to go experimentation Y what is this my brother my brother is screaming his life so where do we go we can go but wait what’s the name of the map what embon embon type e and B we don’t have money broke as hell P up um or [Music] BS how much does embon cost again 150 size of your oh who T you experimentation what the hell bro much better this is much better than I’m the one who chose It Anyways play the game for [Music] dead V type engine gay type engine where’re home the stupid nearly is there by he yapping I see him he just went over over there be careful huh I just saw him what the hell he was he went here here oh he’s right here biggest yapper I said one word biggest yapper what not you that stupid snare that stupid snare fre not you oh when e he uh in 30 minutes I came here already stupid you brought me to the same place why don’t you walk there you kid shut up happing we be camping in EU and Egor sure is there a monster snarly he won’t do anything so oh he’s mad at me bro why what nearly killed me the I was running here and there and then this guy call like a this monster is weak someone go back why would you camp for 6 hours what do you do when you’re camping for 6 hours do you like do something else [Music] my b i i I’m eating orange orange mun hey it’s good I’m eating good food I’m eating thummer and I’m eating orange not too much tumer [Music] AR Dead Oh Sami still yapping there let me go check orang protol for for my godness hey dog dog oh do can I buch of Orange I uh where is he where is semi I see him I see him I see him yeah I do oh leave leave oh my God it was so dark I couldn’t do anything let me move on the dog my God all that until 11:00 p.m. if we don’t have S rank I don’t know bro easy B orange you suck at it bro actually I was I’m not even joking let’s go to a um a fence where all the homies gets [Music] offended BR land the ship it’s lagging for did you go up nuns yeah be quiet shut up and you better get stuff NS watch him [Music] die this wa bro why is he just walking why was he just walking why just over here why came here why is it this up here oh okay stop coughing for once oh finally I did it right by I found the old bird outside all what all new entity really i d this is very small place or am I crazy freaking freaking uh what’s it called dumper harassing [Music] me there’s a thumper there don’t go I think died no no he he was also there is old yeah I saw that show me where where there’s a th inside yeah it’s a robot bro yeah what does it do I think it’s move it’s in it’s in invincible either wake yeah he either wake up randomly or or just when you pullatus let me clap him I can’t clap him cuz he’s too big can I jump on him you’re suck you’re sucking the guy the old bird off [Laughter] bro I’m eating the orange bro yeah pry why standing under it like you w the w oh you even jumping like this you’re admiring it no be quiet you’re looking up like it’s like it’s kind of I’m just waiting for him to uh become crazy I I would left go back go back to until it randomly awakes huh is bro I was eating my orange how was it bro I survived I don’t know how surv every hit he did he gave to me heble by the way he’s so fast he’s so fast he can fly like he can actually fly he doesn’t fly he shooting Sammy you no he does Fly R run run run did get destroyed oh bro he’s crazy man bro I got I didn’t die you you were sucking him too much he didn’t like it bro I was just chilling he immediately like you know became really active scared the hell out of me yeah he started he started report to the company building to sell your scrap metal and other Goods you [Music] have we need that what’s it called where we can pick up monsters that more uh do we sell everything so we can go to r r run yeah we can or if you want to go to embon okay let’s go to embon then no embon see let’s as much as AA [Music] see see you soon no to embon right yeah wait wait how much you’re selling everything enough 150 just 150 we already have enough careful we nearly died by how the did you survive [Music] that by guess how much uh how much of those things are at embryon what do you mean a lot there are a lot of old birds there why search it why this why there stuff outside hey he hey guys why there stuff outside here here what is this yeah pick it up we’re not setting it right yeah we not there we [Music] go [Music] eclipsed we are okay let’s go yeah they will be awake already we have to go around it okay we have to like around what bro do you see that yeah it’s fine as long as it doesn’t see you oh yeah yeah did you see that on flying yeah oh my god let’s [Music] go [Music] w [Music] I was AFK for a second bro what’s good what happened to me but I was AFK for a second yeah I was AFK for a second wasn’t even look I don’t know how I survived that uh what the whole thing okay you [Music] going [Music] go I’m PR for this down wello he’s going to get folded oh my gosh they go in the air yep they saw him he’s holding there’s a laders there there’s a ladders there what is he hiding I said that’s a place to hi go up there oh he’s going to he’s going oh my God BR there’s a mountain there oh oh my God what am I going to do bro I didn’t even know where to go no know where to go there’s a cliff right next to you you have to jump over it oh I up was another all of you died should we just vot for the other B ship yeah we’re going again this time I know this time you do what’s the first time I’m not supposed to know this is my second time here who’s not voting oh me V this [Music] is how am I the most profitable nice uh we went we went I went inside the facility I just stood there for a second and then K like Snap in my neck same thing happened to R all CC soon don’t worry not yet I’m still playing I’ll play CC and now it’s just foggy it’s okay right they won’t do anything crazy yes but they will start randomly across the way they will activate randomly it’s like a rocky place by the way I I’m kind of lost I just just just go straight and you’ll find the facility is a good thing about this uh place but the only problem is that that’s that’s not a a small problem we’re kind of lost right who is this me did you find anything no why am I asking you though when I’m following you I think we lost you scanning then you’ll find the bro I’m on top of a mountain for is them away hello by the way I met outside the map found a par but I didn’t talk it in my uh up all of them that first and k the for he Stu look at it R TI oh never mind he didn’t die he’s lost like a nun is it not working it’s random I think I lost it okay throw it throw it oh oh way I found the B should I go take it [Music] yes who’s who’s munching on this making me hungry bro you know guys like I’m eating why are they yapping bro what do they want from us car died by Co yeah it’s going to be it’s going to be on you too by the way those wondering like n stay here I’ll get to body mhm [Music] [Music] what v v hey go go what what what what he’s so lucky bro I know he’s munching on food right [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] is how did you die Ros bro I got G ban I thought I would survive this cuz last time I did in the clips you will not so when you when you remove the uh what do you call this uh this thing yeah they crazy all of them go crazy well this map is so goofy but it’s so nice low key because it’s like it’s fun yeah one more one more guess do one do one more it’s foggy yeah why is it foggy again just walk just walk straight from here yeah last time I did that last time I I did that I went outside the map by the way and I kept walking outside the map not even joking no but here I swear I went outside the map and like it was no more fog yeah I’m so goofy yeah this is skill to be honest be quiet bro you were in the ship where’s the fire bro I was inside too where’s the fire exit from so very fire exit bro I thought I you didn’t hear that I hope the EM nothing’s there nothing’s there yeah yeah stop on it stop on it it will’ll give you uh extra speed I really hope the EMB is going to push it inside of you so deep nothing nothing nothing do I was just going to die by the way die don’t go there don’t go there car nothing there nothing there nothing in there hey be careful there is a trap here yeah there’s a trap here I can seear the sensor okay dper [Music] I’m bring this back boy go we we got nothing I got the exit is oh yeah here so where’s the exit what what R want you miss you so much you wait why pull your pants up it’s 2: p.m. let’s go back no I’m keeping I’m kicking the D in I’ll stream lethal soon don’t worry [Music] St w yeah [Music] [Music] thinkk you Di woo bro you don’t even know what happened wait dead body you got bro I was fighting and running and jumping he died I’ll save him and if I die you go bro where’s his body [Music] bro no what is this he’s driving me [Music] he smoke you bro he’s T his TTV always saying he’s going to make us toast and stuff he just burns you bro I’m also the most profitable why always the most profitable with a little slave it’s always the SL that are the most did you call me a little slave yes yes Sam you’re the African one bro you’re aaq you cannot speak you yeah where’s your oil bro where’s your oil where’s your oil where’s your bike my bike where’s I have enough bikes what you oh it’s in my uh I mean what it’s in it’s in my garage bikes it’s in my garage bro I have it yeah mhm yeah I I also I also have have you in my garage I have you in in my cage I have you on my [ __ ] why sexual out of nowhere what is your freedom Sammy my freedom is here my freedom is here I here take it inside take it inside take it yeah yeah stand still take it inside of Dy never be me crazy bro oh I hope you die kill him kill him yeah I will join C don’t worry uh we’re just wrapping up the things and then for [Music] us [Music] [Music] oh we we going to buy shovel yeah okay I have to leave guys okay six6 no wait stand here stand here no I will [Applause] [Music] [Music] not [Music] look at them fighting easy why do you want to kill me naughty boy if I let go you’re done what I even gave this guy Mercy bro I was even giving him Mercy bro I killed them what are you on about and you couldn’t kill him I was going to kill him but I had Miss this guy bro finally just take two hits to kill me I don’t know how you di with two hits and you have not [Music] the oh my god5 oh my God bro yeah I’m leaving

This video, titled ‘lethal company with the homies – 2’, was uploaded by Uchiha on 2024-04-11 15:36:34. It has garnered 77 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:48 or 10008 seconds.

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  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.5 Custom Resource Pack Skyblock

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  • BrunhildMC

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  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine’s downfall: It’s time for payback!

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  • Intense Hardcore Raid Prep – Minecraft History 1.14 #27

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  • EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE – Minecraft UniversIO!

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  • Stumble Guys Server Glitch – Mind Blowing! 😱

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  • 🔥WITHER KING SEEKS REVENGE!! 😱 | aFrostGod Minecraft Adventure 🌟

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  • Mind Blowing TikToks – Overwatch 2 or Minecraft?

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  • EPIC Minecraft Boss Battles! Join the Journey LIVE!

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  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraft

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  • AethreSMP

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  • ColonyState SMP modded, MineColonies, Whitelist, 1.20.1

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  • Minecraft Memes – Net loss on the mining mission.

    Looks like they were mining for diamonds but ended up hitting rock bottom instead! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Youtubers Battle Wither Storm Pt. 2 Teaser

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  • JeromeASF’s EPIC Minecraft Cookie Camp Factory!

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Guide

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  • Intense PvP Legacy Battle: Twicher Dominates 3v1

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  • Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!

    Gmod Squad Time Travels to 2024 Minecraft Stream!Video Information and we’re back and we’re live and we’re back uh doing an early todayand early uh welcome everybody back to Minecraft we’re going to get some stuff done hopefully without any internet problems uh if you watching the V on YouTube than on the video hope you enjoy it if you do like comment subscribe check me out live right here on Twitch all of that fun stuff being said let’s get into this so we’re going to Adventure a bit we’re going to do some stuff and and so it will go so we’re on the constant… Read More

  • EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!

    EPIC Calcite Cube in #Minecraft 1.21 + Funny Moments!Video Information benino si offre a bar da guida per la città Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Petro Petro Petro Petro Fidati di me Pedro Pedro Pedro Pedro Praticamente il meglio di santafè Pedro Pedro P This video, titled ‘So exited for #minecraft 1.21!! #calcitecube #minecraftserver #server #funny’, was uploaded by Calcite Cube on 2024-06-12 17:24:17. It has garnered 463 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Lily ROBS OMZ’s Limbs in Minecraft?! – Parody

    Lily ROBS OMZ's Limbs in Minecraft?! - ParodyVideo Information oh gosh guys take me to the hospital I can’t feel my body I can’t walk what who stole my limbs where my hand and leg oh my God help us good morning and wait is today the day I think it is it is today is the day we’re going to the brand new amusement park they opened a new roller coaster I can’t wait this is going to be the most fun day ever we got to go quick though because I want to be first first in line so let’s wake up Roxy Roxy wake… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!

    Insane Minecraft Manhunt Clutch by HyperlinkLuna!Video Information oh guys guys he’s he’s getting out of the cave come back to where we were I think it’s because we just outed hey man [Music] hi This video, titled ‘Full video on channel #minecraft #viral #gaming #manhunt #streamer #clutch’, was uploaded by HyperlinkLuna on 2024-03-19 04:38:22. It has garnered 446 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More