Deathdealer – 2000 Days Hardcore Minecraft [EPIC]

Video Information

I’ve been playing hardcore mode for a while now and recently I hit 2,000 days in my hardcore World which is a huge milestone for me which is why I’m making this video since I’ve reached this Milestone I’ve released a new world download on my patreon so check that out

If you’re interested with that being said enjoy this video which is a massive compilation of everything I’ve done in this world from Days 1,000 to 2,000 I want to collect lots of totems in my hardcore World thousands of them these will allow me to cheat death forever to do this we will need an infinite totem Farm to get totems we need to defeat a raid meaning we need to find a p Outpost arriving at The Outpost

We need to find the Pillager holding a banner killing him will give us the bad Omen effect now we need to find the village to start the rad after defeating that raid we got five totems and a bunch of our that whole process took about 20 minutes

Minutes five totems is great but I want a lot more to do that we’re going to need two things a bad Omen farm and a red Farm we’ll do the bad Omen Farm first this Farm will be made using the Pillager Outpost so to build this Farm

We’re going to need a bunch of grass blocks glass kelp and a few other things and while we’re at it let’s melt the sand into glass okay that should be everything we need hold on I just had an idea let’s go collect some of the obsidian we got from removing the end

Island to set up a nether portal and while we’re at it let’s move our other portals to the nether roof until we build a nether Hub arriving at the Pillager Outpost let’s set up a quick staging area grab the blocks we need and start working on this Farm to start

Let’s go on top of the Outpost and place a block of Soul Sand this is the start of the elevator that the pillagers will use later next up let’s take the grass we collected and build a spawning platform following that let’s build a small platform that will come back to

There now let’s Place some glass walls on either side of the Soul Sand Place some trap doors and then some signs to hold in the water and now we build the elevator up and into the sky when we get to about 115 blocks or so above the spawning platform we build the killing

Area then we fill the elevator with water add a lot of kelp to make sure it’s all sauce blocked that way when we enter at the bottom it takes us all the way to the top lastly we go back down to the bottom and use some glass panes to

Make an enclosure around the glass platform and summon an angle Golem this guy will get the pill’s attention and finally before we give this Farm a test let’s remove the staging area from below and move everything up to the killing area and now it’s time to give this Farm a

Test that test was successful I ended up getting bad Omen really fast this Farm is something everyone should have in their worlds with that I considered this bad Omen Farm complete now I need to get rid of the bad Omen effect real quick roughly 90% % of you watching this

Aren’t subscribed you might watch my videos all the time and think you’re subscribed but you’re actually not for each subscriber I get i’ll Place one block in the world last video I got 34 subscribers subscribe now as you’re well on the way towards 10,000 subscribers next up let’s work towards bilding the

Red farm so first of all the resources required to build this Farm are a tad bit insane it’s only 7,484 items fortunately I already have some of this stuff sitting around in the world so over at the Village area the bunch of stone saving chest from when I

M that area out so that saved me a bunch of time I just need to craft this into the stone related items we need I also collected some sh CL of logs because we’re going to need that later on before we continue we should probably handle this storage situation so ah much better

Now that the story situation is sorted let’s head over to the nearby desert once again to gather out the sand I should probably build a sand uper at some point and when we get the sand smelted let’s gather everything else we need okay I’m almost almost finished Gathering resources I’m still missing

Two things honey block and four beacons I thought I had a honey block around here but I can’t find it oh well let’s get some into bottles and now it’s time to find some beehives while I was collecting that honey I also collected the beehives I

Have a plan for these in a future episode and when it comes to getting beacons I’ll get them after we finish building the red farm so with all these resources ready to go let’s start work on this raid Farm to build this we’re going to need a decently sized ocean

Fairly close to the villag Outpost with a village nearby this ocean should be perfect now let’s start constructing this Farm first we need to clear a chunk of this ocean all the way down to y20 Let’s Place some walls to hold back the water and now let’s drain this thing

Since I don’t have sponges yet we’ll have to do this oldfashioned way using sand okay now that the water is gone we still have a long way to go we should have done this nitty potion biome oh well let’s get the pick out and clear

This all the way down to y20 the process of digging out this chunk was excruciatingly slow I kept on encountering dirt and gravel which slowed me down substantially and lots of water filled caves the sunand came in handy for those at the end I realized I’d forgotten my beacon it was still

Over at the Villager area I’ll remember that for next time at the bottom I placed a floor of Glowstone to light things up followed by a layer of Glass on top I then place the first of many villager holding cells next up let’s build the first large collection of

Villagers the top of the area we just cleared out should be Perfect I’ll populate this once the braid Farm is complete this module and the others to follow make use of redstone so we need a way to transfit a signal from the top of the farm all the way to the bottom there are several ways we can do this we could have a redstone

Line going all that way use some slim stone or we could use the fast Superior wall updating a wall at top will send a signal right to the bomb now let’s take this wall up and into the sky part way up I need to build a second

Villager module I then pillar up some more and build a final vill module right below where the farm will be I also make a start to the bottom of the storage system with some pistons and I build a larg glass platform to store all of my

Shers and to gain access to the storage system now I add the finishing touches to the wall pillar so the construction of the bottom section is now complete since that section is done my new goal is to get the storage system mostly complete this storage system is quite

Interesting typical raid Farms make use of a standard chest wall and nothing else we can’t do that for this design this design would fill a standard chest wall in under an hour not great when you plant AFK for multiple hours at a time to make the most efficient use of space

We’ll be making a storage system that uses shers approximately 300 Sher boxes P hour that we AFK the Sher loaders we are using in this Farm are quite large because they operate at two times hoer speed meaning we need less of these modules to get the same results

Unfortunately this means I’ll have to go crawling through the system later on to get the am SS working properly now that I’ve explained how the storage system works let’s build it really fast before they finish a storage system I place a large Beacon base enough to support four beacons followed by the

Item wall stream this means I can now cover all of this with a final lmit of glass now we get to the main event let’s build the final section of this farm this is where we spawn the raids and kill them soon after first let’s connect what we’ve just bought to the walk

Signal for this I’m making use of a leaf block and a strip log this sounds a bit mad but there’s a perfectly good reason leaves have a variable that checks how far the nearest log is you can see this n we can manipulate that by moving the

Log using a sticky pist when we do this the leaf variable updates which can be detected with an observer producing a one Tech Redstone pulse we send that Redstone signal into the Ison trapo which is adjacent to the wall when the trap door is pilled the wall shape

Updates and sends a signal all the way down to the Villager holding modules below the fire after getting that done I need to the section will the raids will die and the items are collected this system is quite complex I will stand in the middle attacking an armor stand

Every time game Tes us the splash damage from my sword in this instance sweeping H3 sword will move to another armor stand within the bills of the farm activating a pressure plate sending a redone signal throughout the entire farm and killing the raids at the same time

Now that the underline mechanics of this Farm have been explained let’s get it Finished so while we’re getting this F finished I made a few critical errors I spent some additional time after getting things finished making sure everything was fixed and ready to go then I finally added the last bit of the storage system which is the ability to turn the Sher

Loaders on and off and with that the construction phase of this raed Farm is complete now we need to create the nether side of this Farm fortunately this will be quick and easy to do first let’s activate the nether portals with in the farm then I need to go through it

To find out where we need to place this segment this place won’t work right let’s deactivate this portal and make for the nether roof on the roof I need to make a 3X3 nether portal when it comes to set up nether portals you need to know two things the

Overw world coordinates and the nether coordinates of your portals for the overw world coordinates I picked a location between the portals within the farm and I took note of the x and z coordinate to transform these into nether coordinates I simply divide them by eight and there you go your portals

Are now perfectly aligned the whole reason we need this portal system is to kill ravagers we can’t do that right now we can fix this by building a glass chamber around the nether portal and filling it with lava and with that the nether side of the farm is now complete

Now I need to fill this farm with 37 villagers to breed the villagers needed for this I’ll use the Villager setup over in the Villager area breeding all the villagers needed first project took several hours once that was done I set up the required infrastructure to move

The villagers over and into the raed farm the easiest and fastest way to do this was using the nether once that infrastructure was in place I was able to quickly fill each module with villagers now I’m at the stage where I can start using this Farm but I still

Have a problem my current sword won’t work with this Farm my sword has a fire asped enchantment which will destroy the armor stand this will have to be replaced so what I’d like to do is make a brand new sword for General use a sword dedicated for this farm and a

Helmet since I don’t have one of those yet these are all Enchanted as well good thing we have villagers for that while l mat I should probably get Swift sneak 3 on my leggings this means I’ll have to travel over 5,000 blocks to find the nearest agenty this is the first of

Tackled in ancient city since it was released in 1.19 I snuck around the outside walls of the city removing skull trickers and looking for chests doing so I found lots of loot including two enchanted golden apples and a swift sneak 3 book all without summoning the

Warden since I L to overboard in this game Let’s upgrade all this new gear to netherite I also want to upgrade the other tools in my inventory which means we need six pieces of netherite which translates to 24 pieces of ancient debris I have the perfect mining spot

For this in the nether I was down there mining for around 2 and 1/2 hours after collecting all the ancient debris I quickly went to the gold Farm to repair my tools and to collect 24 gold I then used this in combination with the netherite scrap I got from smelting

Ancient debris to create six netherite ingots and now after nearly a year in this world all of my gear is now fully upgraded to netherite this upgraded gear was now perfect for hunting while a skeletons which is ideal considering we need four beacons for this Farm I was

Only in there for about an hour before I had the 12 well skulls I needed then it was just a case of going to the end and using the central end portal to quickly kill four wellers it then took only a few minutes to craft and install the

Beacons and to apply the required effects I also use this T to add the farm Sal to the wall using an item frame and now this Farm is ready to go before I use this Farm I need to deal with the story situation as it currently stands

We will go through 300 shocker boxes per hour that we use this thing but I plan on expanding this so I will need a lot more the issue is that I can’t currently craft that amount to start my shocker Farm is completely broken and I farm all

Of my wood manually let’s fix that first let’s work on a wood Farm my favorite type of food to farm is Spruce I typically Farm them by laying out a bunch of saplings to grow 2 by two spruce trees this gets lots of wood but

Takes ages to remove what if I told you there’s a farm that can do all of that the resources required are a tad bit insane as you can see here fortunately I’ve GED a lot of this stuff already from when I did my resource collection earlier on let me get them organized

Real quick there we go for this Farm I’m going to build it in the spawn chunks and we’ll most likely move it elswhere later on in the world this Farm is broken up into three parts the first is a boneal farm which supplies 15,000 bone meal every hour it converts Stone to

Moss then passes the Moss through a composter to create bone meal I’ll build this one first this boneal Farm was designed by amango and is fast and easy to use plus it’s easy to expand I’ve using this as a a lot later on in the world next up we have the tree farm

Itself which was designed by activation this thing is quite complex the design is completely free of Honey which is great considering that I don’t have a farm for that plus it produces 161,000 logs per hour the final part I need to construct is a storage system which for

The sake of time I’ll go with a bunch of Sher loaders these Sher loaders are far more primitive than the ones used in The Raid farm and they easier to build and work with and with that the wood Farm is complete I will still need to fill the

Storage system with SH ERS so I should probably build a new shocker farm this new Sher Farm should be a bit simpler and easier to build mainly because it uses a bunch of scaffolding blocks fortunately I have a small bamboo Farm back in my starter base which should be

More than enough for this project after harvesting a bunch of bamboo and doing a lot of crafting I have all the resources needed for this project when it comes to making this Farm I’m going to build it right behind the tree farm since this Farm was a bit simpler than the previous

One I was able to Bild it a lot faster it’s made up of two elements the central area with Snow Golems fire at the Sher and the spawning platforms around that which are made of alternating LS of scaffolding and slabs this leads up top to where the shers die due to entity

Cramming and the drops are collected in this chest this Farm produces 750 Sher shells per hour so I might need to expand this storage system in the future now I need to get this Farm up and running by getting a shun I’ve went ahead and set up a rail Lan with an

Activated Rael at the end this should eject the Shocker into the farm normally I’d have to go and collect a shocker from the end but I already have to backet spawn from when I first buil the original Sher Farm I’ll use one of these shers and we’ll keep the other one as

Backup and after a few moments the Sher was in the farm meaning that the Sher Farm is now complete and after all that I want to do an AFK session with both the Shuler farm and the tree farm running with the Sher Farm it’s just a

Case of flicking a lever but with the tree farm it’s a bit more complicated first I need to jump start the Bal Farm I can do this by inserting some handmade bone meal into the farm and flicking this lever after a few minutes this Farm be up and running I’ll let this run

Until it starts to fill the tree farm with bone meal then it’s just a case of turning on the tree farm entering the mine cart in the middle and going AFK while I place these saplings that AFK session got off top on start that tree farm kept on breaking because of some

Composters I placed in the story system I wasted quite a bit of AFK time before fixing the problem after that the farm worked perfectly as you can see from that chest I got a lot of wood in the time this thing was working about 55,000

Logs if my math is correct this was a good investment the Shuler Farm also worked perfectly during that time in fact it stopped all other hostile mobs from spawning the success of both of these Farms means that I can pooc up the red farm with shelters but first I need

To make a few changes this raid Farm produces 898 th000 drops every hour but with the current storage setup we almost store a small percentage of that this needs to be expanded massively since I already have the design Bing this should be fairly fast this new expanded storage

System will be used to store all of the Redstone gunpowder glowstone and balls that this Farm produces I’m also making a massive section at the end to start emeralds now you may have noticed that I left a large gap between the emerald storage and everything else this is

Because we’re going to store the totems in this section sting and storing totems of undying is an interesting challenge because totems are unstackable items and will break traditional item SS however with recent updates to the game that’s no longer a challenge I simply need to

Make use of an laay three to be exact back at the pillage your Outpost there are two allays in a cage I can duplicate them using an artive Shir and for the sake of this story system I’m going to put them in minecft parts and move them

Over to the red Farm I’m going to go the chest wall at the bottom to store the totems and we’ll leave some space where the Hoppers should be at the top for the LA to get them to filter the totems properly I’m setting up some Redstone

With no blocks that way when I use the farm I need to flick this all L for the system to work perfectly now all I need to do is move their L into this hole cover it up and this storage system is ready to use I now have the tedious task

Of crawling through the internals of the item fills filling them with the required items I’m also going to destroy all other items right before the end section because I don’t need d right now plus it would eat through my Sher Supply rapidly and then for the sake of keeping

Things nice I’ll use mum frames to label the story system after all of that I’m finally ready to use this Farm it’s just a case of going to the bomen farm using it for a few minutes to get the Baden effect then coming back over here to the

D farm and beginning my first AFK Session That AFK session was a huge success I got Sher upon Sher of redstone glow stone gunpowder and balls plus an insane amount of TOS I’m never going to die in this world so I suppose I should probably burn most of this nah just kidding I’m saving this for later

Because chances are we’re going to need it I’m going to transform this ocean monument in Minecraft hardcore telling it into a crazy farm that generates mountains of items per hour to do this I’m going to destroy the monument build the farm remove a lot of the world and

Then finally finishing it off with a custom ocean Monument Bal but before we do that we need to read an ocean Monument I’ve picked out an ocean Monument that’s only a few hundred blocks from Spawn for the sake of speed I’ll make use of some sling blocks

Redstone blocks and TNT so that we can blast our way into the monument straight to the Elder Guardians doing this made killing all three of them a quick and simple task to complete once I removed the mining fatigue effect I went looking for the sponge room within the monument

Ending up with a lot of sponges these will be useful later on now let’s move towards removing this ocean Monument since I’ve been working underwater for a lot of this project setting up a conduit it sounds like a good idea I went and raided a nearby shipwreck looking for a

B treasure map this map led me back to spawn where I found a b chest containing a heart of the sea this could then be combined with nautil shells to create a conduit but I didn’t have enough so I went looking for my op fishing rod found it and went to do some

Fishing after only a few hours I had enough shells so I finally crafted the conduit going back to the monument I went beneath it stole a few blocks and then built the conduit in the frame to go with it giving me the water breathing effect now I could start to move in the

Monument right now but all these Guardians are going to slow me down we can fix that all we need to do is stop them from spawning we can do that by building a mob switch this essentially keeps hosle mobs loaded at all times filling the mob cap meaning that nothing

New can spawn thought to this will be a quick and relatively painfree process as it already to have all the requir materials back at base after collecting those materials I went back to the spawn chunks and put it a location right next to the Sher Farm I had this whole thing

About in under 10 minutes then it was just a simple case of moving the shers from the farm into the mob switch so at this point all I need to do is turn this thing on with my ball and hle MOB spawning is disabled elsewhere in the world meaning I can finally start

Removing this ocean Monument this should be plenty of space for this Farm unlike other designs the one I’m using takes up the full Monument bounding box and it requires an insane amount of resources sounds like a lot of work but that’s why I’m here so I’m

Going good to be building most of this Farm using 21,000 Cobblestone that’s about 12 1/2 Sher boxes I’m not mining that by hand fortunately I can build a cobblestone farm this design is relatively complex and requires all these materials which are easy to acquire after getting these shers filled

I need to build this Farm since I need it quick I’m going to build it here in the star base this area on the surface should work Great Now when it comes to running this Farm all I need to do is activate this circuit then quickly jump down before I get blown up then all I need to do is fill the 12 and 1 half shers I need manually I’m going to automate this

Process at some point so that marks off one of the resources required for the guardian Farm next up I need three Shockers of obsidian this is easy to do because I still have a bunch of obsidian stored in the end from back when we destroyed the end is I then went and

Collected a bunch of soulan and crafted a lot of cobblestone slabs now all I need to do is collect these shers move them over to the ocean then I can finally start building this thing now I know this Farm looks big when compared to other designs but it really isn’t

Especially when you compare it to the next phase of this project the next phase of this project involves me removing all the terrain around the farm taking it way down to bedrock that’s going to be a lot of work to start we need to deal with all of this water I

Can start moving this immediately as it will fill back in first I need to build a wall this wall will involve tens of thousands of blocks I’ll be using Cobblestone for this now I don’t want to store all that Cobblestone manually so now I think it’s time to automate our

Cobblestone Farm storage setup this is going to be a mix of water streams and Sher loaders four times Hopper speed Sher loaders to be exact now I can set here at AFK and all these shers will be filled manually then it’s just a case of taking these out of storage move them

Over to the guardian farm and I can finally start barding this wall to make things interesting I’ll be going with a circular wall this circle is 600 blocks across that big that I needed to render distance mod to show the whole thing this area is huge draining this is going

To take a long time I’m going to need a lot of sand however mining sand is far too slow so let’s dup it instead to build this duper I need a lot of redstone materials Gathering these took a while I also gathered some additional materials in this second shocker box

After picking them up we need to find a stronghold for this stup it I’ll use a stronghold I found back in my first 100 days before I start building anything I need to expand this area I only push the walls out by a few blocks now I need to

Remove the portal frame using this neat little trick red mushrooms are op after doing that three more times and removing the mushrooms I’m ready to construct this duper Bing this stuper was fairly straightforward I went up lay by layer double checking everything as I went after finishing that I wrapped this part

Of the project up by Bing a chunk loader both the Overworld side and the nther side this means I can keep this side of the duping set up loaded permanently before we start using this thing we need a storage system in the end that’s where this extra shocker of materials from ER

Comes in handy this storage system was really quick to build like other systems used in this video is shocker based after building that all I had to do was fill this storage system with shers go back to the overw world to turn on the chunk loader and then finally turn on

The duper I then went AFK in the end to then come back to a story system full of sand meaning I could start draining the area around the guardian Farm but first I had to go and turn the Dipper off and in doing so I broke it so I had spent 10

Minutes fixing everything after fixing that duper I came to the realization that I need a lot more sponges a few stacks of at least so I got off some Monument raiding supplies then spent the next few hours raiding nearby monuments ending up with a lot of sponges most of

Which had to be DED out using the nether this will speed up the draining process I then collected the sand that was in the end storage went to repair my gear then flew over to the guardian Farm meaning the draining phase of this project could begin to start I’m going

To section off a really small area an area with a width that is perfect for useing sponges draining this section was a quick process Bing all those wet sponges took a while now that I look at it that was a really small section draining it this way would take

Thousands of hours I have another idea why don’t I use flying machines I saw a design by R works from a few years ago that should be perfect for this project in a creative world I’ve prepped a large section of water and I have this machine

Over here ready to go all I need to do is update this Observer and the Machine is away look at it go this thing is really fast and it moves a lot of water at once let’s build it the issue is that it requires a lot of resources I don’t

Care have mainly lots of slime blocks and honey blocks so to build this machine I’ll need two things I’ll need to expand the slime farm then build a honey farm expanding the slime farm was a straightforward process I added a bunch of extra spawning platforms I’ve

Been meaning to do this for over a year now that Cobblestone farm from earlier came in handy so with the slime farm sorted let’s work on this Honey Farm first I need a lot of bees I don’t currently have any so it’s time to do some exploring after a while I had a

Bunch of beehives and some be I then had the idea to build a be breeding sellup so I crafted a bunch of campfires fence skates and collected some flows then I bought a quick and simple breeding setup to breed all these bees I’ll use the poies from the arm farm for the Honey

Farm design I have in mind we will need 80b hives fill of bees so I started breeding after a few hours I had all the bees needed for this Honey Farm I then went and gathered all these resources then I found a spot on the nether roof

That was perfect for this Farm I managed to fit the entire thing with range of a chunk holder meaning I could have it running at all times the only thing I had to do now was place all of these beehives now before I turn it on I need

880,000 bottles good thing we have a sand derer turning that sand into glass will take a long time so I decided that a temporary super smelter would be useful once again the surface above the starter base would work great I only had a small amount of coal to start this so

I used it to smell a few shers of logs giv me lots of charcoal this charcoal is then used to smell all the glass needed for these balls after AFK a bit all of the glass was ready to go so I spent a while crafting them into balls I then

Moved all the balls over to the honey farm and filled the whole thing then all I had to do was activate the chunk loader and turn on the farm I then flew back to base and went AFK the slime farm I ended up with a lot of Honey bottles

That needed to be crafted in the blocks same with the linee then I had to collect a few other redone components meaning I had all the resources required for this draining machine after collecting this box of resources I’m going to fly over to the guardian Farm

Area my first priority is to test this within the circle first I’m setting up an another portal so that I can dry off my sponges if the need arises this deep part of water here should work perfect for this test as this is a simple design the building process was fairly fast so

Toate this machine all I need to do is update this Observer and the flying machine is away oh no I think I messed up the water isn’t being removed I need to stop this machine real quick then build the wall around in the water below and then I’ll drain that entire section

That way when we go to activate this machine the water will be removed I just need to remove the C from the boundaries to stop it filling back in I followed the machine removing the C as I went and 5 minutes later it collected with the

Wall The Far Side of the circle this machine is a must have for anyone that’s draining an ocean like I am I can now use this section to easily build the draining machine over and over again to remove the ocean I was starting with the deepest sections first I spent many days

Working away at this project putting in a few hours here and there I used some sand from ear on to build some temporary walls to help with the draining process as you can see we’ve made a lot of progress already the water remaining within the circle will be a little

Harder to remove I’ll section parts of this water often use my sponges once again many days will spend in this I also use machine here and there now that all the water is removed this is looking really cool with the water removal phase of the project completed we can now work

Towards removing all this terrain I’m going to be using TNT dupers so to protect out the walls I’m going to mine them down to bedrock then will cover them with water giving them blast protection I also M out a border in the garden Farm then I cover it with water

As well well now all the important bits are protected so the TNT dupers I have in mind for this project need guard rails as I don’t want them flying off else in the world destroying all my other builds I’ll be using glazed Terra cot for this so taking a quick trip to

The nearby Mesa Gathering all the terot required then using the super smell Reb ER to smell all the blaz terac Cotter needed for this project then it was just a case of going over to the guardian farm and build in the boundary I need to make this boundary a bit bigger than the

Current Circle so that the TT to can remove everything I’ll probably have to BU more of these during the course of the terrain removal now it’s time for the fun B let’s work on that TNT duper the resources required for this are really easy to get at this point after

Picking those up it’s time to head back over to the guardian Farm I’m going to build this TNT D it very carefully one wrong move and things could go bad to start this ster all I need to do is remove all these chests then update this

Observer and the TNT D is away let’s have some fun After letting the TNT D run across the whole area once I had to build some new guard rails lower down so that I could run it again I also had to build some around the guardan farm so that things didn’t break let’s just say it would

Have been better if I built the guardian Farm last as I got further and further down the machine got faster to run it did however start leaving some floating blocks I hate deep SL then once the Bedrock started appearing I knew it was close to the end this area is insane

I’ve never done a project like this before we have so much space down here this has got to be the largest ocean Monument transformation in Hardcore Minecraft now we can’t leave the project as it currently is so let’s work towards building something here to start I need

To tidy things up first I need to remove the water from these walls having blocks for this would be helpful then if it should just be a case of quickly placing this top PL of blocks removing all of the water but it isn’t that simple I need to go around this entire thing

Making repairs this water was useless so here’s a before shot and here’s an after shot this is looking much better now I need to remove the water from this Farm make repairs then remove the terrain beneath it leaving us with this insanely tidy area which is ready for building

Now I’ve had an idea for this bat since the start of the world before I start let’s head into a creative testing world so what I have in mind for this is we do a large Monument Bol in the middle the monument being represented by this block

Then we do a circular perimeter around it now I don’t want these walls to be flat so let’s step them back giving us three levels these levels will have grass and trees since the walls will be a big part of this I need to work in their texturing I can’t make them too

Detailed as it will take away from the central board so I’ll keep them flat and we’ll use a mix of different blocks I want to start with some gry tones at the bottom then moving up to a light gr concrete like texture here’s a mix of

Blocks that will work getting them in a nice gradient is another thing entirely I have an idea for this I’m going to summon my inner Bob Ross and we’ll use this canvas using World data I’m going to break it up into different sections the bottom section will be the darkest

And the top section will be the lightest then when it comes to selecting blocks I’ll use the world edit replace function to fill it in here’s the command and block percentages I used then I do this for each individual changing the materials and percentages as I win

Ending up with this masterpiece well you admire that I went and designed everything else but you need to keep on watching to see the finished Bal so jumping back onto the hardcore world I have a truly insane resource list to put together I need over a million items if

I could get a subscriber for each item that would be great fortunately I can Farm a lot of these let’s focus in the will items first by building a will Farm here’s all the resources I need for this Farm which I already have a lot of I do

However need a bunch more sheep so let’s breed some then I got to work building the sheep farm in record time plus moving all the Sheep into place since I’m going to be in the area for a while I’ll leave it turned on while I work on

The next items I’m going to need a lot of concrete now I can use a sand dup to do concrete powder but concrete is in story converting it manually takes far too long once again I can build a machine for this I decided to build it right next to the starter base allowing

For easy use then it was just a case of giving it a quick test run all I need to do is place my blocks here and then these blocks are moved over into the blast chamber where they’re blown up and stalled automatically to get all the required resources I’m going to need to

AFK for a while first I’m going to prep the storage needed to house all these items this island next to the gardien Farm should work great these chests will hold around 700 chokers after being AFK for many hours these chests are full meaning I can officially start

Construction I’m going to start with the outer wall so that I can hide all the old terrain here I’m making use of that gradient technique I showed you earlier at first I was building this layer by layer but at some point I decided to do this in sections instead when I got to

The grass section I placed a layer of cobalt so that it looked better for now then I continued up to layer two and then finally layer three the walls in the final layer will to taller and more exaggerated to make the B feel larger than it was this place looks completely

Different with these walls finished this gradient looks great especially from far away this whole place is looking a little gr though so it’s time for a splash of color let’s Place some grass wait a minute what’s the ocean grass texture like here let me get some grass

Real quick placing that grass down I’m not liking it no that doesn’t look good at all let’s get rid of it instead what we’ll do is we’ll use a gradient method from earlier on to build our own grass texture good thing I planned ahead for this the grass gradient looks far more

Vibrant than regular grass it makes use of moss blocks green wool and concrete powder that was the splash of color this build needed this is looking great it will look even better once it’s completely full of trees we won’t be buing default ones let’s do some custom

Ones from this Bol I’m jumping into a creative world once again to show you how I build my custom trees first I start off with the central trunk I build almost as high as a final tree will be then I return to the base of the tree

And I expand it making it look nice and organic I then move up the tree and I start placing my branches I always go with four large branches coming off in each Direction I twist and turn them at random giving it a unique shape I then

Add slabs and STS here and there to help with the overall shape then I use fences to make smaller branches and finally I start adding layers of leaves lots of fair pockets in between them I feel that these types of trees look better using this method if you want to do your own

Custom tree following this little mini tutorial you can have your own custom Tree in under 5 minutes back in the H world I got to bilding all these trees I used three different designs using the method I just showed you but with different blocks making the forest feel

More diverse I went layer by lay as I thought it looked better for the time lapse and I have to admit it looked great fly around this place now feel so much better it’s looking amazing I can even fly between all the trees now with

All that out of the way let’s get to the main event let’s work on this Central build so when it came to designing this Central Bild I wanted to do something interesting almost everyone that does these Transformations will keep the original shape of the ocean monument and

Might switch out the blocks then there are others that do a small custom Bild I want it to be different first of all I wanted this Bild to be massive it had to go from Bedrock to above sea level I achieved this by doing a multi-level

Build similar to the outer wall that way I had multiple layers that could contain other structures and builds the main inspiration for this build was an ancient samian zigarette with a hint of ancient Greek architecture here and there part of this build was inspired by the ocean Monument transformation trixy

Block done you you should check that out after this video I also wanted the player to be able to walk from the bottom of the build all the way to the top allowing me to expand the build and add to it in the future this transformation is insane it looks

Amazing at this point I’d say the exterior phase of this project is complete I don’t have a name for this project yet I’m thinking something Atlantis related leave your suggestions in the comments now the exterior might be finished but the interior is another question I’ve got a lot of space down

Here let’s focus on getting this Farm operational right now it won’t work as a Guardians will teleport to the nether with nowhere to go I need a killing system the re requ for set system are easy to come by the iso will be constructing it in the

Nether safely so I’ll be placing the killing system below the nether roof which isn’t exactly safe so I’ll have to do this really fast this area close to the nether fortress is where this will be buil building this system was a fairly quick process I just had to

Remove a bit of lava here and there and then bu the rest of it that came together really quick so the Guardians will appear at the top this then they’ll fall and die down here then the items will fall further and then go through

This portal now I need to go back to the overw world to handle these items the storage for this will be built below the farm due to the sh quantity of items sh loers will be used for this the items will of the portal down there then

They’ll follow the W streams ending up in these Sher loaders I’ve split these up so that I can have a separate chest wall for each item then I’ll burn all the other stuff I don’t want and with that out of the way the guardian Farm is ready to go before I actually start

Using this Farm I want to get this interior finished it will have to be a large one to fit this space I’ll probably end up removing the current floor as I want the inside to have a different feel let’s get started as you can see straight away the materials for

This interior differed massively when compared with the materials used outside I wanted the inside to have a nice warm feeling to it as the exterior block pallette didn’t do that most of this interior will make use of brown Earth Tones provided by the wood then some highlights provided by the carpets and

Bushes I let the space using sea lantern both visible and hidden ones plus the use of additional lanterns here and now I also wanted to avoid having one long hallway hence why this interior is broken up into multiple sections yes it will make me take a bit longer to access

The farm items but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make in order to have this interior make sense besides I can use all these twists and turns to Branch off into other farms in this B later on and the best bit about it is it only

Took 2 hours to build all of that now let’s do a walkthr of this interior first of all this entrance looks blocked off but that’s not the case if I push this button the wall will slide down revealing our interior where we are immediately greeted with a wall lines of

Sight are important in this build it forces you to look at the smaller details you navigate around speaking of small details what do you think of my diamond statues subtle flakes I know but you can do the same if you get your diamond armor from villagers and I have

A great many of them continuing on through the bat I have hallways and rooms here and there which helps to fill up the space we then come to this sparely decorated hallway with buttons in the floor once again the or doors the areas behind them are the story stos for

Farms that will eventually be hooked up here I could also access the rest of the monument using this door same on the other side after closing these up let’s continue after a few more twists and turns we end up at the guardian Farm storage this looks much better than what

We originally had I also went ahead and installed an overflow system just in case the storage fills up and in the opposite side a quick way to reload the Sher loaders below this is mirrored at the other end of the hallway at this point I’d say the interior phase of this

Project is now complete now let’s make use of this interior as I want this place to have multiple uses the first thing I have in mind is a tree farm I already have a really good Tree Farm back in the spawn chunks let’s move this one over to the monument I started by

Removing the roof which was larger than I remembered good thing is I won’t be needing this roof for this project then I removed the farm beneath it making sure to collect all the items I ended up leaving the storage system there as I’d have to enter that later on I also went

Ahead and dismantled the bone me Farm as the tree farm would be useless without it then it was just a case of getting it bu all in the monument as I’ve done this before Bing it again was a quick and simple process that and I didn’t have to

Worry about fixing anything due to the placement of the storage module then I went ahead and gave it a quick test run to verify that everything was working perfectly and there we go this Farm is ready to go once again I went and rebuilt the storage for this off camera

And made sure that it was linked to both the farm and the storage St was built inside the interior now all I need to do is go empty the old storage take all the empty shers then remove it next up I’d like to work on a dedicated crafting

Area as I have a few projects coming up that will require millions of crafted items plus I need a quick system to craft up the drops from this ging Farm the resour required for what I have in mind I already have a lot of so let’s build this thing this Mass crafting

System was designed by amango and can be used to craft 3.5 million items per hour it require the use of the item scroller mod to be used properly this system also requires you to input full Shockers of each item so I won’t be able to use this

Thing properly for a little while and there we go this Mass crafting system is ready to go I have a feeling that I’ll be using this a lot in the near future next I’d like to work on a new super smer I know I B one earlier but I’m not

A fan of it I want something a little bit different the design I have in mind is relatively simple requiring all of these items so let’s build it this super smell design was made by cubic met it contains 6 to four fances allowing for faster smelting in our current setup it

Also uses a lot of redstone this Redstone is used to tell how long it would take to smell items where it would then send more plus some additional fuel allowing for increased efficiency so to use a super smer I started by inputting a small amount of fuel I’m going with 64

Charcoal that’s one per fness I’m going to smell up 27 stacks of logs to make more fuel for this thing so the general idea is that the tree farm over there will Fu the smer so after inputting items and turning on the system I didn’t

Have to wait long for all the items to be smed this setup is far superior to the one back at the starter base now that all that’s out of the way let’s use the scan Farm first of all I need an AFK spot this AFK spot will be above the

Entire build meaning we can see everything where we wait for this Farm to run I’m going to pill it up to Y 160 this will be the perfect height for the AFK spot I went ahead and bought a box with a door in the side meaning that

I’ll be safe from Phantoms while I AFK even with that done I still can’t use this Farm I haven’t let this build up whatsoever meaning more mobs will spawn outside of the farm than inside it let’s fix that I’m going to start by lighting up the interior using some seaan that’s

So much better when it comes to lighting up the exterior I’m going to do things a little different first I’m going to place some sea lanterns in the ground across the entire Central build then I cover the them up with carpets making them blend in I also do this on the

Roofs of the buildings now this entire build should be more proof the exterior walls and outside of the spawning radius I won’t bother lighting them up so now let’s do a 1hour AFK session that AFK session was a massive success I ended up with all this look using Sher box

Loaders was a good call it’s actually amazing looking at how much I’ve done in this project starting off with nothing more than an ocean building a farm draining said ocean removing all the terrain then ending up with the this amazing build let me know what you think

About it in the comments I’m going to destroy the world in Minecraft hardcore well not the entire world just this part of it I’ll accomplish this by marking out the area digging out the trenches building a world data then removing all the terrain getting insanely rich in the

Process how many diamonds will I end up with watch the whole video to find out to start I need to find a suable area which will involve a lot of exploring this area up ahead should work great let me land real quick this area looks flat enough so let’s get started

First I’m going to Mark out the corners of this area using slime blocks 64 slime blocks in each corner should work fine I’m going to have to remove some of these leaves then I pillar up in the first corner I’ll use this as a vantage point throughout this project this area will

Be 256 blocks across so I need to fly 16 chunks before placing more slam blocks I’m making these chunk borders visible using F3 plus G to make this easier I also use these chunk loers to align these slim blocks with the others I just placed then I repeat what I did for the

Third corner and finally the fourth there we go all Corners are marked out now before I do anything else I need to set up a way to travel quickly between here and the starter base I’ll be building a nether portal for this over there in that metal biome this will be a

Staging area for this project after lighting the portal I’m going to go through it so that I can quickly travel back to base after disabling that portal I realized that I’m lost so after flying blindly for a while I finally made it back to my

Ladder to the roof so I climbed it then set up the portal in the nether roof allowing for fast travel to the new area so for this world destroying project I’d like to break it up into four phases the first phase will be preparing the area the second will be digging the trenes

The third will be Bing the world data and the fourth will be removing all this terrain let’s start preparing the area first I need to dig out the border of this area all the way down to bedro this will contain water later on which will protect the walls from TNT leaving them

Flat I guess I’ll dedicate the next week of my life to removing all these blocks no I’m just kidding it will take a few days to do all that with that boundary being dug out I can finally start adding water I could use buckets for this but

That would take a really long time so I’ve got a full inventry of ice instead using my fortune pick I can convert this ice into water doing it for the whole area took a while I made a bit of a mess with the water while doing that but I

Really don’t care we can tid to that up later on now that these walls are protected let’s focus on these trees they can’t be here so let’s remove them I could use machines for this but I won’t so let’s remove them manually these trees would interfere with later

Phases of this project so they had to go plus it allows me to see this whole area a lot better this area feels huge and a bit weird since there’s nothing here but that won’t last for long with that I consider phase one of this project to be

Complete let’s move on to phase two phase two involves me digging trenches on each side all the way down to bedrock two of these trenches need to be 15 blocks wide and other trenches blocks wide I’m not doing that manually fortunately there’s a machine for that here the resources required to build it

I’ve used this machine once before in 2 years ago and it should still work it’s just a simple array of TNT dupers now if you’re going to build this duper you can’t place the mine cart straight away on this as the TNT will activate and

Will have to be replaced so how do you Prim it well I’m glad you asked here’s what to do I add two blocks in the side of the dupers placing an activator Rail and a piston I then add a main car and power the Piston with a redstone block

Then I I remove what I just placed and the TNT duper is ready to go this is a quick way to play most TNT dupers so keep that in mind so after getting those built I also Place some obsidian at the far end right here so that the machines

Would bounce back so the general idea is that the machines would fly back and forth over this area to get this started I’m going to flick this lever which enables this circuit to work this basically means that when the dupers return they run again then an all tag

For the machine for the first time I press this button down here and the TNT DPL are away let’s dig this trench so this first Tren wasn’t actually wide enough so I had to widen it with another duper then after making sure the walls wouldn’t get in the way I rebu the

Dipper lower down and let it run again I did this several times until I reached Bedrock then I just had to double check that no blocks were left floating about you can see looking at the floating obsidian that I had to BU those Dippers four times in order to reach the ball

Now I get to repeat all of that on the opposite side the time went flying by as I dug out this trench clearing all the liquids and extra blocks as I went let’s just say I’m happy I did those water protected walls first now that I’m flying through this trench we are now

Halfway through this phase of the project so let’s move on to the smaller trenches just like with the other ones I’m using the same TNT dupers but they are narrower since the trench doesn’t need to be as wide meaning that the trenches are faster to clear the fourth

Trench was the fastest out of all of them now all four trenches have been dug meaning that phase two of this project is now complete let’s move on to phase three phase three involves me building the insane machine that remove all of this terrain for this I have two options

I could build the machine I used to destroy the end island or I could build a world a since I want to collect every or within this area the worlder will be the way to go for this world eer I’m going to need two shers of slime blocks

Half a Sher of pistons and all these other resources totaling 4,432 blocks let’s go and collect them so so far I’ve collected all these items but I’m still missing one thing Cal fans 41 of them to be exact which will involve me traveling several thousand blocks to the nearest coral

Reef here’s an idea for the Minecraft developers make Coral fans renewable arriving at the nearest coral reef I decided that building a nether portal first would be useful since I come here a lot I should have done this a year ago I also went into The Nether and built the

Portal at the right qu that’s on the nether roof using said portal I arrived back in the coral roof and I started collecting the 41 Coral fans needed for machine I’m only collecting the blue ones so that they stack nicely then I’m going to dry them all out with that done

All the resources required to build this world data have been collected well all except for the mine cart SI is to save an inventory space I’m going to take a Sher of iron from the iron farm and we’ll craft the mine carts over at the project area now I can start building

This machine my first order of business is placed down all these Shockers freeing up inventory space now let’s get started the first part the machine I’m working on contains the sweeper modules these will remove any liquids they come across within the marked out area they will also move down when the machine is

Activated this was the simplest part of the B next up I’m going to focus on the activation system at that end of the machine this part starts the entire machine and connects it to the TT dupers at the top through this slime block tower think of this entire machine as

One giant flying Contraption unlike color designs these TNT dupers are safe to BU as the TNT can’t be activated until the entire machine is that is only if they’re finished which they’re currently not as you can see see the are all main carts present so I’m going to

Have to go through this entire thing placing acate RS then once that’s done I need to place all the main carts now this section of the machine is 100% ready to go the only issue I have is that if I activate this machine right now it will destroy the entire world I

Can start that from happening by building return stations on the opposite side of the marked out area these return stations are fair simple all they do is start the TNT diers and liquid sweepers push them down one block s the back then the entire thing moves down another

Block well that only happens if you B entire thing correctly so I spent the next few hours double checking everything with those checks being finished I’d say that phase three of this project is complete let’s move on to the fourth and Final Phase by activating this machine while this

Machine is running I plan to collect every or within this area how many ores will I end up with well you work it out I’m going to activate this machine by removing the rest block and with that enjoy the time Lapse After only a few minor issues the machine managed to dig its way all the way down to the ball in the process removing 8 and 1/2 million blocks that’s an insane amount now most of those blocks were destroyed but the walls weren’t I saved all of them and stored them in these chairs

So how many OES did we end up with a lot each of these shers are completely full of OES both deep SL and regular OES here’s exact numbers of each or in total I managed to save 113,000 door blocks now that those ORS have been saved let’s tidy this place up

First I’m going to remove the world and save each of those items then I’m going to remove two of these walls of War you see why shortly and now looking at that floor I need to clean that up so there we go so with all that Trin being

Removed and this area being tighted up I’d say that phase four of this project is now complete now that I look at it this perimet doesn’t feel all that big so let’s expand it let’s make it twice as large so instead of it being 16 chunks across it will be 32 chunks

Across to get a feel for how large this will be I’ll mark out the corners just like I did earlier using slim blocks there we go it’s about hard to see right now but this is going to be a lot larger I’m going to be approaching this entire

Area the same way I did with the fossil perimeter first I’m going to M these walls all the way down to bedrock on all four sides then I’ll cover them with water giving them blast protection due to the size of the area I’m going to break up into small section so that the

World de doesn’t break this means I’ll have to cut some additional holes in the middle of the marked out area now that this area has been marked out properly let’s focus on removing it first let’s work on the trenches unfortunately there’s some rivers in the way so we

Section them off and drain them with sponges this is for the smaller trenches so I cleared the 16 block section of the river just to be safe now let’s dig the trench I’ve already got the TNT D it in place so all I need to do is activate it

Since I already did a lot of the prep work I didn’t have to Min liquids meaning that this trench should ran really quickly with this trench being finished let’s move on to the next one this next one involves novs so it should be done very quickly that wasn’t

Actually the case due to the higher terrain but I got there in the end now I can work in the final Tren for the section this trench will contain the world so it needs to be 16 blocks across which will involve me using the large TNT duper just like with the other

Trenches this was a fast one probably due to the sh amount of TNT used there should be plenty of space for the world a now that this area has been feel prepped let’s get this world B once you built this thing once it’s fairly easy to repeat you just need to make sure

That no mistakes are made as they can be deting after double checking the entire machine I think I’m ready to activate it well let’s get started running the world data this time was a bit more problematic I had to stop it a lot more to fix the sweepers at the bottom as

They get stuck on occasion there was also a few instances where some Rogue TNT BW up part of my return stations so those had to be completely rebol that’s something I’m going to be keeping an eye on going forward other than that the machine ran perfectly it didn’t take

Long until we reached the bombb with that world data finished running we have removed a fuller 8.5 million blogs bringing a grand total to 17 million blocks removed that puts me halfway through this perimeter project this place is feeling a lot larger now just

Like I did before I saved all the ORS I couldn’t stor them in these chests surprisingly I ended up with less ORS than the first perimeter rather than showing you all those I collected during that world run I’m going to save them until the end but we’ll add them all

Together to save me a bit of time later let’s expand this storage to accommodate the next half this project unfortunately I don’t have any wood on me right now so I’m going to go back to the starter base real quick to craft up the 20 chests I

Need then I’ll come back to the project area and place them there we go that should be enough chests now let’s add the finishing touches to the area I just cleared first let’s tidy up the floor by removing all that lava and those extra blocks fantastic now I can remove this world

Here as always I’m dismantling this very carefully so that it doesn’t blow up in my face I’m making sure to save each item since I’ll be rebuilding this again now that this has been cleared I’d say that perimeter 2 is complete let’s move on to Perimeter 3 just like with other

Perimeters I need to focus on making the trenches first in order to do that I’m removing the water that is currently protecting them I’m going to focus on making the two larger trenches first one of these trenches crosses a large river so I’m going to section it off and we’ll

Use sponges to drain it after getting that drained I went ahead and built the trenchers so now I can actually run this thing digging this trench was fairly straightforward as it already dealt with most of the liquids when digging out the boundary in the end I to build the

Trenching machine four times in order to reach the Bottom now this trench is finished so let’s move on to the second big trench with that machine being built let’s take this trench I didn’t have to deal with many rivers this time around which Spar this up a lot there was still

A lot of water and lava here which was easy enough to remove and in no time at all I was at the bottom of this trench now that both those big trenches are out of the way let’s focus on the smaller ones where once again I’m using the smaller trenching machine since the

Terrain was Far lower than in the previous sections digging this trench was insanely fast I didn’t encounter many liquids this time around which probably helped with that trench being finished let’s work on the next one I already have the trenching machine in place so let’s start it I technically

Didn’t need to dig this trench due to having all this extra space but I did it anyway to minimize the odds of the world are breaking I’ll end up doing this again once we finish this Pam all of the trenches have now been cleared which means I can build the world that remove

This entire section when it came to the placement of this world data I did things a little bit different I placed it a few blocks closer to each of the boundaries in order to test if if that would stop the machine from breaking later on I also did this with the return

Station segment and then double and triple checked to make sure that everything was aligned and ready to go so once again let’s remove that redstone block and get this shoe on the road as this was the third time running this world data it became fairly routine I fly back and forth monitoring the

Machine ensuring that nothing was broken and had removed obsidian and other obstacles as they appeared even though I took steps ensure the machine wouldn’t break it still broke several times but fortunately I was able to stop the machine before it blew itself up that way I can make quick repairs and get the

Machine going again I was that busy keeping an eye on things that time flew by and ended up at the bottom of this perimeter this has got to be the cleanest perimeter floor I’ve seen so far one thing I did notice is that I’m missing a liquid sweeper the return

Station is also damaged so where is this missing machine I flew up out of here and I found the missing machine right there this whole situation reminded me of an issue with the first perimeter I did I ended up with a missing liquid sweeper there as well I know what it is

Though if we fly a few hundred blocks from here we’ll find the machine right there at least that Miss has been solved so looking back to the perimeter once again I made sure to save all the or I gathered and have them stored in these chests I ended up finding two enchanted

Golden apples and dungeons that was lucky now let’s focus on tidying this place up first I’m going to remove the extra blocks from the floor of this perimeter meaning that no mobs can spawn here anymore then I’m going to remove this world here doing it carefully of

Course and saving each item then I did the same for the return stations now this area is completely TIY meaning that perimeter three of this project is now complet complete let’s move on to the final perimeter of this project in order to start making progress in this final

Perimeter I need to remove the water that’s currently in the way fortunately I only had to remove the water from one of the walls using my sponges I then had to wait in the area while the water was draining now that the last of the water has been removed I can start chipping

Away this remaining terrain I’m going to start by digging out the trenches needed for this world here I’ll be digging three trenches in all I’m going to start with a larger trench which will be located right here since there’s a river running through this section I’ll EXP spend some additional time draining the

Part of it that’s in the way of this trench with that section of river being drained I can start digging out this trench I’ve went ahead and built the trench in machine so let’s activate it and get this trench dug out digging this final trench was a straightforward

Process due to most of the liquids being removed before digging this out partway through digging this trench I realized that I haven’t collected any ORS From The Trenches I’ve dug during this project I wonder how many ORS I’ve lost so far while I was thinking about that I

Reached the bottom of this trench that’s the final large trench of this project dug out I’m step closer to having this place finished let’s move on to the smaller trenches we’ll do this one right here I went ahead and bought the trenching machine so let’s get started just like with the previous perimeter

This trench wasn’t technically necessary but I went ahead and did it anyway besides that’s more Super satisfying content for you to enjoy now let’s move on to the final trench of this project this trench doesn’t contain any rivers so I got the trench machine Bol activated it and I’m now working my way

Through this Terrain in no time at all I was at the bottom of this trench now the final trench has been finished so after removing the trench machine I’m ready to start building the final world of this project this world came together really quick I’ve gotten so used to building

These at this point I made sure to disable the final sweeping module to avoid the issues we discovered earlier I positioned this in such a way that it shouldn’t be damaged during the process of removing this terrain but I wasn’t so lucky with the construction of the world

Being finished and final checks being completed let’s activate this machine for the final time as I mentioned a few moments ago the are broken so often I believe this was due to the placement between the machine and the terrain of course I came to that realization at the

End of the project since I tackled a lot of lava and obsidian earlier I didn’t encounter many other issues with this machine I think if I do something like this again I’ll probably go with a different machine maybe that machine I used to remove the end island or perhaps

I’ll design my own world here it’s a fairly simple concept if you think about it it’s just a case of linking many smaller individual Parts together let me know if you’d like to see something like that and in no time at all I I was at the bottom of this 512x 512 block

Perimeter this has been an amazing project so far now that this terrain has been removed I need to tidy this place up starting with this floor we’ve got a lot of lava and extra blocks that need to be removed that’s looking a lot better now I need to remove this world

Here since I won’t be using this any longer I didn’t bother saving every item at this point it’s taking up valuable inventory space and since it can be crafted easily I saw no point in keeping it all Beyond this point I also quickly dismantled the the turn stations now

That I think about it I could have used the trenching machines to remove this world dat for me words can’t describe how happy I am I have this finished just look at this place it’s unreal with that world data being removed I’d say the perimeter 4 of this project is now

Complete let’s add the finishing touches now that everything involving TNTs and finished I can remove all this extra water this is going to take a while so let’s get started now I have to admit this wall of water was insanely hand in containing explosions but I have to say

I probably wouldn’t use them again the issue is that setting them up is very timec consuming you’ve got to mine all of that terrain plug any holes remove any liquids and then fill it all with water that time could have been spent a lot better due the size of the area I

Had to fly around a bunch so that the remaining water would be loaded long enough for it to drain properly now that all the water has been removed I can get a better feel for the scale of this place this project actually feels complete now I went through a lot of

Sponges draining that as you can see here one thing I also forgot to mention is that I found a music disc as well which I’ve been keeping in my inventory for a while so I popped into The Nether real quick to dry out all the sponges

And then remove them now let do with all these o those are collected from the final perimeter stored in these chests that’s a lot of shers currently I have everything sorted based on what perimeter they came from starting with perimeter 1 on the left and ending with

Perimeter 4 on the right in order to start counting everything I’m using this water to clear all the Tall Grass giving me the space I need so let’s count everything I’m going to start by taking each all type out one at a time first I’m going to be focusing on the cold or

Let’s s the sh I ended up with 56 shocker boxes wor ofor that’s 97,1 Cor in order to keep this area nice and tidy I’m setting up a second storage system and we’ll be storing the ORS I’ve counted in there let’s move on to the

Next type of war the next door be count is the Deep SL variant of Co War I ended up with five shers that’s 7,353 deep slate Co after picking those Sher boxes up and sorting them away let’s move on to the next typ of four

Next up we have iron I ended up with 27 shers of iron or that’s 45,7 to Ison and when it came to deep SL I had 14 shers of deeps like that that’s 22,6 185 or now I could keep counting them like this but that would take a

While so let’s speed this up next up we have gold or I only had two shers of it so that’s about 3,297 gold fortunately I had a lot more when it came to the Deep slave variant the Deep slave variant had 11 shers worth of War that’s

17,700 deep slave goore moving on to the lapis I had five shocker boxes over that’s 8,414 or and when it came to the Deep slate variant I had seven shocker boxes that’s 11,539 moving on to the next type of War we have copper I collected a lot of this

50 shocker boxes of copper that’s 84019 copper that’s the most copper I’ve ever had in any world when it came to the Deep Sleep variant of it I had three sh that’s 4,639 or so quite a bit less next up we have the Redstone Shockers I only had

Two shocker boxes which was about 2,237 Redstone one not much but when it came to the Deep slip variant I had 16 chocolate boxes that’s 26 6,142 or knowing me I’ll probably never use any of this since I get my Redstone from the red farm and finally the most important

Ore in all of mcraft diamonds how many did I end up with well I only ended up with one Sher of regular diamonds and it wasn’t even full that Sher only contained 347 diamond or so not that much but when it came to the Deep slate variant that was a completely different

Story I had eight shocker boxes of deep slate diamond or that’s 11,779 that’s a lot of diamonds I wonder how much it’ be if I fortuned off that up so we went through all the O individually but how many did we have in total 100,000 200,000 maybe that wasn’t even close it was

343,000 51 in total that’s an insane amount will I be using them for anything no will I foring them up also no we need to do something special with all of these speaking of special things why did I dig out this entire area obviously I was after all the OES but there was

Another reason in the future I plan to use this area to attempt some Minecraft world records things that involve me placing millions of blocks sounds interesting right well I won’t be attempting any of those until we reach 100,000 subscribers so if you want to see me blow some Minecraft or record out

Of the water smash that subscribe button now let’s do something interesting with these SS so since these o are quite valuable I’d like to build a vault I won’t be doing it out here as knowing me I’d probably forget that it exists so where do I build it how does a star base

Sound so for this fall I want to place it against this wall but we have a lot of junk in the way this stuff has been piling up for a while now let’s take this place up I’m just going to store all of this in a chest I’ll place it

Back here out of site then I can remove this stuff out of sight out of mind now let’s work in this Vault first let’s dig out part of this wall this will be the door to the Vault that should be enough space to start working this Vault this door is

Going to require a lot of redstone I need to move this floor down eight blocks that should be enough space I’m going to P it out of here so that I can set up a ladder this will make getting in and out of here a lot easier now let’s work in

The store I’ve went ahead and collected all the required materials I’ve used this design before over on the guardian farm so let’s get this ball there we go the Redstone for this door is now finished now let’s work in the activation circuit I could use a button for this but that’s too obvious

Let’s do a head and activation system for this I’m going to be using a torch key to activate this door all it requires is me placing a redstone torch over here which activates the door circuit allowing it to open then the torch breaks leaving no evidence of the activation method sounds simple enough

So let’s get the Redstone in place so it looks like this redstone torch key circuit is working let’s connect it to the door with that Redstone connected let’s get it tested so it looks like this door is closing just fine but when it comes to opening it that’s where we encounter issues this

System we just installed is broken so I spent 30 minutes working on the door before I got to working again now that this door’s finished I can start working on this Vault first let’s focus on hiding this door should just be a case of placing the blocks that were used in

The walls of this place now it Blends in I always make sure to test these doors once I placed all the decorative blocks looks like it’s working just fine since I’m working here I might as well finish the roof only took a year and a half to

Finish this part next I like to work in the interior of this Vault I’ll be using arm blocks for this this looks good but it isn’t anywhere near enough space so let’s expand it with this extra room I’m going to be replacing all the stone with

Iron blocks and I’ll be placing a lot of chests with that half done let’s do the second half perfect now I just need to finish this place off by replacing the floor on the ceiling I also went ahead and placed an extra crafting table and

Ender Chest at the end of The Vault and I labeled all the chests with this Vault being complete let’s start moving all the O moving all the O was a timec consuming process but in no time at all all the ORS had been stalled within the Vault so with this project being

Finished I decided to TI this place off removing all these shers and extra blocks at this point I don’t think about adding anything else to this starter base so this is my whe farm and it’s a bit small so what if we transformed it to be 100 times bigger I’m only giving

Myself 50 days to do this if I fail this Vault containing thousands of diamonds will explode let’s get started I want to build this really far away in a flower Forest since I need to build this quick let’s choose a Minecraft seed finder all

I need to do is enter my world seed then look for the biome I need any of these seed Finders will work for this so I found a flare Forest at these coordinates before I can start this build I need to get out there after traveling for a while I’ve arrived at

The flower forest in question this should work for this project now normally I’d build an a portal for a project like this but that won’t be necessary if I go in this direction you’ll be able to see the bad Omen Farm my bolt a while back I’ll be using this

Portal for the duration of this project now let’s get to work in order to build the insan whe Farm I have planned I have to build a bunch of other stuff first this W Farm will contain 1,24 sheep that’s 64 sheep per wo color I’m going

To need a lot of dye we can make dyes from flowers which is why we’re building in a flower Forest let’s gather the resources needed to farm these flowers with these resources Let’s Travel back to the FL forest and get started I’m making a quick stop at the

Gold Farm to repair my tools since I’ve been removing a lot of blocks after that cck to rep s I’ve returned to the fur forest with everything we need to B some Flower Farms I want to present deserve as much of this natural terrain as possible so I’ll be building these

Underground let’s start this first farm this Farm is quite large so I need to start by removing a bunch of blocks leaving me with this large room this should be enough space I’ve went ahead and filled my invent with what I need so let’s build this flower Farm after only 5 minutes of placing blocks this Farm is finished to turn this thing on all I need to do is activate this lever the water will startop flowing B will be used in the grass and then the water will activate again since I don’t have any bone meal

Or a storage solution currently I’ll turn this off for now now I need to build four more of these Farms each Farm will give me two types of flowers since I was going to be clearing blocks for a while I set up a Hast Beacon nearby which sped up the process of building

These Farms by a lot due to the W fls generate I ended up placing three of these farms in close proximity hence why I’m able to quickly walk between them I still need to build two more Farms which will require a 100 block long tunnel to access fortunately these Farms were also

B side by side which meant I was able to get them finished quickly now that all the flow farms are in position I should probably explain why I need more than one flow farming can be quite complex it’s not just a simple case of building it in the correct biome you need to

Build them in certain parts of the biome to get the correct flowers I knew before starting this project I wanted these Farms to be underground so I created a creative world using the hardcore world seed and went out to the flare Forest I would use I cleared a bunch of space

Underg ground and placed a grass platform I set up two command blocks which would automatically remove any tall grass that would gener on the platform then I use bone meal to generate the flower pattern I can then use that pattern to work out where each

Farm had to be one thing to remember if you do a project like this is flower generation is height specific if I went two blocks up the flower pattern would be completely different with that short explainer of the way let’s continue with this project so these five flow Farms I

Just built will generate six different types of flowers given me blue orange red yellow magenta and light gray dyes that’s six out of the 16 dies I need for this wool farm so how do I generate the rest I build more Farms if I build a

Cactus farm I can turn that Cactus into green dye by smelting it I’ve went ahead and collected the resources needed for this thing it’s a small farm hence why the resources are in small amounts I still need to go and collect the cacti needed for this I’ll collect them from

This desert close to my villager area now let’s get back to the flare Forest so that I can build it just like I did before I’ll be building this underground I’m going to position it between the first two Flower Farms I build building this was straightforward I cleared out a

Relatively large Ro then built the farm in record time now this Farm is operational but I still have a problem the furnace that smelts a cactus won’t work without a fuel source no I won’t be using coal for this I’ll be using carpets as a fuel source since I can DP

Them jumping in the creative world real quick here’s how you build one this design has been around for a few years and is quite reliable I’ve done a short on this in the past back in the hardcore world I got it B and it’s now connected to the font allowing for the characters

To be turned into green Dy now that’s the first seven dies dealt with next up I’d like to work on the lime Dy with this I have two ways of of making it I could combine the green dye from the W farm with some white dye to create it or

I could build a dedicated Farm I’ll be building a farm for this one I can turn sea pickles into lamb dye by smelting it so I went ahead and started to collect all the resources I need for this Farm I’m also going to pick up some rails so

That I can place a hopper mine carts during this build before I return to the flower Forest I need to travel out to the coral reef to collect the last few items I need sea pickles and some Coral blocks there we go now on the way back

To the flare Forest I’m making a quick stop at the Gold Farm to repair my gear arriving back in the flare Forest I quickly make my way underground and selected this wall for the sea pickle farm I went ahead and cleared out a small room which would be enough space

For this Farm then I quickly built the farm making sure to place all the mine carts before they became inaccessible since this Farm needs a fness I also went ahead and set up a carpet duper to fuel said fness even with that being finished this Farm still won’t run as it

Requires bone meal I’ll be addressing that later on now that’s eight dies dealt with so far I’ve addressed eight out of the 16 d Dy needed for this project next up let’s work on the brown dye farming Brown dye in large amounts is very simple you just need cocoa beans

I should have plenty of these in the jungle near my villager area I could just fly around here harvesting all the cocoa beans I’d ever need but let’s build a farm for them instead if you want a quick Farm design all you need to do is place a pillar of logs like this

Then cover them in cocoa beans you could then wait for them to grow or you could use wmal you could also use pistons to harvest them all at once the only issue is this system is a bit slow for needs so let’s build a proper Farm instead I

Went ahead and started to collect all the resources needed for this farm this is going to be the smallest Farm I’ve done so far for this Farm to work I’d also need bone meal but I’ll be doing with that later now let’s return to the flare Forest arriving back in the flare

Forest I once again made my way underground and have picked out this section next to the sea pickle farm for this build I immediately got to work by removing a bunch of these blocks leaving me with the room needed to start building this thing with that out of the

Way let me fill my inventory with the materials I just got and now we can build this Farm since this Farm is incredibly small building it only took a few minutes and with that farm being complete I could technically start using it all I’d have to do is fck this lever

Which would activate some Redstone then start placing some cocoa beans all that requires bone meal so let’s address that many different farms in this area will require bone meal so I need to build a fairly large bone meal Farm plus this will also allow me to build up a supply

Of bone blocks so they can be really good for building I already have a farm design in mind for this I’ve used bone meal Farms a few times in this world so far most recently I bought one within my ocean volume and trans information these shers contain all the resources needed

To Bild that farm so let’s return to the flare Forest I think I’m going to place this B Farm behind the c pickle farm we bought earlier this Farm will be the largest one I’ve done so far in this area so I need to clear a lot of space I

Got to work clearing the room needed for this Farm it took quite a while due to the sheer size of the thing it was that big that I had to move my beacon a few times the amount of space I’ve ended up with here is insane I gave myself a bit

Of extra room just in the off chance that I wanted to add some extra stuff now let’s get this boneal Farm Bol building this Farm was a straightforward process I went layer by layer carefully placing each block one simple mistake will break this farm so I made sure not

To make any since I’ve buil this before the whole bilding process was faster than normal after finishing the Bild I filled each dispenser with some bone meal to speed up the startup time of this Farm then I gave it a quick test as you can see bone m is being made but it

Currently is nowhere to go so I’ve went ahead and built a simple storage system this Farm will produce 15,000 b m power so I ended up doing three storage slices in the back I’ve built a shell c loer meaning that I can store millions of

Bone meal here plus it will allow me to easily move bone meal when I need to now all I need to do is let this Farm run while I work in the area so far I’ve built the Farms to produce 10 out of the 16 dies needed for the W Farm next up

I’d like to work towards the black DY for this I have two options I could build a squid Farm or build a wether Rose farm since squid Farms are kind of bad I’m going to build a weather Rose farm the main part of this Farm will be

The weather so I need to go and collect three weather skulls I don’t have a dedicated farm for this yet so I need to go into The Nether and go to the nearest nether fortress to kill a bunch of wer skeletons these three skulls are only a

Small part of the farm I also need all of these resources I’m going to be building this Farm in the end making use of the central end portal but before I start building it I’m going out to the outer end real quick to collect a few

Stacks of endstone I’ll be using this to cover the farm so now with all that collected let’s build this Farm that’s where the Rose farm was designed by en x04 it’s very simple and quick to set up I manag to get all of this boat in only

5 minutes to start using this Farm I first need to spawn the weather after that I need to come over here and start placing snow blocks a pumpkin will then be dispensed turning this into a snow golem that snow golem will then be killed by the Willer creating a Willer

Rose the good thing about this Farm is I keep all the pumpkins and when the snow golems die they drop enough snowballs to make more Golems one thing I’m am going to do is expand the storage for Shields that way I wanted to refill it as often

With this Farm being finished I’m going to use it for 20 minutes so that I enough wether roses for the wo farm that should be plenty of wether roses I’m just going to leave that weather there for now killing it wouldn’t be worth it so I won’t be Bing any more farms for

The other dies I need as I can craft the rest of them from the dies I’ve farmed so far meaning that the die collection phase is complete so real quick before I move on to the final part of this project I’d like to ask if you could subscribe I’m doing a challenge right

Now where each subscriber I get means I have to remove 1,000 blocks in my hardcore World last episode I got 24 subscribers so I to remove 24,000 blocks if you’d like to add to this subscribe so moving on I think I should get all the Farms I bu today running generating

All the dies needed for the W Farm first I need to go around all the flow Farms adding a storage system to each I’m just going with a basic storage system for now then all I need to do is fill each farm with bone meal meaning I can turn

The farms on speaking of storage systems the whe Farm I’m going to build will need a huge one I want it to be colorful so I use some of the dies I just collected along with these sheep to make up a bunch of different colors of w that

And all these resources I’ve collected back over on the flare Forest I need to find a place to build this I’m going to be terraforming this entire area so I think I’ll bu the storage system over here underground the idea is that this would eventually be on the surface now

Let’s get this bolt this storage system is quite simple all I’ve done is set up a storage Silo for each of the wheel colors these silos have item filters in the back allowing for only one wheel color per Silo after getting all those in place I configur the filters and

Added the last decorative details now you can clearly see where each Wheel Color will be stored I also went ahead and added a switch for the wheel Farm I’ll connect this up to the wheel Farm once it’s built I also added a door B which I’ll use to access the rest of the

Farms on the other end of the hallway I have another door this will lead out to the surface later but for now it will remain underground so now we after doing all that prep work I can finally start building this whe farm for this I’m going to be going with the whe Farm

Design I built back at the star base but it will be a lot larger I’ll be placing part of this underground so I need to start cluing space for it I planned all this out prior to recording this episode now that I think about it I could have

Made this smaller either way this Farm will suit my needs after removing a few thousand blocks the space needed for this Farm is ready getting this Farm up and running is going to take a bit of time first I’ll need to bug the farm using these resources I’ve gathered I’ll

Also need a lot of sheep I’m going with 64 sheep per whe color which means I’ll need 1,24 sheep now here’s the thing I’ve already been working on getting all the Sheep if I go behind this wall you’ll see I already have a bunch of sheep here I caught some from the flow

Forest above a while back and brought them down here to start reading now let’s start Bing this Farm the size this Farm is insane I’ve never farmed this many sheep at once before there a few s design before boarding out feel straightforward when it came to getting

The sheep in place I moved them out of the breeding area one at a time and got them positioned in the farm then I DED them to whatever color I needed after getting the allall in place for a section I started building the next I got faster and faster with each layer I

Also had a few YouTube videos playing in the background where working on this which helped speed this up after no time at all the farm was complete after finishing the farm I went ahead and connected the farm Redstone to the activation circuit in the storage room that and I placed an IT instrument

Allowing for the world to be transported to the storage area now before I turn this thing on I need to go through the entire system filling it with shields good thing I have an armarm with that done I could turn this on producing lots

Of whe now I’ve just had a look at the time I had remaining for this project and it’s only 10 days so let’s make this area look nice for this build I’m making use of some extra materials i’ had lying around from when I did the ocean Monument transformation I wanted this

Boat to be circular but also blend into the terrain hence why I’m doing a lot of terraforming I also wanted it to stand out hence why I’m using lots of bright colors and with the last day coming to an end I finished this insane project so farming geod gives you access to all

These blocks but I haven’t bought a farm for it yet so let’s build an insane GE Factory for this to work I’m going to need to find a GE if my memory is correct I should have won down in my Ms I last use this to farm amethyst switch

I then used in a spy glass over a year ago ah here it is I could just AFK and harvest it manually but that’s a bit boring so let’s build the farm this geod won’t work for my needs I don’t want to build a farm in this area I have another

Geod over at the whe Farm but it won’t work either so how do you find the perfect geode it’s simple you use an external tool now I could have just used chunk base for this as it shows you where each geod is in the world this is

All the geod that spawn in my world for what I have planned this won’t work I’m going to be using the geod AFK spotfinder tool by Russell spru this searches through your world looking for the perfect spot to AFK with as many geodes and range as possible if I go to

These coordinates I will have 790 budding amethysts within range of my AFK spot now as you see to get out there looks like we have an ocean at these coordinates hopefully this doesn’t slow me down so I’m going to use this Stone pill to Mark out where the AFK spot will

Be I’ll be doing a large B GE later plus this will also allow me to set up a ladder so that I can get under the ocean to access the geodes after digging around for a bit I found my first geod in area I’m going to place a few torches

Stopping any hostile mobs from spawning then I’m placing this sign I’m going to give each geod I find a number this is because each geode is unique meaning that I have to build a custom farm for each of them to simplify this I’m numbering each GE then I’m copying it

Into a creative world that way I can easily design the Farms with this first GE being found let’s locate the rest I went ahead and dug a tunnel out to all the other geodes I lit them up and gave each of them a number after doing all

That I’ve ended up with all these geodes in my creative world I’ve ended up with 16 GE each having a unique layout now let’s plan out the farms for each of these I’m going to start with the first one here I’m going to remove all the useless blocks leaving only the budding

Amethyst blocks these are the most important blocks in the farm so try to avoid breaking them designing farms for geod can become quite tricky and hard to comprehend so I’d recommend using the geodi mode this will allow you to quickly design Farms rather than having to spend several hours working out the

Quirks for each one that and it’s super cool a well back El mango did a video tutorial covering this mod I’d recommend giving that a watch after this video if you plan on using it after using that mod and working through all the steps provided on GitHub I’ve ended up with

This Farm the general idea is these flying machines will activate periodically harvesting the amethyst within the farm you’ll probably want to to connect this up to either a daylight sensor or a redstone clock of some sort when amethyst break they’ll fall into the water below allowing for new

Amethysts to grow on the buing amethyst blocks these amethysts will then be collected in a water stream where they can then be sent to a storage system we’ll be building a big storage system later on for Farms like this I probably recommend using a shocker box storage

System of some sort I’ve also went ahead and designed the farm for the other GE that we using so let’s head back into the hardcore world to start work on these Farms before I start working these Farms I’m going to set up an a portal so

Travel between here and the rest of the world is faster after getting the overall portal set up I jumped into the N to disable the portal and there then I moved up to the nether roof with that being done let’s start working these Farms the first thing I need to do is

Gather resources this project will require lots of different things mainly slime and honey blocks first I’m going to focus on the slime blocks a while back I knew I’d need a lot of slime blocks for future projects so I buil this farm and of lots of slim blocks

Here in storage I’ll grab a few shs when it comes to Honey blocks I did the same thing I bought this honey farm in the nether a while back and I’ve had it running in the background since it can be junk loaded I’ll take a few shockles

From here as well so that’s both the slim and honey blocks collected I’ve also went ahead and collected a few other things including the Pistons and observers I may have to craft more of these later the only thing left I need is moss blocks lots of them for the Moss

Blocks I’m going over to my ocean Monument transformation as I have a bone Mill Farm there I’m going to modify it so that it gives me Moss blocks after using this SP for a while I’ve got all the Moss blocks I need meaning all the resources have been collected arriving

Back at the project area the first thing I’m going to do is set up a beacon I’m going to be doing this right at the bottom of the world so that I don’t need to move the beacon as often with that being done let’s start working on the

First geode geode number one will be my target my first order of business is to remove all the blocks around it giving me the room to build all the F machines I’m doing this stage very carefully so that I don’t break any of the buring amethyst blocks this is actually a lot

Of space I’ve made sure to light this up as I don’t want mobs spawning inside the farm next up I’m getting these flying machines built these flying machines are simple design so building them took no time at all I got them B on all three

Sides for Farms like this I use a like ma mod since these Farms can be quite complex this mod allows you to have a blueprint in the world to work for which speeds things up by a lot technically this Farm will now work but the drops will go everywhere to stop that from

Happening I build an item collection system at the bottom then I’m covering the whole thing in Moss blocks I’ve also went ahead and placed some of the activation system in the form of these Redstone lines you also may have notice that I never placed the Redstone clock

This is because I’ll be building one at the AFK spot later on and with that out of the way GE Farm number one is complete let’s move on to the next one before I move on to the next geod I’m going into the nether so that I can use

The gold Farm to repair my gear let’s just say I’ll have to use this a lot for the rest of this project so the second GE I like to build a farm for is a bit different to the one I just completed this jeld is far smaller meaning that it

Should be faster to build there’s also quite a bit of water on top which will get in the way this should be easy enough to deal with I’ll simply wall off part of it and use sponges with that of the way let’s start working on this farm

For this one I’m ch the way I go about starting this by first digging out the borders of the farm I’m also not clearing out space that I won’t have anything in as it just wastes time when it comes to building the farm it’s fairly straightforward I simply go lay

By L double checking everything as I go I’m also lighting this thing up as having a Creer blow up here wouldn’t be ideal now jeld Farm 2 is complete I’ll be connecting this Farm to the activation system later on if I go down this tunnel I’ll end up at jeld 3 this

One is a similar size to the first one once again there’s quite a bit of water in the area so I dealt with that first it’s bues were very useful here now I can build this Farm mining this one out was surprisingly quick it must be my new

Mining method after I Min out the initial Boulder I removed all the amethyst blocks within the J allowing for the buing amethyst to be free to minimize the risk of breaking them after that I quickly started bilding the remainder of the farm getting it all finished super quick I am kind of

Tempted to activate the Farms are boat so fast since they’re all fully grown but I won’t it just means that the first harvest I do when everything is finished will be huge anyway that’s jeld Farm 3 complete J four which is just down this ladder is the first one that doesn’t

Have any water or open caves connected to it let’s build this one quick with this ge not having any obstructions I had the whole thing finished in only 30 minutes I suppose a YouTube playlist I was watching H speed this up with that done jeld Farm 4 is complete so for the

Rest of the JS I have in this area I need to do things a bit different some of them are close together which could cause problems if they’re too close I only be able to farm one of them here is an example of two JS that might be a

Problem since I’ve already designed a farm for both of these I’m going to load up the farm schematic using like matica to see if there will be any issues looks like these Farms overlap meaning that only one of them can be built I’ll be building the farm for the larger geode

What I’ll do is I’ll try to keep the other geode untouched as every so often I need to self touch the amethyst so I’ll use this jeld for that since that will be the case I’m still going to clear out a small room around it that

Way all the amethysts can grow with that out of the way GE Farm 5 is complete I have another GE relatively close by it’s one of those larger ones looking at the schematic this should just about fit when I was building this one I quickly discovered that it was closer to the

Other geod than I thought this Farm overlaps the previous one by one block what I’m going to do to save me a bit of time is I’m going to make a few minor changes to the previous farm that way this one will still work after finishing

That farm I did a quick geod count it turns out there I’m about halfway through the GE in this area I have two other geod down here which I’m quickly going to BU farms for each of them taking me to the halfway mark after getting all that done I went ahead and B

The remainder the GE farms in this area since they all vult Air apart from the amethyst Bud placement and the flying machines I bought them all off camera there were a few ge-s here and there that I didn’t use since they were close together meaning that the farm couldn’t

Rebuilt I may come back to this area in the future to build a few smaller versions of these Farms now I’d like to start finishing this project first I’m going to spend quite a bit of time going around lighting up all of these caves I

Typically play with f bra on as it makes the video easier to watch on YouTube that means that sometimes I forget to light things up I actually ended up turning hosle mob rendering off during the time lapses due to that mistake with that done this entire area should now be

More free there may be one or two Hostile Mobs still in the area but that doesn’t matter I did all of this to slightly reduce the lag of this place moving on I need to connect all these Farms together currently they’re all independent meaning that they won’t

Function as one let’s change that first I need an activation system for this I’ll be using a hoer clock back when I was designing these Farms I ended up with this hoer clock which will run every 3 hours which is a perfect amount of time to let the amethyst grow

Building one for every Farm doesn’t make sense so I’ll just build one of them and then I’ll connect it to the rest using Redstone I plan on doing a large buol above the water soon so I build the hopper clock up here I got this clock

Built super quick and I also built an area where I will stand while using this Farm now all I need to do is fill the clock with the items meaning that it’s good to go now all I need to do is connect it to the Farms below connecting

The Farms is a simple process I simply need to dig a few tunnels then run a redstone LAN between them due at the sheer size of this place this took quite a while connecting these Redstone lines to the clock above will be a bit tricky

To do this right a wall off a small section of the ocean then I’ll drain it using sponges then I’ll run a redstone Lan from this clock down to the Farms I’ll build a staircase along the walls I just bu then I’ll run the Redstone lines

On top of them but that out of the way all the Farms are connected meaning they’ll function as one Farm currently if I activate these Farms all the amethysts harvested will be destroyed since I don’t have a collection system let’s build one so that I can test this

Enti thing first I’m going to build a few sh loaders up here close to the Redstone clog I’ve used a sh loader design several times in the world so far it’s simple and easy to use now I need to work on storing these shers once they’re full of amethysts I think I’m

Going to have this storage room connected to my AFK spot this storage room is nothing special it is a simple wall of chest that will be able to support me using this farm for thousands of days at a time I’ll never actually use it for that long I also did some

Quick decorating using some blocks I had left over from the ocean Monument interior given me this cozy storage room now let’s focus on getting these items up here since I’ve already buil the Sher loaders I simply should dig my way underground this will be the water

Elevator so I’ll Place some s sand right at the bottom and we use some C to make sure this is all Source blocks I then made sure everything was connected properly up top since I don’t want these amethysts going everywhere then all I need to do is go to each individual Farm

Dig below it and dig many tunnels that will contain water streams I’ll connect these water streams to the elevator meaning this entire system is ready to go to test this I’m going back up to the Redstone clock and I’ll place a redstone torch which will activate all the Farms

After a little while items should start appearing in these shers so I’ll AFK here until all the Farms have run after a while all the Farms have activated leaving me with all these amethysts meaning that this massive amethyst Farm is complete now before we move on to

Finishing this entire project I need you to stop right there and hit that subscribe button I’m currently on the road to reaching 100,000 subscribers and so far I’m only 7% of the way there at the end of this year I’m going to be removing 1,000 blocks for each

Subscriber I get so if you want to watch me suffer subscribe speaking of suffering let’s finish this entire project by building something here in the surface of the ocean the build I have in mind for this area will contain thousands of logs so I’ve went ahead and gathered all these shers full of

Materials I’m going to end up using a lot of amethysts I just harvested in this build so I’ll be taking a few shers of amethysts from the storage system so with all that out of the way let’s finish this build so this build was an interesting one as always I started by

Building the terrain the B would sit on to save in time I decided to have this island floating in the ocean it looks a bit strange right now but that doesn’t matter I’m going to connect this to the ocean floor at a l day since this is for

An amethyst Farm I wanted to integrate amethyst into the surface build so I decided that I wanted to build several custom JS around the island to make these visually interesting I bought a lava pill at the bottom of the J this should help the J stand out in the end

Then I B the walls of the J along with adding in bits of the final structure of this build after after getting the first of these custom geod finished I built three more then made sure all the train I built so far had been connected then after finalizing that section it came to

The main build for this build I wanted something quick and simple so I settled on building yet another pyramid I based this design on chitchen but I put my own spin on it for this I focused on using blocks with a similar texture mainly stone stone bricks and crack stone

Bricks for a splash of color I added several grass platforms and I also used ands to barriers which provided an extra level of detail on each side I bought a staircase which would later allow access to the storage room below at the top I started working on the entrance I ended

Up building an a portal since I removed the one I was using earlier having this F integrated into the Bild helped finish this off then I added the final touches to the roof of this Bal by placing one last grass platform with all of that being done I finished yet another

Project in this hardcore World shocker boxes are an essential part of my hardcore world I use thousands of them but that isn’t anywhere near enough soon I plan on building an insane storage system that will require tens of thousands of shocker boxes this Sher Farm I have right now won’t be enough so

Let’s build a Sher Factory but how do I do that well according to the Minecraft Wiki I can spawn new shers by hitting them with a shocker bullet when they’re below half Health this isn’t as complicated as it looks I went on YouTube and found this shocker Farm

Designed by cubic me which will make 56,000 shells per hour let’s build it first I need a plan for this to work I’ll need to move a shocker from the outer end to what remains of my central end Island where it can then be teleported to the Overworld I’ll then

Need to find the perfect area for this Farm then move that Sher over there once that’s done I can build the farm install the Sher and get the whole thing running fortunately I’ve already to done a few of these steps if I go to spawn you see

That I have a shocker here waiting for me I’ve had this guy here for about a year and if I go over to this Farm I have a shocker in here as well I’ll remove that Shocker from the farm and I’ll send it back over to spawn then

I’ll place a a bunch of TNT to remove it after clearing that up I also went and destroyed my other old Sher farm with that done I can mark the first few steps of my plan is being complete also if I end up killing these two shers I have a

Bunch of extra ones over in my mob switch now let’s work in building this farm for this to happen I need to find the perfect area I’m looking for somewhere that’s relatively flat something like this should work great so about this Farm I’m going to remove all

This terrain so that it causes less lag but how do I do that I could do it all by hand but that would take a while so let’s choose a redstone machine I’ve done a project like this before back when I made this massive hole in the

World when I did that I used a machine known as a world data which removes the terrain layer by layer well this works great I won’t be using that today since I want this down fast I’ll be using the 3D TNT Quarry by R works I’ve used this

Machine once before when I was removing my end Island I should also mention that this machine isn’t technically a quar it’s a TNT duper that can move in three directions a quari is a completely different machine that’ll be building in a future video with that a short

Explainer out of the way here’s all the resources I need for this machine all I really need to do is afate my slime farm for a bit to get all the slim blocks since I’ve already got everything else from other projects I’ve done in the world now that machine look small so why

Do I need so many resources well to speed things up I’ll be building several of these and we’ll have them running at the same time before I build these machines I need to clear trenches around this area this is so that I can deal with all the liquids and other things

Before building these machines here of resources required for the trening machine these machines are very simple and easy to use I’ve used them many times before and would highly recommend them now if you’re going to build the ster you can’t place the mine cart straight away on this as the TNT will

Activate and will have to be replaced so how do you Prim it well I’m glad you asked here’s what to do I had two blocks in the side of the dupers placing an activator Rail and a piston I then add a main car and power the Piston with a

Redstone block then I remove what I just placed and the TNT duper is ready to go this is a quick way to PR most TNT dupers so keep that in mind so after getting those bolt I place some obsidian at the far end so that the machines can

Bounce back with all that out of the way let’s get this started I’ll be doing this by flicking this lever then pressing this button and the trench machine is away the process of digging these trenches is fa straight forward I follow the machines as they go back and

Forth removing the terrain I go in and remove the liquids and any extra blocks as they appear meaning I can get down to the bottom of the world much faster depending on the height of the terrain you may have to do this several times before reaching bedrock with the first

Train being done I need to do this three more times with those trenches being finished I can Bol all of these 3D TNT Dippers and the return stations on the opposite side every time these machines are activated they’ll move forward dropping TNT and both the starting and return

Stations will move as well so I’m going to activate all three of these machines then I’ll go and set up here and safety while the terrain is being Removed just a quick reminder that at the end of the year I’ll will be removing 1,000 blocks in my hardcore world for each subscriber the channel has if you enjoy watching my videos please subscribe and claim your th000 blocks so with this perimeter being finished I can go ahead

And remove these machines for the final time meaning that I can now focus on building the Shuler Farm before I do that let’s bring the Shuler over here to do this I have three options I could build a real from Spa all the way over here I could send the shut into The

Nether and move it that way or I could go for the fun third option flying machines with flying machines all I need to do is bold it and let it fly for this I’m going to modify the trenching machine I used earlier by removing the TNT and any extra blocks and I’ll use

This to move the Sher now I just need to B it over it spawn high up in the sky so that no terrain gets in the way while I’m at it I’ll build a staircase up to the sky with a rail line and once the

Sher is up there I’ll move it on to the Flying Machine meaning that all I need to do is activate it and the flying machine is away I’ll see you over at the perimeter after a while this flying machine has almost arrived at the perimet I’ve went ahead and built this

Obsidian Lane which should stop the Flying Machine perfect now I’ll move this shocker off of the Flying Machine and I’ll build a temporary platform to keep the Shuler and all the resources required for this project with that done the Shuler moving phase is complete so bilding this Farm will be a ttin bit

Complicated so let’s go into a testing world to figure some stuff out so the original design would make 56,000 shells per hour I don’t need anyone near that amount how does 10,000 shells per hour sound I scaled this Farm down ending up with something around this size which

Fits my needs a lot better even with it being smaller I still need an insane amount of materials most of the materials are easy enough to get which is why these Shockers are already full of things I’ve crafted I’m still missing obsidian and large amounts of glass for

The obsidian I can go into the end and go to my Enderman Farm where I can steal some from those chests I’m almost out of this stuff so I’ll build an obsidian Farm real soon when it comes to the glass all I need to do is go to the

Obsidian platform and take some sand that I duped when I buil the gravity block duper I’ll take this and make a quick pet stop at the ocean Monument transformation to use my fun I’ll AFK here until all my glass has been smelted with all of that collected that’s the

Main materials gathered however this sparm will require a lot of snow golems so I’ll need large amounts of snow blocks and carved pumpkins snow is easy enough to collect all I need to do is bow a box out of ir bars and spawn a Snow Golem inside then I can dig the

Snow the Golem gener generates giving me infinite snow after doing that for a bit I set up a temporary pumpkin patch and waited until I had all the pumpkins I needed then all I had to do was place the pumpkins in a row carve all of them

Then break them giving me everything I need to start building this Farm I went back over to the perimeter and placed down all my shocker boxes of materials on this dark platform with everything ready to go let’s build this Farm After finishing the Sher Farm I realized I made a huge mistake this far makes use of snow golems one thing about snow golems is that they melt in warm biomes one of those biomes being a Savannah yeah we built this farm right in the middle of one of those so yeah I freaked

Out for a little bit and thought this whole project was doomed I spent a whole bunch of time looking at ways to avoid the snow golems melting and didn’t really find much I found an old Reddit post that said all I had to do was cover the snow golems with blogs and they

Should be fine I even tested this within the perimeter and it worked the only reason it worked was because I tested it in the part of the perimeter that was in the plains biome so another mistake there on my part then I realized that if I could give the snow gol a regeneration

Effect it would allow them to survive for longer and warm biomes and that I wouldn’t have to scrap this entire video I experimented with this idea by using potions but they weren’t good enough so I went ahead and created a data pack that would give Snow Golems the Regeneration effect constantly meaning

They wouldn’t lose any health so crisis averted before I start using this Farm I should probably explain how this whole thing works when I flick this lever it will send a signal over here to this small shoker farm yeah this Mega Sher Farm requires a smaller one to start up

Crazy right anyway once this is activated it will spawn sh and they will be moved down to this holding cell these shers will then be taken from here in main carts and distributed throughout the farm then when the shers eventually die a signal will be sent back and in

The process sending a replacement Shuler so it sounds simple enough however I can’t turn it on right now as I haven’t built the Nether side of this Farm I’m going to be killing all the Shockers here in the nether so the system on this side will be quite complex before I

Start boing I’m going to need to gather all the required blocks I already have almost everything apart from the ancient debris I’m going to need quite a bit of it as the ancient debris will be used in the CH killing system so I guess I’m

Going to spend a few hours in an another man for ancient Debris after a lot of TT’s maning he in the nether I have all the ancient debrito qu for this project so I’ll throw it into this Sher gather everything I need and I’ll arrive at this spot to start building the ne side of the Sher Farm wasting no time at all

I started to quickly Bild this part of the farm I had to take extra care when it came to the placement of this as I’m using a lot of nether portals for chunk boing and other things so if those are off by even one block the farm could

Break fortunately I planned ahead for this so this whole system is quite complicated first we have the storage system down here that uses a sh loader I figured it would be worth it since this system will produce a lot of shells and it’ll be loaded a lot moving up we have

The area here where the Shockers will arrive they’ll move from the portals to these ancient debris blocks where they will then die from a TNT explosion the way the system works is I’ll place the TNT up here in this AFK chamber and it will be pushed Along by a block conveyor

Where it will then be ignited by a flame arrow that was shot by this pigin setting this up was hard because I needed the pig to shoot an arrow at me in a certain way so that I could push it by a bunch of pistons and into this spot

Where will be forever I then had to let that pig continue to shoot at me until the crossbow broke where I then dropped the S of these enchantments meaning that the pig could pick it up and I would get the loting effect without generating a

Large amount of XP this is going to be fun to start using with all that the way I can see that the farm bilding phase is complete now let’s work towards getting this Farm working first I need to install this Sher all I technically need

To do for this is build a rail line from this dark platform all the way down to the small Sher Farm once this rail line is built I can push your Sher out of the holding cell and then send it on its way with a funest minecart after some time

It has arrived at the Sher Farm meaning I can remove this temporary rail line there we go with that done the Sher installation phase is complete now I need to spend a whole lot of time going over every inch of this Farm checking for any mistakes I’ve made while I’m

Doing that I’m going to fill all the chests with mine cart since this will be use an insane amount of them after Double cheing everything I think I’m ready to start using this Farm first I’m going to need a lot of TNT each TNT requires four sand and five gunpowder

Sand is easy enough to get since I have a sand Dipper I’ll take a few chockers of sand from there for the gunpowder I’ll make a quick pet stop at the raid farm and I’ll take a few shers from there as well with that TNT crafted

Let’s start using in this Farm I’m going to start here in the AFK chamber first I’m going to flick this level to start the chunk loading system I’ll then go into the overw world and I’ll flick this level turning the farm on then I return

To the NA stand in this corner and start placing TNT I’ll do this for a while and we’ll see how many shockles I get after finishing my FK session I start placing T&T and I’m going back to the Overworld to turn the farm off then I’m returning

To the Neil to continue placing TNT until shers stop coming through the portals below now I can stop placing TNT and I can off the chunk loading grid meaning that the farm running phase is complete with that done I can go down to the storage and see all these shockles

Full of shells this Farm is amazing I use a lot of ir in my hardcore World due to all the massive Farms I build but here’s the thing I only have this small iron farm and since I planning building an insane storage system new soon that

Iron farm won’t be good enough so let’s build an insane iron Factory but how do I do that in Minecraft there are two ways to get iron you could go mining and collect the raw ore or you could kill a lot of P Golems now normally you’d have

To summon these yourself using four iron blocks and a carve pumpkin but there’s another way when villagers are scared by a hosle mob such as a zombie or a Pillager they will summon an arm Golem to protect them we can exploit that by building an arm Golem farm this is

Simpler than it sounds I have a lot of experience when it comes to iron farming as I’ve worked on many different iron farm designs but this iron farm design by MD piqued my interest as it’s very Compact and will make 11,000 an per hour let’s build it first I need a plan for

This to work I’ll need to find the perfect area that will have flat terrain with either a village or a Pillager Outpost nearby I’ll then destroy the terrain taking it all the way down to bedrock where I can then start building the farm afterwards I’ll build a massive

Villager be to fill the iron farm with villagers and I’ll use the Pillager Outpost to get an army of pillagers once all of that’s done I can start using the farm so let’s get started since I’m going to be building a new iron farm I think it’s finally time to retire this

Old one all I’m going to do is kill the villagers in the farm and the pill in the middle then I can move the entire thing I’m going to leave the storage system for now as it’s completely full of iron now let’s work on building this

Farm for this to happen I need to find the perfect area since I need this to be close to both a village and a Pillager Outpost I’m going over to the Pillager Outpost I use to get bad Omen and will start flying over in this direction there’s a lar continent over here that

Should have the flat terrain I need this spot should work great so since I want to build this Farm low down in the world at Bedrock I’ll need to remove all this terrain using flying machines I’ve done this several times in the world so far

So I know exactly what I need to do to remove all this terrain fast I’ll use a 3D TNT Quarry by raise works I’ve used this machine before when I was removing my end Island and also when I was clearing the terrain for my shocker Farm I should also mention that this machine

Isn’t technical a quarry it’s a TNT duper that can move in three directions aquari is a completely different machine that I’ll be building in a future video since I used this machine last episode I already have all the resources required to build it before I build this machine

I need to clear the trenches for this area this is so that I can deal with all the liquids and extra blocks and so that I have the space in the hole for the machines when I need to rebuild them lower in the world here’s the resources required for this trenching machine

These machines are very simple and easy to use I’ve used them many times before and would highly recommend them now if you’re going to build the ster you can’t place the M cart straight away on this as the TNT will activate and will have to be replaced so how do you Prim him

Well I’m glad you asked here’s what to do I add two blocks in the side of the dupes placing an activator Rail and a piston I then add a main car and power the Piston with a is block then I remove what I just placed and the TNT duper is

Ready to go this is a quick way to PR most TNT dupers so keep that in mind so after getting those bolt I place some obsidian at the far end so that the machines can bounce back to start them all I need to do is flick this lever

Then press this button and the trenching machine is away while this machine runs I follow it and remove any extra blocks and liquids that could cause a machine to break this machine is quite fast so I need to be careful as I don’t want to be blown up since I’m actively removing

Liquids and other blocks I can get down to the bottom of the world much faster since I don’t need to stop and start the machine as often depending on the height of the terrain you may have to build these several times to reach bedrock with that first trange being done I’m

Going to remove the machine and the obsidian so that I can do all of this three more Times with those stres being finished I can build all of these 3D TNT dupers and the return stations on the opposite side every time these are activated they’ll move forward dropping TNT and both the starting and return stations will move as well so I’m going to activate all

Four of them then I’ll go and sit up here in safety while this terrain is being Removed Just a quick reminder that at the end of the year I’ll be removing 1,000 blocks in my hardcore world for each subscriber the channel has if you enjoy watching my videos please subscribe and claim your thousand blocks so with all that terrain removal being finished the first few

Steps of my plan are complete now I’m going to tidy this place up by removing these flying machines for the final time and then I’ll remove any floating blocks that are left there we go now I can focus in building the farm first I’m going into a testing world as I’d like

To make a few changes to the design so the original design would make 11,000 AR per hour I’d like a lot more so rather than building one of these Farms I’ll be building six making 66,000 per hour this does mean that the resource list for this will be huge

Fortunately a lot of these materials are easy to get which is why I already have a barrel here for full of shulkers containing some of the items needed for this Farm there are several items which are a bit harder to get these are slim blocks smooth Stone orak leaves and

White stained glass for the slime blocks I’m going to AFK my slime farm and after a quick crafting session I have all the slime blocks I need for the oak leaves all I’m doing is growing a bunch of trees then making use of some Shields to

Harvest all the leaves I need when it comes to the smooth seone I’m going to take a few Shockers of cobblestone from the Cobble farm and I’ll take this over to my ocean Monument to use my furnace array I’ll send through the system twice to make the smooth Stone then last of

All I have the white stained glass for this I’m going into the end and I’ll take some sand from the sand dier storage system and I’ll take this over to the ocean Monument to turn it into glass using the furnace array then I’ll make a stop of my shaping die Farm to

Turn it all into white stained glass then all I need to do is take all these items over to the perimeter where I’ve set up a temporary storage area with all the item collection out of the way let’s build this Farm So unlike normal iron Farms these ones are quite complicated due to how compact they are let’s means that the average bow time for each Farm is longer than average which is why this time lapse is as long after what felt like an eternity I finally finished bilding this a farm

With that done the Farm building phase is complete next let’s focus on filling this thing with villagers to do that I’ll be building a villager breeding villager breeding is actually really simple all we need is two villagers three or four beds and drop them some food and then after a short amount of

Time you’ll have more villagers I made a tutorial on a super simple villager breeder 3 years ago that should work for this but I’d have to actively feed the villagers which is kind of slow so I’ll be building a fully automatic one by Roma gfx I’ve put together a few shers

Of materials now use this area close to the Village near the arm farm for this breeder I’m going to be building a tower of these things so that I don’t have to wait as long to get all the villagers I need for the S farm I was able to build

This fast since the design is simple and easy to build then all I had to do was capture few villagers from the village then send them into the breeder after a bit of standing around this holding sale is full of villagers meaning that I can start filling the farm to fill this

Thing I brought a temporary rail Lan from the breeder down to the iron farm and will’ll send the villagers along it and into the holding CS after a few hours I had all the villagers in place meaning that the Villager greeding phase was complete now let’s work towards

Filling this farm with pillagers each module requires two pillagers meaning I need 16 in total which means I’ll need 6 name tags you can get these by finding them in dungeons fishing or by trading with villagers I’ll be using the villager trading Hall eyeball a long

Time time ago for this I’ll trade with these Librarians until I have all the name tags there we go then all I have to do is rename them in this Anvil now let’s work towards getting the pillagers to make this as easy as possible I’ll be using the Pillager Outpost where I get

Bad Omen since I have a farm here already I’ll go up to the top and wait for the pillagers to spawn and arrive up here normally I’d kill them but I won’t be doing that this time instead I’m going to be building a really long rail

Lan all the way over to the arm Farm then all I need to do is modify this Pillager Farm a little bit and then I need to get all these pillagers into main carts then I’ll use this funless mine cart and I’ll meet them over at the

Perimeter once they arrive at the arm Farm I push them towards the holding cells and I get them position correctly then I remove any temporary blocks now I need to do this for the remaining modules after all those pillagers are in place I’m going to remove the temporary

Rail Lan meaning that the Pillager phase is complete while moving these pillagers I realized that ear I made a slight mistake when calculating the rates of this Farm I thought that this whole thing would make 66,000 M hour but I was wrong it actually makes 88,000 M hour

Which is nice now I can technically start using this Farm but there’s a problem currently all these Farms operate independently meaning I’d have to go and activate each of these one at a time that isn’t ideal so let’s fix that by using Redstone this Redstone essentially makes each these Farms operate as if there were one Farm which simplifies the activation system as you can see by these two redstone blocks haven’t connected all the Redstone this is because these two redstone blocks are for two different systems in the farm

The one on the left is for the pillagers and the one on the right is for the villagers even with that done the system still isn’t usable so let’s work on that I’m going to take these lines of slime all the way up to the sky where I’ll

Have the AFK spot and storage up here I’m going to build a small glass platform and I’ll connect all the rone up to these not blocks that that way all you need to do is right click them both to activate the farm you notice how when these Redstone lamps activate the

Redstone for this system is quite simple as you can see here I could have done all of this but I wanted it to look cool hence why I’ve used this activation system I’m also going to build a copy of the activation system because in the future I plan on building a chunk

Loading grid here so that this is loaded when I’m not in the area this system won’t currently do anything but it just means I won’t have to modify this later next let’s work in the storage system since this Farm will produce 88,000 M hour I’m going to need a lot of chests

So I went ahead and built a wall of chests on either side with Hoppers feeding into them now for most Farms I set up like this would be fine but since this Farm makes So Many Items let’s choose shers we can do this automatically using Sher loaders which

Is what I’m boarding right now I’ve left plenty of space I may build more of these in the future when I expand the farm yeah that’s right I plan on adding a lot more modules to the farm in the future which is why this AFK chamber is

So high up now all I need to do is connect the W streams from the farm below to the storage room then I’ll set up an neport allow me to get here much faster I think at this point this Farm is finished I won’t start using it right

Away though as there’s still a few things left to do first I’m going to spend some time going through the Sher loaders setting up all the it filers this system would be a waste if it collected all the piece after getting that done I should probably fill the

Shocker loader with shocker boxes good thing I have a huge shocker farm for this I took some shocker shelves from the Sher farm and went and crafted a bunch of shockers then I fold this chest after while all those Sher loaders should be completely fill of shers and

I’ve went ahead and put all the extra shers I had in this chest before I start using this thing I should probably check that I built the farm correctly since I use limaa to build from schematics I just need to run around the farm double checking everything and apart from a few

Missing blocks everything is ready to go so all I need to do is activate both of these note blocks and after the lamps have turned on this Farm is running I’ll stand here for an hour and I’ll see how much iron I end up with With that hour being finished I’m going to activate both of these KN blocks again turning the farm off now when I look in these chests you’ll see all these Shockers full of iron meaning this massive V Farm is working Perfectly

This video, titled ‘I Survived 2000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Deathdealer on 2023-12-01 15:00:48. It has garnered 311 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:13 or 7213 seconds.

👀Watch First 1000 Days here:

2000 days in a hardcore world is a long time and in that time I have completed lots of mega projects. This video shows the entire journey from Day 1000 to Day 2000.


Current Sub Count: 7,685

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    Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a challenge for me. If water appears, then it’s game over, But don’t worry, I’ll keep the fun in my endeavor. Follow me on Instagram, for more Minecraft delight, And on YouTube, where I showcase my might. Donate if you can, support is always grand, Join my Discord, where we all understand. Minecraft Indonesia, where the adventure begins, Survival mode, where the excitement never dims. Shorts on YouTube, for a quick gaming fix, Minecraft memes, building tricks. So join me in this journey, where rhymes… Read More

  • Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review

    Can You Play Minecraft Java on Your Phone? Review Minecraft Java Edition on Mobile? | PojavLaucher Review Have you ever wondered if you could play Minecraft Java Edition on your phone? Well, with PojavLaucher, now you can! In this review, we will explore the features of PojavLaucher and how it brings the Java Edition experience to your Android or iOS device. What is PojavLaucher? PojavLaucher is a launcher that allows you to run Minecraft Java Edition on your mobile device. It provides a seamless way to enjoy all the features of the Java Edition, including mods, servers, and more, right from your phone. Features of PojavLaucher With PojavLaucher,… Read More

  • Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!?

    Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!? Welcome to the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft! Embark on a magical journey through the whimsical world of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft. πŸ€ Unveiling the Cottage Witch Modpack Step into a realm filled with enchanting spells, mystical creatures, and charming cottages with the Cottage Witch modpack. 🌿 Craft potions, brew magical elixirs, and explore the vast landscapes teeming with hidden treasures. πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ Immerse Yourself in Captivating Music Enhance your gaming experience with the enchanting tunes of “Evening” and “Midnight Tale” by Kevin MacLeod. 🎢 Let the music transport you to a… Read More

  • Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide

    Minecraft Tipped Arrows: Quick & Easy Guide Minecraft Tipped Arrows: A Powerful Battle Tool Are you ready to take your Minecraft battles to the next level? Tipped arrows are a game-changer when it comes to combat, offering a variety of effects that can give you the upper hand against your enemies. In this quick guide, you’ll learn how to craft these powerful arrows and unleash their full potential in the game. Ingredients Needed To create tipped arrows in Minecraft, you’ll need the following ingredients: Arrow: The base ammunition for your tipped arrows. Potion: A potion of your choice to add the desired effect to your arrows…. Read More

  • Buying Minecraft Houses for $80,000

    Buying Minecraft Houses for $80,000 Minecraft: A World of Endless Possibilities Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. With the right tools and a vivid imagination, players can build, explore, and survive in a vast virtual landscape. PC Specs for an Enhanced Gaming Experience For those looking to immerse themselves fully in the Minecraft experience, having a powerful gaming setup can make all the difference. The provided PC specs boast top-of-the-line components, including an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor, MSI GeForce RTX 3090 Suprim graphic card, and 32 GB of… Read More

  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

    Newbie Herobrine's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Noob Herobrine’s Adventure is a dreamy scene. A tale of a beginner, eager to learn, With secrets to uncover at every turn. Join him on his journey, through valleys and caves, As he navigates challenges with courage and saves. With each block he breaks, a new skill he gains, In this Minecraft world, where creativity reigns. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And follow Noob Herobrine on his adventure so bright. For in this world of blocks and pixels so fine, There’s always a new story, waiting… Read More

  • Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Uncover the Ultimate Hardcore Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a fan of hardcore survival gameplay in Minecraft? Do you enjoy exploring secret bases and uncovering hidden treasures? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a thriving community of players and a wide range of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and challenging gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your own epic adventure. Build, explore, and survive in a world full of surprises and mysteries waiting to… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenges Minecraft: Exploring the World of OP Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with OP challenges that will test your skills and creativity to the limit. Dive into a realm where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are boundless. PC Specs for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Equip yourself with top-of-the-line PC specs to enhance your Minecraft gameplay: Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (12Core, 24 Threads, Up to 4.8 GHz) Motherboard: ASUS CROSSHAIR-VIII-Formula RAM: 32 GB G.Skill Trident Z Neo RGB DDR4 4000MHz Graphic Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3090 Suprim 24 GB SSD: 1TB Samsung… Read More

  • INSANE SHIZO CRAFT – Epic Arena Battle Madness!

    INSANE SHIZO CRAFT - Epic Arena Battle Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enter The Arena – Skibidi Toilet Factory x Upgraded Titan Tv Man x Speakerman #Shorts’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-05-18 20:03:00. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #MONSTERSCHOOL #MINECRAFT #MINTOONCRAFT Don’t forget Subcribe, like, comment and subcribe guys…!!! Welcome to the official “MINTOON CRAFT” channel! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft animations and Monster School adventures with us. Join us as we embark on epic journeys, explore new realms, and face thrilling challenges in the vibrant universe of Minecraft… Read More

  • Midnight Projects

    Midnight ProjectsMidNight is a brand new 24/7 anarchy minecraft server. We have 60 player slots with a Semi-Active community. MidNight is crossplay between Java edition and Bedrock Edition (aka Windows 10 edition) Read More

  • ⬆️ Straight Up ⬆️ Anarchy SMP 1.20.6 Five Year Anniversary No Map Resets

    Server IP: StraightUp.Minecraft.Best Watch our trailer Located in Dallas, USA Join us on Discord: Discord Link About Straight Up: Founded in April 2019, Straight Up is a small anarchy server focused on a laid-back survival experience. PvP and griefing are allowed, with no land claims or protections. Stable server performance. No world resets. Enjoy minor quality of life changes and an effective anticheat system. Just Straight Up survival Minecraft. Read More

  • Torture Chamber SMP

    Torture Chamber SMPwelcome to the torture chamber smpanyone can just enter the IP and join! no need for verificationour server is 1.12.2 which is pretty coolwe dont have any rules besides dont grief and dont be an edgelordhave fun! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Unpopular opinion: Just noticed this Minecraft change”

    “I guess you could say this meme has some serious Minecraft levels of popularity!” Read More

  • Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale!

    Piglin vs Hoglin: Unboxing Battle Royale! In the world of Minecraft, a new trend has begun, Unboxing Piglin Vs Hoglin, it’s all in good fun. Riyaan shares his love for these toys so cute, Kids everywhere are sure to give a hoot. With each unboxing video, more joy to spread, Minecraft fans rejoice, no need to dread. The Piglin and Hoglin, a battle to see, In Riyaan’s world, it’s all about glee. Stay tuned for more unboxings, coming your way, Minecraft madness, every single day. Trending and viral, a sight to behold, In the world of gaming, stories untold. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness

    Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream In Minecraft! Get ready for an epic adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream! Dive into a virtual universe filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, there’s something for everyone in this thrilling event. Explore the Hypixel Minecraft Server Step into the Hypixel Minecraft server, a hub of creativity and fun. With a wide range of mini-games to choose from, including SkyWars, Bed Wars, and Build Battle, the possibilities are endless. Test your skills, team up with friends,… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Insane Church Build & Mob Farm in Minecraft 1.20!

    Insane Church Build & Mob Farm in Minecraft 1.20!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Church on the Island Base & Mob Farm – Survival Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by Jagiero on 2024-05-26 19:39:57. It has garnered 1775 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:31 or 1291 seconds. In today’s episode I build a simple quick and easy mob farm at spawn, then add a church to the island base! But this is a special church, a local church for local people, and it has.. a secret! —– Twitter: Instagram: —– Shaders: Complimentary Reimagined #minecraft #survival #church Read More

  • Kidnapped & Tied to Rail: Scary Train Eater vs JJ in Minecraft

    Kidnapped & Tied to Rail: Scary Train Eater vs JJ in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary TRAIN EATER Kidnapped MIKEY and TIED UP to RAIL vs JJ in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-03-17 12:04:55. It has garnered 7206 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:04 or 604 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: πŸ‘‰Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial πŸ”₯ Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? πŸ˜… This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by Maizen TV! Read More

  • πŸ”₯ INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!

    πŸ”₯ INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Thuong GrayVN!Video Information This video, titled ‘Thời Gian BαΊ₯t α»”n #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Thuong GrayVN on 2024-05-11 13:35:11. It has garnered 165614 views and 15996 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Idea by Toan MC Join this channel as a member to enjoy privileges: Everyone watching the video, if you find it interesting, please give it a like and share. Subscribe to support me: —————————————Β­—————- β–Άπ™π™–π™˜π™šπ™—π™€π™€π™ : β–Άπ™π™–π™˜π™šπ™—π™€π™€π™  Group: β–ΆTikTok: β–Άπ˜Ώπ™žπ™¨π™˜π™€π™§π™™ Server: ————————————————– —– #ThuongGrayVN #Minecraft #MinecraftSinhTon #SinhTon #Survival #MinecraftSurvival #Hardcore #farming #Wonderzoo #MinecraftSoThu #MinecraftZoo #minecraft100days ——————— ———————————- Β©… Read More

  • Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!

    Unleashing the Enderghost in The End!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival: Transforming The End “The Enderghost, Power of the End”‘, was uploaded by Joey James on 2024-01-13 13:07:38. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:41 or 4361 seconds. I hope you enjoy this episode of Minecraft. I’m working hard to put out more content that will only get better. I hope everyone will come along on the journey with me as I get better and recording, editing, and building! I look forward to showing everyone what I have to offer in the future. {Key Details} 00:00… Read More

  • Le.Le7 – Opponent’s shoes make video end | Minecraft

    Le.Le7 - Opponent's shoes make video end | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft doch das Video endet, wenn der Gegner Dia Schuhe hat #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Le.Le7 on 2024-03-31 19:12:35. It has garnered 9747 views and 369 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraftmemes #gamingshorts #challenge #gameplay #community #minecraft #minecraftshorts Read More

  • Epic Survival in Modded World: Insane Interior/Exterior!

    Epic Survival in Modded World: Insane Interior/Exterior!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving modded: Interior, Exterior!’, was uploaded by Speeling on 2024-05-15 01:18:00. It has garnered 80 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:19 or 14719 seconds. We’re jumping into modded minecraft for a bunch of fun to have fun exploring and mischief! Read More

  • Insane Highlights from Twitch Rivals Minecraft!

    Insane Highlights from Twitch Rivals Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Twitch Rivals #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by GHGClips on 2024-04-19 19:51:15. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Incredible: Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Incredible: Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made Custom Armor for Every Enchantment in Minecraft Hardcore…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-05-31 16:00:32. It has garnered 12880 views and 893 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:48 or 2568 seconds. Come to join this new top-tier MMORPG available both on PC & Mobile: #Tarisland I made custom armor for every enchantment in minecraft hardcore… I did this by mining tons of diamonds to craft suits of diamond armor, mining ancient debris and gold to turn them into netherite armor, then used the trims from the 1.20 update to give… Read More

  • Herobrine Returns in Heart-Wrenching Minecraft Animation!

    Herobrine Returns in Heart-Wrenching Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft emotional animation #shorts #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by herobrine San on 2024-01-09 10:04:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. about this video minecraft emotional animation minecraft animation,minecraft,animation,minecraft shorts,monster school … Read More

  • Realm of Kings

    Realm of KingsStep into a world steeped in the rich tapestry of medieval times, where knights roam the land, kingdoms rise and fall, and epic adventures await. Welcome to Realm of Kings SMP, a Minecraft server that immerses you in an enchanting medieval experience like no other. Start your kingdom with many players and explore the unexplored world **BEDROCK INFO** IP: Port: 19132 Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java & Bedrock Non-toxic 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Whitelisted Minecraft Server! My name is Alfred and 3 weeks ago I opened up a server for me and my friends to play on. The server now welcomes anyone (Java & Bedrock users) who can contribute with positivity and kindness πŸ™‚ Features: Enhanced vanilla mechanism (sethome, tpa) Levelling system to unlock new perks/commands Fishing system with new fish (no custom resource pack required) Personal harvester hoe with autoreplant, autosell etc Server shop and player chest shops All mobs drop their heads for collection We want to keep the server simple yet enjoyable, with limited features. If you’re… Read More

  • Helvetia Network

    Helvetia NetworkHelvetia Network: JAVA & BEDROCK (crossplay)Earth towny PVP|PVE 2 worlds economy and more!Server Info:- 2 Earths One PvE And One PvP Both Connected- Pve Server Focuses On Crafting Farming Building Economy Social Growing Towns And Nations Property Markets Making Supplys To Sell To The PvP War Factions While Growing Your Own Empire The Way You Like- PvP Server Focuses On Fighting Players Over Land Resources Spite Land Claiming Over Throwing Regimes And Looting Full On War And Sieges On Who Can Dominate The Earth While Unloading Loot Back Home In Your PvE Capitol And Restocking On Pots Armor Weps And… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Shotguns in Minecraft?? πŸ€””

    Minecraft Memes - "Shotguns in Minecraft?? πŸ€”"I guess Minecraft players want to take their pixelated cow hunting game to the next level! Read More

  • Snowstorm Showdown: Duolingo Boss Battle!

    Snowstorm Showdown: Duolingo Boss Battle! In the world of Minecraft, where mods run wild, Snowstorms and Duolingo Boss, a challenge compiled. Players brave the elements, facing the frost, Learning new languages, no matter the cost. Fabulas do Luar, the channel to see, With stories and adventures, for you and me. From Jack and the Beanstalk to Cinderella’s cat, Each tale told with heart, imagine that. The Adventures of Super Baby, flying high, The Ugly Duckling, finding its sky. Mafalda and Dora, on a journey so grand, The Incredible Adventure of Jesus, in the sand. But let’s not forget, the Minecraft tale, A world of… Read More

  • Hot Villager Alert πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚

    Hot Villager Alert πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚ When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and suddenly the whole village turns against you like a mob of angry soccer moms at a Black Friday sale. #oops #sorrynotsorry #minecraftdrama Read More

  • Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City – Day 2

    Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City - Day 2 Exploring the Minecraft Gamepass Challenge – Day 2 Introduction The Minecraft Gamepass Challenge continues to captivate audiences as players delve into the intricacies of this virtual world. Day 2 brings new adventures, challenges, and surprises for participants to navigate. Live Streams and Events The action unfolds on Twitch, where viewers can tune in to the live streams hosted by TheGuill84. The channel offers a mix of gameplay, commentary, and interactive events that keep fans engaged and entertained. Platforms and Social Media In addition to Twitch, TheGuill84 maintains a strong presence across various social media platforms. From YouTube to Twitter,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay on Weekly Live Podcast!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Weekly Live Podcast Stream (Featuring Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Hunger’s Entertaining Let’s PLays on 2024-06-02 08:18:42. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:14 or 9374 seconds. Not for kids! I’m not here to babysit children, this stream is intended for older viewers. I’m playing Minecraft with my friends in our Private Realm. Please Don’t Ask to join, the realm is full. Please be respectful to each other in the chat. Donation button is available, please don’t give money that isn’t yours or money you can’t afford… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!

    Ultimate Minecraft Horror Seeds!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Darkest World Ever !! 😨 | Minecraft horror seeds | Z Army #viral #trending’, was uploaded by Z Army on 2024-02-23 13:27:57. It has garnered 22478 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:12 or 372 seconds. Minecraft Darkest World Ever !! 😨 | Minecraft horror seeds | Z Army #viral #trending . . . . .hello, β€Ž@Mralpha13Β  pls don’t give me any copyright pls because I want to only enjoy on YouTube plssss πŸ™ Read More

  • Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shorts

    Shocking! Gang destroys entire village on Minecraft!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘destroy village house #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Underworld gang gamerz on 2024-01-18 02:07:05. It has garnered 2500 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. destroy village house #minecraft #shorts my Instagram id :- Minecraft techno gamerz beast boy shub chapati hindustani gamer minecraft but live insaan minecraft challenge minecraft house minecraft gameplay minecraft in hindi minecraft manhunt minecraft mod minecraft mods minecraft speedrun minecraft speedrunner minecraft videos shorts smurfs the lost village demi lavato smurfs the lost village rainn wilson the smurfs song ujjwal #minecraft #short my… Read More


    πŸ”₯ TREASURE IN SURVIVAL - KING VS KILLER!! πŸ—ΊοΈ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND TREASURE MAP IN SURVIVAL SERIES πŸ”₯ !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18’, was uploaded by KING AND KILLER on 2024-03-23 14:52:09. It has garnered 116 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:23 or 743 seconds. I BUILD IRON FARM IN SERVIVAL SERIES πŸ”₯ !! MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #17 Hii EveryOne and Welcome To Our Channel KING AND KILLER. Don’t Forget Like , Share & Subscribe. ABOUT :- KING AND KILLER Is A YouTube Channel. Video Creator And Gamer. Follow Me On Instagram :- Join Whatsapp Group :- DISCLAIMER :- The… Read More

  • EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy Swamp

    EPIC! LegendSmehoo Faces Deadly Peril in Soggy SwampVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons – Soggy Swamp ( A Perilous Potion)’, was uploaded by LegendSmehoo on 2024-01-14 13:54:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More