Defen 1 LIVE: Insane Mega Base Progression! (Road to 500 subs)

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all right hello pretty de one here welcome back to another stream and today we’re back on the OMP now it has actually been a minute like a really hot minute this might be one of the longest breaks I’ve taken uh from playing the server let me check it’s been a few days by a few days I mean not only that cuz I’ve also like had my like retreat and I had wow yeah I’ve been gone for a minute also Li on some music yeah so it has been a minute um yeah last we played was Valentine’s Day which was February 14th so you know we’re getting close to actually like like I think we’re around like three weeks close to a month almost yeesh what up kitty how’s it going what up Charlotte what up humood I’m not going to die Deen good very happy to hear that um yes so your boy he’s back we’re going to get some work done on the base because obviously things have halted because I’ve been gone um what am I doing here go [Music] so yeah I’ve Loki kind of had a really bad day chat so typically I’m the one listening to the rants in the size of the people but today I’m going to be ranting sighing at you um and using Minecraft as my tool to de-stress because dude this ah Tage really kind of sucked it was not fun um it was it was not a good day for me um oh I didn’t want to talk about it you caught me right as I was going to sleep I’m sorry Charlotte you know it was a [ __ ] was a [ __ ] day dude it was not good it was not a good day for me um let me make sure everything is set up behind the scenes and we’ll get into it yeah that’s set up one more one more little check defin I’m sorry that you’re sad I’m not sad we’re just pissed I I feel guilty if anything I think that’s the word I need to use is guilty let me tell you what happened chat let me tell you guys what happened so um at my high school there’s like this program um and this program is to like help freshman um like get acquainted with the new school environment right like jumping from you know Middle School to high school is kind of a big jump and I’m like a leader for this group for for this like immersion group basically um and also go to a private school which means that uh what does it mean for all them but typically private schools require service hours to graduate um so part of this is the freshman are given a day where they go out and like do [ __ ] like good stuff basically like they’re basically given mandated service hours to like get get them started on it and show them the process for logging service hours and whatnot anyways because I am a you know leader of this program I have to go with their freshman on their trip um which is fine now my day already started off bad cuz I had to wake up early typically Wednesdays are like the days that my school starts late um I know a lot of schools have like late starts typically we start like an hour later um screw me I guess I don’t get that I get I have to wake up and I have to be there at you know normal time s like great that’s awesome so already sucked but I was like you know what it doesn’t matter I’m fine you know I’m going to um whatever I’m getting going to go get some service hours so it’s like this homeless shelter actually okay well I’m getting ahead of myself the thing that really screwed my day was that now I kind of like SL in a little bit so I have to rush out the door right and as I’m doing this I’m backing my dad’s car out cuz my parents are are out of town right now so it is just me right I’m home alone so I’m back oh I just real the subc count is actually off by one by Bader so I’m backing my car out right chat and I and I hear a crunch and I’m like what the [ __ ] was that and I think oh I ran over the shock back you guys know shock back he’s like a really powerful vacuum cleaner we have one in our garage G um what’s it called a shock vag is like a really powerful vacuum a shock back spell that for me spell that for me s h o am I oh [ __ ] am I stupid shop like a shop no shopop vacuum oh is it shop yeah like a workshop I always like circular as a hose yeah I was had shock like sh H CK oh my gosh can you hear it Workshop vacuum there go continue anyways so I think oh my gosh I just ran over the tube to this thing and I’m going to have a flat tire in my car cuz like there was crunching I think I crunched it right cuz it like sits there in our garage so I’m like damn it was it a squirrel so I get out and I look forward I’m like wait there’s nothing in my driveway or like in the garage like what so I get out of the car and I’m like I don’t see anything I flipped a [ __ ] pillar in my garage half of my front bumper is just off and I’m like [ __ ] that’s not good this also isn’t my car this is my dad’s car [ __ ] so I basically [ __ ] myself I’m like a panic attack oh I’m like oh [ __ ] I’m dead so I just pull it back in get get in a different car [ __ ] dip out of there de dog back out of again so I pull this in I’m like oh dude [ __ ] me [ __ ] me [ __ ] me like take a photo I call my dad I’m like I’m like shivering I’m like Dad I [ __ ] I [ __ ] up your car um he’s like sent me a photo and I was like here you go he’s like damn and I’m like how in trouble am I and he’s like not at all and I’m like what yeah and he’s like you made a like not big deal he like you made a mistake like you learned your lesson this is like when of most [ __ ] blew up my engine over uh oil oil CH anyways let me S do the photo Badger oh my dad actually just texting me chat I mean well we have to determine the connection points have been broken or did the plastic p/ tab holding the bumper to the car separate if only the tabs you can fix easily if the connection points then it will be require more work okay so I was in my driveway right yeah it was it was um iced over everything was I over for 3 days I was trying to leave okay I undo my parking breake it starts sliding backwards I I literally can’t stop it cuz if I if I start driving it’s just going to spin the wheels so I get out of my car and I see it slowly going backwards as I can’t stop it cuz if I try to push it my feet are going to slip so I’m just stood there and I see my truck hit a tree and break my back left tail tail light right okay um and then I call my dad and I’m like I broke my tail light and he went okay you’re paying for it and I’m like yeah I know uh I hope it don’t make you too more pissed but I have to go all right bye Kitty hey than you even if you’re sh me in for a minute I appreciate you drop a like before you go hope you have a good day I’m not that pissed I’m just ranting [ __ ] my ass before you go [ __ ] my butthole and call her a [ __ ] anyways um yeah I kind of sucked ass a little bit um send pigs hold I’ll do I have to crop out my [ __ ] yeah send dickle pic dude I got you a did you hear that I really you heard that I like unzip my pants I hope it’ make like a sound you could like hear I heard it okay good okay so then so then so now I rush out of there I’m like almost late right but I’m like whatever I’m fine pull up right okay I should check what I has to do on the work on the base instead of just like ruming through my chest so I pull up and then we like we go to this homeless shelter cuz that’s what like the service trip was um so we so we go out to this [ __ ] homeless shelter um and it’s like pretty cool we get a tour this place actually like a really nice facility send you list pies okay dude you’re not Dr X um so we go there and we just do like tasks all day but like it wouldn’t have been that bad but the fact that I’m like I woke up one I have my sore throat is way worse it [ __ ] hurt all morning right two I’m not I’m in a homeless shelter and it’s like not that I hate homeless people but it’s like man I do not want to be doing this right now three [ __ ] car already put me in a bad mood and then they put us on trash detail I pick up maybe 150 cigarette buds um we my group picks up like 500 total it was was insane are you doing community service yeah required for for my school the [ __ ] why private school things I need blue chat okay let’s go get some lapis um so yeah basically my day [ __ ] sucked and I have a math quiz tomorrow guess what chat I was my retreat I haven’t learned half of the I’ve only learned onethird of the [ __ ] that’s going to be in this math quiz guess who’s getting a big fat [ __ ] F tomorrow me my grade’s going to get [ __ ] guess what’s next week me me me guess what’s next week teacher conferences I’m [ __ ] I have a 24 in my class yeah my parents would actually genuinely [ __ ] anly rap me if I had a 24 oh are you’re not proud of me a 24 Badger if you’re homeless just buy a house that’s real okay yeah bger I’m not me proud of you for having 24 dude that’s actually proud of me how do you even manage that you don’t go to school yeah sense seems about right man I want this I want this um just like shirt right but it’s 6 $84 then maybe you don’t buy it but Burberry and supreme what about Supreme it’s Burberry and supreme I don’t know what Burberry is but it it might be drip I don’t know okay chat well we need what up 17 hours nice okay what we’re going to do is we’re going to get some more sand everybody’s favorite um or actually we oh actually be have plenty of and we’re going get some more blue dye uh VI lapis spend this much money this isn’t blue dye this is meth yeah sure that goes in the vaping box why not any who um I SLE 17 hours I wish twizzle I slept seven yeah twizzle my nizzle I guess okay what what D what did I even say nothing okay that’s what I thought oh wait what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we got hella glass oh [ __ ] you do that in my face I want this shirt if I wore this shirt I feel like i’ just be like this shirt don’t ain’t that cool then don’t buy it bro but it’s $182 why does that make you want it more I I don’t know actually it’s good point wants versus needs Badger wants versus needs like you need Dr xx’s [ __ ] but you don’t right but you don’t when you just want the shirt simple as that I drank four coffees today that can in no way be good for your [ __ ] bladder dude I’d be [ __ ] wish I got four lean one for my hands one for my two hands one for my two feet bger buy me Nitro stop taking advantage of this poor okay no he’s my financially irresponsible do not take advantage of him he’s a victim of society or something something something uh yeah we live in this Society something the same shirt again I’m going to touch it can can you do that to me three four five six that’s six shirts which I need to Badgers pair of Pair of Shoes bad I got two shoes one foring I don’t even know give me nro it’s so I can send bigger files yeah bro but don’t get it don’t get it from Badger smash your pass Joker which one defin I need it like like which iteration of Joker I feel that depends I’m going say pass like tentatively for all of them tentatively new all right C let’s go more lapis the grind never stops I guess brand new Lamborghini [ __ ] cop car got the pistol on myp like you do not need Nitro bro [ __ ] I RIS yet got the I don’t know got the Regal morph on the clots yeah yeah okay so that was real right I got a pair of shoes six shirts and a go your card holder I think it’s all I need right now holy [ __ ] diamonds what the [ __ ] should getting my money up I got to get I got to start I gotta record some stuff for my class dude cuz I have not done that for the past two weeks oh nice um I need it man I need bigger files just in general the idea of Joker also assuming he’s your prer gender undefeated well he’s not so that’s kind of affecting my decision but I’m going say no kind of crazy I’ve deal with enough crazy girls in my life um I don’t want crazy I want normal definitely mean by this so fun boy Joker okay dog you’re good you should turn on the the music bot I’m good did I find my [ __ ] hole what where is my hole what oh there’s diamonds mining away I don’t know who to toucher how was your day me could have been better do anything interesting um what’s think here I woke up I went out for breakfast came home fart slept till to no school I no today nice I shopped but went to a thrift store didn’t find anything um it’s pretty much it hit the fent car I think and just like tweaked out for like 28 hours little overd doosy on the Z or what yeah uh-huh well yeah just like yeah yeah or no [Music] yippee yippy sipp I said I need it let try defeated cyber Badger what up what up gangy going to keep working on the meatball uh I I already finished it what’s your what’s your next project what up death blocks how’s it going how are you doing today Badger is out here buying Gucci and Louie but he can’t afford Nitro no bad no he can’t afford Gucci or Louie either he’s putting his bank account to the negatives you have to understand he’s killing himself bro R you’re going to end up at the homeless shelter I was serving atw where is my lapis see like a little bit more actually yeah I don’t know okay what what are you what are you yapping about I don’t even know are you doing drugs Badger what Nitro is more important Nitro is not more important the F no uh chat that was a joke if I did literal fent I’d be dead so yeah CH little PSA from Death live do not do Fentanyl you will overdose and die um that’s like not like that’s not even an exaggeration people are like don’t do so and so drug you you could you will overdose that’s an exaggeration you might not fentol you will overdose I mean that is not that’s not a joke that packing I would know yeah B over times only once but you know on F all yes I okay I’ve told you this before no shut the [ __ ] up now you haven’t you liar no way that actually insane you do not need Nitro bro bro I also want nitro guess what I’m not begging V story I told you like three times crazy never mind oh man [ __ ] you not the basic natur either bro Beggars can’t be choosers you can’t be begging for Nitro and then be like but I need I need premium Nitro I need the pink Nitro the hell is pink Nitro what why do I have so many blocks of iron oh my God’s iron farm well yeah but [ __ ] you I’ll say one more lapis P I’m going go back up and work on glass Phantom did you say Phantom even how what much I hit more when I hit one more lapis vein I’m going to go back up and work on the glass how do you hear Phantom I don’t know the pink Nitro what does pink Nitro get you oh here we go whoa okay this place is nice whoa I said I need it what like Ravina in don’t you drugs unless they’re free um if they’re free they’re probably going to [ __ ] kill you what the hell has happened to the nether Hub what do you mean it’s like hollowed out yeah the inside yeah I cleaned it up looks bad a f ah flipple uh Johnny Dang Nitro could be Fe by Travis Scott Johnny D is actually the person who does my jewelry it’s not even a joke get jewry from the guy from [ __ ] Travis Scot song you know what who Johnny Dang is right I know nothing about him oh he’s a jeweler okay oh Travis got’s trying to flex a little bit so he mentions Johnny Dang creative he’s a fat flexa you know he’s a fat flexa you know yeah of course can you next time you see Johnny D he be like yo what’s good yeah next time in like I’m in like Taiwan I I’ll say what’s up Johnny d thank you bro that’s huge no problem yeah dein one live says hi back H [ __ ] okay ho [ __ ] Def One I said hi I make him free free 50 chain free v-buck chain free v-buck chain holy anyways holy [ __ ] ah has spes on it my dick has spores on it that is crazy that lapis oh that is lapis where are you [ __ ] Afghanistan dude how I know in Afghanistan you know what that means military industrial complex do your thing shck your dreads Shak your R CL sh okay [Music] chat ah let’s go even more holy sh I actually have too much lav now was that an exit I’ll I’ll take this little exit up to the service that’s kind of weird I haven’t played on the server in like a fat like a fat minute [ __ ] got freak B if you will nope I won’t oh I just thought you know but but you know was kind of real is that Johnny Dang oh my God where are you Deon dude I’m out bro I’m not here bro I’m on other planet dude I’m trying to visit fin trying to find Johnny Dang he’s going to give me some lapis put it on the base CS 550 5x 312 Z 33 y I have a I have a ways to go not far at all yeah but I’m under oh wait here we go oh I’ve been I’ve been this cave I see you oh hi Badger fre fre fre Bri mother free AR oh wait free R sippi the only pissed in my Drake didn’t poison it [Music] hi thank you for saving oh I Island oh no I’m not no you’re oh right here oh what up this is huge hey calm down hey calm down hey calm down I don’t like this game fun fact drugs while you’re pregnant puts your child in permanent re over re re forever atct State what no no if you um uh if you do drugs with kids uh that means you turn like omn man don’t what that means actually californ California Girls I need Walmart premium what the [ __ ] is Walmart premium dude your ass does not need that hey Badger hey Badger hey Badger you’re almost an adult oh oh [ __ ] take your [ __ ] griddle maxer that’s Cobblestone dumbass yeah [ __ ] a griddle Max on that Cobblestone you can take it California Girls We’re Unforgettable days is hey stop talking me your fig F whoa big fat hoe um that was so close no you said it uh try to say big fat and it just didn’t like work I need one more premium so I can buy premium orange juice this is not that serious Daisy D he’s on top so hot or G really likes that song okay your floor is actually kind of sick who did that did you do that oh man no I’m not that cool Dr X is better than you suicide I guess oh only option to criticism really chat when I get my first hate comment I’m going to blow my [ __ ] brains out on stream so just like be afraid or or be excited I don’t know I don’t know you maybe you might want that where is I find a freaking piece of paper anywhere anywhere actually awesome s get a job it’s only four livers a month bro what four livers a month not worth it at all what can I not there we go here we go okay my bad just [ __ ] overdosing yeah yeah that means CH he’s vulnerable don’t follow my by my example chat do not do that in real life you should no you should not no okay let’s go play some glass let’s change the music hey stop it hey stop it hey stop it how many hearts are you at what oh god [ __ ] Margaret ouch uh can I have a clip what have a clip he just hit a fat clip one of those things that like Auto clips and just clipped my death oh gosh now it’s all unorganized oh gosh oh gosh what the hell de what is wrong with you what I just watched a clip of you what did I do I I’m talking about finger [ __ ] I don’t know finger blast time I wish I didn’t have the back I wish I wasn’t flying around that’d be so funny hey what up Cheese how’s it going okay here we go let’s go place these ow no what up cheesy how’s it going what up there’s cheese on cheesy AO finger what nothing nothing too crazy just talking we going to do the badger after after stream B essentially isn’t that right Badger I guess say it is right now yeah it is good this guy rapes me oh okay you’re finished you’re done tonight you are not going to be able to walk I need a Wendy’s keychain so I can get Frosty for a year that seems like it’s exceedingly cheap to get I’m licking a weak L popsicle bro what the [ __ ] how do you even have a weak L popsicle like out of container how is that not melted like sitting in a freezer how does that I’m pretty much done with the server I have nothing else I want to do oh um you could um build a giant SE Island I think that means I’m done have you tried putting Johnny Dang on the server I haven’t see um this is what the youngsters are into these days dein I’m in the US I’m saying in the US I’m saying oh what’s that supposed to mean licking popsicles this is what this is what kids are into in the US nowadays now they’re into [ __ ] I don’t even know skiy toilet dude that not real you [ __ ] with skiy toilet betterer you could help build the Pyramid that’s what chat’s saying [ __ ] no oh man can build me a super smelter that’d be like really high where you at I already have one what you have a super smelter you didn’t tell me yeah come over to my base holy [ __ ] what it’s going wait okay hold up coming over let’s go def re chatus yeah bro you can buy a keychain for a 3K keychain from Wendy’s and you get free frosties for a year that is not worth it at all fro free Frosty for years most definitely not worth 3 3K oh my gosh I’ll get that class later whatever [ __ ] the way the urge of creating an ARG uh put the QR codes all from my school F even last one had a question about making babies what whoa whoa whoa okay where’s your super sponsor show me lead me take me to the island take me to the island oh [ __ ] big smela I put like half of what you want in there and half what you want okay hey do do I have to manually refuel the furnaces yeah but you got enough for a while okay what I got a gift for you where are you here go buddy my back this all your stuff you’re just giving it to me why the [ __ ] do you have so much obsidian yeah I’m going to take that actually name my obsidian we got marar CH what do we even do this bro needs to get a doctor def are you high I’m not R said $3 not $3,000 what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I read that $3 signus 3K I need I need I need GLE Max give me this giss wait wait wait follow me you need your reward no no no no no yes yes yes have no no Wana it’s Yes Yes W come here oh how’d you get in front of me you’re getting your reward buddy come on come in [Music] here how the [ __ ] do you know the exact carpet for the basement dude it’s sad I been get on some freaky activities okay on to the chain okay no no no you should build a giant like hyper realistic statue of Steven Hawking just like right above this $3 is worth it bro free one free Frost you with every hit me hit me I can’t I literally can’t cuz you have hacks dude hit me I literally can’t oh oh God oh God how did I do that great idea when you want to end the server just open it public destroy it no that was a good idea anything I feel like you should shut down the server save the world that’s it well yeah I do I’m going to make a world download obviously have you Tred building a giant penis over dox’s base and flooding his fall with C he doesn’t have a base really he does technically but exactly then give him one give him a [ __ ] City build a city of cumb that’s a huge idea bro they should put me in charge of like creative director [ __ ] Amazon dude you think I’d be good at that job I think I’d be good at that job you feel me Badger I think I really just like I got the creative I hear you I hear you dude I’m going to cry when omon ends but then there’s going to be omon season 2 or whatever you want to call it so not like it’s over hi cat what are you doing you you chilling much from your Johnny Dang Meetup stash why is it called cream games again it’s an acronym but it was originally named when I was like even though how old and me and my friends were like cream that’s funny um of course you did that’s really that’s really the whole reason right there there’s no there’s no deep no like deep thought behind it that’s literally it but the name like stuck so now you know I’m kind of stuck with it you know I’m I’m making the best making the best of of what I can do with it okay doing what are you doing why you st out the wall you stupid I never know how to make building the base interesting chat you should isn’t interesting yeah it’s not exactly that’s I I I never know how to Badger what if you added a fence store on the server I think I already did something like that why is it that each stream I join is centered around intercourse for some reason on you’re you’re watching de in one dude that’s Badger dude he like gives me a big stiffy I don’t know what you want anyways um you said that me I think that was the wind the wind was kind of like picking up here that yo yo the wind did you guys hear that that was the wind bro it’s getting getting a littleit wild [ __ ] we’re already out of sand we can use the super SP I fly oh don’t come out here do not come out here you know my base is glass right [ __ ] I looked at you my dream would be to join overon but I know you were not letting new people in the new people in ever well not in ever what if what if I microwave the Reddit whip what surprised man when I was when I was able to join it was dude actually hit the server open though you just let anyone in yeah I did because I was on Twitch I didn’t care the wind is blowing yeah yeah it is anyways oh you’re this is so big actually massive dude [ __ ] my life it’s going to be so fire to take down oh it’s going to take forever it took me an hour to to just mine this obsidian a what when was it open when I was on Twitch we’re like really really starting out on Twitch I just let anybody join like [ __ ] it why not at badgero yeah B big sock remember you streaming Minecraft but I was assumed it was closed I’m sure it it was at the time it was a very short like time that it was open yeah then oh I got to get got to go get some more sand of badger it was cannot say that that’s actually just like a Shir slur when I over I build a bber plane actually use it [Music] um oh my how big is it how big is it oh my God this is not coming off your lawn dude I would build two tall towers yeah the Twin Towers were on the server yeah I forgot about that I’m the one that built it yeah you built them oh I still got two stacks left you missed a spot I will just strike a oh You’ get banned for that like easily instantly see this is why I don’t let people in the [ __ ] server CU like they’re like oh I G guar is basic instantly bro like no hesitation the reason we don’t let you guys in yeah exactly alth that was me three times Bader that’s not even my size yeah that’s why you got banned three times uh man we we need some sea some Badger fanfiction if you know what I mean I agree yeah SE says like a ah [Music] anyways oh how big is it can we see the Twin Towers they’re in older streams I don’t know which one of them they’re in many photos like it was like November probably I think we have well I have I have the one on Dominion I have hacks for Minecraft so does Badger this is an old server um where’s jg’s elytra mine were better need Rockets with flight duration three need my school work dude let’s go find freaking jg’s base jzzle say Jing on my genus anyways play war zone for my my videos mod be helpful did you say I said kill yourself death a man how you know say oh man I know I know you did a fart the Twin Towers are around here somewhere I’ll find them chat don’t worry for no particular reason [ __ ] that oh [ __ ] I think I’m lost um here I hear your Tik Tok gz I am the where is jg’s face I’m so lost I am playing war zone again cuz I hate cuz I hate my life then don’t play war zone I need I need to you need to clutch up yeah jg’s Towers were like that way they’re over there it doesn’t matter yes bro cheesy am I the think you see got like baby oil um that she would like jiggle immaculately or no how the [ __ ] is he just not going to react to that come on dude give me something that was good that you just brain dead would genuinely actually be brain dead you know I’m offended by building T Towers my uncle di 911 he was very brain dead dude I said something crazy you just didn’t like he didn’t even like react I was like surprised well I don’t even know what to say you just like no no response I was shocked should the turn Towers um or Violet SE I don’t know like where they are like H I’ll go find them I’ll go find them this is this is this isn’t even the same server obviously this is a save of an old one actually let me go to uh Slash game mode spect here we go here we go de def bedwars added guns yay what bedw wars added guns crafty you don’t crafty defin don’t need to react to you every stream I know I was just saying I joining here so the Twin Towers W added guns that was actually insane they had a guns let me go to jg’s base it’s like around here I know it’s wait I think I think it’s past this Am I Wrong Fu where is it I’m excited what going hey chees deserves mod not going to lie it’s always um I get the opportunity to ride an F-15 for train for my military damn and yeah it’s actually kind of sick but I’m an OG I am the OG OG untrue cheesy was here when I streamed on Twitch this so boring dude why the hell did they make you like watch this entire cut scene dude the [ __ ] is the Twin Towers he was here before I had the YouTube channel crafty I hate to inform you who me I know yeah Badger true wait for real well yeah you were there’s Ocean Temple who what I didn’t know that I think it’s supposed to this is not how this is supposed to generate okay I don’t care dude just let me leave let me just play the game please I just want to find gig’s base I don’t know where it is it’s pissing me off I am no I don’t want to buy your battle pass I don’t want to spend more money on you you stupid greedy [ __ ] hate you Activision oh I hate video games I hate where is it maybe it’s sh I don’t know I I used to be able to get to jg’s base cre season one I haven’t been here for too long but everyone knows me I’m already violating SE my God I can’t even find them bro talking about fortnite I’m hyped for the new season low key where the hell is this base where is it okay that’s a lot of snow so lost holy [ __ ] was like out it’s this way out I’m sending you a snap you better open it right now Okie dizzle what did you mean by this Vader Vader I don’t think those girls are 18 don’t care what who fli that chat I got another one for you de oh God I don’t want to I don’t want to see okay chat I’m actually so lost I can’t even find the [ __ ] when Towers Jesus this game just this game just looks like [ __ ] cold war again I know the last time I’ve touched Call of Duty zorus when you start to get a lot of Subs you should start streaming oh my God look at what I sent you dude when it hurts so bad you start hitting the these poses at the edge of the bed is that real you feel that feel me f Vader really okay D are youall watching no Vader sent me a video of these these two women of the why do you wear airpods while you stream dude that’s so cursed which I got two airpods one in my ear and one in the case sometimes I watch a [ __ ] Grandpa once I get my room back I’m downloading OBS and edit software on my laptop going to craft a long form content W my [Music] Draco I love how see this is I don’t wear airpods I don’t hear Tik Tok while I’m streaming or or whatever you’re playing you can be know there is no testosterone boosting coffee you think they got estrogen boosting estrogen boosting coffee for no particular reason also if they did would you want to send it to se glass for no particular reason dude is he Bing he actually is bra dead shot that’s funny as hell you should be laughing at that I’m offended I’m highkey offended I want to squat my truck again honestly yeah oh no well I’m younger than SE that is true Z is like 98 so kind of hard to be uh older than him okay go cycle your paper oh I saw that video how the [ __ ] would you recycle paper it’s a thing you like put it in water and then you can like form new paper out of it it’s a thing dude I’m telling you CH the stream not already that’s like asked I got to signed a mod for a Channel with uh with 12K without asking just saying damn that sounds incredibly irresponsible he huge okay what should we do we’ll wait for that to [Music] load holy [ __ ] the penis is so big bro what do you mean bro just giving like a person like with 12K subscribers just like giving a random person [ __ ] chat mod seems like once again seems irresponsible on their part maybe we more CAU cautious wait Tex wait oh gosh I’m sending you a Tik Tok ow stop it ow paper wave why when I say bacon you say sausage ah ah okay ah stop it do you like waffles just like waffles do you like pancakes ouch eggs bacon egg bacon sausage cheese can’t wait to get a mouthful I’m eating those chips and they’re so [ __ ] limey where do I send my application for mod mod moderation I don’t have one I I don’t need that right now YouTube should add chat ranks explain the thought process explain the thought process kind of has with like a channel subscription not subscriptions a memberships it’s like kind of that um oh my God I got the same person on my on my recommended my fre page G what the same two people does your fre page ever just like Loop no okay guess it’s just me wasn’t a random I was a participating member in chat he said he will assign people he trusts oh I see okay was a random okay okay that’s crazy what nothing oh what am I doing oh my God wait did all right all right I’m going to send you a Tik Tok look at the look at the two I just sent you oh gosh holy [ __ ] that’s a long Tik Tok yeah she’s sweeping what h B just set me of a dude [ __ ] chugging Windex what just happened n records sound of whales on Jupiter yeah yeah that’s true yeah it’s actually they just captured that today oh even though it says on this day 32223 [ __ ] Yep this is historic Vader [ __ ] you it just keeps going Windex relatable I told you I told you all the bleach story right what’s wrong with chugging Windex you die that’s what’s wrong with it bger how long is this damn video cancer that’s no glass please okay that’s crazy that’s it you’re getting a freaky pick for me how am I going to do this I need I need to do this with a timer heavy metal yeah it normally is okay here you go Badger you ready for this jacket we need room for that what the [ __ ] it didn’t send no I’m really trying here like ghost okay def send me a snap that is your foot that’s being saved in chat I’m saying that as my background on my phone no God trying to you know what I’m doing when you going to do a face reveal I don’t know you know what I’m doing you know what I’m doing know what I’m doing there we go you know what there you go that’s what you get what oh god what’ you send me oh no I don’t want to look at this Badger you didn’t send me anything I get why people hate on Prim actually kind of good our chat yep that’s a dub oh my God on Snapchat it says your exact location dude never share your Snapchat to anyone yeah dude oh no no no no no there we go there we go turn that Jonathan off read my chat you didn’t say anything oh once I can send you money how do you expect how much do you expect of me however much you’re comfortable giving I’m I going like pressure you into [ __ ] donating like [ __ ] tons of money want people to give me like your life savings that’ be that’d be actually messed up what could I sent you oh my gosh I can’t even like stream I’m just like being sent videos what what is this don’t make sure it doesn’t go on your mic it’s not going to open Tik Tok think I hear Laurel yeah dude you seem cool I’m a sub thank you bro I appreciate it w frizo chat W frizo when are you getting kicked out after out me getting kicked out for yelling Bazinga when she took off her clothes okay someone was like me being kicked out of the two men because my cuz my friend said holy moly well I turn 18 in year and a half and but then I I don’t I don’t even know how big the channel is going to be okay anyways back to locking in shake that ass sh what if we do the inside actually shake your ass ass clap clap clap I can send you my college savings don’t worry you know how long it would take like I think the maximum you can send in a YouTube Super Chat is $100 so say you send like say you have 10K I remember when you’re not caring about that on Twitch he’s pulling his [ __ ] I still don’t what do you want for me not I don’t care about it but it’s not going to be like it’s not it’s not my driving factor for like Channel motivation I just my M I’m joking my main like factor for motivation is just me wanting to do it oh I need scaffolding to take that down chat what I’m going to do in here is I’m going to set up a pet Sanctuary for all my Refugee animals have taken no it’s $500 okay never mind my teacher watch watches moist critical like in class to me so funny okay watches like like puts it on for the class no no no he’s like just watching it on his like mac whatever it’s really funny I walk over and he’s watching like the guy who’s like talking to like a 13-year-old he’s on meth you know what I’m talking about I actually have not watched a video in so long oh my God we’re watching one right now oh God it’s not my driving Factor blah blah blah can we watch his videos on stream yeah why don’t you go back to Twitch cuz I just think twitch is like a horrible platform that’s running itself into the ground and and I’ve I’ve literally yeah like I did not want to be on that and YouTube has been so much more successful for me like I’ve gone I’ve grown so much more on YouTube than I have in Twitch in like a fraction of the time I’m going to be getting Social Security money soon how what you’re like a middle schooler how the [ __ ] are you getting Social Security do you know what Social Security is it’s money you get from taxpayers when you’re what are you talking about when you turn 18 why why aren’t you going to delete when weren’t you going to donate to Mo critical the other day that was a few weeks ago and I did and I got pissed I was like you’re stealing my viewers it was funny all right my God I need to take all this dirt down off the walls and are you ready to watch Just Have a moist critical video going in the background I got you no for streaming everything I’m going I’m going I’m going watch video I hav all right you ready here we go let’s go all right hold on I watched what had to be one of the wildest en counters I’ve ever seen this is a vigilante Predator Hunter group that was bused I def person they were investigating in public did Rea and this goes completely in sanos style this is it becomes cartoonish it’s almost like a bie hill chase scene here I couldn’t believe what was unfolding in front of me I am currently looking for my fiber your what fiber fiber that video oh my God constipated yeah I’ve been constipated this is a very interesting tactic this is a highlevel maneuver he is claiming that he’s not there at the meat spot for a 13-year-old boy he’s there to get some Fiber so he can take a [ __ ] he’s been constipated so he’s there for some poop pills and it doesn’t take some Galaxy brain genius to put together the puzzle pieces here connect the dots and deduce that he is on meth you know he he’s getting loopy off that poopy right now me def I don’t want to be like Badger he’s a southerner um although it doesn’t happen until November I’m still going to be missing out streams it’s all good man how much he’s came of how much $5 a millionaire is crazy bro oh they said they don’t want to be a southerner huh screenshots of all the text messages that were exchanged between this guy and who he thought was a 13-year-old and meth comes up a lot even right before meeting meth was discussed and as you can see in the title he was arrested and they did meth was because I had like hey man I can involve the police why is he hunching over you want to have a conversation he’s Tred out give this man F to me also hi you know I was um I had like I like one of those like you know gift like there like praid gift cards and I like no like I had like $5 left on it and I didn’t really have anything I wanted to buy I used it as a bit so I can actually go home so I can poop and actually so I can poop well I can poop well have been involving the authorities real pedophile that was for sex with a 13-year-old what you have a very strange definition understand why that wasn’t the first thing you did luckily there’s spoilers in the title so you know he does get arrested but not for the reason Daddy some crazy [ __ ] happens bloody puddles I could even be easy on from the start I feel like this could have been far more effective it seemed first thing he did when he identified ped try and figure out how to M it and make a viral video when I get my job I’ll buy nro be out he’s got like the [ __ ] steady Cam he’s got so G on here so it really feels like the GT trying to figure out a way to monetize it okay what well you’re not paying attention so I am paying attention [ __ ] you you should get the video to subscribe to his channel vers water this [ __ ] is branded out of the woo so it does really feel like the number one thing he was looking for here was a way of making money off of the bust which is kind of weird it is still good that this does lead to an arrest but I really do wish it was hand you have six participants in chat none of them are mods Crazy just saying I have six people why do I need a mod when I can mod myself vising a server improves everything you can do that is true when why you’re here depends on how much how I view you in the life do you ever the devil’s lettuce uh I’ve never done that nope who is that never even have no clue I have no CL where are they hiding the fiber pills in this [ __ ] like goodness gracious are they this man’s out here trying to locate fiber pills Pirates buried treasure apparently get him his fiber man you can see he’s really starting to tweak quite a quite a bit now uh things are getting escalated the the man filming is starting to call the cops which is something I feel he should have done quite a long timeo but we’re only just beginning did me you please why do I have a why do I have a picture of you is this why are you doing this to me is this you is this a picture of you is that me the [ __ ] like with his friends in Walmart and he’s like why doesn’t de just boost it himself I don’t have gu 13-year-old boy oh my God negotiations crumbled mod yourself while listening to moist while playing Minecraft while talking to chat crazy yeah start saying the like done by and then we enter like check of the raid boss encounter here so now he’s chasing the pedophile I’m not doing that shouting he’s here to meet a 13-year-old boy for sex the has no thighs it’s worth it to be you can get it you can get for free explosion of yelling and all of that and we also get closeups of the meth molester head and it seems like he has a lot of dandruff not that that has anything to do with anything at all it just struck me as wow that’s a lot of dandruff so he might want to pick up a bottle of Head and Shoulders J I have a job unemployed [ __ ] this guy right here is here to meet a-year-old boy and to give him Crystal what’s I’m trying to find you do you know where the F pills are call the cops this guy’s here to don’t tou me don’t TCH me don’t touch me and don’t put your hands in front of my camera so [ __ ] funny one Badger says the no no word it’s all right clip that b says the N word I do not say clip that this man is heard me a 13-year-old Sigma okay I my video dude what your video Deon you should probably gonna do it on [ __ ] [ __ ] Call of Duty I mean oh playing in Clash of Clans you should light up that place that’s the goal we work on there while he hit I have not I’ve literally only watched one part I watched like 35 minutes of hasin Noel I will buy you the Duran cart I’ll be [ __ ] Vape or do any elicit activities chat actually yeah okay I’m a good man I’m I’m a clean man if you will I shouldn’t need get more carrots um salutations good to be back in the air if not watch I watched it um when are you going to go back to Twitch never I’m never going back to Twitch it’s literally a dying platform and my community is on YouTube why would I move over to Twitch be killing myself what’s the point I there’s literally no point for me to go back to TT like none at all makes zero sense durian or gas actually never had one are they good chat oh no jokes the durian card is like 3K monies damn CH don’t [ __ ] Vape shit’s not worth it at all at all I just sure if there’s still a giant penis on my front lawn that I have to take down damn it okay whatever we’ll get to that when we get to that I don’t even think we’re in render distance of the like why does it have a pointy tip read my chat oh I nearly dis how how do I this I disolated my shoulder today and now it’s really sore what did you do how did you manage that how did you nearly dislocate your [ __ ] shoulder how did what did you do like throwing it out playing like baseball or something I guess said CH I [ __ ] destroyed my front M today I was pretty [Music] hype okay oh it’s not going to be smelted it’s no it’s been a w a someone with style treated help oh still need to watch it just keep forgetting you to like be here for the super smelter oh it goes chest oh what it hasn’t working whoa here we go I’m by the way who pissed on your hair why are there yellow spots supposed to be like light it’s TR to save for a little bit I don’t know what to do I need I reached too far in VR that’s not funny but that’s a little bit funny too far V whoa this is fast as hell whoa Dam go play some more I’ll come back def I will buy Dr re some ice spice cosplays when I get a job holy [ __ ] this is massive I actually don’t know what to do with that is box insecure pursuing AER flirting between the fat and that it’s nothing working ignoring is tripping every day he’s got a new format don’t understand you think about lwig what do you think about you think your lwig switching to YouTube No but lwi the same [ __ ] thought process of lwig or slightly different which [ __ ] sucks you’re making if you do make money you make way less money on Twitch you can’t like even like they’re just like limiting their creators an insane amount Lally makes there’s like no reason that you should be on Twitch hell no one’s even no one even like uses twitch everybody’s on like either mixer or on YouTube if you’re still on Twitch you got to like get with the program move over but I was thinking if I want to get big I’d rather get big on YouTube than getting big on Twitch and so I move to YouTube we had this argument like 10 times cheesy what you want from me if Vox is as strong as he perer or is it based on the support he’s paress with other vs who’s Vox I think they’re a character in has in the hotel I’m mostly sure about that defin I will pay you for Defan I will pay for your sweet speech PR therapy no joke shut up I don’t need speech therapy okay is not necessary I do not need it okay all I need it’s just know what I need needs to move to YouTube what does he stream on got no idea he asked me to join his team and there’s no sugar in his cream he asked me to join I said no and now he’s pissy that’s the T oh it’s that so [ __ ] song heard people really like the songs from um as Hotel you struggle to read chat that you struggle to read that [ __ ] I’m going like I’m like flip my head over and going back to the game okay and I read quickly like put a [ __ ] like chapter book in front of me like I’m fine me just give give me like an actual book like I’m reading that [ __ ] like I’ll be fine reading out loud not my strong suit I don’t know I don’t know what coming from the from the eyes to the brain to the mouth something gets lost there def I will pay for 10 McDonald’s orders when you hit 1.5k why 1.5k specifically yeah it’s dyslexia yeah people say that um clim I do not need speech therapy that’s what you think a do people are like defin and you definitely have dyslexia and people in my family have dyslexia and and I used to say yeah like I have dyslexia but over the years I’ve become very opposed to to self diagnosis so I refuse I refuse to believe that I have that I have dyslexia or maybe I don’t even know you streams on Twitch oh actually really didn’t know that got to go real quick no no therapy dein all of your friends from school like Badger Dr X are all of your friends from no U some of them like I met Badger online um a lot of like a lot of like JG and stuff they go to different School than me I think some are online friends yeah holy [ __ ] has a lot of monsters I’ll buy you Fe at 1.5k right bet shout to SK right so cat I told you we’re we’re at like the homeless shelter today and we’re picking up [ __ ] like trash and there’s hell cigarette buds right um and our teacher like all right whoever picks up the most cigarette buds gets something free from McDonald’s thought he was joking right this kid picks up like 65 cigarette buds maybe like 100 something total um we’ll get luck for the journey I got to go right now I’ll try to catch you next stre all right bye thank you for stopping by drop a like drop a subscribe have not a already flame I stream every day so I’ll be back tomorrow appreciate you it’s real life friend no she’s online how’ you meet Badger oh so is on Twitch I like 20 followers um and this guy named tsaki came into my chat and at this time I if anybody was like can I join the server I was like [ __ ] it went off so just he’s like yo join the server and I’m like sure and I’m like you can also bring up plus one cuz I was trying I was trying to like really grow without the time so I was like you know what I was like you know what you can bring a plus one and he’s like bet so then um Badger joins uh and I actually [ __ ] hated Bader for a really long time he would do nothing but troll me um what annoyed me like to to no end he would like troll me so hard to like blow up my bases and stuff it was it was not funny it was a little bit funny like class is saying that Drake has a python okay that’s crazy um seus is defin a real life friend nope he’s not hey than thank you flame I appreciate it seus is not same thing met him on the Ser met him through streaming the alpha SMP any who um yeah so that’s that’s what happened uh T saki kind of came really annoying so stopping on the server um Badger got banned for a while from just like well here’s the thing so Badger like said he like grief the server really badly but I wasn’t online at the time right so I load up a backup from my phone right CU I was um like using a turnos the backup is corrupted we l we lost everything um so he was like off the server so what you’re saying is that veder took advantage of you interesting took advantage of me I don’t think i’ phrase it like that which cur real friend what did you say no she’s not same story basically likeor notg kind of yeah coutur Badger Seas um is it only those three yeah they be all met met met them through twitch that’s the lore they basically they pop in and then they join um and then that’d be it at this point I am your next on my friend essentially I just my carots yeah and then like JG is one of Dr X’s friends I went to school with Dr X so that’s why um this go going yeah they are oh so like I’m actually I don’t know how this works I have no understanding of this I’m going to stay here and wait while the while the last little Parts like fall down um so yeah basically I even know I was going say yeah so a lot of people are like there like four people on the server who were Dr X’s friends um Zach he’s on occasionally he ALS I also went to school with him really curious what Badger’s like thought what this was you can finish it I might finish it piss me off D all this talking with a sore throat I’m so uncomfortable right now does not feel good any who oh it’s almost done oh really doesn’t conserv it who is a serva sera or as as aser as I’ve been to view for too long when am I getting promoted anything please I don’t know I don’t know Sera Sera Sur Sur that name sounds familiar Sera a sera a sera Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser I don’t know uh yeah cheesy is an OG that is true that is back true yink please give me my last little bit of sand when did you start watching death pleas just give me my [ __ ] all I want just a little bit a little bit of sand oh my god do after this I’m so not hyped for that this is sad what waiting for sand yeah how it goes everything hey that’s all my sand okay let’s go place this to be in stream descriptions in stream descriptions like a channel link holy [ __ ] this thing is like almost the size of the pyramid this is actually insane ah ow and I’m out of rockets awesome awesome look I’ve been here since a couple days after Cream Game season one oop okay here we go here we go oh nice it sounds crazy but I have been here since 350 Subs so let me have my moment please you will all have your moment you’re not worry do not worry my children the time will come when the time is I got no [ __ ] idea whenever whenever it calls for it I chat look all right I didn’t start chatting until October I was a lurker I was going to say chat I had this thing I swear I call I call it chat blindness where I’ll like look over I’ll read a message and for some reason I I think I’ll see I’ll take anything at least give me PR at least give me PR to my friend V CH like that cheesy you’re honestly my biggest like critic I lowy appreciate you keep me humble um but like I had to SLE chat blindness I swear well I think I’ll see movement so I’ll go back over and I’ll read it chat already red like again I don’t know why I don’t know why I do it I don’t know what caused it or what causes it think I’m just I’m just schizophrenic maybe that could be that could be it honestly oh we’re oh please hit this oh this isn’t going to be enough glass to finish this side is it damn it yeah stay down there where you are spit yeah thanks cheesy no this isn’t enough damn it GG keep on humbling deffy yeah yeah yeah yeah Dam it okay let to real when not going to lie Z is the goat that is real okay we got to go get [ __ ] I don’t work on the inside I’ve been sick the past few days and I don’t feel as depressed if that’s a net negative or a net positive like you’re s oh I don’t know you’re sick which sucks but you’re less depressed I’ll take that as a dub holy crap my throat hurts so much I get water like tea or something I need saplings um do I just want saplings anything oh let me take those low low hello hello hello I not have any saplings you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] me hi thanks what up KK gaming how’s it going I seriously not have any saplings I’m actually about to start losing it okay okay # get the pee out of different ter distracting wow I don’t have any all right sh we’re going on a mission I guess we’re going to little side quest to go get saplings for the inside of the base oh I’m out of rockets you know what let’s let’s use my new let’s use my slight the slightly updated nether Hub I have to finish eventually because shle isn’t going to get on and do that my I never noticed the PE it’s not PE it’s like highlights in the hair that’s what it is okay you okay it’s not PE a oh the chicken scared me see look at this chadow I’m like kind of working on it this it got a little bit better if you guys were here last time I like filled up the inside um a little bit more put up some windows on like around the back look at this I added it like this um we added the glass oh this is still broken ah no it’s p stop the cap it is not wouldn’t if anything wouldn’t PE make my hair darker CU because liquids make things darker well depending on what yeah okay let’s get some saplings do do sure bom trees not a sapling no they do I’m not crazy but who peed on him no one peed on me I wonder if chick saplings no way bro I remember when it was only when I only called you piss boy and now we people finally see it oh come on come on not funny sorry ahuh There You Go okie dokie let’s go back thank you chickle where’s her portal lead to oh I think I know this he I bet he peed on himself trickshot actually insane no was Dr X yeah know I’m just going to go back okay I’m going to walk back well definely it doesn’t count uh it doesn’t make sense to you because can’t not read Life For Me L it doesn’t make sense to me because you brighten up my life a no his long ain’t going to reach that far hey but could have the the power the pressure the angle youg better have a sixpack still going to be wearing clothes chat don’t know to tell you ah ah ah here we go his St can reach my SL can reach so far okay well okay then interesting some interesting viers bro it has to match his Ira looks so no whoa lose a lose a little bit of fat I got some you would do a trick shot full force on his face you guys like actually need like I think therapy it’s the only option okay my throat is killing me he not ah oh oh not fun okay his PG does not reflect his Arrow like he does not have a horns that is true don’t think any it’s like a like a stylized one okay do we have um oh here we go oh I’m pretty sure that’s bro a oh my god dude who design your PNG my sister that’s actually insane not [ __ ] that me one of the most insane things I’ve ever heard while streaming that’s saying something block Whitey powder um let’s see that oh happy pow okay of course and it must be annoying to sleep all the way here what sister L bro bro um oh here we go thank you let’s go plant some trees this annoying to I don’t get that one I do not get that one hands I’m going to go for a minute be B okay I might go get some water cuz my throat is like I said killing me oh ow oh no hams I don’t have all messages on so I uh I didn’t read them I’m sorry all let s to live chat not top chat there we go here we go um if they don’t join you in heaven the trip disappear here we go okay let Place some nice little trees for the animals um right here’s good oh look at it’s going it’s going to be so pretty in here look at it the cherry blossoms are falling we’re restoring this place back to its form while you’re blocked words L is too precise ow [ __ ] you know what pisses me off I try to be like Sigma like raise does not work they climb up the ladder they’d rather cross the pretty Gates um okay here we go please a no here we go some nice little flowers we so pretty for the animals that eventually move up here going to move all my sheep up here sometime soon I don’t know long it’s going to be until then um okay here we go I need get um sorry sweetie but there’s no defying their F cuz oh [ __ ] watch has tell watch another episode eventually okay chat I’m going to be right back I need to get water like I said killing me give me two seconds I’m actually [Music] dying [Music] [Music] we’re back I got water I’m going make an au of deaf and singing husband Hotel songs good AI voice be funny why do I give off spinning fire holy d s throat streaming which means that to talk a lot does not work okay go I got a cookie I was eating it okay I say now we go get more sand everybody’s favorite everybody loves the sand mining uh okay let’s go fill this whole thing up with gravel not gravel 10 oh sleep too sleep let’s go ow ow let’s go we’re stand I think we’re actually be able to finish the first blue layer um can you turn off the background music and just talk a little bit but then no background music it hurts I’m trying I’m trying to minimize my talking here like I said I have a sore throat you know the worst feeling is chat you wake up right a I’m out of rockets you wake up and you have a sore throat but you’re like I have water right so you go and you grab your water and then you drink it and then guess what the sore throat doesn’t go go away that horrible nightmare happened to me this morning and it’s bothering me all day this so not fun I think sore throats are the worst part of being sick like period like you got you know like runny noses like headaches you got fever no sore throats for me are always the worst because I’ll like stop having all the other symptoms and I’ll be left with the sore throat it hurts like a [ __ ] it’s like I can’t talk and I love to Yap but I can’t talk um your sister what what what do you mean by that oh this feels so weird now I stop talking there’s like no background music to cover for me like to having it it feels so weird cuz when I’m when I’m not talking it’s just like there like dead air there’s nothing I like to have the what’s it called just checked what the blocked word is f words are [ __ ] like Sigma okay I hate this I’m music on like Sigma and RZ not okay can you turn back on the music yeah there we go now no no no do you play on Java I do play on Java George appear to bedrock no P my Bedrock players out there but like Bedrock is bedrock is unfortunate the bugs I don’t even know how it like oh my cat just left me oh um is the YouTube AI that good no it’s not not at all even know you know I’m a big I’m a Java guy I’m playing Java basically my whole life man I want to get Java oh dude you’re missing out it’s so good don’t don’t have to deal with the bugs only thing is like the frames can get a it can lag a little bit but other than that um here’s my sand pit um ah just that like it gets laggy sometimes so you kind of need like a somewhat a somewhat powerful machine why is there a mod that can press the why isn’t there a mod that can show that can press the show button on my message any who you know and you get shaders and everything and like you you just got to buy the game one time you get like mods and everything I saw my friend play it it looks fun it is fun I think the best part is that you can like get mods for green stuff like on Bedrock you have to buy um what’s it called I I think I can’t think I can’t think I’m losing it I’m losing it yeah just like you like like you pay like $30 for like PC edition um oh but then like don’t you don’t have to pay for anything else like I know you have to pay for mine coins but you need to get diagnosed for your own sake go to a doctor I need to I probably have something something wrong with me uh it might be I might be getting it in a week oo dude I wish you luck I’ve had this account for so long my sisters and she got up when she was like I don’t know how old so I gave it to me was pretty hype no I don’t even know I think it’s better than Bedrock Bedrock just kind of has like weird I don’t know little quirks I know I think just the way like Bedrock presents itself as me like mobile I don’t like play I never played my I played I got it promote me to hater is there a hater role in YouTube I would gladly give that to you oh here we [Music] go you know I um what’s it called I don’t know I think it’s better I think uh because my friend said he would give me $50 for it it’s not 50 you know what if he gives you 50 just just keep the 20 just just Kidd just be nice about it that I don’t know I wish I wish I don’t know I don’t know why they don’t just come together and like uh what’s it called like like Mojang and they’re like hey let’s just re that gladly wasn’t necessary they’ll they’ll just go and like hey why don’t we work together and we and we just instead of you know we I don’t know why why did they why didn’t they just Port like Minecraft actually I know why cuz they like I think they could they could the mobile version C++ um and then they like did and then they ported the mo mobile version to a bunch of consoles and everything so that was written C++ um obviously Minecraft is Java Edition is ritten in Java uh so really do that but why don’t they why don’t they just come together now now and go we’re going to release Minecraft just Minecraft one version written in Java with like no lag issues that combines all the different features from both you know from both freaking Minecraft games be perfect it’ be perfect that’s that’s my ideal world right there you get all like the little like fun details you can get um be so cool now I have to give it to him uh oh I see I he’s scamming you Minecraft is $30 my friend save yourself save yourself that extra 20 okay now wow we have a lot of I say we have a lot but I know this isn’t going to be enough hurts oh ow my neck oh look at this this is beautiful this is beautiful oh if I get Java can I play in the world no I apologize the server is private but there are plenty of great servers you can play on though like plenty plenty of public servers can play a little bedwar little high pixel real quick as a little a little intermission if you will and I am I actually ban off a Hypixel I know the bad stuff wow I’m not okay I did some nuts or great things on build battle so I’m surprised I’m still uh what I’m looking for unbanned I remember well me guys got banned like during the summer and then like a few like weeks ago oh what is happening here x-rays what up um we like built some let’s just say not so Savory things in build battle I’ve seen Clips I’m okay I’m sorry I apologize I’ve seen the uh what’s it called uh like clips from the high F battle on Bedrock actually insane I I don’t I don’t think there’s I don’t think there’s a report feature on that server so people just build whatever they want with like no repercussions it’s crazy I’m eating my [Music] a x-ray hacks typical dein 2b2 T I actually do I would be F to playing 2b2 T I’m not very streamable though Global chat’s a little bit too uh too spicy for that which that reminds me there’s this time in middle school when they play on our um like during a computer science class that we had we would play you know like games on the computers I have know I don’t even know what I think the game was called like fall people or something like it was like a Fall Guys knockoff um the G had Global chat for whatever reason not glob chat like like a Lobby chat with no filters on it for whatever reason so people would just say like horrible things I’m went to a private middle school so we’re playing this game people are just like letting the N word like fly off the cuff we’re supposed to be good like Christian little boys who what what do you mean what do you mean who um my middle school had a tournament for a or Ace Combat what’s Ace Combat also welcome back I hate stereotypes how you doing what is Ace Combat h on get a full Sher of sand if I get Java Minecraft or join me in my friend’s World I’d be inclined to to pop in I true just Dr subscribe I will I will consider it I’m also a busy man theater starts back up next week chat I don’t want to go I don’t no want to uh whatever I have to mean the hell crap C you cheesy the hell I get why you hate me bro ban me already I’m not going to ban you dude I don’t hate you what are you talking about St was right BR any Murray’s experience the hell is any Murray yeah also I ha start no problem I try to remember as many viewers as I can do the best of my ability what’s with the what’s with with the sad face get um you secretly do admit it I don’t don’t know what you want for me I don’t think I hate anybody is there anybody that hate like genuinely hate don’t think so def what is any M something I should definitely know oh gosh I have no idea what it is I’ve probably heard of it I still have no idea did you stop your self-loathing at once silence no self-loathing Lo woing I’m going to send you a song listen to it all right I got [Music] you m [Music] ah stop ah we go um 3 years 3 years and you still don’t respect me I respect you what are you talking about Alo there no been 3 years I lost that much track of time already oh rest in peace oh here we go oh oh oh let’s go we’re locked thank you for the heart shot thank you thank you oh let me pop my neck please hurts oh there we go oh it feels good should try an ergonomic chair for Christmas so you know like fix my posture you know 3 years wait you’ve been on for 3 years now oh I was on Twitch uh for that long but cheesy wasn’t there like the whole time I’ve been I’ve been around I’ve been on the internet I’ve been around the block the grind is crazy the grind is crazy yeah ah oh rest in peace but I’m I’m happy for what I have to show for for the time I’ve been on the Internet or 4 Subs W we’re at 474 damn do you play any other games besides Minecraft yeah I played Roblox I played ballon star Defense 6 I’m going to start playing more fortnite soon um play Persona 3 reload I want to play other games in the Persona franchise um play Splatoon it’s my main game rotation right now let me just um I’ve been here for three for 3 years and you don’t admit it has it actually been oh [ __ ] I put that recording on my what’s it called my external hard drive I like one of the first streams you joined I I have a bunch of old twitch vods on my um One fortnite update I think it’s Friday when is the new fortnite season uh when does it start when does it start just give me the damn date this does not have a date for me I need I need a date you’re telling me what’s in the season no this no are you when does it come out thank you yeah March 8th so Friday I was right I’m said the battle pass seems have a really cool theme I’m trying to I’m trying I’m going try hard at fortnite so I can get you at least Diamond ranker above yeah I kind of neglected my ranks this season why are you in stalking streams I’ve been in why are you stocking streams I’ve been in no like I I like I have the vods like the recordings of the streams just like saved on my computer um out of all what oh yeah the song that zorus sent let me go to that okay and Murray Snowbird [Music] 1970 new season yeah March 9th thought it was the eth I’ll I’ll check later no cre next Cream Games episode is on the 9th damn it fine I’ll just do it someday I’m listen to the song best pasta are we talking like brand or like type if like type with like angel hair you know like the stringy like spaghetti even this pasta really my bad for the lag uh what your main game out of all uh probably Minecraft Minecraft and Minecraft and balloons you hate me that much wishing I never joined your stream I knew it what are you talking about new season March 9th okay damn list of pastas what’s that one list of pastas list of there’s this one like called like nyaki I think I don’t think it’s a pasta thank you Wikipedia V Holy that is a lot holy that’s a lot this n on here oh let me see uh what you a spaghetti you even like a question you know what nyaki is that’s not nyaki H dude it’s like this really good food oh my god I’ve had it a few times I had it in Italy oh my God it’s so amazing yeah I’m going go spaghetti best havee of pasta is underrated DEF where you from us I’m a ham it’s the eth I misclicked okay W all right locked um give me this give me this give me this give me this oh let’s go okay now we have to wait oh for the super smelter to do its thing also zorus is like a really nice song uh we here we go here we go have you tried macaroni MIT souk what the [ __ ] is that we’ll see let’s be real I’m no one I’m no one to you like seriously I’m just a online what do you mean you’re literally one of my most dedicated viewers you follow me from twitch you mean something to me mac and cheese m is this looks good like cheese oo looks tasty making me hungry chat I didn’t really eat dinner um listen to anyone for an hour earlier for an hour okay that song is good for an hour would drive me crazy bro uh do I do I have any big musical people in my chat what mods do you usually get so I know uh to get them I don’t really play with mods I play with um I kind of do I go there’s this website called vanilla tweaks which gives you like very simple like tweaks of the games like no crazy mods um but they’re very simple like changes um like I have oh I can show you actually so here’s here’s all the ones we have for the server uh player head drops so when players die um they like drop their head AFK display so gra have a name on their tab menu when you’ve been like standing still for too long L um uh silence mobs yeah you can silence Mobs with a name tag OB there like don’t make any noise um yeah we also have armor stand uh like what’s it called like displays actually never messed around with that one oh this one really double shulker drops it makes you drop uh like make sure all shulkers drop two shells incredibly helpful um and then slash trigger color allows you to change your like name in the tab menu I also had animal heads but I forgot to but like I wasn’t one of my first I wasn’t one of the first viewers really it doesn’t mean anything if I watch you on Twitch it does you talking about what huh have like 70 followers on Twitch I’d average like two two concurrence a stream are there gun mods plenty oh wait let show you guys this is that not cool I don’t know why I was down I don’t even know why I came down here I’m trying to stall so I can get the glass it is yeah dude there’s so there’s plenty of gun gun mods there’s like if you think of anything there’s a Minecraft mod for it just think about it like that oh my gosh dude my sinus is not having a fun time my body time I I come out here I’m reminded that that just exists what if we test out this armor stand mod actually I have not messed around with it the plugin I should say slash okay that’s a unique book that allows you to alter the let’s try it as help oh wow okay this does gives you okay a book by craf I don’t even know never mind maybe I’m not maybe I’m not ready for that I’m not locked in enough maybe don’t maybe I don’t have the intelligence for that zombie Cleo the person who doesn’t on hermercraft they like amazing armor stand skills oh this water’s P my throat okay please be smelted ooh that’s a lot of glass wa whoo oh that’s a lot of glass holy moly uh it is it is um 17 by Youth Lagoon is also really good never heard of this H for my life let’s go play some of this I guess this is inside my simulat res render distance isn’t it interesting okay I think we might actually a to finish the side of the pyramid today or another side I should say oh then go get red glass oh purple I think get red D and then always a process with this Dam base I never never never have it easy shows like a bunch of really annoying blocks I can’t Farm actually I could Farm insane amounts of sand chat you can like make like sand and gravel dupers um incredibly easily but duping is against our server server rules cuz we had like issues ah that scared me so bad in the past people duping um it’s not fun so I like on our band things list and obviously I’m the owner I can’t be hypocrite as much as I want to be oh I love Lo music so much dude D you Frank Frank Sinatra fan Frank Sinatra my goat was up perfect have for another hour of placing glass should getting like each block be like P I wish I had like a little tracker um and it show me like what percentage of the base I was done with like placing blocks wise um like with every action I take I would love to like watch it like slowly increase with each block be fun actually I wonder if I can what if what if we start placing end rods today um because we do that what if what if we finish the blue just replacing the end rods for this layer prob have a lot my way goes hard not going to lie uh so chat oh my God funny story about my that about that song at oh on my retreat right um and like there certain the leaders there they play music um and they played my way I swear dude everybody in that everybody in the damn like room became a like part of a choir while singing it in Perfect Harmony it was amazing um you can have a mod to do that to do what oh yeah yeah I can there’s like a good thing is I would have to have this base as a schematic save somewhere to do that um and I am freehanding this whole base like I I planned all this just like in my head I I the only thing I’ve done is um like sketch out what I wanted to Bas the base to look like um on a drawing app and that is it other than that everything oh I did a little bit of during my government class I drew out what I wanted the inside to be I’m talking 30s to 80s okay CH I feel like we kind of culturally peaked in the 2000s is that a hot take I I feel like that that’s that’s my take I honestly I don’t know just something about maybe it’s Nostalgia for the time period when I was a child but I think like early 2000 late yeah like why is there so many wol on on the sound of the mics they used back then makes me feel so calm dude the Transatlantic accent so far best accent out there oh my gosh I I don’t know there something about the early 2000s really it hits the spot but even like fashion wise too I don’t know oh what I’d give to be a teenager in the 2000s oh or early 2000s I should say like 20 n uh to see the percentage uh of the build done oh yeah yeah I I know what you mean like I said I have to have to have a schematic like of the whole base I have I I have to have it like planned out cuz we I have a person on the server who uses that mod um but you have to build the whole base like in a creative world and you can save it to the mod and then it’ll like show you where to place the blocks um alas this is I actually I hav’t showed you guys they sketches of my like base design um I don’t think I have I should put that in the Discord server I need to show you guys the uh the Bas the original design cuz there was supposed to be so much more than this but I’ve like realized my like my scope now I’ve realized what I’m able to do def you’re a year older than me where did you we did not grow up in the 2000s we were born in the born in the 2000s we GRE up in the 2010s you know what I mean I’m talking like 2005 like 2015 like that like 10 span I know I know7 baby I know I know I know oh gosh I’m about to garle some gargle with some Hal halt I can’t speak hot salt water after stream if you guys ever have like a sore throat um get like a mug or like a cup whatever um like warm it up like a lot then get uh salt like pour a lot of salt in there then gargle it and like helps with your swore throat little method right there and that’s that much glass awesome here we go anyway I’m back what was that thinging again you’re like unloved apparently I don’t agree with that you know believe what you believe I guess people bored in 2015 are going to be 10 next year I graduate next year you don’t even know my age I’m no one I know we’re the same age range what do you need to get into the Minecraft server nothing right now there’s really nothing you can do I’m sorry it’s like private um but if you want to host your own server you can do it three free through a website called aernos you don’t even need to have um like you don’t even need to pay for Realms you can like use a turnos um I host this on apex hosting which is like a paid service so it’s always on wait no I’m G to go ah I’m ran out of food take this to check notifications okay you said we’re the same age you don’t like gas lightning still waiting for Devon to either add me to announcements or make S Russian Channel I’m about to play Minecraft W like s of your videos and I’ll put them in the thing cuz that don’t know how to work the B that does it I know how to work none of those Bots that’s all goror and as I should say they like really they like build servers for fun I don’t know whatever whatever equals your fancy I guess oh come [Music] on chat what is the best what is the best high piix one in the game let’s have a little argument here what is the best H Min game or it’s like Minecraft mini game ever we can go like genre like category like like like what like give me like give me what you guys think the best is to tour to do it for me I actually don’t even know what I think the best one is I go with like look I ask this question I don’t even know my answer um I really like I love bedwar but it’s like a classic I love TNT tag I think it or TNT run I think it’s the most like underrated not a big fan of Minecraft anymore I you know actually I’m go play round of TT tag this my stream I can play whatever I want I can do whatever I want uh turn Florence I’m TR like sneaky snitch for this I can do whatever I want it’s my live stream if I don’t play if I want to play Hypixel I can go play damn Hypixel love this my favorite like my one of my favorite game modes also pixel party pixel party is fire endera is underrated that’s a very good choice I played a little bit of endera it sucks that there’s like there’s so many good games on Hypixel but they just R have high enough payer clowns to like actually playing like to actually like use them ah go away ah let me be free and now we hide spread your tiny wings and Fly Away what what was with the little Tilda there that was not necessary you know you know what connotation you’re adding hey don’t hit me watch this happen what are they doing oh gosh oh you might see me who I should go inside there’s like a hole in the ceiling somewhere or there’s not what huh what that scared me I’m confused oh gosh also chat I’m probably be ending stream a little bit early today because I have uh what’s it called uh cuz I have math homework I need to do and I have a math quiz I need to study for and also some destroy do around the house so I might end like 15 20 minutes early by the way I meant the as a their singing singers when they change their pitch oh person called a Tilda my character I think I think as far as I’m aware this game is actually easy no one’s like attacking me not as interesting when you’re a Howard oh it’s power up give that what did you guys know his well it’s not really helpful oh I was going to say something interesting um oh what was I going to say the swear was interesting I just completely forgot damn it like no was it what was I going to say um what was I going to say oh God I’m having like a mental episode this is not okay for my mental health I’m having like an episode here what was I going to say think dein think oh I got CT he’s AFK power up repulser excuse me when did they add this is the repulser power up oh what’s it I don’t even know what I going to say I give up I’m going to cry C myself to sleep now tell about like you guys know what the asky table is it’s not even like that interesting each character like the English language um a little bit further has like a like a numerical code assigned to it in the PC so every time you um [Music] no oh yeah my dick time you like you know use a character actually like a specific number assigned to it you can do cool stuff with that in computer shines after stream I’ll send you the edit so you can put it in announcements okay oh I don’t want to go up there yeah I don’t know it’s my computer science brain that’s what I want to go to college for so you didn’t even know where I’m from what Ollie Fu okay dude I forgot G in France D I swear I thought it was [ __ ] Lebanon not Lebanon it’s like Jordan or Lebanon um I just I just meme alphabet just I just remember alphabet L was the thing of course we know about aski I don’t [ __ ] know dude I don’t know I was going to say something way more interesting I completely forgot get away from me oh get off my dick [ __ ] [ __ ] suck my dick [Music] douchebag get away from [Music] me [Music] [ __ ] now you’re dead no I put l was years ago I keep talking about aski I don’t know I don’t even know what else to say dude like it’s cool it exists my dad me what is alphabet lore people like put lore behind the alphabet that’s the best way I can describe it other Americans choose everything yeah Global superpower baby maybe when your country can exude Global influence get back to me all right let’s go play this no no no can I play please there we go you said that had of guns don’t believe him they also might actually Craft’s never really lied to me I’ll check it out I’ll check out maybe your country sends literal trillions of dollars each year on Military you get back to me oh did you you guys know about like the Chinese not typewriter the Chinese keyboard how like almost just like [ __ ] didn’t happen like they almost like switch their language because it was going to be like near impossible um to just like make because like you can’t like put like every Chinese character on a keyboard um uh last time I checked my president can talki hit point um I should make lore lore for the Russian language what characters would that be I know nothing about Russian isn’t like in it’s like in top right suppos say um I’m having a [ __ ] brain fart uh how do I why am I looking at this I can’t uh yeah cuz Chinese have a character for everywhere yeah oh that’s keyboard there was this one concept where it’s like a giant SC like basically like a giant like uh cylinder there are no guns in this game crafty you liar crafty cannot believe him um I hate the fact that I’m 50% Native American but it doesn’t show at all like I’m might as a ghost but to become a ghost damn just happened lagging a half bro what was that that was not fair characters are oh dude it’s going to come back and attack me I don’t no want to fight I don’t no want to dude please I need one more for iron armor come on he’s coming iron armor iron armor come on baby come on I really know you want to iron armor go here we go here we go here we go ah he’s invisible no he’s not no because we get uh bro we get we get it you have the most generic yoube recommendation feed wow ouch this game sucks this game sucks let’s play good game play a good game let’s play a good game okay I was about to start sounding those like I knew how to pronounce them characters that one two three oh what can I go back to Lobby one two it’s like one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 246 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 interesting I literally know no not dropper um what I’m looking for mystery where’s many arcade games classic games not not what I want I want arcade games there we go um then again H uh how you’re an iPad kid I’m not an iPad kid I actually [ __ ] hate iPad kids I think they suck no where’s looking for no is it not the rotation no shut the [ __ ] up where’s pixel party oh I guess I guess we’ll play Drop drer um I think iPad kids are like or people who like raise their kids on iPads are actually like the worst people dude cuz you’re like you gave birth to a child and your thought is um I’m banned from Hy for a year what did you do bro and they go like instead of loving my child and raising my child you know what I’m going to do I’m going to put an iPad in front of my kid and let the internet raise my kid like you actually have to be the most like irresponsible person who doesn’t deserve children um you should do that like there’s a thing it’s like all all children deserve parents but not all parents deserve children and that was like 100% true cuz there’s some horrible people and it’s like why do you have kids like you have kids you don’t like love them like what is your issue like I get kids can be like a pain sometimes um like damn like it is not like that serious to like [ __ ] like whoa this is an easy level what go back oh [ __ ] Defan you’re talking about my mom okay good I okay well let me not get too here your mother is not doing good how is this an easy level this is the first level bro what is happening what yo who designed this as the easy what sick freak at H High pixel it was like you know what yes let’s do this oh my goodness Deon stop copying my life I swear what um I used to have an iPad until I woke up to a smoke alarm and it BR next to my bed while I was charging um but I I use my iPad for school same that’s the only time I use an iPad is for for school everything’s got digital this game how the hell yes who even designed that this is what an easy level should be how are those two even in the same category that is insane this level is probably going to be easier than that first one or not oh gosh what if I go this way actually never mind okay I was lying I was joking what the [ __ ] what does this game want for me I hope to site my parents pay $40 for at that point they should just let me Google everything true but I’d rather be homeschooled than just Google everything that cannot like Googling everything can that’s going to lead you to like a rapid hole of misinformation I feel like actually not not not feel like I know that would that’s what that’s going to do for you I do I do get really confused sometimes it’s like we live in an like generation with Google and people just like don’t like Google [ __ ] or like just look anything up it’s like like my wonder you know like we talking and then it’s like won’t check it and it’s like you like I’m guilty of that wow actually maybe I suck at this game chat um and it’s like you can just like find the answer to any basically any problem I went into hero mode straight up burned my hand unplugging it and safety switched it off the breaker too that is some serious dadl right there okay one more round I’ll get back on the server I’m just distracting myself no no no I need get more background music songs more of Kevin what’s name melode makes all the uh you know copyrighted free music stripper villager fire actually look at this this is like an easy map dude I I got to get my dad lore up how many KS you guys want I can want like two I feel like having one kid I I feel like a child needs like a sem someone like other than the their house hero hero hi Dr X EG X how many kids would you have two that’s what I’m saying depends on what timeline I go down either I get two or become one of those single parents that adopts like a bajillion a after a period of time like several times over your parent how am I already Atlantis oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] how did I lock it I didn’t even notice I locked in that hard I put stuff nose in my helpet stuck okay chill don’t push it get like a tweezer or something that’s like sharp and can grab it I did that chat with a popcorn kernel in my ear had it in there for like 6 months horrible horrible experience sucked so bad anyways X how are you doing oh did he leave me it’s awesome oh come on I don’t kid at all I don’t wait oh we did it um I don’t kids at all I don’t want to feel the guilt of being the person who stopped my family’s name but I don’t want to feel guilty dude it doesn’t like matter this is not like Royal times where your family name mattered all that much um like you don’t have to have kids if you don’t want to everybody everybody has a calling to I don’t know if calls we looking for it’s not coming out what’s not coming out every has a choice if I want have kids or not um where my dad low is great but I just need to make sure that I not to forget my stories start start reading a book I got it out w w maybe don’t put stuff in areas where it’s not supposed to go ow can’t fly in here like consistently oh let’s see hi Badger you’ve been on for like forever I am I’m ending stream early tonight cuz I got work I have to do work early def the age gaslighting work earlier no not at all I did not believe you for a second [ __ ] up oh man yeah I I have like a math test I need to study for cuz like a man that’s what that’s what I say when people mean to just go a man or guess or I I say a man or guess I’ll kill myself there’s two options um got though yeah cuz like I said I was I literally missed two of the lessons being taught um that’s going to be on this test so I’m like I’m [ __ ] so I have to like go I have to go study go teach it to myself um so [ __ ] my grade I guess guys yep my grade’s being touched Patrick do you touch my grade no oh man R what do you think the best Minecraft Min game is of all time um Bridge Wars or uh SP what smart or Hunger Games honestly WR let Badger tell us how he met you okay pretty easy yeah we got a guy named to sucki he uh was like yo you want to join a m this is like what 2021 I think so 2021 very early 2021 late2 or late 2020 I think it was late 2020 what happened didn’t happen yet what no Co happened definitely no a my never happened no I think it was right after my birthday I think it was November of 2020 um to saki was like yo you want to join a Minecraft server with some people I met on Twitch and I was like yeah sure I didn’t join until about January then I did and then I blew up the server three times and then I got banned three times he let me back in fourth time and I I’m a change man I said that and I proved my point so yeah that’s pretty much the story now basically goed yeah we didn’t talk for about a year I’d say yeah a year uh I like how Badger is an old man yeah does to you okay a I need more [ __ ] sand game oh no also Vader how many kids if you have if you want to have kids how many kids would you have probably zero but different sty than what dein said it’s exactly what I said like two two that’s what I’m thinking I said I met him through a to sucky on Twitch and join the server yo what game are you playing I’m playing Minecraft right now okay SE it was toe G and you like put your toes in my mouth really dude come on man you could do better than that honestly I want to see you improve but no you’ve been doing this you’ve been sa oh I have improved no I want you to fully improve I want you to fully recover I want that wound to be healed I said womb and I was really my video I’ll be back Badger is above 18 therefore he is like 26 you said he and asked to join the server and you invited him no I said to saki join the server and I was like you can have a plus one and then he invited B the server the time I’m struggling it’s all good chos never mind not here L recycles to finish I actually wait I need to check something or badger in his 30s it’s 42 specifically 42 and A2 no we need take a shower [ __ ] shower would help that o yeah let’s go get some more blaze rods actually oh he was the plus one so basically he was unwanted like semi- wanted I guess let’s go let’s go with semi- Wanted let’s go pick up some more yeah let’s go pick up some more blaze rods come back um start get finish the blue glass place a little bit V’s old enough to be my dad by the way you got the country wrong I know I got the country wrong okay off we go to the nether fortress I’m out of water [Music] almost [ __ ] did do let’s go you see if an American if you’re not from America then you were either Canadian or in I’m an American if you’re not from America than you are Canadian or Mexican there’s a few more countries in Canada and Mexico or in 190 two more that’s M so I’m going off you actually no 193 more CU I count Kosovo Taiwan and Vatican City it doesn’t matter uh I’m not an OG I’m the middle un want a child what are you talking about you okay man you struggling with depression that pig was badger 196 recognized by un that it was 193 that crazy where am I oh I land at the completely wrong spot it’s over here on no other countries are just myths that’s real H okay that’s probably true oh no let me sit here and now we wait what up Joshua ging how’s it going fun fact I remember all their Flags I have not I have a decent amount of knowledge I guess okay amount of knowledge better than most Americans my goal is to beat the American stereotypes like I like spicy food most Americans do not um actually no geography and like flags and stuff pretty proud of myself makes me really sad though is that uh like most of each for those who don’t know each US state like has a flag they all like suck there like three there’s like five good ones there’s only Russia Britain Canada and Mexico what about France like you can’t deny France’s existence like Japan like Italy like all the popular countries I have three floors of my Minecraft world of my house and I did just two G nice I challenged you remember when I challenged you you were dog [ __ ] oh shut the [ __ ] up I was not I had like I got like 80% on that on the whole world I do not want to hear it I do not want to hear it dude hate to inform you that is that is really good especially for an American you have to understand who you’re comparing here you study abroad so you’re going out for that like high fancy ass education I simply I’m an above average American Education you have to understand here we’re in two we’re too very that’s like a JV and Varity team playing each other okay ow got to understand there’s a there’s a big old difference there’s a big old difference between you and I got to understand actually I’m going to go kill those bles over here [ __ ] it why not oh it was an easy version too I got 100% wait what are we talking about the flag one or the uh like the like just geography one so I remember I did really bad on the flag or no I didn’t like do as good as I could have on the flag one I know I did decently well my biggest weakness is like Africa dude like I can get North America and South America 100% easy um I can do like I I miss wow look at that with my luck like I get like I miss like one or two in Europe maybe like three or four in Asia but like [ __ ] I miss like half of Africa dude Africa is my biggest weakness geography wise hey guys you should work on my house while we all do the stream yeah I’m actually about to end soon I’m sorry I’m ending us earlier than usual but it’s like I don’t feel like keeping working on the base and I have work I need to go do actual chores I’m eating a bowl of ready whip that’s actually so far by the way how many viewers do you have cuz my counter is buing it says 197 watching I know def does not get these numbers no it does there imagine there’s 197 people watching something I’ve always thought was really funny is the way that YouTube counts your um like subscribers like analytics specifically subscribers because what it does is at like a certain point I don’t even know what the cut off point is it like does it randomly it’s like not like how do I explain this YouTube uh like Studio can show you your like all your stats on like a day-by-day basis um and the way it counts how how many subscribers you’ve lost and gained you would think it would say when you gain one you know increase the number when you lose one decrease the number simple as that but what it does it actually takes it it literally switching between 192 and three that’s huge definitely has 8.3k viewers right now what up drop a subscribe imagine I don’t even know what I’d do if I 8.3k viewers I don’t know how handle myself when I have like 20 let Lo that like thousands I would actually probably have a heart attack anywh who I um what was I say so YouTube like take it at like 300 or 4:00 a.m. it’ll like like set your like subscribers that you gained on a certain day so like you know like March 5th and it’ll just take your like where you were at at the end of that day and then compare it to the next day and so on and so forth and I don’t know why they do it like that like I think you should just do based off of [Music] uh what’s it called what’s it called what’s it called here like go B going up and down the day de has 1K viewers in chat is the day I’m in VC someone would be in line I just got back from school nice I’ve out of school for a few hours Great many hours I didn’t even really go to school did I okay at least you can do is promote me to standard mod I don’t have to struggle with the block Birds there’s not even you must be saying incredibly hateful things I literally block like gz goon does even work thisi all right chat let’s place this last little bit of glass and I’m going to end stream early once again I’m sorry I’m just tired to study do the laundry lock in with my real life then we’ll be back tomorrow I’m got do fortnite season I’m got cre games o rest of this week is looking fire fire I say know what’s kind of sad I like went to what’s it called gone is it goon that was right I don’t remember what was on like the sigma freedom of speech they say let us invade you they say give us your oil they say maybe actually have a good military they say have a good government system I’m playing Minecraft W what was I going to say or okay um I like losing it not what I wanted to say we got cream games new fortnite season this week it’s actually going to be heat um I uh I’m losing it I genuinely can’t remember what I want to talk about that can not be good for me there’s a little chicken me a baby a I don’t even know I don’t even know give me dude this is there’s going to be like a whole stream dedicated to just taking that down that’s actually going to take forever it’s actually going to suck so badly let’s get that [Music] glassing a little bit just left a lot what are your thoughts on the economic state of the country right now I don’t [ __ ] know uh whoever wants me to say it’s bad it’s bad whoever wants me to say it’s good it’s good there you go mytical opinion still waiting for Devon to make our Ro for me in the fan server I know I know I know I know I know no like I said it’s a slippy slow you do it for one what the [ __ ] is this you do it for one you have to do it all wait def you don’t even know my name let’s go place this [ __ ] definitely doesn’t know my real name did what really have not zorbis no what who just oh [ __ ] chat wait Chad I just got a l drop attachment one movie but never mind not a l drop holy [ __ ] that is actually [ __ ] crazy it’s a video of a guy at my school going I don’t know they’re serving food over here it’s a [ __ ] dog and he [ __ ] Chinese holy [ __ ] that is insane that is actually wild we him with the real name chat his real name is [ __ ] Steven confirmed chat what would you what what would you guys um I even know my gender I’m just going to assume I’m assuming you’re a guy if you’re a girl I would genuinely be incredibly surprised that’s not last my glass never mind like what like what you what do you guys want to name your kids like you have them I’m kind of leaning towards Ruby like if I have a daughter I’d want to name her Ruby I want to name her I would I did want to name her like Grace but I know so many damn Graces in my relationships with those people have got like up and down um so I kind of like sto wanted to do that one Ruby I like Ruby is like a really nice name rub is female hatred for you there like three women in the server Tor got orsy you got chickle and you got the friend Taylor who was never on hate to inform you no no no ah what the [ __ ] am I doing I just all tabbed [Music] what would I do without your music what would I do a Wither SCH from now it’s actually pretty huge I name him I name a boy Caden and the girl dishwasher actually crazy funny thing today um you canum a gender at least in America the land of the freedom of speech what a joke actually the most [ __ ] brain de take you have ever [ __ ] heard of your life one of the most [ __ ] stupid Tes I’ve ever heard actually America is land of’s actually no freedom of speech in America oh that’s actually such a [ __ ] brand take get the [ __ ] out of here if you’re going to think that actually [ __ ] stupid I any real girl names to use okay I’m going to stream here chat but before I go I’m going to tell a funny story search the day like I said we’re at the homeless shelter right and then like give it up task like some people like hey go pick up trash some people go clean up um clean the walls and stuff whatever I [ __ ] you not when literally all of the girls volunteered to make sandwiches in the kitchen for homeless people is it Noble 100% is it stereotypical as hell yes my PR are DEA F my PR are fi by am Roberts actually incredibly funny nine what actually insane you can say the N word no so no freedom of speech I could I could say the N word right now but you know what okay you’re you’re saying that you can just say anything without getting off scott free that’s completely wrong because you like your actions have consequences just because you can do something like for free just because you have freedom of speech doesn’t mean your those things don’t have consequences like people cannot like something like you know like why would an employer like why obviously saying something stupid as [ __ ] like if I go in public and I scream I have a bomb I’m going to [ __ ] shoot this place up like in a Walmart I can say that my legal right but is there going to be consequence for that obviously like I’m not going to say the end word like obviously there’s going to be consequences for that cuz you can’t just like go out there and put threats out there you’re freedom of speech but your actions have consequences and that’s just like part of being a human being that’s just like it like CRI spe allows us to criticize our government and like politicians so on and so forth oh oh [ __ ] oh I’m dying look I don’t believe in freedom of speech honestly more power to you okay regardless good night chat good night goodbye good morning wherever good night goodbye good morning wherever you are I will see you all later we’ll be back tomorrow and Friday and the day after actually maybe not Friday I don’t know we will be back I will see you later goodbye

This video, titled ‘BACK Working On My Minecraft SMP Mega Base LIVE!!! (Road to 500 subs)’, was uploaded by Defen 1 Live on 2024-03-07 16:36:30. It has garnered 83 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:28 or 9628 seconds.

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    Lit Minecraft Water Bucket Clutch 😂🔥 #minecraft #meme When you accidentally fall into lava in Minecraft but manage to save yourself with a water bucket like a pro, you know you’ve achieved peak gamer status. #clutchmove #minecraftpro 😎🔥💧 Read More

  • Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U – Forgot how to play! Hope I don’t PERISH【HC Minecraft】

    Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U - Forgot how to play! Hope I don't PERISH【HC Minecraft】Video Information This video, titled ‘I’ve forgotten how to play this game. Sure hope I don’t PERMANENTLY PERISH【HC Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Spectra Libitina Ch. V&U on 2024-04-12 05:11:16. It has garnered 588 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:31 or 5611 seconds. Support me here! mining. gaming. thriving. in my lane. moisturised. crops watered. unbothered. flourishing. crafting. ✦━━━━✧✦✧━━━━✦ Get your own Spectra Stand!!! Merch: Twitter: TikTok: Instagram: Fan Name: Spiritinas Oshi Marks: 🪦🫖 General: #SpectraLibitina Live: #TimeForTia Art: #RoseTintedSpectracles Clips: #AdLibitinad Memes: #ASpectracleOfOneself Fanfiction: #LibitinaLiterature Assets: #SpectrAssets Thumbnail asset credit:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival House Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial🏠 Build a Starter Oak House’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-03-05 21:02:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial (Easy) Minecraft: Ultimate Survival House Tutorial Minecraft: How To Build A … Read More

  • “Battle of the Gods: Orginal vs Custom Builds – EPIC GAMING!!” #minecraft #gaming #beastboyshob

    "Battle of the Gods: Orginal vs Custom Builds - EPIC GAMING!!" #minecraft #gaming #beastboyshobVideo Information This video, titled ‘Orginal V/S built #jayhindigaming #minecraft #bbs #gaming #beastboyshob #memes #beastboysubh#awesome’, was uploaded by Gods Of Mojang on 2024-05-09 11:30:28. It has garnered 199 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #bbs #bbsgambuuze #beast #beastmode #beastboyshub #beastgaming #beasttdmplayer #beastboysubh #beastboyshubgranny #beastboyshubnewvideo #team #teachers #music #jayhindigaming #minecraft #pro #gta #minecrafthindigameplay #aj #awesome #funny #gamingytshorts #yessmartypie #yessmartypie_minecraft #yessmartypiebestboatclutch #yessmartypiehimlands #yessmartypieisindiandream #technogamerzgta5 #technogamerz #technogamerzminecraft #technogamerznewvideo #technogamerzgta5newvideo #technogamerzgta5gameplay43 #technogamerznewvideotoday #technogamerzshort #solarsmashgameplay #shorts #short #shotgun #shortsvideo #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shortsyoutube #gta5stunts #gta5 #gtaonline #gtav #subscribe #summertime #summertime_saga #summertimeshine #freefire #freefirelive #freeemotesinfreefire #gaming #editing #quiz #whatsappstatus #whatsapp_status… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pancake Art Challenge: Sonic vs Knuckles vs Poppy Playtime!

    Ultimate Minecraft Pancake Art Challenge: Sonic vs Knuckles vs Poppy Playtime!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: Pancake Art Challenge!! How To Make Sonic vs Knuckles & Poppy Playtime CATNAP’, was uploaded by Collins Key Top Videos on 2024-04-13 19:57:01. It has garnered 182021 views and 1088 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:49 or 9229 seconds. We’re back with an all NEW Noob vs Pro Pancake Art Challenge you don’t want to miss! This time you’ll learn how to make amazing pancakes from Minecraft, Poppy Playtime 3, Sonic and Knuckles, Pokemon, Catnap vs Dogday, Squid Games 2, Five Nights at Freddys, Kung Fu Panda, Rainbow Friends,… Read More

  • INSANE Chaos on Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP! #shorts

    INSANE Chaos on Minecraft's Deadliest SMP! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is Minecraft’s Most CHAOTIC SMP… #shorts #minecraft #smp #pvp #lifestealsmp’, was uploaded by hydriel on 2024-05-16 16:18:49. It has garnered 163 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. friends in video- @ItzJustElectrobat99 @66rez @flak0860 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #smp #lifestealsmp Tags (ignore) Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh… Read More

  • Surviving Friday in Minecraft Indonesia??

    Surviving Friday in Minecraft Indonesia??Video Information This video, titled ‘Hari Jumat – Minecraft Survival Indonesia’, was uploaded by putra p on 2024-03-01 19:40:43. It has garnered 783 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:59 or 42899 seconds. Support me bro. donate (min 1 ribu rupiah) . Join membership to early acces : !commands nightbot !specs !age 1k = 1 minute 50 seconds 10k = 29 minutes 50k = 2 hours 30 minutes 100k = 5 hours 150k = 12 hours moderator= 200k discount. #minecraftindonesia #minecraftliveindonesia Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare Prank 😱 #GamerFleet #MinecraftMadness

    Terrifying Minecraft Jumpscare Prank 😱 #GamerFleet #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘scarry jumpscare prank on your Minecraft friend 😧#gaming #minecraft #gamerfleet #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT KS Gaming on 2023-12-25 04:16:56. It has garnered 8300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. scarry jumpscare prank on your Minecraft friend 😧#gaming #minecraft #gamerfleet #viral #shorts Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack Picks!

    Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack Picks!Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 3 TEXTURE PACKS For MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION…….’, was uploaded by I.M Mota on 2024-06-10 06:30:03. It has garnered 66 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:43 or 403 seconds. TOP 3 TEXTURE PACKS For MINECRAFT POCKET EDITION……. Want To Join our Mota team then Joust Subscribe, Like And comments 😉🙂😀 And join my discord link ⤵️ mods link 🖇️ 😀 1 2. 3. how to open my link see last 2 minutes tags Ignore 👍🆗🤘⤵️ top 5 texture pack minecraft pe top 5 texture pack… Read More

  • Unleash Powerful Domain Expansion in Minecraft!

    Unleash Powerful Domain Expansion in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘*DOMAIN EXPANSION* Jujutsu Craft V25! New Domain Expansions! (Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod)’, was uploaded by D4RIUS on 2024-01-28 13:00:36. It has garnered 13134 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:32 or 812 seconds. Hey guys, in today’s video I showcased the Jujutsu Craft V25 Domain Expansion update for Minecraft Java 1.20.1! This update adds a lot of new domain expansions for characters that don’t have any in the manga. Hope you enjoy! Discord: Download: Read More

  • SkyCraftia

    SkyCraftiaSkyCraftia – 1.16-1.20.x SkyBlock server with alot of features such as Bitcoin Mining, Quests, PVE, PVP and many more. Island-Top Rewards every 2 weeks. Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, Friendly Community, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pushy sales tactics? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. We donate all generated money to charity, so you can keep yours. 🌟 Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and running smoothly since June 2020, with no reset on its massive 35,000×35,000 map! Zero Pay-To-Win: We prioritize fairness for all players. Giving Back: Excess donations go to charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: Hate speech is not tolerated – ExeosCraft is a safe space for everyone. Custom Plugins: Unique plugins enhance the vanilla experience…. Read More