Demon Brain: Gaming Map Horror

Video Information

Yo Halo guys kembali lagi di channel saya Mi gaming so ya oke teman-teman di video kali ini aku akan berminecraft lagi untuk mencari mitos dan horor di dalam Minecraft oke teman-teman di sini aku akan bermain map horor lagi yang di mana map ini banyak banget creepy-nya dan banyak banget jump scare-nya bisa

Dibilang bruntal jumpskare ya Nah nama mips-nya itu Demon Brin ya Demon BR kalau kita Artikan itu seperti otak iblis ya brand kan otak ya brand otak dan demamond iblis jadi otak iblis Nah kalau kalian mau download mapsnya Aku udah taruh di link deskripsi kalian tinggal download aja lalu kalian mainkan ya tapi

Hati-hati ya jant biasanyaot kalau adau sebelum mulai videonya kalian harus subscribe and like sebanyak-banyaknya dan jangan lupa Klik tombol notifikasinya agar tidak ketinggalan upload video gu Oke let’s go enjoy video Let’s [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] go nah oke teman-teman di ini kita udah berada di maps-nya dan kalian bisa lihat

Di belakang kita itu ada member-member pembuat maps-nya ya teman-teman Wow banyak banget tuh membernya Wow ada Niki mikam TV Wow dan di sini kita bisa lihat nama maps-nya nama maps-nya itu demond brine yang seperti aku bilang tadi Demon Brain ya artinya otak iblis Wow otak iblis kayaknya nih

Oke di sini ada apa lagi dan di sini ada pembuat pembuat maps-nya atau pemilik maps-nya ya namanya potato Man Wow kalian harus subscribe potato Man ya jadi kayak bisaar apa namanya kalau di sini ada apa ini oh ada chest Ternyata kita lihat dulu chestnya Ada apa isinya eh rules render dismatch 8

Chuks graphic funchy important not for player multiplayer Oh di sini bisa bermain multiplayer ya teman-teman as handphones headphones pakai handset kita harus biar lebih berdamage suaranya agar suara backsound-nya itu lebih mantap ya recommend Play in game mode 2 close off close off oke yang kedua important eh kok

Itu in this map there area two endings Oh ada du ending teman-teman you can complete Oke record in video The endings for UN the special gallery of the map oke itu merupakan salah satu du ending ada du ending ya kemudian ini merupakan salah satu intronya Hi It’s me potato man I want to

You support the maps I don’t want I don’t know if this is my last horor map but I working it for Hor Maps The never to the L for dia pemilik e pemilik mapsnya yang bernama potatoman ya teman-teman Oke Langsung aja tanpa basi-basi kita langsung [Musik]

Gaskan Nah di sini e intrya n ya teman-teman kita lihat Wah udah udah dikejutkan oleh backone yang mengerikan ya teman-teman Dan kita bisa lihat di depan ada darah Demon BR otak iblis ya semakin horornya itu Oke kita gak bisa bisa gerak warning brutal jump scare seperti yang k bilang

Ada brutal jump scare teman-teman e kita gak bisa apa-apa sih ini Oke kita tunggu aja dulu apa ini thanks for ofction katanya ini merupak sebuah intro Yangnya agak rada juga ya hawa-hawa horornya juga lumayan kita berada di Oh tadi kita duduk kemudian di atas tuh kayaknya jalan keluar Oh di sini jalan keluar

Cuy Langsung aja kita jalan terus di sini ada baseman ya basem kalauak salah itu basem Cuy Wow Apakah di sini ada jump scare kita jalan ada tuktak tuktuknya ya Wah mantap nih oke di situ ada warning warning cuy Apakah di sini bisa buka pintu Oh gak bisa dibuka cuy

Oke Langsung aja di sini ada apa Oh ada kertas kertas apa nih H Apakah ini salah satu gambar apa monsternya iya ya kan merupakan kayak e mata hidung dan mulut berdarah Oke mana jalannya Oh di sini jalannya basem basem lagi ya Katanya ada jump scare bruntal ya teman-teman Jadi kita harus

Hati-hati ada pintu lagi dong warning berbahaya gak bisa dibuka cuy Oke gak bisa dibuka Oh ada pintu lagi Oke Langsung aja Halo O oke gak ada apa-apa di sini baseman lagi cuy ada baseman lagi ya oke oh ada pot Apakah ada jump scare-nya ya di sini kelihatannya kayaknya enggak ada jump

Scare Oh my God cuy itu apaan ya Oh my God oh oh halo halo wow lampunya mati cuy Wow sangat sangat horor ya teman-teman oke langsung lanjut gaskan ya di sini ada apa Permisi gak ada apa-apa teman-teman Oke gak bisa ei apaan tuh Halo Pak Pak Halo Permisi ngapain cuy ini wow Apaan

Tuh Apaan tuh tu mukanya Mukanya nya berbahaya ya kayak tadi mirip sama di gambar ini ya kan Iya kayaknya mirip cuy mirip cuy mirip mirip mirip Oke gaskan lagi cuy Apakah di sini ada jump scare-nya Oh ada pintu lagi Pintunya udah terbuka cuy dan di sana ada baseman oke apakah lewat di sini

Oh bukan sini cuy Oke kita Oke engak ada apa-apa sih Oh ada ada bunga wow Tulip jingle bunga tulip dan di sana ada pintu lagi dan bacanya warning tetap ya teman-teman [Musik] oh agak lain woi buka woi eh ngecutin orang aja minimal jump scare lah canda canda tapi tadi kayaknya mirip ini ya

Kan ho oh my god oh my god ada darah teman-teman ada darah oke di sini ada darah kita lanjut aja Apakah di sini ada sesuatu jump scare Oh di sini gak bisa buka cuy nah jalannya ke mana jalannya ke mana cuy wow wow Apaan tuh aduh oke di sana ada

Sesuatu Wow ada tanah salib ada buku Kita maju pelan-pelan Oke kita ambil Bu wow Apaan tuh the hell mirip gak tadi kayaknya gak Mirip ya Apa ini diambil Oh bisa diambil cuy mond Senin du dua mata wah dua mata teman-teman sat arm arm gigi surde Senin eh Senin

Selasa 2 am 1 like witness Day 3 Soul 15 children 15 anak kecil anak-anak cuy Oke kita gaskan lagi ada jam scare Woi Halo [Musik] Halo apakah ini salah satu jump scare W jpare teman-teman puyang Apakah kita kena 48 kebutaan halo kita duduk sini coba apa sih Gelap

Banget oh udah dibuka cuy udah dibuka te teman-temanasang bersama jeri berkelana di itu bacanya hell hel artinya penjara ya kan hel artinya penjara gaskeun h artinya penjara Oke gaskan permisi permisi ada suara teman-teman ada suara tapi gak ada wujudnya itu hal yang wajar ya namanya hantu tapi ini loh back zone-nya tuh

Bikin Bikin merinding ya Kalau menurutku sih ini bagus cuy back zone-nya tuh bagus ada teriakan ada hal-hal macam seperti itu jadi enak didengar Oh suara spekonnya itu loh mantap banget sini ada apa oke di sini enggak ada apa-apa ya [Musik] teman-teman Jadi hal yang wajar kita gaskan lagi Oke Enggak ada apa-apa

Oh tapi di sana ada pintu cuy Coba kita ke sana D Oh ada case ada case ada cheese hmm Secret e Aster Wow kita dapat kunci enggak bisa digunain di sini berarti dan di sana ada ada pintu dan tidak ada namanya Apakah di sini salah satu jump

Scare tapi kalau ada jump scare sih ah ini nih Wi Apaan sih Apaan sih tadi nembus dinding Anjir agelin Halo Bang wow oh ini ini udah dimulai nih Jump scarenya di sini di sini ngeri nih biasanya yang kayak gini-gini nih ada jump scare ini apa sih Gelap banget

Cuy Oh ada ada pintu lagi tapi enggak masalah sih sini enggak bisa dibuka kah gak bisa dibuka teman-teman l di sini kayak apa namanya Bang woi woi Bang tungguah Bang gu pusing anjing apa sih ng-lag banget ng-lag banget loh oke langsung aja ke mana oh di sana di ini ada apa halo

Halo ada orang biasanya di sini ada jump scin cuy cilup Oh enggak ada cuy Enggak ada jam sekira wi Apa ini Apa ini kita kayak apa itu tuh kan Ini apaan cuy Apaan tuh Oh ini ada jalan cuy Oh ditutup cuy ditutup engak apa-apa sih tutup

Oke lanjut di sini Oh ini kayak kuburan Oke kuburan tanda salibnya cuy H bagus sih tanda salibnya nih Wow sini ada apa ada ini tempat tidur Where are the kids di mana kecil [Musik] the door [Musik] santan no aku bukanil katanya sih di mana anak kecil ya teman-teman Tapi aku gak tahu anak

Kecilnya siapa mungkin ceritanya nih nyari anak kecil ya Ini apa sih sebenarnya cuy ini apa [Musik] Cuy ini nge-bug kah atau gimana sih Lah Jalan anjir di sini ada apa halo ngim gak gak gak dengar Bang gak dengar kita duduk sini kitauk sini ngomong apa bang halo

Ti ngomong apa Oh Ceritanya tuh TV rusak enggak ada CH kah enggak ada chas teman-teman lanjutlah Oke sini enggak ada apa-apa cuy Enggak bisa diambil ini apa enggak bisa diambil lu agen lain ini udah cuy ngapain pegang gak bisa diambil wow wow Ini darah seperti kuburan mungkin

Ya W situ banyak CH cuy Oh itu tadi Oh ada Santa apa nih dokter I think that I have a dokter aku pikir aku punya masalah Oh banyak banget tulisan banyak banget tulisan cuy H dan situ Ini tadi yang kita lewat sini enggak sih kayaknya iya ya

Oke Oh di situ ada P udah ada pintu cuy kita gaskan Aduh siapa sih yang narok Woi Kula ngajar banget tuh Woi Keluar gak Keluar gak jadi enggak masalah ya teman-teman kita di mana nih oh ceritanya nih kita di mana nih dunianya agak lain memang oke Wow ada mata cuy Bang tunggu

Bang putter-puter Ging kepah Apakah ada sesuatu p ngomong apa sih Bang enggak dengar Bang oke gaskan halo Permisi paket ini bukan tempat tadi ya Oh ini mirip enggak bang mirip enggak sih lah agelain kita menemukan dapat satu Oh enggak kita enggak dap apa-apa cuy kita bawa Tulip Jing aja kan Tulip Jingga

Kken W Apa itu apa tuh ya dah guys k cis [Musik] Apakah kita harus mencari salah satu ini mata S dua mata kita baru menemukan satu kunci ya kan next [Musik] oke di sini ada apa [Musik] permisi ada suara jejak kaki cuy tapi enggak mungkin lah ini apaan

Ya di bawah sini pasti ada ruang oke di sini enggak ada apa-apa sini oke di sini ada jam cuy jam dinding ya jam diningali oke gaskan aja di sini ada apa itu ada yang ada yang buka pintu Cuy ada yang buka pintu pakai tangan kosong

Mungkin tadi itu ini kan apa apa apa sih tadi ini dinding ya kan Wah hebat kali sih itu kalau apa gilain Oke ini di mana kita tutup lagi enggak sopan tapi ini er error error error Oke error error error semua er bisa kalau orang bilang G

Kan Wow pintu lagi tadi belum kutup ya tunggu tunggu tunggu ini ini What the hell aku baru nyadar loh sulap bukan sulap bukan sihir bukan sulap bukan sihir ya teman-teman Gak guna cuy pintunya lu gak guna cuy serius enggak guna lu apa sih error Oke ah gini doang enggak ada apa-apa mana

Pintunya Cuy mana pintunya cuy Gera pintunya l udah tamat kah gini aja enggak mungkin cuy woi gak ada gak ada pintu loh ini ke mana ya habis ini ke mana ya kalian ada yang tahu habis ini ke mana aku gak gak ada pintu nih Cuy okeelah cuman kayaknya Cuman segini ya

Kan aku gak tahu Cuy ke mana lagi cuy error Apakah ada tombol G ada pintu cuy gak tombol lagi mana Hah Cuman segini doang Apakah Cuman segini doang teman-teman hah apa Cuman segini kalau emang segini kalau emang ada Salah satu pintu atau tombol coba kalian kasih tahu di kolom komentar Ya

Soal Aku gak tahu cuy mapnya mapnya sih lumayan seram lah Cuman kalau sampai segini sih kayak gak mungkin pasti ada ada tombol gitu atau aku engak ada yang tahu ya kalau ada yang tahu tentang map sini dan di mana jalannya jangan lupa komen ya okelah teman-teman e Maps Demon brand-nya Cukup sekian

Dulah sampai sini kalau kalian tahu di mana jalannya komentar aja nanti kita lanjutin di part 2 Oke Oke teman-teman jangan lupa untuk subscribe and like sebanyak-banyaknya dan jangan lupa klik lonceng notifikasinya dan agar tidak ketinggal upload video baru gu Oke let’s go kita end Lif sekarang karena

Ggak ada pintunya Oke see you di bye byye next time Bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Map Horor ”DEMON BRAIN”’, was uploaded by Ay my Gaming on 2024-01-04 15:42:01. It has garnered 69 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:58 or 1558 seconds.

Horror Minecraft Map ”DEMON BRAIN” yoo everyone, welcome back to my channel, this time we will play horror Minecraft map again friends, so here I use a brutal horror map Jumpscare, friends….. so make it Those of you who can’t handle Bruntal Jumpsacre should just skip it, I’ve given you the map link. All you have to do is download it, give it a try! okay let’s go enjoyy videooo link maps

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    Server Information: Server IP: Server Discord: Version: Java 1.20.4 About V For Vanilla: V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on December 4, 2021. We offer players a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience with minimal admin intervention. Our community is diverse and welcoming to players looking for an authentic vanilla experience. Server Features: World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected spawn area No TPA or Sethome Griefing & Killing Allowed No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers) Chat isn’t strictly moderated Dedicated server hosted in Finland Server Rules: Doxing will result in a permanent ban Cheating… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lazy? Think again!

    Minecraft Memes - Lazy? Think again!Just because they spend all day mining for diamonds doesn’t mean they’re lazy – they’re just efficient! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME 🔥💀 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let’s Play

    Diamonds Galore! Minecraft Let's Play Welcome to Let’s Play Minecraft: Ep. 2 – Diamonds Await! Exploring the Minecraft World In this exciting episode of Let’s Play Minecraft, our adventurers dive deep into the world of Minecraft in version 1.20.1. Armed with a trusty seed of -1056946488598000456, they set out on a quest to uncover the precious diamonds hidden within the vast landscapes. Mod Madness Equipped with an array of mods including Fabric Loader, Fabric API, Sodium, Indium, and more, our players enhance their gaming experience with features like improved graphics, new entities, and enhanced gameplay mechanics. The addition of Iris Shaders and Continuity adds… Read More

  • Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale!

    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • “Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!” | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity Streamer

    "Witchy Redstone Madness in Wild West!" | Family-Friendly Minecraft | Charity StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Witchy Redstone Again! | Java Minecraft | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-05-08 14:07:46. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:00 or 6960 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for… Read More

  • The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars Mastery

    The Endless Pursuit of Bedwars MasteryVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Bedwars] The Never-Ending Quest To Be Good At This Game :pensive:’, was uploaded by Fuggles on 2024-06-01 09:39:29. It has garnered 73 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:34 or 5554 seconds. This is live please subscribe! #gaming #hypixel #minecraft #bedwars Twitter: Discord: (you gotta be 13+) Newest Upload: Cool Channel: Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1

    Insane Minecraft Tips with Viper! Day 1 Tutorial #1Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 1 in Minecraft | How to play Minecraft | Tutorial #1 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Games With Viper on 2024-04-20 03:11:11. It has garnered 298 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Day 1 in Minecraft | How to Find Village In Minecraft | Tutorial #2 Hey guys i always wanted to post a video on this topic and finally i did it. I hope you guys will find it useful. Please do not forget to give like to this video and please do comment, so that… Read More

  • “BONINGRO – BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰” #minecraftsurvivaltips

    "BONINGRO - BEST Minecraft Survival Tips! 💰" #minecraftsurvivaltipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live ❤ #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by BONINGRO on 2024-03-24 01:02:14. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:06 or 3006 seconds. Welcome to BONINGRO! 🎮✨ Hey there, fellow gamers and friends! I’m “Subhajit”, just a shy guy who loves the thrill of gaming and the joy of making new friends. Join me on my adventures in Valorant, where strategy meets skill, and every match is a story waiting to unfold. But that’s not all – I’m all about variety! So, expect to see me diving… Read More

  • Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamer

    Insane Fireball PvP in Minecraft!! #shorts #gamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce’, was uploaded by uLmElKa on 2024-01-26 09:31:08. It has garnered 2829 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. EPIC SYNC fireball fight minecraft + pvp #minecraft #shorts #pvp #minecraft #shorts #shotwithgeforce @KG411GD Read More

  • Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!

    Exclusive: Nobu returns in epic Minecraft gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WITHE THE VEIWRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’, was uploaded by Nobu’s_Back_In_Blue on 2024-03-24 06:24:35. It has garnered 78 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:35 or 7355 seconds. Toriyama Read More

  • VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VR

    VR Planet: MRBEAST attacks TITANIC in 360° VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘VR 360° GIANT MRBEAST ATTACKS the TITANIC (Minecraft Animation)’, was uploaded by VR Planet – Minecraft on 2024-06-01 11:45:01. It has garnered 9796 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. Giant MrBeast Attacks the Titanic! Minecraft Animation(4K, 3D). 360/VR video. 📌Our other YouTube channels: 👉VR Planet(2nd channel): @VRPlanet 👉VR Planet – GO!: @vrplanetgo MrBeast: ►How to watch 360°(VR) video on Youtube? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To watch 360-degree video (360) on YouTube, a headset is not required – all you need is a mobile device or desktop computer. Instead of… Read More


    Shad SPEEDRUNNER VS ANIME FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-26 17:00:26. It has garnered 117891 views and 2661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:33 or 1233 seconds. Today, Shad is ANIME FIGHTER SPEEDRUNNER VS SUPERHERO FANGIRL HUNTERS in Minecraft! Will Shad get all his anime god powers? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruh

    Insane Minecraft Cat Dance ft. PigmanBruhVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa (With Every Minecraft Cat)’, was uploaded by PigmanBruh on 2024-01-04 11:00:15. It has garnered 4356 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Don’t worry, it’s just some silly cats vibing to “dubidubidu” by Christell Animation made with Blender, the open-source 3D modelling, animating, and compositing software. Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java #minecraft #animation #memes Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is an online community that was established in 2020 as a place for people to connect, chill, and play games together. We currently have 5 active players and are looking to expand our community. Main Attractions: Active Staff: Always ready to assist Events: Regular contests and activities Role System: Obtainable roles with perks Economy System: Money drop from mobs, shops, and more Protected Areas: Player market and village plots Quality Hosting: Smooth gameplay experience We value community input and encourage discussions and suggestions for improvement. Join Us Today! Visit our Discord server for more… Read More

  • Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft’s Planting Pleasure

    Cherry Grove Seeds: Minecraft's Planting Pleasure In Minecraft’s world, cherry groves do bloom, With seeds aplenty, each one a boon. From mountains to lakes, villages to caves, Explore the possibilities, be brave. Seed 20, mountains and cherry groves so grand, A sight to behold, in this blocky land. Seed 19, a large cherry grove awaits, Explore and discover, open the gates. Seed 18, a cherry grove by the lake, A peaceful spot, a perfect break. Seed 17, a ruined portal village to see, Adventure awaits, come with me. Seed 16, a double ancient city to explore, History and mystery, what’s in store? Seed 15, a… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin’ & Laughin’!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Loopin' & Laughin'! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #funny #loop Read More

  • End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner’s Home! – Chill Survival – #16

    End Fortress Hunt & Ranch Owner's Home! - Chill Survival - #16 Exploring End Fortresses and the Ranch Owner’s Home in Minecraft In the latest episode of Minecraft survival gameplay, our adventurous player embarks on a journey to discover End Fortresses and work on the ranch owner’s home. The world of Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities, and our player is determined to create a stylish and unique environment while enjoying the thrill of survival. Discovering End Fortresses The quest begins with the exciting task of searching for End Fortresses. These mysterious structures hold valuable loot and pose a challenge to even the most seasoned players. Armed with determination and a… Read More